R.A. 8505
R.A. 8505
R.A. 8505
Tenth Congress
Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Rape Victim Assistance and
Protection Act of 1998."
Section 3. Rape Crisis Center. - The Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD), the Department of Health (DOH), the Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and a lead non-government
organization (NGO) with proven track record or experience in handling sexual abuse
cases, shall establish in every province and city a rape crisis center located in a
government hospital or health clinic or in any other suitable place for the purpose
Providing rape victims with psychological counselling, medical and health
services, including their medico-legal examination;
Securing free legal assistance or service, when necessary, for rape victims;
Assisting rape victims in the investigation to hasten the arrest of offenders
and the filing of cases in court;
Providing psychological counselling and medical services whenever necessary
for the family of rape victims;
Developing and undertaking a training program for law enforcement officers,
public prosecutors, lawyers, medico-legal officers, social workers, and barangay
officials on human rights and responsibilities; gender sensitivity and legal
management of rape cases; andalf-1awphi1
The DSWD shall be the lead agency in the establishment and operation of the Rape
Crisis Center.
Section 4. Duty of the Police Officer. - Upon receipt by the police of the complaint for
rape, it shall be the duty of the police officer to:
Immediately refer the case to the prosecutor for inquest/investigation if the
accused is detained; otherwise, the rules of court shall apply;
Arrange for counselling and medical services for the offended party; and
It shall be the duty of the police officer or the examining physician, who must be of
the same gender as the offended party, to ensure that only persons expressly
authorized by the offended party shall be allowed inside the room where the
investigation or medical or physical examination is being conducted.
For this purpose, a women's desk must be established in every police precinct
throughout the country to provide a police woman to conduct investigation of
complaints of women rape victims. In the same manner, the preliminary
investigation proper or inquest of women rape victims must be assigned to female
prosecutor or prosecutors after the police shall have endorsed all the pertinent
papers thereof to the same office.
The investigating officer or prosecutor shall inform the parties that the proceedings
can be conducted in a language or dialect known or familiar to them.
Section 7. Appropriations. - For the establishment and operation of the rape crisis
centers during the first year of implementation of this Act, the amount of One
hundred twenty million pesos (P120,000,000.00) shall be charged against the
Organizational Adjustment Fund, as follows: Sixty million pesos (P60,000,000.00) for
the DSWD; and Twenty million pesos (P20,000,000.00) each for the DOH, DILG, and
DOJ, respectively. Thereafter, the necessary amount for the rape crisis centers shall
be included in the budgetary allocations for the agencies concerned in the annual
General Appropriations Act.
Section 8. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - Within ninety (90) days upon the
approval of this Act, all concerned agencies shall formulate rules and regulations as
may be necessary for the proper implementation thereof.
Section 10. Repealing Clause. - All laws, acts, presidential decrees, executive orders,
administrative orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with or contrary to the
provisions of this Act are deemed amended, modified or repealed accordingly.
Section 11. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after completion
of its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.