Trastornos Del Afecto Goodwing, 2 Ed

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Manic-Depressive Illness

S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D., M.P.H.

Francis M. Mondimore, M.D.

Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Emory University

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Constance Hammen, Ph.D.

James B. Potash, M.D., M.P.H.

Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

University of California, Los Angeles

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Terence A. Ketter, M.D.

Harold A. Sackeim, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychiatry

Professor of Psychiatry and Radiology

Stanford University School of Medicine

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University

Husseini K. Manji, M.D., FRCPC

Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D.

Director, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program

Professor of Epidemiology in Psychiatry

National Institute of Mental Health

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University

Hagop S. Akiskal, M.D.

Jan Fawcett, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry
University of California, San Diego

Professor of Psychiatry
University of New Mexico School of Medicine

Gabrielle A. Carlson, M.D.

Daniel Z. Lieberman, M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics

Stony Brook University School of Medicine

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

The George Washington University Medical Center

Miriam Davis, Ph.D.

Teodor T. Postolache, M.D.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Epidemiology

and Biostatistics (as of 2006)
The George Washington University School of Public Health
and Health Services

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

University of Maryland School of Medicine

J. Raymond DePaulo, Jr., M.D.

Professor of Psychiatry
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Second Edition

Manic-Depressive Illness
Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression

Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D.

Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychiatry
The George Washington University Medical Center

Professor of Psychiatry
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Goodwin, Frederick K., 1936
Manic-depressive illness : bipolar disorders and recurrent depression / Frederick
K. Goodwin, Kay Redfield Jamison ; with Nassir Ghaemi . . . [et al.].
2nd ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-513579-4
1. Manic-depressive illness. I. Jamison, Kay R. II. Ghaemi, S.
Nassir. III. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Bipolar Disorder. WM 207 G656m 2007]
RC516.G66 2007
616.89'5dc22 2006026791

Please visit this volumes companion Web site at
Citation to this volume should be given in the following way: Goodwin, F. K., and Jamison,
K.R. (2007). Manic-Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression,
2nd edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper

This book is dedicated to the memory of

John Cade and Mogens Schou,
whose pioneering work saved
the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients
and to our colleagues,
whose work will save the lives of countless more.
F.K.G. and K.R.J.


Also dedicated to my wife and colleague

Rosemary P. Goodwin, M.S.W.

In memory of
Richard Wyatt, M.D.,
husband and colleague

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The original version of this book, published in 1990, was a
unique contribution to the literature on manic-depressive
illness. For a long time, certainly since Bleuler and Schneider developed broad criteria for schizophrenia, manicdepressive illness had been neglected both as a clinical
diagnosis and as a topic for research. The influence of psychoanalysis and Meyers psychobiology exacerbated this
neglect. Meaningful attention to the illness began to increase with the discovery of lithium as a surprisingly effective treatment for mania (this book is very appropriately
dedicated to John Cade and Mogens Schou). But it was
Goodwin and Jamisons work, coming at a time when
manic-depressive illness remained curiously marginalized
in the scientific literature, that gave the subject the treatment
it deserved. Remarkably, their text was lengthy enough to
allow detailed accounts and comprehensive summaries of
all the available literature while at the same time being accessible in style and presentation, with an authentic continuity in the voice of its two authors.
Kay Jamison and Fred Goodwin are, of course, giants
in this field, and their contribution seemed even then a remarkable one: Jamison for her profound clinical and psychological understanding, and Goodwin for his immense
pharmacological and biological knowledge. To attempt a
repeat of their efforts in a new edition was an enormous
challenge, especially since the rapid expansion of scientific and clinical information that has occurred in the last
20 years has made the single- or dual-author textbook an
increasingly endangered species. The authors solution for
this new edition of Manic-Depressive Illness is an innovative one that works exceedingly well: by enlisting the help of
close colleagues with various specialized interests and producing an interpretive synthesis of those views through the
filter of their own unparalleled expertise, they have avoided
creating a compilation of chapters written by individual authors and preserved the unity and structure of the original
The book is divided into five parts covering the diagnosis,
clinical characteristics, psychology, pathophysiology, and
treatment of manic-depressive illness. It is an exceptional
record of the current state of the art, and we are confident

that it will satisfy the most discriminating readers, from

those who simply want to acquaint themselves with a single aspect of the illness and its many manifestations to
those who wish to use this text as the basis for a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
A number of key differences between this and the first
edition of the book deserve to be highlighted. The discussion of the spectrum diagnoses has been greatly expanded
and informed by an increase in empirical work on the
topic: diagnoses such as bipolar-II were not as commonly
accepted prior to the publication of the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual, 4th edition (DSM-IV) in 1994, and the
previously underappreciated topic of mixed states, especially depressive mixed states, is now properly included.
Phenomenological studies of manic-depressive illness in
children, women, and the elderly are now examined. The
chapter on course of illness incorporates some major new
outcome studies that began in the 1990s and have since
expanded. The treatment chapters are, inevitably, greatly
expanded to review the literature on benchmark therapies
such as electroconvulsive therapy and lithium, as well as to
accommodate the new literature on atypical antipsychotics,
novel anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and structured psychosocial interventions. These chapters are also preceded
by a discussion of the research methods now needed to
evaluate increasingly complex clinical trials. Studies of molecular genetics, second messenger and intracellular mechanisms, and functional imaging were just starting two decades ago, but are quite central now. Even the historical
assessment of how the illness was understood in previous
eras is being revised on the basis of new evidence discussed
in this edition.
The title of the second edition remains Manic-Depressive
Illness, with the addition of a subtitle, Bipolar Disorders and
Recurrent Depression. As in the first edition, the main emphasis is on the inclusive Kraepelinian concept of manicdepressive illness, a perspective too easily lost within the
postDSM-III nosology of mood disorders. This second
edition underlines how Kraepelins central insightthat
all of the recurrent major mood disorders (in todays terms)
belonged together under the rubric of manic-depressive



illnessstill provides the best model for what we know to

date, as well as for understanding emerging clinical, pharmacological, and genetic data.
We have no doubt that this second edition of ManicDepressive Illness, like the first, will have an immense impact on the field; it will be a great resource for research,
and it will help improve diagnosis and treatment of those
who suffer from the illness. While the volume of new work
it describes is encouraging, however, manic-depressive illness remains a much lower public health priority than
schizophrenia and depression, not to mention many physical conditions, as evidenced by the relative paucity of research funds devoted to its study. Hence this second edition

can help us all in an important additional task: to promote

awareness and investment of both time and money in this
major illness by the best and brightest around the world.
As Kraepelin said, What goal could be more sacred than
that of caring for a brother in distress, especially when the
affliction stems from his very humanity . . . and when it
cannot be halted by reason, rank or riches?1
Guy Goodwin, M.D.
Athanasios Koukopoulos, M.D.

Emil Kraepelin, quoting Anton Mueller, in Hundert Jahre Psychiatrie (Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1918), p. 112.

Without the sustained commitment and clinical and scientific expertise of our collaborators, whose names appear opposite the title page, there would be no second edition of
Manic-Depressive Illness. We are immensely indebted to
them for their time and scholarship. The collaborators individual contributions ranged from a slight to substantial
updating of a first-edition chapter (retaining the original
organization and most of the original material) to, in a few
instances, the drafting of an entirely new chapter; most
contributions fell somewhere in between. They followed
general guidelines formulated by us, including our specifications about the conceptualization and usage of the terms
manic-depressive illness and bipolar disorder, the critical
need for rigorous and impartial review, and the shared goal
of contributing to a book that would maintain the unified
authorship voice of the first edition. There was extensive interaction between us and our collaborators throughout,
with many drafts of each chapter going back and forth.
In each case the last draft provided to us by a collaborator was revised and updated, usually extensively, by one or
both of us. When our judgment about a specific clinical or
scientific point differed from that of a collaborator, which
was not infrequently the case, we carefully considered the
collaborators point of view before making a final decision.
In the end, the two authors take responsibility for the contents of the book.
The collaborators would like to acknowledge the contributions of Po Wang and John Brooks (Dr. Ketter); Susan
Bachus, Lisa Catapano, Guang Chen, Jing Du, Holly A.
Giesen, Fatemi Hosein, Libby Jolkovsky, Celia Knobelsdorf,
Phillip Kronstein, Rodrigo Machado-Vieira, Andrew Newberg, Jennifer Payne, Jorge Quiroz, Giacomo Salvadore,
Peter J. Schmidt, Jaskaran Singh, and Carlos A. Zarate, Jr.
(Dr. Manji); Al Lewy, Joseph Soriano, John Stiller, Leonardo
Tonelli, and Thomas Wehr (Dr. Postolache); Gregory Fuller
(Dr. Potash); Rice Fuller (Dr. Sackeim); and Helena Verdeli
(Dr. Weissman). Drs. Goodwin and Jamison would like to
acknowledge additional colleagues who reviewed chapters
or otherwise provided input: Jules Angst, Ross Baldessarini,
Robert Belmaker, Charles Bowden, Joseph Calabrese, Kiki
Chang, Guy Goodwin, Heinz Grunze, Dean Jamison,

Athanasios Koukopoulos, Andreas Marneros, Roger Meyer,

Gary Sachs, Mauricio Tohen, Eduardo Vieta, Jeremy Waletzky, and Peter Whybrow.
Dr. Goodwins two research assistants, Mark Goldstein
and Jaclyn Saggese Fleming, worked full time on this book
and were essential to its production, Mr. Goldstein during
the critical first two years of the project and Mrs. Fleming
during the final three. Not only were they responsible for
many of the literature searches and the preparation of tables and figures, they also often went beyond that, preparing summaries of critical areas of research. During the final
two years in particular, Mrs. Fleming was the indispensable
hub of the whole operation, coordinating the work of both
the authors, the input from all of our collaborators, the work
of our chief medical editor, and the editorial and production staff at Oxford University Press. She did this with a rare
combination of intelligence, care and thoroughness, organization, blinding speed, and good humor. The ability of
Mr. Goldstein and Mrs. Fleming to perform at such a high
level is consistent with their career trajectoriesMr. Goldstein is already in medical school and Mrs. Fleming is in a
post-baccalaureate biology program.
Dr. Goodwin is further indebted to his executive assistant, Joanne Davis, for facilitating his work on this book by
skillfully keeping other aspects of his professional life on
track. Dr. Goodwin would also like to acknowledge his first
mentor, William E. Bunney, Jr., M.D., and his long-term
colleague Dennis Murphy, M.D., who together contributed
so much to the emergence of manic-depressive illness as a
major focus of research at the National Institute of Mental
Health. He would also like to thank the George Washington University Medical Centers Department of Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences and its chairman, Jeffrey Akman,
M.D., for support. Finally, the unceasing encouragement
and support of Rosemary Goodwin, M.S.W., has been, as
always, a mainstay.
Dr. Jamison would like to acknowledge the invaluable
contributions of Silas Jones, William Collins, and Ioline
Henter. It has been a delight to work with them and it would
have been impossible to complete this book without their
help. She would also like to acknowledge the support of


her colleagues in the Department of Psychiatry at the

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Adam Kaplin, M.D.,
Ph.D., has been particularly helpful and generous with his
time. Most deeply she would like to extend her heartfelt
appreciation to her psychiatrist, Daniel Auerbach, M.D.,
who not only taught her how to live with manic-depressive
illness but also encouraged her to study and write about it.
His profound clinical understanding of the medical and
psychological aspects of bipolar disorder were life saving;
they have also strongly influenced her research, clinical practice, and writing. She owes a deep debt as well to her late
husband, Richard Wyatt, M.D. He too encouraged her to
write about manic-depressive illness, from both a clinical
and personal perspective, and provided the kind of love and
support that made it possible. He was a wonderful husband, colleague, and friend.
It is impossible to overstate the contribution of our
medical editor, Rona Briere. Her consummate editing abilities, coupled with an extraordinary level of professionalism and intellectual integrity, made working with her
both an education and a pleasure. Alisa Decatur meticulously prepared the manuscript of each chapter, tracked
and reconciled the text citations and reference lists, edited the references, and performed numerous additional
tasks that were invaluable in finalizing the book. Deb Uffelman and Gerald Briere assisted with proofreading and
preparation of the reference lists. We are also grateful to
Marion Osmun, Nancy Wolitzer, and Sarah Harrington
at Oxford University Press for their dedication, skill, and

impressive ability to implement and meet near-impossible

During the time that this book was in preparation, Dr.
Goodwin received research support from George Washington University Medical Center, the Foundation for Education and Research on Mental Illness, the Dalio Family Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, and Solvay. He has
received honoraria from GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Solvay,
and Eli Lilly and unrestricted educational grants to support
the production of this book from Abbott, AstraZeneca,
Bristol Meyers Squibb, Forest, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen, Eli
Lilly, Pfizer, and Sanofi. Dr. Goodwin has been a consultant
and/or advisor for Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Janssen,
Novartis, and Solvay. He is not a shareholder in any pharmaceutical or biotechnology company. He is a partner in
Best Practice Project Management, Inc.
Dr. Jamison, as a MacArthur fellow, received generous financial support from the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation, as well as funding from the Dana
Foundation. She has received occasional lecture honoraria
from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Eli Lilly. She has
received no research support from any pharmaceutical or
biotechnology company, nor is she a consultant to, or shareholder in, any pharmaceutical or biotechnology company.
As with the first edition of this text, all of her royalties go
directly to a not-for-profit foundation that supports public
education about manic-depressive illness.
F.K.G. and K.R.J.


Part I

Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness:
The BipolarUnipolar Distinction and the
Development of the Manic-Depressive
Historical Roots
PreNineteenth-Century Ideas
Nineteenth-Century Ideas
The Kraepelinian Synthesis
Post-Kraepelinian Developments
The BipolarUnipolar Distinction
An Overview of Differentiating Features
Unipolar Mania
False Unipolar Patients
The Primacy of Mania
Clinical Differences between Bipolar
and Unipolar Depression
Clinical Differences between Bipolar-I
and -II Depressions
Emergence of the Manic-Depressive Spectrum

Clinical Description
Manic States
Classic Clinical Descriptions
Subjective Experiences of Patients
Clinical Studies
Depressive States
Classic Clinical Descriptions
Subjective Experiences of Patients
Clinical Studies
Mixed States
Classic Clinical Descriptions
Subjective Experiences of Patients
Clinical Studies
Cyclothymia and Manic-Depressive Temperaments
Classic Clinical Descriptions
Clinical Studies

Development of Contemporary Diagnostic Systems
ICD-6 through ICD-9 and DSM-I
and DSM-II

Empirically Based Systems: Research

Diagnostic Criteria, DSM-III-R,
and ICD-10
Transition from DSM-III-R to DSM-IV
Diagnostic Criteria
Mania and Hypomania
Mixed States
Schizoaffective Disorder
Problems in Applying the DSM-IV Criteria
Clinical Summary
The Psychoses: Separate or Continuous?
The Two-Entities Tradition
A SchizophreniaAffective Disorder
Differential Diagnosis
Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective
Unipolar Depression
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Cycloid Psychosis
Psychotic Disorder-Not Otherwise
Borderline Personality Disorder
Organic Brain Disorders



Part II


Clinical Studies
Course and Outcome
Methodological Issues
Premorbid Functioning
Age at Onset
Number of Episodes
Frequency of Episodes (Cycle Length)
Decrease in Well Intervals with Increasing
Number of Episodes
Other Cycle-Length Patterns
Rapid Cycling
Onset and Duration of Episodes
Precipitants of Episodes
Long-Term Outcome
Modern Prospective Cohort Studies
Other Features of Long-Term Outcome




Bipolar-II Disorder
Mechanisms of Recurrence

Application of Epidemiologic
Methods in Studies of Psychiatric
Methodological Issues
Variable Diagnostic Criteria
Age-Specific Issues
Diagnostic Methods
Nonresponse or Refusal to Participate
in the Survey
Other Issues
Community Surveys among Adults
New Haven Survey
The Amish Study
Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study
National Comorbidity Survey
Cross-National Collaborative Group
Other International Studies
Bipolar Spectrum
Community Surveys with Children
and Adolescents
Global Burden of Disease Studies
World Mental Health Study, 2000
Associated Features
Temporal Variations
Social Class
Race/Ethnicity and Cultural Differences
Marital Status
Urban/Rural Comparisons
The Homeless and the Institutionalized
Pregnancy and Menopause
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Family History

Children and Adolescents

Childhood-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Symptoms and Clinical Presentation
Diagnostic Controversies
Current Suggestions for Assessment
and Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
in Children
Course of Disorder
Adolescent-Onset Bipolar Disorder
Symptoms and Clinical Presentation
Course of Disorder
Epidemiology of Bipolar Disorder
in Children and Adolescents
Implications of Childhood and Adolescent
Onset of Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Implications
Implications for Treatment and





Alcohol and Drug Abuse/Dependence Disorders

Alcohol Abuse/Dependence
Drug Abuse/Dependence
Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Other Psychiatric Illnesses
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Eating Disorders
Axis II Disorders
Medical Illnesses
Cardiovascular Disease
Thyroid Dysfunction
Overweight and Obesity
Migraine Headaches


Studies of Children at High Risk

Recent and Direct-Interview Studies
of Children of Bipolar Parents
Mechanisms of Risk to Children
of Bipolar Parents

Diagnostic and Methodological Issues
Suicide Rates
Rates in the General Population
Rates in Manic-Depressive Illness
BipolarUnipolar Differences
Bipolar-I versus Bipolar-II Disorder
Differences by Gender
Causes of Suicide
Genetic and Family Transmission
Neurobiological Factors
Psychological Traits and Temperament
Social Factors
Clinical Correlates of Suicide
History of Suicide Attempts
Mixed States
Rapid Cycling
Anxiety and Agitation
Comorbidity and Axis II Disorders
Substance Abuse
Course of Illness




Part III

Psychological Studies
Contributions of Neuropsychological Evaluation
Objectifying Clinical Constructs



Identifying State-Related and StateIndependent Abnormalities

Establishing Differential Deficits of
Relevance to Pathoetiology
Documenting Neuropsychological Burden
Meta-Analysis of Findings on Neuropsychological Deficits in Mood Disorders
Global Intellectual Functioning
Verbal and Performance IQ
Psychomotor Functioning
Learning and Memory
Executive Functions
Verbal and Visuospatial Skills
Comparisons across Domains: The
Topography of Cognitive Deficit
in Bipolar Disorder
Other Neuropsychological Domains
Factors Affecting Cognitive Function
Clinical Features
Structural Brain Abnormalities
Neuropsychology and the Conceptualization
of Mood Disorders
Are Mood Disorders Deficit States or
Release Phenomena?
Are We Wired to Be Depressed, and What
Are the Therapeutic Implications?
Does the Brain Regulate Depression and
Mania Differently?
Functional Brain Asymmetry and the
Localization of Mood Systems
Dissociating Therapeutics and Pathophysiology
Normal Findings in Bipolar Patients
Neuropsychological Deficits
in Bipolar Patients


Personality, Personality Disorders,

and Interpersonal Functioning
Personality and Bipolar Disorder
Conceptual Issues and Key Definitions
Relationship of Personality to Affective
Methodological Issues
Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Personality during Mania and Depression
Comparisons of Remitted Bipolar Patients
and Normal Groups
Comparisons of Bipolar and Unipolar Patients
Predictive Associations between Personality
Features and Clinical Outcome
Effects of Medication on Personality
Personality Disorders
Interpersonal Functioning
Social Functioning
Bipolar Disorder and Family Functioning

Personality Disorders
Interpersonal Functioning



Conceptual and Methodological Issues

Conceptual Challenges
Methodological Issues
Assessment of Manic States
Self-Rating Scales
Observer Rating Scales
Assessment of Depressive States
Self-Rating Scales for Depressive
Observer Rating Scales for Depressive
Analysis and Comparison of Scales for
Mania and Depression
Content of Mania Scales
Content of Depression Scales
Combined Assessment of Manic and
Depressive States
Visual Analogue Scales
Affective Disorder Rating Scale
Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating
Assessment of Bipolar Risk and Screening
Risk for Bipolar Disorder
Screening for Bipolar Disorder
Screening for Bipolar Spectrum Disorders
in Youths
Charting the Course of Bipolar Disorder
Longitudinal Interval Follow-up
Life Chart Method
Average Mood Symptom Score
Assessment of Psychosocial Adjustment
Assessment of Bipolar Symptoms in
Children and Adolescents
Measurement of Mania
Measurement of Depression





Historical Background
Evidence for a Link between ManicDepressive Illness and Creativity
Methodological Issues
Biographical Studies
Studies of Living Writers and Artists
Family Studies
Hypothesized Relationships between
Manic-Depressive Illness and Creativity
Importance of Studying Positive Aspects of
Manic-Depressive Illness
Theoretical Considerations
Clinical Considerations
Social and Ethical Considerations





Part IV


History of the Study of Genetics
Early Observations
The Birth of Genetics
The German School of Psychiatric Genetics
PostWorld War II Era
Genetic Epidemiology of Manic-Depressive
Family Studies
Twin Studies
Adoption Studies
Advances in Understanding the Human Genome
The Linkage Method
The Method
LOD Score Approach
Affected Sibling Pair Method
Promising Linkage Regions
Complex Disorders
Alternative Phenotypic Definition
Clinical Subtypes of Major Depressive
Clinical Subtypes of Bipolar Disorder
From the Book of Numbers to the Book
of Genesis: The Association Method
The Method
Promising Candidate Genes
Linkage Disequilibrium
Population Isolates
Consideration of Alternative Genetic Mechanisms
Anticipation and Trinucleotide Repeats
Parent-of-Origin Effect
Toward the Promised Land: Gene Expression
and Pathogenesis
Expression in the Brain
Expression in White Blood Cells
Testing Gene- and Allele-Specific Function
From Gene to Bedside: Pharmacogenetics
and Genetic Counseling
Genetic Counseling
Looking to the Future
Research Directions
Future Prospects for Patients
Genetic Epidemiology of Manic-Depressive
Advances in Understanding the Human
The Linkage Method
Alternative Phenotypic Definition
The Association Method
Alternative Genetic Mechanisms
Gene Expression and Pathogenesis
Pharmacogenetics and Genetic Counseling
Looking to the Future




The Unique Neurobiology of Recurrent Mood Disorders

(Especially, Bipolar): Constraints for
Clinical Studies
Animal Models of Mood Disorders
Models of Depression
Models of Bipolar Disorder
Major Neurotransmitter and Neuropeptide
Systems in Manic-Depressive Illness
The Noradrenergic System
The Dopaminergic System
The Serotonergic System
The Cholinergic System
The GABAergic System
The Glutamatergic System
Neuroendocrine Systems and Neuro516
Signaling Networks: The Cellular
Evidence for the Involvement of the
Gs /cAMP-Generating Signaling Pathway
Effects of Mood Stabilizers and Antidepressants on the Gs /cAMP-Generating
Signaling Pathway
The Phosphoinositide Signaling Cascade
Protein Kinase C in the Pathophysiology
of Recurrent Mood Disorders
The Phosphoinositide/Protein Kinase C
Signaling Pathway as a Target
The Role of Fatty Acids
The Role of Synaptic Vesicle Proteins
Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 as a Target
The Role of Cellular Plasticity Cascades
Regulation of Cell Survival Pathways
with Antidepressants
The Genetics of Bipolar Disorder
An Endophenotype Strategy
Nature and Nurture
Cellular Plasticity Cascades





Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

Structural Neuroimaging Studies
Computerized Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Lateral Ventricular Enlargement, Cortical
Sulcal Prominence, and Third Ventricular
Subcortical Hyperintensities
Frontal, Cerebellar, and Hippocampal
Volume Decreases
Other Structural Neuroimaging
Functional Neuroimaging Studies
Cerebral Activity in Affective Processing
in Healthy Volunteers
Cerebral Activity in Depression
Effects of Mood State and Treatment
on Cerebral Activity
Baseline Cerebral Activity Markers
of Treatment Response



Cerebral Activity in Mania, Hypomania,

and Rapid Cycling
Assessment of Specific Cerebral
Structural Neuroimaging
Functional Neuroimaging
Future Directions

Syndromal versus Subsyndromal

Seasonal Affective Disorder and the DualVulnerability Hypothesis
Pathophysiology of Seasonal Affective Disorder


Part V


Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Physiology of Circadian Rhythms
The Master Circadian Clock
Circadian Rhythms in Humans
Biological Day and Night, Biological Dusk
and Dawn
Physiology of Sleep
Stages of Sleep
Neural Substrates for Sleep
Functional Neuroimaging of Sleep
The Two-Process Model of Sleep
Physiology of Sleep Duration
Sleep in Affective Disorders
Time Course of Sleep Abnormalities
in Affective Disorders
Sleep in the Bipolar Subgroup
Sleep during Mania/Hypomania
Sleep in Major Depression
Medication Effects on Sleep in Depression
Cholinergic Sensitivity in Patients with
Manic-Depressive Illness
Circadian Rhythm Disturbances in ManicDepressive Illness
Desynchrony and the Free-Running
Abnormalities of Phase Position: The
Phase-Advance Hypothesis
Phase Instability: Evidence from Longitudinal
Studies of Temperature and REM Propensity
Amplitude of Circadian Rhythms: The Temperature Dysregulation Hypothesis
Mood Stabilizers and Circadian Rhythms
Clock Genes and Bipolar Disorder
Other (Noncircadian) Mechanisms
of Sleep Disturbance in Affective
Experimental Alterations of Sleep and
Other Biological Rhythms
in Affective Illness
Therapeutic Sleep Deprivation
Extended RestDark Period as a Treatment
for Rapid Cycling
Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy
Seasonal Rhythms and Recurrent Affective
Physiological Mechanisms Involved in
Seasonality in Mammals
Seasonality in Manic-Depressive Illness
Diagnostic Criteria for Seasonal Affective
Epidemiological Studies of Seasonal Affective





Fundamentals of Treatment
The Human and Economic Costs
of Manic-Depressive Illness
Real-World Pharmacotherapy and Its
Structure and Rationale of the Treatment Chapters
Stages of Treatment
General Clinical Considerations
The Role of Lifestyle Changes in Optimizing
Understanding and Interpreting the Treatment Research Literature
Observational (Naturalistic) Studies
Levels of Evidence and the Evidence-Based
Medicine Movement
The Bias against OffOn, OnOff (MirrorImage) and Crossover Designs, Even When
Placebo Controlled
Challenges in Interpreting Level I Studies
Treatment Guidelines and Algorithms
for Bipolar Disorder
Medications Used to Treat Manic-Depressive
Typical Antipsychotics
Atypical Antipsychotics



Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania,

and Mixed States
Clinical Management
Evaluation of the Manic, Mixed-State,
and Hypomanic Patient
Medical Treatment: General
Clinical Features That Modify Medication
Medication Dosages and Therapeutic
Hypomanic Symptoms
Psychological Issues Related to Medical
Treatment of Mania
Review of the Literature
Typical Antipsychotics
Atypical Antipsychotics
Electroconvulsive Therapy




Rapid Transcranial Magnetic

Other Treatments


Medical Treatment of Depression

Clinical Management
Evaluation of the Depressed Patient
Medical Treatment: General Considerations
Selection of a Treatment Approach
Review of the Literature
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Novel Central Nervous System Stimulation
Dopamine Agonist Agents
Hormonal Agents
Sleep Deprivation
Nutritional Supplements


Maintenance Medical Treatment

Clinical Management
Embarking on Maintenance Treatment
Selecting Medications
Treating the Elderly
Treating Pregnant Women
Treating Breastfeeding Women
Dealing with Breakthrough Symptoms
Review of the Literature
Other Anticonvulsants
Combination Maintenance Treatments
for Bipolar Disorder
Other Agents and Approaches


Medication Adherence
Clinical Management
Clinician Attitudes
Suggestions for Facilitating Adherence
to Medication
Adjunctive Psychotherapy and Self-Help
Review of the Literature
Definitional and Measurement Issues
Rates of Nonadherence among Bipolar
Reasons for Nonadherence








Treatment of Children and Adolescents

Challenges Posed by Early-Onset Bipolar
Other Challenges
Clinical Management
Differentiating Mania from ADHD
Bipolar Depression
Maintenance Treatment
Psychosocial Treatments
Prevention in At-Risk Youth
Review of the Literature
Treatment of Acute Mania
Treatment of Aggression
Treatment of Bipolar Depression
Maintenance Treatment
Offspring of Adults Treated for Bipolar
Psychiatric Adverse Events
Medical Adverse Events
Summary of Pharmacological Studies
of Bipolar Disorder
Electroconvulsive Therapy




Clinical Management
Historical Context
Psychotherapeutic Issues
Mood Charting
Patient Education
Family Education and Family Therapy
National and Local Support Associations
Review of the Literature
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy
Family/Couples Therapy
Psychotherapy for Children and
Ongoing Effectiveness Studies
Meta-analyses of Psychological


Empirical Correlates of Nonadherence

Psychotherapy and Medication Adherence


Treatment of Comorbidity
Substance Abuse
Pharmacological Treatment
Psychosocial Treatment
Anxiety Disorders
Panic Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder




Eating and Personality Disorders

General Medical Disorders
Cardiovascular Disease
Thyroid Dysfunction


Clinical Management of Suicide Risk


Assessment of Acute and Chronic

Suicide Risk
Communication of Suicidal Intent
Goals and Timing of Suicide Assessment
Evaluation of Patient History
Acute versus Chronic Risk Factors
Protective Factors


Clinical Management
Management of Acute Risk Factors
Management of Chronic Risk Factors
Psychological Aspects of Treatment
Other Aspects of Treatment
Review of the Literature
Acute Clinical Management
Long-Term Suicide Prevention



Appendix: Resources for Information about

Bipolar Disorder and Related Topics


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Melancholia is the beginning and a part of mania . . . . The development of a mania is really a
worsening of the disease (melancholia) rather than a change into another disease.
Aretaeus of Cappadocia, ca. 100 AD 1

most others. To those afflicted, it can be so painful that

suicide seems the only means of escape; indeed, manicdepressive illness is the most common cause of suicide.
We view manic-depressive illness as a medical condition, an illness to be diagnosed, treated, studied, and understood within a medical context. This position is the
prevailing one now, as it has been throughout history. Less
universal is our diagnostic conception of manic-depressive
illness, which evolved as we were writing both editions of
this book. Derived from the work of Kraepelin, the great
classifier, our conception encompasses roughly the same
group of disorders as the term manicdepressive illness in
European usage. It differs, however, from contemporary
concepts of bipolar disorder. Kraepelin built his observations on the work of a small group of nineteenth-century
European psychiatrists who, in their passion for ever finer
distinctions, had cataloged abnormal human behavior
into hundreds of classes of disorder. More than any other
single individual, Kraepelin brought order and sense to this
categorical profusion. He constructed a nosology based on
careful description, reducing the categories of psychoses to
two: manic-depressive illness and dementia praecox, later
renamed schizophrenia.
It is to Kraepelin, born in the same year as Freud, that we
owe much of our conceptualization of manic-depressive illness. It is to him that we owe our emphasis on documenting
the longitudinal course of the illness and the careful delineation of mixed states and the stages of mania, as well as the
observations that cycle length shortens with succeeding
episodes; that poor clinical outcome is associated with rapid
cycles, mixed states, and coexisting substance abuse; that
genetics is central to the pathophysiology of the disease;
and that manic-depressive illness is a spectrum of conditions and related temperaments.
Kraepelins model consolidated most of the major affective disorders into one category because of their similarity

It has been 17 years since the publication of the first edition

of this text; they have been the most explosively productive
years in the history of medical science. In every field relevant to our understanding of manic-depressive illness
genetics, neurobiology, psychology and neuropsychology,
neuroanatomy, diagnosis, and treatmentwe have gained
a staggering amount of knowledge. Scientists and clinicians have gone an impressive distance toward fulfilling
the hopes articulated by Emil Kraepelin in the introduction to his 1899 textbook on psychiatry. Those who treat
and study mental illness, he wrote, must first, from bedside
observation, delineate the clinical forms of illness; they
must define and predict its course, determine its causes,
and discover how best to treat and then ultimately prevent
insanity. Psychiatry, he argued, was a young, still developing science, and it must, against sharp opposition, gradually achieve the position it deserves according to its scientific and practical importance. There is no doubt that it
will achieve the positionfor it has at its disposal the same
weapons which have served the other branches of medicine so well: clinical observation, the microscope and experimentation.2 Kraepelin was right, as usual. And he was
remarkably astute in his observations and predictions
about the immensely complex group of disorders collectively known as manic-depressive illness.
Manic-depressive illness magnifies common human experiences to larger-than-life proportions. Among its symptoms are exaggerations of normal sadness and joy, profoundly altered thinking, irritability and rage, psychosis and
violence, and deeply disrupted patterns of energy and sleep.
In its diverse forms, manic-depressive illness afflicts a large
number of peoplethe exact number depending on how
the illness is defined and how accurately it is ascertained.
First described thousands of years ago, found in widely diverse cultures, manic-depressive illness always has fascinated
medical observers, even as it has baffled and frightened



in core symptoms; presence of a family history of illness;

and, especially, the pattern of recurrence over the course of
the patients lifetime, with periods of remission and exacerbation and a comparatively benign outcome without significant deterioration. Kraepelin viewed mania as one manifestation of the illness, not as the distinguishing sign of a
separate bipolar disorder as it is regarded in todays American (and increasingly worldwide) diagnostic practice.
The European and American concepts of manicdepressive illness began to diverge almost immediately after Kraepelins ideas became widespread in the early years
of the twentieth century. Europeans, adhering to a traditional medical disease model, emphasized the longitudinal
course of the illness in both research and clinical work.
Ever pragmatic, Americans wanted to treat the illness with
the techniques at hand, which at that time were derived
from the moral treatment movement in mental hospitals
and the emerging dynamic therapies based on psychoanalytic theory. Research and clinical efforts in the United
States thus slighted clinical description and genetics and
turned instead to the psychological and social contexts in
which the symptoms of the illness occurred.
Exploration of the linkages between clinical typology
and family history led to the formulation of the bipolar
unipolar distinction, by which manic-depressive patients
were grouped according to the presence or absence of a
prior history of mania or hypomania. First proposed by a
German, Karl Leonhard, the distinction was elaborated by
other Europeans, such as Jules Angst and Carlo Perris, and
by the Washington University group in St. Louis, Missouri,
the neo-Kraepelinians who gave impetus to the new concern for an etiology-free, description-based diagnostic system in the United States.
The bipolarunipolar distinction represented a logical refinement of the already well-defined Kraepelinian
model, with its emphasis on recurrence and endogeneity.
As useful as the distinction is in both research and clinical contexts, it proved to be problematic when applied
to the much broader American conception of affective
disorders. The bipolar subgroup was clearly defined, but
the other component of Kraepelinian manic-depressive
illnessendogenous, recurrent unipolar depressionwas
obscured by its confusion with other affective disorders.
In American usage, unipolar disorder came to mean any
mood disorder that was not bipolar, regardless of its severity or course. Although the third edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual (DSM-III) clarified the situation
somewhat by requiring that criteria for major affective
disorder be met before the bipolarunipolar distinction
is drawn, a diagnosis of unipolar disorder was still broader
than the Kraepelinian concept since it did not require
a prior course of illness. Even the DSM-III/IV category of

recurrent depression is overly broad, requiring only two

episodes in a lifetime.
Our own struggle to confine and limit the focus of the
first edition of this text followed a course similar to the
larger historical one. We started with a framework of Kraepelinian manic-depressive illness, that is, recurrent major
affective illness with and without mania. Later, we focused
more exclusively on bipolar disorder as a way of imposing
workable boundaries on the scope of our efforts. Once
thoroughly immersed in the subject, however, we became
increasingly convinced that isolating bipolar disorder from
other major depressive disorders and unduly emphasizing
polarity over cyclicity (as do DSM-III and DSM-IV) prejudges the relationships between bipolar and unipolar illness and diminishes appreciation of the fundamental importance of recurrence. By the end, we had returned to a
position close to where we began, convinced of the value
of the original unified concept of manic-depressive illness,
albeit with a special emphasis on the bipolar form. Scientific and clinical advances of the past two decades have
only added to the strength of our belief that, as important
as polarity is, cyclicity or recurrence is fundamental to understanding manic-depressive illness. This conviction is
made clear in the second editions new title: Manic Depressive Illness: Bipolar Disorders and Recurrent Depression. Genetic findings will have the ultimate etiologic and diagnostic say, of course, but in the interim we think a broader
rather than narrower concept of the illness is warranted by
the data; we also think it is heuristically most valuable.


It bears repeating that the presence or absence of mania in
addition to depression is but one critical aspect of manicdepressive illness. The other is cyclicity, which may ultimately
prove to be as useful as polarity in differentiating forms of
affective illness. The classic European focus on longitudinal
studies has provided an ample database for redirecting the
emphasis of pathophysiology to mechanisms of cyclicity
that is, the biology of recurrence. To conduct such research,
an investigator must analyze each patients biological functioning over time and relate it to the natural course of illness.
The priority that American clinicians are beginning to assign
to recurrence is a tribute to the persuasiveness of our European colleagues meticulous longitudinal clinical observations.
Kraepelins descriptions have been enduring: again and again
during our study of the contemporary literature, we returned
to his original writings to rediscover modern ideas. To a remarkable degree, his work anticipated, explicitly and implicitly, contemporary theoretical developments. One example is
the spectrum conceptthe continuity of manic-depressive
symptoms with normal fluctuations in mood, energy


patterns, and behaviora concept whose database has

greatly expanded since the publication of the first edition.
The longitudinal view provided by Kraepelin and many
others both before and since persuaded us to survey the
literature on recurrent unipolar illness along with that on
bipolar illness, our primary focus. If we had confined ourselves to the bipolar literature, we would have excluded
many potentially relevant data and insights. This recognition of the essential unity of major recurrent affective
illness is evident throughout the book. When discussing
lithium prophylaxis in Chapter 20, for example, we point
out that similarities between recurrent unipolar and bipolar illness constitute firm ground for speculating about
common neurobiological substrates.
The issue of cyclicity opens up many new areas of inquiry. Manic and depressive episodes can be predicted to
revert to normal at some finite time, either spontaneously
or in response to effective treatment. The opportunity to
compare biological measures during the illness with the
same measures in the recovered state is essential in psychobiological research, since it permits longitudinal studies that can circumvent the problem of variability among
individuals. The recurrent pattern of the illnessthat of
recovery to normal or change to an opposite statemakes
it an unsurpassed paradigm for separating state and trait
variables in mental illness. The regularity of recurrence in
some patients permits the clinical investigator to anticipate
the onset of an episode and thus to schedule data collection at critical points. The frequent rapidity of the switch
from one state to another, especially the switch into mania,
allows for intensive efforts to understand the relationships
between stress and biological changes in the onset of illness by looking at the temporal sequence of eventsone
approach to the ultimate question of causality.
The bipolar form of the illness also is an interesting
study in the coexistence of opposites or, more precisely, deviations from normal in opposite directions. Even lay observers may recognize that bipolar disorder is at times accompanied by periods of euphoric mood, productivity,
and high energy, but at other times by despair and profound lassitude. Clinicians see a more subtle manifestation
of this Janus-like illness in lithiums effects in preventing
its apparently opposite expressions. Lithiums dual action,
perhaps diminishing some of the silver lining along with
the cloud, challenges the clinicians psychotherapeutic
skills in managing the issue of treatment acceptance, especially medication adherence.


Over the past six decades, research has yielded effective treatments that have radically altered clinical work in manic-


depressive illness. Principally, it was the discovery of lithium

that galvanized the treatment community, instilling new
hope among clinicians, their patients, and the public. Also
important, the emergence of lithium, the antidepressants,
the antipsychotics, and the anticonvulsants gave birth to
whole new fields of scientific investigation. Studies of the
illness have dominated biological psychiatry, which itself
has begun to lead the profession. Manic-depressive illness
has been an increasingly important focus of work in other
disciplines as well. Insights gained from the study of an illness that is biological in origin yet psychological in expression have underscored the urgency and inevitability of
paradigms of mental illness that give balanced attention to
biology, psychology, and the environment. Methodologies
developed expressly for studies of manic-depressive illness
have been incorporated as standard tools of clinical investigation in other areas of biomedical and behavioral research in psychopathology. Because symptoms of the illness shade over into normal human experience, it provides
a model for the study of normal states as well.
Nearly 60 years have passed since the initial clinical observation of lithiums effectiveness in treating manicdepressive illness and 50 years since early clinical trials
most important, those completed by Mogens Schou, Poul
Christian Baastrup, G. P. Hartigan, and Alec Coppen
were conducted so that lithium could be approved for general clinical use throughout the world. More recently, research on manic-depressive illness has played a central role
in efforts to apply new and emerging techniques, such as
molecular genetics, to the study of psychiatric conditions.
The application of these techniques depends on the use of
sensitive and reliable epidemiological and diagnostic casefinding methodologies to identify family pedigrees with a
high incidence of the illness. Preliminary results suggest
that several genotypes underlie different forms of manicdepressive illness. It is also possible that, as with the multiple genetic forms of diabetes, several genotypes are expressed in clinical phenomena commonly associated with
the illness.
Research on manic-depressive illness also has contributed new, empirically based theories about the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, including the influence of the physical environmentlight and temperature
in particularon their course and expression. Of equal
interest are efforts to describe mechanisms by which the
psychosocial environment interacts with the individuals
biology to produce symptoms. One of the most promising lines of inquiry grew out of longitudinal observations:
external stress appeared to activate or precipitate some
initial episodes of illness, but eventually the illness seemed
to take on a life of its own, since later episodes began
without obvious precipitating stress.




In a text of this size and scope, a certain amount of redundancy is inevitable. Issues pertaining to the dimensional
aspects of manic-depressive illness, such as severity, polarity, and cyclicity, are introduced in the first two chapters
and then discussed further throughout the book. Where an
issue could logically be discussed in more than one chapter, our decisions on placement occasionally were somewhat arbitrary.

Clinical Description and Diagnosis

The text is divided into five parts, the first of which focuses
on clinical phenomenology and diagnosis. Chapter 1 traces
the evolution of the concept of the illness, which has remained remarkably consistent since the time of Hippocrates, and describes the spectrum of the illness in detail.
We highlight the fact that diagnostic and subgroup boundaries represent somewhat arbitrary distinctions, with individual patients often falling in a gray area. Also emphasized
is the spectrum of manic states, which, unlike the welldescribed depressive spectrum, is often overlooked. We stress
that while the spectrum concept has validity and utility,
there are risks in subclassifying the bipolar forms of the illness to such an extent that they are confusing, on occasion
to the detriment of both clinical and research purposes.
We begin the chapter on clinical description (Chapter
2) with classic descriptions of the illness by early clinical
observers who worked in the era before effective medications altered the natural expression of the illness; these are
followed by patients descriptions of their experiences of
the illness. We also review data-based studies of mania,
mixed states, and bipolar depression, with a particular emphasis on new research findings pertaining to mixed states
and bipolar depression.
Chapter 3 guides the clinician through the problems of
diagnosis. Most important is the differential diagnosis of
bipolar disorder and unipolar depression, schizophrenia,
organic brain disorders, substance abuse, and borderline
personality disorders. The shortcomings of our current
diagnostic systems, including their emphasis on polarity
rather than cyclicity, the absence of a category for highly
recurrent depression, the underrecognition of bipolar-II
disorder, and the inadequacy of the diagnostic criteria for
mixed states, are discussed in detail.

Clinical Studies
The second part covers various clinical aspects of manicdepressive illness. Appropriately, we begin in Chapter 4
with a discussion of course and outcome, fundamental
characteristics of the illness that provide the basis for differentiating it from schizophrenia. In addition to its obvi-

ous importance for clinicians who are assessing prognosis

and planning treatment, natural course is important to scientists since it offers many useful clues as to pathological
processes. We consider historical observations on course
and outcome together with data gathered from the largescale studies conducted since the first edition of this text.
Chapter 5, on epidemiology, argues that manic-depressive
illness, especially its bipolar form, is more common than
is usually thought. Among the most important recent observations are the early age at onset documented in careful community surveys; determinations of the rates of
bipolar-II and bipolar spectrum disorders; and the results
of several important international studies, including those
of death and disability, that document the high toll exacted
by manic-depressive illness worldwide.
The next three chapters highlight special clinical aspects
of manic-depressive illness. Chapter 6 addresses aspects of
the illness in children and adolescents. Because there are
essentially no data on highly recurrent depression in these
populations, the chapter focuses exclusively on bipolar disorder, which all too often goes unrecognized in youth. Although relatively rare in prepubertal children, classic bipolar disorder often begins in adolescence; indeed, well over
one-third of all cases begin before the age of 20. Were the
kindling hypothesis substantiated, early recognition and
immediate, vigorous treatment would be expected to reduce subsequent pathology. Early treatment would reduce
the psychological scarring caused by untreated illness, as
well as the high mortality rate from suicide, which is disproportionately likely to occur early in the course of bipolar
disorder. All too typical is the individual, initially treated
in his or her mid- to late twenties, who has already lived
with the disorder for more than a decade, a period critical
for lifes major beginnings in relationships, education, and
career. The research findings on childhood bipolar disorder published since the first edition of this text have been
prodigious, but continue to be marked by confusion and
controversy. Even so, many more young children with
severe mood lability and behavioral dyscontrol are now
being identified and treated with mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants.
A focus on the young highlights the frequent coexistence
of drug and alcohol abuse among young manic-depressive
patients. Growing recognition of the frequent coexistence
of the illness with substance abuse prompted us to devote
an entire chapter (Chapter 7) to describing these problems
and another (Chapter 24) to reviewing their treatment.
In these two chapters, we also discuss other important comorbid conditions, such as anxiety disorders, eating disorders, cardiovascular disease, thyroid dysfunction, overweight
and obesity, and migraine, as well as their treatment. The
presence of a depressive or anxiety disorder can double the


chances of subsequent substance abuse. Conversely, illicit

drugs and alcohol can adversely affect the course and
treatment of manic-depressive illness by altering the same
brain mechanisms that regulate mood, including the potential for kindling.
As with substance abuse and other comorbid conditions, the importance of suicide in manic-depressive illness
is reflected in our devoting two chapters to the subject
one describing rates, putative causes, and clinical correlates
(Chapter 8), and another detailing preventive measures
(Chapter 25). The high mortality associated with this illness cannot be overemphasized. Fortunately, considerable
progress has been made in understanding the causes of
suicide in manic-depressive patients, in addition to the accumulating evidence that lithium exerts a strong protective influence.
The reader may note that there is no chapter on gender
differences in manic-depressive illness, reflecting the relative scarcity of literature on this subject. However, reports
of malefemale differences are noted throughout the book;
here we summarize those for which there is general agreement: the first episode is more likely to be mania in males
and depression in females, while women have more mixed
episodes (consistent with a predominance of depression)
and are overrepresented among rapid cyclers; consistent
with the general population, men are more likely to have
comorbid substance abuse and histories of pathological
gambling and conduct disorder, while women are more
likely to have comorbid eating disorders as well as changes
in appetite and weight during depressive episodes; and, in
contrast to the general population, the completed suicide
rate for bipolar women is higher than that for bipolar men.
It may be that the risk of suicide associated with manicdepressive illness is so powerful that it overrides the usual
malefemale patterns. Bipolar women generally are more
likely than their male counterparts to seek treatment, but
there is as yet no consensus regarding gender differences in
response to mood stabilizers.3

Psychological Studies
Manic-depressive illness has been a rich source of theory
and data for investigators interested in psychological mechanisms. The third part of the book considers these developments. Manic-depressive illness has contributed to the
general study of psychology by serving as a paradigm for
explorations of state and trait differences. It also has been a
model for the general psychological assessment of cognition and for the more specific differentiation of cognition
in manic and depressive states from that in schizophrenia.
We begin with a survey of what is known about neuropsychological deficits in mood disorders, including recent
research documenting significant impairments in intellec-


tual functioning, attention, learning and memory, and executive functioning (Chapter 9).
The psychological manifestations of manic-depressive
illness, observable in personality and behavior as well as
cognitive patterns, can result in profound discord in family
life and other social relationships; this is especially true for
those with the bipolar form of the illness. In Chapter 10 we
review studies of personality functioning in manic and depressed states and how it compares with that in normal
states in patients themselves and in the general population.
We also discuss personality disorders that commonly coexist with manic-depressive illness, as well as the effects of
medication on personality. The chapter then addresses interpersonal aspects of the illness, with emphasis on the
bipolar subgroup.
Chapter 11 is devoted to the wide array of methods that
now exists for assessing manic, mixed, and depressive
states; these assessment measures add the perspective of
formal psychological evaluation to the discussion of differential diagnosis in Chapter 3.
Widespread interest in creativity, the subject of Chapter
12, has lent visibility to this aspect of the study of manicdepressive illness. The age-old link between madness and
creativity has been studied with increasingly sophisticated
methods in recent years. Research has demonstrated that it
is not schizophrenia but manic-depressive illness, especially its bipolar forms, that is more often associated with
creative accomplishment. Among the most interesting developments in this field is the hypothesis that the genetic
predisposition for manic-depressive illness also confers
a creative edge on affected individuals and their close relatives. Explorations of the characteristics that help make
some individuals more creative than others should have
implications for the general population. Among the positive features of the bipolar form of the illness being examined in relation to creativity are the heightened energy level
and speed of cognition of hypomania, linked to a global, inclusive associative process, and certain temperamental factors; positive (and painful) experiences derived from having
affective illness are salient as well. In addition to raising
important psychological, social, and ethical issues, these
and related positive features of the bipolar form of the illness can play a key role in reducing the burden of stigma
borne by patients. Understanding these features is, of course,
necessary in dealing with one of the most sensitive and
difficult issues in treatmentmedication adherence.

The size of the fourth part of the book, the largest, testifies to the wealth of biological knowledge that has accrued through research on manic-depressive illness. The
illness has come to represent an extraordinarily rich



source of information about the interrelationships between behavioral and biological phenomena; certainly it
has stimulated fascinating and productive theories about
brainbehavior relationships.
We begin with a survey of the salient literature on genetics (Chapter 13). In this chapter we review genetic epidemiology, results of studies using the linkage method, alternative phenotypic definition, association methods, gene
expression and pathogenesis, pharmacogenetics, and genetic counseling. We then look at the future of the field, including new technologies and what we can expect to learn
from each.
Chapter 14, on neurobiology, provides the conceptual
base necessary for an appreciation of the biochemical and
pharmacological studies whose review follows. Much of
modern neurobiology and neuropharmacology has been
driven by efforts to understand the effects of moodaltering drugs. Indeed, attempts to understand why certain
drugs affect mood have inspired major hypotheses about
the neurobiology of behavior. The chapter also describes
animal models designed to simulate affective illness and
reviews the formidable literature on the major neurotransmitter, neuroendocrine, and neuropeptide systems involved
in manic-depressive illness, along with extensive new findings related to postsynaptic signal transduction networks
and gene expression.
With the emergence of highly sophisticated brainimaging technologies, it has become important to review
the anatomical correlates of mania and depression critically, if only to help guide the application of imaging approaches; we do so in Chapter 15. Functional neuroimaging work has advanced rapidly in recent years. We review
research findings on cerebral activity in normal, depressed,
and manic states, as well as summarize what is known
about baseline cerebral activity markers of treatment response.
Chapter 16 covers sleep and biological rhythms, reflecting our judgment that these two fields, which developed
independently of one another, have found a natural point
of convergence in the pathophysiology of manic-depressive
illness. It is increasingly clear that sleep physiology is important to circadian physiology and that sleep disturbances
seen in affective illness reflect disturbances in circadian
rhythms. This area of study has, in our estimation, yielded
some of the most interesting developments in understanding manic-depressive illness. The identification of seasonal
affective disorder, for example, represents a systematic,
quantitative rediscovery of ancient observations of seasonality in mood disorders and suicide. The speed with which
the initial observation of seasonal mood disorder was
incorporated into the DSM nosology testifies to the
responsiveness of our current diagnostic system. Research

on biological rhythms has spawned the development of

three novel physiological but nonpharmacological treatments for mood disorderssleep deprivation, phase advance, and high-intensity lightthat are described in
Chapter 19 on the treatment of acute depression, especially
in bipolar patients. At a more general level, the contemporary focus on biological rhythms has given rise to environmental psychiatry, and thus the discussion of the subject
in Chapter 16 emphasizes the subtle environmental influences on manic-depressive illness and offers relevant clinical suggestions.

The final part of the book covers all aspects of the treatment of manic-depressive illness. It is traditional in its organization, separating acute from prophylactic treatment
and medical from psychological treatment. Despite this
division, we wish to emphasize the profound importance
of integrating medical and psychological approaches. Although the structure of this part of the book is traditional,
the organization of each chapter is not. Each begins with
practical recommendations for clinical management and
then reviews the treatment literature, highlighting areas inadequately explored in existing reviews, including the efficacy of lithium in treating depression as well as mania
and the quality of the prophylactic response. We discuss
treatment controversies such as antidepressant-induced mania, mixed states, and rapid cycling; the use of adjunctive
treatments for breakthrough episodes during prophylactic
treatment with mood stabilizers; the important but often
overlooked distinction between prevention of relapse and
prevention of recurrence (new episodes); the relative efficacy and side-effect profiles of the mood stabilizers and
the antipsychotics; and the use of alternative or adjunctive
approaches for patients who do not respond to initial treatment. It has been of great, often life-saving clinical importance to now have anticonvulsant and antipsychotic medications that provide an alternative for those patients who
do not respond to or will not take lithium. We make clear
our belief that lithium remains the gold standard of treatment, however, despite an increasing tendency to use lessproven medications.
The two chapters on adherence and psychotherapy
(Chapters 21 and 22, respectively) should be read together.
Our purpose here is not to provide a general psychotherapy primer but to focus on issues of special importance to
the psychotherapy of manic-depressive illness, especially the
bipolar form. These issues include fears of recurrence, the
psychological scars left by the illness, and concerns about
genetic vulnerability. The central issue in the psychological
management of bipolar patients is medication adherence.
Recent studies suggest that outcomes of medical treatment


are substantially enhanced by adjunctive psychotherapy,

no doubt reflecting the contribution of improved adherence. In our discussion of adherence, we return to the core
issue of the paradox of drugs that are often very effective,
yet can have an impact on some aspects of the illness
that may be valued by the patient. Given clinicians all-toocommon tendency to be unaware of subtle adherence problems, we believe this issue warrants a separate chapter.
Chapter 23 is devoted to the special issues that arise in
treating children and adolescents with bipolar illness. Chapter 24 deals with the treatment of comorbid conditions such
as anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and medical conditions that frequently accompany manic-depressive illness.
The fact that manic-depressive illness is often lethal
bears repeated mention. We have underscored this fact by
summarizing what is known about rates and clinical correlates of suicide in Chapter 8; in Chapter 25, we emphasize
clinical methods we believe to be most useful in reducing
the risk of suicide among acutely ill patients. We emphasize again the fundamental premise that the best approach
to the prevention of suicide is the effective and aggressive
treatment of the underlying illness.


The overwhelming size of the literature on manic-depressive
illness makes it all but impossible for clinicians and researchers to keep pace with the latest findings and to see
the broader clinical, human, and scientific picture. The National Library of Medicines Medline file on bipolar disorder alone has grown from 16 citations in 1950; to approximately 600 citations in 1990, the year the first edition of
this book was published; to more than 1,100 citations in
2006. We were aware of the problem before we began writing the first edition of this book. As we struggled through
the scientific literature that had grown exponentially since
1990, we once again were concerned that the very magnitude of the new, scattered evidence threatens the ability to
form a coherent overall view of the illness. In recent decades,
research on manic-depressive illness has contributed to an
extraordinary expansion of the knowledge base in increasingly specialized fields. The productivity of the research
enterprise has generated diverse points of focus, which are
often appreciated only by individuals in a given subfield.
An unfortunate outgrowth of such specialization is that
the wealth of new information typically has been made
available only in the form of individual research reports or
reviews of selected areas; at best, these occasionally are
published in edited volumes.
Working during this period of extraordinary productivity and ferment in the study of manic-depressive illness,
we saw the need for a comprehensive book that would at-


tempt to impose order on a rich but vast and disparate literature. We were convinced that this goal could be accomplished only by seeing the subject through from beginning
to endin other words, by writing a book rather than editing a collection. We were able to accomplish this by jointly
authoring the first edition. As indicated in our acknowledgments and in the list of collaborators for this edition, however, we found it imperative to seek the help of colleagues;
we could not have completed this book without them. Our
intent was to go beyond a review of the literatureto assess
the nodal points in knowledge of the illness, to integrate
them in a way that would enhance the quality of clinical
care available, and to suggest opportunities for future research. In the early twenty-first century, manic-depressive
illness continues to present new challenges and questions
that extend from the realm of basic neurobiological science
to those of clinical practice and social ethics. The skill the
field brings to identifying these questions will determine
the strategies formulated to answer them, and in turn
will bear directly on future advances in treatment and prevention.
Throughout the writing of this edition of the book, as
during the first, we have been impressed time and again by
the excellent science, imaginative clinical research, and
profoundly important treatment advances generated by
our colleagues. We are delighted to acknowledge our debt
to them, both for their science and for the lives they have
saved. As before, our debt to our students and patients is


Cited in Marneros, A., and Angst, J. Bipolar disorders: Roots

and evolution (p. 6). Translated from the Greek by A.
Marneros. In Marneros, A., and Angst, J. (2000). Bipolar Disorders: 100 Years After Manic-Depressive Insanity. Dordrecht,
The Netherlands: Kluwer.
2. Kraepelin, E. (1990). Psychiatry: A Textbook for Students and
Physicians, Sixth Edition. Translated by Helga Metoui. Canton, MA: Science History Publications, p. 8. Originally published as Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch fur Studierende und Arzte.
Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1899.
3. For reviews of gender differences in bipolar disorder, see
Taylor and Abrams, 1981; Leibenluft, 1996; Blehar et al., 1998;
Robb et al., 1998; Hendrick et al., 2000; and Kawa et al.,

Blehar, M.C., and Oren, D.A. (1997). Gender differences in depression. Medscape Womens Health, 2(2), 3.
Blehar, M.C., and Rudorfer, M.V. (1998). Womens mental health
researchwhat is the need? Psychopharmacol Bull, 34(3),



Blehar, M.C., DePaulo, J.R., Gershon, E.S., Reich, T., Simpson,

S.G., and Nurnberger, J.I. (1998). Women with bipolar disorder: Findings from the NIMH Genetics Initiative sample. Psychopharmacol Bull, 34(3), 239243.
Dorr, D.A., Rice, J.P., Armstrong, C., Reich, T., and Blehar, M.
(1997). A meta-analysis of chromosome 18 linkage data for
bipolar illness. Genet Epidemiol, 14(6), 617622.
Hendrick, V., Altshuler, L.L., Gitlin, M.J., Delrahim, S., and Hammen, C. (2000). Gender and bipolar illness. J Clin Psychiatry,
61(5), 393396, quiz 397.
Kawa, I., Carter, J.D., Joyce, P.R., Doughty, C.J., Frampton,
C.M., Wells, J.E., Walsh, A.E., and Olds, R.J. 2005. Gender
differences in bipolar disorder: Age of onset, course, comor-

bidity, and symptom presentation. Bipolar Disord, 7(2),

Leibenluft, E. (1996). Women with bipolar illness: Clinical and
research issues. Am J Psychiatry, 153(2), 163173.
Robb, J.C., Young, L.T., Cooke, R.G., and Joffe, R.T. (1998). Gender differences in patients with bipolar disorder influence
outcome in the medical outcomes survey (SF-20) subscale
scores. J Affect Disord, 49(3), 189193.
Stuart, S., OHara, M.W., and Blehar, M.C. (1998). Mental disorders associated with childbearing: Report of the Biennial Meeting of the Marce Society. Psychopharmacol Bull, 34(3), 333338.
Taylor, M.A., and Abrams, R. (1981). Gender differences in bipolar affective disorder. J Affect Disord, 3(3), 261271.

Part I

Clinical Description
and Diagnosis

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Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness:

The BipolarUnipolar Distinction and the Development
of the Manic-Depressive Spectrum

Manic-depressive insanity . . . includes on the one hand the whole domain of the so-called
periodic and circular insanity, on the other hand simple mania, the greater part of the morbid
states termed melancholia and also a not inconsiderable number of cases of amentia
[confusional insanity].
Emil Kraepelin1 (1921, p. 1)
It was the work of Angst and Perris that helped spread my theory that unipolar and bipolar diseases . . . have different clinical pictures. The bipolar form displays a considerably more colorful appearance; it varies not only between the two poles, but in each phase offers different pictures. The unipolar forms . . . return, in a periodic course, with the same symptomatology.
Karl Leonhard (1979, pp. 34)

Medical conceptions of mania and depression are as old as

medicine itself. From ancient times to the present, an extraordinary consistency characterizes descriptions of these
conditions. Few maladies have been represented with such
unvarying language. Yet while the essential features are recognizable in the medical literature through the centuries,
the boundaries that define mania and depression and the
relationship between them have changed during that time.
In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the historical roots
of our current concepts. We then discuss the two different
but overlapping conceptualizations of manic-depressive
illness: the bipolarunipolar distinction and the manicdepressive spectrum.

most of the ancient period. As Jackson (1986, p. 249) pointed

out, disorders similar to our mania and our melancholia
constituted significant portions of the larger groupings of
mental disorders that were subsumed under those rubrics
in ancient times.
As they did with other illnesses, the Hippocratic writers
argued forcefully that mental disorders were not due to supernatural or magical forces, beliefs that characterized most
primitive societies and that have resurfaced from time to
time throughout history. In Greece, Hippocrates did not
encounter excessive resistance in the magical sphere because these diseases had long been interpreted as phenomena deriving from an underlying humoural disturbance
(Roccatagliata, 1986, p. 170). This essentially biological explanation for the cause of melancholia, which survived until
the Renaissance, was part of the prevailing understanding
of all health as an equilibrium of the four humorsblood,
yellow bile, black bile, and phlegmand all illness as a disturbance of this equilibrium. First fully developed in the
Hippocratic work Nature of Man (ca. 400 BC), the humoral
theory linked the humors with the seasons and with relative moistness. An excess of black bile was seen as the cause
of melancholia, a term that literally means black bile.
Mania, by contrast, was usually attributed to an excess of
yellow bile.
Aristotle, who differed with the Hippocratic writers by
seeing the heart rather than the brain as the dysfunctional
organ in melancholy, introduced the notion of a predisposition to melancholy. The marker of that predisposition was a relative excess of black bile, which he thought
was common in small amounts in all people. As Whitwell4
(1936, p. 59) pointed out, Aristotle thought those with the

PreNineteenth-Century Ideas
The medical writers of ancient Greece conceived of mental
disorders in terms that sound remarkably modern.2 They
believed that melancholia was a psychological manifestation of an underlying biological disturbance, specifically, a
perturbation in brain function. In documents dating back
to the fifth and fourth centuries BC, Hippocrates and his
school3 described melancholia as a condition associated
with aversion to food, despondency, sleeplessness, irritability, restlessness, and they stated that fear or depression
that is prolonged means melancholia (Jackson, 1986, p.
30). Early conceptions of melancholia and mania were,
however, broader than those of today. The two terms, together with phrenitis, which corresponds roughly to an acute
organic delirium, made up all mental illness throughout

Clinical Description and Diagnosis

excess had melancholic temperaments that were associated

with being gifted:
Aristotle appears to have been the first to draw attention
to the problem of the frequent occurrence of melancholia, or at least a degree of mental depression in the case
of philosophers, statesmen, artists and poets, and he gives
as examples Plato, Socrates and Empedocles. This is a
question which is constantly recurring in later literature,
the explanation of which is attempted by Marsilius

Deliberations on the relationship between melancholia

and mania date back at least to the first century BC, as
noted by Soranus of Ephesus: The followers of Themison, as well as many others, considered melancholy a
form of the disease of mania (Jackson, 1986, p. 250). Soranus himself (fl. 100 AD) believed that melancholia and
mania were two distinct diseases, but with similar prodromal symptoms and requiring similar treatments (Jackson,
1986, p. 250):
For Soranus, mania involved an impairment of reason
with delusions; fluctuating states of anger and merriment,
although sometimes of sadness and futility and sometimes an overpowering fear of things which are quite
harmless; continual wakefulness, the veins are distended, cheeks flushed, and body hard and abnormally
strong; and a tendency for there to be attacks alternating with periods of remission. Melancholia involved
being downcast and prone to anger and . . . practically
never cheerful and relaxed; signs . . . as follows: mental
anguish and distress, dejection, silence, animosity toward
members of the household, sometimes a desire to live and
at other times a longing for death, suspicion . . . that a
plot is being hatched against him, weeping without reason, meaningless muttering, and again, occasional joviality; and various somatic symptoms, many of them gastrointestinal.

Aretaeus of Cappadocia, who lived in the second century AD, appears to have been the first (whose work has
survived to modern times) to bring together the syndromes described in Greek medicine and propose that
mania was an end stage of melancholia, a view that was to
prevail for centuries to come. Roccatagliata (1986, p. 229),
who referred to Aretaeus as the clinician of mania,
noted that he isolated . . . a form of mental disease presenting phases of depression alternating with phases of
mania, and reported Aretaeuss characterization of the
Some patients after being melancholic have fits of
mania . . . so that mania is like a variety of being

melancholy. He described a kind of cyclothymia which

presented only intermittent stages of mania: It arises in
subjects whose personality is characterised by gayness, activity, superficiality and childishness. The mania was expressed in furor, excitement and cheerfulness. Other
types of mania, he said, had delirious manifestations of
an expansive type, so that the patient has deliriums, he
studies astronomy, philosophy . . . he feels great and
inspired. So he identified a bipolar cyclothymia,
a monopolar one consisting only of manic phases, and
a paranoid psychosis which he considered akin to schizophrenic mania.

Although Aretaeus included syndromes that today

might be classified as psychoses beyond mania, his clear
descriptions of the variety of manic conditions influenced medicine for many centuries, and have a modern
ring to them (Roccatagliata, 1986, pp. 230231):
According to Aretaeus, the classical form of mania was
the type that was associated with melancholia: the patient who previously was gay, euphoric, and hyperactive
suddenly has a tendency to melancholy; he becomes, at
the end of the attack, languid, sad, taciturn, he complains
that he is worried about his future, he feels ashamed.
When the depressive phase is over, such patients go back
to being gay, they laugh, they joke, they sing, they show
off in public with crowned heads as if they were returning victorious from the games; sometimes they laugh
and dance all day and all night. In serious forms of
mania, called furor, the patient sometimes kills and
slaughters the servants; in less severe forms, he often
exalts himself: without being cultivated he says he is a
philosopher . . . and the incompetent [say they are] good
artisans . . . others yet are suspicious and they feel that
they are being persecuted, for which reasons they are

Aretaeus believed that mania was a brain dysfunction

that deprived its imaginative functions (Roccatagliata,
1986, p. 229). Melancholy, similarly, had an endogenous
etiology; melancholic delirium arose (Roccatagliata, 1986,
p. 231):
without motive, like the loss of reason, insomnia, and
despair. The vital tone was subject to typical circadian
variations, which in melancholy were inverted with respect to the normal person, so that the patients wake up
suddenly and are seized by a great tiredness.

The next important medical writer, Galen of Pergamon

(131201 AD), firmly established melancholia as a chronic
and recurrent condition. His few comments on mania included the observation that it can be either a primary

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

disease of the brain or secondary to other diseases. Galens

contribution was, in the opinion of most medical historians, his brilliant, all-encompassing elaboration of the
humoral theory, a system so compelling that it dominatedand stifledmedical thought for more than a millennium.
Medical observations in succeeding centuries continued to reflect these conceptions of depression and mania
laid down in classical Greece and Rome. As Jackson (1986)
observed, most authors wrote of the two conditions as separate illnesses, but usually in adjoining chapters and ascribing them to humoral causes that suggested a close connection between them. Yet where mania and depression are
considered in the historical medical literature, a link is almost always made, as can be seen in the time line in Box 11.
As we have seen, from classical Greece until the Middle Ages, mental and physical afflictions were primarily
the concern of medical doctors. As illness gradually became the responsibility of the priests, the above early insights were submerged. The period that followed was,
in retrospect, a dark age, when mental illness was generally attributed to either magic or sin or possession by the
By the late Middle Ages, empirical science had attracted
interest and the beginnings of acceptance, engendered by
the ascendancy of Baconian philosophy. At that point, however, in the clinical realm now encompassed by psychiatry,
scientific interpretations were limited to anatomical, physiological, and pathological studies of the brain.
Empirical clinical observations without religious overtones did not reappear until the beginning of the seventeenth century. A key figure in this descriptive renaissance
was Felix Platter, who in 1602 published his systematic
observations and classifications of mental disorders. Although his descriptions of mania and melancholia were
extensive and methodical, there was little to suggest the
longitudinal or recurrent nature of the illness, or the distinctions between manic-depressive illness6 and what is
now known as schizophrenia.
A unique eighteenth-century discussion of manicdepressive illness can be found in a 1759 monograph by Andres Piquer (the Spanish Hippocrates), physician to King
Ferdinand VI of Spain (Discurso sobre la Enfermedad del
Rey nuestro Senor Fernando VI), recently republished
with an introduction by Eduard Vieta and Demetrio Barcia. Piquer diagnosed the king with melancholic-manic affect (p. 17), clearly anticipating later French and German
authors in viewing this condition as a single illness: Melancholy and mania, although treated in many medical books
separately, are one and the same illness, and only differ according to the various grades of activity and diversity of
affective states that occur in both. (pp. 5758; translated

segments by Nassir Ghaemi) Piquer went on to quote Hippocrates and Arateus in support of his view.
As noted previously, the subsequent literature of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is replete with clinical observations of manic and depressive symptomatology.
As pointed out by Pichot (1995), the disciples of Esquirol
played a critical role as they paved the way for recognition
of the mental disease that ultimately came to be known as
manic-depressive insanity through the work of Kraepelin
(1899). For instance, Jules Baillarger7 wrote in 1854:
There exists a special type of insanity characterized by
two regular periods, the one of depression and the other
of excitement. . . . This type of insanity presents itself in
the form of isolated attacks; or, it recurs in an intermittent manner; or, the attacks might follow one another
without interruption.

This theme is echoed in subsequent French psychiatric

By circular insanity, or folie double forme, we understand a special form of mental derangement, the attacks
of which are characterised by a regular sequence of two
periodsone of depression, and another of excitement,
or inversely. (Ritti, 1892)8

There are literally thousands of such observations, for

the most part disconnected from one another. Many are
accompanied by hastily erected classification systems and
etiological speculations, which sometimes anticipate contemporary theory to a striking extent. As Jelliffe (1931) wrote,
the epidemic of classification was further spread by the
powerful influence of Linnaeuss work on the classification
of plants. Even more new empirical observations were
added when the advent of autopsies opened the door for
neuropathologic observations and their attendant speculations. This evidence was gathering in a conceptual climate
still dominated by the traditional separation of the mind
(soul) from the body. The era was not yet ready for a new
synthesis or unifying insights, despite its increasing need
of them.

Nineteenth-Century Ideas
The explicit conception of manic-depressive illness as a
single disease entity dates from the mid-nineteenth century. As noted above, the French alienists, Falret and Baillarger, independently and almost simultaneously formulated the idea that mania9 and depression could represent
different manifestations of a single illness. Students of
Esquirol and, therefore, intellectual descendants of Pinel,
they had been strongly influenced by Pinels sharp disdain
for the classification epidemic, as well as by contemporary arguments for a unitary concept of general paresis.

BOX 11. Linking of Mania and Depression throughout Historya

ca. 400 BC An excess of black bile was seen as the cause of
melancholia, a term that literally means black bile.
Mania, by contrast was usually attributed to yellow
bile. (Hippocrates)
ca. 150 AD Some patients after being melancholic have fits of
mania . . . so that mania is like a variety of being
melancholy. (Aretaeus of Cappadociab)
ca. 575
Those affected with such a condition are not suffering from melancholia only, for they tend to become
maniacal periodically and in a cycle. Mania is nothing else but melancholia in a more intense form.
(Alexander of Trallesc)
ca. 1000
Undoubtedly the material which is the effective
producer of mania is of the same nature as that
which produces melancholia. (Avicennad)
ca. 1300
Mania and melancholia are different forms of the
same thing. (Joh. Gaddesdene)
ca. 1500
[Melancholia] manifestly differs from what is properly called mania; there is no doubt, however, that at
some time or other, authorities agree that it replaces
melancholia. (Joh. Manardusf )
ca. 1549
Perturbation of the spirit of the brain when mixed
with and kindled by other matter can produce
melancholia, or if more ardent, mania. (Felix Platterg)
ca. 1672
[Manics and melancholics] are so much akin, that
these Distempers often change, and pass from one
into the other; for the Melancholick disposition
growing worse, brings on Fury; and Fury or Madness [mania] growing less hot, oftentimes ends in a
Melancholick disposition. These two, like smoke and

ca. 1735

ca. 1759

ca. 1806

ca. 1845

flame, mutually receive and give place to one another.

(Thomas Willish)
If Melancholy increases so far, that from the great Motion of the Liquid of the Brain, the Patient be thrown
into a wild Fury, it is calld Madness [mania]. Which differs only in Degree from the sorrowful kind of Melancholy, is its Offspring, produced from the same Causes,
and cured almost by the same Remedies. (Herman
Melancholy and mania, although treated in many
medical books separately, are one and the same illness,
and only differ according to the various grades of activity and diversity of affective states that occur in
both.Andres, Piquer (quoted in El trastorno bipolar
en el siglo XVIII, by Eduard Vieta and Demetrio Barcia,
2000, Burdeos, Spain: Mra ediciones, pp. 5758, segment translated by Nassir Ghaemi).
[Mania is] often no other than a higher degree of
melancholia. . . . [I]t does not appear to me any wise difficult to suppose, that the same state of the brain may
in a moderate degree give melancholia; and in a higher,
that mania which melancholia so often passes into.
(William Cullenj)
Several distinguished masters, Alexander de Tralles,
and Boerhaave himself, were of the opinion, that
melancholy . . . was only the first degree of mania.This
is in some cases true.There are in fact, some persons
who, before becoming maniacs, are sad, morose, uneasy, diffident and suspicious. (Jean-EtienneDominique Esquirolk)

Although the idea for this time line was ours, locating the quotations would have been next to impossible without the excellent historical sources
cited for each. We are especially indebted to Whitwell (1936), Jackson (1986), and Roccatagliata (1986).The quotations, particularly those from the Middle
Ages, do not always represent prevailing thought, but they do illustrate the thread of this theme throughout history. Also, when the conditions we
would characterize as manic-depressive illness were interpreted as medical rather than philosophical or religious problems, a relationship between
mania and depression was almost always suggested, explicitly or implicitly.
Cited by Whitwell (1936, pp. 163164). From De acut, et diut, morborum, causis, signis, et curatione (Paris), 1554.Transl. R. Moffatt.
Quoted by Whitwell (1936, p. 175), who gave Trallianuss birth and death dates as 525605, from Trallianus Alexander: Medici libri duodecim, interpret,
Guintherius (Basil), 1556.
Quoted by Whitwell (1936, p. 181), who gave Avicennas birth and death dates as 9801037. Whitwell cited as a source Opera, ed.: Alpagus et Benedictus (Venet.), 1582, and Morb. Ment. (Paris) 1659. Italics in original.
Quoted by Whitwell (1936, p. 196), who gave Gaddesdens birth and death dates as 12801361. Source cited is Gaddesden Joh.: Practica Johanni
AnglicaRosa medicina nuncupata (Papiae), 1492.Transl. Wolffe.
Cited by Whitwell (1936, p. 205), who gave Manarduss birth and death dates as 14621536. Citation given is Manardus Joh: Epist. Med. (Venet.), 1542.
Italics in original.
Quoted by Whitwell (1936, p. 98), who gave Platters birth and death dates as 15361614. Although it is not clear which of Platters works is the
source of this quotation, Whitwell later quoted from Praxeos medicae Tomi tres (Basil), 1656, and Histories and Observations (London: Culpeper and Cole),
Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 255) from Willis, T.: Two Discourses Concerning the Soul of Brutes.Transl. S. Pordage (London: Thomas Dring), Ch. Harper
and John Leigh,A 1683, pp. 201, 205.
Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 256) from Boerhaave, H.: Boerhaaves Aphorisms: Concerning the Knowledge and Cure of Diseases,Which Is That of a Vital and
Sensitive Man.The First Is Physiological Shewing the Nature, Parts, Powers, and Affections of the Same.The Other Is Pathological,Which Unfolds the Diseases
Which Affect It and Its Primary Seat; to Wit, the Brain and Nervous Stock, and Treats of Their Cures: with Copper Cuts (London:W and J Innys), 1735, pp. 323324.
Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 259) from Cullen, W.: First Lines of the Practice of Physic. 2 vols., in 1. ed. J. Rotheram (New York: E. Duyckinck), 1806, p. 497.
Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 262) from Esquirol, E.: Mental Maladies: A Treatise on Insanity.Transl. E. K. Hunt (Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard), 1845,
pp. 381382.

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

In 1854, Falret described a circular disorder (la folie circulaire), which for the first time expressly defined an illness
in which this succession of mania and melancholia manifests itself with continuity and in a manner almost regular (perhaps a foreshadowing of the modern concept of
rapid cycling). In the same year, Baillarger (1854) described
double insanity (la folie double forme), emphasizing
that the manic and depressive episodes were not two different attacks but rather two different stages of the same attack. Thus, cyclicity with or without clear-cut remission
was already being described in these pioneering French
contributions. Although clearly anticipating Kraepelins
later synthesis, these descriptions nonetheless focused on
chronic illness with poor prognosis; the relationship of these
forms to other varieties of mania or melancholia was
not delineated. Other valuable contributions were made by
Griesinger (1867), who provided rich clinical descriptions
of melancholia and mania, although he described primarily chronic states with poor prognosis. As Aretaeus had
centuries before, Griesinger conceived of mania as an
end stage of a gradually worsening melancholia and of
both as different stages of a single, unitary disease (Jackson, 1986).
Although mild cases of mania had been described by
the ancients, as well as by Falret, Esquirol, and other observers, Mendel (1881) was the first to define hypomania as
that form of mania which typically shows itself only in
the mild stages abortively, so to speak. Kahlbaum (1882)
described circular disorders (cyclothymia), which were
characterized by episodes of both depression and excitement but did not end in dementia, as chronic mania or
melancholia could. Despite these contributions, most clinical observers continued to regard mania and melancholia
as separate entities, chronic in nature, and following a deteriorating course. Nonetheless, some German authors
during this period, such as Hecker (see the translation by
Koukopoulos, 2003), reserved cyclothymia for the milder,
nondeteriorating, forms observed in private clinical practice. Heckers work is actually quite consistent with what today we have come to recognize as bipolar-II disorder:
Virtually all of the [patients with cyclothymia] presented
with a depressive state. The state of excitationand I
should like to emphasize thishad escaped the attention, in the majority of milder cases, of the patients
doctor, his family and friends, and the patient himself.
The patients only became aware of it when I described
the characteristics of this state to them. Even more
often, however, it was the patients themselves who, having up until that moment considered them as their
healthiest periods, were forced to recognize that they
were ill in these periods also.

The Kraepelinian Synthesis

It was left to Kraepelin to segregate the two major
psychotic illnessesmanic-depressive insanity and dementia praecoxfrom one another and clearly draw the
perimeter around manic-depressive illness. The early editions of his textbook of psychiatry contained the seeds of
his later synthesis, particularly his special emphasis on
careful diagnosis based on both longitudinal history and
the pattern of current symptoms. Nevertheless, these early
editions still reflected a struggle with the then-traditional
categories of melancholia and circular psychosis. In
the sixth edition, published in 1899, the term manicdepressive encompassed the circular psychoses and simple manias. Kraepelin expressed doubt that melancholia
and the circular psychoses (a category that includes todays
bipolar and schizoaffective disorders) were really separate illnesses, but he was still reluctant to take a definite
By 1913, in the eighth edition of Kraepelins text, virtually all of the major clinical forms of melancholia had
been subsumed under manic-depressive illness. Under
his unitary concept, much of what had once been considered involutional melancholia was reclassified as mixed
states,10 based on a follow-up study by his pupil, Dreyfus.11
Kraepelin placed special emphasis on the features of the
illness that differentiated it most clearly from dementia
praecox (schizophrenia): the periodic or episodic course,
the more benign prognosis, and a family history of manicdepressive illness.
Within a relatively short time, Kraepelins views were
widely accepted, thus bringing some unity to European
psychiatry. His was the first fully developed disease model
in psychiatry to be backed by extensive and carefully organized observations and descriptions. This model did
not exclude psychological or social factors, and in fact,
Kraepelin was one of the first to point out that psychological stresses could precipitate individual episodes. By including slight colourings of mood, which pass over without
sharp boundary into the domain of personal predisposition, he also provided the basis for the development of
spectrum concepts, described later in this chapter.
Wide acceptance of Kraepelins broad divisions led to
further exploration of the boundaries between manicdepressive illness and dementia praecox, the delineation
of similarities across the two, and the possibility that subgroups could be identified within each. Kraepelins extraordinary synthesis is important not because it drew the
ultimately correct picture of nature, but because it built
a solid and empirically anchored base for future work.
This was his major accomplishment. Indeed, as we will see
later, his central insightthat all of the recurrent major

Clinical Description and Diagnosis

mood disorders (using current nomenclature) belonged

together under the rubric of manic-depressive illnessstill
provides the best model for what we know to date, as well
as for understanding emerging clinical, pharmacological,
and genetic data.

Post-Kraepelinian Developments
After Kraepelin, the evolution of the concept of manicdepressive illness proceeded differently in Europe and the
United States (Pichot, 1988). Europeans continued to place
primary emphasis on the traditional medical disease model
of mental illness, whereas psychiatrists in the United States
were profoundly influenced by the new perspectives of
psychoanalysis and other theories emphasizing psychological and social factors. During the first half of the twentieth
century, the views of Meyer (18661950) gradually assumed
a dominant position in American psychiatry, a position
maintained for several decades. Meyer believed that psychopathology emerged from interactions between an individuals biological and psychological characteristics and
his social environment.12
The disease model, by contrast, is based on the premise
that clinical phenomena in a given patient are understandable (and therefore potentially predictable) in terms of a
given disease with a specific natural history and pathophysiology. European psychiatry in the nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries had successfully employed this
traditional medical disease model in the definition and
treatment of general paresis secondary to syphilis of the
central nervous system and organic syndromes associated
with vitamin deficiencies (especially pellagra).13 Failure to
identify mechanisms of pathophysiology in the major socalled functional psychoses, including manic-depressive
illness, stimulated doubts about the continued usefulness
of the model, particularly since the prevailing biological
hypotheses emphasized infectious agents and neuropathological lesions. Consistent with this pessimism was the failure of the biologically based treatments of the time. In this
climate, it is not surprising that American psychiatrists,
manifesting the national penchant for pragmatism, were
drawn to treatment approaches that emphasized psychological and social factors. When the Meyerian focus, considerably influenced by psychoanalysis, turned to manicdepressive illness, the individual and his environment were
the natural focus, and clinical descriptions of symptoms
and the longitudinal course of the illness were given less
Until the latter part of the twentieth century, the
American nosological systems for affective disorders reflected these competing sets of etiological assumptions.
Depression was divided into several dichotomies: reactiveendogenous, neuroticpsychotic, and, more recently,

primary15secondary. Forgotten in these conceptions is the

fact that a single parameter cannot differentiate aspects of
illness that are at least partially independent of one another: severity, neurotic features, thought disorder, precipitating events, physiological symptoms, and genetic
vulnerability. Dichotomous systems thus foundered on
their a priori assumptions about etiology. Even the primarysecondary distinction, although free of assumptions
about severity, quality of symptoms, and precipitating
events, is based on another supposition: it assumes that depression or mania associated with other illnesses is relatively free of genetic influence, an assumption that has not
been supported by the data (Andreasen et al., 1988).16
In Europe, the post-Kraepelinian evolution of the concept
of manic-depressive illness took a different turn. The European psychosocial and psychoanalytical traditions continued to develop in relative isolation from the mainstream
of psychiatry, which largely retained its medical or disease orientation; psychoanalytic thinking per se did not
have as important an influence on the European concept
of manic-depressive illness as it did on the American concept. Although Kraepelins fundamental distinction between manic-depressive illness and dementia praecox endured (Mayer-Gross et al., 1955), nosological disputes soon
In his classic contributions to descriptive psychiatry,
Bleuler (1924) departed from Kraepelin by conceptualizing
the relationship between manic-depressive (affective) illness and dementia praecox (schizophrenia) as a continuum without a sharp line of demarcation.17 Bleuler believed that a patients location on the spectrum depended
on the number of schizophrenic features he demonstrated.
In that sense, Bleuler considered the affective symptoms
to be nonspecific. These issues are explored more fully in
Chapter 3.
Bleuler also broadened Kraepelins concept of manicdepressive illness by designating several subcategories
and using the term affective illness. The influence of his
modifications of Kraepelins taxonomy could be seen in
the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) (8th and
9th editions) and the closely related early versions of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the first and second editions (DSM-I and -II). Bleulers subcategories of affective illness anticipated the principal contemporary subdivision of
the classic manic-depressive diagnostic groupthe bipolar
unipolar distinction.


From its inception, Kraepelins unitary concept of manicdepressive illness was criticized for being too inclusive, but
it was not until 1957 that Leonhard proposed a classification

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

system that went beyond clinical description alone. Leonhard observed that, within the broad category of manicdepressive illness (i.e., recurrent affective illness), some patients had histories of both depression and mania, whereas
others had depressions only. He then noted that patients
with a history of mania (whom he termed bipolar) had
a higher incidence of mania in their families as compared
with those with recurrent depressions only (whom he
termed monopolar). In 1966, Angst and Perris independently provided the first systematic family history data to
support Leonhards distinction, validating it by an independent criterionfamily history. As discussed in Chapter 13,
some of the subsequent family history studies are consistent with a model in which bipolar and the more highly recurrent forms of unipolar depression are variants of the
same fundamental disorder (Kraepelins manic-depressive
illness), with bipolar illness representing the more severe
end of the spectrum.
The bipolarunipolar distinction was formally incorporated into the American diagnostic system, DSM, the
third edition (DSM-III), in 1980; was subsequently carried
forward into DSM, the fourth edition (DSM-IV); and
became explicit in the international classification system
in ICD-10. Unfortunately the structure of DSM-IV (see
Fig. 31 in Chapter 3), which breaks out bipolar disorder as
a separate illness distinct from all other mood disorders
(i.e., from the depressive disorders) obscures the fact that
originally, the bipolarunipolar distinction was conceived
of as a way to distinguish two forms of a recurrent illness.
In other words, the DSM structure gives precedence to polarity over cyclicity, obscuring the reality that one rather
common variant of unipolar illness is as recurrent or cyclic
as bipolar illness. Further, DSM-IV really has no language
for the unipolar patient with frequent recurrences, since its
recurrent category is so broad as to include patients with
only two depressions in a lifetime (see Chapter 3 for a
more extensive discussion of this point).
Before the mid-1970s, the scientific literature on manicdepressive illness typically did not include information
on the number of patients with or without a history of
mania. During the past three decades, however, the bipolarunipolar distinction has been examined in numerous
studies encompassing family history, natural course, clinical symptoms, personality factors, biological measures,
and response to various pharmacological treatments. The
question of bipolarunipolar differences in clinical features of depression is reviewed in this chapter; these as well
as other reported bipolarunipolar differences (e.g., biological, pharmacological, psychological) are summarized
in Table 11 and further detailed in the relevant chapters
(including this onesee also Table 13 on clinical differences later in the chapter). Our purpose in outlining these

reported differences here is to introduce a framework

helpful in understanding them.

An Overview of Differentiating Features

The criteria that distinguish bipolar from unipolar illness
have changed over the years, at least among American investigators. As noted above, in the original descriptions of Leonhard and the subsequent studies of Angst and colleagues
(1998), Perris and colleagues (1971), and Winokur and colleagues (1981), both bipolar18 and unipolar were used to describe patients with a phasic or cyclic course of recurrent
episodes, characterized by autonomous endogenous features and clear functional impairment. It is worth repeating
that in DSM-III and -IV, unipolar has come to mean all depressed patients without a history of hypomania or mania
(i.e., to mean simply nonbipolar)a heterogeneous population that includes both highly recurrent and nonrecurrent depressions, not to mention patients who might have
been classified as neurotic,reactive,characterological,
or atypical in other diagnostic systems. As Roth (1983,
pp. 4748) observed about DSM-III:
The significant point in this context is that Leonhard intended that bipolarunipolar dichotomy for endogenous
states alone. . . . When the endogenous syndrome is discarded, unipolar disorders become a large and compendious bag to be commingled with a wide variety of disorders of affect, including neuroses of different kinds.

The critical issue of recurrence is further obscured by

DSM-IV, which does not include an item concerning prior
history or course, despite evidence suggesting a clear distinction between family history and course in different illness subtypes (Winokur, 1979).19 We believe that the next
revision of the DSM and ICD systems should include a
category (and operational definition) for the more recurrent forms of unipolar depression, which might be designated as highly recurrent, or cyclic. A related contributor
to unipolar heterogeneity is the subgroup of unipolar patients with certain bipolar-like characteristics, as discussed
Bipolar groups are also heterogeneous. Most studies,
particularly those first to use the distinction, did not specify criteria for bipolar beyond indicating a history of mania. In many studies, bipolar included only those patients
with a history of frank mania requiring hospitalization; in
others, the bipolar group included patients with milder
symptoms (hypomania). Then, Goodwin and colleagues at
the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) suggested
that bipolar patients could be classified more meaningfully
as either bipolar-I or bipolar-II (Dunner et al., 1976b).
They based this recommendation on their studies of hospitalized depressed patients who met criteria for primary

Table 11. Overview of Reported Differences between Bipolar

and Unipolar Depression
Phenomenology of Depression

Bipolar (I and/or II)


Depressive Symptoms

See Table 13

See Table 13

Narrower range
More important at
illness onset than
for later episodes

Broader range
Relation to illness
onset not clear

Single status not a risk

factor for episodes

Single status
a risk factor

More frequent

F >M
Less frequent

More normal

Less normal



Natural Course
Age at onset
Number of episodes
Length of depressive episodea
Cycle length
Precipitants of episodes

Interepisode mood shifts

Marital Status


Lifetime risk
Proportion of major affective illness
Gender ratio
Substance abuse

Impulse control
Stimulus seeking
Personality profile
Hyperthymic temperament

Family History/Genetics
Monozygotic twin concordance rates
Mania among first-degree relatives

Monoaminergic function
(metabolites, receptors,
neuroendocrine response,
electrolytes, etc.)
Pain sensitivity
function dysfunction
Brain imaging parameters

Some studies report

UPBP differences
(see Chapter 15)
More nondominant


? (see Chapter 15)


Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness


Table 11. Overview of Reported Differences between Bipolar

and Unipolar Depression (continued)
Phenomenology of Depression

Bipolar (I and/or II)


Less frequent (?)
Fall/winter depression

More frequent (?)
Spring depression

Less (?)
More rapid (?)
More frequent
More frequent

More (?)
Less rapid (?)
Less frequent
Less frequent

More frequent

Less frequent

Equivalent when bipolar

and unipolar cycle
length are comparable


Sleep duration
Phase advance
Seasonal patterns

Pharmacological Response
Response to antidepressants
Speed of response to antidepressants
Tolerance to antidepressants
Antidepressant response to
mood stabilizers
Manic/hypomanic response
to antidepressants
Prophylactic response
to lithium
Prophylactic response to

Studies demonstrating longer duration of episodes with unipolar versus bipolar depression are generally not corrected for number of episodes. See text.
Note: See individual chapters for details. Some of the bipolarunipolar comparisons included both
bipolar-I and -II, while others focused on either one or the other, an obvious source of heterogeneity. Not
all of the reported differences have been replicated uniformly, which is not surprising given the heterogeneity of both the bipolar and unipolar groups (for example, early-onset, highly recurrent unipolar depression will be closer to bipolar depression in clinical characteristics). The sequence of the table follows
that of the chapters in this volume.
F = female; M = male; UPBP = unipolarbipolar.

major affective disorders; that is, they had no prior history

of another psychiatric diagnosis. Bipolar-I patients were
defined as those with a history of mania severe enough to
have resulted in treatment, usually hospitalization. Such
full-blown mania was often accompanied by psychotic
features. Bipolar-II patients, by contrast, had, in addition
to major depression requiring hospitalization, a history of
hypomaniathat is, specific symptoms of sufficient magnitude to be designated as abnormal by the patient or the
family and to result in interference with normal role functioning, but not severe enough to result in hospitalization.
This original distinction between bipolar-I and -II is
different from that made in subsequent studies that also
employed the bipolar-II terminology.20 Whereas the work of
Dunner and colleagues (1976b) and the NIMH Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical
Studies, as well as that of Angst and colleagues (2005) in

their long-term follow-up study, emerged from observations of hospitalized depressed patients without other psychiatric diagnoses, many of the more recent studies were
conducted in patients in whom neither the depressed nor
the hypomanic phase was severe enough to require hospitalization and in whom concomitant diagnoses (principally
borderline personality disorder and substance abuse disorder) were not uncommon (Coryell et al., 1985, 1995; Endicott et al., 1985). Such definitional broadening is not universally accepted (Ghaemi et al., 2002). Thus, Baldessarini
(2000) pointed out that mood fluctuations can be found in
many if not most psychiatric disorders and expressed concern that the continued broadening of the bipolar diagnosis
risks weakening the core concept of bipolar disorder. Similar
concerns were expressed by van Praag (1993), and we agree.
Angst (1978), having earlier recognized the problem of
the range of meanings that could confuse application of


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

the bipolar-II category, proposed a nomenclature that

would account for milder forms of both depression and
mania. He divided bipolar patients into Md and mD, with
M and D indicating episodes of mania and depression
requiring hospitalization, and m and d episodes clearly different from normal but not of sufficient severity to necessitate hospitalization. Although Angsts mD group is analogous to the original definition of bipolar-II of Dunner
and colleagues (1976b), other systems have no subcategory
analogous to his Md group. This is unfortunate, since Angst
reported interesting differences among these subgroups.
For instance, the ratio of females to males is substantially
higher in the predominantly depressed subgroups (unipolar and Dm), whereas males are a higher proportion of the
predominantly manic subgroups (MD and Md); these
data are consistent with the higher female-to-male ratio in
bipolar-II compared with bipolar-I disorder (Weissman
et al., 1996; Cassano et al., 1999). More recently, Angst completed a long-term follow-up study of his original 19591963
cohort. He concluded that the Md group, compared with
their MD counterparts, have a more favorable course and
are less likely to require long-term maintenance medication, while their first-degree relatives have a lower affective
morbidity risk (Angst et al., 2004).
The extent of overlap between Angsts dm category and
the bipolar-II outpatients in subsequent studies (by Akiskal,
Benazzi, and others) cannot be assessed because Angsts
system defines d episodes by an absence of hospitalization
for depression, whereas a bipolar-II diagnosis is based on
meeting DSM-IV criteria for major depression. Angsts dm
grouping is inherently broader than bipolar-II and includes
patients who would be classified as cyclothymic in DSMIII and -IV (see Chapter 3). Whatever the level of depressive severity,21 however, bipolar-II patients represent a very
important group. Moreover, as discussed below, both family history and pharmacological response data indicate
that, while in some respects bipolar-II should be considered an intermediate form between bipolar-I and unipolar,22 some of the data are consistent with its being a distinct subgroup.
As noted in the first edition of this text, one problem
complicating research on bipolar-II disorder has been the
poor reliability of the diagnosis, which results principally
from the difficulty of establishing a history of hypomania
(Andreasen et al., 1981; Dunner and Tay, 1993). Depressed
patients are especially poor at recalling prior episodes of
hypomania. Fortunately, family members generally do
better. Moreover, the sensitivity to hypomania can be increased by multiple interviews over time (Rice et al., 1986).
And current data indicate excellent reliability when clinicians trained in recognizing bipolar-II make the diagnosis
(Dunner and Tay, 1993; Simpson et al., 2002). Other issues

involved in making a DSM diagnosis of hypomania include the not-always-warranted primacy accorded to elated
mood over dysphoric mood and the durational requirement of 4 or more consecutive days, both of which have
been widely criticized by clinical researchers (see the discussion in Chapter 3).
Most significant, contemporary data necessitate revision of the more traditional view of bipolar as substantially less common than unipolar illness. In Egeland and
Hotstetters (1983) study, using sensitive methods of ascertainment and considering cyclothymia, bipolar-II, and
bipolar-I together, the incidence of bipolar disorder was approximately equal to that of unipolar illnessthat is, it
accounted for 50 percent of major affective illness.23 Angst
and colleagues (1978) also found that the ratio of bipolar
to unipolar illness was about 1:1 in patients followed for
up to 16 years, a ratio very close to that noted in the subsequent follow-up of that cohort, in which only 46 percent
of the patients were still unipolar (Angst et al., 2002,
2004). Other recent studies using this broader definition
of bipolar have found a similarly high bipolar/unipolar
Unfortunately, many studies of recurrent affective illness employ relatively insensitive methods of ascertainment
and correspondingly rigid criteria for an episode. Although
such inflexible criteria are useful for certain research purposes, they exclude many patients from consideration.
Egeland and Hotstetter (1983) referred to the bipolar illness typically cited in the literature (i.e., bipolar-I) as the
tip of the iceberg of bipolarity. Current data indicate that
manic-depressive spectrum conditions (see below), many
of them below the threshold of mania, may be found in 58
percent of the population (Angst, 1978) (see Chapter 5).
However, the validity of the diagnoses in most of these surveys (obtained by trained lay interviewers) has been questioned, primarily because estimates based on diagnoses by
experienced clinicians tend to be substantially lower (see
Chapters 4 and 5).
A broad range of bipolarunipolar differences have
been reported (see Table 11). They include four separate
spheres of datagenetic, clinical, biological, and pharmacological. Considerable caution is warranted in interpreting these differences, however, given the heterogeneity in
both groups. While most of these studies have focused on
bipolar-I patients (reducing heterogeneity on that side),25
the unipolar groups have been highly heterogeneous with
respect to the critical variable of recurrence or cycle
length; clearly the unipolar groups represented in Table 11
have generally not been selected for frequent recurrences
(Cassano et al., 1992; Winokur et al., 1993, 1994, 1995; Judd
et al., 2003a). Indeed, to our knowledge, there have been no
studies comparing bipolar and unipolar illness in which

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

the groups have actually been matched for episode frequency. This is a serious limitation in light of the increasing evidence that more highly recurrent unipolar patients
appear to be quite similar to bipolar patients in some important respects (e.g., early age at onset, family history of
mania, atypical features, and prophylactic response to
Implicit in the foregoing discussion of bipolarunipolar
distinctions is the need for a more explicit focus on the relationship between cyclicity and polarity. To what extent
do differences in cyclicity contribute to or obscure reported
bipolarunipolar differences? In other words, how are we
to know whether a given bipolarunipolar difference is
a function of the presence or absence of a history of
mania/hypomania, or occurs because the bipolar group is
more cyclic or recurrent than the unipolar group? These
important questions are discussed later in the chapter. The
relationship between polarity per se and other dimensions
of affective illnessfamily history, age at onset, severity,
psychotic features, response to treatment, and biological
markersgenerally has been studied one dimension at a
time. A more comprehensive understanding of these interrelationships awaits studies that employ simultaneous
weighing of multiple dimensions.

Unipolar Mania
The classic studies of Leonhard (1957), Perris (1966), Angst
(1966), and Winokur and colleagues (1969) noted the relatively rare occurrence of manic patients with no apparent
history of depression. In Leonhards series, pure mania
represented 9 percent of the bipolar group, whereas in the
other studies it made up less than 5 percent. Although Leonhard initially considered patients with pure mania a separate group, subsequent studies indicated that they could
not be distinguished from bipolar patients by either family
history, course, treatment, or clinical features of mania.
Thus, pure mania has generally been considered a variant
of bipolar illness. Present knowledge suggests the likelihood that patients so identified either have had unreported
depressions or have not been followed long enough to rule
out future depressions. For some unipolar manic patients,
depressive episodes are subsyndromal: they fail to be diagnosed because they lack a prominent or reported mood
component; that is, the depressions manifest themselves
primarily as episodes of increased sleep, decreased energy,
and slowed thinking.
Abrams and colleagues26 (Abrams and Taylor, 1974;
Abrams et al., 1979) prompted a reevaluation of this question by reporting a 28 percent and an 18 percent incidence
of unipolar mania among two relatively large independent
samples of manic patients (N = 127 for the two samples).
Among the problems with these two studies, however, is


the method used to ascertain a history of depression.27

Like previous authors, Abrams and Taylor found that their
unipolar manics did not differ fundamentally from the
bipolar patients in demographic characteristics, family history variables, symptoms, or response to doctors choice
Nurnberger and colleagues (1979) surveyed 241 bipolar-I
patients in a lithium clinic and found that 16 percent had
not been medically treated for depression, although most
of them did show depressive features on a systematic interview. These authors, like other investigators, concluded
from their review of phenomenological and family history
data that unipolar mania is a variant of bipolar illness, not
a separate entity. The NIMH Collaborative Program on the
Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies followed
27 patients (from a pool of 163 bipolar-I patients) initially
admitted with a diagnosis of unipolar mania (Solomon
et al., 2003) and found that 7 of them suffered no episodes
of major depression during the 15- to 20-year follow-up;
that is, unipolar mania represented 4 percent of the total
bipolar sample. Yazici and colleagues (2002), by contrast,
found that unipolar mania accounted for 16 percent of patients in their lithium clinic in Turkey, the higher rate perhaps reflecting cultural differences; that study also revealed
a significantly higher rate of psychotic features associated
with unipolar mania. Shulman and Tohen (1994) found the
rate of unipolar mania to be 12 percent in a group of 50 elderly manic patients.
Perugi and colleagues (1998a) reported that hyperthymic temperament was the baseline in many unipolar
manic patients, whose course appeared to be more chronic
than that of the typical bipolar patient. Unlike the work of
Angst and colleagues (2004), who reported a relatively favorable course among their pure M and Md patients, the
findings of the two aforementioned studies suggest that
unipolar mania represents a prognostically unfavorable
variant of bipolar-I disorder. Yet this discrepancy may
reflect differences in the populations designated as unipolar manics. For example, a late-onset bipolar disorder with
predominantly manic course has been described, and is
associated with evidence of organic contributions and
negative family history for bipolarity (Shulman and Post,
1980; Moorhead and Young, 2003). The condition of these
patients is best considered a phenocopy of mania, and
should probably be excluded from the manic-depressive
Future studies attempting to evaluate the validity of the
concept of unipolar mania will have to employ careful diagnostic criteria, sensitive methods of ascertainment (especially family informants), and extensive follow-up periods. As the evidence now stands, we would agree with
most authorities in the field that the existence of true


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

unipolar mania as a separate entity is questionable. In our

discussions here, it is included in the bipolar group.

False Unipolar Patients

As reviewed in the first edition of this volume, patients
classified as unipolar who subsequently experience a
manic or hypomanic episodeso-called false unipolars
confound studies of bipolarunipolar differences (unipolar patients with some bipolar characteristicssometimes
called pseudounipolarrepresent a different issue and are
discussed below). Obviously, substantial numbers of false
unipolar patients in a sample could distort or conceal bipolarunipolar differences.
Table 12 presents data from three longitudinal studies
(Perris, 1968; Angst et al., 1978; Grof, unpublished). The
number of false unipolar patients is expressed as a percentage of the total unipolar group and as a function of numbers
of depressive episodes without a mania. One might have expected the percentage of false unipolar patients to decrease
as the group was purified by requiring more episodes of
depression, that is, allowing more and more opportunity
for latent bipolarity to express itself. In fact, however, the
denominator (i.e., the number of true unipolar patients)
also decreases as patients with more episodes are selected,
since the unipolar patients who have only one, two, or three
episodes are dropped. Thus, the actual percentage of false
unipolar patients in the apparent unipolar population is relatively stable beyond the second episode, so that the convention of requiring more than two episodes of depression before diagnosing unipolar illness is ineffective in reducing the
percentage of false unipolar patients. However, this convention does reduce the heterogeneity among unipolar groups

with respect to recurrence, increasing the chances that bipolarunipolar comparisons will really be about polarity, as
noted above. Perriss (1966) bipolarunipolar studies come
closest to this in that his unipolar patients had all experienced at least three depressions. But the median number of
episodes experienced by his unipolar patients was still substantially below that of his bipolar group.
A number of important studies of the unipolar-tobipolar conversion conducted since 1990 are not included
in Table 12 because they do not provide this type of
analysis. They generally found rates of conversion from an
initial unipolar to a subsequent bipolar diagnosis that
range up to 50 percent;28 the highest rate was found in the
study of the Angst group, which had the longest follow-up
period. Generally, the younger the age at onset of depression, the higher was the rate of subsequent conversion to
bipolar (see, for example, Rao et al., 1995; Geller et al.,
2001). These issues are detailed in Chapter 4.
We have already noted that some unipolar patients have
bipolar-like coursesnamely early age at onset and frequent recurrences. Akiskal and Mallya (1987) pursued this
observation by examining unipolar patients for depressive
symptoms that might be considered analogous to mania/
hypomania. Koukopoulos and Koukopoulos (1999) described these agitated depressions as depressive mixed
states, a concept that overlaps considerably with agitated
depression (see Chapter 2). Depressive mixed states were
studied more systematically in the RavennaSan Diego
Collaborative Study.29 In that research, only three manichypomanic symptoms were required, the most frequent
being psychomotor agitation (which was not goal directed), distractibility, and racingcrowded (predominantly

Table 12. Estimates of Percent False Unipolar Using Different Cutoff Points
for Unipolar Depression


Angst et al.a















Required Number of
Depressive Episodes

The larger percentages from the Angst et al. data may reflect a sampling bias toward more recurrent
forms of the illness.

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

negative) thoughts, all symptoms traditionally associated

with agitated depression.
The examination of depressive mixed states has accelerated since the first edition of this text was produced. For example, Benazzi (2001) found that 49 percent of his bipolar-II
patients had three or more concurrent manic-like symptoms, versus only 3 percent of his unipolar patients. Likewise, Sato and colleagues (2003) found significantly more
manic-like symptoms in their bipolar depressed patients
especially irritability, racing thoughts, and distractibility
than in their unipolar patients. In their study of 441 bipolar
patients, Bauer and colleagues (2005) found that 70 percent
had clinically significant manic-like symptoms while in
a depressive episode. Maj and colleagues (2003) compared
bipolar-I patients who became agitated when depressed
with those who did not and found that one in four of the
former had other manic-like symptoms, such as racing
thoughts and pressured speech. In a more recent study of
major depressive disorder, Maj and colleagues (2006) compared agitated patients with the same number of nonagitated patients, and found more bipolar relatives among the
former. Serretti and Olgiati (2005) analyzed the patterns of
manic symptoms in 372 patients diagnosed with major
depressive disorder and identified agitated activity as the
most frequent (18 percent), followed by irritable mood
(7 percent), distractibility (3 percent), reduced need for sleep
(2 percent), and reckless activity (2 percent). Note that in
these studies, the most frequent manic symptom identified was psychomotor agitation, which recalls our speculation in the first edition of this text that agitation in unipolar
depression may be analogous to mania in bipolar illness.
However, we noted that manic hyperactivity and depressive
agitation generally connote different phenomena, the former being more variable and goal directed, and the latter
more repetitive, stereotyped, and purposeless.
The contention that these conditions should be called
mixed states (and therefore bipolar) rather than agitated depression can complicate the interpretation of
bipolarunipolar differences because it broadens the concept of bipolarity to include patients without a history of
mania or hypomania. While the finding of an elevated risk
for bipolarity in first-degree relatives of agitated unipolar
patients reinforces the conclusion that activation/agitation
in a subgroup of unipolar patients may be a marker of
a bipolar diathesis, it falls short of being an adequate basis
for designating such unipolar patients as bipolar per se
(Goodwin and Ghaemi, 2000). The contemporary delineation of depressive mixed states harkens back to Kraepelin
(1899), who cited the existence of certain manic-like signs
and symptoms during recurrent depression in some patients as he developed his argument for the essential unity
of the recurrent affective disorders as manic-depressive


illness. Clearly this is a critical issue and one that is central

to the discussion of mood disorders. The centrality of
mixed affective states, along with the belief that recurrence/cyclicity is as or more defining a feature than polarity per se, underscores our use of the more inclusive diagnostic term manic-depressive illness. Future research on
depressive mixed states and their relationship to bipolar disorder will in time clarify which characteristics of depression and mania are most important to differentiating
among and understanding the affective illnesses.

The Primacy of Mania

Koukopoulos (2006) has made a novel suggestion about
the relationship between mania and depression that may
explain the occurrence and frequency of mixed states, as
well as the connection between manic and depressive
episodes in the course of this illness. According to his hypothesis, mania is primary, with depression being the consequence of a preceding mania. Thus according to this
perspective, the recurrent unipolar subgroup of manicdepressive illness does not really exist since all depressive
presentations are preceded by a manic presentation. Obviously, this hypothesis would require a much broader notion of mania than occurs in DSM-IV, one corresponding
to concepts used 100 years ago and into ancient times. In
this model, mania represents any kind of excitement or
agitation. Thus in manias most severe forms, we have
type I bipolar disorder, while in its less severe forms, hypomania or hyperthymic personality precedes depressive
episodes. Even with respect to nonrecurrent major depression, other manifestations of excitation (e.g., stressinduced anxiety conditions) could be seen as precursors of
a later major depressive episode. As with any bold hypothesis, numerous objections can be made to the thesis of
Koukopoulos; however, it is testable, and considering it in
examining the spectrum of mood conditions may be
heuristically useful.

Clinical Differences between Bipolar

and Unipolar Depression
In his early observations, Leonhard noted that his bipolar
patients (proportion of bipolar-I versus -II not specified)
showed more symptomatic variability from episode to
episode than did his recurrent unipolar patients, whose
depressive symptoms he characterized as stereotyped
(Leonhard, 1957). This differential brings to mind more recent comparisons in which bipolar-II depressed patients
have been noted to have less stability and uniformity of
symptoms across episodes than unipolar patients (Hantouche and Akiskal, 2005). Many studies over several decades, the results of which are summarized in Table 13,
have found unipolar and bipolar-I differences over a wide

Table 13. Clinical Differences between Bipolar (Primarily Bipolar-I) and Unipolar Depressions

Clinical Comparisons




Greenhouse and Geisser, 1959; Beigel and

Murphy, 1971a; Brockington et al., 1982;
Mitchell et al., 2001; Sato et al., 2005; Vahip
et al., 2005



Perlis et al., 2006

Somatic complaints


Greenhouse and Geisser, 1959; Beigel and

Murphy, 1971a; Vahip et al., 2002

Psychomotor retardation


Beigel and Murphy, 1971a; Himmelhoch et al.,

1972; Kotin and Goodwin, 1972; Dunner et al.,
1976a; Katz et al., 1982; Mitchell et al., 2001


Popescu et al., 1991; Mitchell et al., 1992

Psychomotor agitation


Greenhouse and Geisser, 1959; Beigel and

Murphy, 1971a; Katz et al., 1982; Kupfer et al.,

Atypical features


Ebert et al., 1993; Perugi et al., 1998c; Agosti

and Stewart, 2001; Benazzi and Akiskal, 2001;
Mitchell et al., 2001; Angst et al., 2002; Ghaemi
et al., 2004; Akiskal and Benazzi, 2005;
Hantouche and Akiskal, 2005


Horwath et al., 1992; Robertson et al., 1995;

Posternak and Zimmerman, 2002; Sullivan
et al., 2002

Appetite loss


Papadimitriou et al., 2002

Depressive mixed states


Benazzi, 2001; Perugi et al., 2001; Maj et al.,

2003; Sato et al., 2003; Akiskal and Benazzi,
2005; Bauer et al., 2005

Symptomatic variability across episodes


Leonhard, 1957; Hantouche and Akiskal, 2005

Mood lability within episode


Brockington et al., 1982a; Hantouche and

Akiskal, 2005



Fava and Rosenbaum, 1999; Deckersbach et al.,

2004; Perlis et al., 2004; Perugi et al., 2004;
Benazzi and Akiskal, 2005

Insomnia (initial)


Mitchell et al., 2001; Hantouche and Akiskal,


Insomnia (late)


Vahip et al., 2002



Mitchell et al., 2001

Postpartum episodes


Reich and Winokur, 1970; Kadrmas et al., 1979

Pain sensitivity


Davis and Buchsbaum, 1981

Fragmented REM sleep


Duncan et al., 1979; Mendelson et al., 1987; Rao

et al., 2002

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness


Table 13. Clinical Differences between Bipolar (Primarily Bipolar-I) and Unipolar Depressions (continued)

Clinical Comparisons


Weight loss


Abrams and Taylor, 1980

Psychotic features


Guze et al., 1975; Akiskal, 1983c ; Coryell et al.,

1985; Endicott et al., 1985; Parker et al., 2000;
Mitchell et al., 2001

Comorbid substance abuse


Regier et al., 1990; Judd et al., 2003a; Marneros

and Goodwin, 2006

BP = bipolar; UP = unipolar.

range of clinical features. We have already noted the heterogeneity in both the bipolar and unipolar groups (especially
the latter), which makes any generalizations difficult to say
the least. In addition to the unknown variability in extent of
recurrence (cycle lengths), most of these studies did not control for differences in severity of depression or age at onset.30
It is worth noting that the comparisons in Table 13 are
predominantly between unipolar and bipolar-I patients
(although several of the studies refer only to bipolar
without specifying subtype). Indeed, it has been suggested
that bipolarunipolar differences become clearer when
the bipolar-II group is excluded. The most widely replicated studies point to a picture of the bipolar-I depressed
patient as having more mood lability, psychotic features,
psychomotor retardation, and comorbid substance abuse.
In contrast, the typical unipolar patient in these studies
had more anxiety, agitation, insomnia, physical complaints, anorexia, and weight loss. As noted in the table,
there are a number of other features for which there is only
one study or conflicting studies; certainly some of the apparent disagreement may be related simply to inadequate
description of the bipolar or unipolar samples.
There is a much smaller body of data on unipolar
bipolar-II comparisons, and most of these data focus on depressive mixed states (more frequent in bipolar-II, as discussed above and in Chapter 2) and on so-called atypical
features. Atypical depression was originally described in
unipolar patients on the basis of a group of symptoms including hypersomnia, increased weight and appetite, leaden
paralysis, interpersonal rejection sensitivity, and preferential
response to monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) (reviewed by Raskin and Crook, 1976). Given the suggestion of
earlier studies that MAOIs are preferentially effective in
bipolar depression (Himmelhoch et al., 1991), an interest in
the relationship between atypical features and bipolar illness has developed. Following up on studies of atypical features reviewed in the first edition, a number of more recent

studies have reported more atypical symptoms in bipolar-II

than in unipolar depressed patients.31 On the other hand,
not all investigators have found such differences.32,33 Some
of these latter studies, however, did not systematically assess
bipolar-II as recommended by Dunner and Tay (1993) and
Ghaemi and colleagues (2002), among others. As noted
above, heterogeneity among samples of unipolar patients is
another potential source of divergent findings. For example,
Benazzi (2003) found that some bipolarunipolar differences depended on the age at onset in the unipolar sample:
only those unipolar patients with later age at onset were
significantly different from the bipolar-II group with respect to bipolar family history, atypical features, number of
episodes, and depressive mixed states.
Another approach to examining the relationship between
atypical depression and bipolar disorder was pursued by
Akiskal and Benazzi (2005). They examined 602 consecutively evaluated outpatients with DSM-IV major depression
(58 percent were bipolar-II,34 42 percent unipolar), 43 percent of whom met DSM-IV criteria for atypical features, in
agreement with the data of Perugi and colleagues (1998a)
and Angst and colleagues (2002). They found a robust association between atypical features (especially leaden paralysis
and hypersomnia) and a bipolar family history.35 In a recent
analysis of this same cohort, Akiskal and Benazzi (2006)
found that hypomania scores (using The Hypomania Interview Guide) were distributed normally, not bimodally and
there was a dose response relationship between these
scores and the extent of bipolar family history, both findings
suggesting that highly recurrent unipolar and bipolar II are
on the same spectrum rather than representing seperate categories. On this basis, Akiskal and Benazzi suggested that
atypical depression may represent a bridge between unipolar and bipolar-II disorder.
Heun and Maier (1993) interviewed 80 bipolar and
108 unipolar patients and 80 controls, along with their firstdegree relatives, and found that while the morbid risk for


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

bipolar-I was equivalent in relatives of the bipolar-I and -II

groups (and was higher for both than for the unipolar
group), the morbid risk for bipolar-II distinguished the
relatives of this group (6.1 percent) from those of the
bipolar-I group (1.8 percent). Like the findings of earlier
studies (Dunner et al., 1976b; Gershon et al., 1982), these
data suggest that bipolar-II may be genetically heterogeneous, some evidence being consistent with categorical integrity (Simpson et al., 1993) and some with a bipolarIbipolar-II spectrum. (These genetic issues are discussed
more thoroughly in Chapter 13.)

Clinical Differences between Bipolar-I

and -II Depressions
In the first edition, we reported on a series of NIMH clinical,
genetic, pharmacological, and biological studies of bipolarunipolar differences in which bipolar-I and -II patients
were analyzed separately (Dunner et al., 1976a; Dunner,
1980). On some measures (for example, a family history of
mania), the bipolar-I and -II groups were similar to one
another and dissimilar to the unipolar patients. On other
measures (for example, age at onset), the bipolar-II group
appeared to be intermediate between the bipolar-I and
unipolar groups. Finally, on some measures (for example,
atypical features of depression), the bipolar-II patients
were more similar to the unipolar than to the bipolar-I patients. One problem limiting interpretation of this interesting series of studies is the fact that the initial diagnosis of
depressive illness was made prior to the availability of formal diagnostic criteria; thus, even though all of the patients
had depressions severe enough to require hospitalization,
the unipolar groups were undoubtedly heterogeneous.
Endicott and colleagues (1985) advanced the field by applying the formal Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) to
122 bipolar-I, 66 bipolar-II, and 104 recurrent unipolar depressed patients (two or more episodes of major depressive disorder). In the earlier study of Dunner and colleagues (1976) of patients hospitalized for depression, the
age at onset of the bipolar-II group was intermediate (consistent with a spectrum based on severity of mania),
whereas in the study of Endicott and colleagues (1985), the
age at onset of the two bipolar groups was similar and different (younger) from that of the unipolar group. On the
other hand, bipolar-II and unipolar patients were similar
(and different from bipolar-I patients) in that both had
higher proportions of time spent depressed, a finding
that was confirmed and extended by the longitudinal
NIMH Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of
Depression-Clinical Studies (Judd et al., 2003c) (see Chapter 4). Bipolar-II females had higher rates of alcoholism
than unipolar or bipolar-I females, consistent with the earlier findings of Dunner and colleagues (1979), and they

were more likely to suffer from premenstrual dysphoria.

Most important, Coryell and colleagues (1984) and Endicott and colleagues (1985) found that bipolar-I and -II patients tended to breed true. That is, bipolar-I patients
tended to have bipolar-I relatives and bipolar-II patients to
have bipolar-II relatives, a finding that is in agreement with
the data of Fieve and colleagues (1984)36 and Simpson and
colleagues (1993) and partly with those of Gershon and
colleagues (1982).
Table 14 updates those findings with studies published
since the first edition. One important question is how these
reported bipolar-Ibipolar-II differences may affect our
understanding of the relationship between unipolar and
bipolar depression and the concept of the manic-depressive
spectrum. Focusing on the most replicated findings, a picture emerges of the bipolar-II patient as more likely to be
female, with less severe but more frequent and more
chronic depressions, shorter interepisode intervals, and
more comorbid anxiety and alcohol abuse (the latter
among females). By contrast, the bipolar-I patient has more
severe and prolonged depressions with more psychosis and
hospitalizations. With regard to age at onset, agitation, irritability, and frequency of rapid cycling, there is no consensus on bipolar-Ibipolar-II differences.
Examining Tables 13 and 14 together, one notes that
bipolar-II is closer to unipolar in some respects (e.g., percent female and time spent depressed), but closer to bipolarI in others (e.g., number of episodes and substance abuse).
As noted earlier, the DSM-IV construct of bipolar-II requires a threshold of 4 or more days. However, findings of
more recent studies suggest that 2 days may be a more appropriate threshold (judged on the basis of external validating strategies, such as age at onset, depressive recurrence,
and familial bipolarity). These are mainly cross-sectional
studies from different clinics in the United States (Akiskal
and Mallya, 1987; Manning et al., 1997) and Italy (Cassano
et al., 1992; Benazzi, 2001). Epidemiologic data reveal that
most hypomanias are of 13 days duration (Wicki and
Angst, 1991). It is interesting to note that if one takes a
dimensional view of hypomania in manic-depressive illness (symptoms rather than syndrome), bipolarrecurrent
unipolar differences are attenuated (Cassano et al., 2004);37
these clinical observations require independent validation
by external markers, such as family history and prospective
Few long-term studies have been conducted with lower
thresholds for hypomania. The two exceptions are derived
from the prospective NIMH Collaborative Program on
the Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies, which
showed, first, longitudinal stability of bipolar-II over time
(Coryell et al., 1995) and, second, no significant differences
in clinical and course parameters when either 2- or 7-day

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness


Table 14. Clinical Differences between Bipolar-I and Bipolar-II


Clinical Comparisons




Time spent in depression

(major and minor)
Interepisode intervals
Number of episodes


Rapid cycling


Psychotic features
Suicide/suicide attempt


Premenstrual dysphoria
Agitation; irritability


Alcohol abuse (females)


Percent female
Severity of depressive episodes
Length of depressive episode
Percent medicated


Dunner et al., 1976b; Hantouche et al., 1998; Judd

et al., 2003c
Endicott et al., 1985; Vieta et al., 1997; Judd et al.,
Judd et al., 2003b
Vieta et al., 1997; Judd et al., 2003c; Akiskal and
Benazzi, 2005
Coryell et al., 1992; Maj et al., 1999; Baldessarini
et al., 2000
Vieta et al., 1997; Coryell et al., 2003
Vieta et al., 1997; Mitchell et al., 2001
Dunner et al., 1976; Goldring and
Fieve, 1984; Arato et al., 1988;
Rihmer and Pestality, 1999
Coryell et al., 1989; Vieta et al., 1997
Endicott et al., 1985
Vieta et al., 1997
Dunner et al., 1976b; Hantouche et al., 1998;
Serretti and Olgiati, 2005
Dunner et al. 1976b; Endicott et al., 1985; Ferrier
et al., 2001
Weissman et al., 1996; Cassano et al., 1999
Coryell et al., 1985; Vieta et al., 1997; Benazzi, 1999
Coryell et al., 1985
Coryell et al., 1985

BP = bipolar.

thresholds were applied to RDC-defined bipolar-II patients

(Judd et al., 2003b). Akiskal and Pinto (1999) suggested
that those with the shortest duration of hypomania are
more unstable and have a highly recurrent course, typically
arising from a cyclothymic temperamental base, which
they designate bipolar-II 12.38 It remains to be seen whether
such continued splitting of diagnostic groups is productive
or is simply confusing to the field. This is an empirical
question, one that will be resolved ultimately by genetic
studies. It is noteworthy that Angst and Gamma (2002),
in defining subthreshold bipolarity, set no thresholds for
the duration of hypomania as long as the hypomania is


The concept of a spectrum is used in two different ways
in the description of affective disorders, both clearly
delineated by Kraepelin. On the one hand, spectrum

conceptualizes a continuum between bipolar and unipolar

illnesshistorically, this is the manic-depressive spectrum.
On the other hand, a spectrum is a way to conceptualize
the relationship between full-blown affective illness, either
bipolar or unipolar, and milder states or characteristics
that might be construed as temperament. When we refer to
the manic-depressive spectrum here, we are using it in this
latter way.
Kraepelin (1921, p. 1) was the first to formally posit a
continuum between the psychotic and less severe of affective disorders, merging imperceptibly with normality (although this concept was implicit among many of the ancient physicians):
Manic-depressive insanity . . . [includes] certain slight
and slightest colourings of mood, some of them periodic,
some of them continuously morbid, which on the one
hand are to be regarded as the rudiment of more severe
disorders, on the other hand pass without sharp boundary
into the domain of personal predisposition. In the course
of the years I have become more and more convinced that


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

all the above-mentioned states only represent manifestations of a single morbid process.

As we noted in the first edition, the classic descriptions

cited in Chapter 2, systematic observations reported in the
literature, and our own research and clinical experience
and that of our colleagues all convince us that the cardinal
features of manic-depressive illness are dimensional, that
is, distributed along a spectrum. Indeed, to give emphasis
to the spectrum concept in the first edition, we devoted a
separate chapter to it. Our 1990 conclusion was echoed by
an international panel of experts that summarized the increasingly rich and sophisticated database supporting
such a spectrum (Akiskal et al., 2000). More recently,
Ghaemi and colleagues (2004) proposed a definition of
bipolar spectrum disorder (or as we would prefer for clarity, the manic-depressive spectrum), which is outlined in
Box 12.
We further explore the spectrum model here because it
introduces concepts that shaped the formal diagnostic systems reviewed in Chapter 3, and it clarifies our own conceptions of manic-depressive illness, implicit in discussions throughout this volume.
Although diagnosis is central to all of medicine, the
assumptions underlying its various meanings are seldom examined. The most common medical classification
modelthe categorical approachposits discrete diagnostic entities or discrete subtypes within a larger diagnostic group. Dimensional approaches, the most common
competing model, characterize the individual patient according to where he or she falls on a number of separate
dimensions. In this model, each individual represents the
point of intersection of multiple parameters. Both models
have gained support from studies using discriminate function analysis and other statistical techniques. Clearly, the
categorical approaches tend to prevail, not because they
are supported more compellingly by the empirical evidence, but because they are much easier to grasp conceptually and to deal with statistically. Indeed, multidimensional
approaches, however eloquently descriptive of an individual patient, will remain essentially unhelpful if they cannot
test generalizationsthat is, be applied to prediction.
Contrary to the common assumption, the categorical
approach does not preclude the concept of a continuum
(Grayson, 1987; Kraemer et al., 2004). A diagnostic category
need not have absolutely discrete and discontinuous boundaries. Let us suppose for the moment that individuals with
depressive disorders are distributed more or less evenly
along a continuum with self-limiting grief reactions on one
end and severe, disabling major depressive illness on the
other (Kendell, 1968; Goodwin, 1977). Even if discontinuity
(i.e., clustering at discrete points along the spectrum) is not

BOX 12. A Proposed Definition of Bipolar

Spectrum Disorder
A. At least one major depressive episode
B. No spontaneous hypomanic or manic episodes
C. Either one of the following, plus at least two items from
criterion D, or both of the following plus one item from
criterion D:
1. A family history of bipolar disorder in a first-degree relative
2. Antidepressant-induced mania or hypomania
D. If no items from criterion C are present, six of the following
nine criteria are needed:
1. Hyperthymic personality (at baseline, nondepressed state)
2. Recurrent major depressive episode (>3)
3. Brief major depressive episodes (on average, <3 months)
4. Atypical depressive features (increased sleep or appetite)
5. Psychotic major depressive episode
6. Early age at onset of major depressive episode (before
age 25)
7. Postpartum depression
8. Antidepressant tolerance (wear-off, acute but not
prophylactic response)
9. Lack of response to >3 antidepressant treatment trials
Source: Ghaemi et al., 2004.

demonstrable, a useful category can still be defined by establishing a minimum (or maximum) threshold of symptoms for inclusion in the category; consider, for example,
hypertension and hypothyroidism. And the pattern of illness characteristicssymptoms, course, family history, and
treatment response, for examplereflects a convergence of
several dimensional variables. Such a model should be acceptable to those who are comfortable with large, internally
variable categoriesthe lumpersas well as to those who
want to create a new category for every variantthe splitters. This conception is simply for the sake of narrative convenience, not to reflect a conviction that any particular
group has discrete, discontinuous boundaries. On the contrary, and as we emphasized in the first edition of this book,
we are impressed with the subtlety of the shadings.39 How
these issues bear on diagnosis is discussed in Chapter 3.
Exploration of spectrum models is important for several reasons. The reliable characterization and validation
of subsyndromal states similar to bipolar illness would enhance research on genetic markers and modes of genetic
transmission, as discussed in Chapter 13, as well as provide
an approach for identifying individuals at risk for the development of full-blown bipolar illness (Alda, 2004). Additionally, a spectrum model would permit the evaluation
of treatments for attenuated variants, including the question of whether early intervention could lessen the chance

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

of progression to bipolar illness. Existing prospective and

retrospective data indicate that approximately one-third of
individuals with subthreshold conditions phenomenologically related to bipolar illness (i.e., cyclothymia) will go on
to develop the full bipolar syndrome (Akiskal et al., 1979a,
1995; Depue et al., 1981, 1989; Cassano et al., 2002, 2004).
The possibility that this progression may be hastened by
treatment with antidepressant drugs (see Chapter 19) lends
further urgency to identifying subsyndromal precursors of
bipolar disorder. Indeed, the term bipolar spectrum, which
conveys the continuum of cyclothymia with bipolar-II and
with hypomanias associated with antidepressants, is a logical extension of concepts laid out long ago by Kraepelin
and his predecessors.
The concepts of secondary depression and secondary
mania have received considerable attention because they
are important to differential diagnosis (see Chapter 3) and
because they may shed light on the pathophysiology of
mood states (see Chapter 14). Reexamined in light of spectrum models, secondary mania and depression, like their
primary counterparts, also appear to be expressions of an
underlying diathesis, but a weaker one, which therefore requires a greater perturbation to be expressed clinically.
This possibility is most credible in the case of pharmacologically induced hypomanias.
Bearing on the concept of a manic-depressive spectrum
(i.e., the relationship between unipolar and bipolar illness), recent data from the French national EPIDEP (Epidemiology of Depression) study (Akiskal et al., 2003a)
suggest a familial vulnerability for hypomania associated
with antidepressant pharmacotherapy, which is similar to
that for spontaneous bipolar-II disorder (see Table 11),
but one that is probably less severe than that associated
with spontaneous hypomanic episodes. For this reason,
Akiskal and colleagues (2003a) have suggested the term
bipolar-III for this group of patients. A prospective study
by Kovacs and colleagues (1994) showed that many dysthymic children followed up beyond puberty do switch to
hypomania and/or mania even without pharmacological
treatment. These data suggest a threshold of vulnerability
among subjects with early-onset dysthymia that may not
routinely require external triggers, such as antidepressants.
Along the same lines, Akiskal and colleagues (1979b) reported that familial affective loading (defined as more
than three affected members in a pedigree) predicted
those neurotic depressives who progressed to hypomania and/or mania during prospective follow-up. In another study, Akiskal and colleagues (1978) followed 100
outpatients with mild depressive statesvariously referred
to as neurotic, reactive, or situationalfor 3 to 4
years. They found that 40 percent developed a major affective disorder, and nearly half of these were bipolar.


The terminology applied to the soft bipolar spectrum

includes overlapping conditions in the less-than-manic
range. The soft spectrum includes Dunner and colleagues
(1980) bipolar, not otherwise specified, as well as conditions described by Akiskal and Akiskal (1988) as depressions
arising from cyclothymic and hyperthymic temperament. In
addition, it includes hypomanic reactions occurring during
antidepressant and other somatotherapies for depression.
An elevated risk for familial bipolarity (Cassano et al.,
1992; Akiskal, 2001) represents the main external validation
of the bipolar nature of these soft phenotypes. Akiskal
and colleagues (2003a) and Hantouche and colleagues
(2003a) have suggested that within the broadly conceived
cyclothymic temperamental domain there are dark and
sunny types. Although family history for bipolar disorder is equally high in both groups, in clinical practice
bipolar-II associated with the darker core cyclothymic
temperament is more likely to be diagnosed as a personality disorder. There is little justification for this practice, because as in the case of full-blown bipolar patients, those
with spectrum diagnoses in the broad cyclothymicbipolar-II realm are equally likely to engage in dramatic and
socially inappropriate behaviors (Akiskal, 1994; Deltito et
al., 2001). In the end, it may not be easy to distinguish
among clinical, subclinical, subthreshold, and personality
expressions of bipolarity (Akiskal et al., 1979a; Sass et al.,
1993; Akiskal, 2001). Again, it is important to stress that although the spectrum concept is essential, there must be
concern that the spectrum of bipolarity can become so far
extended that it becomes theoretically and clinically meaningless (if not actually damaging, as would be the case with
a diagnostic overinclusiveness resulting in the inappropriate diagnosis and treatment of individuals with intense
normal variants of temperament).
The Akiskal and Pinto (1999) formulation acknowledging more subtle intermediary forms, a formulation indebted to the observations of many earlier clinicians and
investigators, captures the dilemmas of the clinician and
the researcher working within a spectrum model of bipolar illness from the most severe (mood-incongruent mania) to the least severe (hyperthymic temperament). Similar
dilemmas are encountered when exploring the manicdepressive spectrum between bipolar disorder and unipolar depression.
Using both clinical and nonclinical populations of college students, Depue and colleagues developed a systematic approach to the evaluation of subsyndromal affective
states, focusing particularly on bipolar forms. The touchstone of this series of studies was the development of the
General Behavioral Inventory (GBI), a self-report measure
of traits that can assess the pattern of cyclothymia over
time (Depue et al., 1981; Depue and Klein, 1988). Each of its


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

73 items, drawn from clinical descriptions of hypomania

and depression and focused on lability, incorporates the
dimensions of intensity, duration, and frequency. (The
GBI is described in more detail in Chapter 11.) GBI scores
for depression are distributed across normal, cyclothymic,
and bipolar-II populations; each group merges imperceptibly into the other, consistent with the concept of a spectrum.40 These studies imply that the concept of a depressive spectrum applies equally to bipolar and unipolar
depression, challenging the conventional wisdom that
neurotic depression should be subsumed entirely in the
unipolar spectrum.
Unfortunately, the cyclothymic scale introduced by
Depue and colleagues did not command sufficient interest
in the literature, conceivably because its system for assessing
mood lability, intensity, and cyclicity was quite elaborate.
A new instrument was subsequently developed to measure
the broader temperamental domain of bipolarity (Akiskal
et al., 1998b): the temperament scale of Memphis, Pisa,
Paris, and San Diego (TEMPS), which, while lacking the
psychometric sophistication and strong validating research base of the GBI, appears to be somewhat less unwieldy from a psychometric standpoint and represents
the dominant tendency for each of the cyclothymic, hyperthymic, irritable, and depressive types.41
As noted earlier, and as elaborated in Chapter 2 on clinical description, Kraepelin described a manic temperament, which he originally termed constitutional excitement. The antithesis of the depressive temperament, the
manic temperament, at its most severe, was defined as a
handicapping condition marked by desultory, incoherent,
and aimless thought; hasty and shallow judgment; restlessness; and exalted, careless, and confident mood. Kraepelin
viewed the manic temperament as a link in the long chain
of manic-depressive dispositions, which in its least severe
form could still be considered normal.
Akiskal and colleagues (1979a) characterizedand psychometrically validated (Akiskal et al., 1998b)the most
discriminatory features of what they termed the hyperthymic temperament, representing the softest expression
of Kraepelins manic type. Like cyclothymia, hyperthymia
represents a trait and possibly a lifelong disposition, with
a familial excess of bipolar disorder as compared with
depressive states without bipolar temperaments (Cassano
et al., 1992; Akiskal, 2001; Akiskal et al., 2005). Unlike the
studies of Kagan and colleagues (see Chapter 10), however,
these studies of temperament have not been carried out
across the lifetime or in a prospective context, which limits
our understanding of the relationship among measured
hyperthymia, subsyndromal illness, and actual illness.
In his discussion of the manic spectrum based on
cross-sectional observations, Klerman (1981) described a

continuum from normal happiness or joy through cyclothymic personality, nonpsychotic hypomania, and psychotic mania. It is clear, however, that this string of states
does not reflect a spectrum of ever-increasing happiness
and joy, since these pleasant emotions are replaced by qualitatively very different moods and sensations as one crosses
the line from hypomania into mania. Klermans recommendation that the term elations be used to encompass
the spectrum of mania emphasizes mood over other important features, such as energy level, activity, behavior, and
cognition. As noted earlier, the terminology can be confusing. In Klermans spectrum, cyclothymic personality falls
between normal happiness and hypomania. In DSM-IV, a
diagnosis of cyclothymia requires hypomanic episodes. In
this diagnostic system, cyclothymia is differentiated from
bipolar-II major affective disorder on the basis of its less
severe depressions, which do not meet criteria for major
depressive disorder. Using elation as the criterion for the
manic spectrum also is reminiscent of older formulations
in which depression and mania were at opposite ends of a
continuum, with normal in the middle. Such a continuum
is quite limited as a model, primarily because it cannot account for mixed states, which, as discussed in Chapter 2,
are quite common. Some believe it preferable to consider
the depressive and manic spectra as independent and
capable of interacting in a variety of combinations and
permutations.42 It is interesting that in both the Endicott
(1989) and the Angst and Gamma (2002) schema, the manicdepressive spectrum is dominated by depressive recurrences, with very mild and short hypomanias. This conception is in line with our view that recurrence and cyclicity
are more fundamental than polarity, which in turn accords
with Kraepelins nosologic position. We remain concerned,
however, that relatively little research has been conducted
on the continuum of manic states (Jamison, 2004), a concern we expressed in the first edition of this text.
As reviewed in Chapter 2, severe psychotic features, including mood incongruence, are extensively documented
for bipolar patients in both the classical and the recent literature. The boundary between severe mania and schizobipolar disorder is not clear (see Chapter 3). Suffice it to
say that new data appear to be consistent with the view that
schizobipolar patients lie on a continuum with severe mania, whether one examines family history (Van Eerdewegh
et al., 1987; Toni et al., 2001) or course (Cutting, 1990).
If we integrate the depressive and manic spectra, we can
construct an overall spectrum of bipolar illness. At one
end is cyclothymic personality; then cyclothymic disorder
(bipolar, other in Dunners terms or md in Angsts terms43);
followed by bipolar-II disorder (mD or bipolar disorder,
not otherwise specified, in DSM-IV); then Md (often
misdiagnosed as unipolar mania); and finally MD (i.e.,

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

bipolar-I), which is the core critical bipolar disorder.44

Figure 11 illustrates this spectrum by displaying the mood
variation characteristic of each subgroup. Note that in this
spectrum, we implicitly consider mania to be more severe
than depression, since the Md form is closer than mD
(bipolar-II) to the severe end of the spectrum. Current international data indicate that much of the bipolar spectrum is in the midrealm (type II) and beyond.45
As presented here, the spectra are only descriptive. They
do not necessarily imply a progression, nor do they require
that all these states share some unitary relationship. Individuals fitting the description of cyclothymic personality,
for example, may have a family history or response to treatment unrelated to bipolar-I disorder. The data reviewed
in this chapter suggest, however, that a large percentage of
individuals with soft or subsyndromal states apparently
analogous to bipolar disorder do indeed belong in the
bipolar spectrum by virtue of their positive family history
and their tendency to progress to full clinical disorder.
While those on the soft end of the spectrum may not be
bipolar in the formal sense of having a history of diagnosable mania or hypomania, many of them no doubt have
a bipolar diathesis.
Once we move beyond the temperaments into cyclothymic disorder (described more fully in Chapter 2),
the evidence argues compellingly for the inclusion of cyclothymic disorder in the bipolar spectrum. Cycles of mood
and energy can continue indefinitely, constituting a mild
form of bipolar illness, or they can progress to a more
severe expression of the disorder, sometimes after years.
As noted in Chapter 2, Kraepelin assumed that cyclothymia is part of the bipolar spectrum, and modern investigators46 have argued persuasively for its inclusion on

the basis of (1) family history data linking cyclothymia with

the more severe forms of bipolar illness, (2) overlap and
similarity of symptom patterns between cyclothymia and
bipolar disorder, (3) comparability of rates for pharmacologically induced hypomania, and (4) the subsequent development of full syndromal illness in many patients initially
diagnosed as cyclothymic. In some instances, cyclothymia
can be regarded as a milder expression of bipolar illness and
in others as a precursor to the full syndrome.
Some bipolar-II patients show considerable erratic
character pathology (often referred to as cluster B or
borderlinesee Chapters 2 and 10), interepisode lability,
and related problems of substance abuse. Conventional
wisdom (e.g., DSM-IV) would suggest that an intrinsic association of these features with bipolar disorder is less convincing, on the assumption that such features are simply a
consequence of the fact that bipolar-II patients often lead
chaotic lives, have poor or unpredictable social support
systems, and fail to adhere to medications.47 Nonetheless,
new findings from the French EPIDEP study, as described in
Chapter 2, suggest that from a familial standpoint, these patients may be as bipolar as those with bipolar-II. Perugi and
colleagues (1999, 2003) have proposed a common link
among these cyclothymic traits, borderline personality,
and atypical depression.
Criticism notwithstanding, the concept of a manicdepressive spectrum appears to be shaping a new paradigm,
much of it extending into the domain of traditional depressive disorders. Indeed, whether one examines bipolar pedigrees (Gershon et al., 1982; Tsuang et al., 1985), offspring of
bipolars (Akiskal et al., 1985), epidemiologic samples (Angst
et al., 2003), or the microstructure of the course of bipolar-I
and -II disorders (Judd et al., 2002, 2003b), bipolar illness is


Total Mood Variation

Figure 11. Range of total mood variation by subgroup.


Dm Md


D dm

d m



Clinical Description and Diagnosis

dominated by depressive symptomotology.48 In this respect, bipolar-I and -II appear to be quite similar (Judd
et al., 2003a). This is where a great deal of the disability
associated with the illness appears to residein the subdepressive symptomotology between episodes (Altshuler et al.,
2002). Given that the depressive dominance is found in epidemiologic samples and in pedigree and family studies, one
cannot criticize the foregoing clinical studies on the basis of
tertiary referral bias, by which the more depression-prone
bipolar patients are retained in follow-up studies. As detailed in Chapter 2, the depressive phase of bipolar disorder
and depressive presentations in clinical practice represent a
highly important aspect of bipolarity.
The spectrum concept is not just a recent peculiarity of
the clinical and research focus on soft bipolarity. As reviewed here and in Chapter 2, these concepts are ancient.
Indeed, it has been suggested that all major mental disorders can perhaps best be characterized in spectrum models
(Maser and Akiskal, 2002). As noted earlier, Baldessarini
(2000) criticized the concept of a broad bipolar spectrum
on methodological grounds, arguing that it risks diluting
the concept of bipolar disorder, thereby reducing the rigor
of contemporary research. We agree. It is true that most
authors cited by Baldessarini as having made major contributions to the field (from Aretaeus on) endorsed a
broad conceptualization of manic-depressive illness; as
we noted earlier, however, manic-depressive spectrum
denotes something different from bipolar spectrum.
While the more recently proposed soft forms of bipolarity make some clinical and intuitive sense to us, they still
require considerably more research from a wider range of
independent research groups focused on external validators, especially family history, treatment response, and
long-term outcome. For the clinician dealing with individuals, deciding whether one is encountering one end of a
normal range of behavior, a personality disorder, or manicdepressive illness requiring treatment remains a challenge.

The existence of the softer phenotypes on the fringes of
classic or hard bipolar phenotypes that encroach into the
territory of unipolar depression indicates the need for at
least a partial return to the unitary Kraepelinian concept
of manic-depressive illness. While some view the bipolar
spectrum as the modern heir of this classic broader position, subsuming all conditions under the rubric of bipolar is a less than totally satisfactory way to emphasize the
close relationship between bipolar illness and highly recurrent unipolar depression (many patients with the latter
condition, after all, remain nonbipolar in the usual sense).

If our diagnostic systems were to return to the Kraepelinian position of taking recurrence as the first principle for
organizing the affective disorders (as we propose in Chapter 3), one would not have to posit that all early-onset recurrent depressions are part of the bipolar spectrum.
On the other hand, contemporary studies49 of depressive
mixed states appear to provide some empirical support
for Kraepelins descriptions of excited depression and
depression with flight of ideas, apparently representing
those highly recurrent unipolar patients who, despite not
having a history of manic or hypomanic episodes, may
have enough manic-like features when depressed, as well
as sufficient bipolarity in their family histories, to be considered part of the bipolar spectrum in the sense of having
some bipolar diathesis. For conceptualizing the relationship
between bipolar disorder per se and recurrent depressive
disorders, however, we still prefer the Kraepelinian concept of manic-depressive illness because it is unitary; all
recurrent affective illness is encompassed, although Kraepelin anticipated the later bipolarunipolar subdivision.
Indeed, while much future research needs to be conducted
to fully validate the concept of a manic-depressive spectrum, the pendulum appears to have shifted distinctly in
favor of the Kraepelinian position, which includes much of
the domain of frequently recurrent depression under the
broad manic-depressive rubric.
Finally, we should reiterate why the exploration of spectrum models of manic-depressive illness is so important.
First, for the bipolar subgroup, validation of subsyndromal
states will enhance research on genetic markers and modes
of genetic transmission. Second, it will allow the identification of individuals potentially at risk for the development
of full bipolar illness, opening up the possibility of trials of
early interventions that could reduce the likelihood of progression. Lastly, the model of a manic-depressive spectrum
increases clinicians awareness of the close relationship between bipolar illness and some forms of unipolar depression (an understanding that has been undermined by the
structure of DSM-IV). It is only this awareness that can
help the clinician avoid the all-too-common misdiagnosis
of bipolar patients as unipolar, a mistake that can lead to
the almost always ill-advised treatment decision, discussed
in Chapter 19, of administering an antidepressant in the
absence of a mood stabilizer.

1. The authors acknowledge a deep intellectual debt to the great
German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin. Kraepelin, the son of an
actor, was born in 1856 in Neustrelitz, near the Baltic Sea. His
older brother Karl, a biology teacher, influenced Emils decision to become a doctor and an academician. Interested in

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness

psychiatry while still at the Wrzburg Medical School, Kraepelin, upon graduation in 1878, studied with the neuroanatomists Bernard von Gudden and P. E. Flechsig. He then
turned to experimental psychophysiological research, under
the tutelage of Wilhelm Wundt. He held psychiatric hospital
appointments in Munich, Leubus, and Dresden. In 1886, he
became professor of psychiatry in Dorpat, then moved to the
same position in Heidelberg in 1890 and to Munich in 1904
[or 1903?]. In 1922, he retired from teaching and became head
of the Research Institute of Psychiatry in Munich.
According to Alexander and Selesnick (1966), Kraepelins
training, personality, and dedication were well suited to the
task of classifying and generalizing the myriad clinical observations made during the nineteenth century: He learned
early to respect authority, order, and organization. . . .
Imperial German psychiatry was said to have gained its
prominence under the chancellorship of Kraepelin, one of
Bismarcks admirers (pp. 162163). As Bismarck unified
Germany, Kraepelin brought order to the balkanized psychiatry of the turn of the century. The first edition of his textbook, which he continued to revise throughout his life, was
published in 1883. In succeeding editions, he refined and expanded the textbook from the brief outline of the first edition to the 2,425 pages of the ninth edition, published in 1927,
a year after his death. The textbook was notable for its division of major psychiatric illness into two categories and for
its emphasis on prognosis. The third and fourth parts of
the eighth edition, covering manic-depressive insanity and
paranoia, were published separately in 1921, and it is that
monograph that is cited throughout this book.
Zilboorg (1941), from his psychoanalytical perspective,
summarized the personal observations of Kraepelin from
those who knew him personally:
[They] tell of his rather pleasant, responsive personality, of his tactful ability in bringing people together to
work as an organized group, and of his great gifts as a
teacher; yet it is curious that his scientific personality
was so very detached, almost distant from the inner life
of the patient. To Kraepelin a mentally sick person
seems to have been a collection of symptoms. He was
a true son of the great, energetic, and creative age that
was interested greatly in humanity but comparatively
little in man. Perhaps this trait in Kraepelin as a psychiatrist, which today would be considered a defect, was
the very characteristic which helped rather than hindered him in the creation of his great system and school.
He was able to collect and to study thousands of case
histories, covering not only the story of each illness, but
the history of each patients life before the illness and
a follow-up history of his life after he left the hospital.
Dealing with such large masses of data, Kraepelin was
able to sort out everything these many individuals had
in common, leaving out of consideration the purely individual data. He thus arrived at an excellent general
picture, at a unique perspective of a mental illness as a
whole. But he seems to have been almost unaware that
in his careful study he lost the individual. (p. 452)
Berrios and Hauser (1988) took issue with this assessment, noting the great depth and beauty of Kraepelins late


conceptual writing. They quoted from a 1920 work: If these

observations approximate the truth we will have to look for
the key to the understanding of the clinical picture primarily
in characteristics of the individual patient . . . his expectations play a decisive role.
2. For the material in this section we are indebted to the historians in our field, especially to Jackson (1986) and Roccatagliata
(1986) for their extensive scholarship. Whitwell (1936), in his
modestly titled Historical Notes on Psychiatry, provided translations of ancient manuscripts and insights into the apparent
manic-depressive symptoms of literary and historical figures,
such as Orestes, Saul, and Herod the Great. Although not as
sharply focused on affective illness, other sources have
proved valuable in understanding the historical context in
general medicine and psychiatry; they include Ackerknecht
(1959, 1982), Zilboorg (1941), Alexander and Selesnick (1966),
and Wightman (1971).
3. Medical historians believe that the works attributed to Hippocrates probably represent the work of his school. According to Ackerknecht (1982, p. 55), for example:
From fifty to seventy books were later attributed to
Hippocrates, and in the third century B.C. they were
collected in Alexandria into the Corpus Hippocraticum.
It is not known which of these books, if any, were actually written by the great physician. As a matter of fact,
none of them contains the ideas attributed to him in
the writings of Plato and Menon.
4. Quoted by Whitwell (1936, p. 212) from Pratensis Jason: De
cerebri morbis (Basil), 1549.
5. According to Jackson (1986, p. 100), Marsilius Ficinus (Marsilio Ficino) was a fifteenth-century philosopher, physician,
and priest who revitalized Aristotles views with far-reaching
effects on his own and later times.
6. Despite the presence of schizophrenic-like symptoms during
the manic episodes, the diagnosis of manic-depressive illness
was confirmed on follow-up. Demographic data suggested
that the patients in this study were like manic-depressive patients in other studies in relapse frequency, duration of illness, and other features.
7. Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 263) from Baillarger, 1854, p. 352.
8. Quoted by Jackson (1986, p. 268) from Ritti, A.: Circular insanity. In A Dictionary of Psychological Medicine Giving the
Definition, Etymology and Synonyms of Terms Used in Medical Psychology, with the Symptoms, Treatment and Pathology
of Insanity and the Law of Lunacy in Great Britain and Ireland, edited by D. Hack Tuke, 2 vols. (Philadelphia: P. Blakiston), 1892, p. 214.
9. Some psychoanalytic writers implied that different phases of
manic-depressive illness were linked through some underlying mechanism. Prominent here is the conception of mania
as a defense against depression (see Chapter 11). This analytical formulation, reminiscent of the earliest observations that
mania grew out of melancholia, could be said to have anticipated the current continuum model.
10. Some investigators (e.g., Koukopoulos et al., 1983; Akiskal
and Akiskal, 1988; Cassano et al., 1988) focused on the opposite temperamentsdepressive and hyperthymicand
proposed that a fundamental characteristic of bipolarity is
the shift from one temperamental state into the opposite









Clinical Description and Diagnosis

extreme in the form of an episode. Thus, depressive temperaments are vulnerable to a swing into hypomania or mania, whereas those with hyperthymic temperaments are
likely to swing into depressions. According to Akiskal and
colleagues (1998b), such propensities may serve as the basis
for mixed states (see Chapter 2).
The very existence of depressive mixed states (isolated intradepressive manic symptoms) argued for a continuum,
which is consistent with the contemporary work of Benazzi
and Akiskal (2001) and Sato and colleagues (2003).
Although not incompatible with Kraepelins descriptions of
manic-depressive illness, Meyers approach implied a different conceptual framework. The Meyerians, although allowing for the operation of biological and genetic factors, understood them as part of an individuals vulnerability to specific
psychological and social influences. This perspective was
symbolized by the rubric manic-depressive reaction in the
first official diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric
Association, published in 1952.
This would apply most clearly to German and British psychiatry, perhaps less so to French psychiatry (Leff, 1977).
This emphasis on presenting episode rather than course was
somewhat ironic, because Meyers own writings emphasized
a longitudinal perspective.
Primary is defined as depression in the absence of any preexisting or antecedent psychiatric or medical disorder.
At any rate, from a clinical and epidemiologic standpoint,
current data indicate that the foregoing depressive dichotomies
are best regarded as part of a depressive spectrum (Judd and
Akiskal, 2000).
To Bleuler, a patient was predominantly schizophrenic or
predominantly manic-depressive. Patients were distributed
all along this spectrum, and an individual patient could be at
different points on the spectrum at different times.
Compared with unipolar patients, bipolar depressed patients
were reported to have lower ratings of anxiety, anger, and
physical complaints (Beigel and Murphy, 1971b); more psychomotor retardation (Beigel and Murphy, 1971b; Himmelhoch et al., 1972; Kotin and Goodwin, 1972; Dunner et al.,
1976a; Katz et al., 1982); lower levels of measured physical activity (Kupfer et al., 1974); and more total sleep time (Hartmann, 1968; Kupfer et al., 1972; Duncan et al., 1979).
Winokur divided his primary unipolar patients (none of
whom had a family history of mania) into familial pure depressive disease (FPDD), sporadic pure depressive disease
(SPDD), and depression spectrum disease (DSD). (Primary
was defined as depression in the absence of any preexisting
or antecedent psychiatric or medical disorder.) The two pure
types had no other preceding psychiatric diagnoses and no
alcoholism among first-degree relatives. The distinction between them was that FPDD patients had a first-degree relative with primary depression, whereas SPDD patients did
not. DSD patients were those with alcoholism or antisocial
personality among first-degree (male) relatives; they were
predominantly female patients with early onset. Winokur
(1980) suggested that genetically, the FPDD subtype was
closely related to bipolar illness.
Akiskal, 1981, 1983a, 1998; Benazzi, 1997, 2001, 2003; Akiskal
and Pinto, 1999; Angst and Marneros, 2001; Benazzi and
Akiskal, 2001, 2003; Marneros, 2001; Hantouche et al.,

21. Some of the differences among individual manic-depressive

patients reflect differences in the illness per se, whereas others
reflect the interaction of the illness with individual characteristics, some of which certainly involve genetic differences unrelated to manic-depressive illness. The reactiveendogenous
and neuroticpsychotic dichotomies (or spectra) should not
be taken simply as a reflection of differential severity, that is,
from mild to severe in consequences for the patient. As observed by Lewis (1936, p. 998):
It may be said, simply, that severe emotional upsets ordinarily tend to subside, but that mild emotional states,
when often provoked or long maintained, tend to persist, as it were, autonomously. Hence the paradox that a
gross blatant psychosis may do less damage in the long
run than some meager neurotic incubus: a dramatic attack of mania or melancholia, with delusions, wasting,
hallucinations, wild excitement and other alarms, may
have far less effect on the course of a mans life than
some deceptively mild affective illness which goes on so
long that it becomes inveterate. The former comes as a
catastrophe, and when it has passed the patient takes up
his life again, active, cheerful, normal in every way,
while with the latter he may never get rid of his burden.
22. Akiskal et al., 1977, 1979a; Depue et al., 1981; Egeland and
Hotstetter, 1983; Akiskal and Pinto, 1999; Angst and Marneros,
2001; Marneros, 2001; Ghaemi et al., 2002.
23. It is possible that the high bipolar/unipolar ratio in Egelands
Amish data reflects special genetic factors limited to that
population. As noted below, however, Angsts (1978) group
also found a 1:1 ratio of bipolar to unipolar illness when the
sample was followed for many years and hypomania was ascertained.
24. Ghaemi et al., 1999; Goldberg et al., 2001; Dilsaver and
Akiskal, 2005; Hantouche and Akiskal, 2005; Rybakowski et
al., 2005; Sharma et al., 2005; Smith et al., 2005.
25. Some bipolarunipolar differences become more clear when
bipolar-II is deleted from the comparison.
26. In their second study, however, Abrams and Taylor (1979)
found a higher morbid risk for unipolar depression in unipolar manic patients compared with bipolar patients.
27. The method relied on reports of the manic patients themselves at or near admission, presumably while they were still
ill. Davenport and colleagues (1979) at NIMH showed (as
common sense would suggest) that manic patients report
substantially fewer past depressive episodes than their families remember.
28. Akiskal et al., 1995, 2005; Coryell et al., 1995; Goldberg et al.,
2001; Angst et al., 2005.
29. Benazzi and Akiskal, 2001; Maj et al., 2003; Akiskal and Benazzi, 2004; Biondi et al., 2005; Sato et al., 2005; Serretti and
Olgiati, 2005.
30. Even in the study by Katz and colleagues (1982), which employed prior screening by the Research Diagnostic Criteria
(RDC) (see Chapter 3), greater heterogeneity in the unipolar
group is plausible since the research criteria allowed for
sleep and appetite changes in either direction. In fact,
Kupfer and colleagues (1975), examining unipolar depressed
patients with a variety of clinical and personality measures,
described a subgroup with symptoms similar to those of

Conceptualizing Manic-Depressive Illness





bipolar depression. Like bipolar patients, these unipolar

depressed patients were more retarded, had lower levels of
anxiety, and ate and slept more. They, like the bipolar patients, had been hospitalized more often in the past than the
unipolar patients, although the incidence of past depressive
episodes, suicide attempts, and substance abuse was similar
for all the patients. Kupfer suggested that this subgroup of
unipolar patients may share some common biological and
pharmacological response characteristics with bipolar patients. Overlapping with this grouping are the unipolar
patients described by Winokur and Clayton (1967) as having
familial pure depressive disease and by Mendels (1976) as
pseudounipolar. In a similar vein, Benazzi (2003) described a group of early-onset unipolar patients who, unlike
later-onset patients, were very similar to his bipolar-II
Ebert et al., 1993; Perugi et al., 1998a; Serretti et al., 1998;
Akiskal et al., 2000; Agosti and Stewart, 2001; Mitchell et al.,
2001; Angst et al., 2002; Benazzi, 2003; Ghaemi et al., 2004;
Akiskal and Benazzi, 2005; Hantouche and Akiskal, 2005.
Horwath et al., 1992; Robertson et al., 1996; Levitan 1997;
Posternak and Zimmerman, 2002; Sullivan et al., 2002.
The negative studies generally involved small and/or unbalanced samples.
The DSM IV criteria were modified to require only 2 days for
Other features that have been reported to differentiate
unipolar from bipolar-II patients are irritability and agitation, symptoms that overlap with the concept of depressive
mixed states.
Unpublished data cited by Dunner (1987).
In the Cassano et al. study (2004), recurrent unipolar patients endorsed a substantial number of manic/hypomanic
symptoms over their lifetimes.
Hantouche and colleagues (2003b) and Akiskal and colleagues (2003b) have argued for the existence of such a
bipolar-II variant on the basis of clinical, psychometric, and
temperamental characteristics; further, the bipolar nature of
the more unstable bipolar-II 12 patients is suggested by the
observation that the rates of familial bipolarity in bipolar-II
and bipolar-II 12 groups are highly similar.
Even within categories, variation always occurs. Cantor and
Genero (1986, p. 236) pointed out that the natural categories into which human beings organize their perceptual
experiences do not have obvious necessary and sufficient
criterial properties, so that boundaries between closely related categories are ill-defined. People find it extraordinarily
difficult or impossible to specify criteria for common object
categories, such as furniture, birds, fruit, or clothing. Instead,
they identify correlated features that imply a continuum of
category membership, ranging from a prototype (an apple is
a very typical fruit, for example) to a more atypical member
(a tomato is a fruit often thought to be a vegetable). Assigning such atypical members to one category or another can be
difficult, and the overlap of characteristic features from one
category to another also runs counter to the intuitive notion
of well-defined, orthogonal categories with clearly demarcated boundaries.


40. With appropriate cut-off scores, the GBI can be used for case
identification in either nonclinical or clinical populations. It
may be particularly useful in family studies. For example,
evaluated against clinically determined DSM-III diagnoses,
the GBI was found to have a sensitivity of 90 percent and a
specificity of 98 percent when used with adolescent offspring
of bipolar-I parents and parents with nonaffective major psychiatric diagnoses (Klein et al., 1986b). Originally structured
to identify only bipolar affective states, the GBI has been
broadened to apply to the separation of bipolar from unipolar subjects with considerable success (Depue et al., 1989).
41. TEMPS exists in an interview format (TEMPS-I) (Akiskal
et al., 1998a; Placidi et al., 1998) and a self-rated autoquestionnaire version (TEMPS-A) (Akiskal and Akiskal, 2005). The
cutoffs, determined by extreme distributions based on z-scores
(corresponding to +2 standard deviations), represent individuals at putative risk for clinical bipolar disorder. Akiskal (1995)
actually proposes that temperaments can both provoke and
react to life events, thereby leading to complex life situations,
emotional arousal, and, eventually, affective episodes. This
viewpoint is supported by data on juvenile subjects indicating
that cyclothymic reactivity is associated with stress, anxiety,
and behavioral disturbances (Signoretta et al., 2005). Only
new research will reveal the extent to which the promise of
TEMPS-A will be justified. Such research is in progress.
42. Joffe et al., 1999; Angst and Marneros, 2001; Angst et al., 2003.
43. The DSM-III-R category bipolar disordernot otherwise
specified, was originally meant to apply to bipolar-II patients; however, many such patients meet DSM-III-R criteria
for bipolar major affective disorder, given that the criteria
for major depression are broad enough to encompass a
wide range of severity. On the other hand, cyclothymia in
DSM-III-R reflects a milder state, referred to by Dunner as
cyclothymic personality, that is also milder than the
cyclothymia described by Akiskal.
44. More recently, using nonclinical community samples, Angst
(1991) identified recurrent brief depression (RBD) or recurrent brief hypomania (RBM), each with a minimum of 12
episodes a year. He suggested that these are part of the bipolar spectrum.
45. Akiskal and Mallya, 1987; Cassano et al., 1992; Simpson et al.,
1993; Benazzi, 1997; Manning et al., 1997; Hantouche et al.,
1998; Angst and Gamma, 2002; Mainia et al., 2002.
46. Akiskal et al., 1977, 1978, 1979a, 1983: Depue et al., 1978;
Waters, 1979; Akiskal, 1981, 1983a,b.
47. As detailed in Chapter 21, nonadherence is a major problem
for both bipolar-I and bipolar-II patients, although the factors that contribute to it may be different in each group.
48. This predominance of depression in bipolar disorder might
be reconciled with the proposal of Koukopoulos and others
that mania represents the underlying state in bipolar disorder by noting that many depressions in the bipolar spectrum
involve activation and other manic-like symptoms.
49. The widespread use of effective pharmacological treatments,
along with earlier recognition, probably accounts for the fact
that contemporary studies of manic-depressive illness are
more dependent on outpatient samples, whereas earlier studies were predominantly of inpatients.

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Clinical Description

[N]otwithstanding manifold external differences certain common fundamental features yet

recur in all the morbid states mentioned. Along with changing symptoms, which may appear
temporarily or may be completely absent, we meet in all forms of manic-depressive insanity
a quite definite, narrow group of disorders, though certainly of very varied character and
composition. Without any one of them being absolutely characteristic of the malady, still in
association they impress a uniform stamp on all the multiform clinical states.
Emil Kraepelin (1921, p. 2)

To understand manic-depressive illnessto diagnose it

accurately and to treat it effectivelyrequires close familiarity with what Kraepelin calls the common fundamental
features of the disease. This chapter gives a general clinical
description of hypomania and mania, bipolar depression
and recurrent unipolar depression, and mixed states, as
well as the cyclothymic and other temperamental traits
that often underlie these states. Clinical description is approached from three perspectives: that of uniquely experienced classic clinical observers, such as Kraepelin; that of
manic-depressive patients themselves (especially the bipolar subgroup); and that of contemporary investigators who
have conducted data-based clinical studies. By combining
these perspectives (at the unavoidable cost of some redundancy), we hope to capitalize on the descriptive and heuristic strengths of each while avoiding the limitations of any
one alone.
We have chosen to cite extensively the classic clinical
literature, most of which predates the modern treatment
era. We have done this for several reasons. First, descriptions found in these sources are powerful and have not
been surpassed; Kraepelin, particularly, remains without
peer. Second, the lack of effective treatments and the provision of residential care for patients over many years,
often lifetimes, allowed prepharmacotherapy clinicians to
observe the natural course of the illness in all its severity.
Third, modern diagnostic systems, although vital in advancing treatment and research, have resulted in less emphasis on clinical description and proportionately more
emphasis on quantifications susceptible to stastistical
analysis, employing symptom checklists, rating scales, and
diagnostic algorithms. Regrettably, few psychiatric residents, graduate students, scientists, and clinicians now
read Kraepelin and Bleuler. Fewer still have read Aretaeus,

Griesinger, Weygandt, Falret, Jaspers, Baillarger, Campbell, or Henderson and Gillespie. We believe the clinical
writings of these classic authors provide both historical
perspective and a singular understanding of the nature of
manic-depressive illness.
The accounts of manic-depressive (predominantly bipolar) patients presented in this chapter provide the personal
dimension missing from clinicians and researchers reports,
however astute their observations. These descriptions, which
vary widely, reflect both the nature of the illness and the
nature of the people suffering from it. In the scientific literature, relatively scant attention is paid to firsthand accounts of manic-depressive illness; rather, the emphasis is
on the use of objective observer ratings as a basis for studying and describing major affective disorders, including
their psychotic variants. One reason for this virtual exclusion of experiential information is that firsthand accounts
are subjective and necessarily biased. Thus, patients may
remember with clarity some aspects of their disorder and
forget or ignore others; they may verbalize what is easiest
to describe and say little about aspects less readily articulated. They may relate only those experiences most novel
to them, thus giving disproportionate weight to out-of-theordinary events, or they may describe what they think the
observer wishes to hear. In addition, moods can radically
alter memory and perception, resulting in state-dependent
distortions. Finally, those individuals most capable of discussing their experiences in an articulate manner may belong, by virtue of this fact, to a more introspective and less
representative group.
These are legitimate concerns for anyone desiring
systematic, clear-cut, and reducible data. Clinicians have
long been aware, however, that experiential accounts are
vital to an understanding of individuals and their illnesses.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Likewise, the heuristic value of hypotheses generated from

patients descriptions of their feelings, thoughts, and behaviors is well established. Good clinical management of
manic-depressive illness, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic, depends upon recognizing the concerns of
patients and the consequences (both negative and positive)
the illness has for them. Descriptive information gathered
from patients also has been important in clinical research,
such as that describing the switch process (Bunney et al.,
1972a,b,c), unraveling the paradoxical effects of lithium as
both antidepressant and antimanic agent (Goodwin et al.,
1969), and elucidating the occasional positive qualities of
manic states (Jamison, 1993, 2004; Jamison et al., 1980), as
well as the clinically related difficulties some patients have
in adhering to a treatment regimen (see Chapter 21).
There are strong limitations on the effective use of language to describe unusual events, such as extreme moods,
gross cognitive and perceptual distortions, and both subtle
and profound changes in sensory experience. Despite the
shortcomings of language and the highly personalized vocabulary often used by patients in describing their manicdepressive illness, certain words, phrases, and metaphors
are chosen time and again, forming a common matrix of
experiences. Often these images center on nature, weather,
the daynight cycle, and the seasons; often, too, they convey unpredictability, periodicity, violence, tempestuousness, or a bleak dearth of feelings. Religious themes and
mystical experiences pervade the language, conveying an
extraordinary degree and type of experiencebeyond control, comprehension, or adequate description.
At a narrower conceptual level, certain individual words
and phrases are heard repeatedly by clinicians treating patients with manic-depressive illness. Depression is associated
with common language fragments. The patient is slowed
down,in a fog, or exhausted and describes life as having
lost its color, dull, flat, and dreary. Everything is hopeless,heavy,too much of an effort,drab, colorless, pointless. Life is a burden; there is no point to living; all is
meaningless. Hypomania and mania elicit descriptions of
a more vivacious and energetic kind. Life is effortless,
charged with intensity, and filled with special meaning.
The patient is upbeat, racing, full of energy, speeded
up, wired, hyper, high as a kite, moving in the fast
lane, ecstatic, flying. Other people are described as too
slow and unable to keep up.
Clinical descriptions derived from data-based studies
compensate, in part, for the selective attention of both clinicians and patients. They provide a more objective view
of the frequency and character of symptoms in manicdepressive illness. In selecting such studies for review in
this chapter, we have to some extent emphasized manic
states, partly because differential diagnosis can be prob-

lematic in mania (see Chapter 3), and partly because more

systematic studies of symptoms and their syndromic profiles have been carried out on mania than on bipolar depression, recurrent unipolar depression, mixed states, or
cyclothymia. Moreover, we agree with Koukopoulos (2005)
and those before him (Pinel, 1801; Heinroth, 1818; Griesinger,
1845) that mania is the fundamental clinical state in bipolar
In the first edition of this volume, we noted the relative
scarcity of data-based studies of bipolar depression and
mixed states as a cause for both surprise and concern. This
was in contrast to an exceedingly large general literature
on depression, one that seldom differentiated bipolar depression from the many nonbipolar forms. Fortunately,
there has been a proliferation of studies of both bipolar
depression and mixed states in recent years, and their inclusion here is an important addition to the first edition.
Older data-based clinical studies, although using standardized diagnostic criteria and making the necessary distinctions between bipolar and unipolar depression, tended
not to focus on clinical patterns of bipolar depression but
on such issues as psychotic versus nonpsychotic status. Typically, bipolar patients were excluded from these samples.
There is next to no research on the nature of depressions in
unipolar patients with highly recurrent illness, which were
included in Kraepelins concept of manic-depressive illness,
and how they may differ from that of depressions in patients with the less recurrent unipolar forms.
The same caveats about methodology that apply to earlier research findings on manic-depressive illness in general, particularly the bipolar form, apply as well to the
older studies discussed in this chapter. First, diagnostic criteria, especially for mixed states, varied greatly across studies. Second, investigators often failed to specify the stage,
severity, or duration of the affective state. Third, measurement techniques lacked sophistication; there was a tendency, for example, to measure only the presence or absence of a symptom rather than its intensity, constancy,
and duration. Other methodological problems were
widespread. The pioneering clinical study of mania, bipolar depression, and mixed states conducted by Winokur
and colleagues (1969), for example, although an invaluable
contribution to the literature, involved the analysis of data
based on multiple episodes (e.g., 100 episodes of mania in
61 patients). To the extent that a given individual showed a
similar symptom pattern from one affective episode to another, a contaminating element was introduced. Early clinical studies, while often methodologically flawed, were
nonetheless important for the questions they raised and
the patients they studied, individuals whose illnesses were
generally uncomplicated by changes in clinical presentation due to treatment, especially antidepressant use. We

Clinical Description

have included the findings of many of these pre-1990 studies because of their historical as well as clinical and scientific interest.
With greater attention to clinical research on bipolar
disorder since 1990, the limitations of the older literature have to some extent been addressed. For instance, the
twin French collaborative studies of the clinical epidemiology of mania (EPIMAN) and bipolar depression
(EPIDEP) have focused on carefully measured clinical
nuances of manic, mixed, and bipolar-II disorders, as
well as their temperamental foundations (e.g., Hantouche
et al., 1998). Bipolarity beyond Classic Mania, an extensive
examination of soft bipolar variants (Akiskal, 1999), and
a European monograph entitled Bipolar Disorder One
Hundred Years after Manic Depressive Illness (Marneros
and Angst, 2000) were published to pay tribute toand
extendKraepelins clinical vision and methodology.
Another trans-Atlantic monograph, Bipolar Disorders,
focuses on mixed, atypical, and rapid-cycling bipolar disorder (Marneros and Goodwin, 2003). Finally, an entire
issue of the Journal of Affective Disorders devoted to
soft and hard phenotypes within the bipolar spectrum was published in 2003. The data-based contributions of this monograph came from the United States,
France, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany, countries where
clinical research is currently being conducted on the phenomenology of the broadly conceived manic-depressive
In this chapter we address only those aspects of symptom presentation relevant to clinical description. These
include the observable patterns of mood, energy, sleep,
thought, and behavior typically used in clinical diagnosis.
(Detailed discussion of related topics is found in Chapters
1, 3, 9, 10, and 15.) Before proceeding, we emphasize that
while many generalizations can be drawn from clinical
descriptions of manic-depressive illness, individuals are
bound to differ widely with regard to an illness that is at
once genetically based, environmentally influenced, and
psychologically expressed. Kraepelin (1921), although committed to the idea and practice of classification, also was
sensitive to the infinite capacity for individual expression
in the illness. Referring to the subclassifications proposed
by earlier writers, he concluded (p. 139): I am convinced
that that kind of effort . . . must of necessity wreck on the
irregularity of the disease. The clinical differences seen
across individuals can be striking (as are, more often, the
similarities), but it remains unclear to what extent one
episode resembles another in a given individual. Anecdotal
accounts, along with several studies discussed later, support some constancy of clinical presentation, including the
presence or absence of melancholic and psychotic features,
in the same patient across time.1


Finally, although much of the clinical description presented here emphasizes differences among clinical states,
we stress from the outset that the coexistence of affective
states is fundamental to bipolar disorder and that oscillation into, out of, and within the various forms and states of
manic-depressive illness is, in its own right, a hallmark of
the disease. As we shall see, pure affective states are rare:
mania is often complicated by depressive symptoms, and
conversely, depression, especially the bipolar form, usually
is accompanied by at least one or more symptoms of mania. Bauer and colleagues (2005), for example, found in
their study of 441 bipolar patients that clinically significant
depressive symptoms occurred in 94 percent of those with
mania or hypomania, while 70 percent of patients in a depressive episode had clinically significant manic symptomatology. Thus, far from being a bipolar disorder, with
the assumption of clinically opposite states, the illness is
characterized by co-occurrence of manic and depressive
symptoms more often than not. Bauer and colleagues
(2005) also found that depressive and manic symptoms
were positively, not inversely, correlated, suggesting that a
dimensional conceptualization of mood state in this disorder is more valid than the categorical conceptualization
presumed by both the DSM [Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual] and ICD [International Classification of Diseases] (p. 88).
Patterns of manic and depressive symptoms clearly have
a cyclic quality, but their overlapping, transitional, and fluctuating aspects are enormously important in describing and
understanding the illness overall. Thus, Kraepelin (1921,
p. 54) wrote:
The delimitation of the individual clinical forms of the
malady is in many respects wholly artificial and arbitrary.
Observation not only reveals the occurrence of gradual
transitions between all the various states, but it also shows
that within the shortest space of time the same morbid
case may pass through most manifold transformations.

Campbell (1953, pp. 112113) emphasized this fundamentally dynamic nature of bipolar illness by comparing
the illness to a film:
The fluidity, change, and movement of the emotions, as
they occur in the ever-changing cyclothymic process, may
be compared to the pictures of a cinema, as contrasted
with a still photograph. Indeed, the psychiatrist, observing a manic-depressive patient for the first time, or as he
undergoes one of the many undulations in mood, from
melancholia to euphoria or from hypomania to a depression, is reminded of the experience of entering a movie
during the middle of the story. No matter where one takes
up the plot, the story tends to swing around again to the


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

point where it started. The examiner may observe the

manic-depressive patient first in a manic reaction, later in
a depression, but eventually, if followed long enough, in
another manic reaction. Like the movie, which is a continuous but constantly changing process, the cyclothymic
process is also continuous even though for the moment
the observer is attracted by the immediate cross-section
view. This conception of change, or constant undulation
of the emotions, is much more accurate than a static

Mood is predominantly exalted and cheerful, influenced by

the feeling of heightened capacity for work. The patient is in
imperturbable good temper, sure of success, courageous,
feels happy and merry, not rarely overflowingly so. . . . On
the other hand there often exists a great emotional irritability. The patient is dissatisfied, intolerant, fault-finding . . . he
becomes pretentious, positive, regardless, impertinent and
even rough, when he comes up against opposition to his
wishes and inclinations; trifling external occasions may
bring about extremely violent outbursts of rage.

In the following sections, we address in turn manic,

depressive, and mixed states and cyclothymia. For each we
present clinical description in three general areas of functioning: mood, cognition and perception, and activity and

Mood in acute mania is not well described by the classic

writers, perhaps because extreme changes in cognition
and behavior are more clearly observable than subjective
mood states. Two thousand years ago, however, Aretaeus of
Cappadocia noted that those who are manic are gay, active,
and expansive. They are naturally joyous; they laugh and
they joke: they show off in public with crowned heads as
if they were returning victorious from the games; sometimes they laugh and dance all day and all night (quoted
in Roccatagliata, 1986, pp. 230231). Kraepelin (1921, p. 63),
writing centuries later, agreed, but stressed the instability
of the manic mood:

Classic Clinical Descriptions
Manic states are typically characterized by heightened
mood, more and faster speech, quicker thought, brisker
physical and mental activity levels, greater energy (with a
corresponding decreased need for sleep), irritability, perceptual acuity, paranoia, heightened sexuality, and impulsivity. The degree, type, and chronicity of these cognitive,
perceptual, and behavioral changes determine the major
subclassification of mania, namely hypomania or mania.
In hypomania, the above changes are generally moderate
and may or may not result in serious problems for the
individual experiencing them. In more intense episodes,
however, they profoundly disrupt the lives of patients, their
families, and society.

Mood in hypomania is usually ebullient, self-confident,
and exalted, but with an irritable underpinning. Most early
clinical descriptions emphasized the elevated, volatile, and
fluctuating nature of hypomanic mood. Campbell (1953,
pp. 151, 153) described its euphoric aspect:
Associated with the euphoria there is a genuine feeling of
well-being, mentally and physically, a feeling of happiness
and exhilaration which transports the individual into a
new world of unlimited ideas and possibilities. . . . When
a 19-year-old [hypo]manic was advised that he was indeed ill, he replied, if Im ill, this is the most wonderful
illness I ever had.

Kraepelin (1921, p. 56) likewise described the euphoric

aspect of hypomanic mood, but also emphasized the integral quick changes, irritability, and extreme volatility:

Mood is unrestrained, merry, exultant, occasionally

visionary or pompous, but always subject to frequent
variation, easily changing to irritability and irascibility or
even to lamentation and weeping.

Jaspers (1997, p. 596; first published in 1913) emphasized

the essential liveliness of mood and behavior in pure
mania, making the distinction, as Kraepelin had, between
pure and mixed manic states:
The feeling of delight in life is accompanied by an increase
in instinctual activities: increased sexuality, increased
desire to move about; pressure of talk and pressure of activity which will mount from mere vividness of gesture to
states of agitated excitement. The psychic activity characterized by flight of ideas lends an initial liveliness to everything undertaken but it lacks staying-power and is changeable. All intruding stimuli and any new possibility will
distract the patients attention. The massive associations at
his disposal come spontaneously and uncalled for. They
make him witty and sparkling; they also make it impossible for him to maintain any determining tendency and
render him at the same time superficial and confused.

Cognition and Perception

Cognition and perception, especially the former, are
strongly altered in hypomania. Falret (1854, cited in Sedler,
1983) wrote that profusion of ideas [in manic states] is
prodigious, and most early clinicians emphasized that, to

Clinical Description

a point, associational fluency is furthered by mild hypomania. Bleuler (1924, pp. 466, 468), for example, commented that thought remains relatively intact in the less severe forms of mania:
The thinking of the manic is flighty. He jumps by by-paths
from one subject to another, and cannot adhere to anything. With this the ideas run along very easily and involuntarily, even so freely that it may be felt as unpleasant by the
patient. . . . Because of the more rapid flow of ideas, and
especially because of the falling off of inhibitions, artistic
activities are facilitated even though something worth while
is produced only in very mild cases and when the patient is
otherwise talented in this direction. The heightened sensibilities naturally have the effect of furthering this.

Tuke (1892, p. 765), in his Dictionary of Psychological

Medicine, described the quickened senses so many manic
patients appear to have:
Increased acuity in the perception of sense impressions
certainly exists. Attention is lively and sharp though entirely unstable. The acute maniac appears to see and hear
better than a sane person because every impression tells
upon him. . . . Everything attracts his notice.
The filling of the mind with an enormous number of
sense impressions, the blurring as it were of the mental
canvas by the superposition of a crowd of details . . .
account in a great degree for the confusion of memory
which is one of the ordinary phenomena of mania. . . .
Objects seen appear to serve chiefly as the starting-point
of trains of ideas which change rapidly with slight
changes in the visual surroundings.

Thinking becomes fragmented and often psychotic in

acute mania. Coherence gives way to incoherence; rapid
thinking proceeds to racing and disjointed thinking; distractibility becomes all-pervasive. Paranoid and grandiose
delusions are common, as are illusions and hallucinations.
In Kraepelins (1921, p. 62) description, patients
show themselves sensible and approximately oriented, but
extraordinarily distractible in perception and train of
thought. Sometimes it is quite impossible to get into communication with them; as a rule, however, they understand emphatic speech, and even give isolated suitable
replies, but they are influenced by every new impression;
they digress, they go into endless details.

Kraepelin (pp. 6869) went on to describe the progressively worsening clinical state of delusional mania:
The Delusions and Hallucinations, which in the morbid
states hitherto described are fugitive or merely indicated,
acquire in a series of cases an elaboration which calls to


mind paranoid attacks. His surroundings appear to the

patient to be changed; he sees St. Augustine, Joseph with
the shepherds crook, the angel Gabriel, apostles, the
Kaiser, spirits, God, the Virgin Mary.2 . . . The delusions,
which forthwith emerge, move very frequently on religious territory. . . . He preaches in the name of the holy
God, will reveal great things to the world, gives commands according to the divine will.

Benjamin Rush (1812, pp. 244245), author of the first

major psychiatric treatise published in the United States,
gave a particularly graphic account of the grandiose and
disjointed or debilitated faculties of the mind in an
acutely delusional manic patient:
The following short extract, taken down by Mr. Coats, from
the constant conversation of a young man of a good education, and respectable connections, now deranged in the
Pennsylvania Hospital, will exhibit an affecting specimen of
this disjointed state of the mind, and of the incoherence of
its operations. No man can serve two masters. I am king
Philip of Macedonia, lawful son of Mary queen of Scots,
born in Philadelphia. I have been happy enough ever since
I have seen general Washington with a silk handkerchief
in High-street. Money commands sublunary things, and
makes the mare go; it will buy salt mackerel, made of tenpenny nails. Enjoyment is the happiness of virtue. Yesterday
cannot be recalled. I can only walk in the night-time, when
I can eat pudding enough. I shall be eight years old tomorrow. They say R. W. is in partnership with J. W. I believe
they are about as good as people in commonnot better,
only on certain occasions, when, for instance, a man wants
to buy chincopins, and to import salt to feed pigs. Tanned
leather was imported first by layers. Morality with virtue is
like vice not corrected. L. B. came into your house and stole
a coffee-pot in the twenty-fourth year of his majestys reign.
Plumb-pudding and Irish potatoes make a very good dinner. Nothing in man is comprehensible to it. Born in
Philadelphia. Our forefathers were better to us than our
children, because they were chosen for their honesty, truth,
virtue and innocence. The queens broad R originated from
a British forty-two pounder, which makes two [sic] large a
report for me. I have no more to say. I am thankful I am no
worse this season, and that I am sound in mind and memory, and could steer a ship to sea, but am afraid of the
thriller. ****** ****** son of Mary queen of Scots. Born in
Philadelphia. Born in Philadelphia. King of Macedonia.

Activity and Behavior

Activity and behavior are greatly increased and diversified in mania. Patients appear to be indefatigable; they
are rash, virulently opinionated, and interpersonally


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

aggressive. Additionally, as Campbell (1953, pp. 152, 154155)

The manic patient may expend a considerable amount of
his energy and pressure of ideas in writing. His writing is
demonstrative, flashy, rhetorical and bombastic. He
insists that the physician must read every word, even
though the content is biased, full of repetition, rambling
and circumstantial. Capital letters are used unnecessarily,
sentences are underscored and flight of ideas and distractibility destroy the coherence of the theme. The subject of the manics writing often pertains to the correction
of wrongs, religious tangents, gaining his freedom, institution of lawsuits. . . . One patient made three visits to

Washington to obtain a patent on a cotton-chopping

machine; another attempted to speak to the President by
long-distance telephone to warn him that the Russians
might land on the coast of Florida. Urged on by the pressure of ideas as well as an excess of physical energy the
manic patient has an inner drive which will not allow
him to rest.

For many patients, excessive energy translates directly

into pressured writing and an inordinate production of
written declarations, poetry, and artwork. Kraepelin (1921,
pp. 3436) gave a concise description of this phenomenon,
along with a specimen of handwriting produced during
mania (see Fig. 21):

Figure 21. Specimen of handwriting produced during mania. (Source: Kraepelin, 1921, p. 35. Reproduced with permission.)

Clinical Description

The handwriting of the patients may at first be quite regular and correct. In consequence of the excitability, however, it usually becomes gradually always larger, more pretentious and more irregular. There is no more
consideration for the reader; the letters run through one
another, are scribbled; more words are underlined; there
are more marks of exclamation; the flourishes become
bolder. . . . The number of documents produced by
manic patients is sometimes astonishing, though certainly
they themselves do not count on their being read; the
pleasure of writing itself is the only motive.

The progression from hypomania to acute mania is

usually accompanied not only by instability of mood and a
sense of impending doom or premonitions of madness,
but also by increasingly erratic behavior. Rush (1812, p. 142)
made this clear in his monograph Medical Inquiries and
Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind:
Its premonitory signs are, watchfulness, high or low spirits, great rapidity of thought, and eccentricity in conversation, and conduct; sometimes pathetic expressions of horror, excited by the apprehension of approaching madness;
terrifying or distressing dreams; great irritability of temper; jealousy, instability in all pursuits; unusual acts of
extravagance, manifested by the purchases of houses, and
certain expensive and unnecessary articles of furniture,
and hostility to relations and friends.

Sexual or erotic excitement is common in mania. Aretaeus of Cappadocia (150 AD) (quoted in Jelliffe, 1931,
p. 20), for example, wrote that a period of lewdness and
shamelessness exists in mania. Likewise, Kraepelin (1921,
p. 22) noted that sexual excitability is increased and
leads to hasty engagements, marriages by the newspaper,
improper love-adventures, conspicuous behaviour, fondness for dress, on the other hand to jealousy and matrimonial discord. Tuke (1892, pp. 764765) described this
as well:
A very common symptom in maniacal conditions is
erotic excitement. This varies from a mere coquetry, a
somewhat extended application of the command love
one another, an undue attention to the opposite sex, and
so forth, up to the extreme of salacity, when the mind is
wholly occupied by the urgent sexual appetite, and all
restraint is abandoned.

Particularly dramatic and extreme among the clinical

features of acute mania are the frenetic, seemingly aimless,
and occasionally violent activities of manic patients.
Bizarre, driven, paranoid, impulsive, and grossly inappropriate behavior patterns are typical. Kraepelin (1921, pp.
6465) provided a graphic overview of these behaviors:


The patient cannot sit or lie still for long, jumps out of
bed, runs about, hops, dances, mounts on tables and
benches, takes down pictures. He forces his way out, takes
off his clothes, teases his fellow patients, dives, splashes,
spits, chirps and clicks. . . . [There are] discharges of inner
restlessness, shaking of the upper part of the body, waltzing about, waving and flourishing the arms, distorting the
limbs, rubbing the head, bouncing up and down,
stroking, wiping, twitching, clapping and drumming. . . .
[Death may be caused] by simple exhaustion with heart
failure (collapse) in long continuing, violent excitement
with disturbance of sleep and insufficient nourishment,
by injuries with subsequent blood-poisoning.

Delirious mania, or Bells mania, is a relatively rare,

grave form of mania characterized by severe clouding of
consciousness. When Bell (1849) described the syndrome
in the mid-nineteenth century, he noted its sudden onset
and symptoms of severe insomnia, loss of appetite, disorientation, paranoia, and extremely bizarre hallucinations
and delusions.3 Kraepelin (1921, pp. 70, 71) also remarked
upon the syndromes acute onset and noted that patients
were stupefied, confused, bewildered, in addition to
being completely disoriented as to time and place. At
the core of the illness he found a dreamy and profound
clouding of consciousness, and extraordinary and confused hallucinations and delusions. Griesinger (1867)
also emphasized the acute onset of the syndrome and
observed that the primary emotion experienced by patients is anxiety. Bond (1980) noted that acute delirious
mania can be distinguished by its precipitous onset, with
or without premonitory signs of irritability, insomnia, or
emotional withdrawal; the presence of the hypomanic or
manic syndrome at some point during the illness; development of the signs and symptoms of delirium; a personal and/or family history of either mania or depression;
and responsiveness to standard treatments for mania.
(Patients with delirious mania often respond to electroconvulsive therapy, despite the delirium [Mann et al.,
1986; Fink 1999].)
Mayer-Gross and colleagues (1960, pp. 213214) gave a
general overview of extreme manic confusion, emphasizing the medical gravity of the untreated clinical situation:
These states are seriously debilitating and may endanger
life. Sleep is severely disturbed in these graver psychoses,
but it is also shortened in the milder forms. Another bodily symptom is the exhaustion which supervenes on
months of hyper-activity and reduced sleep. The intake of
food may be seriously interfered with, for the manic may
never take an uninterrupted meal, being constantly diverted to something else. Body-weight, which increases in
the milder stages, rapidly drops, and very careful nursing


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

is required. . . . The possibility that the atypical features in

manic confusion or delirium are due to nutritional deficiencies of the same kind as those sometimes causing
delirium in infective illness, cannot be excluded.

Mood during delirious mania may shift rapidly between

extreme melancholia and mania, suggesting a clinical link
to mixed states. In Kraepelins (1921, p. 71) words, mood is
very changing, sometimes anxiously despairing (thoughts
of death), timid and lachrymose, distracted, sometimes
unrestrainedly merry, erotic or ecstatic, sometimes irritable or unsympathetic and indifferent. The extreme cognitive and perceptual changes during delirious mania are
manifested primarily through clouding of consciousness,
hallucinations, and delusions. The profoundly disturbed
and psychotic behavior of delirious mania underscores
the origin of the phrase raving maniac. Kraepelin (1921,
pp. 7172) graphically described this behavior:
At the beginning the patients frequently display the signs
of senseless raving mania, dance about, perform peculiar
movements, shake their head, throw the bedclothes pellmell, are destructive, pass their motions under them,
smear everything, make impulsive attempts at suicide,
take off their clothes. A patient was found completely
naked in a public park. Another ran half-clothed into the
corridor and then into the street, in one hand a revolver
in the other a crucifix. . . . Their linguistic utterances
alternate between inarticulate sounds, praying, abusing,
entreating, stammering, disconnected talk, in which
clang-associations, senseless rhyming, diversion by
external impressions, persistence of individual phrases,
are recognised. . . . Waxy flexibility, echolalia, or
echopraxis can be demonstrated frequently.

More recently, Fink (1999, pp. 5758) described a series of

modern cases of delirious mania:
Patients with delirious mania are excited, restless, fearful,
paranoid, and delusional. They sleep poorly, are often
confused and disoriented, and they confabulate. The
onset develops within a few hours or a few days. Fever,
rapid heart rate, tachycardia, hypertension, and rapid
breathing are common. Patients hide in small spaces,
close the doors and blinds on the windows, remove their
clothes, and run nude from their home. Garrulous, incoherent, and rambling speech alternates with mutism.
Negativism, stereotypy, grimacing, posturing, echolalia,
and echopraxia occur. When examined, they are poorly
oriented for place, date and time, are unable to recall their
recent experiences, or numbers given them.

Fink argued that we do not know the true incidence of

delirious mania, nor do we have adequate diagnostic criteria

to distinguish it reliably from malignant catatonia, excited

catatonia, rapid-cycling mania, or mania with psychotic
Chronic mania was observed and described by many
early clinicians, including Pinel (1801), Esquirol (1838),
Griesinger (1865), Schott (1904), Kraepelin (1921), and
Wertham (1929). According to Schott, only the lack of
recovery distinguished the chronic from the acute form of
the illness (see also Chapter 4). A first manic episode after
the age of 40 was thought to put the patient at much higher
risk for chronicity than one occurring earlier (Henderson
and Gillespie, 1956), an observation consistent with the
results of subsequent research (see Chapter 4). Wertham
(1929) outlined the central features of chronic mania: reduced intellectual productivity and general activity levels,
increased behavioral stereotypy, and an overall intellectual
weakening. Hare (1981), in an excellent historical review of
the concept of mania, discussed the declining interest in
the subject of chronic mania after the nineteenth century.
He attributed this in part to the decreasing morbidity of
manic illness, and maintained that improvements in general health and hygiene had resulted in significant changes
in the manifestation, severity, and consequences of mania.
He acknowledged, however, that there still existed the
ghost as it were, of a process of mental enfeeblement which
can occur in affective psychosis and which generally did
occur, to a more severe degree, until towards the end of the
nineteenth century (p. 97).
Kraepelin (1921, pp. 161162) provided an overview of
the intellectual and emotional blunting in chronic mania;
he also drew a distinction between chronic mania and
extreme, continuous, rapid cycling and discussed possible
contributory factors:
Here manic features dominate the picture. The patients
are in general sensible and reasonable, and perceive fairly
well; memory and retention are also fairly well preserved.
On the other hand there exist increased distractibility,
wandering and desultoriness of thought, a tendency to
silly plays on words, poverty of thought. The patients have
no understanding of their state, consider themselves perfectly well and capable of work.
Mood is exalted, but no longer exultant, enjoying
activity, but silly and boastful; occasionally it comes to
flaring up without strength or durability. The finer emotions are considerably injured. . . . Only the coarser
enjoyments, eating, drinking, smoking, snuffing, still
arouse in them vivid feelings, further the satisfaction of
their personal wishes and wants; everything else has
become to them more or less indifferent. . . .
At this point we have to mention in a few words
another group of cases, in which the psychic decline

Clinical Description

reveals itself in continual, abrupt fluctuation between

lachrymose anxiety, irritability, and childish merriment.
States of this kind sometimes appear to be developed
from a continuous accumulation of short circular

Subjective Experiences of Patients

In his memoir Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Philosophy of a Lunatic, John Custance (1952, p. 30), a writer and
former Royal Navy intelligence officer who suffered from
bipolar illness, described the sense of well-being at the
beginning of his manic episodes:
First and foremost comes a general sense of intense wellbeing. I know of course that this sense is illusory and
transient. . . . Although, however, the restrictions of confinement are apt at times to produce extreme irritation
and even paroxysms of anger, the general sense of wellbeing, the pleasurable and sometimes ecstatic feelingtone, remains as a sort of permanent background of all
experience during the manic period.

As it progresses, this feeling of well-being often is

accompanied by a sense of benevolence and communion
with nature; frequently it is associated with what Henderson and Gillespie (1956) and others have called a heightened sense of reality. These feelings, analogous to the beatific and mystical experiences of saints and other religious
leaders, share certain features with contemporary experiences of universal communion induced by mescaline,
LSD, and other hallucinogenic substances. The interaction
among emotional, cognitive, and sensoryperceptual
changes is complex, as we see in the following passages by
Custance (1952, pp. 37, 40):
It is actually a sense of communion, in the first place with
God, and in the second place with all mankind, indeed
with all creation. It is obviously related to the mystic sense
of unity with the All. . . .
A feeling of intimate personal relationship with God is
perhaps its paramount feature. . . .
The sense of communion extends to all fellowcreatures with whom I come into contact; it is not merely
ideal or imaginative but has a practical effect on my conduct. Thus when in the manic state I have no objection to
being more or less herded togetheras is inevitable in
public Mental Hospitalswith men of all classes and
conditions. Class barriers cease to have any existence or

Likewise, poet Theodore Roethke (quoted in Seager,

1991, p. 101) captured the mystical merging of identity in


his description of the early, euphoric stage of one of his

manic episodes:
For no reason I started to feel very good. Suddenly I knew
how to enter into the life of everything around me. I knew
how it felt to be a tree, a blade of grass, even a rabbit. I
didnt sleep much. I just walked around with this wonderful feeling. One day I was passing a diner and all of a sudden I knew what it felt like to be a lion. I went into the
diner and said to the counter-man, Bring me a steak.
Dont cook it. Just bring it. . . . I went to the Dean [at the
university where Roethke taught] and said, I feel too
good. Get me down off this. So they put me into the tubs.

Cognition and Perception

During hypomanic and manic states, thinking becomes
very fluid and productiveto the point of loosening of
normal patterns of association, as well as racing thoughts
and flight of ideas. The dendritic, branching-out quality of
manic thinking was described by nineteenth-century art
critic and writer John Ruskin (quoted in Rosenberg, 1986,
p. 151):
I roll on like a ball, with this exception, that contrary to
the usual laws of motion I have no friction to contend
with in my mind. . . . I am almost sick and giddy with the
quantity of things in my headtrains of thought beginning and branching to infinity, crossing each other, and
all tempting and wanting to be worked out.

Perhaps most pathognomonic of hypomanic and

manic cognitive patterns are flight of ideas and the subjective experience of racing thoughts. The overwhelming and
often terrfying nature of racing thoughts is expressed
below in one patients account of manic illness. Grandiosity of delusional proportions and a compelling sense of
moral and social awareness also are described (Reiss, 1910):
The condition of my mind for many months is beyond all
description. My thoughts ran with lightning-like rapidity
from one subject to another. I had an exaggerated feeling
of self importance. All the problems of the universe came
crowding into my mind, demanding instant discussion
and solutionmental telepathy, hypnotism, wireless telegraphy, Christian science, womens rights, and all the
problems of medical science, religion and politics. I even
devised means of discovering the weight of a human soul,
and had an apparatus constructed in my room for the
purpose of weighing my own soul the minute it departed
from my body. . . .
Thoughts chased one another through my mind with
lightning rapidity. I felt like a person driving a wild horse
with a weak rein, who dares not use force, but lets him
run his course, following the line of least resistance. Mad


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

impulses would rush through my brain, carrying me first

in one direction then in another. To destroy myself or to
escape often occurred to me, but my mind could not
hold on to one subject long enough to formulate any definite plan. My reasoning was weak and fallacious, and
I knew it.

Russian poet Velimir Khlebnikov (quoted in Markov,

1975, pp. 362363), hospitalized for his erratic behavior and
wild mood swings, described a euphoric grandiosity that
ratcheted upwards into a delusional system of cosmic proportions. He was convinced that he possessed equations
for the stars, equations for voices, equations for thoughts,
equations of birth and death. The artist of numbers, he
believed, could draw the universe:
Working with number as his charcoal, he unites all previous human knowledge in his art. A single one of his lines
provides an immediate lightninglike connection between
a red corpuscle and Earth, a second precipitates into
helium, a third shatters upon the unbending heavens and
discovers the satellites of Jupiter. Velocity is infused with a
new speed, the speed of thought, while the boundaries
that separate different areas of knowledge will disappear
before the procession of liberated numbers cast like
orders into print throughout the whole of Planet Earth.
Here they are then, these ways of looking at the new
form of creativity, which we think is perfectly workable.
The surface of Planet Earth is 510,051,300 square kilometers; the surface of a red corpusclethat citizen and
star of mans Milky Way0.000, 128 square millimeters.
These citizens of the sky and the body have concluded a
treaty, whose provision is this: the surface of the star Earth
divided by the surface of the tiny corpuscular star equals
365 times 10 to the tenth power (365 1010). A beautiful
concordance of two worlds, one that establishes mans
right to first place on Earth. This is the first article of the
treaty between the government of blood cells and the government of heavenly bodies. A living walking Milky Way
and his tiny star have concluded a 365-point agreement
with the Milky Way in the sky and its great Earth Star. The
dead Milky Way and the living one have affixed their
signatures to it as two equal and legal entities.

The perceptual and somatic changes that almost always

accompany hypomania and mania reflect the close and
subtle links among elevated mood, a physical sense of
well-being, expansive and grandiose thoughts, and heightened perceptual awareness. Custance (1952, p. 16) described
the temporal ordering of somatic, mood, and cognitive
symptoms during the initial phases of his manic episodes:
Thus at the onset of phases of manic excitement I have
sometimes noticed the typical symptoms, the pleasurable

tingling of the spinal chord [sic] and warm sense of wellbeing in the solar plexus, long before any reaction in the
mental sphere occurred. The same thing happens with the
sinking feeling of fear and horror which accompanies
extreme depression.

Clearly, as with virtually all signs and symptoms of

bipolar illness, perceptual and somatic changes vary in
degree and kindfrom mild increases in awareness of
objects and events actually present in the individuals environment to total chaotic disarray of the senses, resulting in
visual, auditory, and olfactory experiences unrelated to
existing physical phenomena. At the milder end of perceptual
change, one patient described the relationship of heightened awareness, strongly charged but normal emotional reactions, and psychotic perceptions (Coate, 1964, p. 1):
In normal life at times of strong emotion, and especially
at moments of great fear, we find that we are more keenly
aware than usual of the external details of our world. The
sunshine on wet roofs across the way, the faded edge to
the blue window curtain, a scent of pipe tobacco in the
room, the way the man in the armchair clasps and
unclasps his handsall is more clearly etched in consciousness because of the feeling aroused by the nearness
of enemy bombers, or the gravity of an operation taking
place next door, or the tenseness of waiting until an
expected person, acutely loved or deeply hated, will walk
in. In psychotic states, where the fate of the whole universe may be at stake, awareness of material objects and of
trivial events can be heightened to an extent that is outside the range of sane experience.

Custance wrote of his sensory experiences while in the

preliminary stage of a manic episode (1952, pp. 3132):
The first thing I note is the peculiar appearances of the
lightsthe ordinary electric lights in the ward. They are
not exactly brighter, but deeper, more intense, perhaps a
trifle more ruddy than usual. Moreover, if I relax the
focusing of my eyes, which I can do very much more easily than in normal circumstances, a bright star-like phenomenon emanates from the lights, ultimately forming a
maze of iridescent patterns of all colours of the rainbow,
which remind me vaguely of the Aurora Borealis. . . .
Connected with these vivid impressions is a rather curious feeling behind the eyeballs, rather as though a vast
electric motor were pulsing away there.
All my other senses seem more acute than usual.
Certainly my sense of touch is heightened; my fingers are
much more sensitive and neat. . . .
My hearing appears to be more sensitive, and I am
able to take in without disturbance or distraction many
different sound-impressions at the same time.

Clinical Description


Custance (1952, p. 59) also described specific physical

sensations he experienced during his manic episodes. His
perceived imperviousness to pain and cold, as well as his
delusional beliefs about electrical and other influences,
occur in many manic patients:

nearest minute, was recorded in the margin. It was all vitally important. The major work which would be based
on this material would be accurate, original, provocative,
and of profound significance. All that had ever happened
to me was now worthwhile.

Metabolism is rapid. I can stand cold without difficulty or

discomfort; an inner warmth seems to pervade me. I can,
for example, walk about naked out of doors on quite cold
nightsto throw off my clothes is incidentally a strong
impulse and presumably symbolises the freedom from
restraint which is a feature of the whole condition. My
skin seems peculiarly resistant; I have walked barefooted
on stony and thorny ground, squeezed myself naked
through furze fences and so on without suffering discomfort. Perhaps this is akin to the strange feats of fire walkers or dancing Dervishes. It certainly seems to show the
influence of mind over matter. I fear nothingfreedom
from fear is another notable symptomso nothing seems
to hurt me.

Because her thinking was not yet psychotically fragmented

or delusional, Coate was able to concentrate intensely and
to keep in order a broad diversity of ideas and sensations.
This ability is not uncommon in hypomania, although
many bipolar patients who experience scattered thinking
early in their episodes never go through this hyperalert but
concentrated phase. Those who do and who also possess
creative ability find this stage can be an exceptionally productive one (see Chapter 12). For Custance (1952, pp.
244245), both creativity and learning were heightened:

Activity and Behavior

Behavioral changes during mania include increases in psychomotor activity and in the pressure and rate of speech;
heightened irritability and aggressive behaviors; increases
in spending and other impulsive behaviors; hypersexuality;
and frenzied, bizarre, often aimless activity. Detailed clinical descriptions of these behavioral changesespecially
those by Kraepelinwere given earlier in this chapter, and
specific discussions of hypomanic and manic behavior can
be found elsewhere in the volume. We present here firstperson accounts of only a few common or especially interesting behavioral changes in manic states. Two passages
describe increased enthusiasm for and involvement in a
wide variety of creative interests and activities. The first,
from Coate (1964, pp. 8485), reflects the clear influence of
mood and grandiosity on thinking and behavior. The
sense of time urgency and the special significance of events
and objects also are evident:
I must record everything and later I would write a book
on mental hospitals. I would write books on psychiatric
theory too, and on theology. I would write novels. I had
the libretto of an opera in mind. Nothing was beyond me.
My creative impulse had found full outlet and I had
enough now to write to last me for the rest of my life.
I made notes of everything that happened, day and
night. I made symbolic scrap-books whose meaning only
I could decipher. I wrote a fairy tale; I wrote the diary of a
white witch; and again I noted down cryptically all that
was said or done around me at the time, with special reference to relevant news bulletins and to jokes which were
broadcast in radio programmes. The time, correct to the

In some forms of insanity, including especially mania,

this ripening of the instinct, this eager readiness to absorb
and learn new things, to become interested in fresh
games, sports and forms of work, seems to recur. It certainly does in my own case. I have, in actual fact, learnt
more while confined in Mental Hospitals than anywhere
else, including my School and University. I have learnt
drawing, shorthand, some languages, studied philosophy
and psychology as deeply as I was able, collected and systematically written down and filed innumerable scraps of
information on all sorts of subjects, and, above all, read in
the book of human nature, which is as it were exposed in
the raw. I know the history, background and medical
diagnosis of many of the patients in the wards I have been
in. Finally I have written this book.

A common aspect of the manic state is impulsive and

irrational financial behavior. The psychological and interpersonal consequences, as well as the economic ones, can
be devastating. The return of postmanic reason and subsequent awareness of financial extravagances and other
painfully embarrassing actions often occur in the harsh
context of severe postmanic depression. The humorous
aspects of many manic purchases often obscure the acute
shame and dire financial consequences experienced by
patients with bipolar illness:
When I am high I couldnt worry about money if I tried.
So I dont. The money will come from somewhere; I am
entitled; God will provide. Credit cards are disastrous,
personal checks worse. Unfortunately, for manics anyway,
mania is a natural extension of the economy. What with
credit cards and bank accounts there is little beyond
reach. So I bought twelve snake bite kits, with a sense of
urgency and importance. I bought precious stones, elegant and unnecessary furniture, three watches within an
hour of one another (in the Rolex rather than Timex


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

class: champagne tastes bubble to the surface, are the surface, in mania), and totally inappropriate siren-like
clothes. During one spree in London I spent several hundred pounds on books having titles or covers that somehow caught my fancy: books on the natural history of the
mole, twenty sundry Penguin books because I thought it
could be nice if the penguins could form a colony, five
Puffin books for a similar reason, on and on and on it
went. Once, I think, I shoplifted a blouse because I could
not wait a minute longer for the woman-with-molasses
feet in front of me in line. Or maybe I just thought about
shoplifting, I dont remember, I was totally confused. I
imagine I must have spent far more than $30,000 during
my two major manic episodes, and God only knows how
much more during my frequent milder manias.
But then back on lithium and rotating on the planet at
the same pace as everyone else, you find your credit is
decimated, your mortification complete: mania is not a
luxury one can easily afford. It is devastating to have the
illness and aggravating to have to pay for medications,
blood tests, and psychotherapy. They, at least, are partially
[tax] deductible. But money spent while manic doesnt fit
into the Internal Revenue Service concept of medical
expense or business loss. So, after mania, when most
depressed, youre given excellent reason to be even more
so. (Jamison, 1995, pp. 7475)

Clinical Studies
Mania is a complex, volatile, and fluctuating cauldron of
symptoms. The form and ways which mania manifests are
manifold, said Aretaeus (translated by Jelliffe, 1931, p. 20)
nearly 2000 years ago. Some are cheerful and like to
play . . . others passionate and of destructive type, who seek
to kill others as well as themselves. Although classically described as a state of extraordinary energy and activity, mania can also present clinically as manic stupor and catatonia. Manic mood, frequently characterized as elated and
grandiose, as often as not is riddled with depression, panic,
and extreme irritability; mania without significant mixed
features is what is known as classic mania. For years, mania
was differentiated mistakenly from schizophrenia because it
reputedly lacked a thought disorder. It now is recognized as
an often floridly psychotic condition, as we shall see below.
Manic episodes differ from person to person and in the
same individual from time to time, although Falret (1854,
cited in Sedler, 1983) and Kraepelin (1921) noted a tendency for constancy in symptom patterns across episodes
in the same individual. While few systematic data are available on this latter point, Wellner and Marstal (1964, p. 176),
reporting on a study of 279 manic episodes in 221 patients,
concluded that atypical attacks are followed by atypical,
and typical by typical significantly more often than not

(p = 0.002), indicating the patients inclination to reproduce the type of their psychoses. Beigel and Murphy
(1971a) found that patients with multiple manic attacks
tended to exhibit similar behavior and mood patterns during subsequent episodes. Two more recent studies (Cassidy
et al., 2001a; Woods et al., 2001) demonstrated that manic
and mixed episodes show diagnostic stability over time;
the interepisode stability of depressive mixed states, while
significant, is considerately less pronounced than is the case
for manic states (Sato et al., 2004). Francis and colleagues
(1997) found that the symptom profile of catatonia is highly
consistent across episodes, while Cassidy and colleagues
(2002), who evaluated 77 bipolar patients during two distinct manic episodes separated, on average, by 2 years, concluded that manic symptomatology remains generally consistent from episode to episode. Specifically, they found
that severity of mania, dysphoria, hedonic activation, psychosis, and irritable aggression tends to correlate across
episodes; psychomotor symptoms do not.
Regardless of the degree of constancy of the clinical picture across attacks, it is clear that symptoms vary widely
during any given manic episode as it progresses through
various stages. These stages, characterized by Carlson and
Goodwin (1973) and discussed more fully below, begin
with elation or irritability, evolve into a more severe form
as arousal and hyperactivity escalate, and culminate in
floridly psychotic disorganization.

Research on mood symptoms in mania, summarized in
Table 21, demonstrates that most patients, on average, are
depressed (46 percent) or labile (49 percent) nearly as often as they are euphoric (63 percent) or expansive (60 percent); they are irritable (71 percent) even more often. The
depression, irritability, and mood lability are generally
seen less often in early stages of an episode, although few
studies have specified the stage, level, or severity of mania
at the time of observation.
Winokur and colleagues (1969) observed depressed
mood in 68 percent of their manic patients, as well as more
severe depressive symptoms (including depressive delusions and psychomotor retardation) in a significant subgroup. They found that short depressive contaminations
in the manic episode were significantly more common in
women (79 percent) than in men (49 percent) (p. 64). Like
many investigators, they were particularly impressed by
the volatility of mood during manic episodes:
In our series of patients, the degree of mood elevation
varied from patient to patient and from time to time during the same episode. The changes in mood were capricious, responding to internal as well as external stimuli

Clinical Description


Table 21. Mood Symptoms during Mania: Percent Displaying Symptoms



Clayton et al., 1965


Winokur et al., 1969










Kotin and Goodwin, 1972


Carlson and Goodwin, 1973




Taylor and Abrams, 1973




Murphy and Beigel, 1974


Winokur and Tsuang, 1975




Abrams and Taylor, 1976




Leff et al., 1976


Loudon et al., 1977










Carlson and Strober, 1979













Cassidy et al., 1998h



Serretti and Olgiati, 2005



Weighted Meanj



Prien et al., 1988

Total nj



Beigel and Murphy, 1971a

Taylor and Abrams, 1977










100 episodes, 61 patients.

Depressive delusions in 24%, suicidal ideation in 7%.
Irritable only (8%), euphoric only (30%), irritable and euphoric (62%).
Hypomanic affect.
Suicidal ideation in 25%.
Mild depression (45%), moderate to severe depression (22%).
High threshold value used for signs and symptoms.
Winokur et al. not included in calculation because units are in episodes, not in patients.

and so very changeable that they defied measurement. . . .

In only 5% was the mood unchanging over a period of
hours or days. (p. 62)

As noted earlier, Carlson and Goodwin (1973) described

progressive stages of mania, from mild hypomania to

delirious psychotic mania. The principal features of the three

stages are outlined in Table 22; the relationship of these
stages to daily behavioral ratings is illustrated in Figure
22. The stages were inferred from a study of 20 hospitalized, unmedicated bipolar patients who had experienced
a manic episode at some time during their hospitalization.

Table 22. Clinical Features of the Stages of Mania




Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Lability of affect; euphoria

predominates; irritability if
demands not satisfied
Expansivity, grandiosity,
overconfidence; thoughts
coherent but occasionally
tangential; sexual and
religious preoccupation;
racing thoughts

Increased dysphoria and

depression; open hostility
and anger
Flight of ideas; disorganization
of cognitive state; delusions

Clearly dysphoric; panic-stricken;


Increased psychomotor activity;

increased initiation and
rate of speech; increased
spending, smoking,
telephone use

Continued increased psychomotor

acceleration; increased pressured
speech; occasional assaultive

Incoherent, definite loosening

of associations; bizarre and
idiosyncratic delusions;
hallucinations in one-third
of patients; disorientation as to
time and place; occasional ideas
of reference
Frenzied and frequently bizarre
psychomotor activity

Source: Adapted from Carlson and Goodwin, 1973.

Figure 22. Relationship between states of a manic episode and daily behavior ratings. (Source: Carlson and Goodwin, 1973.)

Nurses Ratings








Stage I

Stage II

A little

Brought too
many clothes
from home,

Stage III

Stage II

Still paranoid
but more cooperative,
has x-ray
talking with
dead father,
still angry,
makes telephone
afraid he
up, labile,
sexually preoccupied,
occasionally disoriented,
unable to complete a
thought, very angry

Stage I
more organized,

showing concern
for others

Clinical Description

Manic episodes were identified by means of global mania

ratings determined twice a day by consensus of the nursing
research team, and were corroborated by the psychiatrists
and nurses written descriptions of patients affect, psychomotor activity, and cognitive state. The sequence of
mood, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms over the course
of the episode was recorded. Based on analysis of this
information, the patients longitudinal course was divided
into three stages, with predominant mood as the primary
criterionfrom the euphoria of stage I, to the anger and
irritability of stage II, to the severe panic of stage III. In
some of the patients, the onset of mania (the switch) was
gradual, clearly unfolding in a sequence until the full syndrome had developed. In others, the onset was sudden and
dramatic; even in these cases, however, the earlier stages
were present, if transient.
As Carlson and Goodwin elaborated, the initial phase of
mania (stage I) typically is characterized by increased
activity; by a labile mood that can be euphoric, irritable, or
both; and by expansive, grandiose, and overconfident
thoughts. Thinking remains coherent but is often tangential. Patients describe this change as going high and frequently report racing thoughts. In some instances, the
high does not go beyond stage I, which corresponds to
Many episodes progress to the next stage, however.
Psychomotor activity increasesevident in the even more
rapid speechand the mood state becomes more labile,
characterized by a mix of euphoria and dysphoria. Irritability turns into open hostility and anger, and the accompanying behavior often is explosive and assaultive. As racing thoughts progress to a definite flight of ideas, cognition
becomes increasingly disorganized. Preoccupations intensify, with grandiose and paranoid trends that are apparent
as frank delusions. This level, which corresponds to acute
mania, is designated as stage II.
In some patients, the manic episode progresses further
to an undifferentiated psychotic state (stage III), experienced by the patient as clearly dysphoric, usually terrifying, and accompanied by frenzied movement. Thought
processes that earlier had been only difficult to follow
become incoherent, and definite loosening of associations
often is seen. Delusions commonly are bizarre and idiosyncratic, and some patients experience ideas of reference,
disorientation, and a delirium-like state. This phase of the
syndrome is difficult to distinguish from other acute psychoses, at least superficially. In general, as the manic episode
unfolds, stage I is dominated by elation (or irritability) and
grandiosity, stage II by increasing hyperactivity and arousal,
and stage III by florid psychotic disorganization.
In the Carlson and Goodwin study, many of the rated
items showed graded continuous distributions, whereas


others evidenced definite thresholds involving apparently

qualitative shifts. The level of psychomotor activity escalated continuously through all three stages, and ratings
for manic mood increased in like manner through stages
I and II. Ratings of psychosis, by contrast, were not
clearly distributed along a continuum. This point is illustrated by the case example presented in Figure 22. As
can be seen, stage III mania was characterized by the relatively abrupt and initial appearance of hallucinations,
formal thought disorder in the Schneiderian sense, and
organic delirium.
In their study of mania, Kotin and Goodwin (1972)
found depressive affect to be pervasive. Indeed, in 10 of
their 20 manic patients the mean depression rating was
significantly higher during the manic episode than during
nonmanic, depressed periods in the hospital. The authors
noted that mania and depression ratings were correlated
positively in a majority of patients both during manic periods and for the entire hospital stay. These findings,
observed the authors, are contrary to the common view
that a patient is either manic or depressed (p. 683). Recent studies of mania, discussed later, bear out its mixed

Cognition and Perception

Nonpsychotic cognitive symptoms are common during
mania. Grandiosity and flight of ideasexperienced subjectively as racing thoughtswere observed in approximately three-quarters of the manic patients described in
the clinical studies summarized in Table 23. Less clearly
and more variably defined were distractibility, poor concentration, and confusion, a fact that may account in part
for the broader range of results on these variables16 to
100 percent for distractibility, for example, and 8 to 58
percent for confusion. Definitions were especially wideranging for confusionfrom somewhat confused and
unable to follow the gist of a conversation to the more severe clinical usage of the term to denote disorientation and
serious memory disturbance.
Thought Disorder. There is no single or comprehensive
definition of formal thought disorder. Instead, thought
disorder has been used as a general phrase to describe
problems with the ability to attend to, abstract, conceptualize, express, or continue coherent thought. Deficits in
thought and language were at one time described in general terms; today these deficits are defined by specific
measures (e.g., the Thought Disorder Index or the Scale
for the Assessment of Thought, Language and Communication). This increased specificity makes it possible to
disentangle, at least in part, disorders of thought from
those of language or speech (accordingly, we discuss the


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Table 23. Cognitive Symptoms during Mania (Excluding Psychotic Features)




Flight of Ideas/
Racing Thoughts

Poor Concentration


Lundquist, 1945


Clayton et al., 1965






Winokur et al., 1969





Carlson and Goodwin, 1973






Taylor and Abrams, 1973


Abrams and Taylor, 1976


Leff et al., 1976


Loudon et al., 1977


Taylor and Abrams, 1977

Carlson and Strober, 1979
Braden and Ho, 1981














Cassidy et al., 1998


Serretti and Olgiati, 2005


Total ne


Weighted meane













Disorientation and memory lapses; unclear criteria in some studies.

100 episodes, 61 patients.
Flight of ideas = 25%.
Persistent = 55%.
Winokur et al. not included in calculation because units are in episodes, not in patients.

latter separately below). Although difficult, this distinction is important, since it is possible to have either disorder without the other (Holzman et al., 1985). Much of
thought is nonverbal, and individuals often say one thing
while thinking another. Here we use as a working definition of thought disorder one provided by Solovay and
colleagues (1987, p. 13): thought disorder is not intended
to denote a unitary dimension or process; rather, it refers
to any disruption, deficit, or slippage in various aspects of
thinking, such as concentration, attention, reasoning, or
Certain psychotic features of mania and bipolar
depressiondelusions and hallucinationsare relevant
but not central to the concept of thought disorder. The

specificity of thought disorder to the major psychoses

mania and schizophreniarepresents an important conceptual issue and is a major focus here. Results of recent
genetic studies indicate that psychosis may be an overlapping feature of bipolar illness and schizophrenia (see
Chapter 13); therefore, studies that address the similarities
and dissimilarities in the psychotic presentation of the
two illnesses are of particular interest. Holzman and colleagues (1985, p. 228) asked: Is thought disorder a nonspecific accompaniment of psychotic behavior, whatever
the etiology of that psychosis, just as fever is nonspecific
for a variety of systemic conditions; or is there a set of
specific disorders of thinking that accompanies specific
psychotic conditions?

Clinical Description

Several methods have evolved for studying thought and

communication disorders in schizophrenia and affective
illness. These methods were categorized by Harvey (1983)
as (1) clinical (the examination of speech patterns on the
basis of clinical interactions, e.g., in the manner of Kraepelin and Bleuler); (2) laboratory (the study of underlying
cognitive processes that result in or contribute to disordered speech); and (3) natural-language (the examination
of speech samples from a variety of sources in an attempt
to identify the discourse processes that lead to the problems listeners have in understanding the speech of psychotics [p. 368]). Several specific measures have been
developed, three of which, summarized below, form the
basis for most of the research relevant to the study of
thought disorder in bipolar illness. Taken together, these
three measures can provide a reasonably comprehensive
assessment of formal thought disorder.
Holzman and colleagues (1985) developed the Thought
Disorder Index using verbal protocols (most typically verbatim responses to the Rorschach test). Based on earlier
indices (Watkins and Stauffacher, 1952; Rapaport et al.,
1968), the Thought Disorder Index comprises 23 categories
of thinking disturbances evaluated at four levels of severity
(Johnston and Holzman, 1979; Shenton et al., 1987; Solovay
et al., 1987). The least severe level includes vagueness and
peculiar verbalizations; the most severe includes thought
contamination and neologisms.
Andreasen (1979a,b) characterized different language
behaviors that she considered to be subtypes of thought
disorder and developed them into another measure, the
Scale for the Assessment of Thought, Language and
Communication. Some subtypes occur frequently in psychotic speech (e.g., poverty of content of speech, pressure
of speech, tangentiality, derailment, loss of goal, and perseveration), whereas others are relatively uncommon and, correspondingly, less useful (e.g., clanging, blocking, echolalia,
neologisms, and word approximations).
Finally, Harrow and colleagues 4 have used a battery of
measures taken from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(WAIS) (Social Comprehension Subtest), the GoldsteinScheerer Object-Sorting Test, and the Gorham Proverbs
Test to assess bizarre and idiosyncratic thinking and behavior, as well as conceptual style. Detailed discussions of
the development, reliability, and validity of their test battery are provided elsewhere.5
Virtually all studies of formal thought disorder in mania and schizophrenia, the results of which are summarized in Table 24, have found comparably high levels in
both diagnostic groups.6 In fact, although Resnick and
Oltmanns (1984) observed more thought disorder in schizophrenic patients, Harrow and colleagues (1982) found a
trend toward greater levels in manic patients.7 There is,


therefore, no indication that thought disorder per se is in

any way specific to schizophrenia. This observation is consistent with the evidence for the strong presence in mania,
as well as in schizophrenia, of psychotic features, such as
hallucinations and delusions. (See Chapter 13 for discussion of potential genetic factors underlying psychosis in
both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.) Findings of qualitative comparisons of manic and schizophrenic thought
disorder are less consistent, although increased pressure of
speech appears to be more characteristic of mania,8 as are
increased derailment, loss of goal, and tangentiality (Andreasen, 1984; Simpson and Davis, 1985). Poverty of speech
and other negative symptoms were reported by Andreasen (1984) to be more characteristic of schizophrenic
thought, although Ragin and Oltmanns (1987), using the
same scale, did not confirm this finding. More recent studies have found greater poverty of thought, less complexity of
speech, and less overall quantity of speech in schizophrenic
than in manic patients.9
Studies of differences between manic and schizophrenic
patients on measures of idiosyncratic and/or bizarre thinking have yielded mixed results, with some authors finding
higher levels in manic patients (Andreasen and Powers,
1975; Harrow et al., 1982) and others higher levels in schizophrenic patients (Simpson and Davis, 1985; Shenton
et al., 1987; Docherty et al., 1996). In general, investigators
have found that those with mania have more complex
speech than those with schizophrenia (Thomas et al.,
1996; Lott et al., 2002). Simpson and Davis (1985) made
the useful distinction that manic patients appear to be
more disordered in thought structure, whereas schizophrenic patients appear to be more disordered in thought
content. Jampala and colleagues (1989, p. 462) argued that
manic patients with formal thought disorder may have a
more severe rather than a different condition than manic
patients without formal thought disorder. The fact that
more manic patients with formal thought disorder had
a first-degree relative with affective illness supports this
Qualitative differences in thought disorder between mania and schizophrenia are more distinct in the use of combinatory thinking, the tendency to merge percepts, ideas,
or images in an incongruous fashion (Shenton et al., 1987,
p. 23). In a study of 20 manic patients, 43 schizophrenic
patients, and 22 normal subjects, Solovay and colleagues
(1987), using the Thought Disorder Index, found no significant difference in the quantity of thought disorder in
manic and schizophrenic patients, but did note that manic
thought disorder was extravagantly combinatory, usually
with humor, flippancy, and playfulness. Schizophrenic
thought disorder, by contrast, was disorganized, confused,
and idealistically fluid, with many peculiar words and

Table 24. Thought Pathology in Mania and Schizophrenia: Similarities and Differences

Thought Disorder Measure


Breakey and Goodell, 1972

Bannister Grid Text

Same frequency of thought disorder

Andreasen and Powers, 1975

Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sorting Test


Manic patients: behavioral

overinclusion; conceptual overinclusion,
idiosyncratic thinking
Schizophrenic patients: underinclusiveness


Grossman et al., 1981

Gorham Proverbs Test

GoldsteinScheerer Object Sorting Test
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS),
Social Comprehension Subtest

Harrow et al., 1982

Gorham Proverbs Test

GoldsteinScheerer Object Sorting Test
WAIS, Social Comprehension Subtest

Andreasen, 1984

Scale for the Assessment of Thought,

Language and Communication

Similar in overall level of severity,

course of disturbance, and loose
association of ideas; intermingling
of inappropriate personal ideas
or concerns into responses to neutral
stimuli; gaps in communication of
ideas, odd outlooks, and other
manifestations of bizarre thinking

Manic patients: behavioral activity

and responsiveness, response time on
word association test, deficits in
behavioral activity or impoverished
activity, grandiose ideas

Manic patients: may be more thought

disordered than schizophrenics,
although the results are not conclusive;
bizarreidiosyncratic thinking
Similar in number of abnormalities

Manic patients: more positive thought

disorder; tangentiality, derailment,
incoherence, illogicality, pressure
of speech
Schizophrenic patients: more negative
thought disorder, poverty of
speech, poverty of content
Schizoaffective patients: thought disorder is
midway between that of manic and
schizophrenic patients

Resnick and Oltmanns, 1984

Global ratings of thought disorder

Manic patients: less overall thought

disorder; pressure of speech

Simpson and Davis, 1985

Manic patients: more disordered thought

structure; loss of goal, tangentiality,
derailment, circumstantiality,
illogicality, pressure of speech,

Scale for the Assessment of Thought,

Language and Communication
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale

Schizophrenic patients: more disordered

thought content; hallucinatory
statements, hallucinatory behavior,
unusual thought content
Ragin and Oltmanns, 1987

Scale for the Assessment of Thought,

Language and Communication

Similar levels of poverty of speech,

derailment, loss of goal

Manic patients: pressure of speech

Shenton et al., 1987

Thought Disorder Index

High level of thought disorder in

both manic and schizophrenic

Manic patients: combinatory thinking


Schizophrenic patients: overall higher level

of thought disorder; idiosyncratic and
autistic thinking, absurdity, confusion
Schizoaffective patients: thinking disorders
more similar to those of schizophrenic
patients than to those of manic patients
Solovay et al., 1987

Thought Disorder Index

Equal amount of thought disorder

Manic patients: Thought disorder

extravagantly combinative, usually
with humor, flippancy and playfulness
Schizophrenic patients: disorganized,
confused, and ideationally fluid, with
many peculiar words and phrases

Jampala et al., 1989

Authors measures of thought disorder

Manic patients: flight of ideas

Schizophrenic patients: non
sequiturs, tangentiality, driveling,
neologisms, private use of words,

Table 24. Thought Pathology in Mania and Schizophrenia: Similarities and Differences (continued)

Thought Disorder Measure



Docherty et al., 1996

Communication Disturbance Index

Structural unclarities; confused,

wrong words and vague references

Manic patients: amount of speech;

ambiguous word meanings
Schizophrenic patients: references to
information unknown to listener

Thomas et al., 1996

Brief Syntactic Analysis

Lott et al., 2002

Authors measures of thought, language,

Schizophrenic patients: complexity of

Most measures of deviant speech

Manic patients: complexity of speech

and communication
Schizophrenic patients: poverty of

Clinical Description

phrases. The authors elaborated further on these differences (pp. 1920):

[M]anic thought disorder manifests itself as ideas loosely
strung together and extravagantly combined and elaborated . . . appearance of irrelevant intrusions into social
discourse that may at times appear inappropriately flippant and playful. . . . Schizophrenic thought disorder, on
the other hand, seems devoid of the playful, compulsively
elaborative, and ideationally loose constructions of the
manic patients. Characteristic of the schizophrenic
patients in this study were fluid thinking, interpenetrations of one idea by another, unstable verbal referents,
and fragmented and elliptical communications.

These differences are portrayed in Figure 23, which

shows standardized Thought Disorder Index scores (on
factors derived from a principal components analysis) for
12 schizoaffective (manic) and 10 schizoaffective (depressed) patients, as well as for the manic, schizophrenic,
and normal subjects discussed earlier (Shenton et al.,
1987). Of note, on the one manic factor (combinatory
thinking), schizoaffective manic patients were most similar to the manic group, but on the five schizophrenic factors (idiosyncratic thinking, autistic thinking, fluid thinking, absurdity, and confusion), they performed more like

the schizophrenic patients. The schizoaffective depressed

patients more strongly resembled the normal subjects.
Andreasen (1984) found that her schizoaffective patients
were midway in thought disorder between the manic and
schizophrenic patients. Jampala and colleagues (1989)
observed a greatly increased rate of flight of ideas in their
manic patients (72 percent) compared with schizophrenic
patients (10 percent).
In summary, although the overall amount of thought
disorder does not differentiate manic from schizophrenic
patients, qualitative differences do exist. Manic patients are
more likely than schizophrenics to exhibit more pressured
and complex speech; grandiosity; flight of ideas; combinatory and overinclusive thinking; and a strong affective component to thought that is characterized by humor, playfulness, and flippancy. The causal relationships among affect,
psychomotor acceleration, and the often strikingly different manifestations of the underlying thought disorders in
mania and schizophrenia remain unclear.
A few studies have followed the course of manic thought
disorder over time. Andreasen (1984) observed that most
manic patients, unlike schizophrenic patients, demonstrated a reversible thought disorder. Other than a continuing pressure of speech, they showed nearly complete
recovery over time. Schizoaffective patients, to a lesser

Figure 23. Standardized Thought Disorder Index scores on factors derived from principal components analysis for five groups of subjects. (Source: Shenton et al., 1987.)

Standardized Scores on Thought Disorder Index







Schizophrenic (N ! 43)
Manic (N ! 20)
Schizoaffective, manic (N ! 12)
Schizoaffective, depressed (N ! 10)
Normal (N ! 22)



Clinical Description and Diagnosis

extent than the manic patients, also recovered. Ragin and

Oltmanns (1987), on the other hand, found that manic
patients displayed moderate levels of derailment and loss
of goal at initial testing and, unlike other thought-disordered
subjects, did not show significant decreases in either of
these features at follow-up. The most extensive longitudinal studies of manic thought disorder were conducted by
Harrow and colleagues (Harrow et al., 1982, 1986; Grossman et al., 1986). Using a battery of cognitive tests designed to assess bizarreidiosyncratic thinking (GoldsteinScheerer Object Sorting Test, Gorham Proverbs Test, and
WAIS Social Comprehension Subtest), the investigators
tested manic thought disorder in the acute phase (Harrow
et al., 1982), 1 year after hospitalization (Harrow et al., 1986),
and 2 to 4 years after hospitalization (Grossman et al., 1986).
Initial levels of manic thought pathology and changes over
time were compared with those obtained for schizophrenic
and nonpsychotic psychiatric patients and normal subjects.
The results of these comparisons are summarized in Figure
24 and presented in further detail below.
In the acute phase, manic patients were extremely
thought disordered; 94 percent showed some definite evidence of abnormal thinking, and 73 percent of hospitalized manic patients demonstrated severe levels of bizarre
idiosyncratic thinking. There were no significant differences

in levels of thought disorder between medicated and unmedicated manic patients. Manic patients were at least as
thought disordered as, if not more so than, schizophrenic
patients (Harrow et al., 1986).
In the short-term follow-up phase (7 weeks), manic
thought disorder in medicated patients improved, although
some patients continued to show severe thought disorder.
Manic patients did not show a more rapid reduction in
thought pathology relative to the schizophrenic patients
(Harrow et al., 1982).
One year after hospital discharge, a surprisingly large
number of manic patients showed relatively severe
bizarreidiosyncratic thinking or positive thought disorder (Fig. 24). There was also a significant reduction in
severity of thought pathology for both manic and schizophrenic patients at follow-up. Manic patients showed a
greater reduction in pathology (from 73 to 27 percent rated
as severe or very severe) relative to the schizophrenic patients (from 50 to 27 percent) (Harrow et al., 1986).
Two- to 4-year follow-up data revealed that of the manic
patients, 30 percent had severe or very severe thought disorder, and another 30 percent had definite signs of abnormal
thinking. Of the 14 formerly hospitalized manic patients
who showed severe or very severe thought disorder, only 4
were rehospitalized at the time of the follow-up assessment.

Figure 24. Composite level of thought disorder during and after hospitalization in manic,
schizophrenic, and nonpsychotic psychiatric patients and normal subjects. (Source: Grossman
et al., 1986; Harrow et al., 1982, 1986.)

Percent with Particular Level of Thought Disorder







Year Years
(N!34) (N!34) (N!47)

Level of thought


(N!48) (N!30)

Severe or
very severe



(N!31) (N!30)


None, minimal
or mild

Clinical Description


Table 25. Relationship of Manic Behavior and Psychosis to Thought Disorder in 47 Formerly
Hospitalized Manic Patients at 2- to 4-Year Follow-Up
No or Mild
Thought Disorder
(n = 19)

Signs of Abnormal
Thought Disorder
(n = 14)

Severe or Very
Severe Thought Disorder
(n = 14)




















Ratings of Manic Behavior


Ratings of Psychosis


Source: Grossman et al., 1986. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, Copyright 1986, American Psychiatric

Positive thought disorder was associated with manic behavior; that is, those patients who showed more manic behaviors had more severe thought disorder (see Table 25). There
was a significant correlation between thought disorder and
psychosis, but psychotic symptoms alone did not account
for all of the variance associated with thought disorder at
follow-up. Manic patients with more than one previous
hospitalization or with a more chronic manic course had
significantly more thought disorder than patients with only
one or no previous hospitalizations (Grossman et al., 1986).
These findings of Harrows group are indicative of the
fact that manic thought disorder can prevail long past an
acute episode, a point suggesting the need for caution in
accepting assumptions of a relatively benign course of illness or of a return to normality for all patients with bipolar illness (see Chapter 4 for further discussion of the
problematic course of bipolar disorder). The findings must
be tempered, however, by certain methodological constraints, especially one relevant to recent investigations. In
the current era, manic-depressive patients seen and treated
in university teaching hospitals represent a disproportionately ill and treatment-refractory group. Bipolar patients
with a more typical (i.e., salutary) course are now treated,
for the most part, by the general psychiatric community.
Those patients less responsive to standard medical interventions are more frequently referred to research centers

for evaluation and treatment. Further confounding interpretation of the above findings are issues of patient
nonadherence to medication regimens (see Chapter 21),
medication side effects, and seasonal biases (e.g., annual
assessments, if completed 1, 2, or 4 years after an acute
episode, may increase the likelihood of testing during a
periodic recurrence rather than a remission). The continuance of significant thought pathology in many manic patients is of both clinical and theoretical relevance and is an
important area for further research (see Perugi et al., 1998a,
for a discussion of cognitive decline in chronic mania).
Linguistic and Communication Patterns. Investigators
have found differences in linguistic patterns between manic
and schizophrenic patients (Kagan and Oltmanns, 1981;
Harvey, 1983; Ragin and Oltmanns, 1987). Hoffman and colleagues (1986) found that total speech deviance and utterance length were greater in manic than in schizophrenic
patients. The authors concluded that manic speech difficulties were due to shifts from one discourse structure to
another, while schizophrenic speech difficulties reflected a
basic deficiency in elaborating any discourse structure (p.
836). In a related study, Fraser and colleagues (1986) found
that schizophrenic patients had less syntactically complex
speech than manic patients. This finding is consistent with
those of the more recent work of Thomas and colleagues


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Normal Persons




Figure 25. Sample of discourse structures taken from three groups. Note: Nodes correspond to
statements generated by text. Linkages are formed from dependency relations. Substructures
identified by open circles correspond to largest subtree embedded in segment. Jagged line indicates nontransitive dependency; broken lines represent nondependent associations. Upward
branching nodes can be seen to receive more than one chain of superordinate statements. Two
manic patients have larger subtrees compared with three schizophrenic patients. 1, 2, and 5 are
well-formed trees. (Source: Hoffman et al., 1986.)

(1996) and Lott and colleagues (2002), who also found that
manic speech was more complex. The structural differences
in language are schematized in Figure 25. Hoffman and
colleagues (1986) speculated that the shift from one discourse structure to another is related to the manic patients
increased distractibility and general level of overactivation,
each of which involves both verbal and nonverbal behavior.
Distractibility in bipolar illness, which is pervasive and often severe, is discussed in detail in Chapter 9.
Predictability of verbal communication has been studied
through close analysis, a measure of the ability of normal
subjects to guess words deleted from transcripts of speech
samples. Using this technique, Ragin and Oltmanns (1983)
found that depressed speech was the most predictable,

schizophrenic the least, and manic somewhere in between.

Andreasen and Pfohl (1976) analyzed the frequency of syntactical elements in speech samples taken from 16 manic
and 15 depressed patients. Their results are summarized in
Table 26 and as follows by the authors (p. 1366):
The analysis of syntactical elements was particularly useful in distinguishing between the two groups . . .
[D]epressive speech tends to be more vague, qualified,
and personalized, while manic speech is more colorful
and concrete . . . [D]epressed patients tend to qualify
more, to talk more in terms of a state of being, and to
talk more both about themselves and other people. Manics, on the other hand, tend to talk more about things

Clinical Description


Table 26. Frequency of Syntactical Elements in Manic and Depressed Patients

Manic = Depressed

Manic >Depressed

Depressed >Manic

Lexical diversity

(number of words, number

of different words)
Syntactical complexity

Action verbs
Words reflecting power
and achievement

Qualifying adverbs
First-person pronouns

Note: Sample = 16 manic patients, 15 depressed patients.

Source: Adapted from data in Andreasen and Pfohl, 1976.

than about people, to discuss them in terms of action,

and to use more adjectives to describe them.

Delusions and Hallucinations. Problems in the assessment of delusions and hallucinations are many and troublesome. Orvaschel and colleagues (1982) found that family reports of affective delusions identified only 18 percent
of probands who admitted such symptoms on direct interview with the Schedule for Affective Disorders-Lifetime
(SADS-L). In a study of psychosis in 89 bipolar patients,
Rosen and colleagues (1983a) found that 49 (55 percent)
emerged as psychotic on the basis of interviews (SADS)
alone. After a review of all interviews and prior records,
however, 63 were identified as psychotic. Price and colleagues (1984), like Orvaschel and colleagues (1982), found
a lack of reliability in reports from family members. Yet as
Pope and Lipinski (1978) observed in their early review of
the literature, the general findings of all these studies,
despite wide differences in time, setting, and sample selection, are reasonably consistent.
Table 27 summarizes findings from 33 studies of psychotic features in mania. Approximately two-thirds of the
bipolar patients in these studies were found to have a lifetime history of at least one psychotic symptom (phase of
illness usually unspecified, but when specified, more often
manic). The range of rates was 47 to 90 percent. These
results are consistent with Carlson and Goodwins (1973)
finding that 30 percent of their bipolar-I patients (i.e.,
those with a history of mania) did not progress to stage III
mania. Rosenthal and colleagues (1979) also observed that
33 percent of their bipolar-I patients never became formally psychotic during mania. The high prevalence of psychotic features in these studies is consistent with the presence of a psychosis factor in most factorial studies of
mania and with Koukopouloss (2005) assertion that the
manic syndrome is basically a psychotic condition.
Some evidence suggests that early age at onset of bipolar illness is likely to be associated with an increased rate

of psychotic symptoms. Carlson and Strober (1979)

found that bipolar illness first appearing during adolescence was characterized by especially florid psychotic
symptoms. Rosenthal and colleagues (1980) observed
that those bipolar-I patients who also met Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for schizoaffective illness had a
younger age at onset and more non-Schneiderian delusions and hallucinations. Rosen and colleagues (1983b)
found a negative correlation of 0.4 between age at onset
and psychotic symptom score. The authors also suggested
that their findings raise the possibility that RDC schizoaffective disorders are really a form of bipolar-I disorder.
More recent, larger studies have not found a significant
correlation between early age at onset and psychotic
symptoms, however (Perugi et al., 2000; Toni et al., 2001;
Baethge et al., 2005). Age-specific issues relevant to delusions and hallucinations are discussed more fully in
Chapter 6.
Akiskal and colleagues (1983) reported that in patients
who switched from depression to mania during a prospective observation period of 34 years, the index depressive
episode was often psychotic. Findings of a new study (Othmer et al., in press) based on more than 1,000 outpatients
confirm the strong association between early-onset psychotic depression and eventual manic switch.
Some evidence relates the presence of psychotic symptoms to severity of illness. Abrams and Taylor (1981) found
only a trend toward an association between severity of
manic syndrome and schizophrenic features, including
delusions and hallucinations. Carlson and Goodwin (1973),
however, reported covariance between ratings of psychosis
and ratings of manic severity. Likewise, Young and colleagues (1983) found a positive relationship between total
score on the Mania Rating Scale and the presence of psychotic symptoms. More recently, Baethge and colleagues
(2005) found that hospitalizations for bipolar patients who
had hallucinations averaged 17 percent longer than those
for bipolar patients who did not.

Table 27. Psychotic Symptoms during Mania


Lange, 1922
Bowman and Raymond,

Patients Any








Visual Olfactory

Presence or History
of Psychotic



Rennie, 1942


Lundquist, 1945


Astrup et al., 1959


Clayton et al., 1965



Winokur et al., 1969





Thought Schneiderian
Disorder Symptoms





Beigel and Murphy, 1971a


Carlson and
Goodwin, 1973


Carpenter et al., 1973


Taylor and Abrams, 1973b


Murphy and Beigel, 1974


Guze et al., 1975


Abrams and Taylor, 1976


Leff et al., 1976


Loudon et al., 1977



















Taylor and Abrams, 1977


Carlson and Strober, 1979
















Rosenthal et al., 1979


Brockington et al., 1980a


Rosenthal et al., 1980


Rosen et al., 1983a


55 (71)e, f

Rosen et al., 1983b



Winokur, 1984


Endicott et al., 1986


Black and Nasrallah, 1989



Vieta et al., 1997











Coryell et al., 2001



Suppes et al., 2001



Serretti et al., 2002



Keck et al., 2003



Weighted meansj
(individual episode




Total n



Cassidy et al., 1998

Baethge et al., 2005











11 (23)i












Table 27. Psychotic Symptoms during Mania (continued)



Patients Any







Visual Olfactory

Presence or History
of Psychotic

Thought First-Rank
Disorder Schneiderian
Symptoms %

Weighted meansj
lifetime dataa







Weighted meansj (all)












Lifetime or course of illness.

100 episodes, 61 patients.
Phase of illness not specified.
Bipolar fraction unclear.
38 reported psychotic symptoms during manic phase only, 6 during both manic and depressed phases, and 5 during depressed phase only.
(71) refers to total % psychotic (only 55% were considered psychotic on the basis of interview alone).
Bipolar I patients only.
Low and high symptom threshold values.
Mixed mania figures are in parentheses.
Winokur et al. not included in calculation because units are in episodes, not in patients.

Clinical Description

The relationship between the presence or a history of psychotic features and the long-term course of illness is unclear.
While several studies have not found a correlation between
psychosis and poorer outcome,10 many more have.11 There
is even more agreement that mood-incongruent psychotic
features predict a less positive course.12 Only one early investigation (Abrams and Taylor, 1983) and a single recent
study (Keck et al., 2003) found otherwise. Keck and colleagues hypothesized that their findings, which are at variance with most others, may reflect the high morbidity and
poor functional outcome in the great majority of the patients they studied. There does not appear to be a significant correlation between psychosis and an increased likelihood of attempting suicide (Grunebaum et al., 2001; Black
et al., 2003; Keck et al., 2003; see Chapter 8).
Young and colleagues (1983) examined the relationship
between psychotic features and other manic symptoms.
They found no association of psychotic features with insight,
disruptiveaggressive behavior, appearance, and rate and
amount of speech, or with demographic variables, such as
age, gender, and race. They did find, however, that psychotic patients were significantly more likely than nonpsychotic patients to have grandiose and expansive mood, increased psychomotor activity and energy, and increased
sexual interest, and were also more likely to report sleepdisturbance symptoms. Baethge and colleagues (2005),
who studied hospitalized bipolar patients, found that those
who reported hallucinations were less well educated and
had higher anxiety scores, longer hospitalizations, and less
insight into their illness. Comparisons of bipolar-I and -II
patients have found, as one would expect, a greatly elevated
rate (nearly three-fold) of psychotic symptoms in those
with bipolar-I (Vieta et al., 1997; Suppes et al., 2001; Serretti et al., 2002).
Finally, Endicott and colleagues (1986) studied 1,084
first-degree relatives of 298 probands with schizoaffective,
psychotic, and nonpsychotic unipolar and bipolar major
depressive disorders. They found that over the course of a
lifetime, bipolar disorder and psychosis were positively
associated in both probands and relatives. Bipolar illness
in a proband did not predict psychosis in relatives, however, whereas psychosis in a proband was related to
increased risk of psychosis (but not to bipolarity) in relatives. According to Endicott and colleagues, these findings suggest that, although bipolarity and psychosis often
occur in the same individuals, they may not reflect the
same genetic influence. The authors speculated that the
risk for the expression of psychotic symptoms is increased in individuals who also have had a bipolar disorder (p. 11). Interestingly, Winokur and colleagues (1986;
Winokur and Kadrmas, 1989) showed that the risk
for psychosis, as well as polyepisodic course in bipolar


patients, is predicted by a history of mania and polyepisodic course in the family.

Delusions, like thought disorder, vary widely in severity,
fixedness, content, and effect on overt behavior (Jaspers,
1913; Kraepelin, 1921; Garety, 1985). The degree to which
they are contingent upon fluctuating affect also varies.
Manic delusions are usually grandiose and expansive in
nature, often religious, and not infrequently paranoid.
They generally can be differentiated from schizophrenic
delusions by their tendency to be wish-fulfilling in nature
and oriented more toward communion than segregation
(Lerner, 1980). Winokur and colleagues (1969, p. 70) distinguished the presentations of delusions in the two illnesses as follows:
The delusions that are seen in schizophrenia usually last
for months or years and are often primary; that is, they
do not explain a real or disordered perception. They
fulfill the definition of a delusion as a fixed, false belief.
In mania the delusions are quite different. They are
often evanescent, appearing or disappearing during the
course of a day, or even during an interview. They also
vary with the patients total state, being more frequent
when he is more active; and his flights of ideas become
more pronounced and fading as he becomes more
quiet. Frequently they are extensions of the patients
At times the patient can be talked out of his delusion,
and at other times he gives the impression that he is only
being playful rather than really being deluded. In our
group the delusions were often secondary to the patients
exalted affect. This was especially true of those patients
who felt their mood could be described only as a religious
The most subtle and earliest distortions of reality are
manifest in the frequent extravagance and grandiose selfimage expressed by the patients.

Kraepelin (1921, pp. 6869) also emphasized the changing nature of manic delusions (especially when contrasted
with those expressed during the depressive phase, which he
thought were for the most part uniformly adhered to):
manic delusions change frequently, emerge as creations of
the moment and again disappear; they move very frequently on religious territory, tending to be grandiose; and
patients often narrate all sorts of journeys and adventures,
secret experiences. He also reported that the same delusional ideas often appeared again in subsequent attacks.
Winokur and colleagues (1969, p. 72), like Kraepelin, suggested that delusions of mania are not well systematized
and, apart from grandiose optimism, tend not to be acted
upon. They attributed the fact that manic patients seldom
act on their delusions (a point perhaps worth disputing) to


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

the brief duration of the delusions and the patients inability to make any sort of concerted action. They noted further that both manic and depressive delusions, which occur
primarily in the most disturbed patients, tend to be appropriate to the patients mood and not to be systematized. The
same investigators found that religious themes were the
most common manic delusions in both men (27.0 percent)
and women (30.1 percent). Political themes were more common in men (18.9 percent) than in women (3.2 percent),
and sexual and financial themes were about equally common (13.5 and 9.5 percent, respectively, in men; 5.4 and 7.9
percent, respectively, in women).
Hallucinations, or perceptions of sensory impressions
without the existence of external physical stimuli, represent a fascinating, not uncommon, and yet relatively
unstudied part of the clinical phenomenology of affective illness. They occupy a portion of the continuum of
dream-stateillusoryhallucinatory phenomena, which
ranges from distortions and misperceptions on the one
hand to the total conjuring of fully developed images on
the other. Hallucinations can vary in a wide range of aspects, such as their extent (frequency and duration), location, constancy, intensity, effect on overt behavior, affect
produced, content, and causal attributions (Lowe, 1973).
Yet despite these complexities, hallucinations are most
commonly presented in the psychiatric research literature
as simply present or absent in a given sensory modality
(e.g., auditory or visual).
Hallucinations generally occur less frequently than
delusions in both the manic and depressed phases of bipolar illness, although Carlson and Strober (1979) reported a
significantly higher rate of hallucinations in bipolar depression. Baethge and colleagues (2005) found comparable
rates of hallucinations in mania and depression, but twice
as high a rate in bipolar mixed patients (see Table 28).
The lifetime history data presented earlier in Table 2-7
suggest that at least half of all patients report a history of
delusions, but only about a fifth report the experience of
hallucinating while depressed or manic. Auditory hallucinations, averaged across the data-based studies, are more
common than visual ones.
Kraepelin (1921, pp. 56) found that in mania, the perception of external impressions was invariably encroached
upon and that defective perceptions often were related to
extraordinary distractibility of attention. He described
not only the blurring of illusions, hypnagogic phenomena,
and hallucinations, but also their overlap with mood and
thinking in the bipolar form of manic-depressive illness
(pp. 8, 11):
Isolated hallucinations are observed frequently and in the
most different states, although they do not very often

appear conspicuously in the foreground. It is generally a

case of illusionary occurrences, the appearance of which
is favoured by the incompleteness and slightness of perception, but especially by the lively emotions peculiar to
the disease. The substance of the illusions therefore is
invariably in close connection with the trains of thought
and the moods of the patients. . . .
Auditory hallucinations frequently appear only in the
night-time, or at least much more then. They seem, as a
rule, not to possess complete sensory distinctness. They
are voices as in a dream. . . . Their origin is relatively seldom referred to the external world. . . . Much more frequently the hallucinations have their seat in the patients
own body.

In an early study, Bowman and Raymond (19311932b)

compared hallucinations in 1,009 patients with manicdepressive psychoses, 1,408 with schizophrenia, and 496
with general paresis. They found an overall tendency for
more women than men to have a history of hallucinations
(especially of a visual nature), and observed that women
with seclusive personalities were at particularly high risk
for auditory and visual hallucinations. A recent study of
hallucinations in bipolar patients also found that women
were more likely than men to report hallucinations (Baethge
et al., 2005). Bowman and Raymond found no significant
relationship between the presence of hallucinations and
religion, age at admission, or level of intelligence. They did
observe a close relationship between the clinical nature of
the hallucinations in bipolar illness and those present in
patients with general paresis. This latter finding is consistent with Lowes (1973) conclusion that bipolar hallucinations resemble more those of the organic psychoses than
those of schizophrenia or paranoia. (This similarity to organic psychosis [toxic versus defect] is also discussed in
Chapters 3, 9, and 15.)
Winokur and colleagues (1969) found that manic hallucinations tended to be brief, grandiose, often part of a delusional idea, usually religious (the face of God,Heaven in
all its glory), and frequently in the form of a command
from God. Manic and depressive hallucinations shared a
fragmented and fleeting quality and usually occurred in
the most severely disturbed patients. The authors stressed
the theoretical importance of a severity profile in bipolar
illness, after noting that hallucinationsthe least common
of symptomswere also the first symptoms to disappear
during recovery from a manic episode, followed in turn
by delusions, flight of ideas, push of speech, and distractibility (a general pattern later confirmed by Carlson and
Goodwin, 1973).
Although finding hallucinations of generally limited use
in differential diagnosis, D.W. Goodwin and colleagues

Clinical Description


Table 28. Comparison of Psychotic Features during Mania and Bipolar Depression
Category of

et al., 1969a

Carlson and
Strober, 1979

et al., 1980

Black and
Nasrallah, 1989


















et al., 2004

et al., 2005



11 (23d)



100 episodes, 61 patients.

Episodes of auditory hallucinations only.
Includes delusions during euthymic states.
Mixed state.
Delusions or hallucinations not specified. Bipolar-I patients.

(1971), in one of the few (albeit small) phenomenological

studies, were able to draw several conclusions about the
nature of hallucinations in their 28 patients (7 bipolar)
with affective illness: (1) the modality of hallucinations
(e.g., auditory or visual) was not consistent from one
affective episode to another; (2) patients with affective illness were far more likely than those with schizophrenia to
hallucinate only when no other person was there; (3) color
was usually normal; (4) the people who appeared in the
hallucination were usually of normal size and appearance;
(5) the hallucinations were intermittent; (6) they were often in several sensory modalities; and (7) accusatory voices
were not specific to affective illnessindeed, they were
more common in schizophrenia.
Lowe (1973) studied 22 bipolar patients in a particularly
intensive and interesting investigation of hallucinations. In
comparing these patients with others who had organic,
paranoid, or schizophrenic psychoses, he found that they
reported mainly auditory and visual hallucinations when
manic; that these hallucinations were less frequent and
briefer than those occurring in other neuropsychiatric
conditions; that in retrospect, the hallucinations were believed by patients to be less real but were also perceived

to be less controllable; that women were more likely to

report rarer types of hallucinations; and finally, that the
patients always believed the hallucinations to be experienced only by themselves. Consistent with other investigators, Lowe concluded that manic hallucinations were more
similar in nature to those reported by patients with organic psychoses than to those reported by patients with
schizophrenia or paranoia.
Lerner (1980), who also investigated qualitative differences between the psychotic experiences of mania and
schizophrenia, concluded that mania was more characterized by enhanced sensory awareness and ecstatic or
beatific experiences. Manic hallucinations tended to be
more of the visual type; strikingly vivid and associated with
bright, colorful sensations; and often coupled with intensely pleasurable or ecstatic feelings (similar to psychedelic experiences). Silberman and colleagues (1985) compared histories of transient sensory phenomena akin to
hallucinations in 44 euthymic affective patients (34 bipolar), 37 patients with a history of complex partial seizures,
and 30 hypertensive controls. Affective and epileptic
patients were similar in their reports of sensory changes,
including visual and auditory hallucinations and altered


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

perceptual intensities. Epileptic patients, however, were far

more likely to have experienced epigastric, vestibular, and
gustatory hallucinations.
In summary, hallucinations occur less frequently than
delusions in both the manic and depressed phases of bipolar illness. Hallucinatory phenomena appear to represent
the extreme end of the symptomatic picture, being nonexistent in milder forms of depression and mania and most
pronounced in the gravest, most delirious states. Hallucinations during mania are frequently ecstatic and religious
in nature, brief and fleeting in duration, and inconstant in
their modality of expression. They appear qualitatively, at
least in the few studies in which they have been addressed,
to be more similar to organic than to schizophrenic psychoses. Gender differences in the experience of hallucinatory phenomena are unclear, although there is some evidence that women are more likely to report having had

Activity and Behavior

The results of studies of activity and behavior during
manic states, summarized in Table 29, show that disturbed sleep and speech, as well as hyperactivity, are common in mania. About 80 percent of manic patients have either insomnia or a decreased need for sleep. Virtually all,
8090 percent, exhibit hyperverbosity and rapid or pressured speech. An overwhelming majority are hyperactive,
more than half are hypersexual, and one in four exhibits
catatonia. There are few studies of gender differences
in manic activity and behavior, although a recent New
Zealand investigation of 90 bipolar males and 121 bipolar
females found that men were significantly more likely to
report the presence of problem behaviors (the nature of
which was not specified) and excitement or inability to
hold a conversation (Kawa et al., 2005, p. 122). Gender
differences in manic sexual behavior are discussed in
Chapter 10.

Factorial Studies of Mania

Although a great deal of research has been done on the factorial structure of nonbipolar depressive disorders, the literature on the structure of bipolar depressive states is relatively sparse (reviewed in Azorin, 2000). Until recently, this
was also the case for mania. Initially, Beigel and colleagues
(1971) concluded, on the basis of a relatively small National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) sample, that pure
manic and dysphoric subtypes could be delineated. Subsequently, new data derived from large clinical samples have
confirmed this conclusion, but also painted a much more
complex clinical portrait of mania.13 The French EPIMAN
study (Akiskal et al., 2003a) is multicentered, with patient
information being collected by means of a standardized

protocol in at least four regions of France. The main findings of this study are generally consistent with those of
earlier research in indicating that further phenomenological understanding of mania requires a multidimensional perspective. The authors of this study went beyond
the euphoricdysphoric dichotomy and proposed the existence of independent euphoric, depressive, hostile, psychotic, and deficit factors, each of which was correlated
with a core activation (disinhibitioninstability) factor of
Like Bauer and colleagues (1994), Akiskal and colleagues (2001) concluded that, rather than euphoria/irritability, the central definitional focus of mania should be
psychomotor activation. This conclusion is consistent with
the emphasis of Heinroth (1818) and Koukopoulos (2005),
which posits that excitement is the fundamental state of
the bipolar subgroup of manic-depressive illness. By incorporating new features of mania derived from the EPIMAN
study (e.g., pathological gregariousness and overfamiliarity) and using clinical expertise, different groups of investigators have developed a factorial structure of mania that
incorporates psychomotor activation as the major criterion, along with mood disturbance, other signs and symptoms, and a lack of insight and judgment; this work, in
conjunction with that of other investigators, has led to proposed changes in the DSM-IV criteria for mania. Ghaemi
and colleagues (1995) also underscored the cognitive dysfunction in the areas of insight and judgment in mania;
similar findings were reported by DellOsso and colleagues
(2000). Interestingly, insight appears to be less impaired
during mixed mania (Cassidy et al., 2001a; see Chapters 21
and 22).
Table 210 summarizes the findings of factorial studies
of the structure of mania. It is clear that current diagnostic
systems fail to reflect the actual complexity of the state.
Nor do most diagnostic formulations adequately capture
the essential relationship, indeed the often total overlap,
between major subtypes of mania and mixed states. Virtually all investigations of the structure of mania have noted
common underlying dimensions: a mood component, characterized by either predominantly euphoric or dysphoric
qualities; psychomotor activation; psychotic features; and
irritability and/or aggression.
There are fewer data on the structure of hypomania,
but as with mania, cardinal manifestations are irritability,
coupled with heightened activation and behavioral excess.
Serretti and Olgiati (2005) compared patterns of manic
symptoms in 158 bipolar-I and 122 bipolar-II patients (see
Table 211). The bipolar-I patients had a higher prevalence
of reckless activity, distractibility, psychomotor agitation,
irritable mood, and increased self-esteem. Juruena and
colleagues (2006) compared 27 bipolar-I patients with

Table 29. Activity and Behavior Symptoms during Mania































Lange, 1922


















Allison and Wilson,




Clayton et al.,








Winokur et al.,


















Leff et al., 1976




Loudon et al., 1977






Carlson and
Goodwin, 1973





Taylor and Abrams,

Abrams and Taylor,







Taylor and Abrams,








Carlson and Strober,







Table 29. Activity and Behavior Symptoms during Mania (continued)














































Abrams and Taylor,





Brunig et al., 1998



Cassidy et al., 1998


Krger et al., 2003






Serretti and Olgiati,



Total nf


Weighted meanf








Includes decreased need for sleep and insomnia.

100 episodes, 61 patients.
Calculations based on a sample of 119 patients (except for catatonia rating).
Based on high-threshold scores.
Of mixed manic patients, 62% displayed catatonia; of pure manic patients, only 5%.
Winokur et al. not included in calculation because units are in episodes, not in patients.










Table 210. Findings of Factorial Studies of the Structure of Mania


Sample Size

Assessment Tool

Murphy and
Beigel, 1974



Double, 1991



Primary Factors

10 nondelineated


Cassidy et al., 1998


Clinical assessment

Dilsaver et al., 1999


Core Dimensions/
I. Euphoriagrandiosity
II. Paranoia
I. (Mild) excitation
II. Elationpressured
speechflight of ideas
III. Psychosisseverity
IV. Psychomotor activation
aggressive overactivity

1. Dysphoric mood
2. Psychomotor
3. Psychosis
4. Euphoric mood
5. Irritability, aggression


1. Manic activation


2. Depressed state

I. Mania with depressed

II. Mania without
depressed mood

3. Sleep disturbance
4. Irritability/paranoia
Cassidy et al., 2001a




1. Hypomania; low
psychosis; mild,
classic mania
2. Severe, classic pure
mania; devoid of
dysphoric features
3. Grandiosity and psychosis,
but without marked
psychomotor pressure,
sleep disturbance,
hypersexuality, humor,
and irritable paranoia
4. Dysphoria; complete
absence of euphoric mood
or humor; little grandiosity
or hypersexuality
5. Dysphoria, but less than
factor 4. Higher levels
of grandiosity, humor,
psychomotor activation,


Acute mania

Delusional mania

Depressive or
anxious mania

Mixed state




Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Table 210. Findings of Factorial Studies of the Structure of Mania (continued)

Core Dimensions/


Sample Size

Assessment Tool

Primary Factors

Swann et al., 2001




Anxious pessimism
Distressed appearance



Sato et al., 2002




Depressive mood
Irritable aggression
Depressive inhibition


Pure mania
Aggressive mania
Psychotic mania
Depressive (mixed)

5. Pure mania
6. Emotional liability/agitation
7. Psychosis
Akiskal et al., 2003a





et al., 2003





I. Hedonism
II. Dysphoria
III. Activation

ADRS = Affective Disorders Rating Scale; AMDPS = Association for Methodology in Psychiatry System; CPRS = Comprehensive Psychopathology Rating Scale; DSM-III-R = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd edition, revised; DSM-IV = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,
4th edition; GAF = Global Assessment of Functioning; HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; MRS = Mania Rating Scale (Young);
MSRS = Manic State Rating Scale; MVAS-BP = Multiple Visual Analogue Scales of Bipolarity; RDC = Research Diagnostic Criteria;
SADS = Schedule for Affective Disorders; SMS = Scale for Manic States.

25 bipolar-II patients. Those with bipolar-I reported a

higher frequency of racing thoughts, grandiosity, impaired
judgment, and decreased total sleep time. Patients with
bipolar-II disorder experienced 3.5 times more depressive
episodes and four times the rate of lifetime substance
abuse disorders. Benazzi (2005) emphasized that there are
no clear boundaries between mania and hypomania and
that overactive behavior during hypomania is at least as
important as hypomanic mood. To date, fewer factors have
been derived for hypomania: energyactivity; irritabilityracing thoughts, which, as noted earlier, is putatively a

dysphoric expression of hypomania (Benazzi and Akiskal,

2003); and, more recently, an elevated mood factor
that includes elevated mood and increased self-esteem
(Benazzi, 2006). Hantouche and colleagues (2003) also
found a dual structure of hypomania, although the factors
were slightly different: one factor was defined by positive
(driveneuphoric) features, and the other by greater irritability and risk taking.
The factorial structure of mania and hypomania is a
relatively new area of clinical investigation, and future
studies are needed to follow up on this preliminary work.

Clinical Description


Table 211. Occurrence of Manic Symptoms in Bipolar-I and -II

BP-I (n = 158)

BP-II (n = 122)

Excessive activity



Reckless activity



Risk Ratio

95% Confidence













Reduced need for sleep






Agitated activity






Pressured speech






Racing thoughts






Elevated mood






Irritable mood






Increased self-esteem








Source: Adapted from Serretti and Olgiati, 2005.

In particular, little is known about the longitudinal stability

of these factors, although the findings of one short-term
follow-up study suggest such a possibility for the manic
and mixed subtypes (Cassidy et al., 2002).

Classic Clinical Descriptions
The bipolar depressive states, in sharp contrast to the manias, are usually characterized by a slowing or decrease in
almost all aspects of emotion and behavior: rate of thought
and speech, energy, sexuality, and the ability to experience
pleasure. As with the manic states, severity varies widely.
Symptoms can range from mild physical and mental slowing, with very little distortion in cognition and perception,
to profound depressive stupors, delusions, hallucinations,
and clouding of consciousness. Of the three major symptomatic groups we have been examiningmood, cognition
and perception, and activity and behaviormood is perhaps the least variable across the continuum of depressive
states, although, as we shall see, irritability and anger often
accompany the more usual melancholic picture. Cognition and perception, on the other hand, change profoundly, as do activity and behavior. We begin with extensive classic descriptions of depressive mood, then discuss

changes in cognition and perception and activity and

behavior in various depressive states (i.e., nonpsychotic,
psychotic, and stuporous depressions). Cognition and
perception are treated most extensively in the discussion
of psychotic depression, whereas activity and behavior
figure more prominently in the discussion of stuperous
depression. First, however, we present an ancient description of melancholia from Aretaeus (Extant Works, pp.
The patients are dull or stern, dejected or unreasonably
torpid, without any manifest cause: such is the commencement of melancholy. And they also become peevish, dispirited, sleepless, and start up from a disturbed
Unreasonable fear also seizes them, if the disease tend
to increase, when their dreams are true, terrifying, and
clear: for whatever, when awake, they have an aversion to,
as being an evil, rushes upon their visions in sleep. They
are prone to change their mind readily; to become base,
mean-spirited, illiberal, and in a little time, perhaps, simple, extravagant, munificent, not from any virtue of the
soul, but from the changeableness of the disease. But if the
illness become more urgent, hatred, avoidance of the
haunts of men, vain lamentations; they complain of life,
and desire to die. In many, the understanding so leads to
insensibility and fatuousness, that they become ignorant


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

of all things, or forgetful of themselves, and live the life of

the inferior animals. . . . They are voracious, indeed, yet
emaciated; for in them sleep does not brace their limbs
either by what they have eaten or drunk, but watchfulness
diffuses and determines them outwardly.

Mood in all of the depressive states is bleak, pessimistic,
and despairing. A deep sense of futility is often accompanied, if not preceded, by the belief that the ability to
experience pleasure is permanently gone. The physical
and mental worlds are experienced as monochromatic, as
shades of gray and black. Heightened irritability, anger,
paranoia, emotional turbulence, and anxiety are common.
The frightening lack of color and the inability to experience meaningful emotional responses were described by
Campbell (1953, p. 106):
General impairment in emotional feeling is another
symptom often described by the manic-depressive patient
in a depressive episode. In addition to distortions in sensing impressions, such as a queer, odd or unreal feeling,
the patient may complain of a universal dulling of the
emotional tone. This symptom, like the feeling of unreality, frightens the patient because it tends to alienate him
from his environment. Indeed, it is an important constituent of the patients fear of insanity. It is bad enough
not to speak the same language as other peopleit is
worse not to feel the same emotions.

Mayer-Gross and colleagues (1960, p. 209) emphasized

the negative cognitive and affective tone of depressed
There is a diminished capacity for normal affective
response to sad as well as happy events, a phenomenon
which is merely one aspect of a generalized insufficiency of
all mental activities. . . . Whatever is experienced seems to
be painful. Even enjoyable experiences have this effect,
partly by making the patient more acutely aware of his
incapacity for normal appreciation, partly because he is at
once sensible of any unfortunate aspect they may have; he
may in fact show considerable ingenuity in seeing the bad
side of everything. Past, present, and future are alike seen
through the same dark and gloomy veil; the whole of life
seems miserable and agonizing. The depth of the affect
cannot easily be measured from its outward expression. The
silent shedding of tears may be seen in an otherwise expressionless face; another patient will mock at himself and
at his complaints with a grim and sardonic but surprising
humour or call himself a fraud or a fool: in another a sudden smile or expression of gaiety will deceive the physician
about the severity of the underlying emotion.

Cognition and Perception

Most mental activity is markedly slowed during depression. By definition, patients with nonpsychotic depression
do not manifest clouding of consciousness, nor do they
experience delusions or hallucinations. Suicidal thinking,
however, is often of dangerous proportions, and morbidly
ruminative and hypochondriacal thinking is common.
The profoundly slowed but nonpsychotic nature of this
type of depressive thought and its indecisive and ruminative quality are portrayed in the following passage from
Kraepelin (1921, p. 75)14:
Thinking is difficult to the patient, a disorder, which he
describes in the most varied phrases. He cannot collect
his thoughts or pull himself together; his thoughts are as
if paralyzed, they are immobile. . . . He is no longer able
to perceive, or to follow the train of thought of a book or
a conversation, he feels weary, enervated, inattentive,
inwardly empty; he has no memory, he has no longer
command of knowledge formerly familiar to him, he
must consider a long time about simple things, he calculates wrongly, makes contradictory statements, does not
find words, cannot construct sentences correctly.

Jaspers (1997, p. 597; first published in 1913) described

the profound impairment of will, pervasive gloom, and
dearth of ideas in depression. The central core of pure
depression, he wrote, is formed from
an equally unmotivated and profound sadness to which
is added a retardation of psychic events, which is as
subjectively painful as it is objectively visible. All instinctual activities are subjected to it. The patient does not
want to do anything. The reduced impulse to move and
do things turns into complete immobility. No decision
can be made and no activity begun. Associations are not
available. Patients have no ideas. They complain of a complete disruption of memory. They feel their poverty of
performance and complain of their inefficiency, lack of
emotion and emptiness. They feel profound gloom as a
sensation in the chest or body as if it could be laid hold of
there. The depth of their melancholy makes them see the
world as grim and grey. They look for the unfavourable
and unhappy elements in everything. They accuse themselves of much past guilt (self-accusations, notions of
having sinned). The present has nothing for them
(notions of worthlessness) and the future lies horrifyingly
before them (notions of poverty, etc.).

Activity and Behavior

Like thought and verbal expression, activity and behavior
are slowed in bipolar depression. Fatigue, lack of activity,
withdrawal from the company of others, impairment in

Clinical Description

the volition of will, and profoundly altered sleep and eating patterns are hallmarks of this type of depression (see
Chapter 16 for detailed discussion of altered sleep and
activity patterns). Campbell (1953, p. 85) described the
fatigued, psychomotorically retarded appearance of depressed patients:
Depressed mood is often suggested by the bearing, gait or
general appearance of the patient. The depressed individual usually walks slowly and reacts sluggishly. He appears
to push himself along, as if he were being held back, rather
than propelling himself with normal agility. There are no
unnecessary movements with the hands or feet, the patient
sitting in a languorous but not restful posture. The shoulders sag, the head is lowered and the entire body seems to
droop; loosely hanging clothes sometimes suggest the
weight loss often present in the melancholic individual.
Everyone is acquainted with the tendency of the angles of
the mouth to turn down in the saddened person; a smile,
when it occurs, must be forced, and even then there is
something sickly or distorted in its expression. The facial
musculature of the depressed individual lacks tone, giving
the face an inert, myasthenic appearance. The upper eyelids also manifest this careworn expression. . . .
The eyes, which normally portray the spark, vitality
and curiosity of the personality, are dull and lustreless. In
some individuals the eyes have a faraway, unnatural stare,
which even the layman recognizes as a mark of extreme
pre-occupation or mental illness.

Disturbances in both the quality and quantity of sleep

during depression can be profound but variable. Jaspers
(1997, p. 234) noted that depressive sleep is
sometimes abnormally deep, so that patients sometimes
feel as if they had been dead. It may however be abnormally light and the patients never feel refreshed, but
have vivid, restless and anxious dreams, and feel as if
only half of their being had been asleep, the other half
had stayed awake and watched. Duration of Sleep may be
very lengthy . . . in some depressed states. The patients
are always wanting to sleep and sometimes sleep twelve
hours uninterruptedly. On the other hand we find sleep
abnormally curtailed. The patients go to sleep but are
awake again soon after and then lie awake all night
long. Or they only manage to get off to sleep towards

Suicide is an all-too-frequent outcome of bipolar

depression (see Chapter 8). In the words of Kraepelin
(1921, pp. 25, 8788):
The torment of the states of depression, which is nearly
unbearable, according to the perpetually recurring state-


ments by the patients, engenders almost in all, at least

from time to time, weariness of life, only too frequently
also a great desire to put an end to life at any price. . . .
The extraordinarily strong tendency to suicide is of the
greatest practical significance. Sometimes it continually
accompanies the whole course of the disease, without
coming to a serious attempt owing to the incapacity of the
patients to arrive at a decision. . . . Sometimes the impulse
to suicide emerges very suddenly without the patients
being able to explain the motives to themselves. . . .
Occasionally after indefinite prodromata the first distinct morbid symptom is a suicidal attempt. Only too
often the patients know how to conceal their suicidal intentions behind an apparently cheerful behaviour, and
then carefully prepare for the execution of their intention
at a suitable moment.

Psychotic depression (Kraepelins melancholia gravis) is

characterized by the same signs and symptoms as those
present in nonpsychotic depression, usually in worsened
form, with the addition of delusions and/or hallucinations.
The following is Bleulers (1924, pp. 475476) description
of the nature and extent of depressive delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia, as well as their primary content areas
of expression (somatic, religious, and financial):
In the severer cases delusions are invariably present and
may stand in the foreground. At the same time the hallucinations usually but not always increase. . . . The devil
appears at the window, makes faces at the patients. They
hear themselves condemned, they hear the scaffold
erected on which they are to be executed, and their relatives crying who must suffer on their account, or starve or
otherwise perish miserably.
But the delusions especially are never absent in a pronounced case and always as delusions of economic, bodily, and spiritual ruin. The patients think that they became
poor, and it does no good to show them their valuables or
their balance in the bank; that has no significance for
them. Debts are there anyway, or demands are to be
expected that will wipe out everything.

A more severe form of psychotic depression, although

still less severe than delirious depression, was termed by
Kraepelin fantastic melancholia (equivalent to Griesingers
melancholia with delusions, or what other clinicians have
called depressive insanity). Delusions and hallucinations
are more pronounced, some clouding of consciousness
usually occurs, and violent excitement can alternate with
mild stuporous states. As described by Kraepelin (1921,
pp. 8995):
[a] further, fairly comprehensive group of cases is distinguished by a still greater development of delusions. We


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

may perhaps call it fantastic melancholia. Abundant

hallucinations appear. . . . [T]here are also multifarious
delusional interpretations of real perceptions. The patient
hears murderers come; some one is slinking about the
bed; a man is lying under the bed with a loaded gun; an
electro-magnet crackles. . . . The trees in the forest, the
rocks, appear unnatural, as if they were artificial, as if they
had been built up specially for the patient, in fact, even
the sun, the moon, the weather, are not as they used
to be. . . .
Hypochondriacal delusions usually reach a considerable
development; they often completely resemble those of the
paralytic. . . .
Consciousness is in this form frequently somewhat
clouded. The patients perceive badly, do not understand
what goes on, are not able to form clear ideas. They complain that they cannot lay hold of any proper thought,
that they are beastly stupid, confused in their head, do
not find their way, also perhaps that they have so many
thoughts in their head, that everything goes pell-mell. . . .
The Volitional Disorders are also not quite uniform.
The activity of the patients is frequently dominated by
volitional inhibition; they are taciturn, even mute,
cataleptic; they lie with vacant or strained expression of
countenance in bed. . . .
At times more violent states of excitement may be
interpolated. The patients scream, throw themselves on
the floor, force their way senselessly out, beat their heads,
hide away under the bed, make desperate attacks on the
surroundings. . . . Serious attempts at suicide are in these
states extremely frequent.

Delirious melancholia represents the most severe stage of

cognitive and perceptual distortion and disorientation.
Delusional thought becomes progressively unclear and
fragmented, and hallucinations are particularly vivid,
bizarre, and frightening. It is a depressive state characterized predominantly by clouding of consciousness. Kraepelin (1921, pp. 9597) wrote more than anyone since about
the mental and physical aspects of this stage of depression:
Gradual transitions lead to a last, delirious group of states
of depression, which is characterized by profound visionary clouding of conscience. Here also numerous, terrifying
hallucinations, changing variously, and confused delusions are developed. . . .
During these changing visionary experiences the
patients are outwardly for the most part strongly inhibited; they are scarcely capable of saying a word. They feel
confused and perplexed; they cannot collect their
thoughts, know absolutely nothing any longer, give contradictory, incomprehensible, unconnected answers,
weave in words which they have heard into their detached,

slow utterances which they produce as though

astonished. . . . For the most part the patients lie in bed
taking no interest in anything.

Depressive stupor, the most severe form of psychomotor

retardation, often constitutes an acute medical emergency.
Although it is rarely seen today, it is an important clinical
presentation and one that provides insight into the severity
of the illness prior to the modern treatment era. The state
was described by Henderson and Gillespie (1956, p. 258):
This condition may be defined as a state of intense psychic inhibition during which regression may occur to an
infantile, if not more primitive level. The patient, usually,
is confined to bed, is mute, inactive and unco-operative.
His bodily needs require attention in every way; he has to
be fed, washed and bathed. Precautions have to be taken
to prevent the retention of faeces, urine and saliva. In
some cases all attempts at movement are strongly resisted.
In other cases the muscles are more flaccid, and the body
and limbs can be moulded into any position. On the surface it may seem as if there was a total absence of feeling
or emotion, but that is often more apparent than real, for,
after recovery, many patients give a vivid account of the
distress which they have experienced. The idea of death is
believed by some to be almost universal in stupor reactions, and may be regarded as a form of expiation for the
wickedness for which they hold themselves responsible.
Some patients may have a clear appreciation of their position and surroundings throughout the whole period of
the stupor, but in the majority a considerable dulling of
consciousness occurs.
During all these stages of depression the physical
health suffers greatly. The patient becomes weak, loses
weight, has a poor appetite, a coated tongue, and constipation. The circulation is enfeebled, and there is cyanosis,
especially of the extremities.

Subjective Experiences of Patients

Mood in bipolar depression tends to be dominated by a dull,
flat, and colorless sense of experience; by despair, hopelessness, and pessimism, often fueled by marked physical and
mental lethargy; and by a sharp decrease in the pleasure
obtained from ordinarily gratifying events, interests, and
Depression is paralyzing and suffocating to those in its
grasp. Five years before she killed herself, Sylvia Plath
(1982, p. 240) wrote of this in her journal: I have been
and am battling depression. I am now flooded with
despair, almost hysteria, as if I were smothering. As if a
great muscular owl were sitting on my chest, its talons

Clinical Description

clenching and constricting my heart. British writer Alan

Garner (1997, pp. 208209) portrayed the deadening and
the horror of the beginning of his manic-depressive
The next thing I remember is that I was standing in the
kitchen, the sunlit kitchen, looking over a green valley
with brook and trees; and the light was going out. I could
see, but as if through a dark filter. And my solar plexus
was numb.
Some contraption, a piece of mechanical junk left by
one of the children, told me to pick it up. It was cylindrical and spiky, and had a small crank handle. I turned
the handle. It was the guts of a cheap musical box, and
it tinkled its few notes over and over and over again, and
I could not stop. With each turn, the light dimmed and
the feelings in my solar plexus spread through my body.
When it reached my head, I began to cry with terror at
the blankness of me, and the blankness of the world.
A scene from Eisensteins Alexander Nevsky
swamped my brain: the dreadful passage in which Nevsky
dupes the Teutonic Knights onto the frozen lake, and the
ice breaks, and their faceless armour takes them under.
The cloaks float on the water before being pulled down,
and the hands clutch at the ice floes, which flip over and
seal in the knights.
All that helplessness, cold and horror comprised me. I
was alone in the house, and throughout the afternoon I
turned the tinkle tinkle tinkle of the broken toy, which became the sound of the ice. My body was as heavy as the armour and the waterlogged cloaks as I slid beneath the ice.
When the family came home, I was lying on the
kitchen settle, in a foetal position, without moving or
speaking, until I went to bed at midnight. Sleep was unconsciousness without rest. . . .
I was incapable of emotion except that of being incapable of emotion. I had no worth. I poisoned the planet.

Composer Hugo Wolf s account of his depression

(quoted in Walker, 1968, p. 322) focused, as have many
descriptions written by depressed or formerly depressed
individuals, on the painful contrast between the subjective
experience of an arid, sterile reality and a perception of the
external world as an unobtainable, visible but not habitable world of light, warmth, and creation:
What I suffer from this continuous idleness I am quite
unable to describe. I would like most to hang myself on
the nearest branch of the cherry trees standing now in full
bloom. This wonderful spring with its secret life and
movement troubles me unspeakably. These eternal blue
skies, lasting for weeks, this continuous sprouting and
budding in nature, these coaxing breezes impregnated


with spring sunlight and fragrance of flowers . . . make

me frantic. Everywhere this bewildering urge for life,
fruitfulness, creationand only I, although like the humblest grass of the fields one of Gods creatures, may not
take part in this festival of resurrection, at any rate not
except as a spectator with grief and envy.

The sense of lost energy is of singular importance in

understanding the subjective experience of depression.
The ebb and flow of lifes force or vitality and its painful
absence in depression were described by F. Scott Fitzgerald
in The Crack-Up (1956, p. 74; first published in 1936), a harrowing account of his nervous breakdowns:
[O]f all natural forces, vitality is the incommunicable one.
In days when juice came into one as an article without
duty, one tried to distribute itbut always without
success; to further mix metaphors, vitality never takes.
You have it or you havent it, like health or brown eyes or
honor or a baritone voice. Ye are the salt of the earth. But
if the salt hath lost its savour, wherewith shall it be
salted?Matthew 5:1315

Cognition and Perception

Cognitive changes during depression can be subtle or profound and often are a combination of both. Depressed
patients frequently complain that their process of thinking
has slowed down. They are confused and ruminative, cannot concentrate, and feel inadequate and useless. John
Custance (1952, p. 62) wrote:
I seem to be in perpetual fog and darkness. I cannot get
my mind to work; instead of associations clicking into
place everything is inextricable jumble; instead of seeming to grasp a whole, it seems to remain tied to the actual
consciousness of the moment. The whole world of my
thought is hopelessly divided into incomprehensible
watertight compartments. I could not feel more ignorant,
undecided, or inefficient. It is appallingly difficult to concentrate, and writing is pain and grief to me.

Irrational fears, which can range from fear and panic to

obsession and delusion, are common in depression.
Fitzgerald (1956, p. 75) summed up the experience as the
dark night of the soul:
Now the standard cure for one who is sunk is to consider
those in actual destitution or physical sufferingthis is
an all-weather beatitude for gloom in general and fairly
salutary day-time advice for everyone. But at three oclock
in the morning, a forgotten package has the same tragic
importance as a death sentence, and the cure doesnt
workand in a real dark night of the soul it is always
three oclock in the morning, day after day.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Robert Schumann (quoted in Niecks, 1925, p. 142) was

even more explicit about his terror:
I was little more than a statue, neither cold nor warm; by
dint of forced work life returned gradually. But I am still
so timid and fearful that I cannot sleep alone. . . . Do you
believe that I have not courage to travel alone to Zwickan
for fear that something might befall me? Violent rushes of
blood, unspeakable fear, breathlessness, momentary unconsciousness, alternate quickly.

Preoccupation with sin and perceived religious transgressions are not uncommon in severe depression, and
many deeply depressed patients would empathize with
Cowpers strong sense of Gods wrath, and a deep despair
of escaping it. William James wrote definitively of this
preoccupation, as well as of religious ecstasies, in The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902).
Finally, as noted above, thoughts of suicide often accompany the despair, apathy, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy
associated with depression. Extensive discussion of suicidal thoughts and behaviors is given in Chapter 8; here
we present one womans description of the depression
leading up to a nearly lethal suicide attempt (Jamison, 1995;
pp. 110111, 113):
A floridly psychotic mania was followed, inevitably, by a
long and lacerating, black, suicidal depression; it lasted
more than a year and a half. From the time I woke up
in the morning until the time I went to bed at night, I was
unbearably miserable and seemingly incapable of any
kind of joy or enthusiasm. Everythingevery thought,
word, movementwas an effort. Everything that once
was sparkling now was flat. I seemed to myself to be dull,
boring, inadequate, thick brained, unlit, unresponsive,
chill skinned, bloodless, and sparrow drab. I doubted,
completely, my ability to do anything well. It seemed as
though my mind had slowed down and burned out to the
point of being virtually useless. The wretched, convoluted,
and pathetically confused mass of gray worked only well
enough to torment me with a dreary litany of my inadequacies and shortcomings in character, and to taunt me
with the total, the desperate, hopelessness of it all. What is
the point in going on like this? I would ask myself. Others
would say to me, It is only temporary, it will pass, you
will get over it, but of course they had no idea how I felt,
although they were certain that they did. Over and over
and over I would say to myself, If I cant feel, if I cant
move, if I cant think, and I cant care, then what conceivable point is there in living?
The morbidity of my mind was astonishing: Death
and its kin were constant companions. I saw death everywhere, and I saw winding sheets and toe tags and body

bags in my minds eye. Everything was a reminder that

everything ended at the charnel house. My memory
always took the black line of the minds underground system; thoughts would go from one tormented moment of
my past to the next. Each stop along the way was worse
than the preceding one. . . .
At the time, nothing seemed to be working, despite
excellent medical care, and I simply wanted to die and be
done with it. I resolved to kill myself. I was coldbloodedly determined not to give any indication of my
plans or the state of my mind; I was successful.

Activity and Behavior

Although social isolation, psychomotor retardation or agitation, and other behavioral changes accompany depression,
changes in sleep patterns are among the most pervasive,
quantifiable, and pathognomonic symptoms. They are also
highly distressing for patients. (Research on sleep disturbances is discussed in detail in Chapter 16.) Sylvia Plath
probably bipolar, certainly hospitalized and treated for
severe depressiondescribed her experience thus in her autobiographical novel The Bell Jar (1971, pp. 142143):
I hadnt washed my hair for three weeks. . . .
I hadnt slept for seven nights.
My mother told me I must have slept, it was impossible not to sleep in all that time, but if I slept, it was with
my eyes wide open, for I had followed the green, luminous course of the second hand and the minute hand and
the hour hand of the bedside clock through their circles
and semicircles, every night for seven nights, without
missing a second, or a minute, or an hour.
The reason I hadnt washed my clothes or my hair was
because it seemed so silly.
I saw the days of the year stretching ahead like a series
of bright, white boxes, and separating one box from
another was sleep, like a black shade. Only for me, the
long perspective of shades that set off one box from the
next had suddenly snapped up, and I could see day after
day after day glaring ahead of me like a white, broad, infinitely desolate avenue.
It seemed silly to wash one day when I would only
have to wash again the next.
It made me tired just to think of it.
I wanted to do everything once and for all and be
through with it.

Likewise for Scott Fitzgerald (1956, pp. 7273; first published in 1936), sleep and hating to face the night became
sources of terror:
[E]very act of life from the morning toothbrush to the
friend at dinner had become an effort . . . hating the night

Clinical Description

when I couldnt sleep and hating the day because it went

towards night. I slept on the heart side now because I
knew that the sooner I could tire that out, even a little, the
sooner would come that blessed hour of nightmare
which, like a catharsis, would enable me to better meet the
new day.

Clinical Studies
There has been much less quantitative study of the clinical
features of bipolar depression than is the case for either
mania or nonbipolar depression. In fact, the substantial
literature on depression seldom differentiates bipolar from
unipolar depression,16 and until recently, bipolar depression was usually excluded from study and discussion.
Further complicating matters, bipolar depression has frequently been misdiagnosed as unipolar depression, or not
discussed in the context of its often mixed forms. For our
data-based clinical description of bipolar depression, we
have relied primarily upon the early monograph of
Winokur and colleagues (1969), Benazzis series of outpatient studies,17 and the work of several other researchers
(Perugi et al., 1998a; Koukopoulos and Koukopoulos, 1999;
Mitchell et al., 2001). Specific comparisons of bipolar and
unipolar depression are presented in Chapter 1.18 In this
section we present the findings of data-based studies with
regard to symptom presentation in bipolar depression,
psychotic features, depressive mixed states, and bipolar
unipolar differences in depressive symptomatology.

Winokur and colleagues (1969) studied the symptomatology and clinical course of 21 treated bipolar depressed
patients (5 men and 16 women, with a combined total of 33
separate depressive episodes). They described the onset of
depression as abrupt in 5 episodes (15 percent) and gradual
in 28 (85 percent). Mood was observed to be melancholic
or tearful in virtually all patients (100 and 94 percent,
respectfully), with approximately half (52 percent) displaying hopelessness. Fully three-fourths of bipolar depressed
patients were described as irritable, almost as high a percentage (85) as was found by the same authors in manic
patients (see Table 21). Irritability, which is pervasive during bipolar depression (Deckersbach et al., 2004; Benazzi
and Akiskal, 2005), is considered more extensively later
in this section, as well as in the subsequent discussion of
mixed depressive states.

Cognition and Perception

Winokur and colleagues (1969) found widespread cognitive and perceptual changes during bipolar depression.
Self-deprecatory and self-accusatory thoughts were present in almost all patients (97 and 91 percent, respectively).


With few exceptions, patients also reported substantially

impaired cognitive ability: 91 percent reported poor concentration, diminished clarity of thought, and/or diminished speed of thought. Half complained of poor memory.
Suicidal thoughts were common (82 percent), a figure in
close agreement with the rate (83 percent) found in a
later study of bipolar depressed adolescents (Carlson and
Strober, 1979).
Frequencies of thought disorder in manic, depressed,
and normal subjects (as measured by the Scale for the
Assessment of Thought, Language and Communication)
were analyzed in three early studies (Ianzito et al., 1974;
Andreasen 1979a, 1984). Manic patients were more likely
than depressive patients to exhibit pressured speech, distractibility, derailment, illogicality, loss of goal, perseveration, and a higher overall global rating of thought disorder.
Depressed patients, by contrast, were more likely than
manic patients to demonstrate poverty of speech. There
were no differences between manic and depressed patients
in ratings of poverty of content of speech, tangentiality,
clanging, neologisms, word approximations, circumstantiality, echolalia, blocking, or stilted speech. When compared with normal subjects, depressed patients displayed
greater poverty of content of speech, as well as increased
tangentiality, circumstantiality, and self-reference. Normal
subjects were more likely than depressed patients to exhibit
derailment. Andreasen (1979a,b, 1984) found less evidence
of thought disorder in her depressed patients than in schizophrenic patients, perhaps reflecting either true differences
or differences in illness severity, assessment techniques, and
diagnostic criteria (bipolarunipolar differences were not
Delusions and hallucinations often occur in severe bipolar depression, but they are less frequent than psychotic
symptomatology in mania. Depressive delusions tend to
focus on fixed ideas of guilt and sinfulness, poverty,
hypochondriacal and somatic concerns, and feelings of
persecution.19 As shown in Table 28 (presented earlier),
delusions were present in 12 to 66 percent of bipolar depressive episodes versus 44 to 96 percent of manic episodes.
Hallucinations, less common in both mania and depression, were relatively more frequent in manic episodes. Several investigators have found a constancy in the presence
or absence of psychotic symptoms across major depressive
episodes,20 although generalizability from unipolar to
bipolar depression has not been demonstrated. Charney
and Nelson (1981) found that 95 percent of their delusional
patients but only 8 percent of their nondelusional patients
had experienced prior delusional episodes. Among patients whose index admission was psychotic, 89 percent of
all previous episodes had been psychotic as well. Helms
and Smith (1983) reported that 92 percent of their psychotic


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

depressive patients with recurrent illness had experienced

another admission for psychotic depression, while Lykouras and colleagues (1985) found that 92 percent of their
delusional depressive patients had experienced previous
episodes with delusional ideation, compared with 36 percent of their nonpsychotic depressive patients. Nelson and
colleagues (1984, p. 298) observed:
It would appear that the presence of delusions during an
index episode of depression may be not merely an indicator of severity of that episode, but additionally a distinct
stable trait which would be expressed in the biologically
vulnerable individual during prior and subsequent

Aronson and colleagues (1988), studying bipolar as

well as unipolar delusional depressive patients, also found
a consistency of psychotic expression across episodes,
as well as an association with a marked rate of relapse.
They noted that psychoticism may be an independent
variable that can present in either bipolar or nonbipolar
depression. The question of whether psychoticism is to
some extent independent of polarity and diagnosis (for
example, schizophrenia and bipolar illness) is discussed
in Chapter 13, as are family-history studies of bipolar
and unipolar delusional depression; additional reviews
of clinical correlates of unipolar delusional depression
are presented elsewhere.21 A recent large-scale analysis
(N = 4,274) of three family studies found that the diagnosis of bipolar-I was far more predictive of psychotic
symptoms during depression than was the diagnosis of
recurrent major depression (odds ratio [OR] = 5.13) (Goes
et al., in press).
Bipolar patients who experience psychotic depressions
tend to have a more severe and more chronic course than
those who do not. They also have fewer atypical features
and less Axis I comorbidity (Benazzi, 1999c).

Activity and Behavior

Activity, behavior, and somatic symptoms during bipolar
depression as noted by Winokur and colleagues (1969) are
summarized in Table 212; comparison figures from Carlson and Strober (1979) and Casper and colleagues (1985)
also are given. Sleep difficulties are pronounced and pervasive. Fatigue and psychomotor retardation are seen in
approximately three-fourths of bipolar depressed patients;
loss of appetite and sexual drive are common as well.
Women are more likely than men to report weight and
appetite changes during periods of bipolar depression
(Benazzi, 1999; Kawa et al., 2005). Most patients have somatic complaints, and the majority report a diurnal mood
variation (most feel worse in the morning and better in the

Mixed states, in which symptoms of depression and mania
combine, represent a complex and often confusing aspect
of the clinical presentation of bipolar illness. They can be
conceived of as transitional states from one phase of illness
to another or as independent clinical states combining various mixes of mood, thought, and activity components. To
a considerable extent, mixed states are even more vulnerable to the inadequacies of modern diagnostic systems than
other types or stages of affective illness. Indeed, systematic
diagnostic criteria, impressively standardized for most
other types and phases of affective disorders, are least validated for mixed states. Differential diagnosisespecially
among mixed states, agitated depressions, and borderline pathologiescan be a difficult clinical problem (see
Chapter 3).
Mixed states are broadly defined as the simultaneous
presence of depressive and manic symptoms. Yet we know,
for example, as noted earlier, that mania frequently is
accompanied by moderate to severe depression. Should
depression during mania be conceptualized as a mixed
state, a typical mania, an atypical mania, or a severe (stagerelated) form of mania? Should a mixed depressive
episode be defined by the presence of four manic symptoms or only two? Are the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV
prohibitively strict, as most researchers think? (According
to DSM-IV, a diagnosis of mixed states requires that all of
the criteria, except duration, for both a manic and a depressive episode be met nearly every day during at least a
1-week period, and that the symptoms be severe enough to
cause marked impairment or necessitate hospitalization,
or that there be psychotic features.) Until more systematic
and discriminating definitions and criteria are developed,
the pragmatism of the immediate clinical or research issue
will determine the answers to such questions.

Classic Clinical Descriptions

Mixed states are important for both theoretical and clinical reasons. (Their implications for pathophysiology are
discussed in Chapter 17 and for treatment in Chapters 18 and
19.) Despite the diagnostic difficulties noted above, their
existence has been recognized for centuries. A seventeenthcentury physician (Brouchier, 1679; cited in Dewhurst,
1962, p. 122) described the alternating and combining qualities of mania and melancholy in one of his patients, a
Lady Grenville. Characterizing the illness as her Ladyships annual raving, he wrote to her husband:
For there are twin symptoms, which are her constant
companions, Mania and Melancholy, and they succeed
each other in a double and alternate act; or take each
others place like the smoke and flame of a fire; so that the

Clinical Description


Table 212. Activity, Behavior, and Somatic Symptoms in Bipolar Depression

Category of Symptoms

Winokur et al., 1969a

Carlson and Strober, 1979

Casper et al., 1985

Sleep Disorder


Global sleep disturbance


Difficulty falling asleep


Early-morning awakening







Psychomotor retardation


Social withdrawal



Weight and Appetite

Loss of appetite




Increase in appetite


Loss of weight


Loss of sexual interest


Somatic Complaints


Diurnal Mood Variation




100 episodes, 61 patients.

noble patient is first melancholy, while her animal spirits

are unable to disentangle themselves from the dense
cloud of fumes which surround them; and then maniacal,
when the saline and sulphureous atoms of the blood are
stirred up and loosened by the immoderate heat of their

Heinroth (1818) delineated, in detail, mixed states of exaltation and depression (see Marneros, 2001). Later in the
mid-nineteenth century, Falret (cited in Sedler, 1983) noted
the strong depressive quality often observed before, during, and after manic episodes, as well as melancolie anxieuse. The latter state, he wrote, is characterized by constant
pacing and inner turmoil, which incapacitates these patients

so they cannot concentrate, and this state sometimes ends

up as manic agitation. Kraepelin (1921, pp. 4, 191192) described mixed states and their similarities and dissimilarities to manic and depressive states as follows:
We observe also clinical mixed forms, in which the phenomena of mania and melancholia are combined with
each other, so that states arise, which indeed are composed of the same morbid symptoms as these, but cannot
without coercion be classified either with the one or with
the other. . . . The mixed states frequently fall outside the
limits of the ordinary states in a very conspicuous way. . . .
Our customary grouping into manic and melancholic
attacks does not fit the facts, but requires substantial


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

enlargement, if it is to reproduce nature. At the same time

it turned out that this enlargement ran out in the direction not of the fitting in of fresh morbid symptoms, but
only of the different combination of morbid symptoms
known for long. Further, it was seen that the mixed states,
even when they appeared not as interpolations but as independent attacks, behaved with regard to their course
and issue quite similarly to the usual forms, and lastly,
that they might in the same morbid course simply take
the place of the other attacks especially after a somewhat
long duration of the malady.

Kraepelin conceptualized mixed states as primarily transitional phenomena, but recognized their existence as individual attacks that frequently occur in later stages of the
illness, often associated with poor outcome. Table 213 summarizes Kraepelins classification and description of mixed
states, which he conceptualized as different combinations of
the manic and depressive symptoms of mood, activity, and
thought. Below is Kraepelins (1921, pp. 103104) description
of two of the most important kinds of these mixed states,
depressive or anxious mania and excited depression:
Depressive or Anxious ManiaIf in the picture depression takes the place of cheerful mood, a morbid state
arises, which is composed of flight of ideas, excitement,
and anxiety. The patients are distractible, absent-minded,
enter into whatever goes on round them, take themselves
up with everything, catch up words and continue spinning out the ideas stirred up by these; they do not acquire
a clear picture of their position, because they are incapable of systematic observation, and their attention is
claimed by every new impression. They complain that
they must think so much, their thoughts come of themselves, they have a great need of communicating their
thoughts, but easily lose the thread, they can be brought
out of the connection by every interpolated question, suddenly break off and pass to quite other trains of thought.
Many patients display a veritable passion for writing, and
scrawl over sheets and sheets of paper with disorderly
effusions. At the same time ideas of sin and persecution
are usually present, frequently also hypochondriacal delusions, as we have formerly described them.
Mood is anxiously despairing; it gives itself vent in
great restlessness, which partly assumes the form of
movements of expression and practical activity, but partly
also passes over into a wholly senseless pressure of activity. The patients run about, hide away, force their way out,
make movements of defense or attack; they lament,
scream, screech, wring or fold their hands, beat them
together above their head, tear out their hair, cross themselves, slide about kneeling on the floor. With these are
associated rhythmical, rubbing, flourishing, snatching,

turning, twitching movements, snapping with the jaw,

blowing, barking, growling. If one will, one might here
speak of a depressive or anxious mania.
Excited DepressionIf in the state described the flight
of ideas is replaced by inhibition of thought, there arises
the picture of excited depression. It is here a case of patients who display, on the one hand, extraordinary
poverty of thought but, on the other hand, great restlessness. They are communicative, need the doctor, have a
great store of words, but are extraordinarily monotonous
in their utterances. To questions they give short answers
to the point, and then immediately return to their complaints again, which are brought forth in endless repetition, mostly in the same phrases. About their position in
general they are clear; they perceive fairly well, understand what goes on, apart from delusional interpretation.
Nevertheless they trouble themselves little about their surroundings, they are only occupied with themselves.
Mood is anxious, despondent, lachrymose, irritable,
occasionally mixed with a certain self-irony. Sometimes
one hears from the patients witty or snappish remarks.
Delusions are frequently present, but they are usually
scantier and less extraordinarily spun out than in the
form just described. The excitement of the patients also is
usually not so stormy or protean. They run hither and
thither, up and down, wring their hands, pluck at things,
speak loud out straight in front of them, give utterance to
rhythmic cries and torment themselves as well as their
surroundings often to the uttermost by continuous,
monotonous lamenting.

Jaspers, while noting occasional ambiguity in Kraepelins nosology of mixed states, acknowledged its clinical
utility. The many possible combinations of components
euphoria, flight of ideas, and pressure of movement on the
one hand, and sadness and retardation of thought and of
movement on the othermade possible a better understanding of the wide variety of affective states seen in clinical
practice. Thus, Jaspers (1997, p. 598; first published in 1913)
described a mixed melancholia, one that he suggested might
be characterized as a querulant mania or nagging depression in some, and as a wailing melancholia in others:
In this state the over-valued or compulsive depressive
ideas become delusionlike. They are fantastically elaborated (the patients are the cause of all the misfortune in
the world; they are thought to be beheaded by the devil,
etc.). The ideas are believed even though the patient
seems relatively sensible. Underlying the experiences there
are a host of body sensations (which soon lead to
hypochondriacal delusions: the patients are filled up to
the neck with excreta; the food falls through the empty
body right to the bottom); then there are the most severe

Table 213. Kraepelins Classification of Mixed States




I. Depressive or Anxious Mania

II. Excited or Agitated Depression

III. Mania with Poverty of Thought




Anxiously despairing.

Anxious, despondent, lachrymose,

irritable, occasional self-irony.

Cheerful, pleased, unrestrained; somewhat

irritated, repellent, or afterwards breaking
into a merry laugh.




Great restlessness; wholly senseless

pressure of activity.

They run hither and thither, wring their hands,

pluck at things; loud rhythmic cries;
monotonous lamenting.

Excitement is often limited to making faces,

dancing about, throwing things, changes in
dress; many conduct themselves so quietly
and methodically that superficial excitement
does not appear at all; incapable of regular
occupation, very abrupt, short-lived,
impulsive outbursts of violence.

Flight of Ideas

Inhibition of Thought

Inhibition of Thought

Distractible, absent-minded; incapable

of systematic observation; veritable
passion for writing with disorderly
effusions; thoughts come of themselves.

Delusions are frequently present; extraordinary

poverty of thought; extraordinarily monotonous
in utterances; perceive well, understand what
goes on, apart from delusional interpretation.

Perceive slowly and inaccurately; cannot

immediately call things to mind. Their
conversation is monotonous, not infrequently
making an impression of weak-mindedness;
state is subject to great fluctuation.






Table 213. Kraepelins Classification of Mixed States (continued)




IV. Manic Stupor

V. Depression with Flight of Ideas

VI. Inhibited Mania




Cheerful; smile without recognizable

cause; supportive, erotic.

Cast-down and hopeless; anxiety; sad and moody.

More exultant, occasionally irritable,

distractible, inclined to jokes.

Gross Motor Retardation

Motor Retardation

Motor Retardation

Usually inaccessible; lie quiet in bed;

decorate themselves, without sign of
restlessness or excitement. Not
infrequently catalepsy can be
demonstrated. Unexpectedly give
utterance to loud and violent abuse,
throw their food, suddenly take off
their clothes, and immediately sink
back into inaccessibility.

They read much, show interest in, and have

understanding of their surroundings, although
almost mute, and rigid in their whole conduct.

In outward behaviors, conspicuously quiet; it

appears, however, as if a great inward tension
existed, as patients may suddenly become
very violent.

Inhibition of Thought

Flight of Ideas

Flight of Ideas

Occasionally isolated delusions of

changing content find utterance; for
the most part they prove themselves
fairly sensible and well oriented.

Incited by delusions; occasionally patients who

cannot give utterance in speech are capable of
writing; often desultory, full of ideas of sin and
delusional fears; heaping up of synonymous
phrases, jumping off to side thoughts, show
flight of ideas, recognizable only in writings.

They easily fall into chattering talk with flight of

ideas and numerous clang associations.





Source: Kraepelin, 1921. Reproduced with permission.

Clinical Description

forms of depersonalization and derealisation: the world is

no more, they themselves no longer exist, but still since
they seem to exist they will have to live for ever (nihilistic
delusions); finally there is extreme anxiety: the patients
seek relief from this by keeping constantly on the move
and indulging in a monotonous pressure of talk which almost becomes verbigeration: God, God, what will come
of it, all, everything is gone, everything is gone, everything is gone, what will come of it? etc. Even when the
anxiety and melancholy have lifted, the patterns of
movement, the facial expression and pressure of talk
seem to maintain an ossified state untiloften after a
considerable timethe phase finally abates and recovery

Manic stupor, according to Kraepelins student and colleague Weygandt (1899, translated into English in the Harvard Review, 2002, p. 276), is the most important of the
mixed states:
Manic stupor as a phase of manic-depressive insanity is
characterized by psychomotor inhibition and manic, elevated mood, with inhibition of thought (which usually
occurs in a depressive state) instead of flight-of-ideas.
This condition can occur transiently during a manic or
depressive episode, particularly during switching from the
manic phase to the depressive, when a shift has already
taken place in psychomotor activity but not in affect . . . .
The psychopathological condition is usually characterized by psychomotor manifestations (specifically stupor)
as the prominent feature: some patients lie [in bed] showing very severe inhibition for a long time. Their limbs are
cold; they refuse food, and every attempt to feed them is
vain due to their opposition; for months they are mute.
Only the facial expression, which shows no trace of
depression and often shows a slight smile, reveals that a
case is not typical circular [manic-depressive] stupor
with depressed mood. In other cases, the [psychomotor]
block is less intense: such patients may answer if asked
questions, but they speak in a soft voice and hesitate before replying. They prefer not to speak spontaneously at
all. Furthermore, these patients want to stay in bed all the
time and refuse to work. Considerable retardation in their
movements can be observed immediately: the gait is
heavy and leaden; they hesitate to shake hands; and their
writing is clearly slowed down. In less severe cases, the
[psychomotor] block is occasionally interrupted by a fast,
goal-directed movement.

Campbell (1953, pp. 144, 146), with his characteristic and

important emphasis on the ever-fluctuating nature of
moods, reiterated the mixed nature of most of the emotional and physical states associated with bipolar illness:


There are more mixed reactions of this disease than is

generally realized. It could truly be stated that, to some
extent, all manic-depressive reactions are mixed types,
in that the symptomatology is anything but static.
The mixed type of manic-depressive psychosis epitomizes the entire cyclothymic process, in that it contains the
symptoms characteristic of the various phases. Whether it
is a sustained reaction or represents a phase of metamorphosis between the major forms, the mixed type emphasizes the underlying similarities between the depressive and
hypomanic, the fact that the manic and depressive reactions may be superimposed, and that the same individual
possesses the potentialities for either form. . . . Manicdepressive is a dynamic, constantly changing process
which, at times, may manifest symptoms of both phases
simultaneously. It is in the mixed form that the observer
graphically realizes the homogeneity of the entire process.

Subjective Experiences of Patients

The extreme mental anguish often experienced during
mixed states, including the terrifying thoughts and feelings
associated with racing thoughts, delusions, and auditory
hallucinations, was described by one bipolar patient whose
mixed state was experienced at the height of a manic
episode that, prior to that point, had been purely euphoric
(as had countless hypomanias). Despite the strong and
prolonged preponderance of classic euphoric mania in
each of her episodes, the occasional transition into a mixed
state was a potent feature of her illness. The simultaneous
existence of suicidal thinking and mania is clearly portrayed in this description (Jamison, 1995, pp. 8283):
I felt infinitely worse, more dangerously depressed, during this first manic episode than when in the midst of my
worst depressions. In fact, the most dreadful I have ever
felt in my entire lifeone characterized by chaotic ups
and downswas the first time I was psychotically manic.
I had been mildly manic many times before, but they had
never been frightening experiencesecstatic at best, confusing at worst. I had learned to accommodate quite well
to them. I had developed mechanisms of self-control, to
keep down the peals of singularly inappropriate laughter,
and had set rigid limits on my irritability. I avoided situations that might otherwise trip or jangle my hypersensitive wiring, and I learned to pretend I was paying attention or following a logical point when my mind was off
chasing rabbits in a thousand directions. My work and
professional life flowed. But nowhere did this, or my
upbringing, or my intellect, or my character, prepare me
for insanity.
Although I had been building up to it for weeks, and
certainly knew something was seriously wrong, there was


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

a definite point when I knew I was insane. My thoughts

were so fast that I couldnt remember the beginning of a
sentence halfway through. Fragments of ideas, images,
sentences raced around and around in my mind like the
tigers in a childrens story. Finally, like those tigers, they
became meaningless melted pools. Nothing once familiar
to me was familiar. I wanted desperately to slow down but
could not. Nothing helpednot running around a parking lot for hours on end or swimming for miles. My
energy level was untouched by anything I did. Sex became
too intense for pleasure, and during it I would feel my
mind encased by black lines of light that were terrifying
to me. My delusions centered on the slow painful deaths
of all the green plants in the worldvine by vine, stem by
stem, leaf by leaf they died and I could do nothing to save
them. Their screams were cacophonous. Increasingly, all
of my images were black and decaying.
At one point I was determined that if my mindby
which I made my living and whose stability I had
assumed for so many yearsdid not stop racing and
begin working normally again, I would kill myself by
jumping from a nearby twelve-story building. I gave it
twenty-four hours. But, of course, I had no notion of
time, and a million other thoughtsmagnificent and
morbidwove in and raced by. Endless and terrifying
days of endlessly terrifying drugsThorazine, lithium,
valium, and barbituratesfinally took effect. I could feel
my mind being reined in, slowed down, and put on hold.
But it was a very long time until I recognized my mind
again, and much longer until I trusted it.

In the nineteenth century, composer Hector Berlioz

(1966, translated by Cairn, 1970, pp. 226228), described his
episodes of spleen, or depression, one type of which he
characterized as an agitated and deeply malignant state:
The fit fell upon me with appalling force. I suffered agonies and lay groaning on the ground, stretching out abandoned arms, convulsively tearing up handfuls of grass
and wide-eyed innocent daisies, struggling against the
crushing sense of absence, against a mortal isolation.
Yet such an attack is not to be compared with the tortures that I have known since then in ever-increasing
measure. What can I say that will give some idea of this
abomidable disease? . . .
There are . . . two kinds of spleen; one mocking, active,
passionate, malignant; the other morose and wholly passive, when ones only wish is for silence and solitude and
the oblivion of sleep.

George Gordon, Lord Byron (in a letter dated August

1819) described his agitated and fluctuating moods during
one of his many mixed depressive episodes:

I am so biliousthat I nearly lose my headand so nervous that I cry for nothingat least today I burst into tears
all alone by myself over a cistern of Gold fisheswhich
are not pathetic animals. . . . I have been excitedand
agitated and exhausted mentally and bodily all this
summertill I really sometimes begin to think not only
that I shall die at top firstbut that the moment is not
very remoteI have had no particular cause of grief
except the usual accompaniments of all unlawful passions.

In a letter to a friend (written in December 1793), Scottish poet Robert Burns, who was also afflicted with a vexacious melancholia on and off throughout his life, provided
a particularly graphic description of the terrible agitation
that can accompany depression (The Letters of Robert
Burns, ed. G.R. Roy, 1985):
Here I sit, altogether Novemberish, a damnd mlange of
Fretfulness & melancholy; not enough of the one to rouse
me to passion; nor of the other to repose me in torpor;
my soul flouncing & fluttering round her tenement, like a
wild Finch caught amid the horrors of winter newly
thrust into a cage.

Clinical Studies
To date, the best historical discussions of mixed states are
those of Weygandt (1899), Kraepelin (1921), Campbell
(1953), Winokur and colleagues (1969), Himmelhoch (1979),
and Koukopoulos (Koukopoulos et al., 1992; Koukopoulos
and Koukopoulos, 1999). These authors described the clinical course, presentation, and correlates of mixed states, as
well as hypotheses regarding their etiology and nature
(including their relationship to the continuum hypothesis
of affective illness, kindling and rapid cycling, and mixedheredity hypotheses).
Reported rates of mixed states vary as a function of the
inclusion criteriathat is, whether the diagnostic criteria
are narrow or broadand the nature of the rating scales
employed,22 as reflected in the wide range of rates reported
by the 18 studies summarized in Table 214. An average of
28 percent of affectively ill patients experienced mixed
states across these studies. By any standard, mixed states
are not as rare as they once were reputed to be. (Kraepelin
and Weygandt, of course, were fully aware of how common mixed states are. In a study of 150 manic-depressive
patients at the Heidelberg Psychiatric Clinic, 36 percent
were diagnosed with a form of mixed states: 15 percent
with sustained mixed episodes, 8 percent with agitated
depression, 7 percent with manic stupor, and 6 percent
with unproductive mania [Weygandt, 1899].)
Symptomatic presentations of mixed states range from
a single opposite-state symptom found in the midst of an

Clinical Description

Table 214. Rates of Mixed Manic States

in Representative Studies

Patients (N)

Winokur et al., 1969



Kotin and Goodwin, 1972



Himmelhoch et al., 1976



Akiskal and Puzantian, 1979



Nunn, 1979



Prien et al., 1988



Secunda et al., 1988



Post et al., 1989



DellOsso et al., 1991



McElroy et al., 1995



Perugi et al., 1997



Akiskal et al., 1998a



Cassidy et al., 1998



Dilsaver et al., 1999



Cassidy et al., 2001



Sato et al., 2002



Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2003





Krger et al., 2003

Total no. of patients
Weighted mean


Because of the sampling methods, the use of enriched criteria from
European concepts of mixed states (Berner et al., 1992) and various
thresholds for diagnosing mixed states beyond the strict DSM-IV
guidelines, the rate of mixed states in this study cannot be given as a
single round figure. If excluded, weighted mean becomes 26%.
Assuming the minimum 50% for Perugi et al.

otherwise pure manic or depressive syndrome (such as

depressive mood during mania or racing thoughts during
depression) to more complex mixes of mood, thought, and
behavior. Documentation of the frequent occurrence of
depressive mood during mania was presented earlier in
Table 21. Kotin and Goodwin (1972) systematically inves-


tigated the relationship of depression to mania in 20 hospitalized patients. Through an analysis of nurses and
physicians behavioral ratings and notes, they found a statistically significant positive association between mania
and depression in the majority of cases.
Racing thoughts during depression can be considered
another type of mixed state, one observed by earlier clinicians (Kraepelin, 1921; Lewis, 1934). More recently, this
state was examined by Ianzito and colleagues (1974) and
Braden and Qualls (1979). Ianzitos group found a relatively low rate of racing thoughts in their 89 depressed inpatients (5 percent), but they used the Present State Exam,
which emphasizes the pleasurable and exciting quality
as well as the rapidity of thought. Braden and Qualls, by
contrast, found that one-third to one-half of their depressed inpatients reported racing thoughts, with a definite diurnal variation (worsening in the evening, greatest
severity at bedtime). They drew the following conclusion
(pp. 1718):
In bipolar patients and cyclothymics, the racing thoughts
may occur in both high and low states. The symptom
may thus be related more to the underlying pathology of
the affective illness than to the characteristics of either

Other authors (Akiskal and Mallya, 1987; Koukopoulos and

Koukopoulos, 1999; Benazzi and Akiskal, 2001) have favored
the interpretation that racingespecially crowded
thoughts are indicative of mixed depressive states, and have
invoked a significant excess of bipolar family history as validation of the bipolar nature of the phenomenon.
The symptomatic presentation of severe mixed states
has been characterized in a variety of studies as dysphoric
mood alternating with elevated mood, racing thoughts,
grandiosity, suicidal ideation, persecutory delusions, auditory hallucinations, severe insomnia, psychomotor agitation, and hypersexuality (Cassidy et al., 1998; Perugi et al.,
2001a; Brieger et al., 2003). Kotin and Goodwin (1972, p.
60) summarized their clinical impressions of mixed states
as follows:
Mania was nevertheless clearly identifiable by pressure of
speech, increased motor activity, anger, intrusiveness,
grandiosity, and mood instability. Depression during
mania was frequently evidenced by expressed feelings of
helplessness and hopelessness and thoughts of suicide.
Sleep disturbance, irritability, anorexia, and many other
symptoms are common to both conditions.

In their early study, Winokur and colleagues (1969)

documented the course and symptoms of mixed states; the
quantitative results of their work are given in Table 215.
They concluded that the single most striking feature of


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Table 215. Symptoms of Mixed Manic-Depressive

Category of Symptoms

Percentage of Patients











Cognition and Perception





Flight of ideas


Delusions (depressive)


Delusions (nondepressive)


Auditory hallucinations


Visual hallucinations


Activity and Behavior

Increased psychomotor activity




Pressure of speech


Decreased sexual interest


Suicidal threats or attempts


Increased alcohol intake


Anxiety attacks




Note: Based on 14 episodes of mixed manic-depressive psychosis

in 10 patients.
Source: Adapted from Winokur et al., 1969.

mixed states was variability and lability of mood: It is this

panoply of varying and contrasting emotions which makes
these patients difficult to diagnose (p. 81). Winokurs group
observed that mixed states tended to resemble mania in
push of speech, physical activity, and hyperactivity. Delusions, on the other hand, tended to be depressive in nature,
as did mood and vegetative signs and symptoms. The
authors found that in 79 percent of cases, mixed states were
gradual; that there was prior depression of appreciable
clinical proportions in 71 percent of patients; that diurnal
variation occurred in 64 percent; that the average period
from onset to euthymia was 24 days; and that more than
half (57 percent) of mixed episodes were followed by a
Women made up 60 percent of Nunns (1979) sample of
patients with mixed states, consistent with the finding of
Himmelhoch and colleagues (1976a) that 55 percent of their
sample were women. Winokur and colleagues (1969) found
a far more striking gender difference: 9 of their 10 patients
with mixed episodes were women, and 13 of the 14 episodes
they analyzed were experienced by women. The degree of
this discrepancy almost certainly is due to the more stringent criteria used by these authors in defining mixed states.
In the most comprehensive study to date, 908 bipolar
patients were followed over a period of 7 years to assess
mixed and euphoric hypomanias (Suppes et al., 2005).
Mixed hypomania was more common than euphoric hypomania, and women were significantly more likely to experience a mixed symptomatic picture (p < .001).
Himmelhoch and colleagues (1976a) found no correlation between mixed states and severity of illness or rapidity of mood swings. They did find, however, that patients
with mixed states were far more likely to have a history
of substance abuse, especially alcoholism. This has been
confirmed in some studies (Sonne et al., 1994; McElroy
et al., 1995; Goldberg et al., 1999) but not in subsequent,
larger investigations (Brieger, 2000; Cassidy et al., 2001).
Current data indicate that mixed mania, unlike pure mania, which peaks in the spring, is more likely to peak in
the late summer (Cassidy and Carroll, 2002), and both
types of episodes tend to remain consistent over a prospective course (Cassidy et al., 2001b; Woods et al., 2001; Suppes et al., 2005). A recent study (Sato et al., 2006) found
significant seasonal differences between 95 bipolar depressive patients and 77 unipolar patients with depressive
mixed states when compared with 786 unipolar depressive
patients without mixed states. Depressive episodes peaked
in the spring in those without mixed states, but in those
with mixed states (whether bipolar or unipolar), there was
a significant autumn peak in depressive episodes. (It is not
clear why unipolar patients with mixed states were not diagnosed as bipolar by the researchers.)

Clinical Description

Winokur and colleagues (1969) examined the nature of

delusions during mixed states and found, not surprisingly,
that the type of delusion fluctuated with the patients
mood. Although depressive delusions were more frequent,
manic-like delusions (nondepressed, grandiose, all religious) also occurred. Himmelhoch (1979, p. 453) emphasized the importance of manic delusions in differentiating
unipolar agitated depression from mixed states:
The clue to recognizing it [a mixed state] is the presence
of distinct maniacal coloration of the psychotic
material in the midst of all the severe depressive symptomatology . . . [for example] . . . grandiose, radiant,
beatific religious delusions . . . out of tune with the
patients misery.

Recent studies have found a significant rate of delusions

(23 percent) or delusions and/or hallucinations (40 percent) in mixed states (Mantere et al., 2004; Baethge et al.,
2005). As some overlap exists between depressive and manic
signs and symptoms (insomnia, anorexia, psychomotor
agitation), the question arises of what constitutes the depressive manifestations uncontaminated by mania that
would be suitable for the diagnostic assessment of mixed
states. On the basis of a comprehensive review of the data
(McElroy et al., 1992; Bauer et al., 1994, Cassidy et al., 1998),
Akiskal and colleagues (2000) proposed the following depressive symptoms to support a diagnosis of dysphoric
mania: depressed and/or labile mood, irritability, anhedonia, hopelessness/helplessness, suicidal thinking or behavior, guilt, and fatigue. Nonspecific symptoms, according to
these authors, include agitation, changes in weight, and
Akiskal (1992b) proposed that mixed states arise when
temperament and episodes are opposite in polaritythat
is, mania arising from a depressive temperament and
depression arising from a hyperthymic temperament. There
has now been some preliminary validation of this view in
several Italian, French, and German studies (DellOsso
et al., 1991; Perugi et al., 1997; Brieger et al., 2003), but the
diverse presentation of mixed states makes any single
explanation necessarily incomplete and premature. Temperament may be decisive in determining the manifestation of mixed states in some individuals but ultimately
is far less important than other factorsfor example,
comorbidity, chronicity of illness, medication effectsin
many or even most patients.
While much of the research on mixed states has been in
dysphoric or depressive mania, depressive mixed states
(hypomanic behavior and/or symptoms intruding into
depressive episodes) have been described since Kraepelins
(1899) and Weygandts (1899) original contributions in this
area. The most common manifestations of the excitatory


pole in depressive mixed states are psychomotor activation and/or agitation, irritability and mood lability, racing
or crowded thoughts, and sexual arousal, as well as severe
insomnia, panic attacks, and suicidal crises in severely
complicated variants.23 Indeed, increased suicidality and
the risk of suicide are particularly associated with mixed
states (Hantouche et al., 2003; Strakowski et al., 1996;
Marneros et al., 2004; see Chapter 8). A recent study of
bipolar adolescents found that mixed states contributed
independently to the risk of suicidal behavior, but the
increased risk was among the girls only (Dilsaver et al.,
2005). In a meta-analysis of risk factors for suicide and attempted suicide, Hawton and colleagues (2005) at the
University of Oxford also found mixed states to be a significant risk factor.
Consistent with Aretaeus, who had observed that melancholics could be angry without reason, Mammen and
colleagues (2004) found that 39 percent of their bipolar
patients reported anger attacks during depression. Such
attacks may well represent a form of depressive mixed
As discussed in Chapter 1, Benazzi and Akiskal (2005)
compared the relationship between irritability and other
clinical features in a large number of bipolar-II and unipolar major depressive subjects. Major depressive episodes
with irritability were present in 60 percent of their bipolarII patients and in 37 percent of their depressive patients. In
the bipolar-II patients, those who presented with irritability had a significantly younger age at index episode, higher
rates of atypical depressive features, and more significant
Axis I comorbidity relative to those who did not. They also
were more likely to meet the study criteria for depressive
mixed states, defined by the investigators as a major
depressive episode plus three or more concurrent intradepressive hypomanic symptoms (whether occurring in
the bipolar-II or major depressive patients). In the unipolar patients, those who presented with irritability had a significantly younger age at onset and higher rates of atypical
depression; they were also more likely to meet criteria for
a depressive mixed state and to have a family history of
bipolar illness. According to the authors, their data
demonstrate that irritability may be a good marker of depressive mixed states, a view consistent with that of others who have found high rates of irritability and anger
attacks associated with these states (e.g., Fava and Rosenbaum, 1999; Deckersbach et al., 2004; Perlis et al., 2004).
The relationship between age at onset and mixed states is
unclear. Some investigators have found that earlier age
at onset is associated with mixed states (Nunn, 1979; Post
et al., 1989; McElroy et al., 1997), but others have not
(Marneros et al., 1991a,b; Strakowski et al., 1996; Perugi
et al., 1997).


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

In their discussion of depression with manic features,

Koukopoulos and Koukopoulos (1999) suggested that all
types of agitated depressions should be called mixed
depression. They proposed that the following diagnostic
criteria be used: (1) major depressive episode and (2) at
least two of the three symptoms of motor agitation, psychic agitation or intense inner tension, and racing or
crowded thoughts. Perugi and colleagues (2001) have distinguished between depressive mixed states and nonmixed bipolar depression on the basis of depressive mixed
states being characterized by fewer episodes of longer
duration; less cyclicity; greater likelihood of mixed state
at first episode; more previous mixed episodes; less interepisode remission; more incongruent psychotic features; and more agitation, irritability, pressured speech,
and flight of ideas.


Classic Clinical Descriptions
Cyclothymia and related temperamental types represent a
significant portion of the manic-depressive spectrum. The
relationship of predisposing personalities (or temperaments) and cyclothymia to the subsequent development
of manic-depressive illness is a fundamental one (as discussed further below, as well as in Chapters 1, 5, 6, and 10).
Cycloid temperament, a generic term for the spectrum of
manic-depressive personality types, is generally manifested as predominantly depressive, manic or hypomanic,
irritable, or cyclothymic.24 Campbell (1953, pp. 2526) described these personality types and their relationship to
manic-depressive illness and to one another:
The term cycloid personality is an overall or general appellation, indicating all forms of the prepsychotic manicdepressive personality. The cycloid personality may occur
in one of three forms, with innumerable gradations and
mixtures between the three. First, is the hypomanic personality, the overactive, jovial, friendly, talkative and
confident individual who, if he becomes psychotic,
usually develops the manic form of manic-depressive
psychosis. . . . Second, is the depressive type, the worried,
anxious, thoughtful, sorrowful, individual who, if he
becomes psychotic, usually develops the depressive form
of manic-depressive psychosis. The third form of the cycloid personality is the cyclothymic personality who may
have mixed traits, or be euphoric and friendly at one
time, and depressed and pessimistic at another, and who
may develop either a manic or depressive reaction, or
swing from one into the other. It is important to realize

that the manic reaction, melancholia, hypomanic reaction, cyclothymic personality, cycloid personality, depressive personality and periodic insanity, are all a part of the
same disease process, and that any one of these may
change into any other.

The generic term cycloid personality used by Kretschmer

encompasses all types of prepsychotic personality in manicdepressive patients. Kretschmer, too, stressed the overlap
among these personality types (1936; cited in Campbell,
1953, pp. 2627):
Men of this kind have a soft temperament which can
swing to great extremes. The path over which it swings
is a wide one, namely between cheerfulness and
unhappiness. . . . Not only is the hypomanic disposition
well known to be a peculiarly labile one, which also has
leanings in the depressive direction, but many of these
cheerful natures have, when we get to know them better,
a permanent melancholic element somewhere in the background of their being. . . . The hypomanic and melancholic halves of the cycloid temperament relieve one
another, they form layers or patterns in individual cases,
arranged in the most varied combinations.

Clearly, not all cyclothymic or cycloid personalities go

on to develop the full manic-depressive syndrome, and
here we concern ourselves primarily with clinical descriptions of the range of cycloid temperaments and cyclothymic
disorders. Kraepelin (1921, pp. 119120) described a depressive temperament, which is characterized by a permanent gloomy emotional stress in all the experience of
Patients, as a rule, have to struggle with all sorts of internal obstructions, which they only overcome with
effort; . . . they lack the right joy in work. . . . From youth
up there exists in the patients a special susceptibility for
the cares, the difficulties, the disappointments of life . . .
in every occurrence feel the small disagreeables much
more strongly than the elevating and satisfying
aspects. . . . Frequently . . . a capricious, irritable,
unfriendly, repellent behaviour is developed. The patients
are occupied only with themselves, do not trouble themselves about their surroundings. . . .
Every task stands in front of them like a mountain; life
with its activity is a burden which they habitually bear . . .
without being compensated by the pleasure of existence.

In manic temperament, Kraepelin went on to say, the

patients understanding of life and the world remains
superficial; their train of thought is desultory, incoherent, aimless; and their mood is permanently exalted,
careless, confident. (Centuries earlier, Aretaeus [cited in

Clinical Description

Roccatagliata, 1986, p. 229] had described a predominantly

manic form of illness that arose in those whose personality is characterized by gayness, activity, superficiality and
childishness. The mania itself was manifest in furor,
excitement and cheerfulness) Kraepelin (1921, pp. 126128)
said that such patients are
convinced of their superiority to their surroundings. . . .
Towards others they are haughty, positive, irritable,
impertinent, stubborn. . . . unsteadiness and restlessness
appear before everything. They are accessible, communicative, adapt themselves readily to new conditions, but
soon they again long for change and variety. Many have
belletristic inclinations, compose poems, paint, go in
for music. . . . Their mode of expression is clever and
lively; they speak readily and much, are quick at
repartee, never at a loss for an answer or an excuse. . . .
With their surroundings the patients often live in
constant feud.

Kraepelin also discussed a milder form of manic temperament within the domain of the normal, but still a
link in the long chain of manic-depressive dispositions, a
form that progresses to what he termed the irritable temperament. In Kraepelins (1921, pp. 129131) words:
It concerns here brilliant, but unevenly gifted personalities with artistic inclinations. They charm us by their
intellectual mobility, their versatility, their wealth of ideas,
their ready accessibility and their delight in adventure,
their artistic capability, their good nature, their cheery,
sunny mood. But at the same time they put us in an
uncomfortable state of surprise by a certain restlessness,
talkativeness, desultoriness in conversation, excessive need
for social life, capricious temper and suggestibility, lack of
reliability, steadiness, and perseverance in work, a tendency to building castles in the air . . . periods of causeless depression or anxiety. . . .
The irritable temperament, a further form of manicdepressive disposition, is perhaps best conceived as a mixture of the fundamental states . . . in as much as in it
manic and depressive features are associated. . . . The
patients display from youth up extraordinarily great fluctuations in emotional equilibrium and are greatly moved
by all experiences, frequently in an unpleasant way. While
on the one hand they appear sensitive and inclined to
sentimentality and exuberance, they display on the other
hand great irritability and sensitiveness. They are easily
offended and hot-tempered; they flare up, and on the
most trivial occasions fall into outbursts of boundless
fury. She had states in which she was nearly delirious,
was said of one patient; Her rage is beyond all bounds,
of another. It then comes to violent scenes with abuse,


screaming and a tendency to rough behaviour. . . . The

patients are positive, always in a mood for a fight, endure
no contradiction, and, therefore, easily fall into disputes
with the people round them, which they carry on with
great passion. . . . The colouring of mood is subject to
frequent change. . . .
Their power of imagination is usually very much
influenced by moods and feelings. It, therefore, comes
easily to delusional interpretations of the events of life.
The patients think that they are tricked by the people
round them, irritated on purpose and taken advantage of.

Cyclothymic temperament is characterized, according to

Kraepelin (1921, p. 131), by frequent, more or less regular
fluctuations of the psychic state to the manic or to the
depressive side. He described cyclothymic individuals as
follows (p. 132):
These are the people who constantly oscillate hither and
thither between the two opposite poles of mood, sometimes rejoicing to the skies, sometimes sad as death.
To-day lively, sparkling, beaming, full of the joy of life, the
pleasure of enterprise, and pressure of activity, after some
time they meet us depressed, enervated, ill-humoured, in
need of rest, and again a few months later they display the
old freshness and elasticity.

Kretschmer (1936, p. 132) pointed out a tendency of these

individuals to drift toward either mania or depression:
The temperament of the cycloids alternates between
cheerfulness and sadness, in deep, smooth, rounded
waves, only more quickly and transitorily with some,
more fully and enduring with others. But the mid-point
of these oscillations lies with some nearer the hypomanic,
and with others nearer the depressive pole.

Slater and Roth (1969, pp. 206207) provided a general

description of the constitutional cyclothymic, emphasizing
the natural remissions and seasonal patterns often inherent
in the temperament. The alternating mood states, each lasting for months at a time, are continuous in some individuals
but subside, leaving periods of normality, in others. In Slater
and Roths words, the cyclothymic constitution
is perhaps less frequent than the other two basic states,
but its existence in artists and writers has attracted some
attention, especially as novelists like Bjrnsen and H.
Hesse have given characteristic descriptions of the condition. Besides those whose swings of mood never intermit,
there are others with more or less prolonged intervals of
normality. In the hypomanic state the patient feels well,
but the existence of such states accentuates his feeling of
insufficiency and even illness in the depressive phases. At
such times he will often seek the advice of his practitioner,


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

complaining of such vague symptoms as headache,

insomnia, lassitude, and indigestion. . . . In typical
cases such alternative cycles will last a lifetime. In
cyclothymic artists, musicians, and other creative workers
the rhythm of the cycles can be read from the dates of the
beginning and cessation of productive work. Some cyclothymics have a seasonal rhythm and have learned to
adapt their lives and occupations so well to it that they do
not need medical attention.

According to Koukopoulos (2003, p. 202), observing a

cyclothymic patient who is depressed, one is spontaneously reminded of a machine in which the oil has run
dry and the gears grind on in laborious suffering, rasping
against one another until they seize up in pain. When
hypomanic, on the other hand, the patient is entirely different (p. 203):
Instead of the inhibition that was previously felt, the
course of thoughts is now faster, the perception of external impressions easier and more immediate, so the patient
appears to be more intelligent, full of wit and more entertaining than in the healthy days. As for the increased
capacity for criticizing, which as already mentioned may
present itself also in the depressive state, this may now
become so strong as to be considered vexing by the
patient himself. It often betokens itself by an arrogant,
mocking smirk. The elevated mental capacity leads in the
majority of cases to a restless, non-stop activity and
dynamism which develops in the widest variety of directions. It is not only the stamina of the patient, which
appears greater than that of the healthy days, but the level
of skill and ability that is increased in various ways. Many,
for instance, who had a rather mediocre voice and in
their depressive intervalswere without much musical
talentnow sing not only with great eagerness, but also
with a better tone of voice and a livelier expressiveness.
Others display, in manual tasks and their mode of dress, a
skill and taste which they did not formerly possess. And
others manifest a literary bent that was quite alien to
them before.
All these characteristics are, as I observed above, due
to the expression of the expansive mood, which as a rule
sweeps over the patient suddenly. All at once he sees the
rosy side of life and at the same time feels a desire to have
others partake in his joy, to help his fellow men and carry
out activities that frequently bear fruit in the fields of
charity and humanitarian interests.

Clinical Studies
Compelling evidence argues for including cyclothymia as
an integral part of the spectrum of manic-depressive illness. The data presented here describe several aspects of

cyclothymia: its clinical presentation; symptomatic patterns

of mood, cognition, and behavior; and subsequent development of full affective episodes in cyclothymic patients.25
(Related issues are discussed in Chapters 1, 10, and 11.)
In his early review of the literature, Waters (1979) cited
widespread agreement that mood and energy swings often
precede clinical illness by years. In a study of 33 patients
with definite bipolar illness, he found that one-third
reported bipolar mood swings or hypomania predating
the actual onset of their illness. These subsyndromal mood
swings were characterized by (1) onset in early adulthood;
(2) occurrence most often in spring or fall; (3) occurrence
on an annual or biennial basis; (4) onset unrelated to current life events (with the exception of the first episode);
(5) persistence of symptoms for 3 to 10 weeks; (6) a
change in energy level, rather than the experience of dysphoria; and (7) sensitivity to lithium treatment (comparable to that for manifest bipolar illness). More recently,
Kochman and colleagues (2005) assessed 80 depressed
children and adolescents with the Kiddie-SADS semistructured interview and a newly developed questionnaire
to measure cyclothymichypersensitive temperament. At
the end of the 2- to 4-year follow-up period, 43 percent of
the sample had been diagnosed as bipolar. Of the children and adolescents who had been categorized as cyclothymichypersensitive, 64 percent developed bipolar
disorder; of those who had not been so categorized, only
15 percent experienced a hypomanic or manic episode
(p < .001).
In a study of the natural course or progression of
cyclothymia, that is, the relationship of cyclothymic states
to the subsequent development of bipolar affective episodes,
approximately one-third (36 percent) of 50 cyclothymic
patients, in contrast to only 4 percent of 50 nonaffective
controls, developed full syndromal depression, hypomania, or mania (Akiskal et al., 1979b). Of the 25 cyclothymic
patients requiring antidepressant medication for their depressive illness, 11 (44 percent) became hypomanic. This
rate was comparable to the switch rate in bipolar controls
(35 percent).
Akiskal and colleagues further described and quantified
these subsyndromal mood swings. Box 21 presents
revised operational criteria for cyclothymia based on a
population study that tested the authors clinically derived
criteria (Akiskal et al., 1979a, 1998b). Their original sample
of 50 cyclothymic patients was characterized by the following: a female/male ratio of 3:2; young age at onset, which is
consistent with other data suggesting an onset of first symptoms between ages 12 and 14 (Akiskal et al., 1977; Depue
et al., 1981); and a tendency for the first clinical presentation to be perceived as a personality rather than a mood
disorder, with family members and friends describing the

Clinical Description

BOX 21. Validated Criteria for Cyclothymic

Biphasic subclinical mood swings with abrupt and labile shifts,
and with variability in duration, measured from hours to a
few days. At least four of the following constitute the habitual
long-term baseline of the subject:
Lethargy alternating with eutonia
Shaky self-esteem alternating between low self-confidence
and overconfidence
Decreased verbal output alternating with talkativeness
Mental confusion alternating with sharpened and creative
Unexplained tearfulness alternating with excessive punning
and jocularity
Introverted self-absorption alternating with uninhibited
people seeking
Source: Akiskal et al., 1998b. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

patient as high-strung,explosive,moody,hyperactive,
or sensitive.
Mood, cognitive, and behavioral patterns in 46 patients
with cyclothymia were studied by Akiskal and colleagues
(1977); although based on a small sample, their findings
are useful in providing an overall view of cyclothymic
states. As might be expected, the mood and cognitive aspects parallel, in milder form, those for mania and depression. Three-fourths of Akiskal and colleagues patients
met criteria for alternating patterns of sleep disorder, fluctuating levels in the quality and quantity of work or
school productivity, and financial disinhibition. One-half
of the patients reported periods of irritability or aggressiveness, patterns of frequent shifts in interests or plans,
drug or alcohol abuse, or fluctuating levels of social interaction. Episodic promiscuity or extramarital affairs were
reported by 40 percent of the sample, and joining new
movements with zeal, followed by disillusionment, by 25
percent. Although frequencies of specific behavior patterns are of interest, replicated and comparison population figures are necessary. Thus we await more detailed
studies of cognitive and perceptual changes across mood
states, much larger sample sizes, and replications utilizing
more standardized measures.
Cyclothymia is a common temperamental variant,
occurring in 0.4 to 6.3 percent of the population (Depue
et al., 1981; Placidi et al., 1998; Chiaroni et al., 2005).
According to Akiskal (1998), the most frequent subtypes
of cyclothymia are pure cyclothymia (equal proportion of
depressive and hypomanic swings, alternating in an
irregular fashion), predominantly depressed cyclothymia
(depressive periods dominating the clinical picture,


interspersed with even, irritable, and occasional hypomanic periods), and hyperthymia (hypomanic traits
decreased need for sleep, expansive behavior, wild
lifestyledominating, with occasional depressive and
irritable episodes). Systematic qualitative data to verify
this taxonomy do not exist, however.
Discriminatory criteria for the irritable temperament
have remained elusive (Akiskal, 1992a; Akiskal et al.,
1998b). The hyperthymic type, by contrast, is probably distinct from the cyclothymic (Akiskal, 1992a). Indeed, in a
factor analytic study of temperaments in an Italian student population, the cyclothymic and hyperthymic types
emerged as separate superfactors (Akiskal et al., 1998b).
The hyperthymic type is best described as adaptivetrait hypomania (which distinguishes it from hypomanic
episodes), consisting of the triad of high energy, overconfidence, and cheerfulness, with virtually no depressive dips
(which distinguishes this type from the cyclothymic type
proper). Again, while such speculations are interesting,
they need greater validation and replication.
The validated criteria for the cyclothymic type summarized in Box 21 portray a temperament with greater instability than the hyperthymic type, and for that reason
one perhaps more proximal to bipolar disorder; indeed,
cyclothymia often precedes or underlies bipolar-II disorder
(Hantouche et al., 1998; Perugi and Akiskal, 2002). Of the
affective temperaments, cyclothymia is the most correlated
with emotional and behavioral problems (Signoretta et al.,
On the other hand, the hyperthymic type represents
a more adaptive set of traits. The criteria for hyperthymic temperament, as validated by Akiskal and colleagues (1998a), require that four of the following traits
(which constitute the habitual long-term functioning of
the individual) be present: (1) warm, people seeking, or
extraverted; (2) cheerful, overoptimistic, or exuberant;
(3) uninhibited, stimulus seeking, or risk taking; (4)
overinvolved and meddlesome; (5) vigorous, overenergetic, and full of plans; (6) self-assured, overconfident,
or boastful; and (7) overtalkative or articulate. Researchers in Italy (Maremmani et al., 2005) compared responses from 1,010 students aged 14 to 26 on Cloningers
revised Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ)
(Cloninger, 1987) and on the semi-structured affective
temperament interview (TEMPS-I) (Placidi et al., 1998).
The TPQ constructs of gregariousness, exploratory
excitability, uninhibited optimism, attachment, confidence, extravagance, independence, vigor, and impulsiveness correlated highly with the temperamental construct of hyperthymia. Jamison (2004) has discussed at
length the relationship among exuberant, hyperthymic,
and extraverted temperaments, as well as the relationship


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

between such temperaments and psychological resilience

(see also Chapter 10).
Psychiatric studies of temperament would benefit
enormously from the addition of the perspectives and
methodologies used by developmental psychologists
who have studied early manifestations of temperament
and the development of temperament over time, from
infancy to adulthood. Particularly relevant here is the
paradigm used by Jerome Kagan and colleagues in their
important studies of inhibited and uninhibited temperaments.26 At present, we lack the sophisticated developmental and genetic approaches that ultimately will
provide the kind of information needed to adequately
understand the manic-depressive spectrum of temperaments.

This chapter has presented a clinical description of manicdepressive illness (with emphasis on the bipolar form) that
combines three methods of observation: descriptions of
both ancient and modern clinical observers, first-person
accounts from patients with manic-depressive illness, and
results obtained from clinical studies. Each method is
unique, invaluable, but incomplete. Good clinical description is beholden to all three perspectives.
Pathognomonic cycles of mood and activity serve as a
background for ongoing fluctuations in thinking, perception, and behavior. The bipolar form of manic-depressive
illness encompasses the extremes of human experience.
Moods swing between euphoria and despair, irritability
and panic. Cognition can range from psychosis or delirium to a pattern of fast, clear, and sometimes creative associations; it can also manifest as retardation so profound
that consciousness is clouded. Behavior can be seductive,
hyperactiveexpansive, and dangerous; or it can be reclusive, sluggish, and suicidal.
The rapid undulations and combinations of such
extremes result in an intricately textured clinical picture. It
is important to note that the designation mixed states is
often arbitrary. Indeed, manic patients are depressed and
irritable at least as often as they are elated, and bipolar
depressed patients are frequently agitated and may have
racing thoughts.

1. Falret, 1854 (translated by Sedler, 1983); Kraepelin, 1921;
Campbell, 1953; Wellner and Marstal, 1964; Beigel and Murphy, 1971a; Cassidy et al., 2001a, 2002; Woods et al., 2001; Sato
et al., 2004.

2. Kraepelin continued:
Statues salute him by nodding; the moon falls down
from the sky; the trumpets of the Day of Judgment are
sounding. He hears the voice of Jesus, speaks with God
and the poor souls, is called by God dear son. There are
voices in his ears; the creaking of the floor, the sound of
the bells take on the form of words. The patient has
telepathic connection with an aristocratic fiance, feels
the electric current in the walls, feels himself hypnotized; transference of thought takes place.
3. As discussed later in this chapter, Carlson and Goodwin
(1973), in their systematic study of the stages of mania, found
that mania usually evolves gradually. In their hospitalized
patients, the early stages of mania could be discerned in
nurses recordings of mood and behavior reviewed after the
apparently sudden onset of manic episodes.
4. Harrow et al., 1972a,b, 1982, 1983, 1986; Harrow and Quinlan,
1977; Harrow and Prosen, 1978.
5. Harrow et al., 1972a,b, 1986; Himmelhoch et al., 1973; Adler
and Harrow, 1974; Harrow and Quinlan, 1977; Grossman
et al., 1981.
6. Breakey and Goodell, 1972; Grossman et al., 1981; Andreasen,
1984; Shenton et al., 1987; Solovay et al., 1987.
7. The discrepancy between the results of these two groups may
be due in part to differences in the assessment of thought
disorder. Resnick and Oltmanns (1984) used a global rating,
whereas Harrow and colleagues (1982) used specific tests.
8. Andreasen, 1984; Resnick and Oltmanns, 1984; Simpson and
Davis, 1985; Ragin and Oltmanns, 1987.
9. Morice and Ingram, 1983; Morice and McNicol, 1986;
Docherty et al., 1996; Thomas et al., 1996; Lott et al., 2002.
10. Pease, 1912; Rosenthal et al., 1979; Harrow et al., 1990; Goldberg et al., 1995; Keck et al., 2003.
11. Beigel and Murphy, 1971b; Murphy and Beigel, 1974; Taylor
and Abrams, 1975; Rosen et al., 1983b; Young et al., 1983,
Winokur et al., 1985; Coryell et al., 1990, 2001; Tohen et al.,
1990; Young and Klerman, 1992; Toni et al., 2001.
12. Brockington et al., 1983; Winokur, 1984; Coryell et al., 1990;
Miklowitz, 1992; Tohen et al., 1992; Fennig et al., 1996; Perugi
et al., 1999; Strakowski et al., 2000.
13. Double, 1990; Bauer et al., 1994; Cassidy et al., 1998; Dilsaver
et al., 1999; Perugi et al., 2001b; Swann et al., 2001; Sato et al.,
14. Suicidal behavior, discussed in the next section, is covered
more fully in Chapter 8.
15. All quotations from this source are from F. Scott Fitzgerald,
The Crack-up, copyright 1945 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp.
16. It is even more rare for a clinical study of unipolar depression to differentiate the highly recurrent form (part of Kraepelins manic-depressive illness) from the nonrecurrent
17. Benazzi, 1999b, 2000a,b, 2001, 2003, 2004.
18. More specialized reviews of related clinical topics can be
found in Chapters 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 16.
19. Kraepelin, 1921; Bowman and Raymond, 19311932a; Schneider, 1959; Beck, 1967; Winokur et al., 1969.

Clinical Description

20. Charney and Nelson, 1981; Frangos et al., 1983; Helms and
Smith, 1983; Winokur, 1984. Baethge et al., 2005.
21. Charney and Nelson, 1981; Frances et al., 1981; Glassman and
Roose, 1981; Coryell and Tsuang, 1982; Nelson et al., 1984;
Spiker et al., 1985; Roose and Glassman, 1988.
22. McElroy et al., 1992, 1995; Cassidy and Carroll, 1998; Cassidy
et al., 1998; Sato et al., 2002.
23. Akiskal and Mallya, 1987; Koukopoulos and Koukopoulos,
1999; Benazzi, 2000b; Benazzi and Akiskal, 2001; Sato et al.,


2003; Biondi et al., 2005; Benazzi, 2006; Oedegaard et al.,

24. Reiss, 1910; Kraepelin, 1921; Bleuler, 1924; Kretschmer, 1936;
Campbell, 1953; Slater and Roth, 1969.
25. Cyclothymia in the German literature refers to the temperament as well as the full range of bipolar disorders. In the English literature, it is restricted to a subthreshold disorder.
26. Kagan et al., 1988, 1992; Kagan, 1989; Kagan and Snidman,
1991; Fox et al., 2001; Schwartz et al., 2003.

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The symptom-complexes of pure mania and depression seem extraordinarily natural to us

because of the thread of meaningful connection which runs through their individual features,
but very many of these patients do not correspond at all to these natural complexes which are
only ideal types of construct.
Karl Jaspers (1913, p. 597)

The history of psychiatric diagnosis has been notable for

its confusion, reflected in the myriad overlapping systems
for classifying and subdividing depressive disorders. As
discussed in Chapter 1, however, Kraepelin brought order
to the diagnosis of depression by grouping all of the recurrent affective disorders under the rubric of manicdepressive illness, a broad category later divided into
unipolar and bipolar subgroups. Although the original
meaning of unipolar as a form of recurrent affective disorder has been obscured in our current diagnostic system,
bipolar illness has remained a relatively consistent and stable diagnostic category; characterizing patients as bipolar
leads to valid predictions about family history, course,
prognosis, and treatment response. In this chapter, we
review the formal criteria for the diagnosis of manicdepressive illness, focusing on the bipolar form. With the
category thus defined, we then reexamine the boundaries it
shares with other major diagnostic categories, some of
which were introduced in our earlier discussion of the
manic-depressive spectrum (see Chapter 1). Here the focus
is on clinical decision making.
A reading of the relevant literature makes clear that reliable diagnosis of manic-depressive illness requires a longitudinal as well as a cross-sectional view of the patient.1
This literature also charts a course for clinicians, underscoring the need to meet repeatedly with the patient and to
seek out other people, particularly family members, who
can help in forming an accurate picture of the patients
history, symptoms, and behavior. Such practices decrease
the clinicians dependence on cross-sectional data and increase the reliability of diagnoses. Clinicians will need to
remain careful and skilled diagnosticians even if future genetic and biological studies provide more clues as to the

etiology of manic-depressive illness. This is so because both

the bipolar and highly recurrent unipolar forms of manicdepressive illness undoubtedly involve complex interactions among genetic and environmental factors that do not
allow for the kinds of direct cause-and-effect relationships
seen, for example, with inborn errors of metabolism.
The first section of this chapter summarizes the development of contemporary diagnostic systems. This is followed
by a review of the diagnostic criteria for those disorders
salient to diagnosis of manic-depressive illness. We then
examine findings of recent studies addressing the key issue
of whether psychotic conditions should be classified as
separate conditions or as falling along a continuous spectrum. Finally, we look at the problem of differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder and other disorders with which it
shares overlapping features.

Successive versions of the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), now in its tenth revision (Sato et al., 2002),
represent the official diagnostic system used by clinicians
throughout most of the world. The major exception, of
course, is the United States, where clinicians use the American Psychiatric Associations (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the fourth edition of which (DSM-IV) was
published in 1994. The different diagnostic systems are illustrated in Boxes 31a and 31b. Two European systems of
classification are also importantthe Present State Examination (PSE)-Catego (Wing and Nixon, 1975) and the system developed by the Association for Methodology and
Documentation in Psychiatry (Guy and Ban, 1982).



Clinical Description and Diagnosis

BOX 31a. DSM-IV Mood Disorders

Depressive Disorders



Major depressive disorder

.2x single episode
.3x recurrent
Dysthymic disorder
specify if: early onset/late onset
specify: with atypical features
Depressive disorder not otherwise specified

Bipolar Disorders





Bipolar I disorder
.0x single manic episode
specify if mixed
.40 most recent episode hypomanic
.4x most recent episode manic
.6x most recent episode mixed
.5x most recent episode depressed
.7 most recent episode unspecified
Bipolar II disorder
specify (current or most recent episode) hypomanic/depressed
Cyclothymic disorder
Bipolar disorder not otherwise specified
Mood disorder due to (indicate the general medical
specify type: with depressive/manic/mixed features
specify if: with onset during intoxication/withdrawal
see substance-related disorders for codes
for specific drugs of abuse
for other agents (including antidepressants)
Code as other substanceinduced mood disorder
Mood disorder not otherwise specified
Schizoaffective disorder
specify: bipolar type/depressive type
Schizophreniform disorder
specify: with or without good prognostic features
Brief psychotic disorder
specify: with or without marked stressor, with postpartum onset
Psychotic disorder not otherwise specified

Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

ICD-6 through ICD-9 and DSM-I and DSM-II

The first effort to establish a universal diagnostic system for
psychiatric illnesses was made by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its 1948 ICD-6, formerly the International

BOX 31b. ICD-10 Mood Disorders

(Affective Disorder)
F 32
F 33
F 34
F 34.1
F 34.8
F 34.9
F 38
F 38.0
F 38.1
F 31
F 30

F 31.0
F 31.1, 31.2
F 31.6
F 31.3, 31.4, 31.5

F 34.0
F 31.9
F 10-19
F 25.0
F 25.1
F 25.2
F 25.9
F 23
F 23.2

Depressive episode
Recurrent depressive disorder
Persistent mood (affective) disorders
Other persistent mood (affective) disorders
Persistent mood (affective) disorders,
Other mood (affective) disorders
Single mixed affective episode
Recurrent brief depressive episode
Bipolar affective disorder (BAD)
Manic episode
specify if hypomania, mania with or without psychosis
BAD, current episode hypomania
BAD, current episode manic with or without
BAD, current episode mixed
BAD, current episode depressed with or
without psychotic symptoms
Other bipolar affective disorders
specify if bipolar-II disorder or recurrent
manic episodes
BAD, unspecified
Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse
Schizoaffective disorder, manic type
Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
Schizoaffective disorder, unspecified
Acute and transient psychotic disorder
Acute schizophrenic-like psychotic disorder

Source: From International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition.

Reprinted with permission from WHO.

Classification of Causes of Death. The ICD was designed as

a system that could be applied throughout the world; thus
its developers attempted to encompass a great variety of
conceptual backgrounds, which in turn resulted in overlap
among many of its categories. The 16 different subtypes of
affective disorder in ICD-9, grouped under eight different
main headings, cannot readily be compared with the descriptive diagnostic systems that have recently evolved
from systematic research on these disorders.
The APAs first diagnostic manual (DSM-I) was published in 1952. Although developed independently of the
ICD, the American system likewise was not derived from


systematic research. In DSM-I, manic-depressive reaction

appeared along with psychotic depressive reaction as subcategories of affective reactions, which in turn formed one
of four categories of psychosis.
In 1968, the eighth revision of the ICD appeared, as
did the revised APA manual (DSM-II); the two generally
paralleled each other. Manic-depressive reaction became
manic-depressive illness and, with involutional melancholia, was classified under major affective disorders. Psychotic depressive reaction was removed from the affective
disorders category and became a separate class. As was true
of prior versions, the categories in ICD-9, which appeared
in 1978, overlapped conceptually.

Empirically Based Systems: Research Diagnostic

Criteria, DSM-III-R, and ICD-10
The transition from DSM-II to DSM-III and more recent
systems has been characterized by a movement from psychiatric dogmas to greater reliance on empirical research.
ICD-9 and DSM-II were fundamentally flawed, despite
their greater use of descriptive material and implicit recognition of the bipolarunipolar distinction, because they
were essentially compromises constructed around isolated,
mutually exclusive belief systems about etiology. In DSM-II,
each school of psychiatric thought appeared to be assigned
its own category, which reflected its own etiologic assumptions. For example, a presumed psychosocial etiology was
the defining characteristic for depressions not associated
with physiological disturbances or major functional impairment. Depressions associated with these latter features were
presumed to be endogenous, that is, biological in origin. In
both ICD-9 and DSM-II, manic-depressive illness stayed
in the endogenous column. Neurotic (reactive) depression
and psychotic depressive reaction (or reactive depressive
psychoses) were excluded from the manic-depressive illness

category, implying that the presence of precipitating factors

was incompatible with such a diagnosis.
Clearly, what was desperately needed was a nosological
system that was etiologically neutral, a system that would
allow independent assessment of the types and severity of
symptoms, the presence of precipitating events, the extent
of functional impairment, personality characteristics, and
the presence of other psychiatric diagnoses. Without such
a system, the long-standing debate pitting biological predispositions against psychological causes and social influences would remain an exercise in polemics. Likewise, attempts to foster understanding of manic-depressive illness
by bridging these insular schools of thought would continue to flounder, as would efforts to clarify the relationship between affective illness and schizophrenia.
The evolution of psychiatric nosology toward DSM-III
was propelled by the rise in influence of the neoKraepelinian school, based in the United States at Washington University at St. Louis. The shift was toward descriptive
criteria, based to the extent possible on empirical evidence,
with no etiologic commitments. Since diagnostic validity
was and remains elusive, the framers of DSM-III sought to
at least establish diagnostic reliabilityagreed-upon empirically testable definitionswhich is a prerequisite to validity. A precursor to DSM-III was the Research Diagnostic
Criteria (RDC)2 (Spitzer et al., 1978).
The systems as they have evolved thus far are by no
means ideal. For example, as illustrated in Figure 31, the
organization of both DSM-III and DSM-IV implies that
bipolar disorder is distinct from all forms of major depression. This division discourages consideration of underlying unifying relationships between bipolar and the more
highly recurrent forms of unipolar disorder, including the
possibility that they fall along a continuum (Angst et al.,
2003; Smith et al., 2005; see also Chapter 1). It appears that

Figure 31. DSM-IV classification of mood disorders. NOS = not otherwise specified.
Mood Disorders

Bipolar Disorders




Depressive Disorders









Clinical Description and Diagnosis

the designers of DSM-III and -IV arbitrarily chose polarity

over cyclicity or recurrence as the primary principle for
organizing a diagnostic system. This approach left the depressive disorder category as hopelessly heterogeneous, defined only by not being bipolar (see Chapter 1). Another
drawback of DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV is that
they lack the rich clinical descriptiveness of ICD-9.
Other criticisms can be made of the DSM-IV system
in general, not just of the bipolar category. First, natural
course, longitudinal patterns, and family history in recurrent affective illness are not included in the DSM-IV criteria, despite their clear importance. The lack of attention
to course means that the DSM-IV schema often results in
defining an episode more reliably than the disorder. For
example, in longitudinal studies of patients with mixed
affective and schizophrenic symptoms, numerous investigators3 have noted a significant proportion who undergo
syndrome shifts; that is, at one point in their history they
can be diagnosed as schizophrenic, and at another as having an affective disorder.
Other studies of diagnostic stabilitydefined as the degree to which a diagnosis is confirmed at subsequent assessment points (Fennig et al., 1994)have shown a similar propensity to diagnostic shifting, with an original
diagnosis of unipolar depression later changing to one of
bipolar disorder.4 In a 20-year follow-up of 406 hospitalized depressed patients initially diagnosed as unipolar
(Angst et al., 2005), the diagnoses were changed to bipolar
at a rate of approximately 1.5 percent per year (1 percent to
bipolar-I, 0.5 percent to bipolar-II), cumulatively 39.2 percent over the 20-year follow-up period; those with six or
more depressive episodes were especially likely to be rediagnosed as bipolar. In an interesting study of the relationship of diagnostic criteria to the stability of the bipolar diagnosis, Amin and colleagues (1999) found that 91 percent
of those diagnosed as bipolar according to ICD-10 maintained that diagnosis at a 3-year follow-up, compared with
only 78 percent of those so diagnosed using DSM-IV (see
also Chapter 3).
Another problem with DSM-IV is that since all criteria
are weighted equally, a DSM-IV diagnosis cannot by itself
replicate the complex process of pattern recognition by
which the experienced clinician arrives at a diagnosis. The
limitations of the system were emphasized by van Praag
(1993, p. 97):
One can witness a standardized interview degenerating into
a question-and-answer game: answers being taken on face
value, not caring for the meaning behind the words, disregarding the as-yet-unspoken and oblivious to the emotional
content of the communication. . . . There is the danger of
the desk researcher studying rating scale and standardized

interview results rather than actual patients. These may be

data collected not by himself, but by a research assistant
with little psychiatric experience and training.

ICD-10 became official in 1993. Heavily influenced by the development of DSM-IV, it groups all mood disorders together
by replacing manic-depressive psychosis with bipolar affective disorder and recurrent depressive disorders. ICD-10
does stay more true to the original Kraepelinian vision
by linking the two recurrent forms of major affective disorder.5 Neurotic depression, reactive depressive psychosis, and
affective (cyclothymic) personality disorder are relocated to
the major groups of affective disorders. The classification
scheme for ICD-10 is reviewed in Box 31b, presented earlier.

Transition from DSM-III-R to DSM-IV

DSM-III-R was criticized for its definitions of mood disorders on a number of grounds. First, bipolar-II disorder
was only a residual category and not recognized as a distinct presentation. Second, there was no operational definition of rapid cycling or mixed states. Third, there was
no duration requirement for manic, mixed, or depressive
episodes in bipolar disorder, leading to some confusion in
distinguishing among rapid cycling, mixed episodes, and
cyclothymic disorder. Fourth, certain system-level flaws
from prior DSM criteria persisted, such as an absence of
clinical description and no information regarding age at
onset, course, or family history.
DSM-IV was introduced in 1994. Major revisions are as
Bipolar-II is designated as a diagnostic entity in its own
Antidepressant-induced mood states are excluded from
the diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
Episodes are descriptive but not formally categorized with
codes; instead, mood disorders are coded as either recurrent or single episode. This simple distinction between
recurrent and single episode is still too broad since it
includes everyone with more than one episode; more
useful would be a further distinction between those with
two to four (recurrent) and more than four (highly recurrent) episodes.
Information on course, age, and gender is included. A
time specification of 1 week is given for manic or mixed
Criteria for mixed states are explicitly stated.
A separate definition of rapid cycling is provided, based
on empirical data supporting a definition of four or
more episodes per year (see Chapter 4).
DSM-IV makes no change in the overall diagnostic schema
for major depressive disorder.


Of the above changes, perhaps the most important clinically are the introduction of bipolar-II disorder, the definition of rapid cycling, the definition of mixed episodes,
and the exclusion of antidepressant-induced mood states
from the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. In general, it would
appear that the DSM-IV task force attempted to balance
the expansion of the bipolar diagnosis to include type II
and a clearly defined rapid-cycling course with more restrictive definitions of mixed states and antidepressantinduced mania.
On the latter point, there is indeed significant evidence
that antidepressant-induced mania is a predictive marker
for bipolar disorder (Akiskal and Benazzi, 2003; Akiskal
et al., 2003). The exclusion of this diagnostic group is not
supported clinically or empirically by most of the available
evidence. To quote Dunner (1998) (a member of the DSMIV task force):
There was a sense from the Task Force that bipolar conditions should not be overdiagnosed in the community; if
they are, lithium might be too broadly applied to patients
with mood disorders. . . . The criteria for bipolar II were
defined in a way that is somewhat restrictive. . . . Hypomanic episodes occurring in response to treatment with
antidepressant pharmacotherapy would not count toward
the diagnosis of bipolar II but would instead be termed
substance-induced hypomania. Frankly, this latter option
makes little sense to me and is inconsistent with the natural course of bipolar disorder. . . . It is difficult to induce
mania or hypomania in a true unipolar patient; there is a
likelihood that patients who develop hypomania in
response to treatment are actually bipolar.

Given the (probably unfortunate) reality that the majority

of patients with bipolar disorder take antidepressants
most of the time, it can be difficult to be sure about the
identification of true spontaneous manic or hypomanic
The definition of mixed episodes (discussed further below) in DSM-IV requires that complete criteria for a major
depressive episode and a manic episode be met simultaneously for 1 week. This strict definition can exclude many
classic descriptions of dysphoric mania and agitated depression that have historically been referred to as mixed states
and appear to share characteristics distinct from pure depression or pure mania (see Chapter 2). As discussed below,
these more broadly defined mixed states may be valid categories that are, unfortunately, excluded from DSM-IV.
Finally as noted above, DSM-IV continues to leave unaddressed Kraepelins original observation of the essential
unity of the recurrent affective disorders, both bipolar and
unipolar, and the possibility that these two recurrent subgroups exist along a spectrum with intermediate forms.


Thus, while DSM-IV incorporates some useful new features, it leaves considerable room for improvement. It may
be hoped that this will be accomplished. The APA and the
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) have commissioned a series of white papers on various diagnostic
issues as a way to launch the process of the development of
DSM-V. Also, the APA and WHO are jointly sponsoring a
series of conferences to stimulate and coordinate the empirical research necessary to fill key information gaps relevant to improving current diagnostic systems; the promotion of international collaborations is a key goal of the
APAWHO effort (American Psychiatric Association, 2005).
Figure 32 presents our proposal for the organization of
mood disorders in DSM-V.
We now turn to the specific diagnostic criteria set forth
in DSM-IV. For mania, depression, and mixed states, the
criteria define episodes; for bipolar-II disorder, cyclothymia,
and schizoaffective disorder, they include a definition of
the disorder. The role of biological correlates of diagnosis
is reviewed in Chapters 9, 13, 14, and 15.

When making a diagnosis, the clinician should assess presenting signs and symptoms, and weigh them together
with the patients history and prior response to treatment,
as well as the familys history. Individual symptomseven
clusters of symptomsexamined at one point in time often
lack diagnostic specificity, although such cross-sectional
views are sometimes the only ones available. In the following sections, we use the relevant DSM-IV categories as a
framework for discussing diagnostic criteria for mania
and hypomania, depression, mixed states, cyclothymia,
and schizoaffective disorder. We also review problems involved in applying the DSM-IV criteria.

Mania and Hypomania

The DSM-IV definition of a manic episode is given in Box
32. Among the criteria for mania, perhaps the most objective is decreased need for sleep. In more subtle cases of
hypomania in particular, this featuredecreased need for
sleepappears to be the most reliable single indicator of
the diagnosis (Rice et al., 1992) and can alert the clinician
to explore for other manic features.
As detailed in Chapter 2, the structure of mania has
been examined in recent phenomenological studies using
factor analytic and other methods. These studies have revealed that the most common signs of mania are motor
activation, flight of ideas, pressured speech, and decreased
sleep, while elated mood and increased sexuality are decidedly less common. These studies have also identified four
types of mania that coincide with Kraepelins observations:


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

BOX 32. DSM-IV Definition of a Manic Episode

DSM-IV (p. 328) defines a manic episode as follows:
Criterion A: A manic episode is a distinct period during which
there is an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or
irritable mood.This period of abnormal mood must last at least
1 week (or less if hospitalization is required).
Criterion B: The mood disturbance must be accompanied by
at least three additional symptoms from a list that includes inflated self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased involvement in goal-directed activity or psychomotor agitation, and
excessive involvement in pleasurable activities with a high potential for painful consequences. If the mood is irritable (rather
than elevated or expansive), at least four of the above symptoms
must be present.
Criterion C: The symptoms do not meet criteria for a mixed
Criterion D: The disturbance must be sufficiently severe to
cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning
or to require hospitalization, or it is characterized by the presence of psychotic features.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

hypomania, acute mania, delusional mania, and depressive or anxious mania.

As in DSM-III-R, diagnostic criteria for manic episodes
in DSM-IV include psychotic featureseven the Schneiderian first-rank symptoms that some investigators have
thought to be pathognomonic of schizophrenia. The
framers of DSM-IV (and its DSM-III-R precursor) departed from earlier diagnostic systems because evidence
had accumulated to confirm the presence of considerable
thought disorder and gross psychotic content in patients
clearly defined as manic by all other indicators, corresponding to Kraepelinian delusional mania. Specific exclusionary criteria are used to rule out other psychotic or secondary mental disorders, a point developed later in the section
on differential diagnosis.
The diagnostic distinction between pure mania and
mixed states is supported by the identification in these studies
of a factor linking dysphoria in mania with depressed mood,
lability, guilt, anxiety, suicidality, and the absence of elation.
This finding supports the idea of frequent mixed states in
manic presentations, as well as the validity of the distinction
between pure mania and mixed states (see Chapter 2).
Impulsivity as a prime phenomenological feature of
mania has also been underscored by the recent studies
reviewed in Chapter 2. Using the Barratt Impulsiveness
Scale, Swann and colleagues (2003) found that impulsivity
appears to persist even outside of the acute mood state in

Figure 32. Mood disorders in DSM-V: a proposal. BP = bipolar; NOS = not otherwise specified.
Mood/Affective Disorders

Recurrent (Episodic) Affective Disorders

(Kraepelins manic-depressive illness)







The Bipolar Spectruma



Depressive Disorders

Major Depression






BOX 33. DSM-IV Definition of a Hypomanic Episode

DSM-IV (p. 335) defines a hypomanic episode as follows:
Criterion A: Hypomanic episode is defined as a distinct period
during which there is an abnormally and persistently elevated,
expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least 4 days.
Criterion B: Normal mood must be accompanied by at least
three additional symptoms from a list that includes inflated selfesteem or grandiosity (nondelusional), decreased need for sleep,
pressure of speech, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased involvement in goal-directed activities or psychomotor agitation,
and excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have
a high potential for painful consequences.
Criterion C: If the mood is irritable rather than elevated or expansive, at least four additional symptoms must be present (from
a list identical to that provided for a manic episode). . . . Hypomanic episodes must be clearly different from the individuals
usual nondepressed mood, and there must be a clear change in
functioning that is not characteristic of the individuals usual
Criterion D: These changes in mood and functioning must be
observable by others.
Criterion E: In contrast to a manic episode, a hypomanic
episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization, and
there are no psychotic features.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

bipolar disorder, suggesting that it may represent both a

state and a trait feature of the illness.
Research on the structure of manic episodes indicates that
they are stable, appearing with similar presentations if and
when they recur. The symptom factors reviewed in Chapter 2
have been found to be highly correlated in separate episodes.
The inclusion of hypomanic episodes in DSM-IV was
based on accumulating empirical evidence that hypomania
could be diagnosed reliably by experienced clinicians using
semistructured interviews (Dunner and Tay, 1993; Simpson
et al., 2002; Benazzi, 2003); that it was stable; and that it could
be distinguished from bipolar-I disorder or unipolar depression on the basis of symptoms, course, family history, and
treatment response (Coryell et al., 1989; Dunner and Tay,
1993).6 The diagnostic criteria for a hypomanic episode in
DSM-IV, which are much more specific than those in DSMIII-R, are listed in Box 33.
The key differentiating feature between a manic and
hypomanic episode in DSM-IV is not in the manic symptoms themselves, as they are largely the same for both


diagnoses. Rather, the key difference is in the impact of

those symptoms on social or occupational functioning. In
a manic episode, social or occupational functioning must
be characterized by marked impairment. In a hypomanic
episode, the episode is not severe enough to cause marked
impairment in social or occupational functioning, or to
necessitate hospitalization, and there are no psychotic features. In simple terms, there should be no such thing as a
hypomanic hospitalized patient; if manic-like symptoms
lead to hospitalization, the diagnosis must be mania, not
hypomania. The same holds true if psychosis is present.
With regard to functional impairment, much hinges on
ones definition of the word marked, which DSM-IV has
left deliberately vague, perhaps reflecting the limited literature on the subject. Indeed, the main reason for the low
reliability of a bipolar-II diagnosis in many routine clinical
settings is that clinicians disagree on the limits of marked
functional impairment. Hypomanic episode is one of the
few if not the only major Axis I primary psychiatric diagnosis in DSM-IV in which marked impairment of social or
occupational functioning is not part of the definition of
the syndrome; indeed as noted, the clinician must rule out
such impairment before making the diagnosis. Almost all
the impairment in bipolar-II is due to the depressive
phase. As Vieta and colleagues (1997, p. 100) observed:
It is worth emphasizing that although bipolar-II disorder
is milder than bipolar-I disorder in terms of manic symptoms, it is not less severe in terms of depressive morbidity.
In fact, bipolar-II disorder is more severe in terms of an
increased propensity for rapid-cycling and a greater number of mood episodes than bipolar-I disorder.

Another important difference between the DSM-IV definitions of mania and hypomania has to do with the duration
of the syndrome, defined as 1 week for the former and a
minimum of 4 days for the latter. Clinical and research experience suggests that 2 to 3 days of hypomania appears to
identify a cohort of patients with a variant of bipolar illness
that is milder in manic symptomatology than the classic
form (Angst, 1998). Duration of 1 day or less of hypomania
is more controversial, often making it difficult to distinguish the state from the rapid mood alternations of borderline personality disorder or normal variants in temperament. The following is Dunners (1992, p. 13) account of
how the 4-day minimum criterion came to be set:
The initial definition proposed by Dunner et al. had
posited a 3-day or longer duration of hypomania. This definition was based on a study of normal women who were
being assessed for a premenstrual mood disturbance and
who on interview were sometimes found to have 12 days


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

of hypomanic symptoms. Because 12 days of hypomania

could occur in normal women, the proposed minimal
criteria for the duration of hypomania for bipolar II patients became 3 days or more. There were no data to support the minimal duration criteria [sic] for hypomania,
and the ICD-10 group had arbitrarily chosen 4 days or
more as the minimal criterion. The [DSM-IV] Work
Group opted for that definition in order to be consistent.7

Just as with mania, an exclusive focus on euphoria can

miss patients in whom irritability is the primary manifestation, with hypomania, overactivity can be a more sensitive (but less specific) indicator of hypomania than euphoria (Akiskal, 2005). Angst and Cassano (2005) have argued
for broadening this concept so that overactivity and/or euphoria and/or irritability are used together.
Bipolar-II disorder is defined as at least one hypomanic
episode along with at least one major depressive episode.
The diagnostic criteria for this condition are listed in
Box 34. If a patient meets criteria for hypomania and has a
history of depressions not severe enough to be designated
as major depression, the appropriate DSM-IV diagnosis is

BOX 34. DSM-IV Definition of Bipolar-II

DSM-IV (p. 359) defines bipolar-II as follows:
Criterion A: The essential feature of bipolar-II disorder is
a clinical course that is characterized by the occurrence of one
or more major depressive episodes.
Criterion B: Accompanied by at least one hypomanic
Criterion C: The individual experiences rapidly alternating
moods (sadness, irritability, euphoria) accompanied by symptoms of a manic episode and a major depressive episode.The
presence of a manic or mixed episode precludes the diagnosis
of bipolar-II disorder.
Criterion D: Episodes of substance-induced mood disorder
(due to the direct physiological effects of a medication, other somatic treatments for depression, drugs of abuse, or toxin exposure) or of mood disorder due to a general medical condition do
not count toward a diagnosis of bipolar-II disorder. In addition,
the episodes must not be better accounted for by schizoaffective
disorder and are not superimposed on schizophrenia, schizophreniform disorder, delusional disorder, or psychotic disorder
not otherwise specified.
Criterion E: The symptoms must cause clinically significant
distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important
areas of functioning.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

cyclothymia (discussed below), which is not easily distinguishable from bipolar-not otherwise specified (NOS).
Additional discussion relevant to the bipolar-II diagnosis is included in Chapters 1 and 2. For example, Benazzi
and Akiskal (2005) have offered a definition of trait mood
lability and suggested that it can be used as a screening
tool for bipolar-II.

DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive episode are presented in Box 35. As with the criteria for mania, the
boundaries of major depressive disorder were considerably
broadened in DSM-III-R through the incorporation of additional psychotic features, including mood-incongruent
delusions, and this broadened definition carries over into
DSM-IV. We return to this issue later in the section on differential diagnosis. The required minimum 2 weeks duration is regarded as too short by many clinicians, who prefer the 1 month originally given in the criteria of Feighner
and colleagues (1972).
As noted earlier in this chapter and in Chapter 1, one
of the major, and in our opinion unfortunate, changes in
the transition to ICD-10 and DSM-IV is that both of these
nosologies, as a first principle, separate bipolar disorder
from major depression (single or recurrent), thereby reinforcing the bipolarunipolar dichotomy. Within the DSMIV framework, there is no attempt to differentiate bipolar
from unipolar depression on any grounds other than the
presence or absence of a history of mania. Clinical features
reported to differentiate bipolar from unipolar depression
as described in Chapter 1 are not incorporated into the
DSM-IV system. In contrast, ICD-9, under the rubric of
manic-depressive psychosesdepressed type, properly emphasized the recurrent nature of endogenous forms of
depression, implying that such depressions are closely related to bipolar illness (i.e., Kraepelins manic-depressive

Mixed States
The factor analytic studies referred to earlier (and reviewed
in Chapter 2) reported two types of mixed states with
marked lability of mood: one displayed depression with labile periods of pressured, irritable hostility and paranoia;
the other displayed an incongruous mix of elated mood
and psychosis, which would switch frequently to anxiety,
depression, and irritability.
Kraepelin originally viewed mixed states as the most
common form of manic-depressive illness. In fact, in the
1899 edition of his textbook, he placed a great deal of emphasis on six types of mixed states, including forms that
clinicians today may label as mania (dysphoric mania) or
depression (agitated depression, depression with racing


BOX 35. DSM-IV Definition of a Major

Depressive Episode
DSM-IV (p. 320) defines a major depressive episode as follows:
Criterion A1: The essential feature of a major depressive
episode is a period of at least 2 weeks during which there is either depressed mood or the loss of interest or pleasure in nearly
all activities. In children and adolescents, the mood may be irritable rather than sad.The individual must also experience at least
four additional symptoms drawn from a list that includes
changes in appetite or weight, sleep, and psychomotor activity;
decreased energy; feelings of worthlessness or guilt; difficulty
thinking, concentrating, or making decisions; or recurrent
thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, plans, or attempts.To
count toward a major depressive episode, a symptom must either be newly present or must have clearly worsened compared
with the persons pre-episode status.The symptoms must persist
for most of the day, nearly every day, for at least 2 consecutive
weeks.The episode must be accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. For some individuals with milder
episodes, functioning may appear to be normal, but requires
markedly increased effort.The mood in a major depressive
episode is often described by the person as depressed, sad,
hopeless, discouraged, or down in the dumps.
Criterion A2: Loss of interest or pleasure is nearly always
present, at least to some degree.
Criterion A3: When appetite changes are severe (in either direction), there may be a significant loss or gain in weight, or, in
children, a failure to make expected weight gains may be noted.
Criterion A4: The most common sleep disturbance associated with a major depressive episode is insomnia.
Criterion A5: Psychomotor changes include agitation (e.g.,
the inability to sit still, pacing, hand-wringing; or pulling or rubbing of the skin, clothing, or other objects) or retardation (e.g.,
slowed speech, thinking, and body movements; increased pauses
before answering; speech that is decreased in volume, inflection,
amount, or variety of content, or muteness).
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

thoughts) (Marneros, 2001; Salvatore et al., 2002).8 Recent

work has confirmed that agitated depression and dysphoric
mania are distinguishable syndromesthe differences lying
primarily in manic-like symptoms, with depressive and
anxiety features being rather similar (Swann et al., 1993).
Koukopoulos (1999) considers agitated depression to be a
mixed depressive state, as did Kraepelin (1921) and Waygandt (1899). This category can include cases without motor
agitation but with intense psychic agitation or inner tension.
To clarify the differential diagnosis between anxiety and


inner agitation, Koukopoulos has proposed certain criteria9

(Koukopoulos et al., 2005).
A third kind of mixed state, unique to bipolar-II disorder,
has also recently been proposed: the depressive mixed
state (Benazzi, 2000b). This condition, described more
fully in Chapters 1 and 2, reflects the occurrence of a major
depressive episode and at least three hypomanic symptoms
in an individual with bipolar-II disorder (past pure depressive and spontaneous hypomanic episodes).
Compared with DSM-III-R and ICD-10, DSM-IV provides a more definitive treatment of mixed episodes. DSMIV still does not, however, provide separate empirically derived criteria for mixed states, but instead refers to the criteria
for mania and depression. DSM-IV also avoids addressing
criteria for the diagnosis of agitated depression or dysphoric
mania. The main DSM-IV and ICD-10 criteria for bipolar-I
disorder, most recent episode mixed, are provided in Box
36. DSM-IVs description is more extensive than in the past,
whereas the ICD-10 definition is somewhat vague and spotty.
Despite the advance toward a clear definition of mixed
episodes, the DSM-IV criteria remain unlinked to empirical

BOX 36. DSM-IV and ICD-10 Definitions

of a Mixed Episode
DSM-IV (p. 333) defines a mixed episode as follows:
Criterion A: A mixed episode is characterized by a period of
time (lasting at least 1 week) in which the criteria are met both
for a manic episode and for a major depressive episode nearly
every day.
The individual experiences rapidly alternating moods (sadness, irritability, euphoria) accompanied by symptoms of a manic
episode and a major depressive episode.The symptom presentation frequently includes agitation, insomnia, appetite dysregulation, psychotic features, and suicidal thinking.
The ICD-10 definition is as follows (p. 58)a:
Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed: The patient
has had at least one authenticated hypomanic, manic, depressive, or mixed affective episode in the past, and currently exhibits
either a mixture or a rapid alternation of manic and depressive

In the first edition, we also referred to the Vienna Research Criteria

for Mixed States, which before DSM-IV provided the clearest definition.
Unlike DSM-IV, the Vienna Research Criteria were derived more directly
from empirical studies of mixed states. It appears the DSM-IV task force
felt the need to provide a clear definition of mixed states in light of the
burgeoning literature on the topic.Yet it chose to use the most restrictive
definition possible, contrary to the empirical evidence supporting somewhat broader definition of mixed states (see discussion in the text).
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

studies of such episodesspecifically those studies that

support the validity of definitions in which criteria for
mixed episodes are met by mania accompanied by as few
as two or more depressive symptoms (dysphoric mania)
(McElroy et al., 1992). Using this definition, for instance,
one study (reviewed in Chapter 18) suggested greater treatment response with valproate than with lithium.
Some research suggests that, under the narrow DSM-IV
criteria, fewer than 10 percent of episodes in patients with
bipolar disorder meet criteria for a mixed episode. One
study reviewed in Chapter 2 found that only 54 percent of
143 broadly defined mixed states (using Kraepelinian definitions) met DSM-III-R (or DSM-IV) criteria for a mixed
episode (Perugi et al., 1997). Data suggest that using broader
criteria for mixed states, incorporating the clinical concept
of dysphoric mania and perhaps also agitated depression,
in patients with bipolar disorder would result in more
than 50 percent of episodes in bipolar disorder being diagnosable as mixed states.
Further work is needed to demonstrate empirically the
appropriate boundaries for mixed states. Findings of other
studies reviewed in Chapter 2 suggest that the DSM-IV
criteria will need to be broadened. For instance, when dysphoric mania was defined as two or more depressive criteria plus a manic episode (McElroy et al., 1992), 36 percent
of manic episodes were identified as dysphoric (Hantouche et al., 2001). In a study of the depressive mixed
state, Perugi and colleagues (1997) found that 32 patients
with depressive mixed states could be distinguished from
36 patients with pure bipolar depression by the presence
of increased cyclicity with greater frequency of episodes
in the latter group, as opposed to longer episodes with less
interepisode recovery in the depressive mixed state group
(Perugi et al., 2001).
There is also some evidence, reviewed in Chapter 19,
that patients with depressive mixed states (analogous or
perhaps identical to agitated depression), unlike those
with pure depression, may not respond well to antidepressants and may even worsen with their use. Thus it would
appear that depressive mixed states are distinct from pure
major depression in phenomenology, course, treatment response, and family history, a supposition that may justify a
broadening of DSM-IV criteria for mixed episodes. It is
also important to recall the point made in Chapters 1 and 2
that, while irritability often occurs in mixed states, irritability is nonspecific, occurring also in pure mania as well
as in pure depression.

Consistent with our discussion of cyclothymia in Chapter
2, DSM-IV notes that the boundaries between this disorder, bipolar disorder, and bipolar-NOS are not well de-

fined, and that many investigators believe cyclothymia to

be simply a mild form of bipolar illness. The DSM-IV definition of cyclothymia is presented in Box 37.
Note that DSM-IV allows for a dual diagnosis of a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode and cyclothymia if
such episodes occur after the described 2-year period. The
clinical relevance of this provision is not clear. DSM-IV
also allows for a dual diagnosis of borderline personality
disorder, noting that the two disorders are sometimes difficult to distinguish. We find the notion of combining two
diagnoses because they are difficult to differentiate questionable at best; we discuss problems involving borderline
personality disorder comorbidity in Chapter 2 and in the
section on differential diagnosis below.
It should be noted that the DSM-IV residual category of
bipolar-NOS allows for the inclusion of many suspected

BOX 37. DSM-IV Definition of Cyclothymia

DSM-IV (p. 363) defines cyclothymia as follows:
Criterion A: Cyclothymic disorder is a chronic, fluctuating
mood disturbance involving numerous periods of hypomanic
symptoms and numerous periods of depressive symptoms.
Criterion B: The hypomanic symptoms are of insufficient
number, severity, pervasiveness, or duration to meet full criteria
for a manic episode, and the depressive symptoms are of insufficient number, severity, pervasiveness, or duration to meet full criteria for a major depressive episode. During the 2-year period
(1 year for children or adolescents), any symptom-free intervals
last no longer than 2 months.
Criterion C: The 2-year period of cyclothymic symptoms
must be free of major depressive, manic, and mixed episodes.
Criterion D: After the initial 2 years of the cyclothymic disorder, manic or mixed episodes may be superimposed on the cyclothymic disorder, in which case both cyclothymic disorder and
bipolar-I disorder are diagnosed. Similarly, after the initial 2 years
of cyclothymic disorder, major depressive episodes may be superimposed on the cyclothymic disorder, in which case both cyclothymic disorder and bipolar-II disorder are diagnosed.The diagnosis is not made if the pattern of mood swings is better
accounted for by schizoaffective disorder or is superimposed
on a psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia, schizophreniform
disorder, delusional disorder, or psychotic disorder not
otherwise specified.
Criterion E: The mood disturbance must also not be due to
the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of
abuse, a medication) nor a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism).
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.


cases of bipolar disorder that are excluded by the manuals

rather strict definitions of hypomania and mixed episodes.
Thus, bipolar-NOS
includes disorders with bipolar features that do not
meet criteria for any specific Bipolar Disorder. Examples
include 1. Very rapid alternation (over days) between
manic symptoms and depressive symptoms that do not
meet minimal duration criteria for a Manic Episode or
a Major Depressive Episode; 2. Recurrent Hypomanic
Episodes without intercurrent depressive symptoms; 3.
A Manic or Mixed Episode superimposed on Delusion
Disorder, residual Schizophrenia, or Psychotic Disorder
not otherwise specified; 4. Situations in which the clinician has concluded that a Bipolar Disorder is present
but is unable to determine whether it is primary, due
to a general medical condition, or substance induced.
(p. 366)

In effect, most cases of bipolar spectrum illness that are

more atypical than bipolar-II disorder or cyclothymia fall
under the nonspecific rubric of bipolar-NOS. We should
note here that, although DSM-IV does not address bipolar
spectrum disorder (which is covered in Chapter 1), there is
an emerging literature proposing criteria for its diagnosis.10

Schizoaffective Disorder
In DSM-I and -II, schizoaffective illness was included as a
subtype of schizophrenia, reflecting the broad Bleulerian
concept of schizophrenia as discussed later in this chapter.
Subsequent research (reviewed in Chapter 2) documented
the frequent occurrence of Schneiderian first-rank11 and
related schizophrenic symptoms (e.g., catatonic features,
paranoia, bizarre behavior, formal thought disorder) in
individuals whose family history, natural course, other
symptoms, and treatment outcome clearly placed them in
the manic spectrum. American psychiatry departed significantly from the Bleulerian tradition when, in DSM-III,
the scope of affective illnesses was substantially broadened
to include nonaffective psychotic symptoms. Schizoaffective illness was moved from schizophrenia to an intermediate category labeled psychotic disorders not elsewhere
classified. With DSM-III-R and ICD-9, schizoaffective disorder was given its own criteria. Those criteria essentially restated the acute symptoms required for a diagnosis of
schizophrenia, but without continuous signs of illness for 6
months or more. The schizoaffective category was thus reserved for patients who met the acute symptomatic criteria
for mania (or depression) and for schizophrenia and who
had delusions or hallucinations in the absence of prominent
mood symptoms for more than 2 weeks. (If the delusions or
hallucinations were present for less than 2 weeks, the patient
met criteria for a primary affective disorder.)


In DSM-IV, the main change is in criterion C. This criterion had previously been worded as follows: Schizophrenia has been ruled out, [when] the duration of all
episodes of a mood syndrome has not been brief relative to
the total duration of the psychotic disturbance. In DSMIV, this wording is somewhat clearer: Symptoms that meet
criteria for a mood episode are present for a substantial
portion of the total duration of the active and residual periods of the illness. By still using the somewhat deliberately vague phrase substantial portion, the DSM-IV definition seeks to increase the relevance of mood symptoms
to the definition of schizoaffective disorder. In other words,
one might diagnose DSM-IV schizoaffective disorder in a
person with prominent mood syndromes and only a relative excess of psychotic symptoms (e.g., 2 weeks of psychosis outside of a mood syndrome). Yet one would not diagnose the disorder in a person with prominent chronic
psychosis and only brief mood episodes (e.g., 2 weeks of a
major depressive episode). Mood episodes must be relatively frequent and lengthy in the DSM-IV definition of
schizoaffective disorder. Otherwise, the appropriate diagnosis would appear to be schizophrenia with comorbid
major depressive episodes (in the case of depression). This
tendency of the DSM-IV definition of schizoaffective disorder to be weighted toward the presence of mood symptoms is intended to focus this diagnosis on persons whose
illness is closely related to mood disorders.
Some controversy persists over whether this newly delineated category is closer to affective illness or to schizophrenia, or whether it is a valid diagnosis in its own right.
There are at least five major schools of thought on the matter, among them that schizoaffective illness represents

A separate illness.
An intermediate form on the continuum of psychosis.
Comorbidity of schizophrenia and affective disorders.
A more severe variant of bipolar disorder.
A less severe variant of schizophrenia.

Some investigators believe that since patients with moodincongruent symptoms are now included under mood disorders in DSM-IV, the remaining individuals with a mix of
schizophrenic and affective symptoms (particularly depressive symptoms) are closer to the schizophrenic end of
the schizoaffective spectrum (Kendler et al., 1986). As
outlined in Chapter 13, family history studies support an
association between DSM-III-R (or RDC) schizoaffective
disorder and manic-depressive illness, as well as schizophrenia. Yet most studies have not found that schizoaffective disorder runs in families, as would be expected if it
were a separate disease entity (Kendler et al., 1993). The genetic finding of co-occurrence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in at least some genealogies of schizoaffective


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

disorder supports most strongly two of the above five

modelseither the continuum (described below) or comorbidity perspective. The latter perspective, perhaps the
newest, holds that schizoaffective disorder results when
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (two relatively common medical conditions) happen to occur in the same individual.
The position that schizoaffective illness will ultimately
occupy on the spectrum of schizophrenia and affective illness may depend on whether one is referring to schizomanic
or schizodepressive conditions. The schizomanic condition
clearly appears to be associated more closely with affective
illness, with a somewhat worse course than bipolar disorder
(Gershon et al., 1982; Coryell et al., 1990). Schizoaffective depressed patients, by contrast, often demonstrate outcomes
or neuropsychological profiles similar to those of the schizophrenic pole (Brockington et al., 1980; Tsuang and Coryell,
1993; Evans et al., 1999).12
An integrative perspective on these models and the associated data may be similar to that proposed by Tsuang
and Simpson (1984). According to this perspective, in some
individuals with predominantly manic symptoms and
less pronounced psychosis, the diagnosable schizoaffective
condition may represent a more severe variant of bipolar
disorder. In individuals with predominantly psychotic
symptoms and less pronounced mood symptoms (which
are solely depressive), the diagnosable schizoaffective condition may represent a less severe variant of schizophrenia.
And in others with a nearly equal mix of psychosis and
mood symptoms (both mania and depression), the diagnosable schizoaffective disorder may represent a true
comorbidity of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, a
condition not likely to be very common. Indeed, recent
epidemiological studies have found the community prevalence of schizoaffective disorder to be a fraction of a percent, as might be expected if the comorbidity model is
correct (Kendler et al., 1993, 1996). In contrast, clinical samples often show quite high diagnostic rates for schizoaffective disorder, perhaps reflecting the fact that those with
more than one condition are more likely to come to clinical attention. In addition, higher rates of schizoaffective
diagnosis could reflect the clinical tendency at times to
overdiagnose schizoaffective disorder rather than engage
in the arduous task of identifying psychotic and mood

Problems in Applying the DSM-IV Criteria

We have discussed conceptual problems inherent in the
DSM-IV system, including those engendered by the separation of bipolar disorder from depressive disorders. Here
we note the practical problems that arise when applying
this system in the clinical context.

As noted above, DSM-IV lists bipolar disorder first and

then assigns depressive disorders to a totally separate category. This separation of categories at the outset is incompatible with the reality of clinical practice, where assessing
patients with depressive symptoms is the most common
diagnostic decision faced. The clinicians first task is to
determine whether the patient meets criteria for major
depressive disorder or dysthymia, and then to review the
individuals history for evidence of bipolar or unipolar
illness (if at all possible with the assistance of a family
member). Compounding the problems caused by separating bipolar and depressive disorders from the top,
milder depressive states are listed only under the depressive
disordersthat is, the nonbipolar disorders. A patient who
is mildly or moderately depressed and also has a history of
mania finds a niche in this system only by some awkward
fitting. The system implies more homogeneity and separateness for the bipolar category than is justified by the

Clinical Summary
The nosological systems that evolved during the latter
part of the 20th century are in many respects superior to
those used earlier. They are, for the most part, etiologically neutral, allowing for independent assessment of the
types and severity of symptoms, the presence of precipitating events, the extent of functional impairment, personality characteristics, and the presence of other psychiatric diagnoses. Problems remain in the classification of
manic-depressive illness, however. For example, DSM-IV
implies that bipolar disorder is a separate illness and fundamentally different from all forms of unipolar depression; this supposition goes beyond the data, especially
with respect to the more recurrent forms of unipolar depression. Also troubling is the absence from all categories
of affective illness of criteria concerning long-term course
and family history and the failure to provide for a mild
form of depression in bipolar illness. These and other features of the system are problematic for clinical as well as
conceptual reasons.


In the first edition of this volume, we emphasized the controversial and important topic of whether psychotic conditions should be classified as a few major conditions or as
one continuous spectrum. The ensuing decade and a half
has not resolved this debate, though overall, perhaps, the
available evidence is accumulating more in support of
than against the Kraepelinian dichotomy. Readers interested in the history of this topic may refer to Tables 31a
and 31b.



Table 31a. The Two-Entities Tradition



Manic-Depressive Illness

Kraepelin, 1896

Characterized by a steady downhill

course into chronic dementia

Bleuler, 1911

Certain symptoms are specific and

pathognomonicnamely, those
symptoms that define splitting
of thought from feeling and
Some patients appeared to recover.

Characterized by an episodic
course with intermittent
Symptoms are nonspecific;
diagnosis is made only after
schizophrenia is excluded.

Kraepelin, 1919

Some patients followed a

progressive chronic course.

Table 31b. A SchizophreniaAffective Continuum



Kasanin, 1933

Coined the term schizoaffective psychosis to describe

a group of relatively young patients with good
premorbid adjustment who in response to stress
developed the rapid onset of a psychosis characterized
by marked emotional turmoil and false sense
impressions, but without passivity.
Coined the term schizophreniform to describe patients
who today would probably be referred to as
Contended that the patient with a mix of affective and
schizophrenic symptoms who is observed long
enough can usually be confidently diagnosed as
having either an affective illness or schizophrenia.
Applied eight different published definitions of
schizoaffective illness to a sample of patients, and
found virtually no agreement among the various

Langfeldt, 1937

Slater and Roth, 1969

Brockington and Leff, 1979

The Two-Entities Tradition

Kraepelins (1913) lucid discrimination of pattern in a mass
of confusing clinical phenomena led him to propose a dichotomy of fundamentally different classes of psychotic
illness. Lacking knowledge of etiology or pathophysiology,
he based the distinction on family history, age at onset,
course, and outcome. In his original formulation, dementia
praecox was marked by a steady downhill course into
chronic dementia, and manic-depressive illness followed
an episodic course with intermittent recovery.
Kraepelins original contribution was followed rapidly
by the revision of Bleuler (1968), who changed the term
dementia praecox to schizophrenia, extended the condi-

tions boundaries, and focused on intrapsychic symptoms.

The concept of manic-depressive illness, in contrast, grew
increasingly narrow with time, especially in the United
States, where it attracted little interest on the part of psychoanalytic groups. A U.S.U.K. study (Copper et al., 1972)
highlighted how far American clinicians had likely gone in
overdiagnosing schizophrenia and underdiagnosing manicdepressive illness. With the introduction of DSM-III, this
situation gradually began shifting back to one of greater
balance, though there is some evidence that bipolar disorder is still misdiagnosed as schizophrenia, particularly, perhaps, in state hospitals in the United States or in developing
nations (Vieta and Salva, 1997; Ghaemi et al., 1999).


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

A SchizophreniaAffective Disorder Continuum

As noted previously, the complex concept of schizoaffective
disorder could be seen as a rejection of the Kraepelinian
dichotomy, as suggested by Crow (1998); on the other hand,
the available evidence does not support the validity of
schizoaffective disorder as a unique disease entity. This
view was well expressed as early as 1969, in the revision of
Mayer-Gross Clinical Psychiatry, in which Slater and Roth
contended that the patient with a mix of affective and schizophrenic symptoms who is observed long enough can usually be confidently diagnosed as having either affective illness
or schizophrenia. This assertion implies that, by and large,
the schizoaffective category has reflected incomplete or imperfect diagnoses rather than a meaningful diagnostic entity.
This observation is supported in part by epidemiologic
studies of schizoaffective disorder conducted since the first
edition of this book was published in 1990. In both the
Roscommon study (2003) and the National Comorbidity
Survey, schizoaffective disorder appeared to represent a
small fraction of 1 percent of the population (Kendler et al.,
1993, 1996). This finding contrasts with what one might
expect from the unitary psychosis model, in which
schizoaffective presentations, occurring in the middle of
the psychotic continuum, would be presumed to be quite
frequent. The Roscommon family study in particular also
appeared to provide a new explanation for schizoaffective
disorderthe idea of comorbidity. It could be that if families with propensities to develop schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were to merge, some offspring would develop
both types of symptoms, presenting phenotypically as
schizoaffective disorder. The genetic data from that study
strongly support this interpretation.
Some support for a continuum model is provided by
the observation that neurobiological studies have not
clearly distinguished between affective disorders and
schizophrenia (Crow, 1990). This observation, if accurate
in the long run, does not necessarily entail the continuum
model, however. Two diseases can be different phenomenologically, as well as in their etiologies, but share many
pathophysiological mechanisms. In the case of the brain,
the presence of many shared final common pathways is a
well-known feature of brain function. In any case, the neurobiological or neuropsychological findings of some studies do suggest differences between patients with schizophrenia and those with affective disorders (Keri et al.,
2001), although there are enough conflicting reports to
leave this question open (see Chapters 9, 14, and 15). Ketter
and colleagues (2004) have proposed a mixed dimensional/
categorical model that they believe allows for a more flexible approach to considering pathophysiological findings
and treatment options. It is their view that a dimensional

construct may be best when evaluating relationships between biological or other variables and symptoms such as
psychosis in bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, while a
categorical construct allows evaluation of diagnostic reliability.
Findings of a carefully conducted nosological study by
Kendler and colleagues (1998) argue against the concept of
a nosologic continuum. That study assessed diagnostic
groupings based on family data, as well as symptom groupings. It found that most patients appeared to fall into different diagnostic categories rather than one (as suggested
by Crow). Similarily, based on a factor analysis of a group
of 191 psychotic patients whose diagnoses included schizophrenia and mood disorders with psychosis, Dikeos and
colleagues (2006) concluded that diagnosis by itself explained the large majority of the clinical characteristics
examined, although dimensional measures were more
useful than diagnosis as predictors of clinical course. Others who have explored the predictive value of diagnostic
versus dimensional measures in psychotic patients across
both schizophrenic and affective disorder patients include
van Os and colleagues (1996, 1998), Toomey and colleagues
(1998), Ventura and colleagues (2000) and Serretti and
colleagues (2001). Finally, another view, closer to that of
Crow, is expressed by Craddock and Owen (2005, p. 364)
who pointed to the emerging evidence for shared and
overlapping susceptibility genes as the beginning of the
end for the Kraepelinian dichotomy, a topic that is explored in Chapter 13.

Until the 1980s, the most commonly encountered problems in making differential diagnoses of bipolar illness
involved its overlapping boundaries with schizophrenia and
schizoaffective illness, as well as with personality disorders,
especially borderline disorders. These two major differential
diagnoses remain highly important, but to them must be
added the most clinically significant problemthe differential diagnosis of bipolar disorder and unipolar depression.
Bipolar illness also must be distinguished from schizophreniform disorder, brief reactive psychosis, cycloid psychosis, atypical psychosis, organic brain disorders, and
epilepsy. The overlap between primary affective diagnoses
and substance abuse is of such importance that we address
it in a separate chapter (see Chapter 7).

Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder

As discussed previously, the clinician should be able to
assign the great majority of patients a diagnosis of either
affective illness or schizophrenia by carefully applying the
diagnostic criteria shown in Box 38. Schizoaffective


BOX 38. DSM-IV Definition of Schizoaffective

DSM-IV (p. 309) defines schizoaffective disorder as follows:
Criterion A: The essential feature of schizoaffective disorder
is an uninterrupted period of illness during which, at some time,
there is a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode concurrent
with symptoms that meet Criterion A for schizophrenia.
Criterion B: In addition, during the same period of illness,
there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least 2 weeks
in the absence of prominent mood symptoms.
Criterion C: Finally, the mood symptoms are present for
a substantial portion of the total duration of the illness.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

disorder can sometimes be excluded by considering previous episodes; a history of either clear affective illness or
clear schizophrenia cautions against diagnosing a present
episode as schizoaffective.

Mania versus Schizophrenia

or Schizoaffective Disorder
Differentiating mania from schizophrenia or schizoaffective illness is a diagnostic challenge often faced by clinicians. Viewed cross-sectionally, acute symptoms of irritability, anger, paranoia, thought disorder, and catatonic-like
excitement cannot distinguish mania from schizophrenia.
Because presenting symptoms can be similar in mania and
schizophrenia, the clinician must give equal attention to
the level of premorbid functioning, family history, natural
course, and the character of any prior episodes. This differential diagnosis has been made more rational and
straightforward by the previously discussed broadening
of the criteria for mania to include a range of psychotic
A key DSM-IV criterion for diagnosing psychotic mania
or depression in the presence of schizophrenic symptoms
is the more or less continuous prominence of the affective
symptoms. Thus, bizarre mood-congruent delusions or hallucinations (including Schneiderian first-rank symptoms)
are not inconsistent with a diagnosis of mania as long
as they have been accompanied substantially by affective
symptoms most of the time (the DSM-IV criteria for mania allow for up to 2 weeks of delusions or hallucinations
free of other prominent manic symptoms, whereas the
RDC allow for 1 week).
If the period of quiet (i.e., affect-free) delusions or hallucinations is substantial (by criterion, exceeding 2 weeks),
a diagnosis of either schizophrenia or schizoaffective


illness should be considered. Schizophrenia would be diagnosed if, in addition, the patient continuously manifested
overt signs of a psychotic illness for at least 6 months, and
the manic symptoms were brief relative to the duration of
the schizophrenic symptoms. On the other hand, schizoaffective illness, manic type, would be diagnosed if the criterion of 6 months of continuous psychotic illness were not
met, but there had been more than 2 weeks of quiet delusions or hallucinations.
It is now well recognized that strict application of the
Bleulerian concept of thought disorder as pathognomonic
of schizophrenia can result in misdiagnosis of manicdepressive patients (see Chapters 1 and 10). More than a
quarter of patients with mania have classic Bleulerian
symptoms of schizophrenia (Pope and Lipinski, 1978).13
See Chapter 2 for further discussion of psychosis and
thought disorder in mania and schizophrenia.

Bipolar Depression versus Schizophrenia

or Schizoaffective Disorder
As with mania, the DSM-IV criteria for differentiating
bipolar depression from schizophrenia and schizoaffective
disorder focus on the prominence of the affective symptoms, their temporal relationship to the psychotic or schizophrenic symptoms, and the length of time the patient has
been continuously delusional or hallucinatory. (As for mania, the DSM-IV criteria for major depression allow for up
to 2 weeks of mood-free delusions or hallucinations,
whereas the RDC allow for 1 week.) These criteria reemphasize classic descriptions that include considerable psychosis among the affective disorders.
Studies emerging since the first edition of this book was
published have emphasized other clues to psychosis in the
depressive syndrome, which are especially relevant to many
bipolar patients with psychotic depression (Schatzberg
and Rothschild, 1992). Those clues include relatively intact insight, marked guilt, and marked psychomotor
changes. Intact insight in particular can lead to an increased effort on the part of the patient to mask psychotic

Mixed Bipolar States versus Schizophrenia

or Schizoaffective Disorder
Mixed bipolar states can pose special problems of differential diagnosis because of their instability, the often confusing mix of manic and depressive symptoms, and the fact
that these states occur most characteristically in association with the most severe stage of mania (stage III) (Carlson and Goodwin, 1973). Frequently associated with mixed
states is the presence of alcohol or drug intoxication, which
can further mask pure affective symptoms and confuse
differential diagnosis.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

Clinical Summary
The clinician can distinguish manic-depressive illness from
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in most cases by
careful attention to the patients personal and family history, premorbid functioning, age at onset, and sequence
and patterning of symptoms. In manic-depressive illness,
delusions or hallucinations generally follow a period of either manic or depressive symptoms, and affective symptoms are prominent almost continuously.

Unipolar Depression
As noted in Chapter 1, evidence has begun to accumulate
over the last decade that the misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder as unipolar depression is a major clinical problem.
There are likely five primary causes for this development:
(1) patients lack of insight with regard to manic as
opposed to depressive symptoms; (2) clinicians neglect of
information available from family members or other third
parties; (3) clinicians relative focus on euphoric rather
than dysphoric or irritable mood as a criterion for hypomania; (4) the structure of DSM-IV, which by separating
out bipolar from all depressive disorders has obscured the
close relationship between early-onset recurrent depression and bipolar disorder; and (5) widespread interest in
and use of second-generation antidepressants.
In some clinical studies, between 40 and 60 percent of
patients with bipolar disorder appear to have been misdiagnosed with unipolar depression in both inpatient and
outpatient psychiatric settings (Benazzi, 1999; Ghaemi et al.,
1999, 2000). Data that are not widely known because they
were collected as part of a family history study (Tsuang
et al., 1980) illustrate the extent of the problem. When patients who had previously been hospitalized for mania
were evaluated by an extensive research diagnostic interview several years later (but without input from a family
member), about 60 percent had forgotten or denied that
they had ever been manic. These findings, reported in the
United States, appear to hold true in other countries as
well; similar results were found in Spain, for example, although the latter study also noted a high rate of misdiagnosis as schizophrenia and personality disorder (Vieta and
Salva, 1997). In another study, careful evaluation of the history of 108 patients in primary care revealed that 48 (44
percent) had hypomanic symptoms, thus indicating an apparent misdiagnosis rate of about 40 percent in the primary care setting as well (Manning et al., 1997). Hence
careful attention to the differential diagnosis of bipolar
disorder and unipolar depression is essential.
As we note throughout this text, much of the problem of
the misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder as unipolar depression has to do with the structure of DSM-IV itself (recall

Fig. 31). Since DSM-III, the diagnostic system used in the

United States has separated bipolar disorder from all depressive disorders from the top, as does ICD-10. Major depressive episodes are always identified initially as unipolar
(not bipolar), and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder relies entirely on diagnosis of a spontaneous manic or hypomanic
episode. By excluding antidepressant-related mania or hypomania and by providing a very strict definition of mixed
episodes, DSM-IV makes it likely that unipolar depression
will be diagnosed more and bipolar disorder less frequently.
Unfortunately, in the case of the depressed patient, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder becomes entirely dependent on
obtaining a history of past spontaneous mania or hypomania. A number of factorsrelated to both patient and
clinicianmitigate against a complete and accurate diagnosis in such circumstances (see Box 39).
Among patient factors, lack of insight is perhaps most
important. Researchers have demonstrated that about half
of patients with acute mania lack insight into their symptoms (Amador et al., 1994; Ghaemi et al., 1995). Thus among
depressed patients, that proportion or more would be unable to provide an accurate history of mania simply because they had never recognized having its symptoms.
For example, in one study, patients reported prodromal
BOX 39. Patient, Clinician, and Illness Factors
Leading to Misdiagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
as Unipolar Depression
Patient Factors

Lack of insight with regard to mania

Impaired memory during the depressive state and/or memory
selective for past depressions (state-dependent memory)
Experiencing of hypomania as normal good times
Cultural positive feedback for manic/hypomanic symptoms
Clinician Factors

Failure to include a family member in the diagnostic evaluation

Structure of DSM-IV, which,from the top, separates bipolar
from all depressions

Inadequate knowledge of manic criteria

Intuitive prototype approach to diagnosis
Practical desire to make a diagnosis (e.g., unipolar depression)
for which many effective treatments exist

Lack of awareness of the high population rate of bipolar illness

Illness Factors

First episode of illness is often depression, not mania

Dysphoric depression is not conceptualized as a mixed state
Depressive episodes last longer than the often fleeting hypomanic states


behavioral symptoms of mania only half as frequently as

did family members (Keitner et al., 1996). These data
strongly support the need to obtain family or other thirdparty reports (e.g., teachers, halfway-house staff, social
workers, psychotherapists, friends) in assessing the bipolar
diagnosis. In fact, one might reasonably say that it is virtually impossible to rule out bipolar disorder with any degree of confidence in the absence of third-party reports.
Depressed patients self-reports are also impaired by the
depressive state. As is well known, depression not only impairs memory but also makes it more likely that memories
will focus on past depressionsthat is, memory can be
state dependent. Thus, even if patients had previously possessed some insight into their manic symptoms, they
might have difficulty recalling those symptoms clearly and
accurately enough for the clinician to make a definitive diagnosis. Also, patients are often in such psychic pain during a depressive episode that they may be unmotivated to
search their memory carefully for times when they may
have felt better (albeit pathologically). Even then the mania may be remembered simply as good periods.
Even more challenging is the ascertainment of prior
hypomania, given the ill-defined boundary between hypomania and normal good mood (Gershon et al., 1982). Indeed, patients often cannot distinguish the hypomanic
state, since they may not view it as behaviorally different
from their usual personalitya phenomenon recognized
by DSM-IV in requiring third-party reports for the diagnosis of hypomania. Cultural factors are also relevant: in
the United States, hypomanic traits are often prized and
socially promoted, making it difficult for some patients, as
well as some observers, to recognize them as abnormal.
Clinician-related factors are important as well. First
and foremost, clinicians are often not aware of manic
symptoms. In one study, clinicians could not describe accurately more than three of the seven manic criteria when
asked to write them down, as compared with their ability
to describe seven of the eight major depressive criteria
(Sprock, 1988). This apparent ignorance of the features of
mania may be due in part to the prototype phenomenon
(Cantor et al., 1980), which relates to diagnosis by clinical
intuition alone. Clinicians often practice with prototypes
of the common syndromes in mindthe typical patient
with depression, schizophrenia, or mania. Experience over
the years has taught, however, that such prototypes need to
be augmented by careful attention to empirically based diagnostic criteria. Furthermore, prototypes usually represent cross-sectional symptomatic presentations (e.g., the
manic patient is agitated and grandiose); we know that
such observations need to be augmented with longitudinal
data regarding age at onset and course, as well as family
history and prior medication responses.


In the past, such intuitive diagnostic techniques tended

to lead to overdiagnosis of schizophrenia and probably to
underdiagnosis of major depression as well. In the last decade or soin part as a result of major continuing medical
education programs often underwritten by the pharmaceutical industry (with interests in the multitude of new
antidepressants)much greater attention has been paid to
major depression, and clinicians now routinely apply
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria to that disorder. The evidence
suggests, in contrast, that many if not most clinicians fail
to apply the diagnostic criteria for mania routinely, and
instead rely on a largely intuitive approach to diagnosis
of the condition. With this approach, it is likely that only
patients with pure euphoric mania at the time of the evaluation will be diagnosed; mixed episodes, rapid-cycling
episodes, and bipolar depressed patients will tend to be
Clinicians are practitioners first and foremost. The recent tendency to diagnose bipolar disorder less frequently
may relate to the relative paucity of mood-stabilizing
options. The advent of new mood stabilizers appears to be
generating increased interest in bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, a recent survey of the members of the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association (now renamed
the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) in the United
States failed to find improvement in diagnosis of bipolar
disorder in 2000 (Lewis, 2001) relative to 1994 (Lish et al.,
1994). About half of patients had initially been misdiagnosed with unipolar depression, and the accurate diagnosis
of bipolar disorder had usually been delayed by about a decade after initial evaluations with mental health professionals. On average, more than three mental health professionals had been seen before the accurate diagnosis of bipolar
disorder had been made.14 Relatively recent clinical studies
have confirmed these findings. Thus, despite increasing
attention to affective disorders in recent years, follow-up of
treatment experience in a U.S. advocacy group population
(which admittedly is probably not representative of bipolar
illness generally) revealed little improvement during the last
decade in the ability of U.S. practitioners to diagnose bipolar disorder (Hirschfeld et al., 2003). In one study, the mean
time to a bipolar-I diagnosis from the first visit to a mental
health professional (6 years) was twice that for unipolar depression (3.3 years), and the mean time to the correct diagnosis of bipolar-II disorder was even longer (nearly 12 years)
(Ghaemi et al., 2000).
Of relevance to bipolar diagnosis is a self-report questionnaire, the Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ),
developed as a screening instrument for bipolar disorder (Hirschfeld et al., 2000).15 This questionnaire reflects
DSM-IV criteria. Patients are asked to report whether they
have experienced those symptoms, whether the symptoms


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

occurred simultaneously, and whether they led to significant social and occupational dysfunction. The sensitivity
or true positive rate (the proportion of those actually ill
thus identified) and specificity or true negative rate (the
proportion of those not ill thus identified) of this selfreport questionnaire depend on the population it is used
to evaluate. Thus, as discussed more thoroughly in Chapter 11, relatively high sensitivity was achieved among patients from a university affective disorders clinic with a
high proportion of bipolar-I patients who, moreover, were
likely to have been educated about their illness. By contrast, in a community-based sample (where a screening instrument is presumably most useful), sensitivity was only
28 percent; that is, the MDQ missed more than 70 percent
of those diagnosed as bipolar by a clinician using the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID) (Zimmerman et al., 2004). Similarly, in an independent validation
study with a clinical sample, the MDQ was found to be
more diagnostically sensitive for 26 patients with bipolar-I
disorder (69 percent) than for 8 patients with bipolar-II
disorder (30 percent) (Miller et al., 2002). Further, patients
with impaired insight would be expected to deny their
symptoms on the MDQ.16 These studies suggest that the
MDQ may be more useful in a clinical than in a community setting (Hirschfeld et al., 2003). Modifications to the
MDQ that might increase its utility as a screening tool in
community samples have been discussed by Miller and
colleagues (2004) (see Chapter 11).
Besides the issue of differential sensitivity in community versus clinical settings, the larger question is whether
it is appropriate to use the MDQ as a diagnostic tool
without further clinical assessment. Here the concept of
predictive value is relevant (Phelps and Ghaemi, 2006).
Sensitivity and specificity are characteristics of a scale; predictive values are characteristics of a sample to which the
scaled is applied. If the underlying prevalence of an illness
is low, then even a highly sensitive scale can have a low
positive predictive value, just as a highly specific scale can
have a weak negative predictive value. For instance, if the
MDQ, based on its two main validation studies, is applied
in a community setting where the baseline rate of bipolar
illness is 10 percent, a positive predictive value of less than
4551 percent is obtained. In other words, only about half
of the MDQ-positive subjects actually have bipolar disorder. In contrast, the negative predictive value of the MDQ
in such settings would be quite high, over 9297 percent.
Thus in the community setting, the MDQ can help rule
out but not rule in bipolar disorder. This limitation again
highlights the importance of combining the MDQ or any
self-report diagnostic scale with clinician-based interview
evaluations. Further, this limitation should be taken into

account in some quite large research studies that assume

that MDQ-positive scores are equivalent to a valid bipolar
In addition to clinician and patient factors, an important natural history factor can make it likely for bipolar
disorder to be misdiagnosed as unipolar depression: the
occurrence of depressive episodes before manic episodes
in the onset of the illness (false unipolar depression). As
noted in Chapters 1 and 4, this is a frequent presentation in
bipolar illness, especially in females. Again, it is important
to recognize that there is a relationship between false unipolar depression and age at onset. As detailed in Chapter 4,
the risk of switching from false unipolar depression to
bipolar disorder is highest in childhood and young adulthood, occurring at a rate of about 3 to 5 percent per year; it
then decreases by the late 30s, at which point it flattens out
to about 1 percent per year. Thus in any depressed child or
young adult, the index of suspicion for bipolar disorder
should be high, as opposed to depressed individuals in
their 30s or older.
In addition to identifying past hypomanic or manic
symptoms, clinicians should seek to assess clinical data in
three areas that can better delineate the distinction between unipolar and bipolar depression: natural course (especially age at onset and episode frequency), family history, and treatment response.17 (For a more detailed
analysis of the distinction between unipolar and bipolar
depression, see Chapter 1.)

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

In children, a major differential for the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is ADHD, a topic discussed in more detail
in Chapter 6. A principal overlap in symptomatology is
distractibility, which is one of the criteria for mania. Child
psychiatrists report that co-occurrence of marked irritability and aggression, often with major depressive episodes,
should raise suspicion of bipolar disorder, at least comorbid with ADHD (Danielson et al., 2003; Fergus et al., 2003;
Scheffer and Niskala Apps, 2004; Citrome and Goldberg,
2005). Retrospective data in adults suggest that in patients
with bipolar disorder, symptoms of ADHD or anxiety disorder may predominate in childhood, and mood symptoms
in adolescence and early adulthood (Sachs et al., 2000).
Thus in some patients, ADHD may represent an early
manifestation of an overall illness that later presents as a
mood disorder. Another particularly informative feature
is family history of bipolar disorder, which markedly increases the likelihood of bipolar disorder as opposed to
ADHD. Also, if stimulant medications are ineffective or
cause worsened aggression and irritability or even manic
symptoms, the likelihood of bipolar disorder increases.


Finally, further research is required to establish the validity of adult ADHD. This is especially urgent now, given
that adult ADHD is becoming an increasingly common diagnosis (some of this increase in diagnosis is, no doubt, in
response to a new agent being marketed with this condition as an indication).
In the National Comorbidity Survey, adult ADHD was
diagnosable in about 4.4 percent of the adult population
(Kessler et al., 2006). However, 86 percent of these individuals were also diagnosable with mood or anxiety disorders.
The authors, and many ADHD experts view these data as
simply representing comorbidity; thus the importance of
diagnosing and treating adult ADHD is emphasized. An
equally possible if not more logical conclusion would be
that since adult ADHD is hardly diagnosable without concomitant other mood or anxiety disorder diagnoses, those
other diagnoses may account for most if not all of the cognitive symptoms that are labeled ADHD. This perspective
flows from an appreciation of the concept of diagnostic hierarchy, whereby mood disorders in particular can cause
other kinds of symptoms (whether psychotic, anxiety, or
cognitive); thus those other diagnoses should not be made
in the presence of an active mood disorder (Surtees and
Kendell, 1979). In other words, if those mood or anxiety
disorders are adequately treated, the cognitive symptoms
will improve, suggesting that no separate ADHD diagnosis
is necessary. Such extensive overlap between diagnoses
should raise the possibility of a single diagnosis with multiple manifestations, not simply the concept of multiple diagnoses. Further, advocates for the diagnosis of adult
ADHD often point to retrospective data in adults with
bipolar disorder, in which 9.5 percent of such patients are
retrospectively diagnosable with ADHD in childhood
(Nierenberg et al., 2005). Yet such data do not necessarily
support the common presence of ADHD in adulthood, but
rather are compatible with the alternative view that many
children with purported ADHD develop bipolar disorder
in adulthood, raising the possibility that the ADHD-like
presentation in childhood may have represented an early
manifestation of the bipolar illness. In other words, instead
of thinking that such persons had one illness in childhood
and have another in adulthood, it may be more plausible
that the same illness manifested itself differentially at different ages, with ADHD-like symptoms in childhood and
more classic bipolar symptoms in adulthood.
In sum, given these possibilities, we would urge caution
in the diagnosis and treatment of adult ADHD, always giving preference to initially diagnosing and treating mood
disorders until euthymia is achieved before making the
ADHD diagnosis or seeking to treat it with stimulants.
Most experts would agree (given the abuse potential of


stimulants) that prescribing such agents for cognitive

symptoms of distractibility without first trying to treat
concurrent mood or anxiety conditions is not scientifically
or clinically well informed.

Brief Psychotic Disorder

Brief psychotic disorder is a DSM-IV category (see Box
310) reserved for individuals who experience a psychotic
episode lasting from a day to a month with eventual full
return to premorbid level of functioning. The psychotic
symptoms may or may not follow immediately after a major psychological or social stress, or they may occur postpartum. If the criteria for mania or major depressive episode
are met, the affective diagnosis takes precedence. Often,
individuals initially placed in the category of brief psychotic disorder eventually show symptoms that permit a
diagnosis of either bipolar illness or schizophrenia. In particular, postpartum psychosis (often with depressive features) is highly associated with bipolar illness and may
represent the first episode of the disorder (with manic
episodes to follow) (Viguera and Cohen, 1998).

Cycloid Psychosis
The concept of cycloid psychosis, first described by Leonhard (1957), like that of schizoaffective disorder, a hybrid
rooted in the overlapping symptoms of schizophrenia and
recurrent (predominantly bipolar) affective illness, was discussed in more detail in the first edition of this volume.
The condition occurs predominantly among females and

BOX 310. DSM-IV Definition of a Brief

Psychotic Episode
DSM-IV (p. 139) defines a brief psychotic episode as follows:
Criterion A: The essential feature of brief psychotic disorder
is a disturbance that involves the sudden onset of at least one of
the following positive psychotic symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence), or grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Criterion B: An episode of the disturbance lasts at least 1 day
but less than 1 month, and the individual eventually has a full return to the premorbid level of functioning.
Criterion C: The disturbance is not better accounted for by a
mood disorder with psychotic features, by schizoaffective disorder, or by schizophrenia and is not due to the direct physiological
effects of a substance (e.g., a hallucinogen) or a general medical
condition (e.g., subdural hematoma).
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

has a good prognosis. One study of 73 inpatients who met

Perriss (1988) criteria for cycloid psychosis concluded that
it is best regarded as an atypical variety of affective psychosis (Cutting, 1990). However, a more recent controlled
family study of cycloid psychosis found a significantly
lower morbidity risk for bipolar illness in first-degree relatives compared with relatives of patients with bipolar illness
(Pfuhlmann et al., 2004). The authors concluded, therefore,
that cycloid psychosis cannot be integrated into either the
bipolar or the schizophrenic spectrum, but exists as an independent entity. Because of these conflicting results, further research is needed. Given the genetic vulnerability to
psychosis that may cross the schizophreniaaffective
boundary, it will be interesting to see what genetic studies
of cycloid psychosis ultimately reveal.

Psychotic Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified

Classically, atypical psychosis was diagnosed in patients
who had schizophrenic symptoms but showed rapid fluctuations in emotional states, an episodic course, and a generally favorable outcome. Mitsuda (1965) concluded from
his study of monozygotic twins that atypical psychosis
could be distinguished genetically from schizophrenia and,
to a lesser extent, from manic-depressive illness. However,
the relationship between this disorder and the cycloid psychosis delineated by Leonhard (1957) and Perris (1990) is
not clear.
In DSM-IV, psychotic disorders-NOS is a residual category for patients with psychotic symptoms who do not
meet criteria for any other DSM-IV disorder. For purposes
of differential diagnosis, such patients would appear to fall
in the schizoaffective spectrum.

Borderline Personality Disorder

The overlap between bipolar disorder and borderline
personality disorder is quite controversial, and is discussed in more detail in Chapters 10 and 11. As a clinical
rule of thumb, however, it may be good practice to use
great caution in diagnosing borderline personality disorder in the midst of an active affective disorder (Parker
et al., 2004). In other words, during a major depressive or
hypomanic/manic episode, patients often may meet criteria for borderline personality disorder, whereas once the
episode has ended, borderline features are no longer evident. Thus if possible, it is best to evaluate borderline personality disorder during periods of euthymia.
Making a differential diagnosis between bipolar depression and the depressive affect associated with borderline
personality disorder involves attention to issues of lability,
reactivity, and the overall symptom cluster. The depressive
affect associated with borderline personality disorder is
marked by considerable day-to-day or even hour-to-hour

variability, whereas the depressive mood associated with a

bipolar episode is generally experienced as a discrete episode
with a clear onset and termination and a relatively stable
course during the episode. The mood of the borderline patient is more likely to remain reactive to the environment
and, although intensely dysphoric, to change quickly with
an appropriate stimulation or intervention. As noted earlier, the symptom cluster of bipolar depression generally
involves pervasive changes in the regulation of sleep and
appetite (usually hyperphagia and hypersomnia). These
features are not associated as prominently with depressive
mood in the borderline patient unless bipolar disorder also
is present.
In evaluating elevated mood, duration is important as
well. Given the extreme lability of mood in borderline personality disorder, mood elevation probably does not last
long enough to meet the criteria for mania. On duration
alone, the mood elevation in borderline personality disorder could overlap with that in hypomania or cyclothymia.
The usual associated symptoms of hypomania, however,
such as racing thoughts and decreased need for sleep, are
generally not part of the mood lability of the borderline
patient. The absence of events either precipitating or terminating the hypomanic mood would also suggest a true
case of bipolar disorder, as would a positive family history
of the disorder, although the latter would not be conclusive. In practical terms, emphasis on the linkage between
borderline and bipolar diagnoses is important because all
too often, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is missed when
borderline features are also present, especially in adolescents. As discussed in Chapter 6, bipolar disorder can be
especially difficult to diagnose in this age group, since a
wide range of apparently nonspecific symptoms is common. Not infrequently, moreover, individuals rediagnosed
as bipolar on follow-up experienced their first manic or
hypomanic episode after exposure to an antidepressant
drug. The possibility of this outcome argues for considerable care in ruling out a bipolar diathesis before treating
depressive syndromes in adolescents with presumed borderline features.
It is our impression that many patients who may have
bipolar disorder, particularly the rapid-cycling type II variety, receive a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder
because of an overreliance on the intuitive prototype approach described above. The clinical picture of the rapidcycling bipolar patient can approximate that of borderline
personality cross-sectionally. However, careful application
of the criteria for mania or hypomania often distinguishes
rather clearly between patients with bipolar disorder and
characterological illness (Akiskal, 2005; Benazzi, 2000a).18
In some settings, moreover, patients with borderline personality disorder may be mistakenly diagnosed as bipolar


when the clinician relies overly on mood lability alone for

a bipolar diagnosis, rather than assessing both the full criteria for a mood episode and the unique course features associated with bipolar disorder (Berns et al., 2003).

Organic Brain Disorders

Since manic-depressive illness has its own underlying biological foundation, differentiating it from secondary brain
disorders can be semantically and diagnostically confusing. DSM-IV represents an advance over DSM-III-R in
this regard. Whereas DSM-III-R applied the term organic to disorders in which psychological and behavioral
abnormalities are associated with transient or permanent
dysfunction of the brain, DSM-IV refers to secondary
psychiatric disorders, in which symptoms are secondary to
a specific medical condition, a specific medication or other
substance, or identifiable conditions such as delirium or
dementia of the Alzheimers type. With DSM-IV, the designations functional and organic were replaced by primary, meaning no definitive established etiology, and
secondary, with reference to the specific established etiology. This terminology is more precise and accurate, and
allows for the fact that many primary psychiatric disorders, such as manic-depressive illness, may have biological
etiologies that are not yet identifiable. The catch-all DSMIII-R diagnoses of organic mood syndrome and organic
personality syndrome, which often overlapped with manicdepressive illness, do not appear in DSM-IV.
The absence of specific pathognomonic neuropsychiatric
manifestations of secondary brain disorders means that differentiating these disorders from bipolar illness requires an
understanding of the variety of potentially associated conditions. Some behavioral featuresprincipally changes in
cognitive function, including impairment of orientation,
memory, general intellectual function, and judgmentare
more prominent in most of these disorders than in bipolar
illness (see Chapter 9). Of comparable importance in making a differential diagnosis is a history of bipolar illness.
However, the absence of such a history does not rule out primary bipolar illness, especially when the patient is still
within the age of risk for onset of the disorder; here a positive family history of bipolar disorder can be helpful.
A standard neurological examination usually does not
aid in differential diagnosis, since in most organic psychiatric syndromes, the results of such an examination remain
normal until the disease is far advanced. The so-called soft
neurological signs often thought to mark secondary brain
disease have not proven to be specific.
Neuropsychological testing can be helpful in quantifying the extent of impairment but is not particularly useful
in the initial differential diagnosis. This is so because, as
detailed in Chapter 9, both depression and mania can be


associated with substantial disturbances in responses on a

wide variety of neuropsychological tests designed to measure cognitive changes. Procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT) scans,
and electroencephalograms (EEGs) may be helpful, but
unless they can identify a localized lesion, they have not
yet proven reliable in differentiating secondary brain disorder from bipolar illness. Newer methods, such as functional MRI (f MRI), positron emission tomography (PET),
and single photon electromagnetic transmission (SPECT),
provide enhanced functional assessments of anatomic
function, which can be particularly useful in assessing
changes during varying mood states. However, their utility
remains limited primarily to research.

The Concept of Secondary Affective Episodes

Krauthammer and Klerman (1978) made an important
conceptual contribution by reviewing the literature for reports of manic syndromes occurring shortly after medical,
pharmacological, or other somatic dysfunctions. As described previously, DSM-IV places a great deal of emphasis on secondary causes of mania or hypomania. Box 311
lists conditions that have been associated with secondary
manic or hypomanic symptoms.
Studies of secondary mania are uncommon. One study
found that EEG abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder predicted better valproate than lithium response
(Stoll et al., 1994). Studies of secondary depression are
more common. Its occurrence is frequently related to
stroke or other neurological disorders (Whyte and Mulsant, 2002).
In general, while the primarysecondary distinction in
psychiatry has not been carefully validated, it appears
to have clinical utility and theoretical attraction.19 As discussed in Chapter 1, however, an alternative to dividing mania and depression into primary and secondary categories
is a spectrum model reflecting varying levels of vulnerability. The greatest vulnerability would be expressed as a primary case, in which little or no external stress was required;
lower levels of vulnerability might show up only as secondary cases, that is, requiring the operation of external factors
for the episode to appear. (For a more complete discussion
of secondary affective presentations, see Chapter 17.)
We now review three specific secondary conditions: two
related but nonaffective statesdelirium and dementia
and epilepsy.

The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for delirium are given in
Box 312. Severe (stage III) mania (Carlson and Goodwin,
1973) can involve clouding of consciousness, occasionally rendering it difficult to differentiate from delirium


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

BOX 311. DSM-IV Features Associated

with Secondary Mania or Hypomania
DSM-IV (p. 328) defines features associated with a manic episode
as follows:
Individuals with a manic episode frequently do not recognize
that they are ill and resist efforts to be treated. Ethical concerns
may be disregarded even by those who are typically very conscientious.The person may be hostile and physically threatening to
others. Some individuals, especially those with psychotic features, may become physically assaultive or suicidal. Adverse consequences of a manic episode (e.g., involuntary hospitalization,
difficulties with the law, or serious financial difficulties) often result from poor judgment and hyperactivity. Some individuals describe having a much sharper sense of smell, hearing, or when
catatonic symptoms (e.g., stupor, mutism, negativism, and posturing) are present, the specifier with catatonic features may be
indicated (see p. 382). Mood may shift rapidly to anger or depression. Depressive symptoms may last moments, hours, or, more
rarely, days. Not uncommonly, the depressive symptoms and
manic symptoms occur simultaneously. No laboratory findings
that are diagnostic of a manic episode have been identified.
However, a variety of laboratory findings have been noted to be
abnormal in groups of individuals with manic episodes compared with control subjects. Laboratory findings in manic
episodes include polysomnographic abnormalities, increased
cortisol secretion, and absence of dexamethasone nonsuppression.There may be abnormalities involving the norepinephrine,
serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, or gamma-aminobutyric acid
neurotransmitter systems, as demonstrated by studies of neurotransmitter metabolites, receptor functioning, pharmacological
provocation, and neuroendocrine function.
DSM-IV (p. 335) defines features associated with a hypomanic
episode as follows:
Associated features of a mixed episode are similar to those for
manic episodes and major depressive episodes. Individuals may
be disorganized in their thinking or behavior. Because individuals
in mixed episodes experience more dysphoria than do those in
manic episodes, they may be more likely to seek help. Laboratory
findings for mixed episode are not well studied, although evidence to date suggests physiological and endocrine findings
that are similar to those found in severe major depressive
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

(see Chapter 2) (Fink, 1999). Indeed, delirious mania was

well described by Kraepelin (1921) and others. The absence
of the preceding stages of mania or of a history of mania is
sometimes helpful in making this differential diagnosis.
Perceptual disturbances usually have a more sudden onset

BOX 312. DSM-IV Definition of Delirium

DSM-IV (p. 127) defines delirium as follows:
Criterion A: The essential feature of a delirium is a disturbance of consciousness that is accompanied by a change in cognition that cannot be better accounted for by a preexisting or
evolving dementia.The disturbance develops over a short period
of time, usually hours to days, and tends to fluctuate during the
course of the day.The disturbance in consciousness is manifested by a reduced clarity of awareness of the environment.The
ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention is impaired.
Criterion B: There is an accompanying change in cognition
(which may include memory impairment, disorientation, or language disturbance) or development of a perceptual disturbance.
Criterion C: In mild delirium, disorientation to time may be
the first symptom to appear. Disorientation to self is less common. Language disturbance may be evident as dysnomia (i.e., the
impaired ability to name objects) or dysgraphia (i.e., the impaired
ability to write). In some cases, speech is rambling and irrelevant,
in others pressured and incoherent, with unpredictable switching from subject to subject.The disturbance develops over a
short period of time and tends to fluctuate during the course of
the day.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

in delirium than in stage III mania. The sustained euphoria (or irritability) characteristic of mania, by contrast, is
not likely in delirium.
As with all diagnoses of organic brain disorders, indications (from the patients history, physical examination,
or laboratory data) of a specific organic etiological factor
are important to the diagnosis. As noted in Chapter 7,
manic episodes are commonly associated with substance
abuse, particularly in young patients, and here the challenge is to differentiate a pure organic delirium from a
manic episode precipitated and colored by alcohol or

The DSM-IV criteria for dementia, given in Box 313, overlap somewhat with those for delirium. The considerable
attention that has been paid to differentiating between true
dementia and depressive pseudodementia is often justified
since the pseudodementia associated with depression is
highly treatable. Recent data suggest, however, that depression in the elderly can often herald dementia, making the
distinction less exclusive than may earlier have been assumed (Jorm, 2000). As discussed in Chapter 9, bipolar
patients in particular often experience profound deficits in


BOX 313. DSM-IV Definition of Dementia

DSM-IV (p. 139) defines dementia as follows:
Criterion A1: The essential feature of a dementia is the development of multiple cognitive deficits that include memory impairment and at least one of the following cognitive disturbances: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or a disturbance in executive
functioning. Memory impairment is required to make the diagnosis of a dementia and is a prominent early symptom.
Criterion A2a: Deterioration of language function (aphasia)
may be manifested by difficulty producing the names of individuals and objects.
Criterion A2b: Individuals with dementia may exhibit apraxia
(i.e., impaired ability to execute motor activities despite intact
motor abilities, sensory function, and comprehension of the required task).
Criterion A2c: Individuals with dementia may exhibit agnosia
(i.e., failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory
Criterion A2d: Disturbances in executive functioning are a
common manifestation of dementia and may be related especially to disorders of the frontal lobe or associated subcortical
Criterion B: The items in both Criterion A1 (memory impairment) and Criterion A2 (aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or disturbance
in executive functioning) must be severe enough to cause significant impairment in social or occupational functioning (e.g., going to school, working, shopping, dressing, bathing, handling finances, and other activities of daily living) and must represent a
decline from a previous level of functioning.The nature and degree of impairment are variable and often depend on the particular social setting of the individual.
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.

cognition and memory, and consequently are sometimes

misdiagnosed as having primary dementia. This misdiagnosis occurs most frequently with elderly patients, in
whom clinicians tend to neglect affective symptoms and
focus instead on somatic and cognitive symptoms. Although a history of manic or depressive episodes is quite
helpful in making this differential diagnosis, it cannot be
used absolutely: on the one hand, a small percentage of
bipolar patients do not have their first episode until they
are in their 50s or 60s; on the other hand, bipolar patients
may independently develop dementia later in life. Since a
high proportion of late-onset bipolar patients have frequent cycles (see Chapter 4), the clinical picture may convey chronicity and therefore appear to be associated with
an organic etiology.


Other aspects of the depressive syndrome, such as sleep

and appetite dysregulation, are not especially helpful in
differentiating bipolar illness from dementia. Neuropsychiatric testing can be useful, especially if a focal lesion is
involved, but it cannot be relied upon to establish a clear
differential because bipolar depression can also be associated with profound cognitive impairment. As with other
differential diagnostic questions, it is important to look for
atypical forms of mania in the patients history, particularly episodic irritability or agitation in the absence of
euphoria. The periods of secondary affective lability sometimes associated with primary dementing illnesses do not
appear as discrete episodes. Obviously, a definitive diagnosis can be made if an organic cause for the dementia can
be uncovered. Box 314 lists diseases or conditions that
have been associated with dementia.
Because of its enormous public health importance, the
issue of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) dementia deserves special attention (Melton et al., 1997). The
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to a class
of retroviruses that are neurotrophic; that is, they have a
special affinity for the nervous system. By the time AIDS
has reached its peak, involvement of the central nervous
system is almost universal. More important to the issue of

BOX 314. DSM-IV Definition of Diseases Associated

with Dementia
DSM-IV (pp. 133134) defines the physical examination findings
and general medical conditions associated with dementia as follows:
The associated physical examination findings of dementia depend on the nature, location, and stage of progression of the underlying pathology.The most common cause of dementia is
Alzheimers disease, followed by vascular disease, and then by
multiple etiologies. Other causes of dementia include Picks disease, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, anoxia, infectious disorders (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIV],
syphilis), prion diseases (e.g., Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), endocrine conditions (e.g., hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia), vitamin deficiencies (e.g., deficiencies of thiamine,
niacin, vitamin B), immune disorders (e.g., polymyalgia rheumatica, systemic lupus erythematosus), hepatic conditions, metabolic
conditions (e.g., Kufs disease, adrenoleukodystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, and other storage diseases of adulthood
and childhood), and other neurological conditions (e.g., multiple
Source: Reprinted with permission from the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Copyright
2000). American Psychiatric Association.


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

differential diagnosis, however, is the finding that among

2025 percent of AIDS patients, the presenting symptoms
originate in the central nervous system. These early AIDS
symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from depression
(Price et al., 1986; Bridge et al., 1988). Mania has also been
reported as an early symptom (Gabel et al., 1986; Lyketsos
et al., 1997; Yang et al., 2005). As the condition progresses,
memory, concentration, and rapid alternating movements
are impaired. Other indications include pyramidal tract
signs, ataxia, leg weakness, and tremor. AIDS dementia becomes the presumptive diagnosis when the antibody test is
positive. In addition, neuropsychological tests and MRI
scans may be helpful in making the differential diagnosis.
Of course it must be remembered that bipolar patients
may also have AIDS, perhaps at a higher rate than comparable populations, given the prominence of reckless sexual
behavior during mania.

with manic syndromes. While intriguing, this observation

has not been well replicated. Conversely, Post and Weiss
(2004) at the NIMH observed a relatively high frequency
of epileptic-like phenomena in bipolar patients, particularly those with rapid cycles.
The specific relationship between epilepsy per se and
bipolar disorder is relatively understudied. The most recent study of the topic compared 13 patients with generalized epilepsy and interictal manic episodes and 13 patients
with primary bipolar disorder (Kudo et al., 2001). In that
study, patients with epilepsy and mania tended to experience somewhat less severe manic episodes than did patients with primary bipolar disorder. The epileptic patients
also tended to have substance-induced episodes somewhat
more frequently than the primary bipolar disorder group.
The epileptic foci were frontal or temporal in location.


Given the possibility that the pathophysiology of manicdepressive illness may overlap with that of some identifiable brain disorders, differential diagnosis cannot easily be
reduced to simple formulas. For practical purposes, however,
a differential diagnosis is critical to making an accurate
treatment selection and prognosis. Thus, the clinicians
first task when presented with manic or depressive symptoms is to consider other (possibly correctable) factors that
might explain the symptoms. The absence of a personal or
family history of affective illness and poor response to
traditional treatments for manic-depressive illness are important clues suggesting the possibility of an organic etiology (McElroy et al., 1992). Although no single medical
screening test is definitive, certainly a neurological examination, formal neuropsychiatric testing, an MRI, an EEG, a
CT scan, and a chemical screen for metabolic and toxic
disturbances should supplement the careful taking of the
patients history. Where the evidence points to a possible
commingling of manic-depressive illness and a seizure disorder diathesis, anticonvulsants with a primary effect on
temporal lobe disorders (e.g., carbamazepine, valproate, or
lamotrigine) should be the treatment of choice.

Epilepsy comprises a group of disorders of the central nervous system that, like other organic disorders, must be differentiated from bipolar illness. The condition is commonly associated with psychiatric symptoms, which can
be divided into those occurring during actual seizure activity and those manifested only during interictal periods.
Findings of epidemiologic surveys of large numbers of
patients with epilepsy (see, e.g., Gibbs and Gibbs, 1952) indicate that psychotic symptoms are about 10 times more
likely to occur in association with temporal lobe than with
generalized epilepsy (reviewed by McKenna et al., 1985;
Kanner, 2004). The psychoses associated with temporal
lobe epilepsy were initially described at a time when the
broad Bleulerian concept of schizophrenia was prevalent.
It is thus not surprising that patients with these psychoses
tended to be described as schizophrenic, and less frequently
as affectively ill. Clinically, these psychoses are generally
mixed syndromes with a prominence of visual and olfactory hallucinations, rapid fluctuations of mood, catatonic
features, and dreamlike statesall of which occur in an
episodic course.
In his studies of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy,
Flor-Henry (1969) found that 40 percent had either manicdepressive or schizoaffective features, and 42 percent had
predominantly schizophrenic symptoms. Further frustrating attempts to understand the association between psychosis and temporal lobe epilepsy is the fact that patients
can at times manifest predominantly affective symptoms
and at other times predominantly schizophrenic symptoms.
Flor-Henry also found an association between ictal laterality
and type of mood syndrome: left-side epileptic foci in temporal lobe epilepsy were associated with depressive syndromes, whereas right-side epileptic foci were associated

Clinical Summary

To make an accurate diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the patients history should be reviewed carefully with the
patient and a family member; this focus on history is at
least as important as a full description of the presenting
episode. Whenever possible, the onset, duration, and treatment response of all past episodes should be recorded on a
life chart, along with important life events. Much of this
information can be obtained before the initial appointment by having the patient and family members fill out a


life chart form. The most important differential diagnostic

issue in evaluating depression is determining whether the
patient has a unipolar or bipolar form of the illness. Obviously, this distinction must rest on knowledge of the patients history, especially any prior episodes of mania or
hypomania. Once again we must emphasize the importance of obtaining information from the family, especially
given that impairment of insight is a major problem in
about half of patients with bipolar disorder. Without family input, more than half of patients with a prior history of
mania will deny or forget it, and the resulting overdiagnosis of unipolar depression is even more likely when the
bipolar history involves hypomania only.
If the patient has had two or more previous depressions
without evidence of mania or hypomania, an age at onset
above 25 or 30, and a family history negative for bipolar
disorder, it is reasonably safe to assume a unipolar diagnosis, even though about 10 percent of such patients will later
develop a manic episode and be reclassified as bipolar. In
children and adolescents presenting with depression, the
likelihood of an eventual bipolar course is much higher. As
noted above, a family history of mania can provide an important clue to a possible bipolar diathesis, and may be
helpful in choosing a mood stabilizer over an antidepressant for the treatment of highly recurrent depression.
When manic-like symptoms characterize the presenting
picture, the clinician may face difficult questions of differential diagnosis. If a patient is in the hyperactive psychotic
state described as stage III mania (see Chapter 2) and a
complete patient or family history is not available, the clinician must rely on an analysis of the presenting symptoms. (If there is a history of manic or depressive episodes,
especially with well intervals, bipolar illness is the presumptive diagnosis, despite the atypical presenting symptoms.)
The principal alternative diagnoses that should be ruled
out in diagnosing the manic phase of bipolar illness are
acute schizophrenia and psychoses secondary to substance
abuse or a general medical condition, although the latter
can, and often do, occur in an individual with bipolar illness. The presence of delusions (including paranoid delusions), hallucinations, and thought disorder does not
support a diagnosis of schizophrenia over that of mania.
Schizophrenia should be suspected, however, if the delusions are organized into a formal and stable system that
has continued for a considerable time in the absence of
prominent mood symptoms. As a practical matter, differentiating acute stage III mania from schizoaffective illness
and schizophrenia is not absolutely critical, since the initial
treatmentantipsychotic medication (especially an atypical agent)often is essentially the same for all three. If an
affective component is suspected, the addition of a mood


stabilizer, such as lithium or an anticonvulsant, should be

considered. When the acute psychotic episode is under
control, differential diagnosis often becomes clearer, even
if information on the patients personal or family history is
still missing. If delusions or hallucinations persist in the
absence of manic mood or hyperactivity (i.e., the patient is
quietly delusional), schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder is the more appropriate diagnosis. If the patient meets
criteria for both schizophrenia and affective illness in the
present episode or by history, schizoaffective illness is the
appropriate diagnosis. Care should be taken to avoid overuse of the schizoaffective diagnosis simply because the patients past history is unavailable. Distinguishing between
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can be particularly difficult in an adolescent because at that age, psychotic features are especially common in manic syndromes.
When vivid hallucinations (especially visual ones) or
delusions dominate the clinical picture, particularly in a
young person, a drug-induced state should be suspected,
and a urine screen becomes especially important. Indeed,
for most adolescent patients, it is sensible to employ a
urine screen routinely. True mania may be present even if
these suspicions are borne out, because it is not at all uncommon for initial manic episodes to be precipitated by
drugs of abuse. In such cases, differential diagnosis can be
difficult during the acute phase.
When presented with milder manic-like symptoms (or
a history of such symptoms), the clinician must differentiate
between clinical hypomania and normal elevated mood.
Here it is important to recall the spectrum concepts outlined in Chapter 1. The threshold for a DSM-IV diagnosis
of hypomanic episode is reached when (1) elation, excitement, and/or irritability cluster in discrete episodes lasting
at least 4 days; (2) the symptomatic criteria outlined previously are met; (3) symptoms are out of proportion to any
environmental precipitant; (4) symptoms represent a clear
change in the individuals normal functioning; and/or (5)
the episodes have a high potential to result in negative social, professional, and/or financial consequences. While
the criteria for hypomania can be met without (4) or (5),
the latter are prominent in the DSM-IV definition of a
hypomanic episode. Again, we cannot overstate the importance of obtaining corroborating information from a
spouse or other family member in evaluating the presence
(or history) of hypomanic symptoms.
When presented with psychotic depressive symptoms,
the clinician faces a somewhat different diagnostic challenge. Again, assuming that no history is available, one must
rule out schizophrenia and schizoaffective illness, druginduced states, and dementia. If delusions are present, they
should be depressive in content to support an affective
diagnosis. Among the depressive disorders, delusions are


Clinical Description and Diagnosis

more likely to be associated with the bipolar form. Differentiating the bipolar form of manic-depressive illness
from personality disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is complex. Frequently, the conditions can cooccur. If any acute episodes meet the criteria for mania or
hypomania, bipolar disorder should be diagnosed, regardless of the extent of concomitant PTSD or personality disorder features. If the course is almost completely characterized
by physical or sexual trauma, along with the typical features of borderline personality (interpersonal conflict and
rage, repeated self-injury, manipulative relationships),
then the occurrence of mood lability by itself likely will not
justify the bipolar diagnosis. Again, attention should be
paid to family history, and more emphasis placed on course
of illness rather than acute presentation.


1. Andreasen et al., 1981; Tsuang et al., 1981; Andreasen and
Grove, 1982; Keller and Baker, 1991; Blacker and Tsuang, 1992;
Dunner, 1992; DeBattista et al., 1998; Goodwin and Ghaemi,
2. The RDC, together with the Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia, proved to be reliable diagnostic instruments when used by interviewers from different centers
around the country to rate past psychiatric symptoms and
lifetime diagnoses in patients who were mentally ill at the
time of assessment. However, the lifetime diagnoses of hypomania and recurrent unipolar depression were not as reliable
as other categories (Keller et al., 1981).
3. Angst, 1980; Marneros et al., 1988, 1989, 1991, 2000; Maj et al.,
4. Akiskal et al., 1995; Goldberg et al., 1995, 2001, Kessing, 2005.
5. Outside the United States, most of the rest of the world is
characterized by geographically stable populations, making
it easier to recognize the recurrent nature of the affective disorders.
6. Not all studies are consistent. For instance, one study found
that bipolar-II disorder was much less stable (33 percent unchanged diagnostically 6 years later) than bipolar-I disorder
(60 percent unchanged); it also found that decreased need
for sleep was the best predictor among diagnostic criteria for
bipolar-II disorder (Rice et al., 1992). Dunner also found that
the reliability of the bipolar-II diagnosis was much greater
when made by clinicians with expertise in mood disorders
than when based solely on research diagnostic instruments
such as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID)
(Dunner and Tay, 1993).
7. Testing the DSM-IV definition, Benazzi (2001) reported that
almost all patients who met the DSM-IV definition of bipolarII disorder also experienced 2 to 3 days of hypomania.
8. A recent excellent historical review demonstrated that Kraepelins original conception of mixed states was derived largely
from Weygandt, and that Kraepelin and Weygandt viewed
mixed states not as uncommon, but as being the most common form of manic-depressive illness (Salvatore et al., 2002).
9. Along with major depression and inner agitation, at least
three of the following symptoms must be present: (1) racing


or crowded thoughts, (2) irritability or unprovoked feelings

of rage, (3) absence of signs of retardation, (4) talkativeness,
(5) dramatic descriptions of suffering or frequent spells of
weeping, (6) mood lability and marked emotional reactivity,
and (7) early insomnia (which is often associated with racing
or crowded thoughts).
See Chapter 2; also, especially, Akiskal, 1996, 2002; Ghaemi
et al., 2002.
The Schneiderian first-rank symptoms that overlap most
commonly between schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness include thought broadcasting, thought insertion, experiences of influence, delusional perceptions, and incomplete
auditory hallucinations (Schneider, 1959). Descriptive data
suggest that manic patients with first-rank and/or catatonic
symptoms cannot be distinguished from those without such
symptoms on the basis of family history or treatment response (Jampala et al., 1989). Jampala and colleagues (1985)
reported that manic patients with so-called emotional
bluntinga constricted, inappropriate, unrelated affect of
diminished intensity, with indifference or unconcern for
loved ones, lack of emotional responsivity, and a loss of social graceshad family histories suggestive of schizophrenia, but with a pattern of treatment response related more
closely to mania without emotional blunting.
Schizoaffective depressed patients do not have a history of
mania; that is, they are unipolar.
The following case history reported by Pope (1983, pp.
326327) illustrates the devastation that can follow the misdiagnosis of manic-depressive illness as schizophrenia:
Ms. B, a 28-year-old woman, had been a psychiatric inpatient in a state hospital for the greater part of nine
years. She had first been admitted at the age of 19 when
she developed psychotic symptoms. . . . A history taken
at that time by the admitting psychiatrist elaborately described her delusions and hallucinations but gave no information about whether Ms. B displayed mood change,
activity change, an increase or decrease in energy level,
or other affective symptomatology. No family history
data were elicited. . . . Ms. B had been treated with virtually every antipsychotic drug available but had never
been treated with lithium or ECT [electroconvulsive
therapy]. . . . [Her] hospital records revealed that she
had had periods of unusual irritability, coupled with increased activity and talkativeness . . . [and] had also displayed distractibility, grandiosity, and interpersonal intrusiveness. However, during most of her hospitalization,
she was described as apathetic, with hypersomnia of 10
to 11 hours a night, lacking in energy and concentration,
eating poorly, and displaying little interest in social contact. She was also markedly self-deprecating and was described as having long guilty ruminations on religious
themes. She had made two suicide attempts during
these periods.
During Ms. Bs ninth year in the hospital, her 21-yearold brother was admitted to a private psychiatric hospital. He was suffering from a relatively typical manic
episode . . . [and] responded relatively well to lithium
carbonate. When the brothers psychiatrist learned of
Ms. Bs illness, he elicited more information about the
family and discovered that a maternal aunt and the


maternal grandmother had had major depressive

episodes. This evidence seemed to support his theory
that Ms. B was suffering from a chronic form of bipolar
disorder. . . . [T]he brothers psychiatrist made further
inquiries about the possibility of the sisters being given a
trial of lithium carbonate. The doctors at the state hospital refused, saying that the patient was clearly schizophrenic. . . . However, after a great deal of pressure
from Ms. Bs mother, [they] reluctantly agreed to start
Ms. B on lithium.
Within about three weeks Ms. B became markedly
less agitated, less irritable, and more cooperative with
staff. Shortly thereafter she was discharged to the quarterway house. Within two months, she transferred to a
halfway house setting and was able to engage in a productive job with only a modest degree of supervision.
However, she then became somewhat more depressed,
and shortly thereafter stopped both her lithium and
her antipsychotic drugs. Within a week, she had become sleepless, hyperactive, irritable, distractible, and
grandiose. She was readmitted to the state hospital
where she was treated with antipsychotic drugs but not
with lithium. In spite of the clear temporal association
between use of lithium and clinical response, the doctors claimed that the patients schizophrenic symptoms ruled out a diagnosis of manic-depressive illness,
and were unwilling to resume lithium therapy. At last
report Ms. Bs mother was still battling with the state
hospital to reinstitute lithium.
14. Although the associations samples are not likely to be representative of patients with bipolar disorder in general, the
point is that in this sample, early ascertainment of bipolarity
had not improved recently.
15. The MDQ is a five-part questionnaire. The first part comprises 13 brief yes-or-no statements related to manic symptoms, all of which begin with the precursor Has there ever
been a period of time when you were not your usual self





and. . . . These questions assess various bipolar symptoms,

such as hypersexuality (you were much more interested in
sex than usual?) and racing thoughts (thoughts raced
through your head or you couldnt slow your mind down?).
The second part is one yes-or-no question, which asks
whether those manic symptoms occurred simultaneously.
The third part has the subject evaluate the problems caused
by those manic behaviors along a four-point scale, ranging
from no problem to serious problem. The fourth and
fifth parts assess bipolar disorder in the subjects relatives
and previous bipolar diagnoses, respectively.
One study found that 93 percent of patients who joined a
voluntary bipolar disorder case registry accurately reported
having bipolar disorder in agreement with a research diagnostic interview (Cluss et al., 1999). However, 94 percent of
these patients had previously been diagnosed by professionals with bipolar disorder. It would appear likely that
they would be influenced by such professional interactions.
What is of concern for a screening instrument is how well it
accurately diagnoses individuals who have never been correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder despite having the
condition, and in those circumstances, impairment of insight would appear to predict low accuracy of self-report.
Mitchell et al., 1992; Akiskal et al., 1995; Akiskal, 1996; Benazzi, 2000b; Benazzi and Rihmer, 2000; Ghaemi et al., 2004;
Akiskal and Benazzi, 2005.
It also has been suggested that personality inventories, such
as Cloningers Temperament Character Inventory, may be
used to distinguish between bipolar disorder and borderline
personality disorder (Atre-Vaidya and Hussain, 1999).
In their review of reported reserpine-induced depressions,
Goodwin and Bunney (1971) found that the great majority of
reserpine depressions were, in fact, pseudodepressions that
did not mimic the full natural syndrome. Those with full endogenous or melancholic symptoms generally had a personal
or family history of affective illness. These authors inferred
that reserpine merely uncovered a vulnerability rather than
inducing depression de novo (see Chapter 19).

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Part II

Clinical Studies

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Course and Outcome

The universal experience is striking, that the attacks of manic-depressive insanity . . . never lead
to profound dementia, not even when they continue throughout life almost without interruption. . . . As a rule the disease runs its course in isolated attacks more or less sharply defined
from each other or from health, which are either like or unlike, or even very frequently are
[the] perfect antithesis.
Emil Kraepelin (1921, p. 3)

Emil Kraepelins central insight, one that continues as an

organizing principle in modern descriptive psychiatry, was
his division of the major psychoses into two groups based
largely on course and outcome. He observed that whereas
dementia praecox (schizophrenia) tends to be chronic and
to follow a deteriorating course, manic-depressive illness is
episodic and ultimately exacts a less devastating toll from
those affected. Today we face a paradox: whereas the discovery of the prophylactic potential of lithium and, subsequently, some of the anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics has revived interest in the natural course of
manic-depressive illness, widespread use of these prophylactic agents, as well as antidepressants, has substantially
altered that course. Investigators must confront the fact
that natural course now includes the largely unquantified effects of routine, acute, and prophylactic treatment.
In this chapter, after briefly reviewing salient methodological issues, we examine findings of the literature on the
following aspects of the course and outcome of manicdepressive illness: premorbid functioning, age at onset,
number of episodes, frequency of episodes (cycle length),
onset and duration of episodes, polarity, pattern, precipitants of episodes, long-term outcome, mortality, the course
of bipolar-II disorder, and mechanisms of recurrence. Studies assessing the impact of prophylactic treatment are reviewed in Chapter 20, and biological correlates of natural
course are covered in Chapter 14.

The first relates to patient selection. The index hospitalization required in many older outcome studies can produce either underestimates or overestimates of recurrence.
Underestimates can result when, during a single hospitalization, a patient has multiple rapid cycles that are counted
as a single episode. On the other hand, overestimates can
result from basing recurrence rates on hospital admission
data, because those data exclude patients who experience a
single episode, recover without hospitalization, and never
have a recurrence. While some recent studies (virtually all
of which focused on the bipolar subgroup) have avoided
these problems by recruiting patients from the general
community, other samples (e.g., those of the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network) have been drawn from clinics in
which sicker, treatment-resistant patients tend to be overrepresented. Indeed, clinical samples are, by definition, not
representative, because a substantial portion of the bipolar
population is not receiving treatment at any given time.
The second issue has to do with diagnosis. Many of
the classic studies of natural course do not distinguish
between the bipolar and recurrent unipolar subgroups.
Numerous interpretive problems result, particularly in
studies from the United States, where diagnostic criteria
for unipolar illness (i.e., depressions that are not bipolar)
allow for considerable heterogeneity (see the discussions of
this issue in Chapters 1 and 3). For this reason, we emphasize the literature on bipolar patients, although some conclusions may be relevant to the more recurrent forms of
unipolar illness as well. Furthermore, most classic studies
of bipolar patients have involved patients hospitalized for
mania and thus have not included the bipolar-II subgroup.
The extent to which patients with schizoaffective features
are included in the sample is another diagnostic issue (see
the later discussion).

As with most fields of inquiry, studies of the course and outcome of manic-depressive illness involve methodological
complexities that should be kept in mind when interpreting
the study results. Two issues are especially important.


Clinical Studies

In addition to these issues, a traditional methodological

problem is the lack of a generally accepted convention for
collecting data on the course of manic-depressive illness or
for defining recovery and relapse. Standardized methods
for charting the course of the illness, proposed for both
retrospectively derived data (Post et al., 1988; Honig et al.,
2001) and prospectively derived data (Keller et al., 1987;
Leverich et al., 2001), have improved this situation but are
still far from universally applied. These methods have clinical as well as research uses. For example, detailed description of the prior course of the illness may reveal that medications, such as lithium, given to the patient in the past
were mistakenly judged ineffective when they actually led
to improvement. Conversely, charting may uncover instances in which certain drugs, such as antidepressants,
exacerbated the course of the illness. In addition, previously
unrecognized associations of episode onsets with anniversaries, life events, or other stressors may aid in psychotherapeutic understanding and behavioral management. These
standardized charting methods are all the more important
in industrialized countries, where population mobility is
exacerbating a situation in which there are increasingly
fewer opportunities for a single clinic or clinician to follow
a cohort of patients over a lifetime.
A final methodological consideration in reviewing this
literature is its largely retrospective nature, a troublesome
aspect given the problems inherent in recalling the past,
especially for depressed patients. Future studies need to be
prospective and to focus on patients in naturalistic treatment settings.

The distinction between premorbid functioning in children and childhood manifestations of full-blown manicdepressive illness can be somewhat arbitrary, because the
disorder may present a different clinical picture in childhood than in adolescence or adulthood. We discuss clinical
manifestations of possible childhood variants of the illness,
as well as premorbid functioning in its early-onset forms,
in Chapter 6, issues of premorbid/underlying personality in
Chapter 10, and issues of neurocognitive development in
Chapter 9. Here we focus on other measures of premorbid
functioning (e.g., social, academic) in samples that do not
include childhood-onset recurrent mood disorder.
In the original Kraepelinian definition, patients with
manic-depressive illness were free of any morbid symptoms before the onset of their illness. Some modern data are
consistent with this impression. In an elegant prospective
study, Reichenberg and colleagues (2002) examined results
from an extensive array of tests designed to measure level of
functioning in persons who later developed schizoaffective,

schizophrenic, or nonpsychotic bipolar disorder. Patients

were matched with normal controls on age and education
level. The nonpsychotic bipolar group showed no significant impairment on intellectual tests, reading/writing, or
various behavioral measures.1 Schizophrenic patients displayed premorbid impairment across most measures of
intellectual and behavioral functioning, whereas schizoaffective patients showed less consistent impairment, suggesting a psychotic continuum of premorbid impairment.2
Some studies of premorbid functioning in psychotic
bipolar patients paint a picture slightly different from the
Kraepelinian model. For example, in their retrospective
analysis comparing a large sample of bipolar and unipolar
patients, Stephens and McHugh (1991) found significantly
greater premorbid impairment on descriptive measures of
social and work functioning in the bipolar group, which
also had significantly higher rates of mood-congruent psychosis; however, the unipolar group was not selected for the
more recurrent form. In a retrospective study using maternal interviews, Cannon and colleagues (1997) compared
hospitalized schizophrenic patients with hospitalized psychotic bipolar patients and healthy controls on measures
of premorbid social functioning and school performance.
The psychotic bipolar group scored significantly worse than
healthy controls on premorbid social adjustment measures,
but significantly better than schizophrenic patients. Other
studies have corroborated the finding that patients with psychotic and/or severe forms of bipolar disorder displayed
significantly less premorbid impairment than did schizophrenic patients, lending weight to the notion that degree of
premorbid impairment is an important distinction between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.3 Nevertheless, it
appears that subtle premorbid dysfunction (especially cognitive dysfunction) may exist in some patients with bipolar
disorder, particularly those with psychotic forms of the
illness. More prospective data from epidemiologic samples,
employing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV
diagnoses and incorporating both psychotic and nonpsychotic forms of the disorder, are needed to further elucidate
the premorbid phenomenology of bipolar disorder.

The age when manic-depressive illness most often begins
(in both its bipolar and recurrent unipolar forms) is
intrinsically important to genetically vulnerable individuals and their clinicians and may offer clues to future course.
In this section, we examine the literature on this issue in
general; Chapter 6 focuses on studies of early onset in prepuberty and adolescence, and Chapter 13 examines how
differences in age at onset relate to estimates of the degree
of genetic vulnerability.

Course and Outcome

We pooled data from 15 studies published after 1990

(i.e., since the first edition of this text appeared) reporting
average age at onset in samples of patients with bipolar illness (summarized in Table 41) and derived a weighted
mean of 22.2 years.4 When gender was specified, the difference for males and females was not significant (Fogarty
et al., 1994; Hendrick et al., 2000; Suppes et al., 2001). Studies reporting separate figures for bipolar-I and -II disorder
showed similar averages for the two groups (McMahon
et al., 1994; Judd et al., 2003).
It is interesting that the post-1990 mean is 6 years
younger than the weighted mean taken from the 22 pre1990 studies examined in the first edition, which used the
same basic inclusion criteria. Because the data are not normally distributed, however, these figures may be misleading. Averages can be raised by a relatively small number of
patients with late onset, for example. When median age at
onset is reported, it is usually in the early twenties. Here
again, these medians are several years younger than those
found in the literature before 1990.
As noted earlier, some of the variance across individual
studies in Table 41 is related to differing criteria for onset.
In general, the age when symptoms first appear is younger
than the age when patients meet diagnostic criteria, and the
age of first clinical contact is later still. (Studies of first hospitalization are not included in Table 41 because this measure says very little about age at onset.) Some studies have
used age at first clinical contact on the assumption that dating of initial symptoms would be too imprecise. Egeland
and colleagues (1987a), however, using information gleaned
from patient charts and interview records to compare six
clinical indices of onset for bipolar disorder, obtained high
interrater reliability (r = .89) using the measure of first
achievement of Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for a
major affective disorder.5 As might be expected, the ages
obtained with this measure are significantly younger than
those derived from first treatment or first hospitalization.
Indeed, the literature is consistent in finding a significant time gap between onset of the illness and first treatment. Meeks (1999) found that mean age at first symptoms
in a bipolar and unipolar population was almost 6 years
younger than age at first treatment. A demographic study
of the first 261 patients in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar
Network (which may represent patients on the more
severe end of the spectrum) revealed an 8-year difference
between age at first diagnosis and age at first medical treatment (22.9 and 30.4 years, respectively), whereas age at first
symptoms was only 2 years before age at diagnostic onset
(Suppes et al., 2001). In a Stanley Foundation recruitment
survey administered by Kupfer and colleagues (2002),
more than 50 percent of a large bipolar sample indicated
that they had received no treatment for their first affective


episode. Thus it is to be expected that age at first treatment

is a poor indicator of onset. Although retrospective selfreporting has its own pitfallswhich should be controlled
for whenever possible with corroborating family reports
and medical/academic recordsusing first episode as an
onset measure with standardized (International Classification of Diseases [ICD]-10 or DSM-IV) criteria appears to
be the most accurate indicator.
The lower age at onset in more recent studies reflects, in
part, a cohort effect that is supported in the literature. For
example, Chengappa and colleagues (2003) examined two
separate cohorts of patients with bipolar disorder in a large
patient sample and found that the more recent cohort had
a mean age at onset 3 years younger than that of the older
cohort. When the investigators examined a third, still more
recent cohort in a post hoc analysis, they found that onset
occurred at an even younger age, with a statistically significant different mean among the three cohorts. Kupfer and
colleagues (2002) made similar findings in their examination of separate birth cohorts in a patient population from
the Stanley Centers Bipolar Disorder Registry: the earliest
birth cohort (19001939) was 3.5 years older at onset than
the later two cohorts.
Researchers have advanced several hypotheses to explain this reduction in age at onset. Changes in nosology
and illness definition could be a partial explanation. With
the exception of the retrospective studies, the data in Table
41 were taken largely from samples of patients diagnosed
in the past three decades (Stephens and McHugh, 1991).
Many of these patients might have been classified as schizophrenic 50 years ago. The diagnostic inclusion of more
psychotically ill subgroups could lower the age at onset,
particularly in light of the earlier impairment observed in
these groups (as discussed earlier). Genetic anticipation
could play a role in the heightened predisposition to development of the disorder with each subsequent generation
(see Chapter 13). Some investigators have proposed that
the increasing use of antidepressants and stimulants in
adolescents and children may help induce the onset of
bipolar disorder at an earlier age in those already susceptible
(Goodwin and Ghaemi, 1998; Cicero et al., 2003; Reichart,
2004).6 This phenomenon would be consistent with what we
know about the effect of antidepressants on mania induction and cycle acceleration, but more research is necessary
to draw a solid conclusion. Similar to the antidepressant
association is the hypothesis that the increased use of recreational drugs and alcohol among young people contributes
to earlier onset. Here again, sound evidence is lacking, and it
is difficult to establish a unidirectional association between
onset of affective symptoms and onset of drug use.7
To gauge more accurately the distribution of the published ages at onset in the bipolar patient population, we

Table 41. Average Age at Onset in Studies Since 1990


Average Age at Onset (Years)


Other Findings

Stephens and
McHugh, 1991

235 bipolar


Retrospective analysis of notes on

patients treated and monitored at
a large institution, 19131940

Kessler et al., 1993;

Weissman et al., 1996
Fogarty et al., 1994

116 bipolar


22 bipolar

20.3: 20.5 male, 20.0 female

Benazzi, 1999

186: 45 bipolar-I,
141 bipolar-II

26.7: 28.5 bipolar-I, 26.0


Meeks, 1999

86 bipolar


Hendrick et al., 2000

37 bipolar-II

20.5: 21.8 male, 19.6 female

Data from national comorbidity

Determined clinical characteristics
of mania by survey of randomly
selected households
Determined first episode using
retrospective Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM (SCID)/patient
Determined factors of functioning in
late-life bipolar disorder through
patient interviews conducted
three times over 8 months
Gender comparison for average age
at onset and a number of other
clinical variables; first episode
determined by retrospective
Examined relationship between
average age at onset and family
history, early life events; average
age at onset = first episode as
determined by retrospective
Used admixture analysis (a
clustering method) to determine
average age-at-onset distribution
patterns/first diagnosis

Average age at onset lower in bipolar than

in unipolar patients by approximately
6 years; average of 6 years between
average age at onset and age at first



Johnson et al., 2000

190 bipolar

31.4 (range 14.078.0)

Bellivier et al., 2001

211 bipolar-I

25.9 (standard deviation 4.5)

Age at onset: 5th percentile, ~9.0; 50th

percentile, ~18.5; 95th percentile, ~25.5
No significant difference in age at onset
(p = .53) in bipolar-I vs. bipolar-II

Early onset related to poor functioning,

increase in episode number and severity

Three subgroups of bipolar patients based

on average age-at-onset distribution
with distinct clinical profiles; findings
support average age-at-onset subtypes


McElroy et al., 2001

288 bipolar (I or II)

22.3: 26.0 noncomorbid

diagnosis, 20.3 comorbid

Suppes et al., 2001

22.9: 23.4 (11.0) male,

22.5 (10.0) female

Carlson et al., 2002

261: 211 bipolar-I, 42

bipolar-II, 5
otherwise specified
(NOS), 3
schizoaffectivebipolar type
123 bipolar

25.66 (standard deviation 9.9)

Dittmann et al., 2002

152 bipolar

24.4 (standard deviation 10.9)

Judd et al., 2002, 2003

232 bipolar


Kupfer et al., 2002

2,308 bipolar


Compared attributes of bipolar

patients with comorbid Axis I
diagnosis and purely bipolar
patients through retrospective
Descriptive analysis of demographic
features and course for 261 recruits
in Stanley Foundation Bipolar
Network; average age at onset
ascertained by first full syndrome
development using SCID
Outcome as a function of early vs.
late average age at onset,
first-episode SCID history, records,
third-party interviews
Follow-up of 152 patients entered
in Stanley registry clinical sample,
mostly hospitalized
Combined data reported in two
studies on bipolar-I and -II
patients from National Institute
of Mental Healths Collaborative
Depression Study. Average age at
onset based on Research
Diagnostic Criteria for
first episode
Analysis of clinical and demographic
characteristics of respondents to a
Stanley recruitment survey;
average age at onset determined
by self-report using DSM-IV
criteria for first manic or
depressive episode

Note: Weighted means; 15 studies since 1990 (N = 4,494) = 22.2; studies before 1990 (N = 4,210) = 28.1; studies 1907present (N = 8,704) = 25.1.

Comorbidity related to earlier

average age at onset

Early average age at onset associated

with increased mood switching,
worsening course of illness, history of
early abuse

22% <19.0, 78% >19.0. Early average age

at onset an independent influence on
poor functioning
No associations with age at onset
included in this report
Average age at onset did not correspond
with measures of chronicity in either
bipolar-I or bipolar-II group.
Median age: bipolar-I = 21.0;
bipolar-II = 19.0 (nonsignificant)

Median age = 17.5; younger cohort

(19501959) had higher median
average age at onset (22.5) than two
older cohorts (19401949 = 19.0;
19001939 = 19.0); more than 50%
of participants received no treatment
for first episode


Clinical Studies

pooled data from seven studies specifying the number of

patients with first episodes beginning in each decade of life
(a total of 2,968 patients). This finer-grained analysis
resulted in a peak in the age range of 15 to 19, followed
closely by the 2024 and 1014 ranges, which were almost
equal (Fig. 41). Note that the age-at-onset distribution is
similar for men and women. Note also that this distribution provides only a rough picture and is heavily influenced by the large cohort of bipolar survey participants recruited by the Stanley Center Bipolar Registry, in which the
largest subset (approximately 26 percent) of a sample of
2,308 participants were aged 15 to 19 (Kupfer et al., 2002).8
Still, the rising concentration of bipolar diagnosis before
age 20 is a clear trend in the recent literature and is consistent with Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) data
showing hazard rates for the development of mania to be at
their highest in the 1519 age range (Burke et al., 1990).
Some investigators have defined two primary groups
by age at onsetearly and late (Carlson et al., 2000;
Schurhoff et al., 2000; Suppes et al., 2001; Patel et al., 2006),
with bimodal cutoff points ranging from the late teens
(Goldstein and Levitt, 2006) to the mid-twenties (GrigoroiuSerbanescu et al., 2001). Others have proposed three subgroups of onsetearly (child or early adolescent), intermediate or typical (late adolescent, young adult), and later
life (after age 35) (Sax et al., 1997; Bellivier et al., 2001; Mick
et al., 2003; Lin et al., 2006). These hypotheses can be difficult to verify because early, late, and varying degrees of
intermediate categories have tended to be defined inconsistently and arbitrarily.9 However, Belliviers group (2001)

used admixture analyses to determine the subgrouping

model of best fit in a sample of 211 patients. Their findings
correspond to an earlyintermediatelate model (that is,
a trimodal distribution), with mean onset at ages 16.9,
26.9, and 46.2, respectively. In a subsequent study (Bellivier
et al., 2003), this group tested the fitness of this model on a
different patient population (N = 368). The model fit
within the bounds of statistical sameness, further validating the trimodel distribution of onset age. Also, Bellivier
and colleagues (2001) reported that bipolar siblings of a
patient in a particular subgroup were statistically more
likely to be part of the same age subset (p = .0001), a finding that supports a genetic etiological component to ageat-onset subgroups. A similar familial aggregation by age
at onset was recently reported by Lin and colleagues (see
Chapter 13).
Very late onset (i.e., after age 60) generally has been
considered rare (Carlson et al., 1974; Loranger and Levine,
1978), although some data suggest that it may be more
common than previously thought (Spicer et al., 1973; Shulman and Post, 1980; Stone, 1989; Wylie et al., 1999; Almeida
and Fenner, 2002; Kessing, 2006). Angst and colleagues
(1978) reported a secondary peak of late onset among women
in the 4050 age range (see Fig. 41). Patients with very late
onset are less likely to have a family history of the disorder
and more likely to be organically impaired. For example,
Tohen and colleagues (1994) compared two groups of elderly patients, one with late-onset mania (first episode
after age 65) and one with multiple manic episodes before
age 65. The former group was significantly more likely to

Figure 41. Distribution of age at onset (years) in bipolar-I and -II patients across seven studies.


! men
! women

No. of Patients













45 +

Course and Outcome

experience neurological abnormalities.10 These observations highlight the importance of differential diagnosis of
primary mood disorders and mood disorders that occur
secondary to specific neuropathology (see Chapter 3).
It is not yet clear to what extent grouping patients by
age at onset really identifies distinct subgroups with differential phenomenology, pathophysiology, family history,
outcome, and/or treatment response. Studies examining
family history in early- versus late-onset groups have generally shown more genetic loading for recurrent mood disorder associated with early onset (see below).11 But age at
onset did not differ significantly in several studies comparing patients with mixed and pure mania (McElroy et al.,
199512; Akiskal et al., 1998; Brieger et al., 2003), and it does
not appear to be a distinguishing feature of bipolar-I versus bipolar-II disorder (Benazzi, 1999). On the other hand,
early onset has shown rather consistent correlations with
certain clinical features, including rapid cycling, presence
of comorbid anxiety disorder, suicidal behavior, psychotic
features, and treatment resistance.
Carlson and colleagues (2002) reported that patients
with an early onset (before age 19) had significantly worse
outcomes on a variety of measures than those with later
onset (after age 19).13 Likewise, a French study of 58 earlyonset (before age 18) versus 39 late-onset (after age 40)
bipolar patients found that the former group experienced
more psychosis (in agreement with the data of McGlashan
[1988] and Schulze et al. [2002]), mixed episodes, panic
disorder comorbidity, and lithium resistance and were
more likely to have first-degree relatives with bipolar disorder (Schurhoff et al., 2000).14 Among 320 bipolar-I and -II
patients, those with onset younger than age 18 had more
comorbid anxiety, rapid cycling, suicidality, and substance
abuse compared with those with an onset above age 18
(Carter et al., 2003). An examination of a large cohort of
Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network patients showed significant correlations between early onset (up to age 17) and
greater incidence of learning disabilities, rapid-cycling
course, and family history of bipolar disorder (Suppes
et al., 2001),15 while Ernst and Goldberg (2004) found that
onset below age 19 was associated with more rapid cycling
and comorbid substance abuse.16 Engstrom and colleagues
(2003) reported lower levels of treatment response and significantly greater numbers of suicide attempts in earlyversus late-onset patients in a Swedish population.
Although the evidence for a connection between early
onset and the complicating illness features described is
compelling, one must exercise caution when using crosssectional studies to distinguish damaging effects of the illness from so-called clinical subtype features. That is, worse
outcomes in early-onset patients could be a factor of longer
duration of illness rather than a phenotypic characteristic.


The issue of duration of illness is discussed later in this

The genetic literature is discussed in detail in Chapter 13,
but it is worth noting here that newer linkage/mapping
studies, coupled with older family studies, support the
proposition that different age-at-onset subsets represent
genetically heterogeneous groups of bipolar patients. Several
studies cited in the first edition of this text reported that
earlier onset was linked to higher familial bipolar morbidity and to early onset in bipolar relatives (Baron et al., 1981;
Smeraldi et al., 19821983). Grigoroiu-Serbanescu and colleagues (2001), using segregation analysis of a large sample
of 177 bipolar-I probands and 2,407 relatives, found that
early-onset bipolar-I disorder was transmitted with a different pattern of heritability (non-mendelian major gene
model) than late-onset bipolar-I. Recently, polymorphisms
in serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and a glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3-) were associated with age at onset
within bipolar populations (Bellivier et al., 2002; Benedetti
et al., 2002). A recent chromosomal linkage study also confirmed the heritability of onset age, linking it to three chromosomal regions (Faraone et al., 2004). Taken as a whole,
the evidence for age at onset as a possible marker for genetic
subtypes of bipolar disorder is robust (see the review by
Leboyer and colleagues [2005]).
The association between psychotic features and early
onset among bipolar patients has considerable support in
the literature. In an extensive review, Angst (1986c) cited 10
studies reporting this relationship, a conclusion supported
by Blumenthal and colleagues (1987) in their study of the
Amish and confirmed by subsequent research (DellOsso
et al., 1993; Verdoux and Bourgeois, 1993; Schulze et al.,
2002). Yet adolescent-onset mania is not always associated
with psychotic features, as evidenced by cross-sectional
comparison studies (Coryell and Norten, 1980; McElroy
et al., 1997). A more recent cross-sectional study comparing early with non-early onset groups likewise failed to
find a significantly higher presence of psychotic features in
the former (Perlis et al., 2004). However, cross-sectional
studies cannot determine subsequent development of
psychosis and may easily miss prior psychotic features,
especially if the investigators rely on patient recall. Taken
as a whole, the evidence for a connection between psychotic
features and younger age at onset is strong. Coupled with
the association between premorbid impairment and level
of psychosis discussed earlier, this evidence supports the
hypothesis that pervasive psychotic features mark a more
severe form of the disorder that sometimes entails earlier
syndromal manifestation and is more often characterized
by premorbid impairment. The relationship between age
at onset and episode frequency is discussed later in this


Clinical Studies

In his classic 1921 monograph, Kraepelin noted that of 459
manic-depressive patients he had studied (which included
unipolar patients), only 55 percent had experienced more
than one episode and only 28 percent more than three. A
careful reading of Kraepelins clinical descriptions suggests, however, that many of his ostensibly single-episode
patients were in fact severely and chronically ill and had
experienced multiple episodes, which at that time required
continuous hospitalization (the single hospitalization being counted as single episode).
Considered together, findings of longitudinal studies
of manic-depressive patients not taking prophylactic medication (Table 42), which included those with both bipolar and unipolar forms of the illness, indicate that most
patientsparticularly those studied in the past 35 years
had more than one episode.17 Table 42 also indicates that
most patients with major affective disorder (i.e., Kraepelinian manic-depressive illness) have a recurrent course.
Many textbooks, apparently relying on older data, fail to
emphasize this point sufficiently.
The near-total likelihood of recurrence is supported by
recent research. In a 4-year naturalistic follow-up study of
75 bipolar patients, only 28 percent remained in remission
(Tohen et al., 1990). If relapse were to continue at this rate
over the long term (18 percent per year), fewer than 1 percent
of patients would remain in remission at about 10 years
follow-up. In the National Institute of Mental Healths
(NIMH) Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of
Depression-Clinical Studies (CDS), relapse into a new
episode within 5 years was observed in 81 to 91 percent of
patients, the variability in percentage being related to the
polarity of the index episode (i.e., depressive, mixed, or
manic states) (Keller et al., 1993).
In contrast, relapse in unipolar depression is not as frequent and is more dependent on the number of previous
episodes, with a much higher risk of relapse after the third
major depressive episode. In a separate analysis of the data
from the NIMH Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies, the 5-year recurrence
rate was 64 percent among 380 patients with unipolar depression, rising to 80 percent at 10 years and 85 percent at
15 years (Mueller et al., 1999). In a Japanese collaborative
study (Kanai et al., 2003), 95 previously untreated unipolar
depressed subjects (70.5 percent first episode, 29.5 percent
recurrent; mean age 44.3) were followed for 6 years. In this
cohort, lower rates of relapse were seen, with only 45 percent experiencing a new episode at 6 years. This lower
relapse rate may reflect the fact that, unlike the CDS cohort,
most of these patients had not already experienced recurrent major depressive episodes. The lower rate of episode

recurrence in unipolar compared with bipolar disorder

does not address the issue of subsyndromal chronicity,
however (see later discussion).
Angst (1980) subdivided his patients into three categories according to their pattern of recurrence: MD, Md,
and Dm. As described in Chapter 2, MD represents the
core illness, with both major manic and major depressive
episodes; Md patients have full manic episodes, but their
depressive episodes do not require hospitalization; and
Dm patients have been hospitalized for depression, but
their manic episodes are not severe enough for hospitalization (i.e., they have a history of hypomania).18 Angsts
MD patients showed a tendency toward having the most
episodes. In the larger cohort described in the CDS, however, Dm (bipolar-II) patients had the most prior episodes,
although this number was not significantly different from
that for bipolar-I patients (Coryell et al., 1989).19
As noted earlier in our discussion of methodological
issues, some differences among studies relate to varying definitions of what counts as an episode. Some studies underestimate recurrence because they rely solely on hospitalization
as a marker of episodes.20 Other studies may be prone to
overestimate recurrence because of treatment factors, such
as use of antidepressants and selection of lithium clinic
patients for study.
On the question of the contribution of antidepressant
drugs, it is important to note that the highest relapse rates
generally are the most recent. Thus it is conceivable, as
suggested in the first edition of this text and by Koukopoulos and colleagues (1980) and Wehr and Goodwin (1987),
that the increased use of antidepressants may have influenced the results. Indeed, in his analysis of the incidence
of manic switches in one hospital studied over six decades, Angst (1985) noted a four-fold increase when the
pretreatment decades were compared with the decades after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and antidepressant
drugs became widely used. Some more recent studies
(Altshuler et al., 1995; Ghaemi et al., 1999, 2000), but not
all (Altshuler et al., 2001), support the possible impact of
anti-depressants. Although other explanations, such as
better diagnostic detection of mania, are plausible, these
explanations also are consistent with the hypothesis that
effective antidepressant treatments altered the course in
some manic-depressive patients (perhaps particularly
those with the bipolar form) toward more frequent recurrences. The evidence for and against this hypothesis is reviewed extensively in Chapter 19.
Another possibility is that a bias toward higher relapse
rates is likely when an outcome study draws all of its subjects from patients referred to a lithium maintenance
clinic. The studies of Angst and of Grof cited elsewhere in
this chapter, however, included all patients who came to

Table 42. Total Number of Episodes


Kraepelin, 1921


Years of





Variable, up to
a lifetime R




Many single-episode patients

were chronically hospitalized
with continuous cycling

Pollock, 1931


11 R



Excluded episodes occurring

before index admission

Rennie, 1942


26 R




Several had 20 or more


20% <10 R
38%, 1020 R
42%, 2030 R




28% were chronic and were

included in the
single-episode category;
excluded episodes occurring
before index admission

Lundquist, 1945


Stenstedt, 1952


1.220+ R




Included nonrecovered patients

as single-episode

Bratfos and Haug,



112 P




Not free of symptoms for any

length of time; half of these
were chronic


19.6 R




Average number of episodes:

bipolar = 7, unipolar = 4

Perris, 1968

Carlson et al., 1974a


10 P




One third of these were rapid

cyclers (4 or more

Angst, 1978, 1979ba


26 P, R



16% had >20 episodes. New

episode required >4 weeks
asymptomatic interval

P, R








Hospitalized; questionnaire and

chart review; no treatment
with lithium, but other drugs





Zis et al., 1980

Fukuda et al., 1983




1828 R

Note: Studies reported here included both bipolar and unipolar patients.
P = prospective; R = retrospective.
These studies included some patients treated prophylactically; most of the other studies included patients treated acutely.
Source: Update of Goodwin and Jamison (1984).

Clinical Studies

the clinic for treatment of an episode without regard to

previous episodes (i.e., not just those deemed eligible for
maintenance treatment). Other studies appear to have
focused primarily on those judged eligible for lithium
maintenance (Baldessarini et al., 1999, 2000). As noted earlier, both underestimations and overestimations of true
natural recurrence rates have occurred in the literature. It
appears that some recent studies may be prone to overestimation of recurrence rates as a result of the uncontrolled
effects of treatment and to potential selection bias, although underestimation also occurs.21


Cycle length is defined as the time from the onset of one
episode to the onset of the next. Variation in cycle length
reflects primarily variation in the length of the symptomfree interval, because the duration of episodes tends to be
relatively constant in a given individual. Onset is used to
calculate cycle length because it is generally easier to pinpoint than termination of an episode. In addition, treatment can easily obscure an episodes natural length. Most
investigators agree that cycle length tends to grow shorter
with subsequent recurrences; that is, episodes become
more frequent. What is not as clear is the proportion of
bipolar patients whose illness accelerates. After three to
five episodes, however, the extent of shortening slows considerably and approaches a leveling off, or maximum frequency of episodes.
In the first edition of this text, we speculated that
episode frequency might represent a familial trait, as suggested by Gershon and colleagues (1982). Subsequently, Fisfalen and colleagues (2005), examining 86 families with at
least three members with a major affective disorder, found
that episode frequency (evenly distributed over a wide
range) was correlated among relatives (r = 0.56, p < .004).
They also noted that, compared with the lowest quartile of
episode frequency, the highest quartile was significantly
(and independently) associated with bipolar-II, early age at
onset, psychotic features, alcoholism, and suicidal behavior.

Decrease in Well Intervals with Increasing

Number of Episodes
Kraepelin was the first to report that intervals of euthymia
appear to decrease in duration in manic-depressive illness
with increasing numbers of affective episodes. This observation later became a central impetus for the kindling model,
with its prediction that episodes become more frequent
over time, and that euthymic intervals between episodes
become increasingly shorter. This observation was subsequently confirmed in a number of clinical studies. Recently,
however, some methodological flaws underlying those

studies have been identified, and not all of the study findings have been consistent.
Figure 42 illustrates the relationship between average
cycle length and episode number. This graph is based on six
studies involving a total of 20,660 patients. Despite substantial individual variability, the averages show a remarkably consistent pattern across the studies. For example, note
the pattern in the 105 bipolar patients of Zis and colleagues
(1979): the average cycle length between the first and second
episodes was 36 months, diminishing to about 24 months,
then to 12 months. In 46 bipolar patients studied by RoyByrne and colleagues (1985a), the mean cycle lengths for the
first seven episodes were 53, 28, 25, 20, 12, 15, and 9 months.
In 95 bipolar patients from Angsts Zurich clinic, the median first cycle length was 48 months, compared with 22
months for the second cycle, 24 for the third, 14 for the
fourth, and 12 for the fifth (Angst, 1981b). The longer average cycle length in the Kraepelin data reflects the inclusion
of unipolar patients, whose cycles are longer than those of
bipolar patients (Angst, 1981b; Fukuda et al., 1983).
The findings of the six studies illustrated in Figure 42
are consistent with the retrospective data of Taschev (1974),
who found the average second cycle to be as long as the
first, but the fourth cycle to be half as long as the second.
A prospective study of patients in the 1980s (Keller et al.,
1982) also documented the increasing probability of an

Figure 42. Episode number versus cycle length. BP = bipolar,

UP = unipolar. (Source: Update of Goodwin and Jamison, 1984.)

Kraepelin, 1921 (means, 406 BP and UP)


Roy-Byrne et al., 1985 (means, 46 BP)

Angst, 1981 (medians, 95 BP)
Zis et al., 1980 (means, 105 BP)


Kessing et al., 1998* (19,788 BP and UP)

Angst and Sallaro, 2000** (medians, 220 BP)

Cycle Length (Months)






Number of Episodes



Course and Outcome

earlier relapse with each episode, a finding suggesting that

some fundamental characteristics of the illness course may
persist despite treatment. The methodological consideration of Slaters fallacythe impact of the number of
episodes on cycle lengthneeds to be taken into account
when assessing these studies, however (see later discussion).
Recent studies have not been consistent with regard to
the progressive shortening of cycle length. In a reanalysis
of his Zurich cohort (identified 19591963, followed to
1997; N = 220 bipolar patients), Angst and Selloro (2000)
found shortening of cycle length in the first few but not in
later episodes. In the studies of Winokur and colleagues
(1993) and Turvey and colleagues (1999), who analyzed
data from the same large NIMH cohort, bipolar patients
did not appear to have more frequent and shorter episodes
with time, nor was there a correlation between poor outcome and such a course. Rather, poor outcome was associated with polyphasic mood episodes; that is, immediate
switching from mania to depression to mania without intervening euthymia.
Findings of other contemporary studies suggest that at
least a subgroup of patients with bipolar disorder do experience a progressive shortening of cycle length. For instance,
Goldberg and Harrow (1994) reported that 50 percent of
20 bipolar patients with two or more previous hospitalizations had experienced intervals between episodes of less
than 1 year (defined as kindlers), whereas 19 other patients
with fewer than two hospitalizations had experienced intervals between episodes of more than 1 year (nonkindlers).
At 4.5-year follow-up, the kindlers were more likely to have
had a recurrence than the nonkindlers. In a hospital-based
case register study, Kessing and colleagues (1998a) found
that 40 percent of a large sample (N = 1,712) had shortening
between first and second intervals, and 25 percent of this
sample showed progressive shortening across two consecutive intervals.
The considerable individual variability in patterns of
relapse was pointed out by Kraepelin (1921, p. 149):
If we give no more examples that is not because those
already given represent adequately the multiplicity of the
courses taken by manic-depressive insanity; it is
absolutely inexhaustible.

The complexity of this topic increases when we pay

attention to the above-noted methodological problem first
raised by Eliot Slater in 1938 but ignored by most researchers
until recently. Slaters fallacy, as revived by Oepen and colleagues (2004), posits that patients with more episodes tend
also to have shorter cycle lengths, and those with fewer
episodes to have longer cycle lengths.23 Thus if the two
groups are pooled, as in Kraepelins original data, it will ap-


pear as if cycle length decreases with more episodes in the

sample as a whole, whereas this apparent effect may be an
artifact of pooling the two distinct subgroups of patients,
those with few and those with many episodes. To truly
demonstrate shortening of cycle length, then, one would
need to correct for number of episodes.
Because this important methodological point went
underrecognized for decades, we reanalyzed the studies
described in the first edition of this text with regard to cycle
length, as well as newer studies conducted since 1990. We
found that the majority of studies either did not correct for
number of episodes or did not address the subject. A number of investigators, however, without directly referring to
Slaters finding, appear to have been cognizant of this issue.23
In two of these studies (Bratfos and Haug, 1968; Angst et al.,
1973), correction for number of episodes led to results similar to those reported by Slater; that is, no consistent evidence
of progressive shortening of well intervals. In two other studies (Roy-Byrne et al., 1985a; Goldberg and Harrow, 1994),
however, a sensitization or kindling pattern was identified in about half of patients with refractory bipolar disorder and not in the others (see Fig. 42). In a large Norwegian
community-based study of hospitalized bipolar patients,
half of those with three or fewer episodes also appeared to
have progressive shortening of intervals of wellness, but a
similar pattern was seen in only 25 percent of patients with
four or more episodes (Kessing et al., 1998a). Slaters fallacy
was also avoided in a contemporary Italian study of 426
hospitalized research patients with mood disorders (182
unipolar, 244 bipolar) (Cusin et al., 2000). In that study, in
which all patients had experienced periods of euthymic recovery (continuous and rapid-cycling courses were excluded), progressive shortening of cycle length was observed
(based on retrospective evaluation) after correction for total
number of episodes, up to a plateau of about one episode
per year. In a recent 40-year follow-up of Angsts Zurich cohort (N = 406, 186 with recurrent unipolar depression, 220
with bipolar disorder), Kessing and colleagues (2004)
specifically conducted their analysis to control for Slaters
fallacy by using a Cox regression model in which one of the
variables was episode number, thus adjusting the overall
hazard ratio for number of previous episodes. They found an
increased likelihood (hazard ratio) of more episodes with
increasing number of episodes (e.g., the hazard ratio for 1
episode was 1.0 as the reference point, while for 4 episodes it
was 1.52 and for 10 episodes 2.19).
In these studies, then, correction for episode frequency revealed decreasing length of well intervals mainly in the first
three episodes, with unchanging well intervals of about one
per year for further episodes, which in fact was what the
Goodwin group found earlier (Zis et al., 1980). These findings suggest that studies of well intervals that fail to capture


Clinical Studies

the first three episodes of illness are unlikely to observe any

kindling-like effect. This point may be relevant to some studies that fail to find this effect, such as that of Turvey and colleagues (1999), in which the first episode was captured in
only 15 percent of subjects recovered from the index episode.
On the other hand, the recent data from the McLeanHarvard First-Episode Mania Study do not show evidence of
shortened intervals of wellness, although the period of
follow-up was brief (2 to 4 years) (Tohen et al., 2003).24
As alluded to earlier, if the finding of shortening of well
intervals cannot be applied to an entire sample of patients
with manic-depressive illness, the question arises of whether
it may be a subgroup effect. It is important to note that
Post and colleagues (Post et al., 1986a; Post, 1990) proposed the kindling hypothesis as relevant to only a subset
of patients with bipolar illness, particularly those who are
unresponsive to lithium, more responsive to anticonvulsants, and with other nonclassical features of the illness.
Granting Slaters critique, such a proposal would not be
inconsistent with the available literature.
Clearly, the kindling model does not depend solely on
the prediction of shortening of euthymic intervals of wellness. As discussed previously, the model makes other predictions as well, such as increasing frequency of episodes,
increasing episode duration with time, decreasing importance of psychosocial triggers with time, and increasing
treatment resistance with greater numbers of episodes (or
differential efficacy in early versus later phases of illness).
An important issue bearing on the generalizability of the
kindling model is the proportion of patients with bipolar
disorder whose course is consistent with these predictions.
Research on psychosocial triggers of episodes has
revealed interesting data regarding this issue. Kendler and
Karkowski-Shuman (1997) analyzed their sample of patients
with recurrent unipolar depression so as to account for
within-person analyses. They reported on a sample of
2,395 female twin pairs followed for 9 years, in whom later
mood episodes were associated less and less frequently
with psychosocial triggers, as predicted by the kindling
model.25 They concluded (p. 542):
These results indicate the observed decline in the association between stressful life events and depressive onsets
with increasing numbers of previous depressive episodes
is a true within-individual phenomenon and cannot be
explained by systematic differences between the kind of
individuals who have a low versus high number of previous depressive episodes.

Is there any evidence that episodes increase in frequency over time? Kessing and Andersen (1999) reported
that such was the case for both unipolar depression (15
percent increased risk of recurrence with each episode)

and bipolar disorder (9 percent) in a case register study of

all hospitalized admissions in Denmark (7,925 unipolar,
2,011 bipolar; 19711993 time frame). A similar conclusion
was reached by Bockting and colleagues (2006) on the
basis of a study of 172 patients meeting DSM-IV criteria
for recurrent unipolar depression.
Increasing treatment resistance with number of episodes
has been reported in some studies (e.g., Koukopoulos et al.,
2000) but not in others (e.g., Baldessarini et al., 1999). Kessing and colleagues (1998b) failed to find other evidence of
worsened outcome, such as increased mortality, associated
with a sensitization pattern of progressive shortening of
cycle length, although there was an interesting association
between that kindling-like pattern and an increased risk of
Recall that the kindling model predicts that outcome
will be worse after more episodes. The outcome of both
untreated and treated courses could be expected to reflect
this pattern. This prediction is supported by some but not
all studies. For instance, Gitlin and colleagues (1995) found
that more previous episodes predicted earlier relapse at
4.3-year follow-up (2.2 versus 3.5 years; p = .007), a finding
similar to that of Goldberg and Harrow (1994) noted earlier. On the other hand, in a 4.6-year study of outcome
among 360 bipolar-I (n = 220) and bipolar-II (n = 140)
patients on lithium maintenance therapy, Baldessarini and
colleagues (1999) did not confirm the kindling-based prediction of worsening outcome with each successive episode.
These investigators assessed delay in beginning lithium
treatment after onset of bipolar illness and compared
response to lithium treatment in subgroups of patients
with few (0 to 4), some (4 to 9), or many (more than 10)
mood episodes before treatment began. They reported no
difference in lithium treatment response among these conditions; that is, lithium response was neither better nor
worse if patients had experienced few or many previous
mood episodes, or if they had begun lithium treatment soon
after the onset of their illness as opposed to later. It is worth
noting that lithium treatment had not been started until an
average of 8 years after the onset of illness in this sample,
which suggests that a significant delay occurred in most patients. Also, because this study was naturalistic, information
about previous episodes and onset of illness was retrospective and subject to recall bias. It is notable that the average
age at onset of bipolar illness in this sample (29.6 years)27
was much older than the age in most other studies, a fact
that may suggest the effects of recall bias or a difference in
patient selection. It is also relevant that the kindling model
may not be pertinent to the long-term outcome of lithium
treatment. In the early work of Post and colleagues (Post
and Weiss, 1989; Post, 1990), kindling was invoked to explain the treatment-refractory course of illness in those

Course and Outcome

patients who failed to respond to lithium and who appeared to respond to anticonvulsant agents.
Taken as a whole, the findings reviewed here, although
not decisively confirming the validity or generalizability of
the kindling model, appear to suggest its relevance to at
least some patients with manic-depressive illness, including both bipolar and recurrent unipolar forms.28

Other Cycle-Length Patterns

The relationship between frequency of episodes and age at
onset remains somewhat unclear. Several older studies29
found an increasing frequency of relapse with increased age
at onset, but two studies failed to show this association
(Dunner et al., 1980; Roy-Byrne et al., 1985a), and two found
the opposite (Okuma and Shimoyama, 1972; Winokur and
Kadrmas, 1989).30 A multiple-regression analysis of the 105
bipolar patients studied by Grof and colleagues (1995)
showed that the patients age and age at onset each contributed independently to the prediction of relapse (Zis
et al., 1979). Onset in the 20s was associated with a 20 percent probability of recurrence within 24 months, onset in
the 30s with a 50 percent probability, and late onset (age 50
years or older) with a very high (80 percent) probability.
Only the first cycle length (the time between the first and
second episodes) was related to age at onset, however.31
A final question about the pattern of cycles in bipolar
illness is whether burnout occurs. Kraepelin observed that
the illness tends to decline after the fourth decade, although
he did not elaborate on his observation. In a prospective
follow-up study of 215 bipolar patients (150 bipolar-I, 65
bipolar-II) over a period of 17 to 21 years, Angst (1986d)
found no age-related decrease in frequency of episodes; 26
percent of the bipolar patients (versus 42 percent of the
unipolar patients) were free of relapses over 5 or more
years, although most patients were still actively ill through
their 60s, when the follow-up usually ended. Likewise,
findings of recent studies do not generally support the
concept of burnout (Goldberg and Harrow, 1999), although
long-term follow-up from adulthood into the elderly years
is rare.

Rapid Cycling
The inclusion of rapid cycling in DSM-IV was based to a
large extent on a study by Bauer and colleagues (1994),
who compared 120 patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder and 119 nonrapid-cycling patients. They found that
45 percent of the rapid cyclers had bipolar-II disorder,
compared with 38 percent of the nonrapid cyclers, a difference that did not achieve statistical significance. Those
with rapid cycling, not surprisingly, had more episodes in
a 12-month prospective follow-up period; there were also
more females in the rapid-cycling group. Based on these


differences in course and demographics, the investigators

supported the differentiation of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder as a valid course specifier for inclusion in DSM-IV.
They also supported the cutoff definition of four episodes
per year, because of an increase in the number of patients
who experienced four to eight episodes per year, versus
two to three episodes, during the prospective follow-up
(although this was observed only among the females). It is
notable that this was an observational study, in which
adjustments were not made for potential confounding
variables or effect modifiers. Therefore, similarities or differences between the two groups in this study may or may
not be related to rapid cycling per se. This limitation holds
for most of the research on rapid cycling.
Rapid cycling is thought to be equally common in type I
and type II bipolar illness, but there is no firm consensus
on this point.32 Indeed, rapid-cycling unipolar depression
(although uncommon) has been reported. It has generally
been thought that rapid cycling develops later in the course
of the illness and may reflect underlying pathophysiological mechanisms, such as the progressive kindling, or sensitization, discussed earlier (Fig. 43.). Late rapid cycling
may also reflect the impact of certain treatments, especially antidepressants, in accelerating the natural course of
the illness (see Chapter 19). The concept of rapid cycling
as a later manifestation of bipolar illness has been proposed but is not supported by all investigators (see the
later discussion) (Coryell et al., 1992). There may also be
a predominance of rapid cycling in females (Koukopoulos
et al., 1980; Coryell et al., 1992; Bauer et al., 1994), although
Kupka and colleagues (2005) examined 539 outpatients in
the Stanley Network and found that female preponderance was limited to those with eight or more episodes
per year.
Box 41 highlights what is known about the relationship
between rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar
disorder. A study of the frequency distribution of cycle
lengths could answer the question of whether rapid cycling
represents a distinct subgroup or is simply one end of a
continuum. Cycle-length data presented by Coryell and
colleagues (1992) do not support a separate short-cyclelength group. The existing family history data also are
more consistent with the continuum notion, in that the
families of rapid-cycling patients have the same frequency
of non-rapid-cycling affective disorders as families of nonrapid-cycling patients (Nurnberger et al., 1988b; Wehr
et al., 1988; Coryell et al., 1992). The largest single prospective study of rapid cycling (Coryell et al., 1992) found that
it is transient and not associated with the end stage of severe bipolar illness. The data in this study are based on the
CDS, conducted in five tertiary-care academic health centers, in which 243 bipolar and 674 unipolar patients were


Clinical Studies

Predisposition (1)

Experimental Predispositions

Minor Dysphorias



Faster Onsets
and Cycling



Figure 43. Behavioral sensitization paradigm of progressive course of illness leading to rapid cycles.
(Source: Post et al., 1986a.)

BOX 41. Relationship between Rapid-Cycling

and NonRapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder

Data are insufficient to determine whether cycle length is distributed normally.

In general, rapid-cycling patients appear to be related genet-

ically and phenotypically to non-rapid-cycling patients (Nurnberger et al., 1988b; Wehr et al., 1988; Coryell et al., 1992).
Illness in rapid-cycling patients can include a non-rapid-cycling
Rapid cycling may be viewed as an extreme development
of tendencies inherent in a non-rapid-cycling course:
Increasing frequency of episodes* (Grof et al., 1974)
Switches into new episodes with no normal interval
between* (Winokur et al., 1969)
Circularity of episodes (Koukopoulos and Reginaldi, 1973)
Rapid cycling may exhibit a somewhat different pharmacological response profile.
Relative frequency in bipolar-I versus -II is unsettled.

*Potentiated by antidepressants, which are also capable of inducing

rapid cycling (Wehr and Goodwin, 1979, 1987).

followed for 1 to 5 years, with interviews conducted every 6

months. The investigators found that 45 patients, all but
one of them bipolar, developed a rapid-cycling course in
the first year of follow-up; however, this group did not experience a lower rate of recovery at 5-year follow-up. Only
1 of the 39 rapid cyclers followed for the full 5 years continued to have four or more episodes in each year. In years
3 to 5, rapid cyclers did not differ from nonrapid cyclers
in recovery from their index episode at the beginning of
the study. However, there was a statistical trend for rapid
cyclers to be less likely to experience a final follow-up year

with no affective symptoms (only 10 percent of rapid cyclers, versus 49.5 percent of nonrapid cyclers; p = .09).
Although the CDS has the major advantage of being the
kind of careful prospective, naturalistic study needed by the
field, it is limited by those same study methods. Patients who
remained in the study after having been recruited into one
of the five tertiary-care centers in which it was conducted
may not have been representative of the larger population
of patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorderindividuals
whose chaotic lives often do not allow for long-term prospective follow-up in a systematic research study. Nonetheless,
one cannot ignore the findings of this study, especially given
the fact that, in a separate cohort, Maj and colleagues (1994)
also found that only 18.9 percent of 37 individuals with rapid
cycling continued to experience four or more episodes per
year during 5-year follow-up. Future prospective research
on more community-based samples may clarify these questions that are so important to the estimation of prognosis in
individual patients.
Rapid cycling appears to represent a generally treatmentrefractory state compared with nonrapid cycling. Most of
the studies on this issue have involved lithium, which has
led to the common belief that rapid-cycling patients do
not respond well to lithium and respond better to anticonvulsants. In fact, as discussed in Chapters 18, 19, and 20, it
appears that most rapid-cycling patients do not respond
particularly well to any medicationlithium or anticonvulsants. Alternatively, as suggested by a number of investigators (Koukopoulos et al., 1983; Wehr et al., 1988; Baldessarini
et al., 2000), the responsiveness of rapid-cycling patients to
mood stabilizers may be greatly enhanced when concomitant antidepressant use is avoided.
Recent genetic studies on rapid cycling have yielded
instructive, if inconclusive, results. Associations have been

Course and Outcome

reported with the serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (Rousseva et al., 2003) and with a low-activity allele
for the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene (Kirov
et al., 1998; Papolos et al., 1998), although the COMT allele
association was not seen in a study of 52 children (mean
age 10.9 years) (Geller and Cook, 2000). A family history
study in 165 patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder
did not identify major differences in familial mental illness
compared with non-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, with
the exception of a suggestion of more substance abuse
among relatives of rapid-cycling bipolar probands (Lish
et al., 1993).
Taken together, the data tend to favor the concept that
rapid cycling represents one extreme of a bipolar spectrum
of cyclicity, but it is generally not a stable characteristic in
an individual patient.


Often, the onset of manic episodes is abrupt, developing
over a few days. Depressive episodes develop more gradually, over weeks, although bipolar depressive episodes are
more abrupt in onset than unipolar depressive episodes
(Winokur, 1976; Molnar et al., 1988; Keitner et al., 1996).
As we noted in the first edition, some patients experience a hypomanic alert (Jacobsen, 1965), a period of days
or even weeks of hypomanic symptoms before the switch
into mania. The most common prodrome is sleep disturbance, which had a prevalence of 77 percent in one study
(Jackson et al., 2003). Family members are twice as likely as
patients to observe early behavioral symptoms of mania
(Keitner et al., 1996) (see Chapter 22).
Older estimates of the average duration of episodes
in manic-depressive illness were derived from studies
conducted before medications were available. In the CDS
5-year follow-up of a largely treated sample, the mean time
to recovery was 6 weeks with pure mania, 11 weeks with
pure depression, and 17 weeks with mixed states (Coryell
et al., 1990). In a follow-up study conducted by Angst and
Preisig (1995), the mean episode length was 4.3 months.
Pure manic and pure depressive episodes lasted the same
amount of timeapproximately 3 months. Mixed episodes
also lasted about 3 months, but cyclic episodes were
longer (mean 4.2 months). The Baltimore site of the ECA
community-based study of psychiatric disorders found
that episodes lasted a median of 8 to 12 weeks (Eaton et al.,
1997), with depressions lasting longer than manias. Maj
and colleagues (2003) found longer duration of agitated
depressive episodes compared with nonagitated depression in bipolar-I disorder (mean time to 50 percent recovery, 12 versus 9 weeks; N = 120) (Maj et al., 2003).


Estimates of the proportion of bipolar patients who begin
the illness with a manic episode range from 34 to 79 percent, averaging just over 50 percent. It is important to recognize that the other half of patients with the bipolar form
of manic-depressive illness will go undiagnosed as bipolar
at the onset of their condition, because they initially experience only major depressive episodes33; this condition is
sometimes called false unipolar depression. This dilemma
arises from the current DSM nosology (see Chapters 1 and 3),
which places primary emphasis on polarity at the expense
of cyclicity or recurrence. This approach guarantees an
initial misdiagnosis in many patients who have bipolar
disorder but have not yet experienced their first manic
episode. The problem was less acute with the classic construct of manic-depressive illness, which took into account
other course factors, such as recurrence of episodes, as well
as family history.
One study of false unipolar depression examined 17,447
patients with mood disorders who were hospitalized in
Denmark over a 22-year period (19711993) (Kessing, 1999).
Among those whose first episodes were depressive, if
a manic episode was to develop, it usually did so within
5 years. Patients with false unipolar depression experienced more recurrent depressive episodes than did patients with true unipolar depression.34
It is also important to recognize that there is a relationship between false unipolar depression and age at onset
(see Chapter 1). An often-cited figure is that 1 to 2 percent
of patients with depression may experience a hypomanic/
manic episode in every year of follow-up. This figure is
based on the CDS cohort (Coryell et al., 1995), in which 10.2
percent of a depressed subgroup (mean age 36.8 years)
had a manic or hypomanic episode during 10 years of
follow-up. A younger age at onset within this cohort was
associated with increased risk of manic/hypomanic switch,
however. Other younger cohorts have confirmed higher
natural switch rates to mania (see Chapter 6). For example,
in a group of 72 depressed children (mean age 10.3 years),
Geller and colleagues (2001) found that 49 percent had experienced a manic or hypomanic episode at 10-year followup. In a group of 74 depressed young adults (mean age
23.0 years), Goldberg and colleagues (2001) observed
that 46 percent had experienced a manic or hypomanic
episode at 15-year follow-up. Thus the risk of switching
from false unipolar depression to bipolar disorder is highest in childhood and young adulthood, occurring at a rate
of about 3 to 5 percent per year; it then decreases by the
late 30s, at which point it flattens out to about 1 percent
per year.


Clinical Studies

Studies showing the highest estimates of manic onset

utilize first hospitalization as the onset criterion. It is possible that these high estimates result from underestimation
of depressive onsets, because many depressions do not require hospitalization. On the other hand, hypomanic onsets are probably underestimated compared with depressive onsets, because patients are more likely to experience
(and report) depressive symptoms as illness. Angst (1978)
reported manic onset of illness in the majority of his bipolar sample (N = 95), where onset was defined as the first occurrence of symptoms requiring treatment. On the other
hand, Roy-Byrne and colleagues (1985a), who defined onset as the first symptoms meeting the RDC for an affective
episode, found that 60 percent of 71 bipolar patients had
a depressive first episode.
Onset may influence the later pattern of illness. Perris
and dElia (1966) reported that among patients with a
manic first episode, 62 percent went on to have a predominantly manic course, and only 25 percent a predominantly
depressive course. It is interesting that a predominantly
manic course may herald a better outcome. In a hospital
chart review study based on the premedication treatment
era, Stephens and McHugh (1991) reported on outcomes in
297 bipolar and 945 unipolar patients admitted to the
Johns Hopkins Hospital from 1913 to 1940. Only 2 percent
of all patients with mood disorder experienced unipolar
manic episodes, and their outcome was best (75 percent
recovered or improved), followed by that of those with
unipolar depression (69 percent) and bipolar disorder (57
percent) (Stephens and McHugh, 1991). This report is supported by another study of 320 patients with bipolar-I disorder (Perugi et al., 2000), in whom depressive episode onset was associated with higher levels of later rapid-cycling
course, as well as suicide attempts. Later psychotic features
were more likely to be associated with manic onset, however. In light of these findings of a relationship between
polarity at onset and subsequent course, a recent report
that the polarity of onset appears to be familial (Kassen
et al., 2006) is especially interesting.
It has generally been observed that women tend to be
more likely to have a predominantly depressive pattern to
their bipolar illness, and men a predominantly manic pattern.35 More recent data have not uniformly supported
these findings, however. In one chart review of 131 patients
(63 women and 68 men) (Hendrick et al., 2000), there were
no statistically significant gender differences in age at onset, number of depressive or manic episodes, and number
of hospitalizations for depression. However, women had
been hospitalized for mania significantly more often than
men, whereas substance abuse, although high in both
groups, was more prevalent among men. Also, in a crosssectional analysis of 500 subjects in the NIMH Systematic

Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder

(STEP-BD) study cohort, there were no gender differences
in number of past depressive versus manic episodes (87.4
percent of women and 86.8 percent of men had experienced three or more manic episodes; 92.1 percent of
women and 92.3 percent of men had experienced three or
more depressive episodes) (Baldassano et al., 2002).36 As
noted earlier in relation to age at onset of depression and
false unipolar depression, polarity distinctions are not stable until approximately age 40.37 Before that age, depressed
individuals remain at a relatively elevated risk of eventual
occurrence of manic or hypomanic episodes.
Some investigators have noted that polyphasic polarity
patterns are associated with poor outcomes (Turvey et al.,
1999; Maj et al., 2002). For instance, Maj and colleagues
(2002) compared 10-year outcome in 97 patients with
bipolar disorder whose index episode included switching
from one mood phase to another and 97 patients whose
index episode was monophasic. Overall, they found that a
subgroup of those who switched had experienced multiple
polarity switches (n = 23) and had worse outcomes (ill 56
percent of the time during the follow-up period), compared with those who had one polarity switch (ill 26 percent of the time; n = 74) or those with a monophasic index
episode (ill 20 percent of the time; n = 97).
A related question (discussed further in Chapter 19)
is whether depression that occurs alone (preceded and
followed by euthymia) is different in duration or risk of
an antidepressant-related manic switch from depression
that occurs immediately following mania. This pattern of
differential risk was noted in a post hoc analysis of a small
randomized clinical trial comparing the addition of paroxetine to a mood stabilizer (lithium or valproate) with a
combination of the two mood stabilizers (Goldberg, 2001).
Another study (Gitlin et al., 2003) examined 72 prospectively observed depressive episodes in 28 patients with
bipolar-I disorder. It was found that 65 percent of depressive episodes were monophasic, and 35 percent were postmanic. Duration of episodes was somewhat longer in the
monophasic group (82 65 days) than in the postmanic
group (62 48 days). Antidepressant-induced manic switching was also higher in the postmanic group (36 percent,
4 of 11 patients) than in the monophasic group (26 percent, 9 of 34 patients). Although the authors interpreted
these differences as unimportant because of a lack of
statistical significance, there is a large risk of type II falsenegative error due to the small sample size. Whether
future research will confirm this suggestion of higher susceptibility to antidepressant-induced mania and perhaps
an increased cycling rate in those with polyphasic as
compared to monophasic depressive episodes remains an
open question.

Course and Outcome

The features of a manic episode may also be related to

the course of illness. In a retrospective assessment, Swann
and colleagues (2001) found that mania with depressive
features (mixed states) was associated with an earlier onset
of illness and more prior episodes than mania with irritable features (but no concomitant depressive affect).

The topic of episode pattern is of historical importance.
Early investigators demonstrated that three basic patterns
were apparent: mania followed by depression and then a
well interval (MDI), depression followed by mania and then
a well interval (DMI), and continuous cycling (MDMD).38
There is some evidence from these studies that the MDI
pattern may have the best outcome (Koukopoulos et al.,
1980) and the MDMD pattern the worst. As we suggested
in the first edition, the DMI pattern appears to be associated with mania occurring after treatment of the depressive phase with antidepressants (Maj et al., 1989).
Contemporary studies of episode pattern are not entirely consistent with this older literature. In a study of all
hospitalized cases of bipolar and unipolar disorders in
Denmark over a 22-year period (19711993; N = 17,447), the
DMI and MDI courses were associated with a similar
number of recurrences (Kessing, 1999). On the other hand,
in a recent reanalysis of data from the CDS in which 165
bipolar-I patients were followed for 15 years, Turvey and
colleagues (1999) reported that mood episodes beginning
with depression (depression only or depression followed by
mania) were associated with worse 15-year outcomes than
those beginning with mania. Also, polarity sequences
tended to remain stable over time: 75 to 80 percent of individuals whose first observed mood episode began with
mania continued to have mood episodes beginning with
mania, and 55 to 60 percent of those whose mood episodes
began with depression also maintained that pattern. This
study is the longest outcome study assessing polarity. Its
findings suggest that patterns of mood episodes are sustained over time and that the poorer prognosis of depressive as opposed to manic episodes persists in the long run.
Finally, it should be noted that some confusion regarding the patterning of episodes has been introduced by recent treatment guidelines asserting that the polarity of the
index episode predicts the polarity of a relapse following
the episode. As discussed in detail in Chapters 17 and 20,
this conclusion should apply only to those relapses that occur shortly after remission is achieved, and these generally
occur as a result of an effective treatments being withdrawn before the continuation phase of treatment is completed. In an analysis of the course of patients on placebo
participating in an 18-month study of maintenance treat-


ment with lithium or lamotrigine when the time frame beyond the continuation phase of treatment was examined
the next new episode was almost always (85 percent of the
time) of opposite polarity confirming classic observations
(F. Goodwin and Calebrese [in preparation]).

Findings of most studies of diagnostically heterogeneous
groups of depressed patients suggest that stressful life
events, such as losing a loved one, changing jobs, or moving, are more frequent during the 3 to 12 months preceding
the onset of a depressive episode. Although the literature
on events precipitating depression is extensive, that pertaining specifically to bipolar patients is more modest. It
comprises primarily interesting but ultimately inconclusive case reports (reviewed by Ellicott, 1988), an intriguing
report on increased relapses among bipolar patients after a
hurricane,39 and 14 systematic studies, all but 3 of which
were retrospective. These studies are outlined in Table 43;
their conclusions are summarized in Box 42. Taken together, they provide considerable support for the importance of stressful events in the onset of episodes in bipolar
Although some theories assign primary causal importance to psychosocial environmental forces, it is now generally accepted that environmental conditionspsychosocial
or physicalcontribute more to the timing of an episode
than to underlying vulnerability, which is largely genetic
(see Chapter 13). Thus modern biological theory reaffirms
the classic position of Kraepelin (1921, pp. 180181):
We must regard all alleged injuries as possibly sparks for
the discharge of individual attacks, but that the real cause
of the malady must be sought in permanent internal
changes, which at least very often, perhaps always, are innate. . . . Unfortunately, the powerlessness of our efforts
to cure must only too often convince us that the attacks of
manic-depressive insanity may be to an astonishing degree independent of external influences.

Early precipitating events, rather than merely influencing

the timing of an episode, may actually activate the preexisting vulnerability, thereby making the individual more vulnerable to subsequent episodes, as recently demonstrated
by Dienes and colleagues (2006). The theoretical significance of this possibility, proposed by Post and colleagues
(1986a), is elaborated in Chapters 14 and 17.
More recent evidence supports the conclusion that the
influence of life events in triggering mood episodes is
more prominent in earlier than in later phases of bipolar
disorder. The studies summarized in Table 43 (total of
688 patients) generally support this observation.

Table 43. Life Events, Kindling, and Mood Episodes in Bipolar Disorder

Life Event (LE)


Ambelas, 1979


Paykel LE scale

Dunner et al., 1979b


Own LE questionnaire

Glassner and
Haldipur, 1983


Own interview with

patients and families

Perris et al., 1984


Bidzinska, 1984




Own LE interview

Puzynski LE questionnaire

First-episode patients were
overrepresented in
LE-associated mania.
52% reported LEs before first
episode, compared with 15%
before subsequent episodes.
23% of early-onset bipolar
patients (age <20) had LEs
before episodes, compared
with 63% of late-onset bipolar
patients (age >20). However,
early-onset patients had the
same percentage LEs before first
and subsequent episodes (23%),
as did late-onset patients
(64% and 61%, respectively).
More patients with later episodes
than first episode of depression
reported no preceding negative
LEs (50% vs. 38%; p < .02) or
conflict events (81% vs. 57%;
p < .001).
LEs preceded more of first three
episodes (2.6) than fourth
through sixth episodes
(1.9; p < .05).




Retrospective only; hospitalized

manic episodes assessed


Retrospective study of outpatients;

not limited to hospitalized
Retrospective; included inpatients
and outpatients



Prospective; combined bipolar and

recurrent unipolar disorders in


Retrospective; compared findings

with those of studies of unipolar
patients, in which results did not
support kindling; criteria for
episodes unclear

Swann et al., 1990

Winokur et al., 1993




Palao et al., 1997


Hlastala et al., 2000


Two Schedule for Affective

Disorders and Schizophrenia
(SADS) scale items asking
clinicians and patients to
give impressions of
stressful LEs and current

Scale of Assessment of
LE and Social Support
of the California
Department of Mental
SADS-Lifetime (SADS-L)
or Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM (SCID)

Perceived roles of stressful LEs

(combined clinician and
patient scores) were greater in
patients with fewer previous
episodes (3.7) than in those
with more previous
episodes (13.4; p < 0.05).
Patients with one or more
previous episodes were more
likely than first-episode
patients to have a recurrence
in 2-year follow-up (0.64
episodes vs. 0.46; p = .18), but
not statistically significant.
Fewer LEs were found before
the first episode of bipolar
disorder compared with the
following two episodes (p < .02).
Number of episodes experienced
did not appear to have a
significant effect on reactivity
of bipolar-I patients to
external stressors.

Note: Total sample = 688 (limited to patients identified as having bipolar disorder, with exception of Perris et al., 1984).


Retrospective; careful rating scale

and diagnostic assessments; data
for bipolar and unipolar patients
not separate


Prospective; episodes based on

Research Diagnostic Criteria and
not just hospitalization, up to
5-year follow-up


Outpatients; complete data not

available, presented as abstract;
method for assessing episodes not
clear (apparently retrospective)




Clinical Studies

BOX 42. Precipitants of Episodes in Bipolar Illness:


All studies found significantly more stress prior to manic

episodes, compared with various control groups.

Only one study (Kennedy et al., 1983) involved a within-patient
comparison (i.e., controlling for inherent stress vulnerability). It
found significantly more stressful events preceding a manic
The onset of initial (or early) episodes is more likely to be associated with stress than is that of later episodes (five of six studies), which is consistent with the kindling hypothesis.
Although bipolarunipolar differences have been observed in
some studies, there is no consistent pattern.
Work-related events may be particularly important precipitating factors for manic or hypomanic relapses.
Cyclothymia is associated with an increased response to stress,
consistent with its being part of the bipolar spectrum (Depue
et al., 1981).
Manic patients frequently create stressful life events.
Stressful events often lead to sleep loss, which in turn can precipitate mania.
Stress can lead to increased alcohol and drug use, both of
which can result in sleep loss and/or mania.

Recently, Kendler and colleagues (2000) conducted a

large twin study involving 2,395 individuals with unipolar
depression, interviewed four times over a period of 9 years,
and found that stressful life events were increasingly less associated with triggering a major depressive episode over
time. This pattern held for the first nine episodes, then tapered off. Although this study investigated unipolar disorder,
its findings on precipitation of episodes appear to be highly
relevant to mood disorders in general. A major strength of
this study is that it employed a twin research paradigm and
therefore could control for the effects of the environment, as
opposed to genetics, in a way that clinical studies cannot.
Employing this paradigm and mathematical models that can
be used to predict genetic versus environmental causation,
the investigators were able to suggest that the relationship between life events and major depressive episodes was causal
and not simply correlational. Similar findings have reported
from non-twin studies of recurrent unipolar depression
(Brown et al., 1994; Hammen et al., 2000; Bockting et al.,
The older literature on an association between life
events and relapse is supported by a study of 62 patients
with bipolar disorder (Hunt et al., 1992), in which a more
frequent rate of severe life events (19 percent) was found in
the month before relapse, compared with the background
monthly rate of such events (5 percent), during the 2-year

follow-up period. In another study, recovery from mood

episodes in 67 hospitalized patients with bipolar-I disorder
was delayed three-fold in the presence of a precipitating
negative life event (Johnson and Miller, 1997).
Because external life events have been established as associated with mood episodes, recent research has focused
on other aspects of the psychosocial circumstances of individuals with bipolar disorder. For instance, Staner and colleagues (1997) reported that, among 27 patients with bipolar
disorder in remission for 1 year, social support, self-esteem,
and attributional styles were not associated with increased
risk of subsequent episodes of bipolar illness, but social
maladjustment was.
Specific life events that deserve separate mention are
pregnancy and childbirth. The earlier literature suggested
a significant risk of postpartum (puerperal) depression or
mania.40 More recent data indicate a high risk of depression during pregnancy or the postpartum period in bipolar women (30 to 50 percent), as well as some risk of mood
instability during pregnancy itself.41,42 The treatment implications of pregnancy and the postpartum period of
treatment are discussed in Chapter 20.
Comorbidity of personality disorders may be another
factor that interacts with psychosocial stressors in increasing the risk of relapse in bipolar disorder (see Chapter 10).
In one study of 52 euthymic U.S. military veterans with
bipolar disorder, 38 percent met DSM-III-R criteria for
personality disorder, which, in an unadjusted analysis, was
associated with lower employment status and increased
substance abuse (Kay et al., 2002). In another study, 72
bipolar-I patients were assessed dimensionally for the presence of hyperthymic versus depressive temperaments.
Adjusted for age, sex, and occupational level in a multipleregression analysis, higher depressive temperament trait
scores were associated with greater number of mood
episodes, especially of depressive polarity, and more suicide attempts (Henry et al., 1999). The interaction between
personality and psychosocial stressors is an important clinical and research topic for further evaluation.
Drugs and physical illness, unlike life events, are sometimes not recognized as significant precipitating factors for
manic or depressive episodes, but they should be (Table
44). Both drugs and alcohol can, in their own right, precipitate manic episodes, and they also can impair both the
quantity and quality of sleep, thereby increasing the probability of mania. The special situation of mania precipitated by antidepressant treatment is discussed in detail in
Chapter 19; we review some of that literature here as it relates to precipitation of mood episodes.
In his cohort study, Angst (1981a) found no association
between long-term administration of antidepressants and
recurrence, although he did not report the raw data. Turvey

Table 44. Conditions and Drugs Reported to Precipitate Manic Episodes

General Category

Specific Factor


Endocrine States or

Cushings (increased steroids)

Steroid and steroid withdrawal

Glaser, 1953; Goolker and Schein, 1953

Corn and Checkley, 1983
Freinhar and Alvarez, 1985b
Goldstein and Preskom, 1989; Pope and
Katz, 1988; Venkatarangam et al., 1988;
Viswanathan and Glickman, 1989



Chaturvedi and Upadhyaya, 1988;

Jackson, 1957; Kane and Taylor, 1963
Mann and Hutchinson, 1967
OBrien et al., 1971; Ryback and Schwab,
1971; Van Woert et al., 1971; Chase
et al., 1973
Labbate and Holzgang, 1989


Methyldopa withdrawal
Hallucinogens (e.g., LSD, PCP and
Sympathomimetic amines
Cimetidine; amantadine


Sayed, 1976
Waters and Lapierre, 1981
Hubain et al., 1982; Lazare, 1979;
Rego and Giller, 1989
Sotsky and Tossell, 1984
Crane, 1956
Koehler-Troy et al., 1986
Weilburg et al., 1987
Maxwell et al., 1988; ODowd and
McKegney, 1988; Schaerf et al., 1988;
Wright et al., 1989; Liegghio and Yeragani,
1988; Price and Bielefeld, 1989
France and Krishnan, 1984
Rigby et al., 1989
Horrigan and Barnhill, 1999
Skop and Masterson, 1995

Metabolic Conditions

Postoperative state

Muncie, 1934
Cooper, 1967


Q Fever
PostSt. Louis type A encephalitis
Cryptococcal meningitis

Maurizi, 1985; Steinberg et al., 1972

Schwartz, 1974
Weisert and Hendrie, 1977
Johnson and Naraqi, 1993

Central Nervous System

(CNS) Pathology Neoplasmsa

Suprasellar diencephalic tumor

Guttman and Hermann, 1932; Greenberg

and Brown, 1985
Stern and Dancey, 1942; McKeown and
Jani, 1987; Jorge et al., 1993


Head trauma



Clinical Studies

Table 44. Conditions and Drugs Reported to Precipitate Manic Episodes (continued)
General Category

Specific Factor


Parasagittal meningioma
Benign pheno-occipital tumor

Oppler, 1950
Bourgeois and Campagne, 1967
Dauncey, 1988; Gabel et al., 1986; Kermani
et al., 1985; Mijch et al., 1999
Lendvai et al., 1999
Black and Perlmutter, 1997
Casanova et al., 1996; Heila et al., 1995
Salazar-Calderon et al., 1993

Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease
Syndenhams chorea
Multiple sclerosis
Vascular Lesionse


Jampala and Abrams, 1983

Cummings and Mendez, 1984; Fujikawa
et al., 1995; Kulisevsky et al., 1993;
Vuilleumier et al., 1998


Epilepsyright temporal focus

Vitamin B12 deficiency
Metrizamide as a contrast agent in

Rosenbaum and Barry, 1975

Goggans, 1984
Mebane, 1984
Walton, 1986
Kwentus et al., 1984

Note: This table is based on the definition of secondary mania provided by Krauthammer and Klerman (1978); the data have been updated by
our own review and those of Lazare (1979), Yassa and colleagues (1988a), and Sultzer and Cummings (1989).
Mania induced by antidepressants (tricyclic monoamine oxidase inhibitors [MAOIs] and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs]) is
thoroughly discussed in Chapter 20. Reports of antipsychotic-induced mania are discussed in Chapter 18.
The impact of alcohol and illicit drug abuse on manic-depressive illness is detailed in Chapters 7 and 21.
Used for treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Antihypertensive medications.
A comprehensive review of secondary mania in association with central nervous system (CNS) pathology can be found in Chapter 17.

and colleagues (1999), analyzing the CDS data, reported

that polyphasic as opposed to monophasic mood episodes
were not associated with antidepressant use. Although
polyphasic mood episodes were associated with poor outcome and initial depression was correlated with polyphasic mood episodes, antidepressant use could not be shown
to be a factor in the poor outcome later observed. This
study was a longer-term reanalysis of the same sample previously discussed (with similar findings) by Coryell and
colleagues (1992). Because treatments were not randomized, one cannot know what influenced clinicians to use
or not use antidepressants.
Other investigators, using other samples, have reported
different results. As detailed earlier, Altshuler and colleagues
(1995) found that about 25 percent of bipolar patients appeared to show an association between antidepressant use
and rapid cycling. This figure was confirmed by Ghaemi and
colleagues (2000), who reported that 24 percent of individuals treated in a university-affiliated health maintenance
organization demonstrated such an association. Although

these latter reports are retrospective, rather than prospective like the CDS, the inability to replicate the findings of
the CDS in other samples raises questions about the generalizability of the CDS sample.
Wehr and colleagues (1987a) proposed that sleep reduction may be the common denominator of several disparate
events and stressors that reportedly precipitate mania. Indeed, this suggestion is well supported by our clinical experience. Sleep loss is common to reports of manic episodes
following (1) various stressful events, such as bereavement
(e.g., Krishnan et al., 1984); (2) the postpartum state; and
(3) jet lag associated with flying across time zones. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants
are capable of destabilizing sleep patterns. Because of the
importance of this issue, we outline in Chapter 19 specific
approaches designed to minimize sleep loss in bipolar
Another important potential trigger for mood episodes
is the season of the year. Issues regarding light and seasonality were addressed extensively in the first edition and are

Course and Outcome

further discussed in Chapter 16 of this volume. In the context of course of illness, patients with bipolar and recurrent
unipolar conditions often experience seasonal patterns. In
one study published since the first edition of this text, 49
percent of 146 patients who met DSM-III-R criteria for seasonal affective disorder (Faedda et al., 1993) were diagnosable with bipolar disorder, mainly type I (30 percent of the
total sample; 19 percent were type II), meaning that these
patients tended to experience full manic episodes in spring
or summer. While winter depression is often the focus in the
diagnosis and treatment of seasonal affective disorder, the
high likelihood of summer mania should also be noted.43

The literature on long-term outcome in bipolar disorder
can be quite confusing. We have already noted some
problems that can contribute to this confusion, such as effects of treatment in studies done in the modern era, selection bias in studies from academic health centers, and
lack of adjustment through appropriate statistical techniques (e.g., multivariate regression) for other potential
predictors of outcome (such as socioeconomic status and
antidepressant use). Another problem is multiple publications over time based on the same dataset, which can appear to readers to represent different datasets. For this
reason, we have grouped studies of long-term outcome by
their initial recruitment location, rather than by specific
The literature from the 1970s and 1980s on long-term
outcome in bipolar illness tended to find somewhat better
outcomes than have more recent studies. For instance, in a
report on a 35-year follow-up of the original 100 patients
admitted for mania in the Iowa 500 study, Tsuang and colleagues (1979) found that when marital, residential, occupational, and psychiatric (symptomatic) status were combined, outcome was good in approximately 64 percent of
patients, fair in 14 percent, and poor (i.e., chronic) in 22
percent. This study, while more than 25 years old, still encompasses the modern era in which pharmacological
treatments were available.

Modern Prospective Cohort Studies

Since 1990, there have been reports on 11 prospective cohort studies of natural history in manic-depressive illness,
all but one of which were limited to bipolar disorder
(Table 45).48 The two largest and most carefully examined
are the CDS and McLean-Harvard first-episode cohorts,
which are discussed at the end of this section. Two more
recent cohorts are those of the Stanley Foundation Bipolar
Network and STEP-BD. Longitudinal outcome data are
beginning to become available from both of these studies.


The Zurich cohort consisted of 406 patients, 186 with

unipolar depression and 220 with bipolar disorder, initially recruited on admission to a psychiatric hospital during 19591963 and then reinterviewed at 5-year intervals. In
a follow-up period that lasted up to 20 years, Angst and
colleagues (2005) reported that only 24 percent of the
bipolar sample and only 30 percent of the unipolar sample
had fully remitted (that is, had experienced no further
episodes). Many patients, however, had experienced periods free of illness, comprising on average about 80 percent
of the time; chronically ill outcomes were seen in only 16
percent of the bipolar and 13 percent of the unipolar sample. In a recent reanalysis involving a follow-up period of
more than 40 years, only 16 percent of the total sample had
fully recovered by age 68 (Global Assessment Scale score
above 60, with no episodes in the past 5 years), and 52 percent still had recurrent episodes. A subgroup (16 percent)
remained chronically ill, and 7.8 percent had committed
suicide (Angst and Preisig, 1995).
The Chicago cohort consisted of 139 hospitalized patients, 73 with mania and 66 with unipolar depression, recruited from area hospitals in the late 1980s. Outcome was
assessed with a scale that incorporated both symptomatic
and functional assessments. In a follow-up period that
lasted on average 1.7 years, 25 percent of unipolar and
19 percent of bipolar subjects had a good outcome, while
14 percent of unipolar versus 25 percent of bipolar subjects
had a consistently poor outcome (Harrow et al., 1990). In
a follow-up that extended up to 5 years (mean 4.5 years),
outcomes looked somewhat better, with 41 percent of
unipolar and bipolar subjects demonstrating a good outcome, versus 14 percent of unipolar and 22 percent of bipolar subjects having a consistently poor outcome (Goldberg
et al., 1995).
The University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) cohort
consisted of 82 bipolar patients recruited to the university
outpatient clinic from 1984 to 1990, followed for a minimum of 2 years (which led to the exclusion of 78 patients
initially recruited) and then for up to 5 years (mean 4.3
years) (Gitlin et al., 1995). Among this sample, 37 percent
had relapsed at 1-year follow-up and 73 percent at 5 years,
with only 17 percent consistently euthymic. Most relapses
(70 percent) involved multiple episodes.
The Cincinnati cohort consisted of two groups. The
first comprised 134 hospitalized patients with DSM-III-R
bipolar disorder recruited from their academic psychiatric
units during 19921995. At 1-year follow-up (Keck et al.,
1998), 48 percent had experienced syndromal recovery; 26
percent symptomatic recovery (full remission); and 24 percent functional recovery (defined as regaining premorbid
occupational and residential status), which was associated
with higher initial socioeconomic status and paralleled


Clinical Studies

Table 45. Prospective Cohort Natural-History Studies in Manic-Depressive Illness Since 1990

Follow-up Period



Up to 4 years


Up to 4 years


Up to 20 years

22% poor overall outcome,

41% good overall outcome in bipolar
Multiepisode cohort; 100% follow-up
obtained. 28% poor functional
outcome; only 28% episode-free
Mood symptoms presented in about
one half of the follow-up period,
primarily those associated with
chronic subsyndromal depression


Up to 5 years

Only 17% consistently euthymic


Up to 1 year


Up to 1 year

McLean/Harvard cohort II
(Tohen et al., 2000, 2003)


Up to 4 years

Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network

cohort (Post et al., 2001, 2003;
Suppes et al., 2001; Keck
et al., 2003)


Up to 1 year

Systematic Treatment Enhancement

Program for Bipolar Disorder
(STEP-BD) cohort (Kogan et al., 2004)
Jorvi Bipolar Study cohort
(Mantere et al., 2004)


Up to 5 years

48% syndromal recovery; 28%

symptomatic recovery; 24%
functional recovery
First-episode mania cohort.
30% not improved; 30% with
continued subsyndromal symptoms
First-episode cohort; classic
Kraepelinian features; almost
complete syndromal recovery (98%),
but less symptomatic (72%) and
functional (43%) recovery
33% were substantially well, 67%
mostly ill; 63% had a prospective
rapid cycling course; cohort was
depressed for 33% of the follow-up
period and manic for 11%
Prospective data pending



Zurich cohort (Angst and Preiseg, 1995)


Up to 40 years

Chicago cohort (Harrow et al., 1990;

Goldberg et al., 1995)
McLean/Harvard cohort I (Tohen
et al., 1990)
National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) Collaborative Program on the
Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical
Studies cohort (Coryell et al., 1993,
1994, 1995; Akiskal et al., 1995, 1998;
Judd et al., 1998; Turvey et al., 1999;
Judd et al., 2002, 2003)
University of California-Los Angeles
(UCLA) cohort (Gitlin et al., 1995)
Cincinnati cohort I (Keck et al., 1998)

Cincinnati cohort II (Strakowski

et al., 1998)

Sample Size

symptomatic recovery. Incidentally, only 47 percent of patients were fully adherent to treatment at follow-up, which
is consistent with the literature reviewed in Chapter 21.
A second Cincinnati cohort project, initiated in 1996, recruited bipolar patients hospitalized with their first manic

A polyphasic episode was current in

51.3%, rapid cycling in 32.5%, and
psychotic symptoms in 16.2%; mixed
episodes occurred in 16.7% of
bipolar-I and depressive mixed states
in 25.7% of bipolar-II patients
Only 16% fully recovered; only 16%
had chronic outcome

episode. The initial 50 subjects enrolled between 1996 and

1998 were characterized at about 6.8 months of follow-up
(Strakowski et al., 2000). On average, the subjects remained
in a full syndromal mood episode for about 30 percent of the follow-up period, spending an additional

Course and Outcome

30 percent of the time in subsyndromal mood states. Initial mood-incongruent psychosis predicted worse outcome
than initial mood-congruent psychosis (after adjusting for
some clinical factors with analysis of covariance).
The CDS and McLean-Harvard cohorts can be seen as
complementary, because they represent different types of
patients. Data on the CDS cohort were collected at five U.S.
academic health centers. The cohort consisted of patients
in their 30s and 40s initially, whose illness usually had begun a decade or more earlier with depression as its primary presenting feature (for which the patients had been
treated primarily with antidepressants), and who tended
to have comorbid diagnoses. This represents a modern
manic-depressive illness cohort, with nonclassical features
of illness. The McLean-Harvard cohort consisted completely of hospitalized bipolar patients, most of whom
were psychotic and experiencing their first manic episode.
Most were insured, of middle to high socioeconomic status, and with few psychiatric comorbidities. This cohort
is close to a modern analogue of the classic patients of
the pretreatment era, similar to those Kraepelin described
from among psychotic patients hospitalized at the Munich
asylum. As Grof and colleagues (1995) suggested, it could
be that the natural history of the bipolar variant of classic
Kraepelinian manic-depressive illness is quite different
from that of the bipolar disorder identified in many cohorts today. At any rate, differences in findings among
contemporary cohorts need to be assessed in light of the
different samples they represent. Each cohort is discussed
below in turn.45
The CDS has produced the most published data in recent years on the course of manic-depressive illness. The
sample in that study consisted of roughly one-third outpatients and two-thirds inpatients initially recruited during
the years 19781981 at five U.S. academic health centers.
This cohort has now been followed for up to 25 years, with
a retention rate in follow-up of more than 80 percent. As
of 2003, about 80 percent of this cohort was reportedly in
continued treatment with pharmacotherapy (R. Keller,
personal communication, 2003). At 5-year follow-up, more
previous episodes predicted more relapses but also quicker
recovery (recovery at 6 months was 55 percent for a first
episode, 73 percent for one or two previous episodes, and
90 percent for more than three previous episodes). Psychosis predicted only 37 percent recovery at 6 months, versus 65 percent in nonpsychotic patients. At 5-year followup, all of the patients initially treated for pure mania had
recovered, compared with 89 percent of those with pure
depression and 83 percent of those with mixed states. Despite ongoing high-intensity somatotherapy in the majority of subjects (75 percent), early relapse rates were relatively high: at 6 months, 20 percent of patients with pure


mania had relapsed, compared with 33 percent of those

with pure depression and 36 percent of those with mixed
states. By 1 year, 48 percent of patients initially with pure
mania had had a relapse, versus 57 percent of those with
mixed states; at 5 years, these rates were up to 81 and 91
percent, respectively. Relapse rates among those initially
treated for depression were similar to those among patients with mixed episodes (Keller and Boland, 1998). The
question of antidepressant-induced worsening of the longterm course of bipolar illness also raises the possibility that
these poor outcomes may have occurred in part because of
(rather than despite) the high-intensity somatotherapy received by patients (although adherence to treatment was
not reported).
Despite sustained syndromal recovery for 2 years, most
of the sample of 148 bipolar and 240 unipolar patients experienced severe impairment of psychosocial functioning
(Coryell et al., 1993). In the index episode, the co-occurrence
of psychotic features with mixed states (depressive symptoms during acute mania) was associated with more longterm psychosis than was the co-occurrence of index psychotic features with pure mania (Coryell et al., 2001).
Other analyses of the CDS data were reviewed earlier in
the discussion of kindling. More recent results from the
CDS are presented later in the discussion of subsyndromal
The McLean-Harvard First-Episode Mania Study consisted of two cohorts. The first (Tohen et al., 1990) included
75 bipolar patients who were recruited over a 1-year period
(19831984) from the psychiatric units of McLean Hospital
after admission for acute mania and followed for up to
4 years (100 percent of subjects were followed for the entire
outcome period). This was primarily a multiple-episode cohort (68 percent). The second cohort (Tohen et al., 2000,
2003) started with bipolar patients in their first hospitalized
episode; 173 such patients were recruited from 1989 to 1996
at the same hospital and followed for up to 4 years. The
characteristics of this second cohort were as follows: 84.9
percent were Caucasian, with gender about equally distributed; 88.6 percent were psychotic; 75.3 percent were in a
pure manic (not mixed) episode; only 18.7 percent had substance abuse comorbidity; and only 8.4 percent had another
psychiatric comorbidity. As noted earlier, this second cohort
can be viewed as representing close to the classic Kraepelinian description of what would now be referred to as the
bipolar subgroup of manic-depressive illness.
In the first, multiple-episode cohort (Tohen et al., 1990),
28 percent were unable to work or study at 4-year followup, and 19 percent were unable to live independently. Only
28 percent were episode-free, and 28 percent had experienced three or more relapses, with a predominance of
manic polarity. Poor occupational and residential status


Clinical Studies

was correlated with subsyndromal interepisode illness

(r = .42 to .46). After Cox proportional hazard regression
to predict time to relapse, adjusted for 13 risk factors, the
statistically significant main predictors were, in order of
magnitude, past alcoholism (hazard ratio [HR] = 3.9), index psychosis (HR = 2.2), and index depressive symptoms
during the manic episode (HR = 2.0). A reanalysis assessing psychotic features found that mood-incongruent psychosis in particular predicted a quicker relapse (adjusted
HR = 2.6) (Tohen et al., 1992).
In the second McLean-Harvard cohort (patients initially hospitalized for mania/mixed states), those with past
substance abuse were less likely than nonabusers to be
recovered at 2-year follow-up (86 versus 98.5 percent).
Among patients with initial mixed episodes, only 33 percent were living independently at 2 years, compared with
82 percent of those who had been admitted for pure mania. Further, although almost all patients had recovered
syndromally at 2 years (98 percent), fewer (72 percent) had
achieved full remission, and only 43 percent had recovered
functionally (defined as regaining premorbid occupational and residential status). New episodes had been experienced by 59 percent of patients20 percent mania, 20
percent depression, and 19 percent polyphasic switches
(Tohen et al., 2000, 2003). These data suggest that functional recovery lags behind episode recovery and, further,
that complete symptomatic remission does not ensure
functional recovery, even in a classic Kraepelinian group
of patients with relatively good prognosis. Predictors of
earlier syndromal recovery (using Cox regression to adjust
for other clinical factors) were as follows: short initial hospitalization (HR = 1.99; 95 percent confidence interval
[CI] = 1.36 to 2.93), female gender (HR = 1.72; 95 percent
CI = 1.16 to 2.56), and fewer index depressive symptoms
(HR = 1.65; 95 percent CI = 1.14 to 2.39). For functional recovery (using multiple logistic regression), predictors were
older than age 30 at index episode (odds ratio [OR] = 3.28;
95 percent CI = 1.58 to 6.82) and shorter initial hospitalization (OR = 2.82; 95 percent CI = 1.36 to 5.88). Further analyses suggest that initial pure mania and mood-congruent
psychosis predicted manic relapse, whereas initial mixed
episode predicted depressive relapse. Further, there appeared to be more manic relapse among those with lower
baseline occupational status and more depressive relapse
among those with higher status.
In the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network cohort
(N = 258) (Nolen et al., 2004), poor prognostic factors at
1 year of prospective follow-up (in an adjusted multivariate
regression model) were comorbid substance abuse, more than
10 prior manic or depressive episodes, family history of substance abuse, past rapid-cycling course, and poor occupational functioning at study entry. In a German subgroup of

this cohort (n = 152), predictors of poor outcome at 2.5 years

of follow-up were bipolar-I disorder, comorbid Axis I disorders, and past rapid cycling (Dittmann et al., 2002).
In the first 1,000 subjects analyzed in the STEP-BD cohort, early age at onset (Perlis et al., 2004), past substance
abuse (Weiss et al., 2005), and past comorbid attentiondeficit disorder (Nierenberg et al., 2005) were associated
with poor outcome (age-at-onset data only, based on an
adjusted multivariate regression model).

Other Features of Long-Term Outcome

Another feature of long-term outcome that may be related
to poor occupational functioning is cognitive impairment.46 Findings of a number of studies indicate that cognitive impairment and neuroanatomical changes may be
associated with the long-term effects of multiple mood
episodes and/or duration of illness and/or treatment in
both recurrent unipolar and bipolar patients (see Chapters
9 and 14). In one study using magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), lateral ventricles were larger in multiple-episode
patients with bipolar disorder compared with 17 firstepisode patients and 32 healthy subjects (Strakowski et al.,
2002). In another study, duration of bipolar disorder
(N = 43) was associated with impaired performance on
general memory tasks (Donaldson et al., 2003). In neither
of these studies, however, was the potential impact of
pharmacological treatment evaluated. Neuropsychological
test abnormalities were confirmed in another study of
26 euthymic patients with recurrent unipolar or bipolar
illness, with an association being found between degree of
neuropsychological impairment and number of past hospitalized episodes (Tham et al., 1997). This finding was
confirmed in another study of 25 euthymic patients with
bipolar disorder compared with 22 age-matched normal
controls (van Gorp et al., 1998).
It has been suggested that neuropsychological dysfunction
may be a consequence of increased activity of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis during mood episodes, which has
been shown to lead to excitotoxic damage to sensitive brain
regions, particularly the hippocampus (Lee et al., 2002). Hippocampal atrophy is more likely to occur in patients with
greater numbers of mood episodes than in those with fewer
mood episodes or in normal controls (Altshuler et al., 1991),
and pilot data (detailed in Chapter 14) suggest that patients
taking lithium, compared with similar patients not taking
lithium, do not suffer such atrophy (Moore et al., 2000).
It should be noted that studies in this area focus primarily on symptomatic outcome, although some recent studies have begun to focus on functional outcome. As previously noted, these two kinds of outcome are correlated, but
not completely. In other words, while episode recurrence and
subsyndromal chronicity are, not surprisingly, both asso-

Course and Outcome

ciated with worse functional outcomes, about 40 percent

of euthymic patients with minimal detectable symptoms
still appear to be functionally impaired. Long-term stateindependent cognitive impairment is one likely explanation for this asymptomatic functional impairment, but this
link remains to be established.
Beyond functional recovery, moreover, the question of
quality of life remains. Even if patients are working and
living in normal circumstances, the quality of their work
and level of satisfaction with life remain largely unexamined by standard functional outcome measures. In a study
of 50 euthymic persons with bipolar disorder, Sierra and
colleagues (2005) found that quality of life was lower than
in normal controls, and Yatham and colleagues (2004)
found that some aspects of quality of life may be worse in
bipolar compared with unipolar depression. Findings of
another study from Europe were more optimistic, noting
some improvement in recent years in bipolar patients reports of their quality of life as they learned more about the
nature of their disorder and the need for treatment
(Morselli et al., 2004). With regard to pharmacological
treatment, our review of the quality-of-life literature revealed that, although mood-stabilizing treatments clearly
improve symptomatic outcomes in the majority of patients
with bipolar disorder, their effect on quality of life remains
to be established (Revicki et al., 2005).
Finally, with regard to subsyndromal morbidity and interepisode symptoms, the most recent reanalysis of the
CDS data (Judd et al., 2002) found chronic subsyndromal
depression to be the main outcome of treated bipolar-I disorder. In a follow-up period ranging up to 20 years (mean
12.8 years; N = 146), patients were symptomatic 47 percent
of the time. During these symptomatic periods, patients
were predominantly depressed (67 percent of symptomatic
period, 32 percent of total follow-up period), rather than
manic or hypomanic (19 and 9 percent, respectively) or in
mixed states (13 and 6 percent, respectively). Depressive
periods were almost three times more likely to be spent in
subsyndromal states (25 percent of total period) than in
major depressive states (9 percent of total follow-up period). In sum, these data reflect primarily subsyndromal or
interepisode periods of chronicity. The fact that depressive
rather than manic symptoms are responsible for the bulk
of the morbidity and functional impairment associated
with bipolar disorder has also been noted in a community
survey using self-reports (Calabrese et al., 2004).
It should be noted that similar rates of subsyndromal
chronicity were reported in the CDS cohort for patients
with unipolar depression (N = 431) (Judd, 1998). This cohort consisted of a first-episode group (28 percent; n = 122),
a recurrent-depression group (48 percent; n = 205), and a
double-depression group meeting criteria for recurrent


episodes and dysthymia (24 percent; n = 104). In a followup of up to 20 years (mean 8.7 years), patients were symptomatic 59 percent of the time. During these symptomatic
periods, depressive symptoms were again almost three
times more likely to be associated with subsyndromal states
(43 percent of total follow-up period) than with major depressive states (15 percent of total period).
As a result of these studies, Judd and colleagues (2002)
and others (Kupka et al., 2005) have urged a shift in longterm studies to focus on chronicity and subsyndromal
morbidity. One example of such work is a study that found
subsyndromal depressive morbidity in bipolar disorder
(N = 25) to be associated with increased functional impairment (Altshuler et al., 2002).
It is also notable that subsyndromal manic morbidity
was found to be most prominent in a 4-year follow up of
children (N = 86; mean age at baseline 10.8 years) (Geller
et al., 2004). In this cohort, patients spent 57 percent of the
follow-up time in manic or hypomanic states, versus 47
percent in depressive states and 37 percent in mixed states.
(The total exceeds 100 percent because mixed states were
included in all three categories.) These findings suggest that
the chronic subsyndromal depressive course is a feature of
adult bipolar disorder, whereas in children a more chronic
manic/mixed course predominates (see Chapter 6).
A number of considerations arise in interpreting the results of outcome studies. The first is the extent to which
these outcomes reflect natural history as opposed to being
either attenuated or exacerbated by treatment effects.
Most of the investigators cited earlier noted that their patients were treated primarily according to current standards, although information on specific treatments was
not provided. When treatment effects were addressed, it
was generally in the context of the assumption that continuing morbidity had to be occurring despite these effective
treatments. Another possibility exists, however: that in
some cases, treatment is only minimally beneficial or neutral, but capable of exacerbating the course of bipolar illness. As noted earlier and discussed in detail in Chapter 19,
this possibility is especially salient for antidepressants,
which may lead to subsyndromal cycling states that could
in turn account for the outcomes described by Geller and
colleagues (2004). The issue of how to treat subsyndromal chronic bipolar depression is a vexing problem for
clinicians and an important unanswered question for
researchers. If antidepressants are related to cycling, one
option would be to decrease their use. On the other hand,
if antidepressants were not being used, their possible benefits in some patients would be missed. The use of
cognitive-behavioral and other psychotherapies would appear to be appropriate in this situation (see Chapter 22),
although this approach has not been well studied. Other


Clinical Studies

behavioral interventions, such as enhancement of sleep

hygiene, have also been suggested (Morris, 2002; see also
Chapter 16).

Suicide is a frequent outcome of manic-depressive illness;
in bipolar patients, it occurs more frequently early in the
course of the illness (see Chapter 8). Although suicide is
the single most important factor contributing to increased
mortality in manic-depressive patients,47 other causes,
such as the increased risk of cardiovascular disease, contribute as well. Indirect consequences of psychotic behavior during untreated episodesincluding malnutrition,
exposure, and exhaustionall compromise general health
and presumably contribute to a higher mortality rate. So,
too, do smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. As reviewed
in Chapters 14 and 15, some of the biological dysfunction
noted in manic-depressive patients involves systems other
than the brain. These dysfunctions could also contribute
to higher-than-normal mortality rates.
Recent studies of mortality in bipolar disorder are
listed in Table 46, along with the weighted mean standardized mortality ratio (SMR) from studies reviewed in
the first edition of this text.47 Early studies of mortality
rates in manic-depressive illness, which did not separate
bipolar from unipolar forms, claimed substantially increased mortalityup to six times the rate expected for
the same age group in a normal population. More recent
studies have found a less striking but still considerable increase in mortality, averaging approximately 2.3 times the
expected rate in the general population. This difference in
results probably reflects improvements in psychiatric care,
particularly the availability of specific treatments for the
depressive and manic phases. Thus in Derbys (1933) study,
22 percent of hospitalized manic patients died, and 40
percent of these deaths were from exhaustion, whereas
in the Iowa 500 follow-up, Tsuang and colleagues (1980)
found a significant increase only in circulatory deaths
and only among women. Corroborating the earlier Iowa
findings in a follow-up of 1,593 affective patients, Black
and colleagues (1987a) noted that non-suicide-related
deaths were excessive only among those patients with
a concurrent medical disorder.
The largest recent prospective study of mortality in
bipolar disorder involved up to 38 years of follow-up of
depressed hospitalized patients in Zurich. Angst and colleagues (1999) reported that, overall, these patients demonstrated increased mortality compared with the general
population, with a 61 percent higher risk of death (SMR =
1.6). The greatest risk was associated with suicide (SMR =
18), but statistically significant risks were also associated

with cardiovascular disease (SMR = 1.6) and accidents

(SMR = 1.9). Those with bipolar depression were somewhat less likely to commit suicide than those with unipolar
depression (SMR = 12.3 versus 26.7) but somewhat more
likely to die from cardiovascular disease (SMR = 1.8 versus
1.4). Treated patients had lower suicide risks than untreated
persons with bipolar disorder (SMR = 6.4 versus 29.2), but
confounding factors were not controlled statistically in this
observational study. It is also noteworthy that since cardiovascular disease is much more common than suicide, the
absolute amount of improvement in mortality associated
with suicide was the result primarily of decreased cardiovascular-related mortality. In concluding this discussion of
mortality it is important to note that, with adequate lithium
treatment, the mortality associated with bipolar illness can
be reduced to a level indistinguishable from that of the general population, an effect no doubt related, at least in part,
to the antisuicide effect of lithium (Muller-Oerlinghausen
et al., 1996; Tondo et al., 2001). This point is discussed in
greater detail in Chapters 8 and 25.

The course of bipolar-II disorder has not been as well
studied as that of bipolar-I illness; moreover, one of the issues in research on bipolar-II disorder is the relative lack of
reliability for this diagnosis (see Chapter 3). The CDS in
particular, however, has begun to shed light on the course
of this condition. In 5-year follow-up, while bipolar-II
subjects were less likely than bipolar-I subjects to be hospitalized, no other clinical differences in outcome (cycle
length, number of mood episodes, suicide attempts) were
found (Coryell et al., 1989b). Depressive episodes and
symptom severity did not differ between the two groups,
nor did frequency or duration of hypomanic versus manic
episodes (in the bipolar-I group). Differences in psychosocial outcome between the two groups also were not evident. Manic episodes, by definition, occurred exclusively
in the bipolar-I group. In a follow-up period of up to 10
years, only 7.5 percent (N = 64) of individuals with bipolarII illness switched to type I. However, if one includes
dropouts from follow-up in that study, which may reflect
the disinclination of more severely ill patients to continue to
participate in the biennial interviews, rates of switch from
type II to type I approach 15 percent. In a follow-up of up to
20 years, the primary morbidity over time was chronic subsyndromal depression, and the prominence of depression
was even more pronounced than in the bipolar-I cohort
(Judd et al., 2003). During the follow-up period (mean 13.4
years; N = 86), patients were symptomatic 54 percent of the
time. During these symptomatic periods, patients were predominantly depressed (93 percent of symptomatic period,

Table 46. Contemporary Studies of Mortality in Bipolar Disorder


Duration of



Suicide %
of all

Disease % of
all Deaths






Population included psychiatric

patients who had at least one
episode of mania; SMR for
CVD = 3.0; and for suicide = 23.4

473 F
354 M

6.75 (avg.)





Patient sample included BP, UP, and

SZA patients attending
outpatient lithium clinic; suicide
mortality greater than expected,
but overall mortality and
CVD-caused mortality not
different from general







All patients admitted to psychiatric

hospital and given lithium
prophylaxis; Dx = BP, UP, atypical
affective disorders; SMR for
CVD = 1.23 and for
suicide = 20.5

Hoyer et al., 2000

34,465 F
19,638 M






Main analysis included hospitalized

BP and UP patients; SMR for
CVD = 1.5, p < .0001 and SMR for
suicide = 17.12, p < .0001

Kallner et al., 2000

299 F
198 M






424 BP, 97 UP; all started on

prophylactic lithium; SMR for
suicide = 14.0 (p < .001)

sby et al., 2001

8808 F
6578 M

11.5 (mean)
10.5 (mean)





Included only BP patients; all causes

of death and diagnoses obtained
from Swedish national registers;
SMR for CVD = 2.6 (F),
1.9 (M) and for suicide = 22.4
(F), 22.9 (M)

Sharma and
Markar, 1994

Ahrens et al., 1995

Broderson et al., 2000



Table 46. Contemporary Studies of Mortality in Bipolar Disorder (continued)

Angst et al., 2002

Weighted mean pre-1990sb

291 F
115 M

Duration of



Suicide %
of all

Disease % of
all Deaths






BP = bipolar; CVD = cardiovascular disease; Dx = diagnosis; UP = unipolar; SMR = standard mortality ratio; SZA = schizoaffective.
Ratio of observed mortality to expected mortality based on a normal demographically matched comparison population.
Based on a total of 7,584 subjects from 11 pre-1990 studies in which excess mortality was determined.

186 UP and 220 BP; BP patients had
SMR for CVD = 1.84 vs. UP SMR
for CVD = 1.36; treated BP
patients had lower SMR for CVD
than untreated (1.68 vs. 2.23)

Course and Outcome


50 percent of total follow-up period), and minimally hypomanic (2.4 and 1.3 percent, respectively) or mixed (4.3 and
2.3 percent, respectively). Depressive symptoms were almost
three times more likely to be subsyndromal (37 percent of
total follow-up period) compared with major depression (13
percent); again, then, these data reflect primarily subsyndromal or interepisode chronicity.
Vieta and colleagues (1997) reported that bipolar-II
(n = 22) compared with bipolar-I patients (n = 38), had more
past depressive episodes (5.6 versus 2.6), more hypomanic
episodes (7.0 versus 3.2), and, of course, more total lifetime
episodes (12.6 versus 6.3). Again, bipolar-I disorder was associated with more hospitalizations (3.0 versus 1.0).
The phenomenon of double-depression refers to the
persistence of milder depressive states (dysthymia) following recovery from an episode of major depression (Keller
et al., 1983). Klein and colleagues (1988) noted that, compared with other unipolar patients, those with doubledepression had a higher incidence of hypomanic episodes
during follow-up.

but this is not a characteristic feature of later episodes of

bipolar illness. Although regression analysis of cycles would
create such an impression (Angst et al., 1970), progressive
shortening is demonstrable only in a subgroup of patients,
the MD typepatients who experience both major depressions and full manias (Angst, 1986c). Furthermore,
7 to 8 percent of patients actually show a gradual lengthening of cycle (Lat, 1973). Similarly, the kindling model might
predict that patients fully stabilized after long-term lithium
treatment would experience fewer episodes after gradual
discontinuation than before the treatment, and this certainly is not the case.
Other proposed explanations of recurrence include
those derived from biological rhythm models (see Chapter
16), especially catastrophe theory, based on a nonphysiological intersection of several endogenous rhythms. Other
investigators have concluded that, in some cases, recurrent
patterns of deterministic chaos may underlie the course of
bipolar disorder (Bauer and Whybrow, 1988; Post et al.,



Considering that recurrence is a major characteristic of

manic-depressive illness, particularly in the bipolar form,
it is surprising how little attention has been paid to its
underlying mechanisms. None of the dominant neurotransmitter theories attempts to account for repeated episodes.
As noted earlier, the most widely cited explanation of
the recurrent course of bipolar disorder is kindling, proposed by Post (1990) on the basis of experimental work on
rodents (Weiss et al., 1990). The neurobiology of kindling
is discussed extensively in Chapter 14, and earlier in this
chapter we reviewed those aspects of the course of the illness that are relevant to evaluating this model. Those
points bear repeating here.
Epileptic seizures are known to be generated by repeated subthreshold stimulation. The kindling model assumes that repeated stress and trauma can induce a similar
progressive process in bipolar patients. Numerous studies
have found fewer precipitants with increasing number of
episodes in bipolar illness. Kindling may also be applicable
in some cases to atypical DSM-IV bipolar disorder, with
patients often reporting childhood traumas in retrospect.
Unfortunately, none of the other predictions suggested by
the kindling model appears to apply to classic bipolar disorder. For example, the kindling model would predict that
patients treated later, after a latency and after more
episodes, would have worse outcomes, but this hypothesis
is not supported by the data (Baldessarini et al., 1999;
Baethge et al., 2005). The kindling model would also predict that cycle length would shorten with more episodes,

The natural course and outcome of manic-depressive illness contribute to its definition and its differentiation
from schizophrenia. For the clinician, understanding natural course can help answer a patients questions about the
most important estimate of all, the prognosis: Will it return, and when? Here we summarize the key points of this
chapter that can help answer these questions.
Despite substantial methodological problems of both
earlier and recent studies and limited data from prospective follow-up studies, the literature on the course and outcome of manic-depressive illness supports the following
The bipolar subtype has the earliest age at onset, followed
by the more recurrent forms of unipolar depression, followed by the less recurrent forms. For the bipolar subgroup, the representative value varies with the definition
of onset, ranging from the appearance of first symptoms
(such as mood lability) before age 20 to the first hospitalization (in the 2530 age range).
Almost all bipolar patients experience relapse, given adequate observation time. Results of contemporary studies
indicate higher relapse rates than those found in earlier
studies; extended use of antidepressants may have contributed to this increase. Highly recurrent unipolar depression is a risk factor for developing bipolar illness.
Cycle length does not change predictably with time, although it may shorten progressively in the initial stages
of illness in a subgroup of individuals.


Clinical Studies

An appreciable proportion of bipolar patients develop

rapid cycling. Rapid cycling may represent one extreme
of the bipolar spectrum rather than a completely autonomous group. The nosological status of rapid cycling
remains unclear, however.
The literature shows rather consistently that manic
episodes are briefer than depressive or mixed episodes.
The average episode duration remains stable throughout
the illness.
About 12% per year of unipolar patients experience a
first manic or hypomanic episode, suggesting that over a
long period of follow-up, a large minority of previously
diagnosed unipolar patients will switch to diagnosable
bipolar disorder. The pattern of initial depression followed later by mania is associated with poor long-term
outcome. Antidepressants may have a role in hastening
poor long-term outcome.
Psychosocial and physical stresses continue to appear to
be robust predictors of the timing of relapse, although
these severe life events most likely interact with a patients underlying vulnerability in a complex manner.
Life events appear to be associated with relapse more in
earlier than in later phases of bipolar illness.
Long-term data suggest that up to one third of bipolar
patients achieve complete remission, and a similar number achieve complete functional recovery. Although
syndromal recovery is two or more times more frequent,
fewer patients go on to recover premorbid levels of function. Chronic persistence of symptoms can be expected
in about 20% of cases, and social incapacity in about
30%. Poor outcome in recent studies may be influenced
by selection bias toward the inclusion of more severely ill
patients in tertiary care centers. In the community setting, outcomes could be better than those cited here.
Early age at onset, depression, mixed episodes, psychosis,
substance abuse, medication noncompliance, and probably the long-term use of antidepressants are all associated with poor outcome. Mortality and suicide rates are
increased in bipolar illness but can be substantially reduced by adequate lithium treatment.
There are several interesting theories of the mechanisms
of recurrence, including chronobiological explanations
and kindling theory. Kindling may represent a subgroup
effect, being relevant to a more severe or atypical subgroup of individuals with bipolar disorder.

1. Behavioral, intellectual, and language tests were part of the
standard examination battery administered by the Israeli Draft
Board Registry. Anyone previously diagnosed with the aforementioned disorders by the time of the draft examinations or









directly thereafter was excluded from the study. The experimental group was culled from those who developed the disorders at least 1 year after examination. To control for instability
of diagnosis, the authors included only patients whose diagnosis after a 4-year follow-up was the same as the entry diagnosis.
Psychotic bipolar patients were excluded from this study because part of the cohort had been assessed using International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-9 criteria, before the
bipolar definition had been broadened to include more psychotic features.
van Os et al., 1995; Bromet et al., 1996; Vocisano et al., 1996;
McClellan et al., 2003.
While some of these data were taken from subanalyses of
large epidemiological samples, most were gathered from
clinical populations. We discuss age-at-onset results from
epidemiological samples in Chapter 6. Although it is impossible to eliminate selection bias completely, we took care here
to select only those patient samples that appeared to represent the general bipolar population.
Reliability measures were based on age-at-onset assessments
made by two independent physician raters. Reliability coefficients for first treatment and first hospitalization were 0.94
and 0.97, respectively.
One must also consider the possible contributions of changes
in maternal behavior (smoking and drinking during pregnancy), as well as changes in dietary factors, such as decreased intake of omega-3 fatty acids (since World War II)
due to changes in infant formulas (see Chapter 5).
It is likely that the lower age at onset seen in more recent birth
cohorts results from a confluence of these multiple factors.
Additional information about this survey was obtained from
the study authors for the present review. Although subject to
recall bias and not administered by a trained clinician, the
survey used to determine age at onset did adhere to DSM-IV
episodic criteria. Furthermore, to control for underreporting
of later ages at onset, the authors did not include the youngest cohort of participants (born after 1959) in their analyses.
For example, Mick and colleagues (2003) compared measures of cognitive and global functioning, comorbidity, and
clinical features across three groups arbitrarily designated as
childhood, adolescent, and adult onset. They found significantly more comorbid anxiety disorders in the child and
adolescent groups compared with the adult group, but no
difference among groups in cognitive or global functioning.
However, there was a trend for more rapid cycling and mixed
episodes in the earlier-onset group, although the sample size
lacked the power to permit evaluation of statistical significance for some of these measures.
Neurological abnormalities were descriptive and based on
medical records. Among 14 patients in the elderly-onset mania
group, 10 had neurological problems such as seizures, gait disturbance, recurrent cerebral contusions, and cerebral infarcts.
Winokur and colleagues (1993) found no association between a family history of bipolar disorder and age at onset.
Lish (1994) and colleagues, however, found a significant correlation between childhood/adolescent onset and a family
history of the disorder. This finding was replicated by Engstrom and colleagues (2003). Johnson and colleagues (2000)
reported that patients with a family history of bipolar disorder had a significantly lower age at onset than those with no
such family history.

Course and Outcome

12. However, a recent study from this group did find that mixed
episodes were more common in a bipolar group with an early
age at first hospitalization (younger than 18) compared with
those first hospitalized in their twenties (Patel et al., 2006).
13. Although this study included patients with adolescent onset
(minimum age = 15), the authors confirmed the diagnosis at
intake and at follow-up with clinician-administered Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID) results and corroborating evidence from family reports, as well as school and
medical records.
14. Here again, both early- and late-onset groups were adults at
the time of assessment (mean age 33.6 and 60.2, respectively).
Diagnosis was verified with DSM-IV criteria and corroborating medical records, as well as family interviews.
15. At the time of assessment, the sample included all adults
(mean age 43.1) diagnosed with DSM-IV bipolar disorder. Age
at onset was determined by clinician-administered questionnaire, medical records, and family interviews in some cases.
Confirming other reports, Suppes and colleagues (2001) also
found a highly significant relationship between incidence of
childhood sexual abuse and early onset (p .001), a possible
triggering phenomenon discussed in Chapter 7.
16. As in most studies of this kind, Ernst and Goldberg ascertained age at onset retrospectively, in this instance using life
17. Perris (1968) found 83 percent with four or more episodes
and 43 percent with seven or more. In a 1978 paper, Angst
(1978) updated a careful longitudinal study of 95 bipolar patients who at that time had been followed for an average of
26 years (standard deviation 11.9). The study included both
retrospective and prospective phases, the latter involving direct patient and family contact at least every 5 years. Patients
by and large did not receive prophylactic treatment, although
most had individual episodes treated with medications. The
number of episodes ranged from 2 to 54, with a median of 9;
84 percent had 5 or more episodes, 69 percent had 7 or more,
and 42 percent had 11 or more. A naturalistic study of 51
bipolar patients who received unsystematic acute and prophylactic treatment showed that all but 2 of the patients had
experienced 3 or more episodes, with a median of 15 (RoyByrne et al., 1985a). Although this finding is consistent with
earlier data, it is important to remember that the patient
groups are not comparable, because the research setting of
the Roy-Byrne study tended to select treatment-resistant
patients. In a chart review study of 236 bipolar patients
from the prepharmacotherapy era (between 1920 and 1950),
Winokur and Kadrmas (1989) found that, during a follow-up
period averaging 2.4 years, 28 percent had 1 episode, 22 percent had 2, 14 percent had 3, 11 percent had 4, 4 percent had 5,
2 percent had 6, 0.8 percent had 7, 0.4 percent had 8, and 11
percent had 9 or more.
18. Angsts Dm group is roughly analogous to the bipolar-II subgroup in DSM-III-R, although hospitalization is not necessary for the diagnosis of either major depression or mania in
19. Today, given modern treatment, relatively few patients would
actually meet this criterion (i.e., hospitalization).
20. In their 1979 review of the literature on the natural course of
manic-depressive illness (both unipolar and bipolar, with
the index episode usually a hospitalization), Zis and Goodwin (1979) divided studies that showed low rates of relapse


from those that showed high rates. They found that those with
low relapse rates were marred by methodological limitations,
including short duration of observation, focus on episodes
involving hospitalization, exclusion of episodes preceding index admission, inclusion of nonrecovered patients, combined
episodes treated as single episodes, and high unipolar/bipolar
patient ratio. For example, studies with low relapse rates
tended to include only episodes requiring hospitalization,
introducing a bias toward patients with longer and more severe episodes. Thus in Perriss 1968 study, only 40 percent of
patients had had four or more episodes involving hospitalization, but when all episodes were included, more than 80
percent had had four or more. Obviously, excluding episodes
preceding the index hospital admission also leads to underestimation. When, for instance, Bratfos and Haug (1968) included preadmission episodes, the proportion of patients
with single episodes dropped to 13 percent.
As noted previously, early studies often found a high proportion of single-episode patients because they included in
that single-episode count the many chronic patients who in
fact had had multiple (but uncounted) episodes while hospitalized. Cutler and Post (1982a) traced the long-term course
of illness in a group of bipolar patients who were chronically
hospitalized in a state institution. Their detailed analysis indicated that each of these patients displayed a pattern similar
to what Kraepelin had observed more than half a century
earlier: multiple, discrete episodes embedded in a single
long-term hospitalization. Estimates of relapse rates probably were lower than justified in the older studies, even when
based on patients who were not chronically hospitalized.
In those cases, combined episodes (e.g., a mania followed by
a depression, perhaps interspersed with a brief well interval)
may have been counted as a single episode. The presence of a
continuously circular course (Koukopoulos et al., 1980) or
rapid cycles (Dunner et al., 1976b) makes it more likely that
multiple episodes will be counted as one.
21. It may also be that recurrence is related to other features of
bipolar illness, such as age at onset and genetic risk. This interesting possibility has not been adequately explored since
the time of a chart review conducted during the prepharmacology era (Winokur and Kadrmas, 1989), which suggested
that certain clinical features may be associated with the illnesss natural tendency to recur. Winokur and Kadrmas
found that, compared with patients who had only one or two
episodes during a follow-up period averaging 2.4 years, patients with a polyepisodic course (more than three episodes)
were more likely to have had an early age at onset, a finding
that replicates an earlier report by Okuma and Shimoyama
(1972). Winokur and Kadrmas also found that a polyepisodic
course was associated with a more insidious onset of the index episode and a greater frequency of bipolar illness in firstdegree relatives. They speculated that this last finding could
indicate that cyclicity more than polarity is genetically transmitted: the more total episodes, the greater the likelihood of
manic episodes.
22. In 1938, Eliot Slater of the Maudsley Hospital in London
published a paper (On the Periodicity of Manic Depressive
Insanity) (Slater, 1938a) in which he reexamined cases of patients who had been the source for Kraepelins data regarding
the shortening of cycle length. Unfortunately perhaps for later
generations, Slaters paper, published in a German psychiatric


Clinical Studies

journal that was prominent before World War II, lapsed into
obscurity in succeeding decades, especially in the nonGerman-speaking world. (This lack of attention in the AngloAmerican setting is particularly ironic given that Slater was
an Englishman.) In our review, we found the initial peer review and the most extensive discussion of Slaters fallacy in
English in a 1996 paper by Haghighat (1996), who also noted
earlier citations in book chapters by Angst (1988). In 2000,
Angst and Sellaro (2000) again referred to Slaters report in
English, and we recently obtained an English translation of
the original paper.
In that study, Slater reviewed 116 charts of patients diagnosed by Kraepelin in Munich with manic-depressive illness.
Among the features he assessed, Slater highlighted his reexamination of Kraepelins report of decreasing intervals of
wellness with an increase in the number of episodes, which
became a central feature of what would later be called the
kindling model. Slater confirmed that the duration of mood
episodes appeared to increase to a small degree over time.
However, his key finding was that the apparent decrease in
euthymic intervals between episodes was a statistical artifact.
Slater pointed out that people who have longer intervals between episodes will not fall ill as often as those in whom the
intervals are shorter. In other words, if all patients are included in the analysis, some will experience only two
episodes and others six, for example. It may be that those
with six episodes have short periods of wellness between
episodes, whereas those with two episodes experience long
periods of wellness. If those two types of patients are added
together, as was done by Kraepelin, there will appear to be
a progressive decrease in euthymic intervals. The actual state
of affairs will not necessarily be so. One would have to
demonstrate that intervals of wellness shortened over time in
the same patients, whether they had two episodes or six. In
sum, interepisode intervals of wellness need to be corrected
for the number of episodes. When Slater made this correction, Kraepelins finding vanished (except to a small degree
for earlier episodes). In a recent outcome study of firstepisode manic patients at McLean Hospital, Baldessarini and
colleagues (2000) found the same effect. Taken as a group,
the sample appeared to demonstrate progressive shortening
of intervals of wellness, but when the data were corrected for
number of episodes, there was no apparent shortening of
well intervals.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Ross
Baldessarini for bringing this long-neglected paper to our attention. We would also like to acknowledge and thank our
colleague, Dr. Godehard Oepen, for assistance in translating
and interpreting Slaters study.
23. Bratfos, 1968; Bratfos and Haug., 1968; Angst et al., 1973; RoyByrne et al., 1985a; Goldberg, 1993; Goldberg and Harrow,
1994; Kessing, 1998; Kessing et al., 1998a; Cusin et al., 2000.
24. Another study found that number of episodes did not predict recurrence at 1-year prospective follow-up (Staner et al.,
1997). Such short-term studies are less useful in refuting kindling hypotheses, however, because the kindling model is a
long-term model. The studies of the groups led by Coryell
and colleagues (2001) and Baldessarini and colleagues (1999)
were longer-term (up to 10 years).
25. Kendler and Karkowski-Shuman (1997) also assessed this finding within individuals by stratifying their dataset by individual






and assuming a separate hazard function for their Cox proportional hazards model for each person in the study.
In a study with the methodological limitation of including
only hospitalized patients, there was no evidence of a difference in episode severity in individuals experiencing their
first manic episode as opposed to one of multiple episodes
(Keck et al., 1995). However, because all patients were hospitalized, differential severity may have been difficult to detect.
The sample was from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.
Independent confirmation or refutation of the kindling
model based on other lines of evidence may gradually develop. For instance, Huber and colleagues (2001) presented a
mathematical nonlinear model of sensitization. This model
has two components: a positive feedback loop (more episodes
lead to more episodes) and a long time interval. The authors
showed that this mathematical model can support autonomous disease progression as well as irregular rapid cycling as an end stage of disease, as predicted by the kindling
Swift, 1907; MacDonald, 1918; Pollock, 1931; Angst and Weis,
1967; Zis et al., 1979.
The 1989 study of Winokur and Kadrmas (1989), although
limited by its chart review methodology, is nevertheless of
interest because it is based on the prepharmacology era. The
authors reported that patients with a polyepisodic course
(more than three episodes per average follow-up of 2.4
years) were significantly more likely to have an early age at
onset (before age 20) than those with one or two episodes.
Another question is whether episodes come in bursts or clusters, as originally described by Kraepelin in his studies of
predominantly chronic patients with frequent relapses. As
discussed in Chapter 20, this issue is important in assessing
prophylactic treatment, and indeed in making treatment decisions. If episodes of manic-depressive illness characteristically occur in clusters, it may be difficult to interpret prophylactic trials in individual patients. The evidence on this issue
is somewhat conflicting. Saran (1970) compared episode frequencies in six untreated bipolar patients for 2 years before
and 3 years after an arbitrary point in time. Even in such a
small number of patients, there was some suggestion of
episode clustering. In a 2- to 20-year follow-up (mean 5.6
years) of patients admitted for manic episodes, Winokur
(1975) found that 91 percent of first-episode patients had
experienced another episode during follow-up, compared
with only 53 percent of those with a history of previous
episodesa result interpreted as evidence of episode clustering. Angst and colleagues (1970) did not find different relapse rates before and after lithium treatment. It is also worth
noting that there may be some methodological issues with
extrapolating from such group findings to clustering in individual patients.
For example, Kupka and colleagues (2005) found more
bipolar-I than bipolar-II patients among 539 outpatients in
the Stanley Network.
In a study of 320 hospitalized patients with bipolar-I disorder, the polarity of the first episode was determined to be
major depressive in 52 percent, mixed in 26 percent, and pure
manic in 22 percent. Patients whose illness began with depression were more likely to develop a rapid-cycling course
and experienced more suicide attempts but less psychosis
than the other groups. The mixed group tended to be more

Course and Outcome








chronic and made frequent suicide attempts but generally

did not experience a rapid-cycling course (Perugi et al.,
In this study, the incidence of false unipolar (pseudounipolar) depression was strikingly low (4.4 percent) and out of
line with the rest of the psychiatric literature. This observation may suggest that studies based on hospitalization will
overreport the incidence of manic as opposed to depressive
episodes, because the latter lead less frequently to hospitalization than the former.
Taschev, 1974; Angst, 1978; Koukopoulos et al., 1980; RoyByrne, 1985a; Coryell et al., 1989b.
The literature is inconsistent in the relationships reported
between predominantly manic or predominantly depressive
episodes and age at onset or family history of affective disorder. Three studies (Mendlewicz et al., 1972a; Taylor and
Abrams, 1973a; Stone, 1989) found a positive family history of
affective disorder to be associated with an earlier age at onset, but this finding was not replicated by Winokur (1975). An
association between earlier age at onset and a higher proportion of manic episodes in the course of illness was reported
by Mendlewicz and colleagues (1972a) and by Angst (1978),
but not by others (Taylor and Abrams, 1973a; Carlson et al.,
1977; Roy-Byrne et al., 1985a).
Other studies have tended to confirm the general observation of stability of polarity in the course of illness, but most
have not addressed or corrected for age (Cassidy, Cassidy,
Perugi, Woods). The one study (Perugi et al., 2000) with data
on age at onset in the 20s found consistent polarity for manic
and mixed episodes in the course of illness. Among those
patients whose illness began with a depressive episode, however, future episodes were equally likely to be manic/mixed
versus depressed.
Winokur et al., 1969; Angst, 1978; Koukopoulos et al., 1980;
Roy-Byrne and colleagues, 1985a.
Sleep deprivation would appear to be a likely explanation for
hurricane-induced manias; this recalls the earlier suggestion
of Wehr and colleagues (1987a) that sleep loss is the final
common pathway by which various stressors can trigger mania (Aronson and Shukla, 1987).
Bratfos and Haug, 1968; Reich and Winokur, 1970; Kendell
et al., 1976, 1987; Kadrmas, 1979.
Viguera and Cohen, 1998; Viguera et al., 2002; Akdeniz et al.,
The occurrence of sexual abuse as a precipitant or predictor
of mood episodes has also been studied. In one study, the
rate of self-reported childhood sexual abuse was high in 142
persons with DSM-III-R bipolar disorder (18 percent of
women and 4 percent of men) and was similar to the rates
found in a unipolar comparison group of 191 persons (16
percent in women, 3 percent in men) (Hyun, 2000).
An interesting suggestion has been made that part of the
mechanism for seasonal instability in psychiatric conditions
may be attributable not only to increased sunlight, but also
to increased ambient light due to the cycles of the moon
(Raison, 1998; also see Chapter 16).
Here we are excluding lithium prophylaxis studies (OConnell et al., 1991; Maj et al., 1995), which are discussed in Chapter 22. We are also excluding retrospective cohort studies, of
which there have been a number, including a Cologne cohort
(Marneros et al., 1990; Deister and Marneros, 1993), a Johns


Hopkins cohort (Stephens and McHugh, 1991), an Indian cohort (Khanna et al., 1992), a Danish cohort (Kessing, 1998,
1999), an Italian cohort (Cusin, 2000), and a Taiwanese cohort (Tsai, 2001).
The Cologne cohort consisted of 106 patients with DSMIII mood disorders, a subgroup of a total cohort of 402 patients (the rest with psychotic disorders). With a mean of 27.9
years of outcome data, 64 percent of the mood disorder sample
was fully remitted (Marneros et al., 1990). Subclassification of
bipolar and unipolar conditions was not performed. In multivariate analysis, male gender was a major predictor of poor
functional outcome (Diester et al., 1993). Other apparent predictors were an asthenic low self-confident premorbid personality and a higher number of mood episodes.
The Johns Hopkins cohort, also mentioned in this chapter
in the discussion of polarity, consisted of patients hospitalized between 1913 and 1940, and therefore represents a true
pretreatment natural-history sample. The study group consisted of 914 patients with at least 5 years of medical record
follow-up data. With a mean follow-up of 13.5 years, only 11
percent of the bipolar group (n = 297) and 22 percent of the
unipolar group (n = 945) did not experience future mood
episodes. About one third of the total sample had a chronic
outcome, somewhat worse in the bipolar subgroup (43 percent), and 13 percent committed suicide.
The Indian cohort consisted of 95 patients with bipolar
disorder hospitalized in an academic psychiatric hospital
over a period of 3 months in 1989. Medical records were assessed for course of illness. The main findings were more
manic than depressive episodes and worse outcomes in those
with initial manic episodes (unadjusted for other clinical
factors statistically). The sample was predominantly male
(84 percent) and predominantly manic (83 percent of first
episodes reported). Interestingly, not a single case of a rapidcycling course or of polyphasic episodes was documented,
a finding that one might speculate is related to lack of antidepressant exposure in a setting in which many patients remain untreated.
The Denmark cohort is described further in this chapter
in the discussion of kindling.
The Italian cohort consisted of 244 patients with bipolar
disorder with 14-year outcome data. The main finding was
that an initial manic as opposed to depressive episode predicted a higher frequency of episodes in the outcome period.
In the Taiwanese cohort, 101 patients with bipolar disorder were identified by hospital records and agreed to followup after 15 years. The main predictor of poor psychosocial
outcome was medication nonadherence, which was observed
in 33 percent of the sample.
45. Although the second McLean-Harvard cohort is a proxy for
a first-episode study, it is notable that 24.7 percent had experienced previous nonhospitalized major depressive episodes.
Therefore, this subgroup did not really consist of firstepisode bipolar subjects.
46. In Chapter 9, we review the evidence that some neurocognitive impairment may exist even prior to the onset of the illness.
47. In a postmortem study of 122 bipolar patients, for example,
Taschev (1974) found that 27 percent had died by suicide.
Among manic patients from the Iowa 500 series, Winokur
and Tsuang (1975b) found that 8.5 percent of the deaths were


Clinical Studies

suicides. Perris and dElia (1966) found that 11 percent of the

deaths in their patients had resulted from suicide, exactly the
same proportion as in Tsuangs (1978) 40-year follow-up. Reviewing the literature, Guze and Robins (1970) noted that
about 15 percent of all deaths among patients with major affective disorders can be traced to suicide. See Chapter 9 for
a more comprehensive review.

48. The large epidemiologic study on the association between

depression and its treatment and cardiovascular disease
(known as the SAD HEARTS study) was not included. While
it provides an invaluable amount of information on the relationship between depression and heart disease, the study focused exclusively on unipolar patients, and the majority were
nonrecurrent, having fewer than two episodes.


Seek the points of contact which may reveal the underlying law. Some things can be learned
only by statistical comparison.
Sir William Osler (in Thayer, 1920, p. 52)

Epidemiology, which has been called the basic science of

public health, is the study of the distribution of disorders
in human populations, the variation in rates that may provide clues to their cause, and the risk factors associated
with their onset and course. Epidemiology focuses on
populations rather than individuals. An observation that
a disorder is considerably higher in one group than another can be used to identify an epidemic or determine
protective factors. Studying the variation in rates by specific characteristics (risk factors) yields clues as to how
altering those characteristics may interrupt the process
that leads to a disorder. This information also provides a
scientific basis for assessing the overall health status of a
population and identifying who is or is not receiving
Epidemiologic methods are common to studies of all
chronic noninfectious diseases, including psychiatric disorders. These methods fall into three categories (see the review by Rothman and Greenland, 1998): descriptive methods, used to study the rates of disorder in a population;
analytic methods, used to explore variations among different groups in order to identify risk factors; and experimental methods, used to test the association between a risk
factor and a disorder by controlling the risk factor to see
whether a reduction in onset or reoccurrence results. In
this chapter, we focus primarily on results of descriptive
studies. We begin by reviewing the application of epidemiologic methods in studies of psychiatric disorders, and
then examine the key methodological issues that arise in
such studies. Next we summarize the methods and results
of epidemiologic studies of manic-depressive illness, with
an emphasis on the bipolar subgroup. (The term manicdepressive illness in the preDiagnostic and Statistical Manual [DSM]-III literature sometimes referred to patients

that would be called bipolar in todays nosology, while in

other contexts, the term referred to all recurrent mood disorders.) The studies we review are of the bipolar subgroup
and involve community surveys of adults and of children
and adolescents, as well as studies conducted by the World
Health Organization (WHO). Finally, we review what is
known about correlates, or features associated with bipolar


Population samples are utilized to understand the full magnitude of a disorder, as well as its spectrum, including mild
and untreated forms. WHOs international projections of
the disability associated with mood disorders in both developing and developed countries (discussed later in this
chapter) have garnered the attention of mental health
planners and have made international epidemiologic data
on mood disorders the focus of considerable interest.1 Yet
epidemiologic methods utilizing large-scale studies of
populations have been applied to psychiatric disorders
relatively recently. The first large-scale epidemiologic
studies of psychiatric disorders were reported in the 1980s.
Since then, there has been a rapid increase in the number
of such studies. Moreover, their quality has improved
Over the past decade, much more reliable data on the
rates of psychiatric disorders have become available as
concern regarding biases, inconsistencies, and inadequacies in the psychiatric epidemiology literature has led investigators to become increasingly more systematic and
sophisticated in their methodologies. Yet although the
newer epidemiologic data on bipolar disorder are the


Clinical Studies

product of considerable advances in methodology, they

are not without difficulties:
The findings almost always are based on structured interviews conducted by nonclinicians; studies comparing
such data with diagnoses by experienced clinicians tend
to show only modest correspondence.
The relatively low prevalence of bipolar disorder requires
large population samples for accurate estimates.
There is an absence of community-based data on highly
recurrent major depression, which falls within the spectrum of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 1).
The boundary between normal mood and mild hypomania that may also be part of the spectrum, or an early
sign of the illness, is ambiguous.
Controversy exists about the nature of the disorders clinical presentation in children and adolescents, which may
complicate the ascertainment of true age at onset.
One of the most important risk factors for bipolar disorder, family history, has not been included in epidemiologic surveys.
These problems do not in general apply to the same extent for major depression, which has a considerably higher
prevalence than bipolar disorder and for which there is a
more extensive body of research on first presentation in
children and adolescents, although, as noted above, there is
virtually no information on the more recurrent forms of
depression in these age groups.
In the late 1970s, the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) sponsored the development of a diagnostic instrument, the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), suitable
for use in large-scale epidemiologic studies of psychiatric
disorders (Robins et al., 1981). In 1980, the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study was initiated (Robins
and Regier, 1991). This study included more than 18,000
adults aged 18 and older living in five U.S. communities
(New Haven, Connecticut; Baltimore, Maryland; Piedmont County, North Carolina; St. Louis, Missouri; and Los
Angeles, California). Using the DIS as the diagnostic instrument, lay interviewers generated DSM-III diagnoses
(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1980). The study
was longitudinal, with a 1-year follow-up to determine incidence (i.e., first onset). Oversampling of African Americans, the elderly, Hispanic Americans, and the rural poor
ensured that accurate rates of disorders and treatment
needs among these groups could be ascertained.
The ECA demonstrated that the use of comparable and
reliable methods allows rates of psychiatric illness to be
compared across geographic regions. Over the course of the
1980s, comparable epidemiologic studies were undertaken
in Edmonton, Canada (Orn et al., 1988); Puerto Rico
(Canino et al., 1987); the former Republic of West Germany

(Wittchen et al., 1992); Florence, Italy (Faravelli et al., 1990);

Paris, France (Lpine et al., 1989); Beirut, Lebanon (Karam,
1992); Christchurch, New Zealand (Wells et al., 1989);
Taiwan (Hwu et al., 1989); and Korea (Lee et al., 1990a,b).
A collaboration among the lead investigatorscalled the
Cross-National Collaborative Groupwas undertaken to
conduct joint analyses (Weissman et al., 1996).
In the 1990s, the National Comorbidity Study (NCS)
was initiated in the United States (Kessler et al., 1994). This
study was unique in that it was a national probability sample, and it used a new diagnostic method, the Composite
International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) (WHO, 1990),
which had the capacity to generate both International
Classification of Diseases (ICD) (WHO, 1991) and DSM-III
diagnoses (see Chapter 11). Thus, it was possible to use variable diagnostic criteria to make direct comparisons with
cross-national studies.
The ECA, the Cross-National Collaborative Group, and
the NCS, as well as other epidemiologic surveys in different
parts of the world, demonstrated that the majority of psychiatric illnesses had their onset in childhood and adolescence.2 The pressing need for a direct epidemiologic study
of children became apparent, but such studies of children
present even more methodological problems than those of
adults. Many questions arise: Should the diagnostic criteria
used with adults also be used with children (a question discussed below under methodological issues)? Who is the
best informant? Should parents, children, or both be interviewed? What risk factors should be included? What is the
youngest age at which psychiatric disorders can be meaningfully assessed? These questions have not yet been fully resolved. Nonetheless, the National Institute of Mental Healths
(NIMH) Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorder (MECA) study was initiated in the
1990s in New Haven, Connecticut; Westchester County,
New York; Atlanta, Georgia; and Puerto Rico. Its purpose is
to develop and test methods for a large national epidemiologic study (Lahey et al., 1996). Other studies of children are
also under way, as described later.
Because of the relative lack of information on the
epidemiology of childhood psychiatric disorders, NIMH
has begun to capitalize on ongoing national physical health
surveys of children by adding questions about mental
health. These surveys include the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services [US DHHS], 1998) for children aged
8 to 18, the National Health Interview Survey (US DHHS,
1996) for those aged 4 to 17, and the National Household
Survey on Drug Abuse (US DHHS, 1999) for those aged 12
to 17. The first two surveys are investigating the comorbidity of psychiatric with physical problems, and the third is
examining comorbidity with drug abuse. The inclusion of


questions on mental health in ongoing national surveys of

physical health among young people in the United States
provides much-needed monitoring data on both psychiatric disorders in children and the relationship of these
disorders to physical health. It is not clear whether bipolar
disorder will be examined separately from other mood disorders.
By 1995, the availability of epidemiologic information
from community surveys had made possible the first textbook on psychiatric epidemiology (Tsuang et al., 1995). At
the close of the twentieth century, WHO, in collaboration
with The World Bank and Harvard University (Murray
et al., 1994), turned to developing methods for assessing
the global burden of disease. Given changing disease patterns, including a decrease in communicable diseases, as
well as increasing longevity, investigators sought measures
other than the traditional mortality used in international
projections. They found that four psychiatric disorders, including bipolar disorder, appeared among the top 10 disabling illnesses in both developed and developing countries. This information drew worldwide attention and laid
the groundwork for the future generation of epidemiologic
studies, which are global in scope.

The chapter on epidemiology in the first edition of this
text focused on methodological problems because at the
time there were more problems than data. Although these
problems cannot be ignored in interpreting the growing
body of data now emerging, we need not dwell on them
because they have been addressed in many of the more
recent studies. Therefore, this section reviews only those
methodological issues that are particularly relevant to
current understanding of the epidemiology of bipolar disorder.

Variable Diagnostic Criteria

During the past decade, methods for obtaining diagnostic
data have improved significantly. Reliability across interviewers has improved, and many new approaches to diagnostic interviews are available. Yet despite these improvements, different diagnostic interview formats yield different
rates of psychiatric disorders. Even when the same methods
are used, comparing published rates across studies can be
difficult because of differences in data presentation. Some
investigators confine the data to cases that show an episodic
pattern of mania and major depression (bipolar-I), whereas
others include cases with a pattern of hypomania and major
depression (bipolar-II). Still others combine bipolar-I and -II
rates or include cyclothymia. For major depression, most
investigators do not separate out the more recurrent forms
(which are part of the manic-depressive spectrum) from the
less recurrent forms, and some older studies reporting rates
of manic-depressive illness do not separate the bipolar from
the recurrent unipolar groups. The Cross-National Collaborative Group, mentioned earlier, was formed to address these
differences in the reported data by standardizing methods
for analysis and data presentation. The results of the groups
efforts are presented in Table 51.
As detailed in Chapter 3, DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and
DSM-IV improved specification of the diagnostic criteria for
bipolar disorder; however, slight changes in the criteria over
time have made comparisons of studies conducted even less
than a decade apart problematic. In DSM-III, hypomania
was classified as a disturbance similar to but not as severe as
a manic episode, but no specific criteria were given (APA,
1980, p. 209) (see Chapter 3). Hypomania first appeared as a
specific diagnostic entity in DSM-III-R, where it was defined
as a distinct period of elevated mood but not severe enough
to warrant the diagnosis of mania (APA, 1986, p. 218). In the
1990s, DSM-IV operationalized the criteria for hypomania,

Table 51. One-Year Disorder Prevalence (Percent Standard Error),

Before and After Applying Clinical Significance Criteria


Unipolar major depression

Bipolar-I disorder

Before CS

After CS

Epidemiologic Catchment Area

4.9 (0.3)

4.0 (0.3)

National Comorbidity Study

8.9 (0.6)

5.4 (0.5)

Epidemiologic Catchment Area

0.9 (0.1)

0.5 (0.1)

National Comorbidity Study

1.3 (0.2)

1.3 (0.2)

Note: Encompasses ages 1854 years.

CS = clinical significance.
Source: Narrow et al., 2002.



Clinical Studies

requiring a persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood

for at least 4 days (APA, 1994, p. 338); these criteria are consistent with those of ICD-10.
Even when diagnostic criteria are clear, mild forms of
mania (such as hypomania) can fail to be detected. Most
hypomanic episodes go undiagnosed even by psychiatrists,
who when asking about episodes of depression may not elicit
information about periods of unusual activity before and after an episode. As we emphasized in the first edition of this
book, unless the patient and a family member are both carefully questioned about past hypomania, the bipolar nature of
a depression may be missed (Simpson et al., 1993; Angst and
Gamma, 2002). Indeed, hypomania is not well defined in research instruments. In community surveys, as the data presented later in this chapter suggest, it is exceedingly difficult
to distinguish mild states of euphoria due to positive changes
in a subjects life from the abnormal highs of hypomania;
many patients initially diagnosed as having agitated depressions subsequently turn out to have had dysphoric hypomanias. In short, misdiagnosing and overlooking hypomanic
states often leads to an underestimate of the true rate of
bipolar disorder.3 (See Chapters 1 and 3 for a detailed discussion of these issues.) Higher incidence rates are obtained
when a broader range of cases belonging to the presumed
spectrum of bipolar disorder, such as cyclothymia or atypical
bipolar illness, are included in the survey.
In the absence of a clear understanding of the pathophysiology involved, the distinctions among bipolar disorders,
highly recurrent unipolar disorder, other mood disorders,
and psychotic disorders remain unclear (see Chapters 1
and 3). These distinctions are especially difficult to make
in community studies that include greater numbers of mild
and untreated cases. At the psychotic end of the spectrum,
a large number of patients have illnesses with features of
both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, termed schizoaffective disorder. The line between hypomania and mania is
also difficult to draw, and DSM-IV offers differential diagnoses depending on the severity of symptoms and impairment. Patients with bipolar-II disorder are unlikely to
present for treatment for hypomania, and even more unlikely to report it as pathology in community surveys
(Akiskal, 1995, 1996; Coryell et al., 1995). Therefore, as
shown later, the rates of bipolar-II are low in community
surveys and are likely to be underestimated. (The reliability of diagnosis of bipolar-I and bipolar-II in community
surveys is discussed further in the presentation of results of
U.S. surveys.) Thus the distinction between bipolar-I and
bipolar-II disorder is usually based on retrospective accounts, limiting reliability (Dunner and Tay, 1993). Moreover, applying criteria related to the clinical significance of
a disorder based on impairment and the need for treatment

can markedly alter rates (Narrow et al., 2002) (see the later

Age-Specific Issues
The criteria for diagnosing bipolar disorder in children are
even less clear than those used for adults (for example, see
the discussion of problems in defining age at onset in children and adolescents later in this chapter and in Chapter 6).
Indeed, since 1980 (DSM-III, DSM-III-R, and DSM-IV),
adult criteria have been applied to diagnose mania and depression in children without taking into account differences
in age and developmental stage (Sanchez et al., 1999). Bipolar disorder in young people may therefore be misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. Moreover, although mania in
youth can be a severe illness frequently associated with
mixed features, psychosis, rapid cycling, and comorbid disruptive disorders, there is often a clinical bias against making a diagnosis of mania in children. And the relationship
between bipolar disorder and other, more prevalent childhood psychiatric illnesses, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is problematic (see the later discussion of surveys of children and adolescents). Estimates
of the age at onset of bipolar disorder must take into account this lack of clarity regarding first presentation of the
disorder in youth. Eventually, longitudinal studies of children from families with a high risk of bipolar disorder may
clarify issues of first presentation (see Chapter 6).
The effects of duration and severity on prevalence must
also be considered when reviewing the literature on prevalence of childhood bipolar disorder (Sanchez et al., 1999).
DSM-III-R removed the 7-day minimum duration criterion for mania required by DSM-III. Consequently, reports
based on DSM-III-R criteria may overdiagnose mania, especially in childhood. In DSM-IV, the duration criterion
was reinstated, and the severity requirement was added.
In April 2000, NIMH convened a group of experts for
a Bipolar Child Roundtable to discuss possible approaches
for addressing outstanding issues related to research on prepubertal bipolar disorder. The major issues of relevance to
epidemiology addressed at the roundtable were the earliest
age at which bipolar disorder can be diagnosed and the predictive value of the early manifestations of bipolar illness in
children and adolescents. The experts generally agreed that a
diagnosis of bipolar disorder using DSM criteria is possible
in prepubertal children.
Discussion among the expert group resulted in agreement
on two basic definitions: (1) a narrow phenotype that adheres strictly to bipolar-I and bipolar-II criteria, and (2) a
broader phenotype that encompasses more heterogeneity
basically bipolar-not otherwise specified (NOS)and includes children who do not quite meet the criteria (especially


the durational criterion) for an episode but still are severely

impaired by symptoms of mood instability. Consensus on
the former phenotype was that it can be diagnosed with
available psychiatric assessment instruments, such as the
semistructured Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and
Schizophrenia (KSADS) (Chambers et al., 1985). For clear
communication, however, the importance of establishing
thresholds for the boundaries between bipolar disorder subtypes (bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and cyclothymia) was emphasized because homogeneity is essential for biological, genetic,
and epidemiologic research.
Currently, children with severely impairing mood disturbance who do not meet full DSM-IV criteria for bipolar-I
or -II are not included in research studies and are difficult
to assess in epidemiologic studies because of the perceived
uncertainty of diagnosis. The expert group agreed that
bipolar-NOS could be used as a working diagnosis to advance research on this broader phenotype, as long as the
children were well described (with particular attention to
symptoms of ADHD). Because available diagnostic instruments may not generate a reliable and replicable diagnosis
of bipolar-NOS, it was recommended that careful assessment include all of the behaviors that are impairing, giving consideration when relevant to the frequency with
which they occur, as well as their severity. Examples of
the behaviors to be included are aggressiveness, agitation,
explosiveness, irritability, mood lability (fluctuation independent of input), thought disorder (paranoia, misinterpretation of social cues), communication disorder (pragmatic
language disorder that can look like flight of ideas, receptive and expressive language disorder that can interfere
with the accurate performance and interpretation of structured interviews), and cognitive ability/cognitive impairment (significantly low intelligence quotient [IQ], reading
Once agreement has been reached on exclusion criteria
(certain comorbidities, such as pervasive developmental
disorder and/or physical disease) as well as inclusion criteria for the broader phenotype, it should be possible to address questions about relationships among the disorders
for example, whether bipolar-NOS or its subtypes are
precursors of bipolar-I and/or bipolar-II or have a different
course. The expert group noted, for instance, that whereas
the course of classic bipolar illness includes well periods,
these children tend not to have such periods. Moreover, it
should be possible to identify and fully characterize children who have bipolar symptoms and are severely impaired
and to follow them prospectively, with attention to developmental stages and transitions, in order to resolve
whether they have a childhood-onset variant of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 6 for a more complete discussion).


Validation studies also need to take developmental manifestations into account. The expert group suggested that
studies could encompass children as young as 4 years of
age. Reconstruction of the history of adults with earlyonset bipolar illness may be useful as well. For example, in
studies of the offspring of bipolar parents, which should
include all of their children, parents should be asked about
their own age at onset. The group deemed it important
also that children with possible bipolar disorder, as well as
their parents, be interviewed with developmentally appropriate measures.
Information about instruments currently employed in
NIMH-funded studies of childhood-onset bipolar disorder was assembled for use at the roundtable. The most
commonly used diagnostic instrument is KSADSin
most cases, the Washington University (St. Louis) version
sections on mood disorders and rapid cycling added. Ancillary instruments being used include the Child Behavior
Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach, 1991a,b).
Efforts that might be undertaken to resolve the diagnostic issues raised above include the following: describing the
course of bipolar-I, bipolar-II, cyclothymia, and bipolarNOS, with attention to the impact of development on
changing patterns of symptoms; establishing the predictive
validity of bipolar disorder in prepubertal children; defining thresholds for and boundaries between bipolar-I,
bipolar-II, and cyclothymia in prepubertal children; and
identifying occasions on which combining versus separating bipolar-I and -II would be appropriate (in treatment
studies of mania, for example, where severity is an issue,
combining manic with hypomanic patients may be inappropriate). Although future epidemiologic studies will
need to incorporate the clinical findings of studies conducted to date, the unresolved issues of diagnosis in children described here make the accuracy of estimates of
rates of childhood bipolar disorder and determinants of
age at onset uncertain. See Chapter 6 for a comprehensive
discussion of these issues.
Epidemiologic findings for the elderly are also ambiguous. In geriatric inpatient units, the prevalence of treated
bipolar disorder has been described as reaching 10 percent
(Yassa et al., 1988). Yet there is a disparity between the
prevalence of bipolar disorder among elderly patients in
hospitals and elderly individuals living in the community.
Moreover, the rates of bipolar disorder are dramatically
lower among community-dwelling elderly people than
among younger persons (Shulman and Hermann, 1999).
One reason for this is the increased early mortality from
medical causes, such as cardiovascular disease and suicide
among those with the disorder (Snowdon, 1991).


Clinical Studies

Diagnostic Methods
Over the years, we have seen the development of a number
of structured interview instruments that have improved
the precision with which psychiatric disorders can be
identified and their rates estimated (see Chapters 3 and 11).
Yet different diagnostic criteria or revised versions of the
same criteria can affect rates and their comparisons. Thus
differences among diagnostic instruments used in community studies may explain some of the variation in the
rates obtained.
The DIS (Robins et al., 1981a), mentioned earlier, is
a highly structured interview designed for large-scale epidemiologic studies. It generates DSM-IV diagnoses in
computer algorithm form for the major psychiatric disorders. The CIDI (WHO, 1990; Wittchen et al., 1998a), also
noted previously, consists of state-of-the-art structured diagnostic interviews based on the DIS and generates DSMIV and ICD diagnoses. Trained lay interviewers administer
both the DIS and the CIDI. The two instruments differ in
that the DIS includes impairment criteria when generating
diagnoses, whereas the CIDI does not. Moreover, after an
initial round of questions about symptoms, the CIDI returns to reassess those symptoms, while the DIS asks about
symptoms only once. A modification of the CIDI made by
the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
(UM-CIDI) (Kessler, 1995) simplified that instruments
complex questions. Qualifiers such as a lot (as in the
question, Did the symptom interfere with your life and
activities a lot?) were clarified (as in the question, How
much did the symptom interfere with your life or
activitiesa lot, some, a little, not at all?).
Another semistructured interview instrument is the
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS)
(Endicott and Spitzer, 1978), which is tied to the Research
Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) (Spitzer et al., 1978) and the
DSM. This instrument has been used less often than the DIS
or the CIDI in community surveys because it must be administered by trained mental health professionals.
The Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating of the Social Consequences of Psychiatric Disturbances for Epidemiology (SPIKE for the original German)
(Angst et al., 1984) is yet another semistructured clinical
interview. It allows the assessment of 29 separate syndromes, including hypomania, in terms of symptoms, their
length, their frequency of occurrence, subjective suffering,
social consequences, treatment, and family history, and
generates DSM-III diagnoses.
The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID) is a
semistructured clinical interview used for making a major
Axis I DSM-III-R or DSM-IV diagnosis. Through a
decision-tree approach, the SCID guides the clinician in

testing diagnostic hypotheses as the interview is conducted

(see Chapter 11 for a discussion of issues involved in using
decision trees). The output of the SCID is a record of the
presence or absence of each of the disorders being considered for current episodes (past month) and for lifetime occurrence.
The Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS)
(Nurnberger et al., 1994) yields DSM-IV and RDC diagnoses and requires trained clinical interviewers. Questions
on mania/hypomania in the mood disorder module are
designed to assess current and most severe disorder, presence of psychotic features, impairment, organic factors,
and treatment seeking. Mixed affective states and cycling
are also assessed. The DIGS was designed for large-scale
genetic studies and has not been used in community-based
epidemiologic studies (see Chapter 13).
Finally, with few exceptions (Italy, Israel, Switzerland),
the larger epidemiologic community surveys use trained
nonclinical interviewers because it is costly and usually infeasible to send doctoral-level clinicians to conduct inhome interviews with thousands of subjects. Results of
testing the congruence between findings obtained by nonclinical and clinical interviewers are described later in the
presentation of the ECA findings.

Nonresponse or Refusal to Participate

in the Survey
Another bias in community surveys that may affect the
rates of bipolar disorder obtained is the failure of some
subjects to participate, which may occur in the early phase
of sample designation and again at measurement and interviewing. Because one cannot assume that nonresponse
is randomly distributed across the intended sample, it can
be a major source of bias. Nonresponse bias that occurs
during the process of selecting and contacting the sample
includes sample mortality, sample loss, and missing data
(Badawi et al., 1999); also significant is refusal to respond
in the middle stages of data collection.
The predictors of nonresponse bias were investigated
in a 15-year follow-up of individuals in a probability
sample from the household population of the Baltimore,
Maryland, ECA. Mania was found to be associated with increased mortality, some of which may be related to the
high rates of suicide, alcohol and drug abuse, and cardiovascular disease among this population (Badawi et al.,
In the NCS, a special effort was made to estimate the
rate of disorders among people who initially refused to
participate in the survey. The results indicated that these
individuals had higher rates of mental disorders, including
bipolar disorder, than those who agreed to participate.
Such data might be used to adjust prevalence estimates.


Other Issues
Sample Size
The relatively short duration of many manic and depressive episodes and the presence of mixed states cause difficulties in assessment. Short episodes are counted in some
studies but overlooked in others that use diagnostic instruments with long-duration criteria. Short episodes also are
responsible for large differences in rates of point and annual prevalence. Gagrat and Spiro (1980) explained this
difficulty and underscored the problems created by studying a phenomenon with a low baseline rate. As they noted,
point prevalence studies for a short-duration disorder
with a yearly prevalence of 0.7 percent would require the
screening of very large numbers of people. Even allowing
for a mean duration of manic episodes of 2 months (a mean
duration of 2 months assumes that many of the manic
episodes in the community are shortened by treatment),
the point prevalence rate would be on the order of 0.2 percent if the annual prevalence in the population at large
were 1.0 percent. This means it would be necessary to
screen 1,000 people to find 2 active cases. Epidemiologic
studies of several hundred thousand people at a time would
be required to determine the point prevalence in the population at large. Moreover, it is questionable whether current epidemiologic research instruments would be reliable
in such studies.
Except for demographic characteristics such as age and
gender, the relatively low prevalence of bipolar disorder
makes estimates of variations in rates by risk factor difficult even in reasonably sized epidemiologic surveys. For
example, in a sample of 5,000, which would be considered
a reasonably sized community survey, a lifetime prevalence
of 2 percent for a disorder would yield at most 100 cases.
Few epidemiologic studies have 5,000 subjects. When the
population is segmented by age, gender, and race, moreover, the sample size in each group dwindles rapidly. Finally, as discussed later, time constraints prevent any one
study from including all the relevant risk factors, and multiple instruments are required.

Incidence and Prevalence Rates

Population measures of disease frequency include incidence and prevalence rates, the latter divided by different
points in time (period prevalence). Incidence is defined as
the number of new cases of disease in a population at risk
for that disease per unit time. Incidence rates are used to
determine differences in risk factors and are always difficult to obtain because they require a longitudinal study to
identify new cases. Determining the incidence of bipolar
disorder is yet more difficult because of the problems of
determining subtle changes in mood and of knowing


when a case of major depression converts to bipolar. The

lack of clarity of presentation in children and the need
for large samples, as discussed previously, can further
compound the problem. Indeed, few of the epidemiologic
studies published since the first edition of this text have
provided incidence data. The 13-year follow-up of the Baltimore ECA (described later) excluded incidence data for
bipolar disorder because of an insufficient sample size
(Badawi et al., 1999). Likewise, a 40-year follow-up of the
Stirling County study in Nova Scotia assessing the incidence of depression did not include bipolar disorder
(Murphy et al., 2000).
Prevalence is defined as the number of existing cases of
disease in a total population per period of time. Prevalence
rates can help identify unmet need. The studies reviewed in
this chapter provide data on period prevalence, usually annual and lifetime. The lifetime prevalence is the proportion
of the population that has had a disease at some point during a lifetime (Kramer et al., 1980). It is the rate obtained in
response to the question, Have you ever had . . . ? Lifetime prevalence as a measure has been criticized for numerous reasons, including problems of recall. However, it
is still applied widely as one of the imperfect but useful
tools available for counting cases.

Functional Impairment
The assessments used in recent epidemiologic studies require some evidence of functional impairment to determine the clinical significance of the case. Questions about
impairment of major roles or treatment seeking are designed
to elicit this information. Variations in these questions can
seriously alter rates among studies, as revealed by the comparison of the rates in the ECA and the NCS, described

Age at Onset
Different methods may be used for computing the age at
onset of bipolar disorder. One method is to use two measures of central tendency: the mean or average age at onset
and the median, or the age that corresponds to the 50th
percentile of the distribution. An advantage of using this
method is that age at onset can be summarized as one estimate. The disadvantage is that both the mean and the median can be biased by extreme values at either the lower or
higher end of the distribution of ages.
Another method for analyzing age at onset is to compute the incidence (or hazard) rate of bipolar disorder for
each age of life. This is done by taking the number of new
cases that appear at each age and dividing it by the population at risk for that age. The major advantage of this
method is that trends in incidence rates can be compared
across all ages, although the population at risk becomes


Clinical Studies

smaller as age increases, inflating the incidence rate for

older ages.


In this section we review the methods and results of two
surveys conducted among adults in the United States
in the late 1970s, the two major epidemiologic studies
conducted during the 1980s and 1990s, and comparable
cross-national studies conducted throughout the world
since the 1980s. Recent epidemiologic studies conducted
among children and adolescents are discussed in the next
section. Studies were included if they used standardized
diagnostic assessments and defined sampling methods.
When raw data were available, we undertook data analysis. In some cases, we used published results, so there is no
standard presentation across sites; for example, bipolar-I
and -II were sometimes combined in published results,
and sometimes only annual, not lifetime, prevalence rates
were given. The data presented are primarily annual
and lifetime prevalence rates and incidence rates, where

New Haven Survey

The first community survey to use standardized diagnostic
assessments and criteria was the New Haven survey, which
was conducted in 1975 using the SADS-Lifetime (SADS-L)
diagnostic instrument, based on the RDC (Weissman and
Myers, 1978). This survey, considered a pilot study because
it was a follow-up of a cohort identified 10 years earlier, included only 511 adults. A lifetime rate of 0.6 percent for
bipolar-I was reported. The addition of bipolar-II raised
the rate to 1.2 percent. Bipolar disorder was represented
equally in males and females. These findings are comparable to those of subsequent large-scale community surveys.

The Amish Study

The Amish study of Egeland and colleagues (1983) is unusual in its assessment of the prevalence of affective disorders in a population that is culturally and genetically
homogeneous. This subculture, a highly conservative
Protestant religious sect in Pennsylvania, offered an unheralded opportunity to study multigenerational pedigrees
with large sibships (Egeland and Hostetter, 1983, p. 70).
Variables that confounded past research are not present in
this population; for example, alcohol and drug abuse are
virtually nonexistent, and criminal acts and violence are
rare. Other obstacles had to be overcome, however. In applying specific diagnostic criteria to this group, the RDC
definitions for mania and depression needed to be considered within the context of Amish culture. For example,
manic behaviors to the Amish include racing ones horse

and carriage too fast, buying or using machinery or worldly

items, using the public telephone excessively, and planning
vacations during the wrong season (Egeland et al., 1983).
The Old Order Amish, 12,500 people who live primarily
in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, keep extensive genealogical and medical records of ancestors going back 30
generations (Egeland and Hostetter, 1983). The Amish
study, which spanned the 5-year period from 1976 to 1980,
attempted to identify all individuals who were actively ill,
thus yielding incidence and period prevalence rates. As the
authors noted, the close interactions among the Amish
prevented even mild cases of emotional disturbance from
being overlooked. Once an active case had been identified,
medical records were abstracted and sent to a psychiatric
board, which made a consensus diagnosis based on the
RDC. If medical records did not exist, patients were interviewed directly using the SADS-L.
Reliability estimates were made based on the agreement
between board consensus and a separate psychiatrists diagnosis (Hostetter et al., 1983). Kappa statistics for reliability
generally were high and consistent for any major affective
disorder, for unipolar depression, and for bipolar-I disorder (0.87, 0.95, and 0.86, respectively). Only with bipolarII disorder was the kappa coefficient much lower (0.68),
suggesting a possible misrepresentation of this diagnosis
among the Amish and less reliability in the diagnostic category. Indeed, the problem of unreliability in estimates of
bipolar-II in community samples was found in subsequent
studies described later.
During the survey period, 112 cases of mental illness
were reported, 80 percent of which were affective disorders
(71 percent major affective disorders), involving 1 percent
of the Amish population (Egeland and Hostetter, 1983). A
further breakdown of these rates revealed that 34 percent
of the psychiatric cases were either bipolar-I or bipolar-II
disorder, and 37 percent were unipolar depression. The remaining 9 percent comprised minor depression and hypomania (8 and 1 percent, respectively). As the authors pointed
out, both the rate of major affective disorders and the rate
of mental illness in general appeared to be below the general population average.
The most interesting finding is the apparent equivalence
in rates of bipolar and unipolar illness. Other studies have
shown a lopsided ratio. Weissman and Klerman (1978) and
many subsequent investigators have found an almost 4:1
unipolar:bipolar diagnosis ratio across the United States,
and some studies have shown a 10:1 ratio. In an attempt
to explain these discrepant findings, Egeland and Hostetter (1983) noted that their sample of bipolar patients
would have been greatly reduced had not community
reports of behaviors suggestive of a high led to early
SADS-L interviewing. In fact, the Amish data may more


accurately reflect the actual bipolar:unipolar ratio. Recent

clinical research indicates that many cases diagnosed as
unipolar illness may be variants of bipolar disorder (see
Chapters 1, 2, 13, and 19). Another explanation for the discrepancy is the finding of Egeland and colleagues (1983)
that 79 percent of their bipolar-I patients had previously
been diagnosed as schizophrenic. Cultural factors may be
partly responsible for this incidence of misdiagnosis: earlier clinicians, unfamiliar with the customs of the Amish,
may have viewed thought disorder, paranoia, and grandiosity as symptoms of schizophrenia rather than mania (Egeland and Hostetter, 1983; Egeland et al., 1983). Of particular
note are grandiose symptoms with marked religious overtones, because religion is central to the Amish. If other
manic symptoms are not noted or are overlooked (as is apparent in early medical records), these symptoms may easily be seen as schizophrenic. Likewise, it is probable that
Amish individuals who are the most ill stay within the
community, whereas the less ill may emigrate.
Among both bipolar and unipolar patients in the Amish
study, gender was equally distributed. Although this finding is consistent with others for bipolar illness, the majority of subsequent studies have found a 2:1 female:male ratio for unipolar depression. The most obvious explanation
for this discrepancy, according to Egeland and Hostetter
(1983), is that alcoholism and sociopathy do not mask depression in Amish males as they do in males in the general
Although the findings of this study have been debated,
they provide a view of major affective disorders relatively
untainted by violence, alcohol and drug abuse, and other
variables that might otherwise mask such a disorders

Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study

The ECA study, conducted during 19801984, was the first
comprehensive epidemiologic study of mental illness in
the United States. It was designed to obtain accurate and
uniform epidemiologic data on mental disorders in the
United States that would be comparable across sites, as
well as to assess the adequacy of services to the mentally
ill (Regier et al., 1984). The design required representative
sampling of populations from both community and institutional settings at two different time points 1 year apart
(waves 1 and 2). In wave 1, prevalence data were gathered
for lifetime, annual, 6-month, 1-month, and 2-week periods. Wave 2 was a follow-up to ascertain rates of relapse
and remission, as well as to determine incidence rates
(Eaton et al., 1989).
More than 18,000 people were interviewed by lay interviewers, who used the DIS, together with criteria from the
DSM-III, RDC, and Feighner diagnostic systems. (The


latter two sets of diagnostic criteria are now used infrequently.) Subjects were first asked whether they had ever
experienced a symptom at any time during their lives and
whether they had experienced impairment in life activities from that symptom. For each symptom, the interviewer ascertained whether alcohol, drugs, medication, or
physical illness was the underlying cause. Subjects were
then asked whether they had experienced the symptom
during the last 2 weeks, the last month, the last 6 months,
and the last year, and this information was used to generate a diagnosis for period prevalence. The DIS determined
the severity of a disorder in addition to its presence and
The DIS appears to have relatively high reliability for diagnosing major depression but considerably less reliability
for manic episodes. In comparing the agreement between
the DIS administered to the same subjects by a lay interviewer and a physician, the kappa statistic for major depression was found to be 0.50 and for mania 0.21 (Helzer
et al., 1985). Some questions remain about the continued
use of the DIS and interpretation of the data it yields (see,
e.g., Anthony et al., 1985). The accuracy of lifetime recall has
been questioned, as has the lack of comparability of diagnoses made by lay interviewers and by experienced clinicians, whose pattern recognition and access to family
history are likely to produce a more accurate diagnosis.
Robbins and colleagues (1982) compared 1-month prevalence rates of depression and mania at two ECA sites (St.
Louis and Baltimore) based on diagnoses by lay interviewers and psychiatrists using the DIS. Although the rates were
not significantly different in Baltimore, both disorders were
diagnosed three times more often by psychiatrists than by
lay interviewers in St. Louis. A recent study of 41,838 individuals in the Swedish Twin Registry underscores the considerable problem in interpreting findings obtained by lay
interviewers (Soldani et al., 2005). Telephone screening for
mania, when compared with actual hospitalization and
other medical records, resulted in spuriously high falsepositive rates for mania in particular and for bipolar disorder in general. The investigators concluded that instead of
the reported rate of 1.6 percent, a more accurate estimate
would be 0.9 percent. These discrepancies suggest that some
caution should be applied in interpreting ECA data, although the study is methodologically superior overall to
past attempts at estimating the prevalence and incidence of
bipolar illness.
The lifetime and annual prevalence and annual incidence for bipolar-I disorder for the total noninstitutionalized ECA sample and each of the five sites are presented
in Table 52. The total sample size was 18,571 respondents aged 18 and older, 59 percent of whom were female.
The overall response rate was 76 percent. The lifetime


Clinical Studies

Table 52. Lifetime and Annual Prevalence/100 (Standard Error) and Incidence Rate/100
of Bipolar-I Disorder in Five Epidemiologic Catchment Area Sites
New Haven,


St. Louis,


Los Angeles,

Number in sample






Response rate (%)






% Female







1.2 (0.21)

0.6 (0.20)

1.0 (0.20)

0.3 (0.14)

0.6 (0.16)


1.0 (0.27)

0.7 (0.22)

1.1 (0.30)

0.1 (0.11)

0.6 (0.23)


1.3 (0.30)

0.5 (0.24)

1.0 (0.27)

0.6 (0.25)

0.5 (0.21)







1.0 (0.16)

0.5 (0.14)

1.0 (0.20)

0.2 (0.08)

0.4 (0.13)


0.9 (0.22)

0.5 (0.21)

1.0 (0.30)


0.3 (0.15)


1.1 (0.23)

0.5 (0.18)

1.0 (0.27)

0.4 (0.16)

0.5 (0.20)







0.6 (0.12)

0.2 (0.09)

0.1 (0.07)

0.3 (0.10)

0.5 (0.15)


0.4 (0.15)



0.1 (0.09)

0.5 (0.21)


0.7 (0.19)

0.4 (1.6)

0.2 (0.13)

0.5 (0.18)

0.5 (0.20)


Lifetime prevalence/100

M/F Ratio
Annual prevalence/100

M/F Ratio
Annual Incidence/100

Note: Encompasses ages 18 years and older.

prevalence of bipolar-I disorder was 0.8/100, ranging

from 0.3/100 at Durham to 1.2/100 at New Haven. In general, the lifetime prevalence was the same for males and
females, with slightly higher rates for males at Baltimore
(M/F ratio = 1.4) and higher rates for females at Durham
(M/F ratio = 0.2). The overall annual prevalence was
0.6/100, and the incidence was 0.4 per 100 cases per year.
There was a tendency for females to have a higher incidence rate of bipolar-I than males, but this varied by
site. The mean age at onset of bipolar-I disorder ranged
from 14.6 years at St. Louis to 22.3 years at Baltimore
(overall at the five sites, 18.6 years; overall median age, 18
years). (See the later discussion of the Cross-National

Collaborative Group for results and a discussion of rates

for bipolar-II.)
The ECA also examined the use of mental health services
by patients with bipolar disorder (Narrow et al., 1993; Regier
et al., 1993). Overall, 61 percent of all individuals with bipolar disorder had been treated in the service sector within the
past year46 percent by specialty mental health providers
and 29 percent by general medical providers. This was the
highest rate of use of mental health services in the affective
disorder group. It translates, on a population level, to approximately 1.1 million people with bipolar disorder making
16 million visits to outpatient mental health care facilities in
the year before their wave 1 interview (Narrow et al., 1993).


One-third (33.4 percent) of bipolar patients receiving

inpatient care did so at a general hospital facility, 19.5 percent at a private mental hospital, and 34.4 percent at a Veterans Affairs (VA) psychiatric hospital unit. The rest were
treated at state and county facilities, community mental
health centers, alcohol/drug units, or nursing home facilities.

National Comorbidity Survey

The NCS, administered by the staff of the Survey Research
Center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, was conducted between 1990 and 1992, or 10 years after the ECA. It
was based on a probability sample of 8,098 individuals aged
15 to 54 from the noninstitutionalized populations of the
48 conterminous states; the response rate was 84 percent.
Subjects were interviewed using the UM-CIDI, which
made DSM-III-R diagnoses (Kessler et al., 1994). Unlike
the ECA, which was based on five geographic sites, the
NCS included a representative national sample from across
the United States. Diagnoses known to have a low prevalence
in population-based surveys (e.g., somatization disorder)
or poor interrater reliability in the ECA (e.g., obsessivecompulsive disorder) were excluded. Respondents as young
as age 15 were included because there was an interest in the
comorbidity of substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders, and because the ECA had shown that the rates of psychiatric disorders were higher in younger than in older
persons. Ten years after the NCS was completed, Kessler and
colleagues (2005) conducted a replication (the NCS-R) of
their initial study. Face-to-face diagnostic interviews were
carried out on 9,282 English-speaking subjects by professional interviewers from the Institute for Social Research at
the University of Michigan. DSM-IV diagnoses were generated based on the World Mental Health Survey initiative
version of the CIDI (WMH-CIDI).
Table 53 shows the rates obtained for bipolar-I disorder in the NCS and NCS-R. Data on rates for bipolar-II
were not reported in the NCS because of the unreliability
of diagnosis of this disorder (see the later discussion);
these rates were, however, ascertained in the replication
study. The NCS and NCS-R rates shown in the table were
adjusted for nonresponse and weighted to the sociodemographic characteristics of the target population from the
1989 U.S. National Interview Survey (US DHHS, 1992) and
from the 2000 U.S. Census, respectively. In the NCS, the
lifetime prevalence of bipolar-I disorder was 1.7 percent,
with equal rates in males and females. The annual prevalence was 1.3 percent, also with equal rates by gender. The
rates of bipolar-I were about twice as high in the NCS as in
the ECA. The mean age at onset for bipolar-I disorder was
23.3 years (median 21 years). This onset age is about 3 years
later than that found in the ECA.


The lifetime prevalence of bipolar-I disorder in the

NCS-R was slightly lower, 1.0, than that reported in the NCS.
The NCS-R found a lifetime prevalence of 1.1 in females
and 0.8 in males. The annual prevalence for the total sample was 0.6. The mean age at onset for bipolar-I was 21.4
(median 19 years). For bipolar-II in the NCS-R, the lifetime prevalence was 1.1 (males, 0.9; females, 1.3); the annual prevalence was 0.8 (males, 0.7; females, 0.9); and the
mean age at onset was 25.2 years (median 20 years).
There has been some debate about the reasons for the
discrepancies in findings between the ECA and the NCS,
and several attempts have been made to understand how
differences between the two instruments (Table 54)
might explain these discrepancies (Kessler et al., 1997;
Regier et al., 1998; Narrow et al., 2002). The most obvious
difference is the sampling frame. The ECA encompassed
five selected sites, compared with a probability sample of
all 48 conterminous states in the NCS. The ECA included
persons living in institutions (prisons, boarding houses,
nursing homes, and hospitals), while the NCS did not. The
age structure of the two samples was also different, as
mentioned earlier. Even when comparable age groups (18
to 54 years) are considered, however, the lifetime rate of
bipolar disorder in the NCS remains at 1.7.
The controversy over which results are closer to the actual prevalence has not been resolved. However, there is
agreement that any differences in rates are not true differences, but likely due to differences in sampling and methods between the studies (see note 2 for details). Moreover,
although the rates of bipolar disorder are disparate between the ECA and NCS, the actual range of rates is not
that large, and the demographic risk factors (discussed
later) do not vary greatly between the two studies.
Table 55 compares the rates of bipolar-I disorder by
demographic characteristics using an identical age group
(18 to 54 years) to see whether the patterns of variation are
similar. There are no significant differences in the rates of
bipolar-I disorder by gender, educational level, or rural/
urban domicile in either the ECA or the NCS. There is no
difference in the rates by family income in the ECA. In the
NCS, however, there is an inverse relationship between
the rates of bipolar disorder and family income: the lower
the income, the higher the rates (p = .04). Persons who are
separated or divorced have higher rates in both the ECA
(p = .02) and the NCS (p = .002). The age at onset is 5 years
younger in the ECA compared with the NCS (p = .001).

Cross-National Collaborative Group

The success of the ECA in the United States led to the conduct of similar studies using the DIS in various parts of the
world. Data from some countries began to appear in the
late 1980s. However, it was difficult to make cross-national


Clinical Studies

Table 53. Lifetime and Annual Prevalence of Bipolar-I Disorder

in the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
and in the U.S. National Comorbidity
Survey Replication (NCS-R)

NCS (1994)

NCS-R (2005)

Number in sample



Response rate (%)



Interview measure



Diagnostic outcome






% Female



Lifetime prevalence/100 (Standard Error)


1.7 (0.20)

1.0 (0.1)


1.6 (0.28)

0.8 (0.1)


1.7 (0.28)

1.1 (0.2)


1.3 (0.18)

0.6 (0.1)


1.4 (0.25)

0.6 (0.1)


1.3 (0.24)

0.7 (0.1)

Annual prevalence/100 (Standard Error)

Age at Onset (years)


23.3 (0.9)

21.4 (1.2)




CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; UMCIDI = University of Michigan Institute for Social Researchs modification of the CIDI.
Sources: Kessler et al., 1994; National Comorbidity Study Replication (2005).

comparisons, even with studies using the same diagnostic

assessment methods, because of variability in the data presentation. As noted earlier, the Cross-National Collaborative
Group was formed in the 1990s to directly compare rates
and risks for psychiatric disorders and to help overcome this
problem of disparate presentation of data by standardizing
analysis across sites. The hope was that real differences in
rates by country, not due to differing analytic methods,
might thereby emerge. Ten countries, including the United
States, that had used Version III of the DIS and DSM-III
formed the collaboration. Only 7 of these 10 provided data

on bipolar disorder; nonetheless, these 7 countries represent

diverse geographic, political, and cultural areas in North
America, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Rim.
The investigators in each country translated the DIS; details
on the translation and the methodology employed are included in the references for each study. In addition to the
ECA, data were obtained from the following sources:
The Edmonton Survey of Psychiatric Disorders (Orn
et al., 1988) was conducted in the city of Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada.


Table 54. Comparison of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study (ECA) and the National
Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
Date conducted
Sample size
Age range (years)







5 U.S. sites

48 U.S. states









CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DIS = Diagnostic Interview Schedule; DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

The Puerto Rico Study of Psychiatric Disorders (Canino

et al., 1987) included persons living in households
throughout Puerto Rico, in addition to household members temporarily away and those in institutions.
The Munich Follow-up Study (Wittchen et al., 1992) was
a 7-year follow-up investigation of a stratified random
general population sample drawn from the former West
The Taiwan Psychiatric Epidemiology Project (Hwu et al.,
1989) sampled three population areas representing metropolitan Taipei and township and rural areas.
The Korean Epidemiologic Study of Mental Disorders
(Lee et al., 1990a,b) sampled persons in urban Seoul and
in scattered rural regions across South Korea.
The Christchurch Psychiatric Epidemiology Study (Wells
et al., 1989) included adults living in Christchurch on the
South Island of New Zealand.
Table 56 shows the target population and sample size,
response rate, and gender and age distributions for each
study that collected data on bipolar disorder. Statistical
analyses of these data standardized the rates at each site to
the age and gender distribution of the ECA. Because of different age distributions at each site, analysis was restricted
to the 18- to 64-year age group (26 to 64 years in West Germany). The standardization was performed according to
methods described by Breslow and Day (1987). Weighted
prevalence rates yielded estimates that would be derived if
each site had the same age and gender distribution as the
ECA. The ECA, Edmonton, Puerto Rico, Munich, Taiwan,


Korea, and Christchurch surveys collected data on both

bipolar-I and bipolar-II disorder, which are the basis for
the rates presented here; the NCS data are shown for comparison purposes. Note that both the ECA and NCS rates
presented in the following tables may vary slightly from
the rates presented earlier in Tables 52 and 53 because of
the differing age ranges included.
The lifetime prevalence for bipolar-I range from 0.3
percent in Taiwan to 1.7 percent in the United States (NCS)
(Weissman et al., 1996) (Table 57). The rates are moderately consistent cross-nationally. The male/female ratio is
almost equal for the United States and Taiwan. Men have
slightly higher rates than women in the Edmonton, Puerto
Rico, and New Zealand surveys, and much higher rates in
the Korea survey. Mean age at onset is on average 6 years
younger for bipolar-I than for major depression, ranging
from 17 in Edmonton to 27 in Puerto Rico (median 18 to
25). The West German rates are not stable because of
the small sample size. The data on mean age at onset for
bipolar-I may represent underestimates, because some of
those surveyed had not yet passed through the age of risk,
and no one older than age 64 was included.
The lifetime rates for bipolar-II are lower than those for
bipolar-I, a result that probably reflects the difficulty of
distinguishing mild highs from normal mood fluctuations
in a community sample, as discussed previously. The rates
are relatively consistent across sites (range 0.1 to 0.9 percent). There is no consistent gender ratio, although the rate
of bipolar-II disorder is more often higher among females
than males, a result suggested by clinical studies (Leibenluft,
1996). These rates, too, are probably underestimates. The
lower rates of bipolar-II compared with bipolar-I reflect
the uncertainty associated with diagnosis of bipolar-II in a
nonpatient samplea conclusion discussed previously
and also reached by Kessler and colleagues (1997) in their
validity study of the NCS.
Table 58 shows the very high rates of suicide attempts
among persons with versus those without bipolar-I disorder in the United States and five other countries in the
1980s and 1990s (see Chapters 8 and 25). These figures
were adjusted for age and gender at each site. Regardless of
the variation in rates of bipolar disorder across countries,
the association with suicide attempts is consistent and
strong: the difference in prevalence of suicide attempts
among those with and without bipolar disorder (odds ratio) ranges from 5.5 to 25.7/100.
Table 59 shows the significant association between
panic disorder and bipolar disorder (see Chapter 7). Although the actual numbers of persons with this comorbidity were quite small in Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Korea, and
Christchurch, the association is statistically significant
across all sites. The association between the two disorders

Table 55. Lifetime Prevalence/100 (Standard Error) of Bipolar-I Disorder

by Demographic Characteristics in the United States

ECA (1980)

NCS (1990)


1.0 (0.16)

1.6 (0.29)


1.1 (0.17)

1.8 (0.30)


p Value



Mean age at onset, years

18.7 (6.1)

24.0 (7.5)




Educational level
Less than high school

1.3 (0.25)

2.2 (0.61)

High school graduate

1.1 (0.21)

2.0 (0.36)

College or higher

0.9 (0.16)

1.2 (0.27)

p Value



Total Family Income


1.2 (0.22)

2.7 (0.53)


0.7 (0.21)

1.4 (0.38)


1.2 (0.33)

1.6 (0.34)

$70,000 +


p Value


0.8 (0.39)

Marital status

0.8 (0.13)

1.3 (0.22)


1.6 (0.40)

3.8 (0.93)

Never married

1.3 (0.23)

1.8 (0.48)

p Value




0.9 (0.26)

1.3 (0.39)


1.1 (0.13)

1.8 (0.24)

p Value


Note: Encompasses ages 1854 years.

ECA = Epidemiologic Catchment Area study; NCS = National Comorbidity Study.



Table 56. Target Population, Sample Size, Response Rate, and Gender and Age Distributions for the Cross-National Sites
Size of target population
Total number in study, age 18+ years

























Response rate (%)









% Female












































% Age at Interview (years)


Note: Figures shown are in raw percentages; percentages may not add to exactly 100 at certain sites because of missing values
N/A = not assessed.
U.S. Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study, 1980.
U.S. National Comorbidity Survey, 1990.
Population figures according to 1980 census.
Population figures drawn from 1990 U.S. Census of 48 conterminous states.
Population figures according to 1981 census.
Population figures according to 1974 census of West Germany, former Federal Republic of Germany.
Population figures according to 1986 census.

Table 57. Lifetime Prevalence/100 (Standard Error) of Bipolar-I Disorder in Samples

of the Cross-National Collaborative Group Study
Survey Site

Age at
Onset (years)

Median Age
at Onset (years)




M/F Ratio

ECA, 1980

0.9 (0.10)

0.8 (0.14)

1.0 (0.15)


18.1 (0.68)


NCS, 1990a

1.7 (0.21)

1.6 (0.29)

1.8 (0.30)


24.0 (0.92)



0.6 (0.16)

0.7 (0.25)

0.5 (0.21)


17.1 (1.12)


Puerto Rico

0.6 (0.23)

0.8 (0.38)

0.5 (0.27)


27.2 (3.40)



0.5 (0.37)


1.0 (0.71)





0.3 (0.06)

0.3 (0.09)

0.3 (0.07)


22.5 (1.90)



0.4 (0.09)

0.6 (0.16)

0.2 (0.09)


23.0 (2.54)



1.5 (0.36)

1.7 (0.56)

1.2 (0.45)


18.2 (5.90)


United States

Note: Encompasses ages 1864 years unless otherwise noted.

N/A = not assessed.
Ages 1854 years.
Ages 2664 years. Only one case of bipolar disorder was reported.

Table 58. Lifetime Prevalence/100 (Standard Error)a of Suicide Attempts in Persons

with and without Bipolar-I Disorder
Persons with
Bipolar Disorder

Persons without
Bipolar Disorder

ECA, 1980

23.9 (4.70)

2.9 (0.18)

9.6 (5.616.6)


NCS, 1990c,d

40.5 (6.08)

4.2 (0.33)

15.8 (9.326.9)



44.5 (12.72)

3.6 (0.38)

25.7 (8.676.6)


Puerto Rico

24.5 (25.50)e

5.8 (0.67)

5.6 (1.029.8)


11.8 ( 5.84)e

0.7 (0.08)

18.1 (5.857.0)


15.1 ( 8.40)e

3.1 (0.25)

5.5 (1.520.2)


32.7 (11.69)

4.0 (0.59)

13.1 (4.241.1)

Survey Site

Odds Ratio
(95% CI)b

p Value

United States

Note: Encompasses ages 1864 years unless otherwise noted.

CI = confidence interval.
Standardized to U.S. 1980 Census.
Odds ratio adjusted by age and gender at each site.
Ages 1854 years.
Weighted to 1989 National Health Interview Survey.
Indicates cells with a frequency of 5 or less.





Table 59. Lifetime Prevalence/100 (Standard Error)a of Panic Disorder in Persons

with and without Bipolar-I Disorder
Survey Site

Persons with
Bipolar Disorder

Persons without
Bipolar Disorder

Odds Ratio
(95% CI)b

p Value

United States
ECA, 1980

16.2 (4.09)

1.5 (0.13)

12.8 (6.824.1)


NCS, 1990c,d

27.0 (5.49)

3.1 (0.28)

12.5 (6.922.6)



16.7 (9.55)

1.3 (0.68)

16.5 (4.067.6)


Puerto Rico

49.6 (18.00)e

1.3 (0.33)

79.2 (17.3323)



14.5 (6.36)e

0.3 (0.06)

53.5 (17.9160)



9.0 (6.70)e

1.7 (0.19)

14.1 (2.677.3)


20.6 (10.09)e

1.8 (0.40)

17.2 (4.369.1)



Note: Encompasses ages 1864 years unless otherwise noted.

CI = confidence interval.
Standardized to U.S. 1980 Census.
Odds ratio adjusted by age and gender at each site.
Ages 1854 years.
Weighted to 1989 National Health Interview Survey.
Indicates cells with a frequency of 5 or less.

has also been noted in genetic studies showing an increased familial aggregation of panic disorder in probands
with bipolar disorder (MacKinnon et al., 1998). The meaning of these results and whether they represent a specific
genetic subtype are unclear (see Chapter 13).
Table 510 shows the significant association between
substance abuse or dependence and bipolar disorder in all
countries except Puerto Rico and New Zealand. These results suggest that cultural differences in substance abuse
may explain some of the association (see Chapter 7).

rately from the results of the Cross-National Collaborative

Group study in Table 511, even if the former studies used
the same diagnostic measures, as they employed somewhat different methods for either data collection or analysis that could explain differences in the results. Because
the raw data were not available, standardization for age
and gender differences could not be performed. Therefore, only published rates are presented. A uniform presentation across sites as shown in Tables 57 through 510
is not possible.

Other International Studies


The data reported in the preceding section are from seven

countries that used the DIS in their surveys and provided
raw data for analyses. The NCS used the CIDI, not the
DIS, but the raw data were available so that direct comparisons, with standardization for age and gender, could be
made, thus reducing methodological differences as a
source of variance in rates. Other well-designed epidemiologic studies have been conducted cross-nationally and
published in the last decade; these studies have limitations
for present purposes, however, in that they group all affective disorders together and do not present rates for bipolar disorder separately. Results of studies that do report
on bipolar-I or bipolar-II disorder are presented sepa-

The Icelandic study was drawn from a case register and

represented a birth cohort born in 1931 and residing in Iceland on December 1, 1986; 2,396 persons met these criteria.
Among 1,195 persons randomly selected, 862 interviews (79
percent) were completed. DSM-III diagnoses were derived
from DIS interviews administered by trained lay interviewers. The lifetime prevalence rates for bipolar-I (0.2
percent) and bipolar-II (0.5 percent) were low, with equal
gender ratios (Stefansson et al., 1991). The sample of bipolar subjects was too small to permit interpretation of associations with marital status. The lower rates obtained in
this study could be explained by the age of the cohort
(about 56) at the time of the interview.


Clinical Studies

Table 510. Lifetime Prevalence/100 (Standard Error)a of Any Substance Abuse

or Dependence (Alcohol or Drug) in Persons with and without
Bipolar-I Disorder
Persons with
Bipolar Disorder

Persons without
Bipolar Disorder

Odds Ratio
(95% CI)b

ECA, 1980

57.2 (5.51)

17.5 (0.41)

7.6 (4.712.1)


NCS, 1990c,d

58.2 (6.11)

23.4 (0.69)

5.0 (3.08.4)


60.0 (12.53)

20.1 (0.82)

6.4 (2.119.5)


12.8 (1.00)

Survey Site

p Value

United States

Puerto Rico



19.3 (7.13)

6.7 (0.25)

3.3 (1.29.0)



54.8 (11.68)

22.8 (0.61)

4.6 (1.312.5)



23.7 (10.60)

20.9 (1.23)

0.8 (0.92.8)


Note: Encompasses ages 1864 years unless otherwise noted.

CI = confidence interval.
Standardized to U.S. 1980 Census.
Odds ratio adjusted by age and gender at each site.
Ages 1854 years.
Weighted to 1989 National Health Interview Survey.

Shantin (Hong Kong)

A large-scale community survey was conducted in Shantin
using the DIS and DSM-III (Chen et al., 1993). A twophase design yielded 7,229 respondents. A flagged sample
was given the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) as a
screen and the full DIS. The DIS was administered only to
respondents among an unflagged sample who were positive on one of the screens of the SRQ. With this design, the
lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder was very low, and
similar for males (0.15 percent) and females (0.16 percent).
These rates are slightly lower than those reported for the
two Asian countries (Taiwan and Korea) in the CrossNational Collaborative Group study (see Table 57). Chen
and colleagues (1993) suggested that the difference could
be due to the location of their study; because Shantin was
a new town attracting healthy workers, people with serious
mental illnesses would not have relocated there.

A national community study was conducted in Hungary to
estimate the prevalence of affective disorders in the adult
population aged 18 to 64, sampled from the registries of 15
general practitioners in five different geographic areas

(Szadoczky et al., 1998). In this study, 2,953 respondents

were interviewed using the DIS. The lifetime prevalence for
bipolar-I was 1.5/100, similar to the U.S. rate; for bipolar-II,
the lifetime rate was 2.0/100. There were few differences
in the rates by gender. The first symptoms were reported
slightly earlier for females (at 17.9 years) than for males (at
22 years), and the highest risk for first onset of bipolar-I was
at ages 15 to 19. Persons with bipolar disorder had a higher
level of education, a higher rate of unemployment in males,
and a higher rate of marital disruption or never being married compared with those without the disorder.

Florence, Italy
This study included a community sample of 1,000 people
in Florence, Italy, drawn from the registries of general
physicians (Faravelli et al., 1990). In contrast to the majority of the other epidemiological surveys, the interviews
were carried out by qualified psychiatrists or third-year
trainees. The annual prevalence for bipolar-I was 1.9/100
for females and 0.6/100 for males, for an overall prevalence
of 1.3/100. These rates are again in the same range as the
U.S. rates, except for higher rates in females. For bipolar-II
disorder, the overall prevalence was 0.2/100. The high annual rates of bipolar disorder are similar to lifetime rates

Table 511. Prevalence/100 of Bipolar Disorder from Other Cross-National Community Surveys


Age Range (Years)

Diagnostic Method


Time Period


Angst et al., 1984

Faravelli et al., 1990

Switzerland, 19781982
Florence, Italy, 1987



Cohort born
in 1931





Stefansson et al., 1991

Iceland, 1987

Chen et al., 1993

Shantin, Hong
Kong, 19841986




BP I or II






6 months

Males, 0.15;
females, 0.16

Levav et al., 1993

Israel, 1987

Brewin et al., 1997

Szadoczky et al., 1998

England, 19921994
Hungary, 1998

397, 048a



Not stated



2-year incidence
Annual incidence

males, 0.00037;

Scully et al., 2000

Ireland, 19952000


Kringlen et al., 2001

Norway, 19941997







Sao Paulo,
Brazil, 19941996





Regeer et al., 2002

Netherlands, 19961999





Mitchell et al., 2004

Negash et al., 2005

Butajira, Ethiopia





Annual incidence

Vicente et al., 2006





0.5: males, 0.6;
females, 0.3
1.9: males, 1.5;
females, 2.2

Andrade et al., 2002

Sample Size



BP = bipolar; BP-NOS = bipolar disordernot otherwise specified; CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DIS = Diagnostic Interview Schedule; SANS = Schedule for Assessment
of Negative Symptoms; SCAN = Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry; SCID = Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; SPIKE = Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating
of the Social Consequences of Psychiatric Disturbances for Epidemiology.
Population at risk from 1991 Nottingham population census.
Euphoric type.


Clinical Studies

reported in other studies, a result that may be attributable

to having the interviews conducted by psychiatrists, who
were better able to probe for symptoms of mania. Also,
this study assessed only mood disorders; therefore, the results may include other disorders with mood disturbance.
The low rate of bipolar-II disorder found in this study
again suggests the difficulty of discriminating between
mild mood disorders and normal mood in a community
survey. This was also the only epidemiologic study to report rates of recurrent depression (annual prevalence 2.6

In an epidemiologic study of mental disorders among
young adults in Israel, a 10-year birth cohort (19491958)
was interviewed by psychiatrists using the Israeli version of
SADS, based on RDC criteria. A two-stage screening process was used. Subjects scoring positive on the screen
(about a fifth of the sample) received the full diagnostic interview by a psychiatrist. The screened positive sample included 2,741 Israeli-born offspring of Jewish immigrants.
The 6-month prevalence was 0.7 percent for bipolar-I disorder and 0.9 percent for bipolar-II disorder. Annual or
lifetime prevalence rates were not reported. The rates did
not vary significantly by gender. The 6-month prevalence
of definite bipolar-I disorder was higher among Israelis of
European ethnicity (0.61) compared with Israelis of North
African ethnicity (0.15, p < .05) (Levav et al., 1993). There
were no significant differences by education.

Zurich, Switzerland
Subjects for the Zurich Cohort Study were drawn from the
total population of the canton of Zurich. The sample was
the result of a two-stage design that selected subjects at
high risk for psychiatric disorders and applied random
controls for 4,547 subjects at the ages of about 19 (males)
and 20 (females). Reassessments were conducted when the
subjects were about 22, 27, 29, and 34 years of age. Screening took place in 1978, the first and second interviews were
conducted in 1979 and 1981, and the last (fifth) interview
was conducted in 1993. Each interview covered the previous 12 months. Symptomatology was assessed using SPIKE
(Angst et al., 1984), administered by trained clinical psychologists in the subjects homes. SPIKE is a semistructured clinical interview, which, as noted earlier, allows the
assessment of 29 separate syndromes, including hypomania, in terms of symptoms, their length, their frequency of
occurrence, subjective suffering, social consequence, treatment, and family history.
The 1-year prevalence of bipolar-I disorder was 0.7 percent (Angst et al., 1984). The study identified brief hypomania (recurrent and sporadic), a condition characterized

by short episodes of 1 to 3 days duration and high recurrence, as a new diagnostic group with a 1-year prevalence
rate (cumulative) of 2.8 percent (see later discussion).
The lifetime prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder, which included a full range of manic symptoms (see
the later discussion of bipolar spectrum) was 5.5 percent
(Angst, 1995). Overall, the study demonstrated the high
prevalence rates of DSM-IV hypomania and brief hypomania among the general population and the clinical and
social relevance of these diagnoses. Because this was a
prospective study with five waves of interviews focusing on
rates from the previous year, it may have been more successful than other studies at identifying fluctuating hypomanic episodes. There have been no other epidemiologic
studies of comparable design.

A prospective study in rural Ireland of 29,542 subjects
from 39 electoral districts was initiated in 19952000 to
assess all first episodes of bipolar disorder. The SCID-III-R
(Spitzer et al., 1992) and DSM-III-R were used. As of 2002,
the annual incidence of bipolar-I for women was 0.0006
and for men was 0.00037; the overall incidence was

Nottingham, England
This study estimated the incidence rate of ICD manic psychosis in first referrals to general adult psychiatric clinics
over the 2-year period 19921994. It differs from the others
reviewed here in that it was not community based. Therefore, patients who did not present for treatmentmost
likely milder caseswere not included (Brewin et al.,
1997). New patients were evaluated with the Schedule for
Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) (WHO,
1994) and the Schedule for Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) (Andreasen, 1982). Using the 1991 Nottingham
population census as the population at risk (denominator)
and new referrals meeting the ICD criteria for manic psychosis as the case (numerator), the incidence rate was
0.005, with a slightly higher rate among females (Brewin
et al., 1997).

A sample of 2,066 subjects aged 18 to 65, randomly selected
from the Norwegian National Population Registry, was interviewed with the CIDI between 1994 and 1997 (Kringlen
et al., 2001). The overall annual prevalence of bipolar disorder was 0.9 percent (0.8 percent for males and 1.0 percent for
females). The overall lifetime prevalence for bipolar disorder
was 1.6 percent, with little difference by gender (1.7 percent
for males and 1.4 percent for females). These rates are close to
those found in the NCS, which also used the CIDI.


The Netherlands
A prospective survey of 7,067 subjects aged 18 to 64 years
from the Dutch general population was conducted at three
points in time between 1996 and 1999, using the CIDI (de
Graaf et al., 2002; Regeer et al., 2002). Summing of the responses at the three points yielded a lifetime prevalence for
bipolar-I or bipolar-NOS of 2.4 percent. A clinical reappraisal, blind to the original diagnosis, was conducted by
trained clinicians using the SCID. The results led to a reduction of the rate to 2.0 percent. The annual incidence
was 0.3 and was higher in females than in males, but these
rates are based on small numbers (Bijl et al., 2002).

So Paulo, Brazil
A community survey of a sample of 1,464 adults living in
one catchment area of a large hospital complex in So Paulo
was conducted using the CIDI (Andrade et al., 2002). The
lifetime and annual rates of bipolar disorder were 1.0 and
0.5, respectively. The rates among men and women were
similar. Data on the association with other demographic
characteristics were not presented for bipolar disorder separately from other mood disorders.

The CIDI was administered to a stratified random sample
of 2,978 individuals from four provinces representative of
Chiles population aged 15 and above (Vicente et al., 2006).
The lifetime and annual rates of manic disorder were 1.9
and 1.4, respectively. Lifetime rates were higher in women
(2.2) than in men (1.5).

Bipolar Spectrum
The rates of bipolar disorder reported above may be underestimates because many subjects who have brief recurrent hypomanic episodes may not be captured in surveys
(see Chapters 2 and 3). Moreover, there is controversy about
what symptoms should be included in the full spectrum of
bipolar disorder. Some epidemiologic data on the spectrum that include hypomanic episodes are now available.
The relatively low reported rates of hypomania noted in
previous surveys may be due to the fact that hypomania is
frequently unrecognized by subjects themselves as a pathological condition. However, there may be a wide bipolar
spectrum in clinical samples (Angst, 1998). The bipolar
spectrum includes mania, hypomania, recurrent brief hypomania, sporadic brief hypomania, and cyclothymia.
Modern concepts of bipolar disorder are still developing
and can include bipolar-I and -II, hypomania, cyclothymia,
mania with depression, and depression with hypomania,
as well as highly recurrently major depression.6 Six subtypes
of bipolar disorder were described by Klerman (1981): (1)


mania, (2) hypomania, (3) hypomania or mania precipitated by drugs, (4) cyclothymic personality, (5) depression
with a familial history of bipolar disorder, and (6) mania
without depression. The concept of soft bipolar spectrum
(Akiskal, 1996) includes Klermans subtypes 3 through 6,
as well as recurrent depression without spontaneous hypomania but with hyperthymic temperament (Angst, 1998).
Epidemiologic studies have found lifetime prevalence
rates for certain segments of the bipolar spectrum that
range from 3.0 to 8.3 percent (Table 512). The further the
spectrum is extended, however, the lower is the diagnostic
In this context, longitudinal epidemiologic studies of
young adults to determine instances of subtle onset of
symptoms could provide data for use in testing the hypothesis of a bipolar spectrum. However, almost all epidemiologic studies are cross-sectional. One attempt to
study the spectrum was the longitudinal study of Angst
(1998), discussed previously. In that study, the cumulative
prevalence (based on four interviews over 12 years) for
DSM-IV hypomania/mania was 5.5 percent. Brief (recurrent or sporadic) hypomania had a prevalence of 2.8 percent. Therefore, the inclusion of brief hypomania raised
the Zurich rate for bipolar spectrum to 8.3 percent
(Akiskal 2000). All of the subgroups in this studythose
that met the DSM-IV criteria for hypomania and those with
sporadic or brief recurrent hypomaniahad similar symptom profiles and a family history of depression (Angst,
1998). Angst recommended that the bipolar spectrum be
broadened to include brief hypomania in light of its high
prevalence and clinical relevance.
The largest study of bipolar spectrum disorder included
more than 85,000 adults in the United States and used the
Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ), a screening instrument of uncertain reliability. This study found a rate of
bipolar spectrum of 3.7 percent. The relationship between
data on bipolar spectrum obtained from a screening questionnaire and from a full diagnostic interview is unclear,
however (Hirschfeld et al., 2001, 2003a,b; see Chapter 11).
The recent NCS-R found a lifetime prevalence of bipolar spectrum of 4.4 percent: 1.4 percent for bipolar-I, 1.6
percent for bipolar-II, and 1.4 percent for bipolar subthreshold (defined as those individuals who have euphoria
or irritability plus two other symptoms for 4 days or longer
with at least mild impairment and a history of major depression). Males were more likely to be diagnosed with
subthreshold bipolar disorder than were females (1.7 and
1.0 percent, respectively) (Kessler et al., 2006).
Bipolar spectrum is an ambiguous classification and
includes subtypes that are subtle and difficult to diagnose. There is general agreement, however, that bipolar
disorder encompasses a broad spectrum and that clinically


Clinical Studies

Table 512. Lifetime Prevalence/100 of Bipolar Spectrum Disorder



Oliver and Simmons, 1985

Faravelli and Incerpi, 1985
Szadoczky et al., 1998
Weissman and Meyers, 1978
Heun and Maier, 1993
Levav et al., 1993
Angst, 1998
Hirschfeld et al., 2002
Judd and Akiskal, 2003
Moreno and Andrade, 2005
Kessler et al., 2006
Faravelli et al., 2006

United States
United States
United States
United States
United States

Age Range


Time Period




CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DIS = Diagnostic Interview Schedule; MDQ = Mood Disorder Questionnaire; MINI = Mini
International Neuropsychiatric Interview; SADS-L = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime; SPIKE = Structured Psychopathological Interview and Rating of the Social Consequences of Psychiatric Disturbances for Epidemiology.
8.3 if brief hypomania is included.

significant cases within that spectrum are not captured in

epidemiologic or even clinical studies.


As discussed earlier, the onset and clinical presentation of
bipolar disorder in children and adolescents are less clear
than in adults (see also Chapter 6). Moreover, there is considerable controversy about clinical presentation in children (Geller et al., 2002; Lewinsohn et al., 2003; Biederman
et al., 2004). In particular, there is controversy as to
whether hyperactive, inattentive children with emotional
lability represent early presentations of mania or ADHD.
Biederman (1995), Farone and colleagues (1997), Geller
and colleagues (1998), and Wozniak and colleagues (1995)
examined ADHD uncomplicated by any other psychiatric
disorder in an effort to understand the possible symptomatology of childhood mania. Biederman and colleagues
(1995) found that 96 percent of children referred with
symptoms of mania fulfilled criteria for a diagnosis of
ADHD; however, only 16 percent of the children referred
with symptoms of ADHD met the criteria for mania. The
diagnosis of bipolar disorder in pediatric populations is
complicated by insufficient information on the clinical development of childhood symptomatology into adulthood;
a clinical bias against a diagnosis of mania in childhood
(Carlson, 1996), similar to the bias seen 20 years ago
against the diagnosis of depression in children (Angold,
1988); and overlap of symptomatology between bipolar

disorder and other, more prevalent childhood psychiatric

illnesses (ADHD and conduct disorder) (see Chapter 6).
Compared with the gender distribution in adulthood,
reports of mania in childhood based on clinical and epidemiologic studies suggest that prepubertal onset of mania may be more frequent in boys than in girls (Varanka
et al., 1988; Geller et al., 1998). The incidence of mania
appears to increase after the onset of puberty, and the
prevalence of mania during late adolescence is estimated
to approximate that in adulthood.7
Table 513 presents the prevalence rates of bipolar disorder from community-based epidemiologic studies of adolescents. Only the MECA study included children; all of the
other studies included only adolescent samples. The table
demonstrates the paucity of data in this area. Note that
the considerable variation in age ranges included in the
different studies affects the rates derived and accounts for
discrepancies shown in the table.
Results of both the NCS and the MECA study are on
public-use tapes, making it possible to undertake the analyses presented here. The NCS, as described previously, included subjects aged 15 to 54. In that study, the lifetime rate
for bipolar-I was 1.3/100 among 468 adolescents aged 15 to 17.
The MECA study was conducted among a populationbased sample of children and adolescents (see Table 513).
As noted, this is the only published epidemiologic study to
include children; however, the sample was too small to be
divided by age, and pubertal status was not obtained. Probability household samples of 1,285 youths aged 9 to 17
were selected at four sites (Atlanta, Georgia; New Haven,



Table 513. Prevalence/100 of Bipolar Disorder from Studies in Adolescents




United States
United States

et al., 1995
et al., 1998

Western Oregon
Bavaria, Germany


Age Range






























et al., 2001

Helsinki, Finland


Follow-up of high
school students, 2024




Note: Only the MECA study included children.

BP = bipolar; BP-NOS = bipolar disordernot otherwise specified; CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; DISC = Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; KSADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; LIFE = Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation; MECA = Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorder; NCS = National Comorbidity Study; SCAN = Schedules for
Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry.

Connecticut; Westchester County, New York; and Puerto

Rico). Lay interviewers administered a computer-assisted
version of the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for
Children (DISC) 2.3 and structured interviews to assess demographic variables, functional impairment, risk factors,
service utilization, and barriers to service utilization (Lahey
et al., 1996). Data were collected from both children and
their parents. A clinician interviewer, again using DISC 2.3,
reassessed 247 of these parentchild pairs 1 to 3 weeks later.
The test-retest reliability of the interviews with the parents
was generally good for most diagnoses but less satisfactory
for the interviews with the children. The current (6-month)
prevalence for mania was 1.2/100 and for hypomania was
0.6/100 (unpublished data). Annual rates were not available.
Gould and colleagues (1998) examined the relationships
among suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and mania in
the MECA study. They found that 4.5 percent of youths
having had suicidal ideation and 7.1 percent of those having made a suicide attempt had experienced manic symptoms, compared with 0.9 percent of those who had neither
had suicidal ideation nor made an attempt. The comparison of these two groups was statistically significant. There
were 16 children with mania3 with suicidal ideation
(18.7 percent), 3 who had made a suicide attempt (18.7 percent), and 10 who had neither had suicidal ideation nor

made an attempt (62.5 percent; p < .005 ideation versus

none; p < .001 attempt versus none).
A community sample of 1,709 adolescents (aged 14 to 18
years) was randomly selected from nine senior high
schools representative of urban and rural districts in western Oregon (Lewinsohn et al., 1995). The adolescents were
interviewed initially between 1987 and 1989 using KSADS
(with combined features of the epidemiologic and present
state versions). Parents were not interviewed. At approximately 1 year, a follow-up interview (the Longitudinal Interval Follow-up Evaluation [LIFE]; Keller et al., 1987) and
KSADS were administered to determine the presence of
psychiatric disorders since the initial interview. The lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder (primarily bipolar-II
and cyclothymia) was approximately 1.0 percent. An additional 5.7 percent of the sample (termed core positive subjects) reported experiencing a distinct period of abnormally elevated, expansive, and/or irritable mood, although
they never met the criteria for bipolar disorder per se. Both
bipolar and core positive patients exhibited significant
functional impairment and high rates of comorbidity
(anxiety and disruptive behavior), suicide attempts, and
use of mental health services. The prevalence, age at onset,
phenomenology, and course of bipolar disorder in adolescents were similar for both males and females.


Clinical Studies

To examine the course of adolescent depression, a

follow-up was conducted to compare the rates of mood and
other mental disorders between ages 19 and 24 for adolescents with a history of depression and those with adolescent adjustment disorder with depressed mood, those with
nonaffective disorders, and those with no disorder. The
study participants were followed-up again when they
reached age 24. The follow-up sample (739 subjects) had
low rates of dysthymia and bipolar disorder (less than 1
percent). In accord with other results, a small percentage
(0.9 percent) of children and adolescents with major depression had experienced manic/hypomanic episodes.8
The same community sample in Oregon was used to
compare the incidence and prevalence of bipolar disorder
among adolescents and young adults, to explore the stability
and consequences of adolescent bipolar disorder in young
adulthood, to determine the rate of transition from depression to bipolar disorder, and to evaluate the significance of
subsyndromal bipolar disorder (SUB) (Lewinsohn et al.,
1995). The results show a lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder of approximately 1.0 percent during adolescence and
2.0 percent during young adulthood. Lifetime prevalence of
SUB was approximately 5.0 percent. Fewer than 1.0 percent
of adolescents with depression had converted to bipolar disorder by age 24 (Lewinsohn et al., 2000). The bipolar disorder and SUB subgroups both had elevated rates of antisocial
and other personality disorder symptoms. Both showed significant impairment in psychosocial functioning and had
made greater use of mental health services. In general, adolescents with bipolar disorder showed significant continuity
across developmental periods and had adverse outcomes
during young adulthood. Adolescent SUB was also associated with adverse outcomes in adulthood, but not with increased incidence of bipolar disorder, a finding that questions the validity of the SUB diagnoses.
A study conducted in Bavaria, Germany, among a sample of 3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14 to 24 using the CIDI and DSM-IV revealed a lifetime prevalence
of 1.4/100 for bipolar-I and 0.4/100 for bipolar-II
(Wittchen et al., 1998a). The annual rates were 1.3/100 and
0.4/100, respectively. The version of the CIDI used in this
study also included questions about disabilities and impairment, operationalized as the assessment of economic,
social, and leisure impairment during the worst episode
and 1 month before the interview. Among those youths
with any bipolar disorder, 94 percent considered themselves very impaired.
A 5-year follow-up of 647 high school students aged 20
to 24 in Helsinki, Finland, found 1-month prevalence rates
of 0.2 percent for bipolar-I, 0.5 percent for bipolar-II, and
0.2 percent for bipolar-NOS, with a total rate of bipolar
disorder of 0.9 percent (Aalto-Setl et al., 2001). Given

that these rates are monthly, they do not diverge greatly

from the annual rates reported in Germany among a similar age group.


In recent decades the patterns of disease and mortality in
developing countries have grown to resemble those of
high-income countries, with a preponderance of burden
resulting from chronic diseases. To quantify these changes
the World Bank, in collaboration with WHO, undertook
a systematic assessment of the global burden of disease
(GBD) in 1990 (World Bank, 1993b; Murray et al., 1994;
Murray and Lopez, 1996). The burden of disease was
measured in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), which
are the sum of life years lost to premature mortality (YLL)
and life years lost to disability (YLD). The 1990 GBD assessment confirmed a major epidemiological transition resulting from both decreasing birth rates and decreasing
rates of death from communicable diseases. As the birth rate
of a population drops, the number of adults increases relative to the number of children, and a greater proportion of
health care resources is accordingly focused on adults. Then,
as fatalities from acute diseases become increasingly preventable, and public health and medicine achieve growing success in controlling and stabilizing the effects of such chronic
diseases as cancer, cardiovascular conditions, and AIDS,
people live longer with the disabling effects of their illness.
The disability from disease results in the inability to work or
carry out daily activities of living.
A major assessment of the global burden of disease and
risk factors, updated to 2001, has recently been published
(Lopez et al., 2006). Self-inflicted injuries, overwhelmingly
attributable to psychiatric illnessesespecially unipolar
and bipolar disordersare the sixth leading cause of death
in adults 1559 in low and middle-income countries and
the second in high-income countries (Table 514). Unipolar depression ranks first in disability in both low and
middle-income and high-income countries (Table 515).
Questions have been raised about the severity weights
for mental disorders used in the GBD study and whether
the weights for depression and substance abuse may have
been overestimated (Andrews et al., 1998; Vos and Mathers,
2000). In a study from the Netherlands in which the burden of disease in 1994 in terms of DALYs was estimated
by using data from Dutch vital statistics, registries, and
surveys with Dutch disability weights, depression ranked
eighth, accounting for 112,800 DALYs in that year. This figure represented 4.4 percent of the DALYs for all diseases,
compared with a figure of 3.7 percent in established market
economy populations from the GBD study (Melse et al.,

Table 514. The 10 Leading Causes of Death in Adults Ages 1559, by Broad Income Group, 2001




Percentage of
total deaths



Percentage of
total deaths




Ischemic heart disease



Ischemic heart disease



Self-inflicted injuries






Road traffic accidents



Road traffic accidents



Trachea, bronchus,
and lung cancers



Cerebrovascular disease



Cerebrovascular disease



Self-inflicted injuries



Cirrhosis of the liver






Breast cancer



Lower respiratory infections



Colon and rectal cancers



Cirrhosis of the liver



Diabetes mellitus




Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease




Stomach cancer



Source: Mathers et al., 2006.


Clinical Studies

Table 515. The 10 Leading Causes of Disability (Years Lived with Disability) by Broad Income Group, 2001



of years)

Percentage of


of years)

Percentage of



Unipolar depressive



Unipolar depressive




Alzheimers and other




Hearing loss, adult onset



Hearing loss, adult onset



Vision disorders, age-related



Alcohol use disorders









Perinatal conditions



Cerebrovascular disease



Cerebrovascular disease



Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease







Diabetes mellitus



Alcohol use disorders



Endocrine disorders







Vision disorders,



Source: Mathers et al., 2006.

In a study from Victoria, Australia, rates of bipolar disorder were estimated from published studies by applying
the Dutch disability weights (Vos and Mathers, 2000). The
DALYs rates for depression were 7.7 for females and 5.3 for
males, and those for bipolar disorder were 1.3 for females
and 1.4 for males. These rates were lower than those for
the established market economies in the WHO studyfor
depression, 10.7 for females and 6.0 for males, and for
bipolar disorder, 2.1 for females and 2.2 for males. The
burden of major depression was found to be higher for females than for males, but that of bipolar disorder did not
differ by gender (Vos and Mathers, 2000), as determined
from the gender ratios in the tables presented earlier.
Psychiatric disorders are expected to represent a greater
global share of the disability burden than cardiovascular
disease by 2020 (Murray and Lopez, 2000). Indeed, the results of the World Bank Development Study and the Murray and Lopez report caught the attention of the administration of WHO and helped spur the initiation of the World
Mental Health Study, 2000, which is described next.

World Mental Health Study, 2000

The beginning of a new generation of cross-national studies of mental disorders was marked by a study in 2000 by
the WHO International Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology (ICPE), which encompassed countries and geographic areas not included in previous cross-national
studies.9 The first prevalence rates, based on use of the
CIDI to generate DSMIV diagnoses, were from a sample
of 29,644 persons participating in population surveys in
North America (Canada and the United States [the
NCS]), Latin America (Brazil and Mexico), and Europe
(Germany, the Netherlands, and Turkey). Although the
rates for bipolar disorder were not presented separately,
the lifetime rates of any mood disorder (depression, dysthymia, and/or mania) are as follows: Turkey, 7.3 percent;
Mexico, 9.2 percent; Canada, 10.2 percent; Brazil, 15.5 percent; Germany, 17.1 percent; the Netherlands, 18.9 percent;
and the United States (the NCS), 19.4 percent. These, the
first estimates from the consortium, show that mood disorders are highly prevalent throughout the world.


Additional surveys are to be conducted by the consortium

in Mexico, Colombia, France, Italy, Belgium, the Ukraine,
South Africa, Indonesia, China, and New Zealand and may
include an adolescent sample. Data from the ICPE on individual mood disorders, including mania and disorder
subtypes, are forthcoming (R.C. Kessler, Department of
Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, personal
communication, 2002). These data will encompass bipolar
disorder and bipolar spectrum, as well as impairment,
course, and current symptoms. Reappraisals of clinical
data are also under way.

In this section, we summarize what is known about the
correlates of bipolar disorder. These variables are often
called risk factors, but to avoid possible causal implications, we use instead the term associated features. Some
of this information has been presented earlier (e.g., in our
review of cross-national studies or variation in rates by
marital status or age), and some is discussed in detail in
other chapters. Here we summarize that material, along
with other information available from analytical epidemiologic studies. Analysis of data on associated features from
community surveys is problematic except for such broad
factors as age and gender because large samples are necessary for a disorder of relatively low prevalence. Therefore,
few community-based epidemiologic studies of bipolar
disorder are able to examine associated features beyond
age, age at onset, and gender.

Temporal Variations
Gershon and colleagues (1987) observed birth cohort
changes in mania among relatives of bipolar and schizoaffective patients. Using life table analysis, they found higher
rates of bipolar disorder among those cohorts born after
the 1940s, suggesting that the cumulative hazard for the
disorder in a given age group is greater in those born after
that decade. Gershon and colleagues (1987) concluded that
cohorts with the highest rates of affective illness appear to
have been born in the decades after World War II (these
findings are the same for bipolar and major depressive disorders).
Somewhat similar findings were derived independently
in the ECA (Lasch et al., 1990). Respondents were divided
into eight birth cohorts, each spanning a 10-year interval.
Actuarial life table analysis showed variations in the risk of
mania by birth cohort, with the greatest risk seen among
the post-1935 cohorts.
Various explanations have been proposed to account for
these results (Klerman and Weissman, 1989). The temporal
variations noted could be due to differential mortality


and institutionalization, which could have removed older

persons and earlier birth cohorts from the source populations, while changes in diagnostic criteria and the inclusion of persons with milder forms of bipolar disorder
could have increased the rates in cohorts born after 1935.
The onset of the antidepressant era in the early 1960s and
the subsequent 10-fold increase in the use of this class of
drugs, beginning with the appearance of second-generation antidepressants in the 1990s, may well have played a
significant role. Dietary changes (including lower (compared with breast milk) concentrations of omega-3 fatty
acids in infant formulas, discussed later, and younger age
at first alcohol or drug use) and increased smoking in
women must also be considered. It may be noted that
there is some consensus that higher rates of bipolar disorder in the 1990 NCS compared with the 1980 ECA are due
to methodological differences, as discussed earlier, rather
than to temporal variations. Recall, memory, and a general reporting bias may also have contributed to the observed temporal variations in maniaspecifically, a decline in the memory of lifetime events among the elderly
or a conscious effort not to report them.

Mood disorders as a group are consistently more prevalent
among women than men, but the difference is due to the
higher prevalence of unipolar major depression in women.
When only subjects with bipolar disorder are considered,
nearly equal gender ratios have been found across most but
not all national and cross-national studies, as reported earlier. Variations in one direction or another are likely due to
the instability of small samples.

Social Class
In the first edition of this text, we reviewed more than 30
early studies of the association between social class and
manic-depressive illness published between 1913 and 1989.
We discussed in detail the considerable methodological
problems involved in virtually every one of the studies but
were impressed, nonetheless, by the overall association between bipolar illness and one or more measures reflecting
upper social class.10 The complexities are many, of course.
We discuss in Chapter 12 the possible links among creativity, educational and occupational achievement, and certain
behavioral, temperamental, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics associated with bipolar illness. Education and
occupational achievement are, of course, associated with
higher social class. It is also possible that characteristics associated with mild manic states, such as increased energy,
risk-taking sexual drive, productivity, and social outgoingness, make some individuals more attractive and therefore,
on occasion, more likely to marry into a higher social class.


Clinical Studies

More recent epidemiologic data show an equal distribution of the disorder among all social classes and educational levels. While bipolar illness in a small minority of
patients may facilitate achievement and may aid the creative process (see Chapter 12), it is likely that most of the
earlier association between bipolar disorder and higher social class had to do with diagnostic practices and inaccuracies in the concept. Upper- and middle-class people were
more likely to be diagnosed as bipolar, whereas lower-class
individuals, especially the urban poor, were (and still are)
more likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenic (often mistakenly so) and consequently treated as such. Criteria for
social class also varied widely across studies. Nonetheless,
these investigations remain interesting for their span over
many decades, their historical significance, and their great
range across countries and cultures.
Most newer studies have failed to find a significantly
lower than expected rate of bipolar disorder associated with
indices of upper social class (educational status, occupation,
economic status, or parental social class). In both the ECA
and the NCS, lower educational level was not found to be
associated with an increased risk of bipolar disorder. The
NCS found an association between rates of bipolar illness
and lower family income; it is unclear, however, whether the
latter is a direct consequence of the illness or a trigger for its
onset. Abood and colleagues (2002) examined 90 patients
with bipolar-I disorder from a publicly financed service in
Dublin to assess the association of the disorder with social
advantage. Although not a representative sample, when compared with other psychiatric patients, excluding those with
schizophrenia, the bipolar patients had similar demographic
and socioeconomic characteristics (including more frequent
residential moves).
On the other hand, a sample of 130 patients meeting
DSM-III-R criteria for bipolar disorder and depression
were compared on their and their relatives occupational
levels (Verdoux and Bourgeois, 1995). Occupational level
did not differ significantly between unipolar and bipolar
probands, although higher levels predominated among
bipolar probands brothers and children. A comparison of
entire groups including probands and all their relatives
revealed a social advantage for the relatives of bipolar patients. These results are consistent with the downwarddrift hypothesis of bipolar disorder, which suggests that if
there is any social advantage among bipolar patients, it
may be reflected in the higher social class of their relatives.
The devastation of the illness may erase these advantages
and result in the association between the disorder and lower
income seen in the NCS or the increased rates among the
homeless discussed later. Consistent with this hypothesis is
a recent study (Tsuchiya et al., 2004) finding that higher

parental educational level and greater parental wealth were

associated with an elevated risk for bipolar disorder, but
that the patients themselves were more likely to be unemployed and less well educated. The authors concluded that
socioeconomic status may deteriorate as a result of the
negative consequences of the disease (as described in
Chapter 4). It may also be that milder forms of the illness
on occasion lead to high achievement, but that the illness
expressed in offspring of successful individuals is of a
more severe nature (see Chapter 13, in particular the discussion of the phenomenon of anticipation).

Race/Ethnicity and Cultural Differences

A number of studies have examined racial similarities and
differences in the prevalence and incidence of bipolar illness. Many factors apart from the previously discussed
sources of variance cloud the accurate determination of
these rates, including inadequate sampling from different
socioeconomic groups, cultural differences and consequent problems regarding presentation, the misdiagnosis
of schizophrenia noted earlier, and possible racial insensitivity among early researchers. These factors must be accounted for in such analyses.
Lewis and Hubbard (1931), Faris and Dunham (1939),
Helzer (1975), and Weissman and Myers (1978) found
equal rates of diagnosis of bipolar illness among African
Americans and Caucasians. Likewise, the ECA revealed no
significant difference in the prevalence or incidence of
bipolar disorder among races (Robins and Regier, 1991).
The NCS, on the other hand, indicated that African Americans had significantly lower rates of mania than Caucasians (Kessler et al., 1994). There is also some evidence
that African Caribbean and African individuals are less
likely to have experienced a depressive episode before the
onset of first mania, and more likely to have more severe
psychotic symptoms during their first mania, relative to
Caucasian Europeans (Kennedy et al., 2004). In the study
of the Cross-National Collaborative Group, the rates
among the two Asian samples (Taiwan and Korea) and the
Hispanic sample (Puerto Rico) were compared with those
among the primarily Caucasian samples from Edmonton,
Canada; West Germany; and Christchurch, New Zealand.
The Asian samples clearly showed the lowest rates of bipolar disorder, but these rates were still within the same general range as those of the other sites. Moreover, the Asian
sites (Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong) generally showed the
lowest rates for all psychiatric disorders.
In general, the newer epidemiologic data are consistent
with the results of earlier studies in indicating no strong
association between race/ethnicity and bipolar illness, with
the possible exception of the unexplained lower rates of


many psychiatric disorders in Asian countries. Too few

Asians were included in the ECA and NCS to study the consistency of this finding among Asians living in the United
States. Such data could aid in understanding whether low
rates of bipolar disorder are intrinsic to Asian people or affected by environmental factors. Selective migration could
also be at play in that families or persons with bipolar disorder may be more likely to emigrate. Future studies and
the new worldwide epidemiologic study of the ICPE, described previously, may clarify this issue.

Marital Status
Epidemiologic studies investigating marital status among
bipolar patients have revealed that the disorder is slightly
more common among single and divorced persons. The
ECA revealed that individuals who are separated or divorced
are more likely to suffer from bipolar disorder as compared
with married or never-married individuals (see Table 57).
In a Hungarian national survey (Szadoczky et al., 1998), bipolar disorder was found to be more frequent among those who
were separated and divorced. The rate among those never
married was high as well. Early onset of the illness may contribute to the latter phenomenon, negatively influencing personality development and thus causing difficulties in establishing and maintaining interpersonal connections.
As Krauthammer and Klerman (1979) pointed out,
marital status may change as a result of the disorder, rather
than leading to its onset. On the other hand, it is plausible
that being single or divorced constitutes a risk for bipolar
illness in some populations; it is also plausible, indeed likely,
that stressful marriages may precipitate affective episodes
and, conversely, that supportive marriages may have a protective effect.
While persons with bipolar disorder are more likely
than those in the general population to be single, divorced,
or in a disrupted marriage, we know of no evidence to
support a causal relationship between the disorder and
marital status. The establishment of such a link is hampered by small sample sizes and a lack of clarity as to the
direction of causality in studies addressing the question.
Therefore, although it is likely that symptoms of untreated
mania are disruptive to forming or sustaining intimate relationships, this hypothesis is not supported empirically.
(See Chapter 10 for further discussion of the effect of bipolar disorder on interpersonal relationships.)

Urban/Rural Comparisons
No urban/rural differences in rates of bipolar disorder
were found in the ECA or the NCS. In Taiwan, the lifetime
prevalence was higher in metropolitan Taipei (1.6 percent)
than in small towns (0.7 percent) and rural villages (1.0


percent) (Hwu et al., 1989). In Korea, the lifetime prevalence

of mania was similar in metropolitan Seoul (0.4 percent)
and in rural regions (0.4 percent) (Lee et al., 1990b). Urban/
rural differences in prevalence rates of affective disorders,
when they exist, may relate to the interplay among such
factors as place of residence, migration patterns, socioeconomic status, diet, and environment, rather than just one

The Homeless and the Institutionalized

Homelessness and mental illness among the homeless population have become a special interest of many mental
health professionals. The homeless population itself is difficult to define, and ascertaining the prevalence of mental
disorders within this community is even more problematic. In 1990, the lifetime and 5-year prevalence of all types
of homelessness in the United States was estimated at 14.0
percent (26 million people) and 4.6 percent (8.5 million
people), respectively. Lifetime literal homelessness (sleeping in shelters, abandoned buildings, bus and train stations,
and the like) was 7.4 percent (13.5 million people). Among
those who had ever been literally homeless, the 5-year
(19851990) prevalence of self-reported homelessness was
3.1 percent (5.7 million people) (Link et al., 1994). More recent follow-up studies of the homeless, however, indicate
that these figures overestimate the persistence of the problem and the number of homeless with psychiatric problems (Phelan and Link, 1999).
Among the mental disorders that exist within this population, schizophrenia, substance abuse, personality disorders, and affective disorders are the most prevalent (Arce
and Vergare, 1984). Affective disorders make up 5 to 30 percent of mental disorders found among the homeless. The
most comprehensive and standardized of the studies addressing this issue (Koegel et al., 1988) used the DIS to diagnose mental disorders among the mentally ill homeless in
Los Angeles. Over the course of their lifetimes, these homeless individuals were 3.4 times more likely to have had any
affective disorder, 17.7 times more likely to have had a manic
episode, and 2.9 times more likely to have had a major depressive episode relative to people in the general population. Similarly, over a period of 6 months, the risk ratios
for a mental disorder were many times greater among the
homeless than in the general population (6.1, 37.5, and 5.0,
One must keep in mind when examining these data that
these are prevalence rates within the mentally ill homeless
population, and not within the general homeless population. Still, when these data are converted to rates within the
general homeless population, the resulting proportions
are higher than those among the general population. One


Clinical Studies

other note regarding prevalence rates within this population is that substance abuse can easily coexist with or mask
other underlying mental disorders, especially affective disorders. Therefore, these already high rates of bipolar disorder may be underestimates.
A more recent study of 1,022 homeless men living in shelters or on the street in Munich, Germany, using the SCID,
also revealed high rates of mood disorders (lifetime prevalence of 32.8 percent for any mood disorder and of 5.2 percent for bipolar disorder). The highest rate was found for
substance abuse (79.6 percent), particularly alcohol dependence (72.7 percent) (Fichter et al., 2001). A lifetime rate of
bipolar disorder (3.6 percent), based on the CIDI, was found
among 838 homeless men and women in a study conducted
in Paris in 1996 (Kovess and Lazarus, 1999). Comparable
studies in other European countries did not report bipolar
disorder separately from other mood disorders (Vzquez
et al., 1997; Muoz et al., 1998; Babidge et al., 2002).
Some studies have oversampled the incarcerated
(Buhrich et al., 2000) and the institutionalized (Robins
and Regier, 1991). These groups were found to have higher
rates of bipolar disorder than the general population. For
example, Blazer (1985) found a lifetime prevalence of 5.4
percent for those living in prisons and 9.7 percent for those
living in nursing homes. Yet the studies showed that the inclusion of these populations added only a small fraction
(1.0 percent) to the estimated percentage of the general
population having a mental disorder. Therefore, their inclusion or exclusion has little effect on community rates.

Pregnancy and Menopause

Childbearing represents a special risk for the onset of
bipolar-I disorder in women. As shown by both epidemiologic and clinical studies, the first onset of bipolar disorder
is almost always in the childbearing years (Blehar et al.,
1998). As noted in Chapter 20, almost one-half of bipolar-I
women who had been pregnant reported having experienced severe emotional disturbances in relationship to
childbearing, with almost one-third citing episodes during
pregnancy. Nair and colleagues (2000) hypothesized that
subsets of women with a history of repeated reproductiverelated mood disorders may be especially vulnerable to
mood disturbances during perimenopause and menopause.
In their study, two-thirds of perimenopausal bipolar-I
women reported frequent mood disturbances, and almost 20 percent of postmenopausal bipolar-I women had
experienced severe emotional disturbances during the
menopausal transition.

Bipolar disorder is associated with increased risk of smoking. A case-control study carried out in Alava, Spain, in-

cluding patients with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of bipolar-I

disorder found that smoking was more prevalent among
bipolar patients than among the general population. Most
patients had begun to smoke before the onset of bipolar
disorder; thus vulnerability to bipolar illness (not the illness itself) may make subjects more likely to become
smokers (Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 1998).
The NCS included questions on smoking. About 69
percent of respondents with bipolar-I were current smokers, and 82 percent had ever smoked. These rates were quite
different from those among respondents without mental
illness or with other psychiatric disorders (Lasser et al.,
2000). For example, the 82 percent of bipolar respondents
who had ever smoked is a significantly higher proportion
than the 59 percent of subjects with major depression and
the 72 percent of drug abusers who had ever done so.
Analysis of the 20012002 National Epidemiologic Survey
on Alcohol and Related Conditions found that nicotine dependence occurred in 40 percent of all cases (Grant et al.,
2005). Moreover, studies that have addressed smoking in
bipolar patients have noted their difficulty in quitting
(Glassman, 1993).
Comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions are discussed in Chapter 7.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids are crucial components of synaptic cell
membranes (see Chapter 14). The essential long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, cannot
be formed in the human body, so dietary intake is their
only source. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish
and seafood, particularly oily fish (cod, salmon, tuna, haddock, and scallops).
Hibbeln (1998) found that greater seafood consumption
was related to lower lifetime prevalence rates of major depression across nine countries (r = .84, p < .005). Frequent
fish consumption (at least twice a week) was revealed to be
an independent factor for a reduced risk of depressive
symptoms (odds ratio = 0.63) and suicidal thinking (odds
ratio = 0.57) in a restricted geographic region within a single country. The use of omega-3 supplements in the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder is discussed in
Chapters 19 and 20.
Relating data on fish consumption in a country to independently collected epidemiologic data on rates of a disorder requires many assumptions about the quality, time,
and sample structure of both datasets and yields at best a
rough estimate of correlations. However, the data are consistent with a growing body of literature. Tanskanen and
colleagues (2001) reported lower rates of suicidal ideation
among frequent consumers of lake fish in Finland and a
decrease in suicide risk among daily fish consumers in


Japan followed over 17 years. Nonetheless, well-controlled

studies in bipolar and unipolar patients are needed before
definitive conclusions can be reached about the role of
omega-3 fatty acids.

Family History
There is strong agreement that bipolar disorder is heritable. While family studies cannot determine heritability,
one of the strongest predictors of first onset of bipolar illness is a family history of the disorder. Unfortunately, family history is excluded from epidemiologic studies, mainly
because collecting accurate information on family history
is time-consuming.
As detailed in Chapter 13, the morbid risk for bipolar
disorder among first-degree relatives of bipolar probands
is elevated substantially over the risk in the general population. Furthermore, adoption studies have shown that the
monozygotic-to-dizygotic concordance ratio is higher for
bipolar disorder than for unipolar depression, indicating
greater genetic involvement in the former condition. A number of genetic linkage and association studies are under way
to determine the genes involved.

In its calculations of rates of disability, WHO has ranked
bipolar disorder among the top 10 disabling disorders in
both developed and developing countries. It is not easy to
summarize the results of epidemiologic studies of bipolar
disorder from around the world, especially in light of a
number of methodological problems. Nonetheless, it is
possible to derive reasonable estimates of the prevalence
and incidence of the disorder.
Findings of recent studies generally indicate an overall
lifetime prevalence of bipolar-I disorder of about 1 percent.
The range of rates is not great, even from diverse countries.
In the United States, Europe, Scandinavia, the South Pacific, South America, and the United Kingdom, the lifetime
prevalence of bipolar-I disorder ranges from 0.2 percent
(Iceland) to 2.0 percent (the Netherlands and Hungary).
Most rates are around 1 to 1.5 percent. The exceptions are
Iceland (0.2 percent) and three Asian countries with lifetime rates of 0.015 to 0.3 percent. The reasons for the
markedly low Asian rates, which are also low for a number
of other mental disorders, are unclear. Studies of Asians
living outside the continent are needed to determine
whether these low rates are related to genetic differences, to
living in Asian countries, or to ascertainment factors.
Studies that include a broad bipolar spectrum produce much higher lifetime prevalence rates of 3.0 to 8.3
percent. While there have been efforts to determine the
rates of bipolar-II and milder forms of bipolar disorder


in community surveys, it is difficult to distinguish between normal moods and mild hypomania in nonpatient
populations, making the validity of these findings questionable. Moreover, all of these rates for bipolar spectrum
may be underestimates because they do not include patients
with highly recurrent major depression, some of whom
may fall within the bipolar spectrum (see Chapter 1).11
Several features associated with bipolar disorder have
been studied. Most studies with large sample sizes have
not shown strong differences in rates of bipolar disorder
by gender. Persons who are separated or divorced have
higher rates of the disorder than their married counterparts. Differences by social class and racial group have
been less well studied. Smoking is more prevalent among
those with bipolar disorder than among the general population. And pregnancy and menopause represent vulnerable periods for women in the development of manic
A family history of bipolar disorder in first-degree relatives remains the strongest predictor of risk of onset of
bipolar disorder. However, it is also a risk factor not usually included in epidemiologic surveys.

1. Cowley and Wyatt, 1993; World Bank, 1993a,b; Murray and
Lopez, 1996.
2. In the ECA and the NCS, the diagnostic interviews (the DIS
and the UM-CIDI, respectively) contained questions designed to determine the clinical significance of each symptom involved in the disorder (Narrow et al., 2002). Questions
in the two surveys were similar, and information was obtained as to whether the symptom was severe enough to require telling a doctor or any professional about it, to take
medicine for it, and/or to interfere with usual activities.
Symptoms failing to meet any of these criteria were not identified as clinically significant and did not count toward making
the diagnosis. The ECA used this approach for most disorders.
However, neither the ECA nor the NCS applied these criteria
at the symptom level for major depression or bipolar disorder. In both cases, questions about clinical significance were
asked only after all symptoms had been obtained and diagnostic criteria met. Applying clinical significance criteria at
the symptom level and not at the end of the diagnostic stage
reduced the overall rates of mental disorders in both surveys.
The impact was greater in the NCS, and the disparity in rates
between the ECA and the NCS was reduced, with an estimated 18.5 percent annual rate of any disorder.
Applying the clinical significance criteria in the ECA reduced the annual rate of unipolar depression by about 18
percent and that of bipolar disorder by 44 percent (see Table
51) (Narrow et al., 2002). The rate of unipolar major depression was reduced to 4.0 percent, compared with 4.9 percent
without the clinical significance criteria. The clinical significance criteria had a greater effect on major depression prevalence rates in the NCS than on those in the ECA, drawing the


Clinical Studies

two rates closer together. The annual prevalence estimate for

unipolar major depression in the NCS fell from 8.9 to 5.4
percent. The annual prevalence of bipolar-I disorder did not
change in the NCS and remained at 1.3 percent, but dropped
to 0.5 percent in the ECA. Thus, the gap between the ECA
and NCS widened. There is controversy about the manipulation of rates based on treatment need (Narrow et al., 2002).
Wakefield and Spitzer (2002) noted that basing disorders on
stringent impairment criteria, which led to reduced rates in
the NCS, helped resolve discrepancies between the 1980 and
1990 surveys. However, they suggested that these revised
prevalence rates are not necessarily a valid redefinition of the
disorders, but may reflect an inadequate measure of treatment need. Use of the impairment or treatment criteria, they
noted, means that disorders that are real but do not interfere
significantly with life are ignored.
Another way of examining diagnostic validity, used in the
NCS, is through a clinical reappraisal of potential mania
cases. Kessler and colleagues (1997) concluded that validity
was satisfactory on bipolar-I, as judged by the reappraisal,
only for cases of mania with elevated mood or increased activity, decreased need for sleep, and elevated self-esteem
or grandiosity. Requiring these symptoms reduced the prevalence of mania to 0.3 percent. However, the authors cautioned that, because of a significant number of CIDI falsenegative findings in the clinical reappraisals, these clinically
confirmed CIDI cases may underestimate by half the actual
rate of mania in the community. If this statement holds true,
the extrapolated estimate of 0.6 percent for bipolar-I disorder
is closer to the ECA rate. The authors were unable to document an algorithm with acceptable concordance with clinical
diagnosis for bipolar-II, and they concluded that bipolar-II
prevalence was not valid in their sample.
Another analysis of factors that may have contributed to
the differences between ECA and NCS rates was conducted
by Regier and colleagues (1998). Their analysis produced
rates of psychiatric disorder from each survey by controlling
for demographic variables; standardizing the weights in both
surveys to the age, sex, and racial distributions of the 1990
census; formulating diagnoses according to DSM-III; and restricting the age range to 18 to 54 years. Using this method,
the lifetime rate of any DSM-III disorder for the first wave of
interviews was 36 percent. Adding the cases from the second
wave produced a rate of 47 percent, consistent with the rate
of 48 percent from the single-wave NCS. Annual rates of mania produced in this way were almost identical to those in the




ECA and the NCS. The annual rate of bipolar-I for the first
wave of the ECA using these conventions was 0.9 percent;
adding cases from the second wave produced a rate of 1.0
percent. The annual rate in the NCS was 1.1 percent with
these conventions.
That such modifications can reduce or increase disparate
rates concerns health policy planners and insurers, who base
the direct costs of service delivery for a disorder on its prevalence rate. The WHO initiative to revise the CIDI by including impairment criteria for each disorder is addressing this
issue (Regier and Burke, 2000). However, there is still no
fully satisfactory method of calculating the actual rates.
Simpson et al., 1993; Benazzi, 1997; Koukopoulos and
Koukopoulos, 1999; Dilsaver and Akiskal, 2005; Rybakowski
et al, 2005; Sharma et al., 2005.
Dilling and Weyerer, 1984; Henderson et al., 2000; Murphy
et al., 2000; World Health Organization International Consortium of Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2000.
Scully et al., 2000, 2002a,b; Baldwin et al., 2002.
Angst, 1978; Dunner et al., 1982; Akiskal et al., 2000; Cassano
et al., 2000; Angst et al., 2002.
Research on minors often makes a distinction by pubertal
status. Puberty has been shown to differentiate the onset and
clinical course of mood disorders in longitudinal and epidemiologic studies (Angold et al., 1998, 1999; Weissman
et al., 1999a,b). The rates and gender ratios of depression
change dramatically at puberty, with a marked increase occurring in overall rates, especially among females. Some
studies separate prepubertal children from adolescents, others focus on one or the other, and still others merge the two.
Most studies use chronological age to designate pubertal status; a few use Tanner staging (see Angold et al., 1998, 1999).
We recognize the importance of these age distinctions and
make them where the necessary data are available. In the absence of such data or the need to make an age-specific point,
however, we use the term children to describe minors.
Strober et al., 1993; Lewinsohn et al., 1995; Rao et al., 1995;
Geller et al., 1998.
More information on the ICPE can be obtained from http://
For example, Hollingshead and Redlich, 1958; Parker et al.,
1959; Rao, 1966; Hare, 1968; Rowitz and Levy, 1968; Bagley,
1973; Gershon and Liebowitz, 1975; Petterson, 1977; Coryell
et al., 1989.
Indeed, Kraepelins manic-depressive illness included both
bipolar and highly recurrent unipolar subgroups.

Children and Adolescents

In rare cases the first beginnings can be traced back even to before the tenth year. . . . The greatest frequency of first attacks falls, however, in the period of development with its increased emotional excitability between the fifteenth and the twentieth year.
Emil Kraepelin (1921, p. 167)

Bipolar disorder commonly manifests itself in adolescence

or young adulthood, but classic descriptions and numerous
case studies also demonstrate the existence of the disorder
in children. In recent years, identification of these earliest
forms of the disorder has been the subject of an explosion
of interest among clinicians, scientists, the public, and the
media.1 This interest has been driven in part by the emerging hypothesis of bipolar disorder as a progressive neurobiological process that may worsen with succeeding episodes,
so that early identification and treatment may have important implications for attenuating the course of illness. Increasingly, moreover, parents are seeking answers and help
for their children who display bewildering or overwhelmingly severe symptoms and are at increased risk for serious
behavioral and educational problems, as well as suicide (see
Hellander and Burke, 1999; Lewinsohn et al., 2003). Aside
from treatment considerations, childhood-onset bipolar
disorder also raises important conceptual and etiological
questions: Are there different subtypes with differing causes
and courses? What are the defining distinctions between
pediatric bipolar illness and other psychiatric disorders of
childhood, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD)? Is the rate of childhood bipolar disorder increasing, and if so, why? Is the course of the disorder different
for early versus adult onset? Although this book is about
manic-depressive illness, which includes both bipolar and
recurrent unipolar forms, the pediatric literature rarely distinguishes recurrent from nonrecurrent forms of unipolar
depression; this chapter limits its focus to the bipolar subgroup.
We begin with a review of research on childhood- and
adolescent-onset bipolar disorder. We then examine the epidemiology and implications of bipolar disorder in these
populations. Finally, we present the findings of studies of

high-risk subjects that have attempted to identify characteristics of children of bipolar parents, with particular emphasis on early markers of potential bipolar illness. Unfortunately, many unresolved issues remain. The interest in
manifestations of bipolar disorder among children and
young adolescents is far greater than the yield from research addressing the key questions involved.
Throughout the discussion, we attempt to identify problems with the methods used in existing studies, as well as research needed to address important issues. One of the
most pervasive difficulties stems from the failure of many
studies to distinguish between childhood- and adolescentonset bipolar disorder; this occurs, for example, when
vague terms such as juvenile-onset bipolar disorder and
pediatric bipolar disorder are used or when child and adolescent samples are combined in the same study. This is a
widespread problem in the study of adolescent bipolar disorder, where distinctions are seldom made between childhood and adolescent onset. Some studies of adolescents with
bipolar disorder include patients whose symptoms actually
first occurred before age 12 or before puberty. As detailed in
chapter 4, age at onset is also defined differently in various
studiesfor example, as age at first diagnosable symptoms
of mania or at first symptoms of any affective disorder, or as
age at first actual diagnosis of mania or depression by a
mental health professional. Studies have employed different
diagnostic criteria as well, and many have included clinical
populations with a mix of bipolar-I and other bipolar spectrum disorders, despite the fact that there is very little information specifically on bipolar-II disorder in children or
adolescents (see Chapter 3). Finally, one of the greatest
methodological gaps is the paucity of longitudinal studies of
either childhood or adolescent bipolar disorder. Such studies are essential to clarify diagnostic controversies and to


Clinical Studies

map the course of the disorder and the implications of its

early onset.


Although occurrences of mania and depression in adolescence are well established, the frequency of earlychildhood onset of bipolar disorder remains controversial.
Kraepelin (1921) found that 0.4 percent of his patients had
displayed manic features before age 10. Despite historical
records of case studies documenting apparent bipolar illness in children, however, theorists believed for an extended period in the mid-twentieth century that bipolar
disorder in children before puberty was not possible (reviewed in Faedda et al., 1995). For instance, Anthony and
Scott (1960) examined the psychiatric literature from 1884
to 1954 and uncovered only 28 cases of alleged manic
episodes in young children. After applying systematic diagnostic criteria to these clinical reports, they dismissed all
of the cases as misdiagnosed and concluded that a classic
clinical presentation of manic-depressive illness in childhood had yet to be demonstrated.
Recent years have seen a growing acceptance that prepubertal forms of mania can be identified. Opinions range
from certainty that characteristic patterns of symptoms
signal childhood bipolar disorder in substantial numbers,
even if in a form that may not precisely follow that of classic forms of the disorder, to more cautious views that prepubertal mania exists, but that many such complex cases
may be misinterpreted as bipolar disorder. Difficulty in
applying the adult criteria for bipolar disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition (DSM-IV) to
children is at the heart of the controversy. In the following
sections, we present research on characteristics of bipolar
disorder in children and discuss the controversies related
to its diagnosis.

Symptoms and Clinical Presentation

Manic Features
The appearance and diagnosis of mania is considered a
distinctive indicator of bipolar disorder in children. However, the diagnosis of mania in children is controversial
and fraught with pitfalls, as reviewed below.
Even as young as preschool age, some children appear
to present relatively classic manic symptoms, including
DSM-IVdefined mania or hypomania with elated mood
and/or grandiosity; flight of ideas or racing thoughts; poor
judgment, such as excessive silliness, uninhibited peopleseeking, hypersexuality, or daredevil acts; talking fast; and
distractibility, with increased energy, activity, and agitation
(e.g., Geller et al., 2000a, 2002c). In their study of 93 children

with prepubertal and early-adolescent onset of bipolar disorder (mean age at onset 7.3 years), Geller and colleagues
(1998b, 2002c) found that five mania-specific symptoms
were especially likely to discriminate bipolar children from
children with ADHD or normal comparison groups: elation, grandiosity, flight of ideas/racing thoughts, decreased
need for sleep, and hypersexuality. Table 61 presents examples of manic symptoms in children compared with
normal characteristics of youngsters of similar age (Geller
et al., 2002b).
Geller and colleagues (2002c) also found that 60 percent of their sample had symptoms of psychosis, including 50 percent who had grandiose delusions. In a later
follow-up study, they found that psychosis predicted
more weeks ill with mania or hypomania (Geller et al.,
2004). In their review of psychotic symptoms in pediatric
bipolar disorder, Pavuluri and colleagues (2004) found
that the prevalence of psychotic features ranged from 16
to 88 percent; most common were mood-congruent delusions, especially of the grandiose type. Biederman and
colleagues (2004c) found that nearly 1 in 4 of the 298
bipolar patients they studied were psychotic or had a history of psychosis. Likewise, in their study of 263 bipolar
children and adolescents, Birmaher and colleagues (2005b)
found that one-third (33.1 percent) of their subjects had a
history of psychosis.
Geller and colleagues required elation and/or
grandiosity for the diagnosis of mania in children, as did
Leibenluft and colleagues (2003a). This is an important, if
still preliminary, consensus of clinical researchers, although,
as Carlson (2005) pointed out, uncertainty remains about
what actually constitutes these two symptoms. Methods of
assessment vary widely, as do cultural expectations and
developmental factors, and all are likely to influence the
ascertainment of both euphoria and grandiosity (Breslau,
1987; Shaffer, 2002; Harrington and Myatt, 2003). Some
studies have defined mania by the presence of highly labile moods with intense irritability, rage, explosiveness,
and destructiveness; extreme agitation; and behavioral
dysregulation (e.g., Biederman et al., 2000a). Irritability,
and indeed rage, are noted as prominent features in many
bipolar children (e.g., Faraone et al., 1997b; Carlson and
Kelly, 1998; Geller et al., 2002c). The children are often aggressive and frequently are described by their parents as
out of control. Not surprisingly, they are often seen in
hospital settings, and overall their functioning is marked
by severe impairment in social and academic as well as
family roles (Geller et al., 2000a). Box 61 presents a
mothers diary of the behaviors of her 9-year-old bipolar
son, conveying a sense of the severe but characteristic features of the disorder. Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are
not uncommon.

Table 61. Examples of Core Symptoms of Mania among Children

Normal Child

Child with Mania

Elated Mood
Child was extremely happy on days family
went to Disneyland, on Christmas
morning, during grandparents visits
( joy appropriate to context, not

7-year-old boy repeatedly taken to principal

for clowning and giggling in class; had
to leave church for similar behaviors.
9-year-old girl continually danced around
at home, stating, Im high, over the
mountain high after suspension from

After school hours, 7-year-old boy played
at being a firefighter, directing other
firefighters and rescuing victims. Child
did not call fire station and tell
firefighters what to do.

7-year-old boy stole go-cart because he

wanted to have it; knew stealing was
wrong, but did not believe it was wrong
for him to steal.
8-year-old girl, failing in school, spent
evenings practicing for when she would
be the first female President. She was also
planning how to train her husband to be
the First Gentleman.

Decreased Need for Sleep

Normal children sleep approximately
8 to 10 hours a night and are tired the
next day if they sleep fewer hours
than usual.

8-year-old boy chronically stayed up until

2 AM rearranging the furniture or playing
games. He then awoke at 6 AM for school
and was energetic throughout the day
without evident fatigue.

Poor Judgment: Hypersexuality

7-year-old child played doctor with
a friend of the same age.
12-year-old boy looked at his fathers
pornographic magazines.

7-year-old girl touched the teachers breasts

and propositioned boys in class.
10-year-old boy used explicit sexual
language in restaurants and public
Girl faxed a note to the local police station
asking police to___her.

Racing Thoughts
Normal children do not report racing

Children tend to give concrete answers to

describe racing thoughts: A girl pointed
to the middle of her forehead and stated,
I need a stoplight up there.
Others: Its like an energizer bunny in my
head. My thoughts broke the speed
limit. I dont know what to think first.

Source: Adapted from Geller et al., 2002a. Reprinted with permission from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


Clinical Studies

BOX 61. Twelve Days in May: Diary of a Mother of a Nine-Year-Old Bipolar Child





Hypomanic, bizarre evening.I hate me; kill me; Why am

I like this? Very rough with younger brother.
Good morning, dropped off well at school. Pretty good
mood coming off bus, but more defiance in the afternoon. Uneventful evening. Went to bed well.
Up early, dressed well, good mood but problems on the
bus. Kids teasing him.Teacher called and reported very
bizarre behavior at school. She also reported a lot of
ADHD symptomsvery fidgety, unable to remain
seated in the afternoon, cruises around classroom, ran
out of classroom, pestering other kids, unable to follow
directions, not remaining on task or completing work.
Teacher reported a great day in school. Good mood after school.
Good to school well. Very defiant after school.
Angered by new doctor. Got very angry in car
punching me, destructive to car, scribbling on dashboard, dumping over trash. Had to be restrained in
officepunching, kicking, swearingsettled down at
end of meeting and apologized.
Happy mood in A.M., but doing goofy, impulsive
thingssquirted water on dads work shirt, squirted
water on table and floor. Very aggressive after school
threatening me, hitting, increase in defiance. Aggressive
toward other students.
Had a good time with grandparents. Crying a lot in the



Mixed, very irritable to hypomanicincrease in goaldirected activities, very easily frustrated and angered.
Good and uneventful day.
Very irritable in A.M.threatened fathersaid: Im going to kill you someday. Manic after schoolvery goaldirectedtaking all the tools out of the basement to
use up in his room (hammer, sander, drill, staple gun).
Very angry when I intervenedvery loud, shouting,
laughing, singing, dancing,I dont feel good today. I
want to kill myself. When I grow up, I am going to kill
myself because being bipolar is bad. Hallucinating in
afternoonauditory and visual; goblin, clown, queen. I
hear the devil, I hear penises in your brain, Mom. Very
hyperactive, and not rational. Gave him Risperdal and
he went to sleep.
Hypomanic, happy in the afternoon.
Woke up laughingfound some needlepoint yarn and
needles under the bed.Im giving myself a lab test
trying to stick needles into his arm. Giddy, shouting
hubba, hubba, hubba, howdy, howdy over and over
again, very wound up. Settled down and watched some
TV. Pleasant and more normal, but talkative in the afternoon. Easier to please. More irritable after dinner. Fascinated with knives, demonstrated how he would stab a
wolf. Very quiet in my lap. He said: I love you, Mom.You
dont love me, you want me to die. I will if you want
me to.

Source: Papolos and Papolos, 2002, pp. 2223. 2002 by Demitri Papolos and Janice Papolos. Used with permission of Broadway Books, a division
of Random House, Inc.

Depressive Features
For many individuals, bipolar disorder first emerges in the
form of depressive episodes in childhood (e.g., Geller et al.,
1994; Lish et al., 1994). Although depression in children
may be readily diagnosed using adult criteria, the majority
of such cases probably go undetected and untreated. Even
if they are detected, however, there is presently no certain
way of knowing the extent to which early-onset depression
presages childhood-onset bipolar disorder; the issue is
an important question not only clinically but for research
as well.
As noted previously, studies of bipolar illness have often
combined childhood- and adolescent-onset populations,
and longitudinal studies of the outcomes of depression
in children have been rare. Given that unipolar depression
in children is substantially more prevalent than mania
and is characterized by marked clinical and etiological
heterogeneity, it is difficult to identify predictors specific

to eventual bipolarity. Wozniak and colleagues (2004)

compared 109 children with unipolar depression and 43
children with bipolar depression (all had been diagnosed
with ADHD as well) and found that the bipolar children
were more severely depressed and anhedonic, were more
often suicidal, expressed greater hopelessness, and were
more likely to need medication and hospitalization. They
also had higher rates of comorbidity with conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, agoraphobia, obsessivecompulsive disorder, and alcohol abuse (see Chapter 7 for
a detailed discussion of comorbidity in bipolar disorder).
A family history of bipolar disorder was more than twice
as likely in the bipolar group as in the unipolar children
(20 versus 8 percent).
Most follow-up studies of depressed children have
yielded little information on predictors of bipolarity because of the limited size of samples that have converted
to a bipolar course. Recently, Luby and Mrakotsky (2003)
attempted to identify differences in symptoms among

Children and Adolescents

depressed preschoolers with and without a family history of

bipolar disorder. Only one symptom (restlessness/moves
around a lot) distinguished the groups, but its association
with the emergence of bipolarity remains to be seen. Geller
and colleagues (1994) found that among a sample of 79 severely depressed children (ages 6 to 12), 32 percent
switched to bipolar-I or bipolar-II during a 2- to 5-year
follow-up. When the same subjects were recontacted in
young adulthood (mean age 21), 49 percent were found to
have switched to bipolar disorder, including 33 percent
with bipolar-I (Geller et al., 2001b). The authors found that
parental and grandparental mania was a significant predictor of bipolar switching.
Unfortunately, this information has sometimes been misstated. Although Geller and colleagues (2001b) did indeed
find a 33 percent rate of switching to bipolar-I disorder
among their severely depressed sample of children, their
sample may be atypical and perhaps biased by high rates of
referral for suspected bipolar disorder. The rate of switching
is likely to be substantially lower in more typical outpatient
samples. For instance, Weissman and colleagues (1999b) followed up on outpatient children with prepubertal depression an average of 11 years later, and found that only 6 percent had developed bipolar disorder, although this rate was
much higher than that among comparison groups. Lewinsohn and colleagues (2000) found that fewer than 1 percent of adolescents with depression in a community sample
switched to bipolar disorder. Differences in rates among
these studies are likely due to differing diagnostic and exclusion criteria in the samples. Most clinical samples are small
and can be greatly affected by variations in level of severity;
family history of bipolar disorder; use of alcohol, stimulants, antidepressants, or other drugs; and other unspecified
or unknown factors. Clearly, further research is needed on
the predictors of switching among depressed children so as
not to exaggerate, or even mislabel, bipolarity in children,
yet provide accurate information to enable early treatment
of those who truly have or are likely to develop the illness.

Diagnostic Controversies
Despite general agreement that bipolar disorder can emerge
in childhood, several problems make it difficult to validate
some of the assertions made about diagnosis of bipolar
children. Three related issues are discussed here: comorbidity and indistinct diagnostic boundaries, the validity
and meaning of a diagnosis of mania, and the lack of developmental guidelines.

Comorbidity and Indistinct Diagnostic Boundaries

As noted earlier, the great majority of cases of childhoodonset bipolar disorder also meet criteria for other disorders, including ADHD, conduct disorder, and oppositional


defiant disorder.2 Findings of the major studies of comorbidity in childhood-onset bipolar disorder are presented
in Table 62. As can be seen in the table, many clinical investigations have documented a high rate of comorbid
anxiety disorders as well.3 (There is some indication that
bipolar-II children and adolescents, like adults, are more
likely to have comorbid anxiety disorders than those with
bipolar-I disorder [Axelson et al., 2006].) Perhaps nothing
has fueled the controversy as much as the potentially confusing overlap of symptoms between mania and disruptive
behavioral disorders.
Many studies have shown that children with a bipolar
diagnosis have a high probability of being diagnosed with
ADHD. Geller and colleagues (2000a), for example, found
this to be the case in 98 percent of their sample (see also
Biederman et al., 2000a; Sachs et al., 2000; Spencer et al.,
2001). Considerably lower rates have been found by other
researchers, however (Masi et al., 2003; Faedda et al., 2004;
Jaideep et al., 2006). Some investigators have argued that
many children diagnosed with ADHD also have bipolar
disorder. Biederman and colleagues (1996) identified psychiatrically referred children with ADHD, who were then
assessed for the presence of mania at baseline and at 1 and
4 years later. Bipolar disorder was diagnosed in 11 percent
of the ADHD children at baseline and in an additional 12
percent at the 4-year follow-up. Arguing that a substantial
number of children diagnosed with ADHD may actually
have unrecognized bipolar disorder, Biederman fueled
a controversy that is still active (Wozniak et al., 1995;
Faraone et al., 1997b; Biederman, 1998). Many investigators
have also observed high rates of conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder (e.g., Biederman et al., 2000a;
Geller et al., 2000b; Wozniak et al., 2001), as well as substance abuse and anxiety disorders (e.g., Birmaher et al.,
2002), among bipolar children (see also reviews in Biederman et al., 2000a, and Papolos, 2003).
What is the meaning of the overlap between mania and
ADHD (or other disruptive behavior disorders)? There are
several different perspectives on this question. One general
argument is that the comorbidity is simply an artifact of
overlapping symptomatology. Three more specific arguments are that the ADHDmania overlap is (1) true comorbidity (coexistence of separate disorders), potentially
marking a genetically mediated subtype; (2) artifactual, reflecting severe psychopathology that is not specifically
bipolar; and (3) artifactual, possibly reflecting a developmental manifestation of bipolar disorder in children.
The general argument that bipolar comorbidity may be
a result of overlap of symptoms suggests that diagnostic
inaccuracies are caused by indistinct symptom boundaries, clinician bias, or biased diagnostic expectations due
to ascertainment source. Biederman and his colleagues at


Clinical Studies

Table 62. Comorbidities in Samples of Bipolar Children

Sample size
Source of sample

Assessment used
Mean age (yrs)
% Male

Faraone et al., 1997a

(child outpatient)

Carlson and Kelly, 1998

(child inpatient)

Tillman et al., 2003

(child outpatient)


Childrens inpatient

Research study,




Not stated
Probably high



Average: 3 diagnoses

23 syndromal
Not stated
Not stated
Not stated
98 (4 diagnoses: 20.4)

Anxiety disorders
% substance abuse disorders
% psychosis
% no comorbidity
% With >1 diagnosis

ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; KSADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; OCD = obsessivecompulsive disorder; ODD/CD = oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder; WASH-U KSADS = Washington University at St. Louis
modification of KSADS.
Source: Updated from Geller et al., 1999. Reprinted with permission.

Massachusetts General Hospital studied large numbers

of children with comorbid ADHD and bipolar disorder.
They argued, through the use of various diagnostic algorithms, that the presence of the two separate diagnoses
was valid and was not a result of overlapping symptoms
such as talkativeness, hyperactivitypsychomotor agitation, or distractibility (e.g., Milberger et al., 1995; reviewed
in Spencer et al., 2001). Moreover, Biederman and colleagues (1998) found that children with comorbid diagnoses of mania and ADHD ascertained from ADHD clinics
and from a study of mania differed minimally in symptoms
of either mania or ADHD.
Additionally, Biederman and colleagues (2004c) hypothesized that the comorbid combination of the two disorders may mark an etiological subtype. In familygenetic
studies, Faraone and colleagues (1997b) found that firstdegree relatives of children with bipolar disorder and
ADHD had both disorders at rates greater than would be
expected by chance alone. On the basis of these and other
family patterns observed across several studies, they posited
that the combination of ADHD and bipolar disorder is familially distinct and may be a marker of a subtype of very
earlyonset bipolarity.
Geller and colleagues (1998a, 2002b) also found high
rates of comorbid ADHD and bipolar disorder. ADHD

occurred among 97 percent of prepubertal bipolar children

and 74 percent of bipolar adolescents. Even with ADHD,
the bipolar children were distinctly different from ADHDonly children in symptoms of mania, as illustrated in Figure 61 (Geller et al., 1998b). As noted earlier, in a study
comparing 93 participants with childhood- and earlyadolescentonset mania, 81 with ADHD and no mania, and
94 community controls, Geller and colleagues (2002b)
found that, despite the high rate of ADHDbipolar comorbidity, five symptoms distinguished most clearly between
bipolar and ADHD samples: elation, grandiosity, flight of
ideas/racing thoughts, decreased need for sleep, and hypersexuality. These findings appear to argue against the possibility that ADHD comorbidity is an artifact of overlapping
symptomsprovided, as noted later, that children otherwise meet the full criteria for mania in DSM-IV.
Whereas Biederman and colleagues (1996) argued that
the combination of ADHD and bipolar disorder in children marks a subtype of bipolar disorder, Geller and colleagues (1998a) suggested that ADHD in child bipolar
samples may be a phenocopy ADHD, driven by developmentally prevalent high energy in children. That is, high
energy combined with emerging bipolar symptoms promotes the hyperactivity, impulsivity, and attentional problems that are viewed as ADHD. Geller predicted that the


Children and Adolescents







Accelerated speech

Irritable mood

Increased productivity

Increased goal-directed

Sharpened thinking

Decreased need for sleep


Racing thoughts

Flight of ideas

Silliness, laughing

Uninhibited people seeking

Daredevil acts

Elated mood



Mania items

Figure 61. Baseline percentage of mania items in bipolar versus ADHD groups. (Source: Geller et al., 1998a. Reprinted with permission
from Elsevier.)

ADHD will decrease to population levels by adulthood

(e.g., Geller and Luby, 1997). Thus, ADHD may be a prodrome or developmentally expressed version of bipolarity
in some children, rather than a separate disorder. Obviously, prospective longitudinal follow-up of samples of
young bipolar patients would help resolve such diagnostic
issues through clarification of clinical course and outcome
(see reviews by Kim and Miklowitz, 2002; Kent and Craddock, 2003).
While it is doubtless likely that comorbid conditions
can obscure the recognition of an underlying bipolar illness, the complex symptomatology involved may also have
the opposite effect: clinicians are urged to consider bipolar
disorder as an explanation for diffuse and difficult symptoms. A widely visible Web site for bipolar disorder in
children, for example, listed the following as possible
symptoms, among others more specific to typical mania:
explosive, lengthy, and often destructive rages; separation
anxiety; defiance of authority; hyperactivity, agitation,
and distractibility; bed-wetting and night terrors; strong
and frequent cravings; and daredevil behaviors.4 Obviously,

although such symptoms may occur in children with bipolar disorder, each is also nonspecific. Precise diagnostic
definitions that can help separate truly bipolar manifestations from overlapping conditions are needed to avoid
misdiagnosis, as well as to facilitate recognition of bipolar

Questions about the Validity of the Diagnosis

of Mania in Children
Is severe behavioral dysregulation mania, and does mania always mean bipolar disorder? Multiple, intense, and
severe symptoms may be caused by brain injury, other
forms of organic disorder (e.g., Carlson and Kelly, 1998), or
severe disinhibition related to adverse medication responses
(Carlson and Mick, 2003) (see also Chapter 3). Carlson
(1998) noted that, in the child psychiatry literature, several
nonspecific termssuch as multidimensionally impaired
and multiple complex developmental disorderare used
to describe children with numerous, severe, disruptive behaviors that do not fit any typical diagnostic picture, as
well as children suffering from some forms of head injury,


Clinical Studies

pervasive developmental disorder, or other medical conditions. In the past, some of these children were labeled as
minimally brain damaged or hyperkinetic. Many of
these historical syndromes have been described in terms
that bear a marked resemblance to contemporary descriptions of childhood mania.
A related issue raised by Carlson and others is the possibility that mania or manic-like symptoms may occur as a
dimension of disorder or serve as a marker of severe psychopathology without necessarily indicating the presence
of a bipolar syndrome. Carlson and colleagues (1998) recruited a sample of boys aged 6 to 10 who had heterogeneous disruptive and/or depressive symptoms. The boys
mothers were asked about the presence of manic symptoms, and their responses led the researchers to distinguish
three groups: those boys with at least two manic symptoms, and two matched comparison groupsthose seen
immediately next in the series of interviews but without
manic symptoms, and those matched on the first groups
comorbid disruptive symptoms (conduct disorder, ADHD,
or oppositional defiant disorder) but without manic symptoms. The authors found that although the boys with
symptoms of mania differed significantly from the nonmanic next control group, most of those differences disappeared in a comparison with the group with comorbid
conditions. The presence of manic symptoms uniquely
predicted significant emotionality and generally predicted
more severe psychopathology (Carlson and Youngstrom,
2003). The investigators are continuing to study these children over time, attempting to determine whether some are
truly bipolar, while in others the manic-like symptoms
may serve mainly as markers for behavioral and emotional multimorbidity. Similarly, Hazell and colleagues
(2003) followed up boys aged 9 to 13 who met criteria
for ADHD plus mania. When the boys were reevaluated after 6 years, there were no clear cases of bipolar disorder
among those with prior manic symptoms; however, the
boys with earlier manic symptoms had lower overall global
Geller and colleagues (2002) have reoperationalized
several of the DSM criteria (most notably euphoria and
grandiosity) to make them what the authors believe to be
developmentally appropriate for children. Not everyone
agrees with this reformulation, however (Harrington and
Myatt, 2003). In a recent cross-national (United States and
United Kingdom) study of five cases of children with
mood symptoms in whom bipolar disorder might have
been a diagnostic consideration, disagreement on diagnosis occurred in three of the five cases. The reason for this
appears to be differing interpretations of specific symptoms. DSMs reliance on symptom counts (used in the
United States) may result in a conceptualization that dif-

fers from the gestalt of bipolar disorder as described in the

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, used in
the United Kingdom. Specifically, in a preadolescent patient with classic mania, agreement was close (96.4 percent
of United States and 88.9 percent of United Kingdom
physicians made a manic diagnosis). In the prepubertal
child with both ADHD and manic-like symptoms, however, 86.2 percent of U.S. child psychiatrists diagnosed mania, in contrast to only 31.1 percent of their U.K. colleagues
(Dubicka et al., 2005).
It may be noted that among adolescent samples in community populations, Lewinsohn and colleagues (1995) and
Klein and colleagues (1996) observed manic-like symptoms or hypomania associated with impairment and various forms of psychopathology. Upon follow-up at age
24, those diagnosed earlier with bipolar disorder (mostly
bipolar-II or cyclothymia) continued to show recurrent or
chronic bipolar symptoms, but few of those with adolescent subclinical bipolar symptoms of mania/hypomania
had developed full-blown bipolar disorder (Lewinsohn
et al., 2000). Overall, studies of manic symptoms in children
and adolescents may indicate true bipolar disorder in some
cases, but in other cases these symptoms may be mainly
markers for severe emotionality and disruptive behaviors.
Finally, a significant issue in the diagnosis of mania
concerns the duration of affective cycles. Many children
labeled bipolar may have numerous mood shifts within
a day and have chronic symptoms and impairments not
consistent with the adult concept of episodes. As noted
by Leibenluft and colleagues (2003a), in the absence of validated criteria for the duration of an episode in children,
some investigators have defined episodes to be as brief as
a few hours. Leibenluft and colleagues (2003b) suggested
that within such brief periods, it is quite difficult to determine whether episodes are accompanied by the required
DSM-IV criterion B changes in behavior. Thus, investigators and parents subjective impressions may be used to
make diagnoses, contributing to the diagnostic confusion
and heterogeneity in research samples. Tillman and Geller
(2003) have proposed specific definitions of rapid, ultrarapid, and ultradian cycling, as well as distinctions between
episodes and cycles. If used systematically in research, such
definitions might help characterize the course of illness
in bipolar children and contribute to diagnostic validity.

Lack of Data and Insufficient Knowledge

of Developmental Issues
A further challenge to diagnosing bipolar disorder in children is the limited utility of applying to this population
features of adult bipolar symptoms and course. Diagnostic
confusion about how to interpret specific symptoms (e.g.,
hyperactivity, irritability) arises in part from developmental

Children and Adolescents

considerations for which little information is presently

available. As Carlson (1998) noted, many of the other features of bipolar syndrome, such as grandiosity and elation,
have not been systematically defined in developmentally
appropriate and precise ways or evaluated in context. Simply hearing a child utter the words I can fly, for instance,
without considering the childs developmental stage and
environmental context, could lead clinicians to misinterpret the statement as indicating grandiosity when it means
nothing of the kind. Geller and colleagues (2002b) would
argue that such states can be distinguished from normal
childhood experiences; however, the issue must not hinge
only on the experience and skill of a researcher or clinician, but rather on developmentally informed and validated criteria.
An intriguing suggestion that symptoms of bipolar
disorder may have a developmental progression has been
made by Post and colleagues (2002). These investigators
studied three volunteer samples of parents: those with
children who had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or
with psychiatric (nonbipolar) disorders, and those who
were not ill. The parents were asked to identify their childrens symptoms retrospectively during each year of life.
Ages at which children displayed empirically derived
clusters of symptoms were compared for the three groups.
It appeared that among the bipolar children, an irritabilitydyscontrol factor (e.g., impulsivity, tantrums, aggression, hyperactivity), emerging at age 1 to 3 years, was the
first feature to distinguish among the groups. A depression
factor began to differentiate the bipolar children from others by age 8 to 12. A mania factor (e.g., racing thoughts,
grandiosity, mood elevations, bizarre behavior) did not
begin to differentiate the bipolar children until ages 7
to 12, whereas a distinguishing psychosissuicidality factor
emerged at ages 9 to 12. Despite significant methodological
limitations (including a lack of confirmatory diagnosis of
the bipolar children, a mixed-disorder comparison group,
and parental retrospective accounts), this study highlights the need for further investigation of the possible
developmental progression of manifestations of bipolar
Researchers have also urged further study of childappropriate definitions of mania, as well as attention to
traits and behaviors that may represent prodromal or subsyndromal forms of bipolar disorder (Shaffer, 2002; Coyle
et al., 2003; Carlson, 2005). As we argue later, studies of
children of bipolar parents may be an especially fruitful
way to help identify some of the early indicators of mania
and progression of symptoms in children known to be at
risk for bipolar disorder.
Finally, it may be noted that boys tend to predominate
in research samples of bipolar children (e.g., Faraone et al.,


1997b; Geller et al., 1998b). Indeed, this is true for most

forms of childhood disorder, particularly disruptive disorders (ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder), but also anxiety and depression prior to adolescence.
Thus, gender differences may not be remarkable in young
samples. In a study of 298 bipolar patients under the age of
18, Biederman and colleagues (2004a) found few significant differences in clinical features between males and females, although males were more likely to have ADHD as
well as bipolar disorder; they were also less likely to have a
chronic course. On the other hand, it is possible that this
gender distribution in research samples signals underrecognition of mania in girls, inasmuch as they tend to be
less aggressive and therefore may not attract as much attention as boys exhibiting destructive and risk-taking behaviors. Also, girls initial mood disorder may more often
be depression rather than mania. Therefore, developmental studies of bipolar disorder and manic symptoms need
to address gender-relevant manifestations.

Current Suggestions for Assessment and Diagnosis

of Bipolar Disorder in Children
In view of the varied opinions and relative paucity of
data on assessment and diagnosis of bipolar disorder in
childrenand mindful of the high stakes involved in terms
of accurate detection and early treatmentthe National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) convened the Bipolar
Child Research Roundtable in 2000 (NIMH Research
Roundtable on Prepubertal Bipolar Disorder, 2001) to share
information and make recommendations. The roundtable
members recommended that children who clearly meet
current DSM-IV criteria for symptoms of bipolar-I or
bipolar-II disorderincluding core symptoms of grandiosity and/or elation (e.g., Geller et al., 2000a)be distinguished from those with heterogeneous presentations who
do not meet the full criteria but suffer from mood and behavior disturbances (prototypically, irritability or rage
episodes) and severe impairment and may have bipolar
disorder (e.g., Carlson et al., 1998; Biederman et al., 2000b).
It was recommended that the latter be diagnosed as bipolarnot otherwise specified (NOS). The roundtable members noted that both of these groups are likely to have
mixed states, chronic symptomatology, or long episodes
with ultradian or continuous cycling. They speculated that
many if not most suspected cases of bipolar disorder in children would be diagnosed bipolar-NOS, with a minority
representing classic bipolar-I disorder. They also recommended that children be evaluated by clinicians who are
well trained in mood disorders in youth, although there
is a scarcity of such training (e.g., Coyle et al., 2003). The
Treatment Guidelines for Children and Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder, published by the Child Psychiatric Workgroup


Clinical Studies

on Bipolar Disorder, additionally stresses the importance of

interviewing at least one parent, and ideally both; obtaining
comprehensive school and medical histories; and encouraging family members to keep daily logs of the childs mood,
energy, sleep, and unusual behaviors in the 2 weeks before
the first visit to the clinician (Kowatch et al., 2005).
Leibenluft and colleagues (2003b) have suggested even
further distinctions to improve the validation of diagnostic
criteria for childhood bipolar disorder, proposing a phenotypic system of four categories ranging from narrow- to
broadband subtypes. Their narrow phenotype includes the
classic hallmark symptoms (e.g., elevated mood, grandiosity) and full-duration episodes. This phenotype is distinct from ADHD, despite overlapping symptoms, because
ADHD is not episodic, and the associated symptoms occur
only during hypomanic or manic episodes. At the broadest
end of the spectrum, the system includes many children
who are currently labeled as bipolar but do not meet criteria for the authors narrower definitions. These children
have severe mood and behavioral dysregulation, chronic
hyperarousal, and negative reactivity to emotional stimuli, including severe rages, with no intervening periods of
normal mood or adaptive functioning. Between these narrow and broad extremes lie two intermediate phenotypes:
(hypo)mania-NOS, including hallmark symptoms but short
episodes (although lasting at least 1 to 3 days), and irritable (hypo)mania, lacking elevated or expansive mood but
with distinct episodes that meet DSM-IV duration criteria.
Thus far, however, there are limited data to support these
distinctions. Whether the proposal of Leibenluft and colleagues proves useful or not, it clearly addresses the crucial
need for more homogeneous research samples that can
help clarify and validate the construct of bipolar disorder
in children.

Course of Disorder
Children diagnosed with bipolar disorder typically do not
display course features commonly associated with classic
bipolar disorder in adults, such as distinct mood episodes
that endure for days or weeks (often clearly manic or depressive) separated by periods of being relatively well. Instead, bipolar children frequently display mixed mood
states, extremely rapid cycling, and chronic psychopathology. The controversy over diagnostic criteria, including
duration of episodes in children with purported bipolar
disorder, is discussed further below.
Faraone and colleagues (1997b) found mixed states in 59
percent of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder, while
Geller and colleagues (2002a) reported a rate of 55 percent.
Gellers group (2002b) found that 87 percent of their sample had ultradian cycles (variation within a 24-hour period). Moreover, these children were chronically ill and

had been mood-disordered for an average of more than 3

years before entering the study. Craney and Geller (2003)
concluded that typical youngsters with childhood-onset
bipolar disorder in their sample were more severely ill
than typical individuals with young adultonset mania,
and much more likely to display mixed mania, ultradian
cycling, psychosis, and treatment resistance. Biederman
and colleagues (2004a) found that the course of pediatric
bipolar disorder was severe and chronic and was frequently characterized by severely impaired psychosocial
functioning; they also observed chronic symptomatology
in their bipolarADHD sample (Biederman et al., 1998). A
prospective follow-up study of pediatric bipolar disorder
in 22 boys with comorbid ADHD found that although 50
percent had remitted from the full syndrome of bipolar
disorder at follow-up, 80 percent had failed to attain functional remission or euthymia over a course of 10 years
(Biederman et al., 2004a). The course of the disorder, the
investigators concluded, was chronic, protracted, and
dysfunctional (p. 521). Many other investigators also
have found that early onset of bipolar illness is associated
with a poorer course (Carlson et al., 2002; Schneck et al.,
2004; Birmaher et al., 2006). Some have argued that there
may be periods of exacerbation of manic symptoms despite interepisode persistence of less severe mania, as is
the case for many adult bipolar patients (Staton and
Lysne, 1999).
Longitudinal research on the course of the disorder
among carefully diagnosed bipolar children is sparse and
greatly needed. Geller and colleagues (2000a) found 1-year
mania recovery rates of 37 percent in their combined sample
of youngsters with childhood- and early-adolescentonset
bipolar disorder, and substantial relapse rates within the
year among those who recovered. At 2-year follow-up, the
recovery rate was 65 percent, but 55 percent of those who
had recovered relapsed (Geller et al., 2002a; Craney and
Geller, 2003).
Thus the few outcome studies of childhood bipolar illness that exist indicate a highly pernicious course with substantial chronicity. Findling and colleagues (2001), for example, found that none of the 56 bipolar-I children they
studied had interepisode recovery (defined as a 2-month period of remission of affective symptoms). Further longitudinal research is needed, however, to learn more about longterm course and outcome in children and their predictors, as
well as to resolve some of the perplexing diagnostic issues
in childhood bipolar disorder discussed above.


The onset and first diagnosis of bipolar disorder frequently
occur in adolescence. For the most part, adolescent-onset

Children and Adolescents

bipolar disorder is clinically similar to adult bipolar disorder. Until recently, however, relatively little research had
been conducted in adolescent populations.
Despite current awareness, adolescent bipolarity often
was not recognized as such in the past. Diagnostic errors
were common, reflecting biases of the time. These biases
included the above-noted reluctance to accept the existence of youthful onset of bipolar disorder and a common tendency to assume that psychotic symptoms such as
thought disorder, grandiosity, and bizarre delusional and
hallucinatory phenomena are pathognomonic of schizophrenia (Carlson and Goodwin, 1973). Additionally, morbid preoccupations, frenzied behavior, moodiness or rapid
mood swings, irritability, defiance, and a host of other disturbances were often regarded as exaggerations, if not typical manifestations, of adolescence. As discussed earlier,
moreover, even when recognized as clearly pathological,
disturbed behaviors in youths have been difficult to distinguish from alcohol and drug abuse disorders, conduct and
other disruptive behavior disorders, and personality disorders. These diagnostic challenges remain today.
In recent years, however, several factors have contributed to the increased recognition and accurate diagnosis of adolescent bipolar disorder. These factors include
greater awareness of the existence of severe mood pathology in adolescents, improved diagnostic criteria and interview methods for identifying depression and mania in
younger populations, and increased availability of effective pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments
for mood disorders. Increasingly, adult diagnostic criteria
are being applied reliably and effectively to the diagnosis of
bipolar disorder in adolescents. There is a general consensus that adolescent-onset bipolar disorder is a relatively
common presentation and that, as noted, it essentially resembles the disorder in adults.

Symptoms and Clinical Presentation

Adolescent onset of bipolar-I disorder may first present
with major depression, mania, or a mixed state. The diagnosis is typically defined by DSM-IV criteria or by equivalent criteria used for adults (see Chapter 3; see also McClellan and Werry, 1997; Lewinsohn et al., 2003). Manic
episodes, of course, provide the most unambiguous indicator of bipolar disorder. Symptoms such as elated mood,
grandiosity, excessive activity, decreased need for sleep, hypersexuality, and racing thoughts are similar in both adolescents and adults, with differences only in developmental
presentation. Geller and Luby (1997), for example, described
grandiose beliefs in adolescents who, despite a lack of talent, believe they can become a rock star; whose excessive


activity takes the form of making curtains, illustrating

a book, rearranging furniture, and making multiple phone
calls all within a relatively brief period; or whose reduced
need for sleep may take the form of sneaking out and partying all night. Engagement in high-risk pleasurable activities may involve a heightened interest in sex and risky
sexual experiences, excessive spending through the use of
parents credit cards, taking dares, or driving more recklessly than their peers.
The assessment of bipolar illness in adolescents can be
complicated. Tillman and colleagues (2004) found poor
concordance between the symptom descriptions given by
parents and offspring. Children and adolescents, for example, report the presence of racing thoughts and decreased
need for sleep significantly more than do their parents,
perhaps reflecting the reality that external and disruptive
behaviors are more likely to be noted by parents. Other
investigators have found high rates of bipolar spectrum
in young people with recurrent depression (Smith et al.,
2005), findings consistent with those of studies showing
that adults with bipolar disorder tend to underreport hypomanic symptoms and impairment (Angst et al., 2003;
Judd and Akiskal, 2003; Youngstrom et al., 2004). Supplemental assessment measures, such as the General Behavior
Inventory and the Young Mania Rating Scale, add to diagnostic validity (Youngstrom et al., 2001, 2003; Findling et al.,
2002). (See Chapter 11 for a more detailed discussion.)

Manic Features
Although the phenomenology of adolescent-onset mania
has been studied incompletely, existing research clearly
indicates a heterogeneity that may reflect different subgroups. Pooled data from several investigations of mania
in adolescents have revealed pressured speech, euphoria,
and hyperactivity to be the most common symptoms, similar to what has been found for adults (Faedda et al., 1995).
Lewinsohn and colleagues (1995) noted a much higher frequency of elevatedexpansive mood than irritability in
their community sample (which, however, consisted primarily of those with bipolar spectrum rather than bipolar-I
disorder). Faraone and colleagues (1997b), on the other
hand, found relatively high rates of irritability and low
rates of euphoria in their clinical sample of young manic
patients. Both the Lewinsohn and Faraone subjects reported high rates of increased activity, grandiosity, and
In an analysis of the symptoms of mania in 115 adolescents with manic or subsyndromal manic episodes, Lewinsohn and colleagues (1995) identified two factors: (1)
behavioral disorganization, consisting of decreased need
for sleep, flight of ideas, distractibility, and poor judgment;
and (2) inflated self-esteem and increased activity. The


Clinical Studies

former factor was correlated more highly than the latter

with functional impairment (school, family, and social),
and the authors speculated that individuals scoring high
on this factor might be more likely to experience psychotic
symptoms during severe manic episodes. Even in adolescents with only subthreshold bipolar disorder, Lewinsohn
and colleagues (2003) noted substantial impairment,
comorbidity, and increased risk of suicide attempts (18
percent, compared with 3 percent in never mentally ill
Mania in adolescents often includes psychotic features
(see Chapter 2). Several studies have found that between
one third and one half of adolescent bipolar patients have
prominent psychotic symptoms.5 Kafantaris and colleagues (1998) found that half of the bipolar youths in their
study who presented with psychotic mania had no prior
psychiatric history and appeared to have experienced an
acute onset after having functioned relatively well to that
point. The authors suggested that this sudden-onset, psychotic subgroup may represent classic bipolar disorder.
A recent study of 43 bipolar adolescents found that, in
most, the prodromal onset was either slow with gradual
deterioration (47 percent) or slow with quick worsening
(39 percent). Rapid onset of illness was relatively uncommon (14 percent) (Correll et al., 2005). There is suggestive
evidence that there are ethnic differences in psychotic
features expressed during mania. A recent study compared clinical features in 17 bipolar African American adolescents and 61 bipolar Caucasian adolescents. Fully 90
percent of the African Americans had psychotic symptoms, as compared with only 30 percent of the Caucasian
adolescents (p < .001) (Patel et al., 2006). These results are
consistent with differences found between Caucasian and
African American adult bipolar patients (Strakowski et al.,
1996; Kirovetal, 1999).
Mixed mania and rapid-cycling mania are also common in those adolescents with bipolar disorder. Kutcher
and colleagues (1998) studied a small, carefully ascertained
clinical sample of 28 bipolar-I youths and found that the
majority had mixed mania (74 percent), rapid cycling
(76 percent), or both during their first (retrospectively
assessed) episode. Fewer than 10 percent of the sample
demonstrated a classic euphoric mania during their initial
manic episode. Mixed episodes were reported by Faraone
and colleagues (1997b) in 71 percent of a sample of 17 patients with adolescent onset of mania. McElroy and colleagues (1997) found that adolescents with bipolar disorder
had a higher frequency of mixed episodes than was the
case among comparison adult bipolar patients, but the investigators did not distinguish between childhood and
adolescent onset in their adolescent sample. Findling and
colleagues (2001) compared 56 children and 34 adolescents

with bipolar-I disorder and found that 56 percent of the

adolescents had rapid cycling and 21 percent mixed states;
proportions among children with bipolar-I disorder were
similar. However, many of the adolescents with bipolar
disorder in that study appeared to have had childhood onset. Finally, Strober and colleagues (1995) reported that the
index episode in their inpatient sample (which was the first
episode in 56 percent of the cases studied) was mixed in 19
percent and rapid cycling in 19 percent, with the other
cases being pure depression or mania. An unresolved issue is whether rapid cycling or mixed states are particularly associated with bipolar adolescents with childhood
onset, a typical developmental manifestation of bipolar illness in young people, or a subtype of bipolar-I disorder
marking a course that may differ from more classic cycling

Depressive Features
For a substantial number if not the majority of individuals
with adolescent-onset bipolar disorder, the illness starts
with depression, thereby delaying recognition and diagnosis of the bipolar course. Kutcher and colleagues (1998)
found that depressions were the first affective episodes in
75 percent of their sample of adolescents with bipolar-I
disorder. Likewise, a community sample of adolescents
with bipolar spectrum disorders revealed that 61 percent
had experienced an initial depressive episode before mania or hypomania occurred (Lewinsohn et al., 1995). And
among those who responded to a volunteer survey of members of the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association (now called the Depression and Bipolar Support
Alliance), both early age at onset (childhood or adolescence) and female gender were associated with higher rates
of initial depressive symptoms or both depressive and
manic symptoms (Lish et al., 1994). The studies of Kutcher
and colleagues (1998) and Lewinsohn and colleagues (1995)
did not evaluate initial symptom presentation by gender
The switch rate of adolescent major depression to eventual mania or hypomania is quite variable across studies.
Interpretation of this variation is complicated by the
above-noted common practice of mixing children and
adolescents in the same study samples. For instance, in a
review of seven studies of more than 250 depressed children and adolescents followed for 2 to 4 years, Faedda and
colleagues (1995) found a mean rate of switch from depression to eventual mania of about 25 percent. A review by
Kovacs (1996) yielded a switch range of 8 to 37 percent; her
own longitudinal study of 92 depressed children followed
for 5 to 10 years yielded a rate of 21 percent. More recently, Birmaher and colleagues (2006) conducted a 2-year
prospective study of 263 children and adolescents (mean

Children and Adolescents

age 13 years) with bipolar-I (n = 152), bipolar-II (n = 19),

and BP-NOS (n = 92). Of the bipolar-II subjects, 21 percent
converted to bipolar-I; 20 percent of the bipolar-NOS subjects converted to bipolar I, and 10 percent converted to
bipolar-II. Females were more likely to convert than males
(odds ratio, 3.2; 95 percent confidence interval [CI]
1.337.50). The findings are of considerable interest but
somewhat difficult to interpret because of the mixed age
range of the sample. Such variations in rates of switching
among studies may depend on the mean age and age
ranges of the sample, the diagnostic criteria used, the ascertainment source (that is, whether the study involved
community, outpatient, or inpatient populations), and the
extent to which the initial depressive episode was treated
with antidepressants (see Chapter 23). In contrast to the
high switch rate in Kovacs childhood sample, for instance,
Weissman and colleagues (1999a) revisited 10 to 15 years
later an outpatient sample that had been diagnosed with
major depression during adolescence, and found that only
4.1 percent had developed bipolar-I disorder and 1.4 percent bipolar-II disorder. As discussed earlier, severe depression during childhood (rather than adolescence) may
portend higher rates of eventual bipolarity (e.g., Geller
et al., 1994).
Further studies are needed not just on adolescent depression switch rates, but also on characteristics that link
adolescent and childhood depression to eventual bipolar
disorder (e.g., State et al., 2002). Strober and Carlson (1982)
studied 60 inpatient depressed adolescents and identified
several features predictive of eventual bipolarity: rapid onset of the depressive episode, psychomotor retardation,
psychotic features, family history of mood disorders (especially bipolar), and antidepressant-related onset of mania
or hypomania. It should be noted, however, that a recent
study of switching during a 2-year period among adults
with first-onset psychotic depression showed no association of switching with medication use, earlier age at onset,
or family history of bipolar disorder (DelBello et al., 2003).
A 15-year follow-up study of 74 young adults hospitalized
for major depression (average age 23) found that 27 percent of the study group had experienced at least one
episode of hypomania and another 19 percent an episode
of mania (Goldberg et al., 2001). Psychosis during the
depressive episode was significantly correlated with a
switch into manic states (see Chapter 19). Predicting bipolar switching in cases of adolescent depression is an important area for further study because of speculation that
treatment with antidepressant medications in the absence of knowledge of underlying bipolarity precipitates
switches from depression to mania or hypomania and predicts a more adverse course of bipolar disorder with rapid
cycling (see Chapter 19).


Depressive symptoms in adolescents with bipolar disorder tend to be quite similar to those seen in adults, although
psychotic features are more common in the younger age
group (Carlson and Strober, 1979; Chambers et al., 1982;
Friedman et al., 1983). Preoccupation with death and
thoughts of suicide are common, and suicide attempts are
frequent (see Box 62 for one 15-year-old bipolar girls
account of her experience during a suicidal depression).
Lewinsohn and colleagues (2003), for example, found that
44 percent of the bipolar adolescents in their sample had attempted suicide; in comparison, 22 percent of the adolescents with major depression had attempted suicide, as had
18 percent of those with subsyndromal bipolar disorder
syndrome (defined by the investigators as abnormally and
persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood plus one
other DSM-III-R manic symptom, but never having met
criteria for full bipolar disorder).

Course of Disorder
Longitudinal studies of youths with bipolar-I disorder are
rare; therefore, most data on the course of the illness come
from retrospective accounts or short-term treatment outcome studies (e.g., Kafantaris et al., 1998; Kutcher et al.,
1998). The latter studies certainly document the likelihood
of further episodes and hospitalizations, but more information is needed to clarify the predictors of relatively better or worse outcomes and responsiveness to treatment
in patients with adolescent onset.
Strober and colleagues (1995) conducted one of the few
longitudinal studies, a 5-year naturalistic follow-up of 54
adolescents (mean age 16.0) who had been inpatients diagnosed with bipolar-I disorder (although age at first diagnosable episode was not reported). The rate of recovery from
the index episode was high (96 percent), with only 2 of the
patients failing to achieve recovery during the 5-year period.
However, time to recovery was affected by the polarity of
the index episode: median time to recovery was significantly longer for those who had pure depressive episodes
(26 weeks) compared with those who had pure manic (9
weeks) or mixed (11 weeks) episodes. The majority (56 percent) of those who recovered remained free of major relapses
during the follow-up period, and the probability of relapse
did not vary by polarity of the index episode (although
among those who had multiple relapses, most had mixed or
cycling index episodes). Suicide attempts sufficient to require
medical attention occurred in 20 percent of the adolescents
during the 5-year follow-up (Strober et al., 1995). None of the
clinical or demographic factors that were evaluated in the
study significantly predicted relapse, and all participants
were treated aggressively. Thus it is important to note that
the information on course derived from this study cannot be
generalized to untreated bipolar disorder in adolescents.


Clinical Studies

BOX 62. Drowning in My Personal Hell

Im being plunged into dark and murky waters
Someone or something is holding me there
I cant seeeverything is black
I try to swim, to get away, back to the top, but the force
is holding me too tight
Reluctantly I give up
I feel myself slipping down
Down, down, I am slipping down
My head aches with the pressure, but I keep sinking
With each inch, I grow colder
With each second, my lungs grow tighter
I pray to God to save me
There is no answer
I am deep now, buried under the layers of the sea
The water seems to be eating me
I wonder if I have entered Hell
All I want is to die
I want to relieve the pressure, the cold, the dark
Ive already lost myself
My self is looking at me from above
She is miles from me
She is happyshe was me, but no more
It doesnt matter anymore
Im not mad, not sad or scared
I am no one; I am nothing
I feel myself slipping down to the sea floor
And I watch shadows of the sun laugh at me as I die
Katrina Skefos, 15-year-old girl with bipolar disorder. Reprinted
with permission.

A 2-year prospective study of adolescent-onset psychotic disorders by McClellan and colleagues (1999) included a comparison of a small group of bipolar youths
with patients who had schizophrenia. The results indicated
that 50 percent of the bipolar youths had an episodic
course, and 40 percent were chronically impaired (but
fared significantly better than the schizophrenic youths).
Rajeev and colleagues (2003) observed adolescent-onset
patients with bipolar mania for 6 months; like Strober and
colleagues (1995), but unlike McClellan and colleagues
(1999), they found 96 percent recovery and very little
chronicity. Recently, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh, Brown University, and the University of CaliforniaLos Angeles conducted a longitudinal study of 263 bipolar children and adolescents (13.0 3.1 years old); they
interviewed their subjects on average every 35 weeks for
94.8 51.5 weeks using the Longitudinal Interval Follow-up
Evaluation. Although two thirds of the subjects recovered

from the index episode, 50 percent had at least one syndromal recurrence (Birmaher et al., 2005b). Subjects were
symptomatic for the majority (60 percent) of the follow-up
period; almost one quarter (22 percent) of the time was
spent in full syndromal episodes.
Additional research is needed on predictors of treatment responsiveness in bipolar adolescents (see Chapter
23). Moreover, given the potential for misdiagnosis of
bipolar disorder in youths, further studies of the potentially adverse effects of antidepressant medications and
stimulants used to treat ADHD are warranted (e.g., Soutullo
et al., 2002).

Pre- and Postmorbid Adjustment and Functioning

Premorbid adjustment would appear to be an important
clue to the possible presence of subclinical symptoms in
childhood prior to the onset or diagnosis of bipolar disorder (see also Chapter 4). However, relatively few studies
have reported information on prior adjustment. In the
study by Kutcher and colleagues (1998), 90 percent of
bipolar-I patients with adolescent onset had excellent or
average peer relationships, and more than 60 percent had
good to excellent academic achievement, before their
diagnosis. Such findings suggest that many youths with
adolescent-onset bipolar disorder have relatively good
functioning before being diagnosed. In the study by McClellan and colleagues (1999), better premorbid functioning predicted higher levels of functioning over 2 years and
was a more significant predictor than diagnosis in a sample of schizophrenic and bipolar adolescents.
Once initiated, however, the course of bipolar disorder
in adolescents is associated with considerable impairment.
Kutcher (2000) found that a bipolar-I adolescent-onset
sample followed for a mean of 4.6 years after their initial
manic episode had lower rates of high school graduation
and lower full-scale IQ scores than those of unipolar and
non-ill controls (see also Quackenbush et al., 1996). They
also had significantly worse problems with peers and
greater dissatisfaction with peer relationships than the
comparison groups. Likewise, in a cross-sectional study
that included adolescents with mania and distinguished
between childhood and adolescent onset, Faraone and colleagues (1997a) found significantly worse functioning on
most social, peer, recreational, and family variables, as well
as school performance, among bipolar youths compared
with normal controls. Few differences in functioning were
observed between childhood- and adolescent-onset bipolar youths, except that manic adolescents generally had
worse relationships with parents than did manic children.
A recent comparison of 18 bipolar adolescents and 18 normal control subjects found that adolescents with bipolar

Children and Adolescents


BOX 63. One Adolescents Experience with Bipolar Illness

The following is a first-person account of a hypomanic episode followed by severe depression in a 17-year-old girl. She went on to experience several further depressive and hypomanic episodes before
becoming floridly manic in her 20s.This passage depicts the resilient
recovery described by Carlson and Strober (1979), but it also underscores the disconcerting ability of some adolescents to continue the
illusion of normal functioning even though seriously ill. It also illustrates many of the obscuring issues of adolescence and the effects of
intense peer loyalties.
I was a senior in high school when I had my first attack of
manic-depressive illness; once the siege began, I lost my
mind rather rapidly. At first, everything seemed so easy. I
raced about like a crazed weasel, bubbling with plans and
enthusiasms, immersed in sports, and staying up all night,
night after night, out with friends, reading everything that
wasnt nailed down, filling manuscript books with poems
and fragments of plays, and making expansive, completely
unrealistic, plans for my future.The world was filled with
pleasure and promise; I felt great. Not just great, I felt really
great. I felt I could do anything, that no task was too difficult. My mind seemed clear, fabulously focused, and able
to make intuitive mathematical leaps that had up to that
point entirely eluded me. Indeed, they elude me still. At the
time, however, not only did everything make perfect
sense, but it all began to fit into a marvelous kind of cosmic relatedness. . . .
Unlike the very severe manic episodes that came a few
years later and escalated wildly and psychotically out of
control, this first sustained wave of mild mania was a light,
lovely tincture of true mania; like hundreds of subsequent
periods of high enthusiasms it was short-lived and quickly
burned itself out; tiresome to my friends, perhaps; exhausting and exhilarating to me, definitely; but not disturbingly
over the top.Then the bottom began to fall out of my life
and mind. My thinking, far from being clearer than a crystal, was tortuous. I would read the same passage over and
over again only to realize that I had no memory at all for

what I just had read. Each book or poem I picked up was

the same way. Incomprehensible. Nothing made sense.
I could not begin to follow the material presented in my
classes, and I would find myself staring out the window
with no idea of what was going on around me. It was
very frightening. . . .
Each day I awoke deeply tired, a feeling as foreign to
my natural self as being bored or indifferent to life.Those
were next.Then a gray, bleak preoccupation with death,
dying, decaying, that everything was born but to die, best
to die now and save the pain while waiting. I dragged exhausted mind and body around a local cemetery, ruminating about how long each of its inhabitants had lived before the final moment. I sat on the graves writing long,
dreary, morbid poems, convinced that my brain and body
were rotting, that everyone knew and no one would say.
Laced into the exhaustion were periods of frenetic and
horrible restlessness; no amount of running brought relief.
For several weeks, I drank vodka in my orange juice before
setting off for school in the mornings, and I thought obsessively about killing myself. It was a tribute to my ability
to present an image so at variance with what I felt that few
noticed I was in any way different. Certainly no one in my
family did.Two friends were concerned, but I swore them
to secrecy when they asked to talk with my parents. One
teacher noticed, and the parent of a friend called me aside
to ask if something was wrong. I lied readily: Im fine,
but thank you for asking.
I have no idea how I managed to pass as normal in
school, except that other people are generally caught up
in their own lives and seldom notice despair in others if
those despairing make an effort to disguise the pain. I
made not just an effort, but an enormous effort not to be
noticed. I knew something was dreadfully wrong, but I had
no idea what, and I had been brought up to believe that
you kept your problems to yourself. Given that, it turned
out to be unnervingly easy to keep my friends and family
at psychological bay.

Source: Jamison, 1995, pp. 3639. Reprinted with permission.

disorder displayed significantly more deficits in social

skills performance; however, no significant differences
emerged between the groups in social skills knowledge
(Goldstein et al., 2006).
Thus whereas some individuals with adolescent-onset
bipolar disorderespecially those with severe childhood
psychopathologymay have a relatively poor course of illness and adjustment, many cases of more classic bipolar

disorder emerge in adolescence. Such individuals may

have relatively favorable outcomes in the long run and adequate if not excellent adjustment in the short run (Carlson and Strober, 1979). Box 63 presents a first-person
account of a posthypomanic depressive episode in an adolescent who, although she subsequently developed fullblown psychotic manias, went on to have good academic
and social functioning.


Clinical Studies

Comorbidity complicates the diagnostic and clinical picture of adolescent-onset bipolar disorder, as it does for
childhood-onset illness. Tables 63 and 64, respectively,
display the results of the major studies of comorbidity
among adolescent-onset and combined samples of adolescent- and child-onset bipolar subjects. Nowhere is the
question of the meaning of comorbidity more complex than
with adolescent-onset bipolar disorder, because the cooccurrence of psychiatric syndromes can be due to several
factors. There are, for example, indistinct diagnostic boundaries and overlapping symptoms. Irritability, impulsivity, and
excessive activity, for instance, are symptoms shared by bipolar and other syndromes. Moreover, there is a causal relationship between bipolar illness and other disorders, in that
symptoms of mania or depression may lead to substance or
alcohol abuse. (Likewise, substance abuse can precipitate
mood disorders.) Too, there are shared genetic or other risk
factors, such as parental assortative mating, and similar or related genes may be implicated in both ADHD and bipolar
disorder. Considerable research, including carefully designed longitudinal studies, is needed to help clarify the
meaning of comorbid conditions in those with childhoodand adolescent-onset bipolar disorder.

Comorbid conditions that commonly complicate differential diagnosis include drug or alcohol abuse, conduct
disorder, and ADHD, all of which may involve manic-like
symptoms of irritability, disruptiveness, hostility, impulsiveness, distractibility, antisocial behaviors, and the like.
Psychotic symptoms may be mistaken for schizophrenia,
and drug and alcohol abuse may obscure and complicate
the diagnosis of mania, depression, or mixed states.
Comorbidity with personality disorders may also complicate the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in adolescents.
Although relatively few studies of Axis II disorders in
bipolar youths have been conducted, this important topic
should be pursued because personality pathology not
only makes differential diagnosis potentially difficult; it
also affects the interpretation of studies of course and
treatment outcome. A small study by Kutcher and colleagues (1990), for example, revealed a rate of 15 percent
for borderline personality disorder among euthymic bipolar adolescents, and the presence of that disorder predicted worse responsiveness to lithium. Mood instability,
impulsiveness, an inclination to suicide, irritability, and
other characteristics of borderline personality disorder represent a conceptual challenge in determining the boundary
between severe mood disorder and personality pathology.
Such issues are pursued in greater detail in Chapter 10. It

Table 63. Comorbidities in Samples of Bipolar Adolescents

Sample size
Source of sample

Assessment used
Mean age (yrs)
% male

Faraone et al., 1997

(teen outpatient)

Kafantaris et al., 1998

(teen inpatient)


Adolescent inpatient

Not stated
Probably high



% anxiety disorders
% substance abuse disorders
% psychosis
% no comorbidity
% With >1 diagnosis

Specifically excluded
Not stated

ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; KSADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; ODD/CD = oppositional defiant disorder/
conduct disorder.
Source: Updated from Geller et al., 1999. Reprinted with permission.

Children and Adolescents


Table 64. Comorbidities in Combined Samples of Bipolar Children and Adolescents


Kowatch et al., 2000

(child and teen outpatient)

Frazier et al., 2001

(child and teen outpatient)

Sample size
Source of sample
Assessment used
Mean age (yrs)
% Male

Outpatient treatment study

Outpatient olanzapine trial

Not stated
Not stated
Not stated

Not stated
Not stated

% anxiety disorders
% substance abuse disorders
% psychosis
% no comorbidity

ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; KSADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; OCD = obsessivecompulsive disorder; ODD/CD = oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder.

is likely that mood instability and cognitive and behavioral dysfunction due to bipolar disorder in childhood
and adolescence contribute to the development of personality pathology.
Studies vary in the rates of comorbid diagnosis reported among individuals with adolescent-onset bipolar
disorder. Lewinsohn and colleagues (1995, 2003) found high
rates of comorbid anxiety disorders (33 percent), substance
abuse, and disruptive behavior disorders (22 percent each),
as well as ADHD (11 percent), in their community sample
of youths with bipolar spectrum disorders. Kutcher and
colleagues (1998) found that 61 percent of their adolescentonset sample had no psychiatric diagnoses other than
mood disorders; among those who did, generalized anxiety disorder (21 percent), ADHD (11 percent), and conduct
disorder (11 percent) were observed most frequently. Findling and colleagues (2001) also observed high levels of comorbidity (76 percent overall, including 62 percent with
ADHD) among adolescents with bipolar-I disorder (many
of whom, however, probably had had childhood onset).
ADHD as a comorbid condition is of particular interest, as
discussed earlier, because of the problem of differential diagnosis, markedly different treatment strategies, and the
possibility that comorbid ADHD may identify a genetic
subtype and predict a worse course and poorer response to
lithium (e.g., Strober et al., 1998).
A recent European study of 98 consecutively referred
bipolar children and adolescents found that 38 percent

were comorbid for ADHD (Masi et al., 2006). The mean

age at onset for bipolar disorder was 10.0 3.2 years and for
ADHD was 3.7 1.1 years. The bipolar patients with comorbid ADHD were predominantly male (73 percent)
and younger, had an earlier age at onset of their bipolar
illness (8.1 2.8 years versus 11.1 2.9 years, p <.000), were
more likely to exhibit a chronic rather than episodic
course (67 versus 33 percent), were more likely to have irritable rather than elated mood (62 versus 36 percent),
and were likely to have overall greater psychiatric impairment. As the authors of the study pointed out, these differences are important:
An identification of ADHD may help to identify a
specific subgroup of patients, with a more homogeneous
course, outcome, and response to treatments. From a
neurobiological standpoint, the identification of common
biological pathways may help to more deeply define the
links in the pathophysiology of both disorders, which are
still under question. (p. 380) (see also Geller et al., 2006)

Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Adolescent

Bipolar Disorder and the Issue of Puberty
Many studies use the term prepubertal or pubertal onset, but the vast majority have neither verified the pubertal
status of research participants nor articulated a model of
early-onset bipolar disorder in which puberty plays a role
in pathophysiology. The issue is important, however, given


Clinical Studies

the frequent onset of bipolar disorder in adolescence, apparently after pubertal changes.
A neurodevelopmental emphasis has emerged in the
field of schizophrenia (e.g., Lenzenweger and Dworkin,
1998), helping to identify early markers of neurocognitive
impairment that are predictive of eventual schizophrenia,
as well as to generate etiological models pertinent to abnormal brain development. Benes (1999) and others have
noted the significance of puberty for the development of
neural circuits that are relevant to mental disorders.
Walker (2002), for example, explored the role played by
hormones in neuromaturation, speculating that vulnerability to mental disorders such as schizophrenia, severe depression, and bipolar illness is mediated in part by the effects of hormones on gene expression. Further research on
the development of the brain and on the role of pubertal
changes in neurodevelopmental processes might help clarify whether pubertal effects are indeed significant in triggering underlying vulnerabilities to bipolar disorder.
A small body of research has begun to emerge on the
neurocognitive, neuroanatomic, and neurochemical correlates of bipolar disorder in adolescents (e.g., Davanzo
et al., 2003; DelBello et al., 2004; see also Chapters 9, 14,
and 15). Sigurdsson and colleagues (1999), for example, reviewed chart notes for a sample of bipolar adolescents and
found significantly greater evidence of delays in linguistic,
social, and motor development among bipolar youths
compared with those with early-onset unipolar depression, and especially among those who developed psychotic
symptoms. Although the neurodevelopmental differences
were relatively general and nonspecific, these findings are
compatible with the hypothesis that such impairments
are indicators of neurocognitive vulnerability factors for
bipolar disorder. A growing literature suggests that bipolar
youths are more likely than controls to demonstrate impairment on a wide variety of neuropsychological measures, including executive functioning, sustained attention,
and working memory (Dickstein et al., 2004; Meyer et al.,
2004; Doyle et al., 2005). These deficits, in turn, contribute
to substantial academic difficulties (Pavuluri et al., 2006).
There is accumulating evidence that comorbid ADHD significantly contributes to the cognitive deficits (McClure
et al., 2005; Rucklidge, 2006).
In related work, Friedman and colleagues (1999) conducted a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study of adolescent bipolar and schizophrenic patients compared with
non-ill youths. They found few differences among the patient groups, but the schizophrenic and bipolar youths differed significantly from normal controls on various measures, including reduced intracranial volume and increased
frontal sulcal prominence, among others. These results are
consistent with neurodevelopmental abnormalities and

raise many intriguing questions for further study (see also

Botteron et al., 1995, and the review by Todd and Botteron,
2002). It should be noted, however, that such studies need
to verify age at onset and clarify whether state or trait
markers of disorder are being identified. Recent studies by
Blumberg and colleagues (2003a, 2003b) found that adolescents with bipolar illness show decreased volumes of
medial temporal lobe structures (with greater effect sizes
in the amygdala than in the hippocampus) and signal increases in the subcortical portions of the frontal striatal
circuits. Additional discussion on the need to pursue potential markers of neurodevelopmental vulnerability for
bipolar disorder is presented in our later review of the offspring of bipolar parents (see also Chapters 13, 14, and 15).


Three problems limit understanding of the prevalence of
bipolar disorder in young populations: epidemiologic surveys encompassing children and adolescents have been
rare (see Chapter 5); few have included bipolar disorder as
an object of inquiry; and in most of the studies that are
available, data have not been presented separately for children and adolescents or specified age at onset.
Chapter 5 (see especially Table 513) presents the results
of community-based epidemiologic studies that have included children and adolescents, and those findings are
not duplicated here. The sparse data available from representative community and psychiatric samples illustrate
several patterns that are generally accepted and confirmed
by clinical studies. First, childhood bipolar-I disorder is
rare in community samples (although, of course, more
prevalent in clinical samples). Second, bipolar disorder occurs among adolescents at about the same rate as in the
general adult population. Third, subsyndromal forms of
bipolar disorder can be identified in child and adolescent
samples, and can reflect prodromal or stable dimensional
traits of the bipolar spectrum that may be associated with
impairment of functioning.
Some have asserted that the frequency of bipolar disorder in youngsters is increasing. There has been some evidence that rates of childhood- or adolescent-onset bipolar
disorder have increased in more recent cohorts (e.g., Rice
et al., 1987; Chengappa et al., 2003; Kessler et al., 2005) and
that this increase is not due to increased ascertainment
alone. It is difficult to determine the validity and generalizability of this conclusion, however, given the lack of epidemiologic surveys with comparable data over time, as
well as the lack of consistent diagnostic criteria. Moreover,
increasing rates of apparent mania in clinical samples of
children and adolescents may reflect methodological

Children and Adolescents

matters, such as age-related changes in awareness and memory, temporal changes in morbidity and sample availability, and diagnostic practices (see Chapter 5).
At the same time, it has been argued that changes in
health practices and environmental factors may induce
earlier expression of bipolar disorderor actual increased
rates of bipolarity. Such factors may include widespread
and increased use of stimulant and antidepressant medications (e.g., Zito et al., 2002) that could trigger bipolar
rapid-cycling patterns in susceptible children or decrease
the age at onset (DelBello et al., 2001); alcohol and drug
use at younger ages, possibly inducing earlier onset of
bipolar symptomatology; earlier onset of puberty; and exposure to maternal health risks during pregnancy (e.g.,
smoking, drug and alcohol intake, dietary reductions in
omega-3 fatty acids, social stressors). Also, as noted in
Chapter 13, genetic anticipation effects may promote earlier onset. These issues are clearly important, with critical
implications for etiology and treatment, and require further study.

Other chapters in this volume address some of the implications of the onset of bipolar disorder in childhood and early
adolescence, including effects of age at onset on course
(Chapter 4), epidemiology and the possibility of cohort
changes in age at onset (Chapter 5), genetic implications
of early onset (Chapter 13), and treatment considerations
(Chapter 23). A few important issues merit emphasis here,
however, including the implications of childhood and adolescent onset for treatment and prevention.

Clinical Implications
Even apart from the goal of validating the diagnostic features of childhood bipolar disorder, it is important to
study whether the outcomes and features of childhoodonset cases of the disorder differ from those of adolescentand adult-onset cases. If, as discussed earlier, childhood
onset reflects a particularly virulent form of the disorder,
then relatively chronic symptomatology, mixed-state
episodes, and rapid cycling might be expected to continue.
It is possible, however, that such atypical features reflect
developmental manifestations of nonspecific severe dysregulation, with maturity revealing a more recognizable
episodic course with relatively better interepisode functioning. To answer this question, relevant longitudinal
studies would need to separate out the effects on course
and functioning that are due to comorbid childhood
psychopathologyand indeed, to determine whether such


clinical conditions reflect true cases of multiple disorders

or diffuse, severe bipolar symptomatology.
Preliminary studies suggest that early onset may indeed
portend a worse course. Unfortunately, these studies do
not always differentiate childhood from adolescent onset.
Carlson and colleagues (2000) found that early-onset psychotic manic patients (onset before 21 years of age) had significantly poorer recovery between episodes, more manic
episodes, and more time in the hospital during 2-year
follow-up as compared with later-onset psychotic manic
patients. Early-onset patients also were more likely than
later-onset patients to have mixed episodes. The earlyonset patients were significantly more likely to be male,
high school dropouts, and never married. In a subsequent
study of the same sample, Carlson and colleagues (2002)
performed a separate analysis for the effects of early onset of bipolar disorder and comorbid childhood psychopathology. They determined that the two factors had
somewhat independent effects in predicting outcome, with
childhood disorders being more likely to predict poor
functional outcome and early age at bipolar onset being related to continuing symptoms.
Similarly, Schurhoff and colleagues (2000) found that a
group of bipolar patients with early onset (before age 18)
was significantly more impaired, had more psychotic features, and had poorer response to lithium prophylaxis
than a group with late onset (after age 40). Also, the earlyonset group had more first-degree relatives with bipolar
disorder. These findings are consistent with those of the
above-noted retrospective self-report volunteer survey of
members of the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive
Association (Lish et al., 1994). Those who reported early
(childhood/adolescent) onset (60 percent) were compared
with adult-onset respondents on various indicators of
functioning. Onset in childhood and adolescence was associated with significantly greater likelihood of social morbidity, as indicated by dropping out of school, financial
difficulties, marital problems, being unmarried, alcohol
and drug abuse, injury to self or others, and minor crime.
Those with early onset also reported significantly more recurrent bipolar illness. Statistical analyses indicated that
the effects on social morbidity were due to independent
contributions by frequency of recurrences and early onset.
Those with early-onset bipolar disorder reported that their
initial symptoms were more likely to be depressive than
manic and that their recurrences were predominantly depressive as well.
Neither the study of Schurhoff and colleagues (2000)
nor the National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association survey evaluated effects of childhood comorbid disruptive disorders. However, this is an important consideration in interpreting the effects of early age at onset, because


Clinical Studies

those conditions may confound the results of such analysis,

with outcomes perhaps being attributed inaccurately to
bipolar disorder. A further consideration is that childhood
or early-adolescent onset of bipolar disorder may cause
later comorbid conditions (see the earlier discussion of comorbidity). For instance, Tohen and colleagues (1998)
found that early age at onset, male gender, and the presence
of mixed states predicted the development of substance
abuse in bipolar patients (see Chapter 7).
Other methodological issues also need to be considered
in studies of the effects of age at onset. As noted, few longitudinal studies exist; most data are therefore based on retrospective reports or short-term follow-up. Moreover,
many studies have had small sample sizes. In addition,
studies may differ as to whether they assess separately for
psychotic features, effects of prior depressive histories and
comorbid childhood disorders, and clinical presentation
(such as mixed or cycling episodes)all of which may affect prognosis. Despite these limitations, it appears that
childhood and adolescent onset may portend greater functional impairment, and possibly a more difficult clinical

Implications for Treatment and Prevention

As noted elsewhere in this volume, two treatment issues
are salient in considering the implications of childhood
and early-adolescent onset of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 23). One is that misdiagnosis may worsen the course of
bipolar illness. For instance, antidepressant-induced rapid
cycling in adults may have a counterpart in children who
have been erroneously diagnosed as having nonbipolar depression. It has been speculated that some cases of rapid or
ultra-rapid cycling in children may stem from antidepressant treatment for depressionalthough the role of such
treatments in this age group has not been thoroughly investigated. It has also been theorized that stimulants used
to treat ADHD may worsen the course of bipolar disorder
in children. Some have suggested that the widespread use
of antidepressant and stimulant medications in U.S. children may have led to more cases of childhood onset of
bipolar disorder in the United States than in European and
other nations, where such medications are used less frequently in children (e.g., Reichart et al., 2000). These hypotheses require empirical validation, and in fact one review of the findings of preliminary studies casts doubt on
notions of the negative impact of antidepressants and
stimulants (e.g., Meyer et al., 2004). Further studies are vital to provide guidelines for maximally effective interventions for children with probable mood disorders.
The second treatment issue is the widely cited hypothesis that bipolar disorder is a progressive illness with neurobiological kindlingthat is, episodes beget episodes (see,

for example, Post, 2006, and Chapter 4). If this were in fact
the case, vigorous early intervention with mood-stabilizing
drugs to prevent episodes would have critical and positive
implications for long-term outcome. The successful use of
such interventions would then depend on research aimed
at identifying the earliest valid markers of bipolar disorder.
At the very least, early recognition and diagnosis of established cases could have important consequences for treatment and eventual course. These are not easy tasks, however.
Underrecognition of childhood disorders and underutilization of treatment are rampant problems in public health,
not limited to mood disorders.


Children at risk for bipolar disorder as a result of parental
bipolar illness represent an ideal sample for the study of potential antecedents (see Chapter 13 for a full discussion of
the genetics of bipolar disorder). The high-risk methodology in psychopathological researchthat is, the study of
children of psychiatrically ill parentshas been employed
productively for more than 25 years to accomplish several
interrelated goals. First, examination of early signs of a disorder in offspring helps clarify the course of the illness from
its initial expression to its unfolding over the course of development. Identification of early signs of bipolar disorder
in a prospectively followed high-risk sample is an especially
useful approach to validation of the developmental manifestations of symptomatology and establishment of diagnostic certainty. Second, assessment of putative markers of a
disorder can help flag those who will eventually develop it,
and thereby identify possible targets for early intervention
(a potentially important accomplishment for children with
bipolar disorder, as discussed earlier). Third, study of such
markers and other environmental and contextual factors
that influence childrens development can help clarify the
psychological processes by which possible genetic predispositions are, or are not, manifested as disorders.
Despite their usefulness, however, offspring studies of
bipolar disorder have limitations. For one thing, these highrisk children represent a unique sample not necessarily
generalizable to the entire population of bipolar probands.
By definition, youngsters in families with a bipolar parent
experience both the genetic risk (perhaps a uniquely
strong one) and the environmental impact of living with
such a parent. The challenge to researchers is to disentangle these interrelated factors. Eventually, more precise
knowledge of genetic factors will yield a greater understanding of the contributions of psychological and environmental factors to bipolar outcomes among those at risk. At
the same time, while the majority of current offspring studies, as designed, do not clarify genetic contributions as such,

Children and Adolescents

they do shed light on early signs of bipolar disorder in

children and young adolescents.
There are numerous methodological obstacles to be
overcome in studies of high-risk children, including issues
of diagnosis (how broad a spectrum of bipolarity to include, how comorbid conditions should be conceptualized
and analyzed), evaluation of outcomes, and assessment of
the many factors in families with bipolar illness that contribute to childrens adjustment. Too, because the age range
for the onset of bipolar disorder extends over decades, a
cross-sectional evaluation of children is likely to be misleading (some children diagnosed with major depression
or ADHD, for example, may later convert to bipolarity).
Moreover, sample sizes in many high-risk studies have
been small, and interviewers have not been blind to
parental diagnosis. Finally, the majority of high-risk studies of children having a parent with bipolar disorder were
not specifically designed to assess early signs of bipolarity
and thus may not have realized their full potential. Research on children at risk for bipolar disorder is less well
advanced than is the case for other major disorders, such
as schizophrenia or unipolar depression. The latter fields
have produced intriguing insights into the neurodevelopmental and neurocognitive markers of schizophrenia and
of family and psychosocial risk factors in depression. Studies of families at high risk for bipolar disorder, by contrast,
have been less common and less methodologically sophisticated. However, this situation is changing rapidly with
improved diagnostic methods, theoretical developments
to guide the search for potential markers and risk factors
and mechanisms of action, and increased interest among
researchers and affected families alike in learning more
about options for early intervention.

Recent and Direct-Interview Studies

of Children of Bipolar Parents
Early offspring studies were unsystematic or methodologically limited but still contributed important evidence regarding the risk to children of bipolar parents. Information from these early studies is presented in Box 64. In
the following sections, we summarize the results of more
methodologically sophisticated work. Before proceeding,
however, we must make clear that the term children of
bipolar parents refers generally to both preadolescent and
adolescent offspring; as with the early-onset literature generally, the results of the great majority of studies have not
been separated out by age.

Clinical Outcomes in Controlled Studies

Table 65 summarizes numerous high-risk studies that we
selected because they had comparison groups and used
adequate measures for assessing childrens clinical status.


Specifically, both the child and a parent were interviewed,

using well-established structured or semistructured interview methods to assign diagnoses. Many of the studies
were attentive to matching bipolar and comparison families on demographic factors, and several also included diagnostic information on the nonproband parent. These
studies represent the current state of the art of research on
the offspring of bipolar parents.
The studies are relatively consistent in reporting higher
rates of lifetime diagnosis among children of bipolar parents compared with those of non-ill controls. The diagnoses include the full range of childhood mood, anxiety,
and behavioral disorders. Most of the studies found that
children of bipolar parents were particularly likely to display mood disorderschiefly depression, but also forms
of bipolar disorder. A recent study (Klimas-Dougan et al.,
2006) found slightly increased rates of major depressive
disorder in children of mothers who had bipolar disorder
(12 percent) or major depression (17 percent) as compared with children of mothers who were psychiatrically
well (8 percent). Much more striking, however, the children of bipolar mothers showed far more neurocognitive
deficitsin executive functioning, perceptual memory,
and sustained attentionthan the children of either the
unipolar or psychiatrically well mothers. There were no
differences in verbal memory between the high-risk and
control children.
Only a few investigators looked for sampled subclinical
manifestations of bipolar illness. Decina and colleagues
(1983) observed the presence of subclinical symptoms
including expansiveness, excitability, need for constant attention and admiration, need for reassurance, and other
traits potentially suggestive of hyperthymic or depressive
personalityin half of nondiagnosed offspring. Depressive traits were observed in a substantial proportion of
children of bipolar parents by Grigoroiu-Serbanescu and
colleagues (1991). Reichard and colleagues (2005) administered the General Behavior Inventory (GBI) and the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia
(KSADS) to 129 adolescents and young adult offspring of
bipolar parents at initial assessment and 14 months later. At
5-year follow-up, both the GBI and the Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM (SCID) were administered. The scores
on the Depression scale of the GBI for the offspring who
later developed bipolar disorder were significantly higher
than those for the offspring who did not. For the offspring
with unipolar depression at the first assessment, the scores
on the Depression scale were significantly higher for those
who converted to bipolar disorder than for those who did
not. Carlson and Weintraub (1993) found that youngadult offspring of bipolar parents scored significantly
higher on a scale rating of subsyndromal bipolarity than

BOX 64. Early Studies of Children of Bipolar Parents

Virtually all of these studies found high rates of psychiatric
disorders among children of bipolar parentshigher than in
normal comparisons or than would be expected in the general
population. Most of the studies specifically indicated higher
levels of affective disorders in offspring. Among the adult offspring studied by Waters and colleagues (1983), 9 (17 percent)
of 53 had been diagnosed as bipolar by young adulthood. The
LaRoche and colleagues (1987) follow-up, including offspring
up to age 25, found that 24 percent had been diagnosed,
mainly in the affective disorder spectrum. Two studies compared offspring of bipolar and unipolar parents. Conners and
colleagues (1979) found higher rates of symptoms and disorders among the children of unipolar depressed parents,
whereas offspring of unipolar and bipolar parents in the Stony
Brook sample did not differ from each other but were significantly more symptomatic than children of non-ill controls
(Weintraub, 1987).
Two additional studies from the 1980s are informative. ZahnWaxler and colleagues (1988) compared 7 children of bipolar
parents with 12 control children.The unique features of this investigation were the inclusion of infants studied up to age 5 or 6
years and the intensive study of family relationships and childrens psychosocial development.The offspring of the bipolar
parents displayed a range of behavioral and adjustment difficulties that persisted at follow-up.This study was eventually expanded as the Radke-Yarrow and colleagues (1992) investigation, which is reported in the text, along with the data yielded on
toddler development and parentchild relations.
An investigation by Akiskal and colleagues (1985) focused on
affective symptoms in referred children who were known to be
offspring or siblings of adult bipolar patients. Although not a traditional high-risk study, the work was aimed at identifying possible signs and symptoms of bipolarity in youngsters at risk. Using
the investigators Mood Clinic Data Questionnaire, which included diagnostic criteria as well as subclinical symptoms, the
study revealed several features characteristic of the sample. Onset of systems before puberty was rare, and all bipolar diagnoses
occurred after puberty. Acute depressive episodes and
dysthymic-cyclothymic disorders were the most common symptom patterns. By the end of 3 years of follow-up, bipolar outcomes were prominent: 19 (28 percent) of 68 children were
bipolar-I, and 12 (18 percent) were bipolar-II; 2 were rapid cyclers,
and 6 were cyclothymic.There were no signs of bipolarity in 43
percent of the children; the authors argued, however, that 7 of
these children were pseudo-unipolar and potentially at risk for
bipolarity, as suggested by pharmacological hypomania.

The earliest studies of the impact on children of having a bipolar

parent either were uncontrolled observations with no systematic
comparison groups or consisted of psychiatric comparisons in
studies of children of schizophrenic patients.Typically, the clinical
studies had very small samples, and the assessment of the children was conducted by investigators who were not blinded to
the parents diagnosis. Early methods of assessing children typically relied on unsystematic observations or parent reports,
which may be biased. In addition, the initial studies were generally guided by the assumption that risk was due exclusively to
genetic factors, so that family (and spousal) characteristics were
largely unreported. Despite these limitations, however, intriguing
patterns began to emerge.
The earliest high-risk studies were conducted on schizophrenic patients and often included a comparison group of parents with affective disorders or psychotic mood disorders. As a
result of the use of earlier diagnostic frameworks, such as DSM-I
or DSM-II, the affective disorder groups contained a mix of
unipolar and bipolar families, and some of those diagnosed as
schizophrenic may have been bipolar.The St. Louis High-Risk
Study (e.g., Worland et al., 1979) and the Stony Brook High-Risk
Project (Weintraub and Neale, 1984) included hospitalized depressed comparison subjects, both unipolar and bipolar.The
Stony Brook sample represents what is probably the largest comparative high-risk study, involving 113 children of unipolar parents, 73 of bipolar parents, 57 of schizophrenic parents, and 297
of normal parents.
Other studies were well designed in terms of careful diagnostic evaluations and comparisons with at least one other normal or
psychopathological group but were limited in their assessment of
the children (e.g., parent report only, nondiagnostic methods) or
had small samples.These included studies by Conners and colleagues (1979) comparing children of 16 bipolar and 43 other
psychopathology (primarily unipolar depressed) groups, and
those by Greenhill and colleagues (1980) reporting on offspring
of 7 bipolar and 2 unipolar parents. Other studies did not include
a comparison group: Kuyler and colleagues (1980) studied 49 children of 27 parents, and Waters and colleagues (1983) sampled
adult offspring of 17 bipolar parents. Investigations by McKnew
and colleagues (1979) and Cytryn and colleagues (1982) were
forerunners of later well-designed work by Gershon and colleagues (1985), which is listed in Table 62 as an example of a
good case-control study with direct diagnostic evaluations of
children. A study by LaRoche and colleagues (1987) that included
37 offspring of 21 bipolar families is unique because it reported 3
to 7 years of follow-up data on the children.


Table 65. High-Risk Studies with Comparison Groups and Direct Assessment of Children: Clinical Findings











Decina et al., 1983

11 BP-I, 7 BP-II
(7 fathers,
11 mothers)

14 M, 17 F
(ages 714)

14 with no

10 M, 8 F
(ages 714)

Direct interview
of child and parent;
interview with some
KSADS items.

Klein et al., 1985

24 BP
(11 fathers,
13 mothers)

19 M, 18 F
(ages 1521)

14 with
(10 fathers,
4 mothers)

13 M, 9 F
(ages 1521)

Direct interview of
child; structured
interview (KSADS)
modified to
include cyclothymia.

Gershon et al., 1985

19 BP-I (sex
unspecified) and
spouses; (12 had

12 M, 17 F
(ages 617)

22 with no

16 M, 21 F
(ages 617)

Direct interview of
child and parent;
structured interview
(KSADS-E); used
NIMH criteria,
similar to RDC.

Significantly higher
rates of mood
disorders in bipolar
offspring than in
offspring of non-ill
parents; 50% of
bipolar offspring
had some psychiatric diagnosis. Presence
of subclinical affective
symptoms suggestive
of depressive or
hyperthymic personality.
Significantly higher rates of
mood disorders (38%)
in offspring sample
compared with psychiatric sample (5%). High
rate of cyclothymia (9 of
16 youths). Higher risk
of mood disorders if
mother bipolar.
3 (10%) of 29 offspring of
bipolar parents had
mania/hypomania vs.
none for controls. Overall,
66% of offspring of bipolar
parents vs. 43% of controls
had some diagnosis. No
significant effect of two ill

Table 65. High-Risk Studies with Comparison Groups and Direct Assessment of Children: Clinical Findings (continued)


et al., 1988


et al., 1989

et al., 1990








(1) 23 BP or schizoaf- (1) 15 M, 23 F

fective (sex
(ages 1525);
unspecified; one
(2) 9 M, 6 F
parent ill); (2) 9 fam(ages 1525)
ilies with two
ill parents (both BP
or schizoaffective,
or one ill and the
other with loaded
family history of
disorder; sex
28 BP-I mothers,
34 M, 38 F
19 BP-I fathers;
(ages 1017)
spouses (34 no
disorder, 13
other disorder)

39 with no
disorder (sex

18 M, 21 F
(ages 1525)

Direct interview of
child; structured
interview (SADS-L
adapted for children).

6774% of offspring of one

or two ill parents had
disorders vs. 31% of
normal controls. Over
1- or 2-year follow-up,
increased rates of disorder
were found in offspring of
bipolar parents, including
major affective illness and
affective spectrum

61 couples with
no disorder

34 M, 38 F
(ages 1017)

Direct interview of
child and parent;
structured interview
(KSADS-E); reported
point prevalence.

7 (10%) of 72 offspring
had affective disorder (1
bipolar); there were also
significantly higher rates
of anxiety disorders,
ADHD, and personality
disorders than in control
offspring. Severity of
illness in offspring was
related to severity of
illness in parent and
psychopathology in
spouse of bipolar parent.

14 BP mothersa
and spouses
(7 fathers with
no disorder,
others with
varied disorders)

(1) 16 unipolar
mothers and
spouses (5
fathers no
disorder, others
with varied
disorder); (2)
14 medically ill

(1) 10 M, 12 F;
(2) 9 M, 9 F;
(3) 19 M, 19 F
(all groups
ages 816)

Direct interview of
child and parent;
structured interview

Rates of current and past

affective and disruptive
behavior disorders were
significantly higher in
unipolar and bipolar
groups. Cumulative
probability of major
depression was .67 in

8 M, 10 F
(ages 816)

et al., 1992


Carlson and
Weintraub, 1993
(follow-up of
Weintraub and
Neale, 1984)

22 BP mothersb
(5 BP-I, 17
BP-II) and
spouses (14
unipolar fathers,
8 fathers with no

Sibling pairs:
22 ages
22 ages 58b
(gender not
stated as
equal in each

134 children of BP
parents originally
studied at ages
716; follow-up
of 125 after age 18

mothers and
spouses (5
fathers no
disorder, others
varied disorders);
(3) 24 non-ill
mothers and
spouses (15 fathers
with no disorder,
others varied
(1) 41 unipolar
mothersd and
spouses (22
fathers with
depression or
anxiety disorder,
19 fathers with
no disorder);
(2) 37 mothers
with no disorder
and spouses (37
fathers with
no disorder)c

(1) Sibling pairs:

41 ages
41 ages 58c;
(2) sibling pairs:
37 ages
37 ages 58c

Age <4 yr: psychiatric

evaluation based on
observation of
standardized play
sessions, mothers
reports on CBCL;
age >4 yr: CBCL,
structured interview
of child (Child
Assessment Scale),
DSM-III criteria

211 of 240 in
original group
of children of
parents with
substance abuse;
98 of 108 in
original group
of children of
normal controls

Results reported
on adult
follow-up based
DSM-III criteria.

unipolar, .33 in bipolar,

.45 in medical, and .12 in
non-ill groups through
3-year follow-up. By age
19, the cumulative
probability of any
significant diagnosis in
bipolar offspring was .75
(.85 in unipolar group).
Bipolar offspring had
later age at onset.
Outcomes varied by
childrens age and maternal
group, mother or
psychiatrist report.
Generally, children of
bipolar and unipolar
mothers were more
likely than control
children to have disruptive
and depressive disorders.
Offspring of bipolar
mothers had later onset
than those ofunipolar
mothers. No differences
between groups with one
and two ill parents.
4.8% of offspring of bipolar
parents had definite
bipolar disorder, 53% had
some diagnosis overall. In
childhood, 28% had
behavior problems, 30%
attention problems (all
significantly higher than
normal controls but not
other controls). Such
problems predicted mood
disorders in adulthood.

Table 65. High-Risk Studies with Comparison Groups and Direct Assessment of Children: Clinical Findings (continued)











Todd et al., 1996

30 families selected
because adult
bipolar proband
or probands
adult sibling was
in bipolar pedigree
study (NIMH
Genetic Initiative
Study); 12 parents
affected: 8 BP-I,
1 BP-II, 3
132 BP: 56% BP-I,
36% BP-II, 8%
(79% mothers)

Total sample
across 30
families: 24 M,
26 F (ages 617);
23 offspring of
affected families

18 sets of parents
with no disorder

27 offspring of

Direct interview of
child and parent,
structured interview
(Diagnostic Interview
for Children and
with revised mania

9 offspring of 23 affected
parents had affective
disorder (including 5
bipolar), compared with
3 of 27 with unaffected

210: 49% F
age = 12.0 yr)

79: 29% MDD,

9% dysthymia
(90% mothers)

138: 57% F
age = 11.5 yr)

19 BP-I, 1 BP-II
(5 fathers,
15 mothers)

6 M, 19 F
(ages 1319)

19 with no disorder

6 M, 16 F
(ages 1319)

Parental interview.
Children assessed by
KSADS-P. Family
history obtained via
SADS-L, Self-report
measures, actigraph,
Social Rhythm
Metric, diaries

Offspring of BP parents
showed 7.7-fold higher
risk for any BP disorder,
4.0-fold risk for any
mood disorder, and
2.2-fold risk for anxiety
Significantly higher rates of
mood disorders in children
of bipolar parents (CBP)
(14/19) than in offspring
of non-ill parents (CC)
(2/19), p < .001. CBP had
stronger ruminative coping
styles and significantly
greater self-esteem variation, but did not differ in
positive affect. CBP exhibited shorter and less variable sleep latency.

et al., 2005

Jones et al., 2006

et al., 2006

25 BP mothers

43: 61% F (average

age = 15.1 yr)

37 MDD mothers

72: 64% F (average

age = 16.0 yr)

26 psychiatrically
well mothers

50: 48% females

age = 15.3 yr)

Administered a battery
Lifetime MDD diagnosis:
of neuropsychological
children of bipolar mother,
tests, including
12%; MDD mother, 17%;
Wisconsin Card
well mother, 8%. Children
Sorting Test, Trail
of BP mothers exhibited
Making Test, California deficits in executive
Verbal Learning
functioning, perceptual
Task, Continuous
memory, and sustained
Performance Task,
attention, but not in verbal
memory. These deficits were
not found in children of
MDD mothers or in healthy
control mothers.


3-year follow-up data reported here, with reduced sample numbers due to attrition (see Hammen et al., 1987, for initial results). Father data based on mothers FHRDC reports; high rates
of divorce in unipolar and bipolar families.
n = 26 BP mothers reported later in study (Radke-Yarrow, 1998).
3-year follow-up also.
n = 42 unipolar mothers reported later in study (Radke-Yarrow, 1998).
ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; BP = bipolar; BP-NOS = bipolar-not otherwise specified; CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991); F = female; FHRDC = Family
History Research Diagnostic Criteria; K-MRS = Kiddie Mania Rating Scale; KSADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children; KSADS-E = KSADSEpidemiological Version; KSADS-P = KSADS-Present State; KSADS-PL = KSADS-Present and Lifetime version; M = male; MDD = major depressive disorder; NIMH = National Institute of Mental
Health; RDC = Research Diagnostic Criteria; SADS = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; SADS-L = SADS-Lifetime; SCID = Structured Clinical Interview for DSM. WAIS = Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale; WISC-R = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised.
Source: Updated from Geller et al., 1998a.


Clinical Studies

did the offspring of both normal and other parents. A

study by Klein and colleagues (1985) is noteworthy for
the development and testing of a scale specifically for cyclothymic symptoms; it was found that more than half of
the offspring of bipolar parents who had a diagnosis of
affective disorder met criteria for cyclothymia.
Hirshfeld-Becker and colleagues (2006) compared 34
offspring of bipolar parents with 244 offspring of parents
without bipolar disorder. Children (ages 26) had been
classified in laboratory assessments as behaviorally inhibited, disinhibited, or neither. Offspring of bipolar parents
had significantly higher rates of disinhibition than offspring of parents without bipolar disorder (53 versus 34
percent; odds ratio = 2.62, 95 percent CI = 1.22 5.62). The
association between parental bipolar disorder was even
stronger among the offspring of parents with bipolar-I illness (67 versus 34 percent; odds ratio = 5.01, 95 percent
CI = 1.84 13.62). There was no difference in the rate of inhibition between the offspring of parents with and without
bipolar disorder.
In one of the rare follow-up designs, Hammen and colleagues (1990) found that, despite relatively high rates of
diagnosis over time, children of bipolar mothers were generally less chronically and severely impaired than those of
unipolar mothers. The largest follow-up study, conducted
by Carlson and Weintraub (1993) with 125 young-adult offspring of bipolar parents, found a rate of definite bipolar
disorder of nearly 5 percent, as well as higher rates of diagnosis overall relative to normal comparison groups; generally, however, the bipolar offspring did not differ in symptoms and functioning from offspring of parents with other
disorders (e.g., unipolar depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse).
A recent 5-year prospective study of adolescent offspring
of parents with bipolar disorder found that the lifetime
prevalence rate of bipolar disorder in the offspring increased from 3 to 10 percent at follow-up. The lifetime
prevalence of overall mood disorders increased to 40 percent and of overall psychopathology to 59 percent (Hillegers et al., 2005). With the exception of one individual, all
of the adolescent subjects subsequently diagnosed with
bipolar illness first presented with a unipolar expression;
this initial diagnosis occurred an average of 4.9 years
(standard deviation = 3.4 years) before the first hypomanic
or manic expression.
In their longitudinal study of young children of unipolar and bipolar mothers, Radke-Yarrow and colleagues
(1992) initially found worse functioning in offspring of
unipolar mothers, but in later analyses (Radke-Yarrow,
1998), the differences between unipolar and bipolar groups
were negligible. This work is unique in that the sample was
recruited to include mothers with sibling pairsone of

toddler age (1 12312) and the other of early school age

(58); the families were studied at three points in time over
a 10-year period. The young children of bipolar mothers,
who suffered mainly from depression (bipolar-II), tended
to have depressive and disruptive disorders; offspring in
early adolescence had a diagnosis rate of 58 percent, especially for depressive and anxiety disorders, but they also
had higher rates of disruptive disorders than children of
well mothers. At younger ages, the offspring of unipolar
mothers tended to have slightly more diagnoses than those
of bipolar mothers, but both groups were substantially
more likely to have disorders than the children of well
mothers. By early adolescence, however, the children of
bipolar mothers had similar rates of disruptive and anxiety
disorders and higher rates of depression than children of
unipolar depressed women. Of interest, it appeared that
those offspring in all groups with early signs of disruptive
disorders (20 percent) were more likely than those without
such signs (2 percent)I to develop bipolar disorder by
adulthood. The combination of a bipolar mother and an
early history of chronic disruptive disorder was highly
predictive of eventual bipolar disorder by adulthood
although the actual number of cases was small (Meyer
et al., 2001).
A recent University of Pittsburgh study (Birmaher et al.,
2005a) evaluated the lifetime prevalence of psychiatric
disorders in 210 offspring of 132 parents with bipolar disorder. Rates of illness in these high-risk children were compared with those in 138 offspring of 79 community controls
who were healthy or had nonbipolar psychiatric illnesses
and who were matched by age, sex, and neighborhood. The
offspring of parents with bipolar illness showed a 7.7-fold
higher risk for bipolar disorder and a 4-fold increased risk
for any mood disorder. The median age at onset for bipolar illness in the offspring was 9, but the rates of mood disorders rose steeply during adolescence. There were no differences in the rates of ADHD between the offspring of
bipolar parents and those of controls.
The studies listed in Table 65 generally indicate few
gender differences overall, although there may be gendertypical patterns of disorders, such as more disruptive behavior disorders in boys and more depressive disorders
in girls. Moreover, although a few studies compared outcomes for children with one versus two ill parents, no definite conclusions could be drawn. There appears to be an
increased likelihood that a bipolar adult will marry a person who also has a diagnosable disorder (nonrandom mating), thereby making it more likely that the couples children will acquire a mix of genetic predispositions, in
addition to being raised in a potentially disruptive family
environment as a result of parental impairment or marital
distress. There is a need for further evaluation of the impact

Children and Adolescents

of the marital relationship, as well as the gender and mental health of the spouse, as psychosocial contributors to
outcomes among offspring (see Chapter 10).
The results of these case-control studies, along with
those of other designs that did not include comparison
groups but did report childrens diagnoses, were summarized in a meta-analysis by Lapalme and colleagues (1997).
They concluded that 52 percent of the offspring of bipolar
parents met criteria for a diagnosis of at least one psychiatric disorder, compared with 29 percent of children of
parents with no disordersa highly statistically significant
difference. (Note that these figures should be viewed as approximations because some of the samples overlapped, potentially causing cases to be counted more than once.) Aggregating across various samples makes it easier to see the
specific concentration of mood disorders in the offspring.
In total, 26.5 percent of the offspring of bipolar parents had
an affective disorder (including major, minor, and intermittent depression and dysthymia, as well as mania, hypomania, cyclothymia, and hyperthymic states), compared
with 8.3 percent of children of non-ill parents. Bipolar disorder occurred in 5.4 percent of the offspring of bipolar
parents but in none of the children of non-ill parents. Obviously, this figure cannot be taken as a final estimate of
risk for bipolarity because most of the children had not
passedor even enteredthe age of risk. However, the
figure does suggest that the majority of offspring of a bipolar parent fail to manifest diagnosable bipolar disorder at
an early age.
Despite the overall consistency of the findings of these
studies, there remain significant gaps in our knowledge of
childrens risk. Few of the studies included young children,
while most included both older children and adolescents.
The developmental manifestations of bipolar disorder,
therefore, have not been fully tested in adequately large
samples. The general lack of longitudinal studies means
that the continuity or changes in symptom expression over
time remain obscure. Although several studies attempted
to evaluate subsyndromal symptoms of mood disorders or
personality characteristics,6 there is currently little consensus on the best and most valid instruments for this purpose. Additionally, future researchers will need to articulate theoretical models with specific variablesincluding
both neurobiological and psychological factorsthat
might be measured as markers or mechanisms of risk. To
date, little information exists about the predictive value of
the bipolar parents clinical historyincluding not only
course subtypes, but also the role of the history of manic
and depressive features of the illness, age at onset, and response to treatment. Moreover, virtually no studies have
considered the potential impact on children of parental
comorbidity, such as substance abuse or ADHD.


Most of the early studies and the case-control investigations discussed previously reported clinical diagnostic
outcomes but did not include measures of childrens personality, adaptive behaviors, and functioning in typical
roles. Such variables are important to characterize potential markers of bipolar disorderunique attributes that
define both positive aspects of bipolar heritage and predictors of later adjustment, including coping capabilities that
may affect mental health status. A brief review of relevant
findings is presented in Box 65.

Recent Offspring Studies with Novel Designs

Several more recent studies have provided useful information about future directions for research on risk factors
and mechanisms in bipolar families. Duffy and colleagues
(1998) reported on a pilot study comparing adolescent children of bipolar parents who were characterized as responsive or nonresponsive to lithium monotherapy. Children of
lithium-responsive parents had fewer psychiatric disorders
and good premorbid adjustment, and their disorders tended
to be mood related, compared with the children of lithiumnonresponsive parents, who had a broad range of psychopathology and more frequent comorbidity. Of interest, over
follow-up of up to 5 years, all of the affectively ill children of
lithium-responsive parents had remitting episodes and/or
episodic courses, whereas the affectively ill children of
lithium-nonresponsive parents had chronic mood disorders
and continuing comorbidity (Duffy et al., 2002).
Todd and colleagues (1996) used a unique offspring design to examine psychiatric disorders in children with
extended bipolar pedigrees (see Table 65). They evaluated
children and adolescents from 14 extended families with
at least two adult bipolar members. The sample included
children in 12 families in which a parent was a bipolar
proband or an affectively ill sibling of a bipolar proband,
and 18 families in which neither parent had an affective
disorder. As expected, offspring who had a parent with a
mood disorder had a five-fold higher risk for developing
an affective disorder than children of healthy parents. Degree of risk was associated with genetic relatedness to the
affected members of the pedigree. Children of ill parents
were also at apparent risk for anxiety disorders, but not for
disruptive behavior disorders. The use of within-pedigree
comparisons helps control for environmental factors that
might contribute to disorder, and the results of such comparisons further support the hypothesis of genetic factors
as a mechanism of risk.
Chang and colleagues (2000) documented initial results
of a study of 60 offspring of 37 families (no comparison
group). The mean age of the children was 11.1 years (standard deviation = 3.5 years), and the youngsters were evaluated by both parent and child interviews. Overall, 51 percent

BOX 65. Assessment of Childrens Personality and Functional Status

In addition to the subclinical affective traits and related characteristics noted in the text, several early studies identified personality traits associated with children at high risk for bipolar disorder; these included aggressiveness (e.g., Worland et al., 1979;
Kron et al., 1982), extraversion, introversion, and impulsiveness
(Kron et al., 1982).
Data collected on participants in the Gershon and colleagues
(1985) study and reported by Pellegrini and colleagues (1986) documented personal and social resources of the children of bipolar
parents.There were no overall differences between offspring of
bipolar versus control parents on such variables as IQ, social
problem-solving ability, self-esteem, and perceived competence.
LaRoche and colleagues (1987) also found no significant overall differences in self-esteem. However, Pellegrini and colleagues (1986),
reported that those offspring of bipolar parents who did not have
psychiatric disorders scored significantly in the more positive direction on the measures, relative to all the other groups, whereas
those with psychiatric disorders had significantly less positive
scores. Also, nondisordered offspring of bipolar parents reported
significantly more supportive relationships and resources available
to them than did the disordered youths. Although the direction of
causality cannot be determined, superior competence and selfesteem may serve as resilience factors for children at risk and help
protect them from the development of psychological disorders.
The findings of Pelligrini and colleagues (1986) are consistent
with those of a Stanford study of 53 children and adolescent offspring of bipolar parents that found super-normal temperamental characteristics in the offspring who were diagnosis-free.
That is, unaffected children and adolescents were more likely to
approach new situations, things, and people; to have regular
sleeping patterns; and to have lower energy and activity levels
(Chang et al., 2003).The authors posited that these exceptional
temperaments may protect against, or reflect an inherent brain
chemistry that is resistant to, psychiatric disorders. Because there
were no follow-up data on these offspring, however, it may be
that the exceptional temperament only postpones onset, although that in its own right would be beneficial. It is possible
that some of these well super-normal offspring may have inherited very mild subsyndromal variations of a hypomanic temperament; this may in turn provide a protective resilience and energy.
Nurnberger and colleagues (1988) included in their study measures of subsyndromal affective symptoms, as well as the personality trait of sensation seeking. On this measure, they found that children of bipolar parents displayed personality patterns suggestive
of disinhibition, and they speculated that such offspring may be
prone to respond to dysphoria with disinhibitory behaviors such
as drug and alcohol abuse and high-risk behaviors.
Although based on only 7 boys of bipolar parents and 20 controls, a study by Zahn-Waxler and colleagues (1984a, 1984b) is
unique in the intensity of its observations and in the young age
(23yr) of the children involved. In laboratory observations of numerous real-life situations, the investigators found that the toddlers of bipolar parents displayed notable interpersonal difficul-

ties and emotionality. For instance, they showed difficulties in

peer interactions (e.g., sharing) and maladaptive aggression, as
well as heightened distress and preoccupation in response to
simulated conflict and suffering, among others. Although the
children of bipolar parents did not display cognitive deficits, they
did show more insecure attachment and deficits in taking anothers perspective (Zahn-Waxler et al., 1984c). Radke-Yarrows
(1998) report on the expanded study also indicated significantly
higher rates of insecure attachment among the children of bipolar mothers, compared with both the well and the unipolar
groups. Nevertheless, these toddlers were seen as being relatively socially skilled. As they grew older, however, more disruptive and emotional disorders emerged that were associated with
impaired functioning. For instance, peer relationships were rated
as poor for 42 percent of the offspring of bipolar women, and 23
percent were doing poorly academically.The investigators found
that, overall, 27 percent of the younger and 30 percent of the
older siblings showed significant functioning problems in multiple areas (compared with very few of the children of well mothers).The findings of these studies suggest the value of intensive
observation of high-risk children in stressful and challenging situations as a way of identifying potential deficits in emotional
and behavioral regulation that may portend bipolar disorder.
Anderson and Hammen (1993) compared offspring in the
University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) high-risk study on social competence and academic functioning measures.They discovered that, although the offspring of unipolar mothers were
the most impaired of all of the groups, the children of bipolar
mothers were actually comparable to the children of non-ill
mothers.The investigators predicted that, despite the symptomatology of the bipolar group and the likely increasing risk as
they grew older, they were somewhat protected by positive social skills and successful academic achievement, compared with
children in the unipolar group. Carlson and Weintraub (1993)
evaluated young-adult functioning in their follow-up study of
children of bipolar parents compared with a mixed group of offspring of parents with other psychopathology and with offspring of non-ill parents.They found that the Global Adjustment
Scale scores of the young-adult offspring of bipolar parents were
significantly lower than those of children from normal families
but did not differ from the scores of offspring of parents with
other psychopathology. Osher and colleagues (2000) compared
the Rorschach responses of a small sample of offspring of manicdepressive parents and controls.They found indicators of
thought disorder and unconventional perceptions, suggesting
that these might be markers for manic-depressive illness.
The differing results across studies of offspring characteristics
reflect a lack of standard batteries of measures (or theoretically
driven explorations).The varying methods employed reveal an
array of both positive and problematic attributes of children at
risk for bipolar disorder. Future studies will be needed to determine whether there are consistent patterns of traits and characteristics that can inform predictions of eventual outcomes.

Children and Adolescents

of the children had a definite diagnosischiefly ADHD,

depressive disorders, and bipolar disorder (15 percent).
Predictors of (childhood) bipolar disorder in the offspring
were early onset of parental bipolar disorder and parental
childhood ADHD. Children who had two parents with a
mood disorder (bipolar or unipolar) tended to show somewhat different symptoms than those with only one ill parent, including increased severity of depressed mood and
irritability and rejection sensitivity.
Egeland and colleagues (2003) reported on possible prodromal signs of bipolar disorder in 100 Amish children
with a bipolar-I parent and matched controls. Annual evaluations of the children for 7 years, up to age 19 (mean age
14), were retrospectively reviewed and rated blindly by clinicians according to level of possible risk for future development of bipolar-I disorder. On the basis of their symptoms, 38 percent of the children of a bipolar parent were
rated as being at risk, compared with 17 percent of controls. The authors found many depression-related symptoms, as well as anxiety/fearfulness, hyperalertness, and
anger dyscontrol, among others. In contrast to the findings
of some other studies, however, they found little evidence
of disruptive disorders, ADHD, or conduct problems in
the Amish sample, and the symptoms observed had an
episodic rather than a continuous and chronic course. Further follow-up of the offspring will be useful to determine
whether the risk symptoms identified by these investigators do indeed portend bipolar-I disorder.
Relatively unremarkable rates of disorder among adolescent offspring were observed in a Dutch volunteer sample (largely from a manic-depressive association; see Wals
et al., 2001). A 27 percent lifetime rate of mood disorders
was foundnot dissimilar to Dutch national norms
although there was no directly studied comparison group.
The investigators speculated that the sample may have included relatively healthier bipolar parents than those ascertained primarily from treatment sources.

Mechanisms of Risk to Children of Bipolar Parents

Perhaps with the exception of the study of Todd and colleagues (1996), which linked childrens psychopathology to
the degree of genetic relatedness in a bipolar pedigree
study, the high-risk offspring studies reviewed here cannot
serve to confirm a genetic mode of transmission of risk for
psychopathology. Rather, most of the studies were designed
on the assumption of genetic transmission. Nonetheless, it
is recognized that children in such families not only inherit
whatever genes predispose to bipolar illness, but also inherit parents who are potentially impaired in the parental
role at least periodically, and whose environments may be
stressful because of instability in marital, occupational,
and financial circumstances associated with the effects of


the illness. Moreover, a diathesisstress perspective shared

by most forms of psychopathology would lead to the
expectation that even in the presence of genetic diatheses,
information on additional variables, such as neurocognitive and biological factors, may be needed to determine
whetheror when and howan at-risk person develops a
disorder. And because bipolar disorder manifests very different courses among affected individuals, it is important
to link course and outcome features of the illness in parents
to childrens risk for disorder; also of interest are certain
parental demographic features. Additional analyses are
therefore needed to advance understanding of the varied
outcomes of high-risk offspring of bipolar parents, and
perhaps to shed light more generally on factors that affect
the nature and timing of the course of the illness.

Family Life and Environment

Few bipolar high-risk studies have examined the association of childrens psychiatric outcomes with characteristics
of family life and environment. Marital conflict and disturbances of family climate and parentchild communication almost certainly have significant negative effects on
childrens adjustment. Obviously, the quality of relationships in families with bipolar parents is likely to play an
important role in childrens risk or resilience in the face of
genetic predisposition (see Chapter 10 for further discussion of parenting characteristics in bipolar families).
A few bipolar high-risk studies have examined the role of
such factors. LaRoche and colleagues (1987) found that
among families with a bipolar mother, the fathers report of
marital dissatisfaction was the strongest predictor of the
presence of a diagnosis in the offspring; in slightly different
analyses, the mothers report of marital distress was also a
significant predictor. The offspring who had disorders reported more negative quality of their relationship with both
parents, compared with youngsters who did not have a diagnosis. Hammen (1991) also assessed marital functioning and
other forms of stress in high-risk families. Both unipolar
and bipolar mothers had high rates of divorce and current
relationship stress compared with controls. In all groups,
mothers chronic stress and negative life events contributed
to the prediction of worse outcomes in their children.
Grigoroiu-Serbanescu and colleagues (1989) performed
descriptive evaluations of familial atmosphere and determined that the greatest severity of psychopathology in offspring was associated with the highest levels of physical and
verbal conflict within the family. Geller and colleagues
(2002a) found that bipolar youths who lived in intact biological families were significantly more likely to recover
than those in other living situations (Fig. 62).
A National Institute of Mental Health study found that
bipolar women had higher levels of marital stress than


Clinical Studies

Proportion relapsed

Intact Family


No Intact Family







Follow-up (months)

Figure 62. Two-year rate of recovery by living situation in subjects with a prepubertal and early adolescent bipolar disorder phenotype. Fifty-eight of the 89 subjects had recovered by 24 months.
There was a significant difference between the 39 recovered subjects
who lived with their intact biological families and the 19 who resided
in other living situations (Cox model 2 = 7.40, degrees of freedom
[df] = 1, p = .007). The Kiddie Mania (K-M) estimate for recovery in
intact families was 76.5% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 64.888.1),
and for recovery in other living situations it was 50.0% (95%
CI = 34.165.9). (Source: Geller et al., 2002. Reprinted with permission
from the American Journal of Psychiatry, Copyright 2002, American
Psychiatric Association.)

unipolar or well women; marital stress tended to be associated with other forms of family stress and maladaptive
functioning as well, however, which made the effects difficult to disentangle (Radke-Yarrow, 1998). The combination of low maternal scores on global functioning and
high indices of family stress (including marital conflict)
was a strong predictor of depression in offspring, especially older children. In a more recent analysis, Meyer and
colleagues (2004) reported that frequent maternal expressions of anger and irritability (perhaps themselves manifestations of mixed mania and therefore of genetic importance) during childrens early years were associated with
the development of mania in adulthood, even after controlling for maternal psychiatric features. Although based
on a small sample, the results of this study hint that highly
stressful family environments may contribute to the
timingor even the expressionof bipolar features in
those at genetic risk (see also Miklowitz et al., 1988). In a
4-year prospective study of 86 prepubertal and earlyadolescent bipolar patients, Geller and colleagues (2004)
found that low maternal warmth predicted faster relapse
after recovery from mania. In an earlier study, the same investigators had found that patients with prepubertal and
early-onset adolescent bipolar disorder who were exposed
to low levels of maternal warmth were four times more
likely to relapse after recovery than those exposed to high
levels of maternal warmth (Geller et al., 2002b). This effect

is clearly shown in Figure 63. It is not clear to what extent

maternal warmth reflects an additional underlying vulnerability factor or if maternal warmth is decreased or adversely affected by the demands of caring for a child with
bipolar illness.
One particularly dramatic example of family and environmental dysfunction concerns physical and sexual abuse.
Analysis of data collected by the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network showed that early traumatic abuse experiences were associated with a worse course of illness, including earlier onset, suicidality, and more rapid cycling
(Leverich et al., 2002). Other investigators found elevated
rates of childhood sexual abusesignificantly higher for
malesamong bipolar adults compared with those with
unipolar depression (Hyun et al., 2000). There is also
a highly significant association between those reporting
childhood sexual abuse and auditory hallucinations
(Hammersley et al., 2003). The findings of these studies
suggest that among those with a predisposition to develop
bipolar disorder, childhood trauma may play a role in the
course of the illness; that parents who abuse children have
a more severe or comorbid form that is genetically transmitted (as well as psychologically traumatic); or that children with early onset and impaired functioning may experience more severe abuse. It may be noted that self-reports

Figure 63. Two-year rate of relapse after recovery by high versus

low levels of maternalchild warmth in subjects with a prepubertal
and early-adolescent bipolar disorder phenotype. Thirty-two of the
58 recovered patients relapsed after recovery. There was a significant
difference between the 21 relapsers with low maternalchild warmth
and the 11 with high maternal warmth (Cox model 2 = 9.84, degrees
of freedom [df ] = 1, p = .002). The Kiddie Mania (K-M) estimate for
relapse by low maternalchild warmth was 100.0% (95% confidence
interval [CI] = not applicable when K-M = 100.0%) and by high maternalchild warmth was 42.2% (95% CI = 23.261.2). (Source: Geller
et al., 2002a. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of
Psychiatry, Copyright 2002, American Psychiatric Association.)
Proportion relapsed


Low maternal warmth


High maternal warmth




Follow-up (months)




Children and Adolescents

of trauma may overestimate its actual incidence, although

this possibility has not been sufficiently investigated in
bipolar illness.
A recent Dutch study of 132 offspring (mean age 16) of
bipolar parents found that the relationship between stressful life events and the onset or recurrence of a DSM-IV
mood disorder was almost entirely accounted for by the
offsprings prior symptoms of depression and anxiety. The
researchers concluded that the frequently hypothesized association between stressful life events and the precipitation
of mood disorders may be a spurious one (Wals et al.,
2005). The association between stressful life events and the
onset or recurrence of a mood disorder was also independent of gender and familial loading. See Chapters 4 and 10
for a more complete discussion of life events and bipolar

Neurocognitive and Biological Studies

of High-Risk Youth
To date, few studies have included evaluation of potential
neurocognitive and structural and functional brain markers of bipolar disorder. (See Chapters 9 and 15 for a detailed discussion of neurocognitive features of bipolar illness in general.) Because this approach has proven to be
extremely fruitful in high-risk studies of schizophrenia, it
is likely that such research on bipolar disorder will proliferate. Preliminary studies are beginning to emerge. For
example, small samples of children at risk because of
parental bipolar disorder or children/adolescents diagnosed with bipolar disorder have shown significant differences from normal controls on neurochemical abnormalities (Cecil et al., 2003), neuroanatomical features (DelBello
et al., 2004), and neuropsychological performance (Dickstein et al., 2004). One study of neurocognitive effects in
at-risk youth is especially interesting. Meyer and colleagues
(2004) examined the outcomes after 23 years of offspring of
bipolar, unipolar, and control women in the NIMHs longitudinal study of young children of women with affective
disorders (Radke-Yarrow et al., 1992). They found that the
majority of the offspring of bipolar mothers who later developed bipolar disorder had shown impairment on a neurocognitive test of executive functioning when they were
In their analysis, Meyer and colleagues (2004) found
that offspring in families with maternal bipolar disorder
were substantially more likely to show impairment in
neurocognitive functioning when tested in adolescence if
they were also exposed to high levels of maternal anger
and irritability during childhood. The investigators hypothesized that the maternal behavior was a potent stressor interacting with their offsprings genetic liability for
bipolar disorder, potentially affecting brain development


and increasing their risk for eventual development of the

disorder. Direct causality has not been established, however, and it should be kept in mind that severely ill children have an impact on the degree of maternal irritability
that is expressed. One study of 140 offspring of parents
with bipolar disorder found lower birth weight in offspring
to be significantly correlated with greater psychopathology (Wals et al., 2003); the authors suggested that this observed relationship might be due to a shared environmental
or genetic factor that influences both. Other investigators
have reported a more general association among birth
weight, cognitive functioning, and psychopathology (Eaton
et al., 2001).
Potential mechanisms underlying bipolar disorder were
suggested by Leibenluft and colleagues (2003a), who specifically indicated possible applications to childhood-onset
mania (and presumably, by extension, to children at risk
because of parental bipolar disorder). Drawing on the
work of various investigators, they suggested paradigms
for physiological assessment, along with functional neuroimaging measures, of latency, magnitude, and recovery
of emotional reactions to affective stimulias well as the
relationships between attentional and emotional regulation processes in possibly bipolar children. Research aimed
at clarifying underlying maladaptive processes in bipolar
disorder that can be identified in at-risk samples of children holds promise for advancing understanding, and
possibly detection, of bipolar disorder in the young.

Parents Clinical and Demographic Features

and Childrens Outcomes
Findings thus far have been mixed on the extent to which
there is increased risk to children if both parents are bipolar or if psychiatric disorder occurs in the first-degree relatives of a parent with bipolar disorder.7 These mixed
findings are likely attributable to design and sampling
Few studies have examined features of parental bipolar
course and their influence on childrens disorders. An
exception is Duffy and colleagues (1998), whose earliercited work suggests that parental responsiveness to lithium,
which in turn is related to the presence of more classic
bipolar illness, may be an important predictor. The most
comprehensive analyses of clinical features as predictors of childrens outcomes were reported by GrigoroiuSerbanescu and colleagues (1989), who determined that
severity of childrens psychiatric disorders was significantly related to severity of the illness in the bipolar parent,
number of manic and mixed (but not depressive)
episodes, younger age at onset in the parent, and presence
of psychopathology in the coparent. LaRoche and colleagues (1987) found that duration of parental illness was


Clinical Studies

related to childrens risk for disorder, but the nature of the

episodes and the age at onset were not specified. RadkeYarrow (1992) and Radke-Yarrow and colleagues (1998) reported a significant correlation between mothers time in
affective episodes and low levels of functioning (as assessed
by the Global Assessment of Functioning) on the one hand
and several measures of childrens symptoms on the other,
but did not distinguish between maternal manic and depressive symptoms.
Of interest, the study of Radke-Yarrow and colleagues
(1992) included an evaluation of maternal Axis II disorders. It was found that two thirds of the bipolar mothers
had at least one personality disorder, and personality disorder pathology measured dimensionally was significantly
related to the extent of childrens symptoms and disorders.
Likewise, Hodgins and colleagues (2002) speculated that
bipolar parents high levels of trait neuroticism may expose their children to relatively stressful environments and
models of poor coping, as well as to the genetic transmission of neuroticism that influences susceptibility to stress
reactivity. Their proposal, similar to models of intergenerational transmission proposed by Hammen (1991), is that
family discord and stress factors contribute to the risk of
development of disorders in children.
It may be noted that there is a lack of information on
the similarity of parent and child bipolar symptoms in
cases of early-onset bipolar disorder. Follow-up studies are
needed as well to evaluate possible similarities in course
and treatment responsiveness.
Demographic factors have likewise not been fully explored, although they have been addressed in a modest
number of studies. Grigoroiu-Serbanescu and colleagues
(1989) found that gender of the bipolar parent did not
make a difference in childrens outcomes. On the other
hand, Klein and colleagues (1985) found that bipolar
mothers, compared with bipolar fathers, were more likely
to have children with affective symptomatology. Several
studies have included or controlled for socioeconomic
status of bipolar parents. Grigoroiu-Serbanescu and colleagues (1989), for example, reported that lower socioeconomic status in their Romanian sample was associated
with greater psychopathology in children.
Clearly, more research is needed to shed light on both
clinical and demographic factors associated with bipolar
parents that may moderate the effects of their disorder on
outcomes among their offspring.

Increasing interest in mood disorders of children and
adolescents has stimulated research and careful clinical

observations aimed at identifying the clinical features,

precursors, and course of bipolar disorder in these populations. However, numerous gaps in knowledge remain.
For many years, unclear diagnostic criteria led to frequent misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in children and
adolescents. Today, pediatric bipolar disorders are increasingly being diagnosed and treated. Nonetheless, additional studies are needed to refine the predictive utility
of age at onset of first symptoms, and to determine the
correlates of illness course and level of functioning.
Although classic bipolar features, including distinct affective episodes and good interepisode functioning, appear to be rare in children, some children display severe
and chronic signs of emotional instability, behavioral dysregulation, and cognitive changes that are consistent with
mania, and that appear to resemble bipolar mixed states
and ultrarapid cycling. Whether such patterns mark developmentally consistent manifestations of bipolarity or
reflect other traits or disorders not yet understood remains
uncertain, however.
Diagnostic problems are compounded by the considerable overlap between presumed mania and ADHD, as well
as other comorbid disorders, such as substance abuse, anxiety, and disruptive behavior disorders. Clearly, longitudinal studies are needed to determine the unique developmental manifestations of manic symptoms and whether
possible manic syndrome or symptoms in children portend bipolar disorder in adolescence or later. Moreover, the
significance of manic symptoms in children remains to be
clarified, in particular whether they represent an especially
severe and disabling form of the illness or a nonspecific
indicator of psychopathology. Some have proposed that
early-onset mania presenting with comorbid ADHD may
represent an etiological subtype marked by familial concentrations of bipolar disorder and ADHD. Presently, it is
recommended that a diagnosis of bipolar disorder be reserved for children who meet DSM-IV criteria for mania,
and that bipolar-NOS be used for those with severe emotional and behavioral dysregulation when boundaries with
disruptive behavior disorders are unclear.
Parental bipolar disorder in families of children with
manic symptoms would appear to be a potentially validating criterion, but further research is needed to identify early markers (endophenotypes) of childhood bipolar disorder. The stakes are high for such severely ill
children, because early valid diagnosis and empirically
supported treatment could greatly improve their lives
and future functioning. Studies of children of bipolar
parents employing the high-risk methodology (that is,
the study of children of psychiatrically ill parents) represent a design uniquely suited to refining the assessment

Children and Adolescents

and diagnosis of precursor forms of bipolar disorder.

Moreover, such studies may prove crucial in identifying
markers of risk processes that interact with genetic
diatheses, although few studies to date have examined the
neurobiological or developmental abnormalities that
may signal onset of or vulnerability to bipolar disorder.
The studies of high-risk children conducted thus far have
clearly indicated that the offspring of bipolar parents
have elevated rates of psychopathology, developing in
childhood and adolescence. A significant proportion develop bipolar disorderand the rate is likely to grow still
higher as these offspring pass through the age of risk in
late adolescence and adulthood. Longitudinal research
on such samples is needed to help clarify the developmental progression of the disorder; its earliest symptoms;
and predictors of its course, including adverse family and
environmental experiences.


1. See excellent reviews by Faedda et al., 1995; Geller and Luby,
1997; Coyle et al., 2003; Carlson, 2005.
2. See Biederman et al., 2000a, 2004c; Geller et al., 2000b;
Masai et al., 2003.
3. Masi et al., 2001; Wozniak, 2002; Faedda et al., 2004; Harpold
et al., 2005.
4. This statement appeared on the Web site of the Child and
Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, (accessed August 31, 2006).
5. See Strober et al., 1995; Faraone et al., 1997a; McElroy et al.,
1997; Kafantaris et al., 1998.
6. Decina et al., 1982; Gershon et al., 1985; Klein et al., 1985;
Nurnberger et al., 1988; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu et al., 1989,
1991; Birmaher et al., 2005a,b.
7. See Gershon et al., 1985; LaRoche et al., 1987; GrigoroiuSerbanescu et al., 1989; Radke-Yarrow et al., 1992; Todd et al.,

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The patient who has for years before his illness shown morbid traits, who has been anxious, or
quarrelsome, or suspicious, or odd, or solitary, or obsessional, or in some other way has shown
that he is constantly at odds with himself, as well as with his surroundingssuch a patient is
not going to be cured of his maladjustment by having an affective flare-up. A sortie does not
end a siege.
Sir Aubrey Lewis (1936, p. 997)

Comorbidity in manic-depressive illness, in which the mood

disorder is complicated by the presence of one or more additional disorders, is the rule rather than the exception, especially for the bipolar subgroup. Data from the Stanley
Foundation Bipolar Network, a consortium of bipolar
specialty clinics in academic health centers around the
world, indicate that 65 percent of patients with bipolar disorder have a comorbid condition. Of these patients, almost
a quarter have three or more diagnoses (Fig. 71) (McElroy
et al., 2001).
Unfortunately, disorders that can accompany affective
illness tend to be underrecognized and undertreated (Simon
et al., 2004a). Poor recognition of comorbid conditions may
be related to the way in which clinicians diagnose their patients. Psychiatric evaluation is often directed toward identifying a single diagnosis that will account for all or most of a
patients symptoms, rather than identifying multiple conditions. This expectation can lead to important disorders being overlooked, and the partially diagnosed and incompletely treated patient may be left with considerable
symptomatology and disability, even after the primary disorder has been effectively treated. In the case of bipolar disorder, which can be destabilized by certain classes of medication, the clinician must also be wary of worsening one
illness while treating another. For example, treating panic
disorder with a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
may trigger a switch to a manic or mixed episode. (The difficulties involved in the treatment of comorbid conditions
are addressed in Chapter 24.) Proper attention to management of comorbidities can reduce their impact on a patients
functioning and general health. Unfortunately, even with
the best treatment, the presence of one or more comorbid
disorders tends to lead to a poorer outcome compared with
uncomplicated manic-depressive illness.

Some investigators have evaluated the total burden of

comorbidity by surveying multiple diagnostic categories,
while others have focused in more detail on specific conditions. Studies taking a comprehensive approach to the
presence of comorbidity have found that, especially for the
bipolar subgroup, an uncomplicated recurrent mood disorder is unusual. The National Comorbidity Survey (NCS)
of more than 58,000 individuals found that, among bipolar
patients with classic features such as euphoria, grandiosity, and the ability to maintain energy without sleep, all
met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-III-R
criteria for at least one other mental disorder. Fully 95 percent met the criteria for three or more disorders (Kessler
et al., 1997). This, for reasons discussed below, is almost
certainly a considerable overestimate. Another study, involving 3,258 randomly selected household residents of
Edmonton, Alberta, found similarly high rates of comorbidity. Based on surveys performed by trained lay interviewers using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), comorbidity with other disorders occurred in 92 percent of
subjects who had experienced a manic episode. The generalizability of this particular study may be limited, however.
The lifetime prevalence of mania identified by the lay interviewers was lower than in most other studiesonly 0.6
percent. Consequently, the interviewers may have been
identifying only a subset of patients with bipolar disorder
who had more severe psychopathology. Also, as discussed
later, there are significant discrepancies between the high
rates of comorbidity identified by nonclinician versus clinician interviewers. For example, experienced clinicians in
the Stanley Network identified social anxiety disorder in
only 16 percent of their bipolar patients, compared with
nearly 50 percent identified by nonclinicians in the NCS


Clinical Studies

Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Eating Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Simple Phobia
Social Phobia
Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia
Anxiety Disorders
Opiate Abuse
Sedative Abuse
Cocaine Abuse
Stimulant Abuse
Marijuana Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Substance Abuse Disorders









Percent comorbidity

Figure 71. Axis I psychiatric comorbidities. Percent comorbidity in bipolar patients enrolled in the
Stanley Bipolar Treatment Network. (Source: Adapted from McElroy et al., 2001. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, Copyright 2001. American Psychiatric Association.)

Guo and colleagues (2005) used a claims database to

evaluate rates of bipolar comorbidity. They analyzed a large
managed-care population of 123,292 patients who had been
given an International Classification of Diseases 9 (ICD-9)
diagnostic code for bipolar disorder by their treating clinician. The prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders was
36.7 percent, but the rate of comorbid substance disorders
was only 12.0 percent. The low level of comorbid substance
abuse/dependence in this population may have been due to
the fact that individuals with commercial health insurance
were more likely to be employed, whereas substancerelated disorders often lead to the loss of a job or chronic
unemployment (Leino-Arjas et al., 1999).
Data obtained from structured clinician interviews also
reveal high levels of comorbidity in bipolar patients. Bauer
and colleagues (2005) evaluated intake assessment data,
obtained by clinicians using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID), on subjects recruited as part of the
Veterans Affairs (VA) Cooperative Study No. 430. In this
sample of hospitalized bipolar veterans, 57 percent had at
least one current comorbid disorder. More than one comorbid disorder was found in 30 percent of the patients,
and 9 percent had three or more comorbidities. As in the
preceding studies, the two most common comorbidities
were anxiety and substance abuse disorders. At least one
anxiety disorder was currently present in 38 percent of the
sample; the lifetime rate was 43 percent. The similarity between current and lifetime rates suggests a high degree of
chronicity. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was
present in 25 percent, panic disorder in 17 percent, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in 8 percent. Current substance abuse disorders were present in 34 percent;
alcohol (26 percent), marijuana (7 percent), and cocaine

(7 percent) were the most commonly abused substances.

The lifetime rate for substance abuse disorders was considerably higher, 72 percent.
The VA investigators also evaluated correlates of anxiety
and substance-related disorders and found them to be distinct. Compared with bipolar patients with no comorbidity, those with comorbid substance abuse/dependence had
more marital problems and a higher probability of presenting with depression; they also had more medical conditions during the index hospitalization and were less able
to work. Comorbid anxiety disorders were associated with
earlier age at onset of bipolar disorder, rapid cycling, a
greater likelihood of presenting with depression, a higher
rate of suicide attempts, and a greater number of manic
and depressive episodes in the year preceding hospitalization. Vieta and colleagues (2001), in their Barcelona Stanley Foundation Study of 129 bipolar-I outpatients in remission, found that comorbid bipolar patients had a higher
number of mixed features, depressive episodes, and suicide
attempts. The different patterns of correlates led Bauer and
colleagues (2005) to speculate that distinct genetic subtypes of bipolar disorder were represented by patients who
had comorbid anxiety disorders compared with those with
comorbid substance abuse disorders. The association of
discrete subtypes of bipolar disorder with specific comorbid presentations is discussed in further detail later.
Patients in the Bauer and colleagues (2005) VA study
were all hospitalized and had either bipolar-I or bipolar-II
disorder. However, it is not only the most severely ill patients who experience comorbid conditions. Patients with
soft-spectrum bipolaritythose who, although they do not
meet the full DSM criteria for bipolar disorder, nonetheless experience significant symptoms of depressed and


elevated moodsalso have high rates of comorbidity

(Maremnani et al., 2006). For example, in the Zurich cohort study (Angst, 1998), a 15-year prospective study of
4,547 young adults, 78 percent of patients with brief hypomanic episodes had a lifetime prevalence of at least one
anxiety disorder. Panic disorder was the most common
anxiety disorder, affecting 12 percent of all patients; 32 percent experienced panic attacks without meeting the full
criteria for panic disorder. Binge eating (13 percent) and alcohol abuse disorders (23 percent) were also common in
this cohort. Patients with major depressive disorder have
more anxiety and substance abuse disorders than the general population, but significantly fewer than patients with
bipolar disorder (Chen and Dilsaver, 1995b).
Although comorbid conditions tend to be underdiagnosed, they can also be overdiagnosed. Manic-depressive
illness, as we have emphasized, is highly variable in its
presentation. Patients with completely different clinical
presentations and courses are given the same DSM-IV diagnosis. Diagnostic criteria for mood disorders include
symptoms of anxiety; conduct disturbance; cognitive impairment; and changes in eating, energy levels, sleeping,
and sexual functioning. Comorbid diagnoses can be inflated by the confounding of symptoms with diagnoses.
Nonclinician interviewers in particular, who estimate the
presence of psychiatric disorders using a symptom checklist, are at greater risk for overestimating comorbidity than
are experienced clinicians, who use pattern recognition to
make diagnoses. Thus before one can properly interpret
studies of comorbidity, the method used to establish diagnoses must be explicit.
In the remainder of this chapter, we review the findings
of the literature on the major comorbid conditions in
manic-depressive illness, with an emphasis on the bipolar
subgroup. There is little published information on the
more recurrent forms of unipolar depression per se. We
address in turn alcohol and drug abuse/dependence disorders, anxiety disorders, other psychiatric illnesses, and
medical illnesses.


Several general methodological issues arise in the study of
alcohol and drug abuse/dependence in manic-depressive
patients. We begin by considering these, and then turn to
specific diagnostic issues. First, it is often difficult to obtain
accurate histories of alcohol and drug abuse from patients;
compounding the problem, clinicians tend to skirt this general line of inquiry. Second, patients vary tremendously in
the development and expression of both manic-depressive
illness and substance abuse/dependence disorders. Third,


many studies do not adequately differentiate substance

abuse from the more serious and persistent disorder of
true alcohol or drug dependence.
Inconsistency and unreliability of diagnostic criteria are
particular problems when investigators attempt to diagnose
and study more than one disorder and then to determine
which is primary and which secondary. Schuckit (1986)
summarized several major sources of diagnostic confusion
related to alcohol and mood disorders: (1) alcohol can cause
depressive symptoms; (2) signs of temporary serious depression can follow prolonged drinking; (3) drinking can
escalate during affective episodes in some patients, especially
during mania; (4) depressive symptoms and alcohol problems occur in other psychiatric disorders; and (5) a subset of
manic-depressive patients have independent alcohol abuse
disorder. Differentiating symptoms caused by a primary
psychiatric disorder from those secondary to substance
abuse can be difficult. Affective, cognitive, and psychotic
symptoms can result from alcohol and from a wide variety
of classes of drugs, such as amphetamines, cocaine, and hallucinogens. Likewise, alcohol and other drugs can both
mask and precipitate affective symptoms. Indeed, Kraepelin
(1921) observed many years ago that manic attacks occasionally begin with delirium tremens. More recently, manic
attacks induced by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and
phenylcyclidine (PCP) have been observed in biologically
vulnerable individuals. These issues are discussed in more
detail later in this chapter. Obtaining a detailed chronology
of the onset of symptoms (i.e., whether difficulties with substance abuse predated affective symptoms or vice versa), ascertaining the severity of presenting symptoms, and taking a
thorough family history can aid in making a correct differential diagnosis (Hesselbrock et al., 1985; Schuckit, 1986).
Correct diagnosis, in turn, is essential to good medical and
psychological care (see Chapter 24). In a 5-year prospective
study of 27 bipolar-I patients in whom the onset of alcohol
abuse disorder preceded the onset of bipolar disorder, and
33 patients in whom that order was reversed, Strakowski and
colleagues (2005) found that those who abused alcohol first
were more likely to recover and recovered more quickly.
Those whose illness preceded their alcohol abuse spent
more time affectively ill and experienced more symptoms of
alcohol abuse.

Alcohol Abuse/Dependence
In a letter to a friend, the poet Edgar Allan Poe wrote about
alcohol and mental illness from a deeply personal perspective:
I became insane, with long periods of horrible sanity.
During these fits of absolute unconsciousness I drank,
God only knows how much or how long. As a matter of


Clinical Studies

course, my enemies referred the insanity to the drink,

rather than the drink to the insanity.

Separating the insanity from the drink remains a difficult

problem in the differential diagnosis and treatment of
affective illness and substance abuse disorders. A relationship between alcohol and mood disorders has been observed for more than 2,000 years. Plato (cited in Ackerknecht, 1959) referred to alcoholism as a demonstrable
cause of mania. Soranus (c. 100 AD, cited in Zilboorg,
1941) echoed the sentiment that excessive use of alcohol
frequently caused mania and criticized those who prescribed it as a treatment. Aretaeus (c. 90 AD, cited in
Whitwell, 1936) suggested that symptoms of mania may be
produced by an excess of wine or opiates but concluded
that the resulting states cannot properly be termed mania,
just temporary deliria. Early in the twentieth century,
Kraepelin (1921, p. 178) summarized his findings on alcohol dependence in manic-depressive illness as follows:
Alcoholism occurs among male patients in about a quarter of the cases, but is to be regarded as the consequence
of debaucheries committed in excitement, not as a cause.

Differing views about whether alcohol abuse disorder precedes or follows the onset of manic-depressive illness persist today, and there is a growing appreciation of the importance of recognizing this comorbidity (dual diagnosis).

Rates of Mood Disorders among Patients

with Alcohol Abuse/Dependence
The lack of consistency in diagnostic criteria has led to
widely disparate estimates of the rates of mood disorders
in patients with alcohol abuse disorder. These estimates

have ranged from 3 to 98 percent, depending on whether

clinical scales or more formal diagnostic criteria were used
(Keeler et al., 1979; Himmelhoch et al., 1983). Estimates of
the prevalence of mood disorders in those with alcohol dependence range from 12 to 57 percent when mood disorders are defined by formal diagnostic criteria, but are as
high as 98 percent when rating scales are used (Bernadt
and Murray, 1986).

Rates of Alcohol Abuse/Dependence among Patients

with Mood Disorders
The Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) data for alcohol abuse/dependence in patients with affective illness show
a high lifetime prevalence rate (Table 71) of 17 percent in
unipolar depressed patients (the proportion with recurrent
depressions was not specified) and a strikingly higher rate,
46 percent, in bipolar-I patients (Regier et al., 1990). Three
other studies (Freed, 1969; Morrison, 1974; Estroff et al.,
1985) found that when bipolar patients in clinical settings
were systematically queried, they reported rates of alcohol
abuse/dependence of about 60 to 75 percent. Compared
with patients with other psychiatric diagnoses, those with
bipolar disorder were at particularly high risk of developing
an alcohol problem during their lifetime. This can be seen
in Figure 72, which shows the lifetime prevalence of
alcohol abuse disorder in individuals with selected psychiatric diagnoses and in the general population.
Most studies have found alcohol abuse disorder comorbidity is more frequent in bipolar patients than in those
with any other mood disorder. The ECA study of alcohol
abuse/dependence and psychiatric comorbidity (Helzer
and Pryzbeck, 1988) found that mania was strongly associated with alcohol abuse/dependence (odds ratio = 6.2) but

Table 71. Lifetime Prevalence Rates for Alcohol and Drug Abuse/Dependence in Persons with Mood Disorders
and in the General Population
Type of Abuse/Dependence

Bipolar-I (%)

Bipolar-II (%)

Major Depression (%)

General Population (%)





Abuse only










Abuse only








Note: Data are from the Epidemiological Catchment Area (ECA) study and are based on DSM-III diagnosis.
ECA = Epidemiological Catchment Area.
Source: Regier et al., 1990.
















Figure 72. Lifetime prevalence of alcohol abuse disorder. BP-I = bipolar-I; BP-II = bipolar-II;
DYS = dysthymia; GP = general population; MD = major depression; OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; PD = panic disorder; SZ = schizophrenia. (Source: Regier et al., 1990.)

that major depression was not (odds ratio = 1.7); more

highly recurrent or cyclic depressions were not analyzed
separately. Bipolar-I was associated with a higher lifetime
rate of alcohol abuse/dependence than bipolar-II (46 versus 39 percent) or unipolar depression (17 percent) (Regier
et al., 1990).
A study of 267 patients enrolled in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network found that, as in the general population, more men (49 percent) than women (29 percent)
with bipolar disorder met the criteria for lifetime alcohol
abuse. Likewise, a recent study of 211 bipolar patients found
that men had significantly higher rates of comorbid alcohol
abuse/dependence (Kawa et al., 2005). However, having
bipolar disorder raised a womans risk of having an alcoholrelated disorder to a much greater degree than it did for a
man. Compared with nonbipolar patients, the odds ratio of
having an alcohol-related disorder among those with bipolar disorder was 7.35 for women and 2.77 for men (Frye et al.,
2003). Men and women with bipolar disorder also have
different risk factors for comorbid alcohol-related diagnoses. In men, the risk appears to be more associated with a
genetic predisposition. Specifically, men with bipolar disorder and comorbid alcohol abuse/dependence have a more
extensive family history of both disorders compared with
men with noncomorbid bipolar disorder. Women with bipolar disorder and alcohol-related disorders, on the other hand,
do not have as great a family loading. Comorbid alcohol

abuse/dependence in women is associated more with a

greater familial burden of depressive episodes and anxiety
disorders (Frye et al., 2003).
Elderly bipolar patients are also at increased risk for alcohol abuse. A community survey compared 84 elderly
(ages 65 years) bipolar respondents with 8,121 elderly respondents without bipolar disorder; those with bipolar illness had a significantly higher lifetime and 12-month
prevalence of alcohol disorders (p <.001) (Goldstein et al.,
In summary, many studies, using a wide variety of diagnostic criteria and patient populations and conducted
over a period of more than 50 years, have been quite
consistent in finding significantly elevated rates of alcohol abuse/dependence in manic depressive illness, particularly the bipolar form. Conversely, they have found
a significantly increased proportion of patients with
manic-depressive illness within populations of alcohol

Drug Abuse/Dependence
The data on rates of comorbid bipolar illness and drug
abuse/dependence are much less extensive and consistent
than those on comorbid alcohol-related disorders, in no
small part because of the illegal nature of drug-related disorders. The ECA data for drug abuse/dependence in patients with mood disorders show strikingly high lifetime


Clinical Studies

prevalence rates of 18 percent in unipolar depressed patients and 41 percent in bipolar-I patients (Regier et al.,
1990), nearly identical to the rates for alcohol-related disorders (see Table 71). In the general population, drug
abuse/dependence is significantly less common than
alcohol-related disorders (see also Table 72).
Determining the sequence of comorbid mood disorders
and drug abuse/dependence presents the same methodological problems as those encountered in the case of alcohol-related diagnoses. The ECA data show that the affective disorder is 1.3 times more likely to occur before the
drug abuse disorder (see the later discussion).

An interview study of patients voluntarily enrolled in a
bipolar disorder case registry found that 3.4 percent met
the diagnostic criteria for cocaine abuse, and 6.7 percent
met the criteria for cocaine dependence (Chengappa et al.,
2000). Consistent with other findings on drug abuse problems, more patients with bipolar-I than with bipolar-II
abused cocaine.
Data of this sort cannot address the nature of the relationship between the mood and drug disorders. Clearly
there are features of bipolar illness that can increase the
likelihood of cocaine abuse, such as a desire to relieve the
psychomotor retardation of bipolar depression and a desire to reinduce, prolong, or accelerate elevated mood and
energy states. Weiss and Mirin (1986), for example, found

that the majority of their bipolar patients reported using

cocaine more often when manic than when depressed. This
finding is consistent with that of Estroff and colleagues
(1985), who observed that 58 percent of their manic bipolar
patients abused cocaine, compared with 30 percent of their
depressed bipolar patients.1

Opiates and Central Nervous System Depressants

In a study of 533 opiate and depressant abusers, 24 percent of the total subjects were diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and 5.4 percent were either bipolar-I
or bipolar-II (Kosten and Rounsaville, 1986). Mirin and
colleagues (1984) found a similar rate of unipolar depression among opiate addicts, but twice the rate of
bipolar illness among abusers of these central nervous
system (CNS) depressants. They also found that nearly
three times more female than male opiate addicts were
diagnosed as bipolar (10.8 versus 3.7 percent). These
rates of bipolar illness are substantially higher than
those found in the general population. Estroff and colleagues (1985) examined drug abuse in bipolar patients
in their drug treatment clinic and reported that 25 percent of their manic patients abused heroin, compared
with 20 percent of their depressed bipolar patients. The
small sample size of this study limits its generalizability,
however. Miller and colleagues (1989), studying a larger
sample, found that only 5 percent of their manic patients
abused opiates.

Table 72. Rates of Drug Abuse/Dependence in the General Population

Regier et al., 1988 (ECA)
Drug abuse/dependence

Kessler et al., 1994 (NCS)

Drug abuse

Drug dependence

Narrow et al., 2002 (ECA and NCS)

Drug abuse disorder using clinical
significance criteria

Total Population (%)

Male (%)

Female (%)



























ECA = Epidemiological Catchment Area; NCS = National Comorbidity Survey.




Overall, the rates of bipolar illness in opiate abusers, although not as dramatically high as in cocaine abusers, are
greater than those found in the general population, but not
as high as the rates of unipolar depression among those
with opiate dependence.

Hypotheses about the Relationship between

Bipolar Illness and Alcohol
and Drug Abuse


Relationship of Alcohol and Drug Abuse

to Phase of Illness

Marijuana (cannabis) is the most widely abused illicit

drug in the United States. According to the 2000 National
Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 6.3 percent of Americans aged 12 or older were current abusers; approximately
59 percent of them abused only marijuana, and another 17
percent abused another illicit drug as well (Office of Applied Studies, 2001). Marijuana abuse is more prevalent
among patients with bipolar disorder than in the general
population. A study of 3,536 patients from 14 European
countries, for example, found that 12 percent of patients
being treated for mania were current abusers of marijuana (Reed et al., 2005). Other studies have found a wide
range of rates of marijuana abuse in bipolar disorder
from 15 to 65 percentbut all rates have been high.2 Marijuana, which has both sedative and psychedelic properties, can cause a variety of mood-related effects. Acute
intoxication is associated with euphoria, anxiety, agitation, and grandiosity. Chronic abuse can lead to lowgrade lethargy and depression, sometimes accompanied
by anxiety, paranoia, and memory loss. A recent study of
52 bipolar alcohol-dependent patients found that 48 percent reported marijuana abuse; those that did had significantly more psychiatric comorbidity, in addition to
more severe alcohol and other drug abuse (Salloum et al.,

Although it is perhaps more intuitive to link increased alcohol consumption with the depressed phase of bipolar
illness, evidence suggests that the link is as or more common with hypomania, mania, and mixed or transitional
states. Indeed, bipolar patients who increase their alcohol
consumption generally do so during the manic phase
(Zisook and Schuckit, 1987). Table 73 summarizes six studies of the relationship between alcohol intake and phase of
illness. Alcohol, to a point, does appear to provide some relief for the irritability, restlessness, and agitation associated
with mania. In this sense, although its use is damaging
overall, it is not surprising that alcohol consumption increases during mania.
There is some evidence that bipolar patients (38 percent)
are more likely than unipolar patients (15 percent) to increase their drinking when in a depressive episode (Bernadt
and Murray, 1986). The tendency for bipolar patients to
drink more heavily when depressed may reflect the increased agitation and perturbation associated with coexisting transitional or mixed states. In an early study, Winokur
and colleagues (1969) found that the percentage of bipolar
patients increasing their alcohol consumption was higher
during mixed and manic states (43 and 42 percent, respectively) than during bipolar depression (27 percent). Himmelhoch and colleagues (1976a) noted that the major differ-

Table 73. Relationship between Alcohol Consumption and Phase of Bipolar Illness




No Change



No change




Mayfield and Coleman, 1968






Winokur et al., 1969





Reich et al., 1974a




Hensel et al., 1979b






Bernadt and Murray, 1986







Minski, 1938

No information given as to decrease or no change.

Depressed phase approximated, excluding unipolar patients.


Clinical Studies

entiating feature between patients in mixed and nonmixed

states was their rate of alcohol and drug abuse; the former
patients were twice as likely to abuse these substances.
As noted earlier, findings of clinical research suggest
that bipolar patients abuse cocaine when depressed, but
are even more likely to do so while hypomanic or manic.
Patients increased their cocaine abuse during the latter
states not only to alleviate associated dysphoria, but also to
bring about, sustain, or heighten the high-energy, euphoric
state. These mood-altering uses of cocaine have been discussed by several investigators. The use of cocaine in hypomanic states was described by Khantzian (1985, p. 1263) as
a means to augment a hyperactive, restless lifestyle.
Gawin and Kleber (1986, pp. 110111) discussed the use of
cocaine by cyclothymic individuals:
Cocaine use did not precipitate manic episodes, and it
was initially well controlled. . . . Cocaine use early on
reestablished hypomanic functioning during dysthymic
cycles. However, cocaine use eventually was extended to
continuously regulate mood state. When these subjects
began to perceive that cocaine use was harmful, they successfully refrained from cocaine during dysthymic phases.
Paradoxically, 80% described that when mood state improved toward hypomania, judgment of the seriousness of
cocaine-related problems deteriorated, and cocaine use

The use of cocaine for control of both depressed and elated

phases of bipolar illness was described by Weiss and Mirin
(1984, pp. 4950):
We were impressed by the perceived utility of [cocaine] in
the regulation of both dysphoric and elated mood. Typically, depressed patients reported symptom relief at moderate doses but also noted the need to gradually increase
the dose or the frequency of drug administration. . . .
Bipolar and cyclothymic patients hospitalized for chronic
cocaine use reported that they used the drug most frequently to enhance endogenously elevated mood in the
manic phases of their illness.

Self-Medication Hypothesis
The hypothesis that alcohol and drug abuse/dependence
occurs in an effort to self-medicate mood disorders has
been suggested in various ways for more than a thousand
years. In 1884, Freud recognized that cocaine, with its
mood-elevating properties, could be used as a potent antidepressant. Later, Milkman and Frosch (1973; quoted in
Khantzian, 1985, p. 1260) wrote:
[H]eroin addicts preferred the calming and dampening effects of opiates and seemed to use them to shore up tenuous defenses and reinforce a tendency toward withdrawal

and isolation, while amphetamine addicts used the stimulating action of amphetamines to support an inflated
sense of self-worth and a defensive style involving active
confrontation with their environment.

As we have seen, however, contrary to theories positing

the use of stimulants to counter depressive states, most patients report using cocaine primarily when hypomanic or
manic to enhance or induce euphoric moods associated
with those states. Weiss and colleagues (1988), for example,
found that the majority of their bipolar and cyclothymic
patients abusing cocaine claimed that they were not selfmedicating depression but lengthening and intensifying the
euphoric effects of hypomania. These same authors had
noted earlier (Weiss and Mirin, 1984, p. 50) that the manic
phase of bipolar and cyclothymic cocaine abusers was characterized by euphoria, whereas substance abusers who experienced dysphoria during mania or hypomania seemed
to prefer to self-treat their symptoms with opiates or other
central nervous system depressants (including alcohol).
This notion of using opiates to self-treat dysphoric feelings echoes similar results from Rounsaville and colleagues (1982) and Castaneda and colleagues (1989) and, in
part, those of Khantzian (1974) and of Wurmser (1974,
p. 358), who suggested that the abuse of opiates was a mechanism for combating the psychologically disorganizing
effects of overwhelming rage (Weiss and Mirin, 1987). Evidence suggests, however, that alcohol and such drugs as
heroin and PCP also may produce increased symptoms of
dysphoria, irritability, and anxiety.
Why, then, do bipolar patients continue to abuse cocaine, even after they have alleviated the painful state from
which they were trying to escape? Weiss and colleagues
(1986) hypothesized that low to moderate doses of cocaine
may make affectively ill patients feel better (as Post and
colleagues, 1974b, found in depressed patients) by relieving
anxious, agitated feelings, and that this effect promotes
further drug use. Other factors then assume importance in
maintaining drug-abusing behavior, and a chronic dependence often results (Castaneda et al., 1989). This may
be true as well for opiate and alcohol abuse in manic and
depressed patients who continue to drink or abuse drugs
despite realizing the substances adverse effects on mood
(Weiss and Mirin, 1987).
Self-medication of affective illness by alcohol has been
postulated, but it is less well supported by the evidence than
such use of cocaine and opiates. Reich and colleagues (1974),
like many other clinicians, observed that increased alcohol
consumption appeared to be a type of self-medication, an
attempt to slow down, relax, and take the edge off the dysphoria. They hypothesized that excessive alcohol use is a
sign of more severe mania and represents an attempt to


control manic symptoms, especially sleep disturbance and

hyperactivity. Noting that patients with mixed states are
twice as likely as other patients to abuse drugs and alcohol,
Himmelhoch and colleagues (1976a) suggested that the
switch phase could be dysphoric and uncomfortable, and
substance abuse could be used to self-medicate this dysphoria. Weiss and Mirin (1987) posited that, in addition to selfmedication, the increased use of drugs and alcohol during
manic episodes could be attributed to impulsiveness, recklessness, and poor judgment. Liskow and colleagues (1982)
suggested that drinking may simply be another manifestation of maniamanics tend to do more of everything (p.
145) and noted that the self-medication hypothesis relating
alcoholism to affective disorder appears to be simplistic
if not entirely erroneous (p. 146).
The self-medication hypothesis in substance abuse
among affectively ill patients is likely to be debated for
some time before being resolved. The ECA data discussed
earlier show a greatly increased rate of major depression
preceding substance abuse, rather than substance abuse
preceding depression. Recently, a study of 45 patients with
bipolar disorder and substance dependence found that
nearly all patients said they had initiated substance abuse
because of symptoms of bipolar disorder; of these, most
(78 percent) cited depression, followed by racing thoughts
(58 percent). Two thirds (67 percent) of the patients reported improvement in at least one symptom as a result of
the substance abuse (Weiss et al., 2004).
In summary, not all studies have supported the validity
of the self-medication hypothesis. It is probable that a subgroup of bipolar patients abuses alcohol and other drugs
to intensify elevated mood and energy states, while another subgroup abuses the same substances to ameliorate
or self-medicate their manic, depressive, or mixed symptoms. Some do both.

Precipitation of Illness
An underlying bipolar illness may be precipitated by alcohol or drug abuse. For example, the first manic episode in
a biologically vulnerable individual may be triggered by
hallucinogen or stimulant abuse. Interactions among predisposed individuals, their substance abuse patterns, and
the onset of abnormal mood episodes have been observed
by many clinicians and investigators.
The most demonstrable drug-induced psychoses in
manic-depressive patients are those resulting from hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and PCP. The psychotic
symptoms associated with the abuse of these drugs have
been well documented by several authors (e.g., El-Guebaly,
1975; Bowers, 1977; Erard et al., 1980). Amphetamine abuse
was noted by Ellinwood and Petrie (1979) to be a precipitant
of psychosis. Many of the presenting symptoms (e.g., delu-


sions of persecution and grandeur and visual and auditory

hallucinations) are present in manic psychoses. Evidence
from animal studies shows that cocaine is a potent inducer
of a process analogous to kindling in the CNS (sensitization) (Post et al., 1984). The role of kindlingsensitization
processes in the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness is discussed in Chapter 14.
There may be important differences between patients
who develop substance abuse after the emergence of
manic-depressive illness and those who develop substance
abuse first. Since the literature on the sequential relationships between major depression and substance abuse typically does not differentiate more recurrent from less recurrent forms of depression, our focus once again is on the
bipolar subgroup. In a retrospective study of 188 patients,
those with bipolar disorder who later developed a substance abuse disorder had a younger age at onset of mood
symptoms (13.5) compared with bipolar patients who
never developed such a disorder (22.7) (Feinman and
Dunner, 1996). As noted earlier, Strakowski and colleagues
(2005), in a 5-year follow-up study of 144 bipolar-I patients, found that those whose alcohol abuse disorder preceded the onset of bipolar disorder were older and tended
to recover more quickly than those whose bipolar illness
proceeded their alcohol abuse disorder. This later age at
onset in the alcohol-first group was found in the 20012002
National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related
Conditions as well (Goldstein and Levitt, 2006). This may
mean that an early onset predisposes bipolar patients to
future substance abuse, or there may be a subpopulation at
risk for both an early onset of bipolar disorder and substance abuse. Of particular note in the Feinman and Dunner study, patients whose drug abuse came first had a later
onset of mood symptoms than those with primary bipolar
disorder, and later even than that of patients with uncomplicated bipolar disorder (i.e., no substance abuse at all).
One might speculate that these patients had a less active
form of bipolar disorder, perhaps one that required triggering by substance abuse before symptoms of abnormal
mood could emerge.
Differences between primary and secondary substance
abuse disorders were examined in a 5-year prospective
follow-up study of 70 patients with alcohol abuse and bipolar disorder (Winokur et al., 1995). In this study, as in that
conducted by Feinman and Dunner (1996), bipolar disorder
that developed after exposure to alcohol abuse appeared to
be less severe than that which developed spontaneously. Patients with primary alcohol abuse had fewer episodes of abnormal mood during the 5-year follow-up period.
The concept of activation of a latent bipolar vulnerability by the abuse of mood-altering subtances illustrates the
challenges involved in studying comorbid populations. As


Clinical Studies

the two studies just discussed suggest, substance abuse

may unmask a less severe form of bipolar disorder that
might never have been expressed had the patient not been
exposed to alcohol or drugs. Because these patients have
an inherently less severe form of mood disorder, their inclusion in studies can lead to the occasional finding that
comorbid patients have a more benign clinical course compared with non-drug-abusing patients with bipolar disorder. Alternatively, the indiscriminate blending of patients
with secondary and primary bipolar disorder can lead to a
washing out of potential differences between comorbid
and noncomorbid groups. It appears to make a difference
whether the substance abuse is a cause or a result of bipolar mood fluctuations. This methodological and diagnostic issue is one of many that complicate the study of the
two illnesses.
From a clinical standpoint, if substance abuse is able to
unmask a latent bipolar disorder, bipolar parents who pass
along a genetic vulnerability to their children should be
counseled on the importance of helping their children
avoid substance abuse. Abuse of illicit drugs can cause significant morbidity and mortality in any child, but those
who have a genetic predisposition toward development of
a mood disorder are at particularly high risk of harm.

Modification of Course
Alcohol and drug abuse may modify the course and expression of manic-depressive illness. Substance abuse
problems can lead to more severe psychopathology and
less favorable outcomes in a number of ways, including
higher rates of mixed states, rapid cycling, impulsivity, aggression, and destabilization of sleep patterns. They may also
slow the time to recovery, increase the probability of treatment nonadherence, and decrease the effectiveness of prescribed medications. As reviewed in Chapter 8, the mortality associated with substance abuse and depressive disorders
is cause for particular concern. More than 90 percent of
suicides are associated with a psychiatric disorder (Institute
of Medicine, 2002), but the association is stronger for some
conditions than others. Two of the highest-risk conditions
are bipolar disorder and substance abuse, and there appears
to be an often dangerous interaction between the two. Harris and Barraclough (1997) examined the effect of comorbid substance abuse on suicide rates in 7,819 patients with
bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, or schizophrenia. Substance abuse problems increased the lifetime risk of suicide
in all of the patients, but the increase was greatest among
those with bipolar disorder (recurrent unipolar patients
were not identified separately).
Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, defined by four or more
mood episodes per year, tends to have a more treatmentresistant course, and a link between the risk of rapid cycling

and substance abuse has long been considered likely. In the

Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar
Disorder (STEP-BD), a multicenter project designed to
evaluate the longitudinal outcome of patients with bipolar
disorder, the first 500 patients were evaluated for clinical
characteristics associated with rapid cycling (Schneck et al.,
2004). The investigators found a correlation between substance abuse and rapid cycling but concluded that the direction of causality was unknown; that is, it was not clear
whether the substance abuse destabilized the bipolar disorder and led to rapid cycling, or the more severe psychopathology associated with rapid cycling predisposed to
substance abuse. The authors did find that among rapid
cyclers, those with bipolar-I were more likely than those
with bipolar-II to abuse substances.
Mixed states, like rapid cycling, are characterized by
greater psychopathology and associated with less favorable
treatment outcomes than bipolar illness uncomplicated by
these states (see Chapter 1). The observation that alcohol
and drug abuse is significantly higher in patients with
mixed mania has been reported by several authors
(Winokur et al., 1969; Himmelhoch et al., 1976a; Himmelhoch and Garfinkel, 1986). Other investigators, however,
have not found a higher frequency of substance abuse disorders in patients with mixed states (Cassidy et al., 2001;
Brieger, 2005). Himmelhoch and colleagues (1976a, p. 1065)
noted that drug abuse (particularly alcohol and sedatives)
alters the clinical presentation of manic-depressive swings,
and the impact of oversedation or withdrawal or both on a
pure affective state is to make it dysphoric and mixed.
More recently, Goldberg and colleagues (1999) studied the
long-term effects of substance abuse on the course of
bipolar-I disorder. They found that in a sample of hospitalized patients, substance abuse was more common among
those who had mixed states. Remission during hospitalization was less likely among those with mixed mania, current substance abuse, or even a past history of substance
abuse in the absence of current substance abuse. This finding raises the possibility that early or nonchronic substance abuse can have long-term negative effects on the
course of bipolar disorder.
Although substantial data support the contention that
alcohol abuse has a deleterious effect on mood disorders,
less is known about the impact of moderate alcohol use.
For healthy males, moderate alcohol use can have health
benefits through a reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease (Gaziano et al., 2000), but for patients with
mood disorders, the negative effects on mood may outweigh
the benefits. A study of 84 adult outpatients with bipolar-I or
-II disorder who did not have active substance abuse disorders examined the relationship of moderate alcohol use to
symptoms of mania and depression. On average, these


patients consumed only 2.2 alcoholic beverages per week.

Overall, beer consumption was not associated with mood
symptoms; the consumption of distilled spirits, however,
was associated with a lifetime number of manic episodes
(Goldstein et al., 2005).
Comorbid substance abuse is reported to increase a
bipolar patients risk of experiencing a switch to mania
when treated with an antidepressant (see Chapter 19). A
recent controversial meta-analysis failed to find an increased risk of manic switch when the combination of a
mood stabilizer3 and an antidepressant was used to treat
bipolar depression; however, all of the trials reviewed excluded patients with substance abuse disorder (Gijsman
et al., 2004), and were therefore not representative of patients seen in clinical practice.
A smaller, retrospective investigation that did include
substance abusers studied 53 DSM-IV bipolar patients. Fully
60 percent of those with comorbid substance abuse had a
history of antidepressant-induced mania or hypomania,
compared with 18 percent of patients with no substance
abuse history. None of the patients without a substance
abuse history switched into mania if they were taking a
concomitant mood stabilizer during periods of antidepressant treatment. In the subgroup with comorbid substance abuse, however, 29 percent of the patients taking
both an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer experienced
antidepressant-induced mania or hypomania (Goldberg
and Whiteside, 2002).
The effect of marijuana on mood changes was examined in a group of 50 patients with new-onset bipolar disorder. (Strakowski et al., 2000). Patients were followed for
a period that ranged from 16 to 104 weeks. During this period, on average, patients met the full criteria for marijuana dependence or abuse 13 percent of the time. Patients
who experienced a longer duration of marijuana abuse/dependence also had longer periods of mania. It is not clear
whether the drug contributed to the maintenance of the
manic state, or manic patients were more likely to abuse it
as a result of symptoms associated with their elevated mood.
A recent study carried out in the Netherlands, however,
found that while use of marijuana at baseline increased the
risk for manic symptoms during follow-up, manic symptoms at baseline did not predict the onset of marijuana use
during follow-up (Henquet et al., 2006).
Evidence generally points to a destabilizing effect of
marijuana. Its effect on mood was evaluated in participants in the 1980 ECA study, who were then questioned in
a follow-up investigation conducted between 1994 and
1996 (Bovasso, 2001). Marijuana abuse was associated with
subsequent depressive symptoms in individuals who had
had no depression at the beginning of the study. Specifically, participants with no baseline depressive symptoms


who had a diagnosis of marijuana abuse were four times

more likely than those with no marijuana abuse to have
depressive symptoms at the follow-up assessment. Suicidal
ideation and anhedonia were both associated with abuse
of the drug. Shedding light on causality, depressive symptoms at baseline did not predict later development of marijuana abuse, supporting the theory that the abuse of the
drug led to the depression, rather than the reverse. An Australian study of 81 patients with recent-onset psychosis
(bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, substance-induced psychosis) found that a higher frequency
of marijuana use was predictive of psychotic relapse, after
controlling for medication adherence, other substance
abuse, and duration of untreated psychosis (Hides et al.,
2006). An increase in psychotic symptoms was also predictive of relapse to marijuana use.
Treatment nonadherence may be a mediator of poorer
outcome among manic-depressive patients with substance
abuse. Personality factors, attitudes toward medication,
and the experience of side effects have all been associated
with nonadherence (see Chapter 21); it is only more recently that attention has been given to the role of comorbid
substance abuse (Haywood et al., 1995; Swartz et al., 1998;
Perlick et al., 2004). Patients with substance abuse are
likely to have poor insight into both their substance abuse
and their mood disorder, and the denial of the need for
medication is a common reason for nonadherence in this
population, especially in the bipolar subgroup (Keck et al.,
1997). Calabrese and Delucchi (1990) found that poor
medication adherence associated with comorbid alcohol,
marijuana, or cocaine abuse led to poor outcomes in
rapid-cycling patients being treated with lithium or valproate. The efficacy of these medications was not affected
by comorbid substance abuse in medication-adherent
The disorganized lifestyle that accompanies substance
abuse, difficulties in personal relationships and employment, and the experience of more adverse effects due to the
interaction between medications and alcohol and drugs
(e.g., fatigue, headache, irritability, destabilized sleep, neurocognitive side effects) also contribute to the poorer clinical outcomes seen in bipolar patients with substance
abuse problems. (See Chapter 4 for further details on the
relationship between substance abuse and the clinical
course of bipolar disorder.)

While comorbidity implies the presence of two separate
disorders, individual symptoms of anxietyagitation, accelerated thought processes, restlessness, social anxiety,
irritability, and dysphoric moodare common features of


Clinical Studies

depression, mixed states, and mania (Young et al., 1993;

Gibb et al., 2005). In one study, 39 percent of a group of inpatients with bipolar disorder had symptoms of anxiety
that were an integral part of their mood episodes (Cassidy
et al., 1998). Thus it is not surprising that epidemiologic
studies have found full-syndrome anxiety disorders to be
common in bipolar populations. McElroy and colleagues
(2001) observed a 42 percent rate of anxiety disorders in a
group of 288 outpatients with bipolar-I or -II disorder,
nearly the same rate noted earlier for anxiety symptoms.
This rate was identical to the rate of substance abuse in
the same clinical sample. The presence of at least one
Axis I anxiety diagnosis was associated with a history of
development of both cycle acceleration and more severe
episodes over time. Table 74 summarizes the rates of
comorbid anxiety disorders in this sample of bipolar
In contrast to substance abuse, which is more common
in bipolar-I than bipolar-II patients, comorbidity of anxiety
disorders may be more common in patients with bipolar-II
disorder (Judd et al., 2003a). In a recent Finnish study
(Mantere et al., 2006), for example, rates of comorbid anxiety were similar in bipolar-II disorder and major depression (56.5 percent and 52.5 percent, respectively), but lower
in bipolar-I patients (35.6 percent). This association may
be related to the fact that bipolar-II patients have a more
chronic course, more major and minor depressive episodes,
and shorter well intervals between episodes.
Panic disorder and OCD are particularly common comorbidities in patients with bipolar disorder. In the ECA

study, 21.0 percent of patients with either bipolar-I or

bipolar-II disorder met criteria for lifetime panic disorder,
and 21.0 percent met criteria for lifetime OCD, compared
with 0.8 and 2.6 percent, respectively, in the general population (Robins and Regier, 1991). Table 75 provides an
overview of studies of the comorbidity of bipolar and anxiety disorders.
Sociodemographic risk factors associated with bipolaranxiety comorbidity were derived from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study, a
prospective epidemiological study of 7,076 adults aged 18
to 64 years. Comorbid mood and anxiety disorders, but
not pure mood disorders (depression, bipolar disorder,
and dysthymia), were associated with female gender,
younger age, lower educational level, and unemployment
(de Graaf et al., 2002).
There appears to be an interaction between mood and
anxiety disorders in that each illness can be triggered or
worsened by the other. Bipolar patients with high anxiety
scores are more likely than those with low anxiety to have
made suicide attempts, to abuse alcohol, and to respond
less favorably to lithium treatment (Young et al., 1993). An
analysis of a cross-sectional sample from the STEP-BD
project found that the presence of a comorbid anxiety disorder was associated with younger age at onset of bipolar
disorder, decreased likelihood of recovery, poorer role
functioning, and lower quality of life (Otto et al., 2006).
Comorbid anxiety and bipolar disorders were also associated with substance abuse and a greater risk of suicide attempts in the STEP-BD data.

Table 74. Percent of 288 Bipolar Patients Who Also Met Criteria
for Various Anxiety Disorders

Lifetime %

Current %

Anxiety disorders



Panic disorder/agoraphobia


Social phobia



Simple phobia


Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder

Other anxiety disorders

Source: Sasson et al., 2003. Adapted from McElroy et al., 2001.

Table 75. Overview of Studies of Comorbidity of Bipolar and Anxiety Disorders



Sample Size

Comorbidity Findings

Savino et al., 1993

Patients with PD

Young et al., 1993

Patients with BP-I and -II

Bowen et al., 1994

Patients with PD


23.1% had comorbid BP

Kessler et al., 1994, 1997

NCS; noninstitutionalized civilian

population, subgroup with BP-I


33.1% had comorbid PD;

47.2% had comorbid social

Chen and Dilsaver, 1995b

ECA database, subgroup with BP


20.8% had comorbid PD;

21.0% had comorbid OCD

Keck et al., 1995

Patients with BP


10% had OCD; 17% had

PTSD; 16% had any
anxiety disorder (including
PD, agoraphobia, social
phobia, simple phobia)

Krger et al., 1995

Patients with BP


35% had comorbid OCD

Lensi et al., 1996

Patients with OCD


1.5% had BP-I; 13.0% had

hypomania (most after
treatment with

Dilsaver et al., 1997

Patients with BP


Comorbidity with PD varied

with episode: BP depression,
62.3%; pure mania, 2.3%

Perugi et al., 1997

Patients with OCD


15.7% had comorbid BP; 13.6%

had BP-II; 2.0% had BP-I

Pini et al., 1997

Patients with BP depression

Szadoczky et al., 1998

Hungarian National
Epidemiologic Survey,
subgroup with BP


Total comorbidity with BP was

13.5%; 2.1% had BP-I; 5%
had BP-II; 6.4% had


32% met criteria for PD and/or




36.8% had PD; 21.1% had

OCD; 31.6 % had GAD;
none had social phobia
10.6% had comorbid PD; 3.2%
had comorbid OCD; 7.8%
had comorbid social phobia;
12.9% had specific phobia;
14.4% had GAD


Clinical Studies

Table 75. Overview of Studies of Comorbidity of Bipolar and Anxiety Disorders (continued)


McElroy et al., 2001

Patients with BP

Sample Size

Comorbidity Findings
42% had a comorbid Axis I
anxiety disorder; 20% had
PD with agoraphobia; 16%
had social phobia; 10% had
simple phobia; 6% had
GAD; 7% had PTSD; 9%
had OCD

BP = Bipolar disorder; ECA = Epidemiologic Catchment Area; GAD = generalized anxiety disorder; NCS = National Comorbidity Survey;
OCD = obsessive-compulsive disorder; PD = panic disorder; PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder.
Source: Adapted from Freeman et al., 2002.

Not all studies of comorbid anxiety and bipolar disorders

have found a less favorable outcome. In a French study that
evaluated 318 consecutively hospitalized bipolar patients, comorbidity with anxiety disorders was not correlated with
severity of bipolar illness, as defined by number of previous
hospitalizations, psychotic features, abuse of alcohol and
drugs, and violent and nonviolent suicide attempts (Henry
et al., 2003). This study also differed from other investigations in finding that comorbid patients, compared with
bipolar patients without anxiety, responded less well to anticonvulsants but equally well to lithium; other studies have
found anticonvulsants to be more effective than lithium in
this population (see Chapter 24). The authors noted that
only 21 percent of the patients in the study had a history of
substance abuse. This relatively low rate of substance abuse
may explain why the comorbid anxiety disorders had less of
a negative impact on the clinical course of the bipolar disorder and its treatment than has been found in other studies.
Determining the prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders and elucidating the nature of their interaction with
bipolar disorder is scientifically important as well as clinically useful. Some investigators have suggested that genetic
heterogeneity of bipolar illnesses may be responsible for
the comorbidity with anxiety disorders (MacKinnon et al.,
2003). That is, different forms or subphenotypes of bipolar
disorder appear to aggregate in families and may be associated with different combinations of susceptibility genes
and comorbid presentations (see Chapter 13). Ultimately,
genetic research will provide a more fundamental understanding of comorbidity.

Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is one of the most common comorbid anxiety disorders seen in bipolar patients (McElroy et al.,
2001). Data from the ECA study found that the lifetime
prevalence of panic disorder among individuals with

bipolar disorder was 21 percent, compared with 10 percent

among those with unipolar depression and 0.8 percent of
the general population (Chen and Dilsaver, 1995b). Conversely, patients with panic disorder have high rates of
bipolar disorder, ranging from 6 to 23 percent (Savino
et al., 1993; Bowen et al., 1994; Perugi et al., 1999).
Comorbid panic disorder can negatively affect the
course of bipolar disorder. In a sample of 66 patients with
bipolar-I disorder, comorbid panic symptoms were associated with more prior depressive episodes, higher levels of
depressive symptoms, and greater suicidal ideation during
the acute treatment phase. Patients who reported high lifetime scores on the panicagoraphobia spectrum took 27
weeks longer for their depressive episodes to remit than
those who reported low scores (44 versus 17 weeks) (Frank
et al., 2002).
Not only is the bipolar disorder more severe in comorbid patients, but so, too, is the anxiety disorder. The NCS
found that the co-occurrence of bipolar disorder and
panic attacks was associated with earlier onset of panic attacks (age 17.1 versus 22.0 years) and, not surprisingly, with
significantly greater panic symptomatology (Goodwin and
Hoven, 2002). Comorbid substance dependence, specific
phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder were each independent correlates of the co-occurrence of bipolar disorder and panic attacks.
Evidence suggests that panic disorder may be genetically related to bipolar disorder. The National Institute of
Mental Healths (NIMH) Bipolar Genetics Initiative, which
focused on family members of probands with bipolar disorder, found that panic disorder occurred in 17 percent of
relatives who had a recurrent major affective disorder, compared with only 3 percent of those who did not (MacKinnon
et al., 2002). Conversely, 90 percent of first-degree relatives
with panic disorder also had a major affective disorder
(MacKinnon et al., 1997).


It has been observed that some forms of rapid cycling

and panic disorder are phenomenologically linked by
sudden shifts in affect. Consequently, a logistic regression
analysis of rapid mood switching as a function of familial
risk for panic disorder was performed on data gathered
from subjects in the NIMH Bipolar Genetics Initiative
(MacKinnon et al., 2003). The analysis found that familial
panic disorder increased the odds of rapid mood switching, suggesting that this comorbid presentation may stem
from a genetically distinct subtype of bipolar disorder.
Similarly, family clusters or specific susceptibility genes
have been identified for bipolar disorder with psychotic
features (Potash et al., 2001) and for suicidality in the context of alcohol abuse/dependence and bipolar disorder
(Potash et al., 2001). A study of bipolar patients that focused on siblings found that those who did not suffer from
a mood disorder had a low rate of panic disorder (3 percent) compared with those who had bipolar disorder (32
percent) (Doughty et al., 2004).
The pathophysiology underlying the close relationship
between the two disorders is not fully understood. Dysregulation of the serotonin system probably plays a role in the
overlap of mood and anxiety disorders, and the fact that
SSRIs are first-line agents in the treatment of panic disorder suggests a role for serotonin in the pathophysiology of
that disorder. SSRIs and postsynaptic serotonin receptor
antagonists are also commonly used to treat mood disorders, but the role of serotonin in bipolar disorder is complex. As detailed in Chapter 14, some studies have found
abnormalities in levels of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5HIAA) in patients with bipolar disorder (Young et al.,
1994); however, this finding is not consistent across all
studies (Berrettini et al., 1985). Patients with both bipolar disorder and panic disorder have been found to have noradrenergic hyperactivity. Increased plasma levels of the main norepinephrine metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol
(MHPG), have been found in patients with mania and depression (Swann et al., 1983). Several lines of evidence suggest that catecholamines, especially norepinephrine, are also
implicated in the etiology and symptomatology of panic disorder. Significantly higher baseline levels of norepinephrine
excretion are seen in patients with panic disorder compared
with healthy controls (Bandelow et al., 1997).
As reviewed in Chapter 24, SSRIs and serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) may be used to treat
comorbid anxiety in bipolar disorder. However, they carry
the risk of inducing manic and mixed episodes, as well as
longer-term cycle acceleration.
The efficacy of benzodiazepines in panic disorder suggests that dysregulation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) system may also contribute to the etiology of
this illness. Evidence for GABA abnormalities in bipolar


disorder, however, is uneven and conflicting. For example,

effective mood stabilizers such as valproate have putative
effects on the GABA system. Valproate increases functional
levels of GABA in the brain, apparently by activating the
biosynthetic enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase and inhibiting the degradative enzyme GABA-transaminase.
Other mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants also modulate the
GABA system. However, the relevance of this neurotransmitter to unstable mood in bipolar disorder remains unknown. (See Chapter 14 for more information on the role
of specific neurotransmitters in manic-depressive illness.)

Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia

In the NCS, an epidemiologic study based on nonclinician
assessments, nearly one-half of patients with bipolar disorder met criteria for a lifetime comorbid social anxiety disorder, compared with 13.3 percent of the general population (Kessler et al., 1994). However, data from the Stanley
Foundation Bipolar Network, obtained by clinicians using
structured diagnostic interviews with a clinical population, reveal social anxiety disorder in only 16 percent of
bipolar patients (McElroy et al., 2001). As with panic disorder, there appears to be a mutual-risk interaction, such that
patients with social anxiety disorder also have high rates of
bipolar disorder. Symptoms of social anxiety tend to disappear during hypomanic episodes, when excessive social
inhibition is replaced by disinhibition. There may be an
underlying social behavior dysregulation connecting the
two disorders (Perugi et al., 2001). A recent study of 57 patients with social anxiety disorder found that a subgroup
improved while taking antidepressants, and indeed presented with clear hypomania. Without antidepressant
therapy, the symptoms of social anxiety returned (Valengaet et al., 2005).
Although social anxiety disorder is a serious illness and
is strongly associated with functional impairment, feelings
of social isolation, and suicidal ideation (Olfson et al.,
2000), it tends to go unrecognized and untreated (Weiller
et al., 1996). Clinicians who treat patients with bipolar disorder should be particularly wary of failing to identify this
potentially disabling disorder. However, just as with panic
disorder, treatment decisions can be complex. For example, in a study of 32 patients with social anxiety disorder, 14
(78 percent) of 18 patients who responded to a monoamine
oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) became hypomanic (Himmelhoch, 1998) (see Chapter 24).

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Analysis of data from the ECA study showed a lifetime
prevalence of OCD of 21.0 percent in patients with bipolar
disorder; this was significantly higher than the rates of 12.2
percent in unipolar depression and 2.5 percent in the


Clinical Studies

general population (Chen and Dilsaver, 1995a). As with

anxiety disorders in general, bipolar-II is more common
than bipolar-I among patients with OCD (Perugi et al.,
1997, 2002). Among patients with bipolar-I disorder, those
with episodes of mixed mania may be more likely to have
comorbid OCD than those with pure euphoric mania
(McElroy et al., 1995). The presence of comorbid OCD leads
to greater bipolar morbidity and possibly to greater mortality due to suicide (Krger et al., 2000). Compared with
bipolar patients without OCD, those with OCD have more
severe symptomatology, including more lifetime suicidal
ideation, suicide attempts, and comorbid panic disorder.
The phenomenology of comorbid OCD is somewhat
different from that of pure OCD. The onset of the illness
is more gradual, and the course tends to be episodic rather
than continuous. There are higher rates of sexual and religious obsessions and a lower rate of checking rituals
(Perugi et al., 1997, 2002). The episodic nature of OCD in
bipolar patients may be related to the course of the mood
disorder. In one study (Strakowski et al., 1998), the symptoms of both OCD and bipolar disorder cycled together in
7 of 16 patients. There were no cases of OCD that persisted
in the absence of an affective syndrome. These data showing such a tight correlation between the symptom emergence of the two illnesses suggest the possibility that the
two represent variability in the expression of a single
underlying CNS dysfunction.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Although PTSD is a less common comorbidity than some
of the other anxiety disorders, it is substantially more

common in bipolar patients than in the general population.

A meta-analysis of eight studies representing a total of
1,214 bipolar patients found that the mean lifetime prevalence of PTSD in those patients was 16.0 percent, a rate
roughly double that of the general population (Otto et al.,
2004). Table 76 summarizes the seven studies.
Little is known about why there is a relatively high rate
of comorbidity of the two disorders, but there are some
characteristics of bipolar disorder that place a patient at
risk for the development and exacerbation of PTSD and
vice versa. Pretrauma psychiatric illness, including some
symptoms of depression and hypomania, increase a patients
vulnerability to developing PTSD after trauma (Schnurr et
al., 1993). Abnormal mood at the time of the trauma can
reduce resilience. For example, unrealistic and exaggerated
negative attitudes common in depression can aggravate a
patients response to stressful events.
The impulsivity and poor judgment associated with elevated mood states place patients at risk for the occurrence
of traumatic events such as assault and motor vehicle accidents. In one study of the general population, 51 percent of
women and 61 percent of men reported a history of exposure to trauma (Kessler et al., 1995), and while some studies
have found no difference among bipolar patients (Neria et
al., 2002), others have found rates as high as 98 percent
(Mueser et al., 1998). The experience of psychosis, which
may occur in the context of a manic or depressive episode,
is often a highly traumatic event in itself. Psychosis fundamentally disrupts an individuals notion of self and expectations of the future. Psychosis as part of an abnormal
mood episode occurs in the setting of a highly volatile

Table 76. Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Samples of Patients

with Bipolar Disorder

Sample Characteristics

Keck et al., 1995

Kessler et al., 1997

BP patients admitted for mania or mixed mania

National general population survey;
respondents with BP-I characterized by euphoria,
grandiosity, and excessive energy
Inpatients and outpatients with BP
BP patients, manic or mixed; first
admission for psychosis
BP-I and BP-II outpatients recruited
from the community
BP patients; first admission for psychosis
BP-I and BP-II, treatment-seeking outpatients

Mueser et al., 1998

Strakowski et al., 1998
McElroy et al., 2001
Neria et al., 2002
Simon et al., 2003

BP = bipolar disorder.
Source: Otto et al., 2004. Reprinted with permission from Blackwell Publishing.

Sample Size

Rate of PTSD (%)









emotional state that further diminishes a patients capacity

to adaptively tolerate this type of stress.
On the other hand, for some patients or situations, euphoria or an underlying hyperthymic temperament associated with bipolar disorder may increase resilience in the face
of trauma. That is, some patients with bipolar disorder have
temperamental features that protect them at least partially
from the adverse psychological consequences of severe
stress. Persistent optimism and self-confidence can enable an
individual to avoid some of the emotional injury that occurs
in the face of trauma and continue to function in an adaptive
way in situations in which others would experience high levels of distress and functional impairment (Jamison, 2004).
The tendency to shift focus rapidly, not always a positive attribute of a hyperthymic temperament, may be protective
during periods of intense stress by allowing the individual to
avoid ruminating and fixating on traumatic experiences. The
hyperthymic individual is also future oriented, a trait that
decreases the deleterious influence of past events.
Symptoms of PTSD can aggravate the course of bipolar
disorder. Stress of any kind places bipolar patients at risk
for the emergence of a mood episode. PTSD is commonly
associated with chronic overarousal that occurs in addition to the acute overarousal experienced in response to
environmental cues. One of the consequences of overarousal is sleep disturbance, which can have a direct impact on the course of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 16).
Chronic symptoms of avoidance seen in patients with
PTSD can lead to social isolation, which is associated with
more depression and longer recovery times in bipolar patients (Johnson et al., 1999).
Like panic disorder and bipolar illness, PTSD has been
associated with chronic noradrenergic hyperactivity
(Kosten et al., 1987). One consequence of this abnormality
is a decrease in the number and sensitivity of alpha-2adrenergic receptors (Maes et al., 1999). The serotonin system is almost certainly involved as well. Large placebocontrolled trials have demonstrated the efficacy of SSRIs in
the treatment of PTSD (see Chapter 24), supporting the
view that pathology associated with the serotonin system
plays an important role in the development and maintenance of the disorder.
The presence of comorbid PTSD increases the morbidity, mortality, and functional impairment associated with
bipolar disorder. Data from the STEP-BD project reveal
that patients with comorbid PTSD have a lower likelihood
of being in remission from bipolar disorder, are more
likely to abuse substances, have higher rates of suicide,
and have lower role attainment and quality of life compared with bipolar patients without PTSD (Simon et al.,



Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
The overlap of symptoms seen in bipolar disorder with
those seen in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) can make it difficult to separate the two illnesses.
This is especially true in children, in whom mood disorders
manifest somewhat differently than in adults, and who may
have difficulty in accurately describing their internal affective states. Distractibility, physical hyperactivity, and pressured speech can be symptoms of either bipolar disorder or
ADHD. See Chapter 6 for an extensive review of the comorbidity of ADHD and other disorders in children and adolescents. See also Chapter 9 for an in-depth discussion of
the pervasive attentional deficits associated with bipolar illness, even when the illness is in remission.
The rate of comorbidity for ADHD is much lower in
bipolar adults than in children. Most children aged 12 and
younger with bipolar disorder meet the criteria for ADHD
(Findling et al., 2001), whereas comorbid ADHD was found
in just 9 percent of the first 1,000 adult patients enrolled in
the STEP-BD project (aged 15 and older) (Kogan et al.,
2004). Among adult patients with early-onset bipolar disorder (before age 13), the rate rose to 20 percent (Perlis et
al., 2004). ADHD affects approximately 4 percent of adults
in the general population (Kessler, 2004).
Data from a large claims database revealed that adults diagnosed with ADHD were significantly more likely to have a
comorbid diagnosis of bipolar disorder or major depressive
disorder than non-ADHD patients (Secnik et al., 2005).
Adults diagnosed with ADHD had significantly higher outpatient, inpatient, and prescription drug costs than noncomorbid patients with a mood disorder. A study based on
structured psychiatric interviews found that 88 percent of
adults with comorbid ADHD and bipolar disorder had the
bipolar-II subtype (Wilens et al., 2003). This is another example of a comorbidity that is chronic in nature, being
associated with the more chronic form of bipolar disorder.
Compared with patients with pure ADHD, those with both
bipolar disorder and ADHD had more DSM-IV symptoms
of ADHD (14.8 versus 11.4 percent), poorer global functioning, and more additional comorbid psychiatric disorders
(3.7 versus 2.0 percent). Based on the outcome of their
analysis, the authors concluded that the observed symptomatology in the comorbid group supported the construct of
two separate disorders that were distinguishable clinically.

Eating Disorders
Only a few studies have assessed the co-occurrence of
bipolar disorder and eating disorders in community sam-


Clinical Studies

ples. One study of 3,258 Canadian adults found no overlap

between 22 individuals diagnosed with lifetime bipolar
disorder and 4 individuals diagnosed with anorexia nervosa; other eating disorders were not assessed (Fogarty et
al., 1994). More recent studies, which differed somewhat by
including subthreshold hypomania and binge eating, did
find associations. Among 891 randomly selected schoolgirls, approximately one-quarter of those with an eating
disorder had subthreshold bipolar disorder, compared with
3.8 percent of those with no eating disorder (Lewinsohn et
al., 2000). However, the rate of full-syndrome bipolar disorder was similar among the girls with and without an eating
disorder. Binge eating has been found to be specifically associated with hypomania. A comparison of patients with a
history of hypomania, patients with a history of depression,
and a control group with no abnormal mood episodes
found that the rate of binge eating was highest in the group
with a history of hypomania (Angst, 1998).
Studies of clinical populations have also found connections between bipolar disorder and eating disorders. Data
gathered from clinical populations may differ from community data, however, because subjects currently in treatment typically have higher levels of distress and comorbidity than do community samples.4 Consistent with this
pattern, bipolar-II disorder was found to be common
among hospitalized patients with eating disorders. An
evaluation of a group of 15 bulimics and 7 anorexics found
that 19 of the 22 had a major mood disorder; 1 had bipolarI disorder, and 13 had bipolar-II (Simpson et al., 1992). In a
larger sample, patients with bipolar disorder were found to
have a lifetime prevalence of bulimia of 4 percent (bipolarI, 3 percent and bipolar-II, 6 percent) and a lifetime prevalence of anorexia nervosa of 2 percent (bipolar-I, 2 percent
and bipolar-II, 4 percent) (McElroy et al., 2001). Analysis
of the first 500 patients in the STEP-BD investigation
found that the rate of bulimia in bipolar women was relatively high (12 percent), as was true for the rate in bipolar
men (2 percent) (Baldassano et al., 2005). In the only study
assessing binge eating and bipolar disorder (Krger et al.,
1996), the rate found in the bipolar patient sample (13 percent) was significantly higher than that reported for the
general population (5 percent) (Spitzer et al., 1993). In a
comprehensive review of comorbid bipolar and eating disorders, McElroy and colleagues (2005) found a particularly
strong association between bulimia nervosa and bipolar-II
disorder. Their summary of eating disorders in patients
with bipolar disorder is given in Table 77.

Axis II Disorders
Affective instability is a common feature of certain personality disorders, especially those found in cluster B. Because
of the frequency with which these disorders are seen in

bipolar patients and the effect they have on clinical course,

Chapter 10 focuses specifically on this topic.

In addition to psychiatric disorders, bipolar patients experience certain general medical conditions at a higher rate
than the general public. Some of this excess morbidity is
associated with adverse effects of medications used to treat
bipolar disorder and some with lifestyle. In other cases, the
etiology of the comorbidity is not fully understood. Because many patients with serious mental illnesses have difficulty obtaining adequate medical care, the treating psychiatrist may be the only physician caring for these
patients on a regular basis, and therefore should screen
them for common medical problems.

Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease accounts for the majority of the
mortality seen with metabolic syndrome (discussed later).
Obesity, glucose dysregulation, and dyslipidemia are all
risk factors for cardiovascular disease, and consequently
patients with bipolar disorder experience cardiovascular
mortality at elevated rates compared with the general population (Weeke, 1979; Sharma and Markar, 1994). The
mortality ratio of bipolar patients versus the general population for cardiovascular disease is 3.0. Additionally, when
all the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome are controlled
for, bipolar disorder continues to be an independent risk
factor for cardiovascular mortality (Norton and Whalley,
1984). Before the modern era of psychopharmacology,
death from manic exhaustion was not uncommon; many
such deaths were attributable to cardiac events (Derby,
1933; Cade, 1979). In a long-term study that followed a
group of 406 patients for more than 30 years, mortality
due to circulatory disorders was second only to suicide as a
cause of death among patients with bipolar disorder
(Angst et al., 2002). A large study of 15,386 patients hospitalized in Sweden for bipolar disorder between 1973 and
1995 found that the most frequent cause of death was cardiovascular disease, followed by suicide and cancer. The
observed number of cardiovascular deaths among male
patients was 1.9 times the expected number. Among females, the mortality rate was 2.6 times the expected number (Osby, 2001).
Increased platelet aggregation and low-grade systemic
inflammation seen in depressed patients may be mechanisms by which a mood disorder is a significant and independent risk factor for ischemic heart disease (Musselman
et al., 1996). Patients with bipolar disorder also are more
likely to smoke and to have a history of hypertension
(Yates and Wallace, 1987; Johannessen et al., 2006).



Table 77. Studies of Eating Disorders in Patients with Bipolar Disorder


Study Population

Assessment Instrument;
Diagnostic Criteria

Eating Disorder Findings

Strakowski et al.,
Strakowski et al.,
McElroy et al., 1995

41 inpatients with BP and firstepisode mania (25 women)

60 inpatients with BP-I and firstepisode mania
71 inpatients with BP-I and
acute mania (39 women)
61 euthymic outpatients with
BP-I (n = 43) or BP-II (n = 18)
(38 women)
14 women with BP and 1,176
with other psychiatric disordera


7.3% had BN: 12.0% of women

and no men had BN
6.6% had BN


8.5% had AN or BN

Semistructured Clinical
Interview; DSM-IV

13.1% had BED; 37.7% had

recurrent binge eating episodes



Of women with BD, none had

AN and 7.1% had BN, compared with 0.3% and 0.6%,
respectively, of controls
(p < .01 for BN)
6.4% had AN or BN


7.3% had a DSM-IV ED


4.0% had BN and 2.4% had AN


5.9% had AN or BN


2.3% had BN


15% had an ED

Krger et al., 1996

Schuckit et al., 1996

Cassano et al., 1998

Edmonds et al., 1998
Pini et al., 1999
McElroy et al., 2001
Vieta et al., 2001
MacQueen et al.,

47 inpatients with BP-I with

psychotic features
64 persons with BP-I (n = 44) or
BP-II (n = 11) from a BP registry
125 patients with BP-I with
psychotic features (69 women)
288 outpatients with BP-I or
BP-II (162 women)
129 outpatients with BP-I
(76 women)
139 outpatients with BP-I or
BP-II (94 women)

AN = anorexia nervosa; BED = binge eating disorder; BN = bulimia nervosa; BP = bipolar disorder; DIGS = Diagnostic Interview
for Genetic Studies; ED = eating disorder; SAGA = Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism; SCID = Structured
Clinical Interview for DSM.
Subjects were participants in the Collaborative Study of the Genetics of Alcoholism.
Source: Reprinted from McElroy et al., 2005 with permission from Elsevier.

Thyroid Dysfunction
Thyroid dysfunction associated with bipolar disorder is a
significant problem. In addition to the medical morbidity
associated with thyroid problems, mood states and affective stability are intimately connected to proper functioning of the hypothalamicpituitarythyroid axis (see Chapter 14). Patients with thyroid disease have higher rates of
panic disorder, simple phobia, OCD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymia than the general
population (Placidi et al., 1998). Bipolar women have
higher rates of comorbid thyroid disease than men; analysis of the first 500 STEP-BD participants, for example,
found rates of 26.9 percent in females and 5.7 percent in
males (Baldassano et al., 2005). Hypothyroidism is the

most frequent manifestation of thyroid dysfunction. The

most common psychiatric symptoms related to hypothyroidism are depression and cognitive dysfunction. Fatigue,
weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, intolerance to cold, and
irritability are also seen. Abnormally elevated levels of thyroid hormone can cause dysphoria, anxiety, restlessness,
and emotional lability (Trzepacz et al., 1988).
Problems with the hypothalamicpituitarythyroid axis
are more prevalent in patients with mood disorders than in
the general population; however, many studies have included large numbers of patients taking lithium or carbamazepine, which may account for some of the high prevalence found. (The association between mood stabilizers and
thyroid function is discussed in Chapter 20.) Nevertheless,
the effects of lithium and carbamazepine do not fully explain


Clinical Studies

the association between bipolar disorder and thyroid dysfunction. In a sample of bipolar patients who had never
been treated with either lithium or carbamazepine, the rate
of thyroid hypofunction was 9 percent (Valle et al., 1999).
Hypofunction was determined on the basis of serum levels
for total thyroxine (T4), total triiodothyronine (T3), and
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Bipolar-II patients showed significantly lower levels of thyroid functioning than those with bipolar-I disorder, as measured by
higher TSH levels. Primary hypothyroidism was diagnosed
in 3 percent of a general population sample (Flynn et al.,
The relationship between thyroid hypofunctioning and
rapid cycling is unclear. In the sample just described, no
difference in thyroid parameters was observed between
rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling bipolar patients.
Other studies, however, have found hypothyroidism to be
a risk factor for rapid cycling. For example, in a sample of
30 patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, 60 percent
also had hypothyroidism (Bauer et al., 1990). Subclinical
hypothyroidism, in which thyroid hormone levels are low
compared with controls but still fall within the broad normal range, has been found to be associated with rapid cycling (Kusalic, 1992), although more recently, doubt has
been cast on this association (Post et al., 1997). Identifying
subclinical hypothyroidism in bipolar patients may be almost as important as identifying overt dysfunction. In
1974, Wenzel and colleagues introduced a system for grading hypothyroidism. In this classification, grade 1 represents overt hypothyroidism, as defined by decreased serum
T4. Grades 2 and 3 define subclinical hypothyroidism.
Grade 2 is characterized by increased TSH with normal T4,
and grade 3 by the presence of an isolated exaggeration of
the TSH response to stimulation by thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) (Wenzel et al., 1974).
Subclinical hypothyroidism can influence the outcome
of mood disorders even in samples of patients with otherwise normal thyroid indices. Frye and colleagues (1999)
assessed thyroid function prospectively in 52 outpatients
with bipolar disorder. Even though their free thyroxine index (FTI) values were within the normal range, patients
with lower mean FTI values had more affective episodes
and more severe depressive symptoms. Cole and colleagues
(2002) found less favorable treatment response in bipolar
patients with low-normal FTI and high-normal TSH. Others have found subclinical hypothyroidism to be associated
with an elevated lifetime prevalence of depression (Haggerty et al., 1993). The rate of subclinical hypothyroidism is
particularly high (30 percent) in patients with refractory,
treatment-resistant depression (Howland, 1993). The relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and treatment response is discussed further in Chapter 19.

Hyperthyroidism has also been linked to depressive disorders in some studies (Kathol et al., 1986; Placidi et al.,
1998), but not all (Fava et al., 1995; Engum et al., 2002;
Thomsen and Kessing, 2005); it has also been linked to mania in a case series (Brownlie et al., 2000), but this finding
was not confirmed in a controlled study (Cassidy et al.,
2002). In a recent large historical cohort study of 133,570 patients with a clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis, depressive
disorder, or bipolar disorder (610 of whom had hyperthyroidism), patients with bipolar disorder had a hazard ratio
for hyperthyroidism of 1.59 (p < .052) compared with the
arthritis controls, and 1.86 ( p < .014) compared with those
with depression (Thomsen and Kessing, 2005).
Although the evidence for a link between mood disorders and decreased thyroid function is more consistent
than that for a link to increased thyroid function, the hypothesis that some mood disorders may be linked to dysregulation of thyroid function is consistent with most of
the data. Clearly, all patients with a mood disorder should
be tested routinely for thyroid abnormalities, including abnormal levels of TSH and free T4. Even in the context of
normal T4, elevated TSH should prompt a further workup
and consideration of thyroid supplementation. The absence of abnormal TSH should not rule out hypothyroidism in a patient with clinical manifestations of the disease because many patients with both major depression
and bipolar disorder fail to mount a TSH response to a
TRH challenge (Gold et al., 1977). Evaluation of thyroid
abnormalities is particularly appropriate in rapid-cycling
and treatment-resistant patients.

Overweight and Obesity

Obesity is a leading cause of preventable death in the
United States, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing. A survey of 4,115 adult men and women
conducted in 1999 and 2000 as part of the National Health
and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 64.5 percent
of the U.S. population is overweight (body mass index
[BMI] 25), and 30.5 percent is obese (BMI 30) (Flegal
et al., 2002). A separate, smaller study of 50 bipolar patients, which used the same BMI standard, found an obesity rate that was only slightly higher (32 percent). The
number of previous depressive episodes was correlated
with the likelihood of being overweight or obese. Most of
the weight gain occurred during acute rather than maintenance treatment, and the increase in BMI was related to
the severity of the depressive episode, as measured by the
patients score on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Fagiolini et al., 2002). Although several studies have
found significant obesity in bipolar patients (Elmslie et al.,
2000, 2001; Fagiolini et al., 2002; McElroy et al., 2002), it
is difficult to ascertain the degree to which the obesity is


secondary to medications used to treat bipolar disorder or

to the illness per se (see review by Toalson et al., 2004).
Longitudinal studies of children and adolescents have
found a positive association of major depressive disorder
with adult BMI. This association persisted even after controlling for age, gender, substance abuse, social class, pregnancy, and medication exposure (Pine et al., 2001). An important implication of the last of these factors (medication
exposure) is that there is a baseline risk for elevated BMI
that is independent of the weight gain associated with psychotropic medication. Yet despite the multiple etiologic
factors that link mood disorders with obesity, of greatest
concern to the clinician is the fact that mood-stabilizing
medications frequently cause weight gain (see Chapter 20).
Evidence for this conclusion comes from the Stanley
Foundation Bipolar Network. Both current weight and the
BMI of patients in this study were correlated with the
number of weight gainassociated psychotropics to which
patients had been exposed (McElroy et al., 2002). Atypical
antipsychotic medications are associated specifically with
central obesity, which occurs when the main deposits of
body fat are localized around the abdomen. Accumulating
evidence suggests that central deposition of body fat is
a risk factor independent of overall obesity for mortality
due to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and type II
diabetes (Donahue et al., 1987).
Other medications used to treat bipolar disorder, including lithium, valproate, and some antidepressants, have
also been associated with weight gain. Thus far, there has
been less concern regarding the development of metabolic
syndrome with these drugs than with the atypical antipsychotics.
Beyond weight gain caused by medications, symptoms of
bipolar disorder itself can lead to obesity. Depressed mood
leads to lower levels of activity. Atypical features such as hyperphagia, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, and carbohydrate craving are seen more commonly in bipolar depression than in major depressive disorder and are more liable
to lead to weight gain. It should be noted that manic syndromes are associated with loss of appetite, hypophagia, hyperactivity, and weight loss. In the majority of bipolar patients, however, depressive symptoms are far more frequent
than manic symptoms (Judd et al., 2003b). Depression is often accompanied by hypercortisolemia, which is also associated with central obesity. Even in the context of normal
body weight, hypercortisolemia has been associated with
excess visceral fat deposition as measured by computed tomography (CT) scan (Weber-Hamann et al., 2002).
Overweight and obesity, in addition to being a result of
bipolar disorder, can worsen the disorder by exacerbating
depression. The Western emphasis on being thin as a desirable physical trait can lead to negative body-image problems


among overweight individuals. Overweight and obese individuals may also be targets of discrimination. The socioeconomic effects of excess weight were studied in a group
of 10,039 randomly selected young people, who were evaluated for weight and BMI and then followed-up 7 years later.
Women who had been overweight had completed fewer
years of school, were less likely to be married, and had
lower household incomes than those who had not been
overweight; these findings were independent of baseline socioeconomic status. Men who had been overweight also
were less likely to be married. In contrast, people with other
chronic health conditions did not differ in these ways from
the nonoverweight subjects (Gortmaker et al., 1993).
Among individuals seeking weight loss treatments, rates
of mood disorders have ranged from a low of 8 percent
(Wise and Fernandez, 1979) to a high of 60 percent (Hudson et al., 1988). Although there can be an overrepresentation of psychopathology among treatment-seeking patients, studies using community samples have yielded
similar results. A national survey of 40,086 adults examined the relationship between body weight and clinical depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. Among
women, increased body weight was associated with major
depression and suicidal ideation; in men, there was also an
association with suicide attempts (Carpenter et al., 2000).

Because overweight and obesity are associated with diabetes, many of the risk factors that have been linked to
weight gain apply also to the development of diabetes. The
prevalence of reported diabetes mellitus was found to be
approximately three times higher in a sample of 345 hospitalized bipolar patients (9.9 percent) than in the general
population (3.4 percent) (Cassidy et al., 1999). Patients in
this sample also had a more severe course of their mood
disorder and significantly more lifetime psychiatric hospitalizations than the nondiabetic subjects. Age at first hospitalization and duration of psychiatric disorder were similar in the two groups. Patients with bipolar disorder and
comorbid diabetes have also been reported to be more
likely to experience rapid cycling and to have a chronic
rather than an episodic course of illness (Ruzickova et al.,
2003). A comparison of 26 diabetic and 196 nondiabetic
subjects from a community-based project carried out in
Canada found that the disability rates for bipolar disorder
were significantly different (Ruzickova et al., 2003); 81 percent of comorbid patients were receiving disability compensation payments for bipolar disorder, compared with
only 30 percent of bipolar patients without diabetes.
When patients with diabetes are being treated, lithium
should be used with care. Patients with juvenile-onset
insulin-dependent diabetes are susceptible to diabetic


Clinical Studies

nephropathy, and the risk is increased by the presence of hypertension. On the other hand, there is evidence that when
lithium is combined with an oral hypoglycemic medication
or insulin, it has an assisting hypoglycemic effect in diabetic
patients (Hu et al., 1997). Fasting blood glucose levels were
found to be decreased in patients taking lithium combined
with other therapy, but not in those being treated with a hypoglycemic agent alone. A possible explanation for this finding is that lithium increases the sensitivity of glucose transport to insulin in skeletal muscle and adipocytes (Tabata et
al., 1994). The authors of this study noted that the effects of
lithium on glucose transport and metabolism in skeletal
muscle were strikingly similar to the effects of exercise.
Dysregulation of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenocortical axis occurs frequently in patients with mood disorders. Hypercortisolemia, associated with depressive
states, can lead to insulin resistance. Conversely, diabetic
vascular CNS lesions may contribute to mania. WeberHamann and colleagues (2002) found that postmenopausal women who had depression also had significantly higher levels of free cortisol than age-matched
controls. Elevated levels of cortisol can lead to decreased
insulin receptor sensitivity through currently unknown
mechanisms (Perry et al., 2003).
A more hypothetical link between bipolar disorder and
diabetes relates to intracellular signal transduction involving the enzyme glycogen synthase kinase-3- (GSK-3).
Alterations in GSK-3 functioning play a role in insulin
resistance. Insulin inhibits GSK-3, which results in enhanced glucose transport into skeletal muscle. Insulinmediated inhibition of GSK-3 leads as well to increased
glucose utilization and the production of glycogen (Orena
et al., 2000). GSK-3 is also one of the targets for lithium
action. Lithium significantly inhibits brain GSK-3 at concentrations relevant for the treatment of bipolar disorder
(Gould et al., 2004). In addition to its role in glucose regulation, active GSK-3 facilitates apoptosis in neurons,
while inhibition of GSK-3 attenuates cellular apoptosis,
resulting in a neuroprotective effect (Hetman et al., 2000).
Disturbances in the GSK-3 signal transduction pathway
associated with diabetes may affect the viability of neurons
that play a role in mood stabilization. Diminished insulinmediated inhibition of GSK-3 may have an effect opposite to that of lithium and may ultimately lead to an accentuation of psychiatric symptoms related to bipolar
disorder. For a more detailed discussion of the neuroprotective role of lithium and its putative significance for
lithiums mood-stabilizing effects, see Chapter 14.

Migraine Headaches
The lifetime prevalence of migraine is markedly higher
among individuals with mood disorders (Swartz et al.,

2000; Fasmer, 2001; Odegaard and Fasmer, 2005) than in

the general population. Bipolar women especially are more
likely to suffer from migraines (Blehar et al., 1998; Calabrese et al., 2002). The Canadian Community Health Survey (N = 36,984) found that individuals with bipolar disorder had a higher prevalence of migraine than the general
population (24.8 versus 10.3 percent; p <.05); the sex-specific prevalence of comorbid migraine in bipolar disorder
was 14.9 percent for males and 34.7 percent for females.
Bipolar males with comorbid migraine reported an earlier
age at onset of bipolar illness (p <.05) and a higher lifetime
prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders (p <.05) than
bipolar males without migraine. Bipolar females with comorbid migraine had more additional comorbid medical
disorders (p <.05) than bipolar females who did not have
migraines (McIntyre et al., 2006). Most strikingly, bipolarII patients are far more likely to suffer from migraines than
bipolar-I patients (77 and 14 percent, respectively), leading
Fasmer (2001, p. 894) to suggest that bipolar-I and bipolarII are biologically separate disorders [which points] to the
possibility of using the association of bipolar II disorder
with migraine to study both the pathophysiology and the
genetics of this affective disorder.
The comorbidity of migraine in women with bipolar-I
disorder may be mediated by shared hormonal mechanisms that influence the timing of recurrence or complicate treatment. Both clinical and community studies using
standardized diagnostic criteria have provided evidence of
this comorbidity, independently of which illness caused
the patient to seek treatment (Angst and Merikangas, 1992).
In another study (Merikangas and Angst, 1992), bipolar-II
disorder in probands was associated with an increased risk
of migraine in relatives.

The scientific principle of parsimony holds that one should
not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain an observed phenomenon. In
many cases, attributing all of a patients symptoms to a single diagnostic entity is an appealing strategy. Symptoms
that might be caused by a comorbid illnesssuch as excessive worry (generalized anxiety disorder), social avoidance
(social anxiety disorder), distractibility (ADHD), and low
energy and fatigue (diabetes)are consistent with a diagnosis of affective disorder. Nevertheless, a large body of evidence derived from rigorously conducted studies unambiguously supports the presence of extensive comorbidity
in bipolar illness, although with what frequency and which
diagnosis subtype is open to debate (while substance abuse
is more common in bipolar-I than in bipolar-II patients,
the opposite is true for anxiety and eating disorders). It is


probably appropriate, therefore, to begin by assuming that

symptoms such as those cited above are not part of the
core bipolar or unipolar presentation, and then to evaluate
the patient systematically for the presence or absence of
suspected comorbid illnesses. At the very least, all bipolar
patients should be screened routinely for both psychiatric
and medical comorbidities.
This type of comprehensive evaluation is timeconsuming. Complicating the clinicians task, one of the
most common comorbiditiessubstance abuseis likely
to be actively concealed by a patient during psychiatric
consultation. Self-report screening questionnaires are useful when well-validated instruments are available. If the
patient fills out such a questionnaire before seeing the clinician, less time need be devoted to ruling out comorbid
diagnoses. Additionally, as a clinician works with a patient
over time, a deeper understanding of the patients symptoms and level of functioning develops, increasing the likelihood of uncovering additional disorders or problems.
As with other psychiatric illnesses, patients with recurrent affective disorders often fail to experience a complete
remission of symptoms and a return to premorbid levels of
functioning. The widespread prevalence of comorbidities,
often missed by the diagnosing clinician, offers an opportunity to improve outcomes substantially by identifying and


treating such problems as substance abuse, thyroid dysfunction, and anxiety. Patients who fail to respond adequately to
multiple trials of medication should not be considered treatment resistant until a comprehensive assessment for untreated comorbidities has been undertaken. (See Chapter 24
for a discussion of the treatment of comorbid conditions.)

1. These percentages are substantially higher than noted in the
bipolar case registry (Chengappa et al., 2000), because in the
Estroff et al. (1985) study, cocaine abuse was observed during
an active episode of either mania or depression.
2. Estroff et al., 1985; Winokur et al., 1998; Goldberg et al., 1999;
Cassidy et al., 2001.
3. Nearly 70 percent of all of the patients included in the analysis
were participants in a study in which the concomitant mood
stabilizer was olanzapine, which was considered placebo for
purposes of the analysis. A smaller, well-designed study of
lithium with antidepressants versus placebo did find a higher
switch rate in the antidepressant plus lithium group, but in
the meta-analysis this study was overwhelmed by the huge
olanzapine study. See Chapter 19 for additional discussion of
this study.
4. As noted in the introduction to this chapter, however, there
are biases that operate in the other direction, namely the tendency of nonclinician interviewers to overdiagnose when using symptom checklists.

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The patients . . . often try to starve themselves, to hang themselves, to cut their arteries; they
beg that they may be burned, buried alive, driven out into the woods and there allowed to
die . . . . One of my patients struck his neck so often on the edge of a chisel fixed on the ground
that all the soft parts were cut through to the vertebrae.
Emil Kraepelin (1921, p. 25)

Patients with depressive and manic-depressive illness are far

more likely to commit suicide than those with other psychiatric or medical illnesses. An analysis of nearly 250 studies,
reported over a 30-year period, found that mood disorders
carry the highest risk of suicide (Fig. 81; see also Juurlink
et al., 2004). Yet despite this high risk, the lethality of manicdepressive illness is often underemphasized. We believe suicide is far too common in untreated, inadequately treated,
or treatment-resistant manic-depressive illness. Suicide is
often preventable if a correct diagnosis is made, if acute and
chronic suicide risk factors are recognized and acted upon,
and if appropriate treatment is provided (see Chapter 25).
We begin the chapter with a look at diagnostic and
methodological issues related to the study of suicide in
bipolar and unipolar depressed patients. Next, we present
findings on suicide rates. We then address causes of suicide, including the contributions of genetic, family, biological, and psychosocial factors. Finally, we review psychiatric and medical comorbidities and other clinical
correlates of suicidal states.

years, researchers have recognized that these end points reflect a wide range of thoughts and behaviors. Today, the
focus is on the use of more nuanced measures, such as the
type (e.g., violent versus nonviolent) and the severity (e.g.,
Beck Scale of Suicidal Ideation, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia [SADS] suicide subscale) of the
attempt. Suicidal ideation without particular information
about plans or means is common in manic-depressive illness. Yet it is neither a sensitive nor a specific predictor of
suicide, at least over the long term (see Chapter 25), and
scales for rating suicidal ideation and intent therefore lead to
high false-positive and false-negative rates (Jacobs et al.,
2003). This chapter thus places greater emphasis on actual
suicide attempts, especially those of high lethality (although,
unfortunately, most studies of suicide attempts do not rate
lethality), and completed suicide.
The approaches taken in research on suicide have generally ignored the presence of two distinct populations. The
first comprises those individuals who commit suicide who
have never been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. This
group accounts for approximately 50 percent of all suicides,
even though retrospective studies have found that a psychiatric diagnosis could be established in more than 90 percent of such cases (Henriksson et al., 1993; Cheng et al.,
2000). This finding was the basis for The Surgeon Generals
Call to Action to Prevent Suicide (U.S. Public Health Service,
1999), which cited stigma, lack of public education about
psychiatric disorders, and insufficient financial resources as
barriers to diagnosis and treatment for those at risk of committing suicide. It also addressed the need to train physicians to recognize and treat conditions, such as depression
or bipolar disorder, that can lead to increased suicide risk.
The other group of concern encompasses the remaining
50 percent of individuals who commit suicide despite


It has long been recognized that suicidal thinking and behavior are associated with both bipolar and unipolar major
depressive disorders (see Chapter 2). More recently, the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition (DSM-IV)
incorporated into its diagnostic criteria for major depression a specific criterion for suicidal potential: Recurrent
thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal
ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or
a specific plan for committing suicide (p. 327).
Studies of suicide have used several outcome measures
ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide. Over the


Clinical Studies


Psychiatric or Medical Illness

Multiple Sclerosis
Huntingtons Disease
Anxiety Disordersa
Personality Disorders
Alcohol Dependence and Abuse
Opioid Dependence
Bipolar Disorder

Suicide Risk: Number of Times the Expected Rate in the General Population

Figure 81. Suicide risk in psychiatric or medical illness: number of times the expected rate in the
general population. aObsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder. (Source: Adapted from Harris
and Barraclough, 1997. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, copyright
2001, American Psychiatric Association.)

having been in recent contact with a clinician or diagnosed

with or treated for a psychiatric disorder. Robins (1981) reported that 50 percent of his sample of suicides had seen
a physician within 1 month of committing the act. Likewise,
Barraclough (1970) found that 70 percent of those who had
committed suicide had been in touch with a physician
within 1 month, and nearly 50 percent within 1 week, of
their death. And upon reviewing 40 published studies
over the next decade, Luoma and colleagues (2002) concluded that 45 percent of those who had committed suicide had had contact with their primary care physician
within 1 month of their death; 20 percent had been in contact with mental health services. Moreover, it has been reported that 6 to 10 percent of suicides occur in hospitals
each year (Robins, 1981). Thus, despite ongoing treatment
or health care contact, a significant number of patients are
not being identified as being at acute risk for suicide. Others
do not receive adequate treatment or fail to adhere to clinical recommendations (see Chapter 21). Many deaths could
be prevented if physicians in both primary and specialty
care settings became more alert to acute risk factors for
suicide (see Chapter 25).
Other methodological problems limit interpretation
of the findings of suicide studies. Diagnostic criteria often are unclear, and bipolar and unipolar distinctions
only recently became standard in the literature. It is important to keep in mind that the definition of manicdepressive illness changed with the adoption of DSM-III
in 1980 (see Chapter 3). The DSM-III nomenclature replaced the diagnosis manic-depressive disorder with that

of bipolar disorder. Prior to this, a diagnosis of manicdepressive disorder had required a history or presence
of recurrent depression or an episode of mania, thus encompassing the broader group of patients that is the focus of this volume (see Chapter 1). The narrower bipolar
diagnosis required the presence or history of an episode
of mania or hypomania; patients with recurrent depression were subsumed under the unipolar depression diagnosis, and recurrent unipolar was broadened to include
anyone with more than one episode. This shift in diagnostic practice has made it more difficult to interpret
secular trends. In this chapter, we employ the diagnostic terms relevant to particular studies, but otherwise (as
throughout the volume) use manic-depressive illness to
refer to the broader concept of recurrent major affective
disorder; we use bipolar disorder to refer to the bipolar
Particularly critical is the enormous range across studies in the length of follow-up periods; this broad range
necessarily results in variable periods of risk for suicide.
Moreover, when studies include only patients who have
been hospitalized, suicide rates are likely to be higher, reflecting a greater severity of illness. Most early studies of
suicide in manic-depressive illness were of hospitalized
patients; many more recent studies are of outpatients or
combinations of outpatients and inpatients. Because suicide risk is one of the most decisive criteria for admission
to a psychiatric hospital, studies of hospitalized patients
are necessarily skewed toward a greater likelihood of


In this section, we begin by reviewing suicide rates among
the general population and among bipolar and unipolar
depressed patients. We then present specific rates according to diagnosis (bipolar versus unipolar; bipolar-I versus
bipolar-II), gender, and seasonality.

Rates in the General Population

In the United States in 2002, there were 31,655 deaths
recorded as suicide.1 This figure represents an overall suicide rate of 10.99 per 100,000 population (National Center
for Injury Prevention and Control [NCIPC], 2005). Worldwide, an estimated 900,000 suicide deaths occur each year
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2001); a figure of 1.5
million is projected for 2020 (Bertolote and Fleischmann,
2002). The estimated global suicide rate is 17.7 per 100,000
for males and 10.7 per 100,000 for females (Mathers et al.,
2006). Many cultural factors, including religion and the
adequacy of public health reporting systems, result in a
wide range in the reporting and occurrence of suicide
from a low in Islamic countries to a high in Eastern Europe
(the rates of suicide per 100,000 population are, for example, 33.1 in Hungary, 35.5 in the Russian Federation, and
41.9 in Lithuania [World Health Organization, 2001]).

Rates in Manic-Depressive Illness

Early studies documented a strikingly high lifetime rate of
suicide, 15 percent, among patients with manic-depressive
illness. The estimated rate today has dropped by about
one half, except for patients early in the course of illness.
The higher rates in most early studies (published before the
mid-1980s) almost certainly reflect poorer clinical outcomes
before the widespread use of lithium and other mood stabilizers, tricyclic antidepressants, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The figure of 15 percent lifetime
risk also reflects suicide risk in clinical populations with severe, untreated manic-depressive illness.
Guze and Robins (1970) were the first to document
systematically the extent of suicide risk in manic-depressive
illness. They reviewed 14 follow-up studies, 2 population
surveys, and 1 family study and found that at least 12 percent of all deaths among manic-depressive patients had
been the result of suicide (in these early studies, patients
with recurrent depressions were diagnosed as manicdepressive). In 9 of the studies, 12 to 19 percent of deaths
had been due to suicide, and in the other 8 studies, the
suicide rate ranged from 35 to 60 percent. The authors
concluded that by the time all the patients in these studies
had died, about 15 percent would have committed suicide, a rate at least 30 times that found in the general


Subsequent analyses buttressed these early findings. Our

own review of 30 studies of completed suicide (19371988),
presented in the first edition of this text, found a mean lifetime rate of 19 percent in patients with severe manicdepressive illness (range 9 to 60 percent). In 13 of the 30
studies, the figure was in the 10 to 30 percent range. In one
fifth of the studies, at least half of the manic-depressive patients had died because of suicide. Similarly, a study of nearly
500 bipolar patients (mostly untreated or inadequately
treated) over a 17-year period (19701987) found a suicide
rate of 15 percent (Sharma and Markar, 1994).
The high suicide rate in manic-depressive illness is also
documented by comparison with suicide rates in the general population. Harris and Barraclough (1997) calculated
standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) in a meta-analysis of
14 studies reported from 1945 to 1992 (N = 3,700 bipolar
patients). They found that the SMR for suicide in bipolar
disorder was about 15 times higher than expected (see Fig.
81). Increased risk was associated with recent hospital discharge, a suicide attempt within the previous 5 years, and
current alcohol abuse. The authors found a somewhat
higher SMR, 20.4, for suicide in patients with major depression.
More recent studies, however, have found significantly
lower rates of suicide (in the range of 5 percent lifetime
risk) among never-hospitalized patients with bipolar disorder of moderate severity (see Tondo et al., 2003, for a review). But these lower suicide rates do not apply early in
the course of illness. A study from the United Kingdom
found a lifetime suicide rate of 6 percent for patients with
affective disorders (depression and bipolar disorder), but
the rate increased to 23 to 26 percent early in the course of
bipolar illness (Inskip et al., 1998) (see later discussion).
There are several possible explanations for this marked
decrease over time in reported suicide rates in bipolar
disorder. A major reason, alluded to earlier, is most likely
the increased use of lithium and other medications in the
treatment of manic-depressive illness since 1980 (see
Chapter 25). Other reasons for the decline are probably
methodological. The findings of newer studies, which often have focused on outpatient populations or mixed inpatient and outpatient populations, reflect suicide rates
in less severely ill patients. In their review, Tondo and colleagues (2003) suggested that reported rates are lower because most of the patients among whom the rates were
ascertained were never hospitalized. They also pointed
out that more recent studies, by reflecting the milder
range of illness severity, underestimate the risk in more
severely ill patients. They noted as well that, compared
with a general population of patients, there is a lower ratio of attempts to fatalities in patients with major mood
disorders. In their view, this finding suggests a high


Clinical Studies

lethality and intent in affectively ill patients. The SMR for

bipolar patients, based on a review of 28 studies from 1945
to 2000, was 22.1. Rates of suicide averaged about 0.376
percent per year.
Bostwick and Pankratz (2000) directly calculated the
rates of suicide in hospitalized affectively ill patients versus
other groups. In their meta-analysis, they reanalyzed both
the Guze and Robins (1970) study and our own analysis
of 30 studies (cited earlier), in addition to more recent
studies (up to 1998). Using a different metric (case-fatality
prevalence) they found lifetime suicide rates of 8.6 percent for patients hospitalized for suicide risk, 4.0 percent
for those not hospitalized, and 2.2 percent for mixed
inpatient/outpatient populations; the rate was less than 0.5
percent for the nonaffectively ill population. The authors
did not separate the risk for bipolar and unipolar disorders.

BipolarUnipolar Differences
Most studies have tended to find somewhat higher suicide
rates in unipolar depression than in bipolar disorder
(e.g., Harris and Barraclough, 1997; Osby et al., 2001;
Angst et al., 2002). Others, however, have found either no
bipolarunipolar difference2 or higher rates among patients with bipolar disorder (e.g., Rihmer and Pestality,
1999; Bottlender et al., 2000). The reason for these disparate findings, in our view, lies largely in the heterogeneity of the unipolar population and the underdiagnosis of
mixed states and other forms of bipolarity.
The broad definition of unipolar depression in todays
nomenclature simply means that the diagnosis is not bipolar; that is, a unipolar diagnosis encompasses patients with
all degrees of recurrence, ranging from single-episode depression to highly recurrent or cyclic depression (see
Chapter 2). Yet the research literature rarely has distinguished among unipolar patients on the basis of differences in their patterns of recurrence, which may in turn reflect different suicide risks depending on comorbidities,
course of illness, and other clinical factors noted throughout this chapter. We believe that patients with recurrent
unipolar depression may be likely to have suicide rates as
high as or higher than those with bipolar disorder, whereas
patients with less recurrent forms of unipolar depression
are likely to have lower rates. Because the majority of unipolar patients have at least some recurrence, their inclusion
could be expected to skew the unipolar category to higher
rates. This might explain why Harris and Barracloughs
meta-analysis (see Fig. 81) and other studies have found
somewhat higher rates in unipolar depression than in
bipolar disorder. A compounding problem is that, as we
have seen (see Chapter 19), a substantial percentage of patients with major depression eventually convert to bipolar

illness. Finnish researchers have found that these patients

form a subgroup that is particularly prone to suicide
(Sokero et al., 2005).
What also may contribute to the apparently higher suicide rates in unipolar illness is the tendency to misdiagnose bipolar-II disorder as unipolar depression. Rihmer
and Kiss (2002) argued that patients with bipolar-II disorder are often misdiagnosed and then included as unipolar
patients. The unipolar category would thereby be erroneously elevated because the suicide rate in bipolar-II is
higher than that in unipolar depression (Rihmer and Kiss,
2002) (Table 81). A final problem is that some patients diagnosed as having agitated depression may in fact have
mixed states associated with bipolar disorder. This, too,
would falsely raise the suicide rate in unipolar depression,
particularly because mixed states carry a relatively higher
suicide risk (see later discussion). If suicide occurs early in
the course of affective illness, it may well be that patients
who otherwise might have gone on to have a recurrent or
bipolar course will have been diagnosed as having had a
single episode of depression, again spuriously elevating the
rate in unipolar illness.
The search for bipolarunipolar differences, while important, may obscure the more significant point that all
studies show greatly elevated suicide rates in both unipolar
and bipolar groups in comparison with other medical and
psychiatric populations (Sharma and Markar, 1994; Harris
and Barraclough, 1997; Juurlink et al., 2004). The most
prudent approach is to assume a high suicide risk in both
bipolar and unipolar patients.

Bipolar-I versus Bipolar-II Disorder

Identifying diagnostic subgroups with an increased incidence of suicide or suicide attempts is one of the first steps
toward identifying individual bipolar patients who are at
particularly high risk. Several investigations over the last
three decades have found that patients with bipolar-II disorder have a higher risk of suicide attempts than those
with bipolar-I. These studies were reviewed by Rihmer and
Kiss (2002) (see Table 81).
In addition, Bulik and colleagues (1990) studied 67 patients with a history of recurrent depression and suicide
attempts. In comparison with 163 patients with recurrent
major depression and no suicide attempts, they found that
attempters were distinguished by a history of bipolar-II
depression. The findings of these studies suggest that
bipolar-II depression confers a particularly high risk of
suicide in patients presenting with major depression. A recent retrospective study of 90 bipolar-I and 10 bipolar-II
patients, however, did not find a significant difference in
rates of suicide attempts between the two groups (Valtonen
et al., 2006).



Table 81. History of Prior Suicide Attempts in Patients with Unipolar Major Depression
and Bipolar-I and Bipolar-II Disorder

Patients with Unipolar

Depression Rate (%)

Patients with Bipolar-I

Disorder Rate (%)

Patients with Bipolar-II

Disorder Rate (%)

Dunner et al., 1976

2/23 (9)

11/29 (38)

9/16 (56)

Endicott et al., 1985

26/204 (13)

30/122 (25)

15/56 (27)

Coryell et al., 1987

31/303 (10)

7/29 (24)

7/40 (18)

Cassano et al., 1992

60/558 (11)

9/35 (26)

17/94 (18)

Vieta et al., 1997

12/38 (32)

6/22 (27)

Tondo et al., 1999

24/126 (19)

34/353 (10)

7/25 (28)

143/1234 (12)

103/606 (17)

68/253 (24)


Note: Bipolar-I + bipolar-II versus unipolar: X2 = 21.32, degrees of freedom (df ) = 1, p < .001; bipolar-I versus unipolar: X2 = 9.41, df = 1, p < .01;
bipolar-II versus unipolar: X2 = 26.59, df = 1, p < 0.001; bipolar-II versus bipolar-I: X2 = 5.85, df = 1, p < .02.
Source: Rihmer and Kiss, 2002. Reprinted with permission from Blackwell Publishing.

In their review, MacQueen and Young (2001) noted

a particularly high liability for comorbidity with personality disorders, substance abuse disorders, and anxiety
disorders in bipolar-II patients with an elevated risk of
suicide (see Chapter 7). Bipolar-II patients, who have
higher rates of comorbid substance abuse and personality
disorders than bipolar-I patients, may be at increased risk
in large part because of the comorbidity. Rihmer and Kiss
(2002) found that when lifetime prevalence in the general
population is the comparator, bipolar-II patients have the
highest prevalence of attempted and completed suicides.
The evidence strongly suggests that bipolar-II patients
haverelative to the general population and to those
with bipolar-I or unipolar depressionthe highest rate
of suicide.

Differences by Gender
In the general population of the United States, approximately three times as many women as men attempt suicide; however, four times as many men actually kill themselves (NCIPC, 2005). The patterns of suicidal behavior
among women and men with manic-depressive illness
show both similarities to and differences from this pattern.
Like the general female population, bipolar women attempt suicide more often than bipolar men. In contrast to
the general population, however, there is no clear predominance of males among bipolar patients who actually
commit suicide; the completed suicide rate for males is
generally equivalent to or lower than that for females.

Reviewing 28 studies conducted from 1945 to 2001, Tondo

and colleagues (2003) found that among bipolar patients,
the average SMR for suicide was 14.9 for males and 21.1 for
females. And a recent Swedish study of mortality outcomes in 15,386 bipolar patients found very similar SMRs
for suicide15.0 for men and 22.4 for women (Osby et al.,
2005). It may be that the risk of suicide associated with
manic-depressive illness is so powerful that it overrides
the malefemale differences in the general population.
With regard to suicide attempts, Tondo and colleagues
(2003) found that the rate among females within the bipolar subgroup (15 to 48 percent) was about double that for
men (4 to 27 percent). Evidence of differences by gender
among suicide attempters may be distorted by reporting
biases, however. When patients are asked about past suicidal behavior, women may be more likely than men to admit to or remember attempts; men, on the other hand,
may be more prone to suicidal equivalents, such as extreme risk taking, involvement in car accidents, and substance abuse. These behaviors are less often explored in
In summary, women with manic-depressive illness attempt suicide more often than men. In contrast to the general population, the suicide rate in women with manicdepressive illness is higher than or equivalent to that in men.

Seasonality affects the timing of manic and depressive affective episodes (see Chapter 16). It also has a profound


Clinical Studies

effect on suicide. There is a robust literature on suicide

and seasonality, in part because it is easier to date a suicide
than the onset of an affective episode accurately and precisely. Most of the literature reviewed here does not specify
diagnosis, but at the end of the section we discuss studies
that deal expressly with bipolar disorder and seasonal suicide patterns related to mood states.
We reviewed dozens of seasonality studies for the first
edition of this text. Since that time, many more such studies
have been published. Taken as a whole, this literature affirms
a striking peak incidence of suicide in late springearly
summer. Many studies have also found a smaller peak in
October, generally for women rather than men. Both
peaks, however, have lessened in amplitude over time (Fig.
82). Findings of more recent studies add considerably
more nuance to the overall pattern of a spring-to-summer
peak in suicides.

Seasonality and Suicide Rates

Granberg and Westerberg (1999) analyzed suicide data
from Sweden (19111993) and New Zealand (19751995)
and found that suicides peaked in the spring months
May in Sweden and November in New Zealand. In other
studies, carried out in the southern hemisphere (Takahashi, 1964; Parker and Walter, 1982), the seasonality of suicide was consistent with the pattern seen in the northern
hemisphere (i.e., peaks in the spring), although for New

South Wales, Parker and Walter (1982) found two peak

suicide periods (in May and November) among women
rather than one. Chew and McCleary (1995), using timeseries and cross-sectional data for 28 countries and employing bivariate plots and simple correlation techniques,
found a sizable spring peak in suicide only in the temperate zones. More recently, Lee and colleagues (2006), utilizing the nationwide mortality database in Taiwan 19972003,
found that suicides peaked in spring, regardless of gender
or age. Ambient temperature was positively associated
with suicide after adjustment for seasonality.
Fisher and colleagues (1997), studying 16,389 nationally
registered suicide deaths between 1980 and 1989, found a
peak in the spring in South Africa. Retamal and Humphreys
(1998), reviewing 5,386 suicides in Chile for the period
19791994, found the highest rates in the warm months
(i.e., the southern hemispheres spring and summer), particularly December, and the lowest rates in the colder
months, particularly June. Morken and colleagues (2002)
studied all admissions in Norway for mania and depression during 19921996 (N = 4,341) and all 14,503 suicides in
the years 19691996. They observed a significant peak in
depression for women in November, with a secondary
peak in April, and a peak for men in admissions for both
depression and mania in April. Both genders showed a
trough in admissions in July. Among men, the monthly occurrence of suicides correlated with the rate of admissions

Figure 82. Seasonal patterns of suicide. (Source: Jamison, 1999, Night Falls Fast. Reprinted with permission.)




Percentage of yearly suicides




15 World Health
Organization countries


United States





Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

Seasonal patterns of suicide





for depression and mania (a spring peak); no such correlation was found in women. It may be that women were admitted earlier in the course of their depressive episode and
that the peak severity occurred later; men may have been
more severely depressed at the time of their admission.
This issue has not been studied systematically.
Maes and colleagues (1993a) found significant spring
seasonality for violent suicides but not for nonviolent suicides in Belgium. They also noted seasonality in the severity of depressive symptomatology as measured by the Zung
self-rating scale, with greater severity reported in the spring
months. Preti and colleagues (1998, 2000), examining violent suicide attempts in Italy, found a peak in the spring
months, but only for violent suicide attempts in males. No
seasonal trend was observed in nonviolent suicides among
males or females during 19841995.
Findings reported by Maes and colleagues (1994) and
Linkowski and colleagues (1992) suggest that violent suicides and perhaps violent attempts may be more common
in sunny weather or higher temperatures. It is known that
violent suicides and attempts are much more common in
males than in females, a fact that is consistent with the
greater occurrence of seasonality patterns in males.
Rasanen and colleagues (2002) investigated the seasonal
distribution of the specific suicide method for both genders (N = 20,234) in Finland for the years 19801995. In
summer, significant peaks occurred in suicides by drowning, jumping, and gassing among males. In autumn, there
were peaks in female suicides by poisoning and drowning.
Traffic suicides showed substantial winter troughs for both
genders. The results demonstrated that specific violent and
nonviolent methods for suicide formed their traditional
clusters on the basis of seasonality, except for suicides by
gassing and shooting.
Gender differences in seasonal patterns of suicide in
Italy were examined by Micciolo and colleagues (1989).
They found cyclic fluctuations in the number of suicides in
both sexes, but only one significant peak per year for men
and two for women. The most significant peak for both
men and women was in May; women had a second peak
in October and November. Hakko and colleagues (1998)
studied seasonal patterns of suicide in Finland using a
database of 21,279 suicides and found a peak for males
from April to July; the distribution for females was bimodal, with peaks in May and October. In the elderly, they
found a significant excess of suicides in autumn. Violent
suicides showed a single spring peak, whereas nonviolent
suicides displayed a bimodal distribution. Marion and colleagues (1999) found that in British Columbia, suicides
among the young were associated with a springsummer
peak, whereas those among the elderly appeared to be related to deviations from expected temperatures for the


time of year. Salib (1997), studying suicide in an elderly

population of 40,000 in Cheshire, England, over a 5-year
period, found a positive relationship of suicide with hours
of sunshine and humidity, rather than with extreme weather
conditions. The findings of more recent studies have raised
the question of whether the elderly may be affected more
by rapid shifts in weather conditions than by seasonal effects. These findings raise the possibility that studies of
seasonality should take into account age as well as violent
versus nonviolent suicide methods, rather than simply
merging groups of suicide cases.
There have also been suggestions that seasonal variation
is greatest in rural as opposed to urban areas (e.g., Micciolo et al., 1991); one possible explanation for this difference
is that urban living conditions, such as less direct exposure
to natural light and more exposure to artificial light, may
somehow reduce the seasonal effect. In their analysis of
seasonal patterns of suicide in farmers and nonfarmers,
Simkin and colleagues (2003) observed no significant seasonal patterns in violent suicides among nonfarmers.
The often-raised possibility of the effect of lunar cycles
on suicide was addressed in a review of 20 studies by Martin and colleagues (1992), who found no evidence to support such a relationship. Likewise, Maldonado and Kraus
(1991) found no effect of lunar phase in 4,190 suicides occurring between 1925 and 1983 among residents of Sacramento County, California. They did find that suicide occurred most frequently on Monday for both genders across
age groups, and least frequently between the hours of 4:00
and 8:00 AM.
In short, it appears that seasonal variation in suicide applies most consistently to males, to the use of violent methods, and to those living in temperate zones. Seasonality
may not be as much of a factor for females and males using
nonviolent methods.
As noted earlier, a significant weakening of the association between seasonality and suicide over time has been
observed in a number of studies. Rihmer and colleagues
(1998), for example, found a link with seasonality in a (relatively small) sample of suicides from 19811986, but no
such link in a sample from 19901996. Likewise, Hakko
and colleagues (1998) found a decreasing frequency of seasonality in suicides in Finland after 1990. A reevaluation of
seasonal variation in suicide in Australia and New Zealand
led Yip and colleagues (1998) to conclude that seasonality
was less of a determining factor than it had been. Tietjen
and Kripke (1994) found no seasonal peaks in suicide in
Californias Los Angeles and Sacramento counties. Rock
and colleagues (2003), on the other hand, found that seasonal amplitude had increased over time in Australia, contrasting this finding with those of contemporary European
reports showing a decrease in seasonal amplitude over


Clinical Studies

time. A recent study of suicides and seasonality in the Austrian prison system (N = 412), conducted over a 53-year period by Fruehwald and colleagues (2001), found no seasonal fluctuation in suicide rates. Parker and colleagues
(2001) found no seasonal variation in 2,013 male and 1,382
female suicides in the equatorial region of Singapore.
Given the strength and breadth of the early findings of
a strong seasonal component to suicide, an obvious question is why the seasonal effect has abated. In a review of the
international literature on the seasonal incidence of suicide, Aschoff (1981) proposed that environmental factors
play a role in the seasonal patterns observed. He found that
during the nineteenth century, seasonal variation in suicide rates was greatest in the least industrialized nations
and declined with greater industrialization. It is likely that
certain aspects of industrialization (e.g., artificial light,
central heating) may partially insulate patients from environmental risk factors for affective episodes. Seasonal variation in suicide rates, as we have seen, is greatest in the
temperate latitudes as opposed to the north, with its extremes of light and temperature. Seasonal variation also is
most correlated with hours of clear sunshine (not day
length per se). Petridou and colleagues (2002), evaluating
the traditional peak occurrence of suicide in June in the
northern hemisphere and in December in the southern
hemisphere, found an association between the seasonal
amplitude of suicide and total sunshine. They suggested
that suicide may be triggered by sunlight, perhaps through
seasonally determined hormones such as melatonin (see
later discussion). Papadopoulos and colleagues (2005)
studied Greek suicide patterns and solar radiance data for
a 10-year period and found that the solar radiance on the
day preceding suicide was positively correlated with suicide risk, as was average solar radiance during the 4 days
preceding that. They hypothesized that sunshine acts as a
natural antidepressant, which first improves motivation,
then only later improves mood, thereby creating a potential short-term increased risk of suicide initially upon its
application (pp. 287288).
Another likely explanation for the trend toward diminishing amplitude of the spring-to-summer peak in suicide
rates is the greater use of mood-stabilizing medications.
Rihmer and colleagues (1998) hypothesized that the link
between seasonality and suicide has been weakened by the
widespread use of lithium and antidepressants. Likewise,
Oraveez and colleagues (2006) attributed the decrease in
the seasonality of suicides in Slovenia to improvements in
access to and effectiveness of psychiatric treatment following the 1991 war. Because major depression has such a
strong seasonal component, the investigators argued that
the decrease in the seasonality of suicide occurred as a result of improved treatment.

Neurobiological Factors in Seasonality

Clearly, profound biological changes occur in response to
seasonal variations in light and temperature. Many neurobiological systems of relevance to mood disorders and
suicideincluding neurotransmitters, sleep and temperature regulators, melatonin, cholesterol, testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormone (summarized in Jamison, 1999;
Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2002)show pronounced
seasonal fluctuation in their levels.3
A number of measures of serotonin function (see the
later discussion of serotonin and suicide) have been reported to be correlated with the seasons.4 This correlation
may reflect a biological variable related to violent suicides,
the effect of which may be diminished by older age, as well
as urban living and perhaps even antidepressant treatment
(see earlier discussion). Relating seasonal patterns in suicide to seasonal changes in various biological systems
could thus yield greater insight into biological factors in
susceptibility to suicide.
Timonen and colleagues (2004), studying 1,296 males
and 289 females during the years 19882000, found the
proportion of suicides in atopic (allergic) patients to be
significantly higher than that in nonatopic patients. They
further found that 72 percent of suicides in atopic patients
occurred during the first 6 months of the year, and 28 percent during the second 6 months. By contrast, the distribution across the two periods was even in nonatopic patients.
De Vriese and colleagues (2004) found a correlation between monthly variations in levels of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid and eicopentanoic acid
and the mean weekly number of violent (but not nonviolent) suicides. A seasonal effect on factors likely to change
levels of omega-3 essential fatty acidssuch as fluctuating
availability of foods and increased intake of fat-rich foods
during the winter monthshas been suggested by Hibbeln (1998, personal correspondence, 1999).

Seasonality in Bipolar Disorder

The seasonal pattern of suicide appears to run counter
to that of bipolar depression, which is more likely to occur
in the winter months in the temperate zones. (See Chapter
16 for extensive discussion of the seasonal patterns of mania
and depression.) It may be that the increased activation associated with longer periods of light in the late spring
months brings to a suicidal climax depressive episodes that
begin in the winter months, particularly among those bipolar patients who are prone to developing dysphoric manic
states. Cassidy and Carroll (2002a) analyzed the seasonal occurrence of 304 hospital admissions for mixed or manic
bipolar states. They found that the frequency of all admissions for mania peaked in early spring, with a nadir in late


fall. Admissions for mixed mania had a significantly different pattern, with a peak in late summer and a nadir in late
November. Whitney and colleagues (1999) likewise found
that mixed-state admissions in Canada peaked in the summer, but they did not find a seasonal pattern for mania and
depression. DMello and colleagues (1995), studying the admissions of 377 bipolar patients in Michigan over a 6-year
period, observed that women had a bimodal seasonal distribution, with peak admission rates in the spring and fall.
They found that aggressive behavior peaked in the spring for
both men and women. Several other investigators (Parker
and Walter, 1982, in New South Wales; Mulder et al., 1990, in
New Zealand; and Takei et al., 1992, in London) found a
peak in admissions for mania in spring and summer.
These findings suggest a seasonal pattern in activation
levels in bipolar disorder. Wehr (1992) observed that the risk
for depression peaked at two opposite times of the year
spring/early summer and fall/early winter. These two periods are associated with opposite vegetative symptoms: sleep
and appetite increases in winter depressions and decreases
in spring/summer depressions. Maes and colleagues (1993b)
observed that the severity of depression as measured by the
Zung Self-Rating Depression (ZD) and Anxiety (ZA) scales
showed a significant increase in the spring (AprilMay),
with lows occurring in AugustSeptember; up to 31 percent
of the variance in the weekly average of ZA scores could be
explained by a circannual rhythm. In a subsequent study,
Maes and colleagues (1995) noted a correlation between seasonal variations in serum l-tryptophan and suicide. Taken
together, the studies reviewed here suggest an activation
of manic-depressive illness (including mixed states, as well
as unipolar recurrent depression) in the spring/summer
months that roughly parallels the seasonal increase in suicides reported in the temperate zones, especially in males.
The second suicide peak in October may reflect an increase not only in unipolar depressive episodes, but also in
suicidal depressions following the pronounced increase in
manic episodes among bipolar patients during the summer
months. That is, this second peak may represent suicidal
postmanic depressions. It also may reflect the impact of
mixed, transitional mood states. As patients recover from
summer or autumn hypomania or mania, or as they switch
from hypomania or mania into depression, mixed states are
not uncommon. A recent study of depressed patients with
mixed states found that the depressive episodes peaked in
autumn (Sato et al., 2006). In vulnerable individuals, this
may lead to periods of an acute, agitated suicidal state.

In this section, we review what is known about the biological, psychological, and social factors associated with suicide


in bipolar illness. This growing body of research is focused

on determining what role these factors playas underlying
causes, risk factors, or protective factorsand on ascertaining whether they can be modified through treatment. To
date, while it is clear that suicide is caused by a potent combination of biological and psychosocial risk factors, research
has not yet reached the point where any particular combination of factors can be identified as predictive of suicide.5

Genetic and Family Transmission

The tendency for suicides to run in families has been noted
in writings dating back many hundreds, if not thousands,
of years. Using modern methods, researchers have shown
that suicidal behavior does indeed have heritable contributions. This has been demonstrated through three lines of inquiry: family studies, studies of suicide in monozygotic
(MZ) versus dizygotic (DZ) twins, and studies of adoptees
(for reviews see Roy et al., 1999; Baldessarini and Hennen,
2004). These types of studies allow us to draw inferences
about heritability and genetic contributions to suicide. Yet
while they help narrow the search for genes that may be
implicated, they cannot, by design, be used to identify particular genes (candidate gene identification is discussed in
the next section).
Family studies compare the risk of suicidal behavior
(i.e., suicides or suicide attempts) in close relatives of index
cases versus the risk in close relatives of nonsuicidal cases
or normal controls. Tsuang (1977, 1983) was among the
first of modern scientists to report clustering of suicide in
families. Since the 1970s, dozens of such investigations
have been undertaken. In a recent meta-analysis of 22
studies, Baldessarini and Hennen (2004) found a nearly
three-fold higher risk of suicidal acts among relatives of
index cases compared with controls (Fig. 83). The investigators used random-effects regression modeling with
weighting for study size and interstudy variances.
In the original studies on which the meta-analysis was
based, the index suicide cases were not limited to a particular psychiatric diagnosis; a few studies were limited to
major depression, but only one to bipolar illness (with comorbid alcoholism) (Potash, 2000). This latter study
found bipolar disorder, alcoholism, and attempted suicide
to be clustered in some families. Among subjects with
bipolar disorder, 38 percent of those with comorbid alcoholism had made a suicide attempt; 22 percent of those
without alcoholism had attempted suicide (p < .005).
Family transmission of suicidal behavior is not necessarily tantamount to genetic transmission, for any linkage between suicide and families also could be through learned behaviors or shared environment (e.g., parenting, physical or
sexual abuse). Identifying genetic transmission requires
piecing together of additional evidence, such as studies of


Clinical Studies

Woodruff et al. 1972


Garfinkel et al. 1982 17

Roy 1983 18
Tsuang 1983


Tsuang 1983 19
Linkowski et al. 1985 20
Shafil et al. 1985 21
Wender et al. 1986 22
Mitterauer 1990 23
Pfeffer et al. 1994 24
Malone et al. 1995


Brent et al. 1996 26

Gould et al. 1996 27
Bridge et al. 1997 28
Johnson et al. 1998 29
Foster et al. 1999 30
Vljayakumar & Rajkumar 1999 31
Cheng et al. 2000 32
Potash et al. 2000 33
Powell et al. 2000 34
Roy 2000 35
Glowinski et al. 2001 36


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Risk Ratio (95% Cl)

Figure 83. Meta-analysis of 22 studies of familial risk of suicide behavior based on random
effects of modeling of relative risk (size of shaded squares reflects approximate weighting by
sample size and variance measures) among families of suicidal probands versus controls and
their 95% confidence intervals (CI; horizontal bars), with a pooled risk ratio and its CI (diamond). All 22 studies found increased familial risk associated with suicidal probands. The
pooled risk ratio (vertical line with diamond) is 2.86 (CI, 2.323.53), which is highly significantly
(p < .0001) greater than the null of 1.0 (vertical line). (Source: Baldessarini and Hennen, 2004.)

concordance rates in twins and adoptees, biological markers, and genetic polymorphisms, as well as linkage analysis.
Twin studies are designed to separate genetic from environmental contributions by comparing risks in MZ and
DZ twins. Roy and colleagues (1999) compared concordance rates in 176 twin pairs with a suicide and found a
greatly elevated rate among MZ (13.2 percent) versus DZ
(0.7 percent) twins. His review examined only completed
suicides, not attempts. In an analysis pooling seven twin
studies, the rate of suicide or suicide attempts in MZ twin
pairs (23 percent) was found to be much higher than that
in DZ (0.1 percent) twin pairs (Table 82) (Baldessarini
and Hennen, 2004). These rates yielded a relative risk of
175, but the investigators considered this figure to be unreliably high because the 0.1 percent rate in DZ pairs was cal-

culated from only 2 suicides among more than 1,000 pairs.

The investigators concluded that case ascertainment was
likely to have been incomplete because the rate among DZ
twins should have been comparable to that found among
siblings, which typically runs about 9 percent in most family studies. Substituting this expected rate of 9 percent for
the actual rate of 0.1 percent among DZ twins, they found a
more modest relative risk of 2.6 in MZ compared with DZ
twins. The increased risk is similar in magnitude to that
found in a large study of 3,416 female adolescent twins (relative risk [RR] = 1.9) (Glowinski et al., 2001).
Adoption studies compare the risk of suicidal behavior in
biological versus adoptive relatives of index cases of suicide.
This design gives adoption studies the advantage of controlling for shared environmental factors. Three adoption



Table 82. Summary of Twin Studies of Suicidal Risk


Identical (MZ)

Fraternal (DZ)

Risk Ratio

Kallman and Anastasio, 1947a



Not estimable

Haberlandt, 1967b




Juel-Nielson and Videbach, 1970a




Zair, 1981a


Not reported

Not estimable

Roy et al., 1991a



6.41 (95% CI, 1.3830.0)

Statham et al., 1998c




Roy et al., 1999c




Total (7 studies)



174.8 (95% CI, 43.6700.5)

Twin rates




Family risk

Not applicable



Notes: The estimated risk (concordance) among DZ co-twins (0.135%) is 67 times lower than the average rate (8.98%) among the combined
pool of first- and second-degree relatives in family studies summarized in Table 1 of Baldessarini and Hennen (2004), suggesting a more-plausible
estimate of the MZ/DZ risk ratio of 2.62 (23.5%/8.98%; X8 [1 df ] = 276; p < .0001). Even with DZ and family rates pooled, the MZ/DZ risk ratio
would be 23.5%/7.40%, or 3.18. For most studies, CIs are not provided because zero values appear in several numerators.
Based on rate of suicides.
Based on rate of suicides plus attempts.
Based on rate of attempts only.
Overall, Fishers exact p < .0001 for the 7 studies.
Based on raw data pooled from Table 1, column 3 (612/6811, or 8.98%), in Baldessarini and Hennen (2004).
CI = confidence interval; DZ = dizygotic; MZ = monozygotic.
Source: Baldessarini and Hennen, 2004. Reprinted from Genetics of Suicide: An Overview by Baldessarini and Hennen. Copyright 2004. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC,

studies have been undertaken, all of which used the same

register of 5,483 adoptions in greater Copenhagen from 1924
to 1947 (Kety et al., 1968; Schulsinger et al., 1979; Wender
et al., 1986). Pooling the data from these studies, Baldessarini
and Hennen (2004) found that biological relatives of suicide
cases are nearly five times more likely than adoptive relatives
to commit suicide (risk ratio of 4.8) (Table 83).
What is being transmitted in the subjects of family, twin,
and adoption studies? Is it the genes for a particular psychiatric disorder or some other factor (e.g., impulsivity, aggression) that may act independently of, or in an overlapping,
additive, or catalytic manner with, a psychiatric disorder?
For there to be overlap, some traits (and the genes underlying those traits) might be hypothesized to confer vulnerability to affective disorder as well as to suicidal behavior. Most
of the research addressing the latter questions has not focused specifically on manic-depressive illness, however.

Several family studies have found that a higher risk of

suicidal behavior holds true even after controlling for the
effects of psychiatric disorders.6 One of the largest and
most recent studies was reported by Qin and colleagues
(2002), who conducted a nested case-control study of 4,262
people who committed suicide between the ages of 9 and 45
during 19811997 and 80,238 population-based controls
(matched for age, sex, and date of suicide). They found that
a family history of suicide and psychiatric illness significantly and independently increased the suicide risk ratio by
2.58 and 1.31, respectively. This and the preceding studies
are widely interpreted to suggest that there is an independent contributor to suicide risk beyond psychiatric illness.
In comprehensive reviews, Roy and colleagues (1999)
and Mann (1998, 1999) and their colleagues proposed a
stressdiathesis model of suicide in which an independent
genetic/biologic factor predisposes to suicide risk only in


Clinical Studies

Table 83. Summary of Adoption Studies of Suicide Risk




Risk Ratio (95% CI)

A. Kety et al., 1968a


5/156 (3.20%)

1/83 (1.20%)

2.67 (0.3222.4)b

B. Schulsinger et al., 1979c


12/269 (4.46%)

0/148 (0.00%)


C. Wender et al., 1986e

Suicides + attempts

28/387 (7.24%)

8/180 (4.44%)

1.63 (0.763.50)


15/387 (3.88%)

1/180 (0.56%)

6.93 (0.9352.4)


13/387 (3.36%)

7/180 (3.89%)

0.86 (0.322.13)

20/543 (3.68%)

2/263 (0.76%)

4.84 (1.1420.6)

D. Pooled data from studies A and C

Notes: All three studies are based on a single Danish database. Study A data are for rates of suicides or attempts in biological or adoptive firstdegree relatives of early-adopted probands who were diagnosed with schizophrenia-like disorders (n = 33), committed suicide (n = 57), or were diagnosed with an affective disorder (definite or probable DSM-III major depression or bipolar disorder; n = 71), compared with early-adopted controls
matched for number, gender, socioeconomic class of adoptive parents, age at adoption, current age compared with proband age at suicide, and time
living with biological mother. Study B data (involving suicidal adopted probands), although complementary to other analyses, are probably not independent and are therefore not included in D (pooled data from studies A and C).
Schizophrenia-like probands.
Fishers exact p = 0.0056.
Suicidal probands.
CI is indeterminate because of zero numerator.
Mood-disordered probands.
CI = Confidence interval.
Source: Baldessarini and Hennen, 2004. Reprinted from Genetics of Suicide: An Overview by Baldessarini and Hennen. Copyright 2004. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC,

association with psychiatric disorders or major life stressors. Psychiatric disorders and major life stressors, in other
words, may trigger the genetic susceptibility to suicidal behavior.
Kety (1987) was among the first to hypothesize that a genetically influenced inability to control impulsive behavior
might be a specific and independent susceptibility factor.
Several family studies have lent support to the hypothesis
that impulsive aggression, independently of psychiatric illness, increases suicide risk.7 Impulsive aggression has been
linked to low serotonin function (see reviews by Linnoila
and Virkkunen, 1992; Oquendo and Mann, 2000), which is
a biological marker of suicidal behavior (see later discussion).
Aggressiveness/impulsivity was one of a number of potential suicide risk factors studied by Oquendo and colleagues (2004). They tested the stressdiathesis model for
suicidal behavior in a prospective investigation of 308 patients with major depressive or bipolar disorder. They
found that the three strongest predictors of future suicidal

acts were a history of suicide attempt(s), severe depression

(according to subjective self-reports), and, for unknown
reasons, cigarette smoking (although the National Comorbidity SurveyReplication [20012003] found no
causal effect of smoking on suicidal behavior). Each of
these factors posed an additive risk. The authors also
determined that the tendency toward pessimism, as well
as the presence of aggressive/impulsive traits, heightened
future suicide risk in an additive manner. Swann and colleagues (2005) found that a history of severe suicidal behavior in 48 patients with bipolar disorder was associated
with impulsivity, manifested as a tendency toward rapid,
unplanned responses (as measured by impulsive errors on
an immediate memory task and shorter response latencies).
Diathesisstress models of suicide often assume that a
predisposition to impulsive behavior provides the diathesis and the acute depressive or manic symptoms the stress
that result in suicide.8 However, there are virtually no longitudinal data on measures of impulsivity or aggression in


bipolar disorder, and at the clinical level, rather than being

invariant, impulsivity would be expected to be accentuated
during manic and mixed states. Further, characterization
of the essential deficit as being in the domain of impulsivity or aggressivity may be too narrow. An especially comprehensive neuropsychological study recently contrasted
the profiles of medication-free depressed patients who had
a history of a high-lethality suicide attempt, a low-lethality
suicide attempt, or no suicide attempt with the profiles of
healthy controls (Oquendo et al., 2003). The cognitive domains sampled included general intellectual functioning,
motor functioning, attention, memory, and executive
functioning. A discriminant analysis indicated that separate dimensions distinguished the total depressed sample
from the healthy controls and the high-lethality attempters
from the other patient groups. Impairment in attention
and memory segregated the patients from controls, highlighting that a basic attentional disturbance may be a key
factor in determining the cognitive sequelae of mood disorders, both unipolar and bipolar (see Chapter 9). Impaired executive function distinguished high-lethality attempters, with the executive function measures not
restricted to indices of impulsivity. This work raised the
possibility that a more broad-based deficit in executive
function, perhaps related to self-monitoring functions,
was disturbed in individuals with a history of a highlethality suicide attempt.
In summary, there are strong genetic influences on suicidal behavior according to the findings of family, twin,
and adoption studies. The findings of these studies also
suggest that a family history of suicide and impulsivity/
aggressiveness may increase the risk of suicide independently of transmission of psychiatric disorders. The possibility of independent risk factors should motivate clinicians, during their assessment of suicidal patients, to ask
about family history of suicide, impulsivity, and aggression
(see Chapter 25).

Neurobiological Factors
Serotonin Hypofunction
Many studies conducted over several decades have found
an association between suicide and serotonin hypofunction. The first investigators to observe the association were
Asberg and colleagues (1972), who found, in particularly
violent suicide cases, low levels of 5-hydroxyindolacetic
acid (5-HIAA)the principal serotonin metabolitein
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A meta-analysis of 20 studies
involving 1,002 psychiatric patients found that those with
a history of attempted suicide, particularly violent attempts,
had lower levels of 5-HIAA in CSF than did psychiatric
controls (Lester, 1995). Lower serotonergic activity has


been localized to the prefrontal cortex in imaging studies

of high-lethality suicide attempters (Oquendo et al., 2003).
A recent prospective study of 27 bipolar depressed patients found that six subjects made suicide attempts during the 2-year follow-up period. These patients had
higher aggression and hostility scores than the patients
who did not make an attempt; CSF 5-HIAA, homovanillic acid (HVA), and MHPG levels were negatively correlated with the maximum lethality of the suicide attempts
(Sher et al., 2006).
The robust finding of serotonin hypofunction, combined
with the research discussed earlier pointing to genetic contributions to suicide, led to a search for candidate genes
whose products control serotonin biosynthesis, degradation,
or reuptake. Studies have sought to link higher prevalence
of polymorphisms in serotonin-related genes to suicidal
Although serotonin hypofunction remains an important finding, studies of candidate genes have produced
conflicting results and are beset by methodological problems (for reviews see Mann, 1998, 2002; Baldessarini and
Hennen, 2004); moreover, few studies have focused specifically on bipolar patients. Consequently, a complete review
of this subject is beyond the scope of this chapter. The recent
studies highlighted here are illustrative of the complex range
of findings regarding the enzyme tryptophan hydrolyase
(TPH; the rate-limiting enzyme in serotonin synthesis), serotonin receptor subtypes, and the promoter region of the
serotonin transporter. The serotonin transporter gene is
responsible for reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic
One explanation for finding low serotonin metabolites
in individuals who have committed suicide is that less
serotonin is being produced as a result of genetic defects
affecting serotonin synthesis. Studying TPH, Turecki and
colleagues (2001) found that one haplotype for the gene
was significantly more prevalent among suicides involving
violent methods than among living controls. Pooley and
colleagues (2003) also found that a variation in the TPH
gene was associated with deliberate self-harm. Other investigators, however, found no association between several
TPH polymorphisms and suicidal behavior (Kunugi et al.,
1999; Ono et al., 2000).
One of the earliest findings in autopsy studies was the
higher number of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors, particularly
in the prefrontal cortex, in suicide cases (Arango et al.,
1995). Pandey and colleagues (2002) found an increase in
another receptor subtype, the 5-HT2A receptor, in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of teenage suicide victims.
In another study, one of the few with a distinct subgroup
of bipolar patients, a polymorphism in the 5HT2A receptor was found in this subgroup to be associated with a


Clinical Studies

lower risk of suicidal behavior (Bonnier et al., 2002). On the

other hand, Turecki and colleagues (2003), studying genes
for seven serotonin receptor subtypes, found no differences in allelic or genotypic distributions. Schmauss (2003)
found evidence of altered transcripts of the 5-HT2C gene in
the brains of depressed suicide victims and hypothesized
that the alteration reflects defects in regulation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) editing by synaptic serotonin.
The promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene
has been found to be altered in several studies of suicidal
behavior or violent suicides. Bondy and colleagues (2000)
found increased frequency among suicide victims (with
unknown diagnoses) of one or two short alleles of the
serotonin transporter gene promoter (5-HTTLPR). The
short allele, as compared with the long allele, has been
linked to lower transcriptional efficacy (Lesch et al., 1996).
In prior studies, the alleles were found to be associated
with anxiety-related personality traits, affective disorders,
or severe alcohol dependence. In a meta-analysis, Lin and
Tsai (2004) also found a significant relationship between
the short allele of 5-HTTLPR and suicidal behavior, especially violent suicide. But many studies have not found a
relationship between the serotonin transporter polymorphism and completed suicide (Mann et al., 2000; Fitch
et al., 2001) or suicide attempts (Geijer et al., 2000; BacaGarcia et al., 2004) or in suicidal inpatients (Russ et al.,
Two key studies sought to determine the predictive
value of possessing the homozygous short (S/S) allele.
Courtet and colleagues (2004) followed 133 patients hospitalized for a suicide attempt after first genotyping them for
both A218C TPH and the functional S/L 5-HTTLPR polymorphism. Of the 76 patients they followed for 1 year, 20
reattempted suicide. The frequencies of the S or S/S allele
were higher in those who had reattempted suicide, with elevated odds ratios (in comparison with the homozygous
long [L/L] allele group) of 2.8 and 6.5, respectively. Impulsivity scores on the Baratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS) were significantly higher in patients carrying the S/S genotype
than in those carrying the S/L genotype (p = .026). No differences were found in the TPH gene. The authors concluded that the SS genotype is a risk factor for future suicide attempts among those who have made a previous
A related study by Caspi and colleagues (2003) prospectively followed a cohort to test whether genetic vulnerability, as manifested by the short allele of 5-HTTLPR, would
lead to depression or suicidality in individuals exposed to
serious life stressors. Their hypothesis was supported by
the finding that individuals with one or two copies of the
short allele displayed, after exposure to stressful life events,
more depressive symptoms, diagnosable depression, and

suicidal ideation or attempts compared with individuals

homozygous for the long allele. This study provides evidence of a geneenvironment interaction, insofar as an individuals response to stressful life events is moderated by
a particular aspect of his or her genetic makeup (in this
case, the short allele of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene). It is noteworthy that the study
found a relationship of genotype not only with depressive
symptoms, but also with suicidal ideation or attempts.
While few studies of candidate genes have looked at
possible gender differences, Baca-Garcia and colleagues
(2003) published pilot data suggesting that females with
the L/L allele are less likely to make suicide attempts than
those with the S/S or S/L alleles. This protection may be
lost, however, during life phases characterized by lower
estradiol, such as menses or menopause.
The brains serotonin system is highly complex. Although the findings of studies reviewed here point to genetic alterations in the serotonin system as having a relationship to suicidal behavior, the findings with respect to
manic-depressive illness and suicide remain inconclusive.

Low Cholesterol
A number of studies have suggested a possible relationship
between low cholesterol and impulsive aggression, including higher death rates from suicide. The link is hypothesized to occur through cholesterols effect on serotonin activity (Mann, 1998). The findings of these studies, however,
which include both large epidemiologic surveys and studies of suicidal individuals, have been mixed.9 In some
cases, an association was found only in violent suicide attempters (Alvarez et al., 2000). (See reviews by Boston
et al., 1996; Hillbrand and Spitz, 1997.)
In those studies looking specifically at bipolar patients,
the findings have again been mixed. Bocchetta and colleagues (2001) studied 783 consecutive patients admitted to
a lithium clinic. They found that the proportion of men
with a lifetime history of suicide attempts or a history of a
suicide by a first-degree relative was significantly higher in
the group with low cholesterol levels (in the lowest 25th
percentile) than in those with higher levels. Cassidy and
Carroll (2002a) found low fasting cholesterol in manic patients, particularly during mixed manic episodes, and hypothesized that this condition is secondary to immune activation. On the other hand, Tsai and colleagues (2002),
studying 43 bipolar patients who died by suicide in Taiwan
between 1985 and 1996, found no difference in cholesterol
levels compared with controls, who were bipolar patients
still living.
In summary, if there is a relationship between low cholesterol and suicide, it is likely to apply to violent suicide
attempts and completed suicides. However, lowering cho-


lesterol with statin medications does not appear to have increased suicide risk in the large samples studied (Manfredini et al., 2000; Muldoon et al., 2001), and it is unclear
whether the association between low cholesterol and suicide risk will hold true in bipolar patients.

HypothalamicPituitaryAdrenal Axis Hyperactivity

Hyperactivity of the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal (HPA)
axis has long been hypothesized as a biochemical marker
of suicide. The HPA axis is the preeminent modulator of
the relationship between acute stress exposure and physiological activation. In studies dating back to the 1960s, researchers observed that, within days before suicide, patients with major affective disorders had elevated levels of
urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroid and serum cortisol.10
Not all studies of suicide found these elevations, however
(Levy and Hansen, 1969).
In a related finding, individuals who died from suicide
had enlarged adrenal glands compared with controls who
died from accidents (Dorovini-Zis and Zis, 1987; Szigethy
et al., 1994). Findings of increased levels of corticotropinreleasing factor (CRF) in the CSF of suicide victims (Arato
et al., 1989; Brunner and Bronisch, 1999), as well as evidence of downregulation of CRF receptors in the frontal
cortex (Nemeroff et al., 1988), suggested increased CRF release prior to suicide. Hucks and colleagues (1997) found
no decrease in CRF receptors, even when they compared
those taking and not taking antidepressants before suicide.
More recently, Hiroi and colleagues (2001) found a shift in
the ratio of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1
(CRH-R1) to corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2
(CRH-R2) in the pituitary gland of suicide victims.
Another measure of HPA hyperactivity studied in relation to suicide is the dexamethasone suppression test
(DST), which shows a failure of exogenous dexamethasone
to suppress levels of cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands.
Most studies have found a relationship between DST nonsuppression and suicide completion, but the relationship
to suicide attempts is not as strong.
Studying 65 patients with major depression, Brown and
colleagues (1986) found no relationship between DST
nonsuppression and suicide attempts. In contrast, Coryell
(1990) observed that 76 depressed inpatients who were
nonsuppressors at inpatient admission were more likely
over a 5-year follow-up period to develop mania or hypomania and to make serious suicide attempts. Studying depressed inpatients, Norman and colleagues (1990)
matched 13 patients who had committed suicide with depressed inpatients who had made suicide attempts before
admission (n = 25) and those who had not made attempts
(n = 28). More than half of the patients committing suicide
were nonsuppressors, compared with lower proportions of


suicide attempters and nonattempters. Likewise, a metaanalysis found that DST nonsuppression was predictive of
completed suicide (Lester, 1992).
Findings of a more recent study strengthened the relationship between nonsuppression and completed suicide.
Coryell and Schlesser (2001) found that nearly half of 78
inpatients with affective disorders were DST nonsuppressors at admission. After being followed for 15 years, 26.8
percent of nonsuppressors eventually died by suicide,
compared with only 2.9 percent of DST suppressors.
Within this sample, a comparatively small number of bipolar patients had received a DST because most had been admitted in a manic state, which made cooperation in taking
the DST more difficult. Data from studies of abused children and patients with post-traumatic stress disorder also
suggest that these overwhelming stressors can persistently
alter the responses of the HPA axis (Heim and Nemeroff,
1999, 2002).

Norepinephrine Function
Several studies have identified alterations in norepinephrine transmission in relation to suicide. Ordway (1997)
and others (Arango et al., 1997; Gonzalez-Maeso et al.,
2002) found reductions in norepinephrine levels in the
locus caeruleus (LC) of suicide victims, as well as increased levels of tyrosine hydroxylase and supersensitivity of alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Ordway characterized the
changes he found in suicide victims as being similar to
those found in rats after LC activation. He hypothesized
that suicide victims experience chronic activation of
the LC, leading to depletion of norepinephrine and other
compensatory changes. Recently, Ono and colleagues
(2004) found evidence suggesting that a Val/Val polymorphism for the catecholamine-metabolizing enzyme,
catechol-O-methyltransferase, may be protective against

Psychological Traits and Temperament

A passive sense of hopelessness is a chronic risk factor for
suicide. This conclusion is supported by the findings of
a 20-year prospective study (Beck et al., 1999; Brown et al.,
2000); another large-scale prospective investigation, the
National Institute of Mental Healths (NIMH) Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical
Studies, which studied 954 patients with affective disorders, including more than 300 with bipolar illness (Fawcett
et al., 1990); and a meta-analysis of case-control, cohort,
and cross-sectional investigations of attempted suicides
(23 studies) or completed suicides (13 studies) in bipolar
patients (Hawton et al., 2005). While hopelessness has generally been conceptualized as a symptom specific to depression, the NIMH study found baseline hopelessness to


Clinical Studies

be trait-like (Young et al., 1996). The study also found that

baseline hopelessness predicted a suicide attempt. In the
20-year prospective study, researchers found that severity
of suicidal ideation at its worst point is predictive of suicide. The patients who scored in the high-severity category
on this measure were far more likely to ultimately kill
themselves than those in the lower-severity group (odds
ratio [OR] = 13.8) (Beck et al., 1999). We are unaware of
any studies concerning familial transmission of hopelessness. Hostility, which in an acute way is often associated
with mixed states, is also associated with increased rates of
attempted and completed suicide (so, too, relatedly, are
impulsivity and aggression) (Michaelis et al., 2004; Rutter
and Behrendt, 2004; Galfalvy et al., 2006).
Certain temperaments, such as novelty seeking and
harm avoidance, have been hypothesized to show familial
or genetic transmission. Such temperaments may also be
related to suicide risk. According to Cloninger and colleagues (1993, 2000), novelty seeking is related to impulsiveness, while harm avoidance tends to be related to anxiety and anhedonia. Studying 758 sibling pairs from 177
nuclear families of alcoholics, Cloninger and colleagues
(1998) demonstrated significant heritability for proneness
to anxiety and harm avoidance. Likewise, the capacity for
pleasure in an individual may be trait-like and connected
to temperament (Clark, 1991). A strong harm avoidance
trait could be related to both vulnerability to anhedonia
and comorbid anxiety disorders. Engstrom and colleagues
(2003) measured personality characteristics of bipolar patients with the Temperament and Character Inventory
(TCI) and found that patients with early-onset bipolar illness scored significantly higher on harm avoidance than
those with late onset. Suicide attempts also were significantly more common among patients with early onset.
Bondy and colleagues (2000), as noted earlier, observed
that the presence of one or two short alleles of the serotonin transporter gene was associated with anxiety-related
personality traits as well as affective disorder. Caspi and
colleagues (2003) found that individuals with one or two
copies of the short allele exhibited more diagnosable depression and suicidality in response to stressful life events.
Their study yielded evidence of a geneenvironment interaction, in which the individuals response to major life
stresses is mediated by his or her genetic makeup. As more
evidence becomes available, vulnerability to suicide may
be manifest in detectable familialgenetic traits associated
with other biological markers that are triggered by psychiatric illness and major life stresses.

Social Factors
The impact of social factors, such as losing an important
relationship or a job or facing legal or criminal proceed-

ings, can be devastating to anyone; this is particularly true,

however, for those with a major psychiatric illness such as
bipolar disorder. Although rarely sufficient by themselves
to cause suicide, social stressors can precipitate or determine the timing of the act. In this way, they act as risk
factors that increase the likelihood of suicide. They may
trigger suicide in individuals with certain biological vulnerabilities and psychological traits (e.g., Caspi et al., 2003,
discussed earlier), but most studies have not teased apart
their precise role in manic-depressive illness. Social stressors may also precipitate sleeplessness; this, in turn, has
been shown in bipolar patients to increase the risk of an
affective relapse.
Social factors not only can increase risk, but also may
buffer individuals from suicide. For example, supportive
families and friends and religious beliefs may, to a point,
deter suicide by acting as protective factors (IOM, 2002).
Religious beliefs and devotionas opposed to practice
and affiliationhave been shown to be protective for
African-American women (Neeleman et al., 1998; Greening and Stoppelbein, 2002; Kaslow et al., 2004), the ethnic
group with the lowest suicide rate in the United States
(Kaslow, 2000). The potentially protective role of religious
belief and practice has not been studied in relation to individuals with bipolar illness, however.
Social and cultural factors also shape an individuals
willingness to seek help, styles of coping with adversity,
and social support structures. On a societal level, social
and cultural factors influence laws, regulations, and health
policies that dictate the availability of resources for treatment and prevention (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000; IOM, 2002). Indeed, awareness of the
potency of cultural and social factors prompted the U.S.
Surgeon General, Dr. David Satcher, to mobilize clinicians,
public health professionals, communities, families, and the
media as part of a comprehensive strategy for suicide prevention (U.S. Public Health Service, 1999).


In this section, we review research findings on correlations
between suicide and various features of bipolar disorder:
mixed states, depression, rapid cycling, and severe anxiety
or agitation. We then examine suicide in bipolar disorder
in relation to comorbid personality disorders, substance
abuse, psychosis, and course of illness.

History of Suicide Attempts

There is an extensive literature documenting the strong correlation between a history of suicide attempts and subsequent completed suicide (see, for example, Nordstrom et al.,
1995a,b; Tsai et al., 2002; Joiner et al., 2005). Harris and


Barraclough, in their extensive meta-analysis, found that a

suicide attempt created a 37-fold risk for completed suicide;
several large prospective studies also demonstrated a substantial increased risk for suicide in those who had previously attempted it (Jawcett et all., 1990; Marangell et al.,
2006). In their meta-analysis of 13 studies of completed suicide and 23 studies of attempted suicide, Hawton and colleagues (2005) found that past suicide attempts were the factor most predictive of future suicidal behavior. In the
Finnish Jorvi Bipolar Study, 191 bipolar patients were followed for 18 months, during which time 20 percent attempted suicide (Valtonen et al., 2006). Baseline previous
suicide attempts were the most significant predictor (odds
ratio [OR] = 3.8; 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.78.8;
p = 0.001) of a subsequent attempt.
During a 2-year follow-up period, 12 of 64 bipolar patients studied at Columbia University made at least one
suicide attempt. All attempters had a history of past suicide
attempts; none of the previously nonattempters made an
attempt (Galfalvy et al., 2006).

Mixed States
Mixed states are a significant risk factor for suicide.
Among the first to study the relationship between agitated,
dysphoric states and suicide was Jameison (1936), who
concluded that mixed states were the most dangerous clinical phase of illness for suicide risk.11 In his investigation of
100 suicides (half with manic-depressive psychosis), he
noted that the combination of depressive symptoms, mental alertness, and tense, apprehensive, and restless behavior
was particularly lethal. Mixed states represent a potentially
deadly combination of depressive affect and cognition,
linked to dysphoric state, heightened energy level, and increased impulsiveness. Jameisons clinical account of
mixed states and their association with suicide remains
apt, as does his observation that those patients who were
both tense and restless were at the greatest risk for suicide:
Finally there are the patients with mixed manicdepressive states. The majority of these show the usual depression, numerous self-accusations, ideas of guilt and
punishment and a varying degree of hypochondriasis. At
the same time there is a mental alertness, associated with
tense, apprehensive and restless behavior. The retardation
of thought and action that paralyzes the acting out of the
wish for death in the average depressed patient is entirely
absent in these persons. They are, therefore, the most
dangerous types of patients with mental disease, so far as
suicide is concerned. The records of the fifteen patients
in the group emphasize this strikingly. Three of these
patients committed suicide twenty-four hours after leaving the hospital, two within forty-eight hours, another


within a week and still another within two weeks. The

patient who was longest outside the hospital lived two
months, and the average period for this group was fifteen
days! (Jameison, 1936, p. 4)

Winokur and colleagues (1969) found that suicidal

thoughts or attempts occurred in 13 percent of depressive
episodes following mania and in a strikingly high proportion of mixed states (43 percent), although the latter finding
applied only to women. Kotin and Goodwin (1972) also described the coexistence of suicidal behavior and mixed states,
as did Kraepelin (1921) in his original clinical monograph.
In a series of studies, Dilsaver and colleagues (1994, 1997;
Dilsaver and Chen, 2003) found that, compared with patients with pure mania, patients with depressive mania had
significantly higher rates of suicidality. Suicidality was defined as a severity level of 3 to 7 on the suicide subscale of
the SADS, which ranges from mild suicidality (frequent
ideation, but without a specific method or plan) to suicide
attempts. More recently, Dilsaver and colleagues (2005)
studied suicidality in adolescents and determined that mixed
states increased the probability of attempting suicide for girls
only, in whom the increased risk was four-fold. In a study of
100 bipolar-I manic patients, Goldberg and colleagues (1998,
1999) found a significant relationship between dysphoric
mania and suicidal ideation. They also noted that multiple
suicide attempts were associated with nonremission of
mixed mania. Sato and colleagues (2004), using the criteria
for dysphoric mania developed by McElroy and colleagues
(1992, 1995) and Strakowski and colleagues (1996), studied
576 patients hospitalized with acute mania. They found that
mixed mania was strongly associated with suicidality.

It has long been known that depression is strongly correlated with suicide and suicide attempts (Jameison and
Wall, 1933; Barraclough et al., 1974; Weeke, 1979). More recent findings strengthen the early clinical observations.
Isometsa and colleagues (1994) studied a sample of 31
bipolar patients who committed suicide in Finland within
a 12-month period, 74 percent of whom had been receiving psychiatric care at the time of their suicide. Among
these patients, 79 percent were depressed at the time of
death, 11 percent were in a mixed state, and 11 percent died
during or immediately after remission of psychotic mania.
Dilsaver and colleagues (1997) found bipolar depression
to have been associated with suicidality somewhat more
frequently than were mixed states, although both conditions were associated with greater suicidality than was
pure mania. Grunebaum and colleagues (2004) compared
suicide attempts among 347 patients with melancholic
versus nonmelancholic major depression. They found


Clinical Studies

that melancholic features during depression were correlated with more serious past attempts and the probability
of suicide at follow-up.
The severity of depression is a factor as well (Arato et
al., 1988; Henriksson et al., 1993; Isomets et al., 1994).
Swedish researchers psychiatrically assessed an entire rural
population and then kept track of its mental health for the
next 15 to 25 years (Hagnell et al., 1981). Virtually all of the
men who committed suicide during the follow-up period
had been diagnosed during their initial evaluations as having depressive illness. The suicide rate for men with no
psychiatric diagnosis at all was 8.3 per 100,000, but for
those with depression it escalated to 650. No one with mild
depression committed suicide, but the rate rose to 220 per
100,000 for those who had been diagnosed with moderate
depression and to 3,900 per 100,000 for those with severe
depressive illnesses.
Weeke (1979) found that at the time of death, 58 percent
of manic-depressive patients who committed suicide had
been in a constant or worsening depressive state. Fully 30
percent of the patients, however, had been classified as depressive state, recovering. Keith-Spiegel and Spiegel (1967)
compared the clinician-rated mood states of 61 psychiatric
patients immediately preceding their suicides with those of
51 matched control patients of comparable age and diagnoses who had not committed suicide or had no history of
a suicide attempt. Those who killed themselves had histories of more frequent and more severe depressions, as well
as more suicide attempts, threats, and suicidal ideation. Of
particular significance, however, was that just before
death, those who committed suicide had been assessed by
their clinician as being calmer and in better spirits than
members of the control group. An apparently unwarranted
mood shift had been observed in those who killed themselves.
These findings add weight to the clinical observation,
dating back hundreds of years, that improvement in depression is associated with an increased risk for suicide.12
Several factors may account for this counterintuitive observation. The improvement may reflect a sense of calm
once the decision has been made to die, a genuine calm before the storm brought about by biological changes, or a
transition from one phase of the illness to another (e.g.,
from depression to hypomania, mania, or a mixed state). It
also may reflect true clinical improvement, with a concomitant level of frustration when symptoms recur. In
some instances, an improved clinical state enables a previously indecisive and lethargic patient to become more able
to make an unambivalently lethal decision and to act on
that decision. Finally, improvement may in fact be a patients deliberate deception of physicians, hospital staff,
and family so a suicide plan can be carried out. Problems

in assessing clinical improvement were described decades

ago by Jameison (1936, p. 4):
It is only when the depression is lifting, often some weeks
before the morbid and self-accusatory ideas have disappeared, that the possibility of suicide is less remote. Unfortunately, at this time a tendency to project the inner
distress on the environment leads to complaints and
pleadings, so that relatives, noting the improvement, agree
with the patient that the hospital restrictions are prolonging the illness. The patient is then removed at a time when
he is potentially more suicidal than at any time before.

Rapid Cycling
Rapid cycling increases the risk of suicide and suicidal behavior. One of the first large studies to examine the relationship between suicide and rapid cycling was NIMHs
Collaborative Study on the Psychobiology of DepressionClinical Studies (Fawcett et al., 1987). Of the studys 954 patients, 569 had unipolar depression,13 185 had bipolar-I, 114
had bipolar-II, and the remaining 80 had schizoaffective
disorder. The incidence of suicide over the 4-year study period was 3 percent. The rate did not differ by diagnosis.
What did distinguish patients who died by suicide from
those who did not was mood cycling during the index
episode (p <.002). Mood cycling in this study meant that
the patient had been admitted in one mood state, such as
mania, and cycled into the other before recovery. While this
is not synonymous with the classic definition of rapid cycling (i.e., four or more affective episodes in 1 year), there is
overlap between the two groups. The authors of the study
concluded that mood cycling, which is a feature of bipolar
or schizoaffective disorder, is associated with suicide, particularly in men.
In a 5-year prospective study of 345 patients with
bipolar-I or -II disorder, 89 patients were identified, using
DSM-IV criteria, as having a pattern of rapid cycling for
1 year or more (Table 84; Coryell et al., 2003). The rapidcycling patients were significantly more likely than the rest
of the patients to have had onset of illness before age 17 and
were twice as likely to attempt, but not to complete, suicide.14 The differences between the groups were most pronounced for attempts rated as being of high lethality.
Brodersen and colleagues (2000) conducted a 16-year
follow-up study of 133 patients with major affective disorders (defined as having two to three affective episodes in
a 5-year period) treated with lithium. Most of the 11 suicides occurred among the atypical patients (those with
schizoaffective disorder, bipolar-II disorder, mixed episodes,
and/or rapid cycling). MacKinnon and colleagues (2005),
in a study of 1,574 family members with bipolar disorder,
also found that a history of rapid mood switching was



Table 84. Relationship between Rapid Cycling, Suicide, and Suicide Attempts
before Intake and during Follow-Up
Any Rapid Cycling
(n = 89)

No Rapid Cycling
(n = 256)

Any attempt

51 (57.3)a

85 (33.2)

Any attempt of high intent

31 (34.8)a

38 (14.8)

Any attempt of high lethality

36 (40.4)a

35 (13.7)

3 (3.4)

11 (4.3)

Any attempt

46 (51.7)a

70 (27.3)

Any attempt of high intent

27 (30.3)a

33 (12.9)

Any attempt of high lethality

30 (33.7)a

36 (14.1)

Before Intake, No. (%)

After Intake, No. (%)

Completed suicide

Significant differences by chi square, p <.001.
Source: Adapted from Coryell et al., 2003. Copyright American Medical Association. All rights

associated with increased suicidality. Two other studies

found trends for suicidal behavior and rapid cycling (Bauer
et al., 1994; Maj et al., 1994). On the other hand, using retrospective chart reviews of 100 rapid-cycling and 120 nonrapid-cycling outpatients, Wu and Dunner (1993) found no
association between suicide attempts and rapid cycling.
Still, most studies have found that rapid cycling increases
the risk of suicide and suicidal behaviors.

Anxiety and Agitation

Studies have shown high rates of comorbid anxiety disorder in bipolar patients, often reaching at least 40 percent
(McElroy et al., 2001; Simon et al., 2004). The high incidence of comorbid anxiety disorders in both bipolar-I and
bipolar-II patients calls for special attention to severe symptoms of anxiety in the assessment and management of suicide risk in bipolar patients (see Chapter 25).
Anxiety figured prominently in a major study of timerelated risk factors for suicide. In their prospective study of
955 bipolar and unipolar patients, Fawcett and colleagues
(1990) delineated a cluster of risk factors that were better
predictors of suicide over the short term (acute risk factors)
and others that were better over the long term (chronic
risk factors). They found that anxiety symptoms were predictive both acutely (within 1 year of study entry) and
chronically (after the first year of study entry). Among the
14 patients who committed suicide within 1 year of assess-

ment, suicide was related to symptoms of severe psychic

anxiety, panic attacks, anhedonia, and moderate alcohol
abuse; the abuse of alcohol with another drug was a significant risk factor, especially in males (see later discussion).
No difference was found between bipolar and unipolar
depressed patients with regard to severe psychic anxiety,
panic attacks, and suicide. Over the next 4 years, another 13
patients killed themselves. These later suicides were most
commonly associated with severe hopelessness, somatic
anxiety, suicidal ideation, and a history of one or more suicide attempts. These findings underscore the importance
of assessing patients in terms of acute versus long-term
suicide risk (see Chapter 25).
The identification of time-related factors helps address
the difficult problem of predicting a relatively infrequent
behavior in the midst of subtle and fluctuating mood states.
This point is illustrated by the predictive role of past suicide
attempts. While attempts carry a high chronic risk for
suicidewith an SMR of 37, according to Harris and Barraclough (1997)they do not confer a significant acute risk.
Numerous other studies underscore the role of comorbid anxiety/agitation in relation to suicide. Among a sample of 209 outpatients who had attempted suicide or been
identified as being at high risk for continued suicidal
behavior or eventual suicide, Rudd and colleagues (1993)
noted a statistically significant incidence of comorbid
panic disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder among


Clinical Studies

suicidal bipolar patients. Likewise, MacKinnon and colleagues (2005) found that comorbid panic disorder increased the risk of suicidality in individuals with bipolar
disorder. Among patients with major depression, Reich
(1998) found that suicide attempts were correlated with
higher levels of comorbid anxiety. Hall and colleagues (1999)
found that severe anxiety was present in 90 percent and
panic attacks in 80 percent of suicide attempters. Schnyder
and colleagues (1999) reported similar findings showing the
presence of severe anxiety in a study of 30 consecutive emergency room suicide attempters who were later admitted to a
psychiatric inpatient unit (diagnoses not specified in the
study). Likewise, Angst and colleagues (1998) found the
presence of anxiety to be a suicide risk factor in a 5-year
follow-up sample of 186 patients with unipolar and 220 patients with bipolar depression. And in an analysis of 76 inpatient suicides, Busch and colleagues (2003) found that 79
percent of patients had chart notes indicating severe anxiety/
agitation within 1 week of their suicide.
One study attempted to ascertain what features of bipolar illness, including panic disorder, are related to suicidality. Dilsaver and colleagues (1997) divided their sample of
125 bipolar patients into three groupsthose with bipolar
depression, those with depressive mania, and those with
pure mania. They examined the incidence of suicidality
(rated using the SADS), psychosis, and intra-episode panic
disorder (IEPD). IEPD was highly prevalent in the bipolar
depression (79 percent) and depressive mania groups (56
percent) but rare (2.3 percent) in the pure mania group.
Overall, the findings suggest a high degree of overlap
among suicidality, IEPD, and bipolar depression or depressive mania, as opposed to pure mania.
Taken together, these studies argue for the assessment of
severe anxiety or agitation and for aggressive anxiolytic
treatment in the management of suicide risk in affective
disorders (see Chapter 25).
Insomnia and excessive concern about sleep disturbances have been noted as correlates of increased potential
for suicide,15 as has pervasive hopelessness (see earlier discussion). The body of evidence has led to widespread acceptance that insomnia and hopelessness are risk factors
for suicide. Global insomnia is considered an acute risk
factor because it was found, in a prospective study, to be
associated with suicide within the first year of study entry
(Fawcett et al., 1990).

Comorbidity and Axis II Disorders

Suicide among individuals with comorbid psychiatric
conditions is so prevalent that it is the norm rather than
the exception. This point is best illustrated by a
population-based study from Finland, which found that a
small fractiononly 12 percentof all 229 suicide vic-

tims had only one Axis I diagnosis with no comorbidity

(Henriksson et al., 1993). Comorbid conditions and certain behavioral states dramatically increase the risk of suicide. Most of the studies reviewed here, however, did not
study bipolar disorder separately. This may be an important limitation on the conclusions that can be drawn
about the role of comorbid conditions in suicide among
bipolar patients.
In a psychological autopsy study of 117 suicides, Foster
and colleagues (1999) found that, in comparison with deceased community controls without a mental disorder, the
risks were extraordinarily high for two groups of patients:
those with comorbidity (an Axis I and Axis II disorder;
OR = 346.0) and those with a single Axis I disorder
(OR = 52.4). Kim and colleagues (2003), studying the records of 115 male suicides, found that the most common comorbidities in suicide completers were depressive disorders plus cluster B disorders16 and substance dependence
plus cluster B disorders (27.8 percent). In this study,
those who committed suicide, compared with controls,
were 22 times more likely to have three or more diagnoses
(OR = 22.38, p < .0000001). Heikkinen and colleagues (1997)
compared 56 suicides who had both Axis I disorders (most
commonly major depression) and comorbid personality
disorders with an equal number who had no comorbidity.
The patients with personality disorders, cluster B type, had
experienced multiple life events preceding their suicide
compared with the noncomorbid patients who had died
by suicide. It appears clear from these studies that comorbidity of Axis I and Axis II disorders strikingly increases
the risk of suicide.

Substance Abuse
Comorbid substance abuse is another risk factor for suicide in both bipolar and unipolar patients, particularly in
the young (Fawcett et al., 1987; Murphy, 1988). In their
large, prospective study, Fawcett and colleagues (1987)
found a significant increase in long-term risk with socalled double abuse (alcohol plus any other abused substance). They also found recent, moderate alcohol abuse to
be a short-term (acute) risk factor (see Chapter 25).
Like Fawcett and colleagues, others have noted an association between alcohol abuse and suicide. Barraclough
and colleagues (1974) found that as the number of suicide
attempts increased, so did the chances that the attempter
was alcohol dependent. In a study of 204 suicides, Rich and
colleagues (1988) noted substance abuse and affective disorders to be the most frequent diagnoses for men and
women. Morrison (1975) found that bipolar patients who
were also alcohol dependent had a higher rate of suicide in
their family histories than did nondependent bipolar patients. In a study of suicide among adolescents and young


adults, Runeson (1989) observed a 47 percent rate of comorbid substance abuse with any Axis I or II diagnoses.
Depressive disorders were diagnosed in 64 percent of those
who committed suicide (major depressive disorder = 41
Tondo and colleagues (1999) found an association between substance abuse disorders and suicide attempts in
hospitalized patients, with substance abuse raising the suicide risk more than two-fold regardless of the disorder. In
a study of 307 male veterans, Waller and colleagues (1999)
noted that comorbidity of alcohol abuse and bipolar-I or
unipolar depressive disorder was always associated with an
increased risk of suicidality.
Pini and colleagues (1999) found that among 125 bipolar
patients with psychotic features, the subgroup having substance abuse associated with other Axis I comorbidities
had an earlier age at onset of their bipolar disorder, more
frequent onset with a mixed state, and a higher risk of suicide. Oquendo and Mann (2001) observed that bipolar patients who attempted suicide had higher levels of aggression and comorbid substance abuse than nonattempters.
Vieta and colleagues (2000) noted that among 40 patients
with bipolar-II disorder, 21 percent had substance abuse
comorbidity, and this group had significantly higher rates
of suicidal ideation and attempts. Vieta and colleagues
(2001) studied 129 bipolar outpatients in remission, finding
comorbidity in 31 percent; these patients also had higher
rates of mixed states, depressive episodes, and suicide attempts. Cornelius and colleagues (1995) found that suicidality was disproportionately higher among patients with
comorbid depression and substance abuse than among
those with either disorder alone.
The connection between suicide and substance abuse
may be attributable to increased impulsivity or aggressiveness, impaired sleep, or destabilization of illness. As we
have seen, low levels of the serotonin metabolite 5-HIAA
are correlated with aggression and impulsivity, and it has
been shown that patients making the most violent and impulsive suicide attempts have low 5-HIAA levels (see also
Chapter 14). It is of interest that Rosenthal and colleagues
(1980) found significantly lower levels of 5-HIAA among
depressed patients with a family history of alcoholism
than among those without such a family history. Low 5HIAA levels also have been found in alcoholics after recovery (Ballenger et al., 1979; Linnoila and Virkkunen, 1992;
Virkkunen and Linnoila, 1993). Therefore, not only do
substance abusers have impaired judgment and decreased
inhibition from the drugs themselves, but they may also
bear a biological risk for suicide. Bipolar patients who are
impulsive or more temperamentally prone to agitated
states may be more inclined to use alcohol and other drugs
than those who are not. Swann and colleagues (2004)


compared scores on a measure of impulsiveness (the BIS)

in interepisode bipolar patients with and without substance abuse. Trait impulsivity was increased in interepisode bipolar disorder only in the case of current substance abuse.

The relationship between psychosis and suicide in mood
disorders is unclear. An early, often-cited retrospective
analysis of patients with unipolar depression hospitalized
at the New York State Psychiatric Institute between 1955
and 1980 found an unusually high rate of delusions among
those who committed suicide (Roose et al., 1983). Bipolar
patients were not considered separately in this study, but
the findings were suggestive of symptom patterns associated with a high risk of suicide. The authors noted that depressed inpatients who were delusional were five times
more likely than those who were nondelusional to commit
suicide, and that delusional males were particularly vulnerable. Two recent studies found that bipolar children
and adolescents with a history of psychotic features were
more likely to be suicidal than those who did not have
such a history (Papolos et al., 2005; Caetano et al., 2006).
The recent study from the Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation (Papolos et al., 2005) also found that bipolar children and adolescents who threatened to commit suicide
were far more likely to report having hallucinations than
those who did not threaten suicide.
On the other hand, several studies suggest no such relationship. A study of 1,593 affectively ill patients revealed no
increased risk of suicide among the 27.8 percent who had
been psychotic at the time of their index hospitalization
(Black et al., 1988). Likewise, Fawcett and colleagues (1987)
found that psychotic patients diagnosed with affective illness did not have higher prospective rates of suicide over a
10-year follow-up. Dilsaver and colleagues (1997) found no
association between the presence of psychosis and mild
suicidality; a subsequent study found no association between psychotic features and suicidality in adolescents
(Dilsaver et al., 2005). Similarly, Coryell and Tsuang (1982)
and Frangos and colleagues (1983) found no increased risk
of suicide in patients with delusional depression.

Course of Illness
There is consistent evidence of an increased risk of suicide
and suicide attempts early in or just after the first episode
of affective illness,17 as well as in bipolar disorder more
specifically. Among the first to study the time course of suicide attempts in bipolar patients were Johnson and Hunt
(1979). They found in their very small sample that 30 percent of suicide attempts (90 percent of which warranted
hospitalization) occurred at the onset of the illness or


Clinical Studies

Table 85. Suicide in Bipolar Patients with a Hospital

Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder (N = 15,386)
in Sweden, 19731995



All ages



<30 yra



Age at first admission and in the first year of follow-up.
Source: Reprinted with permission from Osby et al., 2001. Copyright, American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

during the first episode of depression. Half of the serious

suicide attempts occurred within 5 years of the onset of illness. In a related finding, Balazs and colleagues (2003),
studying 100 suicide attempters in Hungary, observed that
60 percent were experiencing their first depressive episode.
(Of this group, 35 percent had had mania or hypomania
symptoms in the past.) In the largest study, Osby and colleagues (2001) documented suicide rates among all hospitalized patients in Sweden from 1973 to 1995, including
more than 15,000 with bipolar disorder. The SMR was
found to be especially high in patients whose age at first
admission was less than 30 (81.6 for males and 71.7 for females) (Table 85).
Recent discharge from a hospital also carries a higher
risk (Geddes and Juszczak, 1995, 1997; Appleby et al., 1999).
A study was conducted of all suicides (N = 481) among discharged patients who had been receiving care in 128 Veterans Affairs hospitals in the United States from 1994 to 1998
(Desai et al., 2005). The patients had been diagnosed as

having depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or

post-traumatic stress disorder. The study found suicide
deaths to be concentrated in the first 6 months after discharge, with almost 50 percent occurring within 3 months
after discharge. Bipolar and unipolar rates were similarly
high. A comprehensive investigation of all suicides committed in Denmark from January 1, 1981, to December 31,
1997 (N = 21,169) found that there were two sharp peaks of
risk for suicide in relation to psychiatric hospitalization
(Qin and Nordentoft, 2005). The highest peak, which was
strikingly elevated in those patients with affective illness,
was in the week immediately following discharge from the
hospital. The second peak was in the week following admission to the hospital. Suicide was substantially more
likely in patients who had shorter hospitalizations.
Several studies have examined suicide risk in relation to
age at onset. Perlis and colleagues (2004) studied 983 subjects diagnosed with bipolar disorder on entry into the multicenter Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for
Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD). For patients whose age at onset could be determined, the authors found that earlier onset
of illness was associated with a greater likelihood of suicide
attempts (Table 86). Based on multiple regression, the risk
of making at least one suicide attempt was 2.85 times greater
for those diagnosed with very early onset (before age 13) relative to those diagnosed after age 18. Early onset (ages 13 to
18) was also associated with higher rates of comorbid anxiety disorders and substance abuse, themselves risk factors
for suicide (see earlier discussion). Grunebaum and colleagues (2006) found that suicide attempts in 96 patients
with bipolar illness correlated with an earlier age at onset.
Engstrom and colleagues (2003) studied patients with
bipolar-I and -II disorders and reported that in earlyonset patients, treatment response was significantly lower
(p = .005), and suicide attempts were more common

Table 86. Comorbid Conditions and Suicide Attempts in Bipolar Disorder by Age at Onset (percent)
Onset Age <13 yr
(n = 272)

Onset Age 1318 yr

(n = 370)

Onset Age >18 yr

(n = 341)

Wald X2
(2 df )

p Value

Suicide attemptsa






Any anxiety disorder






Alcohol abuse/dependence






Drug abuse and dependence






These were past suicide attempts reported at study entry.

p <.05 for pairwise comparison of prepubertal and adult-onset groups.
p <.05 for pairwise comparison of adolescent and adult-onset groups.
p <.05 for pairwise comparison of prepubertal and adolescent-onset groups.
Source: Adapted from Perlis et al., 2004, with permission from the Society of Biological Psychiatry.


(p = .001). Leverich and colleagues (2002, 2003) showed

that a history of childhood sexual or physical abuse was associated with earlier age at onset; increased Axis I, II, and
III comorbid disorders; more rapid cycling; and a higher
rate and greater severity of suicide attempts (see Chapter
6). Similarly, Goldberg and Ernst (2004) found that a history of poor adjustment in childhood and adolescence was
associated with both substance abuse and dependence and
increased suicide attempts in adult patients with bipolar
The course of affective illness may have different effects
on men and women. Johnson and Hunt (1979), in a very
small but intriguing study, found that more men than
women attempted suicide at the onset of manic-depressive
illness (42 versus 17 percent), but that this gender difference later disappeared. Attempts by women were distributed more evenly across time. Although all attempts by
women occurred within approximately 15 years after the
onset of illness, those by men were distributed more extremely and bimodally: 60 percent of men who attempted
suicide did so within 2 years after the onset of illness, and
the other 40 percent 23 years or more after onset.
These findings underscore the importance of early
recognition of bipolar disorder, accurate diagnosis, and
aggressive treatment. They also highlight the need for ongoing reappraisal of suicidal risk (see Chapter 25).

Suicide is still far too common in manic-depressive illness.
Patients diagnosed today face a lifetime suicide risk of at
least 5 percent. While this figure is lower than in previous
erasa result in part of better treatments and in part of
the inclusion of less severely ill patients in outcome
studiesseveral groups of patients continue to bear a disproportionately high risk burden, including those who are
hospitalized or recently discharged and those who are untreated, inadequately treated, or treatment resistant. Further, the suicide rate remains strikingly high early in the
course of illness.
The precise causes of suicide remain elusive, although
they most certainly entail an interaction between the underlying affective illness and additional biological and psychosocial risk factors. But research has not yet found any
particular combination of risk factors to be sensitive or
sufficient enough to predict a suicide. Salient risk factors
include rapid cycling, mixed states, and severe depressive
episodes. A significant advance has come with the identification of which of many risk factors operate in the short
term (e.g., agitation, severe hopelessness, global insomnia)
versus the long term (e.g., past suicide attempt, various
comorbidities). Risk factors and their identification,


moreover, while far from perfect predictors of suicide, can

serve as guideposts for clinicians confronting a complex
clinical picture of an illness that encompasses the extremes
of human emotions.

1. National statistics tend to underestimate suicide deaths because of the difficulty of establishing suicidal intent in singlecar accidents and other accidental deaths and because of
cultural, financial, and religious disincentives to label a death
as a suicide.
2. For example, Fawcett et al., 1987, 1990; Black et al., 1988;
Angst et al., 1999.
3. Wetterberg et al., 1978; Carlsson et al., 1979; Oddie et al., 1979;
Perez et al., 1980; Aschoff, 1981; Behall et al., 1984; Losonczy et
al., 1984; Gordon et al., 1987; Lacoste and Wirz-Justice, 1989;
Sarrias et al., 1989; Soutre et al., 1989; Modai et al., 1992;
Maes et al., 1995; Pine et al., 1995; Verkes et al., 1996; Zajicek et
al., 2000.
4. Mann et al., 1992; DHondt et al., 1994; Maes et al., 1995; Pine
et al., 1995.
5. Pokorny, 1983, 1991; Goldstein et al., 1991; IOM, 2002.
6. For example, Egeland and Sussex, 1985; Brent et al., 1996;
Johnson et al., 1998; Statham et al., 1998; Johnson and
Cameron, 2001; Fu et al., 2002.
7. Pfeffer et al., 1994; Brent et al., 1996, 2003; Johnson et al.,
8. Mann et al., 1999; Keilp et al., 2001; Oquendo and Mann,
2001; Oquendo et al., 2004.
9. Fawcett et al., 1997; Partonen et al., 1999; Tanskanen et al.,
2000; Ellison and Morrison, 2001; Golomb et al., 2002;
Lester, 2002; Lalovic et al., 2004.
10. Bunney and Fawcett, 1965; Fawcett and Bunney, 1967; Bunney
et al., 1969; Krieger, 1970.
11. Koukopoulos and Koukopoulos (1999) traced the history of
the conceptualization of mixed states back to Kraepelin, who
conceived them as a form of manic-depressive insanity; before that to the state of melancholia agitata described by
Richarz (1858); and still further back to Hippocrates, who described the anxiety seen in agitated melancholia in Diseases
II. This state, characterized by anxiety and agitation as primary symptoms, has gradually been separated from manicdepressive illness, appearing today as a subtype of major
depression-agitated type.
12. Rush, 1812; Kraepelin, 1921; Clouston, 1915; Henderson and
Gillespie, 1927; Jameison and Wall, 1933; Stengel, 1955; Copes
et al., 1971; Copas and Fryer, 1980; Barner-Rasmussen, 1986;
Schweizer et al., 1988.
13. Of the 569 with unipolar major depression, 210 were in first
episodes, and 359 were in recurrent episodes.
14. There were too few completed suicides to permit meaningful
15. Jameison and Wall, 1933; Slater and Roth, 1969; Barraclough
et al., 1974; Motto, 1975; Fawcett et al., 1987, 1990.
16. Cluster B disorders are antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder,
and narcissistic personality disorder.
17. Guze and Robins, 1970; Tsuang and Woolson, 1977, Weeke,
1979; Inskip et al., 1998.

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Part III


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I seem to be in perpetual fog and darkness. I cannot get my mind to work; instead of associations clicking into place everything is an inextricable jumble; instead of seeming to grasp
a whole, it seems to remain tied to the actual consciousness of the moment. . . . I could not feel
more ignorant, undecided or inefficient. It is appallingly difficult to concentrate.
John Custance (1952, p. 62)

Objectifying Clinical Constructs

In this chapter, we examine what can be learned from

studies of the neuropsychology of manic-depressive illness. Two streams of neuropsychological investigation can
be distinguished. One uses a battery of objective measures, focusing largely on the sensorimotor and cognitive
functions, to characterize profiles of strength and weakness in the various phases of bipolar or recurrent unipolar
illness. The other generates hypotheses about how affective states, normal and abnormal, are represented in the
brain and what factors mediate their expression. We consider the contributions of this second stream of investigation after reviewing what has been learned from the first,
the evaluation of sensorimotor and cognitive function in
manic-depressive illness, with an emphasis on the bipolar
form. In the final section, we assess the overall contribution of neuropsychology to the conceptualization of
mood disorders.

First, neuropsychological investigation can identify the constituent processes impaired in some of the classic symptoms
of the disorder. For example, psychomotor disturbance is
common in major depression and bipolar disorder, and depressed bipolar patients may be especially likely to manifest
psychomotor retardation (Sobin and Sackeim, 1997). In
turn, this motor disturbance is viewed by some as having
special prognostic significance with respect to treatment
outcome (Hickie et al., 1990a, 1996; Parker and HadziPavlovic, 1993). However, the term psychomotor retardation is itself an amalgam, and the slowness of movement
seen in depressed patients may reflect slowing in any of a variety of cognitive or motor processes. Indeed, some success
has been achieved in using objective measures to dissect the
constituent processes of such retardation and to identify
those disturbed in affective disorders (Sobin and Sackeim,
1997). Thus in principle, neuropsychological evaluation can
determine just what is slowed in psychomotor retardation
and quantify the extent of abnormality.
Similarly, disturbances in attention are rife in mood disorders, yet they can pertain to distinct cognitive processes
such as vigilance or sustained attention, freedom from distraction, divided attention, and capacity to shift set.1 Neuropsychological investigation can clarify the nature of what
is typically referred to as impaired concentration.

The contributions of traditional neuropsychological
testing to our understanding of manic-depressive illness
pertain to four issues. Such investigation can (1) provide
an empirical basis for and clarification of clinical phenomenological concepts; (2) determine which abnormalities are state dependent and which are state independent;
(3) characterize the neuropsychological functions that appear to be most persistently impaired, providing a clue to
pathophysiology; and (4) determine the burden of the illness and its treatments with respect to cognitive functioning in terms of both cross-sectional and longitudinal outcomes.

Identifying State-Related and

State-Independent Abnormalities
The above contribution involves clarifying and quantifying
deficits described more generally by clinical characterization
of key features of the disorder. However, neuropsychological



Psychological Studies

evaluation also yields information on strengths and weaknesses that go beyond clinical phenomenology. For the past
40 years, there has been an unresolved debate about whether
the bipolar subgroup of manic-depressive illness is overrepresented in individuals with higher levels of intelligence
and/or creativity (Richards et al., 1983; Andreasen, 1987;
Jamison, 1993) (see Chapter 12). This issue can be addressed
by determining whether premorbid intelligence in individuals with bipolar disorder exceeds population norms, and
whether such individuals exceed normative values on indicators of creativity, such as those assessed by measures of
cognitive flexibility and idiosyncratic thought. In turn, findings in this area may be helpful in considering sociobiological questions, such as why the genes for bipolar disorder
have been preserved.
More generally, through comparison of individuals in remission and in the depressed or manic state of bipolar disorder, neuropsychological investigation can provide new information on the sensorimotor and cognitive abnormalities
that fluctuate with affective state or are invariant across the
disorder. As noted above, the state of depression or mania
can introduce serious confounds in neuropsychological
evaluation. Therefore, a number of recent investigations
have placed special emphasis on detailing the deficits characteristic of bipolar patients in remission,2 of children at risk
for the disorder (Decina et al., 1983; Dickstein et al., 2004;
Meyer et al., 2004), and of other first-degree relatives
(Sobczak et al., 2002; Ferrier et al., 2004; Zalla et al., 2004),
including discordant monozygotic twins (Gourovitch et al.,
1999). Indeed, the identification of abnormalities that persist
across the phases of the illness or that precede its first expression as a mood disorder may provide markers of disease
vulnerability and suggest neurobiological abnormalities responsible for disease expression.

Establishing Differential Deficits of Relevance

to Pathoetiology
Perhaps the most common goal of neuropsychological evaluation is to identify the sensorimotor or cognitive processes that are most disturbed in patients with bipolar disorder, in contrast to either normative values or individuals
with other neuropsychiatric disorders. The peaks and especially the nadirs of neuropsychological profiles are taken
as evidence that certain neuropsychological processes are
particularly disturbed, and therefore of particular relevance
when considering pathoetiology.
The methods needed to establish such differential
deficits were reviewed by Chapman and Chapman (1973)
in the context of determining what aspect of information
processing is most relevant in accounting for thought disorder in schizophrenia. Although there is intuitive appeal to a
focus on abnormalities of greatest magnitude, what appears

to be most broken is not necessarily that which is in greatest

need of repair. For example, intermittent dysfunction of the
electrical system in a car may short out the radio, but the
broken radio is not the fundamental problem. Other conceptual reservations concern the fact that cognitive processes are interdependent. Attention has a widespread impact on neuropsychological function. When one cannot
attend adequately to information, encoding, learning, and
memory are all impaired and, depending on other factors,
perhaps more so than the attentional measures themselves.
At a methodological level, the validity of comparisons across
tests depends on the equivalence of the tests with regard to
psychometric properties, particularly internal reliability (the
extent to which one dimension is assessed) and difficulty
level (overall performance level in the sample). These properties are partly intrinsic to a test and partly a function of
the sample being assessed. Thus while it is common to view
findings of differential deficit as indicating that one process
is more impaired than another, such findings are commonly
a psychometric artifact due to the fact that tests with greater
power to discriminate among individuals detect larger differences. Thus, it can be argued that the prevalence of particular neuropsychological deficits, their persistence, and/or
the extent to which particular deficits account for symptom
severity may be as or more important than a gauge of the
absolute level of deficit.

Documenting Neuropsychological Burden

Finally, neuropsychological evaluations have practical value
in documenting the burden of the illness. Here as well, multiple approaches can be taken. Current theorizing suggests
that states of depression and mania, especially when untreated, result in a destructive, atrophic process in the hippocampus due to excessive release of glucocorticoids (Brown
et al., 1999; Lupien et al., 1999; MacQueen et al., 2003) (see
Chapter 14). In turn, this progressive structural abnormality
should be expressed in progressive deficits in declarative,
episodic memory, the neuropsychological functions that are
especially tied to hippocampal integrity. Indeed, it has been
reported that, independently of age, hippocampal volume in
euthymic unipolar women covaries with duration of lifetime
exposure to the depressed state, as well as with verbal memory performance (Sheline et al., 1996, 1999).
Episode frequency is higher in bipolar than in most
unipolar samples, and bipolar patients tend to express the
most virulent forms of affective disturbance (e.g., psychotic
depression). Thus it is possible that the neuropsychological
consequences of manic-depressive illness are especially severe in bipolar relative to recurrent unipolar patients. In a
recent study, performance on five tests of learning and
memory was compared in young and elderly depressed
unipolar and bipolar inpatients (Burt et al., 2000). Unipolar


and bipolar patients within each age group had equivalent

scores on the verbal and performance intelligence indices of
the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R)
(Wechsler, 1981) and on the modified Mini-Mental State
(mMMS) exam (Stern et al., 1987). All patients were tested
during a major depressive episode, and symptom severity
was found to be similar across the groups. The elderly bipolar patients were distinguished by a higher number of prior
affective episodes and psychiatric hospitalizations compared with the other three groups. There was a tendency for
the young bipolar group to outperform the young unipolar
group on several memory measures. As illustrated by the
findings obtained with the Complex Figure Test (Fig. 91),
elderly bipolar patients decidedly showed the most marked
deficits on four of the five tests.
While limited by a cross-sectional design, these findings
suggest that deterioration in memory function may be a
more prominent characteristic of bipolar than unipolar
illness, broadly defined. It would be interesting to know
whether there would be unipolarbipolar differences in
memory measures if the two groups were matched on total number of episodes. Given the neuroprotective effects
posited for lithium (Manji et al., 2000a,b; Moore et al.,
2000) and possibly other mood stabilizers (see Chapter
18), it becomes especially important to determine the impact of treatment on these putative longitudinal effects.

Neuropsychological burden not only results from disease expression and progression, but may also be an inadvertent outcome of treatment (as may neuroprotection).
An especially frequent complaint of patients treated with
lithium is that, in concert with a dampening of the peaks
and valleys of mood fluctuation, creative processes are inhibited. Some individuals report that they are not as original or forward thinking when treated with lithium, or are
less quick to see connections and less spontaneous (see
Chapter 12). These claims have been tested in neuropsychological investigations, whose results have revealed adverse cognitive effects of lithium that are dose dependent
and appear to reverse shortly after discontinuation of the
drug (Shaw et al., 1986, 1987).

In the following sections, we present a critical evaluation of
what has been learned from neuropsychological evaluations
of samples of manic-depressive patients. Much of the literature on neuropsychological function in mood disorders, especially in the depressed phase, has failed to distinguish between bipolar and unipolar subgroups. Necessarily, some of
the discussion of neuropsychological deficits in depression

Figure 91. Findings obtained with Complex Figure Test. Unmedicated unipolar (UP) and bipolar
(BP) patients in an episode of major depression were divided into young and elderly groups. Across
multiple measures of memory, the elderly BP patients were greatly impaired, while the young BP patients tended to have the best performance. Shown are scores for copying a complex figure and also
for later reproduction of the figure from memory. The delayed reproduction scores show the special
deficit in the bipolar elderly. (Source: Burt et al., 2000. Reprinted with permission from Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.)

Score on Complex Figure Test Component

Delayed Reproduction


UP: Young

BP: Young


UP: Elderly

BP: Elderly


Psychological Studies

may not be specific to bipolar disorder, but to the extent that

recurrent unipolar patients are included, these studies address the broader concept of manic-depressive illness. However, the major focus here is on those neuropsychological
abnormalities that are consistent across manic, depressed,
and euthymic phases of the bipolar form of the illness.
For the purposes of this chapter, we conducted a new
meta-analysis of studies comparing neuropsychological
functions in bipolar and healthy comparison samples. We
identified 74 studies published since 1975 that entailed neuropsychological evaluations in a bipolar sample as compared with a healthy control or a psychiatric comparison
sample (e.g., schizophrenia), and that met high methodological standards. For a study to be included, patients in
the bipolar sample had to be described as predominantly
in a depressed or manic state or in remission, and sufficient quantitative values had to be reported so that effect
size could be computed. In addition, studies were labeled
mixed if the bipolar sample included patients with a mix
of manic, depressed, or euthymic states; did not specify the
affective state; or provided no clear classification of state.
Nonetheless, few of the studies classified as mixed actually focused on patients in a mixed state, and it is fair to
assume that the bulk of patients in these studies were in a
depressed state. The 74 studies thus identified yielded
1,216 statistical comparisons of a bipolar sample with
another group on neuropsychological outcome measures.
These comparisons pertained to multiple neuropsychological domains, sometimes with multiple tests sampling the
same domain, and often with multiple outcome measures
within a test.
The comparisons reported here concern only the performance of bipolar patients relative to normal control participants, and statistical comparisons were used in the metaanalysis only if they pertained to a major cognitive domain,
such as attention. This filter reduced the number of studies
examined to 52, and the number of neuropsychological comparisons to 614.3 For each test, all outcome measures were
examined so that the effect size assigned a test was the average of these measures. In our meta-analysis, effect sizes for
different tests representing the same domain within any
study (e.g., attention) were also averaged.4

Global Intellectual Functioning

Several key questions have been posed about general intellectual functioning in manic-depressive illness, a literature
that focuses primarily on the bipolar subgroup. Most of the
research in this area has centered on whether intelligence or
global neuropsychological status is invariant across symptomatic states and remission, or the state of depression or
mania is associated with deficits or enhancements. There
has also been considerable interest in whether premorbid

levels of intelligence, or surrogate measures such as occupational achievement, differ from population norms.
Figure 92 presents a meta-analysis of recent studies
contrasting the full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) scores
of bipolar patients and healthy volunteers obtained with
the WAIS-R. Despite the relatively small number of studies, significant deficits were observed in the remitted, manic,
and mixed samples relative to controls. (Only one study
[Deptula et al., 1991] was classified as exclusively examining bipolar depressed patients.) Thus, preliminary evidence
indicates that intelligence, as assessed by a well-validated
measure, is reduced in bipolar illness in both the remitted
and manic states. This conclusion is supported by a variety
of early studies that found evidence for general intellectual
impairment in symptomatic bipolar patients.
The above findings do not imply that variations in state
have no impact on intelligence scores. Cross-sectional comparison with control samples can establish whether each
state manifests abnormality, but can give only a rough indication of the magnitude of changes that may occur within
the same individuals in different states. Indeed, there is evidence that some patients have higher intellectual functioning
when hypomanic than when depressed (Donnelly et al.,
1982). Furthermore, a variety of longitudinal studies have
found the remitted state to be associated with higher IQ than
the depressed state.5 While such findings have been interpreted as indicating a state-dependent deterioration in IQ
(Miller, 1975), much of this work was subject to the same
confound: repeat IQ testing generally results in a modest increase in scores attributable to practice effects (Matarazzo et
al., 1980). Most studies tested patients in a depressed or
manic state, with later retesting during euthymia. Such an
invariant order would bias results toward higher scores in the
euthymic or remitted state relative to depression or mania.
The firmest conclusion that can be drawn from this literature is that samples of bipolar patients, whether remitted or
not, show modest global cognitive impairment as reflected
by diminished IQ scores. This conclusion is strengthened
by findings obtained using broad-based clinical neuropsychological batteries, such as the Halstead-Reitan or LuriaNebraska. Summary impairment scores on these batteries
correlate highly with IQ scores. Several studies have found
gross impairment, on a level comparable to that in schizophrenia, in manic samples, and moderate-to-severe impairment in unipolar and/or bipolar depressed samples.6
Interpretation of a global intellectual deficit in bipolar
disorder is highly contingent on beliefs about the level of
premorbid functioning. For example, an IQ deficit in the remitted state may reflect an impairment that preceded the expression of bipolar disorder, or may represent a form of deterioration resulting from the disorder or its treatments. On
the other hand, it has been suggested that bipolar patients



All Studies
All Mania
Souza et al. (1995)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
All Mixed
Dalby and Williams (1986)
All Depression
Deptula et al. (1991)
All Remitted
Zubieta et al. (2001)
Zalla et al. (2004)
van Gorp et al. (1999)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Morice (1990)
Ali et al. (2000)






Full-Scale IQ: Effect Size

Figure 92. Meta-analysis of full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) scores obtained with the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R). Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study
comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in
remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval;
circles = mean.

may be premorbidly advantaged; that is, their level of intelligence prior to disease expression tends to be above average.
Were this the case, it would indicate that the deficits observed in comparisons with healthy volunteers underestimate the deterioration from premorbid values.
Unfortunately, while often discussed, this issue has received limited research attention. Mason (1956) contrasted
the prerecruitment IQs of Army veterans hospitalized for
schizophrenia and what was termed manic-depressive illness, which no doubt included some patients with recurrent
unipolar depression. The schizophrenia sample had premorbid IQs below control values, whereas the IQs of mood disorder patients were significantly better than those of healthy
subjects. Woodruff and colleagues (1968, 1971) found that
bipolar patients and their brothers had higher levels of occupational and educational achievement than unipolar patients
and their brothers, with the latter group not differing from
healthy volunteers. Other work has similarly indicated that
the families of individuals with bipolar disorder have an advantage relative to population norms for educational and occupational achievement (Petterson, 1977; Waters et al., 1981),
as well as creativity (see Chapter 12). Indeed, limited research
with children of bipolar probands before the first manifestation of frank mood disorder supports the possibility of an IQ
elevation in the premorbid state (Decina et al., 1983).

This possibility of an elevation in premorbid intellectual abilities relative to population norms is reinforced by
the literature on the relationship between social class and
bipolar disorder. A number of studies, starting at the beginning of the twentieth century, have generally found that
bipolar disorder is overrepresented in individuals with
middle and high income levels and among business and
other professionals. It is possible that these associations reflect an ascertainment bias. Individuals of a higher socioeconomic level may be especially likely to be diagnosed
with a mood disorder instead of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, with the reverse pertaining to those of
lower socioeconomic levels. However, the fact that these associations are also observed among the family members of
bipolar probands undercuts this hypothesis (Woodruff
et al., 1971; Monelly et al., 1974; Eisemann, 1986; Coryell
et al., 1989).
Thus there is reason to suspect that as a group, individuals with bipolar disorder are endowed with general intellectual abilities superior to the distribution in the general
population and may be more likely to have backgrounds of
middle and upper socioeconomic levels. Yet it also appears
that bipolar disorder is characterized by poorer general intelligence across all phases of illness. If both of these views
are correct, it would suggest that the disorder is associated


Psychological Studies

with significant deterioration in general intellectual abilities or that there are compensatory cognitive advantages in
a subgroup of individuals with bipolar illness (see Chapter
12). Studies contrasting patient samples with healthy volunteers likely underestimate the extent of deterioration because they do not account for the premorbid baseline.
Contexts in which a group differs in premorbid intellectual abilities present significant problems in interpreting
comparisons with patients with other disorders or healthy
volunteers. Neuropsychological tests differ in their sensitivity
to the generalized effects of brain insult. For example, vocabulary and comprehension subtests of the WAIS-R are traditionally viewed as hold scales because of their relative immutability in providing an indication of premorbid ability in
the face of brain damage. However, samples of patients with
bipolar disorder have usually been matched to comparison
groups on the basis of current demographic and neuropsychological features (e.g., age, sex, current IQ). This design
may entail, therefore, that the two groups are mismatched
with respect to premorbid levels. Thus patterns of apparently
specific deficits seen in remitted or symptomatic states may
be reflecting only the varying sensitivity of tests to a generalized destructive process.

Verbal and Performance IQ

The full-scale IQ score of the WAIS-R encompasses two
composite scores: one for verbal IQ (VIQ) and one for performance (nonverbal) IQ (PIQ). It is well established that
patients with mood disorders have a pattern of higher VIQ
than PIQ. For example, a review by Kluger and Goldberg
(1990) compared the VIQPIQ discrepancy in patients with
bipolar disorder, right-hemisphere damage, left-hemisphere
damage, and bilateral damage and healthy volunteers. Lower
PIQ than VIQ was found in 19 of 22 studies of mood disorder patients (14 studies of bipolar and unipolar depressed
patients, 4 of manic patients, and 4 of mixed groups), in 20
of 20 studies of patients with right-hemisphere lesions, and
in 28 of 30 studies of patients with bilateral injuries. In contrast, PIQ exceeded VIQ in 15 of 20 studies of patients with
left-hemisphere lesions. (See also our review of 25 studies in
the first edition of this text.)
These effects were examined in the studies of bipolar
samples included in our meta-analysis. Figure 93a presents the findings for VIQ and Figure 93b those for PIQ.
Across studies and within studies grouped by state examined (mania, depression, mixed, remission), bipolar patients
and normal controls evidenced no difference in VIQ. In
contrast, across all studies (z = 3.36, p < .001) and within
studies grouped by state, bipolar samples showed a marked
deficit in PIQ; the effect size (Hedges G) across studies for
PIQ was 0.71 (standard error [SE] = 0.21), near the threshold for a strong effect. Specifically, the three studies of

bipolar patients in remission produced an effect size of

0.56 (SE = 0.25).
The nature of the VIQPIQ discrepancy was closely examined in a study by Sackeim and colleagues (1992). They
administered the full WAIS-R to 100 inpatients who were
experiencing an episode of major depressive disorder and
had been referred for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT),
along with 50 matched healthy volunteers. In addition to
age, gender, and race, the groups in this study were matched
on indicators of premorbid function, specifically education and highest lifetime occupational level (sustained for
2 years). Based on an algorithm developed by Barona and
colleagues (1984), estimates of premorbid full-scale IQ,
VIQ, and PIQ were computed for all participants. A subset
of patients was readministered the WAIS-R within 1 week
(n = 26) or 8 weeks after termination of ECT (n = 33). Of
the 100 patients, 25 were diagnosed with bipolar disorder,
and 75 were unipolar. According to the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) (Spitzer et al., 1978), 36 percent of the
patient sample were psychotically depressed, 46 percent
were of the retarded subtype, and all were of the endogenous subtype. Using a cap of 10, the bipolar patients averaged 5.3 (standard deviation [SD] = 3.2) prior affective
episodes and 3.1 (SD = 2.7) prior hospitalizations. In contrast, the unipolar patients averaged 3.3 (SD = 3.4) prior
affective episodes and 1.8 (SD = 2.6) prior psychiatric hospitalizations. Of the unipolar patients, 79 percent had recurrent illness.
Figure 94 presents the estimated premorbid IQ scores
and IQ scores obtained with the WAIS-R for the total patient and healthy volunteer samples. The two groups did
not differ in any of the three premorbid estimates. There
was no consistent difference between estimated premorbid
VIQ and PIQ in either group. In contrast, analyses of obtained IQ scores indicated that the patient group had significantly lower full-scale IQ. This result was attributable
to low PIQ scores: the two groups did not differ in VIQ,
but showed a marked difference in PIQ.7 While the VIQ
scores of the healthy comparison group averaged 4.7 points
higher than their PIQ scores, the comparable figure in the
patient sample was 12.7 points. The obtained VIQ among
patients was less than 4 points lower than the premorbid estimate, while the obtained PIQ was more than 15 points
lower than the premorbid estimate.
These effects pertained to patients with both unipolar
and bipolar depression. Figure 95 plots the cumulative
distribution of VIQPIQ discrepancy scores for the healthy
control and bipolar and unipolar subgroups. Throughout
the range of discrepancy scores, the two patient groups
were generally shifted to the right of healthy controls by
approximately 10 points. The only indication of a difference between unipolar and bipolar patients was a higher



All Studies
All Mania
Robertson and Taylor (1985)
All Mixed
Dalby and Williams (1986)
All Depression
Deptula et al. (1991)
All Remitted
Park (1997)
Morice (1990)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Ali et al. (2000)










(A) Verbal IQ: Effect Size

All Studies

All Mixed
Dalby and Williams (1986)

All Depression
Deptula et al. (1991)

All Remitted
Morice (1990)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Ali et al. (2000)






(B) Performance IQ: Effect Size

Figure 93. Meta-analysis of (a) verbal and (b) performance intelligence quotients (IQ). Effect sizes
(Hedges G) are presented for individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls,
as well as for samples of bipolar patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all
studies. Squares = confidence interval; circles = mean.

frequency of marked discrepancies favoring VIQ in the

bipolar group. However, the mean discrepancy in bipolar
patients (14.52 14.22) was not different from that in unipolar patients (12.04 10.78).
Starting with Wechsler (1944), a common explanation for
this discrepancy in mood disorder patients has concerned

the effects of psychomotor retardation on task performance.

Four of the PIQ subtests (picture arrangement, picture
completion, object assembly, and block design) are timed
tests, while this is true of only one VIQ subtest (arithmetic). Therefore, slowed processing or motor execution
could conceivably lead to diminished performance. This


Psychological Studies

issue was addressed in four ways. One approach involved

testing the first 34 patients in the sample under conditions
in which both timed and untimed performances were scored.
In other words, the subtests were administered and scored
in the usual manner, except that patients were allowed to
complete each subtest after the standard time limit had expired. Scoring without time constraints had little impact
on discrepancy scores, either before or after the course of
ECT. The baseline discrepancy in the untimed condition
averaged 11.35 (SD = 11.06). Patients who met the RDC for
retarded subtype (n = 46) did not differ from the other patients (n = 54) on this discrepancy score (retarded,
12.78 12.03; nonretarded, 12.56 11.54).
Another approach taken to this issue was to examine
more broadly the relationships of symptom severity and
other clinical features to the VIQPIQ discrepancy. A regression analysis was conducted on baseline discrepancy
scores, with age, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
(HAM-D) score (depression severity), duration of current
depressive episode (chronicity), duration since onset of
first affective episode, and number of previous affective
episodes (recurrence) as predictors. Only baseline HAMD scores showed a relationship. Greater symptom severity
at baseline was associated with a smaller VIQPIQ discrepancy and lower VIQ scores. There were no other effects. Thus factors that varied with depression severity did

not appear to be responsible for the VIQPIQ difference,

and marked severity tended to diminish the discrepancy.
There was no evidence of an association with chronicity or
frequency of recurrence.
Compatible with these findings were those of analyses
conducted after readministration of the WAIS-R 1 and 8
weeks after completion of ECT. The 1-week group (n = 26)
showed a slight decrease in the discrepancy at retesting, with
average scores decreasing from 12.12 11.16 to 9.64 13.22.
Virtually no change was seen at the 8-week follow-up
(n = 33), with the average discrepancy decreasing from
13.48 13.01 to 12.24 12.86. Restricting the follow-up sample to patients in remission had no impact.
These findings suggest that the VIQPIQ discrepancy
was manifested independently of affective state and characterized patients in remission. Indeed, it is possible that
the discrepancy is expressed before the first episode of
mood disturbance. This possibility is supported by the results of studies of children of bipolar probands aged 7 to 14
(Decina et al., 1983; Sackeim and Decina, 1983). None of the
children had yet expressed bipolar disorder, and relatively
few had other diagnosable mood disorders, although behavioral disturbance was common. Nonetheless, a marked
VIQPIQ discrepancy was observed on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) in the high-risk
sample relative to healthy comparison volunteers. Similar

Depressed Patients

Healthy Volunteers

IQ Score










Figure 94. Premorbid intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates and IQ scores obtained with the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) in unmedicated patients with major depression and healthy controls. Premorbid estimates were identical in the patient (n = 100) and
control (n = 50) groups. The patient group showed a marked discrepancy between verbal and
performance IQ (VIQ > PIQ). FSIQ = full-scale IQ; PIQ = performance IQ; VIQ = verbal IQ.
(Source: Sackeim et al., 1992. Reproduced with permission of Psychology Press.)




Cumulative Percentage of Sample

Healthy Control











VIQ-PIQ Discrepancy

Figure 95. Cumulative distribution of verbal and performance IQ discrepancy scores for
healthy controls and bipolar and unipolar depressed patients. Both patient groups are shifted to
the right of healthy controls and have an average discrepancy favoring a verbal IQ approximately
10 points higher across the distribution in controls. (Source: Sackeim et al., 1992. Reproduced
with permission of Psychology Press.)

results had been reported in an earlier, uncontrolled study of

children at high risk (Kestenbaum, 1979).
Thus the notion that bipolar disorder is associated with
a global intellectual impairment that is state independent
should be revised. The reductions in full-scale IQ seen in
mood disorders appear to be largely attributable to a decrement in PIQ, with preservation of VIQ. This differential
deficit is relatively constant across states of euthymia, depression, and mania and may precede syndromal expression.
In interpreting this effect, it is important to consider
whether the discrepancy arises from one or two subtests
on the WAIS-R or WISC-R or reflects a more uniform
difference in verbal and nonverbal task performance. In
the study by Sackeim and colleagues (1992), a descriptive
(canonical) discriminant analysis was conducted with diagnostic group (patient versus healthy volunteer) as the
classification variable and scaled scores on the 11 subtests
as the dependent measure. This analysis produced a single
significant discriminant function, providing a description
of the profile of subtests that distinguishes maximally

between the groups. Structure coefficients were determined for this linear function. These coefficients are more
stable than the original weighting of subtests in the discriminant function (Huberty, 1984), and reflect the association between scores on a subtest and total scores on the
composite discriminant function. The median structure
coefficient for the five PIQ subtests was 0.53, with a range
of 0.43 to 0.70. In contrast, the median structure coefficient for the six VIQ subtests was 0.13, with a range of 0.03
to 0.38. All five PIQ subtests made strong contributions to
the differentiation between patients and controls. The
comprehension (0.29) and digit span (0.38) VIQ subtests
also contributed, but more weakly. Therefore, the results of
this analysis suggest that the PIQ deficit in mood disorders
is not specific to a particular PIQ subtest, but is expressed
uniformly across all five PIQ subtests.
Thus the relative deficit in PIQ is uniform across the
various subtests assessing this form of intelligence. The
magnitude of this discrepancy appears to be independent
of the phase of affective disorder, and may be a marker of
a bipolar diathesis. Early work on children at risk indicated


Psychological Studies

that children with behavioral disturbances suggestive of

early signs of bipolar disorder, such as grandiosity, conduct disorder, or separation anxiety, are especially likely to
manifest the discrepancy (Decina et al., 1983; Sackeim et al.,
1983a). While many researchers attributed this phenomenon
to a differential impact of psychomotor slowing on PIQ, this
hypothesis can now be rejected given the discrepancys persistence in remission, manifestation in at-risk samples, and
persistence even when performance is not constrained by
In this light, two hypotheses have been advanced. One
posits that the PIQ deficit reflects a fundamental disturbance in visuospatial processing and implies a differential
right hemisphere deficit (Flor-Henry, 1979). The second
hypothesis is that the discrepancy has little localizing value
and reflects the greater sensitivity of PIQ and other forms
of fluid intelligence to generalized impairment, in contrast to the crystallized intelligence reflected in VIQ subscales (Kluger and Goldberg, 1990; Bearden et al., 2001).
Were the discrepancy to reflect a fundamental deficit in
visuospatial processing, it could be compatible with a righthemisphere insult, especially in parietal cortex. This classic
formulation is compatible with evidence that manifestation of mania without a history of major depression (i.e.,
unipolar mania) is seen principally in the context of brain
insult and most commonly with right-hemisphere damage, generally involving parietal tissue. Thus, bipolar illness
would be viewed as especially likely to manifest a form of
right-hemisphere dysfunction. However, the evidence in
mood disorders clearly reveals that the discrepancy is
also manifested in unipolar depression, at least in samples
with severe and/or recurrent disorder. Thus if this discrepancy indeed reflects a lateralized insult, it must be viewed as
characteristic of recurrent mood disordersthat is, manicdepressive illness in Kraepelins terminology.
The second hypothesis is that the discrepancy per se
has limited lateralizing value. It is seen with both bilateral
and right-hemisphere brain damage. The effect size seen
in mood disorder samples is comparable to that seen in
patients with bilateral brain damage, itself a notable fact,
and below that seen in patients with right-hemisphere lesions (Kluger and Goldberg, 1990). There is no reason to
suspect, for example, that the pathophysiological process
resulting in right-hemisphere dysfunction in mood disorders would produce the same level of differential deficit as
that seen in patients with gross brain lesions.
A broader perspective on the neuropsychological profiles of mood disorder patients may help resolve this issue.
The laterality hypothesis would stipulate that mood disorder samples show especially marked deficits in tests that
rely heavily on visuospatial processing. The view that the discrepancy arises from generalized brain impairment would

suggest that the deficit in PIQ is of the same magnitude as

deficits across a host of cognitive functions, including attention and memory.
Indeed, our examination of the profile of cognitive
deficits in bipolar disorder raises a third, novel hypothesis.
There is indeed evidence of widespread and generally uniform cognitive deficit across the phases of bipolar disorder,
with little indication that visuospatial abilities are especially
impaired. Rather, verbal skills appear to be consistently preserved. The implication is that the cognitive systems subserving language are spared with respect to an otherwise
generalized disease process, are constitutionally endowed at
higher capacity, or are complemented by compensatory cognitive advantages of an as-yet undetermined nature.

Psychomotor Functioning
The domain of psychomotor functioning reflects the integrity of processes determining the speed of information
processing and the speed and organization of motor behavior. Individuals may appear to be slowed because of
dysfunction in motor output and/or in the speed of thought.
Alternatively, individuals may appear to be dull or slow
because of poverty of mental content, in essence a lack of
thought. This domain pertains to functions as diverse as
manual dexterity, reaction time, and levels of spontaneous
activity. As reviewed by Sobin and Sackeim (1997), a variety of experimental techniques have been developed to
assess the component processes that may underlie psychomotor disturbance in mood disorders.
Disturbances of motility and speed of processing have
long been considered central to the phenomenology of mood
disorders. Psychomotor disturbance has generally been regarded as a cardinal feature of endogenous or melancholic
depression, and some have contended that careful assessment of psychomotor disturbances has predictive value
with respect to treatment outcome. The racing thoughts of
the manic state suggest dysregulation in speed of processing
that is opposite to that often seen in the depressed state.
Thus psychomotor function, like mood and sleep, may be
one of the few domains to show opposite symptom manifestations depending on phase of illness.
Some theorists have taken this overlap between the mood
and motor output systems to suggest that mood disorders
are essentially disorders of motility (Flor-Henry, 1983).
While this is clearly an overstatement, it is noteworthy that
mood disturbance occurs at especially high rates in patients
with movement disorder. This observation is especially well
documented for Parkinsons and Huntingtons diseases. As
indicated earlier, Huntingtons disease is of special note as
perhaps the only neurological illness to produce both depression and mania at some frequency. In contrast, imaging
research has yet to relate psychomotor disturbance in mood


disorders to basal ganglia dysfunction. Instead, the Hammersmith group found that psychomotor symptoms covary
with the magnitude of regional cerebral blood flow deficits
in prefrontal regions (Dolan et al., 1993). Indeed, they suggested that the prefrontal deficits commonly seen in both
major depression and schizophrenia reflect a common psychomotor disturbance. Presumably, this disturbance pertains to executive functions that regulate the flow and speed
of information processing.

Cognitive and Motor Speed

In a substantial literature over the last five decades, slowed
reaction time has been documented in mood disorder patients during episodes of major depression relative to healthy
participants (Marvel and Paradiso, 2004). The subgroups
most likely to manifest this slowing were variously described in this work as manic-depressive, bipolar, psychotic, or presenting with endogenous depression compared with subgroups classified as neurotic, nonpsychotic,
or reactive. Thus, there was a general impression that
severity of illness was associated with psychomotor slowing. Frequently in this work, depressed samples had slower
performance relative to healthy participants, nondepressed
neurotic patients, and patients with acute schizophrenia.
Nonetheless, the depressed samples were often less slowed
than patients with chronic schizophrenia or brain damage.
The investigators also found that clinical improvement was
usually linked to improved speed of responding, suggesting
that psychomotor slowing is largely a state-dependent phenomenon. In much of this work, time to complete tasks, such
as the digit symbol subtest of the WAIS-R, was used to assess
psychomotor slowing. Consequently, disturbances in cognitive processes and motor execution were confounded, and
the source of the slowing was not identified.
While this issue is the subject of increasing attention
(Sobin and Sackeim, 1997), it remains unresolved and may
not have a simple answer. Cornell and colleagues (1984) varied cognitive load in a series of reaction-time measures when
comparing patients who met diagnostic criteria for melancholia with nonmelancholic, nonendogenous depressed patients. They found that both groups manifested slow motor
performance, and that this was a key abnormality independent of melancholia. In contrast, the melancholic subgroup
was especially sensitive to the effects of cognitive load in further slowing motor response. This result was interpreted as
reflecting an impairment in cognitive processinga cognitive slowingin melancholic patients.
Other dimensions to consider in studies of psychomotor
speed concern the effects of distraction and the distinction
between preferred rates of response and response speed
when one is working at ones best. In a comprehensive
study, Blackburn (1975) contrasted six groups of patients:


acutely symptomatic bipolar manic, bipolar depressed,

and unipolar depressed and the same three groups at rest.
Blackburn used separate tasks thought to measure principally mental and motor speed, although the motor task had
more than nontrivial cognitive components. The mental
task was administered with patients working both at their
own speed (preferred speed) and as quickly as possible.
The motor task was administered under conditions of no
distraction, internal distraction (the patient counting), and
external distraction (a news program played loudly during
task performance). Acutely ill bipolar depressed patients
were slower than all other groups on the motor task with
no distraction. Surprisingly, both internal and external
distraction resulted in improved performance among
the bipolar depressed group but in deterioration among
the unipolar patients, while results with the manic patients
were equivocal. In contrast, on the mental speed test at the
preferred rate of responding, the acutely ill manic patients
were faster than the other two groups, but did not differ
from the manic patients in remission. With instructions to
respond as quickly as possible, the six groups had comparable scores.
The results of this study illustrate two points. First,
most neuropsychological evaluations call for patients to
perform at their best, which may obscure deficits in routine information processing. Second, this study provided
evidence that bipolar depressed patients are especially likely
to manifest marked psychomotor slowing. It has long been
contended that psychomotor retardation is characteristic
more of bipolar than of unipolar depression (Kotin and
Goodwin, 1972; Dunner et al., 1976). We revisit this issue in
reviewing the literature on spontaneous activity (see the
later discussion).
Recent studies using reaction time measures have demonstrated that psychomotor disturbance is characteristic of
elderly patients with bipolar disorder. Pier and colleagues
(2004) manipulated task difficulty and contrasted speed
of figure copying in 12 elderly depressed patients and
matched healthy controls in an attempt to isolate cognitive
from motor slowing. Pronounced psychomotor retardation
was seen in the patient group, which reflected a cognitive
and more pronounced motor slowing. However, patients
were studied while medicated, and medication effects on
psychomotor speed are commonly observed (Caligiuri et al.,
Surprisingly, three recent studies of psychomotor speed
in bipolar adolescents failed to find differences from controls
or other clinical groups (DelBello et al., 2004; Dickstein et al.,
2004; McCarthy et al., 2004). Furthermore, there is only
equivocal evidence for psychomotor disturbance in the
first-degree relatives of bipolar probands. Zalla and colleagues (2004) compared euthymic bipolar patients, patients


Psychological Studies

with schizophrenia, the unaffected first-degree relatives of

both patient groups, and healthy controls in performance
on tests of verbal fluencythe Stroop Word Color Interference Test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and the Trail
Making Test. Compared with healthy controls, patients with
schizophrenia performed poorly on all measures. The only
abnormality seen in the euthymic bipolar group and the
two groups of unaffected relatives reflected increased slowness on the Stroop test. This deficit could have been attributable to an increased susceptibility to interference and/or
psychomotor slowing in the context of increased cognitive
demand. In contrast, Ferrier and colleagues (2004) found
no evidence of psychomotor disturbance when contrasting
the neuropsychological performance of 17 unaffected firstdegree relatives of bipolar patients with that of matched
controls. Instead, the relatives were significantly impaired
in backward digit span, spatial span, and tasks of visuospatial declarative memory, while verbal declarative memory
was intact.
It is premature to conclude that psychomotor disturbance is infrequent in children and adolescents manifesting bipolar disorder or in first-degree family members.
These issues have been studied infrequently, and the extant
research used relatively small samples, a key limitation in
studies of familial transmission given heterogeneity in genetic diathesis. Furthermore, while there is substantial evidence that reaction time improves with clinical remission
in mood disorders, as reviewed in the next section, there
is also substantial evidence for persistent psychomotor
disturbance in remitted bipolar patients on tasks that
make significant motor demands in terms of both dexterity and speed (e.g., Purdue Pegboard). Little information exists on potential impairments in pediatric bipolar
patients or first-degree relatives in the aspects of psychomotor dysfunction most persistent in adult patients
with bipolar disorder.
There has been limited investigation of the neurobiological correlates of impairments in cognitive and motor
speed in bipolar disorder. Caligiuri and colleagues (2003)
conducted functional magnetic resonance imaging (f MRI)
while patients in the manic or depressed phase of bipolar
illness and healthy controls performed a manual reactiontime task. The study results implicated both basal ganglia
disturbance and a dimension of laterality. Manic patients
had higher blood oxygen leveldependent (BOLD) responses in the left globus pallidus and significantly lower
activity in the right globus pallidus, while depressed patients showed the reverse pattern of asymmetry. Level of
activity within the globus pallidus and caudate was associated with the severity of manic symptoms. Notably, patients not receiving antipsychotic or mood-stabilizing medications had higher BOLD responses throughout the motor

cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamus. These findings suggest

that the depressed and manic states are related to excessive
and lateralized activity within the basal ganglia, and that antipsychotics and mood stabilizers suppress cortical and subcortical hyperreactivity.
The results of subsequent research focused on the supplementary (SMA) and primary (M1) motor areas underscore the possibility of a disturbance in lateralized control over motor processes. Using fMRI and several reaction
time tasks, Caligiuri and colleagues (2004) showed that
healthy controls differentially activated the left and right
SMA on right- and left-hand trials, respectively. In contrast, in the small samples of bipolar manic and depressed
patients, the latter failed to suppress the ipsilateral right
SMA in right-hand trials, while the former had bilateral
SMA activation for both left- and right-hand trials. Both
depressed and manic patients had greater activity in the
left M1, and antipsychotic or mood-stabilizing medications
were associated with increased reaction time, lower BOLD
response in M1 and SMA, and a loss of normal hemispheric
asymmetry. In addition to again raising the issue of a lateralized disturbance, the results of this work suggest that the
psychomotor disturbance in bipolar disorder may be an
outcome of excessive excitability in mediating brain regions. This formulation contrasts with the hypothesis, derived from resting positron emission tomography (PET)
studies (Bench et al., 1992; Dolan et al., 1994), that psychomotor retardation reflects reduced activity in specific
prefrontal cortical structures.
Recent work has also clarified the extent to which psychomotor disturbance in bipolar disorder reflects cognitive
dysfunction that may interfere with the planning or initiation of movement and/or disturbance in the execution of
movement. Caligiuri and Ellwanger (2000) administered a
traditional psychomotor battery, as well as a measure of the
integrity of motor programming, to 36 patients who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV criteria for psychomotor retardation. The programming task assessed capacity to adjust velocity scaling of movement relative to
movement distance. Compared with healthy controls, the
patient group evidenced longer reaction time and impairment in velocity scaling. A significant subgroup had deficits
that were akin to those observed with the bradykinesia
associated with parkinsonian conditions. Thus the retardation was viewed as encompassing both the planning and
the execution of movement. An earlier detailed review of
this literature likewise suggested that psychomotor disturbance usually involves a mix of cognitive and motor
deficits (Sobin and Sackeim, 1997).
Finally, limited attention has been given to the neurochemical imbalances that may result in disturbances in
cognitive and motor speed. Swann and colleagues (1999)


compared unipolar and bipolar depressed patients and manic

and mixed-state patients with healthy controls in tests of
psychomotor speed and accuracy of tracking. The depressed
groups were impaired on all behavioral measures, whereas
the manic and mixed patients did not differ from the controls. Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and urinary measures of
catecholamines and their metabolites were obtained. For
virtually all behavioral measures, increased catecholamine
function was associated with poorer performance in bipolar but not unipolar patients. Further, psychomotor function was related to depression severity in bipolar but not
unipolar depression. The results of this preliminary study
raise the possibility that psychomotor retardation in bipolar disorder is accompanied by, if not an outcome of, catecholamine overdrive. This view may be congruent with imaging findings that suggest excessive excitability or failure of
inhibition in the motor control systems of bipolar patients.
Indeed, at a speculative level, it has long been thought that
catatonia, which may be viewed as an extreme form of psychomotor retardation, reflects an internal state of excessive
arousal, rapidly reversed by interventions with sedative or
barbiturate properties (amobarbital, lorazepam, ECT).

Motor Skills
Traditional neuropsychological evaluations have placed
little emphasis on assessment of reaction time per se. This

situation is changing rapidly with the increasing use of

computerized neuropsychological batteries, which allow
more readily for trial-by-trial computation of reaction time.
Instead, psychomotor function has typically been assessed
with a range of performance measures that are sensitive to
the dexterity or accuracy of motor execution, as well as
speed. In the studies contributing to our meta-analysis, the
psychomotor tasks employed included the Purdue Pegboard, Pursuit Rotor, mirror writing, and motor sequencing tasks, among others. Given this diversity of tasks, a
deficit in psychomotor function may reflect some fundamental or general impairment in motor execution or output.
Figure 96 presents the findings on psychomotor function from our meta-analysis. It is evident that despite
the diversity of tasks, there was a consistent effect across
all studies, with bipolar samples showing impaired performance relative to healthy participants (overall effect
size = 0.55, SE = 0.18, z = 3.12, p = .002). This effect is significant when the analysis is restricted to studies of patients in
remission; the magnitude of the deficit in psychomotor
function is near that for PIQ.
The source of the motor abnormalities seen in mood
disorders is still unknown. In fact, relatively little work has
been done to better characterize the phenomenology of
this motor disturbance. Exquisite methodologies have been

Figure 96. Meta-analysis of psychomotor measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for
individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of
bipolar patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies.
Squares = confidence interval; circles = mean.
All Studies
All Mania
Park and Holzman (1992)
Jones et al. (1994)
All Mixed
Seidman et al. (2002)
All Remission
Zubieta et al. (2001)
van Gorp et al. (1999)
Hawkins et al. (1997)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Ali et al. (2000)







Psychomotor Function: Effect Size




Psychological Studies

developed to assay components of motor control, but they

have rarely been applied to mood disorder samples.
There are suggestions of a lateralized component to the
motor disturbances seen in mood disorders. Indeed, there
have been isolated reports of individuals whose handedness
covaried with the phase of bipolar illness (depression, euthymia, mania). However, the relationship between handedness and bipolar illness is far from clear. Various researchers
have reported that the frequency of left-handedness in
mood disorders is increased (Fleminger et al., 1977), decreased (Merrin, 1984; Yan et al., 1985), or unchanged (Merrin, 1984; Yan et al., 1985). Sackeim and Decina (1983) took
a different approach to this issue. They examined the possibility that handedness moderates genetic factors in the
transmission of bipolar disorder. They found that the handedness of bipolar patients was associated with family history
of affective disorder and not with family history of sinistrality. Among the bipolar-I subgroup, for example, 49 percent
of strongly right-handed patients had a positive family history of affective disorder, compared with 89 percent of
weakly right-handed and left-handed patients.
The possibility of a lateralized dimension to the motor
disturbance of bipolar disorder is supported by the results
of studies examining grip strength. Flor-Henry and Yeudall
(1979) found that patients in either the manic or depressive
phase of mood disturbance showed greater right-hand
than left-hand grip strength, implicating right hemisphere
dysfunction. They also found that speed of finger tapping
was reduced primarily in the left hand. Merrin (1984) obtained similar results with respect to grip strength, and the
asymmetry distinguished mood disorder patients from both
patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Merrin observed that patients with bipolar disorder and psychotic features were most likely to show the asymmetry. More recently,
it was found that instability in maintaining stable force with
the index finger placed on a strain gauge was greater for the
left than the right hand in patients with bipolar disorder,
whereas the opposite was true in patients with schizophrenia (Lohr and Caligiuri, 1995, 1997). These scattered results,
along with the imaging findings in bipolar patients showing
lateralized disturbances in activation patterns during motor tasks (Caligiuri et al., 2003, 2004), point to the need for
systematic study of motor asymmetry.

Spontaneous Activity
Routine clinical evaluations of psychomotor disturbance
and those conducted using formal rating instruments typically address a different level of behavior from that assessed with neuropsychological or information processing
measures. For example, the CORE is a well-studied instrument that quantifies the extent of psychomotor disturbance.
Box 91 lists the 18 behavioral manifestations assessed by

BOX 91. Items in the CORE Measure of Psychomotor


Facial immobility (average across the interview)

Postural slumping (average across the interview)
Noninteractiveness (ability to respond to the social cues in the

Nonreactivity (rate any episode, not duration through the in

Facial apprehension (rate any episode or fixed expression)
Delay in responding verbally (average across the interview)
Length of verbal responses
Facial agitation (movement; rate any episodeintensity rather
than duration)
Body immobility (amount, not speed; average across the interview)
Motor agitation (rate any episode; intensity rather than persistence)
Poverty of associations (ability to elaborate)
Slowed movement (speed, not amount; average across the interview)
Verbal stereotypy (rate any episode)
Delay in motor activity (average across the interview)
Impaired spontaneity of talk (ability to initiate conversation)
Slowing of speech rate (average across the interview)
Stereotyped movements (rate any episode)

the CORE. These aspects of psychomotor function are

considerably more diverse than those assessed with the
more atomistic approach of neuropsychological measurement. Further, these abnormalities are assessed in the normal course of interaction and not in relation to specific test
demands. Of course, this sign- or symptom-based approach
to assessment assumes a conceptualization of the boundaries and constituents of psychomotor disturbance. There
would likely be strong consensus that some of the signs or
symptoms in Box 91, such as facial immobility, delay in responding verbally, and slowed movement, reflect aspects of
the construct. On the other hand, there could be considerable debate about the inclusion of other signs or symptoms,
such as nonreactivity (lack of interest or pleasure), inattentiveness, and verbal stereotypy, in assessing the severity of
psychomotor disturbance.
Parker and colleagues (1993, 1995a, 2000) contended
that the assessment of signs and symptoms of psychomotor disturbance is of special importance in mood disorders.
Specifically, they argued that such disturbance accounts for
the lions share of the variance in the diagnosis of melancholia. Melancholic and nonmelancholic depressed patients
differ markedly in CORE scores, with the endogenity of


symptoms accounting for a smaller portion of the variance.8 Parker and colleagues claimed that the fundamental symptomalogical characteristic of the melancholic patient is psychomotor disturbance. They also found that
the severity of psychomotor disturbance has predictive
value with regard to treatment outcome with ECT and
medications (Hickie et al., 1990b, 1996; Parker and HadziPavlovic, 1993), and that the psychomotor disturbance in
melancholic unipolar patients shares features with the
bradykinesia of Parkinsons disease in demonstrating difficulties with the initiation of movement in the absence of
external cues (Austin et al., 2000; Rogers et al., 2000). The
theoretical importance of some of these findings is challenged by the notion that the broad definition of psychomotor disturbance incorporates assessment of cardinal
features of melancholia (such as lack of mood reactivity)
that may not reflect psychomotor abnormalities. Thus the
associations between the CORE and melancholic diagnosis may be partly tautological, and the linkage to treatment
outcome could conceivably be associated with items influenced by melancholic manifestations that do not reflect
psychomotor disturbance (e.g., inattentiveness).
A recent study contrasted the CORE ratings of bipolar
and unipolar depressed patients. Parker and colleagues
(2000) compared 904 unipolar and 83 bipolar patients using three methods for subtyping melancholia (DSM, clinical classification, and CORE). With all three methods, bipolar patients were considerably more likely to be diagnosed
with melancholia and psychotic depression. Prevalence of
psychomotor disturbance and pathological guilt were the
signs or symptoms that distinguished the groups.
While it can be argued that studies of reaction time and
other aspects of information processing may provide too
narrow a view of psychomotor disturbance, it is also true
that the use of rating scales such as the CORE is limited in
that ratings may be contaminated by patient behavior reflective of domains other than psychomotor disturbance.
Patient reports of lack of interest, loss of pleasure, or marked
psychic anxiety may affect ratings of psychomotor disturbance. An alternative approach is to examine objective
measures that reflect broader aspects of psychomotor function. Two such measures examine spontaneous activity and
speech rate.
Various devices are available for continuous recording of
the amount of motor activity. For example, activity monitors, worn like a wrist watch, can provide 24-hour data on
fluctuation in movements of the wrist or arm. The potential
utility of this approach is illustrated by findings in movement disorders. Although Huntingtons disease is characterized by chorea, patients with this disorder have shown
less daytime spontaneous movement than healthy controls.
Further, this hypokinesia correlates cross-sectionally with


impairment in voluntary movement, with disturbed posture and gait, and most robustly with reduced functional
capacity (van Vugt et al., 2001). Over a 2-year follow-up period, van Vugt and colleagues (2001) also found that spontaneous activity remained unchanged in clinically stable
patients, but worsened in those who deteriorated in functional capacity. Thus in this context, hypokinesia, as assessed by activity monitoring, showed a strong relationship
with functional impairment.
A set of small-group comparisons reported by Kupfer
and colleagues led to a number of explicit hypotheses about
the patterns of gross motor activity in depression and
mania.9 These investigators suggested that (1) manic patients have higher activity levels than severely agitated depressed patients; (2) unipolar depressed patients have higher
activity levels than bipolar depressed patients; (3) clinical
remission in depression is accompanied by an increase in
activity levels; and (4) manic patients manifest their highest activity levels in the late evening and early nighttime,
whereas hypomanic patients peak during the daytime (see
Chapter 2 for a discussion of the overlap between agitated
depressive and mixed hypomanic states). These observations were based on small subgroups; lacked comparison
with a normal control group; and were derived from work
on a specialized inpatient unit at the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), where hospital routine and regimentation
may have affected activity levels. While there has been surprisingly limited further research in this area since the mid1970s, the additional studies that have been done have substantially clarified the nature of the deficit in spontaneous
activity during episodes of major depression.
In a study by Wolff and colleagues (1985), a group of 18
normal controls was housed on the same ward and shared
in the same activities as a group of 30 euthymic patients (25
bipolar, 5 unipolar). In addition, 27 patients were studied
through at least two phases of illness (depression, euthymia,
or mania); the depressed state was consistently associated
with lower 24-hour levels of activity than euthymia. This
difference was significant for the within-subject comparison
during daytime but not nighttime periods. Mania was associated with higher activity levels than depression, with the
difference seen mainly in the late evening and nighttime
hours (7:00 PM to 4:00 AM). Although mania tended to be
associated with higher levels than euthymia, none of these
comparisons were significant; however, the sample size for
comparisons with euthymia was substantially smaller for
mania (n = 11) than for depression (n = 23). Of special note is
that, in comparison with controls, euthymic patients still
manifested lower 24-hour activity levels, attributable mainly
to the daytime period (2:00 PM to 12:00 AM).
Royant-Parola and colleagues (1986) followed a group of
12 patients with major depression, monitoring their activity


Psychological Studies

throughout a hospital stay. In addition to the amount of

activity, they assessed duration of immobility. Activity
troughs and immobility peaks were bunched before noon
and around 3:00 PM. With remission, activity levels increased, and immobility decreased. The authors suggested
that immobility is a particularly sensitive measure, especially for patients with agitated depression, and that daytime
manifestation may reflect release of an ultradian sleepwake
rhythm in major depression (see Chapter 16).
A reduction in daytime spontaneous activity does not
appear to be an artifact of concomitant medications. Volkers
and colleagues (2003) compared 67 unmedicated unipolar
depressed patients with 64 matched healthy controls. Relative to the control sample, the patient group showed lower
activity levels in daytime and higher activity levels and reduced immobility during sleep. It is not known whether this
shift toward increased activity levels at night in depressed
and manic samples contributes to or is an outcome of disrupted sleep, or both phenomena reflect the same underlying disturbance in rhythmicity.
As noted, these studies of spontaneous activity in mood
disorders were conducted in inpatient samples, often with
highly treatment-resistant patients. The generalizability of
their findings to broader clinical populations was recently
tested. Iverson (2004) conducted activity monitoring among
48 depressed patients being seen in primary care and 25
controls with general medical conditions. The depressed
group was divided by a median split in scores on the Beck
Depression Inventory (BDI) II (Beck et al., 1996). Patients
with higher BDI scores had lower activity levels than the
other depressed patients and the control group; this effect
was most marked during 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, in line with
previous findings in the depressed state. However, the possibility of distinct subgroups was raised in a pilot study of
geriatric patients with unipolar major depression. Teicher
and colleagues (1988) compared eight geriatric depressed
inpatients with eight elderly controls studied in similar
settings and found that the depressed group had 29 percent
higher mean total 24-hour activity levels, with no difference in circadian amplitude or frequency. Daily peak activity averaged slightly more than 2 hours later in the depressed sample, and the degree of this delay correlated with
serum cortisol levels at 4:00 PM after earlier administration
of dexamethasone. The heightened activity levels in this
small geriatric sample contrast with the findings in unipolar
and bipolar adult samples.
Overall, the findings in this area are consistent in indicating that episodes of major depression, whether bipolar or
unipolar, are associated with reduced 24-hour activity, especially during daytime hours, and perhaps most markedly
during the period 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. There are suggestions in the study findings that bipolar depressed patients

manifest greater reductions in spontaneous activity than do

unipolar patients, but work in this area with bipolar disorder has been limited in recent years. The evidence is robust
and consistent that spontaneous activity levels improve with
remission from the depressed state, although it is possible
that this improvement fails to reach the levels of healthy
controls. It is unknown whether the putative residual deficit
is associated with the severity of residual depressive symptoms or is independent. The limited evidence indicates that
mania is associated with increased activity levels relative to
those of depressed patients, especially during the nighttime.
However, it is not clear that the increase associated with
mania exceeds the values obtained in healthy controls.
Clinical observation of psychomotor disturbance led to
the original hypothesis that psychomotor retardation is more
common and/or more severe in bipolar than unipolar patients (Kotin and Goodwin, 1972; Dunner et al., 1976). However, the need to ground such observations in objective measures is reflected in conflicting results obtained with the
CORE. Mitchell and colleagues (1992) compared 27 age- and
sex-matched pairs of unipolar and bipolar patients who met
criteria for melancholia based on several diagnostic schemes.
Bipolar patients were less likely to have slowed movement. In
general, items reflecting psychomotor retardation were less
common and agitation was more common in the bipolar
cohort. In contrast, almost a decade later, Mitchell and colleagues (2001) compared the clinical features of 39 pairs of
bipolar and unipolar patients using a similar methodology.
The bipolar patients were more likely than the unipolar patients to manifest psychomotor-related melancholic features
and symptoms of atypical depression. The authors suggested that psychomotor retardation, atypical features, and,
less commonly, psychosis constitute the clinical signature of
bipolar depression.

Speech Rate
Speech is a motor act. Clinically, it is common to observe
severely depressed patients speaking in a halting, slow manner with frequent pauses, and often with a weak or raspy
voice. It is also clear that manic patients often have racing
speech along with racing ideas. Thus it is an empirical matter whether objective analysis of speech and voice characteristics will reveal abnormalities associated with mood
disorders and/or provide information of prognostic significance.
The small literature in this area has presented consistent
findings. The most common paradigm has been to examine automatic speech, as in counting from 1 to 10, where
cognitive load is minimal,10 although there have also been
studies that involved taking samples of natural speech, as
might occur during a diagnostic interview (Bouhuys and
Mulder-Hajonides van der Meulen, 1984; Alpert et al.,


2001; Cannizzaro et al., 2004). The most common dependent measure has been speech pause time (SPT), the duration of the silent interval between phonations. Szabadi and
colleagues (1976) and later Greden and colleagues (Greden
and Carroll, 1980; Greden et al., 1981; Greden, 1982) first
claimed that SPT was elongated in major depression without
a change in phonation time, and that SPT shortened with
clinical remission. These claims have received substantial
support and have been extended to bipolar depressed patients. SPT has shown significant associations with depression severity, the Widlocher scale (Widlocher, 1983) for
assessing psychomotor retardation, and reaction time.11
Other aspects of speech, including total speaking time,
various quantitative features of fundamental frequency
and pitch, and speed of voice change, have shown less consistent associations with mood disorders. There is surprisingly little information on the impact of manic states on
these measures, and comparisons of unipolar and bipolar
depressed patients have shown limited power.

Impaired attention and insufficient motivation are the two
most common reasons given for the pattern of widespread
neuropsychological deficit in mood disorders (Miller, 1975;
Bearden et al., 2001). To the extent that motivational impairments resolve with remission of depression or mania,
persistent neuropsychological impairments are unlikely to
be due to motivational factors. Attentional processes are in
many respects the gateway to learning, memory, and other
higher cognitive processes. While some forms of learning
(e.g., procedural learning) undoubtedly occur outside of
awareness and do not depend on the integrity of attentional processes, such is not the case for much of our knowledge of ourselves and the world.
Attention is a complex concept that encompasses multiple distinct processes. The concept of working memory denotes the capacity to hold in awareness for a limited time a
limited number of visual or auditory representations. This
type of attentional process, as in keeping in mind a telephone number, can be assessed with various span tasks,
in which patients recall or recognize a serial list of digits,
letters, or shapes just presented. In contrast, the capacity to
detect a rarely occurring target is the form of attention
commonly referred to as vigilance. The classic example
here is the air traffic controller who monitors a screen for
representations of two aircraft on a collision course. Although this event is infrequent, detecting its occurrence is
of obvious importance. In psychiatric research, vigilance is
commonly assessed with the Continuous Performance Test
(CPT), originally developed by Beck and colleagues (1956)
to detect lapses in attention among epilepsy patients. Another form of attention concerns freedom from distraction


or interference. The capacity to carry out more than one

task simultaneously requires that one split attention between tasks (e.g., speaking on the phone while driving) or
rapidly shift attention from one task to another. One
method of assessing distractibility involves using dichotic
listening; individuals must monitor for the occurrence of a
target embedded in information delivered to one ear (as in
vigilance tasks) but with other, sometimes conflicting, information presented to the other ear. In this context, freedom from distractibility involves the capacity to disattend
to irrelevant but competing information channels. A similar phenomenon is tapped by the Stroop test. In one condition of this test, individuals identify the color of nonmeaningful stimuli, such as a series of Xs. In another condition,
they report the color of visual stimuli that are color names.
These names may be in conflict with the appearance of the
stimuli. For example, the word green may be presented
for a stimulus in the color blue. The interference produced
by such colorcolor word conflict is assessed by comparing
reaction time in this condition with that for simple color
naming. Disattending to the meaning of the word and focusing only on the color would optimize performance on
the Stroop test.
It has long been thought that attentional processes are impaired in episodes of major depression in a state-dependent
fashion (Cronholm and Ottosson, 1961; Sternberg and
Jarvik, 1976) and that attentional deficits limit the extent to
which learning may occur. Meta-analyses have consistently
shown that attention and learning are among the most
markedly impaired functions in episodes of major depression (Zakzanis et al., 1998).
Figure 97 presents the results of our meta-analysis of
attentional measures in studies of bipolar disorder. The effect size (Hedges G)J across all studies was 0.64 (SE = 0.063,
p < .001) and was significant for studies of depression (effect size = 0.61, SE = 0.28, p < .03), mania (effect size = 0.75,
SE = 0.15, p < .001), mixed states (effect size = 0.74, SE = 0.12,
p < .001), and remission (effect size = 0.54, SE = 0.10, p < .001).
While the effect size was smallest for studies of remitted patients and highest for studies of the manic state, formal testing failed to reveal a significant difference among the groups.
Indeed, contrary to the notion that attentional disturbance is
purely state dependent, deficits in this domain relative to
healthy controls were seen in virtually all studies of patients
in remission. This has been demonstrated in more recent
studies of attentional deficits in euthymic patients as well.12 A
similar pattern of attentional deficits has been found in
bipolar children and adolescents (see the review by Kyte
et al., 2006; Kolur et al., 2006).
Our analysis of effects on attention involved 212 comparisons from 39 studies. Given that attentional processes are
heterogeneous and are sampled by tasks differing radically


Psychological Studies

All Studies
All Mania
Umbricht et al. (2003)
Souza et al. (1995)
Robertson and Taylor (1985)
Park and Holzman (1992)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)
Jones et al. (1994)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Agarwal et al. (2002)
All Mixed
Wielgus and Harvey (1988)
Thomas et al. (1996)
Sweeney et al. (2000)
Swann et al. (2003)
Seidman et al. (2002)
Sax et al. (1999)
Oltmanns (1978)
Kaprinis et al. (1995)
Harvey and Serper (1990)
Gruzelier et al. (1988)
Green and Walker (1986)
Green and Walker (1986)
Gildengers et al. (2004)
Dupont et al. (1990)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Depression
Sweeney et al. (2000)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)
All Remitted
Zubieta et al. (2001)
Zalla et al. (2004)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Swann et al. (2003)
Sapin et al. (1987)
Rubinsztein et al. (2000)
Park (1997)
Paradiso et al. (1997)
Morice (1990)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)
Krabbendam et al. (2000)
Kaprinis et al. (1995)
Hawkins et al. (1997)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Docherty et al. (1996)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Cavanagh et al. (2002)
Asarnow and MacCrimmon (1981)
Ali et al. (2000)
Addington and Addington (1998)






Attention: Effect Size

Figure 97. Meta-analysis of attention measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study
comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval; circles = mean.

in their cognitive demands, averaging across distinct attentional measures could obscure more discrete patterns of
deficit. Therefore, the analyses were predated for studies of
patients in remission and for all studies as a function of the
specific neuropsychological procedure used to evaluate attention. As seen in Figure 98, although the number of studies contributing to results for individual tests is often small,
a consistent pattern is evident. Except for working-memory

tasks, all other tests showed a consistent deficit in both the

remitted state and across remission and the phases of bipolar illness. Indeed, except for cancellation tasks, the effect
sizes are uniform for the remaining tasks and essentially
equivalent both for studies restricted to remission and for
all studies. The failure to find a deficit in working memory
may be related to the small number of studies that addressed this area and to the use of simple tasks, such as


states were included (effect size = 0.1.34, SE = 0.37, p < .001).

This difference is due to the three studies of mania, which
produced an especially high effect size (1.96, SE = 0.84).
Again, the small number of studies providing cancellation
test data calls for caution in placing emphasis on this specification. Rather, the conclusion most justified from the
findings summarized in Figures 97 and 98 is that attentional disturbance is broadly manifested in bipolar disorder across multiple instantiations of this cognitive domain.
Not only is the magnitude of deficit relatively uniform
across tasks, but it is surprisingly uniform across the phases
of bipolar illness, including remission. Furthermore, given
the centrality of attentional processes to the integrity of
many higher-order cognitive processes, the findings of attentional deficits in remission imply that broad or diffuse
cognitive impairment should characterize many individuals with bipolar disorder in remission.

matching to sample (which may produce floor effects), to

assess working memory. On the other hand, Harmer and
colleagues (2002) noted that disturbance in sustained attention is a consistent finding in remitted bipolar patients, but
that many vigilance tasks contain working components. By
using tests of sustained attention that did and did not draw
on working memory, they were able to demonstrate that
the impairment in sustained attention did not derive from
or depend on impairment in working memory.
Cancellation procedures require that targets embedded
in an array of targets and foils be crossed out, with the
rates of target identification (hits) relative to false identification (commission errors or false alarms) as the measure
of performance accuracy. In brain-damaged individuals,
right parietal injury is especially likely to disrupt cancellation performance, often producing a pattern of hemispatial neglect whereby failure to identify targets (falsenegative errors) is overrepresented on the left side of
arrays (Mesulam, 2000). While there was a robust effect
size for deficits on cancellation tasks in patients in remission (effect size = 0.87, SE = 0.20, p < .001), the effect was
even more robust when studies of patients in symptomatic

Learning and Memory

Disturbances in learning and memory may be divided into
at least six categories of disturbance, each with its own
pathoanatomical correlates (Kopelman, 2002; Stern and


Effect Size


Miscellaneous (2/9)

Working Memory (3/5)

Trails B (8/14)

Trails A (8/13)

Symbol (7/11)

Stroop (8/12)

Span (9/22)

Dichotic (1/6)

CPT (4/10)

Cancellation (2/6)


Figure 98. Effect sizes for various measures of attention. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are
shown for comparisons of bipolar patients in remission with healthy controls and for the
total set of comparisons of bipolar patients across phases of illness with healthy controls.
The numbers in parentheses indicate for each attentional measure the number of comparisons of remitted bipolar patients, followed by the total number of comparisons.
CPT = Continuous Performance Test.


Psychological Studies

Sackeim, 2002; Squire et al., 2004): (1) Sensory memory

deficits, involving modality-specific failures of preattentive information registration, at times associated with impairment of the reticular activating system or temporal or
occipital neocortex; (2) Short-term or primary memory
deficits, involving failures of acquisition and brief retention in a limited-capacity store, also associated with disturbance in prefrontal and temporal neocortex; (3) Abnormalities in acquisition and retention of long-term episodic
memory, associated with prefrontal, medial temporal, and
diencephalic impairment; (4) Disturbances of access to semantic memories, involving failures of storage or retrieval
of language or knowledge that is not linked to temporal,
sequential, or other contextual (episodic) information, and
associated with disruption of posterior association cortex;
(5) Deficits in the acquisition and retention of nondeclarative information, as reflected in procedural learning, priming, and classical conditioning (impairments in distinct neural systems are linked to the type of deficit, with striatal
impairment tied to deficits in procedural learning and memory); and (6) Disturbances in the use of strategies mediating
the acquisition and retention of information, with frontal
cortex dysfunction linked to abnormalities in planning, encoding, and retrieval strategies.
When cast in this way, it is apparent that much of the
landscape in learning and memory remains unexplored
with respect to modulation by mood disorders. Although
there has been some work suggesting subtle impairments
of sensory and perceptual processes in major depression,
including bipolar disorder, especially with respect to auditory processing (Yovell et al., 1995), investigation in this
area has been extremely limited. The possibility of sensory
memory deficits is largely untested, although not believed
to be likely.
There is no evidence that mood disorder patients present with impairments of semantic memory, as tested, for
example, by the information subtest of the WAIS-R. Memory for facts appears to be impervious to the effects of
mood disorders.
In recent years, nondeclarative aspects of learning and
memory, especially procedural learning, have been increasingly represented in neuropsychological batteries (Fig.
99). The preliminary evidence in bipolar disorder does
not suggest impairment in procedural learning or memory, especially when remitted samples are examined (van
Gorp et al., 1999; Altshuler et al., 2004). Preservation in
this area may suggest that conscious awareness of mental
contents is a property of the cognitive systems disrupted in
mood disorders.
Of the six categories of memory disturbance, the focus
of research in mood disorders has been on short-term
memory, long-term episodic memory, and the strategies

Declarative Memory


Non-Declarative Memory


Working Memory


Figure 99. Schematic representation of the structure of memory.

The main component systems are declarative, nondeclarative, and
working memory. Each of these components comprises more
elemental subcomponents. (Adapted from Stern and Sackeim, 2002).

used to acquire, retain, and recall declarative information.

This focus has concerned almost exclusively the learning
and retention of new information. Recall of information
about the past, whether pertaining to autobiographical or
public events, has rarely been assessed outside of studies of
retrograde amnesia after brain insult. To establish a baseline for assessing the extent of amnesia following ECT, the
Columbia University group compared unmedicated patients in episodes of major depression (bipolar and unipolar) with healthy controls on the productivity of memory
for the past. Whether assessed in terms of autobiographical
or public events and in terms of remembrance of the event
itself versus details about the event, the depressed samples
showed small but statistically significant deficits at baseline
(McElhiney et al., 1995). The fact that these patients reported


slightly fewer memories about themselves or the world

could reflect little more than an impairment of the acquisition of information during the affective episode, since
what was not learned cannot be remembered. Alternatively, it is also true that what has not taken place cannot
be remembered. Relative to the experience of healthy controls, reduced activities during episodes of illness may lead
to a relative paucity of events about which to have recent
memories. In any case, these data suggest that mood disorder patients are unlikely to have a fundamental or clinically significant deficit in the recall of past events or the
details of past events. Furthermore, McElhiney and colleagues (1995) found no indication of a bias in depressed
samples toward differential recall of negatively charged

Short-Term Memory
The distinction between short-term and long-term memory is arbitrary, and is usually taken as representing the
methodological distinction between memory for new information tested after a very short delay (usually less than
10 seconds) and after longer delays (tens of seconds to years)
(Wickelgren, 1973). This distinction is consequential because
holding information in short-term memory is thought
to be mediated by prefrontal working-memory processes,
while the consolidation and retention of this information
are determined by the integrity of the medial temporal
lobe and other structures. The distinction is reflected in
the common experience of not being able to reproduce a
phone number when attention is directed away. In the absence of continual rehearsal, some information is lost, and
in the case of bilateral hippocampal damage, retention of
new declarative information may be limited to the period of
rehearsal. Retention of new information over delays greater
than tens of seconds depends on the integrity of consolidation and retrieval processes that are thought to involve initially the hippocampus and other structures.
By far the most common method for assessing shortterm memory has involved forward and backward auditory digit span procedures, although word, letter, block, and
shape span tasks are also available (Lezak, 1995; Spreen and
Strauss, 1998). The early literature is not consistent in addressing the elemental question of whether auditory digit
span performance is abnormal in mood disorders.13 However, as seen in Figure 98, more recent studies comparing
patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls have
revealed a consistent deficit in the performance of span
tasks, auditory or visual, and pertaining to digits, words, or
shapes. Across 22 studies and all phases of bipolar disorder,
the pooled effect size for this comparison was moderate:
0.58 (SE = 0.12, p < .001). In the 9 studies contrasting patients
in remission, the effect size was 0.50 (SE = 0.11, p < .001).


It is conceivable that the impairment of span performance is specific to procedures not involving auditory
presentation of digits. Baddeley (1986) proposed that the
phonological loop challenged by digit span tasks is distinct
from a visuospatial scratch pad, with both being key aspects
of working or short-term memory (see Fig. 99). However,
no differences are seen in a comparison of effect sizes in
studies using digit span and those using other span procedures. Thus the conclusion is justified that bipolar patients,
whether in remission or not, have a deficit in short-term
memory, as reflected in span performance. This deficit is
interpreted as reflecting impaired attention.
Verbal learning tasks present another context for assessing the integrity of short-term memory. However, recall or
recognition after a single presentation of a list relies on
both short- and long-term processes. This point is supported by the serial position effect, in which recall is best
for the early (primacy effect) and late (recency effect) items
in a list and poorest for the middle ones (Bayley et al., 2000).
The recency effect reflects the integrity of short-term memory given the minimal interval between presentation of the
last items on the list and recall. The primacy effect reflects
the contribution of transfer to long-term memory and the
consolidation process. Since many of the reports on learning in bipolar illness concern cumulative performance in recalling a list during repeated testing over several trials, such
procedures, while involving minimal retention intervals
since the last presentation of a list, nonetheless rely heavily
on long-term memory.
Figure 910 illustrates the effect sizes obtained in comparisons of patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls on learning tasks, both verbal and nonverbal. Across
all studies, the effect size is 0.91 (SE = 0.11, p < .001). In
comparisons restricted to remitted patients, the effect size
is 0.81 (SE = 0.15, p < .001).
Without question, bipolar disorder is associated with a
marked deficit in the acquisition of new information. This
deficit is seen in all phases of the illness, and its magnitude
does not appear to be lessened among patients in remission. However, cross-sectional comparison should be used
only to establish the existence of deficits in specific phases
of the disorder. Whether the deficits are truly comparable
in mania, depression, or remission requires within-subject
longitudinal investigation. For example, the reduced noise
of measurement involved in neuropsychological assessment of remitted as opposed to acutely ill patients can
inflate effect sizes indicating deficits in remission. Furthermore, it is common to evaluate clinical samples in a
medication-free state when acutely ill at baseline, but to
evaluate patients in remission who are medicated. Such
a confound could also intensify the deficits observed in
remitted patients.


Psychological Studies

All Studies
All Mania
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
All Mixed
Sweeney et al. (2000)
Fleck et al. (2003)
Dupont et al. (1990)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Depression
Wolfe et al. (1987)
All Remission
Zubieta et al. (2001)
van Gorp et al. (1999)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Paradiso et al. (1997)
Krabbendam et al. (2000)
Fleck et al. (2003)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Cavanagh et al. (2002)
Ali et al. (2000)



Learning: Effect Size

Figure 910. Meta-analysis of learning measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence
interval; circles = mean.

There has been very little investigation into bipolar-I vs.

bipolar-II differences in attention, verbal learning and memory, and executive functioning. Recently, Torrent and colleagues (2006) compared 71 euthymic bipolar patients (38
bipolar-I, 33 bipolar-II) with 35 healthy controls on a battery
of cognitive tasks. Both bipolar groups showed significant
deficits in working memory, attention, and executive functions, with bipolar-II patients performing at a level between
the bipolar-I patients and the healthy controls. Possibly
confounding the results, bipolar-I patients were more likely
to be taking lithium, carbamazepine, and/or antipsychotics; bipolar-II patients were more likely to be taking
antidepressants. It is unclear which patients were taking
more than one medication or what effects the medications
may have had on performance.

Long-Term Memory
In recent years, it has been claimed that memory is the domain demonstrating the greatest impairment in mood disorders. Literature reviews and meta-analyses have indicated
that relative to healthy controls, patients in an episode of
major depression (bipolar or unipolar) manifest markedly
inferior performance on tests involving the recall or recognition of information over a substantial delay or after

substantial training (Burt et al., 1995; Zakzanis et al., 1998).

Further, it has been suggested that in recurrent unipolar disorder, lifetime duration of the depressive state is associated
with both hippocampal atrophy and verbal memory deficits
(Sheline et al., 1996, 1999). In line with this view, there is preliminary evidence that elderly bipolar patients show greater
deterioration in memory processes than do elderly unipolar
patients (Burt et al., 2000). Thus it would appear safe to conclude that long-term memory is especially impaired, that
the impairment intensifies with disease progression, and
that the impairment likely reflects dysfunction in medial
temporal lobe structures.
The classic formulation of deficits in learning and memory in mood disorders presents a quite different view. Cronholm and Ottosson (1963) asserted that the depressed state
is associated with a reduced capacity to acquire new information, but with no impact on the capacity to retain the information once it has been acquired. Thus in their work, patients were found to be notably deficient in learning verbal
and nonverbal paired associates, but did not show proportionately greater loss of what was originally learned over
a delay. In another influential study, Sternberg and Jarvik
(1976) used similar tasks and also found that patients in an
episode of major depression performed more poorly than


controls on learning but not on retention, as measured

by a forgetting score, the mathematical difference in the
number of items recalled before and after a delay. Following
a pharmacological trial, the extent of clinical improvement
covaried with improved learning (immediate memory).
One difficulty with this early work is that the integrity of
long-term memory was assessed using a forgetting score
that did not account for differences in the amount of material learned. Clearly the more one learns, the more material is
available for forgetting. Steif and colleagues (1986a) raised
conceptual and empirical issues in the assessment of these
constructs. Despite more stringent controls, they also found
that the primary deficit distinguishing unmedicated, depressed patients from controls was the learning or acquisition of new information, as opposed to the retention of what
had been learned. Indeed, with retesting after a course of
ECT, the authors were able to demonstrate a double dissociation. Whereas the state of depression involved impairment in
learning and not retention, after ECT patients had a deficit in
the retention of newly learned information, with no impact
on learning. This type of effect is illustrated in Figure 911.

Figure 911. Dissociation in the effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on learning and retention of new information. Patients
were randomly assigned to low- or high-dosage bilateral (BL) or right
unilateral (RUL) ECT. Before and immediately after the course, they
were administered a test of verbal list learning and retention using
the selective reminding procedure (Buschke, 1973). Little change in
immediate learning was seen when post-ECT values were compared
with baseline values, with the exception of possible improvement in
the low-dose RUL ECT group. In contrast, both low- and high-dose
BL ECT resulted in clear-cut deficits in free recall of the list after a delay. The results illustrate the selective effect of ECT on the retention
of newly learned information, which is thought to be due to a deficit
in consolidation. (Source: Sackeim et al., 1993.)

Change from PreECT Baseline (%)





High RUL

Low BL

Treatment Group

High BL


Why, then, are there conflicting views, with some recent

work emphasizing long-term memory as a source of impairment and earlier work emphasizing impaired learning? It is quite likely that this apparent conflict stems from
the fact that attentional deficits compromise the intake of
information and disrupt learning. In turn, if little is
learned, little can be remembered. For the most part, the
work on impaired memory in depression has not taken
into account the earlier stages of processing and their contributions. Thus in a concrete sense, being able to report
only 3 of 15 items on a list after a 2-hour delay could reflect
anterograde amnesia if 12 items were recalled during learning. On the other hand, if only 4 or 5 items were learned,
impaired acquisition of the information would be the central deficit.
Figure 912 presents the effect sizes for comparisons of
bipolar patients with healthy controls on a variety of memory measures. While the effect sizes for the subgroups and
across all studies are substantial, they are virtually identical
to the values obtained when assessing learning only (see
Fig. 99). Again, it is hazardous to draw conclusions about
within-subject effects using cross-sectional data. Nonetheless, the most parsimonious account of this literature is
that impaired attention, which persists in remitted patients, is the major factor determining the adequacy of
learning and memory.

Mediational Processes
Many processes determine whether a particular memory
will be retrieved. Some of these processes relate to the infrastructure of memory, so that there is a contrast, for example, between deficits in the storage of information as
assessed by recognition tasks and in the active retrieval of
information as assessed by recall performance. Other processes, such as the organization imposed on newly presented
information and the resultant depth of encoding, may determine whether information is learned and/or stored. Still
other factors affect not so much whether new information
will be retained, but how the choice is made whether to recall events from the past. For example, the issue is hotly debated as to whether being in the depressed or manic state
biases retrieval toward memories that share the same affective valence. This form of mood-congruence effect addresses the question of whether depressed patients have
preferential access to or are biased to retrieve negatively
evaluated information.
Storage Versus Retrieval. Assuming that information is
acquired, failure to recall can be due to a breakdown either
in consolidation or storage or in retrieval. Because recognition of information is far less demanding of retrieval
processes but is dependent on the adequacy of storage, an


Psychological Studies

All Studies
All Mania
Souza et al. (1995)
Park and Holzman (1992)
Martnez-Arn et al. (2004)
Jones et al. (1994)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)

All Mixed
Wielgus and Harvey (1988)
Seidman et al. (2003)
Seidman et al. (2002)
Harvey et al. (1986)
Gruzelier et al. (1988)
Gildengers et al. (2004)
Fleck et al. (2003)
Dupont et al. (1990)
Dalby and Williams (1986)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Depression
Wolfe et al. (1987)
Martnez-Arn et al. (2004)
Deptula et al. (1991)
All Remission
Zubieta et al. (2001)
van Gorp et al. (1999)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Martnez-Arn et al. (2004)
Krabbendam et al. (2000)
Fleck et al. (2003)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Cavanagh et al. (2002)
Ali et al. (2000)
Addington and Addington (1998)



Memory: Effect Size

Figure 912. Meta-analysis of memory measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study
comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in remission,
depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval; circles = mean.

asymmetry whereby retrieval is impaired but recognition is

intact could suggest a specific impairment in retrieval
strategieseither the way information is organized for later
retrieval or the way the search strategy is organized. However, recognition is intrinsically easier than retrieval, at least
when the same information is tested, and claims of differential deficit are easily confounded with task differences in discriminating power and other psychometric properties.
A few authors have claimed that patients in an episode
of major depression have a greater deficit in recall relative
to recognition (Weingartner et al., 1977; Frith et al., 1983;
Deptula et al., 1991). This work is problematic, however,
because of the failure to compare recognition and recall
paradigms directly or the lack of psychometric matching.
These limitations were overcome by Calev and Erwin (1985),
who used a matched-task paradigm. They found that depressed patients performed better on verbal recognition
than on recall tasks, whereas healthy controls performed

similarly on both (demonstrating the adequacy of the

matching). The recall disturbance was attributable to a reduced ability to organize the retrieval system. Thus, very
limited data suggest the possibility of a particular deficit in
retrieval processes in mood disorders. This deficit may be
an example of a failure to engage in active, effortful processing.
Attention, Effort, and Levels of Processing. The deficits
manifested by patients with mood disorders in tasks of
learning and memory appear to be attributable largely to attentional dysfunction. Relevant here are well-established
models from cognitive psychology that distinguish between
automatic and effortful processing14 and models of depth or
levels of processing.15 In the former models, attention is
conceptualized as a limited-capacity resource. Automatic operations make minimal use of this resource and take place
without intention or awareness. They do not interfere with


ongoing cognitive operations and do not benefit from rehearsal. For example, remembering where one put ones keys
is typically an instance of automatic or incidental learning.
Typically, one does not consciously attempt to remember
this information, and one is usually unaware of learning it.
Skill or procedural learning and other nondeclarative forms
of memory do not involve explicit, consciously mediated
cognitive rehearsal. In contrast, effortful processes require
the use of limited attentional capacities and interfere with
other cognitive activities. The cognitive operations are initiated voluntarily and benefit from practice.
Similarly, a levels-of-processing approach emphasizes
that the amount of attentional capacity allocated to the initial steps of information processing (e.g., encoding) influences the later retrievability of the information. The
deeper the level of processing, the greater is the attentional
allocation and the better the retrieval. For example, if ones
task in listening to a set of words is to determine which
words rhyme with a target (acoustic or shallow processing),
later memory of the list will be poorer than if the task is to
determine whether each word has the same meaning as a
target (semantic or deep processing). The two models are
convergent in that engaging in greater depth of processing
is often an effortful, attention-demanding process.
The notion that individuals in episodes of major depression have a deficit in engaging spontaneously in effortful or deeper levels of processing has received substantial,
although not unequivocal (Christensen et al., 1997), support. In a now-classic study, Weingartner and colleagues
(1981) found that depressed patients did not differ from
healthy controls in recalling words that had been acoustically (shallowly) processed, but were inferior in remembering semantically (deeply) processed words. The control
group showed the typical advantage of better recall of the
deeply processed words. In contrast, the patient group had
equivalent scores on the two tasks, suggesting that despite
the difference in task requirements, the patients encoding
on both tasks was shallow.
A second study reported by Weingartner and colleagues
(1981) demonstrated that when deep encoding was provided externally on a verbal memory task, depressed patients performed similarly to healthy controls. Essentially,
when given a list of random words, a depressed sample was
shown to have markedly impaired recall. When presented
a word list drawn from discrete semantic categories in
which the word order was clustered, however, patients were
not distinguishable in recall from healthy controls. Both
the extent of categorization of words and the overt clustering within categories determined the magnitude of the difference in recall between patients and controls.
The implication of this work is that depressed patients,
when exposed to new material, are less likely than healthy


controls to apply preexisting knowledge and impose the

organization that facilitates learning and memory. In this
respect, the locus of abnormality is at the encoding stage
and results in diminished learning. Fundamentally, the depth
of encoding and the automatic versus effortful distinctions
converge. Imposing organization is an effortful process,
and in most circumstances, the automatic versus effortful
distinction maps to shallow versus deep processing. This
deficit pertains to the set of mediational processes termed
by Moscovitch (1994) working with memory. These processes involve the selection and execution of strategies used
to enhance information processing and are thought to be
heavily represented in prefrontal cortex. Further, effortful
or deeper processing requires the allocation of attentional
resources. Thus it is conceivable that the fundamental
abnormality resides in an inflexibility or limited capacity
of attentional mechanisms rather than difficulties with
selecting or applying appropriate strategies for encoding or
retrieval. Put another way, it would appear that the depressed state is characterized by a cognitive impairment
likely to be most manifest on tasks that require complex
processing, effortful processing, and/or independent structuring of information relative to preexisting knowledge.
This remains an active area of investigation, with repeated demonstrations that depressed patients are more
likely than healthy controls to engage in shallow and/or
noneffortful processing.16 However, almost all of this work
has focused on demonstrating the phenomenon and establishing its boundaries. There is little clarity regarding the
neurobiological basis of this abnormality or its implications for therapeutics. Roy-Byrne and colleagues (1986)
suggested that the deficit in effortful processing is dopaminergically mediated, but this hypothesis has yet to receive
substantial investigation.
One thread in this literature ties the lack of effortful
processing to an entirely different domain of behavioral
limitation. Cohen and colleagues (1982) found that severity
of depressive symptomatology correlated negatively with
grip strength, as assessed with a hand dynamometer. Both
symptom scores and grip strength correlated with performance on a verbal memory test, with less effort on the motor task being associated with poorer memory scores. The
results of this work suggest that in major depression, there
is a parallel between the diminished effort in physical activity and the diminished mental effort that results in
inattention and lack of structuring of incoming information. Certainly, it would be noteworthy were this the case.
While the effort expended in voluntary activity has a
voluntary quality, as in how strongly one grips a dynamometer, this is not the conception regarding the mental effort leading to more extensive encoding. The failure
to impose organization and process at deeper levels should


Psychological Studies

be viewed as unconscious or automatic. Furthermore, the

lack-of-effort analogy does not accord with what may be
the most common reason for shallow processing in mood
disorders. Under conditions of marked agitation or psychic pain, patients will often indicate that it is a struggle to
get through the next 5 minutes, let alone attend to a task.
With internal ruminations and marked distress, even reading a newspaper headline can be difficult. Thus it is probable that in some circumstances, the lack of effortful
processing is due to the fact that the effort is being expended elsewhere.
It might be thought that this type of deficit in mediational processes should be fully state dependent. Otherwise, we would have to posit that patients with mood disorders engage in shallow processing even when in remission.
Further, were this defect purely state dependent, it would
have a rather limited role in accounting for the learning
and memory deficits in patients with mood disorders. As
described earlier, there is substantial evidence that attentional, learning, and memory deficits continue largely unabated during remission. Longitudinal investigation in this
area has been limited, however. Hammar and colleagues
(2003b) found that unipolar patients in a state of major depression were impaired in an effortful but not automatic
visual search task. The deficit persisted for at least 6 months
despite substantial clinical improvement. Further work of
this type is needed.

positive or negative events in their recent and remote past

(McElhiney et al., 1995).

Mood Congruence. Mood congruence refers to the notion

that the efficiency of mnemonic processing is biased by the
congruence between the current affective state and the affective tone of the material being remembered. In general,
it is believed that dysphoric or negative life events are recalled more easily when individuals are in a depressed state
than when they are in a euthymic or manic state (Blaney,
This phenomenon has been examined mainly in studies
using laboratory manipulations, such as rigged experiences of success and failure in completing laboratory tasks.
These studies have yielded some evidence that depressed
patients can be biased in recalling negative events or can
exercise a mnemonic selectivity that emphasizes neutrality
over positivity.17 This type of mediational process, if of
general consequence, would affect the content of remembrances, with the implication that this bias toward greater
negativity in content may contribute to the monolithic experience of depression, and perhaps also to its maintenance. However, subtle demonstrations of bias in laboratory
or real-world settings do not mean that this phenomenon is
of general consequence. In intensive interviews regarding
autobiographical events, severely depressed patients differ
little from healthy controls in the richness of their reports of

The concept of executive functions became a driving force in

much thought about the core deficits in psychopathology, especially schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, starting in the
1980s. Fundamentally, disruption of these functions is
deemed responsible for the lack of self-regulation on a variety of dimensions in patients with these disorders. Executive
functions perform the brains housekeeping, strategizing,
and oversight roles, and come closest in principle to the neuropsychological concept of a neural homunculus in charge of
neural resource allocation and other administrative functions or, perhaps, the concept of will.
The vagueness of definitions and descriptions of executive functions is to be expected given the vast and complex
aspects of psychic functioning likely devoted to strategic,
integrative, planning, inductive, and deductive activities.
Indeed, at one level the type of executive functions involved in optimizing learning strategies by imposing conceptual organization (chunking) on incoming information
automatically and without awareness must be quite distinct from the processes involved in making career choices,
anticipating danger while driving, or inhibiting a prepotent response. Thus executive functions address our capacity to reason, to anticipate, to shift conceptual or perceptual sets, to solve problems, and so on.

Deficits in learning and memory characterize unipolar depression and bipolar disorder through all its phases. The
effect sizes for these deficits are the largest among neuropsychological domains. While it has been common in
recent years to assert that episodes of major depression are
associated with a memory deficit, there is little evidence
that the deficits seen in learning and/or memory processes
extend beyond attentional disturbance. This attentional
disturbance may be structural in the sense of dysfunction
in a limited-capacity store, or perhaps more likely, a disturbance in the allocation of attentional resources. The
substantial literature on bipolar patients in remission indicates that the deficits in learning and memory persist during euthymia. There are compelling findings that mood disorder patients in episodes of major depression are more
likely to engage in shallow processing and to fail to impose
the organization on incoming information that assists in acquisition and retention. This cognitive laziness results
from a failure of executive functionin this case, the utilization of strategies that facilitate learning and memory.
Thus it becomes especially germane to inquire whether
there is a more general impairment of executive functions.

Executive Functions


Despite this richness of possibilities, a very limited

range of executive functions has been studied in bipolar
disorder. Figure 913 presents the results of our metaanalysis of comparisons involving executive functions
other than reasoning. Tests of reasoning or concept formation were examined separately, partly because they are so
strongly dependent on language and verbal abilities; these
findings are presented in Figure 914. The instruments
used most commonly to test the integrity of executive
functions are the Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST) and
the Category Test of the Halstead-Reitan battery. Both involve complex procedures in which individuals derive
rules or abstractions from experience. The WCST also assesses the capacity to shift sets upon recognizing that the
rules have changed. It is considered a test of executive
functions in part because it requires strategic planning,

organized searching, use of feedback to shift conceptual

set, goal-oriented behavior, and the capacity to inhibit impulsive responding (Spreen and Strauss, 1998). Other instruments used to test executive functions include the
Tower of London, which places heavy emphasis on planning (Shallice, 1982) and involves the rearrangement of
balls in a vertical column to match a prespecified order using a minimum of moves, attentional set-shifting tasks,
and decision-making tasks.
As seen in Figure 913, substantial deficits in executive
functions were observed in all phases of bipolar disorder.
Across the 25 studies contributing data, the overall effect size
was 0.79 (SE = 0.13, p < .001). In the 14 studies that examined
remitted bipolar patients, the effect size was 0.75 (SE = 0.18,
p < .001), hardly suggestive of a state-dependent effect. Two
recent studies also have found pervasive deficits in executive

Figure 913. Meta-analysis of executive function measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval;
circles = mean.
All Studies
All Mania
Martnez-Arn (2004a)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
All Mixed
Sweeney et al. (2000)
Seidman et al. (2003)
Seidman et al. (2002)
Gildengers et al. (2004)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Depression
Sweeney et al. (2000)
Savard et al. (1980)
Martnez-Arn (2004a)
All Remitted
Zubieta et al. (2001)
Zalla et al. (2004)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Savard et al. (1980)
Rubinsztein et al. (2000)
Rossi et al. (2000)
Park (1997)
Morice (1990)
Martnez-Arn (2004a)
Krabbendam et al. (2000)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Cavanagh et al. (2002)
Ali et al. (2000)







Executive Function: Effect Size




Psychological Studies

All Studies
All Mania
Robertson and Taylor (1985)
All Mixed
Seidman et al. (2002)
Gildengers et al. (2004)
Dalby and Williams (1986)

All Remitted
Zubieta et al. (2001)
Morice (1990)
Hawkins et al. (1997)
Docherty et al. (1996)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Ali et al. (2000)




Reasoning: Effect Size

Figure 914. Meta-analysis of reasoning measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar
patients in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence
interval; circles = mean.

functioning in bipolar patients (Nehra et al., 2006; Robinson

et al., 2006).
As in unipolar disorder, then, there is substantial evidence that periods of acute illness in bipolar disorder are
associated with diminished executive functions, especially
with respect to concept formation and set shifting. Recent
studies have demonstrated this as well (Frangore et al.,
2005; Goswami et al., 2006), including one that looked at
executive functioning in patients with pediatric bipolar
disorder (Pavuluri et al., 2006). Imaging studies have
shown that, in healthy samples, the procedures examined
in this domain result in activation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Abnormalities in DLPFC function in mood disorders have been reported from the earliest brain imaging studies of cerebral blood flow (CBF) or
cerebral metabolic rate (CMRglu), and more than 20 imaging studies have reported inverse relationships between
depression severity and DLPFC, CBF, or CMRglu.18 It is
noteworthy that these studies did not include significant
sampling of ventral or orbital prefrontal cortex functions,
notably inhibition of prepotent responses, as in gono
go tasks. In terms of what was studied, there is strong evidence for persistent impairment of executive functions despite remission. Indeed, it is noteworthy that the effect size
for remitted patients is equivalent to that for patients in
acute affective episodes.

However, inspection of Figure 914 suggests that the

deficit in executive functions may not be uniform across
various component processes. Values for one study (Robertson and Taylor, 1985) were omitted from the figure because
they reflected an extreme outlier, in this case manic patients
having clearly superior performance on a reasoning task
compared with healthy participants. Inclusion of these values would further reduce the evidence for a deficit in reasoning. As it stands, the overall effect size is small, 0.21
(SE = 0.14, p = .15), and for studies of remitted patients is 0.33
(SE = 0.18, p = .07). A deficit in reasoning relative to controls
was not significant within any of the four subgroups.
The tests that contributed to our meta-analysis on reasoning included the similarities and arithmetic subtests of the
WAIS-R and tests of abstraction and concept attainment.
Commonly, results of tests of reasoning correlate substantially with verbal abilities. The relative preservation of reasoning skills against a backdrop of marked deficits in other
executive functions may reflect a pattern in which cognitive
operations that are heavily dependent on language are
among the least affected of the higher cognitive functions.

Verbal and Visuospatial Skills

The final cognitive domains subjected to this meta-analysis
were verbal and visuospatial skills. Work in the verbal domain has been dominated by tasks assessing controlled


oral word association (COWA). Such tests assess the spontaneous production of words beginning with a given letter,
usually F, A, or S (FAS test), within a stipulated period of
time. Alternatively, the tests may assess production of
words as instances of a concept, such as animal naming.
Verbal fluency, especially letter fluency, has often been
taken as another type of executive function. Indeed, there
is evidence that COWA is one of the last measures of prefrontal function to mature, with developmental improvement extending beyond age 12, whereas adult levels are
achieved considerably earlier for many other measures
(Lewis, 1983). There is some evidence from both imaging
and lesion studies that temporal lobe regions may make
more of a contribution to category than to letter fluency.
However, this distinction and the stronger claim that letter fluency is subserved largely by prefrontal regions are
supported only partially by lesion analysis and imaging

activation effects, with exceptional findings suggesting

more widely distributed representations.19
The copy portion of the Complex Figure Test (Rey, 1941)
is the task used most commonly to represent visuospatial
functions. This task involves copying a detailed and complex figure, with accuracy of reproduction being scored for
18 portions of the figure. The copying portion of the procedure is followed by delayed reproduction purely from memory. To focus on visuospatial constructional ability, as opposed to visual memory, we included only copy procedures
in this domain. Other tests commonly used to sample visuospatial functions are the WAIS-R block design subtest and
tests of perceptual organization, such as line orientation,
gestalt completion, and embedded figures.
Figures 915 and 916 present results of our metaanalysis for the verbal and visuospatial domains, respectively. The deficits seen in verbal skills are moderate at best

Figure 915. Meta-analysis of verbal skill measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual
study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients in
remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval;
circles = mean.
All Studies
All Mania
Souza et al. (1995)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)
Jones et al. (1994)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
All Mixed
Thomas et al. (1996)
Seidman et al. (2002)
Kremen et al. (2003)
Kaprinis et al. (1995)
Dupont et al. (1990)
Dalby and Williams (1986)
Coffman et al. (1990)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Depression
Wolfe et al. (1987)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)

All Remission
Zubieta et al. (2001)
Zalla et al. (2004)
van Gorp et al. (1999)
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Morice (1990)
Martnez-Arn (2004b)
Krabbendam et al. (2000)
Hawkins et al. (1997)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Docherty et al. (1996)
Cavanagh et al. (2002)
Ali et al. (2000)







Verbal Skills: Effect Size




Psychological Studies

All Studies
All Mania
Souza et al. (1995)
Jones et al. (1994)
Gourovitch et al. (1999)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
All Mixed
Seidman et al. (2003)
Seidman et al. (2002)
Getz et al. (2003)
Dupont et al. (1990)
Clark et al. (2001)
All Remitted
van Gorp et al. (1998)
Sapin et al. (1987)
Morice (1990)
Ferrier et al. (1999)
Ali et al. (2000)
Addington and Addington (1998)



"1 "0.5




Visual Skills: Effect Size

Figure 916. Meta-analysis of visual skill measures. Effect sizes (Hedges G) are presented for individual study comparisons of a bipolar sample with healthy controls, as well as for samples of bipolar patients
in remission, depression, mixed state, or mania and across all studies. Squares = confidence interval;
circles = mean.

(see Fig. 915). The effect size (Hedges G) for the comparison of bipolar and healthy control groups across all studies
(n = 26) is 0.35 (SE = 0.09, p < .001). However, the effect is
not significant across 12 studies of remitted bipolar samples
(effect size = 0.22, SE = 0.12, p = .064) or 5 studies in mania
(effect size = 0.495, SE = 0.31, p = .11). Relative to the pattern
of widespread impairment across symptomatic and remitted states, verbal skills appear to have been preserved. In the
few cases in which bipolar samples had inferior verbal fluency performance relative to healthy controls, the patient
groups tended to make more incorrect responses (e.g., repeating the same word) and did not differ in number of responses (Wolfe et al., 1987; Coffman et al., 1990).
A different level of deficit is manifest in Figure 916,
which summarizes our meta-analysis of visuospatial performance measures. One study (Sapin et al., 1987) was excluded because of an outlying value that only accentuated
the deficit in remitted patients. Across all studies, the effect size is 0.65 (SE = 0.18, p < .001), and in remitted bipolar
patients it is 0.57 (0.28, p < .01).

Comparisons across Domains: The Topography

of Cognitive Deficit in Bipolar Disorder
Figure 917 combines the values on effect size reported for
the various cognitive domains and presents the cognitive

deficit profiles for the comparisons of depressed, mixedstate manic, and remitted samples with healthy controls, as
well as the comparisons across all phases of illness. The
profile is relatively invariant across the phases of illness.
Three central points can be made.
First, the same pattern of strengths and weaknesses is
seen in remission and during episodes of affective disturbance. This invariance suggests that the core disturbance is
state independent. Second, it is often claimed that the magnitude of deficit is generally greatest during mania, still
marked during major depression, and least evident in remission. The deficit noted by investigators as residual
during remission varied considerably among the studies
included in our meta-analysis. Indeed, limited power, differences in the reliability of measurement, and other factors make it likely that different tasks would achieve statistical significance in separating remitted patients from
controls. By combining these findings in a meta-analysis, it
became evident that the remitted samples generally had
the same level of deficit as the acutely ill groups in the areas
most disturbed, and perhaps somewhat less marked deficits
in the areas most disturbed in the acutely ill groups (e.g.,
learning and memory). The larger point is that the cognitive deficits observed in remitted patients were not a pale
shadow of the deficits seen during affective disturbance,


but were substantial, reliable, and of the same distribution

as those seen during acutely ill states.
The third point is that against a background of generalized deficit, verbal processes as reflected in VIQ, verbal
skills (i.e., verbal fluency), and reasoning are relatively preserved. This novel observation recasts the initial question
about the meaning of the VIQPIQ discrepancy in bipolar
disorder. The deficit in PIQ may not be of special note, and
it may not signal, per se, a right-hemisphere abnormality.
Rather, the effect sizes for PIQ and visuospatial skills are in
the range of those for motor disturbance, attentional deficits,
and other domains. What may be consequential is that verbal
processes are preserved and, across the phases of illness,
show less deterioration than virtually all other higher cognitive processes.
Why might this be, or better yet, what can this tell us
about the neurobiology of bipolar illness? First, the fact
that deficits in attention and concentration are reliably observed across the phases of bipolar illness means that cognitive impairment must be generalized. This point is underscored by the findings suggesting consistent impairment of

executive functions. Attention and concentration may be

seen as the fuel of higher cognitive processes, determining
the capacity and efficiency limitations on processing. Executive functions determine resource allocation and thus
also broadly shape the integrity of cognitive processing.
Indeed, with respect to learning, memory, and visuospatial
skills, there is little evidence that deficits reflect more than
an attentional disturbance. Therefore, rather than positing
multiple specific deficits in bipolar disorder, one could hypothesize that a persistent noradrenergic or dopaminergic
disturbance gives rise to attentional impairment that in
turn produces the widespread, more generalized pattern
(Swanson et al., 1998; Cools and Robbins, 2004).
But why do we see the preservation of verbal processes?
Surely attentional mechanisms also drive performance in
this area. There are several possibilities. First, some of the areas of preservation concern aspects of cognition that are relatively protected against the effects of brain injury. The
WAIS-R vocabulary and information subtests are often
considered hold scores, indices more likely to reflect premorbid abilities than are tests more sensitive to the effects


Effect Size








Executive Function
Verbal Skills
Visual Skills

Figure 917. Profile of neuropsychological impairment in bipolar disorder. Effect sizes are shown for comparisons of a bipolar group
(in remission or in a phase of depression, mixed state, or mania) with healthy controls for 11 cognitive domains. All bipolar subgroups,
including remission, show deficits relative to controls. These impairments are most accentuated for the learning, memory, and executive function domains and are pronounced for all domains except those heavily involving verbal skills (verbal IQ, reasoning, and verbal
skills). The preservation of verbal skills against a background of generalized impairment may be the salient dissociation. FSIQ = fullscale IQ; PIQ = performance IQ; VIQ = verbal IQ.


Psychological Studies

of brain damage (Lezak, 1995). These subtests assess semantic memory, or knowledge of facts, which has not
been found to be impaired in bipolar disorder. Specifically,
these subtests, by posing specific questions, may place few
demands on attention or any form of new learning. This
view posits, therefore, that the relative preservation of verbal skills is due to their escaping the deleterious and otherwise generalized impact of the core cognitive disturbance,
presumably in the area of attention. However, the findings
regarding verbal fluency and reasoning may belie this view
since it is difficult to argue that attentional processes do
not contribute to their performance.
A second alternative is to view this preservation of verbal processes as indicating a disassociation in the cognitive neural systems dysregulated in bipolar disorder. At the
grossest level, this view would suggest preservation of lefthemisphere subsystems involved in verbal processing. How
this could come about and the neurochemical and/or neurodevelopmental processes responsible for such a dissociation are a matter of speculation.
Finally, this asymmetry may be an endophenotype of
bipolar disorder. We should not assume that the topography of cognitive function is a flat playing field in this patient population. As discussed at the outset, there is good
reason to suspect that intellectual endowment is distributed differently in the families of bipolar probands than in
the general population. Indeed, one of the earliest studies of
children at risk found that the VIQPIQ discrepancy was
robust before the onset of the first affective episode and
was most common in children with prodromal symptoms
(Decina et al., 1983; Sackeim and Decina, 1983). Thus the
genetic transmission of bipolar disorder may confer a relative advantage for verbal processes. The insult that results
in manifestation of the disorder may have a rather generalized effect, leading to impairments in multiple domains.
This decrease in function is shared relatively equally, and
verbal functions appear to be preserved only because their
baseline was elevated. Research on the neuropsychological
profiles of first-degree relatives of bipolar probands (Keri
et al., 2001a) and of monozygotic twins discordant for
bipolar disorder (Gourovitch et al., 1999) is in its infancy,
but has indicated that impairments are evident in tests of
learning and memory but not in verbal skills.

Other Neuropsychological Domains

A number of other cognitive functions have been studied
in bipolar disorder, but with insufficient frequency to be included in our meta-analysis. These functions include auditory perception, somatosensory function, pain perception,
impulsivity, processing of facial affective displays, and the extent of thought disorder. The paucity of research in these domains indicates a parochialism in the mapping of cognitive

functions in this disorder, with a strong focus on measures

of attention, executive functions, and learning and memory. For example, rates of suicide are elevated in bipolar
disorder, and diathesisstress models of suicide often assume that a predisposition for impulsive behavior provides
the diathesis and acute depressive or manic symptoms the
stress that results in the act20 (see Chapter 8). However,
there are virtually no longitudinal data on measures of impulsivity or aggression in bipolar disorder, and at the clinical level, impulsivity would not be expected to be invariant, but to be accentuated during manic or mixed states.
Further, characterization of the essential deficit as being
in the domain of impulsivity or aggressivity may be too
An especially comprehensive neuropsychological study
recently compared the profiles of medication-free depressed
patients with a history of a high-lethality suicide attempt, a
low-lethality suicide attempt, and no history of suicide attempt, and healthy controls. The cognitive domains sampled included general intellectual functioning, motor functioning, attention, memory, and executive functioning. A
discriminant analysis indicated that different dimensions
distinguished the total depressed sample from the healthy
controls and distinguished the high-lethality attempters
from the other patient groups. Impairment in attention
and memory distinguished the patients from the controls,
again highlighting that a basic attentional disturbance may
be a key factor in determining the cognitive sequelae of
mood disorders, both unipolar and bipolar. Impaired executive function distinguished high-lethality attempters,
with the executive function measures not being restricted
to indices of impulsivity. The results of this work raise the
possibility that a more broad-based deficit in executive
function, perhaps related to self-monitoring functions, is
disturbed in individuals with a history of high-lethality
suicide attempts.
Recent years have seen a movement away from the study
of cold cognition to the study of hot cognition in bipolar disorder.21 This distinction is thought to make neuropsychological investigation more ecologically valid and
more likely to address core deficits in bipolar disorder. The
movement to assess hot cognition is instantiated in studies
in which the information being processed, such as facial
emotional expression or the meaning of affectively laden
words, has affective significance. Thus in both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, there has been a significant increase in reports on facial emotion discrimination and
other aspects of the processing of emotionally laden information. A particular emphasis in this work has been the
extent to which such processing is biased by the affective
state of patients (depressed versus manic) (Murphy et al.,


Work in this area is insufficiently developed to yield

conclusions. A cautionary note is in order, however, especially in light of the enthusiastic recommendations being
made to incorporate affective processing tasks in studies of
mood disorders. The processes involved in the regulation
of mood appear to be wholly independent of the processes
that subserve the reception of emotion (i.e., the processing of emotionally laden information). As noted earlier, brain injury can result in highly specific deficits in aspects of emotional processing and have no impact on the
regulation of mood or emotional expression. Alternatively,
there can be marked disturbance in mood without apparent impact on emotional processing. It is unclear to what
extent determining that the intonation of a voice is sad differs fundamentally from determining that the speaker is
male, that the voice is raspy, and so on. It is clear that the
presentation of such stimuli rarely has an impact on affective state. Determining that a voice is sad does not require
that one feel sad, and thus these procedures cannot be said
to be indirect mood manipulations.
Often the outcome of such investigation is an indication
of biased processing on the part of patient subgroups. Using an affective gono go task, Murphy and colleagues
(1999) alternated happy and sad words in blocks as either
targets requiring response or distracters requiring inhibition of response. Compared with healthy controls, manic
patients were slower to respond to sad but not to happy
targets, whereas depressed patients were slower when responding to happy but not to sad targets. Manic patients
also had an excess of response inhibition errors (responding to a distracter). Thus, the results of this study suggest
a difference between depressed and manic patients in attentional bias as a function of affective valence. This effect
was not seen in remitted patients in a subsequent study
(Rubinsztein et al., 2000). Note that this effect can be distinguished from mood congruence effects. In the study by
Murphy and colleagues (1999), patients were impeded in
processing targets that did not correspond to their affective state. Mood congruence phenomena reflect privileged
access to evaluations, memories, and so on that are congruent in emotional content with the current mood state.
Nonetheless, there is evidence that current affective
state impacts the processing of ongoing affectively charged
information. More broadly, mood congruence effects also
pertain to the differential retrieval of memories, the attributions made for ongoing positive and negative events,
and other aspects of complex cognitive function. For example, the depressed state is frequently characterized by a
marked cognitive bias, referred to as depressive realism.
When healthy controls, or for that matter patients with
schizophrenia, are confronted with success, the tendency is
to assume that they caused this outcome, they should be


praised, and the outcome was very good. In contrast, when

confronted with failure, healthy controls will often state
that the outcome was uncontrollable, they should not be
blamed, and it was not so bad anyway. While patients with
major depression might be expected to show a reverse bias,
to overaccentuate the negative, their attributions tend to be
much more even-handed than those of controls, and thus
by most accounts, more realistic (Sackeim and Wegner,
1986). Therefore, it is fair to say that the states of depression
and euphoria are characterized by a gross alteration in cognitive schema, reflecting diminished or absent self-serving
biases in the depressed state (Taylor and Brown, 1988, 1994;
Colvin and Block, 1994). If the objective of recent work on
hot cognition in mood disorders is to address state-related
biases in information processing, it is far from clear that
studies of facial emotional identification provide the optimal models.


In many of the studies included in our meta-analysis, bipolar patients were tested in an unmedicated state when depressed or manic, but were medicated when studied in the
remitted state. This convention arises from the fact that a
period of medication withdrawal in acutely ill patients is
considered acceptable before starting a new treatment. Indeed, in some cases such withdrawal is of clinical value. On
the other hand, the risks of relapse are so high that withdrawal of treatment in recently remitted patients is unacceptable. Consequently, this pattern introduces a potentially
serious confound in much of the neuropsychological and
neurobiological investigation of state-independent phenomena in bipolar disorder. Specifically, could the widespread
neuropsychological impairment seen in remitted patients be
a result of an adverse and generalized cognitive effect of
continuation and maintenance treatment? Could lithium,
the anticonvulsant medications, or the antidepressants be
responsible for this cognitive profile? To the extent that patients in some studies are abruptly withdrawn from psychotropics, what impact does drug withdrawal have on cognitive function?
For example, Martinez-Arn and colleagues (2004a) conducted a comprehensive study of cognitive impairment in
euthymic bipolar patients, contrasting 40 such patients with
30 healthy controls and accounting for the effects of subsyndromal symptomatology. After controlling for age, premorbid IQ, and subsyndromal symptomatology, the patient
sample still manifested deficits on several measures of memory and executive functions. The extent of verbal memory
impairment was related to a longer duration of illness,

Psychological Studies

a higher number of manic episodes, and prior psychotic

symptoms. However, 38 of the 40 patients were receiving
psychotropic medications at the time of testing: 33 of the 40
were being treated with lithium carbonate, 12 with carbamazepine, and 7 with valproate; 11 patients were receiving
more than one mood stabilizer; 23 were also being treated
with antipsychotic medications (15 of which were on atypical antipsychotics), 17 were being given benzodiazepines,
and 8 were receiving antidepressants. The complexity of
these medication regimens is characteristic of the longterm treatment of bipolar disorder and illustrates the difficulty of ruling out adverse medication effects or interactions in naturalistic studies.
The most rigorous way of addressing this question is to
conduct a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Given the
possibilities of state-related changes in cognition, fluctuating clinical symptomatology, effects of ancillary medications (e.g., benzodiazepines), practice and order effects, and
other factors, adverse cognitive effects of primary moodstabilizing or adjunctive sedative medications could easily
be falsely accentuated or underestimated. Especially in clinical populations, however, the feasibility and ethics of such a
study are questionable.
The best alternative in such a circumstance is longitudinal investigation using an ABA design, with patients being
tested while on (A) and off (B) medication. Perhaps the
most critical study in this area used such a design. Shaw
and colleagues (1987) studied 28 outpatients with mood
disorders maintained on lithium prophylaxis. Of these 28,
22 completed the protocol, 6 being dropped because of clinical deterioration; a criterion for participation was maintaining euthymia throughout. On average, patients had been
maintained on lithium for 9.4 years (SD = 5.8 years), with
an average level of 0.80 mEq/L (SD = 0.23 MEq/L). Patients
were tested at the same time each week at each of five
weekly sessions. The first session took place while patients
continued to receive lithium, the second and third while
they received substituted placebo, and the fourth and fifth
after they had returned to lithium. Motor speed was assessed using the finger-tapping procedure, and the Buschke
Selective Reminding Test was used to evaluate effects on
learning and memory.
Over the 5 weeks of this study, depression and mania
symptom scores were flat and in the euthymic range.
Lithium levels went from a mean of 0.83 mEq/L at the first
session to 0.05, 0.04, 0.71, and 0.74 at sessions 2 through 5,
respectively. Figure 918 presents the results for the fingertapping task and Figure 919 those for the memory test. Motor speed was quantified as the mean number of taps per
five 10 s trials with both the dominant and nondominant
hand. There was a significant difference in tapping performance across the 5 weeks, with motor speed improving after


Tapping Rate (per 10 s trial)






On Wk. 1

Off Wk. 2

Off Wk. 3

On Wk. 4

On Wk. 5

Figure 918. Tapping rate with lithium discontinuation and reinstatement. Twenty-two patients were retested for tapping speed
weekly for 5 weeks. Lithium was discontinued after the first week and
reinstated by the fourth week. Tapping speed improved in weeks 2
and 3 off lithium and slowed with lithium reinstatement. (Source:
Shaw et al., 1987.)

discontinuation of lithium and deteriorating with its reintroduction. The magnitude of this effect, while consistent,
was small. For example, the deterioration between weeks 3
and 5 (p < .02) averaged a 4.2 percent reduction in tapping
The study by Shaw and colleagues (1987) constituted the
first report of reversible lithium-induced motor speed impairment. Several previous studies of patients and healthy
participants had suggested that lithium had a negative effect on performance of the WAIS-R digit symbol test and
possibly on perceptual-motor tasks (Demers and Heninger,
1971; Judd, 1979; Squire et al., 1980). The digit symbol subtest is usually regarded as an attentional measure. Given its
timed nature, however, motoric slowing would have a negative impact. Thus the findings of the Shaw et al. (1987)
study raise the possibility that lithium resulted in a subtle
slowing of basic motor movement, which could affect any
timed procedure.
The findings obtained with the Buschke Selective Reminding Test are illustrated in Figure 919. This test produces a variety of indices of the adequacy of short- and
long-term memory, and a representative index of each is
plotted in the figure. Short-term recall is heavily influenced by attention and reflects the recall of items just recently presented, as in the reminding procedure. Long-term
recall concerns the number of words recalled at some interval since original presentation or reminding. No impact of


Short-term Recall
Long-term Recall


Memory Score

On Wk. 1

Off Wk. 2

Off Wk. 3

On Wk. 4

On Wk. 5

Figure 919. Short- and long-term recall on a verbal learning and

memory test with lithium discontinuation and reinstatement.
Lithium was discontinued after the first week and reinstated by the
fourth week. Short-term or immediate memory was unaffected by
lithium status. Long-term recall was reduced when patients were
given lithium. (Source: Shaw et al., 1987. Reprinted with permission.)

lithium withdrawal or reintroduction on the short-term

memory measures was observed. Instead, substantial improvement in long-term memory measures occurred when
lithium was removed, and deterioration when it was reintroduced. At face value, these data suggest that lithium
had little impact on the attentive processes involved in the
immediate recall of new information, but produced a significant compromise (about 20 percent) in the amount of
information that could be recalled with a delay since presentation. In other words, these data suggest that lithium
produced a mild anterograde amnesia.
In fact, although negative findings have been reported
regarding lithiums effects on memory (Squire et al., 1980),
a substantial literature is consistent with these effects. Reus
and colleagues (1979) compared 17 bipolar manic patients
receiving lithium with 7 other patients who had discontinued lithium for at least 3 weeks (5 because of pregnancy).
Using procedures similar to those of Shaw and colleagues
(1987), they found that the lithium group had a deficit in
long-term recall. Specifically, this deficit pertained to the
capacity to recall consistently material for which earlier
learning had been established. This finding supports the
possibility that lithium has negligible effects on attention
and the intake or encoding of new information, but interferes with the retrieval of what has been learned. Were this
the case, it would represent a neurocognitive profile distinct
from that which appears to characterize bipolar patients in


remission, in whom learning and memory appear to be

equally disrupted (see Fig. 917). Other research has yielded
findings that support this framework. Two studies of healthy
participants found that retrieval of information after a long
delay (7 to 14 days) was impaired by lithium (Karniol et al.,
1978; Kropf and Muller-Oerlinghausen, 1979). And in a study
of 18 bipolar patients, Christodoulou and colleagues (1981)
found no effect of a 16-day placebo period on short-term
memory measures.
In this light, the findings of naturalistic studies of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder may take on different meaning. Lund and colleagues (1982) found that chronic
bipolar patients stabilized on lithium performed in the
low-average range on tests of attention and memory, below expectations given their educational achievement. This
pattern in remitted patients could reflect both a trait-level
deficit in attentional and executive functions and a specific
deleterious effect of lithium on long-term retrieval. Kessing
(1998) found that both the number of affective episodes
and treatment with lithium were associated with inferior
performance on two of five tests of diffuse cognitive function. In this case, exposure to lithium and the effects of
chronicity could not be separated. Finally, Engelsmann
and colleagues (1988) conducted a longitudinal cognitive
investigation of bipolar patients treated with lithium. They
found little evidence of a cumulative deleterious effect, as
there was significant decline over a 6-year follow-up period in only 1 of 10 memory subtests. However, evidence
from discontinuation and reinstatement studies indicates
that adverse effects of lithium on cognition are expressed
immediately, and reverse at least partially with discontinuation. The findings of Engelsmann and colleagues (1988) are
critical in suggesting that any short-term negative impact is
not cumulative.22
Cognitive impairment is a common complaint of patients
treated for bipolar disorder, and undoubtedly contributes
considerably to nonadherence to treatment regimens (see
Chapter 21). It has been common for clinicians to dismiss
such complaints of clouded thinking, slowed processing, or
memory impairment as reflecting the ravages of the illness,
somatization and negativism on the part of the patient, and
the like. Teasing out which if any cognitive effects reflect disease processes and which indicate adverse pharmacological
effects is next to impossible for any individual patient. Given
the neurotoxicity of lithium at high doses, it should not be
unexpected if some individuals show cognitive sensitivity
and experience a range of cognitive impairments while receiving the drug. In some cases, these effects can be addressed through dosage reduction. However, especially for
patients in whom lithium is clearly more effective than alternative maintenance agents, there may be no choice but to accept these side effects as part of the price of maintaining


Psychological Studies

remission. In this respect, the absence of evidence that

lithium per se has a cumulative deleterious influence and the
clear evidence of reversal of deficits once the drug is discontinued should be reassuring. So, too, should the accumulating body of evidence indicating that lithium exerts a neuroprotective effect (see Chapter 14).
As noted earlier, an especially common complaint of patients receiving long-term treatment with lithium is blunting of creativity. Similar to the notion that lithium can blunt
the peaks of extreme dysphoric and euphoric states, some
patients report that lithium interferes with the highest levels of creativity. Given the apparent overrepresentation of
bipolar illness among individuals in the creative arts, the frequency of this complaint is not surprising (see Chapter 12).
Evaluating the validity of this claim is difficult, however.
Enhanced creativity is frequently reported in hypomanic
states, with a concomitant increase in productivity. Rather
than a reduction in creativity being attributable to lithium,
effective treatment of bipolar disorder and the maintenance
of sustained remission may have this untoward consequence. Were this the case, however, complaints about reduced creative abilities should be reported for any agents
that produce or sustain remission. Yet experience indicates
that such complaints are especially common among those
being treated with lithium as opposed to other mood stabilizers. Indeed, a preliminary and, as far as we know, as yet
unreplicated case study, has been reported in which complaints of diminished creativity were reduced by switching
from lithium to sodium divalproex (Stoll et al., 1996).
The obvious difficulty here involves operationalizing
the construct of creativity. No single neuropsychological
test fully captures this construct. Shaw and colleagues (1986)
conducted a critical study in this area, which is one of the
only controlled studies to date of lithiums effects on the
creative process. When given a word association task, such
as providing associations for the word camera, individuals will differ in the number and in the novelty or idiosyncrasy of the associations they report. Norms in fact exist
for the frequency of particular associations. Photograph
would be a highly common association for the stimulus
camera, whereas chamber, private, stealth, or subrosa would be understandable but idiosyncratic responses.
Using the same methodology over a 5-week testing period
involving discontinuation and reinstatement of lithium,
Shaw and colleagues (1986) found that upon discontinuation, remitted patients were more generative and also
showed an increase in idiosyncrasy of association. Both effects reversed when lithium was reinstituted (see Chapter
12 for further discussion of this and related studies). In a
subsequent study, this effect of discontinuation was reaffirmed (Kocsis et al., 1993). Therefore, the extremely limited data available suggest that lithium may result in a

diminution of unusual associations, making the case for an

impact on creativity more plausible. The effect may be
complicated in those patients in whom discontinuation of
lithium precipitates a rapid relapse to hypomania and thus
an increase in associational fluency secondary to mood
This focus on the cognitive sequelae of lithium should
not be taken as implying that the major alternatives to
lithium, anticonvulsant mood stabilizers, do not present
similar issues. Rather, it is only in the case of lithium that
there is a substantial empirical literature on potential adverse cognitive effects. Indeed, examination of the neuropsychological effects of the anticonvulsants is standard
in evaluating their use in seizure disorders.

Clinical Features
A good deal of medical research involves searching for
clinicalpathological correlations in an effort to identify
individuals at heightened risk or to further our understanding of disease processes. Once it has been accepted
that manic-depressive illness, especially its bipolar form, is
associated with a profile of cognitive deficits, a host of
questions arise regarding the factors that influence the expression of such neuropsychological disturbances. For example, do all individuals manifest the cognitive deficits
characteristic of bipolar illness, or do subgroups manifest
these effects more intensely? Alternatively, does the manifestation of cognitive deficits change with development? In
particular, does chronicity of illness affect the expression
of such deficits? Is the adult pattern of cognitive deficit
seen in pediatric bipolar disorder or in children at risk for
the disorder? If so, does this obviate the potential confound of medication effects? And to what extent does the
severity of cognitive deficits covary with structural abnormalities of the brain, especially the burden of hyperintensities as revealed by f MRI?

Psychotic Features
A number of studies have found a link between the presence of psychotic features and a more chronic and severe
course of bipolar illness with respect to both symptomatic
and functional outcomes.23 Especially since cognitive impairment is linked to poorer functional outcomes in bipolar disorder (Zarate et al., 2000), one might surmise that
psychotic features are predictive of poorer neuropsychological outcome. This conjecture has received some empirical support. Albus and colleagues (1996) failed to find differences in cognitive performance between first-episode
nonpsychotic patients with mood disorders and healthy
controls. In contrast, mood disorder patients with psychotic
features performed as poorly as patients with first-episode
schizophrenia. Thus in this study, the presence of psychosis


was found to be a greater determinant of neuropsychological profile than the diagnosis of mood disorder or schizophrenia. In light of the neuropsychological deterioration
often seen early after the onset of psychosis in first-episode
schizophrenia and the hypothesis that psychotic states are
intrinsically toxic (Wyatt, 1991, 1995), it is especially important to examine the validity of this association and to determine whether early intervention can improve cognitive
and other long-term outcomes in patients with bipolar disorder with psychotic features. The duration of untreated
psychosis in patients with first-episode schizophrenia is associated with both the quality of symptomatic outcomes
and the extent of cognitive deterioration (Norman and
Malla, 2001; Amminger et al., 2002).

Chronicity and Other Developmental Effects

An active effect of psychiatric illness on brain structure
and function need not be restricted to psychotic subtypes.
Altshuler (1993) and others have contended that episodes
of depression and mania may have similar consequences.
Indeed, a particularly popular view is that the release of excessive glucocorticoids during such episodes leads to hippocampal atrophy and consequent disruption of declarative memory processes (Brown et al., 1999) (see Chapter 15).
This possibility accords with data indicating that the lifetime duration of depression is associated with hippocampal
volume and verbal memory performance in euthymic
women with recurrent major depression (Sheline et al.,
1996, 1999). A role for interventions is supported by recent
evidence that the linkage between lifetime duration of days
depressed and structural and functional outcomes holds
only for periods without active antidepressant treatment
(Sheline, E., personal communication, May 2004).
Bipolar patients can vary in the chronicity of their disorder, differing in the number of episodes, type of episodes,
number of hospitalizations, duration of episodes, and severity of symptoms. The directions of these effects are not necessarily uniform. An unremitting, continuous episode of
illness may indicate greater chronicity than a history of recurrent but responsive episodes. Adequate metrics by which
to evaluate the course of bipolar illness are unavailable.
Nonetheless, patients with more severe symptomatic presentations and with courses of illness lacking long periods
of remission (e.g., chronic and/or recurrent) tend to have
poorer neuropsychological outcomes.24 Cognitive outcomes
in bipolar patients have been linked to a rapid-cycling
course (McKay et al., 1995), number of prior hospitalizations (Tham et al., 1997), and lifetime duration in episodes
of mania or depression (van Gorp et al., 1998). Denicoff
and colleagues (1999) found that number of episodes, longer
duration of illness, and more frequent hospitalizations
were each associated with performance on tests of


attention, abstraction, and memory. Kessing (1998), using

regression techniques, found a linkage to cognitive dysfunction for number of episodes and not for duration of
illness (see Chapter 4).
While the consensus on this issue is impressive, each of
the supportive studies used a cross-sectional design. Two
observations illustrate the problem: (1) a more virulent
course is associated with neuropsychological deterioration, and (2) patients in remission manifest a profile of
cognitive dysfunction, noteworthy mainly for the relative
sparing of verbal functions, but otherwise widespread. It is
conceivable that the abnormalities seen in remitted patients reflect the deterioration associated with chronicity
and are not present from the onset of illness. If so, longitudinal evaluation should detect this change over time. Unfortunately, longitudinal investigation of cognitive function in bipolar disorder has rarely been conducted. An
exception in this regard is a study conducted by Dhingra
and Rabins (1991). They followed for 5 to 7 years 25 bipolar
patients who initially presented in a manic state with no
signs of cognitive impairment. At long-term follow-up, approximately one third of the sample had clinically significant cognitive impairment.
Another approach can be taken to determine whether
the cognitive deficits seen in euthymia precede the classic
expression of illness, accompany the onset of the first affective episode, or are a result of the expression of the disorder. Evaluating family members of bipolar probands,
children at risk for bipolar disorder, or pediatric manifestations of bipolar disorder can provide clues to the unfolding
of cognitive deficits in this illness. For example, Dickstein
and colleagues (2004) compared 21 bipolar children with 21
age- and gender-matched controls on the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery. The bipolar children had a profile of deficits similar to that seen in adults,
with deficits in attention, set shifting, and visuospatial
memory. Post hoc analyses indicated that these deficits
could not be attributed to manic symptoms or the presence of attention-deficit disorder. The average age of the
bipolar sample was 12.7 years (range 6 to 17 years), and it is
conceivable that the medications used to treat the condition or other ancillary factors distorted cognitive performance. Clarification of the neuropsychological profiles of
children at risk (as well as family members) could help
clarify these issues while minimizing the confounding effects of illness expression and treatment.
Results of a study by Burt and colleagues (2000) suggest
that neuropsychological course may be quite different in
bipolar and unipolar patients. The authors compared young
and elderly unipolar and bipolar patients in an episode of
major depression on the performance of a variety of memory measures. No differences in performance were found


Psychological Studies

between the young bipolar and unipolar groups, while the

elderly bipolar patients had markedly inferior performance compared with all other groups. The authors speculated that the history of more frequent affective episodes
and the earlier age at onset in the bipolar group resulted in
a more pronounced deteriorative process.
The evidence, reviewed earlier, that lithium has negative
but quickly reversible cognitive effects does not contradict
the possibility that the drug also exerts neuroprotective effects (Manji et al., 2000a,b) (see Chapter 14). To date, there
is no evidence that long-term exposure to lithium, as opposed to any other agent, has a specific or general impact
on the cognitive deficits characteristic of bipolar disorder.
Research to address these issues is essential.

Structural Brain Abnormalities

The fact that some neurocognitive effects reverse with the
discontinuation or reinitiation of lithium demonstrates a
causal pathway. However, medication effects are unlikely
to account for the bulk of the deficits seen during symptomatic or remitted states. There appears to be a core pattern
of cognitive deficit that is manifested across the phases of
illness. Some evidence indicates that duration of lifetime
exposure to major depression covaries with hippocampal
volume and a measure of verbal memory. More generally,
the evidence for persistent cognitive deficit raises the issue
of neuroanatomical correlates (see Chapter 15). There are
particular reasons for investigating the relations of MRI
hyperintensities (HI) to cognitive manifestations in bipolar disorder.
In comparison with healthy controls and other neuropsychiatric groups, elderly patients with major depressive disorder have consistently shown high rates of abnormality in MRI evaluations. These abnormalities appear as
areas of increased signal intensity in both balanced, T2weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
images. T1-weighted sequences maximize the contrast between gray and white matter and provide fine anatomic
detail. In contrast, T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences are
particularly sensitive in identifying fluid-filled areas,
which appear as areas of high signal intensity.
The abnormalities can be classified into three types.
Periventricular hyperintensities (PVH) are a halo or rim adjacent to ventricles that in severe forms invades surrounding
deep white matter. Alternatively, single, patchy, or confluent
foci may be observed in deep white matter hyperintensities
(DWMH), with or without PVH. HI may also be found in
deep gray structures, particularly the basal ganglia, thalamus, and pons. These abnormalities have been referred to as
leukoencephalopathy, leukoariosis, subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy, encephalomalacia, and unidentified
bright objects (UBOs). Because the HI in major depression

are not restricted to white matter and their etiology has not
been established, we use the term encephalomalacia.
Figure 920 illustrates a moderate-to-severe case of encephalomalacia. FLAIR images are presented for a patient
with late-onset, first-episode major depression. The image
on the left illustrates PVH, with thick bands of high signal
intensity (white) adjacent to the lateral ventricles. Note
that on the left side of this image, the HI are extending into
the deep white matter. The image on the right is of a higher
MRI slice from the same patient and shows multiple confluent HI through the DWMH. In patients presenting with
these MRI findings, clinicians typically receive radiological
reports that emphasize ischemic small-vessel disease.
In one of the largest prospective MRI series in major
depression, all 51 elderly patients (aged >60) referred for
ECT presented with HI, more than half rated moderate to
severe, and 51 percent had lesions of subcortical gray nuclei
(Coffey et al., 1990). These rates of abnormality greatly exceeded those found in a healthy control sample, with basal
ganglia abnormalities being most discriminative (Fig. 921).
The depressed samples studied to date have often included
patients with comorbid medical illnesses, without adequate controls for risk factors for cerebrovascular disease
(CVD), medications being taken, or drug abuse. Nonetheless, in the work of Coffey and colleagues (1990), when
depressed patients with preexisting neurological conditions were excluded, the rate of encephalomalacia greatly
exceeded that found in normal controls. In a replication
study, patients with major depression showed marked increases in the frequency of PVH, DWMH, and basal ganglia and thalamic HI relative to controls matched for CVD
risk factors (Coffey et al., 1993). The age-adjusted odds ratio for PVH was 5.32. In other, often large population studies of elderly healthy controls, when the halos or caps commonly seen at the top and bottom of the lateral ventricles
were excluded, approximately 10 to 30 percent presented
with MRI white matter abnormalities, with typically mild
severity and low rates of subcortical gray matter abnormalities (Breteler et al., 1994).
The rate or severity of encephalomalacia in geriatric depression may equal or exceed that in Alzheimers disease
(Erkinjuntti et al., 1994) and may be comparable to that in
multi-infarct dementia (Zubenko et al., 1990; see Sackeim
et al., 2000a, for a review). Meta-analyses have supported
the excess of HI in geriatric unipolar depression (Videbech,
1997). These abnormalities tend to be overrepresented in
frontal lobe white matter and in the basal ganglia, perhaps
with a left-sided predominance (Greenwald et al., 1998).
For instance, Greenwald and colleagues (1998) found that
left frontal DWHI and left putamen HI discriminated between an elderly unipolar sample and a matched healthy
comparison group.



Figure 920. Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images of a patient with late-onset major depression. White or bright areas show
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) hyperintensities. The image on the left demonstrates periventricular hyperintensities, with a broad band of
increased signal adjacent to the lateral ventricles and invading the deep white matter. The image on the right, from the same patient at a higher
level, shows multiple, confluent foci of hyperintensities in the deep white matter (centrum semiovale).

Several correlates of HI burden have been suggested in

studies of elderly unipolar patients. The excess of HI appears to be most marked in patients with late- as opposed
to early-onset mood disorder.25 In turn, this association
may be due to a greater rate of cerebrovascular risk factors in the late-onset population. Indeed, as in normal
and neurological samples, the strongest predictors of encephalomalacia in unipolar depression are age and cerebrovascular risk factors. There are also suggestions that,
in addition to late onset, absence of a family history of
mood disorder is predictive of HI burden (Krishnan et al.,
2004). This finding regarding transmission of mood disorder would suggest determination of whether family history of CVD is overrepresented in unipolar or bipolar patients with significant encephalomalacia, an issue yet to
be resolved.
In unipolar patients, the presence of encephalomalacia
has predictive power with respect to treatment outcome
and subsequent course. In naturalistic studies, greater HI
burden has been associated with poorer acute response to
antidepressant medications and ECT.26 The limited information on longitudinal follow-up suggests that encephalomalacia in unipolar disorder may be a marker for cognitive
decline and the development of dementia (Hickie et al.,
1997; Baldwin et al., 2000).
In normal, nonsymptomatic subjects, some degree of
encephalomalacia may be observed, and its prevalence and

extent are linked to aging. It is unclear whether the limited

encephalomalacia in normal samples is associated with
cognitive impairment, and there may be threshold effects
for HI volume (Boone et al., 1992). Nonetheless, in normal
and neurological samples, there is a body of replicated findings associating encephalomalacia specifically with deficits in
attention, motor speed, and executive function (e.g., Breteler
et al., 1994; see Sackeim et al., 2000a, for a review). As noted
earlier, these are hallmark deficits in unipolar and bipolar
depression. In nonpsychiatric patient samples, the most
common neurological abnormalities associated with encephalomalacia are gait disturbances, tendency to fall, extensor plantar reflex, and primitive reflexes.27
There has been limited investigation of the neuropsychological correlates of encephalomalacia in unipolar major depression. Ebmeier and colleagues (1997) found that
the severity of DWMH was inversely related to global
cognitive function (Mini-Mental State scores) in elderly
depressed patients. In an especially comprehensive study,
Lesser and colleagues (1996) compared 60 late-onset (>50
years of age) unipolar depressed patients, 35 early-onset
(<35 years of age) depressed patients, and 165 normal controls. All subjects were at least 50 years of age. The lateonset group had greater DWMH than either of the other
groups. Cognitive deficits were most marked in the lateonset group and pertained to nonverbal intelligence, nonverbal memory, constructional ability, executive function,


Psychological Studies



Percent of Subjects





Subcortical Gray

Figure 921. Representation of the findings of Coffey and colleagues (1990). The percentages of patients with major depression
and control subjects are contrasted in rates of periventricular hyperintensities (PVH), deep white matter hyperintensities (DWMH), and
hyperintensities in subcortical gray matter structures.

and speed of processing. Patients with greater severity of

DWMH had significantly poorer executive function.
Jenkins and colleagues (1998) found that elderly depressed patients with HI showed poorer performance on
a number of learning and memory indices, with the pattern of deficits resembling that observed in subcortical degenerative disorders (i.e., Huntingtons and Parkinsons
diseases). Simpson and colleagues (1997b) conducted neuropsychological assessment after treatment of an elderly
unipolar depressed sample. Signal abnormalities in the pons
were associated with reduced psychomotor speed, basal
ganglia HI were linked to impaired category productivity
(executive function), and PVH were associated with recall
deficits. It should be noted that since the severity of encephalomalacia in this study was also associated with clinical outcome, the findings regarding neuropsychological
correlates may have been confounded with clinical state.
Yet the findings of these and other studies indicate that in
general, encephalomalacia in elderly unipolar patients is associated with impairments of psychomotor function, attention, executive function, and learning and memory. There
is also evidence that specific cognitive domains may be affected by the anatomic location of HI (deep white matter,
periventricular, or subcortical gray matter structures).
The characterization of encephalomalacia in bipolar
disorder is less certain, in part because it has received less
research attention. Nonetheless, encephalomalacia clearly
has different meanings in bipolar and unipolar disorder.

In considerably younger samples than those studied in

unipolar disorder, several groups have reported that MRI
HI are more common among young bipolar patients than
controls.28 Aylward and colleagues (1994) found that older
(> age 38) and not younger bipolar patients had an excess
of HI. Brown and colleagues (1992) failed to detect an excess in young bipolar patients, although they did observe
that severe HI were overrepresented in elderly patients
with major depression. In a sample of 600 psychiatric patients who underwent MRI, Breeze and colleagues (2003)
failed to observe a difference in rates of DWMH in bipolar
patients compared with other psychiatric groups. However, in the same sample, this group reported that bipolar
patients had a clear excess of severe DWMH compared
with other groups (Lyoo et al., 2002). In relatively small
samples, Silverstone and colleagues (2003) compared bipolar depressed, unipolar depressed, and healthy participants
and found that the bipolar patients had twice the rate of severe DWMH relative to unipolar patients or healthy controls. Ahn and colleagues (2004) recently confirmed an excess of DWMH in bipolar adults relative to healthy
controls, with the discrimination being strongest for more
severe structural abnormality.
The findings of two recent studies are particularly revealing. Pillai and colleagues (2002) compared rates of white
matter HI in adolescents with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and matched healthy controls. These HI were
more common in the bipolar group (67 percent) relative to
the schizophrenic (37 percent) and comparison (32 percent) groups. HI occur in individuals with early-onset
bipolar disorder and have been reported at first psychiatric contact. Ahearn and colleagues (1998) conducted MRI
examinations of the affected and unaffected first-degree
relatives of bipolar probands. Of the 21 family members examined, 15 had HI, including 6 of 10 family members with
no history of mood disorder and all of those with bipolar
disorder. Lesions of both white matter and subcortical gray
nuclei were seen. The authors raised the possibility that
these HI serve as a biomarker of bipolar disorder.
The literature on encephalomalacia in bipolar disorder
is somewhat less consistent than that in unipolar disorder
in demonstrating this structural abnormality. On the other
hand, some authors claim that encephalomalacia is especially marked in bipolar disorder. The reasons for this discrepancy are not well understood. Nonetheless, reports
demonstrating differences from healthy participants and
other psychiatric groups are sufficient for us to conclude
that bipolar disorder is characterized by an excess of these
structural abnormalities. In their meta-analysis, Bearden
and colleagues (2001) found a pooled odds ratio of 7.2 for
the likelihood of HI in bipolar patients relative to healthy


The striking thing is that the correlates of these abnormalities appear to differ in bipolar and unipolar disorder.
There is a dramatic difference in age at manifestation. In
all populations studied to date, HI burden increases with
advancing age. This may also be true in bipolar disorder.
What is exceptional, however, that adolescents with bipolar
disorder show the abnormality (Botteron et al., 1995; Lyoo
et al., 2002; Pillai et al., 2002). In unipolar patients and
neurological samples, the presence and severity of HI are
linked to CVD. Indeed, the predominant view is that encephalomalacia is an outcome of ischemic changes in
white matter watershed areas that are fed by tiny arterioles
and have limited collateral vascular supply. Rigidification
of these small vessels or blockage through arteriosclerosis
will result in ischemic damage. Not surprisingly, then, age
and cerebrovascular risk factors would be key determinants. Further, given this hypothesized vascular etiology,
it is not surprising that encephalomalacia is especially
prevalent in late-onset depression in patients without a
family history of mood disorder. It is CVD that is the primary agent, and not a genetic liability to depression. Indeed, the invasion of fibers in the white matter by HI must
be a random process. If the right fibers are damaged, major depression may result as disconnection syndrome
(Geschwind, 1965). Further, it makes sense that encephalomalacia, by reflecting ischemic brain changes, is associated
with specific forms of cognitive impairment and predicts
future course.
The young age at which many bipolar patients show this
abnormality makes it unlikely that these HI are the outcome of an ischemic disease process. Indeed, the notion
that the severity of the MRI abnormalities covaries with
cerebrovascular risk factors has not been established in
bipolar samples. Excluding patients or controlling for CVD
risk factors still results in an excess of HI in bipolar samples relative to controls (Altshuler et al., 1995; Hickie et al.,
1995). Thus while a vascular, age-related etiology for encephalomalacia is most likely in unipolar disorder, a different etiology may be at play in bipolar disorder. In turn, it
cannot be assumed that HI burden is associated with neuropsychological impairment in bipolar disorder.
Limited investigation has been done in this area. In a
small sample, Dupont and colleagues (1990) found that
bipolar patients with HI were more impaired than bipolar
patients without HI or healthy controls on tests of attention,
letter fluency, visuospatial skills, and memory. In contrast,
Krabbendam and colleagues (2000) compared matched
groups of remitted patients with bipolar disorder, patients
with schizophrenia, and healthy controls. The groups did not
differ in the presence or severity of HI. More surprisingly, no
differences in cognitive performance were found between
patients with and without white matter lesions. Clearly, this


area needs further attention, and the pathoetiology of encephalomalacia in bipolar disorder remains a mystery.


However revealing about the disorder, a detailing of the areas of cognitive strength and weakness in manic-depressive
illness is a highly incomplete account of the neuropsychological contribution to theories of the nature of the illness.
The application of psychometrics to affective processes lags
considerably behind advances in cognitive assessment.
However, the study of brainbehavior relationships with
respect to the regulation of emotion draws on a vast clinical
and experimental literature involving psychiatric, neurological, and healthy samples to derive conclusions about
how emotional states are represented in the brain and what
may go wrong such that some individuals are subject to recurrent bouts of depression or mania. The remainder of
this chapter is devoted to a brief review of some of the key
questions addressed in this literature.

Are Mood Disorders Deficit States

or Release Phenomena?
Theorists such as Donald Klein have viewed major depression as a deficit state, the affective equivalent of an aphasia
(Klein et al., 1980). The depressed patient is characterized
by an inability to feel pleasure, lack of interest, sleep and
appetite disturbance, lack of energy, immobility, and so on.
By this view, then, basic appetitive, motoric, and hedonic
functions are disturbed, much as sensation, movement, or
speech is lost in neurological disorders resulting from destructive brain lesions.
An alternative view is that these affective states are manifested as highly integrated behaviors with mood, motor,
cognitive, and conative components. Normal states of sadness and euphoria or, by extension, depression and mania
are positive symptoms in the sense of Hughlings Jackson
(1985), reflecting hyperfunction more than hypofunction, and are expressed through excitatory or disinhibitory
mechanisms (Head, 1921). By this view, depression and mania are more akin to automatic speech than to speech arrest
(Sackeim, 1986).
What type of evidence might support such a view? First,
complex affective states can reliably be provoked by stimulating specific regions of the brain. Indeed, they can be
turned on and off by changing the electrical stimulation.
During the course of deep-brain stimulation for movement disorders, it has become clear that stimulation at a
particular contact on an electrode in the subthalamic nucleus (or elsewhere) can provoke an overwhelming feeling


Psychological Studies

of depression, accompanied by crying, beliefs of worthlessness or hopelessness, and other classic phenomena associated with the depressed state.29 Turning the stimulation off
turns off the emotional display. The importance of such
demonstrations lies not so much in the hints about localization, but more in the fact that the immediacy of the depressive mood and of the changes in emotional expression
and worldview indicate the triggering of an integrated depressive system that alters the content of both mood and
thought. Thus the brain, at least in this context, behaves in
a way envisaged neither by James (1890) nor by Schachter
(Schachter and Singer, 1962). We do not come to have a feeling because we are expressing the emotion (e.g., we know
we are afraid because we are running), as suggested by
James. Nor do we come to have a feeling because of an appraisal we have made about our surroundings that explains
why we are aroused, as suggested by Schachter. In the case of
deep-brain stimulation, mood, expression, and thought
present simultaneously as integrated psychic phenomena
triggered by a manipulation of brain tissue. None has primacy, as would be demanded by these earlier theories.
Depressive-catastrophic reactions during the Wada
procedure are another example of provoked and transient
mood disorder. This procedure involves injecting a barbiturate into the internal carotid artery to temporarily barbiturate the ipsilateral hemisphere (Snyder and Harris,
1997; Wada, 1997). Contralateral flaccid hemiplegia or hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopsia soon result. The
procedure is used to establish laterality of language and
verbal memory in individuals scheduled for neurosurgery
(Branch et al., 1964; Cohen-Gadol et al., 2004; Takayama et
al., 2004). At a point when sensorimotor function and cognition return toward baseline, some patients report depressed mood and catastrophic beliefs (e.g., their lives are
ruined, the world is coming to an end). Since the 1950s,
some investigators have claimed that left-side injections
are more likely to produce this outcome, whereas rightside injections are more likely to result in a euphoric reaction.30 While this idea is subject to controversy (Kolb and
Milner, 1981; Kurthen et al., 1991), results of a recent study
using masked ratings of facial expression during the Wada
procedure support the notion that depressive reactions are
more common with left-side injection.
Normal functioning is characterized by its own mood
swings. Profound sadness, as during mourning or other
losses, is a normal variant and shares virtually all the symptoms of the clinical disorder. What distinguishes major depressive episodes from the normal experience of intense
dysphoric states is not so much the phenomenology of these
presentations as the fact that major depression does not resolve as quickly. Viewing these phenomena in normal individuals as a deficit state strains credibility. Furthermore,

states of euphoria and mania also involve integrated manifestations in mood, motor function, cognition, and conation, with many of these functions appearing to be in
Another argument regarding the status of depression
and mania as release phenomena concerns the fact that the
disorders most clearly reflecting deficits in emotional processes are distinct from depression and mania. Individuals
may have agnosias for emotional communications. In
other words, they may be incapable of identifying affective
intonation or emotional facial expressions. For example,
prosopoaffective agnosia refers to the inability to discern facial emotional expression without an accompanying deficit
in processing of facial identity (Vuilleumier et al., 1998).
Other neurological disorders can result in an incapacity
to display emotions, either voluntarily or spontaneously
(Borod et al., 1988; Ghacibeh and Heilman, 2003). And
alexithymia is a disorder involving the capacity to feel or
process affectively laden information (Becerra et al., 2002;
Kano et al., 2003; Larsen et al., 2003); some refer to this
condition as emotional blunting or emotion blindness. If
affective disorders have a form of negative symptoms reflecting a fundamental defect or incapacity, these conditions would be exemplars.

Are We Wired to Be Depressed, and What

Are the Therapeutic Implications?
The difference in conceptualization discussed above is
not academic. The release model essentially claims that
we are wired to be depressed and euphoric. Depressive or
manic states do not arise because of a disruption of various discrete functions, such as sleep and appetite, but
represent the expression of excitatory or disinhibitory release of distributed networks that subserve the integrated
features of mood disorder (Tanaka and Sumitsuji, 1991).
Concretely, this conception posits that there are depression and euphoria circuits in the brain, just as there are
circuits for fear.
By positing that excessive excitation or disinhibition leads
to release of the affective states, this perspective also has implications for our understanding of therapeutics. ECT is the
most effective short-term treatment for both the depressed
and manic phases of bipolar disorder. As reviewed in Chapter 19, bipolar depressed patients remit at the same rate as
unipolar patients but require fewer treatments (Daly et al.,
2001). Regardless of the form of ECT that was used in a series of randomized, controlled trials at Columbia University,
bipolar patients on average required about 1.5 fewer treatments than unipolar depressed patients, with optimal forms
of ECT resulting in immediate remission rates of 60 to 80
percent (Fig. 922). The immediate remission rate in mania
is also on the order of 80 percent, and improvement is often


Number of Treatments



Med. RUL

High RUL

Low BL

High BL

Figure 922. Number of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments for bipolar and unipolar depressed patients. Based on data
pooled across four studies at the New York State Psychiatric
Institute/Columbia University, 78 bipolar patients required on average
about 1.5 fewer treatments than 185 unipolar depressed patients.
Patients were randomly assigned to forms of ECT that differed in electrical dosage (low, medium, and high) and electrode placement (right
unilateral [RUL] versus bilateral [BL]). An analysis of variation
(ANOVA) was conducted on the number of treatments administered,
with diagnosis (bipolar versus unipolar), treatment condition (five levels), and the interaction of those two factors as between-subject terms,
and age and pre-ECT Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)
score as covariates. The main effects of diagnosis (p = .0008) and preECT HAM-D score (p = .0002) were significant. (Source: Adapted from
Sackeim et al., 1987, 1993, 2000b, and Sackeim, 2004.)

brisker than in major depression (Mukherjee et al., 1994).

Why is ECT unique among therapeutics in both the breadth
of its therapeutic action and its success rate? Why is a treatment that results in a hyperexcited state of the brain effective
in treatment conditions that we posit reflect the release of
ECT is a profound anticonvulsant.31 The induction of
the seizure initiates a set of endogenous inhibitory processes that terminate the seizure (Madsen et al., 2000); the
leading theories on what mediates this anticonvulsant effect involve increased transmission of gamma-aminobutyric
acid (GABA), endogenous opioids (Sanacora et al., 2003),
or other peptides (Tortella and Long, 1985). ECT raises
the seizure threshold for itself and all agents that trigger
seizures through GABAergic antagonism (Green et al., 1982).
It also results in progressive shortening of seizure duration
and weakening of seizure expression (Sackeim, 1999). Increasing the threshold for seizures and blocking or weakening seizure expression are the two conditions to be satisfied in determining whether a drug has anticonvulsant


properties. In a variety of animal models, including kindling, electroconvulsive shock (ECS) exerts more powerful
anticonvulsant properties than drugs such as carbamazepine or valproate. In this light, it is not surprising that
ECT has been of value in the treatment of resistant seizure
disorders, including status epilepticus (Sackeim et al., 1983b;
Lisanby et al., 2001).
The therapeutic properties of ECT have been linked to
its anticonvulsant effects. Forms of ECT that result in the
most marked increases in seizure threshold tend to be the
most effective (Sackeim, 1999). The strength of the inhibitory process immediately after the seizure can be indexed by the presence or absence of postictal suppression
of the electroencephalogram (EEG). Postictal suppression
(bioelectric silence) is predictive of a favorable outcome
(Nobler et al., 1993; Suppes et al., 1996; Perera et al., 2004).
Most critically, since Ketys work initiated the field of brain
imaging (Kety et al., 1948), it has been clear that ECT results in marked reductions in CBF (and CMRglu).32 Recent
work has revealed powerful relationships between the extent of this suppression in prefrontal regions and clinical
outcome in both major depression and mania (Nobler
et al., 1994, 2000b, 2001). Consonant with this perspective,
ECT results in a marked increase in slow-wave (delta) activity. The efficacy of the procedure has been linked to a
topography dominated by increased slow-wave activity in
prefrontal regions (Sackeim et al., 1996a). Thus depressed
and manic patients may have bad brakes, resulting in
a failure to diminish activation in the released mood circuitry. ECT, at least temporarily, enhances inhibitory tone,
reducing expression of the released mood circuitry.
The large imaging literature on antidepressant effects
is mainly in keeping with this view (Mayberg et al., 1999;
Drevets et al., 2002; Seminowicz et al., 2004). Although there
are disagreements about the sites of inhibition that are most
critical, the antidepressant effects of ECT, sleep deprivation, and antidepressant medications have commonly been
tied to reductions of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF)
or CMRglu in specific brain regions. Frontal pole, medial
orbital prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, and amygdala
have been identified as primary in reflecting the covariation
between reduced CBF or CMRglu and clinical outcome.33
Of course, this view readily accommodates the fact that
several anticonvulsant agents have mood-stabilizing properties. Thus to the extent that depressed or manic patients
can be said to have bad brakes, treatments with prophylactic properties may exert tonic inhibition.

Does the Brain Regulate Depression

and Mania Differently?
Bipolar disorder is one of the few illnesses in which
polar-opposite symptoms (euphoria and depression) are


Psychological Studies

experienced as part of the same illness. It is tempting to

view these abnormal states as the ends of a seesaw, such
that when one side is up, the other is down. This analogy
presumes that some force is tilting a balance toward or
away from depression or mania, thus regulating both. However, the nature of regulatory control probably differs for
euphoric and dysphoric states. Take the example of uncontrollable laughing and crying. In the context of destructive,
silent (nonepileptic) lesions, pathological crying is more
frequent than pathological laughing (Mills, 1912; Davison
and Kelman, 1939; Tateno et al., 2004). Uncontrollable outbursts of laughter as a prodrome or during seizures are referred to as gelastic epilepsy (Daly and Mulder, 1957; Gascon and Lombroso, 1971). As peri-ictal manifestations,
these highly organized behavioral displays occur in the
context of excessive cerebral excitability, during states of
hypersynchronous neuronal firing (Arroyo et al., 1993).
Dacrystic epilepsy refers to the occurrence of crying as a
prodromal or ictal event. When we collected the world literature on gelastic and dacrystic epilepsy, we found a pattern
with pathological laughing and crying: there were 91 cases
of laughing as a peri-ictal event, but only 6 cases of crying
outbursts and 6 cases that presented laughing and crying
outbursts to an equal extent (Sackeim et al., 1982b).
It is unlikely that the paucity of dacrystic epilepsy and excess of gelastic epilepsy case studies reflects only a reporting
bias. As noted, in the context of silent, nonirritative lesions,
reports of pathological crying are common. Taken at face
value, this difference in rates of occurrence suggests that uncontrollable crying is released more readily through disinhibitory mechanisms as opposed to an excitatory process,
while laughter is readily released through irritative or excitatory as well as disinhibitory mechanisms.
Even granting such a possibility, it is not evident that the
pattern of neural control over these emotional displays is of
consequence for the regulation of mood. At issue is whether
these examples of dysregulation of spontaneous emotional
expression should serve as a model for the pathophysiology
of abnormal mood states. Three key arguments support the
validity of this model.
First, as noted earlier, in a substantial minority of patients with pathological laughing and/or crying, mood is
altered during the outbursts in a manner that is consonant with the expressive outburst. Thus these individuals
report marked sadness during pathological crying and euphoria during pathological laughter. This same pattern
holds for gelastic and dacrystic epilepsy. This would suggest
that in some cases, the physiological state that results in release of the expressive outbursts also releases these organized mood states (Black, 1982). Precise data are lacking on
the prevalence of mood alterations during ictal events. It is
noteworthy that fear and euphoria are commonly reported.

For example, Dostoyevsky stated that he would give up 10

years of his life for the brief period of ecstasy he experienced
as a peri-ictal event.
Second, the therapeutics of pathological laughing and
crying supports the concept that mood and emotional expression are part of an integrated emotion circuit. In
controlled trials, antidepressant medications, including
tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs), have been found to be effective.34
Third, the lateralization of brain damage (or seizure foci)
in these cases of uncontrollable emotional display matches
that seen for depressive and euphoric mood changes that
occur after destructive, silent lesions. As with the Wada procedure, and also not without controversy, a significant body
of research has linked acute depressive reactions following
brain insult to damage in left-sided regions, especially in
frontal cortex, and euphoric mood changes to right-sided
damage.35 Figure 923 presents ratings of the predominant
side of lesion in cases of pathological laughing and crying;
the raters were blinded to the nature of the affective display
(Sackeim et al., 1982a). As in the literature on mood change,
crying outbursts are associated with an excess of left-sided
lesions, and laughing outbursts with an excess of right-sided
Sackeim and colleagues (1982b) hypothesized that the
opposite pattern would obtain when these outbursts occurred in the context of epilepsy as prodromal or ictal
events. Focal seizure activity has unique localizing value.
For example, lateralized somatosensory alterations have
100 percent correspondence to contralateral seizure activity in somatosensory cortex. Hughlings Jackson (1985) described the homunculus, the ordered representation of
the body in motor and somatosensory cortex based on the
march of motor symptoms during Jacksonian seizures, a
description later validated by Penfield with direct electrical
stimulation of motor cortex (Penfield and Jasper, 1954).
Sackeim and colleagues had further hypothesized that depressive and euphoric mood states following lateralized
silent (nonepileptic) lesions reflect disinhibition in contralateral brain regions that subserve depressed or euphoric statesthat is, breaking a brake over contralateral
regions. Thus, for example, they posited that euphoria results from right-sided brain damage due to release of the
left-sided regions that subserve this affective state. This hypothesis derived partly from data indicating that right
hemispherectomy (removal of the anterior two thirds of
the cerebral hemisphere) often results in a syndrome of increased jocularity, poor judgment, lack of responsibility,
and so on (Sackeim et al., 1982b). These affective changes
cannot be mediated by the broad expanse of cortex that
has been removed, but only by remaining subcortical regions in the ipsilateral hemisphere or by release of the



Laughing and Crying


Number of Patients








Laterality of Brain Damage

Figure 923. Distribution of primarily left-sided, right-sided, bilateral, and indeterminate nonirritative lesions in patients with pathological laughing only, laughing and crying, and crying only. Leftsided and right-sided lesions are associated with pathological crying and laughing, respectively,
whereas bilateral lesions are associated with presentation of both uncontrollable laughing and crying.
(Source: Sackeim et al., 1982b.)

regions in the contralateral hemisphere. Likewise, the affective changes seen after barbituration of the left or right
hemisphere suggest that contralateral disinhibition may be
at play.
Figure 924 presents findings regarding the lateralization of epileptic foci in cases of gelastic epilepsy. There was
an overwhelming excess of left-sided foci, as predicted
the opposite of what was seen with pathological laughing
in the context of silent lesions. Thus, the model offered by
Sackeim and colleagues (1982b) stipulated that depressed
and euphoric states are under reciprocal inhibitory control. Depressive phenomena are released mainly by disinhibitory mechanisms, while euphoric mood changes and
laughter are released by disinhibition or direct excitation.
The model did not require that the inhibitory control mechanisms be reciprocal. Including this element implied a partial seesaw effect. Reciprocal regulation would mean that
depression and euphoria cannot be experienced simultaneously, an issue that is key to the conceptualization of mixed
Our conceptions of how emotional processes are represented in the brain are rudimentary. Undoubtedly the
model of Sackeim and colleagues is overly broad and, at
best, an echo of the true state of affairs. Nonetheless, the

evidence that led to this model was consistent and illustrated the power of using experimental invasive techniques
(e.g., deep brain stimulation, Wada test, hemispherectomy), along with experiments in nature (lateralization of
epileptic foci and silent lesions), to constrain theorizing

Figure 924. Distribution of left-sided, right-sided, and indeterminate epileptic foci in patients with gelastic (laughing) epilepsy. Foci
were more than twice as likely to be left-sided than right-sided.
(Source: Sackeim et al., 1982b.)





Psychological Studies

about fundamental mechanisms in the regulation of

There are other speculative grounds for postulating a
fundamental difference in the neural control of euphoric
and dysphoric states or, as some have suggested, emotional
states involved in approach or avoidance (Davidson, 1995).
A long list of pharmacological agents, including laughing
gas, stimulants, opioids, cocaine, and others, can reliably
induce euphoric mood in the majority of people. Many of
these effects are immediate, occurring within seconds or
minutes after exposure. In contrast, despite intensive research efforts and standard surveillance techniques during
drug screening, not a single pharmacological agent has
been identified that can reliably induce depression in the
majority of nave individuals. In only a minority of individuals with a family history of mood disorder, reserpine
will elicit a depressive reaction (Kraemer and McKinney,
1979). Similarly, tryptophan depletion has no impact on
mood in healthy individuals, except for a small change in
a minority of individuals with a positive family history
(Ellenbogen et al., 1996; Shansis et al., 2000). This discrepancy in the likelihood that pharmaceutical agents can provoke depression or mania is curious, and its significance is
reinforced by the psychometrics of psychological mood
Symbolic representations can drive mood change. Being
told that one is deficient, unloved, corrupt, or ineffective affects mood. Clearly, we are built such that our ideas about
the world and ourselves can alter our mood. Indeed, a small
industry has developed that uses psychological manipulations to produce mood changes in specific directions (e.g.,
from sadness to euphoria) (Velten, 1968; Bouhuys et al.,
1995; Richell and Anderson, 2004). This literature suggests
that the range or intensity of affect produced by psychological manipulations is often greater for inductions of sadness
than those of happiness. In other words, it appears to be
much easier to induce clear-cut sadness as opposed to euphoria through words or music (symbolic representations).
If these observations are validand much work needs
to be done on the psychometrics of mood changethey
may advance our understanding of how pharmacological
agents and psychological manipulations constitute intrinsically different types of triggers or pathways for mood alteration, perhaps because of intrinsic differences in modulating disinhibitory versus excitatory processes.

Functional Brain Asymmetry and the Localization

of Mood Systems
In the first edition of this text, laterality and kindling were
identified as key concepts in theories about the neural origins of manic-depressive illness. At the time, it was common to hypothesize that schizophrenia was an outcome of

left-hemisphere dysfunction, while manic-depressive illness

derived from right-hemisphere deficits (Flor-Henry, 1976).
Another view was that a cumulative history of stress, affective
episodes themselves, and biological predisposition fueled a
kindling process that resulted in manifestation of mood disturbance and progressively more frequent and intense
episodes of illness (Post, 1990, 2002).
Neither hypothesis has remained the focus of mainstream research. In both cases, this shift in attention reflects in part advances in basic neuroscience that have produced research tools and concepts with the potential to
provide great explanatory power with respect to fundamental abnormalities in clinical populations, as well as opportunities for designing new interventions. Understanding of intracellular cascades and the factors that promote
cellular resilience or the expression of neurogenesis has led
to new conceptualizations of pathoetiology and potential
avenues for treatment (see Chapter 14).
In a number of respects, the lateralization view was a
dead end. On the one hand, linking disorders to dysfunction at the level of a hemisphere, even if true, was hardly
precise in terms of localization. The total right hemisphere
could not be abnormal in mood disorders. Furthermore,
this hypothesis was imprecise as to whether this righthemisphere dysfunction is the core problem resulting in
periodic manifestations of depression and mania or in an expression of these affective states.
Perhaps the greatest limitation of the laterality hypothesis was its lack of practical application for diagnosis or
treatment or for the development of a direct method for
testing validity. Until recently, psychiatry had no means
other than ECT of targeting biological treatment to specific brain areas. Systemic administration of medications
allows no control over the neural systems being modulated. In contrast, left and right unilateral ECT produce
profound asymmetries in the physiology and function of
the brain. Unilateral ECT produces marked decreases in
CBF and CMRglu and marked increases in EEG slow-wave
activity in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the side of stimulation (Kriss et al., 1978; Nobler et al., 1994; Sackeim et al.,
1996b). It also produces marked disjunctions in neuropsychological measures. For example, assessment of orientation and language functions in the postictal period immediately following left and right unilateral ECT is as reliable
as the Wada test in identifying laterality of language (Pratt
et al., 1971; Pratt and Warrington, 1972). Thus the view that
euphoric and depressed states reflect release of function in
the left and right hemispheres, respectively, would imply
that left unilateral ECT is more effective than right unilateral ECT in the treatment of mania, with the reverse holding true for depression. Although some findings in the
ECT literature support both predictions (Small et al.,


1993), the larger point is that left and right unilateral ECT
both show considerable efficacy in the treatment of mania
and depression, and that any difference in therapeutic effects is relatively minor compared with the shared variance. Given the asymmetrical physiological and cognitive
effects of unilateral ECT, the efficacy data largely contradict a prominent role for functional brain asymmetry in
treatment mechanisms and, by extension, in the pathophysiology of depression and mania.
A key observation that promoted interest in lateralization effects was the association between localization of
stroke and other forms of brain damage and manifestation
of mood disturbance. Clinically, as mentioned earlier, it
has long been noted that unipolar mania (i.e., manifestation of mania without prior or subsequent episodes of
major depression) occurs almost exclusively in the context
of coarse brain injury (Jorge et al., 1993; Fujikawa et al.,
1995; Robinson, 1997). Further, it is generally agreed that
such lesions are predominantly right-sided (Cummings
and Mendez, 1984; Starkstein et al., 1988a).
In contrast, the relationships between location of brain
lesion and manifestation of depression have become less
certain with additional research. Interest in the laterality of
emotion was sparked by findings relating side of brain injury to affective state (Gainotti, 1972) and to uncontrollable emotional expressions (Sackeim et al., 1982a), by the
demonstration of asymmetry in the emotional expressions
of the human face (Sackeim et al., 1978), and by the linkage
of disturbances in the processing of affectively laden information to right-sided brain damage (Heilman et al., 1975).
However, the relevance of a laterality dimension to mood
disorders was contingent on reliable associations between
side of brain damage and manifestations of mood disturbance.
Gainotti (1969, 1972) was the first to examine systematically the distinct differences in emotional reactions of patients with left- and right-hemisphere stroke. Right-sided
damage was associated with anosognosia (denial of illness) or anosdisaphorie (lack of concern about illness, i.e.,
a carefree attitude) and a euphoric-indifference reaction.
Robinsons research, however, catalyzed interest in this
area. In a seminal paper, Robinson and colleagues (1984)
linked the severity of depressive symptoms shortly after
stroke to damage to left-sided prefrontal regions. The
closer the lesions were to the left frontal pole, the more severe was the depressive syndrome. Right parietal lesions
were also linked to depression, but at lower incidence and
with lesser intensity of depressive manifestations. This work
had important methodological limitations, such as the exclusion of patients with significant aphasia, which possibly
distorted the sample of patients with left-sided injury, and
problems in the blinding of assessment given the motor,


sensory, and cognitive deficits that reveal the side of lateralized brain damage. Most of the subsequent studies failed
to replicate Robinsons core findings, and some metaanalyses of this literature contested the existence of an
association between lesion location and depressive manifestations (Carson et al., 2000; Narushima et al., 2003;
Yu et al., 2004).
Missing from this perspective were the results of longterm follow-up of individuals with penetrating head wounds
after World War II. Mood disturbance was common in such
patients. In particularly careful work, Lishman (1968) noted
that right posterior head wounds were far more likely to be
associated with depressive and manic manifestations than
were injuries to any of the remaining three quadrants. It
hardly appeared likely that different forms of nonirritative
brain insultstroke versus head woundcould fundamentally alter the linkage between side of brain insult and
depressive symptoms.
One possibility accounting for the discrepancies in this
literature concerns the issue of time since stroke. Robinsons early work involved patients who were examined very
soon after stroke, recruited at emergency room presentation. Later studies often examined patients months to years
after their cerebrovascular accident. There has been little
longitudinal work addressing whether localization of damage is related to the persistence (chronicity) and/or late
emergence of depressive symptoms. Nelson and colleagues
(1994) evaluated affective symptoms in patients with lateralized stroke at 2-week, 2-month, and 6-month time points.
Initially, the group with left-hemisphere stroke experienced
a slower rate of recovery from depressive symptoms. At the
6-month time point, however, the emotional functioning
of the right-hemisphere group worsened. The evidence regarding temporal interval as a moderator of the relationship between lesion location and affective disturbance is not
consistent, and considerably more work is necessary (Carson et al., 2000). Nonetheless, the positive findings in this
area introduce a dynamic element to the relationships between brain injury and altered affective states.
One interpretation of this literature would be to argue
that in the acute poststroke period, depressive symptoms
are most severe when the lesion is closest to the left frontal
pole. The most recent meta-analysis (Narushima et al.,
2003) supports this association. However, manifestation of
this syndrome is time-limited, and depressive symptoms
spontaneously remit within a few months. In contrast, right
parietal lesions result in milder depressive symptoms in
the acute period. Yet this disturbance is more likely to be
chronic, and these lesions may also result in late-emerging
affective disturbance. Following the disinhibition model
for nonirritative lesions, both left anterior and right posterior stroke may disinhibit right prefrontal areas critical to


Psychological Studies

the manifestation of depressed mood. Prefrontal-parietal

connectivity is well established, and reciprocal inhibitory
pathways have been demonstrated (Goldman-Rakic, 1987;
Woods et al., 1993). Thus this view, albeit post hoc in accounting for discrepancies, leads to the assertion that the
functional consequences of brain lesions are time dependent, and this temporal effect may differ based on laterality.
That such temporal effects can occur is amply demonstrated in the neurosurgical literature on the treatment of
highly resistant mood disorders. Therapeutic benefit from
psychosurgery usually is manifest only months after the intervention.

Dissociating Therapeutics and Pathophysiology

Although the linkage of right-sided damage to mania remains uncontested, there is uncertainty about the role of
lateralized brain damage in the manifestation of depressed
states. Indeed, one possibility yet to be raised is that the
strength of association for lateralized effects is stronger for
euphoric or manic than for dysphoric or depressed states.
As seen in Figure 922, the association between pathological laughing and right-sided silent lesions is stronger than
that between pathological crying and left-sided lesions. As
seen in Figure 924, there is also a robust association between laterality of epileptic focus and uncontrollable laughter as a peri-ictal phenomenon.
Until recently, data-driven formulations of this type had
little possibility of being tested experimentally. The common denominator in this sort of theorizing is that disinhibition of right prefrontal structures is the common final
pathway for depressive manifestation. If that were the case,
selective suppression of such activity would be expected to
have antidepressant properties, and left prefrontal suppression to have antimanic effects.
The development of noninvasive methods for focal neuromodulation resulted in new life for this area of research.
For example, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS) offers a means of suppressing or enhancing activity
in regions under the coil or at a distance through patterns
of connectivity. Because the scalp and skull are transparent
to the magnetic field, it is possible through use of appropriate coil geometry to restrict stimulation to target brain areas. There is considerable evidence that slow-frequency
rTMS (one or fewer pulses per second) produces an inhibitory effect, whereas fast-frequency rTMS (five or more
pulses per second) has a poststimulation excitatory effect
(Wassermann et al., 1993; Terao and Ugawa, 2002; Wu et al.,
There is now a substantial literature on sham-controlled
studies testing the efficacy of rTMS in major depression, and
the meta-analyses of this literature have all reached the same
conclusions (Holtzheimer et al., 2001; McNamara et al.,

2001; Burt et al., 2002). The active rTMS conditions compared with sham have been fast-frequency left DLPFC stimulation and slow-frequency right DLPFC stimulation. Both
interventions yield moderate to large effect sizes for antidepressant properties; in other words, both are consistently superior to sham. However, these findings are of greater theoretical than practical importance. In absolute magnitude,
the therapeutic effects in the active conditions, although superior to those in sham, have commonly been modest, and
the durability of the benefit derived has rarely been tested.
For rTMS to have a role in routine practice, these issues must
be addressed (Sackeim, 2000b).
From a theoretical perspective, however, it is extraordinary that a highly lateralized intervention can display these
antidepressant properties, and moreover, that antidepressant effects can be achieved with opposite physiological alterations (inhibition versus excitation) that are dependent
on the laterality of the brain region stimulated. Taken at
face value, for example, these effects could indicate that the
key to exerting antidepressant properties is the state of the
seesaw: any intervention that tips the seesaw toward
greater left prefrontal or reduced right prefrontal expression in the DLPFC will have antidepressant properties. This
formulation could mean that mood states are not attributable to the physiological status of a specific brain region, but
are an emergent property reflecting the balance of activity
among regions in a distributed network. Another possibility is that different individuals benefit from slow right or
fast left rTMS, and that left-sided hypofunction and rightsided hyperfunction are alternative routes to major depression (Kimbrell et al., 1999; Speer et al., 2000).
Focal brain stimulation offers an experimental means of
testing key concepts about the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of mood disorders and their treatment. Two
caveats are in order about the state of knowledge in this
area. First, while it is established that slow right and fast
left rTMS have antidepressant properties, however modest, it is assumed that fast right and slow left rTMS are ineffective, something that has never been adequately tested.
For example, were slow left DLPFC to exert equal antidepressant properties, a fundamental role for laterality in generating therapeutic effects would be seriously questioned.
The key experiment, in which depressed patients are randomly assigned in a 2 2 design to slow- or fast-frequency
stimulation and left or right DLPFC, has not been conducted, and is essential to further understanding of the effects of this intervention on mood.
The second caveat is more general. It is often assumed
that knowledge of the mode of action of a therapeutic
agent (e.g., serotonin reuptake blockade) dictates conceptualization about the underlying pathophysiology (or vice
versa). However, there are many examples in medicine in


which the optimal treatment for a condition acts through a

mechanism distinct from the pathoetiology of the illness.
It is doubtful that anyone ever became depressed because
of lack of a seizure, and yet ECT is the most effective antidepressant. Put more forcefully, many of our pharmacological interventions produce chronic alterations in brain
neurochemistry and other aspects of physiology that are
simply not seen otherwise in nature and do not restore the
brain to a normative state. Thus the circuitry involved in
achieving an antidepressant effect may be distinct from
that responsible for manifestation of the mood disorder.
The therapeutic properties of interventions such as rTMS
may reveal a great deal about the pathways that modulate
or ameliorate the experience of major depression. However, these pathways may be distinct from those that generate the abnormal mood state.
Ultimately, progress in genetics and molecular biology is
likely to produce breakthroughs in our understanding of
the pathoetiology of bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression and in our ability to provide more effective
therapeutic interventions. Nonetheless, these disorders need
to be understood at a system level. Discrete aspects of emotional life have neural representation. System theories draw
on evidence from neurological, psychiatric, and normal populations to constrain hypotheses about the neuroanatomy
and physiology that subserve abnormal mood states and
that mediate therapeutic outcomes. We are just entering an
era in which these hypotheses can be tested through the
controlled use of anatomically targeted alterations of physiology and neurochemistry. It can be anticipated that the formulations presented here will be refined or undone, and that
the next edition of this text will offer superior descriptions of
the neural networks dysregulated in manic-depressive illness.

Normal Findings in Bipolar Patients
Bipolar patients have normal VIQ, a finding that challenges
the idea that bipolar disorder is associated with pervasive
intellectual impairment. One possible explanation is that
the cognitive systems underlying language are spared from
the otherwise generalized bipolar disease process; or they
may be constitutionally endowed at higher capacity. Likewise, preliminary evidence indicates that procedural learning and memory are not significantly affected by bipolar
illness, while limited data suggest that the ability to recall
past events, or details of past events, is not significantly impaired in bipolar patients.
Alone among the executive functions, reasoning remains relatively preserved in bipolar illness. Because the
results of tests of reasoning correlate substantially with the


results of tests of verbal ability, this finding may reflect a

pattern in which cognitive operations heavily dependent on
language are among the higher cognitive functions least affected by bipolar disorder.

Neuropsychological Deficits in Bipolar Patients

Intelligence is somewhat reduced in bipolar illness in both
the remitted and manic states as reflected in diminished IQ
scores. Reasoning remains intact. The marked deficit in PIQ
among bipolar patients is commonly ascribed to the effects
of mood-dependent psychomotor retardation on task performance, but the presence of the deficit during remission
and in individuals at risk for bipolar disorder, as well as its
persistence when performance is untimed, argues otherwise.
It now appears that the discrepancy is independent of the affective state and may even be present before the first episode
of mood disturbance. The above proposed explanation for
normal VIQ scores in bipolar patients can also help account
for the deficit in PIQ: although the cognitive systems underlying language are spared by the disease or are constitutionally endowed at higher capacity, those underlying other
components of intelligence, including performance, are not.
Attention comprises several distinct processes, and its
overall integrity is central to the normal functioning of
higher cognitive processes such as learning and memory.
Disturbances of attention (impaired concentration) are
typical of bipolar disorder, and attention is among the
most dramatically impaired functions in patients during
episodes of major depression, and indeed across all phases
of the illness, including remission. With respect to learning, memory, and visuospatial skills, there is little evidence
that deficits reflect more than an attentional disturbance.
Short-term memory deficits are typical of bipolar patients,
even in remission. It is possible that these deficits result
from impaired attention. Bipolar patients also have decided and uniform difficulty in acquiring new information
during all phases of the illness, including remission.
Executive functions come closest to the idea of a neural
homunculus in charge of administering neural resources.
Only a very limited range of executive functions in bipolar
disorder has been studied, however. The studies that have
been conducted have found substantial deficits in all
phases of bipolar disorder. Severe illness has been associated in particular with difficulty in concept formation and
set shifting.

1. Corwin et al., 1990; Rubinsztein et al., 2000; Sweeney et al.,
2000; Murphy and Sahakian, 2001; Quraishi and Frangou,
2002; Martinez-Arn et al., 2004b; Marvel and Paradiso,


Psychological Studies

2. Martinez-Arn et al., 2000, 2002a,b, 2004a,b; Rubinsztein

et al., 2000; Zubieta et al., 2001; El-Badri et al., 2001; Yen
et al., 2002; Altshuler et al., 2004; Dixon et al., 2004.
3. The 52 studies that contributed to the meta-analysis were Oltmanns, 1978; Savard et al., 1980; Asarnow and MacCrimmon,
1981; Robertson and Taylor, 1985; Dalby and Williams, 1986;
Green and Walker, 1986; Harvey and Brault, 1986; Sapin et al.,
1987; Wolfe et al., 1987; Gruzelier et al., 1988; Wielgus and Harvey, 1988; Coffman et al., 1990; David and Cutting, 1990;
Dupont et al., 1990; Harvey and Serper, 1990; Morice, 1990;
Deptula et al., 1991; Park and Holzman, 1992; Jones et al., 1994;
Kaprinis et al., 1995; Souza et al., 1995; Docherty et al., 1996;
Thomas et al., 1996; Hawkins et al., 1997; Lohr and Caligiuri,
1997; Paradiso et al., 1997; Park, 1997; Addington and Addington, 1998; van Gorp et al., 1998, 1999; Ferrier et al., 1999;
Gourovitch et al., 1999; Sax et al., 1999; Ali et al., 2000;
Krabbendam et al., 2000; Rossi et al., 2000; Rubinsztein et al.,
2000; Sweeney et al., 2000; Clark et al., 2001; Zubieta et al.,
2001; Agarwal et al., 2002; Cavanagh et al., 2002; Seidman
et al., 2002, 2003; Fleck et al., 2003; Getz et al., 2003; Kremen
et al., 2003; Swann et al., 2003; Umbricht et al., 2003;
Gildengers et al., 2004; Martnez-Arn et al., 2004b; Zalla
et al., 2004.
4. The effect size measure used throughout was Hedges G, and
the z-value associated with the point estimate (effect size
across studies) and the variance of this estimate were computed to determine significance. All computations were conducted with a beta version of Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
II. Dr. Michael Borenstein made upgrades to the program
that enabled this meta-analysis.
5. Davidson, 1939; Fisher, 1949; Callagan, 1952; Miller et al., 1981;
Donnelly et al., 1982.
6. Flor-Henry and Gruzelier, 1983; Rush et al., 1983; Silverstein
and Meltzer, 1983; Taylor and Abrams, 1983.
7. This specification was supported by a significant interaction
between group (patient vs. normal control) and IQ component (VIQ vs. PIQ) in a repeated measure analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
8. Ashton et al., 1995; Parker et al., 1995a,b; 2000; Mitchell et al.,
9. Kupfer and Foster, 1973; Kupfer et al., 1974, 1975; Weiss et al.,
1974a,b; Foster and Kupfer, 1975; McPartland et al., 1975;
Goode et al., 1979.
10. Szabadi et al., 1976; Greden and Carroll, 1980; Greden et al.,
1981; Godfrey and Knight, 1984; Hardy et al., 1984; Hoffmann
et al., 1985; Nilsonne, 1987, 1988; Alpert et al., 2001.
11. Bouhuys and Mulder-Hajonides van der Meulen, 1984; Hardy
et al., 1984; Hoffmann et al., 1985; Alpert et al., 2001; Cannizzaro et al., 2004.
12. Clark et al., 2002, 2005; Liu et al., 2002; Strakowski et al., 2005.
13. Whitehead, 1973a,b; Strmgren, 1977; Breslow et al., 1980;
Gass and Russell, 1986.
14. Hasher and Zacks, 1979; Roy-Byrne et al., 1986; Thomas et al.,
1999; Hammar, 2003.

15. Craik and Tulving, 1975; Craik and Jennings, 1992; Mandzia
et al., 2004; Newell and Andrews, 2004.
16. Roy-Byrne et al., 1986; el Massioui and Lesevre, 1988; Hartlage et al., 1993; Christensen et al., 1997; Thomas et al., 1999;
Den Hartog et al., 2003; Hammar, 2003; Hammar et al.,
2003a,b; Politis et al., 2004.
17. Nelson and Craighead, 1977; Breslow et al., 1981; Gotlib, 1981;
Clark and Teasdale, 1982; Coyne and Gotlib, 1983; Gotlib and
Olson, 1983; Yang and Rehm, 1993; Murray et al., 1999; Winter
et al., 2000.
18. Sackeim and Prohovnik, 1993; Soares and Mann, 1997;
Haldane and Frangou, 2004; Rogers et al., 2004.
19. Joanette and Goulet, 1986; Bayles et al., 1993; Schlosser et al.,
1998; Spreen and Strauss, 1998; Spence et al., 2000.
20. Mann et al., 1999; Keilp et al., 2001; Oquendo and Mann,
2001; Oquendo et al., 2004.
21. Phillips et al., 2003a,b; Schaefer et al., 2003; Tavares et al.,
2003; Chamberlain and Sahakian, 2004.
22. One study (Joffe et al., 1988) found no difference among
bipolar patients treated with lithium, carbamazepine, or no
medication on tests of attention, visuomotor function, and
memory. However, this study also failed to find differences
between the bipolar groups and healthy controls on the cognitive measures, raising doubt about the sensitivity or reliability of the neuropsychological assessment. Other studies
yielding negative findings on the cognitive effects of lithium
include Telford and Worrall, 1978; Kjellman et al., 1980; and
Ghadirian et al., 1983.
23. Tohen et al., 1990a,b, 2000; Albus et al., 1996; Atre-Vaidya
et al., 1998.
24. McKay et al., 1995; Tham et al., 1997; Kessing, 1998; van Gorp
et al., 1998; Denicoff et al., 1999.
25. Lesser et al., 1993; Salloway et al., 1996; Dahabra et al., 1998;
Kumar et al., 1998.
26. Hickie et al., 1995, 1997; Simpson et al., 1997a, 1998; Baldwin
et al., 2000.
27. Steingart et al., 1987; Junqu et al., 1990; Cadelo et al., 1991;
Baloh et al., 1995.
28. Dupont et al., 1987, 1990, 1995; Swayze et al., 1990.
29. Bejjani et al., 1999; Berney et al., 2002; Stefurak et al., 2003;
Okun et al., 2004.
30. Terzian and Cecotto, 1959; Alema and Donini, 1960; Terzian,
1964; Rosadini and Rossi, 1967; Rossi and Rosadini, 1967.
31. Sackeim et al., 1983a, 1987b; Sackeim, 1999, 2004.
32. Engel et al., 1982; Rosenberg et al., 1988; Volkow et al., 1988;
Silfverskild and Risberg, 1989; Nobler et al., 1994, 2001;
Henry et al., 2001.
33. Wu et al., 1992, 1999; Mayberg et al., 1999; Teneback et al.,
1999; Nobler et al., 2000a; Drevets et al., 2002.
34. Andersen et al., 1993; Benedek and Peterson, 1995; Jeret, 1997;
McCullagh and Feinstein, 2000; Kaschka et al., 2001; Smith
et al., 2003; House et al., 2004.
35. Hommes, 1965; Gainotti, 1970, 1972; Robinson and Szetela,
1981; Robinson et al., 1984; Narushima et al., 2003.


Personality, Personality Disorders,

and Interpersonal Functioning

Those only, who lived for some time with [Lord Byron], could believe that a mans temper,
Proteus like, was capable of assuming so many shapes. It may literally be said, that at different
hours of the day he metamorphosed himself into four or more individuals, each possessed of
the most opposite qualities; for, in every change, his natural impetuosity made him fly into the
furthermost extremes. In the course of the day he might become the most morose, and the
most gay; the most melancholy, and the most frolicsome . . . the most gentle being in existence,
and the most irascible.
Julius Millingen (Byrons physician), 1831

The intense emotions and troubling thoughts and behaviors of manic and depressive states often confound the person who has bipolar disorder and family members alike:
What is due to the illness? What is due to personality? Where
does one end and the other begin? Will treatment alter not
only the disorder, but also personality? Do pathological
mood states reflect the real self, or is there a coherent self despite the mood swings that characterize the disorder? Scientists and clinicians ask related questions: Are there unique
and characteristic personality styles associated with bipolar
disorder, and are they present when the person is not affectively ill? Are there predisposing or precursor traits? Do
personality characteristics affect the course of the disorder?
(Related questions concerning the mild forms of bipolar
disorder that may be continuous with personality patterns
are discussed separately in Chapter 2.)
Questions about personality are both personally meaningful and clinically and theoretically important because
they may help shed light on the enormous variability among
individuals with bipolar disorder and aid in achieving
a fuller understanding of the disorders development. Issues
of personality have been addressed in various ways by psychologists and psychiatrists, and in the first section of this
chapter we review both the complexities of the questions
examined and the research results.
We next address the issue of personality disorders, the
enduring and dysfunctional patterns of behaviors and traits
defined by Axis II of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM), that may accompany Axis I diagnoses of any kind.
Personality disorders may profoundly color the experience
of the coexisting psychological disorder, as well as affect
both the clinical and social adjustment of the individual
and the success of treatment. They have been the focus of
many recent studies in the field of bipolar research, and the

results of these studies may help inform patients and clinicians about how individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar illness can be so different from one another in presentation
and prognosis.
Finally, we discuss the interpersonal functioning of individuals with bipolar disorder in major role areas, such
as intimate relationships, social behavior, and family relations. There is increasing interest not only in the clinical
manifestations of bipolar disorder, but also in the ways in
which individuals with the disorder live their lives and
cope with their condition. What are the unique interpersonal patterns and challenges for the bipolar patient, and
what does the social milieu itself contribute to the understanding of the course of the disorder? Of particular importance is growing awareness of the discrepancies that
sometimes exist between social functioning and clinical
Prior to DSM-III the term manic-depressive illness
could either mean what we now call bipolar disorder or include all recurrent affective disorders. When the context of
the older literature makes clear that it is referring to bipolar disorder, we use that term. Because the literature relevant to this chapter rarely distinguishes recurrent from
nonrecurrent forms of unipolar depression, we focus on
the bipolar subgroup of manic-depressive illness.


In this section, we begin by reviewing a number of conceptual and methodological issues associated with studies of
the relationship between personality and bipolar disorder.
We then examine, in turn, the findings of studies addressing personality during mania and depression, comparisons of two major dimensions of personalityneuroticism


Psychological Studies

and extraversionintroversionamong remitted bipolar

patients and normal groups, comparisons of the personality traits of bipolar and unipolar patients, effects of medication on personality, and predictive associations between
personality characteristics and the development and outcome of bipolar disorder.

Conceptual Issues and Key Definitions

The terms personality, character, and temperament are sometimes used interchangeably. They differ in important ways,
Personality generally refers to the unique aspects of an
individual, especially those most distinctive or likely to be
noticed by others in social interactions. Personality theorist Gordon Allport (1961, p. 35) suggested that personality
is simply what a person really is his or her most typical and deeply characteristic features. Yet there are as
many psychological definitions of personality as theorists
writing about the subject. Two prominent theorists summarized these many definitions succinctly as focusing on
one or more of the following facets: the individuals social stimulus value; the integrative or organizational function of personality; an individuals general adjustment; the
unique or individual aspects of behavior; and the essence
of man (Hall and Lindzey, 1970, p. 8). In the absence of
any universally accepted definition, most personality theorists define the construct by the assessment instruments
they use to measure it. Clearly, some theories of personality lend themselves more readily to empirical research
than others.1
Personality has traditionally been viewed as having several qualities: it is stable across time and situations; it encompasses an organized set of traits forming a coherent
personality style; and it is the underlying psychological
cause of a persons specific behaviors and beliefs. These
assumptions have been challenged because we have learned
that behaviors and beliefs are overtly and subtly determined by experiences, by current environmental demands,
by cognitive capacities and styles, by genetic and constitutional factors, and certainly by affect and emotion. Nevertheless, researchers are increasingly attempting to account
for the complexities involved by defining a few traits that
can be used to describe most people and by taking into account the biological, temperamental features of personality and the environmental determinants that greatly shape
its expression.
Character has been defined as personality evaluated
that aspect of an individual which bears a moral stamp
and reflects the persons integrative and organizing functions. The concept of character is employed less frequently
in the United States than in Europe, although it is often
used interchangeably with that of personality. In part, the

concept of personality disorder addresses the issue of a persons character traits.

Temperament has always been viewed as having a more
constitutional, genetic, and biological basis than either
personality or character. Hippocrates and Galen, for example, based their theories of temperament on the four humors of the body. According to Allport (1961, pp. 3334),
Temperament refers to the characteristic phenomena
of an individuals emotional nature, including his susceptibility to emotional stimulation, his customary strength
and speed of response, the quality of his prevailing mood,
and all peculiarities of fluctuation and intensity in mood,
these phenomena being regarded as dependent upon constitutional make-up, and therefore largely hereditary in
The affective temperaments that reflect the milder manifestations of the bipolar spectrum are discussed extensively
in Chapter 2. Although there is overlap between the topics
of personality and the bipolar spectrum, we attempt in this
chapter to limit the discussion to several specific issues detailed in the following sections.

Relationship of Personality to Affective Disorders

Several researchers (Akiskal et al., 1983; Clark et al., 1994)
have noted the complex relationship and interactions
between personality and affective illness, especially depression. From their work and that of many others, four major
models have been formulated:
Personality is a predisposition to affective illness. This
model assumes that personality patterns precede and
therefore predispose an individual to develop affective illness. This view, fundamental to psychoanalytical thought
and writing, also is reflected to varying degrees in the writings of cognitive and behavioral psychologists who have
formulated various theories about predisposing characteristics for depression, such as negative views of the self and
depressive attributional style. There is a relatively small literature on personality antecedents of bipolar disorder.
Personality is an expression of affective illness. Personality
patterns are viewed as manifestations of mild to moderate
forms of the underlying affective illness. The individuals
temperament is assumed to be intricately bound up with
the genetic predisposition to mania and depression. This
view, integral to the work of Kraepelin and Kretschmer, is
shared in part by most of the modern researchers who
posit a continuum of affective states (see Chapters 1 and 2).
Personality is a modifier of affective illness. Many investigators (Chodoff, 1972; Klerman, 1973; von Zerssen, 1977)
have emphasized the role of personality in determining
the clinical presentation of affective symptom patterns
(especially in obsessive, dependent, or hysterical person-

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

ality types), the response to psychotherapy and medication, the tendency to become dependent on alcohol or
other drugs, and adherence to prescribed treatment regimens. They have also identified personality as an important determinant of the nature and extent of interpersonal relationships. These relationships, in turn, can affect
both precipitating events and the likelihood of emotional
support during and after affective episodes. The ability
to handle the enormous stress and complications of affective illness is assumed to be strongly influenced by premorbid personality and character structure.
Personality is altered by affective illness. In this model, personality is assumed to be altered by the experience of affective illness. Various consequences of the illnessincluding
changes in self-esteem and social interaction patterns;
difficulties in sustaining meaningful relationships and employment; and frequent fluctuations in mood, energy, perception, and thinkingare all thought to both cause and
reflect short- or long-term personality changes that may
be reversible or irreversible. The obvious importance and
impact on personality of such illness variables as frequency, duration, severity, and nature of episodes have
not been well studied.
These models of the association between affective illness
and personality are not mutually exclusive, and they may be
difficult to disentangle in practice. Moreover, research has
not tested all of the models with respect to bipolar disorder,
leaving many questions unanswered. Recent research has
generally addressed several largely descriptive issues. One
such issue concerns the stability of personality traits and
whether they vary by manic or depressed state. A related issue is whether there are unique personality characteristics
of bipolar patients that differ from those of unipolar depressed or well individuals. Still another set of issues has
to do with the predictive association between personality
features and clinical course. Before turning to a review of
studies that address these matters, however, a further caution concerning methodological issues is in order.

Methodological Issues
In addition to the conceptual issues raised above, many
specific methodological problems are intrinsic to the study
of personality and bipolar disorder. The most central of
these is the problem of trait and state, or disentangling
manifestations of illness from the more stable and lasting
structures of personality. Specific problems include the
substantial difficulties of separating the current clinical
state from measured personality traits, of assessing the
effects of medications on personality (independently of
their effects on the underlying affective illness), of sorting
through the personality effects of previous manic and


depressive episodes, and of delineating the effects of subclinical episodes on personality. Fundamental issues of measurement and philosophy emerge when two pivotal questions are posed. First, what aspects of personality are being
studied when one is assessing the successfully treated person
with bipolar illnesstrue premorbid ones or affectively
changed and attenuated ones? Second, to what extent is personality a function of medication level or of the cumulative
effects of disease?
Another set of problems concerns issues of diagnostic and
illness heterogeneity. Heterogeneity is well recognized in the
unipolar depressive disorders (in symptom patterns, etiology, severity, episodic patterning, and frequency). Although
bipolar illness is more homogeneous, it, too, can be confusingly varied. Few investigations of personality distinguish
between bipolar-I and bipolar-II, and fewer still consider
other issues related to the full spectrum of bipolarity, such
as the stage or severity of manic and depressive illness at the
time of testing, the ratio of manic to depressive episodes, the
age at illness onset, the frequency and nature of mixed states,
the duration and patterning of episodes, and the characteristic nature of the manic episodes (euphoric and expansive, for
example, rather than paranoid and dysphoric). All of these
variables are likely to have both long- and short-term effects on the expression of personality. Other variables generally not controlled for in personality studies of affective
illness include seasonal factors of importance to studies
done during both remission and illness (see Chapter 4); the
competence and sophistication of clinical care, including
such common problems as prescribing incorrect medications or dosages; and selection factors intrinsic to the nature of remission studiesthat is, a selection bias favoring
healthier, more normal bipolar patients.
Measurement and design also are problematic. Until recently, comparison groups were inadequate. Early studies
compared manic-depressive (predominantly bipolar) with
schizophrenic patients; more recent studies have used
unipolar depressed patients as controls. Studies using subjects from the general population as controls, although a
clear improvement, too often have not controlled for family history of affective illness or for important demographic variables, such as age, IQ, socioeconomic status,
and gender. Standard problems of measurement, such as
the reliability and validity of the psychometric tests used,
are well reviewed elsewhere. We note here, however, that
much of the earlier research employed assessment methods based on questionable assumptions and validity (e.g.,
Rorschach), or on instruments that may no longer be widely
used now that newer and more empirically and conceptually based approaches are available. In the sections to follow,
older work is noted briefly, with greater emphasis on more
contemporary methods.


Psychological Studies

Several study designs have been used to investigate personality and bipolar illness, including studies of patients
across different mood states. In addition, comparisons
have been made between affectively ill bipolar and unipolar patients, remitted bipolar and unipolar patients, and
remitted bipolar patients and members of the general population. These design strategies are generally appropriate
to address simple, descriptive questions, but more complex
designs, including longitudinal studies, are greatly needed
to pursue questions relating personality characteristics to
the clinical and course features of bipolar disorder and social adjustment. Heterogeneity of comparison groups (for
example, the tendency not to distinguish melancholic
from nonmelancholic unipolar depression) is a significant
problem (Parker et al., 2004).

at length the belief that manic-depressive individuals have

an obsessive need for the approval of others.6 Alexander
(1948) described the manic-depressive individual as warm,
outgoing, and practicala person who prefers the concrete
to the abstract. Not surprisingly, he noted a tendency for
the emotions to rule reason. English (1949) characterized the
manic-depressive patient as perfectionist, egocentric, logical,
wise, talented, afraid to hate (except when manic), and rigid.
Other writers (Dooley, 1921; Wilson, 1951; Cohen et al., 1954)
highlighted somewhat different constellations of traits and
the problems they pose for the therapist and others.7 Obviously inadequate as an etiological model, what psychoanalysts have historically viewed as personality often appears
from our modern perspective to be the expression of symptoms of bipolar illness.

Psychoanalytic Perspectives

Personality during Mania and Depression

Prior to the psychoanalytic era, most early clinical investigators assumed that personality structure in bipolar disorder reflected the underlying disease process.2 Psychoanalytic
theorists considered two major issues in their writings on
manic-depressive illness: the etiology of mania and depression and the underlying personality structure of patients
with bipolar illness. Most psychoanalysts focused primarily on the origins and nature of depression rather than
mania. Their findings on this subject are well known and
are not presented here. Instead, we briefly outline psychoanalytic concepts of mania and the manic-depressive personality. Although neither time nor research has supported
the psychoanalytic perspective on bipolar illness, it is historically important, especially in the United States, because
it deeply influenced generations of psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.
From a psychoanalytic perspective, mania can best be
understood as a defense against underlying depressive affect. This fundamental concept has been stated in different
ways by many authors.3 Although interesting, the psychoanalytic perspective suffers from the usual difficulties involved in analyzing open-ended, clinical observations: such
observations are retrospective, interpretative, and highly
speculative. Comparison groups are lacking, and there are
few, if any, ways of subjecting the theory to test. Finally, as
(Kotin and Goodwin, 1972, p. 684) concluded from their
data-based studies of mania:

Studies contrasting personality functioning during manic or

hypomanic and depressive states oftennot surprisingly
reveal dramatic differences. Rather than a core, stable personality as assumed by psychoanalytically oriented theorists,
observations made during episodes reflect the powerful influence of fluctuating mood and energy levels, as well as behavioral changes, brought about by the illness.

Our data suggest that if mania is a defense against depression, it is often an inadequate defense, since depressive
symptoms remain prominent during the manic phase.

The manic-depressive personality has been viewed by

psychoanalysts as narcissistic (Freud, 1917; Fenichel, 1945),
masochistic (Ger, 1936; Jacobson, 1953; Garma 1968), extraverted,4 and highly conventional.5 Rado (1928) discussed

Comparisons between Manic/Depressive Episodes

and Periods of Remission
Bipolar patients tested during remission show clear changes
relative to personality profiles obtained during depressive
episodes. Early studies focused in particular on neuroticism
as measured by Eysencks (1959) Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) (e.g., Perris, 1971; Liebowitz et al., 1979; Hirschfeld
et al., 1983). The majority of studies showed significant
decreases in neuroticism during remission, as well as increases in extraversion. A review of the stability of neuroticism scores during clinical states of depression and remission
(mainly among unipolar depressed patients) suggested that
neuroticism captures two elements: (1) a depressive-state influence and (2) an underlying vulnerability dimension that
predicts the development and severity of depression (Clark
et al., 1994). Neuroticism has also been conceptualized as a
general factor termed negative affectivity, defined as a temperamental sensitivity to stimuli associated with a range of
negative emotional states, negative perceptions and expectations, and low self-esteem (Clark et al., 1994).
In a combined sample of bipolar and unipolar patients,
Hirschfeld and colleagues (1983) found that impulsivity
scores were unchanged from depression to remission, and
that no state-dependent changes occurred in measures of
rigidity, obsessionality, restraint, reflectiveness, demandingness, and dominance. They also found, however, that patients who had recovered from a depression scored lower

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

than when depressed on measures of emotional lability,

neuroticism, passivity, hypersensitivity, and interpersonal
dependency and higher on measures of emotional strength,
resiliency, and extraversion. For a subgroup of patients who
had not recovered from depression at the time of followup, scores on the personality tests did not change, lending
credence to the authors interpretation that the changes
recorded for the recovered patients reflect the influence of
the depressed state (Hirschfeld et al., 1983, p. 698).
A few studies have examined personality profiles across
all three major affective states: mania, depression, and
euthymia. Researchers (Lumry et al., 1982) administered
the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) to
a small sample of bipolar-I patients. The MMPI profiles obtained from 12 patients when manic or hypomanic and
from 10 of these patients when depressed were classic
manic and depressive profiles. The mean profile for the 12
euthymic patients was entirely within normal limits. The
mean MMPI profiles obtained during hypomania or mania and depression are shown graphically in Figure 101.
The authors concluded that the normal profile pattern obtained during euthymia in most of their lithium-stabilized
patients indicated complete restitution of normality.

Perceptions of Self across Affective States

Widely discrepant views of the self emerge during mania,
depression, and normal functioning. Indeed, these differences in self-perception have been incorporated into the
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for mania and depression
(inflated self-esteem or grandiosity and feelings of

Figure 101. Mean Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

(MMPI) profiles of bipolar probands during a hypomanic/manic
phase (blue circles; n = 12) and during a depressive phase (black circles; n = 10); 5 cases overlap. (Source: Adapted from Lumry et al.,

T Scores

worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt, respectively). In an attempt to study alternating views of the self
in depression and mania, Platman and colleagues (1969)
administered the Emotions Profile Index weekly to 11 bipolar patients. This psychological measure was designed to
assess eight primary emotions: fear, anger, acceptance, rejection, surprise, exploration, joy, and deprivation. Twelve
staff members were asked to provide their conceptions of
mania and depression. This collective profile was then compared with the profiles produced by patients while manic or
The staff s and patients conceptions of depression were
strikingly similar on all eight dimensions. For both groups,
depression was characterized by decreases in sociability, in
interest in new experiences, and in feelings of acceptance,
as well as by increases in feelings of deprivation, in aggression, and in rejection of others. Mania, on the other hand,
was perceived in very different ways by staff and patients,
with seven of eight mean scores showing highly significant
differences (at the p < .01 level). Patients while manic saw
themselves as sociable, trusting, moderately impulsive, and
cautious and not at all stubborn or aggressive. Staff members, however, saw them as only moderately sociable, somewhat distrustful, extremely impulsive and aggressive, quite
rejecting of others, and completely incautious and unafraid.
Response patterns from patients were far more variable than
those from staff members, suggesting a more stereotypical
(or accurate) view from the latter group.
Patients were asked, when normal, to recall their previous
manic and depressive episodes. Their recalled depressive
profiles were similar to those produced while actually depressed, and both resembled the staff-generated depressive
profile. By contrast, profiles of recalled manic episodes did
not resemble those actually obtained during mania. The patients recall of mania was far more highly correlated with
staff perceptions of mania (r = .95) than with their own ratings produced while manic (r = .35). The authors concluded:
These facts imply that the self-critical judgmental process
is severely impaired in the manic state but not in the depressed state. This is consistent with the well-known fact
that manic patients do not usually admit to any illness, or
that they deny the maladaptive nature of their behavior.
This is also why it is difficult to detect the presence of
manic states by means of self-description type inventories; these usually show that the manic patient is normal.





Hy Pd Mf Pa
MMPI Scales


Sc Ma Si

One interesting theoretical question posed by these findings is whether the manic patient is deliberately misrepresenting his feelings and behavior, or whether he is simply
unable to discriminate the specific feelings and behaviors
which are judged by an outside observer as pathognomonic
of mania (Platman et al., 1969, p. 213).


Psychological Studies

Jamison and colleagues (unpublished data) examined selfperceptions across affective states in 69 euthymic bipolar
patients using the Semantic Differential, a combination of associational and scaling procedures. Patients were tested with
22 pairs of opposite adjectives (e.g., goodbad, strongweak,
complexsimple), shown as the polar ends of a seven-point
continuum. Patients indicated their perceptions of themselves when manic, hypomanic, depressed, and normal by
marking the most descriptive point between each polar pair.
Analyses of variance by gender, with repeated measures of
mood phase, were performed on the adjective pairs. The
phase of illness affected virtually all pairs, indicating that
changes in self-perception across the affective states of bipolar illness were consistent and widespread (Fig. 102). Statistical comparisons, conducted to identify significant differences between each pair of different mood phases, revealed
a number of consistent patterns, particularly for the adjective
pairs reflecting a positivenegative, or valuative, dimension.

For all these pairs, self-perceptions in the depressed phase

were significantly more negative than those in the other
phases. More interesting, for all except two pairs (serious
humorous and cautiousrash), the ratings for the hypomanic phase did not differ significantly from those for the
euthymic phase. Compared with men, women rated themselves overall as less active and as more cold and boring
during the depressed phase, and more exciting and warm
during the manic phase. Women also perceived themselves
as more changeable overall relative to men.
Of interest, mens and womens perceptions of their
masculinityfemininity in various phases of illness also
changed (not shown). Women felt less feminine and men
less masculine in the depressed than in the euthymic phase;
the opposite was true for the hypomanic and manic phases.
In other words, depression had a neuterizing effect and hypomania or mania a polarizing or enhancing effect on sexual identity.

Figure 102. Perceptions of self in 69 bipolar patients as a function of affective state.

Squares = normal state; diamonds = depressed state; circles = hypomanic state. (Source:
Jamison et al., unpublished data.)






















Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

Throughout their bipolar cycles, patients underwent

not only mood swings, but also substantial changes in their
perception of self, self-esteem, energy expenditure, and interpersonal conduct. The study revealed that, as expected,
bipolar patients had high self-esteem in the hypomanic or
manic phase and low self-esteem in the depressive phase. Of
more interest, self-esteem in the euthymic state did not differ substantially from that in the hypomanic phase. That
is, bipolar patients generally held themselves in high regard; their apparently low self-esteem during the depressive phase was encapsulated, without perceived long-term
adverse effects. Interpersonal conduct was perceived by patients to be less socially desirable in the hypomanic phase
than during euthymia. Such findings are especially revealing in light of the common conception that bipolar patients
are outgoing and socially engaging during their highs; this
suggests that patients may have some insight into the onesidedness of their social engagement in the manic and hypomanic phases.

Comparisons of Remitted Bipolar Patients

and Normal Groups
Two major dimensions of personalityneuroticism and
extraversionhave been compared between remitted bipolar patients and normal groups.

Measures of neuroticism, typically using the MPI (or its later
version, the Eysenck Personality Inventory [EPI]), identify
significant differences between each pair of different mood
phases (e.g., Clark et al., 1994). The neuroticism scale of the
MPI/EPI is more likely to reflect changes in clinical state
than is the extraversion scale. Several investigators have
shown that neuroticism scores decrease following recovery
in patients with endogenous depression (Crookes and Hutt,
1963; Coppen and Metcalfe, 1965; Ingham, 1966). In normal
populations, neuroticism and extraversion are independent
factors, but in psychiatric patients, the correlation between
the two is usually quite high.
Eysenck and colleagues (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1963a,b)
have defined neuroticism as a largely inherited lability of
the autonomic nervous system and as a general measure
of emotionality. Its principal components include mood
swings, a sense of inferiority, poor emotional adjustment,
lack of social responsibility, suspiciousness, lack of persistence, social shyness and hypochondriasis, and lack of relaxed composure. Moodiness, which has the single highest loading on the neuroticism factor in the EPI, is
illustrated by positive answers to the following sample
items: Do you sometimes feel happy, sometimes depressed, without any apparent reason? Are you inclined
to be moody? and Do you have frequent ups and downs


in mood, either with or without apparent cause? Because

of this measure of affective lability, the construct has frequently been investigated as a potential indicator of bipolar disorder.
Only one of several early studies8 comparing neuroticism scores on the MPI/EPI found significant differences
between remitted bipolar patients and normal populations
(Hirschfeld and colleagues [1986] found lower neuroticism
among never-ill relatives of bipolar patients than among
the patient group). This apparently anomalous finding was
replicated in a more recent study conducted within the
same program (the Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology of Depression). Solomon and colleagues (1996) compared 30 individuals diagnosed with bipolar-I disorder
who were first-degree relatives or spouses of the patients in
the Hirschfeld study and 974 never-ill relatives. They found
that the bipolar patients, who were currently in remission,
scored significantly higher on neuroticism than did the
controls. Thus although most of the early studies indicated
no stable traits of elevated neuroticism for remitted bipolar
patients, results of more recent investigations suggest that
some samples of such patients may in fact show elevated
levels of the trait.

As with neuroticism, the primary psychological measure
of the extraversionintroversion dimension used in research on affective illness is the MPI/EPI. Extraversion was
originally characterized in the MPI/EPI by impulsivity
(typical item: Are you inclined to be quick and sure in
your actions?) and sociability (typical item: Would you
be very unhappy if you were prevented from making numerous social contacts?). In normal populations, impulsivity and sociability correlate at 0.5, producing a secondorder factor of extraversion. More recently, impulsivity has
been recognized as a separate factor, and it is not included
in contemporary assessments of extraversion. Thus there
may be some discrepancy between results of older and
newer studies (Watson et al., 1994). Introversion can be
further subdivided into social introversion (characteristic
of those who prefer not to have much social contact with
others) and neurotic introversion (characteristic of those
who are afraid to have contact with others and are basically unsure of themselves and their interpersonal competence) (Eysenck, 1956). Just as neuroticism has been
conceptualized as negative affectivity (as discussed earlier), extraversion has been conceptualized as positive
affectivitya stable, heritable, temperamental trait (Clark
et al., 1994).
Based on the typical conceptualization of extraversion,
many researchers have expected to find greater levels of
this trait among bipolar patients. The authors of the MPI/


Psychological Studies

EPI (Eysenck, 1959; Eysenck and Eysenck, 1963a,b) described a typical extravert as one who:

As noted earlier, the extraversionintroversion scale of

the MPI/EPI, unlike the neuroticism scale, is relatively impervious to the effects of mood or clinical state. Most studies comparing extraversion in remitted bipolar patients and
normal individuals have found no significant differences
between the two groups. One study of 45 bipolar patients,
using the Cattell 16 Personality Factor Inventory, reported
that remitted bipolar patients were more extraverted than
the general population (Popescu et al., 1985). Two studies,
however, found remitted female bipolar patients to be less
extraverted (more introverted) than published norms or
never-ill relatives (Hirschfeld, 1985; Hirschfeld et al., 1986).
There was no significant difference for men (Hirschfeld
et al., 1986).

shown to occur in pediatric bipolar patients and in the offspring of bipolar patients (Chang et al., 2003).
In summary, there are few significant differences between remitted bipolar patients and normal individuals on
the two most frequently assessed personality dimensions,
neuroticism and extraversionintroversion. Other studies
that have included different measures of personality traits
have also failed to find significant differences (e.g., Lepkifker
et al., 1988). However, Solomon and colleagues (1996) found
that the bipolar-I group scored significantly lower than
never-ill controls on measures of emotional stability, ego resiliency, and ego control. They cautioned that their comparison group had been screened for absence of psychopathology, whereas prior disorders may not have been ruled out
for control groups in other studies. They also noted that
nearly 50 percent of their bipolar group had a history of
substance abuse. The results of early studies require caution
as well because their samples were small, and probably differed as to the extent of their predominance of mania and
depression, as well as their social role functioning. Thus
some samples of bipolar patients may indeed differ from
normal controls during remission, perhaps depending on
the composition and clinical features of the sample. In particular, it is likely that elevated neuroticism and introversion characterize those with prominent depressive episodes.
(See Savitz and Ramesar, 2006, for an excellent review of
personality research in bipolar disorder.)
Significant differences are found between bipolar patients and controls on measures of temperament. Several
studies have found that cyclothymia and novelty seeking
are more elevated in bipolar samples.

Cyclothymia and Hyperthymia

Comparisons of Bipolar and Unipolar Patients

Several investigators have found that an underlying cyclothymic temperament is particularly associated with
bipolar-II disorder (Hartouche et al., 1998; Benazzi and
Akiskal, 2005), as well as being elevated in healthy relatives
of bipolar probands (Mendlowicz et al., 2005). Other investigators have confirmed Kraepelins observation of a high
rate of hyperthymic temperament in both bipolar-I and
bipolar-II patients (Cassano et al., 1992; Perugi et al., 1998),
although the interpretation of this observation is confounded by the fact that elevated rates of hyperthymic temperament have been demonstrated in control subjects as
well (Evans et al., 2005; Matsumoto et al., 2005; Mendlowicz et al., 2005). Other researchers have found that individuals with bipolar disorder score significantly higher than
controls on measures of novelty seeking (a tendency to seek
out new situations, to be curious and impulsive, a trait discussed further in the next section) (Cronin and Zuckerman, 1992; Young et al., 1995; Nowakowska et al., 2005). A
similar elevation in novelty-seeking behavior has been

Of historical interest in the pursuit and eventual recognition

of the unipolarbipolar distinction was a series of studies
conducted in the 1970s comparing depressed unipolar and
bipolar patients. Donnelly and colleagues (e.g., Donnelly
and Murphy, 1973, 1974; Donnelly et al., 1976) found several
differences between the groups: when acutely depressed,
bipolar patients exhibited a greater social desirability response set with more normal profiles and less neuroticism, less impulse control, and less anxiety relative to unipolar patients. Many other studies found that unipolar
patients scored higher in the direction of neuroticism and
low self-esteem, or emotional instability.9 Two studies using
alternative measures of neuroticism concluded that bipolar patients were more neurotic than unipolar patients
(Abou-Saleh and Coppen, 1984; Popescu et al., 1985). However, many studies that specifically pursued comparisons of
unipolar and bipolar patients in remission on neuroticism
using the MPI/EPI failed to show differences between the

[is] sociable, likes parties, has many friends, needs to have

people to talk to . . . craves excitement, takes chances . . .
is generally an impulsive individual . . . [is] easy going,
optimistic . . . prefers to keep moving and doing
things . . . and [loses] his temper quickly.

A typical introvert, on the other hand:

[is a] quiet, retiring sort of person, introspective, fond of
books rather than people . . . reserved and distant except
to intimate friends . . . tends to plan ahead . . . distrusts the
impulse of the moment . . . does not like excitement . . .
likes a well-ordered mode of life . . . keeps his feelings under close control . . . does not lose his temper easily . . .
[and is] reliable, somewhat pessimistic.

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

In several studies of extraversion using the MPI/EPI11

and two using the extraversion factor from the Cattell 16
Personality Factor Questionnaire (Murray and Blackburn,
1974; Popescu et al., 1985), remitted bipolar patients scored
higher on extraversion than did remitted unipolar patients.
More recent and more tightly designed studies also found
that remitted bipolar patients scored significantly higher on
extraversion than remitted unipolar patients (e.g., Sauer et
al., 1997; Janowsky et al., 1999). Preliminary findings suggest that not only bipolarunipolar differences but also differences between bipolar subtypes may be associated with
specific temperamental and personality profiles. Akiskal
and colleagues (2006) administered a large battery of selfreport personality scales to 78 bipolar-I, 64 bipolar-II, and
251 unipolar patients, all remitted. Most of the bipolar-I patients described themselves as essentially normal in emotional stability and extraversion, and they scored low on
measures of neuroticism. In contrast, both the bipolar-II
and unipolar patients scored high on neuroticism, although in the bipolar-II subgroup, the neuroticism scores
were elevated as a result of mood lability, while in the
unipolar group, the elevation was due to subdepressive
traits. Two studies (Bech et al., 1980; Hirschfeld et al., 1986)
found no significant differences in extraversion between
the two groups. Hirschfeld and colleagues (1986) found no
significant bipolar-unipolar differences in women, but they
did find that bipolar men scored higher on extraversion
measures than did unipolar men. Three studies of dominance, a closely related personality factor, found that bipolar patients were more dominant than unipolar patients
(Strandman, 1978; Abou-Saleh and Coppen, 1984; Popescu
et al., 1985).
A more recent comparison of depressed unipolar and
bipolar patients failed to find greater normality in the
bipolar group (Wetzler et al., 1995). In general, across testing with the MMPI and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial
Inventory-II (MCMI) (Millon, 1987), few consistent differences were observed. Bipolar patients scored higher on indicators of narcissism, antisocial behaviors, and compulsive
personality style, but Wetzler and colleagues (1995) noted
that such elevated scores could be due to residual aspects of
mania, such as grandiosity.
Cloninger (1987) developed a personality assessment system (the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire [TPQ])
purporting to link heritable temperaments with underlying
brain monoaminergic pathways. Three dimensionsharm
avoidance (HA; pessimistic and shy versus carefree and outgoing), reward dependence (RD; sentimental and tenderhearted versus insensitive and practical), and novelty seeking
(NS; curious and impulsive versus stoical and orderly) are
presumed to relate to, and perhaps predict, forms of psychopathology.


A consistent finding in the literature, for example, is an

association between elevated HA and unipolar depression
(Strakowski et al., 1992), even during remission. Strakowski
and colleagues (1993) found that bipolar patients, by contrast, scored significantly lower on HA than did unipolar
depressed patients, and did not differ from controls. Young
and colleagues (1995) suggested, however, that the patients
in the Strakowski sample were not recovered from mania
at the time of testing, and they therefore undertook a study
of carefully defined remitted bipolar patients compared
with recovered unipolar patients and controls. They found
no significant differences between unipolar and bipolar
patients on HA, and both patient groups had significantly
higher HA than did the controls. Bipolar patients scored
significantly higher on the NS scale than did unipolar and
control subjects. The results suggest that HA may be a
nonspecific indicator of mood disorders (perhaps like
neuroticism), whereas NS may be more specific to bipolar
disorder. The cross-sectional design of the Young et al.
study makes it impossible to determine whether the traits
result from manic episodes, are subsyndromal symptoms,
or represent premorbid personality characteristics. There
is suggestive evidence that bipolar patients with an earlier
age at onset are more harm avoidant (Engstrm et al.,
2003). A recent study of type A behavior in 23 bipolar-II
and 42 unipolar patients found that the bipolar patients
had significantly higher scores, largely attributable to
greater impatience, time urgency, and irritability (Oedegaard et al., 2006).
Another study employing the TPQ compared 50 bipolar
patients considered to be euthymic with U.S. norms. Like
Young and colleagues (1995), Osher and colleagues (1996)
found that the patients had significantly elevated scores on
HA, as well as on RD, including the persistence subscale
of RD. Unlike Youngs group, however, Osher and colleagues found no differences on NS.
Overall, few general conclusions can be drawn. Although
bipolar patients in remission may differ from unipolar patients on extraversion, there is little indication that they are
healthier than unipolar patients, and there is mixed evidence on normalcy during remission compared with well
controls. Inconsistencies in study findings derive in part
from heterogeneity among populations (due to use of differing diagnostic or inclusion criteria), variations in type
and degree of illness (including manic/depressive states
and response to treatment, as well as degree of recurrence
within unipolar patients), inconsistent criteria for remission, and inclusion or exclusion of patients with double
depressions (concurrent major depressive episode and
dysthymia). The search for descriptive differences therefore
appears unproductive, at least at this point in time, and more
interesting questions of prediction and the implications of


Psychological Studies

various traits are increasingly the focus of research, as discussed in the next section.

Predictive Associations between Personality

Features and Clinical Outcome
Premorbid Traits and Vulnerability
Although the topic of premorbid traits and vulnerability is a
well-developed area of research in unipolar depression, it is
rarely addressed in bipolar samples, perhaps because of the
general assumption of a genetically based biological predisposition to bipolar disorder. Nevertheless, as suggested in
Chapter 2, there may be early traits that portend the development of bipolar illness, or characteristics that might be
viewed as risk factors given the appropriate biological vulnerability. An obvious research strategy would be assessment of premorbid characteristics, ideally in longitudinal
studies involving subjects who are at high risk by virtue of
having one or both parents with bipolar disorder. As indicated in Chapter 6, however, such work is in its infancy.
Although several studies have attempted to evaluate personality characteristics or subsyndromal symptoms of mood
disorders,12 there is little consensus on the best methods and
instruments to use for the purpose. Several early studies
identified personality traits associated with high-risk children: aggressiveness (e.g., Worland et al., 1979; Kron et al.,
1982); extraversion, introversion, and impulsiveness (Kron
et al., 1982); and sensation seeking (e.g., Nurnberger et al.,
1988). Long-term follow-up studies are needed to determine
whether such traits predict eventual bipolar disorder in
high-risk populations. One such study of premorbid functioning was conducted by Clayton and colleagues (1994),
who reviewed military records of performance on the
Freiburg Personality Inventory of men who were later diagnosed with bipolar disorder. No differences in premorbid
personality were observed as compared with controls who
did not develop bipolar disorder.

Temperament and Vulnerability

As noted earlier, neuroticism may be conceptualized as a
broad temperamental construct of negative affectivity, which
has been linked empirically to general emotional distress
(anxiety and depression) reflecting both current mood state
and vulnerability to developing depression (Clark et al.,
1994). Extraversion, conceptualized as positive affectivity,
may be predictive of depression (with low positive affectivity
being associated with depression and introversion). Persons
with high positive affectivity/extraversion feel joyful, enthusiastic, energetic, friendly, bold, assertive, proud, and confident, whereas those with low positive affectivity/introversion tend to feel dull, flat, disinterested, and unenthusiastic
(Clark et al., 1994, p. 107). While low positive affectivity/

introversion has been linked to depression, other theorists

have recently proposed that high positive affectivity/extraversion may be linked to a biologically based approach system that activates behavior in response to signals for
rewardalso called the behavioral activation system (Gray,
1982). According to Depue and Iacono (1988), the behavioral
activation system is similar to what they term the behavior
facilitation system, which they believe underlies bipolar disorder. The latter system is believed to include locomotor behavior, incentive motivation, interest and alertness, and level
of pleasure or excitement seeking. Poor regulation and the
tonic level of the system have been speculated to predict
mood disorders and their specific manifestations. Depue and
colleagues (1994) also proposed a link between temperament
and neurotransmitter functioning, and found preliminary
evidence of an association between dopaminergic functioning and positive emotionality. The association among positive affectivity, bipolar temperament, and emotional resilience was addressed at length by Jamison (2004).
Johnson and colleagues developed a polarity-specific
model of mood states and hypothesized that behaviors and
traits consistent with the behavioral activation system may
differentially predict manic symptoms (see, e.g., Johnson
et al., in press). They specifically tested the hypothesis that
extraversion and achievement striving would predict manic
symptoms over time in bipolar-I patients, whereas neuroticism would predict increases in depressive symptoms
(Lozano and Johnson, 2001). Using a version of the NEO
Five-Factor Inventory (Costa and McCrae, 1992) that includes all of these constructs, Lozano and Johnson (2001)
followed 39 bipolar patients over a 6-month period. Controlling for initial manic symptoms, they found that achievement striving predicted increased manic symptoms (although extraversion did not); likewise, controlling for initial
depressive symptoms, they found that level of neuroticism
predicted increases in depression. Thus their findings provided some support for their polarity-specific model.
Partially consistent data were obtained by Strakowski
and colleagues (1993) in investigating their hypothesis regarding recovery from first-episode mania among 27 bipolar patients. They found that, although personality measures in the form of TPQ scores did not predict time to
clinical recovery, functional recovery (which was uncorrelated with symptom status) was predicted by level of novelty
seeking on the TPQ. Novelty seeking was significantly higher
among those who failed to attain premorbid levels of adjustment, a finding consistent with the view that this dimension
reflects impulsiveness and pleasure seeking. The authors
noted, however, that they could not rule out the possibility
that high scores on novelty seeking reflected subsyndromal
symptoms. (Although bipolar patients score higher than
unipolar patients on novelty seeking, Parker and colleagues

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

[2004] made the critical point that the heterogeneity among

unipolar depressed patients is a confusing and confounding
source of inconsistency in studies.)
An additional predictive study, by Carpenter and colleagues (1999), examined the association between neuroticism and affective symptoms, self-confidence, and marital
satisfaction among a sample of married bipolar patients.
Using the NEO Five-Factor Inventory of personality
(Costa and McCrae, 1985), administered when the patients
were not in an episode, they found that greater neuroticism predicted more severe illness during the 2 years before entry into the study and during the first year of treatment, worse Global Assessment Scale (GAS) scores during
treatment, and lower self-confidence. Neuroticism also
predicted Axis II (personality disorder) dimensional
scores. Of interest, extraversionbut not neuroticism
predicted marital distress. The authors noted that in general, the personality scores were not especially deviant as
a group, although there was considerable variability; they
also observed that extremely high neuroticism scores
could be indistinguishable from personality disorder.

Effects of Medication on Personality

Evidence for a strong effect of medication on personality
functioning relates almost entirely to lithium and comes
from several sources: studies of lithiums effects on normal
subjects; prima facie evidence derived from both clinical
and systematic observation of the drugs profound effects
on behavior, mood, and personality in affectively ill patients; and comparisons of personality studies completed
in the prelithium era with those completed after lithium
treatment became widespread. Results of the latter studies
indicate that personality differences between bipolar patients and other groups pale considerably, and often entirely, when lithium is used effectively.
We raise here several important philosophical and treatment issues. Does lithium make the personality of a bipolar
individual revert to pre-illness levels, or does it decrease
variability in mood and personality functioning beyond
those levels? Does lithium create an abnormally stable personality and mood system? To what extent is personality in
lithium-treated patients a function of blood level? Does
a patient who is inadequately treated with or only partially
responsive to lithium show premorbid personality or subsyndromal disease? How does lithiums influence on personality affect medication adherence?
Several authors have examined the effects of lithium on
personality function in normal subjects. Schou (1968) was
the first to describe systematically the cognitive, behavioral, and personality effects of the drug in normal people.
At relatively low blood levels, lithium had minimal effects
on personality functioning in medical student volunteers.


In three researchers taking lithium at higher levels, however, effects were more pronounced. They noted occasional hypersensitivity but also decreased responsivity to
their environment, increased indifference and malaise,
greater passivity, and cognitive changes (discussed further
in Chapters 12 and 21). Judd and colleagues (1977a), studying lithiums effects on normal male volunteers, found
that in addition to reporting a mood-lowering effect, their
subjects cited less inclination and desire to deal with the
demands of the environment. Normal men studied by
Kropf and Mller-Oerlinghausen (1979) showed, while on
lithium, decreased social involvement, activity, and concentration, as well as increased boredom and lethargy.
When White and colleagues (1979) administered the Profile of Mood States (POMS) to 10 normal volunteers treated
with lithium, the subjects reported a reduced sense of wellbeing and fewer social interactions; they also complained
of fatigue, anxiety, lack of initiative, and decreased efficiency.
In an indirect measure of lithiums ability to attenuate emotional responsiveness, Belmaker and colleagues (1979) found
that, while taking lithium, neither normal subjects nor patients experienced the predicted increased heart rate generally caused by participation in cognitive tasks. Both of these
studies, although intriguing, were relatively short-term trials (13 weeks and 2 weeks, respectively), and there is some
indication that longer periods of time on lithium result in
at least partial accommodation to some of these effects.
The most clear-cut influences of lithium on bipolar
personality were evident in personality studies done on
euthymic, lithium-stabilized patients. Additionally, a few
studies have examined personality and mood stabilization
over time in lithium-treated, affectively ill patients. Bonetti
and colleagues (1977) administered the EPI and the MarkeNyman Temperament Scale to 33 recurrent (minimally
three episodes) unipolar and 28 bipolar patients at the end
of the index episode and at least 3 months later. They found
that personality changes were more pronounced in the
bipolar patients, especially on measures of sociability, initiative, and impulsiveness. Neuroticism scores decreased
most dramatically within the unipolar group (testretest
differences, p < .001). The authors speculated that lithium
both reduced symptoms and altered habitual patterns of
personality, such as high activity levels and impulsiveness
in bipolar patients and anxiousneurotic traits in unipolar
In an interesting and important study of the relationship
between lithium blood level and personality change, Kropf
and Mller-Oerlinghausen (1985) conducted a double-blind
study of lithium dose reduction (20 percent) in 14 long-term
lithium-treated patients (5 unipolar, 9 bipolar), all of whom
were euthymic when tested. Eleven patients (3 unipolar,
8 bipolar) maintained at their regular lithium levels served as


Psychological Studies

controls. The patients receiving higher levels of lithium

tended to be less active, less obsessive, and less elated. Specifically, those taking lower levels of lithium scored higher on
Von Zerssens measures of initiative and assertiveness
(p < .05) and of social resonance (social acceptance and assertiveness), transparency (social openness and sensitivity),
and social potency (sociability and ability for devotion).
However, a significant proportion (29 percent) of the patients in the experimental group became affectively ill at
a reduced lithium level.
Mood stability in lithium-treated patients, although not
a direct measure of personality, clearly is related to personality functioning. Folstein and colleagues (1982) administered the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) for 30 days
to 65 euthymic bipolar patients on chronic lithium therapy
and to 36 nonpatient control subjects. The mean mood
ratings for the two groups were similar; the patients, however, reported significantly less mood variability. The authors attributed this unusual degree of mood stability to
the effects of lithium treatment and suggested that euthymic
patients might view this change as an undesirable aspect of
lithium therapy. DePaulo and colleagues (1983) administered the VAMS to 17 euthymic bipolar patients and 21 nonpatient controls. Like Folstein and colleagues (1982), they
found that the mean mood ratings were similar in the two
groups and that the patients moods were less variable than
those of the controls. Three bipolar patients were studied
separately, during and after lithium treatment. Two became
manic, and the third, who remained euthymic while off
lithium, showed markedly increased variability in daily
mood ratings. The authors were uncertain whether these results reflected baseline differences in reporting between
affectively ill patients and normal controls, lithiums therapeutic effects, or a medication effect.

Axis II (personality) disorders occur relatively frequently
in clinical populations (with a range of about 5 to 40 percent, varying by personality disorder type) (Widiger and
Rogers, 1989). Although epidemiologic studies of personality pathology in community samples have been infrequent
and limited in scope, Weissmans (1993) review of such
studies suggests that the population prevalence is 10 to 23
percent. Researchers have raised the question of the rates
of personality disorders in bipolar samples and explored
the correlates of Axis II pathology.
Early studies of the comorbidity of personality disorder
with bipolar illness were hampered by methodological
shortcomings, such as shifting diagnostic criteria for assessing Axis II disorders, assessment methods of uncertain
validity, unclear or mixed samples of bipolar patients (e.g.,

comingling bipolar-I and -II), and small patient samples. A

particularly serious problem was the failure to evaluate
bipolar patients during euthymic states, so that reported
personality disorders may have reflected largely mood
staterelated symptoms rather than stable underlying personality pathology.
Table 101 presents recent studies that attempted to verify bipolar-I diagnoses in patients while making an effort
to control for mood state at the time of the assessment of
Axis II disorders. For the most part, these studies used validated structured interview methods for assessing personality disorders. The samples included outpatients as well as
inpatients, and those of varying ages and social/cultural
circumstances. However, these studies employed relatively
small samples, and some failed to control for other comorbid conditions, such as substance abuse. It is important to
note that age at onset of bipolar disorder has not been explored (see Chapter 6), and early age at onset may be a significant predictor of Axis II symptomatology. Moreover,
many of the studies were based on samples in tertiary care
treatment, and may therefore reflect relatively more severe
or complex cases of bipolar disorder.
Despite the significant variability in sample characteristics among these studies, however, they yield evidence of
rates of comorbid personality disorders that, although relatively consistent with those of other diagnostic groups in
clinical populations, exceed the rates in the general population. Several studies involved a unique sample not generalizable to the overall population of persons with bipolar-I
disorder; for example Kutcher and colleagues (1990) included only adolescents, Carpenter and Hittner (1995) only
married patients, and Kay and colleagues (1999) only male
veterans. Overall, the rates of personality disorders across
all the samples ranged from 22 to 62 percent, as listed in
Table 101.
According to the studies reported in Table 101, somewhat higher rates of personality disorders were found
among bipolar patients who had experienced more previous
episodes and those who had a history of alcohol abuse, and
when self-report questionnaires or informant reports (rather
than clinician interviews) were used as the basis for symptom assessment. At least two studies found an association between greater levels of depressive symptoms and personality
disorders (Brieger et al., 2003; George et al., 2003). One additional studynot included in the table because it appears to
have combined bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and cyclothymic patients in unknown proportionsfound that participants
with dysthymia or bipolar disorder were more likely to
have personality disorders (70 percent) than patients in
treatment for other disorders, such as anxiety disorder
(Flick et al., 1993). A recent study of young adults with affective illness found significantly higher median levels of

Table 101. Personality Disorders in Bipolar-I Patients




Clinical State

Kutcher et al., 1990

20 adolescents/


Pica et al., 1990

26 inpatients
(16 bipolar-I,
10 bipolar
50 outpatients

Personality Disorders
Examination (PDE)
Structured Interview for
DSM-III Personality
Disorders (SIDP-III)

OConnell et al., 1991

Carpenter et al., 1995

Peselow et al., 1995

Dunayevich et al., 1996

Barbato and Hafner,


23 oupatients
(married or
66 patients

33 first-episode,
26 multipleepisode
42 outpatients

Comparison Group

Overall Ratea (%) Most Common Diagnoses


Borderline, narcissistic


Histrionic, antisocial,


Borderline, histrionic


Dependent, borderline,

Structured Interview for Interviewed when

DSM-III-R Personality
manic or
Disorders (SIDP-III-R)
hypomanic, then
again when
Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM

53 manic
or hypomanic,
45 euthymic

Borderline, schizoid,


Avoidant, Cluster
B (mixed)c

International Personality In remission

Disorders Examination
(IPDE) (interview)


Histrionic, borderline,
avoidant, compulsive

48 bipolar
16 controls

Histrionic, compulsive,
Cluster A, Cluster Cc

38 bipolar,
51 unipolar

Compulsive, narcissistic,
Histrionic, compulsive

Personality Diagnosis

Current symptoms
not controlled

33 patients with

Current symptoms
not controlled but
Few or no current

Ucok et al., 1998

90 outpatients

Kay et al., 1999

61 Veterans Affairs
(VA) outpatients


Brieger et al., 2003

60 inpatients

George et al., 2003

52 outpatients

SCID-II NEO Five Factor Mostly in

Personality Inventory
In remission


58 normal controls

Compared patients
with and without
history of alcohol
abuse disorder
117 unipolar

Estimates of personality disorders in general clinical populations range from 5 to 40 percent (Widiger and Rogers, 1989), and in community samples from 10 to 23 percent (Weissman,
There were no differences in rates of Axis II disorders between bipolar-I and schizoaffective patients, so the authors combined the groups in their analysis.
Cluster A: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal; Cluster B: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic; Cluster C: avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive.
Highest in patients with history of alcohol abuse.


Psychological Studies

borderline characteristics in the bipolar patients than in

those with major depression (Smith et al., 2005). Three of
the borderline characteristics differentiated bipolar from
unipolar depression: Ive never threatened suicide or injured myself on purpose; I have tantrums or angry outbursts; and Giving in to some of my urges gets me into
trouble. A study of 40 bipolar-II patients (Vieta et al., 1999)
found that 33 percent met diagnostic criteria for a personality disorder. Overall, therefore, the typical bipolar patient sample appears to have relatively high rates of Axis II
Table 101 also indicates the most frequent individual
personality disorder diagnoses. A number of studies found
multiple disorders in bipolar patients, as is generally typical
of diagnoses on Axis II. Viewed individually, however, the
Cluster B disordersespecially borderline and histrionic
were most common among the bipolar samples. Rossi and
colleagues (2001) also reported high rates of borderline as
well as compulsive personality disorders; however, their
bipolar sample included only those with recent depressive
episodes, excluding those with recent mania.
Despite the general consistency in frequency and types of
personality disorders observed across studies, the meaning
of the results remains elusive. Conceptually, it is widely recognized that rates of comorbidity may be inflated because of
the overlap of symptoms across disorders. Despite various
efforts to assess for personality pathology during euthymic
states, it is nonetheless possible that the personality disorders reported may reflect the symptoms of hypomania or
depression. For instance, histrionic or borderline pathology
may be difficult to distinguish from attention seeking, intense or exaggerated emotional expression, intense irritability, impulsive or provocative behaviors, and affective instability and rapidly changing mood. (See MacKinnon et al.,
2006, for an excellent review of the centrality of affective instability to both bipolar illness and borderline personality
disorder.) Peselow and colleagues (1995), comparing personality pathology assessed in the same patients during hypomania and euthymia, found a reduction in such pathology when the patients had recovered from the hypomanic
state. Thus personality pathology may be inflated as a result
of overlapping symptoms in Axis I and II categories containing manic, mixed, and depressive symptoms and behaviors.
A related conceptual question, noted previously, is the
issue of whether personality pathology may be a consequence of bipolar disorder. Thus, for example, the unstable self-image or identity disturbance or the recurrent
suicidal or parasuicidal behaviors of the borderline personality may be a reaction to the cumulative unpredictable
and massively destructive mood swings of bipolar illness.
It is possible that the onset of bipolar disorder in childhood
or early adolescence may exacerbate identity difficulties

and impair the ability to form solid and sustaining relationships, thereby contributing to diffuse Axis II symptomatology. Thus the maladaptive behaviors reflected in personality disorders may in some cases be dysfunctional
coping methods or adaptations to the illness.
A third conceptual consideration concerns sampling: patients included in the studies reported in Table 101 may reflect those who are most disturbed, and who are seen in
research-oriented settings that may draw more difficult patients not readily managed in community or private care. As
noted, clinical samples in general (compared with epidemiologic samples), and especially those in tertiary care settings, may not be representative in terms of comorbidity because they are likely to be sicker.
Finally, as discussed in Chapter 3, some would argue
against conceptualizing Axis II disorders as conditions
comorbid with bipolar disorder. Instead, it is argued,
they may represent forms of disorder in the bipolar spectrum (e.g., Akiskal et al., 1985, 2000; Deltito et al., 2001).
Gunderson and colleagues (2006) recently reported the
results of a 4-year prospective investigation of 196 patients with bipolar disorder and 433 patients with personality disorders. They found that bipolar-I and bipolar-II
disorders were significantly more common in patients
with borderline personality disorder (19.4 percent) than
in patients with other types of personality disorder (7.9
percent). The presence of co-occurring bipolar disorder
had no significant effect on the course of the borderline
personality disorder, as measured by remission rates, functional adjustment, or treatment utilization rates (hospitalization and medication usage). The investigators concluded that there was only a modest association between
bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder,
thereby making a strong spectrum relationship with
bipolar disorder extremely unlikely (p. 1177). We do not
know enough at the present time to draw firm conclusions on this question.
Despite uncertainty about the conceptualization of personality disorder comorbidity, one meaning of comorbid
Axis II pathology is not ambiguous: bipolar (or any psychiatric) patients who have personality pathology typically
have worse outcomes. Kay and colleagues (2002) found significantly lower rates of employment, more complex medication regimens, and greater likelihood of substance and
alcohol abuse among bipolar-I male veterans who had diagnosed personality disorders (but no differences between
the groups in age at onset or duration of disorder). Over
time, Carpenter and colleagues (1995) found that patients
with personality disorder had significantly more symptoms and worse social adjustment scores than those without such disorder. Others have also found this to be the
case (Bieling et al., 2003). Kutcher and colleagues (1990)

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

found that adolescent bipolar patients without personality

disorder had a better response to lithium treatment.
Although Ucok and colleagues (1998) did not find differences in lithium responsiveness among their bipolar patients with and without personality disorder, they did find
that patients with Axis II comorbidity had made more severe suicide attempts. Barbato and Hafner (1998) found that
bipolar-I patients with personality disorder had significantly
more lifetime days hospitalized and more severe symptomatology than those without personality disorder, and
were more likely to report that their medications were unhelpful. Others (Dunayevich et al., 1996) have reported
that patients with multiple episodes were more likely than
first-episode patients to have personality disorder. Moreover, in a 12-month follow-up of these patients, those diagnosed with personality disorder were less likely to show
syndrome or symptom recovery and had achieved significantly less functional recovery (Dunayevich et al., 2000).
The authors speculated that poor medication adherence
may mediate the link between personality disorder and
poor outcome (see Chapter 21). Poor adherence, in turn,
may reflect poorer response to treatment. Finally, Vieta
and colleagues (1999) reported that those in their bipolar-II
sample with personality disorder had earlier age at onset of
bipolar disorder and more severe suicidal ideation. In general, these findings are consistent with those of research on
other psychiatric populations, indicating that, whether true
comorbidity is involved or mainly more severe general
symptomatology, patients with Axis II disorders typically
have worse illness course and are more difficult to treat effectively.

No one has the slightest idea of what Ive been through
with Cal [Robert Lowell]. In 4 12 years, counting this present
breakup, he has had four collapses! Three manic, and one
depression. These things take time to come and long after
he is out of the hospital there is a period which can only be
called nursing. The long, difficult pull backwhich does
not show always to others. I knew the possibility of this
when I married him, and I have always felt that the joy of
his normal periods, the lovely time we had, all Ive
learned from him, the immeasurable things Ive derived
from our marriage made up for the bad periods. I consider
it all a gain of the most precious kind. But he has torn
down this time everything weve built up . . . how difficult
these break-ups are for both of us. (Elizabeth Hardwick13)

Moods are by nature compelling, contagious, and profoundly interpersonal. Mania and depression alter the perceptions and behaviors not only of those who have them,


but also of those who are related or closely associated.

Bipolar illnessmarked as it is by extraordinary and confusing fluctuations in mood, personality, thinking, and
behaviorinevitably has powerful and often painful effects on relationships. Violence, poor judgment, and indiscreet financial and sexual behavior are almost always destructive and embarrassing to spouses, children, family
members, and friends. Trust is not easily restored in the
wake of mania, nor are goodwill and love always regenerated after months of severe, depleting, and unremitting
Mood-related changes in interpersonal functioning are
not the whole story, however; increasing evidence points to
persisting social, marital, and family difficulties even when
individuals are not in the throes of an episode. Such impairments in interpersonal relationships may affect subsequent clinical functioning in a complex, reciprocal pattern.
In this section, we review issues and studies concerned with
bipolar patients and their relationships with other people.
It should be emphasized that the studies reviewed focused
exclusively on the impaired functioning associated with
symptoms and episodes. As is typical of most psychopathology studies, little research has been conducted on aspects of
marital and family functioning that may be associated with
positive moods and behaviors, such as optimism, energy,
and infectious enthusiasm (Jamison, 2004).

Social Functioning
Impairment during Mania and Depression
The complex, subtle, and potentially infuriating aspects of
manic interpersonal behavior were observed by most early
clinical investigators (see Chapter 1). Hypomanic behavior,
especially, was noted for its powerful and confusing influence on others. The positive, engaging, and occasionally
charismatic qualities of many individuals with bipolar illness are discussed at length in Chapters 2 and 12. Here we
describe some of the more detrimental interpersonal features of bipolar illness.
Kraepelin (1921, p. 61) wrote of the skill of hypomanic
patients in manipulating fellow patients:
It is just the peculiar mixture of sense and maniacal activity, frequently also an extensive experience of institutions,
which makes them extremely ingenious in finding out
means to satisfy their numerous desires, to deceive their
surroundings, to procure for themselves all kinds of advantages, to secure the property of others for themselves.
They usually soon domineer completely over their fellowpatients, use them for profit, report about them to the
physician in technical terms, act as guardian to them,
and hold them in check.


Psychological Studies

Psychoanalytic writers, with rare exceptions, regarded

the interpersonal lives of bipolar patients as unstable and
chaotic, narcissistically based, bereft of empathic regard for
the rights of others, too dependent or independent, singularly rigid, and full of rage. These conclusions are not
surprising given that they were based substantially on experiences with patients in the prepharmacotherapy era. Understandably, such perceptions led most psychoanalysts to
be wary of and reluctant to treat these patients. Since the
psychoanalytic relationship with bipolar patients was seen
as superficial and distant, countertransference was the subject of considerable discussion and writing about such patients (see Chapter 22). Most psychoanalytic writers were
interested primarily in the origins of the illness and the personality structure of bipolar patients, but we present here a
brief review of their observations and interpretations of interpersonal behavior.
Abraham (1911, 1924), one of the earliest writers to
formulate psychodynamic principles in bipolar illness, described what he perceived to be the patients abnormal
character development and inability to maintain good relationships. These features, he speculated, were coupled
with an ongoing sense of impending loss of objects, which
produced a rageful stance toward these objects and their
inability to gratify narcissistic demands. Freud (1917), for
the most part, concurred: Manic-depressives show simultaneously the tendency to too-strong fixations to their
love-object and to a quick withdrawal of object cathexis.
Object choice is on a narcissistic basis.
The attitude of bipolar individuals toward others was
described by Blalock (1936, p. 342) as a selfish one serving
in its several aspects the narcissistic needs of the patient.
Equally critical in his views, Fenichel (1945) regarded
bipolar patients as love addicts, narcissistic, and incapable of love. To English (1949, p. 131), the bipolar patient
was egocentric, incapable of relating warmly to others,
rigid, afraid to hate except when manic, and powerfully influenced by the intensity of feelings:
The manic-depressive is afraid of extremes of emotion, of
great love, or of hostility, and yet these are the very things
he may show in his illness. One patient . . . said, To live is
like opening all my pores on a cold day and subjecting
myself to a catastrophe. The manic-depressive therefore
has a defect in catching the feelings of others. He ignores
what others feel and want as long as he can. Thus in trying to avoid being hurt he avoids the strengthening influence of friendship.

Fromm-Reichmann (1949), in a similar vein, described

a lack of subtlety, a lack of any close interpersonal relatedness, and a tendency to exaggerate the intensity of interactions with other people. While describing manic-depressive

patients as manifesting a particular kind of narcissistic dependency on their love objects, Jacobson (1953, p. 66) provided a perspective at variance with that of the earlier psychoanalytic writers:
We are also surprised to see that as long as they are not
sick, they may be delightful companions or marital partners, a feature that Bleuler mentioned especially. In their
sexual life they may show a full . . . response, and emotionally, in contradistinction to schizoid persons, a touching warmth and unusual, affectionate clinging to people
they like . . . [they] are potentially able to function
extraordinarily well.

Cohen and colleagues (1954, p. 119), however, commented on what they viewed as the illusion of normal relationships in manic-depressive patients:
The appearance of closeness is provided by the hypomanics liveliness, talkativeness, wittiness, and social aggressiveness. Actually, there is little or no communicative
exchange between the hypomanic and any one of his socalled friends. . . . The concept of reciprocity is missing;
the needs of the other for similar experiences are not recognized.

Finally, Gibson and colleagues (1959, p. 1,102) stressed

the dependent nature of the manic-depressive patientthe
difficulties in dealing with feelings of envy and competition
and the common use of denial as a defense, there being a
notable lack of subtlety, and of awareness of their own or
the feelings of others in their interpersonal relations.
Janowsky and colleagues (1970, 1974), in an attempt to
measure more objectively the interpersonal behavior of
patients during the manic phase of their illness, assessed
the interactional style of acutely manic patients with tape
recordings of psychotherapy sessions (both group and individual), physician and social worker notes, observations
of milieu therapy, and nurses behavioral descriptions and
ratings of patients. The manic persons interpersonal maneuvers are, according to these authors, simultaneously
cementing and distancing. Although their study presumes
too much conscious control and manipulation on the part
of the patient, it is one of the few clinical reports to describe in detail the interpersonal behavior of hospitalized
manic patients. We quote, as an example, from their work
on the manic patients perceptiveness with regard to vulnerability and conflict (Janowsky et al., 1970, p. 254):
Intimately related to the manics ability to appeal to the
self-esteem systems of others is his extraordinary perceptiveness. In interpersonal encounters, the manic possesses
a highly refined talent for sensing an individuals vulnerability or a groups area of conflict, and exploiting this in

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

a manipulative fashion. This sensitivity may be utilized in

dealing directly with a given individual or in focusing on
areas of conflict between others. In either case, the manic
patient is able to make covert conflicts overt, causing the
person or group with whom he is dealing to feel discomfort. . . . What he says cannot be dismissed as untrue or
unreal, for the areas attacked truly do exist and, indeed,
are areas of vulnerability.

The playful, high-energy, and extraverted behaviors associated with mania are often irritating. So, too, are the interpersonal qualities usually present during depression. Interviews with roommates of college students identified by
clinical assessments as falling in the bipolar spectrum (cyclothymia as well as bipolar-I or -II) found that bipolar students were perceived as excessively excitable, showed poor
judgment, were argumentative when hypomanic, and were
irritable and socially withdrawn when depressed (Depue
et al., 1981). It is not surprising, given the number of negative social behaviors exhibited by the bipolar students, that
58 percent of the roommates reported that they avoided the
subject, finding him or her noxious.
Fluctuations in levels of sociability almost define bipolar
illness. Energetic seeking out of other people and uninhibited social behavior are common features of mania.
Winokur and colleagues (1969, p. 63) described this in their
A most characteristic sight when the patient is brought to
the hospital is a frightened and exhausted family, which
has frequently been awake for 1 or more nights being lectured to by a bright-eyed and excited patient.

In their study of 30 bipolar patients, Murphy and colleagues (1974) found two distinctive behavioral characteristics of mania: noticeably increased psychomotor activity
and, of relevance here, a need for increased interpersonal
contact (people seeking). Akiskal and colleagues (1977)
reported that half of their cyclothymic patients alternated
periods of uninhibited people seeking with periods of introverted self-absorption.
During depressive episodes, maladaptive patterns of relating to others are common, including social withdrawal,
loss of enjoyment and pleasure, irritability, increased criticism of and negativism toward others, and sensitivity to
criticism or rejection by others (see Chapter 2; Benazzi,
2000). Depressed people are often highly dependent on
others for reassurance and support, yet appear paradoxically to reject the support or view it as untrustworthy and
insufficient. Friends and family may be frustrated by the
exaggerated dependence of the depressed patient, especially when they seem unable to relieve his or her despondency. Moreover, the depressed person may be particularly


sensitive to perceived rejection or criticism, and minor or

even nonexistent slights are exaggerated or interpreted inaccurately. All of these common symptoms of depression
can thwart the best intentions and efforts of friends and
family members.
Interpersonal tension may be further intensified by the
depressed individuals marked guilt and feelings of worthlessness and self-blame for real or perceived negative social
encounters. Indeed, when depressed, individuals may correctly perceive that they are a burden to others, a reality
that may serve to heighten their depression (e.g., Coyne
et al., 1987). Moreover, depression tends to elicit negative reactions even from strangers or acquaintances; many studies
(reviewed in Gurtman, 1986) have demonstrated that others tend to reject depressed persons and express preferences
for avoiding interactions with them.

Impairment despite Remission and Treatment

Compared with the clinical states and symptomatology of
individuals with bipolar disorder, relatively little attention
has been devoted to understanding social and interpersonal aspects of the disorder. Increasingly, however, research supports prior clinical observations of the extent to
which social impairment persists even during stable, euthymic periods. For instance, Cooke and colleagues (1996)
identified a sample of bipolar patients who were euthymic
as well as free of recent substance abuse, personality disorder, or medical illness. The patients were administered the
self-report functioning scales of the Medical Outcomes
Study, and their results were compared with those previously obtained for a large number of individuals in treatment for a variety of chronic medical illnesses. Cooke and
colleagues found that the bipolar patients scored lower on
social functioning than did the medically ill patients. Similarly, Romans and McPherson (1992) interviewed remitted bipolar-I patients about their social functioning, and
found that they scored significantly lower on availability and
perceived adequacy of close relationships and had significantly fewer general social contacts and interactions than did
a random community sample. A recent multicenter European study of 144 remitted bipolar patients found that, compared with normal subjects, patients were less well adjusted
in general and, more specifically, in their leisure activities, relationships with extended family, marital relationships, and
work activities (Blairy et al., 2004).
A study comparing outpatients in treatment for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder found that the two patient
groups showed relatively similar levels of cognitive and social
impairment on a battery of measures (Dickerson et al., 2001).
Although the schizophrenic patients generally performed
worse on most measures, the bipolar group was nearly as impaired. However, the clinical state of the bipolar patients at


Psychological Studies

the time of testing was not specifically noted. Coryell and

colleagues (1993) reported on 5-year follow-ups of patients
from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Psychobiology of Depression sample, including 148 bipolar patients. Both unipolar and bipolar probands showed deficits
in their relationships with friends, children, and relatives,
and they also displayed less involvement in and enjoyment of
social and recreational activities compared with non-ill controls. Although Coryell and colleagues did not report on the
clinical status of the bipolar probands during the follow-up
period, they noted that the majority were being treated
for their disorder. Thus despite treatment and variations
in the course of the disorder, the bipolar patients fared relatively poorly compared with matched controls. It may be
noted that several studies comparing unipolar and bipolar
probands on social functioning have yielded inconsistent results, probably because of variability in clinical histories,
mood states during assessment, premorbid functioning and
temperament, age and demographic factors, and methods of
measuring interpersonal functioning.14
Overall, therefore, it appears that bipolar disorder is associated with a variety of general indicators of social impairment. Even when the individual is not in an affective
episode, these interpersonal difficulties appear to persist.
The direction of causality remains unclear, however. Are the
maladjustments in social functioning due to bipolar disorder, or might they be related to clinical variables such as comorbid substance abuse or early age at onset? In the following sections, we review research addressing the predictors of
social functioning and the predictive relationship between
social functioning and subsequent clinical status.

Clinical Predictors of Social Functioning

The relatively sparse literature aimed at understanding the
conditions under which bipolar disorder is associated with
good or poor interpersonal functioning is also limited by
relatively small samples, varying definitions and methods
of assessing functioning, and a narrow range of potentially
key variables. Nevertheless, these studies provide intriguing glimpses of issues warranting further study.
OConnell and colleagues (1991) evaluated predictors of
general functioning in 248 bipolar patients using the GAS.
Several variables correlated with outcome and were evaluated in a multiple-regression equation. Number of prior admissions was the strongest predictor, followed by family attitudes and social class. Family attitudes of hostility and
criticism imply poor interpersonal relationships in the family, suggesting in turn poor general functioning associated
with interpersonal difficulties. Bauwens and colleagues
(1991) explored correlates of social adjustment in 27 remitted bipolar patients. They found that a composite overall
measure of social adjustment was significantly related to

episode frequency, and poorer social/leisure activity was associated with more episodes and hospitalizations. Scores on
depression symptomatology were also associated with lower
levels of social/leisure activity.
Several studies have found that depression is more linked
to difficulties in functioning than is mania. In a study aimed
at exploring the mutual influence of social and clinical functioning, Gitlin and colleagues (1995) evaluated the impact of
both past episode history and subclinical symptoms on indicators of social functioning in a sample of 82 bipolar patients
followed for at least 2 years. Social (close relationships) and
family functioning were significantly related to number of
past and recent depressive episodes but not to manic or hypomanic episodes. In all the analyses, subclinical symptoms
were more strongly predictive of poorer social functioning
than was number of clinical episodes. The researchers also
determined that depressive episodes were significantly more
(negatively) predictive of the quality of relationships with
family members than were manic episodes, with a similar
trend toward a greater association of depression with social
(close) relationships. In contrast, occupational functioning
was negatively associated with both depressive and manic
A recent review and investigation of functional outcomes in bipolar patients revealed depression to be one of
the few fairly consistent predictors of social, family, and
marital (as well as occupational) functioning (Bauer et al.,
2001). This study is noteworthy for its careful assessment
of symptoms and functioning over 48 weeks in a sample of
43 male Veterans Affairs outpatients. The amount of time
depressed and average depression symptom scoresbut
not mania scoreswere significantly correlated with social and work functioning. Other researchers (Cooke et al.,
1996) also found that bipolar patients low scores on social
functioning were associated with subclinical depressive
symptoms (subclinical mania/hypomania was not assessed),
and social functioning was lower in bipolar-II than in
bipolar-I patients. Different investigators (Romans and
McPherson, 1992), in contrast, found that a subgroup of
patients with a predominantly manic course reported less
adequate close relationships and less available social contacts than did those with depressive episodes, although the
effect was not statistically significant. Perhaps consistent
with the previously cited studies, Romans and McPherson
found that patients with a longer history of illness reported
fewer close and general social contacts.
A study of 40 bipolar-I patients social functioning
(Lam and Wong, 1997) included ratings of relationships
with intimate partners and friends and social presentation. The investigators evaluated recognition of prodromes
of mania and depression and scored the patients reports of
how they coped with prodromal symptoms of depression

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

and mania. Generally, those with good awareness of prodromal symptoms and good coping methods had better
overall social functioning. A multiple-regression analysis
to predict overall social functioning indicated that lower
current subclinical depression scores and good reported
coping with prodromes of mania and depression significantly predicted good functioning, whereas number of
past hospitalizations and current subsyndromal manic
symptoms did not.

Social Predictors of Clinical Outcomes

The question of the origins of and contributors to social adjustment in those with bipolar disorder takes on particular
urgency in view of studies now beginning to demonstrate a
functional link between social and clinical outcomes. As evidence accumulates of enormous variability in the clinical
course of bipolar disorder, even in those who are adequately
or aggressively treated pharmacologically,15 studies have increasingly been exploring predictors of diverse clinical outcomes by including social variables.
Among recent longitudinal outcome studies, several indicate the importance of interpersonal functioning. Table
102 summarizes several studies of social predictors of clinical outcomes in patients with bipolar disorder. In all of
these studies, patients were in treatment, and many of the
studies controlled for medication adherence. The studies
differ considerably in the social functioning variables assessed, but they are consistent in finding that indicators of
interpersonal adjustment play an important role in clinical
outcomes, independently of clinical history factors. Note
that several of the studies found social impairment to be especially predictive of depressive symptoms. Coryell and colleagues (1998) hypothesized that a prevailingly depressive
subtype of bipolar patients may mark a particularly poor
prognosis group with considerable social dysfunction.
Several of the studies listed in Table 102 identified family
discord or negative family attitudes toward the patient with
bipolar disorder as a predictor of worse clinical outcomes
(Miklowitz et al., 1988; see also OConnell et al., 1991). Research on the effect of family attitudes (particularly those of
the caretaker or spouse) on the course of bipolar disorder,
including expressed emotion and related constructs, is reviewed below in the section on marital functioning.
A particular focus of several of the studies in Table 102 is
the role of the quality and availability of social support in
predicting clinical outcomes among individuals with bipolar
disorder. Generally, social support refers to individuals perceptions of the extent to which others are available to provide emotional and material assistance and to their satisfaction with the perceived supportiveness offered by others.
OConnell and colleagues (1985) found that a global measure of social support was the strongest correlate of clinical


outcome, social adjustment, and overall GAS score. Other

researchers (Stefos et al., 1996) found that social support and
social functioning variables predicted outcome, but clinical
factors did not. They observed that 69 percent of patients
with good social support, compared with 25 percent of those
with low support, remained episode-free during a 4-year
period of assessment. Similar results have been reported
more recently.16 Of interest, several investigators17 have
found the effects of social support to be polarity-specific,
with lower social support at baseline predicting more increase in depressive symptoms over time, but no significant
association with changes in manic symptoms was found.
The relationship between social support and clinical outcome is complicated by the likelihood that support is more
likely to be given to those who are less overtly or chronically
ill. It may well be that patients who experience primarily euphoric manias or hypomanias garner more support than
those who have predominantly mixed states. This issue has
not been adequately addressed in the research conducted to
date. Clearly, premorbid functioning and temperament are
relevant, albeit poorly studied, factors in predicting how individuals will cope with their illnesses and maintain or develop personal relationships.

Conceptualization and Methodology

Although the studies discussed above generally indicate a
link between clinical and interpersonal functioning, there
is clearly a need for more exploration of the origins of
poor or good social functioning. One promising pattern
concerns the role of depression, with most studies indicating an association between depressive symptoms and social functioning. While several studies suggest that depressive symptoms may be especially impairing, however, the
specific contributors and features of social functioning are
not known. For instance, do symptoms prevent individuals from engaging in social relationships and activities, or
do symptoms affect the quality (and eventually the availability) of such pursuits? Do symptoms emerge subclinically during developmentally important periods of life to
an extent sufficient to impair normal acquisition of social
skills and attributes, or are the social impairments consequences of repeated episodes that devastate the individuals coping capacities?
There is a need to explore the origins of social impairments, as the question of whether they predate or follow
bipolar episodes is unresolved. The topic of premorbid
social adjustment, although well established in schizophrenia research and a potent predictor of disorder and functioning, is relatively less well studied in bipolar samples.
An exception is the work of Cannon and colleagues (1997),
who clearly demonstrated that the social functioning of
bipolar patients when they were children and adolescents

Table 102. Social Predictors of Clinical Outcomes



Significant Predictors of Poorer Outcome

et al., 1985

60 bipolar-I

Miklowitz et al.,

23 bipolar

Gitlin et al., 1995

52 bipolar-I

Stefos et al., 1996

14 bipolar-I and
7 bipolar-II

Coryell et al.,

113 bipolar
(with mania)
inpatients and

Kulhara et al.,

118 bipolar-I

Johnson et al.,

59 bipolar-I

Johnson et al.,

94 bipolar

Cohen et al.,

52 bipolar-I

Episode intensityduration score over a 1-yr

period was correlated with less social support
and worse social adjustment scores. Social factors
were correlated more strongly with outcome than
were demographic or clinical variables.
Relapse during a 9-mo follow-up was associated
with family negative expressed emotion and
negative interactions (affective style). Social
variables predicted outcome independently of
demographic and clinical factors.
Relapse over a mean follow-up period of 4 yr was
associated with both clinical features (prior
episodes) and worse social adjustment. Strongest
associations were between depressive symptoms
and prior depressive episodes and poor family
and social functioning.
A higher rate of major recurrences over a 4-yr
follow-up period was associated with less social
support, impaired social and leisure activities,
and poor quality of relationships with the
extended family, but clinical predictors were not
Depression at 15-year follow-up was predicted by
poor social (functional) adjustment before the
study and persisting depression in the first 2 yr of
follow-up. Earlier manic symptoms were
generally unrelated to functional or clinical
outcomes at 15-yr follow-up.
A higher rate of recurrence over the follow-up
period was associated with more depressive
episodes before lithium treatment, more life
events, and less social support.
Longer time to recovery over a 2-yr follow-up
period was associated with lower social support.
Depressive symptoms over time were predicted
by life events and lower social support, but manic
symptoms were not predicted by lower social
support or stressors.
Those who relapsed over a 12-mo follow-up period
had significantly lower perceived social support.
Those with lower perceived support were also
more likely to have partial rather than complete
remission before relapse.
Episode recurrence over a 1-yr follow-up period,
after controlling for clinical variables, was
predicted by low social support and life events.
Depressive episodes were more strongly
predictive than manic episodes.

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning


Table 102. Social Predictors of Clinical Outcomes (continued)

Kim and
Yan et al., 2004

125 bipolar
(116 bipolar-I,
9 bipolar-II)
47 bipolar-I

Significant Predictors of Poorer Outcome

Patients from families with high expressed emotion
(EE) relatives did not experience higher rates of
relapse over 2-yr follow-up, but they did
experience higher levels of depression.
High EE in collaterals (romantic partners, parents,
friends) predicted depressive but not manic
recurrence. After controlling for prior symptom
severity, patients with high EE were five times
more likely to have a depressive recurrence than
those with low EE.

(as reported retrospectively by their mothers) was significantly worse than that of normal comparison subjects of
similar age. Appropriate social behavior, quality of peer relations, and pursuit of interests appeared to be impaired
in the prebipolar lives of patients. It is unclear, however,
whether these individuals were actually symptomatic at
young ages. Moreover, variability in reported adjustment
suggests differing subgroups, including some with exceptionally good functioning. Such patterns warrant further
studyas does clarification of the role of childhood disorders (see Chapter 7) in later social adjustment.
In view of the apparent impact of depressive symptoms
on social adjustment, it may be noted that research on
unipolar depression is focused increasingly on interpersonal
functioning. Social variables are seen as playing a role in
vulnerability to onset of the disorder and in the prediction
of relapse, recurrence, and chronicity, and also as resulting
from the impact of depression on the relationships of the
depressed person with others. A large body of research has
begun to document the role of social factors in depression,
presumably operating both as cause and consequence of the
disorder (e.g., reviews in Hammen and Brennan, 2002; see
also Joiner and Coyne, 1999). This research may provide
guidelines for further studies of bipolar samples.
There is a related need for further study of the specific
effects of depression and mania on interpersonal relationships. Are there conditions under which manic and hypomanic symptoms portend decrements in social connections, as appears to be the case with depression? Or can
they under some circumstances facilitate social contacts
and friendships? Can the optimism and positive affectivity
often associated with bipolar patients who have an underlying hyperthymic temperament lead to more opportunity
for relationships that may prove to be sustaining and

I am tired of papering over the cracks and pretending to
friends and relatives that life is wonderful. It is the nearest
and dearest who come in for the bulk of the barrage. . . .
It is the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome. I never know which is
going to walk in through the door, and the unpredictability is most unnerving. It is like living on a knife-edge. You
can never relax or take anything for granted and any
thought of lapsing into placid serenity is completely out
of the question. (Anonymous18)

To understand some of the important clinical as well as

research issues that arise in addressing the topic of bipolar
disorder and marital relationships, a brief discussion of research on unipolar depression and marital functioning is
useful. This is followed by a review of descriptive studies of
bipolar disorder and marital functioning and a consideration of the complex and reciprocal relationship between
marital and clinical functioning. The section ends with
a review of the literature on sexual behavior in bipolar illness, assortive mating among bipolar patients, and effects
on marriage of treatment of bipolar spouses.

Unipolar Depression and Marital Functioning

There has been considerable research on depression and
marital functioning in recent years, corresponding to a growing focus on the interpersonal causes and consequences
of depression, as well as the development of effective psychotherapies aimed at treating interpersonal and marital
dysfunction in depressed individuals. Two themes and sets of
findings in particular are potentially relevant to bipolar disorder.
First, the phenomenology of depression may contribute
to problematic marriages. Weissman and Paykel (1974) were
among the first to characterize the marriages of depressed


Psychological Studies

women as fraught with friction, inadequate communication,

dependency, overt hostility, resentment and guilt, poor sexual relationships, and a lack of affection. For both men and
women, depressive symptoms such as irritability, loss of energy and enjoyment, heightened sensitivity to criticism, and
defeatist and pessimistic attitudes all may erode the initial
concern and patience of the spouse. The depressed persons
exaggerated negative interpretations of self, the world, and
the future may seem irrational and inexplicable, while an
unwillingness to engage in typical or enjoyable pursuits and
unresponsiveness to encouragement may be frustrating to
the spouse and may even appear to reflect willfulness or resistance. Spouses and partners often are especially troubled
by the restrictions on social and leisure activities and by the
depressed persons withdrawal, worry, and suicidal thoughts
(e.g., Coyne et al., 1987; Fadden et al., 1987).
As Coyne (1976) noted, there may be a deteriorating marital process in which initial concern and caring by the spouse
is eventually replaced by resentment and impatience
reactions likely perceived by the depressed person as rejection and lack of sympathy, provoking further depression. As
might be expected, observed communications between depressed individuals and their partners are characterized by
relatively more negativity and fewer positive interactions
than those of nondepressed couples (Johnson and Jacob,
1997). Such patterns have been found to be particularly pronounced among depressed women compared with depressed men (Gotlib and Whiffen, 1989; Johnson and Jacob,
1997). Over time, depression in a spouse may be perceived as
a significant burden, and may even cause distress and symptoms in the nondepressed spouse (Coyne et al., 1987). Not
surprisingly, depressed individuals are less likely than nondepressed controls to be married, and if they are married,
they are more likely to divorce or to report the marriage as
being of poor quality (Fadden et al., 1987; Coryell et al., 1993;
Whisman, 2001).
A second set of findings in the unipolar field that is salient
for bipolar disorder indicates that depressive episodes often
result from environmental precipitants, among which marital conflict and difficulties may be especially common and
potent. For example, Weissman (1987) noted a 25-fold increase in the relative risk for major depressive episodes
among those in unhappy marriages, based on Epidemiological Catchment Area data for 3,000 respondents (see
also Brown and Harris, 1986; Coryell et al., 1992; Anderson
et al., 1999). Thus the consequences of depression for relationships may include the creation of a context that is
stressful and unfulfilling, contributing to increased risk for
further symptomatology.
The self-perpetuating cycle of depression and marital
distress may be further complicated by some individuals
vulnerabilities in the form of maladaptive dependency or

the need for frequent reassurance, dysfunctional skills in

resolving interpersonal problems and conflicts, and maladaptive mate selection (Hammen, 1997, 1999). Moreover,
there is evidence that the impaired interpersonal relationships of depressed persons may not be confined to periods
of depression. For instance, several studies have shown
that even in remission, formerly depressed patients and
community members continue to show social impairment,
including marital dissatisfaction and conflict (Weissman
and Paykel, 1974; Billings and Moos, 1985; Hammen and
Brennan, 2002).
The link between depression and marital distress may be
reciprocal: some individuals may be particularly vulnerable
to developing depressive reactions because of dysfunctional
needs and skills with regard to intimate relationships. As
suggested earlier, increased recognition of the link between
depression and marital distress has led to the development
of several therapeutic approaches based on addressing marital difficulties as a way to treat depressive disorders. Interpersonal psychotherapy (Klerman et al., 1984; Weissman et al.,
2000) and behavioral marital therapy (Beach and Jones,
2002), for example, have proven successful both in reducing
depression and in improving marital functioning.

Bipolar Disorder and Marital Functioning

The marriages of untreated, inadequately treated, or
treatment-nonresponsive bipolar patients tend to be turbulent, fluctuating, and uncertain. An overall clinical description was given by Janowsky and colleagues (1970, p. 259):
Diametrically opposed styles of marital relating, occurring during depressed or manic phases respectively, seem
intolerable to the spouse. The depressive phase is usually
viewed by the spouse as an illness over which the patient
has little control. Here, spouses offer significant physical
care and emotional support. The patient, during the depressive phase, often expresses much guilt and self-blame
and sometimes speaks of the spouse in laudatory and absolving terms. . . .
In contrast, the attitude of the spouse undergoes a
marked change when the patient is manic. The manic phase
is perceived as a willful, spiteful act. Lip service only is given
to seeing the mania as an illness. There is always an underlying feeling that the manic can control his actions, and
does not do so out of maliciousness, selfishness, and lack of
consideration. This impression is fostered by the fact that
the manic often has periods of seeming reasonableness. . . .
Related to the issue of the spouse feeling betrayed and
experiencing diminished self-esteem is the problem of
marital infidelity. Often, manic patients speak of divorce,
make sexual advances to other people, become engaged
in affairs. . . .

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

In all these situations, the spouses felt trapped in

what they perceived as an impossible situation. They felt
caught in a whirlwind of activity, personally threatened,
powerless to enforce limits. . . . Their moods and feelings
were intimately related to the disease state of the sick

Not all would agree with this characterization of spousal

perceptions. Nevertheless, the turmoil associated with marriage to someone who undergoes unpredictable severe mood
shifts clearly is highly stressful and challenges the coping capabilities of the partner. As we shall see, the attitudes expressed within the intimate relationship may also create conditions that may influence the course of bipolar illness.
At present, research on and conceptualization of marital functioning is less well developed for patients with
bipolar disorder than for those with unipolar depression.
Some of the earliest bipolar studies simply compared the
marital functioning of unipolar and bipolar patients, yielding mixed findings as to which group had the worse outcomes (Janowsky et al., 1970; Brodie and Leff, 1971; Ruestow
et al., 1978). The more crucial questions, however, concern
marital functioning in treated patients, the impact of clinical features of bipolar disorder on intimate relationships,
and effects of the quality of relationships on outcomes
among bipolar patients.
Studies of treated patients provide ample but perhaps
unsurprising evidence that marital functioning is often impaired among those with bipolar disorder. For instance, in
one of the largest follow-up studies (5 years) of bipolar patients, Coryell and colleagues (1993) found that 148 such
patients were only half as likely to be married by the end of
the follow-up period as matched well controls (32 percent
never married, compared with 15 percent of controls).
Those who had married were twice as likely to be divorced
as controls (45 percent divorced, compared with 18 percent
of controls). Similarly, the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network reported rates of divorced/separated or single status
exceeding U.S. national norms (Suppes et al., 2001). It
should be noted, however, that there is no evidence of
higher divorce rates among those with bipolar disorder
than among those with unipolar depression.
Corresponding to the high rates of divorce and reduced
frequency of marriage among bipolar patients, couples in
which one spouse is bipolar commonly report dissatisfaction. Several studies have obtained such information from
the patient. For instance, Radke-Yarrow (1998) interviewed
bipolar women in a study of offspring and family interactions. She found that women with bipolar disorder (a mix
of bipolar-I and -II) reported higher rates of marital disorder at all follow-up assessments (62 to 76 percent) compared with non-ill women (7 to 13 percent) or women with


unipolar depression (53 to 59 percent). She speculated that

psychiatric illness in many of the fathers of bipolar women
may have contributed in part to the high rates of marital discord. Bauwens and colleagues (1991) collected Social Adjustment Scale information on 27 remitted bipolar, 24 remitted
unipolar, and 25 control individuals. They found that bipolar patients scored midway between the unipolar (worst)
and control (best) subjects in overall marital adjustment.
Frequency of hospitalizations per year tended to be correlated with poorer marital adjustment, but there was no indication of the specific features of the course of illness that
might have a particular association with marital difficulties.
A limited number of studies have examined the perceptions of spouses of bipolar patients. Hoover and Fitzgerald
(1981) compared reported marital interactions of 42 bipolar
and depressive inpatients and their spouses with those of 30
normal couples from the community. Using the 67-item
Conflict in Marriage Scale (designed to measure resolution
of conflicts, ways of dealing with anger, and content of disputes), they found that couples with an affectively ill spouse
scored significantly higher on expressed conflict than did
the community controls. Within the affectively ill group,
couples with a bipolar-I member expressed more conflict
than those with a unipolar or bipolar-II member, but the
effects were not statistically significant. Of interest, there was
low agreement between spouses in couples that included a
member with mood disorder, with the ill member typically
reporting much higher levels of conflict. Hoover and
Fitzgerald (1981, p. 67) proposed several possible explanations for this discrepancy:
It may be that conflict with an ill partner is more difficult
to acknowledge and express. . . . Another possibility is
that the spouses of manic-depressive patients derive some
personality reinforcement, a tested sense of ability or
moral fulfillment, from caring for a recurrently sick partner. Or perhaps some spouses need to be a trifle oblivious
and not too sensitive to remain with a manic-depressive
patient through the years. . . . Finally, there remains the
possibility that, in a complementary sense, mercurial persons seek out cheerful, denying persons to marry whereas
stolid maintainers of the peace search for more spontaneous, mood-varying types.

Levkovitz and colleagues (2000) collected reports from

34 spouses of bipolar and unipolar patients during remission and from 34 non-ill control spouses. Unfortunately,
results were not reported separately for the two diagnoses.
Overall, however, patients spouses perceived significantly
more negative characteristics in their marriage, lower marital satisfaction, and more negative and fewer positive traits
in their partner. There was some suggestion that these more
negative views were associated with unemployment status


Psychological Studies

and prior history of suicide attempts on the part of the ill

spouse, but generally there were no associations with clinical features of the disorder.
Few studies have attempted to shed light on the particular concerns of the spouse married to a bipolar patient. In a
small-scale study, researchers administered the Family Attitudes Questionnaire to 19 bipolar patients and their well
spouses to determine their attitudes and beliefs about the
etiology, familial risk, and long-term burden of bipolar illness, as well as their attitudes toward marriage and childbearing (Targum et al., 1981). The reported long-term burdens of the illness included financial difficulties, home
and child neglect, marital problems, loss of status and prestige, tension, and fears of recurrence of acute illness. The researchers concluded that the bipolar patients compared
with their spouses tended to minimize problems associated
with their illness and were more likely to deny the role of
genetic factors in the disorder.
When the investigators asked the couples whether they
would have married their spouses if they had known more
about bipolar illness, 5 percent of the bipolar patients but
fully 53 percent of their spouses said they would not have, a
statistically significant difference. Similarly, when asked
whether they would have had children, 5 percent of the
bipolar patients and 47 percent of their spouses said they
would not have. Both patients and spouses perceived violent behavior as the most troubling characteristic of mania. Patients also were especially worried by their poor
judgment during mania. Spouses were particularly concerned about impulsive spending, overtalkativeness, and
decreased need for sleep. Both groups saw suicide threats
and attempts as the most troubling aspect of depression,
and patients were also bothered by the hopelessness and
poor concentration accompanying that state; spouses, on
the other hand, were most disturbed by the patients lowered self-esteem and withdrawal from others. Overall, the
most troublesome long-term social problems resulting from
bipolar illness were financial difficulties, unemployment,
marital problems, recurrences of illness leading to rehospitalization, and social withdrawal due to depression. The
researchers concluded:
Well spouses who have coped with affective illness for
many years perceived bipolar illness as a profound burden
that had seriously disrupted their lives. . . . The regrets of
the well spouse are a most striking feature of this
study. . . . Whereas affective episodes may not be directly
associated with major persistent psychological deficits,
the damaging effects of these episodes may still yield psychological and economic consequences, particularly for
the spouse. The spouse is the person who bears the brunt
of manic episodes. . . . In depression, the spouse is the

most frequent target of demands and hostility, and often

feels inordinate responsibility for the mood state of the
patient. (Targum et al., 1981, p. 568)

Targum and colleagues (1981) were the first to examine

and compare systematically the attitudes of bipolar patients and their spouses and to highlight spousal distress.
Yet other studies (e.g., Frank et al., 1981, in a study of 16
couples) have not found such negative effects. It should be
noted that the study by Targum and colleagues did not
employ a comparison group; moreover, most of the couples had been married for many years, increasing the
chances that the bipolar spouse had not been treated with
lithium or another mood stabilizer. In a study conducted
in India, Chakrabarti and Gill (2002) found that caregivers
(mainly spouses) of bipolar patients reported experiencing
less of a burden than that reported by caregivers of people
with schizophrenia; the burden they did experience involved mainly physical and mental health problems.
Perlick and colleagues (1999) studied perceived burden
in a large sample of caregivers of 266 bipolar-I and -II and
schizoaffective (manic) patients. Patients depression was
perceived as being associated with a greater burden relative
to mania; caregiver distress was especially pronounced
when the patient displayed symptoms of misery, irritability, and withdrawal. The authors also found that the association between severity-of-illness factors and perceived
burden was mediated by caregivers beliefs and attitudes.
Specifically, perceived burden was higher among those who
believed the patient with bipolar disorder could control
his or her symptoms whereas the caregiver could not, and
among those with an accurate awareness of the nature and
prognosis of the disorder.
Others have likewise speculated that a critical factor in attitudes toward partners with bipolar disorder is the extent to
which the patient is perceived as willfully causing or controlling the symptoms. A study conducted by Hooley and
colleagues (1987), which included both schizophrenic and
bipolar patients and their spouses or family members, revealed that spouses or family of patients with florid, positive
symptoms (auditory or visual hallucinations; grandiosity;
agitation; speech disorganization; delusions; elated mood;
silliness; or inappropriate affect, appearance, or behavior)
reported significantly higher levels of marital satisfaction
than spouses of patients with negative symptoms (social isolation, depression, lack of emotion, or routine or leisuretime impairment). The authors attributed this difference to
the fact that the more bizarre and flagrant positive symptoms, unlike the negative ones, were perceived by the spouse
as being caused by an illness and thus beyond the patients
volition. It is likely that milder symptoms of hypomania and
depressive symptoms are especially likely to be attributed

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

erroneously to the patients personality and behaviors. As

discussed later, the attitudes of spouses and family members
may play a significant role in clinical outcomes and therefore
may be an important factor in treatment effectiveness.
A study of caregiver burden among spouses of bipolar
patients was conducted in New Zealand (Dore and Romans,
2001). The caregivers were, for the most part, partners or
parents of 41 bipolar patients. Virtually all reported that the
patient was difficult and irritable or more distant during an
affective episode, and that this caused the caregiver considerable distress. Nearly half reported experience with or
concern about violence when the patient was in the midst
of an episode. Marital difficulties were common and sometimes persistent. Fully 62 percent of the partners said they
would probably not have entered into the relationship had
they had more knowledge and understanding of the illness
beforehand. Nevertheless, most caregivers felt that the relationship was good when the patient was in remission, and
few were experiencing significant distress symptoms themselves at the time of the assessment.

Marital Functioning, Family Attitudes,

and Predictors of Outcome
Clinical experience suggests that mood stabilizers have
a positive effect on marriages involving bipolar individuals
because the drugs partially or totally eliminate both highly
volatile and disruptive manic episodes and frightening and
depleting depressive episodes. These benefits appear to be
corroborated by the few existing studies of marital interaction among adequately treated bipolar patients (McKnight
et al., 1989). As the results of one early study suggest, however, improvements may be perceived differently by the
spouse and the patient. Demers and Davis (1971) found that
most of the well spouses participating in their study perceived improvements associated with lithium treatment, including enhanced marital satisfaction, as well as observed
decreases in nervousness, violent or threatening behavior,
withdrawn or demanding behavior, and sadness. Yet only a
minority of the patients themselves perceived such positive
changesperhaps because they were still experiencing subsyndromal episodes or, in some instances, because of their
perceived loss of the positive experiences associated with
Although the improved clinical status of a bipolar spouse
may greatly relieve the patients partner and family, there is,
as noted earlier, a reciprocal impact: increasing evidence indicates that the quality of marital and family functioning
may contribute to the patients clinical outcome during treatment. Results of several studies suggest that good marital
functioning or just being married may contribute to the effectiveness of treatment in reducing episodes. For instance,
Yazici and colleagues (1999) found that being married was


associated with good response to lithium; 27 percent of

good-response patients and 48 percent of poor-response patients were unmarried. Similar results have been reported
by others (OConnell et al., 1991). It is important to note,
however, that these findings cannot clarify the direction of
causality of effects, inasmuch as good response to lithium
may be more likely among more well-functioning individuals, as well as those whose manic episodes are relatively more
euphoric in nature (see Chapter 18). Likewise, medication
adherence and stable sleep may be more likely in the context
of a good marriage.
Several studies have found that the expressed emotion
or affective style of partners (the overall negativity or
positivity of attitudes toward the patient) may predict relapse and outcome in treated patients over time (Mundt
et al., 2000). Miklowitz and colleagues (1988), for example,
first demonstrated that bipolar patients whose spouses or
parents expressed negative attitudes about them during
hospitalization for mania were significantly more likely to
have a relapse in the ensuing 9 months than were those patients whose spouses or parents expressed more benign or
positive attitudes. OConnell and colleagues (1991) also
found that attitudes of family members, including those of
spouses, were significantly related to outcome in a lithium
treatment outpatient clinic. More negative attitudes were
expressed by partners of patients with poor outcomes
(40 percent) than by partners of patients with good outcomes (12 percent). Perlick and colleagues (2001) found
that greater perceived caretaker burden, which, as noted,
reflects in part attitudes toward the patient and the illness,
predicted depressive relapse at follow-up, even after controlling for baseline symptoms. Furthermore, over a 15month period of mood stabilization, those patients who
had fewer symptoms but whose caretakers reported a high
perceived burden were more likely to experience a recurrence of their illness. The investigators suggested that stressful family environments contribute to caretaker burden
and possibly to depression, as well as to patient relapse.
A family-focused psychoeducational treatment program
was devised by Miklowitz and Goldstein (1997) to improve
the attitudes of spouses and family members toward the
bipolar patient by increasing their knowledge and understanding of the disorder and improving their skills in communicating and solving family-related problems. An evaluation of the treatment suggested that it was effective in
improving positive nonverbal communication, and that
such improvements accounted in part for the progress seen
in patients symptoms over a 1-year period (Simoneau et al.,
1999; Miklowitz et al., 2003) (see Chapter 22). The effectiveness of psychosocial treatments that include spouses is increasingly being demonstrated (e.g., Clarkin et al., 1998), including their potential role in helping to extend the duration


Psychological Studies

and quality of the beneficial effects of medication on the

outcome of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 22).

Sexual Behavior
Again judging from my own experience, the sexual symptoms of the manic state seem to be the most powerful and
important of all. . . . The normal inhibitions disappear,
and sexual activity, instead of being placed, as in our
Western Christian civilization, in opposition to religion,
becomes associated with it. This release of the underlying
sexual tension . . . seems to me to be the primary and
governing factor of all the ecstasies and many other experiences of the manic state. (John Custance, 1952)

Changes in sexual desire, thought, and behavior during

depression and mania were observed centuries ago.
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (150 AD), for example, observed
that a period of lewdness and shamelessness exists with
the highest type of [manic] delirium (Jelliffe, 1931, p. 20).
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Tuke (1892),
Kraepelin (1921), Bleuler (1924), Campbell (1953), and
Mayer-Gross and colleagues (1955) also described heightened sexuality during mania and decreased sexuality during
depression (see Chapter 2).
Fluctuations in sexual drive are sufficiently important
in bipolar illness to warrant inclusion as diagnostic criteria
in DSM-III and/or DSM-IV (sexual indiscretions for
manic episodes and decrease in sexual interest or drive
for depressive episodes). Items pertaining to sexual behavior are on most self- and observer-rating instruments for
both mania and depression (see Chapter 12). Beigel and
colleagues (1971), for example, required nurses to judge 26
items most characteristic of manic behavior, thought, and
affect. Of those items, the 2 pertaining to sex (talks about
sex and is sexually preoccupied) had high concordance
with independent ratings on both a psychiatrists global
mania scale and a nurses manic-symptom checklist.
The actual data on changes in sexual behavior and thinking during different phases of bipolar illness are relatively
limited. Quantified observational data are presented in
Chapter 2 and can be summarized here. Hypersexuality was
observed or reported in 57 percent of manic patients (averaged across seven studies, with a range of values from 25 to
80 percent), and actual nudity or sexual exposure was reported in 29 percent (averaged across three studies, with a
range of values from 23 to 33 percent). Akiskal and colleagues (1977) reported that 40 percent of their cyclothymic
patients had episodic or unexplained promiscuity or extramarital affairs.Allison and Wilson (1960) studied the sexual
behavior of 24 manic patients using data based on physician
observations and on historical information from patients
and their relatives. They found no relationship between

sexual display during mania and age, religion, duration of

illness, previous episodes, or social class. Women were far
more sexually provocative and seductive than men (58 and
0 percent, respectively) on a 5-point rating scale. However,
women and men were equally likely to have both increased
libidinal drives and increased frequency of sexual relations. In 78 percent of the patients, the frequency of sexual
intercourse increased substantially during manic episodes.
A recent study of sexual satisfaction in 37 partners of
bipolar patients found that partners were less satisfied when
the patient was affectively ill (Lam et al., 2005). The investigators attributed this finding to illness-related changes in
sexual interest, affection, and responsiveness.
Winokur and colleagues (1969) found that 65 percent of
manic episodes were characterized by increased sexuality. In
32 percent of cases, the sexuality was of a socially approved
type, that is, within marriage or a long-lasting relationship.
In 10 percent of patients, the increased sexuality was in
thought or discussion only, and in 11 percent it was manifested in socially disapproved behavior. In this latter group,
patients were homosexually or heterosexually promiscuous
or both; in all cases, the hypersexuality was clearly associated
with being ill. Like those patients studied by Allison and Wilson (1960), the women (18 percent) in the study of Winokur
and colleagues were more likely to have increased sexual
contacts (noncoital) than the men (3 percent), but women
and men were equally likely to have an increased frequency
of intercourse (30 and 35 percent, respectively).
Spalt (1975) studied lifetime sexual behavior in 42 patients with unipolar depression, 19 with bipolar illness, 56
with secondary affective illness, and 38 with nonaffective
illness. Extramarital sexual experiences were more frequent
among bipolar patients (29 percent had more than 10
experiences) than among unipolar patients (12 percent).
Bipolar patients (21 percent) also were more likely than
unipolar patients (10 percent) to have had more than 10
sexual partners during their lifetime. These figures almost
certainly reflect many other behavioral differences between the two groups, including hypersexuality and differences in sexual drive during normal periods, as well as
differences in levels of gregariousness, sociability, and interpersonal turmoil.
Jamison and colleagues (1980) studied changes attributed
to affective illness in 35 bipolar and 26 unipolar patients.
Twice as many women (41 percent) as men (20 percent) reported that sexual intensity was very much increased during hypomania; 40 percent of the men and 18 percent of the
women stated that sexual intensity during hypomania was
somewhat increased. Women rated increased sexual intensity as the most important or enjoyable change they experienced during hypomania.19 Bipolar patients were significantly more likely than unipolar patients (p < .01) to feel that

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

increased sexual intensity was a lasting characteristic attributable to their mood disorder.
As noted, bipolar illness also can be associated with decreased sexual drive. For example, Winokur and colleagues
(1969) reported that 63 percent of patients with bipolar
mixed states reported decreased sexual interest. Indeed,
approximately three-fourths of bipolar depressed patients
have been found to experience a loss of sexual interest: 73
percent reported by Winokur and colleagues (1969) and 77
percent by Casper and colleagues (1985).
Sexual responsiveness can also be dampened in patients
taking lithium.20 Sheard (1971, 1975) and Lion (1975) attributed this phenomenon to a common effect on aggressive
and sexual behaviors, both often occurring together in
bipolar patients. Lorimy and colleagues (1977) reported
that half of their patients taking prophylactic lithium experienced troublesome side effects affecting their sexual activities, including decreases in sexual intensity, frequency of
sexual drive, and frequency of sexual intercourse. However,
patients reported that once intercourse began, there was no
decrement in enjoyment or orgasmic ability.
What accounts for these lithium-induced changes is
unclear. Among the possible explanations are lithiuminduced hypothyroidism, decreased frequency or intensity
of hypomanic episodes, or the direct effect of lithium on
the central mechanisms underlying sexual drive and behavior. Yet another possible reason for these changes is
vacillation in interpersonal relationships brought about by
lithium, with secondary manifestation in the sexual domain.

Assortative Mating among Bipolar Patients

An additional challenge to marital adjustment among individuals with bipolar disorder is the increased likelihood
of nonrandom mate selection. Specifically, research, although limited, suggests that bipolar individuals have an
increased likelihood of marrying a partner with affective
illness (see Chapter 13). For instance, in a sample of 56
married inpatients with mood disorders, Merikangas and
Spiker (1982) found a higher degree of assortative mating
among bipolar than unipolar patients. They noted high diagnostic concordance between patients and spouses for
both affective disorders and alcoholism. The effects could
not be attributed to spouses symptomatic reactions to
marriage to an ill spouse because the spouses appeared to
have a predisposition to the disorders based on elevated
rates of psychiatric and mood disorders in their own relatives. Colombo and colleagues (1990) studied assortative
mating in a large sample of more than 1,000 patients with
mood or anxiety disorders. They observed that while patients with bipolar illness were less likely to marry overall
than were those with unipolar disorder, there was a specific


assortative mating pattern such that bipolar men were

more likely than controls to have wives with mood disorders.
Most of the few studies examining assortative mating
have had methodological limitations, such as small sample
sizes, lack of direct comparison groups, and differing diagnostic criteria. A meta-analysis approach is especially helpful for evaluating pooled effects across several small studies. One such analysis (Mathews and Reus, 2001), based on
the six best-designed studies, confirmed the commonly reported finding of assortative mating for bipolar individuals, with higher rates than for those with unipolar depression. Specific analyses based on husbands and wives were
inconclusive because of limited data, but suggested that
data supporting the marriage of bipolar men to women with
mood disorders are much more robust than is the case for
the marriage of bipolar women to men with mood disorders.
The authors also noted the paucity of evidence of mood disorders in mates before the marriage; thus depressive reactions to stress in marriage to a bipolar partner cannot be
ruled out.
Although these studies raise a number of questions to
be pursued in further research, they support the oftenobserved pattern of the marriage of bipolar individuals to
those who also have mood disorders. Such dual-disorder
pairings may promote shared understanding, but may also
give rise to marital discord and instability by contributing
to stressful home environments and potentially to limited
skills for resolving interpersonal disputes. While not confined to bipolar disorder, such pairings may present a
treatment challenge requiring family or couple interventions. Obviously if confirmed, assortative mating also has
considerable genetic significance.

Effects on Marriage of Treatment of Bipolar Spouses

Clinical experience suggests that lithium, the only mood
stabilizer that has been studied systematically for its effect
on marital stability, has a highly stabilizing effect on the
marriages of patients with bipolar illness because it partially or totally eliminates both highly volatile and disruptive manic episodes and frightening and depleting depressive ones. These benefits appear to be corroborated by the
few marital studies of adequately treated bipolar patients,21
although they were not observed in the study by Targum
and colleagues (1981).
Demers and Davis (1971) administered the Marital Partner Attribute Test to 14 married bipolar patients and their
spouses. Lithium produced a highly significant decrease in
spouses negative ratings of the patients but no significant
changes in patients ratings of their spouses. In fact, 13 (93
percent) of 14 bipolar patients were rated by their spouses
as improved and as having significantly fewer undesirable


Psychological Studies

attributes (p < .01) after lithium treatment. Spouses particularly noted decreases in nervousness; bizarre, threatening,
and violent behavior; withdrawn or demanding behavior;
guilt; sadness; and undue exaggeration of abilities. But they
also reported missing the enthusiasm and heightened sexuality associated with hypomanic phases:
Hypomanic joviality, enthusiasm, and spontaneity are often regarded as social pluses; and manic-depressives and
their spouses complain about the loss of these valued attributes. When pressed to discuss the sexual compatibility
of the marriage, frequently they will say it is worse since
lithium treatment started, as the lithium-treated spouse
has less libidinal strivings. (Demers and Davis, 1971,
p. 352)

Although 77 percent of the spouses rated the marriage as

considerably improved, only 43 percent of the bipolar patients expressed this opinion. Patients may be more sensitive to the loss of positive experiences associated with
bipolar illness, whereas their spouses may be more aware
of lithiums beneficial effects. Such a possibility would be
consistent with the discrepancies in perceptions reported
by Targum and colleagues (1981). These results again underscore the importance of sophisticated clinical management and subtle titration of lithium to the lowest possible
level consistent with efficacy.
OConnell and Mayo (1981) studied the effects of lithium
treatment on 12 bipolar patients and their families. They
found that lithium increased the direct care of children by
both patients and spouses, significantly alleviated marital
friction, and resulted in increased cooperative planning,
communication, and trust.
Holinger and Wolpert (1979) found that the majority
(59 percent) of their 56 manic-depressive patients showed
improvement in their relationships with spouses, families,
or friends as a result of taking lithium; slightly more than
one-third (39 percent) showed no change. The primary
changes observed by the authors were decreases in impulsivity, fragility, and erratic behavior; confidence in relationships increased. The bipolar patients were far more
likely than the lithium-treated unipolar patients to demonstrate a change in interpersonal behavior (59 and 11 percent, respectively). In a study by Lepkifker and colleagues
(1988), psychiatrists ratings of marital and other interpersonal relationships were significantly higher for the 50
bipolar and 50 unipolar patients (all of whom were euthymic and lithium-treated) than for 50 psychiatric controls with personality disorders. There were no significant
bipolarunipolar differences.
Finally, Ruestow and colleagues (1978), in a study cited
earlier, suggested that bipolar manic-depressive patients,
especially men, could have good marriages if stabilized by

lithium. While emphasizing the importance of adjunctive

use of marital therapy, they also suggested that patients
be treated with medication . . . prior to the initiation of
marital therapy and that the need for intensive marital
therapy be reassessed after the patients illness has been

Bipolar Disorder and Family Functioning

In addition to the genetic risk imparted by bipolar parents
to their children, there is a potential risk due to the childrens exposure to parents moods and maladaptive child
rearing. This is an understudied research topic in bipolar
samples; however, there is an important and well-developed
literature linking the effects of parental depression and the
commonly associated environmental conditions with diagnosable disorders in children and disturbances in their
functioning.22 The vast majority of these studies involved
mothers with diagnosed unipolar depression or nondiagnosed women who displayed elevated symptoms of depressed mood; the samples included children of all ages,
from infancy to young adulthood. Across the wide array of
samples with varying demographic characteristics in these
studies, the results have been quite consistent. Infants display a variety of indicators of distress and discomfort while
interacting with depressed mothers. School-age children
with clinically depressed mothers show high rates of major
depression, as well as anxiety and disruptive behavior disorders, with studies indicating that 50 percent or more of
such children may have diagnosable disorders during
childhood and adolescence (Hammen, 1991; Beardslee
et al., 1998). The offspring of depressed parents have also
been found to be impaired in academic and social functioning, and indicators of maladjustment and psychopathology appear to suggest further dysfunction over
follow-up periods of several years (Anderson and Hammen, 1993; Weissman et al., 1997; NICHD Early Child Care
Research Network, 1999).
While childrens maladjustment may in part reflect genetically transmitted disorder, it has been widely speculated that depressed parents, particularly depressed mothers, are impaired in their parental roles in ways that have
substantial negative impacts on their children, ways likely
to be linked to the chronicity and severity of and perhaps
the timing of the childs exposure to the parents depression. Depressed women may be apathetic and withdrawn,
display less physical affection, or be irritable and critical
with their children. Not only do the symptoms of depression interfere with the kinds of warm, consistent, responsive, and available nurturing believed to be optimal for
childrens development, but the depressed parent may also
be unable to assist the child in coping with stressful life
events that befall the child or family and may fail to model

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

effective strategies for coping with interpersonal and

stressful challenges. In addition, the lives of depressed
women are commonly characterized by a variety of factors
that may have a negative impact on the developing child,
including marital conflict or divorce, as well as work and
financial difficulties that create stressful conditions in the
As noted, far less research has been conducted on the
parenting characteristics of women with bipolar disorder
than on those of women with depression. Moreover, parenting behaviors are likely to differ as a function of mood
state. While depressive symptoms may be associated with
maladaptive parenting, it is less clear that bipolar parents
who are euthymic or even hypomanic display dysfunctional behaviors. Additionally, significant changes in parenting style, perhaps resulting from mood shifts, may
themselves have important effects on children. It is also
important to distinguish the potentially detrimental effect
on children of such cofactors of bipolar disorder as exposure to violence, psychosis, and substance abuse from outcomes associated with typical functioning while not in
the midst of episodes. Thus parenting characteristics should
be explored as a function of current, typical, and potentially changing clinical status, with attention to the considerable differences in outcomes that may be associated with
As noted in Chapter 7, relatively few studies addressing
high risk for bipolar disorder have examined psychosocial
mechanisms of childrens risk in bipolar families. RadkeYarrow (1998), reporting the results of an approximately
10-year follow-up of children of unipolar and bipolar
mothers, summarized the results of several observational
sessions involving mothers and their children. She and her
colleagues attempted to characterize two mechanisms by
which a mothers disorder affected her childrenmaternal
symptomatology, and socialization and caregiving functions. Both unipolar and bipolar women were frequently
observed to be irritable and angry with their youngsters (42
percent), and some of the bipolar women displayed an
overall uninvolved or unavailable style (19 percent). Bipolar
women also evidenced boundary issues, unstable enthusiasms, and impulsive behavior in their interactions (61 to
69 percent). Overall, the maternal styles observed were
fairly stable over the years of the study and were predictive
of maladaptive outcomes in the children. It should be noted
that because most of the bipolar women in the study had
bipolar-II disorder, their symptoms were chiefly depressive,
and the specific role of mania was not examined.
A study of the family environments of bipolar parents
of 56 children aged 6 to 18 was conducted by Chang and
colleagues (2001). They collected parents reports on the
Family Environment Scale, and found significantly lower


scores on the cohesion and organization subscales and

higher scores on the conflict subscale compared with normative data. The scores were unrelated to whether the
children had diagnoses of Axis I disorders, however, so
child psychopathology was not directly associated with
family functioning.
One of the rare studies of motherinfant behavior involving women with bipolar disorder compared ratings of
motherchild interactions during hospitalization among
unipolar, bipolar, and schizophrenic women (Hipwell and
Kumar, 1996). All groups displayed erratic or dysfunctional
interactions at first, but improved over time. While the
scores of the bipolar women were initially similar to those of
the schizophrenic women, they showed greater improvement over the course of hospitalization: by the time of discharge, 77 percent of bipolar and 86 percent of unipolar
mothers fell within the normal range, compared with only
33 percent of schizophrenic women. It appeared that the impairments associated with bipolar disorder were symptom
related and became normalized with clinical improvement.
The University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) High
Risk Study observed motherchild interactions among
bipolar, unipolar, and medically ill and well women during
discussions involving typical family disagreements. The researchers found that the bipolar women largely resembled
the normal comparison women in their interaction styles,
whereas the unipolar depressed women were significantly
more negative, critical, and withdrawn from the discussion
task with their children (Gordon et al., 1989). Analysis of
the findings of this study revealed that overall, depressive
mood was a strong predictor of maternal behavior, as well
as of childrens symptoms (Hammen, 1991). Regardless of
diagnosis, women with more severe depressive symptoms
had more disturbances in their interactions with their
children, and their children were less well adjusted in various roles. Bipolar women had significantly fewer depressive episodes over the course of the study (3 years) than did
unipolar women, and thus the phenomenology of the family experiences was quite different for the two groups. Anderson and Hammen (1993) reported that the offspring of
bipolar mothers had better social adjustment and academic
achievement relative to those of unipolar depressed mothers; indeed, their adjustment resembled that of children of
normal community women. Similar results were reported
by Klein and colleagues (1986), who found normal social
adjustment in the adolescent offspring of parents with
bipolar disorder. However, if the offspring themselves had
cyclothymic behavior and mood disturbances, they tended
to have impaired social adjustment. Thus the sparse evidence available suggests relatively good adjustment in children of bipolar parents (unless the children themselves are
symptomatic) and provides little indication of significant


Psychological Studies

parenting impairment, except among those with chronic

One hypothesis that should be pursued in future research is that the reactions of children and other family
members to depression, mania, and mixed states are almost certainly quite different. As discussed earlier, a manic
episode may be viewed as being more clearly beyond the
individuals control than a depressive episode and therefore may be more likely to elicit alternative caretaking for
children. The predominant mood state of the parents
maniaeuphoric versus angry and highly volatileis certainly relevant but has not been studied in this context.
Also, of course, the parents psychological and social functioning between episodes is likely to be a strong predictor of
childrens adjustment, inasmuch as stable and euthymic
periods may help repair disruptions caused by periods of
symptomatology. Not only the specific effects of depression
and mania, but also the level of chronicity or recovery between major episodes, are of considerable predictive significance in understanding the overall effects of parenting
Clearly, further studies are needed to evaluate the parental
functioning of adults with bipolar disorder. Of particular
importance is the quality of parenting when the patient is not
in the midst of a major episode. As in research on the effects
of unipolar depression on childrens risk, it is also important
to measure and evaluate the environment in which families
live, including parents marital status, economic conditions,
and the spouses mental health and adjustment, as well as
general resources for coping with the illness.

Contemporary research generally dispels the idea that the
personalities of bipolar patients are fundamentally different from those of people without mood disorders. Descriptive studies comparing bipolar patients with other groups
have yielded few consistent results and clearly suggest enormous variability, depending in part on the instruments used
and individuals current mood status. The major drawback
of such studies is their limited utility. Nevertheless, the close
and likely bidirectional association between personality and
mood disorders suggests that many behaviors and attitudes
we regard as personality may in fact be somewhat unstable
and highly colored by affective experiences. The field now
appears ready to proceed to more conceptually and practically challenging questions and prospective methods concerning the predictive utility of personality constructs:
Do they tell us something important about the course of
disorder, treatment responsiveness, and functional outcome

beyond that attributable to symptoms or psychosocial context? Are there premorbid signs of eventual bipolar disorder
that might help in both understanding the risk for illness
and altering its course? What are the underlying neurobiological processes of normal mood and temperament that
may help us understand mood disorders?

Personality Disorders
Research on personality disordersthe enduring, pervasive, and dysfunctional styles measured on Axis II of the
DSMhas increased in sophistication in the bipolar field.
As with most Axis I disorders, studies of bipolar patients
evaluated during remission indicate relatively high rates of
personality disorders, and such disorders generally predict
a relatively worse course of illness and functional adjustment. However, the overlap among bipolar symptoms,
mood states, and personality pathology may obscure the
question of whether a bipolar patient truly has an Axis II

Interpersonal Functioning
Interpersonal functioning is commonly a casualty of bipolar disorder, although there is tremendous variability in
individuals abilities to sustain close friendships and family relationships. It is unclear whether the effects of bipolar
disorder on interpersonal functioning are the result of
episodes or of underlying impairment of social skills.
There is, however, ample evidence that poor social functioning may negatively affect clinical outcomes. Thus interventions targeting social and family relationships may potentiate the effects of psychopharmacology and, of course,
benefit the loved ones greatly affected by their relatives disorder.

1. These differences were well summarized by Hall and Lindzey
(1970): the relative importance of the uniqueness of the individual (the idiographic-nomothetic controversy), whether
man should be viewed as possessing purposive or teleological qualities, the importance of group membership, the relative importance of conscious and unconscious determinants
of behavior, the number of motivational concepts, the importance of the principles of reward and association, the relative emphasis on stable structures or the process of change
in personality, the functional independence of personality
structure at any particular point in time, the relative importance of genetic factors in determining behavior, and the relative importance of early developmental experiences.
2. Thus Kraepelin (1921) delineated four fundamental types
of temperament: depressive, manic, irritable, and cyclothymic.
Kretschmer (1936) stressed the overlap among these personality types in the prepsychotic, cycloid personality of manicdepressive patients: they form layers or patterns in individual
cases, arranged in the most varied combinations. Campbell

Personality, Personality Disorders, and Interpersonal Functioning

(1953), too, described a cycloid personality, which could

occur in one of three formshypomanic, depressive, and
cyclothymicwith innumerable gradations and mixtures between the three. He, like Kraepelin, regarded all of these personality types as part of the same disease process, and that
any one of these may change into any other. Leonhard (1957),
who separated major affective illness into unipolar and bipolar types, also regarded many personality patterns in manicdepressive patients as subclinical, or diluted, forms of the
primary illness itself. Mayer-Gross and colleagues (1955) derived personality topologies similar to those of Kraepelin
(1921), Kretschmer (1936), and Campbell (1953): cyclothymic
(social, good-hearted, kind, and easy-going), hyperthymic
(elated, humorous, lively, and hot-tempered), and hypothymic
(quiet, calm, serious, and gentle). Rowe and Daggett (1954)
and Von Zerssen (1977) summarized premorbid personality
traits of manic and depressed patients, which are quite consistent with the earlier clinical topologies.
3. Dooley (1921, p. 167) wrote:
The behavior found in the manic attack, in which the
patient throws himself with almost equal vim into every
possible avenue of expression, is in itself a defense reaction. By thus taking the offensive he keeps himself safe
from the approach of the painful thought or feeling
which is usually a realization of some failure or degradation, or fundamental inferiority of his own. When he
is depressed his defense is no longer possible and he is
weighed down by the pain of the acknowledged defect.
More specifically, Schwartz (1961, p. 244) described the dynamic purpose for hyperactive behavior and grandiose
The hypermotility in mania may have a twofold purpose. First, it may serve as a method for distracting attention from the perception of deprivation; second, it is
a diffuse and multidirectional effort to obtain pleasure,
in which some realistic basis for the denial of deprivation may be grasped. . . . Grandiosity as a defense by
denial against emptiness, however . . . may even represent, additionally, an intellectual attempt at a further
regression, in the service of the ego, to the stage of omnipotence.
Grotstein (1986) described the manic mechanism of denial
in terms of power and self-regulation:
The psychical state which is set up to regulate this primal state of powerlessness is that of a fraudulent state
of power, including that of a severe superego and/or
compulsive and/or hypomanic defenses which seek to
create an artificial floor over a floorless psyche.
4. Dooley, 1921; Wilson, 1951; Arieti, 1959; Stone, 1978.
5. Cohen et al., 1954; Arieti, 1959; Gibson et al., 1959; Smith,
6. This concept was explained in a different way by Arieti (1959,
p. 431):
The receptiveness to others and willingness to introject
the others determines, at this early age, some aspects
of the personality of the patient. He tends to become


an extrovert; at the same time he tends to become a

conformist, willing to accept what he is given by his
surroundings (not only in material things but also in
terms of habits and values).
7. According to Dooley (1921, p. 39, 166):
The personality of the manic depressive individual also
presents an obstacle. Those who manifest frequent
manic attacks are likely to be headstrong, self-sufficient,
know-it all types of persons who will not take suggestions or yield to direction. They are doers and managers, and will get the upper hand of the analyst and
everyone else around them if given the opportunity . . . .
The manic-depressive character is extroverted, he tries
always to relate himself to his environment, he minimizes the subjective element and makes use of every
object in the range of his senses.
Wilson (1951, p. 362) further discussed the therapists problems in treating the manic-depressive patient:
From the psychiatrists point of view he is uninteresting
because he is hard to get at. He is friendly and superficially cooperative, but soon personality investigation
ceases because the patient refuses to be self analytical.
When the patient is depressed or manic, his illness
seems to explain his unapproachableness, and when he
is well he will have nothing to do with you except in a
very superficial way. This impenetrable shell is characteristic of persons with this illness and sets them apart
from those having other forms of depression.
Cohen and colleagues (1954, p. 120) described the manicdepressive personality as dependent, even during states of
normal functioning:
We see, then, in the adult cyclothymic, a person who is
apparently well adjusted between attacks, although he
may show minor mood swings or be chronically overactive or chronically mildly depressed. He is conventionally well-behaved and frequently successful, and
he is hardworking and conscientious; indeed, at times
his overconscientiousness and scrupulousness lead to
his being called obsessional. He is typically involved in
one or more relationships of extreme dependence, in
which, however, he does not show the obsessionals
typical need to control the other person for the sake of
power, but instead seeks to control the other person in
the sense of swallowing him up. His inner feeling,
when he allows himself to notice it, is one of emptiness
and need. He is extremely stereotyped in his attitudes
and opinions, tending to take over the opinions of the
person in his environment whom he regards as an important authority. Again this contrasts with the outward conformity but subtle rebellion of the obsessional. It should be emphasized that the dependency
feelings are largely out of awareness in states of wellbeing and also in the manic phase; in fact, these people
frequently take pride in being independent.
8. Frey, 1977; Hirschfeld and Klerman, 1979; Liebowitz et al.,
1979; Bech et al., 1980; Hirschfeld, 1985, 1986.


Psychological Studies

9. Perris, 1966; Murray and Blackburn, 1974; Hirschfeld and

Klerman, 1979; Liebowitz et al., 1979; Winters and Neale, 1985.
10. Perris, 1971; Frey, 1977; Bech et al., 1980; Matussek and Feil,
1983; Hirschfeld, 1985; Hirschfeld et al., 1986.
11. Frey, 1977; Hirschfeld and Klerman, 1979; Liebowitz et al.,
1979; Abou-Saleh and Coppen, 1984.
12. Kron et al., 1982; Gershon et al. 1985; Klein and Depue, 1985;
Nurnberger et al., 1988; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu et al., 1989,
13. Cited in Hamilton, 1982, p. 214.
14. See, e.g., Bauwens et al., 1991; Coryell et al., 1993; Mundt et al.,
2000; Dorz et al., 2002.
15. Harrow et al., 1990; Tohen et al., 1990; Keller et al., 1993;
Gitlin et al., 1995.
16. Kulhara et al., 1999; Johnson et al., 2000, 2003; Cohen et al.,

17. Johnson et al., 2000; Cohen et al., 2004; Kim and Miklowitz,
2004; Yan et al., 2004.
18. Published in The Times (London), January 24, 1986.
19. Stoddard and colleagues (1977) studied eight affective episodes
in a 39-year-old rapid-cycling woman. They collected systematic behavioral data twice a day and observed that she became sexually provocative during mania. Conversely, a significant predictor of her switch into depression was a
decrease in sexual preoccupation (p < .05).
20. In addition to the references in this paragraph, see Demers
and Davis (1971).
21. Demers and Davis, 1971; Ruestow et al., 1978; Frank et al.,
1981; OConnell and Mayo, 1981.
22. Downey and Coyne, 1990; Gelfand and Teti, 1990; Hammen,
1991; Goodman and Gotlib, 1999; NICHD Early Child Care
Research Network, 1999.



Our customary grouping into manic and melancholic attacks does not fit the facts, but requires
substantial enlargement, if it is to reproduce nature.
Emil Kraepelin (1921, p. 191)

Standardized measures of mania and depression provide the

common language by which clinicians and researchers can
communicate. By minimizing differences in the way clinicians record their observations, such instruments contribute
to the widespread sharing of information and provide yardsticks for a variety of observers in very different settings.
The measures discussed in this chapter vary in their goals
and uses. Some help in determining the severity of episodes
or symptom states, providing information about treatment
response, and ascertaining the incidence of different types of
affective states. Quantitative rating scales for mania and depression can be especially important in longitudinal studies
(e.g., to describe the natural course of the illness and individual manic and depressive episodes) for identifying the progression and resolution of symptom patterns; studying euthymic states in bipolar patients; and correlating manic and
depressive states with other aspects of behavior, cognition,
personality, and neurobiology. The assessment literature focuses on bipolar disorder or major depression; there are no
measures of depression that focus on the highly recurrent
forms that, along with bipolar disorder, make up what we
mean by manic-depressive illness. Accordingly the focus of
this chapter is on the bipolar subgroup.
There are several additional uses of assessment instruments in the field of bipolar disorder. With the abundance
of longitudinal studies of bipolar course, as well as treatment outcome studies, procedures for systematic mapping
of the course of the disorder have been developed. Less focused on symptoms as such than measures of severity of
mood states, such procedures have the primary aim of capturing changes in and patterns of mood episodes over time.
Another relatively new development is the search for measures of risk for bipolar disorder. The potential utility of
procedures that could be used to assess subsyndromal or

preclinical states lies in their ability to predict who will develop bipolar disorder over time. Because those with the
disorder may be untreated and underdiagnosed, it would
be useful to have screening measures to identify such individuals in general psychological, psychiatric, or medical settings. Also discussed in this chapter are measures of functional outcomes in work and social relationships; we note
the paucity of such approaches relative to those with a
clinical focus. Gaining a fuller understanding of bipolar
disorderas well as helping patients improve in key areas
that affect the quality of their livesrequires attention to
the development and application of such measures.
Several general types of measures have been developed to
classify and quantify changes in affective states. The major
categories, delineated by von Zerssen and Cording (1978), are
(1) self-ratings, made by patients; (2) observer ratings, usually made by clinicians; (3) analyses of behavior (including
linguistic analyses of speech or written productions); and (4)
objective measurements, either of spontaneous activities
(physical activity) or of reactions within a standardized situation (objective psychometric tests). This chapter necessarily
is limited to an overview of self-rating and observer rating
scales constructed to measure manic, depressive, mixed, and
cyclothymic states. Measurement issues specific to particular
topics are covered in the relevant chapters of this volume. For
example, diagnostic evaluation is covered in Chapter 3, assessment of course and outcome in Chapter 4, assessment of
neuropsychological functioning in Chapter 9, and measures
of personality in Chapter 10. This chapter includes those
generic rating scales that have been used or replicated most
widely, as well as several instruments with potential utility
for specific goals, such as screening for bipolar disorder.
We begin by describing conceptual and methodological
issues involved in the assessment of manic and depressive


Psychological Studies

states. We then review in turn instruments used for assessment of the two states, and analyze and compare the scales
used for both purposes. The following sections describe instruments used for combined assessment of manic and depressive states, assessment of bipolar risk and screening for
bipolar disorder, charting of the course of bipolar disorder,
assessment of psychosocial adjustment, and assessment of
bipolar symptoms in children and adolescents.


Conceptual Challenges
There are a number of difficulties associated with the measurement of manic and depressive conditions. Moods may
be highly unstable, fluctuating rapidly over days or even
hours. Bipolar conditions by definition include patterns
over time, requiring longitudinal data gathering, which is
fraught with its own pitfalls. Moods may be mixed, including
both manic and depressive elements, and may include or reflect other emotional states and comorbid conditions, such
as anxiety, substance abuse, and Axis II disorders (see Chapters 7 and 10). Bipolar conditions themselves are highly
heterogeneous, including a wide range of syndromal and
subsyndromal states, which vary in course and episode features. Continuing changes and refinements in diagnostic
criteria and elucidation of potential subtypes suggest that
no gold standard criteria currently exist against which
to validate new instruments. Generally, there is reliance on
convergent validationagreement between the results of
two instruments or of newer and older instruments. Additionally, most measures attempt to include a multitude of
clinical symptoms of the syndromes of mania or depression.
However, refinements of models of etiology and targeted
treatment-related functional outcomes will likely require
greater attention to specific clusters of symptomssuch
as anhedonia, excessive activity, or distractibilitythat are
poorly conceptualized and lack adequate measures. Most of
the instruments described in this chapter are used largely for
clinical assessment and may not be sufficient for other research purposes. Finally, a further challenge, even for wellestablished measures, is the need for empirically derived
endpoints that would be widely accepted and consistently
employed as markers of meaningful clinical change in treatment outcome studies (Baldessarini, 2003).

Methodological Issues
Added to these conceptually challenging issues are numerous psychometric hurdles that must be overcome by any
good measure, including establishment of various forms of
reliability and validity. As discussed later, clinical activity
and research in the field of bipolar disorder have brought

to light a number of gaps in existing tools for measuring

manic and depressive states, indicating that much progress
has yet to be made.
One methodological challenge is clarification of the
goals of assessment. What do we mean, for example, by the
measurement of depression, a term that variously denotes a
mood state, a constellation of symptoms, and a diagnostic
entity? Instruments designed to assess a constellation of
symptoms of depression, such as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), are sometimes used erroneously as diagnostic
tools, identifying depression if respondents score beyond a
certain cutoff point. Yet a diagnostic instrument, such as the
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID), used to identify major depressive episodes, may do a limited job of measuring the mood state depression. Numerous instruments,
as we shall see, purport to assess syndromic features of depression or mania. Nonetheless, they may differ considerably
in their item content, with varying emphases on cognitive,
behavioral, mood, and somatic features (e.g., Snaith, 1993).
The goals and limitations of each instrument must be clearly
conceptualized so its uses will be appropriate to the purposes
at hand, and conclusions based on a particular assessment
strategy must be specific to that instrument.
Selection of appropriate instruments for specific purposes also requires determination of the validity of an assessment approach for a particular goal. Instruments appropriate
for selecting patients for a treatment study or investigating
an etiological mechanism may not be valid for measuring
changes in mood state or evaluating outcomes over time.
Thus different assessment procedures may be required to diagnose, measure severity, observe course features, and assess
elements of a particular symptom.
In addition to such issues regarding the goals and meaning of various instruments, methodological challenges are
inherent in the very assessment of manic and depressive
mood states. Mood states color subjective reports of experiences and behavior, as well as memory of the past and expectations of the future; when depressed, for example, an
individual may report having always been depressed and
may exaggerate symptoms of past depressive episodes. Transient mood states may not only vary with clinical conditions, but also be affected by seasonal, diurnal, menstrual,
and other cyclic variations. As noted, moreover, mixed states
are more common than previously believed, and they
confound the utility of bipolar scalesthose constructed
on the assumption that mania and depression are, in all
respects, opposite states. Mood states also are often
highly nonspecific across diverse clinical populations. It
has been demonstrated that depressed patients, although
distinguishable from normal populations on most scales,
may not be readily distinguished by mood symptoms from
other clinical populations, such as general medical patients,


Self-Rating of Affective States

There are obvious advantages to using self-ratings by affectively ill patients. Foremost, as Murphy and colleagues (1982)
pointed out, patients are in a unique position to provide information about their feelings and moodskey symptoms
in any assessment of mood disorders. The value of selfratings was confirmed by Raskin and colleagues (1970), who
found that a mood scale completed by patients was one of
the best measures of significant treatment effects. The patient
is also, for the most part, free of the theoretical biases that affect the development and use of observer ratings, and has
access to the totality of his experience, rather than only a
subset of behavior that the observer views (Murphy et al.,
1982). For example, in an early study, Zealley and Aitken
(1969) analyzed independent mood recordings made by patients and nursing staff; an example of the results of their
analysis is shown in Figure 111, which illustrates the lag between a patients self-ratings and a nurses ratings of the patient. The results of this study indicate that patients mood
symptoms changed from depressed to normal to hypomanic
more rapidly than the staff detected, and suggest that the
staff may have been unaware of patients mood states day to
day. In addition to improved accuracy, there are several practical advantages to using patient self-report measures: they
require relatively little professional time and expense, can be
completed rapidly, and can be used for repeated measurement (Hamilton, 1976; Murphy et al., 1982).
Self-ratings have obvious disadvantages, however. Patients must be literate, cooperative, not too depressed or too
manic, and able to concentrate (Hamilton, 1976; Snaith, 1981;
Murphy et al., 1982). Other difficulties derive from patients
idiosyncratic interpretations of the language of rating scales,
their highly variable degrees of insight, and the scales
inability to differentiate clearly between symptoms (e.g.,
mood and energy changes) when they occur simultaneously
(Pinard and Tetreault, 1974; Snaith, 1981). Finally, there is
some evidence that severely depressed patients tend to underestimate the severity of their psychopathology (see, e.g.,
Paykel et al., 1973). For instance, Prusoff and colleagues
(1972b) assessed 200 depressed patients using semistructured
clinical interviews and self-reports. They found that selfreport ratings, although useful in measuring the presence or

Mood ScorePatient

Most Depressed

Most Happy
Most Depressed
Mood ScoreStaff

schizophrenic patients, or other psychiatric patients

(Mendels et al., 1972; Murphy et al., 1982). Similarly, certain
manic symptoms, such as impulsivity, irritability, and distractibility, may occur in various diagnostic groups.
In the discussion that follows, these and related methodological problems are examined in greater detail. As a first
step, we outline the advantages and disadvantages of the
two major methods for measuring manic and depressive
states: self-rating and observer rating.



Most Happy





1 g/day



Figure 111. Visual analogue scale scores obtained from nursing

staff and from a patient with manic-depressive illness. ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; open circles = morning observations; filled
circles = evening observations. (Source: Adapted from Zealley and
Aitken, 1969.)

absence of symptoms, were not a reliable index of symptom

severity. Self-reports and clinically obtained measures were
far more highly correlated at follow-up than during an acute
episode. In a related study, Prusoff and colleagues (1972a) examined the nature of the discrepancy in scores derived from
self- and clinician ratings. They found that patients whose
ratings of symptoms were higher than those of clinicians
tended to be younger, less severely depressed, and more
histrionic. Conversely, those who minimized their symptoms tended to be older, more severely depressed, and obsessive. These results may reflect in part variations among
patients with differing clinical and demographic characteristics, ranging from acute emotional turmoil with exaggerated
subjective suffering to withdrawn, perhaps passive detachment and more physical manifestations.

Observer Rating of Affective States

In summarizing the advantages of observer ratings, Hamilton (1976, p. 158) cited the observers ability to:
evaluate the intensity of any one symptom by comparing
it against the background of experience which he has . . .


Psychological Studies

penetrate the mask which the patient holds up, whether

deliberately or unintentionally . . . [and] rate and assess
certain manifestations of illness which the patient would
find impossible or extremely difficult to do. [These include] loss of insight . . . mild retardation . . . [and]
hypochondriasis and delusions. An observer can rate all
grades of severity of an illness . . . whereas a patient can
be too ill to complete a questionnaire.

At the same time, however, observer ratings have significant potential drawbacks, as discussed at length by both
Lorr (1974) and Bech (1981). Lorr noted that variability in
the degree of the patients disturbance from one interview
to another affects both self- and observer ratings. Furthermore, observers may differ in efficiency and their manner
in relating to the patient, and rating scales may be worded
ambiguously or require too much inference. Bech (1981)
stressed sources of variance in observer ratings, including
differences that occur because information is not gathered
from the same sources, differences in multiple observers
perceptions of the same phenomena, and variations in the
terminology used to report results of observations of the
same phenomena. Variations in the mood of the observer
also affect ratings for some items (Bunney and Hamburg,
1963); this is the case especially for anger and anxiety ratings, which may be distorted if the observer confuses his
own feelings with those of the patient.


Self-Rating Scales
Self-rating scales have rarely been used to measure manic
states. Poor judgment, uncooperativeness, cognitive impairment, distractibility, and denial combine to make meaningful measurement problematic. Platman and colleagues
(1969), for instance, found a very low correlation (0.35) between self-ratings of patients during manic episodes and
ratings by staff. After recovery, however, the patients recall
of mania was highly correlated (0.95) with staff perceptions. An early instrument designed to assess the less severe,
hypomanic range of symptoms was the M-D Scale, developed by Plutchik and colleagues (1970). It had 16 items
scored in a yes/no format (e.g., Lately I feel like breaking
things; Ive been telephoning a lot of friends recently).
This instrument demonstrated discrimination of hypomania from normality, but little reliability or validity information is available.
Recently, renewed attempts have been made to develop
and employ self-rating scales for mania because of their
obvious advantages. Shugar and colleagues (1992; see also
Braunig et al., 1996) reported on the development and

initial validation of a Self-Report Mania Inventory (SRMI).

This instrument currently consists of 47 items rated true or
false. Its developers based the scale on behavioral items indicative of severity and DSM-III-R criteria, on the assumption that these would be reported more accurately
than would inferences about symptoms. Examples include
the following: I started things I didnt finish; I partied
more; I was getting into arguments; and I thought I
could change the world.
Braunig and colleagues (1996) found that manic patients
were able to report reliably on such behaviors over various
intervals on the SRMI. Self-report scores correlated highly
with results of the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) assessed by observers, and also reflected clinical improvement
in hospitalized manic patients. In one study of 20 rapidcycling bipolar patients, the SRMI results correlated with
YMRS ratings, but the SRMI was found to be more sensitive
than the latter scale to milder mood fluctuations in the euthymia to hypomania range (Cooke et al., 1996). A study of
manic inpatients by Altman and colleagues (2001) found
that the SRMI showed good sensitivity in detecting severe
cases (86 percent) and was also sensitive to post-test treatment effects; however, its results did not correlate significantly with interviewer-based ratings at initial evaluation.
The authors suggested as one possible explanation for this
discrepancy that at least eight of the items on the SRMI refer to behaviors that would be prohibited in an inpatient
setting (e.g., drinking alcoholic beverages), and thus the instrument might underestimate the severity of manic symptoms in such settings.
Altman and colleagues (1997) reported on the development and preliminary psychometric characteristics of
the Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale (ASRM). Five content
items based on DSM-IV criteria (cheerful, self-confident,
sleep less, talk more, and activity) remained after specificity analyses, and each is presented with five response
options. In a later study, Altman and colleagues (2001)
compared the ASRM with the SRMI and a visual analogue
scale (VAS) (the Internal State Scale [ISS], discussed later,
used to record patients subjective impressions of their
mood states) in a sample of manic patients. The ASRM
was found to have the highest sensitivity (93 percent) for
detecting acute manic symptoms, showed good agreement
with an interviewer-rated severity scale, and was also sensitive to treatment-related changes. The authors noted
that further studies of patients with mixed states are
Visual analogue scales are discussed later in the section
on combined assessment of depression and mania. We
note here, however, an application of the VAS methodology to self-reported manic symptoms in a French study
using the Ahearn and Carroll (1996) Multiple Visual Analog


Scales of Bipolarity (MVAS-BP) (Akiskal et al., 2001). This

instrument, based on a model of mania proposed by Carroll and Klein (Carroll, 1991), comprises 26 VAS items on
global mood state; anger; and subscales of consummatory
reward, incentive reward, psychomotor pressure, and
central pain. A study of 104 hospitalized manic patients
found that patient self-reports were especially likely to correlate with clinician reports on emotional factors of depression and elation. In a related analysis of the same sample, Hantouche and colleagues (2001) found that the
MVAS-BP was particularly useful in detecting dysphoric
mania, with such patients scoring significantly lower than
euphoric manic patients on the psychometrically derived
subtypes of symptoms.
The examples cited here provide evidence of the utility
of self-reported manic symptoms. Further work is needed,
however, to develop the psychometric features of the
scales, as well as to identify their limitations.

Observer Rating Scales

Considerably more effort in assessment of manic states has
focused on observer ratings, including methods based on
patient interviews and behavioral observations. The following sections describe several of the more commonly
used instruments and their historical predecessors. Readers are referred to a review by Livianos-Aldana and RojoMoreno (2001) for psychometric details and reproduction
of various instruments. We begin by discussing observationbased scales (typically used by medical and nursing staff in
inpatient settings) and then turn to clinician-administered
interview-based scales (which may also include observations of the individual during the interview).

Early Efforts to Develop Rating Scales

for Observations of Mania
One of the first systematic observer rating scales for the
measurement of maniathe Manic State Rating Scale
(MSRS)was developed at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (Beigel et al., 1971; Murphy et al., 1974).
The scale is made up of 26 items, rated from 0 to 5 on both
frequency and intensity dimensions. It was designed to be
used by trained research nursing staff in inpatient settings
(Table 111). The nine superscripted items in Table 111
were found to be core features of maniaelements present
in all patients and most characteristic of manic severity.
The reliability and validity of the MSRS are generally good
(Livianos-Aldana and Rojo-Moreno, 2001), and the evidence suggests that the scale can easily be taught to new
nursing staff. On the other hand, the MSRS has been criticized as being too extensive to be practical. It is also thought
to contain inadequately defined items and scale steps; to
require too much time to complete; and to exclude certain


core features of mania, such as sleep changes (Petterson

et al., 1973; Tyrer and Shopsin, 1982).
The Modified Manic Rating Scale (MMRS) (Blackburn
et al., 1977; Loudon et al., 1977) was based largely on the
MSRS. It comprises 28 items and uses a six-point rating
scale for information derived from interviews and from
nursing staff and case notes. The authors found good validity when using a global rating scale as an independent
measure, and the scale was highly reliable when employed
in a structured interview by several independent raters.
Attempting to develop a shorter but still reliable
observation-based rating scale for mania, Petterson and colleagues (1973) devised a seven-item scale that uses a fivepoint severity system. The behaviors assessed are motor
activity, pressured speech, flight of ideas, noisiness, aggressiveness, orientation, and elevated mood. As with the other
scales that measure only mania, the Petterson Scale is
flawed both theoretically and empirically in not assessing
mixed (simultaneous manic and depressed) states. Although the scale rates fewer symptoms of mania than does
the MSRS, its measures of severity are far more precisely
defined, and because of its relative brevity, it can be readministered easily to obtain serial ratings. Interrater reliability is good, and validity measures generally indicate good
correspondence with other measures of mania and treatment outcome. However, several salient aspects of mania,
such as sleep and work disturbances, are not assessed.

Young Mania Rating Scale

Presently, the YMRS is the most commonly used interviewerbased measure of severity of manic symptoms. Young and
colleagues (1978) sought to develop a mania rating scale
broader than the Petterson Scale but shorter and with more
explicit ratings of severity than the MSRS. To this end, they
devised an 11-item checklist, modeled on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) (discussed later in the
section on observer rating scales for depressive symptoms).
They based their choice of items on published descriptions of
the core symptoms of maniathose cutting across the entire
spectrum of illness severity, although dysphoria is not included. Items assessed during the 15- to 30-minute interview
are elevated mood, increased motor activity (energy), sexual
interest, sleep changes, irritability, speech (rate and amount),
languagethought disorder, language content, disruptive
aggressive behavior, appearance, and insight. Ratings are
based on subjective reports by patients and on behavioral
observations made by the clinician during the interview.
Seven of the items are rated on an explicitly defined severity
scale of 0 to 4. Four items (irritability, speech rate and
amount, language content, and disruptiveaggressive behavior) are scored on a broader scale of 0 to 8. The authors
reported that, based on their published results for relatively


Psychological Studies

Table 111. Manic State Rating Scale

Part AFrequency
(How much of time?)

Part BIntensity
(How intense is it?)

The Patient

0 to 5

0 to 5

Looks depressed
Is talkinga
Moves from one place to anothera
Makes threats
Has poor judgmenta
Dresses inappropriately
Looks happy and cheerful
Seeks out others
Is distractiblea
Has grandiose ideas
Is irritablea
Is combative or destructive
Is delusional
Verbalizes depressive feelings
Is activea
Is argumentative
Talks about sex
Is angrya
Is careless about dress and grooming
Has diminished impulse controla
Verbalizes feelings of well-being
Is suspicious
Makes unrealistic plans
Demands contact with othersa
Is sexually preoccupied
Jumps from one subject to another

Core feature of mania.

Source: Adapted from Beigel et al., 1971. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of
Psychiatry. Copyright 1971, American Psychiatric Association.

small samples, the scale is a reliable, valid, and sensitive measure of mania. More recent data showed that interrater reliability averaged .68 across items (Altman et al., 1994). The
YMRS is increasingly being employed in bipolar clinical trials and treatment outcome studies because of its ease of use
(e.g., Tohen et al., 2000; Leverich et al., 2001). The following
is a sample from the YMRS developed to assess elevated
Elevated Mood
0 = absent
1 = mildly or possibly increased on questioning
2 = definite subjective elevation; optimistic, self confident; cheerful; appropriate to content
3 = elevated, inappropriate to content; humorous
4 = euphoric; inappropriate laughter; singing

Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale

The main purpose of the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale
(MAS) (Bech et al., 1979; Bech, 2002) is to assess the severity of current manic symptoms. There are 11 items rated on
a five-point scale, with highly specific ratings of severity;
for example, a score of 1 on the sleep item represents a reduction of sleep by 25 percent, and a score of 2 represents
a reduction by 50 percent. To control for diurnal variation
in mood and behavior, the investigators specified that the
15- to 30-minute interview should always take place at a
fixed hour. The scale items are motor activity, verbal activity, flight of thoughts, voice/noise level, hostility/destructiveness, mood (feelings of well-being), self-esteem, contact with
others, sleep changes, sexual interest, and work activities. Data
demonstrating the scales adequate interrater reliability and


a high degree of item homogeneity were presented in an

article by Bech and colleagues (1986). An example of the
motor activity item follows:
0: Normal motor activity, adequate facial expression.
1: Slightly increased motor activity, lively facial expression.
2: Somewhat excessive motor activity, lively gestures.
3: Outright excessive motor activity, on the move most of
the time. Rises one or several times during interview.
4: Constantly active, restless, energetic. Even if urged,
patient cannot sit still.

The MAS is commonly used in treatment outcome trials.

For instance, it is being used in ongoing trials of adjunctive
interpersonal and social rhythm therapy for bipolar patients
(Frank et al., 1999). Results of recent research also indicate
the scales validity and internal consistency (e.g., as reviewed
by Bech [2002]), as well as its sensitivity to changes in bipolar patients participating in a drug trial (e.g., Licht and
Jensen, 1997). It might be noted that Bech (2002; see also
Rossi et al., 2001) has recommended using the MAS in conjunction with the Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale
(reviewed later) to capture the frequent co-occurrence of
depressive and manic symptoms.

Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for Mania

The Clinician-Administered Rating Scale for Mania (CARSM) (Altman et al., 1994) was derived from the Schedule for
Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) and DSMIII-R to characterize the severity of manic symptoms. The
15 items are each rated on a six-point severity scale (insight is rated on a five-point scale). Preliminary validity
data were based on comparisons with the YMRS; the correlation with the latter was .94. Testretest and internal consistency reliabilities were found to be adequate. Factor analyses
revealed two subscales, mania and psychoticism, which are
scored separately.

Additional Interviewer-Based Scales for Mania

Several additional scales for rating mania have been developed, but appear to be used relatively infrequently and
may be limited in their testing of psychometric properties.
The Manic Diagnostic and Severity Scale (MADS) was
developed by Secunda and colleagues (1985) as part of
the NIMH Collaborative Program on the Psychobiology
of Depression-Clinical Studies. The authors aggregated
previously developed items from physician- and nurserated instruments to create the MADS. Two subscales
taken from physician-rated scalesthe Schedule for Affective Disorders and SchizophreniaChange (SADS-C)
Scale 17 and the Global Severity Scale (Katz and Itil,
1974)correspond, respectively, to the elatedgrandiose


and paranoiddestructive indices proposed by Beigel and

Murphy (1971). Two factors derived from the nurse-rated
Affective Disorder Rating Scale (ADRS) (Murphy et al.,
1982) also address items designed to measure these two
major subtypes of manic symptoms. The MADS subscales
measure elevated mood, sleep and energy changes, grandiosity, guardedness, anger, disturbances in insight and judgment, negativism, restlessness, impulsivity, and distractibility.
Detailed reliability and validity data have not yet been published (see Livianos-Aldana and Rojo-Moreno [2001] for
further discussion).
Several general rating scales measure features of mania
even though they were not developed specifically for that
purpose. These scales include the Inpatient Multidimensional Psychiatric Scale, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale,
and the Clinical Global Inventory. The Differential Diagnostic Scale, Bellevue Differential Inventory, and SADS,
devised for differentiating mania from schizophrenia and
not directly relevant to the measurement of mania per se,
are not reviewed here.


Self-Rating Scales for Depressive Symptoms
Several self-report instruments are available for assessment
of depressive symptoms, syndromes, and mood states. A few
of those most widely used in clinical and research applications are discussed here. Further information on these and
numerous other measures was provided by Ronan and colleagues (2000). Many additional instruments have been developed for use with specific populations, such as children
and adolescents and the elderly, and for assessment of specialized content areas related to depression, such as hopelessness, suicidality, and self-esteem. These instruments are
beyond the scope of the current discussion.

Beck Depression Inventory

The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is the most widely
used self-rating scale for depression for both research and
clinical purposes. Developed by Beck and colleagues (1961)
and revised as the BDI-II for consistency with DSM-IV
(1996), the scale consists of 21 items, each containing four
response options with content ranging in severity from
not depressed to severely depressed. Individuals select the
one response per item that best corresponds to their current clinical state over the past 2 weeks, and the options
are scored on a scale of 0 to 3, yielding a total across all
items. For the BDI-II, a score below 13 suggests minimal
depression, a score of 14 to 19 mild depression, and so on.
Like all self-report scales in which a cutoff is used to indicate significant symptoms, the scale is not a diagnostic


Psychological Studies

instrument, and scores may be elevated temporarily as a

result of environmental, medical, or other difficulties. The
items assessed include mood, guilt, irritability, social withdrawal, indecisiveness, fatigability, sleep and appetite
changes, and loss of libido. The original BDI tended to emphasize the mood and cognitive features of depression, with
less assessment of the more somatic symptoms, whereas the
BDI-II includes modifications that permit individuals to indicate whether they have experienced an increase or decrease in sleep and appetite. The following sample item illustrates the range of severity assessed:
14. Worthlessness
0 I do not feel that I am worthless.
1 I dont consider myself as worthwhile and useful as
I used to.
2 I feel more worthless as compared to other people.
3 I feel utterly worthless.

The original BDI had excellent psychometric properties,

including internal consistency and test-retest reliability. It
was shown to be a valid indicator of severity of depressed
mood, having good correspondence with other measures
and diagnostic criteria for depression (e.g., Beck et al., 1988).
The BDI-II likewise has been well tested. It shows good correspondence with the HAM-D (Hamilton, 1960) and with
other measures of depression-related constructs (Beck et al.,

Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale

The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (Zung SDS), a 20item scale with a four-point severity range, measures somatic, psychological, and mood aspects of depression. It is
a modified version of the earlier Zung Depression Scale
(Zung et al., 1965; Zung, 1974). For an item such as I have
trouble sleeping through the night, the patient is expected
to indicate which of the following responses is most appropriate: none or a little of the time, some of the time,
good part of the time, or most or all of the time. Note
that the graded response to this question applies only to
frequency, not to the extent of sleep loss. Further, the scale
does not rate hypersomnia, a frequent symptom among
patients with bipolar depression.
The Zung SDS does not show consistently high correlation with the HAM-D (Murphy et al., 1982). It has been criticized on the grounds that depressed patients have difficulty
judging the degree and frequency of their symptoms, and
endogenous symptoms are underrepresented (Rush et al.,
1986). Hamilton (1988) also reported as a major shortcoming
of the Zung SDS its relative insensitivity to clinical improvement after treatment (Rickels et al., 1968; Feighner et al.,
1984). However, its brevity may enhance its value as a quick
screen for severity of depressive symptoms.

Carroll Depression Rating Scale-Revised

The original Carroll Rating Scale was developed to parallel
closely in item content the observer-scored HAM-D (Carroll
et al., 1981; Feinberg et al., 1981; Smouse et al., 1981). The
Carroll Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDS-R) (Carroll,
1998) is a 61-item self-report questionnaire with items
concerning 17 areas of depressive symptoms over the past
few days, each rated yes or no. The revised version attempts
to make the scale more compatible with DSM-IV. Examples include the following:
2. I have dropped many of my interests and activities.
7. I feel worthless and ashamed of myself.

Both the original and revised scales were based on Carrolls observation that neither existing self-report nor
clinician-based scales were adequate for diagnosis of depressive symptoms (Carroll et al., 1981).
Most empirical evaluation of the Carroll scales has been
based on the original version, but the author has indicated
that the evaluation results are also applicable to the CDS-R.
The scales appear to have excellent convergent validity with
both self-report and clinician-based measures (e.g., correlation with the BDI, r = .86; correlation with the observerrated HAM-D, r = .71 [Carroll, 1998]). Because it is similar in
structure and content to the HAM-D and is less timeconsuming and less expensive to administer, it may be a
good alternative (see Smouse et al., 1981; Tandon et al., 1986).
Correlations with other depression scales suggest that it is as
sensitive to bipolar as to unipolar depression. Carroll and
colleagues (1981) suggested that a cutoff of 10 can serve as a
screen for the presence of significant depression.

Hamilton Depression Inventory

A different self-report instrument based on the observerrated HAM-D was developed by Reynolds and Kobak (1995).
The Hamilton Depression Inventory consists of 38 questions
covering the original items of the HAM-D; there is also a
melancholia subscale for evaluating the severity of DSM-IV
melancholia symptoms. The instrument attempts to measure both the frequency and severity of symptomatology
over the preceding 2 weeks. Its psychometric properties are
promising, including a correlation of .94 with scores on the
clinician-administered HAM-D in a sample of 403 adults
(Reynolds and Kobak, 1995). It has not been extensively
used in research or clinical settings, however, and its value
therefore awaits confirmation.
A briefer version (19 items) of the same scale, the
Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory (RDSI) (Reynolds
and Kobak, 1998), is intended to take only 5 to 10 minutes
to complete. Using a clinical cutoff score of 16, it has the
potential to identify major depression among nonreferred


community adults with a high degree of sensitivity and

specificity. Therefore, it may serve as a useful screening instrument. Its research uses have been limited to date, however.

Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology

Another recent addition to self-report measures of depression is the self-report version of the Inventory of Depressive
Symptomatology (IDS-SR), devised by Rush and colleagues
(1986, 1996b). It was based on the authors clinician-rated
scale (IDS-C, discussed later), which was developed to improve on the HAM-D and was recently revised to include
symptoms compatible with DSM-IV. The IDS-SR includes
30 items assessed over the preceding week, rated 0 to 3,
measuring three factors: a cognitive/mood factor; an anxiety/arousal factor; and a sleep, appetite, and leaden paralysis factor (confirmed by Corruble et al., 1999). Both the
self-report and clinician-administered versions take approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Excellent psychometric properties have been reported, including good
convergent validation with other measures of self- and
clinician-reported symptoms (Rush et al., 1996b; see also
Trivedi et al., 2004). Research has demonstrated that the
measures are sensitive to treatment-related changes. Recently, Rush and colleagues (2003) developed a shortened
form of the two versions of the IDS, called the Quick IDS
(QIDS, with self-report and clinician versions), consisting
of 16 items from the original 30-item scalethose needed
to assess DSM-IV criteria for major depression. Trivedi
and colleagues (2004) reported on the use of these shorter
versions with a large sample of outpatients with major depression or bipolar disorder. They concluded that the brief
instruments corresponded closely to the longer IDS measures, had solid psychometric properties, and were sensitive to treatment-related change.

Additional Self-Report Scales

Several additional self-report scales for depressive symptoms merit mention. The Center for Epidemiologic StudiesDepression (CES-D) scale (Radloff, 1977) is used extensively
in community surveys and as a screening measure for
depression. It was designed to be administered quickly and
easily in research and epidemiologic settings, but has limited
clinical utility. Normative information on its use in various
samples was reported by Weissman and colleagues (1977).
Furukawa and colleagues (1997) reviewed studies of the
CES-D and the limitations of its psychometric properties,
and presented data on potential cutoff scores to be used in
various settings to predict the probability of depressive disorder given a specific individual score.
The Inventory to Diagnose Depression (Zimmerman
et al., 1986) was developed to serve as a self-report diagnostic


instrument for assessing the attainment of syndromic

features of major depressive disorder based on DSM-III
features; the authors presented initial evidence of its validity. Recently, noting changes in the DSM-IV criteria, Zimmerman and colleagues (2004a) developed a new 38-item
self-report measure called the Diagnostic Inventory for
Depression (DID), which includes symptoms, severity, duration, and impairment due to depressive symptoms. The
authors reported on initial psychometric evaluation of the
measure based on 626 psychiatric outpatients. The DID
showed significant agreement with the SCID on diagnoses
of depression, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. The instrument also showed sensitivity to change in
symptom severity in follow-up assessments.
Bech and colleagues (2001) similarly developed a selfreport scale for diagnosing major depressive episodes. A
preliminary study based on 43 psychiatric patients and
controls indicated a sensitivity of 1.0 and a specificity of .82
in comparison with DSM-IV/International Classification of
Diseases 10 (ICD-10) diagnoses. Further work is warranted
to determine the validity of the procedure for screening and
other clinical purposes.

Depressed Mood Self-Rating Scales

There are a number of scales for measuring depressed mood
state, not including associated symptoms and syndromic
features of depression. Such scales have been widely used in
research on moods and emotions, may capture short-term
changes in mood, and in some cases may be useful for limited clinical purposes.
Visual analogue scales, mentioned earlier, are used to
measure both manic and depressive states, and therefore
are discussed in the section on combined measurement
instruments (Hayes and Patterson, 1921; Zealley and
Aitken, 1969).
The Depression Adjective Check Lists (DACL) have both
state and trait versions and have been studied extensively,
including among clinical populations (Lubin, 1994).
The Medical Care Outcomes Study (MOS) Screener (Burnam et al., 1988) was developed as an eight-item scale to
screen for symptoms of depression in the MOS, in order
to identify those with likely depressive disorders. It is not
suitable as a measure of severity, and its use for diagnosis
requires application of a complex formula for weighting
items. Nevertheless, it appears to have acceptable validity
and has been used extensively in epidemiologic and health
policy research.

Observer Rating Scales for Depressive Symptoms

It is often argued that, while self-report instruments are
uniquely suited to capturing the subjective experiences of


Psychological Studies

depression, certain aspects of the depressive syndrome

may be characterized more accurately by observers. As
suggested earlier, self-reports may be biased not only by
the cognitive capabilities or awareness, as well as moodrelated perceptions, of depressed individuals, but also by
their motives to present themselves in certain lights. Thus,
for instance, evaluation of treatment outcomes may require
objective ratings by trained clinicians. The drawback of such
methodsand the reason for the relative paucity of such instruments compared with self-report questionnairesis the
requirement for training and the establishment of adequate
expertise and reliability.

Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression

The HAM-D remains the most widely used observer-rated
scale for depression. It was developed by Hamilton (1960)
to measure severity and changes over time in the clinical
state of depressed patients, and has been amended several
times over the years. Although not developed as a diagnostic tool, it has been used with success in making retrospective diagnoses from chart reviews (Thase et al., 1983).
It has been widely used as well to evaluate treatment response, correlate depression severity with biological parameters, and evaluate depression subtypes.
The HAM-D is focused much more on somatic and behavioral symptoms than on mood and cognitive symptoms. In its most commonly administered form, it consists
of 17 items (9 on a five-point scale [0 to 4] and 8 on a threepoint scale [0 to 2]) that measure mood, guilt, suicidal
ideation, sleep disorders, changes in work and interests,
psychomotor agitation and retardation, anxiety, somatic
symptoms, hypochondriasis, loss of insight, and loss of
weight. In later versions, additional items were added, so that
it is essential to indicate which version is being reported.
Note that, in contrast with most depression assessment instruments, the content includes several items pertaining to
anxiety states. These features may be somewhat less relevant
to bipolar than to unipolar depression.
Interobserver reliability is good, although various factor analyses have extracted inconsistent numbers and
types of factors (see Hedlund and Vieweg, 1979). The
HAM-Ds high reliability, ease of administration (taking
approximately 30 minutes), and emphasis on somatic
symptoms have been cited as reasons for its enormous
popularity (Murphy et al., 1982). On the other hand, critics believe that somatic symptoms are disproportionately
represented in the HAM-D, that the differential weighting
of symptoms is arbitrary, and that anchor points are ambiguous. Furthermore, certain symptoms, such as hypersomnia, increases in weight and appetite, and changes in
quality of mood, are not assessed (Bech, 1981; Rush et al.,

1986). This last point may be an especially important limitation in the assessment of bipolar depression. As noted
earlier, Rush and colleagues (1996a) developed a clinicianadministered version of what they believe is an improved
HAM-D addressing several of the shortcomings noted.
The IDS-C is currently being used in the multisite
NIMHStanley Foundation Bipolar Network study (Leverich et al., 2001), and its scores correlate highly with
those on the HAM-D. A study of depressed inpatients reported by Corruble and colleagues (1999) confirmed the
IDS-Cs strong psychometric properties and suggested that
it is more sensitive to treatment-related changes than the
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)
(discussed later). The brief, 16-item clinician version of
the QIDS was also found to have excellent psychometric
properties in a large-scale study of unipolar depressed
and bipolar outpatients (Trivedi et al., 2004). Finally, there
is a Revised HAM-D (Warren, 1994). It remains to be seen
whether alternatives to the HAM-D will flourish in clinical research over time.

Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale

The Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale, developed to
combine the HAM-D and the Cronholm-Ottosson Depression Scale, comprises 11 items rated at five degrees of severity
(Bech et al., 1979; Bech and Rafaelsen, 1980; Rafaelsen et al.,
1980). Items are decreased motor activity, decreased verbal
activity, intellectual and emotional retardation, psychic anxiety, suicidal impulses, lowered mood, self-depreciation, sleep
disturbances, tiredness and pains, decreased motivation, and
decreased productivity in work and interests. The interview
is designed to be completed within 15 to 30 minutes, and to
control for possible diurnal variation, is to be administered
at approximately the same time of day each time. Guidelines
for ratings are highly specific; for example, the guidelines for
intellectual retardation are as follows:
0 Normal intellectual activity.
1 The patient has to make an effort to concentrate on
his work.
2 Even with a major effort it is difficult for the patient to
concentrate or make decisions. Less initiative than
usual. The patient easily experiences brain fatigue.
3 Marked difficulties with concentration, initiative and
decision-making. For example, can hardly read a newspaper or watch television. Score 3 as long as the retardation has not clearly influenced the interview.
4 When the patient during the interview has shown
marked difficulties in following normal conversation.

The interobserver reliability of the Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Rating Scale has been found to be as high as that of


the HAM-D (Rafaelsen et al., 1980), and the itemtotal

score correlations are adequate (Bech and Rafaelsen, 1980).

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale

Yet another observer rating scale for depression is the
MADRS of Montgomery and Asberg (1979), developed
to measure changes in depression after antidepressant
treatment. Easily administered by clinicians, the scales 10
items measure the major components of clinical depression: apparent sadness, reported sadness, inner tension, reduced sleep, reduced appetite, concentration difficulties,
lassitude, inability to feel, pessimistic thoughts, and suicidal thoughts. Items are rated on a seven-point scale (0 to
6), with illustrative anchor points given for ratings of 0, 2,
4, and 6. For example, ratings for the item measuring pessimistic thoughts are as follows:
Representing thoughts of guilt, inferiority, self-reproach,
sinfulness, remorse and ruin
0 No pessimistic thoughts.
2 Fluctuating ideas of a failure, self-reproach or selfdepreciation.
4 Persistent self-accusations, or definite but still rational
ideas of guilt or sin. Increasingly pessimistic about the
6 Delusions of ruin, remorse or unredeemable sin. Selfaccusations which are absurd and unshakable.

The MADRS exhibits construct validity and concurrent

validity relative to the HAM-D (Davidson et al., 1986; Khan
et al., 2004). Further, it is easily and relatively quickly administered, has well-defined items, and provides for equal
weighting of symptoms (Rush et al., 1986). The MADRS has
been shown to demonstrate considerable clinical relevance
as well (Williamson et al., 2006). On the other hand, its unidirectional rating of sleep change (i.e., decreased sleep) may
be a disadvantage in rating bipolar patients. It may be noted
that a self-report version of the MADRS (the MADRS-S)
has been developed and shown to correlate highly with the
BDI (Svanborg and Asberg, 2001).
Additional major observer rating scales for depression
include the Cronholm-Ottosson Depression Scale (Cronholm and Ottosson, 1960); the Inpatient Multidimensional
Psychiatric Scale (Lorr, 1974); the Physicians Global Assessment Scale (GAS) (Carney et al., 1965; Endicott et al., 1976);
and the Newcastle Rating Scales (Roth et al., 1983), which
have been of special interest in biological studies because
of their sensitivity to endogenous or melancholic items.
As one might expect from the symptomatic differences


reviewed in Chapters 1 and 2, bipolar and unipolar depressed patients show different patterns of response to
some of the same standard rating instruments (Paykel and
Prusoff, 1973). In this light, it is unfortunate that there have
been no systematic studies of the differential sensitivity of
rating scales to bipolar depression. To our knowledge, the
only scale designed specifically with bipolar patients in
mind is the ADRS (Murphy et al., 1982), described later.
Instruments for assessment of depression are being
refined and developed with increasing frequency and
psychometric sophistication. The tension between having
well-developed and empirically sound measures on the one
hand and the capacity for widespread use and communicability on the other will doubtless grow. Most of todays instruments continue to be validated by comparison with
older instruments (e.g., the HAM-D) without sufficient
consideration of sources of invalidity of the latter. A further
significant problem is the heterogeneity of the scales contents, with some being far more focused on somatic or cognitive symptoms than others (see the later discussion). This
variation leads to discrepancies in the results of treatment
and clinical studies. Moreover, given the heterogeneity
among clinical presentations of depressive syndromes,
there have been calls for the development of more narrowband instruments that can be used to assess individual or
clusters of symptoms, such as energy and fatigability, sleep
difficulties, and hopelessness. Such more narrowly focused
assessments could potentially facilitate advances in treatment or in understanding of depressive subtypes.
Perhaps the greatest limitation of most well-established
self-report and observer rating scales for depression is
their failure to capture potentially unique aspects of bipolar depression. This shortcoming, discussed at length in
Chapter 2, is of obvious concern to most researchers in the
field (see Berk et al., 2004, for a review of the subject). Further research on the clinical features of bipolar depression
is needed to help identify factors that should be developed
or refined in assessment instruments.


There are many ways of comparing rating scales; here we
focus primarily on differences in item content. Content
profiles of the items included in observer rating scales for
mania and in self-report and observer rating scales for depression are presented in Figures 112 through 115. The
classification of items is, of necessity, occasionally arbitrary.
For example, symptoms of mood and cognition (hopelessness and pessimism) often overlap, as do symptoms of
behavior and activity level. Working within these and


Psychological Studies

Observer Ratings











Manic State Scale (Beigel et al., 1971)

Petterson Scale (Petterson et al., 1973)
Young Mania Rating Scale (Young et al., 1978)
Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (Bech et al., 1979)
Manic Diagnostic and Severity Scale (Secunda et al., 1985)

Figure 112. Relative weighting of item content: Observer rating measures of mania.

other constraints, it is possible to develop item-content

profilesthat is, the items in each scale that are designed
to assess a particular feature of mania or depression.

Content of Mania Scales

Figure 112 illustrates relative weightings for mood, cognition, sleep, psychomotor activity, speech, and behavior in observer rating scales for mania. The CARS-M (Altman et al.,
1994) is not included; its 10 mania items are based on DSMIII-R and SADS criteria, with a separate psychoticisminsight subscale. Figure 113 portrays content profiles for more
specific types of manic behavioraggression and hostility,
hypersexuality, impaired judgment, seeking out others, impulsivity, and appearance. Mood items represent approximately 15 percent of the total number of observer-rated mania items. The greatest emphasis is placed on euphoric and
expansive mood, although all but two scales (the Petterson
Scale and the Bech-Rafaelsen MAS) also include items measuring dysphoric, angry, irritable, or negativistic mood.
Despite the frequency of depression during mania (see
Chapter 2), this mixed mood state is assessed in only one
scalethe MSRS. The proportion of cognitive items is high
on all scales, especially the MADS and the Petterson Scale.
Sleep disorder symptoms, although integral to the diagnosis and pathophysiology of mania, are the least represented
of all symptoms on the various scales; indeed, two scales do
not inquire about sleep changes at all. Psychomotor activity
and speech symptoms are measured by all of the mania
scales. Behavior changes, like cognitive symptoms, are

widely represented, especially on the MSRS. The breakdown

of behavior symptoms shown in Figure 113 reveals that
the symptoms represented most widely and consistently
are aggression and hostility, followed by hypersexuality and
seeking out others. Impaired judgment, impulsivity, and
appearance are assessed less consistently.
The decision to use a particular rating scale for mania is
based not only on the item content, but also on the nature
of the patient population and the training of the raters administering the scale. The YMRS and the MAS, for example, are more appropriate for less severely ill patients and
require a less experienced rating staff, whereas the MSRS is
more comprehensive, but also requires sophisticated nurse
raters. If patients are only hypomanic rather than manic,
additional useful subjective information may be obtained
by using self-rating forms.

Content of Depression Scales

Relative weightings for item content in self-rating scales
for depression are shown in Figure 114 and for item content in observer rating scales in Figure 115. Mood and
cognitive symptoms are the best represented of symptom
groups in both types of scales. The BDI is particularly
weighted toward cognitive items, and the MADRS toward
both mood and cognition. Somatic and sleep symptoms
are represented most strongly on the HAM-D and on its
self-rating parallel, the CDS-R. There are no other major
differences in relative weightings of item content. Behavior
items are not substantially represented on either self-rating

Observer Ratings









Manic State Scale (Beigel et al., 1971)

Petterson Scale (Petterson et al., 1973)
Young Mania Rating Scale (Young et al., 1978)
Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (Bech et al., 1979)
Manic Diagnostic and Severity Scale (Secunda et al., 1985)

Figure 113. Relative weighting of item content for behavior items: Observer rating measures of mania.

Figure 114. Relative weighting of item content: Self-rating measures of depression.













Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al., 1961)

Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (Zung, 1974)
Carroll Depression Rating Scale-Revised (Carroll, 1998)
Inventory for Depressive Symptomatology (Rush et al., 1986, 1996b)


Psychological Studies

Observer Ratings











Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (Hamilton, 1960)

Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale (Bech et al., 1979; Bech and Rafaelsen, 1980)
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (Montgomery and Asberg, 1979)

Figure 115. Relative weighting of item content: Observer-rating measures of depression.

or observer rating scales with the exception of work activities and interests, which together make up 7 percent of
the total self-rating and 6 percent of the total observer rating items (all of the latter are on the HAM-D). As in the
assessment of mania, the choice of instruments for assessment of depression depends on the patient population being evaluated, the level of interviewer training required,
and the nature of the clinical or research issue being addressed. It is often useful to combine a self-rating with an
observer rating measure.


A single rating scale that measures depression and mania
along one continuum creates both theoretical and practical difficulties because it implies that depression and mania are opposite statesan assumption clearly contrary to
what is known about the nature and expression of bipolar
disorder (see Chapter 2). Monopolar scales (e.g., Bech, 1981)
also generally preclude the measurement of mixed and transition states, rapid-cycling states, and diurnal or other cyclic
variations in mood, behavior, and activity. A combination
of individual measures of depression and mania or other
combined measures, such as those discussed later, can be
used to mitigate these problems.

Visual Analogue Scales

In their most commonly administered form, visual analogue scales (Hayes and Patterson, 1921; Zealley and

Aitken, 1969) are composed of a 100-mm line anchored at

either end with opposite descriptors (e.g., Worst I have
ever felt and Best I have ever felt). The patient is asked
to place a mark or line across the point on the scale that
best characterizes his or her mental state. Ratings are made
frequently, typically once or twice a day, a characteristic
that makes visual analogue scales especially appropriate
for longitudinal studies of mood and treatment effects.
Further advantages include the rapidity of assessment,
economic feasibility, involvement of patients in their research and treatment protocols, a relative lack of cultural
and educational bias, and good reliability and validity
(Zealley and Aitken, 1969; Folstein and Luria, 1973; Luria,
1975). The simplicity of the test makes it ideal for depressed
patients who are very ill or indecisive.
Moderately high correlations exist between visual analogue scales and the Zung SDS, the HAM-D, and global
ratings by psychiatrists (Folstein and Luria, 1973; Luria,
1975), although correlations with clinical judgment tend to
decrease after acute treatment (Zealley and Aitken, 1969).
Moreover, such scales are not sensitive at lower levels of depression and other types of psychopathology. The most important limitation of the simple versions of these scales is
that they are global measures not designed to assess specific
psychopathological states or symptoms. As noted previously, however, Ahearn and Carrolls bipolar scales use the
VAS format for self-report across a variety of symptoms
(e.g., Akiskal et al., 2001).
A more recent application of the VAS format, involving
development and rescaling of the Internal State Scale (ISS),


was reported by Bauer and colleagues (2000). The 15-item

self-report covers items from subscales called activation,
well-being, a depression index, and perceived conflict, measuring patients subjective impressions of mood
states. In a Veterans Affairs medical center study of bipolar
patients, scores on the subscales were able to identify and
distinguish among groups that were euthymic, manic/hypomanic, mixed, and depressed. Glick and colleagues
(2003) recently developed a Likert-based scoring system
that they believe is easier to use than the VAS method and
results in characteristics similar to those of the original
ISS. With respect to its use for self-rating of mania, however, Altman and colleagues (2001) found that the ISS wellbeing scale was not sensitive to treatment effects in manic
inpatients, although the activation scale did show significant changes from pre- to post-treatment. Most important, the ISS had relatively poor sensitivity, detecting only
45 percent of patients with moderate or severe symptomatology at baseline.

Affective Disorder Rating Scale

The ADRS (Murphy et al., 1982) comprises 34 specific items
assessing mania and depression, using a 6-point scale for
the frequency and intensity of the behavior and global ratings (on a 15-point scale) of mania, depression, psychosis,
anxiety, and anger. For the global ratings, specific guidelines for assigning scores are provided. For example, in the
mild range (within normal limits), scores of 2 or 3 on the
mania scale reflect especially talkative, active, enthusiastic, gregarious or boisterous behavior, while at the extreme end of the scale, scores of 13 to 15 reflect nearly
continuous manic activity and other symptoms, with uncontrolled, impulsive behavior requiring close supervision
and often seclusion for the majority of the day. Although
preliminary psychometric data suggest good convergent
validation with other scales of depressive and manic symptoms, little information exists about the properties and use
of this instrument.

Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale

The Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale
(CPRS) was developed in 1971 by the Swedish Medical Research Council to measure treatment effects (Asberg et al.,
1978). Four scale steps, each described in detail, are allocated
for each item. The scale, designed for use by all trained mental health workers, can be used to assess both reported and
observed behaviors. Items include elevated and sad
mood states, indecision, lassitude, fatigability, concentration
difficulties, reduced or increased sexual interest, ideas of
grandeur, and ecstatic experiences. Reliability studies
among depressed patients in the United Kingdom (Montgomery et al., 1978a) and among cross-cultural populations


of Swedish and British depressed patients (Montgomery et

al., 1978b) indicated that the CPRS is highly reliable and
highly sensitive [and] easily communicable (Perris, 1979).


Risk for Bipolar Disorder
There is considerable interest in detecting risk for bipolar
disorder. The aim is to enable early intervention to alter
the course of the illness and prevent the severe psychosocial consequences of the disruption of normal social development typically associated with the disorder. Several
such instruments have been developed for use in research

General Behavior Inventory

The General Behavior Inventory (GBI), a self-report inventory for nonpatients, was developed to identify individuals
at high risk for developing bipolar disorder, particularly
adolescents and young adults (Depue et al., 1981). Five dimensions of bipolarity are defined as characterizing the
disorder: its core behaviors and symptoms; their intensity,
frequency, and duration; and rapid shifts in mood and behavior. Sample questions (taken from a longitudinal moodrating study), with their extreme polar descriptors, are
presented in Table 112. Each item is rated on a four-point
frequency scale.
The GBI, uniquely designed to measure subsyndromal
variants of bipolar disorder (see Chapter 1), was validated
in an initial series of studies through interview-derived
diagnoses, interviews with college roommates, family histories of affective illness, clinical characteristics, and longitudinal mood-rating investigations (Depue et al., 1981).
The GBI was originally viewed as a measure of subsyndromal cyclothymia or prodromal signs of bipolarity.
Klein and colleagues (1986) predicted that it would identify youths at risk for bipolar disorder in a sample of offspring of bipolar-I parents; they found that half of the
offspring had significant cyclothymic features identified
by the GBI. The authors noted that offspring with cyclothymic features had significantly poorer social adjustment relative to noncyclothymic offspring and children of
control parents. A follow-up study of 45 college students
identified by the GBI as being at risk for bipolar disorder
was conducted 19 months later (Klein and Depue, 1984);
the investigators found that high scorers continued to exhibit significant impairment of functioning. Two patients
had been hospitalized for major depressive episodes, and
overall, the group reported higher suicidal ideation and
treatment seeking.


Psychological Studies

Table 112. Sample Items from the General Behavior Inventory

Question Content

Extreme Polar Descriptions

(receptivity toward and
stimulation by the world)

Passionately absorbed in the worlds excitement; my

Flight of ideas/thought
retardation (thought

Brilliant penetrating ideas emerging spontaneously


Supremely confident in my judgment and strength

sensations and feelings incredibly intensified; I seek

out novel stimulations.
Life is too much trouble; sick of everything.

and with great rapidity.

My mind is cold, dead; nothing moves.

of mind; I can instantly see problems which confuse

others and solve them.
Utterly immobile, frozen by doubts; nothing
is certain or solid for me.
Source: Depue et al., 1981. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 1981, American Psychiatric Association.

Noting that the GBI appeared to identify those at risk for

unipolar as well as bipolar depressive conditions, Depue and
colleagues (1989) subsequently revised the GBI specifically
to identify subgroups of unipolar (46 items) and bipolar
(hypomanic/biphasic, 26 items) affective conditions. They
reported that in a university sample, high scorers for the two
conditions were identified and diagnosed by blind interviewers. The GBIs unipolar and bipolar scales showed adequate sensitivity (.78 and .76, respectively) and high specificity (.99 for both) for research use in nonclinical samples.

Hypomanic Personality Scale

Eckblad and Chapman (1986) developed the Hypomanic
Personality Scale (HPS), a self-report scale for use in identifying those with gregarious and overactive behavior styles
characteristic of episodes of hypomanic euphoria and hypothesized to indicate potential risk for developing bipolar
disorder. The scale consists of 48 truefalse items, such as
Sometimes ideas and insights come to me so fast that
I cannot express them all and I would rather be an ordinary success in life than a spectacular failure (scored in
hypomania direction if false-rated). Internal consistency
and testretest reliabilities were shown to be high among
a student population. The scale was validated among a university population against standardized diagnostic assessments; high scorers were significantly more likely to have
experienced hypomanic episodes and depressive symptoms, drug and alcohol use, and psychotic-like symptoms.
A longitudinal study of 36 high scorers on the HPS and 31
controls followed the groups for 13 years (Kwapil et al.,

2000). As predicted, significantly more high scorers than

controls developed bipolar disorder (25 percent versus
none) and experienced major depressive episodes (28 versus 19 percent); this was the case in particular for those
who also scored high on the impulsivenonconformity
scale (Chapman et al., 1984). High scorers also had more
severe psychotic-like symptoms, borderline personality
disorder symptoms, and substance abuse disorders relative
to the controls. A more recent study of 224 German university students found that the HPS was more effective in
ascertaining individuals with a history of hypomanic or
manic episodes than those with a history of depressive
episodes (Meyer and Hautzinger, 2003).
An abbreviated version of the HPS was included in the
Oregon Adolescent Depression Project (Klein et al., 1996),
where it was found to be predictive of a wide range of psychosocial impairments; mood, disruptive, and substance
abuse disorders; and suicide attempts. Among youths with a
history of depressive disorders, the HPS appeared to predict
for high scorers significantly more severe symptoms of depression and worse functional outcomes. Hofmann and
Meyer (2006) studied three groups of young adults with
high (n = 17), medium (n = 19), and low (n = 18) scores on
the Hypomanic Personality Scale. Those at elevated risk for
bipolar disorder reported greater mood instability, as well as
higher levels of both positive and negative affect. Although
the sample has not yet been followed long enough to validate use of the HPS as a predictor of bipolar disorder, the
scale appears to be valid for predicting mood and behavioral
dysfunction that is potentially indicative of the disorder.


More recently, researchers have developed measures to

assess bipolar spectrum disorder on the assumption that
categorical measures are intrinsically limiting. These assessment systemsthe Bipolar Affective Disorder Dimension Scale (Craddock et al., 2004) and the Bipolar Spectrum
Diagnostic Scale (Ghaemi et al., 2005)are promising but
need further validation and replication. Also promising
but preliminary are measures developed to assess dysfunctional beliefs that may predispose to bipolar disorder
(Mansell and Jones, 2006) and positive self-dispositional
appraisals linked to both hypomanic personality and bipolar disorder (Jones et al., 2006). Measures of temperament,
beyond the scope of this chapter, have been studied by
many groups1 (see Chapter 10).

Screening for Bipolar Disorder

Noting that many cases of bipolar spectrum disorder may
go undetected and undiagnosed, Hirschfeld and colleagues
(2000, 2002) developed the Mood Disorder Questionnaire
(MDQ), a brief self-report screening instrument for use
in primary care, community agency, and psychiatric settings (Table 113). Based on DSM-IV criteria, it contains 13
yesno items, as well as 2 additional questions designed to
verify whether symptoms occurred during the same time
period and caused significant problems. The questionnaire originated with a sample of 198 patients from five
outpatient mood disorders clinics, who were then interviewed by telephone using the SCID for bipolar-I, bipolarII, and bipolarnot otherwise specified (NOS) disorders.
Using a threshold of seven or more yes responses, along
with an indication that the symptoms occurred during the
same time period and caused moderate or severe problems, the sensitivity was .73 and the specificity .90. This suggests a basis for the instruments use in psychiatric settings,
but how useful it will prove to be in general medical or
community settings (where screening instruments should
have the most utility) remains to be seen. When the same
investigators conducted a population-based replication
study, for example, the sensitivity of the MDQ (identification of true positive cases) was found to be .28, much lower
than that found in the original study (Hirschfeld et al.,
2003b). A recent study of 1,157 patients at a general medicine
clinic found that although the specificity of the MDQ was
lower than found in mood disorders clinics, the measure
was helpful in identifying bipolar patients who would not
otherwise have been recognized (Das et al., 2005). On the
other hand, in a review of studies of screening instruments,
Phelps and Ghaemi (2006) concluded that where there is
likely to be a low prevalence of bipolar disorder, such as in
community or primary care settings, screening measures
such as the MDQ can rule out bipolarity but do not effectively rule it in.


As discussed, Hirschfelds group reported on a

population-based replication study in which the sensitivity
of the MDQ was found to be much lower than that found
in the original study (Hirschfeld et al., 2003b). Replication
and further validation studies are well-warranted in view
of the overlap of bipolar symptoms with those of other
mood, substance, and behavioral disorders.
Despite ongoing concerns about its utility outside of
mood disorders clinics, the MDQ has been widely disseminated, appearing in psychiatric publications and on Web
sites, in the hope that it can facilitate the identification and
treatment of bipolar disorder. It was tested in a French
population of bipolar patients, with the investigators finding much greater sensitivity in bipolar-I than in bipolar-II
patients (90 and 52 percent, respectively) (Rouget et al.,
2005). It also served as the basis for an epidemiologic survey of bipolar spectrum disorder (see Chapter 5) (Hirschfeld
et al., 2003a). But given the evidence to date that the MDQ
appears to be insufficiently accurate to be used as a casefinding measure in community studies or as a screening
scale in clinical practice, further research and refinement
of the instrument are needed (Zimmerman et al., 2004b).
Given that many bipolar patients lack insight into the hypomanic and manic phases of their illness, one helpful refinement might be a version of the instrument that could
be filled out by family members. We recommend that the
MDQ, while promising, be viewed with some skepticism
until further validation and replication studies have been
A somewhat similar scale, the Manic Depressiveness
Scale, was documented by Thalbourne and colleagues (1994).
The 19-item questionnaire, assessing manic and depressive
experiences, was administered to normal college students
and to a sample of bipolar patients. Despite significant
mean differences between the groups and relatively good
internal consistency and reliability, however, the scale
showed overlapping distributions between the two populations, apparently precluding its use to identify bipolar
disorder among nonpatient samples. A later revision
(9 manic experience items and 9 depressive experience
items) was found to correlate with severity of illness and
number of hospitalizations for bipolar patients, but not for
unipolar depressed patients (Thalbourne and Bassett,
Recently, Solomon and colleagues (2006) reported the
development of a brief instrument to screen for bipolar
disorder in patients acutely ill with major depression. The
Screening Assessment of Depression-Polarity (SAD-P) consists of 3 items demonstrating the greatest disparity between bipolar-I and unipolar depression: presence of delusions during the current episode of major depression,
number of prior episodes of major depression, and family


Psychological Studies

Table 113. Sample Items from the Mood Disorder Questionnaire



1. Has there ever been a period of time when you were not
your usual self and . . .
you felt so good or so hyper that other people thought
you were not your normal self or you were so hyper that
you got into trouble?
you were so irritable that you shouted at people or
started fights or arguments?
you felt much more self-confident than usual?
you got much less sleep than usual and found you didnt
really miss it?
you were much more talkative or spoke much faster
than usual?
thoughts raced through your mind or you couldnt slow
your mind down?
you were so easily distracted by things around you that
you had trouble concentrating or staying on track?
you had much more energy than usual?
you were much more active or did many more things
than usual?
you were much more social or outgoing than usual; for
example, you telephoned friends in the middle of the
you were much more interested in sex than usual?
you did things that were unusual for you or that other
people might have thought were excessive, foolish, or
spending money got you or your family into trouble?
2. If you checked YES to more than one of the above, have
several of these ever happened during the same period
of time?
3. How much of a problem did any of these cause youlike
being unable to work; having family, money, or legal
troubles; getting into arguments or fights?
No problem
Minor problem
Moderate problem
Serious problem


O no



















Source: Adapted from Hirschfeld et al., 2000. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal
of Psychiatry, Copyright 2005, American Psychiatric Association.

history of major depression or mania. The investigators

found that the screening instrument was easy to use and, in
a cross-validation sample, correctly identified a substantial
proportion of subjects with bipolar or unipolar illness
(bipolar major depression was identified in the bipolar-I
index sample with a sensitivity of 0.82 and in the crossvalidation sample with a sensitivity of 0.72).

Screening for Bipolar Spectrum Disorders

in Youths
As noted previously, the GBI (Depue et al., 1981) was initially developed for use with college-age young adults. Recently, it has been used in younger samples. A study of
clinically diagnosed children and adolescents, for instance,
found that both youth- and parent-reported symptoms on


the bipolar scale of the GBI were sensitive to the detection

of actual bipolar disorder (Youngstrom et al., 2001; Findling et al., 2002). Results of various studies suggest that
a cutoff score of 13 and higher for adults, and of 17 and
higher for children and adolescents may be useful in
screening for bipolar spectrum disorder or risk. Reichart
and colleagues (2005) in the Netherlands used the GBI to
assess psychopathology among 129 adolescent and young
adult children of a bipolar parent over a 5-year follow-up
period. They found that the depression scale of the GBI
discriminated well between the development of new bipolar disorder and no disorder or unipolar disorder.
Also as noted previously, a version of the HPS (Eckblad
and Chapman, 1986) was used in the Oregon Adolescent Depression Project (Klein et al., 1996), where it identified youths
with clinical features and functional impairment who may
have been in the bipolar spectrum. Further research is
needed, however, to validate diagnostic status over time.

those patterns. There are several methods for systematically

assessingeither retrospectively or prospectivelythe details of the topology and course of bipolar disorder.

Longitudinal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation

The contribution of the Longitudinal Interval Follow-up
Evaluation (LIFE) to characterization of the course of
bipolar disorder is noted only briefly here because this
method is a procedure widely used for all DSM-related
disorders. Developed by Keller and colleagues (1987), it is a
semistructured interview procedure whose purpose is to
provide a continual (e.g., weekly) charting of symptomatology, psychosocial functioning, and treatment based on
regular follow-up evaluations. Severity of psychopathology is rated on a six-point Psychiatric Status Rating (PSR)
scale tied to Research Diagnostic Criteria symptoms; several areas of psychosocial functioning (e.g., employment,
relationships with family members) are also rated on fiveor seven-point scales. The PSR scale and psychosocial ratings have been shown to have high interrater reliability (e.g.,
Keller et al., 1987). The LIFE charts provide an excellent
basis for characterizing landmark clinical events, such as
time to recovery or duration of episodes. The LIFE methods are widely used, especially in research on unipolar depression, as in the NIMH Collaborative Program on the
Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies (e.g., Judd et
al., 2000; Solomon et al., 2000); they are also used to study
anxiety disorders (e.g., Warshaw et al., 1994).


Because bipolar disorder is recurrent by definition, it is essential to have methods for capturing the phenomenology of
the course of the illness to supplement methods used to characterize individual episodes. Indeed, Kraepelin (1921) used
life charts with many of his patients and, from the study of
these charts, made critical observations about the course of
manic-depressive illness. Figure 116 is a case history used by
Kraepelin to illustrate periodic mania with isolated episodes
of depression. Such procedures yield charts of the past or
recent history of changes in the illness, permitting examination of both clinical and research issues based on details of

Life Chart Method

The Life Chart Method (LCM) was designed as a brief, easily
administered, and flexible approach for mapping the course

Figure 116. Relapsing mania with isolated periods of depression. Light blue = depression; dark
blue = manic excitement. (Source: Kraepelin, 1921, p. 143) Reprinted with permission.
















Psychological Studies

of bipolar disorder. In the original development of the

approach, Post and colleagues (e.g., Squillace et al., 1984;
Roy-Byrne et al., 1985) identified several goals for such a
methodology: to systematize retrospective clinical history
data; to capture meaningful episodes that might be missed
because of incomplete memory; and, of course, to provide
detailed phenomenological and descriptive information
about the clinical course of mood disorders. The methodology bases the definition of an episode on functional impairment rather than symptomatic criteria, on the assumption
that the former information is recalled more readily than
whether a particular symptom occurred during a given time
frame. Moreover, definitions based on functional impairment may capture a more detailed picture of variations in
mood than can definitions based on strict adherence to
DSM criteria. Accordingly, manic and depressive episodes
are each measured on a three-point scale: mild, with only
subjective distress and no or minimal functional impairment; moderate, with clear impairment in functioning in
usual roles; and severe, involving incapacitation or resulting
in hospitalization. Manic episodes are defined by any level of
severity, and depressive episodes by moderate or severe ratings. The investigators noted that subjective reports were
supplemented by the observations of others, especially for
mild mania, a state often overlooked or denied by patients
The LCM has the advantage that it can be applied flexibly, so that different studies or contexts may involve different duration criteria (e.g., Kramlinger and Post, 1996;
Denicoff et al., 1997), may be prospective or retrospective
(or both), and may include staff ratings as well as patient
reports. Denicoff and colleagues (1997) presented reliability and validity data on a prospective version of the LCM,
developed during 2 years of a clinical trial on bipolar-I and
-II outpatients. Daily ratings of mood severity based on
functional impairment were provided by patients, supplemented by information from other sources (including
spouses). Interrater reliabilities were very high. Validity
was supported by significant associations with both selfand clinician-rated mood measures that included the BDI,
It may be noted that daily administration of the LCM
using a palmtop handheld device is under investigation.
Initial feasibility data indicate that this approach is useful
and might greatly facilitate frequent monitoring of mood
states and psychosocial functioning (Scharer et al., 2002).
In a related development, Whybrow and colleagues (2003)
devised the ChronoRecord, software patients can use on
their home computers to record mood, sleep, life events,
and medication intake. They found that 83 percent of the
96 patients they studied expressed high acceptance of the
computer format.

Average Mood Symptom Score

The Average Mood Symptom Score (AMSS) is a somewhat
similar method of prospective charting of mood patterns,
adapted from the LCM (Gitlin et al., 1995). Hammen and
colleagues (1989) first reported use of the procedure as
a method for characterizing the timing and features of
changes in symptoms of unipolar depression and bipolar
disorder in relation to stressful life events. The goal is to
systematize the severity and duration of mood states over
time during ongoing follow-up. To this end, clinicians chart
notes of clinical status and dates of changes are translated
into a time line, with dates on the horizontal axis and a vertical axis indicating nine levels of severity of mania or depression (where the zero midpoint is euthymia). Based on
DSM criteria, manic states are rated as M1 (only one or two
symptoms) through M4 (severe, hospitalized mania) above
the zero point, or D1 (only one or two symptoms) through
D4 (severe major depressive episode involving hospitalization or suicide attempt) below the zero point; mixed states
can also be indicated. Figure 117 presents an example.
In addition to time lines that can be used to identify
dates of onset or significant changes in severity or polarity
of symptoms, the method yields a quantitative score of
symptomatology per unit of time. A total mood score for
a defined period may be calculated as level of symptoms
multiplied by duration in days; the AMSS is the total mood
score divided by days in the period of interest. A series of
studies has employed such methods in samples of both
unipolar and bipolar patients to characterize course of illness in relation to psychosocial factors, such as role functioning and episodic stressful life events (Ellicott et al.,
1990; Hammen et al., 1992, 2000).


There has been increasing emphasis on the need for characterization of psychiatric patients functional outcomes as
a critical supplement to the relatively exclusive focus on
clinical status. As Weissman (1997) noted, since the 1960s
there has been a growing appreciation that for all disorders, it is necessary to understand individuals in their social contexts because family, social, and occupational adjustment all have an impact on clinical course. Moreover,
social role functioning is a crucial marker by which individuals, their families, and the community at large judge
the success of treatment in general and the effectiveness
of specific interventions. Further impetus for studying
functional outcomes in bipolar populations comes from
the commonly noted discrepancy between clinical state
and role functioning among people with mood disorders.
For instance, many individuals who have recovered from









Figure 117. Example of time line for characterizing the timing and features of changes in
symptoms of unipolar depression and bipolar disorder (see text for explanation).

episodes or have not experienced recurrences nonetheless

display functional impairment,2 especially in family and
work adjustment. Maladjustment in important roles, moreover, may contributepresumably as a stressorto further
clinical episodes and debility. Consequently, interest in the
measurement of functioning in major roles and the use of
such data to evaluate treatment outcomes has grown. In this
section, we briefly review some of the methods used for
these purposes and the resultant findings, noting that such
issues are by no means specific to bipolar illness.
Unfortunately, actual progress in mapping social adjustment among those with mood disorders has been relatively limited, owing to the complexity of the constructs
involved and the resulting problems in collecting reliable
and valid information in relevant areas. The widely used
GAS or its variant, the Global Assessment of Functioning
(GAF) scale, employed as Axis V of DSM-IV, has been criticized for confounding clinical symptoms and psychosocial
functioning (Williams, 2000). The single-item GAS and
GAF scales provide no specificity in ratings for different
areas of functioning. Similarly, the Clinical Global Impressions Scale for Bipolar Illness (CGI-BP) (Spearing et al.,
1997), while providing clinician judgments specifically of
illness severity and changes in mania, depression, and overall bipolar illness, does not yield information about functioning and changes in particular roles. Similar concerns
may arise with regard to many quality-of-life scales, which
provide general information about the adverse effects of
clinical and medical states but less information about particular areas of discomfort (e.g., Vojta et al., 2001).
Weissman and colleagues (1981) reviewed a number of
scales that specifically address social functioning and found

their quality and utility to be relatively poor. Thus although many such scales exist, few have provided the utility and psychometric qualities necessary for their survival
(see Williams, 2000).
Currently, three patient-report scales are used relatively
widely in research on quality-of-life issues for those with
mood disorders. The Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report
(SAS-SR) (Weissman and Bothwell, 1976; Weissman et al.,
1978) assesses instrumental and emotional role functioning
in six areas: work, social and leisure, maritalsexual, relationships with extended family, parenting, and family unit.
It includes a total of 54 items and yields both subscale and
overall adjustment scores. An example is the following:
How have you been getting along with the children during the last 2 weeks?
1. I had no arguments and got along very well.
2. I usually got along well but had minor arguments.
3. I had more than one argument.
4. I had many arguments.
5. I was constantly in arguments.

The SAS-SR has been shown to have excellent reliability

and validity (reviewed by Williams, 2000). The initially developed clinician-rated version of the SAS employs a semistructured interview format and is especially suitable for
use when there is concern that patients mood status may
distort their responses and perceptions.
The Social Adaptation Self-Evaluation Scale (SASS)
(Bosc et al., 1997) was developed for use in clinical trials.
It contains 21 self-report items covering current functioning in various psychosocial domains. As noted by Weissman (1997), its content emphasizes subjective aspects of


Psychological Studies

functioning, including motivation and self-perception,

drive, and mastery, but focuses less on role performance.
Instrumental functioning, such as work behavior and family and parental role functioning, is not specifically included. However, to the extent that the scale taps interest
and enjoyment in functional roles, it adds an important
dimension beyond clinical status.
The Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) (Ware and
Sherbourne, 1992) of the MOS includes several items specific to role functioning, such as loss of work functioning
due to medical or depressive conditions. Data from the
MOS have provided an important comparison between
people with depressive conditions and those experiencing
a variety of major medical syndromes (e.g., Wells et al., 1989;
Hays, 1995). However, what is measured is largely global
functioning, and the self-report format makes it difficult
to disentangle actual psychosocial behavior and adjustment from depressive mood state.
Clinician-rated social adjustment scales include the
Weissman Social Adjustment Scale (the precursor to the
SAS-SR) and the social functioning scales of the LIFE
method discussed previously (e.g., Keller et al., 1987). Both
scales have solid psychometric properties but generally lack
sufficient behavioral detail to fully characterize functioning in specific domains, such as work, parenting, and marital life.


Measurement of Mania
As noted in Chapter 6, there is considerable controversy regarding the diagnosis of mania and manic symptoms in children (see also Chapter 3). The NIMH Bipolar Child Roundtable (2001) recommended the use of well-established
interview diagnostic procedures for this purpose. One such
instrument is the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia (KSADS), specifically the Washington
University version (WASH-U-KSADS), which contains
items developed to assess childhood mania and other syndromes, including onset and offset of individual items and
syndromes for current and lifetime disorders. Geller and
colleagues (2001) reported excellent interrater reliability, including high kappa values between expert observers and offsite blind evaluators on ratings of mania and rapid cycling.
At this time, the majority of NIMH-funded studies of bipolar disorder in children use the WASH-U-KSADS sections
on mania and rapid cycling.
There is obviously a long way to go in developing an array of measures of mania symptoms in children that will
parallel those available for adults. Considerable work is still

needed to assess individual manic symptoms in children

validly and reliably; to establish developmentally appropriate indicators; and to distinguish them from those of other
disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD). For instance, it is necessary to address symptoms
that occur in bipolar children but not in those with ADHD,
including hypersexuality and grandiosity, while also distinguishing overlapping symptoms, such as distractibility and
hyperactivity. Parents of 268 subjects (93 with a prepubertal
or early-adolescent form of bipolar disorder, 81 with
ADHD, and 94 healthy controls) completed the 10-item
Conners Abbreviated Parent Questionnaire before the
WASH-U-KSADS was administered (Tillman and Geller,
2005). The results are shown in Table 114. Items 7, 8, 9, and
10 significantly distinguished between those children and
adolescents with bipolar illness and those with ADHD.
The authors concluded that the Conners Abbreviated Parent Questionnaire (sensitivity = 0.73, specificity = 0.86) is a
promising tool as a screen for early- and adolescent-onset
bipolar disorder. The NIMH Research Roundtable on Prepubertal Bipolar Disorder (2001) recommended that researchers develop operational criteria for frequency and
severity of various behaviors and symptoms potentially relevant to juvenile mania and the co-occurring disruptive behavior disorders and impairing symptoms.
To date, little information exists on the use of adult rating
scales for manic symptoms with children. Gracious and colleagues (2002) reported on a parent-completed version of
the YMRS, noting that it discriminated well among diagnostic groups aged 5 to 17, including those with ADHD. They
found good psychometric properties for an eight-item version (eliminating three items, such as sexual interest, that did
not contribute to the total scores) (see also Youngstrom et al.,
2002, 2003). The agreement between the reports of children
and adolescents and those of parents is problematic, however. Children, for example, are more likely than parents to
report racing thoughts and decreased need for sleep (Tillman et al., 2004), and adolescents with bipolar disorder tend
to underreport manic symptoms (Youngstrom et al., 2004).

Measurement of Depression
The assessment of depressive symptoms and syndromes in
children and adolescents has been well described elsewhere (e.g., Nezu et al., 2000). In general, self-report questionnaires about symptoms and diagnostic interviews can
be administered reliably and yield valid conclusions about
symptom severity and the presence of depressive disorders.
For example, a Childrens Depression Inventory (CDI) was
developed by Kovacs (1981); it has a three-response options
format with content appropriate for those aged 7 to 17. The
BDI, discussed earlier, is suitable for most patients aged 13
and older.



Table 114. Scores on Items of the Conners Abbreviated Parent Questionnaire for Subjects with a Prepubertal and
Early Adolescent Bipolar Disorder (BP) Phenotype, Subjects with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD), and Healthy Comparison Subjects

Questionnaire Item

PHENOTYPE (n = 92)


(n = 80)

SUBJECTS (n = 92)



Std. Dev.


Std. Dev.

Std. Dev.

1. Restless or overactive







2. Excitable, impulsive







3. Disturbs other children







4. Fails to finish things he or she

startsshort attention span







5. Constantly fidgeting







6. Inattentive, easily distracted







7. Demands must be met

immediatelyeasily frustrated







8. Cries often and easily







9. Mood changes quickly and








10. Temper outbursts, explosive

and unpredictable behavior







Note: See Tillman and Geller (2005) for a scoring algorithm and age-specific cutoffs for use of the Conners Abbreviated Parent Questionnaire
as a screening tool. Std. Dev. = standard deviation.
Significant difference compared with the healthy comparison group (p < .0001).
Significant difference compared with the ADHD group (p < .003).
Significant difference compared with the ADHD group (p < .0001).
Source: Tillman and Geller, 2005. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, Copyright 2005, American Psychiatric Association.

Two major issues are associated with assessment of depression in children. First, most diagnostic interview procedures assume that childrens reports of their symptoms should be supplemented by information collected
from caretakers. Most diagnostic methods for assessing depression, such as the clinician-administered KSADS (Ambrosini, 2000) or the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for
Children (DISC), which is administered by trained laypersons (Shaffer et al., 2000), prescribe separate interviews for
children and parents. KSADS commonly uses a best clinical estimate method, combining information from the
child and the parent weighted by the type of information
given, according to the clinicians judgment. For example,
internal symptoms, such as depressed feelings and negative
thoughts, cannot readily be detected by parents, and there-

fore the childs report on these symptoms might be given

greater weight in a diagnosis of depression. The DISC is a
highly structured interview, with a computer-based scoring
algorithm often being used to combine information about
diagnostic criteria.
A second, related issue concerns the relatively low agreement among informants (the child or adolescent, parents,
and teachers). This problem occurs for all childhood disorders, not just depressive illnesses. It has been speculated,
however, that reports of depression may be associated with
systematic biases in the reports of certain informants.
Specifically, some research has indicated that relatively depressed women may distort or exaggerate their childrens
behavior as more negative than it actually is. However,
a review of 22 studies by Richters (1992) revealed that such


Psychological Studies

claims were based largely on inadequate designs, including simple associations between mothers and childrens
symptoms that could be accurate given the common finding
of disorders in offspring of depressed women. Subsequent
studies using sophisticated methods, such as covariance
structure analysis with latent variables formed from different
informants, have supported the hypothesis that depressed
mothers may report more negative behaviors. As these studies have shown, the fact that maternal depression truly is associated with more child disorder makes the conclusion of
bias unclear (Fergusson et al., 1993; Boyle and Pickles,
1997). Other researchers who have evaluated parentchild
concordance over time (Renouf and Kovacs, 1994; Boyle and
Pickles, 1997) have suggested that maternal bias, if any, may
be more pronounced for younger than for older children.


The status of assessment methods in bipolar disorder

varies by topic:
Diagnostic procedures, not specifically discussed in this
chapter, are administered relatively reliably but are only as
valid as our evolving conceptualization of bipolar disorder.
Evaluation of states of depression has been a significant
achievement in recent years, making use of a number of
well-supported self-report and clinician-rated procedures
that measure the presence and severity of various depressive symptoms. Instruments vary, however, in their coverage of particular symptoms.
Measurement of states of mania is less well developed. The
experience of manic symptoms interferes with obtaining
valid self-reports by questionnaire, but even clinicianbased measures are relatively sparse. Several self-report
and clinician-rated instruments for measuring mania are
currently available, but psychometric studies of their merits lag behind those used for depressive symptoms.
There is a significant potential gap in measurement of
particular symptoms or clusters. This gap is particularly
pronounced in the assessment of mixed states. It might
be anticipated that further developments in both conceptualization and instrumentation for specific symp-

toms would improve evaluation of the treatment of

bipolar conditions (e.g., sleep disturbances, mixed
states, cognitiveintellectual functioning).
Several methods are for characterizing the course of bipolar disorder, based on symptom levels, episode status, and
functional impairment. These methods of longitudinal or
retrospective charting have proved valuable for understanding features of the course of the disorder, and
potentially they can play an important role in treatment
decision making.
Preliminary steps have been taken to evaluate hypomanic personality, or risk for future bipolar disorder.
Similarly, there have been some positive steps toward the
development of screening instruments to help identify in
nonclinical populations those who are at risk or have already experienced bipolar states.
Initial steps have also been taken to describe functioning
in important rolesareas of living that may be relatively
independent of symptom levels. Further work is needed
to provide scales that capture both objective features of
how individuals live their lives and the contexts in which
they struggle with their illness, as well as methods for
capturing the motivations and perceptions of people
with bipolar disorder.
Research on the assessment of mania and manic symptoms in children is at a relatively preliminary stage. Diagnostic assessments require careful attention to clinical
and course features, such as rapid cycling and mixed
states, that differ between children and adults with bipolar disorder. There is a great need for developmentally
appropriate indicators of symptoms, as well as for indicators that can distinguish among groups with overlapping disorders, such as ADHD.

1. Many of these studies were reported in a special issue of the
Journal of Affective Disorders in 2005: Akiskal et al., 2005a,b,c;
Akiyama et al., 2005; Erfurth et al., 2005a,b; Matsumoto
et al., 2005; Mendlowicz et al., 2005.
2. Paykel and Weissman, 1973; Harrow et al., 1990; Mintz et al.,
1992; Gitlin et al., 1995.



[Edgar Allan Poes alcoholism] was one of the methods by which he fought the intolerable
morbidity of his manic-depressive state of mind . . . Had this been his only weapon to relieve
the depressions that overtook him, he would, like thousands of others similarly affected, have
lived his life unknown and gone unsung by posterity. But he had a second weaponhis pen.
W. R. Bett (1952, pp. 7475)


Empedocles, Plato, Socrates and many other well-known

men. The same is true for most of those who have handled
poetry (1936, pp. 155157).
The Renaissance saw a resurgence of interest in the relationship among genius, melancholy, and madness, but an
important distinction was made between sane melancholics
of high achievement and individuals whose insanity prevented them from using their gifts. The eighteenth century
witnessed a sharp change in attitude, with rational thought
seen as essential to genius, a view then sharply reversed by
the nineteenth-century Romantics, who once again emphasized extremes in mood and experience as critical to
artistic inspiration and expression. In 1812the same year
that Byron, the personification of Romantic, melancholic
intensity, published Childe Harolds Pilgrimagephysician
Benjamin Rush, author of the first major psychiatric treatise
in the United States, recorded his clinical observations about
the relationship between acute manic and creative states
(Rush, 1812, pp. 153154):

The notion of a relationship between creativity and extremes in mood states is an ancient one, described in preGrecian myths and later by Plato and Socrates. Divine
madness and inspiration were thought to be obtainable
only during particular states of mind, such as loss of consciousness, affliction with illness, or fits of possession. In
his speech on divine madness in Phaedrus, Socrates said:
Madness, provided it comes as the gift of heaven, is the
channel by which we receive the greatest blessings . . .
[T]he men of old who gave things their names saw no
disgrace or reproach in madness; otherwise they would
not have connected it with the name of the noblest of all
arts, the art of discerning the future, and called it the
manic art. (Plato, 1974, pp. 4647)

He went on to discuss artistic madness in particular (p.

48): If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by
the madness of the Muses, believing that technique alone
will make him a good poet, he proclaimed, he and his
sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly
eclipsed by the performances of the inspired madman.
Madness, as understood by Plato and Socrates, encompassed a wide range of states of thought and emotion, not
just psychosis, but the emphasis was on a profoundly altered
state of thinking, awareness, and feeling. Aristotle, writing in
the 4th century BC, focused more specifically on the relationship among melancholia, madness, and inspiration.
Why is it, he asked, that all men who are outstanding in
philosophy, poetry or the arts are melancholic? This was
true of Ajax and Bellerophontes, he said: The former went
completely insane. . . . And many other heroes suffered in
the same way as these. In later times also there have been

From a part of the brain preternaturally elevated, but not

diseased, the mind sometimes discovers not only unusual
strength and acuteness, but certain talents it never exhibited before. . . . Talents for eloquence, poetry, music and
painting, and uncommon ingenuity in several of the
mechanical arts, are often involved in this state of madness. . . . The disease which thus evolves these new and
wonderful talents and operations of the mind may be
compared to an earthquake, which, by convulsing the
upper strata of our globe, throws upon its surface precious
and splendid fossils, the existence of which was unknown
to the proprietors of the soil in which they were buried.

An ironic exception to the nineteenth-century writers

who emphasized deep, mysterious, and irrational forces


Psychological Studies

giving rise to genius was the essayist Charles Lamb, himself

institutionalized for what would now be called bipolar illness, and companion to a sister intermittently insane with
the same illness. In The Sanity of True Genius, Lamb argued
for a balance of faculties, much as the eighteenth-century
writers had done (Lamb, 1987, pp. 212213):
Far from the position holding true, that great wit (or
genius, in our modern way of speaking), has a necessary
alliance with insanity, the greatest wits, on the contrary,
will ever be found in the sanest writers. It is impossible
for the mind to conceive a mad Shakespeare. The greatness of wit, by which the poetic talent is here chiefly to be
understood, manifests itself in the admirable balance of
all faculties. Madness is the disproportionate straining or
excess of any one of them. . . . The ground of the mistake
is, that men, finding in the raptures of the higher poetry a
condition of exaltation, to which they have no parallel in
their own experience, besides the spurious resemblance
of it in dreams and fevers, impute a state of dreaminess
and fever to the poet. But the true poet dreams being
awake. He is not possessed by his subject, but has dominion over it.

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries saw a

moderation of earlier Romantic views, due in part to the
inevitable swing from any extreme and in part to the more
circumspect reasoning of academic psychologists and psychiatrists. William James and Emil Kraepelin, for example,
emphasized positive features associated with certain kinds
of madness, or psychopathy, and speculated on how these
features might combine with other talents in some instances to produce an extraordinarily creative or accomplished person. They also stressed, however, the debilitating
extremes of mental illnesspsychosis or morbid depressions, for examplein addition to the milder, potentially
productive hypomanias and more reflective, philosophical
melancholias. These scholars underscored the need for sustained attention, discipline, and balance in the truly accomplished individual. This more moderate view has characterized most modern thinking about the relationship between
psychopathology and genius.
Kraepelin, a contemporary of William James, was acutely
aware of the dire consequences of untreated manicdepressive illness. But like many who had observed and
studied it, he wrote of its occasional positive aspects as well
(Kraepelin, [1921] 1976, p. 17):
The volitional excitement which accompanies the disease
may under certain circumstances set free powers which
otherwise are constrained by all kinds of inhibition. Artistic activity namely may, by the untroubled surrender to
momentary fancies or moods, and especially poetical

activity by the facilitation of linguistic expression, experience a certain furtherance.

Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler concurred, and further drew

the parallel between manic and artistic thought (Bleuler,
1924, pp. 466, 468):
The thinking of the manic is flighty. He jumps by bypaths from one subject to another, and cannot adhere to
anything. With this the ideas run along very easily and involuntarily, even so freely that it may be felt as unpleasant
by the patient. . . .
Because of the more rapid flow of ideas, and especially
because of the falling off of inhibitions, artistic activities are
facilitated even though something worthwhile is produced
only in very mild cases and when the patient is otherwise
talented in this direction. The heightened sensibilities naturally have the effect of furthering this.

William James, like his brother Henry and other members of their family, was subject to profound, debilitating
depressions. Nonetheless, he wrote about the potentially
valuable combination of an ardent, excitable temperament
with talent (James, 1902):
The psychopathic temperament [by which James meant
border-line insanity, insane temperament, loss of mental
balance], whatever be the intellect with which it finds itself paired, often brings with it ardor and excitability of
character. . . . His conceptions tend to pass immediately
into belief and action . . . [W]hen a superior intellect and
a psychopathic temperament coalesceas in the endless
permutations and combinations of human faculty, they are
bound to coalesce often enoughin the same individual,
we have the best possible condition for the kind of effective
genius that gets into the biographical dictionaries. Such
men do not remain mere critics and understanders with
their intellect. Their ideas possess them, they inflict them,
for better or worse, upon their companions or their age.

Myerson and Boyle, writing from Bostons McLean Hospital in the 1940s, reiterated the basic position of William
James; as Kraepelin and Rush had done, they focused on
manic-depressive illness. In discussing affective psychosis
in socially prominent families, they concluded (Myerson
and Boyle, 1941):
It does not necessarily follow that the individuals who appear in these records were great because they had mental
disease, although that proposition might be maintained
with considerable cogency and relevance. It may be that
the situation is more aptly expressed as follows. The
manic drive in its controlled form and phase is of value
only if joined to ability. A feebleminded person of hypomanic temperament would simply be one who carried on


more activity at a feebleminded level, and this is true also

of mediocrity, so the bulk of manic-depressive temperaments are of no special value to the world, and certainly
not of distinguished value. If however, the hypomanic
temperament is joined to high ability, an independent
characteristic, then the combination may well be more effective than the union of high ability with normal temperament and drive might be. The indefatigability, the
pitch of enthusiasm, the geniality and warmth which one
so often sees in the hypomanic state may well be a fortunate combination and socially and historically valuable.


Any relationship between manic-depressive illness and
creativity would appear to be unlikely, especially in light of
recent and overwhelming evidence that pervasive cognitive deficits mark many if not most individuals afflicted by
the bipolar form of the disorder (see Chapter 9), although
it should be noted that standard measures of intellectual
functioning, such as IQ tests, show only a modest association with creativity (see, e.g., Ochse, 1990; Piirto, 1994; Simonton, 1994). (Anecdotally, it is of interest that scientists
Richard Feynman and James Watson scored 120 on their
respective IQ tests.) It is counterintuitive that such a destructive illness could be associated with imagination or great
works of art. Yet the perceived association is a persistent
cultural belief and one that is backed by data from many
studies. All of these studies are limited by their methods, but
as we shall see, their findingsconverging as they do from
across varied methodologies and different populationsare
certainly suggestive. It may be, of course, that there is no
relationship. Or there may be a link, but not a causal one.
If there is a link, it may be that creativity or the creative
lifestyle leads to instability (for example, through highly irregular sleep patterns, financial and other stresses, alcohol
and drug abuse, or a social milieu with an excessive tolerance for erratic behavior), rather than the instabilitys facilitating creativity. Indeed, there may be a selection factor
for those who choose a life within the arts.
We argue here that there is a causal link whereby the
cognitive styles, temperaments, and intense, cyclic moods
associated with bipolar spectrum disorders cause some
who are already creative and productive to be even more
so. The argument is not that manic-depressive illness and
its related temperaments are essential to creative work;
clearly they are not. Nor do we argue that most people who
have bipolar or recurrent depressive illness are creative;
they are not. The argument is, rather, that a disproportionate number of eminent writers and artists have suffered
from bipolar spectrum disorders and that, under some


circumstances, creativity can be facilitated by such disorders. Indeed, great creative accomplishment is by definition a rare merging of temperament, intellect, imagination, happenstance, energy, and discipline.
While we focus here on mood, cognitive, and temperamental aspects of great achievement, the role of hard work
and discipline cannot be overemphasized. Lord Byron is
a good example of this point. There can be little question
that his poetry was strongly affected by his extreme moods
and indisputable mental anguish, but his personal discipline was extraordinary. Byrons extensive reworking of
a single stanza from Don Juan, for example, is illustrated in
Figure 121 and Box 121. His reason was punctuated,
even disturbed, by passion, wrote another poet, but whatever he was in person he was not, as an artist, passions
slave. In the poetry Byron masks his passion and makes it
into endurable art (Bold, 1983, p. 13). Byron himself wrote:
Yet, see, he mastereth himself, and makes / His torture tributary to his will.1

Methodological Issues
There are several ways to examine the relationship between manic-depressive illness and creativity, but until recently, apocryphal speculation far outweighed systematic
study. Criticism of work purporting to find a link has been
justified. Biographical studieswhile intrinsically fascinating, irreplaceable, and deeply instructive sources of information about moods, their extremes, and their roles in
the lives of artistsare fraught with difficulties (Jamison,
1993).2 This criticism has been discussed at length elsewhere (see, e.g., Jamison, 1993; Post, 1994; Ludwig, 1995).
Writers and artists, for example, however brutally honest they may be in some of their self-assessments, are of
necessity subjective and biased as well. The reliability of
letters, journals, and memoirs can be limited because they
are written from a single perspective or because the writer
was fully mindful of future biographers and posterity. Biographers, too, write with biases and under the influence
of prevailing or idiosyncratic viewpoints. Historical context and existing social customs also determine which
behaviors are culled or emphasized for comment. Certain
lifestyles provide cover for deviant and bizarre behavior,
and the arts, especially, have long given latitude to extremes
in behavior and mood. The assumption is prevalent that
within artistic circles, madness, melancholy, and suicide are
somehow normal, making it difficult at times to distinguish
truth from expectation.
Biographical or posthumous research poses other problems as well. Any historical perspective dictates that a listing of highly accomplished, affectively ill individuals will
be illustrative, but by no means definitive. Always in the
analysis of individual lives, problems arise. It is fairly easy


Psychological Studies

Figure 121. Autograph page from stanza 9, canto III, of Byrons Don Juan (reduced by one-third).
(Source: Reproduced by permission of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. MA56-57.)

to identify any number of major nineteenth-century British

or American poets who were manic-depressive, for example, but it is more difficult to determine what proportion
of the total pool of great poets they represent. (In many
instances, of course, the individuals under study are sufficiently important to be interesting in their own right, independently of any general grouping.) Also, more detailed
information exists for some individuals than for others
(for example, those more in the public eye, those living in
relatively recent times, those institutionalized, or those
writing more extensively about themselves).

The tendency for highly accomplished individuals to

be, almost by definition, inordinately productive and energetic creates a problem of another sorta bias toward
underdiagnosis of the manic side of bipolar illness. Biographical studies indicate that writers, artists, and composers often describe their periods of melancholy or depression in great detail, but that other aspects of mood
swings, such as hypomania and even at times overt psychosis, are subsumed under eccentricity, creative inspiration, or artistic temperament. Thus many individuals with
clear histories of profound or debilitating depressions are


BOX 121. Reworking by Byron of Stanza 9,

Canto III, from Don Juan
1. Life is a play and men
All tragedies are finished by a death,
2. All Comedies are ended by a marriage,
3. For Life can go no further
These two form the last gasp of Passions breath
4. All further is a blankI wont disparage
5. That holy statebut certainly beneath
6. The Sunof human beings
3. These two are lovellers, and human breath
So These point the epigram of human breath,
Or any The future states of both are left to faith,
4. Though Life and love I like not to disparage
The For authors think description might disparage
5. Tis strange that poets never try to wreathe [sic?]
With eith Tis strange that poets of the Catholic faith
6. Neer go beyond and but seem to dread miscarriage
So dramas close with death or settlement for life
Veiling Leaving the future states of Love and Life
The paradise beyond like that of life
8. And neer describing either
To mere conjecture of a devil and or wife
5. The worlds to come of both & or fall beneath,
6. And all both the worlds would blame them for miscarriage
And then both worlds would punish their miscarriage
7. So leaving both with priest & prayerbook ready
So leaving Clerg both a each their Priest and prayerbook
8. They say no more of death or of the Lady.
Source: Steffan, 1971, p. 345. Reprinted from Byrons Don Juan:Volume 1,
The Making of a Masterpiece, 2nd Edition, edited by Truman Guy Steffan,
Copyright 1957, 1971, renewed 1985. Courtesy of the University of Texas

labeled melancholic rather than manic-depressive, despite

their episodic (and often seasonal) histories of extremely
high energy, irritability, enthusiasm, and increased productivity (periods often accompanied by costly lapses in financial, social, and sexual judgment). Paradoxically, the more
chronically hypomanic the individual, the more noticeable
and relatively pathological the depression will be. Diagnostic
biases in the opposite direction also occur. Some researchers
tend to overdiagnose bipolar illness because they observe
patterns of behavior common to both hypomania and normal accomplishment (for example, enthusiasm, high energy,
and the ability to function with little sleep) and then label as
manic-depressive anyone displaying these symptoms.
Despite the difficulty of conducting diagnostic studies
based on biographical material, valid and useful research


can be carried out by using in a systematic way what is

known about bipolar illness: its symptomatic presentation
(for example, pronounced changes in mood, energy, sleep,
thinking, and behavior); associated behavior patterns (such
as alcohol and drug abuse, pathological gambling, violence,
pronounced and repeated financial reversals, and chaotic
interpersonal relationships); its association with suicide3;
its natural course4; and a family history, especially in firstdegree relatives (parents, siblings, or children), of depression,
mania, psychosis, or suicide. Psychiatric and medical conditions that can have similar symptoms (for example, thyroid
and other metabolic disturbances, drug-induced states, or
complex partial seizures and related epileptic conditions)
need to be considered, and ruled out, as well. Making a retrospective diagnosis is, in many ways, like putting together
the pieces of a three-dimensional puzzle or solving a mystery
by a complicated but careful marshaling of evidence. Biographical diagnoses must ultimately, of course, be more tentative than diagnoses made on living individuals, being circumstantial by nature, but they can be made, reliably and
responsibly and with an appreciation for the complexities
of anyones life, especially that of an artist.
Studies of living artists, writers, and composers have
had serious methodological flaws as well, including small
sample sizes, inconsistent definitions of creativity and psychiatric illness, and nonrandom or nonspecified selection
of subjects. These issues are discussed in greater detail later
in the chapter.

Biographical Studies
Many case-history studies of psychopathology in eminent
writers and artists were conducted during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Lombroso (1891)
found an overrepresentation of manic-depressive illness in
his study of geniuses and attributed it to his belief that
those who suffered from the illness feel and notice more
things and with greater vivacity and tenacity than other
men, their recollections are richer, and their mental combinations more fruitful (p. 27). Babcock (1895), writing a few
years later, observed that the geniuses he had studied were
more likely to be emotionally unstable and given to extremes in moods. Jacobson (1912), White (1930), and LangeEichbaum (1932) found high general rates of insanity in
their biographical studies of genius. The latter concluded
that within the group defined as geniuses, artists and poets
tended more to insanity than scientists and statesmen. Reid
(1912) and Onuf (1918) found that manic-depressive illness
was strongly overrepresented in their eminent subjects.
In a more quantitative analysis, Juda (1949) studied 113
German artists, writers, architects, and composers; she was
one of the first to undertake an extensive, in-depth investigation of not only artists and writers but also their relatives.

Table 121. Biographical Studies of Depression, Mania, and Suicide

in Eminent Writers, Composers, and Artists



Juda, 1949

113 German artists and


Martindale, 1972

21 eminent English poets

(born 16701809); 21
eminent French poets
(born 17701909)

Trethowan, 1977

60 eminent composers

Jamison, 1993

36 eminent/most
anthologized British
and Irish poets (born

Schildkraut et al., 1994

15 abstract expressionist
artists (New York

Post, 1994

100 eminent American

and British writers

Two-thirds were psychically normal; more suicides and insane

and neurotic individuals in artistic
group than general population.
Highest rates of psychiatric abnormalities in poets (50%), musicians
(38%), painters (18%), and architects (17%). First-degree relatives
of artists and writers were more
likely to be cyclothymic, commit
suicide, or have manic-depressive
illness. Psychosis was much more
common in grandchildren of
artists and writers.
55% of English poets and 40% of
French poets had significant
psychopathology (nervous
breakdown, suicide, and/or alcoholism). One in 7 had been placed
in asylum or had suffered from severe recurring and unmistakable
symptoms, such as hallucinations
or delusions.
Mood disorders easily the
commonest and most important
of psychiatric illnesses in composers; approximately 50% had a
melancholic temperament.
17% had been committed to insane
asylum; 22% had a history of
psychosis; 39% had a strong family
history of psychosis, suicide,
and/or melancholia; 6% committed suicide.
More than 50% had a depressive
illness; 40% received treatment;
20% hospitalized; 13% committed
suicide; 2 paternal suicides.
5% had history of bipolar psychosis;
2% unipolar psychosis; 16% severely disabled by depression; 8%
committed suicide. Total of 82%
with affective abnormalities.



Table 121. Biographical Studies of Depression, Mania, and Suicide

in Eminent Writers, Composers, and Artists (continued)



Ludwig, 1995

1,004 eminent
individuals across
all fields of

Post, 1996

45 scientists,
52 composers,
48 artists, 50 writers
21 eminent Hungarian
poets (born
40 eminent American
modern jazz

Compared with other professions

(business, science, public life),
artistic group had 23 times the
rate of psychosis, suicide attempts,
mood disorders, and substance
abuse. Those in the artistic group
were 67 times more likely to have
been involuntarily hospitalized.
Severe depressive illness: scientists
(18%); composers (15%); artists
(8%); writers (36%).
Bipolar-I (14%); bipolar-II (53%);
major depression (9%);
committed suicide (9%).
Psychotic illness (7.5%); major
affective illness (28.5%); inpatient
treatment for depression (10%);
committed suicide (2.5%).

Czeizel, 2001

Wills, 2003

She found a high rate of what she called manic-depressive

psychosis (4.3 percent) in her comparison sample of scientists (a broadly defined group), but no manic-depressive
illness in the artists. (Not uncommon for the times, there
was diagnostic confusion between schizophrenia and
manic-depressive illness.) The artists, instead, showed a
disproportionate rate of undetermined psychoses (2.7
percent) and schizophrenia (2.7 percent). First-degree relatives of the artists and writers, however, were disproportionately likely to be cyclothymic, to commit suicide, or to
have manic-depressive illness. Judas findings, together with
those from more recent systematic biographical studies, are
presented in Table 121. The methods and populations used
across these studies varied enormously, as did the selection
criteria and means used for diagnostic ascertainment.
The inconsistencies and methodological flaws in these
studies were substantial, but the individuals studied were of
indisputable artistic ability, and most had made lasting contributions to their fields. What is of interest is the consistency of the findingsthe strikingly increased rates of psychosis, institutionalization, and suicide in eminent artists
and writers. The markedly elevated rates for depressive
illnesses are particularly noteworthy given that the overwhelming majority of the subjects were men, who have a
considerably lower rate of depression than women.
To study the occurrence of mood disorders and suicide
in a consecutive sample of all of the most eminent British

and Irish poets born within a 100-year period (the most

frequently represented poets in 15 anthologies of
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century verse), Jamison (1993)
examined autobiographical sources, contemporary accounts, and medical records (where available) for poets
born between 1705 and 1805. She examined the available
letters, journals, and medical records for symptoms of depression, mania, and mixed states; seasonal or other patterns in moods, behavior, and productivity; the nature of
the course of the illness (for example, age at onset, duration, and patterns of recurrence); and evidence of other
psychiatric or medical illnesses (for example, substance
abuse or syphilis) that might confound the diagnostic picture. She placed a strong emphasis on both the severity and the recurrence of symptoms. In all cases it was the
patterning of mood, cognitive, energy, sleep, and behavior
symptoms that formed the focus of the study. The results
are summarized in Table 122. Jamisons findingsa disproportionately high rate of psychosis, manic-depressive
illness, institutionalization, and suicideare consistent
with those of other biographical studies, such as Martindales (1972) of eminent English and French poets;
Trethowans (1977) of composers; Schildkraut and colleagues (1994) of visual artists; Ludwigs (1992) of artists,
writers, composers, and eminent nonartists (see Table 123);
Posts (1994, 1996) of American and British writers and
of scientists, composers, artists, and writers, respectively;

Table 122. Mood Disorders and Suicide in Eminent British and Irish Poets
Born 17051805


Samuel Johnson

Severe recurrent melancholia. Perceived himself as intermittently

mad and had a terror of insanity. First serious breakdown at 20,
lasting more than 2 years. Experienced tics, obsessions, and phobias as well. Felt he had inherited his vile melancholy from his
Habitual melancholy and attacks of depression that grew more
frequent over time. Father subject to intermittent fits of insanity; extravagant, alcoholic, and violent.
Psychotic melancholia and possible mania. First complete breakdown at 29. Confined to lunatic asylum; accustomed to rave
much and make great moanings. Dissipation, intemperance,
and excess while undergraduate at Cambridge. Little known
about family history.
Ecstatic, grandiose, and religious mania. First confined to asylum
in his early thirties, but financial extravagance, instability, and
dissipation apparent while an undergraduate at Cambridge.
Spent several years in madhouse on incurable ward.
No indication of a significant mood disorder.

Thomas Gray
Williams Collins

Christopher Smart

Joseph Warton
Oliver Goldsmith

William Cowper

James Macpherson
Robert Fergusson

Thomas Chatterton

John Bampfylde

Violent temper, fitfully melancholic, financially extravagant,

compulsive gambler. Increasingly irritable, melancholic, and
subject to violent alternations of mood as he grew older. Little
known about family history except that Goldsmiths were perceived as strange and eccentric.
Recurrent psychotic melancholia and repeated suicide attempts.
Delusions and hallucinations. First signs of mental instability
while in his twenties; confined to asylum in his early thirties.
Family history of melancholia.
No indication of a significant mood disorder.
Cyclothymic temperament progressed to psychotic melancholia
and then maniacal excitement (possibly exacerbated by head
trauma). Died furiously insane, at age 24, in the Edinburgh
Committed suicide at age 17. Extremely moody even as a child.
Subject to severe melancholia as well as periods of frenzied energies, occasionally incoherent enthusiasms, and extreme
grandiosity. Wild fluctuations in mood. Sister confined to asylum, and niece suffered from unspecified psychiatric condition.
Confinement in private madhouse for 20 years. Fell into
dissipation after Cambridge studies. Little known about nature
of his psychiatric problems. A disposition to insanity in the
family, including a sister who became insane.


Table 122. Mood Disorders and Suicide in Eminent British and Irish Poets
Born 17051805 (continued)


George Crabbe

By age 24 described an annual woe and dread; suffered

throughout his life from fits of depression. Daily opium use
(initially prescribed for tic douloureux) for more than 40 years.
Father, described as a man of imperious temper and violent
passions, became increasingly and more irrationally violent as
he became older.
Hallucinations and delusions from an early age. Periods of
exaltation and grandiosity, as well as periods he described as a
deep pit of melancholymelancholy without any real reason.
Excessive irritability and attacks of rage, suspiciousness, and
paranoia. Little information about family history although one
brother, who spoke of visions of Moses and Abraham, was described as a bit mad.
Severe, recurrent, often seasonal melancholia (described by Burns
as the miseries of a diseased nervous system and a deep incurable taint which poisons my existence). Mercurial, agitated, and
volatile temperament. Both parents described as subject to
strong passions, fiery, and irascible.
No indication of a significant mood disorder.

William Blake

Robert Burns

Joanna Baillie
William Lisle Bowles
Samuel Rogers
William Wordsworth

Sir Walter Scott

Samuel Taylor
Robert Southey
Walter Savage Landor

No indication of a significant mood disorder.

No indication of a significant mood disorder.
Self-described as of a moody and violent temper. Subject to
hypochondriacal aches and pains. Described by some biographers as suffering from severe depressions to the verge of a
mental breakdown, but their nature and severity are unclear.
Sisters insanity likely to have been due to dementia rather
than to a psychiatric illness.
At various times described himself as suffering from a disposition
to causeless alarmmuch lassitudeand decay of vigor and intellect, a morbus eruditorum, and a black dog of melancholy.
Extended and recurrent melancholia. Mercurial, restless,
extravagant, grandiose, and agitated. Fitful enthusiasms and
despairs. Opiate addiction. Visionary states. Family history of affective illness and suicide.
Described as unduly excitable, with a history of nervous fever
and an unbalanced state of nerves; however, unclear indication of recurrent mood disorder of any significant severity.
Violent, restless, and unstable temperament. Litigious and
impulsive. Very much disposed to melancholy. Expelled from
both Rugby and Oxford. Thought by others to have had at least
a touch of insanity. Ungovernable temper and financially extravagant.


Table 122. Mood Disorders and Suicide in Eminent British and Irish Poets Born
17051805 (continued)


Thomas Campbell

Recurrent and severe melancholia, aggravated fits of

despondency. First attack when 18. Violently irritable, financially
extravagant, and alternately excited and depressed within shortperiods of time. Insanity in his and his wifes families. Son
placed in asylum, suffering from melancholia, capricious fits of
temper, paranoia, and leap-frog play of thoughts.
Autobiography describes a nervous condition, a melancholy
state, which lasted, the first time, for several months. I experienced it twice afterwards, each time more painfully than before,
and for a much longer period . . . for upwards of four years,
without intermission, and above six years in all.
No indication of a significant mood disorder.

Leigh Hunt

Thomas Love
Peacock 17851866
George Gordon, Lord
Byron 17881824

Percy Bysshe Shelley


John Clare

John Keats

George Darley

Hartley Coleridge

Recurrent, often agitated, melancholia. Volatile temperament with

occasional paroxysms of rage. Mercurial and extravagant;
worsening depressions over time. Strong family history of mental instability and suicide.
Recurrent, agitated, and occasionally suicidal melancholia.
Hysterical attacks followed by periods of listlessness; often seasonal. Ecstatic episodes and violent paroxysms of rage. Selfdescribed as tormented by visions, the psychiatric nature of
which remains unclear. Probable transient delusions. Intermittent laudanum use for nerves.
Spent 25 years in insane asylum. Long periods of inertia and
melancholia interspersed with episodes of frenzied, violent, and
extravagant activity. Hallucinations, as well as delusions of persecution and grandeur. Cause of madness listed as hereditary
by asylum physician.
Violent and ungovernable as a child; described by brother as
nervous, morbid, and suffering from many a bitter fit of
hypochondriasm [melancholy]; periods of depression often
followed by periods of intense activity and exhilaration. Described himself as having a horrid Morbidity of Temperament.
Rapidly shifting moods predated symptoms and diagnosis of
Recurrent, occasionally suicidal melancholia. Increasing periods of
depression and social withdrawal. Described extreme mood
swings, ranging from causeless and unreasonable periods of
frolic, extravagance, and insane actions to crazed periods of
Recurrent melancholia; severe mood swings alternating between
depression and extravagant hilarity. Lifelong struggles with alcoholism, heavings of agony, and paroxysms of rage. Expelled from Oxford for dissipation. Eccentric and visionary. Under conservatorship toward end of life. Insanity on both sides of
his family.



Table 122. Mood Disorders and Suicide in Eminent British and Irish Poets Born
17051805 (continued)


Thomas Hood
Thomas Lovell

Periods of morbidity, melancholia, and lethargy, but diagnosis

complicated by severe, recurrent physical illness.
Committed suicide at 45 after at least one earlier attempt. Volatile,
extravagant, eccentric, and subject to severe recurrent
melancholia. Father, also a physician, was highly eccentric and of
an extremely ardent temperament.
Fits of depression throughout his life. Deep depression and
brain fever after wifes death; possible psychosis. Volatile, extravagant, and eccentric. Intermittent opium habit. Physician
had never encountered in all his practice so excitable a tissue as
that which held [his] Brain. My Grandfather and Father,
Hawker wrote, were both of the same excitable temperament.
Recurrent and prolonged psychotic depressions. Hallucinations,
agitation, great overcurtaining gloom. Extreme eccentricity:
with one voice they all proclaimed me mad. Probable opiate
abuse. Father described as extravagant, financially dissolute, and
of quick and irascible temper.

Robert Stephen

James Clarence

Note: Poets selected for inclusion were the most frequently represented in 15 anthologies of
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British and Irish verse.
Source: Adapted from Jamison, 1993.

Studies of Living Writers and Artists

Czeizels (2001) of Hungarian poets;5 and Wills (2003) of

the lives of American jazz musicians. These studies are necessarily subjective in many respectsalthough suicide,
psychosis, and institutionalization are relatively objective
phenomenabut they are notable for the eminence of the
subjects involved and for the consistency of their findings.
Suicide rates were markedly elevated in all of the studies
(see Fig. 122).

There have been fewer studies of psychopathology in living writers and artists. Andreasen and colleagues undertook the first such inquiries into the relationship between
creativity and mental disorders (Andreasen and Canter,
1974; Andreasen and Powers, 1975; Andreasen, 1987).
These studies, using structured interviews, the Research
Diagnostic Criteria (RDC), and matched control groups,

Table 123. Rates of Suicide, Depression, Mania, and Psychosis in a Sample

of Writers, Artists, and Composers
Sample Size












Nonfiction writers











Fiction writers

Source: Adapted from Ludwig, 1992.


Psychological Studies






Rate in

(Andreasen, (Schildkraut
& Hirschfeld,




17081805) 1994)


Figure 122. Suicide rates in writers and artists. aSuicide rate at the time of study completion. bTwo
other artists died in single car accidents.

represented significant methodological advances over

prior, anecdotally based research. The size of the sample of
writers was relatively small (N = 30), however, and the subjects were of varying levels of creative accomplishment (all
were participants in the University of Iowa Writers workshop, but some were nationally acclaimed writers, while
others were graduate students or teaching fellows not nationally or internationally recognized). Andreasen noted
that because she studied only writers, her results could not
be generalized to other groups of creative individuals, such
as philosophers, scientists, or musicians. Although this is
true, and writers may be disproportionately likely to have
affective disorders, the homogeneity of the sample is valuable in its own right.
The results of the Iowa research are summarized in
Table 124. Clearly, the writers had an exceptionally
high rate of affective illness and alcoholism. Fully 80 percent of the study sample met standardized (RDC) diagnostic criteria for a major affective disorder. In contrast,
30 percent of the control sample (individuals outside the
arts who were matched for age, education, and gender)
met the same criteria (p < .001). Although this is a much
lower figure relative to the study sample, it still represents
a rate greater than that expected for the general population. It is unclear whether this discrepancy reflects an overrepresentation of affective illness in the control sample, or
the diagnostic criteria were overly inclusive for both the

creative and control groups. Almost one-half (43 percent) of

the creative sample met the diagnostic criteria for bipolar-I
or bipolar-II disorder.
In a study of eminent British writers and artists, Jamison (1989) examined rates of treatment for affective illness
within these groups and looked at seasonal patterns of
moods and productivity, the nature of intense creative
episodes and the similarities between such episodes and
hypomania, and the perceived role of very intense moods
in the writers or artists work. Subjects were chosen for
the study on the basis of having won at least one of several
specified top prizes or awards in their fields. Thus, all
painters and sculptors were either Royal Academicians or
Associates of the Royal Academy, and the work of 9 of
the 18 poets in the study sample had already been anthologized in The Oxford Book of Twentieth Century English Verse. Six of the eight playwrights had won the New
York Drama Critics Award and/or the Evening Standard
Drama Award (the London Critics award); several had
won both or had won one of these awards more than
The artists and writers were asked whether they had ever
received treatment for a mood disorder and, if so, what that
treatment had consisted of. The results, shown in Figure 123,
indicate that a large proportion of the total sample (38 percent) had been treated for an affective illness. Three-fourths
of those treated had been given antidepressants or lithium or



Table 124. Lifetime Prevalence of Mental Illness in Writers and Control Subjects
Diagnosis (Research
Diagnostic Criteria)

(n = 30)

(n = 30)

Any affective disorder




Any bipolar disorder











Major depression








Drug abuse





NS = not significant.
Source: Adapted from Andreasen, 1987. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association.

had been hospitalized. Poets were most likely to have received medication for depression (33 percent) and were the
only ones to have received medical intervention (hospitalization, electroconvulsive therapy, and/or lithium) for mania
(17 percent). Thus, one-half of the poets had been treated
with drugs or hospitalized for mood disorders. This rate is
strikingly high when compared with rates in the general
population (see Chapter 5). It is even higher when one
considers the fact that the proportion of those in the general population so seriously ill as to actually seek and receive
treatment is much lower, perhaps one-third to one-half the
rates reported in prevalence studies using diagnostic criteria
alone (Andreasen and Canter, 1974; Robins et al., 1984). A
further probable underestimate of the total rate of affective
illness in the study sample derives from the samples being
comprised largely of men, who, as noted, are less likely than
women to suffer from depression, as well as less likely to
seek treatment. The playwrights had the highest total rate
of treatment for mood disorders (63 percent), but a very
high percentage (38 percent) had been treated with psychotherapy alone; it is unclear whether this was due to a
difference in illness severity or in treatment preference. Visual artists and biographers had relatively lower rates of
treatment (13 and 20 percent, respectively); all treatment
was with antidepressants.

Although, with the exception of the poets, the subjects

reported being treated for depression, not mania or hypomania, the design of the study did not allow systematic inquiry into hypomanic or manic episodes. About one-third
of the writers and artists reported histories of severe mood
swings, however, and one-fourth reported histories of extended elated mood states. The novelists and poets most
frequently reported elated mood states, whereas the playwrights and artists were the most likely to report severe
mood swings. Biographers reported no history of severe
mood swings or elated states, an interesting finding since of
the five groups, they were the least likely to be associated
with creativity and thus provide a natural comparison
group (i.e., one highly proficient in writing but perhaps
less outstandingly creative by the nature of their work).
One of the major purposes of the British study was to
look at the similarities and dissimilarities between periods
of intense creative activity and hypomania. Hypothesized
similarities were based on the episodic nature of both; the
overlapping nature of the behavioral, mood, and cognitive
changes associated with both; and a possible link between
the duration and frequencies of the two types of experiences. The vast majority of the subjects (89 percent) reported having had experienced intense creative episodes
(100 percent of the poets, novelists, and artists; 88 percent


Psychological Studies

Percent Receiving Treatment






Artists (n ! 8)

Biographers (n ! 5)

Novelists (n ! 8)

Playwrights (n ! 8)

Poets (n ! 18)

Sample Populationa
(N ! 47)

Bipolar, requiring (minimally) hospitalization and lithium

Depressive illness, requiring (minimally) antidepressants
Depressive illness, psychotherapy only

Figure 123. Rates of treatment for affective illness in a sample of British writers and
artists. The percentages for the general population are based on Epidemiological Catchment
Area data. They indicate that less than one-third of those individuals with bipolar or unipolar
disorder receive treatment in any 6-month period. (Source: Jamison, 1989.)

of the playwrights; and, consistent with results reported

earlier, only 20 percent of the biographers). The modal duration of these episodes was 2 weeks (35 percent); 55 percent of the episodes lasted 1 to 4 weeks, 20 percent 1 to 24
hours, and 25 percent longer than 1 month. The episodes
were characterized by increases in enthusiasm, energy, selfconfidence, speed of mental associations, fluency of
thoughts, elevated mood, and a sense of well-being. Mood
and cognitive changes showed the greatest degree of overlap with the episodes characterized as intense creativity.
Approximately half of the subjects described a decreased
need for sleep and increased sensory awareness, but several
of the more behavioral changes typically associated with
hypomania (hypersexuality, increased talkativeness, and
spending of money) were reported by only a minority of
When asked open-ended questions about changes before these intense creative episodes, 89 percent reported
less need for sleep. (Coincident with the timing of the
switch process in bipolar illness, 28 percent spontaneously reported waking abruptly at 3:00 or 4:00 AM
and being unable to return to sleep.) Fifty percent of
the subjects reported a sharp increase in mood just

before the beginning of an intensely creative period; for

example, I have a fever to write, and throw myself energetically into new projects; excited, anticipatory, energetic; more optimistic; elated; uplifted; euphoric;
and ecstatic. Dysphoria preceded creativity in 28 percent of the subjects; that is, subjects reported feeling
more anxious; near suicide; increased irritability
and tension; fearfulness, general mood of distress and
slight paranoia; and irritable, antisocial. Finally, 22
percent reported mixed mood changes and psychomotor
restlessness; for example, mixture of elation together
with some gloominess, feeling of isolation, sexual pressure, fast emotional responses; restlessness; low ebb
bordering on despair often precedes good phase when
work will flow almost as though one is a medium, rather
than an originator; restless, dissatisfied. When asked
specifically about the importance of very intense feelings
and moods in their work, almost 90 percent stated that
such feelings and moods were either integral and necessary (60 percent) or very important (30 percent). More
poets than any other group regarded these intense moods
as integral and necessary to what they did and how they
did it.



Figure 124. Mean mood and productivity ratings (36 months) in

British writers and artists with a history of treatment for affective illness (N = 15). (Source: Jamison, 1989.)

Mood and Productivity Ratings







Mood Scores
Productivity Scores

Mood and Productivity Ratings

Yet another link between creativity and affective illness

may be the seasonal patterns underlying both moods and
artistic productivity (as discussed more extensively by
Jamison, 1993). Subjects rated their moods and productivity over a period of 36 months. Figures 124 and 125 show
mood and productivity curves for the study sample (broken down by those writers and artists with a history of
treatment for an affective illness and those with no such
history). Very different seasonal patterns emerged. Those
with a history of treatment demonstrated inversely related
curves for summer productivity and moods, whereas those
in the group with no history of treatment showed mood
and productivity curves more directly covarying. In the
treatment group, the peaks for productivity preceded and
followed the mood peak by 3 to 4 months.
There are several possible explanations for these differences. First, increased productivity associated with elevated
mood is almost certainly less likely to lead to treatmentseeking behavior than low productivity associated with elevated or any other mood. Second, the elevated mood of the
treatment group may reflect more true hypomania (i.e.,
greater distractibility, increased stimulus and people seeking), which may well lead to less productivity in the acute
phase. Indeed, Andreasen (1980, p. 381) found this in several
of the writers in her study: Some of their periods of hypomania were clearly counterproductive. The increased energy that they experienced could not be focused and controlled so that it could be expressed creatively, and so that
energy was dissipated in social or personal outlets.
The British study of writers and artists revealed many
overlapping mood, cognitive, and behavioral (especially
sleep) changes between hypomania and intense creative






Mood Scores
Productivity Scores

Figure 125. Mean mood and productivity ratings (36 months) in

British writers and artists with no history of treatment for affective
illness (N = 32). (Source: Jamison, 1989.)

states. Cognitive and mood changes showed far more overlap than behavioral ones, indicating that the milder forms
of hypomania may represent the more productive phase.
The affective continuum that ranges from normal states
through hypomania and then mania is very important,
but poorly understood (Jamison, 2004). It remains unclear
whether the overlap in cognitive and mood changes represents etiologically related syndromes or phenomenologically similar but causally unrelated patterns of expression.
It also remains unclear to what extent writers and artists
are simply more sensitive than the general population to
their own mood states and are therefore more able, and
perhaps also more willing, to articulate and report them.
In the no-treatment group, the periods of intensified
mood and increased productivity may represent a milder
form of hypomania, with cognitive and mood changes
only. These milder forms of hypomania or intensified normal functioning may result in simultaneous peaks for
mood and productivity. In the treatment group, the execution of work may have preceded and lagged behind the
mood component.
In another study of psychiatric disorders in living writers,
Ludwig (1994), using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM)-III-R and the Lifetime Creativity Scales developed
by Richards and colleagues (1988, discussed below), compared 59 female writers with 59 female nonwriters matched
for age, educational level, and fathers occupational status.
The writers were far more likely to meet the diagnostic criteria for depression and mania, and five times more likely
to have made a suicide attempt (see Fig. 126). They were
also more likely to have had a history of panic attacks, drug
abuse, or an eating disorder.


Psychological Studies


Writers (n ! 59)
Nonwriters (n ! 59)






(p < .01)

(p < .01)

(p < .00000)

Figure 126. Lifetime rates of mood disorders in female writers

and nonwriters. (Source: Adapted from Ludwig, 1994. Reprinted with
permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association.)

Family Studies
A familial association between psychopathology and creativity has been found in several studies. Early biographical
work by Lombrosa (1891), Galton (1892), and LangeEichbaum (1932) suggested that both psychopathology and
creative accomplishment ran in the families of eminent
writers, artists, and composers. Juda (1949), as we have noted,
found that first-degree relatives of artists and writers were
more likely to have had manic-depressive illness, committed
suicide, been cyclothymic, or been psychotic. This finding is
supported by the results of Jamisons (1993) study of firstdegree relatives of eminent British and Irish poets, as well
as by the extensive family history (often multigenerational)
of suicide, manic-depressive illness, and psychosis in the
pedigrees of, among others, George Gordon, Lord Byron;
Alfred Lord Tennyson; Robert Schumann; William and
Henry James; Herman Melville; Samuel Taylor Coleridge;
Virginia Woolf; Ernest Hemingway; Mary Shelley and Mary
Wollstonecraft; James Boswell; Samuel Johnson; Vincent
van Gogh; Thodore Gricault; Gustav Mahler; Robert Lowell; John Berryman; Anne Sexton; August Strindberg; Tennessee Williams; and Eugene ONeill.
More systematic investigations have provided a valuable supplement to these case studies. Karlsson (1970), at
the Institute of Genetics in Iceland, showed that firstdegree relatives of psychotic patients, as well as the patients
themselves, were far more likely than the general popula-

tion to be eminent across many fields of artistic and intellectual endeavor. He also showed that there was a significantly increased risk of mental illness in distinguished
Icelandic scholars and their relatives. Although Karlsson
posited a familial relationship between schizophrenia
and creativity, later investigators have concluded that his
data actually show a very strong relationship between
mood disorders, especially bipolar illness, and creativity
(Richards, 1981; Andreasen and Glick, 1988; George et al.,
Other researchers have looked at familial patterns of creativity and mood disorders in living artists and writers. Andreasen (1987) investigated the family histories of the University of Iowa Writers Workshop writers and controls
discussed earlier (see Table 125). Consistent with the elevated rate of affective illness in the writers, there was a significantly higher rate of affective illness in the primary relatives of the writers than in the primary relatives of the
controls (p < .001). The overall prevalence for any type of
psychiatric disorder was also much higher in the relatives of
the writers (42 percent) than in the relatives of the controls
(8 percent). Additionally, more first-degree relatives of
writers than of controls showed histories of creative accomplishment (20 versus 8 percent).
Using a very different research design to study the relationship between creativity and psychopathology, Richards
and colleagues (1988) at Harvard investigated creativity
broadly defined in a sample of patients and their relatives.
They hypothesized that a genetic vulnerability to manicdepressive illness may be accompanied by a predisposition to creativity, which may be more prominent among
close relatives of patients with bipolar spectrum disorders
than among the patients themselves. Such a compensatory
advantage, they speculated, would be roughly analogous to
the resistance to malaria found among unaffected carriers
of the gene for sickle-cell anemia. To test their hypothesis,
the researchers selected 17 bipolar and 16 cyclothymic patients, along with 11 of their normal first-degree relatives,
using criteria that would ensure inclusion of a spectrum
of disorders. These patients and their relatives were compared with 15 normal control subjects and with 18 controls who had a psychiatric diagnosis but no personal or
family history of major affective disorder, schizophrenia,
or suicide. Unlike other studies in the field, which limited
the definition of creativity to significant, socially recognized
accomplishment in the arts or sciences, these investigators
attempted to measure the disposition toward originality
manifested in a wide range of everyday endeavors. They
administered the Lifetime Creativity Scales, a previously validated instrument that assesses the quality and quantity of
everyday creative involvement in both work and leisure



Table 125. Mental Illness in First-Degree Relatives of 30 Writers and 30 Control Subjects
Family History

(n = 116)

(n = 121)


Bipolar disorder
Major depression



(n = 60)

(n= 60)












Any affective

Any illness

(n = 56)

(n = 121)
















NS = not significant.
Source: Adapted from Andreasen, 1987. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association.

Overall peak creativity may be enhanced, on the average,

in subjects showing milder and, perhaps, subclinical
expressions of potential bipolar liability (i.e., the
cyclothymes and normal first-degree relatives) compared
either with individuals who carry no bipolar liability
(control subjects) or individuals with more severe manifestations of bipolar liability (manic-depressives). . . .
There may be a positive compensatory advantage . . . to
genes associated with greater liability for bipolar disorder. The possibility that normal relatives of manicdepressives and cyclothymes have heightened creativity
may have been overlooked because of a medical-model
orientation that focused on dysfunction rather than positive characteristics of individuals. Such a compensatory
advantage among the relatives of a disorder affecting at
least 1% of the population could affect a relatively large
group of people.

Figure 127. Mean creativity in selected diagnostic groups. Mean

overall peak creativity scores for controls with a diagnosis (DX), normal controls (N), normal first-degree biological relatives of cyclothymes and manic-depressives (NC Rel), cyclothymes (CYC), and
manic-depressives (MDI). (Source: Richards et al., 1988.)

Creativity Scores

Richards and colleagues found significantly higher combined creativity scores among the bipolar and cyclothymic patients and their normal first-degree relatives
than among the control subjects (see Fig. 127). The normal index relatives showed suggestively higher creativity
relative to the bipolar patients, and the cyclothymic patients were close to the normal relatives. Modifying their
original hypothesis, the authors concluded (p. 287):



NC Rel
Creativity adjusted for effects of:
Gender, Education, Age and Intelligence


Psychological Studies

More recently, Simeonova and colleagues (2005) examined

the potential familial connection between bipolar illness and
creativity in a different way. They compared creativity in
bipolar parents (n = 40), their offspring with bipolar disorder (n = 20), and bipolar offspring with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (n = 20) with healthy control
adults (n = 18) and their healthy control children (n = 18).
The investigators found that parents with bipolar disorder
and their bipolar offspring scored higher than healthy controls on measures of creativity. They suggested several interpretations for their findings, which are consistent with
those of studies discussed earlier: bipolar disorder could
cause creativity; bipolar disorder and creativity could be
transmitted independently from parents to children; family
environment may affect the putative familial cotransmission
of creativity and bipolar disorder; or the genes for bipolar
disorder and creativity may be linked and co-segregate
through generations, accounting for their co-occurrence
in people with BD [bipolar disorder] (p. 624). The study
was unable to ascertain which of these hypotheses was the
most viable, and its measure of creativity (the Barron-Welsh
Art Scale) is not commonly used for that purpose, but the
findings suggest that children with familial bipolar illness
are more creative than healthy control children. The researchers also found that creativity in bipolar children was
negatively correlated with duration of illness, which they
attributed to the deleterious effects of prolonged illness
and/or protracted exposure to medications.
In earlier, related research, Coryell and colleagues (1989)
found that, although affectively ill groups (major depression, n = 442; bipolar-I, n = 64; bipolar-II, n = 88) did not
differ from one another in occupational or educational
achievement, the first-degree relatives of the probands with
bipolar disorder had significantly higher mean levels of
achievement compared with the first-degree relatives of the
probands with major depression. Earlier, Woodruff and
colleagues (1971) had shown that bipolar probands and
their brothers had higher status ratings than probands with
major depression and their brothers.

The results of these studies suggest that creativity and

mental illness, especially bipolar disorder, may tend to aggregate in certain families and not in others, but they do not
show decisively that genetic factors are operating; that is, they
demonstrate that there is a familial association, but not necessarily that the characteristics under discussion are heritable. It could be, for example, that the family and its environment, rather than the genetic inheritance itself, are exerting
the primary influence. McNeil (1971), using an adoptedoffspring research design, attempted to clarify this natureversus-nurture problem. All of his subjects were adults who
had been adopted shortly after birth and were part of a larger
Danish psychiatric genetics study. They were classified as being high creative (most of the individuals in this group had
achieved national prominence in the arts), above average,
or low creative. Their rates of mental illness were then compared with those found in their biological and adoptive parents. The results are summarized in Table 126. The rates of
mental illness were highest in the high creative group and
their biological parents. The rates of psychopathology in the
adoptive parents did not vary significantly from one level of
adoptee creativity to another. Although the size of the sample
was necessarily small, and the type of psychopathology was
not rigorously ascertained, the study is both an interesting
and an important one; its significance lies in the reasons
given by McNeil in his summary remarks (p. 405):
Mental illness rates in the adoptees were positively and
significantly related to their creative ability level, substantiating the hypothesized relationship between creative
ability and mental illness. The mental illness rates of the
biological parents were positively and significantly related
to the creative ability of the adoptees. Mental illness rates
among the adoptive parents and the adoptive and biological siblings were independent of the adoptees creative
ability level. The data were interpreted as evidence for the
influence of prebirth factors on the relationship between
creative ability and mental illness. No evidence of familyrelated postbirth influence was found.

Table 126. Rates of Mental Illness in Adoptees and their Biological

and Adoptive Parents

Biological Parents

Adoptee Parents

High creative




Above average






Adoptee Group

Low creative

Source: Adapted from McNeil, 1971. Reproduced with permission from Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


Hypothesized Relationships between

Manic-Depressive Illness and Creativity
In hypothesizing possible relationships between manicdepressive illness and creative accomplishment, several
general areas need to be explored: characteristics of the illness, such as acute and long-term cognitive, temperamental, and mood changes; experiences due to having the illness; and the relative importance of different aspects of the
illness to various types of accomplishment.

Characteristics of the Illness

Profound changes in mood, cognition, personality, sleep,
energy, and behavior can occur during all phases of manicdepressive illness. Even during normal states, many individuals experience subtle and not-so-subtle fluctuations in the
intensity of their perceptions and feelings. All of these
changes have potentially important effects on creativity and
productivity, but perhaps most relevant to our discussion
here are those changes that occur during the milder manic
states. The DSM-IV-R criteria for hypomania are given in
Chapter 3; even the most casual review suggests prima facie
reasons for a possible connection between hypomania and
accomplishment. There is some truth in the easy, glib question that often arises in clinical teaching situations: Who
would not want an illness that numbers among its symptoms elevated and expansive mood, inflated self-esteem,
more energy than usual, decreased need for sleep, and enhanced sexuality? (Notably, DSM-III criteria for hypomania
also included sharpened and unusually creative thinking
and increased productivity as diagnostic criteria.)
Many creative individuals describe their mood states
during moments of greatest inspiration and productivity
as elated, expansive, and, on occasion, ecstatic. Although it
is unclear whether these mood changes precede or follow
creative thought, there is some evidence that expansiveness
of thought and grandiosity of both mood and thought
common features of mild maniacan result in an increased fluency and frequency of ideas that is highly conducive to creative achievement. The similarities between
intense creative episodes and hypomania were discussed
earlier; these are periods when many successful artists and
writers report powerful mood and sleep changes, often
just preceding times of intense creative activity. This period of elated and expansive mood is described by many
individuals as a time of faster and more fluid thinking, new
ideas, and novel connections between thoughts. The fluency of thought common to hypomania and creative activity was reported by Kraepelin (1921, p. 15) in his citation of
the experimental work of Isserlin:
Isserlin has specially investigated the duration of ideas in
manic patients. He found that their associations show


heightened distractibility in the tendency to diffusiveness, to spinning out the circle of ideas stimulated and
jumping off to others, a phenomenon which in high degree is peculiar to mania.

The increase in speed of thoughtsranging from a

very mild quickening, to flight of ideas, to psychotic
incoherencemay exert its influence on creative production in several ways. Speed per se, or the quantity of
thoughts and associations, may be enhanced. Also significant, however, may be the effect of this increased quantity
on the qualitative aspects of thought; that is, the sheer volume of thought may produce unique ideas and associations.
Guilfords (1957) systematic psychological studies of the
nature of creativity led to the conclusion that creative
thinking encompasses several components (many of which
relate directly to cognitive changes that take place during
mild manias as well). Fluency of thinking is defined operationally by Guilford through several related concepts, each
with tests to measure it: (1) word fluency, or the ability to
produce words each containing a specified letter or combination of letters; (2) associational fluency, or the production
of as many synonyms as possible for a given word in a limited amount of time; (3) expressional fluency, or the production and rapid juxtaposition of phrases or sentences; and (4)
ideational fluency, or the ability to produce ideas to fulfill
certain requirements in a limited amount of time. In addition to fluency of thinking, Guilford developed two other
concepts important to creativity: spontaneous flexibility, or
the ability and disposition to produce a great variety of ideas,
with freedom to switch from category to category, and adaptive flexibility, or the ability to devise unusual types of solutions (relative to the frequency of response occurrences in
the general population). Guilford (1959) also concluded, as
did Hudson (1966) in his later work, that creative individuals
are far more characterized by divergent thinking (a type
of thinking in which considerable searching about is done
and a number of answers will do) than by convergent
thinking (thinking toward one right answer).
More recently, several researchers have shown that
manic patients, unlike normal individuals or patients with
schizophrenia, tend to exhibit pronounced combinatory
thinking. Characterized by the merging of percepts, ideas,
or images in an incongruous fashion, the ideas formed in
this way become loosely strung together and extravagantly combined and elaborated (Shenton et al., 1987;
Solovay et al., 1987). Manic subjects show highly combinatory thought patternsoften characterized by humor,
flippancy, and playfulnessin sharp contrast to the response patterns exhibited by normal subjects and by
patients with schizophrenia (see Chapter 2, particularly
Table 24).


Psychological Studies

Andreasen and Powers (1975) compared manic patients, schizophrenic patients, and writers from the University of Iowa Writers Workshop on measures of conceptual overinclusiveness (the tendency to combine test
objects into categories in a way that tends to blur,
broaden, or shift conceptual boundaries). They hypothesized that creative writers might show thinking styles similar to those seen in schizophrenic individuals, but this
notion was found to be groundless; instead, they observed
that the writers showed conceptual styles quite like those
of the manic patients: Both writers and manics tend to
sort in large groups, change dimensions while in the process of sorting, arbitrarily change starting points, or use
vague distantly related concepts as categorizing principles (p. 72). The subjects differed primarily in the degree
of control they were able to exert over their patterns of
thought, with the writers able to carry out controlled
flights of fancy during the process of sorting, while the
manics tend to sort many objects for bizarre or personalized reasons (p. 72).
Schuldberg (1990) found that several hypomanic traits
contributed to performance on tests measuring creativity; of
particular relevance here, he found that creative cognition
was far more similar to hypomanic flight of ideas than to
the loose associations that are characteristic of schizophrenia. Relatedly, people having strong emotional responses in
general, who also tend to score higher on measures of being
at risk for developing bipolar illness, often have more elaborate and generalizing cognitive operations (Larsen et al.,
1987). Early studies had found that rhymes, punning, and
sound associations increase during mania, and that many
patients spontaneously start writing poetry while manic
(Kraepelin, 1921; Murphy, 1923). Welch and colleagues (1946),
in an early study of associational fluency in 101 inpatients at
the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic, found that patient
groups that would today be called bipolar scored higher
when elated than other clinical groups; all patient groups
scored higher when elated than when less elated (see Table
Nearly 150 years ago, Richarz noted that in mania
thoughts tend to form strings of ideas . . . that link together by their content, alliteration, or assonance. In racing
thoughts, the ideas come and go rapidly as if they were
hunting each other or continuously overlapping without
any link between them (1858; quoted in Koukopoulos and
Koukopoulos, 1999, pp. 557558). The predominant difference between the two states described is mood; that is, the
elated mood of mania probably is more likely to result in
a linking of ideas than is the dysphoria associated with racing thoughts.
Likewise, in studies of word-associational patterns, researchers have found that the number of original responses

Table 127. Average Score on the Association Test for

Elated and Nonelated Patients When
Classified According to Clinical Groups
Mean Score
When Elated

Mean Score
When Not Elated

Anxiety neurosis




Manic excitement








Paranoid reaction








All groups



Clinical Group

Source: Adapted from Welch et al., 1946.

to a word-association task (in which an individual is asked

to give as many associations as possible for a particular
word) increases three-fold during mania; the number of
statistically common, or predictable, responses falls by approximately one-third (Henry et al., 1971; Pons et al., 1985).
Henry and colleagues (1971) found that the change in
word-association patterns was directly proportional to the
severity of manic symptoms. Other researchers have found
that acutely manic patients score much higher on a wordassociation task than patients acutely ill with schizophrenia or control subjects (Levine et al., 1996) (see Fig. 128).
Hypomania also has been found to increase intellectual
functioning on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
(Donnelly et al., 1982). Many mood-induction studies have
shown that a strongly positive, or up, mood facilitates
creative problem solving6; relatedly, the majority of the
British writers and artists in Jamisons (1989) study reported pronounced elevations in mood just prior to their
periods of intensive creative activity. Richards and Kinney
(1990) at Harvard found that the overwhelming majority of
bipolar patients they studied reported being in a mildly or
very elevated mood when experiencing their greatest periods of creativity. Several features closely linked to elevated
mood states in their subjects clearly overlapped with those
found in the British writers and artists; these included


Mean Associative Word Production


Figure 128. Mean associative word productiondifferential findings in acute manic versus acute schizophrenic patients. Given for
each group are mean ( standard error [SE]) of associative words
produced to 12 stimulus words. Mean associative word production by
bipolar patients with acute mania (C) was higher in a statistically significant manner than in patients with acute schizophrenia (D) (t = 2.43,
p < .05). Both patients with mania and patients with acute schizophrenia showed significantly higher associative word production than
control subjects (A) (t = 4.5, p < .001; t = 4.5, p < 0.001, respectively).
Patients with unipolar depression (B) or residual schizophrenia (E)
showed mean associative word production similar to the control values. (Source: Levine et al., 1996. Reproduced with permission from
Karger Publishing.)

increased speed of association, ease of thinking, new ideas,

and expansiveness. Although the tendency has been to assume that creative periods lead to high or elevated
moods and noncreative periods to depressed ones, the results of these studies suggest that the reverse may be true. It
may be that elevations in mood such as those caused by
hypomania result in more creative thought; likewise, depressed mood and thinking usually lead to periods relatively bereft of creative work.
In all these facets of creative thought, the elements of fluency and flexibility of cognitive processing are emphasized.
Clearly, the mere quickening and opening up of thought
in an otherwise unimaginative person will not result in
creative achievement. If the cognitive processes of an otherwise creative individual are hastened and loosened by hypomania, however, a qualitatively different result may well
emerge. Hyperacusis, so often experienced during manic
states, may contribute to creativity as well. Characteristics
of a noncognitive naturesuch as boldness, grandiosity of
spirit and vision, disinhibition, impatience, abandonment
of normal judgment and restraint, and recklessnessalso
link bipolar illness and creative accomplishment. The temperamental characteristics observed to be common in highly
creative individualspersistence, wit, self-confidence, a


pleasure in taking risk, high energy, independence, exuberance, rebelliousness, and playfulness7 are also characteristic of many who have hypomanic and cyclothymic temperaments. Stanford researchers, for example, found that
bipolar patients and highly creative individuals have more
personality traits in common than do healthy normal controls and creative individuals (Nowakowska et al., 2005; see
also Jamison, 2004).
It may be that the combination of experience, potentiating personality characteristics (see Chapter 10), and cognitive changes that occur during hypomania and may facilitate original thought gives rise to a subgroup of individuals
with bipolar illness that is unusually creative. Two critical
components of creativityan independent, risk-taking,
restless, and enthusiastic personality, and a fluent, disinhibited cognitive styleare found at an increased frequency in the bipolar population, thus producing some of
the conditions that may lead to a disproportionate rate
of creativity in a group otherwise characterized by damaging moods and behavior. Recent research lends credence to
the importance of disinhibition, or an openness to incoming stimuli from the surrounding environment, to creativity. Carson and colleagues (2003), for example, found that
highly creative Harvard students were seven times more
likely to have low inhibition scores than less creative Harvard students. The investigators hypothesized that low inhibition, when coupled with extreme flexibility of thought,
may lead to mental illness in some individuals and to creative accomplishment in others. Presumably it could also
lead to the coexistence of creativity and mental illness in
yet others. Likewise, the ability to function well on a few
hours of sleep and to work at a high energy level are integral
to most hypomanic states; they are also integral to putting
ideas into action. In her studies of outstanding artists and
scientists, for example, Anne Roe (1946, 1951, 1952) found
one trait that stood out: the willingness and ability to work
hard and to work long hours.
Throughout this book, we stress the recurrent, cyclic nature of manic-depressive illnessits natural course, pathophysiology, subjective experience, and seasonal and diurnal patterns. Integrally linked to this conception and of
particular consequence here is the significance of contrasting, recurrent mood states. Cyclic patterns are common to both mood disorders and the nature of creative
work. The ebbing and flowing character of inspiration,
described so often, bears a striking resemblance to changes
from the vitality to nonvitality of different seasons, death
and rebirth, and the antithetical qualities of the bipolar
mood states.
Clinical characteristics such as changes in mood, thinking, energy, and behavior are usually opposite in mania and
depression. This is true for linguistic and artistic patterns as


Psychological Studies

well. Manic patients, for example, tend not only to speak

more and more rapidly, but also to use more colorful and
powerful speech, including more action verbs and adjectives (see Chapter 2). Artistic expression also changes across
mood states (see Table 128 and Plates 1518). Manic patients tend to use vivid and highly contrasting colors; depressed patients, on the other hand, use primarily black
and cold, darker colors (when the depression begins to
clear, the palette tends to lighten accordingly). The content
of paintings produced during mania tends to be more sexual, filled with motion and bright portrayals of natural
phenomena such as fires, waterfalls, and landscapes; in
contrast, paintings done during the depressed phase tend

to show a paucity of ideas, a lack of motion, and themes of

death and decay. Paintings produced by manic patients are
usually done rapidly and impulsively and often have an agitated or swirling quality; paintings produced by depressed
patients are relatively barren, are painted slowly, and exhibit less imagination. The contrasting nature of the elated
and depressive states provides, for those with artistic or literary ability, a rich variety of experiences and sensations
from which to create.
The ability to reconcile opposite states, whether they are
of mood, thought, or vitality, is critical to any creative act.8
Thomas Moore (1832), himself a poet, described this ability in his friend Byron:

Table 128. Artistic Expression during Mania and Depression





Vivid, hot, sharply contrasting

(Zimmerman and Garfinckle,
1942); wild (Reitman, 1950); highly
colored, without the time to use a
variety of colors (Dax, 1953); vivid
(Plokker, 1965); bright, warm,
optimistic (Enchescu, 1971); color
did not differentiate manic patients
as a diagnostic group (Wadeson and
Carpenter, 1976).
Sexual, setting sun, orifices
(Zimmerman and Garfinckle, 1942);
often obscene (Dax, 1953); flowers,
landscapes, sunrises, fires, waterfalls,
animals, people, dance scenes
(Enchescu, 1971).

Somber (Reitman, 1950); somber, usually black with

upper portion darkest (Dax, 1953); dark colors,
upper portion of picture generally darker than
lower, lightening of palette as depression begins to
clear (Plokker, 1965); dark, dirty, cold, somber
(Enchescu, 1971); bipolar more colorful than
unipolar (Wadeson and Carpenter, 1976).



Form and activity

Positive, assured (Zimmerman and

Garfinckle, 1942); excitement (Reitman,
1950); careless (Dax, 1953); euphoric
(Enchescu, 1971).
Extreme agitation, productive, fluid
composition, swirl-like forms
(Zimmerman and Garfinckle, 1942);
restless, disordered, incoherent lines
(Reitman, 1950); rapidly produced,
lacking in restraint (Dax, 1953);
deterioration in composition
(Plokker, 1965); rapid and expansive,
far more productive than in depressed
phase; lines are rash, thick, and crossed
(Enchescu, 1971).

Poverty of ideas (Reitman, 1950); immobile figures

with sunken heads, signs of death, starless nights
rather than days, trees broken off, no flowers (Dax,
1953); representations of delusions (sin, poverty,
hypochondriasis), torture, suicide (Plokker, 1965);
mourning scenes, physical or moral disaster,
abandonment, physical decompensation
(Enchescu, 1971).
Useless, depressive, cold, gloomy (Enchescu, 1971).

Bareness and lack of detail (Dax, 1953); rarely

engaged in artistic activity (Plokker, 1965); less
creative activity (Enchescu, 1971).


It must be perceived by all endowed with quick powers of

association how constantly, when any particular thought
or sentiment presents itself to their minds, its very opposite, at the same moment, springs up there also; if anything
sublime occurs, its neighbour, the ridiculous, is by its side;
across a bright view of the present or the future, a dark
one throws its shadow; and, even in questions respecting
morals and conduct, all the reasonings and consequences
that may suggest themselves on the side of one of two opposite courses will, in such minds, be instantly confronted
by an array just as cogent on the other. A mind of this
structureand such more or less, are all those in which
the reasoning is made subservient to the imaginative
facultythough enabled, by such rapid powers of association, to multiply its resources without end, has need of the
constant exercise of a controlling judgment to keep its perceptions pure and undisturbed between the contrasts it
thus simultaneously calls up.

The manic-depressive, or cyclothymic, temperament

carries with it the capacity to react strongly and quickly;
it is, in a biological sense, an alert and excitable system. It
responds to the world with a wide range of emotional,
perceptual, intellectual, behavioral, and energy changes,
and it creates around itself both the possibilities and
chaos afforded by altered experiences and fluctuating
tempos. The constant transitions can be painful and
confusing. Such chaos in those able ultimately to transcend it or shape it to their will can, however, result in an
artistically useful comfort with transitions, an ease with
ambiguities and with life on the edge, and an intuitive
awareness of the coexisting and oppositional forces at
work in the world.
Of interest, two recent studies found increased cyclothymia in creative individuals (Akiskal et al., 2005;
Nowakowska et al., 2005). The relationship between the
cyclic and contrasting nature of manic-depressive illness
and creative work is discussed in much further detail by
Jamison (1993).

Experiences Derived from Having the Illness

I do strongly feel that among the greatest pieces of luck
for high achievement is ordeal. Certain great artists can
make out without it, Titian and others, but mostly you
need ordeal. My idea is this: The artist is extremely lucky
who is presented with the worst possible ordeal which
will not actually kill him. At that point, hes in business.
Beethovens deafness, Goyas deafness, Miltons blindness,
that kind of thing. And I think that what happens in my
poetic work in the future work will probably largely depend not on my sitting calmly on my ass as I think,
Hmm, hmm, a long poem again? Hmm, but on being


knocked in the face, and thrown flat, and given cancer,

and all kinds of other things short of senile dementia. At
that point, Im out, but short of that, I dont know. I hope
to be nearly crucified.John Berryman (1976, p. 322)

Berryman, a contemporary of Robert Lowell and

Theodore Roethke, was, like them, a winner of the Pulitzer
Prize for poetry and someone who suffered from bipolar
illness. At the end of a full but highly painful and tumultuous life, he committed suicide (as had his father and aunt
before him). He was far from alone in believing that suffering could be conducive to creative work. Learning through
intense and deep emotional experiences and using that
learning to add meaning and depth to creative work is probably the aspect of the relationship between mood disorders
and accomplishment most widely accepted and written
about. The influence of pains dominion fills novels, biographies and autobiographies, sermons, and canvases; there
is no shortage of portrayals.
Profound depression or the suffering of psychosis can,
and often does, fundamentally change expectations and
beliefs about the nature and length of life, God, and other
people. Many writers have described the impact of their
long periods of depression, how they have dealt with them,
and how they have used them in their work. Anne Sexton,
a contemporary of Lowell, Roethke, and Berryman, was
also a Pulitzer Prize winner in poetry and someone who almost certainly had bipolar illness. After many hospitalizations for both mania and depression, she, like Berryman,
committed suicide. She described the importance of using
pain in her work:
I, myself, alternate between hiding behind my own hands,
protecting myself any way possible, and this other, this
seeing ouching other. I guess I mean that creative people
must not avoid the pain that they get dealt. . . . Hurt must
be examined like a plague. (Sexton and Ames, 1977, p. 105)

Robert Lowell, who wrote of depression, I dont think it

a visitation of the angels but a weakening in the blood, also
Depressions no gift from the Muse. At worst, I do nothing. But often Ive written, and wrote one whole book
For the Union Deadabout witheredness. . . . Most of the
best poems, the most personal, are gathered crumbs from
the lost cake. I had better moods, but the book is lemony,
soured and dry, the drought I had touched with my own
hands. That, too, may be poetryon sufferance. (quoted
in Giroux, 1987, p. 287)

Both Lowell and Sexton wrote of their heightened psychological sensitivity and vulnerability in graphic and quite
similar physical metaphors: seeing too much and feeling


Psychological Studies

it/with one skin-layer missing (Lowell) and even illusion

breaks its filament wings/on the raw skin of all I wouldnt
know (Sexton).
Hypomania and mania often generate ideas and associations, propel contact with life and other people, induce
frenzied energies and enthusiasms, and cast an ecstatic,
rather cosmic hue over life. Melancholy, on the other hand,
tends to force a slower pace; cools the ardor; and puts into
perspective the thoughts, observations, and feelings generated during more enthusiastic moments. Mild depression
can act as ballast; it can also serve a critical editorial role
for work produced in more fevered states. Depression
prunes and sculpts; it also ruminates and ponders and, ultimately, subdues and focuses thought. It allows structuring, at a detailed level, of the more expansive patterns generated during hypomania.

Relative Importance of Different Aspects

of the Illness to Various Types
of Accomplishment
Changes brought about by bipolar illnessduring hypomania, mania, depression, and normal statesproduce
different advantages and disadvantages in various fields of
creative work and other types of accomplishment. Although there are no systematic data, a review of available
studies strongly suggests that the actual prevalence of
bipolar illness is distributed unequally across professions;
for example, poets appear to have an unusually high rate,
scientists a lower one. To a poet, the cognitive, energy,
mood, and experiential advantages of the elated and depressive states may outweigh the disruptions, chaos, turmoil, and inconsistent productivity that would be insurmountable to most scientists. Pragmatic issues of education
and job requirements also probably affect the rates of
bipolar illness in various occupations. Composers and poets, while increasingly likely to obtain graduate levels of
education or professional training, do not absolutely require it. On the other hand, medical and graduate schools
particularly those with highly structured programs, such
as those for medicine and lawtend to select students
who, by and large, have demonstrated an ability to conform to strict requirements for consistently high levels
of performance over long periods of time. This may well
exclude many individuals at risk or those with an actual
history of bipolar illness, since they are more likely to
show greater variability in their performance across seasons and years.
The risk period for a first manic or depressive episode
overlaps considerably with the period of advanced education, eliminating some bipolar individuals from being
selected. Further selection bias exists in the decisions
made about those individuals who have actually had an

affective episode, especially a manic one, while in training.

The professional consequences of a psychotic break are
generally different for those in medicine, clinical psychology, nursing, or law school than they are for those writing
poetry or composing music.
Even within the field of literary accomplishment, differences in the characteristics of bipolar illness are likely to
produce relative gains and losses for various types of writers.
Poets may benefit much more than novelists from mood
and cognitive changes, for example, because the language
and rhythms of poetry are more akin to primitive thought
processes and psychosis and because the nature of sustained
work is probably different in poetry and fiction.
Certain aspects of bipolar illness probably are important and helpful in other fields of accomplishment as
well. It is likely that mood changes (elevated and expansive
mood, inflated self-esteem, increased enthusiasm, increased
emotional intensity, and infectious mood) are equally, if
differently, important to those who create and to those in
business or positions of leadership. This is probably true as
well for increased energy levels and a decreased need for
sleep. On a very general level, however, cognitive changes
(sharpened and unusually creative thinking, flight of ideas,
and hyperacusis) are likely more useful to those in the arts
and sciences than to those in positions of political and military leadership. Conversely, interpersonal changes brought
about by hypomania (enhanced liveliness, uninhibited people seeking, interpersonal charm, the ability to find vulnerable spots in others and to make use of them, increased
perceptiveness at the subconscious or unconscious level,
and increased social ease) are probably more likely to benefit those in leadership positions than those in the arts and


Although it certainly is possible to exaggerate or romanticize the positive aspects of mood disorders, it is important
not to minimize their beneficial features or deal with them
in only a perfunctory way. Understanding the assets that
may accompany manic-depressive illnessthe characteristics linking it to the arts, leadership, and society at large
is important to a thorough understanding of the illness.
Three principal areas of consideration are relevant to the
study of the positive features of manic-depressive: theoretical, clinical, and socialethical.

Theoretical Considerations
Positive aspects of manic-depressive illness, including associations with accomplishment, are, of course, interesting in
their own right. At first glance, the notion of advantage


gained from an otherwise catastrophic illness may appear

counterintuitive, yet both history and clinical experience affirm the reality of this paradox. The association may be an
infrequent one, but it is important. Most clinical research
understandably has focused on the depressive spectrum and
given relatively little emphasis to the manic continuum.
There has been next to no study of the spectrum of elated
states most relevant to the discussion here. Of the many still
unexamined aspects of bipolar illness that could profitably
be studied, its positive features are particularly germane.
There has been little research into subtle oscillations in perception, mood, behavior, and cognition across the elated
states. Quantitative and qualitative differences between the
milder hypomanias and manias also require more study.
Likewise, we need to learn to differentiate characteristics of
high-functioning normal individualsthose with decreased
need for sleep coupled with high energy, productivity, and
moodfrom the characteristics of individuals with hyperthymia, cyclothymia, or bipolar illness.
The existence of elated states also provides an opportunity for cognitive psychologists to study a long-standing
theoretical question: Does cognition precede or follow
mood change? The considerable body of literature on this
question is based on studies of depression and, because of
psychological assumptions about etiology, tends to assume that cognitive changes precedeindeed cause or
facilitatedepressive affect. Similarly, many creative individuals and students of creativity assume that inspiration,
creative ideas, and fluency of thinking precede euphoric
affect. That is, many believe that the creative act generates
euphoria, not that heightened mood facilitates the increased flow of thoughts and ideas. Notwithstanding these
assumptions, evidence indicates that in a sizable proportion of highly creative writers and artists, elevated mood
changes precede cognitive and behavioral changes, and
that intense creative episodes are, in many instances, indistinguishable from hypomania (Richards and Kinney, 1990;
Schuldberg, 1990; Jamison, 1993, 2004).
Yet another important theoretical issue, one with enormous practical ramifications, centers on the highly seductive,
if not actually addictive, qualities of the elated or euphoric
states. Such altered states of consciousness and mood can
be highly potent reinforcers during euthymic or depressed
periods, creating in some patients a strong desire to induce
or recreate such conditions. This phenomenon is roughly
analogous to drug self-administration, in which a highly
pleasurable and often immediate state can be obtained.
Thus for some patients, the positive aspects of the illness
may be similar to stimulant addiction.
Clinical experience suggests that patients may attempt to
induce mania by discontinuing lithium not just at times
when they are depressed but also when they face problematic


decisions and life events. Because the negative consequences are delayed, it is not always clear to the patient
that the costs outweigh the benefits. The clinical implications of this phenomenon are discussed in the next section
and in Chapters 21 and 22. Here it is important to mention
that the addictive or addictive-like qualities of the elated
states raise fascinating issues about the means used to selfinduce these states (sleep deprivation, medication nonadherence, or psychological means), the relevance of this
phenomenon to kindling models, and, of course, the use of
cocaine and other stimulants to self-medicate or to induce
euphoric and high-energy states. The high rate of affective
illness in cocaine abuse (see Chapter 7) may reflect not
only self-medication per se, but also an attempt to recapture a known, previously experienced and highly pleasurable mood state, a reality that makes bipolar individuals
perhaps uniquely vulnerable to cocaine addiction on both
psychological and biological grounds.

Clinical Considerations
The existence of potentiating positive features in bipolar
illness, perceived to be or actually associated with increased
creativity and productivity, affects the willingness of some
afflicted with the illness to seek and comply with treatment.
Many highly accomplished individuals in the arts, the sciences, and business are reluctant to seek treatment for their
mood disorders because they are reluctant to give up the
edge they feel they obtain from it. Others view their serious
mood problems as part of the human condition, the price
one pays for being too sensitive, having an artistic temperament, or leading an artistic lifestyle. Indeed, many such
individuals see emotional turmoil as essential to their identity as performing or creative artists. Additionally, many
writers and artists are concerned that psychiatric treatment
will erode or compromise their ability to create. An appreciation of the potentially productive or up side of mood
disorders may lead to greater credibility on the part of the
treating clinician, as well as a stronger therapeutic bond.
Strict adherence to an often arbitrary distinction between
psychopathology on the one hand and a chaotic, tumultuous, and artistic lifestyle on the other can lead to unnecessary suffering and treatment resistance.
Writers and artists frequently express concern about the
effects of psychiatric treatment on their ability to create and
produce; these concerns are especially pronounced when it
comes to taking medication. Some of this mistrust no doubt
reflects unfounded preconceptions, fears of altering longestablished work patterns and rituals, or simple resistance to
treatment. In some instances, however, these concerns are
grounded in reality. A review of the literature on moodstabilizing medications reveals disturbingly little research
on the effects of the drugs on productivity and creativity.


Psychological Studies

Even the early lithium researchers were well aware of

problems created by lithiums effects on certain useful or
enjoyable qualities of the illness (e.g., decreasing or eliminating the highs of hypomania, decreasing sexuality and
energy levels), as well as by the drugs untoward side effects
(possible cognitive slowing and memory impairment) (see
Chapters 9 and 21). Schou (1968, p. 78) described the subjective effects of lithium in three normal subjects (medical researchers). This description has relevance to highly
creative individuals who are dependent on the mind and
the senses for their work:
The subjective experience was primarily one of indifference and slight general malaise. This led to a certain passivity. . . . The subjective feeling of having been altered by
the treatment was disproportionately strong in relation to
objective behavioral changes. The subjects could engage
in discussions and social activities but found it difficult to
comprehend and integrate more than a few elements of a
situation. Intellectual initiative was diminished and there
was a feeling of lowered ability to concentrate and memorize; but thought processes were unaffected, and the subjects could think logically and produce ideas.

It should be noted that Schous study involved a relatively short-term trial of lithium, and there is some indication that patients partially accommodate to lithiums
cognitive effects. Many patients, of course, experience no
significant cognitive side effects, and for those who do, the
risks of no treatment must always be weighed against those
side effects.
What is actually known about the specific effects of
lithium and other medications on productivity and creativity? Polatin and Fieve (1971, p. 864) described their clinical experience of using lithium in creative individuals:
In the creative individual who does his best work in the
course of a hypomanic period, the complaint regarding
the continued use of lithium carbonate is that it acts as a
brake. These patients report that lithium carbonate inhibits creativity so that the individual is unable to express
himself, drive is diminished, and there is no incentive. These
patients also indicate that when they are depressed, the
symptoms are so demoralizing and so uncomfortable that
they welcome the mild high when the depression disappears and prefer to settle for a cyclothymic life of highs
and lows rather than an apathetic middle-of-road mood
state achieved through the use of lithium carbonate.
Their argument is that if lithium carbonate prevents
the high and may possibly prevent the low, they prefer
not to take lithium carbonate, since never to have a high
as a result of the drug seems equivalent to being deprived

of an addictive-like pleasurable and productive state.

Some of these patients are terrified of having a low again,
but insist on taking their chances without lithium carbonate therapy, knowing that sooner or later they will be
compensated by the high, even if they do go into a low

No controlled studies of lithiums effects on productivity have been conducted, but Marshall and colleagues
(1970) and Schou (1979) studied a total of 30 artists, writers, and businessmen taking lithium. Their findings are
summarized in Table 129. More than three-quarters (77
percent) of the patients reported no change or an increase in their productivity while on lithium. Approximately one-quarter reported a decrease. In 17 percent,
lithium was seen as leading to problems sufficient to warrant refusal to take it. It is not known how accurately
these figures reflect artists and writers at the upper end of
creative accomplishment. Most of these subjects, although earning their living by their creative work, were
not at that level. Schou (1979) pointed out that lithium
may affect inspiration, the ability to execute, or both, and
saw the following as contributing factors in a creative individuals response to lithium: the severity of illness, the
type of illness, the artists habits of using manic periods
of inspiration, and individual sensitivity to the pharmacological action of the drug.
Three other studies of particular relevance for artistic
creativity yielded conflicting results. Judd and colleagues
(1977) found no effects of short-term lithium treatment
on creativity in normal subjects. A study using bipolar patients as their own controls, however, found substantial
detrimental effects of the drug on associational productivity and originality of responses (Shaw et al., 1986; see
Fig. 129). These differing results may be due in part to
the fact that lithiums effect on cognition is probably quite
different in bipolar patients and normal controls (Pons
et al., 1985). Lithium exerts effects not only on cognition,
but also on drive and personality (see Chapter 10);
although cognitive side effects are undeniably important
to creative work, so, too, are these noncognitive effects.
Kocsis and colleagues (1993) found that lithium discontinuation resulted in improvement on memory and creativity
measures (although not idiosyncratic word associations),
as well as motor performance. In an open, nonrandom
case series of seven bipolar patients who reported cognitive dulling during lithium therapy, Stoll and colleagues
(1996) concluded that the partial or full substitution of divalproex sodium for lithium as the primary mood stabilizer reduced the cognitive, motivational, or creative
deficits attributed to lithium (p. 359). To our knowledge,



Table 129. Productivity While Taking Lithium


Marshall et al. (1970)

Schou (1979)

6 artists and

24 artists and






No change






Productivity on lithium

Refused to continue
lithium treatment

however, there has been no replication of this preliminary

finding. Individual differences in clinical state, serum
lithium levels, sensitivity to cognitive side effects, and the
severity, frequency, and type of affective illness clearly affect the degree to which an individual will experience impairment in intellectual functioning, creativity, and productivity. Artists, writers, and many others who rely on
their initiative, intellect, emotional intensity, and energy
for their lifes work underscore the need for a reexamination of this problem.
Artists and writers represent a group at high risk for
affective illness and should be assessed and counseled accordingly. Ideal treatment requires a sensitive understanding
Figure 129. Associational patterns and lithium level. (Source:
Adapted from Shaw et al., 1986. Reprinted with permission from the
American Journal of Psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association.)

Total Associations

Number of associations
Idiosyncratic associations


Mean Weekly Lithium Level (millimoles per liter)

of the possible benefits of mood disorders to creativity

and also the severe liabilities of untreated depression and
mania, including the risk of suicide, hospitalization, and
substance abuse. Moreover, the clinician must be aware
of available medications and side effects that could potentially be damaging to the creative process. Physicians
should minimize medication levels whenever possible.

Social and Ethical Considerations

As noted in Chapter 13, genetic research has progressed to
the point that ethical issues are now arising about prenatal
screening and selective abortion, as well as the identification and treatment of individuals at high risk for developing bipolar illness. It becomes particularly important
under these circumstances to have at least some broad notion of the possible benefits, as well as catastrophic outcomes, of bipolar illness not only for potential parents and
the unborn child, but also for society at large. The implications of losing societal variance in such basic characteristics as drive, cognitive style, energy, risk taking, and temperament have not yet been examined in any systematic
way, although evolutionary perspectives on depression and
bipolar illness have been discussed at some length.9 Ironically, these issues were considered, to some extent, in the
1930s; in one study, carried out in Germany, the advisability of sterilizing manic-depressive individuals was examined. Luxenburger (1933) found manic-depressive illness
to be greatly overrepresented in the higher occupational
classes and recommended against sterilizing these patients, especially if the patient does not have siblings
who could transmit the positive aspects of the genetic
heritage. Myerson and Boyle (1941, p. 20), in their study of


Psychological Studies

manic-depressive psychosis in socially prominent American families, concurred:

Perhaps the words of Bumke need to be taken into account before we embark too whole-heartedly on any sterilization program: If we could extinguish the sufferers
from manic-depressive psychosis from the world, we
would at the same time deprive ourselves of an immeasurable amount of the accomplished and good, of color
and warmth, of spirit and freshness. Finally only dried up
bureaucrats and schizophrenics would be left. Here I
must say that I would rather accept into the bargain the
diseased manic-depressive than to give up the healthy
individuals of the same heredity cycle.

Treatable common illnesses such as bipolar illness

ones that may confer societal and individual advantage
and that vary greatly in the nature of their expression and
their severityare particularly problematic. Francis Collins
(1990), director of the U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute and a scientist who was instrumental in
identifying the genes for cystic fibrosis and neurofibromatosis, was asked in an interview about prenatal testing for diseases that vary in severity or that first occur only later in life:
This is where it gets muddy, and everyone is going to
draw the line differently. Consider the situation with
manic-depressive illness, a reasonably common disorder.
It is clearly genetically influenced, though not in a simple
way. Now, manic-depressive illness can be a terrible cross
to bear. The swings into depression are awful, and the
highs can be very destructive. Yet a substantial number of
highly creative people have suffered from this disease.
Suppose we find the gene responsible for manic depression. If every couple has a prenatal test to determine if a
fetus is at risk for manic depression, and if every time the
answer is yes that fetus is done away with, then we will
have done something troubling, something with large
consequences. Is this what we want to do?

manic-depressive illness. This concern is important and

valid. Labeling as manic-depressive anyone who is unusually creative, accomplished, energetic, intense, moody, or
eccentric both diminishes the notion of individuality
within the arts and trivializes a very serious, often lethal
illness. We have been careful to base our conclusions and
suggestions on what is known clinically and scientifically
about depression and bipolar disorder.
That the illness and its related temperaments are associated with creativity appears clear; the clinical, ethical, and
social implications of this association are less so. We have
tried to convey that bipolar disorder and depression are
destructive, painful, sometimes fatal, and yet intriguing
and important illnesses. In the great majority of instances,
the effective treatments now available will not hinder creative ability. Indeed, treatment almost always results in
longer periods of sustained productivity. One of our concerns, however, remains the study, public discussion, and
development of treatments that will minimize the side effects of currently available medications.
The neurochemical and anatomical processes responsible for the cognitive changes occurring during manic
and highly creative states are poorly understood. It remains for molecular biology, neuropsychology, and
quickly evolving neuroimaging techniques to provide us
with a more sophisticated understanding of the underlying changes in thought and behavior that are enhanced,
left unaffected, or impaired by shifting patterns of mood
(see, e.g., Hoffman et al., 2001; Folley et al., 2003;
Ghacibeh et al., 2006).
Perhaps some suffering must always accompany great
artistic achievement. Certainly, depth and intensity of human feeling must be a part of creation in the arts. But
modern medicine now allows relief of the extremes of despair, turmoil, and psychosis. It allows choices not previously available. Most of the writers, artists, and composers
discussed in this chapter had no such choices.

There is strong scientific and biographical evidence linking
mood disorders to artistic creativity. Biographies of eminent poets, composers, and artists attest to the prevalence
of extremes of mood in creative individuals. Systematic
studies are increasingly documenting the link as well. It
should be emphasized, however, that most creative writers,
artists, and musicians have no significant psychopathology. Conversely, most individuals with manic-depressive
illness are not unusually creative.
We have considered the issue of the reliabilityindeed,
the advisabilityof making a posthumous diagnosis of

1. George Gordon, Lord Byron. Manfred, act II, scene 4, lines

160161. Lord Byron: The Complete Poetical Works, vol. 4,
p. 86. Edited by Jerome J. McGann. Oxford: Clarendon Press,
2. Much of the discussion of manic-depressive illness and creativity in this chapter is based on Jamisons elaboration, in
Touched with Fire, of the arguments originally presented in
the first edition of Manic-Depressive Illness.
3. Fully 70 to 90 percent of all suicides are associated with bipolar or depressive illness; therefore, if an individual has died
by suicide, it is usually the case that a mood disorder was at
least contributory.
4. An episodic, cyclic course of symptoms with normal functioning in between; usual onset of symptoms in the late



teens or early twenties, with temperamental signs often exhibited much earlier; seasonal aspects to the mood and energy changes; and if untreated, a worsening of the illness over
time. (See Chapter 4.)
This study was brought to the attention of the authors by
Dr. Zoltn Rihmer.
Isen and Daubman, 1984; Isen et al., 1985, 1987; Greene and
Noice, 1988; Fodor, 1999; Isen, 1999; Fodor and Laird, 2004.
Roe, 1946, 1951, 1952; MacKinnon, 1962; Getzels and Jackson,
1963; Hudson, 1966; Barron, 1968; Welsh, 1977, Gardner, 1993;
Winner, 1996; Jamison, 2004.
Among the many writers who have emphasized the importance of the reconciliation of opposite states in the creative process are Aristotle, On the Art of Poetry, Classical Literary Criticism, translated by T. S. Dorsch, London: Penguin, 1965; Percy
Bysshe Shelley, A Defence of Poetry, Shelleys Critical Prose,


edited by B.R. McElderry (1821; reprint, Lincoln: University of

Nebraska Press, 1967); Maurice Bowra, The Romantic Imagination, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950; J.P. Guilford,
Traits of creativity, in H.H. Anderson (Ed.), Creativity and its
Cultivation, New York: Harper, 1959; F. Barron, Creative Person
and Creative Process, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
1969; A. Koestler, The Act of Creation, New York: Dell, 1971;
A. Storr, The Dynamics of Creation, London: Penguin, 1972;
A. Rothenberg, The Emerging Goddess, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1979; J. Carey, John Donne: Life, Mind and Art,
London: Faber and Faber, 1981; K. Miller, Doubles: Studies in
Literary History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.
9. Price, 1967, 1972; Gardner, 1982; Jamison, 1993; Wilson, 1993;
Price et al., 1994; Brody, 2001; Watson and Andrews, 2002;
Gilbert, 2004, 2006; Keller and Nesse, 2005; Keller and Miller,

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Part IV


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That other inward, inbred cause of melancholy is our temperature, in whole or part, which we
receive from our parents . . . such as the temperature of the father is, such is the sons, and look
what disease the father had when he begot him, his son will have after him, and is as well inherited of his infirmities as of his lands.
Robert Burton (1621, p. 211)

A generation ago, few mental health professionals believed

that inherited vulnerabilities could be central to the development of psychiatric illness. Fearing that discovery of a
genetic diathesis might cast a stigma on patients and lead
to therapeutic nihilism, many clinical observers found social and developmental reasons to explain the inescapable
fact that mental illness runs in families. Gradually, the genetic evidence became too compelling to ignore. Recent advances in the molecular genetics of several neuropsychiatric
diseases, particularly the discovery of linkage and association of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) markers with the bipolar subtype of manic-depressive illness, appear to reaffirm
the older evidence. If, as expected, particular gene variants
are definitively implicated in manic-depressive susceptibility, better understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms
should follow.
Along with its theoretical importance, knowledge of
genetics has practical relevance, and the new discoveries
could result in new diagnostic tests and improved treatment methods. Clinicians now use family histories to help
diagnose an illness correctly and to manage psychotropic
medications properly. They also need a familiarity with the
most up-to-date evidence to answer the questions of an
increasingly sophisticated population of patients, relatives,
spouses, and prospective spouses requesting genetic counseling.
At present, the most clinically useful evidence for genetic transmission continues to be the traditional genetic
epidemiological findings from twin, family, and adoption
studies. In addition to demonstrating genetic transmission, the geneticepidemiological data suggest the degree
to which illness in the population is familial, and they help
specify diagnoses that aggregate together. The role of age,
gender, and other demographic and sociocultural vari-

ables can also be clarified from this evidence. Genetic

epidemiological studies of diagnosis do not, however, allow one to identify the mode of genetic transmission in recurrent affective disorder. And neither they nor pedigree
studies illuminate other important genetic issues: Is there
biological heterogeneity? What is the pathophysiological inherited process in an illness? Where on the gene map is the
disease locus (or loci)? What are the gene defects? To answer these questions, pathophysiological and genetic linkage studies are needed.
The focus here is on bipolar forms of manic-depressive
illness, but we consider the central question of the genetic
relationship between bipolar and recurrent unipolar subgroups, particularly the more highly recurrent forms. A
common genetic diathesis for both bipolar and recurrent
unipolar disorders would suggest that the correct conceptual model for these illnesses is the spectrum or continuum
model in which recurrence (cyclicity) is fundamental to
what is being transmitted. Different risk genes, however,
would argue for a categorical model of discrete and independent affective disorders defined by clinical diagnosis (see
Chapters 1 and 3). More careful quantification of the degree
of recurrence in bipolar and (especially) unipolar samples
might allow one to address new questions such as whether
the genetic diathesis for bipolar disorder has more to do
with recurrence (cyclicity) or polarity (as is often simply assumed) (see Chapter 1).
This chapter begins with a brief review of major developments in the history of the study of genetics. We then
turn to a summary of the findings of family, twin, and adoption studies that make up the literature on the genetic epidemiology of manic-depressive illness, studies that attempt to determine whether the illness is heritable, as well
as the mode of its inheritance. Next we summarize recent



advances made in understanding the human genome and

the nature of genes to set the stage for an examination of the
various molecular methods used in attempting to locate the
genes for manic-depressive illness and the results stemming
from their use. Four such methods are then reviewed: (1)
the linkage method, used to identify a chromosomal region that harbors a susceptibility gene; (2) alternative phenotypic definition, which attempts to identify homogeneous clinical subtypes of manic-depressive illness; (3) the
association method, an alternative to the linkage method
for identification of disease genes; and (4) consideration of
alternative genetic mechanisms, an approach that uses
clues, both biological and clinical, to home in on genes with
unique features potentially relevant to manic-depressive
illness. We follow this review with a discussion of gene expression and pathogenesisa topic that takes the argument
for the involvement of a gene in manic-depressive illness
beyond statistical association to the field of neurobiology.
Next we address pharmacogenetics, or the clinical observation of inherited differences in drug effects, and genetic
counseling, which is aimed at helping concerned parents
address vulnerabilities they may pass on to their children.
Finally, we look to the future, examining research directions and prospects for patients as the study of the role of
genetics in manic-depressive illness builds on the work reviewed in this chapter.


Early Observations
Though the twisted, or helical, structure of DNA was not
discovered until 1953, the observation that traits run in the
blood, or in families, was first made in antiquity. Lucretius, a Roman who lived from 94 BC to 55 BC, wrote, for
example, that children are born like the mother, thanks to
the mothers seed, just as the fathers seed makes them like
the father. But those whom you see with the form of both,
mingled side by side the features of both parents, spring
alike from the fathers body and the mothers blood
(quoted in Mellon, 1996, p. 13).
The recognition of a hereditary component to mental
illness dates back at least as far as the Renaissance. In 1520
the Swiss physician Paracelsus wrote Diseases Which Lead
to a Loss of Reason, in which he described a subgroup of
the truly insane, which he called the insani: Insani are
those who have been suffering from it since birth and
have brought it from the womb as a family heritage . . . [T]he
circumstance is such that if there is insanity in the brain,
the childs mother also has some deficiency in her brain,
for the brain of the parents is continued in the brain of the
son. Paracelsus went on to make note of the apparent

complexities of the hereditary influence on insanity: This

[hereditary transmission] does not always happen because
the sperma become mixed, and either the man or the
woman may or may not be insane, and the child may follow the insanity or take after the one who has the greater
influence. It may even happen that if both [parents] are insane they still would give birth to a healthy child (quoted
in Mellon, 1996, p. 21).
In his book The Anatomy of Melancholy, published in
1621, Robert Burton wrote of the familial nature of depression in particular: Their voice, pace, gesture, looks, is
likewise derived with all the rest of their conditions and infirmities; such a mother, such a daughter . . . I need not
therefore make any doubt of Melancholy, but that it is a
hereditary disease (quoted in Mellon, 1996, p. 25). The familial nature of mania was evident to some early observers
as well. Philippe Pinel, a French psychiatrist who is considered one of the founders of modern psychiatry, wrote in his
1809 textbook on mental illness: It would be difficult not
to concede a hereditary transmission of mania, when one
recalls that everywhere some members of certain families
are struck in several successive generations (quoted in
Shorter, 1996, p. 29).

The Birth of Genetics

The birth of modern genetics dates to 1865. In that year the
Austrian monk Gregor Mendel presented the results of his
studies of traits in pea plants under the title Experiments in
Plant Hybridization. His experiments led to the following
conclusions: (1) distinct traits, such as length of the stem
and color of the seed, assort themselves independently; (2)
each trait exists in alternative forms, and each individual
has two forms (or factors), such as that for tall and for
short, or for purple and for white, and these factors separate (or segregate) independently rather than blending together; and (3) one factor is dominant over the other (which
is recessive), so that if the dominant factor is present, it will
be expressed. Though ignored for many years, this work
was rediscovered and confirmed in 1900.
The first demonstration of a Mendelian trait in man was
the report in 1902 by Archibald Garrod at St. Bartholomews
Hospital in London that alkaptonuria, a disease characterized by dark urine, followed a recessive pattern of inheritance. Garrod later described this as an inborn error of
metabolism. The field of medical geneticsfounded in
England by, for example, Ronald Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane,
Lionel Penrose, and John Roberts and developed in the
United States by others, such as James Neel (University of
Michigan) and Victor McKusick (Johns Hopkins)was
built on Garrods conception of genetic disease.
From the 1860s through the turn of the century, DNA
and chromosomes were discovered, and it was proposed


that chromosomes could bear the Mendelian factors. What

Mendel called factors would come to be known as genes,
and the alternative forms of each factor were dubbed alleles. (An allele is defined as an alternative form of a genetic locus; a single allele for each locus is inherited from
each parent.) In the same period, the Englishman Francis
Galton pioneered the application of statistical methods to
the study of biological and mental phenomena, creating
a new field called biometrics. He first suggested that studies
of twins could be employed to disentangle the genetic and
environmental contributions to physical and mental traits
such as height and intelligence; this work would give rise to
the field of statistical genetics.

The German School of Psychiatric Genetics

Emil Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist who gave definition to the current conception of manic-depressive illness in the 1899 edition of his classic textbook on mental
disorder, which he wrote during his years as professor at
the University of Heidelberg (see Chapter 1). In his chapter
on the causes of manic-depressive illness (which included
bipolar and recurrent unipolar depression), he stated:
The causes of the malady we must seek, as it appears, essentially in morbid predisposition. . . . Hereditary taint,
I could demonstrate in about 80 per cent of the cases [I]
observed in Heidelberg (Kraepelin, 1899, p. 165). He went
on to declare that compared to innate predisposition external influences only play a very subordinate part in the
causation of manic-depressive insanity (p. 127).
Kraepelin founded what has been called the German
school of psychiatric genetics (Kallman, 1953, p. 34). Ernst
Rudin, a student of Kraepelins who later became his deputy,
developed this school. Rudin, who conducted and directed
family and twin studies of mental illness from about 1913
until the late 1930s, presided over family studies of manicdepressive illness (Banse, 1929; Slater, 1936a,b, 1938), as well
as the first twin study to shed light on the illness (Luxenburger, 1928).

Eugenics had its origins in the work of Francis Galton, who
believed that genetic selection could be employed to improve the genetic fitness of the race. The eugenics movement took hold in many countries around the world, including the United States, where the Cold Spring Harbor
Eugenics Records Office was set up in 1905 to gather data on
family histories of the feebleminded (among other subjects). The aim of this effort was to reduce the societal load
of these illnesses by preventing procreation of the eugenically undesirable and limiting their immigration into the
country (Kevles, 1995, pp. 56, 92). In Germany, the Society
for Race Hygiene was established in 1905, and Ernst Rudin


served the society in numerous roles, including president.

Rudin also was an editor of Archives of Racial and Social Biology (Weber, 1996). In 1934, after the Nazis rise to power,
Rudin played a role in shaping the Law for the Prevention
of Progeny with Hereditary Defects, which allowed for the
forced sterilization of people with a number of hereditary
diseases, including manic-depressive illness. Over the next
5 years, hundreds of thousands of sterilizations were performed in Germany, and by 1940 mass executions of mental
patients had begun, based on selections made by physicians,
including psychiatrists (Mellon, 1996, p. 111).

PostWorld War II Era

Because the atrocities committed by the Nazis had in part
grown out of eugenics principles, there was a massive recoiling away from eugenics and, by extension, from genetics, among the psychiatric community in the postWorld
War II era. This development coincided with the rise of
psychoanalysis, which was perceived as offering the possibility of treatment and even cure. By contrast, genetics, and
biological psychiatry more broadly, were perceived by
some as treating patients like guinea pigsresearch subjects from whom something could be learned but for whom
little could be done.
Despite this general turning away from psychiatric genetics, a few investigators persisted in their efforts at defining the genetic contribution to manic-depressive illness.
Among them were Elliot Slater in England and Franz
Kallman, who had left Germany for the United States in
1936, both of whom published family and twin studies of
manic-depressive illness in the 1950s. In the late 1960s, interest began to revive in the genetics of manic-depressive
illness, as it did in biological psychiatry and in medical genetics generally. This interest has grown enormously in the
past decade as the computer-based and molecular tools
available to study heredity and the genome have multiplied

The first stage in the study of the genetics of an illness involves defining who is and is not to be considered ill (see
Fig. 131). In the language of genetics, the question is:
What is the phenotype, or trait, under study? Clear criteria must be applied in defining the phenotype to maximize
the homogeneity of the sample. While the field has in recent years focused mainly on the bipolar-I (BP-I) phenotype, much work has also focused on the broader concept
of manic-depressive illness, which encompasses the BP-I,
bipolar-II (BP-II), and recurrent major depression phenotypes, along with some studies including schizoaffective



Define phenotype (Illness Criteria)

Establish genetic basis of disorder



Cytogenetics study


Linkage study

Mode of

disequilibrium study

Chromosomal region likely to harbor

MDI gene

Identification of candidate genes


DNA sequencing
Variation detection in candidate

Association analysis
of gene variant

Functional studies of
variant in cells

Functional and behavioral

studies of variant in mice

MDI gene confirmed








Figure 131. The sequence of genetics research on manic-depressive illness (MDI). This figure demonstrates both the
historical sequence through which research on the genetics of manic-depressive illness has progressed and the logical
sequence of reasoning about gene discovery in the illness. See text for details. (Source: Haines and Pericak-Vance, 1998.
Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

disorder, manic or bipolar type. Systematic case definitions were lacking until the 1970s, when the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) first came into widespread use
(Spitzer and Endicott, 1975). Since the 1980s, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) has provided the standard diagnostic criteria for genetic studies. We note that
while researchers in genetic epidemiology (the term applied to these kinds of studies) have emphasized recurrent
unipolar depression when they have studied the relationship of unipolar to bipolar illness, the DSM-III and -IV
definitions of major depressive disorder do not require
recurrence. Indeed, by separating bipolar disorder out as
a separate illness from the top, with recurrent unipolar
depression (defined perhaps too broadly as simply more
than one episode) becoming a tertiary category under depressive disorders, DSM-III and -IV have made it more
difficult to conceptualize the relationship between bipolar

disorder and the more recurrent forms of unipolar depression.

The second stage of inquiry involves determining whether
the illness is heritable. Only when heritability has been firmly
established does it make sense to begin looking for the particular genes responsible for this inheritance. Determination
of heritability starts with studies of familial aggregation
and proceeds with twin and adoption studies (see Fig. 131).
Study of the genetic epidemiology of manic-depressive illness also includes research on the mode of inheritance of the
illness, through which investigators try to determine how
many genes are involved and how they are transmitted
within families.

Family Studies
If a disease has a genetic basis, it is expected to run in families. Studies of familial aggregation typically begin with


individuals who have manic-depressive illnessthe first

such person identified in a family is referred to as a
probandand assess whether family members of this
proband have unexpectedly high rates of illness. Ideally, to
ensure good sensitivity, the needed information is obtained through direct interviews of relatives rather than
through family history and/or medical records alone (Andreasen et al., 1986). Clear diagnostic criteria enhance reliability and allow for comparability in replication. Use of a
set of families ascertained through a control proband helps
reduce diagnostic bias and provides rates against which
the ill families can be appropriately compared.
Early studies assessed the morbid risk for manicdepressive illness. Prior to the 1960s, about 14 studies demonstrated the substantial risk of manic-depressive illness in
first-degree relatives of probands with the disorder (see Table
131). Only since the late 1960s have studies assessed the independent morbid risk for bipolar disorder and for major

depression (see Table 132).1 There have been many studies

using bipolar probands; the 12 in which the majority of subjects were directly interviewed are summarized in Table
132.2 These studies have found rates of 10.7 percent for bipolar illness in relatives of ill probands and 1.0 percent for the
illness in relatives of control probands. It is interesting that in
the families of bipolar individuals, rates not only of bipolar
illness but also of major depression are elevated. Relatives of
bipolar probands have a 15.9 percent risk of major depression, while the risk in relatives of controls is 7.3 percent.
The first study to report systematically on manicdepressive illness subtypes essentially as they are currently
delineated was that of Gershon and colleagues in 1982. They
documented the lifetime prevalence of illness in 1,254 adult
first-degree relatives of probands with schizoaffective (11
families), BP-I (96 families), BP-II (34 families), and major
depressive (30 families) disorders and in relatives of normal control probands (43 families). This study, performed

Table 131. Family Studies of Manic-Depressive Illness before 1960

(Sample Size)

Risk of MDI in First-Degree

Relatives (%)

Hoffman, 1921



Banse, 1929



Humm, 1932



Roll and Entres, 1936



Weinberg and Lobstein, 1936



Slater, 1936



Strmgren, 1938



Pollock et al., 1939

Luxenburger, 1942



Hoffman and Wagner, 1946

Sjogren, 1948



Schulz and Rudin, 1951

Kallman, 1952



Stenstedt, 1952





Note: Many of the original papers are in German; = not available; MDI = manic depressive illness.
Source: Based on tables in Tsuang and Faraone (1990, p. 38) and Rosenthal (1970, p. 207).

Table 132. Family Studies of Bipolar Illness and Major Depression Since 1960
Age-Adjusted Lifetime Prevalence
in First-Degree Relatives (%)

Sample Size (Relatives)






Winokur and Clayton, 1967




Mendlewicz and Rainer, 1974




James and Chapman, 1975




Johnson and Leeman, 1977







Baron et al., 1982





Tsuang et al., 1980




Jakimow-Venulet, 1981




Maier et al., 1993









Gershon et al., 1982






Andreasen et al., 1987






Pauls et al., 1992






Heun et al., 1993









Bipolar Disorder

Abrams and Taylor, 1980

Weighted mean

Bipolar-I Disorder

Weighted mean


Bipolar-II Disorder
Gershon et al., 1982






Andreasen et al., 1985






Heun and Maier, 1993






Weighted mean






Major Depression
Smeraldi et al., 1977




Tsuang et al., 1980




Abrams and Taylor, 1980





Table 132. Family Studies of Bipolar Illness and Major Depression Since 1960 (continued)
Age-Adjusted Lifetime Prevalence
in First-Degree Relatives (%)

Sample Size (Relatives)




Jakimow-Venulet, 1981




Gershon et al., 1982






Baron et al., 1982





Weissman et al., 1984






Andreasen et al., 1985






McGuffin et al., 1987



Maier et al., 1993





Weissman et al., 1993









Scharfetter, 1981





Gershon et al., 1982






Baron et al., 1982





Kendler et al., 1986




Andreasen et al., 1987






Goldstein et al., 1993





Maier et al., 1993





Kendler et al., 1993a











Tsuang et al., 1980




Gershon et al., 1982





Weissman et al., 1984






Weighted mean



Schizoaffective Disorder

Weighted mean






Table 132. Family Studies of Bipolar Illness and Major Depression Since 1960 (continued)
Age-Adjusted Lifetime Prevalence
in First-Degree Relatives (%)

Sample Size (Relatives)




Maier et al., 1993





Weissman et al., 1993









Weighted mean



Note: The mix of highly recurrent and minimally recurrent patients in the MDD group can obscure the relationship between bipolar disorder
and some forms of unipolar depression.
BP = bipolar disorder; MDD = major depressive disorder; SA = schizoaffective disorder; = not studied or reported.

at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), involved direct interviews of most first-degree relatives using
the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia
Lifetime Version, a semistructured interview (Endicott and
Spitzer, 1978). Two independent clinicians used a modified
version of the RDC to make diagnoses based on these interviews, along with family informant data and medical
records. A consensus diagnosis was then established. In calculating the lifetime risk of mood disorders in relatives, the
raw data were modified to account for the variable age at
onset of the disorders. This was done using the Stromgren
method, which weighs the number of people at risk by the
proportion of the risk period through which they have
The findings of Gershon and colleagues (1982, 1985,
1986, 1988, 1989) and Gershon and Goldin (1989) provide
among the best accounts available of the familial aggregation of affective disorders. The lifetime risk of BP-I among
relatives in the BP-I proband families was elevated at 4.5
percent (versus 0 percent in controls). The risk for BP-II
among relatives was also elevated in BP-I proband families
at 4.1 percent (versus 0.5 percent in controls). Similarly, the
risk for major depressive disorder in these families was
increased at 14.0 percent (versus 5.8 percent in controls).
There was an overall lifetime risk of 23.7 percent for an affective disorder in the first-degree relatives of the BP-I
probands compared with a risk of 6.8 percent in the control families. Of interest, the risk for BP-I was also increased in relatives of the schizoaffective probands (10.7
percent); the risk for BP-II was elevated as well in relatives
of the BP-II probands (4.5 percent) and schizoaffective disorder probands (6.1 percent); and the risk for major depression was substantialtwo to three times that of controls
in relatives of all affected probands. When all families were
taken together, children of one affectively ill parent had a
27 percent lifetime risk of affective disorder, compared

with a risk of 74 percent among children of two ill parents

(Gershon et al., 1982).
A useful way of estimating the strength of the genetic
contribution to illness is to apply the concept of relative
risk to siblings, which entails comparing the rate of illness
in siblings of ill probands with that in the general population. The family studies shown in Table 132 demonstrate
a relative risk of 10.7 for bipolar disorder in first-degree relatives of bipolar probands.3 This risk is roughly the same
as that for schizophrenia, but far below that for single-gene
diseases such as phenylketonuria, for which the relative risk
to siblings is 2,500.0. The magnitude of the relative risk to
siblings suggests that while there is an important genetic
contribution to bipolar disorder, other, presumably environmental, factors play a role as well. The comparable relative risk for major depression is 2.8, suggesting a more
modest genetic component, though the risk for early-onset
recurrent depression (part of Kraepelins manic-depressive
illness) is probably at least 4.05.0 (Levinson, 2006).
Family studies can do more than simply reveal the presence or absence of aggregation; they can also be useful in
segregation analysis for assessing whether the pattern of
transmission of an illness favors one mode of inheritance
(e.g., single major locus or gene) over another (e.g., polygenic or multifactorial). Several segregation analyses of
bipolar disorder have provided support for a major locus
effect (Rice et al., 1987; Pauls et al., 1995; Spence et al.,
1995), but other analyses have not found such evidence
(Bucher et al., 1981; Goldin et al., 1983).
Models of the mode of inheritance have also been constructed using the relative risk metric. The increased risk
for illness in relatives may be conferred by either one or
multiple genes. If multiple genes are responsible, each has
its own locus-specific relative risk, which contributes some
fraction of the total increased risk. Risch (1990) defined
both a heterogeneity model, in which a variety of single


genes act independently in different families to cause disease, and a multiplicative multilocus model, in which multiple genes interact to cause disease. Using this metric, Craddock and colleagues (1995b) showed that the heterogeneity
model is not consistent with the relative risk data available
for bipolar disorder. Instead, the multiplicative model with
at least three, and more likely four or more, risk genes
provides the best fit with the data. Craddock and colleagues
concluded that, although there may be occasional families with a single-gene form of bipolar illness, such families
must be rare and cannot explain the majority of familial
occurrence of the disorder. These results are consistent
with the idea of manic-depressive illness, even in its more
homogeneous bipolar form, as a genetically complex disorder (see the discussion below of the linkage method).

Twin Studies
Familial aggregation of disease suggests, but does not prove,
a genetic contribution to disease. Environmental factors,
such as exposure to toxins or emotionally traumatic family
experiences, could in theory also lead to familial aggregation. Twin studies have been the approach used most widely
to attempt to disentangle these contributions. The logic of
twin studies is this. Identical or monozygotic (MZ) twins
are 100 percent genetically the same, whereas fraternal or
dizygotic (DZ) twins share just 50 percent of their genes;
yet the two twin types are assumed to be no different in the
degree to which they share environments.4 Therefore, any
increased similarity in manifestation of manic-depressive
illness detected in MZ twins compared with that in DZ
twins should be due to the greater genetic similarity of the
former. The main measure in these studies is the concordance rate for illness; that is, starting with an ill twin as the
proband, what is the rate of illness in the co-twin?
Early studies tested for manic-depressive illness (see
Table 133). Six such studies found concordance rates of 77
percent for MZ twins and 23 percent for DZ twins, with a
heritability of .71 (where 1.00 would be complete heritability and 0 would be none). More recent studies have used
the bipolar and major depressive disorder phenotypes.5
Three studies assessed bipolar disorder; they found a 63
percent concordance rate for MZ twins and a 13 percent
rate for DZ twins, with a heritability of .78. Seven studies
assessed major depressive disorder; they found concordance rates of 34 percent in MZ twins and 26 percent in
DZ twins, with a heritability of .34, although this estimate
would be higher if the studies had focused on those patients with more highly recurrent forms of the disorder
(see below).
Among the most meticulously conducted twin studies of
manic-depressive illness is that of Bertelsen and colleagues
(1977), which drew on the Danish Central Psychiatric


Register and the Danish Twin Register to identify 126

probands with the disorder from among 110 twin pairs.
The work was done in the 1960s and 1970s using a database
of Danes born during 18701920. A single psychiatrist conducted an unstructured interview of 133 of the 138 living
twins and made diagnoses in conjunction with a second
psychiatrist using the interview results and information
available through the registers. Zygosity was determined in
about half of the twins using serological examination of 16
to 25 different red blood cell types, tissue types, serum protein variants, and enzymes. In the other half of the twins,
zygosity was assessed anthropometrically from information gathered through questions about pronounced similarity of general appearance and mistaken identity by others. For three twin pairs, zygosity could not be determined,
and these pairs were dropped from the analysis.
Bertelsen and colleagues presented their findings in two
ways. In the first, all identified ill twins are counted as
probands. This method, called the proband-wise concordance, is considered the most epidemiologically correct,
though it has the intuitive flaw of counting some pairs
twice, as both affected members of a twin pair may occasionally be assessed independently as probands. The other
method, called the pair-wise concordance, counts all twin
pairs only once and is more conservative as it yields lower estimates of heritability. The following results are the probandwise concordance rates. They are presented by proband diagnosis, with concordance defined as the likelihood of the
co-twin having either major depression or bipolar disorder. Results are expressed as percentages; perfect concordance would be 100 percent, while no concordance
would be 0 percent. The rates of concordance for BP-I are
MZ = 80, DZ = 13; for BP-II, MZ = 78, DZ = 31; and for major
depression, MZ = 54, DZ = 24. Heritability is calculated most
simply as (concordance rate in MZ twinsconcordance
rate in DZ twins) divided by (100concordance rate in DZ
twins). Using this metric, the heritability for each disorder is
as follows: BP-I = .77, BP-II = .68, and major depression = .39.
Notably, of 32 concordant MZ pairs, 7 included one subject with bipolar disorder and one with major depression
(Bertelsen et al., 1977).
Many observers have cited the lack of complete concordance between MZ twins as evidence that environmental
factors must play a role in the etiology of bipolar disorder.
More recently, others have suggested that this lack of complete concordance could be due to epigenetic factorsthat
is, factors that affect the control of gene expressionand
that these factors may or may not be influenced by the environment (Petronis, 2001). In support of this hypothesis,
there is evidence that MZ twins, despite having identical
DNA sequence for all their genes, may differ in the way
their genes are expressed (Weksberg et al., 2002).

Table 133. Twin Studies of Manic-Depressive Illness and Bipolar Disorder

Concordance (%)

Sample Size




Manic-Depressive Illness
Luxenburger, 1928, 1930




Rosanoff et al., 1935





Slater and Shields, 1953





Kallman, 1953, 1954





Da Fonseca, 1959





Kringlen, 1967




Weighted mean





Bertelsen et al., 1977





Torgersen, 1986




Weighted mean





Bertelsen et al., 1977





Cardno et al., 1999




Weighted mean









Bertelsen et al., 1977





Torgersen, 1986





Andrews et al., 1990


McGuffin et al., 1996





Lyons et al., 1998





Bierut et al., 1999





Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar-I Disorder

Bipolar-II Disorder
Bertelsen et al., 1977

Major Depression




Table 133. Twin Studies of Manic-Depressive Illness and Bipolar Disorder (continued)
Concordance (%)
Kendler et al., 2000
Weighted mean

Sample Size












Note: DZ = dizygotic; MZ = monozygotic. For studies since 1960, only those in which a majority of subjects were directly interviewed are included. DZ, dizygotic; MZ, monozygotic.
Where authors calculate heritability, these figures are provided. If heritability is not provided in a report, Holzingers heritability (MZ concordance DZ concordance/100 DZ concordance) has been calculated.

Patterns of concordance can be converted to a heritability valueoften thought of as the percentage of the liability to illness that is geneticin several ways. Current twin
studies employ a liability threshold model (Falconer, 1965),
which simultaneously tests the heritability of and environmental contribution to illness. When individuals cross the
liability threshold, they develop illness. The model requires
the specification of a population prevalence of illness to indicate how many people in the population lie on the ill side
of the threshold. Moreover, heritability estimates will vary
with the prevalence figures used, an issue of particular importance for major depression, for which population estimates have varied dramatically. For example, one depression study reported that heritability was 48 percent when
one estimate was used and 75 percent when another was
used (McGuffin et al., 1996).6

Adoption Studies
A second paradigm for separating genetic from environmental effects is the adoption study. The conceptual basis
for this approach is that in adoptees, the genetic inheritance occurs through one set of parents, while the cultural
and environmental experience occurs through a different
set. The two sets of factors and their potential association
with illness can therefore be disentangled.
There are several possible ways to conduct an adoption
study. One that has been used for manic-depressive illness is
the adoptees relatives method. In this method, ill and control adoptees are identified as probands, and rates of illness
are then compared in the biological and adoptive relatives of
each group. If genetics plays a role, the biological relatives of
ill adoptees will have elevated rates of illness compared with
those in the other three relative groups.
Only four adoption studies have addressed manicdepressive illness (see Table 134). The most methodologi-

cally rigorous such study is that of Mendlewicz and Rainer

(1977), who reported on a cohort of patients identified in
Belgium. This study employed four proband groups with
a total of 102 probands: bipolar adoptees, bipolar nonadoptees, control adoptees, and individuals who had contracted polio in their youth. The latter group was included
to control for the effect on parents of bringing up a disabled child. Clinicians who were blind to the status of
the proband interviewed biological and adoptive parents
of adoptees and parents of nonadoptees. A total of 299
parents were included in the study. Parents were instructed
at the beginning of the interview not to speak about their
children unless specifically asked. A semistructured interview was used, as well as standardized diagnostic criteria.
The principal finding was that the biological parents of
bipolar adoptees had a 31 percent rate of affective disorder
significantly higher than the 12 percent rate in the adoptive
parents of these adoptees, the 2 percent rate in the biological
parents of the control adoptees, and the 10 percent rate in the
parents of the polio probands. Conversely, the 31 percent rate
of affective disorder in the parents of the bipolar adoptees
was quite similar to the 26 percent rate in parents of bipolar
Inclusion of the control groups in the Mendlewicz and
Rainer study was important, as it helped address some of
the criticisms of this method. Adoptive parents are often
screened for stability and therefore might be expected to
have a lower-than-average rate of affective disorder. The
rates in these adoptive parents were not lower than those
in the polio proband parents. Conversely, biological parents of adoptees may be more likely to be unstable, but the
biological rates of affective disorder in parents of normal
adoptees were not higher than those in the polio proband
parents. The results strongly support a genetic basis for the
bipolar form of manic-depressive illness.



Table 134. Adoption Studies

Rate of Manic-Depressive Illness


Biological III

Biological Control

Adoptive Relatives

Cadoret et al., 1985

443 adoptees



Wender et al., 1986

1,080 relatives




299 parents









Manic-Depressive Illness

Mendlewicz and Rainer, 1977

Unipolar Depression
von Knorring et al., 1983
Note: = not studied or reported.

Adoption studies are not easy to conduct because they

require access to large databases, and there are barriers of
confidentiality involved whose breach can be a highly sensitive matter. Two such studies that have been done have
used national registries, those of Sweden and Denmark. In
these studies, direct interviews were not performed. In these
two studies, moreover, probands had diagnoses including
affect reaction and neurotic depressive reaction, which
are not readily reconcilable with current diagnostic nomenclature. The results of one of these studies supported genetic transmission of depression (Wender et al., 1986), while
those of the other did not (von Knorring et al., 1983). Another adoption study used relatives as probands and measured rates of depression in the adoptees of those relatives
who were affectively ill compared with those who were
not. The results supported genetic transmission (Cadoret
et al., 1985). Thus, of the four adoption studies of manicdepressive illness, three provide support for a genetic vulnerability, and one does not.

In the next section, on the linkage method, the discussion
shifts from the question of whether there is a genetic component to susceptibility to manic-depressive illness to the
question of where the disease genes are located in the human genome. Before examining the progress made in answering that question, however, we must review the remarkable advances that have occurred in our understanding of

the nature of those transmissible factors, first identified by

Mendel, that we now call genes. We begin by tackling some
basic genetic and biological concepts. Two analogies may
be helpful.
First, think of the human genome as being like the Oxford English Dictionary. The genome refers to the full complement of human DNA. Just as the Oxford English Dictionary is a compendium of all the words that can create
meaning in the English language, the genome is a collection of all the genes that can create things in the human
body. The Oxford English Dictionary has 23 volumes, and
the human genome has 23 chromosomes. Each volume
contains many word entries, and each chromosomea long
stretch of DNAcontains many genes. Each of the 405,000
words is spelled using the 26-letter English alphabet,
and each of the 20,000 genes is spelled using the fournucleotide genetic alphabet. The four nucleotides (or
bases) are A for adenine, T for thymine, G for guanine, and
C for cytosine; each is a molecule that conveys information
much as a letter does. The human genome contains 3 billion of these nucleotide letters. Just as there can be normal
variant spellings of a worde.g., organization versus
organisation (the British spelling)there can be variant
nucleotide sequences for a gene that make no difference for
the gene. And just as there can be typographical errors that
change word meaningswell versus hell or hype versus hopethere can be mistakes in the gene sequence that
change gene function. Functionally significant variations
are the ones that concern us when we consider vulnerability
to manic-depressive illness.


What does gene function have to do with such vulnerability? Consider a second analogy. Genes are like blueprints that
direct the workings of cells, including brain cells. Genes
made of DNA code for messengers made of a molecule called
ribonucleic acid (RNA). The messenger RNA directs the production of specific proteins. Proteins are the molecules that
do the work in brain cells. They act as building blocks, signal
receptors, and chemical switches. So if the blueprint for a
gene is misdrawn, aberrant proteins will result, and brain
cells may misfire or malfunction. Francis Crick, codiscoverer
of the structure of DNA, called this conceptionDNA
makes RNA, and RNA makes proteinsthe central dogma
of molecular biology.
The investigation of differences in DNA sequence among
individuals became possible in the late 1970s to early 1980s
with the discovery of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). These are single nucleotide variations
among individuals, or polymorphisms, in the DNA sequence that occur at greater than 1 percent frequency and
result in differential susceptibility to being cleaved by bacterial enzymes called restriction enzymes. These enzymes
can thus be used as tools for establishing the sequence at
points in the DNA where variability exists.
In the late 1980s to early 1990s, microsatellite DNA markers were discovered and exploited to assess DNA variation
among individuals. These markers generally are not located within the coding regions of genes, called exons.
These regions code for the production of messenger RNA,
with every three nucleotides forming a codon, which ultimately directs production of a particular amino acid, a
building block for a specified protein. Exons are like islands in a vast sea; only about 3 percent of DNA takes this
form. The noncoding regions of DNA can lie within genes;
between the exons, in which case they are called introns
(an intron thus interrupts the protein-coding sequence of
a gene, being transcribed into RNA but cut out of the message before being translated into protein); or between
genes, in which case they are called intergenic regions. The
microsatellite markers are generally located in these noncoding regions. They comprise stretches of DNA with two-,
three-, or four-nucleotide repeat sequences, such as CACACACA or GATAGATAGATA, where the repeat occurs a
variable number of times. For example, the CA repeat at
a given location in the DNA might occur 7 consecutive
times, 18 consecutive times, or somewhere in between. This
variability allows two copies of a chromosome to be distinguished from each other. This DNA variability in microsatellite markers is extremely useful in linkage studies.
Beginning in the late 1990s, extensive sequencing of the
human genome began to reveal very large numbers of single nucleotide differences, or polymorphismscalled single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)across the genome


(see Fig. 132). These polymorphisms have been found to

exist at about 1 of every 200 nucleotides. This finding suggests that people are about 99.5 percent the same in terms
of DNA sequence, and that it is in the 0.5 percent difference that the factors influencing vulnerability to bipolar
disorder lie. About 10 million SNPs have been identified in
the public SNP database (dbSNP); it is expected that 15
million SNPs should exist, of which about 6 million should
be common. Studies of bipolar disorder that take advantage of this understanding of SNPs began to appear in
2002 (Sklar et al., 2002).
The explosion of sequence information has largely been
a product of the Human Genome Project, a U.S. governmentfunded initiative begun in 1987. The projects mandate
was initially to provide a dense map of the human genome,
and eventually to provide the full sequence. As of this writing, the sequence is considered more than 99 percent complete. To return to the Oxford English Dictionary analogy, the
word entries have been largely spelled out. Much work remains to be done, however, particularly in clarifying the
functions of genes, a task analogous to defining the meanings for each word entry in the dictionary.
Advances in computer science have been of great help in
this enterprise, generating the new field of bioinformatics.
These advances have enabled the creation of large and complex Web-based databases cataloguing the genes on each
chromosome, the sequence of the genes, their variations,
their functions, and more.7 On each of these sites, information can be obtained in a matter of minutes or hours that
would have taken scientists months or years to obtain just a
decade ago.


The Method
The goal of a linkage study is to identify a chromosomal region that harbors a susceptibility gene (see Fig. 131). There
are three stages to this type of study: (1) clinical assessment
of subjects to determine whether they have manic-depressive illness (either the bipolar or recurrent unipolar subtype) (phenotype); (2) testing of DNA from the subjects
(from their white blood cells) to determine their genetic
profile at a series of markers; and (3) use of statistical techniques to test whether bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder and DNA markers travel independently or together
(cosegregation). If they cosegregate, we say that the DNA
marker is located close to the disease gene on the same chromosome. Because the locations of the DNA markers on
chromosomes are established, the observation of cosegregation or linkage tells us roughly where a disease gene should
lie. The usefulness of linkage hinges on the recombination



Figure 132. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): the most common form of genetic variation. SNPs occur about once every 200 nucleotides. They typically have two allelic variants consisting
of one of two nucleotides. a and b here represent an individuals two copies of a segment of chromosome 11 that is part of the coding sequence for the BDNF gene. Note that each chromosome has two
strands, called either forward and reverse or sense and antisense. The sequence of one strand determines the sequence of the other because A and T are always paired, as are G and C. Sequence a contains a G allele on the forward strand, shown as the top strand, which is the one that codes for the
gene. Sequence b contains an A allele on the top strand in the same position, so that this individual is
a heterozygote for this SNP. The third, fourth, and fifth bases in the sequence form a codon, which
codes for an amino acid. GTG codes for valine, while ATG codes for methionine. Some evidence suggests the G allele confers risk for bipolar disorder, while the A allele is protective.

between pairs of similar, or homologous, chromosomes during meiosis, which increases as a function of the distance
between marker and gene (see Fig. 133). The rate of recombination is measured in centimorgans (cM), with each cM
corresponding to a 1 percent likelihood of recombination
and to roughly 1 million base pairs of DNA (1 Mb).
Thomas Hunt Morgan first employed the linkage method
in the development of gene maps of the fruit fly in the early
twentieth century. The method was used to link presumed
genes for one fly trait to presumed genes for another. The
first linkage study of manic-depressive illness was reported
in 1968, before DNA markers were available. ABO blood
types were used as markers, so that the presumed genes for
the blood types were tested for linkage to the illness (Tanna
and Winokur, 1968).
The linkage method has since been widely applied in
mapping of human disease genes, especially since the 1980s,
after Botstein and colleagues (1980) suggested that RFLPs
(the DNA markers discussed in the preceding section)
distributed across the genome could be used to detect

linkage to disease genes. The first published genetic studies

of the bipolar form of manic-depressive illness to use DNA
markers, all in the same issue of Nature in 1987, were conducted by three groups that focused on chromosome 11
(Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1987; Egeland et al., 1987; Hodgkinson et al., 1987b). The first study of bipolar illness to employ
microsatellite markers was conducted by the Gershon
group at NIMH in 1990 (Berrettini et al., 1990). These researchers used markers on the X-chromosome in an attempt to verify prior reports of linkage in the region.8
The more variable or polymorphic a marker isthe
larger the number of allelesthe more genetically informative it becomes for linkage studies. The variations among
individuals can easily be detected using laboratory methods
that reveal which of two variants, or alleles, an individual
has at a given point, or locus, along the chromosome. The
characterization of the two alleles is referred to as the genotype for that DNA marker. A standard genomewide scan today would use 400 microsatellite DNA markers at an average spacing of 10 cM to genotype individuals at locations


across all 23 chromosomes. Newer genomewide scans employing 5,800 SNP DNA markers at an average spacing of
.64 cM are just becoming available.
A positive result in a linkage study implicates a chromosomal region that is typically quite broadas much as
30 cM from a linkage peakwhich means as much as
60 cM in total (Roberts et al., 1999). A linkage region is indicated by the identity of the chromosomal arm (short [p]
or long [q]) and the segment of that arm (numerical designation) on which the linkage peak falls (see Fig. 134).

LOD Score Approach

One statistical method used to test for linkage of markers
to illness phenotype is the logarithm of the odds of linkage
(LOD) score approach, which is mode of inheritancebased;
that is, it requires specifying whether transmission is dominant, recessive, or X-linked. This approach has been highly
successful in isolating genes for Mendelian diseases. The
odds here refer to the ratio between the likelihood that the
inheritance pattern observed in a pedigree or set of pedigrees would result from a particular amount of linkage between the genetic marker and the phenotype being investigated and the likelihood that the observed data would

result if there were no linkage. When a single locus and

a single illness phenotype are tested, an LOD score of 3.0 is
sufficient to claim linkage because this score indicates a
5 percent likelihood that a linkage finding is due to chance.
However, genome scans employ tests of multiple markers
and test further for linkage using multiple definitions of
the disease phenotype. To guard against the possibility of
type I error, or false positive linkage claims, Lander and
Kruglyak (1995) calculated new statistical thresholds. These
often-cited criteria raised the bar for declaring an initial
linkage finding significant, requiring an LOD threshold of
3.3 (the threshold for suggestive linkage is 1.9). A more recent approach uses simulation to determine the statistical
significance of a finding. Computer programs can employ
the set of families and DNA markers used in a given study
to calculate the likelihood of a given LOD scores arising by
chance in thousands of simulated genome scans. An empirical p value for a linkage finding is derived by comparing actual results with these simulated results.
The virtue of such a mode of inheritancebased method
is that with a correct model, the test is very powerful and
gives both an LOD score and an estimate of the genetic
distance between the marker and the disease gene or locus.

Figure 133. Recombination: the basis for linkage studies. Genetic linkage between a disease and markers is determined for
each chromosome by identifying how frequently a DNA marker and a presumed bipolar gene are passed together from parent to
child. Circles are females, and squares are males. The solid shapes represent those affected with bipolar illness, and the open
shapes are unaffected individuals. In a, there is a DNA marker, M, that is on the same chromosome as the disease gene, D, but is
physically far from it. For the top-left individual, the father, the thick line represents copy 1 of chromosome 13, and the thin line
represents copy 2 of chromosome 13. During meiosis, as sperm cells are being formed, these two copies of chromosome 13 pair,
and parts of each are exchanged with the other. This process, which occurs for every chromosome in egg as well as in sperm, is
called recombination. Because of recombination, the disease gene and the marker are not necessarily inherited together; the two
are thus not linked. In b, the marker under consideration is physically close to the disease-causing gene, so that recombination
does not separate them. All three children who inherit the bipolar gene also inherit the nearby marker. If the pattern in b were
seen in many families, it would suggest linkage. Note that in linkage, D is not actually observed; D is presumed to be present
when the subject is affected with bipolar illness.














Figure 134. Schematic of a human chromosome (chromosome

18) depicting nomenclature based on cytogenetic banding patterns.
Each human chromosome has a short arm (p for petit) and long arm
(q for queue), separated by a centromere. The ends of the chromosome are called telomeres. Each chromosome arm is divided into regions, or cytogenetic bands, that can be seen using a microscope and
special stains. The cytogenetic bands are labeled p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3,
etc., counting from the centromere out toward the telomeres. At
higher resolutions, sub-bands can be seen within the bands. The subbands are also numbered from the centromere out toward the telomere. (Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information Web

However, the LOD score approach requires a number of

assumptions about the mode of transmission, as well as
other factors.9

Affected Sibling Pair Method

So-called model-free or nonparametric approaches, such
as the affected sibling pair method, require few assumptions and are thus more robust than a mode of
inheritancebased method. The affected sibling pair
method measures sharing of alleles at various DNA markers. Siblings are expected to share 50 percent of their alleles
at any locus; significantly increased allele sharing among
siblings with illness at a given marker constitutes evidence
for linkage. Those without illness (unaffected) are not included in the analysis to avoid the uncertainty created by
the possibility that they will become ill later. Such modelfree methods can also be applied to affected relatives. The
Lander and Kruglyak (1995) threshold for significance using model-free methods is a p value of 2.2 105, corresponding to a nonparametric LOD score of 3.6 (the threshold for suggestive linkage is 7.4 104 or a nonparametric
LOD score of 2.2). The first bipolar study published using

the affected sibling pair method was reported in 1994 (de

Bruyn et al., 1994).
A drawback of the affected sibling pair method is that it
is not as powerful for localizing disease genes as mode of
inheritancebased methods. To minimize the likelihood of
failing to detect linkage in a region where a susceptibility
gene of modest effect (relative risk of 2.0) exists, a large
sample of sibling pairs is required. In fact, if a nonparametric LOD score of greater than 3.0 is the criterion for detection, a sample size of about 400 affected sibling pairs is
required to achieve adequate power (Hauser et al., 1996).
The first study to achieve a sample size of this magnitude
was published in 2003; the NIMH Bipolar Disorder Collaborative completed its Wave 3 study with 446 affected
sibling pairs (see the discussion below).

There have been 21 genomewide linkage scans for bipolar illness published to date, and these studies have identified a
number of regions potentially harboring genes for susceptibility to the disorder (see Fig. 135). Note that these findings
were sometimes obtained using the bipolar subtype of
manic-depressive illness, but in other instances the broad
definition incorporating recurrent major depression was
used. At least five bipolar linkage findings (and perhaps
more, depending on the interpretation of statistical thresholds) have reached genomewide statistical significance in
multifamily samples: 6q22 (Middleton et al., 2004), 8q24
(Cichon et al., 2001), 15q14 (Turecki et al., 2001), 21q22 (Liu et
al., 2001b), and 22q12 (Kelsoe et al., 2001). Promising though
they are, these findings have not been replicated consistently
across studies. Other regions that have been repeatedly implicated in bipolar disorder include 1q41, 4p16, 4q3235,
12q2324, 13q3133, 16p1213, 18p11, 18q1223, and Xq2428.

Three meta-analyses of linkage studies have been performed, with results differing because of differences in
the studies included and the techniques employed. A 2002
meta-analysis of 11 genome scans for bipolar illness used
the multiscan probability technique, which combines p values across scans in regions with clusters of positive scores.
This analysis revealed that two regions reached genomewide
significance across the studies: 13q32 (p < 6 106) and
22q1213 (p < 1 105) (Badner and Gershon, 2002). Despite this suggestion of a convergence of findings in these
two regions, however, a second meta-analysis was less encouraging. This latter analysis used data from 18 genome
scans, supplemented by unpublished data when the published data were incomplete (see Table 135). The authors
used a rank-based method to ensure that the meta-analysis
would not be biased by statistical methodology. They found
















Figure 135. Chromosomal regions implicated in bipolar disorder, based on individual studies and two meta-analyses. Dark blue stars
represent regions where a genomewide significant linkage has been found. Light blue stars are regions with more than one suggestive
linkage finding. White stars are regions with the strongest evidence for linkage in either of two meta-analyses of genomewide bipolar disorder linkage scans.

that no region reached genomewide significance across the

combined studies. The strongest regions were 9p2122,
10q1122, 14q2432, 18p18q21, and to a lesser extent 8q24
(Segurado et al., 2003). The most recent meta-analysis differed from the two earlier ones in using original genotype
data rather than published results. The authors combined
data on 1,067 families from 11 studies and found genomewide
significant results for chromosomal regions 6q and 8q (McQueen et al., 2005).
These data add to the evidence from mode of transmission studies that no single gene accounts for the susceptibility to bipolar disorder in a majority of affected families.
Thus, multiple susceptibility genes may contribute to the
risk. Indeed, it is likely that multiple genes contribute cumulatively to susceptibility in each family, a notion referred to as epistasis (see the discussion below).

Promising Linkage Regions

Chromosome 4
Two regions of chromosome 4 have been implicated in
bipolar illness. On 4p16, Blackwood and colleagues (1996)
initially reported significant linkage in a single large Scottish family, with an LOD score of 4.8. Supporting data have
come from several other studies (see Evans et al., 2001, for
references). Of interest, one study in four large Amish families reported evidence for a protective locus in this same
chromosomal region. Using never mentally ill family
members as the affected phenotype, an LOD score of
4.05 was obtained (Ginns et al., 1998).
On the opposite end of the chromosome, 4q35, there is
also some evidence for a susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder. Suggestive evidence of linkagean LOD score of



Table 135. Genome Scans for Bipolar Disorder with More Than 20 Affected Subjects


Coon et al., 1993

McInnes et al., 1996
NIMH1: Detera-Wadleigh
et al., 1997; Edenberg
et al., 1997; Stine et al.,
1997; Willour et al., 2003
Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1999

Costa Rica
National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH)


11p1314, 18p11.3, 18q2223
10p12, 16p1213

Research Program
Johns Hopkins
University of California,
San Diego
NIMH Collaborative


13q32, 18p11


8q24, 18q2122




2q37.3, 18p11
4q35, 11p15.5, 16p1213, Xp11.3

NIMH Collaborative


6q1622, 17q25

University CollegeLondon
State University of
New York, Syracuse
Johns Hopkins Epidemiology


4q32, 16p12
15q11.1, 16p12.3, 18q1221


1q23.3, 3p23, 11q12, 18q22.2

6q2324, 9q3133

Morissette et al., 1999a

Friddle et al., 2000;
McInnis et al., 2003
Cichon et al., 2001
Kelsoe et al., 2001
Turecki et al., 2001
Badenhop et al., 2002
Bennett et al., 2002
NIMH2: Dick et al., 2002;
Willour et al., 2003;
Zandi et al., 2003
Liu et al., 2003
NIMH3: Dick et al.,
2003; Schulze et al.,
Curtis et al., 2003
Ekholm et al., 2003
Maziade et al., 2005
Macgregor et al., 2004
Middleton et al., 2004
Fallin et al., 2004
Venken et al., 2005

3.19was first obtained for this region in a single very large

Australian pedigree (Adams et al., 1998). Subsequently,
McInnis and colleagues (2003) found suggestive evidence
of linkage in this region in 65 Johns Hopkins pedigrees,
and Willour and colleagues (2003) found a nonparametric
LOD score of 2.49 in the same region in 56 NIMH Wave
2 families.

Chromosome 6q1622
This region was first implicated in bipolar disorder in 2003,
when the results of the largest bipolar genome scan to date
were analyzed (Dick et al., 2003). The sample, the third
to come out of the NIMH Bipolar Disorder Collaborative

Sample Size (Affected)


(Wave 3), contained 245 families and 741 affected subjects.

This region was the strongest in the genome for this scan,
with a peak LOD score of 3.05 (Schulze et al., 2004). Similarly, a study of 25 Portuguese bipolar families found the
strongest signal in the genome at 6q22, with a maximum
nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 4.2 (Middleton et al.,
2004). As noted, this region reached genomewide significance in the McQueen and colleagues (2005) meta-analysis.

Chromosome 8q24
Cichon and colleagues (2001) implicated this region at the
significant level in a study of 75 German, Israeli, and Italian families (the Bonn sample). They found a parametric


LOD score of 3.62 using a dominant model of inheritance

and a narrow phenotype definition that included only
BP-I as affected. The region had been implicated earlier by
Friddle and colleagues (2000), who used the first 50 families of the Johns Hopkins sample. In an expanded Hopkins
sample of 65 families, McInnis and colleagues (2003) found
an NPL score of 3.13. When further markers were genotyped in this region in the 65 families, a parametric LOD
score of 3.32, which is genomewide significant, was obtained (Avramopoulos et al., 2004). As noted, this region
reached genomewide significance in the McQueen and colleagues (2005) meta-analysis.

Chromosome 12q24
This region became interesting after investigators reported
the cosegregation of bipolar illness with Darier disease, a
rare dominantly inherited skin disorder located on chromosome 12q24 in one family (Craddock et al., 1994). In a
genome scan of a Quebec region genetic isolate, Morissette
and colleagues (1999b) reported suggestive linkage in the
region, while Ewald and colleagues (1998) found an LOD
of 3.37 in two Danish families using a DNA marker located
nearby. Of interest, the d-amino acid oxidase (DAO) gene,
recently implicated in schizophrenia (Chumakov et al.,
2002), is in this region, about 1.4 Mb from the Darier disease gene.

Chromosome 13q3133
The 22-family genome scan of Detera-Wadleigh and colleagues (1999) identified 13q32 with a nonparametric LOD
of 3.5, just short of genomewide significance. Subsequent
genotyping narrowed the interval, but did not improve the
LOD score (Liu et al., 2001a). The 13q3133 region has also
been implicated at the suggestive level by Kelsoe and colleagues (2001), and by Potash and colleagues (2003b) in a
subset of Johns Hopkins bipolar families characterized by
multiple members with psychotic features (see the discussion below of alternative phenotypic definition). Several
groups have detected association with a pair of overlapping
genes in this region, G72 and G30 (see the later section on
the association method). As noted, this region reached
genomewide significance in the Badner and Gershon (2002)

Chromosome 16p1213
Six independent studies have implicated this region.
Ewald and colleagues (1995a) reported an LOD of 2.5 on
16p13, and McInnes and colleagues (1996) reported an
LOD of 1.46 on 16p13. The NIMH Collaborative found
modest evidence of linkage to 16p1213 in its Wave 1 sample (Edenberg et al., 1997) and stronger evidence for the
same region in its Wave 2 sample (Dick et al., 2002).


Maziade and colleagues (2004) and Ekholm and colleagues (2003) each found evidence of linkage to 16p12 in
their genome scans. The findings from these six studies
are spread over 50 cM.

Chromosome 18
Chromosome 18 may harbor several regions of interest.
Evidence of possible linkage was first reported in the pericentromeric region, an area straddling the short and long
arms of the chromosome (Berrettini et al., 1994). This linkage was later narrowed to 18p11.2, with an LOD score of
2.32 being obtained (Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1999). Evidence for pericentromeric linkage was also reported in the
Johns Hopkins sample, in which suggestive linkage was
detected in the 18q21 region as well (Stine et al., 1995).
These results are notable for a parent-of-origin effect, the
evidence for linkage being derived primarily from families
with paternal inheritance of bipolar illness and from paternally transmitted DNA marker alleles. The Johns Hopkins group followed up on its original report with evidence from an entirely new set of 30 families that again
supported linkage on 18q (McMahon et al., 1997). A combined analysis of the 58 Johns Hopkins families showed the
strongest evidence for linkage on 18q2122, as did an analysis of a slightly expanded sample of 65 families (McInnis
et al., 2003).
Other groups have also found evidence for linkage on
chromosome 18, though in varying regions, including 18p11.3
(McInnes et al., 1996), 18q12 (Ewald et al., 1997; Maziade
et al., 2001), 18q22 (de Bruyn et al., 1996), and 18q23 (Coon
et al., 1996; Freimer et al., 1996; Nothen et al., 1999). The
meta-analysis by Segurado and colleagues (2003) divided
chromosome 18 into four parts for purposes of the study.
Three of the four parts were significantly linked to bipolar
disorder, at least nominally, when the results from 18 genome
scans were pooled.

Chromosome 21q22
Investigators initially reported linkage on chromosome
21q22 based on a single large multigenerational pedigree with
an LOD score of 3.41 (Straub et al., 1994). The same group
subsequently documented an analysis of this chromosomal region involving 56 families, which yielded an LOD
score of 3.48 (Liu et al., 2001b). In two different datasets,
Detera-Wadleigh and colleagues (1996, 1997) found evidence for linkage on 21q. Smith and colleagues (1997) obtained an LOD score of 1.29 in this region. However, when
they used a model that simultaneously incorporated the effects of two locithe 21q locus and the tyrosine hydroxylase locus on 11p15the LOD score increased to 3.87, suggesting that genes in these two regions may interact to
cause disease.



Chromosome 22q1113
In a genome scan of 20 families, Kelsoe and colleagues
(2001) found a parametric LOD score of 3.84 at 22q12,
which was genomewide significant. In this same study, the
authors reported results from the NIMH Wave 2 sample,
which yielded LOD scores of 1.58 at 22q12 and 2.72 at a
marker on the border between 22q11 and 22q12. Other suggestive findings in this region include that of DeteraWadleigh and colleagues (1999), who reported a nonparametric LOD score of 2.1, and that of Potash and colleagues
(2003b), who studied a subset of Johns Hopkins bipolar
families characterized by multiple members with psychotic features and found an NPL score of 3.06 in the 22q12
region (see the discussion below of alternative phenotypic
definition). As noted, this region reached genomewide significance in the Badner and Gershon (2002) meta-analysis.

people may carry the susceptibility gene, but not manifest

the illness (incomplete penetrance, penetrance being defined
as the proportion of individuals of a particular genotype
that express its phenotypic effect in a given environment).
Many others may have the illness, but not carry the susceptibility gene (phenocopy).11 Additionally, as mentioned earlier,
two or more genes may interact to cause disease (epistasis).12
These types of inheritance complexities have contributed to
the difficulty of establishing linkage for bipolar disorder.
For common diseases such as bipolar illness, geneticists
have hypothesized that common gene variants likely play a
role, rather than rare variants (Reich and Lander, 2001).
The common diseasecommon variant hypothesis has implications for how gene hunting will proceed in the future,
including the kinds of samples collected and the kinds of
DNA markers studied.



Rosanoff and colleagues (1935) first proposed the idea that

a gene on the X-chromosome might be implicated in
manic-depressive illness. A number of subsequent studies
of the bipolar subgroup found evidence for linkage in the
Xq28 region using markers for color blindness and G6PD
deficiency, but this evidence has not proven replicable,
even within the same families.10 However, there have also
been reports of linkage in the q2427 region, starting with
the Factor IX locus (Mendlewicz et al., 1987). Another study
found an LOD score of 3.9 at the same locus in one pedigree (Lucotte et al., 1992). And a Finnish group reported an
LOD score of 3.54 at a DNA marker in the Xq2427 region,
also based on one pedigree (Pekkarinen et al., 1995). Thus,
the existence of a bipolar susceptibility gene on Xq2427
remains a possibility.

Given that manic-depressive illness is likely to be

oligogenica term denoting a phenotypic trait produced by
two or more genes working together, each with modest but
detectable effectthe question arises of whether it is possible to identify clinical and biological features of the illness
that might define more genetically homogeneous subtypes. Clinical subtyping has borne fruit in the study of
other illnesses. In breast cancer research, for example, restricting the gene search to families with early onset of the
disease led researchers to a geneBRCA1that turned out
to be common in families with comorbid ovarian cancer
(Miki et al., 1994), as well as a second geneBRCA2that
is less likely than BRCA1 to be associated with ovarian cancer and more likely than BRCA1 to cause male carriers
to develop disease (Wooster et al., 1994). In Alzheimers
disease research as well, identification of families with
early onset of the illness led to detection of the genes
presenilin-1, presenilin-2, and amyloid precursor protein,
all of which can cause the illness when abnormal (mutated) (St. George-Hyslop, 2000). This section first reviews
clinical subtypes of major depressive disorder and then of
bipolar disorder for which there is evidence of familial aggregation and in some cases, for which there is molecular
evidence. A discussion of potential biologically defined
phenotypes, or endophenotypes, follows.

Complex Disorders
The linkage method has yielded spectacular successes in
medicine, with detection of linkage being followed by the
discovery of a disease gene for Huntingtons disease, cystic
fibrosis, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, among others. These illnesses, which are all uncommon, are called simple mendelian disorders because they follow the relatively
simple rules laid out by Mendel. Like many illnesses currently under study, however, including asthma, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus, manic-depressive illness is common and does not follow these mendelian rules. For these
illnesses, referred to as complex genetic disorders, there is not
a one-to-one correspondence between gene and disease;
rather, these disorders may result from the actions of any
one of several genes. A variant of one gene may cause the
illness in one family, while a variant of a different gene may
cause it in another family (genetic heterogeneity). Many

Clinical Subtypes of Major Depressive Disorder

Genetic studies have tended not to focus exclusively on
major depressive disorder because of its lower heritability
relative to bipolar disorder. Instead, as noted earlier, many
linkage studies have employed a broad phenotype model
that includes recurrent major depressive disorder along
with bipolar disorder. Findings derived from such a broad


model should implicate genes predisposing to both bipolar

disorder and recurrent unipolar depression, which might
properly be considered manic-depressive illness genes. The
first three genomewide linkage scans of major depressive
disorder were published in 20032004. To address the lowerheritability problem, these studies all employed clinical
subtyping strategies, with the idea that a restricted phenotype might have greater heritability than major depressive
disorder generally.

Recurrent, Early Onset

Two features of many patients with major depression
recurrent episodes and early age at onsethave a robust
association with increased familial risk, with the former association perhaps having been found more consistently
(Sullivan et al., 2000). In a study of 763 first-degree relatives
of 75 probands with major depression, for example, Bland
and colleagues (1986) found that relatives of probands with
recurrent depression and early age at onset had a 17.4 percent risk of depression, while relatives of probands with
single-episode depression and late age at onset had a 3.4
percent risk.
Two groups have ascertained families through a strategy
of selecting for recurrent early-onset cases of major depression. The Zubenko group performed linkage analysis in 81
families ascertained through probands with recurrent, earlyonset major depression. They detected linkage in several regions, the strongest being 11p15 (Zubenko et al., 2003). The
Genetics of Recurrent Early-onset Depression (GenRED)
project, a multicenter collaborative project on the genetics
of depressive illness, has recruited 680 families that include
971 affected sibling pairsa sample large enough to have
the power to detect linkage even for a susceptibility gene of
modest effect. The families were recruited through probands
with recurrent major depressive disorder who experienced
their first episode prior to age 31. Linkage analysis of about
half of the sample revealed a significant signal on chromosome 15q2526 (Holmans et al., 2004).
Investigators in the primarily European Depression
Network (DeNT) study are recruiting probands whose
major depressive disorder is recurrent, though they are not
screening for early onset. In the initial phase of the study,
they recruited 414 families with 470 affected sibling pairs
(Farmer et al., 2004); the aim is to recruit a total of 1,200

Because rates of major depressive disorder in women are
about twice those in men, investigators have wondered
whether susceptibility genes may differ to some extent by
gender. One study estimated that the genetic effects for
males and females were just over half correlated (Kendler


and Prescott, 1999), while another estimated they were entirely correlated (Kendler and Walsh, 1995). Data from three
family studies are consistent with partial overlap (Merikangas et al., 1985; Faraone et al., 1987; Reich et al., 1987). Sullivan and colleagues (2000) concluded that although the
data are limited, the most parsimonious explanation appears to be that men and women share most but not all genetic influences for major depression.
One study found significant parametric evidence of
linkage to markers in 2q3334 in 170 affected female sibling
pairs, but not in male pairs (Zubenko et al., 2002). The region between the markers that yielded the peak LOD score
includes the CREB1 gene, which encodes a cyclic adenosine
monophosphate (cAMP)-responsive element-binding protein (CREB), an attractive candidate gene because CREB
has been implicated in depression and antidepressant response. This protein appears to be important for many aspects of neuronal functioning. Levels of CREB have been
found to be abnormally low in persons with major depression and in the brain tissue of suicide victims, and have
been observed to be altered by exposure of rat neurons to
antidepressants and lithium (see Chapter 14).
A second study found evidence of linkage uniquely in
families with at least four affected males (Abkevich et al.,
2003). This linkage, in chromosomal region 12q2223.2,
was detected in a sample of Mormon families in Utah in
which ascertainment was restricted to families with a minimum of four affected relatives. In addition to subjects with
recurrent major depressive disorder, individuals with only
a single episode of major depression were considered affected, as were those with bipolar disorder (who made up
about 15 percent of the individuals with mood disorder in
these families).

Clinical Subtypes of Bipolar Disorder

Psychotic Features
The term psychosis has been used in a variety of ways. Here
we use it to refer to the presence of hallucinations and/or
delusions, as does the specifier for psychotic features in the
mood disorders section of DSM-IV. By this definition,
psychosis occurs in about two-thirds of manic episodes
(see Chapter 18) (Coryell et al., 2001). In two samples of
families with bipolar illness, Potash and colleagues (2001,
2003a) found evidence for familial aggregation of psychotic symptoms in manic-depressive illness generally and
BP-I specifically. Taken together, results of these studies
showed that the odds of having psychotic features were
about three times greater for a BP-I relative of a psychotic
BP-I proband than for a BP-I relative of a nonpsychotic
BP-I proband. Another study found a significant correlation (p <.001) between bipolar sibling pairs for scores on



a psychosis rating scale (Omahony et al., 2002), while still

another showed that delusional thinking aggregated in
families of psychotic bipolar subjects (Schurhoff et al., 2003).
Potash and colleagues (2001) hypothesized that psychotic
symptoms in bipolar disorder may be a clinical manifestation of a shared genetic vulnerability to bipolarity and
In the chapter on genetics in the first edition of this
book, we hypothesized the existence of some shared genetic
liability between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, based
on results of family studies of the two disorders (Gershon
et al., 1982, 1988). Those studies showed an excess of major
depression and schizoaffective disorder in the relatives of

both bipolar and schizophrenic probands. The excess of

major depression in both groups has been a consistent
finding (Maier et al., 1993), although the excess of schizoaffective disorder has been less so. Most studies have not
found an excess of schizophrenic relatives in bipolar
proband families or an excess of relatives with bipolar disorder in schizophrenic proband families. Studies using
three large datasets have addressed the issue of overlap between psychotic mood disorder (both bipolar and unipolar)
and schizophrenia (see Table 136). Two of the datasets
showed higher-than-expected rates of psychotic mood
disorder in relatives of schizophrenic probands and vice
versa14; the third dataset also suggested shared liability

Table 136. Family Studies Comparing Schizophrenia and Psychotic Affective Disorder
Risk in First-Degree Relatives (%)


Sample Size




Probands with Psychotic Affective Disorder

Kendler, 1986 (Iowa)














Kendler, 1985 (Iowa)





Kendler et al., 1993a,b,c (Roscommon)

















Kendler et al., 1993a,b,c (Roscommon)

Ehrlenmeyer-Kimling, 1997b
Weighted mean

Probands with Schizophrenia

Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1997

Weighted mean

Control Probandsi
Kendler, 1985 (Iowa)
Kendler et al., 1993a,b,c (Roscommon)





Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1997






Weighted mean


Note: = not studied or reported.

These numbers are approximations as exact figures are not available.
This study examined only children of probands, whereas the other two studies examined all first-degree relatives.
Schizoaffective, mainly schizophrenic type.
This is significantly higher than the controls (odds ratio [OR] = 9.6, chi-square = 41.8, p < .001).
This is significantly higher than the controls (OR = 7.7, chi-square = 22.8, p < .001).
Schizoaffective, mainly affective.
This is significantly higher than the controls (OR = 3.3, chi-square = 16.1, p < .001).
This is significantly higher than the controls (OR = 3.8, chi-square = 13.1, p = .001).
The Roscommon study used unscreened controls, while the other two studies used screened controls.


between the two disorders (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al.,

1997). In addition, some twin studies have found evidence
of shared heritability between psychotic mood disorder
and schizophrenia (Farmer et al., 1987; Cardno et al., 2002).
Linkage studies of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
have implicated overlapping chromosomal regions that
could harbor susceptibility genes shared by the two disorders
(Berrettini, 2000). On chromosome 10p1214, three studies
found evidence of linkage for schizophrenia (Faraone et al.,
1998; Straub et al., 1998; Schwab et al., 2000). In the NIMH
Bipolar Disorder Collaborative study (Wave 1), the strongest
signal in the genome was found at 10p12 (Foroud et al.,
2000). On chromosome 18p11.2, three studies found evidence of linkage for bipolar disorder (Berrettini et al.,
1994; Stine et al., 1995; Nothen et al., 1999), and one study
uncovered suggestive evidence of linkage and evidence of
linkage disequilibrium for schizophrenia (Schwab et al.,
1998). The latter study found a stronger signal when the
phenotype was broadened to include mood disorder. On
chromosome 13q32, two significant findings (Blouin et al.,
1998; Brzustowicz et al., 1999) and a more modest one
(Lin et al., 1997) were reported for schizophrenia. Two
suggestive findings were reported for bipolar disorder
(Detera-Wadleigh et al., 1999; Kelsoe et al., 2001). On
chromosome 22q1113, modest evidence of linkage for
schizophrenia was found (Gill et al., 1996; Schizophrenia
Collaborative Linkage Group for Chromosome 22, 1998).
One group reported significant linkage for bipolar disorder in the same region (Kelsoe et al., 2001). Of interest, the
meta-analysis of 11 genome scans for bipolar disorder that
identified 13q3133 and 22q1113 as the two strongest linkage regions in the genome for the disorder also identified
these two regions as the strongest across 18 genome scans
for schizophrenia (Badner and Gershon, 2002).
Potash and colleagues (2003b) tested the hypothesis
that those bipolar pedigrees most enriched for psychotic
symptoms would show increased evidence of linkage to
the regions of prior overlap in linkage between bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Linkage in the four regions was
assessed for the full family set and for subsets of families
defined by the presence of psychotic symptoms in affectively ill family members. The 10 (of 65) families in which
three or more members had psychotic mood disorder
showed suggestive evidence of linkage to 13q31 (NPL
score = 3.56) and 22q12 (NPL score = 3.32). These results
differed significantly from those for the full 65 families,
which showed little or no evidence of linkage in the two
regions. The 10 families did not show evidence of linkage
to 10p1214 or 18p11.2. These findings suggest that bipolar
illness with psychotic features may be a genetically meaningful subtype and that this subtype may share some susceptibility genes with schizophrenia.


Data from a genome scan for bipolar disorder were reanalyzed by Park and colleagues (2004) according to the presence
or absence of psychotic features. Some evidence of linkage to
psychotic bipolar disorder was obtained on chromosome
13q32, though the strongest results were on chromosomes 9q31
and 8p21. No signal emerged for chromosome 22q1113.
The hypothesis of etiologic overlap suggests the existence of either psychosis genes (within an oligogenic model)
or joint mood and psychosis genes. This latter possibility
implies that examination of mood-related subtypes of
schizophrenia would further illuminate the issue of etiologic overlap. Indeed, results of four studies suggest that
elevated familial rates of mood disorder may occur in a
subset of schizophrenic subjects.15 Pulver and colleagues
(2000) tested the hypothesis that some families with
schizophrenia may carry genes predisposing to both psychotic and mood symptoms. In an effort to reduce genetic
heterogeneity in schizophrenia, they analyzed a subset of 6
families (from a set of 54) in which at least one relative had
a psychotic mood disorder. The strongest linkage signal in
the genome for this family subset was on chromosome
22q12, where results were suggestive; linkage evidence was
also suggestive for 13q33.

Results of several studies conducted in the 1980s indicated
that the diagnosis of BP-II in genetic studies was unreliable (Andreasen et al., 1981). A more recent study, however,
found that the reliability of the Research Diagnostic Criteria BP-II diagnosis was extremely good in the genetic study
done at Johns Hopkins, with a kappa value of .72 for hypomania (Simpson et al., 2002). One possible explanation for
this difference is that at Johns Hopkins, academic psychiatrists specializing in affective disorders conducted the interviews. The three studies that examined the familial aggregation of BP-II and used a methodology that included
direct examination of the majority of subjects are summarized in Table 132. These studies showed that this form of
the disorder appears to breed true, as rates of BP-II are elevated in relatives of BP-II probands. In the one twin study
that specifically analyzed probands with BP-II, a high heritability was observed (Bertelsen et al., 1977).
Interest in BP-II at Johns Hopkins derived from the observation that it was the most common phenotype in the
first set of 28 BP-I proband families ascertained (Simpson
et al., 1993). Subsequent analyses of the Johns Hopkins
linkage data on chromosome 18q2122 in these families
showed that linkage depended mainly on BP-IIBP-II sibling pairs. Sharing of DNA markers was demonstrated
among 18 of 22 pairs in which both siblings had BP-II in
the original dataset. When a second dataset of 30 more
families was prospectively examined, 9 of 11 BP-II pairs



showed significant DNA marker sharing at 18q2122.

When the 15 of 58 families that contained BP-IIBP-II pairs
were analyzed for linkage, they generated an LOD score of
4.6716 (McMahon et al., 2001), which was significantly
higher than that for the overall sample. Subsequent genotyping of more markers increased the LOD score to 5.42
(Schulze et al., 2003).

Bipolar Disorder with Comorbid Panic

and Anxiety Disorders
Using two independent datasets, MacKinnon and colleagues (1997, 2002) found that affectively ill relatives of
BP-I probands with comorbid panic disorder are more
likely to have comorbid panic disorder themselves than
are similar relatives of BP-I probands without this comorbidity. This finding suggests that comorbid panic disorder
may define a genetically meaningful subtype of bipolar
disorder. This hypothesis was tested using linkage data
from chromosome 18, a region where the Johns Hopkins
group had previously found bipolar linkage. MacKinnon
and colleagues found that bipolar families having at least
one member with panic disorder showed stronger linkage
in this region than did other bipolar families. Another study
stratified bipolar families by the presence of comorbid anxiety disorders generally and found that among relatives of
children with bipolar and anxiety disorders, the two disorders appeared to cosegregate. However, this result was based
on a small dataset, as there were only seven relatives with
bipolar disorder (Wozniak et al., 2002).

Early Onset
As with depression, several studies have found a higher
rate of bipolar disorder among relatives of early-onset bipolar probands than among relatives of later-onset probands
(Strober et al., 1988; Coryell et al., 2001; GrigoroiuSerbanescu et al., 2001). Other studies have revealed significant correlation between bipolar sibling pairs for age at
onset (Baron et al., 1981; Leboyer et al., 1998; Omahony
et al., 2002). Faraone and colleagues (2004) studied the
correlation between relatives with bipolar illness for age at
onset of mania. They found a significant correlation, with
an estimated heritability for age at onset of .41. They went
on to use age at onset of mania as a quantitative trait for
linkage analysisa powerful approach because it provides
a finer-grained assessment of the phenotype than is derived from a simple dichotomous depiction of the data.
The results showed suggestive evidence for linkage in three
regions that had not emerged in the conventional phenotype linkage analysis of their dataset: 12p, 14q, and 15q. A
similar approach was taken by the Johns Hopkins group,
which showed that age at onset was familial (Lin et al.,
2005, 2006) and that early onset was correlated with linkage

on 21q22.13 in two distinct datasets. This region of chromosome 21 is one previously implicated in bipolar disorder (see above).

Bipolar Disorder with Comorbid Attention-Deficit

Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Results of three studies from Massachusetts General Hospital suggest that comorbid ADHD in childhood-onset bipolar disorder may mark a genetically meaningful subtype of
the illness (Wozniak et al., 1995; Faraone et al., 1997, 2001a).
In these studies, 143 first-degree relatives of probands with
bipolar disorder and comorbid ADHD were examined.
Among the 33 relatives with ADHD, 14 had bipolar disorder
(42 percent), whereas among the 110 relatives without
ADHD, only 6 had bipolar disorder (5 percent). These results suggest that the two disorders occur together, or co-segregate, within families. Further support for the familial connection between the two disorders comes from a
meta-analysis, performed by the same group, of five studies
comparing rates of ADHD in children of bipolar parents (15
percent) with rates in children of controls (5 percent)
(Faraone et al., 1997). A subsequent study found that 28 percent of children of bipolar probands had ADHD (Chang et
al., 2000). In the converse meta-analysis, examining rates of
bipolar disorder in the relatives of children with ADHD and
of controls, rates were 2.6 percent in the former group and
1.3 percent in the latter. Although the difference was not as
dramatic as that found in the meta-analyses examining rates
of ADHD, it did reach statistical significance (Faraone et al.,
1997). A major methodological issue in this work concerns
the overlapping diagnostic criteria for childhood onset
bipolar disorder and ADHD (see also Chapter 7). Symptoms
such as distractibility, increased activity, and increased talkativeness are shared by the two criteria sets, which makes conclusions about the true biological relationship between the
disorders more difficult to draw (Kent and Craddock, 2003).

Cognitive Features
Cognitive decline was one of the defining features of
Kraepelinian dementia praecox (schizophrenia); by definition, Kraepelinian manic-depressive illness was a disorder
in which such decline was not seen. Although the issue has
not been resolved, some evidence from studies of euthymic
bipolar patients supports the hypothesis that residual neuropsychological impairments persist in a subgroup of patients (Ferrier and Thompson, 2002). Studies of this kind
are potentially confounded, however, by the possibility of
residual symptoms in patients and by the potential cognitive
effects of medications (see Chapter 9). The presence of cognitive abnormalities in unaffected family members can provide a more definitive answer to the question of whether
cognitive deficits are a heritable bipolar trait in some cases.


The potential genetic overlap between bipolar disorder

and schizophrenia was discussed earlier; we noted that
psychotic symptoms (hallucinations and/or delusions) have
been proposed as a possible clinical manifestation of this
overlap. Cognitive impairment may plausibly represent another phenotypic aspect of the same overlap. Such deficits
may define a subgroup of patients. In one study (Decina
et al., 1983), children of bipolar probands had significantly
higher verbal than performance IQ. In another study, children of psychotic manic-depressive parents were significantly impaired on a digit span test compared with controls
(Erlenmeyer-Kimling and Cornblatt, 1992). In the only
neuropsychological study of identical twins discordant for
bipolar illness, seven unaffected twins demonstrated mild
impairments in several tests of learning and memory, as
did their affected twins (Gourovitch et al., 1999). More research is needed to clarify these results.

Rapid Cycling
Three studies of familial aggregation of rapid-cycling bipolar disorder yielded negative results (Nurnberger et al., 1988;
Coryell et al., 1992; Lish et al., 1993). One recent study assessed a related clinical variablethe rapid switching of
moodand found modest evidence for the familial clustering of this trait in a large sample (MacKinnon et al.,
2003a). In a related study, rapid switching was found to be
more common in bipolar families in which multiple members also had panic attacks (MacKinnon et al., 2003b).
More research is needed to determine whether this variable will prove valuable in resolving the genetic heterogeneity of bipolar disorder.

Lithium Responsiveness
Three types of studies have investigated lithium responsiveness as a potentially genetically informative trait: studies of family history of manic-depressive illness, studies of
the familial aggregation of lithium response, and molecular studies. The family history studies have yielded mixed
results: some found a positive family history of bipolar disorder or more broadly defined manic-depressive illness to
be associated with a good response to lithium, while others
did not (see Coryell et al., 2000, for references). Studies of
the familial aggregation of lithium response have been few
and small. These studies, discussed below in the section on
pharmacogenetics, generally support the hypothesis that
lithium response in one family member is predictive of
lithium response in others. Given the biological plausibility of lithium response as an endophenotype in bipolar disorder, Turecki and colleagues (2001) ascertained 31 Canadian bipolar families through excellent lithium responders.


A complete genome scan of these families revealed parametric linkage support for chromosome 15q14 at a
genomewide significant level. Further testing with positive
lithium response as the phenotype implicated a locus on
chromosome 7q11.2.

White Matter Hyperintensities

A number of brain imaging abnormalities have been reported to be associated with bipolar disorder and major depression (see Chapter 15). An increase in white matter hyperintensities may be the most consistent of the abnormalities
seen in bipolar patients. While the heritability of these
changes in bipolar subjects has not been assessed, a study
of elderly male twins in the cardiovascular literature found
a heritability of 73 percent for white matter hyperintensities in 514 twin pairs (Carmelli et al., 1998). One large
extended family has been documented in which all 9 members with bipolar illness and 6 of 10 members without affective disorder had white matter hyperintensities (Ahearn
et al., 2002). The investigators performed a linkage study
employing white matter hyperintensities as an endophenotype and using DNA markers near the NOTCH3 candidate gene. No evidence for linkage was found. There have
also been suggestions of abnormalities in volume or metabolism in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala in patients with manic-depressive illness. The extent
to which these abnormalities represent inherited traits is
currently unclear, however. Only one small study has assessed brain region volumes in twins discordant for the
bipolar subgroup (Noga et al., 2001).

Evoked Potentials
The auditory P300 event-related potential is a brain wave
that appears on an electroencephalogram (EEG) when subjects monitor series of stimuli for rarely presented targets.
The P300 is thought to reflect the operations of short-term
working memory. Results of one study suggest that aspects
of P300 abnormality have a genetic basis. There is a large
Scottish family in which 7 members have schizophrenia,
1 has bipolar disorder, and 10 have major depression. All 18
of these family members, as well as 11 others, carry a balanced chromosomal translocation resulting in chromosomal breakpoints on 1q and 11q. (See the later section on
testing gene- and allele-specific function for a discussion
of cytogenetics and these breakpoints.) When 12 family
members carrying the translocation were tested on the
P300 along with noncarriers and normal controls, the carriers were abnormal by two measuresprolonged latency
and elevated amplitudein comparison with the other
two groups (Blackwood et al., 2001). Further studies are
needed to determine whether other families show cosegregation of P300 abnormalities.



cases. A more rigorous approach to handling this problem

is now available, in which genotypes at random DNA markers are used as a way of testing the similarity in genomic
background between cases and controls. Failure to find significant differences in genomic background suggests that
the controls are adequate. Relatively few studies to date have
used this method, however.
The preferred method for avoiding the stratification
problem is to use family-based association. The most widely
used test of this kindthe transmission disequilibrium
testcounts the number of times an allele is transmitted
by parents to affected probands and compares this result
with the number of times that allele is not transmitted by
parents to affected probands (Spielman et al., 1993) (see
Fig. 136). This family constellationa proband and his or
her parentsis referred to as a trio, and these data are being collected by many groups for association studies. It is
important to note that family-based association may be
less prone to false-positive findings than the approach of
selecting ethnically identical controls, but because of potentially reduced power, it may be more prone to false
negative results (Risch, 2000).
There are two types of candidate genesfunctional candidates and positional candidates. In the 1990s, tests of
association were typically applied to functional candidate
genesthose coding for a protein thought to have some
biological role in manic-depressive illness. Because of neurobiological data implicating the neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, in bipolar
disorder and depression, most studies focused on functional
candidate genes from these systems. Results have been
mixed, with a number of genes yielding both negative and
weakly positive results (see Table 137). A subset of functional candidate genes that has been studied in relation to


The Method
Association is an approach to disease gene identification
that provides an alternative to the linkage method. While
linkage is a property of genes or loci and occurs within
families, association is a property of alleles and occurs
across a population. An association study can be used for
two different purposes. The first is to test directly whether a
gene variant may be implicated in manic-depressive illness
(most, though not all, such studies focus on the bipolar
subgroup). An association between a phenotype and an allele at a locus may mean that the allele in question leads to
susceptibility to the phenotype. The second use of association studies is for the narrowing of linkage regions through
linkage disequilibrium mapping. This indirect approach
can provide information about the location of a disease
gene with resolution that is roughly 1,000-fold greater than
that of a linkage study. An association between a phenotype
and an allele at a locus may mean that the allele is in linkage
disequilibrium (discussed below) with a susceptibility allele either within the same gene or at a nearby gene.
One can test candidate genes for their association with
bipolar disorder by determining whether a particular allele
occurs more commonly in those with bipolar illness (cases)
than in controls. The choice of controls in a casecontrol
association study can be problematic, however, as differences in allele frequency between the disease and control
groups due to differing genomic backgrounds and unrelated to the phenotype (population stratification) may confound the study results. This problem is often addressed by
selecting controls thought to be ethnically identical to the

Figure 136. Family-based association: the transmission disequilibrium test. The test is performed using trios composed of an affected individual and his or her parents. It does not matter
for this test whether the parents are affected. The test determines whether a particular allele is
transmitted to affected individuals more often than it is not transmitted. In this example, there are
four heterozygous parentsthe father in a, the mother in b, and both parents in c (squares are
males, circles are females, and filled-in symbols are affected). Each of these four parents could have
transmitted either the G or T allele to his or her affected child. In all four cases, the G was transmitted. Note that the mother in a and the father in b could transmit only a T because they are homozygous for this allele. Thus, they are not informative for this test. A consistent pattern of overtransmitting the G allele across a large number of trios would implicate this allele in association with disease.










Table 137. Genes That Have Been Tested for Association in Bipolar Disorder


Chromosome Location



Promoter length polymorphism


Intron 2 repeat polymorphism



Serotonin System




















Battersby et al., 1996; Collier et al.,

1996a,b; Kunugi et al., 1997a; Oruc
et al., 1997b; Rees et al., 1997;
Bellivier et al., 1998a; Esterling
et al., 1998; Furlong et al., 1998c;
Gutierrez et al., 1998; Hoehe et al.,
1998; Mendes de Oliveira et al.,
1998; Bocchetta et al., 1999; Kirov
et al., 1999c; Liu et al., 1999; Vincent
et al., 1999; Mundo et al., 2000;
Mynett-Johnson et al., 2000;
Ospina-Duque et al., 2000; Saleem
et al., 2000a; Dimitrova et al., 2002;
Rotondo et al., 2002; Serretti et al.,
2002b; Yen et al., 2003; Mendlewicz
et al., 2004
Erdmann et al., 1995; Vincent et al.,
Vincent et al., 1999; Mundo et al.,
2001b; Huang et al., 2003
Vincent et al., 1999
Gutierrez et al., 1995; Arranz et al.,
1997; Mahieu et al., 1997; Zhang
et al., 1997; Tsai et al., 1999; Vincent
et al., 1999; Massat et al., 2000;
Tut et al., 2000; Chee et al., 2001;
Ni et al., 2002a; Ranade et al., 2003;
Etain et al., 2004
Gutierrez et al., 1996; Oruc et al.,
1997b; Vincent et al., 1999b; Gutierrez
et al., 2001; Lerer et al., 2001
Ohtsuki et al., 2002
Hong et al., 1999; Vogt et al., 2000

Table 137. Genes That Have Been Tested for Association in Bipolar Disorder (continued)


Chromosome Location











Erdmann et al., 1996; Vincent et al., 1999

Bellivier et al., 1998b; Furlong et al., 1998b;
Vincent et al., 1999; Rietschel et al., 2000;
Souery et al., 2001; Rotondo et al., 2002
Craddock et al., 1995a; Kawada et al., 1995a;
Lim et al., 1995; Nothen et al., 1995;
Rubinsztein et al., 1996; Muramatsu et al.,
1997; Parsian and Todd, 1997; Furlong et al.,
1999a; Kirov et al., 1999b; Kunugi et al.,
1999; Turecki et al., 1999; Preisig et al., 2000;
Syagailo et al., 2001

Dopamine System















Gomez-Casero et al., 1996; Manki et al., 1996;

Souery et al., 1996b; Waldman et al., 1997;
Georgieva et al., 2002
Nothen et al., 1992; Cichon et al., 1994, 1996;
Savoye et al., 1998; Ni et al., 2002b
Nothen et al., 1992; Craddock et al., 1995c;
Perez de Castro et al., 1995; Arinami et al.,
1996; Manki et al., 1996; Oruc et al., 1996;
Souery et al., 1996b; Furlong et al., 1998a;
Savoye et al., 1998; Stober et al., 1998;
Bocchetta et al., 1999; Kirov et al., 1999a;
Li et al., 1999b; Heiden et al., 2000; Massat
et al., 2002b
Rietschel et al., 1993; Shaikh et al., 1993;
Parsian et al., 1995; Gomez-Casero et al.,
1996; Manki et al., 1996; Souery et al.,
1996b; Piccardi et al., 1997; Savoye et al.,
1998; Massat et al., 2002b









Lim et al., 1994; Perez de Castro et al., 1994;

Di Bella et al., 1996; Manki et al., 1996; Weiss
et al., 1996; Oruc et al., 1997a; Bocchetta
et al., 1999; Serretti et al., 1999a, 2002b;
Muglia et al., 2002D
Asherson et al., 1998; Kirov et al., 1999a;
Muir et al., 2001

Norepinephrine System


Stober et al., 1996; Leszczynska-Rodziewicz

et al., 2002

Monoamine Metabolism



dopamine to
and dopamine






Biomed European Biopolar Collaborative

Group, 1997; Gutierrez et al., 1997;
Kunugi et al., 1997b; Lachman et al.,
1997; Li et al., 1997; Kirov et al., 1998;
1999a; Mynett-Johnson et al., 1998;
Ohara et al., 1998b; Papolos et al., 1998;
Geller and Cook, 2000; Rotondo et al.,
2002; Serretti et al., 2003
Kirov et al., 1999a

Borglum et al., 1999; Speight et al., 2000;

Jahnes et al., 2002
Todd and OMalley, 1989; Korner et al.,
1990; Leboyer et al., 1990; Nothen et al.,
1990; Gill et al., 1991; Inayama et al.,
1993; Korner et al., 1994; Kawada et al.,
1995b; Meloni et al., 1995; Perez de
Castro et al., 1995; Souery et al., 1996b;
Todd et al., 1996; Malafosse et al., 1997;
Oruc et al., 1997a; Serretti et al., 1998;
Burgert et al., 1998; Furlong et al., 1999b;
McQuillin et al., 1999; Souery et al.,
1999; Muglia et al., 2002; Serretti
et al., 2003

Table 137. Genes That Have Been Tested for Association in Bipolar Disorder (continued)



Chromosome Location


















Parsian and Todd, 1997


Horiuchi et al., 2004

Puertollano et al., 1995; Duffy et al., 2000;
Massat et al., 2002a
Papadimitriou et al., 1998; Duffy et al., 2000
Puertollano et al., 1997

Duffy et al., 2000; Papadimitriou et al., 2001

Meira-Lima et al., 2000; Pauls et al., 2000;

Segman et al., 2002

Deckert et al., 1998






Regulator of
axonal growth




Neves-Pereira et al., 2002; Sklar et al., 2002;

Hong et al., 2003; Nakata et al., 2003; Geller
et al., 2004; Kunugi et al., 2004; Oswald
et al., 2004
Kurumaji et al., 2001


Jung et al., 2004

Hattori et al., 2002
Tsai et al., 2001


Alda et al., 2000


Jun et al., 2004

Nakata et al., 2003


Jones et al., 2000



Wnt receptor
Inositol phosphate
Neural cell


Kealey et al., 2001


Hashimoto et al., 2005

Lin et al., 2001; Kunugi et al., 2002


Sjoholt et al., 2004


Piccardi et al., 2002


Arai et al., 2004


Tadokoro et al., 2004


Alda et al., 2000

Meira-Lima and Vallada, 2003
Turecki et al., 1998
Meira-Lima et al., 2003; Pae et al., 2004


Trinucleotide Repeat Containing




Potassium channel 1q22

ataxia 2


Chandy et al., 1998; Guy et al., 1999; Hawi

et al., 1999; McInnis et al., 1999; Rohrmeier
et al., 1999; Bowen et al., 2000; Saleem et al.,
2000b; Jin et al., 2001; Meira-Lima et al.,
2001; Ujike et al., 2001
Franks et al., 1999


Franks et al., 1999



McInnis et al., 2000; Meira-Lima et al., 2001;

Del Favero et al., 2002
Meira-Lima et al., 2001




Swift-Scanlan et al., 2002; Prathikanti et al.,



Hodgkinson et al., 2004


Table 137. Genes That Have Been Tested for Association in Bipolar Disorder (continued)


Chromosome Location








D-amino acid
MAP kinase
Possible NMDA
Pituitary adenyl


Middle et al., 2000; Kato et al., 2003; Serretti

et al., 2003; Koido et al., 2005
Schumacher et al., 2004


Toyota et al., 2000

Dawson et al., 1995; Jacobsen et al., 1996

Meira-Lima et al., 2003a
Hattori et al., 2003; Chen et al., 2004;
Schumacher et al., 2004; Schulze et al., 2005

Toyota et al., 2002

Nyegaard et al., 2002









Itokawa et al., 2003


Turecki et al., 1996

Sjoholt et al., 2004


Washizuka et al., 2003



Ishiguro et al., 2001

Kirov et al., 2001

Kakiuchi et al., 2003; Cichon et al., 2004; Hou
et al., 2004
Meira-Lima et al., 2003b

Notes: The phenotype here is defined narrowly as bipolar only for some studies, while it is defined as bipolar plus major depression for others. The relatively few studies examining only
major depression are not included.
A positive result indicates a finding that was statistically significant; a negative result represents a finding that was not statistically significant. This determination is based
on overall results, and does not take account of secondary analyses.


bipolar disorder is the group of genes that contain trinucleotide repeat sequences. This structural feature has been
implicated in numerous neuropsychiatric diseases and has
been hypothesized to play a role in bipolar disorder (see
the later section on consideration of alternative genetic
The positional candidate genes are those that reside in
linkage regions and are thus in a chromosomal position of
interest. Studies of positional candidate genes conducted in
the 1990s were confined primarily to work on genes that
were both positional and biological candidates. Work is currently under way on larger-scale association testing of many
positional candidate genes in linkage regions. Genes with at
least three positive association findings are discussed below.

Promising Candidate Genes

Serotonin Transporter
The serotonin transporter gene, 5-HTT, is the most heavily
studied gene in research on manic-depressive illness because of the importance of serotonin in depression, the central role of 5-HTT in serotonergic function at the synapse,
and the demonstration of a functionally meaningful DNA
variation in the promoter region of the gene. The promoter
region plays a crucial role in the expression of the gene, and
5-HTT has a stretch of promoter DNA that exists in a short
and a long form. The short form has been found to result in
decreased levels of gene expression compared with the long
form. Four studies of bipolar disorder have found a positive
association between the short variant and illness,17 while 13
studies have found no significant difference (see Table 137).
Of these studies, 5 were family based, and only 1 of these
5 showed positive association.18 A meta-analysis of 15
casecontrol samples found evidence for a significant,
though quite small, effect of this polymorphism in bipolar
disorder, reporting an odds ratio of 1.13 for having the short
versus the long allele among the cases as compared with the
controls (Lasky-Su et al., 2005).
A second polymorphism in the gene, a repeat in intron 2,
has also been heavily studied, and there is evidence as well
from a transgenic mouse model that this polymorphism
may influence gene expression (MacKenzie and Quinn,
1999) (see the later section on testing gene- and allele-specific
function). There have been 6 positive and 10 negative studies of this polymorphism. Five of these were family-based
studies, and of these five, one was positive and three were
Several studies have used the alternative phenotypic definition approach (discussed previously) in testing association with these markers. Two studies found modest evidence of association between the short promoter variant
and violent suicide attempters with manic-depressive illness


(Bellivier et al., 2000; Courtet et al., 2001), and a third

found an association between the short variant and completed suicide (Bondy et al., 2000). One negative study for
the phenotype of violent suicidal behavior in a primarily
manic-depressive sample has been reported (Rujescu et al.,
2001) (see Chapter 8).

This gene encodes monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), an enzyme that degrades monoamine neurotransmitters, such as
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. There are several
reasons why MAOA may have a role in manic-depressive illness. First, monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) medications, such as tranylcypromine, treat depression. Second, in
a large Dutch kindred with a form of X-linked mild mental
retardation, all affected males showed aggressive, impulsive,
and sometimes violent behavior, including arson, attempted
rape, exhibitionism, and attempted suicide (Brunner et al.,
1993). Each of the affected males in the family was shown to
carry a mutation in the MAOA gene. The behavioral phenotype in this family was believed to bear some resemblance to
a manic syndrome.
Thirteen studies have examined the possible association
of four MAOA polymorphisms with either bipolar disorder
or bipolar disorder combined with major depression. Four
of these studies yielded statistically significant positive
findings, while nine failed to show an association (see
Table 137). However, two meta-analyses that examined
pooled data from seven and five studies, respectively,
found significant associations for the two polymorphisms
they examined (Furlong et al., 1999a; Preisig et al., 2000).
One of these polymorphisms, a microsatellite marker in
intron 2, had an allele that was 1.55 times more likely to be
found in Caucasian bipolar subjects than in controls and
an allele that was 2.65 times more likely to be found in Japanese bipolar subjects than in controls. For a single base variant in the coding sequence, one allele was 1.30 times more
likely in Caucasian cases than in controls (Furlong et al.,
1999a). An important caveat is that these meta-analyses, like
all of the positive studies, used the casecontrol method.
The only two studies to use family-based methods both
failed to show evidence for an association (Nothen et al.,
1995; Parsian and Todd, 1997), so the possibility that the
positive findings for this gene are due to undetected population stratification cannot be ruled out.

This gene encodes tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of dopamine and norepinephrine. A
total of 21 studies have sought an association between bipolar
disorder and TH polymorphisms, including four RFLPs and
one microsatellite repeat within intron 1; of these, 5 yielded



positive results and 16 negative (see Table 137). A metaanalysis of 11 studies using the microsatellite marker showed
no evidence for association with bipolar disorder in the
pooled data (Furlong et al., 1999b). Current evidence does
not support involvement of the TH gene in bipolar disorder.

This gene codes for an enzyme involved in the degradation
of dopamine and norepinephrine. It has been much studied in relation to schizophrenia in part because it lies in
a chromosomal region within 22q11 that has been implicated in psychotic illness through velocardiofacial syndrome
(VCFS). This syndrome, which is often accompanied by
psychotic symptoms, results from microdeletion or loss of a
segment from the 22q11.2 region. Another interesting feature of COMT is the existence of an SNP shown to be functionally significant, with the variant coding for methionine
having a three- to four-fold lower level of enzymatic activity
than the one coding for valine. There have been five positive
and seven negative studies of this variant (see Table 137). A
meta-analysis of seven casecontrol reports, representing
910 bipolar cases and 1,069 controls, found a statistically
significant, though very modest, effect whereby the lowactivity methionine variant was 1.18 times more likely in
subjects with bipolar disorder than in controls (Craddock
et al., 2001). None of the three family-based studies showed
significant evidence for an association (Mynett-Johnson
et al., 1998; Kirov et al., 1999a; Geller and Cook, 2000).

The dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) has been the subject of
intense interest because of its critical role in the mechanism of action of antipsychotic medications. There have
been 4 positive and 11 negative association studies of this
gene in relation to bipolar disorder (see Table 137). Notably, the most recent study had three to four times more
patients than any of the prior studies. This study found
that one allele of a microsatellite marker within intron 2
was 1.7 times more common in bipolar cases than in controls (p = .00035) (Massat et al., 2002b). While this finding
might be construed as indicating that when the sample is
sufficiently large, a real though modest association can be
found with DRD2, again one would like to see confirmatory evidence from family-based association studies. Two
such studies have been done to date; both were negative.
Thus, firm conclusions about an etiologic role for DRD2 in
bipolar disorder cannot be drawn at present.

The dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4) has been of interest in
psychiatric genetics since its discovery as a dopamine receptor with a high affinity for clozapine and the discovery

shortly thereafter of multiple variants in the population

(Van Tol et al., 1991, 1992). The most studied variant is a
repeat polymorphism in exon 3, encoding the third
intracellular loop of the gene. One of the variants, the 7repeat variant, was shown to be less potent at inhibiting
dopamine-stimulated cAMP formation in cells as compared with the other two common variants (Asghari et al.,
1995). This variant has been shown to be significantly associated with ADHD in separate meta-analyses of 8
casecontrol studies and 14 family-based studies (Faraone
et al., 2001b). There have been 3 positive and 7 negative
studies of association of bipolar disorder with DRD4
(see Table 137). Three of these studies were family based;
2 were negative (Bocchetta et al., 1999; Serretti et al.,
2002a), and 1 was positive (Muglia et al., 2002). Of interest,
the latter positive study was associated with a parent-oforigin effect (see the section below on alternative genetic

At the start of the new century, armed with greater awareness of the neurobiology of manic-depressive illness, a
wider array of identified SNPs, and a greater technical capacity to perform SNP genotyping, Sklar and colleagues
(2002) undertook a family-based association study of 76
functional candidate genes located in diverse regions of the
genome. The study yielded two nominally positive associations with the bipolar subgroup, and only one of these
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)was supported,
albeit weakly at a nonstatistically significant level, in two
replication samples. The authors found that two samples
shared an undertransmitted haplotype (an ancestral chromosomal fragment) marked by two SNPs. A second
study (Neves-Pereira et al., 2002) also found an association between BDNF and bipolar disorder using the same
SNP identified in the Sklar et al. screen, which in its G
form leads to synthesis of the amino acid valine, but in its
A form results in methionine. As in the study by Sklar and
colleagues, the A allele was found to be undertransmitted
in this family-based study. Replication attempts in one
European (Oswald et al., 2004) and three Asian (Nakata
et al., 2003) casecontrol datasets were negative, however
(Nakata et al., 2003). Further support for the Sklar groups
finding comes from a report that the G allele of BDNF was
shown to be preferentially transmitted to people with
prepubertal and early-adolescent bipolar disorder (Geller
et al., 2004). Similarly, the G allele was associated with
neuroticism, a personality trait correlated with depression
(Sen et al., 2003), although a Chinese casecontrol study
of major depression was negative (Tsai et al., 2003). The
potential genetic role of BDNF in mood disorder is intriguing because of the part it plays in the brains response


to stress, in the treatment of animal models of depression,

and in the putative mechanism of action of antidepressant
medications (Licinio and Wong, 2002; see also Chapter 9).

The genes discussed above were all studied because they
were thought to have a biological role in bipolar disorder.
Yet our lack of fundamental understanding of bipolar
pathophysiology may mean that positional candidate genes
with no known biological relationship to bipolar disorder,
or perhaps no currently known function at all, may be real
susceptibility genes for the disorder. One intriguing new
finding concerns two genes of unknown functionG72
and G30that overlap each other on the same stretch of
DNA. A group studying schizophrenia genetics discovered
these genes as positional candidates in the 13q32 linkage region. They reported an association of SNPs in and around
these genes with schizophrenia (Chumakov et al., 2002). In
the same study, the protein product of G72 was found to
interact with DAO; DAO is expressed in the human brain,
where it oxidizes d-serine, a potent activator of the Nmethyl-D-aspartatetype glutamate receptor.
The Gershon group, which first reported linkage to this
same region in bipolar disorder, tested for association of
SNPs in G72/G30 in the NIMH Clinical Neurogenetics 22family bipolar sample and in the NIMH Wave 1 and 2
bipolar samples. Using the transmission disequilibrium
test to assess family-based association, they obtained positive results for both samples (Hattori et al., 2003). A second
study of G72/G30, by Chen and colleagues (2004), employed
the Johns Hopkins bipolar sample. Using a casecontrol
approach, they found that two G72/G30 SNPs were associated with illness. A third study also found evidence for an
association of SNPs in G72/G30 with both schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder (Schumacher et al., 2004). Yet another
study examined the G72 gene in two bipolar samples and,
in the context of looking at psychosis in general and individual psychotic symptoms, found an association specifically with persecutory delusions (Schulze et al., 2005). While
promising, the results of these studies cannot be regarded as
conclusive because the associated variations within the genes
differ from one study to the next, and no functional variation has yet been implicated. Nonetheless, G72/G30 does
constitute the first positional candidate gene(s) for bipolar
disorder to be associated with illness in independent reports.

Linkage Disequilibrium
In addition to testing for whether a candidate gene is associated with disease, it is possible to test for such an association with random marker alleles in noncoding regions of
DNA. When an association is found, the marker allele is in
linkage disequilibrium with the disease locus, reflecting the


common inheritance of an ancestral chromosomal fragment, or haplotype, among affected individuals. (A haplotype denotes the collective genotype of a number of closely
linked DNA markers or loci on a chromosome.) This approach can be viewed as a linkage test in one enormous
family. Because the family is so big, with numerous generations and thus numerous recombinations of chromosomal
fragments, the chromosomal region implicated by a positive findingthe region left unrecombined, or intactis
much smaller than the region implicated by linkage.
The chromosomal distance across which linkage disequilibrium can be detected in a European population ranges
from a few thousand to 100,000 bases, with an average of
about 22,000 bases (Gabriel et al., 2002). The distance is
smaller for African populations. These regions, called haplotype blocks, are roughly 1,000-fold smaller than the typical size of a linkage region (Roberts et al., 1999). These
short distances have been an obstacle to the use of linkage
disequilibrium mapping because they necessitate large numbers of very tightly spaced DNA markers to detect association with a disease gene. Only since the turn of the century
have large numbers of SNPs become available, allowing for
the conduct of very dense marker studies. A number of
projects are currently using SNPs to narrow the localization of a linkage region, although no study employing this
method in a general bipolar population, as opposed to a
population isolate, has yet been published. It is thought
that 300,000 or more SNPs would be required to conduct a
genomewide association study in a genetically mixed population (Gabriel et al., 2002). Studies that would test 500,000
SNPs in a large bipolar sample are currently being planned.

Population Isolates
Linkage disequilibrium studies have been published for a
population isolate. Such populations are thought to be more
genetically homogeneous than ethnically mixed populations; moreover, linkage disequilibrium may exist over a
larger chromosomal region in these isolates than in a mixed
population, potentially facilitating detection. Population
isolates that have been studied in relation to bipolar disorder include the Amish, Ashkenazi Jews, the population
of the Central Valley of Costa Rica, inhabitants of eastern
Finland, and families from the SaguenayLac-St-Jean region in Quebec. A genome scan on the Costa Rican sample
yielded several strong linkage findings, including one on
18p11.3. SNP genotyping across the region yielded a strong
association with markers in a 19,000-base region that contains just two genes, with the most strongly implicated gene
being CLUL1, clusterin-like 1 (retinal), for which the function is not known (McInnes et al., 2001). Another study
from the same group included a genomewide linkage disequilibrium scan using 1,186 microsatellite markers on 109



unrelated Costa Rican BP-I subjects. This study found evidence for increased sharing of an ancestral chromosomal
fragment among ill subjects on 8p23.1, suggesting the possibility of a susceptibility gene in this region (Ophoff et al.,
There are caveats to the population isolate strategy. The
necessary homogeneity may exist only if the isolate has a
particular history, that is, a small number of unrelated
founders (10100) and slow population growth during the
early generations following the initial bottleneck. Some
populations currently regarded as isolates may not meet
these criteria (Wright et al., 1999). Further, the age and frequency of the sought-after disease mutation affect the ability to detect linkage disequilibrium with neighboring markers. In particular, if the disease mutation is significantly
older than the marker mutation, little or no association may
be detected even when the physical distance between the
two is small (Chakravarti, 1999). If gene variants leading to
susceptibility to bipolar disorder are common variants, they
probably developed a very long time ago. Because of their
age, they are likely to have been scrambled by the many recombinations that have occurred during the numerous
meioses between then and now. In this setting, linkage disequilibrium between the marker and the disease allele may
not exist over any greater distance in an isolate than in the
general population.

and a Romanian sample, in which it was restricted to subjects inheriting the disorder from the paternal side (Nylander
et al., 1994; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu et al., 1997; Ohara et al.,
1998a). In a Canadian bipolar sample, evidence for anticipation was also found, although the authors suggested that
a censoring bias may have been partially responsible for this
result (Merette et al., 2000). This bias is due to having apparently normal subjects in the younger generation who might
eventually develop the disorder, though their potentially later
age at onset is not evident at the time of the study. Other potential biases can also influence analyses of anticipation
(Goossens et al., 2001). Anticipation studies of bipolar disorder have attempted to control for these biases, but the possibility of false positive findings cannot be ruled out.
In support of the clinical findings, a few reports have
suggested that expanded trinucleotide repeat sequences
may exist in bipolar disorder; however, the majority of
studies have been negative in this regard (see Table 137 for
trinucleotide repeatcontaining genes that have been tested
for association with bipolar disorder; see Goossens et al.,
2001, for further references). Although the anticipation
and trinucleotide repeat hypothesis has not yet yielded
strong candidate bipolar genes, the possibility remains that
types of repeats not yet carefully examined may play a role
in the etiology of bipolar disorder.


Among 34 Johns Hopkins pedigrees, an excess of maternal

transmission of bipolar disorder was observed, a finding
consistent with those of a number of prior studies (summarized by McMahon et al., 1995). Some subsequent findings (Lin and Bale, 1997), though not all (Kato et al., 1996b),
have been consistent with this observation. One study
found that the rate of the disorder among the offspring of
affected fathers was significantly higher than that among
those with affected mothers (Kornberg et al., 2000).
If there is a clinical parent-of-origin effect, there are a
number of possible explanations. In some cases, bipolar
disorder could be inherited through mitochondrial genes.
In other cases, the illness could be accounted for by an imprinted gene, for which alleles are expressed differentially
based on the gender of the transmitting parent. Other possibilities include X-linkage; the psychosocial consequences
of being reared by an affected mother; and intrauterine
maternal factors, such as differential susceptibility to infectious agents. It is also possible that ascertainment bias accounts for the clinical parent-of-origin findings. The first
two possibilities are discussed below.

Earlier we discussed alternative phenotypic definition as a

potential means of achieving greater genetic homogeneity
in a bipolar sample. Another promising route to gene discovery involves considering alternative genetic mechanisms
that underlie disease. Whereas previously we focused on
rethinking the phenotype, we now turn to rethinking
the genotype. Clinical observations of the patterns of illness and inheritance in families can provide important
clues to the underlying genetic mechanism.

Anticipation and Trinucleotide Repeats

The phenomenon of anticipation, in which successive generations of afflicted individuals suffer from an earlier and more
severe form of the disease, implicates a unique pathogenetic
mechanism. Anticipation has been observed in a number
of neurologic and neuropsychiatric diseases, including myotonic dystrophy, fragile X syndrome, and Huntingtons
diseaseall caused by genes with trinucleotide repeat sequences that expand in successive generations. In 34 Johns
Hopkins families, evidence for anticipation in bipolar disorder was observed (McInnis et al., 1993). Anticipation in bipolar illness was also seen in Swedish families, Japanese families,

Parent-of-Origin Effect

Mitochondrial Inheritance
The mitochondria are organelles within cells; they have
their own unique genome, composed of 16,569 nucleotides


coding for 37 genes. The inheritance of this genome is

strictly maternal. Thus mitochondrial inheritance would
be a good explanation for maternal inheritance of disease.
McMahon and colleagues (2000) examined the mitochondrial genome in a Johns Hopkins bipolar sample and found
no evidence of an association between any SNPs examined
and the illness. One group has, however, reported modest
evidence of an association between two mitochondrial
SNPs and bipolar disorder (Kato et al., 2000, 2001), while
another group found evidence for a nonspecific weak effect of mitochondrial gene variants on the disorder (Kirk
et al., 1999).

Genomic Imprinting
When heritable differences in gene expression between individuals exist and are not accounted for by variation in
the DNA sequence, epigenetic factors are said to be involved. One important epigenetic mechanism is genomic
imprintingthe parent-of-originspecific silencing of one
allele of a given gene with a corresponding parent-of-originspecific expression of the other allele. Imprinting has
been demonstrated for about 25 genes to date (Morison and
Reeve, 1998), and imprinted genes have been implicated in
such diseases as Angelman syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, and Beckwith-Weidemann syndrome. Although imprinted genes are thought to play an important role in
growth, they can also be involved in maternal behavior (Li
et al., 1999a) and in social behavior (Skuse et al., 1997).
Mouse studies of the developing brain employing genetically engineered mice with predominantly maternal or predominantly paternal genomes have indicated that maternal
genes play a disproportionate role in the development of the
cortex, while paternal genes play a disproportionate role in
hypothalamic development (Keverne et al., 1996).
Two bipolar genome scans have examined parent-oforiginspecific linkage. Reporting on the Bonn sample, Cichon and colleagues (2001) identified two regions2p2124
and 2q3132that showed suggestive evidence for linkage
when only maternal transmission was examined, and two
regions14q32 and 16q2123that showed suggestive linkage when only paternal regions were examined (Cichon et
al., 2001). Of interest, the 14q32 linkage region is immediately adjacent to a known imprinted gene, DLK1. Because
imprinting is thought to occur in clusters, there may be
other imprinted genes in the region. McInnis and colleagues
(2003), examining the Johns Hopkins sample, found two
regions1q42 and 13q12that showed linkage with maternally transmitted alleles and one region18q2122that
showed linkage with paternally transmitted alleles (McInnis et al., 2003). The 13q12 region contains 5-HT2A, reported
to be imprinted in fibroblasts (Kato et al., 1996a) and in
brain tissue from some subjects but not others (Bunzel


et al., 1998). One association study of 5-HT2A examined

whether parent-of-originspecific association could be detected in bipolar subjects; results were negative (Murphy
et al., 2001).
Earlier studies of chromosome 18 in the Johns Hopkins
sample found that linkage to chromosome 18q2122 came
predominantly from paternally inherited alleles. A subsequent study, focusing on a phenotypically defined subgroup of families (see the earlier section on alternative
phenotypic definition), obtained a nonparametric LOD
score of 4.67 for paternally transmitted alleles (which rose
to 5.42 in a more recent analysis [Schulze et al., 2003]) and
near zero for maternally transmitted alleles. This result
suggested the possibility that an imprinted gene in the region could account for the linkage in the 18q22 region. Of
note, one imprinted gene, TCEL2, has been reported on
18q12, although that is the only identified imprinted human gene to date on chromosome 18.
Two association studies have found parent-of-origin
specific evidence for association with bipolar disorder: one
study of DDC, which codes for dopa-decarboxylase (Borglum et al., 2003), and one study of DRD4 (Muglia et al.,
2002). Both genes are biologically plausible candidates,
and both lie adjacent to known imprinted genes. A study
assessing imprinting of DRD4, however, found evidence for
normal, nonimprinted expression of the gene.
A more complex scenario of brain regionspecific, developmental stagespecific, or alternative transcriptspecific
imprinting cannot be ruled out at present. An example of
brain regionspecific imprinting is the UBE3A gene, which
is thought to cause Angelman syndrome. In a mouse model,
this gene was expressed in an imprinted fashion in Purkinje cells, hippocampal neurons, and mitral cells of the
olfactory bulb, but not clearly imprinted in other brain regions (Albrecht et al., 1997). Transcripts are expressed genes,
encoded as messenger RNA. A single gene may give rise to
several different, or alternative, transcripts, as a result of cutting and pasting (splicing) of the exons that form the gene.
One striking example of alternative transcriptspecific imprinting is the GNAS gene. It is expressed normally with one
transcript, only from the maternal copy with another transcript, and only from the paternal copy with still another
transcript (Hayward et al., 1998).


In this section we review work that moves the argument for
the involvement of a gene in manic-depressive illness beyond
the realm of statistical association and into the realm of neurobiology. Establishing causal relationships between gene
variants and disease depends first on being able to show that



the susceptibility variant alters the structure or function of

the messenger RNA and/or protein product. Establishing
causality also depends on demonstrating a relationship between a susceptibility variant and other intermediate features
of disease pathology or disease phenotype, such as neuronal
structure and function, brain structure and function, and
intermediate neuropsychological variables. Figure 137 illustrates the many intervening levels that come between genotype and phenotype. The discussion that follows focuses on
studies of gene expression in the bipolar subgroup of manicdepressive illness and on the few studies that have examined
candidate gene variants in relation to intermediate phenotypes. These studies have been carried out in brain samples
and in white blood cell samples from bipolar patients, as well
as in experimental cell lines and in mouse models.

Expression in the Brain

Gene expression studies ideally employ brain tissue from
patients. For obvious reasons, these must be postmortem
tissues. Several collections of such brains exist, including

the collections of the Stanley Medical Research Institute

and the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center. The Stanley
collection has been widely distributed, and many investigators have studied changes in gene expression levels in the 50
bipolar brains available. A challenge in these studies lies in
the selection of the brain area to study. Investigators would
like to choose the area with known pathology in bipolar
disorder, though this cannot yet be done with certainty (see
Chapter 15). Studies have focused on the prefrontal and
frontal cortex, the amygdala, and the hippocampus as the
most likely candidate brain regions (see Table 138).
In studies focusing on the role of one or a few specific
genes in bipolar disorder, decreased levels of the following
messenger RNAs were found: prodynorphin in the amygdaloid complex, GAD65 and complexin I and II in the hippocampus, and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and neuropeptide Y in the prefrontal cortex (see
Table 138).
Four published studies employed broad approaches that
can be used to measure changes in many gene transcripts

Figure 137. Genetic to pathogenic pathway to manic-depressive illness. Many levels of pathogenesis intervene between
genetic etiology and the syndrome of manic-depressive illness. Study of the relationship between a potential susceptibility
gene variant and manic-depressive illness requires examination of the impact of the variant on a number of these disease
components. An interaction of environmental factors with gene expression or function, or protein expression or function,
is also possible. (Source: Adapted from McHugh and Slavney, 1998.)

Manic-depressive illness
Clinical subtypes of

Neurophysiological endophenotype?

Neuropsychological or temperamental trait?

Brain function: blood flow, metabolism, receptor


Brain structure: development, adult

Neuronal/glial cell biology

Protein expression/function

Gene expression: more, less, or abnormal RNA


Gene mutation/variant


Table 138. Gene Expression Studies of Bipolar Brain Samples


Sample Sizea



Brain Region

Frontal, temporal,

Findings in Bipolar Samples Only

Young et al., 1996


G protein (s)

No change

Caberlotto et al., 1999

Eastwood et al., 2000
Sun et al., 2001
Bezchlibnyk et al., 2001

30 (Stanley)
30 (Stanley)
34 (Stanley)
30 (Stanley)

Heckers et al., 2002

30 (Harvard)

Xing et al., 2002

Hurd, 2002
Woo et al., 2004
Konradi et al., 2004

30 (Stanley)
29 (Stanley)
34 (Harvard)
19 (Harvard)

No change
No change

Iwamoto et al., 2004

Iwamoto et al., 2005

26 (Stanley)
70 (Stanley2c)

Neuropeptide Y
Complexin I and II
Serotonin transporter and NF-B
43 genes, including 18 mitochondrial,
GAD67, and somatostatin
53 genes, including LIM1 and HSPF1
27 genes

Amygdaloid complex
Anterior cingulate

Increased and decreased

Increased for 23 of 27



Prefrontal and cerebellum

Dorsolateral prefrontal

Findings in Bipolar Samples Also Found in Schizophrenia

Samples in Same Study
Guidotti et al., 2000
Vawter et al., 2002
Mimmack et al., 2002
Koh et al., 2003
Tkachev et al., 2003
Iwamoto et al., 2004

30 (Stanley)
30 (Stanley)
30 (Stanley)
30 (Stanley)
26 (Stanley)

RELN and GAD67

Synapsin Ia, IIa, IIIa
Neuronal calcium sensor-1
8 oligodendrocyte- and myelin-related genes
9 genes, including serotonin
receptor 2C

Bipolar plus control samples.

Decrease also found in major depression brain sample in the same study.
This sample, though from the Stanley Medical Research Institute, differs from those in the other studies.
Decrease found in psychotic bipolar samples.



simultaneously without regard to prior hypotheses about

the genes biological role. One used a technique called serial
analysis of gene expression (SAGE), while the other used a
microarray approach. SAGE generates short sequence tags
for many of the transcripts present in a tissue sample and
identifies them by comparison with the public gene sequence
database. Three studies employed microarrays, which use
large numbers of short sequences from genes as bait to detect matching transcripts from tissue samples. The totality of
the expressed genes, or transcripts, is sometimes referred to as
the transcriptome (by analogy with the word genome). The
SAGE and microarray methods have the potential to be transcriptome-wide, to assess all transcripts at once, though at
present their coverage is more limited.
The SAGE study, conducted by Sun and colleagues
(2001), covered 1,856 sequence tags, although some of these
may have come from the same transcript, so that this figure
represents some smaller number of transcripts. This study
yielded evidence that two transcriptsfor the serotonin
transporter gene and for the NF-B transcription factor
were significantly overexpressed in the frontal cortex of 19
bipolar subjects as compared with 15 controls. Essentially
the same sample was used in a second study, conducted by
Bezchlibnyk and colleagues (2001), which employed the
microarray approach and examined the same brain region,
the frontal cortex. However, the results of the two studies
do not coincide. Instead, the microarray study, which assessed 1,200 genes simultaneously, found decreased levels
of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-1) and increased levels of caspase-8 precursor (CASP8) and transducer of erbB2 (TOB).
Another microarray study assessed 12,558 genes, using
hippocampal tissue from the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource (Konradi et al., 2004). In this study, the expression
of 43 genes was found to be decreased in bipolar disorder;
18 of these genes coded for mitochondrial proteins. Expression of GAD67 and somatostatin were decreased as
well. A third microarray study assessed about 12,000 genes
using prefrontal cortex (Iwamoto et al., 2004). The investigators found altered expression of 53 genes in bipolar disorder, 7 of which overlapped with schizophrenia and 8
with major depressive disorder. The study focused on two
genes, HSPF1 and LIM, whose expression was also altered
in lymphoblastoid cells from bipolar subjects. This same
group conducted an expression study of 676 mitochondriarelated genes (Iwamoto et al., 2005). They found a global
decrease in expression of these genes in the prefrontal cortex of bipolar subjects, but they also found evidence that
the decrease was correlated with both sample pH and
medication use. When these factors were accounted for,
there were 27 genes with altered expression, 23 of which
showed up-regulation.

Other studies, like that of Iwamoto and colleagues (2005)

noted above, have found changes in expression levels of
genes in both bipolar and schizophrenic samples. One of
these studies found a reduction in eight oligodendrocyteand myelin-related genes in both bipolar and schizophrenic
subjects (Tkachev et al., 2003). Two of these genesOLIG2
on 21q22.11 and SOX10 on 22q13.1are in bipolar disorder
linkage regions; another, ERBB3, is particularly interesting
functionally as it codes for the receptor of neuregulin 1,
a gene strongly implicated in schizophrenia.
In subjects with both disorders, the expression levels of
the genes coding for neuronal calcium sensor-1 (Koh et al.,
2003) and apolipoprotein L2 (Mimmack et al., 2002) were
found to be increased in the prefrontal cortex, and the expression levels for synapsin IIa and IIIa were decreased
(the expression levels for synapsin Ia were decreased only
in the bipolar brains) (Vawter et al., 2002). Expression levels of RELN, coding for the reelin protein, and GAD67,
coding for a form of glutamate decarboxylase, were decreased in the brains of subjects with psychotic bipolar disorder and with schizophrenia when prefrontal cortex and
cerebellum were assayed (Guidotti et al., 2000). The decrease in RELN expression appears to be mediated through
an epigenetic change known as hypermethylation in the
promoter region of the gene. The addition of a methyl
group to the C nucleotide residing in this region may result in reduced binding of transcription factors (which facilitate gene expression), leading in turn to decreased expression of the gene. In a mouse model of reelin expression,
investigators found that when mice were injected with methionine, an amino acid that provides methyl groups, the
mice showed a decrease in reelin expression; further, they
displayed poorer performance on a test of prepulse inhibition, which is thought to be a neurophysiological endophentype for schizophrenia (Tremolizzo et al., 2002).
Studies of gene expression in the bipolar brain face a
number of important difficulties. One is simply the limited access to tissues. Although samples are available, the
number of samples remains small, limiting the power to
detect modest changes. Second, the quality of the available
tissue varies, as samples undergo varying postmortem delay prior to autopsy and varying pH due to differences in
the agonal period prior to deathboth of which affect
RNA quality (Johnston et al., 1997). Third, samples studied
typically come from patients who have been treated with
psychiatric medications, which may themselves alter gene
expression. Fourth, there may be microbrain region-specific
expression alterations that are not readily detected or replicated in gross samples. Finally, although transcriptome-wide
approaches hold great promise, the technology is still evolving, so that aspects of data analysis, reliability, and validity
remain to be fully resolved.



Expression in White Blood Cells

Testing Gene- and Allele-Specific Function

Studies using lymphoblast cells or granulocytes from patients have the great advantage that these samples are much
more readily obtainable than brain tissue. A recent study
demonstrates the value of using lymphoblastoid cell lines
to examine variation in gene expression levels. Cheung and
colleagues (2003) examined expression levels in lymphoblastoid cells from normal individuals, including some sibling
pairs and some MZ twin pairs. They found that for some
genes, expression levels varied significantly among the subjects. For five genes that were intensively studied, the variance among individuals was 311 times greater in unrelated
individuals than among MZ twins, and the variance among
sibling pairs was 25 times greater than among these twins.
These results suggest that heritable factors that vary among
individuals contribute to differences in levels of gene expression.
Although studies have indicated that functional abnormalities exist in the lymphocytes of bipolar patients, there
have been few efforts to examine gene expression. The major
weakness of this approach to studying bipolar disorder is
that it is not clear that expression in these white blood cells
mirrors expression in neurons, as control of expression
may be tissue- and cell typespecific.
On the other hand, some abnormalities that have been
detected in lymphocytes appear to mirror changes detected
in postmortem brain tissue from bipolar subjects. For example, low inositol levels have been found in the frontal
cortex of patients, as well as in lymphocytes (Shimon et al.,
1997; Belmaker et al., 2002). A crucial component of the inositol pathway is inositol monophosphatase (IMPase). A
report examining IMPase activity in drug-free bipolar patients using quantitative reverse transcriptionpolymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) on lymphocytes found an approximately two-thirds reduction in IMPase-relative
messenger RNA levels compared with control subjects
(Nemanov et al., 1999). Yoon and colleagues (2001) found
decreased IMPA2 messenger RNA levels in lymphoblasotid cell lines from BP-I patients, though only in males
with decreased basal levels of intracellular calcium. Inositol system genes have been considered leading candidates
for involvement in bipolar etiology because of this systems
central involvement in response to mood-stabilizing medications (Williams et al., 2002). One study examined messenger RNA levels of three G protein alpha subunits and of
phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3K) regulatory subunit
p85 in the granulocytes of bipolar patients compared with
controls. One of the G protein alpha subunits, alpha(s),
was markedly increased in bipolar patients; this increase
was observed in both lithium-treated and unmedicated

Functional studies of the impact of an allele associated with

bipolar disorder can be performed using cell culture. A
copy of the gene containing the candidate allele can be inserted (transfected) into cells in culture. These cells can
then be compared with control cells. Gene expression in
these cells can be measured, as can relevant consequences
of gene function, such as binding capacity for a receptor.
For example, the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism was studied in this way. Lymphoblast cell lines were
transfected with genes encoding the long variant and genes
encoding the short variant. The transcriptional activity of
the long variant was found to be twice that of the short
variant (Lesch et al., 1996). The observation that this variant is functionally significant has helped make the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism the object of
intense study.
Another example of the use of cell culture to study candidate gene function comes from a report on the gene
DISC-1. To understand why DISC-1 is a candidate gene for
manic-depressive illness requires a brief digression to discuss a method called cytogenetics. Cytogenetics is the third
methodlinkage and linkage disequilibrium being the
other twothat can provide evidence for particular genes
as positional candidates. This approach involves detecting
chromosomal aberrations in families with manic-depressive
illness and determining whether the aberration travels with
the illness across generations. A chromosomal aberration,
referred to as a balanced translocation, between chromosomes 1 and 11 has been reported, in which a portion of
each chromosome has broken off and joined onto the broken end of the other. This phenomenon can be tolerated,
except to the extent that the breakpoints result in the disruption of genes. In a large family containing 87 members,
37 were found to carry the translocation, including 7 individuals with schizophrenia, 1 with bipolar disorder, and 10
with recurrent major depression. The breakpoint on chromosome 1 has been found to disrupt two genesDISC-1
and DISC-2. Researchers have shown that the DISC-1 protein normally associates with another protein, NUDEL,
which is associated with cortical development and is
linked to LIS-1, the disease gene for a form of lissencephaly,
a disorder of cortical development. The abnormal form of
DISC-1, the form predicted to occur in individuals with
the translocation, failed to bind NUDEL. Neuronal cells
were transfected with either normal or abnormal DISC-1
genes. While neuronal outgrowth was normal in the normal DISC-1 cells, it was reduced in the abnormal DISC-1
cells (Ozeki et al., 2003). These results support the potential
involvement of DISC-1 in the etiology of recurrent affective
illness, and schizophrenia.



An even more powerful approach to the study of gene

function is to create mouse models for the gene under
study. A variety of approaches exist for genetically altering
the mouse. The knockout approach allows for the creation
of a mouse lacking one or both copies of the gene. Tissuespecific knockout methods allow even more narrowly
defined gene effects to be examined. In the conditional
knockout, the mouse carries the gene, but investigators can
turn it off at will. Transgenic approaches allow for the introduction of extra copies of normal genes or copies of altered genes. The knockin approach allows for the simultaneous knockout of the normal gene and transgenic insertion
of an altered version of the gene. With these mouse models, gene effects in the brain and on behavior can be studied. For example, a mouse model of Huntingtons disease
was created using a transgenic huntingtin gene, which was
altered to carry the disease mutation (abnormal variant)
and was under conditional control using a tetracyclineresponsive system. The mouse exhibited Huntingtons
diseaselike motor symptoms because of the action of the
mutant gene. When the investigators administered tetracycline to the mice and thus turned off the mutant gene, the
symptoms abated (Yamamoto et al., 2000). These methods
have not yet been applied to the study of bipolar disorder,
though they have been applied to depression.
The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) has been much studied
in mouse models of depression and anxiety. The following
lines of mice have been generated: those with disrupted GR
alleles; those with nervous systemspecific knockout of GR;
transgenic mice with increased GR expression; transgenic
mice that express an antisense RNA, which results in decreased GR expression by binding to and neutralizing the
normal GR RNA; and knockin mice, in which the normal
gene is knocked out while abnormal GR genes are introduced and then expressed (Gass et al., 2001). Behaviors
thought to model depressionsuch as performance on
the Porsolt forced swim test, the tail suspension test, or the
learned helplessness paradigmcan be measured in these
genetically altered mice as a way of gauging the impact of
the gene, and these behaviors may have relevance for manicdepressive illness. Attempts at creating animal models of depression with these mice have yielded mixed results, however. Behaviorally, none of these mouse lines has consistently
exhibited depression-like impairment. The transgenic line
with decreased GR expression did, however, show an enhanced stress-associated adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH) response, which was normalized by antidepressant
medication treatment. This finding suggests that the endocrinological component of depression might be partially
modeled in this mouse line (Montkowski et al., 1995).
Other genes studied in this way include BDNF and
the serotonin transporter gene. A line of mice carrying a

knockout of one of two BDNF alleles was developed and

studied for depressive-like behaviors. The knockout mice
generally did not show significant differences from wild
mice in their propensity to these behaviors; thus they may
not constitute a model for depression (MacQueen et al.,
2001). A serotonin transporter gene knockout mouse line
has also been developed. When investigators studied this
knockout using two genetically disparate mouse lines, they
found that in one line, the knockout mice showed decreased immobility on the tail suspension test, whereas in
the other, the knockout mice did not differ on this test.
The former group showed a reaction consistent with an
antidepressant-like effect, which would be expected because these mice had an increased extracellular level of
serotonin, but the other group did not. It is possible that
the behavioral difference was mediated by an interaction
of the serotonin transporter gene with other, as yet unknown, genes that vary between the two mouse lines
(Holmes et al., 2002).
Although no genetically engineered mouse models for
mania exist, one team of investigators suggested using rats
administered amphetamine for such a model (Niculescu
et al., 2000). They argued that the euphoric and stimulated
state that results in humans who ingest this drug is reminiscent of mania, and the hyperactive state that results in
rats may be a reasonable proxy. The researchers gave rats
amphetamines and then a day later sacrificed them and extracted RNA from their amygdala and prefrontal cortex.
The expression levels of 8,000 genes were assessed simultaneously in these samples by means of a microarray. The
investigators were particularly interested in the altered
expression of genes having human homologues that
mapped to regions of prior linkage interest in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. They found altered expression of
eight genes that met this criterion, one of whichGRK3
(G-protein receptor kinase 3)was expressed 14-fold
more in the prefrontal cortex of the amphetamine-treated
rats than in that of the control samples. The human homologue maps to chromosome 22q11, where the same investigators had suggestive evidence for linkage with bipolar
Reports are beginning to emerge from studies examining
aspects of allele-specific functions of genes in the human
brain. For example, the serotonin transporter promoter
region polymorphism was assessed in relation to amygdala
activation in a functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm. Subjects carrying a short variant of the polymorphism had greater amygdala activation in response to fearful stimuli compared with those having only the long
variant. This result was consistent with a prior observation
of greater anxiety associated with carrying the short allele
(Hariri et al., 2002).



Pharmacogenetics is a field that first developed in the 1950s
with clinical observations of inherited differences in drug
effects. In the early 1960s, a few studies of familial correlation in response to antidepressants were published. One
such study found that of 41 pairs of relatives treated with the
antidepressant imipramine, 38 had a concordant response:
both responded in 34 pairs, neither responded in 4 pairs,
and one responded in 3 pairs (Angst, 1961, 1964, cited in
Pare and Mack, 1971). A second study, by Pare and colleagues (1962), found that in 8 relative pairs, there was concordance for 6 of 6 pairs of tricyclic antidepressant trials
and for 6 of 6 pairs of MAOI antidepressant trials. Pare and
Mack (1971) later reported concordance in 10 of 12 new pairs
of related patients treated with antidepressants from the
same class, making the total 22 of 24 (92 percent) for the Pare
et al. and Pare and Mack studies. By contrast, analysis of relatives responses to antidepressants of different classes from
the two studies revealed concordance in just 7 of 18 pairs (39
percent) (Pare and Mack, 1971).
The first study to report on familial correlation in lithium
response involved just six children of lithium-responsive relatives. The two children in the study who had bipolar disorder both had clear responses to lithium (McKnew et al.,
1981). In the only sizable study of familiality of lithium
response, 24 bipolar relatives of lithium responders were assessed, along with 40 lithium-treated patients from an outpatient clinic. The prevalence of unequivocal response among
the relatives was 67 percent, compared with a response rate of
35 percent in the comparison clinic group (Grof et al., 2002).
More recent studies have analyzed the relationship of
allelic variation in biological candidate genes to drug response. At least nine studies have examined lithium response in bipolar disorder in this way. Negative findings
have been reported for the dopamine type 2, 3, and 4 receptors; for the serotonin type 1A, 2A, and 2C receptors;
and for the GABAA-1, INPP1, and PLC-1 genes (Serretti
et al., 2002c). A study of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene
found a worse lithium response for those with the A/A
variant of the gene, though this difference was only marginally significant (Serretti et al., 1999b). One published
study of the serotonin transporter gene found a significantly worse response in subjects carrying two copies of
the short allele in the promoter region polymorphism
(Serretti et al., 2001). Another study found that people
carrying a particular version of a variant within their mitochondrial DNA had a better response to lithium than
those without this version (Washizuka et al., 2003).


At least 14 studies have examined antidepressant response in relation to gene variants. The serotonin transporter gene promoter region variant has been studied most
extensively because the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants are known to work through
the protein product of this gene (and because the variant
is functionally significant). Eight of eleven published studies have suggested a better response to SSRIs in patients
with long alleles and a slower or worse response in subjects
with short alleles. Of interest, one study included a group
treated with nortriptyline as well as one treated with paroxetine. Those with the long allele in that study did not respond as quickly to nortriptyline as they did to paroxetine
(Pollock et al., 2000), a result suggesting the possibility of
an SSRI-specific effect. The findings of three studies, however, were not consistent with those of the other eight,
showing a better response to SSRIs for carriers of the short
allele or no association (see Table 139). It may be significant that two of the three negative studies involved Asian
populations, while seven of the eight positive studies involved populations of European ancestry. The short and
long alleles have been shown to be composed of subtypes,
and these subtypes have been found to vary between Japanese and Caucasian populations (Nakamura et al., 2000).
Given that one study in a Chinese sample was positive for
the long variant, however, this explanation may be incomplete. Further uncertainty stems from the observation by
Mundo and colleagues (2001a) that bipolar patients who
had experienced antidepressant-induced mania were more
likely to carry the short allele than those who did not have
this response to antidepressants. The authors hypothesized
that the short allele may be associated with an exaggerated
response to antidepressants, which is difficult to reconcile
with the findings noted above.
A number of other gene variants have been studied in
relation to antidepressant response. Variants of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene were found to be associated with
slower or poorer response to SSRIs in two studies (Serretti
et al., 2001; Peters et al., 2004), while variants of the serotonin 2A receptor and of the G-protein beta-3 gene were
associated with response to mixed antidepressants in one
study each. A variant of the norepinephrine transporter
gene was associated with response to milnacipran, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, in a small
sample (Yoshida et al., 2004). No association with antidepressant response was found in studies of the dopamine 2
and 4 receptors or of the MAOA gene.

Genetic Counseling
Studies of the familial aggregation of manic-depressive illness (especially the bipolar form) have provided valuable
data that can be used by clinicians to help educate concerned



Table 139. Studies of the Association of the Serotonin Transporter Gene Promoter Region Variant
with Response to Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Antidepressants

Sample Size



L allele associated with better response, p = 017

L allele associated with more favorable and faster
response, p <.0001
L/L genotype associated with more rapid
response, p = .028
L allele associated with better response, p = .002
L/L allele carriers had better response, p = .013
L allele associated with better response, p <.03
L allele associated with better response, p = .034
L/L genotype associated with better response,
p = .04

Smeraldi et al., 1998
Zanardi et al., 2000



Pollock et al., 2000



Zanardi, 2001
Yu et al., 2002
Rausch et al., 2002
Serretti et al., 2004
Murphy et al., 2004


Fluvoxamine or paroxetine



Kim et al., 2000
Yoshida et al., 2002
Peters et al., 2004



S/S genotype associated with better response,

p = .007
S allele associated with better response, p = .01
No association reported

Source: Based on Serretti et al., 2002a.

patients who wonder what vulnerabilities they may be

passing on to their children. Particularly when they are
considering conceiving a child, patients often ask clinicians for information and sometimes advice concerning
their plans. On the one hand, some patients may be unaware of the increased likelihood that their children will
develop manic-depressive illness (see the above section on
family studies). On the other hand, some people have exaggerated fears about the risk of illness. One of the authors
of this text counseled a healthy woman who was considering having her first child. She was concerned because her
brother-in-law had bipolar disorder, and she feared that
her child might develop it as well. When she was informed
that the risk for developing bipolar disorder in a seconddegree relative was just 23 percent, she felt more at ease.
Although risk data from genetic epidemiology are of
some value in providing a sense of the magnitude of risk
for developing bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder, it is
also important to bear in mind that enormous variation in
the rates of illness among family members will be evident
in any collection of pedigrees. This observation illustrates
an important weakness of counseling based on averages.
Genetic counseling for such illnesses as cystic fibrosis, Huntingtons disease, and Tay-Sachs disease is based on a genetic assay that can yield a fairly precise prediction of risk. In
contrast, because the genes for bipolar disorder remain

largely unidentified and unstudied in terms of risk, counselors and clinicians do not yet have available the kind of
data that would allow for more exact predictions.
Additional complexities affect the potential benefits of
genetic counseling: manic-depressive illness is for the most
part not a fatal condition; there are several available treatments, and there is good reason to believe that many patients can lead full and meaningful lives with treatment; and
the risk data that exist do not distinguish between those in
whom the illness would be severe and those who would respond well to standard treatments. What is quite predictable
in a family at high risk seeking counseling is that the delay in
recognition and diagnosis of manic-depressive illness in all
affected children will likely be brief compared with the usual
decade-long delay encountered by those with the bipolar
form of the illness. There are many reasons to believe that
much morbidity can be prevented by such early diagnosis.
Our practice has been to ask common clinical psychiatric
questions as well as standard family-history questions of
couples seeking counseling. For example: Why do you want
a child now as opposed to at some other time? What are your
plans for child care? And for a mother with bipolar disorder: What are the risks and plans if a postpartum (puerpual) depression or mania ensues? These standard clinical
questions usually lead to the most fruitful discussions of the
prospective parents expectations. A sensible determination


of the wisdom of proceeding with childbearing can often

be made in the current era in which precise DNA tests are
Couples who come for counseling reveal scenarios both
common and worrisome. Some have difficult marriages
and want a child to bring them closer together. Other couples present a situation in which the prospective mother
had bipolar disorder. In one instance she was also the
prime breadwinner in the family, and had a brittle illness
in which pregnancy and changes of medication had led to
severe relapses. The couple had not formulated a plan for
what they would do if the mother became ill before, during, or after childbirth. On the other hand, very (financially and emotionally) secure couples express worries
about modest risks of illness. In some cases, the parents illness is under excellent control with simple monotherapies.
These couples often have not fully considered the pragmatic aspects of their prospective childs potential functional level. When asking such couples about their concerns, one might ask: Well, what if he or she turns out
exactly like you (the ill parent)? When the answer is OK, I
think that would be wonderful, the question of risk levels
can become moot again.
Three studies have attempted to assess how genetic
counseling might proceed in the future. These studies examined the attitudes of patients and their families toward
genetic testing for bipolar genes, should such tests become available. One study found that the overwhelming
majority of patients and spouses said they would take advantage of genetic tests for bipolar disorder if such tests
were to become available, primarily to ensure that they
would obtain treatment to prevent episodes of illness. A
majority of respondents said they would definitely not
abort a fetus that carried a bipolar gene, and a majority
agreed that the knowledge that one of them carried such
a gene would not have deterred them from marriage or
childbearing (Trippitelli et al., 1998). The results of another study were similar: the vast majority of respondents supported genetic testing for adults and children,
but 70 percent did not support prenatal testing as a
means of deciding whether abortion would be indicated
(Jones et al., 2002).
Smith and colleagues (1996), however, painted a more
complex picture. In their study of members of a bipolar
support group, medical students, and psychiatry residents,
a clear majority of respondents said they would have their
children tested for a bipolar gene if prophylactic treatment
were available, though interest was more mixed in the absence of such treatment. The proportion of subjects who
said they would choose termination of pregnancy depended
on both the likelihood and the severity of illness indicated
by a positive test. With a 25 percent likelihood of illness or a


mild course of illness, fewer than 10 percent preferred termination, whereas with a 100 percent chance of illness or a severe course, the proportion who said they would terminate
was much higher4055 percent and 7085 percent, respectively.


Research Directions
From Linkage to Association
Linkage studies, the workhorse of research in bipolar genetics since the late 1980s, will move from center stage as association studies assume a greater role. The chromosomal
regions implicated by bipolar linkage studies will be studied using large casecontrol and trio (caseparents) samples. This shift is occurring because linkage studies can
identify the general chromosomal localization of a gene,
but only association can truly pinpoint the location of the
disease gene and, even more specifically, the location of the
particular variant within the gene that is responsible for
disease susceptibility. By analogy, think of searching for a
needle in 23 enormous haystacks. Linkage is analogous
to figuring out which haystack and which general area of
that haystack holds the needle. Once that has been accomplished, a more fine-grained approach is needed to
sort through the pieces of straw. Association is that finegrained method.

Association Methods and Strategies

The feasibility of performing association studies is advancing rapidly as SNP genotyping methodologies become faster,
more accurate, and less expensive. Several good methodologies exist, though no single one has yet emerged as the definitive best option. The number of SNPs available on Webbased databases is in the millions already and still growing.
Further, biotechnology companies have genotyping assays
prepared for SNPs within tens of thousands of genes, making these studies even more readily available to researchers.
The recent discovery that haplotype blocks exist in the
genome across broad populations has led to the proposal
that association could be performed more cost-effectively
using these blocks than was previously thought possible.
Most individuals might share one of just four or five variants of a given block. Thus characterizing the variation
across most individuals for the block to determine which
haplotype they have might require genotyping 1520
SNPs rather than all 200 or so that would be predicted to
exist in the block. This proposal rests on the assumption
of the common diseasecommon variant hypothesis,
under which the common haplotype blocks would likely
harbor the common alleles that predispose some people to



manic-depressive illness. An alternative position holds that

testing gene-related SNPs is much more efficient. This approach would require genotyping only one-tenth as many
SNPs, and those tested would stand a far greater chance of
being the functionally relevant variants. This approach
would also allow for the possibility of detecting lowerfrequency disease alleles (Botstein and Risch, 2003).

Very large samples are now being gathered for bipolar studies. The NIMH Bipolar Disorder Collaborative study has
already ascertained and assessed a linkage sample of 644
families with 921 affected sibling pairs. The collaborative is
currently in the process of acquiring a sample of 5,000 cases
for association studies, including, potentially, studies that
would assay 500,000 SNPs simultaneously across the genome
(whole-genome association). Very large samples have the
power to detect the modest gene effects likely to play a role in
susceptibility to bipolar disorder. Large samples also provide
sufficient power to employ new analytical techniques that
can test for interactions between genes.

Genetic Homogeneity
Use of phenotypic subtypes and endophenotypes may allow linkage and association to be performed on more genetically homogeneous subgroups within bipolar disorder.
This capability would prevent the dilution of individual
gene effects that occurs when all bipolar subjects are considered jointly if multiple genes are contributing to the
broad phenotype. Potential examples of relevant subgroups
are BP-II, BP-I with psychotic features, bipolar disorder
with comorbid panic disorder, BP-I with an early age at onset, and lithium-responsive bipolar disorder. More work is
needed to define genetically meaningful clinical subtypes
and to determine familial endophenotypic measures. Conversely, genetic findings may help clarify the validity of potential subtypes. For example, we may come to better understand how early-onset recurrent major depression differs
from less recurrent severe forms of depression; such understanding could allow us to differentiate the genetics of recurrence or cyclicity from that of polarity. Population isolates may also be of use in limiting genetic heterogeneity.

Gene Expression and Pathogenesis

Findings of statistical association between a gene variant
and manic-depressive illness will need to be complemented by functional studies of the relevant gene and its
potentially pathogenic alleles. Given its greater homogeneity relative to the very broad category of recurrent unipolar
as defined by DSM-IV, the bipolar subgroup provides the
most fruitful phenotype for such studies. For example,
postmortem brain samples from bipolar subjects will be

a valuable resource for testing gene expression levels. Brain

tissue is, of course, not available on subjects who are studied
for linkage and association, but lymphoblastoid cell lines are.
Although these cells express only about one-half of all genes,
and potential tissue-specific regulation of gene expression
may limit their usefulness, the existence of such cell lines in
the very bipolar subjects who show association could provide investigators with a useful means of studying the expression of some candidate genes.
In the best-case scenario, a smoking-gun genetic lesion
will be found that is clearly and obviously an etiologic factor in bipolar disorder. Such a lesion might be a nonsense
mutation leading to a truncated and entirely dysfunctional
protein product. This hypothesis would be most persuasive if the mutation occurred in a large percentage of cases
and in no subjects who were not cases. If, in addition, the
gene coded for a protein that had a known role in neurotransmission or neuronal migration, the case for an etiologic role would be exceedingly strong. An example of this
situation is the Duchennes muscular dystrophy gene, where
the majority of mutations result in truncation of the dystrophin protein. Similarly, researchers studying Crohns
disease found a gene, NOD2, with a truncating mutation in
some cases (Ogura et al., 2001). This gene codes for a protein
involved in the immune response to bacterial lipopolysaccharides, a process previously implicated in the disease.
Perhaps more likely is that assembly of the smoking gun
will be required. We are likely to find variations in genes
that have subtle effects, such as the substitution of one
amino acid for another, or the increased or decreased level
of expression of the gene and, hence, the protein product.
These variations may occur more often than expected in
patients, though they may also occur in nonpatients. We
will need to see multiple replications, and these may have to
occur in large samples for the small effects to be detectable.
A potential complication here is that a given genetic variation may be clearly associated with disease in one population, but may be rare and thus only minimally associated
with disease in another population. The finding of an association between calpain-10 and non-insulindependent
diabetes in Mexican Americans illustrates the difficulties
involved in demonstrating a causeeffect relationship between a gene of small effect and disease (Horikawa et al.,
2000). Studies of association in other ethnic populations
have not been obviously supportive, with a negative association being reported in Japanese subjects (Horikawa et al.,
2003) and four nonsignificant results in Europeans (see
Rasmussen et al., 2002). When the four European samples
were pooled, however, a significant result with an odds
ratio for the risk haplotype of 1.62 was obtained.
Ultimately, determination of the relationship between
a gene and bipolar illness will require studies that go beyond


DNA to look at gene expression (RNA), the protein product, and pathogenesis as well. It may be possible to study
genotypeendophenotype correlations. If a gene is involved
in bipolar illness, it should be possible to demonstrate the
effect the disease allele has on, for example, P300 deficits
and white-matter hyperintensities. Given the likelihood of
relatively modest effects for bipolar susceptibility alleles, a
conclusive case for the involvement of an implicated gene
may require demonstration of a pathogenic pathway.

GeneEnvironment Interactions
Once bipolar genes have been discovered, researchers will
want to know whether the illness occurs more often when
people carrying the susceptibility allele are exposed to particular factors or experiences. A number of environmental
exposures that have been suggested as causative factors in
manic-depressive illness, whether bipolar or recurrent depressive, such as loss of a parent at an early age or obstetrical complications, could be assessed to determine whether
they increase the risk of illness in conjunction with the risk
genotype. For example, the interaction between the short
variant of the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and stressful life events may play a role in the predisposition to major depressive episodes (Caspi et al., 2003).

Future Prospects for Patients

Pharmacogenetic studies could provide the first exciting
clinical benefits to come from genetic investigations of
manic-depressive illness. If the illness is genetically heterogenous, some of its genetic forms could predict response to one treatment, such as lithium, while other forms
could predict response to another treament, such as carbamazepine, valproate, or lamotragine. For treating nonrecurrent depression, there may be some genetic vulnerabilities associated with good SSRI response, and other genetic
vulnerabilities associated with a better response to noradrenergic medications such as bupropion or desipramine.
These findings could allow clinicians to optimize the use of
already-effective medications by choosing the drug most
likely to work for a given patient with a particular genetic

Rational Drug Development

Fundamental benefit will come from an improved understanding of the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness in both its bipolar and recurrent unipolar forms.
Finding a gene will lead to an examination of the functions
of its protein product in the neuron. This examination
could lead in turn to the elucidation of a cascade of neuronal events at work in the disorder. Understanding of


these basic processes would guide the search for treatments

of bipolar and/or recurrent unipolar disorder, and could
illuminate the mechanisms and functions of mood regulation generally. The gene product or another protein with
which the gene product interacts could be a target for conventional pharmacology, such as receptor blockade or inactivation of an enzyme. Alternatively, the gene product
could be cloned and introduced, as has been done with
blood clotting factor VIII (for hemophilia A) and growth
hormone (for growth hormone deficiency).

Gene Therapy
Even variations on gene therapy, where the aim is to modify
gene function directly, could be conceived. The gene itself
could be directly targeted by gene augmentation therapy if
loss of function of a gene were the problem, with extra
copies of the normal gene being introduced. Alternatively,
targeted inhibition of gene expression could be employed
if there were a novel gene product or inappropriate expression of a gene; this could be accomplished using antisense
therapeutics, whereby gene-specific antisense sequences
block the effects of a given susceptibility gene. The desirability of such an intervention is less than clear when a
susceptibility gene rather than a causative gene is at issue, however, because a susceptibility gene may have important positive as well as negative effects (see the section
below on pitfalls).

There are currently no laboratory methods for diagnosing
bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder; rather, these diagnoses rest solely on clinical data. Identification of a causative
gene could clarify the diagnostic process by providing physical evidence of the disorder (though see the discussion of
pitfalls for a cautionary note). Presymptomatic diagnosis
may also become possible and could lead to preventive
treatments. Greater precision in prognosis may come
from genotypephenotype correlations, whereby particular symptom clusters and natural course are found to be
associated with specific gene variants. This could be especially helpful in sharpening the definitions within the
broad category of recurrent unipolar, which in DSM-IV
can range from two episodes in a lifetime to highly cyclic
cases with as many lifetime episodes as are typically seen in
untreated bipolar disorder.

The role of life events and other environmental factors in the
causation of bipolar or early-onset recurrent unipolar disorder may be defined more clearly by epidemiologic studies
when groups homogeneous for the presence of a bipolar or
recurrent unipolar susceptibility gene can be ascertained.



Preventive efforts targeted at reducing these factors in vulnerable individuals would logically follow. This has been
done most effectively for phenylketonuria, a rare genetic
disease in which failure to metabolize dietary phenylalanine
leads to severe mental retardation. This devastating outcome is now largely prevented through identification of
newborns with the mutation and the implementation of a
phenylalanine-restricted (and tyrosine-supplemented) diet.

Finding a gene for manic-depressive illness would accelerate efforts at destigmatizing the condition by establishing
it even more firmly as a disease rather than a frightening
mystery or a weakness of character. It may also be possible
to define a relationship between disease-promoting gene
variants and adaptive psychological functions, such as
creativity (Jamison, 1993), which would further destigmatize the disorder by illuminating positive aspects of the
genetic endowment.

Though the promise of genetics is great, expectations have
far outpaced actual progress in the minds of some. Study
participants sometimes ask when they will get back their
results because of the mistaken belief that genetic testing
for manic-depressive illness (especially bipolar disorder) is
already available. Not only is such testing currently unavailable, but it is also not clear that a useful genetic test
will emerge even when a bipolar gene is found. Because
risk alleles for the disorder may elevate risk only to a relatively small degree, they may prove to be of questionable
predictive value. The APOE4 allele of the APOE gene,
which confers increased risk for Alzheimers disease, provides an illustrative example. The risk of Alzheimers across
the population is 9 percent. Having a copy of the APOE4 allele increases the lifetime risk to 17 percent. It is difficult to
know whether this information would be useful to people.
Indeed, experts have generally recommended against performing diagnostic genetic tests for this gene (Liddell et al.,
2001). On the other hand, a study of three susceptibility
genes for deep venous thrombosis showed that, while having a single disease gene variant increased the disease risk
to only a minor degree, having disease variants in all three
genes led to an eight-fold increase in risk (Yang et al., 2003).
Similarly with bipolar disorder, diagnostic and predictive
testing may become valuable after several disease genes
have been identified.
Another area of concern is the possibility of unintended
consequences of obtaining genetic information about
manic-depressive illness. At the beginning of this chapter,
the misuse of genetics in the form of the eugenics movement, and eventually in the form of the mass murder of

mental patients, was described. This history suggests the

need to think carefully about what people will do with the
knowledge generated by genetic studies. One major concern is whether parents would choose to abort fetuses
known to carry, for example, bipolar susceptibility genes.
Might there be a price to pay for this kind of intervention?
What if Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill, both of
whom had mood disorders, had never been born?
The temptation may also arise to modify germ cells to
purge the germ line of susceptibility alleles. The technical
danger here stems from uncertainty about the biological
results of such manipulations. For example, while the celebrated cloning of Dolly the sheep and other mammals appeared initially to be a great success, these efforts were subsequently plagued by the development of an overgrowth
syndrome in many of the cloned animals (Young et al.,
1998). Similarly, there is some evidence that in vitro fertilization procedures used by infertile couples may increase
the risk of altered gene programming that can lead to disease (DeBaun et al., 2003).
Beyond biological concerns regarding germ-line manipulation, there are ethical concerns. As Billings and colleagues (1999, p. 1874) noted:
Choices about . . . programmes for enhancement
would . . . reflect prejudices, socioeconomic and political
inequalities, and even current fashion. . . . [G]ermline intervention would intentionally subject later generations to
modifications undertaken on the basis of existing values
and conditions. The chance that desirable manipulations
might later be viewed as disastrous makes germline enhancement therapies unacceptable.

While we can envision a time when we may have a comprehensive understanding of manic-depressive illness genes,
their interactions, their role in the brain, and their role in
behavior, as well as a full understanding of the technical
requirements for adroitly manipulating the germ line, that
time is a very long way off.

Genetic Epidemiology of Manic-Depressive Illness
For the bipolar subgroup, the risk of illness in a first-degree
relative of an ill person is roughly 10 times the risk in a
random person. The risk of having the illness if an identical twin has it is about 63 percent. The calculated heritability for bipolar disorder from twin studies is about .78. For
major depression, the risk to first-degree relatives of depressed probands is about three times higher than the
overall population risk. The risk in identical twins of depressed probands is about 34 percent, and the calculated


heritability is also about 34 percent. These numbers are

higher when probands with the highly recurrent forms of
depression are examined. There have been fewer adoption
studies of manic-depressive illness; the studies that have
been done modestly support a genetic contribution to the
illness. Taken together, the data indicate a strong genetic
component to susceptibility to bipolar disorder and a less
strong, though still significant, genetic component to susceptibility to major depression, especially the more recurrent forms. Modeling of disease transmission through family studies has suggested that bipolar disorder is most likely
caused by at least three interacting susceptibility genes, and
maybe more. Furthermore, family and twin studies clearly
demonstrate a genetic relationship between bipolar disorder and major depression.

Advances in Understanding the Human Genome

About 20,000 genes exist in the human genome. The information they contain is spelled out in a nucleotide alphabet
made up of four lettersthe nucleotides G, C, A, and T.
There are about 3 billion of these nucleotides spread over
23 chromosomes, and most of the sequence does not vary
among people throughout the world. There is some variability, however, and it is in this occasional variability that
potential differences in susceptibility to manic-depressive
illness may be found. The capacity to investigate genes has
benefited enormously from advances in genetic technology and information. Microsatellite markers have made
possible highly informative linkage studies aimed at identifying chromosomal regions where disease genes might
lie. The Human Genome Project has provided a wonderfully detailed roadmap of the genome, allowing those investigating manic-depressive illness to select genes to study
from chromosomal regions of interest, and to choose SNPs
to study from candidate genes or candidate regions.

The Linkage Method

The linkage method has been the major focus of genetic
investigation of bipolar disorder since the mid-1980s. As of
this writing, however, attempts to localize bipolar genes
through linkage have had only limited success, as the findings obtained have not converged as consistently as might
be hoped on one or a small number of chromosomal regions. The most likely reasons for this are that bipolar illness is a genetically complex disorder, meaning a number
of different genes confer susceptibility to the disorder; that
these genes may each individually confer only a modest increase in the risk of illness; and that differing combinations
of susceptibility genes may cause disease in differing
groups of people. Though the pace of progress has been
slower than expected, the 20 or so genome scans of bipolar
illness conducted to date have yielded some strong linkage


signals, some of which have been identified in a number of

studies. The more promising linkage regionsincluding
4p16, 4q35, 6q22, 8q24, 12q24, 13q3133, 16p12, 18p11q12,
18q2223, 21q22, and 22q1113are worthy of further study
to clarify whether they do, in fact, harbor bipolar genes. The
lack of definitive success in discovering bipolar genes has
prompted some investigators to consider other approaches
to the problem, including redefining the phenotype (such as
focusing first on highly recurrent mood disorders and only
secondarily on polarity) and rethinking potential genetic
mechanisms that may underlie the disease.

Alternative Phenotypic Definition

Use of alternative methods of phenotypic definition
may help define more genetically homogeneous groups of
manic-depressive and bipolar subjects. Familial aggregation and linkage data exist for bipolar disorder to support
the utility of subtyping by the presence of psychotic symptoms, of comorbid panic disorder, and of BP-II in families.
Similar support exists for using age at onset as a phenotypic variable and for selecting families on the basis of
lithium-responsive probands. Familial aggregation has
been demonstrated for bipolar disorder with comorbid
anxiety disorders and comorbid ADHD, but no correlation with linkage evidence has been reported. Little evidence exists at present for familial aggregation of cognitive
impairments or temperamental vulnerabilities in bipolar
disorder. Finally, the biological variables, or endophenotypes, of white-matter hyperintensities and abnormal P300
evoked potential have been found to be familial in individual pedigrees.

The Association Method

Association studies can be used for two different purposes.
The first is to test directly whether a gene variant may be
implicated in illness. Studies of this kind have until recently focused on monoamine system genes. Studies of
genes encoding the serotonin transporter, the monoamine
oxidase type A enzyme, the catechol-O-methytransferase
enzyme, and the type 2 and type 4 dopamine receptors
have yielded some weakly positive, along with some negative findings. Small effects for variants of these genes in
bipolar disorder are a possibility. More recently, an association has been found for three other genesone coding
for BDNF and two overlapping genes of unknown function, called G72 and G30. The BDNF finding is promising,
particularly because of biological evidence for the role of
BDNF in depression and in antidepressant response, but
cannot be viewed as conclusive because the effect is small,
and replication has not been consistent. The G72/G30 finding is notable for reproducing an association first seen
with schizophrenia, for showing positive findings across



six bipolar samples, and for being the only replicated positional candidate finding in bipolar studies. The second use
of association studies is for the narrowing of linkage regions through linkage disequilibrium mapping. This approach was taken using a population isolate with linkage
to 18p11.3, and the result was to narrow the region of interest to 19,000 bases, a stretch containing just two genes.

Alternative Genetic Mechanisms

Exploration of alternative genetic mechanisms of disease
may aid in the process of gene discovery. Clinical observations have suggested some of these mechanisms. Anticipation,or worsening severity of illness in successive generations,
has been observed, suggesting the trinucleotide repeat hypothesis, though subsequent clinical studies have not consistently confirmed the initial clinical observation. An excess of clinically defined maternal transmission of bipolar
disorder has also been observed, indicating mitochondrial
inheritance or genomic imprinting, though again, subsequent clinical studies have not consistently replicated the
initial observation.
Of the genetic avenues pursued to date in the study of
bipolar disorder, the trinucleotide repeat hypothesis and
the mitochondrial inheritance hypothesis have been studied extensively but have not yielded bipolar genes to date,
although work continues in these areas. The genomic imprinting hypothesis has generated some interesting leads
that are currently being pursued. These include modest
evidence of parent-of-originspecific linkage on chromosomes 1q, 2p, 2q, 13q, 14q, 16q, and 18q, as well as modest
evidence for parent-of-originspecific association with
bipolar disorder for the dopamine receptor type 4 gene
and the dopamine decarboxylase gene, both of which lie
near known imprinted genes.

Gene Expression and Pathogenesis

Proving that a geneor more specifically a particular gene
variant, an alleleis causally related to manic-depressive
illness will require more than simply demonstrating a
statistical association between the allele and the disease; an
important piece of evidence would be the demonstration
that the allele causes meaningful alteration in the structure
or expression level of messenger RNA. A number of genes
have been shown to have abnormal expression levels in the
prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, or amygdala of bipolar
subjects, though none of these findings have yet been replicated. Allelic variation, however, has not yet been shown to
correlate with any of these changes. Studies in lymphoblastoid cell lines from the general population show inherited
variation in the expression of a number of genes, but few
studies of gene expression in white blood cells derived
from bipolar subjects have been done.

Candidate genes and candidate allelic variants can be

studied in cell culture and in genetically engineered mice.
Cell culture has been employed to demonstrate that the
serotonin transporter gene promoter polymorphism differentially affects transcriptional activity. No genetically
engineered mice provide a clear animal model for depression or bipolar disorder at present. BDNF heterozyogous
knockout mice did not show depressive-like behavior. Serotonin transporter knockout mice did show depressive-like
behavior when the mice derived from one genetic background, but not when they derived from a second background. Transgenic mice with decreased glucocorticoid
receptor expression showed endocrine abnormalities of
the kind seen in depression, and these abnormalities were
reversible with antidepressant administration, but the
mice did not show depressive-like behavior.
Ultimate proof of a causal relationship between a gene
variant and manic-depressive illness will depend on investigations that go beyond the study of nucleic acids.
Changes in structure and/or function will need to be
shown in the protein product of the putative disease gene.
Further, the proposed disease allele should result in observable changes in aspects of biochemical pathway processes, in neuronal and/or glial function, in brain region
structure or function, and in intermediate phenotype
measures. Again, study of the promoter region polymorphism of the serotonin transporter gene provides an example of this kind of study. The short variant was shown
to be associated with greater amygdala activation in response to fearful stimuli in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study.

Pharmacogenetics and Genetic Counseling

There is modest evidence suggesting that response to antidepressants and to lithium may be inherited traits. This
finding implies that when a choice of medications must be
made for patients with new-onset mood disorders, selecting
one that has worked for a family member may be a sensible
practice. While the familiality of lithium response suggests
that genetic variation is responsible for differences in the
drugs effectiveness, no particular gene has yet been clearly
associated with these differences. A number of studies have
suggested that the long promoter variant of the serotonin
transporter gene may confer a greater likelihood or speed
of response to SSRIs than the short promoter variant,
though this result cannot yet be considered definitive.
Genetic counseling is a feature of current clinical practice. It should be informed by results of family studies,
which suggest that on average, the risk to children of those
with manic-depressive illness is elevated to a modest degree. There are no genetic tests available at present to provide precise estimates of the risk to children in specific


cases. Should such tests become available, they are likely to

be used in particular to aid in early diagnosis. Even without
these tests, the attention paid by ill parents to the possibility
of illness in their children can help ensure prompt diagnosis
and treatment, which may stave off more substantial morbidity.

Looking to the Future

While linkage studies of major depression are just getting
under way, work in bipolar genetics is moving toward association studies designed to narrow the localization of
disease genes and to test gene variants for a role in bipolar
disorder. These studies rely on a rapidly developing set of
technologies for the detection, screening, and analysis of
SNPs. The ongoing recruitment of large numbers of patients and families is creating study samples with the power
to enable detection of relatively small gene effects and examination of the interactions between genes. The discovery
of susceptibility genes will also be enhanced by approaches
that decrease genetic heterogeneity, such as the study of
phenotypic subtypes and endophenotypes. It is possible
that the first genes for bipolar disorder have already been
discovered, though ultimately proving that a particular gene
plays an etiologic role in the illness will require studies that
extend beyond DNA to demonstration of the genes role in a
pathogenic pathway.
The discovery of bipolar genes (and ultimately those associated with recurrent unipolar depression) will open the
door to a number of potential benefits to patients. An intangible benefit may be the reduced stigma that would result from demonstrating that manic-depressive illness has
a physical basis. Moreover, pharmacogenetics could allow
clinicians to optimize their choice of medications based on
a patients genetic profile. The discovery of biochemical
pathways of disease could lead to the development of novel
medications. Gene therapy, in which unhelpful alleles are
turned off or helpful ones turned on, might even become
possible. Genetic testing could become a possibility as well
for purposes of diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, or early
Despite these reasons for optimism about the future of
genetic medicine in manic-depressive illness, there are also
grounds for caution and pitfalls of which to be aware. Because of the possibility that alleles for the illness or any of
its subgroups will have only small effects, the use of each
individually in genetic testing may be limited. Even if the
tests were useful, it is not clear that employing them in
prenatal testing would ultimately be desirable. Though
some people might be tempted to eliminate susceptibility
alleles for manic-depressive illness from germ-line cells,
this kind of manipulation is fraught with technical hazards
and ethical dangers.


1. Only studies that employed direct interviews of the majority
of relatives are included here.
2. The 12 studies are those in the bipolar and BP-I sections of
Table 132, with the exception of Heun and Maier because
that study used the same sample as Maier et al.
3. This calculation incorporates data from both the bipolar
proband studies and the BP-I proband studies. Heun and
Maier is not counted since the subjects in this study are accounted for by the Maier et al. study.
4. One criticism of twin studies is that the equal-environment
assumption is not necessarily true; rather, MZ twins are
more likely to seek out similar environments or be treated
more similarly by people in the environment than are DZ
twins. The validity of the assumption has been tested in several ways. For example, some studies have refuted this criticism (Kendler et al., 1993c; Hettema et al., 1995; Xian et al.,
2000) by failing to find differences in phenotypic similarity
for psychiatric disorders based on perceived versus actual
zygosity. A more direct approach to the question is that
taken by Lytton and colleagues (1977), who observed young
twins and their parents. They found that parents did respond more similarly to MZ than to DZ twins, but that this
difference was in reaction to the behavior exhibited by the
5. Only studies that employed direct interviews of the majority
of relatives are included here.
6. Another important aspect of heritability is that it is not expected to be a constant figure, but to be population and environment dependent. Kendler (2001) summarized 10 studies
of behavioral traits that demonstrate changing heritability
over time. For example, Heath and colleagues (1985) showed
that in Norway, heritability of educational attainment was
about 40 percent for men born before World War II and
about 70 percent for men born after. This result is thought to
be due to increased equality of educational opportunity after
the war, leading to a more merit-based system in which the
innate potential of individuals could be expressed more fully
(Heath et al., 1985).
7. As of this writing, the best-known of these websites are those
of the National Center for Biotechnoloy Information (NCBI)
(, the University of California
at Santa Cruz (UCSC) (, and
Celera (proprietary).
8. An earlier study, from an Icelandic and English group, was
the first to use repeat-length polymorphisms to test linkage
in manic-depressive illness, employing markers derived from
larger repeats, called minisatellites (Hodgkinson et al., 1987a).
9. A well-known example of the problems inherent in the approach is the case of the chromosome 11p linkage finding by
Egeland and colleagues (1987), who originally reported an
impressive LOD score of 4.08 at a DNA marker in a single
large Amish family from southeastern Pennsylvania. However, restudy of the same family provided evidence against
the linkage, with the LOD score dropping to 9.31. In the
later reanalysis, additional subjects were included, and the
diagnosis of some of the original subjects changed from unaffected to affected (Kelsoe et al., 1989). This reevaluation led
to recognition of several pitfalls in the traditional linkage
methods, including the precariousness of using unaffected






family members in an analysis, and contributed to a shift toward a different analytic approach.
Reich et al., 1969; Mendlewicz et al., 1972, 1979, 1980; Baron
et al., 1987, 1993.
The complex phenotype of nonsyndromic hearing loss
deafness without nonauditory symptomsprovides a dramatic example of genetic heterogeneity: 12 different genes have
been identified that each can cause the disorder independently,
with more likely to follow (Griffith and Friedman, 1999).
This appears to be the case, for example, with Hirschsprungs
disease; in this case, the gene EDNRB, encoding a G proteincoupled receptor, and the gene RET, encoding a receptor tyrosine kinase, may interact to contribute to disease susceptibility (Carrasquillo et al., 2002).
Suicide in people with manic-depressive illness has been
studied as an alternative phenotype, and a genetic component



to suicidal behavior has been established. This work is

described in Chapter 9.
Kendler et al., 1985, 1986, 1993a,b.
DeLisi et al., 1987; Sham et al., 1994, 1996; Kendler et al., 1997.
Both the LOD score noted here and the subsequent score described by Schulze and colleagues (2003) are nonparametric
and paternal allelespecific. The latter refers to an LOD score
calculated only on the basis of alleles inherited from fathers,
omitting the alleles that come from mothers. (See the discussion below of genomic imprinting.)
In one additional positive study, the variant was not specified
(Vincent et al., 1999).
Esterling et al., 1998; Kirov et al., 1999c; Mundo et al., 2000;
Mynett-Johnson et al., 2000; Serretti et al., 2002a.
Bocchetta et al., 1999; Kirov et al., 1999c; Mynett-Johnson et al.,
2000; Dimitrova et al., 2002.



The madness results from an aberrant biochemical process. . . . With all of this upheaval in the
brain tissues, the alternating drenching and deprivation, it is no wonder that the mind begins
to feel aggrieved, stricken, and the muddied thought processes register the distress of an organ
in convulsion.
William Styron (1990, p. 47)

Attempts to comprehend the brains role in mania and

depressiona quest the ancients could undertake only in
rhetorical flightbegan in earnest as clinically effective
mood-altering drugs began to appear in the late 1950s and
early 1960s. The psychopharmacological revolution fortuitously coincided with the arrival of new techniques that
made it possible to characterize neurotransmitter function
in the central nervous system. Over the next three decades,
clinical studies attempted to uncover the biological factors
mediating the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness
through a variety of biochemical strategies. Studies were,
by and large, designed to detect relative excess or deficiency associated with pathological states; not surprisingly,
progress in unraveling the unique neurobiology of recurrent mood disorders was slow using such strategies in isolation.
The last decade of the twentieth century marked the
start of a truly remarkable period for biomedical research. The molecular medicine revolution has brought
to bear the power of sophisticated cellular and molecular
biologic methodologies to tackle many of societys most
devastating illnesses. The rate of progress has been exciting indeed, and hundreds of G proteincoupled receptors
and more than a dozen G proteins and effectors have
been identified and characterized at the molecular and
cellular levels. As a result, it has become possible to study
a variety of human diseases caused by abnormalities in
cell-to-cell communication; these studies are offering
unique insights into the physiologic and pathophysiologic functioning of many cellular transmembrane signaling pathways.
Psychiatry, like much of the rest of medicine, has entered
a new and exciting age resulting from the rapid advances in
and the promise of molecular and cellular biology as well as

neuroimaging (discussed in Chapter 15; Cowan et al., 2002).

Although we have yet to identify the specific abnormal genes
or proteins associated with manic-depressive illness, there
have been major advances in our understanding of the illness, particularly in the bipolar subgroup and in the mechanisms of action of the most effective treatments. These advances have generated considerable excitement among the
clinical neuroscience community and are reshaping views
about the neurobiological underpinnings of the disorder.
It is our firm belief that the impact of molecular and
cellular biologywhich has been felt throughout clinical
medicinewill have major repercussions for understanding the fundamental pathophysiology of bipolar and recurrent unipolar disorders and that we will see the development of markedly improved treatments for these devastating
In this chapter, we begin by discussing some fundamental, unique facets of manic-depressive illness that have made
a true understanding of its core pathophysiology so challenging. We then trace the evolution of the models that have
guided biochemical and pharmacological studies, with emphasis on bipolar disorder. Next we review findings of the
literature on the potential involvement of several major neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems. We then turn to an
area that has witnessed the greatest advances in biomedical
science in recent yearsthe molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying long-term neuroplasticity and gene expression. Finally, we attempt to synthesize the findings from
molecular, cellular, biochemical, systems, circuitry, neuroimaging, postmortem, and behavioral studies to propose
an integrated model.
As is the case throughout this volume, we focus primarily on the bipolar subgroup of manic-depressive illness.
Where recurrent unipolar disorder (especially the highly



recurrent forms) is salient, however, it is included in the

discussion. We also note when data for unipolar depression (unfortunately all too often broadly defined without
respect to recurrence) may shed light on the underlying
pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness or highly recurrent unipolar depression.
The approach taken in this chapter reflects the explosion of information since we published the first edition of
this volume:
Our emphasis in the chapter is on findings of the literature on bipolar disorder. To supplement this discussion, we provide additional information on the Web site
for this volume: (1) a summary of older but important
biological findings in manic-depressive illness that have
not been extensively pursued in recent years for reasons
that are not always clear (these investigations include
electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, and calcium; membrane transport studies including red blood cells/plasma
lithium ratio, Na/K ATPase studies, and red blood cell
cation transport); (2) investigations of neurotransmitterrelated enzymes, including monoamine oxidase (MAO),
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), and dopamine-hydroxylase (DBH); and (3) additional discussion of
biological correlates of the switch process, focusing on
the hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal and hypothalamic
pituitarythyroid axes, the serotonergic, dopaminergic, and
noradrenergic systems, and related neuropeptides. Additional details on various other topics in this chapter are
provided on the accompanying Web site as well.
We present a considerable amount of material in table
form; in general, when we extensively covered a topic in
the first edition of this volume (e.g., biogenic amines),
we present a summary table of the major findings that
have stood the test of time, as well as a table of findings
from more recent studies.
When discussing the effects of medication on various
biochemical pathways, we focus in general (with notable
exceptions) on the well-established mood stabilizers
lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate.


It is likely that in individuals with manic-depressive illness,
perhaps especially in its bipolar form, altered expression of
critical proteins ensuing from a series of interacting susceptibility genes predisposes to a dysregulation of signaling in regions of the brain, resulting in a periodic loss of
homeostasis and clinical manifestation of affective symptomatologythat is, mania and/or depression (Goodwin

and Ghaemi, 1998; Manji and Lenox, 1999; Payne et al.,

2002). Thus the biological processes underlying the risk for
mood cycling may even be quite distinct from the biology
driving the clinical symptoms of mania or depression per
se (Goodwin and Ghaemi, 1998). In this regard, it should
be noted that there is increasing evidence for a shared genetic risk for both bipolar and recurrent unipolar disorders
(see Chapter 13), suggesting that the underlying pathophysiological processes predisposing to recurrent mood
disturbance may share common features. Furthermore, the
clinical picture and system response are the result of a complex, dynamic interaction between the dysregulated signaling systems and activation of existing physiological feedback mechanisms designed to compensate for extreme
changes. In this manner, the constellation of symptoms
including not only mood but also autonomic, endocrine,
sleep/wake, and circadian activity determinantsreflects
both the stage and progression of illness and unique individual characteristics conferring heterogeneity in clinical
presentation and diagnosis.
In light of this complexity and the dynamic properties of
the system, we would expect research strategies examining
biochemical and endocrine variables to be subject to a high
degree of inherent variability, using not just cross-sectional
analyses among patients but even longitudinal designs over
time within individual patients. Furthermore, the use of peripheral sources and postmortem brain to address biochemical and neuroendocrine activity within the brains of
patients introduces another set of variables inherent in the
experimental design, most often placing significant constraints on the interpretation of data. Additionally, when patient groups cannot be matched for comparison on a particular variable, the appropriate statistic may be an analysis
of covariance, used to control for the influence of confounding variables. These characteristics may be associated (confounding) or not (independent) with the phenomenon
under study (e.g., the observed outcome of an illness after
a specific intervention), thereby making a simple analysis of
variance problematic. Even age matching can introduce distortions. For example, in age-matched unipolar and bipolar depressed patients, the latter groups earlier age of onset
means their average duration of illness will have been longer,
and this parameter should be evaluated independently despite the general homogeneity of the population (Goodwin
et al., 1978).
We should also keep in mind that a true understanding of
the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness in either its
bipolar or highly recurrent unipolar form, must address its
neurobiology at different physiological levelsmolecular,
cellular, systems, and behavioral (see Fig. 141); unfortunately, most studies to date have examined these levels in






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Synaptic connectivity
Cell growth/survival

neuronal circuitry

Neurotransmitter & neuropeptide $s


Susceptibility genes
Protective genes


GSK-3# & substrates
ERK MAP kinases
G proteins
G proteincoupled receptor kinases
Bcl-2 family of proteins
Neuronal cytoskeleton

Transcription factors
mRNA stability
Nuclear import/export


Figure 141. For a complete understanding of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder, its neurobiology
must be addressed at different physiologic levels (i.e., molecular, cellular, systems, and behavioral levels).
Bcl-2 = B-cell leukemia/lymphoma; BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor; CREB= cAMP response element binding protein; ERK = extracellular receptor-coupled kinase; GSK-3 = glycogen synthase kinase-3;
MAP kinase = mitogen-activated protein kinase; MARCKS = myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate;
PKC = protein kinase C; proteome = the population of cellular protein species and their expression level;
transcriptome = the population of cellular messenger RNA species and their expression level. (Source: Manji
and Lenox, 2000a. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)

As discussed in Chapter 13, it is clear that manic-depressive illness arises from the interaction of multiple susceptibility (and likely risk) genes. These genes (and the proteins
for which they code) are undoubtedly related much more
closely to specific biochemical processes and thus specific
symptoms than to bipolar disorder or recurrent depression as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th
edition (DSM-IV) (Manji et al., 2003a).
One strategy that may have considerable utility in elucidating the complex neurobiology of the bipolar form of the
illness is an endophenotype-based approach (Lenox et al.,
2002; Gottesman and Gould, 2003; Manji et al., 2003a; Hasler
et al., 2006). Such an approach may allow for the enrichment of study populations based on pathophysiological
considerations, and may ultimately lead to a greater understanding of the illness. It is our strong belief that conceptualizing the disorder through an endophenotypic approach
will also enable a more biologically relevant classification of
patients along dimensional properties of the disorder, rather
than the traditional categorical classifications imposed by
our diagnostic manuals and reimbursement systems.
Additional major problems in the interpretation of biological data are associated with the diagnostic specificity of

patient populations and the lack of comparability of patient states across studies even in those who truly have the
same diagnosis. Are they studied at the same point in their
recurrent illness? Are the effects primary to the illness, or
do they represent the individuals compensatory adaptations to the illness? How long have patients been drugfree? It is now clear, for instance, that withdrawal from
the high therapeutic doses of antidepressants currently
employed produces biochemical changes that persist for at
least 3 and up to 8 weeks following discontinuation. For
more than a decade, the bulk of psychiatric patients available for biochemical studies have been those recently or
currently on medication at the beginning of an investigation. None of the studies reported here, for example, specify a minimum withdrawal over 3 weeks, and most involve
only a 1- to 2-week drug-free period. Indeed, as we discuss
later, it is quite likely that medication has major effects on
brain structure as well, calling into question many of the
volumetric brain imaging studies conducted without regard to medication status. Indeed, there are only a few studies in which a parameter is followed longitudinally over different states in one or two untreated subjects. From a
research point of view, such studies are particularly valuable,



BOX 141. The Pathophysiology of Manic-Depressive

Illness: Constraints for Experimental Design

Complex disease with diagnostic heterogeneity

Episodic nature of symptoms and distinct symptom clusters
The biology underlying recurrence and cyclicity may be distinct from that responsible for specific symptom clusters

Disease progression dictates changes over the course of the


Dynamic interaction between compensatory and adaptive

changes in brain and primary neurobiology of the disorder

Effect of treatment and treatment withdrawal on measures

Potential circadian rhythm abnormalities suggest that single
time-point studies may be inadequate
Relative inaccessibility of target organ and dependence on
peripheral models
Lack of suitable animal models
Characterization of mood as a quantitative trait (QTL analysis)
has not yet been accomplished
Source: Bachmann et al., 2005.

although they clearly must be generalized with caution since

investigated patients are those able and willing to tolerate
prolonged periods without drugs, and therefore may be
Our task becomes even more daunting when one considers the possibility that a major component of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (and perhaps also the more
highly recurrent forms of unipolar depression) may stem
from discordant biological rhythms, ranging from ultradian to infradian, that ultimately drive the periodic recurrent nature of the disorder. Not only do data collected at
different times of the day (or seasons) lack comparability,
but a free-running rhythm can produce epiphenomena
that may be misinterpreted as correlates of the mood
cycle. These problems are of more than passing interest,
since rhythm disturbances have been hypothesized to
be central to the pathophysiology of the illness (see Chapter 16).
In summary, constraints on experimental design in the
study of recurrent mood disorders include the diagnostic
heterogeneity of a complex disease; the biology underlying
recurrence and cyclicity (which may be distinct from that
responsible for specific symptom clusters); and potential
circadian rhythm abnormalities. Thus simple time-point
studies may be inadequate. Another constraint for research
on bipolar disorder is posed by the lack of suitable animal
models for use in biochemical and pharmacological studies.
The evolution of such models is the subject of the next section. For additional constraints on experimental design, see
Box 141.


The need to use caution in applying animal models to complex neuropsychiatric disorders has been well described
(McKinney, 2001; Weiss and Post, 1994). It is unlikely we
will ever develop rodent models that display the full range
of validity criteria. Modeling in animals is a valuable tool
for exploring the underlying pathologies of human diseases and developing better therapies. Yet, modeling psychopathology is more difficult than modeling other somatic
diseases, primarily because of three major considerations
(Einat et al., 2002a; Nestler et al., 2002a):
The diagnosis of psychiatric disorders is based on evaluation of diverse symptoms rather than on specific, objective measures.
There are no fully validated biological markers for psychiatric disorders.
Many features of major psychiatric illnesses can be totally
observed only in humans, in whom the cortical mantle
has evolved to a much greater extent than in other species.
Despite these limitations, however, animal models have
been used for many years as the basis for experimental efforts to reproduce in nonhuman species the essential features of human disorders (Suomi, 1982; McKinney, 1988).
Animal models of psychiatric disorders can also be defined
operationally as unusual behavioral states in animals that
are specifically reversed by the same pharmacological treatments that reverse symptoms of the human disorder (Petty
and Sherman, 1981). An homologous animal model for a human mental disorder ideally should be simple, reproducible,
and similarly quantifiable, compared to the human disorder in these paradigms: symptoms, postulated etiology, mediating mechanisms, and treatment responses.
In considering an animal model of depression or of any
other illness seen in humans, it is critical to be clear on the
validity criteria of that model (McKinney, 2001). The best
animal model of a disease is theory driven (McKinney,
2001; Einat et al., 2002b, 2003a; Nestler et al., 2002a). An animal model of depression, for example, is expected to replicate the etiological factors and many of the symptoms associated with depression in humans. A related approach is to
model a disease mechanism in a laboratory animal and recreate particular features of the disorder. Both approaches
have been used recently with considerable success in creating animal models for several neurological conditions (e.g.,
Huntingtons disease, familial Alzheimers and Parkinsons
diseases) in which the underlying genetic abnormalities are
An alternative approach is to reproduce in animals particular symptoms of mood disorders. Integrated in the concepts of face and construct and predictive validity, these


models can then be used to study the biological mechanisms underlying those symptoms and to develop new
treatments that alleviate the symptoms. The main limitation of these models is that they may poorly reflect mechanisms involved in the human situation. Thus the biological
basis of the animal symptoms may be different from that of
human symptoms, and drugs that treat the former may
not treat the latter. Another approach is to simply develop
models that can be used to screen for new treatments. Such
models may not have face validity for the human disease,
but this does not matter as long as the models have predictive
value for identifying new treatment agents. Several such
screening tests are available, as outlined below, but the value
of these tests in identifying treatments with novel mechanisms of action will remain unknown until such treatments
are identified (Einat et al., 2002b; Nestler et al., 2002b).

Models of Depression
It should be noted at the outset that, while many of the depression models do show construct, face, or predictive
validity for depression, none model recurrence. The only
paradigms that models recurrence, at least to some extent,
are the kindling models discussed later and circadian/ultraradian rhythm models discussed in Chapter 16.

The Primate Separation Paradigm

In its earliest version, the primate separation paradigm consisted of rearing monkeys from birth either in total isolation,
completely deprived of social contact with other animals, or
in wire cages with only visual and auditory contact permitted. Animals reared in either environment for the first
6 to 12 months of life, then tested socially with other animals, spend most of their time manifesting a despair syndrome: huddled alone in a corner, rocking, clasping themselves, and refraining from play or social encounters with
peers (McKinney, 1988). Subchronic treatment with tricyclic
antidepressants, such as imipramine, can significantly reduce elements of this despair syndrome, such as huddling
(Suomi et al., 1978). Certain elements of the syndrome have
been reversed by other categories of drugs, including a
neuroleptic (chlorpromazine) and an anxiolytic (diazepam)
(McKinney et al., 1973; Noble et al., 1976). In a few studies,
even electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been shown to
reverse this depressive-like behavior (McKinney, 1986).
Endogenous neurochemical changes noted during the
separation period include reduced cerebrospinal fluid levels of norepinephrine, which were shown to be reversed by
antidepressant treatment (Kraemer et al., 1984).
Although some of the observed behaviors are roughly
analogous to major depression in humans, the fact remains
that the onset of depressive illness typically occurs in adulthood. These infant monkeys are probably displaying a


response more analogous to the anaclitic depression observed by Spitz (1946) among newborn human infants suffering from maternal deprivation. Aware of these limitations, some investigators of primates have attempted to
model depression using juvenile monkeys separated from
their peer groups (Kraemer et al., 1984). Of course, one of
the fundamental realities of depressive illness is that it clusters in genetically predisposed individuals. Thus, the observation of considerable individual variability in the development of despair behavior among rhesus monkeys is
of special importance and has prompted cross-fostering
studies, which are beginning to tease apart environmental
and genetic factors in individual vulnerability to separation (Mineka and Suomi, 1978; McKinney, 1988).
Several rodent models involving manipulation of early
life environment have also been used, including prenatal
stress, early postnatal handling, and maternal separation
(Meaney et al., 1994; Caldji et al., 2000; Ladd et al., 2000).
Environmental enrichment has been used as a reciprocal
stimulus. In some of these models, early life stress produces neuroendocrine and behavioral changes in rats and
mice that persist into adulthood. For example, animals
subjected to early stress show a hyperactive hypothalamic
pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis, as indicated by elevated
corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and glucocorticoid
levels in response to stress. They also exhibit increased locomotor responses to novelty and, in some studies, greater
vulnerability to learned helplessness (see below) and drug
Overall, separation models of depression are generally
good in terms of their replicability, and have been used
successfully with a variety of species, from rodent to nonhuman primate. In addition, many of the resulting abnormalities can be reversed by antidepressant treatment, although negative reports have also appeared.

The Learned Helplessness Model of Depression

The learned helplessness model is based on exposing animals to uncontrollable, aversive stressors (Seligman and
Maier, 1967). Variations of the original paradigm include inescapable tailshock or footshock, which is varied and random, and behavioral despair, as evidenced in a test involving
swimming to exhaustion. The former produces a more naturalistic situation, whereas the latter is essentially a version
of learned helplessness.
Rats subjected to various forms of stress, such as shock or
forced swimming, are subsequently unable to acquire and
perform a simple escape task. The effect lasts up to 1 week
after the inescapable stress (Weiss et al., 1984). The interpretation is that any behavioral or other difference found between groups can be attributable to the psychological variable of control over shock termination. Animals that have



acquired learned helplessness show several neurovegetative

changes that are reminiscent of depression, such as rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep alterations, reduced body weight,
diminished sexual behavior, and elevated CRF and corticosterone levels. Repeated dosing with antidepressants, as well
as repeated electroconvulsive seizures (the animal model of
ECT), reduces the latency to escape and decreases the number of animals that show learned helplessness (Willner, 1984;
Hitzemann, 2000).
The attractiveness of the learned helplessness model is
that it is based on a plausible theory linking cognitive function to visceral sequelae. On the other hand, these models
suffer from some of the same limitations as the separation

swim stress. A variant of the forced swim test, used in mice,

is the tail suspension test. Here, mice are suspended by their
tails, and the time it takes each animal to become immobile
(to hang passively upside down) is measured. Acute administration of most antidepressants decreases immobility.
The major advantage of the forced swim test (or tail suspension test) is its relatively high throughput and ease of
use. However, there are also disadvantages. Antidepressants
decrease immobility in the test animals even after single
doses, despite the fact that the clinical effects of these agents
require administration for several weeks at least. Thus, the
test is sensitive to the immediate effects of these agents
and may not be capturing per se the true mood-elevating
changes produced by these medications in the brain.

Compared with the relatively low frequency of clinical

depression in the populations studied, the behavior is
produced in a substantially larger proportion of the individual animals tested.
The animals require a considerable amount of stress, and
severe stress does not uniformly play a critical role in the
onset of major depressive episodes in humans. In recurrent mood disorders, stress may be more important to the
onset of the initial episode than to subsequent episodes.
Thus, the extent to which learned helplessness is a superior model for post-traumatic stress disorder and other
conditions in which stress is a clear etiological factor remains unknown.
These syndromes generally can be reversed rather quickly
by restoring the animal to a normal environment. This is
certainly not the case in major depressive illness.
Controversy has centered on whether the effects of learned
helplessness are truly cognitive or simply products of
stress-induced inactivity.
As noted above, while these models have utility in reproducing some facets of the depressive syndrome, they
do very little to address the recurrent nature of manicdepressive illness.

Chronic Mild Stress

Forced Swim Test

The forced swim test, also known as the Porsolt test, is the
most widely used animal model in depression research,
more specifically as a screen for antidepressant treatments
(Borsini and Meli, 1988; Lucki, 1997; Porsolt, 2000). The test
involves placing a rat or mouse in a tank filled with water
and measuring the amount of time the animal is immobile.
Acute or short-term treatment with most antidepressants
increases the latency to immobility and decreases the period
of immobility, and in most cases this occurs at drug doses
that are not activating on their own. Although this test is
used mainly as an empirical test, one interpretation is that
antidepressants may increase active coping responses to

Several tests related to learned helplessness and based on

exposure of animals to uncontrollable stress have been used
in rats. In general, it has been much more difficult to establish equivalent tests in mice.
In the chronic mild stress paradigm, rodents are exposed
to a variety of relatively mild stresses (isolation housing,
disruption of lightdark cycles, brief food or water deprivation, tilting of home cages) intermittently for relatively prolonged periods of time (e.g., several weeks). Another stressbased model is social defeat. Here, an animal is exposed
repeatedly to an aggressive and dominant animal. In some
laboratories, no physical contact is involved, while in others
the defeated animals experience mild physical duress.
The advantage of these tests is that they have greater face
validity than many other tests because they involve more
naturalistic stresses. Stressed animals are reported to exhibit
anhedonia as inferred from a reduction in sucrose drinking, as well as a variety of cardiovascular or neuroendocrine
sequelae, which are reported to be reversed by longer-term
antidepressant treatment in some studies. The major disadvantage of the chronic stress models is their poor reproducibility. Both the behavioral abnormalities produced by
chronic stress and the palliative effects of antidepressants in
these paradigms have been difficult to replicate across laboratories, which has reduced their general application.

Models of Bipolar Disorder

An ideal model for bipolar disorder should include spontaneous and progressive behavior that oscillates between increased and decreased manifestations of the model behavior
and that may be similar to a human behavior phenotypic to
mania or depression (face validity). The model behavior
should also be normalized by chronic, but not acute, treatment with mood stabilizers such as lithium and several
anticonvulsant drugs, but react in the manic-like direction to treatment with antidepressants (predictive validity).


Additionally, a well-validated model should be based on one

of the mechanistic theories of the disease.
The progressive and cycling nature of the disease presents a unique difficulty in any attempts to model it. Indeed, most models tend to focus on one pole of the disorder, either mania or depression, whereas a number of
models employ other examples of oscillatory physiology or
behavior even if they do not overtly resemble any symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Hyperactivity Models
Because models for major depression are relatively available, there have been more attempts to develop valid animal models for the manic state that is a unique feature of
bipolar disorder. Since hyperactivity is one of the simpler
behaviors to detect, monitor, and quantify, a number of
models for mania have focused on this aspect of the disorder. Some of these models are reviewed by Einat and colleagues (2000, 2002b) and are briefly described here.

Baseline Locomotor Activity

Locomotor activity in a novel environment is affected by
many factors, such as the time of day, environmental stimuli, and the history of the animal. The effects of mood stabilizers on spontaneous activity are equivocal, but more
effects have been reported for chronic lithium use (Lerer
et al., 1984; Berggren, 1985) than for acute treatment with
this drug (Ushijama et al., 1986). Interestingly, a clearer reduction in basal activity following lithium treatment has
been observed during the dark phase (when rodents are
more active), which suggests that the drug may suppress
only high levels of activity (similar to the manic state) without affecting low baseline activity levels (Lerer et al., 1984;
Kofman and Belmaker, 1990).

Psychostimulant-Induced Hyperactivity
Acute treatment with appropriate doses of psychostimulants
can produce a range of mania-like behaviors, including hyperactivity, heightened sensory awareness, alertness, insomnia, and changes in sleep patterns (Gessa et al., 1995; Einat
et al., 2000). The hyperactivity induced by psychostimulants
can be easily detected (Antoniou et al., 1998) and is sensitive
to lithium treatment1 and possibly to anticonvulsant mood
stabilizers (Kuruvilla and Uretsky, 1981; Maitre et al., 1984;
Maj et al., 1985). Yet the sensitivity of this model to mood stabilizers is not universal; rather, it is dependent on the mode
of administration or the specific type of activity measured
(see Einat et al., 2000, 2002a).

Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation has a rapid therapeutic effect in both
unipolar and bipolar depression (see Post et al., 1987; Szuba


et al., 1994; Barbini et al., 1998; see also Chapters 16 and 19),
which can be maintained by treatment with lithium or antidepressant drugs (Szuba et al., 1994). At the same time,
sleep deprivation can induce manic episodes in euthymic
bipolar patients and has been suggested as a final common
pathway in the genesis of mania (Wehr et al., 1987).
With the clinical phenomenon in mind, Gessa and colleagues attempted to examine the effects of sleep deprivation in animals. In their studies, they demonstrated that rats
exposed to 72 hours of sleep deprivation exhibit a variety
of behaviors that have face validity for modeling a manic
episode. These behaviors include insomnia (for about 30
minutes, after rats are permitted to sleep), hyperactivity,
irritability (Albert et al., 1970; Fratta et al., 1987; Gessa et al.,
1995), aggressive behavior (Hicks et al., 1979), and hypersexuality (Morden et al., 1968). Furthermore, Gessa and colleagues (1995) demonstrated that lithium treatment alleviates
the insomnia and hyperactivity elements of the behavior,
thereby adding predictive validity to the face validity of the
proposed model.
Gessa and colleagues (1995) suggest that sleep deprivation in the rat may be a valid model for mania and that this
model can offer new directions for the study of the pathological mechanism of the disorder. They attempted to study
the brain mechanisms underlying these manic-like behaviors. Their findings indicate that treatment with the
dopaminergic D2 antagonist haloperidol or with the dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 significantly reduces the sleep latency (time to the onset of sleep after
sleep deprivation) in the model (Fratta et al., 1987), whereas
treatment with the dopamine D1 agonist SKF 38393 prolongs the period of insomnia (Gessa et al., 1995). Interestingly, the dopamine D2/D3 agonist quinpirole produces
a biphasic effect in small doses, possibly acting presynaptically (Eilam and Szechtman, 1990) to reduce sleep latency,
whereas at higher doses, acting postsynaptically, it was
shown to prolong sleep latency (Gessa et al., 1995). Furthermore, naloxone (an opioid antagonist) reduces sleep latency, whereas morphine, beta-endorphin, and [D-Ala2,
D-Leu5] enkephalin prolong the period of insomnia (Fratta
et al., 1987). Neurochemical studies of this model demonstrated that sleep deprivation induces only small effects related to adrenergic or serotonergic receptors (Siegel and
Rogawski, 1988) but has stronger effects on the dopaminergic (DeMontis et al., 1990) and opioid (Fadda et al., 1991,
1992) systems in the brain (Gessa et al., 1995).
Recent molecular and cellular biology studies have renewed interest in sleep deprivation as a possible model.
Thus there is now incontrovertible evidence that the expression of selected critical genes varies dramatically during sleep and waking events, a variation that likely plays
a major role in regulating various long-term neuroplastic



events. Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) differential display, microarray, and biochemical studies have shown that
short-term sleep deprivation (short-term sleep deprivation has no clear definition regarding number of hours)
is associated with a rapid increase in various plasticityrelated genes. Notably, these are precisely the plasticityrelated molecules whose expression is increased by chronic
antidepressant treatment.
In an extension of the gene expression studies, Cirelli
and colleagues (Cirelli and Tononi, 2000; Cirelli et al.,
2002) hypothesize that a key factor responsible for the induction of the plasticity genes may be the level of activity
of the neuromodulatory noradrenergic and serotonergic
systems. Both of these systems project diffusely to most
of the brain, where they regulate gene expression, and are
quiescent only during REM sleep (Cirelli et al., 2002). Thus
sleep deprivation may be capable of rapidly activating antidepressant/mania-inducing genes (Payne et al., 2002),
and despite the technical difficulties inherent in establishing this model, it is clearly worthy of further study.

Sensitization and Kindling

Most longitudinal studies of the course of manic-depressive
illness indicate that recurrences are not simply random.
Rather they show, on average, that its course presents a pattern of increasing frequency over time, a phenomenon most
extensively studied in the bipolar subgroup (see Chapter 4).
Post and colleagues (Post and Kopanda, 1976; Post et al.,
1984d,e; Post and Weiss, 1989) have focused on two intriguing animal models that attempt to account for this
tendency of episodes to accelerate: behavioral sensitization
and electrophysiological kindling. These models are of
considerable interest, even though they do not provide full
homologies for other aspects of the illness.
Behavioral Sensitization to Psychostimulants. Repeated,
intermittent administration of many psychostimulants results in a gradual increase in behavioral response termed
reverse tolerance or sensitization (e.g., Robinson and Becker,
1986; Stewart and Badiani, 1993; Einat et al., 1996). This
clearly progressive phenomenon, used in the past to model
psychosis (see Robinson and Becker, 1986), has frequently
been proposed and used as a model for the development of
bipolar illness, since the development of sensitized behavior is similar to the progression of manic episodes, with
a gradual increase in severity and progressively more rapid
onset (Post et al., 1981, 1982). This model offers not only
face validity but also some construct validity, considering
the involvement of the dopaminergic system in manic psychosis (e.g., Jimerson et al., 1982; Carli et al., 1997). Moreover, cocaine mimics several of the pharmacological effects
of stress, and one of the proposed models for bipolar

disorder suggests that the clinical course of the disorder is

exacerbated by psychosocial stressors that interact with effector genes and immediate early genes (Post and Weiss,
Intriguingly, recent studies have shown that cocaine
sensitization and reward are under the influence of circadian genes and rhythm (see Chapter 16). Abarca and colleagues (2002) found that mPer1 and mPer2 mutant mice,
as well as wild-type mice, exhibited an approximately fivefold increase in activity after an acute cocaine injection
compared with controls, showing that there is no initial
difference in sensitivity to acute cocaine administration in
Per mutants. After repeated cocaine injections, however,
wild-type mice exhibited a sensitized behavioral response
that was absent in mPer1 knockout mice. By contrast, mPer2
mutant mice exhibited a hypersensitized response to cocaine (Abarca et al., 2002). Conditioned place preference
experiments revealed similar behavioral reactions: mPer1
knockout mice showed a complete lack of cocaine reward,
whereas mPer2 mutants showed a strong cocaine-induced
place preference. Finally, in another set of experiments,
these investigators tested C57/BL6J mice at different zeitgeber times and found that cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and place preference are under the control of the
circadian clock. These studies are highly complementary
to those of Nikaido and colleagues (2001), who found that
methamphetamine augmented the expression of mPer1 in
the caudate-putamen. Together, these studies suggest that
processes involved in some of the actions of psychostimulants that may be of particular relevance to bipolar disorder
(sensitization and reward) are under the influence of circadian rhythms and modulated in a complex manner by clock
Despite the many strengths of this model, it should
be noted that its predictive (pharmacological) validity is
equivocal. Some studies have found inhibition of the phenomenon by lithium (Post et al., 1984c), but others have not
(Poncelet et al., 1987; Cappeliez and Moore, 1990). Moreover, in contrast with the kindling model (see below), carbamazepine treatment has not been found to have any clearcut effects (Post et al., 1984c; Weiss et al., 1990). An additional
problem with the model is the gradual transition in behaviors across injections of most psychostimulants, from hyperactivity that is easily monitored and quantified to locally
oriented stereotypic movements that may be difficult to
interpret (see Ellinwood et al., 1972; Kilbey and Ellinwood,
1977; Eilam and Szechtman, 1990).
Amygdala Kindling. The amygdala kindling model was
the first major attempt to develop a model on the basis of
its progressive nature rather than on a clear behavioral similarity with bipolar disorder. As a nonhomologous model


it should be emphasized that the model is not based on the

notion that bipolar disorder is a seizure disorder, but reflects the progressive nature of the illness and has considerable heuristic value (see also Chapter 4). In kindling of
the amygdala, for example, repeated once-daily stimulation
for 1 second initially produces no observable behavioral or
electrophysiological effects. Upon repetition, however, afterdischarges increase in frequency, duration, and complexity of waveform, and eventually the animal develops a
full-blown major motor seizure in response to a stimulus
that was previously below the threshold. If the stimulation
is repeated frequently enough, the animal will eventually
develop a spontaneous seizure disorder, in which seizures
occur without any exogenous stimulation (e.g., Racine, 1978;
for a review see Post and Weiss, 1997).
Because of the gradual intensification of the response
and the ongoing transition from stressor vulnerability to
autonomous episodes, Post and colleagues suggest that although the behavioral response is different from that observed during manic episodes (Weiss et al., 1995), kindling
may be an appropriate model for bipolar disorder (Post
and Ballenger, 1981; Post et al., 1984b; Post and Weiss, 1997).
Support for the model comes from studies demonstrating
reduced seizure response after pretreatment with lithium,
anticonvulsant mood stabilizers,2 or electroconvulsive shock
(the animal model of ECT) (see Post et al., 1984b; Minabe
et al., 1987, 1988). Moreover, in the course of treatment of
amygdala-kindled animals with anticonvulsant drugs, the
drugs show tolerance episodically with breakthroughs of
seizures; this appearance of seizures during treatment may
be similar to the periodic outbursts of bipolar episodes (Post
and Weiss, 1996).
Interestingly, the kindling model was a key factor for the
study of the anticonvulsant drug carbamazepine as an effective mood stabilizer (Post et al., 1984b; Post and Weiss,
1997). The model is also supported by some mechanistic
findings (construct validity) as it induces changes in immediate early genes, gene expression, and synaptic structure that may be similar to changes in bipolar disorder (see
Post and Weiss, 1997).
The kindling model therefore offers strong predictive validity, some face validity, and partial construct validity. Unfortunately, the model is quite complicated to induce and
demands special equipment and conditions. These technical
problems, combined with the theoretical difficulty of a clear
dissimilarity between the observed behavior (seizures) and
the behavioral manifestation of manic-depressive illness in
patients, have led to less than enthusiastic acceptance of the
model in recent years.
Nevertheless, it is important to point out that both
the sensitization and kindling models, while not directly
analogous to the behavioral or affective disturbances of


manic-depressive patients, have helped clarify the mechanisms underlying the accelerating longitudinal course of the
illness, especially in its bipolar form. Thus when one reviews
the parallels between the two models and bipolar disorder,
the following features are notable:
For each model, evidence exists for the predisposing
effects of both genetic factors and early environmental
These models show threshold effects (mild alterations
eventuating in full-blown episodes).
Each model can show similarity of episodes through
repeated occurrences.
With each model, a maximum disturbance occurs earlier
in the episode as the number of recurrences increases.
In both models, early episodes may require precipitants,
whereas later ones can occur spontaneously.
With each model, repeated episodes of one phase may
lead to emergence of the opposite phase.
Younger animals appear to be more vulnerable to sensitization and kindling, a finding suggesting a parallel with
the young age of onset of bipolar disorder.
As we discuss later, a growing body of data has shown
that both psychostimulant sensitization and kindling are
associated with activation of the protein kinase C (PKC)
signaling cascade, a pathway whose activity is inhibited
by mood stabilizers.
Thus, these models serve to broaden the conceptual
framework for linking clinical phenomenology to neurobiological mechanisms. The average pattern of cycle acceleration over time could reflect a mix of patients with a variety of patterns. Some might accelerate dramatically over
time, whereas others might do so moderately or not at all.
In patients having a dramatically shorter cycle with each
episode, the form of the illness may be analogous to the pattern of increasingly rapid onset of hyperactivity and stereotypy following repeated administration of a psychomotor
stimulant. The role of environmental stress in enhancing
behavioral sensitization may resemble its postulated role in
the onset of affective episodes. These findings may help
integrate psychosocial and neurobiological perspectives.
Specifically, if one postulates that a psychosocial stress can
precipitate manic or depressive episodes, the sensitization
and kindling models would suggest that, after a certain
amount of repetition, the episodes will develop spontaneously (see Chapter 4). This chain of events fits the clinical histories of many patients with bipolar disorder, in
which clear-cut psychosocial or physical stresses are associated with the onset of early episodes, but in time the
episodes become more autonomous. By the time patients
are seen in treatment settings, they may indeed have an
autonomous illness.



As Post and Weiss (1989) point out, however, sensitization and kindling phenomena in animals do not yet represent precise models of human cyclic mood disorders. In
addition to the respective time frames being quite different, the models imply a close similarity between stressprecipitated and pharmacological-induced events, a similarity that needs to be demonstrated experimentally.
Extreme Sensitization. An extension of the psychostimulant sensitization model was recently suggested by Antelman and colleagues (Antelman et al., 1995; Antelman and
Caggiula, 1996; Caggiula et al., 1998), who demonstrated
that when animals reach a level of extreme sensitization
to cocaine, some of their behavioral and biochemical responses begin to oscillate. The oscillations can be detected
in some measuressuch as the efflux of striatal and nucleus accumbens dopamine, hippocampal serotonin, and
plasma levels of corticosterone and glucoseand in one
behavioral measureshock-induced hypoalgesia. Moreover, both biochemical and behavioral oscillations are completely prevented by chronic lithium pretreatment, adding
predictive validity to the model (Antelman et al., 1998).
The extreme sensitization model appears to have more
similarities with bipolar disorder than is the case for other
models because it incorporates features of progressive and
oscillating responses. Moreover, a recent study demonstrates
that the behavioral response can be conditioned (Kucinski
et al., 1999); that is, the behavior can be influenced by the
environment, just as a manic or depressive episode can be
triggered or precipitated by the environment. However, the
measures used in the model are far removed from changes
observed in bipolar patients, whereas other measurable
changes induced by extreme sensitization, such as hyperactivity and reward-related behaviors, that are more homologous with human behavior and appear to model mania do
not show cyclicity. These latter behaviors are not easily normalized by mood stabilizers. Moreover, the cycling measures
were normalized by lithium, but further validation will require additional studies testing the effects of other mood
stabilizers as well as other psychiatric drugs. Still, the notion
of a cycling phenomenon is important, and additional study
of this model might be useful.
A different derivative of the psychostimulant-induced
models focusing on the response to the direct D2/D3 agonist
quinpirole has been studied. Unlike other dopamine agonists, quinpirole (in appropriate doses) induces a biphasic
response over time, starting with hypolocomotion and developing into a hyperlocomotion state (Eilam and Szechtman, 1989). This biphasic response can have face validity as
a model for the two states of bipolar disorderdepression
and mania. To assess this possibility, researchers examined
the effects of mood stabilizers on the biphasic response.

They found that treatment with lithium or valproate affected

the hyperactivity but not the hypoactivity phase (Shaldubina et al., 2002). Accordingly, this model has no advantage
over the other psychostimulant-induced models.

If animal models are to realize their promise, they must
incorporate certain cardinal features of recurrent mood
disorders, especially the bipolar subgroup. The first is
spontaneous, progressive behavior that oscillates between
increased and decreased manifestations of the model behavior that is similar to the human phenotypic expression
of mania or depression (face validity). The model behavior
should also be normalized by chronic, but not acute, treatment with mood stabilizers such as lithium and several anticonvulsant drugs, but react in the manic-like direction
to treatment with antidepressants, psychostimulants, and
sleep deprivation (predictive validity). Finally, the models
should involve both genetic vulnerability and cyclicity.
Ideal animal models for bipolar disorder are not available, but a variety of behaviors in animals may represent
certain facets of the disease. Beyond the long-standing debate over the value of models that are not a comprehensive
reflection of a disorder, or its underlying pathophysiology
(Kilts, 2001; Machado-Vieira et al., 2004), it is accepted that
partial models are helpful (McKinney 2001). Furthermore,
there is a growing appreciation that bipolar disorder may
represent a heterogeneous group of disorders that may be
more amenable to study with an endophenotypic approach
(Lenox et al. 2002; Hasler et al., 2006; discussed in greater
detail later in this chapter). Accordingly, changes in behavior that are related to any facet of the depressionmania
continuum may be relevant as models of these components
of bipolar disorder. Behavioral tests for many such components are available and used in different contexts. Animals
are tested for activity, response to drugs, hedonistic properties, resilience and despair, anxiety and risk-taking behaviors, judgment, sexual behavior, distractibility, sleep patterns, and more, all behaviors that may be relevant to bipolar
disorder. Not all these models may be valid for components
of bipolar disorder, and the process of validating models requires significant work (Willner, 1991; Einat et al., 2003a).
However, experimentation done in different contexts may
still help gain insight into possible mechanisms involved
in bipolar disorder.
An increasing number of methodologies are now available that allow for the targeted manipulation of a specific
gene (and protein) in a precise temporal and spatial (brain
regionspecific) manner. These evolving methodologies
represent a new horizon for modeling the disorder, as it is
now possible to attempt and create models that are hypothesis driven and have a sound theoretical base, rather



than being based on behavioral similarity. Moreover, the

availability of new molecular techniques makes it possible
to explore connections between specific molecules and behavior, as well as geneenvironment interactions. These
advances will undoubtedly allow for the creation of improved animal models of arguably one of the most complex human neuropsychiatric disorders.

dysregulation of the major monoaminergic systems may

play a major role in the pathophysiology of manic-depressive
illness. We now review biological studies related directly
or indirectly to the hypotheses generated by various pharmacological bridges, addressing in turn the noradrenergic,
dopaminergic, serotonergic, cholinergic, GABAergic, and
glutamatergic systems, and finally neuroendocrine systems
and neuropeptides.


The Noradrenergic System

The impetus for the study of the biogenic amines in patients with manic-depressive illness was provided largely
by the discovery of effective pharmacologic treatments for
depression and mania. These treatments led to the formulation of the so-called pharmacological bridge between depressive illness and neurotransmitter systems in the brain.
Unfortunately, as a rule, the studies of neurotransmitters
and neuropeptides in depressed patients have not separately
analyzed those patients with the more recurrent forms, that
is, those who are a part of the manic-depressive spectrum.
An initial foundation for this pharmacological bridge was
formed by the following observations:
Reserpinean antihypertensive later shown to deplete
amine transmitters in rodentsis associated with an
unexpectedly high incidence of depression.
Effective antidepressant drugs increase intrasynaptic
concentrations of serotonin and norepinephrine.
Antihypertensives that deplete these monoamines sometimes precipitate depressive episodes in susceptible individuals.
Psychostimulants and dopamine agonists are capable of
triggering manic episodes in susceptible individuals.
Cholinomimetics (e.g., intravenous physostigmine, a central cholinesterase inhibitor) briefly but dramatically reduce symptoms in manic patients and precipitate depression in euthymic bipolar patients maintained on lithium.
Even more striking pharmacological findings go beyond
effects on a single episode of depression or mania to indicate the effects of drugs on the long-term course of manicdepressive illness, particularly the bipolar subgroup. As
discussed in Chapter 19, antidepressants in general and tricyclics in particular may increase the frequency of cycles
and worsen long-term outcome. Finally, the monoaminergic systems are extensively distributed throughout the network of limbic, striatal, and prefrontal cortical neuronal
circuits thought to support the behavioral and visceral
manifestations of mood disorders.
Given these compelling pharmacological data, it is
not surprising that investigators have postulated that

The noradrenergic system was one of the first neurotransmitter systems examined in studying the pathophysiology
of affective disorders. Early theories of depression postulated that an imbalance in the metabolism of norepinephrine (NE) was responsible for mood disorders (Bunney
and Davis, 1965; Schildkraut, 1965). This postulate has been
extensively investigated but has proven difficult to study
experimentally, in part because of the formidable methodological difficulties involved in assessing central nervous
system (CNS) noradrenergic function in humans. Here we
briefly review, critically appraise, and integrate the research
findings to date on NE in manic-depressive illness, with
a focus on the bipolar subgroup. (See Figure 142 for a
depiction of the regulatory processes involved in NE neurotransmission.)

Studies of Norepinephrine and MHPG in Plasma

The principal metabolite of NE, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), has been extensively measured in
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), plasma, and urine. In earlier
studies, MHPG was found to be elevated in CSF in patients
with depression, mania, and schizoaffective disorder (Schildkraut, 1965). The 1980s saw a series of investigations of
plasma NE, the majority of which revealed some degree of
elevation, interpreted as evidence of increased peripheral
sympathetic nervous system activity in patients with major
depression.3 Several studies using radioenzymatic and radiotracer assay techniques also demonstrated elevated
plasma NE concentrations under presumed resting conditions in patients with major depression, in particular unipolar patients fulfilling criteria for melancholia (Roy et al.,
1985, 1987; Veith et al., 1985). In well-controlled studies,
Rudorfer and colleagues (1985) found that supine plasma
NE levels were significantly lower in bipolar patients than in
either unipolar depressive patients or normal volunteers.
Going beyond the study of plasma NE levels under resting conditions, studies of the responsiveness of plasma
NE to various provocative challenge tests provide evidence for
dysregulation of the noradrenergic system in depression.
Thus, using an orthostatic challenge paradigm, it was demonstrated that the increase in plasma NE is consistently greater
in depressed unipolar or bipolar patients than in age- and

















Lateral tegmental
NA cell system









% 1A







MHPG Tropolone

# 1,2


% 2A/D,B




(+) Ion Channels

IP3, DAG, Ca2+

Cellular responses

Figure 142. A: Gross anatomical relationships. B: The various regulatory processes involved in norepinephrine neurotransmission. The
amino acid L-tyrosine is actively transported into presynaptic norepinephrine (NE) nerve terminals, where it is ultimately converted into NE.
The rate-limiting step is conversion of L-tyrosine to L-dihydroxyphenyalanine (L-DOPA) by the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). AMPT
(-methyl-para-tyrosine) is a competitive inhibitor of TH and has been used to assess the impact of reduced catecholaminergic function in
clinical studies. Aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) converts DOPA to DA. DOPA then becomes decarboxylated by decarboxylase to
form dopamine (DA). DA is then taken up from the cytoplasm into vesicles, by vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) and hydroxylated
by DA-hydroxylase (DBH) in the presence of O2 and ascorbate to form NE. Normetanephrine (NM) is formed by the action of catecholO-methyltransferase (COMT) on NE. NE can be further metabolized by monoamine oxidase (MAO) and aldehyde reductase to 3-methoxy-4hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG). Reserpine causes a depletion of NE in vesicles by interfering with uptake and storage mechanisms (depressivelike symptoms have been reported with this agent). Once released from the presynaptic terminal, NE can interact with a variety of presynaptic
and postsynaptic receptors. Presynaptic regulation of NE neuron firing activity and release occurs through somatodendritic (not shown) and
nerve terminal 2-adrenoceptors, respectively. Yohimbine potentiates NE neuronal firing and NE release by blocking these 2-adrenoceptors,
thereby disinhibiting these neurons from a negative feedback influence. Conversely, clonidine attenuates NE neuron firing and release by activating these receptors. Idazoxan is a relatively selective 2-adrenoceptor antagonist primarily used for pharmacologic purposes. The binding
of NE to G proteincoupled receptors, which are coupled to adenylyl cyclase (AC) and phospholipase C beta (PLC- produces a cascade of
second messenger and cellular effects (see diagram). NEs action is terminated in the synapse by rapidly being taken back into the presynaptic
neuron through NE transporters (NET). Once inside the neuron it can either be repackaged into vesicles for reuse or it undergoes enzymatic
degradation. The selective NE reuptake inhibitor and antidepressant reboxetine and older-generation tricyclic antidepressant desipramine are
able to interfere with or block the reuptake of NE. Amphetamine is able to facilitate NE release by altering NET function. Note: Grey
spheres = DA neurotransmitters; blue spheres = NE neurotransmitters. DAG = diacylglycerol; IP3 = inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate. (Source:
Schatzberg and Nemeroff, 2004. Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 2004 by the American
Psychiatric Association.)


gender-matched controls (Rudorfer et al., 1985). Depressed

patients have been shown to produce an exaggerated release
of NE in response to a variety of stressors, including orthostatic, cold pressor, and mental arithmetic stressors (Roy
et al., 1985; Rubin et al., 1985; Veith et al., 1988).
Taken together, the studies of plasma NE provide strong
evidence for dysregulation of peripheral release of NE in affective illness, with a difference in the pattern of dysregulation between unipolar and bipolar patients. Stated another
way, bipolar patients appear to have reduced to average
resting output of NE with a highly exaggerated NE response
to standing, while unipolar patients (especially a subgroup
of anxious, melancholic patients with dexamethasone nonsuppression) have an average to elevated resting NE, with
moderately exaggerated response to standing (and perhaps
stressors in general) (Rudorfer et al., 1985; Potter and
Manji, 1994). Whether these differences can be attributed to
the difference in polarity or cyclicity cannot be known
since the unipolar and bipolar groups were not matched for
the frequency of recurrence.
As we reviewed in the first edition of this text, studies of
plasma MHPG have yielded variable results and do not generally support the concept of a unipolarbipolar distinction
(Potter and Linnoila, 1989). Plasma MHPG in unipolar depressive patients tends to be similar to that of controls, albeit
with greater variance (Siever and Uhde, 1984). Similar to
the association with plasma NE, depressed dexamethasonenonsuppressors have higher levels of plasma MHPG (Jimerson et al., 1983; Roy et al., 1986). Plasma MHPG levels tend
to be lower in bipolar than in unipolar depressed patients
(Siever, 1987; Goodwin and Jamison, 1990) and are higher in
bipolar patients when manic than when depressed (Halaris,
1978; Jimerson et al., 1981; Maj et al., 1984) or euthymic (Maj
et al., 1984).

Studies of Norepinephrine and MHPG

in Cerebral Spinal Fluid
For some years, measures of NE and its metabolites in CSF
were thought to directly reflect brain NE activity. This assumption is, however, problematic, since high correlations
have been found between plasma and CSF NE and MHPG
(Kopin, 1985; Goldstein et al., 1987). Pharmacological studies in dogs have revealed parallel changes in plasma and CSF
NE following ganglion blockade, suggesting that sympathetic outflow may determine (at least in part) NE concentrations in both compartments (Goldstein et al., 1987).
Plasma MHPG is the major source of CSF MHPG, which
readily crosses the bloodbrain barrier (Kopin, 1985). Given
the high correlation between plasma and CSF MHPG observed in comparisons of high and low catecholamine output states, an equation has been derived to correct for the
contribution of plasma MHPG to that of CSF (Kopin, 1985;


Goldstein et al., 1987). In the relatively narrow range of values observed in depressed patients and controls, however,
such an equation is of questionable utility for identifying
brain MHPG (Linnoila et al., 1986), and to date has not
provided new insights in studies of depression.
Certain other methodological problems are unique to
CSF measures. First, standards for obtaining spinal fluid,
such as elapsed time between needle insertion and sample
collection, have not been established. Therefore, subjects
may not have the same degree of accommodation to the
stress of the needle stick. Moreover, sampling at a single
point in time may not reflect the biochemical process of depression or mania, but a state-dependent fluctuation from
a recent external or internal stress.
CSF concentrations of NE have been reported to be elevated in depressed patients with an atypical presentation,
higher scores for nurse-rated anxiety, and a longer duration
of hospitalization (Post et al., 1984b). Earlier investigations
showed that CSF NE is higher in mania than in depression
(Post et al., 1978; Gerner et al., 1984). Moreover, in dysphoric
mania, defined by the coexistence of high depression ratings, NE in CSF correlates modestly but significantly (r .5)
with ratings for dysphoria and anxiety but not with ratings
for mania (Post et al., 1989). Post and colleagues suggest that
CSF NE may be positively correlated with the degree of
anxiety across a variety of psychopathologic syndromes,
including depression, mania, and perhaps anxiety.
Reports suggest that CSF MHPG is lower in bipolar-I
depressed patients than in unipolar patients, but as is the
case for CSF NE, variables other than overall diagnosis
may influence values (Potter et al., 1987). Thus, for instance,
within a group of depressed patients, those with increased
anxiety, agitation, somatization, and sleep disturbance were
found to have significantly elevated levels of CSF MHPG
(Redmond et al., 1986). CSF MHPG has been reported to
be elevated in manic patients compared with controls (Post
et al., 1984b; Redmond et al., 1986; Swann et al., 1986). In
one study of mania, CSF MHPG concentration correlated
with certain dysphoric elements of the manic syndrome
namely total manic severity and hostility (Swann et al.,
1987). Moreover, this study found a significant reduction
in CSF MHPG with lithium treatment, even when the treatment was unsuccessful.
Swann and colleagues have conducted the most comprehensive studies of catecholamine function in mania since
publication of the first edition of this text. When they compared biogenic amines in mixed manic (n = 8) and in pure
and nonagitated bipolar depressed (n = 27) inpatients, they
found that MHPG was higher in CSF from mixed manic
than that from agitated depressed patients (Swann et al.,
1994). Moreover, patients in a mixed state had higher urinary excretion of NE and elevated output of NE relative to



its metabolites, suggesting that mixed manic patients combine certain biological abnormalities considered to be characteristic of both mania and depression.
More recently, the same group investigated relationships between performance on psychomotor tests of motor
speed (reaction time and tapping speed) and visual tracking (trail making and dot placement) and catecholamine
system function, including CSF or urinary concentrations
of catecholamines or their metabolites (Swann et al., 1999).
They found that both unipolar and bipolar depressed patients were impaired in motor speed, dexterity, and visual
tracking, whereas manic and mixed patients did not differ
from controls in these areas. Furthermore, increased catecholamine function correlated with slowing on all other
measures for patients with bipolar disorder; relationships
between catecholamines and psychomotor function were
weaker in unipolar depressed subjects, and psychomotor
function was related to severity of depression only in bipolar patients. These latter findings add to the data suggesting
that catecholamine systems are associated with increased
arousal and psychomotor impairment in patients with bipolar disorder (Goodwin and Ghaemi, 1998).
Taken together, findings from CSF studies of NE and
its metabolite MHPG suggest that NE output is higher in
mania than in depression and that there may be relatively
higher values in unipolar than in bipolar depression. Relative elevation within patient groups may, in turn, be related to anxiety or the overall severity of the condition. As
noted previously, it is possible that the CSF findings reflect
events occurring in the sympathetic nervous system as much
as those occurring in the brain. It is therefore not surprising that the pattern of findings is similar in CSF and plasma.
Nevertheless, in some studies, CSF NE or MHPG was found
to be correlated with dysphoric elements of the manic syndrome, while urinary measures tended to be associated with
euphoric components (Swann et al., 1986; Post et al., 1989),
suggesting that studies examining multiple measures and
components of the noradrenergic system allow for the most
meaningful interpretations.

Studies of Postmortem Brain

Numerous postmortem studies have investigated the role of
monoaminergic functioning in major depressive disorder
and suicide. Yet there has been a dearth of studies examining
the status of monoamine transmitters in autopsy specimens
from subjects specifically with bipolar disorder. A study by
Young and colleagues (1994c) found that NE turnover
(MHPG/NE ratio) was markedly elevated in autopsied
frontal, temporal, and occipital cortex of individuals with an
antemortem diagnosis of bipolar disorder. In comparison,
serotonin (also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT])
and dopamine (DA) turnover (5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid

[5-HIAA]/5-HT and homovanillic acid [HVA]/DA, respectively) were found to be significantly reduced in temporal
and occipital cortex, respectively. In an intriguing preliminary study, Baumann and colleagues (1999a) investigated a
possible unipolarbipolar dichotomy by performing a morphological comparison of the locus coeruleus (LC) obtained
postmortem. They found that bipolar patients (n = 6) had
significantly more neurons on both sides of the LC as
a whole than did patients with unipolar depression (n = 6).
Furthermore, topographical analysis revealed that this difference was restricted to the rostral two-thirds and the dorsal
portion of the LC, in which bipolar patients showed at least
a trend to higher neuron numbers than those of unipolar
patients or controls. However, as is characteristic of most
unipolarbipolar comparisons, the two groups were not
matched for frequency of recurrence, so that one cannot
know whether the differences reflect a difference in polarity
or cyclicity.

Studies of Norepinephrine and Its Metabolites in Urine

Since the catecholamine hypothesis of affective disorders
was proposed, attempts to characterize the output of the noradrenergic system in depressed patients have focused on
measurements of MHPG in urine more than any other single parameter (Potter et al., 1987; Filser et al., 1988). These
studies were fueled (at least to some extent) by early data interpretations suggesting that about 50 percent of MHPG in
urine was derived from the CNS. However, subsequent work
indicated that MHPG readily crosses the bloodbrain barrier to the CSF; earlier estimates of the CNS contribution to
urinary MHPG have thus been revised to approximately
one-third their original values (see Kopin, 1985).
The conclusions in the literature vary, but some authors
emphasize that there is (albeit modestly) decreased 24hour urinary excretion of MHPG in depressed patients
compared with that of controls. Also with regard to urinary excretion of MHPG, unipolar depressed patients are
more heterogeneous than bipolar-I patients (Maas, 1972).
When one examines the studies more closely, it appears
that the reduced excretion of MHPG is accounted for
exclusively by bipolar patientsalthough a more recent
study, in which subsequent patients in the same center were
examined, does not replicate this finding, perhaps suggesting a change in the patient population over time (Grossman and Potter, 1999). Moreover, reduced urinary MHPG
may be present only in bipolar-I and not in bipolar-II patients (Muscettola et al., 1984; Schatzberg et al., 1989), with
MHPG levels in the former group being similar to those of
patients with unipolar depression (Schatzberg et al., 1989).
Patients with unipolar depression generally have greater urinary MHPG concentrations than those of bipolar-I patients. Average urinary MHPG is not reduced in unipolar


populations taken as a whole; rather, there may be a subgroup of such patients who have elevated MHPG compared
with that of controls and bipolar subjects (Schatzberg et al.,
1982). Furthermore, pretreatment levels of urinary MHPG
have correlated with improvement in manic syndrome
scores (Swann et al., 1999). Consistent with an overall activation of the noradrenergic system during mania, manic
patients also exhibit significantly increased urinary concentrations of NE compared with those of depressed patients or
control subjects (Swann et al., 1987).
Low levels of urinary MHPG in depressed patients have
been reported to approach normal values with clinical
improvement, thus this measure may be state-dependent
(Pickar et al., 1978). Similarly, longitudinal studies of bipolar patients suggest increased MHPG excretion in manic
compared with depressed states (Post et al., 1984b; Potter
et al., 1987). It has also been noted that manic patients responding to lithium have decreased MHPG and increased
NE excretion relative to the total excretion of NE and its
metabolites, a finding suggesting that lithium response is
associated with an alteration of catecholamine metabolism
pathways (Swann et al., 1987). Overall, however, urinary
MHPG by itself has not proven to be a sufficiently robust
and consistent measure to warrant general acceptance as
a useful tool in diagnosis or in prediction of treatment response (Davis and Bresnahan, 1987).
Subsequent investigators have attempted to go beyond
the too little or too much hypotheses of affective disorders.
One approach has been to measure the 24-hour concentrations of urinary catecholamines and their metabolites in an
effort to identify possible abnormalities in the relative activity of NE metabolic pathways in depression and mania.
Since all major metabolites are measured, 24-hour urinary
measures of NE and its metabolites can account for differences among individuals in the relative metabolism of NE,
as well as its turnover (amount formed and excreted per 24
hours at steady state) (Manji and Lenox, 1994, 1998).
Consistent with the findings of elevated basal and/or
stress-induced plasma NE, several investigators have observed elevated urinary excretion of NE and its major extraneuronal metabolite, normetanephrine (NMN), in depressed patients (Roy et al., 1985, 1986, 1988; Maas et al., 1987;
Davis et al., 1988). Moreover, this finding appears more impressive when the excretion of NE and NMN in depressed
patients is examined relative to total NE excretion. Thus in
the study by Maas and colleagues (1987), a modest increase
in total urinary catecholamine excretion (16 percent) was
accompanied by marked increases in urinary NE (57 percent) and NMN (42 percent) in depressed patients. These
results suggest a shift toward extreneuronal metabolic pathways and are consistent with findings suggesting increased
NE release and spillover in depression.


More recently, Grossman and Potter (1999) compared

the urinary excretion of NE, NMN, MHPG, and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) in age- and gender-matched unipolar and bipolar depressed patients with that of healthy volunteers hospitalized in an inpatient unit at the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Only depressed subjects with a minimum 4-week drug-free period were included. Total turnover (NE + NMN + MHPG + VMA) was
reduced in these patients. In contrast with previous reports,
MHPG concentration did not distinguish unipolar from
bipolar depressed patients and was not significantly different from that in healthy volunteers. A construct of the
average fractional extraneuronal concentration of NE
(NE + NMN/NE + NMN + MHPG + VMA) was significantly
higher in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients than in
healthy volunteers. These findings, which suggest that both
unmedicated unipolar and bipolar depressed patients have a
hyperresponsive noradrenergic system, provide a framework linking plasma and urinary findings. Interestingly,
total turnover of NE (NE + NMN + MHPG + VMA) was
significantly lower in both unipolar and bipolar depressed
patients than in healthy volunteers, suggesting a reduction
of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity in sympathetic neurons; these findings are noteworthy in view of lithiums
effects on TH (see below).
The relationship between sympathoadrenal and HPA
axis activity has also been investigated in patients with
unipolar depression. Some investigators (Schatzberg et al.,
1989) but not all (Maes et al., 1987) have reported significant positive correlations between urinary cortisol and
urinary MHPG concentrations in depressed patients. A
similar positive correlation has been reported for plasma
cortisol and epinephrine concentrations (Stokes et al.,
1981). Previous studies examining the levels of CSF NE
and CSF corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) receptor
found normal, reduced, and increased levels (Nemeroff
et al., 1984b; Roy et al., 1988; Potter and Manji, 1994; Geracioti et al., 1997). Subsequently, Wong and colleagues (2000)
found that around the clock, patients with melancholic depression had elevated levels of CSF NE and plasma cortisol,
but not CSF CRH or plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone
In summary, although the data suggest that measures of
catecholamines in CSF, plasma, and urine have provided
important information, these types of studies have fallen
into disuse over recent years. Rather, there has been a steady
shift toward the use of less invasive, in vivo, high-resolution
methods (functional magnetic resonance imaging [MRI],
positron emission tomography [PET], and single photon
emission computed tomography [SPECT]). Yet while some
progress has been made in visualizing specific molecules,
such as receptors and transporter sites, these brain imaging



modalities do not yet permit detailed examination of

brain biochemistry.

Clinical Studies of Adrenergic Receptors

The future development of selective receptor ligands for
PET studies may eventually permit the direct assessment of
CNS adrenergic receptors in humans. To date, studies of
NE receptors in affective disorders have been limited to indirect research strategies. Two strategies are most commonly used: (1) characterization of receptor number and
function in readily accessible blood elements, and (2) pharmacological challenge strategies whereby alterations in biochemical, neuroendocrine, cardiovascular, or behavioral
parameters in response to various receptor agonists and/or
antagonists are measured.
Receptors on Blood Cells. Because of the accessibility
of platelets and lymphocytes, both 2 and 2 adrenergic
receptors have been studied extensively in affective disorders, and elaborate hypotheses about CNS adrenergic receptor dysfunction have been generated solely on the basis
of such studies. There are several problems with the assumption that changes in adrenergic receptors on peripheral cells reflect similar alterations in the CNS.4 This caveat
notwithstanding, we now turn to a discussion of adrenergic receptors in manic-depressive illness.
2-Adrenergic Receptors. Numerous studies have measured the binding of 2-agonist or -antagonist ligands to
platelets obtained from patients with affective illness and
normal individuals. Yet while human platelets and cerebral
cortex contain homogeneous populations of the same 2A
receptors (Bylund et al., 1988), radioligand studies across
groups are confounded by numerous methodological problems, such as patient populations that vary in gender, age,
frequency of recurrence, and current clinical state, as well
as differing drug washout periods and assay techniques
(see Piletz et al., 1986).
A review of 13 studies using yohimbine-alkaloid radioligands revealed no significant differences in the BMAX of
platelet 2-adrenergic receptors between depressed patients and controls (see Kafka and Paul, 1986; Piletz et al.,
1986; Katona et al., 1987). Most studies using partial or full
agonists, however, have observed increased BMAX in the
platelets of depressed patients compared with controls
(Garcia-Sevilla and Fuster, 1986; Pandey et al., 1989; GarciaSevilla et al., 1990; Piletz et al., 1990). These results have frequently been interpreted as evidence for the 2 hypersensitivity theory of depression (Garcia-Sevilla et al., 1986b,
1990; Piletz et al., 1990). Yet these studies have used the
imidazoline compounds clonidine, para-aminoclonidine
(PAC), and UK-14,304 as radioligands, and it is now known
that these ligands also bind to imidazoline sites (Bousquet

and Feldman, 1987; Michel et al., 1990). In one of the few

studies of bipolar disorder, bipolar depressed patients were
found to show a trend toward a higher density of 2adrenergic receptors (Karege et al., 1992). In this study,
platelet 2 receptor measures were related to plasma MHPG.
Moreover, stress-induced desensitization of 2-adrenergic
receptors in human platelets (Freedman et al., 1990), accompanied by significant increases in plasma catecholamines
and subjective anxiety, suggests that the circulating environment may be the prime determinant of platelet 2 numbers.
In general, direct study of CNS adrenergic receptors has
been limited to comparison of receptor density and affinity in suicide victims (generally unipolar depressive patients) and appropriate controls. Notwithstanding the
numerous methodological pitfalls associated with the study
of postmortem tissues (e.g., postmortem delay, cause of
death, morbid and premorbid drug history), preliminary
data indicate alterations in the density and/or affinity of
- and possibly 2-adrenergic receptors in depressed suicide victims. Similar to the findings observed in platelets,
there are elevations in the binding of the imidazolinic 2
ligands, such as clonidine and UK-14,304 (Meana and
Garcia-Sevilla, 1987). Whether these sites represent 2 receptors or imidazoline sites remains to be established,
however, although more recent data indicate that both
classes of receptors and sites are elevated (Garcia-Sevilla
et al., 1996).
-Adrenergic Receptors. It is now well documented that
different classes of antidepressants, when administered
chronically, desensitize -adrenergic receptors (Banerjee
et al., 1977; Sulser 1978; Bergstrom and Kellar, 1979). Thus
peripheral receptors, if they indeed mirror changes in
central -adrenergic receptors, would clearly represent
useful tools for defining the role of -adrenergic receptors
in depressive illness and in the effects of treatment. However, alterations in -adrenergic receptor density in rat
brain induced by antidepressants appear to be restricted
to the 1 subtype (Minneman et al., 1979), while human
mononuclear leukocytes (MNLs) contain only the 2 subtypes (Meurs et al., 1982).
Despite these caveats, several groups have investigated the
density of -adrenergic receptors in untransformed lymphocytes or leukocytes of untreated or treated mood disorder patients, with fairly inconsistent results. Some report a
decrease in numbers of -adrenergic receptors in depressed
patients,5 whereas others describe an increase or no change
in comparison with healthy volunteers.6
In contrast to the inconsistent results of binding
studies described above, most studies measuring MNL adrenergic receptorstimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity have found decreased responsiveness in depressed


patients compared with that in healthy volunteers.7 The consistently observed decrease in leukocyte -adrenergic receptor function in depression could reflect an inherited abnormality of the -adrenergic receptor/(Gs)/AC complex, as
suggested by the findings of a study by Wright and colleagues (1984) using Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed
lymphocytes from manic-depressive patients and controls.
However, these findings need to be replicated and a number
of additional confounding factors considered (Werstiuk
et al., 1990; Manji et al., 1997a).
In another study, Kay and colleagues (1993, 1994) examined -adrenergic receptor binding and AC activity in lymphoblast cell lines established from 12 patients with bipolar
disorder and 10 unrelated healthy controls. The use of immortalized lymphoblasts offers the theoretical advantage of
being able to grow the cells for several months away from
the potentially confounding effects of circulating factors
(catecholamines, hormones, drugs); thus the cells are presumed to reflect closely the individuals genetic contribution to the receptor system in question. It should be noted,
however, that the immortalized cells are not normal, and
display a markedly altered -receptor density relative to
fresh, circulating lymphocytes. Nevertheless, unless the
immortalization process affects the patients lymphocytes
differently from those of the controls, the model can be used
to provide useful information. In Kay and colleagues study,
no significant differences were found in [125I] iodocyanopindolol binding affinity or capacity or in -adrenergic receptor agoniststimulated cyclic adenosine monophosphate
(cAMP) response. As expected, incubation of lymphoblasts
with a -adrenergic receptor for 24 hours prior to assay reduced both the number of receptors and adenylyl cyclase
activity. There was significantly less receptor downregulation in cells of bipolar patients, suggesting that agonist
downregulation of receptor number may be less efficient
than in control cells. Although these results are clearly quite
preliminary, they are intriguing because the inability to
downregulate receptors in the face of excessive stimulation
has been postulated as representing a fundamental defect in
bipolar disorder.
Initial measurements of these -adrenergic receptors
in postmorterm brain tissue from mood disorder patients
( individuals who committed suicide) have yielded mixed
results. Biegon and Israeli (1988) reported a significant, 50
percent increase in -adrenergic receptor density in prefrontal cortical homogenates in postmortem brain tissue
of suicide victims. They noted that the increased binding
was selective, appearing in some cortical regions but not in
basal ganglia or white matter areas. Mann and colleagues
also found increased -adrenergic receptor density in the
postmortem brain tissue of suicide victims (Arango et al.,
1990; Mann et al., 1986). However, Crow and colleagues


(1984) demonstrated decreased density of hippocampal adrenergic receptor in the postmortem brain tissue of depressed patients who had been hospitalized. In this latter
group, previous antidepressant treatment may have induced
-adrenergic receptor downregulation.

Pharmacological Challenge Strategies

Pharmacological challenge paradigms, which employ agents
known to stimulate receptor sites directly or indirectly, have
been used extensively to test pathophysiological hypotheses
about noradrenergic dysfunction in affective illness (Siever,
1987). The 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine (which may
also exert effects at imidazoline sites; see above) has been
administered to depressed patients, and the responses
of plasma MHPG, blood pressure, heart rate, sedation,
growth hormone (GH), and cortisol have been measured.
Clonidine-induced decreases in plasma MHPG have been
found to be somewhat more marked (Siever et al., 1984) or
unchanged (Charney et al., 1983) when using oral or intravenous (IV) clonidine, respectively. Similarly, the plasma
MHPG response to yohimbine (an 2-adrenergic antagonist) is unchanged in depressed patients (Heninger et al.,
1988). Price and colleagues (1986) reported that the cortisol
response to yohimbine was significantly greater in depressed patients than in controls despite similar MHPG
responses between groups. Clonidine-induced decreases in
blood pressure and increases in sedation have been found
to be not significantly different in depressed patients compared with normal controls (Checkley et al., 1981; Charney
et al., 1982). Similarly, responses of cortisol and ACTH to
acute clonidine administration in depressed patients vary,
with levels increased, decreased, or unchanged (Siever,
In contrast, a series of studies has consistently shown
a significantly reduced GH response to clonidine (presumably mediated by postsynaptic hypothalamic 2-adrenergic
receptors) in depressed patients.8 These findings generally
have been interpreted as evidence for subsensitive central
postsynaptic 2-adrenergic receptors in depression, perhaps secondary to elevations in NE.
A much smaller number of studies have investigated the
GH response to adrenergic challenge in bipolar disorder.
Ansseau and colleagues (1987) investigated the GH response to clonidine in seven manic patients who had been
medication-free for 3 months, age- and gender-matched to
seven inpatients with major depression and seven with minor depression inpatients who had been drug-free for at
least 2 weeks. Both the manic patients and those with
major depression showed a blunting of the GH response
relative to patients with minor depression. Additionally, Dinan and colleagues (1991) reported a significant blunting of
the desipramine-induced GH release in medication-free



manic patients (n = 7) compared with controls. Finally, in a

longitudinal study of a single 64-year-old rapidly cycling
patient, Gann and colleagues (1993) reported that GH secretion after clonidine stimulation was blunted on depressed and hypomanic days. It is now clear, however, that
this response is not specific to depression and mania, since
a blunted GH response to clonidine has been reported in
patients with panic disorder (Charney and Heninger, 1986;
Uhde et al., 1986; Nutt, 1989), generalized anxiety symptoms, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (Siever et al.,
1983). Thus, a blunted 2-adrenergic response may be observed in any condition characterized by tonic or episodic
abnormally elevated central NE.

Catecholamine Depletion Challenges

Additional evidence for noradrenergic dysfunction in the
pathophysiology of depression comes from studies that
use -methylparatyrosine (AMPT) to deplete central NE
stores (Miller et al., 1996). In these studies, administration of AMPT to depressed patients who had been successfully treated with desipramine or mazindol (both of
which are NE uptake inhibitors) resulted in a rapid return of depressive symptoms. Interestingly, administration of AMPT to depressed patients did not worsen the
core symptoms of depression but did cause worsening
of some neurovegetative symptoms, in particular anergia and tiredness. Even more interesting is a study that
investigated the effects of AMPT on lithium-treated, euthymic bipolar patients (Anand et al., 1999). Intriguingly,
the authors did not observe any mood-lowering effects
of AMPT, but did observe a rebound hypomania in a
significant percentage of the patients. Although preliminary, these results are compatible with the notion of a
dysregulated signaling system in which the compensatory
adaptation to catecholamine depletion results in an overshoot due to impaired homeostatic mechanisms. We
come back to this study in our discussion of dopamine

Lithium and the Noradrenergic System

In view of the long-standing interest in the role(s) of the
noradrenergic system in manic-depressive illness, it is not
surprising that extensive research has been conducted on
lithiums effects on that system. Overall, lithiums effects
on NE appear to be temporally and brain regionspecific.9
Use of both acute and chronic lithium has been reported
to increase (Schildkraut et al., 1966, 1969) or not to change
(Ho et al., 1970; Ahluwalia and Singhal, 1980) the turnover
of NE in some but not all regions of the brain. As is the case
with the other neurotransmitters (see below), effects of
lithium on NE receptor binding in studies in rodent brain
have generally been inconclusive (Treiser and Kellar, 1979;

Maggi and Enna, 1980; Schultz et al., 1981). However, significant effects have been consistently observed on ARmediated cAMP accumulation, with lithium inhibiting the
response both in vivo and in vitro (discussed in detail below). Lithium is unable to block antidepressant-induced
-adrenergic receptor downregulation (Rosenblatt et al.,
1979) and in fact produces a greater subsensitivity (cAMP
response) (Mork et al., 1990), but it does prevent reserpine
or (6-OHDA)induced AR supersensitivity (Pert et al.,
1978; Treiser and Kellar, 1979; Hermoni et al., 1980).
Additional data from preclinical and clinical studies
suggest that lithium treatment results in subsensitive 2
receptors.10 In preclinical studies, long-term lithium was
found to attenuate 2-adrenergicmediated behavioral effects (G. Goodwin et al., 1986a; Smith, 1988) and presynaptic 2 inhibition of NE release (Moises et al., 1986), while enhancing (K+)-evoked NE release (Ebstein et al., 1983). While
lithium has been reported to reduce high-affinity platelet
[3H] clonidine binding (Wood and Coppen, 1983; GarciaSevilla et al., 1986b; Pandey et al., 1989), compatible with a
functional uncoupling of the receptor from the G protein
(Kim and Neubig, 1987; Neubig et al., 1988), interpretation
of these data is confounded by the coexistence of the imidazoline binding site discovered later.
In clinical investigations, both increases and decreases
in plasma and urinary NE metabolite levels have been reported after lithium treatment.11 Lithium has been reported
to reduce excretion of NE and metabolites in manic patients
while increasing excretion in depressed patients, associated
with higher plasma NE concentrations in some cases.12 As
discussed earlier, however, there is evidence that urinary
excretion of MHPG is low during bipolar depression and
elevated during mania/hypomania.13 In part, these inconsistencies may be related to the inability to control
adequately for state-dependent changes in affective states,
with associated changes in activity level, arousal, and sympathetic outflow. Subsequent studies have demonstrated
that 2 weeks of lithium administration in normal subjects
results in increases in urinary NE and NMN, fractional NE
release, and a trend toward significantly increased plasma
NE, suggesting an enhanced neuronal release of NE (Manji
et al., 1991a). These data are compatible with similar observation of increased levels of plasma dihydroxyphenylglycol
(DHPG), a major extraneuronal NE metabolite (PoirierLittre et al., 1993), raising the possibility that lithium may
regulate (TH) (discussed later).
Thus current evidence supports lithiums action in facilitating the release of NE, possibly through effects on the
presynaptic 2 autoreceptor and through upregulation of
TH, while concurrently reducing the -adrenergicstimulated AC response. This action may contribute to lithiums
attenuation of the euphorigenic effects of amphetamine.


Carbamazepine and the Noradrenergic System

Carbamazepines effects on noradrenergic metabolism are
complex, including decreases in NE turnover (Maitre et al.,
1984), weak reuptake blockade (Purdy et al., 1977), and, contrary to the action of most other putative antidepressant
substances, upregulation rather than downregulation of
2 adrenergic receptors following chronic administration
(G. Chen et al., unpublished results). Similar to antidepressants and lithium, however, carbamazepine decreases
2 adrenergic receptorstimulated AC activity, an effect
due largely to direct inhibition of the catalytic subunit of
AC (Chen et al., 1996b). Parenthetically, this effect could
account for carbamazepines atypical antidepressant properties in some patients, including those who are unresponsive to more traditional tricyclic and related compounds.
Carbamazepines effects on noradrenergic metabolism
are nonetheless intriguing from several perspectives. For
one thing, determining which actions of carbamazepine
are important to its antimanic effects, including its ability
to decrease stimulated-induced release of NE as well as
inhibit NE turnover, remains an open issue (Waldmeier
et al., 1984; Post et al., 1985). It is of considerable interest
that while noradrenergic tone is necessary to carbamazepines anticonvulsant effects in some models (Quattrone and Samanin, 1977; Quattrone et al., 1978; Crunelli
et al., 1979), it is unnecessary in others (Quattrone et al.,
1981). The 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine blocks the anticonvulsant effects of carbamazepine on electroconvulsive
shock (the animal model of ECT) (Crunelli et al., 1979;
Fischer and Muller, 1988), while the 2-adrenergic agonist
yohimbine blocks carbamazepines effects on amygdalakindled seizures (Weiss et al., 1993). Thus it is clear that
even when a putative biochemical effect of the drug is
linked to its mechanism of action in one type of seizure or
psychiatric syndrome, this may not be the case for all the
subcategories and subtypes of that syndrome. However,
Post and colleagues (1985) found no changes in plasma or
CSF NE or MHPG with carbamazepine treatment in affectively ill patients.

Valproate and the Noradrenergic System

Few studies have directly investigated the effects of valproate on the NE system. Khaitan and colleagues (1994)
found that chronic (21 days of treatment in rats with valproate) did not significantly alter the density of 2 adrenergic receptors in rat cortex. By contrast, Chen and colleagues (1996a) found that chronic (6-day) incubation of
C6 glioma cells with valproate (.5 mM) resulted in a 33
percent reduction in BMAX and a marked and selective 41
percent reduction in 1 without having any significant effects on 2. Chronic (6-day) incubation of C6 cells with


valproate (.5 mM) also was found to markedly attenuate

isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production in intact cells
at a rate of approximately 50 percent.
In a more recent study, Sands and colleagues (2000) examined changes in mRNA expression for TH, the NE
transporter (NET), and the 2A autoreceptor in rat LC after treatment with valproate. TH mRNA increased slightly
(16 percent) following acute treatment, and more so after
chronic valproate treatment (26 percent), while neither
NET nor 2A mRNA expression changed. Further, chronic
valproate treatment attenuated the elevation in TH mRNA
expression induced in the LC in response to acute restraint.
This result is quite consistent with those of Manji and colleagues (unpublished observations). They investigated the
effects of chronic valproate on TH protein levels and found
that chronic administration of valproate increased TH protein levels in human neuroblastoma cells in vitro and in rat
frontal cortex and hippocampus ex vivo.

The Noradrenergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary
Considerable evidence suggests that depressed patients
excrete disproportionately greater amounts of NE and its
major extraneuronal metabolite, NMN, relative to total
catecholamine synthesis compared with controls. This is
particularly true of melancholic unipolar depressed subjects, but more recent data suggest that under adequately
controlled (>4 weeks) study, drug-free bipolar depressed
subjects may exhibit a similar dysregulation of the noradrenergic system. At least with regard to mania, the original catecholamine hypothesis has withstood the test of
time, with increased noradrenergic function consistently
observed in mania, although this finding may ultimately
reflect a secondary effect. The intriguing recent findings
that CSF and urinary NE measures may be associated with
the dysphoric and euphoric components of the manic syndrome, respectively, deserve further investigation and suggest that something other than mania per se may be producing the changes. Findings of increased fractional urinary
output of NE and NMN and of an exaggerated rise in plasma
NE upon orthostatic challenge in depressed unipolar and
bipolar patients are compatible with findings of increased
leakiness of presynaptic NE terminals (Esler 1982; Veith
et al., 1985). Boxes 142 and 143 summarize overall major
findings and findings of newer studies supporting the involvement of the noradrenergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression.

The Dopaminergic System

It is perhaps surprising that the role of the dopaminergic
system in the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness



BOX 142. A Summary of Major Findings Supporting

Involvement of the Noradrenergic System in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and
Recurrent Unipolar Disorder

CSF, urinary NE, and MHPG: Mania > depression in BP;

UPd > BPd

Plasma NE: Basal levels: BPd < N < UPd (for UPd, especially
melancholic, DST+ve)

Plasma NE: Upon challenge: BPd > UPd > N

CSF NE: Correlated with dysphoric symptoms and severity in
bipolar patients

Effects of AMPT: Reversal of antidepressant effects in unipolar

patients, but rebound hypomania in lithum-treated bipolar

Blunted growth hormone response to 2 agonists and increases in platelet 2 binding density (most studies in recurrent UP, but Iikely to occur in both BP and UP)
Antidepressant efficacy of agents whose biochemical effects
include increasing NE
Agents that increase NE release or block reuptake are capable
of triggering mania
Effective antidepressant treatments generally reduce NE
turnover (even those whose primary biochemical target is not
the NE system)
Antidepressant and lithium reduce adrenergic receptor density and/or function (cAMP formation) in limbic and limbicrelated areas of rat brain

-methyl paratyrosine; BPd = bipolar depressed; CSF = cerebrospinal

fluid; DST+ve = dexamethasone nonsuppressors; MHPG = 3-methoxy-4hydroxyphenylglycol; N = normal; NE = norepinephrine; UP = unipolar
patients; UPd = unipolar depressed.

has not received greater study, since it represents a prime

candidate on a number of theoretical grounds. For example, the opposite motoric changes seen in the bipolar subgroup are perhaps the most defining characteristics of the
illness, ranging from near catatonic immobility to the profound hyperactivity of manic states. Similarly, loss of motivation is one of the central features of depression, while
anhedonia and hyperhedonic states are among the most
defining characteristics of bipolar depression and mania,
respectively. In this context, it is noteworthy that the midbrain dopaminergic system is known to play critical roles in
regulating not only motoric activity but also motivational
and reward circuits. It is clear that motivation and motor
function are closely linked, and that motivational variables
can influence motor output both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, there is considerable evidence that
the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway plays a crucial role
in the selection and orchestration of goal-directed behaviors, particularly those elicited by incentive stimuli.

CSF Homovanillic Acid Levels

It should be noted that of the three monoamine neurotransmitters evaluated most extensively in preclinical
studies, twoserotonin and DAhave been studied in
depressed patients almost exclusively in terms of concentrations of their respective metabolites, 5-HIAA and HVA
(the major DA metabolite), in CSF. Under carefully controlled conditions, the neurotransmitter metabolites will,
in part, reflect relative differences in the output and metabolism of DA and serotonin in those brain regions that contribute the most to CSF concentrations. In humans, however, the relative contributions of different brain areas are
not well understood. Moreover, it is really not possible to
study the responsiveness of 5-HT and DA neuronal systems with a single-point measure of transmitter metabolite in CSF; at most, longer-term changes can be reflected
in CSF studies. Thus, CSF studies of 5-HIAA and HVA in
untreated depressed patients can identify some relative differences but cannot directly address the source of any alteration, even to the extent of distinguishing changes of
output from those of metabolism and/or elimination.
When considering actual studies, it is also important to
recognize that limitations of assay methodology make it
difficult to be confident about many earlier studies. The
technique of performing two lumbar punctures within a
few days of each other, before and after the administration
of probenecid to block the active acid transport of 5-HIAA
and HVA out of CSF, was an ingenious approach to obtaining an estimate of 5-HT and DA function and release
(that is, the amount of accumulation of 5-HIAA and HVA
between the period of probenecid administration and the
lumbar tap). Such probenecid-induced accumulations
sometimes revealed group differences not seen when socalled baseline measures were used (Goodwin et al., 1973).
Findings of lower levels of DA metabolite, HVA in CSF,
and increased peripheral prolactin levels under both basal
and challenge conditions in depressed patients indicated
hypofunction of DA in the brain (Willner, 1995; Nicholas
et al., 1998).
The strongest finding from clinical studies implicating
DA in depression is reduced HVA in CSF; indeed, this is
one of the most consistent biochemical findings in depression (Goodwin and Sack, 1974; Asberg et al., 1984;
Manji et al., 1995b). There is also evidence for a decreased
rate of CSF HVA accumulation in subgroups of depressed
patients, including those with marked psychomotor retardation compared with patients with agitation. (Willner,
1983). Furthermore, low levels of HVA may be associated
with cognitive impairment in both depressed patients and
patients suffering from Parkinsons disease (Wolfe et al.,

BOX 143. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Noradrenergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)
Genetic Studies

COMT low-activity allele (MET 158; COMTL) reported to be

a risk factor to BPD (Li et al., 1997; Rotondo et al., 2002)

COMT low-activity allele showed a tendency to be transmitted
among female BPD probands (Mynett-Johnson et al., 1998)
Increased presence of COMT LL (low-activity allele) in BPD
ultrarapid cycling (Kirov et al., 1998; Papolos et al., 1998)
Apparent association between COMT 158val (low-activity allele) in velocardiofacial syndrome and ultrarapid cycling
(Lachman et al., 1996)
Tyrosine hydroxylase gene variant subjects (TH*2/2) have
lower depressive scores in mood disorder patients (Serretti
et al., 1998)
Decrease in depressive symptoms in mood disorder patients
when tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) *2/2 gene is present (Serretti
et al., 1998)
Weak association between TH gene with BPD (Perez de Castro
et al., 1995)
Dopa decarboxilase gene reported to be a minor susceptibility
gene for BPD (odds ratio 1.48 patients vs. control) (Borglum
et al., 1999)

Potter, 1999). Previously reported only in unipolar patients

Urinary NE correlated with severity of current
mood in one rapid-cycling patient (Joyce et al.,
Increased urinary NE in mixed bipolar patients
(Swann et al., 1994)
24 hour urinary excretion of NE correlated with
agitation; 24 hour excretion of epinephrine relative to its metabolite levels correlated with
severity of manic symptoms and agitation with
NE (Swann et al., 1991)
Increased catecholamine function correlates
with slowing in performance on psychomotor
tests of motor speed in BPD; psychomotor function was related to severity of depression in
bipolar, but not in unipolar patients (Swann
et al., 1999)

Other Findings
Different distribution of neurons in LC in bipolar patients
vs. unipolar patients vs. controls (Baumann et al., 1999a)

Norepinephrine and its Metabolites


Increase in NE turnover (cortex and thalamus)

in BPD (postmortem) (Vawter et al., 2000)

Increase in NE turnover in frontal-temporal-




occipital and temporal areas in BPD (Young

et al., 1994b)
Changes in NE CSF primarily associated with
psychomotor component of depressed state in
affective patients (Katz et al., 1994)
Increase in MHPG CSF in mixed manic vs. agitated depressed (Swann et al., 1994)
Increased NE CSF in manic patients (Post et al.,
Increased NE excretion in environmentsensitive manic patients (Swann et al., 1990)
Increased NE (standing and supine) in bipolar
depressed patients (Rudorfer et al., 1991)
Increased urinary NE in mania (single rapidcycling case) (Juckel et al., 2000)
Pretreatment urinary MHPG related to improvement of mania (Swann et al., 1999)
Decreased total NE turnover (NE + NMN +
MHPG + VMA) and an increase in average fractional extraneuronal concentration of NE in
bipolar depressed patients (Grossman and

Treatment Related

Valproate treatment increases tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in LC (Sands et al., 2000)

Chronic lithium or valproate increases tyrosine

hydroxylase protein levels in limbic and limbicrelated areas of rat brain and human neuroblastoma cells (Chen et al., 2000)
Lithium (1.0 mM) increases the number of THpositive neurons derived from a human teratocarcinoma (hNT) approximately six-fold. Moreover,
even after withdrawal of lithium chloride (LiCl) on
day 5, the number of TH-positive neurons in cultures remained significantly increased (Zigova
et al., 1999)
Transplantation studies with TH-positive neurons
derived from a human hNT showed that all animals with LiCl-pretreated hNT-DA neuronal grafts
had TH immunoreactive cells (100%) compared to
only 43% of animals with the non-lithium-treated
hNT-DA neuronal grafts (Baker et al., 2000)
Excessive 1 stimulation (phenylephrine) in rats
produces impairment of cognitive function
reminiscent of that seen in mania (Arnsten et al.,



BOX 143. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Noradrenergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar) (continued)

Valproate reduces -adrenergic receptor density

Increased 2-adrenoreceptor sensitivity with CBZ

and/or function (cAMP formation) in C6 glioma

cells; in vivo data not available (Chen et al., 1996a)

in BPD (Dilsaver et al., 1993)

Increased (trend) density of 2-adrenoreceptor in

Idaxozan, an 2 antagonist, shown to have efficacy in treatment of BPD in small studies (Grossman and Potter, 1999)
Clonidine, an 2 agonist, shown to have efficacy in
treatment of acute mania in small studies (Bakchine
et al., 1989; Kontaxakis et al., 1989; Diacicov and
Tudorache, 1990;Tudorache and Diacicov 1991)


platelet in bipolar depressed patients (Karege

et al., 1992)
Increased cortisol and GH in bipolar depression in
single rapid-cycling case, normalized with valproate treatment (Juckel et al., 2000)
Decreased melatonin levels during light night in
BP-I patients (-adrenoreceptor mediated?)
(Nurnberger et al., 2000)

AR = adrenoreceptor; BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; CBZ = carbamazepine; COMT = catechol-O-methyltransferase; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid;
DA = dopamine; GH = growth hormone; LC = locus coeruleus; MHPG = s-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol; NE = norepinephrine; NMN = normetanephrine;
VMA = vanillylmandelic acid.

By contrast, levels of HVA in the CSF of manic patients

have been found to be increased compared with controls in
four studies and not significantly different in three studies.
When manic patients are compared with depressed patients,
the results are more consistent: five studies of bipolar depressed patients found higher HVA in mania, and one other
yielded insufficient data to make this comparison. These
studies confirm the evidence from older studies with mixed
depressed groups.

The Dopaminergic System and the Switch Process

There is arguably the strongest pharmacological support for
the dopaminergic system among all the neurotransmitter
systems with regard to potential involvement in the switch
process to hypomania/mania:
The DA precursor L-dopa almost uniformly produces
hypomania in bipolar patients (Goodwin et al., 1970;
Murphy et al., 1971; Van Praag and Korf, 1975).
Amphetamine, which promotes DA release and inhibits its
uptake, can precipitate hypomania in bipolar patients and
induce a hypomania-like state in normal people (Jacobs
and Silverstone, 1986), but is generally not considered an
antidepressant in unipolar patients (Goodwin and Sack,
The direct DA agonists bromocriptine and piribedil appear to be effective antidepressants in some bipolar patients and capable of precipitating mania (Gerner et al.,
1976; Silverstone, 1978, 1984). Interestingly, antidepressant response to piribedil has been associated with low
pretreatment levels of HVA in CSF (Post et al., 1978).
Neuroleptics that selectively block DA receptors (such as
pimozide) are effective against severe mania.

Catecholamine Depletion Strategies

Earlier we described the work of Anand and colleagues
(1999) who examined the effects of catecholamine depletion
with AMPT in lithium-treated euthymic bipolar subjects.
The rebound hypomania noted earlier was not associated
with changes in iodobenzamide (IBZM) binding, suggesting that the overshoot was not mediated by enhanced recovery-associated DA release. Rather, the overshoot was
most likely mediated by sensitized postsynaptic dopaminergic mechanisms (due to DA depletion) or noradrenergic
Most recently, McTavish and colleagues (2001) administered a tyrosine-free mixture that lowered both subjective
and objective measures of the psychostimulant effects of
methamphetamine, as well as manic scores. These preliminary findings suggest that tyrosine availability to the brain
attenuates pathological increases in DA neurotransmission
following methamphetamine administration and putatively
in mania.

Neuroreceptor Imaging Studies

of the Dopaminergic System
PET Studies. Compared with the number of studies
in schizophrenia and depression, very few neurochemical
studies of the dopaminergic system have been conducted
in manic-depressive illness. One PET study with [11C]SCH23390 investigated D1 binding in medication-free
bipolar subjects. The authors found reduced binding
potential in the frontal cortex in patients compared with
normal controls, and no significant difference in striatum
(Suhara et al., 1992). This study included a small sample
(n = 10) of euthymic, depressed, and manic patients. This


work needs to be extended to unipolar patients and

replicated independently in bipolar individuals.
A PET study with N-[11C]methylspiperone found increased binding potential (Bmax) for striatal D2 receptors in
psychotic bipolar patients compared with nonpsychotic
bipolar patients and healthy individuals (Pearlson et al.,
1995). Patients were neuroleptic-nave or neuroleptic-free
for at least 6 months. These findings are similar to those
previously reported by this group for schizophrenia, and
thus may be related to psychotic status.
In a subsequent study, the concentration of the vesicular
monoamine transporter protein (VMAT2) was quantified
with (+)[11C]dihydrotetrabenazine (DTBZ) and PET (Zubieta et al., 2000). This study included 16 asymptomatic
patients with bipolar-I disorder and a prior history of mania with psychosis (9 men and 7 women) and individually
matched healthy subjects. VMAT2 binding in the thalamus
and ventral brain stem of the bipolar patients was found to
be higher than that in the comparison subjects.
In a follow-up study, the same research group attempted
to assess the diagnostic specificity of these findings by comparing VMAT2 concentrations in euthymic bipolar-I patients (15), schizophrenic patients (12), and age-matched
healthy volunteers (15) (Zubieta et al., 2001). It was found
that VMAT2 binding in the thalamus was higher in the
bipolar-I patients than in the schizophrenic and control
groups. The authors interpret the intriguing findings of increased VMAT2 expression in euthymic bipolar-I patients
as representing trait-related abnormalities in the concentration of monoaminergic synaptic terminals. However,
chronic lithium treatment has recently been demonstrated
to increase VMAT protein in rat FCx (the only region examined) (Zucker et al., 2001), raising the possibility that the
PET human studies may have been confounded by treatment effects.
Most recently, Yatham and colleagues (2002) assessed
presynaptic DA function in 13 neuroleptic- and mood
stabilizernaive nonpsychotic first-episode manic patients by measuring [18F]6-fluoro-L-dopa ([18F]DOPA)
uptake in the striatum by means of PET. No significant
differences were found between [18F]DOPA uptake rate
constants in the striatum in the manic patients and comparison subjects; however, treatment with valproate significantly reduced the [18F]DOPA uptake rate.
SPECT Studies. In major depression, SPECT studies performed using [123I]-IBZM, a DA D2 receptor ligand that is
sensitive to endogenous DA concentrations, have found increased striatal DA D2/D3 receptor availability during the
depressed phase, which could potentially be accounted for
by a reduction of endogenous DA release (Drevets et al.,


2002). Two studies (DHaenen and Bossuyt, 1994; Shah

et al., 1997) found that patients with unipolar depression
have increased striatal uptake of [123I]-IBZM compared
with controls. Ebert and Ebmeier (1996) found a nonsignificant trend toward increased [123I]-IBZM binding in depressed patients versus controls, which became significant
in a subgroup that displayed overt psychomotor retardation. Consistent with this latter observation, Shah and colleagues (1997) found that striatal [123I]-IBZM binding correlated inversely with movement speed and verbal fluency
measures, implying that the elevation of DA D2/D3 receptor availability correlated with psychomotor slowing in
depression; however, interpretation of these data was confounded by the presence of drug effects (Drevets et al.,
Anand and colleagues (1999, 2000b) have used SPECT
to study dynamic changes in the DA synapse in response
to pharmacological challenges with drugs such as amphetamine and AMPT that alter synaptic DA levels. The initial study included 13 patients with bipolar disorder (7
medication-free, 6 on mood stabilizer therapy) who at the
time had been in a euthymic state for more than 4 weeks
and 13 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. SPECT
scans of the striatal D2/D3 receptor radiotracer [123I]IBZM were performed before and after an amphetamine
challenge (.3 mg/kg IV). Reduction in striatal [123I]-IBZM
binding potential from the first scan to the second was
used as an indirect measure of the amount of DA released.
Bipolar patients and healthy subjects did not differ on baseline mood state and baseline striatal D2 receptor binding.
Amphetamine challenge led to a significantly greater behavioral response in bipolar patients than in healthy subjects. However, there was no significant difference between
the two groups in striatal [123I]-IBZM binding following
amphetamine challenge. Thus, this study did not find evidence for increased striatal DA release in euthymic bipolar
patients. Instead, these data are consistent with enhanced
postsynaptic DA responsivity in bipolar patients (discussed

Enhancing Dopamine Function

in the Treatment of Depression
Interestingly, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) represent the only pharmacological monotherapy that is reported to be effective in 50 percent or more of patients who
fail to respond to the full range of tricyclic antidepressants.
Nolen and colleagues (1988) reported on a controlled trial,
indicating the superior efficacy of tranylcypromine (average
dose of approximately 80 mg/day) in such patients. As
reviewed in Chapter 19, tranylcypromine is superior to
imipramine in chronic, mild unipolar depression (McGrath



et al., 1987) and in anergic bipolar depression (Himmelhoch et al., 1991; Thase et al., 1992), and phenelzine is superior in unipolar patients refractory to imipramine (McGrath
et al, 1993). An open-label study of high-dose tranylcypromine (average 120 mg/day) in 14 unipolar patients
with a clear history of nonresponse to at least two prior
medication treatments yielded an impressive 50 percent
complete response rate on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) (Amsterdam, 1991). The authors speculate that higher plasma concentrations of tranylcypromine
enhance the drugs sympathomimetic (amphetamine-like)
activity. In other words, at higher doses, one may actually recruit a pharmacodynamic effect of the drug beyond MAO
Identifying multiple specific effects in humans, however,
is not simple. Studies with DA reuptake inhibitors such as
nomifensine have shown clear antidepressant effects in major depression. Similarly, bromocriptine, a postsynaptic DA
receptor agonist, has been reported to have efficacy comparable with that of standard tricyclic antidepressants (Silverstone, 1984) and to be useful in antidepressant-resistant
depression (Inoue et al., 1996) and in relapses that occur
with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment (McGrath et al., 1995).
In a small pilot study of depressed patients, Schaefer
and colleagues (1996) found that 69 percent (9/13) of patients taking pramipexole (a D2/ D3 agonist) had a greater
than 30 percent reduction in (HAM-D) total scores relative to baseline scores. DeBattista and colleagues (2000)
reported the successful augmentation of an SSRI when
pramipexole was added in treatment-resistant major
depression. In a retrospective chart review, Sporn and
colleagues (2000) found that pramipexole (mean dose
.70 mg/day) was effective in 50 percent (6/12) of subjects
with bipolar depression and 40 percent (8/20) of subjects with unipolar depression. Lattanzi and colleagues
(2002) reported that pramipexole in the dose range of
.3751.0 mg/day was effective in treatment-resistant depression (14 unipolar, 17 bipolar patients) when used adjunctively with other antidepressants. Pramipexole was
also tested in a double-blind 8-week, placebo-controlled
study involving 174 subjects with unipolar depression
without psychotic features (Corrigan et al., 2000). In patients with bipolar depression, two double-blind, placebocontrolled trials found pramipexole to be superior to
placebo in the treatment of depressive symptoms (Goldberg et al. 2004; Zarate et al. 2004b,c). In the bipolar II depression study (Zarate et al. 2004b,c), 21 patients treated
with lithium or valproate were randomized to receive addon pramipexole 1.7 .9 mg/day (n = 10) or placebo (n = 11)
for 6 weeks. All subjects except for one in each group completed the study. At the endpoint, changes in both

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)

and 24-item HAM-D scores in the pramipexole group were
significantly larger compared with those in the placebo
group. Response rates were significantly higher among
patients taking pramipexole than those taking placebo,
60 percent versus 9 percent.
In another study, the efficacy of pramipexole augmentation was assessed in patients who had treatment-resistant
bipolar depression. Twenty-two patients (bipolar-I n = 15,
bipolar-II n = 7) treated with lithium, divalproex, carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and/or topiramate at stable doses
for a month, with HAM-D scores of 18, were randomized
to receive pramipexole (1.7 1.3 mg/day) or placebo for 6
weeks. The mean change from baseline in HAM-D scores
was significantly greater in patients taking pramipexole
than in those taking placebo. The proportion of responders
was significantly higher in patients taking pramipexole, 67
percent versus 20 percent.

Lithium and the Dopaminergic System

The effect of lithium on DA synthesis and transmission
has been investigated extensively in preclinical studies by
directly determining changes in DA or HVA and indirectly
examining lithium-induced changes in DA-linked behaviors (Bunney and Garland-Bunney, 1987). Lithium administration has also been found to cause a dose-dependent
decrease in DA formation,14 which occurs at 25 percent
lower doses in the striatum than in the limbic forebrain
(Poitou and Bohuon, 1975; Segal et al., 1975; Laakso and
Oja, 1979).
Based on the heuristic hypothesis that supersensitive
DA receptors underlie the development of manic episodes,
it has been postulated that lithium would prevent DA
receptor supersensitivity (Bunney and Garland, 1983; Bunney and Garland-Bunney, 1987). In a series of studies, it
was found that lithium prevented haloperidol-induced DA
receptor upregulation (Rosenblatt et al., 1980; Verimer
et al., 1980; Bunney and Garland, 1982) and supersensitivity to iontophoretically applied DA or IV apomorphine
(Gallager et al., 1978). Indeed, lithium appears to be effective in blocking both the behavioral and biochemical
manifestations of supersensitive DA receptors induced by
receptor blockade.
A proposed site of action for lithiums ability to block
behavioral supersensitivity is the postsynaptic receptor and
the prevention of haloperidol-induced increases in DA receptors. Despite significant functional evidence, however,
DA receptor binding studies have remained inconclusive,
suggesting a possible postreceptor site of lithium action,
potentially related to receptoreffector coupling. Interestingly, a number of studies have reported a lack of effect if
lithium is administered after the induction of DA super-


sensitivity (Klawans et al., 1977; Staunton et al., 1982a,b;

Bloom et al., 1983), suggesting that in this model, lithium
exerts its greatest effects prophylactically.
Among the numerous behavioral effects of lithium in
animals, perhaps the best studied are those on stimulantinduced activity. Lithiums ability to antagonize increases
in amphetamine-induced locomotor activity without having major effects on basal activity has gained much attention, in part because it tends to mimic the clinical situation
in which lithium does not have major effects on baseline
activity levels, but has a profound effect on the hyperactivity observed in manic states. It is also of interest that
lithium has been reported to attenuate the euphoriant and
motor-activating effects of oral amphetamine in depressed
patients, although equivocal results have been observed
upon methylphenidate challenge (Huey et al., 1981; Van
Kammen et al., 1985).
Studies of DA and its metabolites in patients CSF before
and after lithium treatment have yielded conflicting results.15 A longitudinal study of one unipolar and seven
bipolar women found that lithium reduced the levels of DA,
DOPAC, and HVA in all the patients (Linnoila et al., 1983b),
but the possible role of alterations in mood state and motor
activity remained a confounding variable, as it does for all
clinical investigations using this research strategy.
Overall, although the data from human investigations
are sparse, lithiums postulated ability to reduce both preand postsynaptic aspects of DA transmission represents an
attractive mechanism for its antimanic therapeutic action.
Subsequent studies have investigated the effects of lithium
on putative postreceptor components of dopaminergic signaling. Thus, lithium has been shown to potentiate the hyperactivity induced by intra-accumbens cholera toxin administration (which activates the stimulatory G proteins,
Gs and Golf ) (Kofman et al., 1998). Another study found
that the G protein coupled to D1 stimulation was upregulated after chronic lithium, presumably as a compensatory
mechanism due to reduced DA throughput. Interestingly,
chronic antidepressants have also been associated with enhanced D1 signaling, suggesting that these compensatory
effects of lithium may play a role in the rebound increase
in manic episodes observed after abrupt lithium discontinuation (see Chapter 18).
Studies in the last few years have demonstrated that
lithium at therapeutically relevant concentrations increases
gene expression through the activator protein-1 (AP-1) transcription factor pathway in vitro (Yuan et al., 1998). Followup studies investigated the ability of lithium to increase the
expression of endogenous genes known to be regulated by
AP-1, in particular TH (Chen et al., 1998). Chronic lithium
treatment resulted in significant increases in TH levels in
rat frontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. Lithium


(1.0 mM) also increased TH levels in human SH-SY5Y

neuroblastoma cells in vitro, indicating that the drug increases TH levels in both rodent and human tissues, likely
through a direct cellular effect.
In subsequent studies, lithiums potential utility in a
Parkinsons disease transplantation model was investigated.
In this context, neurons derived from a human teratocarcinoma (hNT) were shown to survive and integrate within
the host brain following transplantation and to provide
functional recovery in animal models of stroke and Huntingtons disease. To maximize the likelihood of success following transplantation (i.e., DA synthesis), researchers have
recently investigated lithiums effects on TH expression in
these derived neurons (Zigova et al., 1999). Therapeutically
relevant doses of lithium chloride (1.0 mM) were found to
increase the number of TH-positive neurons approximately
six-fold (Zigova et al., 1999). In addition, the TH-positive
hNT neuron mean soma profile area and neurite length were
significantly larger than in controls by 60 and 70 percent, respectively. Moreover, even after withdrawal of lithium chloride on day 5, the number of TH-positive neurons in cultures remained significantly increased. These data suggest
that hNT cells are indeed responsive to lithium exposure
and may serve as a continual source of TH-expressing neurons in new therapeutic approaches to degenerative brain
In additional follow-up work, researchers investigated
the potential use of hNT neurons for transplantation into
the substantia nigra (SN) and striatum of the rat model for
Parkinsons disease (Baker et al., 2000). Twenty-seven rats
were grafted with one of three hNT neuronal products
hNT neurons, hNT-DA neurons, or lithium chloride
(LiCl)pretreated hNT-DA neurons. Immunostaining for
TH expression revealed no TH-immunoreactive (THir)
neurons in any animals with hNT neuronal grafts. Interestingly, THir cells were observed in 43 percent of animals
with hNT-DA neuronal grafts but in all the animals with
LiCl-pretreated hNT-DA neuronal grafts.

Valproate and the Dopaminergic System

Few preclinical studies have examined the effects of valproate on the dopaminergic system after chronic administration, that is, in paradigms likely to reflect the biochemical
effects of the drug most relevant for the treatment of bipolar
disorder. Acute valproate administration has been demonstrated to increase or decrease HVA levels in caudate (Biggs
et al., 1992; Vriend and Alexiuk, 1996), to increase HVA levels
in brain stem and frontal cortex (Loscher and Honack,
1996), and to increase HVA levels in CSF of freely moving
rats (MacMillan et al., 1987). Interestingly, Ichikawa and colleagues (2001) found that both carbamazepine and valproate increased extracellular DA levels in rat medial



prefrontal cortex, effects also seen with clozapine. Moreover, increased prefrontal DA was completely abolished
by the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist N-[2-[4-(2methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-N-2-pyridinylcyclohexanecarboxamide (WAY100635, .05 mg/kg).
To elucidate possible mechanisms underlying the effects of carbamazepine and valproate on neurotransmitter
exocytosis, the effects of these neuroleptic drugs and botulinum toxins (BoNTs) on basal, Ca2+- and K+-evoked release of DA and serotonin were determined by microdialysis in the hippocampus of freely moving rats (Murakami
et al., 2001). Perfusion with low and high concentrations of
carbamazepine and valproate increased and decreased basal
DA release, respectively. On the basis of additional studies,
these investigators postulated that carbamazepine and valproate affect both the enhancement of syntaxin-mediated
monoamine release during the resting stage and the inhibition of synaptobrevin-mediated release during the depolarizing stage.
In animal behavioral studies, valproate was found to attenuate the acute locomotor effects of methylphenidate
and, at higher doses, to block the development of sensitization to subsequent administration (Eckermann et al.,
2001). Chronic valproate pretreatment also produced a
borderline significant reduction in quinpirole-induced hyperactivity without effects on the hypoactive phase (Shaldubina et al., 2002).

Carbamazepine and the Dopaminergic System

In Maitre and colleagues (1984) review of the literature,
they conclude that carbamazepine decreases DA turnover
through unknown mechanisms. Later, Baptista and colleagues (1993) found that carbamazepine blocks cocaineinduced increases in DA overflow in the n. accumbens as
measured by in vivo dialysis. This effect could account for
the observation of Aigner and colleagues (1990) that carbamazepine inhibits cocaine intake in self-administration in
the rhesus monkey, a process thought to be mediated by
accumbens dopaminergic mechanisms.

The Dopaminergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary
Overall, indirect evidence for the involvement of recurrent mood disorder is provided by the involvement of that
system in circuits known to regulate motivation, reward,
and motoric activity, as well as pharmacological data
demonstrating that dopaminergic agonists trigger hypomanic/manic episodes and that drugs that reduce
dopaminergic throughput (including mood stabilizers and
antipsychotics) are antimanic. However, there are fewer
data suggesting primary dopaminergic abnormalities in
manic-depressive illness. It is our contention that the

BOX 144. A Summary of Major Findings Supporting

Involvement of the Dopaminergic System in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and
Recurrent Unipolar Depression

Reduced CSF HVA in depressed patients

Blunted neuroendocrine and temperature responses to DA

Reduced internal jugular venoarterial HVA concentration gra

Antidepressant efficacy of agents whose biochemical effects
include increasing intrasynaptic dopamine
ECT consistently enhances DA function
Depressogenic effects of AMPT and reserpine in susceptible
Medications that block D2 receptors have antimanic efficacy
Lithium-treated euthymic bipolar patients show a rebound
hypomania following AMPT
Depression very common in Parkinsons disease
Prominent anhedonia, amotivation, and psychomotor retardation in bipolar depression
Critical role of DA in reward, motivation, and motoric circuits

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; DA = dopamine; ECT = electroconvulsive

therapy; HVA = homovanillic acid.

primary abnormality in manic-depressive illness, and perhaps especially in its bipolar form, is a compromised ability
to regulate multiple signals (including those generated by
the dopaminergic system). Indeed, supporting this contention are recent data suggesting that bipolar disorder may
be associated with polymorphisms affecting the functioning
of the G proteincoupled receptor kinase 3 (GRK-3).
The GRKs are a family of proteins whose cellular function is to turn off or dampen the signal when receptors are
exposed to high levels of neurotransmitters. These proteins
are involved in rapidly phosphorylating receptors that are
overstimulated, thereby uncoupling the receptors from
their second messenger systems. Thus, a faulty desensitization system due to a mutation in GRK is of considerable interest with respect to the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder, as it would result in overshooting in response to
multiple neurotransmitter systems, thereby producing excessive excursions from the norm. These observations, if
replicated, would suggest that bipolar disorder is associated
with an abnormality of DA function, but is not due to defects in the dopaminergic system itself, rather in the machinery involved in dampening and fine-tuning dopaminergic signals. Boxes 144 and 145 summarize overall major
findings and findings of newer studies supporting the involvement of the dopaminergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression.

BOX 145. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Dopaminergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)
Genetic Studies

DA receptor D2 S311C variant associated with



disorganization and delusion features in psychosis (Serretti et al., 2000)

Reduced novelty seeking in carriers of DRD3
allele 1 in BPD (Staner et al., 1998)
D3 receptor (homocygous for the (2-2)Bal I polymorphism) reported to exhibit manic symptomatology in monopolar form (Chiaroni et al., 2000)
Increase in DA D3 receptor gene allele 1 reported
in BPD families (Parsian et al., 1995)
Association between DA D4 receptor gene and
mood disorders (Manki et al., 1996)
DAT (DA transporter) gene (single nucleotide
polymorphism), linkage desequilibrium with BPD
(Greenwood et al., 2001)
DAT1 with a missense substitution inherited between a BPD father and his BPD son (Grunhage
et al., 2000)
Linkage desequilibrium reported between DAT1
gene and BPD (Waldman et al., 1997)
Dopa decarboxylase gene reported to represent
a minor susceptibility gene for BPD (odds ratio
1.48 patients. vs. control) (Borglum et al., 1999)
COMT low-activity allele showed a trend toward
being transmitted among female BPD probands
(Mynett-Johnson et al., 1998)
COMT low activity (MET 158; COMTL) reported to
be a risk factor for BPD (Li et al., 1997; Rotondo
et al., 2002)
Increased presence of COMT LL (low activity allele) in BPD ultrarapid cycling (Kirov et al.,
1998; Papolos et al., 1998)
Apparent association between COMT 158val (low
activity allele) in velocardiofacial syndrome and
ultrarapid cycling (Lachman et al., 1996)
Decrease in depressive symptoms reported in
mood disorder patients when tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) *2/2 gene is present (Serretti et al., 1998)
Weak association reported between TH gene and
DRD2 gene with BPD (Perez de Castro et al., 1995)
Mutation of NURR1 in BPD, single case (NURR1deficient animals fail to develop mesencephalic
DA neurons) (Buervenich et al., 2000)

Other Observations

Reduced frontal cortex D1 receptor binding (PET) reported in

medication-free BPD (Suhara et al., 1992)

Increased D2 receptor Bmax reported in psychotic BPD (Pearlson et al., 1995)
Increased levels of immunoglobulin G with affinity for DA reported in CSF of psychotic patients (12 of 20 were BPD)
(Bergquist et al., 1993)
Increased urinary DA reported to predict manic mood in one
rapid-cycling patient (Joyce et al., 1995)
Increase of episodic parkinsonism, before onset of depression,
that disappeared during mania, in 3 cases of rapid-cycling patients (Scappa et al., 1993). Consistent with hypo- and hyperdopaminergic DA functioning in bipolar depression and mania, respectively
Higher vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2) binding in
the thalamus and ventral brain stem of bipolar patients than in
controls. Unclear whether due to primary disease, lithium treatment, or a combination of these

Treatment Related

Reduction of platelet MAO activity and increase in

dopamine -hydroxylase activity with Li treatment in BPD (Sofuoglu et al., 1995)

Reduction in prolactin with long-term Li
treatment in euthymic BPD (Basturk et al.,
Increase in DA metabolism (increase in HVA)
when Li is added to a neuroleptic in acute psychosis (Bowers et al., 1992)
Decrease in presynaptic DA after valproate in BP-I
patients (Yatham et al., 2002)
Decrease by carbamazepine (and not by Li) of
chronic imipramine-induced supersensitivity to
locomotor response to quinpirole (DAquila et al.,
2000, 2001) and decrease in quinpirole-induced
biphasic locomotion (D2 D3 agonist) by anticonvulsants (Shaldubina et al., 2002)
Valproate treatment increases tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in locus coeruleus (Sands et al., 2000)
Chronic lithium or valproate increases tyrosine
hydroxylase protein levels in limbic and limbicrelated areas of rat brain and human neuroblastoma cells (Chen et al., 2000)



BOX 145. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Dopaminergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar) (continued)

Lithium increases the number of TH-positive

neurons derived from a human
teratocarcinoma approximately six-fold. Moreover, even after withdrawal of LiCl on day 5, the
number of TH-positive neurons in cultures remained significantly increased (Zigova et al.,
Transplantation studies with TH-positive
neurons derived from a human teratocarcinoma (hNT) showed that all the animals with
LiCl-pretreated hNT-DA neuronal grafts had
TH immunoreactive cells (100%) compared to
only 43% of animals with the nonlithiumtreated hNT-DA neuronal grafts (Baker et al.,


Resistant bipolar depression responds to


addition of drugs increasing intrasynaptic DA

(Erfurth et al., 2002)
Pramipexole, roniprole are effective add-on treatment for resistant BP-II depression (Perugi et al.,
Pramipexole augmentation effective in bipolar
or unipolar depression (Sporn et al., 2000)
Attenuation of behavioral effects of methamphetamine in dietary tyrosine-depleted manic
patients (McTavish et al., 2001)
Increased behavioral response to amphetamine
challenge without changes in D2/D3 binding in
striatum in euthymic BP patients (Anand et al.,

BP = bipolar; BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; COMT = catechol-O-methyltransferase; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; DA = dopamine;
HVA = homovanillic acid; Li-lithium; LiCl = lithium chloride; MAO = monoamine oxidase; TH = tyrosine hydroxylase.

The Serotonergic System

Interest in the role of the serotonergic system in mood disorders derived from a long-standing tradition of research
into the role of this indoleamine in the therapeutic mechanisms of action of antidepressants and lithium. There is
considerable evidence of abnormalities in the serotonergic neurotransmitter system in patients suffering from depression; however, the data for bipolar disorder are much
less extensive, and for recurrent unipolar, data are virtually
nonexistent (Meltzer and Lowy, 1987; Shiah and Yatham,
2000; Mahmood and Silverstone, 2001). The serotonergic
dysfunction in the pathophysiology of depression has been
reported to occur at many different levels, including precursor availability, neurotransmitter synthesis, storage, release, presynaptic autoreceptor function, neurotransmitter
reuptake, metabolism, and postsynaptic neurotransmitter

Studies of Serotonin Metabolites in CSF

As we reviewed in the first edition of this text, earlier findings on 5-HIAA in CSF were in the direction of reductions
in depressed patients, but with much less consistency than
more recent findings, perhaps because of reliance on fluorometric assay. There was also a trend in those data toward
lower 5-HIAA in bipolar than in unipolar patients. Investigators have been unable to demonstrate convincing evidence for group differences in the CSF levels of 5-HIAA
(with or without probenecid) between unipolar and bipolar
patients; there appears, however, to be a subgroup of patients

with low levels of 5-HIAA, which may be associated with

certain illness characteristics (impulsivity, aggression, and
suicide attempts [Van Pragg, 1982; Meltzer and Lowy, 1987;
Virkkunen et al., 1989]). Findings of studies of baseline 5HIAA in CSF of unmedicated depressed patients are inconsistent: the NIMH Collaborative Study reports increased
5-HIAA in depressed women (Koslow et al., 1983). In 83
patients with melancholia diagnosed and treated at the
Karolinska Institute in Sweden, by contrast, 5-HIAA was
found to be modestly but significantly reduced (Asberg et al.,
1984). In the former study, there was a trend toward lower
5-HIAA in female bipolar than female unipolar patients; in
the latter study, there were no unipolarbipolar differences
in this measure.
Studies of CSF 5-HIAA in manic patients have generally produced variable and inconsistent results (Goodwin
and Ghaemi, 1998; Shiah and Yatham, 2000). Baseline CSF
5-HIAA levels in manic patients compared with nondepressed controls have been reported to be decreased in
four studies, unchanged in nine studies, and increased in
three studies; by contrast, most studies found no difference
in the levels of CSF 5-HIAA between manic and depressed
patients. Of four studies that examined CSF 5-HIAA accumulation following administration of probenecid in manic
and depressive patients as well as controls, two found that
both manic and depressed patients had diminished CSF
5-HIAA formation compared with that in controls, and
one that manic patients had significantly lower CSF 5HIAA accumulation than that in depressive patients and


Mixed-State, Well-State, and Longitudinal Studies As

discussed in Chapter 1, mixed states are now recognized as
common, and it is likely that the biochemical studies already reviewed included such patients among subjects diagnosed as manic. To our knowledge, there has still been
only one CSF study focused on mixed statesthat of
Tandon and colleagues (1988), who compared mixed bipolar patients with pure manic and unipolar depressive patients. Whereas both HVA and 5-HIAA were higher in the
patients with pure mania than in those with depression, the
mixed group could be biochemically divided into two subgroups whose metabolite levels resembled those of the pure
manic and pure depressive groups, respectively. In addition,
these authors compared their metabolite data with published normal control values obtained by the same method.
They noted that all three groups had 5-HIAA levels significantly below normal, a finding they interpreted as consistent
with the permissive hypothesis (discussed below).
In a few CSF amine metabolite studies, measurements
were repeated after recovery in an attempt to assess the
well state. In most studies of the well state, however, it is
virtually impossible to tease drug effects apart from the
recovered state itself. The study of spontaneous or ECTinduced recovery is one approach to this problem, but
only preliminary data are available. Coppen and colleagues
(1972), Ashcroft and colleagues (1973), and Van Praag and
De Haan (1979) reported that their depressed patients with
low levels of CSF 5-HIAA failed to normalize with recovery. Berrettini and colleagues (1985b), by contrast, found
no difference in CSF 5-HIAA (and HVA) in recovered
bipolar patients compared with healthy controls, although
this study did not compare the well state with the illness
phase in the same patients. The persistence of low 5-HIAA
levels reported by Coppen and colleagues and by Van
Praag and De Haan is of interest in light of the suggestion
that CSF 5-HIAA is similar in both manic and depressive
phases of the illness. Relevant to these questions are two
small longitudinal studies of 5-HIAA (Asberg et al., 1973;
Post et al., 1980a), which demonstrated reasonable stability of
5-HIAA levels over time. The issue of postrecovery metabolite data reemerges when we review drug effects.
To our knowledge, no group of bipolar patients has
been studied with serial measurement of CSF metabolites
through the depressive and manic phases. A few scattered
cases of rapid-cycling patients have been presented, although it is not clear just how representative such patients
are. Post and colleagues (1977) and Cutler and Post (1982)
followed CSF amine metabolites through seven depressive
phases and eight manic phases in three patients. Baseline
and probenecid-induced accumulation of 5-HIAA were
not significantly different during mania and depression,
but NE levels were significantly higher in mania. Addi-


tional longitudinal studies are discussed in the next two

In postmortem studies, low concentrations of 5-HT and
its metabolite 5-HIAA have been reported in the brain stem
of depressed patients who completed suicide (Traskman
et al., 1981). In brains from nine subjects with a DSM-III-R
diagnosis of bipolar disorder who died while depressed,
a significant reduction in levels of 5-HIAA was found in
frontal (54 percent) and parietal cortex (64 percent)
(Young et al., 1994c).
Overall, however, findings on CSF and brain 5-HIAA
tend to support the permissive hypothesis of Prange, which
suggests that, in bipolar disorder, a background state independent deficit in central 5-HT function is associated with
impaired buffering so that bidirectional changes in other systems (perhaps involving norepinephrine and/or dopamine)
are permitted to occur and produce abnormal excursions
in mood and behavior.

Platelet 5-HT Uptake

Rausch and colleagues (1986) measured 5-HT uptake in
depressed patients, manic bipolar patients, and patients
with other affective disorders and nonaffective psychiatric
disorders using a randomized block factorial analysis of
variance. They found that the depressed patients had significantly lower maximal velocity (Vmax) of serotonin uptake in comparison with matched controls, without a statistically significant difference in affinity (i.e., the tightness
of binding of the transmitter to the reuptake site). No statistically significant difference was found for any of the
other diagnostic groups in comparison with controls for
Vmax or Km.
By contrast, Meltzer and colleagues (1981) noted a tendency for a decrease in 5-HT uptake in four manic patients
and an increase in seven manic patients, although manic
patients as a group did not differ significantly from healthy
controls. Similarly, Scott and colleagues (1979) reported no
difference in 5-HT uptake in 8 manic patients compared
with 26 healthy controls. Meagher and colleagues (1990)
found increased 5-HT uptake in 15 manic patients compared with 19 healthy controls. In this study, however,
manic patients as a group had a large variation in their
5-HT uptake compared with the control group that could
very well have been due to the effects of medication. Indeed, when five drug-free manic patients in this study were
compared with controls, there was no difference in 5-HT
uptake between the two groups. Marazziti and colleagues
(1991), by contrast, reported decreased 5-HT uptake in 7
manic patients compared with 12 healthy controls. Of these
seven patients, only three were drug-free, which confounds
the interpretation of results.



Challenge Studies
Tryptophan Depletion Challenge Studies. Serotonin is
synthesized from tryptophan, an essential amino acid
derived from the diet. The rating-limiting step in serotonin
synthesis is the hydroxylation of tryptophan by the enzyme
tryptophan hydroxylase to form 5-hydroxytryptophan.
Under normal circumstances, this rating-limiting enzyme is
not saturated by substrate; thus, tryptophan concentration
can impact the rate of synthesis. Tryptophan is then taken
up into the brain via a saturable carrier mechanism.
Tryptophan actively competes with other large neutral
amino acids for transport, and brain uptake of tryptophan
is thus determined by both the amount of circulating
tryptophan and the ratio of tryptophan to the other large
neutral amino acids. (See Figure 143 for a diagram of the
effects of tryptophan depletion.)
Pretreatment plasma tryptophan has been reported to
be lower in depressed patients than in healthy controls
and to be able to differentiate certain subgroups of depression (Meltzer and Lowy, 1987; Maes et al., 1990). Depressed patients exhibit reduced plasma concentrations of
5-hydroxytryptophan after ingestion of test doses of oral
L-tryptophan (Deakin et al., 1990). Lower pretreatment
plasma tryptophan has been reported to be predictive of
response to antidepressant treatment (Moller et al., 1986;
Figure 143. The mechanisms by which tryptophan depletion reduces central nervous system serotonin. CSF = cerebrospinal fluid;
LNAA = large, neutral amino acid; Try = tryptophan; 5-H1AA = 5hydroxy-indoleacetic acid. (Source: Fernstrom and Wurtman, 1997.)
Dietary Protein
(Amino Acids)

Dietary Carbohydrate
(Insulin Secretion)



Plasma Ratio



Brain / CSF

Lucca et al., 1992). The depletion of dietary l-tryptophan

has also been reported to induce relapse in recently remitted depressed patients (Delgado et al., 1990; Neumeister
et al., 1997).
In contrast to these findings, several studies have recently found that the effect may be less consistent than previously reported. Moore and colleagues (1998) observed
no effect on mood in fully remitted patients medicated
with SSRIs. Leyton and colleagues (1997) also reported
that acute tryptophan depletion did not induce relapse or
change in mood in fully remitted, medication-free former
patients with major depression. Neumeister (2003) summarized the behavioral data for healthy controls with and
without genetic risk for depression and for patient populations during the symptomatic phase of depression and in
remission. Overall, these data indicate a trait abnormality
of serotonin function in depression and suggest that antidepressants may compensate for the underlying deficit.
Of the 15 tryptophan depletion studies that have been
conducted in depression, only 3 included some patients
with bipolar depression (Delgado et al., 1990, 1999; Leyton
et al., 1997). Only three such studies have been conducted
specifically in bipolar disorder (Benkelfat et al., 1995;
Capiello et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2001). In one study,
tryptophan depletion was found to be associated with increased manic symptoms for 3 days (Cappiello et al., 1997).
Two patients met criteria for a relapse. In two other studies, euthymic patients who were being treated with lithium
were unaffected by tryptophan depletion (Cassidy et al.,
1998b; Johnson et al., 2001). Patients in these studies had
been in a long remission. In the study by Johnson and colleagues, tryptophan depletion was induced in 30 patients
with manic-depressive illness (20 bipolar and 10 unipolar), all stabilized on lithium treatment for at least 1 year.
The study was performed using a randomized, doubleblind, controlled design. Plasma tryptophan was reduced
by 80 percent in the experimental group and 16 percent in
the control group. However, no clinically relevant mood
changes were observed. Transient reduction in serotonergic function does not appear to affect mood in patients
with affective disorders stabilized on lithium treatment.
Many of these studies are limited in that they included
mixed samples of patients with major depression (recurrence not specified) or bipolar disorder (depressed phase,
treated with antidepressants). Furthermore, most of these
studies do not present results for bipolar and unipolar patients separately. Bipolar depressed patients treated with antidepressants do not appear to be more or less vulnerable to
tryptophan depletion than unipolar patients; however, currently available studies suggest that tryptophan depletion
does not produce a lowering of mood in lithium-treated
euthymic patients.


Most recently, investigators have studied unaffected relatives of bipolar patients to examine the possibility that
sensitivity to the deleterious mood and cognitive effects of
lowered serotonin may represent an endophenotype for
bipolar disorder. In a double-blind, crossover design, 20
unaffected relatives (URs) from multiplex bipolar families
and 19 control subjects underwent acute tryptophan depletion (ATD) (Quintin et al., 2001). Unlike the control
subjects, URs experienced a lowering of mood during ATD
but not during the placebo. Furthermore, URs tended to
show increased impulsivity in the ATD condition. Measurements obtained before ingestion of the amino acid
(AA) drink indicated that, relative to control subjects, URs
exhibited lower serotonin platelet concentrations, lower
affinity, and fewer binding sites of the serotonin transporter
for imipramine; these differences were unaffected by tryptophan depletion.
In a more recent study, Sobczak and colleagues (2002)
investigated the effects of ATD on cognitive performance
in healthy first-degree relatives of bipolar patients (FHs)
(n = 30) and matched controls (n = 15) in a placebocontrolled, double-blind, crossover design. Performance
on planning, memory, and attention tasks was assessed at
baseline and 5 hours after ATD. The authors found that
speed of information processing on the planning task following ATD was impaired in the FH group but not in the
control group. Furthermore, FH subjects with a bipolar-I
relative (FH-I) showed impairments in planning and memory independent of ATD. In all subjects, ATD impaired
long-term memory performance and speed of information
processing; it did not affect short-term memory or focused
and divided attention. These results suggest serotonergic
vulnerability affecting frontal lobe areas in FH subjects, indicated by impaired planning.
Taken together, the above results suggest that vulnerability to reduced tryptophan availability may represent an
endophenotype for bipolar disorder, a notion that warrants further investigation; also future studies should include a group with highly recurrent unipolar depression.
Neuroendocrine Challenge Studies. A series of neuroendocrine challenge paradigms has been investigated to examine more closely the presynaptic serotonergic neurons
in patients with mood disorders (Shiah and Yatham, 2000;
Mahmood and Silverstone, 2001). In healthy subjects, the
IV infusion of tryptophan increases prolactin plasma levels (Price et al., 1991). In depressed patients, however, this
release of prolactin to IV tryptophan is blunted compared
with that in healthy controls (Price et al., 1991; Cappiello
et al., 1996). As with most of the other serotonergic measures, only a few studies have been undertaken in bipolar
patients, perhaps reflecting the difficulty of maintaining


bipolar patients medication-free for a sufficiently long period of time so as to be confident of the lack of confounding residual medication-related effects. The serotonin precursor tryptophan has been used to test neuroendocrine
responses in patients and controls. In a placebo-controlled
study, the cortisol and ACTH responses to tryptophan was
blunted in remitted bipolar patients compared with those
in controls (Nurnberger et al., 1990).
Neuroendocrine challenge with the appetite suppressant fenfluramine produces similar results to the IV infusion of tryptophan. The administration of fenfluramine
causes a rapid increase in the plasma levels of prolactin in
normal subjects. When fenfluramine is administered to
depressed patients, however, the prolactin release is blunted
(Mitchell and Smythe, 1990; Shapira et al., 1993). This
blunted prolactin response has been reported to normalize
with successful treatment and has been proposed as a test for
predicting response to antidepressant treatment (Malone
et al., 1993; Shapira et al., 1993).
Only two studies have employed the fenfluramine challenge test in homogeneous samples of manic patients (Newman et al., 1998). One found that the prolactin and cortisol
responses of manic patients to either fenfluramine (n = 10)
or sumatriptan (n = 9) did not differ from those of normal
controls (discussed in Shiah and Yatham, 2000; Mahmood
and Silverstone, 2001). Thakore and colleagues (1996), by
contrast, found increased basal cortisol levels and reduced
prolactin response to fenfluramine in nine manic patients
compared with nine healthy controls matched for age and
gender. They suggest that mania is associated with a state of
decreased 5-HT responsiveness, similar to that found in the
depressed state and reminiscent of the permissive hypothesis of bipolar disorder discussed earlier.
The growth hormone (GH) response was found to be
blunted in depressed patients in a study using sumatriptan, a 5-HT1D agonist, as the challenge agent (Yatham et al.,
1997). Mahmood and colleagues (2002) found a blunted
GH response to sumatriptan in bipolar patients with migraine compared with bipolar patients without migraine,
pure migraine patients, and healthy controls.

Investigation of Serotonin Receptors

Several different serotonin receptor subtypes have been
identified in recent years. Subtyping is based in part on the
characteristics of binding to serotonin, other agonists, or antagonists. Three main classes5-HT1, 5-HT2, and 5-HT3
receptorsare further subdivided into subtypes 5-HT1A,
5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT1E, and 5-HT1F. The 5-HT2 receptors
may be divided into 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT2C subtypes.
The 5-HT1A Receptor. The 5-HT1A receptor has been implicated in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood



disorders on the basis of evidence that patients with major depression have blunted physiological responses to
5-HT1A receptor agonists in vivo and abnormal 5-HT1A
receptor binding postmortem (Bowden et al., 1989; Lopez
et al., 1998; Stockmeier et al., 1998). During 5-HT1A receptor agonist challenge, physiological increases in plasma
concentrations of ACTH and cortisol are attenuated in unmedicated subjects with unipolar depression (recurrence
not specified) (Cowen, 2000). Postmortem studies of cerebral 5-HT1A receptor binding and mRNA expression in
unipolar depression and bipolar disorder suggest 5-HT1A
receptor dysfunction in mood disorders, but these data are
limited to two studies with small sample sizes (Bowden
et al., 1989; Lopez et al., 1998). Lopez and colleagues (1998)
found that 5-HT1A receptor mRNA levels were abnormally
reduced in the hippocampus in six subjects with major depressive disorder who died by suicide, and Bowden and
colleagues (1989) found reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding
to [3H] 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propyl)aminotetralin (8-OHDPAT) in the temporal polar and posterior ventrolateral
prefrontal cortex in seven patients with unipolar depression or bipolar disorder dying of natural causes.
Supporting the above postmortem findings, recent PET
studies have yielded in vivo evidence of reduced pre- and
postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptor binding in both unipolar
and bipolar depressed patients. Drevets and colleagues
(2000) reported that the regional 5-HT1A receptor binding
of depressed subjects with primary, recurrent, familial
mood disorders (i.e., part of the manic-depressive spectrum) as determined with PET was significantly reduced
relative to healthy controls. The investigators found that
the mean 5-HT1A receptor binding potential was reduced
by 42 percent in the midbrain raphe and 2533 percent in the
limbic and neocortical areas in the mesiotemporal, occipital, and parietal cortex. These findings are consistent with
those of Sargent and colleagues (2000), who found decreased 5-HT1A receptor binding, measured with PET and
[carbonyl-11C]WAY 100635, in 15 unmedicated depressed
patients relative to 18 healthy controls in the raphe, medial
temporal cortex, insula, anterior cingulate, temporal polar
cortex, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, and orbital cortex.
Seven of the unmedicated subjects were naive to antidepressant drugs, and the other eight had been untreated for a
mean of 63 weeks. No differences were found between depressed patients and controls in the inferior occipital cortex
or angular gyrus. Ten of the subjects were scanned both before and after paroxetine treatment; it was found that 5HT1A receptor binding had not significantly changed in any
Cortisol Hypersecretion and 5-HT1A Receptor Abnormalities. One factor that may contribute to the reduction in

5-HT1A receptor binding in depression is increased cortisol

secretion (known to occur in many depressed patients,
as discussed below), since postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptor
mRNA expression is under tonic inhibition by corticosteroid receptor stimulation in some brain regions. The magnitude of the reduction in 5-HT1A receptor density and
mRNA levels due to stress-induced glucocorticoid secretion
in rodents is similar to the magnitude of the differences seen
between depressed and healthy humans. In rats, for example, chronic unpredictable stress was found to reduce 5HT1A receptor density an average of 22 percent across hippocampal subfields, similar to the 25 percent reduction in
hippocampal 5-HT1A receptor binding found in depression.
Similarly in tree shrews, chronic social subordination stress
(for 28 days) was found to decrease the density of 5-HT1A receptors in posterior cingulate, parietal cortex, prefrontal
cortex, and hippocampus by 1134 percent, similar to the
magnitude of reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding found in
other studies in these regions (Drevets et al., 2000; Sargent
et al., 2000).
These findings are particularly noteworthy since chronic
lithium has recently been demonstrated to attenuate the
cytosol-to-nucleus translocation of the glucocorticoid receptor (Zhou et al., 2005). Movement (translocation) of the
glucocorticoid receptor from the cytosol to the nucleus is required for its ability to regulate gene expression. By inhibiting this movement, lithium would be expected to attenuate
the ability of glucocorticoids to regulate gene expression.
This is precisely what has been observed in preclinical studies (Zhou et al., 2005). Furthermore, Drevets and colleagues
(personal communication, 2003) have found that chronic
lithium normalizes 5-HT1A receptor binding potential in
bipolar patients, an effect entirely consistent with an attenuation of glucocorticoid effects.
5-HT2 Receptors. Mann and colleagues (1986) have reported an increased number of postsynaptic 5-HT2 receptors in the brains of depressed patients, which is consistent
with the work of Matsubara and colleagues (1991) who
found an increase in the number of 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptors in the prefrontal cortex of suicide victims; however,
another group did not replicate this finding (Stockmeier
et al., 1997). Investigators have also used platelets from patients with mood disorders to study 5-HT2 receptor binding
to platelet membranes and serotonin-induced changes in
platelet shape and aggregation to study 5-HT2 receptors in
patients with mood disorders.
There have been at least 12 independent studies in which
the Bmax for the 5-HT2A receptor on platelets from depressed patients has been measured.16 One of these studies found no difference in this measure between patients
suffering from depression and controls. All of the others


found a significant increase in the Bmax value for platelet

5-HT2A receptors for depressed and suicidal patients compared with controls. Most of these studies either did not
study bipolar patients or did not clearly separate unipolar
and bipolar depressed patients. In one of the only studies
of manic subjects, Velayudhan and colleagues (1999) used
125I-ketanserin as the radioligand for platelet 5-HT2 receptors. They found no difference in the density or affinity of
platelet 5-HT2 receptors obtained from 29 manic patients
and 29 healthy controls; moreover, 2 weeks of lithium
treatment had no significant effect on these parameters.
Using SPECT, DHaenen and colleagues (1992) found increased uptake of a 5HT2 receptor antagonist, 2-ketaserin
labeled with iodine 123 [123I], in parietal cortex bilaterally
and right greater than left asymmetry in the inferofrontal
region of depressed patients compared with controls. A
PET study (Biver et al., 1997) revealed a decrease in uptake
of another 5HT2 antagonist, altanserin labeled with fluorine [18F], in the right anterior portion of insular cortex
and right posterolateral orbitofrontal cortex of depressed
patients compared with controls. PET studies have yielded
mixed results: two studies (Attar-Levy et al., 1999; Yatham
et al., 2000) found a decrease in [18F] setoperone (5HT2 antagonist) binding in the frontal cortex of depressed patients
compared with controls, whereas one (Meyer et al., 1999)
found no difference between the two groups. As with most
studies of unipolar depression, the category itself is so heterogenous (including nonrecurrent, minimally recurrent,
and highly recurrent), that nonreplications are to be expected.
An exciting recent pharmacogenetic study searched for
genetic predictors of treatment outcome in 1,953 patients
with recurrent major depressive disorder (a mean of six
previous episodes) who were treated with the antidepressant citalopram in the Sequenced Treatment Alternatives
for Depression (STAR*D) study and prospectively assessed (McMahon et al., 2006). In a split-sample design, a
selection of 68 candidate genes was genotyped with 768
single nucleotide polymorphism markers chosen to detect
common genetic variation. A significant and reproducible
association was found between treatment outcome and a
marker in HTR2A (p = 1 106 to 3.7 105 in the total sample). Other markers in HTR2A also showed evidence of association with treatment outcome in the total sample.
HTR2A encodes the serotonin 2A receptor, which is downregulated by citalopram. Participants who were homozygous for the A allele had an 18 percent reduction in absolute
risk of failing to respond to treatment, compared to those
homozygous for the other allele. The A allele was six times
more frequent in white than in black participants, for
whom treatment was also less effective in this sample
(McMahon et al., 2006). The A allele may thus contribute


to racial differences in outcomes of antidepressant treatment. Taken together with prior neurobiological findings,
these new genetic data make a compelling case for a key role
of HTR2A in the mechanism of antidepressant action.
Serotonin Transporter Binding. As discussed in Chapter
13, polymorphisms and variable tandem repeats in the
serotonin transporter (SERT) gene have been the focus of
extensive research in a variety of psychiatric disorders.
Furlong and colleagues (1998) undertook a meta-analysis
of over 1,400 individuals of European Caucasian origin.
They used 772 controls and 375 bipolar and 299 unipolar
patients to investigate the 5-HT transporter variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism, and 739 controls and 392 bipolar and 275 unipolar patients to study the
promoter polymorphism. They found a significant association with promoter allele 2 in the bipolar groups (estimated
odds ratio 1.21; 95 percent confidence interval 1.001.45),
unipolar groups (odds ratio 1.23; 95 percent confidence interval 1.011.42), and combined bipolar and unipolar groups
(odds ratio 1.22; 95 percent confidence interval 1.041.42).
These results raise the possibility that the promoter allele 2,
previously shown to result in lower levels of SERT transcription, may be associated with risk for affective disorder.
Preliminary reports have also linked SERT gene variants
with antidepressant-induced mania (Mundo et al., 2001)
and antidepressant response to sleep deprivation in bipolar
patients (Benedetti et al., 1999).
Another method for evaluating presynaptic serotonergic
function is measurement of SERT binding. A number of
studies of postmortem brain tissue have been conducted to
investigate SERT in projection regions of serotonergic cell
bodies in suicide victims with depressive disorder. The results of these studies have been mixed. Early studies focused
primarily on suicide victims and used [3H] imipramine, a
less-than-optimum radioligand for measuring SERT. Those
studies found increases, decreases, or no change in [3H]
imipramine binding to frontal cortex in suicide victims
(Stanley et al., 1982; Crow et al., 1984; Arora and Meltzer,
1989a). More recently, other radioligands, including [3H]
paroxetine, [3H] citalopram, and [125I]cyanoimipramine,
have been identified as superior ligands for measuring SERT
(Gurevich and Joyce, 1996). Unfortunately, the results obtained with these newer ligands in subjects with depression
have also been mixed. Studies have found either significant
decreases (Joyce et al., 1993; Arango et al., 1995) or no
changes (Mann et al., 1996a; Bligh-Glover et al., 2000).
Since SERT is transcribed from a single copy gene, the
platelet and CNS SERT are identical. Thus, abnormalities
in platelet SERT may reflect abnormalities in CNS SERT
(Owens and Nemeroff, 1998). A number of studies of platelet
SERT density have been undertaken using [3H]-imipramine



binding or [3H]-paroxetine binding. Although the results of

these studies are not entirely consistent, they suggest overall
that the Bmax value for platelet is significantly lower in depressed subjects than in healthy subjects (Ellis and Salmond,
1994; Owens and Nemeroff, 1998).
Ichimiya and colleagues (2002) studied 13 antidepressant-naive or antidepressant-free patients with mood disorders and 21 age-matched healthy control subjects. The
patients consisted of seven with unipolar depression and
six with bipolar disorder. PET scans were performed using a selective ligand for SERT, [11C](+)McN5652. Binding
potential in the thalamus was found to be significantly
increased in patients with mood disorders compared
with controls, whereas binding potential in the midbrain
did not differ between the groups. Subgroup comparison
showed that unipolar depressed patients had significantly
higher binding potential in the thalamus than that in
In another endophenotype study, Leboyer and colleagues
(1999) measured plasma 5-HIAA, platelet 5-HT, and [3H]
imipramine in 20 unaffected relatives (URs) from families
having at least two members with bipolar disorder and in 19
controls. They found that the URs manifested lower platelet
SERT function than that in controls as revealed both by reduced number and diminished affinity of imipramine binding sites and diminished platelet 5-HT content. These preliminary results once again raise the possibility that reduced
SERT function may represent an endophenotype in bipolar
disorder and perhaps also in highly recurrent unipolar depression.

Lithium and the Serotonergic System

Preclinical studies show that lithiums effects on 5-HT
function may occur at a variety of levels, including precursor uptake, synthesis, storage, catabolism, release, receptors,
and receptoreffector interaction (Bunney and GarlandBunney, 1987; Price et al., 1990). Overall, there is reasonable
evidence from these studies that lithium enhances serotonergic neurotransmission, although its effects on 5-HT appear to vary depending on brain region, length of treatment, and 5-HT receptor subtype.17
In contrast to short-term studies, most long-term studies tend to show that 5-HT and 5-HIAA levels decrease with
lithium administration.18 Treiser and colleagues (1981)
found that long-term lithium increased basal and K+stimulated 5-HT release in hippocampus but not cortex,
while Friedman and Wang (1988) found that lithium increased 5-HT release in parietal cortex, hypothalamus, and
hippocampus after 23 weeks, but not after a single
injection or 1 week of treatment.
Taken together, these studies suggest that, rather than
simply increasing or decreasing 5-HT release, lithium may

be serving to prevent excursions from the mean, thereby

stabilizing 5-HT function (Knapp and Mandell, 1973).
Receptor binding studies have shown complex, regionally specific effects of acute or chronic lithium on the density of 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 receptors, although most findings
suggest decreases in both sites, at least in hippocampus.19
Similarly, findings on the effects of both short- and longterm lithium treatment on 5-HT2-mediated head-twitch
behavior, as well as hyperactivity responses to the serotonin
precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan, have been inconsistent.20
The prolactin (PRL) response to 5-HT is, however, more
consistently reported to be increased after short-term
lithium use (Meltzer et al., 1981; Koenig et al., 1984; Meltzer
and Lowy, 1987). Investigators using a variety of methodologies have provided evidence that lithium produces a
subsensitivity of presynaptic inhibitory 5-HT1a receptors,21
which may result in a net increase in the amount of 5-HT
released per impulse.
In a series of important preclinical investigations, de
Montigny and colleagues used electrophysiological recordings to measure the effects of lithium on the 5-HT system.
They found that short-term lithium did not affect the responsiveness of the postsynaptic neurons to 5-HT or the
electrical activity of the 5-HT neurons, but enhanced the efficacy of the ascending (presynaptic) 5-HT system (Blier and
de Montigny, 1985; Blier et al., 1987). These observations led
de Montigny and colleagues to propose that lithium may increase the efficacy of other antidepressant treatments (Blier
and de Montigny, 1985; Blier et al., 1987). As reviewed in
Chapter 19, several open and double-blind clinical investigations have now demonstrated that approximately 50 percent
of nonresponders are converted to responders upon lithium
administration within 2 weeks (de Montigny et al., 1981,
1983; Heninger et al., 1983). A number of the early human
CSF studies are difficult to interpret, however, because of
their methodology and study design, and their findings are
most often confounded by concomitant alterations in mood
state and neurovegetative symptomatology. Small increases
in CSF 5-HIAA levels have been reported after subchronic
lithium treatment in bipolar patients.22 Several studies have
indicated that long-term lithium treatment normalizes
previously low platelet 5-HT uptake in bipolar patients, an
effect that may persist for several weeks after discontinuation (Born et al., 1980; Coppen et al., 1980; Meltzer et al.,
1983; Poirier et al., 1988). Findings on the effects of lithium
treatment on [3H] imipramine binding in platelets remain
inconclusive.23 Findings of neuroendocrine studies in patients have been more consistent, showing that acute or
subacute lithium treatment results in augmented prolactin
and/or cortisol responses to various challenges (fenfluramine, tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan) in affectively
ill patients. These findings suggest that lithium does indeed


facilitate serotonergic throughput in discrete brain areas.24

However, recent studies in normal volunteers after 2 weeks
of therapeutic lithium did not indicate increased neuroendocrine responses, suggesting that lithiums effect on the
serotonergic system may depend on its underlying activity
(Manji et al., 1991a).
Overall, current evidence from both preclinical and
clinical studies supports a role for lithium in enhancing
presynaptic activity in the serotonergic system in the brain.
Direct studies of lithiums effects on serotonergic neurotransmission in humans have been limited in the past by
the complexity of the widespread distribution of different
types of serotonergic fibers throughout the brain, the only
recently recognized multiple receptor subtypes, the relative
lack of serotonin-specific pharmacological agents and outcome variables reflecting selective serotonergic responses,
and inadequate attention to effects dependent on duration
of treatment and affective and physiological state of the
patient. Given the current understanding of the molecular
neurobiology of both receptor subtypes and the transporter in the serotonergic system, we anticipate new, more
specific pharmacological probes for future preclinical and
clinical investigations.

Valproate and the Serotonergic System

Khaitan and colleagues (1994) found that chronic treatment (21 days in rats) with valproate did not significantly
alter the hypothermia induced by 8-OH-DPAT, an agonist
at 5-HT1A receptors. Treatment with valproate also had no
effect on radioligand binding to 5-HT1A or 5-HT2.
Maes and colleagues (1997) measured plasma cortisol
response to l-5-hydroxytryptophan in 10 drug-free manic
patients before and after treatment with valproate for 3
weeks. They found that administration of l-5-hydroxytryptophan produced an increase in cortisol responses
both before and after valproate treatment; however, the
l-5-hydroxytryptophaninduced cortisol response was significantly higher after treatment with valproate than before it. Their findings suggest that chronic treatment with
valproate may enhance central 5-HT function in manic
patients and appear to be consistent with the hypothesis
that increasing 5-HT function plays a role in the antimanic
effects of the drug.
Two other studies also have shown that valproate treatment leads to an increase in central 5-HT activity in humans. Fahn (1978) reported that treatment with valproate
increased CSF levels of 5-HIAA in a patient with postanoxic
intentional myoclonus. And Shiah and colleagues (1997)
reported that 1 week of treatment with valproate significantly
attenuated the hypothermic response to ipsapirone, a 5-HT1A
receptor agonist, in 10 healthy human males. This finding
suggests that valproate enhances 5-HT neurotransmission


by causing a subsensitivity of presynaptic 5-HT1A autoreceptors, because the hypothermic response to 5-HT1A receptor agonists has been suggested to be mediated by those
autoreceptors (although mixed pre- and postsynaptic activation has also been suggested for mediation of hypothermia in rats).
In contrast to the positive results of the above studies,
Kusumi and colleagues (1994a) found no in vitro effect of
valproate (100 M) on basal calcium or 5-HTinduced intracellular calcium mobilization in the platelets of 7 healthy
subjects. Although the body of data investigating valproates
effects on the serotonergic system is much smaller than that
for lithium, it does tend to suggest nonidentical effects of the
two drugs. Whether these differences account for observed
clinical differences between the two drugs requires further

Carbamazepine and the Serotonergic System

Carbamazepine enhances serotonin levels in hippocampus
in epilepsy-prone rats (Yan et al., 1992; Dailey et al., 1995)
with a magnitude and time course suggesting a significance
to its anticonvulsant effects. Moreover, depletion of serotonin inhibits carbamazepines actions in these animals
(Dailey et al., 1995), although the mechanism of this effect
is unknown. To our knowledge, no study to date has examined the effects of carbamazepine on 5-HT activity in
manic patients. However, some human studies have shown
evidence for an increase in 5-HT function during carbamazepine treatment.
For example, Elphick and colleagues (1990) studied
plasma prolactin response to IV administration of tryptophan in seven healthy human males before and after
a 10-day course of carbamazepine. They found that after
the carbamazepine treatment, the prolactin response
to tryptophan was significantly enhanced. Moreover,
carbamazepine treatment has been reported to increase
plasma total and free tryptophan in epileptic patients
(Fernstrom, 1983), which could lead to an increase in
brain 5-HT function.
In contrast, Post and colleagues (1984a) found no significant effect of carbamazepine on CSF levels of 5-HIAA in
affectively ill patients. Likewise, Kusumi and colleagues
(1994a) reported no in vitro effect of carbamazepine (10 M)
for 1 or 4 hours on basal calcium or 5-HTinduced intracellular calcium mobilization in the platelets of seven healthy
Subsequently, Mannel and colleagues (1997) administered d, l-fenfluramine challenge tests to 30 mixed affective
disorder patients after a mean period of 9.2 months of prophylactic treatment with either lithium or carbamazepine.
Of the 30 patients, 15 were treated with lithium and the other
15 with carbamazepine. The authors found that the cortisol



response to d, l-fenfluramine was significantly increased in

the lithium-treated patients compared with those receiving
carbamazepine, whereas there was no significant difference
in the prolactin response to d, l-fenfluramine between the
two groups. These findings are in keeping with the enhancing effect of lithium, but not carbamazepine, on 5-HT function. However, interpretation of the study data was limited
by a lack of placebo control, heterogeneity of diagnostic
groups, and some patients taking neuroleptics within 72
hours before d, l-fenfluramine challenge testing.

The Serotonergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary
In summary, data from a variety of studiesincluding
CSF 5-HIAA, neuroendocrine challenge, platelet and brain
SERT, 5-HT receptor binding, and PET studiessuggest
that abnormalities of the serotonergic system are present
in depression. There have been far fewer studies of bipolar
disorder in this regard, but the available data suggest the
possibility of similar abnormalities. Most interesting are
the PET studies demonstrating reduced 5-HT1A binding in
bipolar depressed patients and in unipolar depressed patients with bipolar relatives. Equally intriguing are recent
reports that vulnerability to the deleterious effects of reduced tryptophan may represent an endophenotype for
bipolar disorder. Boxes 146 and 147 summarize overall
major findings and findings of newer studies supporting
the involvement of the serotonergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression.

BOX 146. A Summary of Major Findings Supporting

Involvement of the Serotonergic System in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and
Recurrent Unipolar Depression

Reduced CSF 5-HIAA appears to be characteristic of both

suicidal and impulsive/aggressive patients, whether unipolar

or bipolar
Reduced CSF 5-HIAA may be found in both depressive and
manic states (consistent with a permissive hypothesis)
Blunted neuroendocrine and temperature responses to various 5-HT agonists
Reduced [3H]IMI binding in platelets and postmortem brain
Reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding in living brain and postmortem brain tissue
Antidepressant efficacy of agents that increase intrasynaptic
Agents that increase intrasynaptic 5-HT are capable of triggering manic episodes, albeit less so than catecholamineenhancing agents
Tryptophan depletion induces a rapid depressive relapse in
SSRI-treated patients (but not lithium-treated patients)
Chronic antidepressants generally reduce 5-HT turnover in patients, even agents whose primary biochemical target is not
the 5-HT system
Chronic SSRIs reduce cell body 5-HT1A density, thereby increasing 5-HT neuron firing
Antidepressants generally decrease 5-HT2 density in rat frontal
cortex, but ECS increases it

CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; ECS = electroconvulsive stimulation;

SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

The Cholinergic System

There has been a long-standing interest in the potential
involvement of the cholinergic system in manic-depressive
illness, based primarily on studies indicating the prominent mood and behavioral effects of cholinergic agonists
and antagonists. Identification of this association initially
stemmed from observations that industrial poisoning
with cholinesterase inhibitors (which enhance acetylcholine [ACh] function by inhibiting its degradation)
produced a depression-like clinical picture (Rowntree
et al., 1950). In 1973, Janowsky and colleagues noted that
physostigmine, a central cholinesterase inhibitor, caused
brief but dramatic decreases in manic symptoms, a finding
replicated by Modestin and colleagues (1973a,b) and Davis
and colleagues (1978). These observations led Janowsky and
colleagues to propose the cholinergicaminergic balance
hypothesis: that an increased ratio of cholinergic to adrenergic activity underlies the pathophysiology of depression,
whereas the reverse occurs in mania. Because physostigmine
made the patients in the study sick, questions were raised
about the specificity of this finding. Yet proponents of the

ACh hypothesis point out that the effectinhibition of

behavior and reduction of maniagenerally precedes the
associated nonspecific nausea and vomiting.
Physostigmine administration can also precipitate depression in euthymic bipolar patients maintained on
lithium (Oppenheim et al., 1979) and in normal volunteers
(Janowsky and Risch, 1984). Likewise, the direct muscarinic
agonist arecoline produces depressive symptoms in euthymic bipolar patients off lithium and in normal volunteers
(Nurnberger et al., 1983, 1989). And depressive symptoms, including psychomotor retardation and depressed mood, are
often a complication of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor treatment of Alzheimers disease. Such sensitivity to the moodlowering effects of cholinergic drugs appears dependent on
the presence of an underlying psychiatric disorder.
As described in Chapters 18 and 19, the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil was added to various existing therapies in
treatment-resistant bipolar patients in an open study, with
benefits reported in over half the patients (Burt et al., 1999).
However, manic episodes have also been associated with the

BOX 147. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Serotonergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)

5-HTTLPR short variant associated with poor re-

Genetic Studies

TPH (tryptophan hydroxylase) gene intron 7


A218C polymorphism associated with BPD (Bellivier et al., 1998b)

TPH*A-containing variant may be a protective
factor for depressive symptoms in male mood disorder patients (Serretti et al., 2001)
Differences in distribution of alleles for the MAOACA repeat in female BPD (meta-analysis)
(Preisig et al., 2000)
Increased frequency of COMT met158 and the
short 5-HTTLPR (linked functional polymorphic
region) alleles and genotypes in BPD without
panic disorder (Rotondo et al., 2002)
Increased frequency of allele 12 of VNTR (variable
number tandem repeat) polymorphism intron
2 of 5-HTT gene in BPD (Collier et al., 1996a)
5-HTTLPR homozygous low-activity genotype reported to be associated with affective disorder
(Collier et al., 1996b)
VNTR in the second intron of 5-HTT gene reported to be associated with BPD (Kunugi et al.,
1997; Rees et al., 1997)
Polymorphism in 5-HT2C receptor gene and 5-HTT
gene reported to be found in BP-I females may
represent a minor increase in susceptibility (Oruc
et al., 1997)
Homozygocity for the short variant of the
5-HTTLPR reported to be more frequent in BPD
(Bellivier et al., 1998a)
Promoter allele 2 of 5-HTT gene (that results in
lower level of 5-HT transporter transcription) may
be associated with risk for affective disorder
(meta-analysis) (Furlong et al., 1998)
The 12 repeat of the VNTR in intron 2 of the 5-HTT
gene reported to be a susceptibility (although
small) factor in BPD (Kirov et al., 1999)
Individuals homozygous for the long variant
5-HTTLPR had better mood symptom amelioration after total sleep deprivation (Benedetti et al.,
Increased 5-HTTLPR 3UTR G/T polymorphism associated with BPD (Mynett-Johnson et al., 2000)
5-HTT gene variations associated with susceptibility to puerperal psychosis in BPD (Coyle et al., 2000)
Increased 5-HTTLPR long allele reported in rapid
cycling (Cusin et al., 2001)


and metabolite levels

sponse to fluoxamine in MDD and BPD (Zanardi

et al., 2001)
Increased 5-HTTLPR short-allele gene and higher
rate of homozygosity for the short variant in patients with history of induced mania by serotonergic antidepressants (Mundo et al., 2001)
5-HT2C receptor gene, Ser23 allele, may increase
susceptibility to BPD in females (Gutierrez et al.,
5-HT5A gene allelic association was found with
the 19 G/C polymorphism and BPD, MDD, and
schizophrenia (Birkett et al., 2000)
Variation in the 5-HT6 gene may be associated
with BPD (Vogt et al., 2000)
5-HT2A receptor gene promoter polymorphism
1438 A/G may be causally related to BPD (Chee
et al., 2001)
Increase of 5-HT2C receptor gene (Cys 23 Ser)
allele in MDD-BPD (Lerer et al., 2001)
5-HT3A receptor C178T missense mutation may
represent susceptibility to BPD (Niesler et al., 2001)
Increased frequency of A allele of 5-HT2A receptor
gene in subgroup of BP-I patients with low
suicidal risk (Bonnier et al., 2002)
Increased plasma free 5-HT and 5-HIAA in BPD
patients treated chronically with Li (Artigas
et al., 1989)
Reduced 5-HIAA in frontal-parietal and
5-HIAA/5-HT ratio in temporal cortex in bipolar
postmortem studies (Young et al., 1994b)
Increased 5-HT platelet levels in bipolar depressed patients (Shiah et al., 1999)

Challenge Studies

Blunted response of prolactin to fenfluramine in manic patients inconsistently reported (Thakore et al., 1996) (Yatham
Blunted GH response to sumatriptan (5-HT1D agonist) reported
in BPD patients who also suffered migraine (Mahmood et al.,
Sumatriptan-induced GH response reported to be blunted
in depressed but not manic patients (Yatham et al., 1997)
Decreased planning and memory function reported in
first-degree relatives of BP-I patients after acute tryptophan depletion. Double-blind crossover trial (Sobczak et al.,



BOX 147. Newer Studies Supporting Involvement of the Serotonergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar) (continued)

IMI and PXT had better antidepressant response

Intracellular Signaling Related to 5-HT

Increased basal membrane/cytosol PKC portioning, and in-

creased 5-HT-elicited platelet PKC translocation and membrane/cytosol portioning in mania. Li (2 weeks) normalized
the changes (Friedman et al., 1993; J. Wang et al., 1999)
Decrease of 5-HT-induced Ca mobilization by pretreatment
with PKC activator (PMA) (Suzuki, 2001)
Enhanced 5-HT-receptor-mediated G protein coupling in
frontal cortical membranes from postmortem BPD patients
(Friedman and Wang, 1996)
Increase in 5-HT-induced Ca mobilization of untreated manic
patients (Yamawaki et al., 1996; Suzuki et al., 2001). Restored to
control levels in treated euthymic BPD patients (Okamoto
et al., 1995)
Increased Ca response to 5-HT in platelets from BPD patients;
5-HT-induced intraplatelet Ca response reported to represent
a good predictor of mood stabilizer response in a 5-year
follow-up (Kusumi et al., 2000)

Treatment Related

Increased prolactin response to tryptophan

infusion after short-term Li treatment (Price et al.,
Increase in plasma cortisol response to L-5-HTP
(5-hydroxytryptophan) after treatment with valproate in manic patients (Maes et al., 1997)
Acute tryptophan depletion did not reverse beneficial effects of Li on mood and suicidality in BPD
patients (Hughes et al., 2000)
TCA and MAOIs had higher rate of switch to mania
than fluoxetine in BPD patients (Boerlin et al., 1998)


than placebo only in patients with low plasma Li

levels in bipolar depression. Possibly supportive
of serotonergic effects of Li (Nemeroff et al., 2001)
Potentiation of antidepressant effect of total
sleep deprivation and prevention of short-term
relapse reported to be produced by pindolol (5HT1A antagonist) in bipolar depression (Smeraldi
et al., 1999). Overall, the pindolol augmentation
strategy remains controversial
Increased potency of 5-HT in a platelet shape
change velocity paradigm (May represent a
contributory factor in the cardiovascular risk
associated with mood disorders); reduced after
antidepressant treatment in unipolar and bipolar depression (Brusov et al., 1989)
Increased 5-HT platelet uptake in mania patients; normalized at discharge (Meagher et al.,
Reduced Vmax of 5-HT uptake in platelets in BPD
patients (Marazziti et al., 1991)
Reduced (trend) 5-HT uptake sites in frontal cortex in BPD depressed patients (Leake et al., 1991)
Reduced platelet 5-HTT function in unaffected
relatives of BPD patients (Leboyer et al., 1999)
Reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding potential in
raphe and hippocampus-amygdala (PET), more
marked in bipolar and unipolar depressive patients with bipolar relatives (Drevets et al., 1999)
Increased binding potential of 5-HTT in thalamus
in mood disorder patients (Ichimiya et al., 2002)

BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; Ca = calcium; COMT = catechol-O-methyltransferase; GH = growth hormone; IMI = imipramine; Li-lithium;
MAOI = monoamine oxidase inhibitor; MDD = major depressive disorder; PKC = protein kinase C; PXT = paroxetine; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant.

use of donepezil in case reports (Benazzi, 1998, 1999). A recent small, 6-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
involving 11 patients with treatment-resistant mania found
no difference in the efficacy of add-on donepezil compared
to placebo in the treatment of manic symptoms in patients
with treatment-resistant mania (Evins et al., 2006).
In a small open study, Stoll and colleagues (1996) gave
choline bitartrate to six lithium-treated outpatients with
rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Five of the six patients were
reported to have a reduction in manic symptoms and four to
have a marked reduction in all mood symptoms during the
choline therapy. Although these findings are intriguing, the
small sample size and open nature of this study suggest that
caution is required in the interpretation of the results.

Finally, the muscarinic agonist xanomeline has been reported to decrease mood swings and psychotic-like behaviors in Alzheimers patients (Bodick et al., 1997). In preclinical studies, muscarinic agonists have been found to
increase and antagonists to decrease immobility or despair in the forced swim test model of depression. Thus,
the cholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine, but not the peripherally acting neostigmine, increases immobility in the
forced swim test, suggesting depressogenic activity. Interestingly, the enhanced immobility produced by physostigmine was reversed by the 1-adrenergic agonist metoprolol, supporting the contention that a balance between the
cholinergic and adrenergic systems may play an important
role in modulating mood. The hypercholinergic Flinders


Resistant Line of rats has exaggerated immobility in the

forced swim test, as do rats after chronic treatment with
muscarinic antagonists to produce cholinergic supersensitivity (Janowsky et al., 1994).
The cholinergic hypothesis is also supported by a number of indirect observations documenting differences in
the responses of patients and controls after specific interventions, such as cholinergic-induced REM sleep (Sitaram
et al., 1982; Janowsky et al., 1994). REM occurs during discreet periods of sleep, but its onset can be induced earlier in
normal volunteers by cholinergic agents.25 Sitaram and colleagues (1980) found faster induction of REM sleep with
arecoline (a cholinergic agonist) in two groups of drug-free
euthymic patients with affective disorders (primarily bipolar disorder). The same research team followed up with a
second report on 14 euthymic bipolar patients, again finding
that the second REM period occurred significantly earlier
(Sitaram et al., 1982). Two groups replicated these results
nearly a decade later (Berger et al., 1989; Nurnberger et al.,
A few studies have addressed the heritability of this trait.
Nurnberger and colleagues (1983) investigated the cholinergic induction of REM during sleep in seven sets of identical
twins. Overall, they found an intraclass correlation of .69
for REM latency time after cholinergic stimulation, suggesting a genetic component to REM latency findings.
Sitaram and colleagues (1987) studied REM latency
after cholinergic exposure in 35 ill and 34 healthy firstdegree relatives of 34 unipolar depressed probands, selected on the basis of their supersensitivity to cholinergics.
Supersensitivity was observed in 66 percent of the ill relatives and 22 percent of the well relatives, again suggesting
that REM latency tracks with affective illness. Unfortunately for our current goal of identifying subclinical endophenotypes in nonaffected relatives, these studies did
not compare their findings with a control population.
In sum, findings on cholinergic-induced REM sleep in
bipolar subjects have been consistent among studies. However, there is incongruence regarding the state versus trait
status of this phenotype: some studies have identified state
independence (Sitaram et al., 1980; Nurnberger et al., 1989),
while others have not (Berger et al., 1989).
Although less extensively than for the serotonergic or
noradrenergic systems, investigators have also used neuroendocrine challenge tests to examine the acetylcholine
system in depression. An exaggerated GH response to pyridostigmine in major depression has been reported, an observation (with 63 percent sensitivity) that distinguished
these patients with unipolar depression from those with
schizophrenia and alcohol dependence syndrome (Cooney
et al., 1997). Dinan and colleagues (1994) used the same test
to investigate the cholinergic system in seven male manic


patients and seven male healthy controls. They found that

the GH response to pyridostigmine (120 mg) was significantly enhanced in the manic patients. They conclude that
the enhanced pyridostigmine/GH responsiveness in mania
may be due to enhanced somatostatin tone or increased
cholinergic receptor responsivity.
Sokolski and DeMet (1999, 2000) have used pupillary
constrictions following application of the cholinergic agonist pilocarpine as a means to investigate the cholinergic
system. Cholinergic sensitivity was assessed prior to and
following treatments by means of graded concentrations of
pilocarpine eyedrops (.032.0 percent). Pupil size changes
were quantified with an infrared pupillometer. The same
group also found that lithium and valproate both potentiated the cholinergic responses, and that improvements
in mania were closely correlated with decreases in ED50
(i.e., amount of pilocarpine necessary to bring about halfmaximal responses). These results are consistent with the
suggestion that the antimanic effects of lithium and valproate may involve (at least in part) increasing cholinergic
activity in relation to monoaminergic neurotransmission.
Investigators have also used magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to investigate choline resonance. The
first reported in vivo proton MRS study of choline compounds in affective disorders found that elderly depressed
patients had increased choline/chromium (Cho/Cr) ratios
in basal ganglia compared with controls (Charles et al.,
1994). Subsequently, a similar difference was found between muscular dystrophy and controls (Renshaw and
Cohen, 1993; Charles et al., 1994). Early studies in bipolar
patients (Sharma et al., 1992; Lafer et al., 1994) also indicated that Cho/Cr resonance was elevated in basal ganglia
compared with that in controls. Two studies of cortical regions found that there were no choline-level differences in
either the parietal or occipital regions in affective disorder
patients compared with controls (Sharma, 1992; Stoll et al.,
1992), suggesting that the finding of increased Cho/Cr may
be limited to the subcortical region.
A number of studies have attempted to investigate the
effects of medication on choline levels in affective disorder
patients. Again examining the basal ganglia, studies by two
groups have found elevated Cho/Cr levels in depressed
subjects which normalized with therapy (Renshaw, 1993;
Charles et al., 1994). A larger controlled study by the Renshaw group (Sonawalla et al., 1999) found that basal ganglia Cho/Cr levels increased compared with baseline in
outpatients with unipolar depression treated for 8 weeks
with fluoxetine. In bipolar patients, an early cross-sectional
investigation by Lafer and colleagues (1994) found no difference in basal ganglia Cho/Cr levels between a group of
lithium-treated and lithium-free bipolar subjects; however,
other medications may have been an important confound.



A more recent longitudinal study of lithiums effects on

medication-free bipolar patients, measured with quantitative MRS methods (G. Moore et al., 1999), found a significant decrease compared with baseline in frontal lobe
choline concentration after 7 days of lithium treatment,
an effect that persisted with chronic lithium treatment (4
This study is interesting in several respects. Recent in
vitro studies suggest that lithium, potentially through its effects on PKC, stimulates phospholipase D, resulting in the
breakdown of phosphatidylcholine (PTC) to diacylglycerol
(DAG) (discussed below). A mobile head group on the PTC
molecule may make this compound partially visible by
MRS, contributing in part to the total brain Cho signal observed through proton MRS.

Lithium and the Cholinergic System

Neurochemical, behavioral, and physiological studies have
all indicated that the cholinergic system is involved in affective illness (Dilsaver and Coffman, 1989) and that lithium
alters the synaptic processing of ACh in rat brain. The addition of up to 1 mM of lithium in vitro has no effect on ACh
synthesis or release, but chronic in vivo lithium treatment
appears to increase ACh synthesis, choline transport, and
ACh release in rat brain (Simon and Kuhar, 1976; Jope,
1979). While some investigators have reported reductions in
ACh levels in rat brain following subchronic administration (Krell and Goldberg, 1973; Ho and Tsai, 1975; Ronai
and Vizi, 1975), Jope (1979) reported increased synthesis of
ACh in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum following 10
days of lithium administration.
With respect to the density of muscarinic receptors,
chronic lithium has been reported to increase (Kafka et al.,
1982; Levy et al., 1982; Lerer and Stanley, 1985), decrease
(Tollefson et al., 1982), or not change (Maggi and Enna,
1980) the binding of the cholinergic ligand [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) in various areas of rat brain. In
human caudate nucleus, lithium is reported to reduce the
affinity of [3H]QNB binding. The effects of lithium on
both up- and downregulation of muscarinic receptors in
brain have also been investigated. There have been reports
that lithium is able to abolish the increase in [3H]QNB
binding produced by atropine, but is without effect on the
downregulation induced by the cholinesterase inhibitor
diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP); these data are variable
and inconclusive, however (Levy et al., 1982; Lerer and
Stanley, 1985). Ellis and Lenox (1990) examined both receptor binding and muscarinic receptorcoupled phosphoinositide (PI) response in rat hippocampus during
atropine-induced upregulation. They found that chronic
treatment with atropine results in an upregulation of muscarinic receptors and a supersensitivity of the PI response

in the hippocampus. Coadministration of chronic lithium

prevented the development of supersensitivity of the muscarinic receptor PI response without significantly affecting
the extent of upregulation of receptor binding sites. These
findings suggest that lithiums actions are exerted at a point
beyond the receptor binding site, possibly affecting the coupling of the newly upregulated receptors at the level of the
signal-transducing G proteins. Thus, similar to the case
for dopaminergic and fl-adrenergic receptors, it appears
that lithium can block the development of cholinergic
receptor supersensitivity. Chronic lithium has also been
reported to increase intraerythrocyte concentrations of
choline more than 10-fold.26 This appears to be the result
of not only inhibition of choline transport but also enhanced phospholipase Dmediated degradation of phospholipids, which may as well be mediated via PKC activation.
In behavioral studies, chronic lithium in clinically relevant doses is reported to enhance a number of cholinergically mediated responses, including catalepsy and hypothermia. The effect of lithium on pilocarpine-induced catalepsy
and hypothermia was found to be of the same order of magnitude as the enhancement induced by chronic scopolamine
pretreatment. Combined administration of both pretreatments resulted in additive effects, suggesting that different
mechanisms may be involved (Russell et al., 1981; Lerer and
Stanley, 1985; Dilsaver and Hariharan, 1988). Of interest in
this regard is a study by Dilsaver and Hariharan (1989), who
reported that chronic lithium treatment results in a supersensitivity of nicotine-induced hypothermia in rats.
Perhaps the most striking example of lithiums ability to potentiate muscarinic responses comes from the
lithiumpilocarpine seizure model.27 In large doses, pilocarpine and other muscarinic agonists cause prolonged,
usually lethal seizures in rats. Although lithium alone is
not a convulsant, pretreatment with lithium increases the
sensitivity of pilocarpine almost 20-fold.28 Interestingly,
this behavioral effect of lithium is markedly attenuated by
intracerebroventricular administration of myoinositol in
both rats and mice (Kofman et al., 1991; Tricklebank et al.,
1991), representing perhaps the best correlation between
a biochemical and behavioral effect of lithium (see later
discussion of phosphoinositide turnover). A synergism
with the cholinergic system also occurs in electrophysiological studies in hippocampal slices, in which pilocarpine
and lithium together, but not alone, produce spontaneous
epileptiform bursting (Jope et al., 1986; Ormandy and Jope,
1991). Elegant studies in rat hippocampus have demonstrated that lithium can reverse muscarinic agonistinduced
desensitization, an effect that is mediated through PI hydrolysis and can be reversed by inositol (Pontzer and
Crews, 1990). Studies by Evans and colleagues (1990)


have indicated that lithiums role in lithiumpilocarpine

seizures is to increase excitatory transmission through
a presynaptic facilitatory effect. Lithium alone was also
found to augment synaptic responses; this effect of the drug
could be blocked by a PKC inhibitor. These results suggest
that lithiums effects in this model may occur through a
PKC-mediated presynaptic facilitation of neurotransmitter
release (discussed later). Biochemical, electrophysiological,
and behavioral data suggest that chronic lithium administration stimulates ACh synthesis and release in rat brain
and potentiates some cholinergic-mediated physiological
events. Interestingly, similar to the situation observed with
the catecholaminergic system, pharmacological studies indicate that chronic lithium prevents muscarinic receptor
supersensitivity, most likely through postreceptor mechanisms. Overall, the preponderance of the data suggests that
chronic lithium enhances cholinergic throughput.
By contrast, very few studies have examined the effects
of valproate or carbamazepine on the cholinergic system.
However, existing data suggest that carbamazepine, like
lithium, may enhance cholinergic function. Zhu and colleagues (2002) showed through in vivo microdialysis that
therapeutically relevant concentrations of carbamazepine
increased basal ACh release in frontal cortex of freely moving rats, effects regulated by N-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+
channels. Acute administration of modest doses of carbamazepine (25 mg/kg) has been shown to increase both striatal and hippocampal extracellular levels of ACh, whereas
both acute and chronic administration of carbamazepine
(25 and 50 mg/kg, respectively, per day) were found to increase intracellular ACh levels in striatum and hippocampus (Mizuno et al., 2000).

The Cholinergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary
Overall, although not extensively, the data are consistent with
Janowskys original proposal that cholinergicadrenergic
balance may play a role in modulating affective behavior.
Although lithium clearly potentiates cholinergic responses, the therapeutic activity of other antidepressant
and antimanic drugs does not consistently parallel effects
on the cholinergic system, and a number of these agents,
including MAOIs and various second-generation antidepressants, lack any interaction with cholinergic receptors
(Rudorfer et al., 1984). Together these findings suggest that,
although manipulation of the cholinergic system is capable of modulating affective state, it does not clearly represent a relevant therapeutic action of currently available
agents. The possibility that additional means of augmenting the functioning of the cholinergic system may have utility is an interesting avenue that has not been extensively
studied. Unfortunately, there have been few follow-up


BOX 148. Newer Studies of the Cholinergic System

in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of ManicDepressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)
Clinical Studies

Increased pilocarpine required to elicit 50 percent reduction

in pupil size; correlated with severity of mania (Sokolski and

DeMet, 2000)
Increased pupillary responsiveness to pilocarpine (cholinergic
agonist) after valproate and lithium treatment in mania
(DeMet and Sokolski, 1999; Sokolski and DeMet, 1999)
Increased pyridostigmine (acetylcholine esterase inhibitor)induced release of GH in manic patients (Dinan et al., 1994)
Increased erythroyte choline concentration in patients with
mania (Stoll et al., 1991)
RS 86 (cholinergic agonist) exhibited antimanic and REM
sleepinducing properties (Berger et al., 1991)

In Vitro Studies

Chronic valproate, but not lithium or carbamazepine, reduced

carbachol-stimulated early growth response-1 (Egr-1) DNA
binding activity by 60 percent in SH-SY5Y cells (Grimes and
Jope, 1999)
Lithium inhibited carbachol stimulation AP-1 gene expression
in SH-SY5Y cells (Jope and Song, 1997)
Selective effect of lithium on M1-mediated muscarinic neurotransmission in hippocampal slices in CA3 pyramidal neurons
of guinea pigs (Muller et al., 1989)
GH = growth hormone; REM = rapid eye movement.

studies to investigate more fully the role of specific muscarinic receptor subtypes in mediating the antimanic effects of nonselective cholinomimetics. The poor selectivity
and tolerability of muscarinic agonists and other cholinomimetics and the low efficacy of agonists for putative
target receptors have precluded extensive study and development of these agents for affective disorders. Box 148
summarizes findings of newer studies supporting the involvement of the cholinergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment of manic-depressive illness, principally
the bipolar subgroup.

The GABAergic System

Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), widespread in the
CNS, is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter, diminishing the activity of its many target neurons. (See Figure 144
for a depiction of the various regulatory processes involved
in GABAergic neurotransmission.) GABAergic neurons are
much more diffusely located than catecholaminergic neurons, with similar GABA concentrations being found in diverse brain regions. Since GABA exerts a general inhibitory











Ca2+ channel

K+ channel


Figure 144. The various regulatory processes involved in GABAergic neurotransmission. The amino acid (and neurotransmitter) glutamate serves as the precursor for the biosynthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The rate-limiting enzyme for the process is glutamic
acid decarboxylase (GAD), which utilizes pyridoxal phosphate as an important cofactor. Furthermore, agents such as L-glutamine- hydrazide and allylglycine inhibit this enzyme and thus the production of GABA. Once released from the presynaptic terminal, GABA can interact with a variety of presynaptic and postsynaptic receptors. Presynaptic regulation of GABA neuron firing activity and release occurs
through somatodendritic (not shown) and nerve terminal GABAB receptors, respectively. Baclofen is a GABAB receptor agonist. The binding
of GABA to ionotropic GABAA receptors and metabotropic GABAB receptors mediates the effects of this receptor. The GABAB receptors are
thought to mediate their actions by being coupled to Ca2+ or K+ channels via second messenger systems. Many agents are able to modulate
GABAA receptor function. Benzodiazepines, such as diazepam, increase chloride (Cl) permeability and there are numerous antagonists available directed against this benzodiazepine-binding site. There is also a distinctive barbiturate-binding site on GABAA receptors, and many
psychotropic agents are capable of influencing the function of this receptor (see diagram). GABA is taken back into the presynaptic nerve
ending by a high-affinity GABA uptake transporter (GAT) similar to that of the monoamines. Once inside the neuron, GABA breakdown
can occur by GABA-transaminase (GABA-T), which is localized in the mitochondria; GABA that is not degraded is sequestered and stored
into secretory vesicles by vesicular GABA transporters (VGAT), which differ from vesicular monoamine transporters in their bioenergetic
dependence. (Source: Owens and Kriegstein, 2002. Reprinted with permission from Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.)

role on brain excitability, it is not altogether surprising

that it has been postulated to be involved in a variety of
disorders presumed to be associated with phasic regional
neuronal hyperexcitability. Furthermore, the increased use
of valproate as a treatment for mania in recent years has led
to a resurgence of interest in the potential role of GABA in
bipolar disorder.
Several investigators have reported significantly lower
CSF and plasma GABA levels in patients with major

depression (predominantly unipolar) than in controls (Petty

and Schlesser, 1981; Petty et al., 1990). In three other studies, however (Post et al., 1980b; Gerner and Hare, 1981; Joffe
et al., 1986), investigators sampled a later aliquot higher up
in the rostrocaudal gradient for GABA and found no significant difference between depressed patients and controls.
Berrettini and colleagues (1986) sampled euthymic bipolar
depressed patients and found them to be not significantly
different from controls. Even in studies finding low levels


of GABA, the findings were not specific to cases of depression or mania but were also seen in alcoholism (Petty
et al., 1993).
In a longitudinal study of one patient with rapid cycles, Joffe and colleagues (1986) found CSF GABA to be
significantly higher during the patients five manic episodes
than in the four depressed episodes. Two well-state studies
of CSF GABA (Berrettini et al., 1986; Joffe et al., 1986) produced conflicting results; the former noted lower levels
compared with controls whereas the latter did not.
The relationship between GABA in plasma and in CSF
is not clear. In one small study, no correlation was found
(Berrettini and Post, 1984). In contrast, Petty and Sherman
(1984) reported that plasma GABA levels were significantly
lower than normal in a group of 62 medicated depressed
patients. Only four of these patients were bipolar, however,
and their mean levels were very close to those of the controls. Combining data from their four previous studies,
Coffman and Petty (1986) found that manic and remitted
bipolar patients had significantly higher levels of plasma
GABA than those of control subjects, but when the patients were depressed, the plasma GABA levels did not
differ from the controls. Of three studies of GABA in recovered bipolar patients, one, using lithium-treated patients, showed GABA levels significantly higher than normal levels (Petty and Sherman, 1984; Coffman and Petty,
1986), whereas the other two, using patients off all medication for 2 weeks, showed significantly lower than normal
levels (Berrettini et al., 1983, 1985b). This apparent discrepancy might be explained by the longitudinal finding of the
Berrettini group that plasma GABA levels fall significantly
after lithium is discontinued. Interestingly, a small study of
identical twins revealed that plasma GABA levels show
a close intrapair correspondence (Berrettini and Post, 1984).
However, it is too early to assess whether this measure will
be useful as a trait marker for bipolar disorder. Low plasma
GABA differentiates well from ill subjects in about one-third
of bipolar patients (Petty et al., 1993) and is also seen in
euthymic unmedicated bipolar patients (Berrettini et al.,
1982). Plasma GABA levels do not correlate with severity of
symptoms for either depression or mania (i.e., are stateindependent); however, the key research for identifying
whether the marker is familial and segregates with illness in
families with affective disorders has not yet been done.
In a large multicenter trial of valproate in the treatment
of mania (Bowden et al., 1994; see Chapter 18), plasma
concentrations of GABA were measured before and after
treatment in a subset of 63 patients. Interestingly, although
treatment with both lithium and valproate resulted in reductions in plasma GABA levels, pretreatment levels of
plasma GABA predicted response to valproate but not to
lithium. However, it was the patients with higher levels of


plasma GABA who were more likely to show an antimanic

response to valproate. Since valproate is believed to enhance GABA function (discussed below), these observations suggest a more complex relationship between the
manic state and too little GABA.
Krystal, Sanacora, and colleagues undertook a series of
in vivo MRS studies to measure GABA in patients with
mood disorders (Sanacora et al., 1999; Krystal et al., 2002).
Measurement of GABA levels in occipital cortex (the only
brain region demonstrated thus far to allow for reliable
GABA quantitation using MRS) appeared to discriminate
between unipolar and bipolar depressed patients. Thus,
these investigators found significant reductions in occipital
cortex GABA levels in unipolar but not bipolar depressed
patients. Interestingly, among unipolar depressed patients,
reductions were most prominent in patients with melancholic or psychotic depression compared with those meeting criteria for atypical depression, a form of depression
with features that overlap considerably with bipolar depression.
Recently, Dean and colleagues (2005) measured the
density of GABA ([3H] muscimol) and benzodiazepine
([3H] flumazenil) binding sites on the GABA(A) receptor
in hippocampi, obtained postmortem, from schizophrenic,
bipolar-I disorder and control subjects. In addition, they
measured the amount of [3H] flumazenil binding that
could be displaced with zolpidem and clonazepam. There
were complex, regionally specific changes in [3H] muscimol binding in the hippocampus from subjects with bipolar disorder. Notably, there were also significant decreases
in zolpidem-sensitive and increases in zolpidem-insensitive
[3H] flumazenil binding in most regions of the sections of
the hippocampal formation studied in bipolar disorder.
Unlike [3H] flumazenil, zolpidem does not bind to the 5
subunit of the GABA(A) receptor; these findings therefore
raise the possibility that there is an increase in GABA(A)
receptors containing 5 subunit in the hippocampus from
subjects with bipolar-I disorder.

Postmortem Brain Studies of GABA Synthetic Enzymes

In postmortem brain studies, Guidotti and colleagues
(2000) identified unexpected abnormalities in the levels
of reelin and the GABA synthetic enzymes glutamic acid
decarboxylase (GAD65 and GAD67) in schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder. Reelin is a glycoprotein secreted preferentially by cortical GABAergic interneurons (layers I and
II) that binds to integrin receptors located on dendritic
spines of pyramidal neurons or on GABAergic interneurons of layers III through V expressing the disabled-1 gene
product (Dab-1), a cytosolic adaptor protein that mediates
reelin action (Guidotti et al., 2000). The authors found
that prefrontal cortex and cerebellar expression of reelin



mRNA, GAD67 protein and mRNA, and prefrontal cortex

reelin-positive cells was significantly decreased by 3050
percent in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
with psychosis, but not in those with unipolar depression
without psychosis, when compared with nonpsychiatric
Benes and colleagues (2000) developed techniques for
immunolocalizing GAD65 and applied these techniques
to anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices of 12 normal
controls, 12 schizophrenic subjects, and 5 bipolar subjects.
They found that in the bipolar subjects, the density of
GAD65-IR terminals was significantly reduced in all four
layers of anterior cingulated cortex (layers IIVI), but these
differences were most significant in layers II (27.8 percent)
and III (37.2 percent), regardless of whether the subjects
had been treated with neuroleptics. In prefrontal cortex,
the bipolar subjects showed similar differences in terminal
density for pyramidal neurons and nonpyramidal neurons
but not neuropil in the four laminae examined. The bipolar group showed no differences in either the size of cell
bodies or GAD65 immunoreactive terminals; given the
small sample size, however, the possibility of a Type II error cannot be excluded.
The same group (Heckers et al., 2002) investigated hippocampal sections from 15 bipolar subjects, 15 schizophrenic
subjects, and 15 controls through an in situ hybridization
for GAD65 and GAD67 mRNA. These investigators found
that the density of GAD65 and GAD67 mRNA-positive neurons was decreased by 45 and 43 percent, respectively, in
subjects with bipolar disorder, but only 14 and 4 percent, respectively, in subjects with schizophrenia. The decreased
density of GAD65 mRNA-positive neurons in subjects with
bipolar disorder was significant in sectors CA2/3 and dentate gyrus, and that of GAD67 mRNA-positive neurons was
significant in CA4 but not other hippocampal sectors. Cellular GAD65 mRNA expression was significantly decreased in
subjects with bipolar disorder, particularly in CA4, but not in
schizophrenic subjects. Cellular GAD67 mRNA expression
was normal in both groups.

Studies of Reelin
As discussed above, postmortem studies have revealed that
an unexpected molecule may be involved in the pathophysiology of severe neuropsychiatric disorders, including
bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (Impagnatiello et al.,
1998; Fatemi et al., 2000a, 2001a,b; Guidotti et al., 2000).
Reelin is a member of a growing group of diverse proteins
whose absence is associated with an almost identical
phenotypeinversion of cerebral cortical layers and reduction or absence of cerebellar foliation.
Costa and colleagues first showed that reelin protein

and mRNA were reduced in several brain areas in both

schizophrenic and psychotic bipolar patients, leading to
their suggestion that reelin deficiency may be a vulnerability factor for psychosis independent of diagnosis (Guidotti
et al., 2000; Costa et al., 2001, 2002). Subsequently, Fatemi
and colleagues confirmed Costas findings, but found similar reductions in reelin protein in hippocampi of nonpsychotic bipolar and depressed patients, suggesting that reelin
deficiency alone is not a marker of psychosis (Fatemi et al.,
2000b, 2001a,b, 2002).29
Recent results from Fatemis group (unpublished observations) revealed that reelin 410 and 180 kilodalton species
were significantly reduced in cerebellum of subjects with
bipolar disorder (with and without psychosis) compared
with normal controls. Bipolar subjects also demonstrated
significant deficits in GAD proteins of 65 and 67 kilodalton
(GAD65 and GAD67) compared with controls. In contrast,
reelin deficiency was limited to the 180 kilodalton species
in cerebella of schizophrenic subjects. All schizophrenic
and depressed subjects also showed significant reductions
in GAD65 and GAD67 proteins compared with levels in controls. These results confirm the findings of a recent study by
Benes and colleagues (Heckers et al., 2002) showing a global
deficit in levels of GAD65 and GAD67 in hippocampus of
subjects with bipolar disorder. Interestingly, some brain
GABAergic interneurons share the synthetic machinery for
production of reelin and GAD65 and GAD67 proteins
(Pesold et al., 1998a,b) and appear to be dysfunctional in
bipolar subjects. Finally, deficits in hippocampal and cerebellar reelin levels in bipolar subjects (Fatemi et al., 2000b;
unpublished observations; Guidotti et al., 2000) correlate
well with decreases in levels of blood reelin in patients
with bipolar disorder (Fatemi et al., 2001a). Future larger
studies should aim to correlate the extent of reelin deficiency observed in hippocampus and cerebellum of subjects with bipolar disorder with blood and CSF levels of
the same protein to better define the role of reelin in the
etiology of bipolar disorder, recurrent depression, and
other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as schizophrenia and autism.

Lithium and the GABAergic System

In contrast to the abundant literature on lithiums effects
on monoamine neurotransmitters, much less work has
been conducted on the amino acid neurotransmitters and
neuropeptides (Bernasconi, 1982; Lloyd et al., 1987; Nemeroff, 1991). Studies have indicated that previously low
levels of plasma and CSF GABA are normalized in bipolar
patients being treated with lithium (Berrettini et al., 1983,
1986), paralleling reported GABA changes observed in several regions of rat brain (Gottesfeld et al., 1971; Maggi and



Enna, 1980; Ahluwalia et al., 1981). Interestingly, following withdrawal of chronic lithium, GABA levels return to
normal in striatum and midbrain, but remain elevated
in pons-medulla (Ahluwalia et al., 1981), possibly as a
result of elevated levels of the GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD.
Lithium has also been postulated to prevent GABA uptake, and chronic lithium has been shown to significantly
decrease low-affinity [3H]GABA sites in corpus striatum
and hypothalamus. Since lithium has no effect on in vitro
[3H]GABA binding, these receptor changes have been interpreted as downregulation secondary to activation of the
GABAergic system (Maggi and Enna, 1980). Although the
clinical relevance of these findings remains unclear, it is
noteworthy that decreases in CSF GABA have been reported in unipolar depressed patients (Post et al., 1980b;
Berrettini et al., 1982).
In the GABAergic system, the chronic administration
of lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine exerts important
effects, decreasing GABA turnover in frontal cortex
(Bernasconi, 1982). In addition, all three mood stabilizers
are reported to increase GABA(B) receptors in hippocampus following chronic, but not acute, administration (Motohashi et al., 1989). These findings are interesting given
that the GABA(B) agonist baclofen appeared to exacerbate
depression in a small group of patients, and its discontinuation was associated with improvement in mood and behavior (Post et al., 1991). The data suggest the possibility
that GABA(B) antagonists rather than agonists could have
a useful antidepressant effect, and that the effect of mood
stabilizers on GABAergic tone could be related to some of
the drugs psychotropic properties.

increase as GABA-T is inhibited by an increasing SSA

Indeed, numerous studies have documented an increase
in GABA concentration in rodent brain after valproate
administration (Johannessen, 2000). It is possible that valproate exerts its antimanic effects through inhibition of
SSADH. However, since the long-term effects of the drug
are seen only following long-term treatment, the effect of
SSADH on other cellular processes (perhaps not related
to GABA concentration) may be related to the long-term
changes in gene expression, protein concentration, and protein phosphorylation that are postulated to be the ultimate
reason for valproates mood-stabilizing effects (G. Gould
et al., 2003, 2004c).
Farther downstream of SSADH, the GABA shunt reenters the TCA cycle; thus, inhibition of the GABA shunt
could lead to lower overall activity of the TCA cycle. Indeed, lower TCA activityor perhaps increased GABA
may explain the decreased glucose metabolism observed
during valproate treatment (Leiderman et al., 1991; Gaillard
et al., 1996; Johannessen, 2000). Valproate also inhibits SSA
reductase, the enzyme that converts SSA to -hydroxybutyrate (GHB) with a Ki (the concentration of the drug
required to inhibit enzymatic activity by 50 percent) of 85
micromolar (M) (Whittle and Turner, 1978; Johannessen,
2000). Valproate increases plasma (Loscher and Schmidt,
1980), CSF (Loscher and Siemes, 1984), and brain GABA
(Patsalos and Lascelles, 1981) GABA, theoretically by inducing GAD (Nau and Loscher, 1982) as well as inhibiting
GABA aminotransferase (Loscher, 1993). In addition, valproate increases GABA release (Gram et al., 1988) and interacts with GABA transporters (Nilsson et al., 1990).

Valproate and the GABAergic System

The GABAergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary

A leading hypothesis of how valproate exerts its anticonvulsant effect is that it increases the availability of
GABA in GABAergic synapses (Johannessen, 2000).
GABA, an inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter, would
be expected to inhibit excessive firing of synapses, thus
inhibiting epileptogenic activity. A number of studies
show that valproate, at therapeutic concentrations, is
an inhibitor of succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase
(SSADH).30 This enzyme is critical for the GABA shunt,
an enzymatic series of reactions that produces both
glutamate and GABA by circumventing a portion of the
tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. GABA transaminase
(GABA-T) converts GABA to succinate semialdehyde
(SSA), which is then converted to succinate by SSADH.
Valproates effect on SSADH would be expected to increase levels of SSA, which has a strong inhibitory effect
on GABA-T activity. Thus, GABA concentration should

Since GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter

and exerts a major effect on neuronal excitability, it is
not surprising that abnormalities in the GABAergic system have been reported in mood disorders. However, the
body of biochemical data is not very strong, and recent
MRS studies suggest a GABAergic deficit (albeit only in
occipital cortex) in unipolar but not bipolar patients.
More intriguing are the several postmortem studies that
have demonstrated a decrease in GAD65 mRNA-positive
neurons in CA2 and CA3 dentate gyrus and of GAD-67
mRNA-positive neurons in CA4 dentate gyrus in bipolar
disorder (Heckers et al., 2002); decreased GAD-67 protein and mRNA and reelin (secreted by GABAergic interneurons) mRNA in prefrontal cortex and cerebellum
of psychotic bipolar patients (Guidotti et al., 2000);
and decreased immunoreactive density of GAD65 in



layers II and III of anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar

disorder (Benes et al., 2000). These findings raise the
possibility of a GABAergic deficit in limbic and limbicrelated areas (potentially due to loss of GABAergic neurons) in bipolar disorder, and warrant further study. Box
149 summarizes the findings of newer studies supporting the involvement of the GABAergic system in bipolar

BOX 149. Newer Studies Suggesting a Role for

the GABAergic System in the Pathophysiology and
Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)
Genetic Studies

Increased genotype 1-1 GABRA3 gene (3 subunit GABA receptor) in Xq28 in females with bipolar disorder (Massat et al., 2002)

GABA(A) receptor 5 subunit gene polymorphism in cr 15

(GABRA5) associated with bipolar disorder (Papadimitriou
et al., 1998)

The Glutamatergic System

It is surprising that the glutamatergic system has only recently undergone extensive investigation for its possible involvement in the pathophysiology of mood disorders, since
it is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS,
known to play a role in regulating the threshold for excitation of most other neurotransmitter systems. (For the regulatory processes involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission, see Figure 145.) Although much of the evidence for
the potential involvement of the glutamatergic system in
manic-depressive illnessderived from plasma, CSF, and
postmortem studiesmust be considered indirect, a growing body of data suggests that direct and indirect glutamate
modulators may exert antidepressant effects, perhaps particularly so in bipolar depression (Krystal et al., 2002;
Zarate et al., 2002).

Plasma and CSF Glutamate Levels

Altamura and colleagues (1993) reported that glutamate
plasma levels were significantly higher in patients with
mood disorders (n = 15) than in neurological patients with
tension headache (n = 10). Glutamate plasma levels were
also found to be higher for patients with mood disorders
than for healthy volunteers and patients with schizophrenia,

Plasma Level Studies

Higher pretreated GABA plasma levels in bipolar disorder

are correlated with response to valproate (but not lithium);
decrease after treatment (Petty et al., 1996)
Decreased GABA plasma levels in manic and depressive
phases of bipolar disorder (Petty et al., 1993)
Postmortem Studies

Decreased glutamic acid decarboxidase (GAD65) mRNA

positive neurons in CA2 CA3 dentate gyrus and GAD67 in CA4

in bipolar disorder (Heckers et al., 2002)
Decreased GAD67 protein and mRNA, and reelin (secreted by
GABAergic interneurons) mRNA in prefrontal cortex and cerebellum of psychotic bipolar patients (Guidotti et al., 2000)
Decreased immunoreactive density of GAD65 in layers II and III of
anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar patients (Benes et al., 2000)
Increased density of flumazenil binding to GABA(A) in area 9
in bipolar disorder (Dean et al., 2001)
Decreased density of calbindin-D28K-labeled neuron in layer 2,
and increased clustering among parvalbumin-labeled neurons
(markers of GABA populations) in cingulate cortex in bipolar
patients (Cotter et al., 2002a)

Figure 145. The various regulatory processes involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission. The biosynthetic pathway for glutamate involves syn-

thesis from glucose and the transamination of -ketoglutarate; however, a small proportion of glutamate is formed more directly from glutamine by
glutamine synthetase. The latter is actually synthesized in glia, and via an active process (requiring ATP) is transported to neurons where glutaminase
is able to convert this precursor to glutamate (see upper part of diagram). (In astrocytes glutamine can undergo oxidation to yield -ketoglutarate,
which can also be transported to neurons and participate in glutamate synthesis.) Glutamate is either metabolized or sequestered and stored into secretory vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluTs) (see inset in upper left corner of diagram). Glutamate can then be released by a calciumdependent excitotoxic process. Once released from the presynaptic terminal, glutamate is able to bind to numerous excitatory amino acid (EAA)
receptors, including both ionotropic (e.g., NMDA) and metabotropic receptors. Presynaptic regulation of glutamate release occurs through
metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR2/3) that subserve the function of autoreceptors. The middle part of the diagram shows glutamate receptors;
in the upper left are ionotropic receptors. Activation of the AMPA receptor (AMPA R) by glutamate permits the depolarization of the membrane (1).
When glutamate and glycine are present, this depolarization results in the release of magnesium from the NMDA receptor (NMDAR) channel (2).
Calcium also enters through the NMDAR pore (3). Interchange of cations additionally occurs via NMDAR and the kainate glutamate receptor (KAR).
In the upper right of the diagram metabotropic receptors are shown. Activation of Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu 1), which are
coupled with a G protein (Gq/11), produces activation of phospholipase C- (PLC-). Activation of Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGlu
2), which are coupled with Gi or Go, produces either inhibition of adenylyl cyclase (AC) or opening of potassium channels (not shown) respectively.
At the bottom of the figure the subunit composition of known receptor subtypes are shown. It is now known that there are a number of important
intracellular proteins able to alter the function of glutamate receptors (see middle section of diagram). Also, growth factors like GDNF and S100 secreted from glial cells have been demonstrated to exert a tremendous influence on glutamatergic neurons and synapse formation. Of note, 5-HT1A receptors have been documented to be regulated by antidepressant agents and to modulate the release of S100. (Source: Schatzberg and Nemeroff,
2004. Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 2004 by the American Psychiatric Association.)


anxiety disorders, and organic mental disorders. In addition, Mauri and colleagues (1998) found elevated plasma
and platelet levels of glutamate in depressed patients
compared with controls. Conversely, Maes and colleagues
(1998) found no difference in the plasma glutamate levels of
treatment-resistant depressed patients and age- and
gender-matched controls. Berk and colleagues (2001) suggest that the platelet glutamate receptors may be supersensitive in schizophrenia and depression with psychotic
features but not in mania with psychotic features, com-

pared with controls. At this point, however, the relationship

between plasma and platelet indices of glutamatergic function and central neurotransmission is unclear.

Brain Imaging Studies

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The past decade has
seen rapid advances in MRS and its application to the study
of recurrent mood disorders (reviewed in Glitz et al., 2002;
Moore and Galloway, 2002). It should be emphasized that
although some investigations refer to measuring glutamate,

Glial Cell




















PKA Yotiao











Receptor Subunit Types







Group I

Group II

Group III


GluR 1
GluR 2
GluR 3
GluR 4

GluR 5
GluR 6
GluR 7
KA 1
KA 2

mGlu 1 a-b-c-d
mGlu 5 a-b

mGlu 2
mGlu 3

mGlu 4 a-b
mGlu 6
mGlu 7 a-b
mGlu 8 a-b



the spectral resolution at the field strength used suggests

that Glx (a peak containing glutamate and additional
compounds, including glutamine) may be more appropriate. Using in vivo proton MRS and tissue segmen-tation
in 19 patients with major depression and 18 age-matched
controls, Auer and colleagues (2000) found a significant
decrease in absolute concentrations of anterior cingulate
cortex glutamate (1040 percent) in severely depressed
patients compared with the controls, whereas in occipital cortex Sanacora and colleagues (2004) found MRS
glutamate increased. In an MRS study of 10 children
with bipolar disorder aged 6 to 12 elevated levels of
glutamate/glutamine were found in both frontal lobes
and basal ganglia compared with controls (Castillo et al.,
Positron Emission Tomography. As discussed in Chapter 15, the glucose metabolic signal (which correlates
closely with cerebral blood flow [CBF] during physiological activation) is thought to reflect primarily glutamatergic transmission (Magistretti and Pellerin, 1996). Thus,
the findings of PET imaging studies of major depressive
disorder and bipolar depression indicating abnormalities
in regional CBF and glucose metabolism are compatible
with those indicating abnormalities in glutamatergic
transmission. Other types of experimental evidence suggest a consistent pattern of abnormalities in the neural
circuitry implicated in emotional processing. Specifically,
major depressive episodes are associated with elevated
glucose metabolism in thalamus, amygdala, insula, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex, posterior orbital cortices, and ventral lateral prefrontal cortex (Drevets,
2000). Since the projections from the orbital frontal
cortex to the limbic structures are glutamatergic,
depression- and mania-related hypo- and hyperactivity
may be suggestive of either decreased (depression) or increased (mania) activation of glutamatergic corticolimbic pathways. Thus, the hypothesis that a mood-stabilizing
drug (for example, lamotrigine) might modulate glutamate release or the consequences of glutamate release
could be consistent with these data from functional neuroimaging studies.
Postmortem Studies. Holemans and colleagues (1993)
found no difference in the number of N-methyl-Daspartate (NMDA) receptors in various brain regions of
22 suicide victims compared with age- and gendermatched controls; each of the suicide victims had a retrospective psychiatric diagnosis of depression and had
not recently been treated with medication. Similarly,
Palmer and colleagues (1994) examined the [3H] MK-801

binding characteristics of glycine and zinc and found no

significant differences between suicide victims and controls; this assay theoretically measures allosteric modulatory sites on the NMDA receptor. Since the NMDA receptor is a target for drugs of abuse, such as PCP, it is
noteworthy that toxicology screens were negative.
By contrast, Nowak and colleagues (1995a) found
downregulation of the high-affinity glycine binding to the
NMDA receptor in frontal cortex of suicide victims, of
whom almost a third had a positive toxicology screen. It
remains unclear, however, whether the subjects included in
the study had received psychotropic medications. Finally,
the diagnoses of the victims were also unclear; thus the relationship of these findings to patients with clinical depression remains unknown. The authors suggest that their finding supports the hypothesis that glutamatergic dysfunction
is involved in the psychopathology underlying suicide and
potentially in human depression.
Perhaps the greatest impetus for the recent interest
in studying the glutamatergic system in severe, recurrent
mood disorders has been a growing appreciation that these
disorders, while neurochemical, are also characterized by
impairments of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience. Although the precise mechanisms underlying the cell atrophy and death that occur in recurrent mood disorders are
unknown, considerable data have shown that impairments
of the glutamatergic system play a major role in the morphometric changes observed with severe stresses. Thus,
microdialysis studies have shown that stress increases extracellular levels of glutamate in hippocampus, and
NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists attenuate stressinduced atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons (McEwen,
1999; Sapolsky, 2000b).
Although a variety of methodological issues remain to
be fully resolved, the preponderence of the evidence to
date suggests that the atrophy, and possibly death, of CA3
pyramidal neurons arises at least in part from increased
glutamate neurotransmission (McEwen, 1999a; Sapolsky,
2000a). (For a graphic of the cellular mechanisms by
which stress and mood disorders may impair structural
plasticity, see Figure 146.) It should be noted, however,
that although NMDA antagonists block stress-induced
hippocampal atrophy, no studies have demonstrated that
they are able to block the cell death induced by severe
stress. This suggests that the mechanisms underlying atrophy and death may lie on a continuum, with severe (or
prolonged) stresses recruiting additional pathogenic
pathways in addition to enhanced NMDA-mediated neurotransmission. As discussed earlier, stress increases extracellular levels of glutamate, and sustained activation of
NMDA as well as of non-NMDA ionotropic receptors



Stress, depression
Trophic Factors
Energy Supply

CRF, Cortisol



Hyperactivation of
Oxygen Free


Energy Capacity


Trophic Support

Atrophy, Endangerment, and Death of Neurons

Inhibition of Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Figure 146. The multiple mechanisms by which stress and potentially affective episodes may attenuate cellular resiliency, resulting in atrophy, death, and endangerment of hippocampal neurons. The primary mechanisms appear to be (1) excessive NMDA
and non-NMDA glutamatergic throughput; (2) downregulation of cell surface glucose transporters, which are involved in bringing
glucose into the cellreduced levels of glucose transporters thus reduce the neurons energetic reservoir, making it susceptible to
energy failure when faced with excessive demands; and (3) reduction in the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),
which is essential for the neurons normal trophic support and synaptic plasticity. The well-documented reduction in glial cells
may contribute to impairments of neuronal structural plasticity by reducing the neurons energy supply and reduced glialmediated clearing of excessive synaptic glutamate. CRF = corticotrophin releasing factor; GR = glucocorticoid receptor. (Source:
Manji et al., 2003b.)

could result in high intracellular levels of calcium. Overactivation of the glutamate ionotropic receptors is known
to contribute to the neurotoxic effects of a variety of insults, including repeated seizures and ischemia. Neurotoxicity follows as a response to overactivation of calcium-dependent enzymes and the generation of oxygen
free-radicals. Stress or glucocorticoid exposure also compromises the metabolic capacity of neurons, thereby
increasing the vulnerability to other types of neuronal
insults. Activation of the HPA axis appears to play a critical role in mediating these effects, since stress-induced
neuronal atrophy is prevented by adrenalectomy and duplicated by exposure to high concentrations of glucocorticoids (Sapolsky, 1996, 2000b; McEwen, 1999b). The role

of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and glucocorticoid signaling system is discussed in greater detail

Somatic Treatments and the Glutamatergic System

Findings of early studies suggested that D-cycloserine and
amantadine, both of which have NMDA antagonistic
effects, exert antidepressant effects (Krystal et al., 2002;
Zarate et al., 2002). Berman and colleagues (2000) conducted a small placebo-controlled, double-blind trial assessing the treatment effects of a single dose of the NMDA
receptor antagonist ketamine in seven patients with
depression. The authors report that subjects with depression experienced significant improvement in depressive



symptoms shortly (within 72 hours) after taking ketamine

but not placebo.
Perhaps the greatest evidence that glutamate modulation may be important in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorder comes from the clinical use of the
anticonvulsant lamotrigine. It is particularly noteworthy
that lamotrigine may be one of the few agents shown to have
preferential efficacy in the treatment and prevention of bipolar depression (see Chapters 19 and 20).
Although the exact mechanism of action of lamotrigine
is unknown, inhibition of an excessive release of glutamate
is postulated as a likely candidate (Leach et al., 1986; Calabrese et al., 1996; J. Wang et al., 1996). Lamotrigine also
exerts a cerebroprotective effect after focal ischemia (Smith
et al., 1996). Recently, lamotrigine has been reported to reduce the hyperglutamatergic consequences of NMDA receptor dysfunction (cognitive dysfunction [learning and
memory impairment] and psychomimetic effects) caused
by ketamine in healthy volunteers (Anand et al., 2000a).
One of the potential implications of this finding is that,
in addition to having thymoleptic properties, lamotrigine
may prove useful in treating the psychotic symptoms
that frequently accompany mood episodes (Anand et al.,

Lithium and the Glutamatergic System

In view of the evidence that excessive synaptic glutamate
may contribute to neuronal atrophy and loss, it is noteworthy that chronic treatment with lithium (plasma levels
~.7 mM) has been shown to upregulate synaptosomal
uptake of glutamate in mice (Dixon and Hokin, 1998).
Furthermore, chronic treatment with therapeutically relevant concentrations of LiCl in cultured rat cerebellar,
cortical, and hippocampal neurons protected against
glutamate-induced excitotoxicity involving apoptosis mediated by NMDA receptors (Nonaka et al., 1998). The investigators reported that the protection could be attributed at least in part to inhibition of NMDA receptor
mediated Ca2+ influx (Nonaka et al., 1998; Hashimoto
et al., 2002).
A growing body of data suggests that AMPA (alphaamino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid) glutamate receptor trafficking, including receptor insertion
and internalization and delivery to synaptic sites, provides
an elegant mechanism for activity-dependent regulation
of synaptic strength. AMPA receptor subunits undergo constitutive endocytosis and exocytosis; however, the process
is highly regulated, with a variety of signal transduction
cascades being capable of producing short- or long-term
changes in synaptic surface expression of AMPA receptor
subunits. Indeed, although the mechanisms of long-term
potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD) have

not been completely elucidated, it is widely accepted that

AMPA receptor trafficking is the key player in these phenomena.
In view of the critical role of AMPA receptor trafficking
in regulating various forms of plasticity, recent studies
have sought to determine whether two structurally very
dissimilar antimanic agents, lithium and valproate, exert
effects on AMPA receptor trafficking. Interestingly, these
two agents have been shown to exert robust effects on the
same signaling pathways known to regulate AMPA receptor trafficking (see below). It has been shown that lithium
and valproate have a common effect on downregulating
AMPA GluR1 synaptic expression in hippocampus after
prolonged treatment with therapeutically relevant concentrations, as assessed both in vitro and in vivo (Du et al.,
2003). In cultured hippocampal neurons, lithium and valproate were found to attenuate surface GluR1 expression
after long-term treatment. Further supporting the therapeutic relevance of this finding, an agent that provokes mania, the antidepressant imipramine, has an opposite effect
as it upregulates AMPA synaptic strength in hippocampus
(Du et al., 2003).
Additional support for the therapeutic relevance of these
data is provided by studies indicating that AMPA receptor
antagonists attenuate several manic-like behaviors produced by amphetamine administration. Thus, AMPA antagonists have been demonstrated to attenuate psychostimulant-induced development or expression of sensitization
and hedonic behavior without affecting spontaneous locomotion. Additionally, some studies have demonstrated that
AMPA receptor antagonists reduce amphetamine- and
cocaine-induced hyperactivity.31
As discussed earlier, one current model of mania that
has been used extensively and has reasonable heuristic
value in the study of mood disorders involves the use of
psychostimulants in appropriate paradigms. Psychostimulants such as amphetamine and cocaine are known to induce manic-like symptoms in healthy volunteers and to
trigger frank manic episodes in individuals with bipolar
disorder. The best-established animal models of mania
therefore use the administration of amphetamine or cocaine
to produce hyperactivity, risk-taking behavior, and increased
hedonic driveall important facets of the human clinical
condition of mania. Moreover, these psychostimulantinduced behavioral changes are attenuated by the administration of chronic lithium in a therapeutically relevant
time frame. Thus, the fact that AMPA receptor antagonists
are capable of attenuating psychostimulant-induced sensitization, hyperactivity, and hedonic behavior provides
compelling behavioral support for our contention that
AMPA receptors play important roles in regulating affective behavior.


Taken together, findings of biochemical and behavioral studies investigating the effects of antimanic
(lithium and valproate) and promanic (antidepressants,
cocaine, amphetamine) agents on GluR1 suggest that
AMPA receptor trafficking is an important target in the
pathogenesis and treatment of certain facets of bipolar
disorder. The mechanisms by which glutamate receptors
are actively recruited to synapses have long intrigued the
neuroscience community; the findings reviewed here
suggest that they may also play important roles in the
pathophysiology and treatment of complex neuropsychiatric disorders.

Valproate and the Glutamatergic System

In addition to the effects on AMPA receptor trafficking described above, valproate appears to affect glutamatergic
neurotransmission through other mechanisms. Acute administration of valproate in vitro has been shown to augment the release of glutamate (Dixon and Hokin, 1997).
Ueda and Willmore (2000) reported on the effect of valproate on glutamate transporter expression in hippocampus. With a dose of 100 mg/kg/day of valproate given for
14 days, they found an increase in EAAT1 levels and a decrease in EAAT2 levels. Hassel and colleagues (2001) reported that chronic treatment of rats with valproate (200
or 400 mg/kg/day for 90 days) led to a dose-dependent increase in hippocampal glutamate uptake capacity as measured by uptake of [3H]glutamate into proteoliposomes by
increasing the levels of the glutamate transporters EAAT1
and EAAT2 in hippocampus. It is of note that the doses of
200 or 400 mg/kg/day used in this study are much higher
than those used in humans, approximately 2050 mg/kg/
day. Thus overall, chronic valproate likely decreases instrasynaptic glutamate levels through a variety of mechanisms.
In rodent models, valproate has been shown to reduce
seizure activity induced by AMPA glutamate receptor agonists (Turski, 1990; Steppuhn and Turski, 1993). In postmortem human brain tissue, Knig and colleagues (1998)
found that therapeutic levels of valproate decreased binding of AMPA to the AMPA glutamate receptors, thus effectively blocking them. Findings from a series of studies
from different laboratories that used various preparations
suggest that valproate blocks synaptic responses mediated
by NMDA glutamate receptors as well (Loscher, 1999). As
disussed above, lithium and valproate, at therapeutically
relevant concentrations, also appear to share a common
target in regulating AMPA receptor trafficking.

Carbamazepine and the Glutamatergic System

Carbamazepine has been shown to reduce NMDA-evoked
depolarizations in preclinical studies (Davies, 1995) and


has been found to have antagonistic properties on the

NMDA receptor subtype of glutamate receptors (Hough
et al., 1996). In this latter study, therapeutically relevant
concentrations of carbamazepine inhibited the rise in
intracellular free Ca2+ concentration induced by NMDA
and glycine in a rapid, reversible, and concentrationdependent manner. This inhibition produced by carbamazepine was noncompetitive with respect to NMDA and

The Glutamatergic System as an Indirect

and Direct Target for Antidepressants
NMDA receptor antagonists, such as MK-801 and AP-7,
and an AMPA receptor potentiator, the biarylpropylsulfonamide LY392098, have demonstrated antidepressant
effects in animal models of depression. These studies have
included the application of inescapable stressor, forced
swim, and tail suspensioninduced immobility tests; learned
helplessness models of depression; and exposure of animals to a chronic mild stress procedure (Li et al., 2001).
Furthermore, antidepressant administration has been
shown to affect NMDA receptor function (Nowak et al.,
1993, 1995b) and receptor binding profiles (Paul et al.,
1992). Also consistent with the putative role of the glutamatergic system in the mechanism of action of antidepressants is the fact that repeated antidepressant administration regionally alters expression of mRNA that encodes
multiple NMDA receptor subunits and radioligand binding to these receptors (see Fig. 147) within circumscribed
areas of the CNS (Skolnick, 1999). According to two recent
open-label studies, riluzole (U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] approved for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
[ALS]), which is an inhibitor of glutamate release, was
found to have antidepressant effects in patients with
treatment-resistant unipolar and bipolar depression (Zarate
et al. 2004a, 2005). See Figure 148 for an overview of the
target receptors of new antidepressant drugs that act on
the glutamatergic system. As noted above, NMDA receptor
antagonists such as MK-801 and AP-7 have been shown to
have antidepressant properties in animal models of depression, leading to two studies of IV ketamine in depression (Berman et al., 2000; Zarate et al., 2006b). Ketamine,
a high-affinity noncompetitive NMDA antagonist, has
been used as a standard anesthetic agent for many years in
both pediatric patients and adults, with doses as high as
2 mg/kg IV. There is abundant preliminary evidence that
ketamine has anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in animal
models and may have rapid antidepressant properties
(Zarate et al., 2006b). These studies in treatment-resistant
unipolar major depressive disorder showed robust and rapid
antidepressant effects resulting from a single IV dose of an
NMDA antagonist. Interestingly, onset of antidepressant




MAP Kinases



NMDA Receptor
Subunit Expression




PDE Inhibitors
(e.g., rolipram)


Figure 147. Schematic illustrating pathway convergence among conventional (biogenic amine-based) antidepressants, NMDA antagonists, and AMPA receptor potentiators (ARPs). BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor;
MAP = mitogen-activated protein; pCREB = phosphorylated cAMP response element-binding protein; PDE = phosphodiesterase; PKA = protein kinase A. (Source: Skolnick et al., 2001. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)

effects was seen very rapidly (occurring within 2 hours postinfusion) and remained significant for 1 week; studies in
bipolar patients are ongoing (Zarate et al., 2006b). In contrast to the dramatic effects observed in this study, a previous controlled study did not show antidepressants effects
of the low- to moderate-affinity noncompetitive NMDA
antagonist memantine when administered orally (Zarate
et al., 2006a). While it is likely that higher-affinity NMDA
antagonists are necessary for antidepressant effects to occur, it must be acknowledged that IV administration may
also be an important factor. Overall, the intriguing results
observed with ketamine support the hypothesis that directly targeting the NMDA receptor complex may bring
about rapid and relatively sustained antidepressant effects.
This line of research holds considerable promise for developing new treatments for depression (see Fig. 148), with
the potential to alleviate much of the morbidity and mortality associated with the delayed onset of action of traditional antidepressants.
Based largely on the observation that AMPA receptor
activation increases expression of brain-derived neu-

rotrophic factor (BDNF, discussed in detail later), Skolnick and colleagues have undertaken a series of studies
investigating the putative antidepressant efficacy of
AMPA receptor potentiators in models of depression
(Legutko et al., 2001; Li et al., 2001; Skolnick et al., 2001).
AMPA receptors are a subfamily of ionotropic glutamate
receptors mediating fast excitatory transmission in the
CNS. As with most other ligand-gated ion channels,
AMPA receptors possess multiple, allosteric modulatory
sites that represent targets for fine-tuning the activity of
the receptor by pharmacological means. In addition to
their ionotropic properties, AMPA receptors have been
functionally linked to a variety of signal transduction
events involving G proteins and the mitogen-activated
protein kinase (MAPK) (Bahr et al., 2002). This raises the
possibility that more subtle modulation of AMPA receptors may be a useful strategy to activate MAPK neurotrophic cascades. One class of compounds, AMPA receptor potentiators (ARPs), dramatically reduces the rate
of receptor desensitization and/or deactivation (Skolnick
et al., 2001).32



Glutamine synthetase












mGluR I



mGluR I









mGluR II





Presynaptic neuron

2nd generation
mGlu agonist


Postsynaptic neuron

Figure 148. Receptors that may represent a target for novel agents for the treatment of depression. Glutamate (glu) is synthesized in neu-

ron from -ketoglutarate through the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. After release, glutamate is reuptaken by glutamate transporters
(EAAT1/2/3), shown in glia and a presynaptic neuron (EAAT3). In the glia, glutamate is catabolized to glutamine (through the enzyme glutamine synthetase), diffuses to the neurons, and is then metabolized back to glutamate (through the enzyme glutaminase). The different
glutamate receptors and the presumed antiglutamatergic drug sites of action are presented. Memantine is a noncompetitive antagonist at
the NMDA receptor (NMDA R). Felbamate is a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist (glycine NR1 and glutamate NR2B), an AMPA
receptor (AMPA R) antagonist, an mGlu group I receptor antagonist, and a glutamate release inhibitor (acting through blockade of Ca2+
and Na+ voltage-dependent channels). Riluzole is a glutamate release inhibitor (acting through blockade of Ca2+ and Na+ voltage-dependent
channels), a GABA(A) agonist and probably an AMPA and kainate antagonist. The sites for second-generation mGlu group II and III receptor agonists are also depicted. KA R = kainate glutamate receptor. (Source: Manji et al., 2003b.)

The Glutamatergic System in Manic-Depressive

Illness: Summary
At present, the evidence for abnormalities in the glutamatergic system in manic-depressive illness is quite indirect. As we discuss in detail later, a growing body of data
suggests that recurrent mood disorders, especially the
bipolar subgroup, are associated with impairments of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience, but the direct evidence
for glutamatergic excitotoxicity is lacking. The strongest
support comes from pharmacological data, with lithium,
valproate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine all regulating
facets of glutamatergic functioning. Perhaps the most

exciting recent preclinical finding is that lithium and valproate downregulate the synaptic expression of the AMPA
receptor subunit GluR1, whereas the opposite effect is seen
with promanic agents (psychostimulants and imipramine).
These studies suggest that regulation of glutamatergicallymediated synaptic plasticity may play a role in the treatment of mood disorders. Indeed, one recent and very attractive hypothesis is that alterations in neural plasticity in
critical limbic and reward circuits, mediated by increasing the postsynaptic AMPA to NMDA throughtput, may
represent a convergent mechanism for antidepressant action (Zarate et al., 2006b). Box 1410 summarizes direct
and indirect evidence supporting the involvement of the



BOX 1410. Direct and Indirect Evidence Supporting a Role for the Glutamatergic System in the Pathophysiology
and Treatment of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)
CSF, Plasma, and Platelet Studies

Treatment Related

CSF glutamine levels elevated in medication-free depressed


patients vs. controls (2 BPD, 16 MDD) and correlated with CSF

magnesium levels (Levine et al., 2000)
Glutamine plasma levels higher in 59 depressive patients
(MDD, BPD) vs. controls (Mathis et al., 1988)
Increased plasma glutamate and decreased platelet levels in
medication-free depressed patients (4 MDD, 11 BPD) vs. controls (Altamura et al., 1993)

Reduced tricarboxylic acid cycle and reduced ATP

MRS Studies

Increased Glu/gln ratio in frontal lobe and basal ganglia

in bipolar children (Castillo et al., 2000)

Decreased Glu levels in anterior cingulate cortex of depressed

patients vs. controls (7 patients were medication-free and 12
were under antidepressant treatment; 1 BPD and 18 MDD)
(Auer et al., 2000)
Postmortem Brain Studies


Decreased neuronal EAAT3 and 4 mRNA expression in

striatum in BPD (McCullumsmith and Meador-Woodruff,

NR2D (a subunit of NMDA receptor) mRNA higher in
striatum in BPD (n = 15) than in MDD (15) (Meador-Woodruff
et al., 2001)
gluR1 (a subunit of AMPA receptor) mRNA lower in
BPD (n = 15) than in controls (15) (Meador-Woodruff et al.,
(3H)AMPA binding higher in BPD than in MDD (MeadorWoodruff et al., 2001)
Reduced glutamate decarboxilase immunoreactive marked
terminals in anterior cingulate cortex (most in layer IIIII)
(Benes et al., 2000)

with valproate in mice (Johannessen et al., 2001)

Chronic lithium upregulates and stabilizes glutamate uptake by presynaptic nerve endings in
mouse cerebral cortex (Dixon and Hokin, 2002)
Chronic antidepressants regulate NMDA receptor
mRNA and binding (Boyer et al., 1998)
Imipramine and phenelzine decreased
potassium-stimulated glutamate outflow in rat
prefrontal cortex and not in striatum (MichaelTitus et al., 2000)
AMPA receptor potentiator LY392098 (a biarylpropylsulfonamide) produces antidepressant-like
effect in rats and mice (Li et al., 2001)
Lamotrigine is effective in treatment-resistant
BPD (Sporn and Sachs, 1997)
Lamotrigine has significant antidepressant efficacy in 195 depressed BP-I patients (double-blind,
placebo-controlled study) (Calabrese et al., 1999)
Lamotrigine showed 5263 percent response in
depressed, manic, mixed, and rapid-cycling
bipolar patients (Hurley, 2002)
Increased density of flumazenil binding site
GABA(A)R (2 receptor subunit) in BA 9 (Dean
et al., 2001)
Ketamine improves depressive symptoms in depressed patients (8 MDD, 1 BPD), lasting longer
(3 days) than euphoric effects (hours), in doubleblind, placebo-controlled study (Berman et al.,

Source: Manji et al., 2003.

AMPA = -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepronionic acid; BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; MDD = major
depressive disorder; NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate.

glutamatergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment

of bipolar disorder.

Neuroendocrine Systems and Neuropeptides

Neuroendocrine Systems
The contribution of altered endocrine function to pathological mood states was among the earliest themes in biological
psychiatry. The modern era of clinical neuroendocrinology
began in the early 1960s, spurred by the development of
simple, reliable assay methods for hormones in blood and
urine; in due course this field became one of the most

prolific research areas in biological psychiatry. Affective

disorders became the major focus as it became increasingly apparent that hypothalmic function was intimately involved in many of depressions core symptoms, such as
poor regulation of appetite and sleep and decreased sex
drive (Gold et al., 1988; Holsboer et al., 2001; Gold and
Chrousos, 2002). However, with the revolution in molecular
medicine and a much greater focus on intracellular events,
there has been much less emphasis on neuroendocrine systems in research on recurrent mood disorders. Furthermore, there is a growing appreciation that simply measuring
plasma levels of various hormonesregardless of how


precisely the new technologies allowdoes not provide a

true window into the brain as was once hoped because of
the large number of variables (e.g., hypothalamic/pituitary
blood flow, degree of stress, sleep, diet, activity levels) that
are likely to be altered with these disorders and are difficult
to control for. Nevertheless, the study of peptide hormones
of the hypothalamicpituitary axis measured in body fluids
under both baseline and challenge conditions has provided
some important clues, and these findings are reviewed here.
The emerging animal data on the effects of neurohormones on brain function (i.e., the brain as a gland) have
added impetus for the trend toward evaluating neuroendocrine findings in their own right, not simply as a reflection of amine neurotransmitter changes. The actions of
a single neurohormone peptide on a wide range of brain
receptors characteristically span a much longer time period
than the actions of monoamines. The influence of neurohormones on neurons may have been elaborated for teleological reasons. Also, the possibility that one substance effectively commands and organizes multiple coordinated
physiological and behavioral responses is consistent with
the importance of certain peptides in the long-term phasic
changes typical of manic-depressive illness.
One new and intriguing approach to interpreting neuroendocrine data is to assess their variability, either within
individual patients or across patient groups. The study
of neuroendocrine variability may bring us closer to the
pathophysiology of bipolar illness and recurrent depression.
With the isolation of the specific peptide factors responsible for release of individual hormones from the pituitary,
clinical endocrinology has developed increasingly sophisticated challenge tests for assessing the dynamics of
hypothalamicpituitary function, and these new techniques have spurred renewed interest in neuroendocrine
research in affective disorders. Knowledge has developed
rapidly on the hypothalamic neurotransmitter systems that
regulate the release of trophic factors to the pituitary. This
growing knowledge has increased the potential of neuroendocrine strategies as a window into midbrain neurotransmitter function, particularly of the biogenic amines. It is
fair to say that the amine hypotheses is still the major conceptual prism through which neuroendocrine data in affective illness are viewed.
To reiterate, the neuroendocrine literature can be divided into two distinct but overlapping categories. The first
includes studies that have used baseline neuroendocrine
measures and provocative challenge tests to unravel subclinical endocrine abnormalities in depressed patients. The
second encompasses studies in which neuroendocrine measures have been used as a window into central neurotransmitter function (e.g., as a measure of receptor activity or
neurotransmitter turnover).


The HypothalamicPituitaryThyroid Axis. Of all the

endocrine systems hypothesized to be linked to recurrent
mood disorders, the hypothalamicpituitarythyroid (HPT)
axis is a prime candidate. In 1864, Graves noted that patients with endemic goiter often showed a markedly morbid and melancholic turn of mind. Since that time, it has
repeatedly been noted that disorders of thyroid function
frequently are accompanied by changes in mood (Prange
et al., 1974; Joyce, 1991; Styra et al., 1991), and patients with
recurrent mood disorders (particularly those with rapid
bipolar cycles) frequently have HPT axis abnormalities
(Wehr et al., 1988; Zach and Ackerman, 1988; Hendrick
et al., 1998). Thyroid hormones reportedly alter the clinical
course of some forms of cyclic depressive illness, potentiate
the actions of various antidepressants (Goodwin et al., 1982),
and can precipitate mania in bipolar patients (Josephson
and Mackenzie, 1979, 1980; Wehr and Goodwin, 1987a).The
more recent and carefully controlled reports of HPT axis
function in depressed patients have, in fact, revealed subtle
but significant abnormalities in many manic-depressive
patients. Finally, both lithium and carbamazepine have
been shown to alter HPT axis function, and some investigators have suggested that the therapeutic effects of these
drugs may correlate with their effects on this axis.
The regulation of thyroid hormone secretiontriiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4)is initiated by the
release of a hypothalamic tripeptide, thyrotropin-releasing
hormone (TRH). TRH is released into the portal circulation from axons that originate in the median eminence of
the hypothalamus. It is then transported to the pituitary,
where it binds to specific thyrotropic cells, which release
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). This hormone, in
turn, is released into the general circulation and stimulates
the thyroid gland to synthesize and release T3 and T4. Thyroid hormones have widespread metabolic effects and can
directly alter many aspects of the peripheral nervous system, as well as CNS function.33
Clinically, it was observed that hypothyroidism was often associated with depression. Less frequently, hyperthyroidism (or the administration of thyroid hormone) was
associated with euphoric states, including full manic reactions. In pioneering studies during the 1930s, Gjessing substantially ameliorated periodic catatonia in some patients
through sustained use of hypermetabolic doses of thyroid
hormone, one of the earliest prophylactic treatments in
psychiatry. In his classic monograph, Gjessing (1938) speculated that reduced or poorly regulated thyroid function is
important to the pathophysiology of various cyclic mental
disturbances, including manic-depressive illness. Although
Gjessings studies did not have widespread influence at the
time, recent developments have rekindled interest in his



As noted above, most neuroendocrine researchers view

the phenomena they study as secondary to disturbances in
brain neurotransmittersoccurring downstream in a cascade of neuronal events. A major exception to this view is
the relationship between decreased thyroid function and
rapid cycling in bipolar patients. Here, the endocrine dysfunction itself may cause the increased cycling. This
hypothesis led to evaluation of high-dose thyroid as a
treatment for rapid cycling, and some positive results have
been reported; unfortunately, cardiovascular side effects,
along with a lack of industry support, for research on compounds that are generic, have precluded more extensive
study (see Chapter 18).
Despite the existence of numerous studies, the status of
peripheral thyroid indices in affective illness remains unclear. Bauer and Whybrow (1988) concluded that the most
frequent thyroid abnormality associated with major depression (although not specific to this diagnosis) is a relative increase in plasma T4 without accompanying changes
in its active (T3) or inactive (rT3) metabolites. In contrast,
Gold and colleagues (1981a) found mild hypothyroidism in
9 percent of their large unipolar sample (usually reflected
by slight increases in TSH), and antithyroid antibodies
have been reported in up to 20 percent of patients with depression.34 If T4 actually is increased in depression, disagreement exists as to whether this is part of the pathophysiology of the depressive symptoms (Joffe et al., 1984) or is
a compensatory peripheral increase to allow delivery of
more thyroxine to a brain whose homeostatic mechanisms
have gone awryan effect achieved without subjecting the
organism to increased metabolic demands due to increased
circulating levels of T3 (Bauer and Whybrow, 1988, p. 82).
Styra and colleagues (1991) found a 12 percent prevalence of elevated T4 levels in 99 bipolar and unipolar patients. No statistically significant difference in response to
antidepressant treatment was observed between the hyperthyroxinemia group and the normal serum T4 group. In
another study, free T4 index (FT4I) and T4 levels were measured in 31 manic patients shortly after admission to a psychiatric hospital (Joyce, 1991). Over one-third had elevated
thyroid hormone levels (due to increases in FT4I). Low
FT4I levels prospectively predicted more hospital admissions in the 12 months from index admission. Joffe and
colleagues (1994) reported that the overall frequency of
Grade II subclinical hypothyroidism was 20 percent in 66
bipolar patients, with no difference in frequency of subclinical hypothyroidism or in mean thyroid hormone levels between the mixed-state and nonmixed-state groups.
Interestingly, somewhat akin to the results seen with the
HPA axis discussed later, Zarate and colleagues (1997)
found in a study of first-episode patients that TSH was
higher in mixed than in manic bipolar patients.

This latter finding may be most applicable to bipolar illness, where there is some evidence of a subtle decrease in
thyroid function, especially among those with rapid cycles,35 although not all studies agree on this.36 Evidence of
thyroid dysfunction in bipolar illness may have emerged
because of the antithyroid effects of lithium, in effect unmasking subtle preexisting thyroid pathology.
The association between lithium-induced hypothyroidism and rapid cycling is observed predominantly in
women. As noted in Chapter 18, women may also be more
sensitive to the cycle-inducing effects of tricyclic antidepressants. If hypothyroidism (either in the presence or
absence of lithium treatment) is related to the development of rapid-cycling bipolar depression, it is not yet
clear how. Several individual case reports have described
cyclical mood disturbances developing in patients following subtotal thyroidectomy (Hertz, 1964). However,
thyroidectomy per se is not sufficient for the development of rapid cycling; clearly, other predisposing factors
must be present. In Chapter 16, we suggest that the effects
of thyroid hormones on the periodicity of biological
clocks in animals, coupled with altered circadian pacemaker function in bipolar patients, may explain the apparent inductive effect of hypothyroidism in rapidcycling patients. Almost all rapid-cycling bipolar patients
are female (Wehr et al., 1988). Likewise, thyroid dysfunction, including the antithyroid effects of lithium, is much
more common among women (Joffe et al., 1988). These
observations link female sex, hyperthyroidism, and rapid
Hatterer and colleagues (1988) propose that relatively
reduced thyroid function among bipolar patients on lithium
may be associated with poor outcome. They report that
plasma T3 levels were significantly lower among patients
who relapsed on lithium, although all values remained in
the normal range (see Frye et al., 1999a). As discussed earlier, Gjessing (1938) described a group of patients with periodic catatonia who, when given large doses of thyroid
hormone, responded with rapid (less than 1 week) and
long-lasting improvement. In a somewhat larger group of
patients with periodic psychoses, Wakoh and Hatotani
(1973) found similar beneficial effects of treatment with
large doses of thyroid hormone. As noted in Chapter 3,
these patients share many clinical features with rapidcycling bipolar patients, and their conditions probably
represent the same illness.
In a later study, Stancer and Persad (1982) gave hypermetabolic doses of T4 (300 to 500 g/day) to 10 rapidcycling bipolar patients. Of the seven women, five responded dramatically, whereas two men and an adolescent
did not. Consistent with this finding are reports that thyroid
hormone in combination with standard mood-stabilizing


drugs can attenuate cycles in bipolar patients (Goodwin, 1982; Bauer and Whybrow, 1988). High-dose T4
(482 72 g/day) proved to have excellent antidepressant
effects in approximately 50 percent of severely therapyresistant depressed patients (5 unipolar and 12 bipolar) in
an 8-week open label and 27.2 22.0-month follow-up of
responders (Bauer et al., 1998a).
In another study, six resistant bipolar patients (nonrapid-cycling) were treated with supraphysiological doses
of T4 (250 to 500 g/day) adjunctively and followed up for
27.8 12.8 months. The mean number of relapses declined
from 5.3 3.1 to .8 .8, compared with the number of relapses during the same length of time for each patient before the start of treatment with high-dose T4 (Bauer et al.,
Another approach to the HPT axis involves the study of
circadian patterns of TSH release. Normally, TSH secretion peaks during the night (Weeke, 1973), but this peak is
absent in some patients with affective disorders (Weeke
and Weeke, 1978; Goldstein et al., 1980), including those
with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder (Kasper et al., 1988;
Sack et al., 1988). Sleep deprivation represents another
challenge test in that it is associated with an increase in
nocturnal TSH. Both bipolar (Sack et al., 1988) and unipolar depressed patients (Kasper et al., 1988) have been
shown to have blunted TSH response to total sleep deprivation.38
Potential Involvement of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone.
Preclinical studies have shown that TRH has an extensive
extrahypothalamic distribution including the limbic system, amygdala, and frontal cortex, and in addition to its
neurohormonal role, appears to act as a neurotransmitter
(Griffiths, 1985). Thus in preclinical animal studies, administration of TRH appears to have a mild stimulant effect
including increased arousal and motor activity (Nemeroff
et al., 1984a).
In humans, at least two clinical studies have reported elevated levels of CSF TRH in patients with acute depression
(Kirkegaard et al., 1979; Banki et al., 1988), while a third
found no difference from control subjects (Roy et al.,
1994). A more recent and larger study included both bipolar
and unipolar medication-free depressed patients (n = 56)
compared with normal controls (n = 34) and again found no
differences in CSF TRH. However, there was a gender difference, with females having, on average, lower TRH levels
than mena finding most significant in the bipolar group
(Frye et al., 1999b).
The TRH stimulation test uses a challenge dose and
measures the plasma TSH concentration at baseline and at
30-minute intervals. Multiple studies have used this test in
depressed patients, and all have found that approximately


2530 percent have a blunted TSH response despite being

euthyroid at the time.39 Using a modified TRH stimulation
test in which TRH is administered at 8 AM and then again
at 11 PM, Duval and colleagues (1990) were able to achieve
a 95 percent specificity and 89 percent sensitivity for the diagnosis of major depression in patients who had a markedly
blunted nocturnal TSH response. An attempt to correlate
low CSF TRH with a blunted TSH response to TRH stimulation was negative (Frye et al., 1999b).
TRH analogues have been shown to have antidepressant properties, effects that have been postulated to occur
independently of thyroid hormone secretion (Redei et al.,
1999; Lloyd et al., 2001). Furthermore, in rodents, electroconvulsive shock (the animal model of ECT) was shown to
induce the synthesis of TRH in multiple subcortical limbic
and frontal cortical regions (Sattin, 1999). Early studies
that tested TRH as an antidepressant were quite promising. Prange and colleagues (1972) found that IV TRH given
in a double-blind, crossover design produced a striking
improvement in mood that lasted for a few hours and then
faded; however, subsequent studies found no such improvement (Amsterdam et al., 1981).
To determine whether these variable results were due at
least in part to the presumed poor bloodbrain barrier
permeability, a study of intrathecal TRH administration
was conducted (Marangell et al., 1997). The investigators
administered TRH (500 g) to eight medication-free inpatients with refractory depression by means of a lumbar intrathecal injection and an identical sham lumbar puncture
procedure, separated by 1 week, in a double-blind, crossover
design. They found that five of the eight patients responded to intrathecal TRH. The responses were rapid and
clinically robust, but they were short-lived.
The same laboratory also compared the antidepressant
effect of intrathecal and IV TRH administered in a doubleblind design to two treatment-refractory patients with
bipolar-II disorder (Callahan et al., 1997). Each patient experienced a robust antidepressant response by both routes;
subsequent open trials also showed IV TRH to be effective
until apparent tolerance developed. Intrathecal TRH was
readministered, and both subjects again experienced robust antidepressant responses. These preliminary data
suggest that there is a differential mechanism of tolerance
to the two routes of administration and that IV TRH may
exert antidepressant effects by indirect, secondary mechanisms. In a recent study, 20 patients with bipolar type I or
type II major depressive episode (MDE) were given nocturnal IV TRH 500 g (n = 10) or saline (n = 10) at midnight in a randomized, double-blind fashion. Sixty percent of the TRH group and 10 percent of the saline group
showed a greater than or equal to 50 percent reduction in
baseline total HAM-D score within 24 hours (p = .03).



BOX 1411. Recent Studies Investigating Abnormalities of the HypothalamicPituitaryThyroid Axis

in Manic-Depressive Illness

Unipolar and bipolar patients were studied for 1 year, either

continuing usual lithium dosage or reduced dosage by up to

50 percent.There was an association between lower
dosage/level of lithium and lower side effects, including
lower TSH levels (with no association between affective morbidity and lithium dosage/level) (Abou-Saleh and Coppen,
Depressive and manic symptoms decreased significantly compared with baseline in 11 refractory rapid-cycling bipolar disorder patients treated with high-dose levothyroxine as add-on
therapy. (Supranormal circulating levels of free thyroxine were
necessary to induce clinical response) (Bauer and Whybrow,
The diagnostic value of the TRH test was not conclusive for any
subgroups of depressed patients including bipolar patients
(Vanelle et al., 1990)
A 12 percent prevalence of elevated thyroxine levels was
found in 99 bipolar or unipolar patients. No statistically significant difference in response to antidepressant treatment was
observed between the hyperthyroxinemia group and the normal serum thyroxine group (Styra et al., 1991).
Euthymic bipolar patients were studied after lithium discontinuation. Significant increases (p < .001) in plasma thyroxine (T4)
levels and a decrease (p < .01) in TSH levels were observed
1 month after lithium withdrawal. No relationship could be
demonstrated between the magnitude of the change in hormone levels and the probability of relapse of manic symptoms
(Souza et al., 1991).
Free thyroxine index (FTI) and thyroxine (T4) levels were measured in 31 manic patients shortly after admission to a psychiatric hospital. Over one-third had elevated thyroid hormone
levels (due to increases in FT4I). Low FT4I levels prospectively
predicted more hospital admissions in the 12 months from
index admission (Joyce, 1991).

The overall frequency of Grade II subclinical hypothyroidism

was 20 percent in 66 bipolar patients.There was no difference

in frequency of subclinical hypothyroidism or in mean thyroid
hormone levels between the mixed state and non-mixed-state
group (Joffe et al., 1994)
In 20 female patients (major depression, schizophrenia, mania),
TRH tests were administered before, during, and after a course
of ECT. No significant changes in the mean TSH response were
found over the course of ECT and the initial TSH response did
not predict the treatment outcome (Hofmann et al., 1994).
Six resistant bipolar patients (non-rapid-cycling) were treated
with supraphysiological doses of thyroxine (250500 micrograms/day) as add-on and followed up for 27.8 12.8 months.
The mean number of relapses declined from 5.3 3.1 to .8 .8
compared to the same length of time for each patient before
the start of treatment with high-dose T4 (Baumgartner et al.,
TSH was higher in a first-episode study in mixed vs. manic
bipolar patients (Zarate et al., 1997)
High-dose T4 (482 72 micrograms/day) proved to have excellent antidepressant effects in approximately 50% of severely
therapy-resistant depressed patients (5 unipolar and 12 bipolar) in an 8-week open-label study and at 27.2 22.0 months
follow-up of responders (Bauer et al., 1998)
In 30 bipolar patients in a 3-year study (CBZ and/or Li), a low
level of fT4 during lithium treatment was associated with more
affective episodes and greater severity of depression (Frye
et al., 1999)
There was no correlation between CSF TRH and TSH and the
severity of depression (Frye et al., 1999)
The switchover rate to mania in bipolar depressed patients
(16 of 158 inpatients) was significantly higher in patients with
lower basal TSH (15.4%) than in the group of patients with
higher basal TSH (5.1 %) (Bottlender et al., 2000).

CBZ = carbamazepine; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; Li = lithium; TRH = thyrotropin-releasing hormone;
TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.

HAM-D ratings fell by an average of 52 percent after TRH

administration versus 12 percent after saline administration (p = .038). Antidepressant effects of TRH lasted up to
48 hours. There was no correlation between TSH, T4,
or T3 measures after TRH (or saline) administration
and the change in HAM-D scores (Szuba et al., 2005).
In summary, while there are many suggestions that the
HPT axis is altered in mood disorders, many of the clinical studies of TRH have yielded mixed results. The extent
to which there is a subgroup of patients having alterations
in the HPT axis that may have clinical and ultimately

treatment significance remains unclear. There are important gaps in the literature on TRH, including comparisons
of unipolar and bipolar patients, studies of bipolar patients while in a manic state, and postmortem and receptor studies of TRHsubjects that should be further explored. Box 1411 summarizes findings of recent studies
implicating abnormalities of the HPT axis in bipolar disorder.
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor and the HypothalamicPituitary-Adrenal Axis. Evidence of HPA axis activation


in bipolar disorder is suggested by multiple lines of evidence.

Cushings syndrome secondary to chronic high levels of endogenous glucocorticoids is associated with a number of
psychiatric and psychological disturbances, regardless of its
etiology. Major depression, mania, anxiety disorders, cognitive dysfunction and delirium, and hippocampal atrophy
have commonly been reported (Krystal et al., 1990; Sonino
and Fava, 2001). In a prospective study, for example, 81 percent of subjects diagnosed with Cushings syndrome developed a psychiatric disorder, most frequently a mood disorder
(Kelly et al., 1996). Interestingly, treatment with antiglucocorticoid therapeutics has been reported to result in an improvement in mood and cognitive dysfunction (Kelly et al.,
1996), as well as an increase in hippocampal volume in proportion to the treatment-associated decrement in urinaryfree cortisol after corrective surgery (Starkman et al., 1999;
Simmons et al., 2001).
In subjects without Cushings, multiple case reports, as
well as pharmaco-epidemiological studies, have noted the
effects of exogenous steroids on mood (Brown et al., 1999).
In a recent review, Sirois (2003) found that 75 percent of patients treated with exogenous corticosteroids exhibited affective symptoms, including mania and depression. At least
one study found that mania or hypomania occurred on the
day of treatment with corticosteroids, and depression was
seen on nontreatment days (Sharfstein et al., 1982).
Measurements of HPA activity in patients are also overwhelmingly supportive. Indeed, overactivity of the HPA axis
in depression (either unipolar or bipolar) is among the most
consistently replicated biological findings in psychiatry. The
anatomical sites and neurohumoral mediators involved in
the regulation of this complex neuroendocrine cascade, defined largely in the past decade, are among the best characterized of all neuroendocrine systems (Owens and Nemeroff, 1998; Holsboer, 2000; Gold and Chrousos, 2002).
Discovery of the physiological regulation of human cortisol secretion was soon challenged by further evidence clarifying interactions among adrenal steroids, neuropeptides,
and catecholamines. These interactions, which determine
the absolute level and periodicity of cortisol secretion from
both the hypothalamus and the pituitary, are considerably
more complex than had previously been suspected (Axelrod
and Reisine, 1984). Such complexity must be kept in mind
when relating clinically observed abnormalities in the function of the HPA axis to a specific neuroendocrine defect.
Despite these complexities, the HPA abnormalities reviewed can probably be traced to central (i.e., hypothalamic)
rather than peripheral dysregulation of cortisol secretion
(Gold et al., 1984b). In brief, the secretion of cortisol from
the adrenal cortex is initiated in the CNS through a
neurotransmitter-mediated release of hypothalamic CRF,
which in turn stimulates pituitary corticotropin (ACTH)


secretion. Various neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, including acetylcholine, NE, serotonin, and GABA,
have been implicated in stimulating CRF release (Pepper
and Krieger, 1984); different ones predominate at different
times, depending on environmental stress, circadian periodicity, and other physiological conditions. Human cortisol
secretion can be inhibited by corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone, and this feedback inhibition can readily be
demonstrated at both central and pituitary locations. Preliminary data indicate that the central components of the
axis are ordinarily more sensitive to glucocorticoid negative
feedback than are those in the pituitary gland (P. Gold, unpublished observations). Such distinctions become important in interpreting clinical data on cortisol secretion (with
and without dexamethasone).
The earliest studies showed that depressed patients had
elevated plasma cortisol levels, which decreased after recovery in most but not all patients (Board et al., 1957; Gibbons, 1964). By and large, these studies included a mixed
population of depressive patients and used rather primitive techniques for assaying cortisol. More recent studies,
using highly specific radioimmunoassays, more frequent
sampling of cortisol (to take into account the well-known
diurnal rhythm in cortisol secretion), and more homogeneous groups of patients, including children (Weller and
Weller, 1988), have consistently shown significant cortisol
hypersecretion in many but not all depressed patients.
Although cortisol hypersecretion has been reported in
both bipolar and unipolar patients (Sachar et al., 1973),
whether it occurs with the same frequency in both groups
remains an open question. Several investigators have examined bipolar patients longitudinally and observed significant hypercortisolemia (and/or elevations of urinary
cortisol metabolites) during the depressed but not manic
phase (Rizzo et al., 1954; Bunney et al., 1965; Kennedy et al.,
1989). These results were confirmed and extended by Rubinow and colleagues (1984), who found that both unipolar
and bipolar depressed patients have higher urinary free
cortisol levels than patients in the manic phase or healthy
controls. The urinary free cortisol levels in Rubinows
manic patients were significantly lower than those of normal controls.
Dexamethasone Suppression Test. In addition to cortisol
hypersecretion, other state-dependent abnormalities in HPA
function have been reported in affective illness. The most
common finding is an early escape, or rebound, of cortisol
from the suppression induced by dexamethasone (Carroll
et al., 1968; Stokes et al., 1975). This phenomenon, the basis
for the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), has been
used extensively in psychiatric patients (Goodwin and Jamison, 1990; Rush et al., 1996).



As we reviewed in the first edition of this text, the DST

is an indicator of the sensitivity of the HPA axis to feedback suppression by exogenously administered steroid
(dexamethasone). Approximately 4050 percent of endogenously depressed patients respond abnormally to the
test (Brown et al., 1979; Carroll, 1980). The specificity of the
test in depression is questionable, however, since several
confounding variables, such as weight loss and various medications, can produce false-positive (abnormal) results. Also
arguing against specificity is evidence that other psychiatric
disorders (particularly in their acute phases) may be associated with abnormal dexamethasone suppression. Nevertheless, even a conservative analysis of the many studies of dexamethasone suppression must conclude that positive tests
occur far more frequently among severely depressed patients than among those with other major psychiatric diagnoses, even when the known confounding factors are taken
into account. Among depressed patients, correlations have
been found among dexamethasone suppression, levels of
anxiety, somatization (Greden et al., 1984), guilt, anorexia,
and weight loss (Feinberg and Carroll, 1984).
At first glance, abnormal dexamethasone suppression
would appear to be consistent with the hypercortisolemia
seen in depression, which might downregulate functional
receptors for glucocorticoids at either the hypothalamic
or pituitary level. However, hypercortisolemia and dexamethasone nonsuppression are apparently independent
one can be present without the other (Asnis et al., 1981).
This finding suggests that the two may not be causally related or may be separate phenomena stemming from the
same process but separated in time. For example, dexamethasone suppression may persist for a short time after
a brief episode of hypercortisolemia has passed.
Dexamethasone suppression has been relatively well
studied in bipolar illness. During depression, between 25
and 60 percent of bipolar patients have abnormal DST results. According to some investigators (Carroll, 1976; Greden, 1982), but not all (Graham et al., 1982; Godwin et al.,
1984; Deshauer et al., 1999), these results revert to normal
during the hypomanic and manic phases. The large variability in the rates of abnormal DST results among bipolar
patients is also seen in unipolar patients (Stokes et al.,
1984). Most investigators have found no significant difference in the rates of abnormal DST results among bipolar
and unipolar depressed patients, but some do report that
unipolar depressed patients have significantly higher postdexamethasone cortisol values than those of bipolar patients (see Rothschild et al., 1982), primarily because of the
very high values in psychotic unipolar patients.
In the initial DST findings for manic patients, the rates of
nonsuppression were not significantly greater than those reported in controls (Carroll, 1976; Greden, 1982). Subsequent

studies, however, found that variable proportions of manic

patients failed to suppress.40 In fact in some studies, nonsuppression in mania is as frequent as it is in bipolar depression
(Graham et al., 1982; Arana et al., 1983; Godwin et al., 1984).
How can we account for these discrepancies? Patients
with dysphoric maniasthat is, mixed manic-depressive
statesfrequently have abnormal DST results (Evans and
Nemeroff, 1983; Krishnan et al., 1983). If the proportion of
such manias differed substantially from one study to another, variable nonsuppression in the manic groups might
be expected. However, some reports of dexamethasone nonsuppression in mania specify that the patients were not simultaneously depressed (Graham et al., 1982; Arana et al.,
1983). Of special interest is a small group of longitudinal
studies in which the DST was used during both phases of
the illness in the same patient. In one of these studies (Godwin et al., 1984), most of the bipolar patients showed similar
DST results (either abnormal or normal) in both the manic
and depressive phases. This finding suggests that there may
be a subgroup of bipolar patients in whom HPA axis dysregulation underlies both phases of illness.
When the entire literature on the DST in bipolar disorder is examined critically, it becomes clear that nonsuppression occurs more frequently in the depressive and mixed
phases of the illness, but is also not at all uncommon in mania. Clearly, if one considers all studies measuring some aspect of cortisol secretion in manic-depressive patients, the
evidence indicates that hypercortisolemia occurs more frequently in the depressed phase than in the hypomanic,
manic, or euthymic phases. When cortisol hypersecretion
clearly differentiates depression from mania, why does dexamethasone suppression not do the same?
Studies by Meltzer and colleagues (1982), Klein and colleagues (1984), and Atkinson and colleagues (1986) may shed
some light on this question. These investigators showed that
dexamethasone administration also decreases pituitary prolactin secretion and that, in psychiatric patients with affective
symptoms, there is a significant association between nonsuppression of both cortisol and prolactin. Thus, abnormal
dexamethasone suppression could indicate a nonspecific abnormality in the feedback sensitivity of the pituitary gland
rather than a specific limbic system disturbance, as was previously postulated. This interpretation is not, however, consistent with findings of subsequent studies employing CRF
infusions (Gold et al., 1984b, 1986; Gold and Chrousos, 1985),
which found normal feedback at the pituitary level.
Virtually all studies agree that both hypercortisolemia
and DST results become more normal after recovery from
manic or depressive episodes (Carroll, 1982; Joyce and
Paykel, 1989). Such evidence indicates that the abnormalities
are state-dependent and do not provide a marker for the
underlying vulnerability to bipolar disorder or recurrent


depression. Also, the fact that these HPA axis abnormalities

are not specific to manic-depressive illness or even to major
affective illness means they probably reflect downstream
physiological concomitants of depression and arousal. It is
possible that recurrent affective disorders involve some
episodic vulnerability in these systems, perhaps initially requiring activation by stress.
Detailed studies of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and
mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in subjects with mood
disorders are still ongoing. In this context, one postmortem brain study suggested that decreased GR mRNA
may be present in the hippocampus of individuals with
bipolar and unipolar disorder (Webster et al., 1999). Additionally, another postmortem brain study found significantly lower GR and MR protein and mRNA levels in prefrontal cortex of patients with major depressive disorder
compared with those in controls (Lopez et al., 2004). GR
mRNA levels were reported to be decreased in layers III
and VI in the entorhinal cortex in patients with mood disorders (Webster et al., 2002). As discussed below, Nemeroff
and colleagues (1988) have additionally shown a marked
decrease in CRF binding sites in the frontal cortex of suicide victims. In an in vivo study using spirinolactone to assess MR function in subjects with depression (an MR antagonist), Young and colleagues (2003) found that subjects
with depression had higher functional activity of the MR
system, with an increased secretion of cortisol in response
to spirinolactone in comparison with matched controls.
Furthermore, transgenic mice with reduced GR have HPA
axis and cognitive disturbance that may parallel depression in humans and that normalizes with antidepressant
exposure. Antisense oligonucleotides targeted to GR (a genetic strategy to reduce the levels of GR mRNA and protein)
were found to reduce immobility on the forced swim test, as
did the antiglucocorticoid drug mifepristone (RU-486)
(Korte et al., 1996). As discussed below, these observations
have led to clinical trials of novel therapeutics targeting the
glucocorticoid system. Xing and colleagues (2004) determined MR mRNA expression in the postmortem prefrontal
cortex of patients with major depression (recurrence not
specified) bipolar, and schizophrenic disorders and nonpsychiatric controls (n = 15 for each patient group, and n = 14
for controls) by in situ hybridization. In the dorsolateral
prefrontal cortex Brodmanns area 9 (BA 9), MR mRNA
was significantly lower (p < .05) in all laminae (IVI) in
bipolar disorder patients, and in laminae I, III, IV and VI
in patients with schizophrenia than in the controls. MR
mRNA in BA 9 was negatively correlated with the duration
of psychiatric illnesses. Whether these findings may be
linked to the abnormal prefrontal function, HPA axis activation, or the deficits in slow-wave sleep (SWS) found
in these major psychiatric illnesses remains to be further


explored. In another study, GR mRNA expression was

reduced in the basolateral/lateral nuclei in schizophrenia
and bipolar disorder patients (n = 15/per group) compared
to that in controls (Perlman et al., 2004). To determine if
the GR modulates these features of emotional responsiveness, Wei and colleagues (2004) generated transgenic
mice overexpressing GR specifically in forebrain. These
mice displayed a significant increase in anxiety-like and
depressant-like behaviors relative to wild-type (control)
mice. Intriguingly, the mice were also supersensitive to antidepressants and showed enhanced sensitization to cocaine. These intriguing findings parallel the human observation that glucocorticoids are capable of inducing both
manic and depressive symptomatology. Furthermore, as
we describe in greater detail below, very recent microarray
studies have shown that both lithium and valproate robustly upregulate the expression of a chaperone protein
BAG-1, (Bcl-2 associated atahanogene) that inhibits GR
function. Together, these results suggest the forebrain overexpressing GR in mouse may represent a very useful model
to delineate some of the circuitry and molecular mechanisms underlying the range of behavioral phenotypes
observed in manic-depressive disorder and is worthy of
further study.
Role of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor. CRF has become
one of the most extensively studied of all the neuropeptides in relation to its potential role in affective disorders.
CRF is a 41amino acid peptide and is a direct regulator of
secretion of ACTH from the anterior pituitary. In addition, it acts as a neurotransmitter in extrahypothalamic
brain areas. CRF is thought to mediate the neuroendocrine,
autonomic, and behavioral response to stress and to underlie some of the observed abnormalities, such as hypercortisolemia, dexamethasone nonsuppression, and stress
intolerance, found in depressed patients.
There have been numerous studies of the CSF concentration of CRF in untreated depressed patients, most of which
have replicated elevated levels (Nemeroff et al., 1984b; Banki
et al., 1987; France et al., 1988; Arato et al., 1989). Elevated
levels have also been observed in the CSF of suicide victims
(Arato et al., 1989). In contrast to somatostatin, elevated
CRF in the CSF appears to be secondary to increased production of the peptide, as elevated levels of mRNA have also
been found in the hypothalamus of depressed suicide victims (Plotsky et al., 1995). In addition, the mean number of
CRF immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus were increased in a postmortem study of depressed patients (Raadsheer et al., 1994). The elevated CSF levels appear to normalize after treatment with ECT or antidepressants (Nemeroff
et al., 1991), and failure of normalization may be predictive
of relapse (Banki et al., 1992). CSF levels of CRF in patients



with mania are not significantly different from those in control subjects (Banki et al., 1992).
Nemeroff and colleagues (1988) found a 23 percent reduction in the number of CRF binding sites in the frontal
cortex of suicide victims compared with that in controls;
these reductions in CRF binding sites have been postulated
to represent a compensatory downregulation in the face
of sustained CRF elevations. In contrast, Leake and colleagues (1991) found no differences in CRF immunoreactivity or receptor binding in a small group of depressed patients who died from natural causes. In addition, Hucks
and colleagues (1997) found no difference between both
medicated and medication-free suicide victims and matched
controls. Whether these differences are secondary to differences in postmortem time or in clinical sample characteristics remains unclear.
The CRF stimulation test uses a standard dose of CRF
and measures the ACTH response. A subset of depressed patients (both unipolar and bipolar) displayed a suppressed
ACTH response to CRF (Holsboer et al., 1987; Young et al.,
1990). These results have been interpreted as downregulation of CRF receptors as a result of CRF hypersecretion.
In a study by Gold and colleagues (1984b), the CRFinduced release of ACTH was found to be normal in a group
of manic and euthymic bipolar patients, further supporting
the findings above of normal or low HPA axis function in
manic patients as reflected by urinary free cortisol. Apparently, the central mechanisms responsible for the hypersecretion of CRF in depression revert to normal following the
switch to mania or euthymia. As noted previously, several
major neurotransmitter systems (noradrenergic, adrenergic,
serotonergic, cholinergic, and GABAergic) have been implicated in the regulation of CRF release from the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. In studies of CRF release
by hypothalamic organ culture, Golds group showed that
GABA is inhibitory, whereas NE, acetylcholine, and serotonin are excitatory (Calogero et al., 1988, 1989). Drugs that
mimic the actions of acetylcholine have been reported to increase ACTH and cortisol secretion in animals and humans,
and there is evidence that cholinergic agonists work on the
HPA axis through a receptor-mediated release of hypothalamic CRF. In animals, atropine (a muscariniccholinergic antagonist) has been shown to block both stress-induced elevations of ACTH and cortisol (Hedge and Smelik, 1968; Hedge
and de Wied, 1971) and the normal circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion (Krieger et al., 1968; Ferrari et al., 1977). The
previously discussed depressive-like behavioral effects of
physostigmine (a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor) are
highly correlated with increased blood levels of ACTH, betaendorphin, cortisol, and prolactin (Risch et al., 1980, 1981).
These same investigators also report that depressed bipolar
and unipolar patients secrete significantly more ACTH and

beta-endorphin after physostigmine administration than do

controls (Risch et al., 1983).
To test the hypothesis of increased cholinergic sensitivity
in major depression, Rubin and colleagues (1999) administered physostigmine (PHYSO) to patients and control subjects at a dose that elevated plasma ACTH, cortisol, and
arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations but produced
few or no side effects. These hormone increases following
PHYSO occurred primarily in female depressive patients
and male controls and were not significantly related to the
presence or absence of side effects. These preliminary results support the hypothesis of heightened cholinergic sensitivity in premenopausal female but not in male patients
with major depression.
Preclinical studies using animal behavior models have
indicated that CRF receptor antagonists, specifically of the
CRF receptor-1 subtype, have anxiolytic and antidepressant activity (Mansbach et al., 1997). These results led to
the testing of a CRF receptor-1 antagonist, R121919, in an
open trial in 24 patients with depression (Zobel et al.,
2000). Initial results were encouraging, and further clinical
studies are anticipated. Given the number of abnormalities
in the HPA axis, as well as the strong evidence for CRF hypersecretion in both unipolar and bipolar depression, an
associated abnormality in the CRF gene might be hypothesized. However, at least two genetic linkage and association studies have failed to support the linkage of CRF polymorphisms to bipolar illness (Stratakis et al., 1997; Alda
et al., 2000).
Combined Dexamethasone/Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Test. The combined dexamethasone (DEX)/CRH
challenge test has increasingly been used to assess the dysregulation of the HPA axis because of its purported greater
sensitivity than that of either the DST or CRH test used
alone. The sensitivity of the DEX/CRH test for major depressive episodes is about 80 percent, exceeding the 44 percent sensitivity of the standard DST reported in a metaanalysis of the literature (Heuser et al., 1994). Furthermore,
the DEX/CRH test has been reported to be more closely associated with the diurnal activity of the HPA axis than the
standard DST in healthy and depressed subjects (Deuschle
et al., 1998).41
Recent studies have shown that the ACTH response to
the DEX/CRH test is significantly higher in patients with
unipolar depression than in controls (Holsboer et al., 1995;
Rybakowski and Twardowska, 1999; Oshime et al., 2000).
As a prognostic tool, this test showed that remitted patients
previously suffering from unipolar depression with a high
cortisol response at admission and discharge or with a
substantially increased cortisol response at discharge were
at much greater risk for relapse within the next 6 months


(four- to six-fold higher than individuals with a normal

cortisol response) (Zobel et al., 1999, 2000).
This test has also been investigated as a vulnerability
marker in a population of first-degree relatives of affectively
ill patients. It was found that these relatives released more
cortisol after stimulation with the DEX/CRH test than
a control group, but less than a group of patients with an
acute major depressive episode (Holsboer et al., 1995). Furthermore, 4 years later, the same test results were obtained in
this vulnerable group of subjects (Modell et al., 1998).
After the DEX/CRH test, significantly higher cortisol
release has been described in patients with depression in
the course of bipolar illness than in those with unipolar
depression, with both groups having higher release than
control subjects (Rybakowski and Twardowska, 1999). Both
manic and depressed patients have been reported to have
an increased release in response to the DEX/CRH test. Remitted patients have had a significant decrease in cortisol
release, but still higher than normal controls (Schmider
et al., 1995). A potential confounding variable here is medication. Thus recent studies have shown that chronic
lithium and valproate increase the levels of a protein that
inhibits GR function; such effects would be entirely consistent with the recent observations of enhanced DEX/CRH
responses after chronic lithium treatment (Bschor et al.,
2002, 2003).
Role of Stress and Glucocorticoids in Modulating Neural
Plasticity. As noted earlier, there has been a growing appreciation that stress and glucocorticoids are capable of
causing atrophy and death of neurons in a variety of brain
areas (McEwen, 1999, 2001; Sapolsky, 2000). Indeed, one of
the most consistent effects of stress on cellular morphology
is atrophy of hippocampal neurons (McEwen, 1999b; Sapolsky, 2000).42 As discussed in Chapters 9 and 15, some data
suggest that the magnitude of hippocampal atrophy observed in individuals with unipolar depression may be related to the duration of illness. This finding suggests that ongoing illness-related neurochemical changes may contribute
to impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience. Study of
the effects of stressors that bring about some of the behavioral and biochemical abnormalities seen in depression is
therefore highly pertinent.
To date, most studies of atrophy and survival of neurons in response to stress, as well as hormones of the HPA
axis, have focused on the hippocampus, in part because of
the well-defined and easily studied neuronal populations
of this limbic brain region, including the dentate gyrus
granule cell layer and the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell layers. (See Figure 149 for the effects of stress on this area.)
These cell layers and their connections (mossy fiber pathway and Schaffer collateral) have also been used as cellular


models of learning and memory (i.e., long-term potentiation). Another major reason the hippocampus has been
the focus of stress research is that the highest levels of glucocorticoid receptors are expressed in this brain region
(Lopez et al., 1998). However, it is clear that stress and glucocorticoids also influence the survival and atrophy of
neurons in other brain regions (e.g., prefrontal cortex; see
below) that have not yet been studied in the same detail
as the hippocampus.
Caution in the interpretation of clinical findings is suggested by the results of recent longitudinal studies undertaken to investigate the effects of early life stress and inherited variation in monkey hippocampal volumes (Lyons
et al., 2001). In these studies, paternal half-siblings raised
apart from one another by different mothers in the absence of fathers were randomized to one of three postnatal
conditions that disrupted diverse aspects of early maternal
care. The researchers found that paternal half-siblings with
small adult hippocampal volumes responded to the removal of all mothers after weaning with initially larger relative increases in cortisol levels (Lyons et al., 2001). Plasma
cortisol levels 3 and 7 days later and measures of cortisolnegative feedback in adulthood were not, however, correlated with hippocampal size. Thus, these studies suggest
that small hippocampi also reflect an inherited characteristic of the brain, and their findings highlight the need for
caution in attributing causality in cross-sectional human
morphometric studies of the hippocampus.
Although not as extensively studied as the hippocampus, recent research has demonstrated histopathological
changes in rat prefrontal cortex after corticosterone administration (Wellman, 2001).43 An intriguing finding of
this study, similar to the hippocampal findings summarized above, was a strong heritability of the right ventral
medial prefrontal volume. Thus in this study, certain fathers produced offspring with large right ventral medial
prefrontal volumes, whereas others produced offspring
with small right ventral medial prefrontal volumes (Lyons,
2002). Since the paternal half-siblings were raised apart by
different mothers in the absence of fathers, the phenotypic
similarities in right ventral medial prefrontal volumes likely
represent a major genetic contribution, effects not seen for
other prefrontal regions.
Mechanisms Underlying Stress-Induced Morphometric
Changes. As discussed earlier, considerable data suggest
that abnormal activation of the glutamatergic system plays
a major role in mediating stress-induced morphological
changes. Furthermore, it is clear that activation of the HPA
axis plays a critical role in mediating these effects, since
stress-induced neuronal atrophy is prevented by adrenalectomy and duplicated by exposure to high concentrations






Presynaptic Kainate



NMDA receptors


Entorhinal Cortex


Dentate Gyrus

Figure 149. Molecular and cellular determinants underlying the opposing actions of stress and antidepressant treatment on hippocampal structure. Stress can have multiple effects depending on the subregion of
the hippocampus examined. In the dentate gyrus, acute or chronic stress results in decreased neurogenesis of
new neurons. In the CA3 pyramidal cell layer, repeated stress results in atrophy or remodeling of pyramidal
neurons, decreasing the number and length of apical dendrites. Glucocorticoid administration causes a similar effect, and decreased expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor could contribute to pyramidal cell
atrophy. Chronic antidepressant administration can reverse the atrophy of CA3 neurons. The effects of antidepressant treatment occur via acute regulation of 5-HT and norepinephrine and the regulation of intracellular signaling and gene expression. GABA-BZ = gamma amino butyric acid-benzodiazepine; GR = glucocorticoid receptors; MR = mineralocorticoid receptors. (Source: Adapted from Warner-Schmidt and Duman,
2006. Reprinted with permission.)

of glucocorticoids (Sapolsky, 1996, 2000b; McEwen, 1999a).

More recent data also suggest a critical role for CRF in the
long-term effects of early-life stress on hippocampal integrity and function. Thus, the administration of CRF to
the brains of immature rats has been demonstrated to reduce memory function throughout life; these deficits are
associated with progressive loss of hippocampal CA3 neurons and chronic upregulation of hippocampal CRF expression, effects that do not require the presence of stress
levels of glucocorticoids (Brunson et al., 2001).44
In addition to directly causing neuronal atrophy, stress
and glucocorticoids appear to reduce cellular resilience,
thereby making certain neurons more vulnerable to other insults, such as ischemia, hypoglycemia, and excitatory amino
acid toxicity (Sapolsky, 2000a). Thus recurrent stress (and
presumably recurrent mood disorder episodes, which are
often associated with hypercortisolemia) may lower the
threshold for cellular death and atrophy in response to a variety of physiological (e.g., aging) and pathological (e.g., ischemia) events. The potential functional significance of these

effects is supported by the finding that overexpression of the

glucose transporter blocks the neurotoxic effects of neuronal
insults (Sapolsky, 2000a; Manji and Duman, 2001). Such
processes may conceivably play a role as well in the relationship between mood disorders and cerebrovascular events,
considering that individuals who develop their first depressive episode in later life have an increased likelihood of
showing MRI evidence of cerebrovascular disease (see
Chapter 15).
The precise mechanisms by which glucocorticoids exert
these deleterious effects remain to be fully elucidated, but
likely involve the inhibition of glucose transport (thereby
diminishing the capability for energy production and augmenting susceptibility to hypoglycemic conditions) and
the aberrant, excessive facilitation of glutamatergic signaling (Sapolsky, 2000a). The reduction in the resilience of
discrete brain regions, including hippocampus and potentially prefrontal cortex, may also reflect the propensity for
various stressors to decrease the expression of BDNF in
this region (Smith et al., 1995; Nibuya et al., 1999). The


mechanisms underlying the downregulation of BDNF by

stress have not been fully elucidated, however. Adrenalglucocorticoids do not appear to account for these actions
of stress, since administration of a high dose of glucocorticoid is not sufficient to decrease BDNF, and adrenalectomy does not block the effect of stress.
Role of Stress and Glucocorticoids in Impairing Hippocampal Neurogenesis. The finding that neurogenesis
occurs in the adult human brain has reinvigorated research into the cellular mechanisms by which the birth of
new neurons is regulated in the mammalian brain (Eriksson et al., 1998). The localization of pluripotent progenitor
cells and neurogenesis occurs in restricted brain regions.
The greatest density of new cell birth is observed in the
subventricular zone and the subgranular layer of the hippocampus. Cells born in the subventricular zone migrate
largely to the olfactory bulb and those born in the subgranular zone to the granule cell layer. The newly generated neurons send out axons and appear to make connections with surrounding neurons, indicating that they are
capable of integrating into the appropriate neuronal circuitry in hippocampus and cerebral cortex.
Neurogenesis in the hippocampus is increased by enriched environment, exercise, and hippocampal-dependent
learning (Kempermann et al., 1997; Van Praag et al., 1999;
Gould et al., 2000). Upregulation of neurogenesis in response to these behavioral stimuli and the localization of
this process to hippocampus have led to the proposal that
the birth of new cells is involved in learning and memory
(Gould et al., 2000). Subsequent studies have shown that decreased neurogenesis occurs in response to both acute and
chronic stress (Gould et al., 2000). Removal of adrenal steroids
(i.e., adrenalectomy) increases neurogenesis, and treatment
with high levels of glucocorticoids reproduces the downregulation of neurogenesis that occurs in response to stress. Aging also influences the rate of neurogenesis; although neurogenesis continues into late life, the rate is significantly reduced
(Cameron and McKay, 1999). The decreased rate of cell birth
may result from upregulation of the HPA axis and higher
levels of adrenal-steroids that occur in later life. Lowering
glucocorticoid levels in aged animals restores neurogenesis
to levels observed in younger animals, a finding indicating
that the population of progenitor cells remains stable but is
inhibited by glucocorticoids (Cameron and McKay, 1999).
Studies have examined the effects of knocking out the glucorticoid receptor or mineralocorticoid receptors on neurogenesis in mice (Gass et al., 2000). A reduction of granule
cell neurogenesis (to 65 percent of control levels) was found
in mineralocorticoid receptor mice (MR/ mice), whereas
glucocorticoid receptor mice (GR/ mice) did not show
neurogenic disruption, a finding that eventually related the


mineralocorticoid receptor to the pathogenesis of hippocampal changes observed in chronic stress and affective
disorders (Gass et al., 2000). These observations raise the
interesting possibility that CRF and GR antagonists, currently being developed for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders, may have particular utility in the treatment
of elderly depressed patients.
Also of potential relevance for our understanding of
the neurobiology and treatment of mood disorders is the
finding that ovariectomy decreases the proliferation of
new cells in the hippocampus, effects that are reversed by
estrogen replacement. The rate of neurogenesis fluctuates
over the course of the estrus cycle in rodents, and the total
rate of cell birth is higher in female rodents than in males.
In addition to potentially playing a role in the beneficial
cognitive effects of estrogen, the regulation of neurogenesis by this gonadal steroid may provide important clues
about certain sexually dimorphic characteristics of mood
Targeting of the HPA Axis as a Strategy for the Treatment
of Severe Mood Disorders. Given the evidence reviewed
above, there is a growing appreciation of the potential role
of abnormalities of the HPA axis in mediating the phenotypic expression of certain affective states (Gold and
Chrousos, 2002). Not surprisingly, then, there is increasing interest in targeting this system for the development
of novel therapeutics (see also Chapter 19). Published
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies aimed at
modulating the HPA axis have employed inhibitors of glucocorticoid synthesis (Malison et al., 1999; Wolkowitz et al.,
1999a), antagonists of the glucocorticoid receptor (Belanoff
et al., 2001; Young, 2006), hydrocortisone to downregulate
the HPA axis (in a proof-of-concept study reported by DeBattista et al., 2000), and dehydroepiandrosterone (Bloch
et al., 1999; Wolkowitz et al., 1999b). Some of these drugs
have been investigated for proof of concept rather than for
use as a standard of care, and it is expected that modified
and improved medications would lack some of the limiting
side effects observed with these compounds. We describe
below some of the drugs currently under investigation in
clinical and/or preclinical trials.
CRF1 Receptor Antagonist. A number of small-molecule
CRF 1R antagonists have been evaluated using in vivo paradigms in animal models to attenuate CRF-induced ACTH
release (Saunders and Williams, 2003). Several classes of
CRF 1R inhibitors have been identified, including peptides
(astressin, -helCRF) and small-molecule nonpeptides
(CP-154526, antalarmin, DMP-695, DMP-696, CRA-1000,
R-121919, SSR-125543, NBI 35965, NBI 27914) (Holmes et al.,
2003; Saunders and Williams, 2003). Preclinical studies have
shown that CRF 1R antagonists reduce CRF-induced ACTH



release and CRF-induced cAMP production (Saunders

and Williams, 2003).
Antalarmin, a novel pyrrolopyrimidine compound (Webster et al., 1996), administered to primates in oral doses of
20 mg/kg, significantly diminished CRF-stimulated ACTH
release and the pituitaryadrenal, sympathetic, and adrenal
medullary responses to stress, and also reversed stressinduced inhibition of exploratory and sexual behaviors
(Habib et al., 2000). In the chronic stress model in mice, both
antalarmin (10 mg/kg) and fluoxetine (10 mg/kg) were found
to improve measures of physical state, weight gain, and emotional response in the lightdark test compared with those of
stressed, untreated animals (Ducottet et al., 2003).
CP-154,526, developed by Pfizer, has been evaluated in
animal paradigms for treatment of anxiety. It has high
penetrability like antalarmin and decreases synthesis of
CRF in the paraventricular nucleus (Seymour et al., 2003).
Mansbach and colleagues (1997) showed its efficacy in
the learned helplessness model of depression in rats.
SSR125543A, a 2-aminothiazole derivative that displays a
high affinity for human CRF 1 receptors, showed efficacy
in the forced swim test and chronic mild stress models in
rats in a study comparing it with antalarmin and fluoxetine (Griebel et al., 2002). In other studies, CRA 1000,
a nonpeptide pyrimidine CRF 1R antagonist being developed by Taisho Pharmaceuticals (Okuyama et al., 1999),
reduced immobility in the learned helplessness paradigm
in male wistar rats when given by intraperitoneal injection
(Harro et al., 2001). DMP696, developed by Dupont, is
a selective, potent, and highly bioavailable nonpeptide
CRF 1R antagonist that has been tested in behavioral models of anxiety and is being tested in behavioral paradigms
for depression (Li et al., 2003).
Interestingly, R-121919 reduced anxiety and depressive
symptoms in patients with unipolar depression in an openlabel clinical trial (Zobel et al., 2000). Its clinical development was discontinued, however, probably in response to
two cases of healthy volunteers with elevated liver enzymes
receiving a high dose of the compound (Kunzel et al., 2003).
Yet in an extended data report of the clinical study in major
depression patients, no serious side effects were noted in
the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal system, the HPT axis,
the reninangiotensin system, and prolactin or vasopressin
secretion. In addition, no effects on clinical laboratory parameters (including liver enzymes) were observed, encouraging the development of CRF 1R antagonists as antidepressant medications (Kunzel et al., 2003).
Dehydroepiandrosterone. Dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) serves as a precursor for both androgenic and estrogenic steroids and, together with its sulphated form
(DHEA-S), is secreted by the adrenal gland and produced

in the CNS. Thus, DHEA and DHEA-S are neuroactive steroids having a number of effects that can be described as
functional antagonism of the actions of glucocorticoids
(although DHEA does not directly interact with the glucocorticoid receptor, and there is no known receptor for
DHEA in any tissue) (McEwen, 2003). Among its effects,
DHEA counteracts the actions of glucocorticoids to inhibit memory and primed-burst potentiation (a form of
long-term potentiation) and antagonizes oxidative damage in brain (and in other organs) produced by acute hyperglycemia. Although mediated by an unknown cellular
and molecular mechanism, DHEA also interacts with neurotransmitters (serotonin, GABA, excitatory amino acids,
and DA), in addition to its glucocorticoid antagonism (reviewed by McEwen, 2003).
DHEAs antidepressant efficacy has been suggested
by clinical trials in dysthymic and depressed patients.
Wolkowitz and colleagues (1997) reported on a case series
comprising six middle-aged and elderly patients with unipolar depression and low basal plasma DHEA and/or DHEA-S
levels who received DHEA 3090 mg/day for 4 weeks. A
decrease in depression ratings and an improvement in memory performance, correlated with increases in plasma levels
of DHEA and DHEA-S, were observed. The effects of DHEA
were also investigated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
randomized crossover treatment study using 90 and 450 mg
of DHEA in patients with midlife-onset dysthymia (a total of
6 weeks on medication and 6 weeks on placebo). The study
was completed by 15 of 17 patients; 60 percent of those patients responded to DHEA, compared with 20 percent on
placebo (Bloch et al., 1999). Finally, a double-blind, placebocontrolled study was conducted in 22 patients with unipolar
depression (medication-free or on stabilized antidepressant
regimens) using DHEA at a maximum dose of 90 mg/day or
placebo for 6 weeks. A decrease of 50 percent or greater in
depressive symptoms was seen in 45 percent of the patients
and none in the placebo group (Wolkowitz et al., 1999b). In
a recent double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
crossover study involving 23 men and 23 women with midlifeonset major or minor depression, 6 weeks of DHEA (90
450 mg/day) was found to be superior to placebo in reducing
depressive symptoms (Schmidt et al., 2005).
Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonists. Mifepristone (RU486) is a nonselective antagonist of the GR receptor that has
shown efficacy in treating psychotic depression (Murphy
et al., 1993; Belanoff et al., 2001, 2002) and is being used in
ongoing trials in bipolar disorder (Manji et al., 2003b).
Young and colleagues (2004) have reported preliminary
data on mifepristone (600 mg) compared with placebo in 19
subjects with bipolar depression. They found a beneficial effect on mood and neurocognitive functioning. In a separate


study not yet published, 208 patients were randomized to receive 7 days of mifepristone or placebo in addition to their
ongoing treatment for psychotic unipolar depression. Although both groups improved significantly, there was no
statistical difference between them. A post hoc analysis indicated that the mifepristone patients improved more rapidly
than the placebo group (DeBattista et al., 2003). In a recent
study, 20 bipolar patients were treated with 600 mg/day of
the corticosteroid receptor antagonist mifepristone (RU486) or placebo for 1 week in a double-blind crossover design (Young et al., 2004). Following treatment with mifepristone, selective improvement in neurocognitive functioning
was observed. Spatial working memory performance was
significantly improved compared to that of placebo. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores and Montgomery-Asberg
Depression Rating Scale scores were also improved. These
data provide preliminary evidence that glucocorticoid receptor antagonists may have useful cognitive-enhancing and
possibly antidepressant properties in bipolar disorder and
perhaps also in recurrent depression.
Other GR antagonists being developed are ORG 34517
(Organon), AL082D06 (Abbott), and cyproterone acetate
(Schering). Bachmann and colleagues (2003) synthesized
three derivatives of mifepristone with higher selectivity for
binding to the glucocorticoid receptor, secondary to decreased binding to progesterone receptors (ORG 34517, ORG
34850, and ORG 34116). Among these agents, ORG 34517 is
highly potent at the glucocorticoid receptor. Preliminary
data for its antidepressant efficacy were presented at the 2002
Collegium Internationale Neuro-psychopharma-cologicum
(CINP) meeting by Hoyberg and colleagues (2002). This
compound is now in Phase III trials.
Miner and colleagues (2003) have reported on a new
compound, AL082D06 (D06), discovered by screening
compound libraries, that binds specifically to the glucocorticoid receptor with no measurable binding affinity to the
progesterone receptor. This compound was found to antagonize glucocorticoid-mediated transcriptional regulation
in in vitro cell-based models of transcriptional activation.
Cyproterone acetate is available outside the United States
as an antiandrogen approved for paraphilias. It is used as a
contraceptive agent added to an estradiol combination that
is also widely used for hair growth. Honer and colleagues
(2003) report on its GR antagonism properties, and while it
could be tested in depression, it is unlikely to be clinically
useful because of its antiandrogenic properties and risk of
severe liver damage.
Inhibition of glucocorticoid synthesis has also been investigated as an antidepressant strategy in unipolar and
bipolar patients. This research has included the compounds
ketoconazole (which poses a risk for hepatotoxicity and
drug interaction), metyrapone, and aminogluthethimide.


Recently, in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled

study, 63 inpatients with major depression were randomized to receive either placebo or metyrapone (1 g/day)
for the first 3 weeks of a 5-week trial with nefazodone or
fluvoxamine. A higher proportion of patients receiving
metyrapone showed a positive treatment response at day 21
and at day 35 compared with placebo patients. The clinical
course of patients treated with metyrapone showed an earlier
onset of action beginning in the first week. The plasma
concentrations of corticotropin and deoxycortisol were
significantly higher during metyrapone treatment, whereas
cortisol remained largely unchanged (Jahn et al., 2004).
Corticotropin-Releasing Factor and the Hypothalamic
PituitaryAdrenal Axis in Manic-Depressive Illness: Summary. In summary, there is a great deal of support for alterations in the HPA axis, as well as in CRF, in affective disorders. HPA axis hyperactivity in mood disorder patients
is generally manifested by increased cortisol levels in
plasma (especially at the circadian nadir), urine, and CSF;
increased cortisol response to ACTH; blunted ACTH response to CRH challenge; enlarged pituitary and adrenal
glands; and postmortem downregulation of frontal cortical CRH. Reduced corticosteroid receptor feedback has
been implicated in this process by challenge studies using
the DST and the DEX/CRH test.
With respect to bipolar disorder, increased HPA axis activity has been associated more consistently with mixed
manic states and depression and less with classic manic
episodes (Garlow et al., 1999). As we discuss in greater detail later, a growing body of data suggests that recurrent
mood disorders are associated with impairments of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience. The potential contribution
of abnormalities of glucocorticoid secretion to these effects
and the therapeutic utility of CRF and GR antagonists is an
area of extensive current research. Box 1412 summarizes
evidence supporting the involvement of the HPA axis in
bipolar disorder and unipolar depression.

Gonadal Steroids
Gonadal steroids as a group have wide-ranging neuromodulatory actions. In fact, gonadal steroids play a role in
all stages of neurodevelopment, including neurogenesis,
synaptogenesis, neural migration, growth, differentiation,
cell survival, and death (Pilgrim and Hutchison, 1994).
These various actions, in general, stem from the fact that
gonadal steroids are able to modulate genomic transcription and therefore direct and modulate the synthesis of
various enzymes and receptor proteins. These actions are
tissue-specific and are directed by the presence or absence
of tissue-specific coactivators or corepressors (Katzenellenbogen et al., 1996). Further, gonadal steroid actions on



BOX 1412. Evidence Supporting the Involvement

of the HypothalamicPituitaryAdrenal Axis
in Severe, Recurrent Mood Disorders

Increased CRF in the CSF

Blunted ACTH hormone, beta-endorphin, to CRF stimulation
Reduced CRF receptors in frontal cortex in suicide (may repre-

sent compensatory downregulation in the face of overstimulation)

Pituitary gland enlargement in depressed patients
Adrenal gland enlargement in depressed patients and suicide
Increased cortisol production during depression
DST nonsuppression in UP depression
DST nonsuppression in BP depression and mixed states
Increased urinary free cortisol concentrations in depression
Depressogenic and anxiogenic behavioral effects of CRF agonists in rodents
Preliminary data suggest efficacy of CRF antagonists and GRblocking drugs in depression

ACTH = adrenocorticotropic hormone; BP = bipolar; CRF = corticotropin-releasing factor; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; DST = dexamethasone suppression test; GR = glucocorticoid receptor; UP = unipolar.

the brain may be dependent on context and developmental

stage. In addition, classic neurotransmitters and other
chemicals can directly activate gonadal steroid receptors in
the absence of the steroid ligand, and conversely, gonadal
steroids have been shown to have modulatory effects on
classic neurotransmitter receptors. Thus there appears to
be an avenue of cross talk between the two systems. Unbound steroid receptors have also been shown to have
transcriptional activator and repressor actions. In summary, gonadal steroids appear to have widespread effects
that are contextually dependent.
Testosterone. To date there have been relatively few studies examining potential links between testosterone and
affective disorders. Early studies focused on group differences between those with affective illness, including depression and mania, and those with schizophrenia. For
example, Mason and colleagues (1988) found higher testosterone levels in patients with paranoid schizophrenia than
in those with affective disorders, including mania. Subsequent reports have confirmed that testosterone levels are
not elevated in patients with mania compared with controls, although luteinizing hormone concentrations do appear to be elevated (Whalley et al., 1985, 1987; Hunter et al.,
1989). An early small study by Sanchez and colleagues
(1976) indicated that lithium may lower levels of testosterone, but findings of a more recent and larger study
indicate that most patients treated with lithium for 5 years

have normal testosterone levels (Kusalic and Engelsmann,

Most recent work has focused on the exogenous use of
anabolicandrogenic steroids both in medical treatment
and illicitly in the bodybuilding and sports industries. Several studies have indicated that the exogenous use of
testosterone can increase manic ratings and aggression in
some normal men (Pope et al., 2000), as well as affectively
vulnerable individuals (Weiss et al., 1999). Pope and Katz
(1988) interviewed 41 bodybuilders and football players
who had used steroids and were able to retrospectively diagnose manic episodes in 12.2 percent and a major depressive episode in another 12.2 percent, specifically while
withdrawing from steroids. Thus, although the preponderance of the evidence supports the induction of affective
symptoms by the exogenous use of testosterone, there is
little evidence to date to support any role of testosterone in
naturallyoccurring affective syndromes.
Estradiol. The rates of unipolar depression in male and
female children are roughly equal until puberty. At that
time, the rate for females becomes double that for males.
The Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) Study and the
National Comorbidity Study (NCS) both report the highest 12-month prevalence ratio for major depression in
women during their reproductive years, compared with
premenarchal girls, postmenopausal women, and men of
all ages (Weissman et al., 1988; Kessler et al., 1993). The difference in prevalence does not appear to be secondary
to differences in course, recurrence rates, or number of
episodes, as evidenced by a study (Simpson et al., 1997)
that followed 96 men and 101 women for 8.4 years. Thus
it appears that women are at greater risk for a first episode
of major depression during their reproductive years (Joffe
and Cohen, 1998). This observation has led some to propose that the monthly hormonal fluctuations experienced
by women beginning at puberty somehow play a role in the
pathophysiology of depression in vulnerable individuals
(Nolen-Hoeksema, 1987; Joffe and Cohen, 1998).
By contrast, the rate of bipolar disorder is very close to
equal in men and women.9 percent 1-year prevalence
rates of .9 and 1.1 percent, respectively, according to the
ECA (see Chapter 5). The question of whether hormonal
fluctuations play a role in the pathophysiology of bipolar
disorder does not appear at first glance to be as pertinent
as in major depression. However, the risk of postpartum
(puerperal), premenstrual, and even menopausal affective
symptoms seem to be increased in bipolar disorder. For
example, in the NIMH Genetics Initiative study (Blehar
et al., 1998), almost half of women with bipolar-I disorder
reported severe emotional disturbances in relation to childbearing, with one-third reporting episode onset during


pregnancy. In addition, two-thirds of women with bipolarI disorder reported frequent premenstrual mood disturbances, and 20 percent reported emotional disturbances
during the menopause transition. Reich and Winokur
(1970) found that 20 percent of women with bipolar disorder suffered from postpartum mania. Dean and colleagues
(1989) found a 50 percent relapse rate (both depression
and mania) in the 6 weeks following childbirth in women
with bipolar disorder. Thus, although hormonal fluctuations may not play a role in the risk of onset of bipolar disorder, they may in fact influence the course and exacerbation of the illness.
Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is generally defined as
four or more affective episodes (depression, mania, or hypomania) in 1 year. As discussed in Chapter 4, the majority
of patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder are female.
In reviewing the available studies on rapid cycling, Leibenluft (1996) calculated that approximately 7174 percent of
patients in these studies were female. Further, when the
definition is made more stringent to require 12 or more
cycles per year, the proportion of women in a sample increases dramatically (Bauer and Whybrow, 1990).
It does not appear that fluctuations in mood symptoms
are correlated with menstrual cycle phase in rapid-cycling
patients. For example, although a retrospective study found
that 60 percent of 25 rapid-cycling patients experienced severe premenstrual symptoms (Price and DeMarzio, 1986),
a prospective study of 47 women found no relationship between mood fluctuations and menstrual cycle phase (Wehr
et al., 1988). This latter finding is supported by a subsequent
prospective study involving 25 women with rapid-cycling
bipolar disorder (Leibenluft et al., 1999). The fact remains,
however, that women with bipolar disorder appear to be
more vulnerable to rapid cycling. There is some evidence to
suggest that rapid cycling can be induced by antidepressant
treatments. It is unclear, however, whether the vulnerability
in women is secondary to an interaction between antidepressants and the female hormonal system or women being
more likely to receive antidepressants (Leibenluft et al.,
What potential role, then, do estrogen and progesterone
play in the underlying pathophysiology of bipolar and recurrent depressive disorders? Both have been shown to modulate serotonin function, and estrogen, as well as other
gonadal steroids, may influence the effects of antidepressant
Estrogen has also been shown to increase the expression
of nerve growth factors as well as their receptors (Sohrabji
et al., 1994). Preclinical studies in rats indicate that ovariectomy reduces the expression of BDNF in parts of the hippocampus as well as the frontal and temporal cortex, and
that estrogen replacement increases BDNF expression in


some but not all of these areas (Singh et al., 1995; Simpkins
et al., 1997). As we discuss later, BDNF has recently been
hypothesized to be involved in the mechanism of action of
antidepressants, thus estrogens effect on BDNF parallels
BDNFs antidepressant action.
There are several case reports of estrogen-induced mania
or rapid cycling in bipolar patients and at least one case of
late-life mania associated with estrogen administration in a
patient with no previous history of bipolar illness (Young
et al., 1997). Further, Chouinard and colleagues (1987) reported on two cases of bipolar disorder that were stabilized
by the addition of an estrogenprogesterone combination in
addition to mood stabilizers.
Several preclinical studies have found that estrogen increases the expression of PKC, an important intracellular
messenger (Maizels et al., 1992; Rebas et al., 1995). As noted
below, both lithium and valproate have been shown to be
inhibitors of PKC. Further, a pilot study using tamoxifen
(a potent PKC inhibitor) in the treatment of mania was
significantly positive.
Taken together, the findings of these studies suggest that
in general, estrogen may have a more positive effect on
mood and progesterone a more negative effect. Both of
these gonadal steroids exert significant intracellular effects
as well as more global effects on neurotransmitter levels
that may ultimately affect mood and mood regulation.
Thus women with an inherent vulnerability to a mood disorder, whether depression or bipolar disorder, may be affected by the monthly fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone or by the more rapid changes induced by delivery.
Obviously, the situation is a complex one that deserves further exploration.

The Endogenous Opioid System. The discovery of the
opiate receptor and its endogenous ligand provided the tools
for characterizing endogenous opiate systems involving the
endorphins and enkephalins. The fact that these systems
modulate behavior related to mood, such as pleasure, pain,
and self-stimulation, suggests that they may be involved
in affective illness. One straightforward hypothesized formulation involves decreased endogenous opiate function in
depression and increased opiate function in mania. Such
alterations could occur either in the endogenous opiate
neuromodulator or in the density or sensitivity of opiate
Evaluation of these hypotheses has been approached
through several experimental paradigms, such as administrating opiate agonists or antagonists to patients, assessing
endorphins and related opiate-binding activity in spinal
fluid and plasma, conducting neuroendocrine tests following a challenge with exogenous opiates, and examining the



effects of mood-altering drugs on opiate systems (see

Stengaard-Pedersen and Schou, 1982).
Trials of Opiate Antagonists in Mania. Endorphins have
been studied more extensively than any other group of
peptides, not only because they were among the first peptides localized in brain after the discovery of their receptors
(Pert and Snyder, 1973), but also because the availability of
the relatively pure opiate antagonist naloxone facilitated
clinical dissection of the opiate systems function in manicdepressive illness. Despite this scientific activity, however,
only tenuous links have been drawn between opiate systems and recurrent affective disorder.
In light of morphines obvious effects on mood and motor activity in animals and humans, the strategy of blocking
endogenous opiate receptors with naloxone in manic patients was viewed with considerable anticipation. The initial
study (Janowsky et al., 1978) showed small but significant
decreases in manic symptoms following a daily 20 mg IV
infusion of naloxone, but subsequent studies have not been
as positive.46
These negative results were later replicated by the World
Health Organization Collaborative Study (Pickar et al.,
1982b), a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
of 26 manic patients, although this group did observe significant naloxone-associated reduction in psychotic symptoms
in schizophrenic patients concurrently treated with neuroleptics. Emrich and colleagues (1979) actually found exacerbation of manic symptoms in one of two bipolar patients.
Thus, the initial observations of antimanic effects with highdose naloxone have not held up to more extensive efforts at
replication. Naloxone-sensitive mania, if it exists, appears to
be relatively rare and may require very large doses. It should
be noted that several opiate-receptor subsystems in the brain
are relatively resistant to blockade by naloxone, so that even
with high doses, the naloxone strategy does not provide
an unequivocal test of the theory that mania is associated
with excess function of some endogenous opiate system in a
localized region of the brain.
Trials of Opiates and Opiate Analogs in Depression. The
complementary strategy, administering opiates to depressed
patients, has also been pursued. Synthetic opiates were
among the earliest drugs used in the treatment of depression
(see Chapter 19), and work in this area has begun anew with
trials of the endogenous opiate-like peptides, p-endorphin,
and enkephalin analogs. The bipolarunipolar distinction
was, understandably, not used in the classic opiate literature.
Surprisingly, some recent peptide studies also failed to distinguish these groups, and none of these studies focused on
recurrent depression, per se.47
Three case reports from different patient populations
have noted euphoric or confusional states with opiate

administration (Foley et al., 1979; Oyama et al., 1982; Pickar

et al., 1984). The fact that large amounts of an endogenous
opiate substance administered directly into the CNS can
produce a manic-like state does not, however, really bear
on the question of whether disturbances in the endogenous opiate systems are involved in the pathophysiology
of bipolar disorder. More recently, there have been sporadic reports of mania associated with tramadol (Watts
and Grady, 1997), with a tramadolfluoxetine combination
(Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2001), and with codeine and paracetamol (Orr et al., 1998). However, acute or chronic naloxone has little positive effect or even a negative effect in
depressed patients (Terenius et al., 1977; Davis et al., 1979;
Janowsky et al., 1979).
Measurement of Opiates in Body Fluids and Postmortem
Brain Tissue. The role of opioid substances in mood disorders has been assessed by measuring their concentrations
in CSF. These studies have not revealed any consistent abnormalities.48
Peckys and Hurd (2001) examined the prodynorphin
and kappa opioid receptor mRNA expression levels in the
anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices of
subjects diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
or major depression compared with controls without a
psychiatric diagnosis. Multivariate analyses failed to reveal
any differences in mRNA expression levels among the four
diagnostic groups, though a group trend (nonsignificant)
was evident for expression of the kappa opioid receptor
and prodynorphin mRNAs in the prefrontal cortex.
More recently, Hurd (2002) used in situ hybridization
histochemistry to characterize the anatomical distribution
and expression levels of prodynorphin mRNA within amygdaloid complexin postmortem brain obtained from patients with depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and
controls. Individuals with major depression had significantly
reduced (4168 percent) expression of prodynorphin mRNA
in the accessory basal (both parvicellular and magnocellular
divisions) and amygdalohippocampal areas compared with
that in controls. The bipolar group also showed a significant
reduction in mRNA expression levels in the amygdalohippocampal area and in the parvicellular division of the accessory basal area.
Lithium administration has been reported to produce
time- and dose-dependent increases in met-enkephalin and
leu-enkephalin levels in the basal ganglia and nucleus accumbens. It has also been found to increase dynorphin levels (as determined by immunoreactive dynorphin A [1-8]
peptide) in the striatum (Sivam et al., 1986, 1988).49
In one of the few applicable clinical studies, CSF levels
of various pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) peptides were
examined in euthymic bipolar patients before and during


lithium treatment. No significant effects of lithium on the

CSF levels of any of the peptides were observed (Berrettini
et al., 1985b, 1987).
In summary, trials of opiate agonists and antagonists in
depression and mania have thus far failed to produce any
convincing evidence that these systems are significantly involved in the pathophysiology of affective illness. The same
can be said about the study of these peptides in body fluids,
and postmortem studies are too preliminary. By contrast,
preclinical studies suggest that lithium does regulate the
opioidergic systems.
Somatostatin. Somatostatin is a hypothalamic tetradecapeptide originally identified as an inhibitor of GH release. Since then it has been found in the gastrointestinal
tract and the pancreatic islet cells; it is also widely distributed throughout the CNS. Somatostatin has been implicated in sleep, eating behaviors, activity state, memory, and
concentration, as well as nociception.50
Five of six studies of CSF somatostatin of depressed patients (N = 167) compared with normal controls or other patient populations showed significantly lower levels among
the depressed patients. In a study by Rubinow and colleagues (1983), lowered somatostatin levels were observed in
both unipolar and bipolar depressed patients. Low somatostatin levels in depression appear to be state-dependent, increasing to normal levels with improvement to a euthymic
state or a switch to mania. These findings are consistent with
those of Berrettini and colleagues (1987), who reported that
in 30 euthymic bipolar patients (10 free of medication and
20 receiving lithium), somatostatin levels in CSF did not differ from those of 20 normal volunteers.
Initial studies (Doran et al., 1986), confirmed by Rubinow
(1986), suggest that somatostatin is lower in patients who
have abnormal DST results regardless of diagnosis, a finding
consistent with a role for this peptide in the regulation of
ACTH secretion (Reisine, 1984). Also, somatostatin in CSF is
lower in patients with Cushings disease (Kling et al., 1993),
suggesting that elevated cortisol levels may suppress somatostatin release.
Carbamazepine is associated with significantly decreased
levels of somatostatin in CSF compared with medicationfree values (Rubinow, 1986). Whether this lowered level of
somatostatin is in any way related to the clinical effects of
carbamazepine is not clear. Lithium and antidepressants do
not appear to have this effect.
Vasopressin. Extensive animal data indicate that central
vasopressin is involved in regulating memory, pair sensitivity, sleep, the synchronization of circadian rhythms, and
fluid and electrolyte balance. Noting the parallel between
these functional roles of vasopressin and the syndrome
of affective illness, Gold and colleagues (1978) hypothesize


that a deficiency in central vasopressin function is involved

in the pathophysiology of depression, especially alterations
in cognitive functioning, circadian rhythms, and fluid and
electrolyte balance.51
Subsequently, abnormalities in vasopressin expression or
receptor activity have been found in both major depression
and rodent genetic models of depression (Zhou et al., 2001;
Keck et al., 2003). The nonpeptide V 1b receptor antagonist
SSR149415 has been reported to exert marked anxiolyticlike and antidepressant-like effects in rodents (Griebel
et al., 2002). In contrast to the marked effects of pharmacological V 1b receptor antagonism, mice with a targeted
mutation in the V 1b receptor show reduced aggression but
normal anxiety-like behavior and neuroendocrine stress
responses, postulated to arise from a compensatory change
at the level of the V 1a receptor or CRF system (Wersinger
et al., 2002). Taken together, the findings of current research suggest that blockade of central V 1b receptors may
represent a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of
stress-related psychiatric disorders (Holmes et al., 2003).
A recent study found that orally active vasopressin V1a receptor antagonist, SRX251, selectively blocks aggressive behavior (Ferris et al., 2006).
Two important drugs for recurrent affective disorders,
lithium and carbamazepine, affect vasopressin function in
apparently opposite directions. Lithium is associated with
the induction of diabetes insipidus, presumably by inhibiting renal vasopressin-induced adenylate cyclase activity,
and carbamazepine has been used in treating hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (even though it will not reverse the
condition when induced by lithium) (Post et al., 1984a).
A study of the effects of ECT on vasopressin levels in depressed patients showed a sharp rise in plasma vasopressin
levels after treatment, which continued in most patients
48 days thereafter (Devanand et al., 1987).
Substance P. Substance P is an undecapeptide neurotransmitter that appears to play an important role in pain
sensation and analgesia. It acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter in primary afferent (dorsal root) nerve terminals in the mammalian spinal cord and regulates sympathetic noradrenergic function. Substance P is also found in
discrete areas in the CNS, including the substantia nigra,
caudate-putamen, amygdala, hypothalamus, and cerebral
cortex, where it is thought to act as an excitatory neurotransmitter. It is usually colocated with one of the more
classic neurotransmitters, frequently serotonin. Early reports indicated elevated CSF substance P immunoreactivity in depressed and schizophrenic patients (Rimon et al.,
1984). However, these results were not confirmed by
Berrettini and colleagues (1985c), who found no differences in immunoreactivity between unmedicated acutely



manic, euthymic, or depressed unipolar and bipolar subjects and normal volunteers.
Substance P receptors, also known as neurokinin-1 (NK1) receptors, are highly expressed in brain regions that regulate affective behavior and response to stress, such as the
limbic system. An examination of NK-1 receptors in postmortem brain of subjects with bipolar disorder (n = 13),
unipolar depression (n = 13), and schizophrenia (n = 14) and
normal controls (n = 14) (Burnet and Harrison, 2000) found
no differences in autoradiographic binding in the anterior
cingulated gyrus among the four groups, although the possibility of a Type II error cannot be excluded. However, the ratio of superficial to deep laminar binding was lower in the
group with unipolar depression, which the authors theorize
could reflect alterations in specific neural circuits expressing
the NK-1 receptor. Given the important role of the amygdaloid complex in the regulation of emotional behavior,
Carletti and colleagues (2005) compared the mRNA levels of
preprotachykinin A (PPT-A, a precursor of both substance P
and neurokinin A [NKA]) and 3H-SP binding sites in the
amygdala of patients affected by bipolar disorder, major depression, or schizophrenia with those of matched controls. A
significant reduction in PPT-A mRNA expression levels was
detected in all three diagnostic groups, mainly in the basal,
lateral, and accessory basal amygdaloid nuclei, but not in the
temporal cortical area proximal to the amygdala. While these
results support the involvement of the tachykinins in bipolar
disorder, they suggest that there is a generalized impairment
of the substance P system in the amygdala in mood disorders
and schizophrenia rather than this being a disease-related
Lithium has been shown to increase the substance P
content of striatum when administered chronically to rats,
an effect antagonized by the concurrent administration of
haloperidol (Hong et al., 1983). More recent studies have
demonstrated a lithium-induced increase in tachykinin
levels that appears to be associated with an increase in
transcription of the rat preprotachykinin gene (Sivam
et al., 1989). Studies of the effects of subchronic lithium on
regional brain concentrations of substance P, neurokinin A,
and neuropeptide Y have demonstrated a regionally specific increase in the immunoreactivity of all the peptides
(Mathe et al., 1990; Husum et al., 2001).
Preclinical studies have suggested that NK-1 antagonists
may have anxiolytic effects (File, 1997) and that substance
P agonists have anxiolgenic properties (Aguiar and Brandao, 1996). These findings have led to the development of
potential antidepressants, such as MK-869, an NK-1 antagonist. MK-869 was shown to be as effective as paroxetine
in treating depressive symptoms in a double-blind, placebocontrolled study (Kramer et al., 1998). Unfortunately, the
further development of MK-869 as an antidepressant has

been suspended because of side effects. At any rate, subsequent large clinical studies, which included an active SSRI
comparator, showed no efficacy of an NK-1 antagonist in
the treatment of depression.
Neuropeptide Y. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 aminoacid peptide synthesized in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus and found in the raphe nucleus. It is stimulated
by stress and corticosteroids. Preclinical studies have indicated that antidepressants, lithium, and ECT all increase
the concentration of NPY (by immunoreactivity) (Stenfors
et al., 1989; Wahlestedt et al., 1990) and mRNA expression
(Weiner et al., 1992; Zachrisson et al., 1995) in many brain
regions in rats. Further, reduced concentrations of NPY
have been observed in the CSF (Widerlv et al., 1988b) and
plasma (Hashimoto et al., 1996; Nilsson et al., 1996) of patients with major depression. There have been some results
conflicting with the hypothesis that NPY is downregulated in
depression; for example, Berrettini and colleagues (1987)
found no difference in CSF NPY immunoreactivity among
diagnostic groups, and Irwin and colleagues (1991) actually
found an increase in plasma NPY immunoreactivity in depressed patients. Widdowson and colleagues (1992) found reduced immunoreactivity of NPY in the prefrontal cortex and
caudate nucleus of suicide victims, particularly in those with
a diagnosis of major depression. Caberlotto and Hurd (1999)
studied NPY mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex of patients
diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and unipolar depression, as well as in normal controls. NPY mRNA
levels were found to be reduced in bipolar patients only, with
no correlation with suicide.
NPY acts through at least five distinct receptor subtypes, with the Y1 and Y2 subtypes being most abundant in
the CNS. Preclinical studies in animal models of depression have indicated that the Y1 receptor mRNA is decreased in specific limbic and cortical regions, while the Y2
receptor mRNA appears to be unaltered. Caberlotto and
Hurd (2001), however, found no alterations of the expression of either Y1 or Y2 mRNA levels in the prefrontal cortex in subjects with bipolar disorder, unipolar depression,
or schizophrenia compared with matched controls. Thus,
despite the conflicting findings on NPY levels in CSF, further exploration of NPY mRNA levels, receptor levels, and
clinical effects is warranted.
Studies from the Mathe laboratory (Zachrisson et al.,
1995; Husum et al., 2001) have demonstrated that lithium,
electroconvulsive treatments (ECT in humans and electroconvulsive shock in rodents), and antidepressants affect
NPY in a specific temporal manner and in specific brain regions. More recently, the same laboratory investigated brain
NPY-like immunoreactivity (NPY-LI) under basal conditions and following a series of electroconvulsive shocks in


both male and female Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rats, an

animal model of depression, and their controls, Flinders Resistant Line (FRL) rats (Jimenez-Vasquez et al., 2000). Hippocampal NPY-LI in both sexes was significantly lower in
the depressed FSL rats than in the control FRL rats. Electroconvulsive shock increased NPY-LI in both male and female rats of both strains in hippocampus, frontal cortex,
and occipital cortex. In the hypothalamus, the increase was
found only in the FSL rats. In both FSL and control rats,
basal NPY-LI was lower in the hippocampus of female rats
than in male rats. Overall, although the data are limited,
NPY remains a neuropeptide with potential involvement in
the pathophysiology and treatment of manic-depressive illness, and warrants additional study.
Cholecystokinin. The peptide cholecystokinin (CCK) is
of interest in affective illness primarily as a potential mediator of appetite disturbance, since it can produce anorexia
in various animals. Moreover, in light of the previously reviewed evidence that DA may be involved in bipolar disorder (and perhaps also in recurrent depression), it is of
interest that CCK has been found to coexist with DA in individual neurons.
Some but not all clinical trials of CCK or its analogs in
psychotic patients suggest that these peptides can alter psychotic symptomatology. Gemer and Yamada (1982) and
Gjerris and colleagues (1984) found no significant differences among normal volunteers and depressed or manic
patients in CSF levels of CCK. In contrast, Verbanck and
colleagues (1984) reported a significant decrease in CCK in
the CSF of patients with bipolar depressive illness compared with controls. In examining the range of values in
their control group, however, it appears that the bipolar
patients were well within the normal range, although they
lacked the relatively greater high tail of values observed in
the normal volunteers. Zachrisson and colleagues (1996)
showed that both chronic lithium and electroconvulsive
shock inhibit CCK synthesis in the caudate-putamen.
Neurotensin. Neurotensin has complex interactions with
mesolimbic dopaminergic systems and displays neurolepticlike properties in some animals, making it an interesting
peptide for study in affective illness. Indeed, clinical studies in schizophrenia have shown low levels of CSF neurotensin concentration, effects that were normalized by effective antipsychotic drug treatment. Furthermore, the
behavioral and biochemical effects of centrally administered neurotensin resemble remarkably those of systemically administered antipsychotic drugs, and antipsychotic
drugs increase neurotensin neurotransmission (Binder et al.,
2001). In cultured cells (with a catecholamines phenotype), lithium has been demonstrated to dramatically potentiate increases in intracellular levels of neurotensin and


the mRNA encoding it, caused by combinations of nerve

growth factor, dexamethasone, and the adenylate cyclase
activator forskolin (Dobner et al., 1988). To date, the few
clinical studies of neurotensin in CSF in bipolar disorder
have indicated no abnormalities (Berrettini et al., 1983).
Furthermore, Austin and colleagues (2000) found no association between three sequence variants of the proneurotensin gene and bipolar disorder.
Vasoactive Intestinal Polypeptide. Vasoactive intestinal
polypeptide (VIP), a peptide with very high concentrations in the cerebral cortex, is thought to have important
interactions with muscariniccholinergic receptors (Hedlund et al., 1983). VIP is also of interest because it is an agonist in the release of ACTH cortisol secretion. In two separate studies, Gjerris and colleagues (1981, 1984) found that
VIP levels in the CSF of patients with endogenous depression or mania did not differ from those of controls. However, they found decreased levels in patients with nonendogenous atypical depression characterized by dysphoric
hysterical features, reversed diumal variation, and lack of
clearly circumscribed past depressive episodes. Berrettini
and Post (1984) reported no difference in VIP levels between euthymic bipolar patients and controls.
Oxytocin. Oxytocin is similar to vasopressin in its structure, anatomical distribution, and wide-ranging effects in the
CNS. Secretion of these peptides into CSF has been demonstrated to be independent of their secretion into plasma (Perlow et al., 1982; Kalin et al., 1985). Thus, CSF measures may
provide a window into the brain that cannot be obtained by
peripheral sampling.
Demitrack and Gold (1988) measured oxytocin in the
CSF of patients with affective illness and normal volunteers, with findings roughly comparable to those for vasopressin: manic patients had lower levels of oxytocin than
depressed patients. If this interesting finding is replicated,
it may be relevant to the opposite effects of oxytocin and
vasopressin on learning and memory in animals; that is,
oxytocin produces effects resembling amesia (Bohus et al.,
1978). More recently, Purba and colleagues (1996) found elevated numbers of oxytocin immunoreactive neurons in
the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in eight
patients with either unipolar or bipolar depression compared with controls.
Calcitonin. Animal studies indicate that calcitonin is involved in regulating a variety of functions, including motor activity, appetite, and pain. It is for this reason, as well
as its effects on calcium metabolism, that calcitonin is an
interesting candidate for study in affective disorders.
Carman and colleagues (1984) observed significantly
lower levels of immunoreactive calcitonin in the CSF of






FDG $s
rCBF $s

and other

Figure 1410. Signal transduction pathways provide good explanatory power

for understanding the complex neurobiology of manic-depressive illness. CRF =

corticotropin-releasing factor; FDG = fluorodeoxyglucose; GH = growth hormone;
rCBF = regional cerebral blood flow; SST = serum sialyl transferase; TRH =
thyrotropin-releasing hormone.

manic versus bipolar depressed or euthymic patients or normal controls. Carmens group followed up its preliminary
CSF investigations with a double-blind clinical trial of calcitonin in mania and observed a significant and substantial
reduction in hyperactivity in 85 percent of the manic patients. A later study found that calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity (CGRP-LI) concentrations in CSF
were increased in depressed patients compared with schizophrenic and control subjects (Mathe et al., 1994).
Most recently, Buervenich and colleagues (2001) investigated the frequency of four novel polymorphisms in the
calcitonin/CGRP (CALCA) gene in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders. They found that a 16base pair
microdeletion polymorphism was present in a family with
multiple cases of unipolar or bipolar depressive disorder.
Furthermore, using this polymorphism as a marker, cosegregation with the phenotype was observed in the majority
of individuals. These intriguing findings await independent replication.

Neurotransmitter and Neuropeptide Systems

in Manic-Depressive Illness: Summary
Overall, there is a growing appreciation that while abnormalities in these multiple neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems are involved in mood disorders,52 they likely
represent the downstream effects of other, more primary

abnormalities.53 Signal transduction pathways are in a pivotal position in the CNS, able to affect the functional balance among multiple neurotransmitter systems, and have
therefore been postulated to play a role in mediating the
more-downstream abnormalities in multiple neurotransmitter systems and physiological processes (Manji et al.,
2000a; Warsh et al., 2000; Bezchlibnyk and Young, 2002).
(Figure 1410 illustrates the pivotal position of signal transduction pathways.) Moreover, as we discuss in greater detail below, signaling pathways are clearly targets for our
most effective pharmacological treatments for recurrent
mood disorders.


Multicomponent, cellular signaling pathways interact at
various levels, thereby forming complex signaling networks that allow cells to receive, process, and respond to
information (Bourne and Nicoll, 1993; Bhalla and Iyengar, 1999) (see Fig. 1411). These networks facilitate the
integration of signals across multiple time scales and the
generation of distinct outputs, depending on input
strength and duration, and regulate intricate feedforward
and feedback loops (Weng et al., 1999). These properties
of signaling networks suggest that they play critical roles


in cellular memory; thus, cells with different histories,

and therefore expressing a different repertoire of signaling molecules and interacting at different levels, may respond quite differently to the same signal over time.
Given their widespread and crucial role in the integration, regulation, amplification, and fine-tuning of physiological processes, it is not surprising that abnormalities
in signaling pathways have now been identified in a variety

of human diseases (Milligan and Wakelam, 1992; Weintraub, 1995; Spiegel, 1998). Pertinent for the present discussion is the observation that a variety of diseases manifest relatively circumscribed symptomatology despite
the widespread, often ubiquitous expression of the affected signaling proteins.
Complex signaling networks are likely present in all
eukaryotic cells and control various metabolic, humoral,

Figure 1411. Four major signaling pathways in the postsynaptic region of a neuron that combine to form a local signaling
network. The major linear routes of signal flow are depicted by the thick arrows of four different colors: light grey (phospholipase
C [PLC)] pathway), light blue (Ras pathway), dark grey (adenylyl cyclase pathway), and dark blue (Ca2+/calmodulin [CaM] pathway).
The interactions between different pathways are represented by black lines with arrows (representing activation) or dots (representing inhibition). Although most major interactions in the network are shown, these connections are not meant to be all-inclusive;
additional connections could exist. The three different shades of background represent three different cell compartments: the plasma
membrane (top level), cytosol (middle level), and nucleus (bottom level). Some of the signaling proteins that translocate between
different compartments are shown in both compartments. Examples include mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), which when
activated translocates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus to phosphorylate and activates transcription factors; and the transcription
factor CREB, which upon phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) translocates to the nucleus. AA = anachiclonic acid;
AC = adenylate cyclase; AMPAR = AMPA-type glutamate receptor; AR = beta-adrenergic receptor; BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor; Ca = Calcium; CaM = calmodulin; CaMK = CaM kinase; cAMP = cyclic AMP; CaN = calcinerinn; CREB = cAMPresponsive element-binding protein; DAG = diacylglycerol; GEF/SOS = guanine nucleotide exchange factor/SOS; GLU = glutamate;
IP3 = inositol triphosphate; MEK = MAP kinase kinase; mGluR = metabotropic glutamase receptor; NE = norepinephrine;
NMDA = NMDA-type glutamate receptor; PDE = phosphodiesterase; PKA = protein kinase A; PKC = protein kinase C; PLA2 = phospholipase A2; PLC- = phospholipase C-beta; PPI = protein phosphatase-1; RTK = receptor tyrosine kinase. (Source: Weng et al., 1999.
Reprinted with permission from AAAS.)


Plasma Membrane mGluR



#& Gq%



#& Ge'









MEK 1,2
MAPK 1,2
MAPK 1,2


















BOX 1413. Putative Roles for Signaling Pathways

in Mood Disorders

Amplify, attenuate, and integrate multiple signals, the basis of

intracellular circuits and cellular modules

Regulate multiple neurotransmitter and peptide systems, the

basis of neuronal circuits and systems modules

Critical role in cellular memory and long-term neuroplasticity

Dynamic regulation of complex signaling networks form the

basis for higher-order brain function, mood, and cognition

Major targets for many hormones implicated in mood disorders, including gonadal steroids, thyroid hormones, and glucocorticoids
Abnormalities are indeed compatible with lifemany human
diseases arise from defects in signaling pathways
Brain regional dysregulation and circumscribed symptoms are
possible despite the relatively ubiquitous expression of signaling proteins
Signaling proteins have been identified as targets for medications that are most effective in treatment of mood disorders

and developmental functions. Yet they may be especially

important in the CNS, where they serve the critical roles of
first amplifying and weighting numerous extracellularly
generated neuronal signals and then transmitting these integrated signals to effectors, thereby forming the basis for
a complex information processing network (Manji, 1992;
Bourne and Nicoll, 1993). The high degree of complexity
generated by these signaling networks may be one mechanism by which neurons acquire the flexibility required for
generating the wide range of responses observed in the
nervous system. These pathways are thus undoubtedly involved in regulating such diverse vegetative functions as
mood, appetite, and wakefulness, and are therefore likely
to be involved in the pathophysiology of manic-depressive
illness. We now turn to a discussion of the direct and indirect evidence supporting a role for abnormalities in signaling pathways in the pathophysiology and treatment of this
illness with an emphasis on the bipolar subgroup. Box
1413 summarizes findings to date on the putative roles of
signaling pathways in mood disorders. Table 141 presents
findings of studies examining the role of signaling abnormalities in bipolar disorder.

Evidence for the Involvement of the Gs/cAMPGenerating Signaling Pathway

G Proteins Regulating AC Activity
Several independent laboratories have examined G proteins in patients with mood disorders.54 (Figure 1412
shows the effects of G proteins on the AC system.) Young

and colleagues were the first to report increased levels of

Gs in bipolar patients in two separate studies (Young et
al., 1993; Wang et al., 1997). Compared with controls
matched for age, postmortem interval, and brain pH, increased levels of Gs were found in frontal, temporal, and
occipital cortex, but not in hippocampus, thalamus, or
cerebellum, in postmortem brain tissue from patients with
bipolar disorder. This group also found increases in
forskolin (FSK)-stimulated AC activity in postmortem
brain, compatible with a postreceptor abnormality in
bipolar disorder. The findings of elevated Gs levels and/or
function are also supported by recent work of Wang and
Friedman (1996), who noted increased agonist-activated
[35S]GTPS binding to G protein subunits in frontal cortical membrane preparations from postmortem brain of
bipolar patients. Garcia-Sevilla and colleagues (1999) reported increased levels of Gi1/2 in prefrontal cortical samples obtained postmortem from depressed patients who
committed suicide, effects that were apparently attenuated
by antemortem antidepressant treatment. Overall, the
findings in postmortem brain tissue in unipolar depression have been less consistent perhaps related to the heterogenity of unipolar patient samples with respect to recurrence (Warsh et al., 2000; Bezchlibnyk and Young,
In keeping with the G protein abnormalities in brain tissue obtained postmortem from bipolar patients, Schreiber
and colleagues (1991) reported hyperfunctional G protein
function in leukocytes of untreated manic patients, demonstrating that agonist-stimulated binding of [3H]Gpp(NH)p
(a stable, nonhydrolysable analog of guanosine triphosphate [GTP]) was enhanced in leukocyte membranes of untreated manic patients compared with controls. These findings suggest the presence of increased levels of G proteins
and/or enhanced receptor-mediated activation of G proteins in leukocytes from untreated manic subjects.
Subsequent studies have found significantly higher levels of Gs in mononuclear leukocytes from depressed
bipolar but not unipolar patients (Young et al., 1994a).
Manji and colleagues (1995b) quantitated the levels of the
major G protein subunits in leukocytes and platelets
from both untreated (predominantly manic) and lithiumtreated, euthymic bipolar patients. In both platelet and
leukocyte membranes, there were higher levels of the 45
kilodalton form of Gs in the overall group of bipolar patients (treated or untreated) than in the controls. A recent
study found elevated levels of Gs mRNA in granulocytes obtained from bipolar but not unipolar patients
(Spleiss et al., 1998). This study also found nonsignificant
elevations in the levels of Gis in unmedicated bipolar
patients, which intriguingly were modulated by lithium
in bipolar (but not unipolar) patients (Spleiss et al.,

Table 141. Clinical Studies of Second Messenger System Abnormalities in Patients with Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)


Physiological Change


G proteincoupled
cyclic AMP system

Postmortem cerebral

Gs and forskolin-stimulated cAMP production

No change in Gs mRNA levels
Coupling of 5-HT receptors to membrane G proteins
[3H]-cAMP binding
cAMP-dependent PKA activity
Gs levels in Li-treated subjects
forskolin-stimulated AC activity
CREB levels in anticonvulsant-treated subjects
Isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP production in depressed subjects

Young et al. 1993

Young and Woods, 1996
Wang and Friedman, 1996
Rahman et al., 1997
Fields et al., 1999
Dowlatshahi et al., 1998

leukocytes (MNLs)

Platelets and MNLs


Phosphoinositidegenerated second
messenger system

Postmortem occipital
Postmortem frontal

Mania: agonist-induced Gpp(NH)p binding, Gs and Gi levels

Depression: agonist-induced Gpp(NH)p binding, Gs and
Gi levels
Gs and Gi levels in depressed subjects
Gs levels
Gs levels in Li-treated patients; no change in haloperidol-treated subjects
Gs levels in platelets of euthymic BP-I and -II patients on medication;
no change in MNLs
cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in euthymic BPD patients
Basal and cAMP-stimulated protein phosphorylation in Li-treated subjects
PKA catalytic subunit levels in manic and depressed vs. euthymic BPD
patients and controls
Rap1 levels
Gq/11 and phospholipase C- immunoreactivity
GTPS and NaF-stimulated [3H]PI hydrolysis
PKC activation
PMA and phorbol-ester-induced PKC translocation
Inositol levels
Basal, and membrane-bound vs. cytosolic PKC activity in manic vs. depressed and control
5-HT-elicited PKC translocation
PKC responsiveness to PMA/thrombin in depressed BPD patients
PIP2 levels in manic subjects
PIP2 levels in mania vs. untreated euthymia
PIP2 after Li treatment vs. manic BPD patients

Mann et al., 1985

Halper et al., 1988
Schreiber et al., 1991
Avissar et al., 1996
Young et al., 1994b
Manji et al., 1995b
Karege et al., 1999
Mitchell et al., 1997

Perez et al., 1995, 2000

Zanardi et al., 1997
Perez et al., 2000

Mathews et al., 1997

Jope et al., 1996
Wang and Friedman, 1996
Shimon et al., 1997
Friedman et al., 1993
H. Wang et al., 1999
Brown et al., 1993
Soares and Mallinger, 1997
Soares et al., 1997, 1999

AC = adenyl cyclase; BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; Li = lithium; PI = phospoinositide; PIP2 = phosphatidylinositol biphosphate; PKA = protein kinase A; PKC = protein kinase C;
PMA = phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate.
















Activation of other
signaling pathways


Gene transcription

Long-term changes in neuronal plasticity and function

Figure 1412. The cAMP signaling pathway. Receptors can be both positively (e.g., -adrenergic, D1) or negatively
(e.g., 5-HT1A, D2) coupled to adenylyl cyclase (AC) to regulate cAMP levels. The effects of cAMP are mediated largely by
activation of protein kinase A (PKA). One major downstream target of PKA is CREB (cAMP-responsive elementbinding protein). After activation, the phosphorylated CREB binds to the cAMP-responsive element (CRE), a gene sequence found in the promoter of certain genes. Recent data suggest that antidepressants may activate CREB, bringing
about increased expression of a major target gene, BDNF. Phosphodiesterase is an enzyme that breaks down cAMP to
AMP. Some antidepressant treatments have been found to upregulate phosphodiesterase. Drugs such as rolipram, which
inhibit phosphodiesterase, may be useful as adjunct treatments for depression. Forskolin is an agent used in preclinical
research to stimulate AC. (Source: Schatzberg and Nemeroff, 2004. Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 2004 by the American Psychiatric Association.)

1998). (See Table 142 for a list of findings from studies

involving G protein signaling in bipolar disorder.) Similar to what has been observed in the CNS, one recent
study evaluated the role of platelet G proteins as signal
coincidence detectors, and found this function to be impaired in depressed patients (Mooney et al., 1998).55
Another G protein subunit (Golf ) is located at a linkage hotspot on chromosome 18, identified by several
groups (see Chapter 13). Golf is highly homologous to Gs
and is now known to be expressed in DA-rich areas of the
brain, including caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens,
and olfactory tubercle (Herve et al., 1993). Using double
in situ hybridization, Corvol and colleagues (2001) showed
that virtually all striatal efferent neurons, identified by
the expression of preproenkephalin A, substance P, or D1

receptor mRNA, contained high amounts of Golf mRNA

and undetectable levels of Gs mRNA. Interestingly, heterozygous Golf knockout mice, which have half the normal Golf levels, showed a markedly reduced locomotor
response to psychostimulants (Corvol et al., 2001). As discussed earlier, there is unquestionable evidence for the involvement of the dopaminergic system in bipolar disorder,
thus the possibility of an abnormality in a G protein coupled to D1 receptors and regulating behavioral responses
to psychostimulants has generated considerable interest.
To date, however, no mutations have been identified in the
Golf gene, although studies are ongoing.
Overall, the most consistent finding to emerge is that in
both peripheral cells and postmortem brain tissue from
bipolar patients, elevations are observed in the predominant



Table 142. G Protein Signaling in Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)


Physiological Change



Gs; Gi, Go, and G levels

Gs mRNA levels
Coupling of 5-HT receptors to membrane G proteins
Gs levels
ADP-ribosylation of Gi and Go
G coprecipitation with G
Gs levels in Li-treated subjects
Gs and Gi levels in depressed patients
Gs levels in leukocytes of BPD patients
Gq/11 and ADP ribosylation in platelets from Li-treated patients
Agonist-induced Gpp(NH)p binding in depression
Gs levels
Agonist-induced Gpp(NH)p binding, and Gs and Gi levels in mania
and in depression
Gs levels in platelets of BP-I and -II patients, irrespective of treatment;
in MNLs
Gs levels in depressed and Li-treated patients
Gs levels in Li-treated patients
Gs levels in Li-treated BP-I patients

Young et al., 1993

Young and Woods, 1996
Friedman and Wang, 1996

Leukocytes and

Dowlatshahi et al., 1998

Young et al., 1994b
Manji et al., 1995b
Avissar et al., 1996
Avissar et al., 1997

Mitchell et al., 1997

Spleiss et al., 1998
Karege et al., 1999
Alda et al., 2001

BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; Li = lithium; MNLs = mononuclear leukocytes.

Source: Bezchlibnyk and Young, 2002.

subspecies of Gs present in the tissues examined. Since Gs

is a ubiquitously expressed protein, it may appear counterintuitive that an abnormality in this protein may play a role
in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. However, there
is already a precedent for clinical disorders arising from abnormalities in the levels of Gs, which present with limited
clinical manifestations despite the ubiquitous expression of
the protein (Spiegel, 1998). These heterogeneous clinical effects and tissue-specific manifestations have been postulated to arise from differences in receptor, G protein, and effector stoichiometries in different tissues, as well as from
tissue-specific differences in the ability of various cells to
compensate for the abnormality.
It should be emphasized, however, that there is at present no evidence to suggest that the alterations in the levels of Gs are due to a mutation in the Gs gene itself
(Ram et al., 1997). Indeed, there are numerous transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms that regulate
the levels of G protein subunits, and the elevated levels
of Gs could potentially represent the sequelae of alterations in any one of these other biochemical pathways.
Thus, at this point, considerable caution is required in interpreting the data, since they derive primarily from peripheral cell models and may not adequately reflect CNS
pathology. The possibility of the presence of aberrant
biochemical pathways that regulate Gs levels in bipolar

disorder is currently undergoing further study (Warsh

et al., 2000).

cAMP/Protein Kinase A Signaling

The most commonly used strategy has been to characterize
receptor function in readily accessible blood elements, and
much clinical research has focused on the activity of the
cAMP-generating system in mood disorders. Overall, the
preponderance of the evidence suggests altered receptor
and/or postreceptor sensitivity of the cAMP-generating system in the absence of consistent alterations in the number of
receptors themselves (Wang et al., 1997; Warsh et al., 2000).
Higher levels of cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation of
a protein with a molecular weight of ~22 kilodaltons have
been found in platelets obtained from 10 treated euthymic
bipolar patients compared with controls; by contrast, no
significant difference was found in basal phosphorylation
between the groups (Perez et al., 2000). Follow-up studies
identified the approximately 22 kilodalton protein as Rap1,
and once again found higher cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation in the bipolar patients (Perez et al., 2000).
Warsh and colleagues have undertaken the most thorough series of studies investigating the cAMP/protein
kinase A (PKA) system in postmortem human brain in
bipolar disorder. They found that the levels of PKA regulatory subunits (as assessed by [3H]cAMP binding) were



significantly lower in cytosolic fractions of frontal, temporal, occipital and parietal cortex, cerebellum, and thalamus of bipolar patients than in matched controls (Rahman et al., 1997). Furthermore, preliminary findings
indicate that the reduction of regulatory subunits of PKA
in the cytosolic fractions of temporal cortex of bipolar
patients is accompanied by higher basal kinase activity
in the cytosolic fractions of those patients temporal cortex (Fields et al., 1999). These observed changes in PKA
provide additional important evidence for dysregulation

in the Gs-mediated cAMP cascade in bipolar disorder.

(See Table 143 for findings related to cAMP signaling in
bipolar disorder.)
Finally, as discussed in more detail in Chapter 13, genetic
abnormalities in cAMP response element binding protein
(CREB) and BDNF may also occur in depression. Sequence
variations in the CREB1 gene have been reported to cosegregate with major depression in women. To our knowledge,
similar studies have not yet been undertaken in bipolar

Table 143. Cyclic AMP Signaling in Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)


Physiological Change



Forskolin-stimulated cAMP production

[3H]-cAMP binding
AC levels
Maximal and basal cAMP-dependent
PKA activity
PKA EC50 for cAMP
Forskolin-stimulated AC
CREB levels in anticonvulsanttreated subjects
PGE1-stimulated cAMP in depressed
MDD and BPD patients; NE
Inhibition of PGE1-stimulated cAMP
production Isoproterenol-stimulated
cAMP production in depressed MDD
and BPD patients
Forskolin-stimulated AC activity
subsequent to Li treatment
Basal and stimulated AC activity in
Li-treated patients
Agonist-induced Gpp(NH)p binding in
manic patients
cAMP-dependent protein phosphorylation in euthymic patients
Basal and cAMP-stimulated protein
phosphorylation after Li treatment
Basal and NaF stimulated

Young et al., 1993

Rahman et al., 1997
Reiach et al., 1999
Fields et al., 1999

and platelets

Isoproterenol-induced cAMP formation in subjects with high Ca2+ levels

PKA catalytic subunit levels vs.
untreated euthymic BPD patients
and controls
PKA regulatory subunit levels
Rap1 levels

Dowlatshahi et al., 1998

Siever et al., 1984

Mann et al., 1985
Halper et al., 1988
Ebstein et al., 1987
Ebstein et al., 1988
Schreiber et al., 1991
Perez et al., 1995, 2000
Zanardi et al., 1997
et al., 2000

Perez et al., 2000

AC = adenyl cyclase; BPD = bipolar disorder; Li = lithium; MDD = major depressive disorder;
PKA = protein kinase A.



Effects of Mood Stabilizers and Antidepressants

on the Gs/cAMP-Generating Signaling Pathway

by which chronic lithium may indirectly regulate the activity of these critical signaling proteins.

Lithium and G Proteins

Lithium and the AC System

Although it appears that lithium (at therapeutic concentrations) does not affect G proteins directly, considerable evidence indicates that chronic lithium administration affects
G protein function indirectly.56 Interestingly, for both Gs
(the G protein stimulating cAMP production) and Gi (the
G protein inhibiting cAMP production), lithiums major
effects in both humans and rodents are most compatible
with a stabilization of the heterotrimeric, undissociated,
inactive alpha beta gamma () conformation of the G
protein.57 Lithium also exerts complex effects on the activity of AC, with the preponderance of the data demonstrating an elevation of basal AC activity but an attenuation of
receptor-stimulated responses in both preclinical and clinical studies.58 It has been postulated that these elevations of
basal cAMP and dampening of receptor-mediated stimulated responses may play an important role in lithiums
ability to prevent excessive excursions from the norm
(Manji et al., 1995a; Jope, 1999). These complex effects likely
represent the net effects of direct inhibition of AC, upregulation of certain AC subtypes, and effects on the stimulatory and inhibitory G proteins (Chen et al., 1996a; Li and
El-Mallahk 2000; Manji and Lenox, 2000a).59
Consistent with this hypothesis, lithium has been shown
to potentiate the hyperactivity induced by intra-accumbens
cholera toxin administration (which activates the stimulatory G proteins, Gs and Golf ) (Kofman et al., 1998). An investigation of the effects of lithium on the striatum revealed
that 2 weeks (but not 1 week) of lithium increased the protein
levels by about 50 percent (Miki et al., 2001). Furthermore,
it was found that Golf returned to baseline levels 1 week after withdrawal of lithium. These investigators postulated
that the increased Golf expression after chronic lithium represents a compensatory adaptation to the suppression of
the AC system by lithium (see below) and may be responsible (at least in part) for the rebound increase in manic
episodes observed after abrupt lithium discontinuation (see
Chapter 19). These results suggest that direct inhibitors of
AC (such as carbamazepine) may have utility in the prevention of lithium-discontinuation emergence of mania.
Overall, many of the long-term effects of chronic lithium
on G proteins are likely attributable to an indirect posttranslational modification of the G protein(s) and a relative change in the dynamic equilibrium of the active and
inactive states of protein conformation. In this context, it
is noteworthy that investigators have demonstrated that
lithium alters the levels of endogenous ADP-ribosylation
in C6 glioma cells (Young and Woods, 1996) and in rat
brain (Nestler et al., 1995), suggesting another mechanism

As stated above, lithium has been demonstrated to exert

complex effects on AC activity, with the preponderance of
data demonstrating an elevation of basal AC activity along
with attenuation of a variety of receptor-mediated responses
(Manji et al., 1995b; Wang et al., 1997). Lithium in vitro
inhibits the stimulation of AC by guanyl imidodiphosphate,
or Gpp(NH)p (a poorly hydrolyzable analogue of GTP),
and calcium-calmodulin, both of which can be overcome by
Mg2+ (Andersen and Geisler, 1984; Newman and Belmaker,
1987; Mork and Geisler, 1989). Lithium also competes with
both Mg2+ and Ca2+ for membrane-binding sites, and
lithiums inhibition of solubilized catalytic units of AC can
be overcome by Mg2+. These findings suggest that lithiums
inhibition of AC in vitro may be due to competition with
Mg2+ on a site on the catalytic unit of AC (Andersen and
Geisler, 1984; Newman and Belmaker, 1987). However, the
inhibitory effects of chronic lithium treatment on rat brain
AC are not reversed by Mg2+, and these effects still persist
after washing of the membranes but are reversed by increasing concentrations of GTP (Mork and Geisler, 1989). These
results suggest that the physiologically relevant effects of
lithium (i.e., those seen on chronic drug administration and
not reversed immediately with drug discontinuation) may
be exerted at the level of signal-transducing G proteins at
a GTP-responsive step (discussed below).60
More recently, lithiums effects on the phosphorylation
and activity of CREB have been examined in rodent brain
and in cultured human neuroblastoma cells, with somewhat
conflicting results (Ozaki and Chuang, 1997; Wang et al.,
1999b). As we discuss later, however, CREB is now known
to be phosphorylated and regulated by the MAPK signaling cascade, which is also a target for lithiums actions (see
below). Thus lithiums effects on CREB levels and phosphorylation may be temporally and spatially specific, and
reflect the relative contributions of these two major signaling pathways in different tissues.
A series of studies have also examined lithiums effects
on AC in humans. In a longitudinal study of healthy
volunteers, 2 weeks of lithium administration was found
to significantly increase platelet basal and postreceptorstimulated AC activity (Risby et al., 1991), effects strikingly similar to those observed in rodent brain. Consistent
with a lithium-induced increase in basal cAMP and AC
levels, a subsequent study found that platelets obtained
from lithium-treated euthymic bipolar patients showed
an enhanced basal and cAMP-stimulated phosphorylation into Rap1 (a PKA substrate) as well as into a 38 kilodalton phosphoprotein (Perez et al., 2000). Interestingly,



these investigators did not find similar effects of lithium

in healthy subjects, raising the possibility of a perturbed
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation homeostatic mechanism in bipolar disorder.

Carbamazepine and the AC System

In contrast to the effects observed with lithium, carbamazepine has very modest effects on G proteins (H. Manji, unpublished observations). It has, however, been demonstrated
to have many effects on the cAMP signaling pathway, which
plays a major role in the regulation of neuronal excitability
and has been postulated to play a role in the pathophysiology of both seizure disorders (Kuriyama and Kakita, 1980;
Ludvig and Moshe, 1989) and bipolar disorder. It is thus
noteworthy that carbamazepine decreases the basal concentrations of cAMP in mouse cerebral cortex and cerebellum, and reduces cAMP production induced by NE (Palmer,
1979), adenosine (Palmer, 1979; Van Calker et al., 1991), and
the epileptogenic compounds ouabain and veratridine in
brain slices (Lewin and Bleck, 1977; Ferrendelli and Kinscherf, 1979). In manic patients, carbamazepine was found
to decrease elevated CSF levels of cAMP (Post et al., 1982).
Recent studies have also demonstrated that carbamazepine
inhibits FSK-induced c-fos gene expression in cultured
pheochromocytoma (PC-12) cells (Divish et al., 1991). Thus
overall, considerable evidence indicates that carbamazepine
inhibits cAMP formation.
More recent studies have investigated the possible
mechanisms by which carbamazepine inhibits the cAMPgenerating system. It was found that carbamazepine, at therapeutically relevant concentrations, inhibited both basal AC
and FSK-stimulated cAMP accumulation in C6 glioma cells
(Chen et al., 1996b). Within the clinical therapeutic range
(~50 M), carbamazepine inhibited basal cAMP levels by
1020 percent and FSK-stimulated cAMP production by
4060 percent. Taken together, these data indicate that carbamazepine is more effective in inhibiting the activated AC
system, although the possibility of floor effects (that is, an
inability to lower basal cAMP levels beyond certain levels in
this system) cannot be ruled out. To further characterize the
site at which carbamazepine exerts its inhibitory effects, ACs
were purified from rat cerebral cortex with an FSK affinity
purification column. It was found that, similar to the situation observed in intact C6 cells and in C6 cell membranes,
carbamazepine inhibited both basal and FSK-stimulated activity of purified AC (Chen et al., 1996b).
Taken together, the data suggest that carbamazepine inhibits cAMP production by acting directly on AC and/or
through factor(s) that are closely associated with and copurify with AC. Consistent with these results, it has been
demonstrated that carbamazepine attenuates FSK-induced
expression of c-fos (an immediate early gene) in PC-12

cells and inhibits FSK-induced phosphorylation of CREB

in C6 glioma cells. Since c-fos and CREB are known to be
involved in mediating a number of long-term neuronal responses, these effects might be postulated to play a role in
the delayed therapeutic effect of carbamazepine.

Valproate and the Gs /AC System

Recent studies have examined the effects of valproate on
components of the -adrenergic receptorcoupled cAMPgenerating system (Chen et al., 1996b). Chronic valproate
has been shown to produce a significant alteration of the
-adrenergic receptorcoupled cAMP-generating system
in cultured cells in vitro; these effects were observed at concentrations of valproate similar to those attained in plasma
in the clinical treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. In
contrast to what has been observed with chronic lithium
treatment (discussed above), it was found that chronic valproate produced a significant reduction in the density of adrenergic receptors. Interestingly, the decrease in number
of -adrenergic receptors (approximately 30 percent) was
accompanied by an even greater decrease in receptor- and
postreceptor-mediated cAMP accumulation, suggesting that
chronic valproate also exerts effects at the -adrenergic receptor/Gs interaction, or at postreceptor sites (e.g., Gs, AC).
Consistent with this contention, it was indeed found that
chronic but not acute valproate incubation induced a
marked decrease in the levels of Gs 45 but not any other
G protein subunits examined (Gs 52, Gi1-2, Go, or
Gq/11). In view of the suggested involvement of Gs in the
pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (discussed above), as
well as the effects of lithium on the -adrenergic receptor/
Gs/AC system, these effects may play a role in valproates
therapeutic effects and are worthy of further study.

Antidepressants and the Gs /AC System

The cAMP signaling cascade appears to be a major target
for the action of chronic antidepressant treatments. Recent studies have demonstrated an enhanced coupling
between Gs and the catalytic unit of AC (Rasenick et al.,
2000) and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase
enzyme activity (Nestler et al., 1989; Popoli et al., 2000).
Antidepressants have also been demonstrated to activate
cAMP-dependent and calcium/calmodulin-dependent
protein kinases, effects that are accompanied by increases
in the endogenous phosphorylation of selected substrates
(microtubule-associated protein 2 and synaptotagmin)
(Popoli et al., 2000).
Duman and colleagues (1997, 2000) have undertaken
an elegant series of studies demonstrating that the chronic
treatment of rats with a variety of antidepressants increases the levels of CREB mRNA, CREB protein, and CRE
(cyclic AMP response element) DNA binding activity in


hippocampus. Furthermore, the same group has demonstrated that chronic antidepressant treatment increases the
expression of two important genes known to be regulated
by CREBBDNF and its receptor TrkB (Duman et al.,
1997, 2000). Preliminary postmortem human brain studies
have also indicated increased levels of CREB and hippocampal BDNF (B. Chen et al., 2001) in patients treated
with antidepressants, providing indirect support for the
rodent and cell culture studies (Dowlatshahi et al., 1998).
Interestingly, recent studies have shown that shortterm sleep deprivation brings about changes in pCREB
and BDNF similar to those seen with chronic antidepressants. This finding raises the intriguing possibility that
antidepressant- or sleep deprivationinduced activation
of these plasticity cascades may play a role not only in the
antidepressant effect but also in the mania-inducing effect of these modalities. This possibility is discussed in
greater detail later.

The Phosphoinositide Signaling Cascade

The impetus for the study of this major second messenger
system in bipolar disorder was the seminal observation by
Allison and Stewart (1971) that lithium reduces brain levels
of inositol. Subsequently, Hallcher and Sherman (1980)
showed that this reduction was due to inhibition of the enzyme inositol monophosphatase, an effect that occurred
at therapeutically relevant concentrations (the enzyme
was inhibited by 50 percent at a lithium concentration of
~.8 mM). Because the mode of lithiums inhibition is uncompetitive (that is, the more active the system, the greater
the inhibition), Berridge and colleagues (1982, 1989) suggested that lithium selectively inhibits PI-derived second
messengers of systems that are overly activated in mania without interfering with basal function. Furthermore,
since inositol depletion is presumed to occur more readily
in the CNS than in the periphery, Berridges inositol depletion hypothesis of lithium action has gained considerable
Although inositol phospholipids are relatively minor
components of cell membranes, they play a major role in
receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways and are involved in a diverse range of responses in the CNS (Berridge
and Irvine, 1989; Chuang, 1989; Fisher et al., 1992). Furthermore, several subtypes of adrenergic, cholinergic, and
serotonergic receptors are coupled to phosphatidylinositol4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis in the brain, resulting in
the production of two very important second messengers
IP3 (which mobilizes calcium) and diacylglycerol (which
activates PKC). Thus, the inositol depletion hypothesis offers
a very attractive explanation for lithiums therapeutic efficacy in treating multiple aspects of bipolar disorder and
highly recurrent depressive disorders.


As we discuss in greater detail below, it is indeed quite

likely that some of lithiums effects do indeed stem from
inhibition of inositol monophosphatase, and this initiates
a cascade of signaling and gene expression changes that ultimately produce many of the drugs therapeutic effects.
Does lithium, in fact, correct an underlying abnormality
in the PI signaling pathway in recurrent mood disorders?
The data relevant to this question must be considered preliminary; nevertheless, converging data from peripheral
cell studies and postmortem brain studies suggest that the
PI/PKC signaling system may play a role in the pathophysiology of cyclic mood disorders, perhaps especially bipolar
disorder. (See Table 144 for study findings related to PI
One study measured membrane phospholipids in
platelets of seven medication-free patients in the manic
phase of bipolar disorder and seven healthy controls. It
was found that the relative percentage of platelet membrane PIP2 was significantly higher in the manic patients
than in the controls (Brown, 1993). In a more recent study
of nine medication-free bipolar depressed patients, the
same group showed that these patients had significantly
increased levels of platelet membrane PIP2 compared with
levels in controls (Soares et al., 2001). Studies have also
investigated inositol monophosphatase (IMPase) mRNA
levels in lymphocytes. It was found that a small group of
medication-free bipolar patients exhibited a reduction in
IMPase mRNA levels, whereas mood stabilizertreated
patients had normalized values (Nemanov et al., 1999).
Investigators have also attempted to determine whether
there are any abnormalities in the PI signaling system in
postmortem brain in bipolar disorder. In a postmortem
study by Shimon and colleagues (1997), free inositol levels
were found to be lower in prefrontal cortex from bipolar
patients than in controls. Another postmortem study found
increased Gq/11 immunoreactivity in postmortem occipital cortex from patients with bipolar disorder (Mathews
et al., 1997). However, these elevated levels of Gq/11 were accompanied by reduced agonist-induced PI turnover (Jope
et al., 1996), although the potential effects of long-term
lithium treatment remained to be fully delineated. A number of studies have also investigated the mediators of PI
signalingCa2+ and PKC.

Protein Kinase C in the Pathophysiology

of Recurrent Mood Disorders
Protein Kinase C Signaling in Animal Models
of Mood Disorders
As discussed earlier, two current models of mania that have
been used and have reasonable heuristic value in the study
of mood disorders are kindling and behavioral sensitization

Table 144. Phosphoinositide Signaling in Manic-Depressive Illness

(Primarily Bipolar)

Physiological Change



Gq/11 and PLC- immunoreactivity; G

GTPS and NaF-stimulated [3H]PI hydrolysis
in BPD vs. Li-treated and controls
Ca2+-stimulated PLC activity
PKC activation
PMA and phorbol esterinduced
PKC translocation
Cytosolic and membraneassociated - and
-PKC isozyme levels
Cytosolic -PKC levels
IMPase activity in depressed patient samples
Inositol levels in frontal cortex;
IMPase activity
PLC activity in Li-treated euthymic patients
Membrane-bound vs. cytosolic PKC activity
5-HT elicited PKC translocation
Basal and 5-HT-elicited PKC activity following
2 weeks of Li treatment
PIP2 levels in manic patients
PIP2 levels manic vs. untreated euthymic patients

Matthews et al., 1997

Jope et al., 1996



Li-treated vs. manic; between Li-treated vs.

untreated euthymic patients
PIP2 in Li-treated euthymic patients; in other
Basal PKC activity in mania
PKC responsiveness to PMA/thrombin in
PKC responsiveness to 5-HT
PMA-induced translocation
PKC- levels
PIP2 following Li treatment; in other
PIP2 in Li-treated patients
Cytosolic PKC- levels
No correlation between PLC and PIP2 measures
Membrane PIP2 levels in depressed patients;
in other phospholipids
Inositol 1-phosphatase activity in Li-treated

Wang and Friedman,


Atack, 1996
Shimon et al., 1997
Ebstein et al., 1988
Friedman et al., 1993

Brown et al., 1993

Soares and
Mallinger, 1997
Soares et al., 1997
Soares et al., 1999
H. Wang et al., 1999

Young et al., 1999

Soares et al., 2000a
Soares et al., 2000b

Soares et al., 2001

et al., 1990

BPD = bipolar disorder; Li = lithium; PIP2 = phosphatidylinositol biphosphate; PKC = protein kinase C;
PLC = phospholipase C.
Source: Bezchlibnyk and Young, 2002.


BOX 1414. Protein Kinase C and the Pathophysiology

of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)

Amphetamine produces increases in protein kinase C (PKC) ac-

tivity, and GAP-43 phosphorylation (implicated in neurotransmitter release)

PKC inhibitors block biochemical and behavioral responses to
amphetamine and cocaine and also block cocaine-induced
Increased membrane/cytosol PKC partitioning in platelets
from manic subjects; normalized with lithium treatment
Increased PKC activity and translocation in bipolar disorder
patients brains compared to controls
Increased levels of RACK-1 (receptor for activated C kinase) in
bipolar patients brains compared to controls
Lithium and valproate regulate PKC activity, PKC , PKC , and
myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS)
Preliminary data suggest that PKC inhibitors may have efficacy
in treatment of acute mania
Source: Manji and Lenox, 1999.

(Lyon, 1991; Post and Weiss, 1992). Considerable evidence

implicates long-term alterations in midbrain dopaminergic
transmission in the development of behavioral sensitization, but the cellular mechanism(s) underlying the long-term
changes in excitability observed in kindled or stimulantsensitized animals have not been fully elucidated. A growing
body of evidence implicates alterations in both PKC and
certain G proteins (especially Gi and Go).61 In particular,
dramatic increases in membrane-associated PKC have been
observed in the bilateral hippocampus at up to 4 weeks and
in the amygdala/pyriform cortex at 4 weeks after the last
kindled seizure (Daigen et al., 1991).
Studies have also implicated alterations in PKC activity
as mediators of long-term alterations in neuronal excitability in the brain following chronic stimulant use. Several independent laboratories have now demonstrated that
both acute and chronic amphetamine exposure produces
an alteration in PKC activity and its relative cytosol-tomembrane distribution, as well as the phosphorylation of
a major PKC substrate, GAP-43, which has been implicated in long-term alterations of neurotransmitter release
(Giambalvo, 1992a,b; Gnegy et al., 1993; Iwata et al., 1997a,b).
(See Box 1414 for a summary of research findings related
to PKC activity.) In a few studies, pharmacological inhibition of PKC results in behavioral changes similar to mood
stabilizers. Direct injection of the specific PKC inhibitor
RO31-8220 into the nucleus accumbens inhibited amphetamine hyperactivity (Browman et al., 1998). Inhibition of
PKC in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) with the PKC inhibitor H7 reduced cocaine hyperactivity (Steketee, 1994)


and a similar injection to A10 area (where the VTA is located) disrupted cocaine sensitization (Steketee, 1994).
Increased hedonistic drive and increased tendency to
abuse drugs are well known facets of manic behavior. Two
models of such behaviors are consumption of reward and
conditioned place preference (CPP) (Papp et al., 1991). PKC
inhibition with H7 in the A10 area blocked the development
of cocaine CPP (Steketee, 1994), ICV injections of the PKC
inhibitor calphostine blocked morphine CPP (Narita et al.,
2001), and intra-accumbens injections of the PKC inhibitor
NPC-15437 blocked amphetamine CPP (Aujla and Beninger,
2003). Furthermore, PKC inhibition in the accumbens inhibited the development of morphine dependence, a measure that may be related to increased drug craving (Valverde
et al., 1996).
PKC-related targeted mutations also support the involvement of PKC in affective-like behaviors. PKC knockout
(KO) mice show reduced morphine-induced CPP (Narita
et al., 2001) and PKC KO mice demonstrate reduced
ethanol self-administration (Olive et al., 2000).
Indeed, abundant evidence has now accumulated to
show that activation of PKC enhances both depolarizationmediated and basal release of DA (Robinson, 1991; Cowell
and Garrod 1999), a neurotransmitter implicated in the
manic syndrome (as discussed above). Release of DA by PKC
activation has been demonstrated in a variety of tissues,
including striatal synaptosomes, effects that have been
demonstrated to be independent of extracellular calcium.
The ability of amphetamine to produce heightened locomotor activity is thought to be due to its ability to enhance
DA release from mesolimbic DA neurons. Furthermore,
PKC inhibitors have been demonstrated to markedly reduce
amphetamine-induced DA release (Giambalvo, 1992a,b). It
is now believed that in addition to blocking the reuptake of
NE and DA, psychostimulants facilitate the release of these
neurotransmitters in large part by activation of PKC (Giambalvo, 1992a,b; Gnegy et al., 1993; Iwata et al., 1997a,b).
Finally, recent nonhuman primate studies investigating cognitive deficits similar to those observed in mania have also
demonstrated the efficacy of a selective PKC inhibitor. Birnbaum and associates (2004) have demonstrated that excessive activation of PKC dramatically impaired the cognitive
functions of the prefrontal cortex, exposure to stress activated PKC and resulted in prefrontal dysfunction, and inhibition of PKC (including indirectly with mood stabilizers)
protected cognitive function. These data suggest that PKC
may play an important role in some of the cognitive features
of mania.
As noted earlier, abnormalities of circulating glucocorticoids are well known to be associated with affective symptomatology (Banki et al., 1987), and interestingly, elevated
glucocorticoids have been associated with both depressive



and manic symptomatology (Haskett, 1985; Banki et al.,

1987; Ur et al., 1992). It is noteworthy that a recent study
found the repeated administration of dexamethasone for 10
days caused a significant increase in Bmax of phorbol dibutyrate ([3H]PDBu) binding to PKC, increased PKC activity,
and increased levels of PKC and in rat and hippocampus (Dwivedi and Pandey, 1999).
It is indeed striking that behavioral sensitization and kindling (which have been postulated as models for bipolar disorder and mania), as well as dexamethasone administration,
produce robust alterations in the PKC signaling pathway in
critical limbic structures, given that lithium and valproate
aim for these same biochemical targets. Although considerable caution obviously must be employed when extrapolating results from rodent brain, the fact that these two models
and glucocorticoid administration are associated with effects on PKC signaling opposite to those observed with
chronic lithium or valproate is compelling indeed. Interestingly, there is also evidence suggesting that chronic antidepressants may modulate PKC activity in limbic and limbicassociated areas of rat brain (Nalepa, 1993, 1994). Moreover,
PKC was recently demonstrated to regulate the activity of
NE, DA, and serotonin transporters (Apparsundaram et al.,
1998; Blakely et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 1998). Whether these
complex effects of antidepressants on PKC activity underlie
their apparent ability to trigger manic episodes and perhaps
promote rapid cycling in susceptible individuals (Goodwin
and Jamison, 1990) remains to be determined.

Human Studies Implicating Protein Kinase C

in the Pathophysiology of Recurrent Mood Disorders
To date, only a limited number of studies have directly
examined PKC in bipolar disorder (Hahn and Friedman,
1999). Although undoubtedly an oversimplification, particulate (membrane) PKC is sometimes viewed as the more
active form of PKC; thus an examination of the subcellular
partitioning of this enzyme can be used as an index of the
degree of activation. Friedman and colleagues (1993) investigated PKC activity and translocation in response to serotonin in platelets obtained from bipolar subjects before and
during lithium treatment. They found that ratios of platelet
membrane-bound to cytosolic PKC activities were elevated in the manic subjects compared with the euthymic,
lithium-treated bipolar patients. In addition, serotoninelicited platelet PKC translocation was enhanced in those
In postmortem brain tissue from bipolar patients, Wang
and Friedman (1996) measured PKC isozyme levels, activity,
and translocation. They found increased PKC activity and
translocation in the brains of the bipolar patients compared
with controls, effects accompanied by elevated levels of
selected PKC isozymes in the cortex of the bipolar subjects.

More recently, the same group found that postmortem

brains of bipolar subjects showed increased association with
receptor for activated C kinase 1 (RACK1) (Wang and Friedman, 2001). Since PKC is anchored to the membrane by
RACK1, these results suggest that increased association of
RACK1 with PKC isozymes may be responsible for the increases in membrane PKC and its activation previously
observed in frontal cortex of brains of bipolar patients.
In comparison with the studies in bipolar disorder discussed above, two recent studies used [3H]PDBu, a radioligand that binds to PKC, to investigate particulate and cytosolic PKC in postmortem brain samples obtained from
depressed patients and/or individuals who had committed
suicide. Pandey and colleagues (1997) found that the Bmax
of [3H]PDBu binding sites was significantly decreased in
both membrane and cytosolic fractions from Brodmanns
areas 8 and 9 in teenage suicide subjects compared with
matched controls; no unipolarbipolar distinctions were
made and there was no quantification of recurrence
among the unipolar patients. Coull and colleagues (2000)
found increased [3H]PDBu binding in the soluble fraction
(suggesting less in the active membrane fraction) in
antidepressant-free suicides compared with controls in
frontal cortex. The results of these two studies could potentially be interpreted as reflecting reduced PKC function, due either to a reduction in the absolute levels or a reduction in the particulate/soluble fractions. Considerable
additional research is required, however, to adequately justify such a conclusion.

Abnormalities of Calcium Signaling in Bipolar Disorder

Acting through intracellular proteins such as myristoylated
alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and calmodulin
and enzymes such as PKC, AC, and CaM kinase, calcium
ions have been shown to regulate the synthesis and release
of neurotransmitters, neuronal excitability, cytoskeletal remodeling, and long-term neuroplastic events. Thus it is not
surprising that a large number of studies have investigated
intracellular Ca2+ in peripheral cells in bipolar disorder
(Dubovsky et al., 1992b; Emamghoreishi et al., 1997; Wang
et al., 1997; see Tables 145, 146, and 147). In view of the
caveats associated with studies of peripheral circulating
cells, the remarkable consistency of the findings of this research is surprising indeed. Studies have consistently shown
elevations in both resting and stimulated levels of intracellular Ca2+ in platelets, lymphocytes, and neutrophils of patients with bipolar disorder. These calcium abnormalities
have been postulated to represent state-dependent findings
(Dubovsky et al., 1992b), but recent studies using transformed lymphoblasts from bipolar patients have revealed
similar abnormalities, suggesting that they may be traitdependent (Emamghoreishi et al., 1997).



Table 145. Intracellular Calcium in Blood Elements of Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar): Platelets


Intracellular Ca level

Treatment Status

Bowden et al., 1988



Dubovsky et al., 1989


BPd (14) > UPd (29)

Note that BPd = C (10) and UP = BPm (11)
BPm (15) > C (15)
BPm, BPd (15) > BPe (13), UP (13), C
BPe (6) > C (7)
BPe > C (with or without in vitro Li incubation)
BPd (15) > UPd (9), C (13) = BPe (9)
BPd > UP, C
BPm (4), BPd (5) > C (7)
BPd (16) = UPm (26) = UPn (18) = C (30)
BPd, UPm > UPn, C
BPm (21), BPd (19), BPe Li-treated (20) > C (20)
(DSS only in BPe > C)
Elevated in all groups
(DSS), no differences among groups
Plasma of patients does not alter Ca in platelets
of C BP or SA BPM
BP (17) = UPd (27) = C (44)
Li-treated > TCA-treated and C (in any group)
BP (17) = UPd (27) = C (44)
BPm (7) > C (26)b
BPm (7) > C (26)b
Untreated BPm (10) > BPe Li-CBZtreated (10), C (14)
Untreated BPm > BPe Li-CBZtreated, C
BP (13) > UPd (12) > C (15)
BP, UPd > C
BP > C (14)
BP > C

Tan et al., 1990

Dubovsky et al., 1991
Dubovsky et al., 1992b
Kusumi et al., 1994a
Berk et al., 1994

Dubovsky et al., 1994


Bothwell et al., 1994


Tan et al., 1995


Okamoto et al., 1995

Yamawaki et al., 1996
Hough et al., 1999

Kusumi et al., 2000c

Suzuki et al., 2001


BP (24), UPm (51), UPn (23)

BPd lower basal Ca and higher Ca response = better
response to MS
BP (20) = UPm (26) = UPn (16) = C (30)
BP > C

Untreated and recovered

Untreated and treated
Untreated and remittedb


Treated and untreatedb


BP = bipolar patients; BPd = BP depressed; BPe = BP euthymic; BPm = BP manic; C = controls (healthy volunteers); CBZ = carbamazepine;
DSS = difference statistically significant; Li = lithium; MS = mood stabilizer; PAF = platelet activator factor; SA = schizoaffective patients; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant; UP = unipolar patients; UPd = unipolar depressed patient; UPm = UP melancholic; UPn = UP not melancholic.
Statistical significance not calculated.
Difference not statistically significant.
Follow-up of 5 years.

The regulation of free intracellular Ca2+ is a complex

process involving extracellular entry, release from intracellular stores following receptor-stimulated PI hydrolysis, uptake into specific organelles, and binding to specific proteins
(see Fig. 1413). Thus, the abnormalities observed in bipolar disorder could arise at a variety of levels, and recent
studies suggest that they lie beyond the receptor (Hough
et al., 1999). In this context, since PKC is known to regulate

calcium signaling at multiple levels (Shibata et al., 1996;

Si-Tahar et al., 1996; Ozaki and Chuang, 1997), more recent
studies have investigated its putative role in mediating the
calcium abnormalities in bipolar disorder. Preliminary
analysis suggests that alterations in tonic PKC activity may
play an important role in mediating the abnormal intracellular calcium responses observed in bipolar patients
(H. Manji and R. Post, unpublished observations).



Table 146. Intracellular Calcium in Blood Elements of Manic-Depressive Patients (Primarily Bipolar): Lymphocytes


Intracellular Ca level

Treatment Status

Dubovsky et al., 1992b

van Calker et al., 1993

Basal not shown
PHG, concavalin A

BPm (4), BPd (5) > C (7)

BPe (9) Li-treated, BP (14) untreated, C (10)
BPe > C > BP
BP (26) > C (7)
BP > C
CBZ lowered Ca basal and Ca-stimulated
in BP, not in C
C (14) = Li-treated (14) BP or UP
Li treatment lowered Ca response
BP-I (28) > C (20) but not BP-II (11), UP (14)


Dubovsky et al., 1994

Forstner et al., 1994

et al., 1997
Hough et al., 1999

Basal in neutrophils
Basal in BLCL
PHG in T ly
Thrombin, 5-HT, TGN

BP > C (14)
BPm> C only with TGN


Treated and untreatedb

BLCL = immortalized B lymphoblasts cell line; BP = bipolar patients; BPd = BP depressed; BPe = BP euthymic; BPm = bipolar patient manic;
C = controls (healthy volunteers); CBZ = carbamazepine; fMLP = formylmethionylleucylphenalanin; Li = lithium; PHG = phytohemaglutinin;
UP = unipolar patients; TGN = thapsigargin; T ly = T lymphocytes.
Statistical significance not calculated.
Difference not statistically significant.

In an effort to understand the relationship between

possible abnormalities of the PI cascade and intracellular
calcium, Warsh and colleagues (2000) have investigated
IMPA1 and IMPA2 gene expression and calcium homeostasis in B lymphoblast cell lines (BLCLs) from bipolar-I
patients (Yoon et al., 2001). They found that IMPA2 mRNA
levels were significantly lower in BLCLs from male
bipolar-I patients with high [Ca2+] (n = 6) than in healthy
male subjects (n = 5), male bipolar-I patients with normal
BLCL [Ca2+], and female bipolar-I patients with high
[Ca2+]. Furthermore, they found a negative correlation
between IMPA2 mRNA levels and [Ca2+] in the male patients.
In view of the extensive cross talk between calcium
(Ca2+)- and cAMP-mediated signaling systems, Emamghoreishi and colleagues (1997) have postulated that abnormalities in Ca2+ homeostasis in bipolar disorder may be linked
to disturbances in the function of G proteins that mediate
cAMP signaling. To investigate this hypothesis, they phenotyped bipolar-I patients on the basis of basal intracellular
Ca2+ and then investigated the cAMP system. They found
that isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP formation was lower
in intact B lymphoblasts from bipolar-I patients with high
Ca2+ (greater than or equal to 2 standard deviations above
the mean concentration of healthy subjects) compared with
patients having normal B lymphoblast Ca2+ and healthy
subjects. Furthermore, although basal and NaF-stimulated
cAMP production was found to be greater in B lymphoblast membranes from male bipolar-I patients with
high versus normal Ca2+, there were no differences in the

percent stimulation. These findings raise the intriguing

possibility that trait-dependent disturbances in G protein
mediated cAMP signaling occur in conjunction with altered Ca2+ homeostasis in those bipolar-I patients with high
B lymphoblast Ca2+ and are worthy of further study. The
possible basis for a gender difference in the responses also
warrants more extensive investigation.

The Phosphoinositide/Protein Kinase C Signaling

Pathway as a Target
Lithium and the Phosphoinositide Cycle: The Inositol
Depletion Hypothesis
As discussed earlier, lithium at therapeutically relevant concentrations is an uncompetitive inhibitor of the intracellular enzyme inositol monophosphatase (concentration of
lithium required to inhibit enzymatic activity by 50 percent
(Ki) ~.8 mM). This inhibition results in an accumulation of
inositol monophosphate (IP) and a reduction in the generation of free inositol (Allison and Stewart, 1971; Hallcher
and Sherman, 1980; Sherman et al., 1986)62 (see Fig. 1414).
A number of studies have been conducted to examine
the effects of lithium on receptor-mediated PI response in
brain in a variety of neurotransmitter systems (e.g., cholinergic, serotonergic, noradrenergic, and histaminergic). Although some investigators have found a reduction in
agonist-stimulated PIP2 hydrolysis in brain slices from rats
exposed acutely and chronically to lithium, these findings
have often been small, inconsistent, and subject to methodological differences.63,64



Table 147. Calcium Signaling in Manic-Depressive Illness (Primarily Bipolar)





Na+/K+-ATPase activity in depressed patients

Hokin-Neaverson et al., 1974;

Johnson, 1980; Naylor et al., 1980
Linnoila et al., 1983a
Bowden et al., 1988
van Calker et al., 1993


and platelets

Ca2+-ATPase activity in mania and depression Ca2+ response;

Ca2+-ATPase levels in mania and depression
fLMP-stimulated Ca2+ responses in untreated mania and depression;
stimulated Ca2+ responses in Li-treated patients
fLMP-stimulated Ca2+ responses in Li-treated patients
Basal and stimulated Ca2+ levels in mania and depression
5-HT-stimulated Ca2+ response in mania and depression
Basal Ca2+ levels in Li-treated patients; thrombin-stimulated
Ca2+ response; stimulated Ca2+ response in vitro with Li
5-HT-stimulated Ca2+ response in depressed patients
Basal or stimulated Ca2+ in Li-treated patients; serum and
5-HT-stimulated intracellular Ca2+ levels
Basal or stimulated Ca2+ with chronic Li treatment or in vitro
Basal Ca2+ in euthymic patients
5-HT-stimulated Ca2+ responses in manic patients
Ca2+ uptake in mania or depression; Ca2+ uptake following in
vitro Li treatment
Basal Ca2+ concentration; percent change in phytohemagglutininstimulated vs. basal Ca2+ levels in BP-I patients
Basal and stimulated Ca2+ concentration; between types,
medication state, or severity
Basal and NaF-stimulated and isoproterenol-stimulated cAMP
formation in BPD subjects with high basal Ca2+ levels
5-HT-induced Ca2+ response correlated with response to mood
stabilizer treatment in a longitudinal study
Basal or 5-HT-induced Ca2+

Forstner et al., 1994

Dubovsky et al., 1989, 1991, 1992a,b
Yamawaki et al. 1996
Tan et al., 1990
Kusumi et al., 1991, 1994a;
Eckert et al., 1994
Bothwell et al., 1994
Kusumi et al., 1994b
Berk et al., 1994
Okamoto et al., 1995
Berk et al., 1996
Emamghoreishi et al., 1997
Hough et al., 1999
Emamghoreishi et al., 2000
Kusumi et al., 2000
Suzuki et al., 2001

BPD = bipolar disorder; BP-I = bipolar-I; fMPL = formylmethionylleucylphenalanin; Li = lithium.

Source: Bezchlibnyk and Young, 2002.

A number of recent studies have investigated the possibility that lithium and other putative mood stabilizers may
regulate the PI system independently of inhibiting IMPase.
In this context, investigators have examined lithiums effects on the PI system distal to the receptor since, as noted
above, experimental evidence has shown that lithium may
alter receptor coupling to PI turnover.65
A most interesting potential new target for the actions
of structurally dissimilar mood stabilizers is a high-affinity
myoinositol transport system (called SMITSodium
sensitive high-affinity Myo-Inositol Transporter) that has
been characterized in various cell types, including those of
neural origin (van Calker and Belmaker, 2000). Thus it
was recently demonstrated that the activity of the SMIT and
the expression of its mRNA in astrocytes are downregulated
after chronic treatment with therapeutic concentrations

of lithium (van Calker and Belmaker, 2000). Interestingly,

downregulation of the SMIT was also observed after administration of valproate and carbamazepine. If replicated
in vivo, these findings suggest that the SMIT may represent
a novel target for the development of new drugs. Most recent finding implicating PI signaling in the actions of
mood stabilizers comes from Benes and colleagues (2000),
who used a novel tissue-culture assay that measures sensory neuron growth-cone stability to infer that mood stabilizers have a common mechanism of actiondepletion
of neuronal inositol (1,4,5) trisphosphate (IP3).66
In human studies, researchers have used MRS to investigate lithiums effects on brain myoinositol levels in bipolar patients undergoing chronic lithium treatment. In a
longitudinal study, Moore and colleagues (1999c) quantitated myoinositol in medication-free bipolar depressed



high calcium concentration



(NMDA subtype)



Voltage gated
calcium channel






low calcium concentration


high calcium


cl u

and other

target proteins

signaling pathway

et i


endoplasmic r


Figure 1413. In neurons, Ca2+-dependent processes represent an intrinsic, nonsynaptic feedback system that
provides the competence for adaptation to different functional tasks. Ca2+ is generally mobilized in one of two
ways in the cells: either by mobilization from intracellular stores or from the outside of the cell via plasma membrane ion channels and certain receptors (e.g., NMDA). The external level of Ca2+ is approximately 2mM, yet
resting intracellular Ca2+ levels are in the range of 100nM (2 1 0 4 lower). Local high levels of calcium result in
activation of enzymes, signaling cascades, and at extremes, cell death. Release of intracellular stores of calcium is
primarily regulated by IP3 receptors, which are activated upon generation of IP3 by phospholipase C activity, and
the ryanodine receptor that is activated by the drug ryanodine. Ca2+ is sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum
(the vast web and framework for Ca2+-binding proteins to capture and sequester Ca2+). Ca2+-buffering and triggering proteins are nonuniformly distributedthus the considerable subcellular variation of Ca2+ concentrations (e.g.,
near a Ca2+ channel). The primary mechanism for Ca2+ calcium exit from the cell is via sodium calcium exchange or
by means of a calcium pump. (Source: Schatzberg and Nemeroff, 2004. Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 2004 by the American Psychiatric Association.)

patients at baseline and after acute (5-day) and chronic

(4-week) blinded lithium adminstration. They found that
therapeutic administration of lithium produces significant
reductions in myoinositol levels in bipolar patients in brain
regions previously implicated in the pathophysiology of

bipolar disorder. However, the major lithium-induced

myoinositol reductions are observed after only 5 days of
lithium administration, at a time when the bipolar patients
clinical state is completely unchanged. Similar results have
been obtained in independent studies of both child and


adult bipolar patients (Davanzo et al., 2001; Yildiz et al.,

The evidence reviewed here suggests that the PI signaling cascade is a target for the action of mood stabilizers
and that IMPase inhibition likely represents an important
primary biochemical target for the actions of lithium. However, the therapeutic actions of lithium occur only after
chronic treatment and usually remain in evidence for some
time after discontinuationactions that cannot be attributed only to inositol reductions evident in the presence of
lithium. Thus, although the preponderance of the data
suggests that the initial actions of lithium may occur with
a relative depletion of inositol and thereby alterations in
receptor-coupled PI response, the effects of chronic lithium

(and likely the therapeutically relevant ones) are more

likely to be mediated by resultant changes at different levels of the signal transduction processes, including the level
of PKC (Jope and Williams, 1994; Manji et al., 1995a,b;
Manji and Lenox, 1998). We now turn to the growing body
of evidence implicating PKC as a target for the actions of
mood stabilizers.

Protein Kinase C in the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

In view of the pivotal role of the PKC signaling pathway
in the regulation of neuronal excitability, neurotransmitter
release, and long-term synaptic events (Conn and Sweatt,
1994; Chen et al., 1997; Hahn and Friedman, 1999), it
has been postulated that the attenuation of PKC activity

Figure 1414. Effects of lithium on the phosphoinositide (PI) cycle. A number of receptors in the central nervous system (including M1, M1, M1, 5-HT2) are coupled, via Gq/11, to activation of PI hydrolysis. Activation of these receptors induces phospholipase C hydrolysis of phosphoinositide 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) to diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (Ins
1,4,5P3). DAG activates protein kinase C (PKC), an enzyme that has many effects including the activation of phospholipase A-2
(PLA2; an activator of arachidonic acid signaling pathways). IP3 binds to the IP3 receptor, resulting in the release of intracellular
calcium from intracellular stores, most notably the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Calcium, an important signaling molecule, initiates a number of downstream effects such as activation of calmodulins and calmodulin-dependent protein kinases. IP3 is recycled
back to PIP2 by the enzymes inositol monophosphate phosphatase (IMPase) and inositol polyphosphatate phosphatase (IPPase),
both of which are targets of lithium. Thus, lithium may initiate many of its therapeutic effects by inhibiting these enzymes, bringing about a cascade of downstream effects involving PKC and gene expression changes. A = agonist; BBB = bloodbrain barrier;
G = protein; R = receptor. (Source: Schatzberg and Nemeroff, 2004. Reprinted with permission from The American Journal of Psychiatry. Copyright 2004 by the American Psychiatric Association.)

myo-inositol (? BBB)
















Ins 4P
Ins 1P
Ins 3P

de novo synthesis




may play a role in the antimanic effects of lithium and

valproate. Recently, a pilot study found that tamoxifen (a
nonsteroidal antiestrogen known to be a PKC inhibitor at
higher concentrations [Baltuch et al., 1993]) may indeed possess antimanic efficacy (Bebchuk et al., 2000). Clearly these
results must be considered preliminary because of the small
sample sizes thus far. In view of preliminary data suggesting
the involvement of the PKC signaling system in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder, however, these results suggest that PKC inhibitors may be very useful agents in the
treatment of mania. Larger double-blind, placebo-controlled
studies of tamoxifen are currently under way, and if positive,
may soon lead to the development of completely novel, potentially very rapidly acting antimanic agents.
Evidence from various laboratories has clearly demonstrated that lithium at therapeutically relevant concentrations exerts major effects on the PKC signaling cascade
(see Fig. 1415). Currently available data suggest that acute
lithium exposure facilitates a number of PKC-mediated responses, whereas longer-term exposure results in an attenuation of phorbol-ester-mediated responses, which is accompanied by downregulation of specific PKC isozymes
(Manji and Lenox, 1999; J. Wang et al., 1999). Studies in rodents have demonstrated that chronic (but not acute)
lithium produces an isozyme-selective reduction in PKC

and in frontal cortex and hippocampus in the absence of

significant alterations in the , , or isozymes (Manji
et al., 1993; Manji and Lenox, 1999; Chen et al., 2000). Concomitant studies carried out in immortalized hippocampal
cells in culture exposed to chronic lithium show a similar
reduction in the expression of both the PKC and
isozymes in the cell, as determined by immunoblotting
(Manji and Lenox, 1999). Furthermore, chronic lithium
has been demonstrated to dramatically reduce the hippocampal levels of a major PKC substrate, MARCKS, a
protein implicated in regulating long-term neuroplastic
events (Lenox et al., 1992; see Table 148).
Although the effects of lithium on PKC isozymes and
MARCKS are striking, a major problem inherent in neuropharmacological research is the difficulty of attributing
therapeutic relevance to any observed biochemical finding.
It is thus noteworthy that the structurally dissimilar antimanic agent valproate produces effects very similar to those
of lithium on PKC and isozymes and MARCKS protein.67 Interestingly, lithium and valproate appear to have
their effects on the PKC signaling pathway through distinct
mechanisms (Manji and Lenox, 1999; Lenox and Hahn,
2000). These biochemical observations are consistent with
the clinical observations that some patients show preferential response to one or the other of the agents, and that

Figure 1415. The potential mechanisms by which chronic lithium (Li+) or valproate (VPA), or direct-acting protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors, may be useful in the treatment of acute mania. Activation of PKC, which is known to occur
through psychostimulants or stress, results in the phosphorylation of key substrates, notably GAP-43 (growth-coneassociated protein) and MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate), facilitating the release of neurotransmitters. Chronic lithium or valproate attenuates PKC signaling, an effect that may be responsible for the treatment of various
facets of the manic syndrome. (Source: Bachman et al., 2005. Reprinted with permission.)



# (")




" P/Q type

calcium channels





GAP-43 (!)








Phosphorylation of %1 subunit
of P/Q type channels by PKC

Excessive activation of
regulating affective,
cognitive, motoric, and
hedonic circuitry


Table 148. Effects of Lithium and Valproate on

Protein Kinase C (PKC) Signaling

PKC activity
MARCKS levels



additive, or even synergistic therapeutic effects are often

seen in patients when the two agents are coadministered.
As discussed in Chapters 18, 19, and 20, a growing body
of data suggests that omega-3 fatty acids (-3 FA) may have
some benefit in the treatment of bipolar disorder (see below). It is thus noteworthy that the -3 FA eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as
the combination of DHA and EPA, were found to inhibit
PKC activity at concentrations as low as 10 M (Kim et al.,
2001). By contrast, arachidonic acid had no effect on PKC
activity. Thus, in toto, the biochemical data indicate that
structurally dissimilar antimanic agentslithium, valproate,
and -3 FAattenuate PKC function in a therapeutically
relevant time frame, whereas promanic psychostimulants
activate PKC. These findings suggest that PKC modulation
may indeed play a critical role in the treatment of mania.
However, one of the major difficulties inherent in neuropharmacological research is the attribution of therapeutic relevance to any observed molecular or cellular findings. This difficulty is exacerbated in the case of mood
stabilizers, since the prototypical drugs for bipolar disorder were developed serendipitously and exert multiple biochemical and cellular effects, but also some, such as lithium,
have therapeutic effects in the prevention and treatment of
recurrent depression as well.
With respect to the treatment of mania, attempts to develop improved, potentially more rapidly acting medications are dependent on identifying therapeutically relevant
targets, and one of the most important routes to linking cellular and therapeutic effects is by studying final outcomes
behavior (Holmes et al., 2003; Williams et al., 2003). A
series of studies was therefore undertaken to assess more
directly the possible involvement of PKC inhibition in
manic-like behavior in established animal models for the
manic syndrome (Einat et al., 2000, 2003b). To explore a
wide range of manic-like behaviors, three different behavioral models were used, all induced by amphetamine: (1)
hyperactivity, (2) increased risk-taking, and (3) increased
hedonic behavior. As we noted in the first edition of this
text, these behaviors were chosen because they reflect some


of the most important and consistently observed facets of

mania in patients. Amphetamine-based models were used
because of their ability to trigger manic episodes in susceptible humans.
Given the desire to extrapolate the findingsif positive
directly to large-scale clinical research, the studies were
undertaken using the only compound with appreciable CNS
PKC inhibitory activity that has been approved for human
usetamoxifen (OBrian et al., 1988; Baltuch et al., 1993).
Tamoxifen has been widely used in the treatment of breast
cancer (Catherino et al., 1993; Jordan, 1994). A number of
its effects are due to estrogen receptor antagonism (Jordan,
1994), but recent research has shown that it is also a potent
and selective PKC inhibitor at therapeutically relevant concentrations (Horgan et al., 1986; OBrian et al., 1988; Couldwell et al., 1993). Tamoxifen clearly crosses the bloodbrain
barrier and has already been used safely in women, men,
and children (Pollack et al., 1997; Jordan, 2003), including
for the treatment of a CNS disorder, malignant glioma
(Couldwell et al., 1996; Mastronardi et al., 1998). It was
found that acute tamoxifen significantly reduced acute or
chronic amphetamine-induced hyperactivity in a large open
field without affecting spontaneous activity levels. Furthermore, the same treatment normalized amphetamine-induced
increase in visits to the center of an open field (representing risk-taking behavior) and reduced hedonic-like
amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference. Biochemical results were consistent with the behavioral changes,
and tamoxifen attenuated amphetamine-induced phosphorylation of GAP-43, consistent with PKC inhibition.

The Role of Fatty Acids

As noted above, the possible involvement of fatty acids (in
particular the -3 FA) in the treatment of mood disorders
has recently received considerable attention. The predominant naturally occurring -3 FA are DHA, EPA, and
linolenic acid. The -3 FA appear to cross the bloodbrain
barrier easily and are incorporated into neuronal membranes. Because of their highly folded chemical structure,
-3 FA increase the fluidity of the membrane lipid bilayer,
thereby changing transmembrane protein function. This
has been proposed to represent the mechanism by which
membrane phospholipids become more resistant to hydrolysis by phospholipases.68
In a series of studies, investigators have used in vivo
brain-imaging methodologies to investigate the potential
effects of mood-stabilizing agents on CNS fatty acids. It was
found that lithium and valproate produce selective reductions in the turnover rate of the phospholipid arachidic
acid (AA) in rat brain (Chang et al., 1996, 2001). Lithium
produced a reduction of 80 percent accompanied by a
reduction in the expression of the gene and protein of



an AA-specific phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). Valproate decreased the turnover of AA by 33 percent with no effect on
cPLA2 protein levels, and was postulated to act directly in
the incorporation of AA into brain phospholipids. Ongoing
studies should serve to delineate the facets of recurrent
mood disorders (perhaps especially bipolar disorder) that
these membrane changes may modulate.

The Role of Synaptic Vesicle Proteins

Because synaptic proteins are downstream targets of many
signaling pathways implicated in the pathophysiology and/
or treatment of mood disorders, and because alterations
in presynaptic function could modulate synaptic plasticity
and therefore CNS information flow, the role of these proteins in mood disorders merits attention. The presynaptic
machinery controls the processes of exocytosis and endocytosis at the synapse, and is composed of a large number
of proteins interacting in complex ways. These proteins
are phosphoregulated by many major serine/threonine
kinases and phosphatases, including PKC, PKA, calcium/
calmodulin-dependent kinases (CaMK) I and II, MAPK,
casein kinase II (caskII), cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk), and
the protein phosphatases 2a and 2b (PP2A and calcineurin,
respectively). Some of these phosphorylations appear to reflect presynaptic mechanisms of synaptic plasticity (Turner
et al., 1999). Expression-level regulation is also effected by
many processes and pathways, including spatial learning
(Gomez-Pinilla et al., 2001), stress (Thome et al., 2001), estrogen (Brake et al., 2001), BDNF (Tartaglia et al., 2001), CREB
(Hoesche et al., 1995; Ryabinin et al., 1995), and POU-family
transcription factors (Morris et al., 1996; Deans et al., 1997).

Evidence of Pathological Alterations

in the Presynaptic Release Machinery
Postmortem studies have shed much light on the potential
dysfunction of the synapse in psychiatric disorders. Most
studies have focused on schizophrenia, although similar
results have often been found in bipolar disorder when
included. Eastwood and Harrison (2001) recently reviewed findings on synaptic markers in schizophrenia and
mood disorders and assayed several proteins in anterior
cingulate cortex. They found that GAP-43, synaptophysin,
and complexin II were reduced in bipolar disorder, correlated with length of illness. In general, however, the results
were more suggestive of an overall atrophy of excitatory
synaptic connections rather than a specific pathology related to the machinery of neurotransmitter release.69
Overall, many suggestive findings implicate presynaptic
proteins in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and severe mood disorders. It remains to be seen, however, whether
these changes are directly related to the psychopathology
of the disease, or are epiphenomena of altered neurotrans-

mission, impaired cellular growth and survival, substance

abuse, and/or some other causative factor. Suggestive of the
former hypothesis, three genes encoding synaptic proteins
have been identified with possible risk-conferring alleles.
Several variant alleles of synaptojanin (at the 21q22 locus)
appeared to be more frequent in bipolar patients (Saito
et al., 2001a). Synaptojanin is a polyphosphoinositide 5phosphatase and is believed to have a role in clathrin uncoating in the final stages of slow synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Homozygous synaptojanin-null mutant mice display
abormal phosphoinositide metabolism and a large increase
in clathrin-coated vesicles, which may be related to the observation of enhanced long-term depression (Cremona
et al., 1999). A mutant splice acceptor in the gene encoding
synaptobrevin (at the Xq28 locus) may occur with greater
frequency in male bipolar patients (Saito et al., 2000).
Synaptobrevin (also called VAMP) is part of the SNARE
(N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion factor attachment protein receptor) complex, which is essential for docking of
vesicles prior to release. Knockout mice display large deficits
in spontaneous and particularly calcium-evoked release of
synaptobrevin (Schoch et al., 2001). Finally, a mutation in
the promoter of SNAP-29, a SNAP-25 homologue mapping
to the velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) critical region at
22q11, was demonstrated to be more common in schizophrenic patients (Saito et al., 2001b).

Presynaptic Proteins as Targets of Psychiatric Drugs

CaMKII is highly enriched in both presynaptic and postsynaptic terminals. Chronic, but not acute, treatment with
paroxetine or fluvoxamine (both SSRIs) or with venlafaxine (a dual 5-HT/NE reuptake inhibitor) was found to increase CaMKII activity in vesicle-enriched fractions of rat
hippocampus (Popoli et al., 1995). This effect may be attributable at least in part to an increase in tyrosine autophosphorylation. Treatment with desmethylimipramine,
imipramine, electroconvulsive shock (the animal model of
ECT), and s-adenosylmethionine (a methyl doner with putative antidepressant properties with an unknown mechanism) was found to produce similar effects on CaMKII
activity in hippocampus and/or frontal cortex (Pilc et al.,
1999; Consogno et al., 2001a,b).70
The involvement of presynaptic proteins in moodstabilizer treatment is much less well studied. An increase
in synapsin in cultured cerebellar granule cells has been
reported (Lucas and Salinas, 1997), and it has been shown
that lithium stimulation of synapsin expression probably
occurs through the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase
3 (GSK-3), a fairly well-documented effect of lithium.
Further work by this group revealed that lithium and
valproate induced the clustering of synapsin into bright
punctae in a variety of primary neurons (Hall et al., 2002).



Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 as a Target

of lithium in many preclinical models. It is possible that

the effect of lithium on GSK-3 plays a role in these phenomena.73 (See Figure 1416 for more details on the effects
of lithium and valproate on the GSK-3 cascade.)
At this point, it is critical to note that evidence suggests
an association between mood disorders and impairments
of neuroplasticity and cellular resilience, with both in vivo
and postmortem studies suggesting neuron and/or glial
cell loss or atrophy in circumscribed brain areas. Importantly, lithium has effects suggestive of neuroprotection clinically, as well as in rodent and cell-based models. Lithium
may exert these neuroprotective effects, at least in part, by inhibition of GSK-3. (See Box 1415 for findings related to the
neuroprotective effects of GSK-3 inhibition.)
A second putative target pathway resulting from GSK-3
inhibition is suggested by research exploring the underlying circadian cycle of drosophila. The Drosophila orthologue of GSK-3 (SHAGGY or ZW3/Sgg) regulates circadian
rhythms in this species. A decrease in SHAGGY activity results in a longer circadian period (Martinek et al., 2001)
precisely the effect noted in numerous species, including
Drosophila, after treatment with lithium (Klemfuss, 1992).
While there are many differences between the molecular
components of circadian cycles in mammals and Drosophila,
there are also many similarities (Wager-Smith and Kay, 2000;
Reppert and Weaver, 2001; Williams and Sehgal, 2001).
Thus it is interesting to speculate that GSK-3 has a similar
general action in the function of the mammalian circadian
clock (Gould and Manji, 2002a; Lenox et al., 2002). This
putative function of GSK-3 in mammals therefore represents another possible therapeutic target for the actions of
lithium on GSK-3. In fact, longer circadian periods after
lithium exposure have been observed in unicellular organisms, plants, invertebrates, and vertebrates, including such
mammals as mice, rats, squirrel monkeys, and humans.74
(See Figures 1417 for the circadian cycles in Drosophila and
mammals, Figure 1418 for the effects of lithium on the circadian cycle, and see Chapter 16.)
Very recent data from a variety of leading laboratories
have greatly strengthened the case for an important role
for GSK-3 in the pathophysiology and treatment of recurrent mood disorders, especially bipolar disorder (see Gould
and Manji, 2005, and references therein):

Recently, considerable excitement has been generated by the

identification of a completely unexpected and novel target
for lithiuma crucial kinase that functions as an intermediary in numerous intracellular signaling pathways called
glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3).72 GSK-3 plays a critical role in the survival of neurons, and this role has been
postulated to be the target of lithium and valproate (Gould
and Manji, 2002a; Li et al., 2002). As discussed later, a growing body of data has demonstrated neuroprotective effects

GSK-3 is markedly regulated by serotonin, dopamine,

psychostimulants, and antidepressants, and is at the nexus
of multiple neurotransmitter and signaling cascades putatively involved in these disorders.
GSK-3 is a major regulator of apoptosis and cellular
plasticity and resilience. Generally, increased activity of
GSK-3 is pro-apoptotic, while inhibiting GSK-3 attenuates or prevents apoptosis (see Gould and Manji, 2005,

Changes in the mRNA of several synaptic proteins following

lithium treatment were found in a microarray study of nerve
growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells (Cordeiro
et al., 2000). Likewise, preliminary data from this group
demonstrated an increase in the expression of several synaptic proteins following treatment with valproate in rat hippocampal slices. Published findings suggest, however, that
synapsin is unchanged or downregulated following in vivo
chronic treatment with lithium (Vawter et al., 2002) or valproate (Hassel et al., 2001), respectively. Additional data
from the Manji group suggest no effect of lithium or valproate on synapsin levels (N.A. Gray et al., unpublished observations). The observation that effects are distinct in cell
culture and in vivo suggests that the increase seen in culture
may be a function of increased synaptogenesis (an effect that
would presumably be more apparent in a growth-intensive
environment such as cell culture).71
Current work by the Manji group indicates that phosphorylation of synapsin at site 1 is increased following chronic
treatment with lithium or valproate in rat hippocampus. Site
1 of synapsin is phosphorylated by PKA and/or CaMKI, and
dephosphorylated by PP2A. While we could find no study
exploring effects of mood stabilizers on CaMKI, many studies have investigated PKA activity following lithium treatment. In general, the effects appear to be quite complex and
dependent on brain region, subcellular fraction, stimulation,
and length of treatment. There is some indication that the
catalytic PKA and adenylate cyclase type 1 may be somewhat
increased in soluble fractions of rat hippocampus following chronic lithium treatment (Mori et al., 1998; Jensen
et al., 2000), although stimulated phosphorylation may be
reduced (Jensen and Mork, 1997). This observation parallels that of earlier work suggesting elevated basal but reduced stimulated cAMP levels in cortex of treated rats
(Manji et al., 1991b). The effects of lithium and valproate
on serine/threonine phosphatases have not been demonstrated. The authors of a recent study hypothesize that
lithiums rescue of (PKB/Akt) dephosphorylation under
low-K+ conditions may be due to inhibition of a protein
phosphatase (Mora et al., 2001); however, they do not rule
out an upstream increase in phosphorylation.




































Figure 1416. Signaling through Wnt glycoproteins and frizzled receptors activates disheveled, resulting in inhibition of
glycogen synthase kinase-3fl (GSK-3fl). Phosphorylation of fl-catenin by GSK-3fl results in its degradation by ubiquitin. Nondegraded (nonphosphorylated) fl-catenin binds to lef/tcf transcription factors, targeting transcription of specific genes.
Lithium competes with Mg2+ to inhibit GSK-3fl (Ryves and Harwood, 2001). Valproate may be an inhibitor of GSK-3fl. Alternately, it may exert its action on Wnt signaling through inhibition of histone deacetylase, by its known actions on C-Jun,
through upregulation of fl-catenin mRNA, or by its action on the Ras/RSK pathway (Chen et al., 1997, 1999; Phiel and Klein,
2001; Yuan et al., 2001). BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor; MAP = mitogen-activated protein kinase; MEK = MAP
kinase kinase. (Source: Gould and Manji, 2002b. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.)

for review). (See Figure 1419 for details on the GSK-3

signaling convergence.)
As noted above, GSK-3 has a major effect on regulating the circadian period in diverse species, an effect it
shares with lithium (Gould et al., 2004a,b). Notably,
treatment strategies are being developed that derive
from a chronobiological model of recurrent mood disorders.

Recent animal behavioral data (from pharmacologic

and genetic models) have shown that manipulation
of the GSK-3 signaling cascade produces both antidepressant and antimanic effects in models of depression or mania. To the best of our knowledge, other than
lithium, this is the only manipulation that has been
demonstrated to exert both antidepressant and antimanic effects.


BOX 1415. GSK-3 Inhibition is Neuroprotective

GSK-3 activity required for -amyloid-induced neurotoxicity

in primary hippocampal cultures (Takashima et al., 1995)

GSK-3 overexpression induces apoptosis in Rat-1 and PC-12
cells (Pap and Cooper, 1998)
Dominant negative GSK-3 prevents apoptosis following inhibition of PI3K (Pap and Cooper, 1998)
FRAT-1 (a protein that interacts with the -catenin/axin/GSK3 complex) rescues primary sympathetic neurons from PI3K
inhibitioninduced cell death (Crowder and Freeman, 2000)
Dominant negative form of GSK-3 or an inhibitory GSK-3
binding protein attenuates serum deprivation of PI3K-induced
apoptosis (Hetman et al., 2000)
Synthetic GSK-3 inhibitors protect primary sensory and granule neurons from potassium deprivation of PI3K-induced cell
death (Cross et al., 2001)
Rat-1 cells stably overexpressing Wnt-1 are resistant to vincristine and vinblastine apoptosis (B. Chen et al., 2001)

In view of their therapeutic effects not only in bipolar

disorder but also in Alzheimers disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, it is not surprising that specific,
brain-penetrant GSK-3 inhibitors are actively under development by numerous pharmaceutical companies. Unless
side effects prove to be prohibitive, GSK-3 inhibitors may
represent a completely novel class of treatments for bipolar
disorder (Gould and Manji, 2005).
We now turn to discussion of an emerging field of research in manic-depressive illness that has generated considerable excitement in the clinical neuroscience community and is reshaping our views about the pathophysiology
of severe mood disorders: the critical role of impairments
of cellular plasticity and resilience.

The Role of Cellular Plasticity Cascades

Although traditionally viewed exclusively as a neurochemical disorder, recent evidence suggests the possibility that the
underlying primary pathophysiology of bipolar disorder
may involve intracellular signaling cascades that produce not
only functional but also morphological impairments, rather
than specific alterations in a particular neurochemicals per
se. In this regard, it is noteworthy that increasingly neuroimaging, neuropathologic, and biochemical studies suggest impairments in cellular plasticity and resilience in patients who suffer from severe, recurrent mood disorders.

Atrophic Changes in Manic-Depressive Illness:

Primary Illness Pathology or the Ravages
of Illness Progression?
As discussed in Chapters 9 and 15, recent morphometric
MRI and postmortem investigations have demonstrated


abnormalities of brain structure that persist independently

of mood state and may contribute to corresponding abnormalities in metabolic activity (Manji and Duman,
2001; Manji et al., 2001a). Structural imaging studies have
demonstrated reduced gray matter volumes in areas of the
orbital and medial prefontal cortex, ventral striatum, and
hippocampus and enlargement of the third ventricle in patients with mood disorders relative to controls (Drevets,
2001; Beyer and Krishnan, 2002; Strakowski et al., 2002).
Also consistent is the presence of white matter hyperintensities in the brains of elderly depressed patients and patients
with bipolar disorder; these lesions may be associated with
poor treatment response.75
Postmortem Morphometric Findings. In addition to the
accumulating neuroimaging evidence (see Chapter 15), several postmortem brain studies now provide direct evidence
for reductions in regional CNS volume, cell number, and
cell body size (see Box 1416).
Baumann and colleagues (1999a, 1999b) reported reduced volumes of the left nucleus accumbens, the right
putamen, and bilateral pallidum externum in postmortem
brain samples obtained from patients with unipolar major
depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. Several recent postmortem stereological studies of the prefrontal cortex have
also demonstrated reduced regional volume, cell numbers,
and/or cell sizes. Morphometric analysis of the density and
size of cortical neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
(DLPFC) and orbitofrontal cortices has revealed significant
reductions in mood disorder patients compared to control
subjects (Rajkowska et al., 1999; Rajkowska, 2000; see Table
149). The neuronal reductions have generally been more
subtle than the corresponding glial alterations (see below)
and detected only when specific morphological size-types of
neurons were analyzed in individual cortical layers. For example, marked reductions in the density of large neurons
(corresponding to pyramidal glutamatergic excitatory neurons) were found in layers III and V of the DLPFC in bipolar
disorder and major depressive disorder. In other prefrontal
regions such as rostral orbitofrontal cortex, the most prominent neuronal reductions in major depressive disorder are
confined to layer II cells (mostly corresponding to nonpyramidal inhibitory local circuit neurons). Reductions in the
density of specific populations of layer II nonpyramidal
neurons containing the calcium binding protein calretinin
have also been reported in the anterior cingulate cortex in
subjects with a history of mood disorders.
Decreases in laminar neuronal densities have also been
reported in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Rajkowska
et al. 2001) and anterior cingulate cortex (Benes et al., 2001;
Bouras et al., 2001; Cotter et al., 2002a) in bipolar disorder,
although not all studies have observed these findings



The circadian cycle in Drosophila
















Figure 1417. Schematic of genes involved in the circadian cycles of Drosophila (a) and mammals (b). The
molecular mechanism regulating circadian rhythms relies on a daily cycle of interactions between positive and
negative regulators. In Drosophila (a), CYCLE (Drosophila BMAL1) and CLOCK help mediate transcription of
TIMELESS and PERIOD genes. PERIOD binds to TIMELESS in the cytoplasm. These proteins then enter the
nucleus and act as negative regulators of CLOCK and CYCLE (Allada et al., 2001). SHAGGY (the Drosophila orthologue of GSK-3) appears to phosphorylate TIMELESS, advancing the entry of this protein into the nucleus
(Martinek et al., 2001). Lithium is a direct inhibitor of SHAGGY (Klein and Melton, 1996; Stambolic et al., 1996),
suggesting a method by which lithium lengthens the circadian period in diverse species, including Drosophila
(Klemfuss, 1992). The mammalian circadian cycle (b) has many similarities (Allada et al., 2001) as well as notable
differences, for example, lack of a true TIMELESS orthologue (Reppert and Weaver, 2001). The role of GSK-3 in
mammalian circadian cycles is unknown (see also Chapter 16). (Source: Gould and Manji, 2002b. Reprinted by
permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.)

(Ongur et al., 1998; Cotter et al., 2001; see Table 149).

Moreover, reduced density of pyramidal neurons in cortical layers III and V (Rajkowska et al., 2001) and nonpyramidal neurons in layer II (Benes et al., 2001) have been observed in the same regions. This last observation coincides
with reports on reductions in the density of layer II nonpyramidal neurons that are identified with specific antibodies against the calcium binding protein calbindin in

the anterior cingulate cortex (Cotter et al., 2002a) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Reynolds et al., 2002) in bipolar disorder. (Calbindin-immunoreactive neurons are
known to colocalize with GABA). Elegant detailed studies
from the Rajkowska laboratory have undertaken measurements of the density and size of calbindin-immunoreactive
neurons in layers II and upper part of layer III of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, revealing a 43 percent reduction



The circadian cycle in mammals


cassien kinase I

PERIOD 1, 2, 3

PERIOD 1, 2, 3

cryptochrome 1 & 2
cryptochrome 1 & 2

PERIOD 1, 2, 3

PERIOD 1, 2, 3
cryptochrome 1 & 2

period 1, 2, 3

cryptochrome 1 & 2

Bmal 1 & 2

Figure 1417. (continued)

in the density of these neurons in major depressive disorder compared with controls (Rajkowska, 2002a,b). Notably, in the rostral orbitofrontal cortex there was a trend
for a negative correlation between the duration of depression and sizes of neuronal cell bodies (Rajkowska et al.,
1999). The longer the duration of illness, the smaller the
neurons were, suggesting changes associated with disease
progression. More subtle than in major depressive disorder, reductions in neuronal soma size have been observed
in bipolar disorder by some investigators (Rajkowska et al.,
2001; Chana et al., 2003) but not by all (Ongur et al., 1998;
Bouras et al., 2001; Cotter et al., 2001). In one other study a
minor increase in the size of small nonpyramidal neurons
was noted in the anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar subjects (Benes et al., 2001). However, given the major trophic
effects of lithium and valproate, it is quite possible that the
more modest findings in bipolar disorder actually represent a long-term protective effect of these medications.

Additional morphometric studies have also reported

layer-specific reductions in interneurons in the anterior
cingulate cortex) and reductions in nonpyramidal neurons
(~ 40 percent lower) in CA2 of the hippocampal formation in bipolar subjects compared with controls (Benes
et al., 1998). Overall, the layer-specific cellular changes observed in several distinct brain regions, including the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus, support the contention that multiple neuronal circuits
underlie the neuropathology of mood disorders. (Manji
and Lenox, 2000b; Rajkowska et al., 2004). Notably, some
disorganization in neuronal clusters in layers II and III of
the entorhinal cortex was also observed (Beckmann and
Jakob, 1991; Bernstein et al., 1998). In a large study in which
neuronal and glial cell packing density and soma size were
estimated in the hippocampal subfields in 19, patients with
major depression and 21 age-matched controls, prominent
abnormalities in the CA regions and dentate gyrus were






Figure 1418. Chronic lithium treatment and circadian rhythms. The most prominent rhythmic component under normal conditions has a period of 24 hours. This
rhythm usually reflects a complex interaction between endogenous rhythmic and other
mechanisms (homeostatic, adaptive, pathological, etc.). The 24-hour rhythms with a
proven endogenous component are called circadian, reflecting the observation that under constant external conditions the rhythms free run with an endogenous period that
is close to 24 hours. Chronic (but not acute) lithium treatment prolongs the free-running
period in almost all studied biological systems, including humans. The mechanism of
lithiums action on the diverse circadian rhythms probably involves combined effects at
the level of the circadian clock and at the integration of circadian rhythmicity with
other regulatory systems (see also Chapter 16). (Source: Ikonomov and Manji, 1999.)

found in major depressive subjects (Stockmeier, 2003). Neuronal density in major depressive disorder was markedly
increased by 3040 percent above the control level and neuronal cell body size was significantly decreased in the
CA13 subfields and dentate gyrus. An increase in packing
density paralleled by smaller cell sizes in major depressive
disorder suggests a decrease in neuropil consisting of neuronal and glial processes and their synapses (Stockmeier,
Glial Cell Pathology. In addition to neuronal pathology,
unexpected reductions in glial cell number and density
have recently been found in postmortem brains of both patients with major depression and bipolar disorder. Marked
decreases in overall and laminar (layers IIIIV) glial cell
packing densities were found in subjects with major depressive disorder compared with nonpsychiatric control
subjects (Rajkowska et al., 1999). Comparable reductions in
glial densities were also detected in DLPFC from subjects
with bipolar disorder across all cortical layers except layer
IV (Rajkowska 1997, 2000). Further immunohistochemical
examination of PFC glial cells in major depressive disorder
indicated that the reductions in the population of astroglial
cells account at least in part for the global glial deficit that
has also been found in this disorder (Miguel-Hidalgo et al.,
2000). In bipolar disorder, however, it is possible that a dif-

ferent population of glial cells (oligodendroglia and/or microglia) may be involved in this pathology, since reductions
in a different morphological type of glial cell were consistently observed in all cortical layers of DLPFC in bipolar
subjects (Rajkowska, 2000). An independent histological
study of area sg24 located in the subgenual prefrontal cortex also found striking reductions in glial cell numbers in
patients with familial major depressive disorder (24 percent
reduction) and bipolar disorder (41 percent reduction)
compared to controls (Ongur et al., 1998). However, when
familial and nonfamilial subgroups of depressed patients
were combined, the reductions were not found; these intriguing findings raise the possibility that the subgenual
prefrontal coretx glial cell findings may be most apparent in
a particularly strongly genetic form of the illness. This observation is consistent with this groups neuroimaging report on reductions in cortical gray matter volume found in
the same brain region in a similar diagnostic group. While
these results are intriguing, further immunohostochemical
and molecular studies are needed to definitively determine
if the same types of glial cells underlie the glial deficit that
has been observed in both major depressive disorder and
bipolar disorder, and if this glial loss occurs via similar
mechanisms. While the most prominent findings thus far
have been from the frontal cortex, a growing body of data
suggests that glial pathology extends beyond the frontal







5-HT or NE









G% l
# &




cell membrane





































gene transcription

Neuroplasticity, Neurogenesis, and Cell Survival


Figure 1419. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a component of diverse signaling pathways. These include G proteincoupled receptor signaling (left), neurotrophic factor signaling (center), and the Wnt signaling pathway (right). Neurotrophins such as brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) act through Trk receptors A, B, and C to activate phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) and Akt and inhibit GSK-3.
Many effectors have been implicated in GSK-3s neurotrophic effects, including transcription factors (e.g., C-Jun, p53, CREB) and recently
the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member BAX. In the Wnt signaling pathway, secreted Wnt glycoproteins interact with the frizzled family of receptors and through disheveled-mediated signaling inhibit GSK-3. Stability of this process requires the scaffolding proteins axin and adenomatous polyposis coli (APC). Normally, active GSK-3 phosphorylates -catenin, leading to its ubquitin-dependent degradation. However,
when GSK-3 is inhibited in the Wnt pathway, -catenin is not degraded, allowing for its interaction with T-cell-specific transcription factor
(Tcf ) to act as a transcription factor. (Source: Gould and Manji, 2005. Reprinted with permission from Macmillan Publishers, Ltd.)

cortex to the hippocampus. A recent study of the hippocampus in 40 patients with major depression and agedmatched control subjects reported marked increases in glial
cell density and unchanged sizes of glial nuclei in all hippocampal CA subfields and the granule cell layer of the
dentate gyrus (Stockmeier et al., 2004). Increases in glial
cell packing density detected postmortem in patients with
major depression are suggestive of reduction in surrounding neuropil (see above) and may be related to decreases in
hippocampal volume noted by neuroimaging studies in
major depression disorder (see Chapter 15).
Glial Cell Type Affected in Mood Disorders. Glial cells do
not represent a single subtype, and in addition to their

traditional roles in neuronal migration (radial glia), myelin

formation (oligodendrocytes), and inflammatory processes
(astrocytes and microglia), glia (predominantly astrocytes)
are now accepted to have roles in providing trophic support to neurons, neuronal metabolism, and the formation
of synapses and neurotransmission. To date, the exact
identity of the glial cell subtypes most affected in mood
disorders remains to be fully established, but considerable
data suggest the involvement of several subtypes. Alterations in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) (generally
considered to represent a marker for astrocytes in areas of
the brain such as frontal cortex) in both bipolar disorder
and major depressive disorder are suggested by a proteomic study in which different forms of GFAP displayed



BOX 1416. Postmortem Morphometric Brain Studies

in Mood Disorders Demonstrating Cellular Atrophy
and/or Loss
Reduced Volume or Cortical Thickness

Cortical thickness rostral oribitofrontal cortex, major depres

sive disorder (MDD)

Laminar cortical thickness in layers III, V, and VI in subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (area 24) in bipolar disorder
Volume of subgenual prefrontal cortex in familial MDD and
Volumes of nucleus accumbens (left), basal ganglia (bilateral)
in MDD and BPD
Parahippocampal cortex size (right) in suicide

Reduced Neuronal Size and/or Density

Pyramidal neuronal density, layers III and V in dorsolateral pre

frontal cortex in BPD and MDD

Neuronal size in layer V (14%) and VI (18%) in prefrontal cortex (area 9) in BPD
Neuronal size in layer VI (20%) in prefrontal cortex (area 9) in
Neuronal density and size in layer IIIV in rostral oribitofrontal
cortex, in layer V/VI in caudal oribitofrontal cortex, and in
supra- and infragranular layers in dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex in MDD
Neuronal size in layer VI (23%) in anterior cingulate cortex in
Neuronal density in layers III, V, and VI in subgenual anterior
cingulated cortex (area 24) in BPD
Layer-specific interneurons in anterior cingulate cortex in BPD
and MDD
Nonpyramidal neuronal density in layer II (27%) in anterior
cingulate cortex in BPD
Nonpyramidal neurons density in the CA2 region in BPD

Reduced Glia

Density/size of glia in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and caudal

oribitofrontal cortex in MDD and BPDlayer-specific

Glial cell density in sublayer IIIc (19%) (and a trend to de-

crease in layer Va) in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (area 9)

in BPD
Glial number in subgenal prefrontal cortex in familial MDD
(24%) and BPD (41%)
Glial cell density in layer V (30%) in prefrontal cortex (area 9)
in MDD
Glial cell density in layer VI (22%) in anterior cingulate cortex
in MDD
Glial cell counts, glial density, and glia-to-neuron ratios in
amygdala in MDD

disease-specific abnormalities (Johnston-Wilson et al.,

2000). Another type of glial cell, oligodendroglia, may also
be involved in the general glial pathology, as reduced
density, immunoreactivity, and ultrastructural changes in
oligodendrocytes were found in the dorsolateral prefrontal
and anterior frontal cortex in patients with bipolar and
major depressive disorder (Orlovskaya et al., 2000; Uranova
et al., 2001). Moreover, a reduction of key oligodendrocyterelated and myelin-related gene expression was reported
in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in bipolar disorder
(Tkachev et al., 2003). Recently, Aston and associates (2005)
undertook a microarray study examining approximately
12,000 genes in temporal cortex in 12 patients with major
depression (recurrence not qualified) and 14 controls (bipolar subjects were not included in this study). They found
that 17 genes related to myelination were significantly reduced. Eight of these genes encode for structural components of myelin, whereas five other genes encode enzymes
that are involved in the synthesis of myelin or are essential in
the regulation of myelin formation and metabolism. These
intriguing findings support the neuroimaging data for abnormalities of white matter in critical circuits in manicdepressive illness (see Chapter 15).
It is clear that considerably more work is needed to fully
elucidate the precise pathophysiological significance of the
glial cell findings in major depressive disorder and bipolar
disorder. There has nonetheless been tremendous progress
in our understanding of the critical roles of glial cells in the
regulation of neuronal function and in their involvement
in a variety of neuropsychiatric diseases. Compelling evidence now exists that radial glial cells have the potential to
not only guide newly born neurons but also self-renew and
generate both neurons and astrocytes. Furthermore, recent
data have shown that astrocytes increase the number of
mature, functional synapses on CNS neurons seven-fold,
demonstrating that CNS synapse number can be profoundly regulated by glia. Glial cells are also known to play
critical roles in the regulation of synaptic glutamate levels,
CNS energy homeostasis, and the liberation of trophic factors, and they indeed form dynamic, complex synaptic networks with neurons.76 All of these findings suggest that the
prominent glial loss observed in major depressive and
bipolar disorders may be integral to the pathophysiology
of the disorders and worthy of further study.
While total reproducibility does not exist among either
the neuroimaging or postmortem studies, the differences
likely represent variations in experimental design (including medication effectssee below), and in patient populations (as would be expected in heterogenous conditions
such as mood disorders). Overall, the data suggest that although clearly not classic degenerative disorders, severe
mood disorders are illnesses associated with atrophic brain

Table 149. Morphological Abnormalities in the Cerebral Cortex in Mood Disorders

(No. of Subjects)

Area; Hemisphere





Density of large neurons (2060% LII, III, VI)

Density of small neurons
Size (5% LIII, 7% LVI)
Density of all (19% LIII) and pyramidal
neurons (1730% LIII, V)
Size (20% LVI in MDD)
Size (14% LV, 18% LVI in BPD)
Not examined

Density (2030% in LIII, V)

Size (6% LIIIa)

Rajkowska et al., 1999

Density (19% LIIIc; 12%LVb)

Size (9% LI, 7% LIIIc)
Density (30% LV, MDD)
= Size (MDD, BPD)
Area fraction and density
(LIIIV; in subgroup of
young MDD subjects)
= Area and density (young
and old subjects combined)
= Density

Rajkowska et al., 2001

Prefrontal Cortex
MDD (12)/C (12)

DLPFC (BA 9); left


BPD (10)/C (11)

DLPFC (BA 9); left


MDD (15)/BPD
(15)/C (15)
MDD (14)/C (15)

left + right
DLPFC (BA 9); left


MDD (12)/C (12)

ORB (BA 1047);




ORB (BA 47); left

Density of large neurons (2060% LIIIV);

density of small neurons (LIII);
size (9% LII, III)
Density (LIIIa, Va); size (6% LII)

Cotter et al., 2002a

Miguel-Hidalgo et al., 2000

Rajkowska et al., 1999

Density (1518%, LIIIcVI)

Anterior Cingulate
MDD (4f )/
BPD (4f )/C (5f )

Subgenual (BA 24)

left + right


MDD (15)/
BPD (15)/C (15)
MDD (20)/
BPD (21)/C (55)

Supragenual (BA 24)

left + right
Supra- and subgenual
(BA 24) left


BPD (10)/C (12)

Pregenual (BA 24) (no Nissl

hemisphere specified)


= Density (MDD, BPD)

= Number (MDD, BPD)
= Size (MDD, BPD)
Size (18% LVI in MDD)
= Density (MDD, BPD)
Density (LIII, V, VI in BPD but not
in MDD)
= Size (MDD, BPD)
Density (27% LII) and size (LII, III) of
nonpyramidal neurons

Number (24% overall, MDD)

Number (41% overall, BPD)
= Size (MDD, BPD)
Density (22% LVI, MDD)
= Density (BPD)
Not examined

Ongur et al., 1998

= Density

Benes et al., 2001

Cotter et al., 2001

Bouras et al., 2001


Table 149. Morphological Abnormalities in the Cerebral Cortex in Mood Disorders (continued)
(No. of Subjects)

Area; Hemisphere





MDD (15)/
BPD (15)/C (15)

Supragenual (BA 24)

left + right


Size (13% LI, 10% LII in MDD)

= Density (MDD, BPD)

Cotter et al., 2002b

MDD (15)/
BPD (15)/C (15)

Supragenual (BA 24)

left + right


Size (9% LV in MDD and 16% in BPD)

Neuronal clustering in BPD
Density (LV in MDD; LVI in BPD)
Density of CB neurons (LII, BPD)
Clustering of PV neurons in BPD
= Density of CB, PV, CR in MDD

Not examined

Cotter et al., 2002a

BA = Brodmanns area; BPD = bipolar disorder; C = control; CB = calbindin; CR = calretinin; DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; f = familial; GFAP = glial fibrillary acidic protein;
IHC = immunohistochemistry; L = layer; MDD = major depressive disorder; ORB = orbitofrontal cortex; PV = paravalbumin; , indicate significantly different from control;
= indicates not significantly different from control.
Source: Reproduced with permission from Rajkowska et al., 2004.


changes. Thus research is required to understand whether

more rigorously defined subtypes of depression or mood
disorders are associated with any particular abnormality
(Lenox et al., 2002; Hasler et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the
marked reduction in glial cells in these regions has been
particularly intriguing. Abnormalities of glial function
could thus prove integral to the impairments of structural
plasticity and overall pathophysiology of mood disorders.
It must be acknowledged that it is not currently known if
these impairments of structural plasticity (cell loss, cell atrophy, white matter changes) constitute developmental abnormalities conferring vulnerability to severe mood episodes,
compensatory changes to other pathogenic processes, or the
sequelae of recurrent affective episodes (Carlson et al., 2006).
Indeed, data suggest that multiple factors may be operative.
In support of the potential primary etiologic role of cellular
plasticity cascades, some studies have observed reduced gray
matter volumes and enlarged ventricles in mood disorder
patients at first onset and in children (see Chapter 9). Moreover, in contrast to the situation seen in unipolar patients,
studies suggest that some young bipolar patients exhibit
white matter hyperintensities on T2-weighted MRI scans.
White matter hyperintensities are associated with a number
of events, most notably aging and cerebrovascular disorders,
thus their presence in some young bipolar patients is noteworthy (since they would not be expected to have overt cerebrovascular disease).
While these studies do not demonstrate that the changes
precede illness onset, they certainly suggest that these
changes do not simply represent the toxic sequellae of decades of illness. Resolving these issues will depend partly on
experiments that delineate the onset of such abnormalities
within the illness course and determine whether they precede depressive episodes in individuals at high familial risk
for mood disorders. In this context, a recent report showed
that individuals at high risk of developing mood disorders
exhibited reduced subgenual prefrontal cortical volumes,
raising the possibility that this endophenotype may constitute a heritable vulnerability factor in these patients (discussed in Carlson et al., 2006). Additional studies of highrisk individuals are currently under way.
There are, however, data to suggest that some of the
brain changes may be associated with duration of illness
and the consequences of affective episodes per se. Sheline
and colleagues (1996) measured hippocampal volumes of
subjects with a history of major depressive episodes but
currently in remission and with no known medical comorbidity and compared them to matched normal controls.
Subjects with a history of major depression had significantly smaller left and right hippocampal volumes; morever, the degree of hippocampal volume reduction correlated with total duration of major depression. In a follow-up


study, the same research group found that longer durations

during which depressive episodes went untreated with antidepressant medication were associated with reductions
in hippocampal volume (Sheline et al., 2003). MacQueen
and associates (2003) compared 20 never-treated depressed
subjects in a first episode of depression with matched healthy
control subjects. They also compared 17 depressed subjects
with multiple past episodes of depression with matched
healthy controls and with the first-episode patients. Notably,
although both first- and multiple-episode depressed groups
(who were therefore part of the manic-depressive spectrum)
had hippocampal dysfunction apparent on several tests of
recollection memory, only depressed subjects with multiple
depressive episodes had hippocampal volume reductions
(MacQueen et al., 2003). Finally, curve-fitting analysis revealed a significant logarithmic association between illness
duration and hippocampal volume. These data suggest that
in unipolar depression, hippocampal volumetric changes
may be related to the number and duration of depressive
episodes. It is noteworthy that similar changes have not
been reported in bipolar patients. While this may represent
distinct pathophysiologies, it is our contention that this
more likely reflects the fact that, compared to recurrent
unipolar patients, most bipolar patients are on neuroprotective mood stabilizers (see below). In studies of other
brain regions (subgenual prefrontal cortex or amygdala),
bipolar patients do not show atrophic changes when treated
chronically with mood stabilizers.
It is perhaps most useful to conceptualize the cell death
and atrophy that occur in mood disorders as arising from
an impairment of cellular resiliency. McEwen (2000) has
elegantly elaborated on the concept of allostatic load and
its potential involvement in mood disorders. Many factors
that are essential for survival can, over long time intervals,
exact a cost (allostatic load) that can accelerate disease processes (McEwen, 2000). At this point, it is unclear whether
the regional cellular atrophy in mood disorders occurs because of the magnitude and duration of biochemical perturbations, an enhanced vulnerability to the deleterious
effects of these perturbations (due to genetic factors and/or
early life events), or a combination thereof. In this context,
a growing body of data demonstrates that early stress can
have a major impact on brain development (Graham et al.,
1999). Furthermore, while there are undoubtedly genetic
contributions (conferring both susceptibility and protection) to the impact of neonatal stresses on brain development, it is noteworthy that it has also been demonstrated
that nongenomic transmission can occur across generations
not only of maternal behavior but also stress responses
(Francis et al., 1999). The possibility that these neurochemical alterations produce a state of neuroendangerment (see
above) that contributes to the subsequent development of



morphological brain changes in adulthood requires further

investigation. A growing body of data is also demonstrating
a relationship (potentially bidirectional) between mood disorders and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (see
Chapter 7), suggesting that at least in a subset of patients
(perhaps those who have been primed for impairments of
cellular resiliency by genetic factors), CNS vascular insufficiency may be a contributory factor.77
Overall, it seems likely that the impairments of cellular
plasticity represent both etiologic factors and the consequence of disease progression. Furthermore, there is almost no doubt that these atrophic brain changes contribute
to illness pathophysiology by disrupting the circuits that
mediate normal affective, cognitive, motoric and neurovegetative functioning. We now turn to one of the most exciting
recent advances in manic-depressive illness researchthe
observations that neurotrophic signaling cascades represent
the targets for mood-stabilizing agents.

that their survival-promoting effects are mediated largely by

inhibition of cell death cascades. Increasing evidence suggests that neurotrophic factors inhibit cell death cascades by
activating the extracellular receptor-coupled kinase (ERK)
MAPK signaling pathway (Chen and Manji, 2006). The best
characterized molecular mechanisms of this pathway include upregulation of expression of anti-apoptotic proteins
such as B-cell CLL/lymphoma/leukemia-2 (Bcl-2) through
a transcriptional mechanism, direct phosphorylationinactivation of pro-apoptotic proteins such as BAD, and
direct phosphorylation-inactivation of key enzymes in the
apoptosis process such as caspase-9. Many of these pathways converge at the level of mitochondrial function. We
now turn to a discussion of the possibility of neurotrophic
signaling-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction in bipolar

Neurotrophic Signaling Cascades:

Critical Targets in Treatment

Kato and colleagues anticipated recent developments in the

field when they first proposed that mitochondrial dysfunction may play an important role in the pathophysiology of
bipolar disorder (Kato and Kato, 2000; Murashita et al.,
2000; Kato, 2001). Since then, findings of a host of human
neuroimaging and postmortem brain studies, as well as
preclinical molecular and cellular biology studies, have
strongly supported the contention that mitochondria play
a central role in the impairments of plasticity and cellular
resilience manifest in bipolar disorder.
It is not our contention that bipolar disorder is a classic
mitochondrial disorder. Individuals with mitochondrial
dysfunction often manifest psychiatric symptoms, but the
vast majority of bipolar patients do not show the symptoms of classic mitochondrial disorders, such as optic and
retinal atrophy, seizures, dementia, ataxia, myopathy, exercise intolerance, cardiac conduction defects, diabetes, and
lactic acidosis (Fadic and Johns, 1996).
Studies of fibroblasts from patients with mitochondrial
encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes
(MELAS, frequently caused by a mutation in the mitochondrial transfer RNA) have shown an elevated basal
level of ionized Ca2+, with impairments in normal sequestration of Ca2+ influxes induced by depolarization and
alterations in maintaining normal mitochondrial membrane potentials (Moudy et al., 1995; Rothman, 1999). This
inability to buffer intracellular Ca2+ may cause toxic
cell injury and compromise the long-term viability of neurons in patients with mitochondrial encephalomyopathies.
It is thus clear that dysregulation of Ca2+ homeostasis is an
essential component of the pathophysiology of classic mitochondriopathies. As discussed above, calcium is a very common signaling element and plays a critical role in the CNS

Neurotrophins are a family of regulatory factors that mediate the differentiation and survival of neurons, as well as the
modulation of synaptic transmission and synaptic plasticity.
They can be secreted constitutively or transiently, and often
in an activity-dependent manner. Recent observations support a model in which neurotrophins are secreted from the
dendrite and act retrogradely at presynaptic terminals to induce long-lasting modifications. Within the neurotrophin
family, BDNF is a potent physiological survival factor that
has also been implicated in a variety of pathophysiological
conditions. The cellular actions of BDNF are mediated
through two types of receptors: a high-affinity tyrosine receptor kinase (TrkB) and a low-affinity pan-neurotrophin
receptor (p75). TrkB is preferentially activated by BDNF and
NT4/5, and it appears to mediate most of the cellular responses to these neurotrophins.
BDNF and other neurotrophic factors are necessary for
the survival and function of neurons, which implies that
a sustained reduction of these factors could affect neuronal
viability. What is sometimes less appreciated, however, is
the fact that BDNF also has a number of much more acute
effects on synaptic plasticity and neurotransmitter release
and facilitates the release of glutamate, GABA, DA, and
As discussed earlier, BDNF is best known for its longterm neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects, which may
be very important for its putative role in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. In this context, it is
noteworthy that although endogenous neurotrophic factors have traditionally been viewed as increasing cell survival by providing necessary trophic support, it is now clear

Mitochondrial Function


by regulating the activity of diverse enzymes and facilitating

neurotransmitter release (Szabo et al., 2003). Excessively
high levels of calcium are also a critical mediator of cell death
cascades within neurons, necessitating diverse homeostatic
mechanisms to regulate intracellular calcium levels very
Interestingly, impaired regulation of Ca2+ cascades has
been found to be the most reproducible biological measure of abnormalities described in research on bipolar disorder. For this reason, mechanisms involved in Ca2+ regulation have been postulated to underlie aspects of the
pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. To date, 15 studies
have consistently revealed elevations in basal intracellular
Ca2+ levels in platelets, lymphocytes, or neutrophils of patients with bipolar disorder. By contrast, there have been
only four negative studies. Although this may partly represent publication bias, elevation in basal Ca2+ represents one
of the most replicated findings in research on bipolar disorder. More exaggerated platelet intracellular Ca2+ elevations have also been found in bipolar patients in response to
stimulation with thrombin, platelet-activator factor (PAF),
serotonin, DA, and thapsigargin (see Tables 145 and 146).
Most recently, Kato and colleagues (2003) investigated
cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ responses to PAF, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) (a mitochondrial uncoupler that abolishes mitochondrial Ca2+
uptake), and thapsigargin in lymphoblastoid cells from
bipolar subjects. They found that the thapsigargin-induced
cytosolic Ca2+ response was significantly higher in patients
with bipolar disorder, a result not seen when the effects of
Ca2+ influx from outside the plasma membrane were eliminated with a Ca2+-free measurement buffer. By contrast, response to thapsigargin tended to be higher in patients with
bipolar disorder when in the Ca2+-free condition. Furthermore, CCCP-induced Ca2+ responses differed significantly
between mitochondrial DNA 5178/10398 haplotypes that
had previously been reported to be associated with bipolar
disorder (Kato et al., 2003).
Taken together, these results clearly suggest that the mitochondrialendoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium regulation system contributes to the Ca2+ abnormalities seen in
bipolar disorder. In an elegant series of recent studies, Kakiuchi and colleagues (2003) identified XBP1, a pivotal gene in
the ER stress response, as contributing to the genetic risk for
bipolar disorder. Using DNA microarray analysis of lymphoblastoid cells derived from two pairs of twins discordant
with respect to the illness, they found downregulated expression of genes related to ER stress response in both affected
twins. Furthermore, polymorphism (116CG) in the promoter region of XBP1, affecting the putative binding site of
XBP1, was not only significantly more common in Japanese
patients but also overtransmitted to affected offspring in trio


samples of the NIMH Bipolar Disorder Genetics Initiative.

This research group further showed that XBP1-dependent
transcription activity of the 116G allele was lower than that
of the 116C allele, and furthermore, in cells with the G allele, induction of XBP1 expression after ER stress was
markedly reduced (Kakiuchi et al., 2003). Finally, it was
found that valproate at therapeutically relevant concentrations rescued the impaired response by inducing ATF6, the
gene upstream of XBP1.
Overall, these findings are of great importance in view of
the growing body of evidence demonstrating the potential
toxic effects of elevated intracellular Ca2+ in neuronal and
glial cerebral cells. In fact, it has been demonstrated that
both the subcellular compartmentalization of Ca2+ and the
source of the Ca2+ may be greater determinants of neurotoxicity than the absolute intracellular Ca2+ levels per se (Sapolsky, 2000b), and that there are major relationships between
Ca2+ released from IP3-sensitive ER stores and mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake (Mattson et al., 2000). As discussed in Chapter 15, there is also a growing body of data from neuroimaging and postmortem studies demonstrating impairments of
cellular plasticity and resilience in recurrent mood disorders.
Konradi and colleagues (2004) undertook an elegant
series of postmortem brain microarray studies, providing
additional evidence for mitochondrial dysregulation processes in bipolar disorder. They found that nuclear mRNA
coding for mitochondrial proteins was decreased in bipolar disorder compared with schizophrenia. These findings
involved expression of genes regulating oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial inner membrane and the
ATP-dependent process of proteasome degradation. Most
recently, Benes and associates (2006) performed a post hoc
analysis of an extant gene expression profiling database
obtained from the hippocampus using a novel methodology with improved sensitivity. Postmortem brain tissue
from bipolar disorder patients showed a marked upregulation of 19 out of 44 apoptosis genes; by contrast, the schizophrenia patients showed a downregulation of genes
associated with apoptotic injury and death. Additionally,
antioxidant genes showed a marked downregulation in
bipolar disorder patients, suggesting that accumulation of
free radicals might occur in the setting of a previously reported decrease of the electron transport chain in this disorder. Notably, the changes seen in bipolar disorder and
schizophrenia patients did not appear to be related to exposure to either neuroleptics or mood stabilizers.
Since a growing body of indirect clinical, genetic and
neuroimaging studies implicate mitochondrial dysfunction
in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, Kakiuchi and colleagues (2005) assessed mtDNA deletion(s) by comparing the copy number of two regions in
mtDNAnd1 and nd4by means of real-time quantitative



PCR in the frontal cortex of 84 subjects (30 control, 27 with

bipolar disorder, and 27 with schizophrenia). Although they
observed no association between mtDNA deletions and the
two major mental disorders in the frontal cortex, they found
that the relative amount of mtDNA decreased with age in
bipolar disorder (p = .016); these results suggest inherited or
acquired abnormalities in the system maintaining replication of mtDNA may play a role in the pathophysiology of
bipolar disorder.
We have outlined here evidence to support the contention
that neurotrophic signaling (and its downstream effects on
mitochondrial function) is integral to many facets of bipolar
disorder. It needs to be reiterated that although some studies
suggest a parent-of-origin effect, we are not suggesting that
bipolar disorder is a classic mitochondrial disorder, rather,
that many of the upstream abnormalities (likely nuclear
genome codes) converge to regulate mitochondrial function
implicated in both abnormalities of neurotransmitter synaptic plasticity and long-term cellular resilience. Indeed, Stork
and Renshaw (2005) have also posited that the many facets of
the complex neurobiology of bipolar disorder can be fit into
a more cohesive bioenergetic and neurochemical model.
Specificallysimilar to what we are proposing herethey
propose that the existence of mitochondrial dysfunction in
bipolar disorder involves impaired oxidative phosphorylation, a resultant shift toward glycolytic energy production, a
decrease in total energy production and/or substrate availability, and altered phospholipid metabolism.
How then is one to conceptualize neurotrophic signaling and mitochondrial-associated impairments of cellular
plasticity and resilience in the pathophysiology and treatment of severe mood disorders (bipolar disorder and major
depression)? There is growing appreciation of the diverse
functions that mitochondria play in regulating integrated
CNS function. Mitochondria are intracellular organelles
best known for their critical roles in regulating energy
production via oxidative phosphorylation, regulation of
intracellular Ca2+, and mediation of apoptosis. However,
increasing evidence suggests that mitochondria may be
integrally involved in the general processes of synaptic plasticity. Indeed, increased synaptic activity has been shown to
induce the expression of mitochondrial-encoded genes, indicating that the regulation of metabolism is an important
component in the long-term regulation of synaptic strength.
All in all, these findings suggest that mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration has a key role in modulating the tone of synaptic plasticity in a variety of neuroanatomical regions, including those implicated in the pathophysiology of anxiety
disorders. Regulation of mitochondrial function is likely to
play important roles in regulating synaptic strength and in
neuronal circuitrymediating complex behaviors. In support of this contention, Hovatta and associates (2005) have

used a combination of behavioral analysis of six inbred

mouse strains with quantitative gene expression profiling
of several brain regions. Intriguingly, they found that genes
involved in oxidative stress metabolism were related to
complex affective behaviors. Together, these results suggest
that the mitochondrially mediated impairments of plasticity observed in bipolar disorder may have ramifications for
not only long-term disease progression, course of illness, and
functional impairments but also here-and-now symptomatology. Indeed, it has recently been demonstrated that
short-term lithium-induced increases in subgenual prefrontal cortex gray matter were related to treatment response (see below). These observations raise the interesting
possibility that enhancing mitochondrial vigor may represent an important adjunctive strategy for the optimal longterm treatment of bipolar disorder and perhaps of highly
recurrent depression as well. Novel molecular targets to
improve mitochondrial function include pharmacological
attempts to bypass defects in the respiratory chain, scavenging excessive oxygen radicals and enhancers of mitochondrial membrane stabilization, including, theoretically, inhibitors of the permeability transition pore (PTP). In
addition, strategies already being investigated or under consideration include MAPK phosphatase inhibitors that increase expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, presynaptic glutamate receptor subtypes that attenuate glutamate
release, AMPA potentiators that increase BDNF expression,
and NMDA antagonists that enhance cellular plasticity.
Next we discuss the consistent body of data demonstrating that mood stabilizers (most notably lithium and
valproate) robustly regulate the expression and function of
genes and proteins associated with major roles in neuronal
plasticity and resilience.

Activation of the Extracellular Receptor-Coupled

Kinase Signaling Cascade by Lithium and Valproate
In view of the important role of the ERK signaling cascade
in mediating long-term neuroplastic events (see Fig. 1420),
a series of studies has been undertaken to investigate the
effects of lithium and valproate on this signaling cascade.79
These studies have shown that lithium and valproate, at
therapeutically relevant concentrations, robustly activate
the ERK MAPK cascade in human neuroblastoma SHSY5Y cells (Yuan et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2002). Follow-up
studies have recently shown that, similar to the effects observed in neuroblastoma cells in vitro, chronic lithium and
valproate also robustly increase the levels of activated ERK
in areas of brain that have been implicated in the pathophysiology and treatment of bipolar disorderthe anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus (Chen et al., 2002;
Einat et al., 2003b; Hao et al., 2004). In animal behavioral
studies it was found that chemical inhibition of the brain



Neurotrophins and the ERK MAP Kinase Signaling Cascade






Long-term neuroplasticity



Cytoskeletal remodeling


Neurite outgrowth
Neuronal survival


Synaptic proteins
Neurotransmitter release


Neuronal excitability
Synaptic plasticity



Other critical neurotrophic genes




Sequestered, inactive


Figure 1420. The influence of neurotrophic factors on cell survival, as mediated by activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade. Activation of neurotrophic factor receptors, also referred to as Trks, results in activation of the MAP kinase cascade via several intermediate steps, including phosphorylation of the adaptor protein SHC and recruitment of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor SOS. This
results in activation of the small guanosine triphosphatebinding protein Ras, which leads to activation of a cascade of serine/threonine kinases. This includes Raf, MAP kinase kinase (MEK), and MAP kinase (also referred to as extracellular response kinase, or ERK). Ras also activates the PI3 kinase pathway, a primary target of which is the enzyme glycogen synthase kinase (GSK-3). Activation of the PI3 kinase pathway
deactivates GSK-3. GSK-3 has multiple targets in cells including transcription factors (-catenin and C-Jun) and cytoskeletal elements such as
tau. Many of the targets of GSK-3 are pro-apoptotic when activated. Thus, deactivation of GSK-3 via activation of the PI3 kinase pathway results in neurotrophic effects. Lithium inhibits GSK-3 and this may be partially responsible for lithiums psychotrophic effects. One target of the
MAP kinase cascade is RSK, which influences cell survival in at least two ways. Rsk phosphorylates and inactivates the pro-apoptotic factor
BAD. RSK also phosphorylates CREB and thereby increases the expression of the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 and brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF). (Source: Manji et al., 2003a.)

ERK pathway in rats reduces immobility in the forced

swim test and increased locomotive and explorative activity in the large open field test. These studies also showed
that ERK1 (one of two ERK subtypes) knockout mice have
brain region-specific functional deficits of the ERK pathway
and exhibit reduced immobility in the forced swim test,
increased activity in the open field test, persistently increased home-cage wheel running activity for at least 30

days, and enhanced response to psychostimulants (reviewed in Chen and Manji, 2006). Very recent studies have
therefore examined the role of the ERK pathway as a behavioral modulator in left anterior cingulate cortex, one of
the brain regions being implicated in the pathophysiology
of mood disorders by human brain imaging and postmortem studies (Chen and Manji, 2006). Rats chronically
infused with an ERK pathway inhibitor directly to left



anterior cingulate cortex showed significant reduction of

immobility in the forced swim test, increase in locomotive
activities in the open field test, and enhancement of locomotive response to amphetamine. To further verify these
findings, a method was developed to regionally express
dominant negative ERK1 (to inhibit function of endogenous ERK) in left anterior cingulate cortex by injection of
lentiviral vectors. Compared to the controls, rats injected
with a dominant negative ERK1 expression vector showed
reduced immobility in the forced swim test, significant increases in activity in the open field test, significant increases in numbers of arm entries (without changing overall time spent in either open or closed arms) in the elevated
plus maze test, and a significantly higher response to amphetamine. These rats also consumed more sweetened water in the sucrose and saccharin preference tests than did
control rats. Taken together, this body of data supports the
role of the anterior cingulate in modulation of behaviors
relevant to mood disorders; furthermore, the ERK pathway in the left anterior cingulate cortex is one of the intracellular loops of neuronal circuitry that mediates hedonic
and locomotive and explorative activities.
As dicussed above, one of the major downstream targets of the ERK MAP kinase cascades is arguably one of the
most important neuroprotective proteins, Bcl-2. Bcl-2 is
the acronym for the B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2 gene.
This gene was first discovered because of its involvement in
B-cell malignancies, where chromosomal translocations
activate the gene in the majority of follicular non-Hodgkins
B-cell lymphomas (discussed in Manji et al., 1999b, and
references therein). Although the precise mechanisms of
action of Bcl-2 are unknown, it is now clear that Bcl-2 is a
protein that inhibits both apoptotic and necrotic cell death
induced by diverse stimuli. Indeed, it is likely that Bcl-2 is
very effective against diverse insults because many different
several cellular mechanisms are involved in its protective
effects; these likely include sequestering of the proforms of
caspases, inhibition of the effects of caspase activation, antioxidant effects, enhancemenet of mitochondrial calcium
uptake, and attenuation of the release of calcium and cytochrome c from mitochondria (reviewed in Adams and
Cory, 1998).
A role for Bcl-2 in protecting neurons from cell death is
now supported by abundant evidence; Bcl-2 has been
shown to protect neurons from a variety of insults in vitro
including growth factor deprivation, glucocorticoids, ionizing radiation, and oxidant stressors such as hydrogen peroxide, tert-butylhydroperoxide, reactive oxygen species, and
buthionine sulfoxamine (Adams and Cory, 1998; Bruckheimer et al., 1998). In addition to these potent in vitro effects, Bcl-2 has also been shown to prevent cell death in numerous studies in vivo. In the absence of pharmacological

means of increasing CNS Bcl-2 expression until recently

(see below), all the studies up to this time have used transgenic mouse models or viral vectormediated delivery of
the Bcl-2 gene into the CNS. In these models, Bcl-2 overexpression has been shown to prevent motor neuron death
induced by facial nerve axotomy and sciatic nerve axotomy,
save retinal ganglion cells from axotomy-induced death,
protect against the deleterious effects of MPTP or focal ischemia, and protect photoreceptor cells from two forms of
inherited retinal degeneration. Interestingly, neurons that
survive ischemic lesions or traumatic brain injury in vivo
show upregulation of Bcl-2.80 Overexpression of Bcl-2 has
also been shown to prolong survival and attenuate motor
neuron degeneration in a transgenic animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Kostic et al., 1997).
Most recently, it has been clearly demonstrated that not
only does Bcl-2 overexpression protect against apoptotic
and necrotic cell death, it can also promote regeneration
of axons in the mammalian CNS, leading to the intriguing
postulate that Bcl-2 acts as a major regulatory switch for
a genetic program that controls the growth of CNS axons
(Chen et al., 1997). Since Bcl-2 has also recently been shown
to promote neurite sprouting, it has been convincingly argued that increasing CNS Bcl-2 levels may represent a very
effective therapeutic strategy for the treatment of many
neurodegenerative diseases (Chen et al., 1997). As articulated already, the only means of therapeutically increasing
CNS Bcl-2 levels in the adult brain has been by the use of
complex gene transfer methodologies. Thus pharmacological means of robustly increasing CNS Bcl-2 levels represents a major potential advance for the long-term treatment of certain neurodegenerative disorders. In the next
section we discuss the exciting findings demonstrating that
Bcl-2 is robustly increased by lithium and valproate.

Robustly Increased Expression of Bcl-2

with Lithium and Valproate
Chronic treatment of rats with therapeutic doses of lithium
and valproate produced a doubling of Bcl-2 levels in the
frontal cortex, effects due primarily to a marked increase in
the number of Bcl-2-immunoreactive cells in layers II and
III of the anterior cingulated cortex (Chen et al., 1999;
Manji et al., 1999a, 2000a; see Fig. 1421). Interestingly, the
importance of neurons in the anterior cingulate has recently been emphasized, since these areas are important for
providing connections with other cortical regions and are
targets for subcortical input (Chapter 9). Chronic lithium
was also found to markedly increase the number of Bcl-2
immunoreactive cells in the dentate gyrus and striatum
(Manji et al., 1999b), and detailed immunohistochemical
studies following chronic valproate treatment are currently
under way.



Figure 1421. Effects of chronic lithium and valproate treatment on Bcl-2 immunolabeling in frontal cortex. Rats were chronically treated
with saline, lithium, or valproate, and immunohistochemistry of Bcl-2 was performed in parallel for each of the groups. Chronic lithium and
valproate treatment resulted in a doubling of Bcl-2 levels in FCx. (Source: Manji et al., 1999b. Reprinted with permission.)

Subsequent to these findings, lithium was demonstrated to increase Bcl-2 levels in C57BL/6 mice (Chen et
al., 1999), human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells in vitro
(Manji and Chen, 2000), and rat cerebellar granule cells
in vitro (Chen and Chuang, 1999). This latter work was
undertaken as part of research investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective actions of lithium against glutamate excitotoxicity
(see below). The investigators found that lithium produced a remarkable increase in Bcl-2 protein and mRNA
levels. Moreover, lithium was found to reduce levels of
the pro-apoptotic protein p53 in both cerebellar granule
cells (Chen and Chuang, 1999) and SH-SY5Y cells (Lu
et al., 1999).
Overall, then, the data clearly show that chronic lithium
exposure robustly increases levels of the neuroprotective
protein Bcl-2 in areas of rodent frontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum in vivo, and in cultured cells of both rodent and human neuronal origin in vitro. Furthermore, at
least in cultured cell systems, lithium has been demon-

strated to reduce levels of the pro-apoptotic protein p53.

Most recently, it has been demonstrated that repeated ECT
significantly increases precursor cell proliferation in the
dentate gyrus of the adult monkey, effects that appear to be
due to increased expression of Bcl-2 (Perera et al., submitted). These results suggest that stimulation of neurogenesis
and enhanced expression of Bcl-2 may contribute to the
therapeutic actions of ECT. Behavioral studies have also
been undertaken to determine if Bcl-2 plays a role in the
pathogenesis and treatment of depression (Yuan et al., 2005).
Bcl-2 +/ mice and wild-type littermates were studied in
the learned helplessness paradigm. Bcl-2 +/ mice and
wild-type littermates were also treated with antidepressant
citalopram (10 mg/kg/day) acutely and chronically, and responses in the tail suspension and learned helplessness
tests were examined. In the learned helplessness test, there
was a significantly higher rate of escape failures in the Bcl2+/ mice. Furthermore, while chronic citalopram increased escape failures in the wild-type mice, it was without effect in the Bcl-2 +/ mice. Similarly, citalopram was



effective in the tail suspension test but was without effect in

the Bcl-2 +/ mice. These data demonstrate that Bcl-2 +/
mice are insensitive to the SSRI antidepressant citalopram
in two animal models of depression, indicating that some of
the therapeutic effects of antidepressants may be mediated
through actions of Bcl-2. In total, these observations suggest that regulation of Bcl-2-mediated plasticity is likely to
play important roles in regulating synaptic strength and
neuronal circuitrymediating complex behaviors (Yuan
and Manji, unpublished observations).

Neuroprotective Effects of Lithium:

Compelling Preclinical Evidence
Lithiums robust effects on Bcl-2 and GSK-3 in the mature CNS indicate that it may possess significant neuroprotective properties. Indeed, several studies conducted
before the identification of Bcl-2 or GSK-3 as targets for
lithiums actions had already demonstrated the drugs neuroprotective properties.81 The protective effects of lithium
have been investigated in a number of in vitro studies, particularly those using rat cerebellar granule cells, PC12 cells,
and human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. In these studies, lithium was shown to protect against the deleterious
effects of glutamate, NMDA receptor activation, low potassium, and toxic concentrations of anticonvulsants (see Box
1417). Lithium also protected PC12 cells from serum and
nerve growth factor deprivation (Volonte and Rubenstein,
1993), protected both PC12 cells and human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells from ouabain toxicity (Li et al., 1994),
and protected SH-SY5Y cells from cell death induced by
both thapsigargin (which mobilizes intracellular Ca2+) and
MPP+. Most recently, lithium has been shown to protect
cultured neurons from beta-amyloid-induced cell death
(Alvarez et al., 1999) and to protect against the deleterious
effects of GSK-3fl overexpression coupled with staurosporine addition (Bijur et al., 2000).
In addition to studies demonstrating lithiums protective
effects in vitro, there have been a number of investigations
of its neuroprotective effects in vivo. In this context, the
effects of lithium on the biochemical and behavioral manifestations of excitotoxic lesions of the cholinergic system
have been investigated (Pascual and Gonzalez, 1995; Arendt
et al., 1999). These studies have demonstrated that lithium
pretreatment attenuates both the behavioral deficits (passive
avoidance and ambulatory behavior) and the reduction in
choline acetyl transferase activity associated with forebrain
cholinergic system lesions (Pascual and Gonzalez, 1995).82
In another study investigating lithiums effects against excitotoxic insults, it was demonstrated that lithium attenuated
the kainic acidinduced reduction in glutamate decarboxylase levels and [3H]D-aspartate uptake (Sparapani et al.,
1997). Chronic lithium has also been shown to exert dramatic

BOX 1417. Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective

Effects of Lithium
Protects cultured cells of rodent and human neuronal origin in
vitro from
Glutamate, NMDA
High concentrations of calcium
Aging-induced cell death
HIV regulatory protein, Tat
Glucose deprivation
Growth factor or serum deprivation
Toxic concentrations of anticonvulsants
Platelet activating factor (PAF)
Aluminum toxicity
Low K+
GSK-3 + staurosporine/heat shock
Enhances hippocampal neurogenesis in adult mice
Protects rodent brain in vivo from
Cholinergic lesions
Radiation injury
Middle cerebral artery occlusion (stroke model)
Quinolinic acid (Huntingtons model)
Human Effects

No subgenual prefrontal cortex gray matter volume reductions

in cross-sectional MRI studies

No reductions in amygdala glial density in postmortem cell

counting studies

Increased total gray matter volumes on MRI compared to untreated bipolar disorder patients in cross-sectional studies

Increased NAA (marker of neuronal viability) levels in bipolar

disorder patients in longitudinal studies

Increased gray matter volumes in bipolar disorder patients in

longitudinal studies
Source: Gould and Manji, 2002b.

protective effects against middle cerebral artery occlusion,

reducing not only the infarct size (by 56 percent) but also the
neurological deficits (abnormal posture and hemiplegia)
(Nonaka and Chuang, 1998). Most recently, the same group
found that chronic in vivo lithium treatment robustly protected neurons in the striatum from quinolinic acidinduced
toxicity in a putative model of Huntingtons disease (Senatorov et al., 2004; see Fig. 1422).
In addition to its effects on ERK MAPK, Bcl-2, and
GSK-3fl, lithiums effects on other signaling pathways and



Figure 1422. Chronic lithium protects against quinolic acid (QA)induced toxicity and against middle cerebral artery occlusion. Left panel:
Sixteen days of lithium pretreatment decreases the size of QA-induced striatal lesion determined by GAD67 mRNA in situ hybridization. Rats
(n = 1 0 ) were subcutaneously pre-injected with lithium chloride (LiCl) for 16 days and then intrastriatally infused with QA (30nmol). Control
rats (n = 8 ) received subcutaneous injections of normal saline instead of LiCl. Animals were killed 7 days after QA infusion and brains were sectioned for in situ hybridization using a 33P-labeled antisense oligonucleotide probe complementary to 67kDa GAD mRNA. Shown here are autoradiograms of GAD67 mRNA in situ hybridization from a typical saline control and lithium-pretreated experiment. Right panel: Chronic
lithium treatment protects against ischemic brain damage in a focal cerebral ischemia model in rats. Representative photomicrographs show ischemic brain damage in a saline-treated control (top) and LiCl-treated rat (bottom) 24 hours after left middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion.
Note that ischemic damage was observed in the cerebral cortex of the frontal, sensorimotor, and auditory areas and in the lateral segment of the
caudate nucleus. Chronic lithium reduced the area of ischemic brain damage. (Source: Nonaka and Chuang, 1998; Wei et al., 2001. Reprinted with
permission from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

transcription factors (Manji et al., 1995a; Jope, 1999) may

contribute to its neuroprotective effects. In this context, it
is noteworthy that recent studies have shown that modulation of Akt-1 activity is involved in glutamate excitotoxicity
and may play a role in lithiums neuroprotective effects
in rat cerebellar granule cells (Chalecka-Franaszek and
Chuang, 1999).

Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective

Effects of Valproate
Valproates effects on Bcl-2 and GSK-3fl suggest
that this mood stabilizer may also possess neuroprotective/ neurotrophic properties. Additionally, it has been

demonstrated that valproate increases the expression of

the molecular chaperone GRP78, a protein that binds Ca2+
in the endoplasmic reticulum and protects cells from the
deleterious effects of damaged proteins (J. Wang et al.,
1999). Although valproate has not been as extensively
studied as lithium, a growing body of data suggests that it
does indeed exert neuroprotective effects (Bruno et al.,
1995; Mark et al., 1995; Mora et al., 1999).
More recent studies have used the SH-SY5Y model system
to investigate the protective effects of valproate and lithium.
SH-SY5Y cells were incubated with lithium (1.0 mM) or valproate (.6 m) for 3 days. Cells were then exposed to two different toxinsthapsigargin (which mobilizes intracellular



calcium; .5 mM for 16 hours) or MPP+ (25 mM for 16

hours). The mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity that
cleaves 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium
bromide (MTT) was used to determine cell survival in a
quantitative colorimetric assay. It was found that treatment
with lithium and valproate exerted significant protective
effects against both toxins.
In an extension of their studies, Ren and colleagues recently sought to determine whether valproate, like lithium,
exerts protective effects in a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) stroke model. They found that post-insult
treatment with valproate reduced brain infarct size when
measured at 24 or 48 hours after the onset of MCAOinduced ischemia (Ren et al., 2004). Valproate also facilitated
functional recovery from neurological deficits under these
experimental conditions; these effects occurred at a dose
(300 mg/kg) similar to that used in animal studies to control
seizures. Valproate-induced neuroprotection was further
demonstrated by a reduction in MCAO-induced caspase-3
activation in the ischemic area, as shown by immunohistochemistry and western blotting analysis (Ren et al., 2004).
These results suggest that valproate neuroprotection in the
MCAO model involves anti-apoptotic actions in the ischemic penumbra. It is noteworthy that lithium-induced
neuroprotection in the rat MCAO/reperfusion model is also
associated with suppression of ischemia-induced caspase-3
activation (Ren et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2003).

Facilitation of Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival

and Axon Regeneration with Lithium
Based on the remarkable neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects of lithium, studies were undertaken to determine whether lithium supports the survival and axon regeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), a model that
has been used to study glaucoma, optic nerve neuritis, and
the degeneration of RGCs (Chen et al., 1995, 1997; Quigley
et al., 1995). In general, following injury, the postnatal
mammalian optic nerve, like many other axonal pathways
in the CNS, regenerates poorly; most often, injured RGCs
undergo apoptotic cell death (Chen et al., 1995, 1997;
Quigley et al., 1995). While this regenerative failure has
long been attributed to extrinsic inhibitors in the environment of the mature brain, seminal research by the Chen
and Tonegawa group (Chen et al., 1995, 1997) demonstrated that mature RGCs lack an intrinsic component to
initiate axonal growth following injury, and that this intrinsic component is the neurotrophic protein Bcl-2. Investigators have therefore postulated that a prerequisite for
successful regeneration of severed optic nerves in adult
mammals is the activation of an intrinsic regenerative mechanism of RGC axonsnamely, the induction of Bcl-2 expression in neurons.

Lithium was the first medication demonstrated to robustly upregulate Bcl-2 in rodent brain in vivo and in cells
with a human neuronal phenotype (see above). Furthermore, these effects of lithium occur well within its therapeutic range (indeed, robust effects occur at levels less
than those required to treat acute mania). Studies were
therefore undertaken to determine whether lithium would
not only prevent injury-induced degeneration of RGCs
and other CNS neurons but also promote the regeneration
of their axons (Huang et al., 2002) (see Fig. 1423). These
studies showed that lithium, acting directly on RGCs, supports both neuronal survival and axon regeneration at its
established therapeutic concentrations (.51.2 mM) (Huang
et al., 2002). These intriguing results not only offer new
clues to a better understanding of the regulation of retinal
and CNS regeneration but also suggest that lithium may
have considerable utility in treating retinal and optic nerve
neurodegeneration (e.g., glaucoma and optic nerve neuritis) and conditions involving optic nerve damage and/or
RGC loss. In view of lithiums well-established safety profile in humans and the fact that robust effects are observed
at well-tolerated levels, clinical trails should be undertaken
for treatment of these devastating illnesses.

Increases in Hippocampal Neurogenesis with Lithium

As discussed already, through use of a method for labeling
cell division directly in the adult human brain, it has been
shown that the dentate gyrus (an area where robust lithiuminduced increases in Bcl-2 levels are observed) can produce
new neurons during adulthood in humans. A large number
of the newborn daughter cells are known to die rapidly,
likely through apoptosis (Kempermann and Gage, 1999).
Thus increasing Bcl-2 levels could enhance the survival of
the newborn cells, allowing them to differentiate into neurons. Additionally, Bcl-2 has been shown to have robust effects on the regeneration of CNS axons (Chen et al., 1997).
Programmed cell death is present in neurogenic regions of
the adult brain, and a significant portion of the adult-born
cells is eliminated during the first months of maturation.
Kuhn and colleagues (2005) therefore investigated if overexpression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 would improve
the survival of neural progenitor cells and, as a consequence,
increase neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. They found
that transgenic animals, which express human Bcl-2 under
the neuron-specific enolase promoter (NSE-huBcl-2), show
a significant reduction of apoptotic cells in the hippocampal
granule cell layer to about half of the wild-type level. Furthermore, they found that the rate of adult neurogenesis is
doubled in the dentate gyrus of Bcl-2-overexpressing mice,
as demonstrated by quantification of progenitor cells with
DCX and of new neurons through bromodeoxyuridine
(BrdU)/neuronal nuclei antigen (NeuN) double-labeling.

Figure 1423. Li+ promotes retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon regeneration in a dose-dependent
manner in culture. A: Epifluorescence photomicrographs of representative retina-brain slice cocultures
in the absence and presence of lithium chloride (LiCl). Regenerating axons were labeled by placing DiI
(a lipophilic fluorescent label) into retinal explants and were visualized by fluorescence microscope. Arrows indicate labeled axons growing into the brain slices. B, C: Doseresponse curve of Li+ on axon regeneration. B: The number of labeled axons extending into the brain slices. C: Quantification of the
longest distances of axon regeneration into the brain slices, measured from the interfaces of the retinal
explants and brain slices. *p < .05 compared with control. (Source: Huang et al., 2003. Reproduced with
permission of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.)




In view of Bcl-2s major neuroprotective and neurotrophic role, a study was undertaken to determine whether
lithium, administered at therapeutically relevant concentrations, affects neurogenesis in adult rodent brain. To investigate the effects of chronic lithium on neurogenesis,
mice were treated with therapeutic lithium (plasma levels
.97 .20 mM) for approximately 4 weeks. After treatment
with lithium for 14 days, the mice were administered single
doses of BrdU, a thymidine analog that is incorporated
into the DNA of dividing cells, for 12 consecutive days.
Lithium treatment continued throughout the duration of
the BrdU administration. Following BrdU immunohistochemistry (Chen et al., 2000), three-dimensional cell counting was performed with a computer-assisted image analysis
system (see Rajkowska, 2000). This system is based on the
optical disector method and estimates the number of cells
independent of section thickness and cell shape. It was
found that chronic lithium administration does in fact result in an increase in the number of BrdU-positive cells in
the dentate gyrus (Chen et al., 2000) (see Fig. 1424).
Moreover, approximately two-thirds of the BrdU-positive

cells also double-stained with the neuronal marker NeuN,

confirming their neuronal identity. Double-staining of
BrdU and Bcl-2 was also observed; studies with Bcl-2
transgenic animals are currently under way to delineate the
role of Bcl-2 overexpression in the enhanced hippocampal
neurogenesis. These results have also been replicated by Kim
and associates (2004), who have demonstrated that lithium
selectively increases neuronal differentiation of hippocampal neural progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo. Most
recently, Perera and colleagues (2006, submitted) examined
the effects of repeated electroconvulsive shock (the animal
model of ECT) on dentate neurogenesis in nonhuman primates. Similar to the effects observed with chronic lithium
(see above), they found that ECS-induced neurogenesis
was accompanied by increases in Bcl-2 levels.
The ability of valproate to promote neurogenesis from
embryonic rat cortical or striatal primordial stem cells
was recently examined; 6 days of valproate increased by
up to five-fold the number and percentage of tubulin
IIIimmunopositive neurons, increased neurite outgrowth, and decreased by five-fold the number of astrocytes

Figure 1424. Effects of chronic lithium neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of adult mice. C57BL/6 mice were treated with lithium for 14 days
and then received once-daily bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) injections for 12 consecutive days while lithium treatment continued. Twenty-four
hours after the last injection, the brains were processed for BrdU immunohistochemistry. Cell counts were performed in the hippocampal dentate gyrus at three levels along the dorsoventral axis in all the animals. BrdU-positive cells were counted using unbiased stereological methods.
Chronic lithium produced a significant 25% increase in BrdU immunolabeling in both right and left dentate gyrus (p < .05). Many BrdU-labeled
neurons also stained with NeuN, a neuron-specific marker. (Source: Chen et al., 2000; Gray et al., 2003. Reprinted with permission from Blackwell Publishing Ltd.)



Figure 1425. Valproate promotes neurite growth in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The photographs from a representative

experiment were taken after 1-, 4-, 8-day treatments with valproate (VPA). Data shown in bar graph are mean standard error of 30100 cells
measured in the photographs. Similar results were obtained from two additional independent experiments. Arrow in right panel indicates growth
cone. (Source: Adapted from Yuan et al., 2001. Reproduced with permission of American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.)

without changing the number of cells (Laeng et al., 2004).

Valproate also promoted neuronal differentiation in human
fetal forebrain stem cell cultures. Intriguingly, the neurogenic effects of valproate on rat stem cells exceeded those
obtained with BDNF or NT-3. Similar effects were observed
with lithium, but not carbamazepine. Most of the newly
formed neurons were GABAergic, as shown by 10-fold increases in neurons that immunostained for GABA and the
GABA-synthesizing enzyme GAD65/67. The enhancement
of GABAergic neuron numbers, neurite outgrowth, and
phenotypic expression via increases in the neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells may contribute to the therapeutic effects of valproate in the treatment of bipolar disorder. (Figure 1425 shows valproates promotion of neurite

Increased N-acetylaspartate and Gray Matter

with Lithium
To investigate the potential neurotrophic effects of
lithium in humans more definitively, a longitudinal clinical study was undertaken with proton MRS to quantitate
N-acetylaspartate (NAA) levels. NAA is a putative neuronal marker, localized to mature neurons and not found
in mature glial cells, CSF, or blood. A number of studies
have now shown that initial abnormally low brain NAA
measures may increase and even normalize with remission

of CNS symptoms in disorders such as demyelinating disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, mitochondrial encephalopathies, and HIV dementia. NAA is synthesized
within mitochondria, and inhibitors of the mitochondrial
respiratory chain decrease NAA concentrations, effects
that correlate with reductions in ATP and oxygen consumption (Manji et al., 2000a). Thus, NAA is now generally regarded as a measure of neuronal viability and function, rather than strictly as a marker for neuronal loss
per se (for an excellent review of NAA, see Tsai and Coyle,
It has been found that chronic lithium administration
at therapeutic doses increases NAA concentration in the
human brain in vivo (Moore et al., 2000). This finding
provides intriguing indirect support for the contention
that, similar to observations in rodent brain and in human neuronal cells in culture, chronic lithium increases
neuronal viability and function in the human brain. Furthermore, a striking correlation of approximately .97 between lithium-induced NAA increases and regional voxel
gray matter content was observed (Moore et al., 2000),
thereby providing evidence for colocalization with the
region-specific Bcl-2 increases observed (e.g., gray versus
white matter) in rodent brain cortices. These results suggest that chronic lithium may exert not only robust neuroprotective effects (as has been demonstrated in a variety



of preclinical paradigms) but also neurotrophic effects in

humans (see Fig. 1426).
In follow-up studies to the above work on NAA, it was
hypothesized that, in addition to increasing functional neurochemical markers of neuronal viability, lithium-induced
increases in Bcl-2 would lead to neuropil increases and thus
to increased brain gray matter volume in bipolar patients. In
this clinical investigation, brain tissue volumes were examined with high-resolution three-dimensional MRI and validated quantitative brain tissue segmentation methodology
to identify and quantify the various components by volume,
including total brain white and gray matter content. Measurements were made at baseline (medication-free, after a
minimum 14-day washout) and then repeated after 4 weeks
of lithium at therapeutic doses. This study showed that
chronic lithium significantly increases total gray matter
content in the human brain of patients with bipolar disorder (see Fig. 1427). No significant changes were observed in
brain white matter volume or in quantitative measures of
regional cerebral water content, thereby providing strong
evidence that the observed increases in gray matter content
are due to neurotrophic effects and not to any possible cell
swelling and/or osmotic effects associated with lithium
treatment. Most recently, to investigate the clinical significance of these findings, a longitudinal study was performed exploring neurotrophic effects of the mood stabi-

lizer lithium via high-resolution volumetric MRI in wellcharacterized bipolar depressed subjects (n = 28) at baseline
(medication-free) and following chronic lithium administration (4 weeks) (Moore et al., 2006). Total brain gray matter, prefrontal gray matter, and left subgenual prefrontal
gray matter were determined by means of validated semiautomated segmentation and region-of-interest methodology. Significant increases in total brain gray matter in bipolar subjects were observed following chronic lithium
administration, confirming the previous preliminary study.
Regional analyses in the bipolar subjects revealed significant
differences between responders (greater than 50 percent decrease in HAM-D) and nonresponders; only responders
showed increases in gray matter in the prefrontal cortex and
left subgenual prefrontal cortex (Moore et al., 2006). The increase in gray matter in these areas that are specifically implicated in the neuropathophysiology of bipolar disorder in
various neuroimaging and postmortem neuropathology investigations suggests that the observed effects may be linked
to clinical response. The findings also support the notion
that future development of treatments more directly targeting molecules in critical CNS pathways regulating cellular
plasticity hold promise as novel, improved long-term treatments for mood disorders (see Fig. 1428).
It is striking that lithium has such robust effects on the cytoprotective protein Bcl-2, exerts neuroprotective effects in

Figure 1426. Mechanism by which lithium may increase N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) levels.
Lithium, via its effects on Bcl-2 and glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), may exert major
neurotrophic effects, resulting in neuropil increases, accompanied by increases in NAA levels.
ERK = extracellular receptor-coupled kinase. (Source: Manji et al., 2000b. Reprinted with
permission from Elsevier.)

+ +








Figure 1427. Brain gray matter volume is increased following 4 weeks of lithium administration at therapeutic levels in patients with bipolar
disorder. Brain tissue volumes were examined by means of high-resolution three-dimensional MRI and validated quantitative brain tissue segmentation methodology to identify and quantify the various components by volume, including total brain white and gray matter content. Measurements were made at baseline (medication-free, after a minimum 14-day washout) and then repeated after 4 weeks of lithium at therapeutic
doses. Chronic lithium significantly increases total gray matter content in the human brain of patients with bipolar disorder. No significant
changes were observed in brain white matter volume or in quantitative measures of regional cerebral water. (Source: Gould and Manji, 2002b.
Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications, Inc.)

a variety of paradigms, and actually increases gray matter

volume in humans. These exciting results suggest that
lithium may have utility in the treatment of a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders associated with cell atrophy and loss
and impairment of cellular resilience. One obvious concern,
however, is lithiums tolerability, especially in patients with
neurodegenerative disorders. A series of studies was therefore
undertaken to determine whether the chronic administration of lithium at low doses also regulates Bcl-2 expression.
These studies found that chronic lithium administration (4
weeks) at doses that produce plasma levels of approximately
.35 mM (below the threshold for CNS-mediated side effects) robustly increased Bcl-2 levels in rat frontal cortex and
hippoxampus (see Fig. 1429) and hippocampus. Furthermore, there is accumulating evidence suggesting that lithium
exerts neuroprotective effects at low doses. Thus, 0.5 mM
lithium has been shown to protect cultured cerebellar gran-

ule cells from glutamate excitotoxicity and to decrease levels

of the pro-apoptotic protein p53. In middle cerebral artery
occlusion, an in vivo model of stroke, lithium has also been
shown to offer significant protection at .5 milliequivalents (mEq)/kg. Of particular interest, a recent study
demonstrated that cortical neurons are even more potently
protected from excitotoxicity, with significant increases
in viability occurring as low as .1 mM. Overall, the data
clearly suggest that lower than traditional antimanic doses
of lithium have neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects,
and may thus have utility as adjunctive treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders associated with cell loss and atrophy.

Regulation of Cell Survival Pathways

with Antidepressants
Seminal studies from the Duman group have investigated
the possibility that the factors involved in neuronal atrophy



Figure 1428. Neurotrophic mechanisms in depression. Severe stress causes several changes in hippocampal pyramidal neurons, including
a reduction in their dendritic arborizations, and a reduction in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression (which could be one of
the factors mediating the dendritic effects). Antidepressants increase dendritic arborizations and BDNF expression of these hippocampal neurons via growth factor cascades. By these actions, antidepressants may reverse and prevent the actions of stress on the hippocampus and ameliorate certain symptoms of depression. VPA = valproate. (Source: Adapted from Nestler et al., 2002a. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)

and survival could be the target of antidepressant treatment

(Duman et al., 1999; DSa and Duman, 2002) (see Fig. 1430).
These studies demonstrated that one pathway involved in
cell survival and plasticity, the cAMPCREB cascade, is
upregulated by antidepressant treatment (Duman et al.,
Preclinical studies have also demonstrated that antidepressant treatment in vivo increases CREB phosphorylation and cAMP response elementmediated gene expression in mouse limbic brain regions (Thome et al., 2000).
Upregulation of CREB and BDNF occurs in response to
several different classes of antidepressant treatments, including norepinephrine- and serotonin-selective reuptake
inhibitors and electroconvulsive shock, indicating that the
cAMPCREB cascade and BDNF are common postreceptor targets of these therapeutic agents (Nibuya et al., 1995,
1996) (see Fig. 1431). In addition, upregulation of CREB
and BDNF is dependent on chronic treatment, consistent
with the therapeutic action of antidepressants (reviewed in

Nestler et al., 2002b; Duman, 2004; Berton and Nestler,

2006). A role for the cAMPCREB cascade and BDNF
in the actions of antidepressant treatment is also supported by studies demonstrating that upregulation of these
pathways increases performance in behavioral models of
depression (Duman et al., 1999). It has been observed as
well that induced CREB overexpression in the dentate
gyrus results in an antidepressant-like effect in the learned
helplessness paradigm and the forced swim test in rats
(A. Chen et al., 2001). Indirect human evidence comes from
studies showing increased hippocampal BDNF expression
in postmortem brain of subjects treated with antidepressants at the time of death compared with untreated subjects
(B. Chen et al., 2001).
In elegant studies from the Nestler laboratory, mice
were administered chronic social defeat stress followed by
chronic imipramine (a tricyclic antidepressant) (Tsankova
et al., 2006). Adaptations at the levels of gene expression and
chromatin remodeling of five BDNF splice variant mRNAs


(IV) and their unique promoters in the hippocampus were

then studied. Defeat stress induced lasting downregulation
of BDNF transcripts III and IV and robustly increased repressive histone methylation at their corresponding promoters. Chronic imipramine reversed this downregulation
and increased histone acetylation at these promoters
(Tsankova et al., 2006). As we discuss in greater detail later,
these experiments underscore an important role for epigenetic factors in the pathophysiology of mood disorders, and
they highlight the therapeutic potential for histone methylation and deacetylation inhibitors.
The data reviewed here clearly show that molecules
in neurotrophic signaling cascades are regulated by both


antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Where, then, is the

specificity? Are these agents simply nonspecific plasticity
At the outset, it should be emphasized that BDNF and
the ERK pathway are not synonymous. BDNF uses at least
three major signaling cascades to bring about its biological
effects through TrkB: ERK MAPK, PI-3-kinase/Akt, and
phospholipase C; BDNF, at higher concentrations, also
stimulates p75NTR. The ERK MAPK pathway is regulated
by several mechanisms. Thus, in addition to the neurotrophins, a variety of neurotransmitters and other neuroactive molecules also regulate the ERK pathway in stageand other region-specific manners in the brain. It is also

Figure 1429. Effects of low-dose lithium treatment on Bcl-2 levels in rat frontal cortex and hippocampus. Chronic lithium was shown to robustly increase the levels of the major neuroprotective protein Bcl-2 at therapeutic levels (.61.0mM). A series of studies was undertaken to determine if low-dose lithium also produced Bcl-2 upregulation. Inbred male Wistar Kyoto rats were treated with Li2CO3 at full dose (resulting
in plasma levels of ~.8mM) or half dose (resulting in plasma levels of ~.35mM) for 3 to 4 weeks. Left panel: Quantification of immunoblotting of
Bcl-2 in frontal cortex, which was conducted by established methods with monoclonal antibodies directed against Bcl-2. Right panel: Immunohistochemistry in rat hippocampus. Treatment of rats with either full-dose or half-dose lithium for 3 to 4 weeks resulted in significant increases in the
levels of Bcl-2. * p < .05 compared with control. These results suggest that low-dose lithium may also confer neuroprotective effects, even in those
patients who are intolerant of full-dose lithium because of side effects.



Antidepressant Treatment
Inhibit 5-HT and NE
reuptake or breakdown

5-HT or NE


5-HT or NE




5-HT 2
%1 AR

Ca2(-dependent kinases

Trophic actions: altered

synaptic plasticity and
neuronal morphology



Figure 1430. Influence of antidepressant treatment on the cAMPCREB cascade. Antidepressant treatment increases synaptic levels of norepinephrine (NE) and 5-HT by blocking the reuptake
or breakdown of these monoamines. This results in activation of intracellular signal transduction
cascades, one of which is the cAMPCREB cascade. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases Gs
coupling to adenylyl cyclase (AC), particulate levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and
CREB. CREB can also be phosphorylated by Ca2+-dependent protein kinases, which can be activated by the phosphatidylinositol pathway (not shown) or by glutamate ionotropic receptors (e.g.,
NMDA). Glutamate receptors and Ca2+-dependent protein kinases are also involved in neural plasticity. One gene target of antidepressant treatment and the cAMPCREB cascade is brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which contributes to the cellular processes underlying neuronal
plasticity and cell survival. (Source: Manji and Duman, 2001.)

likely that the stoichiometries, coupling efficiencies, and

subcellular compartmentalization vary in different brain
regions. Not altogether surprisingly, different behavioral
effects have been reported when different brain regions
were involved. It is likely that the differential effects are
modulated not only by the region-specific expression of
specific signaling but also by the network properties of vulnerable structures. The dynamics of the impairments of
cellular plasticity and resilience are thus also likely to be determined by intrinsic properties of the affected areas.

Cellular and Neurotrophic Actions of Antidepressants

Findings of several studies support the hypothesis that antidepressant treatment produces neurotrophic-like effects
(see Box 1418). One early study found that antidepressant treatment induced regeneration of catecholamine axon

terminals in the cerebral cortex (Nakamura, 1990). Another

study examined the influence of antidepressant treatment
on the atrophy of hippocampal neurons in response to
stress (Watanabe et al., 1992). Chronic administration of an
atypical antidepressant, tianeptine, was found to block the
stress-induced atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons, measured as a blockade of the decrease in the number and
length of apical dendrite branch points. Additional studies
are needed to further characterize the influence of these
and other classes of typical and atypical antidepressants on
the atrophy of CA3 neurons. The neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects of antidepressants in other models of cell
damage or atrophy also need to be examined.
Czeh and colleagues (2001) conducted some interesting
preclinical studies in which stress-induced changes in brain
structure and neurochemistry were found to be counteracted

Antidepressant Treatment Increases

CREB Expression in Hippocampus

CREB mRNA (% of vehicle)














Chronic Antidepressant Treatment Increases

BDNF Expression in Hippocampus

BDNF mRNA (% of vehicle)















Figure 1431. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases CREB and BDNF expression in rat hippocampus. Upregulation of CREB mRNA (a) occurs in response to several different classes of antidepressant treatments, including norepinephrine- and serotonin-reuptake inhibitors, and electroconvulsive seizure, indicating that the cAMPCREB cascade is a common postreceptor target of these
therapeutic agents (Nibuya et al., 1995, 1996). Notably, CREB mRNA increases were not observed with
several nonantidepressant psychoactive agents (including morphine, cocaine, or haloperidol), indicating specificity of effects. Upregulation of BDNF mRNA (b) also occurs in response to several different
classes of antidepressant treatments, including a norepinephrine/NE reuptake inhibitor, SSRIs, and
electroconvulsive seizure. Notably, BDNF mRNA increases were not observed with several nonantidepressant psychoactive agents (including morphine, cocaine, or haloperidol), indicating specificity of
effects. In addition, upregulation of both CREB and BDNF is dependent of chronic treatment, consistent with the therapeutic action of antidepressants. As discussed in the text (not shown here), lithium
and valproate have also been shown to upregulate CREB and BDNF mRNA and protein levels. Indirect human evidence comes from studies showing increased hippocampal BDNF and CREB expression in postmortem brain of subjects treated with antidepressants at the time of death compared with
that of antidepressant-untreated subjects. COC = cocaine (a psychostimulant); DSP = desipramine (a
noradrenergic antidepressant); ECS = electroconvulsive shock (an animal model of ECT); FLX = fluoxetine (an SSRI); HAL = haloperidol (a typical antipsychotic); MOR = morphine (an opioid);
STL = sertraline (an SSRI); TCP = tranylcypromine (an MAOI); Veh = vehicle control. (Source: Unpublished data from Ronald S. Duman, Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Director, Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities Yale University School of Medicine.)




BOX 1418. Summary of the Differences in

Neurotrophic Properties of Antidepressants
and Lithium: Evidence from Contemporary Studies

Antidepressants exert major effects on cAMP-responsive ele-

ment binding protein (CREB) and brain-derived neurotrophic

factor (BDNF) expression in rat hippocampus.
Antidepressants may exert modest effects on extracellular
response kinase (ERK) activation in rat brain.
Lithium exerts major effects on ERK activation in rat frontal
cortex and hippocampus.
Lithium exerts major effects on Bcl-2 in rat frontal cortex.
Cross-sectional neuroimaging studies suggest that patients
treated with chronic lithium or valproate do not show subgenual prefrontal cortex atrophy; patients treated with selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) show atrophy similar to
that in untreated patients.
Longitudinal studies show that chronic lithium increases the
levels of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in areas of brain in bipolar
patients; there are no similar published studies with valproate
or antidepressants.
Longitudinal studies show that chronic lithium increases gray
matter volumes in bipolar patients; there are currently no similar published studies with antidepressants.

by treatment with tianeptine. In their study, male tree

shrews subjected to a chronic psychosocial stress paradigm were found to have decreased NAA, a putative
marker of neuronal viability (Tsai and Coyle, 1995; Moore
and Galloway, 2002), measured in vivo by proton magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS); decreased granule cell
proliferation in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus; and
a reduction in hippocampal volume compared with nonstressed animals. These stress-induced effects were prevented and reversed in shrews treated concomitantly with
tianeptine (Czeh et al., 2001). Once again, however, the
generalizability of these effects to other classes of antidepressants is unclear. (See Figure 1432 on the neurotrophic
effects of antidepressants.)

Relevance of Antidepressant Regulation

of Hippocampal Neurogenesis
Recent studies have shown that chronic, but not acute,
antidepressant treatment also increases the neurogenesis
of dentate gyrus granule cells (Jacobs et al., 2000; Manev
et al., 2001; DSa and Duman, 2002). These studies found
that chronic administration of different classes of antidepressant treatment, including norepinephrine- and
serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors and electroconvulsive shock (the animal model of ECT), increases the prolif-

eration and survival of new neurons. In contrast to what

has been observed with mood stabilizers, increased neurogenesis is not observed in response to chronic administration of nonantidepressant psychotropic drugs. Studies
demonstrating that neurogenesis is increased by conditions that stimulate neuronal activity (e.g., enriched environment, learning, exercise) suggest that this process is
also positively regulated by and may even be dependent on
neuronal plasticity (Kempermann, 2002).
The enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis by antidepressants serves to highlight the degree to which these
effective treatments are capable of regulating long-term
neuroplastic events in the brain. In view of the opposite effects of stress and antidepressants on hippocampal neurogenesis, it is quite plausible that alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis are fundamental to the clinical syndrome
of depression. To further investigate this hypothesis,
Santarelli and colleagues (2003) conducted an important
series of experiments. Mice were administered a variety of
antidepressants or vehicle for 28 days, and their responses
on a novelty-suppressed feeding were investigated. A 35
percent improvement in the speed of retrieving food or
water was observed in mice taking antidepressants. In a
second experiment, a 60 percent increase in BrdU-positive
cells in the dentate gyrus was found after 1128 days of
treatment with fluoxetine. To test whether hippocampal
neurogenesis was necessary for the antidepressants behavioral effects, mice were exposed to x-rays directed at the
hippocampus, leading to an 85 percent reduction in BrdUpositive cells in the subgranular zone. These mice were
then treated with fluoxetine, imipramine, or vehicle for 28
days. The previously noted effect of antidepressants on the
novelty-suppressed feeding test was not seen in irradiated
mice, suggesting that these behavioral effects of chronic
antidepressants may be mediated by new neuronal growth
in the hippocampus (see Fig. 1433). However, noveltysuppressed feeding behavior is generally regarded as a test
of anxiety behavior and also responds to benzodiazepines
(generally not regarded as having antidepressant efficacy).
Thus it may be premature to infer that inhibition of the
antidepressant effect of these drugs also occurs as a result of
the suppression of neurogenesis; studies with genetic strategies to regulate hippocampal neurogenesis are under way
and should delineate the role of hippocampal neurogenesis
in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders.
A problem to be addressed with the neurotrophic hypothesis of antidepressant drug action is the tryptophan
depletion conundrum. It is now well established that patients successfully treated with SSRIs show a rapid depressive relapse following experimental procedures that deplete tryptophan and serotonin (Delgado et al., 1991, 1999;
Aberg-Wistedt et al., 1998). How are such rapid effects to



Figure 1432. Neurotrophic effects of antidepressants. Left: Antidepressant treatment increases synaptic levels of norepinephrine (NE) and
serotonin (5-HT) by blocking the reuptake or breakdown of these monoamines. This results in activation of intracellular signal transduction
cascades, one of which is the cyclic adenosine monophosphatecAMP-responsive element-binding protein (cAMPCREB) cascade. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases Gs coupling to adenylyl cyclase (AC), particulate levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and CREB.
CREB can also be phosphorylated by Ca2+-dependent protein kinases, which can be activated by the phosphatidylinositol pathway or by glutamate ionotropic receptors (e.g., NMDA, not shown). One gene target of antidepressant treatment and the cAMPCREB cascade is brain-derived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which contributes to the cellular processes underlying neuronal plasticity, and restoration/enhancement of neural
connectivity mechanisms, which are essential for healthy affective functioning. Right: At the dendritic level, antidepressants increase synapse formation and neural outgrowth, restoring critical circuitry function. AR = adrenoreceptors; DAG = diacylglycerol; IP, inositolmonophosphate;
NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate; P = phosphorylated; PIP2 = phosphoinositide 4,5-biphosphate; PLC, phospholipase C; TrkB, specific tyrosine
kinases receptor. (Source: Manji et al., 2003b.)

be reconciled with the postulated neurotrophic actions of

antidepressants? It is our contention that treatment of depression is attained by providing both trophic and neurochemical support; the trophic support restores normal
synaptic connectivity, thereby allowing the chemical signal to reinstate the optimal functioning of critical circuits
necessary for normal affective functioning. Thus, tryptophan depletion diets are capable of inducing a depressive
relapse in SSRI-treated patients through reduced neurotransmitter synthesis and release, although they are not
likely to have acute major effects on brain structure per se
(see Fig. 1434).

Long-term Clinical Implications of the Neurotrophic

Effects of Mood Stabilizers and Antidepressants
As discussed earlier, there is now a considerable body of
work both conceptually and experimentally suggesting
that impairments in cellular plasticity and resilience may
play an important role in the pathophysiology of recurrent
mood disorders. Does the long-term administration of
agents such as lithium and valproate actually retard diseaseor affective episodeinduced cell loss or atrophy? The distinction between disease progression and affective episodes
per se is an important one, since it is quite possible that
the neurotrophic effects of lithium or valproate may even be



independent of their ability to treat or prevent affective

episodes. We are aware of no longitudinal studies that fully
address this question, but it clearly represents a very important and fundamental issue worthy of investigation.
Findings that lithium administration increases brain NAA
levels and gray matter volumes, as well as cross-sectional
results demonstrating normalized subgenual prefrontal
cortex volumes in patients treated with lithium and valproate, do provide indirect support for such a contention.
The evidence also suggests that, somewhat akin to the
treatment of conditions such as hypertension and diabetes,
early and potentially sustained treatment may be necessary
to adequately prevent many of the deleterious long-term
sequelae associated with mood disorders.
For many refractory depressed patients, there may be
a limited benefit to new drugs that simply mimic many traditional drugs that directly or indirectly alter neurotransmitter levels or bind to cell surface receptors. Such strategies
implicitly assume that the target circuits are functionally

intact and that altered synaptic activity will thus be transduced to modify the postsynaptic throughput of the system.
However, the evidence presented here suggests that, in addition to neurochemical changes, many patients also have
pronounced structural alterations (e.g., reduced spine density, neurite retraction, overall neuropil reductions) in critical neuronal circuits. Thus, optimal treatment may be attained only by providing more direct trophic support. The
trophic support would be envisioned as enhancing and
maintaining normal synaptic connectivity, thereby allowing
the chemical signal to reinstate the optimal functioning of
critical circuits necessary for normal affective functioning.
While lithium and valproate clearly exert neurotrophic
effects, they do so through indirect mechanismsthat is,
many of their direct biochemical targets are considerably
upstream of neuroprotective proteins such as GSK-3, ERK,
and Bcl-2. Thus many patients with endogenous or acquired defects in the machinery involved in mediating the
effects of mood stabilizers on neurotrophic proteins would

Figure 1433. Antidepressant treatment increases neurogenesis in adult hippocampus. Left panel: A typical section of dentate gyrus that has
undergone immunohistochemical analysis for bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), the thymidine analog used to label newborn cells. The darker cells in
the subgranular zone (SGZ) represent BrdU-positive cells. Chronic antidepressant treatment increases the number of BrdU-positive cells, determined 24 hours after BrdU administration. Right panel: Quantification of immunocytochemical data, showing antidepressant treatments increase the number of BrdU-labeled cells in dentate gyrus. Con = control; ECS = electroconvulsive shock; Fluox = fluoxetine, a 5-HT selective inhibitor; Reb = a norepinephrine selective reuptake inhibitor reboxetine; TCP = a monoamine oxidase inhibitor tranylcypromine. (Source: Gray et
al., 2003; unpublished data from Ronald S. Duman, Ph.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Director, Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities, Yale University School of Medicine.)



Figure 1434. Resolution of the tryptophan depletion conundrum of the neurotrophic hypothesis of antidepressant drug action. Treatment
of depression is attained by providing both trophic and neurochemical support; the trophic support restores normal synaptic connectivity,
thereby allowing the chemical signal to reinstate the optimal functioning of critical circuits necessary for normal affective functioning. Brainderived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) also facilitates the release of neurotransmitters that act on this restored, intact circuit. Acute reduction in
synaptic serotonin levels via its effects on reducing BDNF levels is capable of rapidly reducing the release of a number of neurotransmitters.
Thus, tryptophan depletion diets are capable of inducing a depressive relapse in selective serotonin reuptake inhibitortreated patients via the
effects on neurotransmitter release, although likely not having major effects on structural brain changes. AC = adenylyl cyclase; cAMP = cyclic
adenosine monophosphate; CREB = cAMP-responsive element-binding protein; DAG = diacylglycerol; GABA = gamma-aminobutyric acid;
Glu = glutamate; IP, inositolmonophosphate; NE = norepinephrine; NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate; P = phosphorylated; PIP2 = phosphoinositide 4,5-biphosphate; PKA = protein kinase A; PLC, phospholipase C; TrkB, specific tyrosine kinases receptor. (Source: Manji et al., 2003b.)

be expected not to display marked neurotrophic effects

from the drugs. Optimal long-term treatment for refractory
patients may require the early use of agents that enhance
neuroplasticity and cellular resilience.
In this context, it is noteworthy that there are a number
of pharmacological plasticity-enhancing strategies that
may be of considerable utility in the treatment of mood
disorders (Quiroz et al., 2004; Gould et al., 2004). Among
the most immediate of these are NMDA antagonists,
glutamate-release-reducing agents such as lamotrigine,
AMPA potentiators, and cAMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors. An increasing number of strategies are being investigated for developing small-molecule agents to regulate the
activity of growth factors, MAPK cascades, and the Bcl-2
family of proteins. This work holds much promise for the
development of novel therapies for the long-term treatment
of severe, refractory mood disorders. Table 1410 summa-

rizes findings to date on potential targets for the development of new agents for the treatment of mood disorders (see
Fig. 1435).

The first edition of Manic-Depressive Illness was published
in 1990; since then, there have been tremendous advances
in our understanding of both the normal and abnormal
functioning of the brain. Indeed, it is our firm belief that
the impact of molecular and cellular biologywhich has
been felt in every corner of clinical medicinewill ultimately also have major repercussions for our understanding about the fundamental core pathophysiology of manicdepressive illness, and will lead to the development of
improved treatments. Recent years have witnessed a more
wide-ranging understanding of the neural circuits and the

Table 1410. Potential Targets for the Development of New Antidepressants and Antibipolar Agents
Function Plausibly
Relevant to Mood


5-HT1A/5-HT1B antagonists may augment

AD response.


5-HT2 antagonists may

possess AD effects.


5-HT7 agonists may have

AD effects and/or
ameliorate sleep/
circadian disturbances.
A very investigational
strategy as a rapidly
acting AD



Involvement in Mood
Disorders or Treatment

2 antagonists
during REM

Observations from
Clinical Treatment

Findings from Animal


Direct or Surrogate
Human Evidence

Somatodendritic 5-HT1A
receptors regulate 5-HT
neuron firing; nerve
terminal 5-HT1B receptors
facilitate 5-HT release.
Blockade increases 5-HT
throughput via two
CNS distribution; may
regulate DA throughput;
important roles in regulating sleep and appetite

Coadministration of
5-HT1A/5-HT1B antagonists
facilitates AD-induced
5-HT throughput.

Equivocal results to
date; pindolol may
not be the ideal
drug to test

CNS distribution; may regulate circadian rhythms;

positively linked to cAMP
2 antagonists increase firing
of LC and release of NE.
Enhancing NE function
may have AD effects;
activating central NE
projections during REM
sleep may allow released NE to interact
with a primed, sensitized
postsynaptic environment.

AD and clozapine appear

to interact with and/or
regulate expression of
Agents that enhance NE
throughput have AD
efficacy; sleep deprivation,
which has a rapid AD
effect, enhances expression
of plasticity molecules
(e.g., CREB, BDNF) via
an NE-dependent

Both PET and neuroendocrine studies suggest

reduced 5-HT1A levels/
function in depression.
However, these studies
have not investigated
Postmortem brain and PET
studies are inconclusive;
however, PET studies
suggest that ADs reduce
5-HT2 binding. Elevated
platelet 5-HT2 binding in

Sleep deprivation exerts a

rapid AD effect. The LC
is quiescent during REM
sleep and activated by
sleep deprivation.

2 antagonists
(idazoxan, mirtazapine) have been
shown to exert AD
effects. Use of an 2
antagonist during
REM sleep is quite
novel; human studies are just getting
under way.

Many ADs downregulate

5-HT2s (but not ECS).

Agents with 5-HT2

antagonism (e.g.,
mirtazapine, clozapine) have AD
effects; no clinical
studies with selective agents

Enhanced throughput of
CRF receptors may
mediate some of the
signs and symptoms
of depression and
anxiety; CRF antagonists may be effective
ADs and/or anxiolytics.

Regulates NE LC firing;
activated by stress; CRF
receptors are well placed
to regulate many of the
neurovegetative symptoms of depression.

Agonists reproduce depression and anxiety-like

behaviors in rodents. The
orally active CRH antagonist, antalarmin, significantly reduces fear and
anxiety responses in
nonhuman primates.

HPA axis dysregulation in

depression; CSF and
postmortem brain
studies in depression
are supportive.

with GR

Hypercortisolemia may
play an important role
in the pathophysiology
and/or deleterious
long-term consequences of mood

Enhanced NK1 function

in depression; NK1
antagonists may be
effective treatments,
but data not conclusive

NPY receptor

NPY may serve as an

May counter many of the
endogenous anti-stress,
deleterious effects of CRF
anxiolytic agent. NPY agand stress.
onists may be efficacious
for certain symptoms of
depression and anxiety.

Injection of a GR antagonist
into the dentate gyrus
attenuates the acquisition
of learned helpless behavior; transgenic and KO
mice exhibit some symptoms of anxiety and
depression. ADs exert
complex effects on GR
expression and function.
Efficacy in animal models of
depression; stress regulates
re-distribution of NK1
receptors; NK1 KO shows
reduced anxiety in certain
Efficacious in animal models
of anxiety; NPY KO shows
reduced anxiety in certain
models. ADs and lithium
may increase NPY

Abundant data demonstrating HPA axis activation in

mood disorders, especially
in severely ill patients

NK1 antagonists
(substance P

Hippocampal atrophy
mediated in part by
hypercortisolemia. (Most
studies have concentrated
on the hippocampus,
but other brain areas
may likely show similar
changes.) Diabetes, bone
mineral density also
Play important roles in
mediating pain (? psychic
pain); NK1 receptors
reduce 5-HT neurotransmission.


CRF antagonists

No strong direct supportive


CSF NPY may be low in

depression. ECT increases
CSF NPY-like immunoreactivity

Positive effects were

seen in the initial
study; however, the
study was stopped
because of likely
mechanismunrelated side
effects. Several
other agents are at
various stages of
Preliminary studies of
mifepristone in
psychotic depression are very
encouraging; larger
studies are under

Initial clinical studies

positive; subsequent replications
failed. Awaiting
more definitive
No clinical studies to


Table 1410. Potential Targets for the Development of New Antidepressants and Antibipolar Agents (continued)
Involvement in Mood
Disorders or Treatment

Function Plausibly
Relevant to Mood


Enhanced throughput of
the NMDA receptor
may contribute to
brain-regional volumetric changes observed in depression;
NMDA antagonists
may have antidepressant efficacy.

Key regulators of many forms NMDA antagonists block

Very indirectregional
of synaptic plasticity; play
stress-induced cell atrophy/
volumetric reductions in
an important role in stressreduction of neurogenesis;
mood disorders; evidence
induced hippocampal
many ADs regulate NMDA
for glial and neuronal
atrophy and reduction of
receptor subunit expresloss/atrophy in mood
neurogenesis; implicated
sion; NMDA antagonists
in many forms of cell
efficacious in certain
atrophy and death
animal models of


AMPA receptors are

known to activate
MAP kinase cascades
and increase plasticity.

Play important roles in

neuronal functioning
and plasticity

AMPA-potentiating agents
have shown efficacy in
animal models of
depression. An ampakine
(CX516) has been shown
to produce a marked
facilitation of performance
in a memory task in rats.

PDE4 inhibitors

Reduced throughput of
cAMP signaling cascade may be involved
in depression; enhancement of cAMP signaling may be AD

Enhance cAMP signaling

and downstream gene
expression, as well as
synaptic plasticity and
cell survival

PDE inhibitors effective in

Postmortem brain studies
some models of depression;
suggest a potential
ADs enhance cAMPimpairment of cAMP
mediated signaling
signaling cascade in
depression (but
not BPD)


Findings from Animal


Direct or Surrogate
Human Evidence


Very indirectimpairment
of neuronal plasticity
and cellular resilience

Observations from
Clinical Treatment
Amantadine and
especially lamotrigine have antidepressant efficacy;
preliminary results
suggest that ketamine may have
antidepressant efficacy. Studies with
other NMDA
antagonists are
No studies yet on
mood disorders;
preliminary human
studies suggest a
positive memory
encoding effect in
certain spheres;
beneficial effects
seen on measures
of attention and
memory when
added to clozapine
in schizophrenia
Preliminary early clinical studies suggested AD efficacy
of rolipram; newer
clinical studies with
PDE inhibitors
as AD adjuncts are
under way


MAP kinase

Enhancement of neurotrophic factor

signaling by inhibiting
the turn-off reactions
may be efficacious in
treatment of


Enhancement of PKC
activity may play a role
in the symptomatology of mania; PKC
inhibitors may be


GSK-3 inhibitors,
-catenin upregulators
may have moodstabilizing effects.

MAP kinase signaling

cascades are critical
mediators of the effects of
neurotrophic factors (e.g.,
BDNF) and play
important roles in
synaptic and structural
Play a major role in
regulating neuronal firing and neurotransmitter release; may play
important roles in
psychostimulantmediated catecholamine release

Play important roles in

structural plasticity and
regulate cell death

ADs and lithium increase

BDNF expression;
valproate activates the
MAP kinase cascade.

Very indirectregional
No clinical studies
volumetric reductions in
with specific agents
mood disorders; evidence
to date
for glial and neuronal loss/
atrophy in mood disorders

Lithium and valproate, upon

chronic administration,
reduce levels of PKC
and ; certain biochemical
and behavioral effects
of psychostimulants
are attenuated by PKC

A postmortem brain study

A preliminary study
and human platelet studies
suggests that
suggest activation of PKC
tamoxifen (an
isozymes in BPD/mania.
estrogen receptor
Platelet studies also sugantagonist and PKC
gest normalization with
inhibitor) has antilithium treatment.
manic efficacy.
Larger clinical studies with tamoxifen
are under way.
Very indirectregional
Development of CNSvolumetric reductions in
penetrant, selective
mood disorders; evidence
small molecule
for glial and neuronal
GSK-3 inhibitors is
loss/atrophy in mood
currently under

Lithium inhibits GSK-3 and

upregulates -catenin;
valproate upregulates
-catenin likely via GSK-3
and non-GSK-3
mechanisms; lithium,
valproate and lamotrigine
protect againt GSK-3 overexpression-induced cell


Table 1410. Potential Targets for the Development of New Antidepressants and Antibipolar Agents (continued)


Involvement in Mood
Disorders or Treatment

Function Plausibly
Relevant to Mood

Upregulating Bcl-2 may

exert trophic effects
and enhance cellular
resilience in treatment
of mood disorders.

One of the major cell

Lithium and valproate, upon
survival signals, and a
chronic administration,
major downstream effecrobustly upregulate
tor of neurotrophic factors.
Bcl-2 levels and exert Likely plays an important
neuroprotective effects.
role in neurite outgrowth,
neurogenesis, and other
forms of neuroplasticity

Findings from Animal


Direct or Surrogate
Human Evidence
Preliminary postmortem
brain studies suggest
possible involvement of
Bcl-2 in mood disorders;
lithium increases gray
matter volumes in brain
areas of reported atrophy
in humans.

Observations from
Clinical Treatment


Lithium and valproate

are effective mood
stabilizers; no selective CNS Bcl-2 upregulators currently
available. However,
pramipexole, in addition to having
effects, upregulates
bcl-2. Positive antidepressant effects
in preliminary studies; larger studies
are under way

AD = antidepressant; BDNF = brain-derived neuotrophic factor; BPD = bipolar disorder; CNS = central nervous system; CRF = corticotropin-releasing factor; CRH = corticotropin-releasing
hormone; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; ECS = electroconvulsive shock; ECT = electroconvulsive therapy; GR = glucocorticoid receptor; GSK = glycogen synthase kinase; HPA = hypothalamic
pituitaryadrenal; KO = knockout; LC = locus coeruleus; MAP = mitogen activated protein; NE = norepinephrine; NK = neurokinin; NPY = neuropeptide Y; PET = positron emission
tomography; PKC = protein kinase C; REM = rapid eye movement.
Note: See text for references.
Source: Adapted from Nestler and Manji, 2002.








trk trk







Cellular Resilience


trk B
trk B


Cytochrome C



Failure of


Genetic and

Repeated Episodes
Illness Progression







Figure 1435. The multiple influences on neuroplasticity and cellular resilience in mood disorders. Genetic and neurodevelopmental factors, repeated affective episodes, and illness progression might all contribute to the impairments of cellular resilience, volumetric
reductions, and cell death and atrophy observed in mood disorders. Stress and depression likely contribute to impairments of cellular
resilience by a variety of mechanisms, including reductions in the levels of BDNF, facilitating glutamatergic transmission via NMDA
and non-NMDA receptors, and reducing the cells energy capacity. Neurotrophic factors such as BDNF enhance cell survival by activating two distinct signaling pathways: the PI3kinase pathway, and the ERKMAP kinase pathway. One of the major mechanisms by
which BDNF promotes cell survival is by increasing the expression of the major cytoprotective protein, Bcl-2. Bcl-2 attenuates cell
death through a variety of mechanisms, including impairment of the release of calcium and cytochrome c, sequestering of proforms
of death-inducing caspase enzymes, and enhancement of mitochondrial calcium uptake. The chronic administration of a variety of
antidepressants increases the expression of BDNF and its receptor TrkB. Lithium and valproate robustly upregulate the cytoprotective
protein Bcl-2 and inhibit GSK-3, biochemical effects shown to have neuroprotective results. Valproate also activates the ERKMAP kinase pathway, which may play a major role in producing neurotrophic effects and neurite outgrowth. BAD = pro-apoptotic members of
the Bcl-2 family; Bcl-2 and Bcl-x = anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family; BDNF = brain derived neurotrophic receptor;
CREB = cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein; GR = glucocorticoid receptor, GSK-3 = glycogen synthase kinase-3;
MEK = ERK, components of the ERK-MAP kinase pathway; Ras = Raf; ROS = reactive oxygen species; RSK-2 = ribosomal S-6 kinase;
TrkB = tyrosine kinase receptor for BDNF; VPA = valproate. (Source: Manji et al., 2001a. Reprinted with permission from Macmillan
Publishers, Ltd.)

various mechanisms of synaptic transmission, the molecular mechanisms of receptor and postreceptor signaling,
and a finer understanding of the process by which genes
code for specific functional proteins that in toto reduce
the complexity in gene-to-behavior pathways (Gould and
Manji, 2004). Here we synthesize and summarize the major advances pertaining to manic-depressive illness.

The Genetics of Bipolar Disorder

As discussed in Chapter 13, it is clear that we are on the
verge of truly identifying susceptibility (and likely protective) genes for bipolar disorder. While the search for predisposing genes had traditionally tended to proceed under
the assumption that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder



are separate disease entities with different underlying etiologies, emerging findings from many fields of psychiatric
research do not fit well with this model (Craddock et al.,
2005). Most notably, the pattern of findings emerging from
genetic studies shows increasing evidence for an overlap in
genetic susceptibility across the traditional classification
categories. It is clear that there is not a one-to-one relationship between genes and behaviors so that different combinations of genes (and resultant changes in neurobiology)
contribute to any complex behavior (normal or abnormal)
(Hasler et al., 2006). It is also critically important to remember that polymorphisms in genes will very likely
simply be associated with bipolar disorder or recurrent depression; these genes will likely not invariably determine
outcome, but only lend a higher probability for the subsequent development of illness. In fact, genes will never code
for abnormal behaviors per se, but rather code for proteins
that make up cells, forming circuits, that in combination
determine facets of both abnormal and normal behavior.
These expanding levels of interaction have made the study
of psychiatric diseases so difficult. The next task of psychiatric genetic research is to study how and why variations in
these genes impart a greater probability to develop manicdepressive illness (to understand pathophysiology) and
then to direct therapeutics at that pathophysiology (Gould
and Manji, 2004). There is no doubt that knowledge of the
genetics and subsequent understanding of their relevant
biology will have a tremendous impact on diagnosis, classification, and treatment of psychiatric disease.

An Endophenotype Strategy
It is becoming increasingly clearer that, while the pathways
beginning with genes and then expressed through simple
biological processes do not necessarily have a single quantifiable endpoint (i.e. behavior), it may be possible to assay
the result of aberrant genes through biologically simpler
approaches (Hasler et al., 2006). The term endophenotype
is described as an internal, intermediate phenotype (i.e.,
not obvious to the unaided eye) that fills the gap in the
causal chain between genes and distal diseases (Gottesman
and Shields, 1973), and therefore may help to resolve questions about etiology. The endophenotype concept assumes
that the number of genes involved in the variations of endophenotypes representing more elementary phenomena
(as opposed to the behavioral macros found in the DSM)
are fewer than those involved in producing the full disease
(Gottesman and Gould, 2003).
Will an endophenotype strategy lead to a major payoff?
Endophenotypes provide a means for identifying the upstream traits underlying clinical phenotypes, as well as the
downstream biological consequences of genes. The
methods available to identify endophenotypes include

neuropsychological, cognitive, neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, imaging, and biochemical measures (Hasler

et al., 2006). The information revised in this volume suggests that candidate brain function endophenotypes include
attention deficits, deficits in verbal learning and memory,
cognitive deficits following tryptophan depletion, circadian
rhythm instability, and dysmodulation of motivation and
reward. Moreover, reduced anterior cingulate volume and
early-onset white matter abnormalities represent candidate
brain structure endophenotypes. Finally, symptom provocation endophenotypes may be based on recurrent mood disorder patients sensitivity to sleep deprivation, psychostimulants, and cholinergic drugs (Hasler et al., 2006; see Fig.
1436). However, it must be acknowledged that there are
several potential factors that must be considered. Foremost
among these is the fact that none of the suggested endophenotypes have been fully validated. Moreover, while it might
seem intuitively obvious that the genetics of these candidate endophenotypes will be simpler than that of manicdepressive illness, this has yet to be clearly established. Thus,
these candidate endophenotypes need to be further evaluated with respect to specificity, heritability, temporal stability, and prevalence in unaffected relatives.

Nature and Nurture

In recent years, epigeneticsthe study of changes to the
genome that, unlike mutations, do not alter the DNA
sequencehas delineated just how inextricably linked nature and nurture truly are (see Petronis, 2004, for an excellent review). Epigenetics purports to define the molecular
mechanisms by which different cells from different tissues
of the same organism, despite their DNA sequence identity, exhibit very different cellular phenotypes and perform
very different functions. It is presumed that phenotypic
and functional differences are the cumulative result of
a large number of developmental, environmental, and stochastic events, some of which are mediated through the
epigenetic modifications of DNA and chromatin histones.
Epigenetic regulation is thus one of the molecular substrates for cellular memory that may help us understand
how environmental impact results in temporally dissociated, altered behavioral responses.
Do epigenetic factors play a major role in manicdepressive illness? It has been argued that molecular studies of manic-depressive illness would benefit significantly
from adding an epigenetic perspective (Petronis, 2004).
Thus, epigenetic mechanisms are consistent with various
nonmendelian features of manic-depressive illness, such as
the relatively high degree of discordance in monozygotic
(MZ) twins, the critical age group for susceptibility to
the disease, clinical differences in males and females, and
fluctuation of the disease course, notably cycling between



Liability to
Bipolar Disorder

Reaction Surface
Bipolar Disorder




-9 Months

28 Years




early onset
white matter


reduced anterior
cingulate volume

QTLs in Genome





response to


of motivation &


arcadian rhythm





Epistasis + g x e ? x ?

Figure 1436. Endophenotypes in bipolar disorder. A heuristic model whereby underlying bipolar disorder gene susceptibility loci and implicated genes, modulated by
environmental, epigenetic, and stochastic events, predispose to the development of
bipolar disorder. Along this lengthy continuum between genes and distal phenotype
lie putative bipolar endophenotypes, the identification of which will be useful for
studies of the underlying neurobiology and genetics of bipolar disorders, as well as for
preclinical investigations, such as the development of animal models. This figure is
meant to represent a guide to future studies rather than a definitive portrait of loci,
genes, and endophenotypes. QTL = quantitative trait locus. (Copyright 2005 by
I.I. Gottesman. Source: Hasler et al., 2006. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.)

phases (Petronis, 2003, 2004). Recent studies have shown

that an epigenomic state of a gene can be established
through behavioral programming, and it is potentially reversible (Weaver et al., 2004). This line of research is particularly noteworthy since early life stressors (that have
been associated with later-life suicide attempts) in bipolar
disorder (Leverich et al., 2003) might be amenable to treatment with agents to undo the epigenetic changes (e.g., histone deactylase [HDAC] inhibitors) (Zarate et al., 2006a). In
this context, recent studies have also suggested that the
downregulation of reelin and GAD67 expression in cortical
interneurons in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients
may be mediated by epigenetic hypermethylation of the

respective promoters caused by the selective increase of DNAmethyltransferase 1 in GABAergic neurons (Tremolizzo et
al., 2005). In sum, although considerable additional research is needed, our growing appreciation of the molecular mechanisms underlying geneenvironment interactions
raise the intriguing possibility that environmentally induced
neurobiological changes in early life may be amenable to
subsequent therapeutic strategies targeting the epigenome
(Petronis 2003, 2004).

Cellular Plasticity Cascades

Overall, it should be clear from the information reviewed in
this chapter that there are abnormalities in multiple systems



and at multiple levels in manic-depressive illness. It is our

strong contention that manic-depressive illness arises from
abnormalities in cellular plasticity cascades, leading to
aberrant information processing in synapses and circuits
mediating affective, cognitive, motoric, and neurovegetative function. Thus, manic-depressive illness can be best
conceptualized as a disorder of synapses and circuitsnot
too much/too little of individual neurotransmitter or
neuropeptide systems.
As discussed earlier, cellular signaling cascades form
complex networks that allow the cell to receive, process,
and respond to information (Bourne and Nicoll, 1993;
Bhalla and Iyengar, 1999). These networks facilitate the integration of signals across multiple time scales and the generation of distinct outputs depending on input strength and
duration, and regulate intricate feed-forward and feedback
loops (Weng et al., 1999). These signaling cascades play a
critical role as molecular switches subserving acute and
long-term alterations in neuronal information processing.
As we have reviewed already, there is a considerable body
of evidence in support of abnormalities in the regulation of
signaling as integral to the underlying neurobiology of
manic-depressive illness. The pathophysiology of this illness must account for not only the profound changes in
mood but also a constellation of neurovegetative features
derived from dysfunction in limbic related regions such
as the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and brain stem. The
highly integrated monoamine and prominent neuropeptide
pathways are known to originate and project heavily within
these regions of the brain, and it is thus not surprising that
abnormalities have been noted in their function across
clinical studies. In fact, the contribution of these pathways
to the pathophysiology of manic-depressive illness must be
reasonably robust, given the variability that might be expected in assessing such dynamic systems under the constraints in experimental design imposed upon such research (Manji and Lenox, 2000b). As we discuss below, the
role of cellular signaling cascades offers much explanatory
power for understanding the complex neurobiology of
manic-depressive illness.
Signaling cascades regulate the multiple neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems implicated in manicdepressive illness. While dysfunction within these neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems is likely to play
an important role in mediating some facets of illness
pathophysiology, it likely represents the downstream effects of other, more primary abnormalities in cellular signaling cascades. Indeed, even minor variations in ubiquitous regulators of signaling pathways can affect complex
functions, yielding detrimental effects on behavior; this is
clearly seen in many mouse models, where some genetic

mutations in expressed proteins have little effect on nonCNS functions, but major effects on behavior (Manji
et al., 2003a).
Abnormalities in cellular signaling cascades that regulate
diverse physiologic functions likely explain the tremendous comorbidity with a variety of medical conditions
(notably cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, obesity, and migraine) and substance abuse. As a corollary, it
is worth noting that genetic abnormalities in signaling
components are often fully compatible with life, and in
many instances, despite the often-ubiquitous expression
of the signaling protein, one sees relatively circumscribed
clinical manifestations (i.e., the abnormalities are only
manifest in some physiologic systems, despite being potentially more widespread). These overt, yet relatively circumscribed, clinical manifestations are believed to ultimately arise from vastly different transcriptomes (all of
the transcripts present at a particular time) in different
tissues because of tissue-specific expression, haploinsufficiency, genetic imprinting, alternate splicing, varying stoichiometries of the relevant signaling partners in different
tissues, and differences in the ability of diverse cell types
to compensate for the abnormality (Manji et al., 2003a).
Signaling pathways are clearly major targets for hormones that have been implicated in the pathophysiology
of manic-depressive illness, including gonadal steroids,
thyroid hormones, and glucocorticoids.
Alterations in signaling pathways very likely represent
the neurobiological substrates subserving the evolution
of the illness over time (e.g., cycle acceleration). Thus,
signaling networks play critical roles in cellular memory;
cells with different histories, expressing different repertoires of signaling molecules, interacting at different levels, may respond quite differently to the same signal over
time. As discussed already, experimental sensitization or
kindling models have clearly shown that changes in signaling pathways play important roles in the long-term
neuroplastic adaptations observed.
Alterations in signaling pathways have major effects on
circadian rhythms known to be abnormal in manicdepressive illness. It is noteworthy that although this tendency to recur is among the most distinguishing features
of manic-depressive illness, in both its bipolar and its
highly recurrent unipolar forms, it is poorly described
and not well understood. It is noteworthy that studies
have begun to uncover the molecular underpinning of
circadian cycles (Chang and Reppert 2001). The core
clock mechanism appears to involve a transcriptional/
translational feedback loop in which gene products are
involved in negative feedback of themselves and other
genes in the pathway (see Chapter 16). The synchronized
multioscillators system offers several advantages; notably,


interactions between neurons not only coordinate the

population but decrease cycle-to-cycle variability, allowing behavioral rhythms to be more precise than individual neuronal rhythms (Herzog et al., 2004). A circadian
system composed of multiple circadian oscillators can be
disadvantageous, however, for the organism when internal desynchrony among circadian pacemakers results
from abnormalities in signaling cascades required to provide fine-tuning for the system. It is our contention
that, along with cyclicity, the switch process is one of the
fundamental and defining characteristics of the bipolar
disorder subgroup. Thus a greater understanding of the
molecular and cellular underpinnings of the switch process could greatly enhance understanding of the neurobiology of the disorder. Unfortunately, the immense practical difficulties inherent in studying medication-free
bipolar patients longitudinally have greatly hampered
investigators ability to collect much-needed data on this
critical facet of the illness. Nevertheless, important clues
have been found, most notably with respect to the catecholaminergic systems and signaling cascades.
Cellular signal transduction cascades are clearly the
targets for our most effective treatments for manicdepressive illness. Indeed, it is likely that the identification of signaling cascades as targets for the actions of
lithium and other mood stabilizers has had a profound
impact on our understanding of the cellular neurobiology of manic-depressive illness (Manji and Lenox, 2000b;
Bezchlibnyk and Young, 2002). While most of our drug
development efforts in the past have been aimed at the
treatment of the affective states of mania or depression,
the unique clinical action of lithium is its ability to prophylactically stabilize the underlying disease process by
effectively reducing the frequency and severity of the
profound mood cycling in a majority of appropriately
selected patients. There is reasonable evidence to suggest
that once the disease process has been triggered and clinically manifest, long-term adaptive changes in the central nervous signaling systems predispose an individual
to more frequent and severe affective episodes over time.
A correction of dysregulated trans-synaptic signaling by
mood stabilizers represents a physiological process able
to curtail the often wild oscillations in behavioral states
associated with manic-depressive illness, especially in its
bipolar form. Indeed, regulation of signal transduction
within critical regions of the brain by mood stabilizers
affects the intracellular signal generated by multiple neurotransmitter systems; these effects undoubtedly represent targets for their therapeutic efficacy, since the behavioral and physiological manifestations of the illness
are complex and are likely mediated by a network of interconnected neurotransmitter pathways.


Abnormalities in cellular plasticity cascades likely also

represent the underpinnings of the impairments of structural plasticity seen in morphometric studies of manicdepressive illness. Thus, many of these pathways play
critical roles not only in here-and-now synaptic plasticity, but also in long-term cell growth and atrophy and
cell survival and cell death. Indeed, the atrophic changes
observed in multiple cell types (neurons and glia), as
well as the reversibility of the changes with treatment,
support a role for intracellular plasticity cascades. It is
likely that the major defect is in the ability to regulate
neuroplastic adaptations to perturbations (both physiological and pathophysiological)an inability to handle normal loads (neurochemical, hormonal, stressinduced, pharmacologically induced, etc.) without failing
or invoking compensatory adaptations that overshoot
and predispose to oscillations. Indeed, the allostatic load
contributes to long-term disease progression (and potentially to cycle acceleration). Many of the very same plasticity regulators also play a critical role in cell survival,
cell death, and cellular resilience. These observations
serve to explain the atrophic (perhaps degenerative) aspect of the illness in some patients, as well as the presence
of stigmata normally associated with ischemic/hypoxic insults, such as white matter hyperintensities. (See Figure
1437 for a depiction of the multiple targets by which neuroplasticity and cellular resilience can be increased in
mood disorders.)
In conclusion, since publication of the first edition of this
text in 1990, there have truly been tremendous advances in
our understanding of the circuits, and especially of the molecular and cellular underpinnings of manic-depressive illness. Through functional brain imaging studies, affective
circuits have been identified that mediate the behavioral,
cognitive, and somatic manifestations of manic-depressive
illness. Key areas of these circuits include the amygdala and
related limbic structures, orbital and medial prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate, medial thalamus, and related regions
of the basal ganglia. Imbalance within these circuits, rather
than an increase or decrease in any single region of the circuit, seems to predispose to and mediate the expression of
manic-depressive illness. Moreover, studies of cellular plasticity cascades in manic-depressive illness are leading to a
reconceptualization of the pathophysiology, course, and optimal long-term treatment of the illness. These data suggest
that, while manic-depressive illness is clearly not a classic
neurodegenerative disease, it is in fact associated with impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience. As a consequence, there is a growing appreciation that optimal longterm treatment will likely be achieved by attempting to
prevent the underlying disease progression and its attendant


5-HT 1A





5-HT reuptake




Glu reuptake



NE reuptake






Ca2(-dependent or
MAPK cascades 2

















Enhancement of cellular
plasticity and resilience

Figure 1437. Targets for novel treatments. The functional interactions among monoamine neurotransmitters, glutamate, and neurotrophic
signaling cascades, as well as various sites where stress affects these systems are illustrated. Genetic factors and life stress are both likely to contribute to the neurochemical alterations, impairments in cellular resilience, reductions in brain volume, and cell death and atrophy observed in
depression. Targets for increasing neuroplasticity and cellular resilience and facilitating new classes of antidepressant medications include the
following: (1) Phosphodiesterase inhibitors increase levels of pCREB. (2) MAPK modulators increase the expression of Bcl-2. (3) mGluR II/III
receptor agonists modulate the release of excessive levels of glutamate. (4) Drugs such as riluzole and felbamate act on Na+ channels to attenuate
glutamate release. (5) AMPA potentiators upregulate the expression of BDNF. (6) NMDA receptor antagonists such as memantine enhance plasticity and cell survival. (7) Drugs that increase glial release of trophic factors and clear excessive glutamate may have antidepressant properties.
(8) CRH antagonists may reverse the anxiogenic and depressogenic effects of extrahypothalamic CRH. (9) Glucocorticoid antagonists may attenuate the deleterious effects of hypocortisolemia. (10) Agents that upregulate Bcl-2 (such as pramipexole) may have antistress and antidepressant actions. 2-AR = 2-adrenergic receptor; AC = adenylyl cyclase; AMPAR = -amino 3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole propionate; BDNF = brainderived neurotrophic factor; CREB = cAMP-responsive element-binding protein; CRH = corticotrophin-releasing hormone; Gi = family of
G protein subunits that includes Gi and Go; Gq = family of G protein subunits that includes Gq and G11; Glu = glutamate; GR = glucocorticoid
receptor; GSK-3 = glycogen synthase kinase; HDAC = histone deacetylases; MAPK = mitogen-activated protein kinase; mGluR = metabotropic
glutamate receptor; NE = norepinephrine; NMDAR = N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor; PKA = protein kinase A; 5-HT = serotonin. (Source:
Charney and Manji, 2004. Reprinted with permission.)

cellular dysfunction, rather than exclusively focusing on the

treatment of signs and symptoms.
There has, unfortunately, been little progress in developing truly novel drugs specifically for the treatment of
manic-depressive illness, and most recent additions to the
pharmacopeia are brain-penetrant drugs developed for
the treatment of epilepsy or schizophrenia. This era may now

be over as there are a number of pharmacologic plasticityenhancing strategies which may be of considerable utility
in the treatment of manic-depressive illness. Indeed, these
next-generation drugs, in addition to treating the core
symptoms of bipolar and/or highly recurrent unipolar disorder, might be able to target other important aspects of
the illness. They may, for example, be able to enhance cog-


nition independent of whether mood symptoms improve,

prevent, or reverse epigenetic factors that may have longterm negative impact on the course of the illness (e.g., histone deacetylase inhibitors), or reduce certain medical comorbidities such as diabetes (e.g., GSK inhibitors) (Zarate
et al., 2006b).
We are optimistic that the advances outlined here will result in a dramatically different diagnostic system based on
etiology, and ultimately in the discovery of new approaches
to the prevention and treatment of some of humankinds
most devastating and least understood illnesses. This
progress holds much promise for developing novel therapeutics for the long-term treatment of severe, refractory
mood disorders, and for improving the lives of millions.

1. For example, Robbins and Sahakian, 1980; Smith and Helms,
1982; Lerer et al., 1984; Berggren, 1985; Ushijama et al., 1986.
2. Wada et al., 1976; Leviel and Naquet, 1977; Albright and
Burnham, 1980; Post et al., 1984c, 1998; Azorin and Tramoni,
1987; Weiss et al., 1990.
3. Wyatt et al., 1971; Louis et al., 1975; Barnes et al., 1983; Koslow
et al., 1983; Roy et al., 1985, 1987, 1988; Rudorfer et al., 1985;
Veith et al., 1988, 1994; de Villiers et al., 1989. Maas et al., 1987;
4. To begin with, receptors on blood cells are by definition
noninnervated, exist in a markedly different environment,
and may therefore poorly reflect central, innervated, adrenergic receptors. Another major (often overlooked) consideration when interpreting studies of dynamic receptor regulation in blood cells is that white blood cell counts and the
relative proportions of subsets of lymphocytes may vary.
Recruitment of cells with different characteristics into the
circulation may frequently explain altered receptor function. Precisely such a mechanism appears to be operative in
studies demonstrating the seemingly paradoxical increase in
lymphocyte beta-adrenergic receptor (AR) density and responsiveness during short-term isoproterenol infusion,
mental arithmetic, and dynamic exercise (procedures that
stimulate the sympathetic nervous system) (Maisel et al.,
1990; Van Tits et al., 1990). The mechanism appears to be a
release of subsets of fresh lymphocytes from the spleen
into the circulation (Van Tits et al., 1990; Werstiuk et al.,
1990). These fresh, activated lymphocytes express enhanced
AR responsiveness, and this probably accounts for the exercise and catecholamine-induced increases in AR responsiveness.
5. Extein et al., 1979b; Pandey, 1987, 1990; Carstens et al., 1988;
Magliozzi et al., 1989.
6. Sarai et al., 1982; Zohar et al., 1983; Cooper et al., 1985; Healy
et al., 1985; Mann et al., 1985; Pandey et al., 1985. See Werstiuk
et al. (1990) for a critical appraisal of these studies and possible methodological sources of the differences in results (e.g.,
methods of tissue preparation, types of ligand used, subtypes
of patient populations, length of drug-free interval).
7. Extein et al., 1979b; Pandey et al., 1979; Healy et al., 1983;
Mann et al., 1985; Klysner et al., 1987; Ebstein et al., 1988;
Halper et al., 1988.


8. Matussek et al., 1980; Checkley et al., 1981, 1984, 1985; Charney

et al., 1982; Siever et al., 1982; Lechin et al., 1985; Boyer et al.,
1986; Uhde et al., 1986; Ansseau et al., 1988; Hoehe et al., 1988.
9. Bunney and Garland-Bunney, 1987; Goodwin and Jamison,
1990; Lenox and Manji, 1998.
10. Murphy et al., 1974; Huey et al., 1981; Goodnick and Meltzer,
1984; G. Goodwin et al., 1986a.
11. Greenspan et al., 1970; Schildkraut 1973, 1974; Beckmann et al.,
1975; Murphy et al., 1979; Corona et al., 1982; Linnoila et al.,
1983b; Grof et al., 1986; Swann et al., 1987; Goodnick, 1990.
12. Greenspan et al., 1970; Schildkraut, 1973; Beckmann et al.,
1975; Bowers and Heninger, 1977.
13. Bond et al., 1972; Jones et al., 1973; Schildkraut et al., 1973;
Post et al., 1977; Wehr, 1977.
14. Friedman and Gershon, 1973; Hesketh and Glen, 1978;
Ahluwalia and Singhal, 1980; Engel and Berggren. 1980;
Ahluwalia et al., 1981; Eroglu et al., 1981; Frances et al., 1981.
15. Fyro et al., 1975; Bowers and Heninger, 1977; Linnoila et al.,
1983b; Goodnick and Gershon, 1984; Berrettini et al., 1985b;
Swann et al., 1987.
16. Biegon et al., 1987, 1990a,b; Cowen et al., 1987; Arora and
Meltzer, 1989a, 1993; Pandey et al., 1990, 1995; Mann et al., 1992;
McBride et al., 1994; Hrdina et al., 1995; Sheline et al., 1995.
17. Bunney and Garland, 1983; Bunney and Garland-Bunney,
1987; Price et al., 1990.
18. Collard and Roberts, 1977; Collard, 1978; Ahluwalia and Singhal, 1980; Bunney and Garland, 1983; Shukla, 1985; Treiser
et al., 1981.
19. Maggi and Enna, 1980; Treiser and Kellar, 1980; Treiser et al.,
1981; Tanimoto et al., 1983; Goodnick and Gershon, 1984;
G. Goodwin et al., 1986b; Hotta and Yamawaki, 1988; Godfrey
et al., 1989; Mizuta and Segawa, 1989; Newman et al., 1990;
Odagaki et al., 1990.
20. Grahame-Smith and Green, 1974; Friedman et al., 1979;
Harrison-Read, 1979; G. Goodwin et al., 1986b.
21. G. Goodwin et al., 1986a; Friedman and Wang, 1988; Hotta
and Yamawaki, 1988; Wang and Friedman, 1988; Mork and
Geisler, 1989; Newman et al., 1990.
22. Fyro et al., 1975; Bowers and Heninger, 1977; Goodnick and
Gershon, 1984; Linnoila et al., 1984; Berrettini et al., 1985b;
Swann et al., 1987; Goodnick, 1990; Price et al., 1990.
23. Wood and Coppen, 1983; Meltzer and Lowy, 1987; Poirier et
al., 1988; Price et al., 1990.
24. Meltzer et al., 1984; Muhlbauer, 1984; Muhlbauer and MullerOerlinghausen, 1985; Glue et al., 1986; Cowen et al., 1989;
McCance et al., 1989; Price et al., 1989.
25. Gillin et al., 1978; Sitaram et al., 1976, 1978a,b,c, 1979.
26. Lee, 1974; Lingsch and Martin, 1976; Jope et al., 1978, 1980;
Rybakowski et al., 1978; Meltzer et al., 1982; Uney et al., 1985;
Stoll et al., 1991.
27. Honchar et al., 1983; Jope et al., 1986; Persinger et al., 1988; Hirvonen et al., 1990; Terry et al., 1990; Ormandy and Jope, 1991.
28. Honchar et al., 1983; Jope et al., 1986; Persinger et al., 1988; Hirvonen et al., 1990; Terry et al., 1990; Ormandy and Jope, 1991.
29. In a similar vein, Hong and colleagues (2000) showed that
blood levels of reelin were extremely low to undetectable in
children afflicted with a variant of lissencephaly. These children had various mutations involving the RELN gene and exhibited severe delays in neurologic and cognitive development (Hong et al., 2000). Later, Fatemi and colleagues found
deficits in reelin protein in brain and blood of subjects with






autism, another neurodevelopmental disorder characterized

by significant cognitive dysfunction in association with
a vulnerability to defective reelin inheritance (Fatemi et al.,
2001b, 2002; Persico et al., 2001; Fatemi, 2002).
Sawaya et al., 1975; Anlezark et al., 1976; Whittle and Turner,
1978; van der Laan et al., 1979; Johannessen, 2000.
Witkin, 1993; Li et al., 1997; Tzschentke and Schmidt, 1997;
Hotsenpiller et al., 2001; Backstrom and Hyytia, 2003.
Several classes of ARPs have been identified, including benzothiadiazides, such as cyclothiazide; pyrrolidones, such as
piracetam and aniracetam; and benzoylpiperidines, such as
CX-516. Preclinical studies have shown that modulation of
AMPA receptors with the piperidine (CX-516) enhances
MAPK activation and reduces the extent of synaptic and
neuronal degeneration resulting from excitotoxic insults,
even when infused after the insult (Bahr et al., 2002). In view
of the ability of structurally dissimilar ARPs to increase
BDNF expression (Hayashi et al., 1999; Lauterborn et al.,
2000; Skolnick et al., 2001), studies investigating the putative
efficacy of an ARP (LY392098) in animal models of depression were undertaken. These studies showed that LY392098
produced a reduction in the duration of immobility in the
forced swim test similar to that produced by traditional antidepressants, suggesting that ARPs may indeed have utility as
novel antidepressants.
Several comprehensive texts review the physiology of the HPT
axis. See Demeester-Mirkine and Dumont (1980), Ingbar and
Braverman (1986), and Martin and Reichlin (1987).
Gold and Manji, 2002b; Nemeroff et al., 1985; Hein and Jackson, 1990; Musselman and Nemeroff, 1996; Haggerty et al.,
Cho et al., 1979; Cowdry et al., 1983; Bauer et al., 1990;
Kusalic, 1992; Oomen et al., 1996.
Bartalena et al., 1990; Joffe et al., 1988; Post et al., 1997; Valle
et al., 1999.
Bauer et al., 1998a,b.
Soutre et al., 1986; Sack et al., 1988; Baumgartner et al.,
1990a; Parekh et al., 1998; Orth et al., 2001.
For example, Kastin et al., 1972; Prange et al., 1972; Molchan
et al., 1991; Rush et al., 1997.
Arana et al., 1983; Stokes et al., 1984; Kiriike et al., 1988;
Woodside et al., 1989; Swann et al., 1992; Cassidy et al., 1998b.
The application of the combined DEX/CRH test consists of the
oral administration of 1.5 mg dexamethasone at 11:00 PM the
night before an IV bolus administration of 100 g of human
CRH at 3:00 AM. Blood samples for the determination of
plasma cortisol and ACTH are then drawn every 15 minutes
from 2:00 to 6:00 PM. Recently, a modification of the test has
been explored that involves monitoring cortisol levels in saliva,
with the intent of making more routine use of the DEX/CRH
test (Baghai et al., 2002).
This atrophy is observed in the CA3 pyramidal neurons, but
not in other hippocampal cell groups (i.e., CA1 pyramidal
and dentate gyrus granule neurons). The stress-induced atrophy of CA3 neurons (i.e., decreased number and length of
the apical dendritic branches) occurs after 23 weeks of exposure to restraint stress or longer-term social stress, and has
been observed in rodents and tree shrews (McEwen, 1999a;
Sapolsky, 2000a). Atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons also
occurs upon exposure to high levels of glucocorticoids, suggesting that activation of the HPA axis likely plays a major

role in mediating the stress-induced atrophy (Sapolsky 1996,

2000b; McEwen, 1999). The hippocampus has a very high
concentration of glutamate and expresses both Type I and
Type II corticosteroid receptors, though the latter receptors
may be relatively scarce in the hippocampus of primates
(Patel et al., 2000; Sanchez et al., 2000) and more abundant
in cortical regions. Mineralcorticoid or Type I (MR) receptor
activation in the hippocampus (CA1) is associated with reduced calcium currents, whereas activation of glucocorticoid
or Type II receptors (GR) causes increased calcium currents
and enhanced responses to excitatory amino acids. Very high
levels of Type II receptor activation markedly increase calcium currents and lead to greater NMDA receptor throughput that could predispose to neurotoxicity. Indeed, as we
discuss in greater detail below, a growing body of data has implicated glutamatergic neurotransmission in stress-induced
hippocampal atrophy and death (McEwen, 1999).
43. Using a Golgi-Cox procedure, Wellman (2001) investigated
pyramidal neurons in layers II and III of medial prefrontal
cortex and quantified dendritic morphology in three dimensions. This study demonstrated a significant redistribution
of apical dendrites in corticosterone-treated animals, with
the amount of dendritic material proximal to the soma being increased and distal dendritic material being decreased.
These findings suggest that stress may produce a significant
reorganization of the apical dendritic arbor from medial prefrontal cortex in rats. Most recently, Lyons (2002) demonstrated that 4 years after a brief stressor (intermittent postnatal separations from maternal availability), young adult
squirrel monkeys showed significantly larger right ventral
medial prefrontal volumes. Neither overall brain volumes
nor left prefrontal measures were altered, suggesting selective (rather than nonspecific) effects.
44. CRF1 receptors, which bind CRF with higher affinity than
CRF2 receptors, play a major role in regulating ACTH release
and have been implicated in animal models of anxiety. Indeed,
the central administration of CRF1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides has been demonstrated to have anxiolytic effects
against both CRF and psychological stressors. Although
CRF2 receptors appear to act in an antagonistic manner (i.e.,
CRF1 activates and CRF2 attenuates the stress response), their
precise role is still being characterized (Reul and Holsboer,
2002). Interestingly, pretreatment with a CRH antagonist
also attenuates the stress-induced increases in MR levels
in hippocampus, neocortex, frontal cortex, and amygdala
(Gesing et al., 2001). Likewise, rats that underwent a stressor
showed increased ACTH and cortisol levels following the administration of an MR antagonist, suggesting that the upregulation of MR in the stressed group was associated with
increased inhibitory tone of the HPA axis.
45. Estrogen has been shown to decrease monoamine oxidase
(MAO) activity (Klaiber et al., 1971) in human plasma, while
progesterone appears to enhance MAO activity (Holzbauer
and Youdim, 1973). Although the exact clinical effects in humans are unclear, decreased MAO activity will ultimately increase the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters, an effect
generally associated with a positive effect on mood. Preclinical
studies indicate that estrogen and other gonadal hormones
may facilitate downregulation of 5-HT2 receptors during treatment with antidepressants. Thus, Kendall and colleagues (1982)
showed that abrupt withdrawal of estrogen by surgical ovariec-


tomy in rats abolishes antidepressant-induced downregulation

of 5-HT2 receptors and that replacement of estrogen (as well as
progesterone or testosterone) reverses the effect.
46. Janowsky and colleagues (1979) found that only 2 of 7 manic
patients were dramatically calmed, whereas Judd and colleagues (1980) found observable decreases in manic symptoms in 4 of 12 manic patients with the same dose and route
of administration. Davis and colleagues (1979) noted some
apparent antimanic effects in 4 patients receiving up to
30 mg, but the changes were not sufficiently robust to reach
statistical significance. Later, this same group (1980) gave
20 mg subcutaneously to 10 manic patients and reported no
improvement in rated mania.
47. In an open trial that included several depressed patients,
Kline and Lehmann (1979) noted marked activation in one
patient and some improvement in depression in two patients
receiving IV p-endorphin. The effect occurred within minutes and lasted for several hours. Angst and colleagues (1979)
found that when six depressed patients (four bipolar and two
unipolar) received an IV infusion of p-endorphin, all improved in energy, mood, anxiety, and restlessness during the
first 20 to 30 minutes, an effect that persisted for 2 hours.
Four subsequently relapsed. Three patients switched into mania or hypomania during or soon after the trial, an outcome
the authors suggest may have been caused by drug withdrawal, sleep deprivation, or stress.
In a double-blind trial, Gemer and colleagues (1980) also
observed significant improvement following IV p-endorphin
in 10 depressed patients, who then relapsed the day after the infusion; no hypomania was noted. Similar positive results were
observed by Chazot and colleagues (1985) in a randomized
placebo-controlled, double-blind trial involving 20 patients
hospitalized for major depression (primarily unipolar). Two
other double-blind trials were negativeone involving destyrosine y-endorphin (Fink et al., 1981) and the other p-endorphin (Pickar et al., 1981). Extein and colleagues (1979a,b) administered an analog of metenkephalin (FK 33824) to nine
medication-free depressed patients (predominantly bipolar)
and observed no clinical improvement. In sum, findings of initial open studies (and one double-blind study) suggest that IV
p-endorphin or related endogenous opiate substances may improve depression.
48. Terenius group (1976) initially reported that CSF from manic
and depressed patients showed alterations in binding to an
opiate receptor preparation. Many of these patients were not
studied under medication-free conditions, however, and it is
also not clear how many of the depressed patients were bipolar. In a well-controlled study of bipolar illness, Pickar and colleagues (1982a) reported no overall relationship between
manic or depressive mood state and total CSF opiate activity
as measured by binding in the radioreceptor assay, although all
four patients studied in both phases had significantly higher
opiate receptor activity during mania than during depression.
The opioid peptide precursor proopiomelano-cortin (POMC)
is cleaved to form various fragments, including s-endorphin,
P-lipotropin, ct-MSH, ACTH, and the N-terminal fragment of
POMC (N-POMC). Berrettini and colleagues (1985b, 1987)
measured the five fragments in CSF and plasma in 30 normal
volunteers and 40 euthymic bipolar patients (15 unmedicated,
25 lithium-treated). None of the five peptides was different in
either group of well-state patients compared with controls.


49. Lithium-induced increases in dynorphin were accompanied

by an increase in the abundance of prodynorphin mRNA
(Sivam et al., 1988), suggesting that the drugs effects on
dynorphin levels are at least partially mediated through increased transcription and translation. Acute studies with
lithium have demonstrated enhanced release of a number of
opioid peptides from hypothalamic slices and have suggested
an effect at the inhibitory presynaptic opioid autoreceptor
(Burns et al., 1990). Chronic lithium administration did not
affect the basal hypothalamic release of any of the opioids,
but prevented the naloxone-stimulated release of the peptides
in vitro, compatible with lithium-induced autoreceptor subsensitivity (Burns et al., 1990). Lithium is reported to decrease
the affinity of opiate receptors in vitro, whereas subchronic
lithium administration is reported in some but not all studies
to decrease the number of opioid-binding sites in rat forebrain structures (Goodnick and Gershon, 1984). Additional
support for effects on the opioidergic system comes from behavioral studies in which lithium produced aversive states in
rats that could be blocked by the depletion of central pools of
endorphin or by the blockade of opioid receptors. It has also
been demonstrated that chronic lithium administration abolishes both the secondary reinforcing effects of morphine and
the aversive effects of the opioid antagonist naloxone (Mucha
et al., 1985; Blancquaert et al., 1987; Lieblich and Yirmiya, 1987;
Shippenberg et al., 1988; Shippenberg and Herz, 1991).
50. When injected with somatostatin intracerebroventricularly,
animals exhibit decreased spontaneous activity, increased
appetite, decreased slow-wave and REM sleep, and decreased sensitivity to pain. Somatostatin modulates classic
neurotransmitters such as NE, serotonin, and DA, and in
addition is collocated with neurons containing NE, GABA,
or acetylcholine. Several pieces of indirect evidence suggest
its potential importance in affective illness. Somatostatin is
widely distributed in the CNS, including cortical, limbic,
and hypothalamic regions. It exerts inhibitory control over
the HPA axis, which, as noted earlier, is often disinhibited in
depression and perhaps in some manic states as well. Somatostatin is depleted in temporal cortex and CSF of patients with Alzheimers disease. It is sometimes reduced in
patients with other conditions often accompanied by cognitive impairment, including parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis,
and anorexia nervosa. Somatostatin inhibits endocrine responses to a variety of hormones and alters appetite, pain,
sleep, and motor activity (Rubinow et al., 1983), all of which
are often abnormal in affective illness. It affects a variety of
the classic neurotransmitters (NE, 5-HT, DA, GABA, and
ACh) and coexists in neurons containing NE, acetylcholine,
or GABA, suggesting important regulatory functions in
these systems.
51. Clinical evaluations of this hypothesis have used the measurement of CSF vasopressin, plasma vasopressin response
to saline infusion challenge, and the behavioral response of
depressed patients to a vasopressin analog. A number of
studies have found that nonpsychotic bipolar depressed patients had significantly lower levels of vasopressin in CSF
than those of manic patients, with normal control levels
falling in the middle (Gold et al., 1981b; Gjerris et al., 1985;
Sorensen et al., 1985). Golds group (1984a) also found that
vasopressin levels in CSF were significantly correlated with
plasma vasopressin responses to hypertonic saline. There ap-





peared to be differences in vasopressin levels across manic

and depressive states in the small number of patients receiving hypertonic saline infusion.
These findings suggest that there may be subtle vasopressin changes across manic and depressive mood states
that are relevant to alterations in cognitive functioning.
However, two studies of euthymic bipolar patients (Berrettini et al., 1982; Berrettini and Post, 1984) found no abnormalities in platelet vasopressin uptake and arginine vasopressin levels in CSF.
As noted, animal research suggests that vasopressin is important in memory processes (Weid, 1975), and several studies
have found that administration of vasopressin (or its analogs)
to normal volunteers, depressed patients, or amnesic subjects
improved some aspects of memory and cognition (Weingartner et al., 1981). Gold and colleagues (1979) report that mood
improved in two of seven hospitalized, medication-free depressed patients given l-desamino-8-D-arginine vagopressin
(DDAVP); the uniformity of the memory improvement was
even more significant. However, Zohar and colleagues (1985)
did not find a therapeutic effect of lysine vasopressin on mood
in 12 severely depressed, treatment-resistant patients in a
double-blind, crossover study.
Janowsky and Overstreet, 1995; Maes et al., 1995; Schatzberg
and Schildkraut, 1995; Willner 1995; Manji and Potter, 1997;
Garlow et al., 1999.
Bowden et al., 1997; Manji and Lenox, 2000b; Manji et al.,
2000a; Payne et al., 2002.
Mathews et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1997; Chen et al., 1999;
Warsh et al., 2000.
Clearly, caution is necessary when extrapolating from peripheral, accessible tissue in the study of complex CNS disorders. In this context, it is noteworthy that there is a growing
body of evidence showing coexpression of abnormal proteins in peripheral cells in several neuropsychiatric disorders
(Trottier et al., 1995; Li et al., 1999; Widner et al., 1999),
thereby underscoring the potential utility of peripheral cells
for such studies. More important for the present discussion,
longitudinal studies have previously been undertaken with
pharmacological agents known to affect signaling pathways
in the brain (most notably lithium), demonstrating effects
on several signaling proteins in peripheral cells from humans highly similar to those observed in rodent CNS (Manji
et al., 1995a; Manji and Lenox, 1999). Furthermore, at least
for some signaling molecules, studies have found a strong
correlation between the treatment-induced changes in rodent brain and in platelets obtained from the same rodents
(Manji and Lenox, 1999). Together, these results suggest that,
with appropriate cautionary measures, peripheral cells can
sometimes provide useful information about complex neuropsychiatric disorders.
Risby et al., 1991; Mork et al., 1992; Manji et al., 1995b; J. Wang
et al., 1999; Manji and Lenox, 2000b.
Manji et al., 1995a,b; Stein et al., 1996; Li and El-Mallakh,
2000; Warsh et al., 2000.
Jope, 1999; Mork et al., 1992; Wang et al., 1997; Manji et al.,
Furthermore, although some studies have found modest
changes in the levels of G protein subunits, the preponderance
of the data suggests that the effects of chronic lithium on
signal-transducing properties occur in the absence of changes




in the levels of G protein subunits per se (Lenox and Manji,

1998). Chronic in vivo lithium treatment has been shown to
produce a significant increase in pertussis toxin catalyzed
[32P]ADP-ribosylation in rat frontal cortex and human
platelets. Since pertussis toxin selectively ADP-ribosylates the
undissociated, inactive heterotrimeric form of Gi, these
results suggest that lithium attenuates Gi function through stabilization of the inactive conformation. These results suggest
that removal of the inhibitory tone by lithium may be responsible for the elevations in basal AC and the responses to
agents activating the stimulatory pathway distal to the receptor.
The distinct actions of lithium on the AC system may explain
the differing results obtained by investigators using rat membrane preparations and those using slice preparations
(Manji et al., 2000a). This possibility led to an investigation
of lithiums effects on the AC system in vivo, using microdialysis. These studies found that chronic lithium treatment
produced a significant increase in basal and postreceptorstimulated (cholera toxin or forskolin) AC activity while attenuating the -adrenergic mediated effect (Masana et al.,
1992; Manji et al., 2000a). Interestingly, chronic lithium
treatment resulted in an almost absent cAMP response to
pertussis toxin, suggesting a lithium-induced attenuation of
Gi function. It should be noted, however, that chronic
lithium exposure has also been found to increase not only
cAMP levels (Wiborg et al., 1999), but also the levels of AC
type I and II mRNA and protein levels in frontal cortex
(Colin et al., 1991; Jensen et al., 2000). This finding suggests
that lithiums complex effects on the system may represent
the net effects of direct inhibition of AC, upregulation of
AC subtypes, and effects on the stimulatory and inhibitory
G proteins.
Steketee and Kalivas, 1991; Steketee et al., 1991; Giambalvo,
1992a,b; Gnegy et al., 1993; Steketee, 1993, 1994; Iwata et al.,
Lithium has also been shown to have additional potential
sites of action in the PI cycle, where it has been reported to
inhibit the inositol polyphosphatase that dephosphorylates
I(1,3,4)P3 and I(1,4)P2. Because the brain has limited access
to inositol other than that derived from recycling of inositol
phosphates, the ability of a cell to maintain sufficient supplies of myoinositol can be crucial to the resynthesis of the
PIs and the maintenance and efficiency of signaling (Sherman, 1986). Furthermore, because the mode of enzyme inhibition is uncompetitive, lithiums effects have been postulated to be most pronounced in systems undergoing the
highest rate of PIP2 hydrolysis (Berridge et al., 1989; Nahorski
et al., 1991, 1992). Furthermore, because several subtypes of
adrenergic (e.g., 1), cholinergic (e.g., m1, m3, m5), serotonergic (e.g., 5-HT2, 5-HT1), and dopaminergic (e.g., D1) receptors are coupled to PIP2 turnover in the CNS (Mahan
et al., 1990; Rana and Hokin, 1990; Vallar et al., 1990; Fisher
et al., 1992), this hypothesis offers a plausible explanation for
lithiums therapeutic efficacy in treating both poles of manicdepressive disorder by the compensatory stabilization of an
inherent biogenic amine imbalance in critical regions of the
brain (Manji et al., 1995b).
Kendall and Nahorski, 1987; Casebolt and Jope, 1989; Godfrey et al., 1989; Whitworth and Kendall, 1989, discussed in
Jope and Williams, 1994; Ellis and Lenox, 1990; Manji and
Lenox, 1998.


64. Several lines of evidence suggest that the action of chronic

lithium may not be directly manifest in receptor-mediated
PI turnover. While investigators have observed that levels of
inositol in brain remain reduced in rats receiving chronic
lithium (Sherman et al., 1985), it has been difficult to demonstrate that this phenomenon results in reduced resynthesis of
PIP2, which is the substrate for agonist-induced PI turnover.
Rather, this observation may be due to the methodological
difficulties involved in accurately measuring alterations in a
rapidly turning over small signal-related pool of PIP2 and/or
may be explained by recent evidence that resynthesis of inositol phospholipids may also occur through base exchange reactions from other, larger pools of phospholipids, such as
phosphatidylcholine (Nishizuka, 1992; Manji and Lenox,
1994). An initial attempt to verify this hypothesis at this level
of the PI cycle by examining the effects of lithium on
muscarinic-stimulated accumulation of IP1 in brain slices in
the presence of exogenously added inositol were unsuccessful (Kendall and Nahorski, 1987).
Additional support for the critical role of the PI second
messengergenerating system in mediating many of lithiums
effects comes from numerous biochemical, physiological, and
behavioral studies showing that the coadministration of myoinositol attenuates many of the effects of chronic lithium administration (Busa and Gimlich, 1989; Godfrey et al., 1989;
Kofman and Belmaker, 1990, 1993; Pontzer and Crews, 1990;
Tricklebank et al., 1991; Kofman et al., 1993; Manji et al., 1996).
Thus, myoinositol replenishment has been demonstrated to
attenuate lithiums effects on agonist-stimulated PI turnover
(Godfrey et al., 1989), electrophysiological effects mediated by
serotonergic or muscarinic receptors (Pontzer and Crews,
1990), PKC isozymes (Manji et al., 1996), pertussis-catalyzed
[32P]ADP-ribosylation (Manji et al., 1996), and various rodent behaviors (Kofman and Belmaker, 1990, 1993; Tricklebank et al., 1991).
65. Since fluoride ion will directly activate G proteincoupled
second messenger response, efforts have been made to examine the effect of lithium on NaF-stimulated PI response in
brain. Although Godfrey and colleagues (1989) reported a reduction of fluoride-stimulated PI response in cortical membranes of rats treated with lithium for 3 days, no change in
response was observed in cortical slices from rats administered lithium for 30 days. More recently, using labeled PI as
a substrate (which should bypass any putative inositol depletion), Song and Jope (1992) found an attenuation of PI
turnover in response to GTP analogs. Taken together, these
results suggest that although chronic lithium administration
may affect receptor-mediated phosphoinositide signaling,
these effects are unlikely to be due simply to inositol depletion in the CNS (Jope, 1993; Manji and Lenox, 1994; Lenox
and Manji, 1995). Through use of a yeast model, it was found
that both lithium and valproate perturb regulation of the inositol biosynthetic pathway, albeit through different mechanisms (Murray and Greenberg, 2000; Vaden et al., 2001).
66. Williams and colleagues (2000) demonstrated that lithium,
valproate, and carbamazepine all inhibit the collapse of sensory neuron growth cones and increase growth cone area, effects that were reversed by inositol. The authors then used
the slime mold dictyostelium, which relies on IP3 for its development, to identify mutants that confer resistance to the
drugs. Null mutations of a gene with unknown intracellular





function that encodes prolyl oligopeptidase confer lithium

resistance and elevate intracellular levels of IP3. The authors
drew a link between their slime-mold studies and mammals
by showing that prolyl oligopeptidase inhibitors abolished
the effects of lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate on growth
cone collapse and area in mammalian cells. Once again, if
further validated in vivo, these observations would add to the
body of findings identifying CNS intracellular signaling cascades as targets for mood stabilizers and could ultimately
lead to the development of novel, more specific therapies for
this devastating illness (Coyle and Manji, 2002).
Chen et al., 1994; Watson et al., 1998; Lenox and Hahn, 2000;
Manji and Chen, 2000; Manji and Lenox, 2000b.
Interest in a putative role for -3 FA in bipolar disorder has
arisen from the following observations: efficacy in models of
kindling (antikindling properties in rat models of epilepsy)
(Yehuda et al., 1994); incorporation of -3 FA in the membrane, thereby suppressing the phosphatidylinositol-associated
signal transduction pathway (Medini et al., 1990; Sperling et al.,
1993); blockade of calcium influx through L-type calcium
channels (Pepe et al., 1994); and downregulation/inhibition of
various protein kinases (Holian and Nelson, 1992; Slater et al.,
1994). Mirnikjoo and colleagues (2001) describe a series of experiments showing that in vitro EPA and DHA significantly reduced the activity of cAMP-dependent PKA, PKC, MAPK, and
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII),
effects not observed with similar fatty acids lacking an -3
double bound (e.g., arachidic acid). These preclinical observations, the absence of documented drug interaction, the lack of
toxicity, and the apparent safety of use in pregnant women and
children of -3 FA have all led to a clinical trial of -3 FA in
bipolar disorder.
In an immunohistochemical study of postmortem hippocampus, region-specific reductions in SNAP-25 (an integral component of the SNARE complex) expression were
found in both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (Fatemi
et al., 2001a). Likewise, reduced SNAP-25 immunoreactivity
was found in Brodmans area 10 of the prefrontal cortex of
schizophrenic patients (Young et al., 1998), and reduced
SNAP-25 and synaptophysin immunoreactivity in the hippocampalentorhinal projections of schizophrenic patients
(Karson et al., 1999). In a related study, SNAP-25 was found
to be elevated in the CSF of schizophrenic patients, and
a similar but nonsignificant increase was noted in the small
(n = 5) number of bipolar patients included (Thompson
et al., 1999). A recent study investigating the formation of the
SNARE complex in anterior cingulate cortex found that
SNAP-25 expression and interaction with syntaxin and
synaptobrevin were significantly altered in schizophrenic
and depressed suicide victims (Honer et al., 2002). Finally,
reduced expression of several isoforms of synapsin was observed in the hippocampus of schizophrenic and bipolar patients (Vawter et al., 2002), and reduced synapsin II mRNA
was found in the prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic patients.
The authors also showed that chronic lithium or haloperidol
has no effect on synapsin expression in rats, a finding confirmed for lithium and extended to valproate (unpublished
Two of the primary presynaptic targets of CaMKII are
synapsin I and synaptotagmin (Greengard et al., 1993).
Synapsin is believed to regulate the movement of vesicles



from the reserve pool to the membrane, and binds tightly to

synaptic vesicles, actin, and ATP in a phosphorylation- and
Ca2+-dependent manner (Hilfiker et al., 1999a). Synaptotagmin is a secondary constituent of the SNARE complex,
which docks vesicles to the presynaptic membrane, and is believed to act as a calcium sensor in calcium-dependent fusion (Hilfiker et al., 1999b). Both of these proteins have been
shown to be phosphate enriched following treatment with
71. An additional effect on synapsin was recently noted: Valproate and, to a lesser extent, synapsin are reported to increase the number of synapsin-reactive clusters along neurites in primary neurons. It is unclear what these synapsin
clusters represent, but they could be developing synapses or
regions of increased cytoskeletal activity or axonal remodeling (a role for synapsins in developmental processes such as
neurite outgrowth, branching, and synaptogenesis is hypothesized [Kao et al., 2002]). However, the observed effects on
synapsin clustering and phosphorylation (discussed below)
are not entirely congruent; increases in synapsin phosphorylation are believed, at least acutely, to cause dispersion of
synapsin clusters (Chi et al., 2001; Angers et al., 2002).
72. GSK-3 is a highly conserved enzyme in evolution and is
found in two nearly identical isoforms in mammals and
(Plyte et al., 1992; Cohen and Frame, 2001; Woodgett,
2001). It was first discovered (and named) on the basis of its
ability to phosphorylate and thereby inactivate the enzyme
glycogen synthase, an action that leads to a decrease in the
synthesis of glycogen. Klein and Melton (1996) discovered
that lithium inhibited the action of GSK-3, an effect that occurs through competition with magnesium for a binding site
(Ryves and Harwood, 2001). GSK-3 phosphorylatesand
thereby inactivatesmany targets, including transcription
factors and cytoskeletal proteins such as the Alzheimers protein tau (a previous name for GSK-3 was tau kinase). Inhibition of GSK-3 thus results in the release of this inhibition
and activation of multiple cellular targets.
73. GSK-3 is a serine/threonine kinase that is normally highly active in cells and is deactivated by signals originating from numerous signaling pathways (e.g., the Wnt pathway, the PI3 kinase pathway, protein kinase A, and PKC, among many
others). It is found in two forms and that have similar
but not always identical biological functions. Cellular targets
of GSK-3 are numerous and often depend on the signaling
pathway that is acting on it (because of cellular localization
and regional sequestration). For example, Wnt pathway inhibition of GSK-3 activates the transcription factor -catenin,
while in the insulin/PI3 kinase signaling pathway, inhibition
of GSK-3 results in activation of the enzyme glycogen synthase. Targets of GSK-3 include, among others, transcription
factors (-catenin, CREB, c-Jun), proteins bound to microtubules (tau, MAP1B, kinesin light chain), cell cycle mediators
(cyclin D, human ninein), and regulators of metabolism
(glycogen synthase, pyruvate dehydrogenase).
Being a component of many signaling pathways with
multiple cellular targets from which to choose allows GSK-3
to regulate a diverse array of cellular processes, such as glycogen synthesis, gene transcription, events related to synaptic
plasticity, apoptosis, and the circadian cycle. While many of
these functions are likely to be critically important to both
cellular and organism functioning, at present GSK-3 is the




subject of interest primarily as a regulator of apoptosis and

cellular resilience. Generally, increased activity of GSK-3 is
pro-apoptotic, whereas inhibiting GSK-3 attenuates or prevents apoptosis.
In addition to its possible usefulness in the treatment of bipolar
disorder, inactivation of GSK-3 has been suggested as a potential therapy for a number of diseases. Diabetes and Alzheimers
disease have received the most attention. Diabetes has drawn
interest because GSK-3 phosphorylates and deactivates glycogen synthase (T. Gould et al., 2003, 2004a,b). Alzheimers disease is a target because of the role GSK-3 plays in both the
phosphorylation of tau and the assembly of amyloid-. Hyperphosphorylation of tau is associated with the formation of neurofibrillary tangles, while accumulation of amyloid- leads to
amyloid plaques. GSK-3 inhibitors may also be useful for the
treatment of cardiac ischemic injury, other neurodegenerative
disorders, and stroke and other neurotraumatic injuries.
For these reasons, major efforts in industry have focused
on the development of selective GSK-3 inhibitors. In 2002 it
was reported that more than 45 patents for GSK-3 inhibitors
had already been filed. Early-phase clinical trials (likely for
Alzheimers disease or diabetes) of GSK-3 inhibitors will
probably be completed in the near future; it is expected that
these compounds will also be tested for efficacy in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
Steffens and Krishnan, 1998; McDonald et al., 1999; Taylor
et al., 1999; Moore et al., 2001; Lenox et al., 2002.
Ongur et al., 1998; Rajkowska et al., 1999; Coyle and Schwarcz,
2000; LoTurco, 2000; Rajkowska, 2000; Haydon, 2001; Ullian
et al., 2001.
Musselman et al., 1998; Steffens and Krishnan, 1998;
Doraiswamy et al., 1999; Steffens et al., 1999.
BDNF has been shown to potentiate both excitatory and inhibitory transmission, albeit through different mechanisms.
BDNF strengthens excitation primarily by augmenting the
amplitude of AMPA receptormediated miniature excitatory
postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs), but enhances inhibition by
increasing the frequency of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) and increasing the size of GABAergic
synaptic terminals. Furthermore, full-length TrkB receptor
immunoreactivity has been found not only in glutamatergic
pyramidal and granule cells but also in some interneuron
axon initial segments, axon terminals forming inhibitory-type
synapses onto somata and dendritic shafts, and excitatorytype terminals likely to originate extrahippocampally. Together, these results suggest that TkB is contained in some
GABAergic interneurons, neuromodulatory (e.g., cholinergic,
dopaminergic, and noradrenergic) afferents, and/or glutamatergic afferents.
Yuan et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2002; Einat et al., 2003b; Hao
et al., 2004.
Lawrence et al., 1996; Chen et al., 1997; Merry and Korsmeyer,
1997; Yang and Cortopassi, 1998, and references therein.
Volonte and Rukenstein, 1993; DMello et al., 1994; Li et al.,
1994; Inouye et al., 1995; Pascual and Gonzalez, 1995; Grignon
et al., 1996; Alvarez et al., 1999.
In a study that may have implications for the treatment of
Alzheimers disease, rats received ibotenic acid lesions of
cholinergic basal forebrain nuclei, resulting in a 3040 percent depletion of both cortical choline acetyltransferase
(ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity (Arendt


et al., 1999). Lithium as well as tetrahydroaminoacridine

(THA), given separately either prior to or following the development of the lesion, had small but significant effects on
the recovery of cortical ChAT and AChE activity. Intriguingly, when applied in combination, the drugs clearly showed


synergistic effects. However, considerable caution is required

in the extrapolation of these results to the treatment of humans, since the coadministration of lithium and cholinersterase inhibitors has been shown to be capable of inducing

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Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

After largely regaining my reason, I had another most distinct sensation in the brain. . . . It
seemed as though the refreshing breath of some kind Goddess of Wisdom were being blown
gently against the surface of my brain. It was a sensation not unlike that produced by a menthol
pencil rubbed ever so gently over a fevered brow. So delicate, so crisp and exhilarating was it
that words fail me.
Clifford Beers (1908, p. 73)

Converging phenomenological, neuroanatomical, and

functional neuroimaging data are yielding insights into the
functional neurobiology of affective processing in illness
and in health. Affective processing is diverse, as it includes
evaluative, experiential, and expressive components that
vary in quality and intensity and can occur over differing
temporal domains. One approach to these complex phenomena involves subtyping affects by temporal domains,
with emotions having the briefest, moods intermediate,
and temperaments the most sustained duration. These
affects vary in several ways in addition to duration, however (see Table 151). Thus, emotions are brief experiences (lasting seconds to minutes) that often are intense,
reactive to acute precipitants, and accompanied by autonomic arousal (increased heart rate and blood pressure)
and lead to actions. In contrast, moods have longer duration (lasting up to hours in health or months in mood
disorders), are somewhat less intense, range from reactive to spontaneous, may be accompanied by more subtle
(hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal axis [HPA] dysregulation) arousal, and tend to yield cognitions. Temperaments,
the most sustained (lasting years to decades), are generally
the least intense; are largely constitutional, though occasionally modified by persistent experiential factors; usually
lack autonomic features; and yield integrative styles of interacting with the environment.
These affects also are related to one another, with different temperaments yielding predispositions to varying
moods, which in turn result in tendencies to diverse
emotions. Influences can be bidirectional, with repeated
emotional experiences yielding particular moods, and
chronic moods on occasion resulting in temperamental
shifts. Although mood dysregulation is considered central to
both bipolar disorder and unipolar major depressive disor-

der (MDD), disturbances in emotion and temperament are

also commonly encountered. (Recall that the focus of this
book is manic-depressive illness, which includes all recurrent mood disorders, both bipolar and unipolar. While some
of the imaging literature separates MDD into recurrent and
nonrecurrent, most of it does not.) Thus, understanding
the neurobiology of bipolar disorder and MDD may be
facilitated by appreciating changes in the overlapping cerebral circuits mediating emotion, mood, and temperament.
(Unfortunately, in the great majority of the literature relevant
to this chapter, recurrent unipolar depression is not identified or analyzed as a distinct group, but represents an unknown and variable portion of the MDD category.)
Recent evidence from functional neuroimaging studies suggests that phylogenetically older anterior paralimbic
structures contribute importantly to emotions. Such structures have access to motor circuits, and could thereby
provide primitive, perceptually triggered, action-oriented
affective processing. More recent overlying prefrontal neocortical elements appear to contribute importantly to
moods and could thus provide more refined, complexly
(perceptual, mnemonic, cognitive) triggered, cognitionoriented affective processing. Emerging evidence suggests
that affective processing involves coordinated activity in
basal gangliathalamocortical circuits connecting these
cortical and subcortical regions.
Neuroanatomical observations dating back to the nineteenth century have suggested that deep midline cerebral
structures are important contributors to emotional experiences. Broca (1878) defined the great limbic lobe as a midline cortical ring seen in mammals. Papez (1937) suggested
corticothalamic mediation of emotion, and MacLean (1952)
used the term limbic system to describe the limbic cortex
and related brainstem structures.



Table 151. Temporal Domains and Other Characteristics of Affects





Seconds to minutes

Hours to days
Weeks to monthsa

Years to decades

Relative intensity








Autonomic arousal

Acute, robust






Cognitiveaffective interactions

Possible neural

limbic/brain stem

cortical/anterior limbic

Anterior cortical/anterior
limbic/brain stem

In mood disorders.
Source: Reproduced from Ketter et al., 2003, with permission.

Alexander and colleagues (1990) described a series of

basal gangliathalamocortical circuits, including limbic
and lateral orbitofrontal circuits implicated in affective
processes, and dorsolateral prefrontal circuits that may
contribute to integration of such processes with higher
cognitive functions (see Fig. 151). Dysfunction in these
circuits may yield impaired thalamic gating or modulation of sensory or affective information, which in turn

could allow such input to disrupt cognitive and motor

processes and thus contribute to the clinical profiles of
mood disorders.
Thus, integrative aspects of emotion and mood processing may be related to activity in anterior cortical/
anterior paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits.
Clinical observations have related damage in such regions
to affective changes. For example, the high prevalence of

Figure 151. Limbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits. Solid lines indicate positive feedback
loops, and dashed lines indicate negative feedback loops. GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) indicates
inhibitory (GABAergic) connections; + glut indicates excitatory (glutamatergic) connections.
AM = anterior medial nucleus of thalamus; MDmc = medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus pars magnocellularis; VAmc = ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus pars magnocellularis. (Source: Adapted from
Alexander et al., 1990, with permission from Elsevier.)
Anterior Paralimbic Loop
insular, ant. cing.
+ glut
+ glut




+ glut

VAmc, AM

ve feedback loop

+ ve feedback loop

+ glut

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

mood disorder symptoms in patients with stroke, Huntingtons disease, Parkinsons disease, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors fueled
interest in a provocative but at times controversial literature concerning the neuroanatomy of secondary mood
Thus, the risk of depression may be greater after anterior compared with posterior and left compared with right
strokes, while the risk of mania may be greater after right
than after left strokes (Starkstein and Robinson, 1989;
Stern and Bachmann, 1991). Such a lateralityvalence association has been contested, however (Carson et al.,
2000). Basal ganglia strokes may also be associated with
secondary depression (Mendez et al., 1989). The profound basal ganglia damage noted in Huntingtons and
Parkinsons diseases and the high prevalence of mood
symptoms in these disorders also support a role for
basal ganglia dysfunction in secondary depressions.1 Left
dorsolateral prefrontal and/or left basal ganglia traumatic brain injuries may increase the risk of depression
(Federoff et al., 1992), while right temporal basal polar
injuries may increase the risk of mania (Jorge et al.,
1993). The risk of secondary depression in patients with
epilepsy may be greater with left than with right temporal lobe lesions (Altshuler et al., 1990). Temporal
(Honer et al., 1987) and left frontal (George et al., 1994)
lesions may also increase the risk of depression secondary to multiple sclerosis, although there are discordant
data here as well (Moller et al., 1994). Finally, frontal lobe
brain tumors may be associated with secondary depression (Direkze et al., 1971; Kanakaratnam and Direkze,
Primary mood disorders such as bipolar disorder and
MDD may be related to the above secondary mood disorders in that similar cerebral circuits are affected by different (more subtle) processes that, although not evident
with older technologies such as gross neuropathology
and light microscopy, are increasingly being revealed by
newer, more sensitive neurochemical, neuropathological,
and functional neuroimaging methods. In this chapter,
we review neuroimaging studiesfirst structural, then
functionalin bipolar disorder and MDD. In many cases,
such studies implicate the expected anterior cortical and
anterior paralimbic components of basal gangliathalamocortical circuits. In addition, there is increasing evidence of relationships between neuroimaging findings in
such regions and important clinical parameters, such as
symptoms and treatment response. Emerging data from
studies using neurochemically specific radiotracers, now
beginning to yield insights into the nature of specific
neurochemical changes in such regions, are described in
Chapter 14.



Computerized Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
Computed tomography (CT), also known as computerassisted tomography (CAT), was the first modern neuroimaging method. Computerized analysis of data obtained
from sensors detecting ionizing radiation transmitted
through tissues yields sets of transaxial (horizontal) slices
(tomograms) that reflect cerebral structures. This relatively
inexpensive method is limited by the risk of ionizing radiation and limited spatial resolution. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) involves assessing paramagnetic (odd atomic
number) elements such as hydrogen (1H) in strong magnetic fields by exciting them into a higher-energy state with
electromagnetic radiation, and then detecting energy released when these elements relax (return to a lower-energy
state). Advantages of MRI over CT/CAT include the absence of ionizing radiation, better spatial resolution, enhanced graywhite matter contrast, less bone artifact, and
modifiable acquisition techniques that yield a variety of
images. The latter include T1-weighted images that better
reflect neuroanatomy, T2-weighted images that better reflect neuropathology, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) that
detects white matter pathology, and magnetization transfer
imaging (MTI) that reflects white and gray matter integrity.
Moreover, magnetic resonance methods can be extended to
generate functional brain images (fMRI) and measure cerebral metabolites with magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MRS), a variant of magnetic resonance methodology that
allows noninvasive determination of various cerebral chemicals, some of which may be related to affective processing.
Imaging studies need to take into account the influences
of age and gender. For example, in healthy volunteers there
appear to be regional differences in brain development in
childhood and adolescence. Data suggest nonlinear agerelated patterns in both the frontal and parietal regions
(maximum gray matter volume at 1012 years, followed by
a slight decline) and temporal regions (gray matter volume
peak at age 16), but linear increases in the occipital region
(Giedd et al., 1999). This nonlinear developmental pattern
is also evident with cerebral glucose metabolism (Chugani
et al., 1987) and ratios of N-acetylaspartate to choline
(Horska et al., 2002). This time course corresponds to that
of initial overproduction and subsequent sculpting of excessive neurons, synapses, and dendritic spines in the developing brain. In elderly patients and healthy volunteers, lateral and third ventricle enlargement and cortical sulcal and
lateral (Sylvian) fissure prominence increase; in addition,
hemispheric, cerebellar, frontal, temporoparietal, parietooccipital, caudate, putamen, and thalamus size decreases



with age.2 Also, compared with women, men appear to

have greater age-related changes (Cowell et al., 1994; Passe
et al., 1997; Coffey et al., 1998).
Studies of bipolar and MDD patients compared with
one another and with healthy controls have revealed that
gender, age, and other parameters can influence the findings of structural neuroimaging. In some reports, for example, increased lateral ventricular enlargement (LVE) is
noted in men but not women with bipolar disorder (Andreasen et al., 1990; Swayze et al., 1990). Also, studies suggest that increased subcortical hyperintensities (SCHs)
may be seen primarily in older (rather than younger) patients with MDD.3 Diagnostic subtype may also be important. Hence, some studies note increased LVE (Hauser et al.,
2000) and SCHs (Altshuler et al., 1995) in bipolar-I but not
bipolar-II patients.
Course of illness can affect findings as well. For example, patients with late-onset MDD may be at greater risk
for SCHs than patients with early-onset MDD. Differences related to age at onset among patients with MDD
can contribute to our understanding of manic-depressive
illness since the more recurrent depressions that are part
of the manic-depressive spectrum are very likely to have
an early age at onset.4 Even medication status can influ-

ence structural neuroimaging findings, as lithium treatment can increase prefrontal gray matter volume in patients with bipolar disorder (C. Moore et al., 2000) (see
Chapter 9).
Although structural neuroimaging methods have
proven useful in detecting brain abnormalities in some
secondary mood disorders, as well as differences between
groups of patients with primary mood disorders and
healthy controls, these techniques have lacked the necessary sensitivity or specificity to permit their use as instruments to diagnose primary mood disorders in individual
patients. Below we review the findings of such studies in
the areas of LVE, cortical sulcal enlargement (CSE), and
third ventricular enlargement (TVE); SCHs; frontal, cerebellar, and hippocampal volume decreases; and other
structural aspects salient to bipolar disorder and MDD.

Lateral Ventricular Enlargement, Cortical

Sulcal Prominence, and Third
Ventricular Enlargement
Taken together, 28 CT studies from the 1980s and 1990s5
and 29 MRI studies since the late 1980s6 suggest that bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls have
increased LVE, CSE, and TVE (see Fig. 152). The degree to

Figure 152. Lateral ventricular enlargement and subcortical hyperintensities. Left: T1-weighted
SPGR (SPoiled GRASS; 15-degree flip angle) gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan
showing lateral ventricular enlargement. Right: T2-weighted (TR 2000; TE 25, 70; slice thickness 2.5 mm)
spin-echo axial MRI scan showing subcortical hyperintensities. (Source: Ketter and Wang, 2002.)

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

No. of

in Patients
vs. Controls

Decreases in
Patients vs.



Significant increases
Nonsignificant increases
Nonsignificant decreases
Significant decreases



Lateral Ventricular



Cortical Sulcal



Third Ventricular

Figure 153. Cerebral hypoplasia/atrophy in mood disorders. Summary of 57 controlled studies

of cerebral hypoplasia/atrophy in bipolar (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) patients
compared with healthy controls. Studies with combined diagnostic groups are listed by predominant diagnosis. The graph depicts the number of studies with significant (dark blue) and nonsignificant (light blue) increases (above the horizontal axis), and nonsignificant (white) and significant
(striped) decreases (below the horizontal axis) in lateral ventricular enlargement (LVE, left), cortical
sulcal enlargement (CSE, middle), and third ventricular enlargement (TVE, right). Although the
findings of only about half of the studies were positive, all but a few found at least nonsignificant
increases, and only one found a significant decrease. Meta-analyses have confirmed findings of
increased LVE and CSE in mood disorders.

which these regionally nonspecific volume deficits reflect

hypoplastic developmental problems that precede the onset of affective illness as opposed to atrophic processes related to the progression of mood disorder remains to be
Increased LVE has frequently been reported in groups
of bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls. Early studies commonly used the ventricular brain
ratio (percentage of the whole brain area occupied by the
lateral ventricles, in the slice in which the lateral ventricles
have their greatest size) as a measure of lateral ventricular
size. More recent reports are based on the more accurate
approach of calculating ventricular volumes.
LVE in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls
has been found to be significantly increased overall in 9 studies,7 and in male (but not female) (Andreasen et al., 1990),
psychotic (but not nonpsychotic) (Woods et al., 1995b), and
bipolar-I (but not bipolar-II) (Hauser et al., 2000) patients.
LVE has been found to be nonsignificantly increased in
bipolar versus healthy subjects in 12 studies8 and nonsignificantly decreased in 4 studies9; 2 reports do not provide the direction of nonsignificant difference (Schlegel and
Kretzschmar, 1987; Woods et al., 1995a). Altogether, then, in

bipolar patients compared with controls, LVE was found to

be significantly increased in 12 studies, nonsignificantly increased in 14 studies, and indeterminant or nonsignificantly decreased in 6 studies (see Fig. 153).
LVE in MDD patients compared with healthy controls
has been found to be significantly increased overall in
13 studies,10 and in nonpsychotic (but not psychotic)
patients (Woods et al., 1995b). LVE has been found to
be nonsignificantly increased in MDD compared with
healthy subjects in 13 studies11; 2 reports do not provide
the direction of the nonsignificant difference (Schlegel
and Kretzschmar, 1987; Greenwald et al., 1997). Thus, in
MDD patients compared with controls, LVE was found to
be significantly increased in 14 studies, nonsignificantly
increased in 13 studies, and indeterminate in 2 studies. In
the above summaries, studies with combined diagnostic
groups are listed by predominant diagnosis. One additional study found nonsignificant enlargement in mood
disorder patients (polarity not specified) (Weinberger et al.,
In summary, about half of the studies reviewed found
significantly increased LVE in bipolar and MDD patients
compared with controls. It should be noted that limited



statistical power related to small sample sizes in individual

studies could contribute importantly to negative findings,
as all but a few of the above studies found at least nonsignificantly larger ventricles in patients compared with
controls, and no study had a significant finding in the opposite direction.
Increased CSE has been reported in bipolar and MDD
patients compared with healthy controls. CSE is usually
assessed by rating prominence of interhemispheric or Sylvian fissures or frontal or temporal lobe sulci, or by performing volumetric assessment of cortical cerebral spinal
fluid (CSF).
CSE in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls
has been found to be significantly increased overall in one
study (Nasrallah et al., 1982a) and in bipolar patients with
(but not without) comorbid substance abuse in another
(Lippmann et al., 1985), and significantly decreased in nonpsychotic (but not psychotic) bipolar patients in a study by
Woods and colleagues (1995b). CSE has been found to be
nonsignificantly increased in bipolar versus healthy subjects
in three studies (Dewan et al., 1988a; Iacono et al., 1988; Lim
et al., 1999) and nonsignificantly decreased in two studies
(Harvey et al., 1994; Dupont et al., 1995b); one report does
not provide the direction of the nonsignificant difference
(Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987).
CSE in MDD patients compared with healthy controls
has been found to be significantly increased overall in five
studies,12 in women with endogenous depression (but not
in men with endogenous depression or either gender with
neurotic depression) (Baumann et al., 1997), and in nonpsychotic (but not psychotic) MDD patients (Woods et al.,
1995a). CSE has been found to be nonsignificantly increased in MDD compared with healthy subjects in three
studies (Abas et al., 1990; Coffey et al., 1993b; Dupont et al.,
1995b), equal in one study (Iacono et al., 1988), and nonsignificantly decreased in one study (Ames et al., 1990);
one report does not provide the direction of the nonsignificant difference (Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987).
In the above summaries, studies with combined diagnostic groups are listed by predominant diagnosis. One
additional study found increased CSE in mood disorder
patients (polarity not specified) (Weinberger et al., 1982).
In summary, slightly fewer than half of the studies reviewed found significantly increased CSE in bipolar and
MDD patients compared with controls, with the evidence
being more robust for MDD patients. Again, limited statistical power related to small sample sizes in individual
studies could contribute importantly to negative findings, as most of these studies found at least nonsignificantly increased CSE in patients compared with controls,
and only one study had a significant finding in the opposite direction.

Thus, there has been some variability in the findings on

LVE and CSE across studies of bipolar and MDD patients
compared with controls. Although the direction of change
is generally consistent, only about half of the studies
reviewed found a statistical significance. Potentially confounding factors that could contribute to such variability
include age, nutritional status, comorbid substance abuse,
somatic therapies, and heterogeneity (e.g., MDD groups
with different ratios of recurrent and nonrecurrent patients). Limited statistical power related to the combination of such confounding influences and small sample
sizes may have contributed importantly to the negative
findings of individual studies. As noted above, about half
of the studies found significantly increased LVE and CSE
in bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls. Narrative and vote counting reviews (the latter defined as keeping a tally of studies with significant and nonsignificant findings) appear to yield overly conservative
conclusions, as these methods unduly emphasize studies
finding low statistical power (Hedges and Olkin, 1985).
Consideration of the number of studies finding nonsignificant differences in the same direction may appear to offer
some additional support but lacks statistical rigor. As described below, meta-analysis methods have proven valuable in confirming structural neuroimaging findings in
bipolar disorder and MDD, not only for increased LVE
and CSE (Raz and Raz, 1990; Elkis et al., 1995) but also for
increased SCHs (Altshuler et al., 1995; Videbech, 1997). Unfortunately, such analyses are currently not available for
many neuroimaging findings; in such instances, we consider findings probable if about half of the studies are positive, and no or very few studies have significant findings
in the opposite direction.
Raz and Raz (1990) reported on meta-analyses indicating that mood disorder patients compared with controls had increased LVE in 18 studies and increased CSE
in 7 studies. The composite sizes for increased LVE and
CSE were moderate to small in magnitude (+.55 and +.42,
respectively). The corresponding effect sizes for schizophrenia (+.70 and +.35, respectively) did not differ significantly from those for mood disorders.
Elkis and colleagues (1995) reported on meta-analyses
likewise indicating that mood disorder patients compared
with healthy controls had increased LVE (in 29 studies)13
and CSE (in 10 studies14) (see Table 152). The composite
effects for increased LVE and CSE were highly significant (p < .001), but again moderate to small in magnitude
(+.44 and +.42, respectively), and were not systematically
related to gender or illness polarity. In addition, the authors noted that schizophrenic patients had greater ventricular enlargement than mood disorder patients. The
composite effect size for this finding was highly significant

Table 152. Summary of Meta-Analyses of Studies of Ventricular Enlargement and Cortical Sulcal Prominence in Mood Disorders
No. of


No. of

No. of

No. of
Not Reported

Effect Size

p for
Effect Size

More ventricular
enlargement in
mood disorders
than in healthy







More cortical
sulcal prominence
in mood disorders
than in healthy





Less ventricular
enlargement in
mood disorders
than in schizophrenia






Less cortical sulcal

prominence in mood
disorders than in


Source: Reproduced from Elkis et al., 1995, with permission.

Insufficient data



(p <.002) but small in magnitude (.2), and was not systematically related to gender or illness polarity. There are
too few studies to allow conclusions regarding differences
in CSE between mood disorder and schizophrenic patients. Thus, these generalized structural brain abnormalities (increased LVE and CSE) in the former patients may
differ less from those in schizophrenic patients than from
those in controls, consistent with a continuum model of
mood and schizophrenic disorders.15
A recent meta-analysis used more robust threshold
criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004). In five
studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had a
significant (p = .03) 14 percent increase in right lateral
ventricular volume, but only a nonsignificant (p = .32) 8
percent increase in left lateral ventricular volume. In six
studies, bipolar patients compared with controls tended to
have (p = .06) a 17 percent increase in total lateral ventricular volume.
Thus, bipolar and MDD patients appear to have increased LVE and CSE. The clinical significance of these
findings remains to be established, however. LVE has received more attention than CSE in this regard. As noted
below, there are variable reports on the relationships
between LVE and clinical phenomena, and unfortunately
meta-analyses regarding such relationships are not yet
LVE may increase with age in bipolar patients (Pearlson
and Veroff, 1981; Rieder et al., 1983), MDD patients,16 and
healthy subjects.17 However, negative findings have also
been reported in bipolar patients (Pearlson et al., 1984a;
Dewan et al., 1988b; Brambilla et al., 2001b), MDD patients,18 and healthy subjects.19 Longitudinal studies suggest that LVE may increase with disease duration in patients
with mood disorders, perhaps in excess of the increase
noted with normal aging (Vita et al., 1988; Woods et al.,
1990). In bipolar and MDD patients, LVE has been associated with later or late-life onset in some studies,20 but not
in others.21
One study found that multiple-episode bipolar patients
compared with both first-episode patients and healthy
subjects had larger lateral ventricles, with the degree of enlargement being related to number of prior manic episodes
(Strakowski et al., 2002). Another study found that right
LVE increased with the number of episodes (Brambilla
et al., 2001b). Other studies have reported variable findings
on the relationships between LVE and illness chronicity
and course,22 occupational function (Pearlson et al., 1984b;
Dewan et al., 1988b), and biological markers (Kellner et al.,
1983; Van den Bossche et al., 1991).
LVE was found to be related to psychosis in 31 bipolar-I
and 9 bipolar-II patients (Kato et al., 1994b); 66 patients
with late-onset depression (Simpson et al., 2001); 22 mood

disorder patients (Luchins et al., 1984); and a mixed cohort

of 33 MDD, 22 bipolar, and 5 schizoaffective patients
(Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987). The findings of other
studies, however, suggest that LVE may not be related to
psychosis in bipolar disorder (Pearlson et al., 1984b; Dewan et al., 1988b; Roy-Byrne et al., 1988), and may (Targum
et al., 1983; Rothschild et al., 1989; Shiraishi et al., 1992) or
may not (Standish-Barry et al., 1985; Rabins et al., 1991;
Hickie et al., 1995) be related to psychosis in MDD patients. LVE may (Kellner et al., 1986) or may not23 be related to cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder, and
may24 or may not (Andreasen et al., 1990; Simpson et al.,
2001) be related to cognitive impairment in MDD patients.
Increased LVE in bipolar (particularly male) compared
with MDD patients has been reported (Andreasen et al.,
1990; Swayze et al., 1990). Other groups, however, have failed
to find this difference (Dolan et al., 1985; Schlegel and
Kretzschmar, 1987). Likewise, as noted above, in Elkis and
colleagues (1995) meta-analysis, LVE was not found to be
systematically related to polarity or gender. Investigators
have also found that LVE generally fails to have a significant association with severity of mood symptoms as assessed by mood rating scales.25
Most studies have indicated that LVE is unrelated to dexamethasone suppression status and post-dexamethasone
cortisol,26 although one study noted a trend (Rothschild
et al., 1989) and another a significant relationship (Rao
et al., 1989). Ventricular enlargement may (Schlegel et al.,
1989b) or may not (Dewan et al., 1988b) be related to predexamethasone plasma cortisol, and may (Kellner et al.,
1983) or may not (Risch et al., 1992) be related to urinary
free cortisol.
Most studies have found that LVE is not related to a history of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in bipolar patients27 or MDD patients (Dolan et al., 1985; Kolbeinsson
et al., 1986). Prospectively, ECT did not cause or exacerbate
LVE in MDD patients.28 LVE does not appear to be related
to prior treatment with lithium,29 antidepressants (Dolan
et al., 1985; Harvey et al., 1994; Baumann et al., 1997), antipsychotics (Rieder et al., 1983; Dolan et al., 1985; Swayze
et al., 1990), or benzodiazepines (Dolan et al., 1985; Swayze
et al., 1990), or with alcohol abuse (Rieder et al., 1983;
Dolan et al., 1985; Swayze et al., 1990), drug abuse (Swayze
et al., 1990), or substance abuse generally (Dewan et al.,
1988c; Andreasen et al., 1990). Young and colleagues (1998)
found LVE to be associated with poorer response to tricyclic antidepressants, but in other reports, LVE was not
shown to be related to response to lithium (Dewan et al.,
1988c) or other treatments.
Increased TVE has been reported in bipolar and MDD
patients compared with healthy controls. In bipolar versus
healthy subjects, TVE was found to be significantly increased

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

in three studies (Dewan et al., 1988; Strakowski et al.,

1993; Pearlson et al., 1997), nonsignificantly increased in
four studies,30 and nonsignificantly decreased in two studies (Iacono et al., 1988; Brambilla et al., 2001b); one report
does not provide the direction of the nonsignificant difference (Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987).
TVE was found to be significantly increased in MDD
patients compared with healthy controls in five studies31
and in women with endogenous depression (but not in
men with endogenous or in either gender with neurotic
depression) (Baumann et al., 1997), and nonsignificantly
increased in three studies (Tanaka et al., 1982; Iacono et al.,
1988; Coffey et al., 1993b). One report does not provide
the direction of the nonsignificant difference (Greenwald
et al., 1997).
Thus, about half of the studies reviewed found significantly increased TVE in bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls, with the evidence being more
robust for the MDD patients. Once again, limited statistical power related to small sample sizes in individual studies could contribute importantly to negative findings, as all
but a few of these studies found at least nonsignificantly
increased TVE in patients, and no study had a significant
finding in the opposite direction. A recent meta-analysis
using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald
et al., 2004) found that in six studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had a nonsignificant (p = .35) 18 percent increase in third ventricular volume.
Because the third ventricle is bounded laterally by the
thalamus, TVE is consistent with a decrease in thalamic
volume, which in turn supports the hypothesis that basal
gangliathalamocortical circuit function may be disrupted
in bipolar and MDD patients. TVE may (Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987) or may not (Dewan et al., 1988a; Brambilla
et al., 2001b) be more evident in early-onset bipolar disorder, and may be associated with earlier- (Beats et al., 1991)
or later- (Dahabra et al., 1998) onset MDD. There are conflicting data regarding relationships between TVE and dexamethasone suppression status and post-dexamethasone
cortisol (Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987; Coffey et al.,
1993; Mukherjee et al., 1993). TVE and neuropsychological
function may not (Dewan et al., 1988) be related in bipolar
disorder, and may (Beats et al., 1991) or may not (Dahabra
et al., 1998) be related in MDD.
In patients with schizophrenia, LVE appears to be
linked to TVE but not to CSE (Raz and Raz, 1990). This
finding suggests that in schizophrenia, LVE may represent
a subcortical neuropathological process related to third
ventricular dilatation, yet independent of CSE. The relationships between these abnormalities in bipolar disorder
and MDD remain to be determined. Rieder and colleagues
(1983) found that CSE in bipolar patients was correlated


with cerebellar atrophy, but LVE was not correlated with

either of these measures. Of interest, in one small study in
schizophrenic and depressed patients, those with (but not
without) enlarged ventricles and widened Sylvian fissures
tended to have lower global metabolism than healthy controls (Kling et al., 1986).
Taken together, the above findings suggest that bipolar
and MDD patients have increased LVE and CSE and
probably have increased TVE as well. These findings are
not anatomically or diagnostically specific, however. Moreover, the clinical significance of these findings needs to be
delineated more clearly. Although the currently available
data suggest that LVE may be related to age and later- or
late-life onset and not to degree of depression or treatment
with medications or ECT, there have been variable findings
on relationships to illness chronicity, course, and polarity;
to psychosis; and to HPA axis dysfunction. Unfortunately,
meta-analyses regarding how LVE, CSE, and TVE are
related to clinical parameters are currently not available.

Subcortical Hyperintensities
Increased SCHs have been observed in mood disorder patients compared with healthy controls. SCHs are bright areas in deep white, periventricular white, or subcortical
gray matter on T2-weighted MRI images. Taken together,
41 studies since 1989 suggest that younger and older bipolar and older MDD patients compared with healthy controls have increased SCHs.32
SCHs in bipolar patients were found to be significantly
increased overall in 10 studies33 and in bipolar-I (but not
bipolar-II) patients (Altshuler et al., 1995), nonsignificantly
increased in 7 studies,34 and nonsignificantly decreased in
2 studies (Brown et al., 1992; Sassi et al., 2003). With the exception of 2 small pediatric studies (Botteron et al., 1995;
Pillai et al., 2002), 1 small elderly adult study (McDonald et
al., 1991), and 1 large study involving a broad age range
(McDonald et al., 1999), these were studies of nonelderly
adult bipolar patients. Altshuler and colleagues (1995) performed a meta-analysis of 8 studies35 including 198 bipolar
patients and 307 controls and found increased frequency of
SCHs in the former, with a common odds ratio of 3.3
and 95 percent confidence interval of 1.95.6 (p = .00001).
Videbech (1997) performed an expanded meta-analysis of
10 studies36 including 296 bipolar patients and 516 controls
and found that in all but 1 of these studies (Brown et al.,
1992), the odds ratios pointed toward increased frequency
of SCHs in the bipolar subjects, with a common odds
ratio of 3.3 and 95 percent confidence interval of 2.15.1
(p = .0000001).
As noted above, SCHs may be more common in
bipolar-I but not bipolar-II patients compared with controls (Altshuler et al., 1995), although Krabbendum and



colleagues (2000) failed to detect such a difference. In another study, there were no apparent changes in SCHs on
repeat scanning 1 year later (Dupont et al., 1990). One
study found that 6 of 10 unaffected relatives of patients
with bipolar disorder from a loaded pedigree had subcortical gray SCHs (Ahearn et al., 1998).
SCHs in MDD patients were found to be significantly
increased overall in 14 studies37 and in patients with later
(over age 50) but not earlier (under age 35) onset (Lesser
et al., 1996), nonsignificantly increased in 12 studies,38 and
nonsignificantly decreased in 1 study (Sassi et al., 2003). In
contrast to the studies involving bipolar patients noted
above, studies involving MDD patients have assessed primarily elderly patients. Videbech (1997) performed a metaanalysis of 7 studies39 including 254 MDD patients and 511
controls and found that in nearly all of these studies, odds
ratios pointed toward increased frequency of SCHs in
MDD patients, with a common odds ratio of 3.3 and 95
percent confidence interval of 2.14.8 (p = .00000001).
Thus, there has been some variability in findings with
regard to SCHs across studies of bipolar and MDD patients
compared with controls. Although the direction of change
has generally been consistent, only slightly more than half
of the studies have demonstrated statistical significance.

As with the studies discussed earlier, limited statistical

power related to small sample sizes in individual studies
could contribute importantly to negative findings, as all
but a few of these studies found at least nonsignificantly
increased SCHs in patients, and no study had a significant
finding in the opposite direction. Indeed, meta-analyses
have confirmed increased SCHs in bipolar and MDD patients (Altshuler et al., 1995; Videbech, 1997). This pattern
of findings is similar to that for increased LVE and CSE in
bipolar and MDD patients noted above. SCHs appear to
occur most frequently in the frontal lobe deep white matter
in both bipolar patients40 and MDD patients.41 This observation does not hold true for all studies, however (Howard
et al., 1993; Altshuler et al., 1995).
Deep white matter SCHs have been the subtype studied most frequently and found most consistently to be increased in patients compared with controls. Among 20
studies of bipolar patients, such SCHs were found to be
significantly increased in 9 studies,42 nonsignificantly increased in 8 studies,43 and equal or nonsignificantly decreased in 3 studies (Brown et al., 1992; Altshuler et al.,
1995; Sassi et al., 2003) (see Fig. 154). Among 23 studies
of MDD patients, deep white matter SCHs were found to
be significantly increased in 10 studies,44 nonsignificantly

Figure 154. Subcortical hyperintensities in mood disorders. Summary of 37 controlled studies

of subcortical hyperintensities (SCHs) in bipolar (BD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) patients compared with healthy controls. Studies with combined diagnostic groups are shown by predominant diagnosis. The graph depicts the number of studies with significant (dark blue) and nonsignificant (light blue) increases (above the horizontal axis) and nonsignificant (white) decreases
and unspecified nonsignificant findings (striped) (below the horizontal axis) in deep white (left),
periventricular white (middle), and subcortical gray (right) SCHs. Although only about half of the
studies yielded positive findings, all but a few found at least nonsignificant increases, and none
found significant decreases. Meta-analyses have confirmed these findings.
No. of

in Patients
vs. Controls

Decreases or
Findings in
Patients vs.


Significant increases
Nonsignificant increases
Nonsignificant decreases
Unspecified nonsignificant findings



Deep White






Subcortical Gray

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

increased in 12 studies,45 and nonsignificantly decreased

in 1 study (Greenwald et al., 1996).
Periventricular SCHs have been assessed less frequently.
Among 12 studies of bipolar patients, these SCHS were
found to be significantly increased in 3 studies (Altshuler
et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995a; McDonald et al., 1999),
nonsignificantly increased in 2 studies (Woods et al., 1995a;
Krabbendam et al., 2000), and equal or nonsignificantly
decreased in 7 studies.46 Among 15 studies of MDD patients, periventricular SCHs were found to be significantly
increased in 3 studies (Coffey et al., 1990, 1993b; Iidaka
et al., 1996), nonsignificantly increased in 7 studies,47 nonsignificantly decreased in 4 studies,48 and not significantly
different (direction of nonsignificant difference not specified) in 1 study (MacFall et al., 2001).
Subcortical gray matter hyperintensities have been examined least frequently. Among 7 studies of bipolar patients, these SCHs were found to be significantly increased
in 1 study (McDonald et al., 1999), nonsignificantly increased in 2 studies (Aylward et al., 1994; Altshuler et al.,
1995), and equal or nonsignificantly decreased in 4 studies.49
In contrast, among 12 studies of MDD patients, subcortical
gray matter SCHs were found to be significantly increased
in 6 studies,50 nonsignificantly increased in 4 studies,51 nonsignificantly decreased in 1 study (Miller et al., 1994), and
not significantly different (direction of nonsignificant difference not specified) in 1 study (MacFall et al., 2001).
Thus, SCHs appear to occur in frontal lobes (deep
white matter) and in periventricular white matter in
nonelderly and elderly bipolar and elderly MDD patients,
and in basal ganglia (subcortical gray matter) in elderly
MDD patients. The clinical significance of these findings
remains to be established, however. As noted below, there
are variable reports on the relationships between SCHs
and clinical phenomena, and unfortunately meta-analyses
in this area are not yet available.
SCHs can occur in patients with other psychiatric and
neurological disorders,52 but lesions in the frontal lobes
and basal ganglia may still be related to depressive symptoms. Moreover, SCHs are occasionally observed in clinically healthy individuals in association with ventricular
enlargement, cerebral hypometabolism, higher blood pressure, and lower neuropsychological test scores (DeCarli
et al., 1995).
SCHs have been reported to increase with age in bipolar patients,53 MDD patients,54 heterogeneous psychiatric patients (Deicken et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992), and
healthy volunteers.55 However, negative findings have also
been reported in bipolar patients,56 MDD patients,57 and
healthy volunteers.58
SCHs may be related to hypertension, carotid arteriosclerosis, arteriolar hyalinization, and dilated perivascular spaces.


They have been found to be related to cardiovascular risk

factors in MDD patients (Coffey et al., 1989; Lesser et al.,
1996; OBrien et al., 1996), in healthy controls (Coffey et al.,
1989; Lesser et al., 1996; OBrien et al., 1996), and to a lesser
extent in bipolar patients (Aylward, et al., 1994). The increased SCHs in bipolar and MDD patients do not, however, appear to be due solely to such risk factors,59 although
Miller and colleagues (1994) failed to find significantly increased SCHs in patients with late-life depression and without such risk factors compared with healthy controls.
Studies have reported variable findings with respect to
relationships between SCHs and illness chronicity and
course.60 Among bipolar patients, SCHs may occur in lateonset illness (McDonald et al., 1991) but have also been
noted in younger patients (Dupont et al., 1995a,b). Some
data (Dupont et al., 1995b) but not all61 suggest that SCHs
may occur preferentially in bipolar patients with later- or
late-life onset. Similarly, among MDD patients, some studies62 but not all63 indicate that SCHs may occur preferentially in patients with later- or late-life onset.
Among depressed MDD patients, psychosocial stressors
have been found to be inversely related to SCHs, suggesting that stress-independent biological factors could be
more relevant to these lesions (Fujikawa et al., 1997). Patients with late-onset mania had more or more widespread
SCHs than did patients with early-onset mood disorders
and late-onset MDD, respectively (Fujikawa et al., 1995),
consistent with late-onset mania being a more biologically
severe disorder (Fujikawa et al., 1996).
In healthy volunteers, white matter SCHs appear to be
related to lower scores on frontal lobemediated neuropsychological tests (Boone et al., 1992; DeCarli et al., 1995) and
decreased frontal lobe metabolism (DeCarli et al., 1995).
SCHs may be related to cognitive impairment in MDD patients,64 although some studies have failed to detect such
a relationship (Zubenko et al., 1990; Dupont et al., 1995b;
OBrien et al., 1996). In bipolar patients, SCHs and cognitive impairment may (Dewan et al., 1988b; Dupont et al.,
1990, 1995b) or may not (Swayze et al., 1990; Dahabra et al.,
1998; Krabbendam et al., 2000) be related. In elderly individuals (mostly healthy, but some with a history of receiving antidepressants), deep white (but not periventricular)
SCHs were found to be associated with depressive symptoms, especially impaired motivation, concentration, and
decision making, and this relationship was especially
strong in patients carrying the APOE-4 allele (Nebes et al.,
2001). Another study of elderly individuals (mostly healthy,
but some with a history of depression) found that subcortical and periventricular white matter SCHs were associated with depressive symptoms (de Groot et al., 2000).
SCHs do not appear to be related to severity of depression in bipolar patients (Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a; Altshuler



et al., 1995) or MDD patients,65 although two studies detected such a relationship in the latter patients (MacFall
et al., 2001; Murata et al., 2001). SCHs likewise do not appear
to be related to psychosis in bipolar patients66 or MDD patients.67 SCHs may (Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a) or may not
(Altshuler et al., 1995) be related to psychiatric hospitalizations in bipolar patients, and may not be related to psychiatric hospitalizations in MDD patients (Dupont et al., 1995a;
Iidaka et al., 1996). SCHs do not appear to be related to
dexamethasone suppression status or post-dexamethasone
cortisol levels (Rao et al., 1989; Deicken et al., 1991; Coffey
et al., 1993b).
SCHs may be more (Sassi et al., 2003) or less (Hickie et al.,
1995) common in MDD patients lacking a family history of
mood disorders. In contrast, SCHs in bipolar patients have
been reported to be unrelated to a family history of mood
disorders (Sassi et al., 2003).
Studies have found no relationship between SCHs and
prior ECT in either bipolar patients (Swayze et al., 1990;
Figiel et al., 1991a) or MDD patients.68 Prospectively, ECT
did not cause or exacerbate SCHs in MDD patients.69
Basal ganglia lesions may yield patients more susceptible
to ECT-induced delirium, however (Figiel et al., 1989b,
1990a,b). Limited evidence suggests that white matter
SCHs may predict poorer response to ECT in MDD patients (Coffey et al., 1987; Hickie et al., 1995), perhaps because these SCHs may represent subtle vascular insufficiency (Sackeim, 1996). Other data suggest, however, that
SCHs in MDD patients are not related to ECT response
(Figiel et al., 1989b).
SCHs do not appear to be related to prior treatment
with lithium,70 carbamazepine (Altshuler et al., 1995), antidepressants (Altshuler et al., 1995), antipsychotics (Dupont
et al., 1990; Swayze et al., 1990), or benzodiazepines (Swayze
et al., 1990), or to prior alcohol abuse (Swayze et al., 1990),
drug abuse (Swayze et al., 1990), or substance abuse generally (Strakowski et al., 1993b). As noted above, earlieronset MDD patients (who have longer illness duration and
greater treatment exposure) compared with later-onset patients may have fewer SCHs, an observation inconsistent
with the notion that illness or treatment duration markedly
affects these lesions. Moreover, it should be recalled that
MDD with an early age at onset is part of the manicdepressive spectrum and as such is genetically different
from later-onset MDD (see Chapter 13).
Deep white matter and basal ganglia SCHs may be associated with resistance to antidepressants (Hickie et al.,
1995; Simpson et al., 1998). Basal ganglia lesions may increase the risk of antidepressant-induced delirium (Figiel
et al., 1989b) and adverse effects on the central nervous system (Fujikawa et al., 1996). After 2 years of naturalistic
treatment, MDD patients who had achieved and sustained

remission had attenuated increases in white matter SCH

volume (11.5 percent) compared with patients who had not
achieved or sustained remission (31.6 percent) (Taylor et al.,
2003). Less is known about relationships between SCHs
and treatment resistance in bipolar patients.
Interpretation of the significance of increased SCHs in
bipolar and MDD patients is limited by sparse knowledge
of the pathophysiology of these lesions. Emerging data are
beginning to address this problem, however. SCHs have
been associated with ventricular enlargement in healthy
volunteers (DeCarli et al., 1995) and in bipolar (Dupont
et al., 1995b) and MDD patients (Coffey et al., 1989; Iidaka
et al., 1996), although MDD patients in one study failed to
display such a relationship (Dupont et al., 1995b). SCHs
have also been associated with CSE in MDD patients (Coffey et al., 1989).
SCHs have been associated with cerebral hypometabolism in healthy volunteers (DeCarli et al., 1995). Elderly patients with depression (who as a group have increased
SCHs) commonly have decreased global and regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), which may persist during remission.
During hypercapnea challenge, these patients can have diminished CBF responses (decreased vasodilatory reserve), a
phenomenon associated with hypertension, late onset, and
poor treatment response (Sackeim, 1996). In elderly depressed patients, moreover, periventricular white matter
SCHs have been found to be associated with decreased
temporal CBF as assessed by single-photon-emission CT
using technetium-99m-hexamethylpropyleneamineoxime
(99mTc-HMPAO SPECT) (Ebmeier et al., 1998).
SCHs have been found to be associated with altered cerebral metabolite ratios in phosphorous (Sappey-Marinier
et al., 1992a) and proton (Sappey-Marinier et al., 1992b)
MRS studies of elderly patients, and with decreased
N-acetylaspartate (NAA)/creatine (Cr) in elderly MDD
patients (Murata et al., 2001).
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a derivative of MRI
that assesses the movement of water in axons. DTI can detect decreases in fractional anisotrophy that are considered
indicative of white matter pathology. DTI studies in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls found prefrontal decreased white matter fractional anisotrophy
(Adler et al., 2004, 2006) and increased apparent diffusion
coefficient (Beyer et al., 2005). In one DTI study, SCHs
compared with normal regions displayed increased apparent diffusion coefficients and lower anisotrophy in both
elderly depressed patients and controls, suggesting similar
pathological changes (Taylor et al., 2001). Also, elderly MDD
patients compared with elderly controls had lower right
superior frontal gyrus white matter fractional anisotrophy
(Taylor et al., 2004). In another DTI study, elderly MDD patients compared with healthy controls showed more robust

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

declines in white matter fractional anisotrophy. In patients

but not controls, these declines were related to aging, consistent with emerging data suggesting that late-life depression may be associated with age-related declines in white
matter integrity (Choi et al., 2002).
Taken together, the above findings suggest that bipolar
and MDD patients have increased SCHs. In individuals
without psychiatric disorders and in bipolar and MDD patients, these lesions increase with age. Moreover, in healthy
volunteers and MDD patients (and perhaps to a lesser extent in bipolar patients), SCHs appear to be related to cardiovascular risk factors and may thus reflect decreased
vascular reserve. There may also be relationships among
cerebral regions, diagnosis, and age, as SCHs appear to occur in frontal lobes (deep white matter) in nonelderly and
elderly bipolar and elderly MDD patients and in basal ganglia (subcortical gray matter) in elderly MDD patients, consistent with the hypothesis that anterior cortical/anterior
paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuit function
may be disrupted in bipolar and MDD patients. However,
the relative paucity of evidence supporting basal ganglia
(subcortical gray matter) SCHs in bipolar patients could be
due to these lesions being specific to older patients with
bipolar disorder (McDonald et al., 1999).
There may be some disassociations between bipolar disorder and MDD in clinical correlates of SCHs. Thus in
MDD (perhaps to a greater extent than in bipolar) patients,
SCHs may be related to later onset, negative family history,
cardiovascular risk factors, cognitive impairment, and treatment resistance. This hypothesis in turn is consistent with
there being at least some disassociations between bipolar
disorder and MDD in the pathophysiology of SCHs. Importantly, SCHs are not diagnostically specific, and the
pathophysiology of these lesions needs to be better understood. Moreover, multiple aspects of the clinical significance of SCHs in bipolar disorder and MDD remain to be
established. Although some studies suggest interesting relationships with clinical parameters, there are also multiple
negative studies in this regard, and unfortunately, metaanalyses of the clinical relationships are not yet available.

Frontal, Cerebellar, and Hippocampal

Volume Decreases
Bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls
may have cerebral volume decreases in specific regions. The
frontal lobes and cerebellum in bipolar and MDD patients
and the hippocampus in MDD patients have been implicated in particular.
Frontal and prefrontal volume decreases appear to occur
in mood disorders. A tendency for them to occur in bipolar
patients compared with healthy controls was observed
in three studies (Coffman et al., 1990; Sax et al., 1999;


Strakowski et al., 1999), but they were not seen in two studies
(Strakowski et al., 1993b; Zipursky et al., 1997). A recent metaanalysis using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in three studies, bipolar patients and controls had similar left (4 percent smaller, p = .19)
and right (5 percent smaller, p = .11) prefrontal volumes. In
MDD patients, these decreases were found to be present in
eight studies71 and absent in only three studies (Pantel et al.,
1997; Bremner et al., 2000; Janssen et al., 2004). As noted
below, prefrontal CBF and metabolism are commonly decreased in depressed bipolar and MDD patients. Frontal and
prefrontal volume decreases may be related to poorer performance on neuropsychological tests (Coffman et al., 1990),
such as the continuous performance task (Sax et al., 1999).
Methodological advances (improved scan resolution
and graywhite segmentation) have led to emerging data
on gray and white matter volumes. Prefrontal gray matter
may (Drevets et al., 1997; Lopez-Larson et al., 2002) or may
not (Dupont et al., 1995b; Zipursky et al., 1997; Lim et al.,
1999) be decreased in bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls. Prefrontal gray matter density may also
be decreased in bipolar disorder (Lyoo et al., 2004). Findings of a preliminary study suggest that men with bipolarI disorder (but not men with bipolar-II or women) may be
at risk for decreases in left frontal lobe gray matter that
tend to correlate with decreases in NAA as assessed by
MRS (Dieckmann et al., 2002). One study, however, found
that dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, inferior parietal lobule,
and superior temporal gyrus gray matter volumes were
unchanged in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls (Schlaepfer et al., 1994), and another found that depressed adolescents compared with controls had increased
frontal gray matter volumes and decreased frontal white
matter volumes (Steingard et al., 2002).
Recently, voxel-based morphometry (VBM) has allowed
automated voxel-wise assessments of gray and white matter volumes and densities. Studies to date in patients with
bipolar disorder72 and MDD (Bell-McGinty et al., 2002;
Pizzagalli et al., 2004) have had variable findings, perhaps
as a result of confounds with respect to age, mood disorder
subtype, mood state, prior pharmacotherapy (in view of
the putative neurotrophic effects of lithium), current medication status, and methodological variability.
Evidence suggests that gray matter volume is decreased
in the prefrontal cortex ventral to the genu of the corpus
callosum in both familial bipolar disorder and familial
MDD (Drevets et al., 1997), consistent with decreased CBF
and metabolism (Drevets et al., 1997) and histopathological
changes (Rajkowska, 1997) observed in that region. Gray
matter volume decreases in the subgenual portion of the
left ventral anterior cingulate cortex in bipolar and MDD
patients have been demonstrated by both MRI-based



morphometric measures73 and postmortem neuropathological studies of patients with a family history of bipolar
disorder and MDD (ngr et al., 1998). This reduction in
volume was seen in patients with a family history of bipolar disorder (Hirayasu et al., 1999), but was notably not
demonstrable in bipolar patients with no family history of
mood disorders. The reduction was found early in MDD
patients (Botteron et al., 2002) and may follow illness
onset, as indicated by preliminary evidence in twins discordant for MDD (Botteron et al., 1999).
Coryell (2005) found decreased volume in a nearby region in patients with psychotic MDD. Kimbrell and colleagues (2002) reported that subgenual anterior cingulate
metabolism was inversely correlated with the number of
lifetime depressive episodes in MDD patients. Other studies, however, have failed to detect subgenual prefrontal
cortical volume decreases in mood disorder patients.74 A
recent meta-analysis using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in four studies,
bipolar patients compared with controls had nonsignificantly decreased left (20 percent, p = .31) and right (6 percent, p = .36) subgenual prefrontal volumes. Studies in
MDD patients that failed to find a volume decrease in this
region, however, found decreased cerebral metabolism in
the region in patients with melancholia (Pizzagalli et al.,
2004) and decreased gyrus rectus volumes in MDD patients compared with controls (Bremner et al., 2002).
Other studies in bipolar patients that failed to detect a volume decrease in this area found more posterior and dorsal
cingulate gray matter volume (Lochhead et al., 2004; Nugent et al., 2006) and density (Doris et al., 2004) decreases,
as well as decreased left dorsolateral prefrontal cortical
gray matter volume in pediatric patients (Dickstein et al.,
2005). In addition, MTI demonstrated decreased macromolecular density in the right subgenual anterior cingulate
and adjacent white matter (Bruno et al., 2004). Still other
studies found that bipolar patients compared with controls
had decreased gray matter density in the anterior cingulate
close to subgenual prefrontal cortex (Lyoo et al., 2004) and
decreased left dorsal anterior cingulate volume (Sassi et al.,
2004; Kaur et al., 2005). One study found decreased left
cingulate, right medial frontal, and left middle frontal cortical thickness in bipolar patients compared with healthy
controls (Lyoo et al., 2006). Ventral prefrontal gray and
white matter volumes may decline more rapidly with age
in adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder
compared with healthy controls, and rapid cycling may exacerbate and pharmacotherapy may attenuate ventral prefrontal volume deficits (Blumberg et al., 2006). Of interest,
decreased orbitofrontal total (Lai et al., 2000) and gray
matter (Lacerda et al., 2004; Lavretsky et al., 2004) volumes
have been observed in MDD patients.

Although effective treatment with selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) was not found to alter subgenual prefrontal cortical volume in MDD patients (Drevets
et al., 1997), this cortex appeared significantly larger in bipolar patients chronically medicated with lithium or valproate than in bipolar patients who were either unmedicated or medicated with other agents (see Fig. 155). These
observations are compatible with evidence that chronic
administration of these mood stabilizers increases expression of the neuroprotective and neurotrophic proteins in
the frontal cortex of experimental animals (Manji et al.,
2001). Other investigators, however, have failed to detect
subgenual prefrontal cortical volume changes in familial and nonfamilial bipolar and MDD patients (regardless
of whether they were taking lithium) compared with
healthy controls (Brambilla et al., 2002). One report suggests that, compared with healthy controls, bipolar patients
had decreased left anterior cingulate volumes when not
medicated but tended to have increased left posterior and
right anterior cingulate volumes when taking lithium
monotherapy (Sassi et al., 2002b).
Cerebellar volume decreases appear to occur in patients
with mood disorders. Compared with healthy controls,
such decreases were detected in bipolar patients in six
studies75 but not in four studies,76 and were detected in
MDD patients in two studies (Shah et al., 1992; Escalona
et al., 1993) but not in two other studies (Yates et al., 1987;
Pillay et al., 1997). In one study, a combined group of bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls
tended to have vermian or cerebellar volume decreases
(Weinberger et al., 1982). Vermian volume decreases were
seen in bipolar patients with (but not without) a history of
alcohol abuse (Lippmann et al., 1982). These decreases may
tend to be related to number of episodes (DelBello et al.,
1999; Brambilla et al., 2001b) and family history of bipolar
disorder (Brambilla et al., 2001b), but not to lithium therapy or scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
(HAM-D) (Brambilla et al., 2001b). In MDD, fluoxetine
nonresponders (but not responders) decreased vermian
volumes were found to be associated with higher pretreatment HAM-D scores (Pillay et al., 1997). Cerebellar
volume decreases were not related to neuropsychological function in MDD patients, however (Greenwald et al.,
Hippocampal volume decreases have been observed in
MDD patients compared with healthy controls. In bipolar
patients, however, findings have varied, with hippocampal
volumes found to be unchanged in 13 studies,77 decreased
in 3 (Swayze et al., 1992; Noga et al., 2001; Frazier et al.,
2005), tending to be decreased in 2 (Strakowski et al., 2002;
Blumberg et al., 2003c), and increased in 2 (Kemmerer
et al., 1994; Beyer et al., 2004). In a recent meta-analysis

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging


Left Subgenual PFC Volume (mm3)










on chronic

off chronic


! Sample Size

Figure 155. Decreased subgenual prefrontal cortical (PFC) gray matter volumes in depressed patients with familial major depressive disorder and familial bipolar disorder. Decreased volumes were
accompanied by reductions in cerebral activity (see Fig. 1511 below). Reduced volumes were not evident, however, in bipolar patients taking chronic lithium or valproate. (Source: Adapted from Drevets
et al., 2004.)

using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald

et al., 2004), bipolar patients compared with controls were
found to have similar left (6 studies, 1 percent larger,
p = .66), right (6 studies, 1 percent smaller, p = .60), and total (8 studies, 1 percent smaller, p = .24) hippocampal volumes. One study found that, compared with controls,
hippocampal shape anomalies (rounded hippocampus)
occurred at a similar rate in familial bipolar disorder, but
were more frequent in familial schizophrenia (Connor
et al., 2004). Anzalone and colleagues observed that
bipolar-I patients compared with healthy controls had
right posterior (but not total) hippocampal volume decreases that were related to illness duration. In another
study, however, first-episode bipolar patients compared
with multiple-episode patients and healthy controls were
found to have smaller hippocampal volumes (Strakowski
et al., 2002). (One study yielded the curious finding of
increased hippocampal volume correlating with poorer
neuropsychological function [Ali et al., 2000].) The findings of some studies are consistent with hippocampal volume decreases being more evident on the right (Swayze
et al., 1992; Kemmerer et al., 1994; Noga et al., 2001). In
one study, however, first-episode affective psychosis patients (polarity not specified) compared with healthy controls showed decreased left (but not right) hippocampal
volumes (Velakoulis et al., 1999).
As noted above, there is more consistent evidence of
smaller hippocampal volumes in MDD patients. Thus, hippocampal volumes were decreased in 13 studies,78 tended

to be decreased in 1 study (Steffens et al., 2000), but were

unchanged in 5 studies.79 Indeed, a recent meta-analysis
(Campbell et al., 2004) of 12 studies80 found that a total of
393 MDD patients compared with 303 controls had significantly smaller left and right hippocampal volumes. Significant decreases were more often detected on the left (6 of
12 studies) than on the right (3 of 12 studies). Similarly,
another recent meta-analysis (Videbech and Ravnkilde,
2004) of 11 studies81 found that a total of 351 MDD patients
compared with 279 controls had significantly smaller left
and right hippocampal volumes. The composite effect
sizes for decreased left and right hippocampal volumes
were small in magnitude (.38 and .32, respectively). In
contrast to observations in bipolar patients, the findings of
some studies are consistent with the notion that volume
decreases may be more likely for the left hippocampus in
MDD patients,82 although there have been discordant observations (Janssen et al., 2004). In 4 of the 8 studies finding hippocampal volume decreases,83 these decreases were
related to duration of depression, consistent with the notion that chronic hypercortisolemia can lead to progressive hippocampal degeneration. However, there have been
discordant observations (Janssen et al., 2004). Another
study found that longer total duration of untreated (but
not treated) depression was associated with a decrease in
hippocampal volume (Sheline et al., 2003), consistent with
the hypothesis that reduced adult hippocampal cell proliferation or neurogenesis is involved in the pathophysiology
of depression, and that reversal or prevention of decreased



neurogenesis may be one way in which antidepressants exert their effects (Malberg, 2004). In a longitudinal study,
although no significant hippocampal volume changes were
observed in MDD patients or controls between baseline
and 1-year follow-up, patients with unremitting illness at
follow-up had reduced left and right hippocampal volumes at both baseline and the 1-year follow-up compared
with remitting patients, and smaller right hippocampal
volumes compared with healthy controls (Frodl et al.,
2004). Similarly, in another study, smaller hippocampal
volumes were associated with poorer response to antidepressants (Hsieh et al., 2002).
In a study of hippocampal volume, decreases were
observed in multiple-episode but not first-episode MDD
patients (MacQueen et al., 2003). (MDD with multiple
episodes is part of the manic-depressive spectrum.) Another study, however, found hippocampal volume decreases
(left-sided gray matter in men and bilateral white matter in
men and women) in first-episode MDD patients and failed
to detect a relationship between volume decreases and illness duration (Frodl et al., 2002b). Three studies found
that greater volume decreases tended to occur with lateronset depression (Steffens et al., 2000; Lloyd et al., 2004;
MacMaster and Kusumakar, 2004b), whereas other studies
have failed to detect such a relationship (Ashtari et al.,
1999; Frodl et al., 2002a).
In some studies, volume decreases were found to be correlated with severity of depression (Ashtari et al., 1999; Vakili et al., 2000), but other investigators have failed to detect
such a relationship (Frodl et al., 2002a; MacQueen et al.,
2003). One group found hippocampal volume decreases in
women with MDD and a history of severe prolonged childhood physical or sexual abuse, but not in MDD patients
without such histories. One study found that MDD patients
compared with controls had similar hippocampal volumes,
but had altered hippocampal shape (Posener et al., 2003).
Janssen and colleagues (2004) failed to detect a relationship between hippocampal volumes and subcortical hyperintensities in MDD patients.
MDD patients with the homozygous L/L serotonin transporter genotype were found to have smaller hippocampal
gray and white matter volumes than those of controls with
this genotype, and significantly smaller hippocampal white
matter volumes than those of patients with the L/S or S/S
genotype (Frodl et al., 2004). No significant differences were
found between patients and controls with the L/S or S/S
genotype. The authors suggested that serotonergic influence on neurotrophic factors and excitatory amino acid
neurotransmission could account for their findings. Some
study findings are consistent with relationships between
hippocampal volume loss and poorer cognitive/memory
function.84 For example, Shaw and colleagues (1998) found

that left hippocampal gray matter density was correlated

with performance on a verbal memory task.
The above clinical neuroimaging findings of hippocampal volume decreases in MDD, and to a lesser extent in
bipolar disorder, are consistent with basic science reports
of hippocampal abnormalities in mood disorders.85 More
limited basic science evidence suggests amygdala abnormalities in these disorders (Bowley et al., 2002; Hamidi
et al., 2004).
Amygdala findings have been variable in bipolar disorder and MDD. Thus in bipolar disorder, amygdala
volumes may be increased,86 unchanged,87 tend to be decreased (Chen et al., 2004), or decreased.88 In a recent
meta-analysis using robust threshold criteria for inclusion
(McDonald et al., 2004), bipolar patients compared with
controls were found to have similar left (four studies, 5 percent larger, p = .49), right (four studies, 4 percent larger,
p = .35), and total (five studies, 1 percent larger, p = .91)
amygdala volumes. One study in adolescents and young
adults found that with increasing age, left amygdala volumes increased in patients but decreased in healthy controls (Chen et al., 2004). These results are consistent with
those of most studies including younger populations that
have detected amygdala volume decreases in bipolar disorder,89 although one study involving the very young (mean
age 11 years) was negative (Frazier et al., 2005). Blumberg
and colleagues (2005) found that decreased amygdala volumes in adolescents and young adults with bipolar disorder
persisted 2 years later. Another study found that patients
with psychotic (but not nonpsychotic) bipolar disorder
compared with those with schizophrenia had increased
right amygdala volumes (Strasser et al., 2002). In adults,
prior number of episodes may (Altshuler et al., 2000) or
may not (Strakowski et al., 1999; Brambilla et al., 2003a)
be related to amygdala volume increases. Differences in age,
chronicity, and treatment could account for the variation in amygdala volume findings in patients with bipolar
In MDD, amygdala volumes were found to be unchanged for the entire amygdala90 and decreased for the
entire amygdala (von Gunten et al., 2000) or core nuclei
(Sheline et al., 1999), but increased in first-episode (Frodl
et al., 2002b) and young female (Lange and Irle, 2004) patients. Thus, Frodl and colleagues (2002c) suggested that
amygdala volumes are increased in first-episode but not
recurrent MDD patients. A recent meta-analysis (Campbell et al., 2004) of six studies91 found that a total of 138
MDD patients and 121 controls had statistically similar
amygdala volumes. In a longitudinal study, no significant
amygdala volume changes were observed in MDD patients
or controls between baseline and 1-year follow-up (Frodl
et al., 2004).

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

Amygdalahippocampal complex volumes appear to be

unchanged in bipolar (Swayze et al., 1992) and MDD patients.92 A recent meta-analysis (Campbell et al., 2004) of
four studies93 found that a total of 126 MDD patients and 165
controls had statistically similar amygdalahippocampal
complex volumes. Thus, although hippocampal volumes
appear to be decreased in the latter patients, the absence of
decreases or even increases in amygdala volumes could contribute to the lack of difference in amygdalahippocampal
complex volumes.
Temporal lobe findings have been variable in bipolar
and MDD patients. Thus in bipolar patients, temporal
lobe size was most often found to be unchanged,94 but in a
few studies was found to be decreased (Hauser et al., 1989c;
Altshuler et al., 1991) or increased (Harvey et al., 1994;
Wilke et al., 2004). A recent meta-analysis using robust
threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004)
found that in six studies, bipolar patients compared with
controls had similar left (1 percent larger, p = .63) and right
(1 percent smaller, p = .55) temporal lobe volumes. In MDD
patients, temporal lobe size has often been found to be unchanged (Coffey et al., 1993b; Pantel et al., 1997; Bremner
et al., 2000), but has been reported to tend to be decreased
(Kumar et al., 1996, 2000). Decreased left temporal cortical
(including hippocampus) gray matter density has been
observed in chronic MDD patients (Shah et al., 1998).
Later-onset compared with earlier-onset MDD patients
had more left medial temporal volume decreases (Greenwald et al., 1997).
In summary, the findings of the above studies suggest
that bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy
controls have decreased frontal/prefrontal and cerebellar
volumes. In addition, MDD patients appear to have hippocampal volume decreases. To varying degrees, these observations are supported by clinical correlations, but metaanalyses are currently lacking. In contrast, amygdala and
temporal lobe volumes have been found to be variable in
mood disorders.

Other Structural Neuroimaging Findings

Caudate volumes may be unchanged,95 decreased (in elderly manic patients) (Bocksberger et al., 1996; Lyoo et al.,
2006), or increased (Aylward et al., 1994; Strakowski et al.,
1999; Wilke et al., 2004) in bipolar patients; Aylward and
colleagues (1994) found increased caudate volumes in men
but not women with bipolar disorder. In a study of
monozygotic twins with and without bipolar disorder,
those with the disorder were found to have increased caudate volumes compared with their normal co-twins. (Noga
et al., 2001). A recent meta-analysis using robust threshold
criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in
seven studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had


similar (3 percent larger, p = .25) total caudate volumes.

Caudate volumes may be decreased in MDD patients
(Krishnan et al., 1992, 1993; Greenwald et al., 1997; Parashos
et al., 1998) or unchanged.96 Later-onset compared with
earlier-onset MDD patients showed greater left caudate
volume decreases (Greenwald et al., 1997).
Compared with controls, putamen volumes were found
to be unchanged97 or increased (in adolescent and firstepisode patients and nearly so in multiple-episode patients)98 in bipolar disorder and unchanged (Pillay et al.,
1998; Lenze and Sheline, 1999) or decreased99 in MDD. In
one study that failed to detect caudate and putamen volume differences, anterior and ventral striatal shape differences were seen in drug-naive (but not drug-treated) bipolar patients compared with healthy controls (Lyoo et al.,
2006). A recent meta-analysis using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in six
studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had similar (2 percent larger, p = .20) total putamen volumes. A
postmortem study found decreased bilateral external pallidum and right putamen volumes in a heterogeneous
group of four MDD, two bipolar, and two schizoaffective
patients compared with controls (Baumann et al., 1999).
In healthy volunteers, caudate (Jernigan et al., 1991;
Krishnan et al., 1992; Murphy et al., 1992) and putamen
(Husain et al., 1991) volumes were found to decrease with
age; such age-related decreases were also observed in MDD
patients (Husain et al., 1991; Krishnan et al., 1992). In another study, age was found to be correlated inversely with
left putamen volume in bipolar patients but not healthy
controls (Brambilla et al., 2001a), while in geriatric mania
patients, putamen volumes failed to be correlated with age
but were found to be correlated inversely with age at illness
onset (Young et al., 1996). In MDD patients, left putamen
volume was observed to decrease with illness duration,
while left globus pallidus volume was found to increase
with episode number. Illness duration was likewise found
to be correlated with putamen volume decreases in bipolar
patients (Brambilla et al., 2001a).
Thus basal ganglia volumes have been found to vary in
bipolar and MDD patients, with some variability possibly
being accounted for by age at illness onset. In contrast, 8 of
15 MRI studies in schizophrenia found enlargement of
basal ganglia structures (for a review see Shenton et al.,
1997). Medications may yield confounding effects, as typical antipsychotics may result in increased striatal volumes
(Chakos et al., 1994).
Thalamic volumes may be unchanged100 or increased
(Dupont et al., 1995b; Strakowski et al., 1999) in bipolar
patients. Thus Lochhead and colleagues (2004) reported
increased thalamic gray matter density (but not volume)
in patients with bipolar disorder, while McIntosh and



colleagues (2004) found that bipolar patients compared

with controls had decreased thalamic gray matter density.
Thalamic volumes may be unchanged,101 decreased (Dupont
et al., 1995b; Kwon et al., 2002), or tend to be increased
(Buchsbaum et al., 1997a) in MDD patients. A recent metaanalysis using robust threshold criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in five studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had similar (2 percent larger,
p = .54) total thalamus volumes. Decreased thalamus volumes were seen in MRI studies of schizophrenic patients
compared with controls in four of five studies (Shenton
et al., 1997) and compared with bipolar patients in the study
of McDonald and colleagues (2005).
Pituitary volumes in unipolar patients were found to be
unchanged in two studies (Schwartz et al., 1997; Sassi et al.,
2001) and increased in two studies (Krishnan et al., 1991;
MacMaster and Kusumakar, 2004) (and perhaps are even
related to the degree of adrenal escape from dexamethasone
suppression; see Axelson et al., 1992). Pituitary volumes were
observed to be decreased in patients with bipolar disorder
(Sassi et al., 2001) and unchanged with seasonal affective
disorder (Schwartz et al., 1997). This variability in findings
may be related to differential changes in HPA function
within and across disorders.
Corpus callosum size has been reported to be decreased
(Coffman et al., 1990; Brambilla et al., 2003b) or unchanged
(Hauser et al., 1989b) in bipolar patients, and unchanged102
or increased in the anterior and posterior subregions in
MDD (Wu et al., 1993) and familial MDD patients. One
MRI study found that bipolar (but not MDD) patients
compared with healthy controls had decreased signal intensity in all subregions of the corpus callosum (Brambilla
et al., 2004).
Healthy volunteers have cerebral asymmetry, with right
wider than left frontal lobes and left wider than right occipital lobes. In schizophrenia, increased incidence of reversal of this cerebral asymmetry pattern has been reported
in some but not other studies. In mood disorder patients,
three studies (Weinberger et al., 1982; Tsai et al., 1983; Dewan et al., 1987) found no evidence for and one study
(Tanaka et al., 1982) found a trend toward an increased
incidence of reversed cerebral asymmetry.
Similar global cerebral volumes have commonly been
observed in bipolar103 and MDD104 patients compared
with healthy controls (see Box 151). However, some studies found decreased total cerebral volumes in adolescents
with bipolar disorder (Blumberg et al., 2003c; DelBello
et al., 2004; Lyoo et al., 2006). Another study found that latelife MDD patients compared with controls had decreased
relative (total brain/total intracranial) but similar absolute
(total brain) volumes (Kumar et al., 2000). A meta-analysis
(Hoge et al., 1999) of seven studies,105 however, found that

BOX 151. Structural Neuroimaging Findings

in Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder
Patients Compared with Healthy Controls

Increased lateral ventricular enlargementa

Increased cortical sulcal enlargementa
Increased third ventricular enlargement
Increased subcortical hyperintensities (younger and older
bipolar, older MDD patients)a
Frontal and prefrontal volume decreases
Cerebellar volume decreases
Hippocampal volume decreases (in MDD)a
Similar global cerebral volumesa

Confirmed with meta-analyses.

a total of 160 bipolar patients and 215 controls had similar

total cerebral volumes, with a negligible composite effect
size of .04 (p = .56) and a 95 percent confidence interval of
.17 to .25. A recent meta-analysis using robust threshold
criteria for inclusion (McDonald et al., 2004) found that in
11 studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had
similar (1 percent smaller, p = .26) total cerebral volumes.
In 5 studies, bipolar patients compared with controls had
similar total gray (1 percent smaller, p = .71) and white (1
percent smaller, p = .66) matter volumes. In contrast, a
meta-analysis of 27 studies revealed decreased total cerebral
volumes in schizophrenic patients compared with healthy
controls, with a small but significant composite effect size
of .26 (p <.0001) and a 95 percent confidence interval of
.35 to .15 (Ward et al., 1996).
Global cortical gray matter volumes in MDD patients
may be unchanged (Dupont et al., 1995b; Pillay et al.,
1997), and in bipolar patients may be diffusely decreased
(Lim et al., 1999) or unchanged.106 In the study of Sassi and
colleagues (2002b), total gray matter volumes were found
to be increased in lithium-treated bipolar patients compared with untreated bipolar patients and healthy controls.
Notably, lithium treatment for 4 weeks appeared to increase prefrontal gray matter volume in unmedicated depressed adult bipolar-I patients (Moore et al., 2000b). Cortical white matter volumes in bipolar patients may tend to
be decreased (Strakowski et al., 1993b) or unchanged (Lim
et al., 1999). In the former study, bipolar patients tended to
have decreased global white and unchanged gray matter,
and therefore an increased gray/white ratio (Strakowski
et al., 1993b).
Thus, the above studies comparing mood disorder patients with healthy controls have yielded variable findings
for caudate, putamen, and thalamus volumes, and have
generally been negative for whole-brain volumes. Methodological advances allowing segmentation of gray and white

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

matter may enhance the detection of volumetric abnormalities in future studies.


Studies of cerebral activity reflect integrated effects of multiple neurotransmitters and thus have the strength of being
able to detect where function is altered, even if such alteration is related to actions of multiple neurochemicals on
complex networks, such as anterior cortical/anterior paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits. Such studies
are limited in their ability to detect what function is altered,
however. Studies of cerebral activity responses to specific
neurochemical challenges can, to a limited extent, address
what function is altered, as they reflect the integrated multineurotransmitter responses related to alterations in specific
In contrast, studies of specific cerebral neurochemistry
provide data regarding effects on discrete neurochemicals
and thus have the strength of being able to detect more
specifically what function is altered. They may be somewhat
limited, however, in their ability to detect where function
is altered, as they are sensitive only to effects on specific
neurochemicals rather than integrated responses related to
complex actions of multiple neurochemicals. Also, at least
for MRS, poorer spatial resolution (compared with studies
of cerebral activity) limits detection of where function is
Clinical studies in mood disorder patients have detected
changes in cerebral activity and alterations in specific cerebral neurochemistry in anterior cortical/anterior paralimbic
basal gangliathalamocortical circuits. Studies of cerebral
activity are reviewed in the sections below, followed by a
review of studies of specific cerebral neurochemistry using
MRS. Studies of specific cerebral neurochemistry using
positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon
emission computed tomography (SPECT) with specific
neurochemical radiotracers are reviewed in Chapter 14.
Studies of cerebral activity include assessments of cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRglu) and CBF. PET
with fluorine-18-deoxylglucose (18FDG) assesses CMRglu,
and with oxygen-15 water (H15
O) measures CBF. SPECT
with 99mTc-HMPAO, technetium-99m-exametazime (99mTcEMZ), and N-isopropyl-p-123I-iodoamphetamine (123IMP)
reflects CBF, and with xenon (133Xe) assesses cortical CBF.
In addition, fMRI studies yield neurophysiological data
considered related to cerebral activity.
CMRglu and CBF generally correlate with one another,107 although uncoupling can occur with some (Fox
and Raichle, 1986; Hallett et al., 1994) but not other (Ginsberg et al., 1988) activation paradigms. Preliminary evidence suggests that global and regional uncoupling of CBF


(while performing a passive introspection task) and CMRglu (while performing an auditory continuous performance task) may occur in MDD patients, but not in bipolar
patients or healthy volunteers (Dunn et al., 2005). In another study, MDD patients compared with healthy controls were found to have differential left basal ganglia coupling of simultaneously assessed resting CBF and CMRglu
(Conca et al., 2000).
CMRglu changes with age. Thus, gray matter CMRglu
is low at birth, rises rapidly to adult values by age 2 years,
continues to rise to supra-adult values between ages 3 and
12, then declines to adult rates again by the latter part of the
second decade (Chugani et al., 1987), similar to the nonlinear developmental patterns seen with gray matter volume
(Giedd et al., 1999) and ratios of NAA to choline (Horska
et al., 2002). In healthy adults, CMRglu tends to decrease
with age,108 but there is some variability in findings in this
regard.109 Differential regional effects may contribute to
such variability. For example, Willis and colleagues (2002)
found that in adults, increased age was correlated with decreased global and widespread cortical and increased cerebellar and focal occipital cortical CMRglu.
Although gender has not been found to be related to
global CMRglu in most studies,110 regional differences
have been reported. Thus, CMRglu in healthy women
compared with men was found to be increased in widespread (Baxter et al., 1987a; Yoshii et al., 1988; Willis et al.,
2002) and orbital and medial frontal, caudate, and posterior cingulate regions (Andreason et al., 1994), the thalamus (Murphy et al., 1996), and the cerebellum (Volkow
et al., 1997). Compared with men, however, women were
observed to have decreased anterior paralimbic (Andreason et al., 1994) and hippocampal (Murphy et al., 1996) or
generally similar (Miura et al., 1990) CMRglu. Phase of
menstrual cycle may contribute to this variability, as only
two studies attempted to control for this parameter (Baxter et al., 1987b; Volkow et al., 1997). Indeed, healthy women
during midfollicular phase (lower estradiol and progesterone) were found to have increased thalamic, prefrontal,
temporoparietal, and inferior temporal CMRglu, and during midluteal phase (higher estradiol and progesterone) to
have increased superior temporal, anterior temporal,
occipital, cerebellar, cingulate and anterior insular CMRglu
(Reiman et al., 1996).

Cerebral Activity in Affective Processing

in Healthy Volunteers
Functional neuroimaging studies in healthy subjects yield
important contributions to our understanding of the neural substrates of affective processing. In addition, assessments of regional cerebral function in healthy volunteers
provide bases for comparison with mood disorder patients.



For example, activity in anterior compared with posterior

cerebral structures is commonly relatively increased (hyperfrontality) in health and relatively decreased (hypofrontality) in depression. Because cerebral function may
vary with age and gender, it is important to match patients with healthy controls on these parameters.
The amygdala appears to be important in processing
emotional stimuli, especially fear. Amygdala activation was
found to be present in 10 studies of emotion evaluation of
facial visual stimuli111 and absent in only 1 (Sprengelmeyer
et al., 1998). Anterior cingulate/medial frontal gyrus/basal
forebrain was implicated in 7 studies of facial emotion
evaluation112 and not implicated in 3 (Breiter et al., 1996;
Morris et al., 1998a; Sprengelmeyer et al., 1998). For both
amygdala and anterior cingulate, laterality effects were modest. In spite of considerable variability in paradigms, these
studies provide substantial support for amygdala involvement in evaluation of facial emotion, particularly for fearful expressions.
Emerging data indicate that mood disorder patients have
attenuated cerebral activation while performing affective
processing tasks. For example, these patients compared
with healthy controls were found to have attenuated temporal and right insula activation during matching of faces
for varied emotions (George et al., 1997a). In another study,
adult bipolar patients (about half of whom had mood elevation) compared with healthy controls showed attenuated
dorsolateral prefrontal and increased amygdala activation
during fearful facial affect recognition (Yurgelun-Todd
et al., 2000). In yet another study, manic patients were observed to lack the anterior cingulate and amygdala activation seen in healthy controls during sad facial affect recognition (Lennox et al., 1999). As noted below, the regions
showing baseline resting deficits in depressed patients tend
to fail to respond in activation studies.
Studies of induction of sadness and happiness have
yielded variable findings. Restricting attention to studies using recall of sad events (some of which also used viewing
faces), amygdala activation was found to be present in six
sadness induction studies113 but absent in eight.114 On the
other hand, amygdala changes were seen in only two happiness induction studies (Schneider et al., 1995, 1997) and absent in eight.115 There was a tendency for left-sided amygdala
activation to predominate in sadness induction (four left,
one bilateral, one right), and left-sided amygdala changes
in happiness induction (one left increase, one left decrease).
Thus, affective valence appeared to be related more to the
presence or absence than to the laterality of activation.
Anterior cingulate/medial frontal gyrus changes were seen
in eight sadness induction studies116 but absent in six.117
These changes were present in only four happiness induction studies118 and absent in six.119 Gender may be an

important factor in sadness induction. Three studies (Pardo

et al., 1993; George et al., 1996; Schneider et al., 2000)
found more widespread activation in women compared
with men.
Affect induction can influence cerebral activation during
the performance of cognitive tasks. Thus in healthy volunteers, transient sadness induction yielded increased orbitofrontal cortical and decreased rostral medial prefrontal
cortical CBF (Baker et al., 1997). Moreover, during transient
sadness, subjects had attenuated verbal fluency taskinduced left prefrontal, premotor, cingulate, and thalamic
activation. The authors noted that the pattern of transient
sadnessinduced modulation of verbal fluencyinduced
activations overlapped with resting-state findings of decreased function in these regions in depressed patients.
Pharmacological emotion/mood induction studies have
suggested variable cerebral effects across drugs, or even with
the same drug across individuals. There are many potential
sources of such variability, which may on occasion provide
insights into affective processing. In the study of Ketter and
colleagues (1996b), for example, acute intravenous procaine
yielded robust transient affective experiences ranging from
intense euphoria to profound dysphoria. Variability in clinical responses was accompanied by systematic variability in
anterior paralimbic responses. That is, in the left amygdala,
euphoria occurred with deactivation, and dysphoria was
observed with activation.
Physiological and pharmacological induction of affective
experiences appears to be accompanied by changes in overlapping anterior paralimbic circuits. Thus, induction of transient sadness or dysphoria by recall of sad events (George
et al., 1995b) or by acute intravenous procaine (Ketter et al.,
1996b) yielded overlapping anterior paralimbic CBF patterns
(see Fig. 156).
There are fewer studies of induction of more sustained
affective experiences that could perhaps provide more
temporally appropriate models of moods. Ketter and
colleagues (1996b) found that sustained (30-minute) selfinduced sadness yielded decreased metabolism in paralimbic regions that overlapped those where increases were
noted with transient sadness induction in other studies.
These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that
in vulnerable individuals, repeated, prolonged, or intense
cerebral activations associated with negative affective experiences may deplete neurochemical substrates, diminishing cerebral metabolism and leading to clinical depression.
Similarly, putative hypermetabolism in mania may eventually result in decreased metabolism and postmania depression. Additional functional neuroimaging studies are
needed to explore such hypotheses.
Taken together, neuroimaging studies in healthy volunteers suggest that anterior paralimbic structures (especially

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging


Figure 156. Overlapping limbic regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) activation with transient induced emotion. Anterior paralimbic activation accompanies both neuropsychologically and pharmacologically induced acute affective changes in healthy volunteers. Images are statistical parametric maps
of cerebral blood flow activation in black rendered on the mesial aspect of the left hemisphere. Left: Regions activated during transient self-induced sadness in 11 healthy women (George et al., 1995b). Right:
Regions activated during acute intravenous procaineinduced affective symptoms in 32 healthy
volunteers (Ketter et al., 1996b).

amygdala and anterior cingulate) contribute importantly

to affective processing (particularly fear recognition and
transient sadness induction). Emerging data suggest that
mood disorder patients compared with healthy controls
have differential activation patterns related to affective

Cerebral Activity in Depression

Functional neuroimaging studies have generally implicated
anterior cortical and paralimbic changes in cerebral activity in depression, not only in bipolar disorder and MDD,
but also in mood disorders secondary to medical and neurological conditions.
Decreased global cerebral activity has been observed in
depressed mood disorder patients compared with healthy
controls. Thus, global cerebral activity in depressed bipolar patients has commonly been found to be decreased,120
but has also been found to be unchanged (Rush et al., 1982;
Buchsbaum et al., 1984; Cohen et al., 1989) or increased
(Buchsbaum et al., 1986). One study found that depressed
and mixed-state bipolar patients had lower global CMRglu
than manic bipolar patients, euthymic bipolar patients,
and depressed MDD patients (Baxter et al., 1985). In depressed MDD patients compared with controls, global activity has commonly been found to be decreased,121 but
has also been observed to be unchanged122 or increased
(Buchsbaum et al., 1986). Thus, a substantial number of
studies have detected decreased global cerebral activity in
depressed mood disorder patients compared with healthy
controls. Findings vary, however, with about half of the

studies detecting decreased and about half similar global

cerebral activity in mood disorder patients compared with
healthy controls. Of importance, there has been only one
report of increased global cerebral activity in depressed
mood disorder patients compared with healthy controls
(Buchsbaum et al., 1986).
Variability in findings relative to global cerebral activity
in depressed mood disorder patients may be related to
methodological or demographic differences, or to limited
statistical power due to small sample sizes. Moreover, decreased global activity may be more evident in subgroups
of depressed patients. Thus, two studies found that global
CMRglu was or tended to be decreased in treatmentresistant moderately to severely depressed (but not relatively euthymic) bipolar (Ketter et al., 2001) and MDD
(Kimbrell et al., 2002) patients. Global decreases also appeared to be more evident in depressed patients with advanced age and severe depression (Sackeim et al., 1993) or
marked weight loss (Delvenne et al., 1997a). Additional
factors may contribute to global changes in cerebral activity. For example, in post-thyroidectomy (for thyroid cancer) patients, global CMRglu and CBF were found to be
decreased when patients were hypothyroid (with about
half also having developed significant depression) after
withdrawal of thyroid replacement compared with when
they were euthyroid on thyroid replacement (Constant
et al., 2001). Moreover, in treatment-resistant mood disorder patients, global CMRglu and CBF were found to be correlated inversely with plasma thyrotropin (Marangell et al.,
1997), suggesting that even within the euthyroid range,



global cerebral activity decreases with reductions in thyroid

Decreased dorsolateral prefrontal activity is the most consistent regional finding in depressed bipolar patients imaged
in either the resting condition or while carrying out continuous performance tasks. Thus, studies have commonly detected decreased dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity, inO
cluding CMRglu using 18FDG PET,123 and CBF using H15
PET (Ketter et al., 1996b) or 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT (Ebert
et al., 1993; Ito et al., 1996). Nine of the above studies found
bilateral, one found left lateralized (Buchsbaum et al., 1997a),
and one found right lateralized (Cohen et al., 1989) decreases, and none found increases in depressed bipolar patients compared with controls. A few studies, however, failed
to detect differences between depressed bipolar patients and
healthy controls (Cohen et al., 1992; Goyer et al., 1992; Tutus
et al., 1998b).
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortical activity has also commonly been found to be decreased in depressed MDD
patients compared with healthy controls. These findings
include CMRglu assessed with 18FDG124 and carbon-11
glucose (11C-glucose) PET (Kishimoto et al., 1987). They also
include CBF assessed with oxygen-15 carbon dioxide (C15O2)
PET (Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Dolan et al., 1992) and with
SPECT employing 99mTc-HMPAO,125 99mTc-EMZ (Austin
et al., 1992; Curran et al., 1993), 123IMP (OConnell et al.,
1989; Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990), and gold-195m (195mAu)

(Schlegel et al., 1989a). Most of these studies found bilateral

decreases, but six found left126 and three found right (Lesser
et al., 1994; Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kimbrell et al., 2002) lateralized decreases. However, slightly fewer than half of the
studies in depressed MDD patients compared with healthy
controls found similar127 and three found increased (Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Tutus et al., 1998b; Abou-Saleh et al., 1999)
dorsolateral prefrontal activity.
Hypofrontality also has commonly been reported in depression secondary to diverse neurological and medical diseases128 or other psychiatric disorders.129 Moreover, return
of depressive symptoms induced by depletion of tryptophan (Bremner et al., 1997) and norepinephrine (Bremner
et al., 2003) in MDD patients who had responded to SSRIs
and desipramine, respectively, was found to be accompanied by decreased dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal
metabolism. Similarly, tryptophan depletioninduced return of depressive symptoms in MDD patients was found
to be accompanied by decreased ventral anterior cingulate,
orbitofrontal cortex CBF (Smith et al., 1999). Taken together, the above findings suggest the possibility of hypofrontality being a common pathway contributing to depressive symptoms, to some extent independently of illness
etiology (primary versus secondary) and subtype (bipolar
disorder versus MDD) (see Fig. 157).
Anterior cerebral CBF and CMRglu decreases often have
been found to be correlated with the severity of primary130

Figure 157. Hypofrontality in secondary and primary depression. Transaxial images depicting cerebral metabolic rate (CMR) for glucose in patients with (top row) and without (bottom row) depression. Arrows indicate decreased frontal metabolism in patients with depression secondary to neurological disorders, as well as in those with primary (unipolar) depression. (Source: Reproduced with
permission from Mayberg et al., 1994.)

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging


Figure 158. Regional cerebral metabolism in moderately to severely depressed unmedicated bipolar
patients compared with healthy controls. Z-maps of differences in absolute (top) and normalized (bottom) cerebral metabolism in 17 moderately to severely depressed unmedicated bipolar patients compared with 17 healthy controls. The legend indicates two-tailed p values. Numbers in the upper right
corners indicate distances from the intercommissural plane. L = left. Absolute prefrontal and anterior
paralimbic cortical metabolic decreases and normalized anterior paralimbic subcortical metabolic increases evident in these images may be state markers for depression in bipolar disorder. Decreased dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal activity has commonly been reported in other studies of bipolar
depression. Left (L) ventrolateral structures failed to show the absolute metabolic decreases seen in
other prefrontal cortical regions in these moderately to severely depressed bipolar patients (top) or the
relative metabolic increases seen in left ventrolateral structures in mildly depressed bipolar patients
(Fig. 159, bottom). (Source: Ketter et al., 2001.)

and secondary131 depression. Some studies have failed to

detect such a relationship, however.132
The variability in the above findings may be related in part
to differences in affective symptoms. Osuch and colleagues
(2000) found depression ratings to be directly correlated
with bilateral medial frontal, right anterior cingulate, and
right dorsolateral prefrontal globally normalized metabolism. In contrast, anxiety ratings were found to be correlated
directly with right parahippocampal and left anterior cingulate and inversely with cerebellum, left fusiform, left superior
temporal, left angular gyrus, and left insula globally normalized metabolism. Another study found that parietal operculum, posterior cingulate, left parahippocampus, and ventral
thalamus metabolism increased, while bilateral ventrolateral
prefrontal cortical metabolism decreased, with degree of
depression in MDD patients (Drevets et al., 2002c). In addition, dorsal and posterior cingulate and inferior bank of

superior temporal sulcus metabolism was found to increase

with degree of dysfunctional depressive automatic thoughts.
Also of interest, depressed patients with versus those without cognitive impairment were found to have decreased
anterior medial prefrontal CBF (Dolan et al., 1992). The
degree of cognitive impairment was found to be correlated
with the degree of decrease (Dolan et al., 1994). Ketter and
colleagues (2001) found that moderately to severely (but
not mildly) unmedicated depressed bipolar patients compared with controls carrying out a continuous performance
task had decreased absolute prefrontal and anterior paralimbic cortical and increased normalized anterior paralimbic
and subcortical metabolism (see Fig. 158). Moreover, the
degree of depression was found to be correlated negatively
with absolute prefrontal and paralimbic cortical and positively with normalized anterior paralimbic subcortical
metabolism. This study also found, however, that in mildly



(but not moderately to severely) unmedicated depressed

bipolar patients compared with healthy controls, relative
(i.e., normalized to whole brain) metabolic activity was increased in the left prefrontal cortex, including ventrolateral
structures such as the inferior frontal gyrus (see Fig. 159)
a finding reported in some studies of unmedicated depressed MDD patients imaged in the resting condition.133
Of interest, left ventrolateral structures, such as the inferior frontal gyrus in moderately to severely depressed
bipolar patients, failed to show the absolute metabolic decreases seen in other prefrontal cortical regions (Fig. 158,
top) or the relative metabolic increases seen in mildly
depressed bipolar patients (Fig. 159, bottom). Taken together, these observations are consistent with the view that
the topography of cerebral functional changes may be
related to the degree of depression in bipolar disorder.
Moderately to severely (but not mildly) depressed bipolar patients compared with healthy controls also were found
to have increased normalized metabolism in subcortical

paralimbic structures, including ventral striatum, thalamus, and right amygdala (Fig. 158, bottom), consistent
with a corticolimbic dysregulation model of depression
positing that dorsal neocortical hypofunction may lead to
ventral paralimbic overactivity or vice versa (Mayberg,
1997; Drevets, 1999, 2000) (see Fig. 1510). Relative activation of bilateral medioposterior thalamus was also seen,
consistent with altered thalamic relay and gating function
with respect to communication between subcortical and
cortical regions. Drevets and colleagues (1995, 2002c) confirmed the findings of elevated metabolism in the right
amygdala and ventral striatum, as well as elevated metabolism in the left amygdala, in depressed bipolar patients relative to healthy controls. Increased ventral striatum and
left amygdala metabolism has also been reported in depressed MDD patients meeting criteria for melancholia or
familial pure depressive disease.134
Another study found decreased CBF (by H15
and CMRglu in the prefrontal cortex ventral to the genu of

Figure 159. Regional cerebral metabolism in mildly depressed unmedicated bipolar patients compared with healthy controls. Z-maps of differences in absolute (top) and normalized (bottom) cerebral
metabolism in 16 mildly depressed unmedicated bipolar patients compared with 16 healthy controls.
The legend indicates two-tailed p values. Numbers in the upper right corners indicate distances from
the intercommissural plane. L = left. Increased normalized (but not absolute) metabolism was noted in
left (L) inferior, middle, and superior frontal gyri; left insula and left transverse temporal gyrus; left
postcentral gyrus; lingular gyrus, cuneus, and hippocampus; and bilateral cerebellum (sparsely). In
contrast, decreased normalized (but not absolute) metabolism was noted in right inferior and middle
temporal gyri. Ventrolateral metabolic increases have also been reported in depressed unmedicated
major depressive disorder patients in the resting state. (Source: Ketter and Drevets, 2002.)

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging


Figure 1510. Corticolimbic dysregulation model of depression. Regions with known anatomical
connections are grouped into two compartments: dorsal (black) and ventral (gray). Curved black arrows
and color-filled regions emphasize inverse correlations between right dorsal prefrontal cortex (dFr
9/46, in black) and subgenual cingulate (Cg 25, in gray) seen with both transient sadness in healthy
volunteers (Fr decreases, Cg increases) and mood symptom resolution in depressed patients
(Fr increases, Cg decreases). Nonshaded regions are potentially critical to the schematic model. Short
black arrows indicate known subcortical pathways. Numbers are Brodmann area designations.
Abbreviations, from top to bottom: dFr = dorsolateral prefrontal; inf Par = inferior parietal; dCg = dorsal
anterior cingulate; pCg = posterior cingulate; Cg 24a = rostral anterior cingulate; BG = basal ganglia;
Th = thalamus; aIns = anterior insula; Hc = hippocampus; Cg25 = subgenual cingulate; Hth = hypothalamus;
mb-p = midbrain-pons. (Source: Reproduced with permission from Mayberg et al., 1999.)

the corpus callosum (subgenual) in both depressed familial bipolar disorder and depressed familial MDD patients
(Drevets et al., 1997) (see Fig. 1511). Decreased subgenual
prefrontal cortical activity was accompanied by reductions
in gray matter volume (Drevets et al., 1997; Hirayasu et al.,
1999), as noted above (Fig. 155). Of interest, Kimbrell and
colleagues (2002) reported that subgenual anterior cingulate metabolism was correlated inversely with the number of
lifetime depressive episodes in MDD patients. In contrast,
Videbech and colleagues (2002) found that nonfamilial
depressed MDD patients compared with healthy controls
had increased subgenual prefrontal cortical activity.
Drevets (1999) observed that, although baseline subgenual prefrontal cortical CBF and metabolism appeared to be
abnormally decreased in PET images during depressive
episodes, computer simulations that corrected the PET data
for the partial volume effect of reduced gray matter volume
suggested that the actual metabolic activity in the remaining subgenual prefrontal cortical tissue may be increased in
depressive patients relative to controls and decrease to normative levels during effective treatment. This result appears
to be compatible with evidence that effective antidepressant pharmacotherapy results in a decrease in metabolic
activity in this region in MDD patients135 and that during

depressive episodes, metabolism shows a positive relationship with depression severity in both depressed bipolar (Ketter et al., 2001) and depressed MDD patients.136 This mood
state dependency of subgenual prefrontal cortical metabolism is also consistent with functional neuroimaging data
showing that CBF increases in this region in healthy, nondepressed individuals during sadness induced internally by
contemplation of sad thoughts or memories (George et al.,
1995b; Damasio et al., 1998; Mayberg et al., 1999).
Variable anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal activity has
been noted in other studies of depressed bipolar patients.
Some studies of such patients compared with healthy controls have detected decreased anterior cingulate/medial
prefrontal metabolism assessed with 18FDG PET (Buchsbaum et al., 1997a), and CBF assessed with H15
O PET (Ketter
et al., 1996b) and 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT (Ito et al., 1996).
One study detected decreased superior but increased inferior anterior cingulate metabolism in depressed (primarily
bipolar-II) patients with summer seasonal affective disorder (Goyer et al., 1992). Others, however, failed to detect
differences in anterior cingulate activity in depressed bipolar patients compared with healthy controls.137 In a study
by Ketter and colleagues (2001), anterior cingulate/medial
prefrontal metabolism was found to be similar in depressed



Figure 1511. Decreased subgenual prefrontal cortical metabolism in depressed patients with familial major depressive disorder and familial bipolar disorder. Coronal (31 mm anterior to the anterior
commissure, or y = 31) and sagittal (3 mm left of midline, or x = 3) sections showing negative voxel
t values where glucose metabolism was decreased in (7 bipolar and 10 unipolar) familial depressed
patients compared with controls. Decreased activity was accompanied by reduced gray matter volume
(Fig. 155). A = anterior, L = left, PFC = prefrontal cortex. (Source: Drevets, 2001; Drevets et al., 1997.
Reprinted with permission from Macmillam Publishers Ltd: Nature.)

and euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls, but

correlated positively with HAM-D scores in the bipolar
patients. Symptoms may be differentially related to anterior cingulate function. Thus in a combined sample of
bipolar and MDD patients, HAM-D scores were found to
be correlated directly with right anterior cingulate cerebral
metabolism and Spielberger Anxiety-State Scale scores with
left anterior cingulate cerebral metabolism (Osuch et al.,
There has also been variability in findings on anterior
cingulate/medial prefrontal activity in studies of depressed
MDD patients. Thus these patients have been reported to
have decreased anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal metabolism assessed with 18FDG PET138 and CBF assessed with
C15O2 (Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Dolan et al., 1992) and H215O
(Drevets et al., 1997) PET and with 99mTc-HMPAO139 and
Tc-EMZ (Curran et al., 1993) SPECT. Other studies of
depressed MDD patients compared with controls, however, have found unchanged140 or increased (Drevets et al.,
1992; Videbech et al., 2002) anterior cingulate activity. Also,
as noted below, subgroups of depressed MDD patients

may have increased anterior cingulate activity related to

subsequent response to sleep deprivation141 or fluoxetine
(Mayberg et al., 1997).
Decreased temporal cortical activity has been observed in
depressed mood disorder patients compared with healthy
controls. Thus several neuroimaging studies in depressed
bipolar patients compared with healthy controls have
found decreased temporal cortical metabolism with 18FDG
PET (Post et al., 1987; Cohen et al., 1989; Ketter et al., 2001)
and CBF assessed with H215O PET (Ketter et al., 1996a) and
Tc-HMPAO SPECT (Ito et al., 1996). One study detected
decreased posterior but increased anterior left temporal
cortical metabolism in depressed (primarily bipolar-II)
patients with summer seasonal affective disorder (Goyer
et al., 1992). Two of the above studies found bilateral (Ketter et al., 1996a, 2001), three found left (Cohen et al., 1989;
Goyer et al., 1992; Ito et al., 1996), and one found right
(Post et al., 1987) lateralized decreases. Other studies, however, found that depressed bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls had increased (Buchsbaum et al., 1997b)
or similar142 temporal cortical activity.

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

Depressed MDD patients may also have decreased temporal cortical activity. Thus these patients compared with
healthy controls were found to have decreased temporal
cortical metabolism with 18FDG143 and 11C-glucose PET
(Kishimoto et al., 1987) and increased CBF with H215O
PET (Drevets et al., 1992) and SPECT employing 99mTcHMPAO,144 99mTc-EMZ (Austin et al., 1992; Curran et al.,
1993; Edmonstone et al., 1994), 123IMP (OConnell et al., 1989;
Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990), and 195mAu (Schlegel et al.,
1989c). Most of the above studies found bilateral decreases,
but five found left145 and three found right (Hurwitz et al.,
1990; Drevets et al., 1992; Edmonstone et al., 1994) lateralized decreases. One group noted possible modest lateralized increases in right more than left temporal activity in
depressed MDD patients compared with medical controls
(Amsterdam and Mozley, 1992), which normalized with
recovery (Amsterdam et al., 1995). Other studies by this
group, however, failed to detect consistent laterality differences in depressed MDD patients compared with healthy
controls (Mozley et al., 1996; Hornig et al., 1997). Kowatch
and colleagues (1999) found increased temporal lobe CBF
in depressed adolescent MDD patients compared with
healthy controls. About half of the studies, however, found
that depressed MDD patients and healthy controls had
similar temporal cortical activity.146
Increased amygdala activity may occur in depressed
mood disorder patients compared with healthy controls.
Thus in comparison with healthy controls, increased amygdala activity has been noted in depressed bipolar patients
through 18FDG PET (Ketter et al., 2001; Drevets et al.,
2002b) and in depressed MDD patients through 18FDG
(Nofzinger et al., 1999; Drevets et al., 2002c) and H215O PET
(Drevets et al., 1992; Videbech et al., 2002) and 99mTc HMPAO SPECT (Kowatch et al., 1999). All of the above
studies yielded lateralized findings, with four detecting
left147 and two right (Kowatch et al., 1999; Ketter et al.,
2001) amygdala activity increases. In one of these studies,
left amygdala (but not right amygdala or hippocampus)
metabolism was found to be increased in both depressed
bipolar and depressed MDD patients, and positively correlated with stressed (PET scan) plasma cortisol levels in
both groups (Drevets et al., 2002a). This study also found
that in euthymic bipolar patients, left amygdala metabolism was elevated in those patients off but not on mood
stabilizers (Drevets et al., 2002c).
In an f MRI study, in a masked (outside of conscious
awareness) faces paradigm, depressed MDD patients were
found to have exaggerated left (but not right) amygdala activation in response to all faces that was even greater for
fearful faces (Sheline et al., 2001). In another study, although depressed MDD patients and controls were found
to have similar amygdala CMRglu, negative affect was


found to be correlated with right amygdala metabolism in

patients (Abercrombie et al., 1998). Depressed MDD patients who later responded to sleep deprivation were found
to have baseline increased left amygdala CMRglu in one
study (Wu et al., 1992) and right hippocampalamygdala
complex CBF in another (Ebert et al., 1991). Hornig and
colleagues (1997) found that treatment-resistant (but not
non-treatment-resistant) depressed MDD patients had increased bilateral amygdalahippocampal CBF. MDD patients who recovered on SSRIs and who had subsequent
tryptophan depletioninduced (Bremner et al., 1997) or
alpha-methylparatyrosineinduced (Bremner et al., 2003)
relapse, but not those who failed to relapse, tended to have
increased (laterality not stated) amygdala activity. In other
studies, however, amygdala activity was found to be similar
in depressed patients and controls.148
Compared with healthy controls, depressed MDD patients have shown increased (Ebert et al., 1991; Videbech
et al., 2001, 2002), decreased (Saxena et al., 2001), or unchanged (Conca et al., 2000) hippocampal activity.
Decreased basal ganglia activity in MDD patients during
depression has been observed in multiple studies. Thus
depressed MDD patients compared with healthy controls
were found to have decreased basal ganglia metabolism
with 18FDG PET149 and CBF with H215O PET (Drevets et al.,
1992) and with 99mTc-HMPAO150 and 99mTc-EMZ (Austin
et al., 1992; Curran et al., 1993; Edmonstone et al., 1994)
SPECT. However, Videbech and colleagues (2002) found
increased and most studies found similar151 basal ganglia
activity in depressed MDD patients compared with that
in healthy controls.
A few studies have indicated the possibility that depressed
bipolar patients have decreased basal ganglia activity. Thus
compared with healthy controls, these patients were found to
have decreased basal ganglia metabolism with 18FDG PET
(Baxter et al., 1985; Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Cohen et al.,
O PET (Ketter et al., 1996a). Buchs1989) and CBF with H15
baum and colleagues (1997) reported that metabolism in
depressed bipolar patients compared with controls was
found to be decreased in the left putamen but increased in
the entire striatum. In another study, moderately to severely
depressed bipolar patients showed relatively increased basal
ganglia metabolism compared with mildly depressed and
euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls (Ketter et al.,
2001). Other studies, however, failed to detect differences in
basal ganglia activity between depressed bipolar patients and
healthy controls.152
Studies have found both decreased (Baxter et al., 1985;
Buchsbaum et al., 1997b) and increased (Ketter et al., 2001)
thalamic metabolism assessed with 18FDG PET in depressed
bipolar patients compared with healthy controls. Several
other studies have failed to detect differences in thalamic



activity in depressed bipolar patients compared with healthy

Depressed MDD patients compared with healthy controls were found to have decreased thalamic metabolism
with 18FDG PET (Hagman et al., 1990; Buchsbaum et al.,
1997) and CBF with 99mTc-HMPAO (Mayberg et al., 1994;
Vasile et al., 1996; Kowatch et al., 1999) and SPECT with
Tc-EMZ (Austin et al., 1992; Curran et al., 1993). Two
studies, however, found increased thalamic activity (Drevets
et al., 1992; Saxena et al., 2001) and most found similar154
thalamic activity in depressed MDD patients compared
with healthy controls.
Increased cerebellar activity independent of mood state
has been observed in treatment-resistant bipolar patients
(Ketter et al., 2001). In another study, however, bipolar patients (mood state not specified) were found to have lower
cerebellar blood volume than that of control subjects
(Loeber et al., 1999). In the latter study, schizophrenic patients had higher cerebellar blood volume than that of
control subjects. Other studies have found similar cerebellar activity in depressed bipolar patients and healthy controls (Baxter et al., 1985; Ebert et al., 1993; Ketter et al.,
Increased cerebellar activity has also been reported in
depressed MDD patients with cognitive impairment (Bench
et al., 1992; Dolan et al., 1992) and moderate to severe depression (Videbech et al., 2001, 2002; Kimbrell et al., 2002).
However, Kumar and colleagues (1993) found decreased
cerebellar metabolism in depressed patients with late-life
MDD compared with healthy controls. Other studies
found similar cerebellar activity in depressed MDD patients and healthy controls (Baxter et al., 1985; Wu et al.,
1992; Biver et al., 1994).
In activation studies, mood disorder patients have also
manifested altered prefrontal and anterior paralimbic responses compared with healthy controls during diverse
conditions (for a more detailed review, see Malhi et al.,
2004): affective processing tasks, such as facial emotion
recognition (George et al., 1997a; Lennox et al., 1999;
Yurgelun-Todd et al., 2000), viewing of emotionally expressive faces,155 affect-inducing captioned pictures (Malhi et al.,
2004), and positive (Mitterschiffthaler et al., 2003) and negative (Davidson et al., 2003; Irwin et al., 2004) affective pictures; self-induced transient sadness156; and performance
of an emotional version of the Stroop color-word interference test (Malhi et al., 2005). These altered responses also
occurred during cognitive tasks, such as the conventional
Stroop test (George et al., 1997b; Blumberg et al., 2003a,b;
Kromhaus et al., 2006), complex planning (Elliott et al.,
1997), planning and guessing with and without feedback
(Elliott et al., 1998), word generation,157 working memory
(Adler et al., 2004), visuospatial working memory (Chang

et al., 2004), memory encoding (Bremner et al., 2004), and

reaction time and movement velocity scaling, as well as
during acute drug challenges with intravenous procaine
(Ketter et al., 1993), oral amphetamine (Trivedi et al., 1995),
and oral dl-fenfluramine (Mann et al., 1996). In addition,
during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep versus waking,
depressed MDD patients compared with healthy controls
did not show increased anterior paralimbic (including anterior cingulate) metabolism and had decreased gyrus rectus metabolism, but were found to have greater tectal and
left hemisphere (sensorimotor and inferior temporal cortex, uncal gyrusamygdala, and subicular complex) metabolic increases (Nofzinger et al., 1999). Also, during nonREM sleep, depressed MDD patients compared with
controls showed increased global and widespread regional
(especially posterior cingulate, amygdala, hippocampus,
occipital and temporal cortex, and pons) absolute metabolism and decreased prefrontal (especially medio-orbital
frontal), anterior cingulate, caudate, and medial thalamus
relative metabolism (Ho et al., 1996).
Activation studies may be able to detect cerebral functional differences not apparent with simpler (resting on
continuous performance task) behavioral paradigms. For
example, although resting and continuous performance
task studies have indicated overlapping frontal deficits in
schizophrenia and mood disorders, activation studies have
demonstrated dissociations. Thus, during the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test, frontal activation was found to be
blunted in schizophrenia but preserved in depression
(Berman et al., 1993). Similarly, during word generation,
frontal activation was blunted in schizophrenic but enhanced in euthymic bipolar patients (Curtis et al., 2001).
Moreover, activation studies may detect additional differences between euthymic mood disorder patients and healthy
controls. For example, both euthymic bipolar (Krger et al.,
2003) and euthymic MDD (Liotti et al., 2002) patients appear to have altered cerebral activation patterns with transient sadness induction.
Finally, return of depressive symptoms induced by
depletion of tryptophan (Bremner et al., 1997) and norepinephrine (Bremner et al., 2003) in MDD patients who had
responded to SSRIs and desipramine, respectively, was
found to be accompanied by decreased dorsolateral prefrontal and orbitofrontal metabolism. Of interest, increased baseline prefrontal and limbic metabolism predicted vulnerability to such return of depressive symptoms
induced by depletion of tryptophan (Bremner et al., 1997)
and norepinephrine (Bremner et al., 2003).
In summary, depressed bipolar and MDD patients compared with healthy controls have commonly been found to
have decreased global, dorsolateral prefrontal, and temporal cortical activity and increased amygdala activity. The

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

dorsolateral prefrontal finding is the most robust one and is

supported by clinical correlations. Basal ganglia but not
thalamus activity may also be decreased in depressed MDD
patients compared with controls, but there are only sparse
variable data for bipolar depression. Mood disorder patients compared with healthy controls have been found to
have variable anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal activity,
due perhaps in part to heterogeneity related to clinical parameters, such as symptoms and treatment response. Sparse
data raise the possibility that cerebellar activity may be increased in at least some mood disorder patients. Although
some studies have found lateralized effects, compelling lateralization patterns have not emerged across studies. The
above observations from resting or continuous performance task studies have generally been supported by findings from activation studies.

Effects of Mood State and Treatment

on Cerebral Activity
Most of the above-mentioned changes in activity in anterior
cortical and subcortical components of basal gangliathalamocortical circuits appeared to be state related, as they were
not evident in euthymic bipolar (Ketter et al., 2001) and
MDD (G. Goodwin et al., 1993; Bench et al., 1995) patients.
Possible exceptions include the amygdala, where Drevets and
colleagues (2002b) observed that metabolism was significantly elevated in a small sample of euthymic bipolar subjects who were not taking mood-stabilizing drugs, relative
both to healthy controls and to euthymic bipolar patients
taking mood stabilizers. In contrast, amygdala metabolism
did not differ between the bipolar subjects taking mood
stabilizers and healthy controls. The cerebellum may also
show normalized metabolic increases independent of mood
state in treatment-resistant bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls (Ketter et al., 2001).
Treatment responders compared with their depressed
pretreatment baseline often show attenuation (or resolution) of pretreatment cerebral functional abnormalities
with various therapies, including mood stabilizers (Ketter
et al., 1999), antidepressants,158 placebo (Mayberg et al.,
2002), psychotherapy (Brody et al., 2001b), thyroxine (Bauer
et al., 2005), phototherapy (Cohen et al., 1992; Vasile et al.,
1997), sleep deprivation,159 vagus nerve stimulation (Devous
et al., 2002), and (nonconvulsive) transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS) (George et al., 1995c; Pascual-Leone and
Pallard, 1996). Improvements in specific symptoms may
be related to normalization of activity in particular components of anterior cortical/anterior paralimbic basal
gangliathalamocortical circuits (Brody et al., 2001b).
There have been some discordant findings, however, such
as antidepressants exacerbating baseline abnormalities
(Nobler et al., 2000).


One report noted that in MDD patients, recovery from

depression was accompanied by metabolism (assessed
with 18FDG PET) increases in neocortical (right dorsolateral prefrontal, inferior parietal) structures and decreases
in limbicparalimbic (subgenual cingulate, anterior insula)
regions (Mayberg et al., 1999). That is, baseline abnormalities seen in depression were attenuated or reversed. Of interest, healthy volunteers experiencing transient sadness
had the reverse pattern involving the same regions, namely,
neocortical increases and limbic decreases in blood flow
assessed with H215O PET.
In contrast, successful ECT appears to exacerbate decreased anterior cerebral activity (Nobler et al., 1994; Scott
et al., 1994; Henry et al., 2001), although other patterns (including normalization) have also been reported (Bonne
et al., 1996b; Elizagarate et al., 2001; Mervaala et al., 2001).
This apparent divergence could be related to confounding
medication effects or to a different mechanism of action
of ECT.
Taken together, the above findings suggest that in many
instances, differences in cerebral activity in mood disorder
patients compared with healthy controls are commonly
state related, as they tend to be absent during euthymia and
generally attenuate or reverse with successful treatment.
Exceptions may occur, however, in specific regions, such as
amygdala and cerebellum; in specific subgroups, such as
treatment-resistant bipolar patients; and with specific
therapies, such as ECT.

Baseline Cerebral Activity Markers

of Treatment Response
Comparisons of baseline (pretreatment) cerebral activity
in patients who later respond or fail to respond to therapy
suggest possible baseline markers of treatment response.
Baseline left insular hypermetabolism may be a marker for
bipolar patients who are more likely to respond to carbamazepine, while hypometabolism in this region may be
related to response to nimodipine (Ketter et al., 1999). Depressed bipolar patients who later respond to valproate
may have low baseline rostral anterior cingulate and medial
frontal gyrus cerebral glucose metabolism (Ketter et al.,
2000). In contrast, depressed MDD patients who later respond to fluoxetine may have high baseline rostral anterior
cingulate cerebral glucose metabolism (Mayberg et al., 1997).
Thus, complementary baseline differences may be seen in
depressed bipolar responders to valproate and depressed
MDD responders to fluoxetine. Similarly, depressed MDD
patients who later responded to venlafaxine had increased
baseline anterior cingulate activation when viewing negative affective pictures (Davidson et al., 2003). Depressed
MDD patients who later responded to sertraline had increased baseline gyrus rectus metabolism (Buchsbaum



et al., 1997b). In one study of depressed MDD patients

compared with healthy controls, however, baseline left middle frontal gyral, bilateral medial prefrontal, and bilateral
temporal hypometabolism was seen in those who later
responded to venlafaxine or bupropion, whereas baseline
cerebellar hypometabolism was evident in those who later
failed to respond to these agents (Little et al., 1996). Selectively, compared with control subjects, bupropion responders also had cerebellar hypermetabolism, whereas venlafaxine responders showed bilateral temporal and basal
ganglia hypometabolism (Little et al., 2005). Anterior limbic hyperactivity appears to be a baseline marker for MDD
patients who obtain antidepressant responses from sleep
In MDD patients, degree of treatment resistance was
found to be correlated with left orbitofrontal metabolism (Kimbrell et al., 2002). Another study found that
medication-free treatment-resistant depression patients
had increased hippocampalamygdalar CBF compared
with non-treatment-resistant patients and healthy controls
(Hornig et al., 1997). Also, in patients with treatmentresistant mood disorders, widespread (including anterior
paralimbic) baseline hypometabolism was found to be associated with better responses to high-frequency (20 Hz)
TMS, while baseline hypermetabolism tended to be related
to better responses to low-frequency (1 Hz) TMS (Kimbrell et al., 1999). In another study, depressed responders
compared with nonresponders to (5 or 20 Hz) TMS had
baseline increased inferior frontal lobe CBF (Teneback
et al., 1999).
The above studies of baseline markers of treatment response offer preliminary evidence that pretreatment neuroimaging assessments of depressed mood disorder patients
may have features that distinguish subsequent responders
from nonresponders. Anterior paralimbic (especially anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal) regions may ultimately
prove to be of special interest in assessing baseline markers
of treatment response. At the same time, it should be noted
that the CMRglu and CBF studies reviewed above have
important limitations, including small sample sizes, varying methodology, and reliance on measures of cerebral
activity rather than assessment of specific neurochemical

Cerebral Activity in Mania, Hypomania,

and Rapid Cycling
Because of clinical considerations, there have been relatively few studies of cerebral activity during mania. Thus,
only sparse and equivocal data exist regarding changes in
global cerebral activity in mania. Kishimoto and colleagues (1987) noted widespread increases in 11C-glucose
uptake were noted in three medication-free manic patients

compared with controls. In another study, bipolar patients

in mixed (and depressed) states were found to have decreased global CMRglu compared with healthy controls
and manic bipolar patients (Baxter et al., 1985). One study
found that global cerebral metabolism in medication-free
hypomanic or euthymic bipolar patients did not differ
from that in healthy controls, but was increased compared
with bipolar patients in depressed or mixed states
(Schwartz et al., 1987); however, this finding was not replicated by Martinot and colleagues (1990). In other studies,
manic patients and controls were observed to lack global
differences (Silfverskild and Risberg, 1989; Rubin et al.,
There have been variable regional findings in manic patients. Frontal lobe activity was found to be decreased in
such patients in four studies.161 In one of these studies,
manic patients were found to have not only decreased resting orbitofrontal CBF but also decreased right rostral prefrontal and right orbital prefrontal CBF activation during
word generation (Blumberg et al., 1999). Frontal activity
was found to be increased, however, in five studies,162 with
the increased activity occurring in the anterior cingulate or
subgenual prefrontal cortex in four of these studies.163
Baxter and colleagues (1985, 1989) observed an increase in
frontal activity in manic compared with depressed bipolar
patients. Although lithium withdrawal generally led to decreased anterior cingulate activity, development of mania
with lithium withdrawal was found to be associated with
increased superior anterior cingulate activity (G. Goodwin
et al., 1997).
Temporal lobe activity in mania was found to be decreased in one study (Migliorelli et al., 1993), increased in
two studies (OConnell et al., 1995; Gyulai et al., 1997), and
mixed (decreased left amygdala and increased right temporal cortical) in one study (al-Mousawi et al., 1996). Basal
ganglia activity was observed to be increased in two studies (Drevets et al., 1995; Blumberg et al., 2000) and increased in about half of patients in another study (OConnell et al., 1995). Mania ratings were found to be correlated
positively with right temporal and caudate CBF by
OConnell and colleagues (1995), but negatively correlated
(a trend) with right basotemporal CBF by Migliorelli and
colleagues (1993).
Cerebellar blood volume in bipolar-I patients (primarily medicated and in the manic state) compared with controls was found to be similar overall and in patients on
lithium or valproate, but decreased in patients on conventional antipsychotics and increased in those on atypical
antipsychotics (Loeber et al., 2002). There have also been
a few functional neuroimaging studies in patients with
mania secondary to medications, alcohol or drug abuse,
or general medical conditions. Starkstein and colleagues

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

(1990) reported right temporal lobe hypometabolism in

three patients (two on lithium, one unmedicated) with
mania secondary to stroke (Starkstein et al., 1990).
In rapid-cycling bipolar patients, anterior temporal activity may be asymmetric when depressed, manic, or hypomanic but not when euthymic (Gyulai et al., 1997). Global
cerebral metabolism (Baxter et al., 1985) and blood flow
(Speer et al., 1997) may oscillate as mood state changes.
In summary, the locations of changes noted in neuroimaging studies are consistent with the broad notion
that altered anterior cortical/anterior paralimbic basal
gangliathalamocortical circuit activity may contribute importantly to the pathophysiology of mania. Unfortunately,
in contrast with depression, studies of mania have been too
sparse and had findings too variable (in terms of the location and direction of changes) to allow more meaningful
and specific conclusions. Thus, important issues such as the
degree to which the locations and directions of changes in
mania compared with depression overlap or are complementary remain to be resolved. For example, the available
data are insufficient to determine whether the same regions
that have decreased activity in depression have increased
activity in mania. Advances in research methodology are
needed to make neuroimaging studies in mania more feasible so these issues can be addressed.

Assessment of Specific Cerebral Neurochemistry

Studies of specific cerebral neurochemistry complement
studies of cerebral activity in that they can detect more
specifically what function is altered, and they are similar in
that they can detect where function is altered. Studies using
PET and SPECT with specific neurochemical radiotracers
to assess specific cerebral neurochemistry are discussed in
Chapter 14. Below we review studies using MRS. Clinical
MRS studies in patients with mood disorders have begun to
detect metabolite alterations in anterior cortical/anterior
paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits.

Proton (1H) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) allows determination of diverse cerebral metabolites, including NAA, cytosolic choline (Cho) compounds, myoinositol
(mI), compounds related to energy metabolism (creatine
[Cr], phosphocreatine [PCr]), and amino acids (gammaaminobutyric acid [GABA], glutamate). Metabolite concentrations may be assessed as absolute or relative (typically compared with Cr) measures.
N-acetylaspartate, an amino acid with putative roles in
amino acid metabolism and fatty acid and protein synthesis, is found in mature neurons and may reflect neuronal
density and integrity. Although findings vary, evidence is
accumulating to support NAA and NAA/Cr changes in


bipolar patients. Thus in bipolar patients compared with

healthy controls, NAA or NAA/Cr was found to be decreased in 8 studies,164 increased in 4 studies,165 and similar in 11 studies.166 In contrast, MDD patients and healthy
controls were found consistently to have similar NAA and
NAA/Cr across 11 studies,167 while only single studies
found decreased caudate NAA/Cr (Vythilingam et al.,
2003) and prefrontal NAA/Cr (but not NAA) (Gruber et
al., 2003) in MDD patients. In the latter study, decreased
prefrontal NAA/Cr in MDD appeared to be related to increased Cr (Gruber et al., 2003).
NAA and NAA/Cr findings in bipolar patients may
vary on a regional basis. Thus dorsolateral prefrontal
NAA or NAA/Cr in bipolar patients was found to be decreased in three studies (Winsberg et al., 2000; Chang et
al., 2001; Sassi et al., 2005) and similar to that of controls
in three studies (Bertolino et al., 2003; Michael et al., 2003.
While studies found that bipolar patients had decreased
medial prefrontal/orbitofrontal NAA (Cecil et al., 2002)
and tended to have decreased cerebellar vermis NAA/Cr
(Cecil, 2003), multiple other studies found that bipolar
patients and controls had similar NAA or NAA/Cr in
medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999; Frye et al.,
2001; Cecil et al., 2003), anterior cingulate,168 and frontal/
prefrontal169 regions.
In bipolar patients compared with controls, hippocampal NAA (Deicken et al., 2003a) and NAA/Cr (Bertolino
et al., 2003) were found to be decreased. In a post hoc analysis of the latter study, bipolar patients compared with those
without a history of alcohol abuse had higher hippocampal NAA/Cr (Frye et al., 2000). In another study, however,
bipolar patients and healthy controls displayed similar
temporal NAA (Moore et al., 2000b). First-episode psychosis patients (46 percent of whom had bipolar disorder)
were found to have decreased temporal NAA/Cr (Renshaw
et al., 1995). In contrast, euthymic bipolar patients on
lithium (but not valproate) showed increased temporal
NAA/Cr (T. Silverstone et al., 2003). In a postmortem study,
bipolar patients (most of whom had had psychotic symptoms) were found to have decreased superior temporal
(but not frontal) cortex NAA, consistent with the notion
that temporal lobe NAA deficits may be a common feature
of psychotic disorders (Nudmamud et al., 2003).
Bipolar patients compared with controls displayed decreased (Frye et al., 2001), increased (Sharma et al., 1992), or
similar170 basal ganglia NAA/Cr. Medication-free depressed
bipolar patients had increased left putamen NAA (Dager
et al., 2004). One study found increased NAA (Deicken
et al., 2001), but others found similar NAA (Dager et al.,
2004) or NAA/Cr (Bertolino et al., 2003) in the thalamus in
bipolar patients compared with healthy controls. Parietal
and occipital regions have consistently shown similar NAA



and NAA/Cr levels in bipolar patients and healthy controls171 and have commonly been used as control regions.
NAA has variable relationships with age.
In bipolar patients, some studies found that dorsolateral
prefrontal (Winsberg et al., 2000) and basal ganglia (Kato
et al., 1996a; Ohara et al., 1998) NAA/Cr decreased with age,
while others found no relationship between age and dorsolateral prefrontal NAA (Brambilla et al., 2005; Sassi et al.,
2005), dorsolateral prefrontal NAA/Cr in juveniles (Chang
et al., 2001), medial prefrontal NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1999),
hippocampal NAA/Cr (Bertolino et al., 2003), or basal ganglia NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1998). In a postmortem study
of bipolar patients, superior temporal lobe and frontal
NAA were not found to be related to age (Nudmamud et al.,
2003). In MDD patients, age was observed to affect caudate
NAA/Cr (Vythilingam et al., 2003), but not to be related to
anterior cingulate NAA (Pfleiderer et al., 2003) or basal ganglia NAA or NAA/Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998).
Variable, but most often negative, gender effects have
been reported for NAA and NAA/Cr. Hamakawa and colleagues (1998) detected an overall (in euthymic and depressed bipolar and MDD patients and healthy controls)
gender effect for left basal ganglia NAA (but not NAA/Cr),
but the direction of the effect was not specified. In other
studies, however, the same group noted no overall (in euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls) gender effect
on left basal ganglia NAA/Cr (Kato et al., 1996a) and no
overall (in euthymic and depressed bipolar patients and
healthy controls) gender effect on bilateral medial prefrontal NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1999). In a postmortem
study of bipolar patients, superior temporal lobe and frontal
NAA were not found to be related to gender (Nudmamud
et al., 2003).
NAA/Cr may vary across the menstrual cycle. Thus medial prefrontal (but not occipital) NAA/Cr was found to
decline from follicular to luteal phase in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) by 19 percent and
in healthy controls by 16 percent, and there were no statistically significant differences in NAA/Cr between these
groups (Rasgon et al., 2001).
Although in one study, bipolar-I patients had bilateral
dorsolateral prefrontal NAA/Cr decreases while bipolar-II
patients had only unilateral (left) decreases (Winsberg
et al., 2000), other researchers found that bipolar-I and -II
patients had similar prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999)
and basal ganglia (Kato et al., 1996b; Hamakawa et al.,
1998) NAA or NAA/Cr. Moreover, one of the latter studies
found no basal ganglia NAA differences between bipolar
and MDD patients when either depressed or euthymic
(Hamakawa et al., 1998).
In bipolar patients, dorsolateral prefrontal NAA/Cr
(Winsberg et al., 2000; Chang et al., 2001) and hippocampal

NAA showed a tendency to decrease with longer illness

duration. However, other studies failed to detect a relationship between duration and dorsolateral prefrontal (Brambilla et al., 2005; Sassi et al., 2005), prefrontal (Hamakawa
et al., 1999), basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998), or thalamus (Deicken et al., 2001) or overall gray or white matter
(Dager et al., 2004) NAA or lenticular nucleus NAA/Cr
(Ohara et al., 1998). In MDD patients, illness duration was
found not to be related to basal ganglia NAA (Hamakawa
et al., 1998).
NAA does not appear to vary with mood symptoms.
Thus current mood state was not found to be related to NAA
or NAA/Cr in prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999; Bertolino
et al., 2003), basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998; Frye et al.,
2001), or hippocampal or thalamic (Bertolino et al., 2003)
regions in bipolar patients, or in basal ganglia (Hamakawa
et al., 1998) in MDD patients. In bipolar patients, HAM-D
scores were not found to be related to prefrontal (Hamakawa
et al., 1999), basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998), or overall
gray or white matter (Dager et al., 2004) NAA, nor were
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores found to be related to basal ganglia NAA/Cr (Frye et al., 2001) or to overall
gray or white matter NAA (Dager et al., 2004). Similarly, in
MDD patients, HAM-D scores were not shown to be related
to basal ganglia NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1998). In healthy
volunteers, a correlation was not found between the Positive
Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), Positive Affect subscale, and left frontal NAA (Jung et al., 2002).
Emerging data suggest possible medication effects on
NAA and NAA/Cr. Lithium, in view of its potential neurotrophic effects, is of particular interest. Acute (4-week
trial) lithium monotherapy similarly increased prefrontal,
temporal, parietal, and occipital NAA in depressed adult
bipolar-I patients and healthy controls, but no correlation
was found between cerebral NAA and blood lithium concentrations (Moore et al., 2000a). In contrast, in primarily
depressed adult bipolar-I and -II patients, lithium for a
mean of 3.6 months and valproate for a mean of 1.4 months
failed to alter gray or white matter or regional NAA (Friedman et al., 2004). Also, in children and adolescents during
manic or mixed episodes, anterior cingulate NAA/Cr
showed no change with acute (1-week trial) adjunctive
lithium treatment; again, no correlation was found between serum lithium concentrations and brain NAA/Cr
(Davanzo et al., 2001). In addition, in adult healthy volunteers, lithium administration for 4 weeks failed to alter
dorsolateral prefrontal NAA (Brambilla et al., 2004).
One study found that, compared with healthy controls,
euthymic bipolar patients on chronic lithium plus other
medications (but not on chronic valproate plus other medications) had increased left temporal NAA/Cr (T. Silverstone
et al., 2003). Similarly, bipolar patients taking chronic

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

lithium had increased dorsolateral prefrontal NAA/Cr

compared with unmedicated patients and healthy controls
(Brambilla et al., 2005). Comparisons of bipolar patients
on and not on chronic lithium, however, revealed similar
anterior cingulate (Soares et al., 1999) and basal ganglia
(Kato et al., 1996b; Ohara et al., 1998a) NAA/Cr and medial
prefrontal NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1999); no relationship
was found between serum lithium concentrations and
basal ganglia or occipital NAA/Cr (Sharma et al., 1992). In
euthymic adults with bipolar disorder on chronic lithium,
doses were not found to be related to thalamic (Deicken
et al., 2001) or hippocampal (Deicken et al., 2003a) NAA.
If lithium increases NAA or NAA/Cr, the presence or
absence of chronic lithium could contribute to the variability in NAA and NAA/Cr findings in bipolar patients
compared with healthy controls. In studies to date, the percentage of patients taking lithium was lower in studies detecting NAA decreases (N = 27/111, 24 percent)172 than in
those finding no NAA differences (N = 81/189, 43 percent)173 or those reporting NAA increases (N = 23/65, 35
percent) (Sharma et al., 1992; Deicken et al., 2001; T. Silverstone et al., 2003; Dager et al., 2004). These differences are
consistent with the notion that NAA and NAA/Cr increases with chronic lithium therapy could be a confounding factor in detecting putative baseline (unmedicated) decreases in NAA and NAA/Cr in patients with bipolar
Less is known about the effects of other medications on
NAA and NAA/Cr. Bipolar patients taking compared with
those not taking chronic anticonvulsants were found to
have increased basal ganglia NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1998),
but duration of valproate treatment showed an inverse
correlation with medial prefrontal NAA (Cecil et al., 2002).
Bipolar patients taking compared with those not taking
chronic valproate had similar medial prefrontal NAA
(Hamakawa et al., 1999), and valproate doses were not
found to be related to thalamus (Deicken et al., 2001) or
hippocampal (Deicken et al., 2003a) NAA. Patients taking
compared with those not taking chronic antipsychotics
showed similar medial prefrontal NAA (Hamakawa et al.,
1999) and basal ganglia NAA and NAA/Cr (Kato et al.,
1996a; Hamakawa et al., 1998). Schizophrenic patients taking atypical antipsychotics compared with those taking
typical antipsychotics were found to have higher cingulate
NAA (Ende et al., 2000b).
In depressed MDD patients, acute nefazodone (Charles
et al., 1994a) and fluoxetine (Sonawalla et al., 1999) did
not alter basal ganglia NAA/Cr. The latter study also
failed to detect changes when the sample was stratified
by patients with sustained response to fluoxetine (true
fluoxetine response) and those with nonresponse or
only transient response to the drug (placebo pattern


response/nonresponse) (Sonawalla et al., 1999). Mood

disorder patients taking compared with those not taking
chronic antidepressants were found to have similar medial prefrontal NAA (Hamakawa et al., 1999) and basal
ganglia NAA/Cr (Kato et al., 1996a). In depressed MDD
patients, ECT did not alter parietal NAA (Felber et al.,
1993), and a course of ECT did not significantly alter bilateral hippocampal NAA (Ende et al., 2000b). These observations are consistent with the notion that ECT may not
result in neuronal damage.
There are very few data regarding baseline NAA or NAA/
Cr markers of treatment response. In depressed MDD patients, left basal ganglia NAA/Cr was found to be similar in
fluoxetine responders and nonresponders (Renshaw et al.,
1997) and in those with true fluoxetine response and
placebo pattern response/nonresponse (Sonawalla et al.,
Choline (Cho) is an acetylcholine precursor involved in
second-messenger cascades. The cholinergicadrenergic
hypothesis of bipolar disorder proposes that depression is
related to cholinergic overactivity and adrenergic underactivity, while mania is related to cholinergic underactivity
and adrenergic overactivity (Janowsky et al., 1972). In
H-MRS, the Cho peak represents total cellular Cho stores,
the dominant component of which is believed to be from
cell membranes (phospholipids) rather than acetylcholine.
Although findings vary, evidence is accumulating to
support Cho and Cho/Cr changes in patients with mood
disorders. Thus, Cho and Cho/Cr in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls were found to be increased in
5 studies,174 to tend to be decreased in 3 studies,175 to be decreased in one cohort but not a second cohort in 1 study
(Wu et al., 2004), and to be similar in 17 studies.176 Cho
and Cho/Cr in MDD patients compared with healthy controls were found to be (or to tend to be) increased in
7 studies,177 decreased in 4 studies,178 and similar in 3 studies (Auer et al., 2000; Pfleiderer et al., 2003; Smith et al.,
2003). Gruber and colleagues (2003) found decreased prefrontal Cho/Cr but not Cho in MDD patients, perhaps
related to increased Cr.
Cho and Cho/Cr findings in mood disorder patients
may vary on a regional basis. Thus in bipolar patients
compared with healthy controls, Cho or Cho/Cr was found
to be increased (Soares et al., 1999; C. Moore et al., 2000)
or similar179 in anterior cingulate regions, to tend to be decreased (Cecil et al., 2002) or similar (Hamakawa et al.,
1999; Dager et al., 2004) in medial prefrontal regions, and
to be decreased (Silverstone et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2004) or
similar (Renshaw et al., 1995; Wu et al., 2004) in temporal
regions. However, Cho or Cho/Cr in bipolar patients compared with healthy controls was found to be consistently
similar in dorsolateral prefrontal,180 frontal/prefrontal



(Castillo et al., 2000; Amaral et al., 2002; Bertolino et al.,

2003), hippocampal (Bertolino et al., 2003; Deicken et al.,
2003a), and temporal (Renshaw et al., 1995) regions.
Cho or Cho/Cr in bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls was found to be increased,181 to tend to
be increased (Dager et al., 2004), or to be similar (Ohara
et al., 1998; Castillo et al., 2000; Bertolino et al., 2003) in
basal ganglia, and similar in thalamus (Deicken et al., 2001;
Bertolino et al., 2003; Dager et al., 2004). One study found
that Cho tended to be increased in bipolar patients compared with controls in left caudate and right putamen, but
not in other brain regions or in gray or white matter
(Dager et al., 2004). Parietal and occipital regions have
consistently shown similar Cho and Cho/Cr in bipolar patients and healthy controls182 and have commonly been
used as control regions.
In MDD patients compared with healthy controls, basal
ganglia Cho or Cho/Cr was found to be or to tend to be increased in four studies183 but decreased in one study (Renshaw et al., 1997). Cho or Cho/Cr in MDD patients compared with healthy controls was observed to be increased
in dorsolateral prefrontal (Farchione et al., 2002) and temporal lobe (Mervaala et al., 2000) regions; similar in anterior cingulate (Auer et al., 2000; Pfleiderer et al., 2003) and
orbitofrontal (Steingard et al., 2000) regions; and decreased
in prefrontal (Gruber et al., 2003), amygdala (Kusumakar
et al., 2001), and hippocampal (Ende et al., 2000a) regions.
Cho or Cho/Cr in MDD patients was similar to that in
healthy controls in thalamus (Vythilingam et al., 2003) and
in parietal (Auer et al., 2000) and occipital (Rosenberg
et al., 2000) lobes.
In bipolar patients, no age effect was observed on basal
ganglia Cho/Cr (Kato et al., 1996b; Hamakawa et al., 1998)
or dorsolateral prefrontal (Brambilla et al., 2005) or prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1998) Cho. In MDD patients, age
was found to be related to thalamic Cho/Cr (Vythilingam
et al., 2003), but not orbitofrontal Cho/Cr (Steingard et al.,
2000) or prefrontal Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1998).
Data vary regarding the effect of oral Cho administration on cerebral Cho. One group found that in healthy volunteers, acute administration of Cho (choline bitartrate
equivalent to 50 mg/kg free Cho) increased basal ganglia
Cho/Cr about two-fold by 3 hours, with no significant correlation between brain and serum Cho (Stoll et al., 1995).
Another study by the same group showed that acute administration of Cho in older compared with younger
healthy volunteers yielded similar (7080 percent) increases in plasma Cho, but markedly attenuated increases
in basal ganglia Cho/Cr, suggesting that uptake of acutely
administered Cho may decrease with age (Cohen et al.,
1995). Thus it has been proposed that development of cerebral Cho depletion underlies the deteriorating course seen

in some patients with bipolar disorder (Renshaw et al.,

1996). These investigators also reported that four patients
with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder who responded to
5,0007,200 mg/day of free Cho added to lithium other
medications had 3075 percent increases in basal ganglia
Cho/Cr (Stoll et al., 1996). In seven patients with rapidcycling bipolar disorder, however, Cho ingestion did not
alter basal ganglia Cho/Cr after 5 weeks of administration
(Demopulos et al., 1997). Also, double-blind choline bitartrate 50 mg/kg/day for 12 weeks in four lithium-treated
rapid-cycling bipolar patients failed to alter left basal ganglia Cho/Cr, cerebral lithium, or clinical mood ratings, but
decreased left basal ganglia purine/NAA and purine/Cho
(Lyoo et al., 2003). The authors commented that decreased
purine could reflect decreased adenosine triphosphate
(ATP), perhaps reflecting increased ATP consumption with
choline. Another group found that acute oral challenge of
50 mg/kg of choline bitartrate did not significantly alter
Cho/Cr or Cho in four brain locations (Tan et al., 1998).
Still another group found that in young healthy volunteers,
both acute (50 mg/kg choline bitartrate single dose) and
long-term (lecithin 32 g/day for 4 weeks) administration of
Cho failed to alter gray matter, white matter, cerebellum,
and thalamus Cho (Dechent et al., 1999b). In a more recent
study in 11 healthy young men, oral choline bitartrate to
yield 50 mg/kg resulted in increased left putamen Cho/Cr,
with a mean peak increase of 6.2 percent approximately
2 hours after ingestion (Babb et al., 2004).
Variable, but most often negative, gender effects have
been reported for Cho and Cho/Cr. Studies found no overall (in euthymic and depressed bipolar and MDD patients
and healthy controls) gender effect on left basal ganglia
Cho and Cho/Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998), no overall (in
euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls) gender effect on left basal ganglia Cho/Cr (Kato et al., 1996a), and
no overall (in euthymic and depressed bipolar patients and
healthy controls) gender effect on bilateral medial prefrontal Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1999). In MDD patients,
gender was not related to orbitofrontal Cho/Cr (Steingard
et al., 2000) or hippocampal Cho (Ende et al., 2000b).
Cho/Cr may vary across the menstrual cycle. Thus, occipitoparietal (but not medial prefrontal) Cho/Cr was found to
have increased from follicular to luteal phase in women with
PMDD by 38 percent and in healthy controls by 13 percent,
and there were no statistically significant Cho/Cr differences
between these groups (Rasgon et al., 2001).
In one study, bipolar-II patients compared with bipolar-I
patients and healthy controls were found to have higher
basal ganglia Cho/Cr (Kato et al., 1996a). Later studies by
this same group failed to detect bipolar-II versus bipolar-I
differences in basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998) or medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999) Cho, but found

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

that depressed bipolar patients had higher basal ganglia

Cho than depressed or euthymic MDD patients (Hamakawa
et al., 1998). In one report, rapid-cycling compared with
non-rapid-cycling bipolar patients showed a tendency to
have lower basal ganglia Cho/Cr (Demopulos et al., 1996).
Cho and Cho/Cr do not appear to vary with illness duration in dorsolateral prefrontal (Brambilla et al., 2005),
medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999), or basal ganglia
(Hamakawa et al., 1998; Ohara et al., 1998) regions or overall gray or white matter (Dager et al., 2004) in bipolar patients, or in basal ganglia in MDD patients (Hamakawa
et al., 1998).
Cho and Cho/Cr do not appear to have consistent relationships with mood state. As noted above, Hamakawa
and colleagues (1998) found that depressed compared
with euthymic bipolar patients had higher basal ganglia
Cho. In other studies, however, mood state in bipolar
patients was not found to be related to Cho or Cho/Cr in
medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999), dorsolateral
prefrontal, anterior cingulate, hippocampal, or thalamic
(Bertolino et al., 2003) regions. In bipolar patients, HAM-D
scores showed a positive correlation with anterior cingulate
Cho/Cr (Moore et al., 2000a), but not with basal ganglia
(Hamakawa et al., 1998) or overall gray or white matter
(Dager et al., 2004) Cho. In MDD patients, amygdala
Cho/Cr displayed a tendency to have a negative correlation
with Beck Depression Inventory scores (Kusumakar et al.,
2001), while no relationship was observed between HAM-D
scores and anterior cingulate (Auer et al., 2000) or basal
ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998) Cho. In healthy volunteers,
however, PANAS Positive Affect subscale scores correlated
with left frontal Cho (Jung et al., 2002).
Emerging data suggest possible medication effects on
Cho and Cho/Cr. In depressed adult bipolar-I patients, it
was found that lithium monotherapy had antidepressant
effects and led to decreased prefrontal Cho (Moore et al.,
1999). In contrast, in primarily depressed adult bipolar-I
and -II patients, lithium for a mean of 3.6 months and valproate for a mean of 1.4 months failed to alter gray or
white matter or regional Cho (Friedman et al., 2004). In
children and adolescents during manic or mixed episodes,
anterior cingulate Cho/Cr did not change with acute (1week trial) adjunctive lithium treatment and showed no
correlation with serum lithium concentrations (Davanzo
et al., 2001). Finally, in adult healthy volunteers, lithium
administration for 4 weeks failed to alter dorsolateral prefrontal Cho (Brambilla et al., 2004).
Patients taking compared with those not taking chronic
lithium were found to have similar basal ganglia Cho/Cr
(Lafer et al., 1994; Kato et al., 1996a; Ohara et al., 1998)
and Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1998), medial prefrontal Cho
(Hamakawa et al., 1999), temporal Cho/Cr (Wu et al., 2004),


and anterior cingulate Cho/Cr (Moore et al., 2000b). Serum

lithium concentrations showed no relationship to basal
ganglia or occipital Cho/Cr (Sharma et al., 1992).
If lithium alters Cho or Cho/Cr, the presence or absence
of chronic lithium treatment could contribute to the variability in Cho and Cho/Cr findings in bipolar patients
compared with healthy controls. To date, the percentage of
patients taking lithium has been higher in studies finding
increases in patients compared with healthy controls
(46/84, 55 percent)184 than in those finding no difference
(N = 97/269, 36 percent).185 This difference is consistent
with the notion that Cho and Cho/Cr decreases with
chronic lithium could be a confounding factor in detecting
putative baseline (unmedicated) increases in Cho and
Cho/Cr in patients with bipolar disorder.
Less is known about the effects of other medications
on Cho and Cho/Cr. Bipolar patients taking compared
with those not taking chronic anticonvulsants were found
to have similar basal ganglia Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1998),
and bipolar patients taking compared with those not taking valproate showed similar anterior cingulate Cho/Cr
(C. Moore et al., 2000). Bipolar patients taking chronic
antipsychotics compared with those not taking them displayed similar basal ganglia Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1998)
and Cho/Cr (Kato et al., 1996b) and medial prefrontal
Cho (Hamakawa et al., 1999). Also, in the study of Wu
and colleagues (2004), bipolar patients taking lithium
had similar temporal Cho/Cr compared with those taking valproate.
By contrast, bipolar patients taking antidepressants compared with those not taking them were found to have higher
basal ganglia (Kato et al., 1996b) but not medial prefrontal
(Hamakawa et al., 1999) Cho/Cr. In MDD patients, basal
ganglia Cho/Cr was found to decrease in patients taking nefazodone (Charles et al., 1994a) and in those with fluoxetine
placebo pattern response/nonresponse (Sonawalla et al.,
1999) but to increase in patients with true fluoxetine response (Sonawalla et al., 1999). In MDD patients, depression and physical symptoms induced by SSRI (fluoxetine
or paroxetine) discontinuation were observed to be associated with decreased rostral anterior cingulate Cho/Cr (but
not NAA/Cr) (Kaufman et al., 2003). In MDD patients, ECT
was found to increase hippocampal Cho (Ende et al., 2000b),
but not to alter anterior cingulate (Pfleiderer et al., 2003) or
parietal (Felber et al., 1993) Cho.
There are very few data on baseline Cho or Cho/Cr
markers of treatment response. In depressed MDD patients, pretreatment basal ganglia Cho/Cr was found to
be lower in fluoxetine responders than in nonresponders
(Renshaw et al., 1997), but similar in patients with true fluoxetine response and fluoxetine placebo pattern response/
nonresponse (Sonawalla et al., 1999).



Myoinositol (mI) is a storage form of six carbon carbohydrate inositol, an agent important in signal transduction
that may have antidepressant effects (Levine et al., 1995).
Inositol depletion has been proposed as a mechanism of
action of lithium (Berridge et al., 1989).
Although findings vary, some evidence suggests that mI
and mI/Cr may be altered in patients with mood disorders.
Thus, mI and mI/Cr in bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls showed a tendency to be increased in five
studies,186 decreased in no studies, and similar in five studies.187 In MDD patients compared with healthy controls, mI
and mI/Cr were found to be (or tend to be) increased in no
studies, decreased in two studies (Frey et al., 1998; Gruber
et al., 2003), and similar in three studies (Auer et al., 2000;
Rosenberg et al., 2000; Vythilingam et al., 2003). One study
found decreased prefrontal mI/Cr but not mI in MDD patients, perhaps related to increased Cr (Gruber et al., 2003).
Findings regarding mI and mI/Cr in bipolar patients
may vary on a regional basis. Thus in bipolar patients
compared with healthy controls, mI or mI/Cr was found to
be increased in basal ganglia by Sharma and colleagues
(1992), to tend to be increased by Winsberg and colleagues
(2000) and Cecil and colleagues (2002), or similar to controls in dorsolateral prefrontal regions by Chang and colleagues (2001), and to tend to be increased in anterior cingulate regions by Davanzo and colleagues (2001, 2003). In
multiple other studies, however, bipolar patients and controls were found to have similar mI or mI/Cr in anterior cingulate (Moore et al., 2000a), medial prefrontal (Cecil et al.,
2002), frontal and temporal (Silverstone et al., 2002), parietal (Brhn et al., 1993), and occipital (Sharma et al., 1992)
regions. One study found that bipolar patients had gray
and white matter and regional mI similar to that of controls (Dager et al., 2004).
Two studies found that frontal mI/Cr was decreased in
depressed MDD patients compared with age- and gendermatched healthy controls (Frey et al., 1998; Gruber et al.,
2003). Multiple other studies, however, found that MDD
patients and controls had similar mI or mI/Cr in anterior
cingulate (Auer et al., 2000), basal ganglia (Rosenberg et al.,
2000; Vythilingam et al., 2003), thalamus (Vythilingam
et al., 2003), parietal (Auer et al., 2000), and occipital
(Rosenberg et al., 2000) regions.
Oral inositol administration may transiently increase
cerebral inositol. By 4 days, 12 g/day mI was found to increase occipital gray (but not parietal white) mI/Cr in
healthy volunteers by 20 percent. By 8 days, however, this
effect was no longer evident (Moore et al., 1999).
Variable relationships have been noted between mI
and age in healthy volunteers. One study found that in
depressed MDD patients, right frontal mI/Cr was correlated positively with age (Frey et al., 1998). Variable,

but most often negative, gender effects have been reported

for mI and mI/Cr. One study found that in healthy controls (but not in depressed MDD patients), frontal mI/
Cr tended to be lower in female than in male subjects
(Frey et al., 1998). In contrast to NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr,
mI/Cr may not vary across the menstrual cycle (Rasgon
et al., 2001), while like these other metabolites, medial
prefrontal and occipital mI/Cr was found to be similar
in women with PMDD and healthy controls (Rasgon
et al., 2001).
There are very few data on relationships between the
clinical phenomenology of mood disorders and cerebral
mI or mI/Cr. In bipolar patients during manic or mixed
states, YMRS scores tended to be correlated positively with
prefrontal mI (Cecil et al., 2002). In depressed MDD patients, however, HAM-D scores were not found to be related to anterior cingulate or parietal mI (Auer et al., 2000)
or anterior cingulate mI/Cr (Moore et al., 2000b).
Emerging data suggest possible medication effects on
mI and mI/Cr in bipolar patients. In view of its ability to
inhibit inositol monophosphatase and thus deplete inositol, lithium is of particular interest. In depressed adult
bipolar-I patients, lithium monotherapy was found to result in about a 30 percent decrease in prefrontal (but not
temporal, parietal, or occipital) mI in patients who were
generally still depressed at day 57; this decrease persisted
until weeks 34, at which time patients were generally improved (Moore et al., 1999). The authors proposed that the
temporal dissociation between mI decreases and clinical
improvement suggests that short-term mI depletion per se
is not related to lithiums antidepressant effects. In addition, in children and adolescents during manic or mixed
episodes, anterior cingulate mI/Cr was found to decrease
with acute (1-week trial) adjunctive lithium therapy in responders (but not in nonresponders), but no correlation
was found between cerebral mI/Cr and serum lithium
concentrations (Davanzo et al., 2001). Thus short-term mI
depletion may be related to lithiums antimanic (rather
than antidepressant) effects. In contrast, in adult healthy
volunteers, lithium administration for 4 weeks failed to
alter dorsolateral prefrontal mI (Brambilla et al., 2004).
Also, in adult healthy volunteers, acute (1-week trial)
lithium monotherapy was found not to alter temporal
mI/Cr (or, as described below, phosphomonoesters, which
have a limited inositol phosphate component) (Silverstone
et al., 1996, 1999). Moreover, in a more sensitive paradigm
in which lithium amplified amphetamine-induced phosphomonoester increases, a similar effect was not detected
for mI/Cr (Silverstone et al., 1999). The authors suggested
that bipolar patients (but not healthy volunteers) having
altered phosphoinositol cycle function that is normalized
by lithium may explain the differential effects of lithium

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

on mI/Cr in bipolar patients and healthy volunteers (Silverstone et al., 1999). In contrast, Friedman and colleagues
(2004), studying primarily depressed adult bipolar-I and -II
patients, found that lithium for a mean of 3.6 months, but
not valproate for a mean of 1.4 months, increased gray but
not white matter mI.
Compared with healthy controls, euthymic bipolar patients taking chronic lithium showed increased basal ganglia (Sharma et al., 1992), but similar temporal (Silverstone
et al., 2002) and occipital (Sharma et al., 1992) mI/Cr and
parietal mI (Brhn et al., 1993). No relationship was
found between serum lithium concentrations and basal
ganglia or occipital mI/Cr (Sharma et al., 1992). Also,
bipolar patients taking chronic lithium or valproate compared with healthy controls showed similar anterior cingulate mI/Cr (Moore et al., 2000a). Bipolar patients taking
chronic lithium compared with those taking chronic valproate were found to have similar temporal (Silverstone
et al., 2002) and anterior cingulate (Moore et al., 2000a)
If lithium decreases mI or mI/Cr, the presence or absence of chronic lithium could contribute to the variability
in mI and mI/Cr findings in bipolar patients compared
with healthy controls. In studies conducted to date, the
percentage of patients taking lithium was nonsignificantly
lower in studies detecting increases in mI and mI/Cr in
bipolar patients compared with healthy controls (17/73, 23
percent)188 than in studies finding no difference (34/100, 34
percent).189 This nonsignificant difference is consistent
with the notion that mI and mI/Cr decreases caused by
chronic lithium could be a confounding factor in detecting
putative baseline (unmedicated) increases in mI and mI/Cr
in patients with bipolar disorder.
There are few data on the potential effects of other medications on mI and mI/Cr. Euthymic bipolar patients taking chronic valproate compared with healthy controls were
found to have similar temporal mI and mI/Cr and frontal
mI (Silverstone et al., 2002). Depressed bipolar patients
taking and not taking antidepressants showed similar anterior cingulate mI/Cr (Moore et al., 2000b) that was also
similar to that of healthy controls. Depressed MDD patients taking antidepressants (but not those taking antidepressants) compared with healthy controls, however, displayed decreased frontal mI (Frey et al., 1998).
The MRS creatine (Cr or Cr + PCr) peak consists of signals from Cr and PCr. Cr is converted to PCr, which appears to function as an intracellular energy buffer. There
are limited data regarding Cr changes in patients with mood
disorders. Thus in bipolar patients compared with healthy
controls, Cr was found to be increased in one study (Deicken et al., 2001), to be decreased in one study (Deicken
et al., 2003a), to tend to be decreased in one study (Sassi


et al., 2005), and to be similar in eight studies.190 MDD patients and healthy controls have consistently shown similar
Cr,191 with the exception of one report of increased prefrontal Cr in MDD patients (Gruber et al., 2003). The latter
finding is noteworthy in that it appeared to drive decreased
NAA/Cr, Cho/Cr, and mI/Cr in MDD patients, as absolute
NAA, Cho, and mI in patients and healthy controls did not
differ (Gruber et al., 2003).
Cr findings in bipolar patients may vary on a regional
basis. One group found that bipolar patients compared
with healthy controls had decreased hippocampal (Deicken et al., 2003a) and increased thalamic (Deicken et al.,
2001) Cr. Another group found that dorsolateral prefrontal
Cr tended to be decreased in bipolar disorder (Sassi et al.,
2005). Other studies, however, found that bipolar patients
and healthy controls had similar Cr in dorsolateral prefrontal (Cecil et al., 2002; Michael et al., 2003; Brambilla
et al., 2005), anterior cingulate (Davanzo et al., 2003), medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999; Cecil et al., 2002),
and basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998). Dager and colleagues (2004) found that bipolar patients had gray and
white matter and regional Cr that was similar to that of
controls. MDD patients and healthy controls have consistently shown similar Cr in dorsolateral prefrontal (Farchione et al., 2002), anterior cingulate (Auer et al., 2000;
Pfleiderer et al., 2003), hippocampal (Ende et al., 2000a),
basal ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998; Rosenberg et al.,
2000), parietal (Auer et al., 2000), and occipital (Rosenberg et al., 2000).
Cr has shown variable relationships with age. Studies
detected no overall age effect (in euthymic and depressed
bipolar patients and healthy controls) on medial prefrontal
Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1999), no overall age effect (in euthymic bipolar patients) on dorsolateral prefrontal Cr (Sassi
et al., 2005), and no overall age effect (in euthymic and depressed bipolar and MDD patients and healthy controls)
on basal ganglia Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998).
Gender effects on Cr have not been extensively reported.
Healthy women compared with men were found to have
similar Cr in frontal, parietal, occipital, insular (Pouwels and
Frahm, 1998), basal ganglia (Charles et al., 1994b), and hippocampal (Ende et al., 2000a). One study (in euthymic and
depressed bipolar patients and healthy controls) detected
an overall gender effect on right (but not left) medial prefrontal Cr, but the direction of the effect was not specified
(Hamakawa et al., 1999). However, another study by the
same group (in euthymic and depressed bipolar and MDD
patients and healthy controls) found no overall gender effect
on left basal ganglia Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998).
There are limited data on the effect of oral Cr administration on cerebral Cr. In healthy volunteers, Cr 20 g/
day for 4 weeks was found to yield increased gray matter,



cerebellum, white matter, thalamus, and overall Cr (as

well as decreased cerebellum and thalamus NAA and decreased thalamus Cho). Reversal of these changes was detected on repeat scans at least 3 months after Cr had been
discontinued (Dechent et al., 1999b). In healthy volunteers, Cr 8 g/day for 5 days was found to result in attenuation of mathematical calculation taskinduced mental
fatigue and cerebral oxygenated hemoglobin increases
(assessed with near infrared spectroscopy, consistent
with increased cerebral oxygen utilization) (Watanabe
et al., 2002).
Bipolar-II, bipolar-I, and MDD patients showed similar
basal ganglia Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998). Bipolar-II and
bipolar-I patients were found to have similar medial prefrontal Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1999).
Cr did not appear to vary with illness duration in dorsolateral prefrontal (Brambilla et al., 2005; Sassi et al.,
2005), medial prefrontal (Hamakawa et al., 1999), or basal
ganglia (Hamakawa et al., 1998; Ohara et al., 1998) regions
in bipolar patients, or in basal ganglia in MDD patients
(Hamakawa et al., 1998).
Cr does not appear to have consistent relationships with
mood state. Hamakawa and colleagues (1999) found that
depressed compared with euthymic bipolar patients had
lower medial prefrontal Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1999). In another study by the same group, however, basal ganglia Cr
was found to be similar for both bipolar and MDD patients during depression and euthymia (Hamakawa et al.,
1998). No relationship was detected between HAM-D
scores and basal ganglia Cr in bipolar and MDD patients
(Hamakawa et al., 1998), or anterior cingulate or parietal
Cr in MDD patients (Auer et al., 2000). In healthy volunteers, no correlation was found between scores on the
PANAS Positive Affect subscale and left frontal Cr (Jung et
al., 2002).
There are few data regarding treatment effects on Cr.
In depressed bipolar-I patients, lithium monotherapy was
found to have antidepressant effects by week 34, but not
to alter prefrontal, temporal, parietal, or occipital Cr at day
57 or week 34 (Moore et al., 1999). In primarily depressed adult bipolar-I and -II patients, lithium for a mean
of 3.6 months and valproate for a mean of 1.4 months
failed to alter gray or white matter or regional Cr (Friedman et al., 2004). Also, lithium, valproate, antidepressant,
and benzodiazepine therapy was not found to be related
to medial prefrontal Cr in bipolar patients (Hamakawa
et al., 1999). Bipolar patients taking compared with those
not taking antipsychotics showed increased basal ganglia
(Hamakawa et al., 1998) but not medial prefrontal
(Hamakawa et al., 1999) Cr. MDD patients taking compared with those not taking benzodiazepines displayed increased basal ganglia Cr (Hamakawa et al., 1998). In MDD

patients, ECT was found to modestly increase hippocampal Cr (Ende et al., 2000b), but not to alter anterior cingulate (Pfleiderer et al., 2003) or parietal (Felber et al.,
1993) Cr.
Investigators commonly assume that regional Cr is stable
enough within individuals and across diagnoses to be used
as an internal standard, and thus report other metabolites
normalized to Cr.192 Such a strategy is potentially useful because it increases statistical power by decreasing variability,
but it runs the risk of yielding spurious results if Cr varies
with time, environmental factors, or diagnosis. As noted
above, in healthy volunteers, for example, chronic (4-week)
administration of Cr monohydrate 20 g/day was found to
increase paramedian parietal gray matter, parieto-occipital
white matter, central cerebellum, and thalamus Cr concentrations (Dechent et al., 1999b). In this study, average (across
four regions) Cr (but not NAA, Cho, or mI) increased by
8.7 percent, varying between 4.7 percent and 14.6 percent
across regions. NAA (but not NAA/Cho and NAA/mI ratios) showed a decrease in cerebellum and thalamus, and
Cho (but not Cho/mI ratios) a decrease in thalamus. Hence
the confounding influence of referencing metabolites to Cr
could be circumvented to some degree by also inspecting results referenced to other metabolites (Mervaala et al., 2000;
Steingard et al., 2000; Winsberg et al., 2000).
Some investigators prefer to report metabolite concentrations in absolute units193; to report either absolute or
normalized concentrations, depending on the study (Kato
et al., 1996a; Hamakawa et al., 1998, 1999); or to report both
absolute and normalized concentrations.194 In one such
study, it appeared that increased Cr in MDD patients compared with controls drove a finding of decreased NAA/Cr,
Cho/Cr, and mI/Cr in MDD, as absolute NAA, Cho, and
mI in patients and healthy controls did not differ (Gruber
et al., 2003).
Recent advances have allowed MRS assessment of brain
GABA and glutamate, which are the main cerebral inhibitory and excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters, respectively. The ability to measure these substances in the
brain is of considerable interest because plasma GABA
appears to be decreased in bipolar disorder, whereas
higher (nearer to normal) levels may predict antimanic
(Petty et al., 1996) and possibly even antidepressant (Ketter
et al., 2000) responses to the GABAergic agent valproate.
Moreover, several new anticonvulsants with GABAergic
and/or antiglutamatergic mechanisms appear to have potential roles in the treatment of various symptoms of bipolar disorder (Ketter and Wang, 2003; Ketter et al., 2003)
Emerging data suggest differential cerebral gammaaminobutyric acid changes in depressed MDD and depressed bipolar patients. Thus depressed MDD patients
compared with healthy controls were found to have

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

52 percent lower occipital GABA, but severity of depression (as measured by the HAM-D) showed no correlation
with cerebral GABA (Sanacora et al., 1999). Preliminary
data from an extension of this work indicate that depressed MDD patients compared with healthy controls
and depressed bipolar patients had occipital GABA decreases of 27 percent and 23 percent, respectively, with depressed bipolar patients compared with healthy controls
having only a nonsignificant (5 percent) decrease in occipital GABA (Mason et al., 2000). In contrast, euthymic
bipolar patients taking GABAergic agents (valproate
gabapentin) may have occipital and medial prefrontal
GABA levels about 50 percent higher than those of healthy
controls (Wang et al., 2002).
Gender effects on GABA and GABA/Cr have not been
extensively reported. Healthy women and men showed similar orbitofrontal, cingulate, insula, and thalamus GABA/Cr
(Grachev and Apkarian, 2000, 2001). Women compared
with men, however, showed decreased dorsolateral prefrontal GABA/Cr in young adulthood (ages 1931) (Grachev
and Apkarian, 2000), but not over a more extensive age
range (ages 1952) (Grachev and Apkarian, 2001). In another study involving both depressed MDD patients and
healthy controls, women compared with men were found
to have increased occipital GABA (Sanacora et al., 1999).
GABA appears to vary across the menstrual cycle. Thus,
occipital GABA from follicular to luteal phase was found
to decrease by 32 percent in healthy controls, but to increase by 63 percent in women with PMDD (Epperson
et al., 2002). Also, PMDD patients compared with healthy
controls showed lower follicular phase GABA (Epperson
et al., 2002). Occipital GABA was found to be correlated
with plasma estradiol and progesterone concentrations
negatively in healthy women and positively in those with
PMDD (Epperson et al., 2002). Occipital GABA also
showed a correlation with plasma allopregnanolone concentrations negatively in healthy women, but not in those
with PMDD (Epperson et al., 2002).
In depressed MDD patients, treatment with fluoxetine
or citalopram yohimbine was found to yield clinical improvement and a 34 percent increase in occipital GABA
(Sanacora et al., 2002). Changes in occipital GABA were
not correlated with improvement in depression, however.
Although no correlation was detected between baseline occipital GABA and clinical improvement, subjects with the
lowest and highest baseline occipital GABA showed robust
increases or no change in occipital GABA, respectively. In
depressed patients, treatment with ECT was found to yield
clinical improvement and a 78 percent increase in occipital
GABA (Sanacora et al., 2003). No correlation was found,
however, between changes in occipital GABA and antidepressant or adverse (memory impairment) effects.


Thus depressed MDD patients may have low baseline

cerebral GABA that normalizes with effective SSRI or ECT
treatment, while depressed bipolar patients may have nearnormal baseline cerebral GABA that rises to supranormal
levels with effective treatment with GABAergic agents. It
remains to be established whether depressed bipolar patients who obtain antidepressant responses with valproate
can be differentiated from those who do not obtain such
responses with respect to baseline cerebral levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. If so, this or other applications of MRS technology may ultimately have utility in
addressing questions about heterogeneity related to diagnosis (such as bipolar disorder versus MDD) and in predicting antidepressant responses to different treatments
(such as valproate or SSRIs).
Interpretation of the significance of MRS-assessed cerebral glutamate compared with GABA assessments is more
complex, as glutamate exists in both metabolic and neurotransmitter pools. In addition, the glutamine and glutamate peaks are overlapping, so that some studies report
glutamine/glutamate (Glx) concentrations.
Glx and Glx/Cr in bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls have been found to be increased in four
studies195 and similar in one (Davanzo et al., 2001). In
MDD patients, they have been found to be decreased in
two studies (Auer et al., 2000; Pfleiderer et al., 2003) and
increased in one (Rosenberg et al., 2000).
Glx and Glx/Cr findings in patients with mood disorders may vary on a regional basis. Thus in bipolar patients
compared with healthy controls, Glx or Glx/Cr was found
to be increased in prefrontal (Castillo et al., 2000; Cecil
et al., 2002), dorsolateral prefrontal (Michael et al., 2003),
and basal ganglia (Castillo et al., 2000) regions, but similar
in anterior cingulate (Davanzo et al., 2001) and medial
prefrontal (Cecil et al., 2002) regions. One study found that
Glx was increased in left insula and tended to be increased
in left cingulate (but not in other regions) in bipolar patients compared with controls (Dager et al., 2004). In the
latter study, gray (but not white) matter Glx and lactate
were increased in bipolar patients compared with controls,
consistent with a shift in energy redox state from oxidative
phosphorylation toward glycolysis, perhaps reflecting
mitochondrial alterations. This study also found that gray
and white matter Glx was increased in bipolar-I but not
bipolar-II patients. In MDD patients compared with healthy
controls, Glx or Glx/Cr was noted to be increased in caudate (Rosenberg et al., 2000), decreased in anterior cingulate (Auer et al., 2000; Pfleiderer et al., 2003), and similar in
parietal (Auer et al., 2000) and occipital (Rosenberg et al.,
2000) regions.
There are limited data relating Glx or Glx/Cr to clinical
parameters. In depressed MDD patients, no relationship



was detected between age and anterior cingulate Glx (Pfleiderer et al., 2003). Degree of depression (as measured by the
HAM-D) showed no relationship to anterior cingulate or
parietal Glx (Auer et al., 2000).
There are also few data relating Glx or Glx/Cr to clinical
interventions. In bipolar patients, anterior cingulate Glx/Cr
showed no change with acute (1-week) lithium administration and no relationship to plasma lithium concentrations (Davanzo et al., 2001). In primarily depressed adult
bipolar-I and -II patients, however, longer-duration lithium
(for a mean of 3.6 months) but not valproate (for a mean
of 1.4 months) decreased gray but not white matter Glx,
suggesting that lithium may attenuate gray matter increases
observed by the same investigators in primarily depressed
bipolar patients at baseline (Friedman et al., 2004). However, Cecil and colleagues (2002) found an inverse correlation between duration of valproate therapy and prefrontal
Glx. In depressed MDD patients, ECT was found to increase
anterior cingulate Glx in responders, but not in nonresponders (Pfleiderer et al., 2003).
Euthymic bipolar patients compared with healthy controls showed increased parietal glutamate/Cr (Glu/Cr)
(Brhn et al., 1993). On the other hand, depressed MDD
patients compared with healthy controls had similar parietal but decreased anterior cingulate Glu (Auer et al., 2000).
In the latter study, no relationship was noted between regional Glu and degree of depression (as measured by the
In summary, 1H-MRS studies suggest that patients with
mood disorders compared with healthy controls may have
metabolite changes in elements of anterior cortical/anterior
paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits more
than in parietal and occipital regions. Findings may differ
to varying degrees with the metabolite considered, region,
age, gender, phase of menstrual cycle, diagnosis, illness duration, mood state, and treatment.
Thus about half of the studies of bipolar (but not MDD)
patients compared with healthy controls detected NAA or
NAA/Cr decreases more than increases, in dorsolateral prefrontal and temporal more than other regions. Lithium may
increase NAA or NAA/Cr, confounding efforts to detect putative baseline (unmedicated) NAA and NAA/Cr decreases
in bipolar patients.
In about one-fourth of bipolar disorder and one-half of
MDD studies, Cho or Cho/Cr tended to be increased compared with that in healthy controls, most often in basal
ganglia. In a small number of studies, mI or mI/Cr tended
to be increased, compared with that in healthy controls, in
about one-half of bipolar and decreased in about one-half
of MDD studies. Lithium may decrease mI and mI/Cr in
bipolar patients but not in healthy controls, confounding

efforts to detect putative baseline (unmedicated) mI and

mI/Cr increases in bipolar patients.
Most of the few Cr studies conducted to date have failed
to detect differences between patients with mood disorders and healthy controls, and lithium may not alter Cr in
bipolar patients. These negative findings address in a limited fashion concerns that the common method of referencing metabolites to Cr may confound 1H-MRS studies
comparing mood disorder patients with healthy controls.
Baseline (unmedicated) occipital GABA may be decreased in depressed MDD but not depressed bipolar patients compared with healthy controls, and increased
with SSRIs, ECT, or GABAergic anticonvulsants. Emerging
methodology may permit GABA and glutamate assessments in regions with greater relevance to mood disorders,
such as anterior cingulate/medial prefrontal cortex.

Phosphorous (31P) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Phosphorous-31 magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(31P-MRS) permits determination of cerebral phospholipids, including phosphomonoesters (PMEs), phosphodiesters (PDEs), inorganic phosphate, high-energy phosphates, and related compounds such as PCr, as well as
intracellular pH. PMEs consist of phosphoethanolamine,
phosphocholine, phosphoserine, and sugar phosphates
such as inositol-1-monophosphate, while PDEs consist of
glycerophosphocholine, glycerophosphoethanolamine, and
mobile phospholipids. PMEs and PDEs include cell membrane precursors and degradation products, respectively,
and are of interest in view of relationships to intracellular
signaling and membrane phospholipid changes proposed
in bipolar disorder. PMEs may to a limited extent reflect
inositol-1-monophosphate concentrations, which account
for about 10 percent of the PME signal (Gyulai et al., 1984),
but use of PMEs to indicate inositol monophosphate has
been criticized (Agam and Shimon, 2000).
Decreased prefrontal phosphomonoesters have been observed in euthymic bipolar patients in clinical research.
Studies have most consistently detected PME changes in
bipolar-I patients. Thus, euthymic bipolar-I patients appear
to have decreased prefrontal PMEs consistent with abnormal membrane phospholipid metabolism, which in turn
may reflect changes in signal transduction putatively related to the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder (Manji
and Lenox, 2000). Kato and colleagues reported on a series
of 31P-MRS studies in primarily medicated bipolar patients.
In these studies, prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar-I patients compared with healthy controls were found to be significantly decreased in four studies (Kato et al., 1992b, 1993a,
1994a,b) and nonsignificantly decreased in a fifth study
(Kato et al., 1991). No correlation was detected between

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

PMEs and brain lithium concentrations (Kato et al., 1993a).

In addition, Deicken and colleagues found that euthymic
medication-free bipolar-I patients had decreased PMEs
compared with controls in bilateral prefrontal (Deicken
et al., 1995a) and temporal (Deicken et al., 1995b) regions.
Prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar-I patients were also
found to be significantly decreased compared with depressed bipolar-I patients (Kato et al., 1992a, 1994b), manic
bipolar-I patients (Kato et al., 1991, 1993b), and euthymic
MDD patients (Kato et al., 1992a). Prefrontal PMEs in
manic bipolar-I patients compared with healthy controls
were found to be significantly increased in one study (Kato
et al., 1991) and nonsignificantly increased in another (Kato
et al., 1993a). Depressed bipolar-I and depressed MDD patients showed similar prefrontal PMEs (Kato et al., 1992b).
Studies in bipolar-II patients or mixed samples of bipolarI and -II patients have detected PME changes less consistently. Thus, euthymic bipolar-II patients were found to have
prefrontal PMEs that did not differ significantly from those
of healthy controls (Kato et al., 1994b,c) or across mood
states (Kato et al., 1994c). Depressed and hypomanic bipolarII patients compared with healthy controls, by contrast,
showed increased prefrontal PMEs (Kato et al., 1994c). In
studies of combined groups of primarily medicated bipolar-I
and -II patients, prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar patients compared with healthy controls were found to be nonsignificantly decreased in one study (Kato et al., 1994b) and
nonsignificantly increased in another (Kato et al., 1995a),
compared with depressed bipolar patients were found to be
nonsignificantly decreased (Kato et al., 1995a), and compared
with manic bipolar patients were found to be nonsignificantly increased (Kato et al., 1995b). Medication-free euthymic bipolar patients compared with healthy controls
showed nonsignificantly increased PMEs (Kato et al., 1998).
Similar occipital PMEs were detected in euthymic bipolar
patients and healthy controls (Murashita et al., 2000). One
study found that prefrontal PMEs in depressed bipolar patients were (significantly on the left and nonsignificantly on
the right) increased compared with those of healthy controls
and nonsignificantly increased compared with those of
manic bipolar patients, and in manic patients were not significantly different from those of healthy controls (Kato
et al., 1995a). Also, euthymic bipolar patients taking chronic
lithium or valproate showed similar left temporal PMEs
compared with healthy controls (Silverstone et al., 2002).
Prefrontal PMEs were found to decrease with age in euthymic bipolar patients but not in healthy controls, consistent with an illness progression effect, but the decrease was
not clearly related to onset or duration of illness, psychosis, duration of lithium therapy, or LVE (Kato et al.,


Considering studies including both bipolar-I and -II

patients, Yildiz and colleagues (2001b) reported on metaanalysis of eight 31P-MRS studies involving 139 bipolar patients and 189 controls196 that confirmed the finding of decreased prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar patients. Thus
across six studies, a total of 100 euthymic bipolar patients
compared with 130 controls showed lower prefrontal197 or
temporal (Deicken et al., 1995a) PMEs (p = .014). Likewise,
across three studies, a total of 39 euthymic bipolar patients
compared with 34 depressed bipolar patients had lower
prefrontal PMEs (p = .0005) (Kato et al., 1992a, 1994a, 1995b).
In other PME comparisons, no significant differences were
detected between manic and euthymic bipolar patients
(Kato et al., 1991, 1993b, 1995b),198 between depressed bipolar patients and controls, or between manic bipolar patients
and controls. Yildiz and colleagues (2001b) thus concluded
that the data suggest trait-dependent PME changes in bipolar disorder, but that there have been too few studies to permit a definitive assessment of state-dependent alterations.
Of interest, prefrontal PME decreases have consistently
been reported in schizophrenic patients (Pettegrew et al.,
1991; Kato et al., 1995b).
There have been a few studies of PMEs in MDD patients, with varying results. Depressed MDD patients were
found to have basal ganglia (Moore et al., 1997) and prefrontal (Kato et al., 1992b) PMEs similar to those of healthy
controls, with the latter study also not detecting differences in euthymic MDD patients compared with depressed
MDD patients or with healthy controls. In contrast, another study found that depressed MDD patients had increased prefrontal PMEs compared with those of healthy
controls, but that PMEs were correlated inversely with degree of depression (Volz et al., 1998).
Because lithium inhibits inositol monophosphatase
(Hallcher and Sherman, 1980), investigators have assessed
its effects on PMEs, which have a limited (about 10 percent)
inositol phosphate component (Gyulai et al., 1984). If lithium
proved to increase PMEs, this could be related to its inhibiting the conversion of inositol-1-phosphate to inositol.
Technical limitations and potential differences between the
effects of lithium in patients and healthy controls may have
contributed to the varied findings on this issue. In schizophrenic patients, acute lithium was found to have no overall
effect on PMEs, but to tend to result in complementary
biphasic longitudinal changes in the first 2 weeks of therapy
in both responders and nonresponders (Keshavan et al.,
1992). In six manic bipolar patients, however, lithium failed
to alter prefrontal PMEs significantly (Kato et al., 1993a). In
healthy volunteers, lithium administration for 1 week failed
to alter left temporal PMEs significantly (Silverstone et al.,
1996, 1999), but in a more sensitive paradigm, the drug was



found to amplify amphetamine-induced PME increases

(Silverstone et al., 1999). Also in healthy volunteers, a study
with enhanced sensitivity derived from using proton decoupling and a large (620 cc) voxel centered on the superior
corpus callosum detected increased PMEs after 7 and 14
days of lithium (Yildiz et al., 2001a). Euthymic bipolar patients taking chronic lithium compared with those taking
chronic valproate showed similar temporal PMEs (Silverstone et al., 2002).
Findings for phosphodiesters (PDEs), in contrast to those
for PMEs, are variable in bipolar patients. Thus euthymic
bipolar-I patients compared with healthy controls showed
similar prefrontal (Kato et al., 1992b, 1993b) and bilateral
temporal PDEs (Deicken et al., 1995b) but increased bilateral prefrontal (Deicken et al., 1995a) PDEs. In a combined
sample of medication-free euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients, prefrontal PDEs were found to be correlated with
SCHs, but patients and healthy controls showed similar
PDEs (Kato et al., 1998). One study found occipital PDEs
in euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls to be
similar (Murashita et al., 2000). In a meta-analysis of four
studies, Yildiz and colleagues (2001b) found that a total of
51 euthymic bipolar patients compared with 57 controls had
statistically similar prefrontal (Kato et al., 1992b, 1993b;
Deicken, et al., 1995b) and temporal (Deicken et al., 1995a)
PDEs (p = .597). Other PDE comparisons across mood
states and diagnoses were also negative.
Inorganic phosphate (Pi) contains PO and PO42 and is
seen in multiple metabolic pathways. There is little evidence of Pi changes in bipolar disorder, however. Thus
medication-free euthymic bipolar-I patients and healthy
controls were found to have similar bilateral prefrontal
(Deicken et al., 1995a) and temporal (Deicken et al., 1995b)
Pi. Also, prefrontal Pi was found to be similar to that of
healthy controls in bipolar-I patients, independent of mood
state (Kato et al., 1992b, 1993b), and in a combined sample of
medication-free euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients (Kato
et al., 1998). Likewise, similar occipital Pi was detected in
euthymic bipolar patients and healthy controls (Murashita
et al., 2000).
There is also little evidence of changes in high-energy
phosphates in bipolar disorder. Thus prefrontal high-energy
phosphates were found to be similar in bipolar-I patients
and healthy controls, independent of mood state (Kato et al.,
1992b, 1993a), and beta-adenosine triphosphate (beta-ATP)
was found to be similar to that of healthy controls in
medication-free euthymic bipolar-I patients in bilateral prefrontal (Deicken et al., 1995a) and temporal (Deicken et al.,
1995b) regions. Also, a combined sample of medication-free
euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients showed prefrontal betaATP similar to that of healthy controls (Kato et al., 1998). In
contrast, depressed MDD patients compared with healthy

controls showed decreased beta-ATP and total nucleotide

triphosphates in basal ganglia (Moore et al., 1997) and bilateral prefrontal regions (Volz et al., 1998). Of interest, decreased left basal ganglia beta-ATP has also been reported in
schizophrenic patients (Deicken et al., 1995a).
Phosphocreatine is considered a high-energy phosphate
buffer. Early work demonstrated decreased prefrontal PCr
in bipolar-II patients (independent of mood state) compared with healthy controls (Kato et al., 1994c), but failed
to detect such differences in bipolar-I patients (Kato et al.,
1992b, 1993b) (aside from a decrease in severe compared
with mild depression [Kato et al., 1992a]) and MDD patients (independent of mood state) (Kato et al., 1992a). The
investigators suggested that decreased prefrontal PCr in
bipolar-II patients may be related to decreased Cr or Cr
phosphokinase activity, increased intracellular magnesium, or mitochondrial dysfunction (Kato et al., 1994c). Simultaneous consideration of prefrontal PCr and PMEs appears to allow for some discrimination between euthymic
bipolar-II (low PCr) and bipolar-I (low PMEs) patients
(see Fig. 1512) (Kato et al., 1994c).
Later work revealed decreased left prefrontal PCr in depressed bipolar-I patients (correlated with degree of depression) and right prefrontal PCr in manic and euthymic
bipolar-I patients (Kato et al., 1995a). Euthymic medicationfree bipolar-I patients and healthy controls showed similar
bilateral prefrontal and temporal lobe PCr (Deicken et al.,
1995a,b). A combined sample of medication-free euthymic
bipolar-I and -II patients also displayed prefrontal PCr similar to that of healthy controls (Kato et al., 1998). Euthymic
medicated bipolar-I patients were found to have resting and
postphotic stimulation occipital PCr similar to that of
healthy controls, while lithium-resistant (but not lithiumresponsive) patients showed decreased PCr for 12 minutes
after photic stimulation (Murashita et al., 2000). The investigators suggested that this observation is consistent with
mitochondrial dysfunction in lithium-resistant bipolar-I
Some intracellular pH differences have been detected
in bipolar disorder, perhaps reflecting altered sodium
hydrogen ion transport. Thus prefrontal intracellular pH
was found to be decreased in euthymic bipolar-I patients
compared with depressed (Kato et al., 1992b) and manic
(Kato et al., 1993b) bipolar-I patients and healthy controls
(Kato et al., 1992b, 1993b). Prefrontal intracellular pH was
also found to be decreased in combined samples of euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients compared with healthy
controls (Kato et al., 1994b, 1998); correlated positively
with duration of lithium therapy, but not with age, illness
onset, or illness duration (Kato et al., 1994b); and related to
SCHs (Kato et al., 1998). On the other hand, intracellular
pH was observed to be similar to that of healthy controls in

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging



Phosphocreatine / Total P (%)






11.2 12.2





Phosphomonoester / Total P (%)

Figure 1512. Low prefrontal phosphocreatine in euthymic bipolar-II (BP-II) patients and low
phosphomonoesters in euthymic bipolar-I (BP-I) patients. Prefrontal phosphocreatine levels are
shown on the vertical axis, and phosphomonoester levels on the horizontal axis. Euthymic
bipolar-I patients (squares) have significantly lower phosphomonoesters and nonsignificantly
higher phosphocreatine compared with euthymic bipolar-II patients (circles). These relationships allow correct classification of 18/21 patients as bipolar-I (above the diagonal line) and
bipolar-II (below the broken line). HC = healthy controls. ap <.05 versus BP-I, healthy controls;
p <.01 versus BP-II, healthy controls. (Source: Reproduced with permission from Kato
et al., 1994b.)

medication-free euthymic bipolar-I patients in bilateral

prefrontal (Deicken et al., 1995a) and temporal (Deicken
et al., 1995b) regions, in bipolar-II patients independent of
mood state in prefrontal regions (Kato et al., 1994b), and in
a combined sample of euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients
in the occipital lobe (Murashita et al., 2000).
In summary, 31P-MRS studies suggest that euthymic
bipolar-I patients have decreased prefrontal PMEs consistent with abnormal membrane phospholipid metabolism,
which in turn could reflect altered signal transduction.
Prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar-I patients are also
significantly decreased compared with those in depressed
bipolar-I, manic bipolar-I, and euthymic MDD patients.
Studies in bipolar-II patients and in mixed samples of
bipolar-I and -II patients have detected PME changes less
consistently. Nevertheless, meta-analyses of studies including both bipolar-I and -II patients confirm decreased prefrontal PMEs in euthymic bipolar patients compared with
healthy controls and depressed bipolar patients. In contrast, data on PMEs in MDD patients are sparse and variable. Some data suggest that lithium may increase PMEs,
but other findings fail to support this hypothesis, perhaps
because of methodological and sampling differences. PDEs,
in contrast to PMEs, do not appear to be systematically
altered in bipolar patients. There is some evidence of pH

and PCr differences, but little evidence of Pi or high-energy

phosphate changes in bipolar patients.

Lithium Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Brain lithium concentrations determined by lithium-MRS
are about half those seen in serum and tend to be correlated
with serum lithium concentrations.199 Brain/serum lithium
ratios may be lower in children and adolescents than adults,
suggesting that younger patients may require higher serum
lithium levels than adults to achieve similar brain lithium
concentrations (Moore et al., 2002). Brain (prefrontal)
lithium may correlate better with serum than with red
blood cell lithium levels (Kato et al., 1993). When serum
lithium concentrations are restricted to therapeutic range,
however, brain lithium levels can vary markedly and may
be correlated only modestly with serum lithium (Sachs
et al., 1995). Patients taking alternate-day compared with
daily lithium therapy with similar mean 12-hour trough
serum lithium levels were found to have similar brain
lithium concentrations (Jensen et al., 1996). Patients taking
lithium in a single bedtime dose compared with twice daily
also showed similar brain lithium concentrations, but increased brain/serum lithium ratios (Soares et al., 2001).
MDD and schizophrenic patients taking short-term (48
weeks) and long-term (over 6 months) lithium therapy



contrast, there are relatively few data regarding relationships

between mood state and cerebral lithium concentrations.
Improvement in
Petterson Mania Rating


Structural Neuroimaging

r ! .64
p < .05




Brain Lithium Concentration (mM)

Figure 1513. Correlation between cerebral lithium concentrations and antimanic responses. Change in Petterson Mania Rating
Scale (PMRS) scores are shown on the vertical axis and brain lithium
levels on the horizontal axis. The correlation coefficient is .64
(p < .05). The regression is shown as a dotted line. (Source: Reproduced with permission from Kato et al., 1994c.)

may have similar whole-brain/serum lithium ratios, but

whole-brain lithium may be better correlated with serum
lithium in long-term than in short-term treatment (Riedl
et al., 1997). Relationships between mood and brain lithium
concentrations remain to be established, as brain lithium
has been reported to be higher when patients are both
manic (Kato et al., 1992) and euthymic (Sachs et al., 1995).
Brain lithium concentrations may need to be at least .2
millimoles per liter (mmol/l) for adequate therapeutic effects (Gyulai et al., 1991; Kato et al., 1994a). Hand tremor
may be related more closely to brain than to serum
lithium levels (Kato et al., 1996b), as subtherapeutic prefrontal lithium levels (less than .2 mmol/l) were observed
in 25 percent of patients without and only 7 percent of patients with hand tremor. Thus in patients with inadequate
responses and no hand tremor, an increase in lithium
dosage should be considered because of the possibility of
subtherapeutic cerebral lithium levels, even if serum
lithium levels appear to be within the therapeutic range.
Antimanic responses may correlate with brain (prefrontal) lithium level (Fig. 1513) and brain/serum lithium
ratio, but not serum lithium level or lithium dose/weight
(Kato et al., 1994a). This observation raises the possibility
that some patients may be resistant to lithium because of
insufficient central nervous system lithium entry or retention, despite having therapeutic serum lithium levels.
In summary, lithium-MRS studies indicate that cerebral
lithium concentrations are about half those seen in serum,
tend to be correlated with serum lithium concentrations, and
may be related to lithiums therapeutic and adverse effects. In

To date, structural neuroimaging cannot be used to diagnose bipolar disorder or MDD. For example, despite there
being mean differences in structural parameters between
groups of mood disorder patients and groups of healthy
controls, the ranges overlap so that the groups are not
discretely separated. Moreover, the abnormalities seen in
groups of mood disorder patients compared with groups
of healthy controls are nonspecific, as they can occur in
other psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia. For
example, compared with healthy controls, both schizophrenic and bipolar patients had frontal, temporoparietal,
and corpus callosum white matter volume decreases,
while volumes in these areas were statistically similar in
the two patient groups (McDonald et al., 2005). However,
the deficits in schizophrenia may be more severe and widespread than those seen in bipolar disorder. Thus, schizophrenic patients had anterior paralimbic thalamorcortical
(amygdala, hippocampus, insula, caudate, thalamus, lateral
prefrontal and temporal cortex) gray matter volume decreases compared with both bipolar patients and healthy
controls, whereas the latter two groups had statistically
similar volumes in these regions (McDonald et al., 2005).
This pattern of findings was also evident in first-degree
relatives of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (McDonald et al., 2004). In a similar fashion, another
group found that, compared with healthy controls, anterior thalamic gray matter density was decreased in both
schizophrenic and bipolar patients and their relatives, with
schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder also being associated with decreased middle prefrontal gyrus and dorsomedial thalamus gray matter density (McIntosh et al., 2004).
Moreover, this group found that, compared with healthy
controls, anterior limb of internal capsule white matter
density was decreased in both schizophrenic and bipolar
patients, with schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder also
being associated with decreased corpus callosum and frontal
subgyral white matter density (McIntosh et al., 2005).
Structural neuroimaging can be used to diagnose general
medical conditions associated with secondary mood disorders. Primary (bipolar disorder and MDD) and secondary
(due to substance abuse or general medical conditions)
mood disorders may represent extremes of a continuum,
bracketing intermediate mood syndromes with varying
ratios of primary to secondary components. For example,
it has been suggested that SCHs may contribute to the

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

development of depression in at least some patients (Alexopoulos et al., 1997; Krishnan et al., 1997; Steffens and Krishnan, 1998). Thus, these structural brain changes suggestive
of mild cerebrovascular insufficiency not severe enough to
merit a diagnosis of depression secondary to stroke may
contribute to mood symptoms, treatment resistance, and
poor prognosis in late-life or late-onset depression.
Further along the continuum, frank vascular lesions in
basal gangliathalamocortical circuits may lead to secondary mood disorders. Thus, vascular subtypes of mania and
depression have been proposed, with criteria including
clinical and/or neuroimaging evidence of cerebrovascular
disease (history of stroke, transient ischemic attacks, focal
neurological signs, SCHs) or neuropsychological impairment (decreased cognitive processing quality or speed)
(Steffens and Krishnan, 1998). Proposed supporting features include onset of or change in affective symptoms after age 50, marked anhedonia, psychomotor retardation,
marked impairment in basic activities of daily living, and
lack of family history of mood disorders.
Methodological advancesincluding new methods of
image acquisition, such as DTI, and new image processing
techniques, such as the ability to segment images into gray
and white matterpromise to advance structural neuroimaging studies. Limited statistical power related to clinical heterogeneity and small sample sizes in individual
studies needs to be addressed, however. This problem is
particularly salient with respect to understanding the clinical correlates of structural imaging abnormalities in
mood disorder patients. Large collaborative studies and/or
standardized designs that facilitate meta-analyses may
help surmount this problem.

Functional Neuroimaging
Taken together, the functional neuroimaging literature reviewed above suggests that elements of anterior cortical/anterior paralimbic basal gangliathalamocortical circuits may
contribute importantly to affective processing in health,
and can have altered function in bipolar and MDD patients
(see Box 152).
The cerebral activity studies reviewed here have important limitations, including small sample sizes, varying
methodology, and reliance on measures of patterns of activity across cerebral structures rather than assessment of
specific neurochemical differences. Their findings need to
be combined with emerging data from studies of specific
cerebral neurochemistry using specific neurochemical radiotracers (reviewed in Chapter 14) and MRS (described
above) to yield more comprehensive understanding of the
nature of the neurobiology of mood disorders.
Methodological advances in MRS studies are beginning to allow in vivo assessment of specific cerebral


BOX 152. Functional Neuroimaging Findings in

Depressed Bipolar and Major Depressive Disorder
Patients Compared with Healthy Controls

Decreased global cerebral activity (in older, more depressed

Decreased dorsolateral prefrontal activity
Decreased temporal cortical activity
Decreased basal ganglia activity (in MDD)
Variable anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal activity
Increased amygdala activity
Decreased prefrontal phosphomonoesters (in euthymic bipolar
patients versus healthy controls and depressed bipolar

Confirmed with meta-analysis.

neurochemistry that is less invasive (no ionizing radiation) and more generally available (no need for an on-site
cyclotron, radiochemistry team, or PET scanner) than
PET techniques using specific neurochemical radiotracers. MRS studies are limited, however, by relatively poor
spatial resolution, and by the ability to assess only a small
and in some cases inadequately characterized group of
Studies of specific cerebral neurochemistry share important limitations with those of cerebral activity, such as
small sample sizes and varying methodology. Technical
advances, including new methods of image acquisition
(such as MRS sequences to detect GABA and glutamate
with enhanced spatial and temporal resolution), promise
to advance functional neuroimaging studies. As with
structural neuroimaging studies, however, limited statistical power related to clinical heterogeneity and small sample sizes in individual studies remains problematic. Also as
with structural neuroimaging studies, large collaborative
studies and/or standardized designs that facilitate metaanalyses may help address these difficulties.

Future Directions
Despite providing substantial contributions to our understanding of which cerebral structures mediate affective processing in health and mood disorders, neuroimaging has
not yet realized its potential to be a clinically relevant tool
in the diagnosis and treatment of major mood disorders.
Technological innovations to enhance spatial and temporal resolution, decrease or eliminate exposure to ionizing
radiation, increase neurochemical specificity, increase
availability, and decrease expense are needed if research is
to further advance our knowledge of the neuroanatomical
and neurochemical substrates of these disorders. As these
technological innovations unfold, it becomes even more



important that we put considerably more effort into improved methods for diagnosis and clinical evaluation, including an agreed-upon standard for distinguishing the
more recurrent forms of MDD that fall within Kraepelins
concept of manic-depressive illness. More careful differentiation between state and trait is also needed, as are consensus protocols for assessing the multiple sources of
variance in these measures. Given the great promise and
expense of these technologies, we can afford to do no less.
While it remains to be seen whether such advances will ultimately yield clinical applications to facilitate diagnosis
and target treatments more effectively in patients with
mood disorders, it is clear that this potential will not be realized unless we invest more effort in standardizing the
clinical characterization of the patients we study.

1. Mindham, 1970; Caine and Shoulson, 1983; Folstein and
Folstein, 1983; Horn, 1974.
2. Lisanby et al., 1993; Passe et al., 1997; Coffey et al., 1998;
Parashos et al., 1998; Kumar et al., 1999.
3. Figiel et al., 1991b; Lesser et al., 1991; Fujikawa et al., 1993;
Howard et al., 1993; Krishnan et al., 1993; Hickie et al., 1995;
OBrien et al., 1996; Salloway et al., 1996.
4. Figiel et al., 1991a; Lesser et al., 1991; Fujikawa et al., 1993;
Howard et al., 1993; Krishnan et al., 1993; Hickie et al., 1995;
OBrien et al., 1996; Salloway et al., 1996; Dahabra et al.,
5. Jacoby and Levy, 1980; Pearlson and Veroff, 1981; Hazama
et al., 1982; Nasrallah et al., 1982b; Tanaka et al., 1982; Kellner
et al., 1983; Scott et al., 1983; Targum et al., 1983; Luchins et
al., 1984; Pearlson et al., 1984a, 1989; Shima et al., 1984; Dolan
et al., 1985, 1986; Lippmann et al., 1985; Kolbeinsson et al.,
1986; Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987; Iacono et al., 1988;
Rossi et al., 1989; Abas et al., 1990; Ames, et al., 1990; Beats
et al., 1991; Van den Bossche et al., 1991; Lauer et al., 1992;
Raz, 1993; Wurthmann et al., 1995; Baumann et al., 1997.
6. Besson et al., 1987; Dupont et al., 1987, 1995b; Dewan et al.,
1988b; Johnstone et al., 1989; Andreasen et al., 1990; Swayze
et al., 1990; Figiel et al., 1991a; Lewine et al., 1991; McDonald
et al., 1991; Rabins et al., 1991; Coffey et al., 1993b;
Strakowski et al., 1993b, 1999; Harvey et al., 1994; Kato et al.,
1994b; Botteron et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995b; Iidaka et al.,
1996; Greenwald et al., 1997; Pearlson et al., 1997; Zipursky
et al., 1997; Pantel et al., 1998; Roy et al., 1998; Lim et al.,
1999; Hauser et al., 2000; Brambilla et al., 2001b.
7. Pearlson and Veroff, 1981; Nasrallah et al., 1982b; Pearlson
et al., 1984b; Lippmann et al., 1985; Figiel et al., 1991b; Raz,
1993; Kato et al., 1994b; Zipursky et al., 1997; Strakowski
et al., 1999.
8. Kellner et al., 1983; Besson et al., 1987; Dewan et al., 1988c;
Johnstone et al., 1989; Swayze et al., 1990; McDonald et al.,
1991; Strakowski et al., 1993b; Harvey et al., 1994; Botteron
et al., 1995; Dupont et al., 1995b; Roy et al., 1998; Lim et al.,
9. Dupont et al., 1987; Iacono et al., 1988; Lewine et al., 1991;
Brambilla et al., 2001a.

10. Scott et al., 1983; Targum et al., 1983; Luchins et al., 1984; Shima
et al., 1984; Dolan et al., 1985; Kolbeinsson et al., 1986; Pearlson et al., 1989; Ames et al., 1990; Rabins et al., 1991; Lauer et
al., 1992; Wurthmann et al., 1995; Pantel et al., 1998.
11. Jacoby and Levy, 1980; Tanaka et al., 1982; Iacono et al., 1988;
Rossi et al., 1989; Abas et al., 1990; Andreasen et al., 1990;
Beats et al., 1991; Lewine et al., 1991; Van den Bossche et al.,
1991; Coffey et al., 1993b; Dupont et al., 1995b; Iidaka et
al., 1996; Baumann et al., 1997.
12. Tanaka et al., 1982; Dolan et al., 1986; Kolbeinsson et al.,
1986; Rabins et al., 1991; Wurthmann et al., 1995.
13. Jacoby and Levy, 1980; Pearlson and Veroff, 1981; Nasrallah
et al., 1982a; Weinberger et al., 1982; Kellner et al., 1983; Scott
et al., 1983; Targum et al., 1983; Luchins et al., 1984; Pearlson
et al., 1984a, 1989; Shima et al., 1984; Dolan et al., 1985; Kolbeinsson et al., 1986; Besson et al., 1987; Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987; Dewan et al., 1988c; Iacono et al., 1988; Johnstone et al., 1989; Rossi et al., 1989; Abas et al., 1990;
Andreasen et al., 1990; Swayze et al., 1990; Beats et al., 1991;
Rabins et al., 1991; Van den Bossche et al., 1991; Lauer et al.,
1992; Coffey et al., 2001; Raz, 1993; Strakowski et al., 1993b.
14. Nasrallah et al., 1982b; Tanaka et al., 1982; Weinberger et al.,
1982; Dolan et al., 1986; Kolbeinsson et al., 1986; Dewan
et al., 1988c; Iacono et al., 1988; Abas et al., 1990; Rabins
et al., 1991; Coffey et al., 1993b.
15. Raz and Raz, 1990; Jeste et al., 1988; Elkis et al., 1995; Ketter
et al., 2004.
16. Shima et al., 1984; Dolan et al., 1985; Rossi et al., 1987; Beats
et al., 1991; Alexopoulos et al., 1992; Coffey et al., 1993b;
Iidaka et al., 1996; Wurthmann et al., 1995.
17. Shima et al., 1984; Dolan et al., 1985; Pearlson et al., 1989;
Jernigan et al., 1990; Coffey et al., 1992; Murphy et al., 1992;
Pfefferbaum et al., 1994; Botteron et al., 1995.
18. Pearlson et al., 1989; Rossi et al., 1989; Baumann et al., 1997;
Dahabra et al., 1998.
19. Pearlson et al., 1984a; Rossi et al., 1987, 1989; Baumann et al.,
1997; Brambilla et al., 2001a.
20. Jacoby and Levy, 1980; Shima et al., 1984; Rossi et al., 1987;
Alexopoulos et al., 1992; Dahabra et al., 1998; Simpson et al.,
21. Pearlson et al., 1984b; Dolan et al., 1985; Dewan et al., 1988c;
Rossi et al., 1989; Harvey et al., 1994; Brambilla et al., 2001b.
22. Jacoby et al., 1981; Nasrallah et al., 1984; Pearlson et al.,
1984a; Shima et al., 1984; Dolan et al., 1985; Kolbeinsson
et al., 1986; Roy-Byrne et al., 1988; Johnstone et al., 1989;
Beats et al., 1991.
23. Nasrallah et al., 1984; Pearlson et al., 1984a; Dahabra et al.,
1998; Dewan et al., 1988b; Andreasen et al., 1990.
24. Pearlson et al., 1989; Rothschild et al., 1989; Abas et al., 1990;
Greenwald et al., 1997.
25. Luchins et al., 1984; Schlegel et al., 1989c; Van den Bossche
et al., 1991; Brambilla et al., 2001b.
26. Targum et al., 1983; Standish-Barry et al., 1985; Schlegel and
Kretzschmar, 1987; Dewan et al., 1988c; Schlegel et al., 1989b;
Van den Bossche et al., 1991; Coffey et al., 1993a; Mukherjee
et al., 1993.
27. Rieder et al., 1983; Nasrallah et al., 1984; Pearlson et al.,
1984b; Andreasen et al., 1990; Swayze et al., 1990; Harvey
et al., 1994.
28. Coffey et al., 1987, 1988a, 1991; Figiel et al., 1989b; Pande
et al., 1990.

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

29. Pearlson et al., 1984b; Dolan et al., 1985; Johnstone et al., 1986;
Swayze et al., 1990; Harvey et al., 1994; Brambilla et al., 2001a.
30. Botteron et al., 1995; Roy et al., 1998; Lim et al., 1999;
Strakowski et al., 1999.
31. Schlegel and Kretzschmar, 1987; Beats et al., 1991; Rabins
et al., 1991; Wurthmann et al., 1995; Iidaka et al., 1996.
32. Figiel et al., 1989b, 1991b; Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a,b; Coffey et al., 1990, 1993a; Swayze et al., 1990; Zubenko et al.,
1990; Beats et al., 1991; Lesser et al., 1991, 1996; McDonald et
al., 1991, 1999; Rabins et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992; Guze
and Szuba, 1992; Howard et al., 1993; Krishnan et al., 1993;
Strakowski et al., 1993a; Aylward et al., 1994; Miller et al.,
1994; Altshuler et al., 1995; Botteron et al., 1995; Lewine et
al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995a,b; Greenwald et al., 1996;
Iidaka et al., 1996; OBrien et al., 1996; Persaud et al., 1998;
Lenze et al., 1999; Krabbendam et al., 2000; Kumar et al.,
2000; MacFall et al., 2001; Losfescu et al., 2002; Pillai et al.,
2002; Sassi et al., 2003; T. Silverstone et al., 2003; Videbech
and Ravnkilde, 2004.
33. Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a,b; Swayze et al., 1990; Figiel et al.,
1991a; McDonald et al., 1991, 1999; Aylward et al., 1994;
Woods et al., 1995; Pillai et al., 2002.
34. Strakowski et al., 1993; Botteron et al., 1995; Lewine et al.,
1995; Woods et al., 1995; Persaud et al., 1997; Krabbendam
et al., 2000; P. Silverstone et al., 2003.
35. Swayze et al., 1990; Dupont et al., 1990; Figiel et al., 1991b;
McDonald et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992; Strakowski et al.,
1993b; Aylward et al., 1994; Altshuler et al., 1995.
36. Swayze et al., 1990; Figiel et al., 1991a; McDonald et al., 1991;
Brown et al., 1992; Strakowski et al., 1993a; Aylward et al.,
1994; Altshuler et al., 1995; Dupont et al., 1995b; Lewine
et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995.
37. Figiel et al., 1989b; Coffey et al., 1990, 1993; Zubenko et al.,
1990; Beats et al., 1991; Lesser et al., 1991; Rabins et al., 1991;
Brown et al., 1992; Krishnan et al., 1993; Greenwald et al.,
1996; Iidaka et al., 1996; OBrien et al., 1996; Kumar et al.,
2000; MacFall et al., 2001.
38. Guze and Szuba, 1992; Howard et al., 1993; Miller et al., 1994;
Dupont et al., 1995a,b; Lewine et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995;
Greenwald et al., 1998; Lenze et al., 1999; Losfescu et al., 2002;
T. Silverstone et al., 2003; Videbech and Ravnkilde, 2004.
39. Zubenko et al., 1990; Lesser et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992;
Krishnan et al., 1993; Dupont et al., 1995a; Lewine et al.,
1995; OBrien et al., 1996.
40. Dupont et al., 1990, 1995b; Aylward et al., 1994; Krabbendam
et al., 2000.
41. Krishnan et al., 1988, 1993; Figiel et al., 1991a; Guze and
Szuba, 1992; Dupont et al., 1995a; Iidaka et al., 1996; OBrien
et al., 1996; Greenwald et al., 1998; MacFall et al., 2001.
42. Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a,b; Figiel et al., 1991b; McDonald
et al., 1991, 1999; Aylward et al., 1994; Woods et al., 1995a; Pillai et al., 2002.
43. Swayze et al., 1990; Strakowski et al., 1993a; Botteron et al.,
1995; Lewine et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995b; Persaud et al.,
1997; Krabbendam et al., 2000; T. Silverstone et al., 2003.
44. Figiel et al., 1989b; Coffey et al., 1990; Zubenko et al., 1990;
Lesser et al., 1991, 1996; Rabins et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992;
Krishnan et al., 1993; OBrien et al., 1996; MacFall et al.,
2001; Sassi et al., 2003.
45. Coffey et al., 1993a; Howard et al., 1993; Miller et al., 1994;
Dupont et al., 1995a,b; Lewine et al., 1995; Woods et al.,





1995b; Iidaka et al., 1996; Greenwald et al., 1998; Lenze et al.,

1999; Brambilla et al., 2003a; T. Silverstone et al., 2003.
Swayze et al., 1990; McDonald et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992;
Botteron et al., 1995; Persaud et al., 1997; Sassi et al., 2003;
P. Silverstone et al., 2003.
Rabins et al., 1991; Howard et al., 1993; Woods et al., 1995b;
Greenwald et al., 1996; OBrien et al., 1996; Lenze et al., 1999;
P. Silverstone et al., 2003.
Beats et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992; Miller et al., 1994; Sassi
et al., 2003.
Figiel et al., 1991b; McDonald et al., 1991; Botteron et al.,
1995; Sassi et al., 2003.
Figiel et al., 1989a; Coffey et al., 1990; Beats et al., 1991;
Rabins et al., 1991; Greenwald et al., 1996; Iidaka et al., 1996.
Coffey et al., 1993b; Greenwald et al., 1998; Lenze et al.,
1999; Sassi et al., 2003.
Swayze et al., 1990; Deicken et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992;
Woods et al., 1995b; OBrien et al., 1996.
Brown et al., 1992; Strakowski et al., 1993a; Aylward et al.,
1994; Altshuler et al., 1995; Woods et al., 1995b.
Dewan et al., 1988c; Krishnan et al., 1988; Coffey et al., 1989;
Figiel et al., 1989a; Rabins et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992;
Guze and Szuba, 1992; Miller et al., 1994; Dupont et al.,
1995a,b; Hickie et al., 1995; OBrien et al., 1996; Greenwald
et al., 1997; Lenze et al., 1999.
Jernigan et al., 1990; Zubenko et al., 1990; Deicken et al.,
1991; Coffey et al., 1992; Guze and Szuba, 1992; Howard
et al., 1995; OBrien et al., 1996.
Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a,b; Figiel et al., 1991a.
Zubenko et al., 1990; Beats et al., 1991; Krishnan et al., 1993;
Iidaka et al., 1996; Dahabra et al., 1998.
Rabins et al., 1991; Brown et al., 1992; Krishnan et al., 1993;
Dupont et al., 1995a,b; Woods et al., 1995a.
Coffey et al., 1989; Krishnan et al., 1993; Altshuler et al.,
1995; OBrien et al., 1996; McDonald et al., 1999.
Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a,b, 1987; Altshuler et al., 1995;
OBrien et al., 1996; Moore et al., 2001; Sassi et al., 2003.
Dupont et al., 1990, 1995a; Figiel et al., 1991b; McDonald
et al., 1999.
Figiel et al., 1991b; Lesser et al., 1991, 1996; Fujikawa et al.,
1993; Howard et al., 1993; Krishnan et al., 1993; Hickie et al.,
1995; OBrien et al., 1996; Salloway et al., 1996; Dahabra
et al., 1998.
Zubenko et al., 1990; Churchill et al., 1991; Rabins, et al.,
1991; Miller et al., 1994; Dupont et al., 1995a,b; Greenwald
et al., 1996; Iidaka et al., 1996; Dahabra et al., 1998.
Lesser et al., 1991, 1996; Hickie et al., 1995, 1997; Salloway
et al., 1996; Jenkins et al., 1998; Kramer-Ginsberg et al., 1999.
Coffey et al., 1989; Dupont et al., 1995a; Lesser et al., 1996;
Obrien et al., 1996.
Dupont et al., 1987, 1990; Figiel et al., 1991a; Altshuler et al.,
1995; Krabbendam et al., 2000.
Coffey et al., 1989; Rabins et al., 1991; Hickie et al., 1995;
OBrien et al., 1996.
Coffey et al., 1988b, 1989, 1991; Hickie et al., 1995; OBrien
et al., 1996.
Coffey et al., 1987, 1991; Figiel et al., 1989b; Pande et al., 1990.
Dewan et al., 1988c; Swayze et al., 1990; Figiel et al., 1991b;
Altshuler et al., 1995; Dupont et al., 1995b.
Krishnan et al., 1992; Coffey et al., 2001; Kumar et al., 1996,
1997, 1998, 2000; Parashos et al., 1998; Lavretsky et al., 2004.



72. Adler et al., 2005; Bruno et al., 2004; Doris et al., 2004;
Lochhead et al., 2004; Lyoo et al., 2004; McDonald et al.,
2004, 2005; McIntosh et al., 2004, 2005, 2006; Wilke et al.,
2004; Dickstein et al., 2005; Nugent et al., 2006.
73. Drevets et al., 1997; Hirayasu et al., 1999; Sharma et al., 2003;
Wilke et al., 2004.
74. Brambilla et al., 2002; Bremner et al., 2002; Kegeles et al.,
2003; Bruno et al., 2004; Doris et al., 2004; Pizzagalli et al.,
2004; Lochhead et al., 2004; Dickstein et al., 2005; McDonald et al., 2005; Sanches et al., 2005; Nugent et al., 2006.
75. Heath et al., 1982; Lippmann et al., 1982; Nasrallah et al.,
1981, 1982b; DelBello et al., 1999; Strakowski et al., 2002.
76. Yates et al., 1987; Dewan et al., 1988c; Coffman et al., 1990;
Brambilla et al., 2001.
77. Hauser et al., 1989a, 2000; Pearlson et al., 1997; Altshuler
et al., 1998, 2000; Sax et al., 1999; Strakowski et al., 1999; Brambilla et al., 2003b; Chen et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2005; Dickstein et al., 2005; McDonald et al., 2005; Nugent et al., 2006.
78. Sheline et al., 1996, 1999; Bremner et al., 2000; Mervaala et
al., 2000; Bell-McGinty et al., 2002; Colla et al., 2002; Frodl
et al., 2002a; Vythilingam et al., 2002; MacQueen et al.,
2003; Janssen et al., 2004; Lange and Irle, 2004; Lloyd et al.,
2004; MacMaster and Kusumakar, 2004a.
79. Ashtari et al., 1999; Vakili et al., 2000; von Gunten et al.,
2000; Rusch et al., 2001; Posener et al., 2003.
80. Ashtari et al., 1999; Sheline et al., 1999; Bremner et al., 2000;
Mervaala et al., 2000; Steffens et al., 2000; Vakili et al.,
2000; von Gunten et al., 2000; Rusch et al., 2001; Frodl et al.,
2002b; Vythilingam et al., 2002; MacQueen et al., 2003;
Posener et al., 2003.
81. Ashtari et al., 1999; Bremner et al., 2000; Mervaala et al.,
2000; Steffens et al., 2000; Vakili et al., 2000; von Gunten
et al., 2000; Frodl et al., 2002b; MacQueen et al., 2003;
Posener et al., 2003; Rusch et al., 2001; Sheline et al., 2003.
82. Bremner et al., 2000; Mervaala et al., 2000; Steffens et al.,
2000; von Gunten et al., 2000; Vythilingam et al., 2002;
Frodl et al., 2002; MacMaster and Kusumaker, 2004.
83. Sheline et al., 1996, 1999; Colla et al., 2002; MacQueen et al.,
84. Shah et al., 1998; Ashtari et al., 1999; Sheline et al., 1999; von
Gunten et al., 2000.
85. Benes et al., 1998; Vawter et al., 1998, 1999, 2002; Dowlatshahi
et al., 2000; Eastwood and Harrison, 2000; Fatemi et al.,
2000, 2001; Rosoklija et al., 2000; Law and Deakin, 2001;
Webster et al., 2001; Heckers et al., 2002; Dean et al., 2003.
86. Altshuler et al., 1998, 2000; Strakowski et al., 1999; Brambilla et al., 2003a.
87. Swayze et al., 1992; Strakowski et al., 2002; Frazier et al.,
2005; McDonald et al., 2005; Nugent et al., 2006.
88. Pearlson et al., 1997; Blumberg et al., 2003c; Chen et al., 2004;
DelBello et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2005; Dickstein et al., 2005.
89. Blumberg et al. 2003c; Chen et al., 2004; DelBello et al.,
2004; Chang et al., 2005; Dickstein et al., 2005.
90. Sheline et al., 1999; Mervaala et al., 2000; Frodl et al., 2003,
91. Sheline et al., 1998, 1999; Bremner et al., 2000; Mervaala
et al., 2000; von Gunten et al., 2000; Frodl et al., 2002b.
92. Axelson et al., 1993; Coffey et al., 1993a; Pantel et al., 1997;
Ashtari et al., 1999.
93. Axelson et al., 1993; Coffey et al., 1993b; Pantel et al., 1997;
Ashtari et al., 1999.

94. Johnstone et al., 1989; Swayze et al., 1992; Pearlson et al.,

1997; Altshuler et al., 1998, 2000; Roy et al., 1998; Hauser
et al., 2000; Brambilla et al., 2003a; Chen et al., 2004.
95. Swayze et al., 1992; Strakowski et al., 1993b, 2002; Dupont
et al., 1995b; Sax et al., 1999; Brambilla et al., 2001a; Chang
et al., 2005; Sanches et al., 2005.
96. Dupont et al., 1995b; Pillay et al., 1998; Lenze and Sheline,
1999; Bremner et al., 2000.
97. Swayze et al., 1992; Aylward et al., 1994; Brambilla et al.,
2001; Sanches et al., 2005; Lyoo et al., 2006.
98. Strakowski et al., 2002; DelBello et al., 2004; Wilke et al.,
99. Husain et al., 1991; Krishnan et al., 1992, 1993; Parashos
et al., 1998.
100. Strakowski et al., 1993a, 2000, 2002; Buchsbaum et al.,
1997b; Sax et al., 1999; Caetano et al., 2001; Lochhead et al.,
2004; Chang et al., 2005; Frazier et al., 2005; McDonald et
al., 2005.
101. Krishnan et al., 1993; Parashos et al., 1998; Caetano et al.,
102. Husain et al., 1991; Lammers et al., 1991; Parashos et al., 1998.
103. Hauser et al., 1989a ; Strakowski et al., 1993b; Aylward et al.,
1994; Harvey et al., 1994; Schlaepfer et al., 1994; Dupont
et al., 1995b; Ohaeri et al., 1995; Zipursky et al., 1997; Sax
et al., 1999; Wilke et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2005; Nugent et
al., 2006.
104. Husain et al., 1991; Krishnan et al., 1992; Axelson et al., 1993;
Coffey et al., 1993a; Dupont et al., 1995b; Sheline et al., 1996;
Kumar et al., 1997, 1998; Pillay et al., 1997; Ashtari et al.,
1999; Bremner et al., 2000; MacQueen et al., 2003.
105. Hauser et al., 1989b; Strakowski et al., 1993a; Aylward et al.,
1994; Schlaepfer et al., 1994; Dupont et al., 1995b; Ohaeri
et al., 1995; Zipursky et al., 1997.
106. Strakowski et al., 1993a; Harvey et al., 1994; Schlaepfer et al.,
1994; Dupont et al., 1995b; Pearlson et al., 1997; Zipursky
et al., 1997.
107. Raichle et al., 1976; Baron et al., 1982, 1984; Lebrun-Grandie
et al., 1983; Fox and Raichle, 1986; Ginsberg et al., 1988.
108. Kuhl et al., 1982; Schlageter et al., 1987; Yoshii et al., 1988;
Moeller et al., 1996; Murphy et al., 1996; Petit-Taboue et al.,
1998; Willis et al., 2002.
109. de Leon et al., 1983, 1987; Kushner et al., 1987; Salmon et al.,
1991; Wang et al., 1994; Ernst et al., 1998.
110. Baxter et al., 1987b; Yoshii et al., 1988; Miura et al., 1990;
Andreason et al., 1994; Gur et al., 1995; Murphy et al., 1996;
Volkow et al., 1997; Willis et al., 2002.
111. George et al., 1993; Breiter et al., 1996; Morris et al., 1996,
1998a,b; Phillips et al., 1997, 1998; Whalen et al., 1998; Baird
et al., 1999; Blair et al., 1999.
112. George et al., 1993; Morris et al., 1996, 1998a; Phillips et al.,
1997, 1998; Whalen et al., 1998; Blair et al., 1999.
113. Grodd et al., 1995; Schneider et al., 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000;
Damasio et al., 1998.
114. Pardo et al., 1993; George et al., 1995b, 1996; Gemar et al.,
1996; Lane et al., 1997; Damasio et al., 1999; Mayberg et al.,
1999; Liotti et al., 2000.
115. George et al., 1995b, 1996; Grodd et al., 1995; Lane et al.,
1997; Damasio et al., 1998, 1999; Schneider et al., 1998, 2000.
116. George et al., 1995a, 1996; Gemar et al., 1996; Lane et al.,
1997; Schneider et al., 1997; Damasio et al., 1999; Mayberg
et al., 1999; Liotti et al., 2000.

Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

117. Pardo et al., 1993; Grodd et al., 1995; Schneider et al., 1995,
1998, 2000; Damasio et al., 1998.
118. George et al., 1996; Lane et al., 1997; Schneider et al., 1997;
Damasio et al., 1999.
119. George et al., 1995c; Grodd et al., 1995; Schneider et al., 1995,
1998, 2000; Damasio et al., 1998.
120. Baxter et al., 1985; Martinot et al., 1990; Cohen et al., 1992;
Goyer et al., 1992; Ketter et al., 2001.
121. Rush et al., 1982; Raichle et al., 1985; Kishimoto et al., 1987;
Schlegel et al., 1989c; OConnell et al., 1989; Kanaya and
Yonekawa, 1990; Sackeim et al., 1990, 1993; Upadhyaya et al.,
1990; Kumar et al., 1993; Lesser et al., 1994; Mayberg et al.,
1994; Delvenne et al., 1997a.
122. Gur et al., 1984; Baxter et al., 1985; Kuhl et al., 1985; Reischies
et al., 1989; Silfverskild and Risberg, 1989; Hagman et al.,
1990; Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Berman et al., 1993; Maes
et al., 1993; Murphy et al., 1993; Biver et al., 1994; Rubin
et al., 1995; Delvenne et al., 1997b; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
123. Buchsbaum et al., 1984, 1986, 1997a; Baxter et al., 1985, 1989;
Cohen et al., 1989; Martinot et al., 1990; Ketter et al., 2001.
124. Baxter et al., 1989; Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kumar et al., 1993;
Biver et al., 1994; al-Mousawi et al., 1996; Delvenne et al.,
1997a; Nofzinger et al., 1999; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
125. Ebert et al., 1991; Lesser et al., 1994; Mayberg et al., 1994; Ito
et al., 1996; Vasile et al., 1996; Awata et al., 1998; Galynker
et al., 1998; Tutus et al., 1998b; Navarro et al., 2001.
126. Ebert et al., 1991; Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Biver et al., 1994;
Tutus et al., 1998b; Nofzinger et al., 1999.
127. Baxter et al., 1985; Kuhl et al., 1985; Kling et al., 1986; Hagman et al., 1990; Upadhyaya et al., 1990; Drevets et al., 1992;
Maes et al., 1993; Philpot et al., 1993; Edmonstone et al.,
1994; Bonne et al., 1996b; Mozley et al., 1996; Buchsbaum
et al., 1997a; Delvenne et al., 1997b; Hornig et al., 1997; Wu
et al., 1999; MacHale et al., 2000; Saxena et al., 2001; Videbech et al., 2001, 2002.
128. Stroke (Mayberg et al., 1991; Grasso et al., 1994); epilepsy
(Bromfield et al., 1992); Parkinsons (Mayberg et al., 1990;
Ring et al., 1994), Huntingtons (Mayberg et al., 1992), and
Alzheimers (Hirono et al., 1998) diseases; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Renshaw et al., 1992); and postherpetic encephalitis (Caparros-Lefebvre et al., 1996).
129. Obsessivecompulsive disorder (Baxter et al., 1989), bulimia (Hagman et al., 1990; Andreason et al., 1992), and cocaine abuse (Volkow et al., 1991).
130. Baxter et al., 1989; OConnell et al., 1989, 1995; Schlegel
et al., 1989c; Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990; Kumar et al., 1991;
Austin et al., 1992; Drevets et al., 1992; Cohen et al., 1992;
Yazici et al., 1992; Bench et al., 1993; Bonne et al., 1996b;
Iidaka et al., 1997; Ketter et al., 2001; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
131. Baxter et al., 1989; Mayberg et al., 1990; Volkow et al., 1991;
Andreason et al., 1992; Grasso et al., 1994; Hirono et al., 1998.
132. Maes et al., 1993; Philpot et al., 1993; Thomas et al., 1993;
Lesser et al., 1994; Mayberg et al., 1994; Vasile et al., 1996.
133. Baxter et al., 1987a; Cohen et al., 1992; Drevets et al., 1992;
Biver et al., 1994.
134. Drevets and Raichle, 1992; Drevets et al., 1992, 2002c; Wilson et al., 2002.
135. Buchsbaum et al., 1997a; Mayberg et al., 1999; Drevets et al.,
136. Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Cohen et al., 1989; Drevets et al.,


137. Baxter et al., 1985; Cohen et al., 1992; Ebert et al., 1993;
Ketter et al., 2001.
138. Hagman et al., 1990; Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kumar et al., 1993;
Drevets et al., 1997; Mayberg et al., 1997; Nofzinger et al.,
139. Mayberg et al., 1994; Ito et al., 1996; Awata et al., 1998;
Galynker et al., 1998.
140. Baxter et al., 1985; Kuhl et al., 1985; Austin et al., 1992; Biver
et al., 1994; Edmonstone et al., 1994; Bonne et al., 1996a; alMousawi et al., 1996; Mozley et al., 1996; Vasile et al., 1996;
Buchsbaum et al., 1997b; Hornig et al., 1997; MacHale et al.,
2000; Navarro et al., 2001; Saxena et al., 2001; Videbech
et al., 2001; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
141. Ebert et al., 1991, 1994; Wu et al., 1992, 1999; Holthoff et al.,
142. Baxter et al., 1985; Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Martinot et al.,
1990; Cohen et al., 1992; Ebert et al., 1993; Tutus et al., 1998a.
143. Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kumar et al., 1993; Nofzinger et al.,
1999; Conca et al., 2000; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
144. Yazici et al., 1992; Philpot et al., 1993; Lesser et al., 1994;
Mayberg et al., 1994; Bonne et al., 1996b; Ito et al., 1996;
Vasile et al., 1996; Awata et al., 1998; Conca et al., 2000.
145. Philpot et al., 1993; Bonne et al., 1996a; Ito et al., 1996;
Nofzinger et al., 1999; Conca et al., 2000.
146. Baxter et al., 1985; Kuhl et al., 1985; Buchsbaum et al., 1986,
1997; Kling et al., 1986; Hagman et al., 1990; Upadhyaya
et al., 1990; Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Dolan et al., 1992; Maes
et al., 1993; Biver et al., 1994; al- Mousawi et al., 1996; Mozley et al., 1996; Delvenne et al., 1997b; Hornig et al., 1997;
Tutus et al., 1998a,b; Abou-Saleh et al., 1999; MacHale et al.,
2000; Navarro et al., 2001; Videbech et al., 2001.
147. Drevets et al., 1992, 2002d; Nofzinger et al., 1999; Videbech
et al., 2002.
148. Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Dolan et al., 1992; Biver et al., 1994;
Mayberg et al., 1997; Saxena et al., 2001.
149. Baxter et al., 1985; Buchsbaum et al., 1986; Hagman et al.,
1990; Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kumar et al., 1993; Delvenne
et al., 1997a; Wu et al., 1999; Conca et al., 2000.
150. Mayberg et al., 1994; Vasile et al., 1996; Awata et al., 1998;
Kowatch et al., 1999; Conca et al., 2000; MacHale et al., 2000.
151. Kuhl et al., 1985; Kling et al., 1986; OConnell et al., 1989;
Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990; Bench et al., 1992, 1993; Dolan
et al., 1992; Wu et al., 1992; Philpot et al., 1993; Biver et al.,
1994; Bonne et al., 1996b; Mozley et al., 1996; Delvenne et al.,
1997a; Hornig et al., 1997; Navarro et al., 2001; Saxena et al.,
2001; Videbech et al., 2001; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
152. Martinot et al., 1990; Cohen et al., 1992; Goyer et al., 1992;
Ebert et al., 1993.
153. Cohen et al., 1992; Goyer et al., 1992; Ebert et al., 1993; Ketter
et al., 1996b.
154. Baxter et al., 1985; Kuhl et al., 1985; Kling et al., 1986; Hurwitz et al., 1990; Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990; Bench et al.,
1992, 1993; Dolan et al., 1992; Wu et al., 1992; Kumar et al.,
1993; Biver et al., 1994; Edmonstone et al., 1994; Bonne et al.,
1996b; Mozley et al., 1996; Delvenne et al., 1997a; Hornig
et al., 1997; Awata et al., 1998; MacHale et al., 2000; Navarro
et al., 2001; Videbech et al., 2001; Kimbrell et al., 2002.
155. Drevets et al., 2001; Sheline et al., 2001; Thomas et al., 2001;
Lawrence et al., 2004; Blumberg et al., 2005.
156. George et al., 1995b; Mayberg et al., 1999; Liotti et al., 2002;
Krger, 2003, 2006.



157. Matsuo et al., 2000, 2002; Curtis et al., 2001; de Asis et al.,
158. Baxter et al., 1989; Kanaya and Yonekawa, 1990; Drevets and
Raichle, 1992; G. Goodwin et al., 1993; Bench et al., 1995;
Buchsbaum et al., 1997b; Tutus et al., 1998a,b; Smith et al.,
1999; Mayberg et al., 2000; Brody et al., 2001a; Kennedy
et al., 2001; Nofzinger et al., 2001; Sheline et al., 2001;
Drevets et al., 2002a,d.
159. Ebert et al., 1991; Wu et al., 1992, 1999; Volk et al., 1997;
Holthoff et al., 1999; Smith et al., 1999.
160. Ebert et al., 1991, 1994; Wu et al., 1992, 1999; Holthoff et al.,
161. OConnell et al., 1995; Rubin et al., 1995; al-Mousawi et al.,
1996; Blumberg et al., 1999.
162. Drevets et al., 1995, 1997; G. Goodwin et al., 1997; Blumberg
et al., 2000.
163. Drevets et al., 1995, 1997; G. Goodwin et al., 1997; Blumberg
et al., 2000.
164. Renshaw et al., 1995; Winsberg et al., 2000; Chang et al.,
2001; Frye et al., 2001; Cecil et al., 2002; Bertolino et al.,
2003; Deicken et al., 2003a; Sassi et al., 2005.
165. Sharma et al., 1992; Deicken et al., 2001; P. Silverstone et al.,
2003; Dager et al., 2004.
166. Stoll et al., 1992; Kato et al., 1996a; Hamakawa et al., 1998,
1999; Ohara et al., 1998; Soares et al., 1999; Castillo et al.,
2000; Moore et al., 2000a; Davanzo et al., 2001; Amaral
et al., 2002; Michael et al., 2003.
167. Charles et al., 1994b; Renshaw et al., 1997; Hamakawa et al.,
1998; Auer et al., 2000; Ende et al., 2000b; Mervaala et
al., 2000; Rosenberg et al., 2000; Steingard et al., 2000;
Kusumakar et al., 2001; Farchione et al., 2002; Pfleiderer
et al., 2003.
168. Soares et al., 1999; Davanzo et al., 2001; Amaral et al., 2002;
Bertolino et al., 2003; Dager et al., 2004.
169. Castillo et al., 2000; Moore et al., 2000b; Amaral et al., 2002;
Bertolino et al., 2003; Dager et al., 2004.
170. Kato et al., 1996b; Hamakawa et al., 1998; Ohara et al., 1998;
Bertolino et al., 2003.
171. Sharma et al., 1992; Stoll et al., 1992; Moore et al., 2000b;
Frye et al., 2001; Bertolino et al., 2003.
172. Renshaw et al., 1995; Winsberg et al., 2000; Frye et al., 2001;
Cecil et al., 2002; Bertolino et al., 2003; Deicken et al., 2003a;
Sassi et al., 2005.
173. Stoll et al., 1992; Kato et al., 1996a; Hamakawa et al., 1998,
1999; Ohara et al., 1998; Castillo et al., 2000; Moore et al.,
2000a; Davanzo et al., 2001; Amaral et al., 2002; Michael
et al., 2003; Brambilla et al., 2005.
174. Lafer et al., 1994; Kato et al., 1996a; Hamakawa et al., 1998;
Moore et al., 2000a; Sharma et al., 1992.
175. Demopulos et al., 1996; Cecil et al., 2002; Silverstone et al.,
176. Stoll et al., 1992; Brhn et al., 1993; Renshaw et al., 1995;
Ohara et al., 1998; Hamakawa et al., 1999; Castillo et al.,
2000; Winsberg et al., 2000; Chang et al., 2001; Davanzo
et al., 2001, 2003; Deicken et al., 2001, 2003a; Amaral et al.,
2002; Bertolino et al., 2003; Michael et al., 2003; Brambilla
et al., 2005; Sassi et al., 2005.
177. Charles et al., 1994b; Hamakawa et al., 1998; Mervaala et al.,
2000; Rosenberg et al., 2000; Steingard et al., 2000; Farchione et al., 2002; Vythilingam et al., 2003.

178. Renshaw et al., 1997; Ende et al., 2000b; Kusumakar et al.,

2001; Gruber et al., 2003.
179. Davanzo et al., 2001 2003; Amaral et al., 2002; Bertolino
et al., 2003.
180. Chang et al., 2001; Winsberg et al., 2001; Cecil et al., 2002;
Bertolino et al., 2003; Michael et al., 2003; Brambilla et al.,
2005; Sassi et al., 2005.
181. Sharma et al., 1992; Lafer et al., 1994; Kato et al., 1996b;
Hamakawa et al., 1998.
182. Sharma et al., 1992; Stoll et al., 1992; Brhn et al., 1993;
Bertolino et al., 2003.
183. Charles et al., 1994a; Hamakawa et al., 1998; Rosenberg
et al., 2000; Vythilingam et al., 2003.
184. Sharma et al., 1992; Lafer et al., 1994; Kato et al., 1996b;
Hamakawa et al., 1998; Soares et al., 1999; C. Moore et al.,
185. Stoll et al., 1992; Brhn et al., 1993; Renshaw et al., 1995;
Ohara et al., 1998; Hamakawa et al., 1999; Castillo et al.,
2000; Winsberg et al., 2000; Davanzo et al., 2001, 2003; Deicken et al., 2001, 2003a; Amaral et al., 2002; Bertolino et al.,
2003; Chang et al., 2003; Michael et al., 2003; Dager et al.,
2004; Wu et al., 2004; Brambilla et al., 2005; Sassi et al.,
186. Sharma et al., 1992; Winsberg et al., 2000; Davanzo et al.,
2001, 2003; Cecil et al., 2002.
187. Brhn et al., 1993; Moore et al., 2000a; Chang et al., 2001;
Silverstone et al., 2002; Dager et al., 2004.
188. Sharma et al., 1992; Winsberg et al., 2000; Davanzo et al.,
2001, 2003; Cecil et al., 2002.
189. Brhn et al., 1993; Moore et al., 2000a; Chang et al., 2001;
Silverstone et al., 2002; Dager et al., 2004.
190. Hamakawa et al., 1998, 1999; Cecil et al., 2002; Davanzo
et al., 2003; Michael et al., 2003; Dager et al., 2004; Wu et al.,
2004; Brambilla et al., 2005.
191. Hamakawa et al., 1998; Auer et al., 2000; Ende et al., 2000b;
Rosenberg et al., 2000; Farchione et al., 2002; Pfleiderer
et al., 2003.
192. Sharma et al., 1992; Charles et al., 1994a; Renshaw et al.,
1995, 1997; Steingard et al., 2000; Winsberg et al., 2000;
Castillo et al., 2000; Mervaala et al., 2000; Moore et al.,
2000b; Chang et al., 2001; Davanzo et al., 2001; Amaral et
al., 2002.
193. Dechent et al., 1999b; Moore et al., 1999a,b; Auer et al., 2000;
Deicken et al., 2001, 2003a,b; Cecil et al., 2002.
194. Brhn et al., 1993; Davanzo et al., 2003; Gruber et al., 2003;
Wu et al., 2004.
195. Castillo et al., 2000; Cecil et al., 2002; Michael et al., 2003;
Dager et al., 2004.
196. Kato et al., 1991, 1992b, 1993b, 1994b,c, 1995; Deicken et al.,
197. Kato et al., 1991, 1992a, 1994b, 1995a; Deicken et al., 1995b.
198. Although two studies found that euthymic compared with
manic bipolar-I patients had decreased PMEs (Kato et al.,
1991, 1993b) one study with both bipolar-I and -II patients
failed to replicate this finding (Kato et al., 1995b).
199. Renshaw and Wicklund, 1988; Komoroski et al., 1990, 1993;
Gyulai et al., 1991; Kato et al., 1992a, 1993a, 1994a, 1996b;
Gonzalez et al., 1993; Kushnir et al., 1993; Plenge et al., 1994;
Sachs et al., 1995; Jensen et al., 1996; Riedl et al., 1997; Soares
et al., 2001; Moore et al., 2002.


Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

For our body is like a clock; if one wheel be amiss, all the rest are disordered, the whole fabric
suffers: with such admirable art and harmony is a man composed.
Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621, p. 171)

As surely as the sun rises in the morning and bears hibernate in the winter, human functioning heeds its own innate rhythms. Body temperature rises and falls in oscillations, as do hormone secretions, cell division, heart rate,
urine flow, allergic reactions, motoric activity, even mathematical finesseand, most obvious of all, the need for
sleep. Mood also fluctuates, waxing and waning, although
the regularity of mood cycles is not synchronized with the
clock as precisely as is the case with other biological rhythms.
Indeed, abnormalities of biological rhythms have been proposed to represent endophenotypes or markers of manicdepressive illness (perhaps particularly the bipolar subgroup), presumably being present not only in patients but
also in some relatives without manifest mood disorder.
Sleep disruption is closely associated with recurrent affective illness. Sleep loss is a major symptom as well as a trigger of manic episodes, and when applied clinically (sleep
deprivation) is one of the most effective antidepressant
interventions1certainly the fastest acting. In addition to
the diurnal, or circadian, rhythms associated with sleep,
the observation that the seasons of the year influence the
expression of mood disorders is as old as the classical descriptions of manic-depressive illness itself.
In this chapter we review the literature on circadian
rhythms, sleep disturbances, and their relationship to affective illness. We also review the less extensive body of
work on the relationship between seasonal rhythms and
mood disorders. We begin by reviewing the physiology of
circadian rhythms and of sleep. Next we look at the relationship between sleep and affective disorders, and that
between disturbances of circadian rhythms and manicdepressive illness. We then examine the literature on experimental alterations of sleep and other biological rhythms as
treatments for affective illness. Finally, we review what is

known about the relationship between seasonal rhythms

and affective disorders.


As the earth rotates through its 24-hour cycle, a world of light
alternates with a world of darkness. To enhance survival and
conserve energy, animals have adapted their activity patterns
to a diurnal, nocturnal, or crepuscular2 existence, retreating
at other times to a relatively protected environment where
they rest and sleep. Such circadian rhythms are approximately 24-hour oscillations or alternations of biological processes that are observed in a broad spectrum of organisms.
Although these rhythms are generated endogenously by internal clocks, they do not function in isolation from their
surroundings; rather, they are synchronized with temporal
variations of the environment by external cues, especially the
lightdark cycle. Circadian rhythmicity allows organisms
not only to respond to but also to anticipate regular changes
in the environment, aligning their physiological and behavioral capabilities to best fit environmental demands.
A clock entrained to the natural environment has a 24hour period, while a free-running (non-24-hour) circadian clock (in constant dark or dimlight conditions) has
a slightly different period, with marked variability among
species and individuals. In humans, for example, the period is slightly longer than 24 hours, while in most rodents
it is slightly less. The components of a circadian system include the clock itself, which generates the biological rhythm;
input pathways that transmit environmental cues to the
clock; and output pathways that transmit the clocks rhythms
to the rest of the organism, influencing a large number
of endocrinologic, biochemical, and electrophysiological



The Master Circadian Clock

Molecular analysis reveals that the master circadian clock
is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), which are
small, paired clusters of cells situated in the anterior hypothalamus. The SCN receive input from the retina for adjustment to the lightdark cycle and have extensive modulatory innervation from serotonergic neurons in a part of
the midbrain called the raphe. The first indication that the
master clock is located in the SCN came from ablation
studies in rodents. Stephan (1983) and then Kafka and colleagues (1985) demonstrated that ablation of the SCN in
rats abolishes circadian rhythms of drinking activity. Conversely, cultures of an SCN cell line that exhibit robust circadian metabolic rhythms (Earnest et al., 1999) can restore
circadian rhythms of locomotor activity when transplanted into the third ventricle of SCN-lesioned rats without circadian rhythms. Thus, this cell line is sufficient to
generate and drive circadian rhythmicity at the level of the
whole organism. Such behavioral rescue is not trivial, since
circadian rhythms in vivo are not restored by other cell
lines, such as fibroblasts, that may show oscillatory properties.3 Is the clock function a result of the interactions of
SCN neurons, i.e., a result of the neuronal network, or is it
an intrinsic function of each neuronal cell? The latter possibility appears more likely at this point, based on the work
of Welsh and colleagues (1995).4
In recent years, several genes representing components of
the mammalian clock have been identified, among them
clock, cry, and per5; evidence linking certain clock genes to
bipolar disorder is reviewed later. How are these clock genes
linked to rhythms of electrical activity in the SCN? These
genes and their products are involved in interacting positive
and negative feedback loops in transcription (transforming
chemical information from DNA to messenger RNA
[mRNA]) and translation (transforming chemical information from mRNA to proteins) of clock genes.6 It is from
these feedback loops (which span 24 hours) that selfsustained circadian oscillations arise. The electrical activity
of the clock is an output, not a necessary constituent of the
clock because the clocks time-keeping function continues
even if the electrical output is silenced with anesthetic agents
(Reppert and Weaver, 2001). The electrical activity of the
SCN is the result of activation of a related set of genes called
clock-controlled genes (CCGs). CCGs are rhythmically regulated by the clock but are not part of the clock per se because
their products are not essential to its functioning.7
To function effectively, the SCN must synchronize their
approximately 20,000 neurons for a coordinated output. It
appears that gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the principal neurotransmitter in the SCN (and involved in the action of some of the medications used in treating bipolar

disorder), is essential for this synchronization (Liu and

Reppert, 2000), although other neurotransmitters, including neuropeptides, may also be involved.8 In mammals, including humans, visual stimuli are required for entrainment
of physiological and behavioral rhythms to the lightdark
cycle (Yamazaki et al., 1999; Rugier et al., 2003).9 The major
pathway is the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Its major
neurotransmitter is glutamate, with additional modulation from substance P (Hamada et al., 1999) and pituitary
adenylate cyclase activating peptide (Chen et al., 1999).10 In
addition, abundant terminals of serotonergic neurons from
the raphe modulate the activity of the SCN.
Along with neurotransmitters (the wiring), neurohumoral modulatory factors reach the SCN. The most
important of these is melatonin, which modulates phase
shifts by binding to specific melatonin receptors; melatonin also reduces the firing of SCN neurons (Liu et al.,
The output pathways (and neurohumoral mediators)
from the SCN are not completely understood (Reppert
and Weaver, 2001). GABA-containing axonal terminals
from the SCN to the paraventricular nuclei regulate melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland (Kalsbeek et al., 1996)
and thus participate in the circadian and seasonal rhythms
of melatonin.12
The timing of several rhythms is identical in diurnal and
nocturnal species relative to the daynight cycle. For example, electrical activity of the SCN and vasopressin levels in
the cerebrospinal fluid are higher during the daytime, while
melatonin is produced at night in all species regardless of
whether they are active during the day or night. On the
other hand, important physiological rhythms, such as body
temperature and hypothalamicpituitaryadrenal activity,
are linked predominantly with the daynight restactivity

Circadian Rhythms in Humans

Evidence that human circadian rhythms are endogenous
came from experiments in which people lived for weeks or
months in caves, underground bunkers, or windowless,
sound-proof apartments, isolated from external time cues
(Chouvet et al., 1974; Siffre, 1975; Wever, 1979). Under these
conditions, circadian rhythms ran according to their own
intrinsic period, which, as noted above, is usually slower
(i.e., longer) than one cycle every 24 hours in humans.13
Experimental results indicate that external time cues synchronize circadian rhythms not only with the daynight
cycle but also with one another. When entrained by zeitgebers (see endnote 13), homeostatic mechanisms ensure
that the various rhythms maintain distinct phase relationships to the environment and to one another. In humans,
for instance, the temperature minimum nearly always occurs

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

during the last third of the night, just before dawn.

Internally, circadian rhythms that are normally synchronized with each other can dissociate when one becomes
disentrained from the zeitgeber. The temperature rhythm
of a night shift worker, for example, may continue to be
entrained to the daynight cycle but become dissociated
from the sleepwake cycle when the worker sleeps during
the day. Or consider what would happen under freerunning conditions (i.e., in the absence of zeitgebers). The
two cycles, each following their own intrinsic periodicity,
would go in and out of phase with each other (see Fig.
161). This internal desynchronization can create what has
been called a beat phenomenon (such as when two peaks
periodically coincide), analogous to the audible beat produced by two tuning forks of slightly different frequencies
(Halberg, 1968; Kripke et al., 1978).
Proper functioning of the human circadian system depends on continuous sensory input from the environment.
This feature may be particularly relevant to understanding
circadian disturbances in manic-depressive illness. Equally
important, behavior regulates biological rhythms by exposing a person to or shielding him or her from the entraining
zeitgebersthat is, behavior serves a gating function. The
depressive patient who hides under the covers is certainly
less likely to be exposed to light and other zeitgebers than is
the manic patient who races through the day and sleeps little at night.
The normal phase relationships between circadian oscillators and their overt rhythms can be temporarily disturbed during rapid transmeridian travel and shift work,
as well as in experimental laboratory conditioning. As
demonstrated in isolation experiments, the oscillators may
spontaneously dissociate and oscillate with unequal periods when humans are deprived of external time cues. The

Figure 161. The beat phenomenon. This hypothetical model

shows two circadian rhythms. Oscillator A is synchronized to the
daynight cycle and always peaks during the day. Oscillator B freeruns slightly faster than one cycle per 24 hours and therefore goes out
of phase with A. When A and B are in phase, their ratio is stable, but
when they are out of phase, the ratio of B to A may become very
high. This ratio indicates the cyclic beat phenomenon that occurs
every few days. (Source: Adapted from Halberg, 1968, and Kripke
et al., 1978.)
24 hrs


Day and Night Cycle


timing of circadian rhythms relative to the daynight cycle

and to one another is homeostatically controlled and reflects in part the period of the intrinsic rhythm of the driving oscillators. Such a system may be altered by disease and
treatment interventions. Alterations can occur in the intrinsic periods of the oscillators, in the coupling between
oscillators, or between the oscillators and the external
daynight cycle. Such changes may affect the phase position of circadian rhythms entrained to the daynight cycle
and even their capacity to be entrained at all (Aschoff,
An essential concept for understanding how light or
other zeitgebers synchronize or desynchronize internal
and external rhythms is the phase response curve (PRC).
In short, light during midday has minimal if any phaseshifting effects, while light in the late afternoon and evening delays circadian rhythms, and late nightearly morning light advances them. (It is important to note that the
terms midday, afternoon, evening, night, and morning refer
to internal time.14) In contrast to light, melatonin and
behavioral arousal have a PRC that is distinct from, and
even somewhat complementary to, that of light (Duncan
et al., 1996). Thus, melatonin phase advances the restactivity rhythm when administered between internal midday
and early night, while producing a phase delay when administered between late night and midday. Given that the
circadian period in humans is slightly longer than 24
hours, the synchronization of the circadian system in normal individuals occurs through daily phase advances.15

Biological Day and Night, Biological Dusk

and Dawn
The circadian pacemaker imposes daily variation on the
activity of human neuroendocrine systems. Similar to the
changes in environmental light that define day, night, and
twighlight, these changes exhibit waveforms characterized by distinct diurnal and nocturnal periods with relatively short transitions between them (corresponding to
a biological dusk and a biological dawn). In humans, for
example, periods characterized by absence of melatonin
secretion, low prolactin secretion, falling cortisol levels,
decreasing theta activity in the electroencephalogram
(EEG), and decreasing propensity to rapid eye movement
(REM) (biological day) all alternate with nocturnal periods of active melatonin secretion, high prolactin secretion, rising levels of cortisol, increasing theta activity, and
increasing propensity to REM sleep (biological night).
In response to light, the circadian pacemaker synchronizes
biological day and night so that their timing and duration
are appropriately matched with the timing and duration of the external day and night.16,17 These processes are
summarized in Figure 162.



Biological Dawn
entrained to dawn

Biological Dusk
entrained to dusk

Biological Dusk
entrained to dawn



No melatonin secretion
Increasing core body temperature
Decreasing sleepiness
Decreasing waking EEG theta activity
Decreasing REM sleep propensity

Melatonin secretion
Decreasing core body temperature
Increasing sleepiness
Increasing waking EEG theta activity
Increasing REM sleep propensity

Decreasing cortisol levels


Increasing cortisol levels


Figure 162. Temporal organization of the human circadian timing system. Profiles of a number of
circadian rhythms in humans exhibit distinct diurnal and nocturnal states with abrupt switch-like transitions between them. These states and transitions can be conceptualized as a biological day and night
and a biological dawn and dusk. They are generated within the organism and mirror or anticipate features of the solar day to which they correspond and with which they are synchronized. EEG = electroencephalogram; REM = rapid eye movement. (Source: Wehr et al., 2001b. Reprinted with permission from
Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.)

Sleep is a distinct behavioral and physiological state, as
defined by EEG and behavioral characteristics. In preparation for sleep, animals seek a protected environment, assume
a characteristic sleep posture, and pass briefly through a
drowsy state before falling asleep. Despite intense research,
the function of sleep remains unknown. Nevertheless, it is
well known that sleep serves a vital function, this despite its
evolutionary disadvantages, such as increased vulnerability
to predators. Mammals totally sleep deprived for 23 weeks
die, as they would if deprived of food for a similar duration.18

Stages of Sleep
The discrete stages of sleep are marked by variations in
EEG patterns, eye movements, and muscle tone. By convention, human sleep is divided into two major phases that alternate throughout the night: a REM phase and a non-REM
(NREM) phase. On falling asleep, healthy adults go into
NREM sleep, the period of rest and energy conservation,
when the brain literally cools while respiration, blood pressure, heart rate, and other physiological processes slow
down, eyes are still or move only slowly, and muscles are relaxed but not flaccid. This first phase comprises four stages
of progressively deeper sleep. On EEG recordings, the frequency of electrical waves decreases steadily from stage 1 to
stage 4, while the amplitudethe energy discharged at each
impulseincreases (see Fig. 163). Stages 3 and 4 consist of
predominant slow and ample delta waves (slow-wave sleep),
the result of highly synchronized brain activity.

Following the NREM phase is REM sleep, marked by intense mental activity, vivid dreaming, and rapid and diffuse
cerebral metabolism. Blood flow and most neuronal firing
rates, and probably brain temperature, are higher than during either NREM or awake states, while, paradoxically, the
large muscles are virtually paralyzed. Bursts of REM occur,
pulse and blood pressure rise and fall, and respiration becomes irregular. EEG activity shows a sawtooth pattern, low
in amplitude (voltage) and variable in frequency, similar to
stage 1 NREM sleep (the brief transition period between
wakefulness and sleep). Dement and Kleitman (1957) observed that in normal individuals, the distribution of REM
sleep during the night was skewed, with more occurring toward the end of the night than at the beginning.
In the normal sleep of a young adult, the first period of
NREM sleep (through all four stages) is followed, after an
average of about 90 minutes, by a 15- to 20-minute period of
REM sleep. Slow-wave sleep (stages 3 and 4, part of the
NREM phase) predominates during the first part of the
night, whereas REM sleep periods become progressively
longer and are most concentrated in the hours before waking. While an internal self-sustaining circadian pacemaker
appears to govern the propensity for REM sleep, homeostatic
processes determine other sleep patterns, such as the amount
of slow-wave sleep, which turns out to be proportional to the
length of time the person has been awake prior to sleep.
Advances in understanding of the neurophysiological
basis of the sleep EEG (Steriade, 1994; Amzica and Steriade, 1998), in conjunction with quantitative EEG analysis
(Borbely et al., 1989; Aeschbach and Borbely, 1993; Achermann and Borbely, 1998), have confirmed that the EEG is

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

influenced by prior and ongoing individual experience. In

addition, there is evidence that genetic factors contribute
to sleep regulation and abnormalities (for reviews of animal
research, see Franken et al., 1999; Toth, 2001). For example,
EEG parameters of recovery sleep after sleep deprivation
in mice are strain-specific. These differences have been
linked to a locus on chromosome 5 near one of the clock
genes and may reflect differences in circadian timing of
sleep.19 Sleep alterations in knockout mice20 are another
means of evaluating genetic contributions to sleep.21

the pathways responsible for the hypothalamic regulation

of wakefulness have now begun to be understood (Saper
et al., 2001).22
During REM sleep, cholinergic neurons in the caudal
midbrain and rostral forebrain fire at their maximum, while
the serotonergic, noradrenergic, and catecholaminergic
pathways are at their minimum. These monoaminergic neurons inhibit the cholinergic REM-promoting neurons and
thus terminate REM sleep.23 NREM sleep is associated with
hypersynchrony of thalamocortical rhythms, with an active
inhibition of the arousal centers.24 Conversely, when activated, these neurons abort sleep and induce wakefulness.25
The brain structures involved in the control of NREM sleep
are also involved in thermoregulation. As noted, lowering of
the set point for body temperature occurs in NREM sleep.
Thus, lesions that result in disruption of NREM sleep also
disrupt thermoregulation. Of clinical importance, heating
the body promotes NREM sleep. For example, as part of
sleep hygiene, a warm bath before going to bed is recommended for patients with insomnia. In contrast to NREM
sleep, more highly discrete brain areas are involved in the
regulation of REM sleep. Neurons in the pontine tegmentum (the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and lateral
dorsal tegmental nucleus) are active during REM sleep and
waking and inactive during NREM sleep. Drugs that boost
acetylcholine levels to these areas activate REM sleep, while

Neural Substrates for Sleep

A pandemic of encephalitis letargica, a presumed viral infection, swept much of the globe during World War I, causing severe daytime sleepiness in most affected individuals.
A group of individuals had the opposite problem, however
a prolonged state of insomnia. A Viennese neurologist,
Baron von Economo (1930), reported that the increased
sleepiness was due to injury of the posterior hypothalamus
and rostral midbrain, while the severe insomnia resulted
from lesions of the preoptic area and basal forebrain. On
the basis of this observation, von Economo postulated that
a region in the anterior hypothalamus contains sleeppromoting neurons, while a region in the posterior hypothalamus contains wakefulness-promoting neurons. Lesioning studies in animals proved his predictions correct, and

Figure 163. Normal sleep: electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns, distribution of non

rapid eye movement (NREM) and REM periods. EMG = electromyography; EOG = electro-oculogram. (Source: Hobson and Steriade, 1986.)










Sensation and


Externally Generated

Dull or Absent

Internally Generated








but Inhibited



blockers of muscarinic receptors suppress REM sleep. Noradrenergic neurons in the locus ceruleus and serotonergic
neurons of the dorsal raphe are active during waking, less
active during NREM sleep, and inactive during REM sleep.
These neurons inhibit the cholinergic neurons of the pontine tegmentum to terminate REM sleep. A less-than-active
serotonergic or noradrenergic system (perhaps in depression) may result in disinhibition of REM sleep. While these
discrete pontine structures are involved in REM sleep initiation, other neurons, such as those in the lateral hypothalamus, the amygdala, and other limbic structures, are involved
in the maintenance of REM sleep.
In addition to GABA, histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and orexin/hypocretin (described
briefly above and in the associated notes), other neurotransmitters have an important role. For example, dopaminergic
neurons promote wakefulness. In addition, cholecystokinin,
prostaglandins, interleukin-1, and adenosine have a modulatory role. Adenosine in particular has been implicated in
mediating the homeostatic mechanisms of sleep. Caffeine
increases alertness by blocking adenosine receptors, which
are widespread in the brain. Receptors on the cholinergic
neurons of the basal forebrain appear to regulate adenosines effect on sleep.26

Functional Neuroimaging of Sleep

Positron emission tomography (PET) studies have used
either O15 water (for blood flow) or deoxyglucose-F18
(FDG) (for cerebral metabolism), each having its advantages and disadvantages.27 PET studies have shown that
global cerebral metabolism is similar in REM sleep and
wakefulness, but regional blood flow differs. Specifically,
several limbic structures, such as the cingulate gyrus, are
more active during REM than waking conditions, while
areas of high-order association, such as the orbitofrontal
cortex, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and the inferior
parietal lobe, tend to be deactivated.28 In contrast, slowwave sleep is characterized by deactivation in the brain
stem, thalamus, and basal forebrain (Braun et al., 1997).
Compared with NREM, REM sleep is associated with
higher metabolic rates in midline frontal, cingular, and
dorsolateral prefrontal regions (Buchsbaum et al., 2001).

The Two-Process Model of Sleep

The timing and duration of sleep and wakefulness are the result of the interaction of circadian rhythms paced by the
SCN (process c) and a sleepwake-dependent (homeostatic) process (process s). Process c represents a circadian variation in sleep propensity that can be understood as fluctuating thresholds for falling asleep and waking up, while process
s tracks the increase in sleep pressure during waking and a
corresponding decrease during sleep (Borbely, 1982; Borbely

and Wirz-Justice, 1982). This two-process model attempts to

account for the compensatory role played by the SCN with
respect to process s. For example, as sleep appetite increases
throughout the day, the SCN drives a signal of increased
alertness to avoid a mandatory cessation of activity (a wake
maintenance zone). This phenomenon can be conceptualized as an increase in the threshold for falling asleep, and
sleep latency at this time is prolonged. Furthermore, as sleep
appetite decreases toward early morning, the threshold for
being asleep is lowered (a sleep maintenance zone).29

Physiology of Sleep Duration

In patients with bipolar disorder, reduction of sleep duration can trigger mania. But how long do we need to sleep?
Sleep duration and amount of sleep needed differ somewhat
among individuals; genetic factors may play a role in determining sleep duration in humans (Partinen et al., 1983;
Webb and Campbell, 1983), as well as in rodents (Franken
et al., 1999; Tafti et al., 1999; Huber et al., 2000). In experimental conditions consisting of imposed rest and long artificial nights for up to 15 weeks, healthy volunteers slept
almost 11 hours during their first night, interpreted as the result of paying the sleep debt that had accumulated from
daily life before the study began. Thereafter, subjects slept
progressively less on subsequent nights until reaching an average steady-state duration of 8.25 hours in the fourth week
(with very little individual variation) (Wehr et al., 1991,
1993). Sleeping less than one needs results in metabolic and
endocrine alterations, such as lower glucose tolerance, lower
thyrothropin concentration, and elevated cortisol and sympathetic nervous system activity (Spiegel et al., 1999).30,31


Clinical and research evidence provides tantalizing leads
for understanding the connection between sleep and recurrent affective illness. Switches from depression to mania
can occur after patients miss a night of sleep, for example.
As noted earlier, sleep depriving a patient with depression
therapeutically often results in a striking albeit temporary
improvement in mood (see also Chapter 19); resuming
sleep, even for a short nap, can often cause the patient to
sink back into depression.

Time Course of Sleep Abnormalities

in Affective Disorders
Polysomnographic abnormalities in affective disorders
may be present long before the clinical onset of the disorder
and continue to persist indefinitely (thus representing a
vulnerability or trait). Alternatively, the abnormality
may appear only with a disordered mood state; if it persists
for a long time after mood has normalized, it may represent

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

a scar marker, while if it is present only during the mood

episode, it is a state marker. Thus some researchers have
found persistent REM sleep abnormalities after depressed
patients have achieved remission (Rush et al., 1986; Steiger
et al., 1989, 1993a,b,c). For example, in 78 unmedicated depressed patients, Thase and colleagues (1998) found that
certain sleep abnormalities (sleep efficiency, REM density)
were to some degree reversible with remission, while others
were independent of mood state. In contrast, other researchers have found that persistent REM sleep abnormalities have a tendency to normalize after mood state has normalized,32 even to nearly complete restoration of normal
sleep in remitted depressed patients (Knowles et al., 1986).
Several studies have found shortened REM latencies in
healthy relatives of depressed patients (Giles et al., 1987a,b,
1988, 1989). Gillins group (Gillin et al., 1982; Jones and
Berney, 1987) hypothesized that because euthymic individuals with a family history of affective illness have an increased response to arecholine and because relatives with
affective illness have an increased REM response to arecholine relative to those without affective illness, cholinergic supersensitivity may be a vulnerability marker for affective illness. This hypothesis was confirmed by Schreiber
and colleagues (1992), who found that subjects with a positive family history but negative personal history for affective illness had more frequent sleep-onset REM periods
with cholinergic stimulation than did healthy controls.
Of particular relevance to the notion that recurrence is
central to manic-depressive illness, some polysomnographic
sleep abnormalities appear to reflect a vulnerability to recurrence of depression. Thus Thase and colleagues (1995)
found more frequent REM sleep abnormalities in patients
with recurrent depression than in those experiencing a
single episode. Similarly, Buysse and colleagues (1997) observed that sleep abnormalities predicted future recurrence in patients with recurrent major depression. More
recently, Perlman and colleagues (2006) found that a persistent sleep deficit after recovery (at least partially) from a
mood episode in bipolar patients predicted depressive
symptoms during a 6-month follow-up period. (Manic/
hypomanic symptoms could have been undercounted because if they were brief, they were likely to have been
missed in the once-a-month assessments.)
Some methodological issues tend to complicate interpretation of the state versus trait literature. These issues
include variable or imprecise definitions of relapse and recurrence, an overly short interval from mood normalization
to the sleep study, and uncontrolled medication effects. For
example, when patients were medication-free for several
years rather than for several weeks or months, sleep was
more likely to normalize (Riemann and Berger, 1989; Buysse
et al., 1997; Riemann et al., 2001).


Sleep in the Bipolar Subgroup

As noted above, sleep loss is often a precursor and/or precipitant of hypomania or mania in bipolar patients.33 As we
emphasized in the first edition of this text, maintaining stable sleepwake cycles is of central importance to the maintenance of stability in bipolar illness, a point subsequently
confirmed empirically (Brown et al., 1996; Frank et al.,
1997). During episodes of depression, bipolar patients often
report sleeping too much, although, as noted above, this
hypersomnia appears predominantly in bipolar depression
of mild to moderate severity. Hypersomnia is one of the
symptoms of an atypical depression syndrome, which
overlaps with many cases of bipolar depression (other
symptoms being overeating, increased appetite, and weight
gain). These atypical features tend to be associated with
a lower incidence of the type of polysomnographic abnormalities reported in classic melancholic depression. Of relevance here is the finding that no REM sleep disinhibition
or decrease in slow-wave sleep has been found34 in patients
with winter depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
(which is characterized by atypical features). Moreover,
Schwartz and colleagues (2000) reported that patients with
SAD, compared with controls, actually had significantly
longer NREM episodes and more slow-wave sleep during
NREM periods.

Sleep during Mania/Hypomania

Just as sleep loss can trigger mania in bipolar patients,
reduction in sleep is a good predictor of hypomania or mania the next day in rapid-cycling bipolar patients (Leibenluft
et al., 1996a). This 1-day latency is similar to observations of
sleep loss triggering or intensifying mania (Wehr et al., 1987;
Barbini et al., 1996) and is consistent with the recent report
of Bauer and colleagues (2006), who collected longitudinal
self-ratings of mood and sleep in 59 bipolar outpatients undergoing routine treatment. They found for many patients
an inverse relationship between a change in sleep and a subsequent change in mood, with a usual lag period of 1 day.
But what do we know about sleep during manic/hypomanic episodes? Obviously this is a difficult question to research, especially in mania. Van Sweden (1986) studied two
unmedicated severely manic patients who had been hospitalized after 2 and 3 weeks of mania. He found that, contrary
to the common assumption that manic patients are unable
to sleep, the EEGs of both patients showed stage 2 sleep
within seconds of closing their eyes. In a study of eight unmedicated manic men, Linkowski and colleagues (1986)
found that REM latency, as well as the percentage of time
spent in any stage of sleep, was no different than in agematched normal men, although the patients took longer to
fall asleep and spent less time asleep. In a slightly larger study,



however, Hudson and colleagues (1988) found shorter REM

latencies and higher REM densities in nine unmedicated
manic patients relative to normal controls. Thus, the patients
showed hypersomnia and sleep continuity disturbances very
similar to those seen in bipolar depression, although to a
lesser degree. Unlike patients with major depression, however, the manic patients in the Hudson groups study did not
have disturbances in delta sleep (stages 3 and 4).
In a patient with rapid cycling, Gann and colleagues
(1993) found that very short REM latencies, including sleeponset REM periods, followed depressive days, and after hypomanic days, REM latency was prolonged but still shorter
than normal. Feldman-Naim and colleagues (1997) described a diurnal variation in the direction of mood switch
in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. They observed an upswitch from depression to hypomania/mania during the
daytime and a downswitch at night. For the great majority
of bipolar patients, however, most switches into mania occur overnight (Bunney et al., 1972a,b).
Circadian abnormalities, discussed in more detail
later, may underlie some sleepwake abnormalities in
patients with bipolar disorder. For example, 48- or 72-hour
rhythms have been observed in rapid-cycling patients
when they shift from depression to mania (Wehr et al.,
1982; Mizukawa et al., 1991). This phenomenon is similar to
that seen in healthy volunteers under conditions in which
external time cues have been eliminated (Weitzman, 1982;
Wever, 1983). Other chronobiological abnormalities in a
manic state include phase advances in the nadir of the cortisol rhythms relative to the time of sleep onset, as found by
Linkowski and colleagues (1994) in eight unmedicated patients in a manic state. It is possible that a phase advance of
the circadian rhythms in mania is the consequence rather
than the cause of sleep abnormalities, and may also reflect a
previously reported supersensitivity to light (Lewy et al.,
1985; Eagles, 1994). A more recent report confirmed the original finding only partially (Nurnberger et al., 2000). A plausible hypothesis is that, given the brevity of sleep in mania,
such patients are exposed to bright light very early in the
morning, so that under conditions of supersensitivity to
light, rhythms may shift to a more advanced position.
What can be learned from bipolar patients with regard
to statetrait abnormalities? Knowles and colleagues
(1986) studied 10 remitted bipolar depressed patients for
5 nights. Although the patients reported more frequent
arousals, no significant differences in EEG sleep parameters relative to age-matched controls were observed. Similar findings were reported by Jones and colleagues (2005).
On the other hand, Harvey and colleagues (2005) showed
that euthymic bipolar patients have impaired sleep efficiency, along with higher-than-normal levels of anxiety
about having poor-quality sleep, and Millar and colleagues

(2004) found that sleep duration and nighttime wakening

were more variable in remitted bipolar patients compared
with controls. Furthermore, Sitaram and colleagues (1982)
found increased density and percentage of REM among
bipolar patients in the well state compared with normal
controls. More striking, however, was their finding that
when infused with arecholine (an acetylcholine agonist
that can produce a shortened REM latency), the recovered
bipolar patients in the well state were more sensitive to its
effects on REM latency than were the normal controls (see
the discussion of cholinergic sensitivity below).

Sleep in Major Depression

Lenox and colleagues (2002) and Gould and Manji
(2002a,b) proposed that circadian disturbances and disinhibition of REM sleep (such as a greater shortening of
REM latency with cholinergic agents) may represent endophenotypes for recurrent unipolar depression, whereas
a hypomanic or manic response to sleep deprivation may
represent an endophenotype for bipolar disorder. Both
unipolar and bipolar manic-depressive patients can, of
course, have sleep disorders unrelated to their illness, such
as sleep apnea, which may disrupt sleep and result secondarily in mood instability. In such cases, consultation with
a sleep specialist may bring dramatic improvement to an
occasional, apparently treatment-resistant situation while
also improving overall functioning.
Initial efforts to distinguish recurrent unipolar depression from bipolar depression on the basis of sleep characteristics have been confounded by issues of overall severity and
comorbid anxiety. Thus for the sake of clarity, our discussion
here focuses on depression in general; where adequate data
exist, we distinguish between the recurrent unipolar and
bipolar forms.
In general, sleep and depression appear to be inversely
related. Thus some impairment of sleep quality is reported by more than 90 percent of depressed patients
(Tsuno et al., 2005), while approximately 25 percent of patients complaining of chronic insomnia suffer from major
depression (Vollrath et al., 1989). Breslau and colleagues
(1996) reported a relative risk of 4.0 for new onset of major
depression among individuals with a history of insomnia.
Insomnia also appears to be a prominent risk factor for developing major depression in the future (Pfaffenberger
et al., 1994; Chang et al., 1997). Further longitudinal studies
will be necessary, however, to distinguish between insomnia as a true predictor of depression and as a subclinical
or prodromal symptom of depression. Conversely, timely
treatment of insomnia can reduce the likelihood of a major mood episode (Weissman et al., 1997).
What is the nature of the sleep disorder in major depression? Patients with the endogenous or melancholic

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

form of depression tend to report global insomnia, that is,

some difficulty falling asleep, frequent nocturnal awakenings, and early-morning awakenings. In contrast, hypersomnia is encountered more frequently among bipolar
patients who are moderately depressed (Detre et al., 1972;
Thase et al., 1989) and in patients with SAD (Rosenthal
et al., 1984). Sleep abnormalities in depression have been
characterized by polygraphic EEG recordings (so-called
polysomnographic studies), pioneered by Snyder at the
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and by
Kupfers group (Kupfer and Foster, 1972; Foster et al.,
1976). Kupfers group found a decreased REM latency in
depression (a shortening of the interval between sleep onset and the occurrence of the first REM period), typically
accompanied by a reduction in slow-wave sleep. In addition, they found greater frequency of eye movements during REM sleep, a characteristic referred to as increased
REM density. The early hypothesis that decreased REM latency may be a biological marker for primary melancholic
rather than secondary depression (Kupfer, 1976; Kupfer
et al., 1976) has not been confirmed by more recent studies.
Rather, the phenomenon has been reported in nonmelancholic and secondary depression, in other psychiatric disorders, and even in normal aging (Benca et al., 1992;
Riemann et al., 2001).

Medication Effects on Sleep in Depression

Almost all antidepressants suppress REM sleep (Sitaram
et al., 1978b), an effect once considered a possible mechanism of their antidepressant activity. It is now clear, however, that suppression of REM sleep is not necessary for an
antidepressant effect (Riemann et al., 2001), as some antidepressants, such as nefazodone (Sharpley et al., 1992) and
bupropion (Nofzinger et al., 1995), appear to enhance rather
than decrease REM sleep. There is disagreement over the
time course of REM suppression, with one group reporting
that it attenuated over the first 35 weeks of treatment
(Berger et al., 1986; Riemann and Berger, 1990) and another
that it persisted beyond 1 year (Kupfer et al., 1994; Reynolds
et al., 1997).
Mood stabilizers have a smaller and more variable impact on REM sleep and may exert their influence mainly
by increasing slow-wave sleep. Such effects have been described for lithium (Friston et al., 1989) and carbamazepine
(Yang et al., 1989). Valproate decreases REM and increases
slow-wave sleep (Harding et al., 1985), whereas lamotrigine
and gabapentin increase rather than decrease REM sleep in
patients with seizure disorders (Placidi et al., 2000a,b,c).
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) decreases REM latency in
depressed patients, and the antidepressant response is poorer
in patients who continue to have sleep-onset REM periods
after ECT (Grunhaus et al., 1997).


Cholinergic Sensitivity in Patients

with Manic-Depressive Illness
As noted in the first edition of this text and earlier, cholinergicadrenergic balance has been considered important for
sleep regulation. According to this hypothesis as first proposed in 1972 (Janowsky et al., 1972), mania is related to decreased and depression to increased cholinergic activity.
This hypothesis, although overly inclusive, did generate
some useful research. Thus a cholinergic agonist such as arecholine, administered during sleep, was found to hasten the
occurrence of REM sleep.35 This finding may be related to
the observation in patients with recurrent affective illness
that REM latency is shorter than normal, although there are
conflicting results as to whether this reflects a state or trait.36


Many patients with manic-depressive illness, both the bipolar and recurrent unipolar forms, lead productive lives and
work late hours, work in shifts, or are engaged in transmeridian travel. In addition to the intrinsic dysregulation of
sleepwake cycles and biological rhythms in such patients,
these environmental challenges strain a fragile system, especially for bipolar patients. Because of the major potential of
the sleepwake cycle to disrupt mood stability in these
patients, we introduce this section with a recommendation
that both clinicians and patients be aware of these risks. The
psychiatrist treating individuals who work nights or travel
across meridians should either be well versed and current in
the principles of treating abnormalities of circadian phase,
jet lag, or shift workrelated complaints, or consult with or
refer to colleagues who are.
As outlined in the first edition of this volume, early clinical studies of circadian rhythms in depression carried out
in England in the 1950s and 1960s were inspired by Lewis
and Lobbans (1957) discovery that placing a subject on unusual schedules during the Arctic summer altered the relative timing of his or her various circadian rhythms. The English clinical studies (e.g., Lobban et al., 1963; Palmai and
Blackwell, 1965) were designed to explore whether earlymorning awakening in depressed individuals is related to
an analogous but pathological internal phase disturbance.
Early studies of circadian rhythms sometimes showed dramatic phase disturbances in depressive patients, but no consensus emerged about the significance and pattern of these
changes. That situation appears to be changing.
Until the 1970s, normal circadian physiology remained
largely unexplored, so that no context was available in
which to place findings on depression. Investigative groups
studying circadian rhythms were distant from one another,



their studies widely separated in time. An initial fruitful

period in the development of methodologies encompassing
interactions between sleep and circadian systems in the
clinical domain was followed by a period of relative stagnation (possible contributing factors are discussed later) and
contradictory results. Given its complexity and cost, the gold
standard, forced desynchrony,37 has not been employed in
this more recent work, so that some important questions
about the physiology involved remain obscure. Simpler
methods, such as constant routine,38 raise ethical and clinical questions, as they usually involve loss of at least one
night of sleep. Yet during this period of relative inactivity in
the physiological realm, progress has been made in unraveling some of the molecular mechanisms underlying sleep
and the circadian clock. Before discussing specific models
of alterations in the timing of daily circadian rhythms and
then possible homeostatic mechanisms, it is important to
place circadian rhythm disturbances in a broader context.
Figure 164 illustrates a hypothesized relationship among
genetic vulnerability, stress, circadian rhythm disturbances,
neurotransmitterneuroendocrine immune dysregulation,
and the symptoms of manic-depressive illness. The link between circadian rhythm disturbances and clinical symptoms (perhaps through neurotransmitterneuroendocrine
intermediaries) is, in our opinion, likely to be a closed loop,
with rhythmic disturbances producing symptoms that reinforce or exacerbate abnormal rhythmic processesor
vice versa, the arrows of causation going in both directions.
Also, we agree with those who have speculated that, with
respect to affective disorders, the circadian biological clock
provides an intriguing link between biological and psychosocial perspectives (Wehr and Goodwin 1983a; Ehlers
et al., 1988, 1993).

Desynchrony and the Free-Running Hypothesis

As discussed earlier, circadian rhythms are synchronized
with external zeitgebers (the most important being the
lightdark cycle) and with each other. It is possible that
recurrent affective illness is analogous to jet lag, with certain biological rhythms being desynchronized relative
to sleepwake cycles and to each other. Among the first
hypotheses regarding abnormalities in the biological
rhythms of depressed individuals was Georgis (1947) suggestion that the rhythms are out of synchrony. Georgi
proposed that the patients own circadian rhythms are
desynchronized either with one another (internal phase
disorder) or with the entraining daynight cycle (external phase disorder). Later, Halberg (1968) formulated a
more specific desynchronization hypothesis. He suggested
that some circadian rhythms in affectively ill patients
(particularly those with rapid cycles) may not be entrained
to the 24-hour daynight cycle but free run, gradually going in and out of phase with other circadian rhythms that
remain synchronized with the daynight cycle. According
to Halberg, such phase disturbances leading to affective
episodes (perhaps analogous to the beat phenomenon
mentioned earlier) would occur periodically every few
days or weeks. In support of Halbergs hypothesis, Kripke
and colleagues (1978; Kripke, 1983) found that five of
seven rapid-cycling bipolar patients had some circadian
rhythms that appeared to free run with periods shorter than
the 24-hour daynight cycle. Wehrs group (1985b) studied
four patients (three bipolar, one unipolar) under freerunning (isolation) conditions. One bipolar patient experienced an abnormally short intrinsic period, as predicted
by the hypothesis of a fast circadian pacemaker. Unlike

Figure 164. Hypothesized relationship among genetic vulnerability, stress, circadian rhythm disturbances, neurotransmitterneuroendocrine immune dysregulation, and the symptoms of manic-depressive illness.

Vulnerability &

Altered Immune




Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Kripkes and Wehrs groups, Pflug and colleagues (1983)

failed to detect free-running circadian rhythms in patients living on normal schedules, that is, entrained to the
environment. Follow-up studies on these initial observations are lacking.
The behavioral consequences of living under conditions
without zeitgebers are not well understood; anecdotal accounts suggest that mood disturbances may occur (Kripke,
1983). In contrast, the few manic-depressive patients studied in isolation have, if anything, shown amelioration of
depression. Thus, one of the three bipolar patients studied
by Wehr and colleagues (1985b) switched into mania, and
the unipolar patient improved. As proposed by Wehr and
Goodwin (1983c) and Kripke (1983), stable depression may
occur in patients in whom an overly fast, intrinsic pacemaker rhythm causes circadian rhythms to become abnormally but stably advanced relative to the daynight
cycle. Cyclic depression, by contrast, may result from an
overly fast rhythm that escapes from entrainment and free
runs, advancing repeatedly through 360 degrees relative to
the daynight cycle.
The possibility of free-running circadian rhythms has
far-reaching implications for research on manic-depressive
illness. Not only could such a mechanism drive the dramatic
cyclicity observed in some bipolar and highly recurrent
unipolar patients through the beat phenomenon (Wehr and
Wirz-Justice, 1982), but it could also result in epiphenomena
that are misinterpreted as biological correlates of changes
in the mood cycle. If, for example, a biological variable is
sampled at a fixed time of day, its level appears to change
cyclically as the rhythm goes in and out of phase with the
sampling time, even if its mean 24-hour level never changes.
Findings of longitudinal studies with hamsters indicate
that some antidepressant drugs can slow certain intrinsic
rhythms of circadian oscillators, and lead to lengthening of
the sleepwake cycle and a temporary escape from the primary mode of entrainment (Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1982).
Clinically, this drug effect may lead to the frequently recurring escapes and double-length (48-hour) sleepwake
cycles found naturalistically to be associated with switches
into mania (Wehr et al., 1979, 1982). Most of these patients
experienced 48-hour sleepwake cycles at the beginning of
each manic phase.39 Based on carefully timed sleep deprivation experiments in patients with rapid cycles, Wehr and
colleagues concluded that the insomnia associated with
these 48-hour cycles probably helps trigger switches into
mania or exacerbates switches that have just begun. Thus,
a drug-induced slowing of the intrinsic rhythm of circadian
oscillators, leading to more frequent escapes from the primary mode of entrainment, may be one mechanism underlying drug-induced rapid manic-depressive cycles. Studies
using constant routine and forced desynchrony procedures


would be necessary to follow up on these initial studies, but

have been precluded by ongoing obstacles, including the
inherent difficulties and risks of these procedures, ethical
considerations, and costs and funding priorities.

Abnormalities of Phase Position:

The Phase-Advance Hypothesis
Briefly, this hypothesis is based on a desynchrony between
the sleepwake cycle, which stays in a normal or phasedelayed position, and other circadian rhythms, which tend
to occupy a phase-advanced position. Just as jet lag (which
is a mismatch between imposed sleepwake rhythms at the
destination and circadian rhythms, which tend to remain
closer to the place of origin) manifests with fatigue, mood
changes, and physical malaise, so, too, the desynchrony
represents a perpetuating factor in individuals predisposed
to depression.
In his original formulation of the desynchronization
hypothesis, Georgi (1947) linked depression to a phase disturbance.40 One initial explanation of circadian phase abnormality was shortened REM latency, a characteristic of
some affectively ill patients discussed earlier. The link between the patterns of REM sleep and nonsleep circadian
processes was made in 1964 by Maron and colleagues. The
following year, in one of the first EEG studies of sleep in
depressed patients, Gresham and colleagues (1965) found
that the normal pattern of REM sleep was altered. Depressive patients had more REM sleep than controls in the first
third of the night and less REM sleep in the last third of the
night. Most subsequent EEG sleep studies of depression
have been variations on this theme. All the changes in the
temporal distribution of REM sleep in depressed patients41
may result from a phase advance of the circadian rhythm
governing the propensity for REM sleep. If the rhythm were
advanced, its maximum, instead of occurring near dawn,
would occur nearer to the beginning of sleep (Papousek,
1975; Lewy et al., 1981; Wehr and Goodwin, 1981).
In addition to REM propensity, the circadian rhythms
studied most extensively among nonseasonal depressed
patients are those of temperature and plasma cortisol. In
1981, Wehr and Goodwin reviewed all of the studies in
which the circadian pattern of a biological or physiological
variable in depressed patients had been considered. They
concluded that in the majority of studies, the phase position among the depressed patients (as reflected in the peak,
nadir, or both) was variably advanced, generally occurring
1 to 4 hours earlier than in control subjects. In a review of
the literature on circadian rhythms in nonseasonal depression, Soutre (1990) found 80 studies involving a total of
1,061 patients and focusing on various measures, including
cortisol, temperature, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),
melatonin, various neurotransmitter markers, heart rate,



and motor activity. Taken together, the results of these studies suggest that phase-advanced rhythms are quite common,
although there is considerable variability among individuals
and studies. It is of interest that reports of a phase delay
have been strikingly less frequent than would be expected
by chance. One might conclude that circadian rhythms
tend to be abnormal or unstable in affective illness, with a
bias toward assuming a phase-advanced position some of
the time (see the review of Duncan et al., 1996). In mania,
Linkowski and colleagues (1994) showed an early timing of
the nadir of cortisol.
In circadian phase interpretation, age must be controlled,
since circadian abnormalities associated with aging have
been reported. These abnormalities consist mainly of a phase
advance of sleep and delay of temperature and melatonin
rhythms compared with normal sleep (Duffy et al., 1998,
2002; Dijk et al., 2000). Other important variables are diagnostic: whether patients are unipolar or bipolar, and whether
the disorder is cyclic (that is, highly recurrent) or relatively
noncyclic. Thus Linkowski and colleagues (1985a,b) found
a significant phase advance in the cortisol nadir among
unipolar patients, but only a trend among bipolar patients.
One clinical antidepressant treatment that appears to
support the phase-advance hypothesis (described in more
detail later) is a sleep schedule manipulation that advances
the time of morning wakening, producing a temporary antidepressant response in a significant proportion of patients
with nonseasonal depression.42 Figure 165 illustrates how
depriving patients of sleep in the second half of the night or
advancing their sleep might help synchronize the abnormally advanced rhythm of REM sleep, temperature, and
cortisol with the oscillator controlling sleep and wakefulness. By advancing sleep (or eliminating its second half), the
abnormal phase relationship in the second half of the night
would be corrected.

It would be consistent with the phase-advance hypothesis for the antidepressant effect of light to be observed with
evening administration (delaying cortisol, melatonin, and
temperature rhythms and thus realigning them with the
sleepwake rhythm), coupled with a worsening of depression with morning light (which should further advance
circadian rhythms). However, it has been found that the
timing of light administration in nonseasonal depression
is unimportant to its effect (Yamada et al., 1995; Kripke,
1998; Wirz-Justice et al., 1999a) and further, that morning
light, rather than being detrimental, is as effective as evening light (Yamada et al., 1995). Light therapy is discussed
in more detail later in the chapter.
Riemann and colleagues (1996) compared an experimentally advanced (from 5 PM to 12 AM) sleep period
with a normal (from 11 PM to 6 AM) sleep period in patients who had responded to total sleep deprivation. Twothirds of subjects in the latter group relapsed after one
night of sleep, while two-thirds of subjects in the former
group did not. Thus phase advance of the sleepwake cycle
can prolong the antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation.43 In a subsequent study, Riemann and colleagues
(1999) compared the ability of sleep phase advance and
sleep phase delay to preserve the antidepressant effects of
total sleep deprivation. They hypothesized that sleep phase
advance would be more effective in preventing relapse in
responders to the treatment. Among their original sample
of 54 depressed patients, 77.2 percent were found to be responders to total sleep deprivation and were randomized to
either the phase-advance or phase-delay experimental condition. After 7 days, 75 percent of the sleep phaseadvance
patients were still stabilized, compared with only 40 percent
of the sleep phasedelay patients. (See also the later section
on therapeutic sleep deprivation.)

Figure 165. Hypothesized correction of an abnormally advanced

oscillator by partial sleep deprivation or phase-advance treatment.
(Source: Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1981.)

As reviewed in the first edition of this text, findings of a few

longitudinal case studies suggest a dramatic correspondence
between changes in the circadian temperature rhythm and
manic-depressive cycling. In two cases (Pflug et al., 1976,
1981; Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1982), the temperature rhythm
was advanced by several hours during the switch into depression. In two other cases (Pflug et al., 1981), temperature
rhythms were advanced, then later delayed during the
course of depressive episodes. In three cases (Kripke et al.,
1978), temperature rhythms were advanced continually
through all phases of the manic-depressive cycle. Only one
study monitored both sleep EEG and temperature in the
same patient (Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1982). In that study,
before the patient switched into depression, advances occurred in the phase position of the temperature rhythm that


1. Euthymic


2. Depressed
Oscillator is phase-advanced



3. Partial sleep deprivation

induces remission
4. Phase advance of sleep
induces remission

Phase Instability: Evidence from Longitudinal

Studies of Temperature and REM Propensity

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

were accompanied by advances in the temporal distribution

of REM sleep within the sleep period. Although not inconsistent with a circadian rhythm, phase-advance model of
depression, these data suggest that in cycling patients, the
circadian phase position may be more related to the stage of
the episode than to the state of depression or mania per se.
Studying 65 inpatients with various mental disorders (half
with major depression), Tsujimoto and colleagues (1990)
found that 24-hour body temperature rhythm varied more
widely in depressed and manic patients than in normal controls or schizophrenic patients.
Apparent instability of phase position may also characterize depression in noncycling patients. In studies of mixed
groups of unipolar and bipolar depressed patients, Wehr
and Goodwin (1983c) and Kripke (1983) found a bimodal
distribution in the time of the temperature minimum,
with many of the patients experiencing both modes (early
and late) when sampled on different days. Thus there may
be, on the one hand, a certain phase instability inherent to
depression, perhaps reflecting poor entrainment by environmental zeitgebers, and, on the other hand, a phase instability linked to shifting phases of bipolar illness. Since
the stability of a circadian system is positively correlated
with amplitude (Aschoff and Wever, 1980; Wever, 1980), we
next consider the amplitude of circadian rhythms in affective disorders.

Amplitude of Circadian Rhythms: The Temperature

Dysregulation Hypothesis
As reviewed by Duncan (1996), an elevated nocturnal temperature is frequently reported in depressed patients, while
increased diurnal temperature and a blunted circadian
amplitude are sometimes noted. Schulz and Lund (1985,
pp. 7071) hypothesized that alterations in the timing of
REM sleep could be explained by a flattening of the
arousal cycle. . . . [I]ndicators of this hypothetical arousal
cycle are measures of subjective sleepiness and body core
temperature. The authors based this hypothesis on their
earlier finding (Schulz and Lund, 1983) that subjects with
sleep-onset REM periods (perhaps reflecting phaseadvanced REM) had significantly reduced amplitude of
the circadian temperature curve (peak-to-trough difference)
compared with those without such periods. The findings
of research on the amplitude of the temperature rhythm in
depressed patients are inconsistent, perhaps reflecting differences in the populations of depressed patients studied.
Thus elevated nocturnal temperature is reported by some
authors, whereas blunting of or no change in the temperature rhythm is noted by others.44
A variety of antidepressant treatments, including tricyclic
antidepressants, ECT, bright light, sleep deprivation, and
phase-advance treatment, have been reported to increase


circadian amplitudes of temperature, cortisol, or TSH in patients. More recently, experimentally lengthening the duration of the dark period has been shown to increase the amplitude of circadian rhythms and been proposed as one of
the plausible theoretical premises for the application of extended rest and darkness in the treatment of rapid-cycling
bipolar illness (Wehr et al., 1998), as described in more detail
If relatively low-amplitude rhythms were somehow
intrinsic to recurrent depression or bipolar illness, one would
expect such rhythms to be more vulnerable to perturbation
by internal or external influences, since the stability of a
circadian system is positively correlated with amplitude
(Aschoff and Wever, 1980; Wever, 1980). Not only do the frequency and timing of environmental zeitgebers vary considerably under normal conditions, but the dramatic behavioral
shifts associated with manic-depressive illness (especially
the bipolar subgroup) also multiply this variability. Thus,
blunted amplitudes associated with affective disorder would
be expected to be associated with phase instability. For example, using actigraphic recordings, Jones and colleagues
(2005) have demonstrated that bipolar patients, even in
recovery, have less stable and more variable circadian activity patterns than normal controls. This decreased stability/
increased variability in activity patterns has recently been
reported among individuals deemed to be at risk for bipolar disorder as defined by a threshold score on the Hypomanic Personality Scale (Meyer and Maier 2006).
One explanation for decreased circadian amplitude
is poor entrainment by external zeitgebers (Aschoff and
Wever, 1981), as observed in normal individuals isolated
from time cues under free-running conditions. Such reduced or irregular entrainmentinitially the consequence
of depression (due, e.g., to loss of social zeitgebers during
withdrawal)could then feed the depression through the
resulting disturbance in rhythms (Ehlers et al., 1988).
In this context, it is necessary to consider a paradox.
Lewy and colleagues (1981, 1985) found that, compared
with normal controls, bipolar (but apparently not unipolar) patients (Cummings et al., 1989; Lam et al., 1990) are
supersensitive to light, as reflected by a lower threshold required to reduce nighttime plasma melatonin levels; moreover, this supersensitivity appears to be state independent.
However in a subsequent study of euthymic bipolar patients subjected to a 500 lux light between 2 AM and 4 AM
on one night and left in the dark for a comparable time period on another night, no group-level differences in melatonin suppression were found among the bipolar group,
the unipolar group, and controls (Nurnberger et al., 2000).
While the hypothesis that bipolar patients have an increased
sensitivity to light was not confirmed, abnormalities in
melatonin secretion were found in the bipolar-I subgroup.45



If increased sensitivity to light is a trait marker of at

least some bipolar patients, how can one posit decreased
entrainment of zeitgebers? First, although light is indeed
important to entrainment, it is hardly the only influence,
since activity and temperature are important as well. Second, one could view the increased sensitivity to light as
compensatory, that is, an attempt to offset the reduced entrainment due to either the compromising of other zeitgebers (e.g., activity) by the illness or an intrinsic defect in
the clock mechanism. The latter possibility is particularly
interesting in light of evidence that monkeys with lesions
in the SCN can compensate by becoming more sensitive to
certain zeitgebers (Van Cauter and Turek, 1986). The inverse relationship is also possible: that the phase instability
is primary, producing the appearance of low amplitude
when individual data are averaged for a group. We might
refer to this as a smearing effect. In the extreme, if individuals phase positions were randomly distributed along
the time axis, the group mean would exhibit no circadian
rhythm. If the group-average pattern were simply smeared
by interindividual variability, the average amplitude for the
group would appear to be decreased (Wehr and Goodwin,
The preceding discussion is relevant only to phase instability. What about the apparent tendency for this instability in phase position to express itself as a phase advance?
One situation that might produce both instability and a
bias toward advance would be a clock with an intrinsic period length of about 24 hoursfaster than the normal period of the restactivity cycle in humans when measured
under free-running conditions, which, as noted earlier, is
longer than 24 hours in the majority of individuals. Findings of basic research on the factors that determine circadian phase position under conditions of entrainment (Pittendrigh and Daan, 1976; Wever, 1979) indicate that the faster
the intrinsic period of the pacemaker or clock, the earlier its
phase position relative to the entraining schedulethat is, it
is relatively phase advanced. Furthermore, if the intrinsic
period of the clock is just fast enough so that it happens to
coincide with the external daynight cycle (i.e., 24 hours),
it might be expected to wobble, that is, to be unstable. This
is the case because under normal conditions, the intrinsic
period is slower than 24 hours, a discrepancy that produces constant tension in the system: the 24-hour environmental lightdark cycle continuously pulls backward the
intrinsic 25-hour clock. This constant tug of the environment on the internal circadian mechanisms would be expected to provide stability. Under conditions in which the
intrinsic period of the clock is very close to the external
daynight cycle, little or no tug or tension exists, and the
clock is free to wobble. This mechanism would link the

evidence of a faster-than-normal clock in some patients

with the findings of phase instability and the tendency toward advance.
As discussed in the first edition of this text, another
possible explanation for phase advance is an increased
sensitivity to zeitgebers. Given that in humans the intrinsic
period of the circadian pacemaker is slower than that of
the daynight cycle, environmental zeitgebers tend to pull
the pacemaker closer to 24 hours, and a pacemaker that is
more sensitive to zeitgebers might be expected to assume a
relatively more advanced phase position (Wever, 1979).
Relevant to this observation is the finding just notedthat
in some studies, bipolar patients apparently have an increased sensitivity to light, which appears to be independent of the state of illness.46 It is important to mention,
however, that melatonin suppression by light is not equivalent to phase shifting by light, and future phase-shifting
experiments are needed to sort this out. Obviously, the
many gaps and even some apparent contradictions in the
circadian literature preclude a complete synthesis. Clinical
heterogeneity is a major confounding variable and may
well explain apparent contradictions.
Throughout this discussion, we have referred, explicitly
or implicitly, to the concept of a closed loop involving the
circadian system and the phenomenology (and biochemistry) of depressive and manic episodes. We return to this
subject here because it remains the most significant conceptual challenge in interpreting the circadian literature.
Until we have more data from manic-depressive patients
studied under forced desynchrony, we will be unable to
answer the question of whether a disturbance in the function of the circadian clock is primary, and therefore driving the symptoms, or is itself simply a physiological symptom secondary to the large shifts in mood, sleep, and
behavior that characterize the illness. This possibility deserves further consideration in light of evidence showing
that behavioral arousal may feed back directly to the circadian pacemakers behavior (Mrosovsky, 1988).

Mood Stabilizers and Circadian Rhythms

As reviewed in Chapter 20, lithium is effective in reducing
cycling in bipolar as well as highly recurrent unipolar depression. This reduction in cycling is not immediate, nor is
it immediately lost upon discontinuation of treatment. On
the other hand, patients who are abruptly discontinued
from lithium are at an elevated risk for increased cycling
and shifting into hypomania/mania.
Lithium modifies the period and phase of circadian
rhythms in species ranging from unicellular organisms to
insects, mice, and humans (Klemfuss, 1992; Healy and Waterhouse, 1995; Klemfuss and Kripke, 1995). These effects, which

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

might be considered analogous to the effects of lithium on

mood cycling, are achieved with clinically meaningful doses
and do not occur immediately after initiation of the drug
as with its clinical effects, there is a lag. Most consistently,
lithium lengthens the free-running circadian period across
species, from single cells to whole organisms.47 Also, there
have been some reports of period-lengthening effects in normal volunteers under free-running conditions,48 as well as
phase-delayed rhythms in humans living on a 24-hour
schedule (Kupfer et al., 1970; Mendels and Chernik, 1973;
Kripke, 1983), which may reflect a lengthening of the period
of the circadian oscillator.49
How do mood stabilizers affect the previously discussed
increased sensitivity of melatonin secretion to light in some
bipolar patients? In the original studies, the increased sensitivity was reported to be greatest in patients who were
medication free for at least 5 weeks, while in those taking
lithium, the sensitivity was not different from that of
healthy controls (Nurnberger et al., 2000). This finding is
consistent with lithiums reduction of the melatoninsuppressive effect of light in healthy volunteers (Hallam
et al., 2005a). Valproate has also been reported recently to
reduce melatonin suppression by light in healthy volunteers (Hallam et al., 2005b). The potent mood-stabilizing
effects of both lithium and valproate could, at the very
least, be partially explained by their chronobiological effects, as inhibition of suppression of melatonin by light
could result in an altered circadian period (specifically, a
prolonged period) and thus changes in alignment between
sleepwake and biological daynight.

Clock Genes and Bipolar Disorder

As noted briefly above, certain clock genes have been associated with circadian rhythm sleep disorders50; examples
are PER3 (Ebisawa et al., 2001; Archer et al., 2003; Pereira
et al., 2005) and CSNK1 (Takano et al., 2004) in delayed
sleep-phase syndrome, and the PER2 gene in familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (Toh et al., 2001). Recently,
linkage to and association with bipolar disorder have been
examined for 10 circadian genes (ARNTL, CLOCK, CRY2,
CSNK1, DBP, GSK3b, NPAS2, PER1, PER2, and PER3
(Nievergelt et al., 2005). Linkage analysis in 52 affected
families revealed suggestive evidence for linkage to CSNK1,
but this was not confirmed in an association study of 185
parentproband triads. Through single-gene permutation
tests, haplotypes in ARNTL and PER3 were found to be
significantly associated with bipolar disorder, the strongest
association being with PER3. Because, as noted above,
PER3 has also been associated with circadian rhythm sleep
disorder, this may represent an underlying mechanism
for circadian abnormalities in bipolar disorder, as well as


overlapping features between delayed sleep disorders and

bipolar disorder (Nievergelt et al., 2005). Ultimately, as Bunney and Bunney (2000) hypothesized, the circadian rhythm
abnormalities in major depression and SAD may be due to
altered clock genes, and genetic knowledge and technology
may now be advanced enough to enable exploration of this
hypothesis directly in patients. Similarly, the discovery of
melanopsin51 as an important molecule in circadian phototransmission is very recent, and clinical applications of this
discovery can now be anticipated. (See the Web site for this
volume for further information on genetic contributions to
abnormalities of sleep.)

Other (Noncircadian) Mechanisms of Sleep

Disturbance in Affective Disorders
The previously discussed cholinergicaminergic hypothesis
postulates that increased REM latency is secondary to increased activity of a REM excitatory cholinergic mechanism. This increased activity is accompanied by decreased
activity in REM inhibitory aminergic mechanisms (including serotonin-containing raphe neurons, norepinephrinecontaining neurons of the locus ceruleus, and histaminecontaining neurons of the mammilary body).
Also as discussed earlier, the two-process model posits
that the onset and maintenance of sleep are regulated by
the interaction of process s, which represents a need for
NREM sleep (measurable with delta power in sleep EEG),
and process c, which reflects the circadian variation in the
threshold for the onset of sleep (van den Hoofdakker and
Beersma, 1985). The antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation may result from increased sleep pressure (process s)
during prolonged wakefulness. In the future, it may be of
interest to measure sleep pressure using theta waves in the
waking EEG (Aeschbach et al., 1999) rather than delta
waves during sleep.


One important clinical advantage of the circadian and sleep
therapies listed in Table 161 is their shorter time lag compared with drugs or psychotherapy (Wirz-Justice et al.,
2005). Box 161 presents the recommendations of the Committee on Chronotherapeutics in Affective Disorders of the
International Society for Affective Disorders with regard to
such therapies.
Despite their advantages, the current research effort on
chronobiological interventions is less than what might be
expected from the richness of the early findings in the field.
Commenting on the relative lack of research interest even



Table 161. Circadian and Sleep Therapies for Major Depression


Therapeutic Latency

Response Duration

Total sleep deprivation (TSD)

Partial sleep deprivation (PSD)
(2nd half of the night)
Repeated TSD or PSD
Repeated TSD or PSD with
Phase advance of the
sleepwake cycle
TSD followed by sleep phase
Single or repeated TSD or PSD
followed by light therapy
Single or repeated TSD or PSD
followed by phase advance and
light therapy
Single or repeated TSD or PSD
combined with lithium, pindolol,
or SSRIs
Light therapy (winter seasonal
Light therapy (nonseasonal
Light therapy with SSRIs
(nonseasonal MDD)
Dark or rest therapy (for rapid
cycling or mania)


~1 day
~1 day



~3 days

12 weeks


12 weeks











12 weeks



Throughout maintenance
of treatment

MDD = major depressive disorder; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.

Source: Wirz-Justice et al., 2005. Reprinted with permission from Cambridge University Press.

in the most dramatically effective of such interventions

sleep deprivationWirz-Justice (2005) wrote:
In our opinion, two factors may be responsible for the
current lack of interest [in sleep deprivation]. First,
considerable relapses were frequently observed after recovery sleep. Second, the dominance of pharmacology
and neurochemistry in research on pathogenesis and
therapy of psychiatric disorders may be responsible. It is
difficult to obtain funding for non-pharmacological and
non-neurochemical clinical research (the same is true for
another efficacious antidepressant modality, light treatment). Nevertheless, the rapidity and the magnitude of
the clinical changes brought about by [sleep deprivation]
and sleep still remain highly intriguing and may provide
clues for understanding the pathophysiology of depression. In fact, it is surprising that no pharmaceutical company has focused on this model in the search for that

much-needed rapid-acting antidepressant; dont clinicians want a drug that works within a day?

Therapeutic Sleep Deprivation

After observing the effects of sleep on severely depressed
patients, clinicians have from time to time concluded independently that sleep itself exacerbates depression. Ostenfeld (1986) reported that this clinical observation was
one of several that led him to try iatrogenic asomnia to
treat a manic-depressive patient in 1954 at a time when
ECT was the only available treatment known to be effective. Since then, investigators using sleep deprivation
and many other experimental manipulations of sleep have
produced a body of evidence suggesting that the dramatic changes in the timing and duration of sleep during
manic and depressive episodes are not mere epiphenomena.

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

BOX 161. Recommendations of the Committee

on Chronotherapeutics in Effective Disorders
The Committee on Chronotherapeutics of the International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD) reviewed the evidence as of
2004 and made the following observations and recommendations (Wirz-Justice et al., 2005):
1. Wake therapy (i.e., sleep deprivation) is the most rapid antidepressant available today: approximately 60% of [depressed]
patients, independent of diagnostic subtype, respond with
marked improvement within hours.Treatment can be a single
or repeated sleep deprivation, total (all night) or partial (second half of the night). Relapse can be prevented by daily light
therapy, concomitant administration of [selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors], lithium (for bipolar patients), or a short
phase advance of sleep over 3 days following a single night of
wake therapy. Combinations of these interventions show
great promise.
2. Light therapy is effective for major depression, not only for
seasonal subtype. As an adjuvant to conventional antidepressants in unipolar patients, or lithium in bipolar patients, morning light hastens and potentiates the antidepressant response. Light therapy shows benefit even for patients with
chronic depression of 2 years or more, outperforming their
weak response to drugs.This method provides a viable alternative for patients who refuse, resist, or cannot tolerate medications, or for whom drugs may be contraindicated, as in antepartum depressive symptoms.
3. Given the urgent need for new strategies to treat patients
with residual depressive symptoms, clinical trials of wake therapy and/or adjuvant light therapy, coupled with follow-up
studies of long-term recurrence, are a high priority.

It is now well established that total sleep deprivation

(Pflug and Tlle, 1971) and, in some studies, even partial
sleep deprivation in the second half of the night (Schilgen
and Tlle, 1980) can induce temporary remissions in depressed unipolar and bipolar patients.52 In their metaanalysis, Wu and Bunney (1990) reported that 5060 percent of patients showed a temporary improvement in mood
following total sleep deprivation, with 80 percent sinking
back into depression after one night of sleep. Indeed, as
noted earlier, even a nap has been found to result in relapse
of depressed mood in 50 percent of patients (Wiegand
et al., 1987), with morning naps being more detrimental
than those in the afternoon (Weigand et al., 1993). This
rapid loss of efficacy may help explain why interest in sleep
deprivation in the United States has lagged behind that in
Europe despite the treatments established therapeutic


value. Wehr and Sack (1988, p. 208) emphasized the importance of sleep deprivation studies:
The single most important argument that sleep is an important factor in mental illness is the observation that
sleep deprivation rapidly induces remissions in the majority of depressed patients, and induces mania in bipolar
patients, and that recovery sleep after sleep deprivation
rapidly induces depression in the majority of patients
who have responded to sleep deprivation.

Are there differences between unipolar and bipolar patients in the efficacy and safety of response to sleep deprivation? From the occasionally dramatic mania-inducing
effect of losing one night of sleep, one might presume
a more intense effect in bipolar patients. Indeed, Barbini
and colleagues (1998) reported that bipolar patients had a
greater response than unipolar depressed patients to three
cycles of total sleep deprivation and, contrary to some expectations, that no unipolar patient switched to bipolar
during the treatment. It is not known, however, what proportion of the unipolar group had the more recurrent forms
of unipolar depression (which in some patients may be associated with a diathesis for bipolar disorder). Another intriguing observation of this study is that subjective ratings
of mood (on visual analogue scales) improved only in the
bipolar group.
A large study of 206 bipolar depressed patients who underwent three nights of sleep deprivation alternated with
three nights of sleep (Colombo et al., 1999) found that the
risk of switch into mania was 4.85 percent and into hypomania was 5.83 percent (the rate of antidepressant response
was not reported). Initial estimates suggested a risk of one
in four bipolar patients, but these estimates were based on a
small population of patients with a history of rapid cycling,
a subgroup especially vulnerable to mood switches.
In general, there is a feed-forward relationship between
sleep deprivation and mania in bipolar patients (the mania
maintaining insomnia and arousal) (Wehr et al., 1987), in
contrast to a feedback relationship between sleep deprivation and fatigue (causing sleepiness) in nonbipolar depressed patients. Lenox and colleagues (2002) hypothesized
the response to sleep deprivation to be a genetically heritable condition and possibly an endophenotype of bipolar illness (Lenox et al., 2002).
Predictors of response to sleep deprivation include diurnal variation in mood, with spontaneous improvement
in mood occurring in the afternoon and evening hours
(Reinink et al., 1990); increased diurnal variation in mood
independent of the direction (Reinink et al., 1993); decreased
REM latency (Riemann et al., 1991), which normalizes after sleep deprivation (Duncan et al., 1980; Riemann and
Berger, 1990); and endogenous rather than reactive or



neurotic features of depression (Wu and Bunney, 1990).

Gender, age, previous hospitalizations, severity of depression, and duration of depressive episodes do not predict
response to sleep deprivation (Kuhs and Tlle, 1991). The
less tired (Bouhuys et al., 1995) and more aroused a patient
is prior to sleep deprivation (Van Den Burg et al., 1992),
the better is his or her response to the treatment. As noted
earlier, some but not all studies have found a greater response in bipolar than in unipolar patients, but the clinical
features just reviewed are generally not controlled for in
these comparisons.
If neither placebo nor gross confounding factors account
for the effects of sleep deprivation, could the explanation be
as simple as the fatigue disinhibiting brain sites that modulate the expression of depressive affect or inhibiting centers
that mediate depressive affect? In fact, this is the essence of
a hypothesis that the influence of some subcortical areas
having both an alerting and a depressogenic effect is decreased in parallel with the fatigue induced by sleep deprivation (Van Den Berg et al., 1992; Bouhuys et al., 1995).
As to the question of what underlying neuroanatomical
structures are involved in the effects of sleep deprivation,
brain imaging studies have indicated that increased activity
is found in the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate
prior to sleep deprivation in patients who respond to the
treatment, but not in nonresponders,53 and that improvement in mood parallels a decrease in blood flow in these
areas.54 Mayberg and colleagues (1997) found that the ventral anterior cingulate cortex was activated in association
with an antidepressant response to total sleep deprivation.55 The anterior cingulate cortex appears to play a major
role in affective regulation and cognition (Devinsky et al.,
1995) and in depression (Drevets et al., 1997; Drevets, 1999).
Earlier in our discussion of the regulation of sleep, we
briefly considered some of the mechanisms that may underlie the antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation. First,
could it simply be a placebo effect? While this possibility
cannot be ruled out, it appears unlikely given that the
usual expectations of the patient being deprived of sleep
tend to be negative (van den Hoofdakker, 1997).56 Numerous factors, such as light exposure, body posture, and motor activity, are confounded with sleep deprivation, but they
do not appear to be major contributors to its antidepressant
effect (van den Hoofdakker, 1997).
Regarding molecular mechanisms, the cholinergic hypothesis of sleep discussed earlier appears to offer an attractive explanation of the effects of sleep deprivation because the cingulate receives cholinergic projections from
the basal forebrain; however, there are as yet no direct data
on cholinergic mechanisms in sleep deprivation. Data do
exist that suggest the involvement of both serotonergic and
dopaminergic pathways in the effects of sleep deprivation.

Implicating serotonin, Benedetti and colleagues (1999b)

reported better mood amelioration with sleep deprivation
in subjects with the long variant of 5-HTT-linked polymorphisms, associated with increased density of the 5-HT
transporter. Moreover, sleep deprivation increases brain
serotonin turnover in rats (Asikainen et al., 1997) and increases firing in the serotonergic neurons in the raphe (Gardner et al., 1997). In bipolar patients, pindolol, a 5-HT1A
autoreceptor blocker (which blocks the receptor that puts
the break on the release of serotonin, thereby enhancing
serotonin release) was found to increase the antidepressant
response to sleep deprivation and decrease the tendency to
relapse after the procedure (Smeraldi et al., 1999). It appears that the role of serotonin in the effects of sleep deprivation is complex, and some of the data are conflicting. In
one study, for example, sleep deprivation in rats resulted in
reduced rather than increased serotonin and 5-HIAA in
the frontal cortex (Borbely et al., 1980). And not only did
Neumeister and colleagues (1998a,b,c) fail to find a hypothesized blocking of the effects of sleep deprivation with
tryptophan depletion (which decreases brain serotonin),
but they also noted that tryptophan depletion could actually block relapses back into depression.
Gerner and colleagues (1979) reported increased concentrations of homovallic acid (HVA), a metabolite of
dopamine, in the cerebrospinal fluid of responders to sleep
deprivation, but not in nonresponders (Gerner et al.,
1979). Related to this finding is that of Ebert and colleagues
(1994): compared with nonresponders, responders had significantly greater displacement of a ligand for the D2 receptor after sleep deprivation, a result suggesting dopamine
receptor activation. Rigidity, bradykinesia, and gait disorder improve in patients with Parkinsons disease after therapeutic sleep deprivation (Demet et al., 1999), which could
also reflect enhanced dopamine function (alternatively, it
could reflect an anticholinergic effect of sleep deprivation). However, other studies have failed to find an association between sleep deprivation and dopamine enhancement. For example, Benedetti and colleagues (1996) reported
that a dopamine receptor agonist (stimulant) blocks rather
than enhances the effects of sleep deprivation. Thus the involvement of dopamine receptor regulation in the clinical
effects of sleep deprivation is probably complex. Can sleep
deprivation be considered analogous to the effect of an antidepressant drug? Given the rapidity of onset as well as
the transient nature of the antidepressant effect of sleep
deprivation compared with the lag and the more sustained
response seen with antidepressants, a more reasonable
pharmacological analogy might be with psychostimulants,
whose effect on dopamine (enhancing release from presynaptic stores) is both immediate and relatively short-lived
(Ebert and Berger, 1998).57

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

It has been speculated that the therapeutic effect of

sleep deprivation does not depend on the loss of sleep per
se but is associated with not being asleep in the second half
of the night. Thus Sack and colleagues (1988) compared
the effects of an equivalent amount of sleep loss (4 hours)
in either the first or second half of the night. Improvement
was associated only with the latter. Because REM sleep is
distributed predominantly in the second half of the night,
this finding led to speculation that sleep deprivation may
act by suppressing REM sleep.58 Indeed, Vogel and colleagues (1980) deprived patients of REM sleep with selective nocturnal awakenings over a 3-week period and found
that a 50 percent reduction in REM sleep had a significant
antidepressant effect. However, REM deprivation alone
cannot account for the immediate effects of sleep deprivation, since it usually requires several weeks to produce an
antidepressant effect.
Combinations of sleep deprivation and other treatment
options have been attempted to either extend the duration
of mood improvement gained through sleep deprivation
alone or augment or hasten the effect of the other treatments. For example, total sleep deprivation was found to
hasten the effect of fluoxetine in treating major depression
(Benedetti et al., 1997). Another treatment with antidepressant effectsbright light (but not dim light), discussed in
more detail laterwas used to maintain the beneficial effects of sleep deprivation in patients with major depression
(Neumeister et al., 1996). In this context, it is of interest that
response to sleep deprivation predicts response to light therapy in both seasonal and nonseasonal depression (Fritzsche

et al., 2001). In bipolar depressed patients, Colombo and

colleagues (2000) found that light treatment in combination
with lithium maintained the improvement in self-reported
mood achieved with total sleep deprivation.59 This finding is
consistent with that of Smeraldi and colleagues (1999) that
lithium successfully stabilized the antidepressant effect of
sleep deprivation for 3 months in 13 of 20 bipolar patients
(versus a stable antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation in
only 2 of 20 patients not on lithium) (Smeraldi et al., 1999).
An obvious question is whether sleep deprivation in bipolar patients will precipitate mania or hypomania or increase
mood cycling. Although the Committee on Chronotherapeutics of the International Society for Affective Disorders
concluded that the rates of switch into mania or hypomania
are similar to those associated with the newer antidepressants (Colombo et al., 1999; Wirz-Justice et al., 2005), we
would recommend caution in the use of this treatment for
bipolar-I patients, especially those with a history of rapid cycling (or an otherwise unstable course) and/or a history of
psychotic mania. And, of course, sleep deprivation should
not be undertaken unless and until the patient is on a mood
stabilizerthe same recommendation we make with respect
to the initiation of antidepressants.
As noted earlier, in addition to sleep deprivation, advancing the entire sleep period by 46 hours (sleep phase
advance) has been shown to produce antidepressant effects, further suggesting that the effects of sleep deprivation may depend less on the amount of sleep than on its
timing. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 166.
In contrast with sleep deprivation, the improvement seen

Figure 166. Relationship between the timing of sleep and the antidepressant effect
of sleep deprivation. (Source: Wehr and Goodwin, 1981.)


Total Sleep Deprivation

Advance of Sleep Period



Partial Sleep Deprivation


Partial Sleep Deprivation


Full Nights Sleep




Circadian Phase



with ongoing sleep phase advance is more stable. One possible explanation for the efficacy of sleep phase advance is
a realignment of the sleepwake cycle with other circadian
endogenous rhythms, such as cortisol and temperature,
which tend to occupy a phase-advanced position in major
Initiating sleep phase advance (Sack et al., 1985) in the
evening following total sleep deprivation (as it is easier to
fall asleep at 5 PM after a night without sleep) maintains
the antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation in a proportion comparable to that of treatment with antidepressant
medication.60 Benedetti and colleagues (2001a) observed
that, compared with unmedicated patients, those taking
lithium showed greater improvement with a combination
of total sleep deprivation and sleep phase advance. The authors explained their results as a double action to realign
sleepwake with other biological rhythms, the sleep phase
advance bringing sleep earlier and lithium delaying the
metabolic rhythms.

Extended RestDark Period as a Treatment

for Rapid Cycling
Given the above-noted vulnerability of bipolar patients to
sleep deprivation and their apparently increased sensitivity
to light (Wehr et al., 1993; Wehr, 1996), the modern use of artificial light into the nighttime may be detrimental for bipolar patients as it may modify the duration and timing of
sleep, thus altering circadian rhythms. Wehr and colleagues
(1998) attempted to stabilize a bipolar patient who was rapidly cycling despite being on mood stabilizers by depriving
him of light for 14 hours (keeping him in the dark from 8
PM to 6 AM) each night for several weeks. His highly unstable mood and sleep cycles were stabilized (Wehr et al.,
1998).61 Another group reported on a treatment-resistant
rapidly cycling bipolar patient in whom extended darkness
and bedrest for 10 hours resulted in immediate mood stabilization, initially in the depressed range and then, following
the addition of midday light treatment, in the euthymic
range (Wirz-Justice and van den Hoofdakker, 1999; WirzJustice et al., 1999a,b).62

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy

Frank and colleagues (2000) built on the intimate relationships among mood, the circadian system, and the
sleepwake cycle, as described in the first edition of this
text, to design interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT). The central concept of IPSRT is that a manic switch
is often preceded by a disruptive social event, such as death
and bereavement, which may entail a combination of psychosocial challenge, threat or loss, and sleep deprivation
(Wehr and Goodwin, 1983b; Malkoff-Schwartz et al., 1998;
Ashman et al., 1999).63 IPSRT is discussed in Chapter 22.


Melancholy occurs in autumn whereas mania in summer.
Posidonius, fourth century
Repeatedly I saw in these cases moodiness set in autumn
and pass over in spring, when the sap shoots in the
trees, to excitement, corresponding in a certain sense to
the emotional changes which come over even healthy individuals at the changes of the seasons.
Emil Kraepelin, 1921, p. 139
[T]he gloom of the Arctic night sets in, and although the
Eskimos spent their time telling stories and legends and
tried hard to amuse us, I could notice a depression among
ourselves, as well as among the people . . . that reached its
climax at Christmas . . . we were all very blue.
Frederick A. Cook, M.D, Surgeon to the Peary
Arctic Expedition, 1894

The clinical lore surrounding affective disorders has alluded to their seasonal nature since ancient times. Seasonal
trends emerge in the epidemiology of populations of patients, and seasonal patterns become evident in the course
of manic-depressive illness in individual patients. Onsets
of episodes tend to cluster in the spring and fall, especially
among those prone to annual recurrences. As Wehr and
Rosenthal (1989) pointed out, these patterns imply that environmental changes can both cause and ameliorate episodes
of affective illness.
Nineteenth-century psychiatrists, unlike those of today,
had the opportunity to observe the course of untreated
manic-depressive illness for long periods (see Chapter 1).
Several leading psychiatrists of the era64 recorded many
cases in which the pattern of recurrence was seasonal. In
one pattern, depressions began in spring and summer. In
another, the onset of depression occurred in fall or winter,
while mania or hypomania appeared in the summer. These
patterns also emerge in longitudinal data published by Baastrup and Schou (1967) in their now-classic lithium studies
and by Kukopulos and Reginaldi (1973). Analysis of the
frequency distribution of the cycle lengths of episodes
drawn from a longitudinal study of 105 bipolar patients
(Zis and Goodwin, 1979) shows a very large peak at 12
months, with smaller peaks at subsequent multiples of 12
(see Fig. 167). Although reporting bias may account for
some of these findings, it is probably not sufficient to explain the magnitude of the seasonal effect.
Slater (1938) was the first to apply systematic statistical
analysis to the study of seasonal patterns among manicdepressive patients. He noted that for each patient, recurrences were significantly more likely to occur at the same

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms



Number of Cycles


Patients N ! 105
Cycles N ! 755








Cycle Length (months)




Figure 167. Seasonal variation in the length of the photoperiod and in its rate
of change: relationship to seasonal peaks in depression, mania, and suicide. (Source: Zis
and Goodwin, 1979.)

time of the year than at random; that is, variability in the

month of onset for any one patient was less than half the
variability among patients. The study of seasonality did
not resurface in the literature for nearly half a century. In
the early 1980s, Goodwins group at NIMH (Rosenthal
et al., 1985) identified a specific syndromewinter depression, one form of SADwhich since that time has been
investigated extensively in the United States, Europe, Great
Britain, Australia, and South America. In 1984, Rosenthal
and colleagues studied recurrent winter depressions, often
with summer hypomania, and published the original criteria for SAD.
Wehr and Rosenthal (1989) attributed the long hiatus in
psychiatric interest in seasonality to changing fashions in
theoryfrom the ancient humoral theories emphasizing
seasonal influences to contemporary theories stressing internal psychological and biological processes. Another possible reason for the neglect may be that modern life had so
shielded psychiatric observers from environmental influences that they no longer considered seasonal patterns,
which in addition had become obscured by modern treatments. The authors also noted that both psychiatrists and
patients may have been inclined to see episodes of affective
illness as linear rather than cyclical, a shift in thinking about
time that may be general in modern culture.

Physiological Mechanisms Involved

in Seasonality in Mammals
Seasons are the result of the combined action of the tilted
axis of the earth and its movement around the sun, which
cause changes in the duration of day (photoperiod) and
night (scotoperiod) with a period of 1 year. The magnitude of photoperiodic changes, as well as climatic seasonal
changes (temperature, humidity, skycover, and rainfall), is
directly related to latitude. Numerous species experience
marked seasonal changes in physiology and behavior. Many
have developed specialized neuronal circuits that detect,
store, anticipate, and respond to changes in day length. Photoperiodic organisms use both absolute measures of day
length and direction of day-length change to regulate their
seasonal changes (see Goldmans [2001] review of mammalian photoperiodic systems). There are variations in
photoperiodic responses among species, among breeding
populations within species, and among individuals within
single breeding populations (Goldman, 2001). This point
is particularly important for understanding SAD, as individual humans differ markedly with regard to seasonality.
The SCN are not only the master circadian pacemaker (as
discussed earlier) but also the central neuronal structure involved in seasonal responses (Moore, 1996a,b). Destruction of



the SCN abolishes photoperiodic responses (Schwartz et al.,

2001b). SCN neurons have a higher firing rate during the
daytime and less intense firing during the night, with sharp
transitions around dusk and dawn, a pattern that persists in
hypothalamic slices and dissociated cell cultures under constant conditions (Schwartz et al., 2001b). To understand seasonality, it is important to know that the duration of diurnal
firing under constant conditions reflects the day length to
which the animal has previously been exposedshorter
when the previous daylength was shorter, longer when it
was longer (Mrugala et al., 2000). This suggests that the
SCN cells remember the previous photoperiod to which
they have been exposed (Jac et al., 2000a,b). Photoperiodinduced changes in melatonin secretion, as well as in SCN
firing rate and other output markers of SCN activity, are ultimately determined by temporally sequenced gene expression (Hastings et al., 2001).
Pittendrigh and Daan (1976) proposed that the mammalian pacemaker consists of a morning oscillator (M)
locking on to dawn and an evening oscillator (E) locking on
to dusk, and that these two oscillators may be used to measure day length and adjust seasonal timing (Schwartz et al.,
2001a,b). Information on day length reaches the SCN via the
retinohypothalamic tract, and it modifies the duration of
firing of the SCN neurons. The axons of the SCN neurons
inhibit the firing of the paraventricular neurons in the hypothalamus. If uninhibited, the paraventricular neurons stimulate (via a multisynaptic pathway) the secretion of melatonin by the pineal glad.65 Thus SCN firing ultimately
results in inhibition of melatonin secretion. The duration of
day length is encoded in the duration of increased SCN firing and then in the duration of time without melatonin secretion. Therefore, seasonal information starts with clock
information and is then transformed into hormonal
informationthe duration of melatonin secretionwhich
in turn conveys seasonal information to other hypothalamic
hormonal systems and to other organs and tissues (Malpaux et al., 1998; Morgan et al., 1999).
To what degree have these mechanisms persisted in humans? Wehr (2001) discussed this topic in detail in his review of photoperiodism in humans and other primates.
He reported that neuroanatomical and physiological
elements that mediate seasonality in mammals (described
above) are preserved in humans. Human reproduction is
not seasonal in the sense of being confined to a distinct period of the year as it is in many other mammals, including
some other primates. However, it has been shown that human reproduction has a distinct seasonal variation.66 This
variation has both cultural and biological components
(perhaps reflecting evolutionary forces), which would tend
to shut off reproduction at certain times of the year, especially in females (Davis and Levitan, 2005).

Some humans manifest changes with season that are

similar to those seen in photoperiodic mammals (animals
that show marked changes in behavior in response to
changes in day length, both under naturalistic conditions
and in the laboratory). For example, during the late
fall/winter months, some individuals become passive and
less assertive, sleep more, eat more, gain weight, and have
decreased interest in sex; opposite changes occur in summer (Wehr and Rosenthal, 1989; Lam and Levitt, 1999). (A
summer form of SAD has also been described, as discussed
further below [Wehr et al., 2001a,b]. Because the literature
on summer SAD is so limited, our future references to
SAD refer to the winter form unless otherwise noted.)
These seasonal changes are distinct but mild in 1020 percent of the adult U.S. population and are not associated
with major depressive episodes. In 14 percent of the U.S.
population, however, pathological changes in mood and
related changes in energy, sleep, and appetite are associated
with SAD. Seasonal major depression accounts for 11 percent of all major depression (Levitt et al., 2000).

Seasonality in Manic-Depressive Illness

Although there is clearly some overlap with SAD, seasonality in manic-depressive illness deserves a separate discussion. Many sources of variance confound the collection of
data on seasonality in bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder. For example, although hospital admission dates may
be meaningful markers for the onset of manic episodes,
they are unlikely to reflect the true onset of depressive or
hypomanic episodes. In fact, hospitalizations for depression are more likely to reflect the eventual severe or suicidal
phase of an evolving depressive episode than its onset.
Moreover, voluntary admissions and hospital schedules
(rotation of physician staff or holidays) may affect data on
seasonal patterns, and diagnostic criteria vary from hospital to hospital. Despite these methodological problems,
however, the consistency of findings in seasonality studies
of both affective episodes and suicide is noteworthy (Eastwood and Peter, 1988). Two broad peaks are evident in the
seasonal incidence of major depressive episodes: a substantial spring peak and a smaller autumn peak. This pattern
tends to parallel the seasonal pattern for suicide: to date, 23
of 27 studies have reported a suicide peak in spring,67 while
many studies have also identified a suicide peak in early fall
(see Chapter 8). The evidence gains further weight from the
fact that virtually all the studies were carried out after the
widespread use of lithium had begun, which may have
dampened the natural pattern of seasonal variability.
Changes in light conditions are most rapid in spring and
fall, and it may be that patients with recurrent affective disorders are more susceptible to rapid changes in the photoperiod.68,69

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

While most of the earlier studies of the seasonal incidence of depression did not differentiate bipolar and
unipolar patients, some more contemporary studies, taken
together, suggest that a spring peak is predominant in
unipolar depression, while bipolar depression is more
likely to show a (smaller) fall/winter peak.70 A recent study
of 958 consecutively admitted patients with major depression (Sato et al., 2006) found that those with depressive
mixed states (see Chapter 1) showed a seasonal pattern
similar to that of the bipolar group and different from that
of the unipolar patients without such states, which is
consistent with the hypothesis that these states are part of
the bipolar spectrum. While the above studies employed
clinical samples, Shin and colleagues (2005) recently confirmed the high rate of seasonality in bipolar patients
compared with patients with major depression or normal
controls in a large community sample.
Although the data on mania are somewhat more limited
and therefore a bit less compelling, peak incidences tend to
occur in the summer months (Takei et al., 1992). Analyzing
hospital admissions, Cassidy and Carrol (2002) found that
admissions for pure mania were more frequent in spring
(when photoperiod increases rapidly), which coincided
with the peak for total admissions for mania. However, the
peak for mixed episodes was in late summer, when photoperiod starts decreasing more rapidly, and the ambient
temperature is still high. Myers and Davies (1978) and Carney and colleagues (1988) showed significant correlations

between admissions for mania and total monthly hours of

sunshine and average monthly day length, but not environmental temperature. Peck (1990) found that rates of mania
were related to hours of sunlight in the preceding month. In
England, by contrast, increased relapse of mania was not
observed in any particular season, a finding that may relate
to the extensive cloud cover over that country (Hunt et al.,
1992; Silverstone et al., 1995).
Figure 168 displays these spring and fall peaks in major
depression and suicide and also includes SAD, which is
characterized predominantly by regularly recurring atypical depressions in winter, sometimes with hypomania in
summer. The lightdark cycle shown in the figure is the
principal seasonal variable of interest. Note that the overall
length of the photoperiod has two extremeslongest in
summer and shortest in winterwhereas the rate of
change in the ratio of light to dark has two peaksone in
late winter/early spring, the other in late summer/early fall.
Thus if manic-depressive patients were abnormally sensitive to seasonal light changes, this could be reflected in either opposite behavioral patterns at the two extremes
(winter and summer) or behavioral disturbances in early
spring or early fall, reflecting the period of rapidly increasing and rapidly decreasing light, respectively.
Moving beyond variations in photoperiod, Postolache
and colleagues (2005a) hypothesized that cytokine released during seasonal inflammatory disorders may trigger decompensation/exacerbation of mood disorders in

Figure 168. Frequency distribution of cycle lengths among bipolar patients, showing
12-month peaks. BP-I = bipolar-I; BP-II = bipolar-II. (Source: Zis and Goodwin, 1979.)





Major Depression

BP-I, Depression

BP-I, Depression
Winter Dep

Rate of Change

Mania / Hypomania





Major Depression

Winter Dep









vulnerable individuals. In a U.S.-wide epidemiological

study, women showed at least a doubling of the rate of
suicide during periods of high tree pollen counts (tree
pollen has a massive peak in spring), after adjustment for
environmental light (Postolache et al., 2005b). Consistent
with a possible effect of allergens in exacerbating springtime depression and triggering suicide in women, preliminary research found increased gene expression of cytokines to be involved in allergic reactions in the orbital
cortex of female victims of suicide (Tonelli et al., 2005).
Recently, moreover, in female Brown Norway rats, sensitization to tree pollen produced anxiety- and depressionlike behavioral changes and activation of molecular and
cellular mediators of allergy within the brain (Tonelli and
Postolache 2006).
In one study on twins discordant for bipolar-I disorder
in Finland, the twins with the disorder reported greater
seasonality of mood and sleep length and a greater positive
response to sunny days compared with their healthy cotwins (Hakkarainen et al., 2003). It is important to note
that morningnesseveningness did not differ between
bipolar patients and controls, an observation that argues
against a circadian phase change difference underlying the
greater seasonality of mood in the bipolar twins.

Diagnostic Criteria for Seasonal Affective Disorder

As noted earlier, Rosenthal and colleagues (1984) first published criteria for diagnosing SAD. By 1987, criteria for a
seasonal pattern of mood disorders had been incorporated
into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-III-R.
Table 162 compares the original criteria of Rosenthal and
colleagues with the broader criteria of DSM-IV, which encompass other seasonal patterns. We consider the Rosenthal criteria to be superior to the DSM-IV criteria because
they better reflect both the biological nature of the disorder and its clinical course.71

Epidemiological Studies of Seasonal

Affective Disorder
Relationship between Seasonal Affective
Disorder and Bipolar Disorder
At the time the first edition of this text was written, the literature indicated that on average, about half of those with
SAD were bipolar, primarily bipolar-II. In the subsequent
literature, which has employed the broader DSM-IV definition of SAD, estimates of the proportion of patients with
SAD who also meet criteria for bipolar disorder have been
lower, but no consensus has emerged. It is important to
consider the extent to which the dissociation between SAD
and bipolar disorder reflects nature. If most SAD is not a
variant of bipolar disorder, attempts to integrate circadian

studies of SAD with those of bipolar disorder will be misleading.

According to a review by Magnusson (2000), the prevalence
of SAD (diagnosed using criteria based on the Seasonal
Pattern Assessment Questionnaire) across 20 retrospective
studies varied from 0 to 9.7 percent. Winter SAD was found
to be more prevalent than summer SAD in all but four
studiesthree in China and Japan (Ozaki et al., 1995a;
Han et al., 2000a) and a fourth in the tropics (Morrisey
et al., 1996). It may be that a specific ethnic factor, genetic
or environmental, protects those of Asian ethnicity from
winter SAD and makes these individuals more vulnerable
to summer SAD.72 Given the size of the Chinese population,
summer SAD is not a small problem at the global level.

Latitude and Weather

Initial studies using the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire found an effect of latitude, with winter SAD being
more prevalent at higher latitudes, a finding consistent with
the hypothesis that the disorder is caused by reduced light
in the winter. Of three studies that examined the effect of
latitude in Scandinavia, however, only one found such an
effect; a latitude effect was observed in Japan, but not in
Italy or Australia (Magnusson, 2000). Studies using DSMIV criteria instead of the Seasonal Pattern Assessment
Questionnaire applied to large populations found no latitude effect (Blazer et al., 1998, reviewed by Magnusson,
2000). A possible explanation may be that latitude is only a
small predictor of how much sunlight people will actually
receive, since meteorological conditions such as cloud cover
may have an effect. Wacker and colleagues (1992), however,
found no difference in the prevalence of SAD between regions that were predominantly sunny and those that were
overcast in Switzerland. Similarly, a study in Iceland found
no differences between those who worked outdoors and
those who worked indoors (Magnusson and Stefansson,
1993). As with all studies failing to find a difference, however, the possibility of type II error (false negative) must be
assessed for these studies. In sum, the literature on weather
effects is mixed, with some studies reporting correlations
with sunshine and/or temperature and others not (reviewed by Magnusson et al., 2000).73 What these mixed
findings may suggest (other than type II error) is that SAD
is more likely to be related to the direction of changes in
day length than to its absolute value (Wehr et al., 2001a,b).

Is SAD a dysfunctional response, or is it adaptive? Over
time, does longer exposure to a higher latitude result in
more drastic and consolidated behavioral changes, or do

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms


Table 162. Criteria for Seasonal Affective Disorder and Seasonal Pattern
Seasonal Affective Disorder
(Rosenthal et al., 1984)
1. Recurrent fallwinter depressions

2. No seasonally varying psychosocial

variables that might account for the
recurrent depressions
3. Regularly occurring nondepressed
periods in the spring and summer

4. At least two of the depressions

occurred during consecutive years

5. At least one of the depressions met

Research Diagnostic Criteria (Spitzer
et al., 1978a) for major depression

6. No other Axis I psychopathology

seasonal responses habituate and decrease over time? The

bulk of the data support the latter conclusion.74

Syndromal versus Subsyndromal

Seasonal Affective Disorder and
the Dual-Vulnerability Hypothesis
The term subsyndromal SAD has two definitions. The first
is based on cross-sectional epidemiological studies using
a seasonality questionnaire (the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire), which defines the syndrome according to a global seasonality score above a certain cutoff
point reflecting the severity of the problems related to
seasonal changes in mood (Kasper et al., 1989b). The second definition is based on clinical interviews, and characterizes subsyndromal SAD as reflecting winter depressive
episodes that are significant but do not meet the full DSM
criteria for a major depressive episode (Kasper et al.,
There are two views on the difference between SAD and
subsyndromal SAD. The classic one is that the difference is

Seasonal Pattern
(DSM-IV, 1994)
1. Regular temporal relationship between
onset of episode of affective disorder and a
particular 60-day period of the year.
2. Do not include cases in which there is an
obvious effect of seasonally related
psychosocial stressors (e.g., regularly being
unemployed every winter).
3. Full remissions (or a change from
depression to hypomania or mania) during a characteristic time of year (e.g., depression disappears in the spring).
4. In the last 2 years, two major depressive
episodes have occurred that demonstrate
the temporal seasonal relationships described in previous points, and no nonseasonal major depressive episodes have occurred during the same period.
5. The corresponding criterion is implicit
here, as seasonal pattern is provided as
a modifier of other DSM-IV diagnoses:
bipolar disorder or recurrent major depression.
6. Seasonal episodes of mood disturbance
substantially outnumbered nonseasonal

mainly quantitative (Blehar and Lewy, 1990), that is, that

SAD represents the extreme of a seasonality dimension
(Blehar and Lewy, 1990; Avery et al., 1998). Consistent with
this view is the fact that the distribution of seasonality
scores in the general population is continuous (Kasper
et al., 1989b; Jang et al., 1997a,b). Others postulate separate
factors for seasonality and for depression, and suggest that
when this dual vulnerability obtains, SAD results (Lam
et al., 2001c). The trigger for the seasonal vulnerability is
said to be a decrease in photoperiod, while possible triggers for depression include a seasonal loss of energy and
drive with an attendant compromised ability to meet societal demands. Depending on the relative degree of loading
on these two factors, different categories emerge. For example, loading on seasonality with little or no loading on
depression would be expected to result in subsyndromal
SAD (which consists mainly of vegetative symptoms, such
as increased appetite, weight gain, fatigue, and hypersomnia). If the degree of loading on both factors is similar, the
full syndrome of SAD might be expected.75 If one has



loading on depression with little or no loading on seasonality, a nonseasonal major depression would be expected.
This dual-vulnerability hypothesis was initially proposed
by Young and colleagues (1991) and further developed by
Lam and colleagues (2001a,b,c). Light treatment was known
to be effective for both subsyndromal SAD and SAD (Kasper
et al., 1989a; Norden and Avery, 1993). Subsequently, however,
Lam and colleagues (2001c) showed that subsyndromal SAD
(more loading on seasonality than on depression) appears to
be more responsive to the treatment. On the other hand, a
meta-analysis by Kripke and colleagues (1997) found that the
antidepressant effect of light treatment in nonseasonal depression is equivalent to that seen in seasonal depression.76

Pathophysiology of Seasonal Affective Disorder

There are three levels (presumably interrelated) at which
one can address the pathophysiology of SAD: genetic factors, neurotransmitter dysfunction, and chronobiological
dysregulation. In addition, one must look at associations
between SAD and both sensitivity to light and other, nonlight factors. Here we look briefly at each of these associations. An excellent, balanced review of SAD pathophysiology is that of Lam and colleagues (2000). A more detailed
review of genetic and neurobiological (including chronobiological) associations in SAD, along with discussion of
sensitivity to both light and nonlight factors in SAD, is
provided on the Web site for this volume.

Genetic Factors
A large study involving 4,639 adult twins pairs from Australia found that genetic factors accounted for 29 percent of
the variance in seasonality (Madden et al., 1996). The heritability of seasonality was associated with a preponderance
of the vegetative symptoms of depression, such as increased appetite, weight gain, and increased sleep, which
are also good predictors of response to light therapy (Lam
et al., 1993; Sher et al., 2001). This latter association also
provides circumstantial support for a dual-vulnerability
model, as seasonality in appetite, weight, and sleep is associated with loading on vulnerability for seasonality as opposed to dysphoria and anhedonia, which result from loading on vulnerability for depression. Another twin study
involving 339 twin pairs (Jang et al., 1997b) found a more
substantial genetic contribution than that found in the
study by Madden and colleagues (1996). The authors also
reported that heritability accounted for more variance in
seasonality in men (69 percent) than in women (45 percent).
Linkage studies have reported genetic associations between
SAD and the serotonin 5-HT2A promoter polymorphism
1438G/A (Enoch et al., 1999)as well as the 218C allele of
tryptophan hydroxylase (Levitan et al., 1999a,b). An association between seasonality as a trait and the short allele

of the serotonin transporter promoter gene has also been

reported (Postolache et al., 1998; Rosenthal et al., 1998).
Replications in larger samples are awaited.

Neurotransmitter Dysfunction
It is important to note that the subjects for the studies discussed below were patients with SAD. Therefore, the degree to which the study findings are related to seasonality
in manic-depressive illness, either bipolar or recurrent depression, is unknown (see the earlier discussion of the
overlap between SAD and bipolar disorder).
Serotonin. Certain indirect measures of serotonin activity, such as levels of precursors and metabolites, fluctuate
markedly with the seasons. For example, plasma L-tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin, is at its highest levels in
spring, declining in late (Wirz-Justice and Richter, 1979) or
early (Wirz-Justice et al., 1979; Swade and Coppen, 1980)
fall. In a recent study of 101 healthy men in which serotonin
metabolites in the jugular vein were measured, turnover of
serotonin by the brain was found to be lowest in winter
(p = .013). In addition, the rate of production of serotonin
by the brain was correlated positively with the level of ambient light, and the strongest correlation was with the day of
testing (i.e., the relationship was not particularly lagged)
(Lambert et al., 2002). Results of animal studies indicate
that serotonin content in the hypothalamus shows a
marked seasonal variation, with a minimum in the winter
(Carlsson et al., 1980). The major metabolite of serotonin,
5-HIAA, measured in the cerebrospinal fluid, has its trough
in springtime, which may reflect low serotonergic activity
during winter (Brewerton et al., 1988). Neumeister and
colleagues (2001) reported reduced serotonin transporter
availability in the hypothalamic/thalamic area in winter
compared with summer in healthy subjects.
Because dietary carbohydrates enhance serotonin synthesis and transmission through increased tryptophan
uptake into the brain (Fernstorm and Wurtman, 1971), the
observation that patients with SAD feel activated following high-carbohydrate meals whereas normal controls feel
more sedated (Rosenthal et al., 1989) may suggest altered
serotonin metabolism in SAD. Several studies have shown
that treatment with tryptophan can improve mood in patients with SAD to a degree similar to that achieved with
light treatment (Ghadirian et al., 1998; McGrath et al., 1990).
Tryptophan may also augment light treatment, one study
finding that it converted 9 of 14 patients from nonresponders to responders (Lam et al., 1997).
The hypothesis that SAD may involve serotonin has also
been examined using tryptophan depletion, by which central serotonin synthesis can be reduced. Tryptophan depletion results in a relapse of depressive symptoms in SAD

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

patients who formerly responded to light treatment in winter, as shown in three different studies (Lam et al., 1996;
Neumeister et al., 1997, 1998a). Tryptophan depletion in
summer resulted in relapse in one study (Neumeister et al.,
1998a) but not in another (Lam and Levitan, 1996). The association of tryptophan depletion with depressive relapse is
not specific to seasonal depression, also being seen in nonseasonal cases (Bremner et al., 1997), which suggests that
the phenomenon is related more to depression than to seasonality per se. Preliminary data suggest that D-fenfluramine, a serotonin-releasing agent, may benefit SAD patients (ORourke et al., 1987). Selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) are also effective in the treatment of
SAD, as reported for fluoxetine (Lam et al., 1995) and sertraline (Moscovitch et al., 1995). When added to light treatment, citalopram improves the efficacy of the treatment in
the long run, but not in the short run (Thorell et al., 1999).
One serotonergic finding appears to be specific to SAD.
Whereas patients with nonseasonal major depression do not
show altered hormonal or abnormal behavioral responses
to the 5-HT2C agonist m-chlorophenylpiperazine (m-CPP)
(Anand et al., 1994), patients with SAD show blunted hormonal responses and experience activation euphoriaa
consistent finding in both uncontrolled (Joseph-Vanderpool
et al., 1993; Jacobsen et al., 1994; Garcia-Borreguero et al.,
1995) and controlled (Schwartz et al., 1997; Levitan et al.,
1998) studies. These changes are normalized after successful
light therapy, suggesting that the response to m-CPP is a
state marker in SAD.
In conclusion, there is convincing evidence that serotonergic dysfunction plays a role in SAD. Some of these abnormalities, involving either 5-HT2C or 5-HT7, may be specific to the state of winter depression rather than being
associated with depression in general.
Dopamine. There is some evidence, mostly indirect, suggesting dopamine involvement in SAD. Low resting prolactin levels independent of season have been reported in
SAD patients (suggesting a trait marker), a finding interpreted as reflecting upregulation of D2 receptors secondary to reduced presynaptic dopamine (Depue et al., 1989,
1990). Another presumed indicator of altered dopamine
function is blunted thermoregulatory heat loss in the winter in patients with SAD compared with normal controls
(Arbisi et al., 1989, 1994), which is reversed by successful
light treatment. A more direct test of the dopamine hypothesis failed when a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
of L-dopa/carbidopa yielded negative results (Oren et al.,
1994b). On the other hand, the antidepressant bupropion,77
whose mechanism of action is thought to involve enhanced
dopamine (and norepinephrine) function, was found to be
effective in one placebo-controlled study of SAD (Modell


et al., 2005). Perhaps also consistent with dopamine involvement in SAD, findings of a recent study indicate that adults
with residual attention deficit disorder may have high seasonality scores (Levitan et al., 1999a).
Norepinephrine. An inverse relationship between depression scores in patients with SAD and levels of norepinephrine metabolites in cerebral spiral fluid has been reported
(Rudorfer et al., 1993). Results of other studies, however,
suggest a lower plasma norepinephrine concentration in
untreated SAD patients relative to controls and in untreated
versus light-treated conditions (Schwartz et al., 1997).
Also after light treatment, plasma norepinephrine levels
(Skwerer et al., 1988), as well as norepinephrine turnover,
were found to increase (Anderson et al., 1992); both of
these findings are consistent with the effectiveness of
bupropion, as cited above.
Neumeister and colleagues (1998c) subjected SAD patients to both tryptophan and catecholamine depletion78
(i.e., both dopamine and norepinephrine) and sham depletion with an active placebo (benztropine). A temporary
relapse in depressive symptoms resulted from both interventions, leading the authors to conclude that catecholamines, not just serotonin, are involved in the effect of
light treatment on SAD.

Chronobiological Dysregulation
There are two hypotheses regarding dysregulation of seasonal rhythms in patients with SAD. The first is based on
a different duration (specifically, the duration of melatonin secretion) of the internal night between winter and
summer. The second is based on a shift of the phase of the
circadian rhythms.
Melatonin Duration Hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, inspired by the animal literature, a longer internal night in patients with SAD matches a longer external
night in winter, and this wintersummer difference in the
duration of the internal (biological) night is what drives
seasonal changes in behavior. This hypothesis found additional support in initial findings of an increased prevalence of SAD with a more northern latitude characterized
by more drastic changes in photoperiod, although these
findings were not confirmed in studies in clinical populations (reviewed by Magnusson, 2000). A consequence of
this hypothesis was the administration of light in early
morning (6 AM to 9 AM) and late afternoon (4 PM to
7 PM), designed to reduce the duration of winter darkness
to a level similar to that in the summer.
Because in many mammals the photoperiod signal is
encoded in the duration of melatonin secretion and because
light suppresses melatonin secretion, it was hypothesized
that light in the morning and evening reduces the duration



of melatonin secretion, bringing it to summer levels. However, suppression of melatonin secretion is not sufficient to
produce an antidepressant effect (Wehr et al., 1986).
Specifically, more drastic suppression, as with atenolol, a
long-acting beta-blocker, did not result in improvement
(Rosenthal et al., 1988). On the other hand, a short-acting
beta-blocker administered in early morning resulted in
maintenance of improvement in SAD patients (Schlager,
1994). A problem in the study, however, was that propranonol was administered at a time when it may have been
too late to suppress the melatonin secretion in most patients, so that the study may not represent a valid test for
the melatonin duration hypothesis.
A strong argument against the melatonin duration hypothesis is the effectiveness of a late-afternoon dose of
melatonin (Lewy et al., 1998, 2006).79 According to the
theory, the presence of melatonin in the blood for an increased duration would make patients more depressed.
The findings of two other studies are also inconsistent with
the melatonin duration hypothesis. Winton and colleagues
(1989) measured melatonin profiles in SAD patients receiving two schedules of combined morning and evening light
treatment. Although both treatments resulted in an equivalent shortening of melatonin secretion, the antidepressant
effect was greater in the treatment group with more exposure to light. Wehr and colleagues (1986) found that two
regimens of light treatment were equally effective even
though only one of them was expected to shorten the
photoperiod. This study cannot be considered conclusive,
however, because melatonin profiles were not obtained,
sample sizes were small, and patients were exposed to room
lighting from 7 AM to 11 PM, which could have diminished
the contrast between the two conditions.
Interest in the melatonin duration hypothesis was revived after Wehrs group (Wehr, 1991a,b; Wehr et al., 1991,
1993) showed that in humans, as previously described in rodents, the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion reflects
the extent of light exposure in the immediately preceding
photoperiod. Because no changes in normal volunteers were
found between winter and summer, it was suggested that artificial light suppresses melatonin and thus the hormones
response to changes in photoperiod (Wehr et al., 1995).
Young and colleagues (1991, 1997) found that photoperiod
may be related to the onset of vegetative symptoms in SAD,
symptoms that, according to the dual-vulnerability hypothesis, are an expression of seasonality more than of depression per se. Wehr and colleagues (2001a,b) found that SAD
patients, but not controls, had a wintersummer difference
in the duration of active melatonin secretion. This study
showed for the first time that patients with SAD generate a
signal of change in season similar to that used by nonhuman mammals to regulate seasonal behavior.

Circadian Phase-Shift Hypothesis. As previously described

in the section on physiology of circadian rhythms, light is a
potent synchronizer and shifter of these rhythms. Building
on the phase-advance hypothesis of nonseasonal depression
(Kripke et al., 1978; Wehr et al., 1979), Lewy and colleagues
(2003, 2006) and Burgess and colleagues (2004) suggested
that a phase shift in circadian rhythms is conducive to
SAD. In short, the theory posits that for most SAD patients,
the internal clock is phase delayed relative to the external
daynight cycle. (On the other hand, Murray and colleagues
[2006] could not confirm this at a statistically significant
level, although trends in their data were consistent with the
phase-shift hypothesis.)
An elaboration of the phase-shift hypothesis is the hypothesized misalignment between the sleepwake cycle
and other biological rhythms (such as cortisol and melatonin secretion and body temperature) and the notion that
light will realign these rhythms (Lewy et al., 1987; Lewy
and Sack, 1989). According to this theory, evening light
should further delay the internal clock and thus be less antidepressant than morning light. Another study (Sack et al.,
1990) did indeed find delayed melatonin rhythms, consistent with the phase-shift hypothesis. The authors also
found that morning light resulted in a phase advance.
A subsequent study by Terman and colleagues (2001)
found no relationship between dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO), a marker of circadian phase, and severity of
depression; between baseline DLMO and treatment response; or between postlight treatment DLMO and depression rating (but a type II error cannot be ruled out).
Moreover, after evening light, patients with larger delays
were not more depressed than those with smaller delays.
In support of the phase-shift hypothesis, however, the
authors found a correlation between the magnitude of
the phase advance to morning light and improvement in
depression scores (consistent with the findings of Lewy
et al., 1987b, 1998; Sack et al., 1990).
Another strength of the Terman et al. (2001) study is that
it addressed the phase-angle difference between sleep and
other circadian rhythms as involved in SAD (rather than the
phase shift alone), requiring that the correction in phase angle by light treatment be involved in the antidepressant response (Lewy and Sack, 1988). However, Terman and colleagues (2001) found that changes in phase-angle difference
between sleep onset and melatonin onset did not predict response to treatment. In fact, morning light increased the gap
between sleep and melatonin onset, having a greater phaseadvancing effect on melatonin rhythms than on the
sleepwake cycle. The authors wrote, one would conclude
that phase advance is neither necessary nor sufficient for the
therapeutic effect (Terman et al., 2001). The ideal scheduling
for light treatment, according to the authors, would be based

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

on circadian time and not sleep time, and would commence

8.5 hours after melatonin onset.
The phase-shift hypothesis in SAD has received significant support from the reported improvement in depression
resulting from melatonin administered in the late afternoon, at a time when it results in a phase advance (Lewy et
al., 1998, 2006). Moreover, the antidepressant effect of melatonin administration was found to be correlated with normalizing circadian alignment (Lewy et al., 2006). Other support for the phase-shift hypothesis in SAD comes from
constant routine studies. Because waveforms of circadian
rhythms are distorted by such factors as sleep, activity,
natural and artificial light exposure, and feeding, constant
routine (as compared with forced desynchrony) is a relatively simple and reliable way to unmask circadian rhythms.
In short, subjects are studied for 36 hours, awake in dim
light and with no time cues. In constant routine conditions,
patients with SAD showed phase-delayed DLMO, core temperature, and cortisol rhythm, with these abnormalities being corrected by light treatment (Avery et al., 1993; Dahl
et al., 1993). Again, however, the improvement in depression was not related to the degree of phase advance.
Results of other studies, however, fail to support a phaseshift hypothesis and the phase-advance mechanism of action of light. A number of studies did not find circadian
markers (body temperature, cortisol, prolactin, thyrotropin)
to be phase delayed in SAD patients (Rosenthal et al., 1990;
Eastman et al., 1993; Oren et al., 1996). Many tests of the
phase-shift hypothesis have assessed the antidepressant response of different timings of bright light administration. To
support the phase-delay hypothesis, according to the previously described phase response curve, morning light would
have to improve and evening light to worsen depression. It is
true that morning light is a more potent antidepressant than
evening light, as shown by direct comparisons (Lewy et al.,
1998; Terman et al., 1998) and by most meta-analyses (Terman et al., 1989a; Thomson et al., 1999; Vitaterna et al., 1999).
However, some studies have found evening light to be as
effective as morning light (Wirz-Justice et al., 1993a,b) or
nearly so (Eastman et al., 1998). Most important, even as
evening light was less effective than morning light, it was
more effective than placebo and certainly not detrimental,
as the phase-shift theory would predict. However, the large
placebo component of light that varies among subjects and
studies would mitigate depressant effects of shifting the
clock in the wrong direction.
Several factors may account for the somewhat conflicting results of the various circadian studies addressing SAD
(reviewed by Lam and Levitan, 2000). These include small
sample sizes; selection of patients not always representative
of the entire SAD group (e.g., including only hypersomnic
patients, excluding patients with severe phase abnormality);


and masking of effects of environmental factors, sleep, activity, and social cues. Light administered at a constant external clock time may vary greatly according to individual
circadian time, by up to several hours. Thus the magnitude
of a phase shift will vary considerably among individuals.
According to Terman and colleagues (2001), the ideal timing of light treatment is related to a circadian marker and
not to clock time. However, Terman appears to have assumed that all SAD patients are phase delayed, whereas
Lewy and colleagues (2006) recently confirmed that a subgroup of patients are phase advanced and should be treated
with evening bright light and/or morning low-dose melatonin administration. Lewy also cautioned against overshifting across the therapeutic window (DLMO = 6 hours
before midsleep).

Seasonal Affective Disorder Patients

and Sensitivity to Light
A parsimonious explanation of SAD might be that light
exposure in winter compared with that in summer is significantly lower in patients with SAD relative to controls.
This explanation does not hold, however, as similar light
exposures have been reported in normal controls and in
SAD (Oren et al., 1994a) or subsyndromal SAD (Guillemette
et al., 1998) patients. If light exposure does not differ between SAD patients and controls, perhaps differences in
sensitivity to light may explain the behavioral differences
between individuals with and without SAD. Experiments
with albino rats have shown that the retina of these animals adapts to variations in ambient light, with increased
sensitivity in dim light (Schremser and Williams, 1995a,b),
a phenomenon termed photostasis. This phenomenon is
believed to have evolved for adaptation to seasonal changes
in illuminance (Penn and Williams, 1986). Both a hyperphotostatic (increased sensitivity) (Beersma, 1990) and a
hypophotostatic (decreased sensitivity) (Reme et al., 1990)
adjustment to light have been proposed as potential etiologies for SAD (although there is no evidence that photostasis
exists in humans).
Measuring retinal sensitivity indirectly with an electrooculogram (EOG), Ozaki and colleagues (1995b) found
a higher sensitivity in winter than in summer in normal
subjects (interpreted as a compensatory mechanism triggered by a decrease in natural sunlight), whereas in SAD
patients, retinal sensitivity remained constant across the
two seasons. With a more accurate technique, the electroretinogram (ERG), Lam and colleagues (1992a) found
lower-than-normal amplitudes (using a mixed conerod
response) in females with SAD and higher-than-normal
amplitudes in males with SAD compared with matched
controls (Lam et al., 1992a). In another study, Hebert
and colleagues (2002), opting to use a stimulus for the rod



system exclusively (because photostasis was described for

that system), with subsyndromal SAD patients (who are
less likely to have been exposed to light treatment) as subjects, found lower sensitivities to light in these patients,
with a positive correlation between their global seasonality scores and a winter decrease in rod sensitivity (Hebert
et al., 2002).
It is far from clear whether alterations in sensitivity to
light are contributory to SAD, a consequence of neurotransmitter dysregulation in the central nervous system, or
a consequence of aberrant behaviors of SAD patients.
If neurotransmitter dysfunction were the cause, one would
expect that light treatment, correcting the dysfunction,
would normalize the patients retinal sensitivity. However,
the persistence of those abnormalities after light therapy
(Ozaki et al., 1993) argues against that alternative. Finally,
higher cone sensitivity (and rod adaptation) was found in
SAD patients in winter than in controls in a study using
self-reported dim-light detection (Terman and Terman,

Factors Other Than Light

Light treatment, although effective, does not completely
shift patients with SAD from a winter to a summer state
(Postolache et al., 1988). Consequently, factors other than
light may be involved in seasonal changes in behavior. Two
studies found a correlation between SAD symptoms and
atmospheric temperature (Molin et al., 1996; Okawa et al.,
1996). This finding is consistent with the animal literature
showing that low ambient temperature accelerates shortday responses in seasonal animals (Larkin et al., 2001).
Findings of other studies on seasonal behavior in animals
suggest that olfaction could be involved in seasonality (Nelson and Zucker, 1981; Nelson, 1990; Schilling and Perret,
1993). Postolache and colleagues (2002d) hypothesized that
patients with SAD would differ from normal controls with
regard to olfactory acuity. They compared olfactory detection thresholds in patients and normal controls in both winter and summer and found that patients with SAD had an
ability to detect odors greatly exceeding that of the controls.
The difference was statistically significant across seasons, although there was a trend for it to be more apparent in the

Sleep reflects a critical phase of a core circadian rhythm in
humans, and thus our coverage of sleep and biological
rhythms belongs in the same chapter. Sleep disturbances
are central to the pathophysiology of manic-depressive
illness; they are not only a key symptom of both mania
and depression, but also the earliest indication of major

switches in mood state. Moreover, a manipulation of sleep

sleep deprivationwhile the fastest-acting antidepressant
known, can all too readily switch bipolar patients into mania. And because the clinical course of manic-depressive
illness, particularly the bipolar subgroup, is cyclic, the illness is itself an abnormal rhythm. Yet despite centuriesold observations of seasonal and circadian patterns of
symptoms in manic-depressive illness, the physiology of
these rhythms has been explored systematically only in the
last two or three decades. Further, since the publication of
the first edition of this text in 1990, new research on the
physiology of rhythms in manic-depressive illness has
been sparse, while pharmacological and basic neurobiological research has flourished. Although such physiological research is painstaking and time-consuming, it is all the
more necessary today because of rapid advances in understanding the molecular biology and genetics of the circadian clock. Without a sophisticated understanding of the
phenomenology and physiology of the specific rhythmic
disturbances in manic-depressive patients, the full potential of the new genetic and molecular discoveries in the
field will not be realized.
Heritability of circadian disturbances has been demonstrated in both humans and animals.80 An important focus
for future research would be the prevalence of these disturbances in patients with manic-depressive illness versus normal controls, as well as the prevalence of affective illness in
subjects with familial circadian disturbances. The integrity
of clock genes in patients with manic-depressive illness is
another potentially fruitful subject for research, as is the relationship between central and peripheral oscillators, especially the amplitude, phase, synchronization, and stability
of molecular rhythms in patients with bipolar and highly
recurrent unipolar disorders.
Research on the melatonin receptor agonists (one,
ramelteon, recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration for treatment of insomnia) represents an
advance in chronobiology. Having a greater affinity for
melatonin receptors and a more favorable and predictable
pharmacokinetic profile, as well as lacking contaminants,
the melatonin receptor agonists might be used for synchronization and shifting in placebo-control paradigms.81
Continuing work in this area is a priority for future research on the relationship between sleep and circadian
rhythms and manic-depressive illness.

1. In the United States, however, sleep deprivation remains little known and seldom used, perhaps because of its loss of efficacy after even a short nap and a society that has become
increasingly concerned about the consequences of sleep loss.

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

2. Active at and around dawn or dusk.

3. Earnest and colleagues (1999) noted that the difference between an oscillator and a pacemaker is the ability to orchestrate and direct rhythmicity in other cells, resulting in behavioral changes at the organismic level. A diffusible substance
from these SCN cells is able to induce and is also necessary to
maintain rhythmicity in cocultured fibroblasts (Allen et al.,
4. Welsh and colleagues (1995) showed that a spontaneous action potential could be recorded from individual SCN cells
weeks after they had been dispersed and cultured. When the
same method was used with SCN neurons from tau mutant
hamsters (Liu et al., 1997b) and clock mutant mice (Herzog
et al., 1998), which have altered circadian cycle lengths, it was
shown that alterations in cycle length are present in the electric potential of individual cells. Moreover, variation in sensitivity to circadian phase-shifting agents is a property not
only of the SCN but also of individual cells (Liu and Reppert,
2000). Thus as the clock was identified inside each cell, its
molecular components were not merely supportive elements
of the clock; rather, they made up the clock itself.
5. Clock was the first gene cloned in mammals. In heterozygous
mutant mice with the clock mutation, the circadian period is
abnormally long. In homozygous clock mutants, complete
arhythmicity follows after the animals are placed in constant
darkness (Vitaterna et al., 1994).
The products of Cryptochrome genes (mcry1 and mcry2),
the mCRY proteins, are the negative regulators in the clock.
The identification of cry as a clock gene in mammals came as
a surprise, given that the cryptochromes function as circadian blue-light photoreceptors in plants and insects. The importance of mcry to the clock was demonstrated using targeted deletions: deletion of mcry1 alone lengthens circadian
period, deletion of mcry2 alone lengthens circadian period,
and deletion of both results in complete arhythmicity in
constant darkness (van der Horst et al., 1999; Vitaterna et al.,
1999). Three mammalian period genes have been identified:
per1, per2, and per3. Although these genes were identified by
homology with Drosophila per, the functions of the mammalian per appear to be very different from those of its insect
counterpart. While the Drosophila per has an autoinhibitory
effect, mPER proteins in mammals have little effect on the
negative regulation of the clock; on the contrary, mPER2
appears to have a positive regulatory function (Zheng et al.,
1999). The role of mPER1 and mPER2 is not yet known.
A putative mammalian timeless gene has been identified
(Zylka et al., 1998). While in Drosophila, the tim gene is essential for the entrainment of the clock to light, its function
is unclear in mammals, as its SCN levels are not rhythmic
and not altered by light pulses (Field et al., 2000). Mtim may
be more related to the newly discovered insect gene Timeout
and may have a developmental rather than a circadian role
in mammals (Benna et al., 2000). The cry genes assumed in
mammals the role of tim genes in insects.
6. See Shearman and colleagues (2000a). For recent reviews, see
Reppert and Weaver (2001) and Herzog and Schwartz (2002).
7. An example is vasopressin prepropressophysin protein, which
is highly rhythmic in the SCN and augments the SCNs electrical firing.
8. Because some of the medications used in treating bipolar patients are GABAergic, it is important to note that GABA may






have a different effect on SCN neurons during subjective

daytimewhen in fact it appears to be excitatorythan at
night, when it may be inhibitory as in the rest of the central
nervous system (Wagner et al., 1997). In isolated neurons,
GABA remains characteristically inhibitory, with inhibition
causing phase shifts (Liu and Reppert, 2000). Many medications used for bipolar disorder enhance GABA activity, and
thus may consolidate circadian rhythms through an increased excitatory role during the daytime and inhibitory
role at night.
Despite one report that extraoccular light may shift melatonin rhythms in humans (Campbell and Murphy, 1998),
melatonin secretion cannot be suppressed by light in blindfolded or bilaterally enucleated subjects (Czeisler et al., 1995;
Lockley et al., 1998). Moreover, only free-running (non-24hour) cycles have been observed in bilaterally enucleated individuals (Lockley et al., 1998; Skene et al., 1999).
Two additional indirect pathways have been described. The
first originates from the same retinal cells whose axons compose the RHT, but instead of projecting to the SCN, synapses
in the intergeniculate leaflet of the lateral geniculate nucleus;
then a geniculohypothalamic tract, most likely using GABA,
neuropeptide Y, and enkephalin as neuromodulators, projects to the same neurons in the SCN where the retinohypothalamic tract projects. The second detour from the retina to
the SCN, through the raphe nuclei, imparts a large serotonergic innervation to the SCN. These alternative pathways
may play a role in nonphotic phase shiftssignificantly in
manic-depressive illnessincluding phase shifts caused by
behavioral arousal (Mistlberger and Holmes, 2000).
Illumination of the retina induces release of glutamate at the
level of the SCN. Remarkably, however, what happens after that
depends on the subjective time (internal, biological, circadian)
at which the stimulus is applied, similar to the behavioral effects of light. In the late night, light or, in vitro, glutamate receptor activation induces phase advances; glutamate stimulates
nitric oxide production, increases cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), activates cGMP-dependent protein kinase, and
phosphorylates cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)- response element binding protein (CREB) (Ding et al., 1997,
1998). In contrast, during early night, light-induced glutamate release acts via N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, with release of calcium, activation of several kinases, phosphorylation
of CREB, and induction of gene expression. Light or glutamate
receptor activation can phosphorylate CREB only during the
zone of sensitivity in the biological night or, in cardiology
terms, the vulnerable period. That ability is absent during the
subjective daytime, which is a refractory period for phase shift.
These efferents work by turning off a stimulatory signal from
the paraventricular nucleus to the pineal via multisynaptic
It had been reported that the period of the free-running body
temperature rhythm ranged from 24.2 to 25.1 hours (Campbell et al., 1993; Middleton et al., 1996). However, a number of
factors may affect the generalizability of these findings, including knowledge of the time of day, activity, and exposure
to ordinary room light. In a forced desynchrony protocol
(Czeisler et al., 1999) involving a 28-hour day, with bedtime
scheduled to occur 4 hours later each day for more than
3 weeks under constant low light, the average circadian period was 24.18 hours, in contrast with the previously reported










period of 24.7 hours (Campbell et al., 1993). Thus the duration of the circadian period in humans is longer than 24
hours, but only slightly. In normal everyday life, the intrinsic
human circadian period adjusts to 24 hours to synchronize
with the environment as a result of periodic factors that serve
as 24-hour time cues, or zeitgebers. Light is probably the
principal zeitgeber.
For example, the PRC to light in a subject who is flown to a
geographic location with a 12-hour difference from the point
of departure (e.g., 2 PM is equivalent to 2 AM) will accord
with the time of origin rather than that of destination.
Prior to the cloning of the clock genes, the retina was considered the only structure other than the SCN to contain a circadian clock. With the cloning of these genes, it became apparent that the clock genes are widely expressed, both in the
brain and in many peripheral tissues, and that they oscillate
independently in these tissues (Reppert and Weaver, 2001).
The rhythms of cortisol and sleep onset are delayed approximately 1 to 3 hours as compared with melatonin, temperature, prolactin, EEG theta waves, and REM sleep propensity
rhythms (Wehr et al., 2001a).
In the Pittendrigh and Daan (1976) model of the rodent circadian system and in the elaboration of that model by Illnerova
and Vanecek (1982), it is proposed that the circadian pacemaker consists of two component oscillators. One is entrained
to dusk and controls an evening bout of locomotor activity
and the onset of melatonin secretion in nocturnal rodents.
The other is entrained to dawn and controls a morning bout of
locomotor activity and the offset of melatonin secretion. Separate entrainment of the oscillators to dawn and dusk makes it
possible for the pacemaker to adjust the duration of nocturnal
periods of activity and melatonin secretion to conform to seasonal changes in night length. As applied to humans, the duskand dawn-entrained components of the complex circadian
pacemaker could be considered to control evening and morning transitions in melatonin secretion, core body temperature, sleepiness, EEG theta activity, sleep propensity, REM
sleep propensity, cortisol secretion, and sleepawake state. The
pacemaker also adjusts the timing of these transitions in response to seasonal changes in day length.
A major argument that sleep is vital for survival comes from
marine mammals, which must be awake constantly to surface for air. Instead of being permanently alert, they sleep
with one cerebral hemisphere at a time.
With regard to REM sleep distribution in mice, associations
were found with loci on chromosomes 2, 17, and 19 (Tafti
et al., 1999).
Knockout micethose missing a single gene that has been
knocked outare used in biomedical research.
Induced mutations in serotonin receptors, somnogenic cytokines (such as interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor ),
and the prion protein gene, implicated in the human condition of fatal familial insomnia (Chapman et al., 1996), result
in alterations of sleep (for a review and a note of caution in
interpreting these data, see Toth, 2001).
Transections of the brain stem at the midpons or below do
not reduce wakefulness, while transections at or above a
midcollicular level cause an acute loss of wakefulness. The
tissue at the rostral pontincaudal midbrain interface is thus
essential for maintaining wakefulness. One set of neurons is
located in a group of nuclei that have been identified as the

pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (PPT

LDT). These neurons project to the thalamus, intralaminar
nuclei, thalamic relay nuclei, and reticular nucleus of the
thalamus. The cholinergic input from these neurons to the
thalamus has a major role in regulating thalamocortical
There is another group of neurons, also situated in the
midbrain and pons, that ascend toward the hypothalamus
and not the thalamus, among them neurons from the noradrenergic locus ceruleus and dorsal and median raphe nucleus. Their axons run through the lateral hypothalamus,
where they are joined by cholinergic axons from basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and histaminergic axons from the
tuberomamillary nucleus of the hypothalamus. These axons
project diffusely to the cerebral hemispheres.
The PPTLDT cholinergic neurons fire rapidly during
wakefulness and even more so during REM sleep (REMon neurons), and are inhibited during NREM sleep. The
monoaminergic nuclei (raphe, ceruleus, and tuberomammilary), by contrast, are almost silent during REM sleep
(REM-off neurons), while firing actively during wakefulness and slowing down during NREM sleep.
23. Just as there are ascendant axons, there are also important descendent axons that have an important role in the switch between sleep and wakefulness. One source of these fibers is the
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus (VLPO), located in the anterior
hypothalamus. The VLPO neurons innervate the tuberomammilary, raphe, and serotonin neurons, and their terminals contain GABA and galanin and have an inhibitory nature. The
VLPO neurons fire twice as fast during sleep as during wakefulness, and twice as fast during sleep preceded by sleep deprivation as during sleep not preceded by sleep deprivation.
The VLPO appears to contain subregions specific to REM
versus NREM regulation. Specifically, more peripheral areas
of the VLPO inhibit the monoaminergic neurons and stimulate the PPTLDT neurons to produce REM sleep.
The VLPO has a reciprocal inhibiting relationship with
the monoaminergic neurons. During sleep, the VLPOs rapid
firing inhibits the monoamine neurons and thus disinhibits
its own firing. During wakefulness, the monoamine neurons
firing inhibits the VLPO and thus disinhibits their own firing. The overall large influences of the circadian and homeostatic processes may shift the relative balance of mutual inhibition; the pattern of firing and inhibition is reversed rapidly
toward a new steady state. This is called a flip-flop mechanism, intended to maintain the stability of sleep and wakefulness in the face of transient fluctuations in the input to the
SCN and to avoid intermediate states and frequent fluctuations in behavioral states (Saper et al., 2001).
Other important descending fibers that have a similar flipflop stabilizing role are the axons of the hypocretin-orexincontaining neurons in the lateral hypothalamus, which innervate and stimulate all the components of the ascending arousal
system. Orexin-containing neurons stabilize and promote
wakefulness and decrease both REM and NREM sleep.
24. Specifically, cells in the preoptic anterior hypothalamic nucleus (POAH) send GABAergic projections to reduce the activity of the histaminergic neurons in the tuberomamillary
nucleus of the posterior hypothalamus.
25. In the absence of alerting stimuli from the tuberomamillary nucleus and the ascending reticular activating system

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms







(cholinergic neurons located in the pons in the vicinity of

the midbrain), higher-frequency firing oscillations disappear, and synchronous firing of thalamocortical neurons
occurs. This phenomenon is responsible for the slowing
and increased amplitude of the NREM EEG.
The contributions of hypocretin/orexin to sleep regulation
represent some of the most novel findings on sleep regulation and dysregulation, as well as one of the most fascinating
examples of recent scientific history.
For a review see Buchsbaum and colleagues (2001). The FDG
PET allows for a more naturalistic setting (i.e., the patient
sleeps in bed, not in the scanner). In addition, the spatial resolution is better with FDG; however, the temporal resolution
is better with O15 water (this being important for events that
follow in succession).
Maquet and colleagues (1996) reported an activation of
amygdala during REM sleep that is potentially responsible
for the affective components of dreams. Nofzinger and colleagues (1997, 2000) noted widespread activation during REM
sleep, encompassing midline limbic and paralimbic structures. They suggested that one function of REM is to integrate neocortical activity with that of limbic motivational
and regulatory centers (Buchsbaum et al., 2001).
EEG changes observed during sleep were instrumental in
crystalizing the two-process model, with delta waves representing the accumulation of process s. Conversely, in the waking EEG, theta waves reflect both the wake-dependent homeostatic process and the circadian process and are related to
sleepiness, while high-frequency alpha waves have little wakedependent variation but significant circadian variation and
are related to alertness.
Because these changes are related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, having a sleep debt may decrease longevity
(see, however, Kripke and colleagues [2002] counterargument). We suggest that sleep debt is best defined in relative
terms. Thus a long sleeper needing to sleep 10 hours a night
and sleeping 8 would accumulate 2 hours of sleep debt daily,
while a short sleeper needing and sleeping 6 hours daily
would accumulate no sleep debt.
Besides reporting less sleepiness on the Stanford Sleepiness Scale during extended wakefulnesscongruent with
EEG data suggesting a higher tolerance in long sleepers to
sleep pressure as compared with short sleepers (Aeschbach et
al., 2001a)long sleepers have a longer biological night (see
below) than that of short sleepers (Aeschbach et al., 2003).
As previously discussed, the two-process model posits that
the timing and duration of sleep have two determinants: the
SCN (the internal, subjective clock time) and a sleepwakedependent process, which can be understood as the time
since one was awake or asleep (Dijk et al., 1992). Monk and
colleagues (1992), using a constant routine protocol, found
that mood in normal subjects also reaches its lowest values
around body temperature minimum. Totterdell and colleagues (1994) confirmed through sleep displacement studies
that the timing of sleep significantly influences mood. In
these studies, prior duration of wakefulness and endogenous
rhythms were shown to be confounded. Bolvin and colleagues (1977) were the first to use a forced desynchrony to
study circadian and homeostatic influences on mood in normal subjects. They found that mood was related to the interaction between the internal clock and the time awake; the




influence of the former exceeded that of the latter. Not only

how long but also when one sleeps and when one stays awake
influence ones mood (see below), as well as cognitive and
psychomotor functioning.
Hauri et al., 1974; Schultz and Trojan, 1979; Schulz et al., 1979;
Cartwright, 1983; Buysse et al., 1997.
Wehr, 1989, 1991a, 1992a,b; Hudson et al., 1992; Barbini et al.,
1996; Benedetti et al., 1996.
Rosenthal et al., 1989; Partonen and Lonnqvist, 1993; Partonen et al., 1993b; Anderson et al., 1994; Brunner et al., 1996.
Sitaram et al., 1976, 1978b; Gillin et al., 1978.
Gillin et al., 1979a; Sitaram et al., 1980, 1982; Berger et al.,
1989; Nurnberger et al., 1989.
Forced desynchrony is the current gold standard in chronbiological research. It separates the sleepwake cycle from the circadian rhythm without changing the ratio between sleep and
wakefulness and without depriving patients of sleep. The principle is that while the circadian pacemaker is able to alter the
duration of internal night or day to match changes in photoperiod or scotoperiod that would occur naturally, it is unable to
match drastically reduced or extended periods of imposed
lightdark and restactivity cycles. Consequently, while subjects sleep and are awake on these very short (e.g., 20 hours) or
very long (28- to 30-hour) days, the SCN continues to pace
with a period of approximately 24 hours. The intent behind the
procedure is to have the subjects sleep and be awake at different
circadian periods, while the ratio of 33 percent sleep duration to
66 percent wakefulness duration is maintained.
Constant routine is an experimental procedure designed to
eliminate the confounding influence of sleep. It is used to
establish circadian markers, such as temperature minimum,
onset and offset of melatonin secretion, cortisol and prolactin rhythms, rhythms in subjective sleepiness, cognitive
and psychomotor performance rhythms, and electroencelographic circadian parameters (e.g., EEG theta and alpha
rhythms and REM sleep propensity). It consists of prolonged
wakefulness of 3050 hours, often of 40 hours, enforced by a
technician present in the room, with dim light and with the
patient in a semirecumbent position. Food and water are distributed throughout day and night, at equal short intervals. If
patients are used, their medications must be divided into q2
hour doses. The effects of process s, a consequence of the
time-awake interval, are eliminated using mathematical models before process c is analyzed by fitting a cosine function.
The major limitation of constant routine in mood research is
that it modifies the studied phenomenon. As discussed earlier,
sleep deprivation improves mood in patients with depression,
and in bipolar patients may precipitate mania. Thus, the patients mood state is expected to change as the procedure progresses. Moreover, several assumptions may not hold up to
severe scrutiny. First, the cosine function assumes that studied
parameters change as a continuous undulation rather than
discontinuous alternation (see below). Second, processes s and
c are assumed to have an additive interaction, whereas it is
possible that at times synergistic or less-than-additive interactions are possible. Nevertheless, there is no procedure as good
as constant routine for determining important markers for
the timing of light interventions, such as circadian temperature minimum. Validation work is needed to find models that
can eliminate the need for extended wakefulness in patients
with affective illness, especially bipolar patients.



39. Wehrs group (Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1982; Wehr et al., 1982)
found that most patients who had rapid (1- to 6-week)
manic-depressive cycles experienced one or more doublelength (48-hour) sleepwake cycles at the onset of each manic
phase of their mood cycle. Upon switching from the depressed to the manic phase, they often had alternate nights of
total insomnia. Conceivably, these recurring escapes of the
sleepwake cycle from its primary (1:1) mode to its secondary
(1:2) mode of coupling to the daynight cycle result from its
driving oscillator having an overly long intrinsic period. Because the sleepwake oscillator is weak, its oscillations remain
relatively well coordinated with the daynight cycle and other
circadian rhythms. Thus, the dissociation of its oscillations is
expressed only in the periodic 24-hour phase jumps associated with double-length sleepwake cycles. In free-running
circadian rhythm experiments in which all external time cues
have been eliminated, normal individuals sometimes experience similar 48-hour sleepwake cycles (Wever, 1979, 1983;
Wehr and Wirz-Justice, 1982; Wehr et al., 1982; Weitzman,
1982). Thus, 48-hour sleepwake cycles in manic patients may
resemble the behavior of normal sleep-regulating mechanisms under free-running conditions, perhaps associated
with uncoupling of oscillators that are normally linked.
40. According to Georgi (1947, p. 1267), In the true endogenous
depressive we see a shift in the 24-hour rhythm, a phase shift,
that can express itself from a slight phase shift to a complete
reversalthe night becomes day. Anyone knowing the material would look for the CNS origin in the midbrain, where
the entire vegetative nervous system is controlled by a central
clock whose rhythmicity . . . regulates and balances the biological system.
41. The literature on circadian rhythms in depression has focused on nonseasonal depression. Seasonal (winter) depression (described later in the chapter) may involve a circadian
phase delay.
42. Wehr et al., 1979; Sack et al., 1985; Soutre et al., 1985; Vollmann
and Berger, 1993; Berger et al., 1997; Albert et al., 1998; Riemann et al., 1999.
43. Contrary to expectations, REM latency was not different between the two groups, and the REM density was decreased to
a greater degree in the normal sleep period group. It is thus
unlikely that phase advance combined with sleep deprivation
acts by reducing REM disinhibition.
44. von Zerssen et al., 1985; Soutre et al., 1988, 1989; Nagayama
et al., 1992; Dietzel and Ciullo, 1996.
45. These abnormalities included a trend to increased darkadjusted melatonin suppression compared with matched controls, significantly lower baseline melatonin levels and nadir
levels on the light night, a trend to greater amplitude of variation in melatonin secretion compared with matched controls
on the dark night, and significantly later peak time (Nurnberger et al., 2000).
46. This increased sensitivity is also present in offspring of bipolar
patients more commonly than in healthy controls (Nurnberger
et al., 1988), making it a candidate for an endophenotype for
bipolar disorder.
47. Kavaliers and Ralph, 1981; Welsh and Moore-Ede, 1990;
Klemfuss and Kripke, 1995; Kripke, 1995; Abe et al., 2000.
48. Johnsson et al., 1979, 1980, 1983; Klemfuss, 1992.
49. As described in Chapter 14, the enzyme glycogen synthase kinase 3-beta (GSK-3) appears to be a target of lithium action





(Phiel and Klein, 2001). GSK is a highly conserved enzyme in

evolution (Plyte et al., 1992; Cohen and Frame, 2001; Woodgett,
2001). The basic amino acid sequence and substrate specificity
are common among species from unicellular organisms to
Drosophila and humans. Of possible relevance to the circadian
actions of lithium, GSK-3 has a Drosophila ortologue called
SHAGGY, which happens to phosphorylate the timeless protein, a component of the Drosophila molecular clock mechanism (Martinek et al., 2001).
Overexpression of SHAGGY results in shortening of the
free-running circadian period, while a decrease in SHAGGY
activity has the opposite effect of increasing the free-running
circadian period (Martinek et al., 2001). Given the participation of GSK-3 in the circadian clock of Drosophila and the
well-known effects of lithium in inhibiting GSK-3 while
prolonging the circadian period, Gould and Manji (2002a)
have raised the possibility that GSK-3 represents a putative
cellular mechanism for altering circadian physiology in very
diverse organisms, from unicellular to complex (Klemfuss,
1992), and represents a molecular target for the circadian action of lithium.
Sleep disruption leading to excessive sleepiness or insomnia
that is due to a mismatch between the sleepwake schedule
required by a persons environment and his or her circadian
sleepwake pattern.
Provencio et al., 1998, 2000, 2002; Gooley et al., 2001; Barinaga, 2002; Berson et al., 2002; Hannibal et al., 2002; Hattar
et al., 2002.
For reviews, see Gillin, 1983; Brown, 1984; Wehr, 1990;
Leibenluft and Wehr, 1992; Wirz-Justice and van den Hoofdakker, 1999; Riemann et al., 2001.
Ebert et al., 1991, 1994; Wu et al., 1992; Volk et al., 1997.
Wu et al., 1992, 1999, 2001; Leonhardt et al., 1994; Smith et al.,
This concept was confirmed and advanced using a new technology called low-resolution electromagnetic tomography
(LORETA), which computes the three-dimensional intracerebral distributions of current density for specific EEG frequency bands. Pizzagalli and colleagues (2001) reported that
increased EEG theta activity in the anterior cingulate during
the pretreatment period predicted antidepressant response
to nortriptyline. In that study, pretreatment theta activity in
the medial frontal region extending to the anterior cingulate
gyrus correlated positively with percent improvement in depression after treatment. Of interest, it was only the theta
band activity in the pretreatment condition that correlated
with depression in the study by Pizzagalli and colleagues
(2001), because theta activity in the waking EEG reflects accumulation of both process s and process c (Aeschbach et al.,
1999). Moreover, the rostral anterior cingulate may be an important generator for theta activity in the human brain
(Asada et al., 1999; Ishii et al., 1999). In the future, it would be
interesting to correlate response to sleep deprivation with
midfrontal theta wave dynamics and cingulate activity using
It is possible, however, that after an initial dramatic response,
a particular patient would respond even better to sleep deprivation in the future, given that an expectation factor may add
to any biological effect.
Payne and colleagues (2002) suggested that sleep deprivation
may act by imposing a temporal coincidence on normally

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms





dissociated events (maintaining the activity of noradrenergic

neurons of the locus ceruleus at a time when tissues innervated by the locus ceruleus show the highest sensitivity).
It is only during REM sleep, and not during NREM sleep or
wakefulness, that neurons in the locus ceruleus, the main
source of noradrenergic stimulation of the brain, are inactive
and noradrenergic receptors have their highest sensitivity
(Siegel and Rogawski, 1988). Thus the hypothesis that REM
sleep deprivation is the mechanism of action of sleep deprivation implicates noradrenergic mechanisms.
In this study, adding both lithium and light treatment to total sleep deprivation did not result in further improvement,
suggesting a ceiling effect.
Vollmann and Berger, 1993; Berger et al., 1997; Albert et al.,
1998; Riemann et al., 1999.
In fact, the periods with greatest mood instability were those
when his circadian rhythms in sleep, melatonin, and rectal
temperature appeared to lose their entrainment to the 24hour sleepwake cycle and free run around the clock with a
period longer than 24 hours. The therapeutic premise was to
increase the number of hours available for sleep, overriding
sleep deprivationinduced mania. Because animal research
showed that a reduction in scotoperiod (duration of darkness) may decrease the ability of the circadian pacemaker to
reset the response to light (Goldman and Eliott, 1988), a therapeutic increase in scotoperiod would result in increased
amplitude of biological rhythms and thus decreased ability
of the circadian pacemaker to synchronize downstream
rhythms with the lightdark cycle.
The authors chose to use midday light on the basis of the preliminary observations of Leibenluft and colleagues (1995)
who followed 13 patients with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder
on light therapy for 3 monthsthat morning light could result in increased cycling and hypomania; that evening light
was largely ineffective; and that midday light, thought initially to be a placebo intervention, appeared to be the most
effective (indeed, it has since been interpreted as a stabilizing, entraining stimulus for a process underlying hypomania). Kusumi and colleagues (1994) found a similar effect with
morning administration of light combined with vitamin B12,
without increased cycling or hypomania. Unfortunately, to
our knowledge, no controlled study has followed up on these
The purpose of IPSRT is on the one hand to regulate circadian rhythms and sleepwake cycles (with a major intended
impact on hypomania, mania, and cycling) and on the other
hand to address losses, stresses, and interpersonal tensions
and difficulties (with a major intended impact on depression). An example of how the social domain can interact
with the circadian domain is a new babys disrupting parents
sleep at night. Besides resulting in sleep deprivation and thus
possibly in a manic switch, such disruption may expose the
circadian system to light at a time of increased potential
for large switches (around temperature minimum). These
switches may result in depression or inadequate social functioning (e.g., falling asleep or feeling sleepy in the late afternoon in the case of phase advance) and may further contribute to deterioration of the sleepwake cycle (inability to
fall asleep and to wake up in the case of phase delay).
While the interpersonal component of the therapy focuses on four traditional aspects of treatmentgrief, role




disputes, role transitions, and interpersonal deficitsthe circadian and sleepwake component focuses on the disruption
of social zeitgebers (e.g., personal relationships and social
demands and tasks) that entrain biological rhythms and the
occurrence of zeitstrers (time disrupters) that may be physical (e.g., exposure to light as in transmeridian travel), chemical (e.g., medications), or psychosocial (e.g., a new baby or
work deadlines). Monk and colleagues (1990) designed the
Social Rhythm Metric (SRM) that is used in IPSRT. The patient and therapist review the first 34 weeks of SRM measures to find rhythms that are particularly unstable, such as
variation in the time of going to bed from day to day or from
weekday to weekend days. The therapist encourages stabilization of such social rhythms, searching for rhythm disrupters, especially ongoing environmental stressors, and
making recommendations for life changes to enhance protection of circadian rhythms and the sleepwake cycle. A
slightly more regular day job, even if less lucrative, is highly
desirable for some patients. Difficulty may arise with certain
patients (analogous to medication nonadherence; see Chapter 24) as a very stable lifestyle may appear unappealing, and
some patients may mourn their lost hypomanias. The therapist works toward achieving a healthy balance between stability and spontaneity. Another area of focus is the anticipation of changes in routines with changes in ones social
climate (e.g., breakup with a partner, divorce or separation,
death of a spouse, leaving for college), resulting in the loss of
social zeitgebers.
An analogy with alcohol may be appropriate. Many individuals can use small amounts of alcohol intermittently with
no apparent detrimental effect, but there is some consensus
that a recommendation for its intermittent use is not okay
for alcoholics. Similarly, while some degree of instability in
social rhythms is likely okay for a majority of individuals, it
is highly detrimental for bipolar patients. Even in recovered
individuals, craving persists. Just as alcoholics may continue
to crave alcohol, bipolar patients may continue to crave the
roller coaster, the spontaneity of living, and hypomania. Ongoing therapy (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous for the alcoholic,
the preventive phase of IPRST for the bipolar patient) helps
reduce the risk of relapse.
Baillarger, 1854; Griesinger, 1867; Falret, 1890; Kraepelin, 1921.
The enzyme responsible for the conversion of serotonin to
melatonin is pineal N-acetyltranspherase.
Two peaks have been identified in human conceptionsone
in fall and one in spring. Usually the spring peak is dominant, although a shift toward the fall peak has been noted in
the United States over the last several decades. Seasonal variation in conception has decreased in amplitude over the last
100200 years, possibly as a result of the advent of artificial
lighting and indoor temperature control. An alternative explanation is changes in nutrition. In female rats, for example,
ad libitum feeding renders the pituitaryovarian axis insensitive to melatonin, while restricted feeding sensitizes it to
the effects of melatonin (Wilamowska et al., 1992). Since
subsistence-level feeding may have been prevalent in earlier
periods of human history (Wehr, 2001), it may have contributed to greater seasonality of reproduction. (For further
support see Journal of Biological Rhythms, June 2004.)
Among them Petridou and colleagues (2002) in the United
States, Rasanen and colleagues (2002b) in Finland, Morken






and colleagues (2002) in Norway, van Houwelingen and

Beersma (2001a,b) in the Netherlands, and C. Cantor and
colleagues (2000) in Australia.
Increased levels of potentially depressogenic interleukins
have been found in bipolar patients with SAD (Leu et al.,
2001), as well as in patients with bipolar disorder in general
(Tsai et al., 2001). Nelson (2004), who brought immunology
to the forefront of seasonality, suggested that immune functions are activated during winter to enhance survival in the
bottleneck created by high-energy thermoregulatory demands at a time of reduced availability of nutrients. While
preparing to defend the body from infections, the immune
cells communicate via cytokines to the brain and the rest of
the body that a behavioral inhibition may be necessary to
conserve energy.
Studies aimed at distinguishing effects of depression and
seasonality may produce more consistent results if SAD patients are compared not with controls but with patients experiencing nonseasonal recurrent depression. According to the
vulnerability hypothesis, one could also compare subsyndromal SAD patients with normal controls.
The melatonin hypothesis could be further tested with
improved designs involving either administration of light at
a time when it would suppress early-morning versus later
melatonin secretion or pharmacologic manipulations. Antidepressant interventions might include a bedtime delayedrelease preparation of propranonol or selective melatonin
receptor antagonists. On the other hand, loss of the antidepressant effect of light or the induction of a winter state during
summer may result from appropriately timed administration
of melatonin, a melatonin receptor agonist, or a serotonin receptor antagonist (5-HT1B receptors mediate the inhibitory effect of the serotonergic system on retinohypothalamic axons).
An important contribution to our understanding of seasonality in humans, as well as to optimal treatment of SAD, may
result from examining the potential role in seasonality of factors other than light, such as other physical, chemical, and biological factors, as well as interventions such as immunological,
olfactory, and temperature manipulations in addition to light
treatment. Also valuable would be research on melanopsinbased photoreception in patients with SAD versus controls and
on retinal sensitivity to the narrow spectrum that would have
maximum effect on melatonin suppression and shifting. The
most important directions for future research may involve focusing at the molecular level to explore the underlying mechanisms of heterogeneity in seasonality, such as mutations in
clock genes or genes that code for melatonin receptors, as well
as the numeric and topographic distribution of those receptors
in individuals with versus without seasonal changes in mood,
level of energy, sleepiness and sleep, weight and appetite, and
interest in socialization and sex.
Wehr and colleagues (1987) also hypothethized that summer
SAD may involve a specific abnormality in thermoregulation
that increases the individuals sensitivity to heat.
For example, the DSM-IV criterion of two major depressive
episodes occurring in the last 2 years is rarely fulfilled because approximately half of SAD patients do not become
depressed each winter and, most important, because many
SAD patients today treat themselves with light before experiencing a full-blown episode of major depression, thereby
aborting the episode.

72. One study showed that aborigines from Northern Scandinavia have less variation in mood than other Scandinavians
(Saarijarvi et al., 1997). SAD is less common in the Icelandic
population (which has lived in virtual isolation during the
past 1,000 years) (Magnusson and Stefansson, 1993) and its
descendants in Canada (Magnusson and Axelsson, 1993)
than on the eastern coast of the United States (Magnusson,
2000). This difference may be due to environmental factors
most likely portable environmental factors associated
with lifestyle, such as diet or activity schedule, rather than
fixed environmental factors, such as climateor to genetic factors.
73. Young and colleagues (1997) hypothesized that weather may
explain the year-to-year variation in the onset of depressive
symptoms in SAD. After careful adjustment for photoperiod,
however, they found no significant effect of weather on the
onset of depressive symptoms in SAD.
74. In a recent study by Postolaches group (Yousuffi et al., 2003),
African college students living in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area for at least 3 years reported more problems with
changes in season than their African American colleagues, a
finding consistent with a habituation hypothesis. Results of
only one study, however, support the sensitization hypothesis:
Murase and colleagues (1995) reported increased prevalence of
winter-type SAD in long-staying as compared with shortstaying Japanese residents of Sweden. In contrast, Murase and
colleagues (1995) reported increased prevalence of winter-type
SAD in long-staying as compared with short-staying Japanese
residents of Sweden.
75. If the loading on seasonality exceeds that on depression, one
would expect SAD with full remission in the summer; on the
other hand, if the loading on depression exceeds that on
SAD, summer remissions would be incomplete.
76. The term hypophyseal insufficiency associated with lack of
light (first used by Marx, a German physiologist, in 1946)
represents the first scientific description of SAD. Marx also
hypothesized that light affected patients behavior via the
retino-hypothalamic tract, which he termed the hypothalamic root of the optic nerve.
Animal seasonal rhythms provided the analogies and the
impetus for SAD research. In photoperiodic animals, seasonal changes they experience are mediated by the duration
of melatonin secretion. The report of Lewy and colleagues
(1980) that melatonin is suppressed by bright light in humans was followed somewhat logically and somewhat
serendipitously by the description of the first SAD patient
and his treatment with light (Lewy et al., 1982), and then a
more complete description of the syndrome and a preliminary evaluation of light treatment (Rosenthal et al., 1984).
Light treatment was proven effective in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled paradigm (Eastman et al., 1998; Terman
et al., 1998). Wehr and colleagues (2001b) showed that patients with SAD, and not matched controls, have a longer duration of active melatonin secretion in winter than in summer, similar to changes in melatonin duration in animals.
Individual variability is high in humans, but even in species
with more drastic and uniform behavioral changes in response to photoperiodic changes than those experienced by
humans, some individual animals do not respond at all to
changes in photoperiod (Puchalski and Lynch, 1986; Gorman and Zucker, 1997).

Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

77. Bupropion was used prophylactically to prevent the onset of

winter depression in SAD.
78. Administration of the tyrosine hydroxlase inhibitor alphamethyl-paratyrosine was used to deplete catecholamines.
79. Rather than describing phase position relative to external
time, describing it relative to wakesleep time may be
more clinically relevant. Thus in a recent study (Lewy
et al., 2006), the duration of the interval between melatonin onset and sleep onset (the melatoninsleep interval,
or MSI) predicted depression scores in patients with SAD.
The ideal MSI is 2 hours; the more MSI deviated in either
direction from 2 hours, the higher were the depression
scores. Moreover, with specifically timed administration of
physiological doses of melatonin, changes in depression
scores were correlated with the movement toward or away


from the 2-hour standard. Thus defining phase advance as

MSIs greater than 2 hours and phase delay as MSIs less
than 2 hours (rather than relative to astronomical time)
may help guide treatment, that is, the use of timed administration of melatonin and/or light to shift abnormal phase
80. Jones et al., 1999; Lowrey et al., 2000; Allada et al., 2001; Toh
et al., 2001.
81. In fact, agomelatine, another melatonin receptor agonist with
additional 5-HT2C receptor antagonist properties, was shown
in 711 depressed patients to be effective and well tolerated,
with a higher efficacy than placebo and a faster response than
paroxetine (Loo et al., 2002). In addition, agomelatine, in
contrast to paroxetine, was not associated with a discontinuation syndrome (Montgomery et al., 2004).

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Part V


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Fundamentals of Treatment

Of all our conversations, I remember most vividly [Robert Lowells] words about the new drug,
lithium carbonate, which had such good results and gave him reason to believe he was cured:
Its terrible, Bob, to think that all Ive suffered, and all the suffering Ive caused, might have
arisen from the lack of a little salt in my brain.
Robert Giroux, 1967

Until the middle of the twentieth century, manic-depressive

illness had remained intractable, frustrating the best efforts
of clinical practitioners and their forebears to treat it. This
long history ended abruptly with the discovery of lithiums
therapeutic benefits. The impact of the discovery of lithium
has been profound and long-lasting (Goodwin and Ghaemi,
1999; Bauer et al., 2006). Not only did it reaffirm psychiatry
as a medical specialty in an era when the ideology behind
the myth of mental illness and mental illness as a normal
response to a crazy world was in ascendancy (particularly
in the United States and the United Kingdom), but the fact
that lithiums effects were specific to a particular diagnosis
reinforced the importance of nosology at a time when many
in the mental health field were deriding the very concept
of a diagnosis as labeling. The benefits of lithium established beyond rational dispute that a major mental illness
did indeed have a strong biological component with which a
chemical treatment was obviously interacting; this, in turn,
initiated what has become a sea change in the publics perception of the mentally ill and of mental health professionals.1 In an ironic turn of events, moreover, the psychopharmacology revolution set in motion by lithium eventually
mobilized a renaissance in the psychotherapy of manicdepressive patients. Substantially freed of the severe disruptions of mania and the profound withdrawals of depression, patients and therapists could sustain their focus on
the many psychological issues related to the illness, and also
confront basic developmental tasks. Most important, lithium
has saved the lives of hundreds and thousands of patients
and immeasurably changed for the better the course and
outcome of manic-depressive illness for millions more.
For the research community and, more broadly, the
mental health community, lithium and the psychopharmacology revolution it launched can be said to have led to the

development of todays formal diagnostic systems, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV and the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10. Because the early psychopharmacology researchers required reliable diagnoses
to define their study populations, the Research Diagnostic
Criteria were developed and subsequently became the basis for todays diagnostic systems. Moreover, lithium and
the drugs that followed gave substantial impetus to modern
neuroscience. Prior to the discovery of the clinical effects of
lithium, the phenothiazines, and the antidepressants, basic
and clinical scientists focused largely on neuroanatomy. Efforts to understand how these new drugs were exerting their
powerful and often specific effects required a shift from a
predominantly structural to a functional neuroscience focused on neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, receptors,
and, more recently, mechanisms of postsynaptic signal transduction and gene induction. Today, of course, the cutting
edge of neuroscience reflects the integration of functional
and anatomical approaches. Here, too, the mechanisms of
action of lithium continue to be a major emphasis (see
Chapter 14).


We have chosen here to discuss the impact of manicdepressive illness (its human and economic costs) first,
followed by a brief review of real-world patterns of medication use and their effectiveness. In reality these issues
are intertwined: contemporary data on the impact of the
illness involve patient populations receiving various levels
of treatment, from none to high-quality combinations of
medications and psychotherapy delivered by specialists.
The literature on the impact of manic-depressive illness and



the application and effectiveness of treatments has focused

on the bipolar subgroup; while there is a robust literature
on depressive disorders, to our knowledge recurrent depression has not been analyzed separately in these studies.
The impact of bipolar disorder on individual lives starts
with its usual age at onsetadolescence and the twentiesprecisely the time when individuals must navigate
the critical developmental transition from childhood to
adulthood (Calabrese et al., 2003; Post, 2005). In Chapter 4
we review the evidence suggesting that earlier ages at onset
are associated with a less favorable course of illness. The
extent to which interference with developmental processes
(including interrupted educational and career trajectories)
accounts for this association is not clear. What is clear is
that in the aggregate, bipolar illness is associated with major functional impairment, include physical disability. Indeed, the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that bipolar disorder is the sixth-leading cause of
disability for those in the age range most associated with
the onset of the disorder15 to 44 (Murray and Lopez,
1996). The WHO data and results of other epidemiological
surveys related to the disability associated with bipolar disorder are reviewed in Chapter 5. A relationship between
early age at onset and disability is suggested by the striking
finding of Gillberg and colleagues (1993) that 89 percent of
adolescents with bipolar disorder were receiving full disability benefits in the United States by age 30 despite treatment (primarily lithium).
As reviewed in Chapter 4, among patients receiving treatment in the community (see below), considerable functional impairment often persists even in the face of full symptomatic or syndromal recovery.2 For example, Dion and
colleagues (1988) found that while 80 percent of their bipolar patients hospitalized for mania were symptom-free or
only mildly symptomatic 6 months after discharge, only 43
percent were employed, and only 21 percent were working at
their pre-illness level. Employment status was better following a first hospital admission: 64 percent of such patients
were employed versus only 33 percent of those with previous
admissions.3 Conus and colleagues (2006) examined symptomatic and functional outcomes following a first episode of
psychotic mania in a catchment area sample, that is, a sample broadly representative of the community. They found
that at 1 year, while 90 percent of the patients had achieved
syndromal recovery, 61 percent had failed to return to their
previous level of functioning. Predictors of functional outcome were substance abuse, earlier age at onset, and a family
history of affective disorder. Particularly striking was the
impact of substance abuse: patients with this comorbidity
were 19 times less likely to return to their previous level of
functioning.4 In addition, the families of recovered euthymic

bipolar patients can still experience considerable caregiver

burden (Reinares et al., 2006).
It is the extent of depressive, not manic, symptoms that
predicts5 poor functional outcome during follow-up (Bauer
et al., 2001; Judd et al., 2005; Altshuler et al., 2006); it is also
depressive morbidity that explains why bipolar disorder
compared with unipolar depression is associated with more
than twice the number of days lost from work according to
the U.S. National Comorbidity Survey (Kessler et al., 2006).
In the three chapters that follow, we note the imbalance between the impressive number of medications developed for
the treatment of mania and the paucity of agents developed
for the treatment of bipolar or highly recurrent unipolar depression. Given that depressive symptoms are primarily responsible for the burden of illness, any continuation of this
imbalance is unacceptable. It should be noted that in the
Bauer and colleagues (2001) Veterans Health Administration study, clinical status (primarily the extent of depression) predicted only about half of the variance in functional
outcome, the remainder being associated with individual
patient factors, such as the ability to engage in treatment and
to manage life tasks despite the illness.
Functional impairment and disability associated with
bipolar disorder incur considerable financial costsfor the
patient, the family, and society at large. Estimates of such
costs vary according to the assumptions used. One of the
most widely cited figures is that of Wyatt and Henter (1995),
who estimated the direct and indirect costs of bipolar disorder in the United States at $45 billion, 84 percent of which
comprised indirect costs, such as lost productivity, unemployment compensation, disability payments, and law enforcement. More recently, Begley and colleagues (2001) estimated the lifetime cost for new cases of bipolar disorder in
the United States during 1998 at $24 billion, with a lifetime
cost per case of up to $625,000 for those with chronic,
treatment-resistant symptoms. Yearly cost estimates globally
range from $12,000 to $18,000 per patient, 80 percent of
which consists of indirect costs (Kleinman et al., 2003; Dardennes et al., 2006). The very high ratio of indirect to direct
costs suggests it should be possible to demonstrate that
clinically effective treatments can be cost-effective as well
(Chisholm et al., 2005). Perhaps especially relevant to policy
makers today is the increased cost of medical care among
bipolar patients (Kupfer, 2006; McIntyre et al., 2006; Gardner et al., 2006), which exceeds that for diabetes (Simon and
Unutzer, 1999). More effective treatments would be expected
to reduce these medical costs. And since mental health care
generally accounts for only 6 to 7 percent of total health care
costs, it has been argued that cutting back on psychiatric
care for bipolar patients in an attempt to reduce health care
costs is penny wise and pound foolish (Hyman et al., 2006).

Fundamentals of Treatment

In the three chapters that follow, we review the efficacy of
various drugs in treating mania and depression and in preventing recurrences; the knowledge base for these chapters comes almost entirely from controlled studies of single
drugs, and substantially from patients not only without comorbidities but also well enough to give informed consent
for research. To understand this growing knowledge base in
a larger context, it is useful first to understand the reality of
how medications are actually being used in the community
and how effective they are, that is, how well they work under
circumstances in which the average patient has both physical and psychiatric comorbidities and is taking more than
one drug. Obviously, patterns of use and effectiveness are
inexorably intertwined with the illnesss human and economic costs as discussed above. While available treatments
could allow many manic-depressive patients to lead relatively normal liveslives less painfully interrupted by illness and less often ended prematurely by suicidethe reality falls far short of meeting this modest expectation. One
has only to recall the naturalistic follow-up studies of the
modern era (see Chapter 4), during which contemporary
treatments have been available, to find support for this conclusion. Myriad interrelated factors contribute to this therapeutic shortfall, including long delays in seeking and receiving treatment and differences in health care delivery
systems, in patients attitudes toward treatment, in clinicians skills and training, in the availability of family and
social supports, in comorbid conditions, and so on. Before
briefly examining some of these factors (many of which are
also covered in the individual treatment chapters that follow), we must restate the fundamental reality emphasized
in the first edition of this text: we simply do not yet have an
adequate understanding of the illness in all of its various
forms and complexities, including its interactions with individual differences that is, differences in environment and
in the patients character and psychological and physical resilience. By thus citing the limits of our knowledge, we in
no way intend to diminish the very substantial progress
that has been made since the first edition was published.
On the contrary, it is most encouraging that this progress
has occurred on virtually all fronts, not the least of which is
the development of new pharmacological and psychosocial
treatments, as described in the following chapters.
In their recent review of epidemiological studies from
around the world, Schaffer and colleagues (2006) concluded
that anywhere from one-fourth to nearly two-thirds of individuals with bipolar disorder have never sought any sort of
treatment for a mental disorder. For those who do seek


treatment, there is often a lengthy delay (approximately 10

years) before a correct diagnosis is made and appropriate
pharmacotherapy initiated.6 This delay contributes substantially to worse long-term outcomes and to reduced effectiveness of treatments once they are started.7,8 More often than
not, delay in the initiation of appropriate treatment means
inappropriate treatment rather than simply the absence of
treatment. This is the case because about half of bipolar patients are initially diagnosed as unipolar and treated with
antidepressants (Ghaemi et al., 2000; Blanco et al., 2002;
Perlis et al., 2006). As discussed in Chapter 19, such inappropriate treatment can have major negative consequences for
the illness, including increased costs of care (Li et al., 2002;
Matza et al., 2005). Whatever factors contribute to the absence of appropriate treatment in an individual patient, results of studies in nonacademic community settings indicate
that half or more of all bipolar patients are not taking a
mood stabilizer (see, e.g., Lim et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2005;
Schaffer et al., 2006).
What does the literature tell us about the effectiveness of
contemporary pharmacotherapy? It is difficult to develop
an estimate of effectiveness for the average bipolar patient. Most studies are from academic centers, which on
the one hand are likely to deliver high-quality care, but on
the other are dealing with the kinds of patients who tend to
end up in tertiary referral centers, that is, those with more
severe and treatment-resistant illness. For example, 2-year
data from the largest treatment study of bipolar disorder
ever undertakenthe National Institute of Mental Healths
(NIMH) Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for
Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) (involving academic centers)
(Perlis et al., 2006)indicate that the best treatment available was associated with full remission in just over half of
the bipolar patients, and that nearly half of the recovered
patients relapsed at least once during the 2-year study (see
Chapter 20). Similarly, a Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network academic center follow-up study (Levine et al., 2000)
found that fewer than half of the patients were able to live
independently or be employed, and more than half made
at least one suicide attempt during the study. Results from
another academic tertiary referral center (Gitlin et al., 1995)
are similar: 73 percent of bipolar patients receiving aggressive maintenance treatment relapsed during the 5-year
follow-up period, and two-thirds of those who relapsed did
so more than once.
Combining the studies reviewed in this and the previous section (as well as in Chapter 4) reveals a picture suggesting that, with respect to syndromal recovery, treatment
effectiveness in community samples is better than that in
referral centers, but with respect to functional recovery, results in neither setting are encouraging. Perhaps functional



disabilities derive substantially from the psychological and

social scars of having had episodes, rather than primarily
from the severity of symptoms during episodes. It is perhaps for this reason that pharmacological treatments appear to be more effective against syndromes and symptoms than against dysfunction and disability. Obviously,
the importance of psychosocial rehabilitation can hardly
be overstated.


This part of the book departs from earlier parts in its
emphasis on the application of accumulated knowledge to
the pragmatic business of treating individual patients. As
one medical sociologist and historian has observed, While
the aim of all sciences is the maximum of generality, that of
medicine ought always to be action aimed at the maximum
welfare of the individual (Wightman, 1971, p. 14). It is this
principle that has guided the writing of these chapters. The
chapters that follow address practical therapeutic choices
faced by the clinician and summarize the clinical research
on the efficacy and effectiveness of available treatments. Application of the medication strategies outlined in the next
three chapters requires a psychiatrist skilled in psychopharmacology, but not necessarily a highly specialized background in manic-depressive illness. However, consultation
may be necessary in some situations, such as when the diagnosis is uncertain, when the decision to hospitalize is difficult, when the response to initial treatment is poor, when the
patient fails to adhere to a prescribed regimen, or, especially,
when there is a danger of suicide. Although bipolar illness
remains the primary focus in these chapters, highly recurrent unipolar illness and its management are considered, especially in our discussions of prophylactic treatment.
We have chosen a somewhat unconventional organization for these chapters, with clinical recommendations preceding the evidence that supports them. There are two reasons for this choice. First, our treatment recommendations
represent more than a distillation of research findings. They
are drawn from our reading of the literature and, we believe, represent the essential core of the evidence. Where we
find the literature to be incomplete or equivocal, we supplement it with the seasoned judgments of our colleagues and
opinions based on our own clinical experience. Our second
reason for organizing these chapters as we did is our belief
that the formal literature has more meaning when framed
by clinical treatment issues. Although future research certainly will alter and supplement any of our specific recommendations, it is our hope that the fundamental principles
outlined here will have lasting value for the clinical care of
patients with manic-depressive illness.

Following this chapter (which includes a review of the

basic pharmacology of the major classes of drugs used in
treating manic-depressive illness) are three chapters devoted to medical treatment of adults, including medication, electroconvulsive therapy, novel central nervous system (CNS) stimulation techniques, and manipulation of
sleep and light. The treatment of manic episodes is covered
in Chapter 18 and that of depressive episodes in Chapter 19.
Long-term prophylactic treatment is discussed in Chapter
20, as is the issue of side effects, which in our experience
becomes most salient during prophylactic treatment. Chapter 21 focuses on the special issue of adherence to medical
treatments, while Chapter 22 deals with psychotherapy and
related issues. Chapter 23 addresses the pharmacological
and psychological treatment of children and adolescents.
Chapters 24 and 25, respectively, are focused on two special
and important populations: those with comorbid conditions and those at risk for suicide. The presence of comorbid conditions, both psychiatric and medical, is increasingly recognized as a complicating and limiting factor in
the treatment of manic-depressive illness; successful management of the illness depends on the clinicians ability to
recognize and treat these comorbid conditions, especially
anxiety and substance abuse/dependence. Finally, far too
many manic-depressive patients kill themselves, and clinicians must be astute not only in assessing suicide potential
but also in knowing how to manage it, both pharmacologically and psychologically.

Stages of Treatment
In reading this section, it is important to keep in mind the
natural course of manic-depressive illness, described in
Chapter 4. Although many treatments can alter acute symptoms dramatically, the nature and logic of planning treatment should be shaped by respect for the course of the illness: its inherently, insidiously recurrent nature, as well as
its tendency to worsen over time. Throughout these chapters, we use several terms to describe stages of medical and
psychotherapeutic treatment that are linked conceptually
to aspects of the illnesss natural course:
Acute treatment is treatment administered during the period from the beginning of a manic or depressive
episode to a clinical responseideally, remission. This
phase usually lasts from 6 to 12 weeks.
Continuation treatment is the ongoing treatment of a
depressive or manic episode from the point of clinical
response to the point at which spontaneous recovery
would be expected to occur in untreated patients. Although overt clinical symptoms of illness may remit
within a few weeks, an underlying tail of vulnerability
can remain for some time. The duration of continuation

Fundamentals of Treatment

treatment is determined by the natural course of the illness. In nonrecurrent unipolar patients, antidepressants
are usually recommended for a period of 9 to 12 months
after remission, but the natural course of bipolar disorder suggests a somewhat shorter continuation phase after a depressive episodeapproximately 6 months. While
the natural course of mania would suggest a continuation phase of about 4 months, clinically it can be longer,
involving the management of a postmania depression
or a sometimes protracted period of mood instability
dominated by dysphoria as the patient attempts to repair the external and internal damage wrought by the
manic episode.
Maintenance treatment is intended to prevent or attennuate future mood episodes in patients with bipolar or
recurrent unipolar illness, and it is used somewhat more
selectively than are acute and continuation treatment. A
word of clarification is in order, however. Although commonly used, the term maintenance treatment is less precise
than long-term prophylactic treatment, or prophylaxis, in
referring to the effects of treatment on the long-term
course of manic-depressive illness. The concept of maintenance overlaps both the continuation and prophylactic
phases of treatment, whereas prophylactic effects range
from prevention of future episodes to attenuation of
their frequency, duration and/or severity. Thus while we
use the common term maintenance treatment throughout the volume, particularly in Chapter 20, we intend it
to refer specifically to prophylaxis.

General Clinical Considerations

Psychiatric Evaluation and Diagnosis
Evaluation of the patient before treatment is the most important stage in managing the illness. As extensively as the
patients clinical condition permits, the evaluation should
cover the pattern and duration of symptoms, exposure to
possibly stressful life events, suicide potential, substance
abuse, and personal and family history. If at all possible, the
patients spouse or a close family member should participate;
clinicians evaluating depressed patients without the participation of a family member will miss prior manic (and especially hypomanic) episodes half of the time. Screening
instruments can help, but a form of the screening questions for the family member to fill out should be employed
as well, since the patients response to such questions depends on (1) the individuals memory of manic/hypomanic
behaviors and feelings, and (2) sufficient insight to realize
the states were not normal. Also, the presence of family
members serves as an opportunity for the clinician to assess
their attitudes about such issues as medications and hospitalization. The situation provides an occasion as well for


evaluating the familys ability and willingness to participate

further in treatment and follow-up. This ongoing involvement can be especially helpful in the early detection of prodromal symptoms (Jackson et al., 2003), such as decreased
sleep; detection of prodromal signs has been shown to prolong time to manic relapse and improve social functioning
significantly (Perry et al., 1999).
Differential diagnosis, discussed fully in Chapter 3, often
Patients who are in a hyperactive psychotic state and
whose personal or family history is not available. In these
cases, acute schizophrenia and organic and drug-induced
psychoses must be ruled out.
Patients with mild manic-like symptoms. Normal elevated mood must be differentiated from clinical hypomania.
Patients with severe depressive symptoms whose history
is unknown. The most important alternative diagnosis
to consider is unipolar depression. Schizophrenia and
schizoaffective illness, drug-induced states, and dementia also must be ruled out.
Patients with moderate depressive symptoms. Major depressive illness, either unipolar or bipolar, must be distinguished from milder forms. Manic-depressive illness
(bipolar or highly recurrent unipolar) should be considered whenever recurrent, discrete episodes are present.

Medical Evaluation
The medical evaluation preceding treatment, like the psychiatric evaluation, should be shaped by the clinical situation. When lithium treatment is being considered, emphasis must be given to thyroid and renal function; for
carbamazepine and valproate, hepatic and hematopoetic
function, and for valproate, gonadal hormone function in
females; for lamotrigine, prior sensitivity to rashes; and for
some atypical antipsychotics, risk factors for weight gain,
metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Since pretreatment medical evaluation is most critical for long-term treatment, specific recommendations for laboratory tests are discussed in
Chapter 20. Finally, clinicians often discover previously undiagnosed medical problems in the course of their routine
pretreatment evaluations. This potential dividend provides
a further reason to exercise care in the initial phase of treatment.

The Therapeutic Alliance in Drug Treatment

Chapters 21 and 22 deal extensively with the relationship
between psychotherapy and medication. Here we pause
briefly to underscore a fundamental truth in psychopharmacology: to achieve its full potential, any drug should be
given in the context of a solid and positive clinicianpatient



relationship. Unfortunately, a working therapeutic alliance

is not always achieved in the context of a busy practice, especially given the constraints imposed by managed care.9
Today most formal psychotherapy is the responsibility of
nonmedical mental health professionals. The challenge is
how to ensure coordination between the psychopharmacologist and the psychotherapist given that there is no reimbursement for the time professionals devote to coordinating care. Since the psychotherapist spends more time
with the patient, he or she is generally in a better position to
know more about side effects and quality-of-life issues. The
importance of coordination of care was recently demonstrated by Simon and colleagues (2005, 2006), who randomized 441 bipolar patients in a staff model health maintenance organization (HMO) to treatment as usual or to a
multicomponent intervention (initially described by Bauer
et al., 2001). The latter intervention involved case monitoring by nurses, structured group psychoeducation, and
monthly telephone monitoring of mood and adherence,
followed by feedback to the treating professionals and facilitation of needed follow-up care, including outreach and
crisis intervention. The coordinated care group had significantly fewer manic symptoms and time spent manic.
While the incremental mental health cost of the intervention was $1,251, one would expect that extra cost to be offset by a decrease in the high cost of medical care associated
with bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, medical care costs
were not reported, but on the basis of earlier studies, it appears reasonable to assume that cost savings associated
with the reduction in frequency and severity of mania
achieved would more than offset this modest incremental
direct cost of mental health care. In a concurrent 3-year
trial involving bipolar patients in 11 Veterans Affairs hospitals (who were generally sicker and more frequently hospitalized than the HMO patients in the above study), Bauer
and colleagues (2006a,b) randomized 306 subjects to a
similar collaborative care program or to usual care. Their
results were strikingly similar to those achieved in the
HMO population: there was a significant 6.2-week reduction in time spent in an affective episode (primarily manic),
as well as improvements in social role functioning and
quality-of-life measures. The intervention was slightly and
nonsignificantly less costly than usual care, with increases
in outpatient costs being more than offset by reductions in
inpatient costs, both psychiatric and medical-surgical.
There is no substitute for clinical experience in applying the general principles listed in Box 171 and research
knowledge to the treatment of manic-depressive illness with
drugs. One cannot predict with complete certainty that a
given patient will tolerate and benefit from a particular drug,
nor can one predict the safest and most effective dose. Experimentation and adjustment are required when treatment

BOX 171. Some General Principles for the Management of Manic-Depressive Illness

Include a family member in the initial evaluation and (on occa-

sion and where appropriate) in the ongoing evaluation of

Use a life chart to record the patients history and to monitor
the course of the illness.
Aim for balanced effectiveness; that is, give equal weight to a
drugs tolerability, efficacy, and safety. Among agents with evidence of efficacy, it is generally better to start with the most
tolerable one.The side effects of most concern to patients are
weight gain, neurocognitive impairment, and sedation.
Treat breakthrough symptoms, substance abuse, comorbid
anxiety and side effects vigorously. Bipolar-II patients may be
more sensitive to side effects than bipolar-I patients.
Focus psychotherapy on adherence, psychoeducation, and circadian integrity.
Watch for suicidal behavior and persistent suicidal ideation, especially if the patient has a specific plan.
If antidepressants are needed for the acute treatment of bipolar depression, include a mood stabilizer. Do not maintain antidepressants in bipolar patients unless attempts to taper off
repeatedly fail; watch for early signs of a hypomanic/manic
switch and/or increased cycling.
When mood stabilizer monotherapy proves inadequate, use
combinations in modest doses. Lithium may interact synergistically with some anticonvulsants.

begins, and the patient should be advised accordingly.

The patient is most likely to cooperate if the clinician approaches drug treatment as an investigative undertaking
one depending on active collaboration. Controlled doubleblind studies of antidepressant drugs not infrequently
have shown success rates below those reported in some
open trials. Some of this difference certainly can be attributed to the positive expectations of the clinicians in the
open trials, but much of it is probably due to better adherence and the positive and reinforcing effects of the therapeutic alliance.
Clinicians are in the best position to help a depressed or
manic patient when they convey an attitude of serious concern for the individuals suffering, while at the same time
communicating confidence in their own ability and measured optimism about the ultimate outcome of treatment.
It is important not to oversell a treatment. If the first
approach fails without the patients having been advised
about the possibility of failure, not only is the patients trust
eroded, but the clinician can feel defeated and discredited
feelings that, in turn, may be subtly conveyed back to the

Fundamentals of Treatment

patient. When both clinician and patient view a treatment

as an experiment, even a poor response can be seen as
an important piece of new information that can contribute
substantially to the rational choice of subsequent treatments. Patients who are prescribed drugs should be told
that if they fail to respond to one class of drugs, they may,
by that very fact, be more likely to respond to an alternative class.

The Role of Lifestyle Changes

in Optimizing Treatment
Another key component of treatment is education of the
patient about the importance of regular exercise and a good
diet. The patient should be made aware of studies supporting an antidepressant effect of vigorous aerobic exercise, as
well as evidence that exercise, when done roughly at the
same time every day, helps synchronize the circadian clock
(which tends to be less stable in manic-depressive illness,
particularly the bipolar subgroup; see Chapter 16). Equally
important is a good diet, particularly one in which simple
carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. It is helpful to explain how bipolar patients tend to have a pattern of reactive hypoglycemia, in which simple carbohydrates in the
morning can produce an excessive increase in blood sugar,
followed by an excessive decrease; this reactive hypoglycemia is associated with symptoms patients assume are
related to their mood disorder or medication, such as feeling tired, fuzzy-headed, or irritable. To relieve these symptoms, patients often ingest more carbohydrates (in effect
chasing their blood sugar throughout the day), and in the
process take in many additional calories. The fact that
a number of the medications patients take can cause both
carbohydrate craving and weight gain further supports the
importance of diet and exercise in the comprehensive management of manic-depressive illness.
The clinician should also be familiar with the benefits of stress reduction techniques, such as meditation and
yoga, and be able to make referrals to professionals who
understand the application of these techniques to patients
taking medication for mood disorders. For many patients,
moreover, religious faith is not only an important part of
their identity but also a source of considerable support
and comfort. The clinician should be alert for clues to and
always be respectful of the patients religious or spiritual
life (Griffith and Griffith, 2002; Josephson and Peteet,
To optimize recovery and reintegration, self-help groups
can be invaluable. All clinicians should be familiar with
the principal support groups in their area (either patientrun, such as local chapters of the Depression and Bipolar
Support Alliance [DBSA], or family-focused, such as the
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill [NAMI]), and be


prepared to direct their patients to those groups. Given the

importance of such groups to patients recovery, we encourage clinicians to support them, not only financially but
also through direct participation, such as by giving talks
at local meetings or volunteering as a consultant.
Finally, there is perhaps nothing more important to the
stability of the bipolar patient than good sleep management.
Indeed, disturbances of sleep/circadian rhythms are so central to the pathophysiology of recurrent mood disorders that
we have devoted a separate chapter to the topic. As noted
above, regularity of the circadian clock is especially critical
to the bipolar patient. This means a stable sleep cycle. Patients with difficulty falling asleep should be educated about
the importance of having a quiet, low-stimulation environment to prepare for sleep. For example, they should avoid
going to sleep with the television on and avoid arguments
late at night, avoid the use of stimulants such as coffee and
caffeine-based cola beverages, and for most patients, it is
best not to read oneself to sleep especially if it involves a
computer screen. When reading in bed use a dim (25 watt)
bulb. Patients should also be made aware of the importance
of avoiding alcohol just before bed; while it may help with
the onset of sleep, it will make the patient more likely to
awaken later. For most patients, 8 hours of sleep is optimal;
less than that over time produces chronic sleep deprivation,
with symptoms that can be misread as depression or, when
irritability predominates, as a mild mixed state. How are
you sleeping? is therefore a question that should be part of
every clinical contact. The clinician should obtain a detailed
description of when sleep onset is occurring, how often and
for how long the patient awakens during the night, when the
patient arises, and what if any naps are taken during the day.

Competent and compassionate treatment assumes a thorough knowledge of the diagnosis, clinical description, and
natural course of manic-depressive illness. In addition, it assumes an understanding of the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic options available and the lifestyle changes
that can optimize treatment, as well as the ability to establish
a good therapeutic relationship and a willingness to communicate clearly with patients, their families, and the other professionals involved in patient care. The healing role of the clinician and the potentially life-saving influence of competent
and compassionate psychotherapy are too often overlooked
in an era of increasingly sophisticated psychopharmacology.
The extraordinarily important role of the therapeutic relationship in treatment and recovery was described thus by
Morag Coate (1964, p. 214) in Beyond All Reason:
Because the doctors cared, and because one of them still
believed in me when I believed in nothing, I have survived



to tell the tale. It is not only the doctors who perform

hazardous operations or give life-saving drugs in obvious
emergencies who hold the scales at times between life and
death. To sit quietly in a consulting room and talk to someone would not appear to the general public as a heroic or
dramatic thing to do. In medicine there are many different
ways of saving lives. This is one of them.


We now turn to the key methodological and conceptual issues one must understand to properly interpret the treatment research literature. While an extensive review of the
principles of study design and analysis is beyond the scope
of this discussion, we examine some common issues that
arise in treatment research. Our focus is on bipolar disorder, although the principles delineated apply as well to
recurrent unipolar disorder.

Observational (Naturalistic) Studies

Historically, new ideas and hypotheses have been born in
the course of direct clinical observation. Unlike controlled
studies, naturalistic studies, at their best, capture the richness and complexity of the seasoned clinicians observations of individual patients. Indeed, the observations of
Kraepelin, the father of the study of manic-depressive illness, are continually rediscovered today. To quote Jonathan
Himmelhoch (2003), himself a clinical investigator having
wide direct experience with manic-depressive patients
whose own novel observations have stood the test of time,
anecdotes that break new ground because of the careful
clinical observation behind them have far greater sensitivity than can be produced by any instrument. We could
not agree more. It has generally been assumed that observational studies report larger effects of a treatment than do
randomized controlled trials. In an analysis of 136 reports
on 19 various treatments in medicine, however, Benson
and Hartz (2000) found little evidence to support this assumption.
On the other hand, with respect to the kind of observational study that compares groups of patients receiving
different treatments, definitive conclusions are impossible
because the treatments are not administered randomly;
that is, the patients are treated by clinicians with particular
drugs for certain reasons. This individual decision making
means that confounding factorsthose other than the one
thought to be at issuecould explain the result observed.
For example, an observational study of antidepressant discontinuation in bipolar disorder (Altshuler et al., 2003)
found that after initial response to a mood stabilizer plus an
antidepressant, those patients whose psychiatrist decided

to keep them on the combination stayed well longer than

those whose psychiatrist decided the antidepressant should
be stopped. Since the nonrandom nature of the treatment
choices was not noted in the studys abstract, many readers
concluded that the results obtained demonstrated better
outcomes with long-term continuation of antidepressants
in bipolar patients.
To assess possible confounding bias, readers must put
themselves in the place of the treating clinicians: Why would
one stop antidepressant use after recovery from an acute
episode? There is a literature suggesting that antidepressants can indeed cause mixed states or worsen rapid cycling in patients with bipolar disorder. Thus if a patient
had rapid-cycling illness, some clinicians would be inclined to stop the antidepressant after recovery from an
acute episode. This might also be the case if a patient had a
history of antidepressant-induced mania that was common or severe. Likewise, some clinicians would be less
likely to continue antidepressant use in a patient with
bipolar-I disorder than in one with bipolar-II disorder. In
other words, in such a study we do not know how many
patients did worse because they were taken off the antidepressant and how many were taken off the drug because
they were doing (or might do) worse. In trying to interpret an observational study, then, it is necessary to know
as much as possible about the characteristics of those who
were treated one way versus the other. This information is
often provided in an initial table of demographic and clinical characteristics so readers can see whether there are any
differences, which then might be confounders. A common
mistake is for researchers to compare two groups, note a
p value above .05, and then conclude that there is no difference and thus no confounding effect. However, this use
of p values is generally inappropriate, as discussed further
below, because such comparisons are usually not the primary purpose of the study (which might be focused on
antidepressant outcome, not age or gender differences between groups). Usually, such studies are underpowered to
detect many clinical and demographic differences, and
thus p-value comparisons are irrelevant.

Levels of Evidence and the Evidence-Based

Medicine Movement
A key feature of the evidence-based medicine movement is
the concept of levels of evidence (see Box 172). Ideally,
levels of evidence should guide researchers in making consistent and justified comparisons of different studies and
their findings, and enable clinicians to evaluate the validity
of the research literature.
It must be borne in mind that each level of evidence
has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it cannot be assumed (as those not well versed in the realities of clinical

Fundamentals of Treatment

BOX 172. Levels of Evidence

Level I: Double-blind randomized trials (parallel-group or
onoff designs)
Ia: Placebo-controlled monotherapy
Ib: Non-placebo-controlled comparison trials, or placebocontrolled add-on therapy trials
Level II: Open randomized trials
Level III: Naturalistic studies
IIIa: Nonrandomized controlled studies (with a comparison
IIIb: Large nonrandomized, uncontrolled studies (N > 100)
IIIc: Medium-sized nonrandomized, uncontrolled studies
(100 > N > 50)
Level IV: Small naturalistic studies (nonrandomized, uncontrolled)
(50 > N > 10)
Level V: Case series (N < 10), case reports (N = 1), expert opinion
Source: Adapted from Gray (2002). Revised in accordance with evidence regarding the validity of naturalistic studies derived from the medical literature and with types of studies frequently published in the psychiatric literature.

trials often do) that a higher level always trumps a lower

one. Consider one major problem that plagues contemporary level I randomized controlled trials in bipolar
disorderthe ethical difficulty of enrolling (and maintaining) very ill patients in a trial in which some will be
randomized to placebo, especially if the duration of the
trial is long (Vieta and Carne, 2005). Thus when a level I
trial leads to the conclusion that a given treatment has not
been shown to be effective, and that conclusion conflicts
with much of the existing expert clinical opinion, it is wise
to consider the limited generalizability of that trials database before dismissing the opinion of those with extensive
clinical experience, including experience with the sickest
patients. Many other selection factors operate (intentionally or unintentionally) to limit the generalizability of level I
trials.10 Ideally, of course, the results of double-blind,
placebo-controlled studies will be more valid than those of
studies at the other, less rigorous levels. In reality, however,
open randomized and large observational studies of bipolar disorder can be as accurate as level I studies while having the advantage of being more generalizable (Benson
and Hartz, 2000).
In summary, the theory behind evidence-based medicine is not unreasonable. The problems it raises arise from
the way it is appliedby the architects of guidelines, thirdparty payers, health care planners, and regulatory authorities, many of whom tend to overvalue level I research by
minimizing its difficulties while nearly dismissing other
levels of evidence, particularly if the evidence is based only
on a consensus among experienced clinicians.


The Bias against OffOn, OnOff (Mirror-Image)

and Crossover Designs, Even When Placebo
The seminal observation of lithiums prophylactic effect
was a within-patient comparison of episode frequency before and while taking lithium. As described in Chapter 20,
the result of this much-criticized study was later confirmed
by multiple level I studies. As Post and colleagues (2000)
pointed out, the inherent variability and heterogeneity of
individual bipolar patients can all too easily undermine the
parallel-group randomized controlled trial, which, because
this design is perceived to be virtually required by regulatory agencies, is the staple of industry-supported clinical
trials, as well as of university institutional review boards.
Crossover designs (which mirror good clinical practice) are
especially suited to addressing options for those resistant
to an initial monotherapy, who unfortunately represent a
majority of bipolar patients. The relative strengths and limitations of the traditional parallel-group randomized controlled trial and the offon, onoff design are outlined in
Tables 171 and 172, respectively.

Challenges in Interpreting Level I Studies

A number of challenges arise in the interpretation of level 1
studies. First, the use and misuse of p values is a major error in
treatment studies. False positive results occur when too
many p valuebased comparisons are made (type I or
multiple-comparison error). The extent of this problem is
often not adequately recognized. The basic idea can be understood by considering certain facts about probability.
Suppose we are willing to accept a p value of .05, meaning
that assuming the null hypothesis is true, the observed difference is likely to occur by chance 5 percent of the time. The
chance of inaccurately accepting a positive finding (rejecting
the null hypothesis) would be 5 percent for 1 comparison,
about 10 percent for 2 comparisons, 22 percent for 5 comparisons, and 40 percent for 10 comparisons. This means that if
in a randomized controlled trial, the primary analysis is
negative but one of four secondary analyses is positive with
p = .05, that p value actually reflects an unacceptably high
(22 percent) probability of a chance positive finding. One
option would be to apply a correction for multiple comparisons, such as the Bonferroni correction, which would require that the p value be maintained at .05 overall by being
divided by the number of comparisons made. Thus for
5 comparisons, the acceptable p value would be .05/5, or .01.
The other approach would be simply to accept the finding,
but to give less and less interpretive weight to a positive result as more and more analyses were performed.
This is the main reason why, when a randomized controlled trial is designed, researchers should choose one or



Table 171. Strengths and Limitations of Traditional Parallel-Group

Randomized Controlled Trials in Bipolar Illness


Usually requires for approval by

regulatory agencies
Standard in the literature

Cumbersome, inflexible for initial

phases of drug discovery
Dose schedule usually predetermined
Confounds assessment of individual and
placebo response
Requires large sample sizes, typically from
many centers, increasing variance
Subject to type II errors
Placebo exposure (often lengthy) required
Homogeneous populations required, but strict
entry criteria limit generalizability given that
the illness is characteristically pleomorphic
Very costly and difficult to manage

Source: Adapted from Post et al., 2003.

a few primary outcome measures for which the study should

be properly powered (a level of .80 or .90 [power = 1 type
II error] is a standard convention). Usually there is a main
efficacy outcome measure, with one or two secondary efficacy or side-effect outcome measures. An efficacy effect or
side effect to be tested can be established either a priori
(which is always the case for primary and secondary outcomes) or post hoc (after the fact, which should be viewed

as exploratory but not confirmatory of any hypothesis).

For example, in a randomized controlled trial of olanzapine added to standard mood stabilizers (divalproex or
lithium) for prevention of mood episodes in bipolar disorder (see Chapter 20), results were reported as positive, with
the group taking combined olanzapine and mood stabilizer doing better than those taking mood stabilizer alone.
However, this positive finding was a secondary outcome.

Table 172. Strengths and Limitations of OffOn, OnOff Designs



Traditionally not accepted

No consensus on statistical approaches
or on trial length
Off periods still pose risk of illness
Carryover effects may obscure results
Number of such sample of 1 studies
sufficient to demonstrate generalizable
results is uncertain

Flexible, suitable for pilot studies

Dose exploration easy
Smaller sample sizes possible
Not prone to type II error
Patient serves as own control
Trial length can be individualized
Length of placebo periods is reduced
Response can be confirmed in individuals
All patients available for biological measures
and response predictors
Adaptable for heterogeneous groups;
broader entry criteria feasible
Amenable to drug combination studies
Causality of side effects can be established
and confirmed
Source: Adapted from Post et al., 2003.

Fundamentals of Treatment

The primary outcome was time to a new mood episode,

and on this outcome, there was no difference. Among a
number of secondary outcomes, there was onedefined as
time to decreased ratings of mania or depressionon
which the olanzapine plus mood stabilizer group did better (p = .023). To give the researchers the benefit of the doubt,
let us assume that there were only two secondary analyses.
Under these conditions, the apparent p value of .023 would
represent a true likelihood above the .05 cutoff for statistical significance. Furthermore, even if valid, the outcome is
generalizable only to the group of patients experiencing
full acute remission with olanzapine, and the benefit was
not in prevention of new episodes per se but in somewhat
reduced symptomatic burden.
Second, in presenting descriptive results (as opposed to testing hypotheses), effect-estimate statistics are generally more
appropriate than t tests, since the latter can often be misleading (increased likelihood of being falsely positive with
multiple comparisons or falsely negative with underpowered
comparisons). Effect-size estimates are calculated with 95
percent confidence intervals (CIs). If the CIs do not cross the
null (i.e., the ratio of the numbers being compared is 1), the
comparison will be statistically significant in hypothesistesting terms. For example, in an analysis of the first 500
participants in the NIMH STEP-BD program, Ghaemi and
colleagues (2006) examined medications used at baseline
and reported that 43 percent of those with a history of psychosis were taking an antipsychotic, compared with only
20 percent of those without such a history; given a relative
risk of 2.2 with a 95 percent CI of 1.652.93, one can assume
that this difference is likely to be real.
A common situation in which t tests can lead to false
negative results is comparison of rates of side effects with
an active drug versus placebo. For example, in studies of
atypical antipsychotics, rates of extrapyramidal syndrome
(EPS) for most of these drugs have been reported as
not significantly different from those for placebo by t test.
However, these efficacy studies are not powered to detect
such a difference. It is not uncommon for the risk of EPS
to be three- or four-fold higher than that with placebo, but
the sample size required to detect this observed difference
statistically (i.e., using significance hypothesis-testing procedures) would be over 1,000. Thus absence of evidence is
not evidence of absence.
Third, if a study appears valid, the generalizability of the
results should always be assessed. After overcoming the limitations of confounding bias and chance, a reader might
conclude that the results of a study are valid. The final step
(noted above in our discussion of the limitations of level I
studies) is to assess the generalizability of these valid results. Here the question is, given that these results are correct, to whom do they apply? One must search the methods


section of a study carefully to answer this question, usually

by looking for the inclusion and exclusion criteria employed. This issue is especially relevant to maintenance
studies of bipolar disorder (which may or may not represent demonstrations of true prophylaxis).
Even when samples are described as meeting diagnostic
criteria, one must question whether they are truly representative with respect to treatment response. This issue is
particularly relevant when one is comparing a new treatment with an older, established one. An old adage in medicine states, the longer a successful treatment is available,
the more difficult it becomes for researchers to show that it
still works. Let us assume, for example, that one is comparing a new putative mood stabilizer with lithium; it is
unlikely that those patients in the community who are doing well on lithium would be interested in participating in
a trial of a new drug, particularly if there were a chance
that they would end up taking placebo, and their clinicians
might consider it unethical to refer them. Indeed, in the
initial placebo-controlled trial comparing lithium and divalproex in treating acute mania, the sample included quite
a few prior lithium nonresponders. Thus in interpreting
the literature, it is useful to remember that new drugs tend
to have some advantage over older ones simply because of
this referral bias.
Another generalizability issue in maintenance research
derives from the fact that there are two basic study designs:
prophylaxis and relapse prevention. In the prophylaxis design, any patient who is euthymic, regardless of how that
person got well, is eligible to be randomized to drug versus
placebo or a comparator. In the relapse prevention design,
only those patients who respond acutely to the drug being
studied are eligible to enter the maintenance phase, when
they are randomized to remain on the drug or be switched
(usually abruptly) to placebo and/or an active comparator.
For example, the 6-month relapse prevention study of aripiprazole versus placebo started with manic or mixed patients being given the drug open label (see Chapter 20); 37
percent of the original group both tolerated the drug and
met response criteria, and it was they who were then randomized to placebo or continued on aripiprazole. Obviously, the 6-month results can be generalized only to the
minority who responded acutely. Thus results from a prophylactic design are generalizable, whereas those from a
relapse prevention trial are not.
A further problem with the relapse prevention design is
that it introduces the possibility of a withdrawal syndrome.
Consider the maintenance study of olanzapine versus
placebo (see Chapter 20), in which all patients who entered
the placebo-controlled phase of the study had to have already responded to open-label olanzapine for acute mania
(49 percent of them had). In that study, the placebo relapse



rate was very high, and for 75 percent of the patients the relapse occurred in the first 12 months after initiation of the
study, which may represent withdrawal relapse after recent
acute efficacy. Such results really reflect continuation-phase
efficacy, not maintenance-phase or prophylactic efficacy,
which, as noted above, is generally defined as starting
6 months to a year or longer after resolution of the acute
Still another generalizability issue emerges from studies
of combination therapy, often a comparison of an atypical
antipsychotic plus a standard mood stabilizer with mood
stabilizer monotherapy in treatment of acute mania (see
the review by Zarate and Quiroz, 2003). Such studies tend
routinely to show benefit with combination treatment,
yet it is important to note that the patients in almost all
these studies must fail to respond initially to mood stabilizer monotherapy. Indeed, the few studies of combination
therapy that have started with fresh patients have tended
to show no difference between monotherapy and combined therapy.
Fourth, meta-analysis is an observational study, and thus
cannot be accepted at face value. Meta-analysis represents
an observational study of studies; in other words, one combines the results of many different studies into one summary measure. The apples and oranges dilemma is, to
some extent, unavoidable in that clinicians and researchers
must attempt to pull different studies together into some
useful summary of the state of the literature on a topic.
There are different ways to go about this, with meta-analysis
perhaps being the most useful, but all such reviews have
their limitations.11 Meta-analysis weights studies by their
samples sizes, but in addition, it corrects for the variability
of the data (some studies have smaller standard deviations,
and thus their results are more precise and reliable). The
problem still remains that studies differ from each other;
this problem of heterogeneity introduces confounding bias
when the actual results are combined. One option is to exclude certain confounding factors. For instance, a metaanalysis may include only women, so that gender is not a
confounder, or may be limited to the elderly, thus excluding confounding by younger age. Often, meta-analyses are
limited to randomized controlled trials, as in the Cochrane
Collaboration, the idea being that patient samples will be less
heterogeneous in the highly controlled setting of such trials than in observational studies. Nonetheless, given that
meta-analysis itself is an observational study, it is important to realize that the benefits of randomization are lost.
Often readers may not be aware of this, and thus it may
appear that a meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled
trials is more meaningful than each trial alone. However,
each large, well-conducted randomized controlled trial is
basically free of confounding bias, which is never the case

for meta-analysis. The most meaningful conclusions can

be reached when both the individual randomized controlled
trials and the overall meta-analysis point in the same
Another way to handle the confounding bias of metaanalysis, just as in single observational studies, is to use stratification or regression models, often called meta-regression.
For instance, if 10 randomized controlled trials exist, but 5
used a crossover design and 5 a parallel design, one could
create a regression model that could be used to obtain the
relative risk of benefit with drug versus placebo, corrected
for the variables of crossover and parallel design. Metaregression methods are relatively new.
Besides the apples and oranges problem, meta-analysis
has the publication bias, or file-drawer, problem: the published literature may not be a valid reflection of the reality of research on a topic because positive studies are
published more often than negative ones. This occurs for
various reasons. Editors may be more inclined to reject
negative studies given the limits of publication space. Researchers may be less inclined to put effort into writing
and revising manuscripts on negative studies given the relative lack of interest engendered by such reports. And,
perhaps most important for treatment studies in bipolar
disorder, pharmaceutical companies that conduct randomized controlled trials have a strong economic motivation not to publish negative studies of their drugs. If they
did so, their competitors would likely seize upon those
negative findings to malign the drugs, and the cost of
preparing and producing such manuscripts would likely
be difficult to justify to the top management of a publicly
owned for-profit company. One possible approach to addressing this problem is to create a data registry in which
all randomized controlled trials on a topic would be registered. If studies were not published, managers of the registry would obtain the actual data from negative studies
and store them for systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
This solution is limited, however, by its dependence on
voluntary cooperation; in the case of the pharmaceutical
industry, most companies refuse to provide such negative
data. The patent and privacy laws in the United States protect companies on this issue, leaving definitive scientific
reviews of evidence difficult to accomplish.
The potential impact of the bias toward positive findings in the publication of industry-supported studies appears to be reflected in two recent reviews. Heres and colleagues (2006) examined industry-supported studies of
atypical antipsychotics and found that in 90 percent of the
studies, the outcome was favorable to the sponsors drug.
This phenomenon can be reflected in contradictory findings about the same drug studied by two different sponsors. An example is the comparison of divalproex and

Fundamentals of Treatment

olanzapine in treating acute mania, in which the results

of the Lilly-sponsored study (Tohen et al., 2002) favored
that companys drug (olanzapine), while in the Abbottsponsored study (Zajecka et al., 2002), the risk/benefit
analysis favored that companys drug (divalproex) (see
Chapter 18). In a similar vein, Perlis (2005) compared randomized controlled trials in which the author(s) reported
a financial conflict of interest and trials without such potential conflicts; the former were 4.9 times more likely to
report positive results. Related to these observations is the
proliferation of papers with executive authors, in which
data derived from large trials conducted by a pharmaceutical company are analyzed in house. A manuscript is
drafted by medical writers working for the company, and
one or more academic opinion leaders (who may or may
not have been involved as investigators when the data were
initially collected) are recruited to serve as lead authors.
Obviously, reviewing data already selected by company
scientists and analyzed by company statisticians is not the
same as selecting and analyzing ones own data de novo.
Fifth, intent-to-treat analyses are more valid than completer analyses. In general, in randomized controlled trials, intent-to-treat analyses are considered more valid than
completer analyses because they preserve randomization.
What this means is that randomization equalizes all potential confounding factors for the entire sample at the beginning of the study. If that entire sample is analyzed at the
end of the study, there should be no confounding bias.
However, if some of that sample is not analyzed at the end
of the study (as in completer analysis, which does not include dropouts before the end of the study), one cannot be
sure that the two groups are still equal at the end of the
study on all potential confounding factors. If some patients
drop out of one treatment arm because of less efficacy or
more side effects, these nonrandom dropouts will bias the
ultimate results of the study in a completer analysis. Thus
in general, an intent-to-treat approach is used. From the
study design perspective, this approach is called intent to
treat because the researchers intend to treat all the patients
for the entire duration of the study, regardless of whether
they remain in the study until the very end. From the statistical analysis perspective, this approach is called the last
observation carried forward because it comes down to taking the last data point available for the patient and pretending that it occurred at the very end of the study. The
problem with this approach is that it assumes the last outcome for the patient in the study would have remained the
same until the studys end, that is, that the patient would
not have gotten any better or any worse. This is less of
a problem in a short-term than in a maintenance study.
Nonetheless, it is important to realize that there are assumptions built into both this and completer analyses and


that no approach fully removes all possibility of bias. The

presence of some potential for bias in even the best-crafted
randomized controlled trial means one can never be completely certain that the results of any such trial are valid.
Thus replication with multiple randomized controlled trials is necessary to get closer to establishing causation.
Finally, in survival analysis, one always needs to know the
sample size at each time point; if there are many dropouts,
the survival curve may be misleading. Survival analysis, a
statistical method commonly used in maintenance studies
of bipolar or highly recurrent unipolar disorder, measures
the time until an event, as opposed to simply counting the
frequency of an event. The reason this approach is so prevalent is that it provides more information, and thus more
statistical power, than simply assessing the number of patients who respond. In a long-term study, for instance, if
one patient relapsed at 1 month and another at 1 year, both
would be counted simply as patients who relapsed. Survival analysis makes it possible to take into account that
one person relapsed after a much longer period of staying
well compared with the other person. One can use a regression model, called Cox regression, for survival outcomes to
provide an effect size called a hazard ratio, which is the survival equivalent of risk ratios or odds ratios for other outcomes.
The primary problems with survival analysis are sample size and dropouts. Sample size decreases with time in
a survival analysis. This is expected because patients drop
out for a variety of reasons, such as illness relapse, side
effects, or having achieved the end point of the study. In
general, a survival analysis is most valid for the earlier portions of the curve, where there is a larger number of patients. Thus, a treatment may appear to show a major effect
after 6 months, but the sample at that point could be 10
patients in each arm, as opposed to 100 in each arm at
1 month. The results would not be statistically significant,
and the effect size would not be meaningful because of the
high variability of such small numbers. Nonetheless, researchers continue to rely on survival analysis, mainly because there are no other options at this time. Again, this
situation highlights the need to recognize the statistical issues involved, as well as to exercise a good deal of caution
in interpreting the results of even the best randomized controlled trials.
The main statistical issue is that since dropouts are unavoidably nonrandom, a survival analysis is more valid if
there are few dropouts lost to follow-up (i.e., where one
has no idea why the patient has left the study). Statisticians
have tended to designate a ballpark figure of 20 percent
lost to follow-up as tolerable overall so as to maintain reasonable confidence in the validity of a survival analysis.12
In fact, the dropout rates in maintenance studies of bipolar



disorder tend to be in the 5080 percent range, which

hampers the ability to be certain of the validity of survival
analysis in bipolar research. Researchers resign themselves
to the fact that this population is highly nonadherent and
thus difficult to study. For example, the problem of differential dropouts can be illustrated by a study comparing
olanzapine and divalproex in treating bipolar disorder (see
Chapter 20). Data on weight gain have been presented in a
survival analysis with up to 1-year follow-up. The survival
curves appear to show that olanzapine is associated with
much more weight gain than divalproex in the first few
months, but by 1 year, the rates of weight gain appear to
converge. Although not obvious from the survival curves,
by 1 year about 85 percent of the sample had dropped out,
with many of the dropouts in the olanzapine arm being
due to weight gain. Thus, the apparent decline in weight
gain with olanzapine could reflect the fact that those who
gained weight discontinued the agent earlier in follow-up.
In the above discussion, we have attempted to alert the
reader to some of the methodological complexities one
encounters in reading the treatment literature relevant to
manic-depressive illness. The importance of emphasizing these issues in this volume is underscored by a recent
methodological examination of published studies on the
treatment of bipolar disorder (Soldani et al., 2005). The authors reported that of the 100 papers randomly selected
from the five psychiatric journals with the highest impact
ratings, only 19 percent were randomized; most of the rest
were small, nonrandomized case series, relying primarily
on contrasts between baseline and end point without a
control group. Of the 100 papers, 53 made no reference to
study design or statistical methods.
Even when considering level I randomized controlled
trials, however, we emphasize the need for caution when
interpreting their resultswhether they indicate a difference between drug and placebo (or between two drugs) or
fail to show a difference, especially when this finding is
based on nonsignificant p values in the absence of effectsize estimation. The best bulwark against erroneous conclusions remains the requirement for multiple independent replications.


Given the substantial increase in treatment options since
the first edition of this text was published, the clinician faces
what might appear to be a bewildering array of choices.
Thus guidelines and algorithms have understandably been
welcomed by many busy clinicians. As long as guidelines
remain advisory to the clinician, they can be helpful to

both the professional and the patient. We become concerned when they are used by managers of care and thirdparty payors in an effort to enhance the cost-effectiveness
of care by reducing the number of treatment options. This
has already happened to those patients in Texas whose
treatment is funded by the state. If the tendency to make
guidelines coercive continues to grow, both quality and innovation will be threatened (G. Goodwin, 2003a). Since
guidelines are, by definition, yesterdays practice of medicine, they inevitably begin going out of date even before
they are published.
In their review, Fountoulakis and colleagues (2005)
identified a total of 27 guidelines for the treatment of bipolar disorder published since 1994. Table 173 lists, in reverse
chronological order, the major guidelines for the treatment
of adults that have been published since 2002 from North
America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and the World
Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. (Guidelines
for the treatment of children and adolescents with bipolar
disorder are reviewed in Chapter 23.) Direct comparisons
of even the more recent guidelines are limited by the reality that each was developed in its own time frame. Obviously, the more recent guidelines are the most relevant, but
even they can quickly become obsolete as new findings
emerge from the research literature. Nevertheless, it is useful to examine the existing guidelines to highlight those general approaches for which there is broad consensus, and to
take note of important cross-national differences.
The process by which guidelines are developed also differs in ways that may affect the recommendations made. In
general, the process begins with a committee of experts
who undertake an evaluation of the existing treatment research literature, ranking studies according to the levels of
evidence outlined in Box 172. Because of the inherently
limited generalizability of controlled trials, as discussed
above (see also Box 173), guideline developers have, to
varying degrees, attempted to incorporate expert opinion,
thus allowing observational studies and clinical experience
to fill in some of the gaps left by controlled studies, such as
combined medications, the treatment of comorbid conditions, and drugpsychotherapy interactions. Developers of
the Expert Consensus Guidelines in the United States
(Keck et al., 2004) have assessed expert opinion most systematically, using a statistical analysis of the answers given
independently by 47 experts in bipolar disorder to a series
of specific questions about what they would do in particular circumstances. This approach avoids the problem associated with conclusions arising from the deliberations of
a committeethat the strongly held opinions of a few
members may carry more weight, given that the committees task is to reach agreement.

Fundamentals of Treatment


Table 173. Recent Treatment Guidelines


Year of Publication


American Psychiatric Association



World Federation of Societies of

Biological Psychiatry Guidelines

2002, 2003, 2004

Grunze et al., 2002, 2003,


British Association for

Psychopharmacology Guidelines


G. Goodwin et al., 2003

Guidelines from the Danish

Psychiatric Association


Licht et al., 2003

Expert Consensus
Guidelines (U.S.)


Keck et al., 2004

Texas Medication Algorithm


Suppes et al., 2005

Canadian Network for Mood and

Anxiety Treatments Algorithm


Yatham et al., 2005

The various guidelines differ in their level of specificity

and coverage. Some, for example, such as the Texas Medication Algorithm (Suppes et al., 2005), the British Association for Psychopharmacology Guidelines (G. Goodwin, 2003b), and the World Federation of Societies of
Biological Psychiatry Guidelines (Grunze et al., 2002, 2003,
2004), offer no advice on the treatment of bipolar-II patients, citing the virtual absence of level I studies, and most
guidelines fail to address comorbid conditions for the
same reason. As might be expected of an evolving process,
the three most recent sets of guidelinesthe Texas Medication Algorithm, the Canadian Network for Mood and
Anxiety Treatments Algorithm (Yatham et al., 2005), and
the Expert Consensus Guidelines (all of which happen to
be North American in origin)are the most comprehensive and up to date. The Canadian guidelines present the
most thorough review of the literature; they also do a better job than the others of covering assessment issues,
bipolar-II, mixed states, and older patients while placing
relatively less emphasis on the risk/benefit ratio of different treatment options. The Texas Medication Algorithm
also presents an impressive review of the literature and, in
its introduction, is clear about the difference between continuation treatment and true prophylaxis. In the specific
recommendations included as maintenance treatment,
however, are two atypicals for which the bulk of the
drugplacebo difference occurred in the first few months

Hirschfeld et al., 2002

after recovery from an acute manic episode, that is, in the

continuation phase of treatment.
There are two principal differences between the North
American and European guidelines. First, the Europeans
place more emphasis on lithium treatment and less on valproate; in North America, the pharmaceutical industry plays
a larger role, and as a result there is a great deal more exposure to the newer income-generating, patent-protected
drugs, such as divalproex (valproate), and relatively less exposure to such drugs as lithium and carbamazepine
(Lieberman et al., 2006; see also Box 174). In some European countries, antidepressants are considered first-line treatment for bipolar depression (as long as an antimanic mood
stabilizer is used concurrently), whereas the North American guidelines emphasize mood stabilizers for the acute
treatment of depression while acknowledging the need for
adjunctive antidepressants in more severe cases. For example, the Texas Medication Algorithm considers antidepressants fourth-line treatment after mood stabilizers and combinations thereof.13 Another difference between the North
American and European guidelines lies in recommendations for when to initiate maintenance treatment: in the
North America guidelines, its initiation is clearly recommended after the first manic episode; the European guidelines recommend that maintenance treatment begin after
the second manic episode, but can be considered after the
first if that episode is severe enough (Vestergaard, 2004).



BOX 173. Understanding Treatment

Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder

Most guidelines are based primarily on randomized, placebocontrolled trials (RCTs), and are thus affected by the limited
generalizability of such trials. For example:
In placebo-controlled trials, the sickest patients are underrepresented because of ethical concerns about exposing
them to placebo, particularly over an extended period of
Most large RCTs are of monotherapy, whereas most bipolar
patients are taking combined medications.
Patients with comborbid conditions are excluded from most
RCTs, yet most bipolar patients have comorbid diagnoses.
The level of agreement across guidelines varies with the proportion of RCTs focused on particular states. These differences
are especially pronounced between European and North
American guidelines.
Because the majority of RCTs have been of treatments for
acute mania, there is a high level of agreement across those
Prophylactic treatment has been addressed by an intermediate number of RCT; accordingly, the level of agreement
across those guidelines is intermediate.
Bipolar depression has been the subject of the fewest RCTs,
and therefore the level of agreement across those guidelines
is lowest.
Guidelines follow classification systems (primarily the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual [DSM]-IV), and thus are affected by
the limitations of those systems (see the text and Chapters 1
and 3 for discussion of these limitations).

While we refer in the chapters that follow to recommendations from various guidelines as they apply to specific
treatment situations, we must pause to note that to date,
there is scant evidence that guidelines are having much effect on clinical practice in the community. For example, a
recent analysis of prescriptions in the community for 7,760
bipolar patients (Baldessarini et al., 2006) found that half
received antidepressants, while only a quarter were prescribed a mood stabilizer.14 Turning to psychiatric settings,
a survey of prescribing patterns for 1,864 bipolar-I patients
in more than 100 psychiatric inpatient units in the United
States (Lim et al., 2001) found that in the treatment of
manic or bipolar depressed patients without psychosis,
guidelines were followed only 1617 percent of the time
(the percentages were higher for those with psychosis, but
still only 38 and 31 percent for mania and depression, respectively). A 1999 survey revealed that one in six psychia-

BOX 174. Changing U.S. Prescribing Patterns

for Mood Stabilizers
In the United States between the mid-1990s and the turn of the
century, a fairly marked shift occurred from lithium to valproate
(principally divalproex) for the treatment of bipolar disorder, a
trend not seen in most of the rest of the world (Fenn et al., 1996;
Goodwin, 1999; Goodwin and Ghaemi, 1999; Blanco et al., 2002).
There are many possible explanations for this change. One reason suggested is the intense marketing of divalproex to psychiatrists that occurred during the mid- to late 1990s. Given that divalproex has generated at least 20 times more sales revenue
than lithium, it is no surprise that American psychiatrists have
had far greater exposure to it through marketing and Abbott
Laboratoriessupported continuing medical education programs (Goodwin et al., 2003b; Lieberman et al., 2006). In our
opinion, a clinician cannot be considered even minimally competent to treat patients with bipolar disorder unless he or she
knows how to use lithium.

trists was not even aware that guidelines existed (Jaffe and
Yager, 1999), and almost half had not read the guidelines
for bipolar disorder. Consistent with these findings are
those of Blanco and colleagues (2002), who analyzed data
on psychiatrists from the National Ambulatory Medical
Care Survey for the years 1992 to 1999. Over one-third of
bipolar patients did not receive a mood stabilizer, whereas
antidepressant use was common: 45 percent of office visits were associated with such a prescription, and for half of
these visits there was no accompanying prescription for a
mood stabilizer. Unfortunately, this apparent underuse of
mood stabilizers accompanied by the apparent overuse of
antidepressants was no different when data for the early
and late 1990s were compared.
Not surprisingly, the correspondence between guidelines and practice is better in academic settings and in staff
model HMOs (where almost all bipolar patients are pharmacologically treated by psychiatrists, and adherence to guidelines tends to be tracked). Two large U.S. datasets reflecting
real-world open treatment as provided by psychiatrists
associated with academic centers (which provide largely
tertiary care) are those of the Stanley Foundation Bipolar
Network and the NIMH STEP-BD program. An analysis of
457 bipolar-I patients who participated in a Stanley center
voluntary registry revealed that 82 percent were taking a
mood stabilizer upon entry into the registry (Levine et al.,
2000); most were receiving combined treatment involving
more than one mood stabilizer. Thus among the 50 percent of the total group taking lithium and the 40 percent

Fundamentals of Treatment

taking valproate, only 18 percent and 10 percent, respectively, received the mood stabilizer as monotherapy. Similarly, in an analysis of medications received just prior to
the entry of the first 500 patients into the STEP-BD program (73.6 percent of whom were bipolar-I), Ghaemi and
colleagues (2006) found that 72 percent were taking mood
stabilizers, but only 11 percent as monotherapy. In another
tertiary care setting (the NIMH Intramural Program), it
was observed that the proportion of patients receiving
combined medications increased sharply from the mid1970s to the mid-1990s; the proportion of discharged bipolar patients taking three or more medications rose from 3
to 44 percent. By contrast, in two staff model HMOs (Kaiser
Northern California and Group Health of Puget Sound)
providing primary care psychiatry (whose guidelines for
bipolar disorder reserve combined therapy for those who
fail monotherapy), only 11.5 percent of patients were treated
with more than one mood stabilizer (Hunkeler et al., 1995).
While the largely tertiary-care populations involved in
the STEP-BD program and the Stanley centers reflected
recent North American guidelines with respect to the
central role of mood stabilizers in bipolar disorder, there
was less correspondence with guidelines for the adjunctive use of antidepressants: 57 percent of the Stanley patients (including 55 patients not on a mood stabilizer)
and 41 percent of the STEP-BD patients were taking antidepressants. The Stanley data reflected treatment patterns in the mid-1990s, whereas the STEP-BD data were
collected later, in 1998 and 1999. It is possible that this
difference in time frame is relevant to the modest differences reported in antidepressant use, given that the first
U.S. guidelines cautioning about the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder were published in 1994 (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and 1996 (Frances
et al., 1996). While it might be argued that the relatively
high rate of antidepressant use is related to the presence
of sicker patients in tertiary care settings, antidepressant
use was also common in the two HMO primary psychiatric care settings referred to above: 75 percent of patients
had received at least one such prescription. The primary
care (HMO) data were collected from 1994 to 2001, a period that includes some time prior to the publication of
the above-mentioned guidelines.
It is of interest that even though the 2003 British guidelines include antidepressants as a first-line option, the
Maudsley Bipolar Project (Frangou et al., 2002) and a survey conducted in northeast England (Lloyd et al., 2003)
found that only 14 and 23 percent, respectively, of bipolar
patients were taking an antidepressant, whereas in both
surveys the use of mood stabilizers was similar to that in
the United States.


In conclusion, although there are differences among

guidelines (primarily cross-national in nature), they agree
on the centrality of mood stabilizers in the management of
bipolar disorder and on the inappropriateness of antidepressant monotherapy. Further, all three of the most recent
guidelines, to varying degrees, express caution about the use
of antidepressants even when combined with a mood stabilizer. Thus far, the impact of guidelines on practice in the
United States has not been obvious in the data on prescription patterns; no doubt this is due, at least in part, to the fact
that prescription data are derived from all physicians, not
just psychiatrists. Finally, it must be noted that guidelines
are organized according to current diagnostic schema; that
is, there are separate guidelines for bipolar disorder and major depression, but none for the highly recurrent unipolar
group, which in effect falls between the cracks.


Here we review the basic pharmacology of the medications
used for acute, continuation, and maintenance treatment
of manic-depressive illness. Clinical detail on the use of these
agents, including additional findings concerning dosage and
drug interactions, is presented in the chapters that follow.
Since side effects and adverse events are most salient during maintenance treatment, they are covered in Chapter
20, while information on the use and side effects of the
various medications related specifically to children and
adolescents is presented in Chapter 23.

Although the mechanism of lithiums action in acute treatment of mania and depression and in prophylactic therapy
for bipolar disorder is unknown, several productive theories are being tested (see Chapters 18, 19, and 20, respectively, and Chapter 14). The standard oral formulation is
the carbonate salt of lithium, whereas the liquid formulation uses the citrate or chloride salt. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has approved lithium carbonate for both the treatment of manic episodes and maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder.
Lithium carbonate is readily absorbed throughout the
gastrointestinal tract. There are preparations that delay absorption somewhat (Eskalith CR, Camcolit, Priadel, and
Lithobid) and to some extent reduce the peaks and valleys
of serum lithium levels throughout the day. The principal
advantage of these preparations is a lower frequency of initial gastrointestinal side effects, which may enhance adherence. These preparations also appear to have less of an effect on urinary osmolarity, which would be consistent



with a reduced long-term impact on renal function (although this has not yet been studied directly) (Vestergaard and Schou, 1987). Lithium is excreted primarily in
urine; renal excretion is rapid under normal circumstances. The drug is passed into the glomerular filtrate and is
indistinguishable from sodium in the proximal tubule,
where both are reabsorbed. It is reabsorbed to a much
lesser extent in the loop of Henle and is not reabsorbed at
all in the distal tubule.
The half-life of lithium is initially about 12 hours, but
reaches approximately 24 hours once steady-state serum
levels have developed at about 5 days. The conventional
trough serum lithium level occurring 12 hours after the last
dose is the standard level for measurement. The dose/bloodlevel ratio is influenced by the individuals clinical state
(manic or depressed), gender, age, weight (especially muscle
mass), salt intake, extent of sweating, intrinsic renal clearance capacity for lithium, and use of other medications. A
relatively higher dose/blood-level ratio is associated with
being manic, younger, male, and heavier and having a
higher salt intake. Although controlled studies are lacking,
results of open trials suggest that therapeutic blood levels
for children and adults are about the same.
To predict dosage requirements, some investigators
recommend a test dose of lithium, followed 24 hours later
by a plasma-level determination (Cooper and Simpson,
1976; Fava et al., 1984; Perry et al., 1984). Although this technique probably can be applied reliably when the mood
state is stable, its practical value in treating acute mania is
limited. Errors in the predicted dose may, for example, be
due to changes in patients sleep and activity, which cause
changes in glomerular filtration rate (Perry et al., 1984).
In addition, use of this method necessitates a 24-hour delay
in treatment.
Because the proximal tubule reabsorbs lithium as it
does sodium, it is essential for the patient to maintain normal salt and adequate fluid intake to prevent the development of lithium intoxication. Although decreased tolerance to lithium has been reported to ensue from protracted
sweating, the only test of this effect in a small number of
healthy long-distance runners did not find a tendency toward increased lithium levels following vigorous exercise.
Nonetheless, some caution is warranted. The risk of elevation of serum lithium levels as a result of diarrhea and
vomiting is undeniable. Should these conditions occur, supplemental fluid and salt should be administered, and lithium
therapy may need to be stopped temporarily until fluid and
salt balance can be restored.
The gap between therapeutic and toxic levels of lithium
is narrow. Thus the frequency of serum monitoring of
lithium should be proportional to the risks associated with
particular patient profiles. When there is reason to believe

that lithium levels may be fluctuatingbecause of erratic

adherence, a sudden change in clinical state (e.g., a switch
from mania into depression),15 the presence of medical
conditions that could affect renal function, concurrent
medications, individual sensitivity to the effects of lithium,
a low-salt diet, or excessive sweatingand whenever there is
clinical suspicion of impending toxicity, serum-level monitoring must be more frequent (Goodwin and Goldstein,
2003). Serum lithium levels should be obtained whenever
there is a change in dosage and at least every 6 months in
stable patients. Elderly and frail patients should be tested
more often.16

Valproate is a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-enhancing anticonvulsant approved by the FDA for the treatment of epilepsy and acute mania and for migraine prophylaxis. Preparations include capsules, elixir, rectal
forms, and, most recently, an intravenous (IV) formulation; none of these forms appears to offer any particular
advantage for treatment of bipolar disorder. Nor has the
rapid oral loading protocol that most patients tolerate
(McElroy et al., 1998) been shown to result in a faster onset
of antimanic action compared with slower titration protocols. The level of gastrointestinal irritation is dramatically
reduced with the sodium divalproex formulation of valproate, which has largely replaced the original formulation. Still, indigestion and nausea, along with sedation, are
the most common side effects.
Valproate inhibits the enzymes that metabolize several
other drugs, including, most notably, lamotrigine. The therapeutic range of this and other psychotropic drugs is difficult to define precisely, but it would appear that levels above
70 and below 120 milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml) are as
close to optimal as is practical for most patients (Ellenor
and Dishmon, 1995).

Carbamazepine, a tricyclic compound that is classified as
an iminostilbene derivative, has been shown to be effective
in the treatment of mania. Results of trials comparing its
prophylactic effect with that of lithium suggest that it probably has maintenance efficacy, but it has never been submitted to the FDA for this indication.
Carbamazepine17 is reported to be absorbed slowly and
erratically from the gastrointestinal tract. After chronic use,
the time to peak plasma concentrations is several hours following ingestion (Pugh and Garnet, 1991). Carbamazepine
is lipophilic; therefore, no parenteral forms have been developed, and different brands of the drug cannot be assumed

Fundamentals of Treatment

to produce the same blood levels. Bioavailability can be estimated at about 80 percent (Ketter et al., 1999). Although
carbamazepine undergoes only modest first-pass metabolism, it is extensively metabolized in the liver. Approximately
75 percent of the drug is protein bound. Carbamazepine
can induce its own metabolism such that over time, dose increments may be needed. The drug can also impact the metabolism of some other agents, most notably inducing lamotrigine metabolism such that the dose of the latter may
need to be increased when the two drugs are used in combination.



metabolized, and is excreted almost exclusively in its original form by the kidney. Thus it has a very short half-life of
about 6 hours, indicating the need to give it in multiple daily
doses. Because there is no known relationship between
blood level and therapeutic response for the drug, there is
no indication for therapeutic monitoring, and perhaps most
difficult, a wide range of possible therapeutic doses exists
(6004500 mg/day). From a kinetic point of view, the drug
would be advantageous in patients with liver function problems or those taking other drugs that affect hepatic metabolism, but there would be a corresponding need for caution in
patients with impaired or unstable renal function.

Oxcarbazepine is a chemical derivative of carbamazepine

with a similar structure and antiepileptic profile. It is rapidly and extensively converted to the 10-hydroxy metabolite, suggesting that it may be an easier drug to administer
than carbamazepine, with fewer drug interactions, and
easier to tolerate with less neurotoxicity. Oxcarbazepines
most common side effects are tiredness, headache, dizziness, and ataxia. Also, it has been reported to cause allergic
reactions and hypoatremia, although less frequently than
carbamazepine. It is also associated with a lack of effects
on the hematopoietic system. Large controlled studies of
its efficacy in bipolar patients is lacking.



Tiagabine is a nipecotic acid derivative whose mechanism

of action in epilepsy is thought to be related to GABA action. There is little evidence, controlled or otherwise, for
its utility in treating bipolar disorder. It is rapidly absorbed,
with peak serum levels occurring within 1 hour of a first
dose. It is predominantly protein bound in serum. Almost
all of tiagabine is metabolized in the liver; however, other
routes are also known to play some role. The mean half-life
of the drug is 8 hours, but is decreased by carbamazepine
and other enzyme inducers.

Lamotrigine is a phenyltriazine structure; controlled trials

have demonstrated its maintenance efficacy against depression in bipolar patients, for which it has an FDA indication. It is probably also effective in the acute treatment of
bipolar depression. Lamotrigine inhibits the release of glutamate, which may be the basis for its anticonvulsant activity, but neither this nor the basis for its putative antidepressant action is known. It is readily absorbed in the gut and
is only about 50 percent bound to plasma proteins; about
90 percent is metabolized to inactive metabolites in the liver,
while 10 percent is excreted unchanged. Its half-life is about
24 hours. Birth control medications can decrease plasma
levels of lamotrigine, but the converse is not true.

Gabapentin is structurally related to GABA but does not
bind to the GABA receptor as a GABA analogue, as was
originally believed when the drug was developed in the early
1970s. It does enhance GABA function in some indirect
manner. What role, if any, the drug has in the management
of bipolar patients is unclear, especially after it failed to separate from placebo in controlled trials of treatment of mania. It has looked somewhat more promising as an adjunctive agent based on the results of uncontrolled studies.
Gabapentin is readily absorbed, is not protein bound, is not

Topiramate is described as a fructopyranose. It is an

antiepileptic agent thought to increase GABA activity and to
inhibit excitatory glutamate receptor activation. It is readily
absorbed and largely unmetabolized, and about 70 percent
is excreted in free unchanged form by the kidney; about 15
percent is protein bound. It has a serum half-life of about
21 hours. Phenytoin and carbamazepine lower its serum levels and its half-life, while topiramate can increase serum levels of those two anticonvulsants. In several controlled trials
with manic patients it has not been better than placebo.


Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) inhibit enzymes
responsible for the neuronal breakdown of catcholamine
and idoleamine neurotransmitters. The original MAOIs
were irreversible inhibitors of both types of monoamine
oxidase enzyme, A and B, which are found primarily on
the outer membrane of mitochondria. In the past decade,
both reversible MAO-A inhibitors and a selective MAO-B
inhibitor in patch form have been developed, adding the
potential for greater specificity and safety to the profile of
this group of antidepressants.
MAOIs are absorbed quickly when administered orally.
Peak MAO inhibition occurs within several days following



the initial low dose, which is then gradually increased based

on therapeutic effects and tolerability of side effects. Tranylcypromine is administered 10 mg/day; phenelzine can be
given at a higher dosage of 15 mg/day. Effects of these drugs
are often not observed for 24 weeks. Sometimes, amounts
as high as 90 mg are required for an adequate response and
reduction in depressive symptoms. MAOIs should be discontinued gradually, as sudden withdrawal can result in
delirium and agitation.

Tricyclic antidepressantsthe first widely studied agents
to treat depression successfullyputatively act by inhibiting the norepinephrine and serotonin uptake in nerve endings. Imipramine was the first tricyclic used and remains
the most thoroughly studied (Kuhn, 1957). Amitriptyline,
clomipramine, desipramine, doxepin, nortriptyline, protriptyline, and trimipramine are other widely available tricyclic preparations.
Tricyclic antidepressants are absorbed quickly and almost completely by the small bowel. Peak plasma concentrations usually occur within 23 hours of ingestion. The
half-lives of tricyclic antidepressants are relatively long
and variable, ranging from 6 to 198 hours. Protriptyline,
for example, has a half-life of 80 hours. Tricyclic antidepressants are highly lipophilic and bind strongly to plasma
proteins in the heart and to brain tissue.
Plasma levels have been correlated with both therapeutic (Ziegler et al., 1978) and toxic (Spiker and Pugh, 1976)
effects. Wide variation in plasma levels is due largely to genetic differences in the hepatic enzymes responsible for the
drugs metabolism. Sampling should be performed 1 week
following administration to ensure a steady-state level, and
1012 hours following the last dose to ensure complete
absorption and distribution. The therapeutic ranges suggested in the literature are 50140 nanograms per milliliter
(ng/ml) for nortriptyline and 110180 ng/ml for all other
tricyclic antidepressants (except protriptyline).

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) block 5HT reuptake from synaptic clefts, making more of this
neurotransmitter available at postsynaptic receptors. Their
popularity, particularly outside of psychiatry, is due primarily to their having fewer side effects, far less potential
for lethal overdose, and drug interactions compared with
the older antidepressants, as well as a reduced requirement
for medical testing (e.g., electrocardiogram) prior to their
use and the elimination of plasma monitoring. The absorption of SSRIs is generally efficient, although results of
one study suggest that the concentration of sertraline in

plasma is 32 percent higher when taken with food. The

metabolism of SSRIs is influenced by age, disease, gender,
environmental agents, and type and amount of drug administered.
The specific SSRI dosage varies depending on the particular drug. The simplest regimens, for citalopram, fluoxetine, and paroxetine, are 20 mg/day from the initial
day of treatment. Sertraline and fluvoxamine are usually
titrated upward until a clinical effect is achieved. Most
SSRIs have elimination half-lives ranging from 15 to 26
hours. However, norfluoxetine, the active metabolite of
fluoxetine, has a half-life of 79 days. Because of this longer
half-life, the usual 2-week wash-out period recommended
when switching an SSRI to an MAOI should be extended
(usually to 5 weeks) when a patient is being switched from
fluoxetine to an MAOI.

Bupropion, Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake

Inhibitors, and Other Antidepressants
Bupropion is a weak blocker of the neuronal uptake of
serotonin and norepinephrine, but it does increase norepinephrine turnover by other mechanisms; it also inhibits
the neuronal reuptake of dopamine to some extent. In humans, following oral administration of bupropion, peak
plasma bupropion concentrations are usually achieved
within 2 hours, followed by a biphasic decline. The terminal phase has a mean half-life of 14 hours, with a range of 8
to 24 hours. The distribution phase has a mean half-life of
3 to 4 hours. The mean elimination half-life (standard deviation [SD]) of bupropion after chronic dosing is 21 (9)
hours, and steady-state plasma concentrations of the drug
are reached within 8 days. Plasma bupropion concentrations are dose-proportional following single doses of 100
to 250 mg; however, it is not known whether the proportionality between dose and plasma level is maintained in
chronic use.
Venlafaxine and its major metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV), are potent inhibitors of neuronal serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake and weak inhibitors of
dopamine reuptake. Venlafaxine is well absorbed, with peak
plasma concentrations occurring approximately 2 hours after dosing. The drug is extensively metabolized, with peak
plasma levels occurring approximately 4 hours after dosing.
The mean elimination half-lives for venlafaxine and its active metabolite are 5 (2) and 11 (2) hours, respectively.
Duloxetine is a balanced selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It appears to be fairly well
absorbed after oral doses; peak plasma levels occur in 610
hours (dose-dependent). The drug is extensively metabolized in the liver to active metabolites; most of an oral dose
is excreted in the urine, only a small amount of which is

Fundamentals of Treatment

unchanged. An elimination half-life of 1116 hours has

been reported.
Reboxetine is a novel selective norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitor that is well absorbed after oral administration. Its
absolute bioavailability is 94.5 percent, and maximal concentrations are generally achieved within 2 to 4 hours. Food
affects the rate but not the extent of absorption. The mean
half-life of the drug (approximately 12 hours) is consistent
with the recommendation to administer it twice daily.
Nefazodone exerts dual effects on serotonergic neurotransmission through blockade of 5-HT2 receptors and inhibition of serotonin reuptake. These two properties combine to increase serotonergic neurotransmission through
other serotonin receptors, such as the 5-HT1A receptor. Nefazadone is rapidly and completely absorbed but is subject
to extensive metabolism, so that its absolute bioavailability
is lowabout 20 percentand variable. Peak plasma concentrations occur at about 1 hour, and the drugs half-life is
24 hours.

Typical Antipsychotics
In 1952, the first conventional antipsychotic, chlorpromazine, was found to be therapeutic for schizophrenia, an
effect thought to be related to its blockade of dopamine D2
receptors. Since that time, a multitude of new antipsychotic
drugs have been introduced. These drugs are categorized
into five distinctive classes: phenothiazines, butyrophenones,
dibenzoxazepines, thioxantheses, and dihydroindolones. All
typical antipsychotics act equally to relieve psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorders.
All antipsychotics are well absorbed; however, oral administration can result in less predictability in absorption,
and food and antacids can affect absorption by the gastrointestinal tract. Most antipsychotics peak at approximately 3 hours following oral administration, but peak
plasma levels can occur within 30 minutes or after up to
5 hours. Steady-state blood levels are reached within 3 to
5 days. Metabolism occurs mainly in the liver, but also in
the intestinal wall. The bioavailability of most of the antipsychotics is relatively high, but for some is considerably
lower. Haloperidol tablets, for example, have an average
bioavailability of only 60 percent. The elimination half-life
of typical antipsychotics can range from 1.5 hours to 26

Atypical Antipsychotics
Following oral administration of atypical antipsychotics,
the gastrointestinal system absorbs the drug rapidly and almost completely. Food appears to have no effect on the rate
and extent of absorption of these agents with the exception


of ziprasidone, which is absorbed to a lesser extent on an

empty stomach. Peak plasma concentrations for the original compound usually occur between 1 and 6 hours. A
steady-state level can be achieved within 5 to 6 days. It has
been found that atypical antipsychotics have a very high
bioavailability and protein binding. The elimination halflives for all atypical antipsychotics range from 3 to 27 hours.

Although benzodiazepines are now prescribed for a wide
range of indications, they were introduced in the 1970s as
powerful and rapid-acting antianxiety or hypnotic drugs.
These drugs bind benzodiazepine receptors, which allosterically modulate GABA receptors, the most ubiquitous inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. In bipolar disorder,
the high-potency benzodiazepines (clonazepam and lorazepam) are used either for their sedative properties (for
example, to abort an emerging hypomanic/manic episode
by aiding sleep) or as treatments for comorbid anxiety symptoms.
Following oral administration, lorazepam is absorbed
rapidly and completely, whereas clonazepam is absorbed
more slowly. Peak serum levels for lorazepam occur within
12 hours, whereas clonazepam requires several hours. All
benzodiazepines exhibit first-order kinetics over the therapeutic dosage range, with metabolism occurring in the liver;
they all bind to plasma proteins at levels of 70 percent or
higher. Lorazepam has a relatively short half-life of 1020
hours, whereas that of clonazepam is 1850 hours.

1. Indirectly, lithium also made possible the birth of the first
patient-run support/advocacy group, the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (now the Depressive
and Bipolar Support Alliance [DBSA]), by helping many
patients function well enough to form and run an effective
national organization.
2. Tohen et al., 1990, 1992, 2000, 2006; Coryell et al., 1993;
Strakowsky et al., 1998, 2000.
3. In a recent survey in Norway, bipolar patients were more
than three times as likely as controls to be unemployed and
three times as likely to be on disability, despite the fact that
the patients enjoyed a significantly higher educational level
than that of the controls (Schoyen et al., 2006).
4. Earlier studies, largely from academic health centers, while
noting the expected relationship between substance abuse and
symptomatic and/or syndromal outcome, did not find such
a relationship with functional outcome (reviewed in Bauer
et al., 2001). The difference between these studies and that of
Conus and colleagues (2006) may reflect the fact that patients
in tertiary referral academic centers are generally sicker, with
both high rates of substance abuse and poor functional outcome, making it more difficult to demonstrate a relationship.



5. The word predicts is used here in the statistical sense, reflecting an association between two variables without implying
the direction of causality.
6. See, e.g., Lish et al., 1994; Ghaemi et al., 2002; Goldberg and
Ernst, 2002; Hirschfield et al., 2003.
7. Not surprisingly, the bulk of the data establishing this relationship comes from studies of lithium.
8. Prien et al., 1974; Abou-Saleh and Coppen, 1986; Gelenberg
et al., 1989; OConnell et al., 1991; Winokur et al., 1993; Lish
et al., 1994; Baldessarini et al., 1999; Franchini et al., 1999;
Swann et al., 1999.
9. One managed care problem that is rarely addressed is the
practice of pharmacy benefit managers allowing patients to
obtain only 30 days of a prescription at one time; this practice substantially increases the likelihood of patients missing
medications and thus going through periods of withdrawal.
10. See, for example, Calabrese and Rapport, 1999; Baldessarini
et al., 2000; Post et al., 2000; Rush et al., 2000; Licht et al.,
2002; Rothwell et al., 2005.
11. The least acceptable approach to a review of the literature is
the classic selective review, in which the reviewer selects those
articles that agree with his or her opinion and ignores those
that do not. In this approach, any opinion can be supported
by selectively choosing among studies in the literature. Unfortunately, most reviews of the literature on bipolar disorder fall into this category. The opposite of the selective review
is the systematic review. In this approach, some effort is
made, usually with computerized searching, to identify all
studies on a topic. Once all studies have been identified (ideally including some that may not have been published), the
question is how these studies can be compared.
The simplest approach to reviewing a literature is the
box score method: How many studies were positive and
how many negative? The problem with this approach is that
it fails to take into account the quality of the various studies
(i.e., sample sizes, randomized or not, control of bias, adequacy of statistical testing for chance). The next-most rigorous approach is a pooled analysis. Unlike the box score, this
approach corrects for sample size, but nothing else. Other
features of studies are not assessed, such as bias in design,
randomization or not, and so on. Sometimes, those features
can be controlled by inclusion criteria that might, for instance, limit a pooled analysis to randomized studies.
12. Sometimes a sensitivity analysis can be done, where one assumes a best-case scenario (all dropouts remain well) and
a worst-case scenario (all dropouts relapse) to see whether
the conclusions change. Nonetheless, a high percentage of
dropouts means one cannot be certain whether results are
13. The Texas Medication Algorithm does include the olanzapinefluoxetine combination (OFC) as one third-line option,
given that it was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for bipolar depression based on adequate data
from randomized controlled trials. However, when comparing treatment options, it is important to note that OFC is not





a drugit is two drugs marketed as a single pill. Scientifically, it should be compared with other combinations of two
It should be noted that these data include all prescriptions,
not just those written by psychiatrists.
In the lithium treatment of acute mania, the patients clinical
state is one of the factors affecting the dose/blood-level ratio.
Some patients when manic retain lithium in body pools outside the plasma, possibly in bone (Greenspan et al., 1968;
Almy and Taylor, 1973). In practice, more lithium may be
needed to achieve a given blood level during mania than
during euthymia or depression (Goodwin et al., 1969; Serry,
1969; Kukopulos et al., 1985).
When renal concentrating ability is substantially impaired or
the patient excretes in excess of 4 liters of urine per 24 hours,
careful monitoring (by the patient and the physician) of
fluid balance is required to avoid dehydration and lithium
intoxication (Vestergaard and Shou, 1987). Although renal
concentrating ability usually improves if lithium is discontinued, the improvement can be quite delayed and incomplete if the impairment has been long-standing. Lithium
discontinuation studies indicate that increases in 24-hour
urine output remain the same or decrease only slightly after
lithium is discontinued.
More sedation and ataxia occur with rapidly rising levels of
carbamazepine than with most other modern anticonvulsants, and as a consequence, titration often needs to be
slowed, especially when multiple drugs are being used together. Most of these cases have occurred in the elderly and
within the first 4 months of treatment.
Serious side effects are associated with the typical antipsychotics. Common central nervous system side effects involve
altered thermoregulation, extrapyramidal syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia. Orthostatic
hypotension is also observed. Erectile dysfunction, blurred vision, constipation, and urinary retention are common anticholinergic effects. Cardiovascular effects include electrocardiogram changes, tachycardia, and torsade de pointes. Changes
in the endocrine system, including amenorrhea and galactorrhea, occur as well. Occasionally the hematological system can
be involved, with agranulocytosis and leucopenia occurring.
Liver enzyme elevations are sometimes seen early in treatment;
they usually resolve even with continued treatment, but can
cause bilirubin with cholestatic jaundice to occur. Other pertinent side effects include allergic reactions and skin photosensitivity and all immune-mediated agranulyctopenia. Sedation
and weight gain are observed as well. So-called low-potency
antipsychotics cause more sedation and vascular side effects
(orthostasis), whereas the more potent drugs are more commonly associated with extrapyramidal syndrome. The greatest
concern arises for extrapyramidal syndrome, the potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and potentially irreversible tardive dyskinesia. These severe side effects have led to
a recent trend toward the use of atypical antipsychotics, especially for patients newly diagnosed.


Medical Treatment of Hypomania,

Mania, and Mixed States

[Robert Lowell] showed me the bottle of lithium capsules. Another medical gift from Copenhagen. Had I heard what his trouble was? Salt deficiency. This had been the first year in
eighteen he hadnt had an [manic] attack. Thered been fourteen or fifteen of them in the past
eighteen years. Frightful humiliation and waste. . . . His face seemed smoother, the weight of
distressattacks and anticipation both gone.
Richard Stern (cited in Hamilton, 1982, p. 370)

Despite the availability of many effective pharmacological

agents for treating mania and hypomania, the management of both states is often challenging. Unlike the depressed patient, who usually seeks out treatment, the manic
patientand especially, perhaps, the hypomanic patient
often resists treatment. Moreover, the physician treating
the first manic episode in a previously untreated patient
must engage the patients cooperation in treatment, simultaneously educate family and friends about the illness,
and coordinate efforts with hospital staff and even law enforcement agencies. In many ways, the pharmacological
treatment of the manic patient, the main focus of this chapter, may be the easiest part of the clinical work performed
by the physician.
This chapter addresses hypomanic, manic, and mixed
affective states, the latter usually characterized by a combination of the dysphoric mood of depression and the pressured agitation of mania; the management of mixed states
resembles that of mania much more than that of bipolar
depression (see Chapter 19). Note that this chapter focuses
on medical treatment during the acute and continuation
stages of these conditions, as defined in Chapter 17. Longterm maintenance (prophylactic) treatment is covered in
Chapter 20, while psychotherapeutic treatment is discussed
in Chapter 22. Two important related topicsmedication
adherence and psychotherapyare addressed in Chapters
21 and 22, respectively. Note also that many of the drugs
discussed here for acute and continuation treatment of hypomania, mania, and mixed states are used as well for patients with acute bipolar depression and for maintenance
treatment, and are therefore discussed in Chapters 19 and
20 as well. The reader interested in a detailed review of the
drugs themselves, including their functioning and their
side effects, should refer to those chapters.

The chapter begins with a discussion of clinical management, emphasizing proven and/or widely accepted approaches to treatment. We then review the literature supporting these approaches, as well as newer and less proven but
nevertheless promising interventions that may become more
standard in the future. All of the drugs mentioned in the first
section of the chapter are discussed in detail in the second.

A patient in the throes of a manic or mixed episode can be
intensely agitated, uncooperative, psychotic, aggressive, and
quite dangerous. By the time the clinician is contacted,
both patient and family may be confused and distraught,
and the clinician may have little time to ponder available
choices. Ideal treatment involves both persuasion and medication, but is the patient persuadable, and which drug is
best for this patient in this situation? To what degree is
there a danger to staff, accompanying family, or the patient in the manic or mixed state? Should the selected
drug be offered orally, or will parenteral administration
be quicker and more effective? Each decision calls for
balancing the high-risk manic agitation against the consequences of interventiona medications potency against
its side effects, for example, or the patients safety against
the risks and responsibilities of forced medication and
possible involuntary hospitalization. Our recommendations for the selection of appropriate treatments for particular patients are presented later in the chapter.
This section addresses the key aspects of clinical management of hypomania, mania, and mixed states. Discussed in
turn are evaluation of the manic, mixed-state, and hypomanic patient; hospitalization; general considerations involved in medical treatment; clinical features that modify



medication management; medication dosages and therapeutic monitoring; hypomanic symptoms; and general psychological issues related to the medical treatment of mania.
Detailed discussion of special considerations in treating
children and adolescents is presented in Chapter 23, and of
issues involving drugs and pregnancy in Chapter 20.

Evaluation of the Manic, Mixed-State,

and Hypomanic Patient
By definition, the manic or mixed-state patient is highly agitated and not easily amenable to examination. It is critical,
then, to obtain the patients history from family, friends,
coworkers, law enforcement officers, or whoever may be
available to give information about the course of illness
and development of symptoms. A history of prior manic
or depressive episodes will, of course, be very helpful in
making a diagnosis, but mania should be suspected in any
disorganized patient with marked psychomotor agitation
(see also the discussion of diagnosis in Chapter 3). A differential diagnosis will include schizophrenia, drug-induced
states, and delirium from metabolic or other medical causes,
but because the emergent treatment of all these conditions is
generally similar, behavioral management of the potentially dangerous patient will usually take priority over the
subtleties of the usual psychiatric diagnostic process. Nevertheless, a mental status examination assessing such symptoms as euphoric or irritable mood, pressured speech, and
grandiose themes should be performed when feasible.
Although the usual structured cognitive examination may
not be possible, it is important to rule out delirium by means
of questions addressing orientation and awareness of surroundings.1
Laboratory testing is extremely important in evaluating the agitated psychiatric patient. Even if the history obtained clearly suggests a diagnosis of mania, the patients
psychiatric condition can be exacerbated by and the clinical picture confused by drug use or medical conditions.
The patients condition may also be affected by nonadherence to treatment for concurrent medical conditions, such
as diabetes and hypertension. Manic patients will frequently
be dehydrated and may be at risk for rhabdomyolysis, or
they may present with simultaneous alcohol or drug intoxication or withdrawal (see Chapter 7). Testing for electrolyte
abnormalities, hypo- and hyperglycemia, liver and renal
dysfunction, and illicit drug use is thus an essential part of
the initial evaluation.
The hypomanic patient will show less psychomotor agitation than the manic patient and can often be examined
in greater detail. These patients may be less than forthcoming during the exam, however, and quite unreliable when it
comes to giving a medical or psychiatric history. Indeed,
hypomanic patients may actively withhold information or

even prevaricate regarding symptoms and behavior if they

believe doing so is necessary to avoid hospital confinement.
Furthermore, mental status examination of hypomanic
patients, who may evidence little more than slightly pressured speech and infectious high spirits, can belie the dangerousness of their situation. Such patients will be more
likely than disorganized, agitated manic patients to enter
into ruinous business deals or sexual indiscretions. Again,
information from other individuals is vital for treatment

Patients exhibiting severe mania will need to be hospitalized, often involuntarily. When manic symptoms are still
in the mild to moderate range, judging the need for and
the timing of hospitalization is more difficult. In deciding
whether to hospitalize a patient, the clinician must keep in
mind that mild mania can progress rapidly and unexpectedly to more severe forms. The medical, social, occupational, and legal risks of such extreme behavior must be
weighed against the financial, social, and personal consequences of hospitalization.
The uncomfortable affect of the mixed state, together
with its disinhibition paranoia, and behavioral activation,
can be an especially dangerous combination. Such patients
are at very high risk of self-harm, sometimes higher than
that for patients with pure major depression (see Chapter
8). A history of serious suicide attempts, as well as of previous hospitalizations, further increases the risk of suicide.
Expressions of desperation or hopelessness in a manic patient indicate the need for immediate hospitalization.
The interpretation of commitment laws and the details
of the commitment process vary considerably from community to community, even within the same state. Therefore, familiarity with local commitment laws is indispensable for the clinician involved in the treatment of manic,
mixed-state, or hypomanic patients. Many states require
that the clinician have first-person knowledge of disturbed
behavior or suicidality before a psychiatric patient is hospitalized involuntarilyknowledge sometimes not available to the clinician who is at the receiving end of a phone
call from a desperate family member. The clinician may
have to spend considerable time educating family members about the steps necessary to initiate involuntary commitment of their loved one. Family members may resist
taking on this responsibility, regarding it as a betrayal of
their relative; some may worry about future physical or psychological reprisals. First-hand knowledge of the commitment process will enable the clinician to provide the necessary guidance and support. Advance directives, executed
when the patient was euthymic, can be of help (see Chapter 22).

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

Safety issues will frequently inform the decision whether

to hospitalize the manic patient, and here the choice is often
more clear-cut. Patients showing severe behavioral dyscontrol and marked psychomotor agitation will obviously
need to be hospitalized. In the case of the hypomanic patient, such overt evidence of poor impulse control, potential suicidality, or imminent violence may be absent. The
decision-making process then shifts from focusing on the
patients current condition to assessing the probability that
this condition will deteriorate, as well as the likelihood of
being able to intervene quickly should that occur. Several
questions arise: How insightful is the patient about his or her
condition? Has the patient shown a willingness to seek more
intensive treatment in the past when asked to do so by family
or physician? Is there a complicating substance abuse problem? Do patient and family have quick and easy access to the
clinician, day and night if necessary? The availability and
competence of the patients community support system
family members, a reliable and available therapist or case
manager, and law enforcement officials who are informed
and experienced in the care of psychiatric patientsalso
come into play.

Medical Treatment: General Considerations

Treatment goals for management of the manic or mixedstate patient include emergency management to allow
for safe care in a standard inpatient setting; initial behavioral stabilization; mood stabilization; and, finally, transition to maintenance treatment.

Emergency Management
In general, the sooner an agitated manic patient can be effectively medicated, the better. A medication that is easy
to use, safe, and rapidly calming is the ideal. Haloperidol
given intramuscularly (IM) is the most widely used emergency treatment for acute mania (although other highpotency typical antipsychotics, such as fluphenazine, are
just as effective and slightly less likely to cause extrapyramidal syndrome [EPS]).2 Three of the atypicalsolanzapine,
ziprasidone, and risperidone (a depot preparation)are
now available in parenteral form. IM ziprasidone, 210 mg,
was shown in one study to offer a short-term advantage over
IM haloperidol for acute agitation and to be associated with
less EPS (Brook et al., 2000). IM clonazepam (.51.0 mg)
and IM lorazepam (12 mg) have also been used for shortterm treatment of agitated manic states; however, they are
not as effective as the high-potency antipsychotics in calming most manic patients. For example, IM olanzapine has
been shown to be superior to IM lorazepam for the treatment of acute manic agitation (Meehan et al., 2001). Nevertheless, benzodiazapines can be highly effective and provide some welcome drowsiness for patients in a mixed


manic state with a moderate degree of agitation; they also

are less likely to leave the patient as dysphoric as some feel
after receiving antipsychotics. On the other hand, the shortterm risk of disinhibition with benzodiazepines is a hazard
in the already hyperactive patient, although it is uncommon
after a single dose.

Initial Behavioral Stabilization

The treatments of choice in the first days of dealing with
moderately severe to severe mania vary by institution and
locale. Many American centers begin with valproate and/or
lithium or with a typical antipsychotic, the latter remaining
the most common choice for combination treatment (Chou
et al., 1996; Keck et al., 1996; Tohen et al., 2001), although
use of atypicals is increasing (Letmaier et al., 2006). By
contrast, many centers outside the United States continue
to use the typical antipsychotics as first-choice agents (Letmaier et al., 2004), either alone or in combination with
lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine. Both the more sedating atypical antipsychotics, such as clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine, and those that tend to be less sedating
risperidone, aripiprazole, and ziprasidoneare gaining in
popularity, and controlled data support their effectiveness as
monotherapy or for use in combination treatments to stabilize the manic patient. In applying these controlled data on
the new atypicals to clinical situations involving severe
psychotic mania, however, it is important to realize that the
ethics of placebo-controlled trials mean the sickest patients
are less likely to be included.
The primary caution with antipsychotic combinations
(especially the typical antipsychotics) relates to side effects,
such as weight gain and metabolic syndrome, EPS, effects
involving dopaminergic systems, and antipsychotic malignant syndrome. Moreover, concurrent administration of
multiple medications makes it difficult for the clinician to
determine which side effects and which beneficial effects
are due to which drug. Despite substantial evidence supporting the efficacy of atypical antipsychotic monotherapy for acute mania, a sizable fraction of patients do not
fully recover when these drugs are used alone, ultimately
necessitating a typical antipsychotic and/or the addition of
lithium or an anticonvulsant. Furthermore, because manic
patients are prone to rapid shifts in mood and behavior
during the early phases of recovery, those taking lithium
or an anticonvulsant alone will frequently require highpotency antipsychotics or benzodiazepine medications on
an as-needed basis during the first week or so of treatment.
Combination therapies therefore predominate in treatment for acute mania, despite the paucity of clinical studies specifically assessing their use. More detail about individual drugs (doses, blood levels, and the like) is provided



If a patient fails to improve or manic behavior escalates

despite the use of antipsychotics, lithium, and/or anticonvulsants, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a valuable alternative. Both a randomized controlled trial (Small et al.,
1988) and a large retrospective study (Black et al., 1987)
found that ECT compares favorably with lithium for the
treatment of acute mania or mixed states.3 ECT may also
be especially useful for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it is preferable to avoid medications, and for
those in mixed states with a high risk of suicide. Obtaining
informed consent for ECT, however, can be quite difficult
with acutely manic or mixed patients. Some clinical investigators believe bilateral electrode placement may be necessary to obtain the full antimanic effect of ECT (Milstein
et al., 1987), whereas others find no difference between unilateral and bilateral placement (Black et al., 1987). If ECT is
used, lithium dosage should be reduced or discontinued because of the risk of delirium (Rudorfer et al., 1987). Rapid
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) may turn out to
be a useful alternative to ECT in some patients.
In acutely manic patients who do not respond to or
cannot tolerate lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, or antipsychotics, the question arises of whether newer anticonvulsants may be adequate alternatives. Topiramate had
been of interest because of its potential to produce weight
loss, but controlled data have failed to demonstrate its antimanic efficacy. Oxcarbazepine has also been of interest
because of its relatively more benign side-effect profile,
especially the fact that it lacks the hematopoietic effects of
the parent compound. Yet while some open studies have
found it to be helpful (perhaps especially in patients with
milder manic symptoms), there have been no adequately
controlled studies establishing its efficacy as monotherapy. Gabapentin has shown no antimanic efficacy in controlled trials, although its sedative or anxiolytic properties
may be useful when it is combined with an antimanic
agent. Phenytoin and levetiracetam appear to show some
antimanic activity as adjuncts, but controlled monotherapy data are still lacking.

Mood Stabilization
The likelihood that manic symptoms will resolve rapidly
or slowly often becomes apparent within the first 4 to 5 days
of inpatient care. While the occasional extremely agitated
and delusional patient will remain calm for days after a single IM injection of antipsychotic medication, other patients
will remain manic to the point of requiring seclusion and
physical restraint for a week or more despite receiving highdose antipsychotics combined with an anticonvulsant and
lithium. Most patients response to treatment falls somewhere between these extremes, and the length of time to recovery cannot be predicted accurately.

When patients accept short-term medical management,

they often do so without really understanding or accepting
their diagnosis and its implications, especially in the initial
stages of their recovery. With clinical improvement, however,
many manic patients will develop at least partial insight into
the full consequences of uncontrolled mania and sign on to
the treatment plan. At this point, the physician will be able to
have more meaningful though still limited discussion of the
advantages and disadvantages of the various treatment options with the patient. When the patient recovers the capacity
to exercise sufficient judgment, it becomes possible for patient and physician to collaborate on a plan for continued
acute treatment and a strategy for remission maintenance.
Day hospital is often an ideal setting for manic patients who
are partially recovered and cooperative to attain adequate
control of their symptoms and improved insight and judgment. When dealing with hypomanic patients in particular,
it can be helpful to point out that hypomania, albeit more
than pleasant at the moment, usually can be thought of as
the beginning of the next depression.

Continuation Treatment and the Transition

to Maintenance Therapy
Even with aggressive pharmacotherapy, severely ill manic
patients can take 4 weeks or longer to attain a stable affective
state with sufficient insight to permit outpatient care. With
careful monitoring of the therapeutic benefits as well as the
side effects of treatment, titration of the lithium, anticonvulsant, or antipsychotic dose into the therapeutic range (using
blood levels where appropriate), along with a gradual decrease in the dose of any typical antipsychotic medication,
can be substantially accomplished within 12 weeks of initiation of treatment. By the third week, some patients can be
maintained on lithium, an anticonvulsant, or an atypical
antipsychotic alone. Recovering manic patients should not
be discharged to day hospital or outpatient care unless they
are well enough to make an informed and reliable commitment to medication adherence (see Chapter 21) and regular
office or clinic visits; in addition, it is helpful to enlist family
members whose involvement can increase the likelihood
that the treatment plan will be followed.
The danger of discharge without sufficient improvement and insight is not merely a theoretical concern. Patients who appear to be improving over the short term can
rapidly relapse into manic symptoms if they do not adhere
to treatment; even if they do adhere, they may cycle into
the depressed phase of the illness. Moreover, many patients
with bipolar disorder are at substantial risk for suicidal behavior, regardless of the polarity of the acute episode (see
Chapter 8).4 Rucci and colleagues (2002) found that an
intensive treatment program, which included closely monitoring treatment adherence and tracking down patients

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

who missed appointments, virtually eliminated suicide attempts in bipolar patients in the period following an acute
manic episode.




Extreme Hyperactivity
Extreme hyperactivity poses substantial direct and indirect
risks to manic patients; these include dehydration, cardiovascular stress, and the medically necessitated physical restraint and seclusion often associated with intense agitation.
It should not be forgotten that many manic patients died
of exhaustion before the advent of modern treatments (see
Fig. 181). Typical antipsychotics are the most rapidly effective agents in controlling this set of symptoms; in these situations, they are often combined with lithium, an anticonvulsant, or an atypical antipsychotic.

Psychotic Symptoms
Approximately 50 percent of inpatient manic patients suffer
from delusions, usually grandiose or paranoid in nature.
Formal thought disorder and auditory hallucinations, although less common, also occur relatively frequently (see
Chapter 2). Antipsychotics (both typical and atypical) are
quite effective in treating these symptoms.

Euphoric versus Mixed Mania

Prior to the availability of anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics, a combination of lithium and typical antipsychotics was generally used for the acute treatment of mixed

Figure 181. Deaths from psychotic exhaustion. Mortality statistics

for psychotic exhaustion, Royal Park Hospital, for the years
19461950, 19561960, 19661970. (Source: Cade, 1978.)










Mixed Mania

Classic Mania

p < .025

Figure 182. Percent response to divalproex and lithium in classic

vs. mixed mania. (Source: Adapted from Bowden et al., 1994. Reprinted with permission.)

states. Some studies have shown lithium to be more effective in typical manic states than in dysphoric/mixed or
rapid-cycling acute states, whereas valproate is particularly
effective in mixed or acute rapid-cycling states (Juckel et al.,
2000). Two separate analyses of the original divalproex registration trial showed divalproex monotherapy to be superior to lithium monotherapy for the treatment of manic
states in patients with elevated depression scales and in
those with multiple previous episodes. However, this is
confounded by the high number of prior lithium failures
in the sample. Carbamazepine may be superior to lithium
for mixed states (Emilien et al., 1996).
It is important to note that in the divalproex registration trial, lithium was more effective than divalproex
among patients with the classic manic features of euphoria and grandiosity (see Fig. 182). This trial is also noteworthy for finding that prior good response to lithium predicted a good response during subsequent manic episodes
and a poorer response to anticonvulsantsan argument for
using lithium in some patients with mixed states despite the
apparent superiority of valproate in treating such states.
Olanzapine, either as monotherapy or adjunctively, has
been shown to be as effective in mixed mania as in pure mania. There are similar data for other atypical antipsychotics,
suggesting a class effect. However, each atypical is unique in
its clinical profile, and many patients do poorly on one but
very well on another.

Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder


Percent Responders


Clinical Features That Modify Medication




A history of rapid cycling, usually defined as four or more

affective episodes within 1 year, has implications for the



treatment of acute mania in that it makes sense to start medications in the short term that have proven beneficial for this
subgroup of patients in the longer term. Early studies of
lithium prophylaxis suggested that patients with a history of
at least four affective episodes in 1 year were disproportionately overrepresented among those who failed to experience
a prophylactic effect from lithium (Dunner and Fieve, 1974).
However, a more recent naturalistic study of rapid-cycling
and non-rapid-cycling patients found that lithium was
equally effective in both groups (Baldessarini et al., 2000), a
finding that may, in part, be related to the relatively conservative use of antidepressants in this particular group of patients. Another important consideration is that in the Dunner and Fieve study, the minimum criterion for treatment
failure was a single new episode, whereas Baldessarini and
colleagues examined the overall reduction in morbidity associated with lithium treatment in the two groups of patients; clinically, the latter is a more relevant measure. Indeed,
Dunner (2000) himself advocated starting lithium acutely in
patients with a history of rapid cycling and only adding an
anticonvulsant later if needed. Likewise, McElroy and Keck
(2000), based on their review of the literature, recommended
that manic or mixed-state patients with a history of rapid cycling be started on lithium, reserving adjunctive valproate
for those who fail to respond to lithium. However, contemporary North American guidelines recommend that rapidcycling patients be started on an anticonvulsant acutely (valproate is recommended most frequently; see Sachs et al.,
2000), with the option of adding lithium later depending on
the response to the anticonvulsant. This recommendation
may be modified in light of the recent carefully controlled
trial of Calabrese and colleagues (2005) showing that lithium
and divalproex monotherapy had equivalent (poor) maintenance efficacy in rapid-cycling patients who had been stabilized on the combination (see Chapter 20).
Rapid cycling has also been shown to predict an acute
antimanic effect for carbamazepine (Post et al., 1986a),
although results of other studies indicate that this effect
does not translate into prophylaxis against mania in patients with a history of rapid cycling (Denicoff et al.,
1997). In the initial studies that established olanzapine as
an antimanic agent, it was equally effective among rapid
and nonrapid cyclers (Tohen et al., 2004), and this appears to be true for other atypicals as well. Furthermore,
among patients with a history of rapid cycling who are
nonresponders to lithium or anticonvulsants, the addition of atypical antipsychotics has been shown to be effective for the treatment of acute mania (Sanger et al.,
2003), although the data do not support giving an atypical to all patients with a history of rapid cycling in the
absence of other indications.

Medication Dosages and Therapeutic Monitoring

Lithiums antimanic effects correlate more closely with
serum levels than with dosage. Early studies of its efficacy
in mania indicate that its antimanic (as well as its prophylactic) serum level is positively correlated with blood levels. Results of several monotherapy studies suggest that
levels below .8 milliequivalents per liter (mEq/l) are not
as effective as those above this level. Although there is an
upper limit of therapeutic benefit in serum lithium level,
this limit appears to be set by toxicity rather than by loss of
therapeutic benefit. Prien and Caffeys (1976) systematic
search of their controlled trial data established .9 mEq/l as
the lower limit for antimanic efficacy and 1.4 mEq/l as the
limit above which additional benefit could not be demonstrated because of high rates of toxicity. It is important to
note that when lithium is administered to an acutely manic
patient, it is generally necessary to adjust the dose downward as the mania begins to subside in order to maintain
the blood level in a reasonable range. As detailed in the
first edition, the ratio of dose to plasma level is higher in
mania than in euthymia or depression. The mechanism by
which lithium excretion appears to be enhanced during
manic states is unknown, but probably involves changes in
aldosterone levels. Following resolution of the acute mania
(that is, when shifting to the continuation phase of treatment), the blood level should gradually be reduced, if possible, to the .6.8 mEq/l range (see Chapter 20).

As with lithium, the therapeutic benefit of anticonvulsants
in mania appears to correlate with serum levels rather than
with dosage. Thus studies of valproate suggest that levels
above 45 micrograms per milliliter (g/ml) are necessary for
antimanic efficacy (Bowden et al., 1996) and that side effects
become increasingly problematic at levels above 125 g/ml.
Oral medication loading strategies have been devised for
speeding up the onset of the antimanic action of anticonvulsants. For valproate, the strategy is to dose at 30 milligrams
per kilogram (mg/kg) of body weight for days 1 and 2 of
therapy, followed by 20 mg/kg on days 310 (Hirschfeld et
al., 1999). In one double-blind study, valproate loading was
shown to be at least as rapid in reducing manic symptoms
as treatment with haloperidol (McElroy et al., 1996), and in
a pooled analysis of randomized, double-blind studies, the
loading strategy was found to be more rapidly effective
than standard-titration valproate and equivalent to olanzapine (Hirschfeld et al., 2003). Intravenous loading has
also been reported to be rapidly effective and may be an
option for some patients (Grunze et al., 1999a).

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

Serum carbamazepine levels of 812 mEq/ml appear to

be optimal for the treatment of mania (Post et al., 1986a).
Although oxcarbazepine has been studied in Europe since
the early 1980s, its optimal dose and therapeutic serum level
have not been established for the treatment of bipolar disorder. A dose that is 1.5 times that of carbamazepine (oxcarbamazepine dose of 6001200 mg/day) is recommended for
epilepsy (Dam, 1994), and clinical experience suggests this
ratio is probably appropriate for mania as well.


Although clinicians have frequently used larger oral doses

of antipsychotics for acute mania than for schizophrenia,
results of controlled studies suggest that lower doses are effective for mania as well. Haloperidol remains widely used
at doses ranging from 2 mg/day up to as high as 50 mg/day
(25 mg orally every 12 hours).5 Chlorpromazine, thioridazine, and other low-potency antipsychotic agents are
now used rarely because of high rates of orthostatic hypotension and extrapyramidal side effects.6

is started at 1 mg every 68 hours and usually does not exceed 610 mg/day. Aripiprazole doses of 30 mg/day are
generally recommended, with an option to decrease this
dose to 15 mg/day if tolerability is a problem. Oral ziprasidone is started at 40 mg twice daily (BID) with food, increased to 60 or 80 mg BID on the second day, then adjusted in the range of 4080 mg BID. The IM dose in acute
psychotic states is usually about 1020 mg every 4 hours,
up to 40 mg/day.
It has been suggested that there may be clinically important differences among the various atypical antipsychotics in the initial onset of antimanic effects (Keck,
2005). However, such a conclusion is premature given the
design differences among the various registration trials for
these drugs. For the risperidone and ziprasidone trials, the
first ratings were obtained at 1 or 2 days, for aripiprazole at
4 days, and for olanzapine at 7 days. The impression that
ziprasidone and risperidone have a more rapid onset of action than the other drugs is probably an artifact of these
design differences.

Atypical Antipsychotic Agents


A major change in the treatment of mania since 1990, especially in the United States, has been the emergence of atypical antipsychotics as effective antimanic agents. Olanzapine,
risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and aripiprazole have
received the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as antimanic agents, and as of this writing, the
European regulatory agency has approved olanzapine,
risperidone, and quetiapine. In the United States, olanzapine, quetiapine, and clozapine have largely replaced chlorpromazine and thioridazine as the favored sedating antipsychotics. However, it is worth noting that these new drugs are
not always an adequate replacement for the typical agents,
especially in cases of more severe mania and when rapid
control of psychosis and hyperactivity are required, such as
in an emergency room setting. As Licht and colleagues (1997)
pointed out, placebo-controlled trials of atypicals have, of
necessity, tended to involve more moderately ill patients in
order to obtain ethically acceptable informed consent.
Olanzapine is usually begun at oral doses of 2.55 mg
every 6 hours for treatment of mania, titrated up to
20 mg/day (although some studies suggest 2.55 mg/day
may work as well). Quetiapine is dosed on the basis of
height, weight, and clinical response, but not blood levels;
the usual starting dose is 100 mg/day, with a target dose
ranging from 400 to 800 mg/day and averaging 600 mg/day.
Clozapine is begun at 2550 mg every 6 hours and titrated
up to 1,000 mg/day.
Use of the less sedating oral antipsychotics risperidone,
aripiprazole, and ziprasidone is also increasing. Risperidone

High-potency benzodiazepines, including lorazepam and

clonazepam, have been shown to have short-term benefits
in the treatment of acute manic agitated states, especially
in emergency room settings. IM or oral doses of 12 mg up
to every 2 hours are most common (Lenox et al., 1992). Adjunctive oral benzodiazepines can also be useful, such as in
the management of the initial activation sometimes seen
with ziprasidone or aripiprazole.

Typical Antipsychotic Agents

Hypomanic Symptoms
Hypomanic symptoms need not always be treated aggressively, as they will often resolve with watchful waiting. However, repeated episodes of hypomania can be indicators of
more general mood instability that should lead the clinician to reassess the adequacy of the maintenance strategy
(see Chapter 20). The threshold for treating hypomanic
symptoms in a particular patient depends on diagnostic
considerations: the threshold should be lower in patients
with a history of similar symptoms evolving into full-blown
mania (i.e., bipolar-I disorder) than in those whose hypomanic episodes have never progressed to mania (i.e.,
bipolar-II). Hypomania with depressive features (dysphoric
hypomania) is not uncommon (see Chapters 1 and 2), and
this makes it more likely that pharmacological intervention
will be sought and needed.
The decision regarding treatment can often be difficult,
however; patients early in the course of illness whose diagnosis is less than clear and those who are unreliable present obvious challenges. It is important to remember that



patients with mild hypomania can be disinhibited enough

to suffer substantial interpersonal, professional, or financial or legal adverse consequences from a period of even
mildly elevated mood. Approaches thought to be useful for
the treatment of mania have generally been extrapolated
to the treatment of hypomania, as there is a paucity of clinical research data specifically on the treatment of hypomania. Finally, it is reasonable to consider the possibility
that treatment of hypomania may reduce the likelihood
and/or severity of subsequent depressive episodes. Indeed,
as noted earlier, it can be useful to point out that a period
of hypomania is often the beginning of the next depression
when dealing with a hypomanic patient reluctant to be
An evaluation for possible etiological factors is an
initial step in deciding how to proceed. Iatrogenic causes
should be investigated, specifically the recent addition to
the patients regimen of a medication, such as an antidepressant, that may precipitate hypomanic symptoms (see
Chapter 19). Numerous over-the-counter preparations
including nutritional supplements such as St. Johns Wort
(Nierenberg et al., 1999), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
(Dean, 2000), and othershave been reported to be associated with hypomanic symptoms. Patients not infrequently
supplement their prescribed medications with such preparations without informing their physicians because they
fear disapproval or do not realize the potential for adverse
effects. Surreptitious substance abuse is another important
and all-too-common factor, as is sleep deprivation.
Lowering the dose of or discontinuing such potentially
mania-inducing agents is a sensible first step in addressing
hypomanic symptoms. Thereafter, a reasonable initial intervention is to optimize whatever antimanic treatment
the patient is already receiving. Dosage increases need to
be guided by serum drug levels when possible, while the
implications for long-term management should be considered before another agent is added. The addition of an
anticonvulsant to lithium or vice versa may be indicated
if the current hypomanic episode is one of many and
appears to signify a pattern of inadequate maintenance
treatment. The addition of an atypical antipsychotic agent
is frequently recommended for the short-term control of
hypomanic symptoms, especially given the fairly rapid onset of benefit, which may be due to immediate improvement in sleep. Vieta and colleagues (2001) examined this
strategy in an open study of 44 patients with bipolar-II
disorder. In the 34 patients who completed the study, the
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) score dropped from
a mean of 22.1 to 3.1 (essentially asymptomatic) within
2 weeks when risperidone was added to various other medications being taken, including lithium, anticonvulsants,
and combinations.

Benzodiazepines also have a place in the treatment of

hypomanic symptoms. The temporary use of adjunctive
clonazepam often can abort the beginning of a hypomanic
episode by stabilizing sleep, although systematic data on
this strategy are lacking.
Figure 183 outlines our recommended approach to the
treatment of acute mania/ hypomania.

Psychological Issues Related to Medical

Treatment of Mania
Many manic or mixed-state patients in acute care will
undergo treatment without real insight into their condition. Although each situation is unique, some general
guidelines can be offered to the clinician working with
acutely manic patients whose judgment is substantially
The most extreme situation is when the patient is dangerous but will not or cannot give informed consent for
treatment. In most states, commitment to a hospital is sufficient legal grounds for emergency medication against the
patients wishes, but not for routine medication, which often requires a separate administrative review. In more moderate circumstances, the patient is intermittently agreeable
to treatment, or is consistently agreeable to some medication interventions but not to others. In such cases, establishing a few firm, non-negotiable limits very calmly and
without rhetorical flourish or rancor can minimize a confrontation in the acute care situation.7 Once a degree of cooperation has been achieved, it is important to begin educating manic patients about diagnosis and treatment to the
extent that they are able to comprehend these matters, while
gradually negotiating a path toward a full commitment to
maintenance therapy. (These issues are explored in detail
in Chapter 22.) As noted in Chapter 17, the most effective
approaches involve the integration of drugs and psychotherapy.
Although family members are often no more able than
the treating clinician to win a manic patients cooperation,
they are in a position to strengthen the patients resolve
against treatment if they do not understand the disorder
and the rationale for the treatment. Families can easily become frightened by the intrinsically imprecise nature of
pharmacological treatment of mania; they may worry that
the patient taking multiple medications is being overmedicated and become concerned about the quality of care. It
is important to inform family members about the sedative
effects of medications and the extent to which such effects
may be unavoidable (or even welcomed). Warning family
members about likely side effects (such as periods of oversedation) and options for their management will reassure
them and help gain their trust in and collaboration with
the treatment process.

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States


Pharmacological Treatment of Mania/Hypomania

If not on a mood



If on a mood stabilizer

Assess for possible

precipitating factors,
such as substance
use, prescription
drugs, and life stressors.
Stabilize sleep with
short-term use of
benzondiazepines or
other hypnotics.






If euphoric and
without history of
rapid cycles,
consider lithium first.
If mixed and/or with
history of rapid
cycles, consider
valproate first.
In the presence of
psychotic features,
add an atypical to
the mood stabilizer.

Increase clinical
Assess for possible
precipitating factors,
such as substance
use, prescription
drugs, and life
Increase mood
stabilizer dose.
Stabilize sleep with
short-term use of
benzodiazepines or
other hypnotics.

If no response at week
2, consider either:

Addition of an atypical
antipsychotic to the mood
Addition of a second
mood stabilizer
(lithium or valproate)

If still no response after

another 45 days:

If still no response after

another 45 days:

Consider triple therapy

(lithium plus anticonvulsant
plus atypical antipsychotic).

Consider triple therapy

(lithium plus anticonvulsant
plus atypical antipsychotic).

Figure 183. Recommendations for pharmacologic treatment of acute mania/hypomania.



In this section we review the literature on the various medications used to treat hypomania, mania, and mixed states:
lithium, anticonvulsants, typical and atypical antipsychotics,
and benzodiazepines. Other treatments, including ECT,
TMS, calcium channel blockers, omega-3 fatty acids, and
cholinergic agents, are discussed as well. Results of randomized, double-blind monotherapy trials for each of the major
pharmacological agents are summarized in Table 181 and
Figure 184, while results of non-placebo-controlled trials
and placebo-controlled add-on trials are summarized in
Table 182.

Earlier controlled studies of lithium clearly established its

superiority to placebo in treating acute mania. Studies conducted since 1990 were designed to compare newer medications with lithium as the reference antimanic agent (e.g.,
Bowden et al., 1994).
As detailed in the first edition of this volume, early
placebo-controlled studies8 established lithium as an effective, although not rapidly acting, treatment of choice for
mania.9 Many of these studies varied as to dosage, serum
levels, and rapidity of dosage titration, making it difficult to
establish the precise time to onset of lithiums antimanic



Table 181. Summary of Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled

Monotherapy Trials That Have Demonstrated
Acute Antimanic Efficacy

Sample Sizea

No. of Studies






















Combined drug and placebo groups.

action. Nonetheless, there is little doubt that lithium is

as effective as other antimanic agents over a 3-week period,
with some studies showing a more rapid onset of action (as
little as 10 days).
The largest randomized, double-blind study of lithium
versus placebo in acutely manic patients was actually designed to study the benefits of divalproex (valproate) for the
treatment of acute mania, with lithium- and placebo-treated

groups serving as controls (Bowden et al., 1994; Swann

et al., 1997, 2002). In this study, 49 percent of the lithiumtreated patients responded (i.e., had at least a 50 percent
reduction in their YMRS scores) during the 3-week trial
period (efficacy comparable to that seen for the valproate
group). This result doubled the response rate of 25 percent
in the placebo group. Nearly half of the patients had a
history of poor response to lithium, which predicted the

Mood Stabilizers
Atypical Antipsychotics


N = 223

N = 273

N = 304

N = 208

N = 268

N = 260





N = 1265


N = 255


N = 134






Percent Responders
(> 50% Mania Rating Decrease)

Figure 184. Response rates for acute mania monotherapy. Mg/d = milligrams/day. (Source: Bowden et al., 2005.)

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States


Table 182. Drugs Demonstrating Acute Antimanic Efficacy in Non-Placebo-Controlled

Comparison Trials or in Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trials

No. of Studies

Sample Size



Equivalent to typical antipsychotics or valproate



Equivalent to typical antipsychotics



Equivalent to lithium or typical antipsychotics



Equivalent to both lithium and haloperidol



Modest additional benefit when added to haloperidol among partial




Open-labeled monotherapy benefit or equivalent to chlorpromazine



More effective than or equivalent to lithium



Equivalent to lithium and atypical antipsychotics



Open-labeled monotherapy benefit or additional benefit when added

to mood stabilizers



Equivalent to lithium; more effective than placebo as adjunct among

non- or partial responders to lithium or anticonvulsants





therapy (ECT)







Equivalent to haloperidol, lithium, and valproate; more effective than

placebo as adjunct among non- or partial responders to lithium
or valproate
More effective than placebo as adjunct among non- or partial responders
to lithium and valproate
Equivalent to lithium; ECT + chlorpromazepine more effective
than ECT alone

Note: Many of the individual studies comparing two active drugs without a placebo control lack sufficient statistical power to make it possible
to evaluate whether the observed absence of a difference actually means equivalence.

differential response seen in this trial. Thus among the

prior lithium responders who received lithium in this
trial, there was a 15-point mean reduction in YMRS scores
(a 60 percent improvement), compared with only a 1-point
mean improvement in the previously nonresponsive group
(Bowden et al., 1994). Among the prior lithium responders randomized to valproate, by contrast, there was only
a 27 percent improvement, compared with the 60 percent
improvement with lithium.
In another analysis of the data from this study, Swann and
colleagues (1997) found evidence of some pharmacological

specificity in that patients with mixed manic-depressive

symptoms had a better response to valproate than to
lithium, while those with typical manic symptoms did better
on lithium (Bowden et al., 1995; see Fig. 182). Still another
analysis of the same dataset, illustrated in Figure 185, revealed that manic patients with more than 10 prior affective
episodes (of any polarity) also had a poorer response with
lithium than with valproate (Swann et al., 1999). (Details of
the findings on the efficacy of valproate are discussed below.)
A 12-week trial designed to evaluate quetiapine in acute
mania included 98 patients on lithium as an active control



Improvement in SADS Manic Syndrome Score


Placebo (N = 63)
Lithium (N = 29)
Divalproex (N = 62)






Cumulative Number of Previous Episodes

Figure 185. Number of prior episodes as a predictor of acute antimanic response to

lithium or divalproex. SADS = Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia.
(Source: Swann et al., 1999. Reprinted with permission from the American Journal of
Psychiatry, copyright 1999, American Psychiatric Association.)

(mean serum lithium .77 mEq/l). The response rate among

the latter patients (defined as a decrease in YMRS scores
of 50 percent or more) was 53 percentidentical to the response rate among the 107 patients on quetiapine and significantly better than that among the placebo group (27
percent). Discontinuation because of adverse events was
infrequent with both drugs (lithium 6.1 percent, quetiapine 6.5 percent) (Bowden et al., 2005).
The response rates to lithium in the relatively recent
studies of valproate and quetiapine are somewhat lower
than the rates found in earlier studies. While this difference may relate in part to the evolution of research
methodologies, another explanation (noted in Chapter
17) is (unintentional) referral bias. It is an old adage in
medicine that the longer a successful treatment is available to clinicians, the more difficult it becomes for investigators to show that it still works. The reasons for this
are straightforward. Among the bipolar patients referred
to research centers for the evaluation of a new drug, those
who are already doing well on lithium would tend to be
underrepresented. Neither the patients nor their physicians have much of an incentive for participation in a
trial of a new agent in which they have a chance to end
up taking placebo. We also refer the reader to Box 174
in Chapter 17, which reviews the shift in prescribing patterns in the United States away from lithium and toward
valproate, and suggests a possible nonmedical explanation for part of this shift.

There has been one trial of rapid administration (loading doses) of lithium to treat acute mania, aimed at assessing the potential to reduce the delay in the drugs onset of
action (Keck et al., 2001b). In this trial, 15 manic and mixedstate patients were treated with 20 mg/day of lithium given
in two doses. Concomitant lorazepam up to 4 mg/day
through day 6 and up to 2 mg/day through day 8 was also
allowed during the study. All patients achieved lithium levels above .6 mEq/l after 1 day of treatment. Two could not
tolerate the rapid titration and stoppedone because of
tachycardia and the other because of tremor, fatigue, and
diarrheaand one subject did not adhere to the regimen.
Among the remaining 12 subjects, 7 were well enough to be
discharged before the 10-day trial was completed. The mean
YMRS score for these subjects was 11. Overall, 9 of 15 patients had achieved a greater than 50 percent reduction
in YMRS scores by day 10 (by definition they were responders).
As noted in Chapter 14, one hypothesis for the therapeutic action of lithium in mania is its inhibition of inositol
monophosphatase, which by reducing brain inositol levels
decreases the ability of neurons to generate certain second
messengers. In a recent pilot open study, Shaldubina and
colleagues (2006) evaluated the effect of an inositol-deficient
diet on the clinical efficacy of lithium in a mixed group of
15 bipolar patients. Seven of these patients were in a manic
episode that had not responded to lithium, and the remainder were lithium- or valproate-resistant rapid cyclers. Ten

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

of the patients evidenced a substantial reduction in symptom severity, beginning in the first 12 weeks of treatment;
of the 5 who did not respond, 3 did not adhere to the diet.
A controlled replication of this intriguing observation is

The use of anticonvulsant agents for the treatment of
bipolar disorder was a watershed event for psychiatry in
the late twentieth century. The clear effectiveness of some
anticonvulsants for patients who do not respond well to
or cannot tolerate lithium has made these drugs a welcome
addition to the armamentarium. Controlled trials have
shown both valproate and carbamazepine (including the
new extended-release formulations of each) to be more effective than placebo and, as noted above, as effective as
lithium for treatment of acute mania.10 Moreover, a series
of small non-placebo-controlled studies has found that
oxcarbazepine, the 10-keto metabolite of carbamazepine,
appears to have antimanic action similar to that of its parent compound, but requiring a higher dose. It has also become clear that not all anticonvulsants are effective antimanic agents. Thus while several case reports and open
studies had suggested that topiramate might be effective
for the treatment of acute mania, controlled studies have
failed to show its efficacy as monotherapy for this state. Results of open studies suggest its usefulness as an adjunct,
but these results need to be confirmed with placebocontrolled studies. There are also a few case reports of apparent precipitation of manic symptoms with topiramate.11
One controlled study supports the efficacy of phenytoin as
an adjunct, while monotherapy studies of gabapentin and
the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) analogue tiagabine
have shown no apparent benefit in manic patients. Results
of open studies suggest some efficacy for levetiracetam in
treating acute mania, but there are as yet no controlled data.
Other, newer anticonvulsants that have not been assessed in
systematic studies of bipolar patients include losigamone,
progabide, and vigabatrin.

Starting in the 1970s, a number of studies showed carbamazepine to be superior to placebo, although not necessarily equivalent to lithium, in the short-term treatment
of mania.12,13 Okuma and colleagues (1990) conducted a
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of manic patients
who were undergoing treatment with antipsychotics without substantial benefit. Half of the 105 patients were given
4001200 mg/day of carbamazepine, and the other half
were given lithium in amounts sufficient to establish relatively low mean serum levels of .46; all the patients continued on haloperidol. The final assessment revealed moderate


to marked improvement in both groups of patients.14 Since

no group was assigned to continue antipsychotics alone,
however, it remains unclear how much of the improvement seen was due to the adjunctive mood stabilizers versus the antipsychotics themselves. Small and colleagues
(1991) conducted an 8-week double-blind comparison of
carbamazepine and lithium in 52 hospitalized acutely
manic patients. They found that the two drugs were
equally effective in reducing manic symptoms (as judged
by YMRS scores),15 a conclusion supported by a later
meta-analysis (Emilien et al., 1996).
Post and colleagues (1987) studied carbamazepine for
the treatment of mania and concluded that rapid-cycling
illness was a predictor of the drugs efficacy in treating acute
mania. Subsequent investigators reported, however, that
many patients with rapid cycling did not have good control of mania symptoms over the long term on carbamazepine monotherapy. For example, Denicoff and colleagues (1997) found that fewer than 20 percent of patients
with rapid-cycling illness remained in remission during
a 1-year study of the drug. More recently, however, two large
multicenter double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of the
extended-release formulation of carbamazepine showed its
superiority over placebo for the acute treatement of mania or
mixed states (Weisler et al., 2004, 2005). On the basis of these
two trials,16 extended-release carbamazepine has been approved by the FDA for the acute treatment of mania/mixed
In one of the few available studies of combinations of anticonvulsants, a retrospective chart review revealed that 12
bipolar manic patients but none of 4 schizoaffective manic
patients did well with a combination of valproate and carbamazepine (Tohen et al., 1994). Small and colleagues (1995)
conducted an 8-week inpatient trial of carbamazepine plus
lithium compared with haloperidol plus lithium in manic
patients. About half of the original 60 patients dropped out
of the study during the 2-week placebo washout phase, primarily because of worsening mania. Among the 33 remaining patients, 17 treated with carbamazepine plus lithium and
16 with haloperidol plus lithium showed comparable levels
of improvement. However, more of the latter patients left
the study prematurely because of side effects. Conversely,
more of the former patients terminated the protocol because of nonadherence; this group also needed more rescue medications for aggressive, uncooperative behavior in
the first week of therapy.

The French psychiatrist Lambert first reported a possible
role for valproate in the treatment of bipolar disorder in the
course of its first clinical trials in patients with epilepsy in
the 1960s (Lambert et al., 1966). Many years later, Calabrese



and Delucchi (1990) found that the drug appeared to have

marked effects in treating mania, mixed states, and cycling.
They also noted that most patients (63 percent) with a good
response to the drug had failed to improve on lithium or
carbamazepine (or both). The most striking results were
seen in patients with mixed mania; for the group as a whole
there was minimal evidence of any benefit during the depressive phases of illness.17 Calabrese and colleagues (1992)
later suggested that the subgroup of patients for whom valproate had shown some antidepressant effect were likely to
have experienced an antimanic effect as well.
Muller-Oerlinghausen and colleagues (2000) reported on
a double-blind, placebo-controlled study in which valproate
was added to the medications used more commonly to treat
acute mania in European centerstypical antipsychotics. A
total of 136 patients taking haloperidol and/or perazine or
some other antipsychotic received either valproate at a fixed
dose of 20 mg/kg or placebo. The patients receiving valproate
experienced a more rapid remission of symptoms and required progressively lower doses of the antipsychotic relative
to patients in the placebo group. (It is not clear whether the
sample was all fresh patients or included any non- or partial responders to antipsychotic monotherapy.) Studies of
the reversean adjunctive antipsychotic among patients not
responding adequately to lithium or anticonvulsantare reviewed in the section on antipsychotics below.
Randomized, placebo-controlled studies have compared
valproate with placebo and with lithium. In the first such
study (Pope et al., 1991), 17 patients were randomized to divalproex and 19 to placebo. The divalproex-treated patients
showed a median improvement in YMRS scores of 54 percent, versus only 5 percent for the placebo group (p = .003).
Similar benefit was seen on the Global Assessment of Social Scale (GAS) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
(BPRS). A significant problem with this and several other
studies of mania is that the completion rate for the 3-week
study was only 24 percent in the divalproex group and 21
percent in the placebo group.
In the largest placebo-controlled study of acute mania
conducted to date (referred to above in our review of
lithium studies), 179 patients with acute mania were treated
with either divalproex, lithium, or placebo for 21 days
(Bowden et al., 1994) (as in the Pope et al. [1991] study, a
large number of patients failed to complete this study).
About half of the patients in the divalproex- and lithiumtreated groups but only one-fourth of the patients in the
placebo-treated group showed marked improvement. While
the authors concluded that the efficacy of divalproex appeared to be independent of prior responsiveness to lithium,
in fact the drug showed only a 27 percent response rate
among prior lithium responders (compared with a 60 percent response rate with lithium) while having greater effi-

cacy among prior lithium nonresponders. As noted above,

in a later analysis of this study, Swann and colleagues (1999)
found that a history of many previous episodes (but not
rapid cycling or mixed states) predicted a poor response to
lithium and placebo but not to valproate.
An earlier double-blind study comparing lithium and
divalproex in the treatment of acute mania found that high
pretreatment depression scores (i.e., mixed-mood symptoms) predicted a favorable response to divalproex but not
to lithium, although lithium had a slightly higher efficacy
rate overall, with a trend toward better efficacy in patients
with classic euphoric mania (Freeman et al., 1992). Several
subsequent analyses have supported the preferential use
of divalproex for irritabledysphoric, mixed, and rapidcycling states (Bowden et al., 1994; Swann et al., 2002),
while lithium has shown some advantage for patients with
classic euphoric/grandiose mania (see Fig. 182), although
the apparent advantage of lithium in this group is not reflected in the various North American treatment guidelines. It has been suggested that manic patients treated with
valproate have shorter hospital stays and lower associated
costs than patients treated with lithium. One retrospective
study examining this issue reported a 40 percent reduction
in length of stay for patients on divalproex monotherapy
compared with those on lithium monotherapy (Frye et al.,
1996); however, another, similar study found no such advantage (Dalkilic et al., 2000).
Recently, high-dose intravenous valproate (20 mg/kg over
30 minutes) was evaluated in seven acute manic patients,
with no benefit noted. The authors speculated that the antimanic effect of anticonvulsants requires changes in cell
signaling systems over time (Phrolov et al., 2004). The new
extended-release form of divalproex, which allows oncea-day dosing was recently approved by the FDA for the
acute treatment of mania after it was shown to be superior
to placebo in a 3-week randomized, parallel-group, multicenter study (Bowden et al., 2006).

Oxcarbazepine is one of two major products of the microsomal metabolism of carbamazepine. It is nearly devoid of
hematological side effects, and, compared with carbamazepine causes fewer allergic skin reactions, and appears to
be much less active as a hepatic enzyme inducer (i.e., causes
less autoinduction). It is, however, a significant contributor
to the occasional gastrointestinal, teratogenic, endocrine,
and central nervous system toxicity seen with carbamazepine. Hyponatremia is the one adverse effect that may
occur more frequently with this drug than with the parent
compound (see the recent review by Ketter, 2005).
Several 2-week open clinical trials conducted in Germany in the 1980s indicated that relatively high doses of

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

oxcarbazepine had an effect equivalent to that of haloperidol (mean dose of 42 mg/day) in acutely manic patients;
the oxcarbazepine was very well tolerated compared with
the high-dose haloperidol regimen. Two randomized comparisons, one with valproate (Emrich et al., 1985) and one
with lithium (Emrich, 1990), found that oxcarbazepine
had comparable efficacy over 2 weeks, with roughly similar
side-effect profiles; however, the absence of a placebo group
in these studies renders their conclusions tentative. A more
recent study of oxcarbazepine for treatment of mania using an onoff design had a high dropout rate that likewise
makes its results difficult to interpret (Hummel et al., 2002).
Nevertheless, some of these mild to moderately manic patients had a greater than 50 percent reduction in their YMRS
scores, suggesting that further studies should be done to assess this agent for antimanic efficacy. A comparative study in
which 23 of 42 patients with mania being treated with valproate were switched to oxcarbazepine found comparable
reductions in the Clinician Administered Rating Scale for
Mania (CARS-M) at 10 weeks. More of the patients who
continued on valproate had a significant weight gain compared with those who switched to oxcarbazepine (Hellewell,
Given that oxcarbazepine appears to have a relatively
benign side-effect profile, it has been the subject of considerable clinical interest, and some open studies have suggested its usefulness as an adjunct (Benedetti et al., 2004).
To date, however, a single adequately powered placebocontrolled study of its efficacy as monotherapy in treating
mania is still lacking.

There have been several single-case reports and open studies indicating the apparent benefits of topiramate in the
treatment of mania.18,19 McElroy and colleagues (2000)
treated more than 50 bipolar patients with topiramate in
addition to other medications in an open design as part of
the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network studies. In patients with manic symptoms (N = 30), the mean YMRS
score was 10 at the start of the study, indicating relatively
mild manic symptoms. At 10 weeks, the reduction in score
was statistically significant, albeit of questionable clinical
salience given the long duration of antimanic treatment
and the relatively mild symptoms at the outset. The patients
lost an average of 2.4 pounds in 4 weeks and remained stable in weight over 10 weeks.20 However, in a recent randomized placebo controlled trial of topiramate in bipolar patients experiencing a manic/mixed episode while on lithium
or valproate, the addition of topiramate (400 mg) was no
more effective than placebo (Chengappa et al., 2006).
Given its failure to separate from placebo in five large
randomized controlled trials (Powers et al., 2004; Kushner


et al., 2006; Chengappa et al., 2006), one cannot recommend topiramate monotherapy for the treatment of mania
in adults, and indeed none of the guidelines do so. There is,
however, some evidence suggestive of a beneficial effect in
adolescents (see Chapter 23), although this controlled trial
was unfortunately terminated early by the manufacturer
after the failure of the adult trials (DelBello et al., 2005). Yet,
unlike many other anticonvulsants, topiramate does not
cause weight gain and actually causes weight loss in many
patients. In light of this advantageous side-effect profile, it
is unfortunate that the controlled attempts to demonstrate
the drugs efficacy in treating adult mania failed. We can
hope that the somewhat encouraging results with adolescents will spur further work in this age group, given how
problematic weight gain can be in the young bipolar patient. Moreover, the drug has also shown promise as an adjunctive agent, making randomized, double-blind adjunctive trials another potentially valuable area for future work.

Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant with sodium channel
blocking activity similar to that of carbamazepine and
phenytoin. Case reports and open studies have suggested
some efficacy for this drug in treating mania,21 but this
finding was not confirmed in controlled studies. A small
(30 subjects) 4-week randomized controlled trial compared
lamotrigine with lithium for treatment of hospitalized
manic patients (Ichim et al., 2000). Patients in the lithium
group received a fixed dose of 800 mg/day, achieving an average plasma level of .743 millimoles per liter (mmol/l) arguably not an adequate lithium dose for mania. The
lithium and lamotrigine groups shared similarly reduced
YMRS scores, but the absence of a placebo group renders
the results of this underpowered study inconclusive. Other
controlled studies in patients with mania/mixed states and
hypomania found no significant difference between lamotrigine and placebo (Anand et al., 1999; Frye et al., 2000). An
open study of patients with a history of rapid cycling found
lamotrigine to be helpful in some rapid-cycling patients
with mania, but not in those with the most severe manic
symptoms (Bowden et al., 1999).

A number of case reports and uncontrolled studies of
gabapentin in patients with manic and mixed states have
suggested a beneficial effect when the drug is used adjunctively.22 On the other hand, Pande and colleagues (2000)
found that gabapentin was less effective than placebo as
an adjunctive agent for treating mania in patients taking
lithium, valproate, or both, while Frye and colleagues (2000)
found that it was no different from placebo in refractory
bipolar disorder. There have also been a number of reports



of mania associated with the initiation of gabapentin (Short

and Cooke, 1995; Ghaemi et al., 1998).

Other Anticonvulsants
Tiagabine is a GABA uptake inhibitor used for the adjunctive treatment of partial complex seizures. One open
study of patients with bipolar disorder treated with this
agent indicated a possible benefit (Schaffer et al., 2002).
In another open study, however, fewer than one-quarter
of 13 treatment-refractory patients with bipolar disorder
appeared to be helped by adjunctive tiagabine (Suppes et
al., 2002). In a third study, none of 8 acutely manic patients
appeared to benefit from tiagabine as either monotherapy
or an adjunctive agent (Grunze et al., 1999b).
Some case reports and small open studies have indicated
beneficial responses in manic patients treated with zonisamide (Kanba et al., 1994; Berigan, 2002), a drug associated
with weight loss in obese bipolar patients. In an open-label
trial of adjunctive zonisamide, investigators in the Stanley
Network (McElroy et al., 2005) noted significant improvements in YMRS and CGI scores among 34 manic or mixed
patients who had not responded to conventional treatment
(p < .001); 14 of the 34 patients were much or very much
improved after 8 weeks of treatment. In an open study, adjunctive zonisamide (300600 mg/day) at bedtime was associated with significant weight loss in obese euthymic bipolar
patients on maintenance medication (Yang et al., 2003).
Other open studies have noted antimanic and/or moodstabilizing effects associated with levetiracetam.23,24 A 6-week
open-label, add-on study of mexiletine (an antiarrhythmic
drug with anticonvulsant properties) in treatment-resistant
bipolar patients found that four of the five patients with
manic or mixed states in the study had a full response and
the remaining patient a partial response as measured by a
derived scale that estimated symptom burden (Schaffer and
Levitt, 2005).
Surprisingly little work has been done on one of the
oldest anticonvulsantsphenytoinin the treatment of
bipolar disorder. Mishory and colleagues (2000) in Israel
reported on 39 patients in whom they examined the antimanic efficacy of phenytoin given with haloperidol in a
double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Significantly more
improvement was observed in the manic patients who received phenytoin and haloperidol than in those who received placebo and haloperidol.

Typical Antipsychotics
As reviewed extensively in the first edition of this volume,
from the 1960s through the early 1990s, typical antipsychotics, particularly haloperidol, were unchallenged as the
fastest-acting treatment for acute manic agitation. They were
generally considered the treatment of choice for acute mania,

and this practice was reasonably well supported by the

literature of the time (Prien et al., 1972; Shopsin et al., 1975;
Garfinkel et al., 1980). These studies found that antipsychotics and lithium were equally effective after 3 weeks,
but that antipsychotics had a more rapid onset of antimanic
action in highly active, acutely manic patients. While American studies were limited to the use of chlorpromazine
and haloperidol, European studies often included zuclopenthixol and flupenthixol as well. As Schatzberg and
Nemeroff (1998) concluded, All of the traditional antipsychotic drugs are effective in reducing manic excitement.
In comparison with lithium, valproic acid, and carbamazepine, antipsychotic drugs often have a more rapid onset of action. Today, despite the relative deemphasis on typical antipsychotics in the U.S. Expert Consensus Guidelines
and other recent treatment algorithms/guidelines, these
agents continue to be widely used in Europe and the United
States in the treatment of hospitalized manic patients.
Haloperidol, although by no means the first choice of all
clinicians for treatment of acute mania, is still frequently
used for this purpose, perhaps more in Europe than in the
United States. A small double-blind, prospective study compared the efficacy of three different doses of haloperidol for
acute mania (10, 30, and 80 mg/day) over a 6-week period
and found no advantage for doses over 10 mg/day (Riflan
et al., 1994). By contrast, another double-blind study compared haloperidol at doses of 5 and 25 mg/day for 21 days
and found the higher dose to be more effective. Adding
lithium enhanced the antimanic effect of the lower but not
the higher dose (Chou et al., 1999). Typical antipsychotic
medications frequently are combined with lithium in acute
treatment of mania, and these combinations have been the
focus of controlled studies (Small et al., 1995; Sachs et al.,
2002). To our knowledge, however, there has been only one
well-designed double-blind study of manic patients not selected for prior poor response to lithium, which demonstrated the superiority of such combinations over lithium
monotherapy (Garfinkel et al., 1980).25
In more recent studies, typical antipsychotics have been
compared with atypical agents for the treatment of manic
states.26 Barbini and colleagues (1997) compared chlorpromazine (mean dose 3.10 mg/day) with clozapine (166 mg/
day) and found a more rapid onset of antimanic action at
2 weeks in the clozapine-treated group. However, the two
groups were comparable by 4 weeks of treatment. A comparison of haloperidol and olanzapine monotherapy for the
treatment of acute mania found comparable symptomatic
improvement with the two agents, but concluded that patients taking olanzapine had an enhanced return to normal
functioning at 12 weeks as measured by scores on the HealthRelated Quality of Life questionnaire and self-report work
status (Shi et al., 2002). In a large randomized, double-blind

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

comparison of olanzapine (n = 234) with haloperidol (n =

219), Tohen and colleagues (2003b) found that the proportions remitting were comparable, which is in line with the
conclusion of a recent Cochrane database systematic review
(Cipriani et al., 2006). Similar results were found in large
double-blind, randomized comparisons of risperidone with
haloperidol (Smulevich et al., 2005) and quetiapine with
haloperidol (McIntyre et al., 2005).27
To our knowledge, there has been only one controlled
study in which an atypical showed superior efficacy to a
typical. This was a large randomized, double-blind comparison of aripiprazole (1530 mg/day) and haloperidol
(10 to 15 mg /day) (Vieta et al., 2005).28 The advantage of
the atypical agents over the typicals is generally believed to
depend on their greater tolerability. On the basis of median YMRS scores at entry, studies of atypicals in acute
mania were comparing typical and atypical antipsychotics
in moderately manic subjects. It is possible that a comparison in a naturalistic setting involving more severely manic
patients would show some advantage for the typical agent.
However, in a chart review of 106 consecutively admitted
manic inpatients in a routine clinical setting, Letmaier and
colleagues (2006) found more improvement at 2 weeks
(and less EPS) in those treated with an atypical versus
a typical, even though the two groups had comparable
severity on admission as measured by the CGI scale.

Atypical Antipsychotics
As noted above, during the past decade the treatment of mania has been significantly altered by the introduction of
atypical antipsychotics, especially in North America. The
more favorable side-effect profile of these drugs, particularly the lower incidence of extrapyramidal symptoms (at
least as compared with haloperidol in controlled monotherapy trials in schizophrenia), was a significant factor prompting research into their efficacy for patients with bipolar disorder. It soon became apparent, however, that these agents
also have effects on mood more specific than those of the
typical antipsychotics, with antimanic and possibly some
antidepressant and maintenance efficacy in bipolar patients
(including those with mixed states; see Suppes et al., 1992;
Benabarre et al., 2001) not shared to the same extent by their
predecessor compounds.
Table 183 summarizes key findings from the literature
on the efficacy of the various atypicals. Essentially, the controlled data indicate equivalent antimanic efficacy for each
of these drugs, whether studied as monotherapy (Perlis
et al., 2006a) or in combination with lithium or valproate. It
is important to note that the studies of atypicals as adjunctive agents all started with patients who had already failed to
have a satisfactory response to lithium or an anticonvulsant.
Differences in the drugs tolerability profiles, as outlined


briefly in the table, can affect the choice of treatment, but

these differences become more important in maintenance
treatment and are thus emphasized in Chapter 20.
Among the atypical antipsychotics, olanzapine and
risperidone have been studied most extensively. Initially,
case reports and open studies suggested that these two
agents had antimanic effects, but some patients appeared
to experience a worsening of manic symptoms. However,
this reported worsening was not supported by subsequent
controlled studies: a post hoc analysis of the results of two
placebo-controlled trials of olanzapine in treatment of acute
mania (Tohen et al., 1999, 2000) found that a worsening of
mania occurred in 38 percent of placebo- and 21 percent of
olanzapine-treated patients (Chengappa et al., 2003). Although these results do not eliminate the possibility that the
atypical antipsychotics can cause a worsening of mania,
they do not support the idea either.

Clozapine has been studied for treatment of mania only
in open studies, presumably because of its side-effect profile (including sedation, hypotension, and hematological
dyscrasias). In the earliest such study, Muller and Heipertz
(1977) found that about half of 52 patients with mania responded quickly to clozapine treatment. Nearly 20 years
later, investigators at the McLean Hospital reported a small
case series of treatment-resistant bipolar patients who
improved substantially on clozapine, especially in manic,
mixed, and rapid-cycling states (Zarate et al., 1995). Calabrese and colleagues (1996) reported on an open trial of
clozapine monotherapy in 10 bipolar and 15 schizoaffective
patients who had failed to either tolerate or respond to
lithium.29 All but 3 of the patients completed the 13-week
trial, and 18 (72 percent) showed marked improvement on
the YMRS and BPRS. It was clear that the bipolar patients
experienced more improvement than the schizoaffective
patients, and those with rapid cycling did not respond to
clozapine as well as the other patients.
An open prospective clozapine trial involving 22 psychotic manic patients who had failed other therapies found
that the 14 patients who completed at least 10 weeks of the
trial had a better than 50 percent improvement on the
YMRS and BPRS and a 39 percent improvement on the CGI
(Green et al., 2000). Barbini and colleagues (1997) found
clozapine to be as effective as but more rapidly acting than
chlorpromazine in a group of 27 manic patients. Suppes
and colleagues (1999) compared clozapine adjunctive therapy with treatment as usual in bipolar and schizoaffective
patients with a history of mania. Although their study was
conducted primarily to assess outcome at 1 year, they also
observed that 65 percent of the clozapine-treated patients
showed at least 30 percent improvement by 3 months.30



Table 183. Efficacy and Side-Effect Profiles of Various Atypical Antipsychotics for Treatment of Mania

Efficacy Summary

Side-Effect Profiles


Effective as adjunctive agent in open trials among

non- or partial responders to lithium or
anticonvulsants. Effective as monotherapy in
open studies.
Effective in adjunctive trials among non- or partial
responders to lithium or anticonvulsants.
Monotherapy superior to placebo and comparable
to lithium and valproate in randomized,
double-blind trials.
Efficacy as adjunctive agent in open and randomized,
double-blind trials among non- or partial
responders to lithium or anticonvulsants.
Monotherapy superior to placebo in two
randomized, double-blind trials; as effective as
lithium or haloperidol monotherapy in randomized,
double-blind trials among non- or partial
responders to those drugs.
Efficacy as adjunctive agent in open trials and one
randomized, double-blind trial among non- or
partial responders to lithium or anticonvulsants.
Monotherapy superior to placebo in two
randomized, double-blind trials.
Monotherapy superior to placebo in two randomized,
double-blind trials

Sedating; weight gain +++; dyslipidemia ++; prolactin

elevation +/0; hypotension common; risk of blood
dyscrasias necessitates frequent white blood count
Sedating; weight gain +++; dislipidemia +++; prolactin elevation +/0; dose-related extrapyramidal
syndrome (EPS) +; parenteral form rapidly effective






Monotherapy superior to placebo in two randomized,

double-blind trials

Less sedating; weight gain ++; dyslipidemia +;

prolactin elevation +++; dose-related EPS ++

Sedating; weight gain ++; dyslipidemia +; prolactin elevation 0; dose-related EPS +/0

Sedating at high doses; weight gain +/0; dyslipidemia

+/0; prolactin elevation +/0; dose-related EPS +;
parenteral form rapidly effective
Less sedating; weight gain +/0; dyslipidemia +/0;
prolactin elevation 0; dose-related EPS +

The studies of adjunctive atypicals were conducted in patients who had failed to respond adequately to lithium or an anticonvulsant
and cannot be generalized beyond that population. Number of plus signs indicates severity of side effects. For individual literature
references see the text.

This atypical agent has been shown to be superior to
placebo in several randomized, double-blind comparisons
in acutely manic patients. In the first of these studies, olanzapine at a dose of 520 mg/day resulted in substantially
greater improvement over that seen in placebo-treated subjects in a 3-week study (Tohen et al., 1999). The olanzapinetreated patients response rate (defined as a reduction in
YMRS score) was 48 percent, compared with 24 percent for
the placebo-treated group. The difference favoring olanzapine was not apparent, however, until the third week of the
study. Even though twice as many patients responded to
olanzapine as to placebo, it is sobering to consider that at
3 weeks, fewer than half of the patients on the atypical met
response criteria, an observation that can also be made
about acute mania trials with other atypical antipsychotics.

There was no significant EPS in the olanzapine-treated subjects, but several had transient elevation of liver enzymes,
and the olanzapine-treated group gained an average of
3 pounds during the 3-week study. A second randomized,
placebo-controlled study yielded similar results, except that
the difference in efficacy between olanzapine and placebo
appeared after only 1 week of treatment and was sustained
throughout the remainder of the trial (Tohen et al., 2000).31
The olanzapine-treated subjects with mixed mania experienced improvement in depressed mood that was statistically
superior to that among the placebo group. It is also worth
noting that in both studies, the improvement rate for the
olanzapine-treated manic subjects was equivalent for those
with nonpsychotic and psychotic mania; similar findings
have been reported with other atypical agents.
Taken together, these findings support the conclusion
that the effect of the atypicals in treating mania is truly

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

antimanic, rather than nonspecifically antipsychotic or sedative (Baker et al., 2003b). Along the same lines, Baldessarini
and colleagues (2003) found olanzapine response to be independent of number of prior episodes, rapid cycling, and lifetime substance abuse.32 It is likely that such findings represent a class effect for the atypicals rather than being unique
to olanzapine.
In addition to the comparisons of typical and atypical
antipsychotics discussed above, a number of studies have
compared olanzapine with other mood stabilizers. In a randomized, double-blind comparison of lithium and olanzapine monotherapy, impressive improvements were seen in
manic symptoms for both agents over the 4 weeks of the
study. All but one of the four scales employed33 showed
equivalent, dramatic improvement; the fourth34 indicated
greater improvement among the olanzapine-treated patients.
Mean lithium level was only .74 mg/L, however, which almost certainly favored the olanzapine treatment regimen
(Berk et al., 1999).
In a 3-week randomized, double-blind study comparing olanzapine (520 mg/day, mean dose 17.4 mg/day) with
divalproex (5002,500 mg/day, mean dose 1,401 mg/day,
achieving a mean blood level of 82 mg/ml) for the treatment
of acute manic or mixed episodes in 248 patients, Tohen and
colleagues (2002) demonstrated a slight but significant advantage for olanzapine over divalproex as measured by the
percentage of patients achieving a greater than 50 percent
decrease in YMRS score, by the percentage achieving remission as defined by a YMRS score of 12 or lower, and by the
mean reduction in score among the two groups. A 44-week
double-blind extension of this study found that only after
15 weeks of treatment was the efficacy of valproate comparable to that of olanzapine (Tohen et al., 2003b). Zajecka
and colleagues (2002), by contrast, found that olanzapine
and valproate had comparable efficacy in a 12-week randomized, double-blind study involving 120 patients with
acute mania. The difference between the results of these
two studies appears to be explained by dose: compared with
the Lilly-funded Tohen et al. study, the Abbott-funded
Zajecka et al. study used a lower dose of olanzapine (mean
daily doses were 14.7 mg) and a higher dose of valproate
(2,115 mg/day). In both studies, patients in the olanzapine
group experienced significantly more side effects, especially somnolence and weight gain, than those in the valproate group. Finally, Baker and colleagues (2004) found
that, for those with mixed states not responding adequately
to a mood stabilizer, adjunctive olanzapine produced significantly more improvement in scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) compared with the
mood stabilizer alone.35
Some case reports (primarily from the schizophrenia literature) have suggested that olanzapine might occasionally


exacerbate mania. This question was examined systematically by Baker and colleagues (2003a), who pooled the
results of two large randomized, placebo-controlled studies of manic patients. Among the 254 patients in these
studies, manic exacerbations were significantly more frequent in the placebo group (38 versus 22 percent). However,
patients in controlled trials are less likely to have some of
the risk factors (such as substance abuse) associated with
switching, and they have just experienced a spontaneous
manic episode to qualify for the trial.36
To our knowledge, there has been only one comparative
study of the IM formulation of olanzapine, in which it was
compared with IM lorazepam and placebo as a sedating
agent in acutely agitated manic patients in a randomized
trial (Meehan et al., 2001). The investigators found that
10 mg of olanzapine was superior to 2 mg of lorazepam or
placebo at 2 hours and remained superior to placebo in reducing manic agitation at 24 hours. Olanzapine had no
more side effects than lorazepam during the acute period.

In open studies of manic patients, Tohen and colleagues
(1996) found a 50 percent or greater reduction in manic
symptoms in 10 of 12 patients when risperidone was added
to lithium. Keck and colleagues (1995) studied a mixed group
of patients treated with risperidone, noting that all 9 bipolar patients with mania showed moderate to marked improvement when the drug was added to a mood-stabilizing
regimen consisting of lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine.
Ghaemi and Sachs (1997) found that 9 of 14 bipolar patients, most with mania or mixed states, responded well to
the addition of risperidone in small doses, averaging under
3 mg/day. In contrast to some early reports of antidepressant activity (Hillert et al., 1992) and even aggravation of
manic symptoms (Dwight et al., 1994), Ghaemi and Sachs
saw no evidence of worsening of mixed or manic symptoms, a finding consistent with those of the controlled studies described below.
Three large randomized, double-blind trials have demonstrated the superiority of risperidone over placebo in
the treatment of mania/mixed states (Vieta et al., 2003;
Hirschfeld et al., 2004; Khanna et al., 2005); these studies
constitute the database for FDA registration of this drug as
an antimanic agent. The largest of the three (Khanna et al.,
2005) was conducted in India, where 144 hospitalized manic
or mixed patients were randomized to placebo and 146 to
a flexible dose of risperidone (16 mg/day) for 3 weeks; at
end point, a clinical response (50 percent or greater decrease in YMRS scores) was observed in 73 percent of the
risperidone patients versus 36 percent of the placebo patients (p < .001). The major side effect was EPS (primarily
mild), in 35 percent of risperidone-treated patients versus



6 percent of placebo-treated patients. The authors noted that

their patients manias were, on average, substantially more
severe than those of patients participating in controlled trials
elsewhere.37 This was reflected in the unusually large mean
change in YMRS scores ( 23.2). In the other large study,
Hirschfeld and colleagues (1999) randomized 134 manic
patients to risperidone (mean modal dose 4.1 mg/day) and
125 to placebo, also for 3 weeks. Again, improvement in
mania (YMRS score) was significantly greater in the risperidone group, with separation from placebo evident as early
as 3 days; 43 percent of those randomized to risperidone
met response criteria at 3 weeks, versus 24 percent in the
placebo group. Remission rates (decline in YMRS score
12) were 38 percent for risperidone versus 20 percent for
placebo. The most common adverse event was somnolence; while EPS rating scale scores were significantly higher
in the active treatment group in all three studies, these
symptoms were generally mild.
A randomized, double-blind study of risperidone in
combination with lithium, carbamazepine, or valproate
showed a significantly more rapid decline in YMRS scores
for patients taking risperidone in addition to their other
medication. The mean modal dose in this study was
4 mg/day (Yatham et al., 2003). In another prospective
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of risperidone as
adjunctive treatment for mania (added to lithium or valproate, to which the patients were not responding adequately), Sachs and colleagues (2002) noted more improvement in YMRS scores with risperidone than with
placebo at the end of weeks 1, 2, and 3.38 Similar findings
were reported by Yatham and colleagues (2004), who randomly added risperidone (n = 75) or placebo (n = 75) to
lithium or valproate, noting significantly more reduction
in mania (YMRS scores) with the combined treatment.
What about comparisons of risperidone and other
antimanic agents? In a randomized, double-blind trial
of risperidone monotherapy, 45 manic patients took
risperidone 6 mg/day, haloperidol 10 mg/day, or lithium
8001,200 mg/day in a 3-week trial.39 There were no differences in treatment outcomes among the three groups, all of
which showed a mean improvement of about 5060 percent on the YMRS, as well as substantial improvements on
general psychopathology and functioning scales (Segal
et al., 1998). The fact that lithium and risperidone showed
similar efficacy in this monotherapy study appears at first
glance to be at odds with the results of controlled studies
reviewed above in which adjunctive risperidone was superior to lithium (or valproate). But each of these adjunctive
studies started with patients already on a mood stabilizer
to which they had not had an adequate response. As discussed in Chapter 17, such designs, which characterize most
studies of adjunctive atypicals in treating mania, select for

poor responders to a mood stabilizer. In a recent randomized double-blind comparison, risperidone and olanzapine
had equivalent antimanic efficacy; olanzapine was associated with a greater reduction in depressive symptoms but
more weight gain (Perlis et al., 2006b).

Several case reports (Dunayevich and Strakowski, 2000)
and retrospective case series40 suggest a useful role for the
atypical antipsychotic quetiapine when used as adjunctive
treatment for mania and/or mixed states.
Two large international multicenter randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trials evaluated the efficacy of quetiapine monotherapy (400800 mg/day) in hospitalized
manic patients. In one (Bowden et al., 2005), 302 patients
were randomized to quetiapine (n = 107), lithium (n = 98),
or placebo (n = 95). At 3 weeks the decrease in YRMS scores
was significantly greater (p < .001) for both drugs compared
with placebo; the extent of the improvement was virtually
identical for the two drugs. The other study (McIntyre et al.,
2005) was of the same size and design, except that the active
comparator was haloperidol; results were similar as well, except that at 3 weeks, the effect of haloperidol was slightly
more robust than that of quetiapine. In both studies, quetiapine had a significantly greater effect than placebo on
depression ratings (see Chapter 19). On the basis of these two
studies, quetiapine (Seroquel) received FDA approval for
treatment of acute mania associated with bipolar disorder.
Somnolence, dry mouth, and postural hypotension were the
principal side effects differentiating quetiapine from placebo.
Two large randomized, placebo-controlled trials (Sachs
et al., 2004; Yatham et al., 2004) examined the efficacy of adjunctive quetiapine in 402 hospitalized manic patients who
were still substantially symptomatic (YMRS scores 20) after a minimum of 7 days of lithium or divalproex. In both
studies, the combined treatment was significantly better
than the mood stabilizer alone. As noted above regarding
adjunctive olanzapine and risperidone, it is important to
note that patients entered these studies after at best a partial
response to a week or more on the mood stabilizers alone;
thus the generalizability of the study findings is limited.

The neuropharmacology of this atypical is of interest because its effects include monoamine reuptake inhibition,
which might suggest efficacy in depression. Also, ziprasidone stands with aripiprazole (see below) as one of only
two atypicals producing little or no weight gain.
Keck and colleagues (2003a) conducted a multisite randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 210 inpatients in a manic or mixed state. They assigned
140 of the patients to ziprasidone monotherapy at a dosage

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

of 80160 mg/day and 70 to placebo. The patients were also

allowed to receive lorazepam or temazepam. Ziprasidone
was found to be significantly superior to placebo at 2, 4, 7,
14, and 21 days as measured by the YMRS and from day 4
on according to the CGI scale. The main side effects were
somnolence (37 percent with ziprasidone versus 13 percent
with placebo) and dizziness (22 percent with ziprasidone
versus 10 percent with placebo). These results were subsequently replicated in a 21-day randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial (Potkin et al., 2005) involving 202
manic patients (137 on ziprasidone, 65 on placebo); again,
separation from placebo was achieved at day 2. The results
of the two studies taken together show approximately linear doseresponse relationships. Ziprasidone was not effective for mania at the 40 mg/day dose, whereas 160 mg/day
appeared to be substantially more effective than the lower
doses. Combined analysis of the two trials indicates that, as
with other atypicals, the antimanic efficacy of ziprasidone
was similar among those with and without mixed states or
psychotic features.
The combination of ziprasidone and lithium versus
lithium alone was evaluated in 198 manic patients in a 21-day
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (99 patients on ziprasidone plus open lithium, 99 on placebo plus
open lithium). The group with adjunctive ziprasidone had
greater mean decreases in YMRS scores, but the difference
achieved significance only at day 4, suggesting that the combination of lithium and ziprasidone may accelerate response
(Weisler et al., 2004). Compared with lithium monotherapy, the addition of ziprasidone was associated with more
extrapyramidal symptoms, somnolence, dizziness, agitation,
and discontinuation due to adverse events (8 versus 4
An IM form of ziprasidone at 10 mg was found to be
very rapidly acting in a group of patients described as
psychoticin fact, more so than haloperidol (at 2.510 mg
IM) or placebo (Brook et al., 2000). The efficacy of IM
ziprasidone in psychotic manic, mixed, or schizoaffective
patients was evaluated in a subgroup analysis of two randomized, double-blind studies (Daniel et al., 2004). Doses
of 1020 mg/day (up to 80 mg/day) were compared with
a very low control dose (28 mg/day). There was a significantly higher response rate in the high-dose group (80 percent) than in the low-dose control group (18 percent). The
FDA has approved oral ziprasidone for treatment of mania.

This atypical antipsychotic (now available as orally disintegrating tablets) has a pharmacodynamic profile that distinguishes it from other antipsychotics by virtue of its being
a partial agonist rather than an antagonist at dopamine D2
receptors. Keck and colleagues (2003a) conducted a 3-week


double-blind, placebo-controlled study of aripiprazole for

the treatment of mania in 262 hospitalized patients. They
found a 40 percent response rate (defined as a decrease of
50 percent or more in YMRS scores) compared with 19 percent for placebo. These findings were subsequently replicated in a second multisite 3-week study involving 272
manic patients (135 on aripiprazole, 137 on placebo). On
the basis of the results of these two large studies, the FDA
has approved aripiprazole for the treatment of acute
mania/mixed states.
How does this agent compare with haloperidol? Vieta
and colleagues (2005) addressed this question in a large
double-blind comparison in which 347 manic/mixedstate patients were randomized 1:1. The first 3 weeks of
treatment was completed by 76.6 percent of the aripiprazole group but only 55.2 percent of the haloperidol group;
by 12 weeks these percentages were 50.9 and 29.1, respectively. At week 12, significantly more patients in the
aripiprazole group met response criteria of 50 percent or
greater improvement (49.7 versus 28.4 percent). The high
dropout rate in the haloperidol group was due at least in
part to low tolerability, which can be attributed largely to
the protocols not allowing anticholinergic medication
to deal with EPS. The authors also noted another factor
limiting the generalizability of the comparison: the limited dose range allowed for haloperidol.

In a trial in schizophrenic patients, this selective, dosedependant D2D3 antagonist appeared to be more effective
against affective symptoms than haloperidol or risperidone
(Peuskens et al., 2002). This finding led to a preliminary
open prospective 6-week study in 20 patients meeting DSMIV criteria for mania (Vieta et al., 2005). Among the 14 patients who completed the study, a significant improvement
was seen in mania ratings, as was a significant albeit less robust effect on depression ratings. The principal side effect
was sedation; 10 percent of the subjects experienced EPS.

This first-generation atypical antipsychotic, which, like
ziprasidone, inhibits reuptake of monoamines, has been
studied in two small open-label trials. Harada and Otsuki
(1986) reported beneficial effects in the majority of their 16
moderately manic patients, most of whom were already on
lithium. More recently, Amann and Grunze (2005) evaluated zotepine somewhat more formally as monotherapy in
a group of more severely manic patients. Nine of the 12 patients met response criteria (a 50 percent reduction YMRS
scores), and 5 of them achieved this improvement within
4 days. There have as yet been no randomized, placebocontrolled trials.



In the 1980s, the potential value of two high-potency benzodiazepinesclonazepam and lorazepamfor the treatment of mania was noted. Previously, it had been hoped
that these agents might become alternatives to the antipsychotics that would not share their tendency to cause tardive dyskinesia. Results of early open studies suggested
that efficacy and speed of onset were similar for highpotency benzodiazepines and antipsychotics, and that the
benzodiazepines could be used as short-term antimanic
agents for patients who had not taken lithium long enough
for it to have an antimanic effect (Modell et al., 1985).
Edwards and colleagues (1991) compared clonazepam
with placebo in 40 manic patients, with additional doses of
chlorpromazine being given to patients in either group
as needed. The clonazepam-treated group showed greater
improvement on the YMRS and had a trend toward requiring fewer doses of chlorpromazine. In a crossover study
comparing clonazepam with lithium in acutely manic patients, Chouinard and colleagues (1983) found the former
to be more effective in reducing manic symptoms. However, the length of the study was only 10 days, with patients
receiving either drug for only 5 days before switching to
the other. Thus the study findings are probably better seen
as reflecting the sedating effect of clonazepam and the
known lag time in lithiums antimanic effect than a superior antimanic effect for clonazepam. Also of note, patients in both groups were able to receive haloperidol as
needed, further casting doubt on any claim to antimanic
efficacy for the benzodiazepine.
Lenox and colleagues (1992) compared lorazepam and
haloperidol as adjuncts to lithium in a double-blind study
involving 20 hospitalized patients. They found no significant difference between the two drugs in length of time to
response. More patients in the haloperidol group dropped
out because of side effects, and more patients in the lorazepam group dropped out because of lack of efficacy. Gouliaev and colleagues (1996) obtained similar results comparing clonazepam with the antipsychotic zuclopenthixol. A
comparably designed study of clonazepam versus haloperidol found that the haloperidol-treated patients responded
more quickly, probably reflecting that drugs more rapid onset of action (Chouinard et al., 1993). Bradwejn and colleagues (1990) found lorazepam to be superior to clonazepam in a double-blind study involving 24 acutely manic
patients, a finding that in retrospect also probably reflects
differences in pharmacodynamics between the two agents.
On the other hand, a recent meta-analysis of the controlled
studies concluded that while clonazepam is effective for
the treatment of mania, the evidence for lorazepam is not
as conclusive (Curtin and Schultz, 2004).

Early on in research on the use of benzodiazepines to

treat acute mania, it became apparent that the antimanic effect of these agents is short-lived. Aronson and colleagues
(1989) reported on a study of clonazepam monotherapy
that was terminated after all five patients treated with the
drug for mania relapsed within weeks. It gradually became
clear that the apparent antimanic effects of benzodiazepines
are more likely due to their acute sedating effect than to a
more specific effect on manic symptoms, and that their
appropriate role in the treatment of mania is as adjunctive
agents for rapid sedation of agitated patients and stabilization of sleep. Finally, the possibility must be considered
that some manic patients may experience further disinhibition with these agents.

Electroconvulsive Therapy
Although it is clear from clinical experience that ECT is
an effective and rapidly acting treatment for mania (Fink,
2006), there have been only a handful of controlled
prospective studies to support this conclusion. This is a reflection, perhaps, of four factors. First, given the efficacy
and wide range of available pharmaceutical agents, few patients receive ECT for mania. Second, the effect is often so
dramatic as to make controlled study appear unnecessary.
Third, it is difficult to justify and maintain blinded conditions with sham ECT for such a controlled trial in acutely
manic patients. Finally, unlike drug treatments, ECT requires written informed consent (Fink, 2006), which can be
difficult to obtain, particularly from more severely ill patients for whom ECT may well have an advantage over
Given this lack of data, it is difficult to say how ECT is
best used for treating mania. The optimal electrode placement and number of treatments also remain unclear. For
example, some have suggested that mania might be expected to respond more favorably to right-sided placement
and depression more to left-sided placement. In one study
of seven manic patients, however, right unilateral ECT was
not effective (Milstein et al., 1987).
Although systematic and controlled studies are lacking,
an excellent review of the published experience with lithium
by Mukherjee and colleagues (1994) suggested that about
80 percent of manic patients treated with ECT showed
marked improvement or full recovery. On the other hand,
an analysis of manic and schizoaffective manic patients receiving ECT (Winokur et al., 1990) confirmed the earlier
observation (Winokur and Kadrmas, 1989) that these patients had more subsequent hospital admissions for mania
than those not receiving ECT, although the ensuing total
number of episodes of mania and depression did not differ between ECT- and non-ECT-treated patients. The authors concluded that this finding probably reflects some

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States

difference in the patients selected to receive ECT rather

than medication alone, although they could not rule out
the possibility that ECT might have had an adverse effect
on the severity of subsequent manic episodes.
Zarate and colleagues (1997) studied a series of seven
bipolar patients who were given ECT while continuing on
anticonvulsants (valproate or carbamazepine), including
two who were receiving ECT for mania. They found that the
combined use of ECT and anticonvulsants was safe and appeared to be effective. Seizure duration was slightly shorter
with unilateral (but not bilateral) ECT despite the use of a
more powerful electrical stimulus with unilateral ECT in
patients on valproate or carbamazepine.41 Ciapparelli and
colleagues (2001) evaluated the effectiveness of ECT for patients with mixed states and reported dramatic reductions
in depression scores. The effect of maintaining ECT in mania is discussed in Chapter 20.

Rapid Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

There have been two studies of the use of rTMS for the
treatment of mania. Grisaru and colleagues (1998) evaluated the efficacy of right-sided versus left-sided rTMS in 16
hospitalized patients with mania taking various medications and found that the former produced more improvement in manic symptoms than the latter (which in fact appeared to worsen manic symptoms, leading to premature
termination of the study). Since left-sided rTMS treatments have been shown to be more effective for the treatment of depression in most (though not all) studies, these
results suggest a lateralized control of mood in the brain, a
finding supported by experiments evaluating the results of
right-sided versus left-sided rTMS on mood in normal
volunteer subjects (Pascual-Leone and Catala, 1996).
Michael and Erfurth (2004) administered right-sided
prefrontal rTMS treatments to nine patients hospitalized
with mania. Eight of the patients were on various medications, while one received rTMS as monotherapy. All nine
patients had sustained reduction of manic symptoms.
As is true for the treatment of depression with rTMS,
clinical data on the use of rTMS to treat mania are scant
and preliminary but encouraging. They suggest that rTMS
may turn out to be a valuable addition to the therapeutic
options available for the treatment of mania.

Other Treatments
Calcium Channel Blockers
The use of calcitonin, verapamil, and diltiazem for treatment of mania was proposed in the early 1980s, but few
controlled data were brought forth to support this recommendation.42 Subsequent controlled studies have shown
mixed results. Two parallel studies compared verapamil


with lithium. In one (Garza-Trevino et al., 1992), no difference was seen between the two agents over a 4-week period. In the other (Walton et al., 1996), lithium was found
to be superior to verapamil. Janicak and colleagues (1998)
found no benefit from verapamil compared with placebo
in a 3-week double-blind study.
Post and colleagues (2000) studied the L-type calcium
channel blocker nimodipine in patients with ultrarapid
(ultradian) bipolar illness (patients who cycle several times
in a 24-hour period). They noted marked improvement in
some patients (Pazzaglia et al., 1998), including one whose
mood again destabilized when verapamil was substituted
for nimodipine.
Magnesium sulfate, used in a variety of clinical contexts,
including treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, exerts at least
some of its pharmacological effects through competitive
antagonism with calcium at cellular calcium channels. Heiden and colleagues (1999) added intravenous magnesium
sulphate to the drug regimens of 10 patients with severe,
treatment-resistant manic agitation and noted a marked
improvement in 7.
Levy and Janicak (2000) reviewed these and other studies
of calcium channel antagonists and concluded that there is
at best quite limited support for their efficacy. Because of
their lack of demonstrated superiority over other agents, the
calcium channel blocking agents have been relatively neglected in the clinical research literature. Thus their role in
the treatment of acute mania remains to be determined.

This nonsteroidal antiestrogen is widely used in the treatment and relapse prevention of estrogen-dependent cancers, particularly of the breast. Because it is also a potent
inhibitor of phosphokinase C, which is thought to be involved in the mechanism of action of mood stabilizers (see
Chapter 14), it has been used experimentally for treating
mania and found to be effective in a small series of patients
(Manji and Chen, 2002).

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Although there has been interest in these compounds for the
treatment of bipolar disorder, reports and trials have been
limited to bipolar depression and possible uses in prophylaxis (see Chapters 19 and 20). There has been at least one report of possible induction of hypomania in a patient using
over-the-counter fish oil preparations (Kinrys, 2000). What
if any benefit these substances may have for manic patients
is as yet unknown.

Cholinergic Agents
Reports on the use of cholinergic agents, such as pilocarpine, for the treatment of mood states appeared as early



as the late nineteenth century. Severe side effects limited the

use of these older agents, but new agents developed for the
treatment of Alzheimers disease have a much more favorable side-effect profile. Burt and colleagues (1999) reported
on a small open case study of the use of the cholinesterase
inhibitor donepezil in patients with treatment-resistant
bipolar disorder. Of the 11 patients in the study, 10 were in a
manic, hypomanic, or mixed state. Of these, 6 were very
much improved by the end of 2 weeks. However, in a subsequent double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive
donepezil in 11 manic patients, Eden Evins and colleagues
(2006) were unable to demonstrate efficacy. Cases of mania
evidently precipitated by donepezil have been reported as
well (Benazzi, 1998).

The discovery of the antimanic effects of lithium launched
the psychopharmacology revolution in psychiatry, and today lithium remains one of the most documented choices
for the treatment of euphoric nonpsychotic mania or hypomania. Beyond lithium, however, our armamentarium
has been considerably enriched by anticonvulsants and
atypical antipsychotics. In comparison with the treatment
of bipolar depression or maintenance treatment, the clinician enjoys the choice of a wide range of drugs that have
been shown to be effective in treating acute mania and/or
mixed states. Indeed, in the United States alone there are
nine FDA-approved agents for mania. Recall, however, that
in the placebo-controlled literature, response means an
improvement of 50 percent or better, and that even with
this modest definition of improvement, the response rates
from monotherapy studies average around 50 percent.
Thus most manic patients will ultimately require a combination of medications, although when possible, it is generally advisable to evaluate monotherapies first. Given that a
drug or drug combination initiated for mania or hypomania will likely be carried forward into the continuation
phase of treatment (not to be confused with true maintenance or prophylactic treatment; see Chapter 17), both efficacy and tolerability must be considered from the outset.
For the acute management of more severely ill patients, the
older typical antipsychotics still have a role, while for the
patient with moderate to moderately severe symptoms, the
atypical antipsychotics represent an important addition to
the armamentarium.
The manic patient presents multiple clinical challenges
beyond the issue of choice of medication, such as dealing
with law enforcement and deciding when to hospitalize
involuntarily, how best to involve the family, and how to
enhance adherence to the treatment regimen. For those patients whose manic episodes are heralded by a hypomanic

period (the hypomanic alert), the clinician may have an

opportunity to prevent escalation through the aggressive
use of drugs to restore normal sleep. An ongoing relationship with the family is the best way for the clinician to be
assured of being alerted in time.

1. Delirious maniaa syndrome of the acute onset of the insomnia, excitement, grandiosity, emotional lability, and psychotic symptoms characteristic of mania, accompanied by
the disorientation and altered consciousness characteristic of
deliriumis fortunately now rare. See Chapter 2 and Fink
(1999) for a review.
2. IM droperidol had also been widely used for emergency sedation until concerns about cardiac arrhythmia and reports
of sudden death led to its virtual elimination from the armamentarium in the late 1990s. More detailed analyses have cast
some doubt on the wisdom of abandoning this highly effective agent so quickly (Chase and Biros, 2002).
3. To our knowledge there have been no studies comparing
ECT with atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of mania.
4. For example, a Finnish study of bipolar patients who committed suicide found that about 1 in 10 were in or had recently recovered from a period of psychotic mania at the
time of their death (Isometsa et al., 1994).
5. However, in a randomized study, Rifkin and colleagues (1994)
compared three doses of haloperidol for mania (10, 30, and
80 mg/day) and found no difference among the three doses.
They concluded that more than 10 mg/day offers no additional advantage in treating mania.
6. Adapted from the first edition of this text: Comparisons of
lithium and neuroleptics have been limited largely to chlorpromazine. The largest such study, the Veterans Affairs (VA)
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study (Prien
et al., 1972), warrants extensive discussion because of its size
255 newly admitted manic and schizoaffective patients in
18 VA hospitalsand its unusual findings. Patients were differentiated not only by diagnosis but also by activity level:
highly active or mildly active. Among the highly active
patients who completed the 3-week treatment trials, both the
lithium-treated and the chlorpromazine-treated groups improved significantly on a wide range of symptoms. However,
38 percent of the lithium-treated patients dropped out, compared with only 8 percent of those treated with chlorpromazine, in part reflecting more side effects attributable to
lithium in this group since the dose was pushed in an effort to
control the hyperactivity. Both drugs produced significant improvement in the mildly active patients who completed the
study, but in this group severe side effects were more frequent
among the chlorpromazine-treated patients. The investigators
concluded that chlorpromazine was superior to lithium in the
initial treatment of the highly active patients. The neuroleptic
not only reduced motor activity, excitement, grandiosity, hostility, and psychotic disorganization, but also sharply decreased the patients need for ward supervision in the first
week. By the end of 3 weeks, however, the two drugs were
equivalent. Among the mildly active patients, there were fewer
dropouts related to lithium than to chlorpromazine, primarily because lithium did not make them feel as sluggish and

Medical Treatment of Hypomania, Mania, and Mixed States




fatigued. Neither discharge rates nor overall improvement

rates were reported in this study. In other studies, however,
discharge rates and clinical evaluations have favored lithium
over neuroleptics, thus underscoring the ultimate advantage
of lithium. The dropout rate in the VA-NIMH study may reflect limitations in clinical management more than inherent
limitations of the drugs in question.
Diagnosis is also a critical issue. Prien and colleagues did
not specify how the differential diagnosis was made between
the manic phase of manic-depressive illness and schizoaffective psychosis. Other investigators might have diagnosed
their highly active patients as schizoaffective or atypical.
Although some studies have suggested that such patients do
not respond as well to lithium as the more typical manicdepressive patients do (reviewed by Goodwin and Ebert,
1973), other investigators have failed to find any difference in
lithium response between the groups (reviewed by Goodnick
and Meltzer, 1984). This discrepancy is probably more apparent than real. Goodnick and Meltzer (1984) have shown that,
compared with manic patients, schizoaffective manic patients require more than twice as long to achieve a full antimanic response to lithium alone (9 weeks versus the 4 weeks
for manic patients). Many of the reports of relatively poor
lithium response rates among schizoaffective manic patients
involve trials of 4 weeks or less. Again, from a practical point
of view, this means that schizoaffective manic patients are
likely to require other medications in addition to lithium for
the acute treatment of mania. Finally, it is important to recall
that even though the antipsychotics had been the established
treatment for acute mania, and lithiums introduction was
clouded (particularly in the United States) by reports of
deaths associated with its initial use as a salt substitute,
lithium nevertheless became the preferred treatment for
most acutely manic patients.
As an example of such limit setting, consider the following:
I am doing my best to appreciate your reasoning and wishes.
I understand that you disagree with me, but I have decided
that for now this is what must happen. We must give you
x mg of olanzapine now and three times a day over the next
3 days to get to a therapeutic range.
Schou et al., 1954; Maggs, 1963; Goodwin et al., 1969; Stokes
et al., 1971.
A delay of 710 days in the onset of lithium action includes
the 56 days it usually takes to establish a steady-state level.
Post et al., 1986a; Small et al., 1991; Bowden et al., 1994, 2006;
Weisler et al., 2004, 2005.
Ichim et al., 2000, Lessig et al., 2001; Jochum et al., 2002; Margolese et al., 2003.
Ballenger and Post, 1980; Okuma et al., 1981; Desai et al., 1987;
Lerer et al., 1987.
As noted in the first edition, in a number of these early studies the carbamazepine-treated patients were also on lithium.
The average carbamazepine level was 7.3 g/ml, while the
average lithium level was .46 mEq/l. In this study, both
medications were used at doses that resulted in relatively low
serum levels, and they had approximately the same efficacy.
The mean YMRS scores at the end of the 8-week study period
(17/60) were the same in both groups but were nevertheless
fairly high. The authors noted that although the two agents
were equally effective, neither was sufficiently effective to be
recommended as monotherapy for treatment of severe manic







states. They suggested that combination treatment would be

needed for most acutely manic patients. At the same time,
they noted that most of the patients in their study had a prior
history of failing a lithium trial.
The registration trials for extended-release carbamazepine
were undertaken after encouraging results were obtained in a
6-month open-label evaluation by Ketter and colleagues
In this study, 63 percent of the subjects also remained on
lithium therapy throughout the study period.
Marcotte, 1998; Normann et al., 1999; Calabrese et al., 2001;
Letmaier et al., 2001; Pecuch and Erfurth, 2001; Bozikas et al.,
An open study of 14 patients with mania (9 of whom took
topiramate as monotherapy) found the drug to be helpful in
62 percent of the subjects (Bozikas et al., 2002). Calabrese
and colleagues (2001) treated 10 manic patients with topiramate as monotherapy in an open trial over a period of up to
4 weeks. The subjects mean YMRS score dropped from 32 to
22; however, only 3 of 10 patients had a decline in score of 50
percent or more, while 5 had a decline of less than 20 percent.
Marcotte (1998) reviewed the charts of 44 patients treated for
bipolar-I manic or mixed or bipolar-II disorder with an average of 200 mg/day of topiramate in addition to existing
therapy for an average of 16 weeks. Moderate to marked improvement was experienced by 23 (52 percent) of the patients, while 5 patients (11 percent) were rated as worse; 1 patient became delirious. No weight gain (or loss) was reported
in the group.
Chengappa and colleagues (1999) used topiramate in another
open-label study of 12 manic, 1 hypomanic, 5 mixed, and 6
rapid-cycling patients also taking other medications. The
mean YMRS score declined from 30 to 18 in 3 weeks and to 12
by 5 weeks. In this study, patients lost an average of 6 pounds
at 3 weeks and 9 pounds at 5 weeks. Grunze and colleagues
(2001) gave topiramate to 11 acutely manic patients who were
taking other medications, including lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, haloperidol, and lorazepam. After 10 days of receiving topiramate, 7 of the patients had positive responses
that deteriorated when the drug was discontinued. When the
topiramate was reinstituted, 8 of the 9 patients who completed the study experienced a 50 percent or greater decrease
in their YMRS score.
In an open study, lamotrigine was given either as monotherapy or in addition to other agents to patients experiencing
acute mood episodes of bipolar disorder (Calabrese et al.,
1999). Of the 31 patients with manic, hypomanic, or mixed
states, 33 percent were very much improved on the CGI
scale at the end of 48 weeks. Of the total group of 75 patients,
8 experienced a worsening of or the onset of manic symptoms
that required hospitalization. A study of lamotrigine as a prophylactic agent in rapid-cycling bipolar disorder (Calabrese
et al., 2000) had a preliminary open phase that included 66
patients with mania or hypomania. After being treated with
lamotrigine for 6 weeks, about half of these patients had experienced sufficient remission of their symptoms to enter the
next phase of the study.
Bennett et al., 1997; McElroy et al., 1997; Stanton et al., 1997;
Erfurth et al., 1998; Altshuler et al., 1999; Cabras et al., 1999;
Hatzimanolis et al., 1999; Perugi et al., 1999; Sokolski et al.,
1999; Ghaemi and Goodwin, 2001.



23. Goldberg and Burdick, 2002; Braunig and Kruger, 2003;

Grunze et al., 2003; Bersani, 2004.
24. In Grunze and colleagues (2003) open-label study, the efficacy of levetiracetam added to haloperidol was examined in
10 acutely manic patients in an onoffon study design. There
was an improvement in mean YMRS scores during the first
on phase of the study, a worsening during the off phase, and
then another improvement during the second on phase.
25. The single comparison study of zuclopenthixol for treatment
of acute mania was limited by its design. The study compared the combination of zuclopenthixol and clonazepam
with that of lithium and clonazepam in 28 hospitalized patients with acute mania. The two combinations were found
to be of similar efficacy (Gouliaev et al., 1996).
26. Miller and colleagues performed a retrospective chart review
of 204 patients with acute mania admitted to a university
hospital over a 30-month period, comparing typical and
atypical antipsychotic medications as add-ons to moodstabilizing medications. In this naturalistic study, patients
taking atypical antipsychotic medications showed greater
clinical improvement and fewer side effects than those treated
with typical antipsychotic medications, but the clinicians
may have tended to use the typical agents in the sicker patients (Miller et al., 2001).
27. Sachs and colleagues (2002) reported on a comparative trial
of risperidone (mean dose 4 mg/day) or haloperidol (mean
dose 6 mg/day) versus placebo as adjunctive treatment for patients taking either lithium or valproate for acute mania. Similar degrees of improvement on the YMRS were seen with
both. In a nonrandomized observational study, GonzalezPinto and colleagues (2001) evaluated the relative efficacy of
adjunctive olanzapine versus an adjunctive typical antipsychotic in the treatment of 45 hospitalized patients with mixed
states already on a mood stabilizer; those treated with olanzapine showed significantly more improvement in depressive
symptoms compared with those taking the typical antipsychotics. In the one randomized comparison of olanzapine
and haloperidol as monotherapy in treating mania, Tohen
and colleagues (2003b) evaluated 453 patients and found that
approximately 50 percent in each group met remission criteria (low scores on both mania and depression scales) after 6
weeks of treatment. During an additional 6 weeks of followup, relapses into depression occurred more rapidly with
haloperidol than with olanzapine, and in a secondary analysis, those without psychotic features (pure mania) did better
on olanzapine than haloperidol. As might be expected, olanzapine was associated with more weight gain, while haloperidol
produced more EPS.

28. The absence of a placebo group in this aripiprazolehaloperidol comparison limits interpretation of the results.
29. Most patients had also had poor responses to carbamazepine
or valproate. All 25 subjects had experienced at least one
episode of mania in the 24 months prior to the trial. The mean
number of hospitalizations was 15.
30. A chart review study of bipolar-I patients treated with adjunctive clozapine, risperidone, and olanzapine found no
difference in efficacy among the groups (Guille et al., 2000).
Olanzapine caused the greatest weight gain, although olanzapine plus lithium was associated with less weight gain than
olanzapine plus valproate.
31. However, there was an even higher placebo response rate in
this series43 percent, compared with the 25 percent rate
in the earlier study.
32. A secondary analysis of the first placebo-controlled trial (Tohen et al., 1999) by Baker and colleagues (2002) indicated
that the efficacy of olanzapine in acute mania was independent of whether the patient had previously failed to respond
to lithium or valproate.
33. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Clinical Global Impression for
Bipolar Disorder scale identifying manic, hypomanic, depressive, or mixed symptoms.
34. Simpson-Angus Scale.
35. Generalizability is quite limited for studies in which the new
agent is added to ongoing treatment to which the patient is
not yet responding since this is, in effect, selecting for nonor partial response to the original agent, in this case lithium
or valproate.
36. The Baker et al. (2002) data could also be interpreted as suggesting that olanzapine was superior to placebo in preventing
early relapses into mania after acute treatment of the episode.
37. This difference may relate to the fact that in India, families can
give consent for participation in treatment research when the
validity of a patients consent is compromised by the illness.
38. In this study, there was also a haloperidol-treated group. It is
interesting that three placebo- and three haloperidol-treated
subjects on lithium or valproate became manic, but none of
the risperidone-treated patients did.
39. In Segal and colleagues (1998) study, mean serum lithium
levels were .53, .62, and .72 mmol/l at the end of weeks 1, 2,
and 3, respectively.
40. Ghaemi and Katzow, 1999; Zarate et al., 2000; Chisholm
et al., 2001; Sajatovic et al., 2001.
41. Coexisting lamotrigine does not appear to require any increase in the electrical stimulus.
42. Giannini et al., 1984; Dose et al., 1986; Dubovsky et al., 1986;
Barton and Gitlin, 1987.


Medical Treatment of Depression

Monsieur le Docteur, since you are quite aware of what in me is capable of being attacked (and
healed by drugs). . . . I hope you have the knowhow to give me the quantity of subtle liquids,
of specious agents, of mental morphine which will uplift my abasement, balance what is crumbling, reunite what is separated, recompose what is destroyed.
Antonin Artaud (1924, pp. 2728)

The treatment options for recurrent depression, especially

bipolar depression, have finally begun to expand over the
last few years. In the first edition of this volume, a treatment
algorithm for bipolar depression listed only four interventions, or classes of interventions, by name: lithium,
the tricyclic and monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)
antidepressants, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (although fluoxetine and bupropion were discussed in the
text). Since then, entirely new classes of medications have
been introduced and shown to benefit patients with bipolar
Medical treatments for bipolar depression are also being
explored. Entirely new classes of medications have been introduced and shown to benefit patients with bipolar depression. An expanded clinical literature now informs the
use of thyroid hormones for depression, and research continues into the relevance of adrenal agents. The use of sleep
deprivation and phototherapy to augment pharmaceutical
treatments has proven beneficial. New techniques for electrical stimulation of the central nervous system are being
studied, while nonprescription pharmaceuticals, such as St.
Johns wort, and dietary supplements, including those containing omega-3 fatty acids, have been the subject of intense
interest in the lay press. Finally, our continued, strong belief
in the importance of psychotherapeutic treatments is reflected in their being the subject of a separate chapter.
Despite the newly available medical interventions, however, the successful treatment of bipolar depression remains a
challenge for the clinician. Many options for the treatment of
mania (discussed in the previous chapter) have been established by randomized, placebo-controlled trials, as reflected
in the large number of antimanic agents approved by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Research on the
treatment of bipolar depression has been minimal in com-

parison with that on mania, or especially that on unipolar

depression. Reflecting this paucity of data, as of this writing
only two agents are FDA approved for treatment of bipolar
depressionthe atypical antipsychotic quetiapine and the
combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine. Even long-term
maintenance treatment (see Chapter 20) has been the subject
of more controlled studies than have been conducted for the
acute treatment of bipolar depression. Moreover, although
the few available controlled studies are weighted toward
bipolar-I patients, some do include bipolar-II patients, but
usually without separately analyzing the results for these
two very different groups. Thus the treatment of bipolar-II
depression remains woefully understudied, despite the disorders being at least as common as bipolar-I disorder.
Patients with bipolar depression often respond more
slowly2 and less completely to pharmacotherapeutic interventions than patients who have manic or mixed symptoms, and some clinical studies suggest that they are substantially less likely to experience full remission of their
symptoms (Hlastala et al., 1997; Calabrese, 2005). A 2001
survey of patients being treated for bipolar-II disorder, for
example, found that despite treatment, nearly half had
suffered residual depressive symptoms of at least 2 years
duration (Benazzi, 2001), findings very similar to the recent
analysis of the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program
for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) data (Perlis et al., 2006).
Likewise, in the follow-up phase of the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH) Collaborative Program on the
Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies (Judd et al.,
2003), 67 percent of those receiving routine treatment available in the community continued to have substantial depressive morbidity.
This chapter begins with a discussion of the clinical management of depressed patients, addressing the evaluation



and treatment planning process and providing an overview

of proven and widely accepted treatment approaches. We
review the literature supporting these approaches, and then
survey less proven but nevertheless promising interventions that may become more commonplace in the future.
All of the drugs mentioned in the first section of the chapter are discussed in detail in the second.
Before proceeding, a note on the scope of the discussion
is in order. As mentioned in Chapter 1, our discussion of
depression encompasses both bipolar and highly recurrent
unipolar major depression; however, given the paucity of
studies of acute treatment of recurrent depression per se,
our emphasis is primarily on bipolar depression. Moreover, as discussed in Chapter 17, we conceptualize treatment of manic-depressive illness in three stagesacute,
continuation, and long-term maintenance. This chapter,
like the preceding one, focuses on acute treatment; Chapter
20 focuses on maintenance treatment. The continuation
stage is not so easily apportioned to a single chapter. Relapses into a major depressive syndrome from a state of euthymia, postmanic depressions, and breakthrough minor
depressive symptoms are categories whose boundaries in
real-life treatment situations can be unclear. Therefore,
while the management of severe major depressive episodes,
which can represent a medical emergency, is an important
focus of this chapter, approaches to breakthrough or residual symptoms, particularly the former, are also addressed
here, as well as in Chapter 20.

This section addresses the key aspects of the clinical management of depression. Discussed in turn are the evaluation
of the depressed patient, hospitalization, general considerations involved in medical treatment, and selection of a
treatment approach. Our recommendations for the selection
of appropriate treatments for particular patients are presented later in the chapter. Detailed discussion of special
considerations in treating bipolar children and adolescents
is presented in Chapter 23, and issues involving side effects
of psychiatric medications and their use in pregnancy are
addressed in Chapter 20.

Evaluation of the Depressed Patient

Diagnosing bipolar depression can be difficult, and the importance of taking a comprehensive history and performing a careful mental status examination as the foundation
for treatment of the depressed patient cannot be overemphasized. Often the evaluating psychiatrist is not the first
mental health professional, the first physician, or even the
first psychiatrist to see the patient. Patients may previously
have been told, erroneously, that they suffer from another

psychiatric disorder, such as unipolar depression or, less

commonly, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, or a personality or substance abuse disorder. The clinician should
neither accept such prior diagnoses at face value nor dismiss them out of hand, but rather use them as a starting
point for fuller consideration of the clinical picture, as well
as a means of engaging the patient and family in a discussion of history and symptoms.
The patient should be told that the inclusion of family
members or a close friend in at least part of the diagnostic
interview is routine and expected. Doing so is especially
important in diagnosing a depressive syndrome potentially
associated with bipolar disorder. As discussed in Chapters
3 and 21, patients often lack insight into the problems associated with hypomanic or even manic episodes, and therefore may not report the salient details, even with careful
questioning; the more objective perspective of an outside
observer is generally necessary. In conducting the diagnostic interview, the clinician should be sure to address the
following matters:
Course-of-illness questions should inquire into mood
cyclingover the course of a day (diurnal mood variations), month (premenstrual exacerbations), and year
(seasonal affective disorder [SAD]). Mood symptoms in
the postpartum (puerperal) period or exacerbation of
affective symptoms following antidepressant treatment
should also be addressed specifically. The use of a life chart
(as described in Chapter 11) is highly recommended for
recording these important course variables.
It is imperative to take a comprehensive survey of the
patients use of alcohol and other intoxicating substances (see Chapter 7); the clinician should ask specifically about a family history of alcoholism or drug abuse.
Substance abuse is often viewed by patients as not being
a psychiatric problem. Surreptitious substance abuse
is frequently an illness-sustaining factor responsible for
refractory depressive symptoms, antidepressant-related
switches, and/or cycling, medication nonadherence, and
an apparent lack of response to adequate treatment. Therefore, questioning family members and previous providers
about substance use and abuse may be the only way to
obtain this history accurately. Practitioners should have
a low threshold for obtaining urine toxicology screens
and hepatic transaminase determinations if there is any
suspicion in this regard.
Patients, when asked about their treatment history, may
present an extensive list of medications that they report
have been ineffective for them in the past. Frequently such
lack of benefit can be attributed to inadequate medication trials. Thus it is essential to request details on adherence, the dosing and duration of these past medication

Medical Treatment of Depression

trials, and results of blood-level determinations for

appropriate agents; records from past providers should be
obtained whenever possible. Reports of side effects should
be treated with empathy but some skepticism and elucidated in as much detail as possible. Patients may experience a variety of minor somatic symptoms more accurately attributable to depression than to a medication, or
more closely related to a total side-effect burden associated with multiple medications than to a single agent. The
clinician should also ask about a history of a decreased
need for sleep, abnormal increases in energy, euphoria
and/or irritability, suicidal thinking or behavior, or other
signs of psychomotor activation in response to treatments
for depression, as these symptoms may indicate an underlying bipolar diathesis.
In taking the family psychiatric history, the clinician
should focus not only on the diagnosis of family members but also on their response to particular treatments.
Although the field of pharmacogenetics is still in its infancy, it is possible that, given the clear genetic mechanisms at work in the etiology of mood disorders, a patient
will have a favorable response to an agent that successfully treated a similarly ill family member. Clinical experience suggests that this is not uncommonly the case.

The first treatment decision the clinician must make is
whether a depressed patient can safely be treated on an outpatient basis. More than two-thirds of completed suicides
by persons with bipolar disorder occur during a major depressive episode (Isometsa et al., 1994) (see Chapter 8). The
patient expressing fear of acting on suicidal urges clearly
needs to be considered for hospitalization, but the decision
is often less than clear-cut, depending, for example, on
whether there is a previous history of serious suicide attempts, whether the patient expresses hopelessness, whether
the patient has a history of impulsiveness and/or violence,
and whether the patient has access to lethal means and/or
lives alone. Comorbid substance abuse substantially increases the suicide risk; thus the threshold for hospitalizing
the depressed patient who is actively abusing drugs or alcohol should be lower than that for a patient who is not.
The patient with severe psychomotor retardation should
usually be hospitalized. Even if the close support of family
members is available to these patients, their nutritional status and ability to comply with treatment recommendations
are poor, and their illness can decompensate quickly into an
acutely life-threatening condition. The risk of suicide may
actually rise as these patients begin to emerge from their depression. Under some circumstances, a patient may need to
be placed under one-to-one observation, or suicide watch
(see Chapter 8). Energy level and volition often increase well


before mood state improves; thus patients who literally

have been too depressed to harm themselves may quite suddenly become much more likely to kill themselves.
Hospitalization offers many opportunities for monitoring of both symptoms and medication adherence that
are not available in the course of outpatient treatment.
Diurnal variations in mood, brief hypomanic periods,
mixed affective symptoms, and symptoms of withdrawal
from surreptitiously abused drugs are just some of the complicating factors that may become apparent only during
hospitalization. Side effects can be identified and managed
more quickly, and hospitalized patients can be educated and
supported in tolerating the temporary discomforts often
experienced with new medications. The clinician should
also consider hospitalizing a depressed patient for ECT early
in the process of planning treatment, not as a last resort.
We discuss factors favoring ECT as a first-line treatment
in a later section.
Day-hospital programs and hospital-based intensive outpatient programs can sometimes achieve the goals of inpatient treatment. Such programs are much less disruptive
to the patients personal and family life than hospitalization,
while also incurring substantially lower financial costs.

Medical Treatment: General Considerations

Patients presenting to the psychiatrist with symptoms of
bipolar depression vary tremendously in the severity of their
symptoms, the complexity of their course of illness, and
their previous treatment history. Nevertheless, some general
considerations will serve the clinician well in almost all instances:
Adequacy of medication trials. The benefits of pharmaceutical interventions for depression may take several
weeks to become apparent, and patients may continue to
improve for months after starting on a new medication.
Once the presumed therapeutic dose range has been
reached, futher dosage increases should generally occur
at intervals of not less than 2 weeks. Improvement in response to medications does not always follow a smooth
pattern, so it is important for patients to be ready to experience a sawtooth-like pattern (see Figure 22-1 in
Chapter 22).3 Symptoms should not be declared refractory to a particular agent unless the patient has taken it
at the maximum recommended dosage or, if serum determinations are available, at the top of the therapeutic
range, for at least 4 weeks.
Mood cycles and fluctuations. Some mood fluctuations
in patients being treated for bipolar disorder reflect cyclic
or phasic changes associated with the illness that will normalize with time and do not necessarily require pharmaceutical intervention. Many patients will, for example,



have brief depressive periods following periods of mania

or hypomania. Being too quick to intervene during these
periods can result in prescribing unnecessary and sometimes ultimately destabilizing antidepressants or other
agents. Watchful waiting, along with psychotherapeutic
and psychoeducational support, is often the better approach. Nonpharmaceutical adjunctive treatments, such
as phototherapy, sleep deprivation, and exercise, can be
helpful as well.
Breakthrough depressions in patients on maintenance
mood stabilizers. This is the most common situation in
which the clinician encounters bipolar depression. The
first consideration should be optimization of the mood
stabilizer regimen. As reviewed in the first edition of this
volume (and now incorporated into several of the treatment guidelines for bipolar depression), a temporary
increase in the patients lithium level (to above .8 milliequivalents per liter [mEq/l]) can often abort a breakthrough episode, and there is reason to think that such a
strategy may be effective with other mood stabilizers as
well. While we emphasize watchful waiting above, in
some situations attention to prodromal or subsyndromal
symptoms may allow an intervention that can prevent
an episode from progressing at a time when it may be
more rapidly responsive to intervention. In our experience, cognitive symptoms, such as diminished concentration and indecisiveness, are the most frequent prodromes;
this observation is consistent with that of Keitner and
colleagues (1996). Subtle mood and psychomotor changes
are also common (see the reviews of Jackson et al., 2003,
and Marangell, 2004).
Assessment of progress. Recovery from bipolar depression can be slow and characterized by starts and stops.
Therefore, frequent assessment (weekly during the initial
stages of treatment and at least every 2 weeks as long as
there are significant residual symptoms) is essential. Family members should be encouraged to attend follow-up
appointments to report their impressions. Patients can
also be encouraged to keep a journal or mood chart4 and
bring the results to appointments. In addition, the clinician should consider using an objective rating scale to
record assessments of improvement. The MontgomeryAsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) (Montgomery
and Asberg, 1979) is more sensitive to symptom change
in bipolar depression than the more frequently used
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) because
it focuses more on core depressive symptoms than on
anxiety, insomnia, and somatic symptoms (Montgomery
and Asberg, 2001). A self-administered version of the
MADRS is also available. (See also Chapter 11.)
Rational combined pharmacotherapy and irrational
polypharmacy. Although rational combined pharma-

cotherapy (the use of several pharmaceutical agents to

treat a single condition) is often necessary in treating
bipolar depression, the risk of irrational or haphazard
combinations (polypharmacy) looms large. Patients, family members, and, increasingly, reviewers for insurance
companies insist that something be done to provide
quicker symptom relief or discharge from the hospital,
and multiple medications are added in the mistaken belief that more aggressive treatment will achieve this end.
Several adjunctive medications for insomnia, anxiety, or
agitation may be initiated during a period of exacerbated
symptoms, and can result in such problems as oversedation and fatigue that can mimic depressive symptoms.
These problems, in turn, can result in the use of even
more medications. The preferable strategy is to recognize
that improvement from medications used to treat depression requires time.
Switches and cycle acceleration associated with antidepressants. Perhaps the most important issue regarding
the risk/benefit assessment associated with combining
agents is the addition of an antidepressant to a mood
stabilizer; because of its importance, this issue is discussed extensively in the present chapter. In addition to
the possibility of acute manic switches associated with
antidepressants, we have chosen to include coverage here
of the potential for long-term induction of cycles (destabilization) by these agents because it is a key consideration in planning the acute treatment of depression, especially with bipolar patients.
Comorbidities. Attention to complicating comorbid conditions that may be illness-sustaining is vital (see Chapters
7 and 24). Substance abuse, anxiety and eating disorders,
and thyroid dysfunction are perhaps the most important
and commonly overlooked of these conditions, but alertness to any coexisting systemic, neurological, or endocrinologic illness in a patient and close collaboration
with all treating practitioners are essential.
Highly recurrent unipolar depression. As discussed in
Chapter 1, a substantial subset of unipolar patients share
certain important features with bipolar patients: a high
frequency of recurrence (cycle lengths averaging 2 years
or less), a family history of mania, and an early age
at onset (teens and twenties). Indeed, recurrent unipolar depression was part of Kraepelins original construct
of manic-depressive illness. While there is a paucity of
treatment studies focused on this group, it is probably
wise to keep in mind the principles outlined here for
the management of bipolar depression, particularly the
cautions about sustained antidepressant monotherapy
and the importance of considering the use of mood
stabilizers, especially those with robust effects against

Medical Treatment of Depression

Selection of a Treatment Approach

As outlined in Chapter 17, there are many published guidelines, algorithms, and consensus statements on the treatment of bipolar depression. Though the details vary, most
recommend using mood stabilizerslithium and/or the
activating anticonvulsant lamotrigineas the foundation
for treatment, and adding other agents as needed to enhance an incomplete antidepressant effect or provide symptomatic treatment for insomnia, anxiety, or agitation. For
many treatment decision points, however, research data are
insufficient to provide confidence in recommending one
approach over another. The specific pharmacological approach for an individual patient must be based on an assessment of family history, past and present symptoms,
course of illness, past treatment responses, appearance and
tolerance of side effects, and adherence issues.5 As noted
above, the focus of the great majority of the literature has
been on bipolar-I depression; treatment of bipolar-II depression has, unfortunately, been very inadequately studied. What information is available is addressed later in our
review of the literature. Our recommendations for the
treatment of bipolar-I and -II depression are presented in
Figures 191a and 191b, respectively.

Given data demonstrating the apparent ability of longterm treatment with lithium to protect patients with bipolar disorder against suicidal behavior (see Chapter 25), one
can argue that lithium should be included in the regimen
for many if not most bipolar patients. Lithium remains
a strong choice for monotherapy for bipolar-I depression
in patients presenting with no previous treatment history.
Indeed, the practice guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) (2002) for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder recommend lithium as an
initial treatment for bipolar depression of mild to moderate severity. The most recent guidelinesthe Texas Algorithm (Suppes et al., 2005)recommends as a first step for
bipolar depressed patients already taking lithium that the
lithium level be increased to above 0.8 mEq/l.
A typical clinical scenario is the patient presenting with
depressive symptoms who, on closer questioning of both
patient and family member(s), is found to have experienced
previous episodes of clear hypomania (or even mania) that
did not come to clinical attention or were not properly diagnosed and treated. Patients with such a history will often
resist the idea of having bipolar disorder rather than just
depression and may recoil at the mention of lithium, a
medication they may associate with severe mental illness.
Thus, before some patients will agree to take lithium, they
must be educated about its well-demonstrated, albeit often


modest, antidepressant effects and its prophylactic efficacy

in treating recurrent mood disorders. It can also be helpful
to point out that the side-effect profile described in reference publications, such as the Physicians Desk Reference, is
based on studies that are now more than three decades old
in which substantially higher doses of lithium were used.
Another common clinical situation is the patient already
taking an antidepressant prescribed by another physician
who comes to the psychiatrist with refractory or residual
depressive symptoms, and from whom a history of previously undetected hypomanic symptoms is elicited for the
first time. While there is solid evidence supporting the use
of lithium to augment an antidepressant (as discussed
below), many patients with bipolar depression will get well
and stay well on lithium alone. Should the clinician recommend discontinuing the antidepressant when such a
patient recovers after starting lithium? Or (as discussed
below) should the antidepressant be gradually replaced by
lamotrigine, a stabilizer with antidepressant effects that appear to be more robust than those of lithium? To answer
these questions, the clinician must engage the patient and
family members as partners in treatment decisions. How
important is taking only one medication for this patient?
What is this patients risk of self-destructive behavior upon
becoming depressed? Is there a history suggesting that an
antidepressant may be destabilizing for this patient (a history of mixed symptoms, rapid cycling, or substance abuse)?
Is there a supportive family member who will help monitor symptoms and adherence? Can the patient afford to
pay for the medication (in this case lamotrigine)?
As noted in the first edition of this volume, lithiums
antidepressant effects may not become noticeable for up
to 3 to 5 weeks, a lag time that can be somewhat longer
than that experienced with antidepressants; some patients,
however, respond within the first week or two. The original
studies on lithium monotherapy for bipolar depression
recommended doses that would achieve serum levels of up
to 1.2 mEq/l, considerably higher than the levels now recommended for maintenance treatment. While it appears
that higher levels are more effective in treating acute depressive symptoms, they are associated with more side effects and problems with adherence (Gelenberg et al., 1989;
see also Chapter 21). Often, however, achieving these levels
for a relatively short period of time can produce an antidepressant response, after which the dose can be lowered.
Some have suggested that rapid cycling (defined as at least
four episodes of mania or depression within 12 months) predicts poorer acute antidepressant response to lithium, especially as compared with response to the anticonvulsant
agents (see, e.g., Bowden, 2001). Although this work has
examined primarily efficacy in preventing relapse, it has
been extended to the treatment of acute depression, and



Treatment of Bipolar-I Depression

If not on a mood stabilizer

If on lithium or valproate

1. Evaluate thyroid function, and

supplement as necessary.
2. Start lamotrigine combined with
lithium or valproate.
a. For severe depression,
consider electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) or an
antidepressant plus an
antimanic mood stabilizer.
b. For psychotic depression,
add an atypical.
c. If the patient has seasonal
depression, use adjunctive
bright light in the morning.

1. Assess for possible

precipitating factors, such
as substance use,
prescription drugs, or life
2. Evaluate thyroid
functioning; supplement if
3. If on lithium, increase
4. Add lamotrigine.

If no response at
week 4:

Add quetiapine, and consider

thyroid augmentation.

If no response at
week 4:

Add quetiapine.

If no response at
week 6:
Consider olanzapine plus fluoxetine
as an alternative to quetiapine.

If no response at
week 8:
Discontinue olanzapine plus
fluoxetine and add bupropion or
a selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor (SSRI), depending on
symptom pattern,a while maximizing
the antimanic mood stabilizer.

If no response at
week 10:
Consider ECT or an alternative
antidepressant, such as a
monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)
(preferably), a tricyclic;
pramipexole, or a stimulant and/or
sleep deprivation.

If no response at
week 6:
Consider olanzapine plus fluoxetine
as an alternative to quetiapine.

If no response at
week 8:
Discontinue olanzapine plus
fluoxetine and add bupropion or
SSRI, depending on symptom
pattern,a while maximizing the
antimanic mood stablizer.

If no response at
week 10:
Consider ECT or an alternative
antidepressant, such as an MAOI
(preferably), a tricyclic,
pramipexole, or a stimulant
and/or sleep deprivation.

Figure 191. a: Recommendations for treatment of bipolar-I depression. Bupropion is preferred for psychomotor retardation/slowing; SSRIs are preferred for irritability or comorbid anxiety, panic, or obsessive-compulsive
disorder. b: Recommendations for treatment of bipolar-II depression. Note: There have been very few controlled
studies focusing on bipolar-II depression; therefore, any recommendations for treating this condition must be
considered more tentative than those for treating bipolar-I.

Medical Treatment of Depression


Treatment of Bipolar-II Depression

If not on a mood stabilizer

If on a mood stabilizer

1. Start lamotrigine.
a. For severe depression,
electroconvulsive therapy
(ECT) or an
antidepressant plus an
antimanic mood stabilizer.
b. For psychotic depression,
add an atypical
antipsychotic to
c. If the patient has
seasonal depression, use
adjunctive bright light in
the morning.
d. For persistent irritability,
consider adjunctive

1. Increase clinical contact.

2. Assess for possible
precipitating factors, such
as substance use,
prescription drugs, or life
3. Evaluate thyroid
functioning; supplement
as necessary.
4. If on lithium, increase
5. Add lamotrigine.

If no response at week 4:
Consider a second-generation
antidepressant plus an antimanic
mood stabilizer or quetiapine.

If no response at week 4:
Consider a second-generation
antidepressant plus an antimanic
mood stabilizer or quetiapine.

If no response at
week 6:

If no response at
week 8:
Consider other combinations
(quetiapine plus lamotrigine,
lithium plus lamotrigine,
olanzapine plus fluoxetine, MAOI
plus antimanic mood stabilizer).

Consider other combinations

(quetiapine plus lamotrigine,
lithium plus lamotrigine,
olanzapine plus fluoxetine,
monoamine oxidase inhibitor
[MAOI] plus antimanic mood

Figure 191. (continued)

some guidelines recommend using valproate as first-line

monotherapy for depressed patients with a history of rapid
cycling (see, e.g., Sachs et al., 2000). However, a metaanalysis of studies of efficacy in rapid-cycling and nonrapid-cycling bipolar patients concluded that anticonvulsants have not been shown to be more effective than lithium
in preventing relapse (Baldessarini et al., 2002). As suggested
by the maintenance study of Calabrese and colleagues
(1999b, 2005), neither lithium nor valproate is very effective
against the depressive phase in rapid-cycling patients.
Because of lithiums relatively low therapeutic index,
it is important to hold a detailed discussion with patients

regarding certain precautions before they start taking the

drug. Patients should be advised, for example, to take care
not to become dehydrated in hot weather. Patients should
also let the treating clinician know if they are taking prescription drugs from other physicians (especially thiazide diuretics) or over-the-counter preparations, especially those containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), so
their lithium blood levels can be checked. Issues also arise
regarding the use of lithium during pregnancy. Potentially
suicidal patients should have their access to possibly dangerous quantities of lithium limited. All of these medical issues
are discussed in more detail in Chapter 20.



For patients who remain depressed on lithium, recommendations regarding the choice of an adjunctive agent were
based in the past on whether the patient had a history of
symptoms associated with a more complex and brittle bipolar disorder, usually thought to be indicated by a history of
rapid cycling or mixed episodes. The literature supporting
the efficacy of certain anticonvulsants in the treatment of
mixed states and rapid cycling supports the adjunctive use
of these agents in patients with such a history who experience lithium-resistant bipolar depression, as do studies indicating synergistic or at least additive effects of lithium
and valproate at both the clinical (Young et al., 2000) and
cellular levels (see Manji et al., 2001; see also Chapter 14).
Some patients with bipolar depression will respond to
valproate monotherapy; compared with lithium, however,
there is less data supporting valproate as a first-line agent
for depression. However, when a bipolar depressed patient
is suffering from comorbid anxiety, valproate or carbamazepine may be a reasonable first-line choice. (See also
our review of the literature below.)
Lamotrigine is different from the other anticonvulsants
(such as valproate or carbamazepine) in that the evidence
indicates it to be effective in treating the core symptoms of
bipolar depression, and unlike traditional antidepressants, it
is much less likely to be associated with a switch into mania
(although switches into hypomania have been reported). Indeed, lamotrigine has joined lithium as a first-line agent for
bipolar depression. In the Texas Algorithm (Suppes et al.,
2005), for patients not already taking lithium, lamotrigine is
the first-line recommendation for bipolar depression (together with an adjunctive antimanic agent for bipolar-I patients). Because of the slow titration schedule required to
minimize the risk of a serious rash, there is some concern
that the acute antidepressant effect of the drug may not be
rapid enough for some clinical situations. While this may
well be true for severe depression, for many patients at least
partial antidepressant effects can begin at doses as low as
50 mg; indeed, as noted in the review of the literature below,
50 mg of lamotrigine was found to be superior to placebo, a
dose that can be reached in the third week of administration. Patients who are going to respond completely usually
do so at doses between 100 and 200 mg/day, but some (who
may be rapid metabolizers) fail to respond until higher
doses, up to 400 mg/day.6 For bipolar-II depression, lamotrigine can be used as monotherapy, while for bipolar-I depression, it is generally best combined with another stabilizer that works more effectively in the prevention of mania.
The British guidelines (G. Goodwin et al., 2004) specify that
lamotrigine monotherapy for bipolar-I depression may be
appropriate where depressive symptoms are less severe.

The antidepressant efficacy of gabapentin monotherapy

is not well supported by the research literature (see below),
but gabapentin can be useful as an adjunctive agent in the
presence of comorbid anxiety and/or insomnia. For this
latter use, its short half-life is an advantage because the
drug is not likely to be associated with daytime sedation.
Topiramate is another anticonvulsant without controlled
data to support its use as monotherapy for bipolar depression, but it may be useful as an adjunctive agent because of
its ability to produce weight loss.7 Likewise, there is a
paucity of controlled data for oxcarbazepine, whose main
advantage is its low incidence of drug interactions and
more benign side-effect profile (compared with carbamazepine).

Analysis of U.S. prescribing patterns in the 1990s indicates
that approximately half of all visits to a psychiatrist by
bipolar patients involved the administration of an antidepressant, often in the absence of a mood stabilizer (Blanco
et al., 2002; Baldessarini et al., 2006). While such practice
is, in our view, clearly inappropriate, adding an antidepressant to a mood stabilizer can be justified in some circumstances. By and large, the North American treatment
guidelines suggest that antidepressant monotherapy is not
appropriate for bipolar depression (especially bipolar-I depression) and that even in combination with a mood stabilizer, antidepressants should be reserved for more severe
cases of depression.8 It should be noted that some European experts believe the North American guidelines are too
negative with regard to antidepressants. At any rate, earlier
reluctance (especially in the United States) to recommend
antidepressants for patients with bipolar disorder because
of concerns about precipitating manic symptoms has been
attenuating somewhat in the face of evidence (albeit limited) that, compared with the tricyclics, the newer antidepressants (in the presence of a mood stabilizer) are less
likely to be associated with acute switching into manic/
hypomanic episodes (Gijsman et al., 2004). With regard to
long-term cycle induction, however, the newer agents may
be no safer than the older ones (Ghaemi et al., 2004).
Given the reality that most patients with bipolar disorder experience substantially more morbidity from depressive than from manic/hypomanic symptoms, antidepressants continue to have some role in the treatment of bipolar
depression, perhaps especially for the bipolar-II patient. In
our view, however, antidepressants should generally be reserved for patients who are severely depressed or those for
whom a combination of two mood stabilizers (including
lamotrigine) or a combination of a mood stabilizer and
quetiapine has failed. Our conclusion, which is similar to
the recommendation of the Texas Algorithm (see below)

Medical Treatment of Depression

was reinforced by the finding of the Stanley Foundation

Bipolar Network that only 15 percent of 549 bipolar patients (65 percent bipolar-I) taking mood stabilizers whose
breakthrough depression was treated with an adjunctive
antidepressant remained in remission for a minimum of
2 months (Altshuler et al., 2003).
Because maintenance antidepressants have been implicated in mood destabilization, gradually discontinuing these
agents is often the first step in eventually achieving mood
stability. Indeed, in the first edition of this text we recommended that antidepressants be gradually withdrawn shortly
after the antidepressant response in patients with bipolar-I
disorder and maintained only in those who repeatedly relapse after antidepressant discontinuation, which in our experience are about 15 to 20 percent of bipolar depressed
patients (Ghaemi and Goodwin, 2001b).
This recommendation has been called into question by
the results of three open, nonrandomized studies (two retrospective, one prospective) that examined 1-year outcomes in
patients with bipolar depression (approximately two-thirds
bipolar-I) who had been treated with one of the newer antidepressants added to a mood stabilizer. Each of these studies
found that, compared with those kept on their antidepressant for the full year of observation, those whose antidepressant was discontinued were significantly more likely to relapse into depression, whereas the risk of manic relapse was
not related to the duration of antidepressant treatment (Altshuler et al., 2001a, 2003; Joffe et al., 2005).9 However, the patients in these studies were not randomized, nor were the
studies controlled for a host of potentially confounding
variables (Goldberg and Ghaemi, 2005). For example, the
question remains open as to why the treating psychiatrists
chose to keep some patients on the antidepressant (presumably the more stable patients) while withdrawing it
from others (presumably those whose course may have been
destabilized by the antidepressant, as demonstrated in several studies). In other words, it is not possible to know how
many patients in these studies did worse because they were
taken off antidepressants and how many were taken off because they were doing worse.10
It is also important to note that an earlier randomized
study (i.e., without the confounds just discussed) found
that antidepressant (tricyclic) discontinuation in bipolar-I
patients maintained on lithium plus placebo did not result
in more depressive episodes over 2 years compared with
those maintained on lithium plus imipramine (Prien et al.,
1984). A later randomized clinical trial by the same group
compared lithium, imipramine, and a combination of the
two (Prien et al., 1988). The authors analyzed a subgroup of
25 patients with dysphoric mania and found that imipramine
(alone or in combination with lithium) was associated with
higher recurrence at up to 2 years of follow-up compared


with lithium alone. Of relevance to the newer secondgeneration antidepressants, a recent randomized study
within the NIMH STEP-BD program (detailed in our review
of the literature below) found that over 1-year follow-up
of bipolar patients who had responded to a mood stabilizer
antidepressant combination, the adjunctive antidepressant
was not associated with a better outcome compared with the
mood stabilizer alone.
Ghaemi and Goodwin (2005) applied the technique of
decision analysis to all of the available literature addressing
the role of antidepressants in bipolar-I disorder (the analysis was weighted toward the newer agents, as well as toward
randomized controlled trials, and involved conservative
assumptions). They concluded that the available literature
supports mood stabilizer monotherapy or a mood stabilizer
plus short-term use of an antidepressant, but does not support long-term use of an antidepressant, even with a mood
Among second-generation agents, the APA and Expert
Consensus guidelines recommend bupropion or paroxetine, whose use for treating bipolar depression has been
supported by the results of randomized, placebo-controlled
studies. Ultimately, however, the clinician must tailor this
decision to the particular patient, based on such factors
as symptom pattern, individual or family history of response to a particular agent, and side-effect profile. For
example, when psychomotor retardation/decreased energy
and lack of motivation are the most prominent features of
the depression, bupropion, with its activating profile, is
preferred; when comorbid anxiety, panic, or obsessivecompulsive symptoms predominate, a selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) is likely to be the best choice. A
moderate amount of crossover data is available to support
such choices. On the basis of studies covered in our review
of the literature, as well as our clinical experience, the following conclusions and recommendations are particularly
Tricyclics are problematic for the treatment of bipolar
depression with regard to both stabilization and efficacy.
For a contrary view see Moller and Grunze (2000), as
well as a detailed critique of that paper11 (Ghaemi et al.,
The MAOIs remain underutilized for treating bipolar
depression (Himmelhoch et al., 1991; Balon et al., 1999).
Although they are well documented to be effective for
that purpose and uniquely effective for some patients who
fail to benefit from any other agent, many psychiatrists
never prescribe them because of misapprehensions about
side effects and required diet. Many published diets are
overly restrictive, however, being based on case report
data on drug reactions that are of questionable validity



given that such reports focus on negative outcomes (see

Walker et al., 1996). Moreover, selegiline, a MAOI now
available in patch form, is reported to have a low incidence of all tyrimine-related reactions. MAOIs may be
particularly helpful for patients with more severe depressive symptoms with atypical features as defined in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IVanergia,
psychomotor retardation, and reverse vegetative signs
(hypersomnia and hyperphagia)although patients without these features can benefit as well. Guidelines for the
use of MAOIs (e.g., after mood stabilizers have failed)
are the same as for other antidepressants.
Second-generation antidepressants such as bupropion
and the SSRIs have largely replaced the older drugs. In
addition to being somewhat less likely than tricyclics to
precipitate a switch (with the exception of venlafaxine),
although perhaps not less likely to be associated with cycle induction, they have a more favorable side-effect profile than the older drugs.
Antidepressant monotherapy is contraindicated in
bipolar-I depression; for bipolar-II depression, we advise
caution in using antidepressant monotherapy until more
data are available.
When bipolar-I depression is treated with an adjunctive
antidepressant (including the second-generation agents),
an effort should be made to taper and discontinue the
drug shortly after remission (or maximal response) has
been achieved. For bipolar-II disorder, the risk/benefit
ratio of maintenance antidepressants has not been established.
Restoring and/or maintaining the integrity of sleep is
an important consideration in choosing an antidepressant for the bipolar patient. Other things being equal,
bupropion has an advantage over SSRIs in that it preserves normal sleep architecture when given early in
the day (which may be why it is apparently less likely
than an SSRI to be associated with a switch into mania/

Box 191 outlines our conclusions about the role of antidepressants in treating bipolar disorder.
Given the differential response of individuals with major depression to different agents, tapering and switching
is a reasonable strategy when a patient does not respond to
one antidepressant. Most guidelines recommend switching
to an antidepressant in a class different from the failed
agent, for example (as noted above), to bupropion in a patient showing no response to an SSRI (see Fava, 2000, for
a discussion of switching strategies with a focus on avoiding discontinuation syndromes). Differential responses to
different drugs in the same class have certainly been demonstrated, however; for example, some (unipolar) depressed

BOX 191. The Role of Antidepressants in Treating

Bipolar Disorder

The efficacy of maintenance antidepressants in treating bipo

lar disorder is not established.

Cycling and/or switches while on antidepressants have been
demonstrated in three randomized, placebo-controlled
Antidepressant monotherapy is not recommended for
bipolar-I disorder; data are insufficient to support a recommendation for bipolar-II.
Antidepressants (with a mood stabilizer) should generally be
reserved for severe bipolar depression, or cases in which adjunctive mood stabilizers have failed.
When antidepressants are used, they should be tapered and
discontinued after recovery from depression; they should be
maintained only in those who repeatedly relapse soon after
Source: Adapted from Ghaemi et al., 2003.

patients not responding to sertraline have been shown to

benefit from fluoxetine (Thase et al., 1997).

Some patients with bipolar depression will benefit from
antipsychotic medications. These agents are certainly indicated for patients with depression complicated by delusions and hallucinations. The agitation and extreme dysphoria and distress associated with severe depression can
be significantly ameliorated with antipsychotics as well.
And given in the evening, these agents can be especially
helpful in stabilizing sleep.
The newer, atypical antipsychotics have positive effects
on mood while also being somewhat less prone to cause
acute or delayed extrapyramidal symptoms; thus they are
clearly preferred over the older agents. Indeed, given the
ability of some of these drugs to improve mood, even when
the clinical picture does not include psychotic features, they
may be preferable to benzodiazepines in patients with severe
insomnia or extreme anxiety with physical restlessness and
agitation. It should be noted that the doses of these agents
useful in treating depression are often lower than those
needed to treat schizophrenia or manic states. The atypicals are 5-hydroxytryptamine(2) (5-HT2) receptor antagonists at low doses, and it has been suggested that as a result,
they may have an antidepressant effect through serotonergic mechanisms at these doses.
Olanzapine has been studied extensively in bipolar disorder. In addition to its clear antimanic action, there is evidence of a modest antidepressant effect, even in monotherapy (Tohen et al., 2003a), although the size of this effect is

Medical Treatment of Depression


small and derives almost entirely from the drugs beneficial effect on insomnia, anxiety, and irritability. When
olanzapine is combined with fluoxetine (Tohen et al., 2003b)
or other antidepressants (Thase, 2002), the effect is more robust. Recently, another atypical, quetiapine, was found to
have a robust antidepressant effect, including some effect
on core depressive symptoms, in two large randomized,
placebo-controlled studies of bipolar patients; indeed, quetiapine is the first drug to have attained an FDA indication for
bipolar depression (see our review of the literature below).
There have been reports of olanzapine and other atypical
antipsychotic medications causing hypomanic and manic
symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder. Two critical reviews by the same group (Aubry et al., 2000; Rachid et al.,
2004) evaluated published case reports covering a total of
60 patients and concluded that for more than half of these
patients, a causative role for an atypical antipsychotic was
highly suggestive. On the other hand, an analysis of 129
patients participating in controlled trials of olanzapine
found a significantly higher switch rate in the placebo group
than in those taking the drug (Baker et al., 2003). It should
be noted, however, that patients participating in controlled
trials are less likely than nonparticipants to have some of the
risk factors (such as substance abuse) associated with switching. Also, because the participants had to have just experienced a spontaneous manic episode to qualify for the trial,
their situation was different from that of the bipolar patient
being treated for depression.12
Although the risk of causing extrapyramidal symptoms
is likely lower with the atypical than with the typical antipsychotics (see Chapter 20), some, though not all, of the
former have metabolic side effects, including increased
serum lipids, triglycerides, and glucose (Osser et al., 1999).
Weight gain associated with the use of some of these medications is well documented,13 and cases of new-onset diabetes mellitus have been reported (Wirshing et al., 1998).
Monitoring of weight is therefore essential when certain of
these medications are prescribed, as is the usual attention
to the serum lipids that are important to cardiac health
(see Chapter 20 for details on the individual drugs).

clinical utility of the latter strategy cannot be overemphasized; increased mood instability from adding an antidepressant can take many months to become apparent, and
even then it is easily missed by clinicians not employing a
life chart methodology (see Chapter 11).

Complex Regimens

Sleep deprivation has clearly been demonstrated to benefit

depressed patients and can bring about rapid and dramatic
relief in those with bipolar depression. While the antidepressant benefits of sleep deprivation can be short-lived,
they can be prolonged by lithium and antidepressant medications, as detailed later in our review of the literature.
Even if the actual antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation are short-lived, there is an important psychological
effect whose implications can be more lasting: the hopeless
feeling that one will never recover is clearly challenged by
the dramatic, albeit temporary, improvement. Patients can

Many bipolar patients with refractory depressive symptoms will need to take lithium as well as an anticonvulsant,
such as lamotrigine, and clinical experience has shown
that a few will need to take lithium and more than one anticonvulsant, an atypical antipsychotic, and an antidepressant as well. The clinician must be sure to approach such
complex regimens cautiously. Optimizing of dosages (using serum drug-level determinations when possible) or
simply watchful waiting for full benefit to be achieved from
the addition of an agent may be all that is necessary. The

Thyroid Augmentation
Attention to the thyroid status of the depressed bipolar
patient is essential. Determination of thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (f T4 ) by dialysis should
be part of the assessment of patients with depression at
the first sign of resistant symptoms. Correction of thyroid
deficiencies is obviously important, but patients with normal thyroid determinations may benefit from adjunctive
treatment with thyroid hormone as well (see our review of
the literature below). In the next chapter, we review studies indicating that lower mean thyroid indices (albeit in
the normal range) are associated with incomplete recovery from bipolar depression. Psychiatrists should thus
be familiar with thyroid physiology, know the signs and
symptoms of hyper- and hypothyroidism, and, most important, understand the concept of subclinical hypothyroidism.
Recommendations as to which depressed patients to treat
with adjunctive thyroid hormone and at what point can be
difficult to make. Female patients, those with rapid-cycling
disorders, and those with levels of TSH above the 50th percentile of normal and with f T4 below the 50th percentile
have shown particular benefit from thyroid augmentation.
Given that about 50 percent of patients with treatmentresistant depression benefit from augmenting antidepressant medication with triiodothyronine (T3), a low-risk intervention, it would be reasonable to recommend adding
T3 to an antidepressant sooner rather than later, perhaps
even after concluding that the patient has not benefited
from the second or even the first antidepressant added
to lithium and anticonvulsant(s). For long-term management of bipolar patients, it is appropriate to shift gradually
to T4 (see Chapter 20).

Sleep Deprivation and Phototherapy



thus be helped to realize that they still have the capacity to

feel well; the remaining challenge is to sustain this feeling.
In the first edition of this text, we suggested that partial
sleep deprivation (during the second half of the night) was
probably as effective as total sleep deprivation, noting that
the former was easier for patients. However, results of recent research appear to indicate that total sleep deprivation
is indeed the most effective technique (Giedke et al., 2003).
Although somewhat difficult to achieve in the outpatient
setting, it can easily be accomplished in the hospital with
the support and direction of nursing staff. Patients should
be kept awake for 36 hours (all night and the following day)
and then allowed a night of recovery sleep. Several published efficacy studies recommend a series of three sleepdeprived nights alternating with recovery-sleep nights, although even one night of sleep deprivation is sufficient for
some sensitive patients to benefit. For certain patients,
however, partial sleep deprivation may be effective, and for
outpatients it is not unreasonable to try this approach first
and then move on to total sleep deprivation if necessary.
Sleep deprivation can be a highly effective technique for
accelerating the response to a new medication for a depressive episode, and can also provide relief for minor breakthrough depressive symptoms without necessitating a change
in the patients medication regimen. Some, though not all,
studies have found a greater response in bipolar than in
unipolar patients, but the clinical features that predict response are generally not controlled for in these comparisons.
Switches into mania/hypomania have been reported following sleep deprivation, so clinicians are well advised to employ the treatment only in patients on mood stabilizers. In
addition to the clinical correlates of the treatments effectiveness, studies relevant to its mechanism of action are reviewed in Chapter 16.
Phototherapy is another low-risk treatment for depression that is accomplished even more easily than sleep deprivation.14 The most obvious situation requiring this treatment is when the depressive phase is occurring during the
winter months, a pattern not uncommon among bipolar
patients. However, phototherapy can also be helpful at
other times of the year, probably because of its nonspecific
activating effects (it can be especially effective against daytime somnolence that can be associated with mood stabilizers) and its ability to help synchronize the circadian cycle, thereby contributing to the stabilization of sleep.
Despite over a decade of research, the precise timing of
light exposure necessary to derive its maximum benefit for
winter depression has not been definitively established, although most experts recommend first thing in the morning.
Certainly early-morning exposure is required for normalizing a phase-delay sleep disorder in which the patient gets to
sleep late and then finds it difficult to get up in the morning.

No advantage of broad-spectrum light over bright white

light has been demonstrated.15 Current recommendations
are for at least 30 minutes of exposure to 5,00010,000 lux at
a distance of 18 to 24 inches. All patients with a seasonal pattern to their mood symptoms, as well as those with phaseshifted sleep patterns, should probably invest in their own
phototherapy light box, as should all psychiatric inpatient
units. It should be noted that occasional switches into hypomania and mania have been reported to be associated with

Electroconvulsive Therapy
In our opinion, it is unfortunate that ECT is often relegated
to last-resort status in treatment guidelines and protocols.
We believe the clinician should not hesitate to recommend
ECT to severely ill patients as a first-line treatment. For the
delusional or suicidal patientindeed, for any depressed
patient who is so ill that only the most reliably and rapidly
effective treatments should be consideredECT is the
clearly superior alternative. ECT should also be offered to
patients with treatment-resistant depression who have a
history of adverse reactions to antidepressants (increased
cycling, induced mania or agitation) whenever their symptoms threaten to become chronic or begin to have a significant negative impact on family or on occupational or academic functioning.
Depression in elderly patients is especially responsive to
ECT. Since older patients often need to be started on lower
doses of medications and their dosages titrated up more
slowly than is the case for younger patients, ECT is frequently the most rapidly effective treatment for severe depression in this population.
It is important to remember that the antidepressant
effect of a standard course of ECT is generally temporary,
and that patients who are not started on medication at
the conclusion of their course of treatment are likely to
relapse. For a discussion of maintenance ECT, see Chapter 20.

Alternative Treatments
A variety of alternative treatments have been claimed to
benefit some patients with bipolar depression. These include
novel antidepressant combinations, stimulant medications,
dopamine agonists, the wakefulness agent modafinil, nutritional supplements (including omega-3-fatty acids), and
others. (See our review of the literature for details.) It is
appropriate here to comment on one especially important
form of alternative treatmentregular exercise (see Chapter 17). Not only has regular vigorous aerobic exercise been
shown to have an antidepressant effect in numerous studies, but when at least some exercise is done at approximately
the same time every day and not too close to the time for

Medical Treatment of Depression

sleep, it can help stabilize circadian rhythms and enhance

the integrity of the sleep cycle (see Chapter 16). The positive psychological impact of successfully pursuing a treatment whose benefits derive entirely from the patients own
efforts is difficult to overstate.


This section presents a detailed review of the evidence regarding the treatments surveyed above. We review in turn the
literature on lithium, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, antipsychotics, ECT, novel central nervous system stimulation
techniques, dopamine agonists, psychostimulants, hormonal
agents, sleep deprivation, phototherapy, and nutritional supplements. Results of randomized, double-blind monotherapy trials for each of the major pharmacological agents are
summarized in Table 191, while results of randomized,
non-placebo-controlled monotherapy trials and placebocontrolled add-on trials are summarized in Table 192.

Several early reports on lithiums efficacy in treating mania
suggested that it lacked significant antidepressant effects
(Cade, 1978). Subsequent studies, however, demonstrated
its effectiveness in preventing depressive relapses in patients
with recurrent major depression (see, e.g., Baastrup and
Schou, 1967; Baastrup et al., 1970). By the early 1980s, several studies, focused on patients hospitalized for depression, had found that lithium was superior to placebo (see
Table 193, as well as the review by Zornberg and Pope,
1993). Several of these studies suggested that lithium was
more likely to be effective in patients with bipolar than
unipolar depression (especially less recurrent forms) and
that the time to therapeutic response was longer than was
typically reported for tricyclic antidepressantson the order
of 3 to as long as 8 weeks. In several double-blind studies
comparing lithium with tricyclics, lithium was found to be
as effective as amitriptyline, desipramine, and imipramine

Table 191. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Monotherapy

Trials Demonstrating Acute Antidepressant
Efficacy of Various Drugs
No. of








Moderate to large effect size



Small effect size; primarily improves insomnia,

anxiety, and anorexia





Effect size similar to that of lithium



Effect size similar to that of lithium



Methodological problems, but probably equivalent to tricyclic antidepressants in efficacy

and rate of switch into mania



Low mania switch rateb





Combined drug and placebo groups.

Bipolar-II patients
Source: Adopted from Ghaemi and Hsu, 2005.


Moderate effect size
Small effect size

Moderate effect size; trend (p = .1) in one

study; significant separation from placebo
by random regression analysis in the other

Table 192. Drugs Demonstrating Acute Antidepressant Efficacy in Randomized,

Non-Placebo-Controlled Comparison Trials
or in Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trials
No. of




Equivalent to imipramine and to paroxetine



Valproate and lithium equivalent to paroxetine + lithium or valproate



Equivalent to bupropion when added

to lithium



May speed onset of response when added

to paroxetine



Equivalent to desipramine, with lower

switch rate





Equivalent to bupropion when added to

lithium, with higher switch rate



More effective than imipramine when added

to lithium; acute switch rates equivalent
to those with imipramine



More effective than placebo when added

to lithium; low switch rate



Equivalent to lithium, with higher switch rate

Source: Adapted from Ghaemi and Hsu, 2005.

Table 193. Lithium Treatment in Patients Hospitalized for Depression: Results of Placebo-Controlled Studies


Patient Characteristics

10 of 13 bipolar patients showed some
response, versus only 2 of 5 noncyclic
depressed patients
Lithium trial lasted only 10 days, showed a
nonsignificant trend toward response
32 of 40 bipolar patients responded, versus
4 of 12 unipolar patients (p < .05)
6 of 6 bipolar patients responded, versus 7
of 16 unipolar patients (p < .05)

Goodwin et al., 1969


13 with bipolar depression, 5 with noncyclic


Stokes et al., 1971



Goodwin et al., 1972


Noyes et al., 1974


Johnson, 1974


Baron et al., 1975


Primary affective disorder40 bipolar

(-I or -II), 12 unipolar
Manic-depressive, depressed with
endogenous features6 bipolar,
16 unipolar
Endogenous depression with recurrent
Primary affective disorder (Feighner
criteria)9 bipolar (-I and -II),
14 unipolar

5 showed marked improvement

7 of 9 bipolar patients responded, versus 3
of 14 unipolar patients (p < .05)

Note: Response rates (complete and partial) for all studies combined are bipolar, 64/81 = 79%; unipolar, 20/55 = 36%.

Medical Treatment of Depression

in treating mixed groups of bipolar and unipolar depressed

patients (see Table 194). One of these studies (Watanabe
et al., 1975) found lithium to be equally effective in bipolar
and unipolar depressed patients.
These earlier studies have been criticized on a number
of methodological grounds, including the onoff nature
of some of the designs (perhaps confounding the placebo
period with lithium withdrawal symptoms) and the modest number of subjects, increasing the risk of type II (false
negative) errors (Bhagwagar and G. Goodwin, 2002). In the
understudied area of treatments for bipolar depression,
however, methodological limitations are by no means confined to lithium. Thus two reviews of treatment options
for bipolar depression (Yatham et al., 2003; Ghaemi and
Hsu, 2005) concluded that lithium comes closest to meeting those authors criteria for a first-line treatment for
bipolar depression (that is, the treatment should be efficacious in treating bipolar depressive symptoms, should
be effective in preventing further depressive and/or manic
episodes, and should not be associated with manic switching or increased cycling).
There has been only one randomized, double-blind clinical trial comparing lithium monotherapy for acute bipolar depression with the use of second-generation antidepressants (Nemeroff et al., 2001). In a secondary analysis,
these investigators found that at blood levels of .8 mEq/l or
above, lithium alone was as effective as lithium plus either
paroxetine or imipramine. Since many of the patients in


the study had previously failed to respond to lithium, it is

reasonable to assume that these results likely understate
the effectiveness of lithium in a more representative group
of patients with bipolar depression.
Numerous studies have shown that the addition of lithium
to antidepressant therapy results in remission of symptoms
that have not improved or have been ameliorated only partially with antidepressants alone. This has been shown to be
true for patients with both bipolar and unipolar depression
and for lithium added to tricyclics, MAOIs, SSRIs, and other
newer antidepressants. These studies are reviewed here because of their possible relevance to the antidepressant effects
of lithium.16 Table 195 summarizes three meta-analyses of
lithium augmentation of antidepressants, primarily tricyclics.
One of the first of these studies (De Montigny et al., 1981)
found that eight of eight unipolar depressed patients who
had failed to respond to 3 weeks of various tricyclic antidepressants experienced notable relief from their symptoms
with lithium. This effect was observed in all these patients
within 48 hours of starting lithium, although this rapid
improvement was not always seen in subsequent studies.
Numerous open and blind studies have shown lithium to
be an effective augmentation agent for the tricyclics in about
50 percent of patients to whom it is given (Joffe et al., 1993).
Lithium added to MAOIs was shown to be an effective strategy in several case reports and small open trials in the

Table 194. Lithium Treatment of Patients Hospitalized for Depression: Results

of Double-Blind Comparisons with Tricyclic Antidepressants




Fieve et al., 1968

21 bipolar

Imipramine comparison

Mendels et al., 1972

12 bipolar and
12 unipolar
45 mixed
29 bipolar and

Desipramine comparison

Significantly more improvement on imipramine;

lithium had mild antidepressant effects
Lithium as effective as desipramine

Watanabe et al., 1975

Worrall et al., 1979

Khan, 1981
Arieli and Lepkifker,
Linder et al., 1989
Total sample size

Imipramine comparison
Imipramine comparison
with elimination of initial placebo responders

30 recurrent
33 bipolar

Amitriptyline comparison

Lithium as effective as imipramine

All 14 patients on lithium improved, but not until
second week; patients on imipramine who improved did so during first week; response was significantly more uniform on lithium
Lithium as effective as amitriptyline

Clomipramine comparison

Lithium as effective as clomipramine


Clomipramine comparison

Lithium as effective as clomipramine


Conclusion: 6 of 7 studies found lithium equivalent to the antidepressant.

Note: Most of these relatively small studies were underpowered to detect modest differences between active treatments.



Table 195. Lithium Augmentation of Antidepressants: Results of Three Meta-Analyses


Studies Analyzed

Austin et al., 1991

5 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in

which patients with treatment-resistant
depression took lithium and had a serum
lithium level .4 mEq/L
9 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in
which patients took 2501,200 mg of lithium
daily; lithium levels reported for 5 studies
(serum levels of .51.1 mEq/L)
3 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in
which patients took at least 800 mg/day
of lithium or had serum lithium level
.5 m Eq/L for at least 2 weeks

Bauer and
Dpfmer, 1999

Bauer and
Dpfmer, 1999
(strict criteria)



Odds Ratio (CI)


Response rate of
approximately 40%

6.85 (2.2720.00)


Response rate of 50%

3.89 (2.147.08)


Response rate of 27%

during lithium
treatment tripled
compared with

3.31 (1.467.53)

CI = confidence interval.

Some, though not all, studies of lithium augmentation

of SSRIs have also shown positive results.18 Successful
lithium augmentation of venlafaxine-refractory depression has been reported in open trials.19 Lithium augmentation of mirtazapine has been identified as an effective
strategy in case reports (Moustgaard, 2000). However, a
double-blind comparison indicated that this strategy may
be less effective than a lithiumimipramine combination
(Bruijn et al., 1998).
One of the meta-analyses listed in Table 193, encompassing studies of lithium augmentation of various (mainly
tricyclic) antidepressants (including five studies that were
placebo-controlled), concluded that the odds of remaining
ill were cut in half by the addition of lithium (Austin et al.,
1991). A more rigorous analysis examined only the three
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies (totaling 110 patients) in which lithium was administered at a dosage of
at least 800 mg/day for a minimum of 2 weeks (or a serum
lithium level of at least .5 mEq/l was achieved) (Bauer and
Dpfmer, 2000). The authors reported a response rate 27
percent higher in patients who received lithium than in those
receiving placebo. When the authors incorporated into the
analysis an additional 234 patients who had taken lower
doses of lithium or had participated in studies in which the
results were gathered after less than 2 weeks on lithium, the
overall response rate was approximately 50 percent. These
results suggest that lower lithium doses (600800 mg/day)
may be sufficient to achieve successful antidepressant augmentation, at least in some depressed patients. The study
also indicates that patients whose symptoms have not responded to lithium augmentation within 12 days are unlikely to respond to a longer trial of the drug. Finally, an-

other placebo-controlled study found that patients were

more likely to respond to lithium augmentation of either
fluoxetine or lofepramine (a tricyclic similar to imipramine)
if they had serum lithium levels of at least .4 mEq/l (Katona et al., 1995).
Surveys of practicing psychiatrists have indicated that
lithium augmentation in treating refractory depression is,
despite its proven efficacy, probably underutilized. A 1996
survey found that 39 percent of responding U.S. psychiatrists and only 12 percent of U.K. psychiatrists would add
lithium as their next step in treating a patient with refractory major depression who had shown no improvement
after taking 150 mg of amitriptyline for 6 weeks (Shergill
and Katona, 1997).
Finally, an extensive body of literature has established
that lithium dramatically reduces the risk of suicide (see
Chapter 25). For up-to-date analyses of the antidepressant
effects of lithium as monotherapy and as augmentation for
traditional antidepressants, see the reviews by Davis and
colleagues (1999) and Bauer and colleagues (2006).

Reports of the antidepressant effects of anticonvulsant medications have appeared in the clinical literature for several
decades, resulting in the incorporation of these agents into
several algorithms for the treatment of bipolar disorder, including bipolar depression. Unfortunately, however, there
have been few controlled studies of the use of anticonvulsants as antidepressants to inform their use in depressed
bipolar patients. An exception is a growing literature on the
antidepressant uses of lamotrigine, an agent that appears to
be effective in treating bipolar depression.

Medical Treatment of Depression

Results of case reports and open studies suggest that valproate has antidepressant properties in some patients.20
An open study of 33 unipolar depressed outpatients (some
of whom had not responded to previous antidepressant
treatment) found a 54 percent response rate (Davis et al.,
1996). However, in a review of four open studies of 195
acutely depressed patients with bipolar (-I or -II not designated) or schizoaffective diagnoses, only 30 percent had
an antidepressant response to valproate (McElroy and
Keck, 1993). With regard to the three controlled studies of
the efficacy of valproate as an antidepressant, the results
are modest. In one study, Sachs and colleagues (2004)
found a 45 percent response rate for valproate compared
with 27 percent for placebo, but with only 45 subjects, this
difference failed to reach statistical significance (p < .3).21
On the other hand, a relatively small 8-week study of
25 outpatients by Davis and colleagues (2005) was able to
show a 43 percent decrease in HAM-D scores with valproate compared with 27 percent with placebo, which was
statistically significant in a random regression analysis.
As might be expected with a gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA)ergic anticonvulsant, the effect on anxiety was
greater than that on depression. Finally, in a recent randomized double-blind study of 19 bipolar depressed patients (mostly type I) (Dunn et al., 2006), valproate was
found to be superior to placebo. Analysis of individual
MADRS items, the primary outcome, demonstrated some
benefit in treating core mood symptoms. The effect size in
this study was larger than that in the previous studies.
With regard to bipolar-II depression, there has been
one small open study of valproate in 11 medication-nave
patients, 82 percent of whom responded (as measured by
a 50 percent decrease in HAM-D scores) (Winsberg et al.,
2001). As in Sachs and colleagues (2004) study, the effect
of valproate nearly reached statistical significance among
the bipolar-II subgroup. In a recent review of the literature,
Bowden, the investigator associated most prominently with
the evaluation of valproate in treating bipolar disorder,
and his colleagues (2006) concluded that the acute effectiveness of valproate in depression is modest. It has been
suggested that response to valproate may be predicted by
failure to respond to lithium and vice versa. That is, lithiumresponsive and valproate-responsive depressed patients may
represent distinct clinical subgroups (Bowden et al., 1994;
Ghaemi and Goodwin, 2001b).
There are even fewer controlled data on the commonly
used strategy of combining valproate and lithium. A
double-blind study of 27 patients with bipolar-I or -II disorder who had experienced major depression while taking


either lithium or valproate compared the antidepressant response to the SSRI paroxetine with that to a second mood
stabilizer (valproate was added if the patient had become
depressed on lithium, and vice versa). Significant and comparable improvement in depression scores was seen among
the SSRI and adjunctive mood stabilizer groups after 6
weeks of treatment (Young et al., 2000). These results can
be interpreted as supporting the suggestion that, with respect to lithium and valproate, patients who do not respond to one will benefit from the other; the results may
also suggest a synergistic effect of the two agents. It should
be noted that in this study, more patients in the mood
stabilizer group than in the SSRI group developed drug
intolerance, perhaps reflecting the side-effect burden when
full doses of these agents are used simultaneously.22 We
await a controlled study of drug combinations in which
less-than-full doses of each drug are used. Such a study
would provide a more accurate test of both clinical practice and the laboratory-based conclusion that lithium and
valproate (and perhaps other anticonvulsants) can act

Carbamazepine and Oxcarbazepine

There have been six relatively small randomized, placebocontrolled trials of carbamazepine in the treatment of depression, with an average response rate of 44 percent
(Post et al., 1996). Three of these trials involved a total of
30 bipolar patients, and in one of these studies carbamazepine was combined with lithium; again the antidepressant effect can be described as modest (Ghaemi and
Hsu, 2005). The findings of these controlled studies are
consistent with those of the open study of Dilsaver and
colleagues (1996).
Oxcarbazepine is a 10-keto analog of carbamazepine
that has a clinical profile similar to that of an anticonvulsant but a somewhat more benign side-effect profile and
fewer drug interactions than the parent compound. Although there have as yet been no randomized controlled trials of this agent in treating bipolar depression, results of two
open studies indicate that it may have some antidepressant
effect (Berv et al., 2002; Ghaemi et al., 2002).

Lamotrigine differs from the GABAergic anticonvulsants
(carbamazepine and valproate) by virtue of its modulating
effects on glutaminergic transmission, which appear to contribute to its activating profile. Antidepressant efficacy was
reported in the early 1990s in case reports and small open
case series.23
There have been three positive randomized, placebocontrolled trials of lamotrigine monotherapytwo with a



crossover design and one a large industry-supported study

with a parallel-group design. In the two placebo-controlled
crossover studies, lamotrigine was found to be significantly
more effective than placebo or gabapentin in treating refractory depressed patients. The first study involved 31
bipolar patients at NIMH (Frye et al., 2000); the second
(Obrocea et al., 2002) involved 35 bipolar and 10 unipolar
patients who underwent randomized successive 6-week trials with lamotrigine, gabapentin, and placebo separated by 1
week. In the latter trial, the responders to lamotrigine were
more likely to have a bipolar diagnosis and to be male
(Obrocea et al., 2002).
The large parallel-group study revealed clear antidepressant efficacy (Calabrese et al., 1999b). In this study, 195
depressed outpatients received either 50 or 200 mg/day of
lamotrigine or placebo for 7 weeks. Because of the gradual
dosing necessary with lamotrigine to minimize the risk
of serious rash, both lamotrigine groups took the same
dose of medication for the first 3 weeks of the study (i.e.,
up to 50 mg); both showed improvement over the placebo
group within this timeresponse rates of 48 and 54 percent, respectively, compared with the placebo rate of 29
percent. On the other hand, there have been two unpublished adequately powered double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled trials involving patients with bipolar
depression in which lamotrigine failed to separate from
placebo (Goldsmith et al., 2003; Gao and Calabrese, 2005).
The lamotrigine response rates across all 5 studies were
remarkably consistent; what differentiated the two failed
trials was higher placebo response rates. Indeed, in an
analysis of the pooled data from all three of these parallelgroup trials, involving 291 patients treated with lamotrigine and 282 with placebo, the drug was found to be significantly better than placebo for those MADRS items that
reflect core symptoms of depressionapparent and reported sadness, lassitude, and inability to feel; pessimistic
thoughts nearly achieved statistical significance (Gao and
Calebrese, 2005; Hirschfeld et al., 2005).
Taken together, results of the above five studies are quite
suggestive of an acute antidepressant effect of lamotrigine.
The drug was very well tolerated in all five studies, with
transient headache being the only side effect that differentiated it from placebo.
A 9-week placebo-controlled, double-blind study involving 40 patients with acute bipolar or unipolar major
depression compared the antidepressant efficacy of a combination of lamotrigine and paroxetine with that of paroxetine alone (Normann et al., 2002). Although HAM-D
scores did not differ between the two groups at the end of
the study, the patients who took the combination reported
improvement in several depressive symptoms significantly

sooner than patients on paroxetine alone; the numbers

were not sufficient for a separate analysis of the bipolar
subgroup. In a recent randomized double-blind comparison of adjunctive lamotrigine versus citalopram in bipolar
depression, the mean reduction in MADRS scores was virtually identical in the 2 groups (Schaffer et al., 2006). Finally, a randomized24 comparison of adjunctive lamotrigine versus risperidone or inositol in 66 treatement-resistant
bipolar depressed patients (documented failure to respond
to a mood stabilizer and at least one antidepressant) enrolled in the NIMH STEP-BD program (Nierenberg et al.,
2006), lamotrigine was associated with the numerically highest rate of recovery (sustained for at least 8 weeks); post hoc
analyses of relevant continuous outcomes indicated that
adjunctive lamotrigine is superior to risperidone or inositol for treatment-resistant bipolar depression.
Can lamotrigine precipitate or exacerbate manic symptoms, as is seen with antidepressants? There have been a few
case reports of switches in bipolar patients on lamotrigine,
which may be related to relatively rapid titration and higher
doses (Raskin et al., 2006) and/or combination with a high
dose of an antidepressant (Margolese et al., 2003). Unfortunately, many published studies on the drugs efficacy have
not addressed this issue specifically, often incorporating the
development of mania or hypomania into analyses of adverse effects. In the pooled analysis of the three large randomized, placebo-controlled studies cited above, switch
rates for lamotrigine and placebo did not differ. Further, in
an analysis of pooled data on 827 patients taking lamotrigine and 685 taking placebo in eight controlled studies lasting
from 3 weeks to 18 months, the risk of developing manic, hypomanic, or mixed symptoms with lamotrigine was comparable to that associated with placebo, as well as to that
among subjects taking lithium (Bowden et al., 2003; G.
Goodwin et al., 2004).25 It should be noted, however, that
these studies were not sufficiently powered to rule out an increase in manic switches (Ghaemi et al., 2003b).26 Finally,
there is an interesting recent report of the simultaneous use
of lamotrigine and ECT (Penland and Ostroff, 2006) noting
that the combination was well tolerated and that, importantly, lamotrigine had a minimal effect on standard ECT
parameters, unlike most other anticonvulsants.

This drug is related to lamotrigine by virtue of its effects
on glutamatergic transmission; it is FDA-approved for the
treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In an 8-week
open-label study of riluzole in 14 treatment-resistant bipolar
depressed patients, Zarate and colleagues (2005) found significant antidepressant effects across a wide range of items
on the MADRS. There were no switches into hypomania or

Medical Treatment of Depression

mania. It is of interest that three of the four patients who

had previously failed to respond to lamotrigine responded
to riluzole. While these open data are preliminary, they are
consistent with the results of a recent trial of riluzole in patients with treatment-resistant unipolar depression (Zarate
et al., 2004).

Interest in the possibility that the novel anticonvulsant
topirimate may provide some benefit in bipolar depression has been heightened by its ability to reduce weight.
Several case reports and open studies in fact do suggest
that the drug may have some effect in treating bipolar depression, especially in the 100200 milligrams per deciliter
(mg/dl) range (Marcotte, 1998; Ghaemi et al., 2001). In an
open trial, topiramate was given to 45 bipolar-I and 18
bipolar-II patients who were suffering from a major depressive episode and had not benefited from or were intolerant of two mood stabilizers. Although nearly a third
of these patients dropped out of the study because of side
effects or lack of efficacy, 42 percent had an essentially
complete antidepressant response within 4 weeks (HAMD scores below 7), and another 27 percent had a partial
antidepressant response (HAM-D scores between 8 and
12) (Hussain and Chaudhry, 1999).
McIntyre and colleagues (2002) found that topiramate
compared favorably with bupropion as an adjunctive
treatment in depressed bipolar-I and -II patients who had
not improved despite 2 weeks of treatment with either
lithium (13 patients) or valproate (23 patients). In this
randomized, single-blind study (blind rater), the addition
of either topiramate or bupropion resulted in a reduction
in HAM-D scores of at least 50 percent in about half of the
patients, and about a quarter of both groups had scores
below 7.27 As is typically the case with new agents, an assessment of the safety and efficacy of topiramate must rely
on sometimes conflicting case reports and small open
studies in complex, often treatment-refractory patients
who are frequently taking other medications as well. Although results thus far are encouraging, further research
and clinical experience will be required before the role of
this agent in the treatment of bipolar depression becomes

Other Anticonvulsants
Data on the efficacy of other anticonvulsants in treating
bipolar depression are quite preliminary. To our knowledge there has been only one double-blind, randomized
clinical trial involving gabapentin as monotherapy, and it
had negative results.28 Gabapentin has, however, been reported to be useful as an adjunctive agent (primarily for its


anxiolytic and sedative properties) in several open studies

of bipolar depression.29
Clinical data are limited on the use of tiagabine for treating bipolar disorder. A series of three refractory bipolar patients with mixed but predominantly depressive symptoms
benefited from tiagabine added to other agents, including
valproate, carbamazepine, and antidepressants (Kaufman,
1998). Clearly, however, it is difficult to draw conclusions
from such a small sample size.
Another anticonvulsant with mechanisms of action
that overlap both the GABAergic and antiglutamatergic
agents is zonisamide; the ability of this agent to reduce
weight is of obvious interest to clinicians managing bipolar patients.30 Since the initial open study noting some
benefit of this agent in treating mania (Kanba et al., 1994),
there have been several reports on its use in treating depression. Baldassano and colleagues (2004) reviewed the
charts of 12 patients with bipolar depression (-I and -II),
finding 6 that met their response criteria based on a
change in scores on the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI)
scale. Anand and colleagues (2005) found open-label adjunctive zonisamide effective in 5 of 10 bipolar depressed
patients who had not tolerated or were resistant to their
existing treatment.31 A similar open adjunctive trial in 22
bipolar depressed patients not responding to at least one
standard mood stabilizer also found a significant decrease in mean bipolar depression severity scores on the
CGI scale (p < .001); however, only 32 percent of the subjects completed the 8-week trial and were classified as responders (McElroy et al., 2005). Recently, Ghaemi and
colleagues (2006) conducted an open prospective study
of adjunctive zonisamide (mean dose 222 mg) in 20 depressed bipolar patients (bipolar-I, -II, and -not otherwise specified [NOS]); while the observed antidepressant
effect was relatively robust (a mean 8 point decrease in
MADRS ratings, p <.001), half of the patients terminated
because of side effects, principally nausea/vomiting, cognitive dysfunction, and sedation. Obviously, controlled
data (especially monotherapy data) on zonisamide are

Tricyclics and Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
The existing literature on the efficacy of tricyclic antidepressants is dominated by studies in patients with unipolar
depression. The consensus of this literature is quite clear:
tricyclics have been more effective than placebo in more
than two-thirds of controlled trials, with an overall efficacy rate in the treatment of major depression ranging from
50 to 85 percent and averaging 65 to 70 percent. The data



on bipolar depression are much thinner, however. Indeed,

in a recent Cochrane analysis it was noted that bipolar patients (that is, bipolar patients recognized and treated as
such) represent only 1 percent of all depressed patients in
randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials (Gijsman
et al., 2004).
In the first edition of this text, after analyzing 77 studies
involving 3,226 patients, we concluded that the clinical literature provided almost no information about the relative
efficacy of this group of drugs in treating bipolar versus
unipolar depression. Small studies suggesting that bipolar
depression was tricyclic-resistant had occasionally appeared
(e.g., Kupfer and Spiker, 1981). Uniformly, however, these
studies had not set out to compare medication efficacy in
bipolar and unipolar depressed patients. Rather, bipolarity or a history of mania was reported as one of several
predictors of antidepressant nonresponse in drug efficacy
studies or course-of-illness investigations. Yet the results of
a large retrospective study intended to answer the question
of the efficacy of tricyclics in treating bipolar versus unipolar depression (Moller et al., 2001) indicate that this may
not be the case. In this naturalistic chart review, the treatment of 2,032 consecutive patients admitted for a major
depressive episode between 1980 and 1992 was assessed to
determine whether there was a difference in antidepressant efficacy between bipolar and unipolar patients as
measured by several outcome scales. Almost all these patients were prescribed tricyclic (or tetracyclic) antidepressants; no difference in drug efficacy was found between
the bipolar and unipolar patients. However, this observational study did not attempt to control for confounding
Two recent but conflicting meta-analyses bear on this
question. The first is the Cochrane meta-analysis of five acute
(410 weeks duration) randomized, parallel-group, doubleblind, controlled trials (Gijsman et al., 2004) in which a traditional unimodal antidepressant (n = 213) was compared
with placebo (n = 449); 75 percent of these bipolar depressed
patients were on a concomitant atypical antipsychotic (the
majority) or a mood stabilizer. Relevant to our discussion
here, only two of the trials involved a tricyclic. Compared
with those on placebo, the antidepressant-treated patients
were 1.96 times more likely to respond and 1.4 times more
likely to achieve remission. The overall effect size was judged
to be comparable to what has been published for unipolar
depression and for lamotrigine in bipolar depression. The
tricyclics were somewhat less effective than the newer antidepressants (risk ratio [RR] = .84), but this difference did not
achieve statistical significance.
As with meta-analyses in general (discussed in Chapter
17), considerable care is in order when interpreting these
conclusions. The results are substantially driven by one very

large study (456 patients) in which olanzapine alone (the

placebo condition) was compared with olanzapine plus
a nontricyclic antidepressantfluoxetine (Tohen et al.,
2003a). Whether an antidepressant effect of fluoxetine plus
olanzapine should be the principal basis for a generalization about the effectiveness of antidepressants in bipolar
patients on a mood stabilizer is questionable at best. One
study included in the Cochrane analysis (Nemeroff et al.,
2001) directly addressed the question at handwhether
combinations of an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer
are more effective than standard mood stabilizers alone.
In that study, 117 patients, all on lithium, were randomized to placebo, imipramine, or paroxetine; among those
with lithium levels adequate for an antidepressant effect
(.8 mEq/l or above), no added advantage was associated
with either antidepressant. Unfortunately, in the metaanalysis this study was overwhelmed by the much larger
study of fluoxetine plus olanzapine. Another recent metaanalysis (Ghaemi et al., 2003b) examined nine studies of
long-term prophylactic use of antidepressants, including
but not limited to tricyclics (with follow-up periods of 6
months or longer), and concluded that there is no overall
benefit with use of an adjunctive antidepressant.32 The discrepancy between these two meta-analyses likely relates to
the fact that one focused on acute studies and the other on
long-term studies.
MAOIs have been claimed to be particularly effective in
treating bipolar depression. Starting in the early 1970s, a
group of investigators at the Western Psychiatric Institute
in Pittsburgh published a series of studies on the use of
tranylcypromine in patients with bipolar depression, alone
and in combination with lithium. Following several reports
of MAOI efficacy in open studies of depressed patients who
had not benefited from lithium or lithium plus a tricyclic,
Himmelhoch and colleagues (1991) carried out a doubleblind study on 56 patients with anergic bipolar-I or -II
depression, comparing the efficacy of tranylcypromine
and imipramine monotherapy. Anergic depression was
defined as a syndrome similar to DSMs atypical features,
including psychomotor retardation and reverse vegetative signs (i.e., hypersomnia and hyperphagia). The response rate (defined as moderate or marked improvement on the CGI scale) in the tranylcypromine group
during the acute treatment phase of this study (4 weeks)
was 81 percent, double that of the imipramine group. A
year later, the same investigators reported on a doubleblind crossover study of depressed bipolar patients taking
either imipramine or tranylcypromine: 9 of 12 patients
who crossed over from imipramine to tranylcypromine
responded, compared with only 1 of 4 patients crossing
over from tranylcypromine to imipramine (Thase et al.,

Medical Treatment of Depression

Moclobemide is a reversible inhibitor of monoamine

oxidase A (MAO-A) approved for the treatment of depression in many countries throughout the world, but
not in the United States. In a randomized, double-blind,
multicenter study of bipolar depressed patients, most of
whom were on a mood stabilizer,33 Silverstone (2001) found
no significant difference between moclobemide (n = 81) and
imipramine (n = 75) with respect to changes in HAM-D
and MADRS scores, although there were nonsignificant
trends favoring the tricyclic. Switches into mania were observed in 3.7 percent of those on moclobemide versus 11
percent of those on imipramine. The fact that MAOIs
were only slightly (and nonsignificantly) better than tricyclics in the analysis of Gijsman and colleagues (2004)
may be due to the inclusion of this moclobemide study
(the largest one in the analysis): moclobemide is generally thought to be less effective than other MAOIs, and
in the Silverstone study tended to be less effective than
imipramine (as perhaps also reflected in the lower mania
switch rate).
Bodkin and Amsterdam (2002) conducted a doubleblind, placebo-controlled study of 177 unipolar depressed
outpatients in which transdermal selegiline was found to
be effective and well tolerated. This MAOI is more specific to the isoenzyme monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) at
low doses and is less active in inhibiting MAO-A, the
isoenzyme that predominates in intestinal epithelium
and whose inhibition necessitates a low-tyramine diet.
This specificity is unfortunately lost at the higher oral
doses required to treat depression; in this study, however,
a comparatively low dose (20 mg/day) delivered by a
transdermal patch was effective. Although patients in this
study kept to a low-tyramine diet, the study raises the
possibility that MAOI therapy without (or with less stringent) dietary restrictions may be possible by means of a
transdermal drug delivery system.34 The selegiline patch
was recently approved by the FDA.

Second-Generation Antidepressants
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. As is true of the
tricyclics, SSRIs have clearly been shown to be effective
in the acute treatment of unipolar depression. However,
this general conclusion may be more applicable to the
mainstream unipolar depressed patient without frequent
recurrences. Thus it is interesting that in the recent
report from the real-world NIMH Sequenced Treatment
Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial of
the antidepressant citalopram, only 28 percent of patients
with fairly recurrent forms of unipolar depression (average
of six prior episodes) achieved remission (Trivedi et al.,
Compared with unipolar depression in general, data on


the efficacy of SSRIs in the acute treatment of bipolar depression are more limited (see Table 196). Kupfer and colleagues (2001) conducted an 8-week open study of citalopram added to lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, or a
combination of these agents in 33 patients with bipolar-I or
-II depression. They found that 64 percent experienced a
reduction in depressive symptoms (Kupfer et al., 2001).35
The largest controlled study of the acute antidepressant
effect of an SSRI in bipolar disorder, noted above in our
discussion of tricyclics, involved comparing fluoxetine
plus olanzapine with olanzapine alone; there was no
fluoxetine-alone group. While there is no question that this
combination is effectiveindeed, it was given an FDA indication for the treatment of bipolar depressionone cannot use these results to assess the efficacy of SSRIs themselves in treating bipolar depression.
A 6-week double-blind study of 89 patients with bipolar
depression (-I or -II not specified) found response rates for
fluoxetine, imipramine, and placebo of 86 percent, 57 percent, and 38 percent, respectively (Cohn et al., 1989). The results are difficult to interpret, however, because about half
of the study participants were also taking lithium, and a
disproportionate number of those patients were in the
fluoxetine group.36 In the largest and best-designed study
comparing the efficacy of paroxetine and imipramine in
bipolar depressed patients (mentioned previously), Nemeroff and colleagues (2001) compared each antidepressant
with placebo over 10 weeks under double-blind conditions
in 117 patients who were also taking lithium (some were taking valproate or carbamazepine as well). No significant differences in efficacy among the three groups were found. In a
post hoc analysis, the groups were stratified according to
their lithium levels. It was found that imipramine and
paroxetine were superior to placebo (and equivalent to each
other), but only in patients with lower lithium levels (less
than .8 mEq/l). Thus lithium was as effective as the two antidepressants when given at doses that achieved levels of
.8 mEq/l or greater.
There has been considerable interest in using secondgeneration antidepressants to treat bipolar-II depression
(see Box 192). Several studies of SSRI monotherapy for
this indication are available. In a post hoc analysis of
pooled data from randomized clinical trials involving patients with unipolar depression (in which some bipolar-II
patients were included), Amsterdam and colleagues (1998)
noted that the efficacy of fluoxetine in 89 bipolar-II patients was comparable to its efficacy in matched and unmatched unipolar depressed patients.
Bupropion. This drug, which enhances both noradrenergic and dopaminergic transmission through different
mechanisms, may have unique advantages in the treatment



Table 196. Studies of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Treating Bipolar Depression




Cohn et al., 1989

89 bipolar (-I or
-II not specified)

86% of fluoxetine-treated patients

improved, compared with 57% of
imipramine- and 38% of placebotreated patients.

Simpson and
DePaulo, 1991

16 bipolar-II

Young et al., 2000

11 bipolar-I,
16 bipolar-II

6-week double-blind comparison

of fluoxetine, imipramine, and
placebo; results confounded because
more of the fluoxetine patients
were also taking lithium
Open case series of fluoxetine
monotherapy in patients refractory
to other treatment (including tricyclics, MAOIs, and/or lithium);
patients treated 13.6 5.2 months
6-week double-blind, randomized
study comparing the addition of
paroxetine or a mood stabilizer to
the regimen of patients already
taking a mood stabilizer

Kupfer et al., 2001

30 bipolar-I,
15 bipolar-II

8-week open-label add-on study

Nemeroff et al.,

117 bipolar (-I or

-II not specified)

Ghaemi et al.,

78 patients (41
bipolar, 37 unipolar); 63% of bipolar patients were

10-week double-blind, placebocontrolled study comparing paroxetine, imipramine, and placebo;

patients also took lithium or anticonvulsants
228 trials as adjunct; naturalistic with
systematic diagnostic criteria and
assessment of response

15/16 patients showed some benefit;

10/13 taking fluoxetine for at least
10 months had a good to very good
Both treatments were effective in improving depressive symptoms; however, the mood stabilizer add-on
group had a significantly lower
completion rate (related to more
side effects).
33 patients completed the study, 21 of
whom were considered responders
Both paroxetine and imipramine were
superior to placebo only in patients
with subtherapeutic lithium levels.

Nonresponse was 60% more likely in

the bipolar group; loss of response
was 3.4 times more likely in the
bipolar group.

Note: In evaluating this literature, it is important to be aware of the observation by Sachs and colleagues (2003) that there is no systematic method
for correcting for improved depression scores that occur as part of a switch into mania. For example, about a quarter of the impressive response rates
reported in some studies of tranylcypromine and imipramine monotherapy represent subjects who became manic during the study.
Source: Adapted from Ghaemi and Hsu, 2005.

of bipolar depression. Many experts believe it is at least as

efficacious as SSRIs and tricyclics for the treatment of
bipolar depression while having a significantly more benign side-effect profile, causing neither the heavy anticholinergic side effects of the tricyclics nor the problems of
sexual dysfunction and long-term weight gain common
with the SSRIs. Moreover, as an activating agent, it may
have some advantage in the majority of bipolar patients
whose depression involves primarily psychomotor retardation. In addition, results of two randomized trials suggest
bupropion may be less likely to provoke a switch into mania than either a tricyclic or venlafaxine (see below).
In an open prospective study of adjunctive bupropion,
8 of 13 patients with complex, refractory bipolar disorder

taking a variety of other agents, including some who were

taking other antidepressants, had a greater than 50 percent
reduction in their MADRS scores (Erfurth et al., 2002). A
prospective 8-week double-blind study compared bupropion and desipramine in 15 depressed bipolar patients also
taking lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine (Sachs et al.,
1994).37 About two-thirds of all the patients had at least a
50 percent reduction in their HAM-D scores, with comparable efficacy being observed for the two antidepressants. The
most comprehensive comparison of adjunctive bupropion
with other second-generation antidepressants is the randomized, double-blind Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network study (Post et al., 2006), in which 174 bipolar patients
experiencing a breakthrough depression were randomized

Medical Treatment of Depression


BOX 192. Treatment of Bipolar-II Depression

While numerous studies have examined the clinical characteristics and epidemiology of bipolar-II disorder, relatively few have
focused on treatments specifically for bipolar-II depression. Because patients with bipolar-II disorder have more frequent
episodes of depression than bipolar-I patients and may be at
higher risk for suicide, research into the treatment of bipolar-II
depression deserves urgent attention.
Bipolar-II patients have been included in efficacy studies of
lithium, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and other agents. All
too often, however, bipolar-II patients are not separated out in
the discussion of results. Nevertheless, a survey of the literature
leads to the conclusion that available treatments for bipolar-I depression are also effective for the treatment of bipolar-II depression (see MacQueen and Young, 2001, for a discussion of efficacy
A number of studies of the use of the sedating anticonvulsants (such as valproate or carbamazepine) in treating bipolar-II
disorder suggest that these agents are quite useful in treating
the impulsiveness, irritability, and dysphoric moods often seen in
these patients, symptoms that, while not classic, may lead to
more self-harming behavior and psychosocial disability. Results
of several preliminary studies suggest that valproate may be
modestly effective in treating bipolar-II patients. In a small open
study of divalproex monotherapy in 19 bipolar-II depressed outpatients, nearly two-thirds of the subjects showed a greater than
50 percent reduction in HAM-D scores after 12 weeks (Winsberg
et al., 2001).There have been two double-blind, placebocontrolled studies.The first investigated the effects of valproate

as monotherapy in 30 patients with bipolar-II disorder who also

met criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV for
borderline personality disorder.The valproate group experienced
a significant reduction in dysphoric symptoms, such as irritability
and anger.There was also a nonsignificant trend toward reduction of depressive symptoms, though this finding may be explained by the fact that patients with active major depression
had been excluded from the study (Frankenburg and Zanarini,
2002).The second controlled study, conducted by Sachs and colleagues (2001), failed to show a significant advantage over
placebo for the overall group, but did identify a trend favoring
valproate over placebo in the bipolar-II subgroup.
Lamotrigine may be effective in patients with bipolar-II depression, but there have been no placebo-controlled studies or
head-to-head comparisons with lithium or other anticonvulsants.
Any number of studies of antidepressants for the treatment
of bipolar depression have included bipolar-II patients. For example, bipolar-II patients have been included in studies of the use of
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for treating bipolar
disorder (see Table 196). As with lithium and the anticonvulsants, however, the data are insufficient to conclude that any particular agent is especially superior for treating bipolar-II depression.The key issue here is whether the risk of switch and/or
destabilization is lower among bipolar-II than among bipolar-I
patients. While recent data suggest that this might be the case,
there is still no consensus and we still recommend that if antidepressants are used in treating bipolar-II depression, they be combined with a mood stabilizer.

to adjunctive bupropion, sertraline, or venlafaxine (see Fig.

192). The three drugs showed modest efficacy overall, with
about one-third of the patients achieving remission; however, on the outcome of most importance to the clinician
remission without a switch into mania/hypomania (see
below)on average an uncomplicated remission was
achieved by only 25 percent of the patients. With regard to
the drugs individually, bupropion performed best (38 percent), compared with sertraline (27 percent) and venlafaxine
( just 18 percent). In other words, with respect to the most
desirable outcome, bupropion was twice as good as venlafaxine (RR for bupropion versus venlafaxine = 2.13 [95
percent confidence interval (CI) 1.153.94]).

and results in higher remission rates than SSRIs in patients

with unipolar depression (Thase et al., 2001). However,
these differences have not been demonstrated as yet in the
few studies on bipolar patients. Amsterdam and GarciaEspana (2000) reported on a nonrandomized study of
venlafaxine monotherapy for 15 bipolar-II and 17 unipolar
patients being treated for major depression. About twothirds of the patients in both groups had a reduction in
HAM-D and MADRS scores of 50 percent or greater. A 6week single-blind (blind rater) study of 60 patients with
bipolar-I or -II major depression taking lithium or anticonvulsants found equal response rates (about half the patients) in those taking venlafaxine and paroxetine, with no
significant difference in the bipolar-I and -II patients (Vieta et al., 2002). With regard to the proportion who responded without a switch, however, paroxetine outperformed venlafaxine. This result is consistent with the
Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network results noted above
(Post et al., 2006), and both reports suggest that venlafaxine

Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs).

Venlafaxine has garnered significant interest because of its
dual reuptake effectsacting as both a serotonin and
noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor. Some data suggest that
venlafaxine has a more rapid onset of therapeutic action







Manic Switch

Remission and
No Switch

Figure 192. Outcomes for patients taking bupropion, sertraline, and venlafaxine. Note: Response
and remission rates based on Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDS) criteria only; mania
switch and remission/no switch rates based on Young Mania Rating Scale or Clinical Global Impressions-Bipolar criteria. (Source: Post et al., 2006. Reproduced with permission.)

may be more like tricyclics, with a less favorable ratio of responses to switches compared with other second-generation
antidepressants, especially bupropion.
Results of several open studies of the use of nefazodone
in treating bipolar depression have not been encouraging.
El-Mallakh (1999) found only transient improvement over
a period of 8 weeks in 5 outpatients who took nefazodone
with other medications. In another open trial, Goldberg
and colleagues (2002) noted that about two-thirds of 13
patients who took nefazodone in addition to lithium, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics had a 50 percent reduction in HAM-D scores during the course of the study, but
that half of these patients experienced some relapse of depressive symptoms by the eighth week.
The new SNRI duloxetine was approved by the FDA for
the treatment of major depression in 2004 on the basis of
several large placebo-controlled trials involving more than
1,400 patients (Detke et al., 2002; Goldstein et al., 2002; Nemeroff et al., 2002). To our knowledge, studies of this agent
focused on bipolar depression have not yet been published.
Selective Noradrenergic Reuptake Inhibitors. Reboxetine
is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor with a structure
distinct from that of the tricyclics. Although it is comparable in norepinephrine reuptake inhibition potency to the
tricyclics, its selectivity for noradrenergic reuptake inhibition can be compared with that of the SSRIs in inhibiting
serotonin reuptake. Reboxetine has thus been referred to
as the first selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, and

as such represents the first of what may become a new class

of antidepressants (Wong et al., 2000). Reboxetine has
been shown to be superior to placebo in treating unipolar
depression and comparable to tricyclics and fluoxetine
(Berzewski et al., 1997; Versiani et al., 1999; Schatzberg, 2000).
To date, there have been no published studies of its use in
treating bipolar depression, although three cases of probable reboxetine-induced mania in bipolar patients have been
reported (Vieta et al., 2001).

Long-Term Efficacy of Antidepressants

in Bipolar Disorder
As noted earlier, we chose to introduce the issue of the longterm effects of antidepressants (both benefits and risks) in
this chapter because they are important considerations in
the choice of a treatment for acute depression. With regard
to highly recurrent unipolar depression, insufficient data
are available to estimate a riskbenefit ratio, so our focus
here is on bipolar depression.
In a university clinic, Ghaemi and colleagues (2004)
found that, over periods of observation that averaged appoximately 1 year, there was a 51.3 percent nonresponse
rate among 41 bipolar depressed patients, compared with
only a 31.6 percent nonresponse rate among 37 unipolar patients. In addition, loss of response during treatment occurred 3.4 times more often among the bipolar than the
unipolar patients. These results are in the same range as
those of the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network study: Post
and colleagues (2003) found that while about 50 percent of

Medical Treatment of Depression

a history of treatment-resistant depression (30 versus 15 percent). Approaching this relationship from a different direction, Hantouche and colleagues (2005) evaluated the lifetime treatment history of 256 patients diagnosed as having
unipolar major depression and found that those whose antidepressant had been augmented by a mood stabilizer
(implying antidepressant resistance) had higher scores
on a hypomania checklist and were more likely to have
cyclothymic temperaments. However, not all studies have
found a relationship between bipolar features and antidepressant resistance in unipolar patients (personal communication, D.J. Smith, October 14, 2005, University of

Switches and Cycle Acceleration Following

the Initiation of Antidepressants
Switches. In the first paper describing the antidepressant
effects of imipramine, Kuhn (1958, p. 463) observed that if
[a patients] depressions are easily and frequently replaced
by manic-like phases or actual manic states, the reaction
[to imipramine] is less favorable. . . .[T]he tendency arises
for the depression to switch over into a manic phase. This
observation is not limited to imipramine. Angst (1985)
conducted an intriguing retrospective study of patients
admitted to the Burghoelzli Psychiatric Hospital with a
mood disorder between 1920 and 1982 (see Fig. 193). His
findings indicate that the incidence of depressed patients
experiencing manic symptoms increased with the
development of medical treatments for depression (ECT
and medications).42
In the ensuing decades, this switch phenomenon has
been reported for every class of antidepressant, for many
other classes of psychotropics, for medications used to
treat nonpsychiatric conditions, for nonpharmocological

Figure 193. Switch rate of hospitalized depressed patients (unipolar or bipolar). Note: Only one episode per patient was considered.
(Source: Angst, 1985.)
% Switches into Mania

their bipolar-I patients given a second-generation antidepressant in addition to a mood stabilizer were much or
very much improved (as measured by the CGI scale),
only 19 percent were able to complete the intended 1 year of
continued antidepressant use. In a similar vein, Sachs and
colleagues (2003) reported preliminary outcomes for the
first 1,000 subjects enrolled in the NIMH STEP-BD program. During the first year of follow-up, 181 subjects experienced the new onset of at least one episode of major depression, and 50 of these patients experienced multiple
depressive episodes38; no statistically significant advantage
was associated with the adjunctive use of second-generation
antidepressants.39 Finally, a recent randomized study within
the NIMH STEP-BD program (mentioned briefly in the
section on clinical management) evaluated 69 bipolar patients who had recovered from a depressive episode on a
combination of a second-generation antidepressant and a
mood stabilizer (Ghaemi et al., 2006). After being stable for
2 months, the patients were openly randomized to continue
with the combined treatment or the mood stabilizer alone
(that is, antidepressants were tapered and discontinued);
after adjusting for other clinical variables,40 antidepressant
continuation did not result in lower overall mood morbidity at 1-year follow-up compared with mood stabilizer
alone.41 Note that these results are quite different from those
of the three nonrandomized studies reviewed in the section
on clinical management that have, unfortunately, been interpreted by some as indicating that bipolar patients who
have responded acutely to antidepressants should be continued on them. Clearly only a minority of bipolar patients do
well when kept on antidepressants plus mood stabilizers,
but the results of observational studies do not provide
clinicians with a basis for judging which of their patients
might be expected to do so.
The reader will note that scattered throughout our review
of the literature are studies of the effectiveness of various
agents in treatment-resistant depression. The importance
of such studies is underscored by evidence that resistance to
standard antidepressants is one of the characteristics that
may make the condition of a given patient more likely to be
part of the bipolar spectrum (see Chapter 1). For example,
Sharma and colleagues (2005) studied 61 patients with major
depression who had failed to respond to two adequate antidepressant trials, two-thirds of whom had initially been diagnosed as unipolar. Upon careful diagnostic reevaluation
in the course of 1-year follow-up, only 21 percent were still
diagnosed as unipolar, with 79 percent now meeting criteria
for bipolar disorder, primarily bipolar-II. Rybakowski and
colleagues (2005) reported on a cohort of 447 unipolar
depressed patients, 106 of whom met criteria for bipolar
spectrum disorder; those with bipolar spectrum features
were twice as likely as the pure unipolar patients to have


Tricyclics n = 509

n = 100


n = 200

n = 100











interventions (ECT, phototherapy, sleep deprivation), and

even for herbal preparations.43 In our above discussion
of the efficacy of antidepressants in bipolar patients, we
briefly noted reports of switching.44 Table 197 builds on
our considerable coverage of this issue in the first edition
by summarizing recent studies of mania/hypomania following the initiation of antidepressants. Similarly, reports
have appeared since the 1960s that in some bipolar patients,
an antidepressant medication can be associated with increased mood cycling (see below). It has been posited that
these agents can hasten the onset of new mood episodes in
patients, accelerating the rhythm of their cycles and destabilizing mood.
If anything, the question of possible antidepressantrelated worsening of bipolar illness has taken on more urgency since the first edition was published as a result of the
enormous increase in prescriptions for antidepressants that
has followed from the continuing introduction of new,
easier-to-use agents into the market. Thus since 1990 there
has been more than an eight-fold increase in prescriptions
within the SSRI class alone (Grunebaum et al., 2004). Because the bulk of this increased prescribing is by nonpsychiatric physicians, there is an increased risk of undiagnosed bipolar patients being on antidepressants without
a mood stabilizer.
A variety of methods have been used in an attempt to
quantify how frequently switches occur, to assess whether
drug-related and spontaneous switches differ,45 to identify which agents are more likely to cause switching, and
to alert clinicians to risk factors that may make particular
patients more vulnerable. A number of factors have conspired to make this work quite difficult: (1) the inherent
cycling pattern of the disorder makes it challenging to separate spontaneous from drug-induced changes in symptoms and course of illness; (2) the diagnostic categories
for bipolar disorder are empirically derived and may not
validly differentiate patients according to the undoubtedly
complex and heterogeneous neurobiological underpinnings that may determine how they respond and react to
pharmacological interventions; and (3) changes in treatment patterns over the years, especially the increasing use
of multiple agents and complex treatment regimens, make
gathering groups of patients with a similar treatment history increasingly difficult for the long-term studies needed
to answer questions about the effects of specific pharmaceuticals on course of illness.
First, what do we know about the frequency of the
switching phenomenon in patients on antidepressants? Estimates of the rate of switching into manic, mixed, and hypomanic states in bipolar patients treated with antidepressants range broadly among different studies (10 to nearly
70 percent, with the higher rates generally associated with

the tricyclics), a variability no doubt associated with the

confounding factors just noted, especially patient selection and methods used to ascertain and score occurrences
of mania/hypomania (Ghaemi et al., 2003c; Goldberg
and Truman, 2003; Goldberg and Ghaemi, 2005).46 As an
example, one of the largest studies to date (Altshuler et
al., 1995) used a retrospective life chart method to analyze
the temporal association between tricyclic and MAOI antidepressants and the course of illness of 51 patients hospitalized with an episode of bipolar disorder. Manic or
hypomanic episodes were categorized as likely to have been
antidepressant related on the basis of such criteria as an
episode occurring within 8 weeks of initiation of the drug
or a change in illness pattern (the episode would have
been unexpected given the prior course of the patients
illness). The authors concluded that one-third of the patients experienced an antidepressant-induced mania and
that one-fourth experienced cycle acceleration at some
time during the course of their illness. Of the switches
that occurred, 75 percent were in bipolar-I patients and 25
percent in bipolar-II; half of the patients experienced
rapid cycling (having had four or more mood episodes in
the year prior to the study), and all were lithium refractory. Some patients were taking lithium at the time of the
switch or cycle acceleration, and others were not. Given
this heterogeneous group of ill patients, generalizing of
these rates of adverse effects to other patient groups and
the total group of patients with bipolar disorder is not
Results of prospective studies that have specifically set
out to identify manic episodes following the initiation of
antidepressants indicate that approximately one-quarter
of patients with bipolar disorder experience mania or hypomania within weeks to months of first taking these
drugs (most studies set the criterion at 2 months; see Table
197). Some have suggested that patients with bipolar-I
disorder are more likely than those with bipolar-II to experience a switch, but to our knowledge, these two populations have never been compared prospectively in the same
Switch rates calculated from clinical trials of antidepressants in bipolar depression (see Tables 198a and 198b)
tend to be lower than those reported from naturalistic
studies. For one thing, controlled trials tend to screen out
patients who are at a higher risk of switching, such as
those with substance abuse histories (Goldberg and Whiteside, 2002; Manwani et al., 2006). In addition, as Sachs
(2005) has pointed out, given the ethical constraints associated with randomized, double-blind trials, antidepressants would hardly be continued if there were any signs
of incipient mania. Patients showing evidence of abnormal mood elevation are typically removed from the study

Table 197. Observational Studies Since the First Edition (1990) Focused on the Emergence
of Mania/Hypomania Following Initiation of Antidepressants


Study Design


Altshuler et al.,

38 bipolar-I, 13 bipolar-II

Benazzi, 1997

103 unipolar, 8 bipolar-I,

92 bipolar-II

Lifetime life chart review of consecutive

patients admitted to a clinical
research ward
36 month prospective, naturalistic
treatment of private-practice

Boerlin et al.,

29 bipolar-I (79 episodes)

2-month prospective, naturalistic study

in which patients taking
antidepressant alone were compared
with patients taking antidepressant
and lithium or anticonvulsant

Bottlender et al.,

158 bipolar depression

Retrospective study of medical records

Ghaemi et al.,

85 bipolar or unipolar

Retrospective study of medical records

Henry et al.,

31 bipolar-I, 13 bipolar-II
(95 treatment phases)

6-week prospective, naturalistic study

comparing patients who switched
with those who did not; 90% of
patients were on an SSRI, 10% on a

Goldberg and
Joffe et al.,

53 bipolar (-I or -II not


35% had a manic episode likely

due to heterocyclic antidepressants, 21% due to MAOIs
Manic/hypomanic switch occurred
in 25% of bipolar-I, 17.3% of
bipolar-II, and 5.8% of unipolar
patients; unipolar patients who
switched resembled bipolar-I
patients in age at onset and
atypical features
28% of patients had mania/
hypomania, but in only 10% was
it severely disruptive; there was
no significant difference between
patients taking antidepressant and
those taking antidepressant plus
lithium or anticonvulsant; switch
rates were lower for SSRIs vs.
tricyclics or MAOIs
25% of patients had switched to a
maniform (mania and hypomania)
state during the treatment period
in the hospital; among that group,
the phenomenon occurred in 23
patients (15%) as a hypomania
and in 16 patients (10%)
as a mania
55% of bipolar patients taking
antidepressants developed
hypomania or mania; 23%
developed new or worsening
rapid-cycling course
27% of patients switched; there was
no difference between rates in
bipolar-I and -II patients or
between antidepressants and ECT;
lithium was more protective than
39.6% switched into mania or
hypomania; no apparent impact
of concomitant mood stabilizers
12.4% of patients developed mania;
bipolar-I > bipolar-II; there was
no difference between rates in the
two drug classes

51 bipolar-I, 18 bipolar-II
(113 trials)

1-year prospective, naturalistic study

comparing SSRIs (including
venlafaxine) with bupropion; all
patients taking lithium or




Table 197. Observational Studies Since the First Edition (1990) Focused on the Emergence
of Mania/Hypomania Following Initiation of Antidepressants (continued)


Study Design


Post et al.,

Serritti et al.,

127 bipolar patients on

lithium and/or valproate
given an adjunctive
secondary antidepressant
for depression; 42%
reported a history of
rapid cycling
297 bipolar-I, 119

Assessed using National Institute of

Mental Health life chart
methodology for 1 year; 10-week
prospective study with 1-year
continuation phase; randomized to
bupropion, sertraline, or venlafaxine;
nonresponders rerandomized
Retrospective casecontrol study with
interviews, medical records, and life

Ghaemi et al.,

41 bipolar depression, 37
unipolar depression

Analysis of clinical records for

outcomes of antidepressant trials

Half responded (= <50% improvement) to acute antidepressant

treatment, but half of responders
switched into hypomania/mania
(with some dysfunction) in either
the acute or the continuation
43% of switchers were bipolar-I vs.
19% of switchers who were
bipolar-II (p < .0001); switchers
were 5.8 times more likely to have
history of rapid cycles; 3 times
fewer switches occurred with
antidepressant + mood stabilizer
vs. antidepressant alone (51% vs.
17%); depressionmaniainterval
(DMI) pattern more frequent
among switchers (p < .0002)
Switches into mania were not
observed in any unipolar patient,
but occurred in 84.2% of bipolar
patients not taking any antimanic
agent, vs. 31.6% taking at least
one antimanic agent; compared
with tricyclics, newer antidepressants were not associated with
lower rates of cycle acceleration

and their response reported as an adverse event, manic

reaction, but not as an episode of mania or hypomania.
In most studies comparing apparent antidepressantrelated switch rates in bipolar patients with and without
mood stabilizers, those on mood stabilizers have been
found less likely to switch.47 Thus in those studies in which
all patients were taking lithium or anticonvulsants, the rate
of switching was roughly half that reported in studies of
patients treated with antidepressants in the absence of a
mood stabilizer. The protective effect of mood stabilizers
(especially atypical antipsychotics) is illustrated by the recent Cochrane meta-analysis of five randomized trials of
short-term treatment for bipolar depression, comparing
antidepressants and placebo (Gijsman et al., 2004). In this
study, 84 percent of the patients were on a mood stabilizer, primarily (77 percent) olanzapine. The switch rates
were low in both the antidepressant plus mood stabilizer
and mood stabilizer alone groups.48

A number of studies have addressed potential risk factors for drug-related switching. One such factor is gender.
In a randomized, double-blind, 3-year prospective comparison of lithium versus lithium plus imipramine, Quitkin
and colleagues (1981) noted 2.5 times more switches in the
combined-treatment group, but this differential was significant only among females, a finding similar to that of
Yaldez and Sachs for antidepressant-related cycling (see
below). In an observational study, by contrast, Goldberg
and Whiteside (2002) found no difference in the gender
ratio of bipolar patients who switched on antidepressants
versus those who did not.
Another factor examined is episode sequence. Koukopoulos and colleagues (1980) noted that the episode sequence
maniadepressioninterval (MDI) was less likely to be associated with switching than the depressionmaniainterval
(DMI) sequence, a conclusion presumably related to his observation that the MDI pattern was associated with longer,

Table 198A. Reported Rates of Emergent Mania in Association with Antidepressants

in Randomized Studies of Bipolar Depression




Mean Dose


Cohn et al.,
1989 (95)



36 weeks
36 weeks
36 weeks

62 mg/day
62 mg/day


Concurrent lithium in 23%

taking fluoxetine, 17%
taking imipramine, 20%
taking placebo; 16% of
imipramine or placebo
nonresponders who then
took fluoxetine became
hypomanic within 1 month
during unblinded extension

Himmelhoch et al.,
1991 (71)



6 weeks
6 weeks

37 mg/day
246 mg/day


No concomitant mood
stabilizers used

Thase et al.,
1992 (91)



412 weeks
412 weeks

39 mg/day
246 mg/day


Double-blind crossover of
study of nonresponders from
a prior tranylcypromine study

Sachs et al.,
1994 (75)



8-week acute

358 mg/day
140 mg/day


Cotherapy with lithium,

valproate, or carbamazepine

Young et al.,
2000 (78)

Lithium or


6 weeks
6 weeks

36 mg/day
1,300 mg/day
1,200 mg/day


All subjects initially took

lithium or valproate; study
drug was then added

Nemeroff et al.,
2001 (77)



10 weeks
10 weeks
10 weeks

33 mg/day
167 mg/day


All patients on lithium; switch

rate significantly lower on
paroxetine vs. imipramine, but
two of the three imipramine
patients who developed mania
and the 1 placebo patient who
developed mania were in
subtherapeutic serum
lithium level group




8 weeks
8 weeks

450750 mg/day
150250 mg/day


Switch defined as Young

Mania Rating Scale score >10

Vieta et al.,
2002 (92)



6 weeks
6 weeks

32 mg/day
79 mg/day


Open-label randomized;
paroxetine and venlafaxine
both effective and safe in
treatment of depressive breakthrough episodes in bipolar
disorder; there was a suggestion
of a slightly higher risk for
switch to mania or hypomania
with venlafaxine

N/A = not available.



Table 198B. Reported Rates of Emergent Mania in Association with Antidepressants

in Nonrandomized Studies of Bipolar Depression





Fogelson et al.,
1992 (65)


Baldassano et al.,
1995 (64)


6 weeks

286 mg/day


Coexisting lithium and

carbamazepine or valproate
in 5 of 6 patients who



8 weeks

23 mg/day


1 patient on lithium +
carbamazepine developed

Kupfer et al.,
2001 (93,94)



8-week acute,
then 16-week

34.5 mg/day


All subjects on lithium,

valproate, or

Erfurth et al.,
2002 (90)



4 weeks

286 mg/day


Bupropion added to diverse

combination therapies
in a treatmentrefractory group

more stable depressions. More recently, Serretti and colleagues (2003) conducted a retrospective casecontrol
study of 169 bipolar patients who switched while taking
an antidepressant versus 247 who did not (matched for
age and gender); they also found switches more likely
with the DMI pattern. On the other hand, MacQueen and
colleagues (2002) presented detailed life-chart data for 42
bipolar depressed patients indicating that those whose
depression was preceded by a manic/hypomanic episode
(presumably the MDI pattern) were more likely to have an
antidepressant-related switch than those whose depression
was preceded by a period of euthymia. Given the design and
size of these studies, it appears fair to conclude that the
weight of the literature suggests switching is more likely to
be associated with the DMI pattern. A third factor studied is
comorbid substance abuse. Goldberg and Whiteside (2002)
found that switch risk was associated with a history of substance abuse and/or multiple previous antidepressant exposures.
What about the relative risk in bipolar-I versus bipolarII? By far the majority of the data on switching has come
from studies of bipolar-I patients, although some of the
studies reviewed above included both bipolar-I and -II patients. Two studies (Joffe et al., 2002; Serretti et al., 2003)
noted more switching in bipolar-I than in bipolar-II, while
two found no difference (Henry and Demotes-Mainard,
2003; Bauer et al., 2005). The resolution of this question has
been advanced considerably by two sets of data from the

Rate (%)


Stanley Networkone concerning acute treatment (Altshuler et al., 2006) and the other focused on long-term
follow-up (Leverich et al., 2004). Both reveal that, compared
with bipolar-I patients, those with bipolar-II have a lower
switch rate, and when they do switch, it is into hypomania.
Finally, as might be expected, Sato and colleagues (2004)
found that bipolar patients with depressive mixed states
(see Chapters 1 and 2) are more likely to switch when antidepressants are added to mood stabilizers than are bipolar
patients with pure depression. Related findings come from
an analysis of the NIMH STEP-BD database (Goldberg et
al., 2004), which found that among bipolar patients with
depressive mixed states, antidepressants worsened manic
symptoms without improving depressive ones. In a recent
comparison of switchers and nonswitchers among bipolar
patients on antidepressants in the Stanley Network, Frye and
colleagues (2006) found three specific manic-like symptoms
during depression that were associated with a switchmore
motor activity, more talkative, and showing new interests;
increased sexual activity just missed significance. The results
of these last three studies are important for the clinician to
keep in mind because such depressive mixed states are often confused with agitated depression; the specificity of the
individual symptom predictors in Frye and colleagues study
should prove especially useful to the clinician.
Do antidepressant-related switches differ from spontaneous ones? In a prospective study of consecutive admissions, Tamada and colleagues (2004) compared 12 patients

Medical Treatment of Depression

on mood stabilizers who switched within 12 weeks of starting an antidepressant and 12 patients with spontaneous mania. Those who switched while taking an antidepressant had
been ill longer with more previous episodes, had a higher
prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism, and had a history of more previous antidepressant-related switches. In
the largest observational study comparing spontaneous
and antidepressant-related switches, Akiskal and colleagues
(2003) evaluated 493 consecutive patients with DSM-IV
major depression (196 were bipolar-II or bipolar-NOS;
bipolar-I patients were excluded). Spontaneous hypomania was experienced by 29 percent of the entire cohort; an
additional 10.5 percent were hypomanic only while on antidepressants. The latter group had experienced significantly
more psychotic features, greater suicide risk, a more chronic
course with more previous hospitalizations, and more previous treatment with mood stabilizers, and were less responsive to lithium. Finally, in an interesting retrospective
casecontrol study of 56 bipolar depressed patients on an
antidepressant, Mundo and colleagues (2001) found that
those with the short allele of the promoter region of the serotonin transporter gene experienced twice as many switches
as those without that allele.49
In summary, the most consistently reported predictors
of antidepressant-related switching among patients with
bipolar-I disorder are a history of multiple acute episodes
(particularly those with a course characterized by the DMI
sequence), exposure to multiple antidepressant trials, a
history of previous antidepressant-related switches, a history of substance abuse, and isolated manic-like symptoms (depressive mixed states). Risk among patients
with bipolar-II disorder is also associated with substance
abuse and perhaps with psychotic features, but appears to
differ from bipolar-I risk by its association with a more
chronic course. In light of the two recent Stanley Network
studies, it now appears likely that the relative risk is greater
in bipolar-I than in bipolar-II, but more data are needed to
settle this point, particularly with respect to long-term
destabilization. For comprehensive reviews of clinical and
demographic predictors of antidepressant-related switching, see Goldberg and Truman (2003) and Visser and Van
der Mast (2005).
Related to switching is the phenomenon of conversion
from a unipolar to a bipolar diagnosis, which bears on the
question of which patients with unipolar depression might
be vulnerable to an antidepressant-related switch. Examining the relationship between the likelihood of such a
conversion and premorbid personality characteristics,
Akiskal and colleagues (1995) followed 559 patients with major depressive disorders for up to 11 years.50 They reported a
temperamental triad of mood lability, energy/activity,


and daydreaming as being predictive of the conversion

from unipolar to bipolar-II, but not to bipolar-I. This triad
was associated with early age at first depression, chronicity,
and a high rate of substance abuse. The association between
early age at onset of unipolar depression and subsequent
switch to a bipolar diagnosis has been noted in several studies.51 In the Akiskal et al. (1995) study just described, switching from unipolar to bipolar-I was associated with psychotic
features when the patient was depressed, a finding that
agrees with those of Kovacs (1996), Coryell and colleagues
(1995), and Goldberg and Whiteside (2002).
Are there differences among the antidepressants in their
propensity to precipitate switching? Among the older drugs
there was some indication that, compared with MAOIs, tricyclics were associated with switches that occurred more
rapidly and led to more severe dysphoric manias (Himmelhoch et al., 1991). The most important question today is
whether the newer, second-generation drugs are associated
with a lower prevalence of switching. Peet (1994) assessed
manic symptoms in unipolar depressed patients taking part
in clinical trials (some bipolar-II patients participated since
DSM-IIIR did not include that condition under bipolar illness) who were taking SSRI versus tricyclic antidepressants.
To do so, he performed a post hoc analysis of data from randomized clinical trials of fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline and comparison groups treated with tricyclics or placebo. He found switch rates below 1 percent in
all the unipolar groups. The switch rate in the bipolar group
taking an SSRI was not significantly different from that in
the placebo groupabout 4 percentand was significantly
lower than an 11 percent switch rate reported in the studies
involving tricyclics. The relative position of the newer versus
older drugs in this study is probably more valid than the absolute percentages because the database of clinical trials Peet
examined reflected the result of vigorous efforts to screen
out patients with mania/hypomania or even with risk factors for switching, such as a history of substance abuse. Also,
as noted above, the ethical requirements of randomized
controlled trials mean that patients with any sign or symptom suggesting the possibility of mania are very likely to
be dropped from the study, resulting in the undercounting of manic switches. Therefore, it is not surprising that
Peets post hoc analysis yielded results differing from
those of some observational studies, including the work
of Altschuler and colleagues (1995) and Ghaemi and colleagues (2004). For example, the latter study found that
49 percent of bipolar depressed patients switched within
2 months of starting a second-generation antidepressant
(primarily SSRIs); most of these patients were also on a
mood stabilizer.
In a study comparing desipramine and bupropion, Sachs



and colleagues (1994) found a switch rate in the tricyclic

group five times higher than that in the bupropion group
over a 1-year follow-up period (50 percent [5/10] versus 11
percent [1/9]). The authors therefore speculated that
bupropion might be especially safe with respect to switching. Consistent with this speculation is the observation of
Erfurth and colleagues (2002), who reported no switches
with bupropion in a 4-week study of 13 bipolar patients on
a mood stabilizer. However, the results of one nonrandomized study employing a much higher dose of the old
immediate-release (IR) formulation (450 versus 200 mg)
are at odds with the purported low incidence of mania
following the initiation of bupropion. Fogelson and colleagues (1992) found that 6 of 11 bipolar patients taking
lithium or an anticonvulsant developed hypomanic or
manic symptoms when 450 mg of IR bupropion was added.
However, 10 of these 11 patients had previously cycled into
mania when prescribed an antidepressant, suggesting that
this may have been a particularly vulnerable group, not
representative of the larger population of patients with
bipolar disorder. Also relevant here is the report of Goren
and Levin (2000) on the case of a bipolar patient who did
not develop manic symptoms until his dose of bupropion
was raised to 600 mg/day. The authors reviewed several
other case reports of manic symptoms associated with
bupropion and concluded that the risk of inducing manic
symptoms increases significantly in patients taking more
than 450 mg/day.52
What about venlafaxine? In our earlier review of efficacy studies, we cited the work of Vieta and colleagues
(2002), who compared venlafaxine and paroxetine in bipolar depressed patients on a mood stabilizer. The rate of
development of manic symptoms was four times higher in
the venlafaxine group (13 versus 3 percent), a rate similar
to that reported for tricyclics in other studies.53 This result is consistent with that of a 10-week study from the
Stanley Network (Post et al., 2003) (previously mentioned in our review of efficacy) in which 174 bipolar patients (73 percent bipolar-I) experiencing a breakthrough
depression on lithium, valproate, or a combination of the
two were randomized under double-blind conditions to
bupropion, sertraline, or venlafaxine. While response and
remission rates were similar with all three antidepressants,
there were significantly more switches into mania/hypomania54 with venlafaxine (29.2 percent) than with sertraline (8.6 percent) or bupropion (9.8 percent). If venlafaxine resembles the tricyclics in its tendency to precipitate
manic symptoms, this may be due to its dual reuptake inhibition, both serotoninergic and noradrenergic. However, in a short-term (6-week) study of venlafaxine
monotherapy in 17 bipolar-II patients, Amsterdam (1998)
observed no switches into mania.

Cycle Acceleration. In addition to the issue of acute

switches following the initiation of antidepressants, antidepressants may be associated with increased cycling over
the longer course of bipolar disorder. While maintenance
treatment is the subject of the next chapter, we discuss
here the effect of antidepressants on the long-term course
of the illness since this is a key consideration in planning the
acute treatment of bipolar depression. Indeed, compared
with the issue of acute switching, of which most clinicians
are well aware, we consider it even more important to emphasize the potentially damaging effects of cycle acceleration because it is a phenomenon so easily missed by clinicians who do not use life charting. Moreover, formal studies
addressing cycle acceleration involve methodological challenges. As far back as 1965, the German literature reported
that tricyclic antidepressants may cause destabilization, increasing the frequency of recurrences after the acute treatment of a depressive episode (Arnold and Krysprin-Exner,
1965; Till and Vuckovic, 1970). Furthermore, the very first
report of an antidepressant (the MAOI iproniazid) cited
rapid cycling following initiation of the drug (Crane,
1956). In the first edition of this text we reviewed a number
of case reports, retrospective reviews, and uncontrolled
prospective studies, as well as the placebo-controlled studies of Wehr and Goodwin (1979b) and Quitkin and colleagues (1981) (see below), all of which involved tricyclics
(with some MAOIs included in the naturalistic studies).
Taken together, the results of these studies were consistent
with the conclusion reached by earlier observers, as were
the more contemporary findings of Altshuler and colleagues
(1995) (cited above in our discussion of acute switches). The
latter authors studied 51 hospitalized bipolar-I patients retrospectively using life charting; 25 percent of the subjects experienced cycle acceleration while on tricyclics or MAOIs.
Similar studies finding no such association have also been
conducted (for a review see Altshuler et al., 1995). Nonetheless, the best data availablefrom both a small and a larger
randomized clinical trial (see below)indicate that cycle
acceleration following the initiation of tricyclics does occur.
One factor that may contribute to the mixed results in
the literature is that antidepressant-related cycling may be
relatively gender specific, with females being more vulnerable. This confound was suggested by Yildiz and Sachs
(2003), who found that among 129 bipolar patients, the association between subsequent cycling and prior antidepressant use held only for females. This finding is reminiscent of an earlier report by Quitkin and colleagues (1981),
discussed above in the section on antidepressant-related
Much of the literature examining the issue of increased
cycling in bipolar disorder in apparent association with tricyclics or MAOIs has approached the question by attempting

Medical Treatment of Depression

to identify episodes of rapid cycling that are temporally related to initiation of the antidepressant. A large observational study of patients with bipolar disorder conducted
by Coryell and colleagues (1992) found no association between periods of antidepressant use and rapid cycling. In
this study, 919 patients were followed for at least 1 and up
to 5 years, with semiannual evaluations; patients treatment
was monitored but not controlled by the study. Nearly 1 in
5 patients experienced a period of rapid cycling; after controlling statistically for episodes of major depression, the
authors found that treatment with tricyclics or MAOIs did
not seem to anticipate rapid cycling (p. 129). Rather, the
authors suggested that an episode of major depression
heralding a period of rapid cycling is a feature of the natural
history of the illness, and that any association between antidepressant treatment and rapid cycling is thus an epiphenomenon. However, this conclusion appears to be overstated
since the patients were not randomized to receive or not receive antidepressants, and it is impossible to know why clinicians chose to use or not use the drugs for some patients
or at certain times.
In the first edition we made a similar point about the influential study of Lewis and Winokur (1982), who opened the
debate when they reported no increase in switching or cycling among a group of bipolar patients receiving acute and
continuation treatment with tricyclics chosen by the physician. The interpretation of their finding is quite problematic,
however, in view of the high switch rate among the untreated
controls (41 percent) and the variety of uncontrolled factors
that could lead to such a high rate among patients whose


physicians chose not to administer antidepressants. The

negative conclusion from this study was reinforced by
Angst (1985), who, when reanalyzing his data on admission
patterns from 1920 to 1982 (see Fig. 193), inexplicably combined the ECT-era data (with their expected high switch
rates) with the data from the presomatic treatment era and
concluded that switch rates did not increase after the introduction of tricyclics. In sum, controlled studies examining the course of bipolar disorder over the longer term
have consistently identified patients in whom there appears
to be a clear relationship between tricyclic antidepressants
and acceleration of the illness cycle (see Table 199).
Wehr and Goodwin (1979a) presented data on a small
group of patients closely followed prospectively over a period of years at NIMH in a placebo-controlled clinical trial.
These patients entered and exited a series of double-blind
studies in which they took lithium plus placebo or lithium
plus tricyclics for periods of up to a year, thus serving as their
own controls. When the length of the cycle (onset of mania
to onset of mania) was compared for periods on and off antidepressants, a striking shortening of cycle became evident
during periods of antidepressant therapy. Moreover, cycling
slowed again when the antidepressant was stopped. Lithium
provided no protection against cycling in these patients.
In a subsequent and larger controlled clinical trial, Wehr
and colleagues (1988) found a similar temporal relationship
between antidepressant treatment and shortening of the
mood cycle in about half of a group of 51 patients with
rapid-cycling bipolar disorder on lithium (see Table 199).
The inability of a mood stabilizer to prevent tricyclic-related

Table 199. Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Studies of Antidepressant-Related

Long-Term Mood Destabilization of Bipolar Illness

Wehr and
Quitkin et al.,
Wehr et al.,


Mean Duration
of Follow-up


4 times more rapid cycling in lithium
+ desipramine treatment vs.
lithium + placebo treatment alone
2.4 times more manic episodes in
lithium + imipramine group vs.
lithium + placebo group
33% higher rapid-cycling rate with
lithium + tricyclics vs.
lithium + placebo


Lithium + desipramine vs.

lithium + placebo



Lithium + imipramine vs.

lithium + placebo



Lithium + tricyclics vs.

lithium + placebo

Note: Long-term mood destabilization in these studies is limited to cycle acceleration, defined as two or more DSM-IV affective episodes during
antidepressant treatment versus similar exposure times immediately before antidepressant treatment. The Quitkin and colleagues (1981) finding was
a post hoc finding. Other randomized controlled trials with tricyclics failed to find evidence of worsened course in post hoc analyses. The Wehr and
Goodwin (1979) and Wehr and colleagues (1988) studies were the only studies designed to assess prospectively the issue of antidepressant-induced
mood destabilization, and they both found evidence for this association.
Source: Ghaemi et al., 2003b. Reprinted with permission.



cycling was also noted in the randomized, double-blind,

parallel-group comparison of lithium plus placebo versus
lithium plus imipramine discussed earlier; over the 3 years of
this prospective study, there were 2.4 times more manic
episodes in the lithium plus tricyclic group than in those taking lithium plus placebo (Quitkin et al., 1981) (see Fig. 194).
These placebo-controlled prospective trials represent the
best data available for establishing that tricyclic-related cycle
acceleration does indeed occur. The answer to the question
of how frequently it occurs must come from larger naturalistic studies. As noted earlier, Altshuler and colleagues (1995)
reported cycle acceleration occurring in about a quarter of
recently hospitalized bipolar patients when their course of
illness was studied retrospectively. Other observational studies have likewise reported frequent tricyclic-related cycle
acceleration (for example, Koukopoulos et al., 1980).
What about the effects of the second-generation antidepressants on cycle length? Joffe and colleagues (2002) addressed this question in a prospective, open, naturalistic
study of SSRIs and bupropion. They examined 113 individual antidepressant trials involving 69 bipolar-I and -II patients, identifying cycle shortening using the life-charting
method developed by Post and colleagues (1986); patients
were followed for at least 1 year. In 6 of the individual trials
(7.8 percent), patients showed acceleration in their cycling.
Of these 6 patient trials, 5 involved bipolar-I disorder, and all
5 were SSRI trials; all the patients were taking lithium or anticonvulsant medication or a combination thereof in addition to the antidepressant.
In two other naturalistic studies (Ghaemi et al., 2000,
2004) rates of antidepressant-related cycle acceleration were

Figure 194. Inability of mood stabilizer to prevent antidepressantrelated cycling during a 3-year randomized double-blind prospective
study. Note: Average relapse time was 719 months, reflecting cycle
induction rather than acute switching. (Source: Quitkin et al., 1981.)

Depressive Relapse
Manic Relapse

% 15
Lithium + Placebo

Lithium + Imipramine

23 and 25.6 percent, respectively, figures higher than those

reported by Joffe and colleagues (2002) but very similar to
data from the Stanley Network. In a year-long evaluation
of the treatment of bipolar depression with adjunctive antidepressants, 39 percent of patients experienced at least
one switch during the continuation phase, suggesting cycle
acceleration (Post et al., 2003; Altshuler et al., 2006). In a
subsequent analysis of the Stanley Network trial of the use
of newer antidepressants for breakthrough depression in
patients maintained on lithium, valproate, or a combination of the two (Post et al., 2006), 4953 percent of patients
met criteria for response, but switching and/or cycle acceleration (overall rate of 21 percent) was twice as likely
among responders. As discussed earlier, bupropion had the
most favorable ratio of response to switch/cycle acceleration, while venlafaxine had the least favorable. In a preliminary analysis of the STEP-BD data, Sachs and colleagues
(2003) found that while depressive morbidity did not differ
between bipolar patients given a second-generation antidepressant with a mood stabilizer and those given a mood stabilizer alone, the antidepressant-treated patients experienced
60 percent more manic episodes. Sachs and colleagues
(2004) coined the term roughening to describe destabilization involving mood lability of an amplitude that does
not reach criteria for an episode of depression or mania, but
there have not yet been quantitative studies of this phenomenon. Here it is worth recalling the STEP-BD study described earlier (Filkowski et al., 2006; Ghaemi et al., 2006),
in which bipolar patients randomized to antidepressant
continuation did no better (in terms of overall mood morbidity over 1 year) than those on a mood stabilizer alone,
and in fact experienced more rapid relapse and more manic
episodes, albeit fewer full depressive episodes.55
In another independent examination of data from STEPBD, Goldberg and Truman (2003) found that a switch into
mania/hypomania was observed in 19.5 percent of 1,250
antidepressant trials within 3 months of initiation of the
antidepressant. These antidepressant switchers were more
likely to switch again if reexposed to another antidepressant of the same class. By contrast, a recent naturalistic
prospective study of 80 bipolar-I and -II patients, 47 of
whom were taking antidepressants (92 percent were secondgeneration drugs), found no more switches or cycling in
those on antidepressants (Bauer et al., 2005). The incidence of switching and rapid cycling did not differentiate
bipolar-I from -II. It is important to note that 89 percent of
those taking antidepressants were also taking at least one
mood stabilizer. Of interest, patients on antidepressants in
this naturalistic setting reported more depression than
those not on antidepressants. Of course, as we observed previously, it is impossible in a naturalistic study of this kind to
know what factors may have influenced the decisions of

Medical Treatment of Depression

individual clinicians to use or not use antidepressants in a

particular patient (confounding by indication).
Although not absolutely conclusive, results of the available studies indicate that at least some patients with bipolar
disorder experience an acceleration of their illness during
periods of treatment with antidepressants and that for
many if not most patients, this effect is reversible when the
antidepressants are stopped (Wehr and Goodwin, 1979b;
Wehr et al., 1988). As is apparently the case with the induction of mania and hypomania by antidepressants, cycle acceleration may be more common in bipolar-I than in
bipolar-II patients, although this has not been established
by comparative controlled trials. Rates associated with SSRIs may not be lower than those associated with tricyclics
or MAOIs, and results of one study suggest that the risk
may actually be higher (Goldberg and Truman, 2003). In
contrast to switches, the risk of cycle acceleration may not
be reduced by simultaneous treatment with lithium or anticonvulsant medications, although further research on this
critical question is clearly needed.
It is often assumed that cycle induction must involve
manic or hypomanic symptoms. But in patients taking a
combination of an antidepressant and an effective antimanic mood stabilizer, the mood stabilizer may well prevent the manic symptoms, so that the underlying cycle is
evidenced only by an increased frequency of depressive
episodes. Finally, a frequently observed phenomenon that
may reflect cycle induction is the development of tolerance to an antidepressant; that is, rather than being
viewed as a loss of the effect of the antidepressant, tolerance can just as easily be thought of as the medications
ongoing effectdriving the cycle and bringing the next
natural episode closer. Thus in a previously mentioned
observational study of 40 bipolar and 38 unipolar patients
(Ghaemi et al., 2003c), loss of effectiveness after response
was noted in 57 percent of the bipolar patients but only 18
percent of the unipolar patients. Consistent with this observation are the findings of Sharma and colleagues (2005),
who studied clinical characteristics of 61 depressed patients
initially referred as unipolar with a history of loss of response to at least two antidepressants. On follow-up and
reevaluation, 80 percent of these patients were found to
have DSM-IV bipolar disorder or met criteria for bipolar
spectrum disorder by the criteria of Ghaemi and colleagues

Prior to the introduction of the newer atypical antipsychotic agents, the literature on the use of antipsychotic
medications in the depressed phase of bipolar disorder was
quite sparse. In one open study, flupenthixol decanoate
was given to 30 lithium-intolerant periodic and cyclic de-


pressive patients, some of whom had a history of mania,

and was found to have a prophylactic effect . . . similar to
the effect of lithium salts (Kielholz et al., 1979, p. 307).
Consistent with this finding, several retrospective studies
have reported depressive relapse in patients with bipolar
disorder after discontinuation of typical antipsychotics
(see, e.g., Hendrick et al., 1994). On the other hand, as noted
in the previous chapter, the treatment of mania with typical antipsychotics alone was not infrequently followed by a
postmania depressive episode.
The use of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of depression has drawn increasing interest. In case reports and
open studies, these agents appear to have beneficial effects
when added to SSRI and MAOI antidepressants (for a review see Thase, 2002). A randomized, double-blind clinical
trial found an olanzapinefluoxetine combination to be
superior to either agent alone in nonpsychotic treatmentresistant depressed patients (Dube et al., 2002).
With regard to bipolar depression, in the largest randomized clinical trial ever conducted in this population
(n = 833), olanzapine monotherapy was found to be superior to placebo. The effect size was quite modest, however,
and the bulk of the improved rating items related to sleep
and appetite rather than to core mood symptoms. On the
other hand, combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine (included in the Cochrane analysis discussed above) was
found to be substantially superior to placebo and to olanzapine alone (Tohen et al., 2002), with an effect size equivalent to that for lamotrigine and, like lamotrigine, producing
improvement in core depressive symptoms (Williamson
et al., 2006). During the 8-week duration of the study, the
switch rate was low and comparable in all three groups,
and it stayed low (5.9 percent) throughout a subsequent
24-week open-label extension study (Corya et al., 2006).
A fixed-dose olanzapinefluoxetine combination (OFCSymbyax) has been approved by the FDA as a treatment
for bipolar depression. Recently, OFC was compared
head to head with lamotrigine in a 7-week randomized
double-blind trial in 410 bipolar-I depressed patients.
While there was no significant difference in response
rates,56 time to response showed an advantage for OFC, as
did the extent of reduction in MADRS ratings and CGI
severity scores. However, there were significantly more
side effects with OFC (somnolence and sedation, increased
appetite, weight gain, dry mouth, and tremor), as well as
higher levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Indeed, the
seriousness of the weight gain and metabolic problems associated with some atypicals (especially olanzapine and
OFC) has to be taken into account when assessing the
risk/benefit ratio of these drugs; this point is made in the
most recent set of guidelines for the treatment of bipolar
depression, the Texas Algorithm (Suppes et al., 2005).



Evidence for the efficacy of another atypicalquetiapinein the treatment of depressive symptoms in a variety of psychotic and mood disorders (including bipolar
disorder, rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, and adolescent
mania) has been reported in several open-label studies.57
More recently, two large randomized, placebo-controlled
trials revealed robust antidepressant effects for quetiapine
in bipolar patients. These 8-week multisite studies involved
a total of 506 bipolar depressed patients (339 on quetiapine and 167 on placebo; two-thirds bipolar-I, one-third
bipolar-II) (Calebrese et al., 2005). The first study found
a 58 percent response rate (greater than 50 percent decrease in MADRS scores) compared with 36 percent for
placebo; the rate for remission (decline in MADRS scores
of less than 12) was 53 percent for quetiapine versus 28 percent for placebo. The core depressive items on the MADRS
scale58 showed significant separation from placebo (p <.001).
Onset of action was rapid, with separation from placebo at
the end of week 1; both doses of quetiapine300 and
600 mg were roughly equivalent in efficacy, but side effects (dry mouth, sedation/somnolence, dizziness, constipation) were more common at the higher dose. The effect
size with the 300 mg dose was equivalent to that achieved
with the olanzapinefluoxetine combination (OFC), and
at 600 mg it exceeded the latter results. However, the
magnitude of the quetiapine effect was substantially reduced when the items related to insomnia and anxiety
were removed from the analysis. Similar results were obtained in the replication study (Hirschfeld et al., 2006),
and the FDA has now approved quetiapine for the treatment of bipolar depression.
It is important to note that studies of DSM-IV-defined
bipolar depression (such as the above quetiapine studies)
can include patients with up to three manic-like symptoms (because of the strict DSM-IV definition for a mixed
episode, that is, meeting full criteria for both mania and
depression). Whether these depressive mixed-state patients may respond preferentially to antipsychotics has not
yet been reported, but the possibility should be assessed.
Most formal studies of antipsychotics in mixed states per
se use the DSM-IV criteria and therefore involve dysphoric
mania rather than depressive mixed episodes, but such
data may still have relevance to the evaluation of these
agents as possible antidepressants. For example, GonzalezPinto and colleagues (2001) compared two groups of patients with dysphoric mania, all of whom were treated with
either valproate or lithium but also took either typical antipsychotics (haloperidol and/or levomepromazine) or an
atypical (olanzapine). Patients treated with the adjunctive
atypical had statistically significant reductions in HAM-D
scores (as well as Young Mania Rating Scale scores) compared with those who took the typical antipsychotic.

Other atypical antipsychotics, including clozapine,

risperidone, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, and amisulpride
(which is available in Europe but as of this writing not in
the United States), have, to varying degrees, been shown to
be effective in ameliorating depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, and for some of these drugs,
when used adjunctively, there is evidence of efficacy in
treatment-resistant depression. Some are now undergoing
testing in bipolar depression. Whether monotherapy with
some atypical antipsychotic agents will turn out to be sufficiently robust to achieve remission in the majority of patients with bipolar depression remains an open question.

Electroconvulsive Therapy
There is an extensive literature on the use of ECT in the
treatment of major depression (see Fink, 2001, for a review,
and Abrams, 1997, for a comprehensive discussion). Approximately 50 years after the introduction of ECT, Janicak
and colleagues (1985) conducted a careful meta-analysis of
25 studies selected for their rigorous methodology, which
together included more than 1,200 patients. These studies
variously compared ECT with simulated ECT, placebo, tricyclics, and MAOIs and found indisputable evidence of the
superiority of ECT over all these other treatments for severe depression. Most of these studies included patients
with both unipolar and bipolar illness. This conclusion was
reinforced by the most recent and most extensive metaanalysis comparing ECT with pharmacotherapy, conducted
by the UK ECT Review Group (2003). Examining 18 trials
(1,144 patients), they found that ECT was significantly better than antidepressant medication. As noted earlier, ECT
has been shown to be a safe and especially effective treatment for elderly patients, including the very elderly (Salzman et al., 2002); it has also proven to be safe in pregnant
patients (Miller, 1994) and even those with intracranial
mass lesions (Zwil et al., 1990). Indeed, one can find reports of ECT having been administered to patients safely
and successfully regardless of almost any imaginable medical or psychiatric complication.
There is a modest amount of data on the use of ECT
specifically to treat bipolar depressed patients. Zornberg
and Pope (1993) reviewed nine studies of the use of ECT in
723 such patients. Of the seven trials comparing ECT with
antidepressant agents, five found it be more effective. ECT
appears to be equally effective for unipolar and bipolar depressed patients. Daly and colleagues (2001) compared the
response rates and rapidity of response to ECT in 228
patients with unipolar and bipolar-I and -II depression
who were participating in three different protocols. There
was no difference in efficacy rates59 among the diagnostic
groups, although the bipolar patients who responded to
ECT needed fewer treatments than the unipolar responders.

Medical Treatment of Depression

Grunhaus and colleagues (2002) also found no unipolar

bipolar differences.
It appears that clinically significant ECT-induced mania
is rare. Given that ECT is a highly effective treatment for
mania, this is perhaps not surprising. Nevertheless, there
have been a number of case reports of mania and hypomania following ECT (see, e.g., Serby, 2001), and one case series
found that about a third of 57 patients with depression
(unipolar or bipolar not specified) treated with ECT had
hypomanic symptoms following their course of treatment
(Koukopoulos et al., 1980). In another retrospective chart
review study, however, the switch rate into mania or hypomania in hospitalized bipolar patients who had received
ECT did not differ from that in bipolar patients who had
not received the therapy (Angst et al., 1992). The evidence
for cycle induction or acceleration caused by ECT per se is
even less convincing, especially since most patients who receive ECT are treated with antidepressants either during or
following the therapy (see Koukopoulos et al., 1980).

Novel Central Nervous System

Stimulation Techniques
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) takes advantage
of a principle of electromagnetism first demonstrated in
1831 by the British physicist Michael Faraday: one can induce an electrical current in a conductor by bringing a
changing magnetic field in close proximity to it. In TMS,
an apparatus that develops a rapidly changing magnetic
field is applied to the scalp (hence the more common name
for the techniquerapid transcranial magnetic stimulation, or rTMS) to induce a small current in underlying
neural tissue (see Daskalakis et al., 2002, for a review). Unlike ECT, rTMS does not produce a seizure60 or even alteration of consciousness, and thus can be carried out without anesthesia on individuals with only the most minimal
discomfort from scalp tingling and the noise generated by
the apparatus. The technique has been used for neurophysiological studies and is increasingly being used as a
treatment for depression and other psychiatric conditions.
Because sham rTMS is easily performed, it has been possible to carry out placebo-controlled studies of the treatment. In a comprehensive review and meta-analysis of 23
randomized controlled studies of rTMS in treating depression, Burt and colleagues (2002) noted that the effect was
highly significant statistically, and the average effect size
was substantial, raging from .67 to .79. This is essentially the
same conclusion reached in an earlier meta-analysis of 12
studies by Holtzheimer and colleagues (2001).61
As with other new interventions for treating depression,
the literature on rTMS is evolving. The current lack of


consistency regarding the size of the effect across studies

may be due to differences in technique (right- versus leftside stimulation, for example) and overselection of
treatment-resistant patients for some studies, as well as
other factors. The ultimate role of rTMS in the treatment
of mood disorders is far from clear, but the results of controlled studies thus far are encouraging. There have been
two small studies involving patients with bipolar depression. In the first, Dolberg and colleagues (2002) randomized 20 patients to TMS or sham TMS (5 sessions per
week); by the end of the second week, the TMS group
showed a greater reduction in HAM-D (p <.05) and BPRS
(p <.01) scores compared with the sham group. In a subsequent study of bipolar depression (Nahas et al., 2003), left
prefrontal TMS showed only a nonsignificant trend to outperform the sham condition, but there were too few subjects (N = 23) to rule out a type II error.
Other types of magnetic stimulation may turn out to be
helpful in the treatment of bipolar depression. Rohan and
colleagues (2004) investigated the antidepressant effects of
exposure to magnetic stimulation less intense than that of
the rTMS technique, spurred by the serendipitous observation of mood improvement in subjects with bipolar depression who had volunteered for a neuroimaging study of
bipolar disorder. Echo-plantar magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (EP-MRSI) is a neuroimaging technique that also employs oscillating magnetic fields, but the
magnetic force generated is weaker and more generalized
than that in rTMS. Significant differences in mood improvement were observed in subjects who received actual
EP-MRSI compared with those receiving sham EP-MRSI
(Rohan et al., 2004).

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Zabara (1988) first demonstrated that experimental seizures
in dogs could be ameliorated by electrical stimulation of the
vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), and in 1988, the first vagus
nerve stimulator was implanted in a human patient to treat
epilepsy. The sensory connections of the vagus project to
many brain regions, including the locus coeruleus and other
regions implicated in the regulation of mood. After antidepressant effects were reported in patients who had received
a vagus stimulator, interest developed in vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) as a treatment for depression, and the first
VNS device was implanted in a patient to treat depression in
1998. In VNS, a programmable electrical pulse generator
(much like a cardiac pacemaker) is implanted subcutaneously in the chest wall, and a lead is connected to the left
vagus nerve near the carotid artery in the neck. (For reviews
of VNS, see George et al., 2000, and Krahl et al., 2004.)
Rush and colleagues (2000) conducted an open multicenter study of 21 unipolar, 4 bipolar-I, and 5 bipolar-II



patients with treatment-resistant major depressive episodes.

They found that 40 percent achieved at least a 50 percent
reduction in symptoms (as measured by the HAM-D and
MADRS) after 10 weeks of VNS. Analysis of the efficacy of
VNS in this group, expanded by the addition of another 29
patients (for a total of 59, including 6 bipolar-I and 10
bipolar-II subjects), found similar resultsa 31 percent response rate with a 15 percent remission rate (Rush et al.,
2005)but those with the most treatment resistance (having failed 7 or more antidepressant trials) did not benefit
(Sackeim et al., 2001). In a 1-year follow-up of those completing 3 months of acute treatment, the benefits of VNS
were sustained, and there was some indication of additional benefit, with a significantly increased proportion of
these patients achieving remission from their symptoms
29 percent versus 17 percent in the original 10-week study
(Marangell et al., 2002). In a subsequent 2-year follow-up
of the same cohort, Nahas and colleagues (2005) confirmed
that the response rate at 1 year surpassed that at 3 months
(31 percent versus 44 percent), with the additional improvement persisting at 2 years (42 percent response rate).
The same collaborative group (George et al., 2005) compared the 1-year results of Marangell and colleagues (2002)
with those achieved in a separate study of patients with
treatment-resistant depression receiving similar treatment
as usual (TAU); the patients in this 1-year observational
study of TAU had baseline clinical characteristics and demographics that were statistically comparable to those of
the patients in the VNS study. VNS plus TAU was superior
to TAU alone as assessed by monthly improvement in the
self-rated Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology (IDSSR) across 12 months (p <.001) or by response rates (last
observation carried forward [LOCF] analysis of changes
in HAM-D scores): 27 percent for TAU plus VNS versus 13
percent for TAU alone (p < .01); post hoc analysis revealed
no unipolarbipolar difference in response to VNS.
In the largest controlled study of acute VNS to date,
Rush and colleagues (2005) randomized 235 patients with
treatment-resistant depression62 to VNS or sham VNS for
10 weeks. While the primary outcome variableresponse
as measured by a 50 percent decline in HAM-D score
(LOCF analysis)did not show a significant difference
between VNS (15.2 percent response rate) and sham treatment (10 percent response), a secondary outcomeIDSSRdid (17 percent versus 7.3 percent response rate,
p = .032, by LOCF analysis). Thus it appears that VNS, especially when evaluated over 1 year or more, is somewhat
more effective than TAU for a very difficult-to-treat group
of patients, many of whom have bipolar or recurrent
unipolar depression. A VNS device has been approved by
the U.S. FDA for just such patients and is now marketed
by Cyberonics.

Dopamine Agonist Agents

The role of dopaminergic agents in the treatment of mood
disorders is evolving, and preliminary data are encouraging.
Several currently available antidepressants (bupropion, sertraline, and venlafaxine) inhibit presynaptic dopamine reuptake to varying degrees. One selective dopamine reuptake
inhibitor, nomifensine, was marketed as an effective antidepressant for about 10 years in Europe and more briefly in
the United States before being withdrawn because of associated hemolytic anemia.
Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease, has been reported to be an effective antidepressant in several small studies comparing it
with tricyclic antidepressants in patients with major depressive disorder (see Perugi et al., 2001, for a review). The
drug has never gained wide acceptance as an antidepressant, however, perhaps because it lacks clear superiority
over available agents and is associated with a substantial
side-effect burden. Pergolide, a dopamine agonist 20 to 30
times more potent than bromocriptine, has been used to
augment antidepressant treatment of major depression in
both unipolar and bipolar patients. In one open study, 11 of
20 refractory depressed patients experienced improvement
when pergolide was added to either a tricyclic or MAOI.
Transient hypomanic symptoms in some patients responded
to lowering the dose of the drug (Bouckoms and Mangini,
The antidepressant effects of pramipexole, another potent dopamine agonist that has been used to treat Parkinsons disease, have also been investigated in both unipolar
and bipolar patients. A number of case reports and open
studies indicate those effects to be significant, especially
when the drug is combined with other agents. In one of
these open trials, a related compound, ropinirole, showed
similar results. In a retrospective evaluation of 32 unipolar
and bipolar patients treated with pramipexole for depression for an average of 6 months, there was only one case of
transient hypomania (Sporn et al., 2000). And in the first
double-blind, randomized clinical trial of pramipexole
in treating bipolar depression, Goldberg and colleagues
(2004) found it to be significantly superior to placebo and
reported a mania/hypomania switch rate of 7 percent. A
second randomized, placebo-controlled study involving 21
patients with bipolar-II disorder found a 60 percent response rate (greater than 50 percent decrease in MADRS
score) for pramipexole compared with 9 percent for placebo;
1 patient developed hypomania, compared with 2 in the
placebo group (Zarate et al., 2004). Ironically, there are more
data from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trials for the efficacy and safety of pramipexole in bipolar
depression than for all but one standard antidepressant

Medical Treatment of Depression

(paroxetine), yet the other standard antidepressants are

used much more extensively than pramipexole.

The use of amphetamine drugs and related compounds,
such as methylphenidate, in the treatment of symptoms of
depression has a long history. These agents have been used
alone, as well as in conjunction with antidepressant and
other psychotropic agents, for several decades in the treatment of mood disorders, and a large but often rather confusing body of literature is frequently cited in support of
these uses. The verdict on stimulants as the sole agents for
treating major depression is, however, quite clear. In a review of the literature on the use of stimulants as monotherapy for the treatment of primary depressive disorders, Satel
and Nelson (1989, p. 248) concluded that these agents
demonstrated no significant advantage over placebo in
the treatment of primary depression. Nevertheless, a large
body of literature supports the use of stimulants to treat
depressive symptoms for patients with debilitating medical
conditions in which fatigue and lethargy are prominent
features, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS) (Wagner and Rabkin, 2000), as well as for those
who experience the opiate-related fatigue and somnolence
that occur in the palliative care of patients with cancer) (see
Rozans et al., 2002, for a review). Whether the improvement seen in these patients can be called an antidepressant
effect or simply the amelioration of primarily somatic depressive symptoms seen in seriously ill patients is a matter
of debate, however. The lack of significant and sustained
efficacy in patients who have more uncomplicated depression would appear to argue for the latter conclusion.
Several case reports and open series support the use of
stimulants as an augmentation strategy in patients with
major depression who have only a poor or incomplete response to antidepressant medications. Stoll and colleagues
(1996), for example, reported on five patients who cited robust symptom reduction when methylphenidate was added
to SSRI antidepressants. The literature on the use of stimulant medications in treating bipolar depression is very
limited, however, perhaps in part because of clinicians reluctance to report their experiences treating patients with
a controlled substance. A retrospective chart review of
eight adolescent bipolar patients (both bipolar-I and -II)
treated consecutively with adjunctive stimulants for comorbid attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
indicated moderate symptomatic improvement and substantial functional improvement, with no evidence of
switching or abuse (Carlson et al., 2004). Still, a number of
case reports suggest that stimulants can induce manic and
hypomanic states (see Lake et al., 1983, for a review), and
this work is often cited as a reason to avoid the use of these


drugs in bipolar patients. In one open case series, when

methylphenidate was added to an existing mood stabilizer
in 15 bipolar patients experiencing a breakthrough depression, a 56 percent mean reduction in MADRS scores was
observed over the next 3 weeks. However, 20 percent of the
patients dropped out because of hypomania or anxiety/
agitation (El-Mallakh, 2000). This issue is an important
one in planning the treatment of children or adolescents
with bipolar disorder because of the comorbidity of bipolar disorder and ADHD in these age groups and because of
suggestive evidence that stimulants may hasten the onset
of bipolar disorder in children (see Chapter 23).
Modafinil is a novel psychostimulant that has less
dopaminergic activity and appears to have less abuse potential than older stimulant medications. In a retrospective
case series of seven patients who took modafinil as an adjunct to antidepressant medication, three patients with bipolar depression achieved full or partial remission (Menza
et al., 2000). A subsequent prospective trial (DeBattista et al.,
2004) indicated that among 33 patients whose major depression had been only partially responsive to 4 weeks of antidepressant use, there was a rapid and significant improvement in both fatigue and overall depressive symptoms for
the group as a whole (p < .0001). This was followed by a
large (N = 314), multicenter, 8-week randomized, placebocontrolled study of adjunctive modafinil (200 mg) among
partial responders to SSRIs with persistent fatigue/sleepiness (Fava et al., 2005); compared with placebo, modafinil
was associated with significantly more improvement on
the CGI scale. To our knowledge, there has been only one
controlled study of adjunctive modafinil in bipolar depression (Frye et al., 2005). Among the 41 patients randomized to
modafinil (100200 mg/day), there were significantly more
responders than among the 44 placebo patients (p = .038),
with no difference in manic switches. The absence of
switches was also noted in a retrospective chart review of 39
bipolar patients who received modafinil at some point during their treatment (Nasr et al., 2006). However, we should
note that two cases of manic-like symptoms have been
reported among patients taking this drug (Ranjan and
Chandra, 2005).

Hormonal Agents
HypothalamicPituitaryThyroid Axis
There is a substantial literature on the use of thyroid hormones in the treatment of mood disorders, as well as on
the interrelationships between mood disorders and abnormalities of the hypothalamicpituitarythyroid axis. A
higher-than-expected prevalence of clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism, elevations of circulating antithyroid
antibodies, and levels of f T4 significantly lower than those



of controls have all been reported in patients with bipolar

The early reports of Gjessing (1938) (from the prelithium
era) that hypermetabolic doses of thyroid hormone could
stabilize periodic catatonia (now thought to be related to
bipolar disorder) represented the first suggestion that thyroid enhancement could affect behavioral or mood stability.
Since then, virtually all of the data on the subject have related to adjunctive use of thyroid hormone, generally T3 in
acute depression and T4 in maintenance treatment.
Results of open and placebo-controlled studies conducted over several decades support the adjunctive use of
T3 for patients unresponsive to antidepressants alone. The
positive results of the first controlled study of this combination treatment (Goodwin et al., 1982) were confirmed by
most subsequent studies, as indicated by a meta-analysis
(Aronson et al., 1996) that examined eight studies involving a total of nearly 300 patients with depression refractory
to tricyclic antidepressants whose treatment was augmented with T3. The authors concluded that this strategy
effectively doubled the response rate compared with that
of control groups, but also cautioned that the various studies were uneven in quality and, although encouraging,
could not be considered definitive. In another analysis of
this literature, Joffe (1992) concluded that the addition of
T3 was an effective augmentation strategy in 5560 percent
of tricyclic-refractory depressed patients. Reports of successful augmentation of SSRIs (Joffe, 1992; Abraham et al.,
2006) and MAOIs (Joffe, 1988) have appeared as well.
Another treatment strategy involving thyroid hormone
is the use of T3 to accelerate the response of depressive
symptoms to antidepressant medications. A meta-analysis
of this literature by Altshuler and colleagues (2001b) included six placebo-controlled studies in which relatively
untreated depressed patients (unipolar or bipolar not
specified)that is, patients who had not been selected for
refractory depressive symptomswere started on T3 along
with amitriptyline or imipramine. It was found that patients who started on 2025 micrograms (g) of T3 along
with a tricyclic experienced a statistically significant acceleration of their treatment response compared with those
who did not receive the thyroid hormone. It was also
found that the effect size of this intervention increased as
the proportion of female patients in the studies increased.
It has been proposed that the augmentation effect of T3
on antidepressant treatment is the result of an interaction between thyroid hormone and serotonergic neurotransmitter
systems. This hypothesis is based on various findingsfor
example, that administration of T3 to animals results in increased cortical serotonin concentration and reduced sensitivity of auto-inhibitory 5-hydroxytryptamine (1A) (5-HT1A)
receptors in the raphe area (see Bauer et al., 2002).

It has also been postulated that the benefits of thyroid

hormones in treating depression derive from their effect
on subtle thyroid dysfunction that might be clinically insignificant in persons who are not depressed. Cole and colleagues (2002) examined the relationship between pretreatment thyroid hormone levels and time to treatment
response in 65 depressed bipolar-I patients and found a
significant association between lower-normal f T4 index
(FTI) and higher-normal TSH levels. Patients with FTI
values above the mean and TSH values below the mean experienced remission of their symptoms an average of 4
months sooner than other patients in this group. The authors concluded that nearly two-thirds of bipolar patients
may have a thyroid profile that, although technically in the
normal range, is nevertheless inadequate for an optimal
treatment response. They cited these results in support of
the hypothesis that the low-normal thyroid functioning
seen in some patients represents an inadequate homeostatic response to the stress of a depressive episode. Similar
results come from a recent chart review of 135 bipolar-I patients on maintenance medication (primarily lithium),
which revealed that the 36 percent with chemical evidence
of hypothyroidism, compared with those without such evidence, spent significantly longer in acute treatment and
had significantly higher HAM-D scores during maintenance treatment (Fagiolini et al., 2006).
The use of supraphysiological thyroid hormones in the
treatment of bipolar disorder has also been the subject of
considerable interest, primarily for patients with rapidcycling mood episodes, but also for depressed patients
(Bauer and Whybrow, 1986, 1990; Whybrow, 1994). After
noticing what appeared to be a more rapid response of depressive symptoms to high-dose T4 in treatment-resistant,
non-rapid-cycling bipolar patients, Bauer and colleagues
(1998) conducted an open trial of a high-dose T4 augmentation strategy. In this study, 17 patients with major depression (12 with bipolar depression) who were taking various
combinations of antidepressants, lithium, and anticonvulsants were started on T4, with the dose gradually being
raised to 500 mg/day, double the usual maximum recommended dose for the treatment of hypothyroidism. Of the
17 patients, 10 experienced remission (defined as a greater
than 50 percent reduction in HAM-D scores, with a final
score of less than 9) within 12 weeks of starting on high-dose
T4. In open-trial investigations of high-dose T4 treatment
by this same group, approximately 50 percent of patients
with treatment-resistant depression of a mean duration of
more than 15 months experienced remission (defined as
above) (Rudas et al., 1999). Patients with nonrapid but nevertheless intractable bipolar cycling experienced a significant reduction in the number of mood episodes when T4
was added to other treatments.

Medical Treatment of Depression

Although the importance of normal thyroid functioning for the regulation of mood appears clear, the
mechanisms by which thyroid function, dysfunction,
and manipulation affect mood are unclear, and apparent
contradictions abound. It is well known, for example, that
depression can be a symptom of both hyperthyroidism
and hypothyroidism. The administration of thyroid hormones, sometimes in supraphysiologic doses, to some depressed patients is effective in treating depression. Yet increased levels of T4 are consistently reported in association
with major depression, and a reduction of circulating T4
(free and/or total) is seen after successful treatment with
ECT, antidepressants, and bright light, as well as after cognitive psychotherapy (see Bauer et al., 1998).
Whether the addition of thyroid hormones to other treatments for depression corrects a subtle thyroid dysfunction in
some patients, sensitizes a target cortical system important to
mood regulation through manipulation of monoamine
mechanisms, or works by some other as yet unknown mechanism remains to be elucidated. (These issues are also discussed in Chapter 20.)

HypothalamicPituitaryAdrenal Axis
Abnormalities in the functioning of the hypothalamic
pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis have been reported in association with mood disorders for several decades (see Chapter 14). Elevated plasma cortisol levels in depressed patients
were first reported in the 1950s. Subsequent investigations
have demonstrated in depressed patients elevated cortisol
levels in the urine and cerebrospinal fluid, enlarged pituitary and adrenal glands, and a loss of the normal circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion by the adrenal gland (as
demonstrated by a positive dexamethasone-suppression
test). This HPA overactivity is thought to be caused by oversecretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) by
the hypothalamus, possibly in response to a dysfunction of
glucocorticoid receptors in patients with mood disorders.64
Chronically high levels of circulating glucocorticoids have
been implicated in the mood symptoms and cognitive impairment seen in depressed patients.
Cortisol-lowering agents have been used to treat
unipolar and bipolar depressed patients, with mixed results. Ketoconazole has been the most frequently investigated cortisol-lowering drug, but aminoglutethimide and
metyrapone have been used as well. Case reports and small
open series in unipolar and bipolar depressed patients have
shown encouraging results, with some patients experiencing
dramatic and long-lasting symptom remission (see Brown
et al., 2001, for a review). One small placebo-controlled
study found significant reductions in HAM-D scores in nine
patients with major depression (unipolar or bipolar not
specified) treated with ketoconazol monotherapy for 4


weeks compared with patients given placebo, but only in

those patients who were hypercortisolemic prior to participating in the study (Wolkowitz et al., 1999a). Another
placebo-controlled study found no advantage of ketoconazol over placebo (Malison et al., 1999).
Substantial risks of hepatotoxicity and hypoadrenalism
have limited the investigation and routine clinical use of
cortisol-lowering agents. Nevertheless, because of the striking and consistent findings of glucocorticoid abnormalities in patients with mood disorders, interest in the HPA
axis as a therapeutic target remains high. Substantial work
on corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) antagonists is ongoing (see Holsboer, 2001), and the glucocorticoid receptor
antagonist mifepristone (RU-486) has been investigated as
well (see Wolkowitz and Reus, 1999, for a review of the use
of various antiglucocorticoid agents).
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a steroid compound
secreted by the adrenal gland that, along with its sulfateester metabolite (DHEA-S), is one of the most abundant
circulating adrenal hormones. DHEA and DHEA-S are precursors to testosterone and estrogen and have been proposed to have a broad range of effects on mood. DHEA
levels progressively decrease after age 30, and treatment
with supplemental DHEA has been reported to increase
the sense of well-being in aging men and women. DHEA
acts as an antiglucocorticoid and has been shown in animal studies to counteract deleterious neuronal effects of
cortisol. Young and colleagues (2002) found an elevated
cortisol/DHEA ratio in 39 drug-free unipolar depressed patients compared with 41 healthy comparison subjects. In a
small double-blind study, DHEA either alone or with an
antidepressant effected a greater than 50 percent decrease
in HAM-D scores in about half of depressed patients and
none of those receiving placebo. This study included two
bipolar-II depressed patients, but the authors did not report
which group they were assigned to or whether they were responders (Wolkowitz et al., 1999b).
DHEA is widely available in vitamin stores and supermarkets in the United States as a dietary supplement and is
promoted as an antiaging compound that enhances mood,
immune functioning, and even libido. Younger persons,
especially young men, also take DHEA because of its reported effect of increasing muscle mass. There have been
several case reports of mania in individuals with bipolar
disorder (Dean, 2000), as well as in those with no previous
psychiatric history (Kline and Jaggers, 1999), who started
taking DHEA. Decisions on its use in men over 50 should
take into account a possible increase in the risk of prostate
cancer related to any elevation of androgen levels.
While the potent effects of various glucocorticoids in
producing or exacerbating affective syndromes have been
clearly demonstrated, elucidation of the mechanisms of



these effects remains speculative. The rational therapeutic

use of pharmaceutical manipulation of the HPA axis to
ameliorate mood disorder symptoms has thus far proven
an elusive goal.

HypothalamicPituitaryGonadal Axis
As with the other endocrine systems discussed above and
in Chapter 14, clinical research and epidemiological data
clearly indicate that the physiology of the hypothalamicpituitarygonadal (HPG) endocrine axis is important in
mood disorders. The increased prevalence of depressive
illness in women and the striking vulnerability of women
with bipolar disorder to manic episodes during the postpartum (puerperal) period are but two examples of the
probable influence of this system on mood. The mechanisms of these influences are, however, even more obscure
than in the case of other endocrine systems. HPG abnormalities in patients with mood disorders have yet to be convincingly demonstrated, in either women (for an overview see
Young and Korszun, 2002) or men (see Schweiger et al.,
There is some evidence that depressive symptoms in
women who also have low serum estrogen levels can be ameliorated by the administration of estrogen. Several open
studies have demonstrated the benefits of estrogen therapy
in women with postpartum depression. Ahokas and colleagues (2001) found that the administration of 17-estradiol
reduced MADRS scores from a mean of over 40 to 11 in 23
postpartum women who had abnormally low serum estrogen levels. The authors found similar results in 10 women
with postpartum psychosis also having abnormally low estrogen levels (Ahokas et al., 2000). Although these studies
did not include women diagnosed with bipolar disorder,
their findings may have some relevance to the treatment of
bipolar depression, given the high risk of developing mania
during this period for women with bipolar disorder.
The addition of estrogen did not improve the response of
premenopausal depressed women to imipramine in several
early studies (see, e.g., Shapira et al., 1985). Results of more
recent studies in perimenopausal and postmenopausal
women, however, support the efficacy of physiologic doses
of estrogen in treating a variety of depressive disorders. The
largest study to date was a double-blind, placebo-controlled
study conducted by Soares and colleagues (2001) in which
50 women received transdermal 17-estradiol for 12 weeks
as monotherapy for major depression, minor depression,
or dysthymia. More than 68 percent of the patients experienced remission as measured by scores of less than 10 on
the MADRS, compared with 20 percent of the patients who
received placebo.
Although there have to our knowledge been no studies
on the treatment of bipolar depressed women with estrogen

preparations, results of the above studies suggest a possible

role for the hormone in bipolar women with low serum estrogen levels. The risk of malignancies and other serious
complications of estrogen replacement therapy, however,
makes estimating the risk/benefit ratio of such a strategy difficult, particularly since the Womens Health Initiative Study
(National Institutes of Health, 1991) did not include data on
Testosterone replacement has been reported to help alleviate depressive symptoms in men with low testosterone
levels. In an open study conducted by Seidman and Rabkin
(1998), five men with low testosterone levels and SSRIresistant major depression experienced complete remission of depression (mean score of 4 on the HAM-D) after
8 weeks of taking testosterone in addition to the SSRI (Seidman and Rabkin, 1998). As with estrogen, long-term side
effects of testosterone treatment are not known, including
whether there is an increased risk of prostate cancer, and
the relevance of this finding to the treatment of bipolar
disorder is far from clear.

Sleep Deprivation
Since first being described in the 1970s, the antidepressant
effect of sleep deprivation has been replicated in numerous
studies involving various diagnostic groups: unipolar as
well as bipolar depression, depression with psychotic features, premenstrual dysphoria, depression associated with
dementia, and even negative symptoms of schizophrenia
(for a review see Wirz-Justice and van den Hoofdakker,
1999, and Wu and Bunney, 1990). Indeed, nearly two-thirds
of depressed patients will experience an improvement in
mood after sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, about 80 percent of such (unmedicated) patients experience a relapse
into depressed mood after their next nights sleep (Wu and
Bunney, 1990). Indeed, even a brief nap has been found to
result in relapse of depressed mood in 50 percent of patients (Wiegand et al., 1987), with morning naps being more
detrimental than those in the afternoon (Weigand et al.,
1993). Repeated sleep deprivation has been evaluated as a
stategy for maintaining the initial antidepressant effect, and
studies alternating 3 nights of total sleep deprivation (three
cycles of 36 hours of wakefulness) with 3 nights of sleep
(Benedetti et al., 1996; Barbini et al., 1998; Colombo et al.,
2000) have found some sustained benefit.
There is some evidence that patients with bipolar depression respond better than unipolar depressed patients to
sleep deprivation. In a carefully designed study, Barbini and
colleagues (1998) compared the response to sleep deprivation in patients with bipolar-I depression, bipolar-II depression, a first episode of major depression, and unipolarity
(defined as having had three or more previous major depressive episodes and no family history of bipolar disorder

Medical Treatment of Depression

in first-degree relatives). No patients had taken lithium or

antipsychotics in the 6 months before sleep deprivation, and
none had taken antidepressants in the week prior to the
study. After three cycles of total sleep deprivation (no sleep
on nights 1, 3, and 5 of the study and ad lib sleep on nights 2,
4, and 6), both groups of bipolar patients had significantly
larger decreases in HAM-D scores compared with the unipolar patients. The bipolar patients also reported significantly
more improvement in their perceived mood than did the
unipolar patients, as measured by a visual analog scale. Although the numbers of patients in this study were small, the
results are striking and confirm the findings of several
(though not all) earlier studies hampered by methodological
Pharmacotherapy has been demonstrated to prevent
rapid relapse into depression following sleep deprivation
in a significant proportion of patients. Benedetti and colleagues (1999) found that hospitalized depressed patients
with bipolar-I disorder who had responded to three cycles
of total sleep deprivation were more likely to continue to
be in remission 10 days after the last sleepless night if they
had been taking lithium for at least 6 months (14 of 20 patients) prior to the sleep deprivation cycles, compared with
patients not treated with lithium (2 of 20 patients).65 In
subsequent studies of bipolar depressed patients also on
lithium, this same group (Benedetti et al., 2001a,b, 2005)
found that the beneficial effect of sleep deprivation could
be extended by 3 days of subsequent phase advance (in
which the patient both goes to sleep and wakes up about 4
hours earlier than normal), a result in agreement with
those of others (see e.g., Berger et al., 1997; Riemann et al.,
2002) and a strategy suggested in the first edition of this
text. In other studies of pharmacological enhancement,
Smeraldi and colleagues (1999, 2003) found that mood
benefits were sustained 4 days after sleep deprivation when
depressed bipolar-I patients were given pindolol, an antagonist of the presynaptic serotonin receptor (which therefore
increases serotonin release in the central nervous system). In
addition, pindolol significantly improved the overall efficacy of sleep deprivation, suggesting that the effect may involve serotonergic mechanisms.
The rate of switch into mania and hypomania after sleep
deprivation appears to be at least comparable to that associated with the SSRIs and other newer antidepressants. In an
open series of 206 bipolar depressed patients treated with
three cycles of total sleep deprivation either alone or in combination with other medications, Colombo and colleagues
(1999) observed that about 5 percent of the patients developed manic and 6 percent hypomanic symptoms. However,
some patients may be more vulnerable than these data suggest. In the NIMH study reviewed in the first edition (Wehr
et al., 1982), nine rapidly cycling patients in a depressed


phase were asked to simulate a 48-hour sleepwake cycle by

remaining awake for 40 hours; eight switched out of depression, and seven were rated as manic or hypomanic. For further discussion of sleep deprivation and phase advance, see
Chapter 16.

A seasonal pattern of symptoms is common among mood
disorder patients (see Chapter 16). A retrospective analysis
of the records of more than 1,500 patients with affective
disorders entering outpatient treatment in Italy found that
about 10 percent had a seasonal pattern of symptoms. Of
these patients, about half had a unipolar and half a bipolar
affective disorder, with bipolar-I diagnoses outnumbering
bipolar-II about three to two in the group (Faedda et al.,
1993). In the first edition of this text, we reviewed 11 studies
of SAD, reporting that the proportion of patients who met
criteria for bipolar disorder (-I or -II) ranged from 8 to 90
percent, a degree of variation that may reflect both regional differences in seasonal extremes and variation in diagnostic criteria. Our weighted average of the 11 studies in
the first edition (45 percent) is higher than that of the
Faedda data, as well as that of other more recent studies.
This difference may reflect some broadening of the diagnostic criteria for SAD since the syndrome was first described by Goodwins group at NIMH (Rosenthal et al.,
Since the first description of the improvement of symptoms of SAD in response to bright light (Rosenthal et al.,
1984), there have been numerous studies of phototherapy
in depressed patients. An early meta-analysis of trials involving a total of 332 patients found improvement rates of
67 percent in mildly depressed patients and 40 percent in
patients with moderate to severe depression (Terman
et al., 1989); maximum improvement was correlated with
exposure to at least 2,500 lux for 2 hours a day. Morning
light exposure appears to be more effective than evening
(Lewy et al., 1998). More recently, shorter exposure to
higher-intensity light has been demonstrated to have equal
While these open studies have demonstrated the benefits of monotherapy with bright light in depressed patients, the results of attempts at placebo-controlled studies
have been much more mixed, perhaps because these studies have been hampered by methodological problems. The
studies have varied in the timing and intensity of light exposure, and designing true placebo-controlled studies has
been challenging. A study comparing light exposure of
6,000 lux for 1.5 hours a day in the morning or evening
with sham negative ion generators in 96 patients with
SAD found a statistically significant difference between
morning light and the sham condition in the number of



patients achieving complete or nearly complete remission

(61 versus 32 percent).67 When the mean change in depression ratings was measured in this study, however, there was
no difference in efficacy between bright light and placebo
(Eastman et al., 1998). A similar study comparing bright
light with an active negative ion generator found no difference in the two treatments (Terman et al., 1998).
Although earlier work emphasized the benefits of phototherapy in patients with disorders displaying a seasonal
component, the treatment appears to help those without a
seasonal symptom pattern as well (Kripke, 1998; Tuunainen
et al., 2004; Golden et al., 2005). As with other treatments effective in depression, there have been case reports associating light therapy with switches into mania/hypomania, and
a meta-analysis of 20 controlled studies of light therapy
in nonseasonal depression (from the Cochrane database)
found a 4.9-fold increase in risk for hypomania associated
with the treatment (Tuunainen et al., 2004). As with sleep
deprivation, the combination of phototherapy and pharmacotherapy appears to be the most useful strategy. Results of
several European studies indicate a possible synergistic effect
of the two treatments (see, e.g., Colombo et al., 2000; Benedetti et al., 2003; and the review of Kripke, 1998). For a more
comprehensive discussion of SAD and the antidepressant effect of bright light, see Chapter 16.

Nutritional Supplements
Various herbal preparations and other nutritional supplements reported to help individuals with mood disorders have
received extensive publicity in the lay press. Often touted
as natural and therefore supposedly superior to synthetic
pharmaceuticals, nutritional preparations have fervent
adherents and equally fervent critics (a rather striking exception is the tendency to overlook lithium as a natural substance). Frequently, neither group is well informed about the
scientific literature, or lack thereof, that supports their use.
Patients will frequently ask about nutritional supplements,
and the clinician should have some familiarity with them
and be comfortable in making suggestions regarding their
use (for an overview, see Wong et al., 1998a; Desai and Grossberg, 2003).

St. Johns Wort

The medicinal use of St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum) dates to ancient times and is recommended in the
medical texts of Pliny and Hippocrates, as well as in Burtons seventeenth-century classic The Anatomy of Melancholy. Contemporary use of hypericum extract has been as
an antidepressant, with hypericin being the putative active
ingredient. Hypericum extract shows affinity for the several neurotransmitter receptors, and serotonin reuptake

inhibition and monoamine oxidase inhibition have been

proposed as its mechanisms of action (reviewed by Wong
et al., 1998a). Hypericums side-effect profile is generally
quite benign, but clinically significant interactions with
warfarin, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteases,
theophyllin, digoxin, and pharmaceuticals metabolized by
the cytochrome P450 system have been reported (Henderson et al., 2002). Hypericum has also been noted to be associated with the onset of hypomania.
Early studies of hypericum extracts as antidepressants
were hampered by variability in the extracts used, subtherapeutic doses of comparison drugs, and heterogeneity of patients. Subsequent controlled studies have led to conflicting
conclusions about efficacy and resulted in intense controversy in both the scientific and lay press. Although several
placebo-controlled studies from Europe have demonstrated
superior efficacy for hypericum compared with placebo (see
Kasper and Dienel, 2002, for a meta-analysis), two large
studies from the United States have not (Shelton et al., 2001;
Hypericum Depression Trial Study Group, 2002). Shelton
and colleagues study assigned 340 outpatients with major
depression to three groups treated with either hypericum,
sertraline, or placebo. No difference in efficacy was found
among any of the groups as measured by the HAM-D. Sertraline but not hypericum was more effective than placebo
in bringing about improvement as measured by the CGI
scale. Hypericum extracts have not been studied as a treatment for bipolar patients, although there have been case reports of manic symptoms thought to have been caused by
their use (Nierenberg et al., 1999).
Hypericum extract continues to be widely recommended
in Europe for the treatment of depression. Enthusiasm for its
use has waned in the United States, however, perhaps as a result of increasing concern about significant drug interactions
in the face of its equivocal efficacy for treating depression.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), ethyl-eicosapentaenoate
(EPA), and linoleic acid are naturally occurring fatty acids
abundant in brain tissue and the retina that cannot be synthesized by the body (hence the term essential fatty acids).
Dietary intake is thus the only source of these substances,
which are found in significant amounts in cold-water fish
and such plant oils as canola, soybean, and flaxseed oils.
Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to play important roles
in cell membrane fluidity and neuronal signal transduction.
Epidemiological studies have indicated that a diet rich in
omega-3 fatty acids is protective against coronary and cerebrovascular disease (Djousse et al., 2001), and it has been
suggested that omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory
effects and may even inhibit tumor growth (Tevar et al.,

Medical Treatment of Depression

2002). It has also been suggested that differences in diet,

specifically fish consumption, may underlie epidemiological
differences in rates of depression among various populations
(such as certain Asian and Western populations) and explain
the increasing incidence of depression in contemporary societies (Hibbeln et al., 1998; Mischoulon and Fava, 2000; Hibbeln, 2002; Freeman et al., 2006). These data have led to intense interest in supplemental omega-3 fatty acids as
treatment for mood disorders (reviewed by Parker et al.,
2006 and Freeman et al., 2006).
Stoll and colleagues (1999) reported that fish oil capsules
containing omega-3 fatty acids were superior to placebo
(olive oil capsules) in preventing relapse over a 4-month period in 30 patients with bipolar disorder otherwise receiving
(and resistant to) usual treatment.68 In this study, very
high doses of fish oil capsules were used (over 9 grams/day
of the combination of EPA and DHA), but later studies have
generally used much lower doses. In a subsequent study of
bipolar patients with depressive symtoms and functional
impairment, Osher and colleagues (2005) reported that the
open-label addition of 1.52.0 grams of EPA was associated
with 50 percent or greater improvement in 8 of 10 patients
who were followed for at least 1 month. More recently, Frangou and Lewis (2006) conducted a study involving 75 moderately depressed bipolar patients not responding to 8 weeks
of conventional treatment. The patients were randomized
under double-blind conditions to adjunctive placebo
(n = 26) or EPA at either 1 gram (n = 24) or 2 grams (n = 25)
over 12 weeks. There was significantly more improvement in
the EPA-treated groups than in the placebo group, while the
two doses of EPA were equivalent.
There have been somewhat more studies focusing on major depression. In a placebo-controlled study of 20 unipolar
patients who were experiencing major depressive symptoms
despite 4 months of treatment with antidepressants (mainly
SSRIs), the addition of 2 grams/day of EPA, DHA, or both resulted in a more than 50 percent reduction in HAM-D
scores, compared with a 10 percent reduction among patients
taking placebo (Nemets et al., 2002). Likewise, in a doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive combined
EPA/DHA, Su and colleagues (2003) found a significantly
greater reduction in HAM-D scores in the omega-3 group.
There have been fewer studies of omega-3 fatty acids as
monotherapy. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study
of DHA, 36 patients with major depressive disorder showed
no significant difference compared with placebo (Marangell
et al., 2003). On the other hand, in a study of EPA
monotherapy in patients with unipolar depression, Peet and
Horrobin (2002) found 1 gram/day more effective than
placebo; however, there was no effect at higher doses (4 and
9 grams). Their positive findings at lower doses of EPA are


similar to those of Zanarini and Frankenburg (2003) in an

8-week study of 30 borderline personality disorder patients.
The negative results of Peet and Horrobin at higher doses
are similar to those of the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network study (Keck et al., 2006), in which EPA monotherapy
at 6 grams/day over 4 months was no more effective than
placebo in 59 patients with bipolar depression and 62 with
rapid cycling.
In summary, results of four controlled studies of adjunctive omega-3 fatty acids have been positivetwo involving
bipolar patients and two unipolar patientsbut experience
with these compounds as monotherapy has been, at best,
mixed. Since these supplements have essentially no side effects, many clinicians are routinely recommending them for
their patients in addition to standard treatment, although
more systematic study is still needed.

About 1 gram/day of inositol, a precussor of the phosphatidyl
inositol second messenger system, is present in a normal
diet. There have been reports of reduced inositol in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with unipolar and bipolar
depression (Coupland et al., 2005), as well as in the frontal
cortex of bipolar patients (Shimon et al., 1997), and one of
the proposed mechanisms of action of mood stabilizers involves stabilization of inositol signaling. Orally administered
inositol has been shown to increase CSF levels in humans
substantially, and at doses of 620 g/day has been associated
with improvement in unipolar and bipolar depression
(Levine et al., 1995; Chengappa et al., 2000). Recently, Edens
and colleagues (2006) reported that among 17 bipolar patients allready on lithium or valproate, compared with those
on placebo, there was a trend for more subjects on inositol to
show improvement in depressive symptoms; this was the
case especially in those with high baseline levels of anger and

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is formed in the body
when methionine, one of the essential amino acids, is
activated by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in a reaction
catalyzed by methionine adenosyltransferase. SAMe serves
as a methyl donor in numerous important transmethylation reactions, including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
methylation reactions involved in gene regulation, as well
as the catalysis of proteins, phospholipids, and neurogenic amines, including norepinephrine, dopamine, and
serotonin (see Lieber and Packer, 2002, for an introduction to this compound). SAMe has been a prescription
antidepressant in some parts of Europe for several decades, where it has often been administered parenterally,



and it was released for sale in the United States as an

(oral) over-the-counter nutritional supplement in 1998.
In addition to its purported benefits in treating affective
disorders, SAMe has been reported to benefit individuals
with osteoarthritis and cirrhosis, perhaps through its antioxidant effects.
Bressa (1994) published a meta-analysis of clinical studies using SAMe either orally or parenterally in doses ranging from 45 mg /day intravenously to 1,600 mg/day orally
to treat depressed patients. These studies were hampered
by small numbers of patients, variations in route and dosing of SAMe, and short duration (several as short as 7 days
and most 1421 days). Nevertheless, Bressa concluded that
SAMes antidepressant efficacy was significantly superior
to that of placebo and comparable to that of tricyclic antidepressants.69 An earlier open study of 9 patients who were
given intravenous SAMe at a dose of 100200 mg/day for
major depressive symptoms included 6 patients with bipolar disorder (Lipinski et al., 1984). Two of these patients developed manic symptoms within days of starting SAMe. A
more recent open study of the adjunctive use of this compound (Alpert et al., 2004) noted a 50 percent response
rate and a 43 percent remission rate among 45 patients
with major depression showing no more than a partial response to an SSRI or venlafaxine.
SAMe appears to have a benign side-effect profile, with
only mild gastrointestinal discomfort commonly reported.
It has been recommended that individuals taking SAMe
supplement its use with a multivitamin that contains folic
acid and vitamins B12 and B6 to avoid increases in homocysteine levels.70 This methyl donor appears to be a promising compound that has been curiously neglected in studies of antidepressants, probably because of questions about
whether meaningful amounts reach the brain after oral
administration. More study is clearly needed before SAMe
can confidently be recommended to patients with depressive disorders, and it should probably be avoided by individuals with bipolar disorder, certainly in the absence of
a mood stabilizer.

Botanicals and Vitamin and/or Mineral Supplements

Botanical preparations often recommended by herbalists
for symptomatic treatment of insomnia and anxiety include chamomile, kava, lemon balm, skullcap, and valerian. These preparations contain a variety of flavonoids, pyrones, and fatty acids, and several have been shown to
provide symptomatic relief of more minor psychiatric
symptoms with a very low incidence of side effects (see
Wong et al., 1998b, for a more extended discussion).
There has long been interest in treating psychiatric disorders with vitamins and minerals, an endeavor known variously as nutritional or orthomolecular psychiatry. During the

revival of interest in alternative medicine that occurred in

the late 1990s, a preparation of vitamins, minerals, amino
acids, and various botanicals (including gingko biloba and
germanium sesquioxide), manufactured under the brand
name E.M. Power +, was developed by family members
of bipolar patients specifically for the treatment of bipolar
disorder. An open study found that 11 patients with bipolar
disorder taking other standard medications experienced a
50 percent reduction of symptoms over a period of 6
months when this preparation was added to their other
medications (Kaplan et al., 2001). Another nutritional supplement proported to have mood-stabilizing properties is
Equilib, but as yet no systematic trials of this supplement
have been published. Reports from uncontrolled trials that
chromium was associated with substantial improvement
in treatment-resistant mood disorders (see, for example,
McLeod and Golden, 2000) led to a placebo-controlled
trial in 15 patients with major depressive disorder, atypical
type (as noted earlier, atypical depression is often antidepressant resistant and overlaps considerably with bipolar
depression) (Davidson et al., 2003). This group found that
70 percent of the chromium-treated patients met response
criteria compared with none in the placebo group (p < .02).

Even though depression accounts for the preponderance
of the morbidity in bipolar disorder, research on bipolar
depression has until very recently been minimal compared
with that on the acute treatment of mania or the treatment
of unipolar depression. As an illustration of this imbalance,
one has only to note that every drug developed for the treatment of bipolar disorderwith one recent exception (lamotrigine)has been introduced as an antimanic agent.
Furthermore, we believe the tacit assumption that the antidepressant drugs developed for unipolar depression will
show the same risk/benefit ratio for bipolar depression can
now be challenged, primarily by data on switch rates and
increased cycling among patients taking antidepressants;
while such data are not yet conclusive, they are highly suggestive.
The relatively recent findings on the antidepressant effects of the anticonvulsant lamotrigine, the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, and the combination of olanzapine
plus fluoxetine have significantly enlarged the armamentarium for dealing with bipolar depression and clearly represent good news. The bad news, however, is that even with
these agents, most patients do not achieve remission. Thus
for the majority of patients with bipolar depression, a combination of medications will still be required, a situation
that only highlights the unfortunate reality that virtually all
of the available controlled data are on monotherapy.71

Medical Treatment of Depression

1. These new medications include the anticonvulsant lamotrigine and the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine. In addition,
the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine, marketed as
a single pill, has been shown to be efficacious in treating
bipolar depression.
2. A rapid response to an antidepressant may presage a subsequent manic switch.
3. The mini relapses associated with drug-related recovery
from a depressive episode can be very discouraging to the
patient until they are explained as evidence that the drug is
beginning to work.
4. An excellent patient-generated mood chart with instructions on its use can be downloaded from the Web site of the
Harvard Bipolar Research Program at <>, as can the mood chart of
the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). See the further discussion in Chapter 22.
5. In addition to the literature review that forms the second
part of this chapter, these recommendations are drawn from
Sachs et al., 2000; Grunze, et al., 2002; and Thase et al., 2003.
6. In the positive parallel-group controlled trial, the 400 mg
arm was not statistically different from the 200 mg arm, but
these represent averages.
7. The fact that topiramate has been reported to produce depressive symptoms in some patients (Physicians Desk Reference, 2006) should be kept in mind.
8. It has also been suggested that this combination may be called
for when a more rapid antidepressant response is needed, but
there are no controlled data to support this suggestion.
9. Altshuler and colleagues (2001a) found that over two-thirds
of bipolar patients treated with an antidepressant had a relapse of depression within a year of discontinuing the drug,
versus less than a third of those who continued it. The incidence of manic relapse was the same in both groups. However, treatments were not randomly assigned, and it appears
likely that the patients taken off their antidepressant were
doing poorly, including cycling. Further, of the original sample exposed to antidepressants, only 15 percent remained well
on antidepressants for up to 1 year, despite continuation. The
others either did not respond, became manic, or had other
adverse reactions. Thus it is not clear that there are grounds
for generalizing these results to more than a minority of
bipolar patients.
10. In response to a letter to the editor about potential confounds in the Altshuler et al. study, the authors noted that no
subjects with a history of rapid cycling were included among
those remaining on an antidepressant during the 1-year observational study; that is, no rapid-cycling patients remained
well on long-term antidepressants.
11. For example, Moller and Grunze (2000) cited naturalistic
data supporting antidepressant effectiveness in bipolar depression, but not similarly naturalistic data supporting the
opposite conclusion.
12. Baker and colleagues (2003) data could be interpreted as
suggesting that olanzapine was superior to placebo in preventing early relapses into mania after acute treatment of the
13. Clozapine appears to pose the highest risk of causing weight
gain, followed by olanzapine and quetiapine. There is a lower








risk with risperidone and sertindole. Ziprasidone and aripiprazole do not appear to cause weight gain (McAskill et al.,
1998; Taylor and McAskill, 2000).
Common side effects include headache, eyestrain, jitteriness,
and insomnia. It has been suggested that prolonged exposure
to full-spectrum light in the absence of a mechanism to
screen out ultraviolet wavelengths (which most light boxes
have) poses a risk for the development of cataracts and skin
cancer. There have also been case reports of the induction of
manic symptoms by phototherapy (Terman and Terman,
Although there is now at least one marketed product that
employs blue light, almost all efficacy and safety studies have
used bright white light.
While it may be intuitively appealing to expect that depressed bipolar patients will respond better than unipolar
patients to lithium augmentation, this notion has never been
studied. A related questionwhether a favorable response to
lithium augmentation in bipolar patients is simply a response to lithium rather than to the combination of agents
also remains unanswered (see Austin et al., 1991; Ernst and
Goldberg, 2002).
One study examined the lithiumMAOI combination in
patients who had not responded to lithium added to other
antidepressants. In this open trial, 12 patients who had not
responded to 2 weeks of lithium augmentation of a nonMAOI antidepressant (either desipramine, bupropion, or the
experimental drug adinazolam) took the MAOI tranylcypromine with lithium instead (Price et al., 1985). All 12 patients experienced significant improvement in their depression, including two patients with bipolar-II depression who
were discharged from the hospital either much or very
much improved.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving bipolar
and unipolar depressed patients found that 6 of 10 patients refractory to treatment with citalopram alone had a greater
than 50 percent reduction in HAM-D scores when lithium
was added, whereas only 2 of 14 patients taking citalopram
and placebo experienced a similar reduction in symptoms
(Baumann et al., 1996). On the other hand, Fava and colleagues (1994) randomized depressed patients refractory to
20 mg of fluoxetine to three groups: an increased dose of fluoxetine (4060 mg) and augmentation with either lithium or
desmethylimipramine (DMI); the 4060 mg fluoxetine group
did significantly better than either augmented group, leading
the authors to the conclusion that high-dose fluoxetine is the
most effective treatment for partial responders to previous
In a study conducted by Hoencamp and colleagues (2000),
23 patients who had a less than 50 percent reduction in their
initial HAM-D scores despite 7 weeks of treatment with 225
mg/day of venlafaxine were given a dose of lithium sufficient
to maintain serum levels of .61.0 mEq/L. After 7 weeks of
this combination treatment, 35 percent of the subjects had a
HAM-D score reduction of at least 50 percent. Likewise, Walter and colleagues (1998) found that two adolescents with
major depression experienced a rapid improvement in their
symptoms when lithium was added to venlafaxine.
Some studies purporting to investigate the effect of pharmaceuticals on bipolar depression actually focused on the
reduction of depressive symptoms in patients in a mixed



affective state, a common finding for a number of anticonvulsants. Unless otherwise noted, the studies of efficacy in bipolar depression detailed here involved patients without mixed
21. Given that there were only 45 subjects, this failure to find a
difference between valproate and placebo may well reflect
a type II error (false negative); such data might be analyzed
more meaningfully by using odds ratios with confidence intervals, as suggested by Ghaemi and Hsu (in press). In this
study, response to valproate occurred 50 percent more often
than response to placebo.
22. Given the evidence suggesting that lithium and valproate
(and perhaps other anticonvulsants) may act synergistically
on postsynaptic signal transduction, studies of these agents
used simultaneously at less than full doses are needed.
23. Kusumakar and Yatham, 1997; Sporn and Sachs, 1997; Calabrese et al., 1999a; Suppes et al., 1999.
24. Patients were randomly assigned to receive one of the three
treatmentslamotrigine, risperidone, or inositol. Since many
patients had previously taken at least one of these three
medications, they could be randomized to two of the three
or only one of two, a strategy referred to as equipoise randomization.
25. See our later discussion of the possibility of underestimating
the risk of manic switches when examining data from controlled studies.
26. In an analysis of all controlled studies to date (Ghaemi, personal communication, 2006), the combined frequency of
mania, hypomania, or mixed states was 3.7 for lamotriginetreated patients versus 2.5 for placebo (risk ratio 1.45; 95 percent confidence interval [CI] .623.41). To properly evaluate
whether this 45 percent difference is real would require a
sample size of over 1,000, nearly three times the sample available from the controlled studies. For further discussion of
this point, see Chapter 17.
27. On the other hand, Klufas and Thompson (2001) reported on
three patients with bipolar disorder taking a variety of other
medications who became profoundly depressed shortly after
being prescribed topiramate for mild symptoms of irritability, agitation, or depression, a state that remitted within days
of discontinuation of the drug. It should also be noted that induction of mania has been reported with topiramate (Schlatter et al., 2001).
28. As noted above, Frye and colleagues (2000) compared
gabapentin monotherapy with lamotrigine monotherapy
and placebo in 31 patients suffering from refractory bipolar
depression (11 bipolar-I and 14 bipolar-II) or unipolar depression (6 patients) using a crossover design. Gabapentin
was no more effective than placebo in treating either manic
or depressive symptoms.
29. See, for example, Young et al., 1997; Ghaemi et al., 1998; Altshuler et al., 1999; Ghaemi and Goodwin, 2001a.
30. Patients with sensitivity to sulfa compounds should probably
not take zonisamide.
31. Of the 8 subjects who completed the 8-week study, 5 had a
greater than 50 percent reduction in HAM-D scores and were
much improved on the Clinical Global Impressions of Improvement (CGI-I) scale.
32. The conclusion of Ghaemi and colleagues is consistent with
results of an earlier retrospective chart review that found no
difference in the length of the depressive episode among

bipolar patients on mood stabilizers and those on mood stabilizers plus antidepressants (Frankle et al., 2002).
33. Fifty-nine percent of those treated with moclobemide were
on lithium or an anticonvulsant, compared with 64 percent
of those treated with imipramine.
34. Several selective reversible MAO-A inhibitors have been reported to be effective in studies on depression. None are
available in the United States. Brofaromine is discussed by
Waldmeier (1993) and moclobemide by Waldmeier (1993)
and Kennedy (1997).
35. The open design of the Kupfer et al. study was intended to
minimize barriers to enrollment in treatment studies: the use
of placebo and the need to accept randomization. Surprisingly, however, not only did the study fall far short of its recruitment target, but only 21 of the 45 (47 percent) enrolled
subjects met the acute response criteria, and only 31.1 percent
achieved sustained remission.
36. Another problem with the study by Cohn and colleagues
(1989) was that the imipramine group was titrated up to a
target dose of 300 mg, which induced many dropouts due to
intolerance, distorting the efficacy comparison with the more
tolerable fluoxetine.
37. Three patients who had no response to one agent after 8
weeks made a blind switch to the other agent, for a total of 19
acute treatment trials (10 bupropion and 9 desipramine). No
attempt was made to classify the patients as bipolar-I or -II.
38. A standardized clinical monitoring form is used in STEP-BD
to collect prospective assessments of symptom severity and
assigns a clinical status based on DSM-IV criteria at every
follow-up visit.
39. A subsequent report on 349 bipolar depressed patients with
concomitant manic or hypomanic symptoms (mixed-state
patients) from the STEP-BD program (Goldberg et al., 2004)
noted that, while time to recovery was not altered by the addition of an antidepressant to a mood stabilizer, those with
a higher level of manic symptoms at baseline experienced
more severe manic symptoms later when on the antidepressantmood stabilizer combination.
40. Patient expectations were one of the variables included in the
regression analysis because the study was not blinded.
41. Also, it appeared that antidepressant continuation led to
more rapid relapse into a full mood episode, although less
frequently a depressive one.
42. Angst actually concluded in this later paper that his data did
not support treatment-induced switching. He suggested that
the apparent increase in switching since the introduction of
medical treatments for depression was due to an increase in
the diagnosis of bipolar disorder in the later decades of the
43. A comprehensive listing of references on agents reported to
induce manic states, dating from the 1960s through the mid1990s, can be found in Moller and Grunze (2000).
44. See the studies of Fogelson et al. (1992), Sachs et al. (1994),
Amsterdam and Garcia-Espana (2000), Goren and Levin
(2000), Nemeroff et al. (2001), Vieta et al. (2001), Erfurth et al.
(2002), and Peet (2004).
45. For example, Stoll and colleagues (1994) retrospectively
matched the charts of 49 patients who met their criteria for
an antidepressant-related switch to 49 patients with spontaneous mania and reported that the antidepressant-related
episodes were shorter and less severe.

Medical Treatment of Depression

46. For example, studies of outpatients that do not include family members as sources of information will certainly underestimate the occurrences of mania/hypomania.
47. See, for example, Prien (1984), Bottlender et al. (1998), Serretti
et al. (2003), and Mundo et al. (2006); not all studies agree,
however (see, for example, Goldberg and Whiteside, 2002).
48. In this meta-analysis, however, important issues of heterogeneity were not explored. In two studies comparing use of an
antidepressant without a mood stabilizer and no treatment
(placebo only), no mania was observed in any patientsan
oddity, if true, since it would suggest that even spontaneous
mania did not occur while those patients were studied or that
perhaps manic symptoms were not adequately assessed. Another study preferentially prescribed lithium more in the antidepressant group (Cohn et al., 1989), providing possibly
unequal protection against mania. While the olanzapine/
fluoxetine data suggest no evidence of switch while using antipsychotics, it is noteworthy that in our reanalysis of the
lithium plus paroxetine (or imipramine) study, there was a
three-fold higher manic switch rate with imipramine versus
placebo (relative risk 3.14), with asymmetrically positively
skewed confidence intervals (.34, 29.0). As discussed earlier,
these studies were not powered to assess antidepressantinduced mania, and thus lack of a finding is liable to be due to
type II (false negative) error. It is more effective to use descriptive statistics as above, which suggest some likelihood of a
higher manic switch risk at least with tricyclics compared with
placebo. Taken together with the results of other studies reviewed showing higher switch rates with tricylics than with
other antidepressants, this heterogeneity suggests that one cannot rule out antidepressant switch. Thus, apparent agreement
among studies masks major conflict between the results of the
only adequately designed study using the most proven mood
stabilizer, lithium, and the results of the remaining studies
(which used either no mood stabilizer or less proven agents).
49. Unfortunately, Mundo and colleagues (2001) nonrandomized study did not analyze important potential differences
between the two groups, such as treatment duration and use
of mood stabilizers.
50. The patients were from the NIMH Collaborative Program on
the Psychobiology of Depression-Clinical Studies and had
initially sought treatment at one of five university centers, 80
percent of which was inpatient treatment. During prospective follow-up, they received routine care in the community.
51. Rao and Nammalvar, 1977; Coryell et al., 1995; Hantouche
et al., 1998; Geller et al., 2001.
52. Of course, at these levels the dose of bupropion must be divided, and with half of it given in the late afternoon, the
likelihood of sleep disruption may increase. This in turn may
increase the risk of switch.
53. This difference did not achieve statistical significance by t test.
Since this study was not powered to rule out mania, the finding is more appropriately evaluated as relative risk ratio with
confidence intervals (RR 4.00; 95 percent CI .4733.7).
54. Defined as an increase of 2 on the 7-point CGI scale for mania. Using the CGI, the mean switch rate for all three drugs
was 21 percent, whereas by the more stringent requirement of
a Young Mania Rating Scale score of 13 or above, the mean
was only 9 percent.
55. Overall mood morbidity, which was the primary outcome of
this study, relates to the roughening concept. Mood morbidity







is defined as meeting any number of DSM-IV mood episode

criteria for mania or depression, thus capturing subsyndromal and chronic outcomes, which have been shown to constitute the major morbidity of bipolar illness. Further, overall
mood morbidity represents a more sensitive outcome measure than relapse into a full mood episode.
Response was defined as a 50 percent or greater reduction in
MADRS scores.
Zarate et al., 2000; Sajatovic et al., 2001, 2002; DelBello et al.,
2002; Vieta et al., 2002; Ghaemi et al., 2003c; Post et al., 2003;
Suppes et al., 2004.
Sadness, lassitude, inability to feel, pessimistic thoughts, suicidal thoughts.
This study did not attempt to determine an overall efficacy
rate for ECT in treating unipolar or bipolar depression, and
the treatment techniques in the three protocols differed in
electrode placement and stimulus strength. A 1986 retrospective review of the naturalistic treatment with ECT of about
400 patients with unipolar and bipolar depression at a university medical center found that about 70 percent of patients
in both groups showed marked improvement with the treatment (Black et al., 1986).
Seizures can be induced at high levels of stimulation, and rTMS
has, in fact, been proposed as an alternative seizure-induction
strategy to the direct application of electrical current used in
ECT (Lisanby et al., 2001a).
For example, in a double-blind controlled study involving 70
depressed patients, Klein and colleagues (1999) demonstrated that right prefrontal rTMS led to a greater than 50
percent reduction in HAM-D scores after 2 weeks (compared with only 25 percent with sham treatment), whereas
Lisanby and colleagues (2001b) and others found only a small
effect. In a study of 20 bipolar patients, Dolberg and colleagues
(2002) reported a significant but only modestly robust effect.
However, in interpreting these data it is important to be aware
that studies of TMS involve patients who have failed conventional treatments.
The patients in both the VNS and sham treatment groups
continued to receive their usual treatment.
For an overview of the psychoneuroendocrinology of mood
disorders and thyroid physiology, see Frye et al. (1999) and
Bauer et al. (2002, 2003).
For an overview of HPA physiology with special reference to
mood disorders, see McQuade and Young (2000).
These results are similar to those of the study by Szuba and
colleagues (1994).
An excellent review of the details of the technique is found in
Daskalakis et al. (2002).
Measured by a 50 percent decrease in scores on the Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton-Seasonal Affective
Disorder (SIGH-SAD) (the 21-item HAM-D plus 8 additional items concerning common SAD symptoms, such as
hypersomnia and increased appetite), as well as a score at the
end of the study of 8 or lower.
This 4-month relapse prevention study is not clearly either
an acute trial or a maintenance trial, so it is reviewed both
here and in the next chapter. The benefit of the omega-3 fatty
acids appeared to be related primarily to an antidepressant
effect; however, the definition of improvement was vague,
rendering problematic a definitive interpretation of these results.



69. An Italian group carried out two double-blind comparison

studies of SAMe and imipramine (Delle Chiaie et al., 2002).
Unipolar depressed patients who met the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for major depression without psychosis received
150 mg/day of imipramine and either SAMe 400 mg/day given
intramuscularly (in a 4-week study) or 1,600 mg/day taken
orally (in a 6-week study). In these studies, patients in both
SAMe groups had decreases in mean HAM-D and MADRS
scores that were not significantly different from those of patients given imipramine. The percentage of responders in the

SAMe groups (defined as a greater than 50 percent decrease in

HAM-D score) was not significantly different from that in the
imipramine group.
70. High homocysteine levels have been thought to contribute to
71. The focus of the pharmaceutical industry on monotherapy
trials no doubt reflects its perception that regulatory agencies strongly prefer such trials. This strong preference,
however, has historically applied selectively to psychiatric


Maintenance Medical Treatment

Art is long, life short, opportunity fleeting, experiment dangerous, judgment difficult, nor is it
sufficient that the physician should attend to his work, but it is necessary also that the patient
and those around him should do theirs.
Hippocrates (cited in Whitwell, 1936, p. 61)

Preventing new episodes of manic-depressive illness has

been an ambition of clinical investigators since the inherently recurrent nature of the illness was first recognized. In
the middle of the twentieth century, the pursuit led many
clinicians to treat their patients with intensive psychotherapy, but with little success. Maintenance electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) appeared to be effective for some patients,
but it was pharmacology that enabled the realization of
this long-standing ambition. The development of lithium
as an effective prophylactic treatment for manic-depressive
illness was one of the most important advances in modern psychiatry, and it fundamentally altered both the prognosis for patients and the concepts of the disorder. While
the earlier trials of lithium prophylaxis were for manicdepressive illness (they encompassed both bipolar and recurrent unipolar disorders), the contemporary literature
focuses on the bipolar form.
In the first edition of this text, the terms maintenance
and prophylactic were both used to indicate prevention
of a new episode, and the maintenance phase of treatment
(for nonrapid-cycling bipolar patients) was defined as
beginning only after 6 to 12 months had passed since an
acute episode. Anything short of 6 months was considered
continuation treatment of the acute episode.1 However,
the meaning of these classic concepts has become somewhat obscured in recent years because of the proliferation
of relapse prevention trials in which (1) the length of
the trial is less than 1 year, or (2) even when the length
of the trial is adequate, the critical period during which
most of the drugplacebo differences can be demonstrated
is in the range of 2 or 3 monthsin effect, the period of
relapse after withdrawal of the active drug to which the
patient had responded acutely. We took note of these
methodological issues in Chapter 17 and do so again in

our subsequent review of the literature when we consider

how to interpret relapse prevention data for individual
drugs. We do not consider studies whose entire period of
observation is less than 6 months to be maintenance or
prophylactic studies, so they are not reviewed in this
A related issue is how to define mood stabilizer, a question to which we devoted a great deal of attention in the first
edition of this text. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) has not defined the term, nor is there yet consensus
on the issue among researchers. The strictest definition requires that an agent demonstrate efficacy in the acute treatment of both mania and depression, as well as the ability to
prevent future episodes of both (Goodwin and Jamison,
1990; Calabrese and Rapport, 1999; Bauer and Mitchner,
2004). As proposed later in our review of the literature,
lithium comes closest to meeting that definition. A somewhat less stringent definition, suggested by Ghaemi (2001),
requires a drug to be efficacious in two of three phases of
treatment of the illness (acute mania, acute depression, and
prophylaxis of mania and/or depression), one of which must
be prophylaxis; lithium, lamotrigine (and possibly valproate) fits this definition. The least stringent definition,
suggested by Bowden (1998) and Sachs (1996), requires an
agent to demonstrate efficacy against only one phase of the
illness as long as it does not worsen any other phase, including increasing the frequency of episodes. The atypical antipsychotics as a class fit that definition. Our view is that a
demonstration of prophylactic efficacy (that is, the prevention of new episodes) should be fundamental to the definition of a mood stabilizer, and that including drugs in this
category simply on the basis of acute efficacy against depression and/or mania renders the term so broad as to be essentially meaningless.



As reviewed by Bech (2006) in an essay written in tribute to Mogens Schou, the use of lithium in endogenous
affective disorder was first recommended by Frederick
Lange in 1893 and subsequently by his brother Carl Lange in
1897 (reviewed more extensively by Schioldann [2001] in an
excellent commemorative tribute to Carl Lange). After the
rediscovery of lithium by Cade half a century later (for the
acute treatment of mania), lithium prophylaxis in manicdepressive illness was first described by Noack and Trautner
(1951), who observed that the drug appeared to prevent additional manic episodes in patients in whom it had alleviated
acute mania. Shortly thereafter, Schou and colleagues (1954)
provided the first case report demonstrating the benefits
of lithium for treating both manic and depressive episodes.
The 10 to 12 episodes a year that their patient had experienced before treatment were markedly attenuated in duration and severity after 2 years of taking lithium continuously.
In the above-mentioned essay, Bech (2006) reminds us of
some important history:
The term mood normalizer for lithium (Cade, 1949)
was originally introduced by Mogens Schou in 1963,
with reference to Baastrups findings regarding longterm therapy of lithium and its high recurrence prevention of both manic and depressive episodes in bipolar
patients. In the 1950s, clinicians used the term mood
stabilizer to refer to a combination of amphetamine
and a barbiturate to treat patients with neurotic instability, but not patients with bipolar disorders. By moodnormalizer Schou meant a compound acting specifically on a disease process rather than on a symptom
level (Schou, 1963). During long-term therapy with
lithium in bipolar disorder, Schou and Baastrup saw a
normalisation of the abnormal mood swings, while normal emotions seemed not to be affected in any way, as
they were when the combination of amphetamine and
barbiturate was used. Now, fourty [sic] years later, the
definition of a mood stabilizer has changed to exactly
what Schou had called mood-normalizer, i.e. a drug
with prophylactic properties in regard to mania and depression, and in this sense lithium still is the only drug
that meets the criterion.

In the first section of this chapter, we provide practical

clinical guidelines for the long-term maintenance treatment of manic-depressive illness, focusing on the bipolar
form. These guidelines cover the complex issues of the selection of medications, the management of side effects, and
the problem of breakthrough episodes. The second section
examines the relevant research literature, emphasizing studies of treatment efficacy, predictors of response, and the important issue of the effects of long-term treatment on other
organ systems.

In this section we discuss key aspects of clinical management
for maintenance treatment of manic-depressive illness. Following an overview of the issues involved, we address, in
turn, embarking on maintenance treatment, selecting medications, treating the elderly patient, treating pregnant and
breastfeeding women, and dealing with breakthrough
episodes. Note that issues of maintenance treatment for children and adolescents are addressed separately in Chapter 23.

Manic-depressive illness, especially the bipolar-I form, is
the prototypical diagnostic indication for maintenance
treatment. When to commence maintenance therapy and
whether it is ever reasonable to stop are currently matters of
only modest controversy.2 As detailed in Chapter 4, mood
disorders are often highly recurrent illnesses, frequently
characterized by residual symptoms and substantial risk of
chronicity (this appears to be especially true of illness characterized by more prominent depressive symptomatology).
One 5-year prospective follow-up study found that nearly 90
percent of 172 individuals with bipolar-I disorder experienced a relapse of illness within 5 years after their recovery
from an acute mood episode (Keller et al., 1993). Many of
these patients had been actively in treatment throughout the
period since recovery (see also Keller et al., 1992). In a recent
prospective study of 1,469 bipolar patients participating in
the National Institute of Mental Healths (NIMH) Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder
(STEP-BD) (Perlis et al., 2006), 58 percent achieved recovery, but nearly half of these patients (49 percent) had a recurrence of illness during the follow-up period of up to
2 years. Recurrence was associated with the persistence of
residual symptoms after treatment of the acute episode.3
The substantial morbidity (including medical morbidity) and significant mortality associated with recurrences
of bipolar disorder, the financial burden resulting from the
decreased productivity of affected persons and associated
health care costs, and the toll in human misery (including
substance abuse, violence, and suicide) all argue for making every possible effort to prevent new episodes. Patients
who have had a manic episode and a major depressive
episodethus all patients with bipolar-I disorderare at
high risk of relapse throughout their lives; barring contraindications, long-term maintenance therapy is indicated for all such patients. We agree with the recommendations of the various North American treatment guidelines
that long-term prophylactic treatment should generally
begin after the first manic episode; in most of the European guidelines, prophylaxis is recommended after the second episode of mania, but it can be considered after the

Maintenance Medical Treatment

first manic episode if that episode is severe enough (Vestergaard, 2004). At the same time, it is important to note that
treatment decisions must be made in context of individual
patients and their diagnoses. In clinical situations, moreover, a significant amount of time, often several months,
is usually required to determine whether an individual
can tolerate a particular long-term maintenance medication at a dose that is likely to be helpful. And it takes at least
a year, and more often 2 to 3 years, to develop a clear picture
of how effective the treatment is in preventing recurrence.
When evaluating treatment times of less than 1 year, it is
difficult to distinguish prevention of relapse back into the
acute episode from true prophylaxis (prevention of a new
episode). Thus decisions about prophylactic medications
must be made and reconsidered over periods of many
Long-term maintenance is also indicated for bipolar-II
patients, primarily because of the toll of depressive morbidity (Judd et al., 2005) and the availability of new mood stabilizers that can reduce the likelihood of new depressive
episodes in a significant percentage of bipolar patients.
Bipolar-II disorder differs from bipolar-I in several ways that
suggest a modification of the usual maintenance recommendations for the latter. The defining characteristic that differentiates bipolar-II from bipolar-I is, of course, the absence of
full-blown manic episodes. For example, the risk of manic
switch is lower, which may make antidepressants safer than
they are in bipolar-I patients. The importance of maintenance treatment for bipolar-II is underlined by the finding
that individuals with the disorder have more frequent mood
episodes and are ill a greater percentage of time than those
with bipolar-I disorder (Tondo et al., 1998; Judd et al., 2005).
There are suggestions that patients with bipolar-II disorder
are at greater risk of suicide as well; this may increase the importance of lithium prophylaxis in these patients (see Chapter 25), the clear benefits of which for bipolar-II patients have
repeatedly been demonstrated in studies extending back several decades (Suppes and Dennehy, 2002). Fewer data are
available on anticonvulsant medications in treating bipolarII disorder. The increased cycling seen in patients with the
disorder suggests that valproate may have a role, although its
antidepressant efficacy (like that of lithium) has been shown
to be modest at best in patients with rapid cycling (Calabrese
and Delucchi, 1990; Calabrese et al., 2005). Valproate may be
useful in treating the impulsiveness, irritability, and dysphoric moods often seen in bipolar-II patients, features that
may be associated with more self-harming behavior and psychosocial disability.
Lamotrigines demonstrated maintenance effect against
depression in bipolar disorder suggests an important role
for this agent in the treatment of patients with bipolar-II. In
contrast to bipolar-I patients, for whom it is recommended


that lamotrigine be coadministered with an agent such

as lithium or valproate that can protect more completely
against mania/hypomania (i.e., from above [Ketter and
Calabrese, 2002]), lamotrigine monotherapy is generally appropriate for the bipolar-II patient, for whom the risk of
a manic switch is lower. Also, as noted later in our review of
the literature, lamotrigine is the only mood stabilizer with
any evidence of a prophylactic effect as monotherapy for
rapid cycling, and this effect was seen (in a secondary analysis of one study) only among the bipolar-II subgroup. Studies demonstrating the clear benefits of lithium and some of
the anticonvulsants in preventing relapses in bipolar-II patients also reveal the shortcomings of these agents: they delay but rarely eliminate further mood episodes in studies of
sufficient length. Patients in these studies not infrequently
suffer from relapses, usually with depressive symptoms, despite taking lithium and the anticonvulsants carbamazepine
and valproate. Thus the new data on lamotrigine are especially encouraging. By stabilizing from below (i.e., reducing or preventing depression), this agent may obviate the
need for adjunctive antidepressants, which pose some risk
of switching and cycle induction even in bipolar-II patients;
before the availability of lamotrigine, maintenance antidepressants were widely used in treating bipolar-II disorder
(even as monotherapy), given the substantial morbidity associated with its frequent depressive phases (see the discussion of switching and cycle acceleration in Chapter 19).
At the same time, lamotrigine, even in combination
with another stabilizer, is not always effective in treating
or preventing bipolar-II depression. Therefore, antidepressants will continue to play a role in treatment for some patients. Whether patients with bipolar-II are at lower risk of
antidepressant-induced mood destabilization than bipolar-I
patients is still something of an open question, and, as
noted earlier, there are clearly some bipolar-II patients for
whom antidepressant treatment is not without risk (Suppes and Dennehy, 2002). Of the 28 bipolar-II depressed
patients who completed a 26-week study of fluoxetine
monotherapy, only 1 developed hypomanic symptoms,
but the dropout rate was nearly 90 percent. Although the
numbers are small, this 1 patient represented 3.6 percent of
those who completed the study; moreover, among the
large number of dropouts, it is not known how many were
due to mania (Amsterdam et al., 1998). A number of studies of the use of antidepressants for the acute treatment of
bipolar depression have included bipolar-II patients (see
Chapter 19), but the data are insufficient to conclude that
any particular antidepressant is superior in preventing depression in patients with bipolar-II disorder.
With regard to maintenance treatment of recurrent
unipolar depression, contemporary U.S. guidelines recommend antidepressants. However, it is important to realize



that this recommendation is based on studies in which recurrent represents patients with as few as two episodes
(the minimum Diagnostic and Statistical Manual [DSM]IV definition). It has been estimated that as many as half of
patients with DSM-IV recurrent unipolar depression will
experience a relapse despite maintaining a full dose of the
antidepressant to which they have responded acutely
(Byrne and Rothschild, 1998). This phenomenon is variously referred to as poop out, tachyphylaxis, or tolerance. All of these terms imply that the relapse represents a
loss of the drugs therapeutic effect, a phenomenon for
which many explanations have been advanced (Fava, 2003;
Solomon et al., 2005). Yet rarely is the possibility considered
that in some patients, the phenomenon may reflect the ongoing efficacy of the antidepressant, bringing the next depression on sooner by accelerating the natural cycle of the
more recurrent forms of unipolar depression (Goodwin,
1989).4 In this regard, it is interesting that in the recent report from the real-world NIMH Sequenced Treatment
Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial of the
antidepressant citalopram, only 28 percent of patients with
fairly recurrent forms of unipolar depression (average of
six prior episodes) achieved remission (Trivedi et al., 2006).
With regard to the use of mood stabilizers for prevention of recurrent unipolar depression, as reviewed in the
first edition of this text and more recently in two metaanalyses (Souza et al., 1990; Davis et al., 1999), substantial
evidence indicates that lithium is highly efficacious in the
prevention of recurrent unipolar depression. Most of this
evidence has involved patients with frequent recurrences,
often as frequent as those experienced by the typical bipolar patient. Thus in their careful analysis, Davis and colleagues (1999) noted that most of the earlier maintenance
studies of unipolar patients had involved subjects with two
to three episodes during the 2 years before the study, a frequency well within the range of that of the typical bipolar
patient. For highly recurrent unipolar patients, recommended lithium monotherapy levels are in the same range
as those for bipolar-II (.4 to .6 mEq/l). While some of the
patients in these earlier studies might today be considered
as falling within the bipolar spectrum, the size of the effect (which is as large as that in all of the lithium studies of
bipolar disorder taken together) and the remarkable consistency across studies argue against misdiagnosis as an adequate explanation for these findings. To our knowledge,
there have been no studies of other putative mood stabilizers in the prevention of recurrent unipolar depression.

Embarking on Maintenance Treatment

Patients recovering from an episode of mania will usually
be taking lithium and/or an anticonvulsant and/or an atypical antipsychotics. Patients recovering from an episode of

depression may be taking an antidepressant in addition to

lithium and/or an anticonvulsant. Since many patients can
be protected against recurrences of their illness with lithium
or an anticonvulsant alone, adjunctive medications often
can be gradually tapered off and discontinued. However,
substantial numbers of patients with bipolar disorder will
need to take a combination of medications to remain well.
For the recently manic patient, standard practice, reflected
in published guidelines and consensus statements from
North America, is to continue the medication or medications
found to be effective during the acute phase of illness.5 While
this practice is appropriate for managing the period immediately after resolution of the acute episode (the continuation
phase of treatment), it is certainly not the best approach to
true prophylaxis. Unfortunately, the North American guidelines do not distinguish adequately between true prophylaxis
and continuation treatment. Simply because a drug has antimanic properties (and if continued, will protect against
relapse back into mania in the months after the acute
episode), one cannot assume that it will be effective in
the prevention of new episodes in the future, particularly
depressive episodes. While this assumption may be true (to
some extent) for lithium, it is not well supported by the data
with respect to all the other antimanic agents. Indeed, a recent post hoc analysis of the combined data from two 18month randomized comparisons of lithium, lamotrigine,
and placebo that focused on the period between 6 and 18
months (i.e., beyond the continuation phase) demonstrated that for the patients maintained on placebo, 84 to
86 percent of recurrences were to an episode whose polarity was opposite of that of the index episode (Calabrese
et al., 2006; Goodwin and Calabrese [in preparation]).
Box 201 outlines some issues involved in understanding
what maintenance treatment means as the term is used
today and provides a perspective on contemporary maintenance treatment guidelines, the evidence base for which
is heavily weighted by trials involving relapse prevention after acute response, primarily antimanic response (see also
Chapter 17).
Perhaps the most valuable and necessary resources for
successful maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder are
ones that, especially in the United States, are available in
ever-decreasing supply: adequate time for assessment (in
terms of both duration and frequency of appointments), and
continuity of care over a period of months and years that allows the physician to become familiar with the rhythms and
permutations of the patients illness and the individually
unique signs of relapse. Evaluation of patients on a weekly
basis during the initial stages of recovery from an acute
episode and at least every 2 weeks thereafter as long as significant residual symptoms remain is necessary for an accurate assessment of continued recovery. Patients can be

Maintenance Medical Treatment

BOX 201. Understanding Maintenance

Treatment Guidelines

Classically, three phases of treatment have been distinguished:

Acute: control of acute symptoms
Continuation: ongoing control of the acute episode (the
length of this phase is proportional to the natural history of
Maintenance or prophylactic: prevention or attenuation of
new episodes
Because the natural history of bipolar disorder is for it to recur,
on average, every 1618 months, true prophylaxis cannot be
evaluated in 6 or 12 mo.
Contemporary relapse prevention designs that have generated
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintenance indications show drugplacebo differences primarily in the continuation phase.
Some guidelines recommend different maintenance treatments depending on whether the most recent episode was a
mania or depression. However, this recommendation appears
to be based on two studies* of drugplacebo differences in the
first few months after an acute episode; later relapses (which
were more likely to be new episodes) were of the opposite polarity 85 percent of the time.
*The two studies were of maintenance lamotrigine versus placebo
one with patients who had recently been depressed and the other with
those who had recently been manic or hypomanic.

encouraged to keep a journal and a mood chart6 and to bring

the results to appointments. Family members should always
be encouraged to attend follow-up appointments with some
regularity to report their impressions.

Selecting Medications
Clinical decision making is the art of making prudent
choices based on insufficient information. Controlled data
have not yet caught up with the realities and exigencies
of clinical practice in the treatment of bipolar disorder
(including, among other things, individual differences, comorbidities, and combined medications), especially in the
area of long-term prophylactic treatment. Clearly, lithium
is the most proven agent for the prevention of affective
episodes, followed by lamotrigine, both of which have generated FDA maintenance indications; valproate may be
effective in long-term prevention, but this conclusion is
based on secondary analysis of one controlled trial, insufficient to support an FDA indication. In the North American guidelines (with the notable exception of those for the
Veterans Health Administration), lithium and valproate
are nonetheless given equal rank as first-line maintenance
treatments. However, other guidelines around the world
still rank lithium ahead of valproate, a position in line with


the most recent (and rigorous) Cochrane review of controlled studies of valproate, which concluded that at
present, the observed shift of prescribing practice [from
lithium] to valproic acid is not based on reliable evidence
of efficacy (Macritchie et al., 2001). Olanzapine and aripiprazole have also been approved by the FDA for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder (although, as discussed later, the evidence for atypicals is focused less on
long-term prophylaxis and more on prevention of relapse
into mania shortly after recovery from a manic episode,
which is more properly referred to as continuation treatment). Finally, substantial data, primarily European, support use of the nonFDA-approved anticonvulsant carbamazepine. Other agents and combinations clearly have a
role as well, as discussed in detail later in this chapter. A
medication regimen for an individual patient will be based
on diagnosis, the relative preponderance and severity of
manic versus depressive symptoms, responses of the patient
and family members to particular agents, comorbid conditions, cost, and drug allergies and sensitivities.
The 2006 prescription data for bipolar disorder in the
United States show that lithium is the most prescribed
agent, followed closely by lamotrigine, then divalproex,
then quetiapine. In 2001, divalproex was the most prescribed, followed closely by lithium. For 2006, carbemazepine and oxcarbazepine combined had less than half
the market share achieved individually by lithium, lamotrigine, or divalproex. The most dramatic change in U.S.
prescription patterns from 2001 to 2006 is the sharp increases in market share for lamotrigine and quetiapine,
accompanied by comparable decreases in divalproex and
lithium. The European market for medications for bipolar
disorder is somewhat different. Lithium remains the market leader with a share almost identical to that in the
United States; valproate and valpromide combined are second, followed by olanzapine, then lamotrigine, then carbemazepine. Between 2001 and 2006, lithiums market share
in Europe declined by 24 percent, while carbemazepines
share dropped by 48 percent and valproates share doubled. It should be noted that these data reflect all uses of
the drugs in bipolar patients, including both acute and
maintenance treatment.
It is important to bear in mind that some fluctuations of
mood in patients being treated for bipolar disorder reflect
cyclic or phasic changes of the illness that will normalize
with time and do not necessarily call for additional pharmaceutical intervention. Patients may have brief depressive
periods following a period of mania or transient episodes of
mild hypomania following recovery from depression. Experienced clinicians know that being too quick to intervene during these periods can result in the prescription of
unnecessary additional medications that may ultimately



be destabilizing in the case of antidepressants or oversedating in the case of anticonvulsants and antipsychotics. During the maintenance phase of treatment, mood stability
should be a treatment goal comparable with that of euthymia. At times, interventions designed to further one of
these goals may require restraint in interventions addressing the other.
The decision as to when and how quickly to attempt tapering off and discontinuing a medication that may have
been used for an acute episode must always be an individualized one as well. The patients previous course of illness,
demonstrated response to and requirement for particular
medications, and willingness to accept the risks of ongoing
medication treatment versus the risk and consequences of
relapse will offer important guidance. Likewise, although
the best available research data indicate that lithium should
be the mainstay in the treatment of bipolar disorder in
most circumstances, an individual patients inability to tolerate lithium therapy, as well as breakthrough or residual
symptoms, may dictate the selection of alternative or adjunctive agents. That said, it is beyond regrettable that
many young psychiatrists in the United States have never
really learned the science and art of lithium treatment, and
that they excuse their ignorance by convincing themselves
that lithium has been surpassed by more effective medications or that it is too difficult to usea self-fulfilling
prophesy. It is our belief that clinicians who are unable or
unwilling to include the skillful use of lithium in their armamentarium should not be considered competent to treat
bipolar disorder.
There are, of course, many patients who legitimately
need and benefit from alternatives or adjuncts to lithium,
and fortunately, controlled data and clinical experience are
increasingly available to guide the clinician in identifying
those agents. Emerging data suggest that lamotrigine may
be especially helpful for the prevention of depressive
episodes, and valproate and carbamazepine for the prevention of manic episodes. As noted earlier, the role of the
atypical antipsychotics, such as olanzapine and aripiprazole, in the long-term prevention of new manic episodes is
less clear. Although these two drugs have maintenance
indications from the FDA, results of existing studies are
probably best interpreted as demonstrating their prevention of relapse back into the acute manic episode (continuation treatment), leaving open the question of whether
they can prevent future new episodes, especially of depression (that is, whether they are true prophylactic agents).
The full range of available clinical data will be necessary
in making decisions for individual patients, many of whom
inevitably resemble the subjects that are excluded from or
drop out of controlled studies because of severe and/or
complex illness or inability to tolerate particular agents. For

example, the data on the ability of lamotrigine to prevent

depressive relapses, taken together with the more ambiguous data on this agents mania-preventing effects, might argue for its being added to rather than substituted for lithium
in a patient with bipolar-I disorder who experiences breakthrough depressive symptoms on lithium alone. On the
other hand, the addition of an antidepressant rather than
lamotrigine makes sense for a patient with bipolar-II disorder who has similar symptoms but a history of developing
a severe rash when taking an antibiotic. For the bipolar-I
patient whose history suggests a high risk of manic recurrences and who is developing renal complications while
taking lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, or an atypical antipsychotic might be used as a substitute for lithium (accompanied by the latters gradual withdrawal) rather than as
an adjunctive agent.
In each of the above situations, there are reasons not to
pursue the particular course of action described, and it is
quite possible to justify other approaches. In the absence
of definitive data, the clinician has little choice but to craft
each patients treatment plan gradually based on a careful
assessment of target symptoms over time and on the patients response to treatmentalways with an eye to the
development of medication intolerances and side effects.
It is well to keep in mind that the great majority of the
time, the next new episode following a mania is a depression and vice versa (see our later review of the literature).
Below we review in turn the use of lithium, valproate,
carbamazepine/oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, other anticonvulsants, and the atypical antipsychotics for maintenance
treatment of manic-depressive illness, with an emphasis on
the bipolar subgroup. The pretreatment evaluation and ongoing monitoring recommended for maintenance mood
stabilizers are outlined in Table 201; similar recommendations for maintenance atypical antipsychotics are outlined in
Table 202.

Some debate continues regarding optimal serum lithium
levels for maintenance monotherapy of recurrent affective
disorders, particularly the bipolar subgroup. How to balance the greater efficacy and increased side-effect burden
with increasing serum levels is a clinical decision that must
be individualized for each patient (Luby and Singareddy,
2003). Gelenberg and colleagues (1989) compared the ability of standard (.8 to 1.0 mEq/l) and lower (.4 to
.6 mEq/l) levels to prevent recurrences among bipolar-I patients. Although the higher levels were associated with superior protection against relapse, they were also associated
with greater dropout rates due to side effects. A major
problem with this study, however, is that the findings actually reflect the effect of lowering the lithium level from the

Table 201. Pretreatment Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring for Maintenance Mood Stabilizers

Therapeutic Range
(blood level)


Other Considerations


0.60.8 mEq/l for bipolar-I;

lower for bipolar-II, highly
recurrent unipolar, and
adjunctive use (0.40.6 mEq/l)

Serum lithium level: 6-mo

intervals in euthymic
patients. Consider
more frequent
determinations in the
elderly or medically ill
or in special circumstances,
such as need to check
postoperative status or
Serum creatinine: 6- to 12-mo
intervals (more frequent in
elderly or medically ill
Urine volume (24-hr output)
if history of substantial
polyuria is obtained.
TSH free triiodothyronine
(T3), T4 by dialysis, thyroid
peroxidase antibodies at
12-mo intervals. Consider
ultrasound thyroid scan after
12 yr of treatment.

Monitor weight; intervene at >5 lb

(focus on carbohydrate control and
Tremor generally responds to lowdosage beta-blockers.
Once-a-day dosing is best for most
Slow/extended-release preparations
are associated with fewer side
Office-based lithium assay
technology markedly increases
convenience for both patient and


412 g/ml

Pregnancy test (HCG)

Hepatic profile.
Complete blood count (CBC),
including platelets every 2 wk
for 2 mo, then quarterly.
Electrolytes, especially sodium.

Induces metabolism of many

agents, including itself.
Higher doses of oral birth control
agents recommended.
Monitor weight; intervene at >5 lb.


45125 g/ml (median = 84)

Pregnancy test (serum HCG).

Hepatic profile, amylase, and
electrolytes periodically.

Regular monitoring of reproductive

history (menstrual cycle, galactorrhea, and hirsutism) recomespecially for younger women.
Monitor weight; intervene at >5 lb.


Not determined

Assessment for rash, especially

during first 12 wk.
Pretreatment antigen screen
can reduce background rate
of benign rash (see text).

Severe dermatological reactions are

rare with gradual titration
( 1/5,000).
Plasma level is doubled by
valproate and decreased by
carbamazepine but not



Table 201. Pretreatment Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring for Maintenance Mood Stabilizers (continued)

Therapeutic Range
(blood level)


Other Considerations


Not determined

Pregnancy test (serum, HCG).

Less induction than

Higher dosage of oral contraceptive

Notes: General pretreatment evaluation for mood stabilizers encompasses medical history focusing on renal, endocrine, cardiac, hepatic,
hematopoietic, and nervous systems; catalog of present and past drug use, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, illicit drugs, caffeine,
nicotine, and alcohol; baseline blood pressure, complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, hepatic profile, creatinine, thyroxine (T4), thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH), and urinalysis; and pregnancy test (serum human chorionic gonadotrophine [HCG]) where appropriate.
Only lithium and lamotrigine have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for maintenance use.
Source: Adapted with permission from Bowden et al., 2000b.

standard to the low level, which may have been associated

with a lithium withdrawal effect (Perlis et al., 2002). Another
limitation of the study is that it did not include a group with
levels in the key range of .6 to .8 mEq/l. A finer-grained
analysis was provided by Maj and colleagues (1986), who
randomized 80 consecutive bipolar patients to one of four
different plasma levels: .3.45, .46.6, .61.75, and .76.9
mEq/l. All but the group with the lowest level showed a significant reduction in affective episodes and overall morbidity.
Recommended serum levels have trended downward over
the decades since lithium was first introduced, with most experts now recommending a compromise between the levels
studied by Gelenberg and colleagues (1989) and Maj and colleagues (1986). Akiskal (2000) recommended a rather broad
range of .3 to .8 mEq/l in his chapter on mood disorders in
the Merck Manual. Schou (2001), the father of modern maintenance lithium therapy, narrowed this range a bit to .5 to
.8 mEq/l, while Maj and colleagues (1986) concluded that beyond .8 mEq/l, negative outweigh positive effects. It may be
that most studies have failed to show a relationship between
lithium levels within the generally accepted range of .5 to
1.0 mEq/l and clinical response (see, e.g., Vestergaard et al.,
1998) because the potentially greater efficacy at higher levels
is offset by more problems with adherence (G. Goodwin and
Geddes, 2003). The guidelines of the American Psychiatric
Association (2002) note that .6 to .8 mEq/l is the range commonly chosen by bipolar-I patients and their psychiatrists
for lithium monotherapy, while .4 to .6 mEq/l is recommended for adjunctive lithium therapy for bipolar-I or
monotherapy for bipolar-II or highly recurrent unipolar depression (Goodwin and Goldstein, 2003).7 An interesting recent paper (Severus et al., 2005) reviewed the lithium-level
data from both earlier and more recent studies (in the latter,
lithium was included as an active control in trials of new
putative mood stabilizers). The conclusion of this paper was
that relatively lower levels are optimal for prevention of

depression (as we noted in the first edition of this text),

whereas relatively higher levels may be best for prevention of
mania, yielding an optimal range of .5 to .8 mEq/l for overall
Serum lithium levels should be obtained whenever there
has been a change in dosage and at least every 6 months in
stable patients. Recently, obtaining lithium levels has become significantly easier for both patient and physician with
the development of a reliable office-based instant blood test
that can be accomplished as part of the patients regular visits to the psychiatrist (Glazer et al., 2004). The instant feedback provided by this technology has obvious advantages
for clinical management, particularly in addressing issues
related to adherence.8 Elderly and medically frail patients
should, of course, be tested more often (treatment of the elderly is discussed in greater detail later in this chapter). Most
of lithiums side effects correlate with serum levels and can
often be ameliorated by changing the dosage schedule or using sustained-release preparations (which result in lower
peak levels). Gastrointestinal symptoms are not uncommon
but are generally transient.9 Polydipsia and polyuria, as
well as edema that occurs early on, often resolve with time
and can be managed with low doses of loop diuretics or
potassium-sparing diuretics, such as amiloride; patients
who develop polyuria only after months or years should be
evaluated for nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (see the later
discussion). Diuretics, especially thiazide diuretics, may
alter lithium excretion, and serum lithium levels must be
closely monitored in these patients to avoid toxicity.10
Side effects associated with lithium treatment, with particular reference to long-term effects, are shown in Table
203; they include weight gain, some cognitive dulling and
fine hand tremor (both dose-related), dermatological problems, nephropathy in a very small number of patients,
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and thyroid-suppressing
effects. The latter effects may be temporary in some patients, but in others may proceed to clinical or subclinical

Table 202. Pretreatment Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring

for Maintenance Atypical Antipsychotics


Other Considerations


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

annually; weight (and BMI) every
month for the first 3 mo, then
Waist measurement annually;
fasting plasma glucose at 3 mo,
then annually.
Fasting lipid profile at 3 mo, then
CBC with differential weekly for
6 mo, then every other week for
the next 6 mo, then monthly.

Early anticholinergic effects and

postural hypotension are
common. Baseline
electrocardiogram (ECG)
May need to discontinue if
substantial weight gain
in the first 2 wk.


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

Weight (and BMI) every month
for the first 3 mo, then quarterly.
Waist measurement annually.
Fasting plasma glucose at 3 mo,
then annually.
Fasting lipid profile at 3 mo, then

EPS at higher doses (>6 mg/day)

in monotherapy studies; may be
more frequent with combined
treatment and/or comorbidities
in clinical settings.
Some anticholinergic effects; some
postural hypotension.
Available in depot formulation
(every 2 wk).


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

Weight (and BMI) every month
for the first 3 mo, then quarterly.
Waist measurement annually.
Fasting plasma glucose at 3 mo,
then annually.
Fasting lipid profile at 3 mo, then

Early anticholinergic effects and

postural hypotension are
Some EPS seen in clinical settings.
May need to discontinue if
substantial weight gain in the
first 2 wk.
Available in intramuscular (IM)


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

Weight (and BMI) every month
for the first 3 mo, then quarterly.
Waist measurement annually;
fasting plasma glucose at 3 mo,
then annually.
Fasting lipid profile at 3 mo, then

Anticholinergic effects and

postural hypotension are
Some EPS seen in clinical settings.




Table 202. Pretreatment Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring

for Maintenance Atypical Antipsychotics (continued)


Other Considerations


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

Weight (and BMI) at baseline,
then annually.

Activation and insomnia at lower

doses; sedation at higher doses.
Administer with food to ensure
Some anticholinergic effects.
No consensus on utility of
pretreatment ECG, but we believe
it is unnecessary in the absence of
pretreatment cardiac pathology.
Available in intramuscular (IM)


Blood pressure at 3 mo, then

Weight (and BMI) at baseline,
then annually.

Some anticholinergic effects.

Some EPS in community settings.
Some initial activation.
Available as oral liquid.

Notes: General pretreatment evaluation for atypical antipsychotics: medical history focusing on endocrine, cardiac, hepatic, hematopoietic, and nervous systems; catalog of present and past drug use, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, illicit drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol; baseline blood
pressure, complete blood count (CBC), electrolytes, hepatic profile, creatinine, thyroxine (T4), thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH), urinalysis; pregnancy test (serum human chorionic gonadotrophine [HCG])
where appropriate. In addition (for clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine), weight (and body
mass index [BMI]), waist measurement, personal/family history of weight problems and/or diabetes, fasting plasma glucose, and fasting lipid profile. Olanzapine and aripiprazole are FDA-approved for relapse
prevention. Data derived primarily from controlled monotherapy trials with little or no comorbidity.
Prevalence of extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS) with use of atypical antipsychotics in bipolar patients
appears to be considerably higher among those treated in the community (Ghaemi et al., 2006).
Source: Reprinted with permission.

hypothyroidism (which of course should be treated early

with replacement thyroid hormones). Indeed, thyroid supplements may enhance stability and help reduce some side
effects in bipolar patients in whom formal hypothyroidism
is not present (Bauer and Whybrow, 2001; Goodwin and
Goldstein, 2003). We recommend starting at .025 mg of thyroxine (T4), increased by .025 mg every 3 to 4 weeks until the
free T4 level is in the upper quartile of the normal range or
until side effects ensue (such as, overactivation, tachycardia,
tremor, or changes in body temperature regulation), at
which point the dosage can be decreased. Unfortunately,
some of the published guidelines for maintenance treatment
do not even mention thyroid supplementation.
Weight gain is not uncommon with lithium use, and
the mechanisms of this weight gain remain unexplained.11
Approximately one-quarter to one-half of patients taking
lithium experience a 5 to 10 percent weight gain (Perselow
et al., 1980; Fagiolini et al., 2002). Excessive weight gain, in

addition to its inherent deleterious effects, is a common

reason for nonadherence to lithium use (see Chapter 21).
Temporary fluid retention can be expected to result in
a gain of 2 to 3 pounds; however, the clinician should act
aggressively to prevent a gain of more than 5 pounds. Increased serum leptin levels have been detected in lithiumtreated bipolar patients (Atmaca et al., 2002) but not in
healthy volunteers taking lithium (Baptista et al., 2000).
Diet (especially the control of simple carbohydrates), exercise, and perhaps correction of reduced thyroid function
may be helpful in managing lithium-induced weight gain.12
There are also reports of reduction of lithium-induced
weight gain with the adjunctive use of topiramate (Chengappa et al., 2002; Nemeroff, 2003), but the additive effects
of the two drugs on cognitive function often limit the usefulness of this combination.
Cognitive dulling, with complaints of poor concentration, impaired memory, and mental slowing, is known to be

Maintenance Medical Treatment


Table 203. Principal Adverse Effects of Drugs Used as Monotherapy at Recommended Doses
for Maintenance Treatment


Weight Gain




+ / ++
+ / ++

+ / ++

















Other (see also Table 202)

Gastrointestinal (initially), thyroid, renal (nephrogenic diabetes
insipidus), tremor, dermatological
Hematological, rash, diplopia, ataxia, drug interactions
Rash, drug interaction with oral contraceptives, diplopia
Tremor, hair loss, hepatic and reproductive changes including
polycystic ovary syndrome, pancreatitis (rare)
Rash, transient headache
Aplastic anemia (monitor for), orthostatic hypotension,
anticholinergic effects, hyperlipidemia and metabolic
Hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome
Hyperprolactinemia, extrapyramidal syndrome, hyperlipidemia
(low risk), metabolic syndrome
Some QTc prolongation, but its clinical significance is
questionable; initial (low-dose) activation/agitation
Activation/anxiety initially in some patients

To varying degrees, atypical antipsychotics cause sedation, which some may regard as a neurocognitive side effect.
EPS = extrapyramidal syndrome; PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome.

caused by lithium; this problem generally responds to reducing the dosage, shifting the entire dose to bedtime,13 and/or
enhancing thyroid function. Fine tremor is another doserelated side effect. Tremor sometimes subsides spontaneously after several weeks of treatment, and it can be worsened by coadministered medications such as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and bupropion; it generally responds to treatment with beta-blockers. Dermatological problems associated with lithium use include acne
and, occasionally, hair loss, problems that are usually minor. Acne responds to local treatment and antibiotics;
isotretinoin should be used with caution because of the possible risk of exacerbating suicidality. Lithium can exacerbate
preexisting psoriasis so severely as to preclude its use, although some patients with psoriasis will respond to the
agents usually effective for the condition (Tsankov et al.,
2000).14 Lithium has also been associated with a variety of
benign electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, but significant
cardiac conduction changes or arrhythmias are very uncommon (Steckler, 1994).
As the long-term effects of lithium on the kidney have
become clearer, earlier concerns about its nephrotoxicity
have eased significantly.15 While the risk of reduced
glomerular function with lithium appears to be very low,

a small number of patients appear to develop glomerular

and tubulointerstitial nephropathy16 that can progress to
renal insufficiency and be irreversible if not detected early
enough. It appears that in this small group of vulnerable
patients, lithium interacts with other medical conditions
(e.g., hypertension) or familial or environmental problems
to cause progressive renal failure. In a review of such cases,
the reversibility of renal insufficiency after discontinuation
of lithium appeared to be associated with serum creatinine
levels lower than 2.5 mg/dl, further highlighting the need
for monitoring of renal function in patients taking lithium.
Creatinine clearance determinations are no longer recommended for routine monitoring; obtaining serum creatinine determinations every 3 to 12 months, depending on
such factors as age and general medical conditions, is reasonable. Patients who have serum creatinine levels consistently greater than 1.6 mg/dl (or whose level is 25 percent
or more above the pretreatment baseline) should be referred
for medical evaluation, which should start with a creatinine clearance determination. The more common lithiumassociated renal problem is nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
(reflected in creeping creatinine), seen in about 20 percent
of those taking lithium for 15 to 20 years or longer (Lepkifker et al., 2004),17 which is caused by lithium-induced



reductions in the capacity of the distal tubules to reabsorb

electrolytes. This condition is accompanied by a mild but
significant decrease in urine-concentrating ability,18 which
has been demonstrated in most (though not all) longitudinal
studies of lithiums effects on the kidney. It appears that this
effect is due to a lithium-induced interference with the sensitivity of the distal tubule to antidiuretic hormone. Earlier
cross-sectional studies suggested a correlation between duration of lithium treatment and decreased maximum urine osmolality. More recent longitudinal studies have not found
a progressive decrease over time, however, suggesting that
there is a decrease in urine-concentrating ability during the
first few years of lithium treatment and little or no further
progression in ensuing decades. Results of lithium discontinuation studies indicate that increases in 24-hour urine output
remain the same or decrease only slightly (at least in the short
term) after the drug is discontinued. Patients should be asked
about polyuria and a 24-hour urine volume measurement
obtained if polyuria is suspected.19 Reducing polyuria can be
especially important when nocturia is significant enough to
interfere with sleep since sleep disruption can destabilize the
All the studies of lithiums renal effects have involved
standard immediate-release lithium. There are some data
to suggest that slow- or extended-release preparations have
significantly less impact on urinary osmolality (Miller et al.,
1985) and might therefore be expected to have a more benign renal profile. There have as yet been no long-term
studies of slow- or extended-release preparations to permit
direct evaluation of this hypothesis, however.
Results of two relatively recent studies appear to suggest
that serious long-term effects of lithium use on renal functioning may not be rare (Markowitz et al., 2000; Bendz et al.,
2001). However, these studies involved a small sample of
lithium users within a much larger sample of patients with
renal deficiencies, and in one study (Markowitz et al.,
2000), the proportion of lithium users within the sample
was the same as that within the general population, a finding not consistent with a lithium effect. Kallner and colleagues (2000) studied nearly 500 patients treated with
lithium for up to 30 years and found no deaths related to
chronic renal insufficiency. Likewise, to our knowledge no
clinical studies have found an increase in end-stage renal
disease that could be attributed to lithium use in the absence
of other risk factors.
Lithium decreases thyroid hormone release and may
interfere with other steps in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and has been reported to inhibit the conversion of T4
to triiodothyronine (T3) in the periphery and neurons (reviewed by Kleiner et al., 1999). Patients may respond to these
thyroid-suppressing effects with a rise in thyroid-stimulating

hormone (TSH) that is usually temporary. Some patients on

lithium therapy, however, progress to clinical or subclinical
hypothyroidism. Bocchetta and colleagues (2001) reported
on the thyroid function of patients followed in an Italian
lithium clinic for more than 10 years and concluded that patients are at increased risk of developing clinical or subclinical hypothyroidism during the first few years of lithium
therapy, with rates declining to near those of the general
population thereafter.20 Their 10-year follow-up study of 150
patients who had already been taking lithium for various
lengths of time when they entered the study found that the
incidence of new-onset hypothyroidism, goiter, and thyroid
autoimmunity did not differ from that reported for the general community (Bocchetta et al., 2001). This study found
that women and individuals with thyroid autoimmunity
were at highest risk of developing hypothyroidism while taking lithium. The authors recommended testing for baseline
thyroid function at the start of lithium therapy; determination of TSH, free T3, free T4, and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO Abs), as well as ultrasonic scanning of the thyroid,
after 1 or 2 years of lithium treatment; annual TSH determinations thereafter; and TPO Abs and thyroid ultrasound
scans at 2- to 3-year intervals. Regarding autoimmune thyroiditis itself, a large study by the Stanley Foundation Bipolar
Network (Kupka et al., 2002) found that the prevalence of
TPO Abs was significantly higher among 226 bipolar patients
than among 3,190 psychiatric patients of any diagnosis or 252
community controls; while the frequency of TPO Abs was
not associated with lithium exposure, hypothyroidism was.
Kleiner and colleagues (1999) suggested that both TPO Abs
and antithyroidglobulin be determined for patients at the
beginning of lithium therapy to identify those at greater risk
for developing hypothyroidism. They recommended TSH
determinations as the most sensitive and therefore only
needed test to monitor patients for lithium-induced thyroid
dysfunction. They recommended that TSH be measured
every 3 months during the first year of lithium therapy and
semiannually to annually thereafter (Kleiner et al., 1999).21

Treatment of Lithium Toxicity

Prevention is the most important principle in managing
lithium toxicity or intoxication. By detecting early signs
and adjusting dosages, the problem can be averted. The
most sensitive indicator of incipient lithium toxicity is the
central nervous system (CNS) perhaps particularly the cerebellum. Patients must be alerted in advance to CNS symptoms, and each encounter with the patient should include
some assessment of CNS functioning. The agitation and
restlessness of early lithium intoxication are similar to
symptoms of mixed affective states, and distinguishing between the two phenomena can be difficult.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

If the intoxication is so severe that lithium withdrawal is

not sufficient, the patient should be admitted to a hospital
and cared for by a specialist in the treatment of poisoning.
The first of several methods used to treat lithium poisoning
is the vigorous application of general supportive measures
appropriate in any CNS poisoning. Obviously, kidney function should be preserved by maintaining blood pressure and
replacing fluids and salt, but if it falters, hemodialysis is necessary. Although most patients recover after deliberately or
accidentally overdosing on lithium, some are left with a persistent neurological or renal defect, and a few die. Because of
these severe complications, the possibility of lithium intoxication should never be taken lightly. Patients with preexisting vulnerabilities, particularly in kidney or CNS function,
plainly require more careful monitoring. Further information about lithium intoxication and treatment guidelines for
managing it are available on our Web site.

Compared with lithium, there are fewer data on effective
levels of valproate for maintenance treatment; at this point
it appears reasonable to use the levels published in the large,
multisite 1-year maintenance trial conducted by Bowden
and colleagues (2000a) (see Table 201). Side effects become
increasingly problematic at levels greater than 125 g/ml.
Dose-related side effects of valproate (see Table 203) include neurocognitive dysfunction and weight gain, as well
as nausea, vomiting, and other gastrointestinal complaints,
such as abdominal pain and heartburn. If possible, the
drug should be started gradually to avoid these gastrointestinal symptoms, and a temporary reduction in dose can
often alleviate them. Sedation is a common side effect, so
it is best to take most if not all of the daily dose at bedtime.
Indeed, given the importance of maintaining sleep stability in bipolar patients, this particular side effect can be
turned into an advantage. Tremor is not uncommon; indeed, in the 1-year comparison of lithium, valproate, and
placebo carried out by Bowden and colleagues (2000b),
both drugs produced tremor at the same rate, sedation and
hair loss were significantly greater with valproate, and
weight gain showed a trend to be more frequent with valproate than with lithium. There are reports that adjunctive
topiramate can reduce valproate-induced weight gain
(McElroy et al., 2000; Chengappa et al., 2002), but as with
lithium, additive cognitive side effects limit the usefulness
of this combination for many patients. Transient minor elevations in hepatic transaminases are common when treatment with valproate is initiated and usually subside over
time. Valproate can cause severe hepatotoxicity, but the risk
to adults appears to be very low; most fatalities have occurred within 4 months after initiation of therapy. Careful


monitoring of liver function is recommended when valproate is first administered as the hepatotoxicity is reversible in some cases if the drug is withdrawn. Similarly,
rare cases of hemorrhagic pancreatitis have been reported
that appear to be related to initiation of the drug or dosage
increase in susceptible individuals. Delay of diagnosis has
been implicated as a factor contributing to these rare cases,
and patients should be warned about the symptoms and
potential severity of pancreatitis. Another observed idiosyncratic response with valproate is thrombocytopenia, although documented cases of abnormal bleeding are lacking.
Some though not all reports of women treated for
epilepsy have linked valproate with a high rate of gynecological problems, including menstrual irregularities, polycystic
ovary syndrome (PCOS), and androgenization.22 A recent
large, multicenter study of epileptic patients compared valproate (n = 225) and lamotrigine (n = 222)23 and found significantly more PCOS symptoms among the valproatetreated patients (54 versus 38 percent; p <.01). Although it
has been suggested that women taking valproate for psychiatric conditions have less risk of these reproductive abnormalities, two small studies of bipolar patients taking
valproate obtained results similar to those of the Isojarvi
study of epileptic patients (ODonovan et al., 2002; McIntyre et al., 2003). More important, a recent NIMH STEPBD study of 230 bipolar women aged 18 to 4524 found 7.5
times more PCOS (10.5 versus 1.4 percent, p <.002) in the
12 months following initiation of valproate compared with
women who had initiated a variety of other mood stabilizers (Joffe et al., 2006). Obviously, regular monitoring of reproductive function in female patients taking valproate is
needed, with questions being raised during visits regarding menstrual disorders, fertility, weight gain, hirsutism,
and galactorrhea. Table 201 summarizes the monitoring
that should be performed when valproate and the other
anticonvulsants (discussed in the following sections) are
used for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder.

A therapeutic range for carbamazepine in the maintenance
treatment of bipolar disorder has not been determined by
studies correlating serum levels with clinical efficacy (see
Table 201). In clinical trials, however, levels comparable to
those used to treat epilepsy have typically been attained
(Post et al., 1986, 1987). Carbamazepine has the ability to induce the hepatic microsomal enzymes responsible for its
own metabolism, and considerable dosage adjustments may
be necessary during the first weeks of therapy. In several
studies of epileptic patients or volunteers on dosage regimens exceeding 1 month, the clearance of carbamazepine



increased two-fold over initial treatment. Carbamazepine

also decreases the clearance of other drugs, including valproate and benzodiazepines, and increases the metabolism
of lamotrigine, ethinylestradiol, and progesterone. Contraceptive failure can occur with oral contraceptives containing
less than 50 g of ethinylestradiol (see Crawford, 2002).
The most common dose-related adverse effects of carbamazepine are diplopia and ataxia. Other dose-related
complaints include mild gastrointestinal upset, unsteadiness, cognitive slowing, and, at much higher doses, drowsiness.25 Hyponatremia and water intoxication have occasionally occurred and may be dose-related (see Table 203).
Idiosyncratic blood dyscrasias, including fatal cases of
aplastic anemia and agranulocytosis, are the most serious
concern with carbamazepine.26 Periodic blood counts are
recommended to monitor for these effects of the drug,
along with educating the patient on the signs and symptoms of these reactions. A retrospective study of 977 psychiatric inpatients taking carbamazepine found a 2.1 percent incidence of moderate to severe leucopenia, occurring
mainly within the first few weeks, with none of the cases
progressing to life-threatening illness (Tohen et al., 1995).
A mild and persistent leukopenia is seen in some patients
and is not necessarily an indication to stop treatment. There
have been a few reports of hepatic failure in patients taking
carbamazepine. A complete blood count with platelet count
and liver function tests should be performed on patients
starting carbamazepine every 2 weeks during the first
month of treatment, at least every 3 weeks for the next few
months, and then every 2 to 3 thereafter. Patients should be
instructed regarding the signs and symptoms of hematological and hepatic reactions.
Other blood dyscrasias, including thrombocytopenia
and hemolytic anemia, can also occur. Because of this
risk, hematological monitoring is required before carbamazepine is initiated and fortnightly for the first few months

of treatment. If the white blood cell count falls to less than

3,000 cells/mm3 or the neutrophil count to less than 1,000/
mm3, the carbamazepine should be reduced or stopped
while further monitoring takes place (Sobotka et al., 1990).
It may take 2 weeks or longer for white blood counts to return to normal after the drug is discontinued. Clinically, apparent hepatitis is uncommon, but transient elevation of the
liver enzymes is not. Benign rashes are quite common (up to
15 percent) in carbamazepine-treated patients. Dermatological hypersensitivity, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome
and the sometimes fatal toxic epidermal necrolysis, is a serious though rare idiosyncratic reaction to carbamazepine
(Table 204).
Although controlled data on the efficacy of oxcarbazepine
in treating bipolar disorder are still scant, it has at least one
advantage over carbamazepineaplastic anemia and agranulocytosis have not been associated with its use (Chen et al.,
1999). Effective doses of oxcarbazepine are a third to a half
higher, but unlike carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine does not
induce its own hepatic metabolism, obviating the need for
dosage adjustment after the initial treatment period. Moreover, oxcarbazepine is a much weaker inducer of the cytochrome P450 system and is not as highly bound to serum
proteins, so it has fewer interactions with other proteinbound drugs, such as phenytoin and warfarin; also, it does
not affect the metabolism of lamotrigine or valproate. As
with carbamazepine, however, plasma levels of estrogen
and progesterone tend to be reduced by oxcarbazepine, so
only high-dose contraceptives should be used, to counteract
this effect (see Ahmed and Anderson, 2001). To our knowledge there have been no studies examining the relationship
between plasma levels of oxcarbazepine and clinical efficacy in treating bipolar disorder. The most common side effects of oxcarbazepine are dizziness, sedation, and blurred
vision. Rashes also occur, and although they are seen less
commonly than with carbamazepine, 25 to 30 percent of

Table 204. Estimated Risk of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal

Necrolysis among Anticonvulsants

Risk per 10,000 New Users











Source: The German Rash Registry, Mockenhaupt et al., 2005.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

patients with hypersensitivity to carbamazepine are also hypersensitive to oxcarbazepine.

Clinical trials of lamotrigine for acute and maintenance
treatment of bipolar disorder have employed doses ranging
from 50 to 400 mg/day, and a target daily dose of 200 mg/day
for maintenance treatment appears to be reasonable (Calabrese et al., 1999a; Bowden, 2003b). Adjunctive use of an
anticonvulsant drug that induces hepatic microsomal enzymes (e.g., carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin,
primidone) increases the clearance of lamotrigine; conversely, valproate interferes with the metabolism of lamotrigine, approximately doubling its half-life. Although
serum levels of lamotrigine are routinely available, a therapeutic range for the treatment of bipolar disorder has not
been determined.
As noted in Table 203, lamotrigine has a very favorable
side-effect profile, with transient headache and dizziness
being the most common complaints. In contrast to lithium
and valproate, when lamotrigine is used as monotherapy
at recommended doses, it does not appear to be associated
with neurocognitive side effects (Lieberman and Goodwin, 2004) and unlike lithium and valproate and most of
the atypical antipsychotics, it does not cause sedation or
weight gain (Sachs et al., 2006). Indeed, it has been associated with weight loss in obese bipolar patients (body mass
index greater than 30 kg/m2 [Bowden et al., 2006]).
Of particular concern with lamotrigine, however, are
reports of severe dermatological reactions associated with
rapid initial upward titration of the dose, including
Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Serious rash may be more common in younger patients,
and lamotrigine therefore is not approved for use in patients
under age 16.27 Based on results of clinical trials in bipolar
patients, the incidence of serious rash has been estimated to
be 1 in 1,200 (the current FDA labeling), but this estimate
was derived by counting all patients who had a rash of any
sort in whom the drug was discontinued and the patient was
hospitalized. In reality, the drug was typically discontinued
for any rash, and the hospitalizations were not necessarily
related to rash. Indeed, among 2,624 patients in the clinical
trials, only 1 was hospitalized for a rash, and that patients
dose had reached 100 mg by the end of the second week
(data on file, GlaxoSmithKline). The most reliable rash data
come from the German rash registry, which estimates the
risk of serious rash to be about 1 in 5,000 lamotrigine exposures among patients being treated for epilepsy. Since almost all of these data are based on the use of the drug by
neurologists, even this estimate is probably too high when
applied to the more gradual titration employed in the treat-


ment of bipolar disorder. Because benign rashes are not uncommon with this drug (about 2 to 5 percent greater frequency than with placebo), it is important to be able to distinguish them28 from those rare cases in which a rash may
signal the development of Stevens-Johnson syndrome or
toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Figure 201 provides a decision-making flowchart for
dealing with rash in patients taking lamotrigine. Dangerous rashes typically are confluent (covering virtually all of
the skin) and/or involve the facial or genital area given the
proximity of each to mucous membranes; also, dangerous
rashes are almost always accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever, elevated white blood cell count, and flulike symptoms. It is of interest to note that in the German
registry, a number of other drugs, including some anticonvulsants, rank ahead of lamotrigine in the frequency with
which they are associated with serious rashes (see Table
204). Kanner and Frey (2000) reported that valproate can
be added to lamotrigine safely if the dose of the latter is
lowered by 50 percent after the start of valproate therapy.
These findings suggest that rash resulting from the combination of the two drugs is not due to a pharmacodynamic
interaction, but to a pharmacokinetic one in which a sudden increase in lamotrigine levels occurs in the presence of
valproate. Finally, there have been a few case reports of
agranulocytosis among patients taking lamotrigine (de Camargo and Bode, 1999; Solvason, 2000), but a causal relationship has not been established.

Other Anticonvulsants
No therapeutic ranges have been established for gabapentin,
tiagabine, or topiramate. These agents generally have favorable side-effect profiles, with the exception of the dulling
cognitive effects of topiramate. Thus no routine therapeutic monitoring is presently recommended for patients taking these agents.

Atypical Antipsychotics
Typical antipsychotic medications have been used mainly
as adjunctive agents in the acute phases of bipolar disorder, especially for manic states (see Chapter 18), and they
still form the mainstay of acute treatment for mania in
many European centers. Given the risk of tardive dyskinesia with the typical antipsychotics,29 they have usually been
viewed as having only a temporary role in the treatment of
bipolar disorder, with discontinuation recommended as
soon as symptoms stabilize. Because they were for a long
time the only psychotropics available as long-acting depot
agents,30 they have been used, when effective, in a small
number of patients who have failed to adhere to oral medication regimens (Littlejohn et al., 1994).



Rash Occurs

Probably non-drug-related

Possibly drug-related

Advise patient to hold the next

dose and contact physician

Warn patient to stop lamotrigine

and contact physician

Rash characteristics:
Peaks within days, settles
in 1014 days
Spotty, nonconfluent,
No systemic failure
Normal laboratory tests
(CBC, LFT, urea
creatinine, urine analysis)

Rash characteristics (any of the

Confluent and widespread
Purpuric, tender
Prominent involvement of
neck and upper trunk
Any involvement of eyes,
lips, mouth, other areas
surrounding mucous
Associated fever, malaise,
pharyngitis, anorexia,
Abnormal laboratory tests
(CBC, LFT, urea,
creatinine, urine analysis)

Rash probably benign

1. Reduce lamotrigine dose

or stop dosage increase
2. Warn patient to stop drug
and contact physician if
rash worsens or new
symptoms emerge
3. Antihistamine and/or topical
corticosteroids for pruritus
4. Monitor patient closely

Consider rechallenge after

risk/benefit analysis in
patients who are reliable and
can be closely monitored
Patient must stop lamotrigine
and contact physician if
signs of hypersensitivity

Rash probably serious

1. Stop lamotrigine (and

valproate if administered)
2. Monitor and investigate
organ involvementhepatic,
renal, hematological
3. Patient may require

Patient should not be


Start lamotrigine monotherpay

at 512.5 mg/day and titrate
more slowly

Figure 201. Lamotrigine Rash Decision-Making Flowchart. CBC = complete blood count; LFT = liver function
test. (Source: Calabrese et al., 2002. Reprinted with permission.)

While the atypical antipsychotics are generally considered safer than the typicals because they are less likely to
cause extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS), the relatively low
EPS rates found in large multicenter registration trials may
be misleading because they reflect monotherapy in patients without psychiatric or medical comorbidities and

are based on data from the randomized phase, which are

limited to patients who have already demonstrated that
they can tolerate the drug. A recent study conducted in a
real-world setting (reflecting combined treatment of patients often with comorbid disorders) found rates of EPS
that exceeded 60 percent, principally akethesia (Ghaemi

Maintenance Medical Treatment

et al., 2006).31 Furthermore, Leucht and colleagues (2003)

noted that most of the controlled trials comparing EPS rates
in patients taking typical versus atypical antipsychotics
have used the high-potency agent haloperidol (which is associated with a high rate of EPS) as the comparator. In their
meta-analysis of 31 studies comparing atypical antipsychotics with lower-potency typical antipsychotics such as
chlorpromazine (median of mean doses = 440 mg/day),32
only clozapine (15 studies) was associated with significantly
less EPS, while the lower frequency seen with olanzapine
(4 studies) was of borderline significance (p = .07), and
the rates for zotepine (6 studies) were similar to those for
the low-potency typicals. We should note, however, that
for quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole, amisulpride, and
sertindole, the data were insufficient to draw conclusions.33
Perhaps the feature that most distinguishes the atypical
antipsychotics from their older cousins is that they are more
effective as thymoleptic agents; that is, they appear to have
a more specific ameliorative effect on mood, including depressive symptoms. The use of these agents to treat breakthrough hypomanic/manic/mixed and depressive symptoms is discussed in Chapters 18 and 19, respectively. Their
use as monotherapy for maintenance treatment of bipolar
disorder is still being evaluated in controlled trials, but positive results have been obtained with olanzapine and aripiprazole in studies of relatively short-term relapse prevention (see the later discussion), specifically relapse into mania
among those who recently had a full antimanic response to
the atypical. These results have led to FDA approval of these
two agents as maintenance treatment for relapse prevention, primarily manic relapse, and suggest an ongoing role
for their use in patients with illness characterized by more
frequent and treatment-resistant manic symptoms, either in
combination with lithium and/or an anticonvulsant or perhaps as a sole agent. As of this writing, the only atypical antipsychotic available in depot form is risperidone. As more
such formulations become available, a much greater role for
the atypicals can be anticipated for patients who are nonadherent, even partially or episodically, to treatment with
lithium or anticonvulsants.
Our recommendations for pretreatment evaluation and
ongoing monitoring for maintenance atypical antipsychotics are outlined in Table 202. Most are administered
initially in low dosages and titrated upward based on clinical response and tolerance of side effects. Typically, clozapine is begun at 12.5 mg/day and increased in 25 mg increments as tolerated. Final effective doses for clozapine
range from 300 to 800 mg/day. It is crucial for patients to
take the prescribed clozapine daily as syncope is not uncommon in those who miss several doses and then restart
it at the therapeutic dose previously achieved through titration. Laboratory monitoring of white blood cell count


should be carried out for patients taking clozapine to detect

agranulocytosis. The usual initiating dose of olanzapine is
2.5 to 5 mg/day. For risperidone, the initial dose is usually
1 mg, with the effective dose ranging from 2 to 6 mg/day
for most patients. Quetiapine is begun at doses of 25 to
50 mg, with usual effective doses ranging from 150 to
750 mg/day. Ziprasidone is usually started at 4080 mg
BID with food,34 while for aripiprazole the starting dose is
515 mg. When possible, atypical antipsychotics should be
tapered slowly to reduce the likelihood of withdrawal
Because bipolar disorder itself has been associated with
obesity, as well as an elevated risk of diabetes and related
metabolic disturbances (see Chapter 7), it becomes critical
to understand the potential contribution of the atypical
antipsychotics to these problems. Soon after the introduction of clozapine in the mid-1970s, excessive weight gain
was reported in many patients taking certain atypical antipsychotics, especially clozapine and olanzapine. Although
weight gain in the short term is often modest, several studies have shown that it can continue for many months.
Table 203 shows the weight gain risks of the various atypical antipsychotics. Clozapine and olanzapine are associated with the highest risk; risperidone and quetiapine are
intermediate; and ziprasidone, aripiprazole, and amisulpride pose the lowest risk (there is also no evidence associating these latter three drugs with adverse metabolic effects). In a 5-year study of weight changes associated with
clozapine, the gain did not level off until 46 months after
treatment was initiated (Henderson et al., 2000). Thus the
potential for significant weight gain in patients receiving
long-term treatment with some atypical antipsychotic medications is substantial. Furthermore, the weight gain associated with these drugs most commonly results in central or
abdominal obesity, a pattern thought to pose more health
risks, particularly cardiovascular risk, than generalized obesity. These risks also include dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, which along with abdominal obesity, constitute the
metabolic syndrome, associated with an increased risk of
type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, and other
conditions.35 Although the risk of diabetes with these drugs
appears to be of the same rank order as that of weight gain,
weight gain alone may not fully explain all of the metabolic
effects (Newcomer et al., 2002).
The primary mechanism for the weight gain associated
with some atypical antipsychotics appears to be a centrally
mediated increase in appetite, although it has also been suggested that atypical antipsychotics alter the regulation of
leptin, a polypeptide synthesized in adipose tissue and
thought to be involved in insulin sensitivity and regulation
of adiposity. A direct effect of these agents on glucose uptake
by target cells has also been proposed (for excellent reviews



see Baptista et al., 2002; Newcomer 2006). The effects of the

drug probably interact with genetic predispositions to pancreatic and glucose dysfunction, putting some individuals at
higher risk than others for the development of diabetes
(Guo et al., 2006).36 Psychiatrists should take these risks into
account when selecting antipsychotic agents, and when possible prescribe those agents less likely to cause weight gain in
already obese patients and those with diabetes or a family
history of the disease. Body weight, blood glucose, and
serum lipid levels should be monitored at the beginning of
treatment and regularly thereafter in patients taking atypical
antipsychotics for maintenance treatment; obviously, the
drugs with the greatest potential to cause weight gain require the closest monitoring. It is especially important to
monitor weight closely during the first few weeks of therapy
since it has been shown that a gain of 2 kg (4.4 lb) or more
during the first 3 weeks of olanzapine administration is
a reasonably accurate predictor of substantial subsequent
weight gain (Lipkovich et al., 2006). Clinicians should discuss with patients symptoms that could reflect emerging diabetes, such as excessive thirst and urination, fatigue, frequent infections, and blurred vision. Nutritional counseling
for patients taking these agents is important, emphasizing
portion-size control, low-fat and low-carbohydrate foods,
and regular exercise.
Several small studies of the pharmacological treatment
of antipsychotic-related obesity with fenfluramine and
other appetite-suppressing agents have yielded results that
can be characterized as modest at best (Allison, 2001).
On the other hand, a recent double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled trial of adjunctive amantadine in patients who had gained at least 5 lb while taking olanzapine
found that, compared with placebo, amantadine plus olanzapine was associated with no further weight gain (Graham et al., 2005). In another encouraging report, Vieta and
colleagues (2004) found that the combination of olanzapine and topiramate over 12 months appeared to prevent the
weight gain that would have been expected with olanzapine.37 Finally, orlistat, a lipase inhibitor that is not active in
the CNS, may also have some potential for the treatment of
medication-induced weight gain. However, while orlistat
has a very benign side-effect profile, its use in psychiatric
patients has not been systematically investigated.38
Several drugs, including lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, and SSRI antidepressants, have been known to increase the therapeutic effects of atypical antipsychotics when
administered concurrently.39 Other drugs, including fluoxetine, paroxetine, quinidine, and tricyclic compounds, can inhibit the metabolism of atypical antipsychotics. Bupropion
and almost all antipsychotics, including the atypicals, can
lower the seizure threshold, and this possibility should be
considered before combined use of these agents is initiated.

Treating the Elderly

Modifications of recommendations for the maintenance
treatment of bipolar disorder when treating the elderly address primarily the increased sensitivity of these patients to
adverse effects and toxicity associated with the usual agents.
There are no data suggesting differences in the efficacy of
various agents in older patients, although this issue has not
been investigated directly with controlled studies. In their
prospective study of 166 bipolar and recurrent unipolar
outpatients, Murray and colleagues (1983) found no agerelated decrease in lithium efficacy. They did note that manic
symptoms grew increasingly prevalent and severe with age,
a trend they interpreted as reflecting the natural course of
the illness. It has been suggested that lower serum lithium
levels are effective in the elderly, although this observation
has been based on retrospective literature reviews rather
than controlled data (Van Gerpen et al., 1999). However,
lower levels are clearly associated with fewer adverse effects,
an important consideration in this population. Further,
some experienced clinicians believe, and we agree, that stability can beget stability; accordingly, we recommend that
clinicians consider discussing with some patients a gradual
and modest reduction in dose after years of stability have
been achieved.
A number of case reports and open studies indicate that
valproate is safe in the elderly, although no controlled studies addressing its prophylactic efficacy in this population
are available. A retrospective chart review involving 72
long-term nursing facility patients over age 55 taking
lithium or valproate for bipolar disorder, dementia, or both
found that lithium was associated with more adverse
medication-related effects and concluded that valproate
was a safer treatment, at least in this very fragile population.
However, the bulk of the lithium-related adverse effects appeared to reflect poor management in that they were associated with toxicity and/or dehydration, including blood
levels in excess of 1.2 mEq/l (Conney and Kaston, 1999).
Furthermore, a recent study comparing patients in their
70s who were taking comparable doses of lithium and valproate (Shulman et al., 2005) found that the two drugs were
quite similar in their impact on neuropsychological functioning (Fig. 202).
Lamotrigine may have an advantage in this population
because of its impressive tolerability; particularly important
in older patients is the absence of cognitive impairment and
sedation. Sajatovic and colleagues (2005) analyzed the data
for 98 bipolar subjects over the age of 55 who were part of
two large 18-month studies comparing lamotrigine, lithium,
and placebo (G. Goodwin et al., 2004) and found lamotrigine to be significantly better than placebo in preventing depressive relapses (and lithium significantly better than

Patients without Delirium (%)

Maintenance Medical Treatment


Lithium (n = 2,442)
Valproate (n = 2,918)
Benztropine (n = 4,870)


Time from First Claim (days)


Figure 202. Kaplan-Meier survival curves for incidence of delirium in new users of lithium, valproate, or benztropine among older
adults. (Source: Shulman et al., 2005. Reprinted with permission.)

placebo in preventing manic/hypomanic relapses); there

were significantly fewer side effects with lamotrigine than
with lithium. When using antipsychotics in this population,
agents with a low risk of postural hypotension (such as
ziprasidone and aripiprazole) should be considered.

Treating Pregnant Women

Maintenance treatment for women during their childbearing years involves the art of balancing competing priorities. A healthy pregnancy and postpartum (puerperal) period and, of course, a healthy baby, as well as continued
remission from symptoms of bipolar disorder, are no longer
regarded as being mutually exclusive. In balancing the risks
(Table 205) and benefits of continuing some medication
during at least a portion of the pregnancy (Altshuler et al.,
1996; Warner, 2000; Chaudron and Pies, 2003; Gentile,
2006), it must be remembered that bipolar episodes themselves pose a risk to the fetus or newborn40 (Box 202). Table
206 presents a more detailed review of the FDA categories
of drug safety during pregnancy.
It has been suggested that pregnancy exerts a protective
effect against the recurrence of mood symptoms in women
with classic bipolar disorder, as characterized primarily
by complete recovery between episodes (Grof et al., 2000).
However, this suggestion is not supported by the results of
studies of unselected bipolar patients, largely in U.S. tertiary care academic centers (Viguera et al., 2002). Whether
pregnancy is or is not protective in some patients, the
postpartum (puerperal) period is clearly a time of greatly
increased risk for relapse, especially into mania and psychosis, rates of which are estimated at 50 to 75 percent,
Several large studies have documented that postpartum
(puerperal) episodes in patients with manic-depressive illness cluster in families (Dean et al, 1989; Jones and Craddock, 2001; Forty et al, 2006). In the one study that focused
only on bipolar women (Jones and Craddock, 2001) those


with a family history of postpartum psychosis were more

than six times more likely to have a postpartum episode
than those without such a family history. Given the magnitude of this difference in risk, it is prudent to consider
family history when advising women of the risks of being
off medication during pregnancy and/or when considering adjunctive treatments aimed at preventing postpartum episodes. (See, for example, Sharma et al, 2006).
For several decades, lithium was considered quite teratogenic and thus virtually contraindicated during pregnancy because of an increased incidence of major cardiac
defects, notably Ebsteins anomaly. More recent data, based
on consecutive series rather than case registries, have substantially reduced the risk estimates for Ebsteins anomaly
to a range of 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 2,000 live births (Jacobson
et al., 1992; Cohen et al., 1994). Nevertheless, a gradual reduction of the lithium dose for women who wish to become pregnant can be considered, at least for the first
trimester. If the patients episodes have been seasonal in
the past (seen most commonly with manic/hypomanic
episodes in the spring or summer), the pregnancy might
be timed so that there will be a relatively safe period for
temporary lithium withdrawal. The tapering off should
be done slowly, over at least several weeks, because abrupt
discontinuation of lithium substantially increases the risk
of suicide and relapse, particularly manic relapse. Restarting lithium after the first trimester does not appear to increase the risk of teratogenicity. It is advisable to restart the
drug well before parturition so as to minimize the risk
of postpartum mania, psychosis, and depression (Stewart
et al., 1991; Austin, 1992). It is important to keep in mind
that the maximum therapeutic and prophylactic effect of
lithium may take many months, even years, to achieve, and
there is no guarantee that restarting the drug in the second
trimester will recapture the prior level of protective efficacy, which is essential during the high-risk postpartum
period. There have been reports of neonatal lithium toxicity in infants exposed to lithium during labor and delivery,
but this appears to be rare as long as the lithium level is
lowered to .3 mEq/l or less for a day or two before parturition (Newport et al., 2005). On the other hand, discontinuing lithium altogether clearly puts the mother at substantial risk of relapse (especially into mania, which itself, as
noted above, puts the baby at risk) and should be avoided
if at all possible.42 For some patients whose history suggests a high risk of relapse when off lithium even for a few
months (or who evidence breakthrough symptoms when
the tapering is undertaken), the drug should be continued
even through the first trimester.
A variety of malformations have been linked to treatment with valproate (Thisted and Ebbesen, 1993) and carbamazepine (Kallen, 1994) during pregnancy. These two

Table 205. Fetal and Neonatal Risks Associated with Drugs Used for
Maintenance Treatment

Fetal Risks


Ebsteins cardiac malformation (risk much lower than earlier

estimates, now .05.1% (1 in 1,000 to 1 in 2,000)
Neonatal hypothyroidism, nephrogenic diabetes insipidis,
polyhydramnios (rare)
Secreted in breast milk at one-half maternal plasma concentration
FDA Pregnancy Category C (see Table 206) based on old data

Carbamazepine and

Spina bifida (approximately 12% risk), dysmorphic facies

Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category D


Spina bifida (approximately 35% risk)

Structural defects in heart and limb, dysmorphic facies
Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category D

Typical antipsychotics

Teratogenic risk low, but limited data available

Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category C, except clozapine (Category B)
Phenothiazinesnot yet categorized

Atypical antipsychotics

Teratogenic Risk unknown

Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category C


Possible cleft palate, cleft lip

Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category D


Increase in nonsyndromic cleft palate or cleft lip associated with

first-trimester exposure in the North American Antiepileptic
Drug (AED) Registry, but not in four other registries
Secreted in breast milk
Risks of major defects may increase with concomitant use
of valproate
FDA Pregnancy Category C

Other anticonvulsants

Unknown teratogenic risks for gabapentin, oxcarbazepine,

Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category C


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic

antidepressants thus far not associated with major fetal anomalies
Infants exposed to SSRIs in utero may experience respiratory
distress, irritability, and feeding problems
Infants exposed to tricyclics in utero may experience transient
withdrawal effects
Secreted in breast milk
FDA Pregnancy Category Ca

Applies to most SSRIs, including fluoxetine; some tricyclic medications are in Category D.
Source: Adapted from Viguera et al., 2002; Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry; Nonacs and Cohen, 2003.
Reprinted with permission.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

BOX 202. Increased Risks to Fetus and Newborn

during an Affective Episode

Stress, including release of stress-related hormones

Alcohol and drug use (including nicotine)
Poor nutrition
Sexually transmitted diseases
Risk to newborn from postpartum mania, depression,
and psychosis
Maternal suicide
Physical violence
Impaired maternal care of infant

drugs are much more dangerous to the fetus than lithium,

causing a variety of major and minor congenital defects,
most notably neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Because of teratogenicity and the increased risk of reproductive abnormalities, some guidelines now recommend that
alternatives to valproate be used for mood stabilization in
women of childbearing age; we agree. Information regarding
the teratogenicity of the newer anticonvulsants gabapentin,
oxcarbazepine, and topiramate is sparse, and until proven
otherwise, they should probably be considered higher-risk
agents.43 Initial reports on lamotrigine monotherapy during
the first trimester were reassuring: among 596 first-trimester
exposures to lamotrigine monotherapy or combined therapy excluding valproate, the incidence of anomalies was 2.9
percent, consistent with the risk in the general population
(Cunnington and Tennis, 2005). However, recent analysis

of the ongoing North American Antiepileptic Drug (AED)

Pregnancy Registry noted 5 cases of isolated nonsyndromic cleft palate or cleft lip out of 564 first trimester
monotherapy exposures (.89 percent)higher than the
rates in general population registries (which range from
.037 to .22 percent). However, an increased risk of cleft lip
or palate has not been observed in a number of other international registries. Three recent studies (reviewed by
Gentile, 2006) noted a 60 to 65 percent decrease in plasma
lamotrigine levels in the third trimester compared with
prepregnancy levels.
Relative to lithium and most anticonvulsants, the typical neuroleptics pose a low risk of teratogenicity, and apparently this is true of the newer atypical agents as well
(Ernst and Goldberg, 2002; McKenna et al., 2005), although pregnancy appears to increase the risk of metabolic
syndrome in women treated with olanzapine (reviewed by
Gentile, 2006). Both first- and second-generation antidepressants are also generally considered low-risk during pregnancy, although this view is at odds with package insert
labeling for various drugs.44

Treating Breastfeeding Women

While data on the impact on the fetus of psychoactive drug
use by pregnant women are sparse, they are even more so
when it comes to the question of how these drugs might
affect newborns who are breastfed.
Compared with most other drugs used in the maintenance treatment of manic-depressive illness, a relatively
high percentage of maternal lithiumranging from 24 to

Table 206. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Categories

of Drug Safety during Pregnancy


Adequate, controlled human studies have demonstrated no fetal risks; these

drugs are the safest.
Animal studies show no risk to the fetus and no controlled human studies
have been conducted, or animal studies show a risk to the fetus but well
controlled human studies do not.
No adequate animal or human studies have been conducted, or adverse fetal
effects have been shown in animals but inadequate human data are
Evidence of human fetal risk exists, but benefits may outweigh risks in
certain situations (e.g., life-threatening conditions or serious diseases for
which safer drugs cannot be used or are ineffective).


Notes: These categories can be quite misleading because they are, by and large, based on data available
at the time of the drugs initial approval. Typically, once a drug is off patent, new data are not submitted to
the FDA. For example, newer data indicate that lithium (Category D) is safer than either carbamazepine
(Category D) or valproate (Category C). Adequate human data for valproate were not available at the time
it was approved, and newer data indicate a substantial risk of spina bifida with the drug.



72 percentis found in breast milk (Chaudron and Jefferson, 2000). Because of this and a handful of case reports of
adverse effects, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
recommends that if lithium is administered to a breastfeeding woman, it should be done with caution and with careful
monitoring of the infant, especially for lethargy and hypotonia (see the review by Ernst and Goldberg, 2002).45
Chaudron and Jefferson (2000) and the AAP consider
use of anticonvulsants to be compatible with breastfeeding. The concentration of valproate in breast milk is low,
representing less than 10 percent of maternal levels. For
carbamazepine, a higher percentage of the drugs maternal
blood level gets into breast milk than is the case with valproate, and there are at least nine case reports of adverse
effects of carbamazepine in breastfed babies (Ernst and
Goldberg, 2002). There are fewer data on lamotrigine in
breast milk (and very little of this is monotherapy data), but
because the amount found in breast milk represents a relatively high proportion of maternal levels (estimated at 60
percent), caution is advised (Ernst and Goldberg, 2002;
data on file, GlaxoSmithKline).
Few or no data exist on the penetration of the atypical
antipsychotics, as a group, into breast milk; however, use of
these agents is generally considered compatible with breastfeeding, perhaps because of older (albeit still limited) evidence that a low proportion of the mothers dose of typical
antipsychotics enters breast milk.
A prospective, controlled study of mothers exposed
throughout pregnancy to either tricyclic antidepressants
(n = 46) or fluoxetine (n = 40) (half of whom breastfed their
babies) compared with 36 mothers who were not exposed
to antidepressants (Nulman et al., 2002) found no adverse
effect of drug exposure on the childrens global intelligence
quotient (IQ), language development, or behavior when
they were tested between ages 15 and 71 months. In contrast, IQ and language development were significantly and
adversely affected by uncontrolled depressive symptoms in
the mothers. Further discussion of the risk/benefit calculation for the use of psychotropic drugs in pregnancy and
breastfeeding can be found in two recent reviews (Gentile,
2004, 2006; Malone et al., 2004).

Dealing with Breakthrough Symptoms

The appearance of hypomanic/manic or (especially) depressive symptoms during the course of maintenance treatment
of bipolar disorder is so common as to appear almost inevitable. The clinician who has treated a particular patient
for years will likely know how to react (or not react) to
breakthrough symptoms in that patient, but more often the
decision is a difficult one. A young person who is early in the
course of illness presents an obvious challenge; the patient
whose adherence to treatment recommendations is difficult

to judge is another. The first step in addressing breakthrough

symptoms is to assess their etiology. Possible reasons for such
symptoms in previously stable patients include the following:
Nonadherence to recommended treatmentNonadherence
can be both intentional and unintentional. It may be due,
for example, to the patients reducing the dosage of a medication to alleviate side effects, misunderstanding instructions, or forgetting doses; in a study of patients referred for
lithium prophylaxis and followed prospectively for 2 years,
ongoing substance abuse emerged as the best predictor of
nonadherence (Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990). Regular
laboratory monitoring is important not only because of
the medical issues involved, but also because it reinforces
for the patient the clinicians understanding that the
proper dose of medication is important to treatment. As
suggested earlier, the use of long-acting depot medications
(haloperidol, fluphenazine, risperidone) is an option for
patients in whom regular adherence to oral medications is
consistently problematic. Family members are excellent resources for evaluating the possibility of nonadherence in
the patient with unexplained worsening of symptoms.
Treatment adherence is discussed in detail in Chapter 21.
Psychosocial stressorsIt is important to differentiate between mood symptoms that represent recurrence of illness and those that represent normal reactions to circumstances. That having been said, drawing this distinction
can be a fiendishly difficult task. The appearance of mild
depressive symptoms is not uncommon in the context of
a personal setback and may respond to reassurance and
support; thus it is important for the clinician to convey
interest in and a willingness to discuss the patients personal issues. On the other hand, a period of psychosocial
stress can precipitate an episode of illness, and neither
the patient nor the physician should be too complacent
about symptoms that appear to be explained by circumstances. At the very least, more frequent contact with the
patient will be required to monitor the symptoms and
intervene promptly if more aggressive treatment is indicated. Often the mechanism by which psychosocial
stress destabilizes the illness is sleep loss, so careful monitoring of sleep is as essential as the clinicians willingness to address the problem pharmacologically. Brief
supportive psychotherapy, with referral to a competent
psychotherapist if necessary, is an intervention easily undertaken by all psychiatrists caring for patients with mood
disorders (see Chapter 22). Indeed, as noted throughout
this volume, it is our belief that manic-depressive illness is
best managed by a combination of pharmacological and
psychotherapeutic treatment.
Destabilizing factorsThese may include substance abuse;
antidepressants; medications with psychotropic effects

Maintenance Medical Treatment

prescribed by other physicians, such as steroids or interferon; or endogenous factors, such as the onset of thyroid
abnormalities. The symptomatic patient may not be the
best source of information on these factors, an observation that reinforces the need to develop collaborative relationships with family members and other professionals
involved in the patients care.
True relapseOnly after other possibilities have been
ruled out should the clinician contemplate changes in
medication to address breakthrough symptoms. Even
then, questions will remain. How aggressively should the
symptoms be treated? The severity of the immediate
symptoms will naturally inform this decision, as will
consideration of the course of the patients illness. Have
mild symptoms progressed to severe illness previously,
and if so, how quickly? Can this breakthrough episode
be related to previous ones in a way that suggests a specific intervention? (For example, if depressive symptoms
recur in winter months, supplemental phototherapy may
be helpful.) Once the decision has been made to treat
breakthrough symptoms, a reasonable first step is to maximize the effectiveness of the patients current medication
regimen. Therapeutic monitoring is crucial in determining whether dosages can be increased safely. Dosages of
agents with dose-related efficacy should generally be maximized before the addition of new agents is considered. As
noted previously, the trigger for or earliest indication of
a breakthrough manic or hypomanic episode often is
decreased sleep. Thus the early, short-term use of sedative hypnotics may be able to abort an emerging episode
before it escalates. Agents useful for this purpose include benzodiazepines, zolpidem, eszopiclone, ramelton,
gabapentin and some other sedative anticonvulsants, and
some atypical antipsychotics.
Approaches to managing breakthrough manic/hypomanic and depressive symptoms are discussed in Chapters
18 and 19. Here we only emphasize that there are almost no
controlled data to guide the clinician in choosing a particular combination regimen for an individual patient. Medication combinations are clearly effective for many patients.
Goodwin and Goldstein (2003), for example, reviewed data
on several medications, such as valproate, that may work
synergistically with lithium (allowing reduced dosages of
each drug), potentially enhancing maintenance treatment
by increasing the ratio of therapeutic to side effects. Another frequently used combination is lithium plus lamotrigine, combining a stabilizer that works best from above
(lithium) with one that works best from below (lamotrigine) (Ketter and Calabrese, 2002). When using combinations, however, downward dosage adjustment should generally be attempted (which is feasible for both of the


combinations just mentioned) since combinations of two or

more drugs at full monotherapy doses increase the risk of
side effects and nonadherence.


In this section, we provide a detailed review of the literature
on the medications discussed above for maintenance treatment of manic-depressive illness: lithium, valproate, carbamazepine/oxcarbazepine, lamotrigine, other anticonvulsants (for which the data on efficacy are sparse), and the
antipsychotics. We also review the literature on combination maintenance treatments and on other agents and approaches, including maintenance ECT, thyroid hormones,
calcium channel blockers, nutritional supplements, and extended bed rest and darkness. Maintenance treatment for
children and adolescents is discussed in Chapter 23.

In the introduction to this chapter, we noted the pioneering work of the Lange brothers, as well as that of Cade and
Noack and Trautner. But the first major systematic study of
lithiums prophylactic efficacy in manic-depressive illness
occurred through the collaboration of Baastrup and Schou
(1967). They analyzed the results of a retrospective study
initiated at the Psychiatric Hospital in Glostrup, Denmark,
involving all patients with recurrent affective disorders
admitted from 1960 through 1966 (a total of 88 patients).
Those selected for analysis had an episode frequency ranging from two or more episodes in a year to one episode per
year for at least 2 years before lithium administration. All
had taken lithium for at least 1 year.
The studys results were striking. Following the initiation of lithium, episodes (defined as rehospitalization) had
become clearly less frequent among 83 (94 percent) of the
88 patients. The magnitude of the effect is suggested by the
fact patients were ill on average 13 weeks a year before
starting lithium, compared with less than 2 weeks a year
while taking lithiuman almost seven-fold reduction.
The frequencies of manic and depressive episodes were affected equally; however, lithiums ability to prevent rehospitalization for depression, not always evident initially, appeared to improve with time. In this sample, lithium was
equally effective in patients with bipolar and recurrent
unipolar depression46 (see the review below of lithium
studies in this group) but was less so in schizoaffective patients (Baastrup and Schou, 1967). In a follow-up study,
Angst and colleagues (1970) obtained similar results.
Baastrup and Schous 1967 report, a medical landmark,
stimulated many trials of the use of lithium in the prophylactic management of manic-depressive illness. By 1972,
more than 60 clinical studies comparing the course of the



illness before and while taking the drug had been published. Virtually all showed decreases in the frequency, duration, and severity of episodes; those studies that distinguished between manic and depressive episodes found
that lithium reduced both.
By this time, most clinicians who had studied lithiums
effects on recurrent affective illness were favorably impressed. Skeptics such as Blackwell and Shepherd (1968),
however, noted that patients selected for a trial because of
a history of relatively frequent episodes might be expected
to experience a decreased frequency of episodes during the
study period as part of the natural course of the illness, reflecting a regression toward the mean rather than a drug
effect. But the assumption underlying this viewthat the
natural course of manic-depressive illness is randomwas
contradicted by data indicating a strong tendency for the
average frequency of manic-depressive episodes to be nonrandom and to increase with time (see Chapter 4). Three
independent studies (Laurell and Ottosson, 1968; Isaksson
et al., 1969; Angst et al., 1997) examined the natural course
of manic-depressive illness in patients with 2-year histories
of frequent episodesthe kind of patients selected for the
trials just discussed. Patients in all three studies were found
to be at high risk for subsequent episodes in the next 2
years if they remained off lithium. Blackwell and Shepherd
(1968) had also noted that in the absence of double-blind
procedures, observer bias or patient expectation may have
accounted for the favorable results obtained. Clinicians
highly familiar with the illness knew, however, that fullblown mania (and probably also severe depression) is
unlikely to respond meaningfully to psychological suggestion alone.
In the remainder of this section, we review in turn the
results of placebo-controlled studies of the prophylactic efficacy of lithium conducted before 1980, the renewed controversies that arose during the mid-1980s regarding the
drugs effectiveness and results of contemporary studies in
which lithium served as an active comparator in maintenance trials of new agents, lithiums relative prophylactic
efficacy in treating mania and depression, its effect on normal mood, the issues of withdrawal and rebound, clinical
features that may predict the drugs prophylactic effectiveness, its prophylactic efficacy in bipolar-II disorder, and finally the surprisingly robust literature supporting its prophylactic efficacy in recurrent unipolar depression. Finally,
we should note that maintenance lithium can prolong life,
not only by dramatically reducing the likelihood of suicide, but also by reducing the elevated cardiovascular mortality associated with manic-depressive illness (Ahrens et
al., 1995) (see Chapter 7). The relationship between lithium
and the risk of suicide in patients with recurrent affective
disorders is reviewed in Chapter 25.

Results of Placebo-Controlled Studies

Prior to 1980
The first substantial response to Blackwell and Shepards
(1968) criticism came when the Danish group undertook
a study in which female patients were given lithium in
a clinic setting and stabilized on the drug for at least 1 year,
then continued on either lithium or placebo under doubleblind conditions (Baastrup et al., 1970). Although the results of this study were even better than those of the open
studies discussed previously, the study was also widely criticized. One criticism was that limiting the trial to patients
who had been successfully stabilized on lithium for a year
prior to the study introduced a bias in favor of lithium responsiveness (a problem, discussed later, that continues to
plague contemporary studies using relapse prevention designs). Another criticism was the possibility that abrupt
cessation of lithium made the placebo group relapse more
quickly than would otherwise have been the case (a criticism that clearly deserves consideration; see below). A subsequent study in England by Coppen and colleagues (1971)
also involved prior lithium responders, but the period of
stabilization on lithium prior to randomization was only 6
weeks, which is perhaps why the findings of this investigation helped increased acceptance of lithium in Europe.
The major study influencing the acceptance of lithium
prophylaxis in the United States was that of Prien and colleagues (1974), a collaborative effort of the Veterans Health
Administration and NIMH.47 This study, which formed
the principal basis for the FDAs 1974 decision to approve
the marketing of lithium, was initiated at a time when the
drug was poorly accepted in the United States, largely because of unfortunate experiences with toxicity when it was
being used as a salt substitute.
For most observers, the positive randomized, placebocontrolled, parallel-group studies of Baastrup and colleagues
(1970), Melia (1970), Coppen and colleagues (1971), Stallone and colleagues (1973), and Prien and colleagues (1974)
(summarized in Fig. 203) essentially laid to rest reservations based on the results of the earlier mirror-image studies.48 However, there was still the question of whether
patients selected for and maintained on lithium become
dependent on it; if so, they would be more likely to relapse when taken off the drug. Three studies examined this
question directly. Schou and colleagues (1970), Grof and
colleagues (1970), and Sashidharan and McGuire (1983) all
compared patients relapse rates during lithium withdrawal with those before lithium treatment and found no
difference in either frequency or severity. These results
appear to differ from those of more contemporary studies
in which the frequency of relapse during the first year after abrupt lithium withdrawal appears to have exceeded

Maintenance Medical Treatment



% of Patients










Overall Relapse

Relapse into

Relapse into

Figure 203. Results of double-blind lithium versus placebo maintenance trials conducted in the 1970s. Blue bars = lithium treatment
(n = 251); white bars = placebo treatment (n = 263). (Source: Gyulai
et al., 2003. Reprinted with permission.)

baseline recurrence rates (see the later discussion of the

work of Suppes and colleagues [1991]). Perhaps the best
explanation for this discrepancy is that offered by Grof
and colleagues (1994) and Grof and Alda (2000)that
the earlier studies were of classic Kraepelinian manicdepressive illness with free intervals and without the moodincongruent psychotic features allowed by contemporary
diagnostic systems. It is also worth noting that in a more recent analysis of the older randomized, placebo-controlled
studies, Keck and colleagues (2000) noted that the likelihood of relapse on placebo was not related to whether the
lithium withdrawal occurred in newly treated patients or after a long period of stabilization on the drug.

Renewed Controversies and Results of Contemporary

Studies Using Lithium as a Comparator
From the mid- to late 1980s until recently, despite the apparently definitive study results reported above, the clinical effectiveness of lithium was again called into question
by a series of reviews proposing that there had been a
steady decrease in the drugs effectiveness in the treatment
of bipolar disorder since the studies of the 1970s had been
conducted (Dickson and Kendell, 1986; Markar and Mander, 1989). It was suggested that the earlier studies had led
to an overly optimistic view of the benefits of lithium, and
that the drugs inadequacies were becoming apparent with
wider and longer-term use.
Coryell and colleagues (1997) published a naturalistic
(nonrandomized) study of the course of illness of 181 patients with bipolar-I disorder who were followed semiannually for 5 years, comparing the course of 139 patients who
were taking lithium with that of 42 patients who were not.


Lithium showed a clear prophylactic effect against the return of symptoms only during the first 32 weeks of treatment following an episode of mania or depression; during
weeks 33 through 96, there appeared to be no relationship
between lithium treatment and relapse. The authors questioned the necessity of longer-term lithium prophylaxis for
patients who have had 8 months or more of euthymia, suggesting that lithium discontinuation studies be performed
to elucidate the issue. They also speculated that patient selection bias in treatment decisions may have reduced the
size of the lithium treatment effect, and that only a minority
of patients with bipolar disorder are at risk of relapse over
the longer term and thus require continuous treatment.
Kleindienst and colleagues (1999) reanalyzed these data using a complex mathematical model assuming that lithiums
efficacy is not transient and, most important, that some patients are at high risk of relapse and others at lower risk.
They were thereby able to generate survival curves virtually
identical to those of Coryell and colleagues (1997). They
concluded that individuals at low risk for relapse would inevitably predominate in the later months of a nonrandomized naturalistic study, thus accounting for the very small
treatment effect observed for that period.
Maj and colleagues (1996) reported on 65 patients with
bipolar disorder who had remained well on lithium for
5 years and who were followed for another 5 years during
which they remained adherent to treatment. During the
5 years of follow-up, 12.7 percent of these stable patients
experienced at least two episodes despite good adherence.
These late nonresponders had experienced a significantly
higher number of previous affective episodes and hospitalizations and a significantly longer duration of illness. The
authors argued that these factors indicate a more severe illness that will eventually overwhelm the prophylactic efficacy
of lithium, a conclusion they suggested is supported by
their review of previous studies.
It is not surprising that the notion that the intrinsic inadequacies of lithium as a prophylactic treatment for bipolar
disorder emerged at a time when alternatives to lithium were
becoming available. Overlooked in most of these reviews was
the inherent selection bias that arises once a treatment has
become established in the community: those who tend to respond to the treatment are likely to remain in the care of
practitioners, while those who are less responsive become
overrepresented in samples available to investigators, who
usually work in referral centers. Indeed, a recent naturalistic
comparison of lithium and valproate among 201 bipolar-I
patients followed for 1 year after hospitalization (Revicki
et al., 2005) found that the two treatments were equally effective for those patients who stayed in treatment.49 Nevertheless, it is likely that certain secular trends (such as increased
substance abuse and much greater use of antidepressants)



have resulted in more lithium-resistant cases (at least in

some countries) compared with a decade or two ago.
Baldessarini and Tondo (2000) addressed these issues in
a review of the 24 open and controlled long-term lithium
trials published between 1970 and 1996 (most of which
were from outside the United States). They found that subjects in more recent studies (19821996) actually had lower
recurrence rates than those in earlier ones (19701981).
They also found that pretreatment recurrence rates did not
differ in earlier as opposed to later studies, suggesting the
absence of secular factors that had been hypothesized to
worsen the illness in more recent decades. Moreover, and
importantly, recurrence rates were not significantly different in open versus blinded trials of lithium, a point also
made by Davis and colleagues (1999). In another analysis of
28 studies comparing the recurrence risk with and without
lithium treatment, the same authors addressed the concern
that earlier studies had exaggerated lithiumplacebo differences by including patients who had been withdrawn from
lithium before randomization to placebo (Baldessarini et al.,
2002). They showed that the reduction in recurrence attributable to lithium was the same in the half of the studies that
involved prior lithium withdrawal as in the half that did not,
which challenged the notion that lithium dependence
skewed the data on its prophylactic effects. Furthermore,
among the 11 gold standard blinded, randomized, placebocontrolled, parallel-group studies, the average reduction in
recurrence risk associated with lithium was 3.6-fold. In a
meta-analysis of the five randomized, placebo-controlled
trials that met the requirements of the Cochrane database,50
Geddes and colleagues (2004) concluded that lithium was
clearly effective, reducing overall relapses to 65 percent of the
frequency observed with placebo.
Critics had also charged that lithiums efficacy in treating
bipolar disorder (its proven ability to treat the illness successfully in research studies) was much better than its effectiveness (its ability to treat the broad range of patients with
bipolar disorder successfully under real-life clinical conditions).51 To address this question, Baldessarini and Tondo
(2000) also retrospectively analyzed the illness course of 360
patients treated with lithium over a period of 30 years at an
Italian mood disorder clinic. Patients had been in treatment
for at least 1 year and for a mean of about 5 years. These patients apparently adhered to lithium treatment and had no
complicating substance abuse diagnoses, but were otherwise
not selected by clinical factors; they included bipolar-I and II patients, as well as patients with rapid cycling, some with
predominantly mixed states, and some with psychotic features. Again, the authors found no cohort effect and no
evidence of any decrease in lithiums effectiveness for these
patients over time (see Tondo et al., 2001, for a detailed
analysis). A slight increase in the numbers of patients with

mixed and psychotic illness was offset by a decrease over

time in the numbers of patients with rapid cycling.
It is worth noting that these data are from a large lithium
clinic in Italy where the use of antidepressants is minimal. In
our opinion, some of the reported decline in lithiums effectiveness in the United States is real; that is, it cannot be attributed to either referral bias or changes in the nature of
maintenance studies. Some possible reasons for this decreased effectiveness (including the sharp increase in the use
of antidepressants) are discussed below.
In three relatively recent large randomized controlled
trials, lithium was compared with placebo for prophylaxis
in bipolar-I disorder. In these studies, which were designed
to evaluate the prophylactic efficacy of valproate and lamotrigine, those two agents were compared with lithium and
with placebo. The valproate trial (Bowden et al., 2000a) is
the only long-term trial not to have shown statistical superiority of lithium over placebo in a maintenance protocol
(valproate was also not superior to placebo). The authors
suggested several possible reasons for this surprising finding: the number of lithium-treated subjects entered into the
study was small (half the number treated with valproate);
there were many dropouts in the lithium group (67 percent,
a rate perhaps related to the high doses of lithium used);
and the study duration (1 year) was shorter than that of
studies showing clear differences between lithium and
placebo (2 years). Perhaps the overriding issue was this: because the primary outcome variable was relapse, there were
ethical concerns about including very sick patients in the
trial; with mild to moderately ill patients, it is likely that the
placebo did too well. In Chapter 17 we review design issues
relevant to studies of maintenance treatment for bipolar
In the two studies of lamotrigine versus lithium versus
placebo, lithium was shown to be superior to placebo in
preventing recurrence of mood episodes over 18 months
in patients with bipolar-I disorder who had recently been
manic or hypomanic (Calabrese et al., 2003) or depressed
(Bowden et al., 2003b). The demonstrated efficacy of
lithium in these two studies is all the more remarkable
given that the sample was partially enriched with lamotrigine responders, and there is some evidence that lithium
and lamotrigine responses represent different clinical profiles (Passmore et al., 2003). In both studies, lithium was
found to be more effective in preventing mania than depression; in a combined analysis of both studies (G. Goodwin et al., 2004), however, lithium showed a trend toward superiority over placebo against depression (p = .12)
(lamotrigine was also more effective than placebo, as
discussed later). The authors noted that this was the
first study in which lithium differentiated from placebo
using modern survival analytic methods and arguably

Maintenance Medical Treatment

provides some of the strongest evidence available for the

efficacy of lithium in maintenance treatment of bipolar
disorder (Bowden et al., 2003b, p. 398).
In these two multicenter trials, lithium was included as an
active control to assess assay sensitivitythat is, the ability
of the trial to reveal differences between active drug and
placebo. The size of the lithium effect was not as large as that
seen in the earlier lithium studies reviewed above. In a careful comparison of the older and newer lithium literature,
Deshauer and colleagues (2005) analyzed nine randomized,
placebo-controlled trials involving 1,432 patients. They
noted that the older studies tended to start with patients who
were already taking lithium, whereas in the two recent studies in which lithium separated from placebo, the patients had
already been stabilized, at least briefly, on lamotrigine. With
regard to the size of the lithium effect, there was an 11-fold
difference between the older, lithium-enriched and the
newer, lamotrigine-enriched studies.52
In a 5-year prospective naturalistic study of more than
400 bipolar-I patients in the lithium clinic at the University of Naples, Maj and colleagues (1998) noted that about
25 percent of these patients had no relapses while taking
lithium, about 40 percent had at least one relapse, but
nearly 33 percent had stopped taking lithium (often because they felt well and saw no need for further treatment). A 2-year prospective study from New Zealand
yielded similar results (Silverstone et al., 1998). A retrospective analysis of 76 patients attending a lithium clinic
found that nonadherent patients were less accepting of the
need for lithium prophylaxis, less convinced of its efficacy, and less likely to believe they had a serious illness
(Schumann et al., 1999).
Several factors led to the above reappraisal of lithiums
central role in the prophylactic treatment of manic-depressive illness (with the contemporary studies focusing on the
bipolar form) and of the previously held view of lithium as
the gold standard of treatment for the illness:
Changes in the nature of the randomized controlled trials, including referral bias, as discussed above.
The emergence of effectiveness in addition to efficacy
studies, which included among their outcome variables
differences due to patients adherence to treatment, clinicians adherence to good prescription practices, and toxicity, as well as blood-level monitoring. That is, real-world
experience will not, on average, match the practice standards that obtain in controlled efficacy studies.
Changes in the apparent nature of bipolar disorder in recent years:
Expansion at the lower end of severity with the new
category of bipolar-II, perhaps bringing more Axis II
comorbidity into the picture


The inclusion of more psychotic features in the diagnostic criteria for mania, especially in the United States
Lower age at onset
Increased comorbidity with substance abuse (the
rates of which vary across countries)
Substantially increased use of antidepressants
The latter three factors are associated with atypical features of bipolar disorder (e.g., rapid cycling, mixed states,
psychotic features) that may respond better to some of
the newer drugs, such as anticonvulsants (lamotrigine,
valproate, carbamazepine) and the atypical antipsychotics, than to lithium (Bowden et al., 1994; Goodwin
and Goldstein, 2003).
The development of potential alternatives to lithium maintenance (especially anticonvulsants and the newer atypical antipsychotics), which remain under patent protection and thus can support substantially more marketing
and sponsored educational events for psychiatrists than
is the case for lithiumthe perennial low earning orphan drug.
Nonetheless, contemporary reviews and meta-analyses
of older data, as well as new data generated during investigations of more recently introduced agents, support the
conclusion that reports of the demise of lithiums central
role in the treatment of manic-depressive illness, including bipolar disorder, were, indeed, premature.

Lithiums Relative Prophylactic Efficacy

in Treating Mania and Depression
Some earlier reviewers, primarily Americans, appeared to
assume that lithium is better at preventing mania than depression, a position perhaps influenced by then-prevailing
biological theories postulating that mania and depression
are opposite states. Conversely, many European investigators
and clinicians apparently expected that both phases would
respond equally since both were viewed as intrinsic aspects
of the same illness. Few of the important early European
studies distinguished manic from depressive episodes in reporting relapse frequencies. In their landmark study, Baastrup and Schou (1967) did not specifically analyze the differential effects of lithium on mania and depression. As noted
earlier, however, inspection of their individual case histories
indicates equivalent prevention of manic and depressive
episodes (defined as a period in which symptoms were sufficiently pronounced to require hospitalization or supervision
in the home). The authors also noted that very many of the
patients suffered during these non-psychotic intervals from
phases with slight to moderate depressive or, less often, hypomanic symptoms (Baastrup and Schou, 1967, p. 90).
Three studies using balanced mirror-image pretreatment and on-lithium periods, careful selection of patients,



and quantitative rating instruments attempted to answer

directly the question of lithiums relative efficacy in preventing depression versus mania. In one of these studies
(Holinger and Wolpert, 1979), a similar decrease in manic
and depressive episodes was observed among patients taking lithium. The other two studies (Poole et al., 1978; Rybakowski et al., 1980) actually found better prophylaxis
against depression than mania.
Of eight double-blind, placebo-controlled studies conducted in the 1970s to address this question, two found
a greater effect in preventing mania or hypomania than
depression (Cundall et al., 1972; Dunner et al., 1976), two
had indeterminate results (Stallone et al., 1973; Fieve et al.,
1976), and four found lithium to be equally effective in
preventing both types of episodes.53 More recent retrospective studies have also failed to demonstrate significant
differences in lithiums effectiveness against manic and depressive symptoms (Berghofer et al., 1996; Tondo et al.,
1998). In two more recent randomized, placebo-controlled
maintenance trials involving lithium and lamotrigine (discussed earlier), lithium was found to be more effective in
preventing mania than depression, but recall that this was
a population partially enriched with lamotrigine responders. In the Cochrane meta-analysis cited earlier, Geddes
and colleagues (2004) found the effect of lithium to be
somewhat more robust for mania than for depression (relative risk .62 and .72, respectively), but this result may be due
to the fact that two of the five trials included in the analysis
involved the partially lamotrigine-enriched samples.
As is clear from a detailed analysis of the controlled
studies conducted to date, there is little support for the
notion that lithium is substantially more effective in the
prevention of mania than of major episodes of depression.
However, mild depressive symptoms do appear to be noted
more frequently than mild hypomanic symptoms among
patients taking maintenance lithium. In an early study,
Jamison and colleagues (1979) found that physicians were
more likely than patients to report lithiums being less effective against depression than mania. In interpreting this
finding, however, one should remember that patients are
probably less likely to report hypomanic than depressive

Lithiums Effect on Normal Mood

Lithiums effect on nonpathological mood states has intrigued researchers for many decades. Schou and colleagues
(1968), for example, took lithium at therapeutic doses for
several weeks and reported feelings of indifference, decreased initiative, and a sense of being separated from [the]
environment by a glass wall (Schou et al., 1968, p. 93). The
issue has significant therapeutic implications: an agent that
prevents abnormal mood episodes at the cost of blunting or

even deadening normal mood variability may be quite undesirable for many patients.
Several researchers have compared mood states and dayto-day mood variation in normal subjects and euthymic
bipolar patients taking lithium. Folstein and colleagues
(1982) reported the results of two such studies, in which
they found that bipolar subjects had mean mood ratings
similar to those of controls but less day-to-day mood variation as measured by visual analog mood scales (DePaulo
et al., 1982; Folstein et al., 1982). Although these results
were consistent with a mood-constricting effect of lithium,
the authors cautioned that it may not be valid to compare
the mood ratings of bipolar subjects, who have experienced major depressions and manias, with those of control subjects, who have not. Two crossover comparison
studies of lithium and placebo were conducted to assess
whether lithium attenuates mood fluctuations to the same
extent in bipolar patients and controls. Both studies showed
no difference in mood variation related to lithium use in
those without a history of mood disorders, suggesting that
lithium does not have a significant effect on normal mood
(Calil et al., 1990; Barton et al., 1993). As more putative
mood stabilizers appear, it will be important to evaluate
their effects on normal mood fluctuations as well.

Lithium Withdrawal and Rebound

Lithium withdrawal delirium or nonspecific agitation was
suggested by a few case reports (DePaulo et al., 1982; King
and Hullin, 1983) but was never strongly supported by subsequent studies. More attention has been focused on the issue of whether rapid (as opposed to gradual) cessation of
lithium in patients with bipolar disorder actively promotes
rapid relapse, particularly into mania. This question is
important clinically for obvious reasons, but as alluded to
earlier, it also is salient to the interpretation of results of
lithium studies in which rapid cessation of the drug is part
of the protocol. Suppes and colleagues (1991) performed
a meta-analysis of 14 studies involving 257 bipolar-I patients
and found that more than half of new episodes (which were
primarily mania) occurred within 3 months after stopping
lithium54; the number of relapses was 28-fold higher than
that seen when the patients were taking lithium, suggesting
that the withdrawal-related relapses represented more than
just a return of the illness. Coming to a different conclusion,
Davis and colleagues (1999) performed an exhaustive metaanalysis of 19 randomized controlled studies of prophylactic
lithium in recurrent affective illness (including both bipolar and unipolar disorders), calculating the frequency of relapses before, during, and after lithium use in the reviewed
studies. They assumed for their analysis that if a lithiumcessation rebound existed as a withdrawal phenomenon, it
should be seen in the first several days after abrupt cessation,

Maintenance Medical Treatment

a time course consistent with the pharmacodynamics of

lithium. In fact, most relapses occurred 3 to 9 months after
cessation, suggesting to the authors that there was little support for the concept of relapses related primarily to lithium
withdrawal as opposed to return of the illness in the absence
of an effective medication. The difference in the conclusions
reached by Davis and colleagues and Suppes and colleagues
is probably due to the fact that the former group included in
their analysis the substantial literature on lithium in recurrent unipolar depression, in which lithium withdrawal relapse has not been demonstrated (not surprising given that
the majority of withdrawal relapses in bipolar patients are
into mania).
Baldessarini and colleagues (1996, 1997, 1999a) addressed
this issue by analyzing a clinical population rather than research subjects, pooling data from 227 patients with bipolar
disorder (136 bipolar-I, 91 bipolar-II) in whom lithium had
been discontinued for various reasons in the course of their
treatment at a university-affiliated mood disorders clinic.
They divided patients into abrupt (114 days) and gradual (1530 days) discontinuation groups and performed a
survival analysis to identify recurrences of mania or depression (by DSM-IV criteria). They found that time to 50
percent risk for any illness recurrence was four times
shorter in the abrupt-discontinuation than in the gradualdiscontinuation group. Rapid discontinuation of lithium resulted in a 50 percent risk of mania at 2 months and a 50 percent risk of depression at 6 months, compared with 10 months
for mania and 17 months for depression in the gradualdiscontinuation group. Bipolar-I patients fell ill more rapidly
than bipolar-II patients in both groups. Patients who discontinued abruptly were most likely to fall ill during the first
year after lithium discontinuation, primarily in the first 10
weeks; relapse rates returned thereafter to those experienced
by untreated bipolar subjects.55 Although it is not clear that
this phenomenon should be called lithium rebound
or lithium withdrawal, rapid discontinuation of lithium in
bipolar patients is clearly associated with increased relapses
and an increased risk of suicide (see Chapters 8 and 19) during the first few months. These data suggest, moreover, that
this phenomenon represents something distinct from simple
loss of the benefits of lithium in patients with bipolar disorder, although its mechanism remains obscure.
It has also been reported that a subgroup of bipolar patients (perhaps 15 to 20 percent) who abruptly discontinue
lithium become refractory to the drug when it is restarted
(see Post et al., 1992; Maj et al., 1995). Other studies, however, have found that lithium is neither more nor less effective following a period of cessation in bipolar patients (see
Tondo et al., 1997; Coryell et al., 1998). G. Goodwin (1994)
suggested that the phenomenon of relapse after abrupt
withdrawal of lithium should be taken into account in


treatment planning. Based on the data in the above-noted

analysis of Suppes and colleagues (1991), he recommended
that lithium not be started unless the patient is committed
to taking it for at least 2 years, advice that found its way into
the treatment recommendations of the International Exchange on Bipolar Disorder (Bowden et al., 2000b).
A related issue is whether a longer latency in initiating
preventative treatment for bipolar disorder is associated with
worse outcomes. The kindling hypothesis would predict
that patients who start prophylactic treatment early in the
course of their illness will have a lower risk of relapse and
better treatment response. Although earlier studies of this
question yielded contradictory answers, two relatively recent
large studies appear to have settled the matter. Baldessarini
and colleagues (2003) studied 450 bipolar patients (twothirds bipolar-I, one-third bipolar-II), 86 percent of whom
were maintained on lithium essentially as monotherapy.
While longer treatment latency did not predict greater morbidity during treatment, pretreatment morbidity was associated with shorter treatment latencies; that is, the sicker patients entered treatment earlier, resulting in a larger relative
reduction in morbidity with earlier treatment. The second
study, this one prospective, followed 147 bipolar patients receiving maintenance therapy over an average of 7 years
(Baethge et al., 2003) and, like the work of Baldessarini and
colleagues (2003), used a multivariate approach. This study,
too, found no relationship between treatment latency and
subsequent response to treatment. Both groups of authors
pointed out that studies finding the opposite (i.e., that
prompt initiation of maintenance treatment ameliorates the
course of illness) did not control for illness severity prior to
prophylaxis. Although there are certainly many arguments
for the prompt initiation of prophylaxis in bipolar disorder,
favorable modification of the future course of illness would
not appear to be one of them. Nevertheless, the results of
these studies clearly indicate, as the authors concluded, that it
is never too late to start maintenance therapy.

Predictors of Lithiums Prophylactic Efficacy

It has generally been thought that patients with typical euphoric manias and a clearly episodic course of illness with
well intervals (Duffy et al., 2002; Passmore et al., 2003)
have an especially good prophylactic response to lithium
monotherapy, while those with dysphoric or mixed manias (Goldberg et al., 1998) are less likely to have a favorable long-term response. As noted in the first edition of
this text, the relationship between episode frequency and
lithium response was first evaluated in a placebo-controlled
study by Dunner and Fieve (1974), who found that bipolar
patients with rapid cycles (four or more episodes per year)
were more likely to relapse while taking lithium than those
without rapid cycles. Table 207 reviews the major studies

Table 207. Results of Studies Evaluating Maintenance Lithium and/or Anticonvulsants

in Rapid-Cycling Illness




Dunner and Fieve,


55 BP NS

Dunner et al.,

390 BP NS

Naturalistic prospective cohort study

of patients taking lithium over
666 mo
Retrospective chart review

Okuma, 1993

215 BP NS

Retrospective chart review

Maj et al., 1998

402 BP NS

Prospective study of lithium therapy

in a cohort of patients with BP

Bowden et al.,

75 BP NS

Baldessarini et al.,

218 BP-I,
142 BP-II

Add-on study of lamotrigine in

patients with refractory BP (60
patients received add-on therapy;
15 received monotherapy)
Naturalistic prospective cohort study
of patients taking lithium over an
average of 13.3 yr

Patients with >4 episodes/year were disproportionately represented among 27

of 56 patients with prophylaxis failure.
Most patients treated with lithium had fewer
and less severe mood episodes while
taking lithium.
Rapid-cycling patients had poorer outcomes
than nonrapid-cycling counterparts,
whether taking lithium or carbamazepine.
Rapid cycling absent in BP patients deemed
good responders to lithium, but observed
in 26% of those with poor response.
Rapid cycling predicted poor outcome
independently of treatment.
Lamotrigine was generally effective and well

Baldessarini et al.,

360 BP NS

Naturalistic, prospective; patients

with BP-I or -II monitored on
average for more than 13 yr

Calabrese et al.,

225 BP-I,
98 BP-II

Randomized study of lamotrigine

added to current regimen of
euthymic or ill patients; other
agents then tapered off

Swann et al., 2000

372 BP NS

Stabilized BP patients randomized to

divalproex, lithium, or placebo

Kupka et al., 2003

3,709 BP NS

Meta-analysis of 20 studies that

made direct comparisons between
rapid-cycling and nonrapidcycling BP

Tondo et al., 2003

317 BP NS


Lithium was equally effective in patients with

and without a history of rapid cycling in
delaying relapse and decreasing total time
ill. Rapid-cycling patients, however,
experienced more relapses.
Similar morbidity was observed while both
rapid-cycling and non-rapid-cycling
patients were taking lithium, arguing
against the idea that lithium is less
effective in rapid-cycling BP.
Adding lamotrigine resulted in remission or
continued wellness in about half of patients, and the remission was sustained
after other agents were tapered over
48 wk.
Although response to lithium decreased in
patients with increased numbers of past
depressive or manic episodes, only one
subject randomized to lithium had
rapid-cycling BP.
59% of all lithium-treated rapid cyclers
achieved at least 50% improvement. A
significant association between current
rapid cycling and hypothyroidism was
Overall, rapid cycling was associated with
lower effectiveness of all treatments
evaluated; not specific to lithium.

Maintenance Medical Treatment


Table 207. Results of Studies Evaluating Maintenance Lithium and/or Anticonvulsants

in Rapid-Cycling Illness (continued)




Calabrese et al.,

24 BP-I, 36 BP-II

Patients first stabilized on lithium +

valproate for up to 6 mo, then
randomized to monotherapy with
one of the two drugs gradually
withdrawn and placebo substituted; then followed for
20 mo

Relapse into any mood episode occurred in

56% of patients taking lithium vs. 50% of
those taking valproate. Time to relapse
not specified.

BP = bipolar disorder; BP NS = bipolar-I or bipolar-II not specified.

that have evaluated this question. It has been suggested

that the finding that rapid-cycling patients do poorly on
maintenance lithium may simply mean such patients are
more severely affected and as such are more difficult to
treat; they may have a likelihood of improvement on
lithium equal to that of nonrapid-cycling patients, but
the improvement often is not sufficient to bring them into
or sustain them in remission. Tondo and colleagues (2001)
found that about two-thirds of their patients with bipolar
disorder, including those with illness features often thought
to predict less lithium responsiveness, experienced a reduction in frequency of episodes, as well as in total time ill,
of at least 50 percent when observed over at least 1 year of
lithium treatment. This same group (Tondo et al., 2003)
conducted a meta-analysis of comparative studies of mood
stabilizers in rapid-cycling versus non-rapid-cycling patients (16 studies; 905 rapid-cycling and 951 non-rapidcycling patients), and found that lithium was superior to
anticonvulsants among the latter and equivalent to valproate among the former patients.56 The most definitive
comparison of lithium versus divalproex in rapid-cycling
patients (Calabrese et al., 2005), discussed later in the section on valproate, likewise found that the two drugs were
not significantly different. As noted earlier, the use of antidepressants may also play a role in the relative treatment
resistance of rapid-cycling patients. For example, there
have been several reports of more favorable lithium results
in the absence of (or with minimal use of) antidepressants
(Kukopulos et al., 1980; Wehr et al., 1988; Baldessarini et al.,
2000). In fact, the only intervention shown in a doubleblind, placebo-controlled design to be effective in rapidcycling bipolar-I disorder is discontinuation of antidepressants (Wehr et al., 1988).
There is evidence that mood-incongruent psychotic features predict a more lithium-resistant illness, although it
appears clear that such patients can nevertheless derive
substantial benefit from lithium prophylaxis. For example, Maj and colleagues (2002) followed patients with

mood-incongruent psychotic features for 5 years and compared the course of their illness with that of a control group
of patients with no such history. They found that the former
patients were more likely to have stopped taking lithium at
the 5-year point (78 versus 57 percent), and although about
half of them had experienced at least a 50 percent reduction
in time spent in the hospital, as a group they did not fare as
well as those without psychotic features, 80 percent of whom
had a comparable decrease in hospitalization time. In a randomized controlled trial that compared lithium and carbamazepine for prevention of mood episodes in bipolar patients with mood-incongruent features, the two agents were
found to be equally effective (Greil et al., 1997).
Recently, Kleindienst and colleagues (2005) made a substantial contribution to the response-predictor literature.
They found nearly 2,000 papers on lithium response predictors written from 1966 through 2003, 43 of which met their
criteria for analysis.57 Seven of the studies were randomized
controlled trials, 10 involved a prospective cohort design, and
26 were retrospective casecontrol studies. Because of substantial heterogeneity in the effect sizes of different studies
and the well-known publication bias in favor of positive
studies, the authors applied a highly conservative fail safe
procedure to increase the likelihood that a predictor reported
in several studies was real: they added two large (N = 1,000)
hypothetical studies with zero correlation; if a particular predictor was still statistically significant after this maneuver, it
was considered likely to be real. Among the 42 possible response predictors, this conservative analysis could identify
only 5 for which there was enough agreement across studies to consider them likely predictors. The two predictors
of good lithium response were the maniadepressioninterval (MDI) course pattern and an age at onset in the intermediate range. Predictors of poor lithium response
were a large number of previous hospitalizations, the
course pattern of depressionmaniainterval (DMI), and
continuous cycling. Given that the effect sizes for any one
predictor are, at best, moderate, the authors suggested that



Table 208. Clinical Characteristics Likely to be Associated with Differential Maintenance Response to Lithium
versus Anticonvulsants




Family history of bipolar


Negative family history for

bipolar disorder

Course variables:
Intermediate age at onset

Negative family
history for bipolar
Course variables:

Earlier age at onset

course sequence
Fewer previous hospitalizations
and/or episodes

course sequence
More previous hospitalizations
and/or episodes

Full remissions between


Chronic course with comorbid

substance abuse and anxiety

Multiple previous
episodes (valproate)
rapid-cycling bipolar-II
Chronic course with
comorbid substance
abuse and anxiety


Rapid cycling

May not apply in the absence of antidepressant use; see text for details.

the application of clinical predictors should be based on

many variables (Table 208). Some of the clinical characteristics previously identified in individual studies that did not
hold up in this meta-analysis are rapid cycling,58 duration of
illness, nature of the index episode, type of mania (euphoricgrandiose versus mixed), and bipolar-I versus bipolar-II.59
The authors noted that in general, past history was better
than the current clinical picture at predicting prophylactic
lithium response.

Lithiums Prophylactic Efficacy in Bipolar-II

Table 209 outlines the limited literature on the efficacy of
maintenance treatments for bipolar-II disorder. With regard
to lithium, we know of only one adequately powered study
that directly compared its prophylactic efficacy for bipolar-I
and bipolar-II disorder. This open prospective study of
bipolar patients on lithium maintenance for an average of
6.35 years, which included 129 patients with bipolar-II disorder, found that the latter patients had interepisode intervals
nearly six-fold longer than those of the bipolar-I patients
and were twice as likely to have no new mood episodes after
lithium was initiated (Tondo et al., 1998). With regard to the
relative efficacy of lithium against hypomania and depression in bipolar-II patients, one small study (Dunner et al.,

1976) found that the effect of lithium versus placebo was

significant for depression but not for hypomania, a result
reminiscent of some, but not all, of the mirror-image studies
described previously.

Lithiums Prophylactic Efficacy in Recurrent

Unipolar Depression
Many contemporary observers, particularly in the United
States, will be surprised to learn that there are substantially
more data on lithiums prophylactic efficacy in recurrent
unipolar depression (primarily cases with recurrence frequencies in the bipolar range) than in bipolar-II disorder.
Indeed, there are more data on lithium as maintenance
treatment for recurrent unipolar depression than there are
for all of the anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics
combined as maintenance treatments for bipolar-I disorder (Davis et al., 1999).
In their extensive and careful meta-analysis, Davis and
colleagues (1999) summarized nine randomized, blinded,
placebo-controlled trials involving a total of 229 patients
with recurrent unipolar depression. They found that relapse rates (primarily rehospitalization) averaged 75 percent for placebo versus 36 percent for lithiumvirtually
the same difference noted for similar studies of bipolar dis-

Maintenance Medical Treatment


Table 209. Results of Studies of Maintenance Treatment with Lithium for Bipolar-II Disorder



Drugs Studied


Dunner et al., 1976


33 mo

Lithium vs. placebo

Effect of lithium greater than that of

placebo for depression; not significant
for hypomania (limited statistical

Fieve et al., 1976


48 mo

Lithium vs. placebo

Effect of lithium greater than that of

placebo for prevention of depression.

Kane et al., 1982


24 mo

Lithium, imipramine,
lithium + imipramine

Effect of lithium nonsignificant for

bipolar-II (limited statistical power).

Tondo et al., 1998


75 mo
(6.3 yr)

Lithium vs. placebo

Effect of lithium greater for bipolar-II

than for bipolar-I.

30 mo

Lithium vs. carbamazepine

No difference (limited statistical power).

Greil and Kleindienst,



Note: Studies with an observation period of 6 mo or less are not considered maintenance and are not included here.
Source: Adapted from Suppes and Dennehy (2002).

order. Moreover, the lithium effect in these most rigorous

designs was the same as that observed in the many placebocontrolled trials that involved lithium withdrawal, as well as
in the numerous matched casecontrol and mirror-image
trials, a point made by Baldessarini and colleagues (1996)
with reference to trials in bipolar disorder.

Although valproate is clearly an effective antimanic agent,
its role in maintenance therapy is less clear than that of
lithium. As early as the 1970s, Lambert and colleagues (1971)
reported preliminary evidence of a long-term benefit of the
drug in treating bipolar disorder. In the United States, much
of the initial interest in what was then, for psychiatry, a new
agent was focused on its potential usefulness in patients who
were not doing well on lithium, principally rapid cyclers.
Calabrese and colleagues (1993) reviewed six open trials that
assessed the efficacy of valproate in the maintenance treatment of 124 rapid-cycling bipolar patients; the two largest of
these studies, comprising 101 patients, found that both valproate and lithium had marked antimanic but poor antidepressant effect.60 Denicoff and colleagues (1997a), studying
18 rapid-cycling patients, found that only 6 of 18 responded
to valproate, and all but one of the responders were also taking lithium (the question of the efficacy of valproate in combination with lithium is discussed later in the section on
combined treatments). Indeed, in their review, Calabrese
and colleagues (2001) concluded that rapid cyclers have
a relatively poor response to all treatments for bipolar disorder, especially monotherapies. In the most careful and

comprehensive comparison of divalproex versus lithium for

rapid-cycling bipolar disorder ever conducted, Calabrese
and colleagues (2005) followed 60 rapid cyclers who had
been stabilized for up to 6 months on a combination of
lithium plus divalproex and were then randomized to have
lithium or divalproex gradually tapered off with placebo
substitution. During the monotherapy phase, which lasted
20 months, no significant differences were seen in relapse
rates between divalproex- and lithium-treated subjects (50
versus 56 percent),61 although there was a nonsignificant
trend for the divalproex group to have a longer time to intervention. Studies of valproate and rapid-cycling disorder are
included in Table 207.
With regard to maintenance valproate in non-rapidcycling bipolar patients, a naturalistic study with a mean
duration of follow-up of nearly 2 years (90 weeks) found
that in a setting of minimal antidepressant use, divalproex
was equivalent to lithium overall; lithium nonresponders
did well on divalproex (50 percent by the Clinical Global
Impressions-Bipolar [CGI-BP] scale) and vice versa (44
percent) (Ghaemi and Goodwin, 2001). Prevention of depressive relapses was noted with both agents, but divalproex
was superior to lithium in reducing scores on the Hamilton
Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) (p <.003).62
By far the most extensive and well-controlled evaluation
of the maintenance efficacy of valproate is the paralleldesign, randomized comparison of divalproex, lithium, and
placebo for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder
undertaken by Bowden and colleagues (2000a); indeed, it
represents one of the largest studies of the prophylaxis of



bipolar disorder to date.63 The primary or planned analysis

was a comparison of survival curves (i.e., time to first relapse) in the divalproex-, lithium-, and placebo-treated patients. This analysis found no significant difference among
the three treatment groups. In secondary analysis, however,
divalproex emerged as superior to placebo in having a lower
rate of discontinuation for a recurrent mood episode, a finding consistent with that of a subsequent reanalysis of the
data by a Cochrane Review group. The Cochrane reviewers
concluded, however, that the results were difficult to generalize because the inclusion of a placebo-treated group led
to the inclusion of a less severely ill group of patients than is
generally found in clinical practice (Macritchie et al., 2002,
p. 140). Here the reviewers were referring to the previously
mentioned ethical constraints on a placebo-controlled study
in which the end point is relapse.
In another secondary analysis, Bowden and colleagues
(2000a) suggested less worsening of depressive symptoms
during divalproex compared with lithium therapy, yet the
high dropout rate in the lithium group (perhaps related to
the high blood levels maintained) renders these comparisons problematic. It should also be recalled (as we review in
Chapter 17) that secondary analyses are hypothesis generating, not hypothesis testing. Bowden and colleagues (2000a)
suggested further that, compared with lithium, subjects
treated with divalproex had symptom-free intervals of
longer duration. A subsequent secondary analysis of this
same database (Gyulai et al., 2003) found that among the
patients given a rescue SSRI for breakthrough depressive
symptoms, a lower percentage of those taking divalproex
compared with placebo discontinued early because of depression. These authors also noted that those who had been
given divalproex in the open period relapsed into depression later on divalproex than on lithium. But an advantage
for divalproex in the maintenance phase might be expected
among patients who were selected by their clinicians as being likely to respond to divalproex in the acute open phase.
In a subsequent analysis of this maintenance treatment
database, Bowden and colleagues (2005) examined the relationship between the symptom pattern during the acute
manic phase and the subsequent response to maintenance
treatment with either divalproex or lithium. They found that
those patients whose manic episode had been dysphoric
were more sensitive to the side effects of both lithium and
divalproex during the maintenance trial. Regarding maintenance efficacy in the dysphoric group, the two drugs were
equivalent. Among those patients who had been euphoric
during their mania, more depressive symptoms (primarily
motoric slowing) and more premature discontinuations
were associated with lithium than with divalproex, although,
as noted earlier, this finding might be explained by the high
doses of lithium employed in this study.

With regard to valproate as maintenance treatment for

bipolar-II disorder, we know of no controlled studies of
pure bipolar-II patients that has directly addressed this
question. However, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled
study of 30 patients with bipolar-II disorder who also met
DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder, the
divalproex group showed a significant reduction in dysphoric effects, such as irritability and anger (Frankenburg
and Zanarini, 2002), but the drug did not separate from
placebo in the prevention of depressive relapses.

Carbamazepine, initially used to treat a wide range of seizure
disorders and various paroxysmal pain syndromes, was tried
in manic-depressive (primarily bipolar) patients because it
had stabilized the moods of some patients with convulsive
disorders and because it counteracted kindling in laboratory animals. Much of the early work on carbamazepine in
treating bipolar disorder was done in Japan during a time
when lithium was unavailable for treatment of the disorder
in that country because of regulatory issues, making identification of alternative treatments an urgent need. Okuma
and colleagues (1973) found a prophylactic effect in 14 of
their 27 bipolar patients in an open study, which they followed up with a 1-year placebo-controlled prophylactic
trial in 22 bipolar patients (Okuma et al., 1981). Six of the 10
carbamazepine-treated patients, compared with 2 of the 9
taking placebo, had no affective recurrences during the
trial, a result that tends to indicate a prophylactic effect. In
what was actually the first double-blind trial, Ballenger and
Post (1980) noted a prophylactic effect in 13 bipolar patients (many of whom had rapid-cycling illness or had
failed to respond to lithium) maintained on carbamazepine
for up to 4 months.64 Kishimoto and colleagues (1983) suggested that responders to carbamazepine prophylaxis are
likely to be those with onset of illness before age 20 and
with frequent illness episodes, a conclusion similar to the
analysis of the divalproex data by Swann and colleagues
(1999). Additional studies that appeared through the 1980s
suggested that carbamazepine is useful for the prophylactic management of bipolar patients who respond poorly
to lithium (Placidi et al., 1986; Watkins et al., 1987). In the
ensuing decades, five published controlled studies compared carbamazepine with lithium for the treatment of
acute mania or depression.65 Although these cannot be
viewed as straightforward studies of prophylaxis of recurrences, they support some prophylactic benefit for carbamazepine.
There have been several prospective, parallel, randomized, double-blind trials comparing carbamazepine with
lithium as a prophylactic agent in treating bipolar disorder. Coxhead and colleagues (1992) carried out such a

Maintenance Medical Treatment

study of 31 stable bipolar patients, 16 of whom were

switched from lithium to carbamazepine, and found no
difference in relapses, which had occurred in 50 percent of
both groups by the end of the 12-month study. All relapses
in the carbamazepine group had occurred within 2
months of switching, while only 3 of the 8 relapsing
lithium-treated patients had relapsed at 2 months. The remaining 5 had relapsed between 2 and 6 months after the
start of the trial. This study was too small for formal statistical analysis. Denicoff and colleagues (1997b) entered
52 bipolar patients into a randomized crossover 3-year
trial comparing the efficacy of lithium, carbamazepine,
and the combination (for 1 year each) in preventing recurrences.66 The combination was significantly superior to
either drug alone in preventing recurrent manic episodes
and was also more effective in previously rapid-cycling
Greil and colleagues (1997) conducted a larger comparative trial of carbamazepine versus lithium over 2.5 years in
144 bipolar patients (Fig. 204).69 Survival curves for rates
of full relapse and rehospitalization showed trends favoring lithium, but the differences were not statistically significant. When relapse was defined by the need for other psychotropic medications and/or symptoms of depression or
mania, however, the advantage for lithium achieved statistical significance (p = .03). When the curve was calculated
using treatments and/or need for additional medication
and/or dropouts due to side effects, lithiums advantage was
even greater (35 percent [26/74] versus 51 percent [36/70];
p = .007). A placebo control group was not used for ethical
reasons, given earlier studies showing lithiums advantage
over placebo in bipolar disorder.
Figure 204. Survival curve for maintenance patients taking carbamazepine (n = 70) or lithium (n = 74), based on intention-to-treat
analysis. Lithium showed a clear superiority (p = .007) when dropouts
for hospitalization, symptom recurrence, need for additional medication, or intolerable side effects were considered. (Source: Greil et al.,
1997. Reprinted with permission.)

Subsequent analyses by these authors found that

lithiums prophylactic benefit was particularly strong for
classical bipolar cases (bipolar-I patients with no
mood-incongruent delusions) (lithium>carbamazepine,
p <.01), while carbamazepine was slightly (but not significantly) more efficacious than lithium for nonclassical
bipolar disorder, a category including patients with mixed
states. The authors also concluded that for the group as a
whole, lithiums prophylactic effect was superior to that of
carbamazepine when assessed by global measures of outcome (likelihood of remaining in treatment, rehospitalization, and residual symptomatology not requiring hospitalization) (Kleindienst and Greil, 2002).
With regard to carbamazepine in bipolar-II disorder, a 2year randomized open trial of 57 patients with bipolar-II
or bipolar-not otherwise specified (NOS) disorder was
conducted, in which no significant differences were found
between carbamazepine and lithium in preventing recurrence of symptoms (Greil and Kleindienst, 1999). However,
the study was underpowered for establishing the absence
of a difference.
To date there have been no controlled prophylaxis trials of oxcarbazepine. In one small study (Ghaemi et al.,
2002)a retrospective analysis of 13 subjects treated with
the drug (either adjunctively or as monotherapy) for
bipolar disorder2 patients (16 percent) showed moderate improvement and 6 (46 percent) mild improvement
during a period of 124 weeks. Unfortunately, 7 (54 percent) of the 13 patients stopped the medication because of
side effects. Munoz (2002) reported on 28 patients with
acute symptoms who were able to reduce the mean number of other medications taken over 12 weeks. Nasr and
Caspar (2002) found that 28 patients with bipolar disorder who took oxcarbazepine for 9 months had significant
improvement in severity of illness; bipolar-II patients appeared to benefit the most. Clearly, further study of oxcarbazepine for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder
is needed.


Cumulative Survival




p = .0336




Survival Time (months)


Lamotrigine has now been studied in a number of open and

controlled trials as a maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder. Open add-on trials lasting several weeks to several
months showed similar encouraging results in bipolar-I
and -II subjects (Sporn and Sachs, 1997; Calabrese et al.,
1999a; Suppes et al., 1999a).70
Two large randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind
studies of lamotrigine for maintenance treatment of bipolarI disorder have been completed, both comparing it with
lithium and placebo. The first involved 175 patients who
had recently been manic/hypomanic (Bowden et al., 2003a),
while the second involved 349 patients who had recently



Table 2010. Drugs Demonstrating Maintenance Prophylactic Efficacy versus Placebo

in Randomized, Double-Blind Trials

No. of Studies

Sample Size







Superiority to placebo was due primarily to

prevention of depressive episodes, while
for the comparator, lithium, it was due
primarily to the drugs effect against

Lamotrigine (in rapid cycling)


In secondary analysis, lamotrigine was

found to be superior to placebo among
the bipolar-II subgroup.



The primary outcome variable did not

separate divalproex from placebo, but
divalproex did separate in some
secondary analyses.



Possible benefit was found in the

bipolar-II subgroup in retrospective
post hoc analysis of a unipolar cohort.



Compared with placebo, olanzapine

delayed relapse in bipolar-I patients
who responded to open-label acute
treatment with olanzapine for a manic
or mixed episode. This was a 1-year
trial, but 75% of placebo relapses
occurred in the first 2 mo.



Time to relapse of manic symptoms was

significantly longer, and there were
fewer total manic relapses with
aripiprazole treatment than with
placebo. This was a 6-mo trial.





About half of the studies involved abrupt
lithium withdrawal before
randomization, but lithiumplacebo
differences were similar in studies with
and without abrupt withdrawal.
The carbamazepineplacebo difference
was modest.

Source: Adapted from Ghaemi and Hsu, 2005.

been depressed (Bowden et al., 2003b) (Fig. 205). Patients

entered these studies in an open phase of up to 16 weeks
during which lamotrigine was slowly titrated up while
other psychotropics were gradually withdrawn. Patients
who met criteria for stabilization on lamotrigine plus

the medication that was gradually withdrawn (they were

taking lamotrigine alone for at least 1 week) were then randomized to receive either lamotrigine, lithium (to achieve
serum levels of .81.1 mEq/l), or placebo. The partially enriched sample that was randomized represented about half

Maintenance Medical Treatment


Table 2011. Drugs Demonstrating Prophylactic Efficacy in Randomized, NonPlacebo-Controlled

Comparison Trials or Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trials

No. of Studies

Sample Size



More effective than imipramine

(against both manic and
depressive episodes).



Equivalent to olanzapine.



Slightly less effective than

lithium in study of mostly
typical patients; slightly
more effective than lithium in
study of atypical patients.



Equivalent to lithium, but study




Equivalent to placebo when

added to lithium, but study



Equivalent to lithium or
valproate; more effective than
placebo when added to
lithium or valproate among
nonresponders or partial



Clozapine plus treatment

as usual (TAU) more effective
in prevention of mania than
TAU among nonresponders to
two mood stabilizers.



Equivalent to placebo when

added to lithium; significantly
more manic episodes over
3 yr in one study with careful
monitoring of lithium levels.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Somewhat more effective than

placebo when added to
standard mood stabilizers in a
rapid-cycling sample.





Source: Adapted from Ghaemi and Hsu, 2005.

of the approximately 1,300 patients who initially met the

studys screening criteria. Time until the need for intervention for breakthrough symptoms was the primary end
point in both studies. In the study of recently manic/hypomanic patients, both lamotrigine and lithium were found
to be superior to placebo in delaying the need for interven-

tion for any mood episode (about 50 percent of patients in

both treatment groups needed some additional treatment,
compared with more than 80 percent of the placebo
group). When the measure of any early discontinuation
from the study was used as an end point, both active drugs
were still statistically superior to placebo, but the difference



A Any Mood Episode

Placebo (n = 69)
Lamotrigine (n = 58)
Lithium (n = 44)


Survival Estimate


p = .02 Lamotrigine vs Placebo

p = .003 Lithium vs Placebo
p = .46 Lamotrigine vs Lithium

Figure 205. Comparison of lithium or lamotrigine with placebo for the prevention of mood
episodes. Shown are Kaplan-Meier survival curves for time to intervention for any mood episode
(e.g., need for additional medication) in 171 patients with bipolar disorder. (Source: Bowden et al.,
2003b, p. 392. Reprinted with permission.)

was less impressive. With respect to time to intervention for

any episode and survival in the study, essentially the same
results were obtained with the recently depressed patients.
In both studies considered independently, lamotrigine (but
not lithium) was superior to placebo in delaying or decreasing the likelihood of interventions for depressive symptoms, while lithium (but not lamotrigine) was superior in
delaying or decreasing the likelihood of interventions for
manic/hypomanic symptoms.
However, a combined analysis of both datasets (employing appropriate statistical adjustments) showed that
lamotrigine was significantly superior to placebo not only
for depressive episodes, but also for manic episodes, although lithium was significantly better than lamotrigine
for prevention of mania. As noted earlier in our discussion of lithium, there was only a trend for lithium to be
superior to placebo in delaying time to relapse for depression, but it should be recalled that this sample was partially enriched with lamotrigine responders, who may
represent a somewhat different clinical profile from that
of lithium responders (see the later discussion). The fact
that lithium works best from above while lamotrigine
works best from below implies that in the maintenance
treatment of bipolar-I disorder, the two drugs should be
combined. However, given that lamotrigine apparently
has a modest prophylactic effect against mania, it should
be possible when using the drug for prevention of depression in a bipolar-I patient to use lower doses of an adjunctive stabilizer, such as lithium or valproate, from above,
thereby reducing the overall side-effect load and preserving one of lamotrigines major advantagesits impressive

tolerability (especially lack of weight gain and neurocognitive side effects).

The data from these two studies have been interpreted
as supporting the conclusion that the polarity of the acute
episode predicts the polarity of relapse in the maintenance
phase. However, a subsequent analysis by Calabrese and
colleagues (2006) found that when the early relapses
(those occurring in the first 3 to 6 months) are not considered, both lamotrigine and lithium continue to separate
robustly from placebo, suggesting that they are preventing
new episodes (recurrences) rather than just relapses. In addition, a separate analysis of the 6 to 18 month data among
those randomized to placebo (Goodwin and Calabrese,
in preparation) showed that these late relapses (recurrences)
were much more likely to be into the opposite phase; that
is, following an index mania, 85 percent of the late relapses
were into depression and vice versa for index depressive
episodes.71 This new analysis brings these clinical trial data
into line with results of studies of the natural course of
the illness described in Chapter 4 (manic episodes tend to
follow depressive ones and vice versa). What is perhaps
most important about this new analysis is that it effectively
undermines the all too common recommendation (which
unfortunately has found its way into some treatment guidelines) that whatever works for the acute episode should simply be continued as the foundation for long-term maintenance treatment.
Lamotrigines ability to stabilize mood over time has been
reported in rapid-cycling patients as well.72 In the first
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of any agent for rapidcycling bipolar-I and -II disorder, a prospective 26-week

Maintenance Medical Treatment

study of lamotrigine, the drug showed a small but not significant advantage over placebo in time to additional intervention for symptoms in the entire sample, but in a post
hoc analysis of the bipolar-II group, it was found to be superior to placebo (Calabrese et al., 2000)73 (see the discussion of bipolar-II that follows). This stands as the first
placebo-controlled maintenance study with rapid-cycling
bipolar patients. In a 1-year open trial of lamotrigine versus
lithium in 14 rapid-cycling bipolar patients, those taking
lamotrigine were much more likely to have fewer than four
affective episodes during the year of the study (Walden
et al., 2000). The authors acknowledged that, as in the earlier lithiumdivalproex comparisons, their protocol favored inclusion of prior lithium-nonresponsive patients,
which obviously could bias any comparisons with lithium.
Passmore and colleagues (2003) compared several clinical
and family history characteristics of 21 patients with bipolar disorder14 classified as responders to lamotrigine and
7 as responders to lithium. They found that the lamotrigine
responders tended to have more chronic symptoms, rapid
cycling, and comorbid panic disorder and substance abuse
and to have larger numbers of family members with
schizoaffective disorder, major depression, and panic disorder. They suggested that lamotrigine may be especially
helpful for patients with these clinical characteristics. An
overall impression of lamotrigines effectiveness in a clinical setting can be gleaned from recently reported STEP-BD
data from Stanford University in the United States (Champion et al., 2006). Among 201 trials with a mean duration of
432 days, lamotrigine was continued throughout in 64 percent of the trials (32 percent as monotherapy, 42 percent
with an additional drug).74 Six percent of patients discontinued lamotrigine because of lack of efficacy. There were
no serious rashes, but 3 percent discontinued the drug because of a benign rash.

Other Anticonvulsants
Emerging but not definitive maintenance data exist for
several other anticonvulsants. Some of these agents were
studied in the past with ambiguous results as to their efficacy; several others are being actively studied as of this

Although some evidence supports an anxiolytic and sedative effect of gabapentin, no evidence from controlled trials supports its benefit as monotherapy in maintenance
treatment of bipolar disorder. Trials of gabapentin versus
lamotrigine and placebo at NIMH provided no evidence
that gabapentins benefit exceeded that of placebo (Frye
et al., 2000). This result, coupled with the drugs failure as
an antimanic agent (Pande et al., 2000), has discouraged


pursuit of its use in prophylaxis for bipolar disorder. A few

open reports and one recent controlled study do suggest
acute antimanic and antidepressive effects of adjunctive
gabapentin. For example, in a study of 23 patients with
bipolar disorder (Altshuler et al., 1999), 19 patients were
taking two or more medications in addition to gabapentin.
Thus although most did recover during the study period, it
is impossible to assess critically the role, if any, played by
gabapentin. Knoll and colleagues (1998) reported similar
results for 12 treatment-resistant patients taking multiple
medications and followed for up to 60 weeks. In the only
controlled maintenance trial of gabapentin in bipolar disorder, Vieta and colleagues (2006) randomly assigned 25
euthymic bipolar-I and -II patients already taking lithium,
carbamazepine, or valproate (or any combination of these,
but excluding antidepressants and antipsychotics) to receive either adjunctive gabapentin or placebo under doubleblind conditions. This trial is notable for its use of a true
prophylactic design rather than one based simply on relapse prevention following acute response (see Chapter 17).
Compared with those taking placebo, the gabapentin group
showed significantly more change on the CGI-BP, Modified
long-term outcome scale (p <.005); that is, the blinded clinician raters perceived more overall improvement among
those taking adjunctive gabapentin.

To date there have been no controlled studies of tiagabine in
bipolar disorder (Young et al., 2006). As noted in Chapter 18,
the drug did not have obvious antimanic benefit in an early
study of eight acutely manic inpatients for whom other
treatments had failed (Grunze et al., 1999). However, Schaffer and Schaffer (1999) reported on two patients with recurrent manic, mixed, and to some extent depressive relapses
who appeared to improve over 3 and 5 months, respectively,
when tiagabine was added to their medication regimen. A
later study conducted by the same authors (Schaffer et al.,
2002) assessed tiagabine as an adjunctive treatment for patients with refractory bipolar disorder and found that 8 of 22
patients (36 percent) were much or very much improved
on the CGI scale after 6 months of taking tiagabine.75

Topiramate has been used to treat acute phases of bipolar
disorder, and the results reported have been equivocal at
best (see Chapters 18 and 19). Results of several open reports on slightly longer-term use of the drug are also inconclusive. Nevertheless, topiramate is a fairly common
component of the pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder,
given its ability to reduce appetite and weight. Yet for
many patients it can be a challenge to find a dose that
produces positive effects without causing unacceptable



neurocognitive side effects.76 Marcotte (1998) reviewed the

charts of 44 patients treated for bipolar-I manic or mixed
states or bipolar-II disorder with an average of 200 mg/day
of topiramate in addition to existing therapy for an average of 16 weeks. Of these patients, 23 (52 percent) were
rated as showing moderate to marked improvement, and
5 (11 percent) were rated as worse; 1 patient became delirious.
McIntyre and colleagues (2002) reported on 109 outpatients with bipolar-I and -II disorder with chronic mood
instability in whom topiramate was added to lithium, valproate, or both for 16 weeks. Although more than onethird (39) of the patients dropped out of the study because
of adverse events or insufficient response, about two-thirds
of those remaining showed reductions of 50 percent or more
in their Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) or MontgomeryAsberg depression scores at the end of the 16 weeks. Vieta
and colleagues (2002) conducted a 6-month open-label addon trial of topiramate in 34 subjects with treatment-resistant
bipolar spectrum disorders (schizoaffective disorder-bipolar
type, bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and bipolar-NOS). More than
half of the patients (who had refractory manic, depressive,
or mixed symptoms) could be classified as responders based
on reductions in YMRS, HAM-D, and CGI scores (Vieta
et al., 2002). The same group reported comparable results in
a similarly designed 12-week study involving 16 subjects with
bipolar-II disorder (Vieta et al., 2003).
In sum, topiramates efficacy for the maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder is far from clear. Indeed, as reviewed
in Chapter 18, it has not yet been possible to demonstrate the
drugs antimanic effects acutely. Clearly, then, more data will
be required before this agent can be recommended with any
confidence, even for adjunctive use.

Mishory and colleagues (2003) studied 23 subjects with
bipolar-I or schizoaffective disorder taking a variety of
other medications in a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
crossover study of add-on phenytoin, with a 6-month observation period for each phase. During a total of 30 observation periods in these subjects, 3 relapsed while taking
phenytoin and 9 while taking placebo. These results suggest that phenytoin may be helpful in prophylaxis, but
more controlled studies clearly are needed.

Until fairly recently, there had been few studies of antipsychotic medications for the long-term treatment of bipolar disorder except in combination with other agents. In the
mid-1990s, however, the development of the atypical antipsychotics led to a resurgence of interest in antipsychotics
for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. Actually, the

first evaluation of an antipsychotic as maintenance treatment for manic-depressive illness predated the atypical
drugs by nearly 20 years. In an early open study whose coauthors included Schou and Baastrup, the typical antipsychotic
flupenthixol was given to 93 patients with manic-depressive
illness (bipolar disorder or recurrent unipolar depression)
who had experienced a poor response to or were unable to
tolerate lithium (Ahlfors et al., 1981). The patients experienced a significant decrease in manic episodes but an excessive number of depressive episodes compared with when
they were taking lithium alone. Overall, the antipsychotic
was considered a suitable substitute for lithium therapy only
for those patients who failed to respond to lithium or who
would not or could not take it. A second study, with a randomized, double-blind, crossover design, failed to show any
benefit of flupenthixol (Esparon et al., 1986).
During the mid-1990s, the first atypical antipsychotic,
clozapine, was the subject of case reports and open series reporting that it was helpful as an adjunctive treatment in patients with bipolar disorder (Banov et al., 1994; Zarate et al.,
1995). Ciapparelli and colleagues (2000) retrospectively reviewed the naturalistic use of clozapine in 91 patients with
treatment-refractory symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder with psychotic features, or schizoaffective disorder
and found that those with mood disorders showed significantly greater improvement than those with schizophrenia.
In a randomized study of adjunctive clozapine versus treatment as usual in 38 patients over a period of 1 year, the
clozapine-treated group showed significant improvement on
scales for global functioning, psychotic symptoms, and mania, but not on those for depression (Suppes et al., 1999b).77
There have been preliminary but promising reports as
well on the efficacy of risperidone for maintenance treatment of bipolar disorder. Ghaemi and Sachs (1997) prospectively assessed the outcome of openly adding risperidone to
the medication regimen of 12 outpatients with bipolar-I disorder who suffered breakthrough episodes despite adequate
maintenance medication (lithium, divalproex, or carbamazepine, or a combination of these).78 Four patients discontinued medicationtwo because of lack of efficacy and
two because of side effects. Among the remaining eight patients, four experienced an improvement of 10 to 25 points
in Global Assessment of Functioning scores and were rated
much better on the CGI-Improvement scale. Although one
patient suffered a major depressive recurrence (at week 22),
none experienced worsening of mania. A more recent continuation study of adjunctive risperidone, while somewhat
larger, was limited by the brevity of the follow-up period
just 10 weeks. Among 48 bipolar patients who completed
the 10 weeks of treatment after an acute manic episode,
those who received a mood stabilizer plus risperidone
showed significantly more improvement in mania and

Maintenance Medical Treatment

depression ratings than those who were taking a mood stabilizer plus placebo (Bowden et al., 2004). The recent availability of a long-acting (about 2 weeks) form of injectable
risperidone (Respiridol Consta in the United States) expands the options for dealing with adherence problems.
The atypical antipsychotic that has been studied most extensively as a maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder is
olanzapine. Several open studies of the adjunctive use of this
atypical agent have showed encouraging efficacy in reducing
breakthrough symptoms and preventing relapses in patients
whose illness was difficult to control (Narendran et al., 2001;
Vieta et al., 2001b). These findings led to interest in the use of
this agent as monotherapy for the maintenance treatment of
bipolar disorder, first investigated in the continuation phase
of a placebo-controlled study of the drug for treatment of
acute mania (Sanger et al., 2001). In this study, 113 patients
who had responded acutely in the open-label extension and
remained well on olanzapine during the 3-week placebocontrolled phase continued into a 49-week open-label phase.
The investigators had the option of adding lithium or fluoxetine for residual or breakthrough symptoms and did so for
nearly two-thirds of the patients. Like many longer-term
studies of patients with bipolar disorder, this study had a
high dropout rate (over 60 percent). Nevertheless, the 41 percent of patients who received olanzapine monotherapy recovered and remained well over a period of 1 year. Somnolence and weight gain and complaints of depression were
the most frequently reported side effects.
Tohen and colleagues reported on three separate doubleblind studies of olanzapine for relapse prevention after
successful treatment of a manic or mixed episode with
olanzapineone comparing olanzapine with lithium in
431 patients (Tohen et al., 2002), one comparing it with divalproex in 248 patients (Tohen et al., 2003), and one comparing it with placebo in 361 patients (Tohen et al., 2006).
In the olanzapine versus lithium study, patients were entered into the maintenance phase if they both tolerated
and had a complete antimanic response to the open-label
combination of olanzapine plus lithium (representing 33
percent of the initial population); they were then randomized to have one of the drugs discontinued abruptly and
followed for up to 52 weeks. The group that remained on
olanzapine had a significantly lower rate of relapse back
into mania (28.0 versus 14.3 percent) than the group that
remained on lithium, while relapses into depression were
nearly identical in the two groups. This international collaborative study, which included many sites with considerable experience in the use of lithium, represents the first
large-scale demonstration of any drugs surpassing lithium
in the prevention of relapse back into mania. In a subsequent post hoc analysis, Ketter and colleagues (2006) examined treatment response in relation to the number of


previous manic episodes. For those with two prior episodes

(early-stage illness), olanzapine was significantly better
than lithium in preventing relapse into mania, while for
those with either three to five (intermediate-stage illness) or
more than five (later-stage illness) prior episodes, there was
no significant difference between the two treatments, although the intermediate-stage group showed a trend favoring olanzapine. The authors concluded that olanzapine
maintenance after acute recovery from a manic episode
may be particularly effective early in the course of the illness.
The 47-week randomized study of olanzapine versus divalproex started with the acute double-blind treatment of
manic or mixed patients, the results of which are reviewed
in Chapter 18.79 Responders then entered a 44-week doubleblind extension, in which they remained on the drug to
which they had responded acutely (flexibly dosed olanzapine or divalproex80). The mean improvement in YMRS
scores was significantly greater for the olanzapine group,
and the median time to symptomatic remission of mania
was shorter for olanzapine. On the other hand, the overall
rate of bipolar relapse, including relapse into depression,
did not differ, and adverse effects (including somnolence,
dry mouth, weight gain, and akathisia) were significantly
more frequent among the olanzapine-treated patients. The
high dropout rates for both olanzapine- and divalproextreated patients (84 percent overall) limit the interpretation of these results, especially for a study with no placebo
group.81 A subsequent post hoc analysis of these 47-week
data (Suppes et al., 2005) examined differential treatment
response as a function of the presence or absence of rapid
cycling; the advantage of olanzapine in mean improvement
in mania ratings was seen only in the non-rapid-cycling
The study of olanzapine versus placebo (Tohen et al.,
2006) started with bipolar patients whose manic/mixed
episode had responded to and tolerated olanzapine (representing 49 percent of the initial group); after being well for
a period of 1 to 4 weeks, the patients were randomized to either continue olanzapine or be assigned to placebo (that is,
they were abruptly withdrawn from olanzapine). Compared with the placebo group, the olanzapine continuation
group was significantly less likely to relapse back into mania (hazard ratio 3.9) or (to a lesser extent) into depression
(hazard ratio 2.1).82 The ability of olanzapine to prevent relapse was independent of psychotic features during mania
or a history of rapid cycling. Perhaps the most important
issue in evaluating this study as evidence of a maintenance effect is the fact that the bulk of the drugplacebo
difference was evident in the first 2 months, suggesting that
a withdrawal effect contributed substantially to the results
(Fig. 206). The authors addressed this possibility by

Probability of Remaining in Remission






100 150 200 250 300

Time to Bipolar Relapse (days)



Figure 206. Time to relapse into mania or depression with olanzapine versus placebo. (Source: Tohen et al., 2003. Reprinted with permission.)

pointing to two post hoc analyses.83 However, those analyses did not address the fundamental issuethat most of the
drugplacebo difference occurred within the first 2 months,
a period of time we believe is too short to allow evaluation
of whether olanzapine prevents the occurrence of new
episodes. Although the FDA has approved olanzapine for
maintenance treatment,84 studies of the drugs long term
prophylactic efficacy are still needed. The reader is referred
to Chapter 17 for a discussion of maintenance designs and
their meaning.
The most recent evaluation of an atypical antipsychotic
for use beyond the acute episode involved aripiprazole. Following stabilization of an acute manic/mixed episode with
open-label aripiprazole for a minimum of 6 weeks, 567

bipolar-I patients (37 percent of those who entered the open

phase)85 were randomized to continue the drug for up to 6
months or to have it withdrawn abruptly and replaced by
placebo (Keck et al., 2006). The majority of relapses were
into maniahardly surprising for patients who had recently
recovered from a manic episode. Time to relapse into manic
symptoms was significantly longer and fewer total manic
relapses occurred with aripiprazole treatment than with
placebo. Relapses into depression were low in both groups
and were virtually identical. The only adverse effects that were
more common (by t test) in the aripiprazole group were anxiety and nervousness, while sedation and somnolence were
actually less frequent with aripiprazole than with placebo
(McQuade et al., 2004). As with the olanzapine studies, however, this study was underpowered to detect differences in
side effects, and under these circumstances, a simple t test
can be quite misleading.86 As with the olanzapine studies,
moreover, both the efficacy and side-effect results can be
generalized only to those who tolerate and respond acutely
to aripiprazole. Relative to the olanzapineplacebo comparison, this studys results are less confounded by withdrawal effects because it employed a longer open-label
stabilization period (minimum of 6 weeks) before randomization and because the aripiprazoleplacebo difference continued to widen throughout the 6 months. Nevertheless, a randomized phase lasting a maximum of only
6 months is too short to permit evaluation of true prophylactic effects; longer studies of aripiprazole are awaited.
Table 2012 summarizes the strength of the evidence from
the controlled monotherapy maintenance studies reviewed above.

Table 2012. Strength of the Evidence for Efficacy of Mood Stabilizers from Placebo-Controlled
Monotherapy Studies


True Prophylaxisa
(prevent recurrence)





















No data


No data




No data

No data


(FDA) (prevent relapses)

Prophylaxis is defined based on data from placebo-controlled studies demonstrating efficacy during the maintenance phase (>6 mo after the
acute phase).
Note: The + signs indicate the strength of the data, not the size of the effect.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

Combination Maintenance Treatments

for Bipolar Disorder
Retrospective and open-label studies of the use of combinations of psychotropic agents for maintenance treatment of
bipolar disorder are too numerous to review individually.
Some of these studies involved as few as 5 to 15 patients, and
many lasted less than 1 year. As with the treatment of acute
depression and mania with combinations of drugs, the literature offers scant empirical information to guide the clinician in the choice of agents for complex regimens. (The reasons for the paucity of controlled studies of combination
treatments are discussed in Chapter 17.) Most studies of
combination treatments start with a group of patients who
are not responding or are inadequately responding to a
monotherapy; this limits the generalizability of the results.
Another problem with this literature is that almost exclusively, full doses of each drug are used, whereas in clinical
practice, additive effects are generally taken into account so
that lower doses of each drug are used. Further, when there is
some suggestion from studies of mechanism of action that
two drugs may act synergistically, combining lower doses of
two drugs with different side-effect profiles can result in a
higher ratio of therapeutic to side effects (Goodwin, 2003).
Finally, because of the higher side-effect burden of combination treatments, dropout rates from such studies are high,
making statistical comparisons somewhat problematic.

Lithium and Anticonvulsants

Freeman and Stoll (1998) provided a comprehensive review
summarizing the large and inconclusive compilation of uncontrolled studies of combinations of lithium and anticonvulsants, noting that the interactions of such combinations
are sometimes complex, often very useful, and potentially
dangerous. They suggested that the combinations are safe,
with that of lithium and valproate probably having the best
overall profile of safety and efficacy given the limitations of
the published data on combination treatments. They suggested further that this combination may be especially useful
for patients with rapid cycles and mixed states.87 It has also
been suggested that the combination of lithium and carbamazepine is particularly effective (Kishimoto, 1992). Bocchetta and colleagues (1997) reported on 22 patients with
bipolar or schizoaffective disorder, followed for up to 13
years, whose cumulative affective morbidity was markedly
reduced when carbamazepine was added to lithium.
With regard to controlled studies of the lithium plus
anticonvulsant combination, in our earlier review of carbamazepine we mentioned the randomized, placebocontrolled study of Denicoff and colleagues (1997b), which
included a crossover design and which found that combination to be superior to either drug alone, particularly


among patients with a history of rapid cycles. In a further

study of 24 patients who had failed to respond to lithium
plus carbamazepine, this same group found that 59 percent
did respond to lithium plus valproate; 3 of the 7 who failed
to respond to lithium plus valproate did respond to the
triple combination of lithium plus valproate plus carbamazepine. Another small randomized study (Solomon et
al., 1997) found fewer relapses among bipolar patients taking the combination of lithium plus valproate compared
with lithium plus placebo, but the former combination was
associated with more side effects.
Recently, considerable experience has been gained with
the combination of lithium and lamotrigine (see, e.g.,
Ghaemi et al., 2006), which, as noted previously, is an especially advantageous combination for maintenance treatment
of bipolar-I patients, combining prevention from below
with that from above. Because lithium has no drugdrug
interactions with lamotrigine, in these circumstances it has
an advantage over valproate (which inhibits the metabolism
of lamotrigine). Also, as noted earlier, lamotrigine has some
modest mania-preventing capacity of its own, so its use
should enable lower doses of the antimanic agent (lithium,
another anticonvulsant, or an atypical antipsychotic) when
treating bipolar-I patients, thus reducing the overall sideeffect burden (Goodwin and Goldstein, 2003).88

Combinations with Antidepressants

Despite the frequency with which antidepressants are prescribed for patients already taking medications for bipolar
disorder, a 2001 review by Ghaemi and colleagues (2001a)
concluded that the use of antidepressants on a long-term
basis in patients with bipolar disorder has been extraordinarily understudied. Indeed, surveys indicate that twice as
many prescriptions are written for antidepressants as for
mood stabilizers for bipolar patients (Garza-Trevino et al.,
1992; Ghaemi et al., 2001b; Baldessarini et al., 2006). Thus
in a naturalistic study of outpatients with affective disorders, Ghaemi and colleagues (2000) found that only 33
percent of the bipolar subset had ever received mood stabilizers alone, while 78 percent had been prescribed antidepressants at some time. Additionally, mania or hypomania was observed after the initiation of antidepressants in
55 percent of the bipolar patients, and 23 percent experienced rapid cycling or cycle acceleration. In the largest
study to date, Baldessarini and colleagues (2006) analyzed
initial prescriptions for 7,760 bipolar patients in the United
States and found that half of them were for an antidepressant, while only 24.6 percent were for a mood stabilizer.
Seven long-term studies have involved combinations of
lithium and antidepressants.89 These studies (summarized
in Table 2013) were of varying design and allow few conclusions about the efficacy or safety of these combinations.

Table 2013. Blind, Controlled Trials of Long-Term Antidepressant Treatment in Bipolar Disorder a

Diagnoses (Sample Size)


Duration (mo)

Outcome Assessed


Prien et al.,
Wehr and
Quitkin et al.,
Kane et al.,

BP-I (44)

Lithium vs. imipramine

vs. placebo
Lithium carbonate vs.
lithium carbonate +
Lithium vs. lithium +
Lithium vs. imipramine
vs. lithium +
imipramine vs.
Lithium vs. lithium +
imipramine vs.
Bupropion vs.
Fluoxetine vs. placebo

Up to 24

Efficacy: lithium >imipramine = placebo

27 (mean)

Hospitalized or
new treatment
Nurse ratings

19 (mean)

RDC episodes

11 (mean)

RDC episodes

Up to 24

RDC episodes

Efficacy: lithium = lithium + imipramine;

imipramine more manic switches

Up to 12

DSM-III-R episodes

Up to 14

DSM-III-R episodes

Efficacy: lithium + bupropion = lithium +

desipramine; mania: desipramine >bupropion
Efficacy: fluoxetine similar in BP-II and UP; switch
rate: BP >UP

9 (3-mo baseline,
3-mo SSRI or
placebo, 3-mo
placebo or SSRI)

Various self-ratings
daily, monthly
HAM-D and

BP-I (5)

BP-I (75)
BP-II (27), UP (22)

Prien et al.,

BP-I (117), UP (150)

Sachs et al.,
et al., 1998

BP-I (15) (19 treatment

BP-II (80), matched
UP (79), unmatched
UP controls (661)
BP-II (10) (4-day duration for hypomania
not required; no
previous treatment
with antidepressant
or mood stabilizer)

Parker et al.,

Escitalopram vs.
placebo, followed by

Efficacy: lithium + desipramine >lithium (?);

switch and cycling rate: lithium +
desipramine >>lithium
Efficacy: lithium = imipramine; mania:
imipramine >lithium (women)
Efficacy: lithium >placebo; imipramine = placebo

Compared with placebo, a significant reduction in

depression severity and days spent depressed or
high; no worsening of course

See the companion Web site for an updated version of this table.
Note: Efficacy results related to BP depressive symptoms unless otherwise stated.
BP = bipolar disorder; DSM-III-R = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd edition, revised; HAM-D = Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; RDC = Research Diagnostic Criteria; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; UP = unipolar depression; YRMS = Young Mania Rating Scale.
Source: Adapted from Ghaemi et al., 2001a.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

None of these studies showed an advantage of imipramine

over lithium for preventing depression, but their results do
point to the risk of hypomanic and manic switches in bipolar patients taking imipramine. The table also includes three
studies involving second-generation antidepressants. (See
Chapter 19 for a more extensive discussion of both the
acute and long-term efficacy of antidepressants in bipolar
disorder and the relationship between antidepressants and
switching and/or illness destabilization.)

Combinations with Antipsychotic Medications

Many patients discharged from the hospital after having
been treated for mania are taking antipsychotic medications and continue to do so for weeks or months thereafter. Clinical variables associated with being treated with
antipsychotics for at least 6 months after discharge from
the hospital include being male, having multiple manic
episodes with severe symptoms, and failing to adhere to
the treatment regimen (Keck et al., 1996; Frangou et al.,
2002). Results of studies involving the older (typical) antipsychotic medications have been rendered less relevant
with the emergence of the newer, atypical agents and their
putative lower risk of EPS and tardive dyskinesia.90 The
potentially serious risk of significant weight gain was noted
Results of several relatively long-term studies of atypical antipsychotics added to lithium or anticonvulsants are
now available. In the preceding section on the atypical
antipsychotics, we discussed the randomized study of Suppes and colleagues (1999b), which showed that adjunctive
clozapine was associated with significant clinical improvement, but the improvement did not include depressive
symptoms. An Italian study of 60 patients with schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder with psychotic features
found significant improvement on the CGI-Severity of Illness scale that extended over a 24-month period after
clozapine was added to their regimen (Ciapparelli et al.,
2000). Chang and colleagues (2006) found that, among 51
treatment-refractory bipolar patients given adjunctive
clozapine and followed for at least 6 months, 90 percent experienced a reduction in the number and duration of hospitalizations (p <.01); significant reductions were noted in
hospitalizations for both manic and depressive but not
mixed episodes. Two similar studies by Vieta and colleagues
used adjunctive risperidone for 6 months in more than 400
patients with schizoaffective or psychotic bipolar disorder
(Vieta et al., 2001a) and olanzapine for 43 weeks in 23 patients with bipolar-I or -II disorder (Vieta et al., 2001b);
comparable results were obtained in the two studies.
Tohen and colleagues (2004) compared the efficacy of
olanzapine added to lithium or valproate with that of the
mood stabilizer alone for the prevention of mood episodes


in an 18-month randomized, double-blind study of

bipolar-I subjects. Participants in a previous study of the
treatment of acute manic or mixed episodes who had a
prior documented failure to respond to either lithium or
valproate were given an open-label combination of olanzapine plus one of the two mood stabilizers for 6 weeks.
Those who achieved remission were randomized under
double-blind conditions to either continued use of the
combination or abrupt withdrawal of olanzapine with continuation of the mood stabilizer plus placebo. The time to
relapse into a manic, mixed, or depressive episode according to DSM-IV criteria did not differ between the two
groups. However, a secondary analysis revealed that the
time to development of a symptomatic relapse (defined as
a YMRS or HAM-D-21 score of 15 or greater) was significantly shorter for the mood stabilizer monotherapy
group.91 At the same time, the apparent symptomatic advantage of adjunctive olanzapine must be balanced against
the 10-fold higher incidence of weight gain associated with
its use as compared with lithium or valproate alone (20 versus 2 percent). There was no significant difference in the
polarity of the relapses with and without the adjunctive
olanzapine. As we noted earlier when presenting the results
of the monotherapy study of olanzapine versus placebo,
most of the difference in symptomatic relapse occurred
during the first 2 months (which is part of the continuation
phase of treatment), suggesting that withdrawal effects
played a role.

Other Agents and Approaches

Additional approaches to the maintenance treatment of
bipolar disorder have been examined in the literature.
These include the use of maintenance ECT, thyroid
hormones, calcium channel blockers, psychostimulants
such as methylphenidate, nutritional supplements, and extended bed rest and darkness.

Maintenance Electroconvulsive Therapy

A number of case reports and open series have addressed
maintenance ECT for the prevention of mood episodes in
patients with various disorders, including affective disorders, schizophrenia, and Parkinsons disease. These reports
have uniformly described patients with intractable symptoms poorly controlled with medications who have benefited from ECT given on a schedule ranging from weekly to
monthly, or even less often (for reviews see Abrams, 1990;
Andrade and Kurinji, 2002; Vaidya et al., 2003). Petrides and
colleagues (1994) reported on the institutional experience of
continuation and maintenance ECT for patients with affective disorders between 1985 and 1991, including 1-year
follow-up data for 21 patients; they cited a reduction in relapse rate compared with rates before the start of the ECT



program. Vanelle and colleagues (1994) reviewed the records

of 22 patients who received approximately monthly ECT
treatments for intractable, recurrent unipolar and bipolar
mood disorders, some for up to 2 years, including many
with rapid cycles. They reported a substantial reduction in
the time these patients spent hospitalized (7 percent) compared with the previous year (44 percent). Recently, a very
favorable response to maintenance ECT was reported for
two bipolar patients whose treatment-resistant recurrences
were predominantly manic (Nascimento et al., 2006; Sienaert and Peuskens, 2006).
As the results of these studies indicate, maintenance
ECT is considered an appropriate choice for patients who
consistently relapse when attempts are made to stop ECT
and maintain remission with medications, and it has
been incorporated into some of the international guidelines for maintenance treatment, such as those of the
World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry
(Grunze et al., 2002). As new pharmacological approaches
become available, it may be possible to reduce the number of patients for whom maintenance ECT is necessary.
Rhodes (2000) described the case of a woman who had to
stop taking lithium because she developed renal insufficiency while taking it, and who was able to stay reasonably well without it (although with considerable residual
depressive symptoms) only by receiving an ECT treatment every 4 to 6 weeks. After starting on lamotrigine,
she experienced complete remission and was able to stop
ECT. Her recovery had lasted 34 months at the time of the
Newer techniques involving electrical stimulation of the
CNS (transcranial magnetic stimulation and vagus nerve
stimulation) have been examined only in short-term studies focused on the relief of acute symptoms (see Chapter
19). How beneficial these techniques may be for prophylaxis remains to be demonstrated.

Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid indices in the normal range do not necessarily
indicate sufficiently robust thyroid functioning for some
patients with bipolar disorder to remain well. Cole and
colleagues (2002) examined the relationship between pretreatment thyroid hormone levels and time to treatment
response in 65 depressed bipolar-I patients and found
a significant association between delayed response to
treatment and lower-normal free thyroxin index (FTI) and
higher-normal TSH levels. They concluded that nearly
two-thirds of bipolar patients may have a thyroid profile
that, although technically in the normal range, is nevertheless inadequate for an optimal treatment response. Related
findings were published by Frye and colleagues (1999),
who found that among bipolar patients with free T4 in the

normal range, those below the median were more depressed, had poorer antidepressant responses to lithium or
carbamazepine, and had more mood instability regardless
of their mood stabilizer status.
Substantial numbers of patients with bipolar disorder
have a blunted TSH response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (Hendrick et al., 1998), and under these circumstances, the absence of a TSH elevation may be misleading.
Psychiatrists should be familiar with thyroid physiology, especially the concept of subclinical hypothyroidism, and become comfortable with the assessment and therapeutics of
thyroid replacement for their patients taking lithium. T4
supplementation is an effective strategy for managing hypothyroidism associated with lithium therapy (Kusalic,
1992; Kirov et al., 2005).
Supraphysiological doses of T4 have been reported to increase the efficacy of pharmacological treatments for affective disorders. A prospective open-label study of 21 patients
included 13 patients with bipolar disorder who had failed
two previous prophylactic trials. These 13 patients took a
mean dose of 378 g of T4 along with their other medications
and were followed for a mean of about a year. They showed
improvement on the CGI-BP, as well as having fewer relapses and spending less time in the hospital compared with
the period before starting treatment (Bauer et al., 2002).92
Baumgartner (2000) reviewed eight open trials of the use of
supraphysiological doses of T4 involving a total of 78 patients, and concluded that the T4 benefited approximately 50
percent of patients who were entirely resistant to all other
antidepressant and prophylactic treatments. Further detail
on the use of thyroid hormones in treating bipolar disorder is provided in Chapter 19.

Calcium Channel Blockers

Interest in the use of calcium channel blockers for the treatment of mania has extended to maintenance treatment.
Pazzaglia and colleagues (1993) reported on the results of
the first double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the calcium channel blocker nimodipine in 12 patients with
treatment-resistant ultra-ultra-rapid-cycling bipolar disorder in a placebonimodipineplacebo design. Of the 9
patients completing the study, 5 were classified as responders, with 1 bipolar-II subject showing a complete response.
The results with these 9 subjects were included in a subsequent analysis of 30 treatment-resistant patients with affective disorder (23 bipolar-I or -II) who were receiving nimodipine monotherapy and were studied over periods of
approximately 6 months; 10 patients showed a moderate or
marked response. Fourteen of the 20 patients who did not
respond to nimodipine had carbamazepine added to their
regimen in a blinded fashion (Pazzaglia et al., 1998), and
4 of them responded to the carbamazepine augmentation.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

Because verapamil, another calcium channel blocker, is

relatively safe during pregnancy, it has been cited as a substitute for lithium or anticonvulsants in women with bipolar disorder who become pregnant (see Goodnick, 1993;
Wisner et al., 2002).93 In addition to the need for safer alternatives during pregnancy, there is a need for better
treatments for unstable, rapid-cycling illness. These factors
underline the need for more work on the calcium channel
blockers as prophylactic treatment for bipolar disorder.



significant improvement in mood stability in these subjects

over a period of months. Controlled studies of the use of micronutrients (the collective term for minerals and vitamins)
are ongoing (see Popper, 2001). Assistance in sorting out the
various levels of information in this area can be obtained
from the Alternative Medicine Foundation (http://www [accessed September 14, 2006]), the PDR
for Herbal Medicines (3rd edition) (Gruenwald et al., 2004),
and (accessed September 14,

Extended Bed Rest and Darkness

Our major discussion of the role of psychostimulants in

the maintenance treatment of manic-depressive illness is
in Chapter 23, dealing with the treatment of children and
adolescents. As noted in Chapter 19, the literature on the
use of these agents in the treatment of depressive symptoms in adults is scant, no doubt in part because of their
status as controlled substances. We could find only one
published report on the long-term use of a psychostimulant (methylphenidate) in bipolar patients: a chart review
of 16 patients taking adjunctive methylphenidate for an
average of 14 months (Lydon and El-Mallakh, 2006). Most
patients reported various kinds of improvement following
the addition of the stimulant to their ongoing treatment,
including better concentration and less depressed mood;
the most common side effects were mild irritability and/or
agitation. There were no manic/hypomanic switches and
no apparent abuse of the stimulant or other substances.
Obviously, controlled studies of this treatment are needed.

In Chapter 19, we discuss the potential effectiveness of sleep

deprivation, sleep phase manipulation, and light therapy in
treating depression. Given that each of these techniques has
also been shown to carry some risk of triggering mania,
Wehr and colleagues (1998) explored what might be called
the opposite of sleep deprivation and light in the management of a patient with treatment-resistant rapid-cycling
bipolar disorder.94 Over a period of several years, the patients clinical state was assessed with twice-daily selfratings, once-weekly observer ratings, and continuous activity recordings with a wrist monitor; sleep was assessed
periodically with polygraph recordings. The results were
striking: compared with the unstable sleep and mood the
patient experienced on his normal schedule, extended
bed rest and darkness (14 hours a day) were associated with
stabilization and normalization of both sleep and mood.

Nutritional Supplements


Because nutritional supplements cannot be patented, there

is no large industrial base of support for research on these
compounds. Nevertheless, it is important for clinicians to
be as educated as possible in this area, in which patients
regularly have many questions.
There now have been a number of reports on the use of
nutritional supplements in the treatment of mood disorders.
As discussed in Chapter 19, clinical research thus far, while
not definitive, has yielded some encouraging results (along
with some negative findings) about the addition of omega-3
fatty acids to the armamentarium of treatments for affective
disorders. The exploration of the therapeutic potential of
these compounds grew out of epidemiological observations
that linked high levels of fish oil with relatively low rates
of depression and bipolar disorder (see Chapter 5). Many clinicians are now routinely recommending fish oil for their patients to supplement the established mood stabilizers. A
number of case reports and an open case series in adults with
bipolar disorder (Kaplan et al., 2001) and in a group of children with a variety of mood and behavioral problems, three
with bipolar disorder (Kaplan et al., 2004), demonstrated

Because manic-depressive illness, particularly the bipolar

form, is a chronic, episodic illness involving substantial functional impairment, long-term prevention of new episodes
and enhancement of interepisode functioning should be the
core first principles of clinical management. Unfortunately,
the priority that should be accorded maintenance treatment
is not reflected in the amount and quality of available controlled data. Virtually every drug on the market for bipolar
disorder has been introduced as an antimanic agent. While it
is common clinical practice simply to continue an effective
antimanic agent as maintenance treatment, this approach,
with the exception of lithium and lamotrigine, is not based
on solid evidence of true prophylactic efficacymeaning the
ability to prevent new episodes. Obtaining such data will require that the field, the regulatory agencies, and the pharmaceutical industry move beyond contemporary relapse prevention designs.
Clearly, todays major unmet need is for more effective
and more tolerable agents for the prevention of depressive
episodes in bipolar patients and in those with highly
recurrent unipolar depression. Given that (1) there is no



convincing evidence that long-term antidepressants are

effective in the prevention of bipolar-I depression, while
(2) the results of three placebo-controlled studies indicate
that at least some antidepressants can be associated with
destabilization of the disorder, this class of drugs cannot
be recommended for routine long-term use, at least for the
bipolar-I patient. Fortunately, emerging evidence suggests
that certain mood stabilizers, such as lithium and lamotrigine, and potential mood stabilizers, such as quetiapine,
have some efficacy in preventing depressive relapses without destabilizing bipolar illness (see Table 2012).
Given the limited efficacy of single agents for many patients, combined treatment is more or less standard for
the majority of patients. But here we face a paradox: virtually all of the large randomized, placebo-controlled trials
have been of monotherapy, even though such treatment is
the exception in the real world of clinical practice, while
the amount of controlled data to inform the use of medication combinations is comparatively limited. Moreover,
much of the existing data on combination treatments is of
limited relevance to clinical practice because the data are
based on full monotherapy doses of each drug; as might
be expected, the result is more side effects, which can offset any enhanced effectiveness by causing decreased adherence. Recent attempts to close the gap between clinical
practice and research, under the auspices of the Stanley
Foundation Bipolar Network and the NIMH STEP-BD
program, clearly represent important efforts in the right

1. This classic distinction between continuation and maintenance derived from consideration of the natural history of
the disease. For noncyclic unipolar depression, there was a
clear consensus that the continuation phase comprised the
first year after the episode, and anything beyond that was
considered maintenance or prophylactic treatment (Frank
et al., 1991). For the average bipolar patient, an untreated depressive episode would be expected to last about 6 months,
with a manic episode lasting 3 to 6 months; hence the shorter
continuation phase for bipolar treatment.
2. Coryell and colleagues (1997) speculated that lithium may protect against relapse in the period immediately following an
episode of illness, but not against recurrence of illness months
later. They also questioned the necessity of longer-term lithium
prophylaxis for patients who have had 8 months or more of euthymia and suggested that lithium discontinuation studies be
performed to elucidate the issue. This argument, however, has
been rebutted by several other groups (see the section on Renewed Controversies in our later review of the literature).
3. Moreover, the tendency of the illness to accelerate in some
patients as they age, with episodes occurring more frequently
and lasting longer, has been noted since Kraepelins descriptions of the disorder more than a century ago.

4. If the natural sequence of recurrent unipolar illness goes

from depression to recovery and then eventually to the next
episode, treatments that accelerate recovery of the index depression could also accelerate the onset of the next episode.
5. This practice is based on findings from some large contemporary maintenance trials that the polarity of the acute episode
predicts the polarity of relapses; apparently, however, this prediction holds only for relapses within the first few months after the acute episode (i.e., in the continuation phase) (Joseph
Calabrese, personal communication, March 2004).
6. An excellent patient-generated mood chart with instructions
for its use can be downloaded from the Harvard Bipolar Research Program at
chart.html (accessed September 14, 2006).
7. For a review of the literature on lithium levels, see Hopkins
and Gelenberg (2000). Lithium levels should generally be obtained 12 hours after the last dose. With slow- or sustainedrelease preparations, the 12-hour level will be about 15 to 20
percent higher than that seen with the immediate-release
8. The fact that the charge for this simple and rapid procedure
will be reimbursed by insurance companies should increase
its acceptance by practitioners.
9. Slow- or controlled-release formulations are not generally
associated with gastric symptoms, but some patients taking
these formulations may initially experience more diarrhea.
10. The clinical features and treatment of lithium toxicity (lithium
poisoning) were outlined in the first edition of this text and
have recently been described by Eyer and colleagues (2006),
based on an analysis of 22 cases of lithium overdose. Most patients received hemodialysis (the treatment of choice); loop diuretics did not enhance lithium clearance, contrary to what
would have been expected from animal studies.
11. It is thought that the effect of lithium on carbohydrate metabolism, including a mild anti-insulin effect, plays a role in weight
gain, and therefore carbohydrate restriction is recommended.
12. Goodwin and Goldstein (2003) suggested the following measures to help control lithium-induced weight gain. Lifestyle
measures include regular exercise, restriction of sugary fluids,
and avoidance of simple carbohydrates, especially early in the
day since they can induce mild hypoglycemia and thus increased caloric intake as patients chase their blood sugar
throughout the day. Medical and pharmacological measures
include supplementing T4 if necessary, avoiding concurrent
medication with an additive weight gain effect (olanzapine,
clozapine, quetiapine, conventional antipsychotics, valproate,
gabapentin, some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs]), and consulting with a primary care physician about
other options if weight gain exceeds 5 lb despite preventative
13. However, some patients will experience lithium-related activation and insomnia when the full dose is taken at bedtime.
14. A recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
crossover study by Allan and colleagues (2004) found that inositol supplements reduce psoriasis associated with lithium
treatment, but not that in patients not taking lithium.
15. For an excellent review of lithiums renal effects, see Gitlin
16. For a detailed discussion of the renal pathology associated
with progressive renal insufficiency due to lithium, see
Markowitz et al., 2000.

Maintenance Medical Treatment

17. In the retrospective study by Lepkifker and colleagues (2004),

covering durations of lithium therapy ranging from 4 to 30
years, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus was associated with
longer durations of lithium treatment, past episodes of
lithium intoxication, and medical illnesses or treatments that
could affect renal function. Others have found the renal effects of lithium to be associated with the cumulative amount
of the drug ingested over the years (Presne et al., 2003).
18. If renal concentrating ability is substantially impaired or the
patient excretes more than 4 liters of urine per 24 hours,
careful monitoring (by patient and physician) of fluid balance is required to avoid dehydration and lithium intoxication (Vestergaard and Schou, 1987). Although the renal concentrating ability usually improves if lithium is discontinued,
the improvement can be quite delayed and incomplete if the
impairment has been long-standing. Lithium discontinuation studies indicate that increases in 24-hour urine output
remain the same or decrease only slightly after lithium is discontinued.
19. A 24-hour urine volume greater than 3 liters is generally considered clinically significant polyuria. Estimates of the conditions frequency range from 15 to 40 percent; it has been reported that concomitant use of other unspecified psychotropic
drugs is associated with reduced urinary concentrating ability and increased urinary volume (Bendz et al., 1983). More
recently, Movig and colleagues (2003) found that, compared
with lithium monotherapy, coadministration of SSRIs is associated with four times more polyuria, perhaps related to
hyponatremia (Movig et al., 2002). Nonpsychotropic drugs
that can decrease urinary concentrating ability (and increase
urine volume) include thiazide diuretics, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. Although there is not yet a full consensus on the relationship between renal function and frequency of lithium dosing, most of the evidence supports the
assertion we made in the first edition of this text, that oncea-day dosing is associated with a lower frequency of renal
problems (see Plenge et al., 1982; Bowen et al., 1991; Gitlin,
20. A retrospective chart review study of 718 British patients also
concluded that the risk of developing hypothyroidism is greatest during the first 2 years of lithium therapy (Johnston and
Eagles, 1999).
21. Because some patients with an affective disorder have hypothalamic dysfunction reflected in a failure to mount a normal TSH response to infused thyroid-releasing hormone
(TRH), a normal TSH level may not always be a reliable indicator of the integrity of thyroid function.
22. Isojarvi et al., 1993; Bauer et al., 2000; Ernst and Goldberg,
2002; Joffe et al., 2003.
23. In the GlaxoSmithKline study, the lamotrigine and valproate
were used either as monotherapy or adjunctively; the period
of observation was up to 1 year.
24. Funded jointly by NIMH and Abbott Laboratories.
25. More sedation and ataxia occur with rapidly rising levels of
carbamazepine than with most other modern anticonvulsants; as a consequence, titration often needs to be slowed,
especially when multiple drugs are being used together.
26. The occurrence of these complications is rare, at a rate of
about 1 in 20,000 patients. Most of these cases have been in
the elderly and within the first 4 months of treatment.


27. In a retrospective case review at five epilepsy centers in England, Wong and colleagues (1999) found that higher starting
doses, a rapid titration (increase) of the dose of lamotrigine,
and the combined use of lamotrigine with valproate (which
increases the half-life of lamotrigine, resulting in higher serum
levels) were associated with the greatest risk of serious rashes
requiring hospitalization. Gradual dose titration is therefore
recommended by the manufacturer for patients starting lamotrigine, with an extremely slow titration recommended for
those who are taking valproate (starting at 25 mg every other
day for 2 weeks).
28. Ketter and colleagues (2005) have developed antigen precautions for consideration prior to the initiation of lamotrigine; using this approach, they have been able to reduce
rates of benign rash substantially.
29. Serious side effects are associated with typical antipsychotics.
Common CNS side effects involve altered thermoregulation,
extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS), neuroleptic malignant syndrome, and tardive dyskinesia. Orthostatic hypotension is
also observed. Erectile dysfunction, blurred vision, constipation, and urinary retention are common anticholinergic effects. Cardiovascular effects include ECG changes, tachycardia, and torsade de pointes. Changes in the endocrine
system, including amenorrhea and galactorrhea, occur as
well. Occasionally, the hematological system is involved, with
agranulocytosis and leucopenia occurring. Liver enzyme elevations are sometimes seen early in treatment; they usually
resolve even with continued treatment, but can cause release
of bilirubin with cholestatic jaundice. Other pertinent side
effects include allergic reactions and skin photosensitivity
and all immune-mediated agranulocytopenias. Sedation and
weight gain are observed as well. So-called low-potency antipsychotics cause more sedation and vascular side effects
(orthostasis), whereas the more-potent drugs are more commonly associated with EPS. The greatest concern arises for
EPS, the potentially fatal neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
and for potentially irreversible tardive dyskinesia.
30. Risperidone is now available in a long-acting depot form.
31. Risk of EPS was assessed using the Abnormal Involuntary
Movement Scale, Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale, and SimpsonAngus Scale. Mean duration of treatment was 25.5 weeks, and
61 percent of the patients were female. The EPS rate found in
this study63 percentis somewhat higher than that reported in similar studies of patients with schizophrenia, consistent with earlier findings that bipolar patients are more sensitive to antipsychotic-induced EPS (Goodwin and Jamison,
32. Leucht and colleagues (2003) referred to meta-analyses by
Baldessarini (1988) and Bollini and colleagues (1994), which
concluded that no additional efficacy is achieved in the treatment of schizophrenia when doses of chlorpromazine or its
equivalent exceed 500 to 600 mg/day.
33. Also relevant are the findings of the recent NIMH Clinical Antipsychotic Trials in Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) (Dettling and Anghelescu, 2006), comparing a typical antipsychotic
with several different atypicals in real-world settings. No differences in rates of EPS were noted between the typical agent,
perphenazine, and the atypicals.
34. Ziprasidone is the one atypical antipsychotic in which the start
low, go slow approach is not recommended because at low
doses its activating effects, predominate.



35. In a recent cross-sectional study of 171 bipolar-I and schizoaffective patients in a clinic, almost half met the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria for abdominal obesity,
and 30 percent met criteria for metabolic syndrome. Most patients were taking more than one medication, 29 percent were
taking one of the atypicals associated with weight gain, and 44
percent were taking lithium (Fagiolini et al., 2005). Among
367 patients taking atypicals, the presence of the metabolic
syndrome (in 37 percent of the patients) was associated with a
two-fold increase in the risk of coronary events (angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death) (Correll et al.,
36. Guo and colleagues (2006) used a large managed-care database to conduct a retrospective, population-based casecontrol
study of the relative risk of diabetes among bipolar patients
treated with various atypicals. After controlling for age, gender, other drugs, and psychiatric and medical comorbidities,
they found significant risk ratios for clozapine (7.0), risperidone (3.4), olanzapine (3.2), and quetiapine (1.8).
37. Adjunctive topiramate has also been reported to control
olanzapine-induced weight gain in schizophrenic patients
(Levy et al., 2002).
38. For a review of management options for the weight gain associated with antipsychotics, see Birt (2003) and Keck and
McElroy (2003).
39. When low doses of some atypical antipsychotics are added to
mood stabilizers, enhanced cognitive organization is sometimes observed.
40. Applaby et al., 1998; Ernst and Goldberg, 2002; Newport et
al., 2002; Bonari et al., 2004; Spinelli, 2004; Yonkers et al.,
2004; Eberhard-Gran et al., 2005.
41. Austin, 1992; Viguera et al., 2000; Wisner et al., 2004; Jones
and Craddock, 2005.
42. For a more comprehensive discussion of these issues, see
Viguera et al. (2002).
43. Anticonvulsants such as valproate can be used for a few weeks
before parturition and in the postpartum period. However,
the effectiveness of valproate for the prevention of postpartum
episodes has been called into question by a study failing to find
any benefit (Wisner et al., 2004).
44. See Stewart (2000) for a discussion.
45. On the other hand, Moretti and colleagues (2003) followed 11
babies who were breastfed while their mothers were taking
lithium and found that for half of the mothers, the calculated
dose the infant received via breast milk averaged only about
10 percent of the mothers weight-adjusted dose; more important, no overt adverse effects were observed among the 11
infants. Accordingly, some experts suggest that the benefits of
breastfeeding probably outweigh the risk posed by lithium
(see, e.g., Chaudron and Jefferson, 2000).
46. The recurrent unipolar group in this study may have included some patients who today would be diagnosed as having bipolar spectrum disorder.
47. The study of Prien and colleagues (1974) also included some
patients already taking lithium, so the question of a bias toward lithium is relevant.
48. Although mirror-image studies are frequently criticized, in
their meta-analysis of the literature, Davis and colleagues
(1999) showed convincingly that the efficacy suggested by the
results of such studies is of the same magnitude as that reported in randomized, placebo-controlled trials.

49. Compared with the lithium-treated patients, however, those on

valproate were less likely to discontinue treatment for adverse
effects or lack of efficacy (12 versus 23 percent). Adherence to
either treatment was associated with better functional outcome
and more than three-fold lower total medical care costs.
50. Studies were excluded if randomization to placebo involved
abrupt withdrawal of lithium after the patient had been stable on the drug for a long time.
51. Dickson and Kendell, 1986; Markar and Mander, 1989; Harrow et al., 1990; Licht et al., 2001.
52. These authors noted that diagnostic drift is also a factor
contributing to a smaller lithium effect size in contemporary
studies, although it has a much smaller impact than the enrichment differences. Specifically, the older literature used
diagnostic criteria, such as the Research Diagnostic Criteria
(RDC), that excluded psychotic features, whereas contemporary studies use the much broader DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, which include psychosis and other atypical features.
53. Baastrup et al., 1970; Coppen et al., 1973; Prien et al., 1973a,b.
54. Subsequently this research group (Faedda et al., 1993;
Baldessarini et al., 1997) and others (G. Goodwin et al., 1997;
Cavanagh et al., 2004), using more refined analyses, further
developed the research base, confirming that rapid discontinuation carries substantially more risk and that most relapse events occur within a few months of withdrawal.
55. This result can explain why the previously mentioned analysis of the efficacy literature by Baldessarini and colleagues
(1999b) found that long-term lithium effectiveness was no
different in trials with and without the placebo groups having been withdrawn from lithium.
56. There was a trend for both lithium and valproate to be superior to carbamazepine among rapid-cycling patients.
57. Kleindienst and colleagues (2005) applied the following criteria
for inclusion in their review of predictors of response: (1) the
observation period lasted at least 6 months; (2) lithium was the
primary prophylactic agent, or the lithium group was analyzed
separately; (3) at least one clinical response predictor was evaluated in a quantitative manner; and (4) the study was focused
on a bipolar sample or analyzed a bipolar subgroup separately.
58. The related phenomenon of continuous cycling did predict
a relatively poor response to lithium.
59. Other variables that appeared to predict poor lithium response, but in a small number of studies that failed to pass
the fail safe test, were comorbid personality disorder and
mood-incongruent psychotic features. Longer treatment latency had also been reported to be associated with decreased
lithium response, but as noted earlier, Baldessarini and colleagues (2003) and Baethge and colleagues (2003) have pointed
out that this relationship can best be explained by the fact that
the sickest patients receive treatment earlier; given that such
patients have the most pathology, the treatment effect appears
larger. Kleindienst and colleagues (2005) suggested that the
potential predictors identified in their review should each undergo this same kind of detailed analysis.
60. In a small retrospective chart review, Ghaemi and Goodwin
(2005) found that the maintenance effectiveness of lithium and
valproate was equivalent (54 versus 53 percent responders, respectively).
61. This lack of difference between lithium and valproate in
rapid-cycling patients was also found in the meta-analysis of
Tondo and colleagues (2003).

Maintenance Medical Treatment

62. HAM-D ratings are weighted toward items that might be expected to respond favorably to divalproex, such as anxiety
and insomnia.
63. A 2-year randomized trial comparing lithium monotherapy,
valproate monotherapy, and a combination of the two in
patients with a history of mania studied in real-world settings is currently under way in the United Kingdom (Geddes
et al., 2002). An attempt is being made to recruit more than
1,000 subjects for this study.
64. In most of the patients, carbamazepine was added to lithium,
and so this evaluation is, in reality, an assessment of adjunctive carbamazepine.
65. Okuma et al., 1976; Ballenger and Post, 1978; Placidi et al.,
1986; Watkins et al., 1987; Luznat et al., 1988.
66. In this study, 29 (69 percent) of 42 patients completed the year
on lithium, 12 (34 percent) of 35 patients completed the year on
carbamazepine, and 22 (76 percent) of 29 patients completed
the year on the combination. The proportion of patients with
moderate to marked improvement was 33 percent for lithium
alone, 31 for carbamazepine alone, and 55 for the combination.
67. The authors pointed out that a large fraction of the patients
had previously received lithium alone, carbamazepine alone,
and/or a combination of the two. Thus, the results of the
study must be seen in the context that these patients were not
nave to the study drugs and had, for the most part, responded poorly to them in the past.
68. A small double-blind trial of carbamazepine versus lithium for
treatment of bipolar disorder was carried out by Hartong and
colleagues (2003). In this study, 12 (27 percent) of 44 patients assigned to lithium had recurrences during treatment, compared
with 21 (14 percent) of 150 patients assigned to carbamazepine.
69. The mean serum carbamazepine level was 6.4 g/ml, and the
average serum lithium level was .63 mEq/l.
70. In the Calabrese et al. (1999b) open study, conducted over 48
weeks, lamotrigine was added to the currently used maintenance treatment in 60 bipolar-I and -II patients and was
used as monotherapy for another 15 patients. Fifty percent
(48) of the patients had depressive symptoms at the onset
of the trial, while 40 percent (31) were experiencing hypomanic, manic, or mixed symptoms. The majority of patients
showed significant improvement in ratings on depression
and mania scales, although several developed manic symptoms, perhaps not unexpected in this preliminary study involving patients with complex illnesses and taking a variety
of other medications (more than one in most cases), including antidepressants, lithium, valproate, carbamazepine, and
71. Thus among those patients on placebo, later recurrences after
an index depression were 6 times more likely to be a mania/hypomania than another depression; conversely, for those whose
index episode had been mania/hypomania, later recurrences
were 6 times more likely to be a depression than another mania/hypomania. In other words, overall, 85 percent of the recurrences were of the opposite polarity.
72. Walden and colleagues (1996) reported on a patient with
lithium-resistant rapid-cycling bipolar disorder who improved within days when lamotrigine was added to valproate
monotherapy; the improvement was sustained for more than
a year.
73. However, for the entire group there was a small but significant advantage of lamotrigine over placebo when treatment









dropout was considered, an event the authors suggested may

often be a sign of relapse.
Of the adjunctive agents used, 21 percent were for anxiety/insomnia, 19 percent for depression, and 12 percent for mood
Doses ranged from 1 to 8 mg/day. Thirteen patients did not
improve but also did not tolerate the side effects of tiagabine
at higher doses; the remaining patient did not adhere to the
regimen. A German group reported that tiagabine at doses of
20 mg/day and higher was not useful because of severe complications encountered at this dose range (Carta et al., 2002).
Further evaluation of tiagabine at lower doses is needed for
full assessment of its utility.
There have been scattered reports suggesting that agents
used in the treatment of dementia may be helpful in managing neurocognitive side effects of psychoactive medications. Thus Jacobsen and Comas-Diaz (1999) found the
cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil to be helpful for memory loss associated with a variety of psychotropic agents,
while Burt and colleagues (1999) reported that it improved
mood scores in treatment-resistant bipolar disorder. More
recently, Schrauwen and Ghaemi (2006) reported that the new
cholinesterase inhibitor/nicotinic receptor agonist galantamine
was effective in reducing cognitive impairment in two of four
medicated bipolar patients.
In a subsequent comparison of adjunctive clozapine over 1 year
in rapid-cycling versus nonrapid-cycling bipolar-I patients,
Suppes and colleagues (2004) found that the latter group evidenced greater improvement.
Patients were rated prospectively on the CGI and Global
Assessment of Functioning scales for a mean of 6 months
and took a mean dose of 2.75 mg/day of risperidone (range
14.5 mg/day).
Although there was some controversy about the dosing
of the acute mania study (conducted by the manufacturer of
olanzapine)that the Depakote dose, while following the
PDR (3rd edition), was not as high as subsequent studies had
indicated it should be for optimal response in acute mania
(Allen et al., 2006)the 47-week double-blind continuation
study used flexible doses based on clinical response and side
The only adjunctive drug allowed was lorazepam, up to
a maximum of 2 mg/day.
The 84 percent dropout rate could be interpreted as meaning
that neither drug was particularly effective, but without a
placebo group, one cannot know.
This study employed HAM-D ratings to evaluate the impact of
olanzapine on depression. Since the HAM-D scale was developed to assess unipolar depressed patients, it is not considered
as good as other rating systems (e.g., the Montgomery-Asberg
scale) for the assessment of bipolar depression. In particular,
because the HAM-D places much emphasis on such items as
insomnia and anxiety, it would be expected that an atypical
antipsychotic could reduce ratings on this scale without having a significant effect on core depressive symptoms.
These analyses indicate (1) that time in remission before randomization (1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks) was not associated with risk
of relapse, and (2) that the drugplacebo differences were
similar (and both were significant) among those who remained in remission in the double-blind phase for a minimum of 2 weeks compared with the smaller group who







remained in remission for a minimum of 8 weeks (half of

those originally randomized to olanzapine and one-fourth of
those randomized to placebo).
FDA indications do not use the terms prophylaxis or
mood stabilizer; maintenance is a much broader term
encompassing both the classic concept of continuation treatment and prophylaxis. Since giving maintenance indications
to olanzapine and aripiprazole, the FDA has revised its
guidelines and recommendations. Future maintenance indications should be based on studies in which there has been at
least a 6-month period of stabilization before randomization
into the maintenance phase.
Apparently only 37 percent of those who entered into the openlabel phase both tolerated and responded to aripiprazole. And
because the dropout rate during the randomized phase was 58
percent, it would appear that only 21.5 percent of the original
sample were still stable after 6 months of treatment.
For example, compared with patients taking placebo, those
taking aripiprazole were 13 times more likely to have clinically
significant weight gain and 6 times more likely to have EPS.
Baethge and colleagues (2005) offered an up-to-date review
of the lithium plus carbamazepine combination in a post hoc
analysis of their own long-term data on 46 bipolar-I patients
data that generally reflect the literature by showing both
substantial benefit and increased adverse effects.
For other excellent reviews of combination mood stabilizers,
see Pies (2000) and Zarate and Quiroz (2003).
Prien et al., 1973a; Wehr and Goodwin, 1979; Quitkin et al.,
1981; Sachs et al., 1994; Post et al., 2001.
The conclusion that atypical antipsychotics pose a negligible
risk of tardive dyskinesia is based in part on extrapolating the
low rates of EPS reported from randomized controlled trials.




However, it should be remembered that these trials involved

patients with a single diagnosis who received a single drug.
In real-world settings, rates of EPS are not negligible, with
one recent report estimating that more than half of the bipolar patients taking atypical antipsychotics were positive for
EPS by rating-scale criteria (Ghaemi et al., 2006).
See note 82 on the limitation of the HAM-D scale for evaluating bipolar depression.
Earlier, Bauer and Whybrow (1990) treated 11 refractory rapidcycling bipolar patients with high-dose adjunctive levothyroxine; 10 showed a clear-cut response of depressive symptoms,
and 5 of the 7 patients with manic symptoms experienced a
decrease in these symptoms while taking T4. In all but one of
the responsive patients, supranormal levels of circulating T4
were required for the clinical response.
Goodnick (1993) described the cases of three women who took
verapamil during pregnancy; two had become manic at the
beginning of pregnancy, one taking no medication and one
having discontinued carbamazepine. The other patient was in
remission from mood symptoms on lithium when she discovered she was pregnant; she stopped the lithium and started
verapamil. All three women had a good response. The two patients with mania had a good acute response to verapamil,
and all three remained well during pregnancy while taking
the drug. Wisner and colleagues (2002) reported on nine
women with bipolar-I and -II disorder who took verapamil
for 2 to 14 months (two patients took the drug as monotherapy). Six of these nine women remained well while taking verapamil.
While a single case report would not ordinarily merit this
much coverage in a text such as this, the innovative nature of
this study deserves our attention.


Medication Adherence

The endless questioning finally ended. My psychiatrist looked at me; there was no uncertainty
in his voice. Manic-depressive illness. I admired his bluntness. I wished him locusts on his
lands and a pox upon his house. Silent, unbelievable rage. I smiled pleasantly. He smiled back.
The war had just begun.
Patient with manic-depressive illness1

Many patients with mood disorders appear to have little or

no difficulty with taking potent daily medications for an indeterminate period. They do not appear to be unduly concerned about potential or actual side effects, nor do they
struggle with the existential issues that might reasonably be
raised when a person is required to take powerful mind- and
mood-altering drugs. For whatever reasonperhaps temperament or past experiencethey do not protest or disobey their physicians orders; instead, they are grateful for
the medications and appreciative of the doctors who prescribe them. Often such patients state that lithium, other
mood stabilizers, or antidepressants have rescued them from
chaos, despair, hospitalization, or suicide. These patients are
an interesting, although inadequately studied, group. Certainly they are a source of gratification to their physicians.
For every patient who follows the treatment course,
however, there is at least one who does notone who resists, protests, objects, takes too little, takes too much, or
takes none at all. The perspective of one such patient, more
common than most clinicians perhaps appreciate, is presented in Box 211.
This chapter deals with medication adherence among
patients with the bipolar form of manic-depressive illness,
a topic that merits a separate chapter for several reasons:

The consequences of medication nonadherence are profound and can be life-threatening, clinically equivalent
to those of untreated or inadequately treated manicdepressive illness. Nonadherence commonly precipitates
the recurrence and intensification of affective episodes
that may in turn result in personal anguish, conjugal
failure, chaos in other family and interpersonal relationships, alcohol and drug abuse, financial crises, psychiatric hospitalization, suicide, and violence. A recent study

of bipolar juvenile offenders, for example, found that

the number of felonies and misdemeanors committed
among those off medication was 4.8 times higher than
among those on medication (Dailey et al., 2005). This
point may be obvious, but it is frequently ignored.
Unlike nonresponsiveness to treatment, however, nonadherence is potentially reversible and can be changed
through experience, education, learning, and psychotherapy. Such interventions are discussed later in this chapter
and in Chapter 22.
Lithium, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotic medications are prescribed on an exceptionally long-term or
lifelong basis. For this reason, unique challenges arise for
the patient, the physician, and other clinicians involved
in the treatment program.
Medication nonadherence is a frustrating, common, and
perplexing clinical problem, and yet far less discussion
and training are devoted to this matter than to the intricacies of prescribing medication effectively.
Poor adherence is almost certainly the single most important factor in poor treatment response.
Failure to consider nonadherence may bias research findings in clinical studies related to the outcomes of medication treatment. Frank and colleagues (1985, p. 42) stressed
that investigators have an obligation to account for nonadherent patients in their analyses by specifying how
many and which patients fail to comply (patient, history
of illness, and therapist variables) and accounting for
dropouts and discontinuation in their statistical evaluations of outcome. Such accounting is rarely undertaken
and seldom adequate.

In this chapter, we first discuss approaches to clinical

management of medication adherence. We then review



BOX 211. Rules for the Gracious Acceptance

of Lithium Into Your Life
1. Clear out the medicine cabinet before guests arrive for dinner or new lovers stay the night.
2. Remember to put the lithium back into the cabinet the next
3. Dont be too embarrassed by your lack of coordination or
your inability to do well the sports you once did with ease.
4. Learn to laugh about spilling coffee, having the palsied signature of an 80-year-old, and being unable to put on cufflinks in less than 10 minutes.
5. Smile when people joke about how they think they need to
be on lithium.
6. Nod intelligently, and with conviction, when your physician
explains to you the many advantages of lithium in leveling
out the chaos in your life.
7. Be patient when waiting for this leveling off. Very patient.
Reread the Book of Job. Continue being patient. Contemplate the similarity between the phrases being patient and
being a patient.
8. Try not to let the fact that you cant read without effort annoy you. Be philosophical. Even if you could read, you probably wouldnt remember most of it anyway.
9. Accommodate to a certain lack of enthusiasm and bounce
you once had.Try not to think about all the wild nights you
once had. Probably best not to have had those nights anyway.
10. Always keep in perspective how much better you are. Everyone else certainly points it out often enough, and, annoyingly enough, its probably true.
11. Be appreciative. Dont even consider stopping your lithium.
12. When you do stop, get manic, get depressed, expect to hear
two basic themes from your family, friends, and healers:
But you were doing so much better. I just dont
understand it.
I told you this would happen.
13. Restock your medicine cabinet.
Source: Jamison, 1995.

the key findings of the literature on nonadherence, particularly among bipolar patients. Before proceeding, however, we must note two issues of terminology. First, the
term compliance has been roundly criticized as having a
paternalistic connotation, suggesting a doctorpatient relationship not typical of current practice. Many believe
that the term adherence reflects more accurately the complex processes of collaboration and mutual decision making involved. Therefore, we use the latter term in this
chapter. Second, most of the research and clinical discussion concerning the problem of medication adherence has

focused on lithium, as opposed to other mood stabilizers.

Consequently, much of this chapter addresses lithium in
particular; however, the discussion is relatively generalizable to other medications, with exceptions being noted as
they arise.

As discussed in earlier chapters, both clinician and patient
face a number of challenges in maintaining an effective
treatment regimen. From the patients point of view, many
daunting issues arise concerning the meaning of the illness,
attitudes and expectations about the role of medication,
the supportive resources available, and the consequences
of adherence or nonadherence. These issues are complex,
involving both rational and irrational, conscious and nonconscious processes. Moreover, adherence is a dynamic
phenomenon, changing over time.
The clinicians task is critical, as well as difficult, with
respect to the goal of treatment adherence, and it encompasses multiple potential roles: a teacher providing clear,
complete, and accurate information; a skilled therapist allowing for an open, safe, accepting discussion of the patients concerns, beliefs, and expectations; a skilled psychopharmacologist knowledgeable about options, dosages,
side effects, and drug interactions; an advocate/facilitator
informing significant others and enlisting their positive participation in treatment; and a scientist maintaining knowledge and skills concerning effective treatment practices in
the context of rapidly expanding research on the etiology
and course of illness. Among the inherent obstacles to
the effective management of adherence are several noted
briefly in the following sections; suggestions for addressing these issues and facilitating adherence are also provided. Chapters 18, 19, 20, and 22 elaborate in greater detail
some of these considerations in psychopharmacology and

Clinician Attitudes
Patients who fail to follow their therapists suggestions have
in the past been perceived as motivated by pathological processes and nefarious personal traits, labeled resistant, and
thereby in some measure blamed for the failure of their treatment. Yet nonadherence rarely involves only the patients
pathological or irrational side; the truth is far more complex.
The clinician plays a vital role in creating a collaborative,
honest, and supportive environment in which to raise issues concerning treatment adherence with the patient.
Clinicians, of course, experience frustration, impatience,
and even anger when patients discontinue medication or
fail to follow the prescribed regimenparticularly when
the stakes are high and involve personally devastating

Medication Adherence

consequences to the patient. But even more subtle processes

may undermine the effectiveness of the treatment collaboration. Clinicians may not take enough time to elicit information about adherence, attitudes, or side effects. They
may focus excessively on medical side effects to the relative
neglect of other effects that patients may find more distressing, such as cognitive changes and blunted enthusiasm and
diminished energy.
Physicians are relatively poor judges of adherence and
may assume that patients are fully adherent when they are
not (Blackwell, 1980; World Health Organization, 2003;
Osterberg and Blaschke, 2005). It is important to question
patients about adherence directly and frequently. When
discussing the issue of adherence, it is also important to do
so in a nonjudgmental way, making an admission of nonadherence socially acceptable, for example, by asking: Many
people have trouble taking all their pills. Do you have trouble taking all of yours?
Also critical are the attitudes of treating clinicians toward mood-stabilizing and other medications. In general,
clinicians who are ambivalent about the paramount role of
biological factors in the causation and treatment of affective disorders tend to convey that ambivalence to their patients and may thereby contribute to nonadherence. Results of a study by Cochran and Gitlin (1988) underscore
the importance of the role of the patients psychiatrist in
ensuring adherence. Their findings suggest that the more
strongly the psychiatrist believes in the treatment regimen,
the more likely the patient is to take the medication as prescribed.
While it is increasingly uncommon for bipolar patients
to encounter clinicians who are reluctant to acknowledge
the biological basis of the disorder, the opposite problem
may be encountered and can also be detrimental to patients attitudes. Clinicians with an extreme biological bias
may oversell the efficacy of medication, for instance, and
thereby pave the way for the patients disillusionment when
relapses occur. Or they may underestimate the role of
psychological factors in the illness and its treatment, underutilize psychotherapy, and overlook subjective symptoms, such as emotional dulling or memory disturbance,
that many patients find troublesome. Excessively narrow
clinical perspectives that unduly emphasize the biology of
the disorder may undermine patients own views of the
complex nature of their problem; medication adherence
may be discouraged if patients experience a sense of futility
and are led to believe that only medication can help them.

Suggestions for Facilitating Adherence

to Medication
A brief list of practical suggestions for all clinicians who
treat bipolar patients is presented in Box 212. Schou (1997),


BOX 212. Practical Suggestions for Maximizing

Medication Adherence
Assessment and Education

Educate the patient and family members about the course of

the illness and the benefits of treatment.

Teach monitoring and recognition of early symptoms of mania
and depression.
Assess adherence history and potential risk factors for
Include family members, and inform them about the illness, its
treatment, and the risks of no treatment.
Encourage patients and family members to read about bipolar
illness and its treatment; encourage them to question what
you are doing and why you are doing it.

Medication and Treatment Alliance Issues

Create a collaborative relationship, facilitating the patients role

in dosage/treatment decisions as appropriate.

Minimize the number of daily doses, and discuss techniques

for facilitating regular use of the medication (including pillboxes), as well as management of multiple medications.
Involve family members as appropriate.
Provide oral and written information about side effects.
Elicit and respond to concerns about and treat side effects.
Monitoring of Adherence

Initiate an open discussion of adherence issues; provide

enough time for assessing and discussing patients concerns.

Inquire about and discuss adherence frequently.

Obtain regular blood levels of medications as appropriate.
Encourage support and monitoring by significant others as
Adjunctive Treatments

Recommend, as appropriate, psychotherapeutic treatment for

adherence issues specifically, or for bipolar disorder generally.

Encourage participation in self-help groups.

along with many other researchers and clinicians, emphasized the importance of patient education. He recommended
that patients and their families be given instruction booklets concerning the benefits and costs of using and not
using medications, as well as the costs of interrupting or
discontinuing treatment. He noted that constructing life
charts of the course of illness may help patients understand
the recurrent nature of the disorder and how the risk of recurrence is magnified by nonadherence. Advocacy of such
patient and family education is reflected in many psychoeducation programs, increasingly sophisticated psychotherapeutic techniques, and the development of a wide



network of self-help organizations and support groups

(see Chapter 22).
Enlisting the support of family members is important.
Not only do relatives need to be educated about the facts of
bipolar disorder and its course and treatment, but they can
also play a unique role in facilitating adherence by conveying their attitudes about the need for regular medication,
providing encouragement and reinforcement for adherence, and facilitating regular routines that include medication consumption.
Several investigators have suggested that, given the magnitude of the problem of nonadherence and the need for
close patient monitoring, specialty clinics may be advisable to address adherence issues (e.g., Gitlin and Jamison,
1984; Goldberg et al., 1996; Schou, 1997). Such clinics may
be best equipped to follow practice guidelines carefully,
monitor adherence closely, and deal with unique patient
clinical profiles and side effects through the use of multiple
therapeutic agents and psychotherapy. The development of
easier monitoring methods (for example, a new 2-minute,
office-based test for serum lithium levels) may also have
an impact on adherence (Glazer et al., 2004).

Adjunctive Psychotherapy and Self-Help Alliances

As we emphasize in Chapter 22, psychotherapy often helps
bipolar patients deal with a variety of issues. A number of
specialized psychotherapeutic treatments have been developed for bipolar patients to supplement medication regimens, and a major component of these treatments relates to
the management of adherence issues. Cognitive-behavioral
approaches, family-based treatments, and interpersonal psychotherapy, for example, have been tested and are continuing
to be evaluated in more extensive trials. Research presented
in Chapter 22 indicates that such interventions improve clinical and functional outcomes. Some of the studies have
specifically included a treatment adherence component, and
their findings indicate that psychotherapeutic interventions
may facilitate adherence to medication.
Self-help groups, such as those organized by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance and the National Alliance on Mental Illness, are beneficial as well to many patients and their families. The increasing use of the Internet
to facilitate self-help and chatroom discussions may prove
to be beneficial in encouraging the sustained use of medications and in providing educational materials that can
make patients informed consumers, aware of their illness
and their treatment options. Caution must be exercised,
however, in that the accuracy of information provided on
the Internet is highly variable. A list of Web sites and other
sources of information about bipolar illness, including selfhelp groups, is given in the Resources section at the end of
this volume.


This section begins with a discussion of definitional and
measurement issues related to adherence. Next we present
findings on rates of nonadherence among bipolar patients.
We then discuss two key questions commonly addressed in
research on this subject: What are the reasons for nonadherence that can be articulated by patients, and what are the
empirical correlates of nonadherence? Finally, we present an
overview of the effectiveness of psychotherapy in facilitating
adherence, a topic developed more fully in Chapter 22.
Before proceeding, it is important to note that nonadherence to medication regimens is not at all unique to
bipolar disorder, although the latter has certain distinctive
characteristics that will be discussed. Overall, as Young and
colleagues (1999) pointed out, rates of adherence in general
medical practice are about 50 percent, and various studies
have found a range of 15 to 85 percent for common medical
illnesses.2 These rates are consistent with estimates of the
World Health Organization (2003) that adherence among
patients with chronic diseases in developed countries averages only 50 percent. Nonadherence is especially common
in outpatients and in those with chronic relapsing disorders, such as diabetes and hypertension. Blackwell (1973)
found, for example, that adherence is lowest when the condition is prolonged and requires prophylactic treatment
and when the consequences of discontinuation are not immediate. Even in situations in which the fear of fatal consequences is high and the period of treatment is short, adherence is not ensured. Rates of adherence to antibiotic
prophylaxis during the highly publicized 2001 anthrax
threat, for example, ranged from only 31 to 64 percent
(Brookmeyer et al., 2003).
Table 211 shows the factors associated with adherence
and nonadherence in general medical patients. Factors
that appear to predict adherence include chronicity of illness, number of symptoms experienced, extent of disability, health beliefs of the patient (perceived seriousness of
illness and perceived efficacy of treatment), and social supports. Aspects of the treatment regimensuch as complexity, number and cost of medications, and route and ease of
administrationare also predictive, as are aspects of the
health care delivery system (convenience of the clinical
setting, continuity of care, and extent of supervision by
others). Demographic variables, such as age (except in its
extremes), gender, intelligence, and education level, are
not generally predictive of adherence. The relationship of
personality variables and medication side effects to general medical adherence is uncertain, although these factors appear to be more relevant to adherence to moodstabilizing drugs (Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990; Colom
et al., 2000).


Medication Adherence

Table 211. Factors Associated with General Medical Adherence


Predictive of

Predictive of



Chronicity of illness
Amount of time asymptomatic
Severity of disease
As a general factor
Number of symptoms experienced
Extent of disability
Type of illnesspsychiatric

Age (except extremes)
Education level
Personality and attitudes
Health beliefs
Seriousness of illness
Perceived efficacy of treatment
Social supports
Living alone
Unstable/nonsupportive family

Treatment regimen
Complexity of regimen
Number and cost of medications
Oral administration
Safety caps
Frequency of dosage
Side effects of medication
Health care delivery
Clear information
Reminding strategies
Convenience of clinical setting
Continuity of care
Extent of supervision by others

Source: Based on data in Haynes et al., 1979, 2003; Blackwell, 1980; McDonald et al., 2002; World Health Organization, 2003; DiMatteo, 2004;
Osterberg and Blaschke, 2004.

A great deal of research on nonadherence among psychiatric patients has focused on schizophrenia and has yielded
findings of considerable relevance to bipolar disorder. Young
and colleagues (1999) reviewed 29 studies of nonadherence
to antipsychotic oral medications, conducted between 1986

and 1997. They found a median nonadherence rate of 46

percent, with a range of 5 to 85 percent. Fenton and colleagues (1997) reviewed empirical correlates and predictors
of nonadherence among schizophrenic patients; their findings are summarized in Box 213. Consistent with these



BOX 213. Empirical Correlates of Nonadherence

in Patients with Schizophrenia
Patient-related factors
Greater severity of illness, grandiosity, or both
Lack of insight into the illness
Substance abuse comorbidity
Medication-related factors
Medication side effects, especially dysphoric ones
Subtherapeutic or excessively high dosages
Environmental factors
Inadequate support or supervision
Practical barriers, such as lack of money or transportation
Clinician-related factors
Poor therapeutic alliance
Source: Adapted from Fenton et al., 1997. Used with permission.

findings, Young and colleagues (1999) noted important shifts

of emphasis in the treatment of schizophrenia, supporting
the significance to adherence of a strong therapeutic alliance
and patient insight. A recent study of 228 patients hospitalized with schizophrenia, for example, found that patients
relationships with staff and the prescribing physician were
predictive of attitudes toward treatment (Day et al., 2005).
Perkins and colleagues (2006) conducted a 2-year prospective study of 254 patients recovering from a first episode of
schizophrenia or schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder. They found that patient beliefs about the benefits
of medication and the need for treatment, as well as the
perceived negative aspects of the antipsychotic medications
(haloperidol or olanzapine), were predictive of medication
nonadherence. Nearly one-half of the patients were nonadherent by the end of the first year of treatment; those who
received olanzapine were significantly more likely to be adherent than those receiving haloperidol.
A meta-analysis of adherence rates for antidepressant
treatments (Pampallona et al., 2002) showed high rates of
nonadherence (approximately one-third). The authors suggested that adjunctive treatments, such as psychotherapy,
that address issues relevant to taking medication may enhance adherencealthough they identified no one such intervention as being uniformly effective. We revisit these
themes in a later section.

Definitional and Measurement Issues

What is meant by treatment adherence? Various definitions
exist, and different studies operationalize the concept in
different ways, often as a percentage of time during which

physician directions are followed as prescribed. According

to Boyd and colleagues (1974a, p. 326), medication nonadherence is the failure to comply (intentional or accidental)
with the physicians directions (expressed or implied)
in the self-administration of any medication. Blackwell
(1976, 1980, 1982) specified how nonadherence can occur
through four types of errors: (1) omission, where the patient either fails to fill the prescription at all or, once having filled it, fails to take the drug; (2) dosage, taking too
much or too little; (3) timing, including failure to follow
directions about when to take the drug or for how long,
or when to change levels; and (4) purpose or commission (taking the drug for the wrong reason). One study of
nonpsychiatric patients (Boyd et al., 1974a,b) found the
most common medication errors to be mistimed dosages
(56 percent of prescriptions), premature termination of
the drug (45 percent), and deliberate skipping of dosages
(35 percent).
Patterns of nonadherence to mood stabilizers may also
vary over time and from patient to patient. Some patients
refuse to take the medication at all; some adhere to a given
medication but titrate their own dose instead of following
the physician-prescribed schedule; and some alternate between total and partial adherence. Full adherence refers to
the practice of patients who take medication in the manner
prescribed and for the period of time specified by their
physicians. This pattern is relatively uncommon; most patients who are considered adherent only approximate full
adherence. A pattern of late adherence is often observed
initial resistance to medication, followed by recurrences
of affective illness and subsequent hospitalizations. There
may then be a sudden shift toward adherence as patients
begin to recognize the relationship between stopping the
medication and recurrence of their illness. In intermittent
adherence, probably the most common pattern, patients
adhere for a period of time (usually days to months) and
then stop taking the medication (or start taking it in a
manner not prescribed) against medical advice. After a recurrence of their illness, they begin taking the medication
again. Before more consistent adherence is achieved, these
patients stop and start the medication, take it in subtherapeutic dosages, and experience recurrences of illness. This
pattern, however, varies greatly from patient to patient.
The most extreme pattern is, of course, total nonadherence, which every physician encounters at some time and
which is the focus of most of the research in this area. It
may also be noted that behavioral nonadherence may
involve issues apart from pharmacological nonadherence:
failure to keep appointments; failure to divulge important
information on symptoms; and a lack of willingness to follow suggestions, such as getting regular sleep (Colom and
Vieta, 2002).

Medication Adherence

The most commonly employed methods for measuring

adherence include review of chart notes, patient self-reports,
records of unkept appointments and unfilled prescriptions,
blood and urine levels of the drug in question, spousal estimates of the patients drug-taking behavior, physician assessments of such behavior, pill counts, and measures of
illness outcome (the latter assuming a direct relationship
between medication adherence and exacerbation or recurrence of illness). All of these measures of medication
adherence pose substantial problems of reliability and validity. Physician ratings of adherence generally agree poorly
with other sources, and it has been noted that patient selfreports of adherence are far less potentially valid than those
of nonadherence (e.g., Young et al., 1999). A recent study
found that self-reported adherence levels and actual plasma
levels of mood stabilizers were inconsistent predictors of
outcome (rehospitalization); the investigators suggested that
self-reported adherence may be a proxy measure for additional health-enhancing behaviors and may therefore be
predictive of better outcomes (Scott and Pope, 2002b).

Rates of Nonadherence among Bipolar Patients

The first reported instance of lithium nonadherence in
a bipolar patient was the first patient treated with the drug.
Years after recounting the initial dramatic success of
lithium, Cade (1978, p. 13) described the subsequent course
of events:
It was with a sense of the most abject disappointment that
I readmitted him to hospital 6 months later as manic as
ever but took some consolation from his brother who informed me that Bill had become overconfident about having been well for so many months, had become lackadaisical about taking his medication and finally ceased
taking it about 6 weeks before.

Of the thousands of articles written about lithium and

other mood stabilizers, remarkably few deal in a substantive way with nonadherencethe primary clinical problem associated with these treatments. This lack of research
is extraordinary given the extent of the clinical problem
posed by patients who refuse to take medications as prescribed. There is little information about how many patients
stop taking mood stabilizers against medical advice; for
what reasons they do so, for how long, and at what point
in their therapeutic regimen or mood cycles; and whether
there are gender and age differences in reasons for nonadherence or incomplete adherence. Little systematic research
has been done on patients perceptions of the positive and
negative consequences of taking medications regularly and
the effect of these perceptions on actual patterns of use.
There is even less information on the use of frequently prescribed combination treatments.


Despite its paucity, the research on rates of medication

nonadherence in bipolar patients, summarized in Table
212, clearly establishes the magnitude of the problem. In a
recent review of 25 studies of medication adherence published between 1976 and 2003, Perlick and colleagues
(2004b) calculated the median rate of nonadherence in
bipolar patients to be 42 percent. Studies based on multiple medications have reported similar figures. Keck and
colleagues (1997), in a study of 140 bipolar manic patients, found an overall adherence rate of 49 percent during a 1-year follow-up, with 31 percent of patients being
totally nonadherent. The authors reported 59 percent adherence among those receiving lithium and 48 percent
among those receiving divalproex; adherence was only 11
percent for those receiving carbamazepine monotherapy.
Of particular note, there was 100 percent adherence to the
combination of lithium and divalproex; the sample size of
this subgroup was not reported, however, and the authors
observed that patients were not randomly assigned, so that
self-selection may have affected adherence. (Nonetheless, it
is of interest that a recent 18-month comparison of lithium
or divalproex plus placebo or olanzapine found that the
dropout rate was higher for patients on monotherapy [90
percent] than for those on combination therapy [69 percent] [Tohen et al., 2004]. Likewise, a recent study of 184
bipolar patients found that adherence was higher in patients who were taking a greater number of different medications [Sajatovic et al., 2006a]).
Weiss and colleagues (1998) obtained bipolar patients
retrospective recall of rates of adherence to their medications since first prescribed. About 60 percent of patients reported having adhered to the various medications more
than two-thirds of the time. However, full adherence was
reported by 50 percent for divalproex and by only 21 percent for lithium. According to the authors, these figures
may reflect in part longer histories with lithium, and hence
more opportunity for nonadherence, than was the case for
the more recently prescribed divalproex. All of the patients
were also substance abusers, and it may be that divalproex
is better accepted among that subgroup. By far the largest
study of adherence was undertaken utilizing the Veterans
Affairs National Psychosis Registry (Sajatovic et al., 2006b).
Approximately 45 percent of the 73,964 bipolar patients
(n = 32,993) were prescribed antipsychotic medications;
as a group they were younger and more often had comorbid substance abuse or post-traumatic stress disorder than
those bipolar patients who had not been prescribed antipsychotics. Approximately half (52 percent) of those prescribed antipsychotics were fully adherent; 21 percent were
partially adherent, and 27 percent were nonadherent.
Another way to view the issue of nonadherence is to
track the number of days of continuous use. Johnson and



Table 212. Rates of Nonadherence to Mood Stabilizers and Antipsychotic Medications (Percentage)



Angst et al., 1970


Van Putten, 1975


Bech et al., 1976


Jamison et al., 1979


Cochran, 1982


Connelly et al., 1982


Kucera-Bozarth et al., 1982


Vestergaard and Amdisen, 1983


Danion et al., 1987


Cochran and Gitlin, 1988


Maarbjerg et al., 1988


Lenzi et al., 1989


Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990


Mukherjee et al., 1993


Keck et al., 1997



Weiss et al., 1998



Bonin, 1999


Schumann et al., 1999


Colom et al., 2000


Svarstad et al., 2001


Pope and Scott, 2003


Kleindienst and Greil, 2004







Sajatovic et al., 2006b

Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2006


Within the first 6 months of treatment.

Within 2 years.
Lifetime rate.
Discontinued at least once in 6 yr follow-up. Half of 76 lithium patients were bipolar. No differences between diagnostic groups.
Any prescribed mood stabilizer.
Partially adherent, 21 percent; nonadherent, 27 percent.

McFarland (1996) studied records of a large number of

lithium users in a health maintenance organization. They
determined that the median period of continuous lithium
use was 65 days in a 6-year observation period.
Whether one looks at rates of nonadherence or days
of use, the above figures indicate that, across diverse

medications, populations, and facilities, a lack of adherence to medication regimens is a substantial problem for
patients with bipolar disorder. The consequences of this
nonadherence appear obvious but bear emphasis: patients
who discontinue medication or use it incompletely or
inappropriately greatly increase their risk for relapse and

Medication Adherence

recurrence of episodes, as well as suicide (e.g., Suppes

et al., 1991). Results of several studies underscore earlier
findings in this regard. For instance, Marken and colleagues
(1992) cited nonadherencealong with substance abuse
and stressful life eventsas a key factor precipitating rehospitalization among their inpatient sample (see also
Johnson and McFarland, 1996).
From the reverse perspective, Keck and colleagues (1998)
found that full adherence was associated with significantly
better syndromic recovery during a 1-year follow-up. Likewise, Tsai and colleagues (2001) found that full medication
adherence was the strongest predictor of good clinical outcome over a 15-year period among a sample of Taiwanese
bipolar patients. Another study, unique for its use of serum
lithium levels to monitor adherence, revealed that poor
lithium adherence was the strongest predictor of more
episodes per year over the follow-up period among a large
sample of Indian bipolar patients (Kulhara et al., 1999).
And Silverstone and colleagues (1998), having compiled
follow-up data on several samples in the United Kingdom
and New Zealand, found that 94 percent of patients who
totally discontinued lithium became manic, usually within
a few weeks; these patients accounted for a sizable portion
(44 percent) of those who experienced recurrences over a
2-year course. Although the authors pointed out, as have
many others, that the recurrence rate is high even when
medication adherence is good, it is clear that nonadherence is a potent determinant of significantly poorer clinical
course. Chapters 8 and 25 further underscore the various
clinical costs and suspected biological consequences of
both sudden discontinuation and intermittent use of mood

Reasons for Nonadherence

Why do patients in general, and individuals with bipolar
disorder specifically, not follow their prescribed medication regimen? The common but seemingly irrational failure to take steps prescribed to prevent unwanted medical
and psychiatric consequences has been studied from several perspectives, the most important of these being the
clinical and the empirical/descriptive. From the clinical
perspective, anecdotal and impressionistic information
about medications from both patients and practitioners
has led to a number of widely held assumptions, which
serve as the basis for questionnaires and interviews. The
empirical/descriptive approach, adopted largely in medical
and psychiatric studies of adherence, typically involves examining variables in four domains: medication-related,
patient-related, environmental, and clinician-related. Finally,
although less common, theories based in social psychology
and behavioral medicine have been proposed. An example is


the Health Belief Model, which emphasizes complex interactions among variables, including a mental calculus of attitudes about the costs and benefits of adherence in relation to
personal goals and resources.
While all of these research perspectives contribute important information, they also remind us that each investigators approach may encompass some but not all of the
important factors. Moreover, the various factors likely interact in highly complex ways for different individuals.
And some of the most important variables may be exceptionally difficult to measure. These include beliefs, expectations, personal predictions, and subjective weighing of
costs and benefitsall cognitive operations that may be
distorted by mood and judgment.

Clinical Reports of Reasons for Nonadherence

Several anecdotal reports on lithium nonadherence have
been published, along with proposed explanations for the
phenomenon. In an early study, Polatin and Fieve (1971)
emphasized that patients often attribute decreases in creativity and productivity to lithium. They also stressed the
role of denial in chronic, serious illness. Fitzgerald (1972)
speculated that refusal to take lithium stems from intolerance of reality-based depressions, preference for a hypomanic way of life, or provocation from a spouse or other
family member who also misses the patients hypomanic
episodes. Van Putten (1975), in addition to stressing the
preference for hypomania, noted the importance of side
effects and lithium-induced dysphoria, characterized by a
driveless, anhedonic condition. Like Schou and colleagues
(1970), he suggested that depressive relapses, as well as a
tendency to feel well and to see no further need for medication, are significant variables in lithium refusal. Grof
and colleagues (1970) reported that the majority of their
patients who stopped lithium of their own accord had
been free of relapse and felt no motivation to continue.
Van Putten and Jamison (1980) likened the clinical situation to that of penicillin prophylaxis in rheumatic fever,
where adherence is positively related to the individuals estimate of the likelihood of having another attack; many
bipolar patients in the early stages of their illness are not
convinced that a relapse is probable. Schou and Baastrup
(1973) cited several reasons for lithium nonadherence: decreased energy, enthusiasm, or sexuality; increased marital
difficulties; and a common perception that life is flatter
and less colorful than before lithium treatment began.
Some of these complaints no doubt result from direct effects of lithium on the illness, such as dampening or eliminating periods of hypomania, and some are due to side effects. Kerry (1978) suggested that the social stigma
associated with manic-depressive psychosis may lead to



rejection of lithium, the most concrete symbol of the illness. After several decades of work with patients taking
lithium, Schou (1997, p. 361) summarized the factors that
he and other researchers believe are involved in lithium
nonadherence as follows:
Non-adherence is a complex phenomenon and may have
a number of causes. Patients may be inadequately instructed or negligent, they may stop taking lithium because it is not as effective as they had expected it to be,
or they may stop taking the drug because it is so effective
that there are no further recurrences and they think that
they no longer need medication. Patients may stop taking
lithium because of side-effects, because they dislike having their mood regulated by a drug, or as a result of antidrug pressure by the media or the patients immediate environment.
Patients may also stop lithium because they miss the
exhilaration and excess energy experienced during previous hypomanias. If, despite lithium maintenance treatment, patients develop a slight manic recurrence, they
may feel unusually well, on top of the world, and in no
need of further lithium. They may then discontinue the
treatment, with the result that the impending mania develops into a full-blown one. . . .

It is also clear that attitudes toward medication and adherence may change over time. Cochran (1982), while conducting a brief intervention focused on adherence among
bipolar patients, noted that during treatment of nonadherence, patients often followed a pattern in their ability and
willingness to articulate their attitudes toward lithium. Initially, they discussed their appreciation of the drug and expressed little ambivalence. By the third session, however,
they frequently spoke of extreme ambivalence about lithium
and expressed considerable concern about future adherence. Cochran observed that patient concerns centered on
the following issues:
Personal controlfrustrations with the medical model,
which patients perceived as focused more on symptoms
than on personal gains, and insufficient emphasis on the
establishment of alternative means of control, such as
changes in diet or reduction in stress.
Changes in life brought about by successful lithium
treatmentmissing of highs and the impact of stabilization on relationships.
Lack of predictability in the course of the illness, possible
breakthrough episodes, and length of time on lithium
and discomfort about having to be passive in light of
possible impending episodes.
Issues concerning lithium, such as its safety, mechanism
of action, side effects, and efficacy.

These issues, observed by most clinicians who have treated

bipolar patients, are discussed in greater detail later in this

Empirical Studies of Reasons for Nonadherence

It is important to note that a reason for adherence or nonadherence may not be the same as a cause. Patients may
vary in their ability to articulate or identify their beliefs or
theories about why they take (or fail to take) medication as
prescribed. Moreover, while information based on consciously held perceptions is vitally important, it may be
limited by awareness, influenced by cognitive and emotional factors, and shaped by beliefs that are subject to inaccuracies of various kinds.
In one of the first systematic explorations of the earlier
clinical reports of beliefs described previously, Jamison
and colleagues (1979) pursued two obvious sources of information and experience about taking medication for
bipolar illness: the attitudes of patients (47 lithium patients from the Affective Disorders Clinic at the University of California, Los Angeles [UCLA]) and, independently, the attitudes of clinicians well experienced in the
use of lithium (50 physicians, each of whom had treated
at least 50 patients with lithium). Nearly one-half of the
patients reported having stopped taking lithium at some
time against medical advice, and 34 percent of those patients said they had stopped more than once. Of those
who reported not having stopped, more than 90 percent
stated that they had never considered doing so. These
findings raise the possibility that patients tend to divide
into two distinct subgroups with regard to adherencea
distribution perhaps more bimodal than continuous in
The results of this study and others investigating reasons for and predictors of nonadherence are summarized
in Table 213 (see also the later discussion on empirical
correlates of nonadherence). The UCLA study revealed no
significant demographic (gender, age, education, or income) differences between those who discontinued lithium
and those who continued. It is interesting that the adherent
and nonadherent groups had equally positive beliefs about
the effectiveness of the drug in preventing recurrences
of mania and, to a somewhat lesser extent, depression.
Both groups also indicated that fear of depression was a
stronger motivation for adherence to lithium than fear of
Table 214 lists, in order of importance, the reasons
for nonadherence cited by the entire patient sample in the
UCLA study, by the group that reported nonadherence,
and by the clinicians. (When patients reported that they
had always complied, they were asked to give reasons that
might cause them not to comply.) From the nonadherent

Table 213. Correlates of Medication Adherence: Data-Based Studies

Bech et al., 1976
Jamison et al., 1979

Connelly et al., 1982

Kucera-Bozarth et al.,
Frank et al., 1985
Danion et al., 1987
Cochran and Gitlin,

Sample Size


(49 BP)a
(38 BP)

Side effects; lack of efficacy

(40 BP)
37 BP

Male; perception of continuity

of care

216 BP

History of good adherence;

higher education

(36 BP)
48 BP

Maarbjerg et al., 1988

(61 BP)

Lenzi et al., 1989

(53 BP)
(61 BP)

Social support; unpleasant

psychotic experience

Miklowitz, 1992

23 BP

Mukherjee et al., 1993

114 BP

Mood-congruent psychosis;
better social functioning
Male; Caucasian

Keck et al., 1997

Weiss et al., 1998
Bonin, 1999

140 BP
44 BP
149 BP

Schumann et al., 1999

(38 BP)
200 BP

Aagaard and
Vestergaard, 1990

Colom et al., 2000

Greenhouse et al., 2000

32 BP

Scott and Pope, 2002a

(78 BP)


Disliked the idea of moods being

controlled by medication;
missed highs; felt depressed
Elevated mood; not married
Lower SES; not married; higher
external locus of control score
Not married; younger
Lower cognitive functioning;
personality disorder
Lack of knowledge about
medication; concerns about
stigma; side effects
Early age at illness onset; greater
number of prior hospitalizations;
personality disorder; substance
Grandiosity; living alone; manic
phase; somatic concerns
Substance abuse; personality
disorder; greater number of

Older age; shorter duration of

Substance abuse; denial; side effects
Substance abuse; side effects; denial
Younger; male; less perception of
treatment efficacy
Resistance to long-term treatment;
side effects
Personality disorder; schizotypal
symptoms; fewer episodes but
more hospitalizations

Acceptance of illness; good

coping and low-denial
Denial; history of nonadherence

Table 213. Correlates of Medication Adherence: Data-Based Studies (continued)


Sample Size

Stratigos et al., 2002

111 BP

Pope and Scott, 2003

(61 BP)

Kleindienst and Greil,

Perlick et al., 2004b

171 BP
101 BPc

Sajatovic et al., 2006a

184 BP

Sajatovic et al., 2006b

32,993 BPd


Disliked the idea of moods being
controlled by medication; felt
well, saw no need for medication;
felt illness more related to life
events than biologically based
Disliked the idea of moods being
controlled by medication; disliked
the idea of having a chronic
illness; felt depressed

Higher age; greater trust in

medication and physicianb

Greater number of

Greater perceived family burden;

emotional overinvolvement
of caregiver
Current substance abuse
Younger age; minority ethnicity;
substance abuse; homelessness

Note: Most earlier studies focused primarily on lithium treatment; more recent studies have included anticonvulsants and antipsychotic
BP = bipolar; SES = socioeconomic status.
35 patients on lithium, 32 on carbamazepine, all female.
For lithium but not carbamazepine patients.
101 patients matched with identified caregivers.
Prescribed antipsychotic medications.

Table 214. Rank Ordering of General Reasons for Nonadherence: UCLA Study

Total Patient
Sample (n = 47)

Patients Who Reported

Discontinuing Lithium
Treatment (n = 22)

Bothered by idea that moods are

controlled by medication
Felt depressed
Bothered by idea of chronic illness
Felt less attractive to spouse
Felt well; saw no need for lithium
Hassle to take medication

Bothered by idea that moods are

controlled by medication
Missed highs
Felt depressed
Bothered by idea of chronic illness
Felt well; saw no need for lithium
Hassle to take medication

Missed highs
Felt less creative
Felt less productive
Felt less attractive to friends

Felt less attractive to friends

Felt less creative
Felt less productive
Felt less attractive to spouse

Source: Adapted from Jamison et al., 1979.

Independent Clinician
Sample (n = 50)
Felt well; saw no need for lithium
Missed highs
Bothered by idea of chronic illness
Felt less creative
Felt less productive
Bothered by idea that moods are
controlled by medication
Hassle to take medication
Felt less attractive to friends
Felt depressed
Felt less attractive to spouse

Medication Adherence

patients perspective, the four most important reasons for

nonadherence were as follows:
They disliked the idea of medication controlling their
They missed their highs.
They felt depressed.
They disliked the idea of having a chronic illness, symbolized by the necessity for lithium therapy.
Patient and clinician perceptions occasionally diverged,
and when they did, the differences were significant. Patients
were much more bothered than clinicians believed them to
be by having medication control their moods. Those patients
who reported discontinuing lithium were more likely than
clinicians to report that feeling depressed was a significant
factor. Although both clinicians and discontinuers ranked
missing highs as particularly important in nonadherence,
discontinuers were less likely to state that decreases in productivity and creativity were important in their decision to
discontinue. This finding contrasts with prevailing notions
about reasons for nonadherence and suggests that many patients do not necessarily equate highs with creativity or productivity. From the clinicians point of view, the three most
important reasons for lithium nonadherence were as follows:
The patient felt well and saw no need to continue the
medication. (Nearly two-thirds of physicians thought
that lithium nonadherence was somewhat or very

related to patients acting out their denial of a serious

lifelong illness.)
The patient missed the highs of hypomania and/or mania.
The patient was bothered by the idea of having a chronic
More than 20 years after the UCLA study, Pope and Scott
(2003) attempted to replicate it using a British sample of 72
patients and 41 psychiatrists (Fig. 211). They concluded that
the reasons patients gave for medication nonadherence had
hardly altered since Jamison et al.s (1979) original study
(p. 291). They also found, as the UCLA investigation had,
that physicians perceptions of reasons for nonadherence remained at variance with those of patients. Psychiatrists, for
example, believed that patients stopped taking their medication because they missed their highs, which is certainly true
for many patients, but most patients were more concerned
about feeling depressed while medicated. Psychiatrists also
failed to recognize the importance to patients of having to
deal with a chronic illness, as well as having their moods
controlled by medication. Psychological issues of control
were paramount in a study of bipolar patients conducted by
Stratigos and colleagues (2002), as well as in an extensive
European study of patient attitudes (Morselli et al., 2003).
By far the most important concern patients cited was feeling dependent on taking medication; next in importance
was their perception that taking medication was tantamount
to slavery.

Figure 211. Primary reasons for stopping medication identified by clinicians (n = 41) and by previously nonadherent (PNAD, n = 33) and adherent (AD, n = 37) patient groups. (Source: Pope and Scott, 2003. Reprinted with
permission from Elsevier.)

% Endorsing Item

Bothered, chronic illness
Hassle to take medication


Bothered, mood controlled
Felt well, saw no need to take medication

Felt depressed
Miss highs



Additional studies have attempted to understand patients subjective reasons for nonadherence or to predict
adherence over time. Some studies have tested versions of a
health belief model in which patients perceptions of the
severity of their illness and beliefs about the benefits
of medication, about themselves, and about control over
their illness combine to predict adherence. For instance,
Cochran and Gitlin (1988) assessed various attitudes and
beliefs among a later sample from the UCLA Affective
Disorders Clinic and tested a complex social psychological
model of adherence. For the most part, their results confirmed the model, indicating that attitudes about lithium
and its effects can predict adherence. An important finding was patients belief that if their psychiatrist and their
friends and family had positive views of the treatment and
its effectsand if they themselves were motivated to meet
the psychiatrists and others expectationsadherence was
more likely. The investigators noted that relevant relationships, including the patientphysician relationship, may be
important sources of adherence-related attitudes.
Keck and colleagues (1997) assessed patients reasons for
nonadherence to their medication regimen (various mood
stabilizers and combinations of drugs) using a questionnaire
derived from previous studies of reasons for nonadherence.
In their sample of 140 hospitalized manic patients followed
for a 1-year period, they found that only 31 percent were totally adherent. The most commonly cited reasons for total or
partial nonadherence were denial of illness or poor insight
(63 percent); side effects (27 percent); belief that they had recovered from the illness (11 percent); and others, including
practical considerations such as the cost of medication.
Schumann and colleagues (1999) reported on a 6-year
retrospective study of reasons for nonadherence among 76
patients in two clinics in Vienna and Berlin; 50 percent of
the patients were bipolar, with the remainder being unipolar or schizoaffective. Although results were not reported
by diagnostic group, the investigators indicated that diagnosis was not significantly associated with adherence or
reasons cited for discontinuation of medication. They found
that 54 percent of the patients had discontinued treatment
at least once during the 6-year period. The most commonly
cited reason was resistance against long-term treatment.
Comparisons of adherent and nonadherent patients revealed
significant differences on three attitude items: resistance to
prophylaxis, denial of the effectiveness of lithium, and denial of the severity of illness.
Greenhouse and colleagues (2000) specifically tested
the role of cognitive acceptance or denial of illness in predicting self-reported adherence during a 1-week period.
Acceptance and denial were defined by items on a coping
questionnairefor example, Ive been accepting the reality of the fact that it [diagnosis of bipolar-I disorder] has

happened and Ive been saying to myself, this isnt real.

The authors found that with lower acceptance and higher
denial, medication adherence scores declined sharply. Noting that the correlations between acceptance and denial
were only moderate, they argued that both processes may
contribute separately to medication adherence. Adams and
Scott (2000) found that patients beliefs about the benefits
of treatment and the severity of their illness contributed
substantially to the prediction of adherence. They also observed that believing health is controlled by external rather
than internal factors enhanced adherence.
In a prospective study of the relationship between illness concepts and medication adherence, Kleindienst and
Greil (2004) randomly assigned 171 bipolar patients to either
lithium or carbamazepine treatment. Illness conceptstrust
in medication, trust in the treating physician, and absence of
negative treatment expectationswere predictive of adherence to lithium but not to carbamazepine.

Side Effects: A Complex Issue

Several studies, especially those based on primarily lithiumtreated patients, have found that side effects are often cited
in subjective reports of reasons for nonadherence (e.g.,
Weiss et al., 1998; Scott and Pope, 2002a). In the prospective
study of Kleindienst and Greil (2004), however, neither the
number nor the severity of side effects was related to adherence in patients taking lithium or carbamazepine.
Side effects are a complex issue for several reasons. The
side effects of a medication may be real, but their importance to patients may be highly subjective in ways unrelated to their frequency or to the perceptions of others, and
they may or may not be related to adherence. For example,
Gitlin and colleagues (1989) found that the most common
side effects of lithiumthirst and polyuriawere far less
bothersome to patients than weight gain and cognitive effects. The total number of side effects was related to nonadherence only slightly and nonsignificantly; specific side
effects (especially tremor and mental slowness) were associated most strongly (although only moderately) with actual nonadherence. Further, patients indicated that weight
gain was the major side effect potentially bothersome enough
to cause them to stop lithium. Thus the role of side effects in
actual medication nonadherence is somewhat ambiguous.
Jamison and colleagues (1979) found further that clinicians may misperceive the role of side effects; the clinicians
in their study viewed side effects as more important in nonadherence than did patients who had discontinued lithium
treatment. Clinicians may also attribute some side effects
to mood episodes rather than to medication. Such tendencies may reflect a reluctance to acknowledge certain
negative effects, such as cognitive changes, or they may accurately characterize illness factors that patients attribute

Medication Adherence

to their medication. Not only may mood symptoms be misperceived as medication side effects, but mood symptoms
especially depressionmay affect the degree to which patients experience and are bothered by somatic side effects
(e.g., Abou-Saleh and Coppen, 1983). Indeed, it is likely
that personality and interpersonalenvironmental characteristics influence patients perceptions and tolerance of
medication side effects.
Side effects, therefore, represent both real deterrents to
medication adherence and psychological issues that may
play a complex role in adherence. There are some indications that different mood stabilizers may have fewer or differing side effects, resulting in varying levels of adherence
to the prophylactic regimen, but significant differences have
not been convincingly documented. One study of adherence to antipsychotic medication among a sample of outpatient veterans (most diagnosed with schizophrenia) is
suggestive. The investigators found significantly better rates
of adherence to atypical than to typical antipsychotic medications, as measured by prescription refills (Dolder et al.,
2002). Yet while better adherence was found for the medications with fewer side effects at 6-month follow-up, no differences were seen at 12 months. A recent large study of
claims data for antipsychotic treatment in more than 15,000
commercially insured bipolar patients found greater adherence for individuals taking atypical rather than typical antipsychotics (Gianfrancesco et al., 2006). British researchers,
however, found significantly lower adherence to atypical
antipsychotics than to lithium (Horne et al., 2006).
Greater availability of medical resources to treat adverse
side effects may enhance acceptance of long-term medication. Certainly, education about side effects is essential. A
recent British study found that more than 60 percent of the
223 patients surveyed were dissatisfied with the information they received about side effects from their physicians
(Bowskill et al., 2006). It must be emphasized, however,
that subjective and psychological factors also play an important role in patients reactions to side effects. In their
prospective study of adherence in bipolar patients, for example, Kleindienst and Greil (2004) demonstrated that
concepts patients hold about their illness strongly influence the subjective impairment caused by medication.
Chapters 18 through 20 address side effects and their management in greater detail.

Empirical Correlates of Nonadherence

In addition to the reasons for nonadherence that can be articulated by patients, further information is available from
studies of empirical correlates of nonadherence. Table 213,
presented earlier, summarizes studies of adherence among
bipolar patients. Most of these studies focused on lithium
and examined a variety of demographic and clinical factors,


using diverse measures of adherence and populations from

a range of clinical settings. These studies were characterized
by numerous methodological and conceptual shortcomings,
including the use of predominantly small sample sizes,
which precludes subgroup comparisons and limits generalizability; a relative absence of theoretical or predictive models to guide the analyses; and failure to evaluate complex interactions among variables and changes in medication use
over time. Nevertheless, these studies serve as useful first
steps toward understanding adherence issues.

Patient-Related Factors
As noted earlier, few demographic variables (age, gender,
income, education) appear to predict adherence to lithium
or other medications reliably, an observation consistent
with results of medication adherence studies in general
(see Table 211). Among the exceptions to this rule are findings that being married is associated with better adherence
and that living alone is associated with poorer adherence3;
less consistently, adherence increases with age.4
Clinical features are also inconsistently associated with
adherence, with the exception of a constellation of variables related to elevated mood. As discussed earlier, Jamison and colleagues (1979) found that missing of highs was
one of the few factors significantly differentiating adherent from nonadherent patients (see Table 214). Likewise,
Connelly and colleagues (1982) observed that nonadherence was associated with elevated mood. Lenzi and colleagues (1989) found that grandiosity was significantly associated with nonadherence, while Rosen and Mukherjee
(unpublished data) noted that nonadherence was associated with a history of grandiose delusions. Similarly, a
study of patients with bipolar-I disorder showed lithium
adherence to be less likely among those who experienced
recurrent manic episodes (without evidence for clinical
depression) than among those who experienced both
disabling depressive and manic episodes (Lenzi et al.,
Miklowitz (1992) found that among manic patients, those
with more severe psychotic symptoms (and schizoaffectivemanic patients generally) were more nonadherent. Other illness factors, such as polarity of episodes, severity, family history, diagnostic subtype, and frequency of affective episodes,
are ambiguously or inconsistently related to adherence.
Nonetheless, it might be predicted that number of years ill, in
complex interaction with age and clinical history, would affect adherence. Clinical experience suggests that younger patients tend to be less accepting of their diagnosis and prognosis, and their attitudes change with experience and the
consequences of the illness over time.
The role of mania, and perhaps psychosis in particular,
may be especially relevant to the patients level of insight,



awareness, and acceptance of illness. Ghaemi (1997) reviewed studies examining insight (awareness that one has a
mental disorder or that one is exhibiting symptoms of psychopathology) among patients with severe psychopathology
and its correlation with clinical features. In general, he
found that lack of insight is just as prevalent in patients with
mania as in those with schizophrenia. Yen and colleagues
(2004) found that poorer insight in bipolar illness is more
likely in males and in patients with a shorter duration of illness and a history of psychosis. It is also related to the nature
of the clinical episodes experienced by patients (see Chapter
22). Patients who experience pure mania show less insight
than those who have predominantly mixed states (Cassidy
et al., 2001; DellOsso et al., 2002); depressed patients show
greater insight than manic patients5; and bipolar-II patients
appear to show less insight than bipolar-I patients (Pallanti
et al., 1999). Ghaemi (1997) found no studies examining the
role of insight in medication adherence among bipolar patients; however, results of studies previously mentioned concerning patients beliefs that they are not ill, or no longer ill,
clearly reflect a similar concept. Research in the field of
schizophrenia has demonstrated a strong association between lack of insight and nonadherence (e.g., Fenton et al.,
1997; Young et al., 1999), and further studies of the meaning,
correlates, and consequences of lack of insight among bipolar patients are needed. Treatment for bipolar illness often
results in improved insight,6 but the effect of this on adherence has not been adequately studied.
Two further patient characteristics warrant consideration in the context of adherence. The first is substance
abuse, which is increasingly recognized as a common and
complicating feature of the course of bipolar disorder (see
Chapter 7). It may play a particularly pernicious role in
poor adherence to medication, as several studies have now
A second salient patient characteristic is one that has
rarely been examined: personality disorders that may interact with clinical and attitudinal variables to affect adherence. One large study of 200 bipolar-I and -II patients
found that personality disorders assessed by the Structured
Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
(DSM) (SCID) II were strongly associated with medication nonadherence (Colom et al., 2000), as did an earlier,
considerably smaller study (Danion et al., 1987) and a
Danish one (Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990). On the other
hand, another study, which did not report details on the
method used for assessing personality disorders, did not
find such an association (Schumann et al., 1999), nor did a
recent prospective study of 171 bipolar patients conducted
in Germany (Kleindienst and Greil, 2004). It might be
speculated that the relatively poor clinical course associated with many forms of personality disorder (see Chapter

10) involves medication nonadherence as a key mechanism of the effects of personality pathology. Personality
pathology is highly likely to contribute not only to behavioral problems, such as poor perseverance and inadequate
environmental supports, but also to increased substance
abuse and maladaptive understanding of the illness, its
consequences, and the role of medication. However, patients with personality pathology may also respond more
poorly to medication and thus perceive less benefit from
adhering to their treatment regimen.
In their comprehensive review of 25 studies of medication adherence in bipolar patients, Perlick and colleagues
(2004b) concluded that the most consistent risk factors for
nonadherence are comorbid substance abuse, comorbid
personality disorder, being single or living alone, having
limited insight or knowledge about bipolar illness, and
difficulties with side effects (especially cognitive changes,
weight gain, lethargy, and problems with tremor and coordination). For an important subgroup, manic symptoms
and missing highs are also important. Less clearly related
are gender, number of affective episodes, and age.

Environmental Factors
Supportive resources and practical matters have been
identified as key contributors to medication adherence in
patients with schizophrenia, but have been studied far less
often in the context of bipolar disorder. Many studies have
found that living alone or being single is predictive of nonadherence in bipolar patients8; in a related finding, Lenzi
and colleagues (1989) noted that adherence was associated
with degree of social support (see also Tables 211 and
213). The existence of positive relationships doubtless affects adherence in both direct and indirect ways, and such
issues deserve considerably more investigation. Also, of
course, marriage and adherence may both be associated
with positive personal attributes and a relatively better clinical course. Obviously, too, if supportive relationships help
facilitate medication adherence, psychotherapy may be an
important source of support and may influence adherence
directly as well as indirectly (see Chapter 22).
Environmental factors also include the occurrence of
chronic and episodic stressors and the extent to which such
experiences may undermine efforts to adhere to medication. To date, only one study has directly investigated the
potential effect of life events on symptomatology through
the mechanism of changes in adherence. Johnson and colleagues (1998) examined this model among a sample of 67
bipolar-I patients over a 1-year period but found no such effect; instead, they found that both adherence and life events
affected symptomatology independently and directly.
Other issues concerning practical mattersin particular, medication costs and treatment affordability and

Medication Adherence

availabilityare obviously important but have not been

adequately studied.

Clinician-Related Factors
The therapeutic alliance has rarely been studied in the
context of bipolar patients adherence to medication, although its importance has been well documented in studies of schizophrenia (see, e.g., the review by Fenton et al.,
1997). As noted previously, Cochran and Gitlin (1988)
tested a complex model of attitudes associated with adherence and found that patients perceptions of physicians attitudes about lithium were important to the patients own
attitudes, although that study did not examine the quality
of the therapeutic relationship. Yet it appears probable that
the clinicians role is critical, extending well beyond the
mechanics of appropriate prescribing (Frank and Frank,
1991; Slavney, 2005).

Medication-Related Factors
Patients perceptions of both the efficacy and the side
effects of the medications they take, or do not take, are
clearly important. The relationship between perceived efficacy of medication and adherence is complex and little
studied. Two studies (Jamison et al., 1979; Connelly et al.,
1982) found no association between adherence and patients evaluation of medication efficacy, but two others
found to the contrary (Bech, 1982; Bonin, 1999). Adherence, as we have seen, is complexly affected by individual
differences in perception and toleration of side effects.
Several studies have found that nonadherence is associated
with the severity or number of subjective concerns about
side effects.9 Other investigators, however, have not found
this association.10
Certain intrinsic features associated with the pharmacological treatment of bipolar patients may result in exceedingly difficult clinical situations that clinicians must
work to overcome. These intrinsic qualities of lithium and
the other medications used to treat bipolar illness are listed
below with respect to lithium; their generalizability to
other medications is apparent, although incomplete.
Lithium (unlike analgesics, neuroleptics, or benzodiazepines) has a long-delayed therapeutic action: 5 to 7
days for an antimanic effect, usually much longer for an
antidepressant effect.
Patients are expected to stay on the drug for an indeterminate time, much of it in a more or less normal clinical
state, with no immediate felt need for the drug.
If a patient stops the medication, the negative consequences of nonadherence (recurrence of mania and/or
depression) are often delayed. Rarely is there an immediate negative effect.


The cessation of lithium, on the other hand, is often accompanied by relatively immediate positive experiences,
either because of the disappearance of side effects or because of breakthrough hypomania (often a contributing
factor to lithium nonadherence in the first place).
The initiation of lithium treatment often is associated with
unpleasant events in the patients memory (e.g., psychosis,
hospitalization, violence, agitation).
If lithium is first prescribed for a manic episode, the natural history of the illness predicts that the patient is at
significant risk for a postmanic depression, which further associates the onset of lithium treatment with unpleasant psychological and physical experiences.
Compounding these difficulties, lithium has no known
intrinsic reinforcing qualities, either immediate or delayed.

Psychotherapy and Medication Adherence

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of psychotherapy for patients who have bipolar illness, especially
those to whom medication adherence does not come easily.
We review specific psychotherapeutic interventions, as well
as their impact on recurrence of illness and adherence, in
Chapter 22. Sajatovic and colleagues (2004) recently summarized clinical trials that specifically examined interventions designed to enhance medication adherence; we reproduce their summary here (Table 215) and discuss the
details of the psychotherapeutic techniques and specific
psychotherapy studies in Chapter 22. Several clinical trials
have been completed since the review of Sajatovic and colleagues. Two found no significant difference in medication
adherence between the treatment and comparison groups
(Ball et al., 2006; Scott et al., 2006); two found increased adherence in the treatment groups (Miklowitz et al., 2003;
Lam et al., 2005). These studies are discussed in Chapter 22.

Many clinicians, having once diagnosed bipolar illness and
prescribed an effective medication, tend to assume that the
difficult part is over. On the contrary, in the words of one
patient, the war has just begun. Nonadherence to the use
of lithium and other medications is costly not only to
bipolar patients, but also to those who know them, and to
society as a whole.
Research on the factors involved in nonadherence
among bipolar patients is relatively sparse, but much information exists in research conducted on related illnesses,
such as schizophrenia. One set of factors includes patient
variables such as attitudes about the illness and the role of
medication, as well as reactions to side effects. The role of
the patients insight into the disorder may be crucial, with

Table 215. Summary of Studies of Interventions to Enhance Treatment Adherence among Patients with Bipolar Disorder





Shakir et al.,

Mirror design

Weekly interpersonal
group psychotherapy

N = 15; bipolar-I = 12,

bipolar-II = 3

Average duration of group treatment

was 51 wk; mean number of
participants per session was 8.2


controlled trial

Weekly modified
intervention for 6 wk

N = 28; 14 to intervention,
14 to usual care

Van Gent and

Zwart, 1991

controlled trial

Harvey and
Peet, 1991

controlled trial

N = 26 partners of
patients; 14 to
intervention, 12 to
control group
N = 59; 29 to educational
group, 30 controls

Clarkin et al.,

controlled trial

Five theme-oriented
groups for partners
of patients with
bipolar disorder
Videotaped lecture on
lithium, handout,
and home visit
Manual-driven marital
therapy (25 sessions)

Lithium levels;
pretreatment = .53
mEq/l; post-treatment =
.94 mEq/l
Significantly enhanced
adherence immediately
after intervention and
at 6 mo
Nonadherence did not
differ between groups

Improved adherence was associated

with improved attitudes toward
Patients receiving marital therapy
had better overall functioning but
were not less symptomatic

Perry et al.,

controlled trial

Individual teaching of
early symptom
recognition (7 to 12

N = 69; 34 to intervention,
35 to control group

Intervention group had

fewer missed lithium
doses (p <.07)
Mean level of medication
adherence was higher
in the intervention
group (p = .008)
No difference in
adherence between



N = 42; 19 to intervention,
23 to usual care

Patients who received the

intervention stopped lithium less
often and were hospitalized less
Group support was of benefit to
partners; partners in both groups
reported increased well-being

Experimental treatment was effective

in reducing relapse to mania but
not to depression


Weiss et al.,

Controlled trial,
sequential block

Weekly integrated
group therapy
(1220 sessions)

et al., 2000

controlled trial

Lam et al.,

controlled trial

Colom et al.,

controlled trial

treatment; 21 sessions
over 9 mo
therapy, 1220
sessions within 6 mo
(mean = 16.3 sessions)
Psychoeducational group
program, 21 sessions,
90 min each

Lam et al.,

controlled trial

Individual manual-driven
cognitive therapy

N = 45; 21 to intervention,
24 to control
conditions; all
participants had dual
N = 101; 28 to family
treatment, 51 to control
group; 22 terminated

No difference in
adherence between

Improvements in substance
dependence and mania but not
depression for intervention group

No main effect of
psychosocial treatment
on predicting
medication adherence

Over 12 mo, family therapy

provided greater prophylaxis
against relapse to mood disorder,
particularly depression

N = 25; 13 to intervention,
12 to control group

Therapy group
showed significantly
better adherence over
12 mo (p <.05)c
At 2 yr follow-up,
intervention patients
had higher lithium
levels ( p = .03)

Patients in the therapy group had

significantly fewer bipolar episodes
and fewer hospitalizations

N = 120 euthymic
bipolar-I and -II
patients; 60 to
intervention, 60 to
control group
N = 103; 51 to intervention,
52 to control group

Significantly greater
adherence in treatment
group (p = .02 for
self-report; p = .06 for
serum levels)

As measured by the Lithium Attitudes Questionnaire.

Bipolar disorder and substance dependence.
As measured by the Medication Compliance Questionnaire.
Source: Sajatovic et al., 2004. Reprinted with permission from Psychiatric Services. Copyright 2004, American Psychiatric Association.

Group psychoeducation significantly

reduced the number of patients
who had relapses, the number of
recurrences per patient, and
Cognitive therapy reduced relapse,
improved social functioning



factors that reduce such insight (e.g., mania, being young or

at an early stage of the illness, comorbid substance abuse)
contributing to nonadherence. Other important factors in
adherence involve the clinicianpatient relationship and
the patients environment, including the extent of supportive relationships with others. Further research on adherence
among bipolar patients is needed to further our understanding of issues that may be unique to this population.
Clinicians wishing to increase medication adherence
can take several steps: minimize medication levels to the
extent possible; minimize and treat aggressively any side
effects; track the patients adherence; examine their own, as
well as the patients, concerns about long-term medication
maintenance; educate patients and their families about
bipolar illness and the role of medication in attenuating its
course; and, when indicated, actively encourage adjunctive

1. This description and others by a patient with manicdepressive illness were written by one of the authors, Kay R.


Jamison. Some were modified slightly and incorporated into

her memoir, An Unquiet Mind (New York: Alfred A. Knopf,
See Mazullo and Lasagna, 1972; Haynes et al., 1979; Becker
and Maiman, 1980; Docherty and Fiester, 1985; Fenton et al.,
Connelly et al., 1982; Kucera-Bozarth et al., 1982; Frank et al.,
1985; Lenzi et al., 1989; Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990; Bonin,
1999; Perlick et al., 2004b; Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2006.
Frank et al., 1985; Greenhouse et al., 2000; Perlick et al.,
2004a; Rosen and Mukherjee, unpublished.
Amador et al., 1994; Michalakeas et al., 1994; Ghaemi et al.,
1995; Peralta and Cuesta, 1998; DellOsso et al., 2000; Pini
et al., 2001; DellOsso et al., 2002.
Michalakeas et al., 1994; Fennig et al., 1995; Peralta and
Cuesta, 1998; Yen et al., 2003.
Danion et al., 1987; Maarbjerg et al., 1988; Aagaard and
Vestergaard, 1990; Keck et al., 1997; Colom et al., 2000;
Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2006; Sajatovic et al., 2006a,b.
Connelly et al., 1982; Kucera-Bozarth et al., 1982; Frank et al.,
1985; Lenzi et al., 1989; Aagaard and Vestergaard, 1990; Bonin,
Bech et al., 1976; Frank et al., 1985; Gitlin et al., 1989; Weiss
et al., 1998; Scott and Pope, 2002a.
Connelly et al., 1982; Danion et al., 1987; Lenzi et al., 1989;
Kleindienst and Greil, 2004.



At this point in my life, I cannot imagine leading a normal life without both taking lithium and
being in psychotherapy. Lithium prevents my seductive but disastrous highs, diminishes my depressions, clears out the wool and webbing from my disordered thinking, slows me down, gentles me out, keeps me from ruining my career and relationships, keeps me out of a hospital,
alive, and makes psychotherapy possible. But, ineffably, psychotherapy heals. It makes some
sense of the confusion, reins in the terrifying thoughts and feelings, returns some control and
hope and possibility of learning from it all. Pills cannot, do not, ease one back into reality; they
only bring one back headlong, careening, and faster than can be endured at times. Psychotherapy is a sanctuary; it is a battleground; it is a place I have been psychotic, neurotic, elated, confused and despairing beyond belief. But, always, it is where I have believedor have learned to
believethat I might someday be able to contend with all of this.
No pill can help me deal with the problem of not wanting to take pills; likewise, no amount
of analysis alone can prevent my manias and depressions. I need both. It is an odd thing owing
life to pills, ones own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange and ultimately profound
relationship called psychotherapy.
Patient with manic-depressive illness1

Manic-depressive illness is, by any measure, gravely

seriouscomplex in its origins, diverse in its expression,
unpredictable in its course, severe in its recurrences, and
too often fatal in its outcome. Yet in the bipolar subgroup
milder forms of the disorder may, in some individuals, enhance productivity, creativity, and sociability (see Chapters
10 and 12). Severe mania and depression are debilitating,
but mild hypomania is a state that is often sought. Moods
are such an essential part of the substance of life, of individuality and identity, that distinguishing normal moods
from mild and moderate expressions of the illness is an exacting task for patients. Given such complexity, it is clearly
unrealistic to expect treatment to proceed smoothly simply
because effective medications are available.
Psychological support for the treatment of bipolar
patients ranges from a few minutes with the prescribing
physician to combined use of psychoeducation and individual, family, and group psychotherapy. Most commonly, a
general psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist provides support for patients who are taking mood stabilizers, usually
within a limited time frame of 20 to 30 minutes every few
weeks. Although psychotherapeutic work per se may not
take place in such a context, the physician can create an
emotionally supportive atmosphere, be aware of and focus
on the general psychological issues involved in taking a
mood stabilizer and having a mood disorder, and encourage

patients to express their concerns. Creating and maintaining

such an atmosphere is essential to good clinical care.
The practice guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association (2002) for managing bipolar disorder recommend that clinicians (1) perform a diagnostic evaluation,
(2) evaluate the patients safety and determine a treatment,
(3) establish and maintain the therapeutic alliance, (4)
monitor treatment response, (5) provide education to the
patient and family, (6) enhance treatment adherence, (7)
promote awareness of stressors and regular patterns of activities and sleep, (8) work with the patient to anticipate
and address early signs of relapse, and (9) evaluate functional impairments. A therapeutic relationship of this kind
not only increases the likelihood of medication adherence,
but also makes it more likely that the patient will be referred for formal psychotherapy should the need arise. Formal, structured psychotherapy best follows control of acute
episodes. Unfortunately, many physicians do not provide
this type of therapeutic relationship, nor do they make the
necessary referrals to qualified psychotherapists.
Indeed, the very efficacy of mood stabilizers and other
medications may lead clinicians to minimize the value of
psychotherapy or their own role in the treatment of bipolar illness. In 1990, a consensus conference of the National
Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) identified as the most
underdeveloped area in the treatment of bipolar illness the



use of adjunctive psychosocial therapies to alleviate the behavioral and social adjustment problems associated with
the disorder (Prien and Potter, 1990). Likewise, Vasile and
colleagues (1987) found that psychiatrists and mental
health professionals often de-emphasize psychotherapy in
the treatment of affectively ill patients. Patients themselves,
by contrast, often find psychotherapy a potent adjunct
to mood stabilizers. In the one study in which patients
and therapists were actually asked about the value of psychotherapy in the treatment of bipolar illness, twice as
many patients as physicians thought psychotherapy was
helpful to them in remaining adherent to medication (Jamison et al., 1979). These findings are consistent with those
of a survey of a national depression and bipolar support
group completed two decades later (Goodale and Lewis,
While medication is the central treatment for bipolar
disorderin both the acute and maintenance phases
psychotherapy is a particularly important adjunct to medication in maintenance treatment. This is true for several
First, problems that typically accompany bipolar illness invite psychotherapeutic intervention. The personal,
interpersonal, and social consequences of the disorder,
which are usually severe, can include suicide, violence, alcoholism, drug abuse, unemployment, divorce, parental
neglect, and hospitalization. Although biological variables
predominate in the etiology, the primary manifestations
of bipolar illness are behavioral and psychological, with
profound changes in perception, attitudes, personality,
mood, and cognition. Psychotherapeutic interventions can
be of unique value to patients undergoing such devastating
changes in the way they perceive themselves and are perceived by others, providing the needed monitoring of mood
and life changes. Indeed, some of the newer psychotherapies focus on monitoring these changes as a way of preventing recurrences. The psychosocial consequences of bipolar
disordersuch as loss of employment or a significant decline in employment status, alcohol or other substance
abuse, alienation from loved ones, and frequent marital
and other interpersonal disputesare also precipitants of
recurrences of the disorder. Such life events, often the
subject matter of psychotherapy sessions (Coryell et al.,
1993; Goldberg et al., 1995), may trigger manic or depressive
episodes through, for example, disruption of circadian
rhythms, loss of sleep, or distorted cognitions (Wehr et al.,
1987a; Frank et al., 1994; Miklowitz et al., 1996). In helping to
alleviate the stress-related precipitants of manic and depressive episodes, psychotherapy may temper the progression of
the natural course of the illness (Post et al., 1986).
Second, suicide tends to occur early in the illness (see
Chapters 8 and 25), when patients have the least support

and information and are most likely not to adhere to medication. Indeed, nonadherence to lithium or other mood
stabilizers becomes a major theme in the therapy of many
patients (Jamison et al., 1979; Jamison, 1995; Keck et al.,
1997) (see Chapter 21). Confusion often arises because the
illness itself, as well as its pharmacological treatments, can
affect cognition, perception, mood, and behavior. Psychotherapeutic sessions frequently involve concerns about
being on medication. For example, the effectiveness of medication in ameliorating the illness is not always welcome
because it deprives some patients of energy and muchsought-after highs and can burden them with bothersome
side effects. Moreover, some patients (at least 10 to 15 percent) have a poor response to mood stabilizers (Goldberg
and Harrow, 1999), which may be due in part to nonadherence. Close monitoring of adherence is therefore important, especially because discontinuation of medication
may lead to recurrences of mania and/or depression and
increased risk of suicide.
Third, there are times when clinicians treat bipolar patients who are not taking medication, such as those who
refuse it, those who have medical contraindications or
need surgery, and women who stop taking medication
during their pregnancies. In such cases, psychotherapy
may have to serve as the sole treatment, providing critical
support and monitoring. Psychotherapy, in conjunction
with medication or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), may
also be the treatment of choice for acutely suicidal patients or for breakthrough depressions in patients prone
to antidepressant-induced cycling.
The emphasis in this chapter is on psychotherapeutic
interventions for patients maintained on mood stabilizers.
The first section focuses on psychotherapeutic issues of
importance in the clinical management of bipolar illness.
These issues are relevant to all aspects of clinical management, whether the patient is being seen for medications only
(the most common clinical situation) or for medications
in conjunction with formal psychotherapyindividual,
group, or familyor with involvement in a self-help group.
The discussion encompasses new developments in psychotherapeutic practices, as well as educational and informational resources, including books, self-help groups, and
websites. Some psychotherapies have been modified for
bipolar patients and described in manuals for testing in
clinical trials; a number of such trials are either completed
or ongoing. The literature on these psychotherapies and
their efficacy is reviewed in the second section of the chapter, with a focus on treatment modalities combining psychotherapy and mood stabilizers. Psychotherapeutic techniques per se, however, are not discussed in detail, in part
because we assume a basic knowledge of the principles and
practice of psychotherapy and in part because no one type


of psychotherapy has been demonstrated to be uniquely effective in this patient population. The lack of psychotherapeutic specificity in the discussion here reflects the reality of
clinical practice, namely, the predominance of pharmacological treatments for bipolar disorder and the relatively recent emphasis on psychological interventions. However, we
wish to reemphasize our belief that formal psychotherapy is
beneficial to many, if not most, bipolar patients and is unquestionably essential for many others, especially those who
are suicidal or unwilling to take medication in the manner
prescribed. The limitations of even the most beneficial medications are increasingly apparent to clinicians treating affective illness. It may be hoped that ongoing and future research efforts will determine the specific nature of the most
effective psychological interventions.

We begin this section by summarizing the historical context
for the psychotherapeutic treatment of bipolar disorder. We
then review key issues that arise during such treatment. The
section ends with discussion of important aspects of psychotherapeutic treatment of bipolar illness, including
mood charting, patient education, family education and
family therapy, and the self-help programs of national and
local support associations.

Historical Context
Clinical pragmatism, buttressed by biological assumptions
about etiology, long ago determined the dominance of
medical therapies in the treatment of bipolar illness. Thus
physicians, ancient and modern, have for the most part
sought cures for mania and melancholia not through talking
and listening, but through direct actions of control: mineral
baths, bloodletting, herbs, chains, vapors, bromides, opiates,
warm waters, cold waters, and physical and chemical restraints.2
Psychotherapy, as generally conceptualized, is a set of
formal psychological procedures or exercises that are followed by a therapist and patient and that are designed to
relieve symptoms, improve function, or produce insight.
These procedures, discussed at length later in the chapter,
are derived from a particular theory of psychological development or change.3
Even the pioneers of psychotherapy, the psychoanalysts, tended to perceive patients suffering from bipolar illness as not very good candidates for psychotherapeutic
treatment. Fromm-Reichmann (1949) characterized them
as lacking in complexity and subtlety; Abraham (1911) as
impatient, envious, exploitive, and with dominating possessiveness; and Rado (1928) as continually involved in a
raging orgy of self-torture. Bipolar patients generally were


compared with schizophrenic patients and found to

lack introspection and to be too dependent and clinging
(Fromm-Reichmann, 1949), disconcertingly capable of finding vulnerable spots in the therapist (Fromm-Reichmann,
1949; Janowsky et al., 1970), and prone to eliciting strong
feelings of countertransference in the analyst (English,
1949; Rosenfeld, 1963). Despite these perceived difficulties,
many leading analysts from the prepharmacotherapy
era sustained a dedicated commitment to the psychoanalytic treatment of bipolar illness. Thus in 1911, Abraham
Psycho-analysis, which has hitherto enabled us to overcome this obstacle [depression interfering with the development of transference], seems to me for this reason to
be the only rational therapy for manic-depressive psychoses. (Abraham, 1927, pp. 153154)

Nevertheless, before lithium was available, enthusiasm

for treating bipolar illness was limitedand understandably so. One can imagine the frustration of attempting to
treat a hypomanic or manic patient in psychotherapy. Getting such a patient into the office and keeping him there
would have been difficult enough; engaging in a meaningful therapeutic endeavor could only have been daunting.
Likewise, any clinician can appreciate the different kind of
frustration involved in treating a profoundly depressed patient. The high spontaneous remission rate characteristic
of bipolar illness no doubt encouraged therapists in some
cases to attribute clinical changes to their therapeutic interventions; conversely, when no change or a relapse occurred,
therapists tended to assume responsibility as well or to blame
the patient.
The psychoanalysts and early psychotherapists provided a source of clinically descriptive information, virtually all of it from unmedicated patients. This material
is all the more significant because present medical ethics
strongly discourage the psychotherapeutic treatment of
unmedicated patients with bipolar illness. The psychoanalytic school is also important because it has had a profound effect on clinical thinking about bipolar illness.
Not only most psychotherapists, but also many who contributed to the early biological and pharmacological literature, have been deeply influenced by psychoanalytic conceptions of the illness.

Psychotherapeutic Issues
The competent and compassionate psychotherapy of bipolar illness is predicated on a solid knowledge of the disorder. Kraepelins injunction to his turn-of-the-century
medical students remains compelling: It is one of the
physicians most important duties to make himself, as far
as possible, acquainted with the nature and phenomena of



insanity (Kraepelin, 1904, p. 3). A solid knowledge of bipolar disorder encompasses phenomenology, the natural
history of the illness (including its recurrent nature, problematic course, high mortality rate, and seasonal patterns),
biological aspects (including medication responses in mania and depression), biological theories of etiology, and
mechanisms of action of the drugs used for treatment.
Therapists with a good scientific grasp of the psychological
phenomenology of the illness, as well as the biological, will
be more therapeutically competent. They will also be more
likely to avoid the biological determinism that is common
in therapists who are well grounded in biological theories
but poorly trained in psychological studies such as personality theory and development, neuropsychology, and social
The psychotherapy of bipolar illness requires considerable flexibility in style and technique. Flexibility is necessary because of the patients changing moods, thinking,
and behavior, as well as fluctuating levels of therapeutic
dependency intrinsic to the illness. Fluctuations in functioning that occur within as well as between episodes of
the illness pose a serious challenge to therapists, who must
adjust their treatment options, strategies, and attitudes to
meet the demands of the individual patient and the specific phase of the illness. In the therapeutic relationship,
a long-lead approach is often useful to maximize the patients awareness of and sense of control over his or her behavior. It is important not to attempt to control the patient
unduly and not to allow medications to become the focus
of a power struggle; various psychoeducational treatments
have been developed and tested for this purpose (see the
later discussion). A thin line exists between too much
and too little therapeutic control: too much may lead to
increased dependency, maladaptive rebellion, decreased
self-esteem, or nonadherence; too little may lead to feelings of insecurity, an unnecessarily tenuous hold on reality, and feelings of abandonment. The patient may see
signs of caring in the therapists firm, consistent orders
for routine medication levels or tests of thyroid, liver, and
kidney functioning but engage in unnecessary power
struggles and refuse to comply with medication regimens
when the therapist places undue emphasis on precise
medication patterns (e.g., not allowing for some degree of
Because bipolar disorder has a long-term course with
highly variable manifestations, therapeutic alliance and support play a central role in treatment. The alliance is the product of good rapport, combined with knowledge about the
course of the individual patients illness. Collaborative aspects of management through self-ratings, chartings, and
patient and family education (using films, lectures, books,
or handouts), discussed later in the chapter, are integral to

good clinical care. The therapist must also be able to use

hospitalization, when appropriate, as an occasionally necessary adjunct to outpatient care and must not regard it as an
indication of failure in the therapeutic endeavor.
In the remainder of this section, we review issues that
commonly arise in the psychotherapeutic treatment of bipolar illness: anger, denial, and ambivalence surrounding both
the illness and its treatment; disappointment and frustration
attendant to less-than-complete treatment success; losses associated with medication; fears of recurrence; the problem
of learning to discriminate normal from abnormal moods;
the need to deal with developmental tasks of late adolescence and early adulthood; concerns about family and other
relationships; concerns about genetics; and clinician attitudes and expectations. First, however, we discuss patients
perspectives on some of the major psychological issues of
importance in psychotherapy.

Perspectives of Patients
The following description of the bipolar form of manicdepressive illness was written by a patient who, by age 30,
had been through two violently psychotic, ecstatic manic
episodes, countless expansive and euphoric hypomanias,
occasional mixed states, several lengthy and incapacitating
suicidal depressions, and a nearly lethal suicide attempt:
There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and
terror involved in this kind of madness. When youre high
its tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars and you follow them until you
find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right
words and gestures are suddenly there, the power to seduce and captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. . . . Feelings of ease,
intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and
euphoria now pervade ones marrow. But, somewhere,
this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast and there are
far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity.
Memory goes. Humor and absorption on friends faces
are replaced by fear and concern. Everything previously
moving with the grain is now againstyou are irritable,
angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally
in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew those
caves were there. It will never end. Madness carves its own
It goes on and on and finally there are only others recollections of your behavioryour bizarre, frenetic, aimless
behaviorsfor mania has at least some grace in partially
obliterating memories. What then, after the medications,
psychiatrist, despair, depression, and overdose? All those
incredible feelings to sort through. Who is being too polite
to say what? Who knows what? What did I do? Why? And


most hauntingly, when will it happen again? Then, too, are

the annoyancesmedicine to take, resent, forget, take, resent, and forget, but always to take. Credit cards revoked,
bounced checks to cover, explanations due at work, apologies to make, intermittent memories (what did I do?),
friendships gone or drained, a ruined marriage. And always,
when will it happen again? Which of my feelings are real?
Which of the mes is me? The wild, impulsive, chaotic, energetic, and crazy one? Or the shy, withdrawn, desperate, suicidal, doomed, and tired one? Probably a bit of both, hopefully much that is neither. Virginia Woolf, in her dives and
climbs, said it all: How far do our feelings take their colour
from the dive underground? I mean, what is the reality of
any feeling? (Patient with manic-depressive illness1)

Alluded to here are many of the fears and worries common to most individuals with bipolar illness: the frightening, tumultuous, and extremely damaging aspects (to self
and others) of mania and depression; the powerful effects
of the illness on subsequent functioning and ongoing and
potential relationships, as well as general expectations of
the future; the inherent unpredictability of the course of
the disease; and the pervasive fear, often terror, of recurrence. Practical consequences of mania and depression
usually include, among others, the alienation of friends,
lovers, and family members; the inability to move forward or naturally in a career; and major financial problems
stemming from overspending, ill-considered investments,
substantial and often uninsurable medical expenses, and
legal difficulties. Alcohol and substance abuse are common
(see Chapter 8). Additionally, many individuals who have
bipolar illness find it difficult to adjust to the idea of having
a serious, chronic, and life-threatening illness, one that
generally requires lifelong maintenance medication, with
side effects, for its control. Consequential features pervade
this illness, including a fundamental, if usually transitory,
inability to perceive reality with accuracy and to judge a
course of action with prudence. Once an acute episode is
over, the person is left with palpably shaken self-confidence.
For a considerable period after a manic or depressive
episode, many patients continue to question their judgment,
their ability to assess situations, and their capacity to understand their relationships with other people.
Etiological assumptions about the disorder deeply affect
the highly individualized experience of bipolar illness. Despite the compelling arguments for its biological origins
and despite the potential of such arguments to alleviate the
associated guilt and stigmapatients often find these explanations intuitively unpersuasive, especially in the early
stages of illness. Thus although some patients come to believe that profound depression is biologically rooted, others
interpret it as a character problem or a spiritual crisis, and


still others as psychological in origin. Hypomania is often

perceived as highly intoxicating, powerful, productive, and
desirable; patients have difficulty thinking of it as a sickness or as part of the same illness as depression and mania.
In the following sections, we review common themes
that appear repeatedly in patients descriptions of their illness: they are fearful of recurrence; they are concerned
about transmitting it to their offspring; they feel shame and
humiliation; they suffer the havoc wrought by each episode
on their relationships with others; they confront disturbing
psychological, financial, and social issues during recovery;
and they reflect on the long-term meaning of the illness in
their lives.
Fears that the illness will return are common, and a profound mistrust of the future often forms the crux of patients concerns about work and personal relationships. A
physician hospitalized several times for mania described
his fears of recurrence (especially of mania), as well as the
damaging effects of his illness on his career, thus (Anonymous, Lancet, 1984, p. 1268):
Two years is a long time out of professional medical
circulationthings forgotten, things not learned or heard
of, but the most daunting problem is the prospect of further episodes of mania. The depression if it occurs is a
more private feature of the syndrome. Mania is very public and is accompanied by a multitude of embarrassing
excesses and, not infrequently, scandals.
Questions remain: will there be further episodes; how
frequently; and will they be as debilitating? No-one can
offer guarantees or even reliable answers yet. Meanwhile
what about my capacity to work, earn a living, to occupy
myself, and fulfill my responsibilities? The qualities for a
doctor are vastly different from those of a poet. A hospital
consultant is nothing if not reliable. My unreliability is already manifest.

Another typical concern derives from the heritable component of bipolar illness and recurrent depression. Many
patients, having grown up in an environment of mental illness and/or extreme mood swings, express fear that they will
end up like the affected parent, especially if that parent has
been severely disabled, repeatedly hospitalized, violent, or
alcoholic. The fear is even greater if the parent died by suicide. The daughter of a woman with bipolar disorder described her fear of inheriting the illness and her difficulty in
establishing an independent identity (Anthony, 1975, p. 292):
Ever since I was small, I have been told that I was just like
my mother. I was named after her, and very soon I took to
thinking that I was going to be committed when I was 21,
like she was. . . . I was sure that they were going to come
and haul me away. . . . I felt that the only way I could



separate my thoughts and feelings from her would be for

her to die, and I often hated her and wished for her death,
especially when she was manic.

Often, too, patients (and their spouses) agonize over the

possibility of passing on the illness to children. Playwright
and producer Joshua Logan wrote about this fear in describing a conversation with his first wife (Logan, 1976, p. 153):
I asked her if she wanted to have children with me.
She said no.
I asked why, but she refused to answer. . . . She would
never have children by me, and that
I should know why. I looked at her blankly, and she added:
I have no wish to bring insane children into this world.

Individuals who suffer from bipolar illness experience

acute shame and humiliation for many reasons, including
psychosis and resulting bizarre and inappropriate behavior or violence, financial irregularities, and sexual indiscretions, to name but a few. In the words of one patient,
No one who has not had the experience can realize the
mortification of having been insane (Reiss, 1910). Another
patient (Graves, 1942) wrote:
While the intoxication of mania lasts, I for one have no
disposition to embrace death. After the intoxication is
over, my chief emotional reaction is shame and disgust
with myself, and a wonder that my fear of death could be
so wonderfully and idiotically twisted. That the facing of
humiliation, despair, or deprivation should produce a desire for death is quite natural.

In portions of two letters to T. S. Eliot, Robert Lowell

(cited in I. Hamilton, 1982, pp. 286, 307) described his embarrassment following two different manic episodes:
[June 1961] The whole business has been very bruising,
and it is fierce facing the pain I have caused, and humiliating [to] think that it has all happened before and that
control and self-knowledge come so slowly, if at all.
[March 1964] I want to apologize for plaguing you
with so many telephone calls last November and December. When the enthusiasm is coming on me it is accompanied by a feverish reaching to my friends. After its over
I wince and wither.

The widely varying reactions of others to a person who

has bipolar illness include anger, concern, withdrawal, unrealistically high or low expectations, rejection, and denial
of the illness.4 Robert Lowell (1977) wrote of the isolation,
pain, and misunderstanding experienced during one of his
hospitalizations for mania:
At visiting hours, you could experience
my sickness only as desertion. . . .

Dr. Berners compliments you again,

A model guest . . . we would welcome
Robert back to Northampton any time,
the place suits him . . . he is so strong.
I am on the wrong end of a dividing train
it is my failure with our fragility.

John Custance (1952, p. 115), a British writer and former

naval intelligence officer who suffered from severe, psychotic manias and depressions, described the denial of
others after his release from a psychiatric hospital. He also
depicted his own denial and the gradual sealing-over process so characteristic of the recuperation period:
But once I get out of a Mental Hospital all this changes.
I find myself in a totally different atmosphere. I cannot,
however hard I try, get even my most intimate relatives
and friends to understand or take any interest in what
may or may not have happened to me during my madness. Gradually the vividness of my memory fades; like
my relatives, I try to put the whole experience out of my
mind, and in fact it does to a certain extent disappear into
lower levels of my Unconscious. Then I find myself genuinely wondering whether these memories so far as they
are conscious at all, are not delusions, hallucinations,
as unreal as the actual technical hallucination I know
I have had and have described earlier.

A different kind of denial, a conspiracy of silence, was

described by Norman Endler (1982, pp. 148149), a Canadian psychologist writing about his hypomania and depression and their effects on those around him:
In April 1977, when I first started getting depressed, not
only did I deny it to myself but so did my friends and colleagues. My secretary and administrative assistant, as indicated earlier, asked me what was wrong. My gradual
withdrawal from interaction, my lack of cheerfulness, and
my quietness were interpreted by them as anger at something done wrong. After about four weeks my wife insisted that I should see a doctor. My children said nothing
to me. My colleagues at York said nothing to me, and the
professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, and social
workers) in the Department of Psychiatry, Toronto East
General Hospital, said nothing to me. Im sure that some,
if not most of them, must have noticed that something
was wrong with me. (If they had not, they shouldnt be
working in the mental health field.)
Why did my colleagues participate in an unintended
conspiracy of silence? There are a number of factors to
consider. First, suppose they commented on my depression and they were wrong. Suppose I wasnt really depressed but only very tired. This would have been most
embarrassing for them. Second, some people do not like


to interfere or intrude in the lives of others. Third, suppose it were true that I was depressed. How could they
handle it without embarrassing me? The fact that I was
chairman might have been another factor. Because the
show was running smoothly, there was no need to question the chief executive officer. My guess is that my
friends didnt say anything because they probably
couldnt believe that it was true. . . . when I was hypomanic, none of my colleagues confronted me. Here,
again, they were following the social norm of not interfering. Because I had previously been depressed, they probably perceived it as a recuperative period and gave me the
benefit of the doubt.

The postpsychotic or recovery phase is an important

but seldom-discussed aspect of bipolar illness. The transition from disturbed to normal thinking and feeling and
the adjustment to the interpersonal, medical, professional,
and financial consequences of mania and depression are
usually slow, exhausting, frustrating, and partially futile
experiences for patients.
Virginia Woolf (1910), writing from a hospital where
she was confined for mania (letter to Vanessa Bell, July 28,
1910), described the slowness and subtlety of psychological
recovery: I have been out in the garden for 2 hours; and
feel quite normal. I feel my brains, like a pear, to see if its
[sic] ripe; it will be exquisite by September. She also described the gradual return from depression to normality:
I think the blood has really been getting into my brain at
last: It is the oddest feeling, as though a dead part of me
were coming to life.
The recovery period typically is filled with anxiety
about things done, or left undone, during the preceding
mania or depression, fears about the future, and concerns
about the completeness of recovery. Uncertainty about the
future, as well as confusion about the origins and meaning
of the illness, was expressed by Joshua Logan (1976, p. 178):
Still, none of that shook off the dreariness of having an
illness that didnt seem like one, of not knowing how or
when Id be rid of it, of not knowing even why it had happened to me, of having iron bars on the windowseven
though those bars were fashioned like curlicued decorative devices. Was I ever, ever, going to get out? And if
I didwhat would I do? Where would I go?

Inevitable ruminations about behavior when ill, especially when manic, are part of the recovery phase (Lowell,
cited in I. Hamilton, 1982, p. 218):
Ive been out of my excitement for over a month, I think,
now, and am in good spirits, though I dont feel any rush
of eloquence to talk about the past. Its like recovering
from some physical injury, such as a broken leg or


jaundice, yet theres no disclaiming these outburststhey

are part of my characterme at moments. . . . The whole
business was sincere enough, but a stupid pathological
mirage, a magical orange grove in a nightmare. I feel like
a son of a bitch.

Lowell, born into an old-line Boston family where

Lowells talk only to Cabots and Cabots talk only to God,
wrote poignantly of his fall from pedigreed tulip to weed
in his painful recovery (Lowell, 1959, p. 84):
Recuperating, I neither spin nor toil.
Three stories down below,
a choreman tends our coffins length of soil,
and seven horizontal tulips blow.
Just twelve months ago,
these flowers were pedigreed
imported Dutchmen; now no one need
distinguish them from weed.
Bushed by the late spring snow,
they cannot meet
another years snowballing enervation.
I keep no rank nor station.
Cured, I am frizzled, stale and small.

Anger, Denial, and Ambivalence

History bears witness to the tendency of some people to resist with passion when cornered by fateto, in the words
of Dylan Thomas, rage against the dying of the light.
Others submit more readily to what may or may not have
been inevitable. Such different reactions are understandable in individuals who face an uncertain future because of
bipolar illness. Some patients resist for years, irate at their
diagnosis, their treatment, and their physicians. Others accept the illness and its treatment with remarkable equanimity. Most fall between the two extremes.
Bipolar disorder can push patients to the limits of their
resources. It is a complicated and frustrating illness, seemingly impossible to sort through. It takes a heavy emotional toll on family members and friends, the repercussions of which place further psychological stress on the
patient. The illness often seems within the patients control, but usually it is not. It frequently carries with it a psychotic diagnosis and an uncertain course, and almost always a lifetime sentence of medication. Especially when not
treated early and aggressively, it is costly in loss of selfesteem, disrupted relationships, secondary alcoholism and
drug abuse, violence, economic chaos, hospitalizations, lost
jobs, years consumed by illness, and suicide.
Contending with such a reality understandably rouses
patients to anger, which can be seen as natural and, up to
a point, highly adaptive. Anger is useful because it drives



patients to question assumptions and to refuse to accept the

unacceptable. At the same time, it often leads patients to
reject irrationally an effective treatment or to direct their
wrathat times legitimately, but more often notat the
clinicians who treat the disease. Moreover, determining the
extent to which anger is a symptom of the disorder can be
Bipolar patients also use denial to cope with their illness.
Even in the presence of severe and obvious pathology, they
deny the disorders severity, the odds of its recurring, its
consequences, and at times its very existence. Like anger,
denial is a normal response to the unpleasant, the painful,
the unpredictable, and the destructive in life. Not to deny
some aspects of a serious disease such as bipolar illness
would be unusual, even troubling. Denial clearly is an essential part of healing, allowing slow assimilation of otherwise
overwhelming thoughts and feelings. Too much denial,
however, can be dangerous.
Not surprisingly, patients level of insight into their illness
varies depending upon the predominant nature of their clinical episodes. Patients who experience pure mania generally show less insight than those who have mixed states
(DellOsso et al., 2000, 2002; Cassidy, 2001), although Cassidy and colleagues (1998) had failed to find this difference in
an earlier study. Depressed patients usually show greater insight than manic patients5; those with bipolar-II disorder appear to show less insight than those with bipolar-I (Pallanti
et al., 1999). Poorer insight is also related to the presence of
psychotic features (Yen, 2003), as well as residual subsyndromal manic symptoms (DellOsso, 2002; Yen, 2003). Although
not well studied, there is evidence that impaired insight persists during remission for many patients (Varga et al., 2006);
recent research on patients with schizophrenia suggests that
neurocognitive deficits, which persist during remission, play
a significant role in impaired insight (Aleman et al., 2006).
Symptoms of bipolar illness contribute to the process
of denial. Patients judgment is often suspended during
episodes of acute mania, to the point that they become incapable of recognizing the destructiveness of their behavior (Jamison, 1995; McAlpin and Goodnick, 1998). Likewise, cognitive and other memory impairments during
depression often are pronounced, producing problems of
recollection even without denial. Repression, psychological distance, and the need to adapt to the realities of life
frequently cause memories of depression to pale over time.
The severity and nature of manic episodes similarly are
frequently minimized or forgotten. This can be due to
the relatively clearer perception of earlier, milder, and
more enjoyable stages of mania; amnesia resulting from
the cognitive fragmentation characteristic of manic psychosis; repression; and the sheer volume of thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, and feelings that occur during mania

and make storage of memories or good recall unlikely. Denial often leads to medication nonadherence, an issue discussed in detail in Chapter 21.
The treatment of denial, although not always successful,
frequently becomes easier as time passes and the illness reappears too often to be disowned, even unconsciously. Denial
can be dealt with effectively in psychotherapy by exploring
the meaning and consequences of the illness for the patient.
Ongoing education about the natural history of the illness,
with emphasis on its high relapse rate, undercuts the process
of denial as well, as do straightforward and informed discussions of the risks and benefits of medication.
Ambivalence is another common reaction among patients with bipolar disorder, especially when caused by the
incongruence between the behavioral expression of the illness and its biological treatment. As a disorder of mood
and behavior, bipolar illness has symptoms and consequences that are largely psychological and interpersonal in
nature. At the same time, effective mood stabilizers can result in relatively rapid improvement. The treatment response is obvious and gratifying to the clinician, if not the
patient, and lends credence to a strongly biological treatment program. This belief is further encouraged by the
demonstrated inability of psychotherapy alone to relieve
or prevent bipolar episodes. Also encouraging a biological
focus is the fact that treatment with mood stabilizers is imbued with a medical ambiance and embedded in a highly
structured medical regimen: the physician orders laboratory tests of serum levels of mood stabilizers, as well as
kidney, liver, and thyroid functioning, and asks specific
medical questions about side effects, usually somatic rather
than cognitive in nature. This understandable focus of
physicians on the medical aspects of bipolar illness often
stands in a pointcounterpoint relationship to the perspective of patients, who are likely to be more focused on
the psychological aspects of their illness and its treatment.
These disparate perspectives can easily lead to a quite arbitrary split between the biological and the psychological.
Conceptualizing bipolar illness as fundamentally a medical disorder has many advantages for the patient. It can decrease stigma, result in effective and specific treatment, and
minimize unwarranted family and individual responsibility for the emergence of the illness. At the same time, however, it can discourage discussion of significant life issues
and problems involved in adjusting to the illness and its
consequences. An overly medical approach can also mean
that psychological concerns about taking medication may
be ignored. Furthermore, taking medication can create its
own stigma because society and patients themselves often
disparage the continuing need for psychiatric drugs.
Biological assumptions about the illness can also make it
more difficult for patients to feel a sense of personal control.


Many, for example, maintain the belief that if only they

changed their work, exercise, or dietary habits; if only
they conducted their love affairs in a different way; if
only they heeded more stringently the counsel of their
priests, therapists, and consciencesin other words, if
only they behaved as they think they shouldthey would
be able to prevent recurrences of manic and depressive
episodes. When treatment with mood stabilizers has beneficial results, some patients continue to believe that they
ought to have been able to handle things without the medication. Some may attribute their improvement to a combination of their own efforts and the efficacy of the
medication. Others believe the medication alone made the
difference, and they had little or no control over the illness.
Psychotherapy can help clarify the ambivalence that inevitably results from such beliefs, underscore the patients
role in the medication regimen, and identify psychological
issues that are important and amenable to the patients
control. There is also evidence that psychotherapy can help
the patient change irregular sleep habits and deal with
family conflicts, as well as teach the patient to monitor
mood, cognitive, behavioral, and sleep changes for incipient relapses or recurrences.

Disappointment and Frustration

Expecting the treatment of bipolar illness to proceed in
a straightforward manner is likely to create problems. For
many patients, mood stabilizers are an uncertain treatment
imposed upon an uncertain illness, a problematic treatment
for a problematic disease. For many, life before medication
can be likened to a kite on a string in exceedingly unpredictable winds. Mood stabilizers allow some control over the
winds, but often it is not complete, and therein lies much of
the disappointment and frustration. Clinicians and patients
frequently define successful control very differently. The clinician looks at certain types of evidencefewer or no hospitalizations or little or no need for adjunctive mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressantsand finds drugs
to be effective. The patient who continues to experience disruptive and upsetting mood swings is likely to interpret the
same evidence in much more equivocal terms. In essence,
physicians focus more often on the successes of medication,
that is, the contrasts with untreated illness. Patients, while
living with those successes, live with the failures and disappointments of medication as well. The improvements
achieved tend to be forgotten, and with time, the seriousness
of the illness is denied. Day-to-day discontents then emerge
as the compelling factor in feelings about medication. In the
words of one P. G. Wodehouse character (Wodehouse, 1975),
I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from
being gruntled. Bipolar patients on medication are often far
from being gruntled.


The resentment patients feel at their partial cure is, in

some respects, proportional to the severity of the illness
and concomitant hope. Unrealistic expectations of medications and of physicians not only derive from the fragile
hopes of patients, but also are rooted in the exaggerated
claims of some pharmaceutical manufacturers and physicians. Paradoxically, the very existence of mood stabilizers
as effective treatments has given rise to a new generation of
patients with a new set of expectations. When lithium was
first used in Scandinavian clinical trials, there was no alternative, and patients were generally grateful for a treatment
that revolutionized their lives (M. Schou, personal communication). The availability and efficacy of a variety of
mood stabilizers have made them a part of the pharmaceutical establishment, which in turn has created an inevitable
groundswell of expanded expectations, disappointments,
and criticism.

Perceived Losses Associated with Medication

The subtle and powerful clinicianpatient alliance that is
possible in pharmacotherapy is predicated on a thorough
understanding of not only the benefits of the medications
to the patient, but also the realistic and unrealistic fantasies
of loss that many patients experience during treatment.
These fantasies often focus on missing the highs of bipolar
illness and cannot be adequately understood through the
simplistic view that the patient is shortsighted, selfdestructive, or escapist. Effective therapy with bipolar
patientswhether it involves using drugs alone or in combination with psychotherapymust address the reality of
the patients positive perceptions of the illness, as well as
the altered states of perception induced by its occasional
elevated-mood, high-energy phases (Jamison et al., 1979,
Patients may experience many different kinds of losses,
realistic and otherwise, as a result of taking a mood stabilizer. These losses and their relationship to medication
nonadherence are discussed in detail in Chapter 21. Here
we present an overview of the psychotherapeutic issues involved.
Realistic losses are those undesirable changes brought
about by medication. They can include decreased energy
level, loss of euphoric states, increased need for sleep, decreased productivity and creativity, less interpersonal verve,
and diminished sexuality. One patient described the subtle
effects of lithium thus:
People expect that you will welcome being normal, be
appreciative of lithium, doctors, and modern science, and
take in stride having normal energy and sleep. But if you
are used to sleeping only 5 hours a night and now sleep 8,
are used to staying up all night for days and weeks in



a row and now cannot, it is a very real adjustment to

blend into a formal schedule which, while comfortable to
many, is new, restrictive, seemingly less productive, and
for sure less fun. People say, when I complain of being less
lively, less energetic, Well, now youre just like the rest of
us, meaning, among other things, to be reassuring. What
they dont realize is that I compare myself with my former
self, not with others. Not only that, I always compare my
current self with the best I have been, which is when I
have been hypomanic. When I am my present normal
self, I am far removed from when I have been my liveliest,
most productive, most intense, most outgoing and effervescent. In short, for myself, I am a hard act to follow.
(Patient with manic-depressive illness1)

The results of a study of bipolar patients in remission

suggest that many patients feel their illness makes positive
contributions to their lives in one or more important ways
(Jamison et al., 1980). A substantial majority of the patients in this study perceived pronounced short- and longterm positive effects from their bipolar illness in addition
to whatever disabling and dysphoric symptoms they may
have experienced. Most patients reported increased sensitivity, sexual intensity, productivity, creativity, and social
ease. Men and women varied considerably in what they regarded as the most enjoyable and important changes when
hypomanic: for men it was increased social ease, whereas for
women, increases in sexual intensity, productivity, and social
ease were rated equally important.
In a recent, related study, Culver and colleagues at Stanford (2006) assessed benefit finding in 57 euthymic bipolar patients (42 percent bipolar-I, 46 percent bipolar-II, 12
percent bipolarnot otherwise specified [NOS]). They
found that these patients commonly identified benefits associated with their affective illness; most frequently, they
endorsed the beliefs that bipolar illness made me more
understanding of others who have problems; increased
my self-awareness; helped me become a stronger person,
more able to cope effectively with future life challenges;
led me to be more accepting of things; taught me how
to adjust to things I cannot change; and led me to want
to help others. Benefit finding correlated significantly
with the more effective use of coping skills.
Such attributions are important for several reasons.
From a behavioral perspective, it is essential to realize
the meaning, nature, and value of positive behavioral and
mood changes (as well as negative ones) for an individual
patient. Such euphoric states serve for some patients as powerful addictive states, providing significant benefits on the
one hand and posing the risk of severe emotional and pragmatic problems on the other. The sense of loss that occurs
when medication eliminates those states, if unaddressed,

may hinder the patients adjustment to treatment. Moreover, the side effects of a medication can be difficult to separate from the medications effect on hypomanic symptoms; they are also sometimes indistinguishable from
symptoms of inadequately treated depressive episodes.
Treatment management under such circumstances is
not straightforward. For example, adherence to a mood
stabilizer regimen, which at best has a tenuous and delayed
relationship to alleviation of the dysphoric features of bipolar illness, competes with behavior maintained by a highly
positive and intermittent reinforcement schedulean exceedingly difficult behavior pattern to modify. It is in some
ways analogous to a drug self-administration paradigm in
which a highly pleasurable and relatively rapid state can
be obtained. For some patients, hypomania or even mania
itself may represent, in effect, an endogenous stimulant
addiction. Clinical experience suggests that patients may
attempt to induce mania by discontinuing medication not
just when they are depressed, but also when they face problematic decisions and life events. Because the negative consequences of such behavior are delayed, it is not always clear
to the patient that the benefits of medication outweigh its
costs. Thus the clinician must be aware of the positive features of mood swings to better understand and thereby treat
the bipolar patient.
Other realistic losses include cognitive, perceptual, physical, emotional, or social changes that result from the side
effects of medications, as well as negative social consequences, such as self-labeling or social stigma (Jamison,
2006). Among the more significant side effects from a psychotherapeutic point of view, described further in Chapters 20 and 21, are those detailed in early papers by Schou
and Baastrup (1973) and Schou (1980): decreased energy,
enthusiasm, and sexuality (all of which can be a factor in
increased marital problems); curbing of activities; and the
common perception that life is flatter and less colorful.
Cognitive dulling and weight gain are also important
indeed, more important to many patients (Gitlin et al.,
1989; Perlick et al., 2004). Moreover, the need to adhere to
a regimented lifestyle, underscored by frequent monitoring of medical and psychiatric status, may trigger the patients feelings of being controlled and hopeless (Jamison,
1995; McAlpin and Goodnick, 1998).
Unrealistic losses include circumstances in which medication and psychotherapy come to symbolize the patients
personal failures. In addition to experiencing the normal
difficulties of adjusting to the need for treatment, patients
occasionally project their other life failures, thwarted ambitions, and personal and professional inadequacies onto
medication, which can thereby become the psychological
scapegoat and represent a rationalization for other failures
that predate the onset of the illness.


Fears of Recurrence
The worst fear for most bipolar patients is recurrence of the
illness. Many patients maintain a deep and fatalistic pessimism, however entwined with denial and optimism, about
again becoming manic or depressed. In a poem from Day by
Day, Robert Lowell (1977, p. 31) wrote,if we see a light at the
end of the tunnel, / its the light of an oncoming train. This
is a sentiment to which many of Lowells fellow sufferers can
relate only too well. Some patients become preoccupied with
such fears of recurrence and are almost illness-phobic. They
become unduly self-protective and hyperalert for signs of an
impending episode. These concerns are often reflected in
the process of learning to differentiate normal from abnormal moods and states (see the later discussion). A perceived
decreasing tolerance for affective episodes is a concern that
is usually secondary to the stress of the illness and to the
large amount of psychological energy consumed by earlier
bouts. Patients, often with good cause, fear that their families and friends will grow ever more intolerant with each
new recurrence. Bipolar illness also takes a severe toll on
other relationships, professional activities, finances, and patients ability to handle the emotional stress of their affective
episodes. Thus Lowell wrote, but the breakage can go on
repeating once too often (1977, p. 113). Likewise, in his autobiography, Joshua Logan (1976, p. 338) described a certain
weariness after yet another manic attack: I was only fortyfive years old, but I felt exhausted by this last experience,
hollowed out, as though I were a live fish disemboweled.

Learning to Discriminate Moods

Problems with learning to discriminate normal from abnormal moods are common throughout the psychotherapy of bipolar patients. Because of the experience of their
illness and the intensity of their emotional responses, many
patients fear that a normal depressive reaction will deepen
into a major episode and that a state of well-being will escalate into hypomania or mania. Many common emotions
range across several mood states, spanning euthymia, depression, and hypomania. For example, irritability and
anger can be a part of normal human existence, or can be
symptoms of both depression and mania. Tiredness, sadness, and lethargy can be due to normal circumstances,
medical causes, or clinical depression. Feeling good, being
productive and enthusiastic, and working hard can be either normal or pathognomonic of hypomania.6 These
overlapping emotions can be confusing and arouse anxiety in many patients, who may then question their own
judgment and, as discussed previously, become unduly
concerned about recurrences of their affective illness.
Occasionally, patients become conservative or excessively
conforming (Benson, 1976).


The need to help patients discriminate normal from abnormal affect is common in psychotherapy. Patients must
learn to live within a narrower range of emotions, yet
master the skill of using those emotions with greater subtlety and discretion. Closely related to the discrimination
of moods is the slow, steady process involved in patients
learning to disentangle what is normal personality from
what the illness has superimposed upon itturbulence,
impulsiveness, lack of predictability, and depression. Patients whose premorbid temperament has been predominantly depressive may have unrealistic expectations about
how much change can be brought about by medication.
Likewise, those with an underlying exuberant temperament may have to become more finely tuned to discerning
normal from pathological enthusiasms (Jamison, 2004).

Dealing with Developmental Tasks

Developmental tasks previously overshadowed by bipolar
illness often become issues for patients in remission. Ironically, the illness can act as a protection against many of
the slings and arrows of fortune encountered in normal
life. Because late adolescence and early adulthood are the
highest-risk periods for the onset of the illness, many of
the developmental tasks of these periodsseparation
from parents and family, development of close personal
relationships, romantic involvements, hurts and rejections,
childbearing and childrearing, and career development
are impaired or postponed. (Conversely, these developmental transitions or crises can also precipitate the occurrence of episodes.) Once the illness is under control,
patients often must deal with these problems, as well as
those of a more general, existential nature, within the therapeutic relationship.

Concerns about Family and Other Relationships

Concerns about the effects of bipolar illness on family and
other relationships can be profound. Patients report feeling
guilty about things done while manic and those left undone
while depressed. The most frequently voiced concerns center
on the interpersonal consequences of the illness, effects felt
strongly by family members, spouses, and friends. Unmarried patients are often unclear about when and what to tell
people they are dating about their illness. Similar concerns
arise in relationships with employers and coworkers. Psychotherapy can help encourage patients to suspend major
personal decisions during episodes and to manage family
and work crises associated with the illness. Interpersonal aspects of bipolar illness are covered more fully in Chapter 10.

Concerns about Genetics

Many patients worry about possible transmission of bipolar
disorder to their children. They tend to overidentify with



any close family member who has the illness, particularly a

parent. Occasionally, they feel guilty about receiving effective treatments that were not available to an afflicted parent.
This latter phenomenon, although not common, is particularly striking in those patients whose parents committed
suicide or were hospitalized for a long time. Similar guilt is
sometimes seen in patients successfully treated with medication whose siblings or parents have refused treatment.
Recent advances in locating specific genetic variations
involved in bipolar illness (see Chapter 13) are likely to increase such concerns, as well as the desire for information.
Indeed, study results indicate a strong desire for counseling
about prenatal susceptibility (Smith et al., 1996; Trippitelli
et al., 1998; Jones et al., 2002). Trippitelli and colleagues
(1998) at Johns Hopkins studied knowledge and attitudes
among 90 bipolar patients and their spouses with regard to
the possibility of inheriting bipolar disorder, genetic testing, and decisions about childbearing. Most said they
would agree to take a test for bipolar disorder if it were
available, but that knowing they or their spouse had a gene
or genes for bipolar illness would not change their decision
to marry or to have children. Most also said they would
not consider abortion if they discovered the fetus had the
gene(s) for bipolar disorder. In research conducted at the
University of California, San Francisco (Smith et al., 1996),
both bipolar patients and psychiatry residents stated that
they would be much more likely to consider terminating a
pregnancy if the fetuss bipolar illness were hypothesized
to have a severe clinical course than if it were not; the residents were more likely to endorse abortion. As of this writing, these issues are still academic. As more precise information on the genetic etiology and risk of bipolar disorder
emerges, such concerns will become more prominent in
the psychotherapeutic management of the illness. Issues
associated with genetic counseling for bipolar patients are
discussed in Chapter 13.

Clinician Attitudes and Expectations

As noted earlier, many psychoanalysts who worked in the
prelithium era found it frustrating to treat bipolar patients.
The psychoanalytic literature addressed countertransference issues extensively and described in some detail the
anger analysts felt toward patients for their seeming inconstancy and lack of insight (or desire for insight):
The extraverted, apparently unsubtle, manic depressive is
a threat. . . . in several ways: In the first place, communicative efforts are a strain because of the lack of response.
Secondly, the so-called healthy extraverted approach to reality is likely to fill the more sensitive, introspective person
[the psychoanalyst] with self-doubts as to the possibility
that he makes mountains out of molehills, reads meanings

in where none were meant, and so forth. . . . Thirdly, the

therapist tends to dislike this sort of person and to think
of him as shallow. And, finally, the patients difficulty in
recognizing or discussing his or anothers feelings or
meanings throws the therapist into a situation of helplessness, since these things are the coin in which he deals.
(Cohen et al., 1954, p. 131)

English (1949, p. 126) stated succinctly what others have

said at great length: The manic-depressive rejects you because he seems to be unsure that he needs you at all.
Although many aspects of therapeutic work with bipolar
patients have changed radically as a result of effective mood
stabilizers, patients continue to elicit strong feelings from
some therapists. One clinical team put it thus:
. . . bipolar patients, with their alienating behavior, incessant demands, opaqueness, and difficulty in adhering to
medication regimens, are generally viewed as difficult to
treat, providing a therapist with a sense of unease and
minimal gratification. (Davenport et al., 1979, p. 33)

Other therapists who work with bipolar patients are

frustrated by the inconsistencies patients display in their
behavior and attitudes toward self, therapist, therapy, and
medication during different mood states. Unstable moods
can result in fluctuating levels of intimacy and trust within
the therapeutic relationship, both from patient to therapist
and from therapist to patient. The patient who appears at
a session in an angry and irritable state may produce a
reaction in the therapist, whose feelings may then persist
longer than the patients fleeting mood. Or the therapist
may make a suggestion at one session, find the patient feeling better at the next, and attribute the improved mood to
the suggestiononly to discover the patient is depressed
again at the next session. If the therapist fails to understand
that fluctuating mood is not a reliable signal, but rather is
intrinsic to the illness, such situations can lead to a misperception of the role of therapy.
Anger and frustration can also be engendered in the
therapist when the patient rejects an effective treatment.
This situation may arise when the therapist fails to comprehend what the illness means to the patient or the patient
fails to understand, usually through processes of denial,
the consequences of rejecting such a treatment regimen.
Greenson (1967) emphasized that the therapist should have
a broad and rich background for empathy. A breadth of
imagination is particularly relevant and useful to the therapist dealing with manic patients, whose emotions and
ideas often are not from the same experiential base as that
of the therapist (see Chapter 2). In addition to having the
kind of personal background advocated by Greenson, a
therapist can reduce feelings of being excluded from and


not understanding the patients experience by having a solid

grounding in the phenomenology of the illness.
Patients who stop their medication, or take it only fitfully and become ill again, can be an enormous source of
frustration to their clinicians (see Chapter 21). The therapist often experiences anger and feelings of helplessness
when the patients denial leads to medication nonadherence and results in rehospitalization for manic or depressive episodes, suicide attempts, or exacerbation of hostile
and aggressive behaviors. Even when the patient is adherent, feelings of inadequacy and failure can develop when
the illness recurs (see the earlier discussion). Indeed, such
feelings may be commonplace when therapists treat patients who are depressed, suicidal, or hypomanic (FrommReichmann, 1949; Janowsky et al., 1970). Hypomanic and
manic patients regularly show special sensitivity to vulnerabilities in the therapist, and this tuning in to the jugular
is at the core of many therapists acute and intense feelings
of anger. Although such a pattern of interaction is most
likely to occur during hypomania and mania, it is not
uncommon during the depressive phase, when the
patients levels of paranoia, irritability, and hopelessness
have increased. Patients under such circumstances are often exquisitely aware of feelings of frustration, annoyance,
and impotence in the therapist. The anger and hopelessness
a patient expresses at such times can have a significant impact on the already vulnerable therapist. Therapists, of
course, must recognize their own attitudes and feelings and
cope with them effectively to minimize repercussions for
the patient.
Yet another potential problem with clinicians reactions
to their patients centers on misinterpretation of resistance in bipolar patients. We have already discussed such
patients difficulties in differentiating normal from pathological mood states and their fears of recurrence. Therapists occasionally assume that a patients depression is a reaction to a particular environmental, interpersonal, or
therapeutic event. The therapists tendency to link depression to external events can be problematic. Even when depressions are not really endogenous, the patient is often
frightened by the similarity between such thoughts and
feelings and those experienced earlier in severe major depressive episodes. Therapists need to take a delicate approach
in helping the patient differentiate various types of feelings,
while at the same time recognizing when they themselves
may have overlooked recurrence or to see psychological
causality when little exists.
Problems can also develop when the therapist acts out
through the patient. The therapist is in an unusual position
to influence the patient by unwittingly encouraging both
medication nonadherence and the behaviors linked to affective states. The special appeal of hypomania is particularly


relevant here. The seductive aspects of that state are often

impossible to ignore. Guilt over depriving the patient of a
special state may occur when the patient proclaims that he
misses the highs of the disorder. Moods are contagious, and
occasionally the loss of a patients hypomania results in a
corresponding, albeit lesser, loss reaction in the therapist. A
few therapists may also romanticize madness. This romanticization can range from a tendency to overvalue the positive aspects of bipolar illness and minimize the negative,
painful ones to a conviction that psychopharmacological
interventions are oppressive or contraindicated. The consequences of such romanticization are usually catastrophic.

Mood Charting
Before turning to a discussion of psychotherapy, we examine the role of other components of psychological care:
mood charting, patient and family education, and selfhelp groups. Mood charting by patients can provide invaluable information about seasonal and premenstrual
patterns of moods; psychological, environmental, and biological correlates of mood swings; and response to treatment, including possible worsening of the illness (e.g., increased cycling induced by antidepressant therapy; see
Chapter 19).
Administration of a visual analogue scale is straightforward, requiring little time on the part of the patient (see
Chapter 13 for further discussion). The patient is given
sheets of paper, each with a 100 mm line, anchored by 1
(worst Ive ever felt) on the left or the bottom and 100
(best Ive ever felt) on the right or the top. The patient is
then asked to put a mark across the line at the point most
representative of his overall mood (or whatever other variable, such as energy or anxiety level, is being assessed) for
the day. To control for diurnal variations in mood and behavior, ratings should be recorded at approximately the
same time of day or evening. Significant life events and
additional medications required are noted on the rating
sheet. After completion, the dated form is set aside to avoid
influence from earlier ratings. The results can then be
graphed, with time plotted along the horizontal axis and
mood ratings, from 1 to 100, along the vertical. In some instances, patients can do their own graphing.
Two other instruments have been developed for mood
charting: the retrospective Life-Chart Method (LCM-r)
(Leverich and Post, 1993) and the NIMH prospective LifeChart Method (NIMH LCM-p) (Denicoff et al., 1997). The
two follow the same guidelines but differ in the unit of
measureLCM-r is monthly, whereas LCM-p is daily. For
LCM-p, patients are given a computer-readable form to
take home once a month, with instructions to rate their
mood and functioning each day, morning and evening. Selfratings of mood are plotted along a 100 mm line with 25



points corresponding to a continuum from most depressed

ever, to balanced (middle), to most manic ever. Functional
impairment is rated as none, mild, moderate, or severe.
A third method of tracking mood fluctuations as they relate to daily social and circadian rhythms is the Social
Rhythm Metric (Monk et al., 1991; Frank et al., 2000). This
chart, completed by the patient at the end of each day, is used
to assess 17 daily activities (e.g., waking up, first communication with another person, morning beverage, afternoon nap)
as to the time of the day they occurred, whether they involved
other people, and how stimulating they were. This daily
mood rating can help the patient understand the relationship
among changes in a regular schedule, stimulation induced by
daily routines, and mood fluctuations. Using the results of
this charting, the therapist collaborates with the patient to
find realistic ways of stabilizing these daily rhythms. This
charting method has been incorporated into interpersonal
psychotherapy for bipolar patients, described later.
Mood ratings can be useful not only in identifying patterns of mood and treatment response, but also in giving
patients a sense of control, instilling a sense of collaboration, and underscoring the importance of systematic observation. They also provide a relatively objective basis for
persuading patients when treatment regimens require
modification. At the beginning of treatment, other patients charts may be used as examples of various patterns
of mood fluctuation to illustrate the use of daily mood
ratings in diagnostic and treatment decisions. Figure 221
portrays one such pattern, in which the time course and
efficacy of antidepressant medications are demonstrated
in a woman with bipolar-II disorder. The essential point for
the patient to note is that there is an uneven, sawtooth nature to the recovery pattern. Predicting occasional serious

relapses on the way to remission is important in minimizing serious, potentially lethal discouragement in a highrisk (i.e., transitional) period. It also alerts patients to the
potential danger of transitional and mixed states, which
should be reported to the clinician.

Patient Education
Am I manic-depressive? We dont use that term, but I
would guess from the record that you are bipolar. Which
is a nice way of saying that yes, Im manic-depressive? . . .
that Im lucky as all get-out to be a complete nut because
we real bats get much more help from lithium than simple neurotics can Ive never heard it put just that way,
but there is some truth in it. (Sloan Wilson, describing
a conversation with his psychiatrist, 1976, p. 436)

Most affective disorder clinics and some practitioners

routinely provide formal and informal education to patients and families through lectures, books, articles, pamphlets, discussion groups, videotapes, and ongoing communication between clinician and patient. Although this is
the ideal scenario, it is not the prevailing one. Patients often express resentment at how little information they receive about bipolar illness and its treatment. Yet clinicians,
in whatever setting, have an ethical and clinical obligation
to engage patients in a continuing process of education,
which clearly is integral to informed consent. Patients vary
considerably in their ability to assimilate information about
their medications and illness, and they need to participate
actively in the treatment process. Too often a physician becomes a unilateral advocate of maintenance medication, and
the result frequently is an adversarial rather than a collaborative relationship.

Visual Analogue Scale (100 mm line)



Start Nortriptyline

Figure 221. Course of recovery in a female patient with bipolar-II disorder treated
with antidepressant medications.





10 11
Time after Onset of Antidepressant Therapy (weeks)




The collaborative nature of the patientclinician relationship is central to effective treatment. Not only must
patients be taught about the natural course and symptoms
of bipolar illness, but they should also be actively encouraged to question their clinicians about diagnosis and treatment, to discuss their concerns about undue delays in
achieving the desired results, and to seek second opinions
when appropriate. If the treating physician or psychotherapist disparages second opinions or consultations, patients
should be encouraged to challenge this view and obtain
the consultation anyway.
In the course of patient education, the chronic and
highly recurrent nature of bipolar illness should be emphasized and reemphasized to the patient. Charts illustrating the relapse rate and worsening course of the untreated
illness (e.g., Fig. 222) and the dramatic effect of a mood
stabilizer can highlight these points for patients, as well as
their families (Fig. 223). Patients should be encouraged to
read about the illness and its treatment (suggested reading
is listed in the appendix to this volume), including the potential neuroprotective effects brought about by lithium
and other mood stabilizers (see color plates 14 and Chapter 14). They should also be given specific information about
their medications and potential risks and side effects. The
safety and efficacy of various treatments and the risks of
no treatment should be outlined. Special attention should
be paid to discussing the potential dangers of antidepressant use in bipolar patients, such as induction of mania
or mixed states, worsening of the natural course of the illness (i.e., shortening of the cycle length), and severe agitation (see Chapter 19). Patients prescribed lithium should
be advised that sudden discontinuance may substantially
increase the risk of relapse and suicide (see Chapter 25).
Education and informed consent do not end with a discussion of risks and benefits and the distribution of fact
sheets, however. Ongoing talks between patient and clinician are essential, perhaps supplemented with lectures
and/or videotapes.
Patients need to be alerted to the symptoms of impending episodes and, with the therapists assistance, encouraged to identify their own individual prodromal patterns.
These patterns have been studied extensively.7 Changes
in sleep patterns are particularly important because they
precede, exacerbate, and accompany mania, and because
mania may be precipitated by sleep loss. As discussed in
Chapter 16, environmental factors leading to insomnia
(e.g., anxiety, excitement, grief), as well as other circumstances (e.g., hormonal changes, travel, drugs), can lead
to mania through sleep deprivation. Wehr and Goodwin
(1987) advised warning bipolar patients that a single
night of unexplainable sleep loss should be taken as an
early warning of possible impending mania. They further


suggested counseling patients to avoid situations likely to

disrupt sleep and advised clinicians to consider prescribing hypnotics to prevent significant sleep loss. Factors
leading to sleep reduction and their relationship to the
precipitation of mania are illustrated in Figure 224. This
illustration can be used in educating patients about the necessity of maintaining adequate levels of sleep. The importance of regularizing circadian rhythms by establishing
patterns in meals, exercise, and other activities should also
be stressed to patients.
Education regarding the impact of the disorder on interpersonal relations, employment, position in the community, and general health should also be provided. Patients
often need guidance in dealing with the consequences of
risky, illegal, or embarrassing behaviors that occur during
mania, and in handling professional, family, or financial responsibilities during either depression or mania. For patients who experience significant employment difficulties
as a result of the illness, the therapist can be helpful in recommending and exercising career counseling or vocational
rehabilitation options.
A large amount of educational material on bipolar
disorder can be found on the Internet. This material includes information on symptomatology, treatment options,
support for patients and families, and referral sources; websites of discussion/advocacy groups; and reading matter.
The quality of these materials varies enormously. Reliable
sources include the NIMH, the Depression and Bipolar
Support Alliance (DBSA; known until 2002 as the National
Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association), the National
Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the National Foundation
for Depressive Illness (NAFDI), and the National Mental
Health Association (NMHA). In addition, Internet chatrooms provide bipolar patients and their families with a forum for the exchange of information and support, although
some patients may find the information overwhelming
and confusing. The appendix at the end of this volume includes various Internet sites and chatrooms relevant to bipolar disorder.
Finally, the ability to exercise informed consent, even
for the well-educated patient, may be compromised when
the patient is manic or depressed. In some states and countries, patients who know when rational and in a normal
mood that they wish to have electroconvulsive therapy or
be hospitalized when depressed (or manic) but that they
are unlikely to consent in the midst of an episode can draw
up Odysseus agreements (Joshi, 2003; Keefe and Pinals,
2004; Srebnik et al., 2005). Swanson and colleagues (2006)
have shown that a 2-hour structured facilitation session,
conducted by trained research assistants, is an effective
way to help patients complete advanced directives so that
they contain useful information about the patients





Shaded episodes denote


* Admission to NIMH
Missing data
























AGE 47


8 episodes 4 episodes

7 BC

22 UR

AGE 13

9 episodes 4 episodes
15 episodes

16 episodes

AGE 18


34 SK

81 KD

95 WT

15 episodes

5 episodes

AGE 24


AGE 15


AGE 22

105 BB

108 GM

133 MS


AGE 15


AGE 16

AGE 52



152 SM

153 KC

159 ME

AGE 17


AGE 21

AGE 36


Figure 222. Life course of manic and depressive episodes in bipolar affective illness. Patterns of recurrent affective illness are illustrated in
individual bipolar-I patients (those hospitalized for a manic episode). Manias are plotted above the line and depressions below. Hospitalizations are shaded, and dotted lines indicate uncertain or missing data. Note that most patients show a course of increased severity or frequency
of affective episodes over time. NIMH = National Institute of Mental Health. (Source: Squillace et al., 1984.)
















mixed form and/or rapid manic-depressive alternations

lithium administration

lithium dosage increased

Figure 223. Effect of lithium in decreasing the frequency and duration of subsequent manic and depressive
episodes. The patient records are arranged according to age; the first two digits of each case number indicate the
year of birth. In the second column is shown the year when the first manic or depressive episode appeared. The diagram shows, for each patient, all psychotic episodes that occurred between January 1, 1960, and July 1, 1966. (Source:
Baastrup and Schou, 1967.)

preferences for treatment. Derived from the same principle as that used by Odysseus when he sought protection
from seduction by the Sirens, such agreements allow patients to consent in advance to certain treatments. General guidelines for drawing up advance directives are
given in Box 221.

Family Education and Family Therapy

Family members and close friends often find that the educational information provided to patients is useful to them

as well. Families are, of course, in a unique position to

observe the behavior and moods of bipolar patients. Education about the illness can increase family members
awareness and acceptance of the patients condition and
underscore their role in encouraging the patient to take
prescribed medications and live sensibly. Waiting for
symptom-free intervals between episodes to discuss the
meaning and nature of bipolar illness allows for education
and collaborative decision making in a less emotionally
charged and more cognitively astute atmosphere.



Events with
Somatic Effects

Events with
Psychic Effects

Events Disrupting Sleep


Administration or
withdrawal of drugs or
hormones, medical illness
(e.g., hypothyroidism),
surgery, injury, etc.

Separation, loss,
role change, etc.

Newborn infant, travel,

shift work, military training,
nocturnal crises,
preparation for exams,
social activities, etc.

Excitement, anxiely, grief,


Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Reduction


Figure 224. Diagram of the hypothesis of sleep reduction as the final common pathway of diverse
factors thought to precipitate mania. (Source: Adapted from Wehr et al., 1987b. Reproduced with permission from the American Psychiatric Association.)

In addition to being educated about the illness and medications, family members should be informed about the importance of recognizing the early signs and symptoms of hypomanic, manic, and depressive episodes. Changes in sleep
patterns, sexual and financial behavior, mood (expansiveness or undue enthusiasm, volatility, pessimism and hopelessness), and judgment, as well as involvement in excessive numbers of projects, are all highly characteristic of
impending affective episodes. As noted earlier, such prodromes, as well as others more subtle or idiosyncratic (e.g.,
increased religious or political interest, avoidance of eye contact), can escape the patients attention. These changes often
are first noted by family members, who therefore can play a
crucial role in early intervention, although Highet and colleagues (2005) found that many family members who care
for patients with depression are able to recognize prodromal
symptoms only in hindsight. In a comprehensive review of
studies of early symptom identification by patients, Jackson
and colleagues (2003) found that a median of 82 percent of
patients could identify early symptoms of bipolar depression, such as changes in mood (48 percent) and psychomo-

tor symptoms (41 percent); prodromal sleep changes were far

less easily identified (24 percent), however. The opposite was
true for the prodromal symptoms of mania: the great majority of patients (77 percent) could identify sleep disturbance
as an early symptom of mania, compared with 47 percent for
psychomotor symptoms, 43 percent for changes in mood,
and 34 percent for psychomotor changes. Overall, the prodromes of mania were of longer duration and easier to identify than those of bipolar depression.
If possible, strategies for contacting the clinician should
be determined between patient and family during times
when the patient is euthymic. To the extent feasible, general
contingency plans and agreements should be formulated
in advance to cover possible emergencies (e.g., suicidal
thinking and behavior), hospitalization plans for mania or
depression, and financial protection for patient and family
during hypomanic and manic episodes.
The relapse drill is a roadmap to guide the familys
plans and actions should mania or depression recur (Marlatt and Gordon, 1985; Miklowitz and Goldstein, 1997).
During the drill, the therapist identifies the prodromal



BOX 221. Advance Directives for Patients with Bipolar Illness

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (2004) provides the
following guidance on the use of advance directives:
One way to put self-knowledge and self-advocacy into
practice is to create an advance directivea written document outlining the treatment the patient would like to receive if his illness renders him incapable of making decisions. In your advance directive, you might choose to give
another person the authority to make decisions about
your treatment for you.
Advance directives for mental health are a relatively
new development, and a few legal precedents are in place.
Each U.S. state has a different set of laws governing the
use and enforcement of advance directives.You may want
to consult a qualified disability law attorney to be sure
your advance directive is enforceable.
Using an advance directive may:
Ease stress on you and your loved ones.
Help you avoid treatment you know is not helpful.
Help you get the right treatment when you need it most.
You must be mentally competent at the time you make
your advance directive. Binding advance directives are usually
signed by at least one witness and one physician who can
verify that you are in good mental health at the time you
write it. State what treatment you want, where and by
whom, and under what circumstances. Your instructions may

Emergency contact information for all of your health care


Medications (and dosages) that help you.

Medications that have unpleasant side effects or do not
help you.
Treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy, that you
do or do not wish to be given.
The facility or hospital where you prefer to be treated.
Family members and friends who are authorized to make decisions about your treatment according to your written
What you would like your loved ones to do if your symptoms
cause you to be a danger to yourself or others.
Things people can say or do to calm you or convince you
to accept treatment.
Warning signs that you may be in crisis.
You may also want to add instructions for legal professionals
on how to assist you if you break the law and get arrested while
you are ill.
Review your advance directive with your loved ones and
health care providers. Give each of them an up-to-date copy.
Check your advance directive periodically to be sure it still
reflects your needs.
Having an advance directive does not guarantee your
treatment will go smoothly. However, creating advance
directives can be a beneficial addition to treatment.The entire process can be empowering. It can help you strengthen relationships
with your health care providers and loved ones.

Note: This information is not meant to take the place of consultation with a qualified legal professional.

symptoms of mania, hypomania, and depression and helps

the patient and family develop plans for contacting the
treatment team, dealing with practical problems that result
from the relapse (e.g., parenting, financial arrangements),
handling work and social responsibilities, and deciding
when hospitalization is necessary and how to proceed. Realistic plans should be made with other adults (relatives or
friends) who can support the patients family during a crisis. The therapist can also formulate a mutually acceptable
plan for helping the patient adhere to a medication regimen if he or she tends to skip doses.
Potential problems involving the violation of clinician
patient confidentiality are substantial and need to be
discussed openly with both patients and their families.
Szmukler and Bloch (1997) recommended that clinicians
consider overriding the patients refusal to involve family
members only if harm (to the patient or family members) is
probable and could be serious, if no acceptable alternatives
are available, if the patients decision-making ability is

impaired, or if excluding the family could result in greater

restrictions on the patients rights and freedom. Whenever
possible, however, patients should be strongly encouraged to
involve their families in at least the early stages of treatment.
(There are, of course, obvious if infrequent exceptions to
this general guideline.)
Finally, family therapy, when indicated, can be a useful
adjunct to treatment. Many issues arise in treating families
with one or more members who suffer from bipolar illness
(see Chapter 10). Specific studies involving family interventions are reviewed later in this chapter.

National and Local Support Associations

Both bipolar patients and their families can participate in
excellent self-help groups, many of which operate under
the auspices of DBSA. There are now approximately 1,000
such groups in the United States. The stated purpose of
DBSA is to provide personal support and direct service
to persons with clinical depression or manic depression



and their families; to educate the public concerning the

nature and management of these treatable medical disorders; and to promote related research. The importance
of educating both the public and health professionals
about early symptoms of bipolar disorder is underlined by
DBSAs survey of members, in which half of bipolar respondents reported not having received any treatment
during the first 5 years after the onset of symptoms (Lish
et al., 1994).
Services provided by chapters of DBSA and other advocacy and support organizations, such as NAMI, include educational programs for patients, their family members, and
the general public; self-help support groups for patients and
families; determination of medication levels; Alcoholics
Anonymous meetings; telephone hotlines for emergencies;
newsletters; summaries of relevant research findings; employment counseling; and referrals to clinicians with expertise in treating bipolar and depressive illness. DBSA and
NAMI work in collaboration, not in competition, with clinicians.
A survey of 2,049 members of DBSA support groups in
190 U.S. cities was conducted in three waves between 1997
and 1998. Among the survey respondents, 59 percent reported having bipolar disorder. The substantial majority
(71 percent) of these respondents reported that psychotherapy was an essential part of their treatment. So,
too, was participation in support groups. More than half
(58 percent) of those who had experienced difficulty in
adhering to treatment reported a significant improvement in adherence between the initial and follow-up surveys. The longer the patient had attended a support
group, the lower was the chance of discontinuing medication against medical advice. Even those who had attended
a DBSA group for less than a year reported a significant
reduction in barriers to adherence (e.g., problems in relationship with the doctor, missing medication doses).
In addition, respondents who had attended a group for
longer than a year reported significantly lower hospitalization rates. Although there is no clear causeeffect relationship between group attendance and better outcomes
(members with more severe symptoms or functional impairment may be more likely to drop out of the groups),
members cited the support, education, and advocacy of
DBSA groups as important factors in dealing successfully with bipolar disorder and depression (Goodale and
Lewis, 1999).
Although most major cities now have a branch of
DBSA or a similar organization, 57 percent of respondents
to a 19971998 survey of DBSA members reported not
learning of the groups existence until more than a year after their diagnosis (Goodale and Lewis, 1999). Patients and
their families should be encouraged to seek support from

their local DBSA, NAMI, or other such group. If there is no

local branch of DBSA or NAMI, the organizations national offices can be contacted for information about the
nearest group (contact information is given in the appendix to this volume).


We have emphasized our belief that psychotherapy is important, often essential, in the treatment of bipolar illness,
and have discussed a number of issues that can complicate
overall clinical management and are the targets of such therapy. Until recently, however, scientific data from controlled
clinical trials on the efficacy of psychotherapy in treating
bipolar illness were nearly nonexistent.
At one time, the diversity of psychotherapeutic approaches discouraged research on psychotherapy for any
disorder. Each psychotherapist was considered impenetrably unique, as was each patient, and there was little way to
know what the therapist was actually doing in the office
with a given patient. Psychotherapy was regarded as an art
form that could not be addressed by science.
Over the past two decades, that view has changed. Methods have been developed or adapted for the testing of psychotherapeutic approaches, including the use of clinical
trials, random assignment, and outcome measures that tap
the areas of change one might expect as a result of psychotherapy. Most important among these new tools have
been psychotherapy manuals that outline accepted procedures, provide technical specifications with scripts for intervention, and offer guidelines on what should be covered
during treatment (Hibbs et al., 1997; Weissman et al., 2000).
Such manuals can make psychotherapy a relatively uniform and therefore testable treatment. Audiotaping or videotaping of ongoing psychotherapy sessions provides an objective record of adherence to and delivery of the treatment
set forth in a manual, and has been incorporated into numerous trials of psychotherapy for major depression and
other disorders. Although bipolar patients have usually been
excluded from these trials, possibly because medication has
been viewed as the fundamental treatment for the disorder,
this situation has begun to change.
The new psychotherapeutic approaches now being tested
for treatment of bipolar disorder are different from the openended psychoanalytic approaches of the 1940s and 1950s,
which focused on early-childhood experiences, transference,
and dreams. Modern approaches are designed to be used as
adjuncts to medication. They include attention to making a
precise diagnosis; a psychoeducation component, with emphasis on medication adherence; monitoring of symptoms
through symptom checklists; a focus on current problems;
regulation of daily routine through life charts; and efforts to


improve current relationships to prevent relapse and build

ways of coping with the consequences of the illness in work
and family contexts. Bipolar disorder is viewed not as a
character flaw, but as a chronic illness that requires varying
levels of intervention over a lifetime. The norm is to employ
psychotherapy as needed, rather than as an intensive treatment over many years. The family is an important ally, not
an adversary, in the treatment. The emphasis is on the transactions between patients and their significant others, rather
than the relationship between patient and therapist. The
goal is not only gaining insight, but also learning to cope
with having a chronic, usually devastating, and potentially
lethal illness.
Not all of the new approaches have all these features.
For example, some focus only on education, whereas others emphasize interpersonal and family relationships and
use group or family modalities. The more comprehensive
treatmentscognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT), familyfocused treatment (FFT), and the Life Goals Program
emphasize the achievement of functional goals through
skills training and reduction of interpersonal conflict with
significant others. These approaches include protocols for
relapse prevention (the action plans in CBT and the Life
Goals Program, the symptom monitoring and management plan for IPSRT, the relapse drill for FFT).
The new psychotherapeutic approaches appear to be consistent with the clinical reality of bipolar disorder. Whether
they make a difference in altering patterns of relapse, however, cannot be known without further results from controlled clinical trials.
Tables 221 through 225 provide details of the interventions, study designs, results, and clinical observations of the clinical trials of various psychotherapeutic
approaches conducted or ongoing as of this writing. It is
obvious from these summaries that the samples have been
relatively small, that many studies need to be replicated,
and that only a few modalities have been tested. Tables
221 through 224 describe efficacy studies, and Table 225
ongoing effectiveness studies. The latter studies are designed to test psychotherapy in actual clinical practice
among large, heterogeneous samples of bipolar patients.
Such studies were recently initiated to compensate for the
paucity of data on the psychotherapeutic management of
bipolar illness. The following subsections review the most
salient features and findings of studies addressing psychoeducation, CBT, IPSRT, and family/couples therapy (including FFT), as well as ongoing effectiveness studies.

Psychoeducation for bipolar disorder focuses on education about the illness, including symptoms (prodromal


and during the episode), treatment options, and the importance of sleep regulation and adherence to medication.
An essential component of almost every new psychotherapy for bipolar disorder, it has also been tested as a specific
method. Its purpose is to encourage the active and informed involvement of patient and family in the treatment
process, following an alliance, not adherence philosophy
(Frank et al., 1995; Toprac et al., 2000; Berk et al., 2004). In
a recent survey, 500 British and American psychiatrists
cited the education of patients as one of their most important clinical priorities (Roy and Williams, 2005). A Brazilian study of 106 bipolar patients found that level of knowledge about treatment, in this case lithium, was directly
related to treatment adherence (Rosa et al., in press).
Psychoeducation deals with two of the most predominant problems in the management of bipolar disorder:
nonadherence to medication and relapse despite adherence. Nearly one-half of patients with bipolar illness fail to
adhere to their treatment (see Chapter 21); however, even
highly adherent patients can suffer relapses (Keck et al.,
1998). As discussed earlier, psychoeducation can help prevent relapses by teaching patients to recognize prodromal
signs and symptoms and notify their treatment team and
relatives. A summary of the results of studies examining
the effect of psychoeducation and psychotherapy on medication adherence is presented in Table 215 in Chapter 21.
Various approaches to psychoeducation were employed
in the studies listed in Table 221, including lectures; videotapes; group discussion; and fact sheets on symptoms, their
management, and medication. Sometimes only the patient
was included and sometimes key relatives, in individual or
group settings. The length of the intervention varied from 2
to 6 weeks; all of the studies included follow-up at periods
of 3 to 18 months. Outcomes ranged from improving
knowledge and understanding and medication adherence
to reducing rates of relapse. (Clinical trials of psychoeducation using CBT techniques are included in Table 222 and
discussed in that section.)
In general, the results of these studies were modest.
Some demonstrated significantly increased knowledge
about the illness. Results varied regarding improvement in
adherence to medication, and in some cases revealed improvement in relatives attitudes. The one study that assessed impact on clinical status found no effect of brief
psychoeducation on relapse rate.
The most comprehensive psychoeducation program, the
Patient and Family Education Program, was developed by
the Texas Medication Algorithm Project (Toprac et al.,
1998, 2000). The aim was to develop medication algorithms
for the treatment of individuals with bipolar disorder,
depression, or schizophrenia and to test the clinical and
cost-effectiveness of these algorithm-driven treatments

Table 221. Clinical Trials of Brief Psychoeducation in the Treatment of Bipolar Patients

Study Design


Clinical Observations

Haas et al.,

Inpatient family psychoeducation

to increase acceptance and
knowledge of BP in families
(average 6 weekly sessions).

At 6 and 18 mo, female patients

with BP who received the
treatment had significantly
better role functioning than
female BP patients in the
control group.

Family attitudes toward

treatment improved in the
psychoeducation group
compared with the controls.

Peet and

Group psychoeducation
involving a videotaped lecture
on lithium action and side
effects, followed by a home
visit (2 sessions).

Group psychoeducation with

partners of BP patients
(5 sessions). Focus on
symptoms of the disorder,
functioning, medication
action, side effects, and
hereditary factors.

At termination and follow-up,

knowledge about lithium had
increased significantly in the
psychoeducation group.
Improvement in medication
adherence was significantly
associated with improvement
in knowledge about lithium.
Partners knowledge about the
illness, mood stabilizers, and
coping strategies had increased
significantly at termination
and 6 mo. No difference in
medication adherence was
seen at 12 mo.

Even short video

psychoeducation increased
knowledge about and adherence to lithium. Clinical
status not assessed.

Van Gent
and Zwart,

Families of BP patients
randomized to
psychoeducation plus standard
hospital care (n = 12) or
standard inpatient care alone
(n = 8). Follow-up at 6 and
18 mo.
BP patients in remission
randomly assigned to group
psychoeducation (n = 30) or a
wait-list control group (n = 30).
Follow-up at 6 mo. Blood
levels and tablet omission
monitored to determine
Partners of BP outpatients
randomly assigned to
psychoeducation (n = 14) or
no intervention (n = 12).
Follow-up at 6 mo (partners)
or 12 mo (patients).



Clinical status not assessed.

Honig et al.,

Multifamily group
psychoeducation (6 biweekly
sessions). Focus on symptoms
of BP, coping strategies, patient
support and advocacy.

Suppes et al.,

Psychoeducation as part of
patient care in the Texas
Medication Algorithm Project
for BP, depressive, and
schizophrenic patients.

Miller et al.,

Multifamily psychoeducational
group therapy (6 sessions) or
family therapy (average of 12
sessions), plus standardized

BP patient and a key relative

assigned on a first-come,
first-served basis to the
psychoeducation group
(n = 29) or a wait-list control
group (n = 23). Follow-up at
3 mo.
Outpatient (n = 44) and inpatient
(n = 25) BP patients received
psychoeducation and
algorithm-driven treatment.
A large controlled trial is
under way.
BP-I patients randomly assigned
to pharmacotherapy alone
(n = 29), family therapy plus
pharmacotherapy (n = 33),
or group therapy plus
pharmacotherapy (n = 30).

Note: Clinical trials of psychoeducation using cognitive-behavioral therapy are reviewed in Table 222.
BP = bipolar disorder.

No significant difference in
relapse and medication
adherence was observed in the
two groups. Significantly more
relatives in the psychoeducation group changed from
high to low expressed emotion.
Both inpatient and outpatient
groups experienced significant
symptom improvement.
Improvement in social
functioning was significant for
the inpatient group.
No differences were found
among groups in rates of
recovery or time to recovery.

Even a brief intervention can

result in changes in levels
of expressed emotion
in families.

No measures of psychosocial
functioning or recurrence of
illness were used. The study
involved a relatively small
number of therapy sessions.
The patient population may
have been particularly

Table 222. Clinical Trials of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder




Study Design


Clinical Observations

Cochran, 1984

Individual CBT for BP outpatients

to enhance medication adherence compared with standard
clinic care (6 weekly sessions).
Targeted cognition and
behavior that affect adherence
based on Becks model.

BP patients randomized to CBT

(n = 14) or standard clinical
care (n = 14). Follow-up
at 3 and 6 mo.

A brief intervention appeared to

improve adherence to
medication. The positive
results disappeared at the
3 mo follow-up and
reappeared at 6 mo, indicating
the importance of long-term

et al.,

Group CBT (11 weekly sessions).

Treatment included
psychoeducation, cognitive
approaches to depressive and
manic behavior, preventive
mood hygiene, medication
adherence, problem solving
around suicidality, and stress
and conflict management.
Individual CBT psychoeducation
for relapse prevention (712
sessions). Focus on early
identification of relapse
symptoms and a plan for
seeking treatment.

BP patients randomly assigned to

group CBT and medication (n = 15)
or medication only (n = 15).
Follow-up at 3 mo.

The CBT group showed

significantly greater adherence
to medication at baseline and
6 mo follow-up (but not at
3 mo follow-up). Physician
and independent evaluator
reports showed improved
adherence, whereas self- and
informant reports did not.
Although the two groups did
not differ significantly in
affective episodes, the CBT
group had significantly fewer
The CBT group had significantly
longer periods of euthymia
and significantly fewer new
episodes than controls at both
termination and follow-up.

Perry et al.,

Weiss et al.,

Group CBT for relapse prevention

(12 or 20 weekly sessions) for
patients with comorbid bipolar
and substance-abuse disorders.

BP patients with a history of relapse

in the previous year but euthymic
at baseline randomly assigned to
psychoeducation combined with
treatment as usual (TAU) (n = 34)
or TAU only (n = 35). Follow-up
at 6, 12, and 18 mo.

Euthymic BP (-I and -II) patients with

substance abuse dependence
within the past 30 days and taking
a mood stabilizer enrolled in

A longer follow-up and a larger

number of patients are needed
to determine long-term

The psychoeducation group had This relatively short intervention

significantly fewer manic
resulted in a significant
relapses over 18 mo but no
reduction of manic but
difference in the number of
not depressive episodes over
depressive relapses (in fact, the
a long follow-up period
number slightly increased).
(18 mo).
Social functioning improved
significantly. Adherence to
mood stabilizers as indicated
by blood levels did not differ.
The CBT group had significantly Age was nonrandomly
lower Addiction Severity
distributed. After controlling
Index scores and more
for age differences, reduction
months of abstinence from
of mania symptoms in the

In addition to psychoeducation
and support, groups focused on
identifying and coping with
triggers, recognizing prodromal
symptoms, and dealing with

sequential blocks: BP patients

(n = 21) in group CBT in addition
to any other psychosocial treatment
compared with BP patients (n = 24)
who received assessment only. Both
groups were assessed for mood,
substance abuse, and medication
adherence before, during, and after
treatment monthly. Follow-up
at 3 mo.
Euthymic BP-I patients taking regular
prophylatic medication with
a history of recurrence. Random
assignment to CBT plus TAU
(n = 13) or TAU only (n = 12).
Monthly mood and medication
adherence ratings. Follow-up
at 6 mo.

Individual CBT for relapse

prevention (12 to 20 weekly
sessions over 6 mo).
Psychoeducation, CBT skills
for coping with prodromal
and residual symptoms.
Emphasis on the importance
of routine and sleep

Scott et al.,

Individual CBT (25 weekly sessions) BP outpatients randomly assigned to

focused on managing symptoms,
CBT (n = 21) or a 6 mo wait-list
altering dysfunctional thoughts
control group (n = 21), followed by
and attitudes, managing barriers
CBT. Medication prescribed by the
to adherence, and preventing
preexisting treating physician.
Follow-up at 6 and 12 mo.


Lam et al.,

both drugs and alcohol. No

significant differences in
mood episodes or
hospitalizations were seen.

CBT group no longer reached

significance. At baseline, the
therapy group had significantly more severe alcohol
problems than controls,
making results difficult to
interpret. This is the only
psychotherapy thus far for
comorbid bipolar and
substance-abuse disorders.
The CBT group had significantly Raters were not blinded to
fewer hypomanic episodes
patients status. CBT showed
and a lower total number of
the best results at the end of
episodes than the control
follow-up, suggesting gains
group at follow-up. They also
even after therapy had been
showed significantly fewer
fluctuations in symptoms and
higher medication adherence
at termination and follow-up.
They were significantly less
depressed and hopeless at
follow-up and showed
significantly better social
functioning and self-control
behavior. Significantly fewer
neuroleptics were prescribed
in the CBT group.
The CBT group showed
The authors suggest the need
significant reductions in
for a more extensive course of
symptomatology and
maintenance given the slight
functioning at termination
deterioration in
and follow-up (with a nonsymptomatology after
significant trend toward
symptom increase at
follow-up). Depressive
symptoms were significantly
reduced, and there was
a trend toward fewer manic
symptoms (self-rated manic

Table 222. Clinical Trials of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder (continued)

Colom et al.,

Colom et al.,


Lam et al.,

Lam et al.,


Study Design


Clinical Observations

activation was significantly

reduced). Hospitalization
rates were also significantly
reduced in the CBT group.
Group CBT psychoeducation for
Euthymic BP (-I and -II) patients
The psychoeducation group had This is the only psychoeducation
relapse prevention (21 sessions,
randomly assigned to
significantly fewer manic,
clinical trial that resulted in a
812 BP patients in each group).
psychoeducation group combined
hypomanic, and depressive
significant reduction of manic
Focus on illness awareness,
with medication (n = 60) or
relapses, as well as fewer and
as well as depressive relapses
early identification of relapse
unstructured group combined
shorter hospitalizations,
over a long follow-up period
symptoms, treatment adherence,
with medication (n = 60).
relative to the control group
(28 mo).
and a plan for seeking treatment.
Follow-up every 2 mo up to 28 mo.
at termination and follow-up.
Group CBT psychoeducation for
Euthymic BP-I patients, adherent to
The psychoeducation group had Because the patients were already
relapse prevention in adherent
medication, randomly assigned to
significantly fewer overall
adherent to medication, the
patients using the same treatment
psychoeducation combined with TAU
recurrences and depressive
positive results of
program as above.
(n = 25) or TAU only (n = 25).
episodes than the control
psychoeducation seen in this
Follow-up every month up to 28 mo.
group at termination and
study suggest that
its therapeutic mechanisms
extend beyond adherence
Individual cognitive therapy (1218 BP patients randomly assigned to
The cognitive therapy group
It was more difficult to teach
sessions during first 6 mo, 2
cognitive therapy plus mood
had significantly fewer
patients to monitor depressive
booster sessions during second
stabilizer (n = 51) or control group
bipolar episodes,
than manic prodromes. There
6 mo). Focus on preventing
(n = 52), which received mood
hospitalizations, and days
was no assessment of sleep
relapse, promoting social
stabilizer plus regular psychiatric
affectively ill. They coped
routines or control for
functioning, and monitoring
care. Monthly follow-up for 12 mo.
better with manic prodromes
medication prescribed.
mood and illness prodromes.
at 12 mo, and their
medication adherence was
better, although not
significantly so.
18 mo follow-up of Lam et al.
Continuation of Lam et al. (2003) study Over 30 mo, the cognitive
The cognitive therapy group
(2003) study.
therapy group had
spent 110 fewer days in bipolar
significantly better outcomes
episodes (out of a total of 900
in terms of time to relapse.
possible days) over the entire
The effect of relapse
30 mo and 54 fewer days (out
prevention was seen
of 450 possible days) for the
primarily in the first year.
last 8 mo. Booster sessions or
Medication adherence was
maintenance therapy may be a
significantly higher in the
helpful addition to treatment
cognitive therapy group.


Ball et al.,

Individual cognitive therapy

BP patients randomly allocated to a 6
sessions (1820) focusing on
mo trial of cognitive therapy plus
education, identification of early
mood-stabilizing medications
warning signs, establishment of
(n = 25) or medication TAU
stable routines, identification and
(n = 27).
modification of cognitions, and
expression of emotions.

The cognitive therapy group

had less severe depression
scores, less dysfunctional
attitudes, and a trend toward
a longer time to depressive
relapse. At 12 mo follow-up,
the cognitive therapy group
showed a trend toward lower
mania scores and improved
behavior control.

Scott et al.,

20 sessions of CBT, weekly until

week 15 and then in reduced
frequency until week 26. Two
booster sessions offered (at
weeks 32 and 38).

No significant differences
between groups were
observed in recurrence rates
or medication adherence.
CBT appeared to be more
effective in those with a
history of fewer episodes.

CBT = cognitive-behavioral therapy; BP = bipolar disorder.

BP patients randomly assigned to

CBT plus TAU (n = 127) or
TAU (medication plus
occasional clinical contact)
(n = 126). Patients assessed every
8 weeks for 18 mo.

The study was the first to use

emotive techniques
systematically. The sample size
was small, and the number of
dependent variables was large.
A single therapist administered
the cognitive therapy, and
there was poor adherence
with blood testing in both
groups. There was no
significant difference between
the groups in self-reported
medication adherence. Clinical
benefits diminished after the
cognitive therapy was
completed, suggesting that
maintenance treatment or
booster sessions may be
Interpretation of the findings is
problematic because of
heterogeneity of the patient
population: 32% were in acute
episodes, the remainder
euthymic; 31% had a history of
6 or fewer episodes, 25% a
history of 30 or more. Many
(40%) of the CBT patients did
not receive the entire
treatment sequence; 16% of
patients in both groups were
not taking mood stabilizers.

Table 223. Clinical Trials of Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Study Design


Clinical Observations

Frank, et al.,
1999; Frank,

Individual IPSRT plus behavioral

strategies to help regulate
patients daily routines. Administered weekly in the acute
phase until stabilization,
biweekly for 12 wk during the
preventive phase, monthly for
2 yr. Frequency increased in
case of a new episode.

BP patients, acutely ill, randomly

assigned to medication plus
IPSRT (n = 45) or medication
plus clinical status and
symptom review treatment (CSSRT), matching the
frequency of IPSRT and
including psychoeducation
and treatment adherence
training (n = 45). After
stabilization, patients were
reassigned to either IPSRT or
CSSRT for the preventive

Changing treatment modality

(whether IPSRT or the control
treatment) was associated with
significantly faster recurrence
and worse symptomatology,
suggesting the importance of
stability in the treatment of BP.

Frank et al.,

Acute and maintenance IPSRT,

acute and maintenance intensive clinical management (ICM),
acute IPSRT followed by maintenance ICM, or acute ICM
followed by maintenance IPSRT.

Acutely ill BP patients (n = 175)

randomly assigned to one of
the four treatment strategies;
2 yr preventive maintenance

Preliminary results: patients

in the IPSRT group had significantly more regular routines
than those in the comparison
condition. There was no significant difference in recovery
time from manic and depressive episodes between the two
conditions. IPSRT was
associated with significantly
longer periods of euthymia than
the comparison condition. No
such difference was found for
manic/mixed versus euthymic
No difference was found among
treatment strategies in time to
stabilization. Patients assigned
to IPSRT in the acute treatment phase survived longer
without a new affective episode.



BP = bipolar disorder; IPSRT = Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy.

Medically healthy married

patients without comorbid
anxiety disorders benefited
most from treatment.

Table 224. Clinical Trials of Family/Couples Therapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder

Study Design


Clinical Observations

Miller et al.,

Family group therapy (812

sessions) initiated during
hospitalization and continued for 18 wk after discharge.

Significantly fewer hospitalizations and relapses had

occurred in the family therapy group at 2 yr follow-up.

Although the number of patients was small,

the significant results are promising.

Clarkin et al.,

Marital therapy with BP

patient (either married or
living with a partner for >6
mo); 25 sessions over 11 mo.

BP patients randomly assigned

to standard treatment alone
(n = 7) or combined with
family group therapy (n = 7).
Follow-up at 2 yr.
Euthymic BP patients randomly assigned to medication and marital therapy
(n = 19) or medication only
(n = 23). No follow-up.

The authors argued that aggressive treatment

delivered earlier in the marriage could
have been more successful.

et al., 2000

FFT including extensive

family psychoeducation on
BP, communication skills,
and family problem solving;
21 sessions over 9 mo.

BP patients recruited during

or immediately after an
episode, randomized to
either FFT for 9 mo (n = 31)
or standard psychiatric care
(n = 70). Follow-up at 3 mo
intervals for 1 yr.

At termination, medication
adherence and overall functioning were significantly
better for the psychotherapy
group. There was no difference in symptomatology
between the two groups.
The FFT group experienced
significantly fewer depressive relapses and longer
interepisode intervals than
the comparison group. The
FFT group also showed an
overall decrease in depressive
but not in manic symptoms.

et al., 2003

FFT as described above, 21

sessions, compared with
crisis management (CM),
2 sessions. Both groups
received pharmacotherapy.

Rea et al., 2003

FFT as described above (21

sessions) or individual therapy focused on support,
problem solving, and
education (21 sessions).

BP patients randomized to FFT

(n = 31) plus pharmacotherapy or CM (n = 70) plus
pharmacotherapy. Follow-up
at 36 mo intervals
for 2 yr.
BP patients randomly assigned
to FFT (n = 28) or individual
therapy (n = 25). Assessments
at 3 mo intervals for 1 yr
period of active treatment
and follow-up at 1 yr after



BP = bipolar disorder; FFT = Family-Focused Treatment.

The FFT group experienced

fewer relapses, longer survival intervals, greater reduction in mood symptomatology, and better treatment
The FFT group was much less
likely to be rehospitalized or
to have illness relapses during the 2 yr study period.
Both groups showed high
levels of medication adherence (no significant difference between groups).

The effects of FFT were independent of medication adherence, although higher adherence in both groups was associated with
greater stabilization of manic symptoms.
FFT was associated with a more positive
nonverbal interactional style, which partially mediated a more favorable outcome.
BP patients from families with high expressed emotion showed the most dramatic symptom reduction.
FFT involved more extensive therapist
contact. There was a lack of control over
patients medical regimens.

The effect of FFT was strongest after

completion of the treatment protocol.
Patients with poor premorbid status were
protected from relapse by FFT but not by
individual therapy.

Table 225. Effectiveness Studies Involving Psychotherapy for Patients with Bipolar Disorder


Study Design


Clinical Observations

Sachs et al.,

Systematic Treatment Enhancement

Program for Bipolar Disorder
(STEP-BD). Clinical trials of
interpersonal and social rhythm
therapy (IPSRT), family-focused
therapy (FFT), cognitivebehavioral therapy (CBT), or
collaborative care (the control
condition, psychoeducation)
as adjunct to medication.
Life Goals Program: group psychotherapy with psychoeducation for
relapse prevention (5 weekly sessions); individual behavioral treatment with social/educational goals.

A multisite randomized
effectiveness study. BP
patients (n = 5,000) to be
recruited in 17 centers.

Not yet available.

Not yet available.

Initial open trial with bipolar

patients (n = 29) at two
Veterans Affairs (VA) Hospital

The program is currently being

evaluated against VA treatment
as usual in a 12-site randomized controlled clinical trial.

An effectiveness trial of the Life Goals

Program plus monthly telephone
monitoring by nurses at a health
maintenance organization.

BP patients (n = 441). Clinical/

functional status assessed
every 3 mo for 12 mo.

69% of patients completed

psychoeducation and showed
increased knowledge of BP;
70% of these patients reached
behavioral goals. Multisite
open trial is ongoing.
Patients in the intervention
group had significantly lower
mania ratings and spent onethird less time in hypomanic
or manic episodes. Mean
depression ratings did not
differ between the groups.

and Bauer,

Simon et al.,

BP = bipolar disorder.

Those who completed five or

more group sessions had better
clinical outcomes but also had
less severe symptoms at baseline. It is difficult to separate
the effects of greater attention
and support from those of specific intervention components.


compared with treatment as usual. The study cited in Table

221 tested only feasibility; a trial of this program is currently under way (Suppes et al., 2001). The psychoeducation in this approach has unique features. The program
was developed mainly by a committee of members of patient advocacy and support groups, working in collaboration with clinicians. The educational material used during
the acute phase of treatment is introduced by the physician
and followed up by staff responding to patients questions.
When patients are less symptomatic, more complex material is presented to help with symptom recognition and to
explore barriers to adherence to treatment (including side
effects). Apart from individual meetings with the clinical
team, patients and their families have the option to participate in group meetings that may include videotape presentations and consumer discussions (Toprac et al., 2000).
The results of the ongoing trial, which includes a comprehensive consumer-guided educational program and large
sample sizes, will provide important information about
the effectiveness of this approach.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CBT, developed by Beck and colleagues (1979), is currently
the most widely used and tested psychotherapeutic approach for which a manual has been created. It was originally developed for major depression but has been adapted
and tested for numerous other conditions, including bipolar disorder. The underlying assumption is that depressionprone individuals possess negative self-schemata (beliefs),
labeled the cognitive triad. Specifically, depressed patients
have negative views of themselves as worthless, inadequate,
unlovable, deficient; of their environments as overwhelming, filled with obstacles and failure; and of their futures
as hopeless, as though no effort will change the course of
their lives. There have been far fewer studies of cognitive
style in bipolar disorder than in major depression. The results of those that have been conducted suggest that cognitive styles in both mood disorders are similarly fragile and
that negative self-esteem is a robust predictor of depressive
and manic relapses (Scott et al., 2000; Scott and Pope, 2003;
Jones et al., 2005). In administering CBT, the therapist is active and directive and, applying principles of logic and the
scientific method, facilitates a rational approach to thinking
with regard to the patients current life circumstances. The
patients thoughts and assumptions are treated as hypotheses that can be tested to verify their accuracy.
To foster a spirit of collaborative empiricism, CBT therapists typically begin treatment by educating patients about
their disorder. When a new technique is introduced, the
therapist begins by presenting its rationale. In educating
patients, the therapist builds the therapeutic alliance. To
maximize rapid response to treatment, emphasis is placed


on homework outside of therapy sessions. By the end of

each session, therapist and patient agree on at least one assignment the patient can complete to either test beliefs or
build skills. Cognitive therapy focuses on understanding
how patients interpret events in their lives. The therapy is
based on the premise that if distorted thoughts and images
can be changed, the accompanying negative emotional
states and behaviors will change as well. In this cognitive
model of emotion, affect and behavior are seen for the
most part as mediated by cognition.
The CBT adaptation for bipolar disorder is based on the
observation that stressful life events can interact with negative cognitive styles to precipitate manic and depressive
symptomatology in individuals with the disorder (Alloy
et al., 1999). Various studies (Hollon et al., 1986; Alloy et al.,
1999) led to the somewhat surprising finding that many
persons with bipolar illness exhibit cognitive styles as negative as those associated with unipolar mood disorders,
suggesting that similar psychological processes may predispose to both manic and depressive episodes or that the
underlying disorders may result in similar cognitive manifestations.
Antimanic cognitive techniques include early identification of manic thoughts, cognitive restructuring geared
to realistic interpretation of events, and evaluation of plans
before taking action. Behavioral techniques focus on coping with sleep disturbance and on increasing medication
adherence (when the chance of discontinuation is high),
such as by associating the taking of medication with certain daily routines. Also employed are methods of reducing
risk-taking behavior, such as giving credit cards to a relative or friend permanently or at the first sign of a relapse to
control spending, and the imparting of skills needed to
prioritize and decrease the number and intensity of activities (Bauer et al., 1991; Basco and Rush, 1995; Scott, 1996).
Cognitive and behavioral interventions during depressive
phases include teaching behavior activation techniques to
end the lethargy cycle (such as an increase in pleasant activities or assignment of tasks to reduce workload) and
techniques for countering negative thoughts.
More than 10 efficacy trials of CBT in treating bipolar
disorder have been completed (see Table 222). In addition, CBT is included in NIMHs ongoing Systematic
Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder
(STEP-BD) (discussed later). The CBT interventions studied were generally similar, but differed in the degree of
structure of the manuals employed, as well as in the
emphasis placed on cognitive or behavioral interventions
and psychoeducation. Several studies used a group format
(Hirschfeld-Becker et al., 1998; Weiss et al., 2000; Colom
et al., 2003a,b). In most of the studies, CBT was conducted
primarily on euthymic bipolar patients and was compared



with treatment as usual. The length of the interventions

varied from 6 to 25 sessions.
The results of these studies suggest that CBT may be
a particularly useful adjunct to medication for relapse prevention, and may result in increased medication adherence
and fewer relapses (both manic and depressive). In one
study, cognitive dysfunctional attitudes remained unaffected despite symptomatic relief by the end of the treatment (Zaretsky et al., 1999), and in another, the positive effects of CBT were greater by the end of follow-up (Lam
et al., 2000), indicating that CBT for bipolar patients may
need to extend over time. Other investigations also have
found that booster psychotherapy may be necessary to
maximize outcome (Scott et al., 2001; Ball et al., 2006). Results of a recent study by Lam and colleagues (2005a) suggest that the combination of cognitive therapy and mood
stabilizers is superior to mood stabilizers alone with regard
to not only clinical outcome, but also cost-effectiveness.
The cost of adding cognitive therapy to a medication-only
regimen was offset by reduced costs for other services,
such as inpatient or community core programs. The most
recent randomized control study of CBT (Scott et al.,
2006) is the only study to show no significant differences
between the CBT and treatment as usual groups, but its results are difficult to interpret. The results may be due to the
heterogeneity of the patient population (one-third were in
acute episodes, and there was wide variability in affective
histories). Moreover, many CBT patients did not complete
all of their treatment sessions, and nearly one of every five
patients was not taking a mood stabilizer (see Lam, 2006,
for a detailed critique of the studys methodology).
Several of the studies (Cochran, 1984; Perry et al., 1999;
Colom et al., 2003a,b) used CBT techniques for psychoeducation to assist patients in changing their attitudes
about adherence and in solving problems related to relapse
prevention (see Box 222 for the content of the Barcelona
Psychoeducative Program). Results of these studies
showed significant changes in the clinical status of the patients or their number of hospitalizations as a result of extensive psychoeducation. In Cochrans (1984) six-session
intervention, significantly fewer hospitalizations occurred
in the CBT group (although no difference in mood episodes
was found). The study by Perry and colleagues (1999)
showed a reduction in manic relapses, whereas Colom and
colleagues (2003a), who conducted the longest psychoeducational intervention, found a reduction in both manic
and depressive relapses; thus it may take a longer intervention to help patients learn how to avoid depressive relapses. In addition, the study of Colom and colleagues
(2003b)a group psychoeducation study with adherent
bipolar patientssheds light on the possible mechanisms
of action of psychoeducation: that it exerts its effect not

BOX 222. Contents of the Barcelona

Psychoeducation Program

What is bipolar illness?
Causal and triggering factors
Symptoms (I): Mania and hypomania
Symptoms (II): Depression and mixed episodes
Course and outcome
Treatment (I): Mood stabilizers
Treatment (II): Antimanic agents
Treatment (III): Antidepressants
Serum levels: Lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate
Pregnancy and genetic counseling
Psychopharmacology vs. alternative therapies
Risks associated with treatment withdrawal
Alcohol and street drugs: Risks in bipolar illness
Early detection of manic and hypomanic episodes
Early detection of depressive and mixed episodes
What to do when a new phase is detected
Lifestyle regularity
Stress management techniques
Problem-solving techniques
Final session

Source: Colom and Vieta, 2006. John Wiley & Sons. Reproduced with

only through increased adherence (since the participants

in that study were already adherent), but also through assistance provided to the patient in recognizing and managing the prodromal symptoms of a relapse. In a subanalysis of their data, Colom and colleagues (2005) found that
mean serum lithium levels were higher and more stable in
patients who had received psychoeducation than in those
who had not (Colom et al., 2005). An individual treatment
manual based on the CBT model of this study has been developed and is currently being tested in STEP-BD. This
manual has optional sections that can be used to address
comorbid disorders often associated with bipolar disorder
(see Chapter 7).

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy

Interpersonal psychotherapy is a time-limited psychotherapy, specified in a manual, that was developed for major
depression and has been modified for other disorders and
tested in numerous clinical trials (Klerman et al., 1984;
Weissman et al., 2000). It makes no assumption about the
cause of illness, but makes use of the connection between
onset of symptoms and current interpersonal problems.
The approach deals with current rather than past relationships and the immediate social context of the illness. It attempts to intervene in symptom formation and social


dysfunction and not in personality. The initial phase includes a systematic diagnostic evaluation, psychoeducation, a review of medication, and an examination of current relationships and changes proximal to the emergence
of symptoms. At least one of four problems (grief, interpersonal disputes, role transitions, role deficits) becomes
the focus of treatment.
Frank and colleagues (1994) adapted interpersonal psychotherapy for bipolar disorder by adding a behavioral
component to regulate patients social rhythms and termed
their approach IPSRT. The importance of regulating such
rhythms had been demonstrated earlier in research conducted at NIMH (Wehr et al., 1987a,b). The focus of the
method is on disruptions in interpersonal relationships
that precede the onset of recurrence of an episode (manic
or depressive). The four problem areas of interpersonal
psychotherapy are also considered potential triggers of
episodes in this adaptation. In IPSRT, grief includes not
only grief for the death of a loved one, but also the mourning frequently experienced by bipolar patients over the loss
of a healthy self that used to function productively (see
Jamison and Goodwin, 1983; Jamison, 1991, 1995). Frank
and colleagues (1994) argued that if this issue is not addressed, it may manifest itself in medication nonadherence
and other self-destructive behavior. Interpersonal disputes
are common among bipolar patients, especially in the
manic phase, when angry and impulsive outbursts may
alienate and frighten loved ones. Role transitions or life
changessuch as starting a new job; relocating; having a
new baby; experiencing the death of a spouse, family
member, or close friend; or undergoing a divorcemay
disrupt a routine that has provided a sense of familiarity
and predictability, and may also disturb patients
sleepwake cycle and daily rhythms. Interpersonal deficits
are prominent in bipolar patients, as the damage and turmoil that follow manic episodes lead some patients to reduce their involvement in social relationships and work.
As noted earlier, major interpersonal disruptions may
precipitate a manic or depressive episode. Based on findings from earlier research carried out by Wehr and colleagues (1987a,b) at NIMH, IPSRT postulates that the link
between the patients biological vulnerability and interpersonal events lies in the interplay between zeitgebers (events
that stabilize the biological clock) and zeitstorers (events
that disrupt the biological clock) (see Chapter 16). Thus,
the mediating mechanism that may lead to an episode is
disruption of the patients circadian rhythms and daily
routines (Wehr et al., 1987a; Ehlers et al., 1988; Frank et al.,
1994). Early in the treatment, the therapist introduces the
Social Rhythm Metric to chart the regularity and stimulation of 17 daily activities (e.g., getting out of bed, having
the first meal), as well as the patients mood at the end of


each day. This procedure is intended to help the patient become more aware of the patterns of change in daily
rhythms and life events and their relationship to mood.
IPSRT is conducted in four phases:
In the initial phase, the therapist takes a thorough history of previous episodes and their interpersonal context; provides psychoeducation on bipolar disorder; introduces the Social Rhythm Metric, focusing on the
most recent episode; and identifies the patients main interpersonal problem area(s). The therapist is looking for
evidence of disruption of daily rhythms that preceded
episodes and educating the patient about the impact of
rhythm dysregulation on mood.
In the second phase, therapist and patient work toward
regulating the patients routine, as well as resolving the
interpersonal problem areas relevant to episodes.
The goal of the third phase is for the patient to become
more independent and proficient in the use of IPSRT to
address the links among events, biology, and mood.
Termination is the fourth phase, with particular emphasis on enhancing the patients independent functioning
and developing strategies for relapse prevention.
Frank and colleagues conducted an efficacy study of
IPSRT (Frank et al., 1999, 2000), comparing it with clinical
status and symptom review treatment, a form of intensive
clinical management (see Table 223). All patients also received medication. Preliminary results for 90 patients who
participated in the preventive phase showed significantly
more regular social/circadian rhythms in the IPSRT than
in the comparison group. There was no significant difference in the number of episodes (manic or depressive) between the two conditions. However, IPSRT was associated
with significantly longer periods of euthymia relative to the
comparison group, which experienced more depressive
symptoms over time. There was no difference between the
two conditions in the proportion of manic/mixed and euthymic states over time (Frank et al., 2000). Preliminary
findings also indicated that patients assigned during the
preventive phase to a treatment different from that received
during the acute phase (regardless of what that treatment
was) were at higher risk for relapse, suggesting that stability
in treatment delivery can be a regulating factor for bipolar
patients (Frank et al., 1999). IPSRT is also being tested in
the NIMH STEP-BD study (see the later discussion).
In a study of 175 acutely ill bipolar patients, Frank and
colleagues (2005) compared two psychosocial interventions, IPSRT and intensive clinical management (ICM), in
a randomized controlled trial involving four treatment
strategies: acute and maintenance IPSRT, acute and maintenance ICM, acute IPSRT followed by maintenance ICM,
and acute ICM followed by maintenance IPSRT. During



the 2-year preventive maintenance phase, they found no

difference among the treatment strategies in time to survival. Those who had been assigned to IPSRT during the
acute treatment phase survived longer without a new affective episode. As might be expected, the participants in the
IPSRT group showed more regularity of social rhythms at
the end of the acute treatment phase. Moreover, medically
healthy patients without comorbid anxiety disorders derived greater benefit from treatment.

Family/Couples Therapy
Because bipolar disorder takes a considerable toll on marriage and family life, early psychotherapy studies focused on
families and couples (see Chapter 10). It has been found that
families with high levels of expressed emotion toward the
patient, characterized by hostility, rejection, and overinvolvement, are associated with higher rates of relapse (Fallon et al., 1984; Miklowitz et al., 2004). Patients sensitivity to
such criticism is also predictive of poorer outcomes (Miklowitz et al., 2005). In an adaptation of behavioral family
management methods tested with schizophrenic patients
(Fallon et al., 1984), FFT was developed for bipolar patients
recently treated for an acute episode as inpatients or outpatients (Miklowitz and Goldstein, 1990). Family attitudes,
communication, and problem-solving style are the targets
of treatment. FFT, lasting 9 months and usually delivered in
21 sessions, has five stages:
In the joining phase, the therapist introduces the protocol to the family.
The initial assessment phase focuses on evaluation of levels of expressed emotion in the family and on the quality
of communication and problem-solving styles.
Family psychoeducation consists of 7 sessions during
which information on bipolar disorder is introduced, including the patients particular patterns of onset for both
manic and depressive episodes, symptom course, and
suicidal ideation. A central component of family psychoeducation is the relapse drill discussed previously.
The therapist also explores patient and family attitudes
toward medication and emphasizes the importance of
adherence, including regular monitoring of blood levels.
A vulnerabilitystress model is adopted, and the therapist identifies risk and protective factors that affect relapses. In this context, the entire family is encouraged to
promote a regular, predictable, and low-stress environment.
Communication enhancement training, lasting about 7
sessions, teaches family members skills of listening actively, expressing positive and negative feelings in an accepting and nonintrusive manner, and making nonjudgmental requests for change.

Problem-solving techniques are addressed in about 5

sessions, in which participants learn to define problems,
evaluate each option, and implement solutions. The family, with the help of the therapist, resolves problems concerning medication adherence, living arrangements, and
resumption of previous social and occupational roles
(Miklowitz and Goldstein, 1997).
There have been five efficacy trials of family/couples
therapy with bipolar patients (see Table 224), which have
varied in the number of participants (14101) and length of
follow-up period (from none to 2 years). A study conducted by Miller and colleagues (1991) had a very small
sample and, despite the high probability of type II error,
yielded significant results with regard to relapse prevention over 2 years. Clarkin and colleagues (1998) failed to
show significant symptomatic change, but they did not
conduct a follow-up evaluation and may have missed the
delayed effect present in other studies. The largest efficacy
studies conducted thus far (Miklowitz et al., 2000; Rea
et al., 2003) showed that FFT led to a significant reduction
in depressive relapses and symptomatology as compared
with clinical management or individual therapy. The results of these studies suggest that therapy with some family
involvement may be efficacious for bipolar patients, with
a selective effect for depressive symptomatology. However,
the variability in the treatments used in these studies limits
conclusions about a specific type of family treatment. FFT
is also included in STEP-BD (discussed later).

Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents

Interest in the early presentation of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents has been growing (see Chapter 6).
Since there are still so many unknowns regarding the early
signs, diagnostic criteria, and comorbid conditions of pediatric bipolar disorder, it is no surprise that there are only a
few tested mood stabilizers for this population and no
proven psychotherapeutic approaches (Pavuluri et al., 2002).
Fristad and colleagues (1998) described a manual-driven,
adjunctive, multifamily group treatment approach for
youths aged 8 to 12 with bipolar and depressive disorders.
This method includes psychoeducation about the disorders and the role of medications, training in communication skills to improve interactions between parents and
children, stress management, and development of coping
strategies. In a later study, Fridstad and colleagues (2002)
showed that multifamily psychoeducation groups were
characterized by increased knowledge about bipolar disorder and treatment options, better skills for dealing with the
bipolar child, more active attitudes toward mobilizing resources to benefit the child, and an increased sense of support compared with a wait-list control group.


Miklowitz and colleagues developed a manual for adolescents aged 13 to 17 with bipolar-I disorder. This manual,
an adaptation of the FFT model for bipolar adults, is designed to make the approach appropriate for this age group
and to address clinical issues specific to juvenile bipolar
disorder. In an open trial of 20 bipolar adolescents (mean
age 14.8 years; standard deviation = 1.6), this adapted approach was associated with improvements in depression
and mania symptoms, as well as in behavioral problems
(Miklowitz et al., 2004).
Greene (2001) developed a collaborative problem-solving
model that focuses on parents assistance to their children.
This approach helps parents avoid engaging their children
when the children are in the midst of a rage attack. Only
after an attack subsides can the parent encourage collaborative problem solving. The approach is controversial since
the model emphasizes no consequences for the rage behavior or associated actions.
Pavuluri and colleagues (2002) developed a treatment
program that involves parent-and-child sessions for 8to 12-year-olds with bipolar disorder, termed Child- and
Family-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Central to
this approach is building the youths self-esteem and helping all involved parties understand that pediatric bipolar
disorder is a neuropsychiatric problem of affect dysregulation, rather than willful misbehavior. Over 12 sessions,
parents are trained as coaches while engaging in parallel
therapy to address their own affect regulation in dealing
with their children, restructure their thoughts regarding
their effectiveness as parents, and learn to resolve conflicts
with their children through empathy. Both parents and
children are instructed in the use of RAINBOW:
R = the importance of a routine (including sleep hygiene).
A = affect regulation/anger control (including knowledge about the disorder, medication, and life charts).
I = I can do it (positive self-statements).
N = no negative thoughts (restructuring negative thinking)/living in the now.
B = be a good friend/balanced lifestyle (also for parents).
O = Oh, how can we solve it? (letting the rages pass,
interpersonal and situational problem solving).
W = ways to ask for and get support.
The childs school receives a work folder documenting
what has been accomplished in the individual sessions. In addition, a teleconference is held with school staff members to
educate them in the use of the RAINBOW program. A preliminary investigation of 34 patients with pediatric bipolar
disorder (mean age 11.3 years, standard deviation = 3.1) found
that the RAINBOW child- and family-focused intervention
resulted in significant reductions in severity of symptoms of


aggression, mania, psychosis, depression, and sleep disturbance (Pavuluri et al., 2004).
Finally, an interpersonal psychotherapybased preventive intervention for adolescent children of bipolar mothers is under way at New York State Psychiatric Institute
(Verdeli, 2004). Seven adolescents whose mothers are receiving treatment for bipolar-I disorder and who themselves have subsyndromal bipolar symptomatology and/or
mild functional impairment attend sessions of family psychoeducation about the mothers disorder and also receive
individual interpersonal psychotherapybased counseling
(12 sessions). The intervention aims to (1) educate the adolescents and their parents/caretakers about bipolar disorder; (2) help the family make realistic plans in the event of
the mothers relapse; (3) help the adolescents deal more
adaptively with stressful interpersonal situations (including the mothers disorder); and (4) when necessary, help
the adolescents regulate their circadian rhythms, social
stimulation, and daily habits.

Ongoing Effectiveness Studies

The multisite STEP-BD effectiveness study being conducted by Sachs and colleagues should provide more definitive data on the relative value of the various psychotherapeutic approaches discussed here (see Table 225). This
trial will be carried out over the next 5 to 8 years in 17 treatment centers and will include 5,000 bipolar patients. Data
will be obtained on the effectiveness of CBT, IPSRT, and
FFT in combination with pharmacotherapy treatment algorithms. Collaborative care, the control condition, is
patient-directed in that the patients watch a psychoeducational videotape on bipolar disorder and receive a self-help
workbook. The psychotherapeutic treatments are expected
to improve remission of symptoms from acute depression,
maintain treatment gains after recovery, and improve medication adherence. The large sample and the inclusion
of psychotherapeutic approaches developed and/or adapted
for bipolar disorder make this an important study. Early
results suggest that intensive psychotherapy may be most
helpful for those patients with the more severe forms of
bipolar illness, whereas briefer treatment may be adequate
for those who are less ill (Miklowitz et al., 2006).
The Life Goals Program encompasses a five-session
psychoeducation phase followed by an individual behavioral treatment to improve functional status by working
toward interpersonal/occupational goals identified by the
patient (Callahan and Bauer, 1999). This program has
been tested in an open trial in two Veterans Affairs (VA)
sites with 29 bipolar patients, 70 percent of whom achieved
their behavioral goal during the second phase of the
study. Likewise, a 12-month effectiveness study based on
the Life Goals Program, involving 441 patients at health



maintenance organization centers in Seattle, found that

patients in the intervention group spent one-third less time
in manic or hypomanic episodes (Simon et al., 2005). In
an open study of 45 bipolar patients, Swiss researchers
found that the great majority of those who completed the
initial phases of the Life Goals Program were very satisfied
with the information received and reported subjective improvements in mood stability, relapse prevention strategies, and methods of coping with relapse (de Andrs et al.,
2006). The Life Goals Program is currently being compared against treatment as usual in 12 VA hospitals in a
multisite randomized controlled trial.
In general, effectiveness studies are not initiated until
there is evidence of a treatments efficacy in homogeneous
samples under the controlled conditions of an efficacy
study. The push to conduct these large effectiveness studies
reflects the relative paucity of data on the psychotherapeutic management of bipolar patients and the urgent need to
close this gap.

Meta-analyses of Psychological Treatments

Scott and Gutierrez (2004), studied the overall efficacy of
psychotherapeutic interventions for bipolar illness by conducting meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of
psychological therapies added to standard psychiatric treatment versus medication and standard psychiatric treatment
alone. Most although not all of the psychological therapies
used cognitive-behavioral techniques. Only studies that reported relapse rates during the treatment phase and a
follow-up period of at least 6 months were included in the
analysis. The analysis results, shown in Figure 225, clearly
demonstrate that psychological interventions are effective in

reducing the risk of bipolar relapse, although it is not clear

which specific approaches are most efficacious. There is
without doubt sufficient evidence to support the use of psychological treatments to improve the course and outcome of
bipolar illness.

Both clinical experience and emerging evidence suggest
that bipolar illness is treated most effectively with a combination of mood stabilizers or other medications and psychotherapy. Drug treatment, which is primary, frees most
patients from the severe disruptions of manic and depressive episodes. Psychotherapy can then help patients come to
terms with the repercussions of past episodes and comprehend the practical and existential implications of having
bipolar illness. When medications are administered in an
emotionally supportive atmosphere, patients are more likely
to express their concerns, physicians are better able to assess
the need for psychotherapeutic interventions, and medication adherence is enhanced. Moreover, educating patients
and their families is essential because it aids them in recognizing symptoms of emerging episodes. It is also essential to
informed consent for treatment, which is imperative for
both clinical and legal reasons. Charting of moods appears
to be useful to provide an objective record of patterns of
mood and treatment response and to give patients a sense
of control and collaboration in their treatment.
Although not all patients need psychotherapy, most may
benefit from one of its many formsindividual, group, or
family. Participation in a self-help group can supplement or,
on occasion, supplant formal psychotherapy. Which option

Figure 225. Odds ratios of relapse in randomized controlled trials of psychological treatments for
bipolar disorder. (Source: Scott and Gutierrez, 2004. Reproduced with permission from Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.)
Early, smaller trials
Cochran, 1984
Lam et al., 2000
Perry et al., 1999
Scott et al., 2001
Fixed combined (4)
Random combined (4)


Sample Size



p -value


Favors Psychotherapy
Recent, large-scale trials
Colom et al., 2003a
Lam et al., 2003
Miklowitz et al., 2000
Fixed combined (3)
Random combined (3)

Sample Size



Favors Psychotherapy



p -value


is most appropriate can usually be determined by the psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist who supervises the patients medications. No one psychotherapeutic approach,
even among the newer techniques, has been shown to be
uniformly superior for bipolar patients. The therapist must
be guided by knowledge of the illness itself and its manifestation in the individual patient. In style and technique, the
therapist must remain flexible to adjust to the patients fluctuating moods, cognition, and behavior. The therapist must
be especially alert to the emotions commonly engendered
in clinicians who work with bipolar patients.
Psychotherapeutic issues are dictated by the character of
the illness. Although reactions vary widely, patients typically feel angry, confused, and ambivalent about both the
illness and its treatment. They may deny the existence of
the illness, its severity, or its consequences; such denial
may cause them to stop taking their medication. When
treatment is not completely successful, patients are understandably disappointed and frustrated. Patients also may
be disturbed at losing the energy and vitality that accompany mania. They fear recurrences. They have difficulty
discriminating normal from abnormal moods. And they
are concerned about relationships and the possibility of
transmitting a genetic illness to their children.
During the 1970s and 1980s, research in psychotherapy
for bipolar patients was characterized by small open trials,
without the guidance of treatment manuals or attention
to therapists adherence to the treatment. Functional and
symptomatic outcomes were not systematically assessed,
and treatment randomization was rare. The empirical evidence for the efficacy or effectiveness of psychotherapy for
bipolar disorder remains limited for adults and is virtually
nonexistent for children and adolescents. In the 1990s, a
number of randomized clinical trials of the efficacy of various psychotherapeutic approaches set the stage for multisite
effectiveness trials now under way. Psychotherapy manuals,
independent evaluators blinded to the treatment being
given, and expanded outcome measures (including symptoms, social functioning, cost-effectiveness, and medication


adherence) are now the recognized tools for testing the new
approaches. Of course, the demonstrable efficacy of manualdriven psychotherapeutic interventions does not rule out
the efficacy of other, as yet untested types of psychotherapy.
Clinically, psychotherapy aimed at patient and family
education and/or management of the consequences and
environmental triggers of the illness makes sense, but there
is still a gap between clinical wisdom and evidence. The results of ongoing trials should provide the strong base of
empirical evidence that is needed to fill this gap.

1. This passage, as well as others by a patient with manicdepressive illness, was written by one of the authors, Kay R.
Jamison. Some were modified slightly and incorporated into
her memoir, An Unquiet Mind (Jamison, 1995).
2. For obvious reasons, psychotherapy has never been as integral
or comfortable a part of the treatment of bipolar illness as it
has been of unipolar illness. Clearly, the psychotic disorders
and their empirically derived remedies long predate psychological treatments. Both history and necessity have embedded
bipolar illness in medicine, much more so than other psychiatric disorders. Unipolar depressions, on the other hand, have
had an easier alliance with psychotherapy, partly because they
generally constitute a wider spectrum of psychopathology
that shows a range of milder syndromes with prominent psychological factors. Because the concept of depression encompasses a relatively normal spectrum of emotions and feeling,
it has traditionally stimulated counsel from priests, physicians, and friends.
3. For a more comprehensive discussion of the nature and
methods of psychotherapy, see Jerome Franks classic book,
Persuasion and Healing (1961), and Phillip Slavneys Psychotherapy (2005).
4. Many of these reactions are discussed further in Chapter 10.
5. Ghaemi, 1995; Peralta and Cuesta, 1998; DellOsso et al., 2000,
2002; Pini et al., 2001.
6. G. Goodwin (2002) has described many of the difficulties
that arise from attempts to establish clear boundaries between the manic states.
7. Molnar et al., 1988; Smith and Tarrier, 1992; Basco and Rush,
1996; Lam and Wong, 1997; Perry et al., 1999.

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Treatment of Children and Adolescents

The prognosis of insanity in children must of course be very variable. . . . Judicious management, which is the most essential condition of amendment, is very difficult to obtain.
D. H. Tuke (1892, p. 204)

Research on treatment in the field of child and adolescent

psychiatry has been roughly a generation behind that in
adult psychiatry. Several reasons explain this lag, such as
the power and persistence of the analytic model in child
psychiatry, concerns about pharmacological therapies interfering with a childs normal development, and ethical
dilemmas in conducting pediatric clinical trials. Most important, diagnostic criteria for adults were not developed
with children in mind, and children of different ages pose
a variety of assessment challenges not encountered with
adults. Because of these difficulties, there is a lack of consensus on what constitutes affective disorder, especially mania, in children (see Chapter 6).
Despite these barriers, however, research on treatment
of manic-depressive illness in children and adolescents (virtually all of it focused on the bipolar subgroup) has been
accelerating, spurred by a number of forces. These include
incentives introduced by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1997 to stimulate industry-sponsored
trials; research initiatives by the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH); and, more recently, the activism of
organizations such as the Depression and Bipolar Support
Alliance (DBSA) and the Child and Adolescent Bipolar
Foundation (CABF) in providing on-line support, destigmatization, and public education, especially their efforts
to raise parents awareness of the urgent need for more
We begin this chapter with a discussion of the unique diagnostic and other challenges posed by affective (especially
bipolar) disorders in children and adolescents (sometimes
referred to collectively here as youths or pediatric populations). We then turn to clinical management, presenting
our recommendations for treatment, as well as for preven-

tion in at-risk youths. Next we review the literature supporting our recommendations for acute and maintenance
pharmacological treatment, focusing on bipolar disorder
(while there is essentially no literature on recurrent unipolar depression per se in this age group, we do discuss prepubertal depression and the frequency with which it evolves
into bipolar disorder). In this section we also examine the
literature on the offspring of adults with bipolar disorder,
on psychiatric and medical adverse events, and on the use
of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychotherapy in
pediatric patients.


Classic bipolar disorder is a recurrent condition in
which mood and activity level are either significantly increased (hypomania and mania) or decreased (depression), with a return to premorbid levels of functioning between episodes. Our understanding of manic-depressive
illness, especially the bipolar form, has emerged largely
from the vast clinical experience of psychiatrists, such as
Kraepelin, in recognizing the syndromal similarities
among hundreds of patients over the course of time. By
contrast, our understanding of the illness in youths, more
specifically the bipolar subgroup, did not emerge from
many years of intense study of the patients treated by child
psychiatrists. Rather, it began with attempts to find in pediatric populations equivalents of what Kraepelin and others appeared to be describing (see Glovinsky, 2002; Carlson, et al., 2005). When early clinicians tried to do so, they




found that classic Kraepelinian manic-depressive illness did

indeed exist in youths, but occurred mainly in adolescents.
Anthony and Scott (1960) explored the question of classic
manic-depressive psychosis, strictly defined, in preadolescents in a literature review and found it to be uncommon
in this population, generally beginning to emerge with any
frequency at about age 11 (see Chapter 6 for a comprehensive
When the bipolar form of manic-depressive illness was
misdiagnosed in adolescents, it was because the psychosis in
mania and depression was often very severe and was misattributed to schizophrenia (see, e.g., Carlson and Strober,
1978). In preadolescents, the diagnostic conundrum has been
separating mania from a variety of behavioral disorders in
children in which activation, short attention span, and irritability co-occur chronically. The essential question becomes
whether the frequent and brief episodes of intense mood
volatility and irritability that are being called prepubertal
mania or juvenile bipolar disorder represent the same illness as that in adults (McClellan, 2005). The further one diverges from the description of bipolar disorder as it has been
conceptualized for the past century, the more difficult it becomes to extrapolate those findings to children. At this point,
it is unclear to what extent these children will evolve into
adults with bipolar disorder as defined by the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV, let alone the classic form with
clearly delineated episodes and good intermorbid functioning (Biederman et al., 1998; Geller et al., 2004). Thus when
people say bipolar disorder is much more common in children than heretofore believed, this statement is reflecting, at
least in part, the broadening of the concept of the disorder.
Classic bipolar disorder is, at best, uncommon in children; however, the results of large retrospective studies of
adult bipolar patients would appear to be at odds with this
conclusion. In their recent review, Post and Kowatch (2006)
cited retrospective data from two relatively large samples
of adults with DSM-IV bipolar disorderthose of the Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) and the Bipolar Collaborative Network
(BCN; formerly the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network).
In STEP-BD, 28 percent of adult bipolar patients reported
their age at onset as younger than 13; in the BCN, 15 percent
did so. Post and Kowatch also cited another finding from
the BCN data: that the earlier the age at onset, the longer
was the delay to first treatment (16.8 years for childhood
onset, 11.3 years for adolescent onset, and 4.6 years for
adult onset) and the worse the long-term outcome. In citing these data, however, the authors implicitly acknowledged the limitations of retrospective data: The field is in
agreement that prospective assessment and follow-up of
large cohorts of children need to be conducted in order to
better define initial diagnostic subgroups and their ultimate

trajectories into classic bipolar illness . . . (p. 115). We certainly agree. We also agree that there are many children
with markedly labile mood and episodic behavioral dyscontrol who appear to need and benefit from the mood stabilizers used in the treatment of adolescents and adults with
bipolar disorder. But the relationship between these serious and very real syndromes in children and adolescent
and adult bipolar disorder has not yet been clarified (see
the discussion later in this chapter and in Chapter 6).
Furthermore, although DSM-III-R and -IV have been
used to diagnose bipolar disorder in children as well as adolescents and adults, there is little uniformity in how these
criteria are operationalized for children. Leibenluft and
colleagues (2003) proposed an approach that requires strict
adherence to criteria for mania in adults for a narrow phenotype, as opposed to an intermediate phenotype (based
on the DSM-IV criterion for mania but with a duration of
less than 4 days) and a broad phenotype (encompassing
severe mood dysregulation that many believe characterizes
what is being called juvenile mania). This approach, inherently inclusive, strikes us as quite sensible.
Geller and colleagues (2002a) have reoperationalized
several of the DSM criteria (most notably euphoria and
grandiosity) to make them what the authors believe to be
developmentally appropriate for children. Not everyone
agrees with this reformulation, however (Harrington and
Myatt, 2003). In a recent cross-national study (United States
and United Kingdom) of five cases of children with mood
symptoms in whom bipolar disorder might have been a diagnostic consideration, disagreement on diagnosis occurred in three of the five cases. The reason for this appears
to be differing interpretations of specific symptoms. DSMs
reliance on symptom counts (used in the United States)
may result in a conceptualization that differs from the
gestalt of bipolar disorder as described in the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, used in the United Kingdom. Specifically, in a preadolescent patient with classic
mania, agreement was close (96.4 percent of U.S. and 88.9
percent of U.K. physicians made a manic diagnosis). In the
prepubertal child with both attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and manic-like symptoms, however,
86.2 percent of U.S. child psychiatrists diagnosed mania, in
contrast to only 31.1 percent of their U.K. colleagues (Dubicka et al., 2005).

Other Challenges
Beyond diagnosis, other unique challenges posed by earlyonset bipolar disorder ultimately have an impact on treatment. First, most clinical trials include only adolescents, or
include mixed samples that are not large enough to permit
separate analysis of children and adolescents. By our rough
estimate, fewer than one-third of clinical trials discussed

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

later in our review of the literature involved solely children.

That means most of our knowledge bears on adolescents
rather than children. If childhood-onset bipolar disorder is
a fundamentally distinct disorder, it is questionable at best
to extrapolate treatments from adolescents to children. Further, even clinical trials of adolescents can be difficult to interpret because they often fail to distinguish the age at onset of the disorder, whether in childhood or adolescence.
Some trials are of inpatients, some of outpatients. Inpatient
trials more closely approximate adult acute mania studies. Outpatient trials usually address bipolar spectrum disorders or include subjects whose generally lower levels of
severity allow them to be seen only monthly. These trials
are reviewed later in the chapter.
Second, because Axis Ibased structured interviews are
used to assess bipolar disorder in most studies, developmental disorders, as well as conditions such as mild autism
that used to be Axis II and that may occur in nearly twothirds of bipolar children and adolescents (Towbin et al.,
2005), are overlooked. Moreover, the presence of such children in a clinical sample may affect treatment response
since adverse events are higher in these children (Carlson,
2005; Carlson and Mick, 2003).
Third, bipolar patients in whom the disorder started in
childhood have more complicated developmental histories
than those whose disorder started in adolescence or early
adulthood (Carlson and Meyer, 2006). In an adult who has
had many years to establish baseline functioning, recognizing the onset of something new and different is relatively
easy. On the other hand, a child who enters kindergarten at
age 5 and becomes disruptive may be manifesting the onset
of bipolar disorder, suffering from an altogether different
disorder, or simply having serious trouble adjusting to the
academic and social demands of school.
Fourth, bipolar disorder in children almost never occurs without some other comorbidity (see Chapter 6). When
manic symptoms are superimposed on or coexist with other
kinds of psychopathology (e.g., ADHD, conduct disorder,
anxiety disorder), episodes become more difficult to distinguish and to treat. Moreover, the meaning of comorbidity is
unresolved. The hope in the field has been that the underlying comorbidity is actually a manifestation of bipolar disorder and with adequate treatment will resolve. Although this
may turn out to be true once better treatments have been
identified, the current armamentarium does not sufficiently
treat underlying comorbidities. That is, a child with mania
in addition to ADHD or conduct disorder usually continues
to have the latter two conditions, although ratings of hyperactivity may improve with antimanic treatments. It appears
that early onset and comorbidity interact and may change
both the course of bipolar illness and its response to treatment. Two studies have found that the duration of the index


episode increases with younger age at onset (Carlson et al.,

2002; Geller et al., 2004), and underlying comorbidity appears to predict poorer functional outcome (Carlson et al.,
2002). There are also data suggesting that the presence of
ADHD worsens response to lithium (Strober et al., 1988,
1998; Kafantaris et al., 1998).
Although the percentage of males and comorbid ADHD
diagnoses both appear to decline with increasing age at
onset of bipolar disorder, a history of ADHD can still be
ascertained in 10 to 20 percent of patients with adult-onset
bipolar illness (Carlson et al., 2000). Moreover, adultonset bipolar patients with comorbid substance abuse may
well have had externalizing disorders (conduct disorder and
ADHD) as children and adolescents (Carlson et al., 1999).
This externalizing disorder comorbidity likely complicates
treatment response as well. Finally, anxiety disorders co-occur with bipolar disorder at high rates in youth and adults.
Several selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, clomipramine) have established efficacy for treating anxiety disorders, including obsessivecompulsive disorder, in children and adolescents (Reinblatt
and Walkup, 2005). However, the same risks that complicate the use of SSRIs for treatment of bipolar depression
(see the later discussion) obtain here as well.
Fifth, early onset of bipolar disorder is associated with
increased genetic loading (see Chapters 6 and 13). The level
of complexity of bipolar disorder may be heritable as well,
and this, too, has an impact on treatment. For instance,
there is suggestive evidence that parental response to medication may select a more homogeneous group of bipolar
subjects (Duffy et al., 1998) and that offspring of lithiumresponding bipolar parents have a milder condition1 than
offspring of bipolar adults with comorbid conditions
(Biederman et al., 2000b).
Finally, severe emotional and behavioral lability in children and adolescents is significantly impairing but may be
nonspecific. Several longitudinal studies have identified
bipolar symptoms in children that did not evolve into
bipolar disorder later on (e.g., Johnson et al., 1999; Lewinsohn et al., 2000; Hazell et al., 2003), although mood symptoms (depression and anxiety) did persist. While children
with these bipolar symptoms certainly need treatment
and may well respond to mood stabilizers, this fact alone
does not clarify the relationship between these states and
classic bipolar disorder.

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) has developed practice parameters, the most



recent of which were published in 1997 and are being updated as of this writing. In the interim, given the immediate
need to have something more current available for treatment
of the manic, depressive, and maintenance phases of bipolar
disorder in pediatric populations, a consensus conference
was convened in July 2003, initiated and supported by the
CABF. Experts in child and adolescent bipolar disorder
summarized recommendations for the field based on interpretation of existing information (Kowatch et al., 2005). Our
treatment recommendations, which follow, integrate our
own views with those consensus recommendations.
Adequate assessment of bipolar disorder in a child or
adolescent takes several hours and may require multiple
visits (Youngstrom et al., 2004). The assessment should include interviews with parent(s) and child, as well as information gathered from other observers of the child (e.g.,
teachers). The information thus obtained should encompass not only symptoms of mania and depression, but also
symptoms of other psychiatric disorders that may be confused with or co-occur with bipolar disorder. Standardized rating scales and interviews are often useful adjuncts.
Evidence of psychiatric disorders in the youths immediate
family is essential not only because it can provide important genetic information, but also because such evidence
can bring into focus issues that need to be addressed in
psychotherapy. A developmental history, including ascertainment of social, academic, and family functioning, is
necessary as well. Psychoeducational testing is often extremely helpful in formulating a treatment plan for school.
Decisions regarding the impairment produced by mood
symptoms can be addressed by the FIND approach
(Kowatch et al., 2005), encompassing frequency (symptoms occur most days during the week), intensity (extreme
disturbance caused in two or more settings), number
(symptoms occur three or four times a day), and duration
(symptoms occur a total of 4 or more hours a day, not necessarily contiguous). The information obtained should include whether the predominant mood is mania or depression and whether there are comorbidities in addition to the
mood disorder. If there has been a positive response to
medication treatment (or lack thereof), it is important to
know the details, such as the dose and the length of the
trial. It is equally important to determine what adverse effects may have occurred.
After assessment, psychoeducation of the patient and
family members is important, and it should accomplish
the following:
The education of all concerned about the nature of the
disorder(s) being treated (not only what is known about
child, adolescent, and adult bipolar disorder, but also the
comorbidities that may exist).

Clarification of the advantages, limitations, and risks of

medications, as well as the consequences of not using
Discuss the importance of following the exact prescription and of keeping medications secure.
Anticipate that a number of different medications may
be used, so as to spare the patient multiple blood draws,
and cover all bases by establishing a baseline: complete
blood count (CBC), platelets, fasting blood sugar, liver
and renal functioning, cholesterol, lipids, and thyroid
functioning (specifically thyroid-stimulating hormone
[TSH] and free thyroxine [T4] by direct measure).
Obtain baseline ratings for the major symptoms being
addressed (e.g., aggression/irritability, psychosis, hyperactivity, inattention, anxiety, depression, shifts in
mood/behavior) to make it possible to track and quantify any response or worsening.
Establish the priority of drugs for trial, and inform
other members of the treatment team, patient, and
family. The fact that a parent says weve tried that
may not mean that an adequate trial has taken place.
Tell parents to allow each dose adequate time to work.
Address any aspects of the disorder and its treatment that
have an impact on the family and functioning in school.
This can involve cognitive-behavioral therapy for the
child, training of the parent(s), neuropsychological testing, and academic intervention; it can also include treating any family members with psychiatric disorders that
have an impact on parentchild functioning.
It is important to remember that any comorbidities warrant their own psychoeducational focus. If ADHD coexists
with bipolar disorder, for example, the clinician must explore with patient and parent(s) all of the comorbidities
that can occur with ADHD, including learning, language,
and motor coordination problems. These latter comorbidities are likely to require an individual educational plan that
accommodates them, such as smaller classrooms with higher
teacher/pupil ratios. Depending on the severity of the mania, depression, or comorbidity, the child may also need a
day program, periods of hospitalization, or even long-term
residential treatment.
Children/adolescents and their parents need to understand the complexities of the conditions involved; the importance of adherence to treatment; and the need to stabilize the environment, aspects of which may be exacerbating
the disorder. Information sources for parents are noted in
the appendix at the end of this volume.
The reality that early-onset bipolar disorder is genetic
means other family members with whom the child lives may
need treatment for their own mood disorders. This observation is especially important for the patients caregiver. Care

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

of a bipolar child is, to say the least, challenging. A depressed

or manic parent afflicted with the dysfunctions that can
accompany the condition poses additional management
A candid discussion of medication risks is also necessary.
If side effects of a particular medication are minimal and
treatment efficacy is clear, it obviously makes sense to continue treatment. If adverse events appear to be worse than the
condition being treated, the medication should be slowly discontinued or a lower dose administered. The decision to try
another, similar medication or the same medication at
a lower dose must be made on a case-by-case basis. The
reason it is necessary to establish a clear baseline of symptoms and functional impairment is to be able to make such
decisions with greater confidence. With respect to treatment
for ADHD and/or antidepressant use, it remains prudent (1)
to warn parents about hypomania/mania and nonspecific
activation/agitation (including suicidal or other self-harm
behaviors) as potential side effects of antidepressants, and
activation/agitation as a side effect of stimulants; (2) to obtain as part of the family history information on any medication responses and intolerances; and (3) to provide careful follow-up (see the discussion later in this chapter).
It is unclear whether the absence of a classic presentation of bipolar disorder in prepubertal children hinders
response to medication, or whether there are developmental differences that influence the medication response of
young children, or both. Until this question can be answered, we believe the confidence one has in extrapolating
treatment data from adults to children should be directly
proportional to how closely the childs history and presentation correspond to a pattern of clear episodes of mania, depression, and euthymia. The following is an overview
of treatment choices for the various phases of bipolar
Mania/hypomania/mixed episodesGiven that the evidence base is rapidly changing, an evidence-based approach (see Chapter 17) requires the clinician to monitor
closely the results of published studies. As of this writing,
lithium,2 divalproex, and atypical antipsychotics are supported as monotherapies and, when monotherapy is inadequate, in combination.
Mania and ADHDMania is treated first, followed by
treatment for ADHD if symptoms have not remitted.
There is no consensus on cases in which the differential
diagnosis is unclear. We advise discussing with parents
the risks and benefits of using atypical antipsychotics or
mood stabilizers first versus starting with treatment for
ADHD (see the later discussion). There are many more
years of experience with stimulant medication than with
atypical antipsychotics or mood stabilizers. If the patient


becomes more irritable or aggressive with ADHD treatment, however, it makes most sense to switch to an
atypical or a mood stabilizer, than retrying the ADHD
Bipolar depressionOne open trial of lithium monotherapy for hospitalized adolescents with bipolar depression
found a reduction in depressive symptoms, although most
of this amelioration occurred during the hospitalization. There has also been a positive open trial using lamotrigine alone or with other medication in adolescents. No
placebo-controlled or otherwise randomized data exist,
however. Thus for adolescents with clear bipolar depression, it may make sense to apply the findings from the
literature on adult bipolar depression, which increasingly advocates the use of lamotrigine or quetiapine. The
long-term use of quetiapine may be problematic, however, given the dramatic increase in obesity among adolescents, especially in the United States. This caution applies as well, of course, to some of the other atypicals,
especially olanzapine and the olanzapinefluoxetine
First episode of depression with a bipolar family history
This is another thorny issue on which there is no clear
consensus, and for which it is necessary to have a discussion with family members of the risks and benefits of alternatives (Carlson, 2005a). In a young person at risk for a
bipolar course, the clinician must weigh the risk that an
antidepressant may precipitate mania or hypomania,
versus the risk that a mood stabilizer alone may not alleviate the depression, versus the risk of using two drugs,
one of which may not be needed. Adult data cited in
Chapter 19 suggest that the beginning of an antidepressant response to lamotrigine is often evident by 3 weeks,
which may help in the decision-making process. Regarding the use of traditional antidepressants to treat earlyonset depression, there is as yet no consensus in child
psychiatry on the importance of trying a mood stabilizer
first or even on the need to combine the antidepressant
with a mood stabilizer. We have seen young people destabilized by antidepressants, as well as others kept on mood
stabilizers alone in the face of persistent depression. Regarding some mood stabilizers, moreover, it should be
noted that children and adolescents may balk at taking
medication at all if blood must be drawn or if there is a
possibility of weight gain. Thus the clarity of a history
suggestive of a bipolar diathesis (including a clear history of bipolar disorder in first-degree relatives), the reliability of parent observation and the patients adherence
to treatment, and family preference should all be carefully
weighed in the decision-making process.
MaintenanceResults of the few extant maintenance
studies suggest that even with good medical follow-up,



young people with bipolar disorder have higher relapse

rates than adults. It is unclear whether this is because children have higher rates of rapid cycling (and therefore are
comparable to rapid-cycling adults) and/or because the
higher rates of illicit drug use common in young people
increase relapse; erratic sleep patterns or other factors may
contribute as well. Both the available data and clinical experience suggest, however, that if remission is achieved on
a particular regimen, that regimen should be continued as
long as possible, and at least until the patient has navigated
his or her most important developmental, academic, and
social milestones.
In the following sections, we present in greater detail our
recommendations for acute treatment of mania/hypomania, mania/ADHD, and bipolar depression in children and
adolescents; maintenance and psychosocial treatments in
these populations; and prevention in at-risk youths.

How one initiates treatment for bipolar disorder in children
and adolescents depends on whether the patient is acutely
manic or hypomanic. Evidence is best for adolescents with
mania, for whom randomized, double-blind, controlled trials of atypical antipsychotics have shown clear efficacy, as
have large open trials of lithium. In smaller samples of children and adolescents with mania, hypomania, and bipolar
disorder-not otherwise specified (NOS) and/or those at risk
for bipolar disorder, there are placebo-controlled data on
lithium, which is the only antimanic medication approved
by the FDA for adolescents. Lithiums approval was grandfathered from the FDAs requirement for efficacy and safety
data specifically on children and adolescents. Data from open
studies exist for anticonvulsants and atypicals.
The guidelines of Kowatch and colleagues (2005) (described earlier) include two treatment algorithms for use
when the mania presents with versus without psychosis.
Here again, what follows is an integration of our own recommendations with these guidelines. When a child or adolescent presents with manic or mixed symptoms without
psychosis, monotherapy is generally preferred initially, for
reasons of safety. Treatment can be initiated with lithium, a
sedating anticonvulsant (the most data exist for valproate),3
or an atypical antipsychotic (such as olanzapine, quetiapine,
or risperidone, for which the most data are available), while
keeping in mind the adolescents vulnerability to weight
gain. If the clinical response is only partial, a drug of a different class should be used adjunctively (adding an atypical to a
mood stabilizer or vice versa), with appropriate dose adjustments to minimize additive side effects. If there is no response to the initial monotherapy, we recommend switching
to a drug of a different class (from lithium to an anticonvul-

sant, or from lithium or an anticonvulsant to an atypical).

If the second agent fails to produce a satisfactory response,
the evidence supports combined therapy (see the literature
review below).
If the manic or mixed syndrome presents with psychotic
features and/or prominent symptoms of severe agitation
and aggression, we recommend that treatment be initiated
with a combination of a mood stabilizer and an atypical
antipsychotic. Based on data for adults, when a partial response is encountered under these circumstances, we recommend that a second mood stabilizer be added (for a total
of three medicationsan anticonvulsant, plus lithium,
plus an atypical).
In the case of nonresponse (or intolerance) to the initial mood stabilizer/atypical combination, we recommend
switching to an alternative mood stabilizer (lithium for anticonvulsant nonresponse/intolerance and vice versa). If
there is still no response at this point, we recommend use
of an alternative atypical agent or mood stabilizer.
For children and adolescents who have not responded
to combination treatment involving three medications, we
recommend clozapine. Haloperidol has also been used as
an adjunctive treatment in several trials (Kafantaris et al.,
2001). ECT is recommended for adolescents only, but for
treatment refractory children with severe delusional depression, it may be justified (see the literature review below). Finally, although hospitalization is not a psychiatric medication, clinical experience suggests that some children and
adolescents need the structure, decreased stimulation, or
removal from stress that this intervention provides.

Differentiating Mania from ADHD

As noted earlier, it can be difficult to distinguish manic
symptoms from those of severe ADHD in young people, particularly in the absence of clear episodes of mania. This is especially so in children, in whom mania tends to be chronic
rather than episodic and is often comorbid with oppositional
defiant disorder, a condition whose associated irritability and
affective aggression are often indistinguishable from similar symptoms encountered in mania. Frequently, the classic
manic symptoms of euphoria and grandiosity are not present. When they are, euphoria can be difficult to distinguish
from the class clown antics of a child with ADHD, and
grandiosity requires sufficient cognitive and linguistic maturity to understand the concept. Other symptoms of mania
and ADHD overlap as well, such as talkativeness, hyperactivitypsychomotor agitation, and distractibility (Harrington
and Myatt, 2003; Carlson et al., 2005). Although the specific
criteria for ADHD appear to be different from those for mania (see Chapter 3), the overlap is heightened when ADHDassociated symptoms such as temper outbursts and mood
lability are present (DSM-IV Text Revision [TR] p. 88).

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

The overlap between ADHD and mania raises three therapeutic questions. First, when both conditions occur, which
should be treated first? Second, if it is unclear whether one is
dealing with mania or severe ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder, which should be treated first? Third, if a child
has an adverse response to a stimulant or atomoxetine, is
that reaction suggestive of bipolar disorder? Some issues are
clearer than others. When one is treating both mania and
ADHD, results of clinical trials support treating the mania
first, then proceeding with treatment for ADHD. Two small,
systematic trials (Carlson et al., 1992; Scheffer et al., 2005)
have examined combined treatment with a mood stabilizer
and a stimulant. Neither found worsening of manic symptoms or significant side effects.
Atypical antipsychotics also appear to decrease rates of
hyperactivity/impulsivity as measured by ADHD rating
scales, although it is unclear whether this represents a nonspecific sedating effect. Teacher ratings and other measures
of academic impact, which are traditionally part of efficacy studies in ADHD, have not been obtained. The implication of studies involving atypicals is that they can improve ADHD behavior through their ability to enhance
cognitive organization, but this effect has not been studied
formally. Clinically, it appears that additional specific ADHD
treatment is often necessary.
When it is not clear whether the clinical picture reflects
mania or ADHD with oppositional defiant disorder (or
when a positive family history of mania indicates a risk for
the development of bipolar disorder), we believe the clinician should talk with family members to advise them of the
various alternatives and their risks. While there is concern
that ADHD treatments may hasten the onset of bipolar
disorder in children with ADHD and some manic symptoms (DelBello et al., 2001; Soutullo et al., 2002), more definitive data are needed on this critical question.
There are two important treatment issuesefficacy and
adverse events. With regard to efficacy, in outpatient children who clearly have ADHD and also display some mood
lability (which some call manic symptoms), limited data
suggest that both the ADHD and manic symptoms not
uncommonly show a robust response to stimulants immediately, as well as over the next 14 months (Galanter et al.,
2003). Moreover, the majority of inpatient children with
ADHD and manic symptoms studied systematically by
Carlson and Kelly (1998) improved with and could tolerate
stimulants, though stimulants alone clearly were inadequate to treat severely disruptive children with multiple comorbidities.
In contrast to its effectiveness in treating mania, the
available data indicate that lithium is ineffective for the
treatment of ADHD and mood lability (Greenhill et al.,
1973; DeLong and Aldershof, 1987; Carlson et al., 1992a).


Moreover, even if lithium provides some benefit in treating

aggression (see Steiner et al., 2003 and Table 231), it must be
administered for at least 1 month to achieve this effect. Data
on the use of anticonvulsants to treat ADHD are lacking, although there is some evidence of their efficacy in the treatment of affective aggression (see Table 231). Of interest,
risperidone appears to be effective in treating both irritability and ADHD symptoms in cognitively impaired, irritable, aggressive children (Aman et al., 2002); added to
stimulant medication, it produces significantly better control than stimulants alone in these patients.
With regard to adverse events, some children do not tolerate stimulants (or atomoxetine). Given its clinical importance, the paucity of data on this issue is surprising.
Children who develop rebound on stimulant medication
(i.e., a worsening of behavior as the medication wears off )
(Carlson and Kelly, 2003) do not appear to have higher
rates of bipolar disorder than of other disorders, although
more data are needed. In a follow-back study of children
with minimal brain dysfunction/hyperkinesis who were
reinterviewed in young adulthood, there was no evidence
that treatment response differed in those with childhood
manic symptoms or that treatment triggered the onset of
bipolar disorder in childhood or young adulthood (Carlson et al., 2000). Follow-up studies of children with ADHD
who were treated with stimulants (Mannuzza et al., 1998)
have not shown increased rates of bipolar disorder compared with controlswhich would be expected if 16 to 20
percent of children with ADHD were misdiagnosed as
having mania, as has been reported in some clinics (Wozniak et al., 1995; Biederman et al., 1996, 1998). In addition,
there is suggestive evidence that young children, especially
those with ADHD (L.L. Greenhill, personal communication, 2006), as well as those with pervasive developmental
disorder, may be more sensitive to behavioral toxicity in
general, including mood and behavioral instability (Carlson and Mick, 2003; Carlson et al., 2005). In other words,
young people with bipolar disorder may well worsen on
stimulants, but not everyone whose behavior worsens on
stimulants has bipolar disorder. Although it is prudent to
discontinue a medication that worsens a childs behavior,
data are as yet inadequate to support the conclusion that
acute behavioral toxicity predicts the development of a subsequent bipolar course.
In summary, then, for a child whose dominant symptoms clearly reflect ADHD (as distinct from a mood disorder), we recommend treatment with a stimulant first. If
the childs behavior clearly becomes worse, either on the
medication or after it wears off, addition of a mood stabilizer or an atypical antipsychotic is advised. It should be
noted that adjunctive atypicals cannot be recommended
for long-term maintenance treatment in the same way that

Table 231. Controlled Studies of Aggression Lasting at Least 4 Weeks



Age (yr)








Lithium compared
with haloperidol

6 wk


1 mo


Lithium and haloperidol

both better than placebo
Lithium better than placebo





6 wk


Lithium better than placebo





12 wk


Divalproex better than placebo



Divalproex low
vs. high dose

8 wk

CGI severity,
CGI improvement

53% responders with high dose vs.

8% with low dose

Rating of Aggression
against People and
Property Scale
CGI Severity Overt
Aggression ScaleModified Aberrant
Behavior Checklist
Nisonger Child
Behavior Rating

Risperidone better than


et al., 1984
et al., 1995
et al., 2000

et al., 2000
Steiner et al.,


et al., 2000





10 wk

et al., 2001


(IQs 3684)



6 wk

et al., 2002


(IQs 3684)



6 wk

Risperidone better than placebo

overall and on hyperactivity
46.2% change relative to baseline on
risperidone vs. 18% on placebo

Better than indicates a statistically significant difference at the p <.05 level or better.
CD = conduct disorder; CGI = Clinical Global Impressions scale; CPRS = Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale; IQ = intelligence quotient; OAS = Overt Aggression Scale;
ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; SCL = symptom checklist.

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

one would recommend mood stabilizers for youths with

clear bipolar disorder.

Bipolar Depression
In young people, as in adults, there have been far more attempts to study treatment response in mania than in
bipolar depression. The few studies in which lithium or
adjunctive lithium was administered to depressed prepubertal children or adolescents with or without predictors
of future bipolarity have demonstrated little or no efficacy.
While further studies under controlled conditions are
needed, recommendations for adults with bipolar depression appear to be relevant to pediatric populations, at least
to adolescents. On the other hand, antidepressant responses in children do not necessarily mirror those in
adults (placebo responses are more frequent, and drug responses may differ), so direct extrapolation becomes more
Emerging data on adults with bipolar depression suggest
that mood stabilizers, such as lamotrigine, can stabilize primarily against depression (that is, from below; see Chapter 20), apparently without destabilizing the illness. In adults,
bupropion is often cited as having advantages for the treatment of bipolar depression since it appears to have a lower
switch rate (perhaps because it has little or no disruptive effect on sleep when given early in the day) and a favorable
clinical profile for most bipolar patients (especially those
with psychomotor retardation). Bupropion also has the
most benign side-effect profile of any antidepressant. For
this reason, it may be especially suitable for young patients,
who tend to be more sensitive than adults to side effects.
Thus in the absence of data, but based on clinical experience (including that with adults), the consensus panel
(Kowatch et al., 2005) recommended using bupropion or
an SSRI adjunctively with a mood stabilizer when treating
bipolar depression in youths.
More problematic is treatment of depression when future
bipolarity is uncertain. In adolescents, bipolar illness commonly starts with depression rather than mania, a fact that
is troubling clinically because of the risk of precipitating
a manic episode in a vulnerable patient by using antidepressants. This concern escalates in the case of a seriously depressed young person with a history of bipolar disorder in
first-degree relatives. As with ADHD and mania, scant controlled data exist on which to base advice on the treatment
of early-onset depression when the possibility of converting to a bipolar course is uncertain. Results of follow-up
studies of clinical samples of children and adolescents
with depression indicate that on average, 20 percent subsequently develop bipolar disorder, with a range of 6 percent
(Weissman et al., 1999a) to 48.6 percent (Geller et al., 2001)5
(see Chapter 6). Thus the clinician using an antidepressant


without a mood stabilizer to treat young people with serious

depression (or even dysthymia) must be mindful of the risk
that they will develop bipolar disorder or at least mood/behavioral instability (sometimes referred to as roughening).
Although the odds ratio for subsequent bipolar disorder in
offspring of bipolar parents is higher than that for unipolar
depression, this differential is influenced by the fact that
rates of mania in the general population are much lower
than those of depressive disorder.6 In fact, more offspring
of bipolar parents develop depression than bipolar disorder
(LaPalme al., 1997; Meyer et al., 2004), although clearly the
lengthy age range of risk for developing mania makes this
statistic an unstable one.
The clinician, then, must weigh the modest but important risk of patients becoming bipolar against the greater
likelihood of their having a nonbipolar depression (although
the possibility of antidepressants inducing unipolar cycling,
as has been suggested for adults with recurrent unipolar depression, should be kept in mind). For children and adolescents at risk for the development of bipolar disorder or
destabilization, there are two questions embedded in the
treatment dilemma. The first is whether to use an antidepressant even with a concomitant mood stabilizer. The second is how to understand psychiatric adverse events that
may occur as a result of antidepressant exposure including
manic symptoms (drug-induced mania), activation/disinhibition (which may be different from mania), long-term
cycle induction, and suicidal behavior. Unfortunately, assessment of these events has not been well operationalized
in medication studies in children and adolescents (Carlson,
To summarize some treatment implications for earlyonset depression, a trial of lamotrigine may make sense
when there is a strong suggestion of a bipolar diathesis.
Other choices are combinations of an antidepressant with
an antimanic mood stabilizer or with an atypical antipsychotic, although it has not been established that such agents
protect against antidepressant-related mania and/or destabilization in pediatric populations (Baumer et al., 2006). If
the parents and/or the child are especially concerned about
the use of a mood stabilizer or antipsychotic, antidepressant medication alone may sometimes be used, provided
that the child does not have both a bipolar first-degree relative and evidence of subthreshold bipolarity, and provided
that there is adequate discussion of the risks and benefits
involved, and that the child is monitored carefully.

Maintenance Treatment
Maintenance trials are generally undertaken after definitive
acute studies have been conducted. Since data from acute trials of treatment of bipolar children and adolescents are just
beginning to emerge, it is not surprising that information on



maintenance treatment in these populations is sparse. The

one study designed to test lithium or valproate as maintenance monotherapy in children and adolescents who had
been stabilized on the combination failed to establish the superiority of either drug. As discussed later, the relapse rate to
mania was high with both medications (Findling et al.,
Despite the lack of data on the efficacy of maintenance
treatment, the consensus panel observed that, given the
high lifetime recurrence rates for untreated bipolar disorder, medication should be recommended for the long
term for patients with well-documented bipolar disorder
(Kowatch et al., 2005). We would add that the foundation
of maintenance treatment should be a mood stabilizer.
Moreover, patients and families should be educated about
both the high rate of relapse in young people and the especially noxious contribution of illicit drugs. When the
prospect of lifetime medication appears overwhelming, we
encourage patients to continue drug therapy until they have
completed high school, college, or trade school or are beyond an anticipated major life stressor (e.g., starting a new
job, getting married). If the patient and/or family insists on
discontinuing medication, this should be undertaken very
gradually and at a time when it will have the least impact on
life, and ongoing monitoring and social support will be
available to provide for prompt referral should an episode
occur. The recommendation that any discontinuation be
undertaken very gradually is based on evidence of an increased likelihood of mania (Suppes et al., 1991) and of severe suicide attempts among adults following after rapid
versus gradual discontinuation of lithium (Baldessarini et
al., 1999). In cases where the diagnosis is less clear, the decision on medication continuation should be based on how
successful the treatment is in mitigating symptoms. Continuation of medications providing marginal benefit in the
face of high rates of adverse events is not recommended.
Based on results of clinical trials in adults, the consensus panel supported the efficacy of lithium, lamotrigine,
and olanzapine as maintenance treatments for youths
(Kowatch et al., 2005). The advantage of lamotrigine is its
benign side-effect profile, noted earlier. Agents with high
side-effect profiles, particularly weight gain (e.g., olanzapine, valproate, and lithium) and neurocognitive impairment (e.g., lithium and valproate), are more likely to lead
to poor adherence (and, in the case of weight gain, to medical complications).
When the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is more tenuous,
the presence of baseline ratings of irritability/mood instability, depression, and executive dysfunction (all of which can
occur in children with ADHD), along with periodic reassessment of those ratings, will help determine how effective
mood stabilizer treatment is and therefore how vigorously

to maintain it. Obviously, the less robust the treatment response, the more reason there is to discontinue medications
associated with significant adverse events. Recommendations for the use of antipsychotics to treat aggression in children and adolescents have been discussed by Schur and colleagues (2003) and Pappadapulos and colleagues (2003).
It is premature to draw conclusions about the clinical or
pharmacological significance of apparent drug-related activation in young people because the data on this issue are
so limited. How specifically to address the issue depends on
what the symptoms are, how severe they are, and how effective the medication is. Choices obviously range from stopping the drug, to lowering the dose and/or changing the
dosing schedule, to adding another medication that mitigates the unwanted symptoms. Before any medication is initiated, families should always be warned about the potential
for psychiatric adverse events, with particular caution being
exercised for young children; those with developmental disabilities; and those with preexisting problems involving severe emotional dysregulation, such as ADHD and bipolar

Psychosocial Treatments
Psychosocial treatments have an important complementary role to play in the treatment of bipolar disorder in
young people. The reasons for this include (1) the impact
of the disorder on overall functioning in school and within
the family, (2) the high rates of comorbidity and treatment
nonadherence in these patients (one study, for example,
found nonadherence rates of 31 percent, even over a short,
6-week trial [Kowatch et al., 2000]), and (3) higher-thannormal rates of family psychopathology (see Chapter 22).
Research supports the importance of both psychoeducation and approaches aimed at reducing expressed emotion within the family (i.e., destructive criticism that
sometimes characterizes families with mental illness).
There are a number of common themes in three promising family therapy treatments developed for children
(Fristad et al., 2003; Pavuluri et al., 2004a) and adolescents
(Miklowitz et al., 2004). The underpinnings consist of psychoeducation and problem solving within a cognitivebehavioral framework. The premise of the former is that if
parents are given information about the biology of bipolar
disorder, they will be less likely to blame each other and/or
their children, allowing a greater focus on positive solutions. Additionally, by educating families about aspects of
the disorder that are worsened by environmental stresses
(disordered routine, decreased sleep, harsh criticism,
parental fighting and inconsistency) and by helping families develop constructive ways of solving problems, many
aspects of the illness can be brought under more effective

Treatment of Children and Adolescents


In this section we review the literature behind the clinical

management strategies recommended above. Our focus, by
virtue of the nature of the available evidence, is on clinical
trials of pharmacological treatments for acute mania
lithium, anticonvulsants, and atypical antipsychoticsas
well as drug combinations; we also touch briefly on the efficacy of these treatments for aggression in pediatric populations. We then discuss in turn the findings of the literature
on treatment of bipolar depression, maintenance treatment, offspring of adults with bipolar disorder, psychiatric
adverse events, medical adverse events, ECT, and psychotherapies.

(DelBello et al., 2006); quetiapine versus divalproex (DelBello et al., 2006), oxcarbazepine versus placebo (Wagner et
al., 2006), olanzapine versus placebo (Tohen et al., 2006),
and divalproex-extended release (ER) versus placebo (data
on file, Abbott Laboratories, December 2006). The largest
lithium studies have been open trials, some involving hospitalized adolescents with acute mania (Kafantaris et al.,
2004) and some involving outpatient children and adolescents with mania/hypomania or bipolar-NOS or children
considered at risk for developing bipolar disorder. Placebocontrolled trials of other atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, aripiprazole, ziprasidone) and anticonvulsants (valproate) approved for adults are ongoing as of this writing.
There have also been open and discontinuation studies. As
noted earlier, there has been one controlled trial of maintenance therapy (Findling et al., 2005).
Table 232 summarizes the currently available information for children and adolescents on drugs used to treat
mania in adults, organized by the level of evidence. As
noted in the table, safety data are available for several other
medications (anticonvulsants) because they are approved
for the treatment of convulsive disorders in youths. Placebocontrolled trials in mania have not yet established efficacy for any of the anticonvulsants or the atypical antipsychotics; hence they have not been approved by the FDA for
this purpose. The FDA has requested that drug sponsors
conduct more clinical trials in youths, and NIMH is also
supporting treatment trials. Although the following summary reflects considerable advances since the first edition
of this text was published, the evidence base, including
placebo-controlled trials, is expected to grow considerably
over the next decade. In addition to the traditional randomized, placebo-controlled designs, there is a need for
more practical, clinician-friendly trials (see Chapter 17),
such as crossover and randomized open comparative studies that can assess differences in tolerability (and perhaps
even efficacy) (Post and Kowatch, 2006). As Post and colleagues pointed out (2002), such designs are more likely to
be accepted by parents, especially when very young children are involved.

Treatment of Acute Mania


As discussed previously, the overall evidence base for treating pediatric bipolar disorder in general and acute mania in
particular is sparse when compared with the extensive database from studies of adults, as reviewed in Chapter 18. There
have been a few placebo-controlled studies of lithium involving a small number of children or adolescents, most of
whom had conditions other than acute mania (see the later
discussion). Five industry-sponsored clinical trials of
medications for children and/or adolescents with acute
mania have been completed: topiramate versus placebo

Early Lithium Trials. The earliest studies of lithium in

young people were case reports involving episodic illness.
Annell (1969) noted: We began using lithium at the
Department of Child and Youth Psychiatry in Uppsala in
1965 . . . for older adolescents and for typical manic conditions; but as time went on, we began giving it to younger
patients and for conditions other than typical mania. All . . .
had severe mental complaints and all showed sudden
changes in their conditions during the course of the year.
The 12 youths on whom Annell reported were aged 9 to 18,

Prevention in At-Risk Youth

Do early intervention and treatment ameliorate the course
of bipolar disorder? The potential for preventive intervention has been raised by the emerging hypothesis that bipolar disorder is a progressive neurobiological process (see
Chapter 14). However, clinical research has not yet reached
the point of testing pharmacological and/or psychological
therapies for their preventive potential. One first step
would be to develop a reliable means of identifying children and adolescents in the prodromal phases of bipolar
disorder. In the meantime, two trials involving children of
adults with bipolar-I and -II disorder have been completed. One small, open trial conducted by Chang and colleagues (2003) showed promise for the use of valproate in
children who were experiencing mood and behavior difficulties, but not yet bipolar disorder. In the other trial, Findling and colleagues (2001) failed to demonstrate the efficacy of valproate, although improvement was suggested in
children whose parents both had bipolar disorder. While
this is a vitally important issue, it is not possible as yet to
recommend evidence-based, specific clinical management
strategies beyond those that would be recommended for
children with known psychopathology in a population not
at risk.




Table 232. Summary of Evidence for Drugs Used to Treat Mania in Children and Adolescents

Status as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder


U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for treatment of mania in adults and in
youths aged 12 and above. Placebo-controlled trials in samples that included some children and
adolescents with acute mania, but acute mania was not specifically studied; results mixed.
Otherwise, open and discontinuation trials with mostly positive results.
FDA approved for treatment of mania in adults. Safety data in youths because of approval for
treatment of seizures. For mania in children and adolescents, positive open trials, discontinuation
trials, add-on trial, and randomized comparator trials. The one placebo-controlled trial
(divalproex-extended release [ER]) was negative.
Off label in adults and children. Safety data in youths because of approval as anticonvulsant in
children and adolescents. For mania, open randomized trial and case reports in children and
adolescents with positive results.
Off label in adults and children. Some safety data because of approval for partial-onset seizures in
children aged 216 years. For mania, one placebo-controlled trial in children and adolescents
aged 617 years; inconclusive results because underpowered.
Off label in adults and children. Some safety data in youths because of approval as adjunctive
treatment for partial complex seizures in youths aged 416 years. For mania, case reports.
FDA approved for mania in adults. Chart review series, positive open trials, positive add-on trial,
placebo-controlled trials in children with irritable aggression associated with conduct disorder
and autism, ongoing industry-sponsored randomized controlled trial for youths aged 1017
FDA approved for mania in adults. In children and adolescents, 10 positive open trials and case
reports. Randomized controlled trial found olanzapine significantly better than placebo.
FDA approved in adults for treatment of mania. In adolescents, positive add-on study and
randomized comparison with divalproex; ongoing randomized controlled trial for youths aged
1017 years.
FDA approved in adults for treatment of mania. In children and adolescents, chart reviews and
small case series. Randomized controlled trial under way in youths aged 1017 years.
FDA approved in adults for treatment of mania. In children and adolescents, chart reviews.
Randomized controlled trial under way for youths aged 1017 years.
FDA approved only for treatment-resistant schizophrenia in adults. Off label for mania in adults. In
children and adolescents, case series.
FDA approved for maintenance treatment of adults with bipolar-I disorder to delay time to
occurrence of mood episodes (depression, mania, hypomania, mixed states). Safety data in
youths because approved for patients aged 2 and older with simple or complex partial seizures.
For bipolar disorder, chart review and one positive open study for bipolar depression in
FDA approved for treatment of bipolar depression in adults. No studies of bipolar depression in
children and adolescents, although fluoxetine is FDA approved for treatment of major depression
in children and adolescents.







Symbyax (combined
olanzapine and

although onset had occurred at ages as young as 7.5 years;

25 percent of the sample (n = 3) were younger than age 12.
Of the 11 youths for whom follow-up data were available, 7
responded very positively; the responders consisted of
both children and adolescents. Only 2 responders showed
typical mania (dominated by euphoria and grandiosity),
but all had experienced the clearly demarcated onset of a
condition distinctly different from their premorbid state.

Most had family members with manic-depressive illness.

Not long thereafter, a much wider net was cast to find
subjects with psychopathological conditions and a positive
family history who might be responsive to lithium.
In an early summary of the possible effectiveness of
lithium in young people, most cases were not even considered bipolar disorder in todays terminology. Reviewing the
extant case reports and studies, Youngerman and Canino

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

(1978) found 211 cases; of these, there was sufficient information for only 46 to allow tentative conclusions about the reasons lithium was used. Twenty-two patients were children:
2 had manic-depressive illness, 2 had an atypical mood
disorder, 8 were hyperkinetic, and 10 had autism/childhood
schizophrenia. Twenty-four of the 46 were adolescents: 9
had manic-depressive illness, 13 had atypical mood disorder, and 2 had hyperkinesis. Thus, there were very few studies of children or even adolescents who could be considered
bipolar. Even placebo-controlled trials had heterogeneous
subjects and few with classic bipolar disorder. Samples encompassed youths with a variety of psychotic-like and developmental disorders (Gram and Rafaelsen, 1972), hyperkinesis and equivocal stimulant response (Dyson and Barcai,
1970; Greenhill et al., 1973), and autism and schizophrenia
(Campbell et al., 1972), as well as offspring of lithiumresponding parents (McKnew et al., 1981).
Several observations can be made about these early
studies of lithium in youths: (1) the rarity of classic bipolar
disorder in children compared with adolescents; (2) the
early interest in trying to find a symptom constellation, especially in younger children, that would be lithium responsive; and (3) the poor treatment response in these subjects,
which may have deterred clinicians from conducting more
studies. Early studies in adults, whose samples appeared
equally heterogeneous, showed higher response rates. These
results with adults were promising enough to encourage
not just further investigation, but a whole revolution in
treatment. The fact that the response rates were highest in
adults with what is considered classic manic-depressive illness (bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression)
may explain why young people, whose presentation is less
likely to be classic, were less likely to respond.
Placebo-controlled lithium trials that occurred prior to
the first edition of this volume are summarized in Table
233. Those occurring since the first edition are listed in
Table 234.
Lithium Treatment for Mania in Hospitalized Adolescents.
Although lithium has been used in young people for more
than 40 years, there have been no published randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of adolescents
meeting DSM-IV criteria for acute mania. One placebocontrolled discontinuation study has been conducted
(Kafantaris et al., 2004), and other studies are in progress.
The largest open trial (Kafantaris et al., 2003) involved 100
adolescents initially hospitalized for mania and treated
with lithium over 4 weeks; 55 percent were responders, as
defined by a 50 percent reduction in scores on the Young
Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). If the psychotic or aggressive
manic adolescents received an adjunctive antipsychotic,
the response rate improved to 65 percent. Of interest, 40 of


the responders to open lithium monotherapy were subsequently randomized under double-blind conditions to
placebo or continued lithium and followed for 2 weeks
(Kafantaris et al., 2004); both groups relapsed at about the
same rate52.6 percent of those on lithium and 61.9 percent of those on placebo. The adolescents who relapsed on
lithium in the blind phase were subsequently restabilized
on lithium under open conditions (V. Kafantaris, personal
communication, 2006). It is likely that in the double-blind
phase, the investigators tended to withdraw patients on
blind lithium from the trial prematurely if they were showing even mild breakthrough symptoms (perhaps assuming
that any given patient might be on placebo), and thus these
lithium patients were scored as relapses even though they
went on to respond to open lithium.
In an open study of manic adolescents, the response rate
to lithium (defined as a 33 percent reduction in YMRS scores
and a Clinical Global Impressions [CGI] rating of 1 or 2)
was 53.5 percent; the presence of prior ADHD made no difference in the likelihood of responding to the drug (Kafantaris et al., 1998). On the other hand, psychotic features were
associated with a significantly lower response rate. Subsequently, the same group treated 42 hospitalized manic adolescents with both lithium and antipsychotic medication. Ultimately, of 28 adolescents who completed at least 4 weeks of
treatment, only 14 were judged clinically stable enough to
discontinue their antipsychotic medication. Of these 14,
only 8 maintained their response on lithium monotherapy
for an additional 4 weeks (sustained responders). The other
6 experienced a clinically significant exacerbation of symptoms on lithium monotherapy and resumed treatment with
their adjunctive antipsychotic (Kafantaris et al., 2001).
There have been two systematic case series of hospitalized manic adolescents. Strober and colleagues (1988, 1998)
found response rates of 67 to 80 percent in adolescents with
classic mania, while response rates in manic adolescents
with a prior history of ADHD were lower (33 to 40 percent).
An 18-month naturalistic follow-up study of adolescents
who had discontinued lithium (because of nonadherence)
after inpatient stabilization revealed that 90 percent had relapsed, compared with only 37.5 percent of those who had
remained on lithium (Strober et al., 1990). Whether this result reflects the effectiveness of lithium or simply the difference between adherent and nonadherent youngsters cannot
be determined for this nonrandomized study.
Lithium Treatment for Mania in Hospitalized Children.
There have been two clinical trials of lithium in hospitalized children with mania or manic-like symptoms. In the
first, 11 patients with bipolar-NOS were treated with lithium
and tested by a trained rater, teachers, and nursing staff at
baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks (7 of these children also

Table 233. Early Placebo-Controlled Trials of Lithium in Children and Adolescents with a Variety of Conditions


Gram and

N = 18; ages 822 yr;

13 males, 5 females;
pupils at a special
school in Denmark





Psychosis or pronounced psychotic traits; 7 with autism/

pervasive developmental
disorder, 2 borderline,
2 psychosis, 1 personality
disorder, 1 speech and
language disorder

2 groups: lithium for 6 mo,

then placebo, and vice versa;
parent/teacher ratings on 11
items: hyper- or hypoactivity,
elevated or depressed mood,
anxiety, obsessive behavior
or stereotypies, speech disturbances, aggression to others/
self, concentration, school

8 unchanged; 1 best on placebo,

9 best on lithium, 7 worsened
when lithium stopped; significant improvement by chi
square p < .001; no patient
became totally free of symptoms; symptoms improving
included aggression,
depressed/elevated mood,
speech disturbances and
stereotypies in school
Using global improvement:
lithium1 with marked,
4 with slight, 5 with no
improvement and 1 worse;
carbamazepine3 with
marked, 6 with slight (1 received thiothixine), 1 with no
change; p = not significant
(ns); lithium may have
improved explosiveness,
aggressiveness, hyperactivity,
psychotic speech
On dextroamphetamine:
3 improved, 3 slightly improved, 3 worse (including
one delusional); on lithium,
5 worse, 1 no change,
1 dropout, 2 markedly improved (with deterioration
after lithium was stopped),
but improvement not sustained over the next 3 mo;
Conners scale failed to detect

In current nosology, these

youths had autism or psychotic spectrum disorders;
none were bipolar, but
mood component was
important anyway; response
rate 50%, meaning improvement but not cure

N = 10; ages 36 yr;


Severely disturbed preschoolers;

developmental quotient < 60
in 50%; mostly autistic/
pervasive developmental
disorder; 2 hyperkinetic,
1 organic with withdrawing reaction

Children matched on hyperactivity and hypoactivity;

lithium compared with
carbamazepine; 710 wk for
each drug, 4 wk drug free
before the crossover; lithium
levels .251.19 mEq/L;
carbamazepine about 90 mg

et al., 1973

N = 9; ages 714 yr;

hospitalized for
study at National
Institute of Mental
Health, then outpatient for 6 wk

Hyperactive children unresponsive to stimulant medication by parent history;

2 unsocialized aggressive,
5 hyperactiveimmature
inadequate labile type, 2 no
diagnosis stated but looked
equally labile and hyperactive
by case report

Conners rating scale by nurses/

teachers; blind psychiatristmade global ratings; 2 stages:
(1) 1 wk single-blind placebo,
dextroamphetamine, lithium;
(2) randomly alternating
3-wk trials of each condition;
parents also raters; children
seen at home, school,
outpatient department visits


et al., 1972

Margin between toxic and

optimal doses small; improvement did not outweigh toxicity; a very difficult population to treat,

No attempt to call these youths

bipolar, but addressed
whether very hyperactive
youths with a history of
poor stimulant response
would improve on lithium;
they did not


N = 12, although only

4 were placebo
controlled; ages 4
14 yr; outpatient

Disruptive, nonpsychotic
behavior problems, rages/
aggression, or cyclical behavior patterns

et al., 1981

N = 6; ages 912 yr;


Offspring of lithium-responding parents: 2 with bipolar-II,

2 unipolar (1 mother, 1
grandmother), 2 with
bipolar-I (1 mother, 1 father);
parents all comorbid; children: 2 with bipolar mixed,
3 with attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) and mood problems, 1 with recurrent major
depressive disorder (MDD)

Open trial involving 12 children;

all improved by parent
ratings; 4 who had been stable
for 921 mo had a placebo
Double-blind crossover design;
1618 wk with 2 placebo
periods; seen weekly; rated
on the Child Psychiatric
Rating Scale and Childrens
Affective Rating Scale;
Clinical Global Impressions
(CGI) ratings using information from both parent and

All 4 deteriorated on placebo

and improved when lithium
was resumed

A discontinuation study of
children who had already

2 children with bipolar disorder

definitely improved; 2 children improved on some
ratings by some raters (i.e.,
equivocal response); 2 children, including 1 with
ADHD and cyclothymia and
1 with recurrent MDD, did
not improve

Very small, very heterogeneous

sample; it did not appear
that parent mood or response status predicted anything in this small sample


Table 234. Contemporary Placebo-Controlled Trials of Lithium in Children and Adolescents



et al., 1992a

N = 11; ages 5 yr 11
mo to 12 yr 10 mo;

et al., 1998

N = 25; ages 1218 yr;


et al., 2004

N = 40; ages 1218 yr;

initially inpatient






aggression; bipolar symptoms; YMRS scores 1535
in 10 children, 1 child with
YMRS score of 12 had
episodic ADHD; inadequate response to stimulant
or severe rebound or

11 children completed an 8-wk

trial of lithium, with ratings
by staff and teachers at baseline, 4 wk, and 8 wk; 7 children treated with
methylphenidate (MPH)
alone and with adjunctive
lithium and MPH, with a
placebo discontinuation
phase at the end of the study

It was not possible to discriminate milieu response from

lithium response because
children did not relapse
when lithium was stopped;
over-all response modest
compared with the psychopathology of the children

Teenagers with any kind of

substance abuse and comorbid bipolar-I, bipolar-II, or
major depressive disorder
with risk for developing
bipolar disorder; specific
mood state not mentioned
Met criteria for current manic
episode; YMRS score >16

Diagnosis by K-SADS; CGI

score improvement >65 was
outcome measure; randomized trial, 6 wk, 4 wk on
lithium; interpersonal
therapy in both groups

Lithium alone produced

modest changes in YMRS
and CDRS-R scores, but no
relapse off lithium; adjunctive MPH appeared to act
synergistically with lithium
by nurses ratings of inattention, but lithium blocked
MPH improvements on
computerized laboratory
21 subjects completed; 6/10
lithium group responded
(60%) vs. 1/12 (9.3%) on
placebo (p = .046); no
measures of mood outcome

Open trial of lithium or lithium

+ antipsychotic for 4 wk, then
lithium alone; 19 randomized
to take lithium, 21 to placebo
after a 3 day tapering off

YMRS scores dropped from a

mean of 25.62 (7.37) to 8.53
(5.53), CGI scores from 4.95
(.85) to 2.68 (.89) during
open phase; 52.6% on
lithium and 61.9% on
placebo got worse or very
much worse; no difference
(i.e., no protection) with

Although this is always cited

as a double-blind, placebocontrolled study of lithium
in bipolar disorder, it did
not address the treatment of
pure bipolar disorder per se
Discharge could have complicated findings; ethical concerns may have necessitated
a quick stop to the study; or
lithium may not work well
in hospitalized teens

ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; CDRS-R = Childrens Depression Rating Scale-Revised; CGI = Clinical Global Impressions scale; K-SADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia; ODD = oppositional defiant disorder; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

received adjunctive methylphenidate [MPH] between their

first and second lithium testing periods, during which they
received no medication, as well as placebo at the end of the
study). Patients, nursing staff, and raters were blinded to
the medication condition (Carlson et al., 1992b). Results
were mixed. Improvement in YMRS scores at 4 weeks was
not sustained at 8 weeks, while scores on the Childrens
Depression Rating Scale-Revised (CDRS-R) (depression)
improved by 8 weeks relative to scores at 4 weeks (Poznanski et al., 1984). Greater improvement was seen in teachers
ratings of self-control (Teacher Self Control Rating Scale
[Humphrey, 1982]) than in nurses ratings at both 4 and 8
weeks. Since most improvement did not reverse when
lithium was discontinued, nonspecific improvement due
to hospitalization was believed to account for some of the
improvement observed. The sample size was limited because of the advent of managed care (Carlson et al., 1992a).
The second trial of lithium was open and involved 10 prepubertal children identified as acutely manic and psychotic. All showed a positive clinical response to the drug
(Varanka et al., 1988).
Lithium Treatment for Mania in Outpatient Settings.
An old but large case series of lithium-treated children and
adolescents was reported by two research neurologists who
collected data on 196 such patients over the course of 10
years. DeLong and Aldershof (1987) divided their outpatient sample into those with clear mood disorder and
those with other disorders with manic-like symptoms.
They determined response based on whether patients were
continued on the drug over a 10-month period. The duration of follow-up was highly variable but appeared to average about 3.5 years. Two-thirds (39/59) of the classic bipolar youths remitted on lithium, and one-third of those who
remitted remained well after lithium was stopped. Lesser
responses were seen in youths with unipolar depression
(5/29, 17 percent), ADHD with affective symptoms (3/8, 38
percent, with 5 considered worsened), and explosive/aggressive behavior (5/9, 56 percent). The children with
ADHD and affective symptoms all discontinued lithium
without further problems. A modest percentage (5/21, 29
percent) of rageful, autistic/developmentally or neurologically impaired young people improved, but at the expense
of high rates of serious side effects.
Formal outpatient trials of bipolar children and adolescents are more common than inpatient trials, but the samples are somewhat more heterogeneous, both diagnostically
and by age. Here we review only those trials that used a systematic assessment for diagnosis and had a large enough
sample size to allow interpretation of treatment response. A
6-month open trial of either lithium or valproate in combination with risperidone was conducted by Pavuluri and


colleagues (2004b). The study included 37 subjects aged 5 to

18 with mania or mixed episodes of bipolar disorder. Using
three outcome measures (YMRS, CGI-Bipolar [CGI-BP],
and CDRS-R), the researchers found lithium in combination with risperidone to be as effective as valproate plus
risperidone. Both combination therapies were well tolerated. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Geller
and colleagues (1998a) administered lithium over 6 weeks
to 11 substance-abusing adolescents with various bipolar
diagnoses (bipolar-I, bipolar-II, and major depressive disorder with bipolar predictors). Response was defined as a
score of 65 or higher on the Childrens Global Assessment
Scale (Shaffer et al., 1983) (at study entry, the average score
was 38). The response rate was higher in lithium-treated
adolescents than in those receiving placebo.

Several controlled and uncontrolled trials of valproate and
other anticonvulsants have been conducted in various inpatient or outpatient populations (see Tables 235 and
236). A number of open studies and chart reviews of valproate had results encouraging enough to stimulate controlled trials in outpatients.7 The numbers studied were
small, however, and the studies suffered from the usual
methodological problems (see Table 235).
There have been several positive open-label trials with a
reasonable sample size in which children and adolescents
were treated with divalproex alone or in combination with
other medications (see Table 236). One was a trial of divalproex in 40 children and adolescents, 61 percent of whom
improved (>50 percent decline in YMRS score) over the 8
to 10 weeks of initial stabilization. However, the study had
been designed as a discontinuation trial and was hampered by the fact that 23 of 40 subjects had to discontinue
prior to randomization because of poor efficacy, inability
to discontinue concomitant lithium or haloperidol as required, nonadherence, or refusal to continue in the study
once stable (Wagner et al., 2002). Pavuluri and colleagues
(2005) reported the results of an open trial of divalproex in
34 children and adolescents with mania or mixed mania.
They found that 73.5 percent responded (50 percent decline from baseline YMRS score and 40 score on CDRS-R),
and 52.9 percent remitted.
A randomized, open-label, 8-week trial compared the
benefits of lithium, divalproex, and carbamazepine in 42
outpatient youths aged 8 to 18 (Kowatch et al., 2000).
Twenty of the subjects had bipolar-I and 22 bipolar-II; 71
percent had comorbid ADHD, among other comorbidities.
Forty-six percent of subjects responded to divalproex, 42
percent to lithium, and 34 percent to carbamazepine, with
response defined as a 50 percent reduction in YMRS score
and designation as improved or very much improved on

Table 235. Open Acute Trials of Divalproex in Children and Adolescents with Manic or Mixed States
Sample and Type of Study

West et al.,

N = 11; ages 1217 yr;

open add-on trial;
mean age 14.5; 9 M, 2 F;
inpatients accrued over
10 mo

et al., 1995

N = 15 (13 finished); ages

1220 yr, mean age 17.3;
13 F, 2 M; open trial
inpatient, then outpatient

Deltito et al.,

N = 36, 20 manic or
bipolar mixed episode;
ages 1318 yr, mean
age 15.6; no gender
noted; inpatient chart



Diagnosis, Measures, and

Duration of Trial/Study
DSM-III-R bipolar mixed
state or mania diagnosed by SCID, mean
YMRS score 19;
63.4% comorbid
ADHD; duration:
valproate treatment
over 626 days
Bipolar mixed state or
mania diagnosed by
K-SADS, Blackburn
Mania Scale, MMRS,

Chart data recorded systematically; comorbidity not described

Other Medications Taken

Doses and Levels

Response and Adverse


lithium45.5%; divalproex added to these

Dose range 5002,000 mg/

day, mean 1068 mg;
valproate levels
3891 g/ml

Mild improvement18.2%,
moderate improvement54.5%,
marked improvement27.3%;
sedation in 2 cases

Only Practice Research

Network (PRN) chlorpromazine allowed

Dose range 7502,000

mg/day; mean 1,423 mg;
mean blood level
64.2 g/ml

Milieu treatment on ward;

duration of stay not
described; PRNs
allowed; specifics not

Dose range 700900

mg/day; levels not

MMRS drop: 69.54 18.08; BPRS

drop: 36.31 12.0; CGI impairment drop: 5.4 2.4; GAS
increase: 30.0 55.0; valproate
side-effect scale drop: 11.8 5.5
(subjects felt better, reported fewer
side effects); adverse events: 1
transient liver enzyme elevation;
1 developed hypothyroidism
(thyroid stimulating hormone
3.807.26 IU/l)
For those with mania or mixed
states, overall changes reported:
6670% change in mania, 79%
change in depression,
8387% change in aggression,
7074% change in mood

ADHD = attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; BPRS = Brief Psychiatric-Rating Scale; CGI = Clinical Global Impressions scale; DSM-III-R = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd edition, revised;
F = female; GAS = Global Assessment Scale; K-SADS = Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia; M = male; MMRS = Modified Mania Rating Scale; SCID = Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM; YMRS = Young Mania Rating Scale.

Table 236. Controlled Acute Trials of Divalproex in Children and Adolescents with Manic or Mixed States



Sample and Type of Study

et al., 2000

n = 42 in open comparison
of lithium, carbamazepine,
divalproex; n = 15 received
divalproex as outpatients

et al., 2006

N = 30; ages 1218 yr,

mean age 14.3; 16 M, 14 F;
open treatment with
divalproex; 15 subjects
each simultaneously
randomized to quetiapine
or placebo; inpatient
714 days

et al., 2002

N = 40; ages 719 yr, mean

age 12.1; 25 M, 15 F;
discontinuation trial that
was basically an open
trial (only 17 made it to
randomization, and 14 of
those stopped prematurely); inpatient,

et al., 2003a

N = 90; ages 517 yr, mean

age 10.9; bipolar-I or -II
with episode within past
3 mo (95% bipolar-I;
81.1% manic or mixed);
open trial

Diagnosis, Measures, and

Duration of Trial/Study

Other Medications Taken

Doses and Levels

Response and Adverse Events

Chlorpromazine PRN
allowed; 3 subjects
needed it

20 mg/kg/day at start, aiming at blood levels

85110 g/L; final average
divalproex level 82.8 g/l

PRN drugs allowed; 4 subjects needed 1 dose of

lorazepam; 1 subject
required 3 doses

20 mg/kg/day, adjusted for

levels of 80130 g/l;
valproate level 114 g/l;
by 7 day

Mania, hypomania,
mixed state diagnosed
by K-SADS, Mania
Scale (Endicott and
Spitzer, 1978), BPRS,
CGI severity; 23% had

PRN drugs allowed; rates

of significant use of
other medication:
lithium10%, stimulant15%

Dose last day: 813 mg/day;

mean17.5 mg/kg;
valproate level8.34 g/l

Mania or mixed state

diagnosed by K-SADS
Present and Lifetime
Version (PL) or
K-SADS Epidemiologic
Version (E), YMRS,
71% comorbid disruptive behavior disorder;
66.6% ADHD; duration: 20 wk

Other medications ever

during study: stimulants58.9%, atypicals21.1%, alphaadrenergic agents

End of study: divalproex

dose 862.5 (397.5) mg/
day, level: 79.8 (25.9)
g/ml; lithium: 923.3
(380.2) mg/day, level:
.9 (.3) mmol/l

YMRS change from baseline to

endpoint 14.53; effect size 1.63;
46% had both a 50% change in
YMRS and CGI 2; side effects:
nausea (20%) and sedation (20%)
73% completed 6-wk trial; if the divalproex + placebo subjects are
considered the divalproex
response group, 53% showed a
50% response from baseline on
the YMRS; average YMRS scores
dropped from about 30 to about
15 (from graphs); significant
improvement noted in CDRS,
PANSS-P, and CGAS, but scores
not given
23 patients discontinued before randomization: 15% ineffective, 15%
did not meet randomization criteria, 15% could not tolerate medication, 15% nonadherent; using
last observation carried forward
(LOCF) in 36 cases, 22/26 (61%)
showed >50% improvement on
CGI; effect size 1.12 for mania
scale change from baseline; side
effects: headache, nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea, somnolence
48 nonremitters: 19 discontinued for
nonadherence, 3 were hospitalized,
15 were discontinued for medication intolerance, 7 had continued
psychosis, 4 had continued mood
symptoms; 42 remitted: 46.7%
defined by CDRS <40, YMRS
<12.5, CGAS 51; rating scale
changes: CDRS 31.7 (14) 21
(7.9), YMRS 21.8 (8.2) 5.7 (8.5),
CGI severity 4.1 (.9) 2.3 (1.3),
CGAS 50 (7.2) 65.2 (12.9)

Mania or hypomania
diagnosed by K-SADS,
YMRS, CGI; 71%
comorbid for ADHD,
38% for ODD
Mania or mixed state diagnosed by Washington
University (WASH-U)
47% psychosis; duration: 6 wk


Table 236. Controlled Acute Trials of Divalproex in Children and Adolescents with Manic or Mixed States (continued)

Sample and Type of Study

et al., 2005

N = 60; ages 518 yr, mean

age 10.7; 91.7% bipolar-I,
50% rapid cycling;
subjects were remitted
with prior treatment with
lithium + divalproex;
randomized double-blind
to lithium + placebo or
divalproex + placebo;
maintenance trial

et al., 2005

N = 34; ages 518 yr, mean

age 12.1 (3.7); open trial
of divalproex; visits

Laboratories (data
on file,
Dec. 2006)

N = 150; ages 1017; ran-

domized DB to placebo
or divalproex-ER

Diagnosis, Measures, and

Duration of Trial/Study

Other Medications Taken

Doses and Levels

Response and Adverse Events

Mania or mixed state diagnosed by K-SADS PL

ADHD 63.3% ODD/
conduct disorder 30%;
most subjects from
prior study; duration:
76 wk

Stimulant use 58.3%

End of study blood levels:

lithium 0.84 (0.30)
mmol/L divalproex 75.3
(29.4) g/ml

Mania or mixed state diagnosed by WASH-U

CDRS, CGI-BP, Childrens Global Assessment of Functioning
Scale (CGAS); 76.5%
ADHD, 55.9% ODD;
duration: 6 mo

Other medications in study:

methylphenidate (MPH)
38.2%; risperidone at
some point 50%

Final dose: mean 950 (355)

mg/day; level 109
(33) g/ml

Only 10% completed 76-wk trial:

56.7% exited because of relapse
into mania/hypomania, 6.7%
because of relapse into depression,
26.6% for other reasons (e.g., nonadherence, side effects); time to
relapse for mood reasons:
lithium114 days (standard error
[SE] 57.4 days), divalproex112
days (SE 56 days); time to discontinuation for any reason:
lithium91 days (SE 30 days),
divalproex56 days (SE 19.9 days);
no significant difference between
lithium and divalproex; young age
predicted relapse into mania; no
other predictors
Response (50% change from baseline on YMRS; 40 on CDRS):
73.5%; remission (response +
CGI-BP improvement 2; CGAS
51): 52.9%; mean change from
baseline: YMRS19.8 points,
CDRS27.4 points

DSM-IV-TR mania or
mixed state diagnosed
minimum YMRS
score 20 on entry;
assessed by CGAS,
duration: 4 wk

Full information not yet


Initial dose 15 mg/kg/day,

titrated to maximum
of 35 mg/kg/day
(plasma levels of
80125 mcg/ml)

No significant drugplacebo differences in YMRS scores or

secondary outcome measures

ADHD=attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; BPRS=Brief Psychiatic Rating Scale; CDRS=Child Depression Rating Scale; CGAS=Childrens Global Assessment Scale; CGI=Clinical Global Impressions; DB=double blind; DSM-IV-TR = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th edition, text revised; ER = extended release; K-SADS=Kiddie-Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia;
ODD=Oppositional Defiance Disorder; PANSS-P=Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PRN=Practice Research Network; TR=text revised; YMRS=Young Mania Rating Scale.

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

the Clinical Global Impressions-Improvement (CGI) scale.

The sample sizes in these studies were too small to permit
comparison of responses by diagnostic subtype or age.
In the first randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial of an anticonvulsant in treating pediatric bipolar disordera large multicenter study of oxcarbazepine as treatment for bipolar-I mania/mixed states8Wagner and colleagues (2006) failed to find a significant difference between
drug and placebo on the primary outcome measure, change
in YMRS score over 6 weeks (drug = 10.9, placebo = 9.8).
There was a trend for more of the oxcarbazepine patients to
respond (at least 50 percent improvement in YMRS score):
42 percent of those on the drug versus 26 percent of those
on placebo. The oxcarbazepine response rate, nearly identical in children (43 percent) and adolescents (41 percent),
was very similar to the response rates reported from open
trials of lithium, valproate, and carbamazepine in bipolar
children and adolescents (Kowatch et al., 2000). Nineteen
percent of the oxcarbazepine patients discontinued because of side effects (primarily dizziness, somnolence,
diplopia, and fatigue), compared with 4 percent of those
receiving placebo. Recently, 150 DSM-IV manic or mixedstate patients ages 10 to 17 (minimum YMRS score at entry:
20) were randomized to divalproex-ER or placebo for 4
weeks; there were no significant differences in the primary
or secondary end points. The drug was generally well tolerated, although there was a significant increase in mean
plasma ammonium levels (2.1 versus 18.6), which in 1 patient was associated with disorientation requiring hospitalization, data on file, Abbott Laboratories (December
The less-than-impressive performance of mood stabilizers as monotherapy prompted a variety of other trials of
combined medications. In a subsequent study, for instance,
Kowatch and colleagues (2003) randomized 35 outpatient
child and adolescent bipolar-I and -II subjects into a continuation phase of treatment, which had been initiated with
mood stabilizer monotherapy (lithium, carbamazepine, or
divalproex). For the nearly half of the patients (17 of 35)
who had not responded acutely to monotherapy, other
medications were added. Twelve improved on a second
mood stabilizer, antipsychotic, or antidepressant, while 12
needed stimulant medication as well.
With regard to other anticonvulsants, there have been
scattered case reports and the one open randomized trial
that included carbamazepine, described earlier. In addition, there have been seven case reports of young adolescents cited in three studies (Hsu and Starzynski, 1986; Woolston, 1999; Craven and Murphy, 2000). All but one of the
seven responded to carbamazepine. The anticonvulsant
gabapentin has not been studied specifically for treating
acute mania in youths, although there is one published


case report on its utility (Soutullo et al., 1998). A placebocontrolled study of topiramate involving 56 manic and
mixed-state adolescents was recently undertaken simultaneously with a trial involving manic adults as part of a registration study, but was halted because of a lack of antimanic efficacy in the adults. There was some suggestion of a
positive treatment effect of the drug in the adolescents,
however (DelBello et al., 2005). The mean total reduction
in YMRS scores was twice as large for those adolescents
treated with topiramate (n = 29) as for those receiving
placebo (n = 27), but given the small number of subjects,
this difference did not reach statistical significance. At the
final visit, however, 34.5 percent of the topiramate-treated
subjects versus 22.2 percent of the placebo-treated subjects
had improved either much or very much on the CGI-I scale
relative to baseline (df = 1, p = .310).

Atypical Antipsychotics
Until recently, the available database on atypical antipsychotics as treatment for bipolar disorder in children and
adolescents included only chart reviews for risperidone
(Frazier et al., 1999), olanzapine (Soutullo et al., 1999; Chang
and Ketter, 2000), quetiapine (Schaller and Behar, 1999),
and clozapine (Fuchs, 1994; Masi et al., 2002; Kant et al.,
2004). However, the status of atypicals in the treatment of
child and adolescent bipolar disorder is evolving (Findling
and McNamara, 2004). The strong incentive for the pharmaceutical industry to conduct trials to determine the
safety and efficacy of the drugs in children and adolescents
has been a major impetus for the emergence of a controlled
database on their use in treating bipolar disorder in these
populations. To this end, multicenter placebo-controlled
studies are now under way within the broad framework espoused by the consensus conference discussed earlier (Carlson et al., 2003).
An 8-week open trial of olanzapine was conducted
among outpatient children and adolescents aged 5 to 15, 61
percent of whom improved (Frazier et al., 2001). The definition of improvement in this study was problematic,
however, requiring only a 30 percent decline in YMRS score
or a CGI score of 3 or greater. Biederman and colleagues
(2005a) conducted an 8-week open trial of risperidone
as monotherapy among 30 youths with mania, mixed mania, and hypomania. Stimulants were used as needed. The
authors reported a 70 percent response rate (CGI scores
improved or very much improved). Other symptoms of
psychopathology were also responsive. Data on clozapine
are limited to a chart review that found decreases in mania, depression, and aggression ratings in 10 adolescents
with mania/mixed episodes in residential treatment for
whom other treatments had failed (Masi et al., 2002). With
regard to aripiprazole, data from retrospective chart reviews



suggest that it may be effective and well tolerated in children

and adolescents with bipolar disorder (Barzman et al., 2004;
Biederman et al., 2005b). In a case series of three youths not
responding to traditional mood stabilizers, some symptom
alleviation was observed after a switch to ziprasidone monotherapy (Barnett, 2004).
A recent study of mania/mixed episodes in 50 hospitalized adolescents compared quetiapine (400600 mg/dl)
against divalproex (blood levels 80120 mg/dl) in a randomized, double-blind design (DelBello et al., 2006). Within
each treatment group, a statistically significant improvement
in YMRS scores was seen from baseline to endpoint.9 There
was no statistically significant difference in YMRS scores
between the two groups over the 28 days of the study
(F[1,48] = 1.0, p = .3, Cohens d = .28]). Measures of depression and psychosis also improved significantly with
both medications. Over a 4-week period, 72 percent of
those treated with quetiapine and 40 percent of those receiving divalproex had an end-point YMRS score of 2 or
less, a statistically and clinically significant change. The
slopes of recovery indicated that adolescents randomized to
quetiapine improved more quickly than those receiving
divalproex. Other than higher rates of sedation in the
quetiapine-treated youths (60 percent versus 36 percent
with divalproex), there were no differences in side effects,
although it should be noted that, as in virtually all comparative clinical trials, the study was not powered to detect
smaller side-effect differences.10
The first study to emerge as a result of FDA approval of
an atypical antipsychotic for treatment of adult acute mania was one involving olanzapine in adolescents aged 13 to
17 (undertaken before the inclusion age was lowered to 10).
Preliminary findings of this study are encouraging (Tohen
et al., 2006). This 3-week double-blind, placebo-controlled,
multisite study included 107 olanzapine-treated and 54
placebo-treated adolescents given doses that ranged from
2.5 to 20 mg/day (average 8 to 10 mg/day). The retention
rate was reasonable (79 percent for those receiving active
medication), and the response rate (50 percent decline in
YMRS scores and CGI severity < 3) was 44.8 percent with
olanzapine versus 18.5 percent with placebo (p = .002);
remission rates were 35 percent with olanzapine and 11
percent with placebo (p = .001). Ratings of aggression (on
the Overt Aggression Scale of Yudofsky) and ADHD
symptoms were significantly better with the medication,
suggesting an overall calming effect and a decrease in
Finally, regarding other medications with potential
utility in treating mania, there have been case reports on
the utility of verapamil (Kastner and Friedman, 1992), nimodipine (Davanzo et al., 1999), lecithin (Schreier, 1982),
and melatonin (Robertson and Tanguay, 1997).

Drug Combinations
In an open trial of combined medications, 90 bipolar-I and
-II children and adolescents who had not responded to either lithium or valproate were treated with a combination
of both (Findling et al., 2003). Using a strict definition of
remission (YMRS score < 12.5, with a mean score of 21.8 entering the study), 42 of the subjects (46.7 percent) remitted.
It is of note that this remission rate is in the same range as
response rates in the monotherapy trials, which require
only 50 percent improvement. The dropout rate due to
side effects or nonadherence was high, but if the subjects
could tolerate the combination of medications, they appeared to improve substantially. It would be interesting to
know whether a combination of less-than-full monotherapy doses of lithium and valproate (given the evidence that
their postsynaptic mechanisms show some synergism and
their side-effect profiles are somewhat different) would
produce a more favorable ratio of benefit to side effects.
In a small placebo-controlled crossover study of seven
inpatients with mixed manic symptoms and ADHD, Carlson and colleagues (1992b) found that measures of inattention and overactivity showed greater improvement with
lithium and MPH than with MPH alone. Scheffer and colleagues (2005) examined 40 children and adolescents with
bipolar mania treated openly with valproate and then randomized to added placebo or added dextroamphetamine
(Adderall). The added stimulant led to greater improvement
on the YMRS compared with the added placebo (i.e., valproate alone), and also was effective for the ADHD symptoms. The study did not find worsening of manic symptoms
or significant side effects. In another study of combined
treatment, Pavuluri and colleagues (2004b) examined the
combination of risperidone (up to 3 mg/day) and either
lithium or divalproex in a 6-month, nonrandomized open
trial. The study included 37 subjects aged 5 to 18 with mania or mixed episodes.11 Based on three outcome measures
(YMRS, CGI-BP, and CDRS-R), divalproex in combination
with risperidone was found to be as effective and as well tolerated as the combination of lithium and risperidone.
Finally, as part of a double-blind, placebo-controlled
study of adjunctive quetiapine, DelBello and colleagues
(2002) randomized 30 hospitalized adolescents with mania
or mixed episodes to divalproex plus placebo or divalproex
plus quetiapine. There was a significant decline (p <.01) in
YMRS scores with divalproex plus placebo (i.e., divalproex
alone) and significant additional improvement with quetiapine. The response rate (improved or very much improved on the CGI or 50 percent decline in YMRS scores)
was 53 percent for divalproex. Adding quetiapine (versus
adding placebo) raised the response rate an additional 15
percent, a statistically significant difference.

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

Treatment of Aggression
Although a thorough discussion of the treatment of aggression and conduct disorder is beyond the scope of this
chapter, it is important to state that most of the medications approved for the treatment of acute mania in adults
have also demonstrated some efficacy in treating affective
aggression in pediatric populations (see Table 231). Ironically, far more children with aggression and conduct disorder than with mania have been studied using lithium
under controlled conditions (Campbell et al., 1984, 1995;
Malone et al., 2000). One randomized trial of divalproex
found that a higher dose was better than a lower dose for
treating conduct disorder (Steiner et al., 2003).
Antipsychotics have also proven effective in randomized, placebo-controlled trials involving more than 500
children with aggression associated with either conduct
disorder/ADHD12 or autism/pervasive developmental disorder (McCracken et al., 2002). For example, with a responder defined as a subject with an end-point rating of
much or very much improved on the CGI scale, the percentage of responders in one study (Aman et al., 2002) was
53.8 percent for the risperidone group and 7.9 percent for
the placebo group, a significant difference.
One problem with these studies is that outcome measures
of irritability/aggression (Aman et al., 1985, 1996) include
behaviors elevated in mania: temper tantrums; irritability;
depressed mood; demanding behavior; crying over minor
annoyances; rapid mood changes; deliberately hurting oneself; arguing; explosive behavior; being easily angered; getting into physical fights; and talking back to teachers, parents, or other adults (Biederman et al., 1995; Carlson et al.,
1998; Mick et al., 2003). In trials involving bipolar children
and adolescents in which both aggression and mania have
been measured directly,13 the decline in aggression has been
similar to the decline in mania scores.

Treatment of Bipolar Depression

As of this writing, no large, placebo-controlled clinical trials of medications for pediatric bipolar depression (including antidepressants) have been published or are currently
under way. There has been one 6-week open trial of lithium
involving 28 hospitalized bipolar adolescents. This study
demonstrated a significant reduction in depressive symptoms (Patel et al., 2006), with 48 percent of the patients
showing a greater than 50 percent reduction in CDRS-R
scores (Poznanski et al., 1984) relative to baseline, although the baseline scores were so high that in fact only
30 percent met response criteria after 6 weeks (decline in
CDRS-R scores <28 and CGI improvement <2). Interpretation of the apparent treatment response is complicated
by the fact that there was no placebo control (depression


has a notoriously high placebo response in youths); moreover, the major improvement in mood symptoms took
place within the first 2 weeks of treatment, during which
82 percent of the adolescents remained hospitalized. Indeed, 6 weeks is a brief time frame for measuring antidepressant response.
Current understanding of lamotrigine treatment in youth
began with a study by Kusumakar and Yatham (1997) that
included 7 adolescents among a sample of bipolar adults
and found an improvement in scores on depression rating
scales. Carandang and colleagues (2003) reported on a case
series of lamotrigine (both as monotherapy and as an adjunct) in 9 adolescents with refractory depressive disorders, 6 of whom were bipolar. In this series, 8 of the 9 patients
responded well (mean dose 142 mg/day), as determined by
achieving a score of 1 or 2 on the CGI-BP scale. Finally,
Chang and colleagues (2006) recently completed a study using up to 150 mg/day of lamotrigine over 8 weeks in youths
aged 12 to 18. Remarkably, of 19 subjects, 16 (84 percent) were
considered responders by virtue of achieving a score of 1 or 2
on the CGI-I-BP. Remission was achieved in 11 of 19 (58 percent) of the subjects.14
Quetiapine is another promising agent for adults with
bipolar depression (see Chapter 19). A controlled study examining this treatment option is currently in progress.

Maintenance Treatment
The question of how long a child or adolescent with bipolar disorder should be treated is clearly important. Insofar
as youths have a condition in which clear episodes of mania, depression, and euthymia are occurring, one can probably extrapolate from adult monotherapy studies. In broader
pediatric bipolar populations, however, the limited data
currently available suggest that maintenance with single
mood stabilizers generally does not provide adequate coverage. For instance, using subjects from their sample of
children and adolescents stabilized on combined lithium
and valproate (and adding other subjects to form a sample
size of 60), Findling and colleagues (2005) conducted a
maintenance trial in which those patients who had responded to combined lithium and divalproex were randomized to monotherapy. The study hypothesis, based on
an adult trial (Calabrese et al., 2005), was that divalproex
would be superior to lithium as maintenance monotherapy
in patients with rapid cycling (50 percent of the subjects).
Outpatients ranging in age from 5 to 17 were first openly
stabilized on combined lithium and divalproex for 20
weeks and then randomized under double-blind conditions to have one of the mood stabilizers withdrawn while
continuing on the other. Relapses were frequent and rapid
over the next 3 to 4 months, with only 10 of the 60 subjects
completing the trial. Moreover, neither drug was found to be



superior. Interpretation of the study results is limited by the

lack of a placebo control, and especially by the confound
represented by the withdrawal effect (Findling et al., 2005).
In addition to this one controlled study, there have been
some naturalistic studies of medication continuation. For
instance, in a study of adolescents hospitalized with classic bipolar disorder who were treated with lithium and
then followed for 18 months, those who discontinued
lithium had a high rate of relapse compared with those who
maintained the treatment (92 versus 37 percent) (Strober
et al., 1990). Finally, in a naturalistic 4-year follow-up study
contrasting bipolar patients first hospitalized in adolescence with those first hospitalized after age 30, the proportion remaining on maintenance medication through the
follow-up was similar in the two groups (55 percent of the
youths versus 59 percent of the adults) (Carlson et al., 1999).
In the adolescent-onset group, however, those who remained
on maintenance medication had a relapse rate of 67 percent, similar to the 70 percent among those who stopped
treatment. As might be expected, comorbid behavior disorders and substance abuse in the adolescents complicated
both medication adherence and relapse. Cessation of substance abuse was associated with fewer episodes and
greater functional improvement at the 4-year point in this

Offspring of Adults Treated for Bipolar Disorder

Using a family history of lithium response as the basis for
trying medication in children with a variety of psychiatric
symptoms, Dyson and Barcai (1970) studied two children
with hyperkinesis who had a parent considered to be
a lithium responder. One child responded to both dextroamphetamine and lithium; the second responded to lithium
alone. McKnew and colleagues (1981) attempted to replicate
this study with a slightly larger sample (N = 6) of symptomatic offspring of lithium-responding parents or grandparents, but without success (see Table 233).
There have been two more contemporary studies examining the use of divalproex in children and adolescents believed to be at risk for bipolar disorder by virtue of their
family history. In one open 12-week trial, 24 children with
mood symptoms whose parents had bipolar disorder
improved globally (Chang et al., 2003). In another study,
53 children or adolescents (aged 5 to 17) with a bipolar parent who themselves had mood symptoms not sufficient to
meet criteria for mania or depression were randomized to
divalproex or placebo. Median time until a mood event for
those randomized to placebo (196 days, standard error
[SE] 117.6 days) was not significantly different from the
mean survival time among the youths randomized to divalproex (148 days, SE 137.1 days). Among those with more
bipolar disorder among first-degree relatives, however, the

mood stabilizer was significantly superior to placebo (Findling et al., 2003a).

Finally, there have been two recent studies of quetiapine
by the same group involving the nonbipolar-I offspring
of a bipolar-I parent. In one, a 12-week open study of quetiapine monotherapy (mean dose 447 mg/day) in 25 adolescents with major depression, the score on the CDRS-R
was reduced from 40 to 29 (p <.0001) (Barzman et al.,
2006). In the other study, 20 adolescents with dysthymia,
major depression, depressive disorder-NOS, cyclothymia,
bipolar-II disorder, or bipolar-NOS were treated in a
single-blind fashion (blind rater) with quetiapine (300 to
600 mg/day) for 84 days. Mean YMRS scores declined
from 18 to 8 at end point (p <.0001), and CDRS-R scores
fell from 38 to 27 (p <.0006) (Strakowski et al., 2006). The
most common side effects were sedation (65 percent), dry
mouth (40 percent) and headache (40 percent).

Psychiatric Adverse Events

The diagnostic and treatment implications of activation associated with medications (which may manifest as symptoms of mania) complicate clinical decision making in general and that for patients with bipolar disorder in particular.
As detailed in Chapter 19, the frequency of manic symptoms in adults with bipolar depression within 2 months of
initiation of a second-generation antidepressant is about
20 percent.15 Rates can vary widely, depending on rating
criteria, cohort characteristics, duration of treatment with
the antidepressant, possibly the type of antidepressant
used, and whether a mood stabilizer is used concurrently
(Post et al., 2003). Results of studies in adults appear to
suggest that rapid-cycling bipolar patients are especially
vulnerable to destabilization (Ghaemi et al., 2003; Post
et al., 2003; Altshuler et al., 2003). This finding is relevant
to pediatric bipolar patients, among whom the percentage
with a rapid-cycling course ranges from 19 percent
(Faraone et al., 1997) to 83 percent (Tillman et al., 2003),
depending on the study.
There are as yet no prospective studies evaluating the
frequency with which antidepressant-induced switching or
cycle induction occurs. Biederman and colleagues (2000a)
used multivariate analysis to examine 50 charts of child
and adolescent outpatients with bipolar depression treated
with SSRIs plus a mood stabilizer and found a three-fold
increase in the relative risk (RR) for destabilizing the condition (RR = 3.0, 95 percent confidence interval [CI] = 1.2
7.8; p = .02). However, it should be noted that there was a
greater likelihood of improving the condition (RR = 6.7, 95
percent CI = 1.923.6; p = .003). Although mood stabilizers
(primarily lithium and valproate) ameliorated manic
symptoms, they did not prevent the antidepressant-related
increase in cycling as reflected by more episodes of bipolar

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

depression. Another chart review involving 82 children

with a modified diagnosis of bipolar disorder found that
58 percent developed treatment-emergent mania shortly
after receiving mood-elevating agents (Faedda et al., 2004).
Baumer and colleagues (2006) recently published the first
study to assess, by direct semistructured interview of both
parent and offspring, antidepressant-related mania in adolescents and children who not only are at risk for bipolar
disorder (i.e., at least one parent with a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV bipolar-I or -II diagnosis as determined by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
[SCID-I]), but who also meet criteria for bipolar-I or -II
disorder according to the Kiddie Schedule for Affective
Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) or subsyndromal
bipolar disorder (ADHD symptoms with a YMRS score of
12 or more or CDRS-R score of 30 or more). They reported
that, in agreement with the findings of Faedda and colleagues (2004), 50 percent of the subjects experienced an
antidepressant-related mania as reflected in YMRS ratings
and in accordance with DSM-IV criteria (except that only
1 day of symptoms was required because most subjects
stopped the antidepressant with 1 to 4 days of the onset of
It has been estimated that psychotically depressed, hospitalized adolescents who became hypomanic on a tricyclic antidepressant had at least a 20 percent chance of
developing a bipolar course (Strober and Carlson, 1982;
Akiskal et al., 1985). DelBello and colleagues (2003) attempted to replicate this in a sample of 157 adolescents and
adults who were hospitalized with psychotic depression
and followed for a relatively short time (up to 2 years); they
found that only 13 percent developed DSM-IV mania or
hypomania (which, of interest, was independent of age at
onset). However, 13 percent is probably an underestimate
in light of the finding of Baumer and colleagues (2006),
noted previously, that the antidepressant is generally discontinued as soon as manic/hypomanic symptoms appear,
and thus not all of the episodes would have met DSM-IV
durational criteria (at least 1 week for mania and 4 days for
Rates of agitation/activation in short-term trials of
seven antidepressant drugs used to treat children and adolescents were recently summarized by Cheung and colleagues (2005). They reported the relative risk of treatmentemergent agitation or hostility to be modest but significant
(RR = 1.79, 95 percent CI = 1.162.76). In the Treatment of
Adolescent Depression study (March et al., 2004), the rate
of agitation/anxiety/irritability in fluoxetine-treated subjects was 5.5 percent, compared with 3.57 percent in those
treated with placebo. The rate of mania/hypomania was
2.3 percent versus 1.7 percent for placebo over the 12-week
trial; these drugplacebo differences become more sig-


nificant given that bipolar youths were specifically excluded.16

In longer-term studies, follow-up data on prepubertal depressed children do not suggest that tricyclic antidepressants
precipitate mania in early-onset nonbipolar depressed children (Craney and Geller, 2003). Nor does that suggestion
emerge from a meta-analysis of 13 clinical trials of tricyclics
involving more than 500 young people (from which bipolar
youths were excluded) (Hazell et al., 2002). However, in interpreting this literature, it is important to recall the point made
earlier that because DSM-IV mania requires at least 1 week of
symptoms (2 weeks in the study of Geller and colleagues
[2002]), cases in which the mania was ameliorated by immediate antidepressant discontinuation would not be counted.
The most interesting study of young people and their response to antidepressants examined a large insurance database involving real-world patients and treatments. This
study found that children and adolescents had higher rates
of administration of mood stabilizers 3 months or longer
after being treated with antidepressants compared with
adults. Along with the use of mood stabilizers was an accompanying diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Although it is
possible that the diagnosis was made to justify the change
in treatment, the vulnerability of young people to psychiatric adverse events is sobering. Comparing rates of conversion in those unexposed versus exposed to antidepressants, the study reported the following: for children aged 10
to 14, 3.1 versus 12.7 percent; aged 15 to 19, 4.8 versus 10.9
percent; aged 20 to 24, 4.3 versus 7.6 percent (Martin et al.,
2004). At a minimum, these data suggest that young people
are particularly vulnerable to psychiatric adverse events
that trigger the clinicians choice to use a mood stabilizer.17
Unfortunately, the study did not explore whether antidepressants were stopped and/or the change in treatment approach was continued and led to improved outcomes. That
is, had it been possible to follow the sample longitudinally,
one could have seen whether mood stabilizer treatment
continued and whether the frequency of visits declined.
The question of antidepressant-induced suicidal behavior has been a contentious and confused topic, perhaps primarily because the term suicidal behavior has had no clear
definition, and its relationship to actual suicide or serious attempts is tenuous at best (see the detailed discussion in
Chapter 25). In 24 pediatric trials of antidepressants, the FDA
(2004) found an increased risk for suicidal behavior (overall
RR = 1.78, 95 percent CI = 1.142.77): about 2 percent with
placebo versus about 4 percent in SSRI-treated subjects
(there were no actual suicides). These rates are, in fact, similar to those for activation/agitation. Unfortunately, the relationship of suicidal behavior to agitation was not examined
as a primary outcome measure. Even if it had been, agitation and activation were measured in such inconsistent ways



(Carlson and Mick, 2003) that conclusions would have been

impossible. The Columbia Reclassification Project, requested
by the FDA to reexamine data from industry-sponsored trials of antidepressant treatment in youths, has substantiated
the small but significant signal of increased suicidal behavior compared with placebo with short-term use of antidepressants in these patients. However, bipolar subjects
are excluded from the FDA database, and results of the few
studies of bipolar youths indicate that the frequency of
antidepressant-related suicidality is considerably higher: 14
percent in the study of Faedda and colleagues (2004) and 25.5
percent in the study of Baumer and colleagues (2006). Although these findings have not translated into an increased
risk for actual suicide, it is prudent to monitor young people closely, especially those with or at risk for bipolar
disorder, when starting these medications. Information for
parents and clinicians on this issue is provided at http://www (accessed September 19, 2006).

Medical Adverse Events

Adverse events associated with medications in adults are
described in Chapters 17 and 20, and all of these findings
are applicable to children and adolescents. Several additional concerns need to be emphasized, however, as reviewed by Correll and Carlson (2006):
Lithium and thyroid suppressionLithiums thyroid
suppression effect is well known. In a brief, 4-week study
of adolescents conducted by Kafantaris and colleagues
(2003), lithium produced only minor, transient elevations in serum TSH, which corrected spontaneously. In a
study in which lithium was administered along with divalproex, however, a significant number (24 percent) of
patients developed serum TSH levels greater than 10 mU/l
(Gracious et al., 2004) within only 20 weeks. This much
larger thyroid impact suggests a synergistic effect of valproate and lithium such that extra caution should be exercised in thyroid monitoring for young people receiving the combination.
Valproate and polycystic ovariesPolycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS)chronic anovulation and hyperandrogenism with or without actual polycystic ovariesis
associated with oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, and acne.
Given that menstrual irregularities are common in adolescents, it is important to obtain a baseline menstrual history
when evaluating the impact of valproate. See Chapter 20
for a review of two recent large studies of bipolar adults,
whose results indicate a very substantial divalproex-related
increase in PCOS and menstrual irregularities compared
with other mood stabilizers. These findings are especially
important to the management of adolescents, considered
to be most vulnerable to this adverse effect.

Atypical antipsychotics and prolactinAs reviewed in

Chapter 14, dopamine-2 (D2) receptor antagonism is
associated with elevated prolactin, as dopamine blocks
the release of prolactin. The affinity of atypical antipsychotics for this receptor and thus their likelihood of
causing hyperprolactinemia can be summarized as
follows: risperidone >olanzapine >ziprasidone >quetiapine >clozapine >aripiprazole. Postpubertal children
and adolescents may be more susceptible than adults
to drug-induced prolactin elevations (Wudarsky et al.,
1999). However, a rise in prolactin does not necessarily translate into a clinical problem. Moreover, the rise
in prolactin appears to be relatively transient (Findling et al., 2003b), so it is unnecessary to measure prolactin levels routinely. Prolactin levels should be measured if, after initiation of an atypical, amenorrhea or
oligomenorrhea develops in an adolescent who previously had regular menses. The clinical manifestations
of hyperprolactinemia in adolescents include breast
enlargement/engorgement and/or galactorrhea, failure
to enter or progress through puberty, and the development of hirsutism.
Weight gain associated with atypical antipsychotics, lithium,
and divalproexThis is a concern for patients of all ages,
and as detailed in Chapter 20, combinations of these
drugs are likely to increase the risk. Some of the atypical
antipsychotics have an especially significant tendency to
promote weight gain, particularly in patients who have
not had prior exposure to psychotropic medication (Correll et al., 2005), as is the case for young people. This
point is relevant because the occurrence of the metabolic
syndrome in young people predicts development of atherosclerosis and vascular disease early in adulthood,
while obesity during adolescence predicts later coronary
artery disease and colorectal cancer even more strongly
than obesity during adulthood. Data on adults (Allison
et al., 1999; American Diabetes Association, 2004; Casey,
2004) and from an ongoing large-scale naturalistic study
involving children and adolescents (Correll et al., 2005)
suggest the following rank order among the atypicals in
terms of ability to promote weight gain and development
of the metabolic syndrome: clozapine = olanzapine >>
risperidone >>quetiapine >ziprasidone >/=aripiprazole. In
addition, the prospect of weight gain is likely to affect
medication adherence, particularly among adolescents,
for whom appearance is especially important.
Lamotrigine and Stevens-Johnson syndromeThis potentially lethal condition is quite uncommon in young
people with appropriate dosingaccording to the German rash registry, 1 in 1,700 for those under age 16 versus 1
in 10,000 in adults (most of the youths in the registry were
being treated for epilepsy with multiple rash-producing

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

drugs).18 It is important for the clinician to follow carefully the gradual upward titration schedule outlined in
Chapter 20.

Summary of Pharmacological Studies

of Bipolar Disorder
Numerous problems beset pharmacological studies of
bipolar disorder in young people. The relative rarity of
DSM-IV bipolar disorder in prepubertal children limits
the number of subjects available for systematic trials.
Moreover, from the earliest studies, there has been a great
deal of heterogeneity in the subjects involved; this has
been the case even in studies involving only adolescents. And although more recent studies have used structured interviews and rating scales such as the YMRS, the
high prevalence of comorbidities across studies makes
their results too heterogeneous to be compared meaningfully. Comorbid conditions may well affect the action of
mood-stabilizing medications as well. In the case of
placebo-controlled studies, the study duration and the
severity of symptoms among subjects are limited by ethical constraints. Outpatient studies suffer from major
problems with adherence, interfering stressors, family crises,
and high dropout rates (Carlson et al., 2003). Inpatient
studies are expensive and, some would suggest, not as
Despite the difficulties faced by placebo-controlled
studies, treatment research in pediatric bipolar disorder is
moving forward at an accelerating pace. Whereas just a
short while ago there were few agents and little agreement
among experts, today there are many agents and many more
areas of consensus. We are encouraged by the number and
scope of controlled studies currently under way. While we
await their results, we must note that in the many areas in
which placebo-controlled data are inadequate, experts are
still able to reach substantial agreement on recommendations by drawing on results of open studies and clinical
experience. Thus today, clinicians, patients, and families
enjoy an expanded array of options, many of them supported by extensive observations in the real world of clinical practice.

Electroconvulsive Therapy
The body of knowledge on the use of ECT in young people
has grown to the point that a practice parameter has been
developed to provide advice to child and adolescent psychiatrists (Ghaziuddin et al., 2004). Several reviews have
summarized the literature on ECT, including its successful
use in treating mania in bipolar adolescents (at least those
without comorbid personality disorder) (Rey and Walter,
1997; Walter et al., 1999; Walter and Rey, 2003). There have


been no controlled studies, but these reviews have identified 60 reports (63 percent of which were case studies) describing the use of ECT in 396 patients. Rates of improvement across studies were 63 percent for depression, 80
percent for mania, 80 percent for catatonia (which is often
related to bipolar disorder), and 42 percent for schizophrenia. One study evaluated adolescents about 5 years after
they had undergone ECT. Compared with carefully matched
psychiatric controls, 11 adolescents given ECT for psychotic
depression or mania were similar in school and social functioning. Bipolar disorder was the most common follow-up
diagnosis, however, suggesting that for some, the antidepressant effectiveness of the procedure was accompanied
by a switch into mania (Taieb et al., 2002). The only data on
prepubertal children come from a report on 2 successfully
treated patients with refractory mania (Hill et al., 1997) and
1 with severe depression with catatonic features (Russell
et al., 2002).

Fristad and colleagues (1998) used a manual-driven, adjunctive, multiple-family group treatment approach for
children aged 8 to 12 with bipolar and depressive disorders.
This method includes psychoeducation about the disorder
and the role of medications, training in communication
skills to improve interactions between parents and children, stress management, and development of coping
strategies. In a randomized controlled trial, this same group
(Fristad et al., 2002) showed that multifamily psychoeducation was associated with increased knowledge about bipolar disorder and treatment options, better skills in dealing
with the bipolar child, more active attitudes toward mobilizing resources to benefit the child, and an increased sense
of support compared with a wait-list control group.
Miklowitz and colleagues (2000, 2004) developed a manual for adolescents aged 13 to 17 years with bipolar-I disorder. This manual is an adaptation of the family-focused
therapy model for bipolar adults, designed to make it appropriate for this age group and to address clinical issues specific to juvenile bipolar disorder. In an open, 1 year observational study of 20 bipolar adolescents, the approach, in
combination with mood stabilizers, moderately improved
symptoms of depression and mania and behavior problems
(Miklowitz et al., 2004). Greene and colleagues (Greene
et al., 2003; Greene and Ablon, 2005) developed a collaborative problem-solving model that focuses on parents assistance to their children. Parents are encouraged to avoid
engaging their children until after a rage attack subsides, at
which point collaborative problem solving can be encouraged. This approach is controversial, however, since the
model emphasizes no consequences for the rage behavior
or associated actions. Pavuluri and colleagues (2004a)



developed a treatment program that involves parent-andchild sessions for 8- to 12-year-olds with bipolar disorder,
termed child- and family-focused cognitive-behavioral
therapy, described in detail in Chapter 22.

A serious psychiatric condition such as bipolar disorder that
begins in childhood or adolescence does more than interfere with the patients life: it also interferes with development. Thus it is encouraging that information on the treatment of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents, while
still lagging behind that for adults, is improving. In the nottoo-distant future, ongoing research is expected to resolve
the dilemma of how to diagnose children (younger than age
12) more accurately and how to distinguish bipolar disorder
in this population from a host of common comorbidities,
including ADHD. Once consensus exists on how to classify
children, more advanced treatment strategies for this age
group can be pursued in clinical trials. In the meantime,
most of our knowledge about treatment for children comes
from open studies and clinical experience, combined with
what is known from controlled studies of adolescents.
Although the evidence base is far from strong, this chapter provides clinical guidance on the use of medical and
psychotherapeutic treatments for both children and adolescents. As of this writing, a number of clinical and industrysponsored trials have just been launched, and their results
can be expected to greatly increase the current knowledge
To summarize our treatment recommendations, mania
should be treated with lithium, an anticonvulsant, and/or
an atypical antipsychotic, depending on the clinical presentation. One common and perplexing question is how to
treat a youngster whose symptoms of bipolar disorder may
actually be symptoms of ADHD, or one who has ADHD
comorbid with bipolar disorder. When a diagnosis of mania is clear, a mood stabilizer should be prescribed first,
followed by treatment for the ADHD. When a mania diagnosis is less clear, we believe the ADHD should be addressed; if the child becomes more irritable, an atypical
antipsychotic may be used and the ADHD readdressed as
needed. With regard to a first depression in youths with
a clear positive family history of mania in first-degree relatives, lamotrigine should be offered initially; if there is
a family history of lithium response, lithium may be preferred over lamotrigine. An antidepressant can be added
later if the response to the mood stabilizer is inadequate. If
the clinical situation makes it appear unwise to wait, however, the antidepressant can be started simultaneously with
the mood stabilizer. If the family or child resists a mood stabilizer or is simply unhappy with taking two medications,

an antidepressant may be initiated alone, but only if the

patient can be monitored very carefully for any signs of incipient mania or mixed state.
With regard to maintenance therapy for bipolar disorder, treatment guidelines in adults extrapolated to young
people suggest the use of lithium or lamotrigine. The jury is
still out as to whether olanzapine and aripiprazole, which
have FDA maintenance indications, will prove to prevent
new episodes (a prophylactic effect) as opposed to simply
being effective continuation treatments following an acute
antimanic response.
Psychosocial approaches are a vital component of treatment. They can improve social, academic, and family functioning, as well as promote adherence to pharmacological
therapies. Evidence-based psychosocial therapies include
psychoeducation and family therapy to help families devise constructive ways of problem solving.

1. Duffy et al., 1998; Egeland et al., 2000, 2003; Shaw et al., 2005.
2. For the acute treatment of mania in children and adolescents,
side-effect considerations appear similar to those in adults, although some investigators have noted fewer side effects in children (see McClellan and Werry, 1997). Lithium has a shorter
half-life in children because of their more efficient renal physiology and, therefore will reach steady-state levels more quickly.
Children may be more susceptible to the cognitive dulling seen
in adults at higher serum levels (Silva et al., 1992).
3. The issue of a possible effect of valproate on female reproductive function is important for girls and young women who are
taking the drug. Regular monitoring of reproductive function
in female patients taking valproate is recommended, including
questioning patients during visits regarding menstrual disorders, fertility, weight gain, hirsutism, and galactorrhea.
4. Compared with adult trials, ethical constraints make it more
difficult to get seriously ill children admitted to trials with
placebo controls. Therefore, placebo responses are often high,
which can obscure an active drug effect.
5. The Geller and colleagues (1999) data emerged from a tricyclic antidepressant trial that found no relationship between
antidepressant use and the development of subsequent bipolar disorder.
6. Odds and odds ratios are based on comparison of rates of
bipolar disorder in the offspring of adults with the disorder
versus another sample, usually a population sample. Rates of
bipolar disorder are just over 1 percent, and of depression are
nearly 10 percent. Thus if rates of disorder in bipolar offspring are 5 percent for bipolar disorder and 20 percent for
unipolar depression, more have unipolar depression. But the
rate of bipolar disorder is 5 times higher than that in the general population, whereas the rate of unipolar depression is
only 2 times higher.
7. West et al., 1994, Papatheodorou et al., 1995; Deltito et al., 1998.
8. Oxcarbazepine is a 10-keto analogue of carbamazepine that
apparently is without the parent compounds hematopoietic

Treatment of Children and Adolescents

9. For quetiapine, the baseline mean was 35 (standard deviation

[SD] = 8), and the end-point mean was 12 (SD = 11). For divalproex, the baseline mean was 36 (SD = 7), and the endpoint mean was 17 (SD = 11).
10. Other potentially relevant information on quetiapine comes
from an open safety trial in 10 adolescents with chronic or
intermittent psychosis (i.e., not specified as bipolar) who
were subsequently followed for 88 weeks (McConville et al.,
2000). Doses of 300 to 800 mg/day were used, reportedly
with minimal side effects.
11. As opposed to most studies of combined medications, these
subjects were not selected on the basis of nonresponse to
12. Findling et al., 2000; Aman et al., 2002; Snyder et al., 2002;
Turgay et al., 2002.
13. Frazier et al., 1999; ACNP, 2005; Biederman et al., 2005a.
14. The starting dose was 25 mg/day (12.5 mg in three subjects also
taking valproate) for 2 weeks, 50 mg for 2 weeks, then 100 mg,
125 mg, and 150 mg, with a final mean dose of 132 mg/day. No
rashes developed (Chang et al., 2006).


15. Clearly, if 20 percent of bipolar adults destabilize on antidepressants, 80 percent do not, as is suggested by other studies
(Maj et al., 2002; Altshuler et al., 2003; Gijsman et al., 2004;
Joffe et al., 2005; Carlson et al., 2006).
16. We can only assume that if some early-onset depressive patients are going to become bipolar but have not yet manifested
mania, some will inadvertently be included in these trials.
17. The possibility that clinicians treating young versus older people are quicker to use mood stabilizers if they perceive that certain side effects are occurring cannot be ruled out.
18. The safety profiles of the anticonvulsants are well characterized for children and adolescents taking these agents for
epilepsy. Younger patients may be at greater risk of rare idiosyncratic hepatic and dermatological reactions, as these problems have generally been reported more frequently in children
than in adolescents and adults. The manufacturers of lamotrigine do not recommend its use in patients younger than age
16 years, except for special antiepilepsy indications, because
of the apparently higher incidence of toxic epidermal necrolysis in the young.

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Treatment of Comorbidity

Two months of intense selfanalysisdream interpretation etc. Remarried. . . . Wife left me

because of drinking. . . . Many barbiturates and tranquilizers . . . Many hospitalizations. . . .
Severe memory loss, memory distortions. DTs. . . . Quart of whisky a day for months in
Dublin working hard on a long poem. Dry 4 months 2 years ago. Wife hiding bottles, myself
hiding bottles.
John Berryman (cited in Haffenden, 1982, pp. 374375)

For most of the medical and psychiatric conditions that are

comorbid with manic-depressive illness, a combination of
psychosocial approaches and medication is optimal. Few
controlled trials of pharmacotherapy have been conducted,
however, despite the high prevalence of comorbidity in patients with manic-depressive illness, especially the bipolar
subgroup. Most clinical trials aim for a pure presentation
of the disorder being studied and therefore exclude patients with comorbid conditions. As a result, it is difficult
to select treatment based on demonstrated efficacy in a specific comorbid population. Instead, the focus has tended to
be on identifying treatment for the comorbid condition
that will not destabilize the mood disorder.
Mood stabilizers that have been shown to be effective in
noncomorbid bipolar patients are an obvious first choice
for the treatment of comorbid illnesses because they can
contribute to the stabilization of both conditions simultaneously. If additional agents are required, the first consideration is that they should not exacerbate depression, mania,
or cycling. Thus the risk of the comorbid illness must be
weighed against the risk of the adjunctive treatment. In practice, this type of risk assessment is difficult given the paucity
of controlled studies available to guide the clinician. A realistic approach is to rely on clinical judgment and knowledge
of a patients unique presentation while conducting regular
assessments of the patients response to a given treatment.
Such ongoing assessment will enable the clinician to detect
any destabilization of the mood disorder in response to the
treatment for the comorbid condition so that alternative
treatment strategies can be pursued.
In this chapter, we review in turn what is known about
the treatment of the following comorbid conditions commonly seen in patients with manic-depressive illness:
substance abuse, anxiety disorders (panic disorder, social

anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder), eating and personality disorders,
and general medical disorders (cardiovascular disease, obesity, and thyroid dysfunction). Since the management of
comorbid ADHD involves primarily children and adolescents, it is covered in Chapter 23.

The first step in the treatment of any disorder is to conduct
a comprehensive assessment. For patients with substance
abuse comorbidity, an initial assessment must include an
evaluation of the effects of the substance(s) on the patients
affective stability. Differentiating mood changes brought
about by affective illness from those brought about by alcohol or drug abuse can be a subtle and complex process.
In some cases, simple coincidence accounts for the coexistence of two disorders in the same individual, whereas
in others, the alcohol and drug abuse may reflect genetically influenced behavioral traits that overlap the mood
and addictive disorders (such as stimulus seeking and poor
impulse control). Alternatively, the substance abuse may
simply reflect an attempt at self-treatment of depression,
mania, or especially mixed states.
Just as affective illness can mask substance abuse, the
reverse is also true. Accurate diagnosis of both disorders is
vital because it is the basis for important treatment decisions. For example, it is unnecessary and unwise to prescribe mood stabilizers or antidepressants for transient
mood symptoms secondary to substance abuse that will
spontaneously remit with abstinence. Many investigators
(e.g., Schuckit, 1983; Driessen et al., 2001) have noted that
with primary alcoholism and an apparent secondary affective disorder, affective symptoms usually remit within 2 to



4 weeks after cessation of alcohol use. Treating only substance abuse in the presence of an independent affective
illness, on the other hand, risks persistence of the problems
associated with mood disorders.
Adequate assessment of a patient with possible diagnoses of bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder and substance abuse requires systematic inquiry using standardized diagnostic criteria. Family histories of affective and
substance abuse problems, as well as a detailed chronicling
of symptom onset, also are important. Such histories aid in
teasing out the more probable or primary diagnosis; moreover, they assist the clinician in identifying and counseling
the manic-depressive patient who has a family history of
alcoholism, a history that makes the patient more liable to
become an alcoholic (Morrison, 1975). It is also important
to differentiate between adolescent-onset affective disorders
and early-onset alcoholism, which, like the bipolar form of
manic-depressive illness, can be associated with aggressive
and impulsive behavior. Indeed, early-onset alcoholism
tends to be associated with a high degree of comorbidity.
For example, Famularo and colleagues (1985) diagnosed
bipolar illness in 7 of 10 cases of alcohol abuse developing
before the age of 13. Driessen and colleagues (1998) studied
a sample of 250 hospitalized alcohol-dependent patients
and found that the majority of late-onset subjects were either not comorbid at all or had Axis I comorbidity only.
Early-onset alcohol dependence, on the other hand, was
preferentially associated with personality disorders. Gender
differences also play a role. Goldstein and colleagues (2006),
in a large-scale study of data from the 20012002 National
Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,
found that among those with comorbid bipolar-I and alcohol abuse disorders, the former was more likely to go
untreated among males and the latter more likely to go untreated among females.
In addition to a comprehensive diagnostic interview,
a urine screen for drugs is important, as indicated by the
finding of Estroff and colleagues (1985, p. 38) that there
existed little relationship between patients self-reported
patterns of drug abuse . . . and the results of the urine
analysis. On the other hand, another study that evaluated
patients seeking treatment specifically for drug problems
found that self-reports of drug use were generally reliable
(Brown et al., 1992), as reflected in the .65 reliability coefficient (kappa) between self-report and urinalysis results for
most of the substances studied.
As with comorbid conditions in general, there is a
paucity of data on how best to treat patients with comorbid mood and substance abuse disorders. Unfortunately,
alcohol and drug abuse disorders are among the most common exclusionary criteria for patients entering clinical trials. At the same time, studies of substance abusers generally

exclude patients with co-occurring psychiatric disorders.

Clinicians must therefore rely primarily on their clinical
acumen in addition to the sparse empirically derived
data when determining which treatments are best for patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance abuse
Treatment for the two disorders can be structured in a
number of different ways: selective treatment of only one of
the comorbid conditions, sequential treatment of first one
and then the other, parallel treatment of each, and integrated treatment of the two together. It is important to note
that no pharmacological treatment for substance abuse has
been shown to be effective in the absence of psychosocial
therapy. Therefore, any strategy that involves treatment of
the substance abuse disorder must have a psychosocial component, which should include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA),
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or their equivalent.
Because it is easy for one of the two diagnoses to be
missed (usually the substance abuse), selective treatment of
only one of the two conditions is common. In such cases,
favorable outcomes and long-term stabilization are unlikely.
Because substance abuse triggers and exacerbates bipolar
and recurrent unipolar disorders (and vice versa), such an
approach is analogous to the partial treatment of an infection; the untreated pathology reactivates the morbid process. In a minority of cases, it is conceivable that effective
treatment of the mood disorder will attenuate the substance
abuse disorder such that the patient is able to recover from
the latter without professional intervention. Nevertheless,
treatment of only the mood disorder results in significant
numbers of patients being labeled incorrectly as treatment
resistant. These patients, especially the bipolar subgroup, fail
to stabilize despite multiple trials of mood stabilizers not because of some factor intrinsic to their mood disorder, but as
the consequence of an unrecognized or inadequately treated
comorbid substance abuse disorder.
When co-occurring illnesses are diagnosed accurately,
some patients may receive treatment first for one and then
for the other. Such sequential treatment may be the result
of factors within the system of care. Some mental health
clinics are unable to treat patients with active substance
abuse problems, while some substance abuse programs
require that co-occurring psychiatric disorders be stabilized prior to enrollment. Although it is not ideal, sequential treatment can be effective for some patients. Because
the two illnesses interact in harmful ways, stabilization
of one can facilitate improvement in the other, making
remission more likely.
Parallel treatment involves addressing both disorders concurrently but independently. Thus comorbid bipolar disorder is approached in the same way as the disorder without
co-occurring substance abuse. Such an approach, however,

Treatment of Comorbidity

fails to address the ways in which the two illnesses interact.

Therefore, the best approach is an integrated one that takes
the comorbid substance abuse into account in choosing
a treatment for the affective disorder. The interactions between the disorders are considered in selecting both pharmacological and psychosocial treatments. Specialized programs
that offer integrated treatment are rare, however, and for
many patients, accessing such treatment is not possible. Integrated treatment is discussed in more detail below in the
section on psychosocial therapies.
Most psychiatrists are familiar with the large body of evidence supporting the efficacy of available treatments for
recurrent depression and bipolar disorder. There tends to
be widespread pessimism, however, about the long-term efficacy of treatments for substance abuse disorders. There
are a number of reasons for this unfounded pessimism. For
example, clinicians may initially be exposed to the most seriously ill substance abuse patients, many of whom are seen
in emergency rooms. These patients demonstrate poor adherence to treatment recommendations, have very limited
support networks, and often show little motivation for
change. Clinicians may come to view these intractable cases
as typical of substance abuse disorders. Substance abuse in
patients with good prognoses, on the other hand, may not
be recognized because the pathology is more subtle. Such
patients may be employed and have homes, and their substance abuse may not be diagnosed unless a clinician specifically inquires about it with both the patient and the family.
Clinicians who believe that substance abuse disorders do
not respond to treatment may neglect to ask patients and
family members about them, fail to identify the most treatable individuals, and consequently develop only limited
experience with those who successfully overcome their addictions.
Inappropriate measurements of efficacy also contribute
to the belief that substance abuse treatment does not
work. For patients with substance dependence, full abstinence is the long-term goal; achieving this goal is a gradual process, however, and improvement may occur only
incrementally. Judging a treatment based on its ability to
achieve this long-term goal rapidly can be misleading. Thus
it is useful to think of substance abuse as a chronic relapsing illness, similar to diabetes or hypertension, for which
it is not clinically meaningful to expect that treatment will
lead in the short term to an asymptomatic state. In this
respect, substance abuse and psychiatric disorders differ:
many treatments commonly used in psychiatry demonstrate efficacy over a period of weeks to months, whereas
substance abuse treatments may take months to years to
be fully effective.
Despite the belief that substance abuse does not respond
well to treatment, a study of 51 patients with comorbid


bipolar disorder and substance abuse found that the treatment for the addiction was more successful than the treatment for the mood disorder. Over the course of 3 years,
symptoms of bipolar disorder improved only modestly,
whereas 61 percent of the subjects were in full remission
from their substance abuse disorder at the end of the study
period (Drake et al., 2004). Successful treatment of the substance abuse in this study was associated with greater rates
of independent living, employment, social contacts with
nonsubstance abusers, and overall quality of life. Indeed,
measuring psychosocial functioning is the most appropriate way to evaluate a behavioral intervention.
Before taking a more detailed look at pharmacological
and psychosocial treatments for comorbid manic-depressive
illness and substance abuse, we wish to reemphasize that although comparatively little is known about the most effective ways to treat these patients, recovery is unlikely unless
both illnesses are addressed. Recognition of the substance
abuse problem is the essential first step, and lack of recognition is a common obstacle to effective treatment. Substanceabusing patients with comorbid mood disorders are more
difficult to treat, and long-term abstinence may take longer
to achieve. Nevertheless, the extensive literature demonstrating that noncomorbid substance abuse disorder can be
managed successfully with currently available treatments
suggests the possibility, or even the likelihood, of good outcomes for appropriately treated manic-depressive patients
as well.

Pharmacological Treatment
Although pharmacological treatment in the absence of psychosocial intervention is not an adequate treatment for
substance abuse, effective medication can contribute to a
positive outcome. This strategy may also allow the clinician
to reduce the total number of drugs a patient must take,
which may increase treatment adherence. Table 241 presents the results of open-label and placebo-controlled trials
of mood stabilizers in patients with affective disorders and
comorbid substance abuse (Levin and Hennessy, 2004).
Bipolar disorder in the presence of a comorbid substance
abuse disorder may not respond well to lithium. A retrospective review of the medical records of 204 bipolar-I inpatients found that patients with substance abuse histories
who received divalproex or carbamazepine remitted during
hospitalization more often than did those who received
lithium as the sole mood stabilizer (Goldberg et al., 1999).
Additionally, an assessment of 44 patients using a structured
interview found that dually diagnosed patients were more
likely to be adherent to valproate than to lithium (Weiss
et al., 1998). It may be that patients who are good lithium
responders, that is, those with predominantly euphoric, or
classic manias, may be less likely to use alcohol and drugs

Table 241. Open-Label and Placebo-Controlled Trials of Mood Stabilizers in Mood Disorders (Primarily Bipolar)
with Comorbid Substance Abuse


(Sample Size)


Type of





Drug Usea

Cocaine (16)

4 cyclothymia,
3 dysthymia,
2 major depressive disorder
(MDD), 7 no
diagnosis (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual,
3rd edition



Weekly individual
and group

Not assessed

for 3-year
patients only;
measured by
a 20-point
analog scale

Self-reported for
patients only;
urine drug screen
(UDS) collected
every 3 to 6 weeks
during the trial

et al., 1990

Cocaine (10)

Hypomania or



Drug counselor

Improved hypomania in 5 patients as assessed

by General
Inventory (GBI)

in 5 patients
as assessed by
Cocaine Craving Scale

3 patients
cocaine-free for
3 weeks, as assessed by weekly
UDS; of these,
one achieved

et al., 1995

Alcohol, cocaine,
or multiple
substances (9)

Bipolar-I disorder

Open-label/started Valproate/24
inpatient, then
followed outpatient


Hamilton Depression Scale

(HAM-D) and
Young Mania
Rating Scale

Not assessed

in days and
amounts of substance used as
assessed by TimeLine Followback
collected every
other month


Gawin and
Kleber, 1984


et al., 1998

Alcohol (7);
marijuana (2);
alcohol and
marijuana (14);
inhalant (1);
inhalant, and
cough syrup (1)
(total of 25

Bipolar-I or -II
disorder, or
MDD with bipolar predictors


Lithium or
placebo/6 (13
lithium treated,
12 placebo

Weekly interpersonal therapy

modified for

Childrens Global Not assessed

Assessment Scale

Percentage of
positive UDS
decreased in the
lithium group
compared with
the placebo
groupc; UDS

et al., 2001

cocaine (56)

bipolar-I or -II
disorder (DSM,
4th edition,


Lithium +

intensive outpatient chemical

HAM-D and
YMRS, Global
Assessment Scale
(GAS) after 4
weeks of treatment; statistical/
clinical significance not

Not assessed

14 patients met
DSM-IV criteria
for full remission
of alcohol or
drug abuse
disorder after 6
months; no UDS

et al., 2002

Cocaine (139: 57
with affective
disorder [ADd],
82 with no affective disorder

Lifetime diagnosis
of bipolar-I or-II
disorder, MDD,
dysthymia, or


(CBZ) or
(AD: 30 CBZ,d
27 placebod;
NAD: 42CBZ,d
40 placebo)

Non-studyrelated, outpatient substance

abuse treatment

Not significant
and Beck Depression Index (BDI)c
but not YMRS
for the CBZ/AD

for the entire

sample, assessed by a
rating scale

Compared with
other three
groups, CBZ/AD
group had NS
trend toward
percentage of
positive UDS and
longer time to
first cocaine use,
as assessed by
TLFB and Cocaine Use Inventoryc; UDS
collected weekly

Table 241. Open-Label and Placebo-Controlled Trials of Mood Stabilizers in Mood Disorders (Primarily Bipolar)
with Comorbid Substance Abuse (continued)


(Sample Size)


Type of





Drug Usea

et al., 2002

Cocaine (17)

Bipolar-I or -II


quetiapine (12)


and Brief
Psychiatric Rating
Scalec (BPRS)

as assessed by

NS days of
cocaine use,
money spent on
cocaine; slight
increase in
positive UDSc

et al., 2003

Cocaine (30)

Bipolar-I, -II,
or not otherwise specified


adjunctive or

24 patients in
non-studyrelated substance abuse

HAM-D and

as assessed by

NS days of use,
money spent
on cocaine; no
change in positive UDSc; UDS
collected weekly

Note: = increased; = decreased.

Results are statistically or clinically significant unless otherwise noted by NS.
Subgroup of 3 cyclothymic, 1 dysthymic, and 2 with no diagnosis received lithium. Others received desipramine (6) or psychotherapy only (4).
Intent-to-treat and computer analyses.
Six patients were involved in substance abuse treatment, and 11 were not.
Source: Reprinted from Levin and Hennessy, 2004, with permission from the Society of Biological Psychiatry.

Treatment of Comorbidity

to self-medicate than those who have predominantly mixed

states (and may therefore be more likely to respond to anticonvulsants).
As summarized in Table 241, only a few double-blind,
placebo-controlled trials have included a substantial number of substance-abusing patients with affective illness (primarily bipolar disorder). A recent 24-week controlled study
followed 59 patients with comorbid bipolar-I disorder and
alcohol dependence who had been randomized in a doubleblind fashion to receive either valproate or placebo in addition to standard therapy with lithium (Salloum et al., 2005).
Patients who received valproate had significantly fewer
heavy drinking days. Valproate plus lithium therapy also significantly prolonged the time to relapse to sustained heavy
drinkingto an average of 93 days, compared with an average of 62 days for those taking lithium alone. Supporting the
specific benefit of the anticonvulsant, higher valproate serum
concentrations correlated with improved alcohol abuse outcomes. There were no statistically significant differences in
mood symptoms between the two groups, reflecting the
mood-stabilizing efficacy of lithium in both. This finding
suggests that the reduced drinking observed in the valproate
group was not simply the result of a more stable mood, and
that a separate mechanism played a role in reducing alcohol
Valproate enhances gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA),
which may be affected in substance abuse disorders. GABA
neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbans, the reward
center of the brain where addictive drugs have their effects,
diminish the release of dopamine and may attenuate the
reinforcing properties of these substances. Although the
antimanic efficacy of valproate is well established, data on
its use in patients with substance abuse disorders are limited. In one open-label study, the efficacy of valproate for
acute detoxification of noncomorbid alcohol-dependent
subjects was demonstrated. Valproate reduced the symptoms of withdrawal more rapidly and consistently than benzodiazepines (the current standard of care), and valproatetreated patients were abstinent at 6-week follow-up (Longo
et al., 2002). Valproate is an attractive option in this population because, unlike benzodiazepines, it does not have
abuse potential.
While the anticonvulsants carbamazepine and topiramate have not been examined in bipolar patients with comorbid alcohol abuse, both have been shown to have a place
in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Carbamazepine has
been used successfully to treat acute alcohol detoxification.
In a study of 100 noncomorbid outpatients, carbamazepine
was more effective than placebo in reducing symptoms of
alcohol withdrawal, and patients taking it experienced a
more rapid improvement in their ability to work (Bjorkqvist
et al., 1976). In another study, carbamazepine was shown


to work more rapidly than a benzodiazepine in reducing

symptoms of alcohol withdrawal (Malcolm et al., 2002).
Carbamazepine was also found to be as effective as oxazepamthe standard of care in detoxification unitsin
a double-blind study, and by one measure it was superior.
Subjects taking oxazepam showed an increase in global
psychological distress from day 3 to day 7, whereas those
taking carbamazepine exhibited a decline (Malcolm et al.,
1989). After day 7, there was no difference between the two
Actively abusing patients generally require detoxification as a precursor to sobriety. However, detoxification is
not a treatment for the underlying abuse disorder because
by itself, it does not address the central issue of managing
long-term craving and relapse. A 12-month study of carbamazepine provided evidence of its potential usefulness in
preventing relapse. This double-blind, placebo-controlled
study of 29 noncomorbid adult alcoholics found that carbamazepine decreased the number of drinks per drinking
day and delayed the time to first episode of heavy drinking
(Mueller et al., 1997).
Similarly, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
topiramate found a robust effect on the core symptoms of
alcohol dependence. In this study, 150 subjects were treated
over a period of 12 weeks with either placebo or an average
of 300 mg/day of topiramate. Subjects receiving topiramate
had fewer drinks per day, fewer heavy drinking days, and
more days abstinent (Johnson et al., 2003). In another
study, topiramate significantly reduced both alcohol consumption and craving in alcohol-dependent subjects (Johnson et al., 2003). On the other hand, while open-label studies have shown promising results for topiramate in the
treatment of mania in noncomorbid patients with bipolar
disorder, controlled trials have failed to confirm its antimanic efficacy (see Chapter 18).
Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant with antiglutamatergic
properties, is an effective mood stabilizer, especially against
depression; that is, it stabilizes from below (see Chapter
19). We could find only one study of lamotrigine involving bipolar patients with comorbid alcohol dependence,
that of Rubio and colleagues (2006). They gave open-label
lamotrigine to 28 patients (21 bipolar-I, 7 bipolar-II, as
diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
[SCID]) and assessed weekly changes in scores on the
Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), the
Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), the Brief Psychiatric
Rating Scale (BPRS), and a self-rated craving scale, as well
as change in a biochemical indirect measure of alcohol consumption, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT). Significant improvement was noted in scores on all three
mood scales (p <.01) and in both craving and consumption (as reflected in CDT) (p <.001).



Unlike mood stabilizers, other drugs that are effective in

the treatment of substance abuse disorders may carry a
risk of destabilizing a comorbid manic-depressive patient.
For example, naltrexone has demonstrated efficacy in preventing relapse in noncomorbid alcohol dependence. However, some studies (Hollister et al., 1981; Latt et al., 2002),
though not all (Chick et al., 2000), have raised the question of whether naltrexone causes depression when used to
treat alcohol dependence, possibly by blocking the positive
mood effects associated with opioid peptides. Two cases
reported by Sonne and Brady (2000) illustrate the potential problems bipolar patients can experience when given
naltrexone for comorbid alcohol dependence. Both patients experienced severe adverse effects after taking a single dose of naltrexone and refused to continue the medication. One experienced dysphoria. Both were hypomanic at
the time of naltrexone administration, and the authors
noted that mania may be associated with the production of
higher levels of endogenous opiates (Olson et al., 1996),
which would make individuals in this state exquisitely sensitive to the actions of an opiate antagonist.
Disulfiram may also be problematic in some comorbid
patients. Under normal conditions, the prospect of the aversive alcoholdisulfiram reaction would discourage alcohol
use. However, manic patients experiencing impaired judgment and impulsivity may not adequately appreciate the serious consequences of drinking while taking this drug.
Acamprosate is the most recently approved treatment
in the United States for the maintenance of abstinence
from alcohol. Unlike naltrexone, acamprosate does not reduce the reward associated with alcohol consumption, nor
does it cause an aversive reaction as does disulfiram. Indeed, the mechanism of action of acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol dependence is not well understood. It is
thought, however, that acamprosate affects both GABA
and glutamate activity. Animal studies suggest it restores
the normal balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition that is altered in chronic alcohol abuse (Berton et al.,
1998). A large multicenter trial comparing acamprosate
and placebo in 455 alcohol-dependent adults found that
the mean cumulative duration of abstinence was significantly greater in the acamprosate group (139 versus 104
days). At the end of the 1-year study, 41 (18.3 percent) of
the acamprosate-treated patients and 16 (7.1 percent) of the
placebo-treated patients had been continuously abstinent
(Whitworth et al., 1996). None of the patients in the study
had comorbid mood disorders, however. Similar results
were reported by Sass and colleagues (1996), who found
that over a period of 48 weeks, acamprosate-treated patients (with no comorbid mood disorder) were abstinent
62 percent of the days, compared with 45 percent for patients taking placebo.

Acamprosate is well tolerated; diarrhea was the most

common side effect reported by Whitworth and colleagues
(1996). Potentially relevant to the treatment of comorbid patients, however, are results of clinical trials showing an elevated risk of suicidality among acamprosate-treated patients
compared with those taking placebo. Completed suicides
were similar in the two groups: 3 (.13 percent) of 2,272
acamprosate-treated and 2 (.10 percent) of 1,962 placebotreated patients (.10 percent). However, suicidal events, including attempts and ideation, occurred in 2.4 percent of
patients who received acamprosate for at least a year, compared with 0.8 percent of those who received placebo. The
clinical relevance of these numbers is not yet fully understood, however, and it is essential to weigh the long-term
risks of the untreated illness against the potential risks of
this demonstrably effective medication.
Cocaine abuse and dependence are also common among
patients with bipolar disorder, in part because of the drugs
short-term antidepressant effect and in part because it extends and heightens hypomanic periods. As with alcohol
abuse, the antimanic anticonvulsant medications may
be useful in the treatment of cocaine abuse. In one study of
a group of adults with cocaine dependence, some of whom
also had a major affective disorder, there was a trend toward fewer cocaine-positive urine tests for those taking carbamazepine compared with those taking placebo (Brady
et al., 2002). More than half of the patients in this study did
not have a concurrent mood disorder, however, and among
these pure cocaine abusers, carbamazepine had no effect
on cocaine use compared with placebo. The benefit, therefore, may have been mediated by carbamazepines moodstabilizing capability rather than by an effect on cocaine
craving per se. This finding supports the possibility that
comorbid patients who receive treatment for bipolar disorder alone may be better able to reduce their substance
abuse. This finding also is consistent with the observation
that periods of abnormal mood tend to be associated with
increased drug use.
Open-label lamotrigine was found to produce a statistically significant improvement in mood and a significant
reduction in drug craving (but not a reduction in drug
use) in a group of 30 bipolar patients with comorbid cocaine dependence (Brown et al., 2003). In a subsequent extension of this study involving an additional 32 cocainedependent bipolar patients, Brown and colleagues (2006)
replicated their initial findings of improved mood and
reduced craving, and in addition were able to document
a significant reduction in cocaine use, as reflected in
money spent on the drug. In another group of such patients, reductions in craving and improvement in mood
were reported with open-label quetiapine (Brown et al.,

Treatment of Comorbidity

Psychosocial Treatment
The most widely known and used psychosocial program
for alcoholism, AA, has more than 1 million members participating in more than 30,000 groups that convene in at
least 70 different countries. Determining the programs efficacy and delineating the types of individuals for whom
it is most beneficial are difficult in anonymous, self-help
group settings, however. As Ogborne and Glaser (1985)
pointed out, it remains unclear (1) what proportion of any
population of problem drinkers would either accept or
benefit from a referral to AA; (2) whether benefits derived
from involvement with AA are greater than those gained
from other substance abuse treatment programs; and (3)
whether involvement with AA can have any detrimental effects on some of those who participate. A meta-analysis of
the literature on AA found that the correlation between
participation and drinking outcomes was more positive
among outpatient than inpatient samples; better-designed
studies were more likely to report positive psychosocial
outcomes related to AA attendance. In general, however,
studies of AA have lacked sufficient statistical power to detect relationships of interest (Tonigan et al., 1996).
While there is a paucity of well-controlled studies, our
clinical experience supports the widely held belief that AA
benefits many individuals at little or no cost to themselves
or to society. The program apparently derives much of its
success from the continuous support, hope, and help provided by peers; from exposure to successfully abstinent alcoholics; from the substitution of other AA members for
former drinking companions; and from increased selfregard gained through helping others in like circumstances
(Vaillant, 1978). On the other hand, not all alcoholics are
attracted to or able to tolerate AAs self-examining approach or religious underpinnings. Of particular relevance
to manic-depressive patients with drinking problems is the
opposition expressed by some AA members to the use of
chemicals other than alcohol, including mood-stabilizing
medications. Yet AA neither endorses nor prohibits the use
of psychiatric medications by its members. The pamphlet
AA: Medications and Other Drugs, published by the AA
General Service Conference, clearly distinguishes necessary and important prescription medications from selfadministered drugs.
To assess systematically the attitudes of AA members toward the use of medications, 277 AA members were surveyed anonymously. They were asked about their attitudes
toward the use of alcohol relapse prevention medication
and their experiences with any psychotropic medications
while in AA. Nearly a third (29 percent) reported personally experiencing some pressure to stop taking a medication (of any type); however, 69 percent of these individuals


continued taking the medication. Only 12 percent of respondents said they would tell another member to stop
taking medication (Rychtarik et al., 2000).
Double Trouble in Recovery (DTR) is a 12-step self-help
program specifically designed for persons with chronic
mental illness and a comorbid substance abuse disorder.
The program was started in 1989 and currently has more
than 200 groups in the United States. DTR specifically supports both abstinence from intoxicating substances and adherence to psychiatric medication regimens. Indeed, a 1-year
prospective longitudinal study of 310 participants in the
program found that consistent attendance at DTR meetings
was associated with better adherence to medication regimens (Magura et al., 2002). Although the study was not
randomized, this relationship persisted after controlling
for baseline variables that were independently associated
with adherence (living in supported housing, having fewer
stressful life events, and having a lower severity of psychiatric symptoms). A fifth of the patients in the study had bipolar disorder, a fifth had unipolar depression, and about
half had schizophrenia.
More recently, 129 stabilized outpatients meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) criteria for drug dependence (cocaine, heroin, or cannabis) and serious mental
illness (55 percent affective disorders, polarity not specified) were randomly assigned to 6 months of Behavioral
Treatment for Substance Abuse in Severe and Persistent
Mental Illness (BTSAS) or to a manualized control condition, Supportive Treatment for Addiction Recovery (STAR)
(Bellack et al., 2006). BTSAS entails a social learning intervention, including motivational interviewing, social skills
training, and a urinalysis contingency. Participants were
taught how to refuse drugs, engage in alternative social activities, and develop non-drug-using social contacts. The
STAR program consisted of support groups, some education, and checking of urine samples, but with no systematic
feedback. The BTSAS program was significantly more effective than STAR in terms of attendance at treatment sessions, clean urine test results, and survival in treatment. BTSAS participants reported a significant increase in general
life satisfaction, were less likely than STAR participants to
be hospitalized, and were less likely to be arrested.
Group therapy has been shown to be effective for treatment of both bipolar disorder and substance abuse disorders; however, few structured group therapies have been
developed to address comorbid substance abuse and bipolar
disorder simultaneously. An exception is Integrated Group
Therapy (IGT), a manualized relapse prevention therapy
that achieves an integrated approach by addressing topics
that are relevant to both disorders and by highlighting common aspects of recovery from, and relapse to, each disorder (Weiss et al., 1999, 2007). A 6-month, nonrandomized



pilot study found that, compared with patients who did not
receive group therapy, those who received IGT had significantly better outcomes on the Addiction Severity Index
drug composite score, spent more months abstinent, and
were more likely to achieve at least two consecutive abstinent months. The nonrandom design of this study did not
make it possible to compare the efficacy of IGT and other
forms of group therapy, however. A more recent, randomized study of 62 patients found that those receiving IGT had
significantly less substance abuse (Weiss et al., 2007).
In contrast to the benefits of the manualized IGT, unstructured therapy does not appear to be helpful, and it
may actually be harmful, for substance-abusing patients.
Weiss and colleagues (2000) followed 24 patients receiving
unstructured psychosocial treatment after hospital discharge. It was found that psychotherapy and AA attendance decreased over time among the study subjects, and
the focus of patients psychotherapy gradually became more
general, so that decreasing emphasis was placed on their
specific disorders. During this period, there was a trend toward more frequent drug use, while the patients mood
symptoms did not change significantly.

Panic Disorder
Uncomplicated panic disorder is generally treated pharmacologically with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or high-potency benzodiazepines. While the use of SSRIs in unipolar depression is relatively straightforward, in
bipolar patients the risk of switches into mania/hypomania/
mixed states and the risk of long-term destabilization must
be taken into account (see Chapter 19 for a full discussion of
these critical issues). The risk of switch/destabilization with
antidepressants may be increased by substance abuse comorbidity. For example, in a sample of 48 bipolar patients,
20 of whom had comorbid substance abuse, the probability
of having a history of an antidepressant-induced mania was
seven times greater among the comorbid patients. Overall,
60 percent of the bipolar patients with comorbid substance
abuse had become manic when given an antidepressant
(Goldberg and Whiteside, 2002). Although comorbid panic
disorder represents a case in which an SSRI may well be
needed, it is critical to first optimize mood stabilization. Indeed, as noted later, some mood stabilizers themselves have
been shown to have therapeutic effects in panic disorder
that could obviate the need for an SSRI.
Benzodiazepines, which are also effective in panic disorder, are frequently used during acute mania. Although they
may not possess inherent mood-stabilizing properties, they
can be highly effective in helping to normalize sleep, which

is a central objective in the treatment of mania. Apart from

some reports of alprazolam-induced mania (Goodman and
Charney, 1987), benzodiazepines do not appear to destabilize bipolar disorder. Given the high prevalence of substance
abuse disorders in this population, however, benzodiazepines
must be used cautiously because of their potential for abuse.
The frequency with which panic disorder occurs comorbidly with bipolar disorder may reflect a common underlying etiology (see Chapter 7). Use of a mood stabilizer to treat
both illnesses simultaneously can be an advantageous strategy. Unfortunately, lithium, for which there is the largest
database demonstrating efficacy in bipolar disorder, has not
been the subject of controlled studies in anxiety disorders.
There are more data on antipanic/anxiolytic effects among
the anticonvulsants. For example, valproate has been reported
to have some beneficial effects in the treatment of panic disorder, possibly due to GABA agonism (Keck et al., 1993). An
open-label study of the efficacy of valproate in rapidcycling bipolar disorder found that 95 percent of patients
with comorbid panic disorder reported improvement in
their panic symptoms when taking the drug. On the other
hand, a related anticonvulsant, carbamazepine, was not
found to be effective in a small trial of 14 patients with noncomorbid panic disorder. Only one patient experienced
marked and sustained clinical improvement on the drug,
while 50 percent actually experienced an increase in panic attacks (Uhde et al., 1988). A double-blind, placebo-controlled
study of gabapentin in 103 patients with panic disorder
(Pande et al., 2000) found it to be no different than placebo.
However, a post hoc analysis did reveal that gabapentin was
superior to placebo among the most severely ill patients.
With respect to bipolar disorder, placebo-controlled trials
have failed to demonstrate efficacy in mania (Pande et al.,
1999). Pregabalin, a novel anticonvulsant that binds to a
subunit of certain calcium channels, is approved as an addon in the treatment of partial seizures. It has been found
to be effective in controlled trials of generalized anxiety disorder,1 with a side-effect profile that is generally more favorable than that of comparators such as benzodiazepines
or SSRIs. In a recent placebo-controlled, head-to-head
comparison of pregabalin with venlafaxine in treating generalized anxiety disorder, only pregabalin achieved significant efficacy, as early as the first week, on all a priori primary and secondary efficacy measures (Montgomery et al.,
2006). Pregabalin, 400 mg, was better tolerated than venlafaxine, as reflected in significantly fewer dropouts due to
side effects. These results (if replicated), together with evidence that among the second-generation antidepressants,
velafaxine is associated with the highest risk of manic switch
(Leverich et al., 2006), underscore the importance of evaluating the efficacy of pregabalin in the treatment of comorbid anxiety disorders in bipolar patients.

Treatment of Comorbidity

Atypical antipsychotics are playing an increasingly important role in the treatment of bipolar disorder. All have
significant effects on the serotonin system; in contrast to the
SSRIs, however, this effect consists of direct stimulation or
inhibition of presynaptic and postsynaptic serotonin receptors. Results of some studies suggest that certain of these
agents, as well as the typical antipsychotics, including trifluoperazine (Mendels et al., 1986), may have anxiolytic properties in general (Wilner et al., 2002; Gao et al., 2006) as well
as in bipolar patients (Hirschfeld et al., 2006). To our knowledge, however, there have been no controlled trials of atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of panic disorder per se,
so their utility for this purpose remains speculative.
For optimal results, psychotherapeutic interventions
should generally be part of the comprehensive management
of comorbid panic disorders. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been shown to be effective in treating many anxiety disorders and is considered a first-line treatment.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Little is known about the pharmacological treatment of comorbid social anxiety disorder. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and serotonergic agents such as SSRIs are
effective for noncomorbid social anxiety disorder, but as
noted earlier, these medications can destabilize bipolar disorder. Although gabapentin has not been shown to be effective in bipolar disorder, one double-blind trial showed positive results in 69 patients with noncomorbid social anxiety
disorder (Pande et al., 1999). Presumably, gabapentin would
be less likely than antidepressants to cause destabilization
in patients with comorbid social anxiety disorder. The role
of some of the atypical antipsychotics in reducing anxiety
symptoms in bipolar disorder has already been noted.
As with the other comorbid anxiety disorders, cognitivebehavioral therapy should generally be part of the management strategy.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Serotonergic antidepressants are the most frequently used
treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); benzodiazepines (Hollander et al., 2003) and antidepressants
without serotonergic activity (Vulink et al., 2005) are not
effective for patients with this disorder. The use of antidepressants carries risks for these patients, however. A study
of 263 patients with OCD who had not been diagnosed
with bipolar disorder nevertheless found that 13 percent
had experienced a hypomanic episode, and that many of
the hypomanias occurred after treatment with an antidepressant (Lensi et al., 1996). Only 1.5 percent had experienced full manias, a finding consistent with data showing
that most patients with comorbid OCD and bipolar disorder have the bipolar-II type (Perugi et al., 1997).


As noted earlier, mood stabilizers such as lithium and the

atypical antipsychotics have some degree of serotonergic activity, but the evidence supporting their efficacy in treating
OCD is mixed. The findings of two controlled studies of
lithium augmentation of SSRIs in the treatment of refractory OCD without comorbid bipolar disorder were negative
(McDougle et al., 1991; Pigott et al., 1991). On the other hand,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of atypical antipsychotics (risperidone and quetiapine) have shown
some efficacy when these drugs are taken adjunctively by
OCD patients resistant to SSRIs (McDougle et al., 2000;
Denys et al., 2004).
Among patients with OCD, the degree of insight into the
irrationality of obsessions varies along a spectrum. In the
most severe cases, the degree of insight is low, and many
such patients have psychotic delusions. These patients also
tend to have less favorable responses to standard antidepressant treatment (Solyom et al., 1985). Antipsychotic augmentation of SSRIs has been studied in resistant cases of
OCD, with mixed results. A small open-label study of
risperidone augmentation showed beneficial effects (Saxena
et al., 1996), but in a case series of six patients, risperidone
actually exacerbated OCD symptoms while successfully
treating psychotic symptoms (Alevizos et al., 2002). Antagonism of postsynaptic serotonin receptors is a hypothesized
explanation for this detrimental effect. A double-blind study
of olanzapine augmentation in patients nonresponsive to
fluoxetine likewise did not show a positive effect (Shapira
et al., 2004).
The treatment studies described above all evaluated patients with noncomorbid OCD. Evidence suggests, however, that comorbid OCD is different in important ways
and may respond differently to treatment (see Chapter 7).
Some data suggest that that the co-occurrence of OCD and
bipolar disorder reflects variability in the expression of a
single morbid process that is responsible for both the
mood and anxiety disorders (Strakowski et al., 1998). This
hypothesis would suggest that a focus on mood stabilization is the most effective way to address a comorbid patients OCD symptoms.
A naturalistic study of 38 inpatients with comorbid
bipolar disorder and OCD found that drug treatment with
clomipramine and, to a lesser extent, with SSRIs was associated with hypomanic switches in these patients, especially those not treated concomitantly with mood stabilizers (Perugi et al., 2002). A combination of multiple mood
stabilizers was necessary in 16 of the patients (42.1 percent),
and a combination of mood stabilizers with atypical antipsychotics was required in 4 cases (10.5 percent). Overall,
OCDbipolar patients tended to show a less positive outcome with respect to both mood symptoms and general
functioning (Perugi et al., 2002).



Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

No controlled studies have specifically evaluated treatment
for the comorbidity of bipolar disorder and post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). Because of the greater severity of
pathology seen with this comorbidity compared with PTSD
alone, effective treatments for noncomorbid PTSD may not
work as well when used with bipolar patients. Nevertheless,
there is substantial interaction between the two illnesses,
whereby the symptoms of one can destabilize the other:
abnormal mood states can decrease resilience and increase
the risk of developing PTSD in response to a traumatic experience; conversely, both acute and chronic overarousal
associated with PTSD can exacerbate mood states by increasing stress and interfering with sleep. Given this interaction, improvement of either disorder has the potential to
reduce the symptoms of the other.
There is good evidence for the efficacy of both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy in patients with noncomorbid PTSD. In particular, an international consensus group
has identified SSRIs as an appropriate medication for PTSD
because of the large database of randomized controlled trials
supporting their efficacy (Ballenger et al., 2004). As with
other anxiety disorders, however, the risks associated with
PTSD must be carefully weighed against the risks of antidepressant treatment in patients with bipolar disorder, and
other alternatives considered. It appears appropriate to
attempt other strategies first, such as optimizing mood stabilizers.
With one exception, there are no data from controlled
trials on any of the accepted mood stabilizers in treating
PTSD. The exception is a double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial of lamotrigine in 15 subjects with noncomorbid PTSD,
which found a response rate of 50 percent compared with
25 percent for placebo (Hertzberg et al., 1999). With respect to lithium, it should be noted that bipolar disorder
complicated by anxiety generally does not respond as well
to the drug as does uncomplicated bipolar disorder; on the
other hand, results of open trials and case reports suggest
that lithium may be associated with a reduction in the
arousal, anger, and irritability associated with noncomorbid
PTSD (Forster et al., 1995). The results of open trials also
suggest the efficacy of valproate in noncomorbid PTSD
(Fesler, 1991). And open studies of carbamazepine have
found reductions in intrusive memories, flashbacks, sleep
disturbance, impulsivity, and violent behavior (Keck et al.,
Various studies, both controlled and uncontrolled, have
found adjunctive use of risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine to be effective in treating noncomorbid PTSD in
patients not responding well to standard treatment (usually antidepressants) (Hutterfield et al., 2001; Hamner et al.,

2003; Monnelly et al., 2003). Benzodiazepines, commonly

used in bipolar disorder, have shown efficacy in treating
some anxiety disorders, but they can increase the likelihood
of developing PTSD when used during the acute posttrauma period and therefore should be avoided at those
As with other comorbid disorders seen in manicdepressive patients, psychotherapy has the advantage of
providing an evidence-based intervention for PTSD apparently without the risks of potentially destabilizing drugs.
Nevertheless, it is important to note that in some cases, psychotherapy carries risks of its own, and therapies shown to
be effective in uncomplicated PTSD may not be effective in
patients with comorbid bipolar disorder.
A recent consensus statement identified cognitivebehavioral therapy as an appropriate treatment for PTSD,
although usually in combination with an SSRI antidepressant (Ballenger et al., 2004). There is also evidence for the
efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy when used alone
(Najavits et al., 1998).
Imaginal exposure therapy, which involves repeated recounting of the traumatic experience, has been shown to
promote habituation of pathological anxiety and subsequent improvement in symptoms and functioning (Tarrier
et al., 1999b). Some reports have suggested that imaginal
exposure can be clinically problematic, however (Tarrier
et al., 1999a). In particular, reexperiencing a traumatic
event may be accompanied by shame, guilt, and anger. On
the other hand, Foa and colleagues (2002) found that temporary exacerbation of symptoms during the course of
treatment occurred in a minority of patients and tended to
disappear during long-term follow-up. Moreover, patients
who experienced temporary symptom exacerbation benefited from the treatment relative to other patients in this
study. Despite generally reassuring data, however, this type
of psychotherapy has not been tested in patients with comorbid PTSD and bipolar disorder. Because emotional
upheaval can trigger mood episodes in bipolar patients
and may result in destabilizing sleep loss, the risk associated with this treatment may be greater in comorbid patients. Yet given the substantial amount of data supporting
its efficacy, imaginal exposure should not be avoided in
patients with comorbid bipolar disorder; rather, it is prudent to use extra care and to remain vigilant for any signs
of exacerbation of the clinical picture.


The most common medications used in the management
of eating disorders are the antidepressants, especially SSRIs;
mood stabilizers have not been well studied in these disorders. Nevertheless, there are some limited data on the use

Treatment of Comorbidity

of lithium to treat anorexia nervosa. A small double-blind,

placebo-controlled trial of lithium in 16 young women
with noncomorbid anorexia nervosa showed, not surprisingly, increased weight gain in the lithium group (Gross
et al., 1981). The patients randomized to lithium showed
significantly greater improvement on an item measuring
denial and minimization of illness. On the other hand, a
larger study of depressed bulimic women showed a sizable
placebo response and failed to demonstrate superiority for
lithium in decreasing bulimic behavior (Hsu et al., 1991).
In both studies, lithium was well tolerated, with no reports
of serious adverse events.
Given its tendency to cause weight loss, topiramate has
received some attention for the treatment of eating disorders associated with overconsumption of food. A controlled trial designed to evaluate topiramate in the treatment of noncomorbid binge eating disorder randomized
61 outpatients to receive placebo or flexible-dose topiramate
(25 to 600 mg/day). Compared with placebo, topiramate
was associated with a significantly greater reduction in
binge frequency (McElroy et al., 2003). A separate placebocontrolled study also found a significant reduction in number of binge days per week among patients with noncomorbid bulimia nervosa who were treated with topiramate
(Hoopes et al., 2003).
As noted earlier, zonisamide is another anticonvulsant
that has been associated with weight loss, and it may have
utility in the treatment of eating disorders. An open-label
12-week study of zonisamide in patients with noncomorbid binge eating disorder found significant decreases in
binge eating, weight, and body mass index among patients
who completed the study. There was a high dropout rate,
however, with only 8 of 15 patients completing the study
(McElroy et al., 2004).
Medication that causes weight gain may be useful in the
treatment of anorexia nervosa. A short open trial of olanzapine in treating noncomorbid anorexia nervosa followed 17
patients for up to 6 weeks. Olanzapine was associated with a
significant reduction in depression, anxiety, and core eating
disorder symptoms and a significant increase in weight (Barbarich et al., 2004). A somewhat longer study (10 weeks) also
found overall weight gain; 3 of 14 patients with anorexia nervosa who completed the study achieved their ideal body
weight. Surprisingly, however, 4 of the 14 lost an average of
2.25 pounds (Powers et al., 2002).
Eating disorders are frequently comorbid with personality disorders (Braun et al., 1994; Zanarini et al., 2004). So,
too, is bipolar disorder (see Chapter 10). Relatively little is
known about the treatment of comorbid bipolar disorder
and borderline personality disorder, although the treatment
course is more problematic (Swartz et al., 2005). Anticonvulsant medications play a useful role in treating some patients


with borderline personality disorder (Frankenburg and Zanarini, 2002; Bellino et al., 2005; MacKinnon and Pies, 2006),
and there is evidence that some patients with both bipolar
illness and borderline personality disorder show marked improvement with a combination of pharmacotherapy and
psychotherapy (Bieling et al., 2003; Swartz et al., 2005).


Cardiovascular Disease
Patients with bipolar disorder and recurrent unipolar depression are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease;
any evidence of such disease should be managed by a cardiac specialist. Beyond careful screening for conditions
associated with heart disease, such as diabetes and dyslipidemia, treatment of these conditions is beyond the expertise of most mental health professionals.
Of significance, treatment with lithium may reduce
excess cardiac mortality associated with bipolar disorder.
An international multicenter trial found that cardiovascular mortality among patients who took lithium for 2 years
or longer (N = 641) was the same as or only slightly higher
than that found in the general population. Conversely, cardiovascular mortality remained high among those who took
lithium for less than 2 years (Ahrens et al., 1995). Patients in
this study who subsequently dropped out of lithium treatment lost the positive effects, however, and had a standardized mortality ratio (which included suicide mortality) 2.5
times higher than that in the general population (MullerOerlinghausen et al., 1996). SSRI use has also been associated with decreased morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease (Taylor et al., 2005; Tiihonen et al., 2006).

The efficacy of most treatments for obesity is modest at
best, and often temporary. Short-term caloric restriction,
in particular, can lead to weight cycling. From the perspective of mood disorders, weight cycling is associated not
only with physiological problems but also with psychological problems, such as diminished self-esteem and life satisfaction and a more negative body image (Friedman et al.,
1998). From a dietary standpoint, the most effective approach to weight control among bipolar and recurrent
unipolar patients is carbohydrate restriction.
Most agents used in the treatment of bipolar disorder are
associated with weight gain, as well as with other components of the metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance
and atherogenic dyslipidemia (see Chapter 20). Among the
atypical antipsychotics used in the treatment of mania,
ziprasidone and aripiprazole are relatively weight-neutral.2
It is important to note that with this class of drugs, medical



complications associated with obesity, such as insulin resistance, can occur even in the absence of obesity (Henderson
et al., 2005). It remains to be seen whether the lack of
weight gain associated with ziprasidone and aripiprazole is
accompanied by a fully benign metabolic profile. Risperidone appears to cause fewer problems with glucose utilization compared with clozapine and olanzapine (Henderson
et al., 2005). Among the established mood stabilizers, only
lamotrigine does not cause weight gain, nor does it increase
the risk of diabetes, atherogenic dyslipidemia, or other
components of the metabolic syndrome.
As noted earlier, unlike many medications used in psychiatry, topiramate has been associated with weight loss rather
than weight gain. Because so many mood stabilizers cause
weight gain, topiramate may play a significant role as an antidote to iatrogenic weight gain in patients with bipolar disorder. A 6-month placebo-controlled, dose-ranging trial of
topiramate for weight loss in obese patients found that all
doses of the drug (64 to 384 mg/day) resulted in comparable
weight loss, which was significantly greater than that observed with placebo. Mean weight loss from baseline to week
24 ranged from 4.8 to 6.3 percent of pretreatment body
weight, compared with 2.6 percent with placebo (Bray et al.,
2003). However, neurocognitive side effects, which are dose
dependent, can interfere with patients acceptance of topiramate; difficulty with memory, concentration, and attention
were the most frequently observed of these effects.
Zonisamide has been associated with weight loss in patients with epilepsy; in a 16-week controlled trial involving
61 obese patients, zonisamide and a hypocaloric diet resulted
in more weight loss than a hypocaloric diet alone (Gadde
et al., 2003). The drug has also been reported to have therapeutic properties in a small number of open studies and case
series of bipolar patients (see Chapter 18) (Kanba et al., 1994).
Bupropion was shown to be superior to placebo in facilitating weight loss in three controlled studies (Gadde et al.,
2001; Anderson et al., 2002; Jain et al., 2002). In one of
these, the weight loss was maintained for 48 weeks (Anderson et al., 2002). Moreover, in expert consensus guidelines,
bupropion has been identified as a preferred antidepressant
for patients with bipolar depression, although there is only
limited supporting evidence from controlled trials.
Sibutramine, an antiobesity agent, is a serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor that has been shown to improve
depressed mood in patients with binge eating disorders (Appolinario et al., 2003). Although no studies have been done
in patients with bipolar disorder, a dual reuptake inhibitor
of this nature might be expected to lead to mood destabilization. Venlafaxine, an antidepressant dual reuptake inhibitor that has been associated with switches into mania,
has not been associated with long-term weight loss. Duloxetine has not been formally evaluated for weight loss activity.

The most effective treatment for severe obesity is gastric

bypass surgery, which leads to long-term loss of approximately 50 percent of excess body weight (Reinhold, 1994).
This is a major abdominal surgery, however, associated
with significant discomfort and medical complications. After the surgery, patients undergo extensive changes in their
ability to tolerate food. They experience a drastic reduction
in the amount of food they are able to consume, as well as a
reduced ability to tolerate a wide variety of foods, including
simple carbohydrates, foods with high fat content, and carbonated beverages. Patients who fail to follow a strict dietary regimen experience nausea, vomiting, and other aversive symptoms. The physical distress experienced by patients
who do not adhere to the dietary rules may serve as a type
of punishment, as characterized by the operant conditioning model, thereby facilitating long-term behavior change.
It is interesting that despite the severity of the stress associated with this weight loss treatment, gastric bypass surgery
has been found to lead to improvement in depressive symptoms (Dymek et al., 2001). This improvement is probably
related directly to the treatments success in bringing about
long-term weight loss. Of course, with manic-depressive
patients, especially the bipolar subgroup, the risks associated with major surgery (e.g., stress, disrupted sleep, temporary disruption of medications) need to be carefully

Thyroid Dysfunction
The thyroid gland produces two hormonesthe prohormone thyroxine (T4) and the more biologically active triiodothyronine (T3). T4 is partly converted into T3 by deiodinases. Thyroid hormones enter the cell, bind to nuclear
receptors, and alter the expression of specific genes that affect the synthesis of key enzymes required for neurotransmitter production, as well as glial cell proliferation and
As reviewed in Chapter 19, T3 is used mainly in the adjunctive treatment of major depression and has been shown
to accelerate the response to tricyclic antidepressants
(Prange et al., 1969; Goodwin et al., 1982). Women in particular appear to benefit from the combination of T3 and a tricyclic antidepressant. T3 has also been used as an augmentation strategy in treatment-resistant depression (Aronson
et al., 1996).
T3, the most active thyroid hormone, carries the risk of
inducing a hyperthyroid state. Because T4 is the prohormone, the homeostatic mechanism of reduced conversion
to T3 allows the body to maintain a euthyroid state more
easily. Unlike T3, moreover, T4 has not been associated with
osteoporosis (Nuzzo et al., 1998).
Supraphysiological doses of T4 were shown to be effective in the maintenance treatment of prophylaxis-resistant

Treatment of Comorbidity

affective disorder in a prospective open-label study of 21

consecutively enrolled patients. The mean T4 dose at the
studys end was 378.6 90.2 g/day. In this study, subjects
with bipolar disorder benefited more from the T4 treatment
than did subjects with unipolar major depressive disorder
(Bauer et al., 2002).
Despite some doubts that have been raised regarding
the relationship between hypothyroidism and rapid cycling
(Post et al., 1997), several open studies have demonstrated
beneficial effects of high-dose T4 augmentation in patients
with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder resistant to conventional prophylactic drugs (Stancer and Persad, 1982; Leibow,
1983; Bauer and Whybrow, 1990). Double-blind studies are
needed to confirm these results. (For more detail, see
Chapter 20.)
There is a significant body of evidence supporting
the connection between subclinical hypothyroidism and
a less favorable course of illness in mood disorders (see
Chapters 7 and 20). Unfortunately, controlled studies of
thyroid supplementation for such patients have not been

Given the frequency of occurrence of comorbid conditions
in manic-depressive illness, especially the bipolar subgroup,
clinicians should screen specifically for comorbid substance
abuse, anxiety disorders, obesity, eating disorders, and
general medical disorders. All illnesses should be addressed
individually when a treatment plan is developed. Depending on the relationship among the comorbid diagnoses,
the successful treatment of one disorder may lead to improvement in the others. Nevertheless, this is not always
the case, and the goal should always be full remission of


each disorder individually. In the case of addiction, even

if the substance abuse disorder was initially caused by
symptoms of the mood disorder, the patient undergoes
neurophysiological and psychological changes once the addiction is established that necessitate disease-specific interventions.
A mood stabilizer should always be initiated before
other pharmacological options are considered. If the bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder and the comorbid illness
share some common pathophysiological processes, it is
possible that the mood stabilizer will improve both conditions simultaneously.
For most of the comorbid disorders, the psychosocial
component of treatment, ranging from 12-step programs for
substance abuse to cognitive-behavioral therapy for comorbid anxiety, is a vital component of management. Further,
psychotherapy alone can help some patients with comorbid
anxiety disorders, enabling them to avoid the potentially
destabilizing effects of antidepressants. Patients receive the
most benefit from this kind of therapy once their bipolar
disorder has been stabilized.
The pharmacological treatment of comorbid conditions
requires careful weighing of risks and benefits. Treatment
often involves using medications off label and venturing
beyond the limited database of available evidence. Many
patients are likely to require complex combinations of
medications and psychotherapy for optimal response.

1. Feltner et al., 2003; Pande et al., 2003; Pohl et al., 2005; Rickels
et al., 2005.
2. Of these two atypical agents, ziprasidone is less likely to be associated with weight gain.

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Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

Lithium . . . is the lightest of the solid elements and it is perhaps not surprising that it should in
consequence possess certain modest magical qualities.
G. P. Hartigan (1959)

Manic-depressive illness carries the risk of suicide throughout its course (see Chapter 8). The precise timing of suicide
cannot be predicted, but there are almost always warning
signs in the preceding days to weeks. The challenge for clinicians is to discern, from a complex and fluctuating clinical picture, suicidal intent in a patient, and to assess the
presence of various risk factors for suicide, which may
manifest as symptoms, stressful situations, and/or comorbidities. Specifically, treatment of manic-depressive patients to prevent suicide has three key elements: (1) clinical
assessment of intent and overall suicide risk; (2) intensive
treatment of those acute symptoms associated with an increased risk of suicide; and (3) careful clinical follow-up of
patients with suicide risk factors, with renewed attention
to treating the patients underlying affective disorder and
comorbidities. While no approach is foolproof, treatment
in a maximally supportive clinical environment can reduce
the risk of suicide and save lives (Rucci et al., 2002; Knox et
al., 2003; Bruce et al., 2004).
In 1999, the U.S. Surgeon General declared that suicide
is a preventable public health problem (U.S. Public Health
Service, 1999). This embracing of a public health perspective on suicide was prompted by compelling evidence that
(1) mental illness was undiagnosed in about 50 percent of
suicides (see Chapter 8), (2) inadequate treatment characterized the majority of those individuals who had been
diagnosed (Isometsa et al., 1994; Isacsson et al., 1997;
Oquendo et al., 1999), and (3) the majority of those who
killed themselves had had some type of contact with the
health care system in the months leading up to their death.
In the final month before the act alone, according to results
of more than 40 studies, nearly 45 percent of suicide victims had had contact with a primary care physician and
another 20 percent with a specialist (Luoma et al., 2002).

These findings strongly suggest that many lives might be

saved by educating physicians and the public in how best
to recognize, accurately diagnose, and correctly treat those
at risk for suicide.
In this chapter, we begin by reviewing the various aspects of assessment of acute and chronic suicide risk. We
then address the clinical management of those patients assessed as being at high risk for suicidal behaviors. This is
followed by a review of the literature on medical and psychological treatments used for acute clinical management
of suicidal patients and for long-term suicide prevention.
The final section presents conclusions.


Communication of Suicidal Intent
The clinicians ability to discern a patients suicidal intent,
which includes suicidal ideation, plans, and behaviors, is
one important component of any effort to prevent suicide.
All too often a breakdown in communication occurs between clinician and patient during the months preceding
suicide. Final contacts with clinicians are often filled with
miscues, miscommunications, and missed opportunities
for intervention. Clinicians frequently fail to ask explicit
questions, and patients often evade such questions and
disguise or deny their intent (Institute of Medicine [IOM],
This failure of communication is one of the most enduring and disturbing findings of the literature on suicide.
It should be pointed out that most of the evidence on this
phenomenon comes from retrospective studies, which have
methodological limitations and biases (see Busch et al.,



2003). Nevertheless, the available retrospective evidence on

recent health care contacts is widely interpreted as suggesting that suicidal patients, while often motivated to seek
help, are reluctant to disclose their full intent and plans.
Likewise, it is clear that many clinicians are reluctant to
ask explicit questions about suicide.
In a now classic retrospective study, Barraclough and
colleagues (1974, p. 366) observed a trail of unequivocal
threats, not enlightened hindsight after studying warnings of suicide in 64 depressed patients. The authors found
that 30 percent of those who killed themselves had left a
direct threat; when indirect communications were taken
into account, the total reached 51 percent.
In another landmark study, Robins and colleagues (1959,
1981) found, in a retrospective evaluation of 134 consecutive
suicides, that 69 percent had communicated their intent to
commit suicide within a year of their death; 41 percent had
done so through a direct and specific statement. Suicidal
ideation was expressed more frequently to spouses, relatives, and friends than to physicians. Nearly half (47 percent) of the study sample had been diagnosed with manicdepressive illness, which included severe recurrent
depression as well as bipolar disorder. None of these patients were manic at the time of their suicide, a finding
borne out by subsequent research showing that classic euphoric mania is not an acute risk factor for suicide (see
Chapter 8).
More recent studies likewise have documented communication barriers. Isometsa and colleagues (1995) conducted
a large psychological autopsy study of everyone in Finland
who had committed suicide during a 12-month period
and whose last medical or psychiatric appointment had
been within 1 month of their suicide (N = 571). The investigators found that only 30 percent of psychiatric inpatients
and 39 percent of outpatients had communicated their intent to mental health providers during their final appointment. The problem is even worse in primary care settings;
one large study found that only 19 percent of patients treated
in such settings who committed suicide had communicated
suicidal intent to their medical providers (Isometsa et al.,
In light of patients conflicting signals, it is no surprise
that studies reveal the frequent failure of clinicians to identify those at greatest risk. Weeke (1979), studying clinicians
evaluations of suicide risk in patients who later killed themselves, reported that only 13 percent had been assessed as
seriously suicidal; clinicians had rated 58 percent as suicide possible, not likely, and 28 percent as suicide quite
unexpected. In a study of 76 inpatient suicides, Busch and
colleagues (2003) found that approximately 30 percent had
been on no precautions at the time of their suicide in the
hospital (an additional 15 percent had been on pass or

BOX 251. Points at Which to Repeat Suicide


Prior to sustained therapeutic responseeach visit

First 6 months after hospital dischargeeach visit
In presence of a new, painful, or disabling medical condition
In presence of a new or exacerbated comorbidity, especially
anxiety, panic, or substance abuse
At evidence of relapse or recurrence of symptoms
At occurrence of major stresses, losses, threats, shame-inducing
With comorbid personality disorders: at times of vacations, reductions in treatment intensity (e.g., after hospital discharge),
transfers of treatment or change of clinician
On emergence of other acute risk factors not listed here (see
Box 253)

recently discharged). This study also found that suicides

occurred after suicidal intent had been expressly denied by
patients. Fully 77 percent of hospital inpatients who committed suicide had, within 1 week of their suicide, denied
suicidal ideation or intent in their last communication
with physicians or staff. Similarly, a review of more than
30 cases of completed suicide revealed that in the majority
of these cases, suicidal intent had been denied during the
last communication to a clinician before the act was committed; the denial to the clinician had occurred despite
earlier suicidal communications to a family member (J.
Fawcett, personal communication, February 2004). Taken
together, these studies suggest that many manic-depressive
patients will not communicate, or will expressly deny, suicidal ideation or intent. This sobering reality means that the
clinician must understand and be especially alert to other
clinical risk factors, such as severe anxiety and panic, that
are more predictive of suicide than expressed intent, at least
in the short term, and that are amenable to direct pharmacological intervention (see the later discussion of acute
versus chronic risk factors).

Goals and Timing of Suicide Assessment

The long-term management of affective illness requires
that the clinician be constantly alert to the possibility of periods of increased suicide risk. We recommend that a complete suicide assessment be performed and documented
during the initial evaluation of the patient and at certain
points thereafter when suicide risk is likely to increase (Box
251). The initial suicide assessment should include family
history of suicide, diagnosis, past history of suicide attempts, lethality, access to means, impulsiveness, substance
abuse, and other areas of inquiry. The American Psychiatric

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk


BOX 252. Questions That May be Helpful in Inquiring about Specific Aspects of Suicidal Thoughts,
Plans, and Behaviors
Begin with questions that address the patients feelings
about living:
Have you ever felt that life was not worth living?
Did you ever wish you could go to sleep and not wake up?
Follow up with specific questions that ask about thoughts
of death, self-harm, or suicide:
Is death something youve thought about recently?
Have things ever reached the point that youve thought
of harming yourself?
For individuals who have thoughts of self-harm or suicide,
How often have those thoughts occurred (including frequency,
persistence, obsessional quality, controllability)?
How likely do you think it is that you will act on them in the future?
What do you envision happening if you actually killed yourself
(e.g., escape, reunion with significant other, rebirth, reactions of
Have you made a specific plan to harm or kill yourself? (If so,
what does the plan include?)
For individuals who have attempted suicide or engaged in
self-damaging actions, questions parallel to those in the
previous section can address the prior attempts.
Additional questions can be asked in general terms or can
refer to the specific method used and may include the
Can you describe what happened (e.g., circumstances, precipitants, view of future, use of alcohol or other substances,
method, intent, seriousness of injury)?

What did you think would happen (e.g., going to sleep versus injury versus dying, getting a reaction out of a particular person)?

How did you feel about surviving the attempt? Relieved? Disappointed? Indifferent?

Did you receive treatment afterward (e.g., medical versus psychiatric, emergency department versus inpatient versus outpatient)?
For individuals with repeated suicidal thoughts or attempts,
About how often have you tried to harm (or kill) yourself?
When was the most recent time?
Can you describe your thoughts at the time you were thinking
most seriously about suicide?
For individuals with psychosis, ask specifically about hallucinations and delusions:
Have you ever done what the voices ask you to do? (What led
you to obey the voices? If you tried to resist them, what made it
Have there been times when the voices told you to hurt or kill
yourself? (How often? What happened?)
Are there things that youve been feeling guilty about or blaming yourself for?
Consider assessing the patients potential to harm others
in addition to himself or herself:
Are there others who you think may be responsible for what
youre experiencing (e.g., persecutory ideas, passivity experiences)? Are you having any thought of harming them?
Are there other people you would like to die with you?
Are there others who you think would be unable to go
on without you?

Source: Questions are selected from Table 3 of the American Psychiatric Associations Practice Guideline for the Assessment and Treatment of Patients
with Suicidal Behaviors. See that table for additional questions. Reproduced with permission from the American Psychiatric Association.

Associations 2003 Practice Guideline for the Assessment

and Treatment of Patients with Suicidal Behaviors gives examples of the kinds of questions that may be helpful to clinicians in inquiring about suicidal history and current intent (Box 252).
The goal of suicide assessment is to arrive at an overall
qualitative estimate of the patients risk of suicide in terms
of both acute and chronic risk (Boxes 253 and 254, respectively). A risk estimate is a clinical judgment that integrates findings from the initial assessment with evaluation
of risk factors and protective factors (Box 255). (Acute
and chronic risk factors and protective factors are discussed in detail below.) Based in part on this assessment,
the clinician should formulate a treatment plan for reducing the treatable risk factors, such as anxiety, insomnia, agitation, and psychosis.

Suicide assessment is not without its limitations. Research has failed to yield a set of criteria that predicts suicide risk in an individual patient.1 Nor has any method of
suicide assessment been adequately evaluated prospectively,
in part because suicide is a statistically rare event (IOM,
2002). Assessment instruments are available, but no set of
criteria can be sensitive enough to detect every patient at
high risk while also avoiding a high false-positive identification rate. The current understanding of risk factors for
suicide depends mainly on retrospective studies that lacked
control groups and standardized measures of symptoms
and behaviors; these studies may also suffer from bias introduced by the knowledge that a suicide occurred. Yet regardless of how imperfect clinical assessment may be, it can
help prevent many suicides, and its imperfections cannot
justify inattention or inaction on the part of the clinician.



BOX 253. Acute Risk Factors for Suicide

in Manic-Depressive Illness

Recent onset of mania, depression, or mixed states

Cycling within an episode (rapid mood fluctuations)
Recent hospital discharge
Recent suicide attempt
Severe psychic anxietyfearful ruminations occurring most
of the time*
Panic attacks*
Episodes of agitation, depressive turmoil, mixed states, angry
outbursts, tantrums*
Global insomniatrouble initiating sleep, middle waking, early
Recent alcohol abuse
Severe anhedonia
Recent or anticipated loss of close personal relationship or job,
financial loss, legal or criminal proceeding
Acute psychosis with command hallucinations or paranoid
fears of punishment, delusional guilt*
*Risk factors that are usually and rapidly modifiable with treatment.

BOX 254. Chronic Risk Factors for Suicide

in Manic-Depressive Illness

History of frequent mood cycling

History of mixed states
Comorbidityespecially substance abuse and anxiety/panic;

personality disorders (?)

Family history of suicide
Past suicide attempt
Suicidal ideationpersistent, with specific plan and means
Severe, sustained hopelessness
Life dissatisfaction
Few perceived reasons for living
Absence of future orientation
Loss of relationship, job
Physical illness, chronic symptoms/pain*
Firearms in the home*
Help-rejection behavior
Nonadherence to treatment
History of impulsiveness and/or violence
*Risk factors that are usually and rapidly modifiable with intervention.

Evaluation of Patient History

A thorough history of the patient is an integral part of suicide assessment. In addition to the risk factors given in
Boxes 253 and 254, the history should include the following points specific to the patients illness:

BOX 255. Protective Factors against Suicide

Restricted access to highly lethal methods of suicide

Children in the home; sense of responsibility to family
Strong religious beliefs
Life satisfaction; reality testing ability
Positive coping and problem-solving skills
Positive social support
Access and adherence to care, with a positive therapeutic

Note: Most factors come from clinical experience rather than a strong
evidence base, because very little research has addressed the specific factors that might be protective in manic-depressive iIllness.
Sources: Goodwin and Jamison, 1990; Malone et al., 2000; Jacobs et al.,

When in the overall course of the illness did past suicide

attempts or severe suicidal ideation take placein particular, how long after the onset of the illness, diagnosis,
and preliminary treatment? The early stages of bipolar
illness carry a significantly elevated risk of suicide (see
Chapter 8).
When in the sequence of episodes did attempts or ideation
take place? For example, did the patient attempt suicide
in a depressive episode that preceded or followed a
manic episode?
When in an individual episode did the patient appear to
be most vulnerable to suicide?
In the transition from manic to depressive, depressive
to manic, or manic to euthymic state? Were these states
characterized by acute agitation?
Did increased suicidality occur relatively soon after the
beginning of a depressive episode, well into it, or during the recovery period?
How severe was the patients suicidal ideation at the
worst point in the illness?
On the basis of past episodes (if any), when might the
patient reasonably be expected to begin recovery? Has
this period been associated with increased agitation and
If the patient is female, when in the menstrual cycle might
the patient be in special jeopardy (e.g., in the premenstrual phase during a depressive or mixed episode)?
When, in general, might the patient be at increased risk
for suicidefor example, in the postpartum (puerperal)
period, seasonally, or during transitions from one mood
state into another?
The life-charting approach to recording data relevant
to course (see Chapters 4, 11, and 20) is useful in tracking
this information.

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

Acute versus Chronic Risk Factors

We recommend that assessment of suicide risk distinguish
acute from chronic risk factors. By acute, we mean risk factors operating over days to months, whereas by chronic, we
mean risk factors operating over months to years. The
terms are somewhat overlapping and inexact, however; no
precise lines can be drawn to demarcate when the acute
period ends and the chronic one begins.
The importance of distinguishing acute from chronic
risk factors was revealed in one of the few (and the largest)
prospective suicide studies ever conducted, involving nearly
1,000 patients with major affective disorders followed for
an average of 4 years, over which time 25 suicides occurred.
Fawcett and colleagues (1987, 1990) observed that certain
factors evaluated at study entry (e.g., severe psychic anxiety, panic attacks, global insomnia, alcohol abuse) were associated with a significantly higher suicide risk within 1 year
of study entry (acute risk factors), while others (e.g., severe
hopelessness, ideation) were correlated with higher risk
within the second to tenth years (Table 251). Suicidal
ideation and suicide attempts, contrary to the conventional

wisdom based on retrospective studies, were not found to

be acute predictors of suicide. Findings of other studies
support mixed states, panic attacks, and agitation in the
presence of depression and bipolar disorder as acute risk
factors for suicide (Coryell, 1988; Busch et al., 2003). The
main conclusion of the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH)-sponsored prospective study of Fawcett and colleagues was that most standard suicide assessments, which
focus on ideation, attempts, and hopelessness, are at best of
limited value, and at worst are misleading because they
overlook very real acute risk factors, most of which are
In bipolar disorder, mixed states, which are marked by
intense irritability and agitation, heighten suicide risk (see
Chapter 8). These states warrant particular attention because
the criteria for the diagnosis of mixed states in the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual are far too narrow, while mixed states,
broadly defined, are common (see Chapter 2), and their underdiagnosis leads to underestimation of acute suicide potential. Further, when agitation in patients manifesting a
mixeddysphoric mania is misdiagnosed as unipolar agitated depression, inappropriate use of antidepressants

Table 251. Acute and Chronic Risk Factors for Suicide among Patients
with Affective Disorder Who Committed Suicide (N = 25)
versus Patients Who Did Not Commit Suicide (N = 929)
Acute Risk Factor
(p Value)a

Chronic Risk Factor

(p Value)a




Alcohol abuse



Loss of interest or pleasure (anhedonia)



Psychic anxiety/panic attacks



Suicidal ideation (persistent plan)



Suicide attempts



Obsessive-compulsive features






Diminished concentration



Global insomnia





Note: Acute refers to suicide occurring within 1 year of assessment; chronic refers to suicide
occurring within 210 years of assessment.
Probability values for Mann-Whitney U statistics.
Source: Fawcett et al., 1990. Reproduced with permission from the American Psychiatric Association.



may worsen the agitation and heighten the suicide risk

(Koukopoulos et al., 1995; Akiskal et al., 2005; Baldessarini
and Goodwin, 2005).
It is a matter of clinical judgment to arrive at a qualitative estimate of acute and chronic risk for suicide. Research
suggests that some risk factors (e.g., pessimism, aggression/
impulsivity) are additive (Oquendo et al., 2004), but they
may also be synergistic. Clearly, however, certain risk factors,
such as access to a firearm, pose a more immediate danger
than others. Later we describe treatment of certain modifiable risk factors.

Protective Factors
Minimum pathology in a suicidal person bereft of
strengths may be lethal, while severe pathology in a person with unusual strengths may constitute only
a moderate risk. (Motto, 1975, p. 239)

There can be little doubt that certain protective factors

mitigate the risk factors for suicide, but it is unclear by how
much or under what circumstances. Both sets of factors,
which fluctuate over time, can constitute a delicate balance
between the decision to live or die.
The focus on protective factors, a relatively recent phenomenon, is a direct outgrowth of the above-noted conceptualization of suicide as a preventable public health
problem (IOM, 2002; Knox et al., 2004). For example, psychometric scales have been developed to measure resilience
(e.g., Suicide Resilience Inventory; see Osman et al., 2004).
One of the few formal studies of protective factors was
conducted among psychiatric inpatients, who were administered the Reasons for Living scale, a self-report instrument
measuring beliefs and attitudes thought to inhibit suicide,
such as coping beliefs, a sense of responsibility to family,
child-related concerns, and religious or moral objections
to suicide (Malone et al., 2000). The investigators found
that higher scores on this scale indicated protection from
acting on suicidal thoughts, although it is unclear whether
the severity of psychopathology affected the self-reporting
of the study subjects.
Some of the same protective factors were observed in
an earlier study by Motto (1975). Among the specific factors involved in the ability to survive suicidal inclinations, Motto cited the following: (1) the capacity to control
behaviorthat is, the ability to stand the pain or resist the
impulse; (2) the capacity to relate readily and in a meaningful way to someone else, and the presence of family
members and friends who are supportive; (3) a motivation
to seek help and willingness to work actively on the problem; and (4) resources that facilitate the therapeutic process and the transition back to a stable life pattern, such as
job skills, intelligence, physical health, communication

skills, a capacity to trust, close ties to religion, and freedom

from severe personality disturbance or addictive problems. To this list might be added financial resources (particularly important in gaining access to good medical treatment and psychotherapy, remedying financial excesses
resulting from manic episodes, and meeting expenses during time lost from work); willingness and ability to follow a
prescribed treatment regimen; and the kind of personality
during normal times that accumulates a backlog of goodwill
with friends, family, and colleagues. Manic-depressive illness strains and depletes relationships, and there is little restocking during periods of mania and depression. The support of family and friendsalways crucial for depressed
and suicidal individuals, particularly if they are to stay out of
the hospitaldepends largely on how well relationships
were maintained before the depression began.
Some depressed people are better than others at garnering support. Hostile, paranoid, and irritable people are unlikely to do so, whereas those who are passive and sad when
depressed will usually be offered help, especially if they normally are more outgoing when well. Unfortunately, the patient with the most dangerous depressionthe most perturbed, volatile, irritable, and delusionalis often the most
likely to drive away potential sources of support.

The seriously suicidal person with manic-depressive illness,
whether bipolar or recurrent unipolar, requires intensive
clinical care. Suicide is prevented most effectively by a combination of immediate strategies to keep the patient safe by
ameliorating acute risk factors, and long-term strategies to
stabilize the patients underlying illness and thereby prevent
recurrences of potentially life-threatening affective episodes.
The clinician may need to change or add medications, modify psychotherapeutic practices, and enlist support from the
patients family members and friends. A suicidal crisis while
a patient is under psychiatric care often provides the opportunity and impetus to reappraise previous assumptions
about diagnosis, psychiatric history, treatment response, and
involvement in the treatment process of family members
and other individuals of significance to the patient.
The immediate priorities with a suicidal patient are (1)
to keep the patient safe by precluding or reducing access to
common methods of suicide, such as firearms and medication overdose; (2) to establish a therapeutic alliance; and
(3) to treat acute risk symptoms that can be clinically modified (e.g., recurrent severe anxiety/panic, mixed states, agitation, impulsivity, global insomnia, and substance abuse).
The second priority is to develop and implement a systematic treatment plan for preventing future episodes of suicidal
depression, mania, and mixed states. Chronic-risk patients

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

usually do not warrant immediate care, but the clinician

must be alert to the possibility that they may become acutely
suicidal at any time if they experience a worsening of
symptoms or situational setbacks or if they fail to respond
to treatment. Once an acute risk of suicide is suspected,
chronic-risk patients must be reassessed. The overall approach to acute- and chronic-risk patients is depicted in
Figure 251.
In this section, we first address clinical management of
acute and chronic suicide risk. We then examine a number
of psychological and other aspects of treatment of patients
deemed to be at risk of suicide.

Management of Acute Risk Factors

. . . I have this almost terrible energy in mind and nothing
seems to help. . . . I walk up and down the roomback
and forthand I feel like a caged tiger. (Anne Sexton2)

The terrible energy described by the poet Anne Sexton,

who ended her life by suicide, is typical of the physical and


psychic agitation experienced by many patients in the midst

of episodes of bipolar depression. Agitationwhich, like
several other acute risk factors, is usually modifiable with
treatmentis marked by increased voluntary motor activity, such as pacing, handwriting, and pressured speech patterns, and a subjective sense of perturbance or feeling
wired (see Chapter 2). The activity is typically repetitive,
stereotyped, and purposeless. In suicidal states, agitation is
often accompanied by, and difficult to distinguish from,
severe anxiety. More severe, persistent, or recurrent anxiety, panic attacks, and agitation in the presence of unipolar
or bipolar depression are all acute risk factors for suicide
(Coryell, 1988; Fawcett et al., 1990; Busch et al., 2003).
Prevalence data for the symptoms of agitation in bipolar
disorder are sparse (Allen and Currier, 2004; Sachs, 2006),
but their existence is common and potentially dangerous.
These potentially dangerous symptoms can usually be
reduced in a relatively brief period of timea matter of
hours to dayswith appropriate pharmacological therapies.
To the extent possible, patients who are agitated should

Figure 251. Overall approach to manic-depressive patients with acute and chronic risk factors
for suicide.

Assess acute and chronic risk

factors for suicide.
If risk worsens

If risk is acute

Attend to patients safety.

Establish therapeutic alliance and enlist
help from family or friends.
Develop and implement treatment plan for
acute risk factors.

If risk is chronic

If risk is no longer acute

Treat chronic risk factors, and prevent suicide through

maintenance therapy with lithium and/or other mood
stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants
(judiciously used), and psychotherapy.

Monitor patient and reassess at times when risk may

worsen (e.g., recurrence of depression or mixed states,
onset of new comorbidity, and other potential precipitants
of suicide).



be isolated from external, exacerbating stimulation through

the use of quiet or isolation rooms.
We recommend, at a minimum, regularly administered
doses of benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam or lorazepam,
for severe anxiety/panic, agitation, and global insomnia in
a suicidal patient. For more severe anxiety/panic or insomnia, a typical or atypical antipsychotic or an anxiolytic anticonvulsant, such as valproate or gabapentin, is
often appropriate (Battaglia, 2005; Marco and Vaughan,
2005; Marder, 2006). Benzodiazepines must be used cautiously because they may induce outbursts of anger and
disinhibition. Atypical antipsychotics or some anticonvulsants may be helpful alternatives in these patients, especially when the risk of disinhibition is high.
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or
serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) may
be used for their anxiolytic effects, but with caution. First,
SSRIs and other antidepressants have a gradual onset of
efficacy (1 to several weeks), with most studies not showing significant decrements in severity of anxiety symptoms
before 4 weeks. Second, bipolar patients prescribed antidepressants need to be carefully monitored, and they and
their family members advised to be alert to the agitation
and precipitous switches in mood that may be associated
with use of these medications. Children and adolescents
bear even closer monitoring, especially in the early stages
of illness. Indeed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA, 2004) has issued a black box warning on antidepressants for this age group because of the occasional occurrence of increased suicidal ideation or behavior as an
antidepressant-related adverse event (see our later review
of the literature on long-term suicide prevention). Some of
these reports of suicidality no doubt represent treatmentinduced activation of mixed states in young people with an
unsuspected bipolar diathesis.3
Although there is danger of inducing mood cycling by
administering antidepressants to a bipolar patient, the evidence appears to suggest that the risk is lower for the newergeneration SSRIs, SNRIs, and bupropion than for tricyclic
antidepressants (see Chapter 19). In any case, to minimize
the risk of inducing mood cycling or mixed states, mood
stabilization should be established before antidepressant
medications are introduced.
Acute suicidal depression in a manic-depressive patient,
whether bipolar or recurrent unipolar, is one of the most
compelling indications for the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). This is particularly so given that antidepressants
may worsen the course of illness in some bipolar patients, as
well as induce mixed states (see Chapter 19), and that even
the most up-to-date and effectively used pharmacological
interventions will fail in 20 to 30 percent of suicidal patients
(Prudic and Sackeim, 1999). Yet ECT continues to be under-

used, particularly in the United States, because of the presence of obstructive legal and bureaucratic pressures that
make the treatment difficult and cumbersome to employ;
the risk of litigation by a small minority of patients; the
availability of alternative antidepressant treatments; the influence of negative publicity from outside the medical field;
and, within the psychiatric field, a relative lack of awareness
of ECTs advantages in treating the acutely suicidal patient.
ECT has several advantages over pharmacotherapy: the
antidepressant response is more rapid, thereby decreasing
the immediate risk of suicide; there is less potential for
worsening the course of the illness; and the interruption of
the depressive episode allows time for the prophylactic effect of a mood stabilizer to take hold (Prudic and Sackeim,
1999). At the same time, however, some caveats are in order. First, ECT does not always relieve these symptoms
quickly. Moreover, there may be delays in scheduling or accomplishing required medical tests and examinations, and
during this period, the symptomatic patient remains at
risk. Finally, ECT may be no more effective than other
short-term treatments (see the later discussion).

Management of Chronic Risk Factors

The sophisticated use of medications and ECT in treating
manic-depressive illness and preventing relapses is the single best prophylaxis against suicide, although it may not be
sufficient; psychotherapy (discussed later) is often essential as well. In choosing pharmacological treatments, the
most important considerations are efficacy, adverse events,
and adherence. Accordingly, some of the recommendations
made here summarize what has been covered in detail
elsewhere (see Chapters 17 through 24).
Prevention of recurrent depressive or mixed episodes is
the foremost deterrent to suicide; suicide rarely occurs during manic or euthymic states (see Chapter 8). When bipolar
or recurrent unipolar patients at significant risk for suicide
are maintained on lithium, alone or in combination with
other mood stabilizers and/or atypical antipsychotics, the
incidence of suicide can be significantly reduced. Carefully
timed treatment with antidepressants may also reduce the
risk of suicide; as noted previously, however, for bipolar patients antidepressants should generally be preceded by a
mood stabilizer, preferably lithium because of its demonstrated antisuicidal effect.
Despite strong evidence of lithiums antisuicidal effect
(discussed in detail in a later section), its prescription rate
in the United States dropped beginning in the mid- to late
1990s in favor of anticonvulsants, for which there is no systematic evidence of antisuicidal efficacy. We recommend
much greater awareness of lithiums value in suicide prevention, alone or in combination with other medication
and, when appropriate, psychotherapy.

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

Psychological Aspects of Treatment

The psychological aspects of treating suicidal bipolar patients, although often emotionally draining and timeconsuming for the clinician, are an essential component
of preventing suicidal behavior. The suicidal bipolar patient, for example, has many problems that necessitate
psychological support or therapy, reassurance, or general
informational counseling. Moreover, ongoing professional
assessment of suicide risk, as discussed earlier, is vital for
those undergoing treatment, whether outpatient or inpatient. Because a suicidal depression often follows a manic
episode, the depression is exacerbated by adverse circumstances generated while the patient was manic, such as financial or employment crises, marital problems, and legal
difficulties. Other psychological problems arise from reactions to the illness itself (see Chapters 21 and 22) and the
pervasive problem of treatment nonadherence (see Chapter
21). General psychotherapeutic issues are discussed more
fully in Chapter 22. Here we discuss specific issues that arise
during suicidal depressions, including therapeutic style,
suicide-oriented therapies, the patients need for reassurance and information, medication monitoring, clinician
availability, and clinician attitudes engendered by the suicidal patient.

Therapeutic Style
Most clinicians agree that psychodynamic psychotherapy
is contraindicated for suicidal patients, especially those
who have bipolar disorder (Winokur et al., 1969; Hankoff,
1982). Clinical experience suggests that a direct and involved
approach is the most effective and compassionate. The
therapist should be willing to take more initiative with severely depressed patients than might be appropriate with
others. Directness with a suicidal patient is imperative, because the gravity of the situation demands immediate action, and the patients paralysis of will necessitates active
intervention. Also, most suicidal bipolar patients are hyperalert and hypersensitive, as well as guarded and suspicious, and they often possess an uncanny ability to sense
fear, irritation, and evasiveness in their therapists. Directness on the part of the clinician can help allay unnecessary
anxiety and unwarranted speculation, decrease a pervasive
sense of hopelessness, and establish a basis for trust that
can extend into other aspects of clinical care. Along with
directness, the therapist must demonstrate an ability to
understand complex and painful feelings.
Because manic-depressive illness has biological roots,
psychotherapeutically oriented clinicians often refer suicidal manic-depressive patients to psychopharmacologists,
some of whom may not have the time, interest, or skill
to provide psychotherapy and thus may tend to rely too


heavily on medication. Conversely, clinicians who are primarily psychotherapists may tend to place too little emphasis on the importance of medication in alleviating shortterm risk factors as well as treating the long-term course
of the illness. This clinical problem is especially significant
for suicidal patients, who have a particular need for integrated medical and psychotherapeutic care.

Suicide-Oriented Therapies
Contemporary randomized controlled trials of the longterm efficacy of psychotherapy in manic-depressive illness
have focused on the bipolar subgroup (see Chapter 22).
Disappointingly few of these studies have tested the efficacy of specific suicide-oriented therapies, and none have
focused on decreasing suicide, or even suicidality, per se.
Indeed, most clinical trials that address suicidal behaviors
have been directed at personality disorders or have grouped
together patients with very different diagnoses (Brown
et al., 2005). Further, the outcome measure has usually been
deliberate self-harm, which encompasses both nonlethal
and lethal intent and varying degrees of planning; it is an
imperfect proxy for suicide. The primary problem is that
most trials are underpowered to detect a decrease in suicide because of its relative rarity.
Systematic reviews of the efficacy and methodology of
suicide-oriented clinical trials are available.4 The types
of therapies examined in such trials include particular
cognitive-behavioral therapies (e.g., dialectical behavioral
therapy for borderline personality disorder), psychodynamic interpersonal therapy, emergency cards (which allow emergency admission or contact with a physician),
and problem-solving therapy. Recently, Miklowitz and Taylor (2006) proposed an adaptation of family-focused therapy for suicidal bipolar patients that holds promise for
helping this at-risk group of patients. Given the limitations
of the literature, clinical experience suggests that with suicidal bipolar patients, the quality of the relationship between therapist and patient is more important than any
particular type of psychotherapy.

Providing Reassurance
The liberal and intelligent use of reassurance, an integral
part of the treatment of manic-depressive illness, is particularly important when the patient is suicidal. Indeed, it is
reasonable to offer hope when dealing with a generally treatable and spontaneously remitting illness. Winokur and colleagues (1969) suggested frequently reassuring patients and
families first, that depression is an illness; second, that it is
time-limited; and third, that the clinician is familiar with
this kind of problem. While depressed, suicidal patients are
unlikely to acknowledge that such reassurance is helpful,
although after they have recovered, they often remark on



how important the clinicians reassurance was to them

(Coate, 1964; West, 1975; Jamison, 1995). Thus the clinician
needs to have considerable skill and perseverance to maintain credibility while reassuring the patient. For example, it
is helpful to acknowledge negativistic skepticism, with an
understanding of the patients current depression. By taking a stance of not overreacting and maintaining a positive
outlookknowing that if one treatment approach is not
successful, the next may bethe therapist can sustain
hope even in the face of failure of a therapeutic trial. The
clinicians charge is to convince the patient that the treatment being administered may be able to help and to engage the patients participation, if not belief, long enough
to produce some symptom relief that will encourage continuation with the treatment. The patient needs to hear
that the therapist is not going to give up even if initial efforts are unsuccessful. The protective factors discussed earlier, such as family and friends or strong religious beliefs,
can be emphasized by the clinician. Certainly, whenever
possible and clinically indicated, family members should be
actively involved and educated in the patients treatment.

Communicating Information
Explicit information about both the bipolar and recurrent
unipolar forms of manic-depressive illness, their treatment, and their association with suicide is particularly important when dealing with suicidal patients, who may feel
profound hopelessness and be severely cognitively impaired. Whenever feasible, information should be provided
to such patients in both oral and written form. One of the
first messages that must be clearly communicated concerns
the limits on confidentiality between suicidal patients and
their therapists. This message becomes highly significant
for patients who are paranoid, irritable, and hostile or are
experiencing mixed states and rapidly fluctuating moods.
Other information for the patient and, where appropriate,
for the family are listed in Box 256.
It is important to communicate consistently that although manic-depressive illness is serious, it can be treated
successfully in the great majority of cases. Left untreated,
however, particularly early in its course, it not infrequently
results in suicide. The clinician must explain to both patient and family that denial of the possibility of recurrence
is common, but it can also be dangerous. Such an explanation predicts thoughts and feelings and thereby lends credence to the clinicians recommendations.
The patient must be strongly and persuasively encouraged to take lithium or other medications as prescribed. In
the case of lithium, the patient should be informed that the
drug has been demonstrated to have a strong antisuicidal
effect and that it can sometimes work as effectively against
depression as it does against mania, but that it usually takes

BOX 256. Communicating Information

to Suicidal Patients and Families
General Issues

Written information whenever possible

Ways of contacting clinician
Limits on confidentiality
Importance of postponing major life decisions
Treatable nature of affective illness

Medication Issues

Availability of many effective medications

Imperative to take medications as prescribed
Importance of providing instructions in writing
Side effects usually transient and/or treatable

When to Contact Clinician

Worsening of suicidal ideation

Worsening of symptoms, especially:
Sleep loss
Severe anxiety/panic
Agitation, severe restlessness
Feeling of violence, impulsivity
Problems with medication adherence
Increased impulsivity and aggressivity
Alcohol and Drugs

Worsen sleep
Decrease impulse control and judgment
Potentiate or interfere with prescribed medications
Worsen course of illness
Increase the likelihood of mixed states

Recovery Issues

High-risk nature of recovery period

Recovery likely to be frustrating and tumultuous
Uneven sawtooth pattern of recovery
Time course and recovery pattern with antidepressants (energy and the ability to execute a plan are likely to return more
quickly than improved mood or cognition)

more time to have an effect on the former. The patient (and

clinician) should not be discouraged by this delay. Patients
should be advised as well that strict adherence to lithium
therapy is very important because of the increased risk of
suicide after stopping the medication (as discussed further
It is important to communicate explicitly that many
side effects occurring with medications can be ameliorated,
while others cannot. The clinician should be specific about

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

possible side effects and how transitory or permanent they

are likely to be. Patients who are started on a medication
should be warned that the time course for a drug response
may lead to a discrepancy between what their physician
sees and what they themselves are experiencing. For example, the physician and family may see improvement because the patient has more energy and is sleeping better,
and his face and body are more animated. These changes
generally precede improvements in mood and thinking,
changes that are likely to be more important to the patient.
(Too, increased energy and capacity to act when combined
with depressed mood can itself be dangerous.) Warning
patients about this discrepancy in perception can lessen
some of their discouragement, which is particularly important given that, as noted earlier, they may be at higher
risk for suicide at this stage of the illness.
As the patients condition begins to improve, the clinician should explain that recovery from a suicidal depression is exceptionally difficult, that a particularly frustrating
and difficult period may lie ahead, and that temporary setbacks are common. The patient should be aware that alcohol generally worsens depression, interferes with sleep, impairs judgment and impulse control, and undermines the
effects of medications (see Chapter 24). The patient should
be advised as well to avoid significant occupational, social,
or personal changes when depressed and to obtain a leave
of absence from school or work rather than quit.

Medication Monitoring
The importance of prescribing only limited amounts of potentially lethal medications to suicidal patients cannot be
overstated. Growing reliance on SSRI antidepressants has
reduced the likelihood of lethal overdose because they are
less toxic than monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
and tricyclic antidepressants. In the pre-SSRI era, Murphy
(1975) concluded that half of patients who killed themselves
through an overdose had obtained their lethal antidepressant
dose in a single prescription. Lithium is also potentially lethal
and should be monitored accordingly (see Chapter 20).
Instructions regarding medicationsdosages, timing,
side effects, potentially dangerous adverse reactions, and
potentiation/interference by alcohol and other drugs
should be explicit and in writing. If possible, another concerned individual (family member or friend) should become involved in monitoring the medications prescribed
for a suicidal patient because confusion, hopelessness, and
ambivalence about taking drugs can make depressed patients particularly susceptible to errors in taking medications. Plastic pill boxes with separate sections for each day
of the week are helpful to many patients, particularly those
who are confused as a result of their depression or are taking more than one medication.


Availability of Clinician
When patients are suicidal, they should be seen and contacted more frequently than usual. If financial or scheduling
problems exist, the clinician should attempt to see the patient for shorter periods of time but more often. It may
help to establish a time each day, or every few days, for a
brief telephone conversation. Because the slowed anergic
quality of bipolar depression often makes telephoning a
difficult task for the patient, we find it helpful to initiate
these contacts, asking the patient frequently and regularly
to give his own assessment of suicidal ideation and obtaining as much information as possible from family members
about the patients behavior and suicidal intent.
The clinicians accessibility to the patient and the patients understanding and acceptance of his alliance with
the clinician are dimensions of care that are crucial to keeping the patient alive through the worst times. The patient
must be told clearly how to reach the clinician in an emergency or during an acute exacerbation of suicidal thoughts
and feelings. Directions for dealing with answering services, on-call systems, and coverage by other clinicians
should be explicit and conveyed both orally and in writing. Depressive confusional states, as well as guilt or fear
about overburdening and alienating clinicians, often prevent patients from indicating that they do not fully understand such practical details. Putting this information in
writing, along with Do not hesitate to call, can be both
concrete and reassuring. The clinician needs to have a clear
agreement with all suicidal patients stipulating that they
will call if they are in danger of losing control of their feelings or actions, become acutely suicidal, or feel the need
for immediate care. It generally is prudent as well to share
this information with the closest family member or friend.

Clinician Attitudes
Therapists should always be sensitive to the feelings,
thoughts, and actions engendered in them by a patient (see
Chapter 22), but this is especially so when the patient is
suicidal. The therapists reactions often reflect the added
stress, responsibility, and time commitments involved in
treating a suicidal patient, who is frequently irritable and
who conveys a sense of contagious hopelessness. The tendency for some therapists to overidentify with patients
professionally successful ones in particularcan increase
the therapists own psychological distress and lead to denial or overprotectiveness. The serious possibility of suicide reminds most therapists of their own limitations. As
Cassem (1978, pp. 595596) noted:
The need to balance consideration for the patients safety
with the goal that he live his life independently . . . reminds



us how limited the therapists powers arethat is, they are

no stronger than the patients desire to make use of help.
The therapist who appreciates his ultimate inability to stop
the person who really wants to kill himself is far more
likely to be effective in restoring the persons sense of selfesteem and wholeness. . . . Clarifying these limitations
with the patient helps convey respect for his autonomy
and reminds the therapist that a completed suicide can
occur despite complete fulfillment of his responsibility.

Suicidal manic-depressive patients can challenge and

frustrate the clinician because of the need for complicated
diagnostic judgments and sophisticated psychopharmacological decisions, as well as other problems in managing
suicidal behavior, such as obstacles to hospitalization. Consultation with specialists in the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of affective illness can be helpful
clinically, personally, and legally.

Other Aspects of Treatment

Involvement of Family Members and Friends
The involvement of family members and friends can lessen
the need for hospitalization and increase the familys and
patients sense of control over a potentially devastating situation. By participating during a patients acute-risk period, families can be actively involved in much of the decision making that takes place and learn ways to avert future
crises. The clinician can alleviate family members understandable sense of hopelessness and helplessness by providing information and reassurance, by giving them realistic expectations about likely difficulties in the acute and
recovery phases, and by establishing clear contingency plans
for serious problems that may arise. Families, like patients,
should be given direct, preferably written, information
about the patients illness, medications, potentially dangerous adverse reactions, suicide risk, and ways of contacting
the clinician.
The clinician can set up a suicide alert system by meeting with the patient, relevant family members, and a few
close friends (if advisable) to coordinate an effective and
direct method for noting particularly dangerous changes in
the patients mental condition and mood. At that meeting,
the clinician should clarify the above-noted limits of confidentiality in situations of potential suicide and should
stress that the ultimate responsibility for assessing lethality
and making decisions about hospitalization rests with the
clinician. Such clarification avoids confusion about responsibility and lessens family members guilt should suicide or
a severe attempt occur. The clinician must frequently assess
the stress on all participants, as well as determine whether
the patient needs to be hospitalized.

To facilitate communication, relatively new legal instruments, known as psychiatric advance directives, can be used
by patients, when well, to document their instructions for
care in times of suicidal crisis, including preferences for
medication, hospitalization, and ECT and the designation
of an individual authorized to make health care decisions
on their behalf. More than 20 states have passed specific
statutes for psychiatric advance directives. Forms can be
downloaded through various gateway Web sites (e.g., Duke
University, 2005) and through patient advocacy groups
(see the suggested guidelines of the Depressive and Bipolar
Support Alliance given in Box 221 in Chapter 22).

The decision to admit a suicidal patient to a psychiatric
hospital is often straightforward and reassuring. On the
other hand, when a patient equates hospitalization with
failure or symbolic defeat or when the stigma of hospitalization may have a severe and negative effect on work or
personal relationships, the decision becomes more complicated. The psychological, social, financial, and clinical disadvantages to the patient must be weighed not only against
the risk of suicide, but also against the pragmatic and emotional costs to the family and the clinician if the patient remains out of the hospital.
Hospitalization, although decreasing the risk of suicide,
does not eliminate it. Robins and colleagues (1959) found
that 7 percent of patients in their sample had committed
suicide while in a psychiatric hospital. Weeke (1979) reported an even higher rate: 27 percent of manic-depressive
patients killed themselves while under hospital care, although half of them were on a pass or had absconded.
Weeke emphasized the need for special precautions to supplement hospitalization and the careful observation of such
patients even when they appear substantially improved or
recovered (see also Winokur et al., 1969; Roose et al., 1983).
These measures are not always effective in preventing suicide, however. Busch and colleagues (2003) examined 76
cases of inpatient suicide and found that 42 percent had
been on orders for suicide checks every 15 minutes or had
been seen by staff within 15 minutes of their suicide. This
finding underscores the potential inadequacy of one of the
most commonly used precautions for those at acute risk of
Motto (1975) and Hawton and Catalan (1982) provided
specific examples of ways to document evidence and improve communication among hospital staff members to
prevent suicide:
The degree of suicide risk should be carefully assessed
and should be stated explicitly (for example, low, moderate, or high).

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

The measures to be taken in dealing with the acutely suicidal patient should be stated in clear, specific terms.
Most hospitals have devised suicide observation procedures that include detailed instructions to nurses and
Nursing staff should be required to document on the patients chart that the suicide prevention measures have
been carried out.
It is especially important to specify whether the risk of
suicide for a patient is acute or chronic. Once acute risk has
been determined, efforts must be made to reduce that risk,
such as by aggressively treating insomnia, agitation, and
anxiety symptoms and providing the patient with one-onone observation until the acute-risk state has ended.
Other factors important to preventing suicide in hospitalized patients are a high staff/patient ratio, a reduced
number of exits on the ward or a locked ward, and an
awareness that increased risk occurs during a change in
nursing shifts and when a crisis on one part of the ward
distracts staff attention from the suicidal patient (Hawton
and Catalan, 1982). It is essential, when possible, to ask the
patients family members about expressed suicide intent
since, as noted earlier, patients more often confide in family members than in their doctors.

Follow-Up Care
The chronic, recurrent, and serious nature of manicdepressive illness makes careful monitoring during the recovery period an essential part of treatment. Even in the
early nineteenth century, Benjamin Rush (1812, p. 239)
called attention to the danger of this period:
We should be careful to distinguish between a return of
reason and a certain cunning, which enables mad people
to talk and behave correctly for a short time, and thereby
to deceive their attendants, so as to obtain a premature
discharge from their place of confinement. To prevent the
evils that might arise from a mistake of this kind, they
should be narrowly watched during their convalescence,
nor should they be discharged until their recovery. . . .
Three instances of suicide have occurred in patients soon
after they left the Pennsylvania Hospital, and while they
were receiving the congratulations of their friends upon
their recovery.

Several studies (e.g., Roy, 1982; Fawcett et al., 1987) have

found that the first 6 to 12 months after hospital discharge
is a period of very high risk for suicide. Appleby and colleagues (1999) retrospectively studied 2,177 cases of suicide
among patients who had had contact with mental health
services within the year before their death. Of these suicides, 24 percent occurred within the first week of hospital


discharge; 43 percent were in the highest-priority category

for community care; and 26 percent had not adhered to
treatment. The authors observed that earlier and more intensive follow-up in the community may be required for
effective suicide prevention.
Many investigators (Fieve, 1975; Hankoff, 1982; Gitlin
and Jamison, 1984) have noted the advantages of specialty
affective disorder clinics in providing continuity of care.
Because of their medical affiliations, these clinics are sometimes more free of stigma than other psychiatric programs. Such specialty clinics are also able to make rigorous
diagnoses, provide highly specialized and up-to-date treatment, and treat a large number of patients with similar
types of problems. Nonetheless, most patients with manicdepressive illness are not in fact treated in such facilities,
and other settings, such as private practice, can provide
some of these advantages as well. On the whole, continuity
of care and expertise in diagnosis and treatment (through
consultation when necessary) are most important in treating both the recurrent unipolar and bipolar subgroups of
manic-depressive illness.

Impact of Suicide on Family Members

While the emphasis of this chapter is on treating and preventing suicidal behavior, suicide will still occur despite
the dedicated efforts of clinicians, family members, and
friends. The psychological impact of suicide on those left
behind has received scant study, although there have been
a few investigations. The existing research confirms clinical experience and the intuitive expectation that one of the
highest priorities in the wake of a suicide is to attend to
surviving relatives, who not only suffer terribly from the
loss, but may themselves be at risk for developing psychiatric problems.
Relatives nearly universal reactions to suicidegrief,
guilt, devastation, and distressare complicated by the
stigma associated with the act and lingering questions of
why, what if, and what else they could have done. Brent and
colleagues (1996) found that most siblings of adolescents
who commit suicide are themselves at heightened risk of
developing depression within 6 months; within 3 years,
however, they do not display excess psychopathology. On
the other hand, mothers of children who have died by suicide continue to show long-lasting effects 3 years later,
and nearly 30 percent develop depression. Another study,
focused on children whose parents committed suicide,
found that the anxiety, anger, and shame experienced during the first months after the event give way to behavioral
and anxiety symptoms but, at least after 2 years, not to
long-term psychopathology (Cerel et al., 1999). Children
with preexisting psychopathology are, however, at longterm risk of exacerbation or the onset of new disorder. To



avert long-term effects, children should be told the truth

about the suicide, although the surviving parents natural
reaction is often otherwise. Shielding children leads to
greater turmoil and potential long-term distress once they
inevitably learn the truth from other children or adults.
Clinicians, in addition to expressing their condolences and,
if possible, attending the funeral or memorial services,
should be available to families in the wake of suicide and
should make appropriate referrals to other mental health
professionals when necessary. Parents and family members
can access help through several organizations listed in the
appendix at the end of the volume.

Impact of Suicide on the Therapist

Therapists often portray losing a patient to suicide as the
most anguishing time in their careers (Gitlin, 1999). Approximately one-half of psychiatrists and one-quarter of
psychologists surveyed in the late 1980s reported experiencing a patients suicide (Chemtob et al., 1988a,b). Therapists immediate reactions to suicide include shock, grief,
guilt, fear of blame, self-doubt, shame, anger, and a sense
of betrayal, according to results of research sponsored by
the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Hendin
et al., 2000). About a third of those interviewed reported
severe levels of distress, often lasting longer than a year. Severely affected therapists attributed their distress to their
failure to hospitalize an acutely suicidal patient who later
died, treatment decisions, negative reactions from institutions and peers, and fear of a lawsuit by the patients family
members (Hendin et al., 2004). These findings call for more
collegial and institutional support for therapists after a patients suicide, as well as for postmortem opportunities to
learn more about suicide prevention.


In this section, we review in turn the literature on acute clinical management of suicidal patients and long-term suicide
prevention, elaborating on the brief earlier discussion of
various medical treatments.

Acute Clinical Management

Evidence concerning successful treatment of patients at
acute risk of suicide is quite limited for several reasons.
The first concerns ethical issues involved in conducting
controlled studies in emergency clinical situations. The
second is the limitation in statistical power that results
from the relatively small numbers of actual suicides noted
previously and the fact that the validity of using attempted
suicide or suicidal ideation as a proxy measure is highly
questionable (see Chapter 8). Third, the literature on suicide and its prevention generally does not distinguish

acute from chronic risk; instead, it tends to address risk as

a single category, perhaps as a result of the retrospective
nature of most studies of suicide. Finally, most studies do
not compare the incidence of risk factors in those who
commit suicide with the incidence in a comparison group
of those who do not, nor do they examine the time from
the emergence of a putative risk factor to the occurrence of
Given this dearth of research evidence, it is difficult to
assess the effectiveness of various clinical interventions in
reducing the acute risk of suicide. The best evidence available is based on clinical trials that show a rapid reduction
of high-risk symptoms, not of suicide or attempts per se.
The value of this evidence is based on the reasonable, although as yet unproven, inference that reducing or reversing these symptoms will reduce the acute risk of suicide.
Below we review this evidence for benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants and antipsychotics, antidepressants with rapid
onset, and ECT.

Results of several clinical trials suggest that adequate, regularly administered doses of benzodiazepines, such as clonazepam or lorazepam, can act fairly rapidly to reverse severe anxiety, panic attacks, and agitated states. Smith and
colleagues (2002) presented data showing more rapid improvement in depression when clonazepam was added to
fluvoxamine. Londborg and colleagues (2000) found over
the first 3 weeks of treatment that fluoxetine plus clonazepam at night, versus fluoxetine plus placebo, worked
better in reducing total Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) scores, anxiety, and sleep disturbance.
Treatment-emergent anxiety was reported for 25 percent of
placebo but only 7 percent of cotherapy patients. An extension study assigned patients to the same dose (20 mg) of
fluoxetine or an increased dose (40 mg) at 6 weeks (Smith
et al., 2002). One week later, cotherapy (fluoxetine with
clonazepam) was found to be superior to fluoxetine with
placebo with respect to HAM-D and Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) ratings; response rates were 32 and 4 percent, respectively. Cotherapy with benzodiazepines was
also found to be useful for rapid treatment of anxiety and
There are caveats, however. The effects of benzodiazepines wear off rapidly, necessitating supervised use until
basic antidepressant and/or mood-stabilizing treatment
with medications or ECThas reduced the severity of depressive symptoms. Although giving one or two doses of
anxiolytic medication can result in dramatic improvement
in the acute state and thereby potentially lower acute suicidal risk, failure to repeat the dosage on a regular schedule
until the underlying affective disorder has improved may

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk


result in a dangerous rebound of anxiety, which can in

turn trigger suicide. Careful clinical supervision and followup are therefore necessary.
In general, because the treatment is time-limited, there
is little risk of inducing dependency on benzodiazepines
with proper supervision. At the same time, given that
manic-depressive patients (especially the bipolar subgroup) frequently present with comorbid substance abuse
(see Chapter 7), the increased risk of misuse of or dependency on benzodiazepines in these patients should be carefully weighed. In the case of recurring anxiety symptoms,
especially panic attacks, more moderate doses may need to
be continued. In the final analysis, death is a far greater
danger than possible benzodiazepine dependency, which
can usually be avoided through careful clinical management.

treatment of panic disorder and social phobia and the SNRI

venlafaxine for the treatment of anxiety disorders. The important point is that a rapid anxiolytic and antiagitation
effect, within a time frame of hours, is called for in acutely
suicidal patients, especially those who are particularly anxious and dysphoric. Identifying and managing a state of
acute suicide risk can work to prevent a suicide only if
both the immediate and follow-up treatments are successful. To this end, it is necessary to provide comprehensive
treatment of the depressive episode or dysphoricmixed
state driving the suicidal state, as well as a maintenance
medication regimen. In any patient who is believed to have
been at acute risk for suicide, a long-term treatment strategy should be developed as the patient recovers from the

Anticonvulsants and Antipsychotics

As noted earlier, the literature on the results of ECT in the

prevention of suicide has generally shown that it can be
highly effective in the short term; however, it may be no
more effective than other short-term treatments (Prudic
and Sackeim, 1999; Sharma, 1999, 2001). Despite the known
effectiveness of ECT in depressed patients with severe agitation and anxiety, suicides have occurred while the treatment was under way or even soon after a completed course
(Bradvik and Berglund, 2000). Prudic and Sackeim (1999)
pointed out, however, that more acutely ill, more suicidal
patients may tend to be given ECT (because treatment assignment is not randomized), leading to understatement of
its broader effectiveness. Bradvik and Berglund (2000)
conducted a study of treatment at last contact in 89 cases of
suicide in individuals with severe depression matched to
89 individuals who did not commit suicide. No difference
in ECT use and medication prescription could be found
between the two groups. The authors did find that suicide
after ECT was less common in those patients who received
continued antidepressant therapy than in those who did
not take maintenance antidepressants.

The sleep disturbances that often accompany severe anxiety and panic and that represent an independent risk factor for suicide should be treated aggressively with sedative
hypnotics, sedating atypical antipsychotics, or sedating and
anxiolytic anticonvulsants, such as valproate or gabapentin.
Anticonvulsants and antipsychotics can be used to
treat those patients who display disinhibition or outbursts
of anger in response to fast-acting benzodiazepines. In
these circumstances, anticonvulsants such as divalproex
(Schatzberg, 1998), atypical antipsychotics, or sedating
typical antipsychotics, such as thioridazine, may be useful,
particularly in reducing agitation and anxiety. Indeed,
these treatments can be life-saving in some high-risk patients. All of these medications are relatively safe if used
skillfully and with the necessary amount of supervision
and follow-up. It is important that they be given in sufficient doses, even if temporary sedation results, until the
suicidal crisis has been brought under control. The atypical antipsychotics merit special mention because, as discussed later, the atypical clozapine is the only drug other
than lithium for which there is replicated evidence of a reduction in suicide risk. (See Chapter 19 for discussion of
the use of anticonvulsants and atypical antipsychotics in
the treatment of bipolar depression.)

Antidepressants with Rapid Onset

There is suggestive evidence that antidepressants with a
mechanism that blocks the type 2 serotonin (5-HT2) receptor, such as mirtazapine (Nutt, 1999) and nefazodone
(Fawcett and Barkin, 1998), may have a more rapid effect
than other antidepressant medications in reducing agitation and anxiety. Most treatment algorithms for anxiety
disorders, however, suggest SSRI antidepressants as a firstline treatment. The FDA has approved paroxetine for the

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Long-Term Suicide Prevention

Lithium, antidepressants, and atypical antipsychotics are
all used for the long-term prevention of suicide. In this
section, we review the literature on each of these treatments, including the possible association between SSRIs
and increased suicide risk.

Several meta-analyses encompassing dozens of studies
have shown that lithium is a powerful antisuicide agent.
Tondo and Baldessarini (2000) analyzed 22 long-term investigations of lithium therapy published from 1974 to 1998.
In the more than 5,600 patients studied (representing nearly



35,000 patient-years of risk), they found a suicide rate among

those receiving long-term lithium treatment 9 times lower
than that among patients who did not receive or who discontinued the drug. (Most patients in these studies had
bipolar disorder, but some had recurrent depression only.)
Baldessarini and colleagues (2001) updated this analysis by
pooling findings from 33 studies published from 1970 to
2000. They found a 13-fold lower incidence of attempted
and completed suicide among those undergoing long-term
lithium treatment compared with those who did not receive or who discontinued the drug. Indeed, patients maintained on lithium had rates of attempted and completed
suicide comparable to those found in the general population (Fig. 252).
In a subsequent analysis, Baldessarini and colleagues
(2003) evaluated findings from 34 studies of patients receiving maintenance lithium (averaging 3.4 years of exposure) and 25 studies of patients not receiving such therapy
(followed for 5.9 years). Risks for completed suicide were
.17 versus .94 per 100 person-years, respectivelythat is,
the risk was 82 percent lower for patients receiving maintenance lithium. For suicide attempts, the corresponding
rates were .31 and 4.65, a 93 percent difference. Risk reductions for recurrent unipolar depression, bipolar-II, and
bipolar-I were 100, 82, and 67 percent, respectively. In

other words, patients with different affective diagnoses

showed strong benefits, with those with recurrent unipolar
depression appearing to benefit the most.
In the most recent update of the analysis, Baldessarini
and colleagues (2006b) pooled 34 studies suitable for
meta-analysis. These studies involved 85,636 person-years
of exposure (60,094 with and 25,542 without lithium). Figure 253 shows risk ratios (RRs) and their 95 percent confidence intervals (CIs) based on random-effects metaanalysis of suicidal risk in these studies (rates of suicides
and attempts per 100 person-years). Across all studies, the
suicide risk was five-fold lower (RR = 1.00; 95 percent
CI = 3.826.31; z = 12.5, p <.0001) in those individuals treated
versus those not treated with lithium. Of the 34 studies, 26
were open-label clinical studies, and 8 were randomized
clinical trials of lithium versus placebo or another active
agent. The pooled RRs are similar for the open trials (5.00;
95 percent CI = 3.836.53; z = 11.8; p <.0001) and for the randomized controlled trials (4.29; 95 percent CI = 1.4612.6
percent; z = 2.64; p = .008). Table 252 shows that the degree
of risk reduction was similar for suicide and attempted suicide as well as for bipolar and other affective disorders.
In a retrospective cohort study, Goodwin and colleagues (2003) compared the benefits of lithium and divalproex in a population-based sample of 20,638 bipolar-I

Figure 252. Rates of suicide and suicide attempts among patients with major affective disorders, without (Off ) and with (On) long-term lithium maintenance treatment, and estimated rates in the general
population. Rates are in terms of suicidal acts per 100 patient-years (% per year). Note that the suicide attempt rates for patients treated with lithium versus the general population do not differ significantly, but
the rate for suicide among treated patients is 10 times higher than that among the general population.
(Source: Baldessarini et al., 2006b. Reproduced with permission from the New York Academy of Sciences.)























Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

Prien et al., 1974*

Kay and Petterson, 1977
Poole et al., 1978
Ahlfors et al., 1981
Venkoba-Rao et al., 1982
Hanus and Zapletlek, 1984
Lepkifker et al., 1985
Nilsson and Axelsson, 1990
Modestin and
Schwarzenbach, 1992
Muller-Oerlinghausen et al., 1992b
Rihmer et al., 1993
Felber and Kyber, 1994
Lenz et al., 1994
Sharma and Markar, 1994
Koukopoulos et al., 1995
Nilsson, 1995
Greil et al., 1996, 1997a,b*
Bocchetta et al., 1998
Coppen and Farmer, 1998
Tondo et al., 1998
Bauer et al., 2000*
Brodersen et al., 2000
Kallner et al., 2000
Coryell et al., 2001
Rucci et al., 2002
Bowden et al., 2003*
Calabrese et al., 2003*
Goodwin et al., 2003
Yerevanian et al., 2003
Angst et al., 2005
Gonzalez-Pinto et al., 2005

Pooled RR


RR (95% Cl)



Figure 253. Overall random-effects meta-analysis of 31 studies of the risk of suicide and/or
suicide attempts with and without lithium treatment. The risk ratio (RR) and 95 percent confidence interval (CI) for each study are shown (squares are proportional to study weight). The
computed pooled RR (diamond) is 4.91 (95 percent CI = 3.826.31; z = 12.5, p <.0001). The vertical solid line represents the null hypothesis (RR = 100). Asterisks (*) denote randomized controlled trials. (Source: Baldessarini et al., 2006b. Reproduced with permission from the New
York Academy of Sciences.)




Table 252. Summary of Meta-Analyses: Lithium Treatment vs. Risk for Suicide
No. of

Risk Ratio

(95% CI)

p Value

All two-armed studiesb






Omitting Goodwin et al., 2003b






Suicides only






Attempts only






Bipolar disorderc






Major affective disordersc






Quality score 50%d






Quality score < 50%d







Analyses are based on conservative, random-effects modeling.

Results with Goodwin et al., 2003 omitted indicate that inclusion of this very large study did not alter
the overall findings.
For studies with bipolar disorder vs. major affective disorder patient samples: 2 = .91, df = 1, p = .34;
cases of bipolar-I and -II disorders and some schizoaffective disorders, in various combinations,
are included.
For studies with quality ratings at or above vs. below the median.
CI = confidence interval.
Source: Baldessarini et al., 2006b. Reproduced with permission from the New York Academy of Sciences.

patients treated in two large health maintenance organizations. A regression analysis, which controlled for age, gender, health plan, year of diagnosis, concomitant use of other
psychotropic medications (e.g., antidepressants, antipsychotics), and comorbid diagnoses indicated that suicide was
2.7 times more likely among patients on divalproex versus
lithium. Suicide attempts resulting in hospitalization or
emergency department visits were 1.7 times more likely for
those taking divalproex than among those on lithium. By
far the primary determinant of which stabilizer was being
used was the year of initial treatment: at the beginning of
the period studied, 1994, more than 80 percent of the patients were prescribed lithium, but by 2001, about half were
being given divalproex and half lithium, reflecting the
trend in prescribing patterns in the United States during the
1990s (see Chapter 20). Taken together, the role of when patients entered treatment, along with the fact that comorbid
diagnoses and coexisting medications were equivalent in
the two groups, suggest that, any clinical differences in the
patients chosen to receive the two drugs are unlikely to have
contributed significantly to the differing suicide rates found.
Another recent meta-analysis that was restricted to randomized controlled trials found similar, albeit somewhat different, outcomes. Cipriani and colleagues (2005) analyzed
32 such trials comparing lithium with placebo (n = 1,389

patients) or with other pharmacological agents (the mood

stabilizers carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and divalproex
and the antidepressants imipramine and amitriptyline)
(n = 2,069). The outcomes examined were suicide, deliberate self-harm (including attempted suicide), and death from
all causes. The investigators found lithium to be more effective than the three other mood stabilizers as a group.
Patients randomized to lithium experienced a 70 percent
reduction in the risk of a composite of suicide and deliberate self-harm. The investigators concluded that lithium
remains the treatment with the most substantial evidence
base for the prevention of relapse in bipolar disorder and
should be a first-line therapy for patients with that disorder, including those at risk of suicidal behavior (Cipriani
et al., 2005, p. 1816).
A recent Danish observational cohort study compared
the suicide risk in 13,186 patients who had purchased at
least one prescription of lithium with that in 1.2 million
subjects from the general population. Although the suicide
rate was elevated in those who had purchased the drug,
subjects from the general population who had purchased
it at least twice had a 44 percent lower rate of suicide (95
percent CI = .28 to .70) than those who had purchased
lithium only once (Kessing et al., 2005). The rate of suicide
decreased with the number of prescriptions of lithium.

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

The authors, like Wolf and colleagues (1996) a decade earlier, emphasized the importance of taking into consideration the duration of lithium treatment given not only their
own findings, but also those of earlier studies showing
higher mortality rates when lithium treatment lasted only
2 to 5 years (Norton and Whalley, 1984; Vestergaard and
Aagaard, 1991; Brodersen et al., 2000) versus 5 to 10 years
(Coppen et al., 1990, 1991; Muller-Oerlinghausen et al.,
1992a). The benefits of prolonged lithium treatment to
some extent reflect a selection bias, of course: patients who
respond better to lithium may be more likely to continue
taking it, while those who respond less well or who otherwise are at increased risk for nonadherence (e.g., patients
with substance abuse or personality disorder) may be
more likely to stop taking their medication.
Adherence to lithium is key. In a recent 16-year follow-up
study of lithium-treated patients with major affective disorders (who met the criterion of two to three affective
episodes in a 5-year period), those who adhered to lithium
had a standardized mortality ratio (SMR) of 8, while nonadherent patients had an SMR of 31, indicating that adherence
reduced the risk of suicide about four-fold (Brodersen et al.,
2000). Most of the suicides occurred among the atypical
patients enrolled in the study (those with schizoaffective
disorder, bipolar-II disorder, mixed episodes, and/or rapid
cycling). The authors observed that the rate of nonadherence was about 40 percent in the first 2 years of treatment in
this sample, but subsequently dropped to 5 to 10 percent.
This finding calls for more clinical attention to adherence,
especially during the early years of treatment (see Chapter
21). Adherence is particularly important for another reason,
alluded to above. There is strong evidence that suicide and
suicide attempts sharply increase after discontinuation of
lithium, especially abrupt discontinuation (Baldessarini
et al., 1999; Tondo and Baldessarini, 2000), as do episodes of
affective illness (Faedda et al., 1993; Baldessarini et al., 1999;
Baldessarini et al., 2003). Baldessarini and colleagues (1999,
p. 81) concluded that the first months after discontinuation
of lithium may carry a particularly high risk of suicidal behavior and included multiple attempts and fatalities, sometimes in persons without previous suicidal acts. Moreover,
the fatality rate due to suicide was 1.27 per 100 patient-years
after discontinuation of lithium compared with 0.101 during
lithium maintenancean alarming 12.6-fold increase.
Lithium also has been studied in combination with
other medications. Angst and colleagues (2002) provided
evidence that a combination of lithium and antidepressant
medications taken over a 6-month period can result in a
significant reduction in the incidence of suicide in patients
with recurrent affective disorders, especially those with
bipolar disorder. This study is discussed in detail in the
section on antidepressants.


Thus there is strong and consistent evidence of lithiums

ability to prevent suicide in many bipolar patients, and almost certainly in those with recurrent unipolar depression
as well. As alluded to earlier, however, psychological and
medical autopsy studies suggest that patients at risk for suicide often are not prescribed and/or not taking the drug.5
Other than its ability to stabilize mood, lithiums antisuicidal mechanism of action is not well understood, although the evidence points to its putative neurogenesis
effects and capacity to reduce impulsivity or aggressiveness through its actions on serotonin and other neurotransmitters.6

Antidepressants are efficacious for treating major depression and anxiety, but controversy exists as to whether they
prevent suicide or can, under some circumstances, trigger
it, and if the latter, in what age group and with what diagnosis or illness severity. We first consider the benefits of
antidepressants for suicide prevention and then the possibility that suicide or suicidal behaviors may be precipitated
by SSRI antidepressants in a small subgroup of particularly vulnerable individuals.
Most clinical trials of antidepressants have not meaningfully addressed potential efficacy in preventing suicide
because they have expressly excluded suicidal patients or
those with a history of suicide attempts, selected against
severe forms of depression, and because they are of insufficient duration to detect a relatively rare event; they have
relied instead on reports of suicidal ideation or attempts.
Given the exclusion of high-risk patients, it is not surprising that adequately powered meta-analyses of clinical trials
have found no significant difference in rates of suicide between antidepressant and placebo treatment (Khan et al.,
2000a, 2003; Storosum et al., 2002). The absence of an observed antisuicide effect may also reflect the failure of antidepressants to reduce acute suicide risk over a relatively
short period of treatment (1 to 8 weeks); the drugs may be
more effective at reducing long-term risk. Results of epidemiological studies, on the other hand, reveal that suicide
rates have been declining since the late 1980s, a time during
which the prescribing of SSRIs for both adults and adolescents has risen dramatically.7 Much of this increased prescribing has occurred in primary care settings (Pirraglia et
al., 2003). A recent analysis of county-level U.S. vital statistics found that SSRIs were associated with lower rates of
suicide, whereas tricyclic antidepressants were associated
with higher rates (Gibbons et al., 2005). This finding reflects, at least in part, the toxicity of tricyclics when an
overdose is taken. It may also reflect the fact that patients
who were prescribed tricyclics almost certainly represented a more clinically ill population; the SSRIs have been



prescribed over a broader range of severity. Moreover,

there are, of course, limits to inferring causation from epidemiological studies. A recent study of 15,390 patients hospitalized because of a suicide attempt found that current
use of antidepressants was associated with a 39 percent increase in suicide attempts but a 32 percent decrease in
completed suicides (Tiihonen et al., 2006).
As noted earlier, there have been no clinical trials testing the antisuicide efficacy of antidepressants in patients
with bipolar disorder. The only study to have expressly
examined the effect of antidepressants in preventing suicide in bipolar patients was a large, nonrandomized, naturalistic one that included more than 30 years of follow-up
(Angst et al., 2002). This study provided the best evidence
to date that antidepressants, in combination with lithium
or other therapies, may be effective in suicide prevention.
Angst and colleagues in Switzerland studied the value of
sustained treatment with antidepressants, particularly
among bipolar patients, for prevention of suicide. Their
sample included 186 unipolar and 220 bipolar patients, 61
percent of whom had manifested psychotic symptoms and
all of whom had been hospitalized at least once. The severity of depression in these patients biased the group toward
a higher risk of suicide. The patients were followed for 34
to 38 years; 99.3 percent of the sample could be tracked for
the entire follow-up period. Of the original cohort, 76 percent had died by the time the study was completed. Treatment was assessed by obtaining records and calling the
physicians responsible for clinical care. To be considered
in treatment, a patient had to have been medicated for at
least a 6-month period or for the entire period between
two episodes. Treatment included lithium, antidepressants,
and/or antipsychotics; the dose and duration of each treatment were not recorded. The authors noted that patients

with greater severity of illness tended to be in the treatment group.

The overall SMR for the sample was 1.61 (indicating
a 61 percent increase over expected rates for the general
population). The SMR for suicide in the patient group as a
whole was 18.0 (13.5 for males and 21.9 for females). For
bipolar patients specifically, the SMR for suicide was 12.3,
and for unipolar patients it was 26.7. Treatment between
episodes was much more frequent in bipolar than in unipolar patients62 versus 38 percent. The suicide rates in treated
and untreated unipolar patients were 7.1 and 18.1 percent,
respectively; the corresponding rates for bipolar patients
were 5.2 and 13.1 percent. Treated unipolar and bipolar patients showed a highly significant reduction in suicides, as
well as a lower overall lower mortality rate (see Table 253).
With regard to specific treatments, 27.8 percent of the
bipolar patients received lithium plus antipsychotics or antidepressants, 9.6 percent lithium alone, and 8.2 percent antipsychotics plus antidepressants (the remainder were untreated). The study design did not permit detail on the type
of antipsychotic medication prescribed. Monotherapy with
antidepressants was used in 9.1 percent of bipolar patients
(compared with 15.6 percent of unipolar patients). Antipsychotic monotherapy was used in 10 percent of both groups. A
logistic regression over all 305 unipolar and bipolar patients
who had died showed significant effects of antidepressants in
reducing suicide; similar effects were found for lithium, but
only when it was used in combination with antidepressants
or antipsychotics (perhaps because of the relatively small
numbers of patients treated with lithium monotherapy1.6
percent of unipolar and 10 percent of bipolar patients).
Although definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from
nonrandomized data, the suggestion that patients receiving long-term antidepressant treatment had a significantly

Table 253. Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) for Untreated vs. Treateda
Unipolar (n = 147) and Bipolar (n = 158) Patients
Unipolar suicide
Unipolar total mortality
Bipolar suicide
Bipolar total mortality

Untreated SMR

Treated SMR

Untreated vs.
Treated p Value













Treated with antidepressants, antipsychotics, and/or lithium over at least a 6-mo period or for
the entire period between two episodes.
With p < .05 (two-tailed) different from 1.0 (Poisson distribution).
Source: Angst et al., 2002.

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

lower overall mortality rate is important, especially given the

difficulty of successfully following high-risk patients over
34 to 38 years. The apparent effect of treatment on suicide
reduction was greater in the bipolar than in the unipolar
group, but there was a significant effect in both conditions.
As noted, this study was naturalistic; there was no control
group or randomization, meaning that the patients who
were kept on adjunctive antidepressants were likely to be
those who were doing well on them. The authors pointed
out that patients defined as being treated are likely to be
more adherent to prescribed therapy, which in itself may
mitigate against suicide. They also stressed that the treatment had to be received for longer than 6 months or over a
full affective cycle until full remission had been attained.
These data do not prove a direct effect of antidepressant
treatment on reducing suicide, but they do suggest that
long-term adjunctive treatment with these medications may
reduce suicide in some bipolar and to a lesser extent some
unipolar patients.8 Results of another naturalistic (nonrandomized) follow-up study on the same sample, conducted in 2003, further support these conclusions, revealing that treatment significantly reduced suicides and that
combined treatments were more effective than monotherapy (Angst et al., 2005).
Despite evidence for the effectiveness of antidepressants, they continue to be under prescribed in depressed
patients at risk of suicide, according to a summary of seven
American and European toxicological and autopsy studies
(Jamison, 1999). Even fewertypically less than half of
medicated patientswere taking a therapeutic dose (see

Fig. 254). The undertreatment of depression in general is

consistent with research indicating that physicians fail to
prescribe adequate doses of antidepressants (Isacsson et
al., 1994; Isometsa et al., 1994). The reader is referred to
Chapter 19 for a comprehensive discussion of the complex
and controversial subject of the proper role of antidepressants in treating bipolar depression.

Antidepressants and Possible Increased Suicide Risk

The question of a possible increased risk of suicidal behavior associated with the use of SSRI antidepressants surfaced in the early 1990s in case reports of depressed adults9
and children with obsessive-compulsive disorder (King
et al., 1991). These case reports prompted regulatory agencies to reanalyze existing clinical trial data; however, no action was taken until more than a decade later after additional clinical trial data had become available, and one
drug sponsor had submitted an analysis indicating that
suicidal behavior was an adverse event with paroxetine use
in young patients. After systematic evaluation of pooled
data from clinical trials, drug regulators in both the United
States and the United Kingdom issued strong warnings to
physicians about the risk of suicidality and called for
stronger monitoring of antidepressant use in young patients. The decade-long debate over the utility of these regulatory warnings has pitted those concerned about drug
safety against others who are concerned that strong warnings may limit access to necessary and effective treatment.
After regulatory warnings were issued in 2003 and 2004, according to reports from firms monitoring pharmaceutical

Figure 254. Antidepressant use at the time of suicide. An asterisk (*) indicates that no information
is available about adequacy of dosage. (Source: Adapted from Jamison, 1999.)

Country and Year of Study


prescribed and/or
present at autopsy


Adequate drug level







Percentage of those with depressive illness taking antidepressants at time of suicide




benefits, prescribing of SSRIs for young people decreased.

The full impact on prescribing patterns is not yet known,
nor is the impact on suicide rates.
Analysis of data from pediatric clinical trials by independent researchers has been hampered by the fact that the
results of the majority of such trials are unpublished, and
most of the trials had methodological limitations, particularly for extrapolation to bipolar illness. None specifically
studied patients with bipolar or recurrent unipolar disorder. Rather, the trials involved patients with major depressive disorder with recurrence not specified (often with
only moderate levels of depression given ethical constraints
against exposing sick children to placebo, which makes
it more difficult to evaluate treatment effects), obsessivecompulsive disorder, and attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). Exclusionary entry criteria, that is, excluding children and adolescents if they had previously attempted suicide or were actively suicidal, are a particularly
problematic issue (Emslie et al., 2002; Wagner et al., 2004;
Dubicka et al., 2006). The outcomes studied were suicidal
ideation and suicide attempts; these are, as discussed earlier, quite limited predictors of completed suicide. Suicide
itself was not studied, largely because the trials were conducted within a short time frame, and their entry criteria
excluded suicidal patients.
The above methodological problems aside, one explanation for the emergence of suicidal behavior early in
treatment with SSRIs stems from misdiagnosis of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder as unipolar depression.
Use of antidepressant medications in patients who are in
the depressive phase of bipolar disorder may trigger agitation and other behavior reflecting the induction of mixed
states (see Chapter 19), which can be associated with an increased risk of suicide (see Chapter 8) (Shi et al., 2004; Fergusson et al., 2005; McElroy et al., 2006).
In 2004, the FDA evaluated pooled data from both unpublished and published clinical trials involving more than
4,000 children and adolescents. The FDAs conclusion was
that although suicidal ideation or attempts were rare in
these trials, the likelihood of such events occurring during
antidepressant treatment was increased two-fold, from
2 percent with placebo to about 4 percent with the drugs
(FDA, 2004). On the other hand, evidence for efficacy was
not particularly strong, with only 3 of 15 randomized controlled trials (2 for fluoxetine) showing efficacy in treating
depression (Advisory Committee to FDA, 2004). With less
demonstrated efficacy (albeit from trials in which more
severely depressed children were underrepresented) and
a slight elevation in risk, the risk/benefit assessment in
younger patients tilted in favor of risk (Leon, 2005).
This analysis led the FDA to require a black box warning for physicians and to extend that warning to all antide-

pressants sold in the United Statesnot just SSRIs. The

warning states: Antidepressants increased the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in short-term
studies in children and adolescents with Major Depressive
Disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone
considering the use of antidepressants in a child or adolescent must balance this risk with the clinical need. Patients
who are started on therapy should be observed closely for
clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual changes in behavior. We strongly concur that patients and their families
should be advised about potentially dangerous exacerbations of agitation and impulsivity early in the treatment of
depression and that physicians must closely monitor patients in the early phases of treatment, but we are also very
concerned that this black box warning may have a chilling
effect on the legitimate and well-advised prescription of
potentially life-saving medications.
Four recent studies bear mentioning. One, a large-scale investigation of computerized health plan records, identified
65,103 patients with 82,285 episodes of antidepressant treatment (Simon et al., 2006). The risk of suicide during the acute
phase of treatment was approximately 1 in 3,000 treatment
episodes; the risk of serious suicide attempts was 1 in 1,000.
There was no indication of an increased risk of suicide or suicide attempts after starting antidepressant medications. Data
on antidepressant medication prescription rates and U.S.
county-level suicide rates for children ages 5 to 14 were examined for the years 19961998 (Gibbons et al., 2006). After adjustment for access to mental health care, as well as for gender,
race, income level, and county-to-county variability in suicide
rates, higher SSRI prescription rates (expressed as the number
of pills prescribed per person) were associated with lower suicide rates in children and adolescents. Olfson and colleagues
(2006) examined the risk of suicide and suicide attempts in
Medicaid beneficiaries from all 50 states who received inpatient treatment for depression (the study specifically excluded
bipolar patients). They concluded that antidepressant treatment in adults was not significantly associated with suicide
or suicide attempts; in children and adolescents, however,
treatment with antidepressants significantly increased the
risk of both suicide and suicide attempts. Finally, Bauer and
colleagues (2006a,b) prospectively studied 425 Systematic
Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder
(STEP-BD) participants who experienced a new-onset major depressive episode without initial suicidal ideation. They
found no evidence that increased antidepressant exposure
was associated with new-onset suicidality in this high-risk
population. (New-onset suicidality was, on the other hand,
associated with a history of a prior attempt and higher depressive or manic symptom ratings at index episode.) There
was no association between antidepressant treatment and
suicidality in the younger (age 21 or less) patients.

Clinical Management of Suicide Risk

In summary, antidepressant medications are effective

for treating major mood disorders, but their use should be
monitored carefully by clinicians. This is particularly true
for young patients, whose brain development is different
from that of adults (see Chapter 23). Patients can worsen
after the initiation of antidepressant treatment. Patients
and their families should be warned of this possibility, and
the prescribing physician should be contacted if symptoms, especially agitation and impulsivity, worsen after the
initiation of treatment.

Atypical Antipsychotics
Several studies have found that clozapine reduces rates of
suicide or attempted suicide in patients with schizophrenia
or schizoaffective disorder. The first such study to be published was of 183 neuroleptic-resistant patients who had
been consecutively hospitalized. After being prescribed
clozapine, they were followed for periods of 6 months to 7
years. The number of suicide attempts with high lethality
was reduced from five before the index hospitalization to
zero afterward (Meltzer and Okayli, 1995). Walker and colleagues (1997) found a significant decrease in death rates
from suicide in an epidemiologic sample of 67,072 users of
clozapine. Likewise, Reid and colleagues (1998), comparing
rates of suicide in a subset of patients treated with clozapine (n = 1,310) in a group of 30,000 schizophrenic patients
treated in the Texas mental health system, found a marked
reduction in the clozapine-treated group. More recently,
Modestin and colleagues (2005) found that clozapine diminished the frequency of serious suicidal acts in a sample
of 75 patients with schizophrenia, 14 with schizoaffective
disorder, and 5 with affective illness. On the other hand,
Sernyak and colleagues (2001), retrospectively studying a
group of 1,415 schizophrenic patients treated with clozapine, found no reduction in suicide compared with a schizophrenic control group not treated with the drug.
There is some evidence that olanzapine, another atypical antipsychotic, also reduces suicide attempts. Olanzapine, as compared with haloperidol, was associated with a
significant decrease in rates of attempted suicide in schizophrenic patients treated over 1 year (this study included
schizoaffective patients) (Glazer, 1997). In a post hoc
analysis of a randomized clinical trial, olanzapine given
over a period of 28 weeks was found to be superior to
risperidone in reducing suicide attempts (Tran et al., 1998).
These findings suggest that olanzapine may have effects
similar to those of clozapine in reducing suicide in schizophrenia. More recently, Houston and colleagues (2006)
found that the addition of olanzapine (versus placebo) to
lithium or divalproex monotherapy significantly reduced
suicidal ideation (as measured by HAM-D-3 scores) in 58
bipolar-I mixed-state patients.


The comparative benefits of clozapine and olanzapine

for suicide prevention were examined by Meltzer and colleagues (2003) in the International Suicide Prevention Trial.
Over a 2-year period, that trial followed 980 patients with
schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder deemed to be at
high risk for suicide. Suicide-related outcomes included
suicide attempts, hospitalizations to prevent suicide, and a
rating of much worsening of suicidality. It was found that
clozapine-treated patients had significantly fewer suicide
attempts, hospitalizations, and rescue interventions. The
study did not have sufficient power to compare suicide
Although most studies of clozapine have been carried
out in patients with schizophrenia, Ciapparelli and colleagues (2000) found in a naturalistic study that clozapine
was also effective in patients with treatment-resistant
schizoaffective disorder, as well as in psychotic bipolar patients, over a 24-month observation period. This finding
suggests that the antisuicide effect seen with clozapine in
schizophrenic patients may also be seen in those with bipolar disorder.

The seriously suicidal person with manic-depressive illness,
whether bipolar or recurrent unipolar, requires intensive
clinical care. Suicidal behavior is treated and prevented
most effectively by a combination of immediate and longterm strategies. The immediate strategy is to keep the suicidal patient safe by ameliorating acute risk factors, such as
global insomnia, agitation, and severe anxiety. The longterm strategy is to stabilize the patients underlying illness,
particularly recurrent depressive or mixed episodes. When
bipolar or recurrent unipolar patients at chronic risk for
suicide are maintained on lithium, alone or in combination with other mood stabilizers and/or atypical antipsychotics, the incidence of suicide can be significantly reduced. Lithiums antisuicidal effect has been demonstrated
by meta-analyses of more than 30 studies that reveal an
approximately five-fold reduction in suicide risk among
patients treated with versus those not treated with lithium.
Careful treatment with antidepressants may also reduce
the risk of suicide, but for bipolar patients antidepressants
should generally be preceded by a mood stabilizer, preferably lithium because of its demonstrated antisuicidal effect. When administered alone, antidepressants may induce
mood cycling or mixed states, which may in turn heighten
the risk of suicide. Bipolar patients prescribed antidepressants, particularly children and adolescents, should be
carefully monitored, and they and their family members
advised to be alert to possible agitation and precipitous
switches in mood.



Finally, the psychological aspects of treating suicidal

manic-depressive patients are also an essential component
of preventing suicidal behavior. Assessment of suicide risk
should be performed during the initial patient evaluation
and at certain points when the risk is likely to increase,
such as in the presence of a new or exacerbated comorbidity or within 3 to 6 months after hospital discharge. The
clinicians vigilance in suicide assessment and treatment
with a combination of psychotherapeutic interventions
can reduce the risk of suicide and save lives.

1. MacKinnon and Farberow, 1976; Pokorny, 1983, 1991; Murphy
et al., 1984; Goldstein et al., 1991; IOM, 2002.
2. Anne Sexton, probably 1977. Dr. Orne file, restricted collection. Cited in Middlebrook (1991, p. 36).
3. A very large percentage of adolescent-onset depression is
bipolar (see Chapter 6), and psychiatrists initially misdiagnose
40 to 60 percent of bipolar patients as unipolar; primary care
physicians and pediatricians miss an even larger percentage
(see Chapter 3).
4. Hawton et al., 1998, 2000; IOM, 2002; Jacobs et al., 2003;
Hepp et al., 2004; Soomro, 2004; Miklowitz and Taylor,

5. Isometsa and colleagues (1994), for example, identified 31

bipolar-I patients among all 1,397 suicides in Finland within a
12-month period. Of these patients, 74 percent were receiving
psychiatric care at the time of their suicide, and 39 percent had
explicitly communicated their intent to kill themselves to health
personnel during the final 3 months of their lives, yet only 32
percent had received lithium (11 percent had received antidepressants, and none had received ECT). An international symposium evaluated current knowledge of the effects of medical
treatment on suicidal behavior; one of its major conclusions
was that there was a profound gap between the strong evidence
base for lithiums effectiveness against suicidal behavior and
what practicing clinicians knew (Baldessarini and Jamison,
1999). Likewise, Muller-Oerlinghausen (2003) found that
lithium was infrequently prescribed in Germany.
6. Sheard, 1975, Treiser et al., 1981; Dixon and Hokin, 1998;
Baldessarini et al., 2003; Brown et al., 2005.
7. Isacsson, 2000; Grunebaum et al., 2003; Olfson et al., 2003;
Zito et al., 2003. Rihmer et al., 1995, 2004; Ludwig and Marcotte, 2005.
8. As reviewed in Chapter 19, only a minority of bipolar patients
do well on long-term antidepressants; because Angsts patients were not randomized, we can assume that the patients
who stayed on long-term antidepressants were those who had
not been destabilized by themwhich, according to the studies reviewed in Chapter 19, may represent about 20 percent of
the bipolar group.
9. Teicher et al., 1990, 1993; Rothschild and Locke, 1992.




American Psychological Association

750 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20002-4242
Phone: 800-374-2721

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

3615 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20016-3007
Phone: 202-966-7300
Fax: 202-966-2891

Bipolar Disorders Information Center

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

120 Wall Street, 22nd Floor
New York, NY 10005
Phone: 888-333-2377
Fax: 212-363-6237

Bipolar Kids
Bipolar News

Anxiety Disorders Association of America

8730 Georgia Avenue, Suite 600
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3604
Phone: 240-485-1001
Fax: 240-485-1035

Bipolar Significant Others
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Injury Control
and Prevention
Mailstop K65
4770 Buford Highway NE
Atlanta, GA 30341-3724
Phone: 800-232-4636
Fax: 770-488-1667

American Psychiatric Association

1000 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1825
Arlington, VA 22209-3901
Phone: 888-357-7924



Center for Mental Health Services

P.O. Box 42557
Washington, DC 20015
Phone: 800-789-2647
Fax: 240-747-5470
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (CABF)
1000 Skokie Blvd., Suite 570
Wilmette, IL 60091
Phone: 847-256-8525
Fax: 847-920-9498
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
730 N. Franklin Street, Suite 501
Chicago, IL 60610-7224
Phone: 800-826-3632
Fax: 312-642-7243
Depression and Related Affective Disorders
Association (DRADA)
8201 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300
McLean, VA 22102
Phone: 888-288-1104
Expert Consensus Guideline Series
International Foundation for Research
and Education on Depression (iFred)
7040 Bembe Beach Road, Suite 100
Annapolis, MD 21403
Phone: 800-789-2647
Fax: 443-782-0739
Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation (JBRF)
550 Ridgewood Road
Maplewood, NJ 07040
Phone: 866-333-5273
Fax: 973-275-0420
Medscape Psychiatry & Mental Health
Mood Garden

National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia

and Depression (NARSAD)
60 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 404
Great Neck, NY 11021
Phone: 800-829-8289
Fax: 516-487-6930
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Colonial Place Three
2107 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22201-3042
Phone: 703-524-7600
Fax: 703-524-9094
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Public Information and Communications Branch
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 8184, MSC 9663
Bethesda, MD 20892-9663
Phone: 866-615-6464
Fax: 301-443-4279
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304
Bethesda, MD 20892-9304
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health
6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 5213
Bethesda, MD 20892-9561
Phone: 301-443-1124
National Mental Health Association (NMHA)
2000 N. Beauregard Street, 6th Floor
Alexandria, VA 22311
Phone: 703-684-7722
Fax: 703-684-5968
Parents Med Guide
Pendulum Resources
Screening for Mental Health, Inc.
One Washington Street, Suite 304
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481


Phone: 781-239-0071
Fax: 781-431-7447
Stanley Medical Research Institute
8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 200
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone: 301-571-0760
Fax: 301-571-0769
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
1 Choke Cherry Road
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: 800-273-8255
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
9001 E. Bloomington Freeway, Suite 150
Bloomington, MN 55420
Phone: 952-946-7998
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA (SPAN USA)
1025 Vermont Avenue, N.W., Suite 1066
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-449-3600
Fax: 202-449-3601
Surgeon General of the United States
Systemic Enhancement Program for Bipolar
Disorder (STEP-BD)

Recommended Reading for Patients and Families

Barondes, S.H. (1998). Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania
and Depression. New York: Oxford University Press.
Basco, M.R., and Rush, A.J. (1996).Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
for Bipolar Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
Bauer, M., and McBride, L. (1996). Structured Group Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder: The Life Goals Program. New York:
Springer Publishing Company.
Beers, C. (1981). A Mind that Found Itself. Pittsburgh: University
of Pittsburgh Press (first published, 1908).
Casey, N. (2001). Unholy Ghost: Writers on Depression. New York:
Harper Collins.
Coate, M. (1964). Beyond All Reason. London: Constable.
Copeland, M.E. (1994). Living without Depression and ManicDepression: A Workbook for Maintaining Mood Stability. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.


Cronkite, K. (1994). On the Edge of Darkness: Conversations about

Conquering Depression. New York: Doubleday.
Custance, J. (1952). Wisdom, Madness, and Folly: The Philosophy of
a Lunatic. New York: Farrar, Straus & Cudahy.
Danquah, M.N.-A. (1998). Willow Weep for Me: A Black Womans
Journey through Depression. New York: W. W. Norton.
Dees, M., Canfield, C., and Rowe, V. (1999). Texas Medication Algorithm Project (TMAP) Consumer-to-Consumer Discussion Materials Peer Facilitator Guide. Austin, TX: Texas Department of
Mental Health and Mental Retardation (TDMHMR).
DePaulo, R., and Horvitz, L.A. (2002). Understanding Depression:
What We Know and What You Can Do About It. New York:
John Wiley & Sons.
Duke, P., and Hochman, G. (1992). A Brilliant Madness: Living
with Manic-Depressive Illness. New York: Bantam Books.
Evans, D.L., and Andrews, L. W. (2005). If Your Adolescent Has
Depression or Bipolar Disorder: An Essential Resource for Parents. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fieve, R.R. (1997). Moodswing, 2nd Edition. New York: Bantam
Fitzgerald, F.S. (first published in 1936; reissued in 1965). The
Crack-Up. In: The Crack-Up with Other Pieces and Stories.
Middlesex, London: Penguin.
Goodwin, G. and Sachs, G. (2004). Fast Facts: Bipolar Disorder.
Oxford: Health Press, UK.
Hamilton, I. (1982). Robert Lowell: A Biography. New York: Random House.
Head, J. (2004). Standing in the Shadows: Black Men and Depression. New York: Broadway.
Hinshaw, S.P. (2002). The Years of Silence Are Past: My Fathers
Life with Bipolar Disorder. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Irwin, C., with Evans, D.L., and Andrews, L.W. (2007). Monochrome Days: A Firsthand Account of One Teenagers Experience with Depression. New York: Oxford University Press.
Jamieson, P.E., with Rynn, M.A. (2006). Mind Race: A Firsthand
Account of One Teenagers Experience with Bipolar Disorder.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Jamison, K.R. (1993). Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness
and the Artistic Temperament. New York: Free Press.
Jamison, K.R. (1995). An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and
Madness. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Jamison, K.R. (1999). Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
Logan, J. (1976). Josh: My Up and Down, In and Out Life. New
York: Delacorte Press.
Manning, M. (1994). Undercurrents: A Therapists Reckoning with
Her Own Depression. New York: Harper Collins.
McDonnell, F. (2003). Threads of Hope: Learning to Live with
Depression. London: Short Books.
McManamy, J. (2006). Living Well with Depression and Bipolar
Disorder: What Your Doctor Doesnt Tell You. New York: Collins.
Miklowitz, D.J., and Goldstein, M.J. (2006). Bipolar Disorder: A
Family-Focused Treatment Approach. New York: Guilford Press.
Milligan, S., and Clare, A. (1993). Depression and How to Survive
It. London: Ebury Press.
Mondimore, F. (2006). Depression: Mood Disease. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Mondimore, F.M. (2006). Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press Health



OBrien, S. (2004). The Family Silver: A Memoir of Depression

and Inheritance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Papolos, D., and Papolos, J. (2006). The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhoods Most Misunderstood
Disorder. 3rd Edition. New York: Broadway Books (a division
of Random House).
Phelps, J. (2006). Why Am I Still Depressed? Recognizing and Managing the Ups and Downs of Bipolar II and Soft Bipolar Disorder. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Raeburn, P. (2004). Acquainted With the Night: A Parents Quest
to Understand Depression and Bipolar Disorder in his Children.
New York: Broadway.
Rosenthal, N. (2005). Winter Blues: Seasonal Affective Disorder:
What It Is and How to Overcome It. New York: Guilford Press.
Sheffield, A. (1999). How You Can Survive When Theyre De-

pressed: Living and Coping with Depression Fallout. New York:

Solomon, A. (2001). The Noonday Demon: An Anatomy of Depression. New York: Scribner.
Styron, W. (1990). Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness. New
York: Random House.
Vonnegut, M. (1975). The Eden Express. New York: Laurel Books.
Waltz, M. (1999). Bipolar Disorders: A Guide to Helping Children
and Adolescents. Sebastopol, CA: OReilly & Associates, Inc.
Whybrow, P.C. (1997). A Mood Apart: The Thinkers Guide to
Emotion and Its Disorders. New York: HarperCollins.
Wolpert, L. (1999). Malignant Sadness. New York: Free Press.
Wyatt, R.J., and Chew, R.H. (2005). Wyatts Practical Psychiatric Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing.


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