Industries in Telangana

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The key takeaways are that Telangana has a diverse industrial base including pharmaceuticals, IT, textiles, mining etc. and the government is taking initiatives to promote industrial growth and development.

Some of the major industries in Telangana include pharmaceuticals, IT, agro-processing, cement, minerals, textiles, leather, iron and steel, gems and jewelry, biotechnology and defense.

The Annual Survey of Industries provides statistical information on the organized manufacturing sector to assess changes in growth, composition and structure. It provides data on number of factories, employment, gross value added and more.


2 Industry (2015)
When you innovate, you create new industries that boost your economy.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson

The State of Telangana is home to large manufacturing industries in bulk drugs,

pharmaceuticals, agro-processing, cement & mineral-based industries, high precision
engineering, textiles, leather, iron & steel, gems & jewelry, biotechnology, defence etc.
The State is one among the major industrial states in the Country ranked 6th in terms of
industries and ranked 8th in terms of Gross Value Added from industries.
The Government is promoting industrial incentive policy to create quality infrastructure
coupled with congenial industrial environment to make Telangana an attractive investment
destination for both foreign and domestic investors, with special emphasis on creating an
enabling eco-system for women entrepreneurs and for those from the Scheduled Castes (SC)
and Scheduled Tribes (ST).

Growth of Industrial Sector

The growth of industrial sector in Telangana has been impressive.
During the year 2014- 15(Advanced Estimate), the growth of industries surged to 4.1 percent

from 0.13 percent of 2013-14 at constant (2004-05) prices due to the incentives being offered
under the new Governments Industrial Policy Framework, 2014.
During the decade 2004-05 to 2014-15 the State registered an average

growth rate 7.8 % at constant prices (2004-05).

However, the growth path of the State exhibited greater fluctuations
than that of all India. Manufacturing sector growth across districts
indicates that seven districts other than Medak, Rangareddy and
Hyderabad require specific strategies and policy interventions.
The growth in sub-sectors indicates a fall in the unregistered
manufacturing sector represented by the micro and small enterprises,
electricity, gas & water supply, and construction.
The share of industry sub sector in the Gross State Domestic Product
(GSDP) is presented below.

Annual Survey of Industries

The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) conducted by the Ministry of

Statistics and Programme

Implementation, Government of India,
provides statistical information on industries to assess and evaluate the
changes in the growth, composition and structure of organized
manufacturing sector, comprising activities related to manufacturing
processes, repair services, gas and water supply and cold storage.
Highlights of ASI for Telangana State
The following are the notable points with reference to Telangana State in
the results of ASI 2011-12 and 2012-13:
The number of factories increased to 13,656 in 2012-13 from 9005
during 2011-12 (Provisional results of ASI 2012-13 & ASI 2011-12).
These factories engaged a total of 7,01,110 persons during 2012-13
(Provisional results of ASI 2012- 13).
The Telangana State is one among the major industrial States in
the country and ranked 8th place in terms of Gross Value Added
(GVA), at Rs. 36,475.65crores (ASI 2011-12)
The industrial growth from 2010-11 to 2011-12 in terms of Gross
Value Added is 17.53% and Net Value Added is 16.76% (ASI 201112).
Key Industries in Telangana
Knowledge based industries such as Information Technology enabled
services (ITES), pharma and engineering components have a strong
presence in Telangana.
They are largely located in Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts which
have strong infrastructure and support systems such as Special

Economic Zones (SEZ), availability of skilled manpower and research

The districts of Nizamabad, Karimnagar and Warangal are largely
dependent on agriculture and are in need of industrial development.

The figure below depicts the conceptual plan of the Government for
development of districts based on their industrial strengths.

District Industries Centres

District Industries Centres (DIC), the nodal agencies to provide all
required approvals/ clearances for setting up industries under the Single
Window System, implement the Mirco Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) Development Act, 2006 and issue Entrepreneur Memorandum
(EM) for MSME besides maintaining effective liaison with various
financial institutions in facilitating the required credit.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Investment limits were enhanced with the enactment of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006.
Government of India has unveiled a policy best suited for Micro and
Small enterprises with the objectives of achieving 15% annual growth
rate; increasing employment generation; creating congenial and hasslefree environment; helping the Small Scale Industries (SSI) sector to
acquire new technologies and skills; improving export performance;
promoting linkage between large and small sectors; and promoting
appropriate institutional mechanisms to revive sick industries.

During the period 2001 to 2015 (up to January, 2015), 40,894 MSMEs
were established in Telangana with an investment of Rs.22520.63 crores,
providing employment to 5,65,496 persons.

The number of MSMEs and the number of persons employed in them in

Telangana has witnessed an impressive growth between 2001-05 and
Investment into the sector has also grown impressively.
These details are depicted in the figure below:

Large & Medium Industries

Up to January 2015, 2091 large industrial units were established with an
investment of Rs.45393.33 Crores, providing employment to 6,67,499
Number of Units Approved In 2014-15

During 2014-15 nearly 1496 entreprenuers have applied for clearances

under the Single Window System, of which 1173 clearances have been

New Industrial Policy

Industrialization will be the key strategy followed for economic growth

and development of Telangana.
People of the new state have very high expectations from the State
Government for creating jobs for the youth; promoting development of
backward areas; maximizing growth opportunities by optimum utilization
of the available resources; harnessing the talents and skills of the people
and ushering in prosperity in every household.
Industrialization holds the potential for fulfilling these aspirations of the
people of Telangana.

In this direction, the Government have unveiled the new Industrial

Policy Framework, 2014.

The Governments vision for industrialization of Telangana is Research

to Innovation; Innovation to Industry; Industry to Prosperity.
The industrial policy framework will be driven by the slogan of In
Telangana Innovate, Incubate, Incorporate.
The policy framework intends to provide a business regulatory
environment where doing business would be as easy as shaking hands.
Innovation and technology will drive the industries of the Telangana
Core Values
The new policy will be rooted in certain core values, as follows:
The Government regulatory framework shall facilitate industrial growth.
Entrepreneurs will thrive in a peaceful, secure and progressive business
regulatory environment.
Industrial development will lead to massive creation of jobs benefitting
local youth.
Industrialization shall be inclusive and facilitate social equality.
Benefits of industrialization should reach marginal and socially
disadvantaged sections of the State.
Environment will be protected and any potential adverse impacts shall be
The objectives of the new policy are:

Make existing industries more competitive.

Attract new international and national investments in the industrial sector.
Focus on the core manufacturing sectors, for creation of employment for
urban and rural youth.
Production of high quality goods at the most competitive prices.
Establish Made in Telangana- Made in India as a brand with high global
Zero graft and Zero tolerance to corruption.
Adopt transparent decision-making.
Minimize inspection and maximize facilitation.
The Government of Telangana announced the new industrial incentive
scheme T-IDEA of 2014 (Telangana State Industrial Development and
Entrepreneur Advancement for the General category entrepreneurs and
T-PRIDE (Telangana State Program for Rapid Incubation of Dalit
Entrepreneurs) of 2014 for Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe
entrepreneurs, extending various incentives for MSME and Large
Industries Sectors.
Incentives for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
The incentives for micro and small enterprises are listed below:
1. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the
industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use
2. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for lease of land/shed/ buildings
and also mortgages and hypothecations.
3. 25% rebate in land cost limited to Rs.10.00 Lakhs in industrial
estates/ industrial parks.
4. 25% land conversion charges for industrial use.
5. Fixed power cost reimbursement @ Re.1.00 per unit for 5 years from
the date of commencement of commercial production.
6. 15% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment subject to a
maximum of Rs.20.00 lakhs.
7. Reimbursement of 100% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services
Tax (SGST) for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production.
8. Interest subsidy under Pavala Vaddi Scheme on the term loan taken
on the fixed capital investment by new Micro and Small Enterprises in

excess of 3% per annum subject to a maximum reimbursement of 9%

per annum for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production.
9. Seed capital assistance to first generation entrepreneurs to set-up
micro enterprises @10% of the machinery cost, which will be
deducted from the eligible investment subsidy.
50% reimbursement of cost involved in skill up gradation and
training the local manpower limited to Rs.2,000/- per person.
50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification /
patent registration limited to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs.
25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to
Rs.5.00 Lakhs.
Extension of investment subsidy to the identified service
activities related to industries set up in all
municipal corporation
limits in the state as per prescribed procedure in vogue.
Incentives for Medium Enterprises & Large Industries
Following are the incentives for medium and large enterprises:
1. 100% reimbursement of stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the
industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use.
2. 100% reimbursement of stamp duty for lease of land/shed/buildings,
including mortgages and hypothecations.
3. 25% rebate in land cost limited to Rs.10.00 Lakhs in industrial
estates/ industrial parks.
4. 25% land conversion charges for industrial use limited to Rs.10.0
lakhs for Medium Enterprises.
5. Fixed power cost reimbursement @ Re.1.00/- per unit for 5 years from
the date of commencement of commercial production.
6. Reimbursement of 75% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services Tax
(SGST) for Medium Scale Enterprises for a period of 7 years from the
date of commencement of commercial production or up to realization
of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is earlier.
7. Reimbursement of 50% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services Tax
(SGST) for Large Scale Industries for a period of 7 years from the
date of commencement of commercial production or up to realization
of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is earlier.
8. 50% Reimbursement of cost involved in skill up gradation and training
the local manpower limited to Rs.2,000 per person. 50% subsidy on
the expenses incurred for quality certification/ patent registration
limited to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs only for Medium Enterprises.
9. 25% subsidy on specific cleaner production measures limited to
Rs.5.00 Lakhs.
Infrastructure like roads, power and water will be provided at
door step of the industry for standalone units by contributing 50% of

the cost of infrastructure from Industrial Infrastructure Development

Fund (IIDF) with a ceiling of Rs.1.00 Crore, subject to: (a) the location
being beyond 10 kilometres from the existing industrial estates/IDAs
having vacant land/shed for allotment and (b) cost of the
infrastructure being limited to 15% of the eligible fixed capital
investment made in the industry.
Incentives for Women owned Enterprises
For units established by women entreprenuers the following are the
1. Additional 10% investment subsidy on fixed capital investment,
subject to a maximum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs to MSEs.
2. All other benefits as applicable for Micro & Small Enterprises.
Incentives for Mega Projects
Following incentives are for mega projects (Mega Project means an
industrial unit which is set up with a capital investment of Rs.200 Crores
and above or a project that creates employment to more than 1000 persons)

The Government will also extend tailor-made benefits to mega

projects to suit the particular investment requirements on a case-tocase basis.

Infrastructure Support
The following are envisaged in the policy with reference to infrastructure
1. Provision of Rs.100.00 Crore budget every year for promotion of
quality infrastructure like roads, power, water, waste management
etc. under Industrial Infrastructure Development Fund (IIDF) Scheme.
2. Promotion of National Manufacturing Investment Zone (NMIZ) along
National Highways to capitalize on the strengths in line with
Government of India initiatives for value addition within the State.
3. Promotion of Industrial Corridors to leverage the existing strengths
for optimum utilization of resources
4. Reservation of 30-40% of the land for MSMEs in the upcoming
industrial estates developed by Telangana Industrial Infrastructure
Corporation (TSIIC).
5. Allocation of 15.44% of plots to Scheduled Caste Entrepreneurs and
9.34% of plots to Scheduled Tribe Entrepreneurs in new Industrial
Estate and preferential allotment to SC/ST entrepreneurs in existing
Industrial Estates.

6. Allocation of 10% of plots to women entrepreneurs in the new

Industrial Estates.
Facilitation of Industries

Strengthening of existing Single Window Clearance System by the

Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification System
(TS-iPASS) has been envisaged.

Effective Single Window Mechanism

The Government of Telangana State is determined to create an
ecosystem in which the ease of doing business in the state matches and
even exceeds the best global standards.

The Government has enacted the Telangana State Industrial Project

Approval and Self Certification System (TS-iPASS) Act, 2014 (Act No.3
of 2014) repealing the AP Industrial Single Window Clearance Act 2002
for speedy processing of applications& for issue of various licenses,
clearances and certificates required for setting up of industrial
undertakings and also to provide for an investor friendly environment in
the State of Telangana, based on the self-certification by the

Thrust Areas
The Government recognizes the following 14 sectors as thrust areas,
investments in which will be accorded a higher priority over others.

Special Support for SC/ST Entrepreneurs

A very miniscule proportion of existing industrial units are owned by

SC/ST entrepreneurs in the State, due to number of structural barriers.

Since the foundation of the new State of Telangana is based on the

premise of social justice, the new Telangana State Industrial Policy
provides for a number of additional support measures meant to increase
entrepreneurship among the SCs/STs, under the banner of TS-PRIDE
Telangana State Programme for Rapid Incubation of Dalit Entrepreneurs.

Industrial Land Bank

1. About 2.50 lakh acres of barren land has been identifi ed for industrial
use. An industrial land bank will be developed with the assistance of
Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC).
2. TSIIC shall set up core sector specifi c Industrial Parks.
3. Exclusive industrial parks in safe zones shall be created for setting up
of red category industries.
4. Some of the industrial parks will also permit multi-sectoral activities
and general manufacturing units.
Industrial Water
1. 10% of water from all existing and new irrigation sources shall be
reserved exclusively for industrial use, the water lines for which shall
be provided through the proposed Water Grid project.
Industrial Power
1. Quality power and uninterrupted power supply shall be arranged in
each industrial park.
2. Open access power restrictions will be removed to enable all types
of industries, including MSMEs to access the power exchange.
3. Use of non-conventional energy for industrial purposes shall be
4. The setting up of Private Merchant Power Plants in large industrial
parks shall be facilitated
5. 300-500 MW power plants will be from Chinese and Singapore based
investors and the tariff could be negotiated between industry users
and the producer. TSTRANSCO will facilitate wheeling and
Industrial Development on Private Lands
The Government shall
1. Encourage industries in private lands designated for industrial use in
spatial planning of HMDA and other urban development authorities in
2. Encourage private industrial park developers to pool their lands to
develop good infrastructure as per the TSIIC standards.
3. Allow the change in land use pattern
Skill Development

The skill development programmes targeted at generation of industrial

sector jobs will be supported by the Government under the ambit of the
Telangana States Skill Development Mission in general and the
Telangana State Accelerated SSI Skills Training (T-ASSIST) program of
the Industries and Commerce Department.

The State shall

1. Train the youth in getting entry level jobs and make available, skilled
manpower for the industrys requirements.
2. Develop the programmes for up gradation of Skills of the existing
employees in consultation with the industry to suit their requirements.
3. Encourage the Mega industries to start their own skill development
centres within the same industrial park.
4. The Industrial Area Societies will also be encouraged to participate in
design and implementation of skill development programs.
T-IDEA (Telangana State Industrial Development and Entrepreneur
The Telangana State Government will consider providing incentives to
the entrepreneurs in the following areas under its T-IDEA (Telangana
State Industrial Development and Entrepreneur Advancement) incentive
1. Stamp duty reimbursement
2. Land cost rebate
3. Land conversion cost
4. Power cost reimbursement
5. Investment subsidy
6. VAT reimbursement
7. Interest subsidy
8. Seed capital for first generation entrepreneur
9. Training and skill development cost reimbursement
Quality/patent support
Clean production measures
Reimbursement of infrastructure development costs.
Industrial Corridors
1. The Government shall develop the Industrial corridors along the
roadways of important national and state highways linking Hyderabad
to Warangal on a priority basis.
2. The developed corridors will be modelled after Special Investment
Zones like the DMIC or the PCPIR.

3. Each district headquarters of the State will be connected by high

speed rail and road network.
The Industrial Corridors that will be developed initially are :
( a) Hyderabad-Warangal Industrial Corridor,
(b) Hyderabad-Nagpur Industrial Corridor and
(c) Hyderabad-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor.
In the second phase, the corridors to be developed include:
(a) Hyderabad-Mancherial Industrial Corridor,
(b) Hyderabad-Nalgonda Industrial Corridor and
(c) Hyderabad-Khammam Industrial Corridor
Research and Innovation Circle of Hyderabad (RICH)

A Research to Market fund shall be provided to build the essential link

between industry, research/academic institutes and venture capitalists
for fostering the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Specific Initiatives for 2014-15

In addition to the other mandates of the Policy Framework, the following
specific initiatives are envisaged.
1. New Pharma City and Chemical City with well developed
infrastructure, including waste management.
2. Development of the Hyderabad - Warangal Industrial Corridor.
3. Development of Warangal as the textile hub of Telangana.
4. Food Processing and Seed Production Initiatives.
5. Mini industrial townships along with industrial parks.
6. Direct loan facilitation to Dalit entrepreneurs.
7. Creation of a Venture Capital/Angel Fund.
8. Inter state VAT rationalization on industrial inputs and outputs.
9. Review and reform of all age old industry sector regulations, including
labour laws.
Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes owned Enterprises
SC/ST owned Enterprises are those units established by sole Proprietor
or those in which they invariably have 100% share in Partnership/Private
Limited Companies.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs can set up
enterprises with various lines of activities to avail themselves of the
incentives in this policy.

1. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty and transfer duty paid by the

industry on purchase of land meant for industrial use.
2. 100% reimbursement of Stamp duty for Lease of Land/Shed/ Buildings
and also mortgages and hypothecations
3. 33.33% rebate in land cost limited to Rs.10.00 Lakhs in Industrial
Estates / Industrial Parks,
4. 25% Land conversion charges for the industrial use.
5. Fixed power cost reimbursement @ Rs.1.50 per unit for a period of 5
years from the date of commencement of commercial production.
6. Seed capital assistance to first generation entrepreneurs to set up
Micro Enterprises @ 20% of the machinery cost, which will be
deducted from the eligible investment subsidy.
7. 35% investment subsidy on fi xed capital investment for Micro and
Small Enterprises set up by SC and ST Entrepreneurs, with a
maximum limit per unit of Rs.75.00 Lakhs. Additional 5% investment
subsidy for units set up in Scheduled Areas by ST entrepreneurs with
a maximum limit per unit as Rs.75.00 Lakhs.
8. Reimbursement of 100% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services
Tax (SGST) for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production to Small and Micro Enterprises.
9. Reimbursement of 75% net VAT/CST or State Goods and Services Tax
(SGST) for a period of 7 years from the date of commencement of
commercial production for Medium Scale Enterprises or up to
realization of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is earlier.
Reimbursement of 50% net VAT/CST or State Goods and
Services Tax (SGST) for a period of 7 years from the date of
commencement of commercial production for Large Scale Industries
or up to realization of 100% fixed capital investment, whichever is
Interest subsidy under Pavala Vaddi Scheme on the term loan
taken towards fi xed capital investment by new Micro and Small
Enterprises in excess of 3% per annum subject to a maximum
reimbursement of 9% per annum for a period of 5 years from the date
of commencement of commercial production. This benefit is also
applicable to the Services Sector units set up under this Policy.
50% reimbursement of cost involved in skill upgradation and
training the local manpower limited to Rs.2,000 per person.
50% subsidy on the expenses incurred for quality certification /
patent registration limited to Rs. 3.00 Lakhs for Micro and Small
25% subsidy on specific clean production measures limited to
Rs.5.00 Lakhs.
For Micro and Small Enterprises set up by Scheduled Castes
and Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs, Infrastructure like roads, power
and water will be provided at doorstep of the industry for standalone
units by contributing 50% of the cost of infrastructure from IIDF with

a ceiling of Rs.1.00 Crore, subject to the location being beyond 10

kilometres from the existing Industrial Estates/IDAs having vacant
land/shed for allotment and (b) cost of the infrastructure being limited
to 15% of the eligible fixed capital investment made in the industry.
50% of the cost of infrastructure is raised to 75% in respect of units
set up by ST entrepreneurs in Scheduled areas.
The line of activity of excavator is considered as eligible
exclusively in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
entrepreneurs and incentive shall be extended under service activity.
National Investment and Manufacturing Zones (NIMZ)

Government of India has accorded approval for setting up of National

Investment and Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ) at Medak District in an
extent of 5,000 to 6,000 hectares.
The concept of NIMZ is part of the National Manufacturing Policy which
aims to increase the share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP from
16% to 25%.
The NIMZ will be developed as integrated industrial townships with state
of the art infrastructure, with land use based on zoning, using clean and
energy efficient technology, having necessary social infrastructure and
skill development facilities.
The estimated investment flow to each NIMZ is expected to be around
Rs.30,000 Crore and employment potential would be 3 lakh in each
The land acquisition in Medak District is under process for setting up of
National Investment and Manufacturing Zone.

Industrial Infrastructure
Special Economic Zones
Six SEZs in the fields of IT/ITES, Aerospace, Biotech, Formulations have
been developed in the State of Telangana.
As a part of Government initiative of developing IT Park in tier-2 cities,
the State IIC has developed SEZ at Madikonda (village) in Warangal
Land Identification for Establishment of New Industrial Parks

The Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) has

identified 150 industrial parks in 10 districts with an area of about
74133.18 acres of land.

At present, 13165 units (enterprises) exist in these parks and out of

74133.18 acres of land, 917.30 acres of land is available for allotment to

TSIIC had surveyed 2.50 lakh acres of waste/ barren land and has
identified an extent of 234064.35 acres, fit for industrial use readily.
Development of Women Industrial Park

The TSIIC has earmarked an extent of 50 acres in Green Industrial Park

Jadcherla of Mahabubnagar District and Sultanpur of Medak District for
establishment of Women Industrial Parks.
Further, the Corporation has taken decision for development of Women
Industrial Park for green line of activities in each district in Telangana.

Commerce and Export Promotion

As per the Trade Statistics maintained by the Director General, CIS,

Telangana is among the top ten exporting States in the Country.

Also, according to the ITE&C Dept., and STPI export statistics, the State
has major exports to its credit in the Software and enabled services
sector etc.
The State has exported the Software and enabled services worth of
Rs.57,000 crores during the year 2013-14.
Mines and Geology

Minerals form a major contributor for economic growth of the State.

The State focuses on planned exploitation of mineral resources,
addressing key issues of legislation, devising objective & strategies in
tune with the National Mineral Policy, 2008 in accelerating the growth
under a liberal regime, thereby leading to overall development of the
mining sector.

There are 3 Reconnaissance Permits for Gold, Diamonds, Base metals, 18
prospecting License and 521 Mining Lease for Major Minerals (Industrial
Minerals), 1186 Quarry leases for cut and dressed blocks of Granites and
1429 Quarry leases for other Minor Minerals (Construction Minerals)
have been issued with an extent of 535805 hectares, 5633 hectares,
79478 hectares, 2764 hectares and 3611 hectares respectively.

Mining for Coal, Limestone falls under large scale mechanized sector,
while Granite, Dolomite, Quartz, Feldspar, Clays and Barytes etc., fall
under semi mechanized medium sector and the other minerals fall under
semi mechanized small sector.
Nearly 90% of the mines fall under small sector and remaining under
medium and large sectors.

Focus Minerals and Industries

Both Public & Private Sectors established large and medium scale

mineral based industries for manufacture of Cement, Steel, Sponge Iron,

Ferro-alloys, Glass, Ceramics, Refractorys, Chemicals, Granite, Marble
& Limestone cutting & polishing units, Slate cutting units, Gem Cutting
& faceting units, Granite monuments manufacturing units, Pulverizing
units, stone crushers, Mosaic & Ceramic tile units, Lime Kilns and
Manufactured sand units in Telangana State.

Mining Sector is identified as one of the growth engines and certain

minerals have been identified as focus minerals viz., Limestone, Coal,
Iron Ore, Diamond, Dolomite, Uranium, Garnet, Granite for
establishment of Cement, Thermal Plants, Granite Cutting & Faceting,
Steel & Sponge Iron as focus industry for over all growth and
development of the mining Sector in the State.

Mineral Production and Value

The Mineral consumption has been increasing due to the promotion of

various industries and manufacture of Mineral based products.

The State produces about 33 million tonnes of industrial minerals and 50

to 55 million tonnes of coal and 54 million cubic meters of dimensional

stones and building material.

Exclusive mining zones in Rangareddy, Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Medak

districts have been identified for declaration as mining zones for
sustainable development.
The detailed information regarding Mineral geographical distribution
and utilization is given below.

Handlooms and Textiles

The State Government has been giving considerable importance to the

Handloom and Textile Industry.

The Government of India also sponsors a number of developmental and
welfare schemes in the industry.
Primary Societies

There are about 200 primary handloom weavers cooperative societies in

the State,with 41,491 weavers as members n the State.
In 2012-13, the total sales of these societies was Rs. 5,923 lakhs

Programmatically, the schemes and programmes of the department are

focused on: streamlining organization structure of cooperatives,

marketing support, working capital facilitation, modernization of looms,
trainings, weavers welfare, incentives like power subsidy etc.
Apparel Export Parks and Textile Parks
The Government has set up the following Parks in Telangana State.
Apparel Export Park, Gundlapochampally, Rangareddy district
Textile Park, Siricilla, Karimnagar District
Textile Park, Pashamylaram, Medak District.
Textile Park, Malkapur, Nalgonda District
A mega textile park is proposed in the outskirts of Warangal city on the lines
of Surat and Coimbatore.
Industrial Relations

Industrial peace is a prerequisite for the growth and development of

Work stoppages due to industrial disputes between employers and
workmen and consequential loss of mandays in a given period would be
an important indicator of Labour-Management relations in Industries.
The Government through its conciliation machinery has been making
efforts to settle disputes amicably and promote industrial peace and for
ensuring congenial work environment.
Efforts are being made by the departments conciliation officers, to
promote productivity-linked settlement in order to make Industries more

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