Final Rfid Report1

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Chapter 1

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses
radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer data from a tag attached to an object, for
the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. RFID is the reading of physical tags on
single products, cases, pallets, or re-usable containers that emit radio signals to be picked up
by reader devices. These devices and software must be supported by a sophisticated software
architecture that enables the collection and distribution of location-based information in near
real time. The complete RFID picture combines the technology of the tags and readers with
access to global standardized databases, ensuring real time access to up-to-date information
about relevant products at any point in the supply chain Tags contain a unique identification
number called an Electronic Product Code (EPC), and potentially additional information of
interest to manufacturers, healthcare organizations, military organizations, logistics providers,
and retailers, or others that need to track the physical location of goods or equipment. All
information stored on RFID tags accompanies items as they travel through a supply chain or
other business process. All information on RFID tags, such as product attributes, physical
dimensions, prices, or laundering requirements, can be scanned wirelessly by a reader at high
speed and from a distance of several meters.
RFID is evolving as a major technology enabler for identifying and tracking goods and assets
(POS) around the world. It can help hospitals locate expensive equipment more quickly to
improve patient care, pharmaceutical companies to reduce counterfeiting, and logistics
providers to improve the management of moveable assets. It also promises to enable new
efficiencies in the supply chain by tracking goods from the point of manufacture through to
the retail point of sale

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Chapter 2
The Origins of RFID
The first disturbing fact is that RFID is not a new technology. It was first used over sixty
years ago by Britain to identify aircraft in World War II and was part of the refinement of
radar. It was during the 1960s that RFID was first considered as a solution for the commercial
world. The first commercial applications involving RFID followed during the 70s and 80s.
These commercial applications were concerned with identifying some asset inside a single
location. They were based on proprietary infrastructures [1].
The third era of RFID started in 1998, when researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) Auto-ID Center began to research new ways to track and identify objects
as they moved between physical locations. This research,which has a global outlook, centered
on radio frequency technology and how information that is held on tags can be effectively
scanned and shared with business partners in near real time.
To do this we needed standards. The work of the Auto-ID Center focused on:
1. Reducing the cost of manufacturing RFID tags.
2. Optimizing data networks for storing and delivering larger amounts of data.
3. Developing open standards.
It became apparent that the ideas being proposed, combined with other ongoing technological
and standardization activities worldwide, would help to reduce the costs of RFID tagging. By
2003, the Center had over 100 sponsors from four continents. Its final task was to conduct a
large field trial with 40 participating companies in 10 US cities. Today, the work of the AutoID Center has helped to make RFID economically viable for pallet and carton-level tagging.
The technology is also becoming more affordable for high-value items. The Auto-ID Center
officially closed on October 26, 2003, transferring all its technology to EPCglobal.
EPCglobal is now leading the development of industry-driven standards for the Electronic
Product Code (EPC) Network to support the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in
today's fast-moving, information rich trading networks. EPCglobal is a member-driven
organization composed of leading firms and industries that are focused on creating global
standards for the EPCglobal Network. The EPCglobal Network is a set of technologies that
enable immediate, automatic identification and sharing of information on items in the supply

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chain. In that way, the EPCglobal Network will make organizations more effective by
enabling true visibility of information about items in the supply chain.

Figure 2.1. The History of RFID

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Chapter 3
Parallel technologies
Radio frequency identification and barcode are the two automatic identification systems
extensively in use today. Both the technologies have their own set of advantages and
disadvantages, though radio frequency identification technology has a slight edge in terms of

speed range etc



Radio frequency identification (RFID) uses a tag applied to a product to identify and track it
using radio waves. A RFID tag consists of 2 parts, an integrated circuit and an antenna. The
integrated circuit is used to process and store information as well as to modulate and
demodulate radio frequency signals, while the antenna transmits these signals. RFID reader,
also known as the interrogator, is a device used to interpret the data on the RFID tag.


A barcode is an optical representation of data which can be scanned and interpreted by a

scanning machine. In this technology, the data is represented by the width and spacing of
parallel lines. Lately, barcodes have become the criterion to identify and track objects in
supply chains, wherein the objects range from food items to books and novels. A barcode
scanner is used to interpret the data obtained from the programmed barcode tags.

RFID Vs. Barcode

If compared, RFID technology is found to be more comprehensive than barcode technology.

It is possible to read RFID tags from a greater distance. An RFID reader can access the
information of the tag from a distance of around 300 feet, whereas barcode technology can't
be read from a distance of more than 15 feet. RFID technology also scores over barcode
technology in terms of speed. RFID tags can be interpreted much faster than barcode tags.
Barcode reading is comparatively slower because it requires a direct line of sight. On an
average, a barcode reader takes around one second to successfully interpret two tags, whereas
RFID tags are well protected or either implanted inside the product, and hence are not
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subjected to much wear and tear. Interpreting a barcode requires a direct line of sight to the
printed barcode, because of which the barcode is printed on the outer side of the product, and
is thus subjected to greater wear and tear. It also limits the re-utilization of barcodes. As
barcode the lacks read and write facility, it is not possible to add to the information already
existing on it. Though it appears to be more a comprehensive data collection technology
owing to the lack in end-to-end supply chain deployments, firms have to think twice before
Barcode technology is relatively cheaper than RFID technology[2]. The cost incurred for
RFID technology increases further more if it is customized for a particular product. When
RFID technology is deployed, the company has to make arrangements to collect and filter the
data that comes from various sources, and then evaluate it and send the information to the
management system, all of which can turn out to be very costly. Barcode tags are much
lighter and smaller than RFID tags, and therefore are easier to use. Although RFID tags have
a very good range, they often get affected when they come in proximity to some metals, thus
making it difficult to interpret the data. If damaged, RFID tags cannot be replaced, while in










Owing to its speed, range and durability, RFID has made a place for itself in high-end
technologies and businesses, while the relatively cheaper and easy to use barcode is widely
used in everyday applications. So even though RFID has taken over barcode in some fields,
both the technologies do co-exist in world today.

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Chapter 4
ICS Used in the project
4.1 MAX 232

Fig 4.1 Max232 interfacing with RS232

The MAX232 is an integrated circuit, first created by Maxim Integrated Products, that
converts signals from an RS-232 serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible
digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver and typically converts the RX,
TX, CTS and RTS signals.
The drivers provide RS-232 voltage level outputs (approx. 7.5 V) from a single + 5 V
supply via on-chip charge pumps and external capacitors. This makes it useful for
implementing RS-232 in devices that otherwise do not need any voltages outside the 0 V to
+ 5 V range, as power supply design does not need to be made more complicated just for
driving the RS-232 in this case.
The receivers reduce RS-232 inputs (which may be as high as 25 V), to standard 5 V TTL
levels. These receivers have a typical threshold of 1.3 V, and a typical hysteresis of 0.5 V.

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2. AT89C51
AT89C51 is an 8-bit microcontroller and belongs to Atmel's 8051 family. ATMEL 89C51 has
4KB of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM) and 128 bytes of
RAM. It can be erased and program to a maximum of 1000 times. In 40 pin AT89C51, there
are four ports designated as P 1, P2, P3 and P0. All these ports are 8-bit bi-directional ports, i.e.,
they can be used as both input and output ports. Except P0 which needs external pull-ups, rest
of the ports have internal pull-ups. When 1s are written to these port pins, they are pulled
high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. These ports are also bit addressable
and so their bits can also be accessed individually. Port P 0 and P2 are also used to provide low
byte and high byte addresses, respectively, when connected to an external memory. Port 3 has
multiplexed pins for special functions like serial communication, hardware interrupts, timer
inputs and read/write operation from external memory. AT89C51 has an inbuilt UART for
serial communication. It can be programmed to operate at different baud rates. Including two
timers & hardware interrupts, it has a total of six interrupts.

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Fig 4.2 Pin Description of AT89c51

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Fig 4.3 Block Diagram of RFID Based Attendance System

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Chapter 5
Component Parts involved in working of RFID SYSTEM

A basic RFID system consists of three components:

1. An antenna or coil
2. A reader
3. A transponder (RF tag) electronically programmed with unique information
These are described below:

The antenna emits radio signals to activate the tag and read and write data to it. Antennas are
the conduits between the tag and the transceiver/reader, which controls the system's data
acquisition and communication. Antennas are available in a variety of shapes and sizes; they
can be built into a door frame to receive tag data from persons or things passing through the
door, or mounted on an interstate tollbooth to monitor traffic passing by on a freeway. The
electromagnetic field produced by an antenna can be constantly present when multiple tags
are expected continually. If constant interrogation is not required, a sensor device can activate
the field.
Often the antenna is packaged with the transceiver/reader and decoder to become a reader
(a.k.a. interrogator), which can be configured either as a handheld or a fixed-mount device.
The reader emits radio waves in ranges of anywhere from one inch to 100 feet or more,
depending upon its power output and the radio frequency used. When an RFID tag passes
through the electromagnetic zone, it detects the reader's activation signal. The reader decodes
the data encoded in the tag's integrated circuit (silicon chip) and the data is passed to the host
computer for processing. The following shows the diagram of a RFID antenna placed in a

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Fig5.1. RFID antenna in a tag

2. RFID TAGS (Transponders)
An RFID tag is a tiny radio device that is also referred to as a transponder, smart tag, smart
label, or radio barcode. The tag comprises a simple silicon microchip (typically less than half
a millimetre in size) attached to a small flat aerial and mounted on a substrate. The whole
device can then be encapsulated in different materials (such as plastic) dependent upon its
intended usage. The finished tag can be attached to an object, typically an item, box, or pallet,
and read remotely to ascertain its identity, position, or state. For an active tag there will also
be a battery.
An RFID tag is comprised of a microchip containing identifying information and an antenna
that transmits this data wirelessly to a reader. At its most basic, the chip will contain a
serialized identifier, or license plate number, that uniquely identifies that item, similar to the
way many bar codes are used today. A key difference, however is that RFID tags have a
higher data capacity than their bar code counterparts. This increases the options for the type
of information that can be encoded on the tag, including the manufacturer, batch or lot
number, weight, ownership, destination and history (such as the temperature range to which
an item has been exposed). In fact, an unlimited list of other types of information can be
stored on RFID tags, depending on application needs. An RFID tag can be placed on
individual items, cases or pallets for identification purposes, as well as on fixed assets such as
trailers, containers, totes, etc. Tags come in a variety of types, with a variety of capabilities.
Passive versus active tags
Passive tags have no battery and "broadcast" their data only when energized by a reader.
That means they must be actively polled to send information. "Active" tags are capable of
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broadcasting their data using their own battery power. In general, this means that the read
ranges are much greater for active tags than they are for passive tagsperhaps a read range
of 100 feet or more, versus 15 feet or less for most passive tags. The extra capability and read
ranges of active tags, however, come with a cost; they are several times more expensive than
passive tags. Today, active tags are much more likely to be used for high-value items or fixed
assets such as trailers, where the cost is minimal compared to item value, and very long read
ranges are required. Most traditional supply chain applications, such as the RFID-based
tracking and compliance programs emerging in the consumer goods retail chain, will use the
less expensive passive tags[3].
There are three options in terms of how data can be encoded on tags:
(1) Read-only tags contain data such as a serialized tracking number, which is pre-written
onto them by the tag manufacturer or distributor. These are generally the least expensive tags
because they cannot have any additional information included as they move throughout the
supply chain. Any updates to that information would have to be maintained in the application
software that tracks SKU movement and activity.
(2) "Write once" tags enable a user to write data to the tag one time in production or
distribution processes. Again, this may include a serial number, but perhaps other data such as
a lot or batch number.
(3) Full "read-write" tags allow new data to be written to the tag as neededand even written
over the original data. Examples for the latter capability might include the time and date of
ownership transfer or updating the repair history of a fixed asset. While these are the most
costly of the three tag types and are not practical for tracking inexpensive items, future
standards for electronic product codes (EPC) appear to be headed in this direction.
A. Data
The amount of data storage on a tag can vary, ranging from 16 bits the low end to as much as
several thousand bits on the high end. Ofcourse, the greater the storage capacity, the higher
the price per tag.
B. Form factor
The tag and antenna structure can come in a variety of physical form factors and can either be
self-contained or embedded as part of a traditional label structure (i.e., the tag is inside what
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looks like a regular bar code labelthis is termed a 'Smart Label') companies must choose
the appropriate form factors for the tag very carefully and should expect to use multiple form
factors to suit the tagging needs of different physical products and units of measure. For
example, a pallet may have an RFID tag fitted only to an area of protected placement on the
pallet itself. On the other hand, cartons on the pallet have RFID tags inside bar code labels
that also provide operators human-readable information and a back-up should the tag fail or
pass through non RFID-capable supply chain links.
C. Frequencies
Like all wireless communications, there are a variety of frequencies or spectra through which
RFID tags can communicate with readers. Again, there are trade-offs among cost,
performance and application requirements. For instance, low-frequency tags are cheaper than
ultra-high-frequency (UHF) tags, use less power and are better able to penetrate non-metallic
substances. They are ideal for scanning objects with high water content, such as fruit, at close
range. UHF frequencies typically offer better range and can transfer data faster. But they use
more power and are less likely to pass through some materials. UHF tags are typically best
suited for use with or near wood, paper, cardboard or clothing products. Compared to lowfrequency tags, UHF tags might be better for scanning boxes of goods as they pass through a
bay door into a warehouse. While the tag requirements for compliance mandates may be
narrowly defined, it is likely that a variety of tag types will be required to solve specific
operational issues. You will want to work with a company that is very knowledgeable in tag
and reader technology to appropriately identify the right mix of RFID technology for your
environment and applications.
EPC Tags
EPC refers to "electronic product code," an emerging specification for RFID tags, readers and
business applications first developed at the Auto-ID Center at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. This organization has provided significant intellectual leadership toward the use
and application of RFID technology. EPC represents a specific approach to item
identification, including an emerging standard for the tags themselves, including both the data
content of the tag and open wireless communication protocols. In a sense, the EPC movement
is combining the data standards embodied in certain bar code specifications, such as the UPC
or UCC-128 bar code standards, with the wireless data communication standards that have
been developed by ANSI and other groups.
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3. Reader or Interrogator
The readersometimes called an interrogator or scannersends and receives RF data to and
from the tag via antennas. A reader may have multiple antennas that are responsible for
sending and receiving radio waves.

Figure 5.2: RFID Reader

4. Host Computer
The data acquired by the readers is then passed to a host computer, which may run specialist
RFID software or middleware to filter the data and route it to the correct application, to be
processed into useful information. The given figure shows the basic operations of RFID.

Fig 5.3. Basic Operations of RFID

Chapter 6
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Working of RFID
RFID is an intelligent application of radio communication technology. Every RFID tag
embedded in a product contains an integrated circuit chip (illustrate in the accompanying
picture), with memory, which can be used to store information about a product, along with a
transponder mechanism, which can transmit this information over a radio carrier wave after
encoding and modulating it. The given diagram shows the working of RFID module.

Fig6.1. Working of RFID system

Step1: RFID antenna sends scanning signal.

An RFID tagged product may either be passed through a reader or scanner or brought into the
vicinity of one. Line of sight identification is not necessary in case of RFID technology and
the tags are embedded inside a product. The tag reading process begins with the RFID
antenna sending a scanning signal which activates the transponder in a tag to respond. The
scanning frequency is chosen to match with the transmitting frequency of the transponder.
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Step2: RFID tag transmits signal.

As soon as the active or passive RFID transponder receives the scanning signal, it sends out
its own encoded and modulated signal over a radio carrier wave. Active RFID tags can
transmit signals over long distances not requiring clear line of sight.

Step3: Tag signal is received decoded and stored.

This transmitted signal is received by the reader through its tuned antenna. Subsequently, the
signal is demodulated and decoded to register product information in a database. These RFID
scanners are attached to computers where this information is stored.

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Chapter 7
Circuit Diagram of RFID Based Attendance System

Fig 6.1 Circuit Diagram of RFID Based Attendance


Low frequency RFID works on the principle of radio waves and at the frequency of 125
KHz. There is a coil inside the RFID tag and when it is influenced by magnetic field, it sends
an identity code to a device for further processing. (For more details, refer interfacing RFID
with AT89C51).

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The RFID tag is used as an identity for a particular user. If the identity (serial number of the
tag) of the user is matched with the one already stored in this system, he gets immediate
access through it. This RFID based secured access system also has many additional features.
For example, a new user can register himself with the system. A registered user can also
withdraw his entry from the system. These features can be accessed by pressing a tactile
switch connected to the microcontroller.

In beginning, the user is prompted to scan his tag or ID. The serial code of the tag is
identified by the reader module and is sent to AT89C51 for checking. If the ID is matched by
the microcontroller, the user gets the access. On the contrary, if the tag is not identified, a
message WRONG ID is displayed on the LCD screen for unidentified user.

A new user needs to press the switch to register after which his identity is verified twice with
RFID tag. The new record is stored by the microcontroller to grant future access. The system
also shows Error if the tags do not match during verification. An existing user can delete his
record by pressing the same switch. Again the verification is carried out and the user is
deleted if the IDs match. If a different tag is scanned through the reader, LCD displays that













When an RFID tag comes in this range, the reader detects it and sends a unique code of the
tag serially. This serial code, consisting of 12 bytes, is received by the microcontroller. This
code is treated as an ID for the user and is stored as an array in the microcontroller. If the ID
is matched with this code, the user is granted access though the system. For more details on
working and connections of the circuit, refer RFID interfacing through serial interrupt.

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7.1 Program for Microcontroller

sfr lcd_data_pin=0xA0;

//P2 port

sbit rs=P1^0;
sbit rw=P1^1;
sbit en=P1^2;
sbit new_user=P1^3;
unsigned char card_id[12],index=0,key1=0,flag0=0,flag1=0,flag2=0,flag3=0;



unsigned char current_byte = 0;
void display();
void memory();
void delay(unsigned int count)

/*Function to provide time delay*/

int i,j;
void lcd_command(unsigned char comm) //Lcd command funtion

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void lcd_data(unsigned char disp) //Lcd data function

lcd_string(unsigned char *disp)

//Lcd string function

int x;
void lcd_ini()

//Function to initialize the LCD

void display()

//Function to display the unique ID

unsigned char count,i,key,flag=0,val;
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//Place cursor to second position of second line

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lcd_string("Access granted");
lcd_string("USER ");
lcd_string("Wrong ID");
lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
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void recieve() interrupt 4

//Function to recieve data serialy from RS232


// Reset the serial interrupt after recieving the byte

void memory()
unsigned char i,key=0,count,try=0,head=0,select=0,mod=0,size;
unsigned int in,j;
lcd_string("scan your ID");
lcd_string("Like to delete");
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lcd_string("If yes scan ID");

lcd_string("You are deleted");
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lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
lcd_string("You have shown");
lcd_string("different ID");
lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
lcd_string("Sorry ! You are");
lcd_string("already an user");
lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
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if(key<12 && try==0)
lcd_string("Pls scan again");
lcd_string("Pls varify again ");
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lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
lcd_string("Congratulation !");
lcd_string("You are User");
lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
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lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
void main()

//Enable Timer 1


// Trigger Timer 1


//Place cursor to second position

of first line
lcd_string("Pls scan your ID");
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6.2.1 Flowchart

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Chapter 8
The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Application Areas
In recent years three key factors drove a significant increase in RFID usage. They include
decreased cost of equipment and tags, increased performance to a reliability of 99.9% and a
stable international standard around UHF passive tag. The areas of significant use are
financial services for Information Technology asset tracking and healthcare with more than
60% of the top medical device companies using passive UHF RFID in 2010. RFID is
becoming increasingly prevalent as the price of the technology decreases. Therefore, the
current uses include:

Electronic Vehicle Registration

With security of cars being a major concern in many countries, RFID technology is being
leveraged by government for Vehicle Registration. This helps detect stolen cars and in
their retrieval.


Payment by Mobile Phones

Since summer 2009, two credit card companies have been working with Dallas, Texasbased Device Fidelity to develop specialized microSD cards. When inserted into a mobile
phone, the microSD card can be both a passive tag and an RFID reader. After inserting the
microSD, a user's phone can be linked to bank accounts and used in mobile payment.
Diaryqueen in conjunction with Vivotech has also begun using RFIDs on mobile phones
as part of their new loyalty and rewards program. Patrons can ask to receive an RFID tag
to place on their phone. After activation, the phone can receive promotions and coupons,
which can be read by Vivotech's devices. Similarly, Nokia's 2008 device, the 6212, also
has RFID capabilities. Credit card information can be stored, and bank accounts can be
directly accessed using the enabled handset. The phone, if used as a vector for mobile
payment, has added security in that users would be required to enter a passcode or PIN
before payment is authorized.

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Transportation Payments
Governments use RFID applications for traffic management, while automotive companies
use various RFID tracking solutions for product management.


The Zipcar car-sharing service uses RFID cards for locking and unlocking cars and for
member identification.


Toll Roads
The tags, which are usually the active type, are read remotely as vehicles pass through the
booths, and tag information is used to debit the toll amount from a prepaid account. The
system helps to speed traffic through toll plazas as it records the date, time, and billing
data for the RFID vehicle tag.


Public Transit (bus, rail, subway)

In South Korea, t-money cards can be used to pay for public transit. It can also be used in
most convenience stores and vending machines in subways as cash. 90% of cabs in Seoul
accept card payment, including most major credit cards and the T-money card. T-money
replaced UPASS, first introduced for transport payments in 1996 using MIFARE
technology. Also, in Hong Kong, mass transit is paid for almost exclusively through the
use of an RFID technology, called the octopus card. This has also been used in various
other countries like Canada, Russia etc.


Asset Management and Retail Sales

RFID combined with mobile computing and Web technologies provide a way for
organizations to identify and manage their assets. It was initially introduced to major
retail by Craig Patterson, Knoxville, TN. Mobile computers, with integrated RFID
readers, can now deliver a complete set of tools that eliminate paperwork, give proof of
identification and attendance. Web based management tools allow organizations to
monitor their assets and make management decisions from anywhere in the world. Web

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based applications now mean that third parties, such as manufacturers and contractors can
be granted access to update asset data, including for example, inspection history and
transfer documentation online ensuring that the end user always has accurate, real-time
data. Organizations are already using RFID tags combined with a mobile asset
management solution to record and monitor the location of their assets, their current
status, and whether they have been maintained.
RFID is being adopted for item-level retail uses. Aside from efficiency and product
availability gains, the system offers a superior form of electronic article surveillance
(EAS) and a superior self-checkout process for consumers. The financial services
technology consortium (FSTC) set a technical standard for tagging Information
Technology assets and other industries have used that standard as a guideline.
For instance the US State Department is now tagging IT assets with passive RFID. School
authorities in the Japanese city of Osaka are now chipping children's clothing, back packs,
and student IDs in a primary school.
Similarly, Whitcliffe Mount School in cleckheaton England uses RFID to track pupils and
staff in and out of the building via a specially designed card.
In the Philippines, some schools already use RFID in IDs for borrowing books and also
gates in those particular schools have RFID. ID scanners for buying items at a school
shop and canteen, library and also to sign in and sign out for student and teacher's

Human Implants

Fig81. Hand with the planned location of the RFID chip

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Implantable RFID chips designed for animal tagging are now being used in human
beings. An early experiment with RFID implants was conducted by British professor of
cybernetics Kevin Warwick, who implanted a chip in his arm in 1998. In 2004 Conrad
chase offered implanted chips in his night clubs in Barcelona and Rotterdam to identify
their VIP customers, who in turn use it to pay for drinks. In 2004, the Mexican Attorney
General's office implanted 18 of its staff members with the verichip to control access to a
secure data room. The following figure shows a human hand with the planned location of
the RFID chip

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Chapter 9
Though RFID technology has already been applied effectively, it has certain technological
barriers that still need to be overcome to optimise its application. These lacunas are high
investment, lack of security and privacy, and some related to the technology of RFID.

Cost: Although there is a great potential of RFID in the local logistics sector,
the major drawback is the cost of the RFID tag, which is higher as compared to
barcode system. So industrial leaders are concerned about the return on investment
and net profit by investing the extra cost in the existing system. The cost depends on
the volume of usage. The lowest cost tags available on the market are as low as 7.2
cents each in volumes of 10 million units or more. The average cost of a RFID tag is
around 30 to 40 cents if the volume is not sufficiently large but the cost is only 4 cents
for a barcode. The companies like Wal-Mart, Benetton, Prada are trying to still reduce
the price. After the price is reduced all the retailers and manufacturers can implement
the technology. Apart from the initial cost, there is cost involved in maintenance and
upkeeping of the system. RFID tags are expected to completely replace the barcode
system in future.


Security and Privacy: The security and privacy of the RFID against
unauthorised readers is in debate from the very beginning. There is a great challenge
to the consumer privacy. The consumers using the product with RFID tags can be
traced easily. The RFID tag broadcasts the ID serial number or the Electronic Product
Code (EPC) to the nearby reader[4]. There is a very high chance of privacy violations.
The size of the dress a women wants can be publicly readable by any nearby scanner.
Due to this problem the cloth retailer Benetton has planned to withdraw the use of
RFID tags in its apparel products. CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Policy
Invasion and Numbering) group, based in US has claimed that RFID tags embedded
in items can track the consumers creating unwanted surveillance and an invasion of
privacy. Many security measures have been proposed for RFID in various literatures
to overcome the above problem. The simplest is the "Kill Tag" approach in which the
tag is electronically deactivated after the item is being sold out. The tag also can be
removed physically from the product before they are placed on the hand of the
consumers. The other approaches are Cryptographic approach, Hash Function
approach, Faraday Cage approach, Randomised Hash Lock, backward channel
XORing, Active Jamming approach, Regulation approach, etc.


Technology: As the RFID is based on the concept of Radio Frequency, it can

be interfered with other radio transmissions, metals, liquids, etc. The degree of
interference depends upon the frequency of the tag and the usage environment.

RFID Based Attendance System

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Chapter 10
This system is flexible, which means that it may be extended by adding more modules. The
cards that have been employed for this specific system are RFID cards, and the algorithm has
RFID Based Attendance System

Page 34

reliable results; moreover, this algorithm has secured important data that we have stored on
these cards. These cards can be put to use at the university and may replace student ID cards.
Personnel and students, alike, can use these cards for many purposes; additional functions can
always be incorporated into the system and greater security provided to the cards. RFID
technology continues to develop, and the time has come for us to avail ourselves of its
promise and convenience. The main aim of this research has been to demonstrate potential
uses of RFID-technology and build a system reliant on it. For the future work, this research
should be extended by adding more modules and making some changes .Library
Management system based on RFID can also be implemented. Simultaneously, cards can be
checked and be replaced, and new cards should have enough memory size so that we can
keep more data inside of them. Furthermore, the possibility of using some additional tools
like GPS, GSM can also be considered.

RFID Based Attendance System

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