Disclosure 2016-17

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Secondary Math II

Course Disclosure 2016-2017

Course Description
This course will include a study of functions, quadratic equations, similarity and
congruence, trigonometry, and probability. The student must develop his/her ability to
think creatively and in an organized manner. Secondary Math I skills are assumed
and are imperative for success in this course.
Please bring the following to class every day:
Math Fee - $10 for Secondary Math 2 work book
Pencils, eraser, and highlighter
Graphing calculator (TI-83 or TI-84recommended). Cell phone calculators will not
allowed at any time.
o Calculators can be rented for $20 a semester.
1 3 ring binder with loose paper (dividers highly recommended)
Academic Grades: Academic grades will be based on a percent of points earned as
A: 93 100; A-: 90 - 92;
B+:87 - 89; B: 83 - 86; B- :80 - 82; C+:77 - 79;
C: 73 - 76; C-: 70 - 72; D+:66 - 69;
D: 63 - 65; D- :60 - 62; F below 60
Absent: Ask 3 before me!
If you are absent it is your responsibility to ask three people/resources what you
missed when you were absent. You can ask someone who is in your class, text a friend
who also has this class, check the website or check the calendar available through the
website. It is your responsibility to know what you missed before you return to class.
Even on days when you are absent we are still working hard in class and learning new
material. Be sure you know what you missed before you return so that you do not fall
behind. All homework assignments and lecture notes can be found on the website or in
the basket in the classroom.
Final Grades for term and semester will be a combination of the following 4
1. Assignments
Assignments are given daily for the purpose of providing the opportunity to
practice daily lessons. Stay current with homework; do the assignments accurately and
completely because doing them conscientiously will ensure that you are ready for weekly
quizzes. The homework must be completed if you want to retake a quiz or test, and is
graded on completion. If you miss class it is your responsibility to request make-up work
and to communicate with the instructor.
2. Weekly Quizzes
Quizzes will be given on a weekly basis to check for understanding. Each quiz is
worth approximately 10 points and will generally cover material from homework 2 days
prior. In most cases, quizzes are open notes and cover material from the most recent
assignments, so the better you keep up with your work, the better you should do on each

If you miss a quiz due to an excused absence or would like to retake the quiz for
full points it must be completed within one week following the unit test. In order to take
the quiz because of an excused absence or to re-take the quiz, the corresponding
homework must be completed with work shown.
3 .Tests
Tests will be given at the completion of each unit. Mid-chapter tests may be given
if needed. Notes may not be used on tests. Students who are absent on review day are
still expected to take the test on the day it is scheduled. Students with multiple absences
during a chapter are responsible for making arrangements with the instructor. If you are
absent on the day of a test you must be prepared to take the test before or during the
next class period. Tests may be retaken up to two weeks following the original test date,
but all homework for the unit and test corrections must be completed and checked off by
the teacher.
4. Academic Participation
According to SHS policy, each student will be assigned 100 academic participation
points. If no deduction is made to the academic participation points during the term, the
student will keep the entire 100 points. Academic participation points will be deducted
for the following: tardy (-5 pts. each time), unexcused absence (-20 pts. each time), and
truancy or suspension (-30 pts. each time). The first 3 parent-excused absences per
term will not count towards a deduction in participation points in any class, but parentexcused absences beyond 3 per term in any class will be deducted from their
participation points in that class (-10 pts. each time) . Absences resulting from illness, if
excused by a parent and verified by a doctors note, will not be deducted from
participation points. School-excused absences will not be deducted at any time during
the year. Points missing for suspension, unexcused absence, and more than 4 excused
absences can be made up with your teacher or in the career center on Tuesdays and
Thursdays during lunch.
Citizenship Grade (Separate from Academic Grade)
Good citizenship is important to maintain as it directly affects the quality of
education for all students in the classroom. Citizenship will be determined by behavior,
attitude, and effort. Tally marks will be assessed by the instructor for such behavior as
excessive talking, swearing, lack of respect, destruction of classroom property, lack of
preparedness, cheating, and poor use of class time including working on homework from
another subject.
SHS school policy regarding attendance will also be followed. Please see student
handbook for school policy for attendance guidelines.
Classroom Expectations
Appropriate personal behavior is expected at all times to maintain a positive and
comfortable learning environment for all students. Come to class prepared to learn and
with a positive attitude. Electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods, tablets, reading
devices, etc. will only be allowed when the teacher plans for their use in the lesson.
Otherwise, they are to be put away during class. Calculators on cell phones will not be
allowed during class.
Classroom Procedures
Before the bell rings please be sure to have your book, notebook, and any other
needed materials out and ready to begin class. All purses and bags must be on the floor

under a students seat. No purses or bags are allowed on tables or in a students lap.
When the bell rings be in your seat working on the homework check. Whenever I am
standing at the front of the room that is your signal that I am beginning the lesson or
that I need to make an announcement, so please give me your undivided attention.
During the lesson you are expected to pay attention and participate. When assignment
or practice problems are given you are expected to begin working on them immediately. I
will dismiss the class not the bell. You are not to leave your seat and stand by the door at
any time during the class. Class will not be dismissed until all materials are put away
General Information
FOR EXTRA HELP WHEN NEEDED! Access to grades will also be available to parents
and students via the Davis School District website. Student access to mydsd will be the
students username and password at the school. I am available for help before or after
school or during tutorial on Wednesdays. I welcome comments or concerns about your
students progress either in person or by phone. The best way to contact me is
through email. Class notes and important information can be found on the secondary
II web-site.

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