Perspectives On The Nature of Mathematics

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Students Perspective on the Nature of Mathematics

Students Perspectives on the Nature of Mathematics

Jenny Young-Loveridge

Merilyn Taylor

University of Waikato
<[email protected]>

University of Waikato
<[email protected]>

Sashi Sharma

Ngrewa Hwera

University of Waikato
<[email protected]>

University of Waikato
<[email protected]>

This paper reports on one small component of a much larger study that explored the
perspectives of students towards mathematics learning. Students were asked, What do you
think maths is all about? Some students responded in terms of mathematical content. Others
commented on learning in general or on problem solving in particular. Some students talked
about the usefulness of mathematics for everyday life. An overwhelming number of students
answered the question by talking about the importance of mathematics for the future,
particularly for getting a job. An analysis of students responses by whether or not they had
participated in the Numeracy Development Project showed few differences between the

The nature of mathematics has been the focus of much writing over the last few decades (for
example, Begg, 1994, 2005; Dossey, 1992; Fuson, Kalchman, & Bransford, 2005; Ocean, 2005;
Presmeg, 2002; Winter, 2001). Dossey (1992) argues that different conceptions of mathematics
influence the ways in which society views mathematics. This can influence the teaching of
mathematics and communicate subtle messages to children about the nature of mathematics
that affect the way they grow to view mathematics and its role in their world (p. 42). Similarly,
Presmeg (2002) has argued that beliefs about the nature of mathematics either enable or constrain
the bridging process between everyday practices and school mathematics (p. 295).
Different dichotomies have been used to highlight the contrasting ways in which mathematics
is viewed. For example, Dossey (1992) has distinguished between external conceptions of
mathematics, held by those who believe that mathematics is a fixed body of knowledge that is
presented to students, and internal conceptions that view mathematics as personally constructed,
internal knowledge. Begg (1994, 2005) has contrasted mathematical content (knowledge and
procedures) with mathematical processes (reasoning, problem solving, communicating, and
making connections). Winter (2001) has written about a tension between a mechanistic view of
mathematics (as in the development of skills and knowledge) and mathematics as a means
towards fostering citizenship and responsibility within society (as in the development of personal,
spiritual, moral, social, and cultural dimensions).
A distinction has been made between mathematical activity carried out for its own sake and
mathematical activity that is useful for something else (Huckstep, 2000). In order to distinguish
between the aims and purposes of mathematics education, Huckstep asks: What are we trying
to do in mathematics education? and What are we trying to do it for? (p. 8). This particular
dichotomy is closely related to the debate about what is mathematics and what is numeracy
(Hogan, 2002; Stoessiger, 2002). Definitions of numeracy emphasise the practical or everyday
uses of mathematics in contexts such as homes, workplaces, and communities (Stoessiger, 2002).
Writers who argue that mathematics is valuable for its own sake often note the beauty and
aesthetics of mathematics and the sheer enjoyment of doing it (for example, Holton, 1993; Winter,


Findings from the New Zealand Numeracy Development Projects 2005

The current mathematics curriculum document for schools in New Zealand also considers the
nature of mathematics:
Mathematics makes use of specific language and skills to model, analyse, and interpret the
world ... [It] involves creativity and imagination in the discovery of patterns of shape and
number, the perceiving of relationships, the making of models, the interpretation of data,
and the communication of emerging ideas and concepts. (Ministry of Education, 1992, p. 7).

The new curriculum that will soon replace this 1992 document has a greater emphasis on
thinking and defines mathematics as:
the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space, and time ... [a way]
of thinking and solving problems ... [that] equips students with effective means for
investigating, interpreting, explaining, and making sense of the world in which they live.
Mathematics ... [enables] students [to] develop the ability to think creatively, critically,
strategically, and logically. They learn to structure and to organise, to carry out procedures
flexibly and accurately, to process and communicate information, and to be positive about
intellectual challenge (Ministry of Education, Draft as at June, 2006).

Book 1 from the Numeracy Development Project (NDP) states:

The Number Framework has been established to help teachers, parents, and students to
understand the requirements of the Number strand from Mathematics from the New Zealand
Curriculum. (Ministry of Education, 2005a, p. 1)

According to NDP Book 3 (inside front cover),

in the first four years of schooling, the main emphasis should be on the number strand; [but]
in the middle and upper primary years of schooling, the emphasis is spread across the strands
of the curriculum. (Ministry of Education, 2005b)

This means that mathematical processes, including problem solving, developing logic and
reasoning, and communicating mathematical ideas, should be an important part of classroom
mathematics programmes from about year 5 onwards.
In recent years, writers have drawn attention to the importance of talking with and listening to
students in order to appreciate their unique perspectives (for example, Fielding, Fuller, & Loose,
1999; Rudduck & Flutter, 2000; Young-Loveridge, 2005; Young-Loveridge & Taylor, 2005; YoungLoveridge, Taylor, & Hwera, 2005). Although children spend a lot of time doing mathematics,
we know little about how they view the mathematics they do. A few studies have explored this
issue, but most were with students at about the year 56 level (Grootenboer, 2003; Howard &
Perry, 2005; Masingila, 2002). Howard and Perry held conversational interviews with Aboriginal
children living in a remote rural community in New South Wales to explore their beliefs about
learning mathematics. Most examples of the childrens responses seemed to reflect an external
conception of mathematics, with the children positioning themselves as passive recipients of
the teachers wisdom and superior knowledge. According to Howard and Perry, these children
did not seem to be aware of their own mathematical competencies, strategies, and problemsolving abilities in mathematics. Instead, they emphasised the importance of watching and
listening to the teacher. Grootenboer investigated the views and feelings of New Zealand children
on the nature and purpose of mathematics and how they saw themselves as learners of
mathematics. The childrens responses indicated a rather narrow conception of mathematics,
limited mostly to number concepts and arithmetic.


Students Perspective on the Nature of Mathematics

Research on the perspectives of year 5 and 6 students who participated in the NDP has shown
that they were fairly similar to those who had not yet participated in the initiative in their ideas
about the value of communicating mathematically with others (Young-Loveridge, Taylor, &
Hwera, 2005). There was a somewhat greater difference between the two groups in recognising
the value of knowing how others solve mathematical problems, with NDP students valuing this
more highly than those who had not yet participated in the initiative. Subsequently, the study
was broadened to include students in years 24 and years 78, as well as those in years 56. The
present paper reports on the students views of what mathematics is.

The participants in this study were 459 students from years 28 (six- to 13-year-olds) attending
six primary schools and six intermediate schools in two major urban centres. Half of the schools
(three primary and three intermediate) had already been involved in the NDP, and half had not
yet been involved. The year 24 group were from one of the NDP schools whose year 56 students
had been interviewed the previous year. The selected schools included substantial numbers of
Mori and Pasifika students. This was done so that a better understanding of Mori and Pasifika
perspectives could be taken into account in efforts to raise mathematics achievement and narrow
the achievement gap.
Table 1
Composition of the Sample as a Function of Ethnicity and Year Group

Years 24

Years 56

Years 78


















Number of students

Schools were asked to nominate students from across a range of mathematics levels. The students
were interviewed individually in a quiet place away from the classroom. Students were told
initially that the interviewer was interested in finding out more about how kids learn maths
and how their teachers can help them and what kids themselves think about learning maths.
The interviews were audio-taped and later transcribed. A content analysis of the tape transcripts
was completed to identify common themes and ideas. Coding categories were then constructed
for use with each transcript.
This paper focuses on students responses to the question What do you think maths is all about?
If students didnt respond to this question, they were then asked If you were going to tell
someone about what maths is, what would you say to them? If that yielded no response, students
were then asked to imagine: What if a spaceship landed on the field, and the people came into
your school and wanted to know what is this thing called maths that you kids do, what would
you tell them?


Findings from the New Zealand Numeracy Development Projects 2005

Students responded to the question about the nature of maths in a number of ways. A notable
group of students were unable to give any response at all. Those who did respond seemed to
interpret the question in a variety of different ways. Some students appeared to interpret the
question in terms of their immediate mathematics learning in the classroom, commenting on
aspects of mathematical content or highlighting general learning and thinking processes. Other
students interpreted the question in terms of the purpose of mathematics for them in the here
and now and went on to mention ways that mathematics was useful. Another group interpreted
the question with respect to the purpose of mathematics but also considered this in relation to
their long-term futures. These students talked about the mathematics they thought was expected
at more senior levels of the schooling system, getting an education, and getting a job. One
group of students, who seemed to have really thought about the nature of mathematics,
commented on the intrinsic value of learning mathematics, such as for solving problems. They
talked about challenges such as figuring things out. A few students commented on the essence
of mathematics as being about having fun.
Once the coding categories had been determined, a systematic analysis was made of all 459
transcripts, noting which categories were referred to by the students. Cross-tabulation using
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) allowed an examination of the frequencies for
each category as a function of numeracy project involvement (NDP versus non-NDP). This
quantitative analysis is presented here. In the section following, selected excerpts from the
transcripts are presented to illustrate each of the coding categories. These excerpts allow the
students voices to be heard and help to bring the quantitative analysis to life.

Quantitative Analysis
Table 2 shows the percentages of students in each aspect of mathematics as a function of year
group and involvement in the numeracy project (NDP vs non-NDP). It should be noted that the
responses of students were coded in more than one coding category if they referred to more
than one aspect of mathematics. Hence, the totals add up to more than 100%.
Table 2
Percentages of Students Who Mentioned Each Category as a Function of Year Group (years 24,
56, 78) and Project Status (NDP vs Non-NDP)
Aspect mentioned

Years 24

Years 56

Years 56

Years 78

Years 78

Mathematical content


















Problem solving






Utility here and now






Utility in the future






















Number of students


Students Perspective on the Nature of Mathematics

Mathematical content was mentioned consistently by students in all year groups. Although
there was no breakdown of this overall category, it was noted that the majority of students
mentioned number in their responses. Frequent reference to the learning process was made by
the younger students (35% to 59% for students in years 26), but much less often by the older
students (16% to 18% by year 78 students). Fewer students mentioned the usefulness of
mathematics to them here and now than referred to the usefulness of mathematics for their
futures. Future uses included later schooling, getting a good education, and getting a job.
Interest in the future was less of an issue for the youngest students (9% of year 24 students
mentioned it), but by year 56, it was much more frequently mentioned (27% and 44% for NDP
and non-NDP respectively). Enjoyment of mathematics was mentioned mainly by the youngest
students (6% for year 24 students) and by year 56 students who had participated in NDP (9%).
It was interesting to note that only 1% to 3% of the older students (years 78) spontaneously
referred to enjoying mathematics.

Mathematical Content
One group of students referred to particular aspects of mathematical content in their explanations
of what mathematics is about. Many spoke about aspects of number and/or operations. A few
mentioned geometry and statistics:
Maths is not just about numbers; maths is something that you can make really fun, especially
with geometry and symmetry, because you can draw shapes and draw characters that you
like. (Year 56)
I would say maths ... has a lot of different strands like geometry and stuff, where you work
with shapes and theres hard sums and easy sums and short cuts and such things. (Year 78)

One younger student mentioned patterns and explained how various operations and domains
are interconnected:
Patterns ... because plus is minus and plus is times and times is division and division is
fractions and fractions is decimals and decimals is percentages and it goes on and on. (Year

Some students responses reflected the difficulty they experienced in trying to say what
mathematics is:
I know you use maths for everything in normal day life, but Im not sure what its about ...
Id just say its about numbers and working numbers together and taking them away to work
out stuff. (Year 78)
Maths is like, you write down, youve got all these numbers and youve got all these maths
symbols, so youve got numbers from 1 to 10. You have to try and squash them together, so
like, for example, 1 plus 9 equals 10. (Year 24)
Just memorising numbers, learning how to divide, subtract and stuff, cause if we didnt
have the numbers then it would be totally different, you wouldnt be able to count things so
you wouldnt be able to know how much youd need for stuff, youd put the wrong amount,
there wouldnt be an amount. (Year 56)

A substantial group of students spoke about processes. These were further subdivided according
to whether the focus was on general cognitive processes, such as learning and thinking, or on
mathematical processes, such as problem solving specifically.


Findings from the New Zealand Numeracy Development Projects 2005

Some students commented that the nature of mathematics was about learning. These responses
tended to be extremely brief and did not explain how mathematics was akin to learning. Instead,
they tended to focus on a justification for being involved with mathematics. The following are
just a few examples of responses that referred to learning:
Just learning, for when you get older. (Year 78)
Learning and education and finance, stuff like that. (Year 24)
Learning and helping you get brainier. (Year 24)

Quite a number of students commented that mathematics was about thinking or using their brain:
Well, its kind of like a challenge for your brain and stuff. (Year 24)
Its about learning, helps kids think. (Year 24)
Using your brain and thinking. (Year 24)

Problem solving
A small group of students said that mathematics was about problem solving but gave little or
no explanation for their views:
I think maths is about problem solving. (Year 78)
It helps you so you can get smarter and when youre in a problem or something. (Year 56)
Like, if you had to build a house or something and you have to find out the area and how
much more you have to put in to make it bigger. (Year 56)

Effort and persistence was mentioned by one student, who responded that mathematics is about:
trying your best on your work, like dont give up on your work and just do scribble, and just
give it a try if its too hard. (Year 24)

The Utility of Mathematics

Quite a large number of students talked about the usefulness of mathematics. This group was
further subdivided into those that considered mathematics in terms of its immediate utility (in
the here and now) and those who were more concerned about their long-term futures.

Everyday life here and now

Some students focused on the usefulness of mathematics for their everyday lives, and many of
these referred to needing maths to be able to work with money:
Maths is, like, something you use every day. You need to learn it because it can help you in
life, cause you use it like every day when youre doing stuff. Like money and stuff, you
calculate your money. (Year 78)
Trying to learn them for when youre older, for when hard questions come and stuff. Like
paying bills and stuff, or loans and stuff. (Year 78)
If you need some money out of your wallet, you might be able to use maths and equations, or
if you work at a bank or at a dairy, maths would help you out how much change you get.
(Year 24)
So when you grow up, instead of, when you go shopping, you know it straight away instead
of going like that and using your fingers. (Year 56)


Students Perspective on the Nature of Mathematics

Life in the future

Quite a number of students chose to respond to the question about the nature of mathematics by
talking about how worthwhile it was for the future. Some students comments about the future
were in relation to higher levels in the school system:
I think maths is teaching me more so I can move on to the senior school and I can be ready to
learn even harder maths questions. (Year 24)
Learning and teaching about maths, like if you go to senior schools, they tell you about maths,
and at senior schools, its more harder and its better. (Year 24)

Students in all age groups commented on the importance of maths for the future in terms of
getting a job. Below are the responses of two year 3 and 4 students:
Learning your maths so you get better when you are older for your job because you need
maths. (Year 24)
I think it is about learning new ... like if you want to teach other kids when you are an adult,
when you want to be a teacher, you have to learn from your last teacher that taught you.
(Year 24)

Year 5 and 6 children gave slightly more sophisticated explanations, including comments about
handling money:
Learning so you can handle with money so then you can grow up and get a job youll have
to know how to sort out money. Theres this kid called Mac in my class he says that maths
is stupid and he doesnt need maths to be a mechanic and stuff ... I say that you need maths
for every job when you grow up because it has maths. You need maths to sort out the money.
(Year 56)

One articulate year 6 student gave a response that showed considerable reflection on the
importance of mathematics to him personally:
Well for me ... the main thing in school for me because most jobs you go to, basically every
job involves a bit of maths, quite a lot of maths actually, and so by learning maths, sometimes
I dont enjoy it, but I know thats like a good thing to learn and so its sort of like a goal setter
for life. If you know it, it just helps you to become more independent in a way cause youre
not relying on the teacher a lot ... If you dont do maths, you wont really get a good job, so
... its sort of a thing that sets you up for life really. (Year 56)

Not surprisingly, year 7 and 8 students expressed the most sophisticated ideas, commenting on
their future roles as adults, jobs, getting on in life, and other activities reflecting independence
and autonomy:
Future jobs, you need to use it a lot. You cant just go through school without maths, you
need to know how it works to see, like statistics with graphs and stuff, you need to be able to
read them and understand them to see other things. (Year 78)
Figuring out and adding for lifestyle for when youre an adult ... If youre a person at the
shop, giving the person back their change, figure out how much they get back. (Year 78)
Maths is in every average day in everything you do, and I think maths is just helping you for
the long run. And when youll need to use it, and its also a good general knowledge thing,
just to know what to do, cause its everywhere, maths. (Year 78)

A small but notable group of students considered the nature of mathematics to be about having fun:
Having fun and trying to get your numbers and answers right, and just try and learn quicker
and easier. (Year 24)
Its actually quite fun. (Year 78)

Findings from the New Zealand Numeracy Development Projects 2005

A considerable number of students (between 5% and 19%) appeared to have no view at all about
the nature of mathematics. These students said things such as:
Ive never thought about it. (Year 78)
I have no idea. (Year 78)
Im not completely sure. (Year 78)

It was evident from the responses analysed that it was difficult for some students to talk about
the nature of mathematics. These findings suggest that many students do mathematics without
much thought or opportunity to discuss what it actually might be.
Many students who offered ideas about the nature of mathematics referred to aspects of the
number domain. This is consistent with Grootenboers (2003) finding that childrens views of
mathematics tended to revolve around number concepts and arithmetic. Like Fuson et al. (2005),
we found that many of these students responses reflected the view that mathematics is about
computation. This is not altogether surprising, given that the NDP emphasises number and
mental computation, particularly in the early years of school.
We were interested that a large number of students chose to comment on the usefulness of maths.
We found, like Masingila (2002), that these students perceptions of what mathematics is were
linked to how they thought they used it. We were intrigued to find that many students talked
about the usefulness of maths for their futures. This is consistent with much of the rhetoric
about the importance of mathematics for the knowledge society (see Commonwealth of
Australia, 2000; Ministry of Education, 2001; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2000).
Despite the 1992 curriculum document devoting a strand of the mathematics curriculum to
mathematical processes such as problem solving, developing logic and reasoning, and
communicating mathematical ideas, we noted that few students talked about the nature of
mathematics in this way, although some students spoke about general cognitive processes such
as learning and thinking. This may reflect the relatively narrow views of mathematics held by
many people, which in turn may impact on childrens views. It was interesting to note that
NDP students did not differ markedly in this respect from those who had not yet participated in
the initiative. Perhaps this reflects the strong focus on the number strand that is a key aspect of
the NDP. It might be valuable to remind teachers that mathematical processes become
increasingly important once students get through the first four years of school.
Mathematicians such as Holton (1993) have written about the pleasure people get from doing
mathematics for its own sake. It was heartening to see that some students saw mathematics as
being about having fun, but it seemed to be the younger students who described mathematics as
an enjoyable pursuit. It was interesting to note that more of the year 56 students who had
participated in NDP spontaneously referred to having fun in mathematics than same-aged peers
who had not. However, this pattern was not evident for year 78 students. The analysis suggests
that there is an age-related decline in students enjoyment of mathematics. Analysis of students
response to other questions may help to throw light on this issue.
We were interested in those students who did not appear to have a view about the nature of
mathematics (the non-responders). As Presmeg (2002) has pointed out, beliefs about the nature


Students Perspective on the Nature of Mathematics

of mathematics are important because they can either help or hinder the making of links between
school mathematics and everyday practices. If children dont have a view about what
mathematics is, that may make it difficult for them capitalise on the mathematics they encounter
at home and in other out-of-school settings.
Much of the data seems to indicate that children do perceive mathematics in dichotomous ways.
Some students considered that mathematics was an external body of stuff to be learned. Others
suggested that they needed to make sense of the mathematics in order to make connections
between related mathematical ideas. Many students were aware of the significance of
mathematics in society, but others had a more mechanistic view.
Given that mathematics is part of the core curriculum, we think it could be important for teachers
to help students engage with ideas about the nature of mathematics. In preparation for such
discussions, teachers might benefit from examining their own beliefs about what mathematics
is and reflecting on the subtle messages they might convey to students about the nature of
mathematics. This is an issue that numeracy facilitators could address as part of their professional
development with teachers.

Sincere thanks are extended to the students and teachers at the 12 schools for being so generous
with their time.
Additional funding for the study was provided by the University of Waikato School of Education
Research Committee.

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Findings from the New Zealand Numeracy Development Projects 2005

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