Lg4 Lesson 3 Jesus Prays at Gethsemane

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Just Us Little Guys

Sunday School Center

Easter Series Lesson 3


Jesus Prays at Gethsemane

Teacher Pep Talk: One of the most poignant and powerful stories in the Bible is the
story of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is there that Jesus
prayed on the night before His death, asking His Father, if it is
possible, may this cup be taken from me. However, Jesus finished
His prayer with these words, yet not as I will, but as you will.
Jesus went through untold agony in the Garden, even to the point
of sweating blood. But despite this He stayed true to the Fathers
will. It was important that the Savior (Jesus) be a willing sacrifice.
It would not have been alright for God the Father to have somehow
forced His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross. But Jesus, though He in
His humanity dreaded all that it meant to die on the cross, was
willing to do what His Father asked, even if it meant His death.
When Peter fought back as Jesus was arrested, Jesus stopped him
and asked Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he

will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of

angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say
it must happen in this way? (Matthew 26:53-54)
Jesus was not forced to die on the cross. As He told Peter, He
could have called on His Father and received the immediate help of
more than 12 legions of angels (more than enough!) But He wanted
to do the Fathers will, to fulfill the scriptures, and to set mankind
free from sin and death.
Jesus went to the cross willingly for you and for me.
You will need:

A copy of the Activity Sheet for each child, and colored pencils or

Major Points:

Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives at a place called Gethsemane

Jesus said Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;
Then Jesus said, yet not my will, but yours be done.
Jesus went to the cross willingly for you and me.
Jesus is alive now forever!

Scripture Ref:

Luke 22:39-46

Memory Verse:

Luke 22:42 not my will, but yours be done.

Just Us Little Guys

2011, Sharon Kay Chatwell

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Just Us Little Guys

Easter Series Lesson 3


Sunday School Center


Jesus prayed at a place called Gethsemane

How many of you pray? (Wait for responses.) Good! Im glad
that you pray!
When do you pray? (Wait for responses; some may have been
given already.)
We often pray together before we eat, or just before bedtime.
We pray together at church or even in Sunday School!
Did you know that Jesus prayed? He did. He prayed a lot. The
Bible talks about Him praying at night, early in the morning, in
front of big groups, with His Disciples, and even all by Himself.
He always prayed to His Father in Heaven (God the Father.)
The Bible also tells us that He prayed on the night before His
death on the cross.
On that night He prayed on the Mount of Olives at a place called
Jesus said Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;
Jesus knew He was about to go to His death.
He prayed Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me;
Cup, what cup? What cup is Jesus talking about?
He is talking about His upcoming death
Jesus did not look forward to dying on the cross. He asked His
Father, if He was willing, to take this cup from Him, or to let Him
not have to die on the cross, if it was in Gods will.
Then Jesus said, yet not my will, but yours be done.
What does it meant to be willing? What if I ask you who will eat
this ice cream cone for me? I imagine that some of you would
be willing to eat some ice cream for me.
Or what if I asked Who will go with me to the zoo? I imagine
that some of you might be willing to go to the zoo with me.
When you say you WILL do something that means that you are
WILLING to do it. It means that you choose to do it.
It can work the other way too. What if I asked, Who will take
out the garbage for me? Maybe not as many people would be
willing to do that.
Or what if I asked Who will work hard in my yard for me every
day for a week? Probably not many people would be willing to
do that even if I paid them!
But what if I asked the almost impossible. What if I asked, Who
will die for me? Then almost everyones hand goes down.
Only very few people would be willing to die for me.
Jesus said not my will, but yours be done. Jesus chose to
do His Fathers will!

Just Us Little Guys

2011, Sharon Kay Chatwell

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Just Us Little Guys

Easter Series Lesson 3

Sunday School Center


Jesus went to the cross willingly for you and me.

Jesus went to the cross willingly.
Nobody made Him go!
He chose to lay down His life for His friends (you and me!)
Jesus is alive now forever!
But the Good News is that Jesus is NOT dead now!
On the third day, God raised Jesus from the dead!
Now Jesus lives forever!
Because of what Jesus did, we can live forever with Him too!
Lets pray together and thank Him that Jesus His Son was willing to do His Fathers will!

Dear God,
Thank you that Jesus was willing to do Your will!
Thank you that He died on the cross for us!
Thank you that now Jesus is alive forever!

Suggested Activities:
Olive Branch Coloring Page
Distribute a copy of the attached Gethsemane Activity Sheet to each child. Allow the
children to color the olive branch pictured, with leaves and two olives. Encourage them
to draw a picture of Jesus praying to His Father on the Mount of Olives.
While they are drawing, you may want to read them this short story. (Its true.)
The lady who drew this picture of the olive branch, (although she admits that she is not
much of an artist) has actually been to the Mount of Olives and seen the olive trees,
which are still there. It is a lonely and quiet place, full of sunshine and wind during the
day. It is actually a nice high hill and from the top of it you can see all around for miles.
The City of Jerusalem sits right across from it, on another hill, and you can easily see it.
The Olive trees there are very old. Their bark is coarse and hard and it is almost shiny
it is so gray. Their leaves are long and skinny, and grayish-green in color. The olives
on the trees are green when they are new and purplish-black when they are ripe.
The lady wants you to know that when she was a little girl it was hard for her to imagine
that the places in the Bible were real places that you could actually go to and visit. They
seemed so very far away and so very long ago. But when she got bigger God allowed
her to go to the Mount of Olives and see the place called Gethsemane. While she was
there, she remembered how Jesus had been right there too (and she cried a little.) She
drew this picture for you so you could know that the places in the Bible are really there.
Just Us Little Guys
2011, Sharon Kay Chatwell

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An Olive Branch

Just Us Little Guys

Easter Series Lesson 3 Gethsemane

2011, Sharon Kay Chatwell

Just Us Little Guys

Easter Series Lesson 3

Sunday School Center


Suggested Activities (continued):

The Lords Prayer
In this activity the children will learn the meaning of the first part of the Lords Prayer.
Say this to the children:
In Gethsemane, Jesus prayed yet not my will, but yours be done. We have talked a
lot today about what will means. Lets learn part of a prayer that Jesus taught His
Disciples when they asked Him How should we pray? Do you think Jesus did the
things He taught His disciples when He prayed? Did He choose the Fathers will? (Yes)
The Lords Prayer (or Part of the Prayer Jesus taught His Disciples)

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:9-10 KJV)
NOTE: Depending on the age of the children in your group, go through the following
explanations with them. Do at least Thy will be done and In earth, as it is in

Our Father
means that we are talking to God the Father
Which art in heaven
means that God the Father is in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Means that we set Gods name is very special to us and we praise Him
Thy Kingdom come
means that we want God to bring His Kingdom here now and later (when
Jesus returns to earth again)
Thy will be done
means that we want Gods will to be done in all things
even if it might not be exactly the same as our will
Just like Jesus prayed not my will, but yours be done.
In earth, as it is in heaven
means that we want Gods will to be done here on the earth
just like it already is done up in heaven
Have older children memorize some of the words, or copy them down on paper.
Just Us Little Guys
2011, Sharon Kay Chatwell

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