Edge of The Empire - Player Action Sheet

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PLAYER ACTIONS/MANEUVERS . aT. eit e OAs Exchange Action for a Manewver im ‘Archarater may exchange the acon for an addtional maneuver ‘Ads BXto the characters next combat check o ENE the character Ahutng the tum. they may then perform any manewver they woud be spends 2 maneuvers ‘ble to perform nema, folowing athe res that govern maneuvers Howeve, 2 character stk may not perform more than two manewers Assist diving ther tun, no matter how they gained access to them, ‘Ada Eto another characters nex action, ‘Activate an Ability ‘en a characte spends an action to activate an abitynaent (even Spending the acon does not requre a check or any other actity on the character's ary, they have used the action fr his tan. They may Dot take a second action unles they have espeoic ably tet woud anthem 2 second action Guarded Stance [AR choracter can take a maneuver to assume a guarded stance, which Contnbutes to thet defense aganst mele attsas. A Guaracer Who performs tvs maneuver adds mo any combat check they make Unt the end of ther next turn However, they aso gan mele defense +1 Um the end of the nex um, NGetPerce pone ease on acon vse Interact with the Environment Perform a Skill Check “+ Moving a lage item: Fipping over a table, showng a bare into a The mast commen actions that mest characters take during thelr turn pursuats pat or hefting arate requres a Sogle manewer, ‘e actions that requre ask check to fesole, These ave acoves (ar + Opin or dsr er neared phe ses nat urate ro which te oo he ak may Dre da aati on binges peo dong kes 9 Rous or even days to perform, is + Taking cover Puposely mowing into cover requires a maneuver and erform a Combet Chee i ‘Bows the character to gan ranged defense 1 and some cover can ‘A character makes a combat check (or Atack Action) when they use a See arenes Sener ae Hearccu oe Combat sil fo atoc a target When perforrg an attack the acuity : “ aced on the distance fom the target the postion of the attacker ‘wth ts opponents and te type of weapcn Being used: CET pe = = + Draw, holster, ready, of load a weapor Drawing, Halsterina, loadig or preparing @ weapon takes 2 maneuves Thar ‘ranges o arsome other access container, “hen > ates 39g Mower Dunne Sogo ang 9 deste anil aes mene tang > rege pee creat 98) Siceruy owning a tae st que on eage 8) x s e006) Sil ent Secs ate sony Sa Rae) * Attacking an Engaged Target: Wen attacking vith a melee weapon Yahi, mana gumery satan rte hereques# mance os wel against a target with ranged weapon, the attacker adds Bl “ * Stadion roe wns gaged wi ance roe upae the Moning between range bands Stance Ses Hecate and mane nee ge + Using Ranged Weapons Whilst Engaged: When using Ranged Short tio incest bye csr Ronged ean Mois 2 Yan > Short > > > crease diffcuty by +. Kis impossible to use Gummery whist > Long > > > > ‘thin Short Medium Long Entrene Long Long Extreme Extreme engoed Shoe ‘+ attacker o¢ Defender Prone: When a character attacks a prone cata target wth Bra or Melee that they ace engaged with, gan EL. When ~ character attacks a prone target with a ranged weapon the target Manewersx5 > — shor gains 2 MI prone, te prone characte’ gans 2 ml to Brow and Maneuvers x ngage Melee axtncks te suites no penalty for range aac Seen + Attacking with Two Weapons: Single handed weapons ony. Make @ Drop Prone or Stand from Prone ambned "check wang iowest Characterstic and Lowest Skil to Dropping prone and standing from a prone postin each requre & genaate the dice pool using came combat skil +@, 2nd if not maneuver Droppng prone allows the character 0 2d6 M10 al enged +946. If successll 9 character may spend (4) oF to confi a ‘2ttads made agarst hm, although he also must ad@ Eto all melee ‘tom te second weapon (arto inked weson Guat) attacks made agansthm, cae

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