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The documents discuss findings from government investigations and news reports that suggest conspiracies may have been involved in the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Select Committee on Assassinations found scientific acoustic evidence of a second gunman and that President Kennedy was likely assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.

The Select Committee concluded that the original investigations of both assassinations were inadequate and deficient, failing to investigate conspiracy possibilities thoroughly.

Assassinations News Articles

Excerpts of Key Assassinations News Articles in Media

Below are highly revealing excerpts of important assassinations news articles from the
major media suggesting a cover-up. Links are provided to the full news articles for verification.
If any link fails to function, read this webpage. These assassinations news articles are listed by
order of importance. You can also explore the articles listed by order of the date of the news
article or by the date posted. By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can
and will build a brighter future.

Note: Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news articles on dozens of
engaging topics. And read excerpts from 20 of the most revealing news articles ever

Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations of the U.S. House of

1979-07-00, United States National Archives
Findings of the Select Committee on Assassinations in the Assassination of President John F.
Kennedy in Dallas, Tex., November 22, 1963. Scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high
probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy. Other scientific evidence does not
preclude the possibility of two gunmen firing at the President. The committee believes, on the
basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably
assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman
or the extent of the conspiracy. The [original] investigation into the possibility of conspiracy in the
assassination was inadequate. The conclusions of the investigations were arrived at in good faith,
but presented in a fashion that was too definitive. The Department of Justice failed to exercise
initiative in supervising and directing the investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the
assassination. The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to investigate adequately the
possibility of a conspiracy to assassinate the President. The Central Intelligence Agency
was deficient in its collection and sharing of information both prior to and subsequent to the
assassination. The Warren Commission failed to investigate adequately the possibility of a
conspiracy to assassinate the President.

Note: This same US Congressional report, on the subject of the Martin Luther King, Jr.
assassination, states that "The committee believes, on the basis of the circumstantial evidence
available to it, that there is a likelihood that James Earl Ray assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King as
a result of a conspiracy." Why hasn't this information been widely reported and become public
knowledge? For a possible answer, click here. For other revealing news articles on assassinations,
click here.

Hypnotic Experimentation and Research

1954-02-10, Declassified CIA Document (Verify using note below)
A posthypnotic of the night before (pointed finger, you will sleep) was enacted. Misses [deleted]
and [deleted] immediately progressed to a deep hypnotic state with no further suggestion. Miss
[deleted] was then instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that
she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [deleted] (now in a deep hypnotic
sleep) and failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [deleted]. She was
instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to kill [deleted] for failing to
awaken. Miss [deleted] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the (unloaded)
gun at [deleted] and then proceeding to fall into a deep sleep. Both were awakened and
expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence. Miss [deleted] was again handed the
gun, which she refused (in an awakened state) to pick up or accept from the operator. She
expressed absolute denial that the foregoing sequence had happened.
Note: This text is quoted from page 1 of declassified CIA document MORI ID 190691. To verify the
statement in the text, make a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request as described here, or
directly view a scanned copy online here. To access thousands of pages of declassified CIA mind
control documents online, click here. For lots more reliable information on this crucial topic, click
here. For many revealing news articles on mind control, click here.

INTELLIGENCE: Of Dart Guns and Poisons

1975-09-09, Time Magazine,9171,913459,00.html
For nearly nine months the congressional investigations of the Central Intelligence Agency have
been conducted behind closed doors. In the old Senate caucus room the ten members of the
select Senate committee were questioning CIA officials, including Director William Colby and the
deputy director for science and technology, Sayre Stevens, about 11 gm. of shellfish toxin and 8
mg. of cobra venom discovered last May in a CIA storeroom. Colby revealed that the agency in
1952 began a supersecret research program, code-named M.K. Naomi, partly to find
countermeasures to chemical and biological weapons that might be used by the Russian KGB. CIA
researchers ... came up with an array of James Bond weaponry that could use the shellfish toxin
and other poisons as ammunition. To illustrate his testimony, Colby handed a pistol to Committee

Chairman Frank Church. Resembling a Colt .45 equipped with a fat telescopic sight, the gun
fires a toxin-tipped dart, almost silently and accurately up to 250 ft. Moreover, the dart is so
tinythe width of a human hair and a quarter of an inch longas to be almost indetectable,
and the poison leaves no trace in a victim's body. Charles Senseney, an engineer for the
Defense Department, told the Senators that he had devised dart launchers that were disguised as
walking canes and umbrellas.
Note: This silent, lethal dart gun causes what looks like a natural heart attack. If this sophisticated
assassination technology was available back in 1975, what kind of secret weapons do you think
they have now? To watch an incredible one-minute video clip on this dart gun, click here. To
watch the full, highly revealing Warner Brothers documentary Secrets of the CIA, click here. For
other riveting major media articles along these lines, click here.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says hes convinced his uncles assassination

wasnt work of 1 person
2013-01-11, Washington Post
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is convinced that a lone gunman wasnt solely responsible for the
assassination of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy and his sister, Rory, spoke about
their family [on January 11] while being interviewed in front of an audience ... in Dallas. The event
comes as a year of observances begins for the 50th anniversary of the presidents death. Their
uncle was killed on Nov. 22, 1963, while riding in a motorcade through Dallas. Five years later,
their father was assassinated in a Los Angeles hotel while celebrating his win in the California
Democratic presidential primary. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said his father spent a year trying to come
to grips with his brothers death, reading the work of Greek philosophers, Catholic scholars, Henry
David Thoreau, poets and others trying to figure out ... the existential implications of why a just
God would allow injustice to happen of the magnitude he was seeing. He said his father thought
the Warren Commission, which concluded Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing the
president, was a shoddy piece of craftsmanship. He said that he, too, questioned the
report. The evidence at this point I think is very, very convincing that it was not a lone
gunman, he said, but he didnt say what he believed may have happened. He said his father had
investigators do research into the assassination and found that phone records of Oswald and
nightclub owner Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald two days after the presidents assassination, were
like an inventory of mafia leaders the government had been investigating. He said his father, later
elected U.S. senator in New York, was fairly convinced that others were involved.
Note: The History Channel produced
Kennedy." For a five-minute clip of this
with incredible evidence implicating a
revealing reports from reliable major
assassinations, click here.

a nine-part series tellingly titled "The Men Who Killed

excellent piece, click here. For the powerful final episode
US president and others, click here. For other deeply
media sources on the JFK, RFK and other political

Ford's records show 2 on Warren panel had doubts in JFK killing

2008-08-10, Washington Post/Associated Press
Former President Gerald Ford secretly advised the FBI that two of his fellow members on
the Warren Commission doubted the FBI's conclusion that John F. Kennedy was shot from
the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. The new details were included
in 500 pages of the FBI's large file on Ford, released in part this past week in response to requests
under the Freedom of Information Act that The Associated Press and others made on the day Ford
died in December 2006. That Ford served as the FBI's eyes and ears inside the commission has
been known for years. Long ago, the government released a 1963 FBI memo that said Ford ... had
volunteered to keep the FBI informed about the panel's private deliberations, but only if that
relationship remained confidential. The bureau agreed. It was also well-known Ford was an
outspoken proponent of the bureau's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy while
acting alone. [Assistant FBI Director Cartha "Deke"] DeLoach wrote [a memorandum] on Dec. 17,
1963, to outline what Ford told him ... about the commission meeting the day before. "Two
members of the commission brought up the fact that they still were not convinced that the
President had been shot from the sixth floor window of the Texas Book Depository. ... These
members failed to understand the trajectory of the slugs that killed the President. [Ford] stated he
felt this point would be discussed further but, of course, would represent no problem." There was
no explanation of what Ford meant by "no problem."
Note: For many revealing reports on major assassinations from major media sources, click here.

CIA role claim in Kennedy killing

2006-11-21, BBC News
New video and photographic evidence ... puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert
Kennedy's assassination. It reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the
Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968.
The CIA had no domestic jurisdiction and some of the officers were based in South-East Asia at
the time, with no reason to be in Los Angeles. Kennedy had just won the California Democratic
primary on an anti-War ticket and was set to challenge Nixon for the White House. A 24-year-old
Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, was arrested as the lone assassin. However, even under hypnosis, he
has never been able to remember the shooting and defence psychiatrists concluded he was in a
trance at the time. Witnesses placed Sirhan's gun several feet in front of Kennedy but the autopsy
showed the fatal shot came from one inch behind. Dr Herbert Spiegel, a world authority on
hypnosis at Columbia University, believes Sirhan may have been hypnotically programmed
to act as a decoy for the real assassin. Three of these men have been positively identified as
senior officers who worked together in 1963 at JMWAVE, the CIA's Miami base. David Morales
was Chief of Operations and once told friends: "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch and

I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard." George Joannides was Chief of Psychological
Warfare Operations. Now, we see him at the Ambassador Hotel the night a second Kennedy is
Note: There is ample evidence that Sirhan Sirhan was a programmed Manchurian Candidate.
Declassified CIA documents show that U.S. intelligence services were creating programmed
assassins back as early as the 1950s. For reliable, verifiable information on this key topic, click

Memphis Jury Sees Conspiracy in Martin Luther King's Killing

1999-12-09, New York Times
A jury in a civil suit brought by the family of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. decided today that a
retired Memphis cafe owner was part of a conspiracy in the 1968 killing of Dr. King. The jury's
decision means it did not believe that James Earl Ray, who was convicted of the crime, fired the
shot that killed Dr. King. After four weeks of testimony and one hour of deliberation, the jury in the
wrongful-death case found that Loyd Jowers as well as ''others, including governmental agencies''
had been part of a conspiracy. The jury awarded the King family the damages they had sought:
$100, which the family says it will donate to charity. The family has long questioned Mr. Ray's
conviction and hoped the suit would change the legal and historical record of the assassination.
Mr. Jowers, in a 1993 television interview, said that he had hired a Memphis police officer to
kill Dr. King from the bushes behind his restaurant. Mr. Jowers said he had been paid to do
so by a Memphis grocery store owner with Mafia connections. In an unlikely alliance, the King
family was represented in the case by William Pepper, who had been Mr. Ray's lawyer. The King
family maintains that Mr. Pepper's version of the assassination is the one that gets at the real truth
behind Dr. King's death, not the official version with Mr. Ray as the gunman. Mr. Pepper said
federal, state and Memphis governmental agencies, as well as the news media conspired in the
Note: For an awesome six-minute clip on this most important trial, click here. For other major
media article with powerful evidence of conspiracies to kill the Kennedy brothers and more, click
here. And for more from the MLK family on this incident, see their fascinating discussion at this

David Kelly death evidence 'to be kept secret for 70 years'

2010-01-25, Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
A highly unusual ruling by Lord Hutton, who chaired the inquiry into Dr Kelly's death, means
medical records including the post-mortem report will remain classified until after all those with a
direct interest in the case are dead. And a 30-year secrecy order has been placed on written

records provided to Lord Hutton's inquiry which were not produced in evidence. Liberal Democrat
MP Norman Baker, who has conducted his own investigations into Dr Kelly's death, described the
order as "astonishing". Dr Kelly's body was found in woods close to his Oxfordshire home in
2003, shortly after it was revealed that he was the source of a BBC report casting doubt on
the Government's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction capable of being fired
within 45 minutes. An inquest was suspended by then Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer, who ruled
that Lord Hutton's inquiry could take its place. But ... the inquiry focused more on the question of
how the BBC report came to be broadcast than on the medical explanation for Dr Kelly's death.
Lord Hutton's report in 2004 concluded that Dr Kelly killed himself by cutting an artery in his wrist.
But the finding has been challenged by doctors who claim that the weapons inspector's stated
injuries were not serious enough.
Note: For a cache of illuminating reports on government secrecy, click here.

Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane

2008-12-20, New York Times
Michael Connell, the Bush IT expert who has been directly implicated in the rigging of George
Bush's 2000 and 2004 elections, was killed last night when his single engine plane crashed three
miles short of the Akron airport. Velvet Revolution ("VR"), a non-profit that has been investigating
Mr. Connell's activities for the past two years, can now reveal that a person close to Mr. Connell
has recently been discussing with a VR investigator how he can tell all about his work for George
Bush. Mr. Connell told a close associate that he was afraid that George Bush and Dick
Cheney would "throw [him] under the bus." A tipster close to the McCain campaign
disclosed to VR in July that Mr. Connell's life was in jeopardy and that Karl Rove had
threatened him and his wife, Heather. VR's attorney, Cliff Arnebeck, notified the United States
Attorney General, Ohio law enforcement and the federal court about these threats and insisted that
Mr. Connell be placed in protective custody. VR also told a close associate of Mr. Connell's not to
fly his plane because of another tip that the plane could be sabotaged. Mr. Connell, a very
experienced pilot, has had to abandon at least two flights in the past two months because of
suspicious problems with his plane. On December 18, 2008, Mr. Connell flew to a small airport
outside of Washington DC to meet some people. It was on his return flight the next day that he
Note: supporter Dr. Josh Mitteldorf downloaded this essay from the New York
Times website the day it was published, but then was surprised to find it removed the very next
day. You can find the article as it originally appeared at this link. For an excellent OpEdNews article
by Dr. Mitteldorf on this most strange death and why it matters, click here. And for the deposition of
Stephen Spoonamore, a Republican insider and computer consultant who came out as
whistleblower on this matter, click here.

Son probes strange death of WMD worker

2004-09-12, San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)
Eric Olson now has a new verb for what happened to his father, Frank Olson, who worked for the
Army's top-secret Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, where he developed bioweapons
and experimented with mind-control drugs. Eric Olson found the verb in a 1950s CIA manual. The
verb is "dropped." And the manual is a how-to guide for assassins. "The most efficient accident, in
simple assassination, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface," the manual says, adding
helpfully: "It will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him." Eric Olson
believes his father -- who developed misgivings about his work and tried to resign -- was murdered
by government agents to protect dark government secrets. "No assassination instructions
should ever be written or recorded," says the CIA assassination manual. "Decision and
instructions should be confined to an absolute minimum of persons." It adds: "For secret
assassination the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully
executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated." William P. Walter, 78, who
supervised anthrax production at Detrick, says Olson's colleagues were divided about his death.
"Some say he jumped. Some say he had help," Walter says. "I'm one of the 'had-help' people." So
is James Starrs, a George Washington University forensic pathologist who ... called the evidence
"rankly and starkly suggestive of homicide." In a report to the CIA on the death, [Harold]
Abramson, [a doctor who had experimented with LSD] wrote that the LSD experiment was
designed "especially to trap (Olson)." This ... raised a troubling possibility: that the LSD experiment
was actually designed to see whether Olson could still be trusted to keep the agency's dark
Note: Frank Olson was just one of many tragic casualties of the CIA's mind-control programs. For
revealing information on this secret history, click here.

Roger Stones New Book Solves JFK Assassination: Johnson Did It!
2013-05-14, The Daily Beast/Newsweek
The colorful GOP consultant Roger Stone is out with The Man Who Killed Kennedy. Roger Stone
has had a long and colorful career in the darker undersides of Republican politics, from working on
Richard Nixons Committee for the Re-Election of the President, to helping bring down New York
Gov. Eliot Spitzer. Stone lays the half-century-old murder at the feet of Kennedys vice
president, who Stone claims had John F. Kennedy murdered and then as president used
those powers to cover up the murder. Johnson is facing jail, ruin, and the end of his
political career. He is a very desperate man. Johnson knows that he is about to be indicted. He
knows that Life magazine is going to publish an expos regarding his relationship with Bobby
Baker [a Johnson protg accused of bribery]. After Kennedys death, Life magazine spikes the
story. Johnson knows that [John F.] Kennedy has told a number of people, before leaving
Washington, that he will dump Johnson and take Terry Sanford, then the governor of North

Carolina, for vice president. Hes got a set of hearings coming up about his relationship to Billie Sol
Estes [a Johnson ally later jailed for fraud]. Nixon, Stone says, had a long relationship with Jack
Ruby, dating back to the time Nixon served on the House Un-American Activities Committee.
There, Stone says, Ruby acted as an informant at Johnsons request. Stone is vague when asked
to lay out exactly how Johnson was able to organize a team of assassins in Dallas for Nov. 22,
1963, but said the Dallas police force and the Secret Service were complicit.
Note: For a powerful episode of the History Channel's "Men Who Killed Kennedy" presenting
undeniable evidence Johnson was involved with JFK's assassination, click here.

JSOC: Obama's secret assassins

2013-02-03, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
The president has a clandestine network targeting a 'kill list' justified by secret laws. How is that
different than a death squad? The film Dirty Wars, which premiered at Sundance ... tracks the Joint
Special Operations Command (JSOC), a network of highly-trained, completely unaccountable US
assassins, armed with ever-expanding "kill lists". [Narrator Jeremy] Scahill and [director Rick]
Rowley track this new model of US warfare that strikes at civilians and insurgents alike in 70
countries. They interview former JSOC assassins, who are shell-shocked at how the "kill lists" they
are given keep expanding, even as they eliminate more and more people. Our conventional forces
are subject to international laws of war: they are accountable for crimes in courts martial; and they
run according to a clear chain of command. As much as the US military may fall short of these
standards at times, it is a model of lawfulness compared with JSOC, which has far greater scope
to undertake the commission of extra-legal operations and unimaginable crimes. JSOC morphs
the secretive, unaccountable mercenary model of private military contracting, which Scahill
identified in Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, into a hybrid with
the firepower and intelligence backup of our full state resources. JSOC operates outside the
traditional chain of command; it reports directly to the president of the United States. What
does it means for the president to have an unaccountable paramilitary force, which can
assassinate anyone anywhere in the world?
Note: For more on JSOC, click here.

'He does not remember it': RFK killer seeks parole

2011-02-28, MSNBC News/Associated Press
More than four decades after Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated, his convicted murderer
wants to go free for a crime he says he can't remember. It's been this way almost from the
beginning. Hypnotists and psychologists, lawyers and investigators have tried to jog his memory
with no useful result. "There is no doubt he does not remember the critical events," said William F.

Pepper, the attorney who will argue for Sirhan's parole. "He is not feigning it. He does not
remember it." Pepper, a New York-based lawyer who also is a British barrister, is the latest
advocate of a second gunman theory. Believers claim 13 shots were fired while Sirhan's gun
held only eight bullets and that the fatal shot appeared to come from behind Kennedy while
Sirhan faced him. Pepper also suggests Sirhan was "hypno-programmed," turning him into
a virtual "Manchurian Candidate." Pepper said ... that he has had Sirhan examined several
times by psychologist Daniel Brown of Harvard University, an expert in hypnosis of trauma victims.
"There have been substantial breakthroughs. It was very clear to me that this guy did not kill Bob
Kennedy," said Pepper. The lawyer notes that he has a personal tie to Kennedy, having been
chairman of his citizens' committee when he ran for Senate in 1964. Pepper also represented
James Earl Ray, through 10 years of appeals and a civil trial which he said proved that Ray was
not King's killer. By then Ray was dead. By all accounts, Sirhan has been a model prisoner. Sirhan
is a Christian and had no ties to terrorist groups.
Note: Few people know about the US civil trial in 1999 in Memphis where a jury took only one
hour to rule that elements within government were guilty of conspiring to shoot Dr. Martin Luther
King. For an astounding six-minute news clip on this little reported trial, click here. For summaries
of many other major media articles suggesting a cover-up around the assassinations of JFK, RFK,
and MLK, click here.

Nixon plot against newspaper columnist detailed

2010-09-13, MSNBC
Nearly 40 years before the Obama White House denounced the WikiLeaks website for publishing
classified documents, another president, Richard Nixon, was even more obsessed with the same
phenomenon. Only Nixon and his top aides went to far greater lengths to deal with the problem:
They launched an extraordinary campaign to smear and discredit the journalist who, more than
anyone else, was bedeviling them by publishing government secrets: newspaper columnist Jack
Anderson. The White House obsession with Anderson whose "Washington Merry Go-Round"
column was the WikiLeaks of its day is detailed in a new book being published this month,
Poisoning the Press: Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson and the Rise of Washingtons Scandal
Culture, by journalism professor Mark Feldstein. The book relies in part on newly unearthed tapes
from the National Archives that document how Nixons aides plotted to destroy Anderson by
planting forged evidence with him and spreading false rumors about his sex life and that of one of
his associates. Feldstein also has uncovered new evidence that documents one of the more
outrageous schemes of the Nixon presidency: a plot to assassinate Anderson by either
putting poison in his medicine cabinet or exposing him to a massive dose of LSD by
smearing it on the steering wheel of his car.
Note: For more on the use of LSD and other substances by the CIA for mind control and
assassination, click here.

40 years after RFK's death, questions linger

2008-06-03, San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)
Sirhan Sirhan, convicted of killing Robert F. Kennedy 40 years ago this week in the Ambassador
Hotel in Los Angeles, is living out his days in the California state prison at Corcoran. He is 64 and
has never fully explained what happened that night other than to say he can't remember it. "The
interesting thing is how under-examined the Robert Kennedy assassination is, compared to
President Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.," said David Talbot of San Francisco, author of
Brothers, a book that looks into Robert Kennedy's own investigation into his brother's death and
his conviction that JFK was the victim of a conspiracy. "Bobby remains the unknown territory,"
Talbot said. "But even if you look at it minimally, there are questions that come to mind." Over the
years, Sirhan has told investigators who interviewed him in prison that he was in a hypnotic trance
during the shooting and can't remember it at all. William Turner, a retired FBI agent who wrote a
book about the case, ... thinks Sirhan was "hypno-programmed to shoot" and that he was a
real-life Manchurian Candidate - [a] brainwashed dupe whose controllers want to
assassinate a presidential candidate. Turner suspects the same villains as do the JFK
conspiracy theorists - "organized crime and, predominantly, people from the CIA." [Philip Van
Praag, a retired electrical engineer and audio expert,] and a fellow investigator, former American
Academy of Forensic Scientists president Robert Joling, ... have written a book about the killing,
whose title, An Open and Shut Case, is a dig at the police investigation. Joling says an
"independent panel of forensic scientists" should be created to "reinvestigate this matter on all the
Note: To listen to a highly revealing presentation by Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, on the
many lines of evidence proving Sirhan was not a lone gunman, click here. For further revealing
reports on major political assassinations, click here.

Who really did kill Kennedy?

2007-05-13, San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco's leading newspaper)
David Talbot, founder of ... believes that new evidence, including his own research
encompassing more than 150 interviews, further undermines the conclusions of the Warren
Commission Report. [His new book] "Brothers" ... stresses the extent to which the Kennedy
administration faced political pressure from the extreme right, including elements of the CIA
leadership, the national security apparatus [and] anti-Castro Cubans. JFK incurred the wrath of his
enemies and incubated a desire for revenge in many of them. The author will convince many ...
that the likelihood of a conspiracy to assassinate JFK (and maybe RFK) is significant. Talbot's
highly readable, at times gripping book makes the case for releasing the classified documents
pertaining to the JFK assassination. Declassified JFK files reveal that in 1963, [CIA agent George]
Joannides was the agent in charge of one of the most powerful Cuban anti-Castro organizations in
Miami, the Revolutionary Students Directorate, or DRE. A few months before JFK's assassination,

the DRE had significant contact with Lee Harvey Oswald. In the course of four intensive
investigations of the JFK assassination, however, the CIA failed to divulge information
about this connection, or even that Joannides was the CIA officer assigned to manage the
DRE, and refused to release important parts of Joannides' personnel file. In September, on
grounds of national security, the CIA successfully thwarted a request for such information. Until it is
released, many ... will reasonably speculate that crucial information about the JFK assassination is
being concealed.
Note: For more reliable information on the Kennedy assassination and more, click here. The
History Channel also has an excellent documentary showing beyond doubt there was more than
one gunman. To order this highly revealing documentary, click here.

What Did the C.I.A. Do to His Father?

2001-04-01, New York Times
For a quarter of a century, [Eric Olson] has believed that the Central Intelligence Agency murdered
his father, a United States government scientist. On Nov. 28, 1953, around 2 a.m. [the] night
manager at the Statler Hotel ... in New York rushed out the front door ... to find a middle-aged man
lying on the sidewalk. The man had fallen from the 10th floor -- apparently after crashing through a
closed window. [In late July, 1975] the C.I.A.'s director, William Colby [provided Olson's] family ...
declassified documents relating to Frank Olson's death. Olson had not been a civilian employee of
the Department of the Army. He had been a C.I.A. employee working at Fort Detrick. Olson's
specialty, it turned out, had been the development of aerosols for the delivery of anthrax. The
Colby documents were ... full of unexplained terms like the ''Artichoke'' and ''Bluebird'' projects.
These turned out to be the precursors of what became known as MK-ULTRA, a C.I.A. project,
beginning in the Korean War, to explore the use of drugs like LSD as truth serums, as well as
botulism and anthrax, for use in covert assassination. The documents claimed that during a
meeting between the C.I.A. and Fort Detrick scientists ... on Nov. 19,1953, Sidney Gottlieb of the
C.I.A. slipped LSD into Olson's glass of Cointreau. Olson, a scientist by training, would have
known that he was working for a government that had put Nazi scientists on trial at
Nuremberg for immoral experiments on human beings. Now, in the late summer of 1953,
[Olson] faced up to the possibility that his own government was doing the same thing.
Slipping LSD into Olson's Cointreau was ... designed to get him to talk ... to assess what kind of
risk he posed and then eliminate him if necessary.
Note: For those interested in this vital, yet disturbing topic, the entire Times article is well worth
reading. For further verifiable information on the CIA mind control programs mentioned in this
article, click here.

CIA Reveals Covert Acts In Chile

2000-09-11, CBS News
The CIA is acknowledging for the first time the extent of its deep involvement in Chile, where it
dealt with coup-plotters, false propagandists and assassins. The agency [released] a declassified
report required by the U.S. Congress. Despite the disclosures, the CIA report admits to no abuses
or cover-up by CIA agents. But it chronicles clandestine contacts authorized by then-U.S.
President Richard Nixon and other top U.S. officials which it said would violate standards now
upheld by the agency. Among the disclosures: The CIA had prior knowledge of the plot that
overthrew Allende three years later. The CIA supported a kidnapping attempt of Chile's
army chief in October 1970, as part of a plot to prevent the congressional confirmation of Allende
as president. The kidnapping attempt failed, and Gen. Rene Schneider was shot and killed. The
CIA later paid $35,000 to the kidnappers in what it termed "humanitarian" assistance. The CIA
made a one-time payment to secret police head Gen. Manuel Contreras Sepulveda, the head
of the military regime's feared secret police. He was sentenced in 1993 for killing Chilean
socialist leader Orlando Letelier in Washington in 1976. Contreras has said the CIA was
behind the assassination. The report also describes efforts to influence news media in Chile
against Allende and to continue anti-leftist propaganda efforts by successor Pinochet, "including
support for news media committed to creating a positive image for the military Junta" now accused
of an array of abuses during his 17-year rule, including more than 3,000 killings.
Note: For more on this, see concise summaries of deeply revealing intelligence agency operations
news articles from reliable major media sources.

A Consensus on King's Life, if Not His Death; Conspiracy Verdict

2000-01-17, New York Times
A jury in Memphis decided last month that Dr. King was not the victim of a gunman acting
alone, but was instead the victim of a far-reaching conspiracy that included the United
States government. This year's national holiday ... comes just weeks after the controversial
verdict was delivered. At Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Dr. King preached his gospel
of nonviolence, the Rev. Joseph L. Roberts Jr. said the verdict confirmed what he had always
suspected: that Dr. King's assassination was a conspiracy. Dr. King's widow and children have
long questioned Mr. Ray's 1969 conviction, and hoped that their civil suit would change the legal
and historical record of the assassination. And on Dec. 8, a Memphis jury seemed to give them
what they wanted. The jury declared that Loyd Jowers, 73, a retired Memphis restaurant owner,
was liable in Dr. King's death for purportedly hiring a Memphis police officer, now dead, to kill Dr.
King. The jury also found that unnamed others, including government agencies, had been
involved, in effect accepting the King family's contention that Mr. Ray was innocent, despite his
guilty plea. Mr. Jowers, through his lawyer, has said he participated in a conspiracy but did not
know it was a plot to kill Dr. King. The jury awarded the King family members the damages they
had sought: $100, which they say they will donate to charity. The Memphis jury was the first to hold
someone accountable for playing a role in Dr. King's assassination.

Note: Why haven't you heard about this stunning trail verdict? And why wasn't this front page
news? For an excellent, six-minute Canadian news broadcast on this amazing court case and
verdict, click here. For the complete transcript of this highly revealing trial, click here. And for
dozens of major media articles suggestion that the assassinations of both Kennedys and King
were not the work of a lone gunman, click here. For some of the awesome and inspiring quotes
and audio and video clips of Martin Luther King, Jr., click here.

John F. Kennedy's Vision of Peace

2013-11-20, Rolling Stone
Despite the Cold War rhetoric of his campaign, JFK's greatest ambition as president was to break
the militaristic ideology that has dominated our country since World War II. He told his close friend
Ben Bradlee that he wanted the epitaph "He kept the peace," and said to another friend, William
Walton, "I am almost a 'peace at any price' president." Hugh Sidey, a journalist and friend, wrote
that the governing aspect of JFK's leadership was "a total revulsion" of war. Nevertheless, as
James W. Douglass argues in his book JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It
Matters, JFK's presidency would be a continuous struggle with his own military and intelligence
agencies, which engaged in incessant schemes to trap him into escalating the Cold War into a hot
one. His first major confrontation with the Pentagon, the Bay of Pigs catastrophe, came only three
months into his presidency and would set the course for the next 1,000 days. From the start, JFK
recoiled at the caper's stench, as CIA Director Allen Dulles has acknowledged, demanding
assurances from CIA and Pentagon brass that there was no chance of failure and that there would
be no need for U.S. military involvement. Dulles and the generals knowingly lied and gave him
those guarantees. When the invasion failed, JFK refused to order airstrikes against Castro.
JFK was realizing that the CIA posed a monumental threat to American democracy. As the
brigade faltered, he told Arthur Schlesinger that he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a
thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."
Note: For more on the powerful social forces that assassinated JFK, see the deeply revealing
reports from reliable major media sources available here.

New book reveals how much FBI, CIA knew about Oswald before
Kennedy assassination
2013-10-27, CBS News
It has long been known that the Warren Commission ... was flawed in ways that led to generations
of conspiracy theories about what happened on Nov. 22, 1963. A [new] book from former New
York Times reporter Philip Shenon digs into exactly what the commission got wrong, both by
intentional concealment, or, in Shenon's view, extensive attempts by both the CIA and FBI to
withhold just how much they knew about Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. "Much of the

truth about the Kennedy assassination has still not been told, [and] much of the evidence
about the president's murder was covered up or destroyed - shredded, incinerated, or
erased - before it could reach the commission," Shenon writes in the prologue to A Cruel and
Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination, which draws its title from the first
sentence of the commission's report. Shenon tells the story of how Navy pathologist James
Humes threw his blood-stained notes from Kennedy's autopsy into the fire after he transcribed a
fresh copy of the report. He said that he wanted to keep the documents from falling into the hands
of "ghouls," and gave a similar rationale for ordering that the sheets that covered Kennedy's head
wounds in Dallas be laundered during the autopsy. The commission's investigators never even
saw the photos and X-rays from the autopsy. Shenon also points to the CIA as having taken great
steps to cover up their knowledge of Oswald's visit to Mexico City before the assassination.
Note: As the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination approaches see our powerful JFK
assassination information center and the best videos and news articles on the topic. For more on
political assassinations, see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources
available here.

FBI director does not deny al-Awlaki may have been government asset
2013-08-23, Fox News
Newly declassified documents obtained [by] Judicial Watch, are raising questions over the U.S.
government's handling of Anwar al-Awlaki, and whether it [recruited] the radical American cleric as
an intelligence source in 2002. Director Robert Mueller did not dismiss the possibility. "I am
not personally familiar with any effort to recruit Anwar al-Awlaki as an asset -- that does not
mean to say there was not an effort at some level of the Bureau (FBI) or another agency to
do so," Mueller said. Fox's ongoing reporting ... shows that in 2002 he was released from
custody at JFK international airport -- despite an active warrant for his arrest -- with the okay of FBI
Agent Wade Ammerman. Within days of his re-entry, al-Awlaki showed up in Ammerman's
counter-terrorism investigation in Virginia into Ali al-Timimi, who is now serving a life sentence on
non-terrorism charges. None of the information about al-Awlaki's release from federal custody at
JFK, a sudden decision by the Justice Department in October 2002 to rescind an arrest warrant for
the cleric, nor the cleric's connection to Ammerman was provided to the defense during Timimis
2005 trial. Documents ... show the FBI Director was more deeply involved in the post-9/11
handling of al-Awlaki than previously known. One memo from Mueller to then-Attorney General
John Ashcroft on Oct. 3, 2002 -- seven days before the cleric re-entered the U.S. and was
detained at JFK -- is marked "Secret" and titled "Anwar Aulaqi: IT-UBL/AL-QAEDA." "Why would
al-Awlaki get the attention of the FBI Director? Why would a warrant for his arrest be pulled when
he's trying to reenter the country?" asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
Note: Al-Awlaki, who was born in New Mexico and was a US citizen, died in a U.S. drone attack in
Yemen nearly two years ago, the first American targeted for death by the CIA, by its own
admission. With the confirmation that he had been an intelligence asset for the US government as

early as 2002, his assassination takes on new significance. For more on the murky background of
Al-Awlaki, click here and here.

Why are the JFK files still sealed after 50 years?

2013-08-17, MSN/Associated Press
Five decades after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot and long after official inquiries
ended, thousands of pages of investigative documents remain withheld from public view. The
contents of these files are partially known and intriguing and conspiracy buffs are not the
only ones seeking to open them for a closer look. Some serious researchers believe the off-limits
files could shed valuable new light on nagging mysteries of the assassination including what
U.S. intelligence agencies knew about accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before Nov. 22,
1963. It turns out that several hundred of the still-classified pages concern a deceased CIA agent,
George Joannides, whose activities just before the assassination and, fascinatingly, during a
government investigation years later, have tantalized researchers for years. "This is not about
conspiracy, this is about transparency," said Jefferson Morley, a former Washington Post
reporter and author embroiled in a decade-long lawsuit against the CIA, seeking release of the
closed documents. "I think the CIA should obey the law. I don't think most people think that's
a crazy idea." But so far, the Joannides files and thousands more pages primarily from the CIA
remain off-limits at a National Archives center in College Park, Md. Anthony Summers, a British
author whose sequel to his JFK book Not In Your Lifetime will be released this year, [said] "By
withholding Joannides material, the agency continues to encourage the public to believe
they're covering up something more sinister."
Note: For more on the strange secrecy around Joannides and his checkered past, see the New
York Times article summarized here. For more on political assassinations, see the deeply
revealing reports from reliable major media sources available here.

Gaeton Fonzi, Investigator of Kennedy Assassination, Dies at 76

2012-09-12, New York Times
Gaeton Fonzi was one of the most relentless investigators on the House Select Committee on
Assassinations in the late 1970s, remembered by former colleagues with [awe at] his pursuit of the
full story behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Mr. Fonzi was also the staff
member most publicly dismayed by the committees final report, which concluded in 1979 that the
president was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. Of course it was a conspiracy,
said Mr. Fonzi, a journalist recruited mainly on the strength of scathing magazine critiques he had
written about the Warren Commission and its conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone
in killing the president in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. But who were the conspirators? What was
their motive? How could the committee close its doors without the answers? Mr. Fonzi ...

nailed those questions to the committees locked doors, figuratively, in a long article he wrote
the next year for Washingtonian magazine and in a 1993 book, The Last Investigation. In both, he
chronicled the near-blanket refusal of government intelligence agencies, especially the C.I.A., to
provide the committee with documents it requested. And he accused committee leaders of folding
under pressure from Congressional budget hawks, political advisers and the intelligence
agencies themselves just as promising new leads were emerging. Is it unrealistic to desire,
for something as important as the assassination of a president, an investigation unbound
by political, financial or time restrictions? he asked.
Note: For the government report stating that Kennedy's assassination was like the result of a
conspiracy and other revealing reports from reliable major media sources on political
assassinations, click here.

Secret panel can put Americans on 'kill list'

2011-10-06, MSNBC/Reuters
American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by a secretive panel of
senior government officials, which then informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the panel, which is a subset of the White
House's National Security Council. Neither is there any law establishing its existence or setting out
the rules by which it is supposed to operate. The panel was behind the decision to add Awlaki ... to
the target list. He was killed by a CIA drone strike in Yemen late last month. The White House is
portraying the killing of Awlaki as a demonstration of President Barack Obama's toughness toward
militants who threaten the United States. But the process that led to Awlaki's killing has drawn
fierce criticism from both the political left and right. Obama, who ran for president
denouncing predecessor George W. Bush's expansive use of executive power in his "war
on terrorism," is being attacked in some quarters for using similar tactics. They include
secret legal justifications and undisclosed intelligence assessments. Liberals criticized the
drone attack on an American citizen as extra-judicial murder. Conservatives criticized Obama for
refusing to release a Justice Department legal opinion that reportedly justified killing Awlaki.
Note: State assassination of a citizen without due process would seem to be the ultimate attack on
civil liberties. For lots more on such threats from reliable sources, click here.

Can U.S. legally kill a citizen overseas without due process?

2011-09-30, MSNBC
Is it legal for the federal government to kill a U.S. citizen overseas, someone who has never been
charged or convicted of a crime? Civil liberties groups are condemning the killing of Anwar alAwlaki, but many legal scholars say it is justified. No U.S. court has ever weighed in on the

question, because judges consider these sorts of issues exclusively matters for the president.
Anwar al-Awlaki's father, Nasser, with the help of the ACLU, sued President Barack Obama,
Defense Secretary Robert Gates and CIA Director Leon Panetta a year ago, when it became clear
that the U.S. was targeting the younger al-Awlaki. But U.S. District Judge John Bates threw the
case out, ruling that federal courts were in no position to evaluate whether someone was a terrorist
whose activities threatened national security and against whom the use of deadly force could be
justified. The ACLU lawyer who handled the case, Jameel Jaffer, said Friday that the U.S. program
that targeted al-Awlaki was a violation of both U.S. and international law. "The government's
authority to use lethal force against its own citizens should be limited to circumstances in
which the threat to life is concrete, specific and imminent. It is a mistake to invest the
president, any president, with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems
to present a threat to the country," Jaffer said.
Note: For lots more from reliable sources on the illegal prosecution of the "Global War on Terror",
click here.

Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer

2010-09-14, New York Times
That photo of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. riding one of the first desegregated buses in
Montgomery, Ala.? He took it. The well-known image of black sanitation workers carrying I Am a
Man signs in Memphis? His. He was there in Room 306 of the Lorraine Hotel, Dr. Kings
room, on the night he was assassinated. But now an unsettling asterisk must be added to
the legacy of Ernest C. Withers, one of the most celebrated photographers of the civil rights
era: He was a paid F.B.I. informer. On [September 12], The Commercial Appeal in Memphis
published the results of a two-year investigation that showed Mr. Withers, who died in 2007 at age
85, had collaborated closely with two F.B.I. agents in the 1960s to keep tabs on the civil rights
movement. From at least 1968 to 1970, Mr. Withers, who was black, provided photographs,
biographical information and scheduling details to two F.B.I. agents in the bureaus Memphis
domestic surveillance program, Howell Lowe and William H. Lawrence, according to numerous
reports summarizing their meetings. The reports were obtained by the newspaper under the
Freedom of Information Act and posted on its Web site. While he was growing close to top civil
rights leaders, Mr. Withers was also meeting regularly with the F.B.I. agents, disclosing details
about plans for marches and political beliefs of the leaders, even personal information like the
leaders car tag numbers.
Note: For a fascinating CNN interview with civil rights leader and former Atlanta mayor Andrew
Young on this issue, click here. For key reports from reliable sources raising unanswered
questions about the assassination of Martin Luther King and other major US political leaders, click

Kissinger Blocked Demarche On International Assassinations To

Condor States
2010-04-10, The National Security Archive, George Washington University
Only five days before a car bomb planted by agents of the Pinochet regime rocked downtown
Washington D.C. on September 21, 1976, [assassinating Chilean exile diplomat Orlando Letelier
and his assistant Ronni Moffitt,] Secretary of State Henry Kissinger rescinded instructions sent to,
but never implemented by, U.S. ambassadors in the Southern Cone to warn military leaders there
against orchestrating "a series of international murders," declassified documents obtained and
posted by the National Security Archive revealed today. The instructions effectively ended efforts
by senior State Department officials to deliver a diplomatic demarche, approved by Kissinger only
three weeks earlier, to express "our deep concern" over "plans for the assassination of
subversives, politicians, and prominent figures both within the national borders of certain Southern
Cone countries and abroad." "The September 16th cable is the missing piece of the historical
puzzle on Kissinger's role in the action, and inaction, of the U.S. government after learning
of Condor assassination plots," according to Peter Kornbluh, the Archive's senior analyst on
Chile and author of the book, The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and
Accountability. "We know now what happened: The State Department initiated a timely effort
to thwart a 'Murder Inc' in the Southern Cone, and Kissinger, without explanation, aborted
it," Kornbluh said.
Note: George H.W. Bush was head of the CIA when Orlando Letelier was assassinated just a few
blocks away from the director's office. For the full text of the documents click on the link above. For
an analysis, click here.

Oliver Stone: JFK and the Unspeakable

2009-07-23, Huffington Post
The murder of President Kennedy was a seminal event for me and for millions of Americans. It
changed the course of history. It was a crushing blow to our country and to millions of people
around the world. Today, ... profound doubts persist about how President Kennedy was killed and
why. My film "JFK" was a metaphor for all those doubts, suspicions and unanswered questions.
Now an extraordinary new book offers the best account I have read of this tragedy and its
significance. That book is James Douglass's JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It
Matters. In his beautifully written and exhaustively researched treatment, Douglass lays out the
"motive" for Kennedy's assassination. Simply, he traces a process of steady conversion by
Kennedy from his origins as a traditional Cold Warrior to his determination to pull the world
back from the edge of destruction. Many of these steps are well known, such as Kennedy's
disillusionment with the CIA after the disastrous Bay of Pigs Invasion, and his refusal to follow the
reckless recommendations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis. But
many of his steps remain unfamiliar: Kennedy's back-channel dialogue with Khrushchev and their

shared pursuit of common ground; his secret opening to dialogue with Fidel Castro (ongoing the
very week of his assassination); and his determination to pull out of Vietnam after his probable reelection in 1964. All of these steps caused him to be regarded as a virtual traitor by elements
of the military-intelligence community. These were the forces that planned and carried out
his assassination.
Note: For more on this important book, click here. For an excellent collection of the best
information, videos, books, and essays on the John F. Kennedy assassination, click here.

Dallas hospital room where JFK died now stored in Kansas

2008-02-07, Dallas Morning News (Dallas' leading newspaper)
A piece of JFK assassination history now lies buried in the most unlikely of places: a former
limestone quarry in Kansas. It is the end at least for now in the long and sometimes strange
journey of Parkland Memorial Hospital Trauma Room No. 1, where President John F. Kennedy
died on Nov. 22, 1963. The entire room was purchased by the federal government 35 years ago,
when Parkland officials decided to modernize their emergency facilities. It was dismantled and the
contents all of them, the examination table, clocks, floor tiling, lockers, trash cans, surgical
instruments, gloves, cotton balls, even a towel dispenser were placed in a locked vault in a Fort
Worth warehouse run by the National Archives and Records Administration. The artifacts lay
undisturbed there until September, when they were moved to an archives facility in Lenexa, Kan.,
a suburb of Kansas City, Mo. "It's in a secure location," Reed Whitaker, the agency's Central
Plains Region administrator, confirmed last week. And in a comment guaranteed to get the
conspiracy theorists going, he added: "Basically, it's not to be examined, not to be shown
to the press, not to be photographed, not to be exhibited to the public." Under the sale
agreement between Parkland and the federal government, archives officials agreed to close the
trauma room and its contents to the public, saying that they wanted to shield the pieces from
exploitation. A formal request in 2000 from The Dallas Morning News to view and photograph the
artifacts was summarily rejected.
Note: For a treasure trove of revealing stories from reliable sources on major assassinations, click

Trials: Sirhan through the Looking Glass

1969-04-04, Time magazine,9171,840003,00.html
A mirror. Two flickering candles. And Sirhan Sirhan. Focusing his mind power on the looking glass,
Sirhan soon convinced himself that he could order an inanimate object to move. He rigged a
pendulum from a fisherman's weight, and on command, he said, it began to sway. Yet telekinesis
the ability to cause objects at a distance to move through the exercise of willwas a frightening

power, and Sirhan feared that he might lose his mind. The candles swayed and changed color.
Sirhan insisted that it was no trick of imagination, reported Dr. Bernard L. Diamond. The noted
psychoanalyst, who combines professorships in law, psychiatry and criminology at the University
of California at Berkeley, was the star witness for Sirhan's defense. His testimony buttressed the
diagnoses of five other experts that Sirhan was afflicted with paranoia and schizophrenia. Sirhan
professes that he has no recollection of shooting Kennedy. Prosecutor David Fitts
peppered the diminutive professor with hostile questions, but he could not blunt the thrust
of Diamond's testimony about murder in a trance. After two more psychologists declared that
Sirhan suffers from grave mental disorders, avuncular Attorney Grant Cooper rested for the
defense. The prosecution faces an uphill struggle to refute contentions that Sirhan was either
insane or suffering from diminished mental responsibility.
Note: This article confirms that Sirhan was not mentally competent at the time Robert F. Kennedy
was assassinated, but it suggests that Sirhan's "trance state" was self-induced. Other sources,
however, have argued that he was a victim of mind control; click here for more information on this

The Top 5 John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

2013-11-11, ABC News
The fifty years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy have done little to quell the public's
interest or skepticism about who killed the president. In 1978 ... the House of Representatives
Select Committee on Assassinations found that in addition to Oswald, there likely was a
second gunman who fired at the president's motorcade. The commission concluded that
the gunmen were part of a "conspiracy," without determining exactly who was behind it,
opening the door to five decades and a cottage industry of theories. According to a 2003 ABC
News Poll, 70 percent of Americans believe Kennedy's death was "the result of a plot, not the act
of a lone killer." Fifty-one percent believe Oswald did not act alone, and 7 percent believe Oswald
was not involved at all in the assassination. In the years since Kennedy's death more than 2,000
books have been written about the assassination, many of which espouse one or more conspiracy
theories. In nearly every theory that involves American conspirators, be they wealthy industrialists
or tough-as-nails mafiosi, one group is routinely represented the CIA. One theory suggests that
Oswald was a CIA operative and agents tampered with his FBI file before and after the
investigation to make it appear he was a communist and lone wolf. [Another theory claims
President Lyndon] Johnson was aided in the plot by another man who would become president,
George H.W. Bush, a burgeoning CIA official who happened to be in Dallas on the day of the
Note: On the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination see our powerful JFK assassination
information center and the best videos and news articles on the topic. For an astonishing History
Channel Video in which the attorney for Lyndon Johnson states he has no doubt Johnson was
involved in the assassination, click here.

Dag Hammarskjld: evidence suggests UN chief's plane was shot down

2011-08-17, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
New evidence has emerged in one of the most enduring mysteries of United Nations and African
history, suggesting that the plane carrying the UN secretary general Dag Hammarskjld was shot
down over Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) 50 years ago, and the murder was covered up by
British colonial authorities. A British-run commission of inquiry blamed the crash in 1961 on pilot
error and a later UN investigation largely rubber-stamped its findings. They ignored or downplayed
witness testimony of villagers near the crash site which suggested foul play. The key witnesses
were located and interviewed over the past three years by Gran Bjrkdahl, a Swedish aid worker
based in Africa. The investigation led Bjrkdahl to previously unpublished telegrams ... which
illustrate US and British anger at an abortive UN military operation that the secretary
general ordered on behalf of the Congolese government against a rebellion backed by
western mining companies and mercenaries in the mineral-rich Katanga region.
Hammarskjld was flying to Ndola for peace talks with the Katanga leadership at a meeting that
the British helped arrange. The fiercely independent Swedish diplomat had, by then, enraged
almost all the major powers on the security council with his support for decolonisation, but support
from developing countries meant his re-election as secretary general would have been virtually
guaranteed at the general assembly vote due the following year.
Note: Was Dag Hammarskjld assassinated in a manner similar to that of popular U.S. Senator
Paul Wellstone? For lots more from reliable sources on political assassinations, click here.

Kelly campaigners to fight on as Government rules out inquest

2011-06-10, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
[Attorney-General Dominic Grieve's] refusal yesterday to request an inquest into the death of Dr
David Kelly was furiously condemned by campaigners, who are now planning [to] seek a judicial
review of Mr Grieve's decision. Dr Stephen Frost, who has led a group of campaigning
doctors, said the decision was "deeply flawed" with "no basis in law". Calling the
continuing "cover-up of the truth" a "national disgrace", he said they were "perplexed and
outraged" and called for Mr Grieve to resign. Dr Kelly's body was found in woods near his
Oxfordshire home in 2003, shortly after he had been revealed as the source of a BBC report
claiming a government dossier [on evidence for Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction"] had been
sexed up. The respected weapons inspector died aged 59, two days after he had faced MPs'
questioning. The campaigning doctors ... pointed out the [Hutton] inquiry spent only half a day of
its 24 days considering the cause of Dr Kelly's death and insisted no "coroner in the land would
have reached a suicide verdict on the evidence". Yesterday Dr Frost added: "This Government
has now revealed itself to be complicit in a determined and concerted cover-up."

Note: For much more on government secrecy from reliable sources, click here.

Unlawful Killings charges about Princess Dianas death cause stir at

2011-05-13, Washington Post
Unlawful Killing, a documentary about the death of Princess Diana that began to stir up
controversy even before it got [to the Cannes Film Festival, was] directed by Keith Allen [and]
earned global [comment] for including a graphic image of the aftermath of the car accident that
took Dianas life in 1997, the details of which have historically been distorted in the interest of
taste. The photo does appear in Unlawful Killing, but only for a moment, and within the legitimate
context of Allens claim that Diana received tardy and inadequate care immediately after the wreck
and that a more timely response would have saved her life. Unlawful Killing, which is part of the
Cannes Marche du Film, or Film Market, and played here ... to a packed house of buyers and
critics, will surely raise hackles for the additional ... accusations Allen levels in the film. These
include allegations ... that Diana was murdered, most likely by a cabal involving the royal
family, the political establishment and the secret services; that she was killed because she
was threatening the British arms industry with her work against land mines; and that the
inquest into the death ... was little more than a coverup in which the media were ...
Note: For more on Princess Diana's mysterious death, click here.

Convicted RFK assassin says girl manipulated him

2011-04-28, CBS News/Associated Press
Convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan was manipulated by a seductive girl in a mind control plot to
shoot Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and his bullets did not kill the presidential candidate, lawyers for
Sirhan said in new legal papers. The documents filed this week in federal court detail extensive
interviews with Sirhan during the past three years, some done while he was under hypnosis. The
papers point to a mysterious girl in a polka-dot dress as the controller who led Sirhan to
fire a gun in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. But the documents suggest a second
person shot and killed Kennedy while using Sirhan as a diversion. For the first time, Sirhan
said under hypnosis that on a cue from the girl he went into "range mode" believing he was at a
firing range and seeing circles with targets in front of his eyes. "I thought that I was at the range
more than I was actually shooting at any person, let alone Bobby Kennedy," Sirhan was quoted as
saying during interviews with Daniel Brown, a Harvard University professor and expert in trauma
memory and hypnosis. He interviewed Sirhan for 60 hours with and without hypnosis, according to

the legal brief. The story of the girl has been a lingering theme in accounts of the events just after
midnight on June 5, 1968, when Kennedy was gunned down in the hotel pantry after claiming
victory in the California Democratic presidential primary.
Note: For many key reports from major media sources on political assassinations in the US, click

From protester to senator, FBI tracked Paul Wellstone

2010-10-25, Minnesota Public Radio
It started with a fingerprint of a 25-year-old college professor who opposed the Vietnam War and
ended with a search for his remains, 32 years later, in a wooded area near Eveleth, Minn. The
FBI's files on Paul and Sheila Wellstone [show that] the FBI initially took interest in Wellstone as
part of the broader surveillance of the American left ... and, in the end, [sifted] through the
wreckage of the fatal plane crash that killed Wellstone and seven others eight years ago.
Wellstone's surviving sons declined to comment on the documents, which were obtained in
response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by MPR News. The FBI did not include 76
pages related to the National Transportation Safety Board, the agency that investigated the crash.
A request for those records is pending. Coleen Rowley, the 9/11 whistleblower and former chief
legal advisor in the FBI's Minneapolis office, said the documents from 1970 shed light on
the FBI's far-reaching efforts to quash political dissent. "I think this really is valuable
because it's basically history repeating what we have right now," she said, noting the
recent FBI raids at the homes of several anti-war organizers in Minneapolis. Wellstone's
arrest occurred less than a year before the official end of Cointelpro, a series of secret domestic
surveillance programs created by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to monitor and disrupt groups
deemed to be a threat to national security.
Note: For insights into the deeper implications of Senator Wellstone's mysterious plane crash,
click here.

Doctors demand inquest into death of Dr David Kelly

2009-07-13, The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
A group of 13 doctors who believe that Dr David Kelly, the Government scientist, did not commit
suicide, but was murdered, are launching a legal campaign to demand an inquest. The original
inquest into Dr Kelly's death six years ago in woods near his Oxfordshire home was suspended by
Lord Falconer, then the Lord Chancellor. He designated the Hutton Inquiry into the circumstances
surrounding the weapons inspector's death as "fulfilling the function of an inquest". Dr Kelly died
shortly after he was exposed as the source for a story claiming the Government "probably knew"
that a claim Iraq could attack with weapons of mass destruction in 45 minutes was not true. A team

of doctors unconvinced by the findings of the Hutton Report has compiled a dossier which claims
that a cut to the ulnar artery in Dr Kelly's wrist could not have killed him. The 12-page document
concludes: "The bleeding from Dr Kelly's ulnar artery is highly unlikely to have been so voluminous
and rapid that it was the cause of death." Among the doctors is ... is David Halpin, 69, a former
lecturer in anatomy at King's College, London, and a former consultant in orthopaedic and trauma
surgery at Torbay Hospital, who later went into general practice. Dr Halpin said they had argued
their case in the legal document in "microscopic" detail and added: "We reject haemorrhage as
the cause of death and see no contrary opinion which would stand its ground. I think it is
highly likely he was assassinated." The doctors have been working closely with Norman
Baker, the Liberal Democrat MP, who believes the scientist was murdered by enemies he
made in the course of his work as a weapons inspector.
Note: For a trove of revelatory reports on assassinations as a tool of state, click here.

George Bush aide dies in plane crash

2008-12-21, The Telegraph (One of the U.K.'s leading newspapers)
Mystery surrounds the death of a Republican pollster, recently compelled to give evidence about
alleged election fraud in the 2004 election in Ohio, after he was killed in a plane crash. Top internet
strategist Michael Connell, 45, was the only person in his single-engine private plane that crashed
three miles short of the Akron-Canton airport on Friday night as he prepared to land. He had
worked on Mr Bush's two presidential campaigns, advised John McCain this year and was also
linked to allegedly missing White House emails in the 2006 controversy over a string of firings of
US attorneys. The death of the married father of four immediately triggered conspiracy
theories amid speculation that he had been about to reveal embarrassing details of the
complicity of senior members of the Bush administration in fixing an election and
destroying incriminating emails. In a blog posting entitled "One of my sources died in a plane
crash last night...", Larisa Alexandrovna of The Raw Story revealed that Mr Connell had been
talking to her about the Ohio case alleging that vote-tampering during the 2004 presidential
election resulted in civil rights violations. "Mike was getting ready to talk. He was frightened... I am
not saying that this was a hit nor am I resigned to this being simply an accident either. I am no
expert on aviation and cannot provide an opinion on the matter. What I am saying, however, is that
given the context, this event needs to be examined carefully."
Important Note: This death becomes even stranger considering that attorneys had sought
protection for Connell against threats from Karl Rove in late July (click here). He also was
apparently warned not to fly.

General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of

allied war leaders claims new book

2008-12-21, The Telegraph (One of the U.K.'s leading newspapers)
George S. Patton, America's greatest combat general of the Second World War, was assassinated
after the conflict with the connivance of US leaders, according to a new book. The newly
unearthed diaries of a colourful assassin for the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS),
the forerunner of the CIA, reveal that American spy chiefs wanted Patton dead because he
was threatening to expose allied collusion with the Russians that cost American lives. The
death of General Patton in December 1945, is one of the enduring mysteries of the war era.
Although he had suffered serious injuries in a car crash in Manheim, he was thought to be
recovering and was on the verge of flying home. But after a decade-long investigation, military
historian Robert Wilcox claims that OSS head General "Wild Bill" Donovan ordered a highly
decorated marksman [named] Douglas Bazata to silence Patton. His book, Target: Patton: The
Plot to Assassinate General George S. Patton, contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in
1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck
to plough into Patton's Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which
broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch. Mr Wilcox told The Sunday
Telegraph that when he spoke to Mr Bazata: "He was struggling with himself, all these killings he
had done. He confessed to me that he had caused the accident, that he was ordered to do so by
Wild Bill Donovan."
Note: For key insights from reliable, verifiable sources into assassination as a political tool, click

New Trove Opened in Kennedy Killing

2008-02-19, New York Times
The Kennedy assassination ... re-entered the spotlight ... Monday, after the Dallas district attorney
unveiled the contents of a safe that had been secret for more than 40 years. Inside were clothing
worn by Lee Harvey Oswald; a small, tooled leather holster belonging to his killer, Jack Ruby; and
piles of typed, old, crackling documents. Perhaps the most intriguing item was what purports
to be a transcript of a conversation Ruby had with Oswald at Rubys Dallas nightclub, the
Carousel, in which they plot to kill Kennedy to satisfy organized crime bosses. The trove of
material connected to the assassination was collected by the former district attorney, Henry M.
Wade, who prosecuted Ruby and continued in office until 1987. Mr. Wade died in 2001. The
documents have not been examined by outside experts. Once the material is cataloged and
images scanned into computers, it will be donated to a museum and made available to the public.
Although his predecessors had chosen to keep the material in a safe on the 10th floor of the Dallas
County Courthouse for decades, [Craig Watkins, who became district attorney last year,] said he
saw no reason to do so. We decided that this information is too important to keep secret, he said.
In addition to the transcript, he displayed two sets of brass knuckles that belonged to Ruby, and a

letter from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the Dallas police chief, contending that Rubys
sister said her family had somehow obtained a police report on the preparations for Kennedys visit
to Dallas.
Note: For lots of revealing information on the JFK and other assassinations, click here.

U.S. worked on secret Cold War weapon

2007-10-08, MSNBC/Associated Press
In one of the longest-held secrets of the Cold War, the U.S. Army explored the potential for
using radioactive poisons to assassinate "important individuals" such as military or civilian
leaders, according to newly declassified documents. Approved at the highest levels of the
Army in 1948, the effort was a well-hidden part of the military's pursuit of a "new concept of
warfare" using radioactive materials from atomic bombmaking to contaminate swathes of enemy
land or to target military bases, factories or troop formations. Military historians who have
researched the broader radiological warfare program said in interviews that they had never before
seen evidence that it included pursuit of an assassination weapon. No targeted individuals are
mentioned in references to the assassination weapon in the government documents declassified in
response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the AP in 1995. The decades-old
records were released recently to the AP, heavily censored by the government to remove specifics
about radiological warfare agents and other details. The documents give no indication whether a
radiological weapon for targeting high-ranking individuals was ever used or even developed by the
United States. They leave unclear how far the Army project went. One memo from December 1948
outlined the project and another memo that month indicated it was under way. The main sections
of several subsequent progress reports in 1949 were removed by censors before release to the
AP. The broader effort on offensive uses of radiological warfare apparently died by about 1954, at
least in part because of the Defense Department's conviction that nuclear weapons were a better
bet. Whether the work migrated to another agency such as the CIA is unclear.
Note: For revealing reports from major media sources on government-sponsored assassinations
and assassination programs, click here.

Scientists Cast Doubt on Kennedy Bullet Analysis

2007-05-17, The Washington Post
In a collision of 21st-century science and decades-old conspiracy theories, a research team that
includes a former top FBI scientist is challenging the bullet analysis used by the government to
conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald alone shot the two bullets that struck and killed President John
F. Kennedy in 1963. The "evidence used to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed,"
concludes a new article in the Annals of Applied Statistics written by former FBI lab metallurgist

William A. Tobin and Texas A&M University researchers Cliff Spiegelman and William D. James.
The researchers' re-analysis involved new statistical calculations and a modern chemical analysis
of bullets from the same batch Oswald is purported to have used. "This finding means that the
bullet fragments from the assassination that match could have come from three or more
separate bullets," the researchers said. "If the assassination fragments are derived from
three or more separate bullets, then a second assassin is likely." [They] urged that authorities
conduct a new and complete forensic re-analysis of the five bullet fragments left from the
assassination in Dallas.
Note: For more reliable, verifiable information on the JFK and other assassinations, click here.

The secrets and lies that a Cold-War warrior took to his grave
2007-04-15, London Times
When the old spymaster thought he was dying, his eldest son came to visit him. In the CIA,
[Howard Hunt] had helped to mastermind the violent removal of a duly elected leftist president in
Guatemala and assisted in subterfuges that led to the murder of Che Guevara. But his first-born
son, [Saint] was by his side now. For years, he and Saint had hardly spoken. Then Saint came to
him wanting to know if he had any information about JFKs assassination. His father had sworn in
two government investigations that he didnt. But now, in August 2003, propped up in his sick bed,
he began to write down the names of men who participated in a plot to kill the president. He
scribbled the initials LBJ, standing for Kennedys vice-president, Lyndon Johnson. Under LBJ,
connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an
affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that has never been solved. Next, his father
connected to Meyers name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyers
name was the name David Morales, another CIA man and a well-known, vicious black-operations
specialist. Then his father connected to Moraless name, with a line, the framed words French
Gunman Grassy Knoll. So there it was: according to Hunt, LBJ had Kennedy killed. And that
Lee Harvey Oswald wasnt the only shooter in Dallas. There was also, on the grassy knoll, a
French gunman, presumably the Corsican mafia assassin Lucien Sarti. A few weeks later, Saint
received in the mail a tape recording from his dad. Hunts voice on the cassette is weak and
grasping, but he essentially remakes the same points he made in his handwritten narrative.
Note: Though this article interesting refers to Saint as a "conspiracy nut," if you take the time to
read it, you will find it raises many serious questions about the Kennedy assassination. The History
Channel has an excellent documentary series showing beyond doubt there was more than one
gunman. To order, click here. For the banned final episode of this series, which presents powerful
evidence LBJ was directly involved in the JFK assassination, click here

The Umbrella Assassin

2006-10-04, PBS
The investigation into the assassination of Bulgarian dissident Georgi Markov, murdered with a
poison-filled pellet shot into his leg (possibly with a converted "umbrella gun") at a bus stop in
Britain in 1978, was the most unusual and significant case that medical doctor and forensic
specialist Christopher C. Green participated in during his twenty year career as an investigative
officer with the Central Intelligence Agency. The reason it was so unique, he says, is that "we had
pretty much all of the story from a forensic point of view. We had the body, the thing in the body
that he was hit with -- the pellet -- and the stuff from the pellet. We knew that the material used to
kill him, ricin, had been under development by a foreign service linked to the incident. We also
knew that he had been a target of assassination attempts in the past. The story of him being a
target was very well known. So we had information on the means, motive, and the opportunity." In
the Markov case, "we had 80 percent of the story," says Green, who is now a professor of
diagnostic radiology and psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences at Wayne State University's
Detroit Medical Center, where he uses brain imaging techniques to watch how the brain functions
as people make decisions. His current work, he says, is a logical outgrowth of his service at
the CIA -- where he still serves as a consultant. At the CIA, Green studied how the brain
responds to chemicals and neurological agents.
Note: For more on this bizarre case, click here. A 2008 Reuters article on the case is also
available here, as is a 2006 New York Times article at this link.

2005-08-11, New York Review of Books
It is disappointing to learn that the Central Intelligence Agency filed motions in federal
court in May 2005 to block disclosure of records related to the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy forty-one years ago. The spirit of the law is clear. The JFK Records Act of
1992, approved unanimously by Congress, mandated that all assassination-related records be
reviewed and disclosed "immediately." When Morley filed his lawsuit in December 2003, thirteen
published JFK authors supported his request for the records in an open letter to The New York
Review of Books ( Eighteen months later, the CIA is still
stonewalling. The agency now acknowledges that it possesses an undisclosed number of
documents...which it will not release in any form. Thus records related to Kennedy's assassination
are still being hidden for reasons of "national security."
Note: This letter to the editor was signed by Norman Mailer, Oliver Stone, and others. Why isn't
the media covering this important development? For two highly revealing videos on the JFK
assassination, read here.

True Tales Odd Enough to Stop a Farm Animal's Heart

2005-04-07, New York Times
At the start of the twisted treasure hunt that is "The Men Who Stare at Goats," the journalist Jon
Ronson appears to be looking for furtive, paranoid quacks who play mind games. Take the goats
of the title: Mr. Ronson cites a hundred of them. They have been used in top-secret
experiments by psychic spies whose existence is not officially acknowledged by the United
States Army. Military psychics are so well hidden that they aren't covered by the Army's
coffee budget. It makes them cranky to have to bring their own coffee to work. "The damn psychic
spies should be keeping their damn mouths shut, instead of chitchatting all over town about what
they did." So says retired Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III, the first of the many characters
redolent of "Dr. Strangelove" who are found in this jaw-dropper of a -- hard to believe, but, yes -nonfiction story. Some of these experts contend that a goat's heart can be stopped by the intense
gaze of a certain kind of supersoldier. "Goat didn't have a chance," one of these tough guys [says].
Mr. Ronson ... describes the effort to deploy a Moscow scientist who had previously sent
subliminal messages to Red Army troops ... in the Branch Davidian standoff. This scientist didn't
work out because he was unwilling to transmit ... a bogus voice of God. He finds a prologue in MKULTRA, the real C.I.A. "Manchurian Candidate" research of the 1950's, which involved the
disastrous use of LSD as a potential truth serum. And somehow Mr. Ronson is able to keep his
book both light and nightmarish. [He] remains terrifically adept at capturing the horror of these
developments without losing track of their lunacy.
Note: For the above article and lots more reliable information on these mind control programs,
click here. For another excellent book by Ronson titled "Them: Adventure with Extremists," click

Museum Gives Voice to Doubts on Dr. King's Killer

2002-10-16, New York Times
James Earl Ray, a drifter and ex-convict, shot and killed the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a
single bullet here on an April evening in 1968. That is the official story, the reason Mr. Ray spent
the last three decades of his life in prison. Everybody knows it. But not everybody accepts it.
Almost as soon as Dr. King was cut down -- and even more so after Mr. Ray recanted his guilty
plea -- conspiracy theories abounded. Some said the assassin was an army sniper. Mr. Ray
insisted he had been framed by a man named Raul, hired by the C.I.A. There was even a report
that one of Dr. King's entourage had helped to kill him. Now ... the conspiracy theories have stirred
to life again at the National Civil Rights Museum, in the former Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was
shot. The museum recently opened an exhibit in a new $11 million wing primarily to document the
assassination and the mystery that still surrounds it, at least in some people's minds. On display
are 200 pieces of evidence, freshly unsealed from police archives. The gun. The 30.06-caliber
bullet tweezed out of Dr. King's body. A fake passport and guidebook to Rhodesia found on Mr.
Ray, curious artifacts for an unemployed ex-convict supposedly working solo. Questions are

stamped on the wall, in bold letters. "Did Ray have help? Did someone else do it? Was the
Memphis Police Department part of the conspiracy?" The King family believes that Mr. Ray, who
died of liver disease in 1998, was not the killer. Dexter King, Dr. King's son, visited Mr. Ray
on his deathbed. The government killed my father, Dexter King told him, not you. Mr. Ray's
family said they were finally getting the vindication they deserved.
Note: In one of the biggest media cover-ups ever, the government was found guilty of consipiring
to murder King in a 1999 civil trial in Memphis. The press strangely boycotted the historic trial. For
more on this amazingly well kept secret, click here. For many revealing reports on the major US
political assassinations, which consistently cast doubts on the official accounts of how they
occurred, click here.

A Miami police informant, a prophetic racist and fresh questions about

JFKs death
2013-11-15, Miami Herald
[Thirteen] days before that dark day in Dallas, [police informant Willie Augustus] Somersett elicited
a chilling, police tape-recorded threat from a right-wing racist who talked of how the President
would soon be shot from an office building with a high-powered rifle and how theyll pick up
somebody within hours afterjust to throw the public off. Extremist Joseph A. Milteer, of Quitman,
Ga., made the threat against Kennedy in the kitchen of Somersetts small apartment in downtown
Miami. In the late 1970s, the House Assassinations Committee had experts analyze a photograph
taken in Dealey Plaza moments before the first shot of an unidentified motorcade spectator who
bears a strong resemblance to Milteer. The experts, however, concluded the man was not Milteer,
who died in 1974. But now, a retired FBI agent who says that within hours of the
assassination he was assigned to locate Milteer has [said] the man in the photograph is
indeed Milteer. I stood next to the man. I interviewed him and spent hours with him, said
Don Adams, who spent 20 years with the FBI before working as a police chief in Ohio. There is
no question in my mind. As soon as I saw that picture I almost fell off of my feet. Congressional
investigators never contacted Adams. Adams, now 82, says he saw the Dealey Plaza photograph
for the first time a decade after his 1982 retirement from the FBI. The photograph renewed his
interest in the case and ultimately led him to write the book, From an Office Building with a HighPowered Rifle. His insiders account raises disturbing questions about the FBIs
investigation of Kennedys death.
Note: To watch a five-minute video of 20-year FBI agent Don Adams stating he has no doubt there
was a major cover-up of the JFK assassination, click here. For more excellent, revealing videos on
the assassination, click here and here. For more on the JFK assassination, see the deeply
revealing reports from reliable major media sources available here.

RFK assassination witness tells CNN: There was a second shooter

2012-04-28, CNN
As a federal court prepares to rule on a challenge to Sirhan Sirhan's conviction in the Robert F.
Kennedy assassination, a long overlooked witness to the murder is telling her story: She heard two
guns firing during the 1968 shooting and authorities altered her account of the crime. Nina
Rhodes-Hughes wants the world to know that, despite what history says, Sirhan was not the only
gunman firing shots when Kennedy was murdered a few feet away from her at a Los Angeles
hotel. "What has to come out is that there was another shooter to my right," RhodesHughes said in an exclusive interview with CNN. "The truth has got to be told. No more
cover-ups." The U.S. District Court in Los Angeles is set to rule on a request by the 68-year-old
Sirhan that he be released, retried or granted a hearing on new evidence, including RhodesHughes' firsthand account. Prosecutors under the [CA] attorney general are contending that
Rhodes-Hughes heard no more than eight gunshots during the assassination. Sirhan's lawyers are
challenging those assertions. In a response also filed in federal court in Los Angeles, the defense
team led by New York attorney William Pepper contends that the FBI misrepresented RhodesHughes' eyewitness account and that she actually had heard a total of 12 to 14 shots fired.
Note: For key reports from major media sources on hidden facts about the assassinations of
political leaders, click here.

An Assassinations Long Shadow

2011-01-17, New York Times
Today, millions of people on another continent are observing the 50th anniversary of an event few
Americans remember, the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. The 35-year-old Lumumba was the
first democratically chosen leader of the ... Democratic Republic of Congo. Thousands of Belgian
officials who lingered on did their best to sabotage things: their code word for Lumumba in military
radio transmissions was Satan. Shortly after he took office as prime minister, the C.I.A., with
White House approval, ordered his assassination and dispatched an undercover agent with
poison. The would-be poisoners could not get close enough to Lumumba to do the job, so instead
the United States and Belgium covertly funneled cash and aid to rival politicians who seized power
and arrested the prime minister. On Jan. 17, 1961, after being beaten and tortured, he was shot.
Stephen R. Weissman, a former staff director of the House Subcommittee on Africa,
recently pointed out that Lumumbas violent end foreshadowed todays American practice
of extraordinary rendition. The Congolese politicians who planned Lumumbas murder
checked all their major moves with their Belgian and American backers, and the local C.I.A.
station chief made no objection when they told him they were going to turn Lumumba over
render him, in todays parlance to the breakaway government of Katanga, which, everyone
knew, could be counted on to kill him.

Note: The author of this article, Adam Hochschild, is the author of King Leopolds Ghost: A Story
of Greed, Terror and Heroism in Colonial Africa and the forthcoming To End All Wars: A Story of
Loyalty and Rebellion, 1914-1918.

Retired FBI Agent Says Oswald Didn't Kill Kennedy

2010-08-22, WJW-TV (Akron, Ohio Fox Network affiliate)
A retired FBI agent from Summit County is making claims regarding the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy that go beyond conspiracy theories. Don Adams ... doesn't waiver from his
position that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. "It is a fact," says
Adams, and he says he has the FBI documents to prove it. One of Adams first assignments was
investigating an extreme right radical, with connections to the States Rights Party and KKK named
Joseph Adams Milteer. One week after completing the investigation, President Kennedy was
gunned down in Dallas. Agent Adams located Milteer in Quintan, Georgia on November 27, 1963,
but according to Adams, the Senior Agent in charge would not allow a proper interrogation. "I
said, 'Boss wait a minute, we have an opportunity to elicit tremendous information from
him' and he replied '5 questions and nothing more'." Years later, while searching the archives
Adams learned that Milteer had threatened to kill President Kennedy November 9, 1963, just
weeks before the assassination, and that FBI agents had allegedly lied about his whereabouts
immediately following [the] threat. An FBI record states that after the assassination, "a jubilant"
Milteer bragged to the informant, "You thought I was kidding when I said he would be killed from a
window with a high powered rifle." Adams questions why Milteer appears in a photograph near
President Kennedy's limousine before the shooting, but was never mentioned in the Warren
Commission Report.
Note: For key articles from reliable sources on many still-unanswered questions about the John
Kennedy and other major political assassinations, click here.

The CIA Schemes to Kill Castro with a Seashell

2010-08-06, Time Magazine,28804,2008962_200896...
From 1960 to 1965, the CIA brainstormed at least eight plots to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro.
According to a report prepared in 1967 and declassified 36 years later, the CIA thought of using
cigars, contaminated air, poisoned pills, fungus and a poison-filled syringe to take out the
Communist leader. One plot, which sought only to damage Castro's image, suggested
placing thallium salt in his shoes, in the hope that his beard would fall out. But one idea
stood out above the rest: the plan to kill Castro with a booby-trapped seashell. You see, the
dictator was a fan of skin diving, so intelligence agents plotted to place an especially spectacular
shell in a reef Castro was known to frequent. The hope was that the shell would be so beautiful

that Castro would pick it up and, by doing so, trigger an explosive. Desmond Fitzgerald, the CIA's
head of Cuban operations, went as far as to buy two books on Caribbean mollusks. But the
elaborate scheme was deemed impractical.
Note: For more on assassinations as a tool of government policy, see the deeply revealing reports
from reliable major media sources available here.

D.C. Madam Is Found Dead, Apparently in a Suicide

2008-05-02, New York Times
A woman convicted two weeks ago of running a Washington call-girl ring that catered to the
capitals power elite was found dead ... and the authorities said she had apparently hanged
herself. The body of the woman, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, 52, was found in a shed at her mothers
home ... about 20 miles northwest of Tampa. The police said Ms. Palfrey had left a notebook
containing at least two suicide notes and other messages to her family, but they did not give
additional details. Ms. Palfrey, who had quickly become known as the D.C. Madam when the case
against her began unfolding, apparently hanged herself from the sheds ceiling with nylon rope, the
police said. Her mother, Blanche Palfrey, discovered the body. Blanche Palfrey had no sign that
her daughter was suicidal. A federal jury in Washington found Ms. Palfrey guilty on April 15 of
running a prostitution service that catered to powerful figures including Senator David Vitter,
Republican of Louisiana. She was convicted of money laundering, using the mail for illegal
purposes and racketeering. Ms. Palfrey had vowed that she would never go to prison. When she
disclosed telephone records last year that revealed the identity of some of her clients, she told
ABC: Im sure as heck not going to be going to federal prison for one day, let alone four to
eight years, because Im shy about bringing in the deputy secretary of whatever. Not for a
second. Ill bring every last one of them in if necessary. Despite that threat, Ms. Palfreys trial
concluded without the testimony of either Mr. Vitter or another particularly prominent client, Randall
L. Tobias. One of the escort services employees was Brandy Britton, a former professor at the
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who was arrested on prostitution charges in 2006. Ms.
Britton committed suicide in January before she could go to trial.
Note: Isn't it interesting that this woman who brought about the resignations of top government
officials is found dead in an apparent suicide? See the revealing AP article on this available here.
Ms. Palfrey also stated publicly that she would never commit suicide, though at one point she
mentioned that she might be "suicided." To verify this, click here.

The FBI COINTELPRO Program and the Fred Hampton Assassination

2013-12-03, Huffington Post

On December 4th it [was exactly] 44 years since a select unit of 14 Chicago Police officers, on
special assignment to Cook County State's Attorney Edward Hanrahan, executed a pre-dawn raid
on a west side apartment that left Illinois Black Panther Party leaders Fred Hampton and Mark
Clark dead, several other young Panthers wounded, and the seven raid survivors arrested on
bogus attempted murder charges. The physical evidence soon exposed the claims of a
"shootout" that were made by Hanrahan and his men to be blatant lies, and that the
murderous reality was that the police fired nearly 100 shots while the Panthers fired but
one. But those lies were only the first layer of a massive cover-up that was dismantled and
exposed over the next eight years -- a cover-up designed to suppress the central role of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and its COINTELPRO program in the assassination. The first
documentation [of the operation and its cover-up] surfaced in March of 1971 when the Citizens
Commission to Investigate the FBI broke into a small FBI office in Media Pennsylvania and
expropriated over 1000 FBI documents. These documents exposed the FBI's super-secret and
profoundly illegal COINTELPRO program and its focus in the 1960s on the black liberation
movement and its leaders. Citing the assassinated Malcolm X as an example, Hoover directed all
of the Bureau's Offices to "expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, and otherwise neutralize" African
American organizations and leaders.
Note: For more on the realities of intelligence agency activity, see the deeply revealing reports
from reliable major media sources available here.

NSA May Have Evidence in Great Cold War Mystery

2013-09-09, CBS News/Associated Press
America's National Security Agency may hold crucial evidence about one of the greatest unsolved
mysteries of the Cold War the cause of the 1961 plane crash which killed United Nations
Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, a commission of prominent jurists says. Widely considered
the U.N.'s most effective chief, Hammarskjold died as he was attempting to bring peace to the
newly independent Congo. It's long been rumored that his DC-6 plane was shot down, and an
independent commission set up to evaluate new evidence surrounding his death on [September 9]
recommended a fresh investigation citing radio intercepts held by the NSA as the possible key
to solving the case. Hammerskjold's aircraft went down on the night of Sept. 17, 1961, smashing
into a forested area just short of Ndola Airport in modern-day Zambia. A host of hard-to-answer
questions about the crash have led to a glut of conspiracy theories. Among them: Why did
it take 15 hours to find the wreckage, just a few miles from the airport? Why did
Hammarskjold's bodyguard, who survived the crash for a few days, say that the plane
"blew up"? Why did witnesses report seeing sparks, flashes, or even another plane?
Hammarskjold was flying into a war zone infested with mercenaries and riven by Cold War tension.
Foreign multinationals coveted [Congo's] vast mineral wealth and the country was challenged by a
Western-backed insurgency in Katanga, which hosted mining interests belonging to United States,
Britain, and Belgium.

Note: For more on government secrecy, see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major
media sources available here.

Key prosecutor gunned down in Pakistan

2013-05-04, Boston Globe/Washington Post
Gunmen shot to death the Pakistani governments top prosecutor ... in a case that accuses
former military ruler Pervez Musharraf of involvement in the 2007 assassination of ex-Prime
Minister Benazir Bhutto, police said. The gunmen opened fire on Chaudhry Zulfikars car as he
was leaving his home. The assailants escaped. Chaudhry Zulfikar was involved in a number of
high-profile cases. Zulfikars slaying was a rare episode of violence in the capital, which has so far
seen none of the bombings or other attacks launched by the Taliban against secular politicians.
Musharraf, who ruled Pakistan for nine years before going into self-exile in 2008, returned in
March in an ultimately futile bid to run for prime minister. He has been under house arrest for more
than two weeks, facing allegations in various cases linked to his tenure. In the case unfolding in
Rawalpindi, prosecutors allege that Musharraf was culpable for Bhuttos murder for not providing
her with enough security. He has denied the allegations. Bhuttos son, Bilawal, who now leads the
Pakistan Peoples Party, has alleged that Musharraf was behind it. Proceedings in the case have
been bogged down for years, and resumed only recently with Musharrafs return. Speculation
was rife ... that Zulfikar was killed to disrupt that case.
Note: It is interesting to note that only weeks before her death in 2007, Benazir Bhutto said in a
BBC interview that Osama bin Laden had already been killed. To read quotes from this BBC
interview, click here. For a CNN article revealing the Bhutto was planning to give US lawmakers a
report on vote rigging on the day she was assassinated, click here. Could it be that the prosecutor
in the article above was killed because he knew too much?

Medical Examiner at JFK Assassination Dies in Iowa

2012-05-01, ABC News/Associated Press
In the turbulent hours following President John F. Kennedy's assassination, many were uncertain
about what to do, but medical examiner Earl Rose knew one thing: The shooting happened in
Dallas, and it was his job to do an autopsy on anyone slain in the city. Rose stood in a doorway at
the hospital where Kennedy's body was taken on Nov. 22, 1963, in a vain attempt to block
Kennedy's aides as they removed his coffin. The Secret Service and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy
prevailed, and the president's body was flown to Bethesda Naval Hospital, where an autopsy was
done by pathologists James Humes and Thornton Boswell. Their findings have been used to
support an array of conspiracy theories about Kennedy's death. Rose, who died [on May 1] at age
85, ... told The Associated Press in 2003 that he and his staff should have done the exam. "We
had the routine in place to do it ... it was important for the chain of evidence to remain

intact," Rose said. "That didn't happen when the body was taken to Bethesda." Rose
conducted Oswald's autopsy, as well as those for Jack Ruby, the Dallas nightclub owner who killed
Oswald two days after Kennedy was shot, and J.D Tippit, a police officer believed to have been
killed by Oswald shortly after the assassination.
Note: For highly illuminating investigations from reliable sources into major political
assassinations, click here.

Attorneys for RFK convicted killer Sirhan push 'second gunman'

2012-03-12, CNN
If there was a second gunman in Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, who was it? Lawyers for
convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan claim their client did not fire any of the gunshots that struck the
presidential candidate in 1968. And in their latest federal court filing, they also rule out another
man some have considered a suspect -- a private security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar,
who was escorting Kennedy at the time he was shot. Attorneys William Pepper and Laurie Dusek
insist someone other than their client, Sirhan, fatally shot Kennedy. They now say the real killer
was not Cesar, a part-time uniformed officer long suspected by some conspiracy theorists of
playing a sinister role in the senator's murder. Pepper and Dusek made the claim in papers
submitted to a U.S. District Court in Los Angeles late last month. Pepper and Dusek are trying to
win Sirhan immediate freedom or a new trial based on what they call "formidable evidence" of his
innocence and "horrendous violations" of his rights. The New York attorneys argue that two guns
were fired in the assassination, that Sirhan's revolver was not the gun that shot Kennedy
and that Sirhan was not responsible for his actions at the Ambassador. Instead, the defense
lawyers insist conspirators programmed Sirhan through hypnosis to fire shots as a
diversion for the real assassin in Kennedy's murder.
Note: To watch a CNN video clip of this news, click here. For powerful, verifiable evidence that the
CIA was creating Manchurian Candidates who would assassinate people without even realizing
what they were doing, click here.

Chile to investigate death of poet Pablo Neruda

2011-06-01, The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
Chile's Communist Party wants a formal investigation into the death of the country's revered poet
Pablo Neruda, who officially died of cancer only days after the 1973 coup toppled his close friend,
President Salvador Allende. Several witnesses have raised doubts about his death recently,
including Neruda's driver, who says he was poisoned by government agents. Neruda died
at the age of 69 on Sept. 23, 1973, 12 days after the coup. He had just published a withering

criticism of Gen. Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship that eulogized Allende and accused Chile's
soldiers of having betrayed their country. He'd won the Nobel Prize for Literature two years earlier,
giving him great international prestige. Neruda died, officially of prostate cancer, in the same clinic
where former President Eduardo Frei was allegedly poisoned in 1981 by six people, including
several Pinochet agents, who were charged last year in connection with his death. Now Neruda's
driver, Manuel Araya, has alleged that Pinochet agents injected deadly poison into Neruda's
stomach. [There are] similar doubts about the deaths of Allende, Frei and Allende's defense
minister Jose Toha, who was found hanged in a closet while in military custody.
Note: For important revelations from major media sources about assassinations of prominent
political figures, click here.

Digging Deeper: Jesse Ventura's Alternative Take on American History

2011-04-04, ABC News
In his new book, 63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read, former wrestler
turned governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura takes a close and at times disturbing look at major
historical events. Ventura draws on public but often overlooked information about such events as
John F. Kennedy's assassination and the 9/11 attacks, offering fresh, often intriguing insights. Here
is an excerpt: "There is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not
survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will
be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and
concealment." John F. Kennedy This book is titled 63 Documents the Government Doesn't
Want You to Read, lest we forget that 1963 was the year that claimed the life of our 35th
President. The conspiracy that killed JFK, and the cover-up that followed, is the forerunner
for a lot of what you're going to read about in these pages. In fact, the idea behind this book
came out of writing my last one, American Conspiracies. In poring through numerous documents,
many of them available through the Freedom-of-Information Act, I came to realize the importance
of the public's right to know. Let me begin by saying how concerned I am that we're moving rapidly
in the direction President Kennedy tried to warn us about.
Note: Jesse Ventura reveals amazing information in this powerful interview. You might appreciate
the video and all 10 pages available at the ABC News link above. For key reports from major
media sources that shed light on the unsolved assassination of JFK and other major US political
leaders, click here.

Mafia plot to smear Kennedys using Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe
2010-06-14, The Telegraph (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

Mafia bosses planned to "compromise" Bobby and Edward Kennedy at a New York party in a plot
involving Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe, according to FBI documents. The intention was to
work through "associates" of the two stars to lure the Kennedys, as well as Peter Lawford, their
British actor brother-in-law and fellow member of Sinatra's "rat pack", into actions they would
regret. The plot is thought to have fizzled out, but it is consistent with other accounts of the
extraordinary links between [the Kennedys], the country's biggest stars and organised
crime. Monroe, who died in 1962, allegedly had affairs with both Bobby Kennedy and John F
Kennedy. It has previously been claimed that she passed on pillow talk from Bobby Kennedy to
Sinatra who in turn passed them on to his mafia friends. As attorney general Robert Kennedy
launched several investigations into the mob which it may have felt warranted a measure of
retribution. From early on in his four-decade career in the senate, Edward Kennedy, the youngest
of the three brothers, was known for his affairs with women and extravagant drinking habits.
Papers released earlier this year the library of former president Richard Nixon showed that in the
early 1970s he discussed with the aides the possibility of discrediting Kennedy by leaking news of
his infidelities. Agents in Milwaukee took the information from an unidentified source "who had
furnished reliable information in the past," according to the memo. However, the informant could
not verify the truth of any of the rumor's details.

C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery

2009-10-17, New York Times
Is the Central Intelligence Agency covering up some dark secret about the assassination of John F.
Kennedy? For six years, the agency has fought in federal court to keep secret hundreds of
documents from 1963, when an anti-Castro Cuban group it paid clashed publicly with the soon-tobe [alleged] assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. The files in question, some released under direction of
the court and hundreds more that are still secret, involve the curious career of George E.
Joannides, the case officer who oversaw the dissident Cubans in 1963. In 1978, the agency made
Mr. Joannides the liaison to the House Select Committee on Assassinations but never told the
committee of his earlier role. That concealment has fueled suspicion that Mr. Joannidess real
assignment was to limit what the House committee could learn about C.I.A. activities. The
agencys deception was first reported in 2001 by Jefferson Morley, who has doggedly pursued the
files ever since. Mr. Morley, 51, [is] a former Washington Post reporter and the author of a 2008
biography of a former C.I.A. station chief in Mexico. After losing an appeals court decision in Mr.
Morleys lawsuit, the C.I.A. released material last year confirming Mr. Joannidess deep
involvement with the anti-Castro Cubans who confronted Oswald. But the agency is withholding
295 specific documents from the 1960s and 70s, while refusing to confirm or deny the existence of
many others. The deceptions began in 1964 with the Warren Commission. The C.I.A. hid its
schemes to kill Fidel Castro and its ties to the anti-Castro Directorio Revolucionario
Estudantil, or Cuban Student Directorate, which received $50,000 a month in C.I.A. support
during 1963. In the years since Oswald was named as the assassin, speculation about who might
have been behind him has never ended.

Note: For team member Peter Dale Scott's analysis of the extraordinary
significance of this New York Times article, click here. For two revealing clips suggesting the
official explanation of the JFK assassination was manipulated, click here (for a five-minute clip
from the History Channel) and here (for a highly revealing documentary from a CBS affiliate).

Who killed Nick Berg?

2004-05-29, Sydney Morning Herald
Iraq in flames, Washington an object of disgust. What to do? At this pivotal moment, CNN and Fox
News are tipped off to a clip of an American citizen being beheaded. The victim is ... Nick
Berg.The vile deed is deemed the work of al-Qaeda. The timing of the video was brilliant for the
West. Media pundits judged the crime a deeper evil than the systemic torture of innocent Iraqis.
But some people sensed a rat. But if it was not al-Qaeda, who? While this video shows a human
body having its head chopped off, it does not necessarily portray an act of murder. A month
before the discovery of [his] corpse, Berg had been released from custody. But whose custody?
Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt ... claimed he was in the custody of Iraqi police. However, the Iraqi
police chief [stated] "the Iraqi police never arrested the slain American". Berg's family are certain
his jailers were the US military. His father, Michael, had been told so by the FBI. He has produced
an email from a US consular official ... confirming that his son was in the hands of the US. In his
final moments on screen Berg is wearing an orange jumpsuit of the kind familiar from Guantanamo
Bay. His white chair is identical to those in the photographs of the Abu Ghraib prison tortures.
During the decapitation, starting at the front of the throat, there is little sign of blood. The scream is
wildly out of sync, sounds female, and is obviously dubbed. Dr John Simpson, executive director
for surgical affairs at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons ... agrees with other experts who
find it highly probable that Berg had died before his decapitation. There's something fishy about
this video. In the end, the question is: who killed Nick Berg, and why?
Note: If the above link fails, click here. For a CNN article raising other serious questions on Berg,
click here. For more reliable information on how government can control and manipulate public
perception, click here.

The JFK Assassination

2009-07-00, Time Magazine,28804,1860871_1860876_18...
This much we can stipulate: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963,
struck by two bullets one in the head, one in the neck while riding in an open-topped limo
through Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with killing him, and a
presidential commission headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren found that Oswald acted alone. That
conclusion hasn't passed muster with the public. A 2003 ABC News poll found that 70% of
Americans believe Kennedy's death was the result of a broader plot. The trajectory of the

bullets, some say, didn't square with Oswald's perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book
Depository. Others suggest a second gunman perhaps on the grassy knoll of Dealey Plaza
participated in the shooting. Others believe in an even broader conspiracy. Was Kennedy killed by
CIA agents acting either out of anger over the Bay of Pigs or at the behest of Vice President
Lyndon Johnson? By KGB operatives? Mobsters mad at Kennedy's brother for initiating the
prosecution of organized crime rings? Speculation over one of history's most famous political
assassinations is such a popular parlor game that most people have taken the rumors to heart:
just 32% of those polled by ABC believe Oswald carried out the killing on his own.
Note: For an abundance of reliable facts and information suggesting a major conspiracy in the
John F. Kennedy assassination, click here. For two powerful History Channel videos providing
powerful evidence of direct government involvement in the Kennedy assassination, click here and

Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?

2006-11-20, The Guardian (One of the U.K.'s leading newspapers),,1952393,00.html
In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on
June 6, he was assassinated - apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O'Sullivan says he has
evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder: On June 5 1968, Robert Kennedy wins the
California Democratic primary. After midnight, he finishes his victory speech at the Ambassador
hotel in Los Angeles ... in a crowded pantry when 24-year-old Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan steps
down from a tray-stacker with a "sick, villainous smile" on his face and starts firing at Kennedy with
an eight-shot revolver. As Kennedy lies dying on the pantry floor, Sirhan is arrested as the lone
assassin. He carries the motive in his shirt-pocket (a clipping about Kennedy's plans to sell
bombers to Israel). But the autopsy report suggests Sirhan could not have fired the shots that
killed Kennedy. And more bullet-holes are found in the pantry than Sirhan's gun can hold,
suggesting a second gunman. Three years ago, I started writing a screenplay about the
assassination [and was] caught up in a strange tale of second guns and "Manchurian candidates"
(as the movie termed brainwashed assassins). As I researched the case, I uncovered new video
and photographic evidence suggesting that three senior CIA operatives were behind the killing.
Morales died of a heart attack in 1978, weeks before he was to be called before the HSCA [House
Select Committee on Assassinations]. Joannides died in 1990. Campbell may still be out there
somewhere, in his early 80s. Given the positive identifications we have gathered on these
three, the CIA and the Los Angeles Police Department need to explain what they were doing

Government by death panel

2011-10-15, Denver Post (Denver's leading newspaper)

Last week we learned from Reuters that fellow countrymen labeled "militants" by the Obama
administration are now unilaterally placed on a "kill list" by "a secretive panel of senior government
officials. "This is a real-life death panel inside the highest governmental office in the land -and, according to Reuters, it acts without "any law establishing its existence or setting out
the rules by which it is supposed to operate." This neo-Star Chamber is wholly
unprecedented in its willful violations of the U.S. Constitution's due-process provisions -and our Congress' refusal to even question it is utterly detestable. However, it reminds us that
government death panels in general are anything but rare; they are all around us, making bloodcurdling decisions to kill people all the time. For example, at the state level, the death panel
commonly called the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles recently opted to execute Troy Davis,
despite compelling evidence calling his conviction into question. Likewise ... the death panel
known as the U.S. House Agriculture Appropriations Committee [is] considering cuts to food
stamps at a time when Louisiana State University researchers report that between 2,000 and
3,000 elderly Americans are already dying of malnutrition every year.
Note: For key reports on government corruption from major media sources, click here.

Sources: Bhutto was to give U.S. lawmakers vote-rigging report

2008-01-01, CNN
On the day she died, Benazir Bhutto planned to hand over to visiting U.S. lawmakers a report
accusing Pakistan's intelligence services of a plot to rig parliamentary elections, sources close to
the slain former Pakistani prime minister told CNN Tuesday. Bhutto was assassinated Thursday,
hours before a scheduled meeting with Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-Rhode Island, and Sen. Arlen
Specter, R-Pennsylvania. "Where an opposing candidate is strong in an area, they [supporters of
President Pervez Musharraf] have planned to create a conflict at the polling station, even killing
people if necessary, to stop polls at least three to four hours," the document says. The report also
accused the government of planning to tamper with ballots and voter lists, intimidate opposition
candidates and misuse U.S.-made equipment to monitor communications of opponents. One
Bhutto source said the document was compiled at her request and said the information came from
sources inside the police and intelligence services. Sen. Latif Khosa ... accused the powerful
Inter-Services Intelligence of operating a rigging cell from a safe house in the capital,
Islamabad. The goal, he said, is to change voting results electronically on election day.
"The ISI has set up a mega-computer system where they can hack any computer in
Pakistan and connect with the Election Commission," he said. Media outlets in Pakistan, India
and Bangladesh have run reports alleging that retired Brig. Gen. Ejaz Shah -- formerly an InterServices Intelligence officer and now head of the civilian Intelligence Bureau -- is involved in the
vote rigging plans. Shah's name also turned up in a letter Bhutto wrote to Musharraf after the first
attempt on her life on October 18, when she returned to Pakistan after eight years in exile. In the
letter, the media reported, Shah was one of four Pakistani officials Bhutto named as people who
wanted her dead.

Note: It is an extremely odd "coincidence" that Benazir Bhutto was planning to meet Senator Arlen
Specter later in the day on which she was assassinated in Rawalpindi, headquarters of the
Pakistani military dictatorship. Specter was the inventor of the official "magic bullet" theory of the
John F. Kennedy assassination, which purported to explain the physical evidence of several bullets
from different directions in the bodies of Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally as having
been caused by just one bullet from the rifle of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Berg's encounter with 'terrorist' revealed

2004-05-14, CNN News
When Nicholas Berg took an Oklahoma bus to a remote college campus a few years ago, the
American recently beheaded by terrorists allowed a man with terrorist connections to use his
laptop computer, according to his father. Michael Berg said the FBI investigated the matter more
than a year ago. He stressed that his son was in no way connected to the terrorists who captured
and killed him. Government sources told CNN that the encounter involved an acquaintance
of Zacarias Moussaoui -- the only person publicly charged in the United States in
connection with the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. According to Berg, his son was taking
a course a few years ago at a remote campus of the University of Oklahoma near an airport. He
described how on one particular day, his son met "some terrorist people -- who no one knew were
terrorists at the time." At one point during the bus ride, Berg said, the man sitting next to his son
asked if he could use Nick's laptop computer. Government sources said Berg gave the man his
password, which was later used by Moussaoui, the sources said. The sources said the man who
used Berg's e-mail knew Moussaoui. But the sources would not disclose details of how the men
were connected.
Note: Other major media articles have pointed out a number of other strange "coincidences"
connecting the man allegedgly beheaded and those accused of involvement in 9/11. How can that
be? For lots more, click here.

James Tague, key JFK assassination witness, dies

2014-03-01, Yahoo News
James Tague was standing in Dallass Dealey Plaza when the shots were fired on Nov. 22, 1963.
A bullet presumably meant for Kennedy instead struck a curb near where Tague was standing and
sent debris flying into his face. Tagues daughter, Suanna Holloway, said her father died at his
home 70 miles north of Dallas on Friday following a brief illness. He was 77. Tagues experience at
Dealey Plaza ultimately led Warren Commission investigators to conclude that one of the three
shots missed and that one of the rounds went through both JFK and Texas Gov. John Connally.
JFK researcher Debra Conway said the commission was initially going to settle with two
shots hitting the president and one hitting the governor. But because Mr. Tague was near

the missed shot and was wounded they had to account for the missed shot, said
Conway, president of JFK Lancer, a historical research group. Jim is a very important witness.
Critics of the Warren Commission have long questioned the so-called magic bullet theory,
arguing that the bullet could not have traversed multiple layers and angles. Through the years,
Tagues own curiosity transformed him from eyewitness to JFK assassination researcher. He
befriended other JFK assassination buffs, visited the National Archives to inspect evidence and
amassed a huge collection of Kennedy-related books. Tague also authored two books, including
last years LBJ and the Kennedy Killing in which he alleges a cover-up plot. Personally, Im urging
young people to keep the truth alive, he told Yahoo News.
Note: For more on the JFK assassination, see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major
media sources available here.

JFK Assassination Docs Won't Be Released By 50th Anniversary

2012-06-15, Dallas Observer blog
The National Archives is refusing to release 1,171 classified CIA documents related to the
assassination [of President John F. Kennedy] in time for the [50th] anniversary as it had promised.
In 2010, deputy archivist Michael Kurtz announced that the secret records would be declassified
by November 22, 2013. But the National Archives has since [retracted] that promise in a letter to
Jim Lesar of the Assassination Archives and Research Center, who requested the release. [This]
frustrates Lesar, whose nonprofit is devoted to collecting and disseminating information about
political assassinations. "In 1992, Congress unanimously passed legislation that was designed to
get all of the JFK assassination-related records released," he said. "There was supposed to be
only a very few records whose release could be postponed for periods of time including up until the
year 2017, but basically everything was supposed to be released well before then." Of course, the
CIA and National Archives won't say exactly what is contained in the documents, not even the
number of pages. "The National Archives does not have a page count, but it appears that there are
at least several thousand pages that are still being withheld, and they appear to be on some very
important subjects." The CIA and National Archives' intransigence certainly doesn't help
deflate the bubble of speculation about what really happened at the Grassy Knoll. It's been
49 years. Most of the people involved are dead. What's to hide, unless the government is
shown in an embarrassing or criminal light?
Note: See our excellent information center filled with reliable verifiable information on the John
Kennedy assassination at this link. For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources
on the John Kennedy assassination, click here.

Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive

assassination ring'

2009-03-11, Minnesota Post
[Pulitzer prize winning] investigative reporter Seymour Hersh may have made a little more news
than he intended by talking about new alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about
an ongoing covert military operation that he called an executive assassination ring. [In reply to a
question, Hersh said] "After 9/11 ... the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in
domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state, without any legal
authority for it. Today, there was a story in the New York Times that ... mentioned something
known as the Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC its called. They reported directly to the
Cheney office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert]
Gates, the secretary of defense. They reported directly to [Cheney]. ... Congress has no oversight
of it. Its an executive assassination ring essentially, and its been going on and on. Theyve
been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and
finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. Thats been going on, in the name
of all of us." He added that both the press and the public let down their guard in the aftermath of
9/11. The major newspapers joined the [Bush] team, Hersh said. Top editors passed the
message to investigative reporters not to pick holes in what Bush was doing.
Note: For further revelations of the excesses committed in the name of the "war on terror", click

Was Robert Kennedy killed by a real 'Manchurian candidate'-style

2005-01-18, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
The circumstances surrounding the assassination of Robert Kennedy are being resurrected and
re-examined in an attempt to establish the truth of what happened that night in the cramped pantry
of a Los Angeles hotel. New evidence has emerged [in] the case of Sirhan Sirhan, who was
convicted of the assassination. Celebrities and journalists are joining the campaign for a federal
investigation, which has been sparked in part by a new book, Nemesis, by the British author Peter
Evans. Evans, who spent 10 years researching the book, has unearthed evidence to support
Sirhan's contention that he was hypnotised into being the "fall guy" for the murder. Evans identifies
the hypnotist, who had worked on CIA mind control programmes and who was later found dead in
mysterious circumstances. Bullet holes in the walls and ceiling demonstrate conclusively that more
than one gunman fired shots at Senator Kennedy. Both Evans and Sirhan's lawyer, Larry Teeter,
are convinced that the Palestinian activist was chosen to be a Manchurian Candidate-style
assassin. The assassination, they say, was carried out by a professional hitman who fled
immediately, leaving Sirhan to take the blame. Teeter ... said: "I know it was done. It was
consistent with the US government's programme developed by the CIA and Military Intelligence to
enable handlers to get people to commit crimes with no knowledge of what they are doing." Evans

goes further and names the hypnotist as a Dr William Joseph Bryan Jnr. He had worked on a CIA
mind-control programme called MKULTRA. Dr Bryan was found dead in a Las Vegas hotel room in
1978. He had either shot himself or was murdered. The case remains unsolved.
Note: As this article is no longer available on the Independent website, to read it in full, click here.

Report: There was no plot to kill Diana

2006-12-14, San Jose Mercury News (San Jose's leading newspaper)
Princess Diana wasn't engaged, wasn't pregnant, wasn't murdered and probably would've survived
the spectacular Paris car crash that claimed her life had she been wearing her seat belt, according
to an 833-page report released Thursday. The report ... was the result of almost three years of
investigation into allegations that the princess was murdered by British secret agents after they
learned she was pregnant and engaged to Dodi al Fayed, the son of the millionaire owner of the
famed Harrod's department store. The report was immediately denounced by Mohamed al Fayed,
who has spent millions on a private investigation into the deaths of his son and Diana. He said he
would continue to investigate the deaths until he finally found "the terrorists ... with power in high
places." The elder al Fayed repeated his accusations that his son and the princess were killed to
stop them from marrying and to stop his son, a Muslim, from becoming the stepfather of the future
king of England. He believes Lord John Stevens, the former London police chief who headed the
inquiry, intended to do a thorough investigation, but was forced by British security forces to
produce a whitewash. [Stevens] said investigators had concluded that the car carrying al Fayed
and Diana ... rammed into the 13th support post in a tunnel near the Seine River. Stevens noted
that while there was evidence that al Fayed had purchased an engagement ring for the
divorced princess, there was no evidence that she knew about it. Stevens, however, noted
Thursday that Diana's premonition that she would die in an accident is "one of those things
that will go unanswered."
Note: There "was evidence" that an engagement ring was purchased? How can that be in
question? They must know whether he purchased it or not. And wouldn't Diana have had some
idea? The Los Angeles Times reports that "a poll commissioned by the BBC, released this month,
found that 31 percent of the sample believed the deaths were not an accident." A little research
turns up many questions not answered in this report.

De Silva report on Finucane case turns spotlight on MI5

2012-12-13, BBC News
The prime minister says a public inquiry into the state's involvement in the assassination of
solicitor Pat Finucane would not produce a fuller picture "of what happened and what went wrong"
than the review he commissioned from Sir Desmond de Silva QC. But by publishing on Thursday

the review containing hundreds of secret and confidential documents, Mr Cameron seems
unwittingly to have strengthened the campaign by the Finucane family and others for a public
inquiry. The scale of collusion is quite shocking: 85% of intelligence that the [Ulster Defence
Association] used to target people for murder originated from army and police sources
270 separate instances of security force leaks to the UDA between January 1987 and
September 1989 Agents working for MI5, [Royal Ulster Constabulary] Special Branch and
Military Intelligence were participating in criminality, presumably including murder. Neither
a proper legal framework nor even guidelines to control the criminality of what are known as these
"participating agents". The Northern Ireland Office was "not overly enthusiastic" about attempts
by senior RUC and MI5 officers to introduce guidelines "despite representations at the highest
levels." This issue was also considered extensively at cabinet level and ministers were clearly
aware that the agents were being run without guidelines. The director general of the MI5 raised it
with the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1988. All this was a "wilful and abject failure by
successive Governments" to run agents lawfully.
Note: Patrick Finucane (1949 12 February 1989) was a Belfast solicitor killed by UDA loyalist
paramilitaries. Two public investigations concluded that elements of the British security forces
colluded in Finucane's murder and there have been high-profile calls for a public inquiry. A review,
led by Desmond Lorenz de Silva, released a report in December 2012 acknowledging that the
case entailed "a wilful and abject failure by successive Governments"; however, Finucane's family
called the De Silva report a "sham."

Head Injury Killed Bhutto, Report Said to Find

2008-02-08, New York Times
Investigators from Scotland Yard have concluded that Benazir Bhutto, the Pakistani opposition
leader, died after hitting her head as she was tossed by the force of a suicide blast, not from an
assassins bullet, officials who have been briefed on the inquiry said Thursday. The findings
support the Pakistani governments explanation of Ms. Bhuttos death in December, an
account that had been greeted with disbelief by Ms. Bhuttos supporters, other Pakistanis and
medical experts. It is unclear how the Scotland Yard investigators reached such conclusive
findings absent autopsy results or other potentially important evidence that was washed
away by cleanup crews in the immediate aftermath of the blast. The British inquiry also
determined that a lone gunman, whose image was captured in numerous photographs at the
scene, also caused the explosion. Pakistani authorities originally said there were two assailants,
based partly on photographs splashed across the front pages of the nations leading
newspapers. Scotland Yard said through a spokesman in London that it would have no comment
on the Bhutto report until after it was made public. The findings are certain to be met with
widespread skepticism, especially from Mrs. Bhuttos supporters who ... say they believe she
was shot, as do people who were riding with Ms. Bhutto when she died on Dec. 27. The doctors
who treated Ms. Bhutto told a member of the hospital board, an eminent lawyer, Athar Minallah,
that she had most likely been shot.

Note: Why is it that offficial investigations into assassinations of major political figures always
come up with "Lone Gunman" theories? For many revealing reports on assassinations from
reliable sources, click here.

Two Strange Deaths Which Changed History

2004-10-19, PBS, CBS, Fox compilation
Two strange deaths dramatically changed the balance of power in U.S. government for two recent
years. Democratic Senate candidate Mel Carnahan died in a private plane crash on Oct. 16, 2000,
just three weeks before the 2000 elections. Mr. Carnahan went on to win the race as a dead
man against his rival John Ashcroft. Carnahan's wife was appointed to fill his position, but as
she was appointed rather than elected, her Senate term was limited to two years rather than the
normal six. She lost her 2002 race to her Republican opponent. On Oct. 24, 2002, just two weeks
before the 2002 elections, Democratic Senate candidate Paul Wellstone was killed in a plane
crash. His wife died with him. Wellstone had been projected to win the election. There are many
suspicious circumstances surrounding Wellstone's death. Isn't it quite a coincidence that these two
Democratic candidates both died in plane crashes only two years apart, both just weeks before the
elections? It's even more of a coincidence that both were very progressive Democrats. Wellstone
was often labeled the most progressive member of Senate.

Ron Paul: US could target journalists for killing

2011-10-05, Boston Globe/Associated Press
Republican presidential contender Ron Paul on [October 5] suggested that the United States could
assassinate journalists the same way it targeted Americans with ties to al-Qaida. The Texas
congressman again criticized President Barack Obama for approving last week's drone strikes in
Yemen against a U.S. citizen who was tracked and executed based on secret intelligence.
[Another American citizen] also died in the bombing. Escalating his criticism, Paul told a National
Press Club luncheon that if citizens do not protest the deaths, the country will start adding
reporters to its list of threats that must be taken out. "Can you imagine being put on a list
because you're a threat? What's going to happen when they come to the media? What if the
media becomes a threat? ... This is the way this works. It's incrementalism," Paul said. Paul,
making his second run for the Republican presidential nomination, has built a die-hard following
among the GOP's libertarian wing and has worked to court anti-war conservatives.
Note: For key reports on government corruption from major media sources, click here.

Martin Luther King shooting tapes released online

2006-04-05, London Times,,11069-2120209,00.html
Thirty-eight years after he was assassinated on a motel balcony, photographs, recordings and
police files that describe the death of Martin Luther King Jr. have been placed on the internet. On
yesterday's anniversary of Dr King's death, the Shelby County Registers office in Memphis,
Tennessee, made available hours of tapes, including hurried police calls from the scene of the
crime, hundreds of photographs and thousands of pages of files and transcripts of the trial of
James Earl Ray, the man found guilty of the shooting. Dr King the city, and under police
surveillance, trying to lead a peaceful protest of sanitation workers. The subsequent hour of
calls, edited to 18 minutes on the website, show the rapid pace of events that later became
the US Government's case against Ray, who first admitted shooting Dr King before
recanting and insisting for the rest of his life, with the support of the King family, that he
was framed for the crime. Ray...died in jail in 1998 after four investigations, including a review by
the Department of Justice, failed to find evidence to support a theory that Dr King was shot on the
orders of a Memphis bar-owner.
Note: This article fails to mention a key fact. At a 1999 court trial held in Memphis, the family of
Rev. King accused elements of the U.S. government of complicity in King's death. After one month
of hearings from 70 witnesses, a jury composed of six white and six black jurors took only
one hour to find the U.S. government, the state of Tennessee, the city of Memphis, the
Memphis police, and several individuals guilty of murdering King. Yet the mainstream media
completely boycotted this trial. Thankfully, CBC (Canada's PBS) gave it some coverage. To see a
six-minute CBC clip of this highly revealing trial, click here.

Important Note: Explore our full index to revealing excerpts of key major media news articles on
several dozen engaging topics. And don't miss amazing excerpts from 20 of the most revealing
news articles ever published.

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