Legal Methods Project

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Project report on


Submitted By:
Yash Gajbhiye
Roll No: 178



I Yash Gajbhiye, hereby declare that, the project work entitled, Reservation policy
in India' , submitted to H.N.L.U., Raipur is record of an original work done by me
under the guidance of, Ms. Anukriti Mishra Faculty(Legal Methods), H.N.L.U.,

Name: Yash Gajbhiye

Roll no: 178
Semester I (A)


Objective, Research Methodology...
History of reservation in india..........................................................
Background of caste based reservation...........................................
Beneficiary groups of the reservation system.................................
Government funding allowing reservation in colleges/universities
Reservation in promotion..................................................................
Creamy layer and Indra Sawhney vs Union of India........................




I,Yash Gajbhiye, feel myself highly elated, as it gives me tremendous pleasure to come out with
work on the topic RESERVATION POLICY IN INDIA. I am thankful to my teacher, Ms.
Anukriti Mishra, who gave me this topic. I am highly obliged for her guidance in doing all sorts
of researches, suggestions and discussions regarding my project topic by devoting her precious

I thank to the H.N.L.U for providing Computer, library facility. And lastly I would like to thank
my friends and all those persons who have helped me in the completion of this project.

Name: Yash Gajbhiye

Ist Semester
Section A

Reservation in India is the process of facilitating a person in education, scholarship, jobs, and in
promotion who has category certificates. Reservation is a form of quota-based affirmative action.
Reservation is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws, and local rules and regulations.
Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC), and in some
states Backward Classes among Muslims under a category called BC(M), are the primary
beneficiaries of the reservation policies under the Constitution with the object of ensuring a
level playing field
There was a Caste System which existed in Hindu religion since 1500 BC to 1952 AD when it
was abolished in the Indian constitution. In this caste system the people were divided into the
four categories i.e. Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, where the Brahmana were the
supreme one and the shudras were the discriminated ones and are treated like untouchables.
Though Islam came to India in the early 7th century with the advent of Arab traders and the
conquest of Sindh, it started to become a major religion during the later Muslim conquest in the
Indian subcontinent during this period Buddhism declined rapidly and many Hindus were
forcibly converted to Islam. The caste system has been a matter of contention ever since the
British occupied India and remains a point of conflict. The custom of sati was abolished in the
early 18th century by the British rulers.
The post independence (1947) period comes with the great relief for the lower caste where the
caste system was abolished under the Constitution of India and untouchability is declared as the
crime under the law. In 1950 India was declared as a Socialist State. India have the Domicile
reservation of (50 85%) based on the domicile status of the people in various states and Union
Territory of India. Many minority religious institutions like (Sikh, Christian, Muslim, Jain, etc.)
already have (3050%) of reservation for their communities in India. 35% of seats are reserved
for the physically disabled people in India. Some seats are also been reserved for the sports
persons, woman, veterans etc. Since 1960 woman have also been included as a discriminated
community and separate Higher education Institutions were made only for women where no
other person is allowed for admission in those institutes, women were also given the separate

public facilities like coaches and seats were made reserved in the Transport facilities i.e Trains,
Buses etc.
In 1982, the Constitution specified 15% and 7.5% of vacancies in public sector and governmentaided educational institutes are a quota reserved for the Scheduled Caste (SC)and Scheduled
Tribe (ST) candidates respectively for a period of five years, after which the quota system would
be reviewed. In the 1990s the recommendations of the Mandal Commissions twelve-year study
were implemented in government jobs and institutions by Vishwanath Pratap Singh as the Prime
Minister of India.

History of the Reservations System

Caste and community profile of people below the poverty line in India, as outlined in the Sachar
In June 1932, the Prime Minister of Britain, Ramsay Macdonald, introduced the Communal
Award, according to which separate representation was to be provided for the Muslims, Sikhs,
Indian Christians, Anglo-Indians, Europeans,and the Untouchables. The depressed classes were
assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from special constituencies in which voters
belonging to the depressed classes only could vote.
Some people argue that Caste Based Reservation in India started in 2nd Century B.C. where
upper castes enjoyed caste based reservation. The Upper castes enjoyed absolute reservations in
all the professions that were profitable and respectable. The lower castes were left with no choice
but to do menial jobs. This reservation system was imposed by the Manu Smriti, the Brahmin
The Award was highly controversial and opposed by Mahatma Gandhi, who fasted in protest
against it. Communal Award was supported by many among the minority communities, most
notably revolutionary Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. After lengthy negotiations, Gandhi reached an
agreement with Dr. Ambedkar (Initially opposed it) to have a single Hindu electorate, with Dalits

having seats reserved within it. This is called the Poona Pact. Electorates for other religions like
Muslim and Sikh remained separate.
Present reservation system has a long history and has been debated before and after Indian
independence from the British in 1947.
Reservations in favour of Backward Classes (BCs) were introduced long before independence in
a large area, comprising the Presidency areas and the Princely states south of the Vindhyas. In
1882, Hunter Commission was appointed. Jyotirao Phule made a demand of free and compulsory
education for all along with proportionate representation in government jobs. In 1891, there was
a demand for reservation of government jobs with an agitation (in the princely State of
Travancore) against the recruitment of non-natives into public service overlooking qualified
native people. In 1901,reservations were introduced in Maharashtra (in the Princely State of
Kolhapur) by Shahu Maharaj. Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj, Maharaja of Kolhapur in Maharashtra
introduced reservation in favour of non-Brahmin and backward classes as early as 1902. He
provided free education to everyone and opened several hostels in Kolhapur to make it easier for
everyone to receive the education. He also made sure everyone got suitable employment no
matter what social class they belonged. He also appealed for a class-free India and the abolition
of untouchability. The notification of 1902 created 50% reservation in services for backward
classes/communities in the State of Kolhapur. This is the first official instance (Government
Order) providing for reservation for depressed classes in India.
In 1909, reservations were introduced in favour of a number of castes and communities that had
little share in the administration by the British. There were many other reforms in favour of and
against reservations before the Indian Independence itself.
Even after the Indian Independence there were some major changes in favour of the STs, SCs
and OBCs. One of the most important occurred in 1979 when the Mandal Commission was
established to assess the situation of the socially and educationally backward classes. The
commission did not have exact figures for a sub-caste, known as the Other Backward
Class(OBC), and used the 1930census data, further classifying 1,257 communities as backward,
to estimate the OBC population at 52%.In 1980 the commission submitted a report, and
recommended changes to the existing quotas, increasing them from 22.5% to 49.5%.As of 2006

number of castes in Backward class list went up to 2297 which is the increase of 60% from
community list prepared by Mandal commission. But it wasn't until the 1990s that the
recommendations of the Mandala Commission were implemented in Government Jobs by
Vishwanath Pratap Singh.
The concept of untouchability was not practised uniformly throughout the country; therefore the
identification of oppressed classes was difficult to carry out. Allegedly, the practice of
segregation and untouchability prevailed more in the northern parts of India as opposed to in
Southern India. Furthermore, certain castes or communities, considered "untouchable" in one
province were not in other provinces 1

1 Poona Act

Background of caste based reservation

A common form of caste discrimination in India was the practice of untouchability. Scheduled
Castes (SCs) were the primary targets of the practice, which is outlawed by the Constitution of
Ministry of Education (now Ministry of Human Resource Development) for the first time
addressed letter on 23-11-1954 to the Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments suggesting
that 20% seats should be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in educational
institutions with a provision of 5% relaxation in minimum qualifying marks for admission
wherever required.In 1982, it was specified 15% and 7.5% of vacancies in public sector and
government-aided educational institutes as a quota reserved for the SC and ST candidates
respectively . The Supreme Court of India ruled that reservations could not exceed 50% (which it
judged would violate equal access guaranteed by the Constitution) and put a cap on reservations.
The primary stated objective of the Indian reservation system is to increase the opportunities for
enhanced social and educational status of the underprivileged communities and thus uplift their
lifestyle to have their place in the mainstream of Indian society. The reservation system exists to
provide opportunities for the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribess to
increase their political representation in the State Legislatures, the Executive Organ of the Union
(Centre) and States, the labour force, schools, colleges, and other public institutions.
The Constitution of India states in article 16(4): "Nothing in [article 16] or in clause (2) of article
29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially
and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled
Tribes." Article 46 of the Constitution states that "The State shall promote with special care the
educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all
forms of exploitation."
Today, out of 543 seats in India's parliament, 84 (15.47%) are reserved for SC/Dalits and 47
(8.66%)for ST/Tribes. Allocation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the Lok Sabha are
made on the basis of proportion of Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the State concerned to that of

the total population, vide provision contained in Article 330 of the Constitution of India read
with Section 3 of the R. P. Act, 1950.
However, there are state laws that exceed this 50% limit and these are under litigation in the
Supreme Court. For example, the caste-based reservation stands at 69% and the same is
applicable to about 87% of the population in the State of Tamil Nadu. In 1990, Prime Minister V.
P. Singh announced that 27% of government positions would be set aside for OBCs in addition to
the 22.5% already set aside for the SCs and STs

Beneficiary groups of the reservation system

Enrolment in educational institutions and job placements are reserved based on a variety of
criteria. The quota system sets aside a proportion of all possible positions for members of a
specific group. Those not belonging to the designated communities can compete only for the
remaining positions, while members of the designated communities can compete for either
reserved or open position. For example, when 1 out of 10 clerical positions in railways are
reserved for ex-servicemen, those who have served in the Army can compete both in the
"General Category" as well as in the specific quota.
Seats are reserved for people under the following criteria:

In central-government funded higher education institutions, 22.5% of available seats are reserved
for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) students (7.5% for STs, 15% for SCs). This
reservation percentage has been raised to 49.5% by including an additional 27% reservation for
OBCs. This ratio is followed even in Parliament and all elections where a few constituencies are
earmarked for those from certain communities (which will next rotate in 2026 per the
Delimitation Commission).
The exact percentages vary from state to state:

In Tamil Nadu, the reservation is 18%for SCs and 1% for STs, based on local

In Northeast India, especially in Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizoram,

reservation for ST in State Govt. jobs is 80% with only 20% unreserved. In the Central
Universities of NEHU(shillong) and Rajiv Gandhi University, 60% of seats are reserved
for ST students.

In Andhra Pradesh, 25% of educational institutes and government jobs are reserved for
OBCs, 15% for SCs, 6% for STs and 4% for Muslims.

In West Bengal, 35% of educational institute seats and government jobs are reserved for
SC, ST, and OBC (22% SC, 6%ST, 7% for OBC A &B)in West Bengal there is no
reservation on religious basis but some economically and educationally backward
Muslim castes(basis surnames pertaining to different profession e.g. cobbler, weaver etc.)
have been included along with their Hindu counterparts in OBC list namely OBC A and
OBC B, in both lists caste from both communities are there. But in higher educational
institute, till now there is no reservation for the OBC community but there is reservation
in regard to admission in primary ,secondary and higher secondary studies.

In 1993, a constitutional amendment in India called for a random one third of village council
leader, or pradhan, positions in gram panchayat to be reserved for women. The village council is
responsible for the provision of village infrastructure such as public buildings, water, and roads
and for identifying government program beneficiaries. Although all decisions in the village
council are made by majority, the pradhan is the only full-time member and exercises significant
control over the final council decisions. Recent research on the quota system has revealed that it
has changed perceptions of womens abilities, improved womens electoral chances, and raised
aspirations and educational attainment for adolescent girls.
There is a long-term plan to extend this reservation to parliament and legislative assemblies. For
instance, some law schools in India have a 30% reservation for females. Progressive political
opinion in India is strongly not in favour of providing preferential treatment to women to create a
level playing field for all of its citizens.[
The Women's Reservation Bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 9 March 2010 by a majority
vote of 186 members in favour and 1 against. As of March 2013, the Lok Sabha has not voted on
the bill. Critics say gender cannot be held as a basis for reservation alone other factors should
also be considered e.g. economic, social conditions of woman candidate especially when
applying reservation for educated women. There also is a growing demand for women
reservation in pre-existing reservations like OBC, SC/ST, Physically handicapped etc. Some
groups still demand that reservation for women should be at least 50% as they comprise 50% of
the population.

In Gujarat, 33% of posts are reserved for females in all government departments and services,
such as police, health, education and general administration.

There is no reservation granted on the basis of religion in the Central educational institutions at
the national level, although reservation has been extended to religious minorities in some states.
The Tamil Nadu government has allotted 3.5% of seats each to Muslims and Christians, thereby
altering the OBC reservation to 23% from 30% (since it excludes persons belonging to Other
Backward Castes who are either Muslims or Christians).
The Government of Andhra Pradesh introduced a law enabling 4% reservations for Muslims in
2004. This law was upheld by the Supreme Court of India in an interim order on March 25,
2010, however it constituted a Constitution bench to look in the issue.Until that decision,it is
allowed. The Supreme Court bench of Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justices J.M. Panchal
and B.S. Chauhan referred this issue to Constitution bench to examine the validity of the
impugned Act since it involved important issues of Constitution. The issue of whether religionbased quotas are permissible under the Constitution is now before a Constitution bench of the
Supreme Court. Pending a decision on its legality, the top court, however, allowed the state
government to implement the quota. Kerala Public Service Commission has a quota of 12% for
Muslims. Religious minority (Muslim or Christian) educational institutes also have 50%
reservation for Muslim or Christian religions. The Central government has listed a number of
Muslim communities as backward Muslims, making them eligible for reservation.

The Government of India on 22 December 2011 announced establishment of a sub-quota of
4.5% for minorities within the existing 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes. The
reasoning given was that Muslim communities that have been granted OBC status are unable to
compete with Hindu OBC communities. It was alleged that the decision was announced as the
Election Commission announced Assembly elections in five states on 24 December 2011. The
government would not have been able to announce this due to the model code of conduct. On 12
January 2012, the Election Commission stayed implementation of this decision for violation of


the model code of conduct. Later, Justice Sachar, head of the Sachar Committee that was
commissioned to prepare a report on the latest social, economic and educational condition of the
Muslim community of India, criticised the government decision, saying "Such promises will not
help the backward section of minorities. It is like befooling them. These people are making tall
claims just to win elections". He suggested that instead of promising to give reservations, the
government should focus on basic issues of improving administration and governance.
On 28 May 2012, the Andhra Pradesh High Court quashed the sub-quota. The court said that the
sub-quota has been carved out only on religious lines and not on any other intelligible basis. The
court criticised the decision: "In fact, we must express our anguish at the rather casual manner in
which the entire issue has been taken up by the central government."

Status as a Domicile
With few exceptions, all jobs under certain State governments are reserved for those who are
domiciled within the jurisdiction of that government. For example, in Punjab Engineering
College (Chandigarh) 85% of seats were earlier reserved for Chandigarh-domicilesnow it is
50%. There are also some seats reserved for the Jammu and Kashmir 'migrants' in every
Government-aided educational institute.

Some reservations are also made for:

Terrorist victims from Kashmir, e.g. in Punjab

Single girl child (in Punjab)

Migrants from the state of Jammu and Kashmir

Sons/daughters/grandsons/granddaughters of Freedom Fighters

Physically handicapped

Sports personalities


Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) have a small percentage of reserved seats in educational

institutions. (Note : NRI reservations were removed from IIT in 2003)

Candidates sponsored by various organisations

Those who have served in the armed forces ('ex-serviceman' quotabecause the age of
superannuation in the Military Service is much shorter than that in the Civil posts; more
so, certain intakes are tenure-based, e.g. the contract for Short-Service Commission is
merely 8 years)

Dependents of armed forces personnel killed-in-action


Reservation in special schools of Government Undertakings/ PSUs, for the children of

their own employees (e.g. Army schools, PSU schools, etc.)

Paid pathway reservations in places of worship (e.g., Tirumala Venkateswara Temple,

Tiruthani Murugan temple)

Seat reservation for Senior citizens and Physically handicapped in public (bus) transport.


Government funding allowing reservations in colleges/universities

A University Grants Commission (UGC) provides financial assistance to universities for the
establishment of Special Cells for SC/STs. The cells help universities implement the reservation
policy in student admission and staff recruitment processes for teaching and non-teaching jobs.
They also help the SC/ST categories integrate with the university community and help remove
the difficulties SC/ST individuals may have experienced. SC/ST cells have been set up in 109
universities. The UGC provides financial assistance to universities and affiliated colleges for
implementation of Special Cells. It provides the universities with assistance worth 100,000 per
annum # Travelling Allowances & Dearness Allowances for field work
1. Data Collection
2. Analysis and evaluation of statistical data
3. New Computer and Printer (once in a plan period)
The UGC provided financial assistance only up to the end of the Xth Plan period ending 31
March 2007. The work undertaken by the SC/ST Cells was reviewed at the end of Xth plan. The
Xth plan is proposed to ensure that there is an effective implementation of the reservation policy
in admissions, recruitment, allotment of staff quarters, hostels, etc. Essentially, its goal was to
ensure that the SC/ST Cells were established in the universities.
New rules implementation of UPA Government do not provides Scholarship scheme and
reservation quota of students and Employees of colleges under central University and State
University approved by University Grants Commission (UGCs)

Reservation in promotion
The Supreme Court of India, in its 16 November 1992 judgment in the Indra Sawhney case,
ruled that reservations in promotions are unconstitutional, but allowed its continuation for 5
years as a special case. In 1995, 77th amendment to the Constitution was made to insert clause
(4A) to Article 16 before the five-year period expired to continue with reservations for SC/STs in


promotions. Clause (4A) was further modified through the 85th amendment to give the benefit of
consequential seniority to SC/ST candidates promoted by reservation.
The 81st amendment was made to the Constitution that inserted clause (4B) in Article 16 to
permit the government to treat the backlog of reserved vacancies as a separate and distinct group,
to which the limit of 50 percent ceiling on reservation may not apply. The 82nd amendment
inserted a provison in Article 335 to enable states to give concessions to SC/ST candidates in
The validity of all the above four amendments i.e. 77th, 81st, 82nd and 85th was challenged in
the Supreme Court through various petitions clubbed together in M Nagaraj & Others vs. Union
of India & Others, mainly on the ground that these altered the Basic Structure of the
On 19 October 2006, the Supreme Court upheld these four amendments but stipulated that the
concerned state will have to show, in each case, the existence of compelling reasons which
include backwardness, inadequacy of representation and overall administrative efficiency, before
making provisions for reservation. The court further held that these provisions are merely
enabling provisions. If a state government wishes to make provisions for reservation to SC/STs
in promotion, the state has to collect quantifiable data showing backwardness of the class an d

inadequacy of representation of that class.

2007 Reservation Promotion in Uttar Pradesh
In 2007, Government of Uttar Pradesh introduced reservation in promotions. The policy
specified reservation for SC/ST employees in the first stage of their promotion and that of the
benefit of consequential seniority in successive promotions. However, this policy was challenged
through a spate of petitions and subsequently Allahabad High Court on 4 January 2011 struck
down the policy terming it as unconstitutional.
The Allahabad High Court verdict was challenged in the Supreme Court through various
petitions namely Civil Appeal No.s 2608 of 2011, 2622 of 2011 and many others. The Supreme
Court on 27 April 2012, upheld the high court judgement. The bench consisting of Justice
Dalveer Bhandari and Justice Dipak Misra rejected the government's argument on the ground


that the it failed to furnish sufficient valid data to justify the move to promote employees on caste
The apex court reiterated the law laid down through various judgements by the Constitution
benches in the M Nagaraj, Indra Sawhney and other cases wherein it was declared that
reservation in promotions can be provided only if there is sufficient data and evidence to justify
the need.

Reservations in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is the state having one of the highest percentage of reservations in India in any
form. 66.66% reservations are applicable in the state.
The reservation schedule in Andhra Pradesh is as follows

Schedule Classes (A, B, C, D) 15%

Schedule Tribes 6%

Backward Classes (A, B, C, D) 25%

Physically Handicapped (Blind, Deaf & Dumb and OPH) 3%(1+1+1)

Ex-Service Men (APMS only) 1%(0.5% in general)

Women- 33.33% (in all categories, means 16.66% in general category)

Total % of reservation - Minimum 66.66%

School Admissions Under RTE : Though Andhra Pradesh Govt says economically
backward children are admitted in to private schools under Right To Education (RTE)
Act, but the fact is children are admitted in to private schools based on caste based
reservations. check page 9 and Point no 4 of this below document

The reservation for women cuts across all classes and communities and is a horizontal and not
vertical reservation. As such the total % of reservations has to be counted at 50% only; and that
is in consonance with the Supreme Court dicta that reservations in general ought not to exceed


50% of the posts/seats if the right to equal opportunity to all without discrimination guaranteed
under Article 16 is to be vindicated and respected

Creamy layer and Indra Sawhney vs Union of India

The term creamy layer was first coined by Justice Krishna Iyer in 1975 in State of Kerela vs NM
Thomas case, wherein he observed that benefits of the reservation shall be snatched away by the
top creamy layer of the backward class, thus leaving the weakest among the weak and leaving
the fortunate layers to consume the whole cake. 1992 Indra Sawhney v Union of India judgment
laid down the limits of the states powers: it upheld the ceiling of 50 per cent quotas, emphasized
the concept of social backwardness, and prescribed 11 indicators to ascertain backwardness.
The nine-Judge Bench judgement also established the concept of qualitative exclusion, such as
creamy layer. The creamy layer is only applicable in the case of Other Backward Castes and
not applicable on other group like SC or ST. The creamy layer criteria was introduced at Rs 1
lakh in 1993, and revised to Rs 2.5 lakh in 2004, Rs 4.5 lakh in 2008 and Rs 6 lakh in 2013. In
October 2015, National Commission for Backward Classes proposed that a person belonging to
OBC with an annual family income of up to Rs 15 lakh should be considered as minimum
ceiling for OBC. NCBC also recommended sub-division of OBCs into 'backward', 'more
backward' and 'extremely backward' blocs and divide 27% quota amongst them in proportion to
their population, to ensure that stronger OBCs don't corner the quota benefits.



My contention is that theoretically, it is inadmissible and practically difficult to scrap the policy
of reservation. I agree with Roy Burmans view that for some more years, reservation should be
extended to SCs, STs and OBCs.
However, the policy of reservation has to be scientific and rational. In the given economic and
political structure, caste (or birth or family) should not determine ones life chances. It is
assumed that SCs (and for that matter STs and OBCs also) represent a homogeneous group but
actually they are a heterogeneous group.
Therefore, following B.S. Bhargava and Avinash Samal (1998: 518), it may be suggested that:

(i) Not caste but income should be given importance in determining backwardness;
(ii) The concept of creamy layer should be applied to SCs (and STs) also;
(iii) Reservation should be restricted only to the first generation beneficiaries. The candidates
whose parents have already availed reservation facilities in securing a job should not be given
the facility again;
(iv) Concession of scholarship may be provided to SC (and ST and OBC) students securing more
than the specified percentage of marks (say, 48%) in high school and graduate courses for getting
quality education in good institutions. All these measures will benefit those who really deserve


chauhan, M. Effects of reservation policy in india. Omega publications.
policy, I. p. Adarsh kumar tripathi. Omega publications.
S.Rana, M. (2008). Reservations in India: Myths and Realities. concept publishing
shourie, a. (2012). Falling over backwards.

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