Obla, MLSS
Obla, MLSS
Obla, MLSS
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of exercise
mode on the validity of onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA3.5-mM
xed blood lactate concentration) to predict the work-rate at maximal lactate steady state (MLSSwork-rate ). Eleven recreationally active males (21.3 2.9
years, 72.8 6.7 kg, 1.78 0.1 m) performed randomly incremental tests to determine OBLA (stage duration of 3 min), and 2 to 4 constants work-rate exercise
tests to directly determine maximal lactate steady state parameters on a cycleergometer and treadmill. For both exercise modes, the OBLA was signicantly
correlated to MLSSwork-rate , (cycling: r = 0.81 p = 0.002; running: r = 0.94, p < 0.001).
OBLA (156.2 41.3 W) was lower than MLSSwork-rate (179.6 26.4 W) during cycling
exercise (p = 0.007). However, for running exercise, there was no difference between
OBLA (3.2 0.6 m s1 ) and MLSSwork-rate (3.1 0.4 m s1 ). The difference between
OBLA and MLSSwork-rate on the cycle-ergometer (r = 0.86; p < 0.001) and treadmill (r = 0.64; p = 0.048) was signicantly related to the specic MLSS. We can
conclude that the validity of OBLA on predicting MLSSwork-rate is dependent on
exercise mode and that its disagreement is related to individual variations in
2007 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.S. Denadai).
The upper boundary of exercise intensities eliciting constant arterial lactate concentration over
time has been termed maximal lactate steady state
(MLSSwork-rate ).1 The determination of MLSSwork-rate
1440-2440/$ see front matter 2007 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Eleven recreationally active male physical education students (21.3 2.9 years, 72.8 6.7 kg,
1.78 0.1 m) volunteered to participate in this
study. The protocol was approved by the universitys ethics committee and all subjects gave
informed consent. The experiments were in accordance with the current laws of the country in which
the experiments were performed.
Experimental designs
Each subject performed one set of tests (an
incremental test and 24 constant load exercise
bouts) in random order for both exercise modes.
All running tests were performed on a motorized treadmill (INBRAMED Super ATL, Brazil) with
the gradient set at 1%. Cycling tests were conducted on a mechanically braked cycle-ergometer
(Monark 828E, Stockholm, Sweden), with pedal
frequency maintained constant at 60 rpm. OBLA,
peak heart rate (HRpeak ) and peak work-rate
(PWR ) were obtained from incremental work-rate
tests, and maximal lactate steady state parameters (MLSSwork-rate, MLSS and MLSSHR ) were directly
determined from constant work-rate tests at
cycling and running exercises. The interval between
each test was at least 48 h. The subjects were
instructed to arrive at the laboratory in a rested
and fully hydrated state, at least 2 h post-prandial,
and to avoid strenuous exercise in the 48 h preceding a test session. Each subject was tested at the
same time of day (9:30 1:00 h) to minimize the
effects of diurnal biological variation.
The incremental work-rate test for the cycleergometer started at 60 W and was continuously
increased to exhaustion by 20 W every three minutes. For the treadmill, the incremental work-rate
test started at a velocity of 1.94 m s1 and was
increased to exhaustion by 0.28 m s1 every three
minutes, all stages were followed of 30-s period
of rest. The PWR was determined according to the
equation 15 : PWR (W or m s1 ) = work-rate last stage
completed (W or m s1 ) + [t (s)/step duration (s) x
step increment (W or m s1 )]; t is the time of
the uncompleted stage.
Each constant work-rate test lasted 30 min. The
power output/velocity of the rst constant work-
Table 1
Springs, OH, USA). The heart rate (HR) was continuously monitored by a heart rate monitor (Polar
Vantage NV, Finland) and values recorded every ve
minutes during constant work-rate tests. The HR
corresponding to MLSS (MLSSHR ) was the mean of
the values registered during MLSSwork-rate and is also
reported as percent of the peak HR (%MLLSHR ).
Statistical analyses
Data are reported as means SD. The paired ttest was applied to compare MLSS, MLSSintensity
and MLSSHR between exercise modes and to compare OBLA and MLSSwork-rate within the same
exercise mode. Pearson product moment correlation coefcient was used to assess magnitude
of relationship between the selected variables. In
addition, the typical error of estimate was calculated as described by Hopkins16 . Signicance was
set at p 0.05.
Table 1 contains the variables determined from
the incremental work-rate tests (PWR, OBLA and
HRPeak ) and at the constant work-rate tests
(MLSSwork-rate , MLSSintensity , MLSS, MLSSworkrate ,
MLSSHR and %MLSSHR ) for both exercise modes.
OBLA for the cycle-ergometer was lower than
MLSSwork-rate (p = 0.007), however for the treadmill there was no difference between OBLA
and MLSSwork-rate . The correlation between the
Selected variables obtained from constant and incremental work-rate tests for both ergometers
MLSSintensity (%)
MLSSwork-rate [LA] (mM)
HRPeak (bpm)
MLSSHR (bpm)
The 95% condence intervals of the difference between ergometers are shown. PWR , peak work-rate; MLSSwork-rate , maximal
lactate steady state work-rate; OBLA, onset of blood lactate accumulation; MLSSintensity , MLSSwork-rate as percent of PWR ; MLSS,
lactate concentration at MLSSwork-rate ; (MLSSworkrate ), calculated blood lactate concentration corresponding to the MLSSwork-rate
during incremental test; HRPeak , peak heart rate; MLSSHR , heart rate average at MLSSwork-rate ; % MLSSHR , MLSSHR as a percent of
peak heart rate.
a Units are Watts.
b Signicantly different from OBLA (p < 0.05)
c Units are metres per minute; n.a., not applicable.
d Signicantly different from treadmill (p < 0.05).
The main nding of this investigation indicates
that the validity of OBLA to predict MLSSwork-rate is
dependent on exercise mode (cycling vs. running)
and that the extent of disagreement is related to
individual variations in MLSS (Fig. 2).
Some studies had veried that exercise mode has
an important inuence on the MLSS.3,12,14 The highest values of MLSS (5.46.6 mM) have been found
in exercises with a lower amount of active muscle
(e.g. speed skating and cycling), while the lowest
values (3.14.0 mM) have been veried in rowing and running.2,3 Thus, Beneke1 suggested that
In agreement with Beneke et al. 3 , we also
found that the MLSSintensity was similar between
exercise modes. However, it is important to note
that the characteristics of the incremental test
(stage duration and increment rate) inuence PWR ,
and consequently, the MLSSintensity .22 In the present
study, MLSSintensity during cycling was higher (78.2
vs. 70.5% PWR ) than previously reported data in
subjects with similar MLSSwork-rate 4 and close to the
values found in well trained cyclists (79.5%).9 Thus,
we argue that the high MLSSintensity found here for
untrained subjects during cycling exercise is due
to the low increment rate (6.7 W min1 ), which
resulted in a low PWR . Conrming this possibility,
there is some evidence that the MLSSwork-rate
occurs at higher % VO2max during running compared
to cycling exercise.23,24
For running, the good validity of OBLA to estimate MLSSwork-rate found in the present study agrees
with previous studies conducted in this exercise
mode.2,8,10 Although these studies had analyzed
subjects with different aerobic tness levels
(sedentary, active, well trained runners and soccer
players), the values of OBLA and MLSSwork-rate were
statistically similar and highly correlated (r > 0.80).
The highest correlation level (r = 0.97) was found by
Heck et al.,2 likely due to a greater heterogeneity
of the aerobic training status of their subjects (e.g.
25% = trained runners and 75% = active subjects). To
our knowledge, this is the rst study that analyzed
the validity of OBLA in a more homogeneous sample
of healthy subjects with no previous training history
in running and cycling. Therefore, the present study
conrms that OBLA, when identied in an incremental test with a 3-min stage and by considering a
xed 3.5-mM of [LA] has a good validity to predict
MLSSwork-rate during running in active person.
The OBLA signicantly underestimated the
actual MLSSwork-rate during cycling exercise. Moreover, the typical error of estimate was higher in
this exercise mode (20.7%) than in running (5.5%).
This low validity of OBLA to estimate MLSSwork-rate
is apparently contradictory to the data obtained by
Denadai et al.,9 which has shown a good validity of
OBLA regardless the training status. However, an
aspect that should be taken into account is the different increment rate utilized in the incremental
protocol test between these studies. In the present
study, the increment rate (6.7 W min1 ) was lower
than used by Denadai et al.9 (11.7 W min1 ). Heck
25 demonstrated an increase of approximately
1.4 W in OBLA when the increment rate was
increased by 1.0 W min1 . Therefore, differences
in the increment rate could explain, at least
in part, the contradictory results of these two
Practical implications
OBLA determination may be an accurate index
for maximal lactate steady state prediction
depending on exercise mode and likely test
Progressive exercise test protocol might
be important, which implies the need of
previously validated protocols of OBLA determination.
For the same subject the highest constant
blood lactate concentration over time is higher
in cycling than running.
We thank the subjects for participation in this study,
FAPESP and CNPQ for nancial support. We are
grateful to Ms. Anna Wittekind for reviewing the
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