Codenames MGSV

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The documents provide information about codenames that can be unlocked in Metal Gear Solid V based on how the last three missions were completed. It also mentions some tips and tricks for combat, stealth, and hidden details/Easter eggs in the game.

Some of the codenames mentioned are Foxhound (complete last 3 missions with perfect stealth and no kills), Fox (were not detected in last 3 missions), Eagle (90% headshots in last 3 missions), and others representing different weapons and playstyles used to neutralize enemies.

Tips include using boxes for protection and sliding, blinding enemies by shooting water at their face, waking up enemies by pressing R2 twice, and using sedatives and grenades to stun enemies.


Codenames are titles that you unlock at the end of missions. However, they are not
necessarily tied to the mission you receive them in, as majority of the codenames
conditions are based on the previous three missions.
Earning Codenames has no real practical use except for earning certain Emblems,
but its always a nice display of power and skill during FOB instances.
Chick: Unlocked if you havent completed Mission 06 after three missions.
Chicken: Use the chicken hat at least once in the last three missions to unlock
Foxhound: Complete the last three missions with the Perfect Stealth, No Kills
score bonus.
Fox: You were not detected in the last three missions (does not count Reflex Mode
as detection).
Eagle: 90% of the enemies neutralized in previous three missions were done with
Puma: Used grabbing method to neutralize most enemies in the last three
Bear: Used CQC for most neutralizations in last three missions.
Octopus: Use nonlethal weapons (ZZZ, STN, ) to neutralize most enemies in
last three missions.
Mantis: Slit throats of most enemies you neutralize in the last three missions.
Bee: Used lethal handguns to neutralize most enemies in last three missions.
Scorpion: Used lethal submachine guns to neutralize most enemies.
Piranha: Used lethal shotguns to neutralize most enemies.
Doberman: Used lethal assault rifles to neutralize most enemies.
Raven: Used lethal machine guns (including turrets, AA cannons, Gatling Gun) to
neutralize most enemies.
Wolf: Used lethal Sniper Rifles to neutralize most enemies.

Shark: Used missiles to neutralize most enemies.

Orca: Used throwing weapons (hand grenades, grenade launchers, Petrol Bombs)
to neutralize most enemies.
Spider: Used lethal placed explosives (mines, C4) to neutralize most enemies.
Hog: Used D-Horse to neutralize most enemies by ramming into them wild riding.
Hound: Used D-Dogs Do it command to neutralize most enemies.
Butterfly: Used Quiet to neutralize most enemies.
Ostrich: Used D-Walker to neutralize most enemies.
Tortoise: Used vehicles (either built-in weapons or by ramming) to neutralize most
Hawk: Neutralized most enemies by help of air support from helicopter.
Whale: Neutralized most enemies by bombarding through Fire Support.
Bat: Used multiple methods to neutralize enemies with exact numbers (10 kills with
multiple techniques).
Secretos y curiosidades
En la misin 01, tras escapar con Miller, te pedir que digas esa frase tan famosa. Si
pulsas el botn Tringulo, Snake dir las palabras mgicas.
Si vas al puesto de comunicaciones de la misin 04 'C2W' y destruyes todas las antenas
antes de empezar la misin, la completars al instante y es-cuchars una conversacin por
radio especial.
Es posible cargar hasta cuatro Walker Gears en la parte trasera de un camin, algo que pue-de
ser especialmente til durante la misin 15...
Todos los objetos del escenario que pueden ser destruidos (torres de vigilancia, transmisores,
postes, puentes, baos.) volvern a aparecer tras completar cinco misiones, al igual que
diamantes, plantas y recursos.
La cabeza de cerdo que hay en la sala del trono de Eli emite sonidos cuando se la dispara
La cpsula de IA dir frases de MGS 3 y Peace Walker si le aciertas con armas letales.
Cuando est en la Base Madre, tendrs que desarrollar la me- jora que atraviesa el cristal
para poder producir este efecto.

Cuando ests dentro de una caja de cartn, puedes pulsar X para ponerte en pie y correr. Al
pulsar el botn Cuadrado, adems, podrs deslizarte a toda velocidad.
Al lanzar una granada aturdidora, escndete dentro de una caja para ser totalmente inmune a
sus efectos.
La pistola de agua parece de broma, pero tiene interesantes aplicaciones: si disparas contra
aparatos electrnicos (como equipos de comunicaciones) los destruirs al instante
Al utilizarla contra Quiet, pro-duce un efecto de lo ms curioso, que tambin se puede
aprovechar en las batallas contra los Crneos.
Al disparar agua a la cabeza de los soldados, los cegars.
Cuando un soldado pasa por encima de un seuelo, actvalo para aturdirlo
Si al activarse el modo reejo lanzas un cargador a la cabeza del enemigo que te ha
detectado, lo aturdirs.
Los soldados se desmayan de pavor al ver a los tteres
Si un solado est dormido o aturdido y necesitas despertarlo, pulsa R2 dos veces.
Si te hieren de gravedad y vuelves al CCA, Snake tendr colocado un gotero de suero. Si te
hieren gravementedosomsveces, seruna transfusin
Las heridas graves reducen tu salud un 5%, pudiendo llegar a un mximo de 30%. A
partir del 15%, Snake adopta una pos-tura de cansancio y el tiempo que tu visin est limitada
al ser herido tambin aumenta.
Si ests en llamas, puedes apagarlas haciendo zambullidas o metindote en una caja.
Si Quiet te acompaa y empieza a llover, reaccionar de una forma de lo ms... Curiosa.
Cuando reclutas a un soldado que habla un nuevo idioma y lo asignas a una unidad, sus
compaeros tambin aprendern ese idioma.

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