The Naked Communist-1

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Cleon Skousen
Willard Cleon Skousen (January 20, 1913 January
9, 2006) was an American conservative author and faithbased political theorist[1] who believed that the United
States Constitution creates a christian theocracy.[2] He
was also a prolic popularizer among Latter-day Saints
(Mormons) of their theology. A notable anti-communist
and supporter of the John Birch Society,[3] Skousens
works involved a wide range of subjects including the
Six-Day War, Mormon eschatology, New World Order
conspiracies, and parenting.[4] His most popular works
are The 5,000 Year Leap and The Naked Communist. A
book by Skousen on end times prophecy, The Cleansing
of America, was published by Valor Publishing Group in
2010, four years after his death.

Washington D.C. bar exam, he became an FBI Special

Agent.[7] FBI memos have described his work at the Bureau as mainly clerical and administrative.[4] Skousen left
the FBI in 1951. Ironically, the FBI would maintain a le
on Skousen that would come to number more than 2,000
From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah. In 1956, Salt Lake City mayor
Adiel F. Stewart hired Skousen to serve as police chief in
the wake of a police department scandal.[7] Skousen was
a well-respected police chief for nearly four years.[9]
In 1960, newly elected mayor J. Bracken Lee dismissed
Skousen shortly after Skousen raided an illegal poker
club where Lee was in attendance.[10][11] National Review commentator Mark Hemingway characterized the
gathering as a friendly card game.[12] Skousen supporters protested the abrupt ring by disrupting a city
council meeting[13] and planting burning crosses on Lees
lawn.[14] Lee characterized Skousens strict enforcement
of anti-gambling laws as Gestapo-like.[9][15] Lee said
that although Skousen was an anti-communist, he ran
the police department in exactly the same manner as
the Communists in Russia operate their government.[12]
Time magazine reported in 1960 that Skousens real offense seemed to be that he had failed to show enough
enthusiasm for Lees determination to slash the policedepartment budget. [9] Lee told a friend that Skousen
was one of the greatest spenders of public funds of anyone who ever served in any capacity in Salt Lake City
government, and a master of half truths.[12] According to the NCCS (an organization founded by Skousen),
Skousen had eliminated the sources of illegal activity in
the city by 1959.[16] After Skousens ring (according to
the NCCS), his model police programs were dismantled,
and crime increased, on the average, by 22%.[16]

Early life and education

Skousen was born on a dryland farm in Raymond, Alberta, Canada, the second of nine children of Royal Pratt
Skousen and Margarita Bentley Skousen, who were U.S.
citizens.[5] He lived in Canada until he was ten years old,
then moved with his family to California where his father supervised the paving of some of the original Route
66. In 1926, Skousen went to the Mormon colony,
Colonia Juarez, Mexico for two years to help his seriously
ill grandmother. While there, he attended the Juarez
Academy and was employed for a time as a race horse
jockey. Skousen then returned to California, graduating
from high school in 1930. At the age of 17 he traveled
to Great Britain as a missionary for The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).[6][7]
After completing his missionary service, Skousen attended San Bernardino Valley Jr. College, graduating
in 1935. He married Jewel Pitcher in August 1936, and
they raised eight children together. He graduated with an
LL.B. from George Washington University Law School in
June 1940 (the school updated his degree as Juris Doctor
(J.D.) in 1972 with its degree nomenclature).[8]

Skousen continued his involvement in law enforcement

issues by working as the editor of the police journal, Law
and Order, for fteen years. He also served as Field Director for the American Security Council, but an increasing perception of paranoia resulted in his abrupt termination in 1962.[17] He later returned to BYU as a Professor
in the Religion Department in 1967, retiring in 1978.

Professional life

In June 1935, Skousen went to work for the Agricultural

Adjustment Administration, a New Deal program to subsidize farmers. Soon thereafter, he found employment 3 Political life
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), working as a messenger while attending law school at night. After losing his police job, Skousen founded a group
In 1940, after receiving his law degree and passing the called the All-American Society, which Time maga1

zine described in 1961 as an exemplar of the far-right
ultras.[17] Throughout the 1960s, Skousen was also admired by members and leaders of the John Birch Society, although members of the more mainstream conservative movement and the American Security Council[4]
snubbed him out of fear that his controversial views would
hurt the credibility of the conservative movement. Skousen used Birch Society magazines as source and reference material,[7] and was pictured on the cover of its
magazine, American Interest. Although he was never ofcially a member of the organization, he was a member
of its speakers bureau and lectured at John Birch Society
events throughout the United States for many years. A
1962 FBI memo described Skousen as aliating with an
extreme right-wing" group which was promoting anticommunism for obvious nancial purposes.[4] Skousen
authored a pamphlet titled The Communist Attack on the
John Birch Society, characterizing criticism of the Society
as incipient communism.[12]
In 1981, the rst year of Ronald Reagan's presidency, Skousen was asked to be a charter member of the conservative think tank the Council for National Policy, founded
by Tim LaHaye, author of the Left Behind series of books.
Other early participants included Paul Weyrich; Phyllis
Schlay; Robert Grant; Howard Phillips, a former Republican aliated with the Constitution Party; Richard
Viguerie, the direct-mail specialist; and Morton Blackwell, a Louisiana and Virginia activist who is considered a
specialist on the rules of the Republican Party.[18][19] Skousens proposals with the group included a plan to convert the Social Security system to private retirement accounts, as well as a plan that he claimed would completely
wipe out the national debt.


wards and stakes, stating,"This instruction is not intended

to express any disapproval of the right of the Freemen
Institute and its lecturers to conduct such meetings or of
the contents of the lectures. The only purpose is to make
certain that neither Church facilities nor Church meetings
are used to advertise such events and to avoid any implication that the Church endorses what is said during such
Skousen was a member of the Meadeau View Institute,
but resigned citing irregularities in management.[21]
While at the Institute, he mentored Oliver DeMille, and
his inuence helped shape George Wythe University,
a private, unaccredited university in Cedar City, Utah,
which grew out of the Meadeau View. Skousens books
are still used as texts at the school.[22][23]

From The Naked Capitalist, Skousens review
of Carroll Quigleys Tragedy and Hope:
Power from any source tends to create an appetite for additional power... It was almost inevitable that the superrich would one day aspire to control not only their own
wealth, but the wealth of the whole world. As I see it,
the great contribution which Dr. Carroll Quigley unintentionally made[...]was to help the ordinary American
people realize the utter contempt which the network leaders have for ordinary people. Human beings are treated
en masse as helpless puppets on an international chess
board where giants of economic and political power subject them to wars, revolution, civil strife, conscation,
subversion, indoctrination, manipulation and outright deception as it suits their fancy and their concocted schemes
for world domination.[24]

Although Skousen was not a tax protester, he campaigned

for several proposals to eliminate the federal income
tax. One proposal, the Liberty Amendment, precluded
the federal government from involvement in any activities that competed with private enterprise and transferred Skousen disregarded all federal regulatory agencies
federally-owned land to the states.
and argued against the creation of the Occupational
In 1970, the LDS Church was under considerable attack Safety and Health Administration and the Environmental
He also wanted to repeal
for its refusal to ordain blacks into its priesthood. In re- Protection Agency.
sponse, Skousen penned an article entitled The Commu- the minimum wage, eliminate unions, nullify antinist Attack on the Mormons, in which he accused critics discrimination laws, sell o public lands and national
of distorting the religious tenet of the Church regarding parks, end the direct election of senators, eliminate
the Negro and blowing it up to ridiculous proportions the income tax and the estate tax, remove the walls
and of serving as Communist dupes.[12] The LDS Church separating church and state, and end the Federal Reserve
altered its stance in the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood.
Skousen spoke against communism[26] throughout his career. He stood fast with John Birch Society co-founder
Robert W. Welch Jr.'s contention that President Dwight
D. Eisenhower was a communist agent. He did not believe the U.S. should establish diplomatic relations with
the Peoples Republic of China, claiming that the U.S.
State Department was engaging in treason with respect
Skousen had support among many LDS people in the
to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's visit to his old
1960s and early 1970s. However, by 1979, the First Presfriend Mao Tse-tung. [27] In the 1970s, he spoke to a
idency issued a letter against promoting Skousen in LDS
Latter-Day Saint group aboard a cruise ship returning
In 1971, Skousen founded a non-prot educational foundation, The Freeman Institute, which sought to provide
students a place to read both sides of any political issue
from original sources. In 1982, the institute became the
National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS), a national organization headquartered in Malta, Idaho.[20]


Questionable sourcing

from Israel, stating that the previous 10 U.S. national

elections had been illegitimate because voters had not
truly had a choice. He also referred to what he argued
was the betrayal of Chiang Kai-shek.[28]

ing struggle. Slavery is not a racial problem. It is a human
Skousen began his research for his book The Five Thousand Year Leap in the 1930s while attending law school,
combing archives in the Library of Congress for the original writings of such Founding Fathers as John Adams
and Thomas Jeerson and continued to work on the
manuscript for the next 50 years, nally publishing it in

Skousen spoke of billionaire banker David Rockefeller

as being one of the most powerful men in the world. Skousen criticized Rockefeller for praising Mao Zedong in
a 1973 New York Times article, in which he stated that the
communist leader was one of the greatest leaders of the
20th century.[29] Later Skousen claimed that the Rockefellers and Wall Street had conspired to elect Jimmy
Carter president.[12] Skousen was also known as a strong 5.1 Questionable sourcing
supporter of law and order and believed that local police
departments were being undermined in order to promote According to Southern Poverty Law Center, among the
sources Skousen cited to substantiate his claims in The
a national police state.[7]
Naked Capitalist was a former czarist army ocer named
Arsene de Goulevitch, whose own sources included Boris
Brasol, a White Russian migr who provided Henry
5 Writings
Ford with the rst English translation of the fraudulent
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and later became a supSkousen authored The Naked Communist and was the porter of Nazi Germany.[25]
source of the publication 1963 Communist Goals
list.[30] In 1970, he wrote The Naked Capitalist based on
the book Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley, which
claimed that top Western merchant bankers, industri- 6 Contemporary reception
alists and related institutions were behind the rise of
communism and fascism around the world. Skousens While Skousen was alive, many of his ideas were met
aim was to summarize the ideas in Quigleys books and with erce criticism, while his pronouncements made
thus make them accessible to a wider audience,[7] how- him a pariah among most conservative activists.[17] In
ever, Quigley disavowed Skousens interpretations of his one instance, the constitutional scholar Jack Rakove, of
work.[31] Skousen states in the work that the purpose of Stanford University, inspected Skousens books and semliberal internationalist groups such as the Council on For- inars and pronounced them a joke that no self-respecting
eign Relations, is to push U.S. foreign policy toward the scholar would think is worth a warm pitcher of spit.[17]
establishment of a world-wide collectivist society.[25] In A 1971 review in the Mormon journal Dialogue also ac1971, G. Edward Grin released the documentary The cused Skousen of inventing fantastic ideas and making
Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View of International inferences that go far beyond the bounds of honest comBanking crediting the lm: We wish to acknowledge mentary, and also of promoting concepts that were perthat this lm was insipred by Cleon Skousens book, The ilously close to Nazism.[17]
Naked Capitalist which we believe is one of the most im- Moreover, in 1979 after Skousen described President
portant documents of the decade.[32] The Naked Capi- Jimmy Carter as beholden to the Council on Foreign Retalist has been cited by many, including Cleon Skousens lations and the wealthy and inuential Rockefeller famnephew Joel Skousen, as proof of a "New World Order" ily, the then-president of the LDS church issued an order
strategy to create a One World Government.
prohibiting announcements about Skousens groups from
In 1987, controversy erupted in California when the state
briey considered using Skousens book, The Making of
America, as a textbook for California schools. Statements in the book regarding slavery, and its use of the
term "pickaninny" as a label for slave children engendered a heated debate as to whether the book was appropriate. The state commissions Executive Director,
a former colleague of Skousen at the National Center
for Constitutional Studies, asserted that these statements
were largely taken out of context from a 1934 essay
on slavery by the historian Fred Albert Shannon that Skousen had included in his book.[33][34] Skousen highlights
the global history of slavery as independent of color or
race in The Making Of America claiming that "... the
emancipation of human beings from slavery is an ongo-

ocial LDS meetings or publications.[17]

7 Legacy
By Skousens 2006 death, he remained fairly obscure except among furthest-right Mormons.[17] U.S. Senator
Orrin Hatch, himself Mormon, who had Skousen and Skousens Freemen Institute as patrons when Hatch ran for
the Senate as an unknown in 1976,[37] eulogized Skousen
on the oor of the U.S. Senate,[38] saying:
Shortly before I announced that I would be
running for the U.S. Senate in 1976 as a polit-

ical novice and virtually unknown candidate
Cleon was one of the rst people of political signicance and substance who agreed to
meet with me and discuss my candidacy. A
few short years before this time, Cleon had
organized a nonprot educational foundation
named The Freemen Institute, to foster constitutionalist principles including a drastic reduction in the size and scope of the Federal
Government, and a reverence for the true, unchanging nature of our Constitution. I knew
that he had strongly held beliefs and I was very
interested in what he had to say. We found in
each other at that rst meeting many areas of
common ground and a shared love for the principles that make America the strongest bastion
of freedom on Earth. Cleon quickly agreed to
help, and throughout the coming months he became a true champion of my candidacy. [...]
As we all know, Cleon was a prolic author
and writer. His books, The First 2000 Years,
The Making of America, and The Five Thousand Year Leap have been used by foundations, and in forums across America for many
years. [...] I loved an account I recently read in
the Deseret News from the Rev. Donald Sills,
a Baptist minister who became close friends
over many years with Cleon. He spoke of his
knowledge and study and recalled a time when
he found Cleon sitting on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. When
he asked Cleon what he was doing just sitting
there, Cleons tting response was, Im talking
to Tom Jeerson.[39]

In September 2007, a year prior to the 2008 U.S. presidential election, Jan Mickelson of Iowa radio station
WHO and Republican Iowa caucus presidential candidate Mitt Romney discussed Skousen in an o-theair conversation during a break in Mickelsons broadcast, which Mickelson recorded. In the conversation,
Mickelson touted Skousens American Constitutionalism
and Romney cited Skousen as an expert on Mormon
theology.[40] In commentary about this exchange, the
National Review's Mark Hemingway termed Skousen an
"...all-around nutjob, and described The Naked Communist as so irrational in its paranoia that it would have
made Whittaker Chambers blush, adding, to be fair,
Skousen wrote on numerous topics with wildly varying degrees of intellectual sobriety. In fact, as the radio host in the YouTube video notes, Skousens writings on original intent and the U.S. Constitution in The
Making of America are compellingly argued, and to this
day are often cited by conservatives unaware of Skousens more checkered writings. Further, Skousens
scriptural commentaries are still very popular and wellregarded within the relatively unradical world of mainstream Mormonism.[12]


In fall of 2007, political commentator Glenn Beck began promoting The 5,000 Year Leap on his show, describing it as divinely inspired and written by someone much more intelligent than myself.[41] Leap argues
that the U.S. Constitution is infused with Judeo-Christian
virtues as well as Enlightenment philosophy.[4] Skousens
son Paul Skousen asked Beck to write the foreword for a
new edition of the book. Texas Governor Rick Perry has
also promoted the book.[42][43]
In a November 2010 article in Canada's National Post,
Alexander Zaitchik, author of Common Nonsense (a book
critical of Glenn Beck), described Skousen as a whack
job with decidedly dubious theories.[44]
After Beck began promoting Skousens The 5,000 Year
Leap in March 2009, it went to number one in sales on the charts and stayed in the top 15 throughout
the following summer. In September 2009, the book was
being sold at meetings of Becks 9-12 Project and was
often used as source material for 9-12 Project speakers.[4]
Skousens book on LDS end times prophecy, The Cleansing of America, was published by Valor Publishing Group
in 2010.[45]
Former Republican Party candidate for U.S. president
Ben Carson's frequent claims that Democratic Party or
liberal politicians have Communist or Fascist beliefs have
led commentators to investigate his sources. Carson has
endorsed the work of W. Cleon Skousen, a conspiracyminded author and supporter of the John Birch Society. Mr. Carson views Mr. Skousens work, especially
The Naked Communist, as an interpretive key to America today.[46] He [Carson] recommends W. Cleon Skousens The Naked Communist, a 1958 book by the former FBI special agent and favorite of the right who lays
out the strategy communists would use to take control
of the U.S.[47] Theres also a book called The Naked
Communist. It was written in 1958 by Cleon Skousen,
the same guy who wrote The 5000 Year Leap. It lays
out the whole progressive plan for fundamentally changing America. The only thing thats truly amazing is how
quickly its being done.[48] Carson plagiarized the The
5,000 Year Leap in his own book America the Beautiful.[2]
In an op-ed, Chris Zinda of The Independent [lower-alpha 1]
points out a book co-published by Cliven Bundy, the central gure of a 2014 stando with the Bureau of Land
Management. According to Zinda, it lays out Bundys
motivations behind the stando, which he describes as a
combination of LDS theology and Skousen constitutional

8 Notable relatives
Skousens son, Paul Skousen, is a noted author, and his
nephews include Joel Skousen, a survivalist and political author; Royal Skousen, a linguist and Mormon studies
scholar; and Mark Skousen, a libertarian economist and


Selected writings



Skousen, W. Cleon (2009-03-19). James Michael

Pratt and Carlos L Packard, eds. The Five Thousand
Year Leap. Franklin, Tennessee: American Documents Publishing, LLC. p. 356. ISBN 0-98155966-2.
The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution (2nd ed.). Malta, Idaho: National Center for Constitutional Studies. 1985. p.
888. ISBN 0-88080-017-8.
The Miracle of America (Paperback ed.). National
Center for Constitutional Studies. 1977. ASIN:
The Naked Communist (11th ed.). Salt Lake City,
Utah: Ensign. 1962. p. 408. ASIN: B000NKE3M
The Naked Capitalist. self-published. 1962. ASIN:
The Majesty of Gods Law.

Days of the Living Christ, Vol. 1. Salt Lake City,

Utah: Ensign Publishing Co. 1992. ISBN 0916095-46-0.
Days of the Living Christ, Vol. 2. Salt Lake City,
Utah: Ensign Publishing Co. 1998. ISBN 0916095-47-9.
The Real Story of Christmas; and Authoritative Historical Sources Compiled from The Scriptures. Salt
Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Co. 1958. ASIN:
Prophecy and Modern Times. Salt Lake City,
Utah: Deseret Books. 1948. p. 150. ASIN:
The Cleansing of America. Orem, Utah: Valor Publishing Group. 2010. p. 180. ISBN 978-1-93554621-4.

10 See also
Sovereign Citizen Movement
Bundy stando



Richard Skousen (2007). Brother Joseph: Seer

of New Dispensation (Volume 1). Pleasant Grove,
Utah: Verity Publishing. ISBN 978-0-934364-270.
Treasures from The Book of Mormon Volume 1
(First Nephi-jacob 7) (Paperback ed.). Salt Lake
City, Utah: Ensign Publishing. 1998. p. 329.
ASIN: B000Q8120S
A Personal Search for the Meaning of the Atonement
(Audio cassette ed.). Ensign Productions. ASIN:
So You Want To Raise A Boy? (1994 ed.). Salt Lake
City, Utah: Ensign. p. 346. ISBN 978-0-93436415-7.
Isaiah Speaks to Modern Times. Salt Lake City,
Utah: Ensign. 1984. ISBN 978-0910558259.
The First Two Thousand Years. Salt Lake City,
Utah: Bookcraft. 1953. ISBN 0-88494-029-2.
The Third Thousand Years. Salt Lake City, Utah:
Bookcraft. 1964. ISBN 0-88494-122-1.
The Fourth Thousand Years: From David to Christ.
Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft. 1966. ISBN 088494-147-7.

Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife


11 Notes
[1] The source cited is separate from the British online newspaper of the same name and based in St. George, Utah.

12 References
[1] Israelsen-Hartley, Sara (December 5, 2009). BYU professors: Glenn Beck doesn't speak for all Mormons.
Deseret News.
[2] Gettys, Travis (January 22, 2016). This Mormon
pseudo-historian is why the Oregon militants are so confused about the Constitution. Raw Story.
[3] Skousen, W. Cleon (1963), The Communist Attack on the
John Birch Society. Belmont, MA: American Opinion. 8
page pamphlet. Online reprint by Micah Burnett at
[4] Zaitchik, Alexander (September 16, 2009). Meet the
man who changed Glenn Becks life. Salon. Retrieved
12 January 2011.
[5] Death: Rita Skousen Miller. Deseret News. 1998-0508. Retrieved 2009-11-21.

[6] Skousen, Eric N. (2006-01-14). Eulogy for Dr. W.

Cleon Skousen. Retrieved 2009-1121.
[7] Mass, Warren (3 April 2006). In Memoriam: He definitely made a dierence. The New American (John
Birch Society). Online reprint by,
retrieved 2009-11-19



[23] The Freshman Year. George Wythe University. 2009.

Retrieved 2009-08-09.
[24] Skousen American Education Foundation: Naked Capitalist. Retrieved July 1, 2010.
[25] Fringe Mormon Group Makes Myths with Glenn Becks
Help by Alexander Zaitchik, Southern Poverty Law Center
Intelligence Report, Spring 2011, Issue Number: 141

[8] W. Cleon Skousen 1913-2006 Biography. Ocial website of W. Cleon Skousen. Retrieved

[26] Skousen, W. Cleon (1958). The Naked Communist. Salt

Lake City, Utah: Ensign Publishing Co.

[9] Sta writer (1960-04-04). Utah: Nettled NickelNipper. Time. Retrieved 2009-11-19.

[27] Sta writer (1973-11-15). Visit to Mao. New York

Times. Retrieved 2009-11-19.

[10] Haddock, Sharon (2009-03-20). Becks backing bumps

Skousen book to top. Deseret News. Retrieved 2009-1119.

[28] Speech by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen. Google Videos. c.

1976. Retrieved 2009-11-19.

[11] Political Feud in Salt Lake City: J. Bracken Lee and the
Firing of W. Cleon Skousen, Utah Historical Quarterly,
Volume 42, No. 4, 1974, p. 316, article by Dennis L.
[12] Hemingway, Mark (2007-08-06). Romneys Radical
Roots. National Review Online. Retrieved 2009-02-16.
[13] Himstreet, Ted (1960-03-22). S.L. Tables Reconsideration Of Chief Skousen Dismissal. Deseret News and
Telegram. pp. A1, A6. Online reprint of scanned newspaper by Google News Archive, retrieved 2009-11-23
[14] Lythgoe, Dennis (1994-09-13). "`Brack' Has Been A
Fiery Presence In Utah. Deseret News. Retrieved 200911-23.
[15] Drum, Kevin (2005-02-24). Review of Before the
Storm. Political Animal. The Washington Monthly. Retrieved 2009-11-19.
[16] In Memoriam of W. Cleon Skousen. Newsletter. National Center for Constitutional Studies. February 2006.
Retrieved 2009-11-19.
[17] Confounding Fathers: The Tea Partys Cold War Roots
by historian Sean Wilentz, The New Yorker, October 18,
[18] Jeremy Leaming and Rob Boston (October 2004). Behind
Closed Doors: Who Is The Council For National Policy
And What Are They Up To? And Why Dont They Want
You To Know?, Church & State, Americans United for
Separation of Church and State
[19] Council for National Policy, NNDB, Soylent Communications
[20] Home Page. National Center for Constitutional Studies. Retrieved 2009-11-18.

[29] Cleon Skousen vs. David Rockefeller.

YouTube. Retrieved 2009-11-19.


[30] Representative Wally Herger (R-CA 2nd) (2009-1028). Communist Goals as read into the Congressional
Record. Retrieved 2011-01-12.
[31] Round Table Review: The Naked Capitalist. J. Willard
Marriott Library, University of Utah. 1970. Retrieved
[32] Vol. 1 (1971). The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside View
of International Banking (credit at 1m:39s) (Documentary). American Media. OCLC 5558340.
[33] Ingram, Carl (1987-02-07). Probe Ordered in State
Panels Sale of 'Racist' Book. The Los Angeles Times.
Retrieved August 12, 2009.
[34] Bishop, Katherine (February 16, 1987). Bicentennial
Panel In California Assailed Over 'Racist' Textbook. The
New York Times. Retrieved August 12, 2009.
[35] Skousen, W. Cleon. The Making of America. p. 728.
[36] Benson, Lee (March 21, 2010). Glenn Beck gives Skousen books sales a 'Leap'". Deseret News.
[37] Rolly, Paul (July 1, 2009). GenRolly Speaking: How Far
Right Can We Go?". Salt Lake Tribune.
[38] Posner, Sarah (September 21, 2009). The Skousen Admiration Club. The American Prospect.
[39] Remarks, Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah)". 109th United States
Congress, United States Senate. Congressional Record.
January 2006. p. S114.
[40] Barabak, Mark Z. (September 7, 2007). Last Word On
Politics In Iowa. Los Angeles Times.
[41] The 5000 Year Leap. Retrieved September 15, 2009.

[21] Parkinson, Paul; Cates, Karl (1994-07-26). Backers

Tried In Vain To Recover Losses. Deseret News. Retrieved 19 November 2009.

[42] Dreher, Rod (17 September 2009). Rick Perrys radical

right-wing reader. The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved

[22] Master of Arts, Political Economy Graduation Requirements. George Wythe University. 2009. Retrieved

[43] Fiscal Conservatism and the Soul of the GOP. The

Wall Street Journal. 2009-08-22. Retrieved September
24, 2009.

[44] O'Connor, Joe (2 November 2010). Alberta Mormon

gains notoriety thanks to Tea Party movement. National
[45] "The Cleansing of America by Cleon Skousen. Valor
Publishing Group. Retrieved October 11, 2010.
[46] Peter Wehner (2015-10-20). Why Ben Carsons Nazi
Analogies Matter. The New York Times. Retrieved October 20, 2015.
[47] Phil Mattingly (2014-10-15). Ben Carsons Longshot
Presidential Bid Suddenly Looks a Lot More Realistic.
Bloomberg Politics. Retrieved October 20, 2015.
[48] Christine A. Scheller (2014-06-06). Ben Carson Lays
Out His Vision for 'One Nation'". Urban Faith. Retrieved
October 20, 2015.
[49] Zinda, Chris (April 25, 2016). The 50-year leap, part
two: Of echo chambers and sagebrush rebels. The Independent (St. George, Utah). Retrieved May 2, 2016.


External links

Radical Constitutionalism by Jerey Rosen, New

York Times (November 26, 2010)
Success Rate of the Communist Goals in America.
A Practical Application and Book Review of 'The
5,000 Year Leap.'"
The Atonement, a discourse by Skousen on the Mormon scripture, Doctrine and Covenants
Meet the man who changed Glenn Becks life
An Open Letter to Detractors of W. Cleon Skousen
and His Works by Brian R. Mecham
Obituary in the Salt Lake Tribune
Obituary of Skousen by Carrie A. Moore in the
Deseret News
FBI Files on W. Cleon Skousen




Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


W. Cleon Skousen Source: Contributors: Frecklefoot, AnonMoos,

Goethean, Orangemike, Neutrality, AliveFreeHappy, Bender235, Mateo SA, Gaytan, Tony Sidaway, Mrcolj, Bobrayner, Sesmith, Sburke,
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