7.3 Second Order Partial Derivatives Compute The Four Second Order Partial Derivatives of 1

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3 Second Order Partial Derivatives

Compute the four second order partial
derivatives of
1. f ( x , y ) =x y +5 x y +2 x+1

f x =1. y + 5. y +2 ;
f xx =0; f xy =3 y 2+10 y
f y =x 3 y 2 +10 xy ;
f yy =6 xy +10 x
f yx=3 y 2+ 10 y


f ( x , y ) =e x

f x =e x y ( 2 xy ) ; f xx =e x y ( 2 y )+2 xy ( e x y 2 xy ) ;
f xy =e

x y

( 2 x ) +2 xy ( e x y x 2 )

f y =e x y ( x 2 ) ; f yy=x 2 e x y x 2 ; f yx=2 x . e x y + x 2 e x y ( 2 xy )

Some surfaces with relative maxima,

elative minima and a saddle point.
> f:=(x,y)->x^2 + y^2 ;
> plot3d(f(x,y),x=-90..90,y=-90..90);

> f:=(x,y)->12*x-x^3-4*y^2;
> plot3d(f(x,y),x=-90..90,y=-90..90);

> f:=(x,y)->-x^2 + y^2 ;

> plot3d(f(x,y),x=-90..90,y=-90..90);


Critical points
A point (a,b) in the domain of f(x,y) for
which the partial derivatives

f x f y


exist is called a critical point of f if both

f x =0f y =0.

If the first order partial derivatives of f

exist at all points then relative extrema
can only occur at critical points.

The Second Partial Test

Let f(x,y) be a function of x and y whose

partial derivatives f , f , f , f f all exist and let D(x,y)
be the function




D=f xx f yy f 2xy


Fins all critical points of f(x,y) such that

f x =0f y =0


Find D for each critical point found.

If D > 0, find f at the critical point .

If D>0f xx > 0

f has a relative minimum at ( a , b )


If D>0f xx < 0
f has a relative maximum at (a , b)


If D<0 there is a saddle point at( a ,b)

If D = 0, the test is inconclusive and f may

have either a relative extremum or a
saddle point at (a,b).
Find all critical points of

f ( x , y ) =x + y

maxima, relative minima or neither.


and classify each as a relative

Here f x =2 xf y =2 y
f x =0 implies 2 x=0f y =0 implies 2 y =0 sp critical point is ( 0,0 )
f xx =2, f yy =2, f xy =0 so

Dxx =f xx f yy f xy=4> 0
f xx =2 at thecritical poiunt so

If D>0f xx > 0 f has arelative minimum at ( 0,0 )

2. Find all critical points of f ( x , y ) =12 xx 4 y classify each

as a relative maximum, relative minimum or a saddle point.

f x =123 x 2f y =8 y

Solving 8 y =0 implies y=0

Solving 123 x 2=0implies x=2,2

The critical points are

( 2,0 )(2,0 )
f xx =6 x , f yy =8f xy =0
D xx =f xx f yy f 2xy=48 x

At (2,0) , D = 48x = 96>0 and f xx =6 x=12<0 so f has a

maximum point at (2,0).
At(-2,0) D = 48x <0 so f has a saddle point.
Ex: A store sells two brands of juice. Local brand costs 30
cents per can and a foreign brand costs 40 cents per can.

The grocer estimates that if the local brand sells for x cents
per can and the foreign brand for y cents per can then
approx. 70-5x+4y cans of the local brand will be sold and
80+6x-7y cans of the foreign brand will be sold each day.
How should the grocer price each brand to maximize profits.
Total profit =
profit from sale of local brand +
profit from sale of foreign brand
f ( x , y ) =( 705 x +4 y )( x30 ) + ( 80+ 6 x7 y ) ( y40)
f x =5 ( x30 ) + ( 705 x +4 y )( 1 ) +6( y40)
f y = 4(x-30)+-7(y-40)+(80+6x-7y)(1)
f x =10 x+10 y20f y =10 x14 y +240

On solving x = 53 and y = 55
f xx =10, f yy =14f xy =10

D=10 (14 )10 >0f x =10<0 so f(x,y) is a maximum at x = 53,

y = 55.

Price of local brand =53 cents

Price of foreign brand = 55 cents

Examine f ( x , y ) =x + y xy

for relative maximaminima by usingthe second derivative test .

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