Unleash Your Soul Magic

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Unleash Your

Soul Magic

Your Free Report by Gemma Summers


Mystic Mentor, Coach, Writer and Speaker

Congratulations on taking this step towards transforming your life

through learning how to unleash the magic of your Soul Power.

If youre reading this report, youre probably someone who already lives
a soul-guided life, and who embraces a holistic viewpoint.

What I offer you here are 11 KEYS for connecting with Soul that are often
missed or poorly understood. However, when you apply these keys
consistently to your life, thats when your SOUL MAGIC really begins to
FLOW, and you can rapidly begin to benefit from the highly intelligent
and subtle ways that Soul is trying to help and lead you.
Read on to discover how you can UNLEASH Your Soul Magic by
applying these very simple and sensible practices to your life. By
attending to these practices gently over time, youll strengthen your
capacity to be guided by your spiritual intelligence and soul purpose.

Wishing you the very best on your magical journey.

Gemma Summers xx

Unleash Your Soul Magic

One: Nourish Your Energy Foundation

The first step to unleashing your soul magic is to NOURISH your energy
foundation. Too often, we complain of being tired or having low energy,
usually from being caught in a cycle of over-giving in our lives. Is this
true for you, sometimes?

The truth is, its more dicult to manifest our dreams when we have low
energy and when our emotional vibration is low. SOUL is wanting to give
everything to us but when our physical and emotional container is weak
or compromised we simply dont have enough gas in the tank to utilise
the abundance thats flowing to us.

Therefore, the first and most important step is to Nourish Your Energy
Foundation so you can CHARGE your intentions with fresh energy, and
can ACT on Soul Prompts as they arise.

Make nourishing your energy foundation a part of your daily self-care by

practicing SMALL THINGS OFTEN that renew your vital stores. This can
include 5-minute breaks, drinking more water, stretching your muscles,
sitting in silence, massaging your feet or enjoying short meditations.

TIP: Nourishing Breath: Close your eyes and notice your BREATH. How
does it feel? Consciously take 10 slow breaths. Breathe in through your

nose and breathe out slowly with a sigh. As you breathe in, fill up from
your belly to the top of your chest. Breathe out nice and slow. After 10
breaths, notice how you feel. Conscious breathing is a good way to
nourish your energy foundation on the spot. Breath is LIFE.

Two: Take Time and Space for You

Time and Space is my favourite SOUL Magic Key. And its absolutely
essential to living a soul-guided life. In the unstructured openness of
time and space, we experience ourselves very dierently - and not in our
usual roles of partner, mother or worker - but simply as our ESSENCE
SELF, a self that is relaxed, infinite and aware.

Having time and space allows something NEW to arise; new thoughts,
feelings and insights about ones life that are CREATIVE and inspiring. In
fact, creative solutions and answers are more likely to surface when
theres space for them to do so. Thats why we must structure our life so
there is time and space, allowing SOUL to come to the surface and
bring us its GIFTS.

Being TOO BUSY is a good way to block SOUL and stop the Flow of
Inspiration from operating in our lives.

Taking time and space and nourishing your energy foundation provides
the best conditions for Soul to become highly active in your life. Time
and space may seem like a luxury to some, but its an important key to
allowing the INTUITIVE MIND to open and expand. Having SOUL TIME
is the new ME TIME.

Some years ago, I decided to take an annual personal retreat and my life

has opened up in unimaginable ways as a result - because I am allowing

space and time for Soul, as well as replenishing my energy foundation.

TIP: SPACE TO DREAM: Complete this sentence: If I had more time

and space, life would be... List as many things as you want.

Heres another sacred inquiry: If I had more time and space, I would...
Let your imagination run free here. What pops up for you?

Three: Understanding the Voice of Soul

Soul is a good generator of answers and possibilities if we train
ourselves to listen. We can tap into these answers and possibilities by
aligning ourselves with SOUL, and therefore becoming more like soul:
allowing, truthful, evolving and authentic.

The Magic of Soul is assisted when we say YES to Soul, say yes to
being guided from within. This includes saying YES to solutions and
opportunities that have yet to make themselves known to us; by staying
open to the field of possibilities the right answer can emerge in its own
time, and in a way that serves us best.

Oftentimes, people are confused by what constitutes soul guidance and

how to identify ones soul voice. The Voice of Soul is always
compassionate, supportive, deeply on your side, loving and wise. It
tends to communicate in short, simple phrases and doable, achievable
actions: Rest Now, Wait Longer, Relax and Trust, Believe in Yourself.
Enjoy Yourself, Ask for What You Want. Soul Messages are always
reassuring and soothing. They fill you with love, gratitude and possibility.

Internal voices that stimulate fear and doubt, or that make you feel bad
about yourself, are usually generated by old beliefs and programs, and
by fearful ego-reactions. You can safely let these go and relax MORE
DEEPLY into the softer energies of your Soul Stream - that background
flow that is always supporting you to move towards greater fulfillment
and into greater alignment with your authentic self and ultimate purpose.

TIP: SOUL TALK: The best way to hear answers from Soul is to ask
open-ended questions such as: What is the best way for me to...? Or,
What should I do in this situation? Or you can simply settle into a still,
quiet place within yourself and ask, Please guide my life today. Whats
important for today? I also like to ask, Whats the most important thing
for me to remember today?

I do this often and am always enriched and reassured by the answers I

receive. I have a tendency to over-do and over-give in my life, so many
of my soul answers tend to be along the lines of: Rest, Relax, Wait, Let
Go, Enjoy Your Life, Trust. But sometimes I get messages for my day
such as: Act Now, Do It, Speak Up, Call That Person.

Four: Acting on Your Soul Guidance

To really UNLEASH your Soul Magic, you need to become responsive to

Soul. This means acting on the messages you receive and applying
them to your life. When we implement the answers and prompts from
Within, we are living from Soul and letting it EMPOWER our life. Soul is
then guiding us and our ego-personality is carefully applying this
guidance to daily life and assessing the results. Did it work?

This is often a missing key for many - not believing in or acting upon the
information pulsing from Soul. When we dont act on this intuitive
guidance, we block the flow and dim our light. Its like saying, No
thanks to Soul and closing the door. But when we ACT upon our inner
guidance, we create a strong feedback loop between Soul and Ego: We
receive guidance, apply it to our life, and assess the results. The more
we do this, the stronger the loop becomes and the more confident we
become in discerning and applying Soul Messages. The information
also becomes more focused, specific and clear because our receiving
senses have become more attuned, developed and responsive. Were
able to discern the wheat from the cha and can respond easily and
gracefully to our Soul Prompts and Messages.

Tip: Acting For Soul: When you do any form of meditation, journalling or
inner reflection work, ask for what specific action you should take for
Soul. Sometimes youll hear, Do nothing. But at other times you may
receive a message to act. Write down this message and follow up on it.
Notice what happens as a result of this action. This is how we create a
strong feedback loop between all potentially cooperating parts: Body,
Mind and Soul.

Five: Listen to Yourself First and Foremost

This is a VERY big key: Learn to listen to yourself first and foremost. No
one can ultimately know whats right for you, or what your purpose is
here on Earth, or what your own Soul needs to experience in this
lifetime. No one really knows but you and your Soul. Therefore, observe
what others say or do, but always come back to yourself and follow your
own sense of things. Go Your Own Way is one of Souls consistent
messages to us all.

This careful following of your own unique Soul PATH takes practice and
often means letting go of all that doesnt serve you, including all
UNHELPFUL influences. It may also mean departing from conventional
choices and social expectations. You may need to let go of the crowd
in order to fully embrace your own path and SOUL JOURNEY.

However, when we fully embrace our own unique journey it transforms

into an adventure of the heart and spiritual gifts and benefits begin to
flow to us more easily: We are coming into alignment with our Higher
Self and our Souls natural desires. Things increasingly begin to make
more sense and work out for us. The PATH GETS CLEARER.

TIP: Just Say No to What No Longer Serves You: Sit with a pad and
pencil. Close your eyes and slowly go through your life: Think of a
typical day and what you usually do. Think of all your relationships,
projects, tasks and commitments. Write them all down. Now go through
your list and see how each item makes you feel. Things that feel
draining, unsafe or stressful, mark with an X. Things that you enjoy and
that get the green light, tick. Those youre unsure about, leave with a
question mark. Focus on the red light items, those with an X. Is it time
to let them go? If you feel relief when you think of letting something go,
then youre ready to let it go. Follow that sense of RELIEF and begin to
work out a plan to fade this thing out from your life.

Six: Using Your Emotional Guidance System

We all have an emotional guidance system within us - those INNER

FEELINGS and SIGNALS that tell us whether were headed in the right
direction or not. Some call it gut instinct, intuition, knowing or
emotional feedback.

In our lives, were mostly externally focused, constantly watching whats

going on out there, but often missing our own internal signals - our
own emotional guidance. This is why meditation and inner reflection is
so important; it gives us access to our own intuitive knowing and
emotional guidance system. When we withdraw our attention from the
outside world and redirect our focus towards the inner self, we often find
answers to our questions, along with meaningful information about our
life and which direction to go in.

A good practice for supporting your emotional guidance system is to

find a space thats just yours, a cosy spot that feels calm and serene.
You might like to decorate this space with beautiful things such as
pieces of nature or special objects that have symbolic value for you.
Come to this place whenever you need to check in with yourself and
listen to your emotional guidance system. The more we practice
listening to ourselves and tuning into our emotional compass, the more
we will live an authentic, soul-guided life, one where we follow our own
North Star and our own guiding light.

TIP: Check Your Emotional Compass: Whenever youre in doubt or

unsure as to what to do, always check inside first and ask your
emotional guidance system for information. Your emotional guidance
system is just like having a little compass inside of you that always
points to TRUE NORTH when youre on track. The right answer will
always feel good to you, even if it requires courage or faith to act upon.
We tend to feel pure and clear when our mind, body and spirit are in

Seven: Stillness, Silence, Presence

Finding a way to come into the PRESENT MOMENT is essential for
activating our soul magic. When we come into the present moment, we
come into our place of power - our moment of conscious choice, our
moment to focus on what is highest, best and most authentic for us.
From this place, we can align our body, mind and spirit and become a
conscious creator. We can start choosing our Divine Destiny.

When we become still and silent and listen to SOUL, were not only
exercising our right brain - our more creative, sensory and feeling side were also strengthening our connection to our Higher Self and can
more easily receive a Soul Overview of our life. We can see our Path
more clearly and FEEL our divine destiny calling us.

In my work, I am sometimes called to be a divine destiny re-establisher,

which means I am often called to help people get BACK on track, to free
themselves of unhelpful entanglements, dependencies and mental
confusions that are keeping them in an unproductive loop. Feeling like
were on the right track always gives us a deep feeling of purpose,
clarity and integrity.
At least once a day, become SILENT, STILL and PRESENT to connect
with SOUL. It only takes a moment.

TIP: A Sip of Stillness: Sit quietly with a glass of water in your hand.
Take a little sip and close your eyes. Breath in and out. Just allow
yourself to be still and quiet. Float inside your inner being and just rest.
When your mind gets busy again, open your eyes and take another little
sip of water and repeat. Each time you take a sip, see if you can stay a

little longer in your quiet cocoon, still and silent. Notice how you feel
after a few minutes of this practice, or when you have finished your
glass of water.

Eight: Embracing Your Inner Worth and Value

Unleashing Your Soul Magic is maximally activated when you realise

that your true worth and value is INSIDE OF YOU and that this worth
and value is infinite, profound and unquestionable. You are a Sovereign
Soul and a prized jewel of the cosmos - and thats the TRUTH.

There is nothing more important than how you FEEL about your Self,
and when you know your true value and worth - your essential divine
nature - self-love becomes natural and automatic. From this self-love
flows your compassion for all forms of life and a natural desire to serve
what is highest and best at all times. This is the natural default setting
for all of us, but fears, traumas, beliefs and programs obscure this
sacred truth.

Many of us have been conditioned to think less of ourselves, and to not

know our essential value and worth. But this negative conditioning is
not the truth of who we are. Through the gentle daily practices
suggested in this report, you can RESTORE your connection to your
essence self, to your core value and worth, and to your infinite goodness
and unique brilliance.

As we grow our Inner Light, we can see more easily when things are not
working in our life and can move to correct them. We are no longer
confused about whats right or wrong for us and can create healthy
boundaries that protect and honour our worth and value.

A fun practice each morning is to look at yourself in the mirror (before

your shower and make-up!) and say to yourself, Youre brilliant and
amazing and I love you! And smile to yourself.

TIP: Pure Gold: Close your eyes and breathe out. Relax into your inner
space, your inner sanctuary. Imagine that inside of you, at your very
centre, is a energy column of shimmering gold or a radiant ball of light.
Imagine this is your essence: Pure Golden Light. Practice this little
meditation whenever you need to remember your true worth and value.

Nine: Self-Soothing and Self-Healing

One thing that sabotages our SOUL Magic is when we get emotionally
hurt or experience an upset. On the one hand, we might tend to
minimise or deny that were hurt. On the other hand, we might
emotionally implode and feel badly about ourselves, and about life and
other people.

When left unhealed, hurt and trauma tend to shut down our intuition and
Soul Power. Rather then deny our hurt or become helpless around it, we
can switch on our Inner Healer and self-soothing power. The truth is, we
are all healers and we heal ourselves all the time. This includes knowing
when to get help from other people.

When you feel emotionally hurt, say to yourself, I can heal this. Then
ask Soul how to do it. Perhaps Soul will urge you to rest deeply, or to
speak up and express yourself, or to express your feelings, or to ask for
emotional support from someone. Perhaps Soul will guide you to make
a needed change in your life or to seek counselling support. There is

always something you can do to start healing yourself and recover your
power and grace.

Unleashing Your Soul Magic means trusting that you have the inner
power, intelligence and love to transform what needs transforming in
your life, to heal what needs healing, and to be ever-guided towards a
richer, more loving life.

TIP: Self-Healing List: Write down 3 things that help you to feel better
when things go wrong or that help you recover from lifes stresses and
strains. Recall how it feels to do one of these things. Keep your SelfHealing List in a special place and remember to use it when trouble
strikes. Even this act of writing down what heals you is a healing act in
itself. Even having a future intention to heal yourself when trouble strikes
is a powerful intention that begins to create a more empowered selfhealing template within you.

Ten: Opening to Formless Receiving

Formless Receiving is about ALLOWING life and the universe to bring

you what you need when you need it. Its the other side of the coin to
being goal-oriented and going out and making things happen.

In bringing a much needed balance to the busyness of modern life, I

advocate practicing a soulfully feminine path to MANIFESTING, one that
involves allowing things to come to you in an organic, unfolding manner.

The main idea here is to simply tune into your energetic CONNECTION
with Soul, and practice receiving, rather than doing - to be receptive to
life. As we open to life and allow life to partner us and do the heavy

lifting, we are filled with the energy of life. This practice creates the best
conditions for bringing us what we desire, naturally and organically.

TIP: Letting in the Flow: Close your eyes and breath easily. Place your
awareness just above your head, a place known as the Crown Chakra or
Crown Energy Centre. Our Crown Chakra is our personal portal to the
cosmos with its INFINITE possibilities. Imagine that your Crown Chakra
is open to the sky, to the cosmos. Now imagine that inspired and loving
energy is gently streaming into this opening, filling you with gold and
silver light. Imagine that all the things you desire are coming to you in
this same way - in a gentle, streaming flow, in their own time, with less
eort required from you than you normally employ to make things
happen. The KEY here is to ENJOY the process of manifesting, and not
merely the results.

Eleven: Inspiration, Awe and Wonder

Unleashing Your Soul Magic is about opening to the beauty, wonder and
mystery of life. Whether gazing at stars at night or at a beautiful green
vista in nature, or getting lost in a amazing piece of art or music, awe
and wonder brings us into the moment with a sudden sense of
GRATITUDE, amazement and joy.
Research suggests that awe and wonder is vital to our sense of
wellbeing and happiness. When suspended in moments of inspired
amazement, our brain lowers its stress hormones and opens up to lifearming and healing energies. Inspiration, awe and wonder
RECHARGES our being and brings unity to body, mind and spirit.
Life is about more than our to-do lists and material goals. Life is also

also meant to be an adventure and magical experience. Most us need to

bring more beauty, awe and wonder into our life to refresh our spirit. I,
for one, am an inspiration-junkie and lover of the mysteries. I live for awe
and wonder and for the opportunity to pursue a meaningful relationship
to life and the universe. If youre reading these words right now, I
suspect youre a lot like me, always ready for inspiration and magic.

TIP: Daily Dose of Awe: The quickest way to open up to beauty, awe
and wonder is through Mother Nature. Get outside and breathe deep.
Go for a walk by trees or by the sea and really stop and take it in. Gaze
at a beautiful flower until youre transported to a place of quiet ecstasy.
Open up and be amazed. The beauty and wonder of life is everywhere
and your Soul naturally gravitates to all things that inspire and uplift you.

This report was written by Gemma Summers.

For more information, go to: www.gemmasummers.com.au

Find me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/GemmaSummersWriter

Unleash Your Soul Magic

One-On-One Coaching Sessions
with Gemma Summers
Skype Sessions Now Available
How to discern the voice of soul
How to open up the abundance flow
How to use inner conflict to accelerate your own growth
How to use meditation to find your answers
How to release self-sabotage and move forward
Plus, lots of humour, intuition, love and expertise

Soul-Seekers Price: My soul-focused 60-minute

coaching sessions are very reasonably priced at
$150. This is to encourage people to keep actively
working on themselves and get the full results they
need and deserve. Thats my mission.
Contact me to book a session.
Or book online directly through my website.

Gemma Summers: Mentor, Coach, Writer & Speaker

Practice Location: Sunshine Beach, Sunshine Coast
Contact: www.gemmasummers.com.au
Mobile: 0417-298-370

How to Resolve Your

Conflicts with Power and
by Gemma Summers
Are you frustrated because you cant
seem to get your message across?
Are you having the same, old arguments
with a partner, friend or colleague?
Do you avoid conflict with others, even at your own
If you answered YES to any of these questions, How to
Resolve Your Conflicts with Power and Grace has all the
answers and more.
This positive and practical guide, specifically designed
to help women deal with everyday conflicts, will show
you how to get your message across and resolve
relationship tensions while strengthening your positive
connections with others.

Available on Amazon SOON!

Meditate with Goddesses: COMING SOON

Claim your spiritual
inheritance as woman
This easy-to-read meditation
guide by Gemma Summers
uses 16 beloved Goddesses as
PORTALS into your intuitive
centre and higher self.
Meditate with Goddesses shows
you how to meditate using the
beautiful and enchanting
world of Goddesses. Rich in
feminine imagery, feelings and stories, 16 Goddesses
take you on a journey into the depths of the feminine
soul. With gorgeous Goddess illustrations by visionary
artist Jassy Watson.

Available on Amazon soon.


Soulful Woman
Guidance Cards
Gemma Summers &
Shushann Movsessian
with Artwork by 26
different artists!
48 Cards and 80-Page
Guidebook Set
Available August 2016
The wisdom of these affirmations and the powerful
artwork that illustrates the deck will help you relax into
life's flow, trust in divine timing, follow your intuition
and open to receive the extraordinary blessings the
universe has to offer you.
Gemma Summers and Shushann Movsessian are the cocreators of the popular The Soulful Woman Facebook
page with over 1.5 million likes, proving that people all
over the world love soul-based living.

Couples Work for

Higher Consciousness
With Gemma Summers
In-person couples coaching
sessions now available.
Conscious Love: What are the new KEYS for having a
higher consciousness relationship?
Relationship Preparedness: What tools are required to
be relationship fit in the 21st Century?
Saving Grace: How does soul-based communication
help to heal and transform our relationships?
Empowered Empathy: How do you translate love and
care into skillful communication, and why is empathy
necessary for higher relating?
If youre wanting to prepare yourself for a higher consciousness
relationship or require help healing or growing a current relationship,
call me to discuss my couples coaching. Available for all those wanting a
higher consciousness connection, including heterosexual, gay and
lesbian couples. Gemma Summers: 0417-298-370.

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