The World Passport, Origin and Status.
The World Passport, Origin and Status.
The World Passport, Origin and Status.
The mandate for the WORLD PASSPORT is Article 13(2) of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights:
Everyone has the right to leave any country, including one's own, and to return to one's
The World Passport is a 30 page Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) with
alphanumeric code line, scanned-in passport photo and "ghost" security paper with
embedded logo, the data page laminated, in 7 languages:
English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Esperanto.
Each passport is numbered and each page contains the World Citizen logo as
background. Two pages are reserved for affiliate identifications: diplomatic corps,
organizations, firms, etc. There are nineteen visa pages. In the inside back cover, there
is space for home address, next of kin, doctor, employer, driving license no. and
national passport/identity number. The cover is blue with gold lettering.
The World Passport represents the inalienable human right of freedom of travel on
planet Earth. Therefore it is premised on the fundamental oneness or unity of the human
In modern times, the passport has become a symbol of national sovereignty and control
by each nation-state. That control works both for citizens within a nation and all others
outside. All nations thus collude in the system of control of travel rather than its
freedom. If freedom of travel is one of the essential marks of the liberated human being,
as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, then the very acceptance of a
national passport is the mark of the slave, serf or subject. The World Passport is
therefore a meaningful symbol and sometimes powerful tool for the implementation of
the fundamental human right of freedom of travel. By its very existence it challenges
the exclusive assumption of sovereignty of the nation-state system. It is designed
however to conform to nation-state requirements for travel documents. It does not,
however, indicate the nationality of its bearer, only his/her birthplace. It is therefore a
neutral, apolitical document of identity and potential travel document.
It is notable that a passport gains credibility only by its acceptance by authorities other
than the issuing agent. The World Passport in this respect has a track record of over 60
years acceptance since it was first issued. Today over 160 countries have visaed it on a
case-by-case basis. In short, the World Passport represents the one world we all live in
and on. No one has the right to tell you can't move freely on your natural birthplace! So
don't leave home without one!
1. Accepting Countries,
According to the World Service Authority website, some World Passports have
reportedly been accepted on a case-by-case basis by over 180 countries (i.e., they
have been stamped with a national visa or entry or exit stamp), and according to the
World Service Authority some countries in the past accorded the document legal
Success in crossing a border using a World Passport is generally attributable to the
whim or ignorance of individual immigration officers, not official recognition of the
document. The World Service Authority website has scans of letters from six
countries (Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Mauritania, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia)
according legal recognition to the World Passports. These letters of recognition are
several decades old (e.g., 1954 for Ecuador, 1972 for Burkina Faso) and reasonable
doubt exists about today's effective acceptance.
The World Passport came under increased international scrutiny in 1996, after the
hijacking of the MS Achille Lauro. In the aftermath of the incident, one of the
captured hijackers, Youssef Majed al-Molqi, escaped imprisonment in Italy and
used a World Passport he had acquired in 1988 to leave the country and travel to
Spain before he was recaptured.
2. Rejecting Countries,
Many countries and territories have stated that they do not recognize the World
Passport because it is not issued by a competent government authority, and thus
does not meet the definition of a passport. By 1975, Garry Davis had already been
imprisoned 20 times for his attempts to cross international borders with nothing but
a World Passport. In 2016 the actor/rapper Yasiin Bey (previously known as Mos
Def) was arrested in South Africa whilst trying to leave the country with a World
3. Commonwealth of Independent States,
The Russian government states that it does not recognise the World Passport. In a
1995 interview with Kommersant, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs' Department of Consular Services stated that the World Passport is not an
acceptable document for proving identity or citizenship status at Russian border
crossings; only a diplomatic passport, official passport, seaman's passport, or
general civil passport are accepted. However, one Russian media report claims that
some members of the House of Romanov, travelling to Saint Petersburg for the
reburial of the remains of one of their ancestors, were permitted by Russian
authorities to obtain visas in their World Passports, in light of the special situation.
In December 2008, a man claiming to be a Russian citizen attempted to cross the
border from Latvia into Belarus at the Urbany checkpoint using a World Passport;
he stated he lost his Russian documents while in Sweden. He was arrested by the
Belarusian border guards. A spokesman for Belarus' State Border Committee in an
interview with a local newspaper stated that Belarus does not accept the World
Passport at border crossings. He also claimed it was the first known case of its kind
in the country.
4. United Nations,
The United States Department of State's official position on the World Passport is
that it is a booklet produced by a private organisation upon payment of a fee, and
not a passport. As early as 1991, the US Air Transport Association specifically
included the World Passport in a training film as an example of unacceptable travel
papers. In 2012, a Belizean man attempted to enter the U.S. through the Veterans
International Bridge at Los Tomates using a World Passport. The man in question
had prior felony convictions for drug trafficking and immigration offences, and had
previously been deported from the United States multiple times. He claimed that he
wanted to speak with President Obama about genocide in Belize. In a bench trial,
Judge Andrew S. Hanen found the man guilty of felony attempted re-entry after
5. Other Countries,
Peace activist Kenneth O'Keefe tried to travel to Iraq using a World Passport in
2003, but was rejected transit rights by Turkey, and had to apply for an American
passport to continue his journey.
In 2004, two men from China on board Cathay Pacific Flight 302 from Hong Kong
to Guangzhou attempted to pass through immigration at Guangzhou Baiyun
International Airport using World Passports. The officers at the airport arrested
them for illegal entry.
Also, though Garry Davis claims to have traveled to India using a World Passport
and to have given one personally to Jawaharlal Nehru, in May 2007 an Indian
citizen was arrested for attempting to leave India at Begumpet Airport using a
World Passport. The man had intended to travel to the United States. His travel
agency and Air India staff both accepted his World Passport, but Indian
immigration had not.
The Council of the European Union states that the World Passport is not acceptable
proof of identity, and lists it as a fantasy passport.
In February 2013, both Panama and Costa Rica rejected the use of the World
Passport by Sage Million, a fugitive from Hawaii.
The document is considered by the State Border Service of Ukraine as a souvenir.
Hip-Hop artist and actor Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) was arrested in South Africa on
January 15, 2016 for attempting to leave the country using a world passport. He had
entered the country using an American passport and has lived in Cape Town since
May 2013. South Africa's Department of Home Affairs released a statement saying
that Mr. Bey will be allowed to appeal the immigration action and possibly seek
permanent residency.
The basic target of the World Passport is to unite the world and achieve the World
Citizen Concept which permits everyone to enter other countries without problem.
This idea was achieved based on the (UDHR) and later it was recognized by some
countries through their Statutes. On the other hand, some countries rejected the concept
as it facilitates terrorists entrance into any countries if so applied and will be the
terrorists favorite weapon. The question of the relevant passport effect over the citizen
national status, however this depends on what the citizenship requirements are of your
particular nation. As world citizenship becomes your primary allegiance, certain
national obligations, such as conscription and the payment of taxes for war become
redundant. In other words, the legal justification for both has been rendered obsolete by
your sovereign act. A national government, however, may continue to expect that you
will fulfill any obligations that they impose.
Finally, it worthmentionning that the World Passport is not valid everywhere and many
countries accused some people of holding such an identification article, so it is a case
by case and not a strict rule.
Sources (References)
1. World citizen, an article by Mark Blackburn in The Leader-Post (31 May 1974)
2. 'World' passport termed advisable, an article by John Brannon Albright in the
Bangor Daily News (26 October 1979)
4. Application Form for World Passport on World Service Authority's website
5. WSA. "visas - World Government of World Citizen". World Service Authority.
Retrieved 2013-07-11.
6. "WSA Passport Acceptance - Visas on WSA Passports".
7. What's a World Passport? article by Daniel Engber in (March 24,
8. "WSA Passport Acceptance - Visas on WSA Passports".
World Government of World Citizens. Retrieved 4 December 2014.
9. Achille Lauro killer likely fled to Algeria: Furloughed terrorist used documents
from U.S. to escape, an article by Peggy Polk in The Washington Times (22
March 1996)
10. Private 'authority' issues passports: Escaped terrorist among recipients, an article
by Paige Bowers in The Washington Times (22 March 1996)
11. U.S. State Department Briefing by spokesman Glyn Davies (22 March 1996)
12. Oddities in the news, article in The Calgary Herald (5 May 1975)
13. [1]
14. , , an article by Valeriya
Mozganova on (22 January 1997)
15. , an article from (23 December 2008)
16. Electing to leave: A reader's guide to expatriating on November 3, article by
Bryant Urstadt in Harper's Magazine (October 2004)
Ken O'Keefe - On Being a World Citizen, article by Tim King in Salem News
(10 May 2011)
17. 'World Passport' Given to Nehru by Garry Davis, a Chicago Daily Tribune article
(9 June 1956)
18. Excludable alien with world passport, a Times of India article (10 December
19. 'World passport' to nowhere, The Times of India article (24 May 2007)
20. American Fugitive Expat Sage Million Hiding in Volcan, Panama Guide article
(4 April 2013)