Addressing Modes 8051

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Addressing Modes

The eight addressing modes are:









Immediate Addressing
If the operand is a constant then it can be stored in memory immediately after the
opcode. Remember, values in code memory (ROM) do not change once the
system has been programmed and is in use in the everyday world. Therefore,
immediate addressing is only of use when the data to be read is a constant. For
example, if your program needed to perform some calculations based on the
number of weeks in the year, you could use immediate addressing to load the
number 52 (34H) into a register and then perform arithmetic operations upon this
MOV R0, #34H
The above instruction is an example of immediate addressing. It moves the data
34H into R0. The assembler must be able to tell the difference between an address
and a piece of data. The hash symbol (#) is used for this purpose (whenever the
assembler sees # before a number it knows this is immediate addressing).
This is a two-byte instruction.
If no H is appended to the number it is treated as decimal. For example, to place
the decimal number 28 in R0, we write:
MOV R0, #28
If a hex number begins with a letter, it must be written with a leading zero. For
example, to place A9H in R7, we write:

MOV R7, #0A9H

Register Addressing
Often we need to move data from a register into the accumulator so that we can
perform arithmetic operations upon it. For example, we may wish to move the
contents of R5 into the accumulator.
This is an example of register addressing. It moves data from R5 (in the currently
selected register bank) into the accumulator.
The above is another example of register addressing. It adds the contents of R6 to
the accumulator, storing the result in the accumulator. Note that in both examples
the destination comes first. This is true of all instructions.

Direct Addressing
Direct addressing is used for accessing data in the on-chip RAM. Since there are
256 bytes of RAM (128 bytes general storage for the programmer and another 128
bytes for the SFRs). That means the addresses go from 00H to FFH, any of which
can be stored in an 8-bit location.
MOV A, 67H
The above instruction moves the data in location 67H into the accumulator. Note
the difference between this and immediate addressing. Immediate addressing uses
the data, which is immediately after the instruction. With direct addressing, the
operand is an address. The data to be operated upon is stored in that address. The
assembler realises this is an address and not data because there is no hash symbol
before it.
ADD A, 06H
The above instruction adds the contents of location 06H to the accumulator and
stores the result in the accumulator. If the selected register bank is bank 0 then this
instruction is the same as ADD A, R6.

Indirect Addressing
Register addressing and direct addressing both restrict the programmer to
manipulation of data in fixed addresses. The address the instruction reads from
(MOV A, 30H) or writes to (MOV 30H, A) cannot be altered while the program is
There are times when it is necessary to read and write to a number of contiguous

memory locations. For example, if you had an array of 8-bit numbers stored in
memory, starting at address 30H, you may wish to examine the contents of each
number in the array (perhaps to find the smallest number). To do so, you would
need to read location 30H, then 31H, then 32H and so on.
This can be achieved using indirect addressing. R0 and R1 may be used as pointer
registers. We can use either one to store the current memory location and then use
the indirect addressing instruction shown below.
MOV A, @Ri
where Ri is either R0 or R1.
Now, we can read the contents of location 30H through indirect addressing:
MOV R0, #30H
MOV A, @R0

The first instruction is an example of immediate addressing whereby the data 30H
is placed in R0. The second instruction is indirect addressing. It moves the
contents of location 30H into the accumulator.
If we now wish to get the data in location 31H we use the following:
MOV A, @R0
Once we see how to write a loop in assembly language, we will be able to read the
entire contents of the array.

Relative Addressing
Relative addressing is used only with certain jump instructions. The system
executes a jump by changing the contents of the PC to the address of the next
instruction to be executed. For example, if we wished to jump to the instruction
stored at location 4EH in code memory, the PC would be loaded with 4EH. Then,
during the next execution cycle the contents of the PC (4EH) are placed on the
address bus and the instruction at 4EH is retrieved.
A relative address (or offset) is an 8-bit signed value, which is added to the PC to
form the address of the next instruction to be executed.
With 8-bit signed numbers, the MSB is used to determine whether the number is
positive or negative. If the MSB is 0 then the number is positive, while if the MSB
is 1 the number is negative.
The instruction below shows how to jump six locations ahead.
SJUMP is an unconditional jump and is a 2-byte instruction. The number
following it is an offset address. If this instruction were stored in code memory at
locations 100H and 101H, as shown below:

100H 80H
101H 06H
The opcode for SJMP is 80H. The operand is the offset address. If this instruction
were executed the PC would get the value 108H. This is what happens:

The PC contains 100H, therefore the instruction 80H is read into the IR.

The instruction is decoded as the 2-byte SJMP instruction.

The PC is incremented so that the operand may be retrieved.

The operand is read from code memory and the PC is incremented again
(because this is a 2-bye instruction).

The operand (06H) is added to the PC (102H + 06H = 108H).

The next instruction (at 108H) is executed.

Once we deal with 2's compliment and how negative numbers are dealt with in the
CPU, we will look at a backward jump.
The S in SJMP stands for short. The range of signed 8-bit numbers is -127 to 128.
(Click here to see how signed numbers are stored in a microcontroller.) Therefore,
using SJMP allows us to jump 127 locations forward or 128 locations backward.
Hence the name short jump.
When writing assembly programs we do not need to calculate the offset when
using SJMP. Instead, we use labels. If we wished to jump to the instruction at
108H we would simply label the instruction with an appropriate name, for
example THERE. We would then write the assembly code SJMP THERE. The
assembler does the work of replacing the label with the correct offset.

Absolute Addressing
Absolute addressing is only used with the ACALL and AJMP instructions.
ACALL - subroutine call (2 byte instruction)
AJMP - unconditional jump (2 byte instruction)
These instructions allow you to move to any instruction within the same 2K of
We will look at the AJMP instruction only (at a later date, when we begin dealing
with subroutines we will deal with the ACALL instruction).
The operation of the AJMP instruction is detailed below:
AJMP address
(PC) <- (PC) + 2

(PC10-PC0) <- address10 - address0

Note that only the eleven least significant bits of the PC are altered. The five most
significant bits remain the same. This means the AJMP will only allow you to
jump to a location in the same 2K page as the instruction directly after the jump.
For example:

If the label THERE represents an instruction at address 0F46H and the

instruction AJMP THERE is in memory at locations 0900H and 0901H, the
assembler will encode the instruction as

11100001 1st byte (A10 - A8 + opcode)

01000110 2nd byte (A7 - A0)
The underlined bits are the low-order 11 bits of the destination address, 0F46H =
0000111101000110B. The upper five bits in the program counter will not change
when this instruction executes. Note that both the AJMP instruction and the
destination are within the 2K page bounded by 0800H and 0FFFH, and therefore
have the upper five address bits in common.
The 8051 Microcontroller Third Edition - I. Scott MacKenzie

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