Ututalum Vs Comelec (Digest)

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Ututalum vs.

(EN BANC, G.R. No. 84843-44 January 22, 1990)
Facts: Nurhussein A. Ututalum and Arden S. Anni, were among the
candidates in the 30 May 1987 Congressional elections for the Second
District of Sulu. 30 May was the date reset by the COMELEC from the 11 May
1987 elections. The election returns from Siasi showed that Ututalum
obtained 482 votes while Anni received 35,581 votes out of the 39,801
registered voters. On 4 June 1987, during the canvass of votes, Ututalum,
without availing of verbal objections, filed written objections to the returns
from Siasi on the ground that they appear to be tampered with or falsified
owing to the great excess of votes appearing in said returns. The Provincial
Board of Canvassers of Sulu dismissed Ututalums objections for having filed
out of time. On 11 June l987, in Case SPC 87-180, the COMELEC resolved
that there was no failure of elections in the 1st and 2nd Districts of Sulu
except in specified precincts in the 1st District. On 14 June 1987, the Sulu
Provincial Board of Canvassers proclaimed respondent Anni as the winner.
He subsequently took his oath of office and entered upon the discharge of its
functions in July 1987. On the other hand, one Lupay Loong, a candidate for
Governor of Sulu, filed a verified Petition with the COMELEC to annul the
List of Voters of Siasi, for purposes of the election of local government
officials. This Petition was opposed by Anni. Ututalum was not a party to this
proceeding. On 16 January 1988, the COMELEC issued, in said SPC 87-624, a
Resolution annulling the Siasi List of Voters on the ground of massive
irregularities committed in the preparation thereof and being statistically
improbable, and ordering a new registration of voters for the local elections
of 15 February 1988. Said Resolution was affirmed by the Court in Anni vs.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 81398, 26 January 1988.
A new Registry List was subsequently prepared yielding only 12,555 names.
Ututalums pending petitions in the Comelec were dismissed. He assailed
the Comelecs resolutions before the Supreme Court.
Issue: Whether the annulment of the list of votes constitute a ground for a
pre-proclamation contest.
Held: Padded voters list, massive fraud and terrorism is clearly not among
the issues that may be raised in a pre-proclamation controversy. They are
proper grounds for an election protest. The subsequent annulment of the
voting list in a separate proceeding initiated motu proprio by the
Commission and in which the protagonists here were not parties, cannot
retroactively and without due process result in nullifying accepted election
returns in a previous election simply because such returns came from
municipalities where the precinct books of voters were ordered annulled due
to irregularities in their preparation. The preparation of a voters list is not a
proceeding before the Boardof Canvassers. A pre-proclamation controversy is

limited to challenges directed against the Board of Canvassers, not the Board
of Election Inspectors, and such challenges should relate to specified election
returns against which petitioner should have made specific verbal objections.
Furthermore, where the winning candidates have been proclaimed, the preproclamation controversies cease. A pre-proclamation controversy is no
longer viable at this point in time and should be dismissed. The proper
remedy thereafter is an election protest before the proper forum

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