Shalawat and Let Us Sanjungkan Greetings To Our Master The Prophet Muhammad and The Family, Friends and Followers

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Terrible Sholawat

Written by Ustadz Nur Rohim Jonah, Lc

Shalawat and let us sanjungkan greetings to our master the Prophet Muhammad and the
family, friends and followers.
There are four minor acts which, if we do, then we belong to this class of people that are
not praiseworthy.
1. Someone who throw urine while standing, 2. Someone who wiped his forehead before
the completion of the prayer, 3. Someone who heard adzan but he did not imitate what is
spoken muadzin, 4. someone who, when hearing the name of Prophet Mohammad is
mentioned, but did not read shalawat top.
Prophet Muhammad:

‫ وأن يسمع النداء فل يشهد مثل ما يشهد‬,‫ وأن يمسح جبهته قبل أن يفرغ من الصلة‬,‫أربع من الجفاء أن يبول الرجل وهو قائم‬
‫ )رواه البزار والطبراني‬.‫ وأن أذكر عنده فل يصلي علي‬,‫)المؤذن‬
"The four acts, including acts that are not laudable, namely (a) if a person urinate while
standing, (2) a person who wiped his forehead before the completion of the prayer, (3).
Someone who heard adzan but he did not imitate such a pronounced muadzin, (4) a
person who when hearing my name called, but he did not read shalawat me. (Narrated by
al-Bazzar and Tabhrani)

In daily worship, there are actually a mild acts which, if we do bring terrifying
consequences, and if we leave then we belong to this class of people who do not
reciprocate the favor.
At the moment we have been given assistance by someone else, well would like to
thank the infinite, or maybe say a prayer for his kindness. Similarly, the Prophet who had
issued us from the valley of darkness toward the natural light, so well deserved for us to
always say sholawat and salutations upon him, as an expression of gratitude and our love
for all service and struggle unparalleled in the natural universe this.
In other acts of worship, Allah commanded his servants to do it, but specifically in order
to read shalawat, Allah Ta'ala says that God himself bershalawat it, then ordered the
angels, then the people who believe to bershalawat top. With this further indicates that the
conduct of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH shalawat, not just a mere expression of thanks,
but he also became the main worship.
If we want to know that shalawat including the main worship, then consider and reflect
upon the word of Allah in the Koran:
‫إن ا وملئكته يصلون على النبي ياأيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما‬
"Verily, Allah and his angels, bershalawat the Prophet, O faithful people, bershalawatlah
you to the prophet and say hello to him homage." (Surat al-Ahzab 56).

From these verses we know, only Allah the Creator of the universe and the beings
around the world including our small self, like bershalawat against Prophet Mohammad,
and also the angels who have secured not going to make mistakes helped bershalawat
against the prophet, why us who had been rescued, he was still a very noble service to
forget this. Surely one's actions showed the temperament itself.
‫سيرة المرء تنبأ عن سريرته‬

Shalawat is a worship that is not the natural boundary, the distance or time. This means
that when pronounced it will be natural to penetrate very far sky, hear the angels, and then
helped deliver a prayer for people who speak it, and penetrate the grave nature of human
spoken greeting to the Prophet Mohammad.
The Prophet said:
‫ فأقول وعليه السلم‬,‫ما منكم من أحد سلم علي إذا مت إل جاءني جبريل فقال جبريل يا محمد هذا فلن ابن فلن يقرئك السلم‬
‫ )رواه أبو داود‬.‫)ورحمة ا وبركاته‬.
"There is no one among you who say hello to me after I'm dead, but the angel Gabriel
came to me while saying: 'O Muhammad, this is So and so son of So and so say hello to
you, then I replied:" and upon greeting and grace and blessing from God " . (Narrated by
Abu Dawood)
So what say fadhilah shalawat and salutations upon our master Muhammad the Great
There is some history of the hadith of the Prophet, Companions Atsar Radiallahu Mas'ood
and experiences of some scholars who suggest benefits for those who want bershalawat.

1). Shalawat cleanse sin

Word of the Prophet:
‫ أعلى درجة في الجنة ل ينالها‬:‫ قالوا وما الوسيلة يا رسول ا? قال‬,‫صلو علي فإن الصلة علي زكاة لكم واسألوا ا لي الوسيلة‬
‫ )رواه أحمد في مسنده‬.‫)إل رجل واحد وأنا ارجو أن يكون أنا هو‬
"Read me because actually shalawat shalawat me cleanse your sins and ask God for me
Waseelah". The Companions asked: "whether Waseelah it?" He replied: "the highest
degree in heaven that only one man who will get it and I hope I'm the person who acquired

2). Shalawat rewarding ten grace of God and remove the ten mistakes
Word of the Prophet:
‫)من صلى علي صلة واحدة صلى ا عليه عشر صلوات وحط عنه عشر خطيآت )رواه النسائي‬
"Whoever reads one shalawat shalawat me God will lose ten mercy to him and remove the
ten mistakes" (Narrated by Nasai)

3). Granted hunger in the world and the hereafter

Saw him the Word:
‫ سبعين منها في الخرة وثلثين في الدنيا‬,‫من صلى علي في اليوم مائة مرة قضى ا له مائة حاجة‬
"Whoever reads shalawat me one day a hundred times, Allah will fulfill his business a
hundred, 70 of them later in the hereafter, and 30 in the world. (Book Jam'ul Jawami ',
Subject: 796)

4). The lifting of the degree of human

Saw him the Word:
.‫من صلى علي من أمتي مخلصا من قلبه صلة واحدة صلى ا عليه عشر صلوات ورفع عشر درجات ومحا عنه عشر سيئات‬
‫))رواه النسائ‬
"Whoever among my people who read shalawat me one time with sincerity of heart, then
God's mercy down ten to him, lifted him ten degrees, and remove ten mistakes". (Narrated
by Nasai)

5). Making quick prayer answered

Behold, Ra Umar bin Khattab said: "I heard that prayer is detained between the heavens
and the earth, will not be able to go up, so read shalawat the prophet Muhammed." (Atsar
Hasan, History of al-Tirmidhi)

Muslim brethren a happy Ahad trial.

There is a story, that great scholar Sufyan Tsauri ATS is being thawaf surround the temple
and saw a person every time his feet and lowered shalawat always read the prophets.
Sufyan said: "Verily, thou hast been left beads and the Prophet, are you just doing
shalawat the Prophet. Are there grounds for you special? The man answered: "Who are
you? May God forgive you. Sufyan replied: "I was Sufyan tsauri ATS." The man said: "if
you are not special in this masamu I certainly will not let this problem and show this
Then people said to Sufyan: "when I did my pilgrimage with my father, and when he was
near his head my father died and his face was black, then I say" wa inna innalillah rajiun
divine "and I covered her face with a cloth. Then I fell asleep and dreaming, where I see
someone who is very handsome, very clean and wiped the face of my father and my
father's face instantly changed to white. When a handsome man will go, then I hold her
clothes as she asked: "O servant of God who are you? How is because God made you my
father's face instantly changed to white in this special place?. The man answered: "do you
not recognize me? I was carrying Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Quran. In fact your father
was among those who exceed the limits (many sins) but he read much shalawat me.
When he was in this atmosphere, he asked for help to me, So I give him help, because I
like to bring relief to the people who reproduce shalawat me a lot. " After that I woke up
from sleep, and I see my father's face turned white. (From the Book: Tanbihun Ghofilin, as-
Samarqhondi, pp: 261)
Shawalat replies so fierce against the Prophet. so for anyone who said it would involve God, the
angels and Prophet Muhammad responded directly, not just reward, reward or salvation in the
hereafter, but also the power of intercession of the Prophet Mohammad.
People who heard shalawat the prophets, but did not answer it and then he died and go to hell, then
distanced from the mercy of God.
Word of the Prophet:
"Gabriel came to me and said:" O Muhammad, whoever will get the month of ramadan but he was
not forgiven for his sin, then he will die and go to hell, God shall take away from the gift. I replied:
"amen." Gabriel said: "whoever is still met with both parents or one of them then do not do good to
his parents, then die and go to hell, then distanced from the mercy of God. I answered: "Amen."
Gabriel said: "Whoever mentioned your name (Muhammad) but he did not read shalawat then he
died and gone to hell, then distanced from the mercy of God. I say "Amen." (Narrated by Ibn
Say shalawat to the Prophet Mohammad, when we are free, while the position will be composed of
our activities, while anytime, anywhere while we can. And if someone spoke shalawat:
‫اللهم صلى على محمد وعلى آل محمد‬
And we answer:
‫اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على محمد‬

Do not forget shalawat, because if we forget that we have forgotten someone who has shown us
straight to the beaten path that the Prophet Mohammad. if we have forgotten shalawat mean we
have forgotten and mistaken from the road we should travel to heaven.
"Whoever forgot to read shawalat me, means he has been wrong from the road to heaven" (Narrated
by Ibn Majah).
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Yes Prophet Salam Alaika
Yes Rosuul greetings alaika
Yes Habiib greetings alaika
Sholawatulloh alaika

In the Qur'an Allah Almighty. said:

"Verily, Allah and his angels bershalawat to the Prophet. O ye who believe! Bershalawatlah you to
the Prophet and say hello homage to him." (Muhammad S. Al-Ahzab verse 56)

Prophet Muhammad. said:

(Narrated by Ibn Murdawaih).

From Abu Hurairah ra. reported the Prophet Muhammad. said:

(Narrated by An-Nasai, Abu Dawood and Ahmad and classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi).

if not now when again ...........
if not under our greetings lai ..........


Shalawat Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

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