A Survey On Agriculture Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network

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International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 5 Issue 5, 2016, ISSN-2319-7560 (Online)

A Survey on Agriculture Monitoring Using

Wireless Sensor Network
Shakeeb Ahmad1, Mujeeb Ur Rehman2 , Mehwish Zaheer3, Rabia Riaz4, Syed Roohullah Jan1
Department of Computer Science, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan

Abstract-Wireless sensor network is an autonomous network which consists of resource constraints sensor motes which are used
to capture various events of interest such as temperature, humidity and pressure. These networks are used in many areas like
agriculture monitoring, health care monitoring, forest fire monitoring, environmental monitoring etc. These networks are used to
monitor various agriculture products or various parameters in agriculture such as the quality of fruits, vegetables, the amount of
oxygen and nitrogen required. In this paper we aim to present the existence studies of wireless sensor networks which are used for
agriculture monitoring. We will explain in details the advantages and dis advantages of the existing studies and we present our own
analysis and conclusion.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Agriculture Monitoring, Sensor Node, Fertilizers



Nowadays agriculture required technology to increase the

production quality. The sensor field in agriculture may bring
out the fundamental contribution to precision agriculture.
The precision agriculture is defined as the method of
applying the correct amount of input (water, fertilizer,
nitrogen etc.) at the accurate location and at the accurate time
to increase production and improve quality, while protecting
the environment.
WSN is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed
autonomous devices using sensors to cooperatively monitor
physical or environmental conditions. Each node consists of
processor, have a RF transceiver (Omni-directional
antenna), have a power unit (e.g. AA batteries, quartz cells
and solar cells) and accommodate various sensors. The
nodes communicate wirelessly.



Farmer experiences huge economic losses due to wrong

prediction about weather and wrong irrigation method.
When the Wireless Sensor Network is developed now it is
very easy to apply them for increasing the quality and
quantity of crops. Nowadays it is huge problem because of
unawareness about the techniques methodologies and tools
used and type of soil content, type of fertilizers to be added.
Currently inquiry of soil to increase quantity of crop
production is not utilized very much due to
the high price. As there is very big field for crop so the soil
sample cannot be efficient to send to lab which will represent
the whole land because whole land has different types of


To use sensor motes it is computationally high in

terms of energy. The achievement of sensor motes
applications is based on consistent transmission of data
packets among sensor motes. One of the major problems in
WSN environments is the resource starvation problem. High
energy is spent in data transmission from sensor nodes to the
base station.



The suggested irrigation management system in [1] which

was utilizing intelligent humidity sensor and low power
SWT for facilitating irrigation management. The monitoring
device used in this paper is laptop/computer. The proposed
system in [2] determines the soil moisture and necessity of
water to crop in order to supply just the right amount of water
just enough to maintain moisture level. A microcontroller is
used to control the operation along with relay switch and
pump. The proposed system in [3] uses the sensor node that
include JN5121 module, an IEEE 802.15.4/zigbee wireless
microcontroller. GPRS gateway was used for long distance
data transmission. The mobile unit was used as monitoring
The proposed system in [4], a study of zigbee based wireless
sensor network in agriculture was carried out. This paper has
reviewed few issues regarding zigbee in agriculture, i.e.,
how the factors like node spacing, antenna height, and
density of leaves affects the signal strength. The energy
efficient WSN for agriculture proposed in [5] uses the sensor
node equipment with CC1110 system on chip with low
power RF Trans receiver and 8051 MCU from texas. A CC
1110 evaluation module plugged into smart RF04 evaluation
board whos LCD and LED buttons are readily available for
monitoring and control. The hardware allows radio
transmission in multiple power levels and also allow user to
change receiver sensitivity. The proposed system in [6] also


International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications

Volume 5 Issue 5, 2016, ISSN-2319-7560 (Online)
includes the camera nodes and cattle sensor network along
with the soil moisture sensor.
The instrument in [7] [9] [10] is designed to monitor the soil
temperature and humidity of agriculture environment. The
tests were done to verify the reliability and accuracy of the
temperature and humidity monitoring system. Two different
sets of test were conducted i.e. in close room and open room
environment [7] [11-22]. The position estimation of sensor
nodes in WSN for precision agriculture generally include
errors and it is concluded that the average value of
localization error decreases with the signal propagation
coefficient and proved that the robustness of NMDS
(nonmetric multidimensional scaling) algorithm for bad
environment [8] [23-29].



Pakistan is one of the Worlds largest mangoes production

country. Its requirement for water and fertilizer are equally
Heat, humidity and sunlight plays important role
in mangoes growth, vegetative growth and ripeness.
Mangoes grow well in humid and hot weather. It requires
humidity of 70% for more vegetative growth.it is clear that
growth of mangoes crop is highly dependent on few climatic
factors like air temperature, humidity, and soil temperature
and soil moisture. So it is essential to monitor few climatic
conditions for the better yield of mangoes.
This paper would take the opportunity to build a device that
is able to monitor the humidity, temperature , and soil
temperature and send it to a remote receiver which will be
outside the field. The system represented in this paper
consists of the microcontroller, base station, nodes, device
control node and mobile phone. The WSN data collecting
node is connected with temperature, soil moisture and
humidity sensor. When these sensor nodes find an irregular
or improper environment condition of the soil the nodes will
send alarm signal to base station which will be encoded.
Once the base station receives an alarm signal, it will send a
SMS to farmer through the GSM module and GSM network
a) Sensor node
The sensor node is very important unit of the environmental
monitoring information system; its task is to attain
communication of environmental data.
A node consists of four basic components which are sensor,
power unit, processor and radio transceiver. The sensor
converts such measured physical quantities as temperature,
humidity etc. into a voltage signal and digitizes it to produce
digital output for processing. The processor with a
microcontroller controls all of the functions of the sensor
node and manages the communication protocols to carry out
specific tasks [30-39]. Communication between the WSN
node and the base station is provided by the Radio
transceiver unit. And finally the power unit, which is the


most essential component of a sensor node, supplies power

to all of these units.

b) Base station unit

This unit is responsible for collecting the data from all the
sensor nodes [40-49] and critically evaluates the data, if it
finds an abnormal or unsuitable environment condition of
the soil, the base station send a SMS to farmer through the
GSM module and GSM network immediately.



The proposed system in this paper is designed by

considering the requirement of a mangoes crop for Pakistan
weather. The WSN in agriculture is new technology for
information gaining and processing in mangoes field. It is
more beneficial than the traditional agriculture techniques.
This is low cost system where the recorded information is
transmitted to remote location using a GSM network via a
SMS. The farmer may use the received information to
control the parameters. This kind of wireless detection and
control improves the effectiveness and efficiency of
resources used, which leads to the improved production. The
drawback of system is its dependency on the GSM network.

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