The Secret of Fire and Ice The Supplement To The Text 1995 by Michael Aquino
The Secret of Fire and Ice The Supplement To The Text 1995 by Michael Aquino
The Secret of Fire and Ice The Supplement To The Text 1995 by Michael Aquino
Appendix B withstand the emergent Powers of Darkness and banish them again to
Preface to Fire and Ice the Outer Spheres.
- by - Today, a half-century later, the world has not yet recovered from
Michael A. Aquino that experience. Tolkien's Mordor is still felt to harbor the ghosts of
Germany is the most disturbing place in the world. Sauron and Morgoth beneath its affable Gemutlichkeit. Germany
Other nations, other cultures have their folklore, their remains divided in two; like Siegfried's blade it is thought to be much
superstitions, their sacred groves and magical mountains. Tourists in less dangerous that way. Authors and screenwriters know that
England may imagine primeval Rites of Spring at Stonehenge, while German villains are easily the most diabolical, and if you add a dash
visitors to Egypt or Mexico gaze at the towering pyramids in ecstatic of the supernatural to their menace— as in Raiders of the Lost Ark —
awe of their age and grandeur. Pilgrims to Mecca adore a sacred rock an exquisitely frightful combination results.
covered in silk, while in Rome the faithful seek the favor of St. Peter The roots of contemporary Western occultism are also to be found
by kissing the foot of his statue. in the swirling Nacht und Nebel of Germany. The Freemasons, Vehm,
But all these sites, relics, and curios are tacitly assigned to a role Rosicrucians, Ariosophists, Thule Gesellschaft, and Illuminati all
apart from what modern civilization smugly defines as reality. sprang from its enchanted soil. Even the famous Hermetic Order of
Perhaps they were indeed real to an ancient civilization, or even to the Golden Dawn, that most British of occult fraternities, seduced
our own grandparents. In this technological era of computers and aspirants with claims of its German origins. When Reichsfuhrer—SS
space shuttles, however, they are dismissed as mere baubles for the Heinrich Himmler constructed Black Magical ritual chambers in
commercial titillation of tourists or religious fanatics. Westphalia's Wewelsburg Castle as the Mittelpunkt der Welt, he was
In Germany this reassuring distinction does not exist. merely formalizing what occultists had known all along: that here
Sail down the Rhine and you pass castles erected in the mists of was the wellspring of what some call knowledge and others, less
prehistory by gods, giants, or daamons, close by cliffs from whose boldly, call evil.
heights phantom sirens enticed mariners to their doom; the river So why, amid the flood of books on contemporary occultism, has so
itself gleams with a golden hoard which brought about the ruin of the little been written about the esoteric influence of Germany?
ancient world of the gods and inaugurated that of mankind in its The answer is obvious, yet itself so controversial that it is rarely
place. Wander through the Teutoburger Forest to the Externsteine, openly acknowledged. German occultism leads too quickly into
that stark, haunted cairn which fixes the heavens in their place. In forbidden realms such as racial differences, social Darwinism,
the vastness of Thuringia gaze upon the Kyffhauser mountain wherein unhallowed prehistoric civilizations and Judaso-Christianity's
the Emperor Barbarossa slumbers, awaiting the call of his ancient corruption of the human soul. Few are the authors and publishers who
warriors to lead them again across the frozen wastes to Kharkov. dare tread such dangerous ground, even fortified with suitably pious
Enter Munich's Frauenkirche cathedral across the flagstones wherein disclaimers. As for the self-professed pagans of today's Age of
the impression of the Devil's cloven foot burns to this day. Stroll Aquarius, nestled in gentle fantasies of candles and crystals, they
through the bustling capital of Bonn amidst gleaming skyscrapers and are among the first to cry for suppression of That which lies beyond,
polished Mercedes limousines— then raise your eyes to behold on a fearing that an aroused, hysterical public would savage them as
distant crag the baleful ruins of Drachenfels, the fearsome dragon- cruelly as it would genuine disciples of the Black Arts.
castle of hushed and unholy legend. In Germany the spectres of Stephen Flowers has dared to open the gate which was not to be
nameless things glide silently among the living, and that which ought opened. In a series of books under the nom de plume of Edred
never to be is only too real.
Thorsson, he has already unveiled the mysteries of the Runes, that
And so this nation has been instinctively feared by the rest of the most mysterious of magical mechanisms, and has rescued Guido von
world far beyond whatever military or economic power it has held at List's classical treatise on that subject from the obscurity in which
any particular time. When Mussolini dressed his Fasci di it has languished for almost a century. Now in the present work he
Combattimento in black-and-silver uniforms, observers dismissed it has turned his attention to the Fraternitas Saturni. Why has he done
as comic and theatrical. When the same colors appeared on Nazi this? And why for that matter should anyone care about this
Germany's Schutzstaffel, however, it wasn't in the least amusing. particular institution?
Rather it heralded precisely what Germany's neighbors had dreaded Books on occultism are generally written either by passionate
for so long: the reawakening of ancient sorceries allied with modern pretenders frantic for self-advertisement, or by historians equally
science— Siegfried's enchanted sword reforged in the furnaces of the anxious to disassociate themselves from the bewildering absurdities
Krupps. Against the rest of the Axis, World War II was just another they describe. Stephen Flowers, fortunately for the reader, labors
war. But against Germany it was a holy crusade against a
under neither hindrance. The meticulous and methodical scholar, he
metaphysical horror beyond mere politics— a desperate campaign to
received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Germanic Studies from
10 11
the University of Texas and has gone on to teach a series of
distinguished collegiate courses in that field. Just as systematically
he has personally experimented with the various esoteric arts and
sciences he has investigated, and is not the least apologetic for
having done so. He is quitely recognized as an authority within
several prestigious initiatory environments, and has been a mentor
and counselor to a good many occult authorities whose names are
more widely publicized than his own.
He undertook this particular book because the Fraternitas Saturni
seemed to him both significant and unappreciated as an occult
phenomenon. At first glance it appears to be little more than an early
O.T.O. clone which was a bit more reluctant to be devoured by
Aleister Crowley than its better known predecessor. Certainly its
emphasis upon a sexual interpretation of magic stems from the O.T.O.
Yet, as Flowers points out, the Fraternitas Saturni diverged from the
O.T.O in one very meaningful respect. For Saturnine, magic was a
means of transcending a naturally-ordered existence— not of ritual
obliteration of the self within it. By this simple affirmation the
Fraternitas Saturni removed itself from the Right-Hand Path and
placed itself squarely on the Via Sinistra, whose distinctive feature
is rejection of the universe as it is perceived to be structured.
Nevertheless the fraternity failed to successfully negotiate the
Black Brick Road, relying as it did upon a natural mechanism of the
body — sex — to catalyze its Workings. In an appendix to this book
Flowers explores this delicate subject with more insight and candor
than have ever graced far more turgid writings on the subject—
including those of the Fraternitas Saturni itself. Per Flowers'
analysis, one can see how so many would-be sex magicians have
charged like lemmings into this alluring ocean. If they then vanish
beneath the surface with a grunt and a squeal, should one be
You will enjoy this book. You will also learn a great deal from it. It
is written by someone who knows his stuff, on a subject that is
directly relevant to the major occult issues of our time. Let us all
pester the author to write more books like it.