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Gestopa Vs CA (Case Digest)

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Topic: Donation Inter Vivos and Mortis Causa

Petitioners-Spouses Agripino and Isabel Silario Gestopa
Respondents-Court of Appeals and Mercedes Danlag y Pilapil

Spouses Diego and Catalina Danlag were the owners of the 6 parcels of unregistered lands and they executed
three deeds of donation mortis causa, two of which are in favor of private respondent Mercedes Danlag-Pilapil which were
embodied in a deed: The first deed pertained to parcels 1 & 2; second deed pertain to parcel 3 and the last deed contained
parcel 4. The spouses have maintained that in all the deeds they have executed, it has the reservation of the rights of the
donors (1) to amend, cancel or revoke the donation during their lifetime, and (2) to sell, mortgage, or encumber the
properties donated during the donors' lifetime, if deemed necessary.
Subsequently, Diego with the consent of his wife executed a deed of donation inter vivos (January 16, 1973)
covering the aforementioned parcels of land plus two other parcels still in favor of Mercedes. This contained two
conditions, that (1) the Danlag spouses shall continue to enjoy the fruits of the land during their lifetime, and that (2) the
donee can not sell or dispose of the land during the lifetime of the said spouses, without their prior consent and approval.
Mercedes caused the transfer of the parcels' tax declaration to her name and paid the taxes on them.
Sometime in 1979, the spouses Danlag sold parcels 3 and 4 (same lands covered in the two donations made) to
herein petitioners, Mr. and Mrs. Agripino Gestopa. On September 29, 1979, the Danlags executed a deed of revocation
recovering the six parcels of land subject of the aforecited deed of donation inter vivos.

Respondent’s contention:
-filed against the Gestopas and the Danlags, for quieting of title over the above parcels of land; that she was an illegitimate
daughter of Diego Danlag; that she lived and rendered incalculable beneficial services to Diego and his mother, Maura
Danlag, when the latter was still alive and in recognition of the services she rendered, Diego executed a Deed of Donation
conveying to her the parcels of land; that she accepted the donation in the same instrument, openly and publicly exercised
rights of ownership over the donated properties, and caused the transfer of the tax declarations to her name; that she
had complied all the conditions in the donation or she has not been guilty of any act of ingratitude, and; that Diego had
no legal basis to revoke the donation and to sell it to the petitioners.

Petitioner’s contention:
-the donation made on January 16, 1973 (referring to the inter vivos or the second donation) was null and void because it
was obtained by Mercedes through machinations and undue influence and it left the donor without any property at all;
that even assuming it was validly executed, the intention was for the donation to take effect upon the death of the donor.
-that the donor did not only reserve the right to enjoy the fruits of the properties, but also prohibited the done from selling
or disposing the land without the consent and approval of the Danlag spouses which implies that the donor still had control
and ownership over the donated properties. Hence, the donation was post mortem.

Ruling of the Trial Court:

-favored the plaintiff and ruled that the reservation clause in all the deeds of donation indicated that Diego did not make
any donation and the purchase by Mercedes of the two parcels of land covered by the Deed of Donation Inter Vivos
bolstered this conclusion, and; that Mercedes committed fraud and machination in preparing all the deeds of donation
without explaining to Diego their contents.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals:
-reversed the trial court and ruled that the deed of donation inter vivos dated January 16, 1973 as not having been revoked
and consequently the same remains in full force and effect; that the reservation by the donor of lifetime usufruct indicated
that he transferred to Mercedes the ownership over the donated properties; that the right to sell belonged to the donee,
and the donor's right referred to that of merely giving consent; that the donor changed his intention by donating inter
vivos properties already donated mortis causa; that the transfer to Mercedes' name of the tax declarations pertaining to
the donated properties implied that the donation was inter vivos; and that Mercedes did not purchase two of the six
parcels of land donated to her.

Whether or not the donation was inter vivos or mortis causa?

It is a donation inter vivos.

Crucial in resolving whether the donation was inter vivos or mortis causa is the determination of whether the
donor intended to transfer the ownership over the properties upon the execution of the deed. In ascertaining the
intention of the donor, all of the deed's provisions must be read together.

In this case, first, the granting clause shows that Diego donated the properties out of love and affection for the
done and this is a mark of a donation inter vivos. Second, the reservation of lifetime usufruct indicates that the donor
intended to transfer the naked ownership over the properties. Third, the donor reserved sufficient properties for his
maintenance in accordance with his standing in society, indicating that the donor intended to part with the six parcels of
land. Lastly, the donee accepted the donation. An acceptance clause is a mark that the donation is inter vivos. Acceptance
is a requirement for donations inter vivos. Donations mortis causa, being in the form of a will, are not required to be
accepted by the donees during the donors' lifetime.

A limitation on the right to sell during the donors' lifetime implied that ownership had passed to the donees and
donation was already effective during the donors' lifetime. The attending circumstances in the execution of the subject
donation also demonstrated the real intent of the donor to transfer the ownership over the subject properties upon its
execution. Prior to the execution of donation inter vivos, the Danlag spouses already executed three donations mortis

Lastly, a valid donation, once accepted, becomes irrevocable, except on account of officiousness, failure by the
donee to comply with the charges imposed in the donation, or ingratitude. The donor-spouses did not invoke any of
these reasons in the deed of revocation. Furthermore, the records do not show that the donor-spouses instituted any
action to revoke the, consequently, the supposed revocation on September 29, 1979, had no legal effect.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition for review is DENIED. The assailed decision of the Court of Appeals, is AFFIRMED.

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