Solar Power System Calculation

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The document outlines a six-step methodology for sizing standalone solar photovoltaic power systems based on site conditions and load requirements.

The six steps involve: 1) estimating solar irradiation, 2) collecting loads, 3) constructing a load profile, 4) sizing battery capacity, 5) estimating module output, and 6) sizing the photovoltaic array.

A solar module's output is affected by factors like the effective photovoltaic cell temperature, dirt accumulation, and temperature coefficients that cause its power output to vary with ambient temperature.

Solar System Sizing - Open Electrical

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Solar System Sizing

From Open Electrical

1 Introduction
1.1 Why do the calculation?
1.2 When to do the calculation?
2 Calculation Methodology
2.1 Step 1: Estimate Solar Irradiation at the Site
2.1.1 Baseline Solar Irradiation Data
2.1.2 Solar Irradiation on an Inclined Plane
2.1.3 Solar Trackers
2.1.4 Non-Standard Applications
2.2 Step 2: Collect the Solar Power System Loads
2.3 Step 3: Construct a Load Profile
2.4 Step 4: Battery Capacity Sizing
2.5 Step 5: Estimate a Single PV Module's Output
2.5.1 Effective PV Cell Temperature
2.5.2 Standard Regulator
2.5.3 MPPT Regulator
2.6 Step 6: Size the PV Array
2.6.1 Standard Regulator
2.6.2 MPPT Controller
3 Worked Example
3.1 Step 1: Estimate Solar Irradiation at the Site
3.2 Step 2 and 3: Collect Loads and Construct a Load Profile
3.3 Step 4: Battery Capacity Sizing
3.4 Step 5: Estimate a Single PV Module's Output
3.5 Step 6: Size the PV Array
4 Computer Software
5 What Next?

This calculation outlines the sizing of a standalone solar
photovoltaic (PV) power system. Standalone PV systems are
commonly used to supply power to small, remote installations
(e.g. telecoms) where it isn't practical or cost-efficient to run a
transmission line or have alternative generation such as diesel


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Although this calculation is biased towards standalone solar PV

systems, it can also be used for hybrid systems that draw power
from mixed sources (e.g. commercial PV, hybrid wind-PV
systems, etc). Loads must be adjusted according to the desired
amount that the solar PV system will supply.
This calculation is based on crystalline silicon PV technology.
The results may not hold for other types of solar PV
technologies and the manufacturer's recommendations will
need to be consulted.

Why do the calculation?

This calculation should be done whenever a solar PV power
system is required so that the system is able to adequately cater
for the necessary loads. The results can be used to determine
the ratings of the system components (e.g. PV array, batteries,

Figure 1. Solar PV array

When to do the calculation?

The following pre-requisite information is required before performing the calculation:
Loads required to be supported by the solar PV system
Autonomy time or minimum tolerable downtime (i.e. if there is no sun, how long can the
system be out of service?)
GPS coordinates of the site (or measurements of the solar insolation at the site)
Output voltage (AC or DC)

Calculation Methodology
The calculation is loosely based on AS/NZS 4509.2 (2002)
( "Standalone power systems - System
design guidelines". The methodology has the following six steps:
Step 1: Estimate the solar irradiation available at the site (based on GPS coordinates or
Step 2: Collect the loads that will be supported by the system
Step 3: Construct a load profile and calculate design load and design energy
Step 4: Calculate the required battery capacity based on the design loads
Step 5: Estimate the output of a single PV module at the proposed site location
Step 6: Calculate size of the PV array

Step 1: Estimate Solar Irradiation at the Site

The first step is to determine the solar
resource availability at the site. Solar
resources are typically discussed in
terms of solar radiation, which is more


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or less the catch-all term for sunlight

shining on a surface. Solar radiation
consists of three main components:
Direct or beam radiation
is made up of beams of
unscattered and unreflected
light reaching the surface in
a straight line directly from
the sun
Diffuse radiation is
scattered light reaching the
surface from the whole sky
Figure 2. World solar irradiation map
(but not directly from the
Albedo radiation is is light reflected onto the surface from the ground
Solar radiation can be quantitatively measured by irradiance and irradiation. Note that the terms are distinct
- "irradiance" refers to the density of the power that falls on a surface (W / m2) and "irradiation" is the
density of the energy that falls on a surface over some period of time such as an hour or a day (e.g. Wh /

m2 per hour/day).
In this section, we will estimate the solar radiation available at the site based on data collected in the past.
However, it needs to be stressed that solar radiation is statistically random in nature and there is inherent
uncertainty in using past data to predict future irradiation. Therefore, we will need to build in design
margins so that the system is robust to prediction error.
Baseline Solar Irradiation Data
The easiest option is to estimate the solar irradiation (or solar insolation) by inputting the GPS coordinates
of the site into the NASA Surface Meteorology and Solar Resource ( website.
For any given set of GPS coordinates, the website provides first pass estimates of the monthly minimum,
average and maximum solar irradiation (in kWh / m2 / day) at ground level and at various tilt angles.
Collect this data, choose an appropriate tilt angle and identify the best and worst months of the year in
terms of solar irradiation. Alternatively, for US locations data from the National Solar Radiation Database
( can be used.
The minimum, average and maximum daytime temperatures at the site can also be determined from the
public databases listed above. These temperatures will be used later when calculating the effective PV cell
Actual solar irradiation measurements can also be made at the site. Provided that the measurements are
taken over a long enough period (or cross-referenced / combined with public data), then the measurements
would provide a more accurate estimate of the solar irradiation at the site as they would capture site specific
characteristics, e.g. any obstructions to solar radiation such as large buildings, trees, mountains, etc.


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Solar Irradiation on an Inclined Plane

Most PV arrays are installed such that they face the equator at an incline to the horizontal (for maximum
solar collection). The amount of solar irradiation collected on inclined surfaces is different to the amount
collected on a horizontal surface. It is theoretically possible to accurately estimate the solar irradiation on
any inclined surface given the solar irradiation on an horizontal plane and the tilt angle (there are numerous
research papers on this topic, for example the work done by Liu and Jordan in 1960).
However, for the practical purpose of designing a solar PV system, we'll only look at estimating the solar
irradiation at the optimal tilt angle, which is the incline that collects the most solar irradiation. The optimal
tilt angle largely depends on the latitude of the site. At greater latitudes, the optimal tilt angle is higher as it
favours summertime radiation collection over wintertime collection. The Handbook of Photovoltaic Science
and Engineering ( suggests a linear approximation to calculating the optimal tilt angle:


is the optimal tilt angle (deg)

is the latitude of the site (deg)

The handbook also suggests a polynomial approximation for the solar irradiation at the optimal tilt angle:


is the solar irradiation on a surface at the optimal tilt angle (Wh / m2)
is the solar irradiation on the horizontal plane (Wh / m2)
is the optimal tilt angle (deg)

Alternatively, the estimated irradiation data on tilted planes can be sourced directly from the various public
databases listed above.
Solar Trackers
Solar trackers are mechanical devices that can track the position of the sun throughout the day and orient
the PV array accordingly. The use of trackers can significantly increase the solar irradiation collected by a
surface. Solar trackers typically increase irradiation by 1.2 to 1.4 times (for 1-axis trackers) and 1.3 to 1.5
times (for 2-axis trackers) compared to a fixed surface at the optimal tilt angle.
Non-Standard Applications
A solar irradiation loss factor should be used for applications where there are high tilt angles (e.g. vertical
PV arrays as part of a building facade) or very low tilt angles (e.g. North-South horizontal trackers). This is
because the the solar irradiation is significantly affected (detrimentally) when the angle of incidence is high


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or the solar radiation is mainly diffuse (i.e. no albedo effects from ground reflections). For more details on
this loss factor, consult the standard ASHRAE 93, "Methods of testing to determine the thermal
performance of solar collectors" (
product_id=1703551) .

Step 2: Collect the Solar Power System Loads

The next step is to determine the type and quantity of loads that the solar power system needs to support.
For remote industrial applications, such as metering stations, the loads are normally for control systems and
instrumentation equipment. For commercial applications, such as telecommunications, the loads are the
telecoms hardware and possibly some small area lighting for maintenance. For rural electrification and
residential applications, the loads are typically domestic lighting and low-powered apppliances, e.g.
computers, radios, small tv's, etc.

Step 3: Construct a Load Profile

Refer to the Load Profile Calculation for details on how to construct a load profile and calculate the design
load (
) and design energy (
). Typically, the "24 Hour Profile" method for constructing a load profile
is used for Solar Power Systems.

Step 4: Battery Capacity Sizing

In a solar PV power system, the battery is used to provide backup energy storage and also to maintain
output voltage stability. Refer to the Battery Sizing Calculation for details on how to size the battery for the
solar power system.

Step 5: Estimate a Single PV Module's Output

It is assumed that a specific PV module type (e.g Suntech STP070S-12Bb) has been selected and the
following parameters collected:

Peak module power,

Nominal voltage
Open circuit voltage
Optimum operating voltage
Short circuit current
Optimum operating current
(% per deg C)
Peak power temperature coefficient
Manufacturer's power output tolerance

Manufacturers usually quote these PV module parameters based on Standard Test Conditions (STC): an
irradiance of 1,000 W / m2, the standard reference spectral irradiance with Air Mass 1.5 (see the NREL
site ( for more details) and a cell temperature of 25 deg C.
Standard test conditions rarely prevail on site and when the PV module are installed in the field, the output
must be de-rated accordingly.


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Effecti e PV Cell Temperature

Firstly, the average effective PV cell temperature at the installation site needs to be calculated (as it will be
used in the subsequent calculations). It can be estimated for each month using AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


is the average effective PV cell temperature (deg C)

is the average daytime ambient temperature at the site (deg C)



For a solar power system using a standard switched charge regulator / controller, the derated power output
of the PV module can be calculated using AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


is the derated power output of the PV module using a standard switched charge controller
is the daily average operating voltage (Vdc)
is the module output current based on the daily average operating voltage, at the effective
average cell temperature and solar irradiance at the site - more on this below (A)
is the manufacturer's power output tolerance (pu)
is the derating factor for dirt / soiling (Clean: 1.0, Low: 0.98, Med: 0.97, High: 0.92)

To estimate
, you will need the IV characteristic curve of the PV module at the effective cell
temperature calculated above. For a switched regulator, the average PV module operating voltage is
generally equal to the average battery voltage less voltage drops across the cables and regulator.


For a solar power system using a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) charge regulator / controller, the
derated power output of the PV module can be calculated using AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


is the derated power output of the PV module using an MPPT charge controller (W)
is the nominal module power under standard test conditions (W)
is the manufacturer's power output tolerance (pu)
is the derating factor for dirt / soiling (Clean: 1.0, Low: 0.98, Med: 0.97, High: 0.92)
is the temperature derating factor - see below (pu)


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The temperature derating factor is determined from AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


is temperature derating factor (pu)

is the Power Temperature Coefficient (% per deg C)
is the average effective PV cell temperature (deg C)
is the temperature under standard test conditions (typically 25 deg C)

Step : Size the PV Array

The sizing of the PV array described below is based on the method outlined in AS/NZS 4509.2. There are
alternative sizing methodologies, for example the method based on reliability in terms of loss of load
probability (LLP), but these methods will not be further elaborated in this article. The fact that there is no
commonly accepted sizing methodology reflects the difficulty of performing what is an inherently uncertain
task (i.e. a prediction exercise with many random factors involved).


The number of PV modules required for the PV array can be found by using AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


is the number of PV modules required

is the derated power output of the PV module (W)
is the total design daily energy (VAh)
is the oversupply co-efficient (pu)
is the solar irradiation after all factors (e.g. tilt angle, tracking, etc) have been captured
(kWh / m2 / day)
is the coulombic efficiency of the battery (pu)

is a design contingency factor to capture the uncertainty in designing solar

The oversupply coefficient
power systems where future solar irradiation is not deterministic. AS/NZS 4509.2 Table 1 recommends
oversupply coefficients of between 1.3 and 2.0.
A battery coulombic efficiency of approximately 95% would be typically used.
MPPT Controller
The number of PV modules required for the PV array can be found by using AS\NZS 4509.2 equation


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is the number of PV modules required

is the derated power output of the PV module (W)
is the total design daily energy (VAh)
is the oversupply coefficient (pu)
is the solar irradiation after all factors (e.g. tilt angle, tracking, etc) have been captured
(kWh / m2 / day)
is the efficiency of the PV sub-system (pu)

The oversupply coefficient

is a design contingency factor to capture the uncertainty in designing solar
power systems where future solar irradiation is not deterministic. AS/NZS 4509.2 Table 1 recommends
oversupply coefficients of between 1.3 and 2.0.
is the combined efficiencies of the charge regulator / controller,
The efficiency of the PV sub-system
battery and transmission through the cable between the PV array and the battery. This will depend on
specific circumstances (for example, the PV array a large distance from the battery), though an efficiency of
around 90% would be typically used.

Worked E ample
A small standalone solar power system will be designed for a telecommunications outpost located in the

Step 1: Estimate Solar Irradiation at the Site

From site measurements, the solar irradiation at the site during the worst month at the optimal title angle is
4.05 kWh/m2/day.

Step 2 and 3: Collect Loads and Construct a Load Profile

For this example, we shall use the same
loads and load profile detailed in the
Energy Load Profile Calculation example.
The load profile is shown in the figure
right and the following quantities were
Design load Sd = 768 VA
Design energy demand Ed =
3,216 VAh

Step 4: Battery Capacity Sizing


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For this example, we shall use the same

battery sizes calculated in the Battery
Sizing Calculation] worked example. The
selected number of cells in series is 62
cells and the minimum battery capacity is
44.4 Ah.

Step 5: Estimate a Single PV

Module's Output
A PV module with the following
characteristics is chosen:
Peak module power,
Nominal voltage
Peak power temperature
% per deg C
Manufacturer's power output tolerance

Figure 3. Load profile for this example

Suppose the average daytime ambient temperature is 40C. The effective PV cell temperature is:

deg C
An MPPT controller will be used. The temperature derating factor is therefore:

Given a medium dirt derating factor of 0.97, the derated power output of the PV module is:

Step : Size the PV Array

Given an oversupply coefficient of 1.1 and a PV sub-system efficiency of 85%, the number of PV modules
required for the PV array for a MPPT regulator is:

10.9588 modules


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For this PV array, 12 modules are selected.

Computer Software
It is recommended that the solar PV system sized in this calculation is simulated with computer software.
For example, HOMER ( is a popular software package for simulating and
optimising a distributed generation (DG) system originally developed by the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory (NREL).
Screenshots from HOMER software

PV Output

Battery Output

What Ne t?
With the sizing calculation completed, the solar PV equipment (PV array, batteries, charge controllers, etc)
can be specified and a cost estimate or budget enquiry / requisition package issued. The approximate
dimensions of the equipment (especially the PV array and batteries) can also be estimated and a design
layout can be produced.
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Categories: Calculations | Solar | Renewable Energy
This page was last modified on 7 April 2013, at 09:34.


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