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The document provides an extensive overview of Kryptonian culture, history, powers, and technology based on various comic storylines.

The main topics covered include appearance and physiology of Kryptonians, Kryptonite, history and culture, religion and virtues, technology, and references.

Some of the key technologies mentioned include sunstones, military gauntlets, archer rifles, birthing matrices, regeneration matrices, service robots, solar converters, and phantom zone projectors.

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Kryptonian Database
Modern Age through Pre-Flashpoint

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database

Table of Contents:
1) Appearance, Physiology & Powers

2) Kryptonite


3) History, Culture & Guilds


4) Religion & Virtues


5) Technology


6) References / Citations


This resource is detailed but not exhaustive; with over two decades worth of storytelling to
cover, it is very well possible that pertinent information was missed. As readers will see,
inconsistencies appear over time from various reasons involving DC writers and editorial staff.
Many of these are fixed with retro-active continuity (retcon). Some of these fixes create
problems of their own.
This resource does not usually list details by issue number throughout the chronology of
Superman comics but it does reference story arcs. This resource does have links to various
helpful websites but such websites, while helpful, are not always 100% accurate and usually
repeat the same information.
As much as possible, the actual stories and images were referenced instead of just wiki site
information as wiki sites tend to copy and paste one another with regard to information.
Information in quotes is taken from websites and dialogue from storylines.
The information put forth in this document is a comparison of various stories over time. Some
people may disagree with information put forth in this resource but it is compiled from various
sources and storylines. All source material belongs to DC Comics.

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database



"Members of the dominant species of the planet Krypton are indistinguishable from humans in
terms of their appearance; their physiology and genetics, however, are vastly different, in some
continuities Kryptonians are difficult to clone because their DNA is so complex that human
science is unable to decipher it. The cellular structure of Kryptonians allows for solar energy to be
absorbed at extremely high levels. On the planet Krypton, whose sun was an ancient red
supergiant with a relatively low energy output, their natural abilities were the same as humans.
When exposed to a young yellow star like Earth's Sun, which is much smaller than their own sun
and with a vastly higher energy output, their bodies are able to absorb and process so much
energy that it eventually manifests as vast superhuman powers (such as superhuman strength,
superhuman speed, invulnerability, flight, x-ray vision, heat vision, and superhuman senses)."

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database

With regard to Kryptonian Lore, "New Krypton" story arc established that Krypton was a mixture
of the Golden / Silver Age lore that Kryptonian was a near Utopia in many ways along with the
Bronze Age reboot after Crisis on Infinite Earths wherein Krypton was a socially stagnant society
with many faults. By Earth standards, by classic particularly American values, Kryptonian Culture
was a place full of inequality and intolerance.

"...Kryptonians are indistinguishable from humans. Also in Silver Age and Modern continuity
Kryptonians have more than one ethnic group, such as dark-skinned Kryptonians from Krypton's
Vathlo Island that resembles Earth humans of Sub-Saharan African descent, and a group from
the continent of Twenx that resembles Earth Asian and Latino peoples."

Per Superman: Birthright, it was established that some Kryptonians have unnaturally bright, blue
eyes (by Earth standards). One reason why Kal-El / Clark Kent wears glasses is due to "the way
the light refracts through the lens, it doesn't change the color but it does cut it." The result is that
his eyes have a more normal-by-humans set of Blue eyes.

'New Krypton' cemented the notion that Kryptonians may visually appear the same as humans if
both species wore the same clothing. Kryptonians did not appear to have racial discrimination
by skin color. Instead most of their inequality issues resulted from Guild placement and
perceived usefulness to the whole of society.

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database


"Superman's cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than
human tissue. He does not possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular
ability without his cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his
physical capabilities are identical to a human of his height and weight who engages in regular
physical activity. As an alien, he possesses several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed
or understood, but are believed to be part of or the source of his biomatrix force field and
reclamation aura. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as
an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of
his electromagnetic capabilities such as flight, heat vision and other "sight"-based abilities while
supplementing his physical abilities to superhuman levels."


Kryptonian DNA is triple helix structure in which three oligonucleotides wind around each
other. (By comparison, Human DNA is a double helix structure.)

"Mating between Kryptonians and other species is difficult because Kryptonian DNA so complex
as to be nearly incompatible with that of other species. The only notable exception is represented
by the original native Daxamite population (the race that bore that name before intermingling
with the Kryptonian explorers who later adapted the name for themselves). Breeding between
Kryptonian explorers and this race created a new Kryptonian hybrid race that could interbreed

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database
with a larger number of humanoid racesincluding Earth humans. No other races are yet known
to exhibit the same degree of compatibility of the Native Daxamites."

After the Death of Superman from his battle with Doomsday, human scientists could NOT
extract DNA samples from Kal-El's corpse due to the lingering solar charge his body still
contained. His bioelectric aura and his Kryptonian body's density prevented tampering with his
body for cell samples.

In Legacy of Superman #1, human scientists came up with a work-around to be able to view the
DNA using a process involving Superman's eyes but they were still unable to normally decipher
it. They finally completed their work and translated Kryptonian DNA into human terms, resulting
in a "digital DNA" file.
"Unable to create a clone because it was impossible to obtain a direct DNA sample from
Superman's indestructible body, and because the usual cloning techniques were useless
on his alien physiology, Superman's body was given an electron capillary scan by the
other directors of Cadmus formerly known as the Newsboy Legion. They were able to
use the results of the scan along with educated guesswork to create data stored on a
disc that contained a close approximation of Superman's actual genetic code data."

(This achievement was later revealed/retconned to be the result of a partnership of CADMUS

and LexCorp, pooling their resources. Neither company alone would have the means to
replicate this feat and would not work together again. This partnership also resulted in the
creation of Superboy and per the reveal / retcon of Superboy being a hybrid Human-Kryptonian,
this meant that another hybrid would not be created.)

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database

The backup disk of this close approximation of Superman's actual genetic code data was
destroyed and the data was taken by the Auron (a clone of Jim Harper) and taken into space,
feeling that it did not belong in irresponsible hands. The Digital DNA file was later lost after
Auron was killed by the alien being Massacre and his datapack was dismantled by an alien
scavenger. Thus the status-quo situation that Earth technology cannot fully decipher Kryptonian
DNA was again restored.


These clones" of Superman are not true Kryptonians. They are imperfect simulation of
Kryptonian genetics resulted in problems or the result of some unexplained hybridization
process using Kryptonian and Human genetic material.

Bizarro I
Bizarro I was a genetic construct created by biologist Doctor Teng using scans of
Superman. This flawed clone was created under the assumption that Superman was a
mutated human. The process degraded and the cells began to crystalize. This Bizarro's
body secreted a white, chalky residue that simulated the properties of human biological
cell structure. It had abilities that simulated some Kryptonian abilities but they were not
as potent. After examining it with microscopic vision, Superman later concluded it was
not a true living being and more like a sophisticated android. It was destroyed,
resulting in a mist cloud of the powdery substance.

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database

Bizarro II
This Bizarro was created after tinkering with the original process by Lex Luthor and Dr.
Sydney Happersen, Lex Luthors personal assistant and a brilliant scientist who
specializes in clone technology. The goal behind this creation was to help find a cure for
the Clone Plague that was causing clones to degenerate and die (Cadmus clones, Lex
Luthor's cloned body, etc.). This clone was smarter than the previous Bizarro and could
speak. It was well-meaning but its actions were dangerous. It met its demise of the
Clone Plague in Luthor's lab after it destroyed the research that allowed for his creation.

Bizarro III
This Bizarro was an insane version of Superman created by the Joker while he had the
5th dimensional powers of Mister Mxyzptlk. Created by magic / reality warping, it is
similar to a Kryptonian but its differences show how it is not a Kryptonian. Most
notably, while operating within an environment under a blue sun, Bizarro gains the
ability to replicate new lifeforms from his own body mass. (Other differences include:
He does not require energy intake, He is possibly stronger than Superman, He is fast
enough to be able to tie Professor Zoom in a race).

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database

Superboy (Kon-El)
With the loss of the "Digital DNA" approximation of Kryptonian DNA, CADMUS took another
route with their efforts. Superboy was originally human DNA altered into a designer-gene
human with metahuman traits incorporated for the purpose of replicating Kryptonian traits as
near as possible, i.e. making the clone to be the closest human equivalent to a Kryptonian as
they could based on their research.

"After twelve failed attempts, the clone known as Experiment 13 was grown from a single cell to
a teenage boy in less than a week and was a complete success. The clone was given implanted
memories and underwent an artificial maturation process intended to match the age of the
original Superman. This clone was released from his cloning tube too early, however, and
emerged as a teenager."

It was revealed in a video log after his death that the human donor was CADMUS director Paul
Westfield. Towards the end of the Young Justice title, Superboy began developing the
Kryptonian powers he lacked. He was later retconned from the original premise of a human
clone of Paul Westfield with restructured DNA (later based on a genetic template from Roxy
Leech when his DNA began breaking apart) into a hybrid of Superman's Kryptonian DNA and Lex
Luthor's human DNA. Human DNA was grafted into the gaps of a partial Kryptonian DNA

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database


This hybrid retcon had the effect of changing Superboy's albino clone Match (created by
The Agenda) from a human clone like Superboy into being a Bizarro-like clone using
existing Bizarro-cloning techniques. Also problematic is what became of the donor
Human DNA of Roxy Leech used to stabilize Superboy's degrading DNA. He should be
the result of Lex, Kal-El and Roxy Leech now. That last bit regarding Roxy Leech has not
been mentioned again after the Hybrid retcon.

Due to Cosmic Retcon events fully established as of JSA arc Thy Kingdom Come, it was fully
established/retconned that PowerGirl belongs in the mainstream universe even though she did
not originate in it. Her universe was recreated and she was replaced on her Earth with another
Power Girl. Powergirl was brought in line with this universe's Kryptonians with regard to
genetics, abilities and weaknesses. Notably, she is vulnerable to this universe's Kryptonite just
as Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are but the physical symptoms may be slightly lessened.

"Divine is a clone, created by Doctor Sivana at the behest of Maxwell Lord, using the DNA of Kara

Regardless of the Lore-breaking problems this character causes as well as the fact that there is
no proper explanation HOW this was done, this is still a canon character. Soon after being
introduced in comics, DC's universe underwent its reboot into the Nu52. There will likely not be
answers on how this impossible task was achieved by a single scientist at an artic lab. As it

By Sablehawk

Kryptonian Database
stands, Divine is the first true Human-made clone of a Kryptonian. The only physical difference
between PowerGirl and Divine is that Divine was created with dark hair.


Regarding Kryptonians not having enhanced abilities without a solar charge ... this
limitation was placed upon Superman as a balancing factor by writers and editorial staff
with little concern to logical consequences. Kryptonians SHOULD have abilities beyond
normal human beings even without a solar charge. Muscle and bone density does not
just turn off the same way that a Kryptonians bioelectric aura can be deactivated. In
these cases, writers are placing nearly all of a Kryptonians invulnerability on the
bioelectric aura.

Even if one accounts for the comparative loss of muscle & bone and the resulting loss in
strength that could occur in low-gravity states for prolonged durations, a Kryptonian's
body like Kal-El's would still be far more dense than a humans and would be far more
hardy and resistant to injury. A Kryptonian who lived most of their life on Krypton
would be theoretically physically stronger even more resistant than Kal-El. Their
physical state should be similar to the early Golden Age when Superman was introduced;
low-grade Superstrength, ability to leap ridiculous distances, bullets would ricochet off a
Kryptonian whereas tank and mortar rounds (and similar concussive blasts) could

As shown in Superman: Birthright with a grazing hit from a bullet and in Superman:
Secret Origins with numerous hits, Superman had been exposed to Green Kryptonite
and weakening, bullets grazed and ricocheted off his body causing laceration wounds.

Again, this was done as a limiting factor for Superman to give him a weakness and allow
him to be hurt like a normal human in certain situations as the writer and plot dictate.
Depending on the nature of how the solar charge is negated, Superman experiences

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
varying degrees of human-like weakness from total loss of his bioelectric aura.

"As a Kryptonian, his cells function like a super battery, hyper metabolizing specific wavelengths
of radiation as fuel to enable living functions and/or superhuman abilities. Different wavelengths
of radiation have different effects on Superman's physiology and well being, but his cells cannot
absorb or utilize all types of radiation. The wavelength of his home solar system's red sun
enables his body to function on an identical level of a healthy human while the Earth's solar
radiation in both its raw and filtered state through the Earth's atmosphere acts as fuel to enable
all of his powers. Every time Superman uses any of his superhuman abilities, his body expends
absorbed sunlight and he is capable utilizing any of them to various degrees through controlled
circumstances. The solar-based radiation of a foreign blue star proved to increase his known
abilities under a yellow sun to a higher degree and enabled additional powers. The existence and
constant exposure to proven "healthy" radiation sources is not required for him to live and utilize
his powers, but prolonged periods without exposure to them and/or utilizing his powers will
require Kal-El to recharge in order to live and continue using his powers."

Superhuman Strength:
Kryptonian physical strength is magnified by a combination of a superior musculature
system and corresponding skeletal structural integrity as well as the sheer force and
displacement that occurs due to the bioelectric aura. When a Kryptonian lifts a weight,
they are primarily holding the person or object with his/her bioelectric aura and then
pushing it with that same field. This tightly controlled demonstration of the bioelectric
aura is a subconscious act although it can be consciously limited so that the Kryptonian
does not injure or kill a target.
The exact limits of a solar charged Kryptonian's strength is unknown, but Kal-El is
capable lifting far in excess of 100 tons with serious effort. Different periods and
intensities of exposure to Earth's solar radiation can cause their strength to fluctuate
over time. Unhealthy levels of high exposure to specific radiation can exceed
Superman's "normal" strength level.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Kryptonian bodies are nigh-invulnerable (to nearly all forms of harm and ailments,
including extreme force and extremely high temperatures) due to their superhumanly
dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as their radiating bioelectrical aura of
solar energy. Kryptonians are under some circumstances resistant or immune to
different forms and levels of lacerations, blunt force trauma, energy-based assaults, falls
from great heights, explosions, the cold vacuum of space, toxins and all known diseases
on Earth. Their supercharged bioelectric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating
within a few millimeters from their skin, which also serves to protect their clothing.
Kryptonians unconsciously utilize their aura by expanding it around a person(s) or
object(s) to enable their structural stability when lifting or traveling with them. The
bioelectric aura is discussed in more detail in a later section.

Without training to notice subtle changes, a Kryptonian may not notice or even feel
temperature changes on Earth and is certainly not hindered or even inconvenienced by
any weather climate on Earth or the cold vacuum of space.

Kryptonians can willfully utilize their aura strengthening its power to a greater degree to
provide an additional defense against certain levels of physical and energy attacks for a
considerably short period of time. Doing so can endanger them should the attempted
feat prove inefficient for any reason since the bioelectric aura is one the primary
physical defenses for a Kryptonian. If a destructive force is able to penetrate the field, it
will likely have little trouble causing damage to unshielded Kryptonian cells, regardless
of how densely packed they are. Such harnessing of the aura can also burn through
various solar energy reserves.

Superman's invulnerability has been in constant flux over the years. He has been shown
surviving the blast of multi-megaton nuclear warheads, passing through the Earth's
corona down to its core and emerging unharmed. He has survived absorbing anti-

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
sunlight from the Mageddon doomsday weapon as well as survived the impact of an
exploding planet and a stars nova.


A Kryptonian's bioelectric aura was simulated with the creation of the clone Superboy's
TACTILE TELEKINESIS allowed him to replicate a degree of super strength, invulnerability
as well as flight. He was also able to lift objects without worrying about the stress
placed on the object being lifted or moved. While Superman's ability to lift objects
without damaging them has occasionally been referred to as Tactile Telekinesis (or TTK),
the term is usually reserved for the clone Superboy.) Superboys Tactile Telekinetic
field has a limitation of only being able to stop /blunt / lessen physical impacts and is
unable to stop any sort of energy attack (normal fire, lasers, etc.).

Healing Factor & Longevity:

Kryptonians possess remarkable recuperative powers that allow him to quickly heal
from wounds and makes him immune to all forms of human or Earthly diseases,
illnesses, viruses and toxins. They have been shown to have an accelerated "healing
factor" enabling them to heal almost instantaneously from most wounds as long as they
have sufficient solar charge, including impalement from a variety of substances as soon
as the cause of the wound is removed. Superman has shown that Kryptonians heal
faster when in closer proximity to the sun as they will absorb more of the sun rays.

Sufficient physical trauma or cellular damage will kill a Kryptonian, thus preventing
healing. Kryptonians who have endured lasting scarring and injury prior to gaining a
solar charge have demonstrated that such wounds or scars do not spontaneously heal
and regenerate. Kryptonians who have had reached solar saturation prior to a situation
where they are depowered and wounded have demonstrate renewed healing to the
point of no scarring once they are exposed to steady solar energy.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Kryptonians can live almost indefinitely if he resides under continuous exposure
of Earth's sunlight. With a steady feed of solar energy, Kryptonian cells are able
to repair cellular damage, including the cellular damage associated with aging.
(Examples of solar powered Kryptonians continuing to age to the point of old
age and infirmity are not canon for mainstream DC.)

It appears that Kryptonians exposed to continuous amounts of solar energy

physically stop aging close to a human approximation of early thirties. By
extension, if one could theoretically remove a Kryptonian from the solar energy
that feeds him/her long enough for his/her solar charge to wind down enough,
then that adult Kryptonian could continue to physically age until they received
more stellar energy.

Superhuman Stamina:
Kryptonians have the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined
period as they have steady sunlight and/or as long as their solar reserves last.
Obviously, they require solar energy to function at peak capacity or their abilities fade to
greatly reduced levels and possibly disappear entirely if their reserves empty. The
greater the threats and the more laborious the activity, the faster a Kryptonian will go
through their solar reserves. A Kryptonians solar reserves can be jump started or even
refilled by large amounts of energy released by various light and energy projecting
beings, such as The Ray, Dr. Light (Hoshi) and the New God Lightray.

Kal-El has displayed near-unlimited stamina typically in activities of light or moderate

power exertion if he is consistently exposed to enough sunlight to prevent him from
burning through his solar reserves. Past stories, such as Supermans initial battles with
Doomsday and resulting death, have indicated that physical attacks, maintaining
invulnerability and healing damage taken while facing near equal opponents tax
Kryptonian solar reserves than his other abilities.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Kryptonians are capable of controlling their personal gravitational field, negating
localized gravity. Because Earth exhibits less gravitational pull than that of Krypton, and
a solar-powered Kryptonian can easily alter his/her personal mono-directional gravity
field to propel their body through the air at will.

When in flight, a Kryptonian is fully suspended by their personal mono-directional

gravity field and bioelectric aura and no longer have to physically leverage against the
gravity of whatever planetary body they currently reside. They are then capable of
completely repelling Earths gravimetric influence, acting as their own center of gravity.
Directional and speed are instinctively controlled through the output of energy from the
bioelectric aura. Through sheer force of will, a Kryptonian is able to mentally push
their body to a direction at the speed they choose.

Such control allows them to fly at supersonic speeds in a planetary atmosphere and at
faster-than-light speeds while in space. However, some training and focus appears
necessary to perform such speeds. In the case of Kal-El, he demonstrates perfect
control of his flight and can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying backwards
and even lifting great weights while flying.

In Superman: Birthright, Lex Luthor theorized that Superman had to originate from a
gigantic planet with enormous gravity, where his species had developed natural antigravity organs to be able to function. Hence, on Earth, these organs could allow him to
control his own gravimetric field in order to fly.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Superhuman Speed:
Kryptonians enhanced metabolic rate, muscular speed and nervous system make them
capable of reacting, moving, running and flying at superhuman speeds. A Kryptonians
physical structure and the solar energy that course along his/her neurophysical
structure allow for a reaction time many times faster than the human normal (i.e. a
significantly less delay in reacting to stimuli). With this greater speed capacity, a
Kryptonian could, with effort, even move and act faster than the human eye can
perceive. Kal-El has demonstrated the ability to reflexively dodge incoming laser fire. In
addition to reflexes, Kryptonian thoughts and perceptions are also greatly accelerated to
be able to control his actions while moving at high speeds.

A Kryptonian is capable of seeing individual bullets fired from automatic weaponry in

flight, trace them and outrace them. He can use this power to disarm opponents, catch
bullets or shrapnel and cross vast distances in seconds. Such displays of speed can
result in powerful localized, atmospheric disruptions (i.e. sonic booms). As such,
Superman does not tend to move at speeds that can cause such effects in the interest of
protecting humans. While not as fast on foot as the Flash on a planet, Superman can fly
at speeds faster than light and is considered one of the fastest beings in the universe.

Eidetic Memory:
Superman is shown to have flawless, total recall of everything he has ever seen, read, or
heard. This ability is the result of Kryptonian physiology and the fact that his engrams
are stabilized by a solar-frequency hologram which reinforces his neural matrix to grant
him near-perfect recall of events to which he pays attention or that have emotional
It is possible that Kryptonian technology had the means of granting / unlocking this
ability in all Kryptonians naturally or artificially inducing it.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
After '52,' the year without a Superman, he began to regain his powers. He gained /
regained an Eidetic memory In the story 'Superman: Up, Up and Away!'

Superhuman Hearing:
Kryptonians have incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency,
allowing them to pick up noises from across the globe. If listening for them, a
Kryptonian can listen to soft sounds anywhere on the planet. Kal-El has demonstrated
perfect pitch. It is likely that this extends to all solar-charged Kryptonians.

The range of hearing extends from the subsonic through to the point where signal
modulation in broadcast communications can be sensed and demodulated into
sounds if the Kryptonian concentrates. Kryptonians have shown enough control to
block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency. Such disciplined
sensory filtering can be overcome by powerful sensory overload, in this case sonic
attacks. Such attacks can cause mild irritation to near incapacitation, depending on the
intensity of the attack.

Super Smell:
Kryptonians possess exponentially enhanced olfactory senses. On various occasions,
Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the
point he can smell odors across the entire planet.

Kryptonian bodies are primarily solar batteries. As long as Kryptonians acquire at least
occasional solar energy input, they do not need to eat or sleep (but are still capable of
doing so) and do not require oxygen to breathe. This self-sufficiency enables him to

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
travel in space and underwater unprotected.

Kal-El has demonstrated being able to hold his breath for 12 hours at a time. When he
required sleep, Kal-El needed two hours of sleep a night to function at peak mental
efficiency, with thirty minutes of that being REM sleep (dreaming). At that time, less
than that would incur the same psychological effects of sleep deprivation as any human
would who missed a nights sleep.


Continuities continued to flip flop on this issue over the years. At times breathing is
required and an air supply is taken along for space flights wherein slowed breathing and
holding breath for extended durations is used to make the trip in space. At other times,
no breathing tank is required yet one is still used to aid with vocalized communication in
the vacuum of space. Since the Return of Superman arc, Kal-El has not typically
required breathing assistance for space travel. In the 'New Krypton' story arc, an air
supply was used only for communication purposes. This habitual tactic of going without
an air tank proves deadly if a Kryptonian is exposed to conditions that remove their
powers while in the vacuum of space.

Healing Factor:
Kryptonians possess remarkable recuperative powers that allow him to quickly heal
from wounds and makes him immune to all forms of human or Earthly diseases,
illnesses, viruses and toxins. They have been shown to have an accelerated "healing
factor" enabling them to heal almost instantaneously from most wounds as long as they
have sufficient solar charge, including impalement from a variety of substances as soon
as the cause of the wound is removed. Healing damage, whether it be singular massive
wounds or various, repeated tiny wounds, has been shown to be one of the more solarreserve intensive abilities.

As seen in The Death of Superman, enduring physical beatings and keeping Kal-Els

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
body going proved to be one of the more draining aspects of his battles with Doomsday.
Sufficient physical trauma or cellular damage will kill a Kryptonian, thus preventing

Superman has shown that Kryptonians heal faster when in closer proximity to the sun as
they will absorb more of the sun rays. Kryptonians who have endured lasting scarring
and injury prior to gaining a solar charge have demonstrated that such wounds or scars
do not spontaneously heal and regenerate. Kryptonians who have had a solar charge
prior to a situation where they are depowered and wounded demonstrate renewed
healing to the point of no scarring once they are exposed to steady solar energy.


This enhanced healing extends to the point of preventing further physical aging in
physically mature Kryptonians. Using Kal-El as an example, it appears that Kryptonians
exposed to continuous amounts of solar energy physically stop aging close to a human
approximation of early thirties. By extension and in theory, removing a Kryptonian from
solar energy capable of feeding their cells for sufficient time for him/her to function
without the benefit of solar charged cells could allow an adult Kryptonian to continue to
physically age.

Karsta War-Ul, the titular Third Kryptonian of the same storyline, was a woman
physically in an approximation of Human sixties, though in great physical shape. In her
backstory, she mentioned being alive since generations before Kryptons destruction.
She had various periods of unspecified time in environments without yellow-wavelength
energy while she was hiding from various alien authorities and the pirate Amalak. It
appears that these periods of time without solar-charge contributed to her physical
aging over the course of decades.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Kryptonians can create hurricane force winds by inhaling and exhaling. They can also
breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it. Super-breath also
allows Superman to hold his breath for extended periods in airless environments, should
such a need arise.

The release (exhalation) of highly compressed air through a valve (such as pursed lips)
causes it to drop radically in temperature. This is known as the JouleThomson effect,
and when Superman does this, it is usually referred to as Freeze Breath, and can cool
objects to sub-zero temperatures and freeze air moisture solid. Superman has shown to
have the experience to control his freezing breath with regard to freezing the moisture
in the air around a target as well as freezing solid targets.

Given the extent of air that Superman has shown to exhale and supercool, his lungs
must contain tesseract properties. He has been shown to inhale to contain large
quantities of toxic gases till he could safely release them, such as in space.

Heat Vision:
Kryptonians can project beams of intense, concentrated solar/electromagnetic energy
from their eyes along various frequencies in high energy bursts which flash melts
materials in seconds. It has also been shown to weaken structural integrity over a small
area, such as melting the barrel of a gun while leaving the handle (and human hand
gripping it) unharmed. A Kryptonian can psionically and reflexively control their heat

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
vision with their eyes, allowing them to shut off the energy instantly without
inadvertently damaging unintended targets. Supermans cells are so adept at absorbing
energy that any radiation, including that emitted from him, is able to be reabsorbed
once in the environment.

These beams can be made invisible to the human eye by emitting them at lower
settings. This tactic allows them to work undetected, and can be adjusted to affect
matter on a microscopic level. Typical use of heat vision at standard higher level
emission results in an obvious use of power, the equivalent of shooting up a signal flare
at night. Kryptonian eyes are depicted as temporarily taking on a strong, red hue while
this power is in effect.

Heat vision feats include powering up giant ion planet moving engines, annihilating an
army of artificial Doomsday clones in one wide-beam blast, potentially rivaling the heat
of a star (which is not as impressive as it sounds) and avoiding damage to a person's
skull for surgical purposes. In Superman Birthright, Superman was shown to use his
heat vision to carefully cauterize a wound involving a nicked artery.

Also in some stories, it can be reflected like a true laser, able to use great skill and
accuracy in manipulating the blasts off multiple targets in rapid succession, or more
commonly to remove his very durable facial hair. Per the revision in Superman: Secret
Origin, Clark wears glasses with Kryptonian glass that are intended to contain/diffuse
unwanted heat vision projections due to physical duress or power fluctuations.

Powerful and lengthy displays of Heat Vision (such as destroying an army of Doomsday
facsimiles) tend to be accompanied by a temporary fatigue, to the point of being
unsteady on their feet and somewhat faint though other abilities still remain. However,
such fatigue fades in moments to minutes in a solar energy rich environment,
depending on the effort involved. In solar rich environments, heat vision can be
employed and maintained without a massive drain on solar reserves. They also cause
temporary cases of eye-strain.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Super Vision:
Kryptonians also possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.

* Electro-magnetic Spectrum Vision: Unlike humans who can only see visible
light, Kryptonians can see into all of the EM Spectrum, such as radio
transmissions, infrared light, the bioelectric aura which surrounds all living
things, even in pitch-black darkness. Kryptonians can even see and identify
radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing
them to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods. With
effort and/or training, a Kryptonian can focus on certain bands and ignore
others by changing the chemical receptors in the rods and cones of his retinas.
He can consciously adjust his photovoltaic detection to sense longer
wavelengths down to the infrared and higher light up to X-rays and gamma

* Telescopic Vision: Manipulating gravitational fields using the muscles in

his/her eyes to produce a gravity lens, a Kryptonian is able to focus far beyond
human visual range without violating the laws of physics.

* Microscopic Vision: Manipulating their ability to focus on an object as well as

a sensitivity to the EM spectrum, a Kryptonian can magnify an image virtually a
countless number of times. This ability allows him/her to see extremely small
objects and images down to the sub-atomic level.

* X-Ray Vision: A Kryptonian can see through solid objects by using a

combination of telescopic and microscopic vision visual abilities. The effect is
seeing through the atomic structure of objects and focusing past it, much like

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Kryptonian Database
looking past dust on a lens. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate
harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.
Various dense materials obstruct this ability, notably lead. Kryptonian eyes are
depicted as temporarily taking on a strong, blue-ish hue while this power is in

Kryptonians are very powerful and durable beings but they are not invincible. They have the
following weaknesses:
*Kryptonite Its radiation interferes with Kryptonian cellular processing of solar
energy. Different variations have different effects. It will be covered in depth below in
this document.

*Red Sunlight Red solar radiation replaces the higher-yield yellow solar energy in a
Kryptonians cells, robbing him/her of the fuel for his powers. This issue is touched on
later in this document.

*Magic Solar-charged Kryptonians are no more resistant to magic than a normal

human. As such, magic can be devastating against a Kryptonian. However, if the effect
of the magic is used to simulate or enhance a naturally occurring force, such as natural
elements or concussive force energy, Kryptonian defenses react normally. If the
elemental effect is totally magical in nature, such as the magic lightning that
accompanies the Marvels magic word, Kryptonian defenses do not come into play.

*Sonic attacks Depending on the degree of intensity, sonic attacks can cause varying
degrees of irritation and even temporary incapacitation. Attacks that are designed to
play havoc with the inner ear and equilibrium tend to be more effective than sonic
attacks designed to cause pain.

*Mind Control / Psionic attacks Kryptonians are susceptible to mental-targeting

attacks. This includes but is not limited to telepathic attacks, pheromone and certain
biochemical reactions that affect brain activity. Kryptonian defenses act normally
against psionic attacks meant to generate or affect concussive force. While Kryptonians

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Kryptonian Database
have no inherent defenses against mental-based attacks, there are some Kryptonian
martial arts that allow one to resist outright mental domination in some cases.
Torquasm Vo (physical and offensive) and Torquasm Rao (meditative, fluid and spiritual
that also includes astral projection for combat within ones mind). As an aside, the
Kryptonian physical martial art Klurkor offers no mental protection.

*Electricity Kryptonian bodies are similarly organized to human bodies. Nerve

endings still use electron exchange to send nerve impulses. Massive jolts of electricity
can cause nerve pathways to malfunction, causing pain and even temporarily stunning a
Kryptonian for a bit. This weakness is not simplistic. Kryptonians have very dense, not
to mention tough, bodily tissues. Much of an electric impulse is dispersed before it
reaches the nervous system. Electricity alone will not stop a Kryptonian though.
Depending on the voltage used, Superman has demonstrated immunity to damage or
clenching muscle pain that he is able to physically overcome given time. Supergirl tends
to be more vulnerable but it is uncertain if this is a result of age, gender, amount of
solar reserves compared to Superman or a combination of the three. It is not specified
if this vulnerability, such as it is, results from the fact that the Kryptonian bioelectric
aura allows light and various energies through to the cells beneath. Since light and
various electromagnetic energies pass through the bioelectric aura, it is possible that
the aura offers no resistance to electricity as well.


In short, two reasons: different environmental conditions (namely gravity) and a DC-only
process called the photonucleic effect (a term coined by writer Elliot S. Maggin) which
supercharges Kryptonian and Daxamite cells. These cells are solar batteries and the majority of
their powers derive from solar energy absorption and processing.

Earth has a weaker gravity than Krypton's environment. As a result, a Kryptonian will be
stronger on Earth; able to lift far more weight and leap enormous distances than a human of
comparable size. By implication of biology and effects on muscle & bone in weaker gravity

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Kryptonian Database
states, a Kryptonian who lived most of his/her life on Krypton and then was placed on Earth
would eventually be stronger and more physically resistant to injury once they had reached
sufficient solar charge than a Kryptonian like Kal-El who came to Earth as a child.

from Superman: Birthright

"A Kryptonian cellular structure will positively drink in the radiation of a [young star]. Its
energy will strengthen his muscles, his senses, his skin."

The Photonucleic effect is limited to native Kryptonian organisms and the Daxamite race.
Kryptonian anatomy is similar to human anatomy but Kryptonian bodies possess additional
organs and their individual cells also possess additional component parts. A different chemical
makeup in the ribosomes (organelles responsible for protein synthesis) is capable of absorbing
stellar radiation in various forms and storing it. Once the ribosomes achieve solar saturation,
they re-radiate energy that reinforces the Kryptonian bodys bioelectric field, strengthening it
into something akin to an enveloping forcefield, limited to a few millimeters past the skin.
Thanks to this bioelectric aura, Kryptonian cells are reinforced against both internal and external
forces. In this invulnerable state, the cells are able to operate at levels of efficiency that would
destroy regular cells like those in a human. This effect extends to all bodily systems. Continual
absorption of solar energy provides continual fuel for these enhanced functions.

This bioelectrical aura serves to protect the body, preventing a large amount of damage. The
aura appears to have a set tolerance for how much stress occurs before it reacts energetically in
reaction to the opposing force. The tolerance before Kryptonian tissues react varies depending
on tissue type. The soft, fleshy tissues of the body remain supple under soft pressure but react
to restrict any further deformation in shape under stress. The bones allow for no deformation
in shape (compression or tensional strain). Since the strength of Supermans bioelectric aura
greatly exceeds the cohesive force of earth-based substance, no ordinary object can pierce his

'Yellow' stars are brighter and hotter than 'red' dwarfs. They release more stellar energy. (Earth

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Kryptonian Database
having a Yellow Sun is not truly accurate. Earths Suns visible radiation is most intense in the
yellow-green portion of the spectrum, and although it is actually white in color, from the surface
of the Earth it may appear yellow because of atmospheric scattering of blue light.)

After reaching a certain saturation threshold of solar energy within Kryptonian cells, various
abilities begin to manifest in a Kryptonian. In a way, one can compare a Kryptonian's cells to
plant life using photosynthesis to make its own food. Through photosynthesis, plants use energy
from the sun to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and sugar. Kryptonian cells are like
living photovoltaic, or solar, cells -- they can store the energy from sunlight.

"Inside a photovoltaic cell, light comes into contact with a semiconductor, like silicon.
The light's energy releases electrons from the silicon, and an electric field forces them to
flow in one direction. In this way, a solar cell produces electricity."

Once solar saturation occurs, Kryptonian bodies become self-sufficient with regard to food and
sleep; they not require physical food nor do they require sleep. However, Kryptonian solarsaturation does not mean that digestive functions cease if a Kryptonian continues to eat and
drink; the digestive system is still perfectly intact.

Similarly, Kryptonians do not typically experience insomnia or other physical hazards from
prolonged periods of without rest. They are still able to fall asleep should they choose. While
they do not normally suffer such physical effects, Kryptonians can suffer from mental fatigue
(temporary inability to maintain optimal cognitive performance) as well as a host of other
mental issues much like humans. These are psychological in nature and not biological. Various
types of rest (but not necessarily including REM sleep) can resolve the situation.

Under normal circumstances, it takes time with regular sunlight exposure to reach this
saturation threshold. Post-Crisis, Kal-El did not begin to exhibit special abilities until his teen
years. Some retellings of Kal-Els early years depict Clark having far stronger jumping ability and
strength than is normal for is age. At least one retelling in Superman: Secret Origin portrayed a
pre-teen Clark being unharmed by a threshers blades. (By comparison, the distant 'cousins' of
the Kryptonians, the Daxamites experience a different rate of cellular processing of solar energy
and will exhibit powers under a star like Earth's Sun almost immediately.) That it requires time
to build up a solar charge to have all the powers develop is not to be confused with the idea that
these early power demonstrations are weak. In a human environment, these developments are

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still potentially lethal.

Kryptonian photonucleic effect continues even at night due to the using the solar reserves
within the Kryptonian cells. Also, depending on how late it is in the evening, there is still a
degree of ambient electromagnetic radiation around in the environment from the previous solar
day. It does not add to significant replenishment but it does exist. However, while there is not a
typical recharge mechanism in place at night, this does not mean that self-consumption
required to fuel powers at night will easily exhaust a Kryptonians reserves over the span of a
single night.

During the day, the continual feed of solar energy to his cells is usually more than enough to
offset the needs of basic power usage. In short, his cells are like a gas tank that is continually
topped off during the day time during periods of little to moderate power use. This situation
can change upon engaging in combat with an opponent of sufficient power to challenge
Superman. Damage incurred from such a sufficiently powerful opponent can burn more energy
to keep a Kryptonian body functional and attempt to heal the damage. In fact, maintaining the
bioelectric aura defense against serious physical threats continuously for extended durations is
the biggest and fastest drain on solar reserves, as seen by Kal-Els death in combat with

To use Superman as an example, he has over thirty years of solar reserves in his body. Even
after his death in a prolonged battle with Doomsday, Supermans body contained enough solar
reserves to fuel his invulnerability for weeks to months afterward as well as the Eradicators
energy form tapping into those solar reserves to create a physical body for itself from matter
within Supermans tomb.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

While Kryptonian solar reserves are vast, they are not inexhaustible. Evan after his body was
placed into a Kryptonian Healing Matrix in the Fortress of Solitude, it still took the use of what
remained of his stored solar reserves in addition to the matrixs continual influx of new solar
energy to repair the physical damage done to Supermans body. The result was such that upon
his revival, he had no solar reserves left sufficient enough to fuel the use of powers.

The solar reserve capacity increases over time with sufficient solar charging. Kryptonians will
continue to increase in level of power as long as they continue absorb stellar energy; their
strength and their other powers continue to increase in potency. For example, through
continued solar exposure, Superman has since surpassed his power levels at the time of his
death. In subsequent encounters with Doomsday after Superman: Hunter/Prey, Superman has
remained a threat to Doomsday even after Doomsdays evolution past the physical power
levels used to defeat him when Superman died. In theory, through his decades of solar
exposure, Kal-El is potentially stronger than and able to outlast any other Kryptonian he would
come across who recently reached a solar saturation of their cells. In practice, this is does not
appear to be the case since Kal-El goes out of his way to hold back his strength and abilities
around humans and a newly powered Kryptonian may not have the same ability or desire to
similarly hold back. There is also the matter of Superman has spent his entire life on Earth while
his body would have been accustomed to life on Krypton where the conditions were different.
As a result, other Kryptonians could likely be somewhat more resistant to physical injury
(beyond what their bioelectric aura provides) due to their bodies having thrived in heavier
gravity conditions. Taken together, a physical brawl is not a one-sided matter between Kal-El
and other Kryptonians.

Under steady but gradual absorption of stellar energies, it is possible for a Kryptonian to be
functionally immortal barring tremendous physical trauma or massive cellular damage.
However, in the short term, it is capable to overload Kryptonian cells.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Superman has shown that Kryptonians heal faster when in closer proximity to the sun
(i.e. close solar orbit near or in the Sun's Solar Atmosphere) as they will absorb more of
the sun rays. However, situations can overload a Kryptonian's ability to safely process
solar energy.

In the wake of the Return of Superman arc, Superman's abilities grew out of control and
his body mutated to Hulk-like size from the excess solar energy his body kept processing
and storing. The Parasite's power draining/absorption effects were required to help
bring Superman back into balance before the situation threatened his life

Another situation occurred in the JLA Tower of Babel arc, wherein Superman was
exposed to Synthetic Red Kryptonite created by Ra's al Ghul through the use of
Batman's notes. This version of the Kryptonite had the effect of turning Superman's skin
transparent and leaving him almost exploding with power as the sunlight that gave him
his powers was sent directly into his muscles without being filtered by his skin. His super
senses were heightened to the point that he could hear an insect on Earth while in the
Watchtower. Not counting the pain of processing solar energy at this time, his own
senses made living on and functioning Earth practically impossible. Fortunately, the
effect was only temporary.

Also, in the alternate-canon of All-Star Superman (which is the alternate timeline DC

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
One Million's story arcs distant past), Kal-El's cells were overloaded to the point of
cellular breakdown thanks to a massive release of solar energy resulting from explosive
sabotage & detonation on a mission to Earth's Sun. The resulting overexposure caused
an immediate cellular degradation (breaking down) of his cells.


"Natural in Krypton's planetary system, red solar radiation replaces the higher-yield yellow solar
energy in Superman's cells, robbing him of the fuel for his powers. This process does not have
the painful, crippling and fever-like symptoms of Kryptonite, and essentially leaves him with the
normal health and abilities of a human in his size and shape, as it did for the entire population of
Krypton during its existence. Exposure to yellow solar radiation causes his powers to return. "

Per Superman: The Third Kryptonian, on researching Red solar radiation, Batman discovered
that exposure to red-sun wavelengths does not rob you of your powers, just of access to them.
Over a short period of time, it freezes the yellow-sun radiation in your cells. Locking it in place
so your body cant use it. Effectively, it shuts off your powers as long as you are exposed to it.

A slightly more detailed quasi-scientific explanation is that Red Solar Energy locks down the
ribosomal structures in Kryptonian cells, preventing them from using any stored energy. Such a
lockdown results in an immediate loss of the bioelectric aura and other abilities. The same way
that rest solar radiation replaces the stored yellow radiation in Kryptonian cells, an influx of
stellar radiation quickly displaces the red energy, restoring access to the solar charge.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


from Superman: Birthright

"When Krypton went boom, the blast irradiated its fragments into something so far up
the periodic table there isn't an atomic number for it."

Kryptonite (also called 'Kryptonium' by some sources depending on the level of ore in the
substance) is a rare, "unnatural" radioactive substance created through a process of nuclear
fusion in the planetary core of Krypton which resulted in its explosive destruction. The
remnants of the planet Krypton are the only known sources of Kryptonite in the universe. As it
is not native to Earth, human scientists sometimes refer to Kryptonite as an exomineral.

The chain reaction that created Kryptonite began when anti-cloning activists fired a weapon,
called The Destroyer, at the planet's core which slowly transformed the planet over millennia.
Presumably, every last chunk of debris of that planet is now actually Kryptonite. In Krypton's
former location there is a cloud of gas-form Kryptonite so potent that it is lethal to all beings,

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Kryptonian Database
Kryptonian or not. Also, various Kryptonite remains of the former planet are reforming into a
planet/planetoid but it will take millions of years to do so.

The half-life of pure Kryptonite / Kryptonium has been stated to be 250,000 years (i.e. the
amount of time half the atoms in a given sample change to another isotope or element). As
such, pure Kryptonite is a strong power source if harnessed properly.

from Superman: Birthright

"When engineered properly, even the tiniest sliver of Kryptonite is enough to make a
formidable explosive. "

Kryptonite does not react with oxygen, so it does not combust when it enters Earth's
atmosphere. However, kryptonite is not invulnerable -- you can cut it, chip it, crush it and melt it
with acid. In the various continuities, Kryptonite has been found as rock, metallic ore and
crystalline forms. Again, some sources refer to the rock and metallic ore versions as

The most debilitating aspect of green kryptonite does not come so much from the unrefined ore
itself, but rather from the waves of radiation that it generates. Exposure to green kryptonite
radiation will greatly weaken and may even kill a Kryptonian. Kryptonite radiation appears to
behave like gamma or X-ray radiation, able to penetrate objects and even living bodies but
cannot penetrate lead. This behavior suggests that kryptonite radiation is a form of
electromagnetic energy, like gamma or X-rays, rather than particles of matter.


It is common knowledge that Kryptonite hurts Superman and Kryptonians. Usually, its effects
are met with sounds of pain from the Kryptonian. What does it feel like? What does it do?

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Here are dialogue / monologue examples where Superman describes how Kryptonite feels.

Per "Superman: Birthright"

[On being exposed to Kryptonite for the first time in his life at the age of 15]
"It was as if my blood had been replaced by battery acid... like all the gravity I'd ignored
over the years had suddenly decided to yank my muscles from my bones. I'd never felt
anything at all like it. I'm sure my face was a mask of abject pain...."

Per Superman Batman: The Search for Kryptonite

[While fighting All-American Boy, the Doomsday hybrid with Kryptonite in his cells and bones]
Everything else is fading. Kryptonite does that. First the nausea. Then my head wants
to explode. Then every fiber of my being feels the fire. It burns so hot I start to crave
death on the other end. Ive dealt with Kryptonite poisoning before. But never this much.
Never this long. My strength. My sight. I can feel all my gifts slipping away.

Per "Superman: Up, Up And Away"

[Superman on noticing the faint presence of Kryptonite]
"And I feel something. The ache I get in my back teeth whenever Kryptonite's around.
It's slight ...."

[Superman's thoughts as he is bombarded by radiation from a the hull of a large sunstone space
"It's like -- needles -- Millions of needles -- ripping through me, shredding my
invulnerability --"

[While suffering from Kryptonite radiation and flying away from someone Superman safely set
"The rest of his words are lost in the Kryptonite roar in my ears. Tingling, burning, blood
pounding, my head throbbing"

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


As Kryptonian cells absorb electromagnetic radiation from the environment usually stellar in
nature, Kryptonite's radioactivity reacts catastrophically with the ribosomal structures within
Kryptonian cells. Kryptonite radiation interferes with this semi-photosynthetic process, i.e. the
absorption, storage and processing of solar energy. It painfully drives the energy out of
Kryptonian cells. Not only does Kryptonite radiation robs a Kryptonian them of their solarcharged powers, but it also causes extreme nausea, confusion, pain, unconsciousness and
eventual death.

Some versions of the adverse effects of kryptonite describe the radiation as affecting the blood
chemistry of the victim, causing accelerated effects similar to sickle cell anemia in humans.
Green Kryptonite radiation will cause the skin of the victim to turn green as exposure time
increases. Once a Kryptonian's skin has turned green from Kryptonite poisoning, death is close
at hand.

Over time, a Kryptonian may develop a slight immunity to the physical effects of Green
kryptonite, but this does little more than mask the symptoms for a short duration. For example,
due to his experiences on Earth, Kal-El would have a greater resiliency against Kryptonite effects
than a newly arrived Kryptonian. Ultimately, green Kryptonite radiation will poison the body's
cell structure, resulting in death. Such fatal doses of Kryptonite radiation shut down cellular
activity, preventing resuscitation through an influx solar energy.

While Kryptonite is not immediately lethal to humans, it is a radioactive substance whose

radioactivity is more than enough to destroy human cells, especially with prolonged exposure.
Exposure over time will cause cellular damage, cancer and death. Depending on the amount of
exposure and frequency of exposure, the effects of Kryptonite poisoning may take months or

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
years to fully manifest. Per "The Science of Superman," "[basically] kryptonite radioactivity is
the same as that from uranium and other radioactive elements."

A detailed explanation of the process, according to "The Science of Superman" (while it

is not explicitly canon, it does offer an interesting scientific insight)
"Superman has a three-part defense against ionizing radiation, a system vastly
enhanced by the energy he absorbs from the sun. He has a bioelectric field for warding
off charged particles; tough, dense, resistant skin layers; and a highly efficient and
effective cellular repair system. Weak radiation would be stopped or deflected by the
bioelectric field, while stronger more powerful rays would be hindered by the skin. Some
of the most energetic radiation would, such as gamma rays, might get through the first
two lines of defense, in which case any damage would be rapidly reversed by his body's
powers of cellular repair. To cause serious damage, then, one or more of these defenses
would prevent the other radiation countermeasures from compensating.

This is what Kryptonite does to Superman. By emitting high-powered electromagnetic

radiation at frequencies that interfere with and cancel out his bioelectric field, it
completely removes one line of radiation defense. Without this field, more penetrating
nuclear radiation is able to get through even his super-dense skin, affecting his nervous
system and further weakening his ability to create and maintain his bioelectric field.
Superman's cells begin to wilt under the barrage, causing pain and disrupting his body's
capacities to use energy. His powers diminish and his skin layers begin to break down
under the nuclear assault, allowing yet more radiation to enter his body and do still more
damage. As the exposure to kryptonite radiation continues, his body is unable to recoup
its normal energy stores to rapidly heal the cellular damage and the process spirals
downward. In effect, the disruption of Superman's bioelectric field is the first domino to
fall in a sequence that allows enough radiation through his skin to weaken him and sap
his powers until his body can't heal itself fast enough to avoid damage -- or death, if the
exposure is long enough.

If the kryptonite radiation ceases before that fatal point is reached, however,
Superman's weakened body immediately begins the cellular repair process, first by
tapping whatever physical energy reserves are left, then by taking in more solar energy
at a greatly accelerated rate, like a nearly drowned person gasping for air. Depending on
the length of the exposure, it may take anywhere from several minutes to several days
for Superman to regain his full capacities, but as long as the fatal exposure threshold

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hasn't been crossed, he will recover completely."


In short, there are two categories of Kryptonite: Pure and Synthetic. Pure Kryptonite refers to
the Kryptonite which traveled to Earth from the destruction of the planet Krypton. Synthetic
Kryptontite refers to any type of Kryptonite created in a lab or by some being. Most of the
Kryptonite on Earth is of synthetic origin. Naturally formed Kryptonite appears to be far more
powerful with regard to energy emission than synthetic Kryptonite. However, weaker is still
deadly where Kryptonite is concerned.

Kryptonite can be synthetically created in particle accelerators and processes at such prohibitive
expense that few individuals and companies are capable of attempting the task. Also, the
procedure itself of creating Kryptonite is also extremely difficult. Even when successful, the
creation of such "unnatural" elements is also a slow process; typically only a few atoms of an
element are created at a time. It would take vast resources and a long timetable to create a
meaningful sample of Synthetic Kryptonite. However, it may be possible to 'cheat' and speed up
the process considerably by creating the crystalline form and effectively incubating the
substance. Due to various factors in its creation, Synthetic Kryptonite has an exponentially
shorter Half-life that renders it useless after a short period of time (from days to weeks,
depending on the size of the synthetic piece).

Synthetic Kryptonite has the same chemical characteristics as Pure Kryptonite but can vary in
other qualities, such as the color and type of radiation emitted. These varieties are different
isotopes of the same element, and they can come in different grades, or strengths. The different
isotopes have distinctly different effects on Superman and other life forms, but these effects

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most likely all stem from the cellular disruption.

Regardless of its origin, Post-Crisis, Kryptonite is a rare substance on Earth but there is more
synthetic than pure Kryptonite on Earth. For a long period of time, the only sample of Pure
Kryptonite on Earth was a single fist-sized chunk of Green Kryptonite, caught in the tail of the
infant Kal-El's rocket and carried to Earth along with him upon the explosion of Krypton. This
piece (about 10 lbs worth) was used as the power source for Metallo and was also the source of
the Kryptonite Ring that Lex Luthor used. Over time, various stories have introduced more
quantities of Kryptonite into circulation but then other stories inevitably reduce that amount

Post-Crisis, the amount of pure Kryptonite had a temporary increase in Superman Batman:
Public Enemies quantity when a large asteroid was headed towards Earth. One time it was
referred to as being the size of Brazil and another time it was said to be the size of Australia. It
was stopped when Captain Atom piloted a composite Superman-Batman Mecha to break up
and destroy the asteroid as the metallo alloy the mecha was made of would survive the massive
radiation it emitted. The resulting explosion caused a global Kryptonite meteorite shower over
the course of weeks. Supergirl / Kara Zor-El was reintroduced in Superman Batman: The
Supergirl from Krypton along with various colors of Kryptonite.

In Superman Batman: The Search for Kryptonite, it was stated that around one million megatons
of Kryptonite accompanied Karas rocket to Earth. While most of it burned up on re-entry, this
still left a large amount of Kryptonite that was discovered to be all over the globe. While Wayne
Enterprises and Kord Industries attempted to round up Kryptonite samples, much of it went into
criminal circulation or is stolen from holding facilities. Superman and Batman went around the
globe collecting Kryptonite chunks in all manner of sizes, from milligrams to tons; the largest
intact piece of Kryptonite was a chunk weighing twenty-eight tons.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

The U.S. Military was shown to have a large vault of Kryptonite and Kryptonite-based weaponry
in the middle of Kansas. It was discovered that Kryptonite had been weaponized as powercores
for hand-held weaponry as well as warheads. This vault was also the home of a combat group
called The Last Line (as in Defense) who were outfitted with Kryptonite-based technology and
trained to take down and kill Superman if needed. The U.S. Military bought their weaponry
from LexCorp and created a Human-Doomsday hybrid using Doomsday DNA samples with
Krytponite as a binding agent. The resultant mutation was called the All-American Boy,
essentially Doomsday in both physical size and berserker mentality but all the teeth and bonegrowths were Kryptonite. While superstrong, there was no evidence made of Doomsdays
adaptive nature. He was calmed down and led away; his whereabouts are unknown. It is
unknown whether he could continue to grow Kryptonite from his bone-growths.

Lexcorp was revealed to have 1,000 caches of Kryptonite around the globe and were using
military contracts to make Kryptonite-based weaponry to prevent bankruptcy. The first cache
discovered in Lexcorp data was stated to contain a megatons worth. It was assumed the others
contained a similar amount. Lana Lang, currently in charge of LexCorp in Luthors absence,
activated a failsafe device that detonated all of the 1,000 caches in controlled explosions. The
explosions vaporized thousands of megatons of Kryptonite into Earths atmosphere, blanketing
the planet in a microscopic film of Kryptonite. To solve this problem, the teenage Toyman
released a swarm of spiderbots designed to "clean up Kryptonite at the micro-level. The
remaining large store of captured and collected Kryptonite, weighing in at thousands of tons
was thrown into the sun by Superman. It was shown that Batman has a small vault of his own
that contains a secret stash of Kryptonite after Superman saved a single piece for Batman to
safeguard against Superman if needed.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Later in "Superman: Up, Up and Away," Lex Luthor and Toyman had gathered "virtually all the
known Kryptonite on Earth." They funneled its power through the newly created Kryptonite
Man (Dr. Russel Abernathy) whose changed physiology intensified the output of that Kryptonite
tenfold. All of this energy was directed towards the center of the Earth where a Kryptonian
spacefaring vessel had crashed in 1938 in the West Flatlands of Texas. The focused energy was
required to contact the vessel. While the story is unclear on how much Kryptonite was
consumed in the process of directing a signal with enough force to penetrate the "interference"
in the Earth's Crust, Mantle and Core, additional Kryptonite was consumed when Lex Luthor
used his amassed Kryptonite to convert the Sunstone Vessel into a Kryptonite Vessel with
Kryptonite-fueled Energy weaponry. At the conclusion of the story, Pure Kryptonite was once
again a very rare substance on Earth.

"By the events told in the New Krypton storyline however, several Superman villains, like
Metallo and Reactron, have acquired some Kryptonite samples to use against the
Kryptonians on Earth. Lex Luthor and Sam Lane, working for the government, have a
cache of the precious material too."

These forces had various types of synthetic Kryptonite, at their disposal which they ruthlessly
used against Kandorian / 'New Krypton' Kryptonians.

There were many types of Kryptonite created in Golden and Silver Age stories. Most of them
were retconned away after The Crisis on Infinite Earths reboot of the DC universe. Here are
the types of Kryptonite Post-Crisis.

The only naturally occurring version of Kryptonite. Unless otherwise mentioned, the
previously stated effects in the above sections apply to Green Kryptonite.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

The first appearance of actual red Kryptonite is as a synthetic variant created by Ras al
Ghul, using notes stolen from Batman. This version of the Red Kryptonite causes
Superman intense pain, but not to the lethal levels of Green Kryptonite, the red K having
been developed by Batman to stop Superman rather than kill him.
When exposed to this red kryptonite, Superman's skin becomes transparent, allowing the
sun to directly charge his cells without his skin to act as a filter, resulting in his powers
being supercharged to a point where he can hear a grasshopper's heartbeat from the
Watchtower on the Moon, requiring him to concentrate just to use his abilities on their
normal level.
A different version of Red Kryptonite again appeared in the Superman: Last Son of
Krypton arc where Metallo had various types of Kryptonite integrated into his
cybernetic body. He used it to painfully mutate a Phantom Zone criminal Kryptonian,
resulting in it having an upside-down insect head. While it was screeching in agony,
Metallo stomped it to death. Since the affected Kryptonian was killed and not seen
later, the duration of the mutation is unknown.
The artificial Red Kryptonite created by Luthor through radioactive
manipulation of Green causes wild mutations in Kryptonian DNA by scrambling
the natural replication in the cells that can result in extreme changes in the
exposed person's body and structure and vary widely with very fast results.

Gold Kryptonite is another result of trying to create synthetic Kryptonite. It appeared in
the New Krypton arc as one of the types of Kryptonite that Reactron had in his body.
Reactron was created to be similar to Metallo at the time, only empowered by a heart
of Gold Kryptonite. He revealed what Gold Kryptonite did to a squad of Military Guild
soldiers as he killed them.
In Action Comics Annual #11, Metallo mentions that the modern age gold Kryptonite in
his chest only temporarily removes a Kryptonian's powers. The effect wears off after
fifteen seconds.
Luthor's artificial gold kryptonite works basically like the Pre-Crisis Gold, but the
interfering effects are only temporary unlike the Pre-Crisis Gold. But as recently shown, if
a Kryptonian is using their superhuman abilities in any dangerous effect at the time they
are exposed to this artificial Gold K, those exposed Kryptonians will be rendered

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
completely powerless and can die from the situation they are in at the time of their
depowering, such as Zod's followers who attacked Metallo. The length of time of the
interference is presently unknown, and its effective range seems limited to only be within
a short distance of a few yards.

Post-Crisis, its origin is unknown. Here, blue Kryptonite makes Bizarros become polite,
goodhearted, coherent, and intelligent.
Blue Kryptonite is the Bizarro analogue to green Kryptonite. Using Bizarro logic, this, in
general, hurts Bizarros while having beneficial effects on ordinary Kryptonians. In
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, blue Kryptonite has the same weakening effect on
Ultraman that green Kryptonite has on Superman.
Synthetic Blue Kryptonite is mentioned in Superman: Last Son of Krypton as having
been used to control Bizarro.

In Post Crisis continuity, black kryptonite was recently used by Lex Luthor at the behest
of Darkseid to expose Supergirls true nature.

It later made its first appearance in a DC comic in September 2005's Supergirl #2, where
it apparently possessed the ability to split a person or a person's personality into two
separate entities. In Supergirl #3, Luthor used Black Kryptonite on Supergirl, which
caused her to split into two separate people, one wearing Supergirl's traditional
costume, and another wearing a black-and-white version. Her black-and-white costume
is similar to the one that Superman was wearing when he returned from the dead.
Luthor noted that he was given the Black Kryptonite by the self-proclaimed god
Darkseid, who may have been responsible for its creation. (A synthesized version of
Kryptonite in the feature film Superman III had similar effects on Superman, creating an
evil Superman.) In All Star Superman, which takes place outside of DC Universe
continuity, Black Kryptonite makes Superman evil, almost as if he is transforming into
Bizarro Superman. In Superman/Batman: The Search for Kryptonite, it is stated that
Black Kryptonite makes Clark go insane.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Kryptonite-X is a form of filtered/purified Kryptonite. Professor Hamilton used the term
Kryptonite-X (The Adventures of Superman #511, April 1994, page 13) to describe the
substance that restored Superman's powers after a confrontation with the villain known
as the Cyborg Superman in Engine City (Superman v2, #82, part of the "Return of
Superman" storyline).
This substance was created when the Cyborg used a huge chunk of green Kryptonite in
an attempt to kill the weak, powerless, recovering Superman. The Eradicator, who had
fashioned a faux-Kryptonian body, jumped in front of Superman before the release of the
Kryptonite energy could kill him. Despite the Eradicator's efforts, the Kryptonite energy
hit Superman, but instead of killing him, it transferred all of the characteristic Kryptonian
powers from the Eradicator to Superman, as well as saturating Superman's body with a
purified/filtered form of Kryptonite.
Unfortunately, it also apparently clung to him and caused him to absorb solar energy at
a rapidly accelerated rate, eventually causing his powers to go out of control and his
body to build more mass. Superman was purged of it after battling the Parasite.


Kryptonian culture had endured for a very long time; its earliest recorded history dates back
500,000 years, though at least one account have complete historical accounts dating back only
250,000 years. Kryptonian culture had the benefit of having no mass extinction events of
natural origin, i.e. asteroid or comet impacts. (Superman: Birthright retconned the cultural age
with Jor-El stating that Kryptonian civilization had endured 10,000 years before its destruction.
Other retellings went closer towards the previous age. In Superman: Monel Man of Valor, it
was shown that Kryptonian culture was old enough that Damaxite offshoot culture had
progressed on its own through the millennia for Krypton to be seen as archaic history.)
Over the course of many millennia, Krypton became one of the most technologically advanced
cultures in existence. They mastered math and science while also perfecting their Sunstone
technology, the building block of their society. Their prior attempt at galactic conquest is still in

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
the records of various alien races, notably the Guardians of Oa. Eventually Kryptonians
retreated back to Krypton and remained there, isolated from the galactic community at large for
nearly 100,000 years. They remained bound to their planet until it exploded.

from Superman/Mon-El: Man of Valor

" [Krypton's] people dragged themselves from the mud as all people do. It took them
millennia. Until their lives were perfect. Bored with perfection, they sought the
enlightenment of other worlds. Though these journeys were not of exploration and
inquiry. This was conquest. Although not all of the "Great Inquiry" drew the blood of
aboriginal races. ...
The native races of other worlds fought back against Krypton's "Great Inquiry." The
Empire waned. The settlers on most worlds returned to Mother Krypton. ...
An interesting sidenote: Kryptonian Genetic Makeup, with the aberrance of the
aboriginal Daxamite nothwithstanding, prevented interbreeding with the worlds they at
one time conquered. ...
The Eradicator was a device created by a long-dead world whose mission was 'to protect
Krypton from itself.' It opposed Krypton's Great Inquiry. To this end, on some worlds it
corrupted colonists' immunity to the chemical makeup of settled planets' breathable
atmosphere. On other worlds it simply changed the way the settlers thought, using
mind-programming at the embryonic stage. ... "

Information on the various Ages in Kryptonian history is usually vague and limited which
complicates attempts to assembling a complete timeline. When mentioned at all, things are
referred to as thousands of years ago or eons ago. What is known is that the different ages
are marked by dramatic and / or technological change.
* First through Third Ages There is incomplete information on these periods of time. The First
age is viewed as the age of both cultural and technological primitivism, analogous to Earths
Stone Age. The Second and Third Ages remain largely unknown. It is presumed that these
periods saw the rise of technology much like Earths Industrial & Atomic Ages.
*Fourth AgeAn age of advanced technology but barbaric culture (at least with regard to how
descendants in later ages refer to it). Technology continued to improve and culture gradually
became more civilized, similar to Earths cultural change from the Dark Ages to the Age of

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
*Fifth Age The age of cultured decadence and technological mastery spanning at least 100,000
years. Kryptonians enjoyed utopian lives as biological aristocrat, a world where art and
science melded into a perfect whole. By this age, Kryptonian technology had advanced beyond
Earths highest level of technology. This age was infamous period of Kryptonian Clone Banks. It
was during this age that the alien Clerics race visited Krypton and the Cleric preached against
cloning. It ended with the when Clone activists destroyed the city of Kandor and its forty million
inhabitants with nuclear weaponry.
*Sixth Age The age of the Clone Wars spanning 1,000 years. Much of Kryptons surface was
scarred through nuclear warfare. This age ended when Van-L destroyed the Black Zero cults
doomsday weapon and then helped rebuild Kryptonian society.
*Seventh Age The age of renewal of the Kryptonian people and a complete mastery of genetic
engineering and in vitro fertilization methods. This age lasted 1,000 generations from Van-L
down to Jor-El. This age ended when Krypton exploded. A few decades before the planets
destruction, Brainiac shrunk and abducted the city of Kandor.
* Eighth Age (unofficial) The age of Kryptonian survival under Brainiac and the survivors of
Argo captured and added to the shrunken city of Kandor. Kandor was freed from Brainiac by
Superman and restored to the normal size. This age saw the creation of New Krypton, its
destruction and the effective extinction of the Kryptonian race. Less than 350 Kryptonians
survived only because they were placed into the Phantom Zone instead of killed like the rest of
the invading Kryptonians.

"The new Krypton was approximately one-and-a-half times larger than the Earth and orbited a
red sun called Rao fifty light-years from our solar system. Krypton's primordial era produced
some of the most dangerous organisms in the universe. It was for this reason that Krypton was
chosen as the place to create Doomsday through forced evolution. Until its destruction, many
dangerous animals, including ferrophage moles, still existed on Krypton. Kryptonians had to use

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
their advanced technology to survive. Over 100,000 years ago, Krypton had already developed
scientific advancements far beyond those of present-day Earth, and within a few millennia had
conquered disease, learned to delay the aging process, and perfected cloning; vast banks of nonsentient clones held multiple copies of each living Kryptonian so that replacement parts were
always available in the case of injury. All Kryptonians were effectively immortal, "with all the
strength and vigor of youth maintained," and enjoyed an idyllic, sensual existence in an Arcadian

However, this society was tipping toward decadence and eventually political strife that resulted
from the debate as to whether clones should have rights (sparked by the presence of an alien
missionary known as The Cleric).] Eventually this disagreement led to open violent conflict,
especially after it was openly discovered that a woman's cloned copy of herself was allowed to
gain full sentience and to establish a full, normal life. However, when a young man (the original
woman's son) had discovered that his fianc was this clone, he killed the clone and then publicly
killed his mother, and also attempted his own suicide before being stopped. This key incident
ignited the Clone Wars, during which Kryptonian science was turned to warfare and several
super-weapons were developed and used. Among them was the device known as The Destroyer.

Although the Eradicator's effects (altering the DNA of all Kryptonian lifeforms so that they would
instantly die upon leaving the planet) were felt immediately, the Destroyer's effects were
possibly more significant: by the time the Kryptonian government admitted defeat and abolished
the clone banks, a pro-clone rights terrorist faction known as Black Zero had started the
Destroyer, a device which functioned as a giant nuclear gun, projecting massive streams of
nuclear energy into the core of Krypton, intended to trigger an explosive chain reaction within
Krypton's core almost immediately.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
At the time, it was believed that although the use of the Destroyer resulted in a nuclear explosion
which eliminated the post-Crisis city of Kandor, the device had been stopped before it could
achieve planetary destruction (ironically, by an ancestor of Jor-El himself), but centuries later JorEl would discover that the reaction had only been slowed to a nearly imperceptible rate and
would eventually destroy the planet as intended.


Meanwhile, though it had for now survived the war, Krypton was scarred deeply by it. The
formerly lush garden world was burned and blasted to mostly a lifeless desert, and a sterile,
emotionally dead civilizationmuch unlike its predecessoremerged. The population became
isolated from one another in widely separated technological citadels and shunned all personal,
physical contact. Procreation then became a matter of selecting compatible genetic material
that would then be placed within an artificial womb called a "birthing matrix". The isolationist
planetary government forbid exploring space and communicating with other worlds.

The young scientist Jor-El was born into this world. By his adult years, the mysterious "Green
Plague" was killing Kryptonians by the hundreds, and upon researching the matter, Jor-El
discovered that its cause was growing radiation produced by Krypton's increasingly unstable
core. This process was going to cause the planet to explode.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Unable to convince his associates to abandon tradition and consider escape, and reasoning that
modern Kryptonian society had grown cold, unfeeling and thus decadent, Jor-El removed the
Eradicator's planetary binding genes from his genetic pattern, took the birthing matrix of his
unborn son Kal-El and attached a prototype interstellar propulsion system to the vessel. Just as
the planet began to shake apart, he launched the matrix towards Earth, where it would open
and give birth to the infant upon landing (the post-Crisis Superman therefore was considered to
be technically "born" on Earth). Jor-El was not only determined that his son would survive the
death of his birthworld, but that he would grow up on a world that vibrantly embraced living, as
his pre-Clone Wars forbears once did."


Per Superman: Birthright, the size of Krypton was changed from being nearly Earth-like to a
"mega-gravity planet dwarfing Jupiter, orbiting a star emitting only the dimmest of red light."
Krypton was also said to be located in the Andromeda Galaxy, which is over 2.2 million light
years from Earth. Later retellings of Supermans origin pre-Nu52 did not change the distance of
Krypton from Earth. During the New Krypton arc, it was reconfirmed that Krypton had existed in
another galaxy.

size: 3,959 miles (6,371 km), equatorial diameter is 7,926 miles (12,756
kilometers), from pole to pole, the diameter is 7,900 miles (12,720 km)
gravity: 9.80665 m/s2 (.03 Gravity Krypton Standard per Superman:

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
From a Kryptonian perspective, "gravitational pull nearly negligible"
Local Star: Sol (The Sun) (G2 Yellow Dwarf)
(Its visible radiation is most intense in the yellow-green portion of the
spectrum, and although it is actually white in color, from the surface of
the Earth it may appear yellow because of atmospheric scattering of
blue light)

size: 1.5x Earth "mega-gravity planet dwarfing Jupiter, orbiting a star emitting
only the dimmest of red light"
Gravity: 9.80665 m/s2 x 33.3333 = 326.8833 m/s2
(As opposed to Earth's star, Sol, which has a surface gravity
(photosphere) of 274.1 m/s2)
Distance from Earth: 50 light years 27.1 light years Andromeda Galaxy (over 2.2
million light years from Earth)
Local Star: Rao (Red giant Red Dwarf )


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

"Kryptonians are a highly culturally and technologically advanced people. Self-grown crystals,
both natural and synthetic, which covered the vast majority of their planet's surface gave their
homeworld a bluish hue when viewed from space and underlay Kryptonian technology. Relatively
small crystals can hold vast amounts of information. The Fortress of Solitude is often portrayed
as a recreation of Krypton's surface and a storehouse for all the knowledge that the Kryptonian
race had obtained.

A pictographic crest or symbol represents each Kryptonian family, or House; the head of the
house usually wears it. According to the Superman movie and sequels, a shape similar to the
Latin letter "S" represents the House of El, for example. Superman wears this same symbol on his
costume, which therefore serves a dual purpose: it displays his Kryptonian heritage as well as
functioning as the "S" for Superman. Male Kryptonians are identified by hyphenated names,
which identify both them and their houses, such as Jor-El and Kal-El (of the House of El).
Female Kryptonians have one given name but take their father's name as their last name. For
example, Kal-El's mother is named Lara Lor-Van, taken from her father's name (Lor-Van).

The different Houses were also broken up into a loosely based caste system as well. The
Religious, Artist, Military, and Science caste had representation on the ruling council, while the
Workers caste did not. The different castes lived in buildings with different architectural styles
that represented various styles throughout Krypton's history.

The severe xenophobia of Kryptonian society conveniently explains Kal-El's being the first
Kryptonian to leave the planet. Non-superpowered Kryptonians are genetically dependent to
their home planet; as such, Kal-El was sent to Earth as a newly conceived embryo within a
birthing matrix in order to survive in Earth's atmosphere. He was also devoid of any Kryptonian
minerals because any such minerals would turn to Kryptonite upon leaving Krypton's
atmosphere. Kryptonians are evolutionarily related to the also severely xenophobic Daxamite.
The Daximites remain that way up through the 31st century.

Kryptonian Law did not believe in capital punishment. Instead, the worst criminals were sent to
the Phantom Zone despite a lack of understanding of the nature of the zone, its danger to the
imprisoned, and the presence of exits.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Rao was the name of Krypton's red sun. It was worshiped by the Kryptonians as a deity (albeit in
a more scientific and rational way as the giver and sustainer of all life on the planet).

While many Kryptonians wear brightly colored clothes on a daily basis, formal occasions such as
funerals and certain council meetings require everyone to wear white. The white formal clothes
are often luminescent."

Kryptonian culture was highly xenophobic, believing other races to be inferior and beneath
them both culturally. This feeling became so extreme over generations to view other alien races
as a taint upon their culture that would not be tolerated. As with Daxam, the civilization offshoot of a small segment of Krytonians during their days of galactic expansion, Krypton was
openly hostile towards extraterrestrial beings (aside from the Green Lantern Corps) who set foot
on its surface. (While originally much more open to alien species and cultures, Daxam also
grew to be just about as equally xeonophobic, altering their own historical records to reinforce
teachings of hatred.) Due to their Xenophobia and history galactic conquest, Kryptonians were
deemed as illegible for entry into the Green Lantern Corps by the Guardians of Oa. A similar
statement was made regarding Daxam.

While the degree to which Kryptonian citizens may be xenophobic might vary somewhat, there
were powerful militant groups who would exterminate aliens and alien influences along with
Kryptonian sympathizers. (A singular exception to this rule was The Cleric who avoided
execution when targeted by The Eradicator.)

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Brainiac's slaughter of millions of Kryptonians as well as the theft of the Kryptonian city of
Kandor served to more greatly reinforce the xenophobia and military paranoia within
Kryptonian society both on Krypton and within the stolen Kandor. During the New Krypton arc,
while Zor-El was willing for New Krypton to be friends with humanity, most of the population did
not agree. While the Science Council was not so openly xenophobic and did allow for
interactions with a few alien races without calling for Eradication, Zods view of conquest and
eradication of humans was a prevailing social view.


At some point after the original Kandor's Destruction after the Firing of the Destroyer, Kandor
was rebuilt as a lunar colony. In the Modern Age, in Superman: The Third Kryptonian the moon
was revealed to be named Wegthor (like it was in the Silver Age). The destruction of Kryptons
moon was the result of scientist Jax-Urs experiments with weaponry and interstellar travel.
There were rumors that the city was not destroyed but was cast adrift into space. This spacelost version of Kandor was the one that the alien being Amalak had hunted. Given the timeline
of events and information in the New Krypton arc, there was no truth to these rumors.

Kandor was again rebuilt, this time on Krypons surface. This city became the capital of Krypton.
It was this version of Kandor that was taken by Brainiac sometime prior to Krypton's destruction.
Brainiac did not destroy the star Rao and with it Krypton as per his usual M.O. due to the
planetary instability he detected within the Core; no need to destroy a planet that would
destroy itself shortly afterward anyway.

From Superman: Flamebird & Nightwing

Kandor is their capital, the seat of the planetary government. The third-largest city on

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
the planet, with a population of over seven million.

Brainiac's slaughter of millions as well as the theft of the city of Kandor served to greatly renew
and reinforce the xenophobia and military paranoia within Kryptonian society both on Krypton
and among the survivors of Kandor. The city was left with a population of nearly 100,000
Kryptonians whom Brainiac deemed as unique and worth preserving. Any redundancies were

from Superman: Brainiac

Due to some unknown process implemented by Brainaic, inhabitants of his bottled cities do not
age normally. The aging rate is significantly slowed. In what should have been in Earth-time
decades worth of duration, Zor-El and Alura (as well as other inhabitants) did not appear to have
aged much at all.
There was a second city by the name of Kandor but was neither the true Kandor nor was it truly
inside a bottle. While it may have originally been intended to be Post-Crisis Kandor from
Krypton, it was revealed to be a ghetto placed into a side-dimensional warp by an alien wizard
named Talos, connected via a Bottle City that acted as an interface or bridge between this world
and that of the warp. It "contained aliens of various species, including human-like aliens with
Kryptonian-like physiologies." Somehow they were Kryptonian-like hybrids or treated as such
by the people within the city. The Pure Ks (Pure Kandorians) of this dimensional bubble were
solar batteries similar to Kryptonians under a yellow sun. However, their abilities under a yellow
sun were slightly different; for example the being named Preus had Black energy as a heat-vision
attack. However, none of the people from this dimension can survive outside of it for long.
Preus special armor allowed him to survive with no ill-effects until it was destroyed.

This is the version of Kandor that Superman visited in Superman: Godfall. It is also the version

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
that Supergirl and Powergirl visited and used the respective armored aliases of Flamebird and
Nightwing. In Superman #670, the end of The Third Kryptonian arc, the bottled city conduit was
smashed by the alien Amalak after he became enraged that there were no Kryptonians in the
city. With the destruction of the bottle, the bridge portal to this Kandor was lost and its fate
was left unknown.



"The Jewel Mountains were a mountain range located on the continent of Lurvan on the
planet Krypton. It was situated North-northwest of the capitol city of Kandor and was
bordered by the Cogo Sea to the North and the Scarlet Jungle Firefalls to the South."

Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The legend is that the Firefalls were created when
Rao was tricked into imprisoning Cythonna. For a hundred nights, he cried tears of

The original Firefalls were located in the Jewel Mountains on Krypton. They were a
Niagra Falls-like setting that contained a special ore that light shining through it gave a
jewel effect. That same ore, when combined with both light and water, made the water
seem fiery red. Blood Bloom plants grew near it with red, crystalline petals and
secreted a flammable fluid. On New Krypton, the remade Fire Jewel Mountains were
twenty miles away from Kandor.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


Kryptonians were bound to their homeworld by the artifact known as The Eradicator after days
of Kryptonian galactic conquest. They could not leave their world without dying. The Cleric
tried to lead some oppressed Kryptonians away from their world and was horrified to learn that
all who followed on his pilgrimage died on leaving the planet. Shortly before Krypton's
destruction, Jor-El devised a way to free Kryptonians from this link to Krypton, allowing Kal-El to
escape unharmed.

(However, Jor-El did not possess the means to create transport vessels for the Kryptonian
populace thanks to Science Council having long ago out-lawing spaceflight and shutting down his
own work. If the Council had known about Jor-El's work on rocket flight, he would also have
been sentenced to the Phantom Zone. Similarly, Zor-El had to work on his own rocket vessel.
His vessel had the means to bathe its occupant in yellow sunlight.)

Continuities tend to flip flop on this matter of being bound to Krypton, and if so, having the
problem fixed by Krypton's survivors after their planet's destruction. The most recent change to
Kryptonian history brought back that Kryptonians were bound to their homeworld.
"On a historic day, the Eradicator was activated and produced a wave of energy that genetically
bound all Kryptonians not only to each other, but to the planet as well. Because of this, if a
Kryptonian ever attempted to leave Krypton, he or she would die. All Kryptonians born after the
time of Kem-L inherited this same genetic defect (which helped to explain why there were never
any Kryptonian Green Lanterns). ... When Mark Waid wrote 'Superman: Birthright,' this aspect of
Kryptonian biology was excised from the new history. As Kryptonians no longer suffer this
genetic defect [of being bound , characters such as Ursa are able to leave their home
environment and travel to new worlds."

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
In Superman#668 670, The Third Kryptonian arc introduced another survivor from Krypton, an
older, ex-soldier woman named Karsta Wor-Ul who had since been living as a space pirate. She
was one of a few Kryptonians who left Krypton decades before its destruction and she refused
to return after the shifting of power from the Military Council to the Science Council. Those
survivors were hunted down by enemies of Krypton from its galactic empire days and she fled to
Earth, living under the identity of Kristen Wells. Her story ended with her flying into space with
the alien Amalak who was responsible for the deaths of Kryptonian survivors. This story was
plagued with inconsistencies about Red Sunlight. Given the following retcon, it is uncertain how
much of this story remains canon. If not stated outright, another retcon would be required to
keep Karsta Wor-Uls past in current lore. The simplest solution is seen below.

This genetic defect was re-inserted into canon during the 'New Krypton' story arc when the
history of Krypton and Daxam were reviewed in Superman: Mon-El Man of Valor. Any
contradictions involving Ursa and others having survived travel to new worlds is a moot point as
Krypton in Superman: Birthright and other retellings may have still possessed the technological
plans to construct space vessels but the Science Council had outlawed space travel and did not
allow others access to that data. For example, Jor-El had to create his own rocket technology
for baby Kal-El.

Also, there are logical solutions to resolving contradictions for the survival of Kandors
population (as well as Argos population) that may arise from stories set during the Eradicator
method and then later retellings where spacetravel still occurred later in Kryptons timeline:
1) There was sufficient Kryptonian landmass within Kandor to keep the Kryptonians
alive once the city was taken and for Argo to keep its population alive after the city was
forcibly broken away. Then at a later point, the same cure Jor-El created was recreated
(likely in thanks to Zor-El) and distributed among the population.
2) The Kryptonian Scientists in Krypton (and by extension Kandor and Argo) found a cure
for the defect, much the same way Jor-El did and administered it to their surviving
populations as well as those Phantom Zone criminals who were pardoned by the Science
Council. Used sparingly or in secret from the population as a whole, this explanation
allows for Karsta Wor-Uls backstory and mention of Ursa going offworld.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


Kryptonians were not naturally conceived and born. Their race was a race of designer babies
or test-tube babies. Social controls were in place to prevent overpopulation and served as a
zero-growth population; a child was not created unless an existing citizen died.

While the process is not fully explained, the Science Council would determine who the father of
the new child would be. Then the Master of Gestation Chambers would compare that mans
DNA with others in the Registry of Citizens and select the female with the best genetic match.
The chosen males patriarch elder and the chosen females matriarch were contacted regarding
the possible pairing. If approval was given by the Matron, the new parents would be notified.
Presumably, if the Matriarch declined, the Master of Gestation Chambers would find the next
best match, continuing the cycle until a match was successfully agreed.

Genetic samples taken from both parents would be used to create the best possible genetic
template for a child and placed into a Gestation Chamber alongside other possible children.
(Though not outright said, there is an inference that multiple iterations of genetic template
were created at this point and the parents or Science Council would select one.) Once the
embryo was ready for development into a child, its personal gestation chamber was placed into
a Birthing Matrix that would oversee the childs development and birth.

After the Superman: Man of Steel reboot following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kryptonians
wore a second skin, biosupport suit which covered everything but their face to help protect
themselves from their environment. By Human standards and their own ancient history,
Kryptonians were a socially cold race who would not touch one another. When two individuals
were chosen to be the genetic parents of a child, it was rare for the parents to even meet one
another in person, much less touch. This degree of physical isolation lessened somewhat over
time through various retellings / retcons of Supermans origin on Krypton.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Under the current continuity resulting from various retellings of Supermans trip to Earth,
Kryptonians no longer abhorred physical contact like they did under the Bronze Age and began
to resemble more how Kryptonians were in the Silver Age. As seen in Superman: Birthright and
Superman: Secret Origin, Kryptonians are again shown as touching and kissing again They would
engage in various physical contact and displays of affection like humans and other races do.
Kryptonians still had social norms, regulations and taboos regarding reproduction and
population size.

Per The Third Kryptonian and New Krypton arcs, there are only four confirmed Kryptonian
couples to engage in sexual intercourse. Only one couple did so for the purpose of having a
child. The couples are: 1) Ro-Kul & Karsta Wor-Ul during their century alone together in hiding,
2) Dru-Zod & Ursa in Fort Rozz where she conceived and gave birth to a son, Lor-Zod, 3) Az-Rel &
Nadira Va-Dim wherever they could and 4) Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent & Thara Ak-Var, on Earth.
Kal-El / Clark Kent and his wife Lois Lane have been established to be in a sexual relationship as
well but Kal-El was raised human with human morality and social norms and Lois is a human.

Of these couples, there are mitigating circumstances for all of them so it is not easy to make a
generalized statement from their behavior that Kryptonians society condoned physical sexual
activity. Ro-Kul & Karsta Wor-Ul had ignored the order to return to Krypton and discarded their
Kryptonian identity. Dru-Zod & Ursa had sex to conceive a son for the purpose of escaping the
Phantom Zone from within it by shunting their son out and creating an anchor on Earth. They
also did not show him any affection or kindness afterward, physically abusing him for signs of
weakness. Az-Rel & Nadira Va-Dim were shown to be insane and disregarding of Kryptonian
social norms. Lor-Zod & Thara Ak-Vars behaviors were strongly affected and directed by the
Kryptonian deities whom they served as hosts.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

While not explicitly confirmed, it was strongly implied (all but said) that Zor-El and Alura In-Ze
engaged in a sexual relationship prior to their marriage and did not just sleep side-by-side in the
same bed. As this happened on old Krypton, this is the only evidence to make the case that
normal Kryptonian society condoned physical sexual activity. Not counting Lor-Zods conception
and birth, these sexual relationships appear to be for physical intimacy and pleasure, not
During Superman: Last Son of Krypton, it was revealed there was an exception against
the rule about natural conception and birth came in the form of Lor-Zod, son of Dru-Zod
and Ursa within the Phantom Zone. Such a thing within the intangible Phantom Zone
occurred only because of the anomaly of Fort Rozz, a prison that had been shunted into
the Phantom Zone when a Phantom Zone projector exploded. For some unknown
reason, the prison and anyone who entered it would become solid / tangible. However,
it was shown in that story that Lor-Zod was not conceived out of love but to be used as
an anchor to help Dru-Zod, Ursa and the other criminals escape the Phantom Zone.
Fort Rozz was later destroyed when the Phantom Zone was destroyed from within.

Per the 'New Krypton' story arc, there is also a panel that shows a pregnant Kryptonian female.
Given the progression of the pregnancy, the child would have been conceived while the city was
still in a shrunken state but there is no definitive answer if the child was conceived naturally or if
the embryo was implanted into her womb by Kryptonian medical science. There is nothing that
explicitly outright retcons out the use of gestation chambers and Birthing Matrixes.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

All of this strongly suggests that Kandorian taboos on sexual contact / natural womb birth had,
at the very least, changed in the last few decades thanks to capture and imprisonment by
Brainiac. A culture facing the possible extinction of their race is likely to make various changes
in a desperate attempt to survive as a species. Such alternations would be no small or easy
change given for the cultural mindset of Kryptonian people with a millennia-old taboo put could
be possible over time.

In the Golden/Silver Age, Superman had been born on Krypton and then sent to Earth. Per PostCrisis 'Man of Steel,' Kal-El was inside the Birthing Matrix that is father had also modified into a
spacefaring vessel. It arrived on Earth where he was technically 'born.' Superman: Birthright
and subsequent retellings reverted back to the Golden/Silver Age view that Kal-El was already
born on Krypton and then placed as an infant into the prototype space vessel. (This change
would also have a slight change in the re-emergence of Hank Henshaw regarding the amount of
genetic material available from which to form the organic part of his original Cyborg-Superman
body. )


Per the Post-Crisis 'Man of Steel' Reboot, Kryptonians had "perfected cloning; vast banks of nonsentient clones held multiple copies of each living Kryptonian so that replacement parts were
always available in the case of injury. All Kryptonians were effectively immortal, "with all the
strength and vigor of youth maintained."

For around 100,000 years of Kryptons history, after the time it was mastered, most of
Kryptonian society had no ethical issues with harvesting parts from a clone body or even
destroying it as needed. Those few who originally disagreed with the practice allowed
themselves to die of natural old-age. Clones were not things viewed as people but spare parts;
three clones were grown for every Kryptonian citizen, each at differing levels of physical

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Intervention from the alien called The Cleric added to the social divide on the issue of cloning.
As advocates for clone rights grew, social conditions deteriorated into a civil war called The
Clone Wars after a man murdered his fianc then mother after they were revealed to be
genetically the same. The war not only scarred the planet and Kryptonian society but damaged
the planetary core as well when Black Zero activists tried to destroy the planet as penance for
the countless number of clones who had been butchered over the course of one hundred

The Clone Wars caused great devastation to many cities and landmasses on Krypton during the
thousand years it lasted. During that time, the cultural view on cloning had changed, degraded
into an irrational hatred of sentient clones. They were considered abominations. Kryptonians
would view the near-impossible blending of Kryptonian genetics with any other race to also be
an abomination to be destroyed and would do so much like humans would put down a rabid

However, along with this social view, the clone banks as they existed before the Clone Wars
were discarded and other means were developed that did not have such morality issues. Prior
to the various retcons in the early 2000s, the main preservative technology was Biosupport
suits. Biosupport suits were outfitted at birth, growing with the person protecting them and
prolonging their lives almost indefinitely, barring accidental death. After various
retcons/revelations, it was implied that Kryptonian medical Instead of keeping ready-grown
clones but had the means to clone/regenerate organs to repair damage. Going from the Return
of Superman arc down through the New Krypton arc, it was established that Kryptonian medical
technology could regenerate injuries overtime (or in the case of solar charge conditions, assist
the natural healing), even for something as complex as cellular damage in all of a persons cells.

By the time of Kandors capture and processing by Brainiac, whatever clone technology still
active within the city was removed or destroyed as Brainiacs own technology helped preserve
bottled subjects. Any clone material present would be designated redundant information by
Brainiac and would have been destroyed. It is unknown whether or not Kandor still possessed
the means of cloning organs for medical purposes. In the New Krypton arc, cloning was not

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
used to help General Zod recover from a near fatal wound and continual cellular degradation
nor was it employed to help other injured Kryptonians. Stasis chambers and a slower
regeneration chamber variant was used to repair the cellular and limb damage.


As seen in Superman: New Krypton Vol 2, Kryptonians have shining white, garb that is worn for
ceremonial events such as Guild Selection and funerals. (While there is no direct evidence for it,
one can presume that attendees would also wear this garb for weddings). It is not certain
whether this clothing emits the white light or merely reflects the light of the white, crystalline
hall where the ceremony is held. (The appearance of this funerary garb is an obvious nod to the
visual look of Kryptonian clothing from the Christopher Reeve Superman films.) Kryptonian
funeral services, at least public remembrances, have much in common with Western culture
Earth funerals. A funeral service is a time of remembrance and eulogy.
Bodies of the dead are burned while a representative of the Religious Guild offers prayers for
the souls of the departed. It is unclear on whether the burning of the body comes before or
after the funeral service. Important figures of state may also have a memorial grave with
recumbent effigy ( a "likeness lying in repose"; a life-size sculpture of deceased individual
wearing the costume of their station and lying face up). Zor-El was the head of the new Council
in New Krypton, beloved by all. As seen in the Supergirl title, he was given such a memorial.


Kryptonian culture was not a pacifist one. During its rise as a galactic empire and after its
decline to only their homeworld, Kryptonians did use Capital Punishment both within their
culture and to alien beings. Prior to the original discovery of the Phantom Zone, when
Kryptonians decided that isolation or containment were not enough, they would kill without
hesitation. This social situation changed with the discovery/re-discovery of the Phantom Zone.

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Kryptonian Database
At this point, criminals were sent to the Phantom Zone instead of being executed.
Examples of killings and executions are: during Kryptonian civil wars, Kem-L dealing
with aliens hundreds of thousands of years ago, (in New Krypton arc) when a handful of
Kryptonians took Doomsday to Earth's Moon and killed him there as well as when
Military Guild murdered Science Police humans.
Sometime soon after Kandor was returned to normal size (between Superman: New Krypton Vol
2 and Vol 3), The Phantom Zone was destroyed due to an instability within it and from situations
involving the Nightwing entity. At this point in time, Kryptonian culture again reverted towards
capital punishment as a means of dealing with enemies of the state. In fact, the Military Guild
rushed too quickly towards the options of murder and execution in matters of social unrest. By
the time the Phantom Zone was restored, New Krypton was no more and most of the
Kryptonians were dead. Last approximate count is that around three hundred Kryptonians,
including Zod (again), were sent into the Phantom Zone. All of them wanted to kill humanity in
revenge for the loss of their race.


While most of the Kryptonian population died when Krypton exploded, there were survivors:
*Kal-El sent away from Krypton in a rocket just before it exploded. His rocket reached
*Phantom Zone Criminals Per the New Krypton storyline, 29 criminals were inside the
Phantom Zone when Krypton was destroyed. Among the worst criminals Krypton had
ever known in the Seventh Age were Zod and his followers (exact number not stated).
Lor-Zod was conceived and born in the Phantom Zone as a special case. During the New
Krypton storyline, Alura pardoned Zod and his followers, on the grounds that their 200
year imprisonment against the old Science Council may have been justified due to the
old councils lobotomy of Non and their rejection of Jor-Els warnings. Per Mon-El, the
worst of the worst (exact number unspecified) died when the Phantom Zone was
destroyed; Mon-El was the last one removed from the Phantom Zone as it ceased to be.
*Interstellar fleet defectors Per The Third Kryptonian, about eighty [of them] had
deserted. About thirty-five managed to engage cloaking fields before the Eradicators
caught [them]. These defectors fled generations before Jor-Els and Dru-Zods time. Of
those who did not die in successive conflicts, all but one of these survivors was hunted
down by various groups, notably by space pirate Amalak. This survivor was named
Karsta Wor-Ul.
*The population of Kandor, abducted by Brainiac. All told, the population was nearly

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Kryptonian Database
100,000 individuals.
*The population of the city of Argo; they survived initially due to Zor-Els reverse
engineering of Brainiac shielding technology. That same technology later attracted
Brainiac who captured its population, murdered those considered redundant and added
the survivors to the city of Kandor. Kara Zor-El was sent off in her own rocket as
Brainiac attacked Argo.

Kryptonian naming convention uses a personal/given name to precede a familial/surname one.
Males have a personal name followed by a surname. For example, the House of Var would have
sons named "Kem-Var" or "Byn-Var." Female names, however, take a personal name to precede
a husband or father, such as "Thara Ak-Var." This variation makes the generational repeat of a
specific name (for females at least) incredibly rare. However, in some social situations, females
are shortened to the surname only, especially when another title is used, such as military rank.

Here is a list of Kryptonian given names, from the New Krypton story arc.
Male: Az, Byn, Co, Del, Dru, Dyn, In, Jax, Jor, Kam, Kem, Kir, Mar, Non, Pat, Qin, Quex,
Ser, Tal, Tor, Va, Val, Zal, Zor
Female: Alura, Bin, Car, Dor, Kryn, Lyra, Mir, Myn, Nadira, Sura, Tes, Thara, Ursa, Wren,

Here is a list of Kryptonian family names from the New Krypton story arc. It is not exhaustive
per canon but many Kryptonian names that throughout the decades have been retconned away,
notably names from Golden or Silver Age stories.

Military Guild: Dar, Et (Black), Gai, Gor, Hin, Mur, Nar, Ox, Re, Se, Ta (Asian), Ty, Var,
Vay (Black), Vol, Zo, Za, Zan
Science Guild: Drom, El, Qin (Black), Quex, Sa, Ur, Ran, Ze
Artists Guild: Dae, Li, Ny, Os, Par, Tel, Var, Xe
Labor Guild: Or, Sher, Ur, Van, Vex

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Complete Names:
Military: Ak-Var, Asha Del-Nar, Bin-Se, Dor Tal-Ox, Dru-Zod, Jeq-Vay, Kir-Ta, Kay-Zo, MirEt, Myn-Gai, Ral-Dar, Tal-Ox, Tes Ak-Var, Wren-Za
Science: Alura In-Ze,* Gol-Sa, Jax-Ur, Jor-El, In-Ze, Lora Lor-Van,* Qin-Ran, Val-Or
Artists: Alura In-Ze,* Co-Dae, Dyn-Xe, Fil-Os, Gal-Ny, Lyra Kam-Par, Mar-Li, Zal-Tel, ZorEl
Labor: Car-Vex, Lara Lor-Van,* Pat-Ur, Tam-Or, Tyr-Van
Religious: Thar Ak-Var*
No Guild specified: Byn-Var & Kem-Var (used as examples, would likely be Military),
Dax-Am (pilot/explorer), Kryn Kel-Ur (missing woman), Lon-Am (pilot/explorer), Lor-Zod
(Phantom Zone mutant)
No Guild Specified, Criminals: Az-Rel, Dev-Em , Nadira Va-Dim, Quex-Ul, Tor-An , Val-Ty
aka Zal-Zan


Kryptonian society was comprised of Noble Houses which ruled the planet and common
Houses. There has not been a definitive count regarding the number of Noble Houses. In
Kryptonian culture, a House was a formalized way to refer to ones family line. The Noble
Houses were able to take part in ruling the planet through the various councils and rise to
prominent rank within the Military Guild.
Confirmed Noble Houses Post Crisis per the New Krypton arc:
Artists: El,* Li, Ny, Os
Science: El,* Sa (Black), Qin (Black)
Military: Et (Black), Zo, Zod


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
For most of Superman's published history, Kryptonian writing was represented by random,
alien-looking squiggles. In the 1970s, E. Nelson Bridwell attempted to rationalize these squiggles
into a 118-letter alphabet, referring to the language as "Kryptonese." This standardized alphabet
was then used by DC Comics until John Byrne's 1986 "reboot" of the Superman universe.
In 2000, DC introduced a transliteration alphabet for the written language, dropping the
Kryptonese moniker in favor of the more commonly assumed Kryptonian. All such writing
appearing in the comic books is actually just the language of publication (English in the USA &
UK, French in France, etc.) written using this transliteration alphabet to replace the native
alphabet with a one-to-one correspondence, in a similar fashion to Interlac in Legion of SuperHeroes.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Kryptonian social culture is divided into Five Guilds: military, science, artists, religious, labor.
Each one had different dress codes and viewpoints.

While the Guild System bears some similarities to Earth's Caste System, i.e. a child is born into
the social level of their parents and cannot change, there is flexibility and change within
Kryptonian society. Kryptonian Guild assignment was a combination of family status, personal
aptitude and marriage (in the case of females). Guild Assignment occurred in various ways:
decided by birth (at least in the case of the Labor Guild), decided by the individual in the case of
Noble Houses and in some extraordinary circumstances while decided by the decided by the
Kryptonian Council in others. If an individual given the option to choose would not, the power
of choice reverted back to the Council. At some point in a Kryptonians teen years (the age was
not specified), a Kryptonian would confirm their guild. It is not specified if this was an informal
ceremony of state or one of the ceremonial gathering events. Confirming ones guild
choice/placement locked the Kryptonian into their social path, and on a later birthday, the
Guilding Ceremony occurred, publicly and officially welcoming the Kryptonian into their guild.

Upon marriage, women were assimilated into their husband's Guild, at least socially speaking. It
remains unclear exactly how their Guild duties changed in accordance with the new Guild and
how much of their duties from the old guild remained. Alura In-Ze indicated that the difference
in mindset took adjustment for her after changing from the Science Guild to the Artists Guild.
Other than marrying into the husbands guild status, there does not appear to be a misogynistic
aspect to Kryptonian society; women were able to achieve high rank and status within
Kryptonian society based on personal merit. Marrying a woman for social attachment or love
from the Labor Guild was socially frowned upon, if it did occur.
For example, once Lara Lor-Van married Jor-El, her guild position was elevated from the
Labor Guild to the Science Guild, granting her more social opportunity for advancement.
However, per Superman: New Krypton Vol 4, such elevations through marriage still
carried a stigma among some parts of society referring to such women as Jump Ups.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

In cases of the adoption of an orphan, it was possible to assimilate the adopted child into the
family Guild, let them continue with their biological family guild assignment or have their
placement reviewed by the Kryptonian Council . (Again, there is an implication that such
transitions were restricted to Noble families and were not given to regular families. Members of
Noble Houses who were orphans could pick another Guild if they had an aptitude for the chosen
Guild, as was shown with Thara Ak-Vars, Kal-Els and Kara Zor-Els option to enter a guild of his

In the New Krypton arc, we see three individuals go through the process of Guild Assignement:
1) Kal-El, 2) Kara Zor-El and 3)in flashbacks, we see Thara Ak-Var change guilds more than once.
Each of these instances is a special circumstance and may not hold true for the society at large.
Kal-El was later in age than is normal for Guild Assignment and had the exceptional situation of
being an adult, an orphan and a cultural blank slate as far as others were concerned.
Kara Zor-El was the closest to normal placement that we see due to her age and social
indoctrination. Her time away from Kryptontian society along with her never having confirmed
her Guild gave her the option of choosing any guild. She wavered between the two her parents
originated in, Science from Alura In-Ze or Artists from Zor-El. In the end, she chose Science Guild
in an attempt to better understand her mother.
Thara Ak-Var is an interesting case because she was an orphan who started in Military Guild like
both her parents, was chosen by the Religious Guild, left the Religious Guild to join the Artists
Guild of her adoptive parents Zor-El & Alura In-Ze. It is unclear how much of her experience in
changing guilds was a normal one within Kryptonian society.

* Military -- visually reminiscent of Eradicator's vertical stripe style (which DCUO's Slimline Chest
and Legs mostly replicate)

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Military Guild believes in its own might. Under
Zods leadership, it strives to maintain the martial glory of Krypton.
-The Military Guild's purpose is to protect Krypton from threats, both domestic and
-It is similar to Earth Military with regard to rank that is earned based on performance.
Rank can either elevate or demote an individual. Known Ranks in descending order:
General, Commander, Lieutenant, Lancepesade, Aspirant.
-The rank of General was held by only one individual at a time. If wounded or
incapacitated, another member of the Military Guild could be temporarily elevated in
rank to General until such a time that the regular General recovered or died.
-Military Guild are the most likely to think other races in a xenophobic and primitive
manner. They also view the other Guilds in terms of usefulness to the military. Military
Guild view Labor Guild heavy labor with disdain.
-In states of emergency, the Military Guild takes over all authoritative powers until the
danger has passed, whereby it then returns to the Council.
Military Guild buildings tend to be bunker-like structures. Without prior appointment or
proper clearance, other Guild members were not usually afforded access to Military
Guild structures. Military Guild has a tradition that the house emblem of the ruling
General flies over the Military Guild Headquarters.
-Military Guild has a strict policy about wearing their uniform when on duty.
-Known squads: Black Zero (Krypton's elite squad), Red Shard (traditionally handles law
enforcement and civic defense matters)

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
* Science -- visually reminiscent of Kryptonians from the 'Man of Steel' reboot after Crisis where
their social culture was cold and sterile
Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Science Guild governs most forms of science
and technology on the planet. Their ways are sometimes seen as emotionless, decrying
all aesthetics. Nevertheless, this ethic has made Krytpon into a mighty technological
-Science Guild members tend to view art as a redundant aesthetic to life. All things tend
to be viewed as data and facts according to logic.
-Logic and social convention tend to be more important than morality/ethics. Many of
Krypton's weapons were made in a time of scientific recklessness.
-The 'Science Guild' is something of a misleading term. Scientist specialties could
emerge from any Guild, save Labor Guild. Scientist perspectives could vary wildly from
guild to guild. For example, Jor-El was from Science Guild. Zor-El was from Artists Guild.
Scientists from the Artists Guild and Science Guild could view research issues almost to
the point of philosophical opposites. Science Guild would look at things with regard to
math / science / calculation / causality. Artists Guild could then look for meaning and
connections and how things fit together 'as a whole.'

* Religious -- Robed people with hoods and glowing masks (like DCUO's Glowing Skin)

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Kryptonian Database
"The guild was symbolized by the sigil of the Flamebird - a mythical creature that was
half-phoenix and half-dragon. Priests of Rao garbed themselves in flowing dark robes
and obscured their faces with glowing featureless masks."
Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Religious Guild moves silently
throughout Krypton. Priests represent all gods, each in turn representing a
Guild. Telle (god of Wisdom/Science). Lorra (goddess of beauty/Artists). Mordo
(god of strength/Military). Yuda (goddess of the moon/Labor). The Religious
Guild honors the ice deity Cythonna, while also being priests for the deity above
all others, Rao, the fire god, which is seen as the wellspring of all life on
-Per New Krypton, it was established that The Religious Guild had the right to
claim a Kryptonian citizen and assimilate them into their ranks. New Initiates to
the Guild had their heads shaven and were anointed with liquid before receiving
their own mask.
There is at least one instance of such a Kryptonian claimed by the
Religious Guild later leaving it and re-assimilating into her Kryptonian
adoptive family's Guild without social sanction. However, this also
occurred in Kandor after it was taken by Brainiac; in the face of racial
extinction, various changes/allowances to policy could have been
-During the Holiday "Nova," they also had the ability to absolve/pardon the
crimes of any citizen. "Nova" was the annual holiday where Kryptonian culture
celebrates Birth and Rebirth, of Rao, his attending deities but of Krypton as well.
(The implication of the wording used leaves it unsure for certain whether or not

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it is the ability to pardon a single citizen or as many citizens they so chose.)

* Artists -- visually reminiscent of Golden / Silver Age Krypton fashion
Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Artists Guild, while involved with science, also
handles all forms of art, design and creativity. They more strongly believe in the
religions of Krypton and seek to find the hand of Rao at work in all things.
-Artist Guild buildings tend to exquisite and beautiful structures, the Kryptonian
equivalent of skyscrapers.
-The Artist Guild members appear to be more open to the idea of respecting other alien
races compared to the other Guilds.
-Artist Guild members view everything with regard to interconnected patterns. If
devout, they tend to view the hand of Rao in everything. The Artists Guild tends to find
joy in life and would often host or take part in various social functions for the exchange
of ideas within Kryptonian culture.

* Labor -- their attire varied, depending on the tasks assigned.

Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Labor Guild keeps the planet running, taking on

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Kryptonian Database
any and all manual jobs. They are the unseen masses, going all but unnoticed by other
guilds. Indeed, they are the only guild without Council representation.
-The whole existence of the Labor Guild is based on serving other Guilds and doing hard
labor tasks; their presence is often not directly noticed by other Guilds.
-They had NO Council representation in social and political matters of state. This
situation eventually changed during the course of events in New Krypton.
-They had NO Nobles and had to address members of other Guilds, especially Noble
Houses, with respect ("sir" / "maam"). They are viewed as second-class Kryptonians by
other Guilds, especially the Military Guild.
-The only way for (female) Labor Guild members to advance socially is for women to
marry into another Guild (such as Lara Lor-Van moving up from Labor Guild into the
Science Guild through marriage to Jor-El). By Earth standard, Labor Guild are glorified


Kryptonian culture was not a monarchy (a form of government in which sovereignty is actually
or nominally embodied in a single individual) nor was it a democracy (a form of government in
which all eligible citizens participate equally either directly or indirectly through elected
representatives in the proposal, development and creation of laws). For good or ill, power
resided with the Council in day-to-day affairs. In matters of emergency or war, Kryptonian
society had a similarity the Roman Empire with this regard of military dictator. The current
General of the Military Guild was given absolute power until the situation had passed.

Kryptonian governmental affairs were handled by a Council composed of six members, two each

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from the Military, Science and Artists Guilds. The Labor Guild had no representation. In certain
legal matters, a representative from the Religious Guild was present but did not have a vote.
This representative was the head of the Religious Guild, titled The Voice of Rao. Members of
the council were given the title of "Councilor." Representatives chosen or elected to the Council
were taken from the ranks of the Noble Houses of Krypton. Each Kryptonian city had its own
council which attended to day-to-day affairs. The Kryptonian capital of Kandor was the seat of
power for the Kryptonian race, responsible for its own city affairs as well as policies and laws for
the entire planet.

The Kryptonian Legal system has a similar means of representation to Earth's legal system.
Criminals taken into custody and charged with criminal activity; their attire is a combination of
garments and robe of varying shades of gray. There is a prosecutor and defense attorney (each
garbed predominantly in black, with their house crest in white on their chest with gray on the
edge of their robe. Each one makes their case before the Council, presenting evidence and
witnesses. The Council served as Judge and Jury, voting on a verdict with the majority vote

An exception to legal verdicts could come from the representative from the Religious Guild. On
the Holiday "Nova," a representative of the Religious Guild present for the hearing may
absolve/pardon a criminal. It is uncertain whether this was the only holiday where the Religious
Guild was able to pardon an individual.

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Kryptonian Database
ners.jpg Legal System Defendant Clothing

In order to maintain their own power and control (in the face of a threat they did not believe),
at least some members of the Council authorized some heinous actions. The arrogance within
much of the Kryptonian culture mixed with a desire to maintain power or the status quo has
resulted in abuses of power.
"In the days prior to Krypton's destruction, Jor-El and his mentor Non preached to the
populace about the upcoming disaster. They were arrested. Non and Jor-El's
punishment was light, but they were warned against causing a global panic by spreading
such sensationalized findings. Jor-El chose to obey the council's wishes, but Non could no
longer keep silent. He began speaking publicly to anyone who would listen, spreading
the word that Krypton was doomed. The Kryptonian Science Council eventually caught
up with Nons followers and apprehended them. Non was lobotomized and turned into a
brutish, mute savage."

from Superman: Nightwing & Flamebird Vol 1
"Kryptonian religious belief has been characterized as polytheistic, akin to Hinduism on Earth.
This is inaccurate. A better analogue might be Catholicism, with Rao, the sun god, as a
monotheistic deity, surrounded by named 'angels,' Cythonna, Yuda, and the like. Other aspects
of the religion might best be likened to Terran Cabals, or even cults, with layers of secrets
concealing further mysteries. This may explain why the Religious Guild is so small in comparison
to the other Guilds, and why so little is known about them. Outside the standard Life-Cycle
events -- Birth, Marriage, Death -- most Kryptonians have no interaction with the clergy. And the
clergy itself rarely interacts with the rest of society."

from Superman: Nightwing & Flamebird Vol 2

Kryptonian Rao-Orthodox Pantheon contains 14 major deities, 211 demigods, 1402 titans.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
The Religious Guild has the righty by law to claim a Kryptonian and induct them into the
Religious Guild. The Religious Guild does not need to offer an explanation for their choice. The
Religious Guild does not often exercise this right to bring someone into their ranks. At the same
time, it is possible for someone of the Religious Guild to break away and leave without rebuke or
social penalty.

Excerpts from a known Kryptonian prayer:

"From Void to Creation
From Creation to Order
From the End unto the Beginning
We are children of your precise design
Thus we strive to perfect ourselves anew in your name,
O Father of the Stars, Creator of Light

Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives, The Religious Guild moves silently throughout Krypton.
Priests represent all gods, each in turn representing a Guild. Telle (god of Wisdom/Science).
Lorra (goddess of beauty/Artists). Mordo (god of strength/Military). Yuda (goddess of the
moon/Labor). The Religious Guild honors the ice deity Cythonna, while also being priests for the
deity above all others, Rao, the fire god, which is seen as the wellspring of all life on Krypton.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
from Superman: The Last God of Krypton
-- "Goddess of the Frozen Void"
An evil goddess entity of ice/cold who has dominion over The Abyss, the
Damned Dead. Per Kryptonian Myth, she is an evil that originated in and
"arrived from the frozen blackness beyond the furthest reaches of the light." She
was "lovely as the Hoar-frost in the vale but her heart was cold and her hate was
deep for all that was warm and light. She alone of all the gods could bear no
children but birthed only roaring monsters of ice and rime." She began the
"Wars of Ice and Fire" with the young gods of Krypton which spanned many
mortal lifetimes.
"In the end, the gods had mastery and they rendered judgment. They could not
kill her but Great Rao himself thrust her beyond the borders of existence through
the iron gates of doom and they were sealed forever. She was said to wait in the
eternal darkness of the Frozen Void and to gather unto herself the souls of the
unforgiven dead. But if the power of the gods ever weakness, she will return to
finish what she started."

She is capable of effortlessly telepathically turning humans into her permanent

slaves by virtue of proximity and willpower. In terms of raw, physical strength,
she appears to be to a Kryptonian what a Kryptonian is to a human. (Her casual
backhand was a stronger blow to Kal-El and any blow he took from the Pocket
Universe criminals he was forced to execute. Radiant heat on the order of
magnitude of a star is capable of weakening her but not killing her.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Per Supergirl: Friends & Fugitives as part of the New Krypton arc, the Religious Guild
honors Cythonna in addition to Rao. Per legend that a young Thara Ak-Var relates to a
young Kara Zor-El, Rao cried for one hundred nights after being tricked into imprisoning
Cythonna, thus creating the Firefalls. Either Cythonna is not universally reviled as the a
keeper of dishonored dead or Rao was an all-loving being who regretted having to stop
The New Krypton arc may have changed things and portrayed Cythonna in a more
sympathetic light. It is also possible that The Religious Guild honors Cythonna only as a
destructive force and the flip side to the head of their pantheon, Rao.

--Flame of Chaos, The Primal Fire
"and among [Rao's] favored children -- and there were many, though their
tales are for other days --- was The Flamebird.

The Flamebird, made of chaos fire, released to perform a singular duty:

necessary renewal and rebirth. To clear away that which is harmful or fallow,
that something greater may grow in its place. And so that the chaos fire within
her would not burn rampant or uncontrolled, Rao-The-Father designed for The
Flamebird a directing force: love. The Flamebirds love is fierce."
-- The Flamebirds natural form is that of an immortal dragon-like being composed
entirely of fire and light (very similar to some version of Earths mythological Phoenix).
The avatar form is that of a woman enveloped in flames with wings of flame sprouting

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
from her shoulders.
--Fully merged with its mortal avatar/host, The Flamebird displayed the following
abilities in addition to the Kryptonian standard: Pyrokinesis and Accelerated Healing.
-- Per Superman: War of the Supermen, the reunion of Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent and
Thara Ak-Var after fully accepting being the hosts/avatars for The Nightwing and The
Flamebird freed those entities to be together for eternity.

-Lorra is the god(dess) of beauty; gender is unspecified but presumed female). Lorra is
the patron deity of the Artists Guild.

-Mordo is the god of strength and patron deity of the Military Guild.

--Rao-The-Fathers Watchful Eyes in Darkness, His Eyes in the Night, Keeper of
Raos Secret Knowledge
Rao-The-Father created The Nightwing. His Eyes in the Night. Thus the duty
was charged from his father to seek out evil and corruption that hides in the
shadows; to pursue and destroy it. So it is that the Nightwing exits in the
darkness, all-seeing in the deep night, hidden to daylight eyes. Thus the
Nightwings mission was the loneliest of all Raos children.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

-- The Nightwings natural form is that of an immortal dragon-like being composed

entirely of shadow and darkness. The avatar form is a man enveloped by a shifting
black-shadow aura along with parts of the body covered in a pure-black hue.
--Fully merged with its mortal avatar/host, The Nightwing displayed the following
abilities in addition to the Kryptonian standard: Teleportation, Shadow-Energy
Construction, and Omniscience.
-- Per Superman: War of the Supermen, the reunion of Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent and
Thara Ak-Var after fully accepting being the hosts/avatars for The Nightwing and The
Flamebird freed those entities to be together for eternity.

-- "Rao the Father," "The All Father," "Great Father," "The Creator of Light," god of fire
& the sun, patron deity of the Religious Guild
Kryptonian Creation Myth from 'The Book of Rao' in Superman: Nightwing and
Flamebird vol 2
"Once, the infinite was burning chaos, Devoid of form, devoid of order, devoid of
intellect, filled only with the insatiable hunger of endless conflaguration.

Amid the chaos, an awareness stirred. It surveyed the disorder and grew
displeased at such waste, waste on an infinite scale.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

'No more,' it thought, and by that simple act created a new paradigm in the
heavens. Thus was born force of will, the very concepts of order, of nature, of
action and reaction.

As it grew stronger, it chose for itself a name, and by doing so created the
concept of names, the first time an individual will imposed order upon chaos.

And the first voice ever spoken declared its name: 'I AM RAO.'

And with these words, no longer did the flame devour the heavens. Rao-theNewly-Born Imposed structure on the chaos and took its vast power into himself.

And Rao-the-Newly-Born cast his eyes throughout the pristine barrens of the
universe and saw that it was pure. It was clean. It was ordered and it was

And thus, a new concept entered into the void: Loneliness.

Rao pondered this loneliness, until, reaching into himself for a small fraction of
the energies harnessed within ...

... And transformed the flames of chaos into the fires of creation and thus were
the machineries of the universe created, made manifest by Rao-the-NewlyBorn's precision and control.

Stars burned in the void; newborn planets cooled beneath Rao's gaze; until, at
least, only one task remained. For these worlds, without a proper guiding hand,
would remain as empty as the void itself.

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Kryptonian Database

Then Rao turned his eye to a newly formed jewel in his heavens. This would be
the birthplace of his greatest creation. And he gave it a name and called it

Thus did he become Rao-the-First-Kryptonian and he smiled anew, and released

many fragments of his infinite power, and each was alive with his designs, and
each was an instrument of his divine will. And he became Rao-The-Father..."
--His actual real form is unknown. What is seen in historical texts is an idealized version
of Raos physical form; a hairless, shiny, red-skinned humanoid male with solid yellow
eyes and wearing a white religious robe. A false avatar created by Vohc-The-Breaker
was based on this same idealized appearance

-Telle is the god of wisdom and the patron deity of the Science Guild; gender
unspecified but presumed male.

--The Builder (formerly), "The Breaker," "The Betrayer of Kin," "The First Heretic"
" The Flamebirds love is fierce, among those she loved most was another of
Rao-The-Fathers children, and is name is Voch, called The Builder.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Vohc-The-Builder, whose hands are guided by endless curiosity and boundless
desire to create, to craft, to improve upon that which he has built before, and to
inscribe Rao-The-Fathers signature upon the material world. Vohc-The-Builder,
the maker of things in twilight, in the space between day and night. Vohc-TheBuilder, inspired to ever-greater feats of creation by his own love for The

Through the eons, the children of Rao played their game of creation and
destruction. Vohc-The-Builder, compelled by the will of his father, inspired by
the love of his sister, faced his task with joy. In devotion, he crafted ever-more
delicate and elegant engines of creation: the perfect sunset; the most lush
jungle; the hardiest beast; the mightiest river.
--In his natural form, Vohc-The-Builder was a hairless, three-fingered/4-armed
humanoid being with a shiny, green-hued skin. Close inspection of his skin revealed all
manner of tattoo-like markings of all manner of gears, clockwork-like devices and
technology all interconnected together. The avatar form appeared identical to the
natural norm.
--Fully merged with its mortal avatar/host, Vohc displayed no abilities beyond the
Kryptonian standard. He preferred to use intrigue, blackmail and his own creations
instead of a straight-up fight. His false avatar of Rao creation was able to break the
standard laws of physics regarding size and mass.
--Vohc betrayed his kin after the Flamebird destroyed a monument of his love to her. In
his revenge, he created The Phantom Zone to imprison The Nightwing in order to punish
The Flamebird.
-- Per Superman: War of the Supermen, during his defeat, Nightwings imprisoning of
Vohc led to him fully re-creating the Phantom Zone to its previous size and scope.

-- In the Silver Age, she was an ancient goddess on Krypton, worshiped there before
Kryptonians became monotheistic, worshiping only Rao. Post-Crisis, per Supergirl:
Friends & Fugitives, Yuda was the goddess of the Moon and patron deity of the Labor

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

The Tale of The Flamebird, The Nightwing and Vohc-The-Betrayer

Kryptonian Myth from 'The Book of Rao' in Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird vol 2
"and among [Rao's] favored children -- and there were many, though their
tales are for other days --- was The Flamebird.

The Flamebird, made of chaos fire, released to perform a singular duty:

necessary renewal and rebirth. To clear away that which is harmful or fallow,
that something greater may grow in its place. And so that the chaos fire within
her would not burn rampant or uncontrolled, Rao-The-Father designed for The
Flamebird a directing force: love. The Flamebirds love is fierce, among those
she loved most was another of Rao-The-Fathers children, and is name is Voch,
called The Builder.

Vohc-The-Builder, whose hands are guided by endless curiosity and boundless

desire to create, to craft, to improve upon that which he has built before, and to
inscribe Rao-The-Fathers signature upon the material world. Vohc-The-Builder,
the maker of things in twilight, in the space between day and night. Vohc-TheBuilder, inspired to ever-greater feats of creation by his own love for The

Through the eons, the children of Rao played their game of creation and
destruction. Vohc-The-Builder, compelled by the will of his father, inspired by
the love of his sister, faced his task with joy. In devotion, he crafted ever-more
delicate and elegant engines of creation: the perfect sunset; the most lush
jungle; the hardiest beast; the mightiest river. The Flamebird, compelled by the
will of her Father, her devotion to her brother, faced her task with joy and razed
Vohcs constructions, inspiring him to ever-greater feats of craft. Theirs was a
divine contest, played in harmony, a precise mechanism that shaped the surface
of Rao-The-Fathers chosen jewel, Krypton.

Rao-The-Father created The Nightwing. His Eyes in the Night. Thus the duty
was charged from his father to seek out evil and corruption that hides in the
shadows; to pursue and destroy it. So it is that the Nightwing exits in the

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
darkness, all-seeing in the deep night, hidden to daylight eyes. Thus the
Nightwings mission was the loneliest of all Raos children.

But in the border of twilight, where Vohc-The-Builder would toil, The Nightwing
could be seen. And thus, together in the dark and near-dark, did The Nightwing
and Vohc-The-Builder become friends. And so it was that Vohc saw his brothers
loneliness, and understood, and sought to ease it. And he made a bridge
between the Nightwings shadow realm and the Flamebirds daystar glow. And
in that act of kindness were created the seeds of betrayal, hatred and

At the sight of The Flamebird, the loneliness of The Nightwing was eased, and
joy filled his heart. And The Flamebird, rapt by the stillness and silence of The
Nightwing, returned his love in kind. And thus, in the twilight they would meet
and be happy.

As the twilight faded unto deepest night, Vohc-The-Builder spoke to the

Nightwing. From primordial darkness, The Nightwing thanked his brother, the
engineer of his happiness, who eased the loneliness of his vigils. And Vohc-TheBuilder beheld the love between his kin and was inspired once more. This was a
new inspiration, as bottomless and hungry as the fires of chaos yoked within

Troubled, Vohc-The-Breaker searched Krypton for the precise location upon

which to give form to his inspiration, the crowning achievement of his existence,
his purpose. It would be the ultimate expression of his love for The Flamebird,
who had given her heart to another.

Vohc-The-Builder began his masterpiece, an expression of pure, unselfish love he

held for his muse. All that Vohc loved about The Flamebird he made manifest in
the creature he fashioned. A fitting monument, he declared, one worthy of his
love. And seeing his tribute, The Flamebird praised her brothers work and
marveled at the creature. And she raised her hands to rain down fire, as her
duty and nature both commanded.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

For the first time, Vohc-The-Builder pleaded for what he had made. He implored
her to look close, to see the truth in his craft, that she would know the depth and
strength of his love. And this is the expression of my love, spake The
Flamebird. From this renewal, you shall create that which is greater. Thus,
Vohc-The-Builder saw his offering burnt to ash before him, and with it his love
for The Flamebird. And the voice in its place was filled with something new to
Rao-The-Fathers creation: Boundless sorrow and the seeds of madness.

In Deepening madness, there grew a cold certainty. The Flamebird had

destroyed that which Vohc-The-Builder loved, and in so doing, had poisoned his
love for her. And what did The Flamebird love? To punish The Flamebird, so too
must he hurt The Nightwing.

He set his hand to a new creation, a magnificent spire of purest crystal, in which
he planted vast reserves of power. And when the spire was completed, VohcThe-Builder faced the judgment of The Flamebird. It is magnificent, she cried.
What is its function? All will be clear, was Vohc-The-Builders only response.
And so, heart singing with joy, The Flamebird struck out with divine fire.

Then the fabric of nature tore and howled in agony, and through that tear was
created a new space of phantoms and emptiness: Vohc-The-Builders
monument to the void that Rao-The-Father so abhorred. As the spire shattered,
one fragmented pierced the shadows, imprisoning The Nightwing within an
impenetrable nothingspace.

The Flamebird screamed in rage and pain. Where once she felt the reassuring
presence of The Nightwing, there was now only emptiness. She beat against the
prison with all her chaos might but could not free her love, so elegant were the
mechanisms of Vohc-The-Builder. Now, in his madness, Vohc-The-Builder
offered The Flamebird a bargain: Deny her love for The Nightwing and he would
release him; refuse and they would spend eternity apart.

I cannot betray my nature, kinsman, The Flamebird pleaded. Nor my heart.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Then Vohc the Builder cursed the will of Rao-The-Father. If I cannot win your
heart with creation, he cried, I shall earn your fear with destruction! And
thus, Vohc-The-Builder turned away from his Father and freed within himself the
fires of chaos Rao-The-Father had yoked there, and made himself anew. He cast
aside his tools and fashioned in their place cruel and terrible instruments of
devastation. So it was that Vohc-The-Builder ended and made himself Vohc-TheBreaker, The Betrayer of Kin, The First Heretic, an abomination in the eyes of


Here is a website about the Kryptonian Flag and Virtues. This was brought back in New Krypton as
canon (or at least strongly alluded to being back since there are cover pictures of Superman holding the
Flag, etc.). However, the virtues are not followed or met by many of the Kryptonians by the time New
Krypton occurs.

* zehdh/ ("Home/Family/Belonging")
The designers of the Kryptonian flag took this virtue historically reserved for those in one's own
house and applied it to the entire planet to symbolize that all Kryptonians belong to one family
and share one home. They also gave this virtue primary importance with the understanding that
a successful and peaceful government requires that its populace have a sense of belonging and

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
* shokh/ (Truth)
Considered the primary virtue before the foundation of the planetary federation, truth garnered
this primary place on the new flag. This virtue is not only about honesty in dealings with one
another, but is also equally about learning and knowledgefinding the truth of how things are
and how they work. Although this virtue was central to the science-based government that
began the federation, in the last days of Krypton truth gave way to fear and a kind of societal
self-delusion. Also see the section below on the core virtues.

* urvish/ (Peace)
This virtue was placed at the top of the flag to symbolize peace above all - an idea that, near the
end of Krypton's history, was sometimes taken to ludicrous extremes. The color of the oceans
was chosen to serve as an object lesson; peace leads to beauty and prosperity while "storms"
lead to danger and calamity.

* uchahvia/ (Synergy)
This virtue is the uniting of resources and purposes that leads to a strength greater than the sum
of the parts. Yellow was selected as it was a pre-existing symbol of power; this derived from the
ancient discovery of the affect that yellow sunlight had on Kryptonian physiology (although it
had become a little-known and closely-guarded secret during the time of the planetary
federation's formation).

* zhguzhor/ (Imagination)
Though usually a solid purple, especially in conservative settings, the color of this ray can
officially be anything - from an iridescent hue to a pattern to an image - and is, thus, a reflection
of the virtue it represents. Unfortunately, this virtue, historically one of Krypton's greatest
strengths and the one with the greatest potential for saving the planet, was heavily suppressed
in Krypton's final years.

* ighai/ (Purity)
Intentionally, white was prominent in council garb and government buildings. It represents not
only moral purity, but also, in all areas of life, focus, single-mindedness of purpose, and a
resistance to distractions. As one must remain pure in all areas of life, so white (light) is made up
of all colors. As white (material - ice, crystals, paper, etc) is free from blemish or stains, so one

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
must keep their life free of anything that could "stain". Thus, white was chosen to represent

* tahrao/ (Justice)
Kryptonians tend to have a very fair and balanced sense of justice, but it also often tends to be
swift (sometimes too swift). They are also often heavy-handed when it comes to sentencing.
Also see the section below on the core virtues.

* jahghah/ (Restraint)
It is in exercising this virtue that Kryptonians can, at times, seem cold and emotionless.
Kryptonians, however, are a very passionate people, but they long ago learned the lesson that
passion without restraint leads to all kinds of problems. One must check internal forces (desire,
passion, self interests), which are represented by yellow, with the external (morality,
community), represented by red. Thus, orange was chosen to represent the virtue of restraint.

* shahrrehth/ (Hope)
Hope One might also translate this virtue as "optimism". It is a (sometimes stubborn) belief that
things can and will get better, and that one can be part of the solution. Hope for the best
(purity: white) and hope in God / Rao (red) combine to form pink as the color for hope.

* gazrhyg/ (Industriousness)
This virtue is considered one of the core virtues, for without action, diligence, and hard work
nothing will get doneno matter how virtuous you are.Also see the section below on the core

* urkynon/ (Altruism)
Rao, the red Kryptonian sun, is the religious symbol of the power greater than the self and the
sense of community and morality; it is the symbol for selflessness and generosity. Thus, red, the
color of Raothe great gift-giver, is the symbol of altruism.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


Per "Superman: Up, Up and Away"

Sunstone is "an element native to Krypton, the basis of much of their technology.
Memory Crystals that store more data than any computer on Earth. And that's only the
start." ... "Sunstone is self-replicating and infinitely programmable."

Sunstone is light, strong, infinitely programmable, self-repairing, capable of storing vast

amounts of power, and capable of transmitting data at light speed.

Per Superman Birthright, a "hologlyphic chronicling" tablet that is approximately the

size of larger Human I-Pad, had enough storage capacity to contain a chronicle of the
entirety of Kryptonian History, complete with texts, images and movies. The normally
grey, opaque material of the tablet would shimmer into a translucent blue color when
actively displaying information. It was capable of holographic image displays of varying

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
sizes, including life size (at least where Kryptonian culture was concerned). Other
devices are capable of generating a variety of holographic images.

Per "Superman: Up, Up and Away," a slender Sunstone command crystal that was
roughly as long as an adult human hand contained the blueprints for Superman's
Crystalline Fortress of Solitude which he allowed to build itself in the Artic.

With enough power/energy poured into Sunstone, it can keep growing. In Superman:
Up, Up & Away, the crashed Kryptonian Flagship was brought from the Earths core to
the surface. As it neared the surface, massive spikes of sunstone shot out randomly,
skewering through whatever was in their way. During the New Krypton arc, New
Krypton was created through a massive outgrowth of Sunstone material with some
reconfigured Brainiac tech. Later, on a much smaller scale, a starship under
construction had its fuel core damaged and resulted in a sunstone explosion. Also,
sunstone tech was converted into a jury-rigged bomb via accelerated-growth
programming to shut down various Kryptonian containment shields and door locks. The
difference from a traditional explosive is that the explosion resulted in a solid,
outgrowth of Sunstone in addition to a blast of force.

As seen in "Superman: Up, Up and Away," sunstone crystal growth is capable of piercing
all common materials in a human city without any sign of being slowed. Rapid Sunstone

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
crystal growth burst through the Earth's Crust, stone, concrete, steel, etc. like a knife
through tin-foil. Per the New Krypton Arc, this was shown to include puncturing
Kryptonian structures as well as Kryptonian physiology. (However, given a steady
source of sunlight, the Kryptonians survived, if perhaps painfully, what should have been
lethal punctures to the head and torso.)

During Sunstone crystal growth, deep and erratic harmonic sounds occur. When
whatever desired form or shape has finished construction, the harmonic sound will
change, steadying into a delicate chime as long as it is energized. Permanent structures
(such as the crystalline Fortress of Solitude) do not necessarily have a chiming effect;
they do not require an energized state to maintain their structure.

As per the nature of crystals, Sunstone can assume the properties of nearby minerals if
so programmed. In this way, Sunstone can help to quickly duplicate / replicate various
materials as long as there is sufficient power on hand to fuel the Sunstone growth.
Depending on the nature of the programming involved, the sunstone may have varying
amounts of the other material or replicate it in full.

Remote Sunstone crystal constructs, like the war tanks, break up and collapse into inert
crystalline powder if severed from their command signal and/or the command signal
that configured them. In the case of more self-sufficient constructs like a space vessel,
instead, they revert / retreat back to their more-compact, base, inert sunstone structure
while any excess mass breaks up into a fine, crystalline powder.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Sunstone Crystal command stones react to Kryptonian brain activity with a touch. Some
Sunstone creations are also capable of voice recognition. While it can be used for many
tasks, Kryptonian civilization used Sunstone for memory crystals and widely used it in
the creation of structures, not all buildings and structures were composed of Sunstone.
Memory crystals typically stored visual and audio data, making them perfect
documentation and storage devices.

With sufficiently enhanced vision (i.e. microscopic) and inspects a Sunstone structure,
one would see that through the interlocking matrices of energy and information in a
seemingly maze-like pathways. If the sunstone was energized and not inert, energypatterns visibly shift and change. Further enhanced vision would reveal individual
command module activation nodes, multidimensional blueprints and more all packed
into the crystal.

While Sunstone Crystal is stronger than any naturally occurring substance on Earth, it
can be broken / destroyed by Solar-charged Kryptonian-class strength attacks. Even so,
with a sufficient power source available, a sunstone construct can adapt to situations
and threats. Self-repair is a simple task as damage can be repaired through existing
sunstone or through the generation of new crystal growth.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Per "Superman: Up, Up And Away"

"Just imagine it, Superman. Imagine the power. The deadliest interstellar fleet ever
constructed, ever conceived. So powerful that a single battleship could devastate a
planet. Planetary defense forces would fight valiantly. Of course, they would. But in the
end, quite simply -- they would have no chance whatsoever. For that ship was made of a
miracle mineral -- Light, strong, infinitely programmable, self-repairing, storing vast
power, transmitting data at lightning speed. It would enter the atmosphere, raining
death from above-- And even that shattering assault -- it would be far worse than the
defenders could suspect. Think of it. Massive, Crystal missles, smashing into and
through anything in their path, crushing buildings, fortress walls, defense installations-But even spent, the damage done by those missiles would only be beginning. Rammed
deep into the planetary surface, each missile would put out roots -- drawing on the
target planet's own matter, its very atoms -- And rising again, to wreak death again
within the heart of the defense Strongholds.

But did I say imagine it? There is no need to imagine it. The ships were real. The miracle
mineral was sunstone. And the fleet was Kryptonian. Yes, Kryptonian. It was built by your
own people -- your own ancestors -- and with its power, they struck fear into the
civilizations around them, held galaxies in an iron grip. I don't know why they would ever
give up such power, such dominance, such authority. But it doesn't matter. Today
Metropolis dies. And it was Krypton that built its doom."

At one point in time in their culture, Kryptonians used interstellar vessels. Some vessels, such as
the flag ship of the Kryptonian Fleet, were composed entirely of Sunstone. Others were more

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
like other races have created, being a mixture of alloys and other materials.

Per "Superman: Up, Up and Away", a Kryptonian spacefaring vessel had crashed in 1938 in the
West Flatlands of Texas. Given the impact measured, something should have been found but
nothing was recovered. Trace radiation in the rocks at the impact site indicated that the vessel
had indeed originated from Krypton. It took Lex Luthor years to find just how far the vessel had
crashed into the Earth's interior to rest near the Earth's core. By the time of impact, the vessel
had shrunken to an inert form that was an aerodynamic shape roughly the size of an Earth-tech
Space Shuttle.

On using his enhanced vision to study the Sunstone vessel, Superman commented that it was
"unimaginably more complex" than any other Kryptonian technology he had seen or worked
with before. The sunstone flagship had an assortment of weaponry: various energy projection
weapons, solid Sunstone missiles which, after impact, transformed into sunstone walking tanks
with energy projection weapons and solid melee-capable limbs.

In the New Krypton arc, in creatively applying their spacefaring technology, Kryptonians were
able to transport the moon Callisto from Jupiter to New Krypton thanks to sunstones placed
within its core as well as on anchor points on the surface created a near-relativistic bubble that
enveloped the moon. A pilot vessel clapped on and guided the moon through space-time.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Even after the reduction of the Kryptonian galactic empire and the dismantling of the
Kryptonian interstellar navy and spacefaring vessels, Krytpon was not a defenseless
planet. It was equipped with powerful cannons around the planet. They could be fired
remotely and simultaneously on objects invading their planetary space as well as on
unauthorized objects leaving the planet. After a couple seconds time to build up a firing
charge, these cannons fired purple energy blasts capable of instantly killing
supercharged-Kryptonians. Per the retelling of Kryptons destruction in Superman:
Birthright, Krypton also possessed an orbital defense system as well.

Kryptonian technology had sophisticated stealth technology that could hide the
presence of individuals and small craft from various technology sensors. It is unknown if
such technology existed for larger warships and cities. This technology was not
invisibility; looking directly at a cloaked / stealth object will clearly see it. Per Superman:
Birthright, Kal-Els rocket had a stealth system to assist in escaping Krypton as well as
avoiding Human radar and technology.


The planet Krypton had a much higher gravity than Earth. In their native environment,
Kryptonians were able to move about as easily on their planet as humans do on Earth.
As Kryptonian technology improved and their culture changed, they discovered various
ways to manipulate gravity. By the time of Kryptonians technological peak, such
devices were incorporated into everyday life. Gravity controls of varying power were

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Kryptonian Database
their vehicles, service robots, furniture and even in some clothing / headpiece designs.
Gravity controls were also used in detainment, medical beds, medical devices and
physical rehabilitation, as seen in during Zods recovery in the New Krypton arc.
Whereas personal anti-gravity belts and similar devices for individuals were in use
during Kryptons Fifth Age, such things were no longer used by the Seventh Age of
Krypton for individuals.

"Nu52 Entry: Military Gauntlets were weapons developed by the advanced alien
civilization created by the Kryptonians. These devices were worn around the hands of the
user where they were able to project powerful energy blasts. They were equipped with
gravity regulators that allowed their users the capacity to flight. This made them
versatile tools in the hands of the military of Krypton."

While this information is Nu52, it is included because it adds a name to a

technology rarely seen in various stories. A key difference is that the limited
examples do NOT include flight of ability. The gauntlets were shown in canon
were capable of various energy projection effects, notably concussive and
cutting effects. The Kryptonian Warsuit was equipped with a more powerful
version of this sort of device.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

In Superman: Birthright, Lex Luthor had been tinkering with a Sunstone Crystal
and had created a quantum aperture in spacetime where he could see into
Kryptons past. From the random images, he studied various pieces of
Kryptonian technology to reverse engineer. Luthor was able to reproduce, even
if only in basic appearance and limited powerscale, various pieces of Kryptonian
technology. These reproductions were used in the fake Kryptonian invasion
that he staged. The soldiers in powered armors were equipped with a humanversion of Military Gauntlets.

Such gauntlets have been briefly shown before as energy emission devices,
which led to popular use in the Elseworlds' story "JLA: The Nail." In that story,
the Joker was given a set of these. He used them to generate energy fields to
immobilize multiple targets, forcing the eyes of one to remain open, and then
cut apart other captives.

Per "Superman: Up, Up and Away,"
[On being hit with energy weaponry from Kryptonian crystal bipedal 'tanks']
"Their blasts would make me think the ship was Kryptonian, even if I didn't
already know. I feel like I'm being shattered from the inside, torn apart and
reassembled with every strike."

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Kryptonian technology had various energy weapons were capable of various results.
Their weapons were shown to have energy beams that cut through materials like a
traditional laser in science fiction as well as firing beams with concussive effect,
knocking back targets. The weapons came in a variety of types such as handheld rifles,
turrets and large, global defense cannons.

First seen in the New Krypton Arc, the Science Guild developed these weapons to deal
with the now-super-powered Kryptonian population of Kandor. In short, the weapon is
a two-barreled fire-arm.

The weapon is a "modified Archer-class infantry assault long arm. Firing

sequence is user-enabled, allows the two barrels to be fired in succession with
less than one-thousandth of a thrib delay. The upper barrel emits a high intensity
beam of coherent light that replicates the effects of a red sun for a short time.
The lower is a gauss-propelled slug thrower... rate of fire is sixty rounds per

In practice, the Kryptonian-designed weapons' first barrel negated a Kryptonian's solar

charged abilities for thirty minutes. Throughout the New Krypton Arc, this was used to
depower various Kryptonians and kill at least one Labor Guild member. A sniper
variation of this rifle called a Vanguard Rifle was used to assassinate a Kryptonian

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

As seen in "Superman: Up, Up and Away," a Kryptonian spaceship was capable of

generating a forcefield over all around New Troy Island in Metropolis. The forcefield
was capable of repelling incoming heroes without signs of weakening; they bounced off
the shield. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Captain Marvel, Star
Girl and Firestorm were the heroes who were flying under their own power. Heroes
who were carried in Hardlight bubbles: Cyborg, Wonder Girl, Robin, Green Arrow, The
Flash (Jay Garrick). Such shields require large amounts of power to function and serve
as spaceship defense. This is not the sort of technology that Kryptonian infantry would
have on their persons.

In New Krypton arc, the city of Kandor had its own Forcefield dome capable of
protecting the entire city. This particular piece of technology was reverse engineered
and altered Brainiac technology. This technology was originally used to protect Argo
city from harm at the time of Kryptons destruction. Unfortunately, Brainiac detected
his technology in use and came to capture Argos inhabitants, placing those he deemed
worth saving into the bottled city of Kandor. Unlike Argos shield, Kandors version of
the forcefield was made into a hardlight-like, solid dome that protected the city until
New Krypton planet had been terraformed enough to support an atmosphere. The
dome was then released and sent into space.

Personal-use Kryptonian forcefields were far smaller and more limited regarding their

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
ability to deflect oncoming objects and energy. While they were not true Kryptonian
forcefields, some reverse engineered ones were seen on Luthors fake Kryptonian
invasion force. These versions functioned as high-tech, bullet-proof shields similar in
appearance to those used by police during riots.

Kryptonian, children are raised in a Birthing Matrix separate from their parents until a
certain age is reached. The scientist Jor-El, believing Krypton was doomed, redesigned
the chamber for interstellar travel capabilities, and equipped it with a hyper-drive. It
was used to send the Last Son of Krypton, young Kal-El to the planet Earth before
Krypton exploded. The craft landed in Smallville, where it was discovered by Jonathan
Kent and Martha Kent.

By Jor-El's time, Kryptonian society had long-since outlawed spaceflight options, in

keeping with their xenophobia and restrictions placed on the Kryptonian race by The
Eradicator. As such, depending on version of the story in question, Jor-El had to 'reinvent the wheel,' as it were, regarding rocket technology. The implication is that the
Science Council still had the data for space vessels from millenia ago but had made the
data inaccessible.

Per Superman: Birthright, Jor-El had a single prototype set of plans instead of largescale vessels. His prototype vessel included: a stardrive to achieve faster-than-light
travel, shields and 'cloaking defenses.' Composed of Kryptonian alloys and materials,
the rocket was nigh-invulnerable by Human measuring. The rocket survived a highvelocity impact into Smallville, Kansas, and did not have a mark of damage to show for
it. Per Superman: Birthright, Pa Kent angrily pounded on the rocket with a
sledgehammer and the only resulting effect was to break the wooden support beam in

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Kryptonian Database
the barn that the upright rocket was leaning against.

In Argo, Zor-El had recreated similar rocket technology and with enough seating for a
single individual. Kara Zor-El was sent off in this vessel on a path that was supposed to
trail Kal-Els rocket. There were complications and it did not arrive until decades later.
Karas rocket was also capable of bathing its occupant in yellow-wavelength sunlight.

At the time of its demise, Kryptonian society did not allow for natural births among its
people. All Kryptonian children were designer gene-created, upon approval by the
Council in accordance with their population measures, typically maintaining a very low
to zero-growth society. Kryptonian science had allowed their race to be long-lived but
there could be accidents or civil unrest attacks that could result in death.

In a lab, the process took DNA from both parents, creating a child according to the
parents predispositions and then placed the embryo into a Birthing Matrix. It was
nurtured and protected as until it reached the appointed age and was then born from
the Matrix. The Post-Crisis Man of Steel miniseries reboot used this to explain that KalEl was born on Earth and in the United States, thus making him an American citizen.
Later retellings had Kal-El born on Krypton first, like in the Gold & Silver Age versions.

By the time of the New Krypton arc, societal restrictions appear to have changed /
lessened by the time of the New Krypton arc, due to the nature of the situation. There
is at least one image of a pregnant Kryptonian female. This development was not
typical of previous Kryptonian culture norms.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

"A Kryptonian Regeneration Matrix is a highly advanced piece of Kryptonian
Technology that was capable of repairing the injuries sustained on an individual
and even bringing back the dead. This was capable of being accomplished
through the presence of the deceased body and any relevant genetic material."

The Eradicator used a Regeneration Matrix within the Fortress of Solitude to not only
heal damage done to Kal-Els body but also use his body to convert solar energy into a
form more easily absorbed by the faux-Kryptonian body it had created, based on Kal-El.
The technology was again used to repair damage done to and resurrect Connor Kent
after his death at the hands of Superboy Prime. However, in that case it took roughly
one thousand years to complete the task.

The Regeneration Cabinet was a variation on the same technology. Visually it resembles
the chamber Superman entered at the end of the film Superman 2. It was used by Kara
Zor-Els parents to cure her of Kryptonite poisoning her body had been exposed to
during her travel to Earth.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Another healing tool in Kryptonian medical technology was the Nutrient Bath. It was
capable of healing damage done to a body. Compared to other options like the
Regeneration Matrix or the Regeneration Cabinet, it was a slower and less-efficient
option. It was used to heal the Eradicator after the Cyborg Superman (Hank Henshaw)
attempted to murder him.

"Kryptonian service robots are small non-humanoid robots created on the planet
Krypton. The most well-known robot is Kelex. Kelex was once the personal service robot
of Jor-El and later his son, Kal-El. In later years, Kelex was programmed to assist John
Henry Irons and his niece Natasha. Another service robot from Krypton's pre-Cataclysm
era was named Kelor. Like Kelex, Kelor was in service to the House of El.

Each service robot is composed of an advanced alloy endoskeleton which covers its head,
torso and limbs. The robots are capable of limited directional flight, so they do not
require legs for locomotion. A techno-organic memory cluster is located in each unit's
secondary torso. A service robot has two arms, each one possessing two multi-jointed
tactile probes. The mechanics of the robot's head consists of a central processing unit, a

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
personality interface, a laser holographic imager and a pan-spectral ocular array."


Human culture has a concern of The Technological Singularity, the hypothetical point in
time when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence, radically changing
civilization with negative impact for humans as A.I. would have no evolutionary
motivation to be friendly to humans. This achievement would likely result in the A.I.(s)
behaving in ways not intended by their creators and could outcompete humanity for
resources if not outright wiping out humanity.

Kryptonian technology was advanced enough that they had a variety of artificial
intelligences created to assist them. Kryptonian culture was never concerned of an
uprising or revolt of their artificial intelligences against the Kryptonian population. A.I.s
were used as servants to assist scientists and nobles families as well as act as medical
doctors. Medical robots were similar to the standard service robots but also had
prehensile tentacles to assist with medical tasks that required simultaneous activity.

As seen in Superman: World of Krypton, Kelexs A.I. was advanced enough to expand
beyond original programming to willfully ignore programmed social and legal laws with
regard to protecting and assisting its owner, Jor-El. In the Return of Superman, the
Kryptonian robots in the Antarctic Fortress of Solitude knowingly allowed their own
destruction to help restore The Eradiactors power levels in order to defeat the Cyborg
Superman / Hank Henshaw and protect Kal-El.
Not all A.I.s were so friendly or altruistic toward Kryptonians. The Eradicator A.I. had no
problem at all eradicating any Kryptonian that went against the ideals of the Kryptonian
culture. It was tasked with preserving Kryptionian culture and Krypton society as a
whole, not necessarily individual lives. Also, there was the Black Zero II program. It was

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
a remnant of the Black Zero terrorist organization for clone liberation and rights from
Kryptons past. This program had been hidden within the Sunstone data sent with Kal-El
in his rocket. It awoke inside the Fortress of Solitude and attempted to carry out its
original programming of eliminating all traces of Kryptonian culture, which would have
culminated in the destruction of the Earth. It was stopped due to the efforts of
Superman and the then timetravel-stranded Legion of Superheroes.

"The Solar Converter was an advanced device of Kryptonian design that highlighted the
incredible levels of that civilizations technology. Its construction was noted for being
seamless in the sense that it seemed to have been woven rather than assembled. Part of
its operation involved collecting solar energy for various purposes. Any example of the
technology was seemingly destroyed when the planet Krypton exploded. However, the
design remained within the complex databanks of the Eradicator. Furthermore, the
means of constructing such a device was located within a pocket in the Phantom Zone
where numerous items of Kryptonian design were stored for future use."

The Eradicator artifact recreated a Solar Converter in the Antarctic to assist with
collecting power to fuel the creation of the Antarctic Fortress of Solitude as well as
various Kryptonian technologies. At its peak, the solar converter generated an energy
field so hot it melted ice for miles around the converter.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Kryptonians used the Phantom Zone as a means of imprisonment. Depending on the
crimes of a Phantom Zone inmate, there might be a chance scheduled many years, if not
centuries later, for parole and release.

When Jor-El discovered the Phantom Zone, he was able to create a means of sending
people and objects into this zone and retrieving them. This device was dubbed the
Phantom Zone Projector. There are different versions of the projector. The Science
Council had a larger, usually stationary Phantom Zone Projector. Other smaller handheld, portable versions have been seen, especially since the various Fortresses of
Solitude have been created on Earth.

"The Phantom Zone Projector can be used to transport prisoners and objects to and from
the Phantom Zone, an inter-dimensional realm outside the normal space/time
continuum which is a barren and insubstantial null area absent of any physical material.
Its main controls are a black button and a white button, used to send and retrieve

"Persons who travel into the negative zone are no longer corporeal and exist only as
psychic phantasms of their true selves. Though their minds and personalities remain
intact, they can no longer physically interact with any other being. This includes direct
physical contact as well as the power of speech. Communication within the phantom
zone is done so by telepathy. As the Phantom Zone exists outside of space/time, those
within it are no longer subject to the rigors of age, rendering them effectively immortal."

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database


In Superman: Nightwing & Flamebird Vol 2, there is a flashback to when various

Kryptonians were trapped inside the Phantom Zone. In that scene, the phantom
Quex-UL punches the phantom Jax-Ur as though they were both physical
entities. The art depicts Jax-Ur having a bloody lip. Later in the Flashback shows
two other Phantoms talking and Dru-Zod rests a hand on Car-Vexs shoulder.
While full details concerning this scene are not revealed, the phantoms appear
to be on the outskirts of the debris and of Fort Rozz, the anomaly within the
Phantom Zone where phantoms become tangible. As stated above in an earlier
section, Fort Rozz was a prison that had been pulled into the Phantom Zone
when a Phantom Zone projector exploded. For some unknown reason, the
prison and anyone who entered it would become solid / tangible. In this way,
time could pass within the Phantom Zone, allowing for the birth of Lor-Zod.

Lack of sensory input within the Phantom Zone, along with the predisposed nature of
the individuals who were sent there, could degrade the sanity of Phantom Zone
occupants. Mon-El was a notable exception. Some other Phantom Zone inmates
retained a measure of their sanity thanks to intense hatred and desire for revenge
against those responsible for their imprisonment, as with General Zod.

Various places in the zone act as windows where images and sounds from the regular
space-time continuum leak through. Such windows allow occupants to see glimpses of
existence outside the zone. In Superman: Last Son of Krypton, Lar Gand / Mon-El
warned that staring too long at the images that bleed through would cause madness.
Examples of scenes observed within the Phantom Zone tend to be related to the viewer
in some way, their friends, families or enemies. It is possible that, in addition to the
telepathy gained for communication within the Phantom Zone that the phantom state
bestows a limited form of clairaudience that allows people to observe things outside the

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Kryptonian Database
Phantom Zone. It could also be the result of the Phantom Zone existing outside of
regular space/time or a combination of factors.

Per Superman: Last Son of Krypton,

Decades prior to Kryptons destruction, [Jor-El] discovered an extra-dimensional void
called The Phantom Zone. Within this empty, endless place, time essentially stood still.
Once inside the Phantom Zone, ones life would become that of a living ghost. They
would never grow old or hungry. They would never die Over the years, those who
threatened the lives of the men, women and children of the planet Krypton were judged
and, if found guilty by the Council, sentenced to the Phantom Zone.

Keeping track of the Phantom Zone over time can be confusing thanks to various
retcons over time. After the Crisis on Infinite Earths and the following reboot of the
universe as seen in Man of Steel, Kal-El was declared to be THE last Son of Krypton.
There were no other survivors. Consequently, this erased the Phantom Zone from
Existence. The first sign of the Phantom Zone coming back into continuity was when the
Eradicator Artifact was introduced and Kal-El went into the void-like pocket area where
various pieces of Kryptonian technology were suspended. By the time of the JLA
relaunch in the late 90s, the Phantom Zone had fully been reintroduced into Post-Crisis
DC. In JLA: Terror Incognita, it was used as a way to trap and contain White Martians
after they broke free of the mental programming/punishment the Martian Manhunter
gave them after JLA: New World Order.

In Supergirl Vol 2 #16, it was established that there are phantom beings native to the
Phantom Zone that are angry that their home has been turned into a jail for criminals
and they want revenge. However, other than this story, this development was largely
ignored until after the New Krypton story arc when it was revisited / retconned to be
only a single entity that Luthor referred to as The Zone Child.

In the New Krypton arc, it is shown that, according to Kryptonian myth, what came to be

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
known as the Phantom Zone was created by the Kryptonian deity Vohc the Breaker as a
means to imprison the Nightwing entity and separate him from the Flamebird. While
the story of the Flamebird and Nightwing is viewed as apocryphal by many Kryptonians
(i.e. of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true), the story of the
Flamebird and Nightwing was shown to be true in the New Krypton arc.

In Action Comics #874, during the New Krypton arc, the Phantom Zone was destroyed,
eaten away from the inside. It was stated in this issue that the phantoms trapped inside
were killed. Later issues had Kryptonians hunting down escaped Phantom Zone
prisoners. This means that either Mon-El was mistaken that the other phantoms were
dead, that other Kryptonians released other Phantoms to spare them in much the same
way Kal-El released Mon-El or that the Phantom Zone somehow spit out those who
were trapped within it as it was destroyed. Its absence caused the Kryptonian society to
revert back to capital punishment measures for crimes as it no longer had an indefinite
way to contain criminals that did not consume resources. In Adventure Comics vol 2
#11, Chameleon Boy and Superman are given credit for creating the Phantom Zone but
they really only opened the door to it again.

The original Phantom Zone was eventually theorized to be an extension / altered form
of the Kryptonian deity, The Nightwing. Before its recognized restoration in Adventure
Comics Vol 2 #11, some measure of the Phantom Zone was remade by the Nightwing in
Superman: Flambird & Nightwing Vol 2 to contain Vohc the Breaker who then
continued to remake the Phantom Zone to the size it had been. So the Nightwing entity
is really responsible for its recreation. Per Superman: War of the Supermen, the
reunion of Lor-Zod / Christopher Kent and Thara Ak-Var freed the Nightwing and
Flamebird entities for eternity. Chris said that the Nightwing was going to leave the

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Phantom Zone, reunite with the Flamebird and seal the Phantom Zone permanently.

In Superman: The Black Rings and Superman: Reign of Doomsday, it was shown that
some strange alien being did live in the Phantom Zone. Lex Luthor called it the Zone
Child. Its primary sense was empathy and it was hurt by the negative emotions from the
Phantom Zone prisoners. It intended to leave the Phantom Zone and destroy the
universe due to all the overwhelming negative emotions within it. Lex Luthor stopped it
and while fighting with it, merged with its power. The Zone Child sacrificed itself to stop
Lex from using its power in a negative way. Per Reign of Doomsday, so died the sole
native being of the Phantom Zone. This death gave Lex Luthor reality warping god-like
power but only if he was willing to do good things with it. Unable to let go of his hatred
for Superman and using his powers in a negative way, trying to kill Superman, weakened
those powers to the point they were exhausted.

"The Phantom Zone has been independently discovered by various characters where it is
called the "Buffer Zone" by the Bgztlians, the "Still Zone" by the White Martians, the
"Stasis Zone" by Loophole, the "Ghost Zone" by Prometheus, and the "Honeycomb" by
the first Queen Bee. In post-Crisis/post-Zero Hour continuity, it was Loophole's "Stasis
Zone" technology that exiled Mon-El, known in the new continuity as Valor/M'Onel, into
the Phantom Zone for a thousand years."

While these other races and places may have originally been meant to be other names
for the Phantom Zone, as time went on and the Phantom Zone became more like its
Silver Age counterpart in many ways and these others places did not change. As such,
they are different places now. Such a change does not have significant impact on those
other zones as their connection to the Phantom Zone was usually done mentioned as an
aside comment.


By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

At some point in Kryptons past, various pieces of Kryptons technology were

placed into an alternate pocket dimension. As the pieces of technology span
hundreds of thousands of years of [Kryptons] achievements in science, either
this displacement was done gradually over time or all at once shortly before
Krypton exploded. As the Eradicator artifact was creating a legacy to remember
Krypton in the Antarctic, the Fortress of Solitude, it retrieved the technology
stored here. This dimensional pocket was also capable of sending Superman
back to a point in Kryptons past before its destruction. Such time travel
appeared to be a one-attempt process.

Also existing within this dimensional pocket was a holographic version of the
scientist Kem-L, in later stories referred to as Kem-Ls shade. It helped
Superman to regain control over the Eradicator artifact by informing Superman
of the Kryptonian Rite of Passage. Years later, this same holographic entity
became aware of the Eradicators various transformations and grew jealous of
that existence. It orchestrated a trap to lure the Eradicator there so that the
Kem-L program could take his power. It was revealed that this pocket
dimension was the result of reworking one of the Clerics races warp drives to
dispose of [aliens] on Krypton that would not leave a trace.

Other than this artificial Kem-L, all that remained in this pocket dimension were
the skeletal remains of beings, alien and Kryptonian where were murdered
during xenophobic purges. After this Kem-L was given all the Eradication
protocols from the Eradicator, it was changed and unable to take form normally.

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Kryptonian Database
To deal with this, it created a monstrous form from the bones of that void.

While sometimes referred to as the Phantom Zone (the same dimension where
criminals were exiled), even as late as comics in 1999-2000, this zones
environment came into conflict with the Phantom Zone as it was re-introduced
along Silver Age characteristics in the early 2000s. The major difference: while
Supermans own experiences inside it showed that this Phantom Zone does
not conform to laws of physics, everything in this dimensional pocket remains
solid. Superman noted that he was paradoxically able to breathe even though
there was no oxygen.

This conflicting situation results in two possibilities: 1) In the extreme vastness

that is the Phantom Zone, this was a pocket that shared the same anomalous
state as Fort Rozz where things within a certain proximity were solid or 2) As
this dimensional pocket predates Jor-Els discovery of the Phantom Zone by
around 100,000 years and was created through a modification of alien engine,
this dimensional pocket was called The Phantom Zone but was in fact a
separate location than the zone discovered by Jor-El.

Bgztl is a planet that exists in exactly the same space as Earth, only in another
dimension. The Bgztlians could travel to the Earth dimension, but up until the
24th century, when they sent an ambassador to establish relations between the
two planets, they were believed to be ghosts or phantoms. Most Bgztlians
required technological assistance to shift into the Earth dimension, travelling in
ships or using other devices, but a select few have such control over their

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Kryptonian Database
abilities that they can travel back and forth without assistance.
Lying between Bgztl and Earth is the Buffer Zone, a dimension the Bgztlians shift
into when they become intangible and are able to phase through solid objects.
Bgztl (depending on the incarnation) either exists in or is connected with the
extra-dimensional space known as the Phantom Zone. Finally, she has
inconsistently demonstrated the ability under certain circumstances to perceive
inhabitants or objects located in the Phantom Zone while in a phased state,
including Mon-El during his periods of imprisonment.

The nature of the Buffer Zone tends to change from various continuity reboots
and it can be confusing to keep track of what is current after the various
continuity reboots. After the Infinite Crisis event, things were again altered for
Mon-el and various Legion characters. Phantom Girl and her people are more
like their Golden Age versions; they are able to become intangible as they phase
out of normal reality into The Buffer Zone where their homeworld resides. As
they have a solid world with which to interact in their Buffer Zone, this does not
meet the requirements as stated for the Kryptonian Phantom Zone.


At least in the case of the Martians, the zone they discovered and subsequently
exiled a contingent of White Martian troops was revealed to not be the
Phantom Zone and merely an endless, white void. It was later said to be the
Phantom Zone but this does not match facts with the Phantom Zone of the
Kryptonians. First and foremost, this area is endless white. Second, inhabitants
in the Still Zone were not rendered into intangible phantoms, nor were they
exposed to images from the real world while inside. In Martian Manhunter #4
series, The Still Zone was simply called the area between dimensional space.

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Kryptonian Database
At the end of the Terror Incognita arc in JLA involving the White Martians, the
Phantom Zone there was shown to be visually different from an endless white
void but with solid objects.

Prometheus went to college and ultimately located the Himalayan city of
Shambhala, inhabited by a sect of evil monks. Prometheus discovers the
monastery has been built on an alien spaceship, and the leader of the sect was
one of the creatures from the vessel. He kills the alien and obtains the "Ghost
Key", which opens a portal to the "Ghost Zone", a hyperspace void that allows
interstellar travel.

The second Prometheus possesses the "Ghost Key," which allows the villain to
teleport himself and other objects and persons to and from a dimension called
the Ghost Zone. It can also be used to inflict total molecular disintegration on
a target, but Prometheus only employed this function once, when he eliminated
an unsuspecting Retro.

The Ghost Zone is presented as being an infinite space of pure white

nothingness. At one time, it was said that the Ghost Zone was the Phantom
Zone by another name. Given that objects everywhere within the Ghost Zone
are solid and that the nature of the Ghost Zone twisted the structure of the
house built in it, this place is not the Phantom Zone that the Kryptonians
discovered nor is it Limbo, as seen in Final Crisis. At the end of the Terror
Incognita arc in JLA involving the White Martians, the Phantom Zone was
shown to be visually different from an endless white void. However, it might be

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The Still Zone used by the Martians with the same distinctions from the
Kryptonian Phantom Zone.


In the Return to Krypton arc, a green yet seemingly Kryptonian rocket crashes at
the Kent Farm in Kansas that momentarily projects a hologram of Jor-El and
then appears to shrink/contract down to a handheld crystal. Professor
Hamilton, assisted by John Henry Irons (aka STEEL), tell Superman that they
have been receiving radio signals from within the Phantom Zone and this crystal
emits similar signals. To investigate, Hamilton & Irons use a Phantom Zone
generator to send Superman and Lois Lane into the Phantom Zone. This version
of the Phantom Zone is shown to have strange black & white phantoms that
resemble a zombified version of Superman that physically attack Superman &
Lois until Valor / Mon-El comes to hold them off while those two escape. They
travel through a white void that instantaneously transitions into a Kryptonian
city and then the entire planet of Krypton.

The version of Krypton that Superman finds is totally different than the version
of Krypton he knew and was nearly identical to the Silver Age version of
Krypton. After a civil war battle, Jor-El was able to reconfigure his equipment to
send people and not just signals out of the Phantom Zone, returning Superman
and Lois to Earth. Krypto returned through the portal with Superman. (A later
retcon changed it so that Krypto was instead used for a rocket test flight by the
real Jor-El but arrived on Earth via a rocket in Supermans teens, as seen in
Superman: Secret Origin. Krypto then stayed hidden from the public eye for

A subsequent story, Return to Krypton II, has this version of Jor-El come to Earth
to get Supermans help with yet another civil war on Krypton started by Raoist
Zealots and in the Phantom Zone. During the course of trying to stop the war,
Superman learned the truth: this entire Krypton was a fake, based on Jor-Els
notes of Krypton from over 80,000 years before his present as well as Brainiac13s own ideas and alterations. This Phantom Krypton with vastly different
history and archeology (notably the ruins of a race of beings called Xan who
were living electromagnetic fields) was a trap meant to kill Superman when this
Kryptons orbit took it directly into its red sun. Brainiac-13 went back in time to

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attempt to kill Jor-El before Kal-El was conceived in the gestation chamber. His
efforts failed against Kryptonian technology but Brainiac-13 was able to take a
copy of Jor-Els diaries and the Eradicator Matrix designed to terraform a husk
of a planet. Brainiac-13 altered it so that it created a new Krypton by
terraforming an inhabited planet and changing its organisms into genetic
duplicates of Kryptonian organisms and run a program to destroy the planet. In
the end, Duplicate Jor-El merged with the Heart of Krypton device to change the
Brainiac program and save this alternate Krypton. He transformed Krypton into
a utopia and forever sealed off this alternate Krypton from the rest of the
Phantom Zone and Earth.

Inconsistencies? Much of the information presented in the story is suspect

given that the whole thing was an elaborate trap to kill Superman. Beings in this
Phantom Zone are solid, there is an entire planet, its moons, the red star it
orbits as well as other stars are seen in the sky. However, something to note is
that Professor Hamilton alters the Phantom Zone projector to send Superman
and Lois to where the radio signals originate. Also, Superman and Lois initial
pass through a cloudy, white void before becoming a part of a city in the
Brainiac Program and do not see this void again, even when Superman goes into
planetary orbit.

Likely explanation? Brainiac-13 used its advanced 64th Century technology to

create a gateway to another dimension within the Phantom Zone. This gateway
alternative appears likely given that since the Eradicator Matrix was capable of
reworking an entire planet, not reworking a solar system and more, much less
creating them from nothing. An alternate dimension accessed through a
gateway also makes sense given how Superman could not physically leave
Krypton and re-enter the Phantom Zone. Also, this could explain how Duplicate
Jor-El was able to isolate this Phantom Zone from outside interference; he
effectively shut down the gateway that accessed this dimension. If this
Phantom Krypton truly resided in the Phantom Zone, it would have ceased to
exist when the Phantom Zone was destroyed the in the New Krypton arc.


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"The Kryptonian War Suit was developed during Krypton's last historical epoch. It was
used not only for war, but also for survival in the harsh radioactive wastelands.

One such battle-suit was created by the service robots inside the Fortress of Solitude.
When Superman returned from the dead after being killed fighting Doomsday, he used a
Kryptonian warsuit to facilitate the slow recuperative process. Once he reached
civilization, he discarded the suit in order to help other heroes fight Mongul and the
Cyborg during the "Reign of the Supermen!". During this time, the suit was forgotten
about until Lex Luthor (II) discovered it. Bringing it back to Metropolis, Lex
reprogrammed it as an automatic fail-safe should Earth ever become the target of
another alien invasion. While Luthor lay near death, a victim of the clone plague, he
activated the warsuit and used it to house him. With access to all of the suit's
armaments, Lex used it to fight Superman during the Fall of Metropolis. To defeat
Luthor, Superman was forced to destroy the armor.

The elements of the armor were reverse-engineered and used to create the Simm-Bot
battle armor used by the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit."

The Kryptonian Warsuit is a standard powered-armor mecha variant, albeit one from a
highly technologically advanced, alien world. It demonstrates a contained, pressurized
atmospheric environment and the ability to withstand the pressures of the depths of
Earths oceans as well as the vacuum of space. Once a user dons a cloth-like mask
physically connected to the warsuit, the warsuit will respond to telepathic commands.
It possesses super strength, flight and energy weapons (concussive blast damage). Its
central hull / chassis which contains the pilot is was capable of blocking some but not all
of Kryptonites radiation. This torso section is also capable of withstanding various

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blows from a super-charged Kryptonian.


The Interrogation Sphere was a piece of technology that was prisoner containment,
medical scanner and lie detector all in one. The device had an automated system that
operated the various systems and could respond to vocal commands. It either
contained its own copy of the Kryptonian Citizen registry and DNA list or it was able to
interface with another device with that information.

"The Bio Remediation Suit is a medical device to contain the spread of any disease
present in the immune system of a Kryptonian. The suit was used when Superman was
exposed to an ancient Kryptonian plague named Xarxas, which was found in a crashed
spaceship in Metropolis.

The Bio Suit is a device used for containment of diseases, viruses and provides some
protection against radiation, although not a cure, the device slows the progress of any
infection allowing the User to continue its functions normally."

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Though styled in the tradition of his regular costume, the K-Suit is made of lead-lined
titanium that protects Superman from the effects of Kryptonite radiation. It also can
withstand much physical damage and harsh environments. The suit has internal
reserves and a filtration/recycling oxygen system. If the armor is breached, it releases
anti-radiation foam to protect the user. The armor has regenerative capabilities as
demonstrated when Aquaman tore off a piece of it with his hand. A new metal plate
immediately sealed the damage. The helmet possesses a retractable one-way visor. This
not only protects Superman, but also allows him to release and focus his heat vision.

This special suit, dubbed the K-suit by Batman, was introduced in Superman Batman:
The Search for Kryptonite to protect Superman from rampant Kryptonite radiation. It is
never said what source technology created the suit but its function and comparatively
easily damaged nature suggests that it is mostly human technology if not entirely
human tech in origin. But while its origin is not stated, it is included with Kryptonian
technology until something states otherwise. Batman tells Superman that hell need a
protective suit and then the story cuts to where Superman has the suit. It is not
revealed where the suit is stored nor is it shown Superman actually equipping the suit.
It is shown that Batman tells Superman that he should probably put on the suit and we
Superman in the suit before Batman finishes the sentence.

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The K-Suit does NOT have an autoseal function like the above information states. The
scene in question is underwater and Aquaman damages the suit. The next panel tends
to imply that Batman shot a device towards Superman under the water, where it
attaches to the damaged spot and dispenses some sort of sealant to prevent Kryptonite
Radiation from getting through. Later in the story when Batman is not present, the suit
takes damage and does not seal or fix itself. The suit is destroyed by a group called The
Last Line a military-sanctioned group equipped and trained to deal with Superman.
The only lasting damage they cause is Kryptonite exposure with their weapons.


Kryptonian Clothing material: fan-dubbed 'Kryptonian Weave' Cloth

from Superman in Action Comics #693
"...smoother than silk, tougher than Kevlar"

This Kryptonian clothing appears to be highly durable by Human clothing standards,

resisting various ballistic ammunition fire and exposure to the elements even without
the aid of a Kryptonian's protective aura. However, it is not indestructible. The Cyborg
Superman was able to puncture it with point-blank range fire from high-powered energy
weaponry (presumably based on Kryptonian technology due to his cybernetics at the
time created from Kryptonian technology from Kal-Els Rocket/Birthing Matrix).

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After the "Man of Steel" reboot following The Crisis on Infinite Earths, Kryptonians wore
a full-body, black bio-support suit that covered everything but the face. The suit was
meant to act as a second skin to help protect Kryptonians from their harsh environment,
provide a steady supply of nutrients, assist in physical healing and dramatically slow the
aging process. Various cloth and/or robes were then worn over the suit (and in the case
of females, various bronze-like metal headdresses) to indicate various social status and
family designation.
Per the New Krypton arc, this attire was changed to be the attire of the Science
Guild. Its properties are assumed to remain intact.

After the Death of Superman, the Eradicator placed Kal-Els body into a solid-black body
suit that did not cover the head. This black suit had a silver version of the House of El
crest. This suit helped in part with Kal-Els body to absorb and replenish solar energy
reserves. The suit was badly damaged in the battle with Hank Henshaw. The remains of
this suit were reworked into a standard Superman outfit thanks to the Matrix Supergirl.

"The Eradicator Armor was an armored power suit created by the Kryptonians. They
were created by their advanced crystalline technology which was used to form a

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protective augmentation around their bodies. Stored within a crystal, the Eradicator
spread around the persons body until the augmentation reached 100%. Once done, the
wearer was completely encased in powered armor that mirrored their abilities under a
yellow sun but provided them protection from dangers such as Kryptonite radiation. As
such, it provided their wearer with super strength, flight and durability in battlefield
situations. The transparent face plate also allowed the user to use their heat vision
against their targets."


This armor was shown in Superman Beyond, a story set in the future as a
contemporary to Batman Beyond. The armor is Kryptonian technology but
there is an implication that this suit was something either created entirely
during Kal-El's time as Superman on Earth or a modified piece of existing,
encasing-suit technology. Kryptonians on Krypton did not have a suit that
would replicate solar-charged biological conditions.

"The Eradicator Assassins were a team of mechanical beings that were created by the
Kryptonian civilization. Elements of the design were recreated by Brainiac 13 during his
attempts at creating a duplicate version of Krypton located within the Phantom Zone.
This world was not an accurate representation of Krypton in its final days but rather a
recreation of a golden age that occurred thousands of years ago and was based on JorEl's writings in his diary as they were a favorite era for him. "

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In this story, these Eradicator Assassins were large humanoid mechanical beings that
towered over Kryptonians and had distinctive traits associated with Brainiac. Their
bodies were actually distinct physical components limbs were attached to the torso by
energy body parts. They had various energy weapon capabilities. The Eradicator
Assassins in this story were not the real ones from the real Krypton. As such, while their
name and function may be genuine, their size, appearance and attributes are suspect.


In the Third Kryptonian, in flashback, Eradicators were also a term used to describe a
type of secondary automated orbital defense system where Kryptonian naval vessels
docked in space. These Eradicators were equipped with focused energy weaponry.
They were also capable of broadcasting commands to their targets. Whatever form of
propulsion these Eradicators had, if any, they humans in Kryptonian powered armor
space suits were able to outrun them once their stealth technology activated.

from "The Eradicator" 3-issue miniseries:
"The Eradicator is a program, an incredibly sophisticated, powerfully self-fulfilling and
self-capable program." It "absorbs essences and information, feelings ... like a sponge.

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[It isn't] alive. [It isn't] human. [It experiences] different thoughts and memories but
none of them are [its own]. They're from those whose essences [The Eradicator]
absorbed. Kem-L, The alien Cleric, Superman ... and finally David Conner."


"Beautiful and slowly dying, [The Cleric's people] were too many and [their world's]
resources too few. It was only a matter of years before she could support us no more.
We began a migration, sending scouts out to other worlds. We created you [before you
were The Eradicator] ... The ALL, to aid us. You were designed to preserve and store the
mother world's teaching and culture ... and to learn from other worlds. Your capacity for
storage was endless. You were a link between every colonist. Thus all worlds we would
live on would be connected by the Alls. The universe would become the great holy
commune joined by mutual understanding and love. You were an instrument of life.
There was nothing of an Eradicator in you.

As one of the first scouts, I went out into the void, searching for a hospitable world
where we could live and flourish. Imagine my joy when we came upon a planet orbiting
a red giant. Great and beautiful Krypton ... so large and bountiful ... clean air. Plentiful
water. Room for everyone and more. Imagine the joy of my families and comrades
when I announced this bountiful discovery. Our hope turned to anticipation.

But we never anticipated what was to happen upon our arrival... A small but powerful
militaristic faction in one nation of Krypton ... a group with much hatred and political
power ... they called us social pollutants ... alien corruptions who sought to destroy their
planet's 'purity.' They rounded us up ... men, women ... even children... along with those
Kryptonians that tried to help us, and there were a great many who did ... and they
began what they called the Great 'Purge.'

"'I ... I was a part of this horror?"

'You could do nothing else. A man ... one of the leaders of the group ... Kem-L. He saw
much potential in our science. Science he could use to his own ends. Taking one of our

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warp engines, he created a way to dispose of us that would leave no trace ... further
ensuring that future generations need never suffer our pollution. No records would be
kept. Any sympathizers would be erased as well. Most of Krypton would never know
about this. He took one of the Alls ... You ... and twisted your original functions. Made
you into a weapon of hate and destruction. All that would matter to you was the
preservation of Kryptonian culture and ideals ... or rather Kem-L's twisted version of
what was Krypton. You would destroy many a soul following your directive.

You came from a people of love. Within you, you have hope, despite understanding KemL's corruptions. It was only a matter of time you would fight his influence on your
program. It was this goodness deep inside you that could not destroy me. It was that
love that allowed you to help me preach to other Kryptonians ... the persecuted ... the
different ... the ones who had so much love to give and share. But when I tried to bring
these people out of Krypton in hopes of joining my comrades in the holy commune ...
they perished. Kem-L had used your technology to bind them body and soul to Krypton...
and ensure they'd never be able to survive elsewhere. In my anguish and morning, I
exiled myself on an asteroid with only you, the Eradicator, for company ... and there we
stayed for thousands of years ... until the last Kryptonian came and took you after my
death ... until Superman took you [to Earth]."

The Eradicator is an artificially intelligent alien artifact that was taken to Krypton by an alien race
searching for a new world. Originally thought to have been created by Kryptonian scientist KemL, it was actually taken from visiting aliens. The fascist, xenophobic Kryptonian scientist altered
it into a devastating weapon dedicated to preserving his version of Kryptonian ideals.
The Eradicator has changed forms over time: The Eradicator artifact, the Krypton Man, The Last
Son of Krypton, The Eradicator (later with Science Guild-like attire).

*The Eradicator Artifact

In its original form, the Eradicator resembles a stylized small rocket. Its top section is a
prolate spheroid, which exudes a blue glow and is approximately three times the size of

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an egg. This is connected via four thin mount brackets to a glossy orange tail fin section
of equal length. The ten equally spaced fins each have the shape of a pointed quarter
ellipse, with the tapered end extending slightly beyond the rear of the squat main
cylindrical body tube.
From Action Comics #667:
Not much bigger than a milk bottle. It was designed by one of my ancestors 200,000
years ago part weapon, part super-computer and dedicated to preserving Krypton.

The Eradicator artifact was quite powerful, capable of altering / transmuting matter to
ridiculous degrees. It was able to alter the entire Kryptonian race in one day, genetically
binding them to their homeworld of Krypton. The artifact also created the Fortress of
Solitude in the Ant artic after Superman threw it into a crevasse. The artifact was also
capable of opening and creating devices to open portals to an extra-dimensional pocket
as well as portals capable of time travel, at least with regard to Kryptons past.
As the artifact was worked on by Kem-L and had his views of Krypton inserted into it,
the artifact was left with a telepathic connection to the House of El. Kal-El was able to
complete a Kryptonian rite of passage and stop the Eradicator from continuing a slow
process of generations that would turn the human race into Kryptonians and transform
the Earth into a New Krypton.
Due in part to this connection, the artifact was able to manipulate and control of Kal-Els
mind, gradually causing him to act more like a Kryptonian would, in terms of personality
and culture; logical and emotionless. It wanted Kal-El to reshape Earth into a new
Krypton. Thanks to Johnathon and Martha Kent, Kal-El was snapped out of it and he
fought back against the artifact. It was eventually by a combination of Kal-Els heat
vision and Kryptonite radiation. Superman tossed the Kryptonian clothing and the
Eradicator artifact itself into the sun to be destroyed. The physical shell was destroyed
but the energies and essence of its A.I. survived.

Artifact Abilities:
*Energy Being / Alien A.I. Program; vast data storage, processing and analysis;
information flows in the form of billions of photon pulses per second, able to
store a record of Kryptonian culture with the purpose of preserving/protecting
that culture
*Manipulation of vast quantities of energy; blast projection abilities in varying

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*Anti-gravity flight
*The ability to genetically alter the entire Kryptonian population at once; also
able to genetically alter humans (evidenced by temporarily reactivating Jimmy
Olsens previously expired stretching powers)
*Teleportation abilities; It teleported Superman from Warworld to Earth, it
created an extra-dimensional portal to retrieve Kryptonian technology stored
*Mental manipulation of Kryptonians
*Control over Kryptonian technology

*The Krypton Man

From Superman: The Man of Steel #1:
I was once a thing of circuits and wires, metal and glass. But I have been reborn,
reforged and released to become what I have always been. Scientists beneath a bloodred sun created me a machine, totally logical and programmed with Kryptonian
mores empowered to seek out and destroy those whose systems of belief are opposed
to Krytpons good and to enhance the well-being of those truly Kryptonian.
But Krypton was destroyed. Along with all her sons save two. One was embryonic and
flesh and had his birth on a primitive planet circling a white-hot star. While I, a machine,
sought to help him fulfill his Kryptonian destiny. Our goals conflicted. He hurled me into
that blazing sun but he only succeeding in releasing my full potential. And so my
mission goes on but which facet of my mission will prevail? Will I enhance or

Months after its defeat, The Eradicator finished gathering its energies and returned as

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an energy being who had merged with the suns core. He adopted the physical
appearance of a solid black humanoid wearing black and red Kryptonian garb. It
displayed the abilities of intangibility, energy projection (capable of effortlessly
disintegrating a human in powered armor and destroying an apartment building) and
altering the thought processes of humans. The Eradicator had the power to change the
Earths sun into a red star as well as cause various geophysical upheaval (earthquakes)
and bad weather around the Earth.
While capable of a type of heat vision, the Eradicator in this form preferred to generate
and release energy bursts from his hands. He managed to burn Supermans face which
caused his eyes to swell shut. The Eradicator also shared a telepathic connection with
Kal-El. Through this connection, it was able to manipulate what Kal-Els senses.
The Eradicator displayed remarkable powers of matter manipulation and transmutation.
He destroyed and remade an apartment building as a Kryptonian building and also
reconfigured the matter of two tanks (and the seven humans within them) to make
stone statue.
This version of the Eradicator was not a skilled hand-to-hand combatant but he had
enough strength and power in his solid form to go toe-to-toe with Superman in a fight.
This version of The Eradicator was defeated when its essence was drawn into a magic
crystal that drew in and allowed the Eradicators energies to be dispersed.

Krypton Man Abilities:

*Energy Being / Alien A.I. Program; vast data storage, processing and analysis;
information flows in the form of billions of photon pulses per second, able to
store a record of Kryptonian culture with the purpose of preserving/protecting
that culture
*Powerful energy generation and projection abilities in varying intensities; able
to draw on power from Earths sun after its essence merged with Earths sun;
ability to alter the Earths weather and climate, able to project a superior
version of Kryptonian Heat Vision; the ability to generate heat through his hands
capable of burning Supermans face, ability to project energy blasts of varying
intensities from its hands
*Superstrength & Superspeed
*Matter transmutation abilities; transformed a manned military tank into a

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statue, reconstituting another statue into a different form, destroyed and
reconstituted a building into a Krypton-tech building
*Mental manipulation of Humans and Kryptonians
*Control over Kryptonian technology
*Program vulnerability / slowing with close proximity to sunspot activity

*The Last Son of Krypton

This body was created by the energy essence of the Eradicator by tapping into Kal-Els
remaining solar reserves to help transmute matter within from Supermans Memorial.
The resulting faux-Kryptonian body looked like Kal-El physically but it was imperfect and
had difficulty with its physical vision. Not only did the Eradicator appear to be unable to
using heat vision, it had difficulty other enhanced vision traits and was extremely lightsensitive to the point that he required special glasses/goggles to see without pain. This
version of The Eradicator was able to generate energy blasts of varying intensity and
force from his hands.
Having absorbed Supermans memories, The Eradicator continued as though he was KalEl but with a different mindset on how to punish criminals. He was referred to by some
as Dirty Harry with a Cape.
The Eradicator was severely wounded by the Cyborg Supermans surprise attack from
behind moments prior to the annihilation of Coast City. The concentrated blast that
destroyed Coast City hurt the already weakened Eradicator even more. He managed to
return to the Antarctic for healing before returning to Coast City to assist Superman in
stopping the Cyborg Superman.
from Superman #82
"The air crackles with energy as The Eradicator, a devastating Kryptonian
weapon over 200,000 years old fires without mercy in an all-out attack. A
product of the past, The Eradicator was built by one of Superman's ancestors

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during a time of reckless science. The Cyborg, however, is a product of more
recent Kryptonian technology. His existence is based in the Matrix Chamber
Superman's father, Jor-El, built to carry his infant son to Earth. One was built to
kill ... the other to bear new life. The victor would be obvious."
This version of the Eradicator seemingly perished after it jumped in front of Kal-El to
protect him from a continuous blast of Krypton radiation from an enormous chunk of
Green Kryptonite the Cyborg Superman / Hank Henshaw had found and was using as a
powersource in Engine City built on the grave of Coast City. The energy passed through
the Eradicator and was filtered, taking with it the Eradicators own energies as the
radiation passed into Superman. The result depleted the Eradicators energies but
restored Supermans solar charge.

Last Son of Krypton Abilities:

*Energy Being / Alien A.I. Program; vast data storage, processing and analysis;
information flows in the form of billions of photon pulses per second, able to
store a record of Kryptonian culture with the purpose of preserving/protecting
that culture
*Faux-Kryptonian synthetic clone; has solar-charged Kryptonian abilities
(incredible strength, invulnerability, speed, stamina and flight, ultra-acute
senses like a Kryptonian, etc.)
Differences from Kryptonian physiology:
-- Extreme vulnerability to light and inability to generate heat vision,
inability to fully process solar energy without assistance from
Kryptonian technology, serious wounds vent solar charge energy,
greater resistance to Kryptonite radiation
--After the Cyborg Supermans murder attempt and restoration in the
Fortress of Solitude, the vulnerability to light was lessened, able to
travel without need of a filtering visor
*Energy Manipulation; powerful energy generation and projection abilities in
varying intensities; typically favors energy blasts directed from the hands; ability
to absorb, convert and release various quantities and types of energy
*Control over Kryptonian technology

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Kryptonian Database

*The Eradicator
After his sacrifice to save Kal-El, the Eradicators body was drained and its mind went offline.
STAR Labs took the body and studied it, feeding energy back into it. The body seemed physically
alright, save for scars on the face that refused to heal. After a lab accident at Star Labs, it
appeared that the mind of Dr. David Connor had been transferred into the apparently braindead form of the Eradicator. After a time, it was revealed that it was not Dr. Connors mind and
that he had died in the accident. Instead, the Eradicator had imprinted, copying the memories
of the man, adding them to existing memories of Kal-El and the alien Cleric. With a more direct
approach to stopping criminals, the Eradicator joined the Outsiders and assisted them for a

As time went on, the Eradicator learned that it was not Dr. Connor but that it had absorbed /
imprinted his memories upon his death. At that point in time, it contained memories from the
Cleric, Kal-El / Clark Kent and David Connor. It was present when Connors widow died from
injuries and imprinted her memories as well. The imprinted memories and integrated
personality were at war with the xenophobic protocols programmed in by Kem-L. The
Eradicator fought with himself, sometimes in a mental battle and sometimes in a physical battle
when the Eradication Protocols managed to create an alien mecha armor form to inhabit.
Uniting with the rogue protocols, the Eradicator set out for outer space so it would not menace
the Earth.

He came back seemingly in-control and changed its appearance to resemble something more
like the Kryptonian Science Guild and assisted Superman and the Superfamily in various
missions. When Majestic was drawn into our universe and took over for Superman who went
missing at the same time, the Eradicator attacked him. Majestic later upgraded the Eradicator
by rewriting some of his protocols to make him more aware. This change resulted in the
Eradicator being more aware of The Bleed and beings who crossed through it. At some point
before the New Krypton arc, The Eradicator changed its appearance, complete with visor, to
resemble how it looked in its Last Son of Krypton guise following Supermans death.

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Kryptonian Database

The Eradicator served as an ambassador and liaison with New Krypton during the New Krypton
arc. However, public opinion and fear were against New Krypton, causing the governments of
the world to outlaw on Earth all Kryptonians save for Superman. After the destruction of New
Krypton, the Eradicator fought against one of the Doomsday clones sent against the Superman
family by Lex Luthor. The self-titled Doomslayer destroyed the Eradicators physical body,
painfully converting it into energy and dispersing it. The Eradicator program survived by
transferring into medical equipment implanted into the original Doomsdays body by Luthor. He
controlled Doomsdays body while Doomsdays mind gradually recovered and expressed
concern for what would happen to him when Doomsday awoke. When Doomsdays mind had
nearly recovered and time was running out to stop the Doomslayers tower, the Eradicator
threw Superman through a portal to the outside moments before the Tower vanished into a
void. It was not shown what became of The Eradicator.

Eradicator Abilities:
*Energy Being / Alien A.I. Program; vast data storage, processing and analysis;
information flows in the form of billions of photon pulses per second, able to
store a record of Kryptonian culture with the purpose of preserving/protecting
that culture
*Faux-Kryptonian synthetic clone; has solar-charged Kryptonian abilities
(incredible strength capable of breaking Kryptonian-class bones, invulnerability,
speed, stamina and flight, ultra-acute senses like a Kryptonian, ability to use
heat vision etc.)
Differences from Kryptonian physiology:
-- Vulnerability to light (while does not need to wear filtering visor for
basic performance, he does so where possible), serious wounds may
vent solar charge energy, scarring tends to remain after damage is
healed, greater resistance to Kryptonite radiation
*Energy Manipulation; powerful energy generation and projection abilities in
varying intensities; typically favors energy blasts directed from the hands; ability

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
to absorb, convert and release various quantities and types of energy
*Manifestation of non-terrestrial armor enhancement (usually an oversized,
encasing armor)
*Control over Kryptonian technology
*Awareness of Bleed dimensional activity regarding gates and dimensional

Post-Crisis, Superman robots were not introduced until a story arc in the late 1990s. While
mentally controlled by Dominus, Superman decided that humans needed to be policed 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week for their own protection. To accomplish this task, he created a robot
legion of Supermen robots to act as a superpowered police force intended to keep humanity
safe even from itself. This protection included aggressive actions as needed and assisting
with problems to which Superman was unable to attend.

This army of robots were built to somewhat resemble Superman himself but there was no doubt
regarding their mechanical nature as they had no artificial skin. They wore the S-Shield of the
House of El as well as variations on Supermans costume, each one wearing a different variation.
These robots were programmed with a degree of sentience / self-awareness and where able to
function autonomously and independent of one another.

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Kryptonian Database

After regaining control of his mind, Superman destroyed all but one of these robots. The
surviving robot had been programmed to protect Lois Lane. She later nicknamed it Ned by
Lois Lane and ordered by Superman to stay in the Fortress of Solitude. Later, after Superman
Vol 2 #170, after the superpowered (but non-super-intelligent) Kryptonian canine Krypto
aggressively attacked Mongul in the defense of Lois Lane, Superman confined Krypto to the
Fortress of Solitude. Ned was then programmed to play with and look after the Krypto. Ned is
programmed to release trace elements of Supermans natural scent so that Krypto will respond
favorably to his mechanical playmate and guardian.

In Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day, Brainiac 8 revived and increased the power of a
previously forgotten Superman robot after the events of Superman: King of the World. This
robot, thanks to artificial skin, got close enough to kill Omen (Lilith Clay) and Troia (Donna Troy)
before it was destroyed. In The Third Kryptonian arc, the alien Amalak destroyed a handful of
Superman robots inside the Fortress of Solitude. These robots also had artificial skin.

Robot Superman Abilities:

None of the obviously mechanical Supermen were designed to be a match for Superman
in either power or intelligence. Their limited A.I. was capable of limited logical thought
and reaction to new situations. The Superman Robots were capable of independent
flight and possessed superhuman speed and strength. As they were mechanical beings
and not Kryptonians, these robots were immune to the effects of Kryptonite.

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Internet Links:

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Kryptonian Database

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database

Comics Stories cited:

Action Comics #874: Out of the Phantom Zone

Adventure Comics Vol 2 #11:
Death of Superman
Eradicator #1-3
JLA #8
JLA: Tower of Babel
JLA: New World Order
Majestic: Strange New Visitor
Martian Manhunter #4 (March 1999)
New Year's Evil: Prometheus (Feb. 1998)
Return of Superman
The Science of Superman
Supergirl Vol 1: Who is Superwoman?
Supergirl Vol 2: Friends and Fugitives
Supergirl Vol 3: Death and the Family
Superman Vol 1 #670: The Third Kryptonian Finale
Superman Vol 2 #170: Beware of Superdog
Superman Batman Vol 1: Public Enemies
Superman Batman Vol 2: The Supergirl from Krypton
Superman Batman Vol 3: The Search for Kryptonite
Superman: Birthright

By Sablehawk


Kryptonian Database
Superman: Brainiac
Superman: Codename Patriot
Superman: Godfall
Superman: King of the World
Superman: Last God of Krypton
Superman: Last Stand of Krypton Vol 1-2
Superman: Last Son of Krypton
Superman: Man of Steel Vol 1
Superman: Man of Steel Vol 2
Superman: Mon-El Vol 1
Superman: New Krypton Vol 1-4,
Superman: Nightwing & Flamebird Vol 1-2
Superman Plus Legion of Superheroes #1
Superman: Reign of Doomsday
Superman: Return to Krypton
Superman: Secret Origin
Superman: The Third Kryptonian
Superman: Up, Up & Away
Superman: War of the Supermen
Superman: The World of Krypton
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day
World Without A Superman

By Sablehawk


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