6 Months To 6 Figures Action Plan

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The document discusses the importance of gaining clarity through simplifying your life and focusing on your goals and values. It provides questions to help gain self-awareness and clarity.

Some questions provided to gain clarity include: What are the 3 best lessons life has taught you? What are you really good at? What is your area of genius? What can you become the best in the world at?

Gaining clarity brings confidence and raises standards. Clarity plays a big role in your future success.

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6 Months to 6 Figures


There are two types of people in this world. Those who will do
whatever it takes to create the life of their dreams...and everybody
else. Choose who you want to become very wisely.
In a world filled with so many options, mindless distractions, evolving technology, and information
overload, it can become extremely difficult to gain clarity. Most people havent come to grips with how
important clarity is and how big a role it plays in their future. Clarity brings confidence and confidence
raises standards.
The first thing you must do is shift from complexity to simplicity. You must get clear on your masterpiece
and chip away at all the noise. Here are some very powerful questions to ask yourself before you move on.
What are the 3 best lessons life has taught you thus far?

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What are you really good at? What is our areag of genius? What can you become the best at in the world?
List everything out that you think of:

What do others say that youre really good at?

Each of us has the immense potential to create amazing things in life and find lasting happiness and
success, by living life on purpose. Yet, most of us barely ever scratch the surface of knowing who we truly
are, let alone seeing what we have the potential to become. The purpose of your life is to discover who you
are. To do this, you have to be willing to give yourself some special attention. You have to stop going
"doing" and "chasing" and start spending more time really understanding who you are and where your
creative genius lies.
One of the most defining choices you can make in your entire life is deciding what kind of person you will
be on a daily basis. What will you stand for? What values, standards, and beliefs will you demonstrate each
day? How do you want to live in three years, then five years? Do you want to be in a position where you
dont have to worry about finances? Do you want to provide for your family? Do you want to take your
kids, friends, and family out to eat whenever they want? Never miss a loved ones basketball game or your
daughters recital? These are things most people dont put a lot of thought into until its too late.

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Whats important to you? In other words, what are your values? Your values make you do the things that
are often not easy to do. You dont want to live life based on somebody else's values.

Income/Financial Freedom
What would you do if you had $10 million? Be specific.

If you had to focus on just five goals in the next six months, what would they be? Or what five things must
happen in order for you to have your best six months ever? Examples could be become #1 in your office or
company, write your first book, save $10,000, double your sales, become a speaker, etc. These are called
Your Big 5.

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What are your top 3 goals for the next 90 days? These must be congruent with your big 5.

Top 3 focuses for Month 1:


Top 3 focuses for Month 2:


Top 3 focuses for Month 3:


Remember, nothing works unless you do the work. The people who follow the strategies in this book are
the ones who are going to get results, who are going to build a big business, and who are going to attract
the most reps, clients, and leaders to their organization.
Now, thinking back on all the goals Ive set for myself, my team, my clients, and those I have helped,
theres been a common theme in all the goals that were attained. One thing was present in every single
situation. The person striving for their goal had strong enough reasons to pull them through any challenge
by keeping focused on the end result regardless of the circumstances.

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Reasons always come first, results come second. Are you 100% clear on why you are doing what you're
doing? If not, what can you do today to gain more clarity?
I would strongly recommend writing down your top twenty reasons, and then crossing out the ones that
dont actually mean much, or dont spark a fire inside you. You are looking for the internal reasons, the
ones that wont let you sleep in because they are so meaningful.

What are your top 10 most compelling reasons to hit those goals and start elevating your life?

Now pick the 5 reasons that mean the most to you and simplify them. Write them here:

You now know what your values are and you have your Big 5 for the next six months with your biggest
reasons why. This is your mission for the next six months. You must look at these daily, write them in your
planner and make them the background on your phone. This will keep you on purpose and remind you
why you are working so hard. You must have goals and dreams to pull you through your toughest

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s


Only 5% of society have their goals written on paper, and those 5% make more than the other 95%
The Power of Reverse Engineering:
Gary Vaynerchuk engrained in my head at an early age how powerful reverse-engineering can be. He told
me most dont think ahead and focus on exactly what they want. Truly productive people know the final
result they are after and maintain acute clarity on what they want. Armed with this awareness, they reverseengineer this big goal into a series of small and actionable steps that they then put into a 1-2 page plan of
execution. This strategy works for them, and it will work for you. Take these questions seriously and focus
on the ideal end results you want to create. Answer each question as if youve fast forwarded 6 months and
created your ideal vision.

What is your ideal 6 month outcome?

What does your business look like?

What does your team look like?

How involved are you in your business?

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How much money are you making?

Monthly? ______________
Total Saved? ______________
What feelings are you experiencing?

If we were meeting six months from now, what would have had to happen for you to be completely
satisfied with your results and progress?

One of my goals with this book is to get you to THINK, and part of the reason I ask these questions is to
interrupt your normal thought patterns and create new ones that are more congruent with your biggest
goals. Gaining clarity is just the warm up. In order to take advantage of the goals youve identified, and
create those ideal outcomes, you must improve the most important account youll ever have.

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6 Months to 6 Figures


The person with the most confidence always wins, and nobody respects an insecure leader. Successful
people make choices based on who they want to become versus feeling comfortable in the moment. One of
the people who made a big impact early on in my life was Isaac Tolpin, and his entire company is focused
on these two words: Choose Growth. You always have two choices, the hard choice and the easy choice.
When you choose growth in the moment, your confidence account builds. I want you to start making
decisions based on your standards and goals, instead of on your emotions and feelings. Its tough at first,
but well worth the confidence boost. Start small and continue making the tough choices until you see your
confidence increase. Tony Robbins says,
Its in the moments of decision where your destiny is shaped.

What choices can you start making today that will increase your confidence account?

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2. Challenges
Do you really understand the importance of challenges? If you really want to strengthen your confidence
account, dont wait on life to challenge you. Start challenging yourself. Like I said earlier, the only security
you have is the confidence you have in yourself and your ability to Make Things Happen. Job security is
dead, and so is your future if you think you can find security in something besides yourself. Your adversity
can be your advantage if the right perspective is adopted.
The moment I used my adversity to my advantage, my career exploded.
What challenges have you gone through that have made you stronger and sharpened your perspective?

3. Consistency
Consistency is all about character. Can you do what you say you are going to do? Have you developed an
identity with yourself that whatever you say your actions follow? People respect those who are consistent
and stay the course regardless of what life throws at them.

In this society, consistency will give you a competitive edge and will keep momentum on your side. More
importantly, consistency will continually increase your confidence.

What are 3 areas of your life that require more consistency?


Why do you need to be more consistent in those areas? (Remember, reasons come first, results come

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What would your life look like in 6 months if you stayed consistent?

What one action have you been putting off that would change the game for you?

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s

6 Months to 6 Figures


If you hang around 5 confident people, you will be the 6th.

If you hang around 5 intelligent people, you will be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 millionaires, you will be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 idiots, you will be the 6th.
If you hang around 5 broke people, you will be the 6th.
Its inevitable.
Who is currently doing what you want to be doing at the highest level? It could be the top 3 in your
company or even your industry. Write them down.


I will tell you from experience its tougher to develop a strong mindset when you only associate with weak
minded people. I would make it a priority to find a coach, mentor, or expert in your field and schedule a
coffee or lunch with them. I was asked in an interview recently, Imagine you woke up and you were 20
again. You have a laptop and only $1000. What would you do?
What would you do?

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Evaluate Your Circle of Influence

Success Magazine asked their most successful achievers a very simple question. Whats been their biggest
secret to improving their results?
22% Waking Up Earlier
22% Making a Plan
16% Writing Down My Goals
3% Delegating
37% Learning From Other Achievers
This is the power of being around others achievers. The more Im around millionaires, CEOs, ultra
successful entrepreneurs, and the top 1% in different industries, I find all of them have amazing
relationships. So dont forget the importance of them.
Who do you spend the most time with?

How are those people influencing you? How are they affecting your thinking, actions, and standards?

I learned a great activity at an event called the Experts Academy run by Brendon Burchard. He called it,
The make it or break it list. High Performers cultivate, deepen, and GENERATE new relationships with
GROWTH friends. There are 3 types of friends: "GROWTH" friends (are very different from "OLD"
friends (people you've known for a long time) or "MAINTENANCE" friends who are the people you talk
with a few times a year or send Christmas cards to so you don't feel guilty.

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Growth friends are the people you want to spend MORE time with because you are growing together,
challenging each other, holding each other to higher standards, and making each other better. (The average
American reports only having 1-2 best friends, and the average American also reports that they feel
Growth Friends
Who will add value to your life? Write down your top 4 growth friends. Start spending more time with

Maintenance Friends
Write down people who currently drag you down? Limit your time with them!

So, you should have 4-6 Growth Friends. How do you get 4-6 real growth friends?
Make a list of your current growth friends
Make a list of your potential growth friends (people you know but need to increase communication
Schedule one 15-minute call per month with each of your potential growth friends.
Remember your Big 5 you made for your next 6 months? I want you to get those out, and write them

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Here are some examples:

Write or publish your book

Generate your first 6 figure income

Start a business

Get into grad school

Become a paid speaker

Invest in your first home

Hire your first sales person

Get to 5k in residual income

Close 1 million dollars in sales

Sell 60 houses

Get your first 100 members

If youre the smartest person in the room, youre in the wrong room.

Richard Tirendi

Who are you going to connect with to make sure you are creating the right kind of relationships around

Remember, be relentless and understand successful people appreciate persistence. Nobody fails alone and
nobody succeeds alone. Always pay attention to the people around you.
Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want are people who will take the bus with you
when the limo breaks down.

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s


6 Months to 6 Figures


Those who dont make time for exercise will eventually have to make time for illness.

Edward Stanley

Now that youve gained some clarity, increased your confidence account, and elevated your circle of
influence, its time to maximize your motivation and energy.
Physical Energy
Back in 2009, one of my mentors, Jon Berghoff, said something that has stuck with me. He said, Physical
energy is 80% of your success and your energy at any given moment makes a huge difference in how well
you impact others.

Let me repeat that: Physical energy is 80% of your success. Achievement is hitting a number and fulfillment
is actually feeling good about it, and you cant feel good unless you have energy. Remember the question I
asked you earlier? What if you had the time, flexibility, and lifestyle you desired but NO energy?

There are three parts to physical energy:


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Nutrition plays a huge role in your daily energy. Appropriate nutrition refers to managing what you put in
your body, how much you eat, and realizing what foods bring you energy and what foods deplete energy.
What 3 new commitments are you going to make today regarding your nutrition?

You may be surprised to hear this, but you cant separate your body from your mind. The stronger you
become physically, the stronger you become mentally. The two things Ive seen disrupt businesses and delay
progress are distraction and fear. Distraction and fear naturally lessen when you strengthen your body
consistently. I learned while attending Tony Robbins Business Mastery Seminar that fear is physical and
it will lessen the more you strengthen your body. Exercise isnt just good for your outer appearance; it also
affects your inner ambition.
Are you starting to understand how important energy and enthusiasm are in life and business?
What 3 new commitments are you going to make today regarding your Emotional Energy?

Powerful Questions:
A solid morning routine is a CRUCIAL part of maximizing your day. Whats your current routine? If you
dont have one, create a morning routine right now. I call my morning routine my prize fighter routine.

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s


How are you showing up every day?

How must you show up every day if you want to make your dreams, vision, and goals a reality?

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s

6 Months to 6 Figures


I demand more from myself than anybody else could possibly expect of me.
Julius Erving

80/20 Everything
This is called Pareto's Law and can be summarized as follows: 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the
inputs. If you take 10 of your tasks and activities you want to get done, two of them will produce more
results than the other 8 combined. This is a proven fact. Sometimes, when we get busy, we feel we must get
a ton of tasks done versus the few important ones that create the greatest results. Im often challenged to
think intelligently about which 20% of my tasks to do with absolute focus that will YIELD huge results.
This perspective flip was a big part of increasing business, while decreasing my hours. Remember, its not
the hours you work, but the work you put into those hours.

Which 20% of your tasks are resulting in 80% of your desired outcomes and happiness?

Which 20% of your tasks are causing 80% of your problems and unhappiness?

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Most Things Dont Matter

What activities can you either delegate or stop doing right now?

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s

6 Months to 6 Figures


The amount of stress you have in your life is in direct correlation to the lack of rituals you have in place!

Davey Tyburski

Habits will always trump inspiration. Inspiration is needed to create consistent action, but your habits are
ultimately going to define your success or failure. Its been said that after seminars and conferences, only
5% actually use what theyve learned. Why is that? Its because inspiration is very short-term and feels good
in the moment but doesnt last past the activity producing the inspiration. In our Game Changers
Academy, we focus on shifting habits, gaining better perspective, and interrupting bad thought patterns
instead of simply focusing on inspiration or what makes us feel good. Ive realized that the biggest
inspiration of all is seeing progress and results, which comes from daily habits. When you begin the
formation of a new habit, stick to it, and see the lasting change in your new-found life!

Do you have routines that ensure youre improving your habits, making progress, and getting results? How
do you decide what to create rituals for? It depends on what you want to improve, systemize, and focus on
in your life. You can create rituals for just about anything, including productivity, income, health, personal
growth, innovation, mindset, adventure, increased energy, etc. Creating routines that happen every week
regardless of how you feel or your emotions is crucial for sustained progress. I am going to share a couple of
crucial rituals Ive developed. These specific rituals have helped me create my current lifestyle. Remember,
you can create rituals for anything. The more rituals you put in place, the less stress youll experience, and
the more successful you'll be.

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What 3 result rituals do you need to stay focused?


Write your rituals below and write down the 5 actions you are going to take to ensure you follow through.
Ritual 1:

Ritual 2:

Ritual 3:

Do you see the power of result rituals? If you arent sold on creating rituals, please read this chapter again
because I know firsthand how important result rituals are for peace of mind, productivity, and business.

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s


6 Months to 6 Figures


Stay humble, but never lose your hunger.

The information laid out in the first 11 chapters will set you up for massive success, catapult you towards
your first 6-figure income, and give you the competitive advantage over those around you. To sustain that
success month after month and year after year, you need continual growth and learning. Strategically
designing a world class life isnt what most think about, especially at a young age. Anybody can become
successful for a short amount of time, but to continue producing results above the norm is where most
people fall short. Learning, studying, and investing in yourself doesnt stop when you become successful.
Thats only the beginning.
Express Gratitude: Fill your mind with gratitude instead of negative news programs. All the successful
people Ive studied and have been around practice gratitude. The best entrepreneurs, the best athletes, and
the best parents practice gratitude. While most are worried about economic crisis and turmoil, the top 1%
are thinking about what they are grateful for and what opportunities lay ahead. They also ask, Whats
good about this crisis? Imagine how different your thoughts and action would be if you were consistently
focusing on the positive, being grateful, and seeing opportunity instead of getting stuck in negativity.
What can you do to make sure youre sparking your mind daily?

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s


2. They get active and increase the strength of their bodies.

Walk around the block, do 20 push-ups daily, go for a jog. Dont neglect working out and dont neglect
your body because when you feel strong physically, you will feel stronger mentally. Just 10 minutes or more
of quick exercise is enough to stimulate the receptors in your brain. Focus on progress, not perfection. Start
with 10 minutes each morning, then go to 15, then go to 20. Go from 3 days per week and work up to 5
days per week. Just make sure youre sparking your body consistently.
3. They reach out to those playing the game at a higher level.
Ive dedicated an entire chapter to this subject and for good reason. Even those already making millions can
learn from those who are operating at a higher level. You must stay humble, but never lose your hunger.
Anyone whos achieved greatness has had a role model and mentor to challenge them.
When you talk with people playing the game at a higher level than you, they can help you see challenges
and opportunities you might not be able to see. You dont know what you dont know, and there is
nothing more motivating than feeling your awareness, intelligence, and perspective growing. Those living at
a world class level are always striving to become better, setting bigger goals, and reaching for new heights.
Continue challenging yourself, and dont stop. Self-made billionaire Richard Branson was asked what his
motivation was and he said:
I keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long university education that I never hadevery day Im
learning something new.

Richard Branson

When you stop growing you die. Youre either progressing towards your goals or falling behind. There is
no in-between. Make a commitment to become a lifelong student of the game and youll never have to
worry about complacency again. Here's one of the most important questions you could ever ask yourself:
What could you do the rest of your life that would keep you fascinated and engaged?

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s

6 Months to 6 Figures


Todays Date:________________

Goal Date: _________________

What are the top 5 goals you want to accomplish within the next 30 days?

Break down what you must do weekly to make sure you accomplish your 30 day goals.
Week 1 Top 3:

Week 1 Reward:_____________________________

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Week 2 Top 3:

Week 2 Reward:_____________________________

Week 3 Top 3:

Week 3 Reward:_____________________________

Week 4 Top 3:

Week 4 Reward:_____________________________

How are you going to feel once your 30 day challenge is over? Its important for you to visualize with deep
precision the feelings youre going to experience at the end of your 30 day challenge.

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Starting Today:
What are the key behaviors needed to accomplish your 30-day goals?

What are your weekly rituals that must happen no matter what? (Refer to Chapter 11)

What are you going to Start doing today thats congruent with your 30 day challenge goals?

What do you need to Stop doing today thats not aligned with your Big 5, holding you back, or killing
your current progress or momentum?

What are you going to Continue to do thats been serving you well?

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I, ____________________, am 100% committed to this and know that it will bring me to my dream
income and lifestyle in 6 months.
Signature ____________________ Date _____________________
I challenge you to take these seriously and become more intentional in all you do. I can assure you Wealth,
Lifestyle, and Freedom are best experienced at a young age! Are you really living your potential, expressing
your creative genius, and living an inspiring life? You're just as capable and deserving as everybody else, but
understand it takes massive sacrifice along with implementation of the right actions.
This is the greatest time in human history for those who take 100% responsibility for their economic wellbeing. Commit to these tactics with the focus that your life deserves and continue to cement in your mind
that you are always in control of your economy regardless of the outside circumstances. Respect to you and
the progress youre making towards a world class life. Im here for you, and once you complete this 30-day
challenge, please share your success story personally with me at [email protected].
Help spread the word about the 6 Months to 6 Figures Movement and stay in the know: Follow me on
Twitter @PeterVoogd23 and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/ PeterVoogd23.
I love connecting with like-minded people like you.

Cheers to your success,


Peter Voogd

w w w. 6 M 6 F.c o m // T h e E l i t e C o m m u n i t y & P r o g r a m F o r E n t r e p r e n e u r s

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