Effies - Effective Advertiser of The Year - 2015

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The Australian Effie Awards

The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015

Entry Number: 79

Advertiser/Brand Meat & Livestock Australia


BMF, The Monkeys, Universal McCann, One Green Bean

Entry Title

Delivering effectiveness through strong and enduring relationships.


Andrew Howie and David Warren


02 9463 9255


[email protected]

Directions appearing with each question must not to be deleted from the completed case; they serve as a guide for both
entrants and judges. Complete entry form in - Type face: black font; lOpt minimum. Data must include a specific,
verifiable source. Any unanswered question will result in entry disqualification.

Executive Summary (Please Attach the Executive Summary to the front of the entry so the
judges can read this first)
An Executive Summary of no more than 100 words is also required (not included in page count).

Clients must be accountable for facilitating strong and enduring relationships with their agencies
in order to produce the best work possible. Today's way of 'divorcing' your agency rather than
'going to counselling' is indicative of a disposable-minded generation. It epitomises all that is
wrong with our industry.
MLA has a stable roster of agencies that it is proud to work with including BMF and UM, both
partners for over 10 years. It is that stability that has allowed us to build rock solid platforms
from which a long line of effective marketing has been built.



The Australian Effie Awards


The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015


1. Effie Award Cases

Provide a summary of the Effie Awards cases entered over the last 3 years. Highlight any other relevant awards in
effectiveness over the same time period for the same advertiser or brand e.g. IPA Effectiveness Awards, Cannes,

Avoiding the 7 year itch - 2012

You can have too much of a good thing. Like eating the leftovers of your favourite meal,
4th night running, the Sam Kekovich led Lamb campaign, just wasn't as appetising,
reheated for the 7th time.
Simply, in 2012, our Australia Day assault had a 7-year itch about it. Our story in previous
years was about how earned media has delivered strong sales and affinity results. This
free media was generated from being rant-y, spikey, controversial, delivering over 5 times
the spend in earned media as seen below.
But how much more could we milk it?
As a short, sharp campaign, it was key that the market responded immediately. And it did.
Sales increased by 19% in the week leading up to Australia Day vs last year, leading to
record sales of Lamb
- This was almost double the objective set of 10%
- The promotional week was the biggest sales week ever since 2002
- Moreover, versus average weekly sales, this represented a 31.7% sales uplift

(Nielsen Homescan, 2012).

Lambnesia - An 8 year old idea smashes all sales results - 2013
The Australia Day Lamb campaign has been monumentally successful to date. But we were
in danger of Sam's entertainment value overshadowing our drive to sales.
By evolving the structure of our campaign, we were able to leverage Sam's fame, whilst
reminding everybody that Sam was first and foremost a Lambassador.
Lamb sales surpassed all expectations, increasing for the 7th successive year, smashing our
target by 51% and generating YOY growth of 13.4%. Moreover, the campaign enforced the
association that Lamb was our national meat on Australia Day, and beyond.
Lamb & Sam Creating a new Aussie tradition 2014 (Long term Effie)
For the past 10 years Sam has single-handedly saved Australia from the perils of


The Australian Effie Awards

The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015
unAustralianism by telling people to eat lamb on Australia Day and he's bloody proud of it.
Since 2005 he's turned one of the lowest sales periods into the top selling month,
generated over $52m in revenue with an overall ROI of 3.45. Australians have been
prepared to pay 36% more for lamb than a decade ago.
More than that, he has created an Aussie tradition that unites all Australians.

In the years 2002 2004 (pre Sam) we achieved an average of $10,446,320 in sales in the
week Australia day fell. Using this as our baseline target for the Australia day week, we
have since achieved cumulative $52,405,792.72 incremental revenue on Australia day
week across the 10-year life span of the Sam campaign.
With a total campaign spend of $12,125,986.00 this gives us a very meaty ROMI of $3.45.
For every marketing dollar spent we achieved an incremental $3.45 in lamb sales.
2. Culture of Effectiveness
Describe how the client organization champions effectiveness internally and externally.
How does the client demonstrate a culture of marketing effectiveness within the organization and with external partners?
How does effectiveness underpin the client's strategic vision, organisational/brand performance and the role of marketing to
achieve it?
What training and development does the client entity have in place?

David Ogilvy's famous axiom, "clients get the adverting they deserve," has long been understood
among agencies that clients are central to both the quality and the effectiveness of whatever
gets made. Essentially, the quality of the client-agency relationship is directly related to the
quality of the work.
However, if relationships are key to the quality of the work that is produced, then why is there a
trend towards shorter, more disposable relationships? In 1984 the average client-agency
relationship tenure was 7.2 years. By 1997 that number had declined to 5.3 years. Today the
average client agency tenure is believed to be below three years.
It appears as though most clients simply view agencies as disposable suppliers, rather than
valued partners. Darren Woolley, Managing Director of pitch consultancy Trinity P3, even went
so far as to say (about agencies), "Most, if not all of you, are factory workers, producing the
collateral that goes into the media and marketplace, and then you decry the fact that people
want to lower the cost of the factory. They can get someone overseas in the global market to
produce what you produce for a tenth of the price."
Clearly, somewhere along the way, we've forgotten the importance of people in the process.


The Australian Effie Awards


The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015


MLA's approach
At Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) we foster a culture of effectiveness. We strive for
improvements across all aspects of our business. We do this because, as a levy funded
organisation, we more than most understand the importance of getting the most out of every
cent we have.
Unfortunately though, for many marketers, when financial pressures loom the first step
undertaken is often a review of the agency roster in a bid to make savings. This trend for
'chopping and changing' in the industry might result in some short-term savings on paper, but
we believe that this type of decision can be counterproductive. In fact, if managed properly,
long-term partner relationships can be an unrivalled source of value.
After all, is that not the role of marketers: to generate value beyond simply cutting costs?!
This is why at MLA we take a different approach: continuous improvement. We seek to
continually find ways to improve the contribution that people are able to make. People both
inside MLA and the people within our extended partners.
By creating an environment that enables people to be at their best and to continually improve,
we get better results: This is how we do it:
1. We immerse our agencies
Clients are unwilling to allow their agencies access to sensitive business information. In
doing so they expect them to deliver effective work with one arm tied behind their back.
Understanding the product and the wider business problems is integral to delivering
effective integrated campaigns. Before we even start the creative process, we take our
agency partners on a true "paddock to plate" tour so they can talk with conviction about all
stages of the production process. They all live in Bondi and have never been west of
Parramatta Road, making this step of the process the most important of the lot. Covering all
elements of the supply chain; from the paddock to sale yard, feed lot, abattoir and
supermarket, this comprehensive experience culminates in a dinner at a local venue
featuring locally raised produce and a few beers.
2. We write the brief together.
Clients have been writing long winded, poorly articulated and rather boring briefs for too
long; hiding the data and evidence in a sea of jargon and red herrings. Then dumping it on
the agency and expecting the planner to decipher. Our creative briefs are not developed in a
vacuum. We engage our agencies and involve them in the brief writing process. This includes
the sharing of all business information delivering full transparency with our trusted partners
and clearly lists the measures which will determine success. The process and the ensuing
4: the


The Australian Effie Awards


The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015


documents are owned by all involved in the process. We believe if there is not alignment at
its inception, the gap will only continue to widen.

Briefing sessions are never held in meeting rooms

Too many clients treat the creative briefing like a WIP meeting. Not a great start. It should
set the tone for the creative process. Whether it is briefing the Australia Day campaign over
a slow roasted Lamb shoulder at Chiswick, or the Beef campaign over Beef brisket sliders at
Vic's Meats, inspiration needs to be there from the beginning. Reading over a document in a
board room doesn't facilitate this. We take our agencies out of their bubbles; we immerse
them in the brand and we enjoy our products just as our consumers do.

We redesigned the creative check-in process

All around the globe, clients and their agencies are locked in a pattern of creative
development that has hardly changed since the days of Mad Men. So, we changed the way
we work with our agencies and made the process more cooperative. As a result, we have
reduced the number of presentations and increased the frequency of informal chats. The
informality of this approach means we develop stronger personal relationships and have
much better conversations. That's not to say we don't recognise the importance of giving
agencies the space to go off and do their own thing, but more that we believe clients can
play a very active role in improving creativity and effectiveness.
5. We challenge our agencies to challenge us
In the modern day with an abundance noise and clutter in the marketplace, too many clients
and their businesses remain risk averse. They continually push work to the middle seeking
safety. The idea being you can't lose your job if you don't make a mistake. MLA doesn't have
the budgets to pussy foot around. We think our way out of a corner rather than spend our
way out. Our agencies love us because we buy brave work and we love to push them hard;
challenging for good ideas to be made great. This can only happen with trust between client
and agencies and willingness to accept great ideas come from anywhere. You won't find
better agencies at collaborating with Clients than our partners. That's why we work with
them. Effectiveness sits at the heart of their DNA and we love that about them.
6. We're part of the collaboration
Clients want their agencies to collaborate. They want the big idea to be delivered through all
their media channels. But none of them are willing to roll up their sleeves and get in the mix.
As a business that champions effectiveness, we have worked hard to be the driving force
between our agencies collaborating. We have developed a 'Charter for Collaboration' that
we have all our agencies sign on to making collaboration contractually binding.
It is not a natural fit for agencies, with competing 'bottom lines' to work together, for they
0 the


The Australian Effie Awards


The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015


have a vested interest in fighting for the budget available. However, by the client placing
themselves in the middle of the team, it removes the barriers and makes it easier for
agencies to pull in the one direction. The result is holistic presentations where the big idea is
executed by each agency through their respective channels.
7. Test and learn is an iterative process
The reality is that campaigns need to deliver. However clients too often view the results of a
campaign as black and white and in doing so miss an opportunity to learn. When MLA
reviews the outcomes, it is a 'test and learn' process rather than 'pass or fail'. If you can
learn from what you have done, then the process has been of value. That's not to say we
don't strive for best in class results. We most certainly do. Effectiveness is in our DNA across
the whole business. Just ask our R&D team. We foster a relationship with our agencies that
allow honest and frank conversations are had when reviewing the outcomes of campaigns.
We take the learnings and put them at the forefront of the next round of briefing. It is
through this process that we are able to deliver the most effective work, campaign after
Meat and Livestock Australia has a reputation in the Australian marketplace for delivering
innovative and entertaining communications. It is a legacy that is embraced within the company
and a responsibility that gets passed from 'generation to generation' with a belief by all that
they should leave the place in better shape than what they found it. In doing so, the bar is
constantly being raised.
In today's environment of short-termism and agencies being chopped and changed, we believe
that the most important thing that any marketer can do is to remember that this business is a
people business. To drive the business forward, to improve standards and to make the work
better, we as clients need to be more accountable for making the relationships work and
helping bring the best out of people.

3. References
Provide 3 written individual endorsements from the advertiser's marketing partners e.g. agencies, market researchers ideally these will be from different companies. These references should each be no more than one page and can be
additional to the main submission.

Mat Baxter CEO UM Australia

Matthew Melhuish Group CEO Enero
Mark Green CEO The Monkeys
References attached
C the


Universal McCann
100 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills
NSW 2010
PH +61 2 9994 4200
FX +61 2 8586 2080
www. um vvw.com
abn 19 002 966 001

7th May 2015

To whom it may concern,

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have been working with UM since 2005. During that
time we have forged a strong partnership based on mutual respect, trust and hard workwhere we are seen as a true extension of the marketing team.
MLA consistently demonstrates their commitment to effectiveness, demanding the best
work from their agency partners with a focus on evaluation and accountability. This focus
begins from briefing, where all agencies are briefed at the same time with clear objectives
and requirements, all the way through to post-analysis, where learnings and insights go on
to form part of the next brief.
Recently, to further ensure relationships stay strong and progressive MLA introduced
APRAIS to evaluate all their agency relationships and work towards continuous
improvement. This has allowed for a clear, honest and open dialogue around what is
working, where improvements can be made and to help identify opportunities for the
team and organisation.
We're proud to say that some of our agency's most awarded and effective work has come
from great briefs to us by MLA. Three great examples over the past few years include the
Summer Beef campaign in 2012 "Throw a Steak on the Barbie", the Australia Day
"Lambnesia" campaign in 2013 which delivered 48% increase in overall sales, and most
recently the 2015 Australia Day Lamb campaign featuring Ritchie Benaud, which led to the
second highest sales spike around Australia day in MLA history.
The last year has been particularly busy, with some great collaborative work going in
market that has started to shift the dial in how we communicate and is helping drive great
We believe that the team at MLA could not be more worthy of the Effective Advertiser
Award and we're proud to be able to refer them as such.

Yours sin

Mat Baxt



Quote #2 for MLA:

"The team at BMF are fortunate to have enjoyed many longstanding client relationships of
15 years or more, and MLA stands proudly among this group. Marketing is a key deliverable
for MLA who act on behalf of their constituents, Australia's sheep and cattle farmers. The
task is made more challenging by the fact that unlike most marketers, MLA cannot change
the price, format, packaging or the presentation of the products, so
marketing communications become particularly important. Additionally given the vast scale
of the meat industry and the task at hand, MLA budgets are always dwarfed by comparison,
so every dollar has to work particularly hard.
Long-term effects require a bedrock for amazing work and results to flourish over time. MLA
has a long history of excellence as a client and can legitimately claim to be the most
awarded Australian marketer over the past thirty years. This success does not come by
accident but rather by creating a strong partnership with the agency built upon trust, shared
ambition and strategic rigour. The MLA team have empowered the agency and together
with BMF team there is a strongly held passion to push creative boundaries to create value
and deliver the very best 'bang per buck' for our farmers".

Matthew Melhuish

[email protected]

Enero Group Limited

Level 3 - i Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia
Direct +61 2 8213 3037 I Telephone +61 2 8213 3031
Facsimile +61 2 8213 3083

enero. corn
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may
contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of,
or talking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended
recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from
your computer.
Enero Group Limited. ABN 97 091 524 515

The Monkeys

59 Great Buckingham Street

Redfern NSW Australia 2016

Phone +61 2 8665 4200

themonkeys.com au

May 8, 2015

To Whom It May Concern

Whilst our partnership with the MLA began only 12 months ago, the marketing
team has gone to extraordinary lengths to give us a thorough understanding of
the business and build a tight relationship.
This has been instrumental in developing creative work that delivers outstanding
business results. And some of the best work The Monkeys have ever done. The
Australia Day Lamb Campaign featuring the legendary Richie Benaud was a
career highlight and a sign of things to come.
The trust and openness in sharing knowledge has enabled us to achieve great
things together. The relationship that we already enjoy points to a long and
fruitful future together.
MLA have had a great history of doing fantastic work and it is easy to see why.
The current marketing team is as good as I've seen and they deserve the
recognition of being rated one of the best marketing outfits in Australia.

Mark re n
CEO and Co-founder, The Monkeys

ABN 34 121 441 576

The Australian Effie Awards


The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015



ABN - 84 140 893 152


TCC & AANA Members: Entries Received By 23 April 2015
TCC & AANA Members: Extended Deadline 7 May 2015

$ 950 + GST ($1,045) per entry

$1,250 + GST ($1,375) per entry

Non-Members: Entries Received By 23 April 2015

Non-Members: Extended Deadline 7 May 2015

$1,750 + GST ($1,925) per entry

$2,050 +GST ($2,255) per entry

Cheques to be made payable to and mailed to:
The Communications Council
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QVB Post Office, NSW 1230.

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Remittance advice must be emailed to jo@ communicationscouncil.org.au or faxed to (02) 8297 3801,
attention to Jo Libline



The Australian Effie Awards

The Effective Advertiser Entry Form 2015



We certify on behalf of:

(Agency CEO) and

(Client Company CEO or equivalent)

that the information submitted for the attached campaign is a true and accurate portrayal of the objectives
and results of that campaign.
We also certify that the campaign has not been found in breach of an advertising or marketing codes or
in breach of any law within the Australian jurisdiction.
We acknowledge that the case study of this campaign m be publish by The Communications Council
or with the authorisation of The Communications Councjl, but that we ll have the opportunity to remove
such information from that case study that we regard as' market sensit
or confidential.

Signature of Officer of Agency

Signatur of Officer of Client Company


Company: tYNI,A
Date: 11 S



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