Risk Analysis & Mitigation Matrix

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The key takeaways are that RAMM was developed as a new risk tool to provide a pragmatic compromise between simple and detailed risk tools. It aims to be simple enough for everyone to use while still providing enough detail to track critical risks. RAMM was created to align with FDA guidances on quality management and be incorporated into the quality system with regular reviews.

The RAMM is a new type of risk tool developed to be incorporated into a modern risk management system and align with latest FDA guidances. Its goals were to be simple enough for everyone to use, provide enough detail to track critical risks, and be able to be reviewed in a time efficient manner as part of regular quality meetings.

Some examples of simple risk tools mentioned are Ishikawa Diagrams, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, and simple prioritization matrices. More detailed tools include Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis.


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2012, Vol. 32 No. 1
Copyright ISPE 2012

This article
presents a new
type of risk tool.
Risk Analysis
and Mitigation
(RAMM) was
developed to be
incorporated into
a modern risk
system and align
with latest FDA

Quality Risk Management

Risk Analysis and Mitigation Matrix

(RAMM) A Risk Tool for Quality
by Alex Brindle, Steve Davy, David Tiffany and
Chris Watts

isk analysis and management is the cornerstone of any science- and risk-based
approach1 for modern drug development
and manufacturing.2 In order to understand and document processes and products,
standard risk analysis tools have been adapted
from other industries and academia. These tools
include Ishikawa Diagrams,3 P-Diagrams, Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA), Failure Modes
and Effect Analysis (FMEA4), Failure Modes and
Effect Criticality Analysis (FMECA5), Hazard
Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP6),
and several more.
The Risk Analysis and Mitigation Matrix
(RAMM) was created to provide a pragmatic
compromise where other risk tools such as
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) or Failure
Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
are maybe either too simple and lacking in detail, or they are maybe too complicated, making
it difficult to work consistently with limited
resource across all products.
The goal of the RAMM was also to align with
ICH and FDA guidances (Q8 to Q10 series7, 8,
and Process Validation10); especially around
tracking Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs)
and Critical Process Parameters (CPPs) in a
pragmatic manner. The tool was designed to
be at the heart of any modern quality system
with regular review in meetings and as a way
of tracking risks and any mitigation actions.
The tool had to be simple enough that everyone could use it and provide enough detail
that critical risks could be tracked, mitigated,
and be time savvy. If it were to take days to go
through the risk analysis every time a process
review occurred, it would never be as useable
as it should be.
This article will discuss how the tool works,

provide a practical example as applied to a

monoclonal antibody (Mab) process, and show
how to incorporate the tool into a quality management system.

Use of Risk for Development

and Manufacturing
When developing a new process and product or
attempting to understand an existing process
and product, knowing how materials, processes,
and controls affect the final product is essential.
If one can identify the critical process input
factors, the variation in the process responses
should be able to be understood and controlled.
Without this knowledge, the developer or manufacturer is simply guessing how good products
are made and most likely relying heavily on a
quality control unit to reject any bad products
From a development or manufacturing
perspective, one of the key parts of this pathway is understanding which raw materials
and process parameters impact the Critical
Quality Attributes (CQAs). Furthermore, in
what direction and quantity these parameters
affect the CQAs are critical for manufacturing
excellence. This is because this understanding
can be used to develop more robust processes
or add appropriate control measures to adjust
processes to make on target product.

Risk Hierarchy
Risk tools are traditionally categorized as simple
or detailed. Simple tools are often used as a
precursor to using the detailed tools or early
in development where little is known about
processes, materials, and products. These simple
tools include:


Quality Risk Management

Analytical Development
Medical Professional

Figure 1. Risk hierarchy and introduction of middle risk layer tool.

Ishikawa Diagrams
Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
Simple Prioritization Matrices

The list above is not exhaustive and the output of simple risk
tools are not particularly quantitative and are typically for
identification or hazards and/or risks only. These tools are
extremely simple to use and yield results quickly.
More detailed tools are used for comprehensive risk analysis
(and mitigation steps) and include a quantitative element.
Examples of these tools include:
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
The use of these tools typically leads to a comprehensive
analysis of risk. All of these risk tools, either simple or detailed, could be complimented by a middle level risk tool as
demonstrated in Figure 1. The Risk Analysis and Mitigation
Matrix (RAMM) was developed to be quantitative yet simple
to use.
The RAMM tool is potentially a useful compliment to the
other risk tools and can be used solely or in combination with
other risk tools. The potential to use something quantitative,
but not as complex as the detailed risk tools can potentially
serve as the useful keystone of a risk management system as
it is quantitative yet manageable. Each user should of course
make their own choice as to which tools serve them best, but
it is proposed that the RAMM is a useful addition to that tool

Use of RAMM Tool for

Monoclonal Antibody Process
The RAMM tool was applied to an example monoclonal antibody process. The tool was applied in six stages as part of a
risk management system.

Stage 1 Team Formation

The first step was selecting the right team to be involved with
the RAMM workshop sessions. This situation dealt with an
example of a product in late stage development; therefore,
the following functions were selected to be involved in the
Process Development
Product Development


It was felt that this team would give the best input to developing the process understanding and risk analysis, although
each organization and project is different and may include
different functions to those selected here. Though it was not
the case in this example, the right team may include people
who have not seen the actual process before, but who have
other experiences. It is important that these individuals get
an opportunity to walk the process so they get an understanding of what they are dealing with in terms of how the
process is run on a daily basis.

Stage 2 Identifying the CQAs

The strict regulatory definition would be related to CQAs
related to strength, purity, and efficacy. The interpretation of
CQAs can mean different things to different organizations.
In this example, Quality and Regulatory had already defined
what this should be as the team was well into preparation
for submission documentation. These CQA definitions were
developed as an interpretation of pragmatic representation
of desired CQAs and what was practicably measurable and
easily understood with no risk of confusion. The CQAs were
defined as the following:

Viral Contamination
Acidic Variable Levels
Concentration Assay
Purity Assay
Visual Appearance
Residual Host Cell Protein
Residual Host Cell DNA
Viral Clearance

These CQAs would make up the header row of the RAMM


Stage 3 Define the Process Steps

The process steps are considered the major contributors that
cause the starting material to be converted to final product.
Although this seems complex at first, a great many processes
use very similar process steps.
The next piece of pre-work involved process development
and manufacturing to prepare the actual process, which would
be the center point of the RAMM. This process was defined

Quality Risk Management

Figure 2. Monoclonal antibody described as process block diagram.

in its current state, it was understood the development is an

iterative process, and the process tomorrow may be different
from that of today. For this example, the process is a fairly
straightforward Mab process utilizing single use technology
for several of the process steps (in addition to media production).
Production of the monoclonal antibodies was in a fed-batch
culture using a single-use bioreactor. The harvest was then
clarified by depth filtration using single-use pods. Cationchromatography was used for a capture-hold step with a
reusable column. The product was then transferred to a
single-use bag in a mixing tank at which point low pH was
used to deactivate the virus for 40 minutes. The product was
then polished by membrane filtration (anion-exchange). The
product yielded from the anion exchange chromatography, and
the yield was calculated by assay. The product was then sent
to single-use ultra-filtration apparatus for buffer exchange.
Using the ultra-filtration apparatus, the product was initially
concentrated. The concentrated volume was then exchanged by
diafiltration into a volume of formulation buffer, determined
by the yield calculated by assay following the anion-exchange
chromatography. These steps are shown in Figure 2.

Stage 4 Define Process and Material

Once the overall process is defined, each process step should
be broken down into process parameters (some of which would
become critical process parameters) and other important
A P-Diagram was used to capture process parameters in
this example; an example can be seen in Figure 3. Each process block is analyzed to determine which inputs, or factors,
to that process step are present. These are depicted with an
arrow pointing toward the box identifying the process step.
Process responses or outputs are depicted with an arrow
pointing away from the process step.
Outputs contributing to the next interim step in the process
can be shown with the arrow pointing to the next step, but
as all outputs do not contribute directly to the next process

Figure 3. P-diagram showing process inputs and process outputs.

step, this may be confusing. In practice, the process outputs

are generally shown simply pointing away from each process
In this example, the P-Diagram was felt to be the most useful, but other simple identification risk tools could have been
appropriate such as an Ishikawa Diagram. In this instance, the
team felt that systemic issues where well documented around
materials and human effects and wanted to concentrate on
process parameters.
In addition to the P-Diagram, material attributes also
where identified and listed along with systemic issues such
as staff training and equipment setup.

Stage 5 Create RAMM and Score It

The RAMM uses a matrix of process input factors and quality
attributes to assess risk and impact. Now that the critical
quality attributes and process (or material or other) parameters have been defined, the matrix of these two axes forms
the basis of the RAMM. The top row of the RAMM is used
to document important responses or quality attributes, and
the left most columns are used to describe process steps and
process inputs (including material and other parameters).
Once each process step is depicted, the inputs for process
parameters can be transferred from Stage 4 (the P-Diagram
or other similar tool) to the input column on the RAMM document. It is recommended that the process step be identified
as well, in a separate column to the left, as multiple process
steps may have similar inputs (consider temperatures, speeds,
pressures, etc.).
Assigning stratified scores (one for factors having low
impact or risk, three for factors having moderate impact or
risk, and nine for factors perceived as having high impact or
risk) also facilitates identification of the important factors, and
greatly speeds the process. Experience shows that if a group
has ten choices to choose from (one to ten), they will become
increasingly concerned with the small difference between
the scores; for example, Is it a five or a six? The stratified
(and limited) choices make the decision easier and faster:
the important risks or parameters really are important and
deserve a high score. The unimportant risks or parameters
can receive a low score. The items in between can be assigned
a moderate score.
Why are moderate items not scored a middle value, like
five? One of the objectives of the RAMM is to force the user
to consider the really important items. By weighting the
important items, they are elevated to the top and demand

Vial Contamination


Acidic Variant Levels


(UV Assay)

Purity Assay (HPLC)

Visual Appearance


Viral Clearance



Residual Host Cell


Residual Host Cell





Quality Risk Management

Table A. CQAs and relative criticality.

attention. This weighting will help prioritize the study of

issues and drive mitigation actions.
To quantitatively assign the relevant importance of the
CQAs, a relative priority score of one, three, or nine (one being
relatively important and nine being critical) was assigned.
This was greatly assisted by a medical professional (called
into the workshops by telemeet on this occasion) to accurately
score the CQAs by relating them back to importance to the
With the CQAs defined and ranked (as highlighted in Table
A), the process and material piece was analyzed in depth to
break down each process unit into individual process parameters. The cross-functional team scored the risk or impact of
each parameter or other parameter with relation to each CQA.
Scores are limited to stratified levels of one (minor), three
(moderate), and nine (high). Stratifying the scores reduces the
time required to complete the analysis, while still assessing
the relative importance of each factor.
Additionally, parameters which affected the product outcome, but were not necessarily process step specific, also were
analyzed. This included items such as raw material properties
and their subsequent scoring to critical material attributes.
The example shown in Figure 4 includes only a fraction
of the process steps analyzed (this shows details for just
one process step) in order to logically fit this report into this
In this example, a parameter was defined as critical if it
had a direct impact on a CQA. The team discussed what would
require action and follow-up work to improve the criticality.
The end definition was any process parameter that flagged
red (or critical) for a CQA that was also ranked as critical. In
addition, the total risk score (similar to a risk priority number) was also used as a flag for anything with a total score of
200 and above, and would require immediate action plans.
This definition of 200 and above was a team decision about

what was the justified total risk score at which action should
be taken based on their knowledge of the product, science,
patients, processes, and materials.
At this stage the RAMM could be sorted and filtered so
that process inputs can be assessed by their impact on a
specific response, by the interim process step, or for their
overall impact on the entire process. Likewise, the matrix
could be filtered to determine which process step or input
factor(s) had the greatest impact on a particular attribute.
The order of cross products for both the rows and columns
were gut-checked with the cross-functional team to ensure
the scoring agrees with their perceptions of the process. The
parameters receiving the highest cross product scores were
checked that they aligned with the cross functional teams
consensus of most important or highest risk parameters.
It can be seen above that for the process step highlighted
and the defined criticality flagging criteria that there were
several criticality points requiring further action. These included:

N-1 stage cell expansion equipment setup

N-1 stage cell expansion temperature control
N-1 stage cell expansion agitation
N-1 stage cell expansion dissolved oxygen
N-1 stage cell expansion post inoculation temperature

Step 6 Mitigation
The final point of discussion of the workshop was to assist
in defining which action would help mitigate risk for these
process parameters. The key action defined was around gaining improved process robustness. In order to improve this,
experiments were defined. Additionally, it was indicated that
some changes to the equipment would improve the equipment
setup weaknesses.
At this point, the team was adjourned, any documents

Figure 4. Process parameters with CQAs with risk scores detailed for just one process step (N-1 cell expansion).


Quality Risk Management

Figure 5. Process parameters with CQAs with risk scores detailed for process step (N-1 cell expansion) (after one round of mitigation actions).

signed and workshop team members documented. The RAMM

was incorporated into the quality system and a meeting set
up for two months later to follow up on how the suggested
improvement projects had mitigated risk.
The suggested action steps worked convincingly, greatly
improving process understanding and reducing risk for this
process step. No further action were deemed necessary at this
stage for this process step to lower risk, as it was considered
under control and well understood. The RAMM was updated
accordingly to demonstrate that risk has been reduced changing the risk scores and providing a simple signal that risk had
changed from reds and yellows to greens. This can be seen

in Figure 5. It should be noted that other process steps were

more complex to understand and required several rounds of
mitigation actions to mitigate risk to an acceptable level.
Figure 6 shows that good overview can be gotten at the
macro level showing overall risk for a product. This can be
especially useful in trying to gain overview at a glance of the
risk and how mitigation is working.
A RAMM typically takes one to two days to perform the
first time with a team that has some knowledge of the process.
This time can be significantly reduced for subsequent products especially if process steps and products are somewhat

Figure 6. Impact of mitigation actions on total process and material risks. Mitigation actions change the risk flags from red to yellow or green.


Quality Risk Management

Incorporation of the RAMM
into the Quality System
The RAMM can be an integral part of an effective quality
management system, facilitating implementation of the enabling concepts, knowledge management and quality risk
management. This has been elucidated in the Guidance for
Industry, ICH Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System.11 Inclusion
of such a tool in corporate policies/procedures documents the
approach to quality risk management, formalizing the systems
for assessing, controlling, communicating, and reviewing risk
to product quality. Additionally, use of such a tool offers a
logical method for continually acquiring, analyzing, storing,
and communicating information related to a specific product
and its manufacturing processes.
One approach to integrating the RAMM into a quality
management system would be to include the RAMM as a tool
to be used in a process validation program. The example in
Figure 7 demonstrates a quality system hierarchy with the
Process Validation Guidance12 fully incorporated through
Process Design (stage 1), Process Qualification (Stage 2),
and Continued Process Verification (Stage 3). Policies and/
or procedures for the process development may describe the
RAMM as a deliverable of Stage 1 of Process Validation. As
knowledge is gained throughout the product/process lifecycle
(i.e., through Stages 2 and 3 of Process Validation), the RAMM
would be reviewed and updated accordingly in order to document the understanding (or lack thereof) and justification for
reducing (or increasing) the risk attributed to each step of the
manufacturing process. Such a practice would not only track
the history of the process development and maintenance, but
also document the development of the control strategy and
any associated process improvements.
As previously described, the RAMM conveniently maps
quality attributes against process parameters (the risk to
product quality associated with each step of the manufacturing process). This practice then provides a proactive means

to identify and control risks to product quality throughout

the product lifecycle from development to routine commercial manufacture and product discontinuation. Effective and
consistent risk-based decisions regarding product quality are
thus enabled (by both regulators and the regulated industry),
allowing an objective means to allocate appropriate resources
to address unacceptable risks.
The RAMM offers a systematic approach to quality risk
management, providing a sound, risk-based foundation to a
corporate QMS. Although relatively simple in structure, the
RAMM is a comprehensive tool that complements existing
quality practices, standards, regulatory requirements, and
recommendations. Furthermore, as an effective mechanism
for quality risk management, the RAMM facilitates better
and more informed decisions, which may provide regulators
with greater assurance of a companys ability to identify and
address potential risks to product quality.

The RAMM offers a risk analysis tool that may prove useful
to some as the cornerstone of a quality management system.
The authors have found RAMM extremely useful for risk
management for various reasons and these include:
The RAMM neatly handles CQA and CPP (including material attributes and others) parameters in one document
and is easily aligned with latest guidances.
The RAMM is fast; by presenting in a matrix that overlays
CQAs against CPPs (including material attributes and others), it is relatively straightforward to set up and rank.
The RAMM has speed, but is also relatively detailed allowing risk quantification or other risk flags to be identified
in detail.
The RAMM gives excellent overview an entire process can
be printed on just one to two sheets, allowing the overall
process to be very easily explained with detail.
The RAMM is very easy to incorporate into a quality system, follow up on, and make documented changes with.
The authors also have noted some disadvantages to the
The team using RAMM needs to be aligned and have
some knowledge of risk analysis; this is especially true of
scoring numbers as the individual risks are a combination
probability and impact.
If the process is not well understood, the team needs the
experience to realize that some pre-work identifying parameters (such as p-diagrams) are required.

Figure 7. Quality system hierarchy.


All in all, all risk tools have their value in a risk management
system. It is expected that tools like RAMM will be especially

Quality Risk Management

useful for organizations with large numbers of products where
the application of detailed analysis tools to every single process
and product would not be feasible. Here the RAMM could be
used as a total replacement for detailed risk tools or act as a
middle risk layer to prioritize which products and processes
should have detailed risk analysis applied.

The RAMM template is available as free templates and downloadable examples. Please contact the creators Alex Brindle
and David Tiffany for details. The development and testing
of RAMM was greatly helped by the following individuals:
Line Lundsberg-Nielsen, Lene Bjerregaard, and George


Critical Material Attribute


Critical Process Parameter


Critical Quality Attribute


Food and Drug Administration


Failure Modes Effect Analysis


Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis


International Conference on Harmonization


Preliminary Hazard Analysis


Risk Analysis and Mitigation Matrix

1. FDA, A Risk Based Approach, Aug. 2002.
2. FDA, PAT Guidance for Industry, Sept. 2004.
3. FDA, Quality Systems Approach, Guidance for Industry,
(draft Sept. 2004).
4. FDA, Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century A
Risk-Based Approach, Final Report, Sept. 2004.
5. AIAGs Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
(FMEA) Reference Manual.
6. Ishikawa, K., (Translator: J. H. Loftus), Introduction
to Quality Control, 448 p, ISBN 4-906224-61-X OCLC
61341428, 1990.
7. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Procedure for Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis
(FMECA), RA0060131A, 1966.
8. Food Safety Research Information Office, "A Focus on
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points," Created
June 2003, updated March 2008.
9. ICH, Pharmaceutical Development Q8(R2), August
10. ICH, Quality Risk Management Q9, September 2006.
11. ICH, Pharmaceutical Quality System Q10, June 2008.
12. FDA, Process Validation: General Principles and Practices, January 2011.

About the Authors

Alexander Brindle holds a B.Sc. in chemistry, a M.Sc. in analytical science, and a Ph.D. in process engineering; additionally,

Brindle has more than 10 years of experience

within development and manufacturing. At
NNE Pharmaplan in North America, Brindle
is the managing partner of the consulting
function where he consults within the areas
of 21st century development, quality, and
manufacturing. He specializes in strategy,
transformation, organization, systems, and
business case development. He can be contacted by email:
[email protected].
NNE Pharmaplan, 3005 Carrington Mill Blvd., Suite 380,
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560, USA.
Steven Davy has more than eight years
of experience in engineering, manufacturing, and development in biotechnology and
pharmaceutical processes. He has hands-on
experience with processing in research, development, and operational from before his
arrival at NNE Pharmaplan. His Ph.D. is
from Oxford Brookes University, studying the
flocculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. He can be contacted
by email: [email protected].
NNE Pharmaplan, 222 Third St., Suite 2230, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02141, USA.
David Tiffany holds a B.Sc. in mechanical engineering and is a Six Sigma Master
Black Belt. Tiffany draws from his 15 years
of manufacturing experience in his senior
consulting role at NNE Pharmaplan, using
his knowledge to assist clients in operational
excellence, lean, DoE, QbD, and statistical
analysis. He can be contacted by email: DTff@
NNE Pharmaplan, 3005 Carrington Mill Blvd., Suite 380,
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560, USA.
Chris Watts holds a B.Sc. in biomedical
engineering and a Ph.D. in pharmaceutical
science. Watts has been an integral part of
developing the FDAs current science- and
risk-based approaches for cGMP inspections
and CMC application review of pharmaceuticals, including biotech, generic, and new
drugs. Prior to joining the FDA, Watts was
responsible for the development and manufacture of products
at Dura Pharmaceuticals and Shire Laboratories. At NNE
Pharmaplan, Watts holds a consulting role, where he takes
responsibility for quality and regulatory projects in addition to
leading various strategic projects related to the development
and manufacture of pharmaceuticals via a 21st century approach (QbD and PAT). He can be contacted by email: cwtt@
NNE Pharmaplan, 3005 Carrington Mill Blvd., Suite 380,
Morrisville, North Carolina 27560, USA.


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