Para Philia

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Paraphilia (also known as sexual perversion and sex

ual deviation) is the experience of intense sexual arousal

to atypical objects, fetishes, situations, fantasies, behav[1]

iors, or individuals. No consensus has been found for
any precise border between unusual sexual interests and

paraphilic ones.[2][3] There is debate over which, if any,

of the paraphilias should be listed in diagnostic manu
als, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classication of
Diseases (ICD).
The number and taxonomy of paraphilias is under debate;
one source lists as many as 549 types of paraphilias.[4]
The DSM-5 has specic listings for eight paraphilic
disorders.[5] Several sub-classications of the paraphilias
have been proposed, and some argue that a fully dimensional, spectrum or complaint-oriented approach would
better reect the evidence.[6][7]

Non-human objects
The suering or humiliation of oneself or ones partner
Non-consenting persons




Homosexuality was at one time discussed as a sexual deviation.[20] Sigmund Freud and subsequent
psychoanalytic thinkers considered homosexuality and
paraphilias to result from psychosexual non-normative
relations to the Oedipal complex.[21] As such, the term
sexual perversion or the epithet pervert have historically
referred to gay men, as well as other non-heterosexuals
(people who fall out of the perceived norms of sexual


By the mid-20th century, mental health practitioners began formalizing deviant sexuality classications into
categories. Originally coded as 000-x63, homosexuality
was the top of the classication list (Code 302.0) until the
American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the DSM in 1974. Martin Kafka writes, Sexual
disorders once considered paraphilias (e.g., homosexuality) are now regarded as variants of normal sexuality.[22]

Many terms have been used to describe atypical sexual interests, and there remains debate regarding technical accuracy and perceptions of stigma. Sexologist John Money
popularized the term paraphilia as a non-pejorative designation for unusual sexual interests.[8][9][10][11] Money described paraphilia as a sexuoerotic embellishment of, or
alternative to the ocial, ideological norm.[12] Psychiatrist Glen Gabbard writes that despite eorts by Stekel A 2012 literature study by clinical psychologist James
and Money, the term paraphilia remains pejorative in Cantor, when comparing homosexuality with paraphilmost circumstances.[13]
ias, found that both share the features of onset and
Coinage of the term paraphilia (paraphilie) has been course (both homosexuality and paraphilia being lifecredited to Friedrich Salomon Krauss in 1903, and it en- long), but they appear to dier on sex ratio, fraternal
tered the English language in 1913, in reference to Krauss birth order, handedness, IQ and cognitive prole, and
by urologist William J. Robinson.[14] It was used with neuroanatomy. The research then concluded that the
some regularity by Wilhelm Stekel in the 1920s.[15] The data seemed to suggest paraphilias and homosexuality as
term comes from the Greek (para) beside and two distinct categories, but regarded the conclusion as
quite tentative given the current limited understanding
(-philia) friendship, love.
of paraphilias.[23]
In the late 19th century, psychologists and psychiatrists
started to categorize various paraphilias as they wanted a
more descriptive system than the legal and religious constructs of sodomy[16] and perversion.[17] Before the intro- 2 Causes
duction of the term paraphilia in the DSM-III (1980), the
term sexual deviation was used to refer to paraphilias in The causes of paraphilic sexual preferences in people are
the rst two editions of the manual.[18] In 1981, an article unclear, although a growing body of research points to
published in American Journal of Psychiatry described a possible prenatal neurodevelopmental correlation. A
paraphilia as recurrent, intense sexually arousing fan- 2008 study analyzing the sexual fantasies of 200 heterotasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving:[19] sexual men by using the Wilson Sex Fantasy Question1


naire exam, determined that males with a pronounced

degree of fetish interest had a greater number of older
brothers, a high 2D:4D digit ratio (which would indicate excessive prenatal estrogen exposure), and an elevated probability of being left-handed, suggesting that
disturbed hemispheric brain lateralization may play a role
in deviant attractions.[24]

The DSM-IV-TR also acknowledges that the diagnosis

and classication of paraphilias across cultures or religions is complicated by the fact that what is considered
deviant in one cultural setting may be more acceptable in
another setting.[32] Some argue that cultural relativism
is important to consider when discussing paraphilias, because there is wide variance concerning what is sexually
Behavioral explanations propose that paraphilias are acceptable across cultures.
conditioned early in life, during an experience that pairs Consensual adult activities and adult entertainment inthe paraphilic stimulus with intense sexual arousal.[25] volving sexual roleplay, novel, supercial, or trivial asSusan Nolen-Hoeksema suggests that, once established, pects of sexual fetishism, or incorporating the use of
masturbatory fantasies about the stimulus reinforce and sex toys are not necessarily paraphilic.[32] Paraphilial
psychopathology is not the same as psychologically norbroaden the paraphilic arousal.[25]
mative adult human sexual behaviors, sexual fantasy, and
sex play.[34]

3.2 Intensity and specicity

There is scientic and political controversy regarding the

continued inclusion of sex-related diagnoses such as the Clinicians distinguish between optional, preferred and exparaphilias in the DSM, due to the stigma of being clas- clusive paraphilias,[35] though the terminology is not comsied as a mental illness.[26]
pletely standardized. An optional paraphilia is an alterSome groups, seeking greater understanding and accep- native route to sexual arousal. In preferred paraphilias,
tance of sexual diversity, have lobbied for changes to the a person prefers the paraphilia to conventional sexual aclegal and medical status of unusual sexual interests and tivities, but also engages in conventional sexual activities.
practices. Charles Allen Moser, a physician and advo- The literature includes single-case studies of exceedingly
cate for sexual minorities, has argued that the diagnoses rare and idiosyncratic paraphilias. These include an adoshould be eliminated from diagnostic manuals.[27]
lescent male who had a strong fetishistic interest in the
exhaust pipes of cars, a young man with a similar interest in a specic type of car, and a man who had a paraphilic interest in sneezing (both his own and the sneezing
3.1 Typical versus atypical interests
of others).[36][37]
Albert Eulenburg (1914) noted a commonality across the
paraphilias, using the terminology of his time, All the
forms of sexual perversion...have one thing in common: 3.3 DSM-I and DSM-II
their roots reach down into the matrix of natural and normal sex life; there they are somehow closely connected In American psychiatry, prior to the publication of the
with the feelings and expressions of our physiological ero- DSM-I, paraphilias were classied as cases of psychotism. They are...hyperbolic intensications, distortions, pathic personality with pathologic sexuality. The DSMmonstrous fruits of certain partial and secondary expres- I (1952) included sexual deviation as a personality dissions of this erotism which is considered 'normal' or at order of sociopathic subtype. The only diagnostic guidleast within the limits of healthy sex feeling.[28]
ance was that sexual deviation should have been reThe clinical literature contains reports of many paraphil- served for deviant sexuality which [was] not symptomatic
ias, only some of which receive their own entries in the of more extensive syndromes, such as schizophrenic or
diagnostic taxonomies of the American Psychiatric As- obsessional reactions. The specics of the disorder
sociation or the World Health Organization.[29][30] There were to be provided by the clinician as a supplemenis disagreement regarding which sexual interests should tary term to the sexual deviation diagnosis; there were
in the DSM-I on what this supplementary
be deemed paraphilic disorders versus normal variants no restrictions [38]
Researcher Anil Aggrawal writes that
of sexual interest. For example, as of May 2000, per
listed examples of supplemenDSM-IV-TR, Because some cases of Sexual Sadism
behavior to include homomay not involve harm to a victim (e.g., inicting humilsexuality,
fetishism, and sexual
iation on a consenting partner), the wording for sexual
sadism involves a hybrid of the DSM-III-R and DSMIV wording (i.e., the person has acted on these urges
with a non-consenting person, or the urges, sexual fantasies, or behaviors cause marked distress or interpersonal

The DSM-II (1968) continued to use the term sexual

deviations, but no longer ascribed them under personality disorders, but rather alongside them in a broad
category titled personality disorders and certain other



nonpsychotic mental disorders. The types of sexual

deviations listed in the DSM-II were: sexual orientation disturbance (homosexuality), fetishism, pedophilia,
transvestitism (sic), exhibitionism, voyeurism, sadism,
masochism, and other sexual deviation. No denition
or examples were provided for other sexual deviation,
but the general category of sexual deviation was meant
to describe the sexual preference of individuals that was
directed primarily toward objects other than people of
opposite sex, toward sexual acts not usually associated
with coitus, or toward coitus performed under bizarre circumstances, as in necrophilia, pedophilia, sexual sadism,
and fetishism.[40] Except for the removal of homosexuality from the DSM-III onwards, this denition provided
a general standard that has guided specic denitions of
paraphilias in subsequent DSM editions, up to DSM-IVTR.[41]


DSM-III through DSM-IV

urges, and for sadism, acting on these urges with a nonconsenting person.[35] Sexual arousal in association with
objects that were designed for sexual purposes is not
Some paraphilias may interfere with the capacity for sexual activity with consenting adult partners.[35]
In the current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), a paraphilia
is not diagnosable as a psychiatric disorder unless it causes
distress to the individual or harm to others.[1]

3.6 DSM-5
The DSM-5 adds a distinction between paraphilias and
paraphilic disorders, stating that paraphilias do not require or justify psychiatric treatment in themselves, and
dening paraphilic disorder as a paraphilia that is currently causing distress or impairment to the individual
or a paraphilia whose satisfaction has entailed personal
harm, or risk of harm, to others.[5]

The term paraphilia was introduced in the DSM-III

(1980) as a subset of the new category of psychosexual The DSM-5 Paraphilias Subworkgroup reached a condisorders.
sensus that paraphilias are not ipso facto psychiatric disThe DSM-III-R (1987) renamed the broad category orders, and proposed that the DSM-V make a distincto sexual disorders, renamed atypical paraphilia to tion between paraphilias and paraphilic disorders. [...]
paraphilia NOS (not otherwise specied), renamed One would ascertain a paraphilia (according to the natransvestism as transvestic fetishism, added frotteurism, ture of the urges, fantasies, or behaviors) but diagnose a
and moved zoophilia to the NOS category. It also pro- paraphilic disorder (on the basis of distress and impairvided seven nonexhaustive examples of NOS paraphil- ment). In this conception, having a paraphilia would be
ias, which besides zoophilia included telephone scatolo- a necessary but not a sucient condition for having a
gia, necrophilia, partialism, coprophilia, klismaphilia, paraphilic disorder. The 'Rationale' page of any paraphilia in the electronic DSM-5 draft continues: This
and urophilia.[42]
approach leaves intact the distinction between normative
The DSM-IV (1994) retained the sexual disorders clasand non-normative sexual behavior, which could be imsication for paraphilias, but added an even broader catportant to researchers, but without automatically labeling
egory, sexual and gender identity disorders, which innon-normative sexual behavior as psychopathological. It
cludes them. The DSM-IV retained the same types of
also eliminates certain logical absurdities in the DSM-IVparaphilias listed in DSM-III-R, including the NOS exTR. In that version, for example, a man cannot be clasamples, but introduced some changes to the denitions
sied as a transvestitehowever much he cross-dresses
of some specic types.[41]
and however sexually exciting that is to himunless he
is unhappy about this activity or impaired by it. This
change in viewpoint would be reected in the diagnos3.5 DSM-IV-TR
tic criteria sets by the addition of the word Disorder to
The DSM-IV-TR describes paraphilias as recurrent, in- all the paraphilias. Thus, Sexual Sadism would become
betense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges or behav- Sexual Sadism Disorder; Sexual Masochism would
iors generally involving nonhuman objects, the suering
or humiliation of oneself or ones partner, or children
or other nonconsenting persons that occur over a period
of six months (criterion A), which cause clinically signicant distress or impairment in social, occupational,
or other important areas of functioning (criterion B).
DSM-IV-TR names eight specic paraphilic disorders
(exhibitionism, fetishism, frotteurism, pedophilia, sexual
masochism, sexual sadism, voyeurism, and transvestic
fetishism, plus a residual category, paraphilianot otherwise specied).[43] Criterion B diers for exhibitionism, frotteurism, and pedophilia to include acting on these

Bioethics professor Alice Dreger interpreted these

changes as a subtle way of saying sexual kinks are basically okay so okay, the sub-work group doesnt actually bother to dene paraphilia. But a paraphilic disorder
is dened: thats when an atypical sexual interest causes
distress or impairment to the individual or harm to others. Interviewed by Dreger, Ray Blanchard, the Chair of
the Paraphilias Sub-Work Group, explained: We tried to
go as far as we could in depathologizing mild and harmless paraphilias, while recognizing that severe paraphilias
that distress or impair people or cause them to do harm


to others are validly regarded as disorders.[45]

oending behaviors.[51] Medroxyprogesterone acetate

and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (such as
leuprolide acetate) have also been used to lower sex
drive.[51] Due to the side eects, the World Federation
of Societies of Biological Psychiatry recommends that
hormonal treatments only be used when there is a serious risk of sexual violence, or when other methods have
failed.[50] Surgical castration has largely been abandoned
because these pharmacological alternatives are similarly
eective and less invasive.[52]

Charles Allen Moser pointed out that this change is not

really substantive as DSM-IV already acknowledged a
dierence between paraphilias and non-pathological but
unusual sexual interests, a distinction that is virtually
identical to what is being proposed for DSM-5, and it is
a distinction that, in practice, has often been ignored.[46]
Linguist Andrew Clinton Hinderliter argued that Including some sexual interestsbut not othersin the DSM
creates a fundamental asymmetry and communicates a
negative value judgment against the sexual interests included, and leaves the paraphilias in a situation similar to ego-dystonic homosexuality, which was removed 5 Epidemiology
from the DSM because it was realized not to be a mental
Research has shown that paraphilias are rarely observed
However, there have been some studThe DSM-5 acknowledges that many dozens of paraphil- in women.
with paraphilias.[55] Sexual masochism has
ias exist, but only has specic listings for eight that are
forensically important and relatively common. These are been found to be the most commonly observed paraphilia
voyeuristic disorder, exhibitionistic disorder, frotteuris- in women, with approximately 1 in 20 cases of sexual
tic disorder, sexual masochism disorder, sexual sadism masochism being female.
disorder, pedophilic disorder, fetishistic disorder, and
transvestic disorder.[5] Other paraphilias can be diagnosed under the Other Specied Paraphilic Disorder or
Unspecied Paraphilic Disorder listings, if accompanied
by distress or impairment.[48]


Most psychologists believe that paraphilic sexual interests cannot be altered.[49] Instead, the goal of therapy is normally to reduce the persons discomfort with
their paraphilia and limit any criminal behavior.[49]
Both psychotherapeutic and pharmacological methods
are available to these ends.[49]
Cognitive behavioral therapy, at times, can help people
with paraphilias develop strategies to avoid acting on their
interests.[49] Patients are taught to identify and cope with
factors that make acting on their interests more likely,
such as stress.[49] It is currently the only form of psychotherapy for paraphilias supported by evidence.[50]

Many acknowledge the scarcity of research on female

paraphilias.[56] The majority of paraphilia studies are
conducted on people who have been convicted of sex
crimes.[57] Since the number of male convicted sex offenders far exceeds the number of female convicted sex
oenders, research on paraphilic behavior in women is
consequently lacking.[57] Some researchers argue that
an underrepresentation exists concerning pedophilia in
females.[58] Due to the low number of women in studies on pedophilia, most studies are based from exclusively male samples.[58] This likely underrepresentation
may also be attributable to a societal tendency to dismiss the negative impact of sexual relationships between
young boys and adult women.[58] Michele Elliott has
done extensive research on child sexual abuse committed
by females, publishing the book Female Sexual Abuse of
Children: The Last Taboo in an attempt to challenge the
gender-biased discourse surrounding sex crimes.[59] John
Hunsley states that physiological limitations in the study
of female sexuality must also be acknowledged when considering research on paraphilias. He states that while
a mans sexual arousal can be directly measured from
his erection (see penile plethysmograph), a womans sexual arousal cannot be measured as clearly (see vaginal
photoplethysmograph), and therefore research concerning female sexuality is rarely as conclusive as research on

Pharmacological treatments can help people control their

sexual behaviors, but do not change the content of the
paraphilia.[50] They are typically combined with cognitive behavioral therapy for best eect.[51] Selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors are especially used with
exhibitionists, non-oending pedophiles, and compulsive masturbators.[51] They are proposed to work by
reducing sexual arousal, compulsivity, and depressive 6 Legal issues
symptoms.[51] However, supporting evidence for SSRIs
is limited.[51]
In the United States, following a series of landmark
Antiandrogens are used in more severe cases.[51] Similar cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, perto physical castration, they work by reducing androgen sons diagnosed with paraphilias, particularly pedophilia
levels, and have thus been described as chemical cas- (Kansas v. Hendricks, 1997) and exhibitionism (Kansas
tration.[51] The antiandrogen cyproterone acetate has v. Crane, 2002), with a history of anti-social behavior
been shown to substantially reduce sexual fantasies and and related criminal history, can be held indenitely in

civil connement under various state legislation generically known as sexually violent predator laws[60][61] and
the federal Adam Walsh Act (United States v. Comstock,

See also
-phil- (list of philias)
Courtship disorder
Dorian Gray syndrome
Erotic target location error
Human sexuality
List of paraphilias
Psychosexual development
Richard von Krat-Ebing
Sex and the law
Sexual ethics


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[52] Camilleri JA, Quinsey VL (2008). Pedophilia: Assessment and Treatment. In Laws DR, O'Donohue WT. Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment (2nd
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[35] American Psychiatric Association (2000). Diagnostic and

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[54] American Psychiatric Association (2013), Diagnostic and

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[55] Eva W. C. Chow & Alberto L. Choy (April 2002).

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[57] Duncan, Karen A. (2010), Female Sexual Predators: Understanding Them to Protect Our Children and Youths,
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[58] Lisa J. Cohen, PhD & Igor Galynker, MD, PhD (June 8,
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[59] Elliott, Michele (1994), Female Sexual Abuse of Children:
The Last Taboo, New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.,
ISBN 9780898620047
[60] First, M. B.; Halon, R. L. (2008). Use of DSM paraphilia
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[61] Cripe, Clair A; Pearlman, Michael G (2005). Legal aspects of corrections management. Jones & Bartlett Learning. pp. 248. ISBN 978-0-7637-2545-7.
[62] JESSE J. HOLLAND, Court: Sexually dangerous can be
kept in prison, Associated Press. Retrieved 5-16-2010.
[63] Civil: SVPA - CCAP. Retrieved 201303-14.

D. Richard Laws, William T. O'Donohue (ed.), Sexual Deviance: Theory, Assessment, and Treatment,
2nd ed., Guilford Press, 2008, ISBN 978-1-59385605-2
Further reading
Kenneth Plummer, Sexual stigma: an interactionist
account, Routledge, 1975, ISBN 0-7100-8060-3
Elisabeth Roudinesco, Our Dark Side, a History of
Perversion, Polity Press, 2009, ISBN 0-7456-45933

External links
DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR list of paraphilias
Proposed diagnostic criteria for sex and gender section of DSM5




Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Paraphilia Source: Contributors: Mav, Bryan Derksen, The Anome, Ap, Malcolm Farmer, Larry Sanger, SJK, Ghakko, Shii, Kurt Jansson, Mswake, Montrealais, Hephaestos, Stevertigo, Edward, Patrick, Michael
Hardy, EvanProdromou, Isomorphic, Jahsonic, MartinHarper, 172, Tgeorgescu, AlexR, Karada, Delirium, Stib, Tregoweth, HarmonicSphere, Theresa knott, Snoyes, Suisui, ?alabio, Nikai, Evercat, Lee M, Michael Reiter, Denni, Dysprosia, Patrick0Moran, Maximus
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