The Dynamics of Crude Oil Price Differentials

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The Dynamics of Crude Oil Price Differentials

Bassam Fattouh

Centre for Financial and Management Studies, SOAS

Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

January 2008

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Copyright 2008
Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
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Contents ......................................................................................................................... 2
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
2. Some Features of Crude Oil Price Differentials ........................................................ 7
3. Empirical Method .................................................................................................... 10
4. Data .......................................................................................................................... 11
5. Empirical Results ..................................................................................................... 13
5.1 Dynamics of Price Differential between Crude Oils of Different Quality ......... 13
5.2 Price Differentials between Crude Oils of Similar Quality ............................... 15
5.3 Price Differentials between Crude Oils one of which is Linked to an Active
Futures Market......................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Price Differentials between Crude Oils both with Tradable Paper Contract ... 17
5.5 Discussion of the Empirical Results .................................................................. 17
6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 18
References .................................................................................................................... 20

Table 1: Pairs of Crude Oil Price Differentials Analysed............................................ 22
Table 2: SaharaMaya Price Differential .................................................................... 23
Table 3: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (SaharaMaya) .................. 24
Table 4: BonnyMaya Price Differential ..................................................................... 25
Table 5: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (BonnyMaya) .................. 26
Table 6: SaharaBonny Price Differential ................................................................... 27
Table 7: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (SaharaBonny)................. 28
Table 8: MayaLloyd Blend Price Differential ........................................................... 29
Table 9: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (MayaLloyd Blend) ......... 30
Table 10: WTIMaya Price Differential ...................................................................... 31
Table 11: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTIMaya) ................... 32
Table 12: WTILloyd Blend Price Differential ........................................................... 33
Table 13: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTILloyd Blend) ........ 34
Table 14: WTISahara Price Differential .................................................................... 35
Table 15: WTIBonny Price Differential .................................................................... 36
Table 16: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTIBonny) .................. 36
Table 17: WTIBrent Price Differential ...................................................................... 37
Table 18: WTIDubai Price Differential..37
Table 19: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (DubaiMaya) ................. 38

Figure 1: Behaviour of Crude Oil Price Differential ............................................ 39
Figure 2: Identification of Threshold Regime for SaharaMaya ............................ 40
Figure 3: Identification of Threshold Regime for SaharaBonny .......................... 41

We model crude oil price differentials as a two-regime threshold autoregressive (TAR)
process using Caner and Hansens (2001) method. While standard unit root tests, such as the
Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF), are inconclusive in some instances on whether oil price
differentials follow a stationary process, the null hypothesis of unit root can be strongly
rejected based on the threshold unit root test, even for crude oils with very different qualities.
Our results also indicate that the adjustment process is different depending on whether one
considers the differentials between crude oils of similar quality or between oils of different
quality and whether a crude oil is part of a complex that involves a highly liquid tradable
futures contract. These findings suggest that the different oil markets are linked and thus, at
the very general level, the oil market is one great pool. However, differences in the
dynamics of adjustment suggest that within this one great oil pool, oil markets are not
integrated in every time period and, although the presence of an active futures market has
helped make some distant markets more unified, arbitrage across the different markets is not
costless or risk-free.

1. Introduction
Despite the wide variety of internationally traded crude oils with different qualities and
characteristics (the 2006 International Crude Oil Market Handbook describes more than 160
traded crude oil streams), many observers consider the world oil market as one great pool
(Adelman, 1984). Others argues that oil markets are globalized in the sense that supply and
demand shocks that affect prices in one region are transferred into other regional markets
(Weiner, 1991). One implication of the globalization thesis is that prices of similar crudes in
different markets should move closely together such that their price differential is more or
less constant. This is in contrast to oil markets being regionalized in which oil prices of
similar qualities move independently to each other in response to shocks. Whether the oil
market is one great pool or is regionalized has important implications in terms of energy
policy and market efficiency. For instance, Weiner (1991) argues that the effectiveness of
government policies, such as releasing crude oil from the Special Petroleum Reserve (SPR),
depends to a large extent on whether the impact of such policy action extends to other regions
or remains confined to the US market. In terms of efficiency, Glen (1999) argues that
regionalization gives rise to arbitrage opportunities across local oil markets and may render
the market inefficient if arbitrage fails to push prices of similar crude oils in different markets
in line with each other.
The empirical evidence on globalized oil markets is mixed. Using simple correlation
analysis and a switching regression system, Weiner (1991) finds support for a high degree of
regionalization across oil markets. More recent empirical studies that use cointegration
methods find that oil prices in different markets move closely together even in short horizons
providing support for the globalization hypothesis (Glen, 1997; 1999). Using an empirical
method that generates estimates of arbitrage costs between regions (called the arbitrage cost
approach), Kleit (2001) finds that oil markets have become more unified, as evidenced by the
reduction in transaction costs over time. Interestingly, though, his results indicate the
existence of important transaction (arbitrage) costs between oil markets. Milonas and Henker
(2001) examine the price differential between Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and
conclude that the Brent and WTI markets are not fully integrated.
In this paper, we present new evidence in this debate by analysing the dynamic behaviour of
crude oil price differentials. Although prices of various crude oils may evolve independently
for a period of time, their movements are unlikely to deviate very widely such that their price
differential would increase or decrease without bounds and hence we expect the differential to
follow a stationary process. After all, crude oil prices are linked through the cost-of-carry
relationship and any deviation from this relationship would be restored through arbitrage.

These dynamics are most likely to be present for crude oils of similar quality and with liquid
futures market such as the BrentWest Texas Intermediate (WTI) complex. Specifically,
Brent and WTI are linked through the following relationship (Kinnear, 2001; Alizadeh and
Nomikos, 2004):

PBR ,t + CBR + D = PWTI ,t


where PBR and PWTI are the prices of dated Brent and WTI at time t, CBR represents the
carrying costs which are necessary to transport the physical Brent and include insurance,
losses, custom duty costs, and pipeline tariff, and D is the quality discount (usually 0.30
cents). If the WTIBrent price differential, adjusted for carrying costs, is greater than zero,
this would open the trans-Atlantic arbitrage window, i.e. refiners in the USA would increase
their imports of Brent and those crude oils priced off Brent. The trans-Atlantic window would
remain open until the price relationship in (1) is attained. The highly liquid futures market in
both Brent and WTI has increased the ability of market participants to trade the WTIBrent
arbitrage speedily (Kinnear, 2001).
In the absence of transaction (arbitrage) costs, the deviation of the price differential (adjusted
for carrying costs) from zero would always trigger arbitrage. However, as Balke and Fomby
(1997) observe, the existence of adjustment costs or transaction costs implies that movements
towards some long-run equilibrium value do not need to occur instantaneously and in a linear
fashion. This type of discrete adjustment process has been used to describe many economic
phenomena, such as the behaviour of inventories, interest rates, and investment.
We extend this type of discrete adjustment to oil price differentials, especially for those types
of crude oil with different qualities and/or crude oils that are not linked to an active futures
market. Specifically, crude oil price differentials are modelled as a two-regime threshold
autoregressive (TAR) 1 process using Caner and Hansens (2001) method. The threshold
approach decomposes the model into different regimes and thus allows the oil price
differential to follow different dynamics, depending on whether the differential is above or
below a certain threshold. These different dynamics could be explained by the existence of
transaction costs. Although persistent deviations from the equilibrium relationship give rise to
arbitrage opportunities, transaction costs may be high enough such that it would not make it
profitable for traders and refineries to exploit available arbitrage opportunities that would

In the absence of transaction costs, any deviation, whether negative or positive, of the price
differential (adjusted for carrying costs) from zero would trigger arbitrage. This would suggest that we
should include two thresholds and three regimes. However, a model with two regimes is more suitable
for our purpose since, as we shall see later, in many cases the differential takes either a positive or a
negative value. The inclusion of an additional threshold would have been spurious in this context.

restore the equilibrium price relationship unless the oil price differential crosses a certain
threshold. These transaction costs may arise due to the fact that as commodities trading
times overlap only for a few hours, simultaneous position taking is limited. Also, another
obstacle for integration is that the delivery instruments differ. Furthermore, because the
delivery of the underlying commodity is costly, riskless arbitrage is not possible (Milonas
and Henker, 2001, p. 36). These types of obstacles are likely to be more present in arbitraging
crude oil of different quality and not linked to an active futures market.
In this paper, we study the dynamic behaviour of price differentials between various types of
crude oil. Firstly, we examine the behaviour of price differentials between crude oils of
similar quality (light/light or heavy/heavy). For this group, the price differential is expected to
follow a stationary process, although it is possible to find threshold effects such that errorcorrection dynamics become stronger if the differential exceeds a certain threshold.
Secondly, we analyse the behaviour of price differentials of crude oils with different qualities
(light/heavy). Since these types of crude oils do not directly compete with each other and
given that refineries are configured to deal with specific types of crude oil, their prices are
likely to evolve independently and hence their price differential may not follow a stationary
process for the entire period under study. However, we argue that these crude oils cannot
diverge from each other in such a way that their price differential would increase or decrease
without bounds. We expect that once the oil price differential crosses a certain threshold,
arbitrage would become profitable, pushing the differential back to below the threshold. For
instance, it could be argued that refineries would be willing to take delivery and process
heavy crude only if the discount to light crudes is large enough to compensate them for
running their refineries on less suitable crudes. Furthermore, if heavy oil is trading at a large
discount to light crude oil, some oil producers may decide to cut supplies of heavy crude,
raising its price and narrowing the price differential. Thus, for pairs of price differentials
between different quality crudes, we expect to find evidence of threshold stationarity such
that below the threshold, arbitrage switches off, allowing the oil price differential to behave
as a random walk. Adjustment dynamics would only be triggered if the oil price differential
crosses that threshold.
Finally, to explore whether a highly liquid futures market reduces transaction costs by
facilitating arbitrage, we examine the price differentials between various types of crude oils
and WTI, Brent, and Dubai. WTI and Brent have the most liquid contracts on a physical
commodity while Dubai is the only non-light crude that has a contract tradable over the
counter. We expect the dynamics of price differential to differ depending on whether a crude
oil is part of a complex that involves a highly liquid tradable futures contract.

This paper reveals the following interesting findings. Firstly, while standard unit root tests,
such as the Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF), are inconclusive in some instances as to
whether oil price differentials follow a stationary process, we can strongly reject the null
hypothesis of unit root based on the threshold unit root test which has better power than
standard unit root tests when the underlying process is non-linear (Caner and Hansen, 2001).
These findings do not apply only to crude oils with similar qualities, but more importantly to
crude oils with different qualities. This evidence suggests that oil price differentials cannot
deviate without bounds, providing support for the globalization hypothesis.
Secondly, our results indicate that the adjustment process is different depending on whether
one considers the differentials between crude oils of similar quality or between oils of
different quality. For the latter, we find strong evidence of threshold effects in the adjustment
process. Specifically, below an estimated threshold, there is no evidence of stationarity,
suggesting that these oil price differentials follow a random walk in that regime. However,
once the price differential crosses the estimated threshold, there is evidence of mean reversion.
These threshold effects indicate the existence of transaction costs, which is consistent with
Kleits analysis (2001). It is also consistent with the conclusion of Milonas and Henker (2001)
in the WTIBrent context, where they argue that these two markets are not fully integrated
and this cannot be overcome with the operation of riskless arbitrage.
Finally, our findings suggest that whether one or both of the crude oils is linked to a highly
liquid futures market affect the dynamics of some crude oil price differentials by eliminating
threshold effects. This applies mainly to crude oils of similar quality but in some instances to
crude oils of different quality. These dynamics may reflect the fact that a crude oil with a
highly tradable contract reduces transaction costs and facilitates arbitrage and hence error
correction dynamics would always be present and would not be triggered by threshold effects.
This paper is divided into four further sections. In Section 2, we outline the various features
of crude oil price differentials. In Section 3, we describe the empirical method used. Section 4
describes the data while Section 5 reports and discusses the empirical results. The last section
provides a conclusion.

2. Some Features of Crude Oil Price Differentials

Crude oil is of little use before refining and is traded for its final petroleum products that
consumers demand. The intrinsic properties of the crude oils determine the mix of the final
petroleum products. The two most important qualities of crude oil are viscosity (thickness or

density) and sulphur content. 2 Crude oils with lower density (referred to as light crude)
usually yield a higher proportion of the more valuable final petroleum products, such as
gasoline and other light petroleum products, by a simple refining process known as
distillation. Light crude oils are contrasted with heavy crude oils that have a low share of light
hydrocarbons and require much more severe refining processes than distillation, such as
coking and cracking, to produce similar proportions of the more valuable petroleum
products.3 Sulphur, a naturally occurring element in crude oil is an undesirable property and
refiners have to make heavy investments in order to remove it from crude oils. Crude oils
with high sulphur content are referred to as sour crudes while those with low content of
sulphur are referred to as sweet crudes. Since the type of crude oil has a bearing on refining
yields, different types of crude oil fetch different prices. Crude oils that yield a higher
proportion of the more valuable final petroleum products and require a simple refining
process (the light/sweet crude variety) usually command a premium over those that yield a
lower fraction of the more valuable petroleum products and require a more severe refining
process (the heavy/sour crude variety).
However, differences in the quality of crude oils are not the only determinant of oil price
differentials and hence differentials are not constant over time. Variation in oil price
differentials can result from non-parallel movement of either the underlying crude oils or both.
These non-parallel movements are possible because each type of crude oil may be influenced
by local conditions. Milonas and Henker (2001) argue that demand for oil has a seasonal
component which is unlikely to affect two types of crude oil in the same way. In addition,
squeezes in some markets can cause the price of lower quality crude to rise sharply in relation
to higher quality crude, causing the differential to switch from positive to negative values.
The variation in oil price differentials can also be driven by changes in the relative demand
for light and heavy final petroleum products, which can feed into the crude market and alter
the price differentials between crude oils.
Figure 1 plots the price differential between WTI, Brent, and Dubai. These varieties represent
the main crude oil benchmarks of the current international oil pricing system.4 Because there
are many varieties of crude oil, buyers and sellers usually price the crude at a discount or a
premium to particular benchmarks. Nearly all oil traded outside the USA and the Far East is

Density is usually measured by API degrees (). Crude oil with high API has a low density and flows
freely at room temperature.

Not all refiners, however, have the technical capacity to undertake such a complex refining operation.
The least complex refineries that use heavy crude will obtain a lower yield of the more valuable light
refined products and higher yield of the less valuable heavy refined products, reducing their profit

For details see Horsnell and Mabro (1993) and Fattouh (2006).

priced using Brent as a benchmark while oil traded to the USA is priced off WTI. Dubai is the
main benchmark for Middle Eastern exports to Asia. WTI is a very high quality crude with
API of 39.6 and contains only about 0.24 per cent of sulphur. Given these qualities, WTI is
considered as light/sweet crude. Brent blend is a combination of crude oil from different oil
fields located in the North Sea. Its API gravity is 38.3 while it contains about 0.37 per cent of
sulphur, making it light/sweet crude oil, but slightly less so than WTI. Dubais API gravity is
32 and contains a high sulphur content of around 2 per cent and thus is considered to be of
sour/heavy variety.
Three important features emerge from Figure 1. As expected, sweet/light crude varieties
(WTI and Brent) usually trade at a premium to sour/heavy crude varieties (Dubai). However,
there are few exceptions to this rule where the higher quality crude was trading at a discount
from the lower quality crude. For instance, during September 2000 due to a successful
squeeze of the Brent market, the price of Brent rose almost $3 above that of WTI although
WTI is of better quality than Brent and usually trades at a premium. In 2007, and as a result of
a large build-up of stockpiles driven by purely infrastructure logistics, the WTI price
decoupled not only from the rest of the world, but also from other US regions, particularly
from the US Gulf (Fattouh, 2007). This was reflected in the large differential between the
prices of the two international benchmarks when the discount of WTI to Brent reached more
than $6.50 in April 2007.
The second feature is that the discount of heavy crude oil to light crude oil could in some
occasions reach very high levels. Many observers have highlighted the rise in demand for
light products and inflexibility of refineries as the main factors for the recent widening of
differentials. The refining industry in the past decade or so has lost much of the needed
flexibility given the changes in the structure of demand for its products, the mandated
modification of product specifications and other environmental restrictions, and the changing
mix of its crude slate due to higher incremental volumes of sour and heavier crudes. The
increase in demand for gasoline in recent years and constraints on conversion capacity
resulted in an increase in demand for crude oils that yield a large proportion of gasoline. 5
This widened the differential between light/sweet and heavy/sour crude oils considerably. For
exporters of low quality crude oils, this has important implications on government revenues

For most of the past decade returns on investment in refining were quite low, which meant that many
refiners were unable to justify significant investment in de-sulphurization. As regulation became law,
many refiners chose the easy option of purchasing lower sulphur crude oil feedstocks rather than the
option of investing in sulphur-removal facilities. This has pushed refiners to bid up prices of
light/sweet crude oils in order to reach the new environmental standards.

(Bacon and Tordo, 2005). It also can influence investment decisions by sending strong signals
about the type of refining capacity that the market needs.
The third and most important feature for our analysis is that there has been large variation in
oil price differentials over time, especially in the last two years of the sample. This recent
behaviour of oil price differentials has raised some doubts about whether oil markets have
become more integrated in recent years, especially between crude oils with different qualities.

3. Empirical Method
We model the oil price differential dynamics as a two-regime TAR process. 6 The TAR model
can be written as:

yt = 1' xt 1I{Z t 1 < } + 2' xt 1I {Z t 1 } + ut


where t = 1,, T; xt 1 = (intpt, yt 1, yt 1 ,, yt k)' where y is oil price differential; I(.) is

the indicator function; Zt 1 is the threshold variable defined as Zt 1 = yt m for some m 1
where m is the delay order 7 ; and ut is an iid mean-zero sequence of error terms. The
deterministic component intpt stands for an intercept; yt j = yt j yt j 1 is the first order
difference at lag j. The threshold is unknown and takes values in the interval = [1, 2],
where 1 and 2 are chosen so that Prob(Zt 1) = 1 > 0 and Prob(Zt 2) = 2 < 1. 8 It is
convenient to consider the vectors 1 = (1 1 1)' and 2 = (2 2 2)', where 1 and 2 are
the slopes on the lagged levels, 1 and 2 are the slopes on the deterministic component, and

1 and 2 are the slopes on the lagged differences in the two regimes.
When estimating the TAR model, for each , we estimate 1 and 2 by Least Squares (LS).
The LS point estimate of the threshold is found by minimizing the residual sum of squares.
The corresponding vectors 1 and 2 are then found by plugging in the point estimate such
that the estimated model can be written as:

For details of the empirical method, see Caner and Hansen (2001). The discussion in this section is
based on their paper.

The delay parameter represents the time lag that it takes the market to respond to deviation from

The authors suggest that, setting the bounds of the trimming region to 1 = 0.10 and 2 = 0.90,
provides a reasonable trade-off between the power and size properties of the test for threshold effects
(see Caner and Hansen, 2001, for details). However, as the authors observe, since this particular choice
is somewhat arbitrary, it would be sensible in practical applications to explore the robustness of the
results to this choice. Our results are robust in this sense.


y t = 1' x t 1 I {Z

t 1 <

} + 2 x t 1 I {Z

t 1

} + u t


To test the null hypothesis of linearity, that is H0: 1 = 2, against the alternative of threshold
effects, Caner and Hansen suggest the use of the sup-Wald statistic, WT. The latter is not
identified under the null, and its asymptotic distribution under the assumption of stationary
data was investigated by Davies (1987) and Hansen (1996). Caner and Hansen (2001) find
that under the restriction of a unit root process, the asymptotic distribution of WT depends on
the data structure, which implies that critical values cannot be tabulated, and, therefore, the
authors suggest two bootstrap methods to approximate the asymptotic distribution of WT, one
of which is appropriate for the stationary case while the other is appropriate for the unit root
case. If the true order of integration is unknown, then Caner and Hansen (2001) suggest to
calculate the bootstrap critical values and p-values both ways, and base inference on the more
conservative (larger) p-value.
As for the unit root tests, the following statistics are employed: the two-sided Wald test
statistic, R2T, for the null of unit root, H0: 1 = 2 = 0, against the alternative H1: 1 0 or 2

0 and the one-sided Wald test statistic, R1T, for the null of unit root, H0: 1 = 2 = 0, against
the alternative H1: 1 < 0 or 2 < 0. Although both statistics have the power to test against the
null of unit root, they cannot discriminate between the stationarity case and the partial unit
root case where the partial unit root case refers to a situation in which the process is stationary
in one regime but has a unit root in the other.
To test for the interesting case of a partial unit root, Caner and Hansen suggest the use of
individual t statistics, t1 and t2 ; t1 tests for the null of unit root, H0: 1 = 2 = 0, against the
alternative of stationarity only in regime 1, that is, H1: 1 < 0 and 2 = 0, and the one-sided
Wald test statistic, t2, tests for the null of unit root, H0: 1 = 2 = 0, against the alternative of
stationarity only in regime 2, that is, H1: 1 = 0 and 2 < 0. If there are no threshold effects
(unidentified case), the asymptotic distribution of each of the four statistics is found to be
dependent on the data structure. However, asymptotic bounds, free of nuisance parameters
other than the trimming range, are found. Consequently, critical values can be tabulated and
p-values can be computed (Table 3 in Caner and Hansen, 2001). As for the asymptotic
distribution of each of the four statistics in the presence of threshold effects (identified case),
the authors found that the Dickey-Fuller tabulated critical values provide a conservative
bound for the t1 and t2 tests.

4. Data
Given the large variety of crude oils traded in the international market, it is important to limit
our analysis to few crude streams. In this paper, we focus our analysis on the following seven


types of crude oils imported into the USA: Nigerian Bonny Light (37), Algerian Saharan
Blend (44), Mexican Maya (22), Canadian Lloyd Blend (22), West Texas Intermediate
(40), Brent (38), and Dubais Fateh (32). This choice of crude oils allows us to examine the
time series properties of the following cases:

The price differential between crude oils with different quality such as SaharaMaya
or BonnyMaya.

The price differential between crude oils with similar characteristics such as Sahara
Bonny (light/light) and MayaLloyd Blend (heavy/heavy).

Focusing on these differentials allows us to test whether the adjustment process towards the
long equilibrium between crude oils of same quality differs from the adjustment process
between crude oils of different quality. Furthermore, it allows us to test whether prices of
crude oils of very different quality move together such that their price differential is stationary.
Evidence of stationarity would provide stronger support for the globalization hypothesis as it
implies that light and heavy crude oil markets are linked together through arbitrage. Existing
empirical evidence on the behaviour of prices of crude oil of different quality is very thin. The
only exception is Glens (1999) study where he finds that Saudi Arabia heavy crude moves
closely with prices of lighter crude oils in the sub-periods when oil prices have been rising.
The above pairs of crude oil price differentials are not linked to a complex that includes a
futures contract. In order to explore the impact of futures market activity, we also examine the
adjustment process between crude oils that do not have a paper contract (Bonny, Maya,
Sahara, Lloyd Blend) on the one hand and other crude streams that have paper contracts
which are actively traded on the futures market or over the counter (WTI, Brent, and to lesser
extent Dubai). Thus, we also consider the following cases:

The price differential between pairs of crude oils of similar quality but one of which
has a paper contract that is highly traded on the futures market, such as SaharaWTI
and BonnyWTI (light/light).

The price differential between pairs of crude oils of different quality but one of which
has a paper contract, such as WTIMaya and WTILloyd Blend (light/heavy).

The price differential between WTI and Brent, which are of similar quality and are
both actively traded on the futures market.

The price differential between pairs of crude oils of different quality but both of
which have paper contracts actively traded, namely WTIDubai.


Table 1 summarizes the 10 pairs of crude oils analysed in this paper. We use weekly data for
the period 1/1/1997 to 26/10/2007 which yield a sample size of 563 observations.9 All the
series were obtained from Energy Information Administration (EIA) and are expressed in US
dollars per barrel. The price differentials are computed as the simple difference between the
prices of the above pairs of crude oils.

5. Empirical Results
The first step in our empirical analysis is to establish whether a price differential is stationary
based on the various unit root tests, namely the Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF), Philip
Perron (1988), and ADF-GLS test developed by Ng and Perron (2001). If evidence of
stationarity based on these unit root tests is found, we do not carry the threshold unit root test
(discussed in step 3 below). On the other hand, if we find evidence of a unit root at this initial
stage, we carry the threshold stationarity test. The power of unit root tests such as ADF is
considerably reduced in the presence of non-linearities and as such standard unit root tests
that do not take into account the possibility of threshold effect and asymmetric adjustment in
oil price differential may reach erroneous conclusions regarding the dynamics of oil price
differentials. In the second step, we test for the linearity of our model using the sup-Wald
statistic, WT. The optimal number of lags is selected using the AIC criterion while the delay
parameter is selected such that the value of sup-Wald statistic, WT, is maximized. This is
equivalent to choosing m that minimizes the residual variance since WT is a monotonic
function of the residual variance. In the third step, we test whether the oil price differential
follows a stationary or a random walk process using the two-sided Wald test statistic, R2T, and
the one-sided Wald test statistic, R1T. In the fourth step, we report the OLS estimates of the
TAR model. We also test for the equality of the coefficients on lagged level and the
coefficients on lagged differences across the two regimes using a joint Wald test. This would
allow us to test which variables are driving the non-linear dynamics in our model.

5.1 Dynamics of Price Differential between Crude Oils of Different Quality

Table 2 reports the results for the SaharaMaya price differential. As can be seen from the
first part of the table, the various tests indicate that the null of unit root cannot be rejected at
the conventional levels. In part 2 of the Table 2, we report the sup-Wald statistic and the
corresponding bootstrap p-values both for the stationary and unit root cases. As can be seen
from this table, the null hypothesis of linearity against the alternative of threshold effects can
be rejected at the 1 per cent level based on both p-values. We next test whether the oil price
differential follows a stationary or a random walk process using the two-sided Wald test

Data on the Canadian Lloyd Blend were discontinued in June 2007 so we augmented the series with
Canadas Heavy Hardisty which has the same API as Lloyd Blend.


statistic, R2T, and the one-sided Wald test statistic, R1T (part 3). Both tests clearly indicate that
we can strongly reject the null of unit root at the 1 per cent level. Thus, we can conclude with
confidence that the SaharaMaya price differential does not have a unit root but contains
threshold effects.
The OLS estimates of the TAR model of lag order p = 5 and delay parameter m = 2 are shown
in Table 3. The threshold estimate is $11.90. In other words, the TAR split the regression
function into two regimes (Regime 1 and Regime 2) depending on whether the lagged value
of the differential lies below or above $11.90. The first regime occurs when the lagged oil
price differential is less than or equal to $11.90. The first regime contains 74.5 per cent of
observations. The second regime, on the other hand, occurs when the oil price differential has
exceeded the $11.90 mark. The TAR estimates reveal some interesting results. They indicate
the existence of an asymmetric adjustment process. While in the second regime there is
evidence of a statistically significant reverting dynamics to the long-run equilibrium as
implied by the statistically significant coefficient on the lagged level, there is no evidence of
such reversion in the first regime. These results are confirmed by the individual one-sided
Wald test statistics, t1 and t2 reported in Table 2 (section 4). They show the existence of a
partial unit root, i.e. oil price differentials process has a unit root process in one regime, but is
stationary in the other. Specifically, the one-sided Wald test statistic t1, indicate that we
cannot reject the null of unit root in favour of the alternative of stationarity in Regime 1. The
one-sided Wald test statistic t2, however, suggests that we can reject the null of unit root in
favour of the alternative of stationarity in Regime 2. The results taken together suggest that
the dynamics of oil price differentials are different depending whether the oil price
differential is below or above the estimated threshold. In the first regime, oil price
differentials follow a random walk process. On the other hand, in Regime 2, oil price
differentials exhibit a stationary behaviour.
It is interesting to note that both the coefficients on lagged levels and the coefficients on
lagged differences are responsible for the non-linearity in our model. This can be tested by a
joint Wald test for the equality of coefficients across the two regimes. As can be seen from
Table 3, the null that the coefficients on yt 1 are the same can be rejected at the 1 per cent
level, suggesting the difference between the two regimes is due to stationarity versus unit root.
The Wald tests for equality of coefficients on the autoregressive coefficients also indicate that
there are major differences in the coefficients on yt i for many lags (1 ,3, 4, 5) suggesting
that the differences in the autoregressive coefficients are also contributing to the non-linear
We subtract the price differential from the estimated threshold over the sample period. This
allows us to split observations according to the two regimes, as shown in Figure 2.


Specifically, positive values identify the stationary regime while negative values identify the
unit root regime. It is interesting to note that most of the observations in the stationary regime
are concentred in last years of the sample. This is expected as most of the large variations in
oil price differentials occurred in the last three years of the sample.
For robustness, in Tables 4 and 5 we report the results for the BonnyMaya price differential.
The results paint a very similar picture to that of the SaharaMaya price differential where
unit root tests such as the ADF cannot reject the null of unit root at the 1 per cent level while
the threshold stationary test rejects strongly the null of unit root at the 1 per cent level. The
sup-Wald statistic and the bootstrap p-values for the stationary and unit root cases suggest
that we are able to reject strongly the null of linearity, indicating the existence of threshold
effects. Specifically, the TAR splits the regression function into two regimes depending on
whether the lagged value is below or above $13.30. The TAR estimates indicate the existence
of an asymmetric adjustment process. As before, while in the second regime there is evidence
of a statistically significant reverting dynamics to the long-run equilibrium as implied by the
statistically significant coefficient on the lagged differential, there is no evidence of such
reversion in the first regime. These results are confirmed by the individual one-sided Wald
test statistics, t1 and t2 reported in Table 4 (section 4). The Wald tests for equality of
coefficients on the autoregressive coefficients indicate that both lagged differential and
differences in the autoregressive coefficients (lags 3, 5, and 6) are contributing to the nonlinear dynamics.

5.2 Price Differentials between Crude Oils of Similar Quality

Tables 6 and 7 report the results for the SaharaBonny (light/light) price differential. As
expected, the conventional unit root tests suggest that the oil price differential follows a
stationary process and hence we do not carry the threshold unit root test. What is interesting
to note, however, is that the sup-Wald statistic rejects the null of linearity in favour of the
threshold model. The TAR estimates provide support for these threshold effects. Although
both regimes show error correction dynamics (the coefficients on the lagged level are both
significant), these error-correction dynamics become stronger if the differential exceeds the
$0.25 threshold. The Wald tests for equality of coefficients indicate that we can reject the null
that coefficients on the lagged level are equal. The individual Wald test statistics indicate that
the non-linear dynamics are driven by the differences in the coefficients on y t 1 and not by
the lagged differences. As before, we subtract the price differential from the estimated
threshold over the sample period. This allows us to split observations according to the two
regimes as shown in Figure 3. It is interesting to note that most of the observations in the high


error-correcting regime are concentred in last years of the sample although the year 2001
2002 also contains such observations.
Tables 8 and 9 report the results for the MayaLloyd Blend (heavy/heavy) price differential.
As expected, the conventional unit root tests suggest that that the price differential follows a
stationary process. As before, the sup-Wald statistic indicates the rejection of the null of
linearity in favour of the threshold model. The TAR estimates provide support for these
threshold effects. Although both regimes show error correction dynamics (the coefficients on
the lag differentials are both significant), these error-correction dynamics become stronger if
the differential exceeds $0.32. The Wald tests for equality of coefficients indicate that we can
reject the null that coefficients on the lagged level are equal and that the dynamics are driven
by the differences in the coefficients on yt 1. 10

5.3 Price Differentials between Crude Oils one of which is Linked to an Active
Futures Market
Tables 10 and 11 reports the price differential between WTI and Maya. As can be seen from
Table 10, the tests for unit root indicate that we cannot reject the null of unit root at the 5 per
cent level. Based on the sup-Wald statistic, we are able to strongly reject the null of linearity
in favour of a threshold model based on both bootstrap p-values. Both the two-sided Wald test
statistic, R2T, and the one-sided Wald test statistic, R1T indicate that we can strongly reject the
null of unit root at the 1 per cent level. Thus, we can conclude with that oil price differential
does not contain a unit root. The OLS estimates of the TAR model of lag order p = 3 and
delay parameter m = 3 are shown in Table 11. The threshold estimate is $11.70. The TAR
estimates reveal similar dynamics to the case of BonnyMaya or SaharaMaya, indicating the
existence of an asymmetric adjustment process. While in the second regime there is evidence
of a statistically significant reverting dynamics to the long-run equilibrium as implied by the
statistically significant coefficient on the lagged differential, there is no evidence of such
reversion in the first regime. These results are confirmed by the individual one-sided Wald
test statistics, t1 and t2 reported in Table 11, where they reveal the existence of a partial unit
root, i.e. the oil price differentials process has a unit root process in one regime, but is
stationary in the other. For robustness, we also report in Table 12 and 13 the results for WTI
Lloyd Blend. The results are very similar to the previous ones and hence are not discussed


For robustness, we also examined the MayaSaudi Arabia heavy oil price differential. As expected,
we find evidence of stationarity but unlike the MayaLloyd Blend price differential, we were not able
to reject the null of threshold effects.


Table 14 reports the results for the price differential between WTI and Sahara (both light
crude oils). As expected, the conventional unit root tests suggest that we can reject the null of
unit root at the 1 per cent level for both price differentials. What is interesting, though, that
unlike the case of SaharaBonny, we do not find any significant threshold effects, indicating
that the adjustment process is linear. For completeness, we also report the results for WTI and
Bonny. As expected, the conventional unit root tests suggest that we can reject the null of unit
root at the 1 per cent level for both price differentials (Table 15). However, unlike the price
differential between WTI and Sahara, we find evidence of threshold effects but, as can be
seen from Table 16, these threshold effects are driven by significant differences in the
constant term rather than differences in lagged levels. In other words, the dynamics of
adjustment are similar in both regimes and do not depend on the price differential reaching a
certain threshold.
The absence of threshold effects in the adjustment dynamics may indicate that price
differentials between pairs of crude oils of similar quality and one of which is linked to a
highly tradable contract reduces transaction costs by facilitating arbitrage and hence the
adjustment process is instantaneous. This tradability aspect, however, does not change the
dynamics when crude oils of different quality are involved.11

5.4 Price Differentials between Crude Oils both with Tradable Paper Contract
Finally, we examine the price differential between crude oils both of which are linked to a
liquid tradable paper contract. We start first with the WTI and Brent price differential. As
expected, the conventional unit root tests, such as the ADF tests, suggest strong evidence of
stationarity. Also, as expected, we find no evidence of threshold effects indicating that the
adjustment process is linear (see Table 17). We next examine the price differential between
WTI and Dubai, crude oils of different quality. As can be seen from Table 18, we can reject
the null of unit root. But unlike the previous case, we find evidence of threshold effects,
although the non-linear dynamics are driven by the change in the lagged difference (at lags 2
and 3) rather than differences in the adjustment dynamics (see Table 19).

5.5 Discussion of the Empirical Results


This conclusion, however, cannot be generalized. For instance, we examined the price differentials
between Sahara (light) and Dubai (medium/sour). Dubai is not linked to an active futures market but it
is the only available crude that is considered medium (its API is much higher than Maya) and at the
same time has a paper contract that is traded over the counter (OTC). Although these crude oils are of
different quality, the conventional unit root tests suggest strong evidence of stationarity. Interestingly,
the null of linearity in favour of a threshold model cannot be rejected at conventional levels indicating
that adjustment to long-run equilibrium is linear. Such evidence strengthens the conclusions that price
differentials involving a crude oil with a tradable paper contract can affect price differentials even
across crude oils of different quality.


Based on the above results, it is possible to draw the following conclusions. Firstly, the price
differential between crude oils of similar quality shows a strong evidence of stationarity.
Secondly, there is strong evidence that the adjustment process between crude oils of similar
quality is very different from that of crude oils of different quality. Our findings indicate that
oil price differentials between crude oils of different quality do not have a unit root. The
results, however, suggest that there are threshold effects in the dynamics of oil price
differentials such that the adjustment process to the long-term equilibrium follows a nonlinear process. For price differentials between crude oils with very different qualities,
reversion to long-run equilibrium occurs only when these price differentials have risen above
a certain threshold. These threshold effects may indicate the existence of transaction costs in
arbitraging crude oil with different qualities and/or transaction costs related to refining
bottlenecks. Specifically, it might be the case that refineries would be willing to take delivery
and process heavy crude only if the discount to light crudes is large enough to compensate
them for running their refineries on less suitable crudes. Thirdly, the existence of a highly
liquid futures market do not alter the first and second conclusion but can change the dynamics
of some crude oil price differentials, especially for crude oils of similar quality by eliminating
the threshold effects. This also extends to crude oils of different quality. For instance, in the
case of the price differential between WTI and Dubai, we find evidence of threshold effects
but these effects are driven by the lagged differences rather than differences in errorcorrection dynamics. The absence of threshold effects may indicate that a crude oil with a
highly tradable contract reduces transaction costs by facilitating arbitrage.

6. Conclusion
One of the very interesting features of the oil pricing system in recent years has been the wide
variations in oil price differentials, with the differential reaching very high levels in many
instances. This has raised the issue of whether the oil market should be treated as one great
pool. Using a TAR model suggested by Caner and Hansen (2001) and weekly data on various
pairs of oil price differentials, our findings suggest that oil price differentials follow a
stationary process even for pairs of crude oil with very different qualities. As such, the
different oil markets are linked and thus at the very general level, our findings provide
support for the one great pool or globalization hypotheses. However, our findings also
suggest that the price differentials between various pairs of crude oil follow very different
dynamics depending on a number of features, such as the types of crude oil and whether a
crude oil is linked to an active futures market. For instance, our findings suggest that the
adjustment process between crude oils of similar quality is very different from that of crude
oils of different quality. While markets for different types of crude oil move together, they are
not fully integrated in every time period. Our evidence of non-linearity in the adjustment


process suggests the presences of transaction costs and/or the absence of riskless arbitrage
which may cause oil markets to wander off from each other, but not without bounds. These
differences in the dynamics of crude oil price differentials suggest that within the one great oil
market pool, oil markets are not integrated in every time period and that the regional
influences have not yet disappeared. In addition, although our results indicate that the
presence of an active futures market has helped make some distant markets more unified,
arbitrage across the different markets is not costless or risk-free.


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Table 1: Pairs of Crude Oil Price Differentials Analysed

Pairs of Crude Oils

Futures Market











MayaLloyd Blend

Non-Active/Non Active



Non Active/Active


WTILloyd Blend

Non Active/ Active



Active/ Non Active












Table 2: SaharaMaya Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (5) = 1.439

PP (5) = 1.734

ADFGLS (5) = 1.095

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2) = 43.4

Stationary p-value = 0.00

Unit Root p-value = 0.00

3. Two-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root3

Wald Stat = 23.6

Asym p-value = 0.00

Bootstrap p-value = 0.00


One-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root

Wald Stat = 23.6

Asym p-value = 0.00

Bootstrap p-value = 0.00

4. Unit Root Tests for Individual Regimes4

t1 Test for Stationarity
t-Stat = 1.39

Asym p-value = 0.448

Bootstrap p-value = 0.749

t2 Test for Stationarity

t-Stat = 4.65

Asym p-value = 0.000

Bootstrap p-value = 0.000

1. ADF refers to Augmented DickeyFuller (1979) test. The lag number (in parenthesis) selected using
the AIC criterion. PP refers to PhilipsPerron (1988) test statistics. The lag number (in parenthesis)
selected using the NeweyWest criterion. The critical values for both the ADF and PhilipsPerron tests
are equal to 3.46, 2.87, and 2.57 for the 1%, 5%, and 10% level of significance, respectively. We
also report the ADFGLS for the case of only a constant in the deterministic component developed by
Ng and Perron (2001). The optimal lag selection has been carried using the modified AIC criterion
suggested by Ng and Perron (2001). The 1%, 5%, and 10% critical values for the ADFGLS tests are
2.58, 1.98, and 1.66, respectively.
2. The delay order in parentheses. The p-values for the threshold for the unrestricted and unit root
restriction cases were obtained by 1000 bootstrap replications. The Wald statistic tests the null of
linearity against the alternative of threshold effect in the estimated model. The results reported in all the
tables correspond to a trimming region (which defines the bounds 1 and 2 within which the threshold
falls) given by the values [0.10, 0.90]. The results (available upon request from the author) are robust to
different trimming regions and higher or lower lag length. We have used Gauss for all estimations
reported in this paper.
3. The p-values for the threshold and unit root tests were obtained by 1000 bootstrap replications. The
two-sided R2 and one-sided R1 Wald statistics test the null of unit root against the alternative of
stationary or partial unit root.
4. The p-values for the threshold and unit root tests were obtained by 1000 bootstrap replications. The
asymptotic critical values for the 10%, 5%, and 1% are 2.97, 3.26, and 3.82 respectively. The t1 statistic
tests the null of unit root against the alternative that the first regime is stationary. The t2 statistic tests
the null of unit root against the alternative that the second regime is stationary.


Table 3: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (SaharaMaya)

(Lag Order = 5; Delay Parameter = 2; Threshold Estimate = $11.90)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3
yt 4
yt 5

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.05






Bootstrap p-value = 0.825






Bootstrap p-value = 0.04






Bootstrap p-value = 0.04






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00

Regime 1 contains 74.5% of the observations.


Table 4: BonnyMaya Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (8) = 0.941

PP (5) = 1.585

ADFGLS (8) = 0.561

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2)= 60.4

Stationary p-value = 0.00

Unit Root p-value = 0.00

3. Two-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root3

Wald Stat = 36.3

Asym p-value =0.00

Bootstrap p-value = 0.00


One-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root

Wald Stat = 36.3

Asym p-value = 0.00

Bootstrap p-value = 0.00

4. Unit Root Tests for Individual Regimes4

t1 Test for Stationarity
t-Stat = 0.751

Asym p-value = 0.615

Bootstrap p-value = 0.915

t2 Test for Stationarity

t-Stat = 5.98

Asym p-value = 0.000

Notes: See Table 1.


Bootstrap p-value = 0.000

Table 5: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (BonnyMaya)

(Lag Order = 8; Delay Parameter = 2; Threshold Estimate = $13.30)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3
yt 4
yt 5
yt 6
yt 7
yt 8

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.159






Bootstrap p-value = 0.154






Bootstrap p-value = 0.01






Bootstrap p-value = 0.814






Bootstrap p-value = 0.017






Bootstrap p-value = 0.018






Bootstrap p-value = 0.615






Bootstrap p-value = 0.263

Regime 1 contains 76.2% of the observations.


Table 6: SaharaBonny Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (7) = 3.046

PP (5) = 7.600

ADFGLS (7) = 2.732

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (7)= 111

Stationary p-value = 0.00

Notes: See Table 1.


Unit Root p-value = 0.00

Table 7: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (SaharaBonny)

(Lag Order = 7; Delay Parameter = 7; Threshold Estimate = $0.25)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3
yt 4
yt 5
yt 6
yt 7

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.195






Bootstrap p-value= 0.01






Bootstrap p-value = 0.535






Bootstrap p-value = 0.08






Bootstrap p-value= 0.373






Bootstrap p-value= 0.248






Bootstrap p-value = 0.38






Bootstrap p-value= 0.979






Bootstrap p-value = 0.119

Regime 1 contains 74.4% of the observations.


Table 8: MayaLloyd Blend Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (1) = 3.971

PP (5) = 4.618

ADFGLS (1) = 3.506

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (1) = 38.7

Stationary p-value = 0.00

Notes: See Table 1.


Unit Root p-value = 0.00

Table 9: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (MayaLloyd Blend)

(Lag Order = 1; Delay Parameter = 1; Threshold Estimate = $0.32)

yt 1
yt 1

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value= 0.123






Bootstrap p-value = 0.01






Bootstrap p-value = 0.339

Regime 1 contains 84.5% of the observations.


Table 10: WTIMaya Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (9) = 1.37

PP (5) = 1.542

ADFGLS (12) = 0.597

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (3) = 23.6

Stationary p-value = 0.012

Unit Root p-value = 0.014

3. Two-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root3

Wald Stat = 21.0

Asym p-value = 0.002

Bootstrap p-value = 0.004


One-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root

Wald Stat = 21.0

Asym p-value = 0.004

Bootstrap p-value = 0.001

4. Unit Root Tests for Individual Regimes4

t1 Test for Stationarity
t-Stat = 1.60

Asym p-value = 0.658

Bootstrap p-value = 0.399

t2 Test for Stationarity

t-Stat = 4.29

Asym p-value = 0.000

Notes: See Table 1.


Bootstrap p-value = 0.002

Table 11: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTI-Maya)

(Lag Order = 3; Delay Parameter = 3; Threshold Estimate = $11.70)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.014






Bootstrap p-value = 0.048






Bootstrap p-value = 0.752






Bootstrap p-value = 0.055






Bootstrap p-value = 0.981

Regime 1 contains 73.5% of the observations.


Table 12: WTILloyd Blend Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (7) = 1.321

PP (5) = 2.009

ADFGLS (7) = 0.787

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2)= 57.5

Stationary p-value = 0.00

Unit Root p-value = 0.00

3. Two-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root3

Wald Stat = 16.7

Asym p-value = 0.010

Bootstrap p-value = 0.025


One-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root

Wald Stat = 16.7

Asym p-value = 0.010

Bootstrap p-value = 0.025

4. Unit Root Tests for Individual Regimes4

t1 Test for Stationarity
t-Stat = 0.384

Asym p-value = 0.951

Bootstrap p-value = 0.745

t2 Test for Stationarity

t-Stat = 4.07

Asym p-value = 0.004

Notes: See Table 1.


Bootstrap p-value = 0.007

Table 13: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTILloyd Blend)

(Lag Order = 7; Delay Parameter = 2; Threshold Estimate = $14.70)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3
yt 4
yt 5
yt 6
yt 7

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.05






Bootstrap p-value= 0.09






Bootstrap p-value= 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.00






Bootstrap p-value = 0.104






Bootstrap p-value= 0.792






Bootstrap p-value= 0.078






Bootstrap p-value= 0.823






Bootstrap p-value = 0.720

Regime 1 contains 72.6% of the observations.


Table 14: WTISahara Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (2) = 4.342

PP (5) = 5.655

ADFGLS (7) = 3.284

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2) = 14.8

Stationary p-value = 0.119

Notes: See Table 1.


Unit Root p-value = 0.141

Table 15: WTIBonny Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (2) = 3.813

PP (5) = 5.294

ADFGLS (15) = 3.023

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2) = 18.8

Stationary p-value = 0.029

Unit Root p-value = 0.033

Notes: See Table 1.

Table 16: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (WTI-Bonny)

(Lag Order = 2; Delay Parameter = 2; Threshold Estimate = $0.93)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.05






Bootstrap p-value= 0.763






Bootstrap p-value = 0.884






Bootstrap p-value = 0.641


Table 17: WTIBrent Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (2) = 5.11

PP (5) = 8.737

ADFGLS (4)= 4.400

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (1) = 14.7

Stationary p-value = 0.121

Notes: See Table 1.


Unit Root p-value = 0.134

Table 18: WTIDubai Price Differential

1. UNIT Root Tests1
ADF (2) = 2.933

PP (5) = 4.016

ADFGLS (2) = 2.872

2. Wald Tests for Threshold Effect2

sup-Wald Test (2) = 25.8

Stationary p-value = 0.004

Unit Root p-value = 0.007

3. Two-Sided Wald Test for Unit Root3

Wald Stat = 13.8

Asym p-value = 0.040

Bootstrap p-value = 0.067

Notes: See Table 1.

Table 19: Estimation of Threshold Autoregressive Model (DubaiMaya)

(Lag Order = 2; Delay Parameter = 2; Threshold Estimate = $4.99)

yt 1
yt 1
yt 2
yt 3

Column A

Column B

Column C

Regime 1

Regime 2

Wald Tests for Equality in

Individual Coefficients






Bootstrap p-value = 0.858






Bootstrap p-value = 0.646






Bootstrap p-value = 0.960






Bootstrap p-value = 0.009






Bootstrap p-value = 0.02




























Figure 1: Behaviour of Crude Oil Price Differentials



























Figure 2: Identification of Threshold Regime for SaharaMaya






























Figure 3: Identification of Threshold Regime for SaharaBonny






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