Comfort and Quiet Lying Down QiGong

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The passage discusses the benefits of Comfort and Quiet Lying Down Qigong practice, which involves various lying down exercises and positions that can help develop the mind, body and breathing as well as improve health conditions.

The practice is said to develop more qi, increase energy, potentially decrease sleep needs, and benefit those suffering from stress. It can be used to heal illnesses and strengthen qi for dealing with everyday life.

Specific positions described include lying on the back or sides with hands in different locations on the body to connect to acupuncture points. Examples given are lying with arms above the head, crossing legs, and placing hands on the stomach, chest, or lower dantian.

Comfort and Quiet

Lying Down Qigong

Not all Qigong exercises consist of
movement. This Qigong set involves lying
down exercises and is excellent for those
who find it difficult to learn movements.

1. Lie on a bed or mattress on the floor, but make

sure it is wide enough and will not slide around
when you move your body. It should also not be
too hard or too soft. It should be comfortable
and not affect your position.
2. Lie on the mattress and relax your whole body.
Your mouth and eyes should be closed and allow
your Qi to sink to your Dantian.
3. Keeping your eyes closed, imagine a light coming
down from the sky to your eyes. Slowly bring the
light to your nose, and from your nose, bring it
to the Middle Dantian, finally it should move
slowly to your Dantian.
4. Recite this sentence off by heart, Exhale to the
Sun, inhale to the moon. Healthy and live
longer. Keep the light at the Lower Dantian,
however, you should remember not to
concentrate on the light too hard. Your attention
should be on the Dantian but not concentrating

Qi Magazine 26

on it really hard. Stay like this for half an hour to

one hour. How long you stay is based on how you
feel. The best is to start by lying there for a short
time and when you practise more, slowly increase
the time. To avoid falling asleep, concentrate on your
breathing and your Qi. For instance, bring the Qi to
your limbs as your breathe out through your mouth
and breathe in through your nose.
5. Shou Gong (Ending Exercise)
Recite the following by heart, Three treasures, like
heaven, earth and mankind, all become one.
Everything will be good. Then imagine all the Qi
slowly going back to the lower Dantian and keep it
there. Slowly open your eyes and allow your spirit
to return to normal before sitting up and leaving
the bed.
The following are the lying down Qigong
exercises. Pay attention to the details and follow them
and then you will benefit a great deal.

Basic Method:

Basic Method:

omfort and Lying Down Qigong is a system

for nourishing your Qi when you are in a lying
down position. It is especially good for those
who find it difficult to practise Qigong
movements and is also good for a wide variety of
different conditions. The practice of Comfort and
Quiet Lying Down Qigong develops the mind, body
and breathing all together. It can also develop more
Qi so you have good health and longevity.
The system has lying positions for all kinds of
conditions, it includes lying on your back and sides in
different postures. Some are opening and some are
closing. The hands are also placed in various positions
on the body to connect with acupuncture points. This
helps to heal any illnesses and gather more Qi.
If you practise regularly, you will find your Qi is
stronger and so you have more energy to deal with everyday
life. You will find your need for sleep may decrease and it is also
good for those people suffering from stress.


Natural and Easy Lying Down Method

Lie down on your back with a
comfortable pillow under your head.
Close your eyes and keep your arms at
your sides. Allow the fingertips to touch
the Huantiao points. (Fig 1,2)

This is good for many different problems

and the internal organs. When we are unwell,
we easily close up the body and this stops the
Qi from flowing to the organs.

Qigong develops the

mind, body and
breathing all together.

Covered by Heaven Lying Down Method

i. Lie on your back and lift your arms so they are above
your head. Your palms should be about six inches from
the top of your head so the Laogong points face the
Baihui point.
ii. Bend both legs and cross your legs. Men should cross
the left leg over the right, and ladies should cross the
right leg over the left. The elbows should be slightly
iii. Imagine all the Qi passing from the Laogong points to
the Baihui point. Fig 3.

This exercise is very good for stress and those people who
use a lot of mental energy. It helps to clear headaches and
migraines and allows the Qi to flow from the top of the head
to the feet and so is very good for the relaxation.


No Worrying Lying Down Method

Lie on your back and put your hands on the back of
your head. The fingers should interlink and cross
the legs as in the last exercise. Fig 4.

This is very good for the vertaebrae of the spine and

the neck. As your body relaxes, the Qi flows from the
Laogong points to nourish the neck and brain and this
helps to make the body calm.
To be continued...

By Zhao Jin Xiang

Qi Magazine 27

Comfort and Quiet

Lying Down Qigong

Opening Points Lying Down Position


Fig 5

Fig 6

Fig 7
Fig 8

i. Lie on your back and put your hands on your stomach. Let
the middle fingers of both hands touch one another at the
Shangwan points and the ring fingers touch at the
Zhongwan points. Cross your legs as in the last exercises.
Fig 5 6. This exercise is good for those who suffer from
stomach aches.
ii. This is the same lying position, only the left leg folded under
the right. This time rest your hands just below your ribs.
The left side is for the spleen and the right side is for the
liver, Fig 7. This is good for relieving spleen and liver
problems and so is good for those people with poor
circulation and digestive problems.
iii. This is again the same lying position as part ii. Rest both
hands on the chest. This position is good for the heart, lungs,
circulation and also helps calms the mind. Fig 8.
iv. This is again the same lying position as part ii. Rest both
hands on your stomach, men should have the right hand
covering the left and ladies should have the left hand
covering the right. Fig 9. This position is good for the entire
body and the also the stomach.
v. This is again the same lying position as part ii. Rest both
hands on your lower Dantian with the hands the same as
in part iv. Fig 10. This position is good for developing the
kidneys and the Jing.

Qi Magazine 26

Fig 9

Fig 10

5. Lying to the Side with Heaven

i. Lie on either side. The lower hand should support
your head and the other hand should rest on your
leg, so the finger tips touch the Huantiao point. The
lower heel should touch the Jiexi point at the top
the foot. Fig 11 12. This position is for the memory
and problems with the nerves.

Fig 11

Fig 12


6. Heaven and Earth Lying Down Position

i. This is the same position as lying to the side, however, the lover
hand is on the ground so the palm faces upwards and is level
with your forehead. Fig 13. This position is good for connecting
with the Heaven and Earth Qi. This makes the body part of the

Fig 13

7. All Become One Lying Down Method

i. This is the same position as lying to the side and keep the lower hand
in the same position as in Heaven and Earth Lying Down Position. The
upper hand should rest on the side so the finger tips touch the Huantiao
point. Fig 14. This position is good for the lungs and breathing problems.
It is also good for the lower body, particularly the legs.
Fig 14


Clearing the Mind Lying Down Method

Sky Eye
Taiyang Point

Fig 15
Fig 16

i. This is the same lying position as above, and the upper

hand is also the same with the fingertips touching the
Huantiao Points. The upper hand should touch the forehead,
so the Index finger touches the Sky-eye and the thumb

touches the Taiyang point. Fig 15- 16. This position is good
for headaches, clearing the mind, the eyesight and the

7. Boat Lying Down Method

Fig 17

i. Lie down on your stomach with your head up. Bend your
knees and grasp your feet so your body makes the shape
of a boat. Fig 17. This position is good for the back, spine,
muscle strength and problems with the joints. It also
strengthens the circulation.

All these above positions should be done gently and so they

should feel easy and comfortable and then you can hold them for
longer. Everything should progress step by step and also do not
fall asleep when you do them. It is very easy to do this especially
when you are tired. If you fall asleep you will lose your
concentration and also the relaxation. This will mean the Qi will
not be that strong. Once you find yourself falling asleep stop the
exercise and Shou Gong, then go to bed properly. If you practise
these exercises regularly, you will benefit a great deal.
By Zhao Jin Xiang

Qi Magazine 27

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