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Mitochondrial DNA Mutations, Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in

Mammalian Aging
G. C. Kujoth et al.
Science 309, 481 (2005);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1112125

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16. J. Lewis et al., Nat. Genet. 25, 402 (2000).
17. J. Gotz, F. Chen, R. Barmettler, R. M. Nitsch, J. Biol.
Chem. 276, 529 (2001).
18. Y. Tatebayashi et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99,
13896 (2002).
19. C. Andorfer et al., J. Neurochem. 86, 582 (2003).
20. M. Hutton et al., Nature 393, 702 (1998).
21. M. Gossen, H. Bujard, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
89, 5547 (1992).
22. M. Mayford et al., Science 274, 1678 (1996).
23. M. A. Westerman et al., J. Neurosci. 22, 1858 (2002).
24. G. Chen et al., Nature 408, 975 (2000).
25. J. Lewis, M. Hutton, unpublished observations.
26. M. Arrasate, S. Mitra, E. S. Schweitzer, M. R. Segal, S.
Finkbeiner, Nature 431, 805 (2004).
27. We thank A. Michael for support; S. Iyadurai and G.
Carlson for critical discussions; N. Nash, M. Sherman,

Mitochondrial DNA Mutations,

Oxidative Stress, and Apoptosis in
Mammalian Aging
G. C. Kujoth,1 A. Hiona,2 T. D. Pugh,3 S. Someya,4 K. Panzer,1
S. E. Wohlgemuth,2 T. Hofer,2 A. Y. Seo,2 R. Sullivan,5
W. A. Jobling,6 J. D. Morrow,7 H. Van Remmen,8 J. M. Sedivy,6
T. Yamasoba,9 M. Tanokura,4 R. Weindruch,3 C. Leeuwenburgh,2
T. A. Prolla1*
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) accumulate in tissues of mammalian species and have been hypothesized to contribute to aging. We show
that mice expressing a proofreading-deficient version of the mitochondrial
DNA polymerase g (POLG) accumulate mtDNA mutations and display
features of accelerated aging. Accumulation of mtDNA mutations was not
associated with increased markers of oxidative stress or a defect in cellular
proliferation, but was correlated with the induction of apoptotic markers,
particularly in tissues characterized by rapid cellular turnover. The levels of
apoptotic markers were also found to increase during aging in normal mice.
Thus, accumulation of mtDNA mutations that promote apoptosis may be a
central mechanism driving mammalian aging.
Mitochondria are the main source of cellular
adenosine triphosphate and play a central
role in a variety of cellular processes. These

include fatty acid b-oxidation, phospholipid

biosynthesis, calcium signaling, reactive
oxygen species (ROS) generation, and apoptosis. Because the mitochondrion contains its

A. Hanna, J. Knight, C. Zehr, S. Nelson, and D. Norton

for technical help; and P. Sharpe for secretarial
assistance. Supported by grants from the NIH (P01AG15453, R01-026252 to K.H.A.; R01-AG26249,
R01-AG08487 to B.H; T31-AG00277 to T.S.; R01NS46355 to J.L.).
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S8
References and Notes
18 April 2005; accepted 27 May 2005

own 16-kilobase circular DNA, a central

role for mtDNA mutations in aging has been
postulated (1, 2). Indeed, mtDNA mutations
have been shown to accumulate with aging in
several tissues of various species (37). The
causal role of mtDNA mutations in mammalian aging is supported by a recent study
demonstrating that mice with a mitochondrial
mutator phenotype develop several aging
phenotypes (8). Here, we used similar mice
to investigate the cellular mechanisms by
which mtDNA mutations contribute to aging.
We cloned the mouse POLG locus, PolgA,
and used gene targeting in embryonic stem
cells to introduce an AC Y CT two-base substitution that corresponds to positions 1054 and
1055 of the PolgA cDNA (fig. S1) (9). This
mutation results in a critical residue substitution in the conserved exonuclease domain of
POLG, impairing its proofreading ability (8).
Germline transmission of the mutation produced
PolgAD257A/ mice, which were intercrossed to
generate homozygous PolgAD257A/D257A mice,
hereafter denoted D257A. Young D257A mice
were indistinguishable from wild-type littermates, but long-term follow-up revealed a
striking premature aging phenotype beginning
at 9 months of age, consisting of hair loss,
graying, and kyphosis (Fig. 1, A and B). The
mutant mice had a reduced life span (for

Departments of Genetics and Medical Genetics,

University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
Department of Aging and Geriatric Research, College
of Medicine, Institute on Aging, Biochemistry of Aging
Laboratory, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
32610-0107, USA. 3Department of Medicine and
Veterans Administration Hospital, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53705-2286, USA. 4Department
of Applied Biological Chemistry, University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan. 5Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 537052280, USA. 6Department of Molecular Biology, Cell
Biology and Biochemistry and Center for Genomics
and Proteomics, Brown University, Providence, RI
02912, USA. 7Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine,
Nashville, TN 37232, USA. 8Department of Cellular
and Structural Biology and Barshop Institute on
Longevity and Aging Studies, University of Texas
Health Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
78284, USA. 9Department of Otolaryngology, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan.

Fig. 1. D257A mice

display a premature
aging phenotype.
Shown are wild-type
(A) and D257A mice
(B) at 13 months of
age. Progeroid features,
including hair loss,
graying, and kyphosis,
become apparent at
9 months of age. (C)
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of cohorts of wild-type
(/), D257A heterozygous (D257A/), and D257A
homozygous (D257A/D257A) mice. At least 230 mice
per genotype are represented in the survival curves.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

E-mail: [email protected]


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15 JULY 2005


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6. P. V. Arriagada, J. H. Growdon, E. T. Hedley-Whyte,

B. T. Hyman, Neurology 42, 631 (1992).
7. C. Bancher, H. Braak, P. Fischer, K. A. Jellinger,
Neurosci. Lett. 162, 179 (1993).
8. A. L. Guillozet, S. Weintraub, D. C. Mash, M. M.
Mesulam, Arch. Neurol. 60, 729 (2003).
9. T. Gomez-Isla et al., Ann. Neurol. 41, 17 (1997).
10. J. Lewis et al., Science 293, 1487 (2001).
11. J. Gotz, F. Chen, J. van Dorpe, R. M. Nitsch, Science
293, 1491 (2001).
12. S. Oddo, L. Billings, J. P. Kesslak, D. H. Cribbs, F. M.
LaFerla, Neuron 43, 321 (2004).
13. D. A. Bennett, J. A. Schneider, R. S. Wilson, J. L.
Bienias, S. E. Arnold, Arch. Neurol. 61, 378 (2004).
14. M. G. Spillantini, M. Goedert, Trends Neurosci. 21,
428 (1998).
15. T. Ishihara et al., Neuron 24, 751 (1999).


























Muscle (VL)








Liver DNA

8-OHG/10 6 G

Mito. Protein Carbonyls

(nmol/mg protein)

8-OHdG/10 6 dG

Mito. H2O 2 Production

(nmol/min/mg protein)



Liver RNA






Fig. 2. Oxidative stress markers in isolated mitochondria and tissues from D257A mice. (A)
Hydrogen peroxide production was measured by a sensitive fluorometric assay in mitochondria
from wild-type (WT) and D257A mice at 9 months of age (N Q 8). (B) Protein carbonyl levels, a
marker of protein oxidation, were measured by an enzyme immunoassay in isolated mitochondria
from WT and D257A mice at 9 months of age (N Q 7). (C) F2-isoprostanes were measured by gas
chromatographynegative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry in liver and skeletal muscle
(vastus lateralis) tissues from 6-month-old WT and D257A mice (N 0 6). (D) Oxidative damage to
DNA (8-OHdG) and RNA (8-OHG) was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography in
liver tissue of 9-month-old WT and D257A mice (N 0 9). *P G 0.05; error bars represent SEM.


Cleaved Caspase-3

Cleaved Caspase-3




Cleaved Caspase-3

Fig. 3. Caspase activa- A

tion in D257A mice and
in normal aging. (A)
Comparison of young
(5 month) versus old
(30 month) wild-type
tissues. (B) Comparison
of wild-type (WT) and
D257A tissues at 3
months and 9 months
of age. Activation of
caspase-3 requires proteolytic processing of
its inactive zymogen B
into activated fragments. The antibody
used detects endogenous levels of the large
fragment (17 to 19 kD)
of activated caspase-3
resulting from cleavage
adjacent to Asp175. Extracts of tissues from
WT and D257A mice
of the indicated ages
were subjected to
gel electrophoresis
(PAGE) and probed with
a rabbit monoclonal
antibody to cleaved
caspase-3 (5A1, Cell
Signaling, Beverly, MA).
Units are arbitrary OD
units. For all tissues
shown except brain,
the difference between
WT and D257A mice was significant
duodenum; Muscle, gastrocnemius.







5-mo 30-mo

3 mo

5-mo 30-mo

5-mo 30-mo


3 mo






3 mo




9 mo



T hymus
3 mo



9 mo











(N 0 6 to 8, *P G 0.05); error bars represent SEM. Duod,

15 JULY 2005

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D257A mice, maximum survival 460 days,

median survival 416 days; for wild-type littermates, maximum and median survival 9850
days; P G 0.0001; Fig. 1C) and displayed several overt phenotypes in tissues undergoing
rapid cellular turnover. These phenotypes were
age-related and included thymic involution,
testicular atrophy associated with the depletion of spermatogonia, loss of bone mass,
loss of intestinal crypts, progressive decrease
in circulating red blood cells, and weight loss
(figs. S2 to S4).
Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) is a
hallmark of aging in multiple species, including mice (10) and humans (11), and has been
correlated with the age-related accumulation
of mtDNA mutations in auditory tissue. Hearing loss can be monitored by an elevation in
auditory-evoked brainstem response (ABR).
We conducted ABR analysis and observed no
difference in auditory function between wildtype and D257A mice at 2 months of age (fig.
S5G), but we found marked elevation of ABR
thresholds at 4, 8, and 16 kHz (P G 0.0001)
in D257A mice by 9 months of age, indicating
severe hearing loss (fig. S5H). Histological
analysis revealed age-related loss of spiral
ganglion neurons (fig. S5), a feature of presbycusis (12). Thus, accumulation of mtDNA mutations can have a causal role in presbycusis.
Aging in rodents (13) and humans (14) is
also characterized by loss of muscle mass
(sarcopenia). Consistent with a causal role for
mtDNA mutations in sarcopenia, the D257A
mice displayed age-related loss of skeletal
muscle. At 3 months of age, muscle weight in
the D257A mice was similar to that of wildtype mice (fig. S6A); at 9 months of age,
however, the mutant mice showed a significant reduction in the weight of both gastrocnemius (P G 0.002, 10% decrease) and
quadriceps (P G 0.005, 10% decrease)
muscles (fig. S6B). Therefore, age-related
accumulation of mtDNA mutations is likely
to contribute to sarcopenia.
To determine whether mtDNA mutations
accumulated to varying extents in different
tissues of the D257A mice, we sequenced a
525base pair (bp) region of mtDNA that spans
the control region, as well as a 487-bp region of
the COX1 gene. Sequencing revealed that the
frequency of mtDNA mutations in the mutant
mice was 3 to 8 times that in wild-type mice
for most tissues examined (fig. S7). Surprisingly, the frequency of mtDNA mutations in 5month-old wild-type mice was as high as 2.1 
10j4 in the COX1 gene and 5.9  10j4 in the
control region. This corresponds to average
mutation frequencies of 4 and 10 mutations per mitochondrial genome, respectively.
A fraction of the oxygen consumed by cells
results in the production of superoxide (O2&) in
mitochondria, which is dismutated to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by superoxide dismutase. The main tenet of the free radical theory

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of aging (15) is that aging is due to the

progressive accrual of ROS-inflicted damage,
including mtDNA mutations, the accumulation of which has been postulated to lead to a
Bvicious cycle[ of further mitochondrial ROS
generation and mitochondrial dysfunction
(1, 2). To test this hypothesis, we measured
H2O2 produced by mitochondria isolated
from the heart and liver of young and old (3
months versus 9 months) D257A and wildtype mice. Levels of H2O2 were not significantly different between genotypes in either
young or old heart or liver mitochondria (Fig.
2A) (fig. S8A). We also assayed protein
carbonyls, a marker of oxidative damage to
proteins, and found no significant differences
between 9-month-old D257A and wild-type
mice in mitochondrial (Fig. 2B) or cytosolic
fractions (fig. S8B) of either heart or liver.
Thus, despite increased mutational load,
mitochondria from D257A mice do not show
increased oxidative stress.
We next examined additional markers of
ROS-induced damage in tissues of D257A and
wild-type mice. We measured F2-isoprostanes,
a marker of lipid peroxidation (16), in liver,
skeletal muscle (Fig. 2C), and heart (fig. S8C),
and observed no significant differences between 6-month-old D257A mice and wildtype controls. We also examined oxidative
damage to RNA and DNA in 9-month-old
D257A and wild-type mice. Liver DNA from
wild-type and mutant mice had similar levels
of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)
(Fig. 2D). Interestingly, liver RNA from the
D257A mice had lower steady-state levels of
8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OHG) relative to samples from wild-type mice (Fig. 2D, P G 0.05).
Thus, our observations do not support the idea
that mtDNA mutations contribute to increased
ROS production and oxidative stress in mitochondria with age.
One possible mechanism for the phenotypes
in mitotic tissues of D257A mice is a defect in
cellular proliferation. We derived mouse embryonic fibroblast lines (MEFs) from D257A
and wild-type littermates and measured the
number of cell doublings before senescence.
At 20% oxygen, both wild-type and D257A
MEFs underwent rapid replicative senescence,
whereas neither underwent senescence or reduced growth after 40 days of culture at 2%
oxygen (fig. S9). Thus, accelerated aging in
D257A mice is not likely to be due to an intrinsic defect in cellular proliferation, or to accelerated cellular senescence.
In the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis,
mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization,
the release of cytochrome c into the cytosol,
and the activation of a key effector protease,
caspase-3, by proteolytic cleavage (17, 18).
To determine whether an increased level of
cleaved caspase-3 is a feature of normal
aging, we examined tissues of 5-month-old

and 30-month-old wild-type mice by immunoblotting. Cleaved caspase-3 levels increased

with aging in liver, skeletal muscle, testis (Fig.
3A), and heart (fig. S10A) of wild-type mice
by 50% or greater. We also monitored the
extent of apoptosis in tissues of D257A and
wild-type mice. Levels of cleaved caspase-3
were significantly elevated in the cytosolic
fractions of duodenum, liver, testis, and thymus of 3-month-old D257A mice relative to
wild-type controls (Fig. 3B), and this induction preceded phenotypes in most tissues.
Levels of cleaved caspase-3 were not altered
in 3-month-old D257A skeletal muscle and
brain relative to wild-type samples (fig. S10B),
which suggests that postmitotic tissues may be
more resistant to the induction of apoptosis
mediated by mtDNA mutations. Cleaved
caspase-3 levels were increased, however, in
D257A skeletal muscle at 9 months of age
relative to controls (Fig. 3B), a time at which
mutant animals displayed loss of muscle mass.
Thus, normal aging is associated with the
activation of a caspase-3mediated apoptotic
pathway in several tissues, and D257A mice
display an early onset of this phenotype.
Apoptosis is also associated with nuclear
DNA fragmentation. Because the intestinal
epithelium, thymus, and testis were severely
affected in D257A mice, we examined these

tissues with the TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasemediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick end labeling) assay, which detects
apoptotic cells in situ. The 3-month-old D257A
mice showed significantly more TUNEL positive cells relative to wild-type mice in all tissues examined (Fig. 4). Together, these findings
strongly suggest that loss of critical, irreplaceable cells through apoptosis is a central mechanism of tissue dysfunction associated with the
accumulation of mtDNA mutations.
We have demonstrated that accelerated
development of aging phenotypes through
mtDNA mutations can occur in the absence of
increased ROS production or oxidative stress,
and that tissue dysfunction is likely to arise
through increased apoptosis. Moreover, we
have shown that increased caspase-3 activation
occurs in multiple tissues with normal aging.
Tissues that are composed of mitotic cells
display early caspase-3 activation in D257A
mice, whereas skeletal muscle displays a later
increase in cleaved caspase-3 and associated
tissue degeneration. It is also clear that some
cell types, such as spiral ganglion neurons, are
exquisitely sensitive to the effects of age-related
accumulation of mtDNA mutations. Because
D257A mice display high levels of mtDNA
mutations, it is possible that some of the
phenotypes in these animals may be due to

Fig. 4. Quantification of apoptosis by TUNEL in thymus (A), small intestine (B), and testis (C) of 3month-old WT (left panels) and D257A (center panels) mice. Arrowheads indicate TUNEL-positive
apoptotic nuclei. Numbers of apoptotic nuclei per 105 mm2 section (thymus), per 100 villi
(intestine), and per seminiferous tubule cross section (testis) were counted in hematoxylincounterstained sections from the indicated genotypes. Each bar represents apoptotic nuclei from
intestinal, thymus, and testis sections of at least four mice per genotype. *P G 0.05; error bars
represent SEM. Scale bar, 100 mm.


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References and Notes
1. D. Harman, J. Am. Geriatr. Soc. 20, 145 (1972).
2. J. E. Fleming, J. Miquel, S. F. Cottrell, L. S. Yengoyan,
A. C. Economos, Gerontology 28, 44 (1982).
3. Y. Wang et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 4022
4. S. Melov, D. Hinerfeld, L. Esposito, D. C. Wallace,
Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 974 (1997).
5. M. Corral-Debrinski et al., Nat. Genet. 2, 324 (1992).
6. C. M. Lee, S. S. Chung, J. M. Kaczkowski, R. Weindruch,
J. M. Aiken, J. Gerontol. 48, B201 (1993).
7. M. Khaidakov, R. H. Heflich, M. G. Manjanatha, M. B.
Myers, A. Aidoo, Mutat. Res. 526, 1 (2003).
8. A. Trifunovic et al., Nature 429, 417 (2004).
9. See supporting data on Science Online.
10. Q. Y. Zheng, K. R. Johnson, L. C. Erway, Hear. Res.
130, 94 (1999).
11. M. A. Gratton, A. E. Vazquez, Curr. Opin. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 11, 367 (2003).
12. E. M. Keithley, C. Canto, Q. Y. Zheng, N. FischelGhodsian, K. R. Johnson, Hear. Res. 188, 21 (2004).
13. J. Wanagat, Z. Cao, P. Pathare, J. M. Aiken, FASEB J.
15, 322 (2001).
14. J. Lexell, C. C. Taylor, M. Sjostrom, J. Neurol. Sci. 84,
275 (1988).
15. D. Harman, J. Gerontol. 11, 298 (1956).
16. L. J. Roberts 2nd, J. D. Morrow, Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 59,
808 (2002).
17. D. R. Green, G. Kroemer, Science 305, 626 (2004).
18. M. O. Hengartner, Nature 407, 770 (2000).

Chromatic Adaptation of
Photosynthetic Membranes
Simon Scheuring1* and James N. Sturgis2
Many biological membranes adapt in response to environmental conditions. We
investigated how the composition and architecture of photosynthetic membranes of a bacterium change in response to light, using atomic force microscopy. Despite large modifications in the membrane composition, the local
environment of core complexes remained unaltered, whereas specialized paracrystalline light-harvesting antenna domains grew under low-light conditions.
Thus, the protein mixture in the membrane shows eutectic behavior and can be
mimicked by a simple model. Such structural adaptation ensures efficient
photon capture under low-light conditions and prevents photodamage under
high-light conditions.
The atomic force microscope (1) is a powerful tool for imaging membrane proteins (2).
Recently, the first images at submolecular
resolution of native membranes have shed
light on the architecture of the photosynthetic
apparatus in different photosynthetic bacteria,
i.e., Blastochloris (Blc.) viridis (3), Rhodospirillum (Rsp.) photometricum (4, 5), Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides (6), and Rb.
blasticus (7). For photosynthesis to remain
efficient, the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus alters under different light
conditions. In many purple photosynthetic
Institut Curie, Unite Mixte de RechercheCNRS 168,
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05,
Propre de Recherche9027 Laboratoire
France. 2Unite
dIndenierie de Systemes Macromoleculaires, Institut
de Biologie Structurale et Microbiologie, CNRS, 31
Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille Cedex 20,

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

E-mail: [email protected]


bacteria, this chromatic adaptation involves

modulation of the quantity of peripheral
and core light-harvesting (LH) complexes
and, in some species, involves the expression of LH complexes with modified absorption (8).
How is the architecture of the photosynthetic membrane modulated during adaptation to different environmental conditions?
Here we present a comparative study of native
membranes from high- and low-lightadapted
Rsp. photometricum cells. We used highresolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) to
investigate the structure, molecular interactions, and assembly of the membrane complexes. We imaged the cytoplasmic membrane
surface of intact chromatophores (fig. S1), resorting neither to nanodissection (4) nor detergent treatment (6). The membrane components
segregated into two distinct regions: (i) amorphous domains containing reaction centers
(RCs) with defined molar ratios of LH1 and

15 JULY 2005

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19. J. de Boer et al., Science 296, 1276 (2002).

20. H. Vogel, D. S. Lim, G. Karsenty, M. Finegold, P. Hasty,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96, 10770 (1999).
21. S. Chang et al., Nat. Genet. 36, 877 (2004).
22. L. E. Aspnes et al., FASEB J. 11, 573 (1997).
23. R. R. Shelke, C. Leeuwenburgh, FASEB J. 17, 494 (2003).
24. H. Y. Cohen et al., Science 305, 390 (2004).
25. We thank J. Warren for stem cell injections, S.
Kinoshita for histological processing, and D. Carlson for
support in mouse colony management. Supported by
NIH grants AG021905 (T.A.P.), AG18922 (R.W.),
AG17994 (C.L.), AG21042 (C.L.), DK48831, GM15431,
and RR00095 (J.D.M.), and AG16694 (J.M.S.); by NIH
training grants T32 AG00213 (G.C.K.) and T32
GM07601 (W.A.J.); and by American Heart Association
predoctoral fellowship 0415166B (A.H.). R.W. and
T.A.P. are founders and members of the board of
LifeGen Technologies, a company focused on nutritional genomics, including the impact of nutrients and
caloric restriction on the aging process.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S10
11 March 2005; accepted 25 May 2005

LH2, and (ii) paracrystalline peripheral antenna (LH2) domains. This two-phase structure could have an important functional role,
as the antenna fields may exclude quinone/
quinol (Q/QH2). This will markedly reduce
the membrane volume accessible to quinones and so accelerate transfer along preferential routes. As quinone diffusion is much
slower than light capture, energy transfer,
and the other electron transfer reactions (9),
this effect will increase efficiency. Our analysis further suggests a model for understanding the interactions between the different
Qualitatively, we found the same photosynthetic complexes in high-light and lowlightadapted membranes. Comparison with
previous structural data for LH2 (5, 1015),
LH1-RC core complexes (3, 7, 1618), and
RCs (19, 20) allowed us to identify the small
rings (50 ) in diameter) as LH2 and the
large elliptical complexes as core complexes.
The LH1 assembly of the core complex forms
a closed ellipse of 16 LH1 subunits surrounding
an elongated RC (Fig. 1, A and B). The Rsp.
photometricum core complex is reminiscent of
that observed in Blc. viridis (3) and Rsp.
rubrum (16), monomeric and without a gap in
the LH1, unlike either the monomeric, Wcontaining core complex of Rps. palustris (18)
or the PufX-containing dimeric complexes of
Rb. sphaeroides (2123) and Rb. blasticus (7).
The functional consequences of the structural
variability of core complexes remain unclear
(24). The LH2 complexes were nonameric
rings (Fig. 1D). Rarely, LH2 that either lack
or have extra subunits are found (5). Such LH
complexes with extra subunits (Fig. 1C) were
found in both types of membranes and could
consist of LH1 or LH2 subunits or mixtures

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complete exhaustion of tissue regenerative

capacity, a process that may not be as severe
in normal aging. However, the wide tissue
distribution of phenotypes in D257A mice
suggests that the age-related accumulation of
mtDNA mutations reported in several species
(37) contributes to physiological decline.
The concept that DNA damage contributes
to aging is supported by the finding that humans
and mice carrying mutations in several genes
involved in DNA repair, including Ercc2 (Xpd)
(19), Xrcc5 (Ku86) (20), and Wrn (21), display
premature aging syndromes. It is likely that
several types of DNA damage contribute to
the aging process, and our findings suggest
that apoptosis and subsequent loss of irreplaceable cells may be an important mechanism
of aging in mammals. In agreement with this
hypothesis, caloric restriction, the only nutritional intervention that retards aging, delays
the accumulation of mtDNA mutations (22)
and reduces mitochondria-mediated apoptotic
pathways (23, 24).

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