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A n t h o n y

R o b b i n s

Life & Wealth Mastery


days to transform your emotions, your physical vitality,

your relationships, your finances and your life.


Call today to enroll! 1-800-898-8669

(Internationally: 001-858-535-9900)

Since Tonys program, Ive
experienced a whole new
relationship and marriage, a
79-pound weight loss, a 600%
increase in my income, and
a new position as Subsidiary
President/CEO of a billion dollar
Polly Bauer
Subsidiary President/CEO
Home Shopping Network

Call today to enroll! 1-800-898-8669

(Internationally: 001-858-535-9900)

A n t h o n y

R o b b i n s

Life Mastery
Renew Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Life Mastery

Life Mastery is a revolutionary 4-day

taking control of whats most important

Whether youve experienced and

program designed by the worlds

in your life.

accomplished more than most even

authority on peak performance,

You will:

dream of doing in their lifetimes or

Anthony Robbins. Life Mastery will

Discover the awe-inspiring sense

youve hit a plateau (or a valley), you

take you to that extraordinary place

of absolute certainty that you can

know that theres another level

where energy flows freely, lifelong

accomplish anything with the right

an ultimate state of energy, physical

relationships are both passionate

beliefs and strategies.

well-being, personal satisfaction,

and abundant and untamed spirits

intense emotion, overwhelming joy

are free to soar. Based around the

certainty that you can accomplish

and spiritual fulfillment that you

world-class teachings of specialized

anything as you are challenged

have yet to attain.

experts, doctors and scholars,

by choice.

Imagine knowing how to access this

place at any given momenthaving
the power to instantaneously reach the
peak state where all influential leaders
and achievers reside.
Let the masters of our time show you
how to create and perfect the life of
your dreams!

Anchor in the ultimate sense of

Life Mastery is about mastering the

Explore and begin to engage the three

most important areas of your life:

mandates of vital health and energy.

your health, your emotions, your

your spirituality.

Integrate Foundations of
Emotional Fitness

Picture yourself in a majestic paradise,

impact of our personal emotions.

relationships, your time, and

peering out into crystal blue water as

you experience an overwhelming sense
of peace. Feel the elation of finally

None of us escapes the power and

No matter how much you achieve in
the process, if you experience consistent
feelings of frustration, uncertainty,
worry and anger, the quality of your
life will be grounded by these negative
emotions. This day is about engaging
the tools that will help you master your
emotions. It begins with an evaluation
of the patterns of emotions and feelings
that have impacted your progress in the
past. Then youll integrate Tonys finest
tools for creating lasting change.
You will:
Use the most advanced tools and
processes to begin to reinvent and
energize your body by cleansing and
detoxifying your system.
Mastery University | 17

Learn how taking command of your

emotions can help renew your spirit
and energize your mind.
Master the Quality Quantifier to help
you vanquish unhealthy cravings
from your life.
Develop the conviction to manage
your emotions and enhance your
physical well-being under any and
all circumstances.

Life Discovery:
Health Versus Fitness
In the summer of 1984, Jim Fixx, a
marathon runner and author of The
Complete Book of Running, died at age
52 of a massive heart attack caused
by atherosclerosis. Although he was
incredibly fit, he was still unhealthy.
This portion of Life Mastery focuses
on how to immediately unleash your
bodys natural vitality and create the
sleek, streamlined, supercharged
body you deserve.
You will:
Experience physical freedom by
mastering tools for eliminating
pain and stress.
Understand the Cycles of Balance and
Imbalance and the Miracle of Alkalinity.
Learn how to close the gap between
where you are now in your life and
where you want to be.

I love to play ice hockey, but as I

got older I started feeling my age
catching up with me. I felt like a
piano player losing his hands. But
Life Mastery changed all that. The
experience provided me with the
tools to rejuvenate and re-energize
my entire lifebody and mind. Im
38, but I feel like Im 18.

Andrew Fink
Mortgage Broker, Denver, Colorado

There is no part of your life in which

Your Final Integration

& Life Plan

you will find greater joy, fulfillment

Creating a compelling future is one of

and love than in your relationships.

the most important elements to lifelong

Mastering this area can provide the

happiness. Tony will guide you through

greatest gift of life because intimate

the most critical decisions you will face

relationships are the ultimate

in your life.

magnifiers of human emotion.

You will:

You will:

Create your personalized life plan

Relationship Mastery

Learn how to reignite the passion

the ultimate standard and specific

in a relationship you already have,

structure you are committed to follow

or define and create a plan to find

to create the life you desire.

your ideal mate.

Understand how to use any

Hear from speaker and author

Art Berg on how you can take the

situation as an opportunity to

most difficult experience of your life

develop new meanings and raise

and turn it to your advantage.

your personal standards.

Seize the conviction that you

can continuously grow, contribute
and impact lives through
effective leadership.

Join The Masters of Our Time

to Perfect the Life of Your Dreams


Tony Robbins personally has designed the Life Mastery

experience to help you achieve maximum benefits in your
life. While you enjoy luxurious accommodations, private
beaches and a state-of-the-art spa and wellness center, you
will learn to embrace your emotions, your purest thoughts
and a newly energized and healthy body. Tony brings
together the world-class teachings of specialized experts,
doctors and scholars via video. Each speaker plays an
integral part of each days program, as this 4-day process
provides the latest cutting-edge tools to integrate each
speakers strategies into a practical form you can use to
effectively transform your life.




Pete Egoscue
Get Back in Alignment and
Maximize Your Bodys Strength
A pioneer and world leader in alleviating chronic pain, Pete Egoscue
teaches us how the overall quality of your life, as well as how your
organs function, comes from how your structure is aligned. Pete
will work with you throughout the week to put your body back in
balance, make sure your structure is strong, and develop the habits
that impact your health for a lifetime.

Davis Wolfe
Outstanding Nutrition to Sustain Health & Vitality
One of the world's leading authorities on nutrition, David is the

Deepak Chopra, M.D.

author of several books including, Eating for Beauty, The Sunfood

12 Ways to Reverse Aging

A respected authority on the interdisciplinary sciences of
psychology, neurology and immunology, Deepak understands
how our bodies are affected by shifts in our mental and emotional
states. Formally trained as an endocrinologist, Deepak teaches us
how to eliminate mental and physical conditions that we associate
with aging in order to live a full, healthy and vibrant life. An author
of over 49 books and the founder of the Chopra Center for Well
Being, Deepak is masterful at bridging health and healing with the
human spirit.

Diet Success System, and Amazing Grace. The son of two medical
doctors, David also has degrees in mechanical and environmental
engineering, political science, and a masters in living-food nutrition.
In conjunction with Sunfood, he has helped develop, market and
distribute some of the world's most wonderful and exotic organic
food items.

Chris Carmichael
Optimizing Your Performance
A former Olympian and top cycling coach, Chris is widely regarded
as the person most responsible for helping seven-time Tour de

Kathy Buckley

France champion Lance Armstrong return to prominence after

The Power of Emotional Mastery

An award-winning comedienne and actress, Kathy Buckley shares
with us her story of overcoming some of the most difficult obstacles
one can imagine in life, and how she met those challenges with
dignity, courage, and laughter. Kathy, known as Americas First
Hearing Impaired Comedienne, shows us the true power of
Emotional Masteryseeing our problems as gifts, and knowing
that we are more than anything that could ever happen to us.

Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer. Named the Ultimate

Coach by Outside magazine in 2001, Chris provides strategies and
techniques for proper physical fitness training. From him, youll
learn innovative training techniques that will align your physical and
emotional state.
* Speakers are subject to change without notice.

Call today to enroll! 1-800-898-8669

(Internationally: 001-858-535-9900)

I've been president, CEO or COO of
about a dozen companies, ranging
from $10 miilion to $150 million,
but I'd never even handled my own
investment portfolio. I was never a
sophisticated investor before taking
Wealth Mastery in June. Since then,
my returns for the month of July were
30.6%, for August, 28.4%; and so far
this month, I've made another 20%.
Jack Thompson
Entrepreneur Portland, Oregon

Call today to enroll! 1-800-898-8669

(Internationally: 001-858-535-9900)

A n t h o n y

R o b b i n s

Wealth Mastery
Essential Strategies for Financial Freedom

Wealth Mastery

How can you begin to create the

For nearly three decades, Anthony

What if you could go beyond

cash flow you need to fulfill the most

Robbins has established an identity

financial independence and attain

cherished dreams of your family, your

for synthesizing complex strategies

total financial freedom?

children, and your lifenow?

and toolsand making them so simple

In todays economic climate, thats a

What must you do this instant to

bold question. However, historians

begin expanding your money at a

point out that more people became

massive rate?

millionaires during the Great

How can you take assertive command

Depression of the 1930s than at any

other time in history. And if todays
economic climate is the toughest since
the Great Depression, there must be
tremendous opportunities for building

of your financial futurewhere money

is no longer a limitation, but a potent
tool you wield with power, assurance,
and impact?

personal wealth. Today, more than

Salaries Are Not Enough

ever, you need Wealth Mastery, a 3-day

Individuals who achieve absolute

program designed to teach you how to

financial freedom learn to powerfully

create cash flow for financial freedom.

convert the money they earn by day

into profits that grow while they sleep.

and powerful that anyone can apply

them immediately to expand the quality
of their lives.
Robbins clients have included an
extraordinary array of outstanding
achievers, among them, a financial
trader who earned nearly a half-billion
dollars in a single day.
Anthony Robbins has converted the
strategies and tools he has distilled from
the worlds most successful investors
into a program that can show you how
to create massive cash-flow in your
lifewithout having to give up, or even
interfere with, your current job.

Create Cash-Flow Now

Whether you are currently investing
at the most basic levels, and simply
want to learn fundamental ways to
manage what you have in mutual
fundsor you are an experienced
investor eager to learn the most
sophisticated tools available tor
massively accelerating your financial
returnsthis program is a must.

Mastery University | 21

Building the Foundation

for Lasting Wealth
You will learn how to:
Gain an understanding of various
strategies that will help you create
or maintain wealtheven in tough
economic times.
Intelligently and powerfully allocate
your assets according to your
individual needs.
Transform seven common barriers
to financial freedom into seven
Pillars of Power.
Employ the psychology of the
worlds most successful investors
and entrepreneurs.
Evaluate the worth of companies
and properties in which you will
be investing.
Learn how to take advantage
of a tough economic market by
identifying unique opportunities to
increase your wealth.

Creating a Financial
Plan that Works

Identify, plan and implement

defensive exit strategies to limit

team of financial coaches, with over

potential losses or risks.

20 years of investment experience.

Identify patterns in demographics

personally trained them in the specific

investments or business.

investment strategies and techniques

You will learn how to:

Design a personal financial

You will learn how to:

financial destination.
Establish your financial goals and
create a plan to achieve them.

Produce immediate cash flow

by discovering and eliminating
hidden costs.
Legally buy a stock below the
current market value.

I was successful, but I had no

balance in my life. It was all about
success and money, and I was trying
too hard to get it. Tony helped me
shift my values. I now live a life by
my own design, and my companies
will reach $20 million in revenue
this year!
Bill Lyons
President and CEO, LEI Financial,
San Diego, California

Anthony Robbins has hand picked and

that will help increase profits in your

Strategies for Sustaining

Maximum Wealth

plan and establish your exact

Wealth Mastery is taught by an elite

Transform your debt into wealth by

creating an effective spending plan.
Intelligently select investments or
businesses based on current trends or
new opportunities in a down market.
Wealth integration: take your
newfound financial knowledge and
turn your dreams into reality.

used consistently by the worlds most

successful investors.

To take advantage
of this extraordinary
opportunity, call
and take control of
your financial future
once and for all.



Keith Cunningham is a financial strategist who has started over 15

AJ Monte is one of the most sought after in his field. He teaches

companies, negotiated scores of million-dollar-plus deals, and has

professionals specialized techniques on how to accumulate and protect

structured and negotiated over $1 billion of financing for business

wealth through innovative market techniques. He has over 23 years in

ventures hes been involved in. He is a successful, charismatic and

the business, ten of which were spent as a trader on the floor of the NY

inspirational facilitator who has negotiated many deals on Wall Street.

Commodity Exchange where he specialized in Gold & Silver Options.

During this session you will learn how to effectively combine the practical

During his time on the trading floor he served for two years as the

real world with the theoretical to produce usable negotiating and

Chairman of the Option Floor Trading Committee for Comex. He left the

business strategies.

floor in 1992 to trade NASDAQ stocks for Mayer & Schwitzer & Nash Weiss,
which is now part of Bank of America.

Joel Comm has mastered the art of building profitable websites for over


15 years, has launched Yahoo!Games and is also the author of the best

Brendon Burchard is a highly-acclaimed life coach, leadership speaker,

selling books AdSense Code and Twitter Power. During this session, Joel

and business consultant as well as the author of Lifes Golden Ticket. He

will reveal his strategies and techniques for generating massive passive

has dedicated his life to helping individuals, teams and organizations

income online, and will show you different online social media tools to

create and master change. Brendans authentic, powerful and hilarious

drive more traffic to your website.

presentations have become legendary and his message to live by choice

and live to contribute has changed thousands of lives around the globe.

Sandy Botkin is an Attorney and Certified Public Accountant who


has extensive financial and legal experience, including five years as a

Frank Kern is an internet marketing expert who started a revolution in

legal specialist in the Office of Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue

marketing. His system, Frank Kerns Mass Control, teaches people how to

Service. He consistently earns rave reviews for his clear and humorous

create income by instilling trust in their clients. He loves to teach people

presentations. You will learn some of the strategies that have helped more

how to make money without sacrificing the freedom to live life to the

than 500,000 taxpayers save over $300 million on their taxes.

fullest. Franks Mass Control helped a company make $18 million in 24

hours a record in his field!

Michael Smorch has had tremendous success in investing in

* Speakers are subject to change without notice.

international markets and has a unique background both as a portfolio

manager and investment banker, advising some of the biggest names in
the entertainment and athletic industry. During this session he will
discuss how to take advantage of emerging international markets, as
well as talk about whats happening in the international economy and
currency market.

Call today to enroll! 1-800-898-8669

(Internationally: 001-858-535-9900)








Gain access to the financial and business insights of some

of the elite strategists of our time. Past and present Wealth
Mastery faculty members* include:

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