Ex 4
Ex 4
Ex 4
Exercise 4
kk A P
qo ro o o g sin
o x
kkrw A Po Pc
w g sin
show all steps in the derivation of the following expression for fraction of water flowing, including capillary
pressure and gravity:
kk A P
1 ro c gsin
q o x
qw qo
1 ro w
o krw
where q qw qo .
(Hint: start by elimination of oil pressure by combination of the two equations)
Part 2
Derive the expression for fraction of water flowing, including only gravity, based on the following parameters:
-Relative permeability curves:
S w S wir
1 Sor S wir
o / k ro w
M k rw
-Gravity Number
N g'
kk ro g
o u
Plot the fraction of water flowing vs. saturation as follows: (n1=n2=2, Swir=Sor=0.2)
1- Varing endpoint mobility ratio and horizontal flow ( M =10, 1, 0.1)
2- Varing gravity number and M =1 ( N g sin= -4, 0, 4)
3- Explain the effect of each parameter on the fraction of water and draw a conclusion.
Part 3
Oil is being displaced by water in a horizontal, linear system under diffuse flow conditions. The relative
permeabilities are given by
k ro k ro ( So Sor ) /(1 Sor S wir )
k ro 0.85,k rw
dSw Sw
d) Make a f w plot for the base case but with vertical displacement (from bottom) and determine the oil
recovery at water break-through. Compare with the horizontal case. Use the following additional data:
o 0.6, w 1 ( g / cm3 )
g 9.81 ( m / s2 )
Assume an injection velocity of u
0,0005 cm/ s and k=1 D