OUM Grading Scheme

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Open University Malaysia


Mode of Learning
Programme Structure


University Rules and Policies


The mode of assessment for the courses in OUMs degree or diploma programmes is
revised from time to time to be abreast with current trends and development on
formative and summative assessment in higher education. Invariably, the revisions
may result in changes to the assessed components, the component marks
weightage and the examination questions format. In this regard, you are advised to
refer regularly to the OUM website and your Faculty for the latest information.


Mid-semester Examinations may be held for specific courses offered in each

semester. You are advised to refer to the MyVLE for the list of courses with MidSemester examinations.


To pass the Malaysian Qualifications Agency courses, you must obtain at least
grade C (Grade point = 2.00) for these courses. Several core compulsory and
prerequisitie courses in your study programme may also require a pass with at least
grade C. You should refer to your Faculty for the latest list and the passing grade
requirement of the core compulsory and prerequisite courses.

Fee Structure
C ode of Ethics
Student Support



Tutorial Class Attendance


You shall be assigned to a tutorial group for each course that you have registered
at the beginning of each semester. Your assignment to a tutorial group is final and
you cannot change to another tutorial grouping or tutorial slot without prior
approval from the University authorities.


Participation in and interaction during the tutorials play a crucial and vital role in
your learning and assessment. You should strive to attend all the tutorials for the
course(s) that you have registered for in a semester.


If you are registered for a Bachelors degree programme under the sponsorship of
the Kementerian Pendidikan (Bahagian Pendidikan Guru), you must attend all the
tutorials and satisfactorily complete the assessed components of the prescribed
courses for the programme failing which, you would be barred from taking the
examination in the courses concerned.


You may be barred from taking the examination for a course if you have
outstanding fees due to the University. If you are barred from taking the
examination for a course in any semester, you are prevented from downloading the
Examination Entry Authorisation Slip until the fees have been settled before the
examination for the course commences.


You shall be awarded zero marks in the examination and grade F for a course if you
are barred from sitting the examination for the course.

Submission of Assignment
You should submit the assignment(s) for your courses online before the stipulated
deadline. Assignment(s) submitted online after the deadline shall not be accepted for
grading by the University unless there extenuating reasons for the delay.
Any assignment submitted for marking cannot be resubmitted after it has been marked
and marks awarded.


Grading Scheme
The official grading scheme of the University is as follows:

Grade Point

Marks Equivalent





Open University Malaysia



80 -100





Very Good


























Conditional Pass
(Subject to CGPA => 2.00)

In addition, other grades used and their descriptors are as follows:

I - Incomplete

1. Consideration for the award of I grade will be based on the following reasons:
official company duties such as attendance at courses, seminars within or
outside the country and work commitments that cannot be postponed
medical treatment exceeding a day, maternity leave and or other medical
condition requiring extended period of treatment;
emergency situations such as deceased of an immediate relative.

2. The application which must be in writing, should state the reasons and be supported
with relevant documents.

3. For an application based on the reasons mentioned in paragraph (a)(i), the written
application should be forwarded not later than Tutorial 4 of the semester
concerned. Any application received after Tutorial 4 would not be entertained and
the student shall be awarded zero marks in the examination component concerned.

4. For an application based on the reasons mentioned in paragraph (a)(ii) and (iii), the
written application should be forwarded not later that (7) days after the date of the
examination for the course concerned.

5. A fee of RM100.00 per course shall be charged for each application and the amount
due to the University shall be entered into the students account as fee owing to be
paid before the commencement of the following semester.

6. How to apply:
Attach documents which include supporting letter from employer/hospital, if
Attach the payment slip or receipt of RM100.00 for each course. Payment
can be made via bank or any OUM Learning Centre.

7. On compassionate grounds OUM may, after considering the supporting documents

submitted by a student, exempt the payment of RM100.00 for the course
concerned for an application submitted based on the reasons mentioned in
paragraphs 1(a)(ii) and (iii).

8. A student who forwards a medical chit shall only be given a exemption of fees if
he/she has to undergo hospitalisation of more than two nights consecutively.

9. A student who has been approved the grade I Incomplete for any course must
complete the grade within one academic year from the semester when approval was
first given failing which, the grade I Incomplete approved for the course shall be
converted to grade F.

10. As module content and assessment methods may be enhanced and modified from
time to time for course improvement, students are strongly advised to take the



Open University Malaysia

time to time for course improvement, students are strongly advised to take the
examination for the course for which the grade I Incomplete had been
approved, at the next immediate semester when the course is offered again.

11. A student who has registered to take the examination for a course for which the
grade I Incomplete had been approved, but subsequently is unable to take the
examination for any of the reasons mentioned above, may apply to extend the
maximum period by one more semester only.
CT - Awarded to a course where the credit hours of a course of equivalent status have
been completed at another approved institution and have been accredited for transfer to
an OUM degree/diploma programme.
IP - Awarded to a course that is conducted over more than one semester. Credit hours of
a course given the grade IP shall be included in the total credit hours that students have
registered for in a particular semester but shall not be included in computing the GPA and
CGPA. After the course has been conducted over more than one semester, the final grade
obtained shall replace the IP grade. The final grade and credit hours of the course shall
be included in computing the GPA and CGPA
S - Awarded to a course where the performance in the course is assessed as either
satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The grade S is awarded if the mark obtained for the course
is 50% or more of the overall mark.
U - Awarded to a course where the performance in the course is assessed as either
satisfactory or unsatisfactory. The grade U is awarded if the mark obtained for the course
is less than 50% of the overall mark.
W - Awarded to a course where students have officially withdrawn from in a semester.
AU - Awarded to a course taken by students for audit purpose only.
BE - Awarded to a course where the assessment is based on prior knowledge obtained by
students via self learning and/or working experience. A special examination may be
authorised by the Dean of the Faculty to assess the students.
PL - Awarded to a course where the assessment is based on an admission or replacement


Marks and Grades Management


You shall only be informed of the grade and not the final marks for a course.


The examination results for each semester must be deliberated and approved by
the Faculty/University Examinations Committees before release to you.


Your examination results shall be released subject to the approval of the University


The Registry shall be responsible for the release and issue of all official results and
for updating and maintaining your official academic records.

Grade Point Average and Cumulative Grade Point Average


Your academic performance shall be indicated by the Grade Point Average (GPA)
and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
The GPA shall be determined by dividing the total grade points obtained with the
total credit hours taken by you in a semester. The following example shows how
the GPA is determined:


Grade Point

Credit Hours

Credit Hours
X Grade Points




3.67 x 3 = 11.01



3.00 x 3 = 9.00




2.33 x 3 = 6.99


= 27.00





Open University Malaysia


The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) shall be determined by dividing the
total grade points obtained with the total credit hours taken by you over more than
one semester.
All grades other than grades AU, CT, I, IP, S, U and W awarded for the courses in
your programme of study shall be included in the computation of your GPA and


If you are registered for a course that is awarded the grade I or IP, the credit
hours shall be included in the total credit hours that you have registered for in a
semester but shall not be included in the computation of your GPA and CGPA until
the grade I or IP is replaced with a final grade.


If your are registered for a course that is awarded the grade S or U, the credit
hours shall be included in the total credit hours that you have registered for in a
semester but shall not be included in the computation of your GPA and CGPA


You shall be deemed to have earned the credit hours of a course when the course
is awarded any of the grades A+, A-, B-, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, CT or S. Credit
hours shall not be earned when a course is awarded the grade F or U.
If you are registered for a course that is awarded the grade I or IP, the credit
hours shall be deemed to be earned when the course is awarded a final grade.


There is no grade point value for grade F. However, the credit hours of a course
with a grade F shall be included in the computation of your GPA and CGPA.

Rechecking of Grade

You can apply to recheck the examination script and/or assignment for a course if
you are dissatisfied with the grade received.


Application Procedure
(a) Your application should be submitted online according to the instructions
posted in the MyVLE on the OUM website.
(b) The closing date for applications is two weeks after official
announcement of the semester examination results on the OUM website.

(c) You should check to ensure that your application form is complete before
submitting it online. For record purpose and future reference, you are
advised to print and retain a copy of the completed application form.

(d) The application fee, which is not refundable, shall be charged to your
account with Open University Malaysia.

(e) Applications after the closing date shall not be accepted.



You shall be informed on the outcome of your application through the MyVLE. Bear
in mind that after a recheck, your assignment and/or course grade could be the
same, be higher or even lower than the original grade.
The decision of the University Examinations Committee on a course mark and grade
after a recheck is final.

Repeating a Course and Examination


You may elect to repeat either a course or the examination for a course to improve
on the original grade. Notwithstanding, you cannot resubmit for remarking, your
assignment after it has been marked and marks are awarded,


If you elect to repeat a course, you must reregister for the course that you had
registered previously, undergo again the continuous assessment components and
retake the mid examination where applicable, and/or the final semester examination
of that course in a subsequent semester.
If you elect to repeat the examination for a course, you must register to retake the
examination component of the course when it is offered again in a subsequent




Open University Malaysia


Repeating the examination of a course applies to the final semester examination

only. Subject to application and approval by the University, you may, in
extenuating circumstances, be permitted to repeat the Mid-Semester examination
for a course if it is offered again in a subsequent semester.


You can repeat the final examination of a course up to a maximum period of one
academic year from the semester when you first registered for that course. Until
the maximum period expires, you may carry the marks obtained initially for the
continuous assessment of a course to be added to the marks of the repeat


If you have obtained lower than grade C for Malaysian Qualifications Agency
courses, you must repeat either the course or examination of these courses until
you have achieved the minimum of grade C failing which, you cannot graduate even
though you may fulfilled the other graduation requirements.

Your faculty may also specify a minimum grade of C for certain prerequisite
courses. You should check with your Faculty on the minimum grade requirement of
prerequisite courses if any, early in your programme.



You may repeat any course subject to the maximum period specified for your study


The grade and grade points of a course to be used in the computation of your
CGPA shall be the grade and grade point obtained by you before or after a repeat
course / examination, whichever is better.

Special Examination
If you are unable to sit an examination for a course due to extenuating circumstances,
you may apply for consideration to take a special examination in that course.
Your written application giving your reasons, should be submitted together with the
relevant documentary evidence to the Assessment and Examination Unit, not later than
two weeks before the commencement date of the semester examination in a semester.
A special examination would only be approved by the University in very exceptional
circumstances. If your application is approved, you would not be permitted to repeat the
examination in the course.

11. Breach of Examination Regulations and Grades

In the event you are found guilty by the University Students Disciplinary Committee of
breach of University examination regulations pertaining to a course, you shall be awarded
zero marks in both the continuous assessment and examination for the course. In such
case you must, after a period of suspension where imposed, reregister for the course,
undergo the continuous assessment component and retake the examination component.
12. Determination of Academic Performance
12.1 Pass with Distinction and Deans List
Your academic performance shall be indicated with Pass with Distinction and your
name entered into the Deans List if in any particular semester, you have:
(a) obtained a GPA of 3.70 or higher;
(b) registered and taken the examination for the courses totaling not less than 9 credit
(c) obtained not less than grade C in any of the courses taken; and,
(d) not repeated any of the courses or the examination of the courses in previous
If you have been awarded grade I - Incomplete for a course in a particular semester,
you would be considered for a Pass with Distinction in thet semester concerned after
the grade I has been converted to a normal grade provided the other requirements of the
award are fulfilled.
Only courses with grades and equivalent grade points that are used to calculate the GPA
in a semester, shall be considered in determining the award of Pass With Distinction.

12.2 Academic Probation Period and Warning

(a) If your GPA is less than 2.0 in any semester, you shall be placed on Academic



Open University Malaysia

(a) If your GPA is less than 2.0 in any semester, you shall be placed on Academic
Probation. The Academic Probation period shall continue until you have attained a GPA of
2.0 or higher in subsequent semesters after the Academic Probation period.
(b) The Dean of your Faculty shall via a notification in the Partial Transcript, inform you of
your Academic Probation Period status including a warning regarding your unsatisfactory
academic performance. The notification would also contain a clear statement on what you
should do to achieve satisfactory academic progress.
(c) The Dean of the Faculty can also place you under Academic Probation Period if your
preparation, progress or performance at any time during the programme of study at the
Faculty is unsatisfactory.
(d) If you are placed on Academic Probation Period in any semester, you cannot register
more than 6 credit hours in the following semester.
12.3 Fail and Out
Fail and Out refers to the status when a student is terminated from his/her programme of
study due to unsatisfactory academic progress after a period of study.
If your Faculty finds that a students academic progress in any semester is unsatisfactory
and insufficient to achieve the GPA/CGPA required or in fulfilling the conditions of the
Academic Probation Period, it can after evaluation of the students progress, recommend
to the Senate to terminate the student from his/her study programme. After receiving and
deliberating on the recommendation, the Senate is empowered to terminate the student
from the study programme.
If you are a candidate for an OUM examination, you SHOULD:
13.1 Before Admission into the Examination Hall/Room
(a) Check the examination schedule and examination venue before the date of
the examination.
(b) Bring with you to the examination room/hall, your identity card, matriculation
card and the Examination Entry Authorisation Slip. If you do not have these
documents, you will not be permitted to take the examination unless
permitted by the Chief Invigilator.
(c) Be punctual for an examination by being present at the examination hall/room
at least 30 minutes before the time of your examination.
(d) Note that if you are less than 30 minutes late after your examination has
commenced, you would be permitted to take the examination but no extra
time shall be given. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you shall not be
permitted to take the examination.

(e) When instructed to enter the examination room/hall by the Chief

Invigilator, do so in an orderly manner using the designated doors.
(f) Not take into the examination hall/room under any circumstance, any book,
paper, pencil bag /box, picture, notes, programmable calculator, hand bag,
hand phone or any other item or equipment except those permitted by the
Chief Invigilator.
(g) Not take any food or drinks into the examination hall/room or drink, eat, or
smoke in the examination room/hall.
(h) After being allowed to enter the examination room/hall to :
(i) occupy the seat that have been assigned to you for the duration of the

(ii) place your identification card , matriculation card and Examination Entry
Authorisation Slip at the top right hand corner of your table to facilitate
checking by the invigilators, and

(iii observe complete silence and should not engage in conversation with
other candidates;




Open University Malaysia

13.2 After Admission into the Examination Hall/Room
(a) Read carefully and follow the instructions printed on the front page of
the answer booklet;
(b) Complete the attendance slip on the front page of the answer booklet
with the details required, then separate the attendance slip from the answer
booklet and place the attendance slip on the top right hand corner of your
examination table;
(c) Write your matriculation number, code and course title, the learning
centre and other necessary details on the front page of your answer
booklet. Do not write your name on the answer booklet;
(d) Open the question paper only when instructed to do so by the Chief
(e) After opening the question paper, to check and ensure that you have
received the correct question paper and that the pages are complete. If
you have received a wrong or incomplete question paper, you should
immediately request the invigilator for a replacement. Reading time has been
included in the time allocated for answering the question paper;
(f) Not begin with writing your answers until instructed to do
Chief Invigilator.

so by the

(g) Not leave the examination room/hall during the first 30 minutes after
your examination has commenced and 15 minutes before the examination
(h) Raise your hand if you wish to seek permission to temporarily leave the
examination hall any time during the examination
(i) Not leave the examination room/hall until permission has been granted
and you are duly accompanied by an invigilator. If you leave the examination
hall/room during the examination without permission, you shall not be
permitted by the Chief Invigilator to reenter the examination room/hall to
continue with your examination.
(i) Where permission has been granted for you to visit the rest room, to
write the time of your entry and exit and sign in the record book provided.
You shall only be allowed 5 minutes to visit the rest room.
13.3 While your examination is in progress,
(a) Not communicate with other candidates by any means including use of
body language;
(b) Not give or receive from other candidates or parties, any form of
assistance concerning the examination other than that permitted by
the Chief invigilator;
(c) Comply always with the instructions of the Chief Invigilator and
invigilators; and
(d) Inform the Chief Invigilator immediately if you fall sick, encounter any
medical problem or you are unable to proceed with an examination.
13.4 At the end of an examination,
(a) Stop writing when instructed to do so by the Chief Invigilator;
(b) Ensure all used answer booklets, supplementary answer booklets, graph paper
and other papers if any, are tied together with the thread provided before handing
it over to the invigilator on duty;
(c) Not take out from the examination room/hall, any examination booklet, graph
paper, objective answer sheet, either used or unused, and other documents
supplied by the invigilator;
If you inadvertently take out your written answer booklets from the examination
room/hall any time during or at the end of the examination, it willl not be accepted
for marking;
(d) Return examination equipment if any, loaned to you by the invigilator;
(e) Remain seated until instructed to leave the examination hall/room by the Chief



Open University Malaysia

(e) Remain seated until instructed to leave the examination hall/room by the Chief
(f) Leave the examination room/hall in an orderly manner through the designated
In addition to complying with the Examination regulations mentioned above you should not
, as an OUM student, commit any of the following:
(a) Give, receive or possess any information that is related to the examination before or
during the examination for a course;
(b) Refer to or use any reference material that is not permitted inside or outside the
examination room/hall or while the examination is in progress;
(c) Obtain, amend, conceal, damage or destroy any material that is related to the
preparation or conduct of the examination.
If you breached any OUM examination regulations and are found guilty of the breach by
the Student Disciplinary Committee, any one or a combination of the following sentences
could be imposed :
(a) A written warning;
(b) A fine not exceeding Ringgit Malaysia 500.00;
(c) Suspension from your programme of study from one semester to two semesters;
(d) Zero marks for the overall result of the course concerned; and/or
(e) Termination from the University
16.1 Graduation Requirements
To graduate from your study programme, you must fulfill the following requirements:
(a) Satisfactorily completed all University courses, Malaysian Qualifications Agency
courses, compulsory core, prerequisites and elective courses prescribed for your
programme of study;
(b) Obtained the required number of credit hours prescribed for your programme of
(c) Achieved a final CGPA of 2.00 or higher at the completion of your programme of
(d) Settled all fees due to the University.
16.2 Award of Degree/Diploma
The degree shall be awarded with Honours.
If you have fulfilled all the requirements for graduation in your study programme and
attained a final CGPA of 3.67 or higher you shall, subject to other regulations being
complied with, be conferred your degree/diploma with Pass With Distinction.
For students admitted to a degree or diploma programme of the University from
Semester September 2010 and thereafter, the minimum CGPA for conferment of a
degree or diploma with Pass With Distinction , shall be 3.70.
Assessment and Examination Unit, Registry
Revised: March 2012




Open University Malaysia

Last Updated on 2012-05-04 00:00:00



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