Tesco Credit Agreement

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Important Information about Tesco Credit Card - PLEASE READ

Before you apply, it's important you think about whether a credit card is the right option for you. To help you do this, you
should think about these questions:

STEP ONE: What do you need the credit for?

Think about the type of finance you need. A credit card isn't suitable if you need:
long-term borrowing;
ways to finance your mortgage debt;
fixed interest;
a fixed repayment plan; OR
a way to help you get out of financial difficulties.
STEP TWO: Do I know how credit cards work?
Make sure you understand how our credit card works so there are no nasty surprises. Remember:
we charge different interest rates for different types of transactions, for example cash advances cost more than
some transactions attract fees - if you do a cash advance, balance transfer, money transfer or a transaction in a
foreign currency you will have to pay fees. You will also pay interest on this fee too
any introductory rates that apply to your account are set out in section 3 of the Standard European Consumer Credit
Information sheet (the SECCI). This will outline any conditions that apply to your introductory rates
your introductory rate(s) will be withdrawn if we dont receive your minimum payment in full and on time more
than once within your introductory rate period. If we do this, interest will be charged at the standard rates on any
purchase, balance transfer, money transfer and/or cash advance you have already made and those you make after
the introductory rates have been withdrawn. We will always write to you to let you know that the introductory rates
have been withdrawn and from what date the standard rates will apply
to be able to use your account you must activate your card. Once you activate your card, we will take this as your
instruction to process any balance transfer or money transfer request made as part of the application process
interest rates are variable and may go up as well as down. If they increase, you will have to pay more each month. In
addition, fees and charges may go up as well as down, and we may introduce new fees or charges. You can close
your account if either of these things happen but you will have to pay off your outstanding balance first
you must pay back the amount you borrow, so make sure you can at least afford the minimum monthly payments
if you only pay the minimum monthly repayment it will cost you significantly more overall and will take you longer to
clear your balance
when you make a payment to your account, we use it to reduce your balance in a specific order as explained in
section 2 of your SECCI
if you spend over your credit limit then we will charge you an over limit fee and you will be asked to pay back all
amounts over the limit in your next statement. If the balance of your account is at or is close to your credit limit when
we apply interest to your account this could make you go over your limit and result in you being charged an over limit
fee. If this continues to happen then you will end up regularly paying this fee
if you use your card to make a purchase with a price of more than 100 but not more than 30,000 and the following
the goods fail to arrive
the goods are not of a satisfactory quality
you made the purchase based on incorrect information
the supplier fails to deliver their side of the bargain with you
The law protects you and gives you rights to sue us, the supplier or both of us. An example of where we would help
is: you buy a new TV and pay for it in full with your Tesco Credit Card; the TV supplier goes insolvent and fails to
deliver your TV.
STEP THREE: Can you afford it?
The cost of a Tesco Credit Card is explained in sections 2 and 3 of your SECCI. This tells you:
how we calculate your minimum monthly payments
the interest rates which apply
our fees and charges including what we will charge if you miss a payment or are late in making payment.

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Think about your current monthly out-goings and in particular your existing financial commitments such as: your
mortgage, other credit cards or personal loans. Can you afford to maintain these if you take out a Tesco Credit Card?
Will you be able to clear the balance on your Tesco Credit Card every month? As a very minimum, can you afford to
make the minimum monthly repayments?

Please remember we can change your interest rates. We will do this if the behaviour on your account makes it look as if
you may be higher risk. We will look at whether you meet your minimum payments or regularly go over your credit limit
and data from internal and external sources.

Missing payments could have severe consequences for your finances. For example, it is very likely to make
obtaining credit more difficult and more expensive in the future as we are likely to report non-payment to the credit
reference agencies and this will adversely affect your credit rating (which most mainstream lenders consult when
assessing any borrowing application). You will have to pay late payment fees. It could also increase how much you pay
for credit.

If you regularly miss payments we may have no choice but to take legal action against you to get the money back. This
could result in a court making an order against you which might result in:
an order being granted for you to pay the debt out of your wages. A legal document is sent to your employer which
forces them to take money from your wage to pay your outstanding debt to us;
if you live in England and Wales, us asking the court for a charging order over your home. If we have a charging
order and your home is sold (through repossession or for any other reason), any amounts you owe us will be repaid
from the sale proceeds;
if you live in Scotland, we may get a court order which prevents you from selling your house or securing any further
debts against your home.

STEP FOUR: Other sources of information

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have about Tesco Credit Card. Please contact us on 0345 300
4278* (Minicom 0345 671 0676*).
If you would like detailed advice on whether to proceed with the application or would like to talk to someone independent
then contact your Local Citizens Advice Bureau, the Consumer Direct helpline or the Consumer Credit Counselling
It's really important you take time to read the Standard European Consumer Credit Information (the SECCI). It
gives you a summary of the key features of the Tesco Credit Card.
The SECCI makes it easy for you to compare the Tesco Credit Card against other cards.
If you decide to apply for a card then you have a right to withdraw (sometimes called a right to cancel or cool-off) from
this agreement within 14 days.
When we send you your card you will get a copy of the agreement between us. Your right to cancel will start the day after
you receive the card and end 14 days after that.
To cancel your credit card you must call us on 0345 300 4278* or write to us at Tesco Bank, PO Box 27029, Glasgow,
G2 9FU, and repay any outstanding balance on the card together with any interest that is due until repayment in full is
made. You have 30 calendar days to repay starting from the date of cancellation.
* Calls charged at basic rate. The number provided may be included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by
your phone operator.

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(Standard European Consumer Credit Information)
1. Contact details

Tesco Personal Finance plc trading as Tesco Bank


Tesco Bank, PO Box 27028, Glasgow, G2 9FT

Telephone number.

0345 300 4278

Calls charged at basic rate. The number provided may be
included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by
your phone operator

Web Address.


2. Key features of the credit product

The type of credit.

Credit Card

The total amount of credit.

We will set your credit limit once we have looked at your

individual circumstances and tell you what it is. It will vary
from person to person. You may request a lower limit at
any time. We may change your credit limit at any time
and will tell you when we do this.

This means the amount of credit to be provided under the

proposed credit agreement or the credit limit
How and when credit would be provided.

Once your account has been opened:

you can apply to transfer a balance up to 95.00% of
your credit limit immediately. (Once you activate your
card we will take this as your instruction to process
this request);
a card will be issued to you; and
once your card is activated, you can use it to carry out
other transactions provided you stay within your credit

The duration of the credit agreement.

There is no fixed or minimum duration. The account will

remain open until it is closed either at your request or by


You must pay each month the greater of:

the total of all interest and default fees charged on
your statement plus 1% of the new balance shown on
your statement (excluding 'Tesco Buy Now Pay Later'
special offers) plus any arrears carried over from your
previous statement; or
25 plus any existing arrears carried over from your
previous statement; or
the amount you owe over your credit limit which
includes any over limit fees.

Your repayments will pay off what you owe in the

following order.

When you pay us we use it to pay off first those items

which attract the highest interest rates. If there is more
than one item at the same rate we pay off the item at
the rate which ends first (for example if you have 0% on
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purchases for 12 months and 0% on balance transfers

for 9 months, we'll pay off your balance transfer first).
We always use your payments to pay off items which
have appeared on a statement you have received before
paying off items which haven't yet appeared on your
statement. If your account is in arrears, we will clear the
arrears on your account (starting with the oldest) before
we put it towards the amount due from your most recent

If you have 'Buy Now Pay Later' special offer items,

during the term of the offer we will use your payments
to pay these off after we have paid off everything else
which has appeared on a statement you have received.
Once the offer has ended any remaining balance from
the Buy Now Pay Later offer will be treated as a purchase
transaction and you'll be charged interest in the normal
The total amount you will have to pay.

This means the amount you have borrowed plus interest

and other costs.

1,340.82 is what you might pay in year 1 if this happens:

on opening your account you make one purchase with
your card to the value of 1,200;
interest is charged at the standard rate for purchases
you repay the 1,200 purchase amount in 12 equal
monthly payments of 100, together with all interest
accrued that month, each payment being made on
time; and
during the year you don't carry out any more
transactions and your interest rates don't change.

3. Costs of the credit

The rates of interest which apply to
the credit agreement.

Introductory Rates
(all fixed)

Monthly Rate

Annual Rate (simple)

Purchases for 22
months from account

0.000 %

0.000 %

Balance transfers for 3

months from account

0.000 %

0.000 %

Money transfers for 3

months from account

0.000 %

0.000 %

Your introductory rates will be withdrawn if we don't receive your minimum

payment in full and on time more than once within your introductory rate
period. If we do this, interest will be charged at the standard rates on any
purchase, money transfer, balance transfer and/or cash advance you have
already made and those you make after the introductory rates have been
withdrawn. We will always write to you to let you know that the introductory

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rates have been withdrawn and from what date the standard rates will
Standard Rates (all

1.805 %

21.660 %

Money transfers

1.991 %

23.892 %

Balance transfers

1.991 %

23.892 %

Cash advances

2.075 %

24.900 %

Initial Buy Now Pay

Later purchase
transactions for the first
6 months


0.000 %

Initial Buy Now Pay

Later purchase
transactions after the
first 6 months



Buy Now Pay Later

and Special Offers

All rates are variable unless we tell you otherwise. Full details of how we can
vary rates are set out in the credit agreement.

We calculate interest from the date the transaction or fee is charged to your
account (except default fees). For default fees, we won't charge interest on
it for 28 days starting from when we tell you we've added it to your account we'll not charge any interest on this interest. Starting from your actual balance
each day, we work out your average daily balance and multiply this by your
daily interest rate (which we calculate back from your monthly rates above).
We then multiply this daily interest amount by the number of days in the
month. We do this for each type of transaction and then add these together
which equals your total interest for that month.
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge

23.9% APR
To calculate this we have used the same assumptions used to work out your
total cost for credit.

This is the total cost expressed as

an annual percentage of the total
amount of credit.

The APR is there to help you

compare different offers.
Any other costs deriving from the
credit agreement.

Our charges are:

for each advance (except gambling transactions) we charge 3.00% of
the amount advanced or 3.00, whichever is more, except for gambling
transactions where we charge 3.00% of the amount advanced
a handling fee of 2.90% of the amount for introductory rate balance
a handling fee of 3.00% of the amount for standard rate balance transfers
or transfers made outside of any other promotional interest rate period
(see below)
a handling fee of 3.94% of the amount for introductory rate money
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a handling fee of 3.00% of the amount for standard rate money transfers
or transfers made outside of any other promotional interest rate period
(see below)
from time to time we may write to you to notify you of promotional interest
rate periods on balance or money transfers. A fee may apply to transfers
made in these periods. If so, we will tell you what the fee is when we notify
for transactions in foreign currencies, we will charge you 2.75% of the
value of every transaction
if a cheque payable to us or direct debit cannot be paid we charge 12.00
if the account is over the credit limit at any time during a statement period
we charge 12.00
We charge interest on any interest at the same rate which applies to the
transaction on which the interest was charged. We charge interest on any
handling fees you owe at the same rate which applies to the transaction
on which the fee was charged. We charge interest on all other fees at the
purchase rate applicable at the time the fee was charged.

There is no interest free period for cash advance, balance transfer or money
transfer fees.
Conditions under which the above
charges can be changed.

We may change any fee or charge that apply to your account at any time.
This could include adding new fees or charges.

We will always tell you if we are changing any of these costs:

if we increase our fees or introduce new fee(s) we will tell you 30 days
before it happens. If you don't want to continue to make transactions
which incur the new fee after the change, you can either avoid making
this type of transaction or you can terminate the agreement by giving us
notice, but the new fee will still apply to your agreement if you do make
any transactions which incur the fee until all amounts outstanding have
been repaid.
if we reduce any fee(s) then we might tell you this is happening or we
might just decrease the fee(s) and tell you this has happened within 30
days of the decrease.
Costs in the case of late payments.

Where missed or late payments result in the minimum payment not being paid
on time, we will continue to charge borrowing rates.

You will be charged 12.00 if you fail to pay the minimum payment on time.

If you continue not to repay after being asked, any reasonable costs we incur
if we have to take steps to make you repay the balance on your account e.g.
the cost of finding you if you do not tell us your new address.
Consequences of missing payments.

Please remember missing payments has serious consequences and could

result in us asking you to repay the whole balance of your account early,
taking legal action against you and affect your ability to get credit (e.g. a credit
card or a mortgage) in the future or make getting credit more expensive.

If we take legal action we may seek to recover the money you owe us direct
from your salary. If you live in England and Wales this could include us asking
the court for a charging order over your home. If we have a charging order
and your home is sold (through repossession or for any other reason), any
amounts you owe us will be repaid from the sale proceeds.

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If you live in Scotland we may get a court order which prevents you from
selling your house or securing further debts against your house.

You may also have to pay our legal costs.

4. Other important legal aspects

Right of withdrawal.

You will get another copy of this agreement when we send you your card.
Your right to withdraw starts the day after you receive this copy and ends 14
days after that.

To cancel your credit card you must call us on 0345 300 4278* or write to us
Tesco Bank, PO Box 27029, Glasgow, G2 9FU
Early repayment.

You can make payments to your account at any time.

Consultation with a Credit Reference


If your application for a Tesco Credit Card is declined we will tell you why.
If it's because of information from a credit reference agency we will tell you
which agency we consulted and give you their contact details immediately and
free of charge, unless we have a good reason not to.

Right to a draft credit agreement.

You can ask for a copy of our credit agreement and terms and conditions at
any time for free unless we have just declined your application at the time you

The period of time during which

the creditor is bound by the precontractual information.

The information in this document is valid for 30 days.

5. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services

(a) concerning the creditor
Registration number.

Financial Services Register number 186022

The supervisory authority.

The Financial Conduct Authority

(b) concerning the credit agreement

The law taken by the creditor as a basis for the
establishment of relations with you before the conclusion
of the credit agreement.

If your address is in Scotland, Scottish law applies. If you

live elsewhere, English law applies.

The law applicable to the credit agreement and/or the

competent court.

If your address is in Scotland, Scottish law will apply to

your agreement. If you live elsewhere, English law will
apply to your agreement.

Language to be used in connection with the credit


All communications that we send you (including the

documents containing the terms of the agreement
between you and us) will be in English.

(c) concerning redress

Access to out-of-court complaint and redress Mechanism.

If you make a complaint, we'll aim to resolve this as

quickly as we can. If you're still not happy, you may be
able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman
Service (FOS). You can find out more about the FOS
by writing to them at Exchange Tower, London E14

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9SR or by telephoning on 08000 234 567. Details are

also available from their website, http://www.financialombudsman.org.uk.

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In Summary
Our pricing policy
The APR, interest rates and offer duration we offer are determined by an analysis of your application details along with
your credit and repayment history (as verified by independent credit reference agencies).

This analysis may mean that you don't receive the advertised representative APR as detailed in the Summary
Box below. Over half of our customers will receive our advertised representative APR. If you don't receive the
representative APR, the maximum APR you will receive is 23.9%.

The information contained in this table summarises key product
features and is not intended to replace any terms and conditions.

Representative 18.9% APR (variable)

Rates from 18.9% APR to 23.9% APR depending on individual circumstances

Interest Rates

Introductory Rate

Monthly Rate

Annual Rate Effective


0.000% for 28, 25 or 22

months from account
opening depending on your
individual circumstances

1.456% to 1.805%

18.941% p.a. to 23.945%


Cash Advances


1.873% to 2.075%

24.942% p.a. to 27.948%


Balance Transfers

0.000% for 3 months from

account opening

1.575% to 1.991%

20.626% p.a. to 26.690%


Money Transfers

0.000% for 3 months from

account opening

1.575% to 1.991%

20.626% p.a. to 26.690%


Buy Now Pay Later

purchase transactions

0.000 % for 6 months from

date of transaction

1.456% to 1.805%

18.941% p.a. to 23.945%


Interest Free Period

Interest Charging Information

Maximum 51 days for purchases if you pay your

balance in full and on time, and have paid the
previous month's balance in full and on time.
There is no interest free period on cash advances,
balance transfers or money transfers.
You will not pay interest on new purchases if you pay
your balance in full and on time. Otherwise, the period
over which interest is charged is as follows:

and Money



From date
debited to your

Until repaid in

If the account is not fully cleared, interest will be charged

on the average daily balance until full payment is made
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and credited to your account. Therefore, the longer

you take to make a payment, the more interest will be
If you pay the balance in full, any interest charge for
the period from the previous statement to the date of full
repayment will be debited the following month.
Allocation of Payments

When you pay us we use it to pay off:

First those items which attract the highest interest
If there is more than one item at the same rate we pay
off the item at the rate that ends first.
If your account is in arrears, we will pay off the arrears
on your account (starting with the oldest) before we
put it towards the amount due from your most recent
If you have Buy Now Pay Later special offer items,
we will pay these off after we have paid off everything
else on your account.
For further details, please refer to section 2.1 of your
general conditions.

Minimum Repayment

Your minimum payment will be the greater of:

the total of all interest and default fees charged on
your statement plus 1% of the new balance shown on
your statement (excluding 'Tesco Buy Now Pay Later'
special offers) plus any arrears carried over from your
previous statement; or
25 plus any existing arrears carried over from your
previous statement; or
the amount you owe over your credit limit which
includes any over limit fees.
If you only make the minimum payment it will take longer
and cost more to clear your balance.

Credit Limit


Minimum credit limit


Maximum credit limit

Subject to status.

No annual fees.
Cash advances

3.00% handling fee,

minimum of 3.00 (there
is no minimum charge for
gambling transactions)

Balance Transfers

2.90% handling fee during

the first 3 months from
account opening and
3.00% thereafter

Money Transfers

3.94% handling fee during

the first 3 months from

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account opening and

3.00% thereafter
Cheque (payable to us)
or Direct Debit cannot be
Foreign Usage


One or more of the

following may apply:
Payment Scheme
Exchange Rate

Rates can be found at:


Default Fees

Non Sterling Transaction


2.75% of the transaction

Non Sterling Cash Fee

3.00% handling fee,

minimum 3.00

Over-limit fee


Late Payment fee


If you have any queries on the above, or require further information, simply call 0345 300 4278* and one of our advisers
will be pleased to help you.
* Calls charged at basic rate. The number provided may be included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by
your phone operator.

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Credit Card Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974

Applying for a credit card is a big decision. Make sure you can afford the Tesco Credit Card. You have to be
able to pay back the balance on your account not just minimum payments. Missing payments has serious
consequences and could result in us taking legal action against you and affect your ability to get credit (e.g. a
personal loan or a mortgage) in the future or increase the cost of obtaining credit.
This agreement is between us (Tesco Personal Finance plc trading as Tesco Bank) of 22 Haymarket Yards,
Edinburgh, EH12 5BH and you
Name -

MR Mahbubur Khan

Address -



PostCode -

G5 8AJ

Your agreement with us, Tesco Bank, is made up of two documents:

1. this one, which you sign; and
2. Tesco Credit Card General Conditions.
1.1 Interest
Introductory Rates (all fixed)

Monthly Rate

Annual Rate (simple)

Purchases for 22 months from

account opening

0.000 %

0.000 %

Balance transfers for 3 months from

account opening

0.000 %

0.000 %

Money transfers for 3 months from

account opening

0.000 %

0.000 %

Your introductory rates will be withdrawn if we don't receive your minimum payment in full and on time more than
once within your introductory rate period. If we do this, interest will be charged at the standard rates on any purchase,
money transfer, balance transfer and/or cash advance you have already made and those you make after the
introductory rates have been withdrawn. We will always write to you to let you know that the introductory rates have
been withdrawn and from what date the standard rates will apply.
Standard Rates (all variable)

1.805 %

21.660 %

Money transfers

1.991 %

23.892 %

Balance transfers

1.991 %

23.892 %

Cash advances

2.075 %

24.900 %

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Buy Now Pay Later and Special

Initial Buy Now Pay Later purchase
transactions for the first 6 months

0.000 %

0.000 %

Initial Buy Now Pay Later purchase

transactions after the first 6 months

1.805 %

21.660 %

From time to time we will make available special offers (including Buy Now Pay Later) with a lower or fixed interest
rate or other special repayment terms. We will tell you in advance the terms of the special offer, including what will
happen at the end of it.

This is how we calculate interest:

a. If you just make purchases, don't have any arrears on your account and pay the full balance on your last statement
on time we don't charge you any interest. Otherwise, interest is calculated from the date the transaction is added to
your account (including fees) until the full balance has been paid off.
b. We charge interest on any interest at the same rate which applies to the transaction on which the interest was
charged. We charge interest on any handling fees at the same rate which applies to the transaction on which
the fee was charged. We charge interest on all other fees at the purchase rate applicable at the time the fee was
c. We calculate interest from the date the transaction or fee is charged to your account (except default fees). For
default fees, we won't charge interest on it for 28 days starting from when we tell you we've added it to your
account - we'll not charge any interest on this interest. Starting from your actual balance each day, we work out
your average daily balance and multiply this by your daily interest rate (which we calculate back from your monthly
rates above). We then multiply this daily interest amount by the number of days in the month. We do this for each
type of transaction and then add these together which equals your total interest for that month.
d. We charge interest at the rates in this agreement both before and after a court judgment or decree.
1.2 Fees and charges
We will charge you:
12.00 (default fee) if you go over your credit limit or stay over the limit at any time during your statement cycle
12.00 (default fee) if you don't make your minimum payment on time
12.00 if a Direct Debit, cheque or other payment is returned due to lack of funds
a handling fee of 2.90% of the amount for introductory rate balance transfers
a handling fee of 3.00% of the amount for standard rate balance transfers or transfers made outside of any other
promotional interest rate period (see below)
a handling fee of 3.94% of the amount for introductory rate money transfers
a handling fee of 3.00% of the amount for standard rate money transfers or transfers made outside of any other
promotional interest rate period (see below)
from time to time we may write to notify you of promotional interest rate periods on balance or money transfers. A
fee may apply to transfers made within these periods. If so, we will tell you what the fee is when we notify you
for transactions in a foreign currency, a conversion fee of 2.75% (see 'Foreign Currency' in your General
a handling fee of 3.00% (minimum 3.00 charge) of the amount for cash advances. Cash advances include
gambling transactions and withdrawals from an ATM in both the UK and overseas. Gambling transactions are
subject to a handling fee but there is no minimum charge.
our reasonable costs and expenses (including the cost of tracing you and/or recovering the money you owe us) as
a result of you breaking this agreement. This may include costs that we incur before or after any court judgment.

You must always pay your 'minimum payment' each month by your payment due date. This applies even if you
are: waiting for a refund; in dispute with a retailer over a transaction on your account; or making a claim under a
PPI policy (if you have one). Remember refunds to your account don't count towards your minimum payment.


Your minimum payment will be the greater of:

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the total of all interest and default fees charged on your statement plus 1% of the new balance shown on
your statement (excluding 'Tesco Buy Now Pay Later' special offers) plus any arrears carried over from your
previous statement; or
25 plus any existing arrears carried over from your previous statement; or
the amount you owe over your credit limit which includes any over limit fees.

You must pay by the date shown on your statement. This will usually be 20 days after your statement date. If we
don't receive your minimum payment in full and on time we will charge you 12.00.


When you make your monthly payment, you can pay more than the minimum payment and you can make an
extra payment at any time.



We can change your interest rates, charges and fees:

if there is a change (or we reasonably expect a change) in the costs we incur in providing the account
(including funding costs); or
if there is a change (or we reasonably expect a change) in law, regulatory or industry code requirements; or
if the behaviour on your account makes it look as if you may be higher risk. We will look at whether you meet
your minimum payments or regularly go over your credit limit and data from internal and external sources.


Where we make a change to comply with a regulatory or legal requirement, the change will reflect fairly the
proportion of the cost of compliance on our business, as reasonably estimated by us. Other changes will
respond proportionately to changes in our costs. We will not change interest rates and/or our fees to cover the
same cost twice. We will not change a fixed or special offer rate on an account for as long as we have agreed
to keep it fixed. This does not prevent an introductory rate and/or special offer(s) being withdrawn if we do not
receive your minimum payment in full and on time. We may also change our interest rates and charges for a
valid reason which is not set out in this paragraph. As long as you are able to end the agreement without charge,
we may change the interest rates and our charges for any reason not listed above.


We will give you at least 30 days' advance notice of all changes under this condition, unless the change is to
your advantage (for example when we reduce your interest rate). Where this happens, we may make the change
more quickly and will tell you about this as soon as possible. We will tell you about changes in writing which
we will send to you with your monthly statement, or separately by post. If you receive paperless statements we
may do this by email. If we increase an interest rate you can decide that you do not want to continue to make
transactions using the account and the revised interest rate will not apply to you. To do this you must call or
write to us within 60 days from when you receive the letter about the rate change. You must continue to pay all
amounts owing under this agreement. If we increase or introduce a new fee or charge and you don't want to
continue to make transactions which incur the new fee or charge after the change, you can either avoid making
this type of transaction or you can terminate the agreement by giving us notice, but the new fee or charge will
still apply to your agreement if you do make any transactions which incur the fee or charge until all amounts
outstanding have been repaid.


We will tell you your credit limit and your advance limit when you first receive your card. We can change these from
time to time. An advance limit is the maximum amount of your credit you can use to do cash advances.
If you make a purchase of 1,200 which you repay in 12 equal monthly payments of 100 together with all interest
accrued that month, charged at the standard rate for purchases, each payment being made on time, the total amount
payable will be 1,340.82 and the APR 23.9% (variable). These figures assume that, during the repayment period,
there aren't any more transactions and we make no changes to the standard rate for purchases.

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Your Signature

This is a digital signature and is equivalent to signing a paper copy of the


This is a legally binding contract. Please tick the box below and click
Complete your application if you would like a Tesco Credit Card and agree to
be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.
I Mahbubur Khan agree to be bound by the terms of this credit agreement
The General Conditions (pdf) shown above forms part of this agreement
Date Signed:

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Fri 23-Sep-2016, 01:15

Tesco Credit Card General Conditions

What you need to know
This forms part of and should be read with your credit agreement signed by you and us. When we refer to 'us' in this
document we are referring to us, Tesco Bank and any person our rights and duties might be transferred to. When we
refer to 'you', we mean the cardholder in whose name we have opened an account.
You can change your mind about the card
You have a right to withdraw from this agreement (sometimes called a right to cancel or cool-off), without giving us a
reason, by calling us on 0345 300 4278* or writing to us at Tesco Bank, PO Box 27029, Glasgow, G2 9FU. Your right
to cancel will start the day after you receive the card and ends 14 days after that. You must repay any balance on your
account together with any interest or charges due within 30 days of telling us. We will tell you the amount of interest
payable per day.
Important Information about your rights when you use your card
If you use your card to make a purchase with a price of more than 100 but not more than 30,000 and any of the
following happens:
the goods fail to arrive
the goods are not of a satisfactory quality
you made the purchase based on incorrect information
the supplier fails to deliver their side of the bargain with you
the law protects you and gives you rights to claim against us as well as the supplier. An example of where we would
help is: you buy a new TV and it costs more than 100 (but less than 30,000) and pay for it with your card, the TV
supplier goes insolvent and fails to deliver your TV. This doesn't apply to money transfers or anything bought with a
money transfer or cash advance.
What is a digital card?
Some services allow you to create tokenised versions of your cards, which can then be used to make payments
electronically without the use of the physical card. If your card is used in any of these services, payments will be made
as if you've used the physical card. Depending on which service you use, you may have to set up some additional
security details (such as passcode, fingerprint access, or pair it with another device) to use it.

Additional Cardholders


You can ask us to give other people a card on your account. If we agree, we will send you an additional card
which you can give to them. Make sure you tell them to keep their security details safe in line with condition 3.
You must tell us if you want to cancel an additional card.


You are responsible for all use of the additional card and must pay us for transactions made by the additional
cardholder even if they cause you to go over limit or do anything else which makes you break this agreement
or if transactions are charged to your account after the additional card has been returned to us. You will also
be responsible for any charges added to your account because of any use of the card or card details by an
additional cardholder.


We will not give additional cardholders information about your account unless you agree.


How we use your payments


When you pay us we use it to pay off first those items which attract the highest interest rates. If there is more
than one item at the same rate we pay off the item at the rate which ends first (for example if you have 0% on
purchases for 12 months and 0% on balance transfers for 9 months, we'll pay off your balance transfer first).
We always use your payments to pay off items which have appeared on a statement you have received before
paying off items which haven't yet appeared on your statement. If your account is in arrears, we will clear the

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arrears on your account (starting with the oldest) before we put it towards the amount due from your most recent

If you have 'Buy Now Pay Later' special offer items, during the term of the offer we will use your payments to
pay these off after we have paid off everything else which has appeared on a statement you have received.
Once the offer has ended any remaining balance from the Buy Now Pay Later offer will be treated as a purchase
transaction and you'll be charged interest in the normal way.


Keep your card and security details safe at all times


You and each additional cardholder must keep your card, PIN and any other security information (such as
your online servicing log-in details) safe. The card remains our property at all times. We expect you and each
additional cardholder to take the following precautions:
sign the card straightaway;
destroy any letters which tell you your PIN or security information;
don't write the PIN or other security information on the card or anything usually kept with it;
if you do write down the PIN or other security information do this in a way which attempts to disguise it;
keep receipts secure or carefully destroy them;
don't give anyone else your card or other security information;
if you change your PIN at an ATM pick a number which will be difficult to guess (for example don't use your
date of birth);
when you get a replacement card, dispose of your old card carefully by cutting it up through the signature
box, the magnetic strip and the chip;
call us about any suspicious transactions or incidents (for example, if you are concerned that an ATM you
have used may have been tampered with).
if you're using a digital card, you will need to ensure that you keep any device on which the digital card is
stored and security details for the device safe and not allow anyone else to use them. If your device stores
a fingerprint, you should not store anyone else's fingerprint on your device. If you dispose of a device which
has a digital card held on it, you must delete the card first.


You may be asked to sign up to Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode during an online transaction, if you
choose not to register we may not authorise future online transactions.


Lost and Stolen Card Information


You (or an additional cardholder) must immediately tell us if a card is lost or stolen or you think your
account may be misused, by calling us on 0345 300 4278*. If you are abroad, please call +44 126 850
8027. If you're using a digital card, you must tell us immediately if your phone is lost or stolen in the
same way as if your or your additional cardholder's physical card is lost or stolen. The limits set out in
these general conditions for what you pay if your card is lost or stolen under certain circumstances also
apply to transactions carried out on a digital card, so you should make sure that you keep your device
and its security details safe.


If you are unable to call us then you may write to us at Tesco Bank, PO Box 27028, Glasgow, G2 9FT. You (or
any additional cardholder) must give us any information you have regarding the circumstances of the loss, theft
or misuse of a card. We can give the police any information they think is relevant to help prevent or control fraud.
If this happens

Amount you pay

If someone carries out a fraudulent transaction using

your card details on the internet, by telephone or by
mail order


You (or an additional cardholder) call us to cancel

your card because it's been lost, stolen or someone


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else knows the security details but there are

transactions after you call us
You (or an additional cardholder) give permission for
someone else to use your card/card details

All transactions on the account - no limit.

Fraudulent transactions by you (or an additional


All transactions on the account - no limit.

Your card (or an additional cardholders') is misused

before you tell us it has been lost, stolen or that
someone else knows the PIN (unless this happens
before you receive the card from us)

50 maximum




We will send you a statement in any month where you have a balance on your account or there has been any
activity on your account. This will show the payments you have made to us and all amounts we have charged
to your account since the last statement and the balance on your account on the statement date. If you receive
paperless statements, we'll send you an email to let you know that your statement is ready, and you can view it
in online banking and the mobile banking app. You must pay the minimum payment on time. Payments made by
you will only take effect when they are received by us (for example cheques take several days to clear).


You must immediately pay any amount that exceeds your credit limit, any arrears and the amount of any
transaction made in breach of this agreement.


We may give you notice letting you miss a minimum payment but interest will continue to be charged so it will
make your borrowing more expensive.


If you miss a payment, as well as having to pay additional interest and charges under this agreement, your credit
record may be affected, making it more difficult or more expensive for you to borrow. If you are a homeowner,
we may ask the court for a charging order over your home. If we have a charging order and your home is sold
(through repossession or for any other reason), any amounts you owe us will be repaid from the sale proceeds.
If you are based in Scotland, the court order prevents you from selling your house or securing any further debts
against your home until your debt to us is repaid. We may also take other forms of legal proceedings against you
to recover the money you owe us.


No payments received by us will be treated as being in full and final settlement of your account unless we
expressly confirm this to you in writing.


Foreign Currency


Transactions in a foreign currency: Any foreign currency transaction or refund will be converted at an
exchange rate determined by Visa or Mastercard and will take place on the day Visa or Mastercard process
the transaction, which may be after the day you make the payment or withdraw the money. We will also add
the handling fee. You can find out the current exchange rates by viewing these at www.mastercard.com/global/
currencyconversion or www.visaeurope.com/making-payments/exchange-rates. If you get a refund on a foreign
currency transaction then you could still end up with a balance on your account if rates go down between the
transaction and the refund.


Buying foreign currency:If you (or any additional cardholder) buy foreign currency and/or travellers' cheques
this will be treated as a purchase transaction.


Cash Advances Abroad: If you or an additional cardholder withdraws cash abroad you will be charged a cash
advance fee and a foreign exchange fee.


Going over your credit limit


You must not go over your credit limit. When we calculate whether you have gone over the credit limit we take
into account other transactions you have authorised and other amounts, such as interest and charges, which are
due to be added to your account.


We charge a fee every time you go over your credit limit. This is charged when we produce your statement.
This can mean you are charged the fee twice for going over your limit once. For example if your statement is
produced on the 15th of every month and you go over limit on the 12th of the month an over limit fee will appear
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on your next statement. If you are still over limit on the 15th when we prepare your statement we will charge a
second over limit fee on your next statement.

Transactions on the Account


You (or any additional cardholder) can authorise transactions on the account by using a combination of your
card, PIN, account or other security details depending upon the type of transaction and circumstances. Once
you have authorised a transaction it cannot normally be stopped. All transactions made by you and any other
cardholder will be added to your account. You can use your digital card to make purchases. If you (or any
additional cardholder) make a payment with a digital card, then you'll need to authorise the payment in line
with the service you are using - you may need to use a fingerprint on your device, or enter a code. If you use a
contactless card to pay for travel, you may be required to touch your card (or a device on which a digital card is
stored) to the contactless readers at the beginning and end of (and possibly at points during) your journey.


Things to remember about different transaction types:

Purchases and cash advances: You can use the card to make purchases and take out cash advances.
Cash advances include gambling transactions and withdrawals from an ATM in both the UK and overseas.
Gambling transactions are subject to a handling fee but there is no minimum charge. We may put a limit on
the number of cash advances you can take out in one day from an ATM and we will tell you what this limit is.
Money transfers: We may restrict the amount of any money transfer or tell you other conditions for the
transfer. We will tell you when we do this. There is a minimum transfer amount of 1. You can only transfer
money in sterling to a bank account held with a bank or building society in the UK. If we approve your
request for a money transfer, we will take the money from your account and send it on the same business
day if we receive your instructions before 17:00 or the next business day if we receive your instruction after
this time. The money will reach the bank account by close of business on the next business day after we
send the money. Interest is charged from when you tell us to make the transfer. Additional cardholders can't
request a money transfer.
Balance transfers: We may restrict the amount of any balance you may wish to transfer or tell you other
conditions for the transfer. We will tell you when we do this. You may only make balance transfers in sterling
to another financial institution in the UK. If we approve your request for a balance transfer we take the money
from your account and send it on the same business day if we receive your instructions before 17:00 or the
next business day if we receive your instruction after this time. The other lender will receive this by close of
business on the next business day after we send the money. Additional cardholders can't request a balance
Regular payments: You can give your card details to a supplier so that they can set up regular payments
which will continue until the arrangement expires or is cancelled by you. If you want to cancel this type of
payment please let us know as soon as possible. You can contact us by phone or in writing. It may also be
helpful to contact the supplier in good time before the next payment is due to let them know you want to
cancel the payment.
Contactless: We will tell you if your card is a contactless card. You can authorise payments simply by
holding the card against the reader on a contactless terminal. Occasionally you will have to enter your PIN to
use the contactless card. This is a security feature that helps limit the amount spent on the card if it is lost or
stolen. Limits may apply and we will tell you what these are when we send you your card.
Digital cards: There may be limits on making transactions with a digital card, which will be set by the service
you are using.


Why can't I use my card or make transactions on my account?

Sometimes we will suspend or restrict the use of your card or digital card but we only do this for a very good
This may happen because

Action we may take (it will always be in proportion to

what's happened)

we have reasonable grounds to suspect fraud,

misuse of the card or criminal purposes
there is a significantly increased risk you may not
be able to pay us (such as you being declared
bankrupt, us receiving adverse information from a
credit reference agency or you regularly missing
payments or displaying signs of financial difficulty

stop or limit the use of your Card or account

including cancelling your card or not issuing a
replacement or re-issue card
reduce your credit limit or advance limit
We will try to contact you before taking any of the
steps above. This can be in writing or by telephone,
email, in-app messaging or text message. If we
cannot contact you we will take action and will write

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on this card or any other Tesco Bank product you

may hold)
you would go over limit or are already over limit
we have reasonable grounds to suspect the
security of the card has been compromised
we are ordered to do so by a court of law or other
enforcement authority.
we are informed that you have died.
you have reported your card is lost or stolen.
the transaction seems unusual when compared to
other transactions on your account.
if we reasonably believe that your account,
card or digital card might be compromised as a
result of you using a service, or if that service is
compromised, unavailable or withdrawn
you have asked us to
we are unable to contact you using the details you
have provided

to tell you about this immediately afterwards. We will

always tell you why we have put in place a restriction
unless doing so is illegal or goes against reasonable
security measures.

If a purchase transaction is declined, we or the

supplier will tell you the transaction has not been
authorised and you can contact us to find out the
reason why.

You can at any time contact us to request your card

is no longer suspended or restricted.

When can we change the terms and conditions (other than changes to interest rates, fees and charges)?

10.1 Changes to your credit limit: If we increase your credit limit we will tell you before the change takes effect. At
any time, you can tell us to reduce your credit limit or that you do not want us to increase it including where we
have told you we are planning to increase it. We may reduce your credit limit for the reasons stated in condition
10.2 Other changes: We can change any of the other terms of this agreement (other than interest rates and charges)
for any of the following reasons:
where we reasonably consider that the change would make the terms easier to understand or fairer to you;
to make reasonable changes to the way we look after your accounts as a result of changes in the banking or
financial system, technology, or the systems we use to run our banking business, or as a result of changes
in law, industry codes, the decision of an Ombudsman and any other regulatory requirement (or where we
reasonably expect that there will be a change of this type); or
to make reasonable changes to the way we look after your accounts as a result of changes (or where
we reasonably expect there will be a change) to good banking practice which are as favourable or more
favourable to you.
10.3 As long as you are able to end the agreement without charge, we may change any of the terms of this
agreement for any reason not listed above.
10.4 We will give you at least 30 days advance notice of all changes under this condition, unless the change is to your
advantage. In this case, we will still give you notice but we may make the change more quickly. We will tell you
about changes in writing which we will send to you with your monthly statement, or separately by post. If you
receive paperless statements we may do this by email. We will tell you when changes will come into effect. If you
do not want to continue to make transactions after the change, you can terminate this agreement by giving us
notice, but the change will still apply to your agreement until all amounts outstanding have been repaid.

Ending the Agreement

11.1 You: This agreement has no fixed duration. You can close your account at any time.
11.2 Us: We may end this agreement by giving you written notice, which will usually be not less than 2 months'
written notice. We may also close your account immediately and demand you pay the full amount due if:
you become bankrupt or make arrangements with your creditors;
we find out you made false or misleading statements when applying for this card or any other Tesco Bank
you commit or we have grounds to suspect fraud;
you act in a threatening or abusive manner to any member of our staff, in respect of this or any other Tesco
Bank product;
you move abroad;
we are required to do so by law;
you die; or

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you (or any additional cardholder) regularly or seriously break the terms of this agreement or any other
agreement you have with Tesco Bank (for example commit fraud or miss monthly payments).
We will comply with any legal requirements where this happens. We will give you at least one month's notice to
put right any breaches which you can fix.
11.3 What happens: We will continue to add interest and charges to the account until you have paid everything you
owe under this agreement (this includes before and after any judgment or decree). If you end this agreement
and you have an outstanding Buy Now Pay Later balance this will be transferred to the purchase balance and
will be included in the calculation of your minimum payment. If your agreement comes to an end, you must
destroy your card by cutting it in two through the chip, and remove any digital cards from any device or devices
in which they are stored.

If things go wrong...
Unauthorised transactions and transactions you don't recognise

12.1 If you have used your card or digital card to make a payment to a supplier, we will refund you if:
you didn't agree to the exact amount of the payment;
the amount of the payment ended up being more than you could reasonably have expected in the
circumstances (including your previous spending pattern); and
you ask for the refund within eight weeks of us adding the payment to your account.
12.2 We may ask you to provide information which is reasonably necessary to investigate whether you are entitled to
a refund under this Condition. Within 10 working days of you asking for the refund or of us receiving any extra
information we have asked for, we will either refund you or refuse the refund and explain our reasons if we are
allowed by law to tell you.
12.3 If you have asked us to make a balance transfer or a money transfer:
if we make a mistake processing the transaction we will, if you query the payment with us no later than 6
years after the payment left your account, restore your account to the state it would have been had this not
taken place; and
where you have given us incorrect details or you have made a mistake, we will take reasonable steps to
recover any amounts sent and may charge you a reasonable fee for doing so.
If we discover you weren't entitled to a refund we may re-credit the amount of the transaction to your account.
This will take effect from the original date the transaction was processed.
12.4 If you make a complaint, we'll aim to resolve it as quickly as we can. Call us on 0345 300 4278* or write to us
at Tesco Bank, PO Box 27028, Glasgow, G2 9FT. If you're still not happy, you can refer your complaint to the
Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). You can find out more about the FOS by writing to them at Exchange
Tower, London E14 9SR or by telephoning on 08000 234 567. Details are also available from their website,

Payment Protection Insurance (PPI)

13.1 If you have selected to purchase the optional Tesco Bank Payment Protection Insurance, we will add the
monthly insurance premium to your account. We will treat this as a purchase transaction. This means that where
interest is due on the transaction it will be charged at your purchase interest rate. We transfer your premium to
your insurer.
13.2 Where there is a valid claim on your PPI, your insurer will make payment direct to us. We will use the payment to
clear all or as much of your debt under this agreement, as possible.

Restrictions on using your account

14.1 You must not use your account for:

a. business purposes; or

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b. illegal purposes
14.2 You must not make payments that result in a credit balance on your account. We may refund credit balances at
any time.


15.1 You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this agreement. We may transfer our rights and duties
under this agreement to another lender or company in the future. We will only do this if we reasonably believe
they will treat you at least the same as we do.
15.2 We will not be liable if we break this agreement due (directly or indirectly) to:
a. abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances outside our control the consequences of which would have been
unavoidable - this may include the failure of any machine, data processing system or transmission link or
delays and failures due to industrial action; or
b. our obligations under UK or European Community law.
15.3 If we allow you more time to make a payment or choose not to enforce any terms and conditions under this
agreement, we will be able to apply them again at any time.
15.4 We may contact you electronically (e.g. by text, email or in-app messaging), by post or by telephone using any of
the contact details you give us. This means that you might only get an email or a text from us, and not receive a
letter in the post.
You must tell us at once if you (or any additional cardholder) change name, or change address, or any of your
contact details change (including your mobile telephone number or email address). If you don't tell us that your
contact details have changed, we'll continue to use the details you last gave us, and we won't be responsible if
we can't contact you or if we send confidential information using out of date contact details. For your security, we
may block access to your account and/or your card if we are unable to contact you.
If you make your payments to us by direct debit, you should also tell us if you change the bank or building
society from which you make your payments.
Once your account is open, you can choose to turn off paper statements in online banking. If you receive
paperless statements, then we may send you other important information, such as notifications of changes to
your terms and conditions, by email. We may still send you correspondence by post if we think it's important or
necessary, or we think that your contact details may be out of date.
15.5 There may be taxes and other costs, which are not paid or charged through us, that you have to pay in
connection with this agreement.
15.6 If your address is in Scotland, Scots law applies to the contract between us, the dealings we have with a view
to entering into it and any legal case between us will be referred to the Scottish courts. If your address is
elsewhere, English law will apply and any legal case will be referred to the English or Welsh courts.
15.7 We will communicate with you in English and you can ask for a copy of these terms and conditions at any time
for free. Our telephone number is 0345 300 4278*. Our personal loan and credit card business is regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority, which can be contacted at the following address: 25 The North Colonnade,
Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS.
About Your Information and Data Protection
This privacy policy summarises how we (Tesco Personal Finance plc, trading as Tesco Bank and part of the
Tesco group) use your information. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act, we are a data controller.
16.1 What sort of information do you hold about me?
We collect and retain your information when you access our website or complete an application or provide
information to us over the phone. We also retain information about your accounts, including transactions and
payments you make and receive.
We may supplement the information we hold about you with information from third parties such as the wider
Tesco group, credit reference agencies and publicly available sources to perform checks, assess the accuracy of
the information we hold about you and provide you with relevant offers.
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We monitor and record calls to and from our customer service centres to improve our service and to prevent and
detect fraud.
If you contact us electronically (eg by email or Internet), we may collect your electronic identifier such as your
internet protocol address. When you visit our website, we collect information about your browsing habits using
cookies. Further information is available in the privacy and cookie policy on our website.
16.2 What about joint applicants?
We will retain and use information relating to joint applicants that you provide to us. If you are a joint applicant,
you must ensure that you have the permission of the other party before:
revealing information to us about them; and
authorising us to search, link or record information at credit reference agencies about them.
16.3 How do you use my information?
We use your information (and information relating to joint applicants) to:
provide our services to you;
work out financial risks by credit scoring;
understand our customers needs and requirements;
develop and test products and services;
carry out research and analysis about our products and services;
provide you with tailored information and offers about products and services that may be of interest to you;
recover debt; and
prevent and detect crime.
16.4 How do you use Clubcard information?
For some of our products, we may use your Clubcard information (including transactional information) to assess
credit risk or insurance risk to reach decisions on offering credit and to calculate your insurance premium. We
only ever use Clubcard information to have a positive impact on your application or premium. We explain during
our application and quotation processes when we will use Clubcard information in this way.
We may access the information collected through the use of your Clubcard to help us improve our service to you
and to make our communications more relevant.
16.5 Who do you share my information with?
We will only share your information:
where we have your permission;
where we have to do so or where were allowed to do so by law;
for aggregated market research purposes where you will not be identifiable;
with regulatory bodies and authorities;
with credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies for the purposes explained in this notice;
with other companies that help us to provide our services including companies that provide or may provide
funding or services to us or help us recover debt; and
with other lenders or companies to whom we transfer or may transfer our rights and obligations under our
agreement with you.
Your credit card operates as a Clubcard and we may share your information with Tesco in connection with the
operation of your Clubcard account, for example to set up your account or allocate points or discounts, or where
you have agreed to receive marketing, but we dont share more information than we need to. Clubcard accounts
are managed separately and you should visit the Clubcard privacy notice at tesco.com/clubcard for further
information about how Clubcard uses your information.
16.6 How is information used to make decisions and prevent fraud?
16.6.1 Credit scoring
Credit scoring is an automated system which is used to assess your application and make decisions about your
account. It calculates your likelihood of repaying the amount you intend to borrow. We take the information you
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provide in your application, information from third parties such as credit reference agencies and information we
already hold about you in connection with other Tesco Bank products and, in some cases, information held by
the wider Tesco group, including Clubcard transactions.
16.6.2 Credit reference agencies
We occasionally make searches at credit reference agencies. We access details about how you manage your
accounts, including your account balances, credit limits and any arrears. This helps us manage and make
decisions about your account with us. We may also send information to credit reference agencies they can
make this information available to other organisations to help them make decisions about you, your associates
and members of your household. Depending on your financial position, this could affect your ability to obtain
credit. The information might also be used for tracing purposes.

Credit reference agencies record any links between you and anyone with whom you have a joint account
or similar financial association. All parties information will be taken into account in future applications. This
happens until one of you successfully files a notice of disassociation at the credit reference agencies.
16.6.3 Fraud prevention agencies
In order to prevent or detect fraud, the information provided in the application will be shared with fraud
prevention agencies. This information may be accessed and used by law enforcement agencies. This
information might be used by us, and other organisations, to prevent fraud and money laundering, for example,
checking applications for credit and other facilities and recovering debt;
managing credit and other facilities;
checking insurance applications and claims; and
checking details of job applicants and employees.
We and other organisations may access and use from other countries the information recorded by fraud
prevention agencies. If you want a copy of the information held about you by credit reference agencies and fraud
prevention agencies, we can give you their contact details if you write to The Data Protection Officer, Tesco
Bank, PO Box 27009, Glasgow G2 9EZ. They might charge you a fee.
16.7 Do you process sensitive personal data?
We may occasionally process data which the Data Protection Act 1998 defines as sensitive personal data
where necessary, for example where you tell us that you have medical condition which requires special
treatment. You may be asked to give your consent before providing the information.
16.8 How will you use my information to contact me?
We may contact you by phone or post and, if you provide us with an email address or mobile phone number, we
may send you emails or text messages with operational messages about your application or account. As texts
and emails can be intercepted, we will keep confidential information to a minimum and you should never send us
any confidential information via text or email.
16.9 Will you send me marketing information?
We will send you tailored marketing information by post, telephone, text and email, but only if you have agreed
to receive marketing information via these channels. We only send you information about products that we think
you would like to hear about. You can opt out of marketing during the application process or at any time by using
the unsubscribe options when we contact you or by calling us on 0345 300 4278*.
We may provide you with tailored marketing information through other channels such as at tills when you shop in
Tesco, but only where you are opted into receive marketing communications.
16.10 Will you send my information to other countries?
We might do this, for example where our service provider has a data centre overseas, but only when we can
be sure your information will be adequately protected. Your information may be accessed by law enforcement

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agencies and other authorities. They do this to prevent and detect crime, or to comply with other legal
16.11 How long will you keep my information?
We keep your information for as long as we need to for legitimate business purposes and for legal and
regulatory reasons. We will retain your information after your account has closed for these purposes. We may
also retain your information for these purposes where you make an application but do not open an account.
16.12 What will happen if you change how my information is used?
We might do this from time to time. If we think you would not expect this change, we will write and tell you about
it. If we dont hear from you within 60 days, well assume you agree to the change.
16.13 Can I see the information you hold about me or find out more about how you use my information?
Yes, if you would like a copy of the personal information that we hold about you please write to:
The Data Protection Officer
Tesco Bank
PO Box 27009
G2 9EZ
To obtain a copy of the information we hold, youll have to pay 10. Please include a cheque for 10 payable
to Tesco Bank. To enable us to quickly process your request and locate your information, please complete our
subject access request application form available on our website privacy and cookie policy. We will respond to
your request within 40 days of receiving the request, fee and any details required to locate your information or
verify your identity. If any of the details are incorrect, let us know and we'll amend them.
Tesco Bank is a trading name of Tesco Personal Finance plc. Registered in Scotland No. SC173199. Registered Office:
Interpoint Building, 22 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and
regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes and for our joint protection.
* Calls charged at basic rate. The number provided may be included as part of any inclusive call minutes provided by
your phone operator.

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