The Position of The Catholic Church in Political and Social Relations of The Philippines
The Position of The Catholic Church in Political and Social Relations of The Philippines
The Position of The Catholic Church in Political and Social Relations of The Philippines
tenants (Rivas). In defense of the Church's persuading actions, this can be justified as
an act of Christian social reform, which enables the Church to assume the
responsibility of enforcing humane conditions of life and labor.
After the Marcos Regime, with the late President Corazon Aquino in control,
influential members of the Church were recruited to assist in drafting the new
Constitution. The ability of the public to witness this partnership confirmed the status of
the Church alongside the government (Calandria, 2011). In addition to having influence
over the Filipino people in support for the government, the Church is influential in some
aspects of law. Some of these laws are laws regarding divorce, reproductive health, and
even societal and economic relationships.
The Church and Divorce. The sanctity of the marriage contract makes divorce
legal in no way; only annulments may be pursued to declare marriages void. The
consequences and incidents that may occur within marriages are defined as forms of
physical abuse, infidelity, and abandonment, which are doubtful and not the
responsibilities of the State. The existing marriage is protected by the State from
dissolution but those parties who suffer physically and emotionally in the relationship
are not granted freedom from their legal contracts. And that is why, the Church insists
on social transformation touching the way people relate to each other to preserve the
reputation of the State and the beliefs of the Catholic Church, such as what Matthew
19:6 states, So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined
together, let no one separate.
The Church and the Reproductive Health laws. The relevance of the Catholic
Church in the issue of reproductive health begins with the prohibition of abortion. This is
a widely controversial practice that is frequently influenced by the Church and other
religious organizations. The resulting problem with prohibiting abortion in a country
where such a population problem exists is that women who experience unwanted
pregnancies sometimes resort to risky procedures that are dangerous to their health
and warrant legal punishment if caught (Collymore, 2003). The Church made the
statement that contraceptives would not solve the problem of poverty but it may
decrease the rate at which poverty increases. The Reproductive Health Bill became the
turning point in legislation that proves the separation of Church and State. Despite this
loss, the Church is not dissuaded in other aspects of politics because it still holds
reasonable leverage and exerts power in the economic sphere of the nation.
The Church and societal and economic relationships. A relevant observation of
the involvement of religion with economics is that those people who are deeply religious
are more trustful (Guiso, Sapienza, & Zingales, 2002). This means that they would have
greater trust in their government and likewise in the Church. Because of this trust from
the people, the Church is able to exert greater influence in economic activities of the
Based on the readings I made, It clearly showed me how influential and
significant the Church teachings are in the formation of a society that its foundation lies
on the universal truth. These teachings and the dogmatic presence of religion allows the
Church to influence nations. As one bishop claims, The Church is the soul of the
nation, so it will not lose its power anytime soon.
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