RPD Manual Full

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Kenneth R. McHenry, D.D.S., M.S.
Terrence McLean, D.D.S.

Contributing Authors:

Robert E. Ogle, D.D.S.

John A. Nyquist, M.S. CMI

Surveying............................................................. 1-2
Diagnostic Survey.................................................... 1-5
Tripoding.............................................................. 1-10
Basic Components of a Partial Denture........................... 2-1
I. Methods of Partial Denture Retention..................... 2-1
II. Support Units - Rests......................................... 2-10
III. Major Connector.............................................. 2-12
- Types of Mandibular Major Connectors................. 2-19
IV. Minor Connectors............................................. 2-23
V. Indirect Retainers............................................ 2-25
VI. Lattice Work.................................................. 2-26
VII. Acrylic Base.................................................. 2-29
VIII. Teeth......................................................... 2-29
1. resurvey........................................................ 3-2
2. marking the cast.............................................. 3-2
3. design........................................................... 3-5
I. Tooth Modifications........................................... 4-1
Sequence of Abutment Modifications.................... 4-2
1. guiding planes............................................ 4-3
2. tooth surfaces to accomodate clasp form........... 4-5
3. interferences............................................. 4-8
4. esthetics................................................... 4-10
5. rests........................................................ 4-12
6. modification of rests for embrasure clasps........... 4-15
II. Criteria......................................................... 4-22
1. for tooth modification (maxillary)..................... 4-22
2. for tooth modification (mandibular)................... 4-23
3. for rests.................................................... 4-24


Drawing the Final Design on the Master Cast............................... 5-1
Components of the Drawing................................................... 5-2
Color Code for the Drawing................................................... 5-5
Criteria for the Drawings
1. for major and minor connections...................................... 5-6
2. for clasp assemblies...................................................... 5-7
Content of a Work Authorization.............................................. 6-2
Work Detail....................................................................... 6-3
Relationship Between Dentist and Technician.............................. 6-4
Criteria for Work Authorization................................................ 6-5
Sequence.......................................................................... 7-2
Outline............................................................................. 8-1
Project Outline.................................................................... 9-1
Sign-Off Sheet..................................................................... 9-4
Major connectors................................................................. 10-2
Minor connectors................................................................. 10-4
Retentive clasp arms............................................................. 10-7
Reciprocal clasp arms............................................................ 10-9
Retention Latticework............................................................ 10-11
Laboratory Steps in Fabricating a RPD Framework



To locate and delineate the contours and

prominence of the abutment teeth and associated
structures related to the design of a removable partial

dental surveyor
assigned casts
red, blue and green pencils
correctable erasing pencil


identify tooth surfaces that are ether parallel or are

so related that they can be modified to be parallel to
act as guiding planes
prepared to act as guide planes
locate and measure areas of the teeth that may be
used for retention
determine tooth and tissue contours that would
act as interferences and need to be modified
determine the most acceptable path of placement
and removal
determine the most appropriate path of placement
to meet esthetic considerations


formulating a removable partial denture design

recontouring teeth
contouring wax patterns
placing intracornal rests or retainers
machining cast restorations
surveying and blocking out the master cast


1 -2



a paralleling instrument used in construction of a removable partial denture to locate and

delineate the contours and relative positions of
abutment teeth and associated teeth and structures.

A - friction knob to secure vertical arm
B - knob to secure stylus
C - moveable vertical arm
D - storage for stylii
E - platform for survey table

Surveying table

A - knob to secure cast

B - knob tilts table
C - cast platform



StyIii Used for Dental Surveying

A. Carbon marker in metal sheath
B. Wax knife
C. 0.01 inch undercut gauge (silver)
D. 0.02 inch undercut gauge (bronze)
E. 0.03 inch undercut (black)
F. Analyzing rod

1- 4


To select the best possible path of placement and removal for the prosthesis. This path should
minimize interferences and identify the mouth preparation necessary to optimize guiding planes, retention,
and esthetics
Items Needed:

Dental Surveyor
Four Assigned Casts
Colored Pencils
Erasing Pencil

1) Place analyzing rod in movable arm
2) Place the diagnostic cast on the survey table
a. Secure the cast on the surveying table using
knob A (Figure 1-3)
b. Set the initial position of the table approxi-
mately parallel to the occlusal plane and lock
it in place with knob B (Figure 1-3)

3) Place table and cast under surveyor

a. Hold the surveyor as shown, the right hand

is`used to raise and lower the stylus while

the other hand manipulates the survey

table. The right hand is also used to adjust

knob B allowing the cast to tilt either later-

ally or anterior-posteriorly
b. Path of Placement. At the starting posi

tion use the analyzing rod as a reference and

tilt the cast position until the surfaces of the

teeth that will be prepared as guiding planes

are a parallel as possible
Note: the tilt should not exceed 10 -15 degrees


Guiding planes:


path of placement is achieved

primarily by suitable anteriorposterior tilting to provide the
greatest combined areas of parallel
proximal surfaces that may act as
guiding planes with minimal grinding (grinding is within the enamel
not requiring a restoration)

cast tilted too far to achieve

guiding planes would require
excessive preparation

teeth are under prepared resulting

in multiple paths of placement

path of placement follows tilted

tooth requiring excessive
modification of other abutments


c. Retention. The cast is tilted laterally to estab

lish reasonable uniformity of height of contour

on all principal abutments, this should be done

without affecting the previously determined
anterior-posterior tilt.

The ideal position of the height of contour is at

the junction of the middle 1/3 and gingival 1/3 of

the tooth. If the height of contour is too occlusal

the tooth must be modified to lower it. If the height

of contour is too low then crowns must be considered
to raise it.

Areas of retention:

areas of retention are identified

by tilting the cast laterally. The
resulting position is one that provides for acceptable and equal
retention on all the abutment teeth.


some teeth have either too high

or too low a height of contour


d. Interferences. The remainder of the cast is

checked and areas of interference to the

determined path of placement are noted. The

only undercuts desirable for a given path of

placement are those which will be utilized by

the terminal one third of the retentive clasp

arms. All other undercuts are neither
wanted nor needed. Some areas of the cast

will be undercut but they will not involve the

prosthesis, so these areas are not of concern.

Other areas which involve the prosthesis

may have slight amounts of undercut. How

ever, these can either be modified or blocked

out (the process of relieving the prosthesis of

intimate contact). It is only excessive under-

cut in the areas listed below that must be

recognized. If these undercuts cannot be

dealt with, we must modify the teeth to

accept the desired path of placement or alter

our path of insertion to eliminate them and

then retrace our steps to determine new

areas to be prepared as guiding planes and

retentive areas.

e. Esthetics. Check the esthetics of the survey.

The retentive areas should show as little as

possible; the placement of denture base and

teeth should be pleasing. These factors must

be considered in determining final survey.

Common areas of interference include:

1. Proximal surfaces that are crossed by guiding

planes or minor connectors
2. Bony undercuts that offer interference to seating
of a denture base.
3. Buccally inclined maxillary posterior teeth that
interfere with rigid portions of a clasp arm or the
origin (proximal portion) of a circumferential clasp
4. Bony prominences and lingually inclined

mandibular teeth that interfere with a lingual bar
major connnector.
5. Tooth surfaces upon which reciprocal arms and
stabilizing components or retentive clasp arms will
rest. Sufficient area should exist above the height of
convexity for the placement of these components.
These components are best located between the middle
and gingival third of the crown rather than the occlu
sal third.
6. Distal line angles of premolars and mesial line
angles of molars that serve as abutments. These
areas frequently interfere with the origin of
circumferential clasp arms.


Areas of Hard and Soft Tissue Interference


prosthesis can be placed without

encountering tooth or soft tissue


path of placement shows



Record this position of the cast by tripoding the cast.
1. Tripod procedures
a. fix the analyzing rod in position with the
b. mark three widely divergent points on the cast
with a pencil without lifting analyzing rod to
maintain a plane (circle with a red pencil
for identification)
c. Alternate technique if desired, groove the tripod
points are located at the periphery of the cast
and marked as grooves for reproduction in the
refractory cast.
The resulting position is the most advantageous one
that demonstrates the best possible proximal surfaces to
be prepared to act as guiding planes and retentive areas
on the abutment teeth. Combining the information from
this diagnostic survey along with the results of the clinical and radiographic exam, a design with its required
tooth modifications can be determined.

1 - 10




A - Rest
B - Retentive Arm
C - Reciprocal Arm
D - Minor Connector
E - Minor Connector, serving
as a proximal plate

To provide resistence to vertical forces of dislodgement, i.e. force of gravity, adhesiveness of food or
forces related to opening the jaws. This retention is
achieved by the resistance of metal (retentive arms) to



1. SUPPORT - Resistance to the vertical component
of masticatory force. This is provided primarily by
the rest with some contribution from the portions of
the clasp arms located above the height of contour.
- Prevents tissueward displacement of the
partial denture
- Distributes masticatory load to the abutment
- Prevents damage to periodontal structures
2. STABILIZATION - (Bracing) Resistance to horizontal component of force. It is provided by the
nonretentive portions of the clasp arms, the minor
connectors, and the rests.
- Resist horizontal movement of prosthesis
- Distribute stress equally to all abutment
3. RETENTION - Resistance to dislodgement in an
occlusal direction.
- Resists occlusal displacement
- Provided by the terminal one third of the
retentive clasp arm
- Retentive portion of the clasp arm needs to
be perpendicular to the dislodging force to
be effective
- Flexibility of the metal determines amount
of usable undercut
- Retentive areas should be distributed
throughout the dental arch
- Retention should be the minimum necessary to resist reasonable dislodging force

4. RECIPROCITY - Each force exerted on a tooth

by a clasp arm must be offset by an equal
and opposite force.
- Opposes forces during insertion and
removal of the prosthesis
- Provided by reciprocal arms and other rigid
- Prevents tooth movement from over-adjust
ment of clasp arms
- True reciprocation is usually possible only
through the use of crown surfaces made
parallel to the path of placement.
- Contributes to bracing (stabilization)
5. ENGAGEMENT -Encircles the tooth more than
180 degrees or tripods a tooth.
- Prevents tooth movement out of the clasp
- Prevents clasp from slipping off the tooth
- A minimum three points contact is
6. PASSIVITY - When the clasp is completely in its
designated terminal postion on the tooth, it
exerts no force on the tooth.



1. The edentulous condition whether the case is
tooth supported or tooth and tissue supported.
2. The position of the survey line and the location
of the undercut are the determining factors in clasp
3. The occlusal rest can not interfere with the occulsion, must be sufficiently thick to withstand the
stresses of mastication and should not be placed on
inclined surfaces.
4. When anterior teeth are replaced, lingual or
incisal rests should be placed in prepared rest seats
adjacent to edentulous spaces for increased support.
5. Flexibility may be increased by curving and thus
lengthening the retentive arm. Circumferential
clasps should not cross the tooth in a straight line.
This results in a clasp with a minimum of flexibility.
6. Uniform taper in thickness and width is essential for either the approach arm of a bar clasp or the
arms of the circumferential clasp. The clasp arms
should be about one half the thickness at the tip as
it is at its attachment to the body.
7. There should be no thick or thin spots in clasp
arms. Strain lines will concentrate at a thin area
and metal breakage may occur.
8. There should be no sharp bends in the clasp



1. The diameter or thickness of the retentive

2. The cross sectional form of the retentive
arm (round, 1/2 round, 1/2 ovoid).
3. The length and width of the clasp arm.
4. The uniform taper of the clasp arm. Proper
taper of the clasp arm will greatly increase the
5. The type of metal alloy and the ratio of the
constituent metals to each other. A cast metal
is not as resilient as a wrought metal.
6. Handling during fabrication heat treatment
or work hardening.






1.8 0.8

2.0 1.0


1.0 0.5

1.8 0.8




1. Suprabulge
a. Circumferential Arms originate at the minor
connector above the height of contour and contact
the tooth throughout the extent of the clasp. This
is the basic fundamental clasp of all tooth supported RPDs because of its retentive and stabilizing ability. This clasp utilizes an 0.01 inch
undercut away from the body of the clasp

b. Embrasure clasp -This is essentially two

simple circumferential clasps joined at the bodies. It is most often used on a side of an arch that
has no edentulous space. The other side of the
arch may be tooth supported or a distal extension. Since this clasp must cross occlusal surfaces
and pass through and occupy buccal and lingual
occlusal embrasures, ample space must be provided for the clasp shoulders so that they do not
interfere with the opposing occlusion. Rests must
be placed on both teeth to prevent any wedging
effect that might occur from the clasps and to
shunt food away from the contact areas. In the
preparation of the recesses on these teeth for an
embrasure clasp which can be best done on castings, care must be exercised to preserve enough
of the natural tooth contact to assure support.
This clasp uses a 0.01 inch undercut.


c. Combination: a circumferential clasp that

has one cast and one wrought wire arm which is
a drawn wrought wire that is soldered to the
retentive latticework of the framework. The
wrought wire arm is retentive and usually is
made with 19 gauge (0.036) inch round wire
composed of a cobalt chromium alloy,nickel chromium alloy, gold, or titanium. It can be used
when the undercut is excessive or on a distal
extension base when the undercut is on the side
of the tooth away from the extension base. This
clasp uses a 0.01 to 0.02 inch undercut.


2. Infrabulge
a. Bar : Originates below the height of contour
extending from a major connector or denture base,
passing adjacent to the soft tissues and approaches
the tooth from a gingivo-occlusal direction. The undercut is usually the side of the tooth closest to the
extension base for the t or 1/2 t bar, or at the greatest mesiodistal contour of the tooth for the I bar. It
is seldom used on the lingual surface and can not
be used if there is a shallow vestibule (minimum
5 mm), severely tilted tooth, or excessive tissue
undercut (greater than 2 mm) present in the area
of the approach arm because of patient discomfort
and food entrapment. This clasp uses a undercut of
0.01 inch. Types are the t-bar, half
sqt-bar and I bar.



I Bar

T Bar

1/2T Bar


b. RPI bar: This clasp utilizes a buccal undercut or an undercut on the side of the tooth
away from the edentulous area. The entire
clasp is composed of a rest (R), with its minor
connector, proximal plate (P), and an "I" bar
clasp. The "I" bar contacts the tooth anterior
to the greater buccal curvature of the tooth.
There are other components of this mode of
clasping that the student should understand
by referring to his or her lecture notes. Because of its unique requirements, this clasp is
best accomplished when the abutment tooth
is being crowned. This clasp is utillized on
distal extension bases but has the same limitations as any infrabulge clasp in its usage.
This clasp uses an undercut of 0.01 inch.

I-Bar in mesial undercut

Proximal plate

Mesial rest

Occlussal view


Buccal view


2/3 width of cusps


1.0mm overlap
of guide plane



Distal view


3. Reciprocal arms
Except for the RPI bar clasp which develops reciprocation by utilizing vertical surfaces (lingual edge
of the minor connector which contacts the guiding
plane), all retentive clasp arms need a corresponding horizontal reciprocal component to brace the
tooth as the retentive clasp flexes over the height of
contour to enter the undercut zone. The reciprocal
clasp is at or above the height of contour, never in
an undercut and placed as low in the middle 1/3 of
the tooth as the survey line allows. While most all
retentive clasps need a reciprocal clasp, additional
reciprocal clasps may be placed (e.g., for horizontal
stabilization) without the placement of corresponding retentive clasp.


A rigid extension of a removable partial denture
that prevents movement toward the mucosa and
transmits occlusal functional forces to the teeth
Primary function is to provide vertical support for
the partial denture.

1. Maintain components in their planned

2. Maintain established occlusal relationships by
preventing settling of the denture.
3. Prevents impingement of soft tissues.
4 . Directs and distributes occlusal load to
abutment teeth.

1. Must have sufficient thickness of metal to

insure rigidity.
2. Should be contoured to prevent food stagnation.
3. Should direct forces along the long axis of
abutment teeth.
4. Should not be placed on an inclined surface.

2 -10

Rests are named for the surface of the tooth on
which they are prepared.
1. Occlusal rest: a rigid extension of a partial
denture that contacts the occlusal surface of a

2. Cingulum rest: a rigid extension of a partial

denture that contacts the cingulum of a tooth

3. Incisal rest: a rigid extension of a partial

denture that contacts a tooth at the incisal edge

2 - 11

Maxillary Major Connectors


The part of a removable partial denture that joins
the components on one side of the arch with those
on the opposite side. The single most important
aspect of a major connector is its rigidity. It is only
through rigidity of the major connector that all
other component parts of the partial denture may
be effective.
In general, major connectors should have the following attributes.

made from an alloy compatible with oral tissues

rigid for broad stress distribution
non-interfering to the tongue
no substantial alteration to the natural contour
of the lingual surface of the mandibular
alveolar ridge or the palatal vault
no impingement of tissues when the RPD is

placed, removed or rotated in function
covers no more tissue than is necessary
does not trap food
has support from other elements of the frame
work to minimize rotational tendencies in

In addition to its function of unification, the maxillary major connector also can contribute substantially
to the support and retention of the prosthesis. Support
comes from the fact that broad palatal coverage of some
maxillary major connectors greatly adds to the surface
area covered by a prosthesis and this broad coverage
contributes to adhesive, cohesive and surface tensional
retention of the prosthesis much as that of a complete
denture. Maxillary major connectors ordinarily require
no relief. The intimate contact between the connector and the tissue provides the support and retention
desired. Exceptions to this rule are maxillary tori and
a prominent median palatal suture line. The gingival
tissue of the remaining natural teeth shold never have
impingement. Therefore, the borders of the palatal connector should be placed a minimum of 6 mm. away
from gingival margins and should be located parallel to
their marginal tissue. The gingival tissue underlying
the minor connectors should be relieved. Anterior and
posterior borders of the major connector should be lightly beaded to insure intimate contact with the mucosa.

2 - 12

Types of Maxillary Major Connectors

1. Palatal strap
This connector is indicated for unilateral or bilateral edentulous areas of short spans in a toothsupported RPD where the need for palatal support
is minimal. The width of the strap varies with the
length of the edentulous span. The strap should be
made wide and thin rather than narrow and thick
to achieve the required rigidity and to be as innocuous as possible to the tongue. The anterior border follows the valleys between the rugae as nearly
as possible at right angles to the median suture
line. The posterior border is also at right angles to
the median suture line.

2 - 13

2. Broad Palatal :
This connector is similar to the previous type except
its width is extended to cover much more palatal
area. It is indicated in unilateral or bilateral edentulous arches having a large edentulous space or
distal extension base with good residual ridges that
can lend excellent support and/or strong abutment

2 - 14

3.Full Palatal Coverage

The full palatal connector covers a wider area of the
palate than any other connector and so contributes
maximum support and retention to the prosthesis.
Posteriorly, it extends to the junction of the hard
and soft palate just anterior to the vibrating line
and passes through each hamular notch. Anteriorly, it extends to cover the rugae zone and can even
extend to cover the lingual aspects of the remaining
maxillary teeth. The connector can be all metal, all
acrylic or some combination of the tow. It is indicated in those situations where maximum support
and retention are needed because of few remaining teeth or teeth that have compromised alveolar
support. This would include arches with only six or
less remaining anterior teeth, bilateral edentulous
arches with 1 to 4 premolars and some or all anterior teeth missing, unilateral or bilateral edentulous cases when the remaining alveolar ridge span
is long and severely resorbed and arches that have
one or two distal extension bases and periodontally
involved teeth. The connector may be all metal or a
combination of all metal and metal lattice covered
with acrylic.

2 - 15

Full Palatal Coverage

2 - 16

4.The Anterior-Posterior Bar - (A-P bar, O bar):

The anterior-posterior bar is used when the anterior and posterior abutments are widely separated
and other palatal connectors are not used for one
reason or another. The two bars may be made
wide or thin, as dictated by the needs and the
available space. Specific indications are unilateral
and bilateral arches in which excellent abutment
and residual ridge support exists, long edentulous
spans that are tooth bound, when anterior teeth
must be replaced by the partial denture and additional rigidity is needed for the anterior bar and
in the presence of an inoperable palatal torus.
This connector has relatively narrow (8 to 10mm.)
anterior and the posterior palatal strap 6 to 8mm.)
with an opening in the center; the lateral palatal
straps are 7 to 9mm. wide and run parallel to the
gingival margins, at least 6mm. away from it. The
anterior strap is not placed farther anteriorly than
the anterior rests and never closer than 6mm. to
the gingival margins. It follows the valleys of the
rugae and is at right angles to the median palatal
suture. The posterior palatal strap has its posterior border located at the junction of the hard and
soft palate just anterior to the vibrating line, is at
right angles to the median palatal suture and is
half oval in shape.

2 - 17

5. U-shaped Palatal (horseshoe):

The U-shaped palatal major connector is probably
the poorest design of all palatal major connectors because it lacks the rigidity of other types of
connectors. When it is used, it must have support over and above its principal rests by the use
of additional rests. Its main indications are in
the presence of a large palatal torus that negates
the use of another connector type or when only
anterior teeth are absent. In the case of an anterior supply where all the posterior teeth remain,
this is the major connector of choice. To be rigid,
this type of connector must have bulk where the
tongue needs the most freedom which is in the
rugae zone. Without sufficient bulk, the U-shaped
design leads to increased flexibility and movement
at the open ends.

2 - 18

Mandibular Major Connectors: Mandibular major connectors have a limited capability for support, but
it may contribute to indirect retention, a function
which a maxillary connector does not ordinarily perform. The basic form of a mandibular major connector is the half-pear-shaped lingual bar. The inferior
border of the bar must be located so that it does
not impinge on the tissues in the floor of the mouth
as they change elevations during normal activity.
At the same time, the bar should be located as far
inferiorly as possible to avoid interference to the
tongue and trapping of food particles. Additionally,
the more inferiorly a lingual bar can be located, the
farther the superior border of the bar can be placed
from the lingual gingival margins. The superior
border of the lingual bar should be at least 4 mm.
from the gingival margins.
Types of Mandibular Major Connectors
1.Lingual Bar:
This connector is utilized most of the time on man
dibular RPDs. It is half-pear shaped with the thicker
part making up the inferior border and the superior
border should be tapered to the soft tissue. It is
indicated for use when there is sufficient space be
tween the slightly elevated alveolar lingual sulcus
and the lingual gingival margins. The connector
should be placed no closer than 4mm. from the free
gingival margin. Relief is necessary along the
inferior edge on distal extension bases when the
most distal rests are located close to or on the
anterior teeth.

2 - 19

Lingual Bar

2 - 20

Lingual Bar

2 - 21

2. Linguoplate:
This mandibular major connector is half-pear
shaped with the thickest portion inferiorly located.
A thin metal apron extends superiorly to contact
cingula of anterior teeth and lingual surfaces of
involved posterior teeth at their height of contour
and interproximally to the height of the contact
points. The superior border is finished flush with
the teeth and the inferior border is at the height of
the alveolar lingual sulcus in function. All undercuts on involved teeth must be blocked out parallel
to to the path of insertion and all the underlying
gingival margins should be relieved. This connector
is indicated when there is insufficient space between
the gingival margin and the alveolar lingual sulcus
for the adequate width of a rigid lingual bar or when
the presence of an inoperable lingual torus makes
the placement of a lingual bar impossible. It is also
indicated where more resistance to horizontal movement of the framework is needed because of flat
resorbed alveolar ridges, or the teeth are to be used
in "group function" because of periodontal instabilaity to resist the horizontal rotation of a distal extension base. Still other indications are for an abnormally high lingual frenum making the placement
of a lingual bar impossible, the need for an indirect
retainer on a 6-tooth partial denture or when the
future replacement of one or more incisor teeth is
Note: The plate is supported by a rest where it
starts and finishes.

2 - 22


The connecting link between the major connector
or base of a removable partial denture and other
units of the prosthesis, such as clasps, indirect retainers, and occlusal rests Minor connectors arising from the major connector should do so at approximately a right angle to provide for maximum
gingival freedom.
A. Function
1. Transfers functional stress to the abutment
teeth (prosthesis to abutment).
2. Transfers the effect of the retainers, rests
and stabilizing components to the rest of the
B. Form of Minor Connector
1. It must have sufficient bulk to be rigid.
2. It is thickest toward the lingual surface,
tapering toward the lingual contact area of the
C. Placement of Minor Connectors
1. Location:

a. Embrasure space between adjacent

b. Contact guiding plane surface of
abutment teeth;

c. Serve as the lattice connecting the
major connector to the acrylic resin

2 - 23

2. There must be 5mm. of space between vertical

minor connectors.

3. A minor connector when crossing gingival

tissues should join the major connector at
rounded right angles. It must cover as little of
the gingival tissue as possible.

5. Tissue stops used on distal extension base

partial dentures are to hold the end of the frame
in position while packing acrylic resin.

D. Considerations for Minor Connectors

1. It should not be located on a convex surface.
- Wherever possible, position the minor
connectors at interproximal spaces to
avoid tongue interference.
- It must pass vertically from the major
connector to the other components.
- It is thickest toward the lingual surface,
tapering toward the contact area.
2. When the minor connector contacts tooth
surfaces on either side of an embrasure, it must
be tapered to the teeth. Sharp angles and spaces
are avoided.
3. The minor connector contacrs guiding plane
surfaces of the abutment teeth. When used as a
proximal plate, the minor connector should
contact an area of the abutment from the marginal ridge to two-thirds the distance between
the tips of adjacent buccal and lingual cusps of
the abutment tooth.
4. The metal that covers the residual ridge
which carries the acrylic resin, is designed so
that the buccal brace of the metal is made
1-2mm. buccal to the crest of the ridge.

2 - 24

Part of a removable partial denture that assists the
direct retainers in preventing the displacement of
distal extension denture bases away from the tissue
by functioning through lever action on the opposite
side the fulcrum line. This action depends on the
proper functioning of the direct retainers to work.
The indirect retainer is more effective the further it
is from the fulcrum line. However, as a single rest,
the indirect retainer should rest on an abutment
tooth that has the health and periodontal support
needed to withstand the load, or else the indirect
retainer may be fabricated as a continuous bar to
contact several teeth and distribute the load.
Factors influencing the effectiveness of Indirect
1. Location
2. Distance from the fulcrum line
3. Length of the extension base
4. Rigidity of the connectors

2 - 25


A. Function

smaller spaces and so it is this type that is recommended for routine use.

The partial denture framework retention latticework is that part of the casting that extends on to
the edentulous ridge and retains the replacement
teeth and acrylic base. This latticework is actually
a minor connector that connects the framework
to the acrylic resin denture base. In tooth bound
cases, its extension is arbitrary and does not have
a major supportive function, but one of the esthetics and convenience for the attachment of teeth. In
distal extenison bases, its function is expanded to
include support, stability and retention. The majority of its bulk is to the lingual aspect of the ridge
with a buccal extension just over the crest and
extending 1-2 mm. on the buccal side of the ridge.
This is so the metal framework will not interfere
with either tissue reflections or the esthetic setting
of replacement teeth. The length of the lattice in
relation to the ridge differs from maxillary to mandibular:
B. Placement
Mandibular Distal Extension
lattice extends two-thirds of the edentulous area;
Maxillary Distal Extension
lattice extends to the tuberosity.
The lattice is retentive to the processed resin by
virtue of the fact that there are large spaces placed
in it and it is cast with a slight relief from the ridge
enabling the resin to encircle the metal. Large
spaces in the latticework have been shown to be
more effective in retaining the resin than many

2 - 26

C. Finish lines
This is the junction of the major connector and the
retention latticework. Sharp, definite, butt-type
finish lines are incorporated into the metal
because it is here that the acrylic resin meets the

External finish lines (oral side) should be

formed in the wax pattern in a way that

provides ample thickness of both metal and

over the center of the cast when a hard midline suture

is present. Beading is readily accomplished with a cleoid carver. A slightly rounded groove is peferred to an
a-shaped groove.

external finish line

Internal finish lines (tissue side) are also

formed by the edge of the saddle relief
wax which is placed on the master cast prior
to duplication.

D. Beading
Palatal major connectots should have a specially prepared seal along the border of the connector where it
contacts the soft tissues. This seal will form a beading at the border of the connector that will displace
the soft tissues very slightly, thus preventing food
from collection under the maxillary major connector.
This bead is made aproximately
1/2mm. deep and 1/2mm. wide. It follows the leading edge of the design of the maxillary major connector. The groove must fade out of at least 6mm. away
from the gingival tissues to prevent tissue displacement of the marginal gingiva. It also may fade out

internal finish line

major connector

2 - 27


That part of the denture which rests upon the
oral mucosa and to which the denture teeth are attached. The extensions of the base are determined by
the extent of the master cast impression or in the case of
a distal extension base, the altered cast impression.


1. Provide support for artificial occlusal

surfaces (masticatory function).

2. Esthetics

3. Stimulation of underlying tissue

4. Oral cleanliness


1. Support should be the primary consideration in

selecting and designing a denture base for an
extension base denture.

2. The totl support comes from both the abutment

teeth and the following underlying structures:

- Residual ridge
- Buccal shelf
- Palate
- Pear-shaped pad

NOTE: The two most resistant areas of bone to

resorption supporting the mandibular extension
base partial denture are the buccal shelf and the
pear-shaped pad areas. In the maxilla, the most
resistant area is the palate. Whenever possible,
these areas must be covered with the denture base.

3. The quality and contour of the underlying bone and

mucosa are definite influencing factors on the support
that can be derived from the extension base.
4. In an extension base partial denture, the base should
cover the greatest surface area possible without impingement of movable tissue.
5. Maximum tissue support can be obtained only by
using broad accurate denture bases. The principle of
"snow-shoe" is that broad coverage furnishes the best
support with the least load per unit area. The bases
close to the abutment are primarily supported by the
abutment teeth. Further away from the abutment, support of the base is primarily derived from the underlying
6. Selection of the type of base to be used for a given
partial denture is influenced by whether it can be economically modified, relined or rebased much more readily than metal.

May be made of porcelain, resin or metal.

1. Denture teeth

2. Facings

3. Metal teeth

2 - 28


develop a tentative design for the partial

denture and determine what tooth modifications may
be necessary in order to complete the prosthesis.


design should be such that the RPD will

be properly supported, stabilized, retentive, and esthetic while will not transmitting damaging forces to
the remaining teeth or supporting tissues.


systematically locate rests, major connectors,

minor connectors, retainers and denture base
note the areas of the natural teeth that you
think will need to be modified to accommodate
the component parts of your design.
note the type of restoration that may be neces-
sary to accomplish these modifications.
note areas which may require surgical interven-
tion for placement of the partial denture.
note any teeth which may need to removed
before construction of the partial denture

For purposes of this exercise, the student may assume that all
emergency conditions have been treated, all endodontic and
periodontal therapies have been completed.



Resurvey the diagnostic cast considering the tentative design and choose the best PI & R (path of
insertion and removal).
1. Select guiding planes and outline the areas
for modification in blue
a.In making a choice between having a good guide plane
on one tooth and none on another as against having to
contour both teeth, the latter is preferred because the
goal is to provide the greatest area of parallel proximal
surfaces possible that may act as guiding planes.
b.In making a choice between having the guide plane
contact only the cervical area or the marginal ridge
area the latter is preferred because the guide plane can
be achieved with only recontouring where the former
requires a casting to achieve a guide plane

Dimensions of Guiding Planes


2/3 distance buccal between lingual cusps
2/3 enamel crown MR to CEJ

1/2 enamel crown MR to CEJ - RPI Clasp only

2. Mark the height of contour on the abutment

teeth (teeth next to edentulous spaces) with the
carbon marking rod.


3. Place the 0.010" undercut gauge in the surveyor

and note the contact of the gauge on the buccal
surfaces of all the abutment teeth. Use a newly
sharpened red pencil to record where the gauge
contacts the tooth. Do this by placing a series of
dots . Connect the dots to form a line. Using this
line along with the recorded height of contour as
guides you must determine what if any recontouring of the tooth is necessary so the terminal one
third of the retentive clasp engages the undercut
and is at right angles to the path of insertion. Also
the rest of the tooth may need recontouring so the
shoulder and body of the clasp assembly have the
proper relation to the tooth. This amount of retention is usually reserved for cast clasps.

4. Place the 0.020" undercut gauge in the surveyor and note the contacts this gauge makes
with the buccal surfaces of all the abutment teeth.
This amount of retention is usually reserved for
wrought wire clasps. Use this information to
make the same type of determinations as in step


5. Place the 0.030" undercut gauge in the surveyor

and note the contacts this gauge makes with the
buccal surfaces of all the abutment teeth. This
amount of retention is seldom used being reserved for wrought wire clasps made of gold wire.
Use this information to make the same type of
determinations as in step #3.

6. Using the information from steps 3-5 select

the areas of retention and determine the clasp
designs; remember retention should be sufficient
only to resist reasonable dislodging forces.
7. Mark the areas of tooth modification in red

NOTE: Proper tilting of a cast on a surveyor may have

the following effects with regards to the clasps of the
partial denture.

Redistribute undercuts to a desired area

Allows a more favorable path of insertion
Allows the use of a desired type of clasp
Improves esthetics
Minimizes food impaction


8. Locate the primary rests on all teeth that have

an edentulous space adjacent to them. In addition, other rests are placed to give quadralateral or
triangular support and/or for indirect retention on
distal extension bases.


9. Select the major connector design most appropriate for the situation
10. Draw the design for your future partial denture on your work sheet
11. Reconfirm the areas needing mouth modifications to achieve the determined design and mark
them on the surveyed cast as follows:
a. Indicate necessary guiding plane modifications areas in blue
b. Indicate necessary tooth preparation by
selective grinding in red
c. Indicate necessary rest preparation areas in

When this is accomplished, present the surveyed casts

and the drawn designs on paper to the instructor for
evaluation grading. One of the surveyed diagnostic
casts must be on the surveyor at the proper tilt. The
casts must be tripoded so that the instructor can place
it on the survey table easily at the proper tilt. When
the project is complete, the instructor will collect the
sign-off sheet.




OBJECTIVE: To optimize the design and function of a

partial denture through modification of the remaining
PRINCIPLES: To do the modifications in conjunction with
the path of insertion determined with the survey

1. To create guiding planes which:

a) provide one path of insertion and removal for
the prosthesis
b) ensures the proper function of the reciprocal,
retentive, and stabilizing components of the
2. To improve or create retention by tooth modification procedures which place retentive areas close to
the gingiva or create retentive areas on teeth where
none exist.
3. To eliminate interferences improving the partial
design and minimizing excessive blockout and subsequent food entrapment.
4. To improve esthetics by the elimination of excessive
gingival embrasures.
5. To prepare rests that direct stress along the long
axis of the tooth.

Straight diamond burs- medium, fine

Round diamond burs-#6,#8


Once the final survey and design are determined it is

recommended that tooth modifications be made on the
diagnostic casts before being attempted intraorally.
This is to acquaint the operator not only with the
teeth that may need recontouring but also the amount
of tooth reduction that will be necessary as well as the
plane of orientation in which the modifications take
place. After completing the necessary modifications
on the study cast then the operator can proceed to the
mouth with confidence. In the mouth, these reductions
would be accomplished with fine grit diamonds. For
our laboratory exercise however, these modifications
will only be made only on the working casts. Care
must be exercised if rotary instrumentation is used
on stone models because of the ease of reduction. It is
recommended therefore that any reduction on stone
teeth be done using hand instruments.
NOTE: The knife carver that is supplied with the surveyor should
not be used for tooth modifications because it is meant for modifying wax ups of crowns and will become quickly dulled on stone.



Guiding Planes
Tooth Surfaces to Accomodate Clasp Form
3. Interferences
4. Esthetics
5. Rests
1. GUIDING PLANES: After the path of insertion and the
abutment teeth have been determined, the axial surfaces of the abutment teeth are prepared parallel to
the path of insertion and to each other. These modified surfaces are referred to as guiding planes. There
should be little if any modification done at the C-E
junction because of lack of sufficient enamel thickness,
the ideal area for modification is the marginal ridge.
Necessary modifications which cannot be done with
minimal grinding must be achieved by using restorations on the tooth. The abutment teeth requiring the
least amount of modification are prepared first. Teeth
requiring restorations are then modified so the restoration follows the determined path of insertion. The
net result is to create the greatest area of guiding
plane surfaces possible.

In creating guiding planes on interproximal tooth surfaces, no distinction should be made between a tooth
supported and a distal extension base RPD. The
guiding plane should extend approximately two thirds
the length of the interproximal surface for both a tooth
supported or a distal extension base RPD. The difference is in the minor connector acting against the In
creating guiding planes on interproximal tooth surfaces, no distinction should be made between a tooth
supported and a distal extension base RPD. The
guiding plane should extend approximately two thirds
the length of the interproximal surface for both a tooth
supported or a distal extension base RPD. The difference is in the minor connector acting against the
guiding plane. In a distal extension partial denture,
the minor connector should extend one half the length
of the interproximal surface on the distal abutment
tooth. This is done to minimize the leverage induced
stress created by the rotational movement of the distal
extension base in function. The tooth supported RPD
the minor connector extends the whole length of the
guiding plane. The RPI clasp is the only exception in
that the guiding plane is prepared one half the length
of the interproximal surface.

2/3 width of B-L cusps

1/3 B-L width tooth

2/3 "enamel crown" from MR-cervically

1/2 "enamel crown for RPI clasp




A. Start
B. Prepared guiding plane


Too much reduction

Not enough reduction

Handpiece followed tooth contour, not the

path of insertion

Modification attempted where enamel is too thin


A restoration is placed to give ideal contour



Tooth Supported RPD

Distal Extension Base RPD

Distal Extension Base RPI Design RPD



A. RETENTIVE SURFACES: These modifications

are done to create more ideal retentive surfaces.


The retentive area is placed in the gingival 1/3 of

the tooth so the retentive tip of the clasp arm is
approximately 1-2 mm above the gingival margin.
The amount of undercut is appropriate for the
clasp design 0.01" for a cast clasp and 0.02" for
wrought wire clasp.

Common Modifications

a. Lower the survey line: A retentive surface

may have a survey line that is very high on

the tooth. This would place the retentive

arm high on the tooth which increases

leverage on the tooth, creates poor esthetics,
and increases the overall occlusal dimension

of a tooth. It is recommended in this situa-

tion to modify the tooth and lower the
survey line.


b. Increase the retentive area: In some instances,

retentive undercut does not exist on the abut-
ment tooth. At times this can be easily
corrected by a slight recontouring of the enamel
surface to create a area of undercut into which
the retentive clasp tip will fit. The recontouring
should be done where the enamel is comparatively thick and where the clasp terminus is
usually placed. If recontouring can not be
achieved then a restoration must be placed.

c. Reduce the undercut: The amount of undercut

present exceeds the modulus of elasticity for the
clasp design or material.


B. Reciprocal Surfaces



The reciprocal surface of the tooth is parallel to

the path of insertion allowing contact throughout
the entire path of insertion and removal.

Common Modifications

Frequently, the height of contour on the reciprocal

surface of the tooth is too high to allow the reciprocal arm to perform its functions of stabilization
and reciprocation. The survey line should then be
lowered on the reciprocal side so that it will be in
contact with the tooth when the retentive arm is
flexing over the supra bulge. When the retentive
arm is elevated to the height of contour, it then
starts to flex and impart a force to the tooth. If
the reciprocal arm were placed as it is in the first
diagram, it would be off the tooth when the force
from the retentive arm is exerted. By lowering the
height of contour as it is on the second diagram,
proper reciprocation is assured.


Lowered height
of contour


Interferences can be located on different tooth surfaces for many different partial denture



There are no interferences by either hard or soft

tissues to the determined path of insertion

Common Modifications

Rigid Components

Reduce interference at the shoulder of the clasp:

The part of the tooth which will contact the proxi-
mal portion of a clasp arm may have an excessively
high height of contour. This survey line should be
lowered to accomodate proper clasp form as well as
improving esthetics.


Interferences for placement of minor connectors:

Tilted tooth causes an indirect retainer to create

a large food trap between the connector and tooth.
This undercut should be eliminated or at the very
least reduced by careful reduction of the enamel surface.

Interferences for placement of major connectors:

On the mandibular arch, a lingually tipped tooth

may prevent proper placement of the major connector. The tooth must be modified so the major connector can be placed in the most advantageous position.


4. ESTHETICS: In addition to the recontouring of teeth

for a more esthetic location of clasp arms, modifications to the teeth may be done to improve the
general esthetic effect of the RPD when there is an
anterior edentulous space present.
Common Modifications

Missing anterior incisors: Usually the teeth adjacent

to the space are bell shaped canines which may be
tipped or rotated compounding the interference. In
these cases, lateral tilting of the cast is usually ineffective because as one side is improved the other is
worsened and vice versa.
1. The interfering proximal surfaces of these teeth
severely limit the achievement of a natural appearance of the replacement teeth by either the presence
of large gingival embrasures or the existence of an
inadequate space for the normal complement of
replacement teeth.

2. The bell shaped crowns of the canines are causing excessive gingival embrasures and space problems which result in poor esthetics.

3. Modification of guiding planes along the path of

insertion increases the space available to place the
artifical teeth and achieves a more esthetic appearance.

4 - 10

Changing the path of insertion before tooth

modification to improve esthetics:

1. The minimal embrasure space present on the

central at this path of insertion does not allow for
modification to increase space for the lateral

2. The cast is tilted to bettter distribute the space

3. Modification of the guiding planes to further

enhance esthetics

4 - 11

Only after the modifications are completed

for the guiding planes, clasp assemblies and correction of the interferences can the location of the rest
seats in relation to the marginal ridges be determined. This is because the surface modifications
will change the marginal ridge affecting the rest
position. It is a good practice to make a impression
of the prepared surfaces, form a cast and survey
the modified areas to insure the necessary modifications have been completed before going on to rest
seat preparation.

Sequence of Modification of Tooth Surfaces to Accommodate Clasp Design
Retentive Surfaces
Reciprocal Surfaces
4. Esthetics
5. Rests


In a clinical situation rest preparations are made

with carbide burs and round or straight diamonds.
If the preparation depth perforates the enamel a
restoration must be placed to accommodate the
required depth. Caution should be exercised in
preparing any rest seat to avoid creating sharp
edges or line-angles in the preparation. This is to
allow the partial some freedom of movement without transmitting lateral stress to the tooth and to
prevent any sharp internal line angles in the casting which could be a potential fracture.
Rest preparations should be carefully made on the
stone models using either the handpiece with appropriate burs or hand instruments.

4 - 12

A. Occlusal Rest: This is most common type of rest
made on the occlusal surface of a bicuspid or molar. The rest is triangular or spoon shaped with the
point of the spoon facing the center of the occulsal of
the tooth.


one-half the distance between the tips of the buccal and lingual cusps


one-third mesial-distal length of occlusal surface

(for premolars)
one-fourth mesial-distal length of occulsal surface (for molars)

A = 1/2 B

4 - 13

fig. 5


the rest seat is lowered 1 mm to permit enough

bulk of metal for strength and rigidity without
interfering with the opposing occlusion. This is
especially critical in the area of the marginal
ridge where fracture could occur.


the floor of the occlusal rest should be inclined

slightly toward the center of the tooth so that
the angle formed by the horizontal rest and the
vertical minor connector is less than 90 degrees.
The marginal ridge should be rounded and the
guiding plane checked to insure it remains the
proper dimension after rest preperation.


Body of rest 36006-137 round ended diamond
Floor of rest 36006-136 round ended diamond
Body of rest 36006-136 round ended diamond
Floor of rest 36006-135 round ended diamond
Polish using fine diamonds, finishing carbide
burs, stones, blue and green points

4 - 14

Modification OF RESTS TO ACCOMODATE Embrasure Clasps:

The marginal ridges must be reduced to allow space for

the shoulder of the clasp arms to pass through. Care
must be taken to maintain an adequate contact point
when reducing the marginal ridges..


A uniform reduction of 1 mm is made to the marginal

ridge area. The buccal and lingual areas must be widened and flared to permit entry of the minor connector
on the lingual and passage of the rigid portions of the
clasp arms on the buccal.


marginal ridge-36006-137
Polish fine diamonds, finishing carbide burs, stones,
blue and green points

4 - 15

B. Lingual Rest: Prepared on canines and incisors, preferably on canines since these are stronger abutments by
virtue of their alveolar support. If the slope of a canine
is gradual rather than more parallel to a vertical minor
connector, a lingual rest may be placed in enamel at or
just incisally to the cingulum. This type of rest is usually confined to the maxillary canine. The lingual slope
of the mandibular canine is too steep for an adequate
lingual rest preparation to be place in enamel i.e., one
in which the forces are directed parallel to the long axis
of the tooth. In order for a lingual rest to be used on a
mandibular canine, usually some form of restoration
must be place in the tooth for the rest to be made. Lingual rest preparations may be made in three ways on
maxillary canines.

4 - 16

1. Ledge rest- prepared at or above the cingulum

area. Because of the degree of preparation in such
a rest seat, it is perferred to make this rest in a
restoration. Occasionally in maxillary teeth with a
large cingulum this rest can be made in tooth structure without going into dentin.
WIDTH Buccal Lingual:

1 mm

This preparation must be 1 mm. in width at

the lingual midpoint of the tooth.

Lingual of tooth, line angle to line angle

DEPTH Occlusal Gingival:

the rest seat is 1.5 mm deep and less than 90

to long axis of tooth.

1.5 mm


the ledge preparation inclines slightly downward toward the center of the tooth and continues mesially and distally to include the
marginal ridges. This rest type usually does
not have a reciprocal arm; reciprocation is
gained from a parallel lingual surface above
the rest preparation so the rest serves both as
rest and reciprocal arm.

body of rest -837-016 straight diamond

round internal angles round diamond or round
ended diamond Polish fine diamonds, finishing carbide burs, stones, blue and green

Note: Amount of enamel on the lingual

Maxillary canine--1.0 - 1.5mm
Mandibular canine--0.5mm

4 - 17

2. Lingual Spoon rest - similar in general shape to an

occlusal rest. It is made just laterally to the midpoint of the lingual surface at or above the level
of the cingulum. This rest generally cannot act as
a reciprocal arm. This rest is intended for use on
Maxillary Canines.


This preparation is slightly larger than a #6 round


DEPTH Occlusal Gingival:

the rest seat is 1 mm deep


the preparation inclines slightly downward toward

the center of the tooth the floor. The floor of the
preparation must be perpendicular to long axis of
the tooth.

- body of rest -#36006-136, 36006-137

coarse and fine diamonds
- round internal angles- round end diamond
- polish-finishing carbide burs, blue and green

4 - 18

there is a prominent cingulum. The rest preparation is made incisal to the cingulum. The ledge has
a mesial and distal slope and the floor of the ledge
is inclined apically or toward the center of the tooth
to a slight degree. This rest may
or may not act as a reciprocal arm.

1 mm

3. Inverted V-shaped ledge - this rest is only made when

1.5 mm


Labial- lingual width is 1 mm.


The mesio-distal length should be 2.5 - 3 mm.

DEPTH Occlusal Gingival:

The incisal apical depth is 1.5 mm at the center

tapering down at the edges

2.5 - 3 mm


The preparation follows the shape of the cingulum

and forms a angle of approximately 120 degrees


- body of rest -inverted cones #805-012

- to round internal angles-small tapered round end
- polish-finishing carbide burs,blue and green


4 - 19

C. Incisal Rests: Usually placed on lower canines or

incisors because thin enamel on the lingual make it
impossible to prepare a rest without perforating the
enamel. These rests are the least desirable of any
because they are esthetically poor and are located at
a maximum distance from the center of rotation on
a tooth. Therefore, the leverage that they can exert
is also at a maximum. The preparation is usually
made at the distal incisal edge although it can also
be made on the mesial.
NOTE: The preparation is begun toward the center of
the tooth and is then extended distally or mesially to
the marginal ridge. If the preparation is made in the
other direction, the possibility exists of making the rest
preparation too deeply and into dentin.

4 - 20


the preparation is angled lingually so there is more

reduction on the lingual side of the incisal edge
than on the labial side. This is to display less metal
and so improve esthetics


extends one-third of the mesial-distal length of the

incisal edge or minimum of 2.5 mm.
DEPTH Occlusal Gingival:

the rest seat is at least 1 to 1.5mm deep


the ledge preparation inclines slightly downward

toward the center of the tooth and continues mesially and distally to include the marginal ridges.
The inner portion of the rest seat should be slightly
deeper than at the proximal surface and all angles
should be rounded.

- body of rest #837-016 -straight diamond

- to round internal angles-small tapered round
ended diamonds
- polish-finishing carbide burs, blue and green

4 - 21

Tooth Modifications



1. Guiding Planes

Check with surveyor

-parallel to path insertion and other OP
-cylindrical B-L

- convergent within 3' of the
P.O.!. apically
-slight irregularities
-slight roughness

-width B-L 2/3 distance between
summit cusps
-extends from marginal ridge
to junction of middle and gingival 1/3

size 8-L 1/2 to 113 width cusps
0-0 1/2 to2/3 length crown



- varies> 6'from the determined P.O.I
-no guiding surbce
-flat or spherical 00
- created sharp B or L line angles
-rough. pitted, or scratched
- size B-L < 112 or> 2/3 width cusps
- size 0-0 < 1/2 length crown or on the
root surface

2.Tooth Contours Check with surveyor

Retentive area
-gingival 1/3
-2 mm. above free gingival (CEJ)
-0.01" or 0.02"depth depending
on clasp design

Retenti ve area
-slight malposition coronall
gingival MID
-undercut slightly extensivel insutticient

Retentive area
-insufficient retention < 0.0 I"
-too great an undercut> 0.0 I"
-placed above gingival 113
-excessive tooth modification

Reciprocal area
Reciprocal area
-parallel to OP
-extends to junco of middle& gingival 1/3
-follow natural contour of tooth M-D

3. Rests

- correct shape and smooth throughout
-angle of floor of rest and
guiding plane < 90
-wider and rounded at marginal ridge
-B-L 2.5mm or 1/2 dist. summit cusps
-M-D I14molar, I13premolar length of crow
-1.0 mm deep at M.R
Lingual spoon
-2mm wide
-I n1l11 deep

Inverted V

-I mm width LL
- 2.5mm MD follows cingulum

-I.mm LL midpoint,
-1.5mm deep 00

4. Cast

Accurate reproduction of prepared

Tripod marks
- c1earl y marked
- well separated
- on the same plane

-slight divergence

-contour compromised slightly M-D

-slight malposition coronal/ gingival

-correct shape with minimal roughness
-angular at marginal ridge

-angle of floor of rest and

guiding plane is 90
-2-1.5mm wide,
1-1.5 lllm deep at M.R.
Lingual spoon
-1-1.5mm LL. I mm deep
Inverted V

-1-1.5mm width LL
2-2.5mm MD follows

-1- t .51ll111 LL midpoint.

2mlll deep 00

Accurate reproduction of prepared

- small bubbles or positives

Reciprocal area
-placed above or below middle 1/3
-not present
-excessive tooth modification

-sharp edges internally or at marginal ridge
-same depth throughout
-rough, uneven and/or undercut
-angle is> 90
-does not follow anatomy
-B-L <2mm or> 2.5 mm
-M-D < or >1/4molaL1/3 premolar
-depth at M.R.< I or >1.5 mm
-wider at midpoint than at marginal

Lingual spoon
-< 1.5mm or 2mm LL <lor> I.Smm deep
Inverted V
-<I mm or >I.Smm BL
- <2mm or >2.5m111 deep
-tedge -<I nlln or >1.5mm LL midpoint

Poor reproduction of prepared

Tripod marks
- poorly marked
- not separated

- not on the same plane

4 - 22

Tooth Modifications




1. Guiding Planes


Check with slllveyor Orientation

-parallel t.o path insertion and other GP



- laries > 6 fro III the delermined P 0.1

- cOl1\'ergent Within 3'- of lhe
POI. apically


-cvlllldncal B-1.

-tlat~)r spl;;"rlcal OG
- created sbarp H or L line angl~,:.)
-mugho pittE'cL or scratched


-,;light irregularities
-."light roughness

-width BL 2/.1 dis)allce belween


\urnnn[' cusps

-extends from rn,m.~i!lC:ll

tn jUllcti()n uf lllidZJ1c and



size B-L


2.Tooth Contours Check with surveyor

Retentive area
-im~ival l/:i
-2 n~ll. aho\\' free

In to 2/3 Width cusps

1/2 t0213 lellgth l'l\lWn

Retentive area
-slight malpllsitioll coronali
"in"ival MID
-~mkrcut slightly (:\["'::11:-.1\('1 i!lc'uflicit'1l1


-0.01' [11
nil cla:-.p design

Reciprocal area
-parallel to GP
-~xte!lds tu jUlie (11 Illicldlc& gingival l/3
-follow natural (nil/our ur tooth 1\.11-0

3. Rest.s

Reciprocal area
-slight diven-..'cnce
-co~tour cO';lpromiscd
-slight malposition


Oeculsal .


-8-L 2.:)[1]111 01 1/2 dist.

-VI-I) l/4nl(lI~11
-10 Illlll de,p at


length l)f lTOWI

-B-1. 2-1.5mm or "pplOX 1'1 dlSl.

-M-D approx
kllglh 01 Ci'()\\n
-1-1'111111 deep al ,\I.R

Distal Incisal

-same \-\ idth buccal JS lillQULll
-axial tlllor HL is 8S to '9-" 10 POI


-slight change ill depth al


of !lour ~lr re,-;t and

g~!idillg r1lllll; :::: 9()'
-!tlillilllal muglJllt:ss

Reciprocal area
-placed abm'e or below rlllddlc
-!lot present
-excessive t(){Jlh !llOdificatlCln

-8-1. <21ll111 or > 2':;; Illill
-l\'l-D < PI' >rcljuircd length

\)1' cmWll
-depth at \1.1'.< I or> I 5 nlill
-\vider at midpoint lilall at nwrgilwJ



-<II_,M!) ('I' >lnMD

-<IJJ!ll1ll (If >2111111 deep
Ider buccal than
-aXial 11001' '\'1Il is


-"l1mp edgl',":' illkrually or
-same depth throughout

ull11~lr~1l1,d rld~e

Clnd 1I!l1'\\~1l

-rest Ulltk'rcut
-mlgle i.\> yO



Retentive ,u'ca
-illSullicicnt retentiun < (J.() )"
-too great all undercut> OJ) I'
-placed ubovc gillgi\-~d )I?,
-excessive [(10th lllodii'icatloll



-\vidt'l" iill!uai than buccal

-axi,d Il()o~ 8L is
<911 til PUI
',l\iai wall is
-illlernal aJlglc j,":' f(llllllk'd

- conte! ,;jwpc'
of flour or rc"t
pl~!lk: < Ijii
-wider at 11l'-lr~inal
-rounded ,it

- s1I.e 8-L < 112 or > ~/J width cu~p)
- size O-Ci < 112 length crown (l]" IJll the
root <.;urrace

.. --~--


------'-------------- ---------------'----------------------------j

4 - 23

Tooth Modifications

Occlusal Rests




- eorreel shape and snlOolh IhroughoLiI
Ilf liullr of IN und
plolle < 90
-wider and rounded almarglnal ndgc
-B-L 2.511l1ll or !/~. di'iL ~llJ11lllil
-\I-IlI/~nl\1laL 1/_'prell1o!c,r length
-J.(llliln deep al M.I<




-correct ,,>hape with minil1l;li rOllghnc:)s


-;.;klrp edge;.;

ur at marginal Jid2t?
''uneven and/Ill unc!elcul

-same' depth

-2-1.5lllf1l \\idc'.
1-1.5 111m delTal \LR


IVIarginal Ridge and

Marginal Hidge <lnd Sluiceways

buccal :lIld lim::ual cmbr:burcs

I-I j mill [~) allu\v for C],lSp



buccal ~ll1d lin~l1al t'fllDr:1'-;UrC:i



III In 111-



-110 llildelnll,~



~-------4---------------4_-----------4_----------------_+---------Lingual SpOOll
I.ingual SP!)()J1
Can inc Rests
-1-1.5111111 L.L, I.~ 111111 d\:'c'jI
-<1.5111111 or 2III 111 LL <I.;,) > l.~miil deep
"2Jll III
-I I11Ill dLcn
Inverted \"
Imerted \
-1-1)111111 \lldlll 1.1
-<lllllll (Ir >1.5111111 Bl
Inverted \
- Mil ,"It'lI(ls llilllU,h \IR
-lm!l1 \\,idth U"
~ tll(J high 1)1' [(I ]\m 1.111 i.:i!'l~u!UIll
- "II) (".Ieller, IU" nlill \JR
-fullo\\.') L'iil~Lllliill
-()(j al
1IIIdl1l',~:-l\f l'ill~uluIll
- ((,1 ill\.\. \ lin.~LI!ltlll
-<lllllll m >1.5llilllj,] lllllirlUI!l1




2111111 dCql (lCi


-! .~illill

Distal Indsul
-< I/.\\IIJ ur > f, ;,\111



sal11t' \\'ililil bUlL':li

<l\j;Jj ill1l-)r Bl

[() POI

L _____________________ ----

->111l1ll dt'Cp U(;



-<I.Ol1liTIIJr">2rnlll dC'll'

-\\-idcr bUCi. ::I]

-a\i:rllloorMD is

I'll I

__________________________ -.-J._ _ _ _ __

4 - 24


Once all modifications and rest preparations are completed the design is drawn on the master cast before
sending it to the laboratory. In this course the distributed casts, after modification, will be used as master
casts. The final design is made on each cast. The use
of different colored pencils aids in the delineation of
various partial components and differentiation between survey lines and partial components. The exact
sequence to be followed in drawing the design is immaterial, but a systemized routine is recommended
so a neat, orderly, concise sketch can be made that is
easily understood by the dental technician.
1. Resurvey: Place the master cast on the surveyor
table and orient to the determined path of insertion.
For the laboratory project use the tripod marks to
do this. Then with the carbon marker, protected
by the metal sheath,rescribe the height of contour
or survey line around each of the abutment teeth.
They should now be in the ideal postion for placement of the component parts of the clasp assembly.
Remember, if the clasp components do not contact
the tooth surfaces in their designated postion the
clasp assembly will not function as planned!
2. Mark Undercuts: Replace the carbon marker with
an undercut gauge of proper size and locate the
gauge on the abutment tooth so the barrel contacts
the tooth at the survey line. Move the gauge to the
predetermined retentive area of the tooth and slide
it up or down until the lip of the gauge contacts the
tooth in the precise spot that will be contacted by
the retentive portion of the tip at the same time
that the barrel or gauge contacts the survey line. A
small mark is made on the tooth at the exact point
the lip of the gauge contacts.



3. Drawing the components:

Major connectors: General rules for defining the con-


a. The gingiva must be either completely covered by a adequately relieved component of the
RPD or the components must be placed at least
4mm (mandibular) or 6mm (maxillary) away
from the gingival margins
b. All crossings of the gingival margin must be
made at 90 degree angle
c. Try to finish the borders of the connector in
low areas of the tissues rather than on a prominence
d. Mandibular major connectors:
- Lingual bar- superior border no less than
4mm inferior to gingival margins, inferior
border at the height of the alveolar lingual
sulcus when the tongue is elevated.
- Linguoplate-superior border follows the
cingulum of the teeth rising to the contact
points, inferior border is the same as the
lingual bar
e. Maxillary major connectors:
- rugae area - follow the valleys as much as
possible, when crossing rugae do so at 90
degree angles to the crests
- lateral borders - follow parallel to gingival
margin at least 6mm away
- medially - parallel to the junction of vertical
and horizontal parts of the palate
- posterior border - straps and bars traverse
palate just anterior to vibrating line
- placement of straps - place strap so it covers
area where it is in two planes giving it more


Minor connectors: Join the direct and indirect retainers to the major connector. They should be approximately 2mm wide except those which are acting
as proximal plates which should be two thirds the
width of the summit of the cusps of the abutment
tooth. They should be placed whenever possible in
a interproximal space and fill the space as much as
possible for patient comfort. Remember they must
cross the gingival margin at 90 degrees and should
not join the major connector with sharp angles.
Adjacent connectors must be at least 5mm apart for
oral health.
Retentive mesh: The minor connector which retains

the acrylic base and artifical teeth. It should always extend over the crest of the ridge to prevent
fractures. Adequate bulk and strength in the metal
at the junction of the grid and the major connector
is necessary. The mesh should extend extend to just
anterior to the retromolar pad on the mandibular
and over the tuberosity on the maxillary. It should
not interfere with tooth placement.

Clasp arms: using a pencil with a sharp point, draw

the retentive arm red so that it passes from the rest
to the retentive undercut. It should pass gracefully
from supra to infra bulge as it crosses the survey
line. The lower border of the clasp tip should end
precisely on the mark that indicates the proper
depth of undercut. The reciprocal arm is drawn,
maintaining its inferior border at or above the survey line. The occlusal, lingual or incisal rest is then
outlined. The width of the arms at the terminal tip
should be one half the width of the arm at the shoulder.


Lastly any additional notations such as different
types of teeth, areas to be relieved, areas of beading,
finish lines, and any areas of notation that further
clarify the design are made.
Remember that the drawing is not rough sketch; it is
a precise line drawing of the partial framework placing the various components exactly where intended.
The quality of the work you provide the technician is
directly proportional to the quality of the work you
will receive in return. If the width of the clasp arms
are excessively thick or thin or poorly shaped, don't be
suprised if the final casting is the same; if the major
connector is drawn too close to the marginal gingiva
expect the same in casting; if one forgets to draw a
clasp arm or rest expect the same in the casting unless
you are employing a technician more astute or conscientious than yourself.





Contour Lines

Tripod Marks
2. RED

Retentive Clasp Arms

Finish Lines

Circle Around Tripod Mark

Major Connector

Minor Connectors

Reciprocal Arms


OBJECTIVE: To familiarize the student with the written
procedures necessary for communication with the laboratory technician
PROCEDURE: The Work Authorization is a written direction for laboratory procedures to be performed in the
fabrication of dental restorations by a laboratory technician. The purpose of this document is to provide the
laboratory with clear, concise understandable instructions concerning work to be done and to protect the
patient from the illegal practice of dentistry.

There are legal and ethical implications concerning

this matter. Presently, no federal statutes governing
the operation of dental laboratories or the working
agreement between the dentist and technician exist.
This authority lies with the individual states. Generally, these laws state that the technician cannot service any patient directly and he can legally perform
only work authorized by a dentist. As a means of
implementing this arrangement, most states require
that the technician perform laboratory work only after
he has been authorized to do so by a written order
from the dentist. The written order is called a work
authorization. The primary purpose is to protect the
patient from illegal dentistry. The dentist has an ethical obligation to protect the health of his patient by
not delegating any work to a less qualified person that
requires the professional expertise and competence of
a dentist.

The dentist has a further responsibility to closely supervise the work of all auxiliary personnel. The dentist who does not honor these legal, ethical and moral
commitments by assuming his full responsibilities is
betraying his personal integrity. If such irresponsibility becomes widespread, the general public will seek
to change the laws so that certain phases of dental
practice can be performed by others less trained and
qualified. There are people ready to assume this
role and we as dentists will have no one to blame but
ourselves. The dentist is responsible for all phases of
a removable partial denture service. He may request
a dental technician to engage in certain mechanical
phases but the technician is responsible to the dentist
and never to the patient. The dentist who relegates
the survey and design of a partial denture to a technician is committing a grave injustice to the trust the
patient has placed in him.

6 - 1


Typodont No.

Content of a work authorization

Must Include:
1.) name and address of the dental laboratory
2.) name and address of the originating dentist
3.) date the case is sent
4.) date to be returned
5.) patient identification
6.) work detail
7.) signature of dentist
8.) dentists license number

State University of New York at Buffalo

School of Dental Medicine Squire Hall

To: Date:
Student: Instructor:
Patient: S.S. # :
General Request:
Date & Time Req.:

Alloy for Framework:

General Instructions for RPD framework:

1. Orient cast to surveyor rod using tripod marks. Use parallel blockout of undercut areas
crossed by rigid parts of framework. Follow design exactly as drawn on cast.

Relieve the following:

Gingival crevices and margins crossed by major or minor connectors
Tori or prominent median palatal raphe
Inferior border of mandibular major connector-26 GA wedge shaped
Under retentive latticework-26 GA to form an internal finish line

Specific Instructions:





Student Dentist's Sig.
Instructor Sig.

Lic. # :


The work detail should be a clear, concise description

of the work required. The technician should not be
expected to wade through a poorly organized, wordy
composition, nor should he be forced to make an educated guess at what the dentist wants. The work
detail should be in outline form and include the following topics in the case of a partial denture framework

The work detail, along with the drawing of the design

on the cast, should relate to the laboratory technician everything he must know for the individual case
in order to fabricate it properly. Tasks that must be
performed on all cases and common to all cases such
as duplication of models, polishing, etc. need not be
included on the work detail.

the type of metal to be used. This could be gold or

one of the various cobalt-chromium alloys. One would
also explain the use of a wrought clasp here, specifying
its shape, makeup and gauge.

Major connector, type, food dam bead if necessary.

Abutment tooth list the specific tooth (abbreviation

is ok, eg. 1st premolar) and the number to identify it.

Then list:
1. Rests - the type of rest and where on the tooth it
is located, e.g. spoon rest on mesial occlusal surface.
2. Retention - type of clasp and the retentive area,
e.g., mesial buccal undercut.
3. Reciprocution - type and location, e.g., cast arm
on the lingual surface.
l special instructions, this will vary with the individual case and may include such things as type of
retention latticework to use, the placement of special
types of replacement teeth, the mode of tripoding used,
special waxing specifications, special finishing procedures.


Relationship between Dentist and Technician

Dentist's Responsibility
The dentist must plan the prosthesis in its entirety.
He must plan for all preparatory mouth treatment and
then proceed to do it. Sufficient space must be available for each structural element, abutment teeth must
be properly prepared and contoured to receive guide
planes, rests and clasp arms. The dentist must also
prescribe all materials to be used. He must be responsible for impressions, jaw records, fitting the framework in the mouth and final insertion of the finished
case. He is also responsible for patient instruction in
its care and post insertion adjustments and maintenance

The importance of establishing a good working relationship between the dentist and technician cannot be
overemphasized. It is based on a common understanding of the overall objectives, an awareness of each
persons role and an appreciation of the problems that
each person might encounter. Within this framework,
legal and ethical considerations can be established
along with the basis for sound business management.
The purpose of all this is to best utilize the expertise
of two trained people to deliver to a patient the maximum in health care in the most efficient manner. To
do this so it is profitable to all; patient, technician and
dentist, the dentist must be the one to assume the initiative, ultimate leadership and delegation of responsibilities.

Technician's Responsibility
The technician is responsible for fabrication of the
prosthesis with the materials prescribed in accordance
with the directions received on the work authorization



To improve the contours of the abutment
tooth to further compliment the determined design of
the RPD



1. Heavily restored tooth can be strengthened

2. Multiple cavosurface margins reduced to single
finish line
3.Disadvantageous morphology may be improved

1. Increased cost
2. Increased complexity of the procedures both
clinical and technical
Never should you design a cast restoration in a semi
edentulous situation before first determining the
design of any RPD that may be necessary even if the
RPD is not being fabricated at that time. The same
holds true about fabricating a RPD before evaluating
the abutments for cast restorations and completing the
ones indicated.


1. Survey the study cast and design the RPD

2. Determine the type of any restorations needed
3. Make all tooth modifications necessary not
involving the teeth indicated for castings
4. Prepare the abutment tooth
5. Make a complete arch working cast with neces-
sary die or dies
6. Fabricate a surveyed restoration
7. Try in the restoration
8. Complete arch impression with the casting in

9. Survey resulting master cast and write up work
10. Send to laboratory for fabrication of framework
11. Try in framework with the castings
12. Castings usually are cemented when the com
pleted RPD is inserted



OBJECTIVE: To provide a easy method of relating the postion of teeth to the residual ridge for purpose of locating portions of the framework particularly retentive
loops or posts.


Denture teeth
#7 Wax spatula
Bunsen burner
Baseplate wax
Hollenbeck carver
Alcohol torch
Handpiece and burs


1) Place a groove in the lingual of each tooth to receive

the retentive post


2) Set the anterior teeth and wax to full contour


10-3, 10-6


3) Alcote the adjacent teeth and place the beading







4) Pour stone matrix




5) Boil out the baseplate wax and lute the teeth

back to the matrix with sticky wax

6) Fit the matrix back to the cast


7) Locate the retentive wax posts in the grooves on the

lingual of the teeth

8) Finished framework on cast showing retentive




OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with the principles
of blockout and relief and to familiarize him/her with
the parts of the procedure that are the responsibility of
the dentist

Cast needing block out

Ney Block out wax or relief wax
#7 Wax spatula
Surveyor with wax knife
Bunsen burner
Hollenbeck carver
Alcohol torch
Some cases due to their complexity may require the
practioner to do the initial block out on the master
cast. For these cases, in addition to an accurate drawing the master cast should also have laboratory place
blockout wax on the guiding planes to the intended
width of the finished guiding plate. This will make it
easier for the technician to orient the cast and protect
from having the technician over relieve the guiding
planes. We also recommend the clinician place relief
where arms cross gingival margins, and any other areas requiring special consideration. The laboratory can
then place routine block out and relief on the remainder of the cast.




When using a parallel blockout wax technique, considerable care must be exercised in placing the wax.
If the wax is not trimmed sufficiently to expose guide
planes after applying it with a hot spatula, then the
casting will be relieved away from the tooth and will
not contact the tooth and so we lose the function of
that guide plane. If too much wax is placed or not
trimmed sufficiently after it has been placed in a
deep interproximal space beneath a minor connector
or linguoplate, then this part of the casting will have
needless space between it and the tooth and serve as
an unnecessary food trap. If on the other hand, we
are over zealous in trimming back the wax, it is easy
to scuff or abrade the stone tooth surface. This would
lead to a casting that fits the model but would strike
prematurely in the mouth and not go to place.
In applying the blockout wax, the Ney high fusing
undercut wax supplied in the student kit should be
used. A high fusing wax such as this (actually a waxclay mixture) is necessary to withstand distortion from
the heat of the duplicating material which is poured at
about 120. The blockout wax is applied to the teeth
with a #7 wax spatula or large P.K. Thomas waxing
instrument. The spatula must be hot enough to cause
the melted wax to satisfactorily stick to the tooth or
it will be pulled off when an attempt is made to carve
it with the surveyor blade. At the same time the wax
should not be so hot to be drawn into unwanted areas
by capillary attraction. The student should experiment on a few trial teeth before attempting anything
on his working cast to get the feel of handling this


After the wax is applied, it is trimmed first grossly

with hand instruments such as a Cutler carver or Hollenbeck carver and then with the surveyor blade trimmer. Trimming can be facilitated by slightly warming
the blade with an alcohol torch.



OBJECTIVE: Although the typical dentist today in his
practice neither fabricates a wax-up for a partial denture framework nor constructs a partial casting, it is
important that he/she is able to assess a framework for
clinical acceptability. He/she does this for a number of

to gain an understanding of the work

delegated to a dental technician
to see the contours and thicknesses needed
in a properly constructed casting
to enable the student/dentist to evaluate the
finished casting received from the technician to
maintain quality control


Pre-insertion evaluation on the cast

On the cast
Off the cast
fit - condition of master cast
Intra-oral Intraseal evaluation

Pre-insertion Evaluation
Framework on the cast


10 - 1

Major Connectors:
Three main criteria must be evaluated:

shape and size

1. Design. The design must follow the one specified

by the laboratory work authorization. The technician
may not change this without consulting and prescribing dentist first.
2. Shape and size. Thickness is important because, it
along with the design, is necessary to gain the needed
rigidity that is absolutely crucial to insure the effectiveness of the major connector and ultimately the
partial denture.

Mandibular Major Connectors

A mandibular lingual bar connector should be halfpear shaped with the thickest part placed inferiorly.
It should be no narrower than 4 mm incisal-gingivally
and 1/2 the thickness of a #6 gauge sprue inferiorly.
Placement is as close to the reflection of the floor of the
mouth as possible inferiorly and at least 4 mm from
the gingival margin superiorly.
A mandibular linguoplate is used when there is insufficient room for the lingual bar. It is the same size
and shape inferiorly as the bar but it extends over the
lingual surface of the teeth to cover the contact point
and cingulum superiority.

3. Position. In locating the major connector, one must

either support the connector with rests and relieve
the gingiva it contacts and approaches or locate the
connector far enough away from the gingival to avoid
impingement. On the maxilla this distance is usually
6 mm., on the mandible the distance is usually 4 mm.

10 - 2

Maxillary Major Connectors

The maxillary major connectors are for the most part

made with a double thickness of 26 gauge sheet wax
cut out to the desired contour and width or anatomic
replica pattern equivalent to a 22 gauge wax sheet
which is a duplication of the palatal portion of a maxillary cast. The anatomic replica pattern is usually
preferred because patients become accustomed to the
anatomic replica palate much more readily than to a
smooth highly polished or to the concentrated bulk of
palatal bars. The irregular surface also seems to be
an aid in mastication because the tongue can separate
softer foods more easily. Anatomic replica patterns
can be slightly thinner than standard because their irregular shape gives more rigidity. In applying the pattern to the maxillary cast no matter what form is used,
an attempt should always be made to place the form
in two different planes because this will give the major
connector more rigidity for the same amount of bulk.
A major connector involving 2 planes gives much more
rigidity than same width connector in 1 plane. In a
combination anterior-posterior bar major connector the
anterior bar is made with a double thickness 26 gauge
wax sheet or anatomic replica pattern equivalent to a
22 gauge wax sheet and the posterior bar is made with
a half round 6 gauge wax. Because the posterior bar is
relatively narrow, the half round 6 gauge wax shape is
used rather than the wax sheet to gain the rigidity.

10 - 3

Minor Connectors:


A minor connector that will make up the body of the

clasp is the size of a #6 or #8 gauge wax sprue.
Here the minor connector must be wide enough to utilize the guiding plane to its fullest advantage. Where
it gives rise to a clasp arm, it should be tapered to the
tooth below the origin of the clasp. The junction of
the minor connector and clasp should have rounded
angles. If no clasp arm is present such as when a bar
clasp originates elsewhere, it should be tapered to a
knife edge the full length of its buccal aspect.

When an artificial tooth will be placed against a

proximal minor connector, the buccal and occlusal
aspect is thinned to a minimum and the greater bulk
is placed to the lingual. This is to enable the buccal
placement of the artificial tooth as close to the natural
tooth as possible for esthetics and still insure enough
bulk for rigidity of the minor connector.

10 - 4

A minor connector contacting the axial surface of an

abutment should never be located on a convex surface
but instead in an embrasure where it will be least
noticeable to the tongue. It may be formed using a
10 gauge round wax shape and should conform to the
interdental embrasure, pass from the major connector to the other components. An interproximal minor
connector such as that supporting a rest for an indirect
retainer is wedge shaped, thickest at its lingual surface and tapered into the embrasure. Any undercut
in the embrasure would have been blocked out with
parallel blockout prior to duplication. Where the minor connector crosses the gingiva, relief should have
been placed on the marginal gingiva prior to blockout
as well. Minor connector emerges from major connector at a right angle, so that the gingiva crossing is as
abrupt as possible and a minimum of marginal gingiva
is covered. The junction of the minor and major connectors should be rounded and free flowing to prevent
tongue irritation, food entrapment and structural
weakness in the metal.

10 - 5

Minor Connector

Common Errors
Joins major connector with sharp angles

Does not join major connector at 90 angle

10 - 6

Rests: The general shape of the rest is concave, never

convex and in the general form of the occlusal surface
before the rest preparations were made. Sufficient
bulk must exist at the marginal ridge area.

Retentive Clasp Arms

Circumferential Clasp
relation to survey - The clasp arms must be
placed with on the terminal 1/3 in the undercut.
The tip of the inferior border of the terminal 1/3
is placed at the desired area of undercut.
size and taper - Retentive clasp arms can be
formed using 12 gauge half round wax shapes
but pre-formed plastic patterns are recom
mended because the desired taper of the clasp is
already established. The taper is necessary
because it contributes to the flexibility of the
clasp as it must engage the undercut area of the
abutment tooth. It is most important that the
clasp arm be joined to the minor connector with
smooth rounded angles or internal stresses will
be present in the metal as the clasp flexes.
Bar clasp
relation to survey - The arm engages the under
cut only at its terminus.
size and taper - The approach arm of the clasp
should have a taper from the point it emerges
out of the resin base to the tooth contact. A
finish line can be formed at the point the
approach arm and resin meet.

10 - 7



Joins major connector at sharp angles

No taper

Uneven arc to clasp

10 - 8

Reciprocal Clasp Arms

relation to survey - The entire clasp arm is at or
above the height of contour. The ideal position
is middle 1/3 of the tooth
size and taper - Reciprocal clasp arms can be
formed by free hand waxing or the use of pre-
formed plastic patterns or ready made wax
shapes. 12 gauge half round wax or one of the
many shapes of the pre-formed plastic patterns
is simply laid on the tooth surface and smoothly
blended into the minor connector. Since
reciprocal arms are not placed into undercuts,
there is no need to taper them except to contour
them so they are non-irritating to the tongue.
The junction of the minor connector and
reciprocal clasp arm is rounded.

10 - 9



Joins minor connector with sharp angles

Too thin

Placed too high on tooth

10 - 10

Retention Latticework: Proper position:

At the conclusion of the final laboratory session,
the student must submit to their instructor one
cast that has a completed partial denture waxup on it.

Finish lines: Sharp, definite, butt-type finish lines

are incorporated into the metal because it is here
that the acrylic resin meets the metal. An angle no
greater than 90 will ensure a neat junction of the two
materials and will preclude the formation of a thin
feather edge of resin overlapping the metal which is
unsightly, unhygienic and prone to fracture. A comon
error, however, is to place too deep a finish line at the
junction of the major connector and the latticework.
This causes a thinning of the metal at a point that is
vulnerable to breakage in surface.

External finish lines (oral side) should be

formed in the wax pattern in a way that
provides ample thickness of both metal and
Internal finish lines (tissue side) are also
formed by the edge of the saddle relief wax
which is placed on the master cast prior to

11 - 11

Framework off the cast

Condition of the cast

1. Check for any areas of breakage even if they
have been repaired; the possibility of distortion is
very real.
2. Check for areas of abrasion. These will indicate
areas of interference in the mouth.
Examine the framework

1. For porosity - which will indicate areas of

weakness and probable fracture
2. For blebs or bubbles - that will prevent the
framework from seating if they are in the area of
hard tissues or irritation if they are in the area of
soft tissue contact.
3. For polish and finish - the framework should be
smooth with no scratches.
4. For nicks - check the clasp arms for nicks or
weak spots.

11 - 12


In the making of an actual partial denture casting,
certain steps that will not be done in our laboratory exercises must be understood. The master
cast with the final survey, blocked out of guiding
planes and critical areas, drawn design and proper
work authorization is sent to the laboratory for
the casting to be made. The laboratory technician
receives, the cast, reproduces the survey and proceeds to place blockout and relief wax on all areas
indicated. The master cast with the wax applied is
placed in a flask and a duplicating material (reversible hydro- colloid) is poured into the flask. After
it hardens, the master cast is removed and the
negative is poured with a refractory cast material.
This material is similar to the investment used for
castings in other technique courses. The refractory
cast which may be a gypsum investment for gold or
a phosphate bonded investment for higher fusing
metals is used for the actual wax-up of the partial
denture framework. The wax-up must be done on
the refractory cast because unlike other wax patterns that may be lifted off the die for investment
purposes, the partial denture frame is too complex
for this. So the wax-up is done on a cast that is
investment material.
After the wax-up is completed, it and the refractory
cast is then invested in toto using a large enough
casting ring to house the cast and wax-up. Wax
burnout and the casting are then made in the standard manner and the casting is retrieved, finished,
polished and returned to the original master cast to
be sent back to the dentist for try-in, in the mouth.

Preparation of the Master Cast by the Laboratory for

Block out of the master cast:
After establishing the path of insertion and locating undercut areas on the master cast, any undercut area that will be crossed by rigid parts of the
framework need to be blocked out by the addition
of wax prior to the duplication procedure. Since
all parts of a RPD are rigid except retentive clasp
arms, this means that all other parts of the RPD
that cross teeth and tissue that are undercut must
be blocked out if the interference has not been previously removed. Rigid portions of the framework
cannot be constructed in undercut areas because
then the partial will not go into place. Blockout
on the master cast removes the interference of
the undercut in question. When the master cast
is duplicated and poured into a refractory cast,
the blockout is duplicated as well. Therefore, the
refractory cast has no undercuts other than those
areas not involved in the framework or dealing
with the retentive clasp arm. The wax-up of the
RPD then can be freely done on the refractory cast
without fear of waxing into an undercut. This
type of blockout is called parallel blockout because
it parallels all of the surfaces involved. Blockout
wax is applied to the cast undercuts at the given
path of insertion and trimmed so that it contacts
the diagnostic rod or blade trimmer at the same
time that the rod or blade contacts the height of


11 - 1

In essence, this converts teeth and their undercut

areas into parallel cylinders. When this is done,
the remaining undercuts or interferences have
been circumvented and the partial framework
will slide easily to place. The amount of blockout
wax used to eliminate an undercut area should be
minimal. If the undercut area is large, blocking
it out with wax will enable one to make a casting
that will go to place, but the undercut may be so
large that it creates an unfavorable food trap. The
excessive undercut should have been modified in
the tooth preparation stage by disking, placement
of a restoration or selecting an alternate tilt of the
cast, if not to eliminate the undercut then to reduce its magnitude decreasing its food entrapment
potential while increasing patient acceptance.
Proximal tooth surfaces that are to be used as
guide planes and areas beneath all minor connectors receive parallel blockout. The wax is applied
to the undercut area remaining gingival to the contact of the diagnostic rod or blade trimmer. Parallel blockout is also used in deep interproximal
spaces that are to be crossed by a minor connector
or a linguoplte.
Arbitrary blockout:
Refers to areas that are not involved in the casting
but are blocked out for convenience. This is done
to avoid difficulties in duplication of the master
cast. The duplicating material is reversible hydrocolloid, and while this is highly elastic it can tear
if drawn over a severe undercut. To prevent this
tearing and to make ti easier to draw the master
cast from the duplicating get, gross undercuts that
are not involved with the framework are arbitrarily blocked out. This blockout can be accomplished
with the use of hard base plate wax. The special
undercut wax need not be used.

Relief of the Master Cast:

This is done for the purpose of providing a space
between the partial denture framework and the
tissue. A selected thickness of wax is applied
to the master cast, the cast is duplicated into a
refractory model and the wax-up is done on the
duplication of the wax relief on the refractory cast.
When the casting is made and returned to the
master cast or mouth, it does not contact the tissue
in the areas that were relieved.
Areas that require relief include:
1. Gingival crevices and margins that will be
crossed by minor connectors or linguoplate.
Relief is necessary in these areas to prevent impingement of this delicate tissue so as to avoid
and periodontal disturbance. The undercut
wax or hard baseplate wax is flowed into these
areas with a minimum thickness.
2. Areas in which major connectors will contact
thin mucosa such as that over maxillary and
mandibular tori and a prominent median palatal raphe. The thickness of wax applied is directly proportional to the amount of displacibility of the tissue covering the residual ridge.
The more displaceable the ridge tissue, the
more relief needed to cover the torus or suture
line. This obviously deals with distal extension
bases. In a tooth supported case, the need for
relief in these areas is not as critical.
3. Beneath a lingual bar in a distal extension
case if the rotation point is more to the anterior
or the lingual alveolar mucosa is undercut.

11 - 2

The relief wax is 26 gauge sheet wax and it is applied in the area of the lingual bar. The superior
portion is feathered and blended into the tissue,
below the height of the contact of the superior
edge of the lingual bar so that the top of the
lingual bar will contact the tissue where possible.
This is necessary to prevent food impaction, and
the superior edge does not need relief because it
does not move toward the tissue when in function. The inferior edge of the relief wax is extended all the way to the tissue reflection and kept at
its full thickness. It is extended the full length
to the lingual sulcular depth so to not limit the
position of the inferior portion of the lingual bar.
If the rotation is farther posterior, the arc of
rotation of the lingual bar changes to more of an
upward movement and so does not impinge the
tissue. If the lingual alveolar mucosa in the area
of the lingual bar is undercut, then the undercut
must have parallel blockout so the framework
will seat without tissue irritation. In addition the
area also needs relief because of the upward rotation that will impinge the tissue.
4. The area under the retention latticework
needs relief for the attachment of the resin base.
One thickness of 26 gauge wax is applied to the
ridge beyond the involved area so to not limit
the placement of the latticework. The relief wax
ends abruptly at a right angle at the finish line
to create the internal finish line.

General Principles of Waxing

Always be sure all parts of the wax-up are
firmly secured to the model.
Avoid sharp angles in the wax-up, except for
finish lines.
All junctions should be smoothly rounded.
Finish lines should be definite, sharp line
angles so resin can be finished to a butt joint.
Always be sure of enough bulk in major connectors to insure rigidity.
Occlusal rests should be within the confines of
the occlusal rest preparations and never convex
in shape.
Retention arms should have a uniform taper.
All excess wax independent of the wax-up
proper should be carefully removed from the
Slight imperfections, nicks, pits, cracks, etc.
are corrected by the careful addition of wax and
gentle carving and reshaping. Never attempt to
flame out an imperfection.

11 -3

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