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SJ-20141110151550-014-ZXSDR UniRAN TDD-LTE (V3.20.50) Dynamic Data Management Operation Guide

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TD-LTE Base Station

Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Version: V3.20.50

No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
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URL: http://support.zte.com.cn
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2015 ZTE CORPORATION.
The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or
distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written
consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited.

Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by

contractual confidentiality obligations.

All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE
CORPORATION or of their respective owners.
This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions
are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
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ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.
Users may visit the ZTE technical support website http://support.zte.com.cn to inquire for related information.
The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History
Revision No.

Revision Date

Revision Reason



Updated 1 Diagnosis Test.

Updated 1.2 Managing a Diagnosis Test.

Updated 1.5 Testing IP Channels.

Updated 1.6 Tracing Route.

Added 1.11 Querying Satellite Information in Realtime.



First edition

Serial Number: SJ-20141110151550-015

Publishing Date: 2015-06-30 (R2.0)

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

About This Manual ......................................................................................... I
Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test........................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Executing Test Tasks .......................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Managing a Diagnosis Task ................................................................................ 1-4
1.3 Viewing the Environment Information of External Devices ................................... 1-10
1.4 Querying an NE Location ...................................................................................1-11
1.5 Testing IP Channels ......................................................................................... 1-12
1.6 Tracing Route .................................................................................................. 1-13
1.7 Testing Board Hardware ................................................................................... 1-14
1.8 Observing the CPU Usage ................................................................................ 1-16
1.9 Testing the BBU-RRU Link ................................................................................ 1-16
1.10 Testing Base Station Power............................................................................. 1-17
1.11 Querying Satellite Information in Real Time ...................................................... 1-17

Chapter 2 RF Analysis ............................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Measuring VSWR Location ................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Analyzing Receive Spectrum Data....................................................................... 2-4
2.3 Analyzing Carrier Spectrum Data ........................................................................ 2-5
2.4 Detecting Passive Inter-Modulation ..................................................................... 2-6

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types ........................................................... A-1

Figures............................................................................................................. I
Tables ............................................................................................................ III
Glossary .........................................................................................................V

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About This Manual

This manual provides information about common operations on the TD-LTE Base Station.

Intended Audience
This manual is intended for:

Maintenance engineers
Software debugging engineers
Network operation supervisors

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

To use this document effectively, users should have a general understanding of wireless
telecommunications technology. Familiarity with the ZXSDR base station and its related
components is helpful.

What Is in This Manual

This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes.


Chapter 1, Diagnosis Test

Describes the diagnosis test functions and the procedure

for performing diagnosis tests.

Chapter 2, RF Analysis

Describes the VSWR location measurement, receive

frequency spectrum analysis, carrier frequency spectrum
analysis, and inter-modulation interference detection.

Appendix A, Diagnosis Test Types

Describes diagnosis test types.

This manual uses the following typographical conventions:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in

moderate injury, equipment damage, or interruption of minor services.

Provides additional information about a topic.


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Chapter 1

Diagnosis Test
Test Functions
Diagnosis test helps users collect the operational information of system devices and locate
There are two common diagnosis test methods:
l Instant test: The user initiates a diagnosis test request to a Network Element (NE) on
the rack diagram of the NE on the Diagnosis Test tab. This method helps discover
and clear a fault in time.
l Periodical test: The user creates a periodical test task, which initiates a diagnosis test
request on schedule. This method is used in routine maintenance.
The instant test supports the following types:

NE Test: checks the NE operational status or locates a fault that occurs during NE
Board Test: checks the board operational status or locates a fault that occurs in the
Combine Test: performs one or more types of board function diagnosis tests on
specific test functions. It provides users with specific diagnosis information.
Link Test: tests the link between different boards of an NE.

For detailed information about the available test functions, refer to Appendix A Diagnosis
Test Types.

Entering the Diagnosis Test Page

All diagnosis test operations are performed on the Diagnosis Test tab.
1. In the Topology Management window at the EMS client, right-click an NE agent node
in the NE tree, and select NE Management > Start NE Management from the shortcut
menu. The NE management function is enabled.

After the NE management function is enabled, the
of the NE agent node icon.

icon appears at the bottom right

2. In the NE tree, right-click the NE agent node, and select NE Management > Diagnosis
Test from the shortcut menu. The Diagnosis Test tab is displayed, see Figure 1-1.
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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Figure 1-1 Diagnosis Test Tab

Table of Contents
Executing Test Tasks..................................................................................................1-2
Managing a Diagnosis Task........................................................................................1-4
Viewing the Environment Information of External Devices ........................................1-10
Querying an NE Location .........................................................................................1-11
Testing IP Channels .................................................................................................1-12
Tracing Route...........................................................................................................1-13
Testing Board Hardware ...........................................................................................1-14
Observing the CPU Usage .......................................................................................1-16
Testing the BBU-RRU Link .......................................................................................1-16
Testing Base Station Power......................................................................................1-17
Querying Satellite Information in Real Time ..............................................................1-17

1.1 Executing Test Tasks

This procedure describes how to execute test tasks.
The operational procedures for the NE test, board test, combined test, and link test are
slightly different. A proper test type should be selected as required.

The navigation tree in the Diagnosis Test pane is expanded.


NE Test

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select the required NE node from the left navigation
tree. The NE rack diagram is displayed, see Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2 NE Rack Diagram

2. In the rack diagram, click

(NE Test) on the toolbar. The system performs an
NE test and returns the test result.

Board Test
1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select the required NE node from the left navigation
tree. The NE rack diagram is displayed.
2. In the rack diagram, double-click a board. The system performs a test and returns
the test result.

Combine Test
1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select the required NE node from the left navigation
tree. The NE rack diagram is displayed.
2. In the rack diagram, click
dialog box is displayed.

(Combine Test) on the toolbar. The Combine Test

3. On the module tab (CCC, SA, or PM), select the required function for the combined
test and click OK. The system performs a function test and returns the test result.

Link Test

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The source board is a CC board, and the target board is a CC board or other boards.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select the required NE node from the left navigation
tree. The NE rack diagram is displayed.
2. In the rack diagram, click
box is displayed.

(Link Test) on the toolbar. The Link Test dialog

3. Select the required source board and target board, and click OK. The system tests
the link between different boards of the NE and returns the test result.
End of Steps

1.2 Managing a Diagnosis Task

This procedure describes how to manage a diagnosis task.
A diagnosis task can be customized. The system automatically executes the diagnosis
task of a specified type regularly to provide a reference for daily polling. You can perform
the following operations:
l Create a diagnosis task.
After a diagnosis task is created and activated, the system executes the diagnosis
task for the specified NEs periodically.

Delete a diagnosis task

If a diagnosis task is not required, you can delete the task. All the execution results
of the task are also deleted.

Modify a diagnosis task

If a diagnosis task does not meet your requirement, you can modify the task. The task
properties, except for the task name and creator, can be modified.

View a diagnosis task.

You can view the details of the desired diagnosis task.

Activate and suspend a diagnosis task.

You can change the status of a diagnosis task between Active and Suspended.

Execute a diagnosis task immediately.

You can schedule immediately and execute a diagnosis task.

View and export the task execution result.

The details of the task execution result can be displayed and exported.

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test


Create a diagnosis task.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu,
see Figure 1-3. The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
Figure 1-3 Diagnosis Menu

2. Click
(New) on the toolbar of Diagnosis Task tab. The New Task dialog box
with the Basic Information tab is displayed, see Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4 New Task Dialog BoxBasic Information Tab

3. Select task type in the Task Type drop-down list. The Immediately Task is
selected by default. You can change to Period Task.
4. Enter the task name in the Task name text box, and describe the task in the Task
description text box. For a description of the parameters.
5. On the NE Information pane, select the required NEs.

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

There are two selection types:

Select by NE: selects the configured NEs from the NE topology tree. When
the task is running, the system will perform a diagnosis test for the selected

Select by condition: selects the NEs in accordance with the preset NE

filtering conditions. If the task is running, the system will query the NEs in
accordance with the NE filtering conditions and perform a diagnosis test for
the NEs that meet the conditions, including the NEs configured after the task
is created. If the All NEs check box is selected, the system will perform a
diagnosis test for all the NEs in the system when the task is running.

6. On the Test Information pane, set a test type.


If Customize is selected from the Test Information list, you can specify one
or multiple diagnosis test types. If no test type is set, the system will perform
the diagnosis test of the default type.

In Customize mode, you can also specify the board types by selecting the
Show board types check box. If the task is running, the system will perform
a diagnosis test only for the specified boards.

Because the system supports numerous board types, you can select the Filter
by actual configuration check box to filter the board types unconfigured in
the system.

The parameter descriptions are as follows:



Task type

The value range is Immediately Task and Period Task.

Task name

Diagnosis task name.

The name is unique in the system, and the name length ranges from two
to 100 characters. The following characters must be excluded: \:*?"<>|/.


Description for the diagnosis task.


The task description may be null, or up to 1000 characters can be entered.


User name of the user creating the diagnosis task.

Note: The task creator can modify the diagnosis task.

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test



Start date

Start date of the diagnosis task

Before the date, the task is not executed.
Note: The start date must be greater than or equal to the current date.

End date

End date of the diagnosis task

After the date, the task is not executed.
Note: The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.

Running time

Execution start time of the task

Range: 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.

Running period

Execution period of the task, including Every day, Every week, and
Every Month.


The task status includes:

Suspended: The task cannot be executed.

Active: The task can be executed.

Waiting: The task is scheduled, but cannot run until other tasks are

Running: The task is being executed.

Stop: The task cannot be executed if the current time is later than the
last running time.

7. (Optional) If Task Type is set to Period Task, you can set Start date, End date,
Running time, and Running period on the Time and Period tab.

Delete a diagnosis task.

The running task cannot be deleted.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
2. Select a task from the task list, and click
message box is displayed.

(Delete) on the toolbar. The Confirm

3. Click OK. The task is deleted from the task list.


Modify a diagnosis task.

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide


Only the creator of a task can modify the task.

Only the task in Suspended or Stop status can be modified.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
2. Select a task from the task list, and click
Task dialog box is displayed.

(Modify) on the toolbar. The Modify

3. Modify the Task description, Start date, End date, Running time, Running
period, NE information, and Test type parameters as required.
4. Click OK. The task is modified in the task list.

View a diagnosis task.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
(View) on the toolbar (or double-click
2. Select a task from the task list, and click
the selected task). The View Task dialog box is displayed.
3. View the basic information, time and period, NE information, and test information
of the task.
4. Click OK.

Activate and suspend a diagnosis task.

Only the suspended tasks can be activated, and only the activated tasks can be

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
2. Select a suspended task from the task list, and click
(Activate) on the toolbar.
The suspended task is changed to Active in the task list.
3. Select an activated task from the task list, and click
(Suspend) on the toolbar.
The activated task is changed to Suspended in the task list.

Execute a diagnosis task immediately.

If other tasks preceding your task is running or waiting, the task can be executed only
after other tasks are complete.

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test

Only the activated tasks can be executed.
If the task execution time is too short because the there are only a few NEs involved
in the task or the NEs are disconnected, you may not view the process of refreshing
the task list.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
2. Select a task from the task list, and click
message box is displayed.

(Run) on the toolbar. The Confirm

3. Click Yes. The task is changed to Running or Waiting in the task list.
4. View the execution result after the task execution is complete.

View and export the task execution result.

At most 2000 records can be displayed on the View Result tab. You can view the
data on different pages by clicking
(Next Page), or

(First Page),

(Previous Page),

(Last Page) on the View Result tab.

At most 10 execution results of one task can be saved. The earliest execution result
is automatically deleted if the number of the execution results exceeds 10.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Diagnosis Task from the menu.
The Diagnosis Task tab is displayed.
2. Click
(View Result) on the toolbar. The execution result of the latest task is
displayed on the View Result tab.
3. (Optional) Select another task from the drop-down list on the toolbar, and view the
execution results of the task.
4. Click

(Export). The Save dialog box is displayed.

5. Modify the path for saving the file and the file name as required, and click Save.
After the execution result is exported successfully, the Confirm dialog box is
6. Click No.
End of Steps
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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

1.3 Viewing the Environment Information of External

This procedure describes how to display the environment information of external devices
(for example, a shelter or ZXDU(V5.0) power) in a centralized manner.
On the EMS, you can set monitoring unit parameters for the shelter, and reset a monitoring
unit to recover critical alarms that still exist after troubleshooting.

External devices should be connected to the Site Alarm (SA) board through serial port
cables. The EMS monitors the environment information of the external devices through
the SA board.

External devices are configured in the configuration management.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > External Device. The External
Device tab is displayed.
2. On the Shelter Monitoring tab, click the
dialog box is displayed.

(Select NE) button. The Select NE

The method of querying ZXDU(V5.0) power monitoring is the same as that of querying
shelter monitoring.

3. Select the NE that needs to be queried, and click OK to query the environment
information of the related external devices.
4. View the query result in the Status column.

If the query result is Timeout, it indicates that the NE is disconnected with external
devices or the EMS server fails to communicate with external devices.

5. (Optional) To save the query result, click the

(Save) button on the toolbar.

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test

6. If there are critical alarms which cannot be cleared after troubleshooting, such as a
shelter fire alarm, shelter air conditioner alarm, and shelter heater alarm, right-click
an environment information record and select Reset Monitoring Unit to reset the
monitoring unit after the fault is solved on site.

The reset operation can be directly performed on the shelter devices.

7. Click the
button on the toolbar, or right-click an environment information record,
and select Set Monitoring Unit Parameters. The Set Monitoring Unit Parameters
dialog box is displayed.
The system automatically queries the monitoring unit parameters. If the parameter
values of the monitoring units are not returned within the specified time or the values
are incorrect, a message Timeout when querying monitoring unit parameters is
displayed and the Set Monitoring Unit Parameters dialog box is closed.
8. Set the monitoring unit parameters, or click Default to set the parameters to the default

The monitoring unit parameters refer to the thresholds of shelter sensors. For
example, the air-conditioner is started if the shelter temperature exceeds the value of
Air-conditioner threshold.

9. Click Set to send the command of setting monitoring unit parameters to the shelter. A
message Succeeded in setting monitoring unit parameters is displayed.
If no setting result is returned within the specified time, a message Timeout when
setting monitoring unit is displayed.
10. Click OK.
End of Steps

1.4 Querying an NE Location

This procedure describes how to query a BS longitude and latitude acquired from the GPS.
The longitude and latitude of a BS are key information for showing the BS location in EMS
topology management. You can acquire the longitude and latitude of a desired BS in the
network through the GPS, query the longitude and latitude of the BS in a diagnosis test.

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One or multiple clock sources are configured for the BS.

The configured clock source(s) has searched for satellites and locked a satellite.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Query NE Location from the menu.
The Query NE Location tab is displayed, see Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5 Query NE Location Tab

2. Click the

(Select NE) button on the toolbar. The Select NE dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an NE from the NE tree, and click OK. The system starts to query the longitude
and latitude of the NE. The query result is displayed in the list on the Query NE
Location tab.
4. (Optional) Click the

(Save) button.

End of Steps

1.5 Testing IP Channels

This procedure describes how to test the quality of IP channels, which helps you monitor
real-time operation status of a transmission network.
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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test

The IP layer parameters are configured.

System device or transmission faults may result in delay, delay jitter, or packet loss of links
between NEs. This leads to call failure and poor voice quality. You need to check the
status of the current transmission network through testing the quality of IP channels. If the
transmission network is abnormal, you can troubleshoot the fault immediately.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > IP Channel Test from the menu. The
IP Channel Test tab is displayed.
2. Click the

(Select NE) button. The Select NE dialog box is displayed.

3. Select one or more NEsfrom the NE tree, and click OK. The IP address(es) of the
NE(s) is displayed in the Source IP column of the Test results list.
4. In the Test parameters area, set Packet type, Packet length, Report period,
Request interval, Function type, Test duration, , DSCP, NE, Target IP and Auto
(Start Test) button. The system starts a test. The test result is displayed
5. Click the
in the Test results list.
6. (Optional) Click the IP channel test of one NE in the list. The result detail is displayed
in the Result detail list.
7. (Optional) Click the

(Stop Test) button. The system will stop all diagnosis tasks.

8. (Optional) After the test is completed or stopped manually, click the

to save the test result.

(Save) button

9. (Optional) In the Test results area, select the Autosave check box. The test result
is automatically saved under the \ums\ums-clnt\rundata\dtm\autosave\ipp
d directory.
If you need to view details, click the
(Open Folder) button. The folder for saving
the test result is opened, and you can view the detailed information.
End of Steps

1.6 Tracing Route

This procedure describes how to trace the route for the quality between NE and target IP

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > Trace Route from the menu. The
Trace Route tab is displayed.
2. Click the

(Select NE) button. The Select NE dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an NE from the NE tree, and click OK. The IP address of the NE is displayed
as the Source IP in Test parameters area.
4. In the Test parameters area, set Target IP, Maximum hops, Total timeout.
5. Click the
(Start Test) button. The system starts a test. The test result is displayed
in the Test results list.
End of Steps

1.7 Testing Board Hardware

This procedure describes how to test board hardware.
If an alarm occurs or a service is of poor quality, and the fault cannot be troubleshot based
on the alarm details, you can test board hardware on the OMM, and determine whether
the device needs to be repaired.

GSM/UMTS/GU/LTE NEs are configured.

The OMM delivers the information about the device to be tested (for example, a board) to
the corresponding BS. The BS tests the devices and sends the test results to the OMM.
The OMM displays the test results.

Board hardware tests may result in service interruption. The global services of the BS can
be interrupted, and the services between the RRU and inferior RRU can be interrupted. A
board hardware test covers boards, clocks, and wires and takes a long time.

1. In the left navigation tree on the Diagnosis Test tab, select one NE node to be tested.
The corresponding NE rack diagram is displayed.
2. Click
(Detect Board Hardware) on the toolbar. The Detect Board Hardware
dialog box is displayed, see Figure 1-6.

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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test

Figure 1-6 Detect Board Hardware Dialog Box

3. Select one or multiple boards, and click OK. The ui.title.confirm dialog box is
displayed, see Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7 ui.title.confirm Dialog Box

4. Enter the verification code, and click OK to start the test. The system will display the
test result.
Perform any of the following operations to view the test result:

Double-click a record in the result list to view the details.

Right-click the board in the rack diagram, and select View Board Hardware
Detect Result from the shortcut menu to view the details.

On the rack diagram, a board in green indicates that the board is operating properly; a
board in red indicates that the board is faulty; a board in grey indicates that the board
status is unknown. You can view the test results and troubleshoot the faults.

5. (Optional) Click (Obtain Original Data File) on the toolbar. The Obtain Original
Data File dialog box is displayed.
6. Select one or multiple boards, and click OK. The original data of the board(s) is
End of Steps

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1.8 Observing the CPU Usage

This procedure describes how to observe the CUP usage of boards in daily maintenance
to prevent overhigh CPU usage.

The NE is configured with data synchronization and the NE has at least one board to
support the CPU observation function.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, Select Diagnosis > CPU Usage Observationfrom the
menu. The CPU Usage Observation tab is displayed.
2. Click

on the tool bar. The Select Board dialog box is displayed.

3. Expand the NE node to display all the boards that support CPU usage observation,
select a board, and click OK. The curve of CPU usage of the board is displayed.

You can select at most four boards at a time.

4. Enter Report period and Test duration, and then click

the CPU usage curve regularly.

on the tool bar to refresh

5. (Optional) Click

to stop refreshing the CPU usage curve.

6. (Optional) Click

to save the curve.

7. (Optional) Click

to open the folder where the test result is automatically saved.

End of Steps

1.9 Testing the BBU-RRU Link

This procedure describes how to perform a diagnosis test to locate the fault point in the
BBU-RRU link.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select an NE from the NE navigation tree on the left. The
NE rack diagram is displayed on the right.
2. Click

. The BBU-RRU Link Test dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an RRU, and click OK. The test is started, and the test result will be displayed
in the list.
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Chapter 1 Diagnosis Test


When the test result will be returned depends on the number of cascaded RRUs.
If the number of cascaded RRUs is large, the test may last for a long time.
After the test result is returned, you can perform filtering and saving operations in
the test result list.

End of Steps

1.10 Testing Base Station Power

This procedure describes how to query the power consumption of a base station.

The base station has one or multiple external PMU devices.

1. On the Diagnosis Test tab, select Diagnosis > External Device. The External
Device tab is displayed.
2. Click the BS Power Test tab, and click
is displayed.

on the tool bar. The Select NE dialog box

3. Select an NE, and click OK. The NE to be tested is displayed in the list.
4. In the Test Parameters area, set Test duration, and click
result is displayed.

on the tool bar. The test

5. (Optional) Click a record in the test result list to view the detailed information.
6. (Optional) Click

on the tool bar to stop all diagnosis tasks.

7. (Optional) After the test is completed or manually stopped, click

save the test result.

on the tool bar to

8. (Optional) Select the Autosave check box. The test result is automatically saved
under the \ums\ums-clnt\rundata\dtm\autosave\power directory.
You can click

on the tool bar to open the folder where the test result is saved.

End of Steps

1.11 Querying Satellite Information in Real Time

This procedure describes how to display the GNSS information captured by the current
base station on a star chart, which assists you in locating satellite faults.
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GSM/UMTS/GU NEs are configured.

Clocks are configured.
The CC/CCC boards are connected to the antenna and operate properly.

1. Select a GSM or UMTS NE to be tested from the NE tree in the left pane. The rack
diagram of the NE is displayed.
2. Click

on the toolbar. The Satellite Real Time Query tab is displayed.

3. Right-click a record and select Start Test. The information about the satellites, such
as satellite ID, azimuth, elevation, signal-to-noise ratio, and status, are displayed. You
can view the related information on the Inner Gnss, Outer Facepanel Gnss, Outer
Backpanel Gnss, or Cascade tab.
4. (Optional) Right-click a record and select Stop Test to stop the test.
End of Steps

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Chapter 2

RF Analysis
The RF analysis function includes the VSWR location measurement, spectrum scan for
locating interference, antenna connection sequence detection, and RRU inter-modulation
interference detection. All functions are performed in the Radio Frequency Analysis
1. In the Topology Management window, right-click an NE agent node in the NE tree,
and select NE Management > Start NE Management from the shortcut menu. The
NE management function is enabled.

After the NE management function is enabled, the
of the NE agent node icon..

icon appears at the bottom right

2. In the NE tree, right-click the NE agent node, and select NE Management > Radio
Frequency Analysis. The Radio Frequency Analysis window is displayed.

Table of Contents
Measuring VSWR Location ........................................................................................2-1
Analyzing Receive Spectrum Data .............................................................................2-4
Analyzing Carrier Spectrum Data ...............................................................................2-5
Detecting Passive Inter-Modulation ............................................................................2-6

2.1 Measuring VSWR Location

You can perform VSWR location measurement to the TX channels of a specified RRU to
locate cable faults in the commissioning stage.


The NE is communicating with the network management system properly.

The RRU is operating properly.

1. On the Radio Frequency Analysis tab, Select Radio Frequency Analysis > VSWR
Location Measurement. The VSWR Location Measurement tab is displayed. see
Figure 2-1.
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Figure 2-1 Radio Frequency Analysis Tab

2. Click

. The Set dialog box is displayed, see Figure 2-2.

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Chapter 2 RF Analysis

Figure 2-2 Set Dialog Box

3. Select an NE in the navigation tree in the left pane. All RRU transmitting channels of
this base station are listed in the Tx area.
4. Select a channel, and click Advanced. The Advanced dialog box is displayed, see
Figure 2-3.

You can select only one channel.

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Figure 2-3 Advanced Options Dialog Box

5. Set Cable length (m), Transmission coefficient (% light velocity), and Feeder loss
(dB/m), and click OK.
6. Click

on the tool bar. The Confirm dialog box is displayed.

7. Enter the verification code, and click OK. The VSWR location test is started.
8. Click

on the tool bar. The Open dialog box is displayed.

9. Select historical data, and click Open.


The historical VSWR location curve is

End of Steps

2.2 Analyzing Receive Spectrum Data

This procedure describes how to perform intelligent interference analysis for receive
spectrum data of the transmitting channel of a specified RRU.


The NE is communicating with the network management system properly.

The RRU is operating properly.

1. On the Radio Frequency Analysis tab, select Radio Frequency Analysis >
Receiver Spectrum Analysis. The Receiver Spectrum Analysis tab is displayed.
2. Click

on the tool bar. The Set dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an NE in the navigation tree in the left pane. All RRU transmitting channels of
this base station are listed in the Select Tx area in the right pane.
4. Select a channel, and click OK.

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Chapter 2 RF Analysis

You can select only one TX channel at a time.

5. Click
on the tool bar. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Enter the verification
code, and click OK. The receive spectrum analysis is started.
6. After the receive spectrum analysis is completed, the spectrum graph is displayed,
and the Confirm dialog box is displayed.
7. Click OK. The Intelligent Interference Analysis dialog box is displayed, and you can
view the test items and test result.
8. Click

on the tool bar. The Intelligent Interference Analysis dialog box is closed.

9. (Optional) Right-click the blank area on the Receiver Spectrum Analysis tab, and
select a corresponding menu item in the shortcut menu to view the PA curve diagrams
of other transmitting antennas.
End of Steps

2.3 Analyzing Carrier Spectrum Data

This procedure describes how to perform spectrum analysis for the transmitting channel of
a specified RRU. Through observing the spectrum amplitude of the reported frequencies,
the analysis determines whether a frequency has singular point for the received signals
within a certain measurement period.


The NE is communicating with the network management system properly.

The RRU is operating properly.

1. On the Radio Frequency Analysis tab, select Radio Frequency Analysis > Carrier
Spectrum Analysis. The Carrier Spectrum Analysis tab is displayed.
2. Click

on the tool bar. The Set dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an NE in the navigation tree in the left pane. All RRU transmitting channels of
this base station are listed in the PA area in the right pane.
4. Select a channel, and click OK.

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

You can select only one TX channel at a time.

5. Click
on the tool bar. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Enter the verification
code, and click OK. The analysis is started in accordance with the antenna sequence.
6. (Optional) Right-click the blank area on the Carrier Spectrum Analysis tab, and select
a corresponding menu item in the shortcut menu to view the PA curve diagrams of other
transmitting antennas.
End of Steps

2.4 Detecting Passive Inter-Modulation

You can detect the RRU passive inter-modulation of the PA channels for a specified RRU
to fast the RRU unlink interference.


The NE is communicating with the network management system properly.

The RRU is operating properly.

1. On the Radio Frequency Analysis tab, Select Radio Frequency Analysis >
Passive Inter-Modulation Detection. The Passive Inter-Modulation Detection
tab is displayed.
2. Click

. The Set dialog box is displayed.

3. Select an NE in the left navigation tree, and all frequency corresponding to all RRUs
of the base station are listed in the PA drop-down list in the right pane.
4. Select a channel, and click OK.

You can select only one channel.

5. Click

. The Confirm dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the verification code, and click OK. The detection is started, and the detection
result will be displayed in the list.
End of Steps
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Appendix A

Diagnosis Test Types

For the types of platform diagnosis, refer to Table A-1.
Table A-1 Types of Platform Diagnosis
Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

CC Board Test


Baseband RF Interface Board


SA Board Test


SE Board Test


PM Board Test


PSA Board Test


FCE Board Test


Link Test

S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RTR-U212/RTRU214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTR-U856/RTRU176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40-U218/RSU40U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU90C/RSU60E GU90E/RSU60E GU18C/RSU60E GU18E/R8881
S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881 S2100(B6B)/R8881
S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881 S9000(B8D)/R8881
S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8C)/R8881
S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881 S1700(B8B)/R8881
S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881 S1900(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861 S9000(B8B)/R8861
S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861 S2100(B8B)/R8861
S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861 S1800(B8C)/R8861
S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861 S1700(B8B)/R8881
S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RSU82
S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82 S1900(B6B)/RSU82
S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82 S1900(B6A)/RSU82
S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82 S1800(B8C)/RSU82
S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82 S8000(B6A)/RSU82
S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82 S9000(B8C)

Clock status query


1588 clock information query


HDLC Send and Receive


Packet Count
UES board Diagnosis


Main Control Board


Temperature Query
AMC board temperature query

AMC board

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Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

Optical/Electric Module


Information Query

C804(RTRA)/R8841 C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82
C808(RTRG)/R8860 C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60
C80(RTRA)/RSU60 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80
C80(RTRA)/RSU80 C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860
C858(RTRB)/RSU80 C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860
C196(RTRB)/RSU60 C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860
C216(RTRB)/RSU60 C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860
C206(RTRB)/RSU60 C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860
C426(RTRA)/R8860 C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60
C42(RTRB)/R8860 C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60
C45(RTRA)/RSU60 C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82
C216(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRD)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882
S8100(B6B)/R8884-L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884
M1826(A4A)/R8884 S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82GUL9016/RSU82-GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82GUL1916/RSU82-U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTRGU858/ADTR-GU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60EGU858/RSU60E-GU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60EGU198/RSU60E GU90C/RSU60E GU90E/RSU60E
GU18C/RSU60E GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881
S1800(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881
S2100(B8B)/R8881 S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881
S9000(B8C)/R8881 S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881
S1800(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881
S8500(B8C)/R8881 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881
S1900(B8B)/R8881 S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861
S8500(B8B)/R8861 S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861
S1900(B8B)/R8861 S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861
S9000(B8C)/R8861 S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861
S2100(B8C)/R8861 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881
S9000(BCB)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S8500(B8B)/RSU82 S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82
S8500(B8A)/RSU82 S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82
S1800(B8B)/RSU82 S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82
S2600(B6A)/RSU82 S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82
S8100(B8B)/RSU82 S9000(B8C)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882

1PPS+TOD Information Query


Configuration and Query of


Front Panel Clock Output

Line Clock Information Query


UCI Board Test


SyncE Query


Main Control Board Hardware


Information Query
Base Station Board Inventory


Information Query
Base Station Board Software


Information Query
Base Station Board Running


Status Info Test

CC Switch Port Link Status


eNodeB Information Query


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Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

Resource Use Ratio Test

C804(RTRA)/R8841 C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82
C808(RTRG)/R8860 C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60
C80(RTRA)/RSU60 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80
C80(RTRA)/RSU80 C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860
C858(RTRB)/RSU80 C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860
C196(RTRB)/RSU60 C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860
C216(RTRB)/RSU60 C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860
C206(RTRB)/RSU60 C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860
C426(RTRA)/R8860 C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60
C42(RTRB)/R8860 C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60
C45(RTRA)/RSU60 C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82
C216(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRD)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882
S8100(B6B)/R8884-L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884
M1826(A4A)/R8884 S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82GUL9016/RSU82-GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82GUL1916/RSU82-U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTRGU858/ADTR-GU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60EGU858/RSU60E-GU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60EGU198/RSU60E GU90C/RSU60E GU90E/RSU60E
GU18C/RSU60E GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881
S1800(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881
S2100(B8B)/R8881 S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881
S9000(B8C)/R8881 S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881
S1800(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881
S8500(B8C)/R8881 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881
S1900(B8B)/R8881 S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861
S8500(B8B)/R8861 S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861
S1900(B8B)/R8861 S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861
S9000(B8C)/R8861 S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861
S2100(B8C)/R8861 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881
S9000(BCB)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82

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ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S8500(B8B)/RSU82 S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82
S8500(B8A)/RSU82 S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82
S1800(B8B)/RSU82 S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82
S2600(B6A)/RSU82 S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82
S8100(B8B)/RSU82 S9000(B8C)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882

E1/T1 Transmission


Impedance Test
Main Control Board Net Port


Status Query
External front panel GNSS


Information Query
External backplane GNSS


Information Query
GNSS cascading Information


Inner GNSS Information Query


Stack Clock Information Query


RRU Inner GNSS Information


FAB Board Test


RRU Board Temperature



U856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60

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Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

Optical/Electric Interface


Status Test

U216/RTR-U856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)


RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

RRU Board Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

Bit Error Rate of


Optical/Electric Port Query

U216/RTR-U856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

RRU Power Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82A-13

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

RRU PA Status Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

RRU PA Information Query

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTR-GU858/ADTRGU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60E-GU858/RSU60EGU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60E-GU198/RSU60E
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

RRU Opt Master Or Slave

State Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82A-17

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

IR RRU/EAC Software Version



R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Hardware Information



R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

IR RRU Environment


Temperature Query

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400


R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU/EAC Product


Information Query

8/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Optical Information



R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU GNSS Receiver


Information Query

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Actual Band Capability

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR Optical Bit Error Rate

M192023/R8972 M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968
S0400/R8968 S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E
M192023/R8972E M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i
M192023/R8968i M1920/R8972E S1400

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

IR RRU Antenna Connector


IR RRU Performance



R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Environment


Parameter Query

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Status Query

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

IR RRU Loop Test

R8918/R8918A/R8928F/R8928A/R8928FA/R8972 M192023/R8972
M1920/R8972 S2300/R8968 M1920/R8968 S0400/R8968
S1400/R8968 S1800/R8968E M1920/R8972E M192023/R8972E
M1920/R8972E S2300/R8972S M1920/R8972i M192023/R8968i
M1920/R8972E S1400

NSBT Information Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/ADTRGU858/ADTR-GU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60EGU858/RSU60E-GU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60EGU198/RSU60E GU90C/RSU60E GU90E/RSU60E
GU18C/RSU60E GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881
S1800(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881
S2100(B8B)/R8881 S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881
S9000(B8C)/R8881 S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881
S1800(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881
S8500(B8C)/R8881 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881
S1900(B8B)/R8881 S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861
S8500(B8B)/R8861 S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861
S1900(B8B)/R8861 S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861
S9000(B8C)/R8861 S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861
S2100(B8C)/R8861 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881
S9000(BCB)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82
S8500(B8B)/RSU82 S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82
S8500(B8A)/RSU82 S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82
S1800(B8B)/RSU82 S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82
S2600(B6A)/RSU82 S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82
S8100(B8B)/RSU82 S9000(B8C)

HDLC Status Query


PPP Status Query


SCTP Status Query


SSCOP Package Statistics


SCTP Package Statistics


IP Package Statistics


SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported

Board Working Duration Query

C804(RTRA)/R8841 C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82
C808(RTRG)/R8860 C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60
C80(RTRA)/RSU60 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80
C80(RTRA)/RSU80 C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860
C858(RTRB)/RSU80 C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860
C196(RTRB)/RSU60 C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860
C216(RTRB)/RSU60 C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860
C206(RTRB)/RSU60 C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860
C426(RTRA)/R8860 C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60
C42(RTRB)/R8860 C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60
C45(RTRA)/RSU60 C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82
C216(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRD)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882
S8100(B6B)/R8884-L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884
M1826(A4A)/R8884 S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82GUL9016/RSU82-GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82GUL1916/RSU82-U2112/RSU82-GUL9018D/RSU82-L268/ADTRGU858/ADTR-GU908/ADTR-GU188/ADTR-GU198/RSU60EGU858/RSU60E-GU908/RSU60E-GU188/RSU60EGU198/RSU60E GU90C/RSU60E GU90E/RSU60E
GU18C/RSU60E GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881
S1800(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881
S2100(B8B)/R8881 S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881
S9000(B8C)/R8881 S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881
S1800(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881
S8500(B8C)/R8881 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881
S1900(B8B)/R8881 S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861
S8500(B8B)/R8861 S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861
S1900(B8B)/R8861 S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861
S9000(B8C)/R8861 S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861
S2100(B8C)/R8861 S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881
S9000(BCB)/RSU82 S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Appendix A Diagnosis Test Types

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
S8500(B8B)/RSU82 S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82
S8500(B8A)/RSU82 S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82
S1800(B8B)/RSU82 S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82
S2600(B6A)/RSU82 S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82
S8100(B8B)/RSU82 S9000(B8C)/R8882-GUL9012/R8882GUL1812/R8882-GUL8512/R8882-GUL1912/R8882GUL9018D/R8882-L268/RSU82 UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882 S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882
S1900(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882
S1700(B6A)/R8882 S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882-L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882
S9000(C6B)/R8882 S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882
L108/R8882 S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882
S1800(B6C)/R8882 GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882

Switch Port Package Test


RRU RSSI Information Test

RTR-U212/RTR-U214/RTR-U854/RTR-U904/RTR-U216/RTRU856/RTR-U176/RSU40-U214/RSU40-U216/RSU40U218/RSU40-U176/RSU40-U178/R8841 C804(RTRA)/R8841
C804(RTRB)/RSU82 C806(RTRD)/RSU82 C808(RTRG)/R8860
C806(RTRA)/R8860 C806(RTRB)/RSU60 C80(RTRA)/RSU60
C80(RTRB)/R8860 C808(RTRB)/RSU80 C80(RTRA)/RSU80
C80(RTRB)/RSU105 C80(RTRB)/R8860 C858(RTRB)/RSU80
C85(RTRB)/R8860 C196(RTRA)/R8860 C196(RTRB)/RSU60
C19(RTRA)/RSU60 C19(RTRB)/R8860 C216(RTRB)/RSU60
C21(RTRB)/R8860 C206(RTRA)/R8860 C206(RTRB)/RSU60
C20(RTRA)/RSU60 C20(RTRB)/R8860 C426(RTRA)/R8860
C426(RTRB)/RSU60 C42(RTRA)/RSU60 C42(RTRB)/R8860
C456(RTRA)/R8860 C456(RTRB)/RSU60 C45(RTRA)/RSU60
C45(RTRB)/RSU82 C196(RTRD)/RSU82 C216(RTRD)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)/R8884L268/R8884 M8026(A4A)/R8884 M1826(A4A)/R8884
S2600(A4A)/R8884 M1826(AFA)/RSU82-GUL9016/RSU82GUL1816/RSU82-GUL8516/RSU82-GUL1916/RSU82A-23

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

ZXSDR UniRAN Diagnosis Test Operation Guide

Diagnosis Type Name

Board Supported
GU18E/R8881 S9000(B8A)/R8881 S1800(B8A)/R8881
S2100(B8A)/R8881 S2100(B6A)/R8881 S2100(B8B)/R8881
S2100(B6B)/R8881 S9000(B8B)/R8881 S9000(B8C)/R8881
S9000(B8D)/R8881 S1800(B8B)/R8881 S1800(B8C)/R8881
S2100(B8C)/R8881 S8500(B8B)/R8881 S8500(B8C)/R8881
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1700(B8C)/R8881 S1900(B8B)/R8881
S1900(B8C)/R8881 S2100(B8D)/R8861 S8500(B8B)/R8861
S9000(B8B)/R8861 S1800(B8B)/R8861 S1900(B8B)/R8861
S2100(B8B)/R8861 S8500(B8C)/R8861 S9000(B8C)/R8861
S1800(B8C)/R8861 S1900(B8C)/R8861 S2100(B8C)/R8861
S1700(B8B)/R8881 S1800(BCB)/R8881 S9000(BCB)/RSU82
S9000(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8A)/RSU82 S8500(B8B)/RSU82
S1900(B6B)/RSU82 S2100(B6A)/RSU82 S8500(B8A)/RSU82
S1900(B6A)/RSU82 S2100(B8A)/RSU82 S1800(B8B)/RSU82
S1800(B8C)/RSU82 S2100(B8B)/RSU82 S2600(B6A)/RSU82
S8000(B6A)/RSU82 S7200(B6A)/RSU82 S8100(B8B)/RSU82
UL2112/R8882-L808/R8882-L188/R8882 S9000(B)/R8882
S1800(B)/R8882 S8500(B6B)/R8882 S1900(B6B)/R8882
S2600(B4A)/R8882 S2100(B)/R8882 S1700(B6A)/R8882
S8000(B4A)/R8882-S9000C/R8882-S1800C/R8882-L708/R8882L718/R8882 S8500(B6A)/R8882 S9000(C6B)/R8882
S1800(C6B)/R8882 S1900(B5A)/R8882 L108/R8882
S1800(B6B)/R8882 S9000(B6C)/R8882 S1800(B6C)/R8882
GUL9018D(B6B)/R8882 S2600(B6A)/R8882 S8100(B6B)

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Figure 1-1 Diagnosis Test Tab................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-2 NE Rack Diagram .................................................................................... 1-3
Figure 1-3 Diagnosis Menu ....................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-4 New Task Dialog BoxBasic Information Tab.......................................... 1-5
Figure 1-5 Query NE Location Tab .......................................................................... 1-12
Figure 1-6 Detect Board Hardware Dialog Box........................................................ 1-15
Figure 1-7 ui.title.confirm Dialog Box....................................................................... 1-15
Figure 2-1 Radio Frequency Analysis Tab................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-2 Set Dialog Box ......................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-3 Advanced Options Dialog Box.................................................................. 2-4

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


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SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

Table A-1 Types of Platform Diagnosis......................................................................A-1

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ZTE Proprietary and Confidential


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SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

- Control and Clock Module
- Global Navigation Satellite System
- Global Positioning System
- Global System for Mobile Communications
- GSM/UMTS Dual Mode
- Network Element
- Power Module Unit
- Remote Radio Unit
- Site Alarm
- Universal Mobile Telecommunication System

SJ-20141110151550-015|2015-06-30 (R2.0)

ZTE Proprietary and Confidential

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