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(1) Explain how a generator output is limited by:
a) Rotor heating
b) Stator winding heating
c) Stability
d) Core end heating
e) Stator core heating
(2) Explain the precautions that must be taken to ensure the limitations listed above are
not exceeded and the consequences of exceeding each of these limitations.
This lesson explains the generator thermal or heating limitations and relates these
limitations to the generator capability curves. The lesson also explains the precautions
that must be taken to ensure the limits are not exceeded and the consequences ofexceeding the limits.
Figure 1 shows the operating limitations, usually referred to as the capability
curves for a generator. These capability curves are shown by the heavy black lines. Full
rated output of 540 MW, 24 Kv at 0.85 pf (lag) is achieved without exceeding any of the
generators limitations.
Examination of these curves will show that they define four of the five limitations
stated in the objectives:
a) Rotor heating
b) Stator winding heating
c) Stability
d) Core end heating


Rotor Heating Limitation

The rotors of large generators (typically above 60 MW) are hydrogen cooled. For
reliable operation, it is essential that at all times, the temperature of the rotor conductors
and insulation is not exceeded. An indication of the rotor temperature can be obtained
from the temperature of the hydrogen cooling gas as it returns to the coolers. An accurate
method rotor conductor temperature measurement is obtained from the rotor temperature
indicator. This indicator computes the temperature from the change in resistance of the
rotor winding.
Exceeding the rotor temperature will shorten the life of the insulation. Differential
expansion, due to excessive temperature differences between the rotor copper and rotor
iron components may cause cracking of the rotor copper or insulation.

Stator Winding Heating Limits

Figure 1 shows that when the generator is producing 800 MW at 0.85 pf lag with
520 KPa hydrogen pressure, the generator stator conductors are operating at their thermal
limit. This limit is due to the 12R heating in the stator conductors. If the generator power
factor is altered to a value nearer 1.0, then due to the lower stator current, the generator
stator conductors would be operating well within their thermal limit. Provided the turbine
could produce the necessary power, the generator could produce about 1000 MW at 1.0
pf with 520 KPa hydrogen pressure before the stator conductor thermal limit is reached.
The temperature of the stator conductors is monitored by measuring the
temperature of coolant leaving the conductors. Exceeding the rated temperature will
shorten insulation life. Excessive differential expansion between the copper conductors
can cause cracking of the copper conductors and/or insulation.
Stability Limit
When a generator is operating at a leading power factor, the excitation and hence
the flux produced by the rotor is weak. Consequently the magnetic coupling between
rotor and stator rotating magnetic fields is also weak. If the generator is loaded under this
condition, a large load angle (rotor angle) is produced. When this load angle reaches 90,
the generator is producing the maximum amount of power for the excitation being used
and is said to be operating at its steady state stability limit. Any further increase in load
will cause the magnetic fluxes to stretch further and the load angle to increase further. A
point is reached when the rotor is at the 180 position, see Figure 3, where there is no
magnetic coupling between the rotor and stator. When this occurs, the rotor will speed up
and the generator, instead of giving a steady output, will only give surges of power as the
rotor N pole passes the stator S pole. This effect is known as pole slipping and the
generator is now unstable.

Figure 2: Generator rotor at stability limit 90


Figure 3: Generator unstable


It is very bad operating practice to allow a generator to pole slip. The large surges
of power, from a mechanical point of view, put great strain on the generator to turbine
coupling, the bearings and foundations. From an electrical point of view the surges of
power will cause current surges and hence magnetic stresses to all load carrying
components. These surges of power will also cause the voltages to fluctuate rapidly and
cause lights to flash. Should instability occur, automatic protection trips the turbine. This
protection operates when the generators power factor becomes excessively leading.
To make sure that the generator will remain stable, it must not be operated with more
leading vars than is shown by the stability limit line.
Stator Core End Heating Limits
When a generator is operating at unity or lagging power factor, a strong flux is
produced by the rotor. Under this condition, little flux is able to leak out from the ends of
the stator core and there is no excessive heating at the core ends.
When the generator is operating at a leading power factor, the flux produced by
the rotor is weaker and more flux is able to leak out from the ends of the stator core.
When this flux leaks out front the ends of the stator core, it passes through the face of
each lamination and causes large eddy currents to flow in these laminations. These eddy
currents can cause excessive heating. To minimize heating at the ends of the core, two
techniques are employed. they are:
(a) Extra cooling ducts are provided at the ends of the core. These ducts allow the
hydrogen to remove the additional heat produced in the iron.
(b) Copper screens, are employed. These screens, which are water cooled in Parsons
generators, have currents induced in them by the fluxes passing out from the end of the
core. The currents in the copper screen produce fluxes which due to Lenzs law, oppose
the fluxes coming out of the end of the core. To a great extent, the fluxes leaking from the
ends at the core are forced to take a path which gives a better flux pattern through the iron
at the end of the core. Less core end heating results. Figure 4 shows typical curves of
relative heating of stator core ends versus power factor for a generator operating at 100%
full load MVA and 80% full load MVA.

.2 .4 .6 .8 1 .8 .6 .4 .2


Figure 4: Curves of relative heating of stator core ends versus power factor
Stator Core Heating
The stator core heating limitation is not shown on Figure 1. It should be
remembered that the voltage output VT for a generator is governed by the relationship:
VT N mf

N is the number of turns,

m is the maximum value of rotor flux
f is the frequency

As the frequency and number of turns are fixed, then the voltage output is proportional to
the flux, ie, VT m . The flux in a generator must not be kept at a value greater than
10% above normal for more than a few minutes. It follows then that the terminal voltage
of a generator should not be kept appreciably above its rated value for any significant
length of time. This will prevent excess heating due to eddy currents and hysterisis in the
stator iron laminations. If the flux and hence the voltage in the generator is higher than
normal, the flux in the transformers connected to the generators will also be higher than
normal. The cores of these transformers can easily be damaged due to over-fluxing.
Excessive voltages produced by the generator will also stress the insulation of all
electrical components in the generator and components connected to the generator. This
stressing of the insulation is usually a minor problem compared with the magnetic
stressing and heating of the iron.
From an operational viewpoint, a generator is normally operated within its
operational area shown by Figure 1. With full power output at 0.85 pf lag, the generator is
operating at the thermal limits quoted by the manufacturer. These thermal limits assume
that the cooling water is at the maximum temperature (40C) that can be expected in
service. If any of the thermal limits are exceeded, the life of some components, in
particular the insulation, will be reduced. As a rough estimate, the life of insulation is
halved for each 10C rise in temperature above the design value.
Increasing gas pressure will increase the generators thermal capabilities. It will not
increase the generators stability capabilities.
Therefore, for a generator operating at its rated speed (frequency) the
(a) MW output is limited by turbine output and stator conductor heating.
(b) Mvar output (lag) is limited by the rotor heating.
(c) Mvar output (lead) is limited by stator core end heating and also by stability
(d) Terminal voltage output is limited by the heating of the stator iron core, as distinct
from the core end heating.
(e) The maximum permissible continuous field current specified by the manufacturer.
For further reading reference may be made to Modern Power Station Practice, Volume 7,
Chapter 2.

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