Rhetorical Device Project

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Rhetorical appeals project

Due Date: 10/28/2016

Directions: This will be a week long, in class, and out of class project using Ethos,
Pathos, and Logos. You will be required to decide on a product which your group will sell.
You will need to decide what your primary rhetorical appeal will be, and create an
advertisement for your product. You can create a poster board, a commercial, a website,
etc. You will have 4 class days to prep your product and advertisement. On day 5 your
group will present their completed product to the class.

1. Students will be expected to work within their groups and maintain daily worksheets
to keep up with their project.
2. Students must have an outline for their final advertisement. I.E. A script for a
commercial, a template for a poster, an outline for a website, etc.
3. Presentations should be a minimum of three (3) minutes long.
4. At least 3 students in each group must present.
5. Students will grade each other based on their participation in the group once the
project is complete. Grades will be averaged together for a final participation grade
which will count two (2) times.
6. All completed materials must be turned in on the final day of the project.
Worksheets will be averaged together for a final grade.

Total grades:
This project will be three (3) daily grades, and one (1) test grade.

There will be a minimum of 4 people, and a maximum of 5 people per group. Each
student will need to be assigned a task. Identify your group members below:

(Responsible for keeping students on task)

Co-Captain :

(Only if there are 5 students in the group)


(Responsible for writing)

Time keeper:
limits are kept and items are turned in on time)

(Responsible for making sure time

Supply Monitor:
maintained and orderly)

(Responsible for making sure supplies are

***When you finish assigning tasks, raise your

hand so I can check it.***


, Name:


, Name:

, Name:

Day 1: Brainstorming. Due at the end of class. ***When you finish, raise your hand
so I can check it.***
1. What is the product you are selling? EX. A certain type of car, medicine,
cereal, etc.
2. What is a demographic?

3. What is your target demographic?

4. Why is this your target demographic?

5. Is this the typical demographic this product is marketed to?

6. Where did you find this information? (website)

7. What rhetorical appeal is typically used to persuade your target
8. Where did you find this information? (website)
9. Why do you think this is the typical appeal used for your target


Is this the rhetorical appeal you will use for your product?



What type of advertisement will you use for your product? i.e.
commercial, billboard, etc.

Why is this the type of advertisement you will use for your product?

Day 2: Brainstorm ad creation and script writing:

1. What type of advertisement will your create?
2. Below, you will need to create a layout for your advertisement. For a
billboard, you will need to illustrate it, WITH color. For a website, you will
need to draw the layout, what website creator will you use (yes, you will
actually have to create the website). For a commercial, you will need to
describe your actors, what they will need to do, what they will need to say
(script), what they will need to wear, etc. If you are filming a commercial,
you must write your script. Remember, commercials can only be 20 seconds

Day 2 continued: Write your script.

Below, you will write your script for your presentation. Yes, even if you are
shooting a commercial you will need a script to present the commercial. Your
presentation is expected to be a minimum of 3 minutes, so use your scripting time






















Day 3: Create your billboard, film your commercial, complete the script for your
Who is present in your group? Are all students participating?

Day 4: Practice your presentation, share your commercial with me if you filmed a
commercial [email protected]
Who is present in your group? Are all students working?

Day 5: Presentations and grading: You will each be given a handout, you will write
your name on top, and you will write the name of each group member on it. You
will grade the group member based on their participation in the group.
1- Student did absolutely nothing
50- Student did some work, but did not participate for the majority of the
70 Student contributed some ideas, but was often off task, or did not want to
help complete the project.
80 Student was primarily on task, but didnt work as much as they should
have and/or did not complete their duty on time.
90 Student was on task more than 90 percent of the time, but was sometimes
100 - Student was always on task, did everything they were supposed to do,
and assisted other students in making sure they completed their tasks as well.



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