Books On Evangelism

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The document discusses many books related to evangelism and recommends several classics from the 1980s that are still relevant today. It also emphasizes that evangelism is about building real relationships with people.

Pathway to Jesus by Don Everts and Doug Schaupp and Reimagining Evangelism by Rick Richardson are recommended for evangelizing students. The principles in Pathway to Jesus can also apply to other contexts.

Out of the Saltshaker by Rebecca Manley Pippert, Evangelism: A Way of Life by Rebecca Manley Pippert and Ruth Siemens, and Gentle Persuasion by Joseph Aldrich emphasize that evangelism happens through real relationships with people.


True Story/Based on a True Story - James Choung IVP.n attempt to present a more biblical, Jesuscentred and appropriate Gospel to modern students, but it is not limited to that audience. The first
presents this outline in depth, the second is a short tract, but it is not meant to be just dropped on
people, but should be used as part of a careful presentation (or series of presentations) in the context
of relationships. Excellent!!!
Pathway to Jesus: by Don Everts and Doug Schaupp, IVP (originally IVP USA), 2008,
ISBN-10: 1844743446
ISBN-13: 978-1844743445
This is fairly slim, looks lightweight, but there is some good practical thinking in the book. As you
might expect from IVP, this is about evangelising students, but the principles are transferrable to other
contexts. Really good.
The Forgotten Ways: Alan Hirsch, Brazos Press - Baker Books (also Strand Publishing, Australia)
ISBN 1-58743-164-5 (978-1-58743-164-7)
This is just a sample title. Pretty much anything by Alan is a good bet, his writing is mostly about
mission/evangelism, but is strongly related to how those things impact the way we do church, so
touches on issues relevant to missional church/emergent church, etc. Also, most of Michael Frosts
stuff is good, too.
Reimagining Evangelism: Rick Richardson, Scripture Union/InterVarsity Press(USA) 2007
ISBN 978-1-84427-275-4
Questioning Evangelism: Randy Newman, Kregel 2007
ISBN 0-8254-3324-X
The Because Approach - Innovating Church for All: Andrew Baughen, Authentic 2005
ISBN 1-85078-614-3
This was the first in the series, I havent kept up with the rest, but would probably recommend them
based on this one.
Picturing Christian Witness: Stanley H. Skreslet, Eerdmans 2006
ISBN 0-8028-2956-2
Organic Church: Growing Faith Where Life Happens: Neil Cole, JosseyBass (A Wiley USA Imprint)
ISBN 0-7879*8129-X
There are other books by Cole which would be worth looking for.
Mission after Christendom: David Smith, Darton, Longman & Todd 2003
ISBN 0-232-52483-1
Slightly older/undated:
Beyond the Fringe
Nick Pollard, - Editor, & Paul Harris; Phil Wall; Tony Watkins, IVP (UK) 1999
ISBN 0-85111-648-5
Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult: Nick Pollard, IVP (UK) 1997
ISBN 0-85111-181-5

The Normal Christian Birth: David Pawson, Hodder & Stoughton

ISBN 0-340-48972-3
I am not normally a fan of David Pawson, but this is one book which is worth reading, even if only to
disagree with it. I doubt if it is in print, but worth a try.
The Reluctant Evangelist: Paul Miller, Kingsway
ISBN 0-86065-796-5
The Isaiah Vision: Raymond Fung, World council of Churches
ISBN 2-8254-1037-3
A fantastic little book, dont be put off by the publisher.
Evangelism for a New Age: John Drane, Marshall Pickering
ISBN 0-551-02843-2
I havent mentioned every John Drane book, but they are generally extremely good.
Evangelism for a Changing World: Timothy Beougher, & Alvin Reid, (Eds), Harold Shaw Publishers
ISBN 0-87788-240-1
This is for the more thoughtful, discusses how evangelism relates to post-modernity, predates emergent
churches, but still has some usefulness because of the issues it raises.
Gospel Exploded: Bob Mayo,Triangle (SPCK)
ISBN 0-281-04920-3
Evangelism: Reaching the Pre-Non-Christian!!
Ambiguous Evangelism
Bob Mayo, S Savage, & S Collins, SPCK 2004
ISBN 0-281-05637-4
Evangelism and Postmodern Ignorance of the Gospel, very good.
Classics: Older, but I think, still excellent, if you can find them.
Conspiracy of Kindness & Servant Warfare, both by Steve Sjogren both published by Servant
Got no other details I am afraid, I seem to have lost these.
OK, they arent very old, but they are excellent in challenging an uncaring attitude to the nonChristian and an overly spiritual view of spiritual warfare the Gospel, words, deeds or miracles,
is all about people!
Out of the Saltshaker:
Rebecca Manley Pippert, IVP (from IVP USA)
ISBN 0 85110 411 8
This was very powerful in corroborating my belief that evangelism is about real relationships with
people. There are a number of different editions of this book. I do not know which edition this refers
to, probably one of the earlier ones. The newer editions are somewhat updated.
Evangelism - A Way of Life: Rebecca Manley Pippert, & Ruth Siemens, Scripture Union (Bible
ISBN 0 86201 425 5
Following on from Saltshaker, this book emphasises relationships.
Evangelism (without sounding spiritual): Rebecca Manley Pippert, MARC (Monarch)/Albatross
(from IVP USA)
ISBN 1-85424-627-7 or 0-7324-0406-1

(The edition I bought had more than one ISBN, I recorded both)
These three books by Pippert are very similar, but each has something to say.

Life-Style Evangelism: Joseph Aldrich, Marshalls

ISBN 0 551 01098 3
This is quite old, now, from the mid 1980s at least, so may not be in print, but excellent. Overlaps with
the next title, but has some things of value in itself.
Gentle Persuasion: Joseph Aldrich, Marshall Pickering.
ISBN 0-551-01934-4
Again, from the 1980s at least and possibly out of print, but still worth reading. A strong emphasis on
evangelism flowing out of relationships.
The Logic of Evangelism: William J Abraham, Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN 0-340-51451-5
Another 1980s classic, a more academic look at the theology and practice of evangelism. Some
aspects will be dated, but still a useful book.
On the other hand, I found the same authors Logic of Renewal very thin.
Evangelism as a Lifestyle: Jim Petersen, Navpress.
ISBN 0-89109-475-X
This is another title from the 1980s, although it addresses that context, its message is possibly even
more appropriate today than it was then. He argues that the Bible shows two different approaches in
evangelism, one to the prepared i.e.; the Jews, for example, on the day of Pentecost, and the other to
the unprepared, e.g.; the Athenian philosophers on Mars Hill in Acts 17 and the church fails in
outreach because it speaks to unprepared (unchurched) people as if they are prepared for the Gospel
and know and understand what we are talking about. This is the book that totally reframed my
understanding of evangelism and eventually transformed my whole approach to ministry. As with
William Abraham, above, I didnt find Jim Petersens other books to be as helpful or life-changing:
Evangelism for our Generation: Jim Petersen, Navpress.
ISBN 0-948188-19-7
This is a practical book on evangelism, based on long-term Bible study, which would not work in my
non-book culture, but which might work for someone in a more middle-class, book culture for
example, as an adjunct to Alpha
The Power of Story: Leighton Ford, NavPress
ISBN 0-89109-851-8
Another book from the 1980s/early 1990s, but very good. Again, possibly even more significant now
than when it was first written, Storytelling as Evangelism for Postmodern Society
Life-style Evangelism: Ross Pilkinton, Scripture Union
ISBN 0 85421 480 1
Almost certainly out of print, but probably the best little book on evangelism I ever read, even more
disturbing and helpful than Petersen or Abrahams, indeed, most of the best recent books seem only to
be rediscovering and restating Ross Pilkintons ideas. I think SU hold the copyright, otherwise, I think
Mr Pilkinton would be happy to see other people use these ideas. If you get this, let me know, I keep
losing the copies I have had.

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