Short-Term Effects of Breastfeeding

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Short-term effects

of breastfeeding


Bernardo L. Horta, MD, PhD

Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil
Cesar G. Victora, MD, PhD
Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brazil

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Short-term effects of breastfeeding: a systematic review on the benefits of breastfeeding on
diarrhoea and pneumonia mortality.
1.Breast feeding. 2.Infant mortality. 3.Respiratory tract infections prevention and control.
4.Diarrhea prevention and control. 5.Milk, Human. 6.Review. 7.Meta-analysis. I.Horta,
Bernardo L. II.Victora, Cesar G. III.World Health Organization.
ISBN 978 92 4 150612 0

(NLM classification: WS 125)

World Health Organization 2013

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Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Methodological issues

Chapter 3. Search methods

Chapter 4. Review methods

Chapter 5. Diarrhea


Chapter 6. Respiratory infection


Chapter 7. Conclusions






Several studies suggest that breastfeeding has clear short-term benefits, particularly reducing morbidity and mortality due to infectious diseases in childhood. These benefits have been reported in
low and middle income and in high-income countries.
This systematic review and meta-analysis was aimed at assessing the effect of breastfeeding on respiratory infections and diarrheal disease in childhood.
Search strategy
Two independent literature searches were carried out, comprising the MEDLINE (1966 to December
2011) and Scientific Citation Index databases.
Selection criteria
We selected observational and randomized studies, published in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese that evaluated the associations between breastfeeding and diarrhea or respiratory infections
outcomes in children younger than 5 years of age. Studies that did not use an internal comparison
group were excluded from the meta-analyses. The type of categorization of breastfeeding varied by
study, but in all of them it was possible to compare a group with more intense breastfeeding practices with another with less intense breastfeeding. (e.g., ever versus never breastfed; breastfed for x
months versus breastfed for less than x months, exclusively versus partially or not breastfed, etc.).
Data extraction and analysis
Two reviewers using a standardized protocol independently evaluated the manuscripts; any disagreements were solved by consensus. Heterogeneity among studies was assessed with the Q-test
and I-square. Because heterogeneity was evident for all outcomes, random-effects models were used
Effect on diarrhea
We identified 15 studies that provided 18 estimates on the effect of breastfeeding on diarrhea morbidity among children < 5 years. More intense breastfeeding practices were associated with a pooled
relative risk of diarrhea incidence of 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.58; 0.82) compared to less intense breastfeeding. Among infants aged 6 months, we obtained 49 estimates from 23 studies,
with a corresponding pooled relative risk 0.37 (95% confidence interval: 0.27; 0.50). We also identified


11 studies that evaluated children aged > 6 months, among whom the pooled relative risk was 0.46
(95% confidence interval: 0.28; 0.78). Breastfeeding also decreased the risk of hospitalization from
diarrhea [pooled relative risk: 0.28 (95% confidence interval: 0.16; 0.50) and diarrhea mortality [pooled
relative risk: 0.23 (95% confidence interval: 0.13; 0.42)]. Furthermore, we identified three randomized
trials of breastfeeding promotion; diarrhea morbidity was lower in the group receiving the intervention [pooled relative risk: 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.49; 0.96)].
Effect on respiratory infection
We identified 18 studies that provided 22 estimates on the effect of breastfeeding on any respiratory
infection outcome for any subgroup of under-five children, and 16 studies that restricted the analysis
to infants aged 6 months. Breastfeeding reduced the risk of hospitalization for respiratory infection by 57% [pooled relative risk: 0.43 (95% confidence interval: 0.33; 0.55)], and this protective effect
did not change with age. Studies that compared breastfed with non-breastfed children reported
the highest protective effect [pooled relative risk: 0.33 (95% confidence interval: 0.24; 0.46)] against
hospitalization for respiratory infection. Mortality from lower respiratory tract infections was also
reduced among breastfed children [pooled relative risk: 0.30 (95% confidence interval: 0.16; 0.56)].
Furthermore, breastfeeding also reduced the prevalence or incidence of lower respiratory tract infection [pooled relative risk: 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.60; 0.77)].
Because nearly all studies included in the analyses are observational, we were not able to completely
rule out the possibility that the beneficial effect of breastfeeding was due to self-selection of breastfeeding mothers or residual confounding. Nevertheless, we identified three randomized trials in
which breastfeeding promotion reduced the risk of diarrhea.
Reviewers conclusion
The available evidence suggests that breastfeeding reduces the risk of diarrhea and respiratory infection. All effects were statistically significant, and for most outcomes the magnitude of the effects
were large. Protection was observed both in low income and high income countries.


Breastfeeding has well-established short-term benefits, particularly the reduction of morbidity and
mortality due to infectious diseases in childhood. A pooled analysis of studies carried out in middle/
low income countries showed that breastfeeding substantially lowers the risk of death from infectious diseases in the first two years of life (1). These benefits have also been reported in high-income
countries. Based on data from the United Kingdom Millennium Cohort, Quigley et al (2) estimated
that optimal breastfeeding practices could prevent a substantial proportion of hospital admissions
due to diarrhea and lower respiratory tract infection.
A systematic review by Kramer et al (3) confirmed that exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months
of life decreases morbidity from gastrointestinal and allergic diseases, without any negative effects
on growth. Given such evidence, it has been recommended that in the first six months of life, every
child should be exclusively breastfed, with partial breastfeeding continued until two years of age (4).
This systematic review and meta-analysis was aimed at assessing the effect of breastfeeding on respiratory infection and diarrhea disease in childhood.


Methodological issues
Randomized controlled trials often provide the best evidence on the association between an exposure such as breastfeeding and a health outcome. Randomization results in a high likelihood that
the study will not be affected by confounding or self-selection (5). Furthermore, existing guidelines
propose standards for conducting, analyzing and reporting clinical trials, which help increase the
validity of the evidence (6).
On the other hand, the short-term benefits of breastfeeding evaluated in the present meta-analyses
are an ethical challenge to the design of randomized trials on the consequences of breastfeeding. It
is currently unethical to randomly allocate subjects to receive breastmilk. But, it is ethically sound to
allocate mothers to receive or not to receive breastfeeding counseling. In Belarus, the Promotion
of Breastfeeding Trial (7) randomly assigned maternity hospitals and their affiliated polyclinics to the
Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. The proportion of infants exclusively breastfed at 3 and 6 months
was substantially higher among infants from the intervention group. This trial is ethically sound because mothers were randomly assigned to receive intense breastfeeding promotion, compared to
usual care in the hospitals. On the other hand, compliance to the intervention was far from universal,
only 43.3% of the infants in the intervention group were exclusively breastfed at 3 months compared
to 6.4% in the comparison arm. In Mexico, Morrow et al (8) randomly allocated mothers to one of
the intervention group (six or three breastfeeding-counseling home visits) or to the control group.
The proportion of exclusively breastfed infants at 3 months was higher among those whose mother
received six visits. In another trial in India, mothers were assigned to receive or not visit on promotion
of exclusive breastfeeding, at 3 months the proportion of exclusively breastfed infants was higher
among infants in the intervention group (9). In these trials, intervention and control groups represented a mixture of breastfeeding practices. Therefore, the effect of breastfeeding is underestimated,
and statistical power is reduced.
The assessment of the evidence on the health consequences of breastfeeding is mostly based on
observational studies because of the small number of randomized controlled trials. Prospective birth
cohort studies are the next-best design in terms of strength of evidence.
Below, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of observational studies, as well as approaches that
may help overcome their main shortcomings.
Factors affecting internal validity
Losses to follow-up
If losses to follow-up are high, selection bias may be introduced. This may affect both randomized
and observational studies. In order to assess the study susceptibility to selection bias, baseline data,
such as breastfeeding duration, should be compared between those subjects who were followed
up and those who were not. If attrition rates are not related to breastfeeding duration or other base 4


line characteristics, selection bias is unlikely (10). Unfortunately, this information was not available for
some studies.
Inaccurate measurement of exposure or outcome leads to misclassification. And misclassification
may be differential or non-differential.
Retrospective studies are more susceptible to recall bias and direction of bias may be modified. For
example, Huttly et al (11) observed that Brazilian mothers of high socioeconomic status tended to
overestimate the breastfeeding duration, whereas among poor mothers this was not the case. This
differential recall of breastfeeding duration would overestimate the protective effect of breastfeeding
because high socioeconomic status is associated with a lower risk of infectious diseases in childhood.
On the other hand, if the measurement error is not related to exposure or outcome, non-differential
misclassification occurs. Such bias underestimates the measure of association, and, therefore, reduces the likelihood of observing a significant association. Indeed, in a meta-analysis on the relationship
between maternal smoking in pregnancy and breastfeeding duration, the odds ratio for weaning at
3 months was inversely related to the length of recall for exposure and outcome (12).
Confounding is one of the challenges in interpreting the evidence of observational studies. Even
large studies that managed to measure the possible confounders may still be affected by residual
confounding, if the confounder variables were not properly measured or adjusted for. Some methods
have been suggested to improve causal inference. These include comparison of siblings in withinfamily analyses, which allow controlling for unmeasured maternal and family variables (socioeconomic status, maternal variables) as well as for self-selection bias, because these characteristics are
shared among siblings. Usually, sibling studies assess the effect of discordance on breastfeeding duration or complementary feeding on the outcome. A limitation of these studies is that heterogeneity
in breastfeeding duration is smaller among siblings than that observed among unrelated individuals
and the sample size for the sibling analysis are smaller, decreasing statistical power. In the present
systematic reviews and meta-analyses, we did not observe any study on the short-term effects of
breastfeeding that have used this approach.
Another strategy involves the comparison across studies with a different confounding structure. In
this approach, if an association is causal, the association should be observed in every setting, in spite
of differing confounding structures.
Reverse causality
Reverse causality occurs when breastfeeding is stopped as a consequence of hospitalization or an
episode of diarrhea or respiratory disease (13). Cross-sectional and retrospective studies are more
susceptible to this bias that tends to overestimate the protective effect of breastfeeding against infections because the prevalence of breastfeeding is underestimated among those who developed
diarrhea or respiratory infection.
This bias can be avoided by the following strategies:
"" exclusion of deaths or episodes occurring within the first 7 days of life;
"" assessment of infant feeding practices before the onset of the episode.


Main sources of heterogeneity among studies

Heterogeneity among observational studies is unavoidable, and well-conducted meta-analyses
must incorporate a detailed evaluation of main sources of heterogeneity (14). The following possible
sources of heterogeneity were considered for all reviews in the present meta-analyses.
Year of birth
Studies that assessed the effect of breastfeeding on infectious diseases have been carried out at different times in the past. During this period, the diets of non-breastfed infants and the environmental
condition have changed markedly in some areas around the world. Therefore, the year of birth of the
studied population may affect the long-term effects of breastfeeding, representing a source of heterogeneity among studies. This possibility was investigated in the present review.
Length of recall of breastfeeding
Misclassification of breastfeeding duration has been discussed in the section on factors affecting
internal validity. Feeding history is usually assessed retrospectively, with different length of recall.
As previously mentioned, length of recall is related to misclassification of breastfeeding duration.
This bias tends to increase with the time elapsed since weaning, with mothers who breastfed for a
short period being more likely to exaggerate breastfeeding duration, while the opposite is observed
for women who breastfed for long periods (11,15). Therefore, length of recall is a potential source of
heterogeneity among studies.
Categories of breastfeeding duration
Studies on the short-term consequences of infant feeding have compared different groups according
to breastfeeding duration. Some studies compared ever-breastfed subjects to those never breastfed,
whereas other studies compared subjects breastfed for less than a given number of months to those
breastfed for longer periods. For the assessment of the long-term consequences of breastfeeding,
the comparison of ever versus never breastfed makes sense if the first hours of life are considered as a
critical window for the programming effect of breastfeeding, for example if an epigenetic mechanism
is being postulated (16). Concerning the evaluation of the short-term effects of breastfeeding, usually
there is no critical-window effect, but rather a cumulative effect of breastfeeding. Therefore, studies
that compared ever vs. never breastfed subjects would tend to underestimate any association. The
classification of breastfeeding duration is another factor to be considered in heterogeneity analyses.
Study setting
The majority of the studies on the effect of breastfeeding on diarrhea and respiratory infections have
been carried out in low-income countries. The findings from these studies may not hold for populations exposed to different environmental and nutritional factors because of differences in the type
of milk fed to non-breastfed infants. Furthermore, infants who are not exclusively breastfed are exposed to a variety of foodstuffs, such as industrialized formula, animal milk or traditional weaning.
This heterogeneity in the group that is not exposed to exclusive breastfeeding must be taken into
account. This issue is related to the age of the cohort, discussed above, and to the setting of the
study, e.g. high or low-income country. Finally, we should bear in mind that in low-income countries,
non-breastfed infants are more exposed to weaning foods that are contaminated with pathogens
that may cause gastrointestinal infections (17,18). These differences in environmental condition may
modify the effect of infant feeding.


Search methods
Selection criteria for studies
In the present meta-analyses, we searched for observational and randomized studies, published in
English, French, Spanish or Portuguese that evaluated the associations between breastfeeding and
diarrhea and respiratory infections outcomes.
Studies that did not use an internal comparison group were excluded. We did not apply any restrictions on the type of categorization of breastfeeding (never versus breastfed, breastfed for more or
less than a given number of months, exclusively breastfed for more or less than a given number of
months). Instead, as discussed in the previous section, the type of categorization of breastfeeding
was considered as possible source of heterogeneity among the studies.
Type of outcome measures
In the present systematic reviews and meta-analyses, we searched for manuscripts that have assessed
the following diarrhea and respiratory infection outcomes:
"" Mortality
"" Hospitalization
"" Incidence
"" Prevalence
For the review on respiratory infection, we excluded those studies that evaluated the relationship
between breastfeeding and upper respiratory infection.
In the review on diarrhea outcomes, studies that evaluated the effect of breastfeeding on pathogenspecific diarrhea, such as Shigella or rotavirus, were excluded from the review.
Search strategy
We tried to identify as many relevant studies as possible, minimizing the likelihood of selection bias.
Two independent literature searches were carried out, using the terms described below. Initially, we
searched Medline (1966 to December 2011) using the following terms for breastfeeding: breastfeeding; breast feeding; breastfed; breastfeed; bottle feeding; bottle fed; bottle feed; infant feeding; human milk; formula milk; formula feed; formula fed; weaning.
Every breastfeeding term was combined with each of the following terms for the outcomes:
"" Mortality: Infant mortality; pneumonia AND mortality; pneumonia and death; respiratory infection AND mortality; respiratory infection and death; lower respiratory tract infection and mortality; lower respiratory tract infection and death; diarrhea AND mortality; diarrhea AND death.


"" Hospitalization: hospitalization; AND infant OR childhood; AND pneumonia OR respiratory infection OR lower respiratory tract infection OR diarrhea
"" Incidence/prevalence: infant OR childhood; AND pneumonia OR respiratory infection OR lower
respiratory tract infection OR diarrhea
Initially, we scanned through the titles of studies identified in the electronic search to exclude those
that were clearly irrelevant. Thereafter, abstracts were perused to further exclude studies. Finally, the
full text of the remaining studies was retrieved and relevant articles were identified. In addition to the
electronic search, reference lists of the articles identified was searched, and we perused the Web of
Science Citation Index for manuscripts citing the identified articles. Attempts were made to contact
the authors of all studies that did not provide sufficient data to estimate the pooled effect. We also
contacted the authors to clarify any queries on the study methodology or result.


Review methods
Assessment of study characteristics
In the present systematic review and meta-analyses, study quality was not evaluated using summary scores. On the other hand, study characteristics considered as being relevant methodological
aspects were assessed and the contribution of each one to the heterogeneity among studies was
evaluated (19). The following study characteristics were abstracted.

Characteristics abstracted from each study.



Sample size


Follow-up rates
(if applicable)


Type of study

Randomized trial
Birth cohort

Categorization of breastfeeding

Never versus ever

< or >= than X months (any breastfeeding)
< or >= than X months (exclusive breastfeeding)



Control for confounding

Socioeconomic and demographic variables Socioeconomic, demographic and
Socioeconomic, demographic, birthweight and maternal smoking

Type of study population

Low income
Middle income
High income

Year of birth of subjects


Age at outcome assessment


Susceptibility to reverse causality


Data abstraction
Two independent reviewers extracted data on the above characteristics from each study using a
standardized protocol, and disagreements were resolved by consensus rating.


Data analysis
Pooled effect estimates
In the meta-analyses, effect measures were presented as pooled relative risks. Definition of exposure
to breastfeeding followed the classification used in each study, and a relative risk <1 indicated that
breastfed subjects presented a lower risk of the outcome.
Fixed or random-effects model
To pool the studies estimates, we used a fixed and a random-effects model. Under the fixed-effect
model, we assume that there is one true effect size and the difference among studies results is due
to random variation. In the fixed-effect model, studies are weighted by their precision (inverse of the
standard error) (20). On the other hand, under the random-effects model we assume that the true
effects also vary, and the pooled effect needs to take into consideration the additional source of variation. In the random-effect model, studies are weighted by their precision plus the estimate of the
between studies variance (heterogeneity) (21). By incorporating a second source of variability (variance between studies) in the estimate of the variance, the confidence interval in the random-effect
model is wider than that for the fixed-effect model. Because the between studies variance is the
same for every study, the random-effect model gives greater weight to smaller studies.
In the present meta-analyses, heterogeneity among studies was assessed with the Q-test and
I-square; if either method suggested that between-studies variability was higher than that expected
by chance, a random-effects model was used (21). Otherwise, a fixed-effect model is recommended.
In this series of meta-analyses, heterogeneity was evident for all outcomes, and thus random-effects
models were used throughout.
Publication bias
Studies reporting statistically significant associations are more likely to be published and to be cited
by others articles, whereas small studies with negative findings are less often published. Therefore,
studies reporting an association are more likely to be included in a systematic-review. Publication
bias is more likely to affect small studies because the great amount of resources (time and money)
spent in larger studies makes them more likely to be published, regardless of their results (20). In
meta-analysis, publication bias is a type of selection bias.
Funnel plots and Eggers test are usually employed to assess the presence of publication bias (22),
but in the present meta-analyses we did not estimate the likelihood of selection bias with the funnel plot or the Eggers test because several comparisons were done. On the other hand, the analyses
were stratified according to study size, in order to assess the impact of publication bias on the pooled
Reverse causality
Cross-sectional and retrospective studies on the short-term consequences of breastfeeding are susceptible to reverse causality. Because breastfeeding may be stopped due to an illness or hospital
admission, the assessment of feeding status at the moment of the interview may increase the proportion of non-breastfed infants among those who developed the outcome. This bias tends to overestimate the short-term protective effect of breastfeeding. In order to avoid such bias, the study should
evaluate the feeding practices prior to the onset of the episode. In the present meta-analyses, we
evaluate whether the studies were susceptible to reverse causality.


Assessing heterogeneity
The last phase of the analyses relied on meta-regression to assess the contribution of study characteristics to between-study variability (23). In this approach, if the data are homogenous or if the
heterogeneity is fully explained by the covariates, the random-effects model is reduced to a fixed
effect model. This analysis was performed using the METAREG command within STATA. Each of the
items listed in table 4.1 were included as covariates in the meta-regression, one at a time, rather than
using an overall score. This approach allows the identification of aspects of study design that were
responsible for heterogeneity between studies (24).



In spite of recent progress, diarrhea remains as one of the leading causes of death among children
<5 years. In 2010, diarrhea was estimated to have caused about 800,000 child deaths globally (25).
In 1984, a comprehensive review indicated that promotion of breastfeeding was one of the most important interventions for controlling diarrhea among children (26). In the 2003 Lancet Child Survival
series, breastfeeding promotion was again identified as one of the most cost-effective interventions
against under-five deaths in general, and against diarrhea in particular (27).
Biological plausibility
Several mechanisms for a possible protective effect of breastfeeding against gastrointestinal infections have been proposed, including the presence in breastmilk of substances with antimicrobial or
immunological properties, avoidance of contamination (as in non-human milk or baby bottles), and
the general nutritional status of breastfed infants.
Breastmilk contains several antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory factors, hormones, digestive enzymes and growth modulators that protect against infections. Below, we briefly discuss the evidence
on the protective effect of some of the components of breastmilk.
Oligosaccharides are the third largest solid component of human milk. It has been suggested that
oligosaccharides homology to cell surface carbohydrates would block the attachment of pathogens
to the infants mucosa, preventing the development of gastrointestinal infections (28).
Breastmilk also confers immunity against gastrointestinal infections by carrying antibodies (secretory
IgA) produced by mothers who have been exposed to such pathogens, protecting the infant from
developing an infection (29,30).
Lactoferrin, one of the main proteins in human milk can destroy pathogens and reduce inflammatory responses. Furthermore, lactoferrin increases the activity of the immune system because it is a
growth factor for lymphocytes (31).
A second mechanism is that non-breastfed infants are more exposed to pathogens that may cause
diarrhea than breastfed subjects. Many studies attest to the presence of pathogens in foods offered
to infants. For example, in The Gambia, Rowland et al (17) observed that weaning foods traditionally
given to children were contaminated with microorganisms that could cause gastrointestinal infections. Another study from Chile showed that most feeding bottles harbored large numbers of pathogens that could cause gastrointestinal infection (18).
Last, it has been proposed that in low-income settings optimal breastfeeding practices can prevent
undernutrition associated with repeated infections and with the use of over-diluted breastmilk substitutes (32). Good nutrition is essential for non-specific immunity that contributes to fighting infections in general.


When reviewing the mechanisms through which breastfeeding may protect against diarrhea, it is important to consider the different settings where studies are carried out. Whereas the biological characteristics of breastmilk do not seem to vary markedly in high- and low-income societies, the other
two mechanisms (contamination and nutritional status of non-breastfed infants) are likely to play a
much larger role in poor societies without proper sanitation and with inadequate weaning foods.
Overview of the evidence
The protective effect of breastfeeding against mortality and morbidity from diarrhea has been widely studied. In the electronic search, we identified five systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses on this
In 1984, Feachem & Koblinsky (26) systematically reviewed the evidence on the association between
diarrhea morbidity and infant feeding. In relation to exclusively or partially breastfed infants, the median risk of morbidity from diarrhea among infants who were not breastfed was 3.0 for those younger
than 2 months of age, 2.4 for infants aged 3 to 5 months and about 1.4 for those aged 6 to 11 months.
Among children older than 1 year of age, no association between breastfeeding and diarrhea was
observed. Furthermore, the relative risk of diarrhea in infants under 6 months of age who were not
breastfed ranged from 3.5 to 4.9, in comparison to those who were exclusively breastfed. In this age
group, it was estimated that promotion of breastfeeding would reduce diarrhea morbidity by 8% to
20%, depending on different assumptions, and mortality would decrease by 24 to 27%.
Huttly et al (33) updated in 1997 the Feachem & Koblinsky (26) review of potential interventions for
the prevention of morbidity from diarrhea in childhood. Breastfeeding was again pointed as one of
the key preventive strategies for prevention of childhood diarrhea.
Also in 1997, Golding et al (34) systematically reviewed the evidence on the relationship between
breastfeeding and cause-specific diarrhea or gastroenteritis. Both in developed or in developing countries, exclusive breastfeeding protected infants under six months from diarrhea and gastroenteritis.
The protective effect was not consistent for rotavirus infection but was clearly observed for non-viral
pathogens. The authors concluded that breastfeeding protected the infant against non-viral diarrhea.
In 2004, Kramer et al (3) reviewed the evidence on the effect on child health and growth of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. Morbidity from gastrointestinal diseases was lower among infants
who were exclusively breastfed for 6 months, in comparison to infants exclusively breastfed for 34
Recently, Lamberti et al (35) evaluated the effect of breastfeeding duration on morbidity and mortality from diarrhea. Among infants younger than 6 months, the risk of dying from diarrhea was 10.5
(95% confidence interval: 2.79; 39.6) times higher among those infants who were not breastfed in
relation to those who were exclusively breastfed. Among children in the age range 6 to 23 months,
the protective effect of breastfeeding was smaller, but still statistically significant [relative risk 2.18
(95% confidence interval: 1.44; 4.16)]. Therefore, the evidence from this recent review also indicated
that breastfeeding protects against diarrhea.
In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, the electronic search identified 41 studies that
provided 81 estimates on the relative risk of morbidity, mortality or hospitalization from diarrhea according to infant feeding.
Studies published since 2007 that were not included in any of the previous cited systematic reviews
and meta-analyses reported on research carried out in Denmark (36), Bangladesh (37), Philippines (38),


Zimbabwe (39) and Guinea (40), and two from the United Kingdom (2, 41), all of which confirmed the
presence of strong protection by breastfeeding. Further details on these studies are provided in Tables 5.1 to 5.3.
Update of the existing meta-analyses
A new meta-analysis was carried out including (a) studies included in the existing meta-analyses; (b)
the recently published studies described above, and (c) a small number of older studies that had not
been identified by the earlier reviews but were detected in our computerized search starting in 1966.
Studies reporting on subgroups of infants for example, preterm or low birthweight were not included in the review. Neither were studies reporting on diarrhea due to specific agents.
Due to the large number of available studies, we calculated pooled effects separately for morbidity,
hospitalizations and mortality. For each outcome we present initially analyses that included all children under five years, followed by studies restricted to children under six months of age, and to those
including children aged 6-59 months.
For children < 5 years of age, we identified 15 studies that provided 18 estimates on the effect of
breastfeeding on morbidity (Table 5.1). Figure 5.1 shows that among children < 5 years of age, breastfed children were less likely to present diarrhea. When studies reporting on incidence and prevalence
were combined, the pooled relative risk was 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.58; 0.82)].
The effect of breastfeeding among infants aged 6 months was also assessed. We identified 23
studies (Table 5.2) that provided 49 estimates on the effect of breastfeeding on diarrhea morbidity
or mortality. Figure 5.2 shows that morbidity due to diarrhea was lower among breastfed infants.
[pooled relative risk 0.37 (95% confidence interval: 0.27; 0.50)]. Because there was clear heterogeneity
among studies, the estimates were pooled using a random-effect model. With respect to age at assessment of morbidity, we observed that the protective effect of breastfeeding seemed to be largest
among infants younger than 4 months. On the other hand, because the confidence interval of the
estimates from younger children overlapped with those for children aged 5 and 6 months, the difference was not statistically significant. (Figure 5.3). In Figure 5.4, the association between morbidity
(incidence or prevalence) from diarrhea and infant feeding was stratified according to the categories
of feeding used for comparison. Those studies that compared exclusive breastfed infants with nonexclusive breastfeeding and those that compared partial breastfed infants with those not breastfed
were those reporting the smallest mean effect of breastfeeding on morbidity. On the other hand,
the effect of breastfeeding was highest in studies that compared exclusively breastfed with nonbreastfed infants.
In the literature search, we identified 11 studies that provided 14 estimates on the association between breastfeeding and morbidity or mortality from diarrhea among children aged > 6 months.
(Table 5.3) The risk of morbidity from diarrhea was lower among those infants who were breastfed
[pooled relative risk 0.46 (95% confidence interval: 0.28; 0.78)]. (Figure 5.5) With respect to the categorization of breastfeeding, most studies on children > 6 months of age compared children who
were breastfed with those who were not breastfed. Independent of the categorization, there were
consistent inverse associations between breastfeeding intensity and diarrhea outcomes. (Figure 5.6)
Figure 5.7 shows that breastfeeding decreased the risk of hospitalization from diarrhea [pooled relative risk: 0.28 (95% confidence interval: 0.16; 0.50)]. There was marked heterogeneity among studies,
and the protective effect of breastfeeding was higher among young infants.


With respect to mortality, breastfeeding markedly decreased the risk of diarrhea mortality [pooled
relative risk: 0.23 (95% confidence interval: 0.13; 0.42)]. Similarly to the observed for hospitalization,
the effect of breastfeeding was higher among infants younger than 6 months. (Figure 5.8)
Table 5.4 shows that infants who were exclusively breastfed presented lower risk of morbidity from
diarrhea even in relation to predominantly breastfed infants. Furthermore, infants who were not
breastfed had the greatest risk of morbidity or hospitalization.
We identified three randomized trials in which breastfeeding promotion was related to diarrhea outcomes, whose results are summarized below. Because such analyses do not entail a comparison of
breastfeeding categories, they could not be incorporated in our main meta-analyses. In Mexico, Morrow et al (8) showed that breastfeeding promotion increased the duration of breastfeeding; diarrhea
episodes in the intervention group were reported for 12% of all infants, compared to 26% in the
comparison group, a protection of 52%. In a randomized trial of exclusive breastfeeding promotion
in India, the 7-day diarrhea prevalence was lower in the intervention than in the control communities
at 3 months [0.64 (95% confidence interval: 0.44; 0.95)] and 6 months [0.85 (95% confidence interval:
0.72; 0.99)] (9). In the Belarus PROBIT trial (7), maternity hospitals were randomized to receive or not
to receive promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. Children in the intervention group were less likely to
present one or more episodes of gastrointestinal infections [odds ratio 0.60 (95% confidence interval:
0.40; 0.91)]. Hospital admissions were similar in both groups [odds ratio 0.92 (95% confidence interval:
0.62; 1.37)].
Data from the Belarus trials were also analyzed to compare risks of diarrhea according to breastfeeding categories, and these are incorporated in the present meta-analyses (Table 5.1). Taken together,
the results of these trials support the presence of a causal effect of breastfeeding promotion against
diarrhea morbidity. The pooled results on diarrhea morbidity from these three trials are presented in
Figure 5.9, with a pooled relative risk of 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.49; 0.96). Such a significant
effect was detected even though analyses were based on intent to treat, that is, both intervention
and comparison groups included compliers and non-compliers.
In the assessment of the evidence on the short-term consequence of breastfeeding, confounding is
an important methodological issue that should be taken into consideration, as discussed in a previous section. In low-income countries confounding is expected to underestimate the benefit of breastfeeding on diarrhea outcomes because breastfeeding tends to be more frequent among the poor. In
high-income countries, where the rich tend to breastfeed for longer than the poor, confounding may
be expected to operate in the opposite direction. In the meta-analysis on morbidity from diarrhea
among infants 6 months of age, most studies were from low and middle-income countries. We observed that the pooled estimates were similar between studies that only reported unadjusted results
[pooled relative risk: 0.39 (95% confidence interval: 0.30; 0.49) and those that adjusted their estimates
for socioeconomic and other variables [pooled relative risk 0.35 (95% confidence interval: 0.23; 0.54)].
This suggests that the present meta-analysis was not affected by confounding. Furthermore, in lowincome settings we expected negative confounding, that is, underestimation of the true effect, and
results from most studies showed strong protection.
A second type of bias is reverse causality, that is, breastfeeding may have been interrupted or modified because of the diarrhea episode, thus leading to an association in the opposite direction than
the one being postulated (13). Only one study explicitly accounted for this possibility, by ensuring that


information on feeding practices was obtained for a date previous to the onset of the episode. This
study showed substantial protection associated with breastfeeding (42).
Publication bias is another methodological issue that should be taken into consideration in the assessment of evidence from meta-analyses. The selective publication of small positive studies may
overestimate the benefit of an intervention. Funnel plot is one of the strategies used to assess the
susceptibility of the meta-analysis to publication bias. In the present meta-analysis, given the large
number of different comparisons being made, we opted for not generating funnel plots. Instead, we
stratified the analyses by sample size and observed that among infants 6 months of age, the mean
effect of breastfeeding on morbidity from diarrhea was similar among studies with a sample size <
1000 subjects (pooled relative risk 0.39) and those with 1000 subjects (pooled relative risk 0.36).
This finding suggests that publication bias is not distorting the results of the review.
In light of different comparisons of breastfeeding categories in the available studies (e.g. breastfed
versus non-breastfed; predominantly breastfed versus partially breastfed; exclusively breastfed versus non-breastfed; and many other combinations), the overall pooled results must be interpreted
with due caution. In these pooled results we compared children with greater exposure to breastfeeding against those in a lower exposure category which in some cases included infants who
were not receiving any breastmilk, but in other comparisons included children who were partially, or
non-exclusively breastfed. Because many studies were available on diarrhea morbidity, it was possible to carry out separate meta-analyses for different types of comparisons (Figures 5.4 and 5.6) but
for hospital admissions and mortality this was not possible. Nevertheless, it is reassuring that results
from the different types of comparisons all point out to protective effects of breastfeeding.
Of the 81 comparisons included in this review, only four (4346) showed higher risks associated with
more intense breastfeeding, and these four had confidence intervals that included the unity.
The findings from our review suggest that breastfeeding substantially protects against morbidity/
mortality from diarrhea and that such protection is higher among infants who are exclusively breastfed in the first 6 months of life. The protection afforded by more intense breastfeeding is in the orders
of 8090% for mortality and hospital admissions, and of 50% for morbidity. These results are robust,
being observed in high and low-income settings, and across a number of different diarrhea related
outcomes. Our updated and expanded results are consistent with the conclusions of previous reviews of the literature. The protection afforded by breastfeeding against diarrhea is certainly one of
the most consistent findings in the epidemiological literature on any type of outcome, in the same
category as for example the association between smoking and lung cancer.



012 months

Randomized trial
(observational analyses)




03 years

012 months

09 months

08 months

012 months

012 months

Randomized trial
(observational analyses)


012 months

04 years

012 months

018 months

012 months

012 months

012 months

012 months

012 months

Age at assessment
of the outcome










Study design

Benner, 2011
Not available



Diallo (40), 2009

Ethelberg (36), 2006


2000 2001

Quigley (2), 2007


Kramer (54), 2003

Vieira (55), 2003


Kramer (54), 2003

Not available

Mondal (51), 1996



Chen (50), 1994

Arifeen (53), 2001


Garrido (49), 1990



Victora (42), 1987

Molbak (52), 1997


Cushing (44), 1982



Cunningham (48), 1979

Year of birth of

Ellestad-Sayed (47), 1979

Author, Year


















0.13 (0.03; 0.56)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. non-exclusive breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed for 6 months vs. exclusive

breastfed for 3 months

0.70 (0.58; 0.84)

0.44 (0.26; 0.75)

0.44 (0.21; 0.89)

0.37 (0.18; 0.78)

0.83 (0.65; 1.05)

0.79 (0.42; 1.49)

0.67 (0.46; 0.97)

0.25 (0.09; 0.67)

Exclusive breastfed at 4 months vs. partial or

not breastfed at 4 months
Exclusive breastfed for 6 months vs. exclusive
breastfed for 3 months

0.75 (0.56; 1.00)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.33 (0.11; 0.96)

0.26 (0.07; 1.00)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Exclusive breastfed at 4 months vs. not

exclusive breastfed at 4 months

0.05 (0.02; 0.15)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.67(0.47; 0.94)

0.27 (0.07; 1.00)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Breastfed vs. never breastfed

1.26 (0.76; 2.06)

0.52 (0.31; 0.81)

0.10 (0.01; 0.70)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed


Breastfeeding and diarrhea outcomes among children < 5 years of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of year of publication
and subjects age at which outcome was measured









Not available

Popkin (59), 1990

(Urban area)

Popkin (59), 1990

(Rural area)

Popkin (59), 1990

(Urban area)

Popkin (59), 1990

(Rural area)

Popkin (59), 1990

(Urban area)

Ketsela (60), 1990



Popkin (59), 1990

(Rural area)

Brito Hernandez (61), 1995


Mahmood (58), 1989


Not available

Brown (57), 1989

Mahmood (58), 1989

Not available


Year of birth of

Wray (43), 1978

Grantham-McGregor (56),

Author, Year














Study design

< 5 months

06 months

46 months

46 months

24 months

24 months

02 months

02 months

45 months

23 months

05 months

05 months

04 months

Age at assessment
of the outcome















0.51 (0.47; 0.56)

0.18 (0.15; 0.22)
0.31 (0.26; 0.40)
0.07 (0.05; 0.19)
0.45 (0.43; 0.48)
0.21 (0.18; 0.25)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed
Breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.45 (0.21; 0.96)

0.29 (0.19; 0.44)

0.07 (0.05; 0.16)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.18 (0.14; 0.23)

0.47 (0.41; 0.56)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.45 (0.37; 0.50)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.04 (0.01; 0.14)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.32 (0.26; 0.4)

0.34 (0.10; 1.11)

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.06 (0.04 0.15)

0.03 (0.01; 0.07)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.16 (0.07; 0.36)

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.69 (0.45; 1.04)

0.39 (0.24; 0.63)

0.79 (0.51; 1.23)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.75 (0.44; 1.27)

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.46 (0.21; 0.91)

0.34 (0.18; 0.67)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Predominant breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.29 (0.03; 1.15)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Predominant breastfed vs. not predominant


Comparison groups

Breastfeeding and diarrhea outcomes among children < 6 months of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of year of publication
and subjects age at which outcome was measured




Koyanagi (39), 2009



Mihrshahi (46), 2008

Tarrant (68), 2010


Mihrshahi (37), 2007



Bahl (45), 2005

Hengstermann (387), 2010



Bahl (45), 2005

Macias-Carrillo (67), 2005

Not available


Vieira (55), 2003

Khadivzadeh (66), 2004



Raisler (65), 1999

WHO (1), 2000


Not available


Year of birth of

Clemens (64), 1999

Lopez-Alarcon (63), 1997

Al-Ali (62), 1997

Author, Year


Case control









Pooled analysis





Study design

06 months

06 months

36 months

05 months

03 months

626 weeks

626 weeks

03 months

6 months

06 months

06 months

06 months

06 months

06 months

05 months

Age at assessment
of the outcome

















0.46 (0.27; 0.79)

0.65 (0.28; 1.49)
0.67 (0.47; 0.97)
0.72 (0.52; 1.01)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. Not breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed
Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.51 (0.25; 1.05)

0.10 (0.02; 0.38)

0.49 (0.27; 0.90)

0.34 (0.17; 0.71)

0.11 (0.03; 0.39)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

1.36 (0.37; 5.03)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

1.79 (0.24; 12.5)

0.18 (0.07; 0.46)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.67 (0.23; 2.01)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.73 (0.54; 0.98)

0.30 (0.16; 0.51)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. not exclusive breastfed

0.41 (0.21; 0.78)

0.39 (0.24; 0.62)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.58 (0.35; 0.96)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.77 (0.39; 1.55)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant breastfed

0.16 (0.11; 0.24)

0.52 (0.29; 0.93)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.54 (0.43; 0.66)

0.88 (0.40; 1.92)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.31 (0.16; 0.59)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Predominantly breastfed vs. not breastfed

Comparison groups



Not stated



Mahmood (58), 1989

Brown (57), 1989

Knight (70), 1992

Molbak (71), 1994



WHO (1), 2000

Fisk (41), 2011

Birth cohort

Pooled analysis





Case control







Study design

612 months

611 months

1223 months

611 months

614 months

1235 months

423 months

611 months

811 months

67 months

1236 months

1236 months

611 months

Age at assessment
of the outcome





0.67 (0.23; 1.98)

0.20 (0.10; 0.41)
0.09 (0.02; 0.44)

Partial breastfed

Not breastfed

0.20 (0.13; 0.29)

Not breastfed

Predominant breastfed

0.51 (0.37; 0.70)

Partial breastfed

Hospitalization from diarrhea

0.44 (0.38; 0.50)

Predominant breastfed

Diarrhea incidence or prevalence

Exclusive breastfed

Exposure category






0.18 (0.07; 0.46)

0.42 (0.33; 0.54)

0.50 (0.32; 0.79)

Predominant breastfed

Reference category

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Number of

0.12 (0.01; 1.08)

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.73 (0.55; 0.97)

Partial breastfed

0.43 (0.30; 0.61)

0.53 (0.32; 0.83)

0.54 (0.30; 0.95)

0.12 (0.09; 0.18)

0.32 (0.18; 0.59)

0.29 (0.12; 0.71)

0.20 (0.02; 2.27)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.77 (0.61; 0.96)

0.11 (0.02; 0.53)

0.20 (0.07; 0.63)

0.47 (0.31; 0.68)

0.76 (0.72; 0.81)

1.18 (0.74; 1.89)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Comparison groups






Effect of infant feeding on diarrhea outcomes in infants younger than 6 months




Mulder-Sibanda (72), 1999



Mahmood (58), 1989

Mulder-Sibanda (72), 1999


Briend (69), 1988



Briend (69), 1988

Al-Ali (62), 1997

Not stated


Wray (43), 1978

Year of birth
of subjects

Author, Year

Breastfeeding and diarrhea outcomes among children > 6 months of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of year of publication
and subjects age at which outcome was measured



Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children < 5 years of life comparing breastfeeding
categories in different studies



Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children 6 months of life comparing breastfeeding
categories in different studies




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children 6 months of age according to age at assessment
of morbidity from diarrhea




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children 6 months of age according to the type of
comparison between categories of infant feeding





Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children > 6 months of life comparing breastfeeding
categories in different studies




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of diarrhea morbidity (prevalence or incidence) in children > 6 months of age according to the different
comparisons between categories of infant feeding




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of hospitalization from diarrhea comparing breastfeeding categories in different studies




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of mortality from diarrhea comparing breastfeeding categories in different studies




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of morbidity from diarrhea comparing children in the breastfeeding intervention group in relation to those
in the control group




Respiratory infection
In spite of recent progress, respiratory infections continue to be the leading cause of death among children < 5 years, worldwide. In 2010, it was estimated that 1.384 million deaths among children under
5 years were caused by pneumonia (25). Promotion of breastfeeding has been considered as one of
the most cost-effective interventions against such deaths (27). A systematic review concluded in 2009
that breastfeeding also protect infants against respiratory infections in industrialized countries (73).
Biological plausibility
Several mechanisms explaining a possible protective effect of breastfeeding against respiratory infections have been proposed, including the presence in breastmilk of substances with antimicrobial
or immunological properties and the improved general nutritional status of breastfed infants.
Breast milk contains immune cells, antibodies, immune modulators and growth modulators that protect the child against respiratory infection. For example, secretory IgA antibodies may transfer immunity from previously exposed mothers to their children (74). Furthermore, cytokines and growth
factors may be transferred via human milk and stimulate the infants immune system (75).
It has also been suggested that oligosaccharides may inhibit the attachment of pathogens to the
infants mucosa, preventing respiratory infections (75).
Furthermore, in low-income settings breastfeeding can reduce the risk of undernutrition due to repeated infections and use of improper weaning foods (32). Because adequate nutritional status is
essential for non-specific immunity that contributes to fighting infections in general, improved nutrition is a possible mechanism explaining the protective effect of breastfeeding.
Overview of the evidence
The protective effect of breastfeeding against mortality and morbidity from respiratory infections
has been widely studied. In the electronic search, we identified five reviews and/or meta-analyses on
this subject.
In 1984, Kovar et al (77) reviewed the evidence on the association between infant feeding and infant
health, reporting that many of the studies identified had observed a protective effect of breastfeeding
against respiratory infections. The authors did not reach a firm conclusion on the effect of breastfeeding for the following reasons: a) most studies did not adjust their estimates for possible confounding
variables; and b) several of the studies that did not detect statistically significant associations failed
to compare extreme categories of breastfeeding, i.e., exclusively vs. non-breastfed infants. In 1997,
Golding et al (78) reviewed the evidence on the protective effect of breastfeeding against respiratory
and other infections. Six studies on lower respiratory tract infections were identified. In three studies,
the adjusted odds ratio was not statistically significant, whereas among the other three studies the


crude results were statistically significant, but no adjusted estimates were provided. For this reason,
the authors concluded that there was no evidence for an association between breastfeeding and
lower respiratory tract infection. It should be noted that these early reviews were severely limited by
the poor quality of most studies available at the time.
With the advent of meta-analytic techniques, the quality of available reviews improved. A first metaanalysis by Bachrach et al (79) in 2003 assessed the relationship between breastfeeding and the risk of
hospitalization for lower respiratory disease among term infants living in high-income settings. Data
from seven cohort studies were pooled, leading to the conclusion that breastfeeding reduced the
risk of hospitalization by 72% [pooled relative risk: 0.28 (95% confidence interval: 0.14; 0.54)].
In 2009, Duijts et al (73) produced an updated systematic review of the effect of breastfeeding on
infections during infancy in industrialized countries. The studies included in the review had to fulfill
at least three of the following internal validity criteria: (a) avoidance of detection bias; (b) adjustment
for possible confounding variables, such as socioeconomic status, size of the family, maternal smoking and maternal schooling; (c) use of clear definition of infant feeding; and (d) having well-defined
outcomes. With respect to respiratory infections, 13 of the 16 included studies reported a protective
effect of breastfeeding. There was no attempt to pool the results of these studies through metaanalysis.
In 2010, McNeil et al (80) also reviewed the evidence on the effect of exclusive breastfeeding on the
risk of hospitalization for lower respiratory tract infection, and six studies were identified. All of these
reported lower risks of hospitalization among exclusively breastfed infant, but in only two studies the
confidence interval did not include the unity. The authors concluded that any formula use was associated with an increased risk of hospitalization. Pooled results were not presented.
In the present systematic review and meta-analysis, we were able to include a substantially larger
number of studies than in any of the above-described reviews and apply modern meta-analytic tools
for obtaining pooled estimates The electronic search identified 36 studies that provided 50 estimates
on the relative risk of morbidity, mortality or hospitalization from respiratory infections according to
infant feeding.
New studies, that appeared since 2007, included research carried out in the United Kingdom (2), Brazil
(81), Bangladesh (37, 46), Philippines (82), Zimbabwe (39), Guinea (40), Canada (83), Hong Kong (84),
and Netherlands (85), Seven of these ten studies reported statistically significant protective effects of
The meta-analysis was carried out including the recently published studies cited above, those included in the previous systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and a few other older studies. We identified 18 studies that provided 22 estimates on the effect of breastfeeding on any respiratory infection
outcome for any subgroup of under-five children (Table 6.1), but not restricted to children under 6
months. Table 6.2 shows that 16 studies provided 24 additional estimates on the effect of infant feeding on morbidity or mortality from respiratory diseases among children aged 6 months. Three studies (42, 86, 87) had already been included in a pooled analyses, and we used the results from the latter
instead of the individual study results (1). Table 6.3 shows that we also identified four studies that
evaluated the effect of breastfeeding on respiratory infections among children older than 6 months.
Results of the meta-analyses were separated by outcome, and are presented in Figures 6.16.5. Concerning hospitalization for respiratory infection (respiratory, lower respiratory tract infection or pneumonia), breastfeeding reduced the risk by 57% [pooled relative risk: 0.43 (95% confidence interval:


0.33; 0.55)]. Figure 6.1 shows that in contrast to what has been observed for diarrhea outcomes, the
protective effect of breastfeeding was not modified by the age at which children were evaluated. For
example, among the four studies (45, 82, 84, 88) that assessed infants aged < 6 months the pooled
relative risk of hospitalization among breastfed infants was 0.41 (95% confidence interval: 0.25; 0.69),
whereas among the seven studies (47, 54, 81, 8992) that evaluated children younger than 12 months
the pooled effect was 0.42 (95% confidence interval: 0.25; 0.69).
Figure 6.2 shows that those studies that compared breastfed with non-breastfed children reported
the highest protective effect of breastfeeding [pooled relative risk: 0.33 (95% confidence interval:
0.24; 0.46) against hospitalization for respiratory infection. For four other comparisons between categories of breastfeeding (breastfed vs. not breastfed; exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed, predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed, and partial breastfed vs. not breastfed) we identified two or more
studies. Figure 6.2 shows that the confidence interval of the pooled effect of each one of these comparisons did not include the unity. Therefore, in spite of the different categories being compared,
breastfed infants were less likely to be hospitalized.
With respect to mortality from lower respiratory tract infections, we identified four studies that provided six estimates on the effect of breastfeeding. Figure 6.3 shows that three of the four estimates
were homogeneous, with relative risks ranging from 0.34 to 0.42. On the other hand, Bahl et al (45)
reported a much stronger protective effect of breastfeeding and its confidence interval did not include the estimate from the remaining studies. Breastfeeding reduced the risk of death for respiratory infection by 70% [pooled relative risk: 0.30 (95% confidence interval: 0.16; 0.56)]. Given the small
number of studies that assessed the effect of breastfeeding on mortality and the heterogeneity of
categories of breastfeeding that were compared, we did not stratify the analysis according to categories of breastfeeding.
Figure 6.4 shows the studies that assessed the effect of breastfeeding on morbidity (prevalence or
incidence) from lower respiratory infection. Breastfeeding also reduced the prevalence or incidence
of lower respiratory tract infection [pooled relative risk: 0.68 (95% confidence interval: 0.60; 0.77)].
Similarly to the observed for hospitalization and mortality from lower respiratory tract infections, the
effect of breastfeeding on morbidity was not modified by the age at assessment of morbidity.
Figure 6.5 shows that the effect of breastfeeding on incidence or prevalence of lower respiratory
tract infection does not seems to vary according the types of categories of breastfeeding that were
compared, but these results must be interpreted with caution because several types of comparisons
were adopted only by one or two studies, providing therefore imprecise estimates.
In the literature search, we identified the Belarus PROBIT trial (8), in which maternity hospitals were
randomized to receive or not to receive promotion of exclusive breastfeeding. The proportion of
children who were hospitalized for respiratory infection was similar among the groups [odds ratio:
0.85 (95% confidence interval: 0.57; 1.27)]. As mentioned in the previous section, this analysis did not
compare breastfeeding categories and therefore it could not be incorporated in the meta-analysis.
On the other hand, the Belarus trial also compared the risk of hospitalization for respiratory infection
according to breastfeeding categories, and this result is incorporated in the present meta-analyses
(Table 6.1) (54).
Methodological pitfalls of analyses of breastfeeding and disease were laid out many years ago, yet
few recent studies have taken these into consideration (13). In particular, self-selection of mothers


who breastfeed for longer periods of time can bias results of existing studies. This is particularly
problematic in high-income settings, where mothers who breastfeed tend to be more educated and
health-conscious (93). Adjustment for socioeconomic position and maternal education is essential,
but even so residual confounding remains as a possibility.
Another problem is reverse causality, that is, breastfeeding being stopped due to an illness or hospital admission. This poses a special problem in cross-sectional or retrospective studies, which can be
avoided by asking about feeding practices prior to the onset of the episode. Nevertheless, few of the
existing studies seem to have taken this into consideration, and reverse causality bias tends to overestimate the protective effect of breastfeeding against infections. Indeed, for hospitalization from
respiratory infection, the protective effect of breastfeeding was higher among those four studies (82,
89, 94, 95) that avoided the reverse causality bias [pooled relative risk 0.33 (95% confidence interval:
0.23; 0.49)], than among the 13 that did not avoid this bias [pooled relative risk: 0.46 (95% confidence
interval: 0.34; 0.61)].
As discussed in the previous section, confounding is one of the methodological issues that should
be taken into consideration when assessing the short-term consequences of breastfeeding. Similarly
to diarrhea, in low-income countries the benefit of breastfeeding on respiratory outcomes are likely
underestimated by confounding because breastfeeding tends to be more frequent among the poor,
among whom mortality is also higher. In high-income countries, where the rich tend to breastfeed
for longer than the poor, confounding may be expected to operate in the opposite direction. In the
meta-analysis on respiratory infection outcomes among infants 6 months of age, studies from developing countries reported that the protective effect of breastfeeding was similar in studies that
only reported unadjusted results [pooled relative risk: 0.60 (95% confidence interval: 0.36; 1.01) and
studies that adjusted their estimates for socioeconomic and other variables [pooled relative risk 0.50
(95% confidence interval: 0.33; 0.75)], suggesting that confounding is not a likely explanation for the
Publication bias is another methodological issue that should be taken into consideration in the assessment of evidence from meta-analyses. Funnel plot is one of the strategies used to assess the
susceptibility of the meta-analysis to publication bias. As in the previous meta-analysis for diarrhea
outcomes, we did not generate funnel plots because several different comparisons were done. On the
other hand, we stratified the analyses by sample size and observed that among infants 6 months of
age, the mean effect of breastfeeding on respiratory infection outcomes was similar among studies
with a sample size < 1000 subjects (pooled relative risk 0.59) and those with 1000 subjects (pooled
relative risk 0.56). This finding suggests that publication bias is not distorting the results of the review.
The only randomized trial on hospital admissions due to respiratory infections compared a group of
children born in hospitals with breastfeeding promotion programs, to children born in similar hospitals without such a program. It showed a non-significant reduction of 15% 7. Given that compliance
with breastfeeding promotion in this trial was only partial, these results are not inconsistent with the
levels of protection documented in the present meta-analysis.
Our review suggests that breastfeeding protects against respiratory infection outcomes. Levels of
protection were around 30% for morbidity, about 50% for hospital admissions and about 60% for
mortality, suggesting that breastfeeding affects not only the incidence but also the severity of these
infections. These results are robust, being observed in high and low-income settings, across different
respiratory infections related outcomes, and evident in studies using different definitions of breastfeeding categories.



Forman (97), 1984






Cesar (89), 1999

Oddy (90), 1999

Arifeen (53), 2001

Kramer (54), 2003



Victora (95), 1994

Nafstaad (92), 1996




Howie (91), 1990

Wright (99), 1989

Chen (98), 1988




Fergusson (96), 1981

Victora (42), 1987



Cunningham (48), 1979

Randomized trial













Ellestad-Sayed (47), 1979

Study design

Year of birth
of subjects

Author, Year

012 months

012 months

012 months

012 months

012 months

024 months

012 months

012 months

018 months

012 months

012 months

024 months

012 months

012 months


Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Incidence of lower respiratory tract


0.34 (0.15; 0.77)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for respiratory


Mortality for respiratory infection

Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection

Hospitalization for pneumonia

Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection

0.06 (0.03; 0.13)

Partially breastfed vs. Not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed for 6 months vs.

partial breastfed 3-7 months

Exclusive breastfed at 4 months vs.

Partial or not breastfed at 4 months

0.96 (0.73; 1.26)

0.36 (0.17; 0.79)

0.62 (0.31; 1.24)

0.26 (0.11; 0.59)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed 4 months vs. not


0.15 (0.06; 0.35)

0.38 (0.23; 0.65)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed 9 months vs. never breastfed

0.65 (0.36; 1.18)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial


Hospitalization for pneumonia

0.44 (0.22; 0.90)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for respiratory


0.68 (0.38; 1.21)

Breastfed 4 months vs. Breastfed < 1


0.47 (0.30; 0.75)

3.33 (0.71; 10.0)

Predominant breastfed vs. partial


Breastfed vs. never breastfed

0,71 (0,41; 1,15)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.12 (0.01; 0.89)

0.20 (0.08; 0.43)

0.32 (0.17; 0.59)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Incidence of non-wheezing lower

respiratory tract infection

Hospitalization for respiratory


Mortality for respiratory infection

Incidence of pneumonia

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection

Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection



Breastfeeding and respiratory infections among children < 5 years of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of year of publication
and subjects age at which outcome was measured. Studies restricted to children under 6 months of age are not included


Banerji (83), 2009

Diallo (40), 2009

Macedo (81), 2007

Quigley (2), 2007

Author, Year





Year of birth
of subjects





Study design

024 months

09 months

012 months

08 months


Exclusive breastfed vs. not exclusive

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection

Breastfed 6 months vs. Breastfed 1


Prevalence of respiratory infection

0.70 (0.48; 1.00)

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for respiratory


0.28 (0.09; 0.83)

0.38 (0.21; 0.62)

0.43 (0.27; 0.71)

0.67 (0.48; 0.92)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed


Hospitalization for lower respiratory

tract infection






Koyanagi (39), 2009

Mihrshahi (46), 2008

Mihrshahi (37), 2007

Bahl (45), 2005







Koch (103), 2003

Bahl (45), 2005


WHO (1), 2000



Cushing (102), 1998

Raisler (65), 1999


Not available

Pisacane (88), 1994

Beaudry (101), 1995


Leventhal (94), 1986



French (100), 1967

Brito Hernandez (61), 1995

Year of birth
of subjects

Author, Year







Pooled analysis








Study design

36 months

05 months

03 months

626 weeks

626 weeks

05 months

06 months

06 months

06 months

06 months

05 months

06 months

03 months

03 months


Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Hospitalization for lower

respiratory tract infection
Prevalence of respiratory

0.95 (0.78; 1.16)

Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.96 (0.61; 1.54)

0.64 (0.42; 0.89)

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Incidence of lower respiratory

tract infection

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

0.75 (0.41; 1.10)

Exclusive breastfed vs. predominant


Prevalence of respiratory

0.76 (0.63; 0.91)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not exclusive


Prevalence of respiratory

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.03 (0.006; 0.15)

0.40 (0.15; 1.08)

Exclusive breastfed vs. Predominantly


Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.86 (0.45; 1.64)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Mortality from lower respiratory

tract infection

Hospitalization for lower

respiratory tract infection

0.39 (0.14; 1.06)

0.27 (0.09; 0.81)

Exclusive breastfed vs. partial breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Mortality for respiratory

Incidence of lower respiratory
tract infection

0.42 (0.29; 0.63)

Predominant vs. not breastfed

0.77 (0.44; 1.33)

0.79 (0.67; 0.94)

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.73 (0.58; 0.92)

0.54 (0.30; 0.96)

0.22 (0.09; 0.55)

0.20 (0.02; 1.72)

0.56 (0.13; 2.39)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Incidence of pneumonia

Incidence of lower respiratory

tract infection

Incidence of respiratory infection Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Breastfed vs, not breastfed

Comparison group

Hospitalization for pneumonia

Prevalence of pneumonia


Breastfeeding and respiratory infections among children < 6 months of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of year of
publication and subjects age at which outcome was measured. Studies with an upper limit of age above 6 months are not included



Case control


Study design

06 months

06 months

6 months


Hospitalization for respiratory


0.33 (0.14; 0.83)

0.36 (0.19; 0.67)
0.64 (0.42; 0.97)
0.79 (0.64; 0.97)

Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Predominant breastfed vs. not breastfed
Partial breastfed vs. not breastfed

0.35 (0.09; 1.36)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Exclusive breastfed vs. not breastfed

Exclusive breastfed vs. never breastfed

Prevalence of lower respiratory

tract infection
Hospitalization for pneumonia

Comparison group


Year of birth
of subjects





Author, Year

Chantry (104), 2006

WHO (1), 1 2000

Duijts (85), 2010


Fisk (105), 2011



Pooled analysis


Study design

612 months

712 months

611 months

624 months


Predominant breastfed 4 months vs.

never breastfed
Breastfed vs. not breastfed
Exclusive breastfed vs. never breastfed
Breastfed vs. not breastfed

Mortality for respiratory

Prevalence of lower respiratory
tract infection
Prevalence of respiratory


Prevalence of pneumonia


0.72 (0.58; 0.89)

0.57 (0.20; 1.49)

0.40 (0.22; 0.71)

0.50 (0.16; 1.56)

Relative risk (95%

confidence interval)

Breastfeeding and respiratory infections among children > 6 months of age: studies included in the meta-analysis in ascending order of subjects age at
which outcome was measured


Tarrant (84), 2010



Duijts (85), 2010

Hengstermann (82), 2010

Year of birth
of subjects

Author, Year



Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of hospitalization due to respiratory infection, lower respiratory tract infection or pneumonia
in children < 5 years of age




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of hospitalization for respiratory infection, lower respiratory tract infection or pneumonia
in children < 5 years of age, according to breastfeeding categories




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval for mortality for respiratory infection or lower respiratory tract infection in children < 5 years of age




Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of lower respiratory tract infection (prevalence or incidence) comparing breastfeeding
categories in different studies



Relative risk and its 95% confidence interval of lower respiratory tract infection (prevalence or incidence), according to breastfeeding categories





The available evidence suggests that breastfeeding protects against diarrhea and respiratory infection in childhood. Because the meta-analyses are almost exclusively based on observational studies
the possibility of self-selection and residual confounding must be taken into consideration.
With respect to confounding, in the present review, we believe that the findings were not susceptible
to residual confounding because a strong protective effect of breastfeeding was observed in lowincome countries. In these countries duration of breastfeeding is higher among the poor. Therefore,
confounding by socioeconomic status should underestimate the protection afforded by breastfeeding.
Reverse causality should also be taken into consideration in the assessment of the evidence on the
short-term effects of breastfeeding. As previously discussed, breastfeeding may have been interrupted or modified by an episode of infectious diseases, thus leading to an association in the opposite direction than the one being postulated (13). For the review on breastfeeding and diarrhea, only
one study explicitly accounted for this bias, by ensuring that information on feeding practices was
obtained for a date previous to the onset of the episode. This study showed substantial protection
associated with breastfeeding (42). For hospitalization from respiratory infection, we identified four
studies that avoided the reverse causality bias and the protective effect of breastfeeding was higher
among these studies (38,89,94,95).
Publication bias is another methodological issue that should be taken into consideration; the selective publication of small positive studies may overestimate the benefit of breastfeeding. In the
present review, we stratified the analyses by sample size and observed that the protective effect of
breastfeeding was not modified by sample size. Suggesting, therefore, that publication bias is not
distorting the results.
Interpretation of results from observational studies may be aided by also taking into consideration
the findings of randomized studies. We identified three randomized trials in which breastfeeding
promotion was related to diarrhea outcomes (79). Diarrhea morbidity was lower in the group receiving the intervention [pooled relative risk: 0.69 (95% confidence interval: 0.49; 0.96)]. This protection
was observed even though the analyses were based on intent to treat, that is, both intervention and
comparison groups included compliers and non-compliers. For respiratory infection, we identified
one randomized trial that compared hospital admissions due to respiratory infections between a
group of children born in hospitals with breastfeeding promotion programs and those who were
born in similar hospitals without such a program. It showed a non-significant reduction of 15% (7).
Given that compliance with breastfeeding promotion in this trial was only partial, these results are
not inconsistent with the levels of protection documented in the present meta-analysis.



Our conclusions are outlined below.

The protective effect of breastfeeding against diarrhea incidence was higher among infants aged 6
months. But, a protective effect was observed among older children. Breastfeeding also decreased
severity of diarrhea; hospitalization and mortality were 72% and 77% lower among breastfed infants,
respectively. Furthermore, as described above, in three randomized trials of breastfeeding promotion, morbidity was lower in the group receiving the intervention [pooled relative risk: 0.69 (95%
confidence interval: 0.49; 0.96)]. We concluded that breastfeeding protects against diarrhea.
Respiratory infection
For respiratory infection, the protective effect of breastfeeding was not modified by age. Breastfeeding also reduced the risk of hospitalization [pooled relative risk: 0.43 (95% confidence interval: 0.33;
0.55)] and mortality [pooled relative risk: 0.30 (95% confidence interval: 0.16; 0.56)]. We concluded
that breastfeeding protects against respiratory infection.



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