Seminar On ELT

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A. Background
Languange is the principle means for human to commucative,to transmit
information or to share idea. English langunge is important languange to
develop culture, science and as a mean of communication with other nation in
the worid.
Languange is can said an instrument to send or exchange information and to
interact with the others. Languange is used by all people in the world as means
of communication. Anyone can not interact with the others without languange,
it is very important learn languange.
There are four languange skill in teaching english, they are listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Generally, languange can be spoken and written,
so it is also necessary to learn writing.
Harmer (2007) states writing is frequently useful as preparation for some
other activity, in particular when students write sentence as a preamble to
discussion activities.
Writing is different from other languange skills. In listening and reading the
student receive a message that is formulated by another. Wherean in the
speaking, the students communicate using their own ideas and fealing that
sometimes involves intecolutor, so the are collocations among them in
conversation. On the other hand, communication through the writen word need
real proficiency from the writer in order to be effective. In addition, writing is
one of the languange skills that should be mastered by students.
In writing skill, the student have to master vocabulary and know how to use
grammar in making texts or sentences. It is in important skill because it will be
applied in many aspect of life. Throught writing, people are supposed to be able
to express their ideas in writing form. There are many ways to express writing
and one of them is throught a text.
There are many text type taught in junior hight school. Each text has
different social function, schematic structures, and languange features. One of

the texts taught for the seven grade students of junior high school is descriptive
Hyland (2002) writing is learned, rather than taught, and teachers best
method are flexibility and support.
In teaching and learning english, there are many strategies to teach students
according to the material or potocies of the students. The students who learn
english will be successful if the learning sources or strategies are relevant with
the students need.
One of strategies which is suitable in teaching writing is think talk write
(TTW). Suryatno (2009) states think talk write (TTW) starting with thinking
through reading, the result of reading is communicate throught presentation,
discussion, and then making note about the result of the discission.
Think we can see from the process reading a text that related with the
material. Next, students make note about what they have read. The notes will be
read expleained, and discussed in their group. We can mention this step as
students talk activity. After finishing discussing in their own group, the students
will express the result of discussion in form of written text. This step is students
activity in write. The last actvity in think talk write (TTW) is wrting. So, the
researcher conclude that this strategy suitable in teaching wrting, especially in
writing descriptive text.
In writing class students had some difficulties aspect such as they had
difficulty to choose words to make a paragraph or essay and the teachers
difficulties in finding the appopriate strategies for the english class especially
writing class for the teacher.
Think talk write teaching is an approach to the design of languange cources
in which the point of departure is not an ordered list of linguistic items, but a
collection of tasks. TTW ( think talk write ) is offers the students an apportunity
based instruction, a think approach aims to provide learnert with a natural
content for languange use.
Based on the explanation above, the researcers wants to conduct a researc

B. Problem statement
In line with the background of the study, the main purpose of this study is to
find an effective method in teaching writing. So, the formuated research problem
is that how can think talk write (TTW) improve students writing descriptive
text at SMPN 1 PALOPO.
C. Significance of the research
It will the english teacher to choose the appropriate method in teaching
learning process epecially in writing ability in order to improve students writing
D. Defenition of the trems
1. Descriptive writing is the clear description of people, place, object, or events
using appropriate an details. An effective description will contain sufficient
and varied elaboration of details to a communicate sense of the subject being
2. Think talk write (TTW) is one of learning strategy which is purpose to
improve students undestanding ability ( Martinis yamin 2008). In other
words, Sutyatno (2009) states this learning starting with thinking through
reading material, the result of reading is commucate through presentation,
discussion, and then making note about the result of the discussion.

A. Some pertinent ideas
1. Defenition of writing
Writing skills is specific abilities which help writer put their through
in to words in meaningful form and mentally interact with the message.
It has purpose not only for media but also giving information. Everyday
many people do writing activity by using mobile phone to sending a
message. It has purpose thatgiving information. Writing can be said to be
act of forming symbols.

Harmer (2007) states writing is frequently useful as preparation for

some other activuty, in particular when students write sentence as a
preamble to discussion activities.
Hyland (2004) stated that writing like a dancing,allows for creativity
and the unexpected, establishedpatterns often from the basis of any
Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in
particular when students write sentence as a preamble to discussion
activities (Harmer 2007)
Harmer (1990) states that there are some roles of the teacher when
student are asked to write, the one that are special important are as
a. Motivator : writing task will be motivated the students creating the
right condition for the generation of ideas.
b. Resource : especially during more extended writing task, we should
be readyto supply information and languange where necessary.
c. Feedback provider : teacher should respond positively and
encourangingly to the content of what the student have written.

B. The teaching of writing

Writing is an activiy that produces something from mind become
meaningful a text of the sentences. Make a good writing by arranged
sequence sentence. Shortly, writing skill are specific abilities which will halp
writer put their thought into words in a meaningful form and mentally
interact with the massage.
Tarigan (1986) statesd that writing can be interpreted as idea for
activities or ideas by using wtitten languange as a medium conveys.
Urquhard and Mciver (2005) states teaching writing is unique. It
benefits both teacher and the students, serving as communication vehicle,
assement tool, and intellectual exsercise.
To teach writing descriptive text need something that can make students
feel fun and hve a good impression, so that the students will always
remember what they have got from their teachers explations.

Based the pschycholinguist Eric Lennberg (1967) once noted, in a

discussion of species-specfic human behavior, that human being
universally learn to walk and to talk, but that swimming and writing are
culturally specific,learned behavior.
C. TTW (think talk write)
1. Defenition of TTW (think talk write)
Zulkarnaini (2011) states Think talk write strategy was introduced by
Huinker and Laughlin. This strategy facilitaring the exercise of language
both oral and written fluently. This strategy based on the interpretation
that learning is a social action. Think talk write strategy encourages the
students to think, talk, and write based on the particular topic. Think talk
write strategy is used to develop the writing fluently and exercise the
languange befero write them.
Huinker and laughlin (1996) say that, think talk write strategy builds
in time for though and reflection and for thhe organization of ides and
the testingof those ideas before students are expected to write. the flow
of communication progresses from students engaging in thought or
reflective dialogue with themselves, to talking and sharing ideas with one
another, to writing.
Think talk write (TTW) is one of learning strategy which is purpose
to improve students undestanding ability (Martinis Yamin 2008).
In other words, suyatno (2009) states this learning starting with
thinking through reading material, the result of is reading communicate
through presentation, discussion, and then making note about the result
of discussion.
Based on Yamin and Ansari (2008) this is the steps of think talk write
a. Students reading a text and make notes about what they have read
(think), then discuss with their group.
b. The students do interaction and collaboration with their group to
discuss notes (talk). In this activity, the students using their own
words to explain ideas in their group.

c. The students express the result of discussion in form written text

(write). Writing can help the students realize one of learning purpose
and measure students understanding the material have learned.
d. The last learning activity is make a reflection and conclution about
what they have learned. One of the students from each group
presentation their answer, while other group give an idea.
On this startegy,had some step for implementation, that are :
The first step is THINK. Think is a phase that the students read a
text (a theme/material). In this phase the students should thinking
possibility the answer, and the students make a little script about
ideas that obtained on the text.
Yamin and Ansari (2012) wiedohold states make note mean
analyze the objective, content of the materials and investigates the
substances that written.
The second step is TALK. Talk is an activity that certain make a
discussion with their friends in a group. In there the students should
to sharing the idea that was had at the think step.and make a reached
with the groups.
The third /last step is WRITE. In this phase the students
appreciation their idea to an essay about the theme that was been
given. Write is an activity of all brains that make the right
(emotional) and the left (logic) of brains. A good essay make all of
Yamin and Ansari (2012) Masingila and wisniowska states
suggest activity of students for teacher can see the error of students,
misconception of students about the same idea.
The students give a theme or same material and the researcher
ask to students for thinking about this theme. The second step is talk,
in there the researcher devide the students in the class to some
One group composed from four until five students. We ask to
students to write the result from their discussion.

A. Research Design
The research used classroom action research to conduct this research.
Classroom action research designed to solve practical problems in the process of
teaching and learning, especially in teaching writing. Burns (2009) Elliott states
the study of social situation with the view to improving the quality of the action
in it.
The strategy offered was used as one of the alternative strategy to improve
the students writing ability. In research design classroom action research (CAR).
In classroom action research there are 3 words must be explain that: research
activity to observe an object with certain methodology to get data or information
which useful into develop quality about something which think interesting by
the researchers. Action is activity which intentional to conduct with certain
provide. Class is a group of students receice lesson and teach by teacher in same
time and place. And classroom action research is a observation toward activity
which intentional to rise and happen in a classroom.
Burns (2007) kemmis and taggart states who are major authors in this field,
classroom action research typically four broad phase in a cycle if research.

Based on the model of classroom action research in this study, premilinarry

study is first step planning, to know the teaching and learning problems in
writing and solve the problems and preparing the action.
The next step is action, doing the action research based on the planning and
preperation. In the implementation in the researcher acts as the observer is the
teacher english. The main of the collaborative teacher was observing the
activities done by reserchers and the students participation in the teaching
The next phase is observing, the researcher used observation sheets, test and
the field note. And the last step is reflection, reflect, evaluate, and describe the
effect of the action in order to make sense of what happen and to understand the
B. The Procedure Of The Study
Based of kemmis and taggart, model of classroom action research which
arranged of planning, implementing (acting, observing), and reflecting phases. A
premilinary was done to identify the problem in the class.
a. Premilinary observation ( reconnaissance )
The substantively researcher did premilinary observations when the
researcher did the teacher training (ppl) in SMPN 1 Palopo. The material of
teaching was from LKS abd a partly from the relevant books.
b. Planning
In the planning stange, the researcher has to do some planning activities
to solve the problem in the classroom for this, he did some preparation,
including desingning the lesson plan for engglish class especially for
descriptive text and preparing the criteria of succes as well as research
1. Teaching media
The researcher used media to help delivered the materials. The media
was a card by animal picture. It used for help the students for the
described, every group does not have the same pictures in the card.
2. Research instrument
The researcher prepared observation sheet and questionnairest sheet.
All the instrument such as observation sheet questionnairest sheet were

used to record the data during the implementation if think talk write
The observation sheet consist of several items taken from the activity
which done by students in implementation of Think, Talk, Write startegy.
The questainnaires sheet is consist five items. The items are developed in
order to know students interest in the implementation of think, talk, write
strategy. This was distributed to the students in the first meetig. The data
were used and analyzed to be reflection of the implementation of the
Observtion play important part in any kind data. Gatharing and most
action research project use this as an instrument. Koshy (2005) states
observation is a natural process, we observe people and incident all the
time and based on the observation, we make judgment. Observing was
the activity of recording and collecting the data about any aspect or
event. That was happening in the teaching and learning activity in
conducting an accurate observation the observing focused on the activity
done by researcher and the students during the teaching and learning
Observation was done after the planning, and the action phase. The
objectives of this phase were to know result of the implementation of the
research and to find out the improvement of the weakness were used the
collect data. All the data were collected by researcher through interview,
quistainanaire, observation, field note and test.
To collect the required data, some various instruments used were as
follows :
1. Interview
To get a real data, the researcher used an interview guideline.
Conversations between researcher to teacher and students. Interview
is very important, because by this way we know any information as
regards about the research. This interview guideline was given to
teacher before researcher entered into the class and for students was
given together with given pre-test
2. Questionnaire

Ary (1855) states that the questainnaires obtain information

through the respondents written respondents to a list content.
Questionnaire is needed to know how the problems in class happen
its distributed to the students at the beginning of research.








Questionnaire given to know where the wase of weakness by

C. Instrument of the research
1. Criteria scoring student



accurately,change of opinion very clear

Main ideas states fairly clearly accuratelly









and 4

change of opinion relatively clear

Main ideas somewhat unclear inaccurate
chage opinion some what weak
Main idea not clear or accurate change of
opinion weak

For the students achievement, then the researcher calculated the

percentage of each level used the formula as follow:
P = N X 100%
Percentage of skill
85% - 100%
70% - 80%
55% - 69%
50% - 54%
Bellow 49%

A = Excellent
B= Good
C = Fair
D = Poor
E = Very poor


Level of achievement
Above average
Bellow average

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