Developing The Sermon

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Hermeneutics biblical interpretation for preaching

A. Sermon Idea
1. Meditation
2. Question
3. Rationale
I am meditating on (state text/scripture)
Because I want to know (text inquiry i.e. what, when,
why, how?
In order to understand(contemporary relevance).
B. Sermon Interpretation
1. Pre-Critical assumption
2. Critical methods
3. Post-Critical application
C. Sermon Foundations
1. Text portion of scripture
2. Subject This sermon is about
3. Proposition I propose that (claim about subject)
4. Motivational Objective intention of the sermon; i.e. To
move persons to (action)
5. Title (optional, but do this after you have drafted the


Homiletics the structure and presentation of preaching

A. Sermon Elements
1. Introduction provocative presentation of subject (i.e.
background information; contemporary event; song;
anecdote; short story)
2. Body ordering of proposition
Deductive Homiletic the movement, strategy, or
presentation moves from the general to the particular.
3-point sermons)

Inductive Homiletic the movement, strategy, or

presentation moves from the particular to the general.
(i.e. an illustrative journey; moves)
Note: Let the proposition or style decide whether you use deductive or
inductive development. You approach sermons different ways, which
affect the development (e.g. celebratory, conviction, didactic,
expository, narrative, prophetic, topical).

3. Conclusion challenging hearers with motivational

B. Sermon Draft
Dont decide on a title first and then try to make your sermon fit the
Dont think of a topic and then search the Scriptures to preach the
topic out of context. Deal with a text in its context.
Whats the interpretation? Exegete the text!
Whats the most effective presentation, which becomes the reality for
the hearer?
Preaching is about making claims!
The Strength of your claim is about, Words getting up and living
before people. People dont just accept words as they are. People
accept realities they can connect with. Thats what preaching has the
ability to do.
Preaching is born out of reflection, meditating, listening to God; It is
affected by Gods response to your seeking, prayer, and
communicating with God.
Contemplating = with + time
If Im not centered, Im really not sure what Im trying to interpret; Im
really not sure what Im trying to build a foundation for; really not sure
what kind of body I will set up.
Reflecting, meditating, contemplating, observing, feeling
Enter the world of the text with your senses (five senses).
What is your perspective? (Exercise: Find a focus point, write down
everything u c)
Can anyone else see your perspective?
How do you feel about your perspective?
What shapes perspective?
Locate yourself in the text, and use that perspective to tell us what you
Be yourself!
Where is God?
Is God evident? Is God in the conscious?
When was the last time the writer of the book talks about God?
What is he/she saying about God?
What clues help us to infer?
Note: Let the proposition or style decide whether you use deductive or
inductive development. You approach sermons different ways, which
affect the development (e.g. celebratory, conviction, didactic,
expository, narrative, prophetic, topical).

Wrap sermon around theology of writer.
Preaching is principally about God! What is the God claim?
Social justice? Neglected voices?
Where are we taking people in the sermon? Where is their
We need the introduction that meets people where they are and take
them with us.
This is a Right-Brain exercise using Left-Brain Tactics!
You have to appeal to the imagination. You have to draft for the ear,
not the eye.
Paint the picture, using descriptors, whether your moves are inductive
or deductive.
Use storytelling, but dont force a story. As you write your draft, a
relevant story will let you know when and where it belongs.
Dont make up a story, but speak from your lifes experiences or
Consider a central, recurring image! Folks generally recall one thing
from sermons.

Note: Let the proposition or style decide whether you use deductive or
inductive development. You approach sermons different ways, which
affect the development (e.g. celebratory, conviction, didactic,
expository, narrative, prophetic, topical).

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