From MATLAB To Embedded C: News&Notes

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TheMathWorks News&Notes

From MATLAB to Embedded C

By Grant Martin and Houman Zarrinkoub

The flexibility to explore concepts is essential to innovation.

Yet an idea that cannot be implemented in an actual system remains just
thatan idea. In a typical development process, many engineers, scientists, and researchers rely on the flexibility of the MATLAB language to
explore designs, but for system implementation, they must translate their
high-level MATLAB algorithms into the lower-level language of C.

mbedded MATLAB code enables a

MATLAB to C workflow that brings exploration and implementation together. Embedded MATLAB is a subset of the MATLAB
technical computing language that lets you
generate C code directly from MATLAB algorithms. With this capability, teams can
maintain a single design source and use one
language in one development environment
from concept to implementation.
Closing the Gap Between Concept
and Implementation
To build an embedded system, engineers
typically follow a familiar paradigm: develop in MATLAB, translate to C, and
compile for the target hardware, verifying
at each step.

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During the translation to C, typical modifications include:

Optimizing to accommodate processor
speed and memory limitations
Introducing appropriate numerical representations (floating or fixed point)
Incorporating real-time data management, such as buffering, streaming, and
Manually translating MATLAB code to C
poses several challenges. First, the design and
implementation teams use different tools and
development environments, making it difficult to communicate complex algorithmic
concepts. Second, the C code often diverges
from the MATLAB concept code. This means
that additional steps must be taken to verify
that the concept code and the C code remain

equivalent and that no manual coding errors

were introduced during development.
In addition, it is often necessary to write
C-code test harnesses to construct and
download tables and other data structures
on the processor. Writing and maintaining

The Embedded MATLAB subset

includes more than 270 MATLAB operators and functions, as well as functions from
Signal Processing Toolbox, Aerospace
Toolbox, and Fixed-Point Toolbox. It
includes MATLAB language features such
as matrices and arrays, real and complex
numbers, structures, flow control, and

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MATLAB code for a Kalman filter with three states (inset) and
equivalent C code generated with the Embedded MATLAB subset.
The 17 lines of MATLAB code translate to 144 lines of C code,
including comments.

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They are used in a wide range of applications, including control, signal and image
processing, radar and sonar, and financial
The simple tracking algorithm is developed in MATLAB in a file named kalmanf.m
(Figure 1).
This algorithm can be automatically
translated to C using emlc, a command-line
tool in Real-Time Workshop that generates
C code from Embedded MATLAB code.
Typical syntax for translation is
>> emlc -s cfg -eg {A,B,C,Q,R,u,t,yv}...

Figure 1. Embedded MATLAB code for a Kalman filter.

Figure 2. The Real-Time Workshop GUI for configuring code generation properties from Embedded
MATLAB code.

these custom applications is cumbersome,

takes time, and consumes engineering resources. With Embedded MATLAB code,
the embedded algorithms and data structures that you implemented in MATLAB can
be automatically translated to C.
To illustrate the connection between
concept and implementation, let us look at

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a typical tracking algorithm implemented

Generating C Code from
Embedded MATLAB Code
Kalman filters are recursive filters that
estimate the state of a linear dynamic system from a series of noisy measurements.

The configuration parameter (following the -s delimiter) is used to specify code

generation properties and fine-tune the
compiler. These options can be specified
using the GUI shown in Figure 2.
The example option (following the -eg
delimiter) sets the data types and dimensions of function variables by specifying
an example at the function interface. The
generated C code is created in a file named
In MATLAB, the algorithm is expressed
in 17 compact lines of code based on matrix
operations. The equivalent C code uses for
loops for scalar computations of the matrix
operations and comprises 144 lines.
Because data types for all variables of the
algorithm were introduced at compile time,
the designer has the flexibility to develop
multiple versions of the algorithm destined
for different processors. The generated C
code is readable, and it contains the same
comments as the original MATLAB code,
inserted at corresponding lines of the algorithm. This means that you only need to
maintain a single copy in MATLAB for further design iterations. The C code is generated automatically, reflecting any changes.
The plot in Figure 3 shows the results
of the generated code. These results were
verified as equivalent to the MATLAB
simulation code.

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Incorporating MATLAB Code into

Simulink and Stateflow Models
For many teams, the job is complete once the
generated C code has been verified against
the elaborated MATLAB code and the compiled algorithms are deployed to the target.
If the algorithm will be part of a larger, more
complex system, you can extend the workflow
by placing precompiled algorithmic function blocks developed using the Embedded
MATLAB subset in your Simulink models or
Stateflow charts (Figure 4). You can then perform system-level simulations and generate C
or HDL code for implementation.
Embedded MATLAB serves as a common thread between MATLAB, Simulink,
and Stateflow. In this way, it streamlines the
workflow between algorithm developers and
system modelers and brings exploration and
implementation together.

Figure 3. Output from the MATLAB and C-code versions of the Kalman filter.

Figure 4. Simulink radar system model with the Embedded MATLAB function block
referencing the Kalman tracking filter.

Webinar: Algorithm Design and
Code Generation with Embedded MATLAB

2009 The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See for a list of additional trademarks. Other product or brand names may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

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