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ROLL NO 2015054
YEAR 2015- 2017



Sr. No


Page nos.

Company Introduction

Marketing Objectives for the Project

Target Market Segments

Marketing Strategies

Monitoring Techniques



I. Company Introduction

Dove is a very well-known brand which works under Unilevers head name. It began its
workings in 1957 by launching a personal cleansing bar. Later on they developed a new cleanser
for burned or effected skins by using the old formula and it was the time during World War II,
when such cases usually appeared. At that time it was a very innovative concept that a non-soap
cleanser is available which allows users to get rid of skin dirt without using the soap again and
again. In 1970 a dermatology study recognized the efforts of Dove in this regard and at that time
they started gaining popularity among beauty brands. And nowadays it is being considered as the
Worlds top brand in cleansing products and a lot of research has been done on its product
innovation and marketing strategies.
In 2004, Dove began its Campaign for Real Beauty, followed by the creation of the Dove SelfEsteem Fund in 2006 by Geyner Andres Gaona. It purports to be "an agent of change to educate
and inspire girls on a wider definition of beauty and to make them feel more confident about










including Daughters (which was also broadcast during the Super Bowl XL), Evolution (which
won two awards at the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival), Onslaught and Amy.
The campaign has been criticized as hypocritical in light of the highly sexualized images of
women presented in the advertising of Axe, which like Dove is produced by Unilever.

Mission /Vision
Dove brand has its mission and vision as follows:
Dove is committed to helping all women realize their personal beauty potential by creating
products that deliver real care. Dove believes that beauty should be for everyone, because when
you look and feel your best, you feel better about yourself.
Dove says it continues to provide products that make a genuine difference to the condition and
feel of your skin and hair.
And in doing so it assists in accomplishing its mission of increasing womens description of
beauty to incorporate all ages, body shapes and all sizes, making them realize that beauty is not
only related to their looks.

Statement of the Marketing Goal

Marketing strategies may be designed in several different ways or through several different
channels but when it comes to brand like Dove; they make it after proper planning. The basic
statement of Marketing Goal of Dove is as follows:
Dove wants to target all ages, shapes, and sizes of women to let them believe through the use of
their products that beauty doesnt depend on these factors, rather beauty lies in you. Dove tries to
help all women through its marketing tactics to believe the real beauty present in them.
This reflects in all their marketing campaigns whether, its an ad, or any other marketing

II. Marketing Objectives for the Project

Dove develops its marketing objectives very carefully as it is devoted to expand the definition of
beauty for all women for the reason that they believe real beauty comes from your inner self. All
successful marketing strategies were basically due to wisely planned marketing objectives of
Dove which we are going to discuss here. Due to successful marketing objectives, Dove is the
UKs Bar Soap brand and 45% of the people bought a Dove product in 2010. In fact, 10.1
million women use Dove every week in the UK.

A. Overall Objective

Elevate sales of Dove loveliness products and latest product lines.

Make exchange of ideas, debates, and conversation about the factual sense of natural beauty.

To be a focus for nationwide TV and print media reporting.

Increase restricted press concentration in the hometowns of model featured all through the


Drive users to the CFRB Web site to divide their opinions and views about the campaign and

natural beauty typecasts.

Make a call to action for customers to link the group through website that make active

contribution by Dove for self-worth consciousness program.

B. Primary Business Objectives

To increase sales by 30 percent in upcoming 6 months.

To increase brand awareness among non-existing clients for at least.

To increase the ROE ratio of the company by 5 % in next 6 months.

Increasing the retailers and brand outlets in targeted markets for at least 20 new stations.

C. Strategic objectives for every primary objective

The very important procedure of an organization is called tactical set up, and in hyperbolic
circumstances, its strategy or direction, and making decisions on assigns it capital to follow this
strategy, including its assets and people (Colin, 2006). The most business analysis techniques
can be applied in strategic planning, that is the official thought of associations prospect rout.
Every strategic planning does contract with at least one of three key questions:
1.How do we get there and stand out?
2.Where are we?
3.Where do we wish for to go?
We extremely want you to be a great marketer, therefore, our favorite objective is to assist our
business and obtain a huge part of our open market and bring much increase in our earnings, and
we can support our marketing team or develop into our off-line and on-line business partner. We
have specialized professionals, graphic designers, and web developers, with many other obliging
tools that will assist our business go ahead of our contestants and increase marketplace share. We
will repeatedly check and track our advertising campaigns so we can promise our long-standing

III. Target Market Segments

Targeted market segments for dove includes following:

A. Identify
Women who use beauty products.
Women who are well aware about beauty and care for their skin.
Women having the minimum purchasing power for our product.

B. Why selected
This target segment is selected on the basis of product features and buyer traits for buying the
products. This involves a lot of research as finding out the specific target market is very critical
but Dove do so by utilizing its R & D department.

IV. Marketing Strategies

The Dove movement for natural loveliness was made to aggravate dialogue and give confidence
debate. Doves Business is to provide services classically available in Great businesses to tiny
businesses for a part of the price, through our domestic employees and their connections. So that,
accounting, payroll, organization consulting, publicity and marketing, tax homework, legal
advice, and fiscal planning should be done in a systematic way.

A. Main strategies
1. Market Penetration
For increased market penetration, Dove will be launching few campaigns where the
representatives will move to the market segments and will do free sampling. This will make the
customer realize that Dove cares and penetration will be achieved in newly selected market
2. Market Development
Making aware the existing clients and making them realize that real beauty lies in you which is
being enhanced by Dove products is the main aim of Dove. Market development basically means
to Dove that customer becomes more aware about the product knowledge and information. And
for that they Dove has planned to provide demonstration campaigns in each outlet.

3. Service/program Development
As sales and product services play very important role in customer awareness so Dove also
planned for services/program development. They have analyzed the existing markets and have
come to the conclusion that giving informative ads and procedural ads about the usage of
products is very important thus such ads would be the upcoming advertising campaigns part.

4. Diversification
For diversification they have planned to follow the old strategy which was to make their product
line extensive and specialized for different skin types and people. By doing so their product line
will diversify and they will be attracting more people toward their products.

B. Strategy Development by Target Group

As the targeted groups are explained in the prior section and there is no special segregation in
targeted market so same strategy will be used for all segments of the target market.

C. Promotional Tools (list)

Dove has planned to promote through different ways which includes posters campaign, banners,
flyers, advertisements in newspapers & magazines, emails, direct marketing, SMS, and face
book etc. As in our main target customers are women so we have to capture their attention and
provide awareness about the skin care and beauty products. They should know that now
throughout the globe there is no other brand which is giving proper awareness about the skin

1. Posters campaign
The main purpose of any campaign poster is to development the message that we want to convey
our target market about the product awareness.

2. Banners
Banners will be pasted on the different flash areas from where we can take advantage and can
expand number of customers.
3. Flyers
Flyers will be distributed in different companies, women universities and stores will also
consider as they need such products and they can give us feedback later on.
4. Advertisements in newspapers & magazines
We will give regular advertisements in newspapers for the awareness of customers and for all the
people who can take help from us and also in top magazines so that everyone everywhere comes
to know about our company and get familiar with our products.
5. E-mails
Emails are also a good and effective and free of cost source of promotion. There are different
sites like from it we can take thousands of email ids and we can sent them mails to
aware them about our company and it is would be totally free.
6. Direct marketing
We will do direct marketing by promoting our company by ourselves.

7. SMS

SMS is also an effective way to promotion. There are different softwares available in the market
through which we can send bulk messages to people.
Facebook and other social sites
We will also publish information about our company on face book and other social networks like
twitter, Myspace etc. these are very valuable ways because these are most popular among the
female users, companies in fact all category is available on these social networks and we can also
make our fan page and it will be added by our friend.

V. Monitoring Techniques
For the success of this marketing plan different monitoring tools will be used. Monitoring
techniques are used in different ways to control the marketing outcomes and usually different
procedures are being used by companies to do so. Dove uses different tools to measure and
monitor the impact of marketing campaigns on companys performances.

1. Progress Reports
Progress reports would be designed and given to each department so that the instant effect of
such marketing campaign can be seen all over the company.

2. Timeline
Timelines will be issued to every new marketing campaign and strategy so that all result would
be compared with the timelines, this would give us the rate of change in companys success in
terms of marketing.

3. Outcome Measurements

Outcomes of the marketing strategies will be measured in terms of increased sales, gross
revenue, profits, customer base, clients feedback, Goodwill and Brand awareness. Below is one
example through which one can see the processes used to monitor the marketing strategies and
their outcomes.




VI. Budget
Budgets are always designed to make the expenses limited and to forecast the upcoming benefits
from the services you are going to offer. As the marketing plan is all about how to promote our new
upcoming products and services, so the budget designed here would also be according to that.
There would be a proper budget allocated by our bank to our marketing team to execute all required
marketing activities for the new services. The amount of budget varies each time so for this time also
different percentages of the whole budget may be assigned to the marketing campaign for new
promotional campaigns. As there lays a number of projects which Dove focuses over simultaneously
so budget would be around 10% to 15% of the overall companys budget

Unilever Official Website: (2009).
Retrieved: 25th July, 2011.
Dove Official Website: (2008). Retrieved: 25th July, 2011.
Colin Hession, (2006). Unilever expands Dove with day spa in UK. FindArticles; Business;
Household & Personal Products Industry.
Dove, Campaign for beauty. (2008). Official


Website: Retrieved:

25th July, 2011.


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