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The ne"\v knowledge of the atolnic structure of Inatter uncovered

over the past half-century by the X-ray-diffractjon technique
has led to

funclalnental revision of ideas in n1any sciences

by Sir Lawrence Bragg

ifty-six years ago a new branch of

science was born with the discov
ery by Max von Laue of Germany
that a beam of X rays could be diffracted,
or scattered, in an orderly way by the
orderly array of atoms in a crystal. At
first the main interest in von Laue's dis
covery was focused on its bearing on the
controversy about the nature of X rays;
it proved that they were waves and not
particles. It soon became clear to some
of us, however, that this effect opened
up a new way of studying matter, that in
fact man had been presented with a
new form of microscope, several thou
sand times more powerful than any light
microscope, that could in principle re
solve the structure of matter right down
to the atomic scale. The development of
X-ray crystallography since 1912 has
more than fulfilled our early expecta
tions. It not only has revealed the way
atoms are arranged in many diverse
forms of matter but also has cast a flood
of light on the nature of the forces be
tween the atoms and on the large-scale
properties of matter. In many cases this
new knowledge has led to a fundamental
revision of ideas in other branches of sci
ence. A culmination of sorts has been
reached in the past few years with the
successful structural analysis of several
of the basic molecules of living matter
the proteins-each of which consists of
thousands of atoms held together by an
incredibly intricate network of chemical
The purpose of this article is to go
back to the beginning and broadly sum
marize the course of X-ray crystallog
raphy over the past half-century or so.
In so doing I shall try to answer two key
questions: Why X rays? Why crystals?
X-ray crystallography is a strange
branch of science. The result of an in
vestigation lasting many years can be

summed up in a "model." I have often

been asked: "Why are you always show
ing and talking about models? Other
kinds of scientists do not do this." The
answer is that what the investigator has
been seeking all along is simply a struc
tural plan, a map if you will, that shows
all the atoms in their relative positions
in space. No other branch of science is so
completely geographical; a list of spatial
coordinates is all that is needed to tell
the world what has been discovered.
The atomic structure of a crystal is de
duced from the way it diffracts a beam
of X rays in different directions. A crys
tal is built of countless small structural
units, each consisting of the same ar
rangement of atoms; the units are re
peated regularly like the pattern of a
wallpaper, except that in a crystal the
pattern extends in three dimensions in
space. The directions of the diffracted
beams depend on the repeat distances of
t11e pattern. The strengths of the diA:ract
ed beams, on the other hand, depend on
the arrangement of atoms in each unit.
The wavelets scattered by the atoms in
terfere to give a strong resultant in some
directions and a weak resultant in others.
The goal of X-ray analysis is to find the
atomic arrangement that accounts for
the observed strengths of the many dif
fracted beams.
This brings us to the question of why
X rays, of all the available forms of elec
tromagnetic radiation, are indispensable
for this method of investigation. In or
der for the interference of the diffracted
beams to produce marked changes in the
amount of scattering in different direc
tions, the differences in the paths taken
by reflected beams must be on the order
of a wavelength. Only X rays have wave
lengths short enough to satisfy this con
dition. For example, the distance be
tween neighboring sodium and chlorine


atoms in a crystal of sodium chloride (or

dinary table salt) is 2.8 1 angstrom units
(an angstrom is 10-10 meter), whereas
the most commonly used wavelength in
X-ray analysis is l.54 angstroms.
Actually crystals came into the pic
ture only because- they are a convenient
means to an end. The resultant scatter
ing of X rays would be hopelessly con
fused and impossible to interpret if the
scattering units were randomly distrib
uted in all orientations. In a crystal the
units are all similarly oriented and hence
scatter the X rays in the same way; as
a result a total scattering measurement
made with a whole crystal leads directly
to a determination of the amount scat
tered by an individual unit.
The Condition for Djffraction

The easiest way to approach the opti

cal problem of X-ray diffraction is to con
sider the X-ray waves as being reflected
by sheets of atoms in the crystal. When
a beam of monochromatic (uniform
wavelength) X rays strikes a crystal, the
wavelets scattered by the atoms in each
sheet combine to form a reflected wave.
If the path difference for waves reflected
by successive sheets is a whole number
of wavelengths, the wave trains will com
bine to produce a strong reflected beam.
In more formal geometric terms, if the
spacing between the reflecting planes is
d and the glancing angle of the incident
X-ray beam is B, the path difference for
waves reflected by successive planes is
2d sin B [see upper illustration on page
60). Hence the condition for diffraction
is n'\ 2d sin B, where n is an integer
and ,\ is the wavelength.
I first stated the diffraction condi
tion in this form in my initial adventure
into research in a paper presented to
the Cambridge Philosophical Society in

X-RAY PHOTOGRAPH of lysozyme, the second protein and first

precession photograph; it is produced by manipulating the crystal,

enzyme to have its molecular structure determined by X-ray analy

the phot ographic p late and an intervening screen in such a way as

sis, symbolizes the recent achievements of the X-ray technique_ The

to hold one of the three indices of the diffracted beams constant

bright spots c o rrespond to various orders of diffracted waves p ro

duced by irradiating the lysozyme crystal with a beam of monochro

rectilinear pattern. The lysozyme molecule contains 1,950 atoms and

matic X rays_ This particular type of X-ray photograph is called a

measures approximately 40 angstrom units in its largest dimension.

while recording the values of the other two indices in the form of a


1912, and it has come to be known as

Bragg's law. It is, I have always felt, a
cheaply earned honor, because the prin
ciple had been well known for some time
in the optics of visible light.
The atoms of a given crystal can be
arranged in sheets in a number of differ-

ent ways; three possible arrangements

of the sheets in a crystal of sodium chlo
ride are indicated in the illustration on
the opposite page. The equation for re
flection can be satisfied for any set of
planes whose spacing is greater than half
the wavelength of the X rays used; this

BRAGG'S LAW, first formulated by the author in 1912, states the condition for diffraction
of an incident beam of monochromatic X rays by the successive sheets o f atoms in a crystal.
In general terms the law states that i f the p ath differ ence for waves reflected by successive
sheets of atoms i s a whole number o f wavelengths, the wave tr ains will combine to pr oduce
a strong r e flected beam. I n more formal geometric terms, if the spacing between the reflect
ing planes of atoms is d an d the glancing angle of the incident X-ray beam is fJ, the path dif
ference for waves reflected by successive planes is 2d sin fJ. In this diagram the extra path
followed by the lower ray (heavy colored line at bottom) i s four wavelengths long, which i s
exactly equal t o the path differ ence of 2 d s i n fJ between the two diffracted r ays (upper right).

An Example


DIFFRACTION ORDERS are illustrated here for the comparatively simple case of a ruled
optical diffraction gratin g_ In this case the diffracted waves are defined by a single
integer n i n the equation nA = a sin fJ, where A i s the wavelen gth of the incident radiation

condition sets a limit on how many or

ders of diffracted waves can be obtained
from a given crystal using an X-ray beam
of a given wavelength.
In the case of an optical diffractio
grating with an interlinear spacing a,
the orders of the diffracted waves are de
fined by a single integer n in the equa
tion nA = a sin fJ; the diffracted waves
are referred to as first-order waves, sec
ond-order waves and so forth [see lower
illustration at left J. In the case of a crys
tal, on the other hand, the pattern re
peats in three dimensions, and so the
order of the diffracted waves must be
defined by three integers, which are rep
resented generally by the letters h, k
and I.
In the structural diagrams of sodium
chloride on the opposite page the axes of
the structure are denoted by the letters
OA, OB and OG, these being the inter
vals at which the pattern repeats. In the
diagram at the left the first reflection to
appear from the planes perpendicular to
OA will be one for which there is a path
difference of the two wavelengths
between 0 and A, since there are two
sheets of atoms in this distance. vVith re
spect to the spacing OA, then, this ini
tial reflection is a second-order reflec
tion; with respect to the spacings OB
and OG, however, the same reflection is
a zero-order reflection, since the reflect
ing planes are parallel to both OB and
OG. Therefore this type Qf reflection, or
diffraction, is assigned the order (200),
indicating h = 2, k = 0 and I = O. Sim
ilarly, the initial reflection to appear from
the planes in the diagram at the center
is (220), whereas for the diagram at the
right it is (Ill). Higher orders of reflec
tion would of course have higher integer
values of 11, k and I.

i s the spacing between the lines of the gr ating_ I n the case of a crystal, on the other

hand, the pattern repeats i n three dimensions, and so the or der o f the diffracted X-ray waves
must be defined by three integers, which are represented generally by the letters h , k and I.


of X-Ray Analysis

The structure of sodium chloride is a

simple arrangement of cubic symmetry
in which sodium and chlorine atoms oc
cur alternately in three directions at right
angles, like a chessboard in three dimen
sions. How was this structure derived?
The analysis will be gone into in some
detail here, because it is generally repre
sentative, even though this particular
case is so very simple. A glance at the
structural diagrams of sodium chloride
shows that the planes represented there
are of two kinds. The reflections, or or
ders, designated (200), (400), (600) and
so on, and those designated (220), (440),
(660) and so on, arise from sheets of at
oms that are identical, each containing
equal numbers of sodium and chlorine

0 and I

THREE POSSIBLE ARRANGEMENTS of the reflecting sheets of

this case h

atoms in a sodium chloride crystal ar e indicated by the colored

appear fr om the p lanes in the diagram at center i s designated

planes. The axes o f this simple cubic crystal are denoted by the
letters OA , OB and OC . In the diagram at left the fir st reflection to

chlorine planes. I n general, order s with even indices arise fr om

2, k

0.) Similarly, the initial r eflection to

(220), whereas for the diagram at right it i s ( 1 1 1) with respect to

appear fr om the planes p erpendicular to OA i s assigned the order

sheets that are identical and hence result in strong, in.phase reflec

(200), since there is a p a th difference of two wavelengths between

tions, whereas orders with odd indices arise fr om alternately oc

o and A while the reflecting planes are parallel to OB and OC . (In

atoms. One would expect the sequence

of successive orders to fall off regularly
in intensity. As the diagram at the right
on this page shows, however, the reflec
tion (Ill) comes from a more complex
set of planes, in that the sheets are alter
nately occupied by sodium and chlorine
atoms. Since for (I ll) there is a path dif
ference of one wavelength for the strong
ly reflecting chlorine planes, the waves
reflected from the weaker sodium planes
halfway between them will be opposite
in phase. The order (Ill) will be weak,
since the sodium conbibution partially
offsets the chlorine contribution. On the
other hand, for (222) the contributions
will be in phase and the order will be
In this type of space lattice, as it is
called, there are identical pOints at the
face centers as well as at the comers of
the cube; this implies that the indices
must be either all odd or all even. These
observations can be generalized by stat
ing that orders with even indices, such
as (200), (220) and (222), should form a
strong sequence, whereas those with odd
indices, such as (Il l), (1 13) and (333),
should be comparatively weak.
This is the effect that is actually ob
served. The illustration on page 63 shows
a very early set of measurements of so
dium chloride and potassium chloride
made with the ionization spectrometer, a
device invented by my father, W. H.
Bragg, in 19 13. The abscissas measure
the glancing angle, the ordinates the
strength of the reflection. The two peaks
seen on each order are the Ka and Kf3
"lines" in the spectrum of the palla
dium anticathode, the Ka line being the
stronger of the two. The orders are re-

cupied sheets and hence result in weak, outofphase reflections.

flected from crystal faces with crystal

lographic indices (100), (1 10) and (Ill).
As the curves show, the order (I ll) for
sodium chloride is anomalously small,
whereas (222) fits into the same sequence
with (200) and (220). For potassium
chloride, on the other hand, the scatter
ing powers of the potassium atoms and
the chlorine atoms are so nearly the same
that thc order (I ll) is too weak to be ob
served. It was on the basis of such evi
dence that the sbuctural arrangement of
both of these alkaline halides was con
Although the preceding analysis is
somewhat simplified, it is a typical ex
ample of the method used in the early
determinations of crystal structure. A
number of orders of diffracted waves
were measured, either with the ioniza
tion spectrometer or on a photographic
plate, and an attempt was then made
to find an atomic arrangement that ac
counted for the relative intensities of the
various orders.
The Significance of F(hkl)
The quantity F(hkl) is the cornerstone
of X-ray analYSiS, and its determination
is the final aim of all experimental meth
ods. This quantity is a measure, for each
order (hkl), of the intensity of the beam
scattered by the whole unit of a pattern
expressed in terms of the amount scat
tered by a single electron as a unit. For
instance, the quantity F(OOO) is scattered
in the forward direction through zero
angle, so that there are no path differ
ences to cause interference; F(OOO) is
therefore the total number of electrons
in the unit of pattern. For higher orders

there is a reduction in intensity owing

to interference.
It is important to note that F(hkl) is
a dimensionless ratio, characteristic only
of the crystal structure. It is independent
of the wavelength of the X rays. If a
smaller wavelength is used, the orders
appear at lower angles and path differ
ences are reduced, but phase differences
remain the same. Thus F(hkl) depends
only on the distribution of scattering
matter in the unit cell, which it is the
object of X-ray analysis to determine.
The theoretical basis for measuring
values of F(hkl) was laid down by C. C.
Darwin in two brilliant papers soon af
ter the discovery of X-ray diffraction. In
those early days the experimental obser
vations were too approximate for a test of
his theory, and a number of years elapsed
before it could be applied.
Darwin's first calculation assumed the
crystal to be "ideally perfect." Rough
tests showed, however, that the efficien
cy of reflection was many times stronger
than his theory indicated. Darwin cor
rectly reasoned that the cause of the dis
crepancy was the departure of the crystal
from perfection. It is a curious paradox
that imperfect crystals reflect more effi
ciently than perfect crystals. In the lat
ter case the reflection, which is almost
complete over a few seconds of arc,
comes from a thin superficial layer only;
planes at greater depths cannot contrib
ute because the uppermost layers have
robbed the radiation, so to speak, of the
component the lower layers would other
wise have reflected. Actual crystals, how
ever, are in general far from perfect.
They are like a three-dimensional crazy
quilt of small blocks that differ slightly


in orientation; as a result the crystal re

flects over an appreciable angular range.
Within this range rays penetrate into the
crystal until they encounter a block at
the correct angle fm reflection, and the
contributions from all such blocks add to
the total reflection.
Darwin's second fmmula, therefore,
applies to what is called an "ideally im
perfect" crystal, and it is the formula al
ways used. The intensity of the incident
beam, or the amount of radiation per
unit of time, is compared with the total
amount of radiation received by the re
corder as the crystal is swept through the
reflecting range at a constant angular
rate; this enables all elements of the mo
saic to make their contribution to the re
When calculating a value of F(hkl)
for a postulated atomic arrangement, it
is necessary to know the contributions
from individual atoms, which depend on
the characteristic distribution of elec
trons in each atom. These distributions
were calculated by Douglas R. Hartree
in 1925 and are expressed as "F curves"
typical of each atom. Intensity measure
ments were the subject of an extensive
study by the University of Manchester

school, culminating in the paper by

Reginald James, Ivar Waller and Haltree
on the zero-point energy of the rock-salt
lattice. Amplitudes of thermal vibration
can be measured by their effects in re
ducing F values; by eXh'apolating to ab
solute zero it was found that the atoms
still had a vibration corresponding to a
half-quantum, as theoretical studies had

mation has obviated the tedium of mak

ing numerous individual measm:ements,
and the most advanced analyses are now
performed with counters as recorders..
The original X-ray spectrometer "de
signed by W. H. Bragg is a typical ex
ample of the first method [see illustmtion
below]. A collimated beam from the
X-ray tube fell on the face of the crystal
and was reflected through slits into the
recording ionization chamber, which was
filled with a heavy gas (methyl bromide)
Experimental Measurements
to increase ionization. The outer case was
When a diffracted X-ray beam is re at a potential of several hundred volts,
corded by an ionization chamber, a Gei and the ionization was measured by driv
ger counter or a proportional counter, ing the charge onto a coaxial wire con
the orders are recorded one by one, by nected to a tilted gold-leaf electroscope.
setting the crystal and the chamber at It was with this instrument that my fa
suitable angles. Alternatively the beams ther made his pioneer investigations on
can be recorded as spots on a photo the X-ray spectra from anticathodes of
graphic plate or film by turning the crys a number of different metals, a project
tal during the exposure so that a number" that formed the basis for H. G. J. Mose
of planes can reflect. In the early crystal ley's subsequent work 011 atomic number;
determinations the ionization spectrom the early determinations of crystal struc
eter measured orders individually. As ture, fm which I was mainly responsible,
more complex crystals were attempted were also made with this instrument.
Considering the crudeness of the ap
and more orders had to be measured,
the photographic method was favored paratus by modern standards, it gave sur
because a single exposure registered a prisingly accurate results. A main trou
large number of orders. Recently auto- ble arose from the vagaries of the X-ray




" j






IONIZATION SPECTROMETER was the instrument used by the

the X-ray spect... a from various metallic anti cathodes and later by

author' s father, W. H . Bragg, to conduct the first investigations of

the author to make the early determinations of crystal structure.


tubes in those days. The tube was ener

gized by a Rumkorff coil, first with a
hammer switch and later with a mercury
switch, which gave a steadier discharge.
If the X rays from the tube got too hard,
one held a match under a fine palladium
tube attached to the main tube, which
allowed some gas to diffuse in; if they
got too soft, one sparked to a bunch of
mica sheets inside, which absorbed some
gas. The gold-leaf electroscope was also
a tricky instrument for accurate work. I
think that one of the main reasons why
X-ray analysis developed in my father's
laboratory at the University of Leeds,
even though the fundamental discovery
had been made in Germany, was that
my father had so much experience in
making accurate ionization measure
ments with the primitive apparatus then
When the diffracted beams are mea
sured one by one, the indexing presents
no difficulty because the crystal orienta
tion that produces each beam is known.
When many beams are recorded at the
same time on a photographic plate, how
ever, each of them must be identified.
A number of ingenious methods have
been devised for this purpose.
In general two types of X-ray photo
graph have been widely used. One type
is called a "rotation" photograph [see top
illustmtion on next page]. In this method
the X rays fall on a small crystal, which
is rotated around an axis that coincides
with one of its principal crystal axes, and
the diffracted beams are recorded on a
cylindrical film. The images of the dif
fracted beams all lie on "layer lines"; for
instance, if the crystal axis is along C,
the layer lines correspond to 1 0, 1 I,
2, and the spots have all values of
hand k. If the spots are very numerous,
it may be too difficult to sort them out
and a Weissenberg camera is used. In
this technique one layer line is singled
out by a slit, and the film is translated
as the crystal turns. If the film has been
translated horizontally, the displacement
of a spot along the horizontal axis tells
the angle of setting of the crystal when
it was recorded and so defines the other
indices [see illllstmtion on page 66].
Another elegant device in this cate
gory is the precession camera. Crystal,
photographic plate and screen perform a
sinuous dance in such a way that those
spots, for instance, with a definite value
of 1 and all values of hand k are recorded
as a rectilinear net [see illustmtion on
page 59]. This method is particularly
suitable for crystals with large unit cells
and consequently numerous values of the















EARLY MEASUREMENTS of the intensity of the reflected X rays from sodium chloride
(top) and potassium chloride ( bottom) were made with the ionization spectrometer. The
orders were reflected from crystal faces with crystallographi c indices (00), (1l0) and (Ill).

The two peaks seen on each order are the KOI and Kf3 "lines" in the spectrum of the p a l
ladium anticathode, the KOI line heing the stronger of the two. For sodium chloride the
order OIl) i s anomalously small, because the weak sodium contribution partially offsets the
strong chlorine contributi on, whereas for p otassium chloride the order OIl) is too weak to
be observed, because the scattering p owers of the potassium atoms and the chlorine atoms
are so nearly similar. This comparison confirmed the structures assi gned to the crystals.

The second general method of X-ray

photography is the powder method, de
veloped independently in 1 9 1 6 by Peter
J. W. Debye and Paul Scherrer in Switz
erland and by Albert W. Hull in the U.S.
[see bottom illllstmtion on next page].
The powder method is used when the
material is available only in microcrys
talline form. The X rays fall on a mass
of tiny crystals in all orientations, and
the beams of each order (hkl) form a
cone. Arcs of the cones are intercepted
by a film surrounding the specimen. In
the powder photographs of sodium chlo
ride and potassium chloride on page 65
one can see that in sodium chloride there
is a weak series for odd (hkl) values,
whereas in potassium chloride these
disappear because the scattering powers
of the potassium atoms and the chlorine

atoms are so similar. In addition potas

sium chloride has a larger spacing than
sodium chloride, hence the displacement
of the arcs to smaller angles. The powder
method has found its main use in the
study of alloys.
The pattern of every crystal has cer
tain symmetry elements that form a
three-dimensional scaffolding on which
the atoms are arranged, and these ele
ments can be uniquely determined by
the X-ray-diffraction method. In the ear
ly days of X-ray analYSis, when the ionic
compounds that were being studied of
ten had a high symmetry, this fact was
of great assistance in arriving at a solu
tion. The possible schemes of symmetry




1= 2





1= -1
1= -1
1= -2
1= -2

ROTATION PHOTOGRAPHS ARE MADE by aiming the X rays at a small crystal, which
i s r otated around a n axis that coincides with one o f its principal symmetry axes; the dif
fr acted beams are recorded on either a flat plate (left) or a cylindrical film (right). The
images of the diffracted beams all lie on "layer lines"; in this case the crystal axis is along

DC, the layer lines correspond to l

0, l

1, l

2 a n d the spots have all values of hand k.

- -- 1IU.l.-.l-iL




I)) ).) I I ( (( ( (( 0 )) ) )1 I I ( (( (( 1







POWDER PHOTOGRAPHS ARE MADE by aiming the X rays at a mass of tiny crystals
i n all orientation s. The diffracted beams of each order (hkl) will then form a cone_ If r e
cor d e d on a plate p erpendicular to the incident beam, each diffraction order will appear as
a ring surr ounding the central spot (top); the position s of the rings shown are typical o f a
face-centered-cubic crystal lattice. It is usually more convenient to employ a cylindrical
photographic film whose axis is perpendicular to the incident r a diation (bottom). Arcs of
the cones are intercepted at all angles up to nearly 180 degrees; the film is then unrolled.


are limited by geometry, just as the pos

sible number of regular solid figures are
limited, although in the case of crystal
symmetries the number, 230, i quite
large. Symmetry axes and symmetry
planes can be identified by noting reg
ular absences of diffracted-wave orders;
the presence or absence of symmetry
centers can be determined by a statistical
survey of intensities, as was first shown
by A. J. Wilson; crystals with symme
try centers characteristically have many
more weak reflections than crystals with
no symmetry centers.
Finally, X rays can tell "which way
around" a structure is. Optically active
molecules can have two forms, one of
which is the reflection of the other (the
dextro and levo forms of the chemist).
In general when the waves scattered by
the atoms have phases as if coming from
atomic centers, these two forms give
identical X-ray diffraction, that is, the
reflection from the right-hand side has
the same amplitude as that from the left,
although the phase is reversed. vVhen
the wavelength of the X rays is close to
an absorption edge of an atom, however,
there is an appreciable phase change.
The atom scatters as if at one location for
the one side and at another location for
the other side, so that the resultant am
plitudes are different. This enables dex
tro and levo to be distinguished; for
instance, in the classic case of a tetra
hedron with four different corners one
could tell for each orientation whether
one was looking at an apex or a base.
J. M. Biyvoet was the first to distinguish
between dextro and levo forms of the
tartrate ion. There was a 50 : 50 chance
that the traditional chemical conven
tion for representing dextro and levo
was correct; luckily it turned out to be
Inorganic Compounds
The first crystals to be analyzed by
means of X rays were simple types. An
approximate measure of the complexity
of a crystal is the number of parameters
that must be determined in order to de
fine the positions of the atoms. In the
case of an atom at a symmetry center,
for instance, no parameters are needed;
it must be exactly at the center. If the
atom lies on an axis, its position along
the axis is fixed by one parameter; if on
a reflection plane, by two; if in a position
of no symmetry, by three.
The early determinations were limited
to one or two parameters; in fact, it was
doubted whether more complicated crys
tals would ever be analyzed. The break-

POWDER PHOTOGRAPHS of the diffracted X rays from sodium

chloride (top' and potassium chloride ( bottom) confirm the ear

chloride there is a weak series for odd ( hkl) values, whereas in

potassium chlor ide th ese orders disappear. Potassium chloride has

lier fi n di n gs m a d e with the ion ization spectrometer: I n so dium

a larger spacing; hence the ar cs ar e di splaced to smaller angles.

through into much more complex struc

tures was made in the early 1920's by
the Manchester school, where analysis
was extended to cases of 10 or 20 param
eters, a great advance at that time. It
was made possible by quantitative mea
surements and increasing experience in
the nature of inorganic compounds.
One of the first successes of X-ray
analysis was to show that these com
pounds are not built of molecules. They
are ionic in character, with a regular al
ternation of positive and negative ions
held together by electrical attraction. For
instance, in the sodium chloride structure
there are no sodium chloride groups but
rather a chessboard pattern of positive
sodium ions and negative chlorine ions.
It was difficult in the early days to rec
oncile the new view of ionic compounds
with classical chemical ideas, but once
accepted the ionic view afforded a much
fuller understanding of the construction
of such compounds.
In an ionic compound the ions pack
together as if they had characteristic
sizes. Their dimensions are not complete
ly fixed, but they vary only over a small
range. On the whole the negative ions
are by far the largest, because their elec
trons are more loosely held.
The packing of ions of characteristic
size is a very useful concept when postu
lating various atomic arrangements, par
ticularly when combined with a knowl
edge of the symmetry elements. The
hexagonal symmetry of the crystal beryl

(Be;jAI2SiG01s), for instance, is of a high

order, with sixfoid, threefold and two
fold axes, symmetry planes and symme
try centers. An atom cannot overlap it
self, so that it must either lie exactly on
one of these symmetry elements or be
just off it. This restriction is so demand
ing that the structure of beryl could be
immediately deduced once the symmetry
was determined. The top illustration on
page 67 shows the only possible way of
packing the atoms of the beryl formula
into the network of symmetry elements.
The laws governing the structure of in
organic compounds, established by Linus
Pauling in 1929, afford another guide
in seeking a solution. They also explain
why some compounds are stable, where
as others that seem equally plausible
from a chemical point of view do not
actually exist. Pauling's rule is based on
the requirement that for stability the en
ergy of the compound must be as low
as possible. Each small positive ion lies
inside a cluster of larger negative ions;
for instance, very small positive ions such
as beryllium or boron are each surround
ed by three oxygen atoms; silicon is
surrounded by four oxygens, magnesium
and iron by six oxygens and still larger
ions by eight or more oxygens. If we pic
ture electric fields in terms of lines of
force, suppose the number of lines repre
senting the charge on the positive ion
is divided equally between the negative
ions coordinated around it. Pauling's rule
states that the total number of lines com-

ing to the negative ion from all its posi

tive neighbors just balances its charge.
This might seem at first sight a simple
rule, but it is powerful in excluding im
probable sbuctures. Its significance is
that when Pauling's rule is obeyed, the
lines of force between positive and nega
tive ions stretch only over the very short
distances between nearest neighbors, so
that the energy of the electric field is at a
minimum and the structure is stable.
The study of inorganic compounds
culminated in the determination of all
thc common mineral forms, in particular
the silicates. These compounds obey
Pauling's rule rigorously, because they
must be very stable in order to exist as
minerals. The explanation of their com
position proved to be very interesting.
Their nature is determined by the silicon
to-oxygen ratio, ranging from Si04 in the
basic rocks to SiO in quartz. Although
the ratio varies widely, the silicon ion
is always surrounded by four oxygen
atoms; the silicon-oxygen tetrahedrons
may, however, share no corners, one cor
ner, two corners, three corners or four
corners by having an oxygen atom in
common. In the Si03 silicates, for exam
ple, there are long strings of Si04 groups
that run endlessly through the structure,
representing infinite linear negative ions
bound laterally by the positive ions. The
silicate groups occur as sheet ions in the
micas and clays, and as three-dimension
al-network ions with metals in their
iuterstices in the feldspars. This unex65


pected feature of minerals explains their

composition in a simple and elegant way;
it is one of the important new concep
tions introduced by X-ray analysis.

After the nature of inorganic com

pounds had been clarified, the next
achievement of X-ray analysis was to ex
plain the nature of metallic alloys, which
had hitherto been so mysterious. The pi
oneer investigations into alloy structure
were made by Arne F. Westgren in Swe
den. They were developed by Albert J.
Bradley and his pupils at Manchester, for
the most part between 1925 and 1935 .
The powder method was used perforce,
because the material was in microcrys
talline form, and in Bradley's hands it
reached a peak of perfection that has
hardly been equaled since. The ground
covered was so extensive that it is only
possible to give the briefest summary.
In the first place, the determination of

alloy structure provided the foundation

on which a theory of alloy chemistry
could be developed. When two metals
unite in varying composition, they form
a series of phases. These compounds are
non-Daltonian, that is, they are not com
posed of some simple ratio of elements;
on the contrary, each exists over a range
of composition. William Hume-Rothery
first pointed out that in different binary
systems phases with very similar physical
properties tend to have the same ratio of
free electrons to atoms in their composi
tion. Structure determinations showed
that such phases have a closely similar
atomic arrangement but with curious
characteristics. The essential similarity
lies in the positions occupied by atoms,
not in the way the kinds of atoms are dis
tributed among the places. Apparently
the relation of atom to atom is relatively
immaterial; it is the position of the atoms
that is all-important. This in turn was ex
plained by theoretical phYSicists in terms
of Brillouin zones. Treating the free elec-

WEISSENB ERG PHOTOGRAPH is a type of rotation photograph that is used when th e

spots are too numerou s to sort out by the conventional method . In th is technique one layer
line is sin gled out by a slit, and the film is translated as the crystal turns. The displacement
o f a spot along the translation axi s (in this case the horizontal axis ) tells the an gle of setting
of the crysta l when it w a s recor ded and so defines th e other refl ection i n d i c e s o f the eryst " 1 .


trons as standing waves, the system has a

low energy if the electrons of shortest
wavelength are just too long to be re
flected by the most marked reflecting
planes in the phase structure. In the sta
ble phase the atoms take up arrange
ments that create the strongly reflecting
planes required for low energy. To put
it broadly, an alloy is not a compound
between one metal and another but
rather a compound between all the metal
atoms on the one hand and all the free
electrons on the other. It is perhaps
not too much to say that the X-ray deter
mination of alloy structures led for the
first time to a rational theory of metal
Equilibrium systems, or the phases
produced by variations of composi
tion, had previously been deduced from
studies of polished and etched speci
mens, but they can be mapped out far
more directly by X-ray analysis. Phases
can be recognized by their powder
photographs and the composition of the
phase in any given case can, after some
preliminary trials, be fixed by noting
which spacings of the unit cell vary over
the range. Ternary and even quaternary
systems, which would hardly be amena
ble to metallographic methods, can be
tackled by X-ray methods.
An interesting application in this area
was found in the "order-disorder" sys
tems. An example of such a system is the
copper-gold alloy CUaAu, first studied by
Gudmund Borelius of Sweden. At high
temperatures all the points of the face
centered-cubic lattice of this alloy are
occupied at random by gold or copper
atoms; at low temperatures after slow
annealing the gold atoms segregate into
the cube corners, leaving the face centers
to the copper atoms. The progress of the
segregation can be followed by the ap
pearance of new lines, corresponding to
greater spacings, in the powder photo
graphs. The variation of segregation with
temperature presents interesting thermo
dynamic problems of second-order phase
change, and the X-ray work did much
to stimulate the study of corresponding
changes in other systems.
Another phenomenon studied inten
sively by Bradley was the splitting of a
phase into regions with slightly different
composition, which were nonetheless
united in having a continuous crystal lat
tice. Such segregation sets up intense in
ternal strains. It is characteristic of alloys
used as strong permanent magnets, be
cause the strains give the material a high
magnetic retentivity.
In general, X-ray analysiS has provid
ed a powerful new tool for examining the
properties of alloy systems, an achieve-

O X Y G E N ----i


A L U M I N U M --+----i


S I L I C O N ----.zr=.=-i.

STRUCTURE OF BERYL ( right ) , a complex inorganic compound

with the formula Be H AI:!Si 6 0 1 8 , was deduced from a knowledge


T H R E E - FO L D A X I S

S I X - FO L D A X I S

fraction. Since an atom must l i e exactly on o n e of the symmetry

elements or be just off it, there could be only one way of packing

of the packi n g of the constituent ions ( le/t ) as soon as the basic

the atoms of the beryl formula into the network o f symmetry ele

hexa gonal symmetry of the crystal was determined by X.ray dif

ments. A key to the symmetry axes of the crystal is given at bottom.

FOURIER REPRESENTATION o f the e lectron.density distribu

pable o f scattering X rays. The density distribution of the molecule

tion in a molecule of phthalocyanine

as a whole is obtained by adding together the terms of a Fourier

series, a mathematical expression that can be used to represent the

( le/t )

was used to construct

the atomic model of the molecule (right ) . The Fourier "density

map" i s arrived at by treating a molecular structure not as a cluster

periodic variation o f sets of electron.density sheets in all direc

of individual atoms but as a continuous electron distribution ca

tions. The Fourier method i s ideal for analyzing organic molecules.


ment that has great technical importance

as well as scientific interest.
The Fourier


Another method of X-ray analysis at

tacks the solution of the crystal structure
from a quite different angle. So far the
crystal has been regarded as a pattern of
atoms, each of which scatters X rays as if
from its center with an efficiency deter
mined by Hartree's F curves. The result
ant of the waves scattered by these atoms
is then compared with the observed am
plitude of reflection, the position of the
atoms being adjusted to give the best fit.
This method was successful as long as
the number of atoms in the unit cell was
small. As increasingly complex crystals
were studied, however, it became more
and more difficult to try adjustments
of so many parameters simultaneously,





even when the structure was approxi

mately known. The refining of the struc
ture to get the best fit became extremely
The Fourier method is in a sense a
complete reversal of this process. A struc
ture is treated not as a cluster of atoms
but as a continuous electron distribution
capable of scattering X rays. The investi
gator seeks to map this continuous dis
tribution, and, if he is successful, he can
then recognize the positions of the atoms
by noting where the electron density
rises to peak values. There is no juggling
with the positions of atoms one by one;
the density map shows the best position
for all of them, however large their
The density distributions are mapped
by adding together the terms of a "Fou
rier series," a mathematical expression
that can be used to represent any quan-

tity that varies periodically. Since a

crystal is a periodic pattern in three
dimensions, the electron density can be
represented by a three-dimensional Fou-:
rier series. Each element of the series is
a set of electron sheets, or strata, that
vary periodically in density, and if the
amplitudes and phases of these sheets
(which crisscross in all directions) are
known, they can be added and the re
sult is a p]ot of the dens;ty distribution.
My father first pointed out, in his Ba
kerian Lecture to the Royal Society of
London in 19 15, that each of these peri
odic components reflects one correspond
ing order and only that order; moreover,
the amplitude of the reflected waves is
proportional to the amplitude of the Fou
rier component. Since changes in the
phase of the reflected waves can still
give the same X-ray effects, however,
the only way of choosing the right phase


STRUCTURE OF VITAMIN B.12, solved by D orothy Crowfoot

ments o f what might be called the classical methods of Xray analy.

Hod gkin in 1955, represented one of the outstanding achieve.

sis. The formula o f vitamin B -12 molecule is C63H S 4 N 1 4 0 14PCo.


is to introduce some criterion of reality

leading to a picture with the right num
ber of atoms of the right kind in the unit
cell. The Fourier method therefore cen
ters around a "phase hunt." Once the
phases are known the structure is "in the
O rganic Molecules

From 1930 onward the Fourier meth

od was recognized as being ideal for
analyzing organic molecules, and many
were determined in this way. The first
organic structures, naphthalene and an
thracene, had been outlined by "V. H.
Bragg in 1922 at the same time that the
study of inorganic structures was pur
sued at Manchester, and his laboratory
at the Royal Institution concentrated on
the organic field.
Initially most of the studies dealt with
crystals that had symmetry centers. This
is a great simplification of the problem,
because the phases of the Fourier com
ponents with respect to such a center
must by symmetry be either 0 or 7T; in
other words, F(hk l) must be either plus
or minus. The advantage here is that cal
culations on the basis of a quite rough
approximation of the structure generally
make it clear which is the right sign, par
ticularly in the case of the strong and
therefore important orders. A Fourier
series can then be calculated, the posi. tion of the atoms can be improved, fur
ther signs that were formerly doubtful
can be fixed and a new Fourier can
be summed. This process of refinement
is rapidly convergent, and after a few
stages the structure is accurately deter
A three-dimensional Fourier series is
a formidable affair, and in these attacks
on organic structures the less ambitious
task of using two-dimensional series and
getting a projection of the structure on a
plane was more usually undertaken. Pro
jections on the three principal planes de
fine the positions of the atoms in space.
A pretty example of this was the analYSis
of phthalocyanine with 60 parameters,
where the signs of the F's were found
without any guesswork as to the nature
of the structure [see bottom illustration
on page 67].
It is possible to substitute a heavy
atom at the center of the phthalocyanine
molecule without any alteration in the
crystal lattice. If a spot becomes stronger
when the heavy atom is introduced, its
original F value with respect to the cen
ter of the molecule must have been posi
tive; if the spot becomes weaker, the F
value must have been negative. All the
signs were determined in this way and

ADDITION OF A HEAVY ATOM at a specific place among the molecules in a protein

crystal provided the key that has led to the recent solution of several protein structures. In
this illustration of the method two precession photographs of the same crystal of lysozyme
are superposed with a slight relative displacement. The set of spots due to the native pro
tein i s printed in black. The set of spots due to the protein with the heavy atom i s p rinted
in color. Numerous changes in the intensities of corresponding spots can be detected

used in a two-dimensional Fourier series.

The result is shown as a contour plot of
the electron densities.
In most cases the results of X-ray anal
ysis confirmed the topography assigned
to the molecules by organic chemistry,
but the X-ray findings determined the
bond distances and bond angles with
great accuracy and so cast much light on
the nature of the bonds.
The next stage in the study of organic
molecules was to tackle far more com
plex structures, some of which had de
feated the efforts of organic chemists to
elucidate their stereochemistry. A fore
runner of this stage was the solution of
strychnine by Biyvoet in 1948, published
independently at almost the same time
that Sir Robert Robinson's researchers at
the University of Oxford arrived at an
identical structure by purely chemical
reasoning. The outstanding examples are
the solution of penicillin and vitamin
B-12; in each case Dorothy Crowfoot
Hodgkin of Oxford was the leader of the
research. The latter investigation was a
saga of X-ray analysis that took eight
years. Not only was much chemical in
formation about the molecule lacking

but also conclusions arrived at on chemi

cal grounds were actually misleading.
The molecule, of formula C63Hs4NHOH
PCo, is shown in the illustration on the
opposite page.
The solution illustrates the curious
and unique character of X-ray analysis,
which is reminiscent of the solution of a
code, or of an ancient form of writing
such as Egyptian hieroglyphics or Mi
noan Linear B. It was first assumed
that the phases of the F's were those
of the cobalt atom (Co) at the center of
the molecule and a Fourier series was
formed on this hypothesis. Although it
turned out that this is far from true, the
phases are, as it were, weighted in this
direction because the cobalt atom is so
heavy compared with the other atoms.
Fourier series have a surprisingly oblig
ing way of trying to tell the investigator
something with the most sketchy basis of
information, and in this case the series
outlined in a shadowy way the molecular
structure immediately surrounding the
cobalt atom. The information was used to
adjust the phases, and a further series
was formed and so the structure gradu
ally began to emerge from the cobalt


atom outward. The calculations would

have been impossibly onerous had it not
been for the availability of electronic
computing of structure factors and three
dimensional Fourier series. The solution
of vitamin B-12 represented the highest
flight of what might be called the classi
cal methods of X-ray analysis, and the
Nobel prize awarded to Mrs. Hodgkin in
1964 was a well-deserved acknowledg
ment of her achievement.
Biochemical Molecules

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We now come to a most dramatic turn

ing point in the history of X-ray analysis.
When vitamin B-12 was analyzed, with
1 8 1 atoms in the molecule, it seemed
hard to imagine that much more complex
structures could ever be tackled; it had
taken eight years to complete and the
difficulties increase as a high power of
the number of atoms. And then, as the
result of an investigation that had lasted
for some 20 years, a way was finally
found to solve the structure of the im
mensely more complicated molecules of
living matter, the proteins. The first of
these to be analyzed, by John C. Ken
drew in 1955, was myoglobin, which has
2,500 atoms in its molecule.
By a curious paradox, the very size of
such a molecule has opened up a new
line of attack that is not possible in the
case of simpler types, leading to a direct
determination of phases without any ele
ment of guesswork or trial and error. The
principle is the same as in the case of
phthalocyanine described above, where
the substitution of a heavy atom in the
molecule enabled the signs of the F val
ues to be found. A discovery made by
M. F. Perutz in 1953 made it possible to
generalize this method for the proteins.
He found that heavy atoms such as mer
cury and gold, or complexes containing
such atoms, can be incorporated at spe
cific places in the framework of the
protein crystal without affecting the ar
rangement of the molecules, which are
so large and loosely packed that the
added groups find places in the inter
stices. Further, Perutz showed that the
added heavy atom produces changes in
the F values large enough to be accurate
ly measurable. It might at first sight ap
pear strange that the addition of one
heavy atom of mercury to a protein mole
cule with 2,500 atoms of carbon, oxygen
and hydrogen should make an appre
ciable difference; it does so because the
scattering comes from one center, where
as the random contribution from n atoms
ranging over all phases is proporti9nal
to yn, not to n. The changes in intensity


caused by the addition of a heavy atom

can be seen when two precession photo
graphs made with the same crystal are
superposed with a slight relative pis
placement [see illustmtion on preceding
page J . The black set of spots is due to
the native protein, the colored set to
the protein with a heavy atom, and a
close examination will show numerous
changes in the intensities of correspond
ing spots.
It is necessary to find some three or
four heavy atoms that can be attached to
definite sites on the molecule. Although
the structure is initially unknown, direct
methods are available for finding the
relative positions of these "staining"
atoms. The phase difference between the
F value H due to the heavy atom and the
F value P due to the protein can be
found by comparing F(P) with F(P + H),
because F(P + H) must be the vectorial
resultant of F(P) and F(H); the knowl
edge of the phase difference for several
heavy atoms pins down the position of
the Fourier component.
Because the solution is direct it can be
found by giving instructions to a com
puter. The computer is essential because
the complexity is so great. Some 100,000
or 200,000 intensities must be measured
accurately by means of an automatic
machine that sets the crystal and the re
corder at the right positions for one or
der after another and lists the results. A
corresponding number of equations must
be solved to find the phases, and the
Fourier series of many thousands of
telms must be formed. This long series
must be summed at perhaps a quarter of
a million places in the unit cell to give
the density at each point. The informa
tion is then automatically turned into
contours, which are plotted on stacked
transparent sheets, and the investigator
has then to translate the density distribu
tion into atomic arrangement.
The final result is impressive. Some
half-dozen protein structures have so far
been analyzed and they are already be
ginning to yield valuable information on
such vital biochemical processes as the
operation of enzymes. The second pro
tein molecule to be analyzed successful
ly (after myoglobin) was the enzyme ly
sozyme (by David C. Phillips). The most
recent success has been hemoglobin (by
Perutz); the model of this protein con
tains 10,000 atoms. I confess that when I
contemplate one of these models, I can
still hardly believe that it has been pos
sible to work out all its details by the
optical principles of X-ray analysis,
which half a century ago claimed sodium
chloride as its first success.

C h efs re ly o n U O P i d eas .

s h o u l d m u n ch e rs 1
M a n y food processors a re u t i l i z i n g f l a v o r fo r
m u l a t i o n s f r o m U O P t o e n h a n c e t h e s u cc u
l e n ce, ri c h n ess a n d p i q u a n c y o f t h e i r p r e p a ra
t i o n s . So d o g o u r m e t resta u r a n t c h efs. Tod a y ,
t h e U O P F o o d P rod u cts D i v i s i o n a s s i s t s f o o d
t ec h n o l o g i sts w i t h c o n c e n trated s a u c e b a ses,
meat t e n d e r i z e rs, s e a so n i n g s , s p i ces a n d s n a c k
flavori ngs.

F o r yea rs,


h a s e x t e n d e d i ts

t ec h n i c a l c o m pete n c e beyo n d i t s n o t a b l e c o n
t r i b u t i o n s t o p e t ro l e u m refi n i n g . F o r o n e, U O P
p i o n eered t h e eve ryd a y u s e o f B H A a s a food
a d d i t i ve t o

i n h i b i t ra n c i d i ty .

N o w, the


C h e m i c a l D i v i s i o n s u p p l i es a d o z e n S u sta n e B H A form u l a t i o n s f o r
t h e food i n d u stry. Every b o d y c r u n c h e s c r i s p i e r potato c h i ps bec a u se
B H A is a d d e d to t h e c o o k i n g o i l , a n d oft e n to t h e p a c k a g e as w e l l .
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The crew of the Aluminaut had to go 4,000 feet down

to photograph this exploded torpedo.

The Alu m i n a u t ( the w o r l d 's

first aluminum subm arine) was
de s i g ne d t o dive a s deep a s 3
miles on its exploratory missions.
To document its findings, it
carries many specialized cameras :
8mm and 1 6mm motion picture


still reflexes

(for color transparencies), an

externally attached camera
(for close-inspection shots).
And the non-automatic
Polaroid Model 180 Land
camera (for first shots).
The first re a s o n for
taking the first shot with
our camera, is to guar
antee that the Alumi
naut will bring home

le a s t one perfect

photograph of each subject.

Undersea photography of
a torpedo, or of anything else, is
tricky. The water's turbidity af
fects light reflection and refraction.
And even the most sophisticated
exposure meter readings (or elec
tric eye shutter settings) can pro
duce inaccurate exposures.
So i t ' s c o m f o r t i n g to have a
camera on board which makes a


finished print in just 15 seconds.

The Aluminaut photographer
takes his light reading, sets our
camera manually and, in 15 sec
onds, he knows if he has to com

All he needs to do is trans

pose the Model 1 80 settings

pensate for undersea conditions

to his other cameras, and he

in order to get a perfect print.

has the satisfaction of being sure

Once he has that print, he usu

ally turns to his specialized cam

of all of his settings.

And we have the satisfaction of

eras. Which brings us to the

knowing that, down in the deeps,

second reason for h i s taking the

a Polaroid camera is helping some

first shot with a Polaroid camera :

other cameras take good pictures.


They took their first picture with a Polaroid camera.

For two reasons.


How Renault scrimp s

on gas without
scrimping on car.

The Renault 10 can scrimp at

the rate of 35 miles a gallon.
One of the chief reasons for
this remarkable mileage is the
Renault 1O's engine. Quite sim
ply, if you don't waste power, you
don't waste gas. Which isn't all
that simple.
In practice, it meant develop
ing a new casting technique to
get a more compact engine block.
By keeping the block size down,
we keep the car size down, which
keeps the gas consumption down.
I t meant anchoring the crank
shaft with 5 main bearings (as
much as most V-8's) to cut vi
brations down to an irreducible

minimum. No vibration, no pow

er waste, no gas waste.

Without those pleats, the same

paper would never even support
another piece of paper. That, in
principle, is the kind of extra
wrinkle we design into the steel
structure of the Renault 10. It
allows us to increase strength

To explain the next bit of gas

saving we've set up a little dem
onstration .


The RenaultlO
W R I T E R E N A U LT,I N C . ,
B O X 1 2 , 750 3 R D AV E , NYC

and rigidity without increasing

sheer dead weight. And by not
increasing dead weight, again, we
don't increase gas consumption.
Now, with your permission,
a little documentation on how
little scrimping there is on car.
Included in the $1,745* price :
Seats that have been compared
with the seats in a Rolls -Royce .
And which convert into twin
beds . 11 cubic feet of trunk . Top
speed, 85. Self- adj usting 4-wheel
disc brakes. 4-wheel independ
ent suspension. 4 doors . 4 - speed
synchromesh transmission.
If there' s any scrimping on
the Renault 10 at all, it's on the
gas tank. It only holds ten gal
lons . (About 350 miles worth. )


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