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Real World Fat Loss

Destroying the Dogma

-a practical guide for fitness trainers
Alwyn Cosgrove

Thank You

MF Athletic/ Perform Better

Team Results Fitness (and of course the
founder and CEO Rachel Cosgrove)

All of you for spending your time and

money to better yourselves and raise the

standards of this profession.

'Don't give me the facts, give me the truth... the

facts are always changing'
-- Alduous Huxley

The information presented is my opinion

based on over 17 years of coaching
experience, communication with several
professionals in my field and an incessant
desire to better myself and improve the rate
and magnitude of my clients results.
Im not here to argue my opinion versus your
Please ask questions.
Ill explain my views but am unlikely to
change them.

My Personal Information Filter

At this point there is so much information available

that you NEED to filter out as much as you take on

My personal filter is to heavily prioritize information

that comes from Real World Practitioners whose
livelihood depends upon delivering results or solving
problems (and Im a fanatic for proof).

Anyone can criticize a method but only a few ever

actually improve a method


was spent on weight loss

By 2004 the amount spent on

weight loss PRODUCTS alone (not
training, diets or surgery) was
estimated to be


Current estimates suggest that in

2006 the US public will have spent a
combined amount (products,
training, diets and surgery) of

$100 BILLION Dollars

on weight loss.

At any given time, approximately 45% of

women and 30% of men in the United States are
attempting to lose weight

Effects of Low-Carbohydrate vs Low-Fat Diets on Weight Loss and

Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Alain J. Nordmann, MD, MSc; Abigail Nordmann, BS; Matthias Briel, MD; Ulrich
Keller, MD;William S. Yancy, Jr, MD, MSH; Bonnie J. Brehm, PhD; Heiner C.
Bucher, MD, MPH

The number one reason for hiring a trainer is



Less than 0.5% of the fitness industry is

financially independent.

Less than 5% of fitness coaches are making six


The fitness industry as a whole is NOT servicing

the weight loss market effectively. The numbers
dont lie.

We need to STOP pretending that the methods

that MOST trainers are using are worthwhile

What this seminar will cover.


We will DESTROY the myths that surround this



We will demonstrate exactly what is wrong with

traditional and popular fat loss programs


We will show exactly how to create a fast, effective fat

loss training program.


All supported with scientific proof and real world


My Story.

A quick trip through history

1970 the videocassette was created

1976 VHS format was developed
1995 DVD was finalized
2006 Hi-def DVD and Blu-Ray Discs were released
1998 TiVo began public trials
2000 DVR (TiVo) became widespread
2006 DVR became commonplace (more than 55%
of the US)

Exercise History

1968 Kenneth Cooper published Aerobics

1970 Published The New Aerobics
1972 Aerobics For Women
1977 The Aerobics Way
1982 The Aerobics Program for Total Well Being
1985 Running without Fear
1988 The New Aerobics for Women
1999 Regaining the Power of your Youth at Any Age

Aerobics for Health?

1987 People who followed my exercise guidelines

exactly, but ignored their diet and their weighthad
heart attacks at age 55
- K. Cooper

followed my exercise guidelines EXACTLY

ignoredtheir weight ?

1992 Research has shown that strenuous aerobic

exercise is associated with oxidative stress and tissue
K. Cooper

Aerobics for Health?

1992 the bodys need for oxygen during aerobic

exercise seems to produce free radicals which can result
in DNA damage, cancer, direct damage to muscle tissue
and make the cells more susceptible to aging
- K. Cooper

2000 there is no correlation between aerobic

endurance performance and health, longevity or
heart disease protection
-K. Cooper

Why did we stop listening to Dr Cooper in 1968 ?

If we applied that same learning style to our
television technology we would still be using
Betamax cassette tapes.

Energy expenditure

Daily energy expenditure consists of three

components: Resting metabolic rate (RMR the
sum of BMR plus basic living), diet-induced
thermogenesis (DIT) and energy cost of physical
10% Dietary induced
20 - 30% Activity induced
60-70% Resting Metabolic

The HIERARCHYof Fat Loss


Correct Nutrition


See Number 1


Activities that burn calories, maintain/promote

muscle mass and elevate metabolism


Activities that burn calories and elevate



Activities that burn calories but dont necessarily

maintain muscle or elevate metabolism

Five Factors for Fat Loss Training


Metabolic resistance training

High Intensity Anaerobic Interval training
High Intensity Aerobic Interval Training
Steady State High Intensity Aerobic Training
Steady State Low Intensity Aerobic Training

If I have only 3 hours per week - only use # 1.

If I have 4-5 hours - use #1 and # 2
If I have 5-6 hours available - add # 3
If I have 6-8 hours available - add #4
If I have more than that add # 5

Effective Fat Loss Programming

Lets start with a question..

How much do YOU know about Fat Loss?


If we create a caloric deficit of X

amount we will lose Y amount of fat?

(i.e the caloric deficit = the fat loss, a 3500

calorie deficit = one pound of fat loss)
True or False?


In a study of meal frequency, it has been shown

that a group eating 6 meals per day lost more fat
than a group eating 2 meals per day despite
calories being equal.

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 1996 Oct;6(5):265-72.

Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control

in boxers.
Iwao S, Mori K, Sato Y.
First Division of Health Promotion Science, Graduate School of
Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan.

This study showed that irregular meal intake was

associated with a lower thermic effect of feeding
than a regular meal pattern (6 meals per day)
despite total meals per week being the same.
The reduced TEF with the irregular meal frequency may

lead to weight gain in the long term.

Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA.

Decreased thermic effect of food after an irregular compared with a
regular meal pattern in healthy lean women.
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):653-60.


A calorie is a calorie. With the same

meal frequency, as long as we adjust the
calories in vs. calories out we will see the
same fat loss. (i.e. proteins, carbs and fat content
doesnt really matter).

True or False?


At the SAME caloric intake, a Low

carbohydrate diet resulted in
significantly greater fat loss (and
participant retention) than a low fat
Annals of Internal Medicine
A Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet To Treat
Obesity and Hyperlipidemia
William S. Yancy Jr., MD, MHS; Maren K. Olsen, PhD; John R.
Guyton, MD; Ronna P. Bakst, RD; and Eric C. Westman, MD, MHS
2004 May 18;140(10):769-77.

Other studies
Isocaloric reduced carbohydrate (CHO) vs. higher carbohydrate


Rabast et al (1978)
Rabast et al (1981)
Golay, Allaz et al (1996)
Golay, Eigenheer et al (1996) 25
Layman et al (2003)
Baba et al (1999)
Lean et al (1997)
Young et al (1971)
Greene et al (2003)
Brehm et al (2003)*
Brehm et al (2005)*
Volek et al (2004)*

%CHO Wt. loss(kg) SEM


Low CHO arm

14.0 1.4
12.5 0.9
8.9 0.6
10.2 0.7
7.5 1.4
8.3 0.7
6.8 0.8
16.2 0.9
10.4 2.1
8.5 1.0
9.8 0.7
8.0 1.0

High CHO arm

9.8 1.0
9.5 0.7
7.5 0.5
8.6 0.8
7.0 1.4
6.0 0.6
5.6 0.8
11.9 0.8
7.7 1.1
3.9 1.0
6.1 0.9
4.5 1.0

*: Reduced carb group actually consumed MORE calories than the high carb group

Q: The addition of aerobic training to a

caloric deficit (through diet) will increase

calories burned and therefore increase fat
True or False?


Three Month Study

The addition of 45 minutes of aerobic

exercise at 78% Max Heart Rate 5 days a
week for 12 weeks had NO EFFECT over
dieting alone.
Int J Sport Nutr. 1998 Sep;8(3):213-22.
Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and
cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women.
Utter AC, Nieman DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN

Six Month Study

Two groups:
Diet Only
Diet plus aerobic exercise (50 mins, 5 days per week)
No additional effect of aerobic exercise on body

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Jan 2

Effect of calorie restriction with or without exercise on body
composition and fat distribution.
Redman et al

Twelve Month Study

Six hours of aerobic training per week for one year.
(60 mins per day, six days per week)
Average weight loss after one year was 3.5lbs or about
0.3lbs per month
3.08lbs for women and 3.96lbs for men.

Obesity 2007 June - 15:1496-1512.

Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and
McTiernan et al

Q: If diet (total

caloric and macronutrient

intake) is a constant, then the more
calories you burn during training, the
more fat you will lose..
True or False?


20 weeks endurance training vs 15 weeks Interval

Energy cost of endurance training = 28,661 calories.
Interval Training = 13,614 calories (less than half)
The interval training group showed a NINE TIMES
greater loss in subcutaneous fat than the endurance
group (when corrected for energy cost)

Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.

Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle
Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8.


You need a caloric deficit to lose fat,

and a caloric surplus to gain muscle.
Therefore it is impossible to do both at the
same time.
True or False?


Donnelly JE, Sharp T, Houmard J, Carlson MG, Hill JO,

Whatley J,E, Israel RG
Muscle hypertrophy with large-scale weight loss and resistance
Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 Oct;58(4):561-5.

This study put the participants on an 800 calorie per

day liquid diet for 90 days.
Average weight loss over the 90 day period was 35lbs

All subjects increased the cross sectional area of their

muscle fibers significantly.

It appears that weight training can produce hypertrophy

in skeletal muscle (and therefore increases in
metabolism) even during severe energy restriction and
large-scale weight loss.

Demling RH, DeSanti L.

Effect of a hypocaloric diet, increased protein intake and resistance
training on lean mass gains and fat mass loss in overweight police
Ann Nutr Metab. 2000;44(1):21-9.

Three groups following a hypocaloric diet for 12 weeks.

Group one was a diet only group.
Group two was diet, plus resistance exercise plus whey supplement.
Group three was identical to group two although they used a casein
protein supplement.
After 12 weeks the diet only group had a loss of 5.5lbs of fat with no
change in lean mass. (5.5lbs total weight loss)
The resistance plus whey group had a total fat loss of 9.2lbs and a
lean mass gain of 4.4lbs. (4.8 lbs total weight loss)
The resistance plus casein group showed a total fat loss of 15.4lbs
and a lean muscle gain of 8.8lbs. (6.6lbs total weight loss)

Q: There is

nothing you can rub on your

skin that can reduce your fat stores
True or False?


Armanini D, Nacamulli D, Francini-Pesenti F, Battagin G,

Ragazzi E, Fiore C.
Glycyrrhetinic acid, the active principle of licorice, can
reduce the thickness of subcutaneous thigh fat through
topical application.
Steroids. 2005 Jul;70(8):538-42. Epub 2005 Apr 12.

Treated one thigh with the glycyrrhetinic acid cream, and

the other with a placebo.
After one month the difference was significant.

Caruso MK, Pekarovic S, Raum WJ, Greenway F.

Topical fat reduction from the waist.
Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 May;9(3):300-3.
2 groups both groups exercised and ate 1200 cals
per day for 12 weeks. One group applied an
aminophylline cream to the midsection.
The reduction in waist circumference was 11 +/- 1.0
cm in the aminophylline cream group and
5.0 +/- 0.6 cm in the control group

Q: Is Spot Reduction through exercise



Stallknecht B, Dela F, Helge

Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous
adipose tissue influenced by contractions in
adjacent muscles in humans?
Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Sep 19;
Study showed blood flow and lipolysis are
generally higher in subcutaneous tissue adjacent
to contracting as opposed to resting muscle

Q: Are there any supplements (besides casein) that

can enhance fat loss?


Couet C, Delarue J, Ritz P, Antoine JM, Lamisse F.

Effect of dietary fish oil on body fat mass and basal fat
oxidation in healthy adults.
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1997 Aug;21(8):637-43.

Subjects were fed a control diet for three weeks

Subsequently the diet was changed 6g of fat was
replaced by 6g of fish oil (total calories remained
Fat oxidation increased and the subjects lost an average
of 2lbs of fat in the following three week period.

Hill AM, Buckley JD, Murphy KJ, Howe PR.

Combining fish-oil supplements with regular exercise
improves body composition
Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 May;85(5):1267-74.

Study showed that fish oil at 6g per day (1.9g of omega 3)

reduced body fat levels INDEPENDENT of exercise


Myths, BS and crappy recommendations

Fasted aerobic training

Q: If steady state aerobic exercise barely works for
fat loss anyway, why would it magically work
better just because you havent eaten in a while?
Q: Does substrate utilization during exercise have
any effect whatsoever on total fat lost?
This has all come from the misunderstanding of
the fat burning zone.

Fat Burning Zone on Trial

Peak fat oxidation has been shown to occur
during exercise at 63% VO2 max. This peak
level got progressively less beyond that point,
and was minimal at 82% VO2 max, near the
lactate threshold of 87%
Achten J, Jeukendrup AE.
Relation between plasma lactate concentration and fat oxidation
rates over a wide range of exercise intensities. Int J Sports Med.
2004 Jan;25(1):32-7.


It has been widely misconstrued that a greater net

amount of fat is burned through lower to moderate
intensity work, regardless of study duration and
endpoints assessed.

There has been misinterpretation of TOTAL fat

oxidation with proportional fat oxidation.

The postexercise period has been overlooked.

No distinction is ever made between during-exercise fat
oxidation, recovery period fat oxidation, total fat
oxidation by the end of a 24-hr period, and most
importantly, a longer term of several weeks

the underlying mistake

Focusing on stored fuel usage during training
instead of focusing on optimally partitioning
exogenous fuel for maximal lipolytic effect
around the clock.
In other words burning fat during the
OTHER 23 hours of the day.

Research has repeatedly shown that carb

ingestion during moderate-intensity (65-75%
VO2 max) does not reduce fat oxidation
during the first 120 min of exercise
Coyle, et al..
Carbohydrates during prolonged strenuous exercise can delay fatigue.
J. Appl. Physiol. 59: 429-433, 1983.

Coyle, et al.
Muscle glycogen utilization during prolonged strenuous exercise when fed
J. Appl. Physiol.. 6:165-172, 1986

This study examined the effect of a during-training solution of

high-glycemic carbs on moderately trained men undergoing
either low intensity exercise (25% VO2 max) or high-moderate
intensity (68% VO2 max).

Subjects completed a 2-hr cycling bout, and ingested the

carbohydrate solution at 30, 60, and 90 minutes in.

In the low-intensity treatment, fat oxidation was not reduced

below fasted-state control groups levels until 80-90 min of

In the 68% group, no difference in fat oxidation was seen

whether subjects were fasted or fed throughout the trial.

Horowitz JF, et al.

Substrate metabolism when subjects are fed carbohydrate during exercise.
Am J Physiol. 1999 May;276(5 Pt 1):E828-35.


At moderate intensities (63-68% VO2 max) carbs

during exercise do not reduce fat oxidation for at least
the first 80-120 minutes of continuous exercise.

At the established intensity level of peak fat oxidation

(~63% VO2 max), carbohydrate increases performance
without any suppression of fat oxidation.

Carb Intake During Exercise = Increased Performance

Increased Performance = More Work Performed
More Work Performed = More Calories Burned

So what does work?

We know that

Increased meal frequency

A reduced carbohydrate diet, (low insulin?)
Interval training
Resistance training
And possibly casein, fish oil (omega 3) and
CLA supplementation
allows for the greatest amount of fat loss.

Interval training works because it is

metabolically demanding. It works via
metabolic disturbance.

How does resistance training work ?

Geliebter A, Maher MM, Gerace L, Gutin B, Heymsfield

SB, Hashim SA.
Effects of strength or aerobic training on body
composition, resting metabolic rate, and peak oxygen
consumption in obese dieting subjects.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Sep;66(3):557-63.
(Strength training group lost significantly more fat and
maintained more muscle than an isoenergetic aerobic group)

Kramer, Volek et al.

Influence of exercise training on physiological and performance changes with
weight loss in men.
Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 1320-1329, 1999.

Overweight Subjects were assigned to three groups:

Diet Only, Diet plus aerobics, Diet plus aerobics plus weights

Diet group lost 14.6 lbs of fat in 12 weeks.

Aerobic group lost only one more pound (15.6lb) than the diet
group (training was 3 times a week starting at 30 mins and
progressing to 50 minutes over the 12 weeks).

The Weight Training group lost 21.1lbs of fat (44% and 35%
more than diet and aerobic only groups respectively).

Bryner RW, Ullrich IH, Sauers J, Donley D, Hornsby G, Kolar M,

Yeater R.
Effects of resistance vs. aerobic training combined with an 800
calorie liquid diet on lean body mass and resting metabolic rate.
J Am Coll Nutr. 1999 Apr;18(2):115-21.

Aerobic group: 4 hours per week

Resistance training group: 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. 10 exercises,
three times per week.

V02 max increased equally in both groups.

The resistance training group lost significantly more fat and did
not lose ANY LBM, even at only 800 calories per day.

The resistance training group actually increased metabolism

compared to the aerobic group which decreased metabolism.


Effective fat loss programming hinges on the

understanding of EPOC.

EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen

Consumption) is defined scientifically as the
recovery of metabolic rate back to pre-exercise
levels and can require several minutes for light
exercise and several hours for hard intervals.

Schuenke MD, Mikat RP, McBride JM.

Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on
excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications
for body mass management.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002 Mar;86(5):411-7. Epub 2002
Jan 29.
This study used a circuit training protocol of 3
exercises for 4 sets of 10 reps each (12 total sets) in 31
EPOC was elevated significantly for 38 hours post

Putting it all together

The only truly limited, non-renewable resource

you have is :


Therefore we have to have a


Correct Nutrition


See Number 1


Activities that burn calories, maintain/promote

muscle mass and elevate metabolism


Activities that burn calories and elevate



Activities that burn calories but dont necessarily

maintain muscle or elevate metabolism

So for training

Metabolic resistance training

Interval based high intensity Anaerobic cardio
Interval Based high intensity Aerobic Training
Steady State High Intensity Aerobic Training
Steady State Low Intensity Aerobic Training

If I have only 3 hours per week - only use # 1.

If I have 4-5 hours - use #1 and # 2
If I have 5-6 hours available - add # 3
If I have 6-8 hours available - add #4
If I have more than that add # 5

Putting it all together..

Maximize the benefits of your resistance training

program by creating maximal metabolic
Characterized by:
Heavy resistance
Time under tension approaching 60s
Short/incomplete rest periods
The use of alternating sets/mini-circuits to
maximize work density

For example..

Push ups



8-12 reps
8-12 reps

60s rest
60s rest

If each set takes approximately one minute, the lower body

and upper body both get approximately 3 minutes between
sets. This allows you to use very heavy weights.
However, the actual rest is only 60 seconds.
By pairing upper and lower body in an alternating fashion
we can drastically increase total work done, and therefore
total calories burned.
This in turn increases the EPOC significantly

A sequence of 4-8 exercises performed 3-4 times

per week in superset, tri-set or circuit fashion,
with 2-3 interval cardio sessions (either post
workout or on separate days) has repeatedly
been shown in our facility to be the most
effective fat loss training program.

Combined with a reduced refined-carbohydrate

diet, this plan can easily result in 1-3lbs of fat
loss per week.

Thank you

Alwyn Cosgrove
Results Fitness
24420 Walnut Street
Newhall, CA 91321
[email protected]

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