Temple of Set Application

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Application for Membership in the Temple of Set

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Before you complete this application, re-read the General Information and Admissions Letter.
Legal name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Preferred name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred honorific:

[ ] Mr.

[ ] Female

[ ] Male

] Ms.

] Mrs.

] Miss

] Dr.

Date of birth: _____________________________________

Attach a copy of a government-issued picture ID that shows your date of birth.

We use phone and email to set up interviews. Membership packets are sent to the postal address.
Postal address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Day phone: _________________ Evening phone: _________________ Cell Phone: _____________________
Email address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Preferred method and times for contact: _________________________________________________________
If you are sponsored by a Priest of Set, or are in touch with other Setians complete this part.
Sponsor: _________________________________________________________________________________
Other Setian contacts:

Use a separate sheet if necessary.

List other groups to which you belong, including hobby and professional organizations:

Use a separate sheet.
What other magical or initiatory organizations have you been affiliated with? Have you even been affiliated with the
Temple of Set before? If so, using what name? What members of the Priesthood did you work with?
Do you have a criminal record? (Have you been convicted of felonies or serious misdemeanors?) If so, explain.
[Having a criminal record does not preclude membership. However, concealing a criminal record will result in
immediate cancellation of your membership.]
Have you even received treatment for a psychiatric disorder? Are you currently under the care of a psychiatrist or
counselor? Do you currently take any psychoactive drugs (prescription or not, legal or illegal)? If so, explain. [Again,
having this kind of history does not necessarily preclude membership. If you are admitted and found to have
concealed such a history you will be expelled.]

Application for Membership in the Temple of Set

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Write a letter to the Executive Director (if not already included in your initial letter):
1. Introduce yourself.
2. Summarize whatever aspects of your background you feel to be relevant.
3. State your reasons for deciding to seek entrance to the Temple of Set.
4. Explain what skills and abilities you bring to the Temple of Set.

I have read the Temple of Sets General Information and Admissions Letter, and I am applying for affiliation
with the Temple of Set. I understand that membership in the Temple of Set requires a commitment of time
and effort on my part, for study, correspondence, practice, and introspection. I affirm that the information I
have provided is accurate and complete (and I understand if its found not to be, my affiliation can be
canceled immediately).
Print name: ____________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Sign name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Application does not ensure acceptance; you will be contacted for an interview as soon as possible. If you are within
300 miles of a member of the Priesthood, you will be expected to travel (at your expense) to meet with them after a
phone or mail interview.
Use this checklist to ensure your application packet is complete...

] Completed, signed application form

] Photocopy of a government-issued picture ID that includes your date of birth

] Your essay (if applicable)

] Your initial enrollment fee, if not already paid.


] US Domestic $80

] Non-US $80 [US dollars only]

Use the credit card authorization slip in the General Information Letter if you are paying
by Mastercard or Visa. We also accept Western Union wire transfers and in some cases,
PayPal. Contact the Executive Director for details.
Address your packet to:

Executive Director, Temple of Set

P.O. Box 470307
San Francisco, CA 94147
Email: [email protected]

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