Fire Marshall Check List

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Fire marshal checklist

Do fire marshals understand which locations they are responsible for? ..............................
If there are any disabled staff, do our fire marshals understand the
procedure for evacuating them to safety? ............................................................................
Have we identified which items are necessary for a fire evacuation drill? ..........................
Are these items kept together in a grab pack? ..................................................................
If so, are they located by a fire exit or at the reception area? ..............................................
Is there a system in place to establish who is present in the building? ................................
If so, does this include visitors, e.g. a signing-in book? ......................................................
Where a signing-in book is used, have reception staff been instructed to bring
it with them in the event of an emergency? .........................................................................
Have all our fire marshals received appropriate information and training in
order to help them carry out their role, e.g. on hazard identification? .................................
Is refresher training provided as necessary? ........................................................................
Does this training include familiarising fire marshals with the findings of
our fire risk assessment(s)? ..................................................................................................
Where applicable, are our fire marshals familiar with the control measures
contained in our fire certificate? ..........................................................................................
Where our fire alarms have a pre-alert phase, have fire marshals been
instructed on how to interpret the fire alarm panel? ............................................................
If so, have they also been trained on the precautions to take when
investigating to see if there is a fire, e.g. checking glass panels in doors for
signs and checking doors for signs of heat? .........................................................................
If a fire has been identified, have we instructed fire marshals to break the
nearest manual fire alarm point (in order to override the time delay)? ................................

Fire marshal checklist

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This checklist has been completed to the best of my knowledge.


Fire marshal checklist

Date: ...........................................................................

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